#i'll do it at some points mayhaps
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lousirs · 1 year ago
ewew ok so I think it's safe to assume that the toy brand of pretty dolls probably gained success in the 60s or 70s given some of the little details in Lou's house and his style. The factories work all year round right and are automatic as seen in the movie, but most things required actual human workers back in the day. HERE'S THE STINGER. I read somewhere I forgot where, but back in the day workers in factories didn't work in the winter time because it was too cold. so basically if we applied this to the uglydolls world, there was a rather long period of time where there was no income of dolls in perfection for the ENTIRETY of winter. So Lou had absolutely no company whatsoever in the winter for like 40+ years give or take (I have no idea when automated factories became a thing)
ok now I'm just making things worse but I also had another headcannon where weather in the real world also applied in uglyville and perfection and like the dolls in perfection got winter uniforms and all that (ugh now I might rant about this). So yea it was snowing, no other dolls in perfection, kind of depressing given that probably by then Lou had cut off ties with Ox. YOU CANT MENTION THE BOTS IN PERFECTION BC NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE YET (lol that means Lou was COMPLETELY incharge of everything, maybe he had assistance in doll form?)
yea but this probably played a role in the downfall of Lou's mental wealth like man just lost his best man Ox so being alone for a whole month once a year was definitely not a silly goofy moment for him.
ok that's the end of my ramble 😼😼
NO NEED TO APOLOGISE FOR RETURNING! i love me some headcanons :D
that's a big ouch for lou, but you are probably right there. lou (and also mandy) have 50s/60s- style houses (i believe so anyway) so how long would that be if we say lou's breakdown was about 2020 so (the movie is 2019 but im rounding it to 2020 for my brain)... OUCH AROUND 70 YEARS. SAVE LOU OH MY DOLL--
love your headcanons though, and i have a few of my own for that:
(under the cut, cause i can already tell this is gonna be a long one vvv)
perhaps since the factory closes for winter, the batch made right before stay in the institute for winter? yeah yeah lou could probably send them to the big world when the factory closes, but knowing him, he'd probably keep them for the holidays at the very least. cause he craves for that company.
it would be so cute though! lou would hold a big winter party with singing and FIREWORKS and whatnot. side note, i headcanon that lou loves fireworks. i mean, he uses them all the time (during ugly truth... during his lessons... etc) and i can so see him going all out on the fireworks budget. anyway, i feel that such parties would bring temporary joy to him, as he finally feels part of a family, with every doll laughing and chatting and overall having a good time.
...and then they would leave him again. and again. and again. and again... i feel like after a while he'd give up on the festives, as temporary joy and love isn't fulfilling anymore.
with the weather, i have a really dumb theory that the institute is within a dome. think about it, uglyville has a yawn ball for a sun with messy clouds...
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and in the institute, the clouds are perfect (more realistic even) and there's no sun in sight (as far as i know)
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uglyville probably has all kinds of weather, whilst at the institute it is always a fair temperature. no rain, clouds are always light and airy... etc, due to the factory operating the weather system within the dome perhaps. that changes when the uglydolls infiltrate, the sky in the institute turns to a dark greeny colour. and then when the two sides join, they destroy the dome.
anyways, perhaps during the winter, when the factory is shut down, they shut down the light and airy atmosphere of the institute too, leaving a cold, snowy breeze in its wake (especially during lou's earlier years). and i doubt his home is very warm either, as it's so large with barely any furniture (at least in the foyer shown in uglier truth).
and with lou's company over the years, i feel that after his bond with ox, he became desperate for the company again (who could blame him?) and tried his hardest to keep as many dolls by his side as possible, ending up with the spy girls and mandy (and perhaps the backup singers)(i don't know about them). he would probably manipulate them in some way to staying, perhaps threatening recycling and the washing machine out of pure desperation to keep someone around. so i don't think he'd be totally alone, but i feel that the spy girls and mandy were only close to him in a business relationship-type way. they were only there if he needed something to be done. he was the leader of the institute after all, he always seemed one level above the rest of the dolls, and being personally close to him seemed like something impossible.
and yeah, the assistance bots were there, but even if artificial intelligence somehow existed during those times, or if someone higher-up was controlling the robots, they wouldn't have a genuine bond with lou anyways, as they are just assistant robots who are meant for helping out with training and the gauntlet only (or so i think).
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sinkfood · 22 days ago
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did you know there aren't any god-like powers of indigestion
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gemini-queen42 · 3 months ago
Socializing via offering ppl treats is a very good idea until it requires a level of social confidence to go up & offer that is greater than the treats manage to bypass...
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 6 months ago
Everyone looks so sweet and happy :')))
Awww hi Judd <33
It's okay honey, it's rough :'((
Yeahh honey I know, that's rough 😭😭❤️🥺
Exactly, you don't know anything yet <3
Grace is so perfect, and great at getting him back in it and keeping him grounded <33 I love her and him and them so much <3333
Yeah lol, calm down a bit on the towel business Judd xD
Just dance :'))
His suit is still very iconic btw
And Grace's hair is beautiful 🥰
Awww hey y'all :D
Lol, sillies 🥰🥰
Nope he means wedding :OO
The way he said it was very blunt xD like the tone
Awww spin :'))
Do it guys lol, go for it xD!
(tossing a bouquet)
Awww Owen :'(( :')
Ahhh, looking at TK and Carlos but then to Robert and his wife as well, and their daughters :'))
Awww <3
Lol :')
Earlier I saw her and was like huh xD oh right they're kinda dating lol
Aww glad she's checking up on him ,|
Realll though my at dances xD
Gotta save it for the line dances, and take breaks during the slow dances lol
Oh of course, no other way to do it xD well there is but yk lol
Like landing a plane XDDD
Yeah, they are :'))
Oop o.o
Ohh nooo :'((( ❤️❤️❤️💔😭
It sucks but I do see why :(( 😭 <33
Awww <333
It is a pretty great memory though :'))
AYYY yeah this is a good song for dances :D
I wanna go to a wedding 😌
They seem so fun lol
AWWWW look at them all :'D
LOL Iris and TK :')) twirling around <333 they're gonna be such good besties
That guy int he white suit is eating it up xD
Awww Carlos and Andrea 🥰🥰❤️❤️😭 :')))
Awwww 😭❤️❤️❤️
Awww she's good :'))) that's good <3333 I'm so glad
AAAAHHHHHH yes literally 😭😭❤️🥰👏👏 the best night of his life :'))
Oop :o :D
LOL Paul yelling "TOMMYY" xD
TK joining Carlos 🥰
"By a certain paramedic *TK*" DANG girl did not even hesitate 💀 XDD
Lol his little throwing up of his hand xD :')
AWWW him cuddling Carlos's arm 😭 stoppp I'm not okay, they better be so clingy during and after this (the wedding) x'D
Awwww everyone's faces :'(( :') 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔❤️
"This is from your husband" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
:OOOO B E I N G A L I V E????!!?!?
