#i'll do a fun fancy
ner0ticmemories · 9 months
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starting discussion with @r4chelamber to learn more about rachel's lore so i can also develop a well written understanding of kasin's influence in it . did some fc searching and found kasin's perfect match , so welcome kasin's life is strange look !
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ratwithhands · 13 days
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Read right to left (Manga Formant) I actually have a lot more sketches of Kokushibo but this is only one that works without any context. I