. . . this song was on glee-
XDD that's just a thing I say lol
But I also distinctly remember thinking that, if not in the humourous way I tend to say it, when I first saw this lol
Anyway, back to pretending I haven't seen it xD
Awww TK already looking so emotional 😭
GOSH this song is so perfect for them <333
And they DESERVED such a dramatic and beautiful song honestly <3333
Tarlos, but everyone and the whole show, really <333.
:'OO! Tommy's voice is BEAUTIFUL by the way <333
Eat that UPPP girl :'))
:'o Awww taking them to the airport :')) :'(
That pervasive sadness in Owen :'(( it's rough <3
That kiss, and the hug with his girls, is emotional and they don't even know why 😭😭💔❤️🥺 <333
This is gonna hurt them, even if he believes he's sparing them from whatever xd it will be a different kind
Awww look at them all :')))
Nancy and Mateo <3333 so cute
Awww Paul and Asha :'DDD they're so beautiful <333
Also Carlos's sisters and their husbands (who don't get seats or faces lol /lh), it must be so sweet for them to see :')) like Carlos getting married I mean
AAHHHH my boysss 😭😭 <333
Clinging to each other :')) 😭🥺❤️
They're so cute 😭😭😭❤️ <333
I love them so much 🥰
Happy for them :'))
AWWW putting Charlie next to Wyatt :'))
Lol and they both have their blocks <33
Ahh but see the TV as a compromise :'))
Maybe not on purpose meaning that but TK me <33
Robert's family <333
And tarlos still clinging to each other :'))
And Marjan and her man (Yusuf is it? I believe :'D) :')) <333 adorableee
And Owen :')) ❤️
Tommy is EATINGGG this by the way ❤️😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺💔🥰
Such a good song <33
It would be Gwyn's favorite :')) she has good taste <33
AWWW them 😭😭🥺💔
Gosh :'((( :')
Yeah, at least they got to know each other a bit <3333
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all <3
Yeah, definitely not ready xdd
"Big brother" :'(( no one should have to bury their younger sibling
It just sucks :'(( D':
AWWW themmm :')) 🥺
Holding Andrea's hand 😭😭😭🥺❤️💔
And TK and Carlos are in it together <333 even if Carlos is the one holding her hand :') they both mean it <3
Awwww Tommy looking at Trevor :'D
Tommy's so beautiful :'))
It's rough but I'm so glad they're all happy <333
As happy as they can be in this life :')))
AWW AAHH AYYYY Wyatt stacking blocks :'DDD good for him <333
It also probably helps that they have a little more of a purpose, being with Charlie :'))
Awww they look so happy 🥰🥰 they are :'D I'm so happy for him and them <333
Oh no 😭😭💔 :'((
Gosh <333
Goodbye, Robert :'((
TK'S TEARS 😭😭🥺❤️❤️❤️
Owen taking the mask off 😭😭 :'(
Tommy you absolutely ate that up :'))) she did such an amazing job <333
Especially as TK's second mother 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰
Awww :'))
Thank you Tommy <33
Oof :(
That's just so rough
I'm so sorry Owen <333
And for his family :'(((
Goodbye, Robert ❤️
The sun coming up :'((
And the silence 😭😭😭
Gosh that's awful
So poignant
GOSH THAT WAS PERFECT 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰
Such an amazing end to the season <333
Typed series for a second there lol
But because I was thinking, even though I would want so much more and I'm glad we get at least a bit more, this would be a really amazing ending to the series <333
It's just dramatic and beautiful and emotional enough that it'll be hard to top, and is an iconic moment of the series :') xD
But I'm sure they will <3
Wow. I'm so glad I did this.
It's such an amazing and beautiful episode <333
I'm so glad they're married :'))
And I'm so glad that, in the end, everyone ended up kind of okay :'))
Not perfect, not really even okay, but happy in this crazy world we and they live in
And that's enough :'))
I'm so happy for them <33
And I'm so especially happy for TK and Carlos :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
Gosh I love them so much :')))
They finally did it <33 they made it :')
All roads lead to the wedding
And they did :')
Hallelujah <3 xD
Thank goodness lol
Wow. Amazing
I love this show so much <333.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months ago
forty years later: do you think this one musical about a protagonist sorta yeehaw Musician who has to grab his guitar & run a winding path through the silent hill fog going "i'm pure of heart!" to try to save his wife imprisoned by [context: capitalism] wants what the other musical about that has
#respectively: a best musical tony winner of the past decade vs bloodsong of love#neither of which i've seen & i probably know a bit more about the former still lol but#a split of Disinterest vs Interest; Don't See How That Works vs Sounds Good respectively again lol#stylistically at least i'm sure they don't. if bloodsong doesn't feature kazoos at some point i'll go what in tarnation#endingwise alone? truly it is hdstwn found dead in miami on that one mayhaps (How does the myth ending have thematic meaning....)#rhetorical b/c i've seen it explained several ways like well if we're talking about Not Following lol#but nodding touching the cowboy hat brim if you do like it up close or from afar. Big Enough#just also throwing my hat in a perfect boomerang onto bsol's head (was standing right next to me) afaik & i know like. a fraction atm lol#yee've hawed your last. rodeo. lo cocodrilo at some point. the kazoos kick in; tensely#oh & i doubt Art reminding the bastard of the narrative about Romance (redeemingly) (anticapitalismly) happens in bsol but#i'm only pretty sure it happens in heightiestown & again only doubt it's part of bsol. maybe as setup for a Left Turn on the audience lol#& bsol has the power of [some things other than romance] in addition to [also the romance] so there's that. also afaik#you; keep talking &c#bsol#clarification just in case: my suggesting [they don't want bsol's style; i bet it has kazoos in there] is a) acknowledging the broad fact#that there Are style differences & b) is not at all indicative of my personal tastes / opinions about those styles#my kazoos prediction is on one hand neutral matter of fact & on the other hand positive matter of taste / personal assessment#eta: hang on why was i looking at the bsol pics on john simpkin's site going ''what's lo cocodrilo constantly holding'' & it's a kazoo???#i Have to have like heard & absorbed that from i guess some iconis interview at some point lmao like alright now#would revisit if i had the least idea which where when why how etc
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kazamajun · 8 months ago
5.4k words with a few paragraph rewrites on top and I'm still not done
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sweet-beezus · 9 months ago
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A mystery girl that washed up on a beach, with no memories, a gloomy temperment and seemingly rusty fighting skills. She chose her name based on an inkling of a feeling it was close to someone she may have known, but also for shock value and the chance it will distract local authorities.
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rhynerd · 6 months ago
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Okay, @mythic-menagerie, I have to know, what's the second one?
people in warframe universe are too chill about the moon, that been gone for so long that almost no one even know what the hell is this, return out of nowhere. if i saw the planet like thing suddenly appear in the sky on day, visibly fucked up, i would probably just die
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bewitchabyss · 2 months ago
PAIRING(S): rafayel + sylus + xavier + zayne x afab! reader
TAGS: bathroom sex + bondage + exhibitionism + fingering + marking + mirror sex + missionary sex + oral sex (cunnilingus) + riding + rough sex + sensory play + spanking + voice play
NOTES: the new set of cards is insane and you bet i'll be whipping out oneshots for them once they drop ;) anyway the grip that these cards have on me is insane, i'm on my knees frfr 🧎‍♀️
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oh sure, he will play nice at the beginning and let you have your way — he will let you do anything you want to him. that is, until you push him to a point where he's too riled up to sit back and pretend it does not affect him at all. that's when he will uno reverse you and put you in your place.
on some occasions, he likes holding your arms over your head and watch you squirm as he thrusts into you, completely at his mercy. other times, he enjoys the sensation of your nails scratching his back, leaving red marks across his shoulder blades. after all, it's proof that he made you feel good, right?
he lives to serve you and puts your needs first before his. he could eat you out and his dick could be throbbing and call it a night.
i assume ebb day works similar to a rut cycle, so he would get especially needy during this period. he would be rubbing himself all over you and would, quite literally, take you right there and then at his doorway the moment you walk into his studio. (have you had sex on his couch before? multiple times.)
he would always check in on you to make sure he didn't hurt you in any way. he could be biting you and leaving a whole trail of hickies down your neck, but once the high is over, he will look at your neck wide-eyed, run his fingers gently down your skin, and ask, "sorry cutie, did it hurt a lot?"
he is big on sensory play and particularly enjoys blindfolding you during sex. he claims it's because your senses are heightened when you are deprived of sight, but mayhaps it fuels his innate desires seeing you so helpless without being able to see. ("who's the hunter now, kitten?" he purrs as he licks your neck, eliciting a choked gasp from you.)
he particularly enjoys eating you out this way. he enjoys hearing the sounds you make when he goes down on you like this and he swears you're a lot more vocal when your sight is impaired.
when you take charge, he can be an absolute brat and enjoys teasing you to push you (and himself) to the limit. you can tie him up or spank him and he would still cock an eyebrow up, as if challenging you, "oh, was that it? we both know you can do more than that, sweetie."
there have been multiple occasions where an innocent (or is it?) shower together leads to bathroom sex. he will hoist you up with his arms and lean you against the shower wall, then push his dick inside you as you wrap your limbs around him and ask him to start moving.
he is very open to any ideas you have in the bedroom, but will draw the line at exhibitionism, because, in his words, "i'm a selfish man; i want to be the only one who sees you in that state."
he would 100% be into mirror sex. he would take you from the back while standing in front of a full length mirror, hand cupping your jaw and guiding your head to look at your reflection in the mirror, making you watch how you come completely undone under his touch.
he is also lowkey a freak and would be into exhibitionism, but he doesn't want to get caught (or does he?). he would fuck you with your chest pressed against the glass for the whole of linkon to see (a hundred floors up), hot breaths fanning across your ears, "do you want the whole city to see you unravel under me, hm?"
he enjoys marking you up, no matter who is in power. he enjoys leaving marks in places that are subtly visible so that 1) it's within your view when you look in the mirror and hopefully it reminds you of just how much of a space you have in his heart and 2) any good-for-nothing guy who tries making a move on you will see the mark and know that you already belong to someone else.
if you're inexperienced, he will guide your hands to the places that make him feel good. he will gently lead your hand towards his lower abdomen and whisper, "try here, honey."
he likes you being rough with him. you could be aggressively biting down on him and that would probably turn him on. ("harder, my love, i can take it," he says as you push a second digit into his twitching hole.)
he is not very kinky per se, but simply enjoys being close to you. he wants his hands on you at all times, and in such moments, his lips. he wants you to know what effect you have on him and how much he needs you.
he enjoys missionary a lot. zayne is a traditional lover and wants to see your face during intimate moments like these. he wants to see your every reaction to every move he makes and wants to memorise the things that make you feel good. he is very diligent and dedicated like that.
he may or may not be into roleplay, and it doesn't matter who's in charge. he enjoys it either way, and all in all wants it to be an experience that both of you enjoy. however, he does let you initiate things first because he's afraid he might overstep some (unsaid) boundaries that you might have.
we all know he enjoys having you on his lap, riding him. there have been many a time where he has had you bounce on his dick late at night at the hospital when he has late night shifts (with the doors safely locked at zayne's behest, of course). you guys also have a rocking chair in the living room for the said riding purpose.
no matter the dynamic, he would always speak in that low, breathy voice of his (very similar to a boyfriend asmr, if you will) and it always makes you weak in the knees
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© BEWITCHABYSS. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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daenysx · 4 months ago
3:23am sirius? With reader waking up from a nightmare? Mayhaps mayhaps ...
you can almost feel the hand on your shoulder that connects you to reality.
it's like slipping from unconsciousness, you're being pulled back, you're desperate to lift your body from bed. there's something wrong but you can't focus on it, trapped in your sleep.
"it's okay." someone says. you feel too warm. "you're okay, baby, wake up."
the slightly scratchy voice tickles your ears deliciously, you open your eyes. it's not like you flinch or anything, but the first thing you see is sirius's worried eyes. his thumb draws circles on your shoulder, does he even know he's been doing that?
"what-" you try to lift yourself on your elbows. the words get stuck.
"i think you were having a nightmare, lovely girl." sirius murmurs with a kiss on your head. "you looked so uncomfortable, i was worried."
"i don't remember." you tell him, and it's true. the feeling of discomfort is remaining, but you don't know what you dreamed of. your face aches from frowning.
"that's okay, and we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." he says. "do you need me to turn on the lights?"
it's the middle of the night, and he's losing sleep because of you. you know sirius doesn't care about that, but still you want to take your time with processing the negative emotions you felt unconsciously, you don't even know what you saw.
"no, thank you." you say softly, and settle down in bed again. "um- did i make any sound?"
sirius fixes his hair briefly before bringing his hand to your cheek. "only a few of them. you didn't say anything, but you were feeling nervous, i think."
"maybe i'll remember later." you say.
it's mostly okay, sirius hugs you the way he was doing before he woke up. you put your head on his shoulder, safe in his embrace.
"will you be able to fall asleep again?" he asks silently. he'd stay awake with you until the morning if you can't.
"i feel exhausted." you confess. "i want to sleep, i hope i can."
sleep doesn't come easy. sirius spends the next thirty minutes by rubbing your back with slow circles, kissing your head many times, and speaking in soft encouragements to your ear. you feel like a mush in his arms, desperate for some good rest and unable to find it.
he doesn't let this become insufferable, though. you know he's there with you, you won't sit alone in bed in the middle of the night if you can't find sleep.
sirius pushes his luck a bit harder by adjusting your positions under the covers. he helps you put your head on his heart, you don't protest. it beats steadily, and so beautiful in a way that makes you want to listen to it forever. a nice rhythm in the dark, you follow it. you don't even know when your mind gives up, but at some point it does, leaves you into sleep again.
sirius is proud of himself, and happy with the way you take easier breaths. the night turns into a peaceful one, now that he knows you're feeling better and getting some sleep. you squeeze his fingers. a pretty smile forms on your lips, he can see it this close. he hopes you're having a nice dream this time. he hopes you dream of him.
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celestelunia · 8 months ago
Hi!! I’ve been loving your writing so far! And I agree, there’s not enough Ruggie love! mayhaps we can get a Ruggie x fem!reader is like Mitsuri Kanroji from demon slayer? Like she’s all happy and touchy and he’s just really flustered by everything she does (not sure if you’re comfortable talking about body types because Mitsrui is very curvy, so if you want to pls do!) the ending is up to you, just make it super fluffy
Hi 🩷-san!
I'm so glad you've been enjoying my writing so far!! Thank you! >w<
I'm so sorry this took so long! I'll be honest....I've only seen the 1st season of demon slayer. Shame on me! I need to continue watching it lol
Not sure if this is true to Mitsuri's character, but I tried my best. 🫶 It's one of the reasons this took so long 😆
TW: Guy being rude and pushy. Reader has a curvy body.
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"Here! I got this for you. Make sure you stay hydrated!"
"I had some extra sandwiches that I packed for you. Here~"
"Oh. Your hair is a bit of a mess. Let me fix it for you."
Ruggie just sat on a bunch with his hands in his lap with a deep blush on his face. His ears were flat against his head as he felt you run your hand through his hair. Outside of the physical affection, it also didn't help that your rather busty chest was right in front of his face! He didn't know where to look!!
He wasn't sure why you started to dote and pamper him, but all Ruggie knew was he didn't know how to handle it. The hyena had to always fend for himself. To find his own food and to help provide for his family and friends back home. This sudden onslaught of attention left him feeling at a loss.
Not that it was a bad feeling or anything. Being treated with kindness by a beautiful and sexy woman was surprisingly....nice. More so than he would have thought, considering how females were back in the Sunset Savanna.
"There we go." You said after removing your hand from his hair. "You really need to learn to take better care of yourself, Ruggie."
Ruggie just nodded his head before glancing away from you with his face still red. "Y-yeah." Even the tone you used with him was so sweet and caring! His heart was having a hard time handling it! Clearing his throat, the hyena stood up as he gave you a small smile. "Got class coming up soon, so I'll catch you later."
"Okay. I have some time after classes today if you want to go out together? I heard they have a new flavor of donut." You said with a smile as you noticed his ear twitch at the mention of his favorite food.
"I'll meet you by the statues of the sevens after class." Ruggie said with a smile before he headed off to class.
As you watched him leave, you turned to head towards your own class. You have always admired Ruggie's tenacity, and despite what people thought of him, you liked him, and other people's opinions weren't going to change what you saw.
After the day came to an end, you stood by the statues of the great seven as you waited on Ruggie. A short while later, he came running up to you before the both of you headed off into town.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself." You said with a laugh as you watched Ruggie happily munch away on a couple of donuts he was holding.
"Of course. You can't go wrong with a good donut." He replied with a grin. "Wait here. I'll go grab us something to drink." He said before heading off towards a small stall that was selling drinks.
As you waited for Ruggie to return, you were suddenly addressed by some random stranger.
"Here there, beautiful." The man said grin as his eyes moved up and down your body. "How about we go get something to eat? I'll show you a good time."
Instantly, an annoyed look crossed your face as you made no effort to hide it. "I'm with someone." You said, hoping they would get the point that you had no interest.
"Come on, baby. Don't be like that. We can have some fun together." The strange said as he moved closer to you. The look he was giving you made you feel sick. It was a look you've gotten before and one you hated. The look like you were just some kind of object or plaything. It wasn't like you were aware of your body or looks, but you also didn't see any reason to be ashamed either. It's annoying people like this guy who needed to learn boundaries.
Just as the stranger started to  reach out towards you, you took a step back but stopped when you noticed he seemed to be struggling.
""W-what...the....?" The man grunted as his body shook lightly before he turned around and started to walked towards a large fountain that was nearby. As he reached the edge, you watched as he man suddenly threw himself into the fountain as water splashed up.
With surprise writen all over your face you suddenly heard a voice as someone walked past you towards the man who suddenly gasped as he emerged from thr water in the fountain.
"The lady said she wasn't interested." Ruggie said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Hope the water here helped to cool you down a bit."
"You bastard! What did you do to me?!" The man yelled as he pulled himself out of the fountain.
"Not that it's any of your business, but you should consider yourself lucky that all I did was make you to a bath. If you want to see what I'm really capable of, then by all means, continue to make an ass out of yourself. I don't mind at all. Shyeheehee." He said with a grin as he waited for the man's next move.
Unsure of this hyena power and the whispers coming from the crowd that was form, the man just huffed before he turned around and left.
"Damn jerk." Ruggie whispered under his breath. While he was waiting in line for the drinks, he happened to glance over and noticed some guy getting a bit too close to you and how uncomfortable you looked. In that moment, Ruggie felt his skin crawl at the sight, and before he knew it, he had already activated his signature spell on the guy. No one messed with you like that!
As he turned around to check on you, Ruggie let out a small "oof" when a body came colliding into his. Stumbling back a bit, he glanced down to see you with your face hidden against his chest and your arms wrapped around him in a hug.
Feeling his face grow hot again, Ruggie just kept his arms up as he wasn't sure what to do. "A-are you okay?" He asked as he blushed heavily at the feeling of your body pushed up against his.
"Thank you..." You muttered against Ruggie's chest before she slowly glanced up at him. "I always feel safe with you."
Ruggie froze as he felt like he had been just shot through the heart as you looked up at him with your large eyes and the light blush that dusted your cheeks. Ahhhh! He really was becoming weak when it came to you.
Relaxing a bit, Ruggle slowly returns the hug before he places his hand against the back of your head. "You don't have to worry when you're with me." He said without thinking, and almost immediately, he wanted to slap himself. Since when did he become so corny!? You, on the other hand, just smiled as you pushed yourself up closer to Ruggie's face.
Once close enough, you placed a gentle kiss against his cheek before smiling. "As thank you for being my knight, I'll treat you out to some dinner."
Feeling like his heart was going to explode from his chest, Ruggie cleared his throat before he took your hand in his. "Let's just enjoy the rest of our date."
At the word date, you felt your eyes widen at the fact that he said it first and the fact that you had been debating on how to officially as him out. Feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness, you wrapped yourself around Ruggie's arm before smiling. "Mm!" You really couldn't have asked for anyone better to be with.
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remedyturtles · 2 months ago
Hey!! For the angst dialogue prompt, mayhaps 30? Perchance? Not sure if you wanted charas at well but I'd love to see disaster twins... I'm still recovering from the firefight addition (it was amazing and I'm shaking you /pos)
halloo!! thank you @kodogaron for the prompt! i hope u enjoy :D
wordcount ~1k, bad future, tw for amputation
30. "You're okay. You've got to be okay. You've got to be. You're okay. Please. Please be okay." 
“Master Donatello? Are you alright?”
It was hazy and distant, coming from far away, as the world was humming urgently in his ear. He was vaguely aware that he’d gasped when the sensation hit, but couldn’t recall for a moment what he was doing or where he was. 
All the air was stolen from his lungs. His body was trembling with the feeling, flash-pain that didn’t last longer than a moment but the memory of it was haunting him. All along his right side, but especially his arm. His fingertips were swimming in tv static — numb, in a moving way. And that momentary agony… 
“I’m fine.” Donnie said blindly, blinking the stars out of his eyes. As he remembered where he was and what he was doing – battlefield, Kraang, end of the world – he forcibly shook off the horrible feeling inside him. To survive was to push on. Even as dread needled him, persistent and sharp. 
He couldn't feel his right side fingertips, as he set up his sniper nest. Providing cover, breathing smoke, pulling all the tricks he knew to slow his heartbeat when it kept leaping out of his chest when he remembered that flashbang of pain. Something was wrong. Until he cleared this area, he couldn't leave anyway, so it was better to buckle down and work. The call-and-respond of the team he was supporting moving forwards. And his fingers were numb.  They were numb. Dread, hot, boiling dread. Finish the task. Go back to base.
His communicator chirped. Donnie pressed to receive and said, "Donatello."
"Don?" Raph's voice told him everything he didn't want to hear. 
"What happened?" Donnie snapped. Heart going double-time. 
"I don't know yet." Raph sounded weary. "Just a message from his away team that they have wounded and they're en route back to base. I haven't heard who, but. It wasn't Leo who called."
And Leo wouldn't do that to them, leave them wondering. If he didn't report back, then he couldn't. 
Fuck it. Donnie packed up his sniper and decided stealth was for the lucky. They weren't lucky. "Ten minutes."
"Don –"
"Ten minutes." Donnie snapped back, a little wild, panic clenching a tight fist around his throat. Eyes sparking dangerously. "See you then."
Raph paused for a thoughtful second, and spoke even softer, "Don't make it two, bud."
"I'll be fine." Donnie roughly stood, summoning flight tech that had the air smelling of ozone. "They, however, will not be."
Ten minutes later Donnie strode back to base to find chaos. He'd arrived just in time to meet the away team as they came in, and the roaring static in his mind grew louder and louder as he shouldered his way through the disorganized calamity. Blood and cries. Donnie's fingertips were numb, numb, numb. 
“Master Donatello!” A young soldier who’d been on Leo’s team gasped, eyes wide and pupils small. “I’m — I’m sorry, he’s —“
“Where is he?” Donnie didn’t acknowledge the apology. He didn’t know if he could. The fingertips on his right hand were numb. 
The kid pointed with a shaking hands, towards the nucleus of the chaos, where medics flourished and yelled, and there was a distinct lack of a familiar voice protesting the treatment. Claiming he could do it himself. Making some stupid joke. 
Donnie cut through the crowd as if it wasn’t even there. Vision narrow and grey, focused on a flash of blue through the wall of bodies, interspersed with red, red, red —
Someone caught his arm. Knocked with that tv static feeling, like the limb was asleep, and Donnie turned to blindly snarl at who dared to stop him — only to find the intense worry chasm of his biggest brother. 
“They’re doing what they can. Let them work.” Raph said. “You don’t wanna see him like that.”
Donnie angrily yanked his arm out of Raph’s grip, because how dare he tell Donnie he couldn’t see his own twin. There was no state of being where he wouldn’t want to be there for Leo, especially when the alternative was to leave him alone to suffer.
And. Donnie faltered at the reality. The blood soaked floor, Leo’s pale face, and the frayed edges of flesh where his right arm used to be. The sight of gore was already an issue for Donnie’s weak stomach, but on someone he loved so dearly it was a level of horror that pierced skin deep. Leo’s eyes were closed, and Donnie — he held Leo's head and got in the way of the people trying to save him.
 "You're okay.” Donnie whispered in his ear, desperate.  “You've got to be okay. You've got to be. You're okay. Please. Please be okay." 
Manic, almost wild. Raph appeared behind him and held his shoulders. “Donnie.”
“I’ll fix it.” Donnie tipped his head back to look at Raph with red rimmed eyes. “I’ll—I’ll fix it, I can, I’ll make him a new arm. He’s gonna be fine. He will. Please. Please — please.”
Raph sighed. He gently tugged Donnie back. 
The medics swarmed Leo, stabilizing him enough to move. Donnie fought Raph's hold, pleading, "He has to be okay, he has to, I can't –"
Raph ignored his struggle and cradled him close, softly kissing the top of his head and rumbling sadly, "They're gonna do everything they can."
Donnie heaved for air. His fingertips were numb. They never stopped being numb.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year ago
Could I have some college content with me Angel and Teo? Mayhaps in the campus library doing work and he’s trying to be distracting?
WARNING... minors/ageless blogs: do not interact. please read my pinned post before you send in anything !!
Rosie I'm STILL IN THE ROOM!!!!!!! 🧍‍♀️
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Not proofreadin this you already know what's up!!! 💗
"Hey. Pay attention to me."
You try your best to ignore the way Teo pokes and prods at your cheek with the blunt end of your pencil, before he seemingly grows bored of the action and moves on to idly flipping through the pages of the book in front of you instead. 
"Where's Jae?" Without looking, you shoot him a question. "Shouldn't you be bothering him instead of me?"
"He's busy helping his dormmate dye its hair again." Teo's fingers move from the pages and drift towards your free hand instead. "...You should let me dye yours as well. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"..." You pull your hand away from his and flip the page, "No."
"C'mon. What's it gonna take for you to pull that stick out of your ass and get your nose outta those books? I'm bored."
"Teo," You sighed deeply, "I need to study for my finals. You know I can't afford to fail this term."
"That's all?" You could practically hear him scoff. "Don't worry that pretty little head of yours, starshine; your professors are a bunch of fuckin' chumps. One word from me and they'll give you whatever grade you want. Now, c'mon." 
Teo nudges your arm to goad you into packing up your belongings and leaving with him, yet you don't seem to move. "...Seriously?"
You send the dark-haired male a pointed look before returning to your papers once more. Although annoyingly, he takes that as an invitation to scoot closer and lean in dangerously close to your ear.
"...I'll take my shirt off if you don't move."
No response.
"Pants, too."
If he wanted to get kicked out of the campus library for public indecency, that was on him.
"I'll pull the fire alarm."
That almost gets a twitch out of you — knowing fully well that the muscular man beside you was definitely the type of guy who'd do such a thing — but he's been acting more... compliant lately, and you didn't dare ask why.
"...Fine. Suit yourself."
Although you can't see Teo from your peripheral vision, you can hear him slouch back into the chair with a heavy sigh, before he pulls out his phone and obnoxiously starts typing away.
It was certainly odd to have him linger quietly by your side like this — normally, when Teo got sick of something, he'd toss whatever it was aside and find something more entertaining to do instead. So this... This certainly wasn't what you were expecting.
You had half a mind to ask if Teo would oh-so-kindly switch his phone to silent if he wanted to text that loudly, but you decided it was best not to waste time on trivial things. Your cheat sheet wasn't going to revise itself, so you instead focused your attention back to the words in front of you and tried to shut the annoying guy out.
But Teo certainly made things difficult when he absentmindedly threw an arm over the back of your chair and leaned closer to your side. You could practically feel the heat from his thigh as he brushes them up against yours — and if you weren't so hellbent on shutting his presence out — you would've noticed the subtle scent of his cologne wafting in your direction.
Old money, luxury, and the faintest hint of smoke.
Your eyebrows twitch at the audible ding! of his phone, indicating that he must've gotten a text from someone. You pretend not to notice how he lets out a puff of laughter at whatever is on his screen... Obviously, he was trying to bait you into looking in his direction to see what was so funny — but upon realising that it wasn't working — he goes back to typing something instead.
But once he's done, Teo decides to throw his phone onto the table instead of shoving it into his pocket like usual. His screen stays lit for a few more seconds before it fades to black, but you were quick enough to catch a glimpse of his lock screen before it was gone.
There, for anyone to see, was a picture of you: with your arms resting on the table as you focussed on the textbooks laid out in front of you — with a soft look of concentration on your face.
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koolades-world · 7 months ago
this piece is established relationship! with the nature of it anyways it probably would have been if i wanted it to or not lol. here's the post the idea came from and thank you to a wonderful mutual of mine for the inspo :)
Sharing is Caring
"Satan? You in here?" You pushed open the doors to the library in search of the knowledgeable demon. It was almost totally silent, minus the sound of a gentle, crackling fire.
"Yes. I'm by the fireplace." Satan's voiced echoed through the large room. You shut the door behind you and made your way over to where you'd heard him. "Hello, Mc. How was RAD today?" You quickly made yourself comfortable next to him. You threw your bag down onto the table in front of you and stretched out your limbs. He was reading, as usual.
"Tiring. But not too bad. Baking club was fun. Barbatos taught us how to make a bread that has candy hearts in it. We'll bake it tomorrow. He told us to think of a certain someone while making it for the most desirable outcome taste wise. Guess who I thought of?" You playfully elbowed Satan.
"Was it Cerberus?" He knew how much you cared for that dog, but you also knew he must've been messing with you.
"Noooo. Guess again, silly billy." You loved his tongue-in-cheek antics. Most weren't granted the chance to see that side of him, which was something you were eternally grateful for. He was much more than just the Avatar of Wrath, and it was a real shame others didn't take the time to learn the rest of him.
"Solomon, mayhaps?" You could see the hints of a smile begin to light up his face. You began to laugh as he tried harder to conceal his growing emotion.
"No! I'll give you a hint. He's blond, very helpful, and a genius." You poked his cheeks. He finally put the book down and allowed the joy to overtake his still features.
"So it's Luke then." He himself was beginning to chuckle.
"Wrong again. It's you! You're not very good at guessing games." You swatted at his arms as he put them around you to pull you into his side.
"Thank you, Mc. That's very thoughtful of you." He pressed a kiss on top of your head and into your hair.
"It's going to be delicious, I just know it. Even if the bread is awful, you'll still taste the heart and soul I put into it." You hugged him back, and savored the moment.
"You're so sweet. I'll make sure to enjoy it, just for you." The both of you eventually went back to being productive after you'd exchanged more sweet talk. You had homework to get done and he had a book to finish.
While digging through your bag for your supplies, you inevitably pulled out your pencil case. It contained what was arguably one of the most important tools for completing homework. You tried to fish out your favorite pen and instead found some sort of hard candy you'd been given by a professor earlier that day. You'd personally confirmed it was safe for human consumption, and decided to save it for while you were doing work later. Since it was Satan, despite the fact that he was enthralled in his book, he noticed almost immediately that you'd put something in your mouth. Maybe it was the scent, or the sudden movement, but you caught his attention.
"What's that?" He peeked over the top of his book, intrigued.
"A cinnamon hard candy. It's probably the most normal candy I've had in a long time. Got it for answering a question correctly in Devildom History." You gently blew on Satan's face so he could really smell the cinnamon.
"Where's mine?" He asked. You couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not, but at that point it was too late to give it to him since it was already in your mouth.
"Didn't you have Devildom History today too? You should've gotten your own, babe." You stuck your tongue out at him with the candy right in the center. He lightheartedly rolled his eyes back at you. You thought that was the end of that conversation as he turned his attention back to the book. Little did you know, he was in the middle of devising a plan to 'borrow' the candy from you.
He started by speaking up whenever he could when you were doing your homework. Whenever he saw you hesitate on something, he’d reassure you or help guide you to the correct answer. From there, he would also start to read romantic quotes from what he happened to be reading. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary for him. On the contrary, it would be more odd if he didn't.
"I need a break." You put the book you were holding back onto the table. To mentally relax, you decided to scroll on Devilgram. As you did though, Satan vied for you attention more than usual. Rather than directly asking or whining, he was subtle in his pleading. It didn't take you long to cave.
"You're planning something, aren't you?" You knew him well.
"Is it a crime for a demon to want attention from his amazing, gorgeous partner?" He tried to dodge the question, but unfortunately for him, you saw right him.
"I expect this kind of behavior from Mammon." Satan went silent, but met your gaze. "Do you want a kiss?" You could see the way his features lit up. You planted kisses all over his face, and he returned the favor. When your little exchange was over, you realized something was missing.
Looking over at Satan told the whole story. With a misevious grin, you saw him roll around the same candy while focusing on readiing again. "Satan. Is that my candy?" You knew the answer to that question.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." You could hear the laughter in his voice.
"You win this time. You earned that. Just you wait thought. I'll get you back." You hugged him and began your own scheming. You'd get him in some fun way later that evening. But for now, you planned to just enjoy snuggling with him. He might be a little shit sometimes, but he was your little shit.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 8 months ago
Hii could u do a smut with 91 era James were him and the reader are at a party but the reader grows needy because of how good he looks and won’t stop bothering him so he pulls her into a bathroom and they do it there
A/n: I’m thinking I don’t know how adult parties work and this is mayhaps total bullshitting but that’s besides the point B)
Warnings: smut, jealousy, choking, spanking, degradation, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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These parties were always so boring, you'd asked James time and time again not to drag you to them but he always gives you some bullshit that 'this time it'll be different' or 'it'll only be a few minutes, I swear' and it never is.
You know he brings you there to show you off, that part you don't mind, it's just that it's so, so boring.
You were driving down to another party, your arms were crossed over you chest and you refused to look at him as he drove, keeping your eyes focused on the passing scenery.
James let out a heavy sigh. "Come on, it's not that bad."
"No, it's worse, it's always worse." You huffed.
"Aw, don't be like that." He brought his hand to your thigh, rubbing it gently and moving just a bit higher than he should. "All you have to do is sit pretty for a few hours, you're great at that." You bit your lip, getting a bit too comfortable with his hand on you.
Your mind just kept wandering to his hand on your thigh, how it would be so easy for him to brush your dress to the side and push his fingers into you. You could feel your panties getting sticky just at the thought and you couldn't help the soft moan that slipped past your lips.
James hand immediately stopped and he glanced over at you. "Is that what you want?" He asked with a smirk. "Tell you what, if you're good we can leave early and I'll give you what you want." It wasn't an offer so much as a statement, either way you had different plans.
You knew he couldn't say no to you for long so you kept making noises the whole rest of the ride in the hopes that he'd pull over. He tried pulling his hand away but it didn't stop you, the way his white button up tugged at him was all you needed. However, that plan didn't work and you had to adapt.
It was normal for you to cling to him throughout these parties, chances are you didn't know these people and even if you did you didn't want to be around them, you weren't going to give the men what they wanted and the women were all terrible to you, and each other. Sticking the James was your safest bet.
James had a white button up, a black vest with blue jeans and his infamous cowboy boots. What you wouldn't give to get off on them right now in front of all his friends. Or who you presumed to be his friends, you never listened or cared to know who these people were.
"Please?" You whined when James brought you over to the food. "There's nothing to do here."
"There are things to do you just don't want to do them." He grumbled.
"There's only one thing I want to do here and someone is keeping it from me." You quipped.
James leaned down to whisper in your ear. "What did I say about being good?" You huffed and walked off.
You knew somewhere at these parties there'd be people dancing, sure enough there was. There was a man standing around the edge of the room waiting for someone to dance with and you took your chance to pull him onto the makeshift dance floor.
These events were always classy but they were still filled with rockers and metalheads, none of them could be bothered to sit around and talk for too long.
Since James wasn't giving you the attention you wanted you'd get it from someone else, this man was your victim. He seemed more than content with this situation as every time you pushed back against him he'd meet you halfway.
Word got around that you were dancing with someone else, James walked past a small group and overheard them talking about it. "She's dancing with who?"
He stormed over and dragged you off the dance floor. "Dave, seriously?" You glanced back and saw the man you didn't really look twice at was, in fact, James' ex-bandmate Dave Mustaine, curly ginger hair and all. That must've been why he was so into a stranger, he recognized you and knew James would be pissed.
The blond pushed you into a nearby bathroom. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He whisper yelled.
"You told me to find something to do."
"Something not someone." You crossed your arms and turned your head to the side.
"I had someone who didn't want me." You grumbled.
James rolled his eyes. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." You stood your ground until James turned you to the sink and lifted your dress over your hips. "Will this make you happy?" You nodded, smiling happily and wiggling your hips against him.
James undid his jeans and pulled out his cock, letting it hit your ass as it sprung out of its tight confines. “Jamie, please.” You whined.
“No, no begging, this is a punishment.” You couldn’t stop smiling, whether it was a punishment or not you were getting what you wanted. A firm smack came to your ass, causing you to squeal. “You’ll get what you deserve.”
James lined himself up with you and pushed into you with one thrust. You moaned loudly and he slapped your ass again, a pink mark forming. “You can’t be loud.”
“People saw us come in here.” James rolled his eyes at your comment, his hand snaking up to hold you by the neck.
“Shut up, and take it like the slut you are.” He squeezed your neck, just enough so it was harder to breathe. He set a brutal pace from the start, pulling almost all the way out, so slow you could feel every vein rubbing against your gummy walls, before thrusting himself balls deep in you, all the while gripping your neck and forcing you to watch. The faces you made, the bulge in your stomach, how pathetic you looked under him.
Anytime you made a noise louder than you should’ve his grip on your neck tightened. You could barely breathe but the knot forming in your gut was burning at the sensation.
“Oh, look at you, getting off on watching yourself getting fucked.” James growled in your ear. “Gonna cum just from being choked, hm?” You whined and he chuckled lowly.
He pulled out of you, keeping you held close to his chest, his big hand around your neck. “Go on then, you can cum,” he assured, “don’t need my cock in you, do you? No, you were ready to cum on Dave, weren’t you?” You whined louder before getting cut off as his grip tightened, you were so close but your body reacted to choking as well and you couldn’t help but claw at his arms.
“You were thinking of me though, weren’t you? Grinding on him while thinking of getting fucked brain dead, huh.” Your eyes rolled back, jolts of pleasure racking your body. James’ hand fell from your neck as he saw you were cumming, letting you let out all your noises.
“Oh, fuck!” You cried, tears streaming down your cheeks as your body trembled in his hold while he laughed at you.
“Pathetic little bitch.” He slammed himself back into you, not giving you a moment of peace. You hadn’t even come down from your high yet and James was pushing you against the mirror and using you as a doll.
You moans and whines echoed off the walls and James didn’t try to quiet you.
You could feel him pulsing deep inside you, bruising your cervix. He was losing his rhythm, focusing on chasing his own high now and doing whatever to get himself over the edge.
His hot cum spilled inside of you, filling you to the brim and then pouring out, running down your legs as you milked him.
He pulled out of you and smacked your ass. “Good girl.” Your knees buckled and you clutched the counter to keep yourself standing. “Come on, can’t keep the people waiting.” You looked at him with a confused expression on your face until you clued into the loud banging on the door.
“But-but I can’t…” You trailed off, trying to get your thoughts straight.
“Do you really want to go home?” He asked as he pulled his pants back up. You nodded, sheepishly glancing between the door and your boyfriend. “Then all you have to do is walk past every one and get to the door without my help.” You but your lip and reached for a towel to clean yourself up, James snatched it from you and shook his head. “No, no. Just like this.” He grinned ear to ear.
You were about to protest when he started counting down from five. You quickly brushed your dress to cover yourself as best you could before opening the door.
A crowd had formed and they were all staring at you, the women were whispering, the men were gawking. You felt James’ hand on your hip. “Just breathe, you just need to make it to the door.” His words helped calm your nerves.
You scanned the crowd and saw a familiar face. Dave, glaring daggers into you. You inhaled deeply and made your way over to him, James following close behind you.
You stopped right in front of the ginger and wrapped your arms around James’ neck, pulling him in for a kiss. James immediately reciprocated it, wrapping his arms around you and dipping you.
You wiped your lips as he brought you back as if it would fix your ruined face and continued walking to the door, leaving a house of shock behind you.
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leafington · 8 months ago
(𝙞 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖) 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮, 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚. - kiyoomi s.
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content warning !! - angst to comfort so essentially fluff, blackfem!reader, drinking implied but no intoxication, suggestiveness if you squint, mayhaps ooc but idc i do what i want
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This isn't him. No chance in hell. He's supposed to be big, ignorant, and one-track minded Sakusa—MSBY Black Jackal's infamous outside hitter. His identity's been tainted by some girl he managed to wriggle into his life, denting his plans but not quite hindering them.
He used to threaten others with his wrist, messing with little kids by folding his hands. Said person told him to stop it, and he did. He can't remember the last time he crouched down to an 8-year-old and watched them run for their mother because of him. Sakusa had a strict hair routine that wasn't going to change no matter how long his hair got, the same four products he's used since his mother taught him how to take care of his curls. That woman came along and he'd let her share his bathroom, adding one extra product she claimed would make his curls more full which indefinitely worked.
In his first year of highschool, he would've freaked out discovering his future self succumbed to his natural teenage tendencies and fell for what he can only describe as the prettiest girl in the world.
She looked so ethereal barging into their practice one day, approaching Komori and exchanging words regarding whatever required discussion. Days passed of just Sakusa debating putting his pride aside just to talk to a girl. In the long run he didn't, but thankfully lucked out when Komori picked up on his interest and invited them both over.
"'Coincidence' my ass."
To this very moment, he cherished every day spent they together. Hence why he's so pressed that he's missing her, sitting on his hotel bed, finger hovering over the 'My World 🗺️' UI in his contacts. He never changed it.
She plauged his mind with her being. He wants see her again, feel her hands in his hair, scrub the hard-to-reach spots on his back (he can reach them, he just prefers for her to do it), apologize for his ignorance, pride, and one-track mindset; all of it.
Damn it all.
The rowdy bunch kept him busy all day, it's their fault he's waiting for the stupid ring back to either stop or tell him he's reached her voicemail, he hopes it's the latter that way he can flush down that reprehensive feeling of reaching out to her so late. What were they thinking taking him out for drinks?
"Hello?" Sleep and disorientation transmit on his side, regardless, he's grateful to hear her voice again.
"Baby? It's me," He sounds so pathetic, he can only imagine what she thinks of him for pulling such a stunt. "I miss you. So much, baby. You don't even know." It's unfathomable, not even Sakusa knows why he's doing this.
Yes he does. He wants his girl back. "I know it's late, I'm sorry for waking you, I just had to let you know." Sakusa speaks low into the phone, not so much a whisper, but to the point where she won't be disturbed. "Sakusa? The hell? It's like—"
"Kiyo. It's Kiyo to you." He never talked over her, except for this and one other time. He swears it's the last time, shutting up so she can finish. "Two in the morning? I have work." Either his surname or not at all, that's okay, he's determined to fix that. "Just listen to me, 'kay?"
"I never should've blown up at you. I was exhausted, tired, annoyed, I didn't mean anything I said. I should've talked to you, you know I would never voluntarily raise my voice at you, right? I can't keep this up. I wanna see you, I need to see you. Please, love." He's never felt more humiliated like this in his life, begging over the phone for his woman to take him back.
It's quiet, the faint squeak of her fan in the background. An annoyed grunt is detected presumably her sitting up. "Aren't you in Tokyo right now?" She has a point, but that's never stopped Sakusa from getting what he wants. "I'll make the flight, just say the word." He might just be willing to ditch the entire game, he'll do so at her command. "You're delusional. C'mon, you're not flying all the way out here just to see me. You better play tomorrow, I'm serious. I'm not in your way anymore, focus on volleyball."
He's not getting through to her. She's slipping from his fingers with the tight grasp he has on her. "Y/n. I'll say 'Fuck the team.' and blow it all for you. You've never been in my way, ever, so stop thinking like that. I'm sitting here, butt-naked in a towel on expensive ass bedsheets begging you to take me back. I don't know what I have to do, but I'll do it if it means I can be in your arms again, babygirl."
Silence again—meaning the worst or the best from her. She shuffles around a little, and digs through some type of drawer of sorts before finally speaking again.
"You better win."
Sakusa Kiyoomi is a lovesick fool, he admits it. Anything for his woman. And he means anything.
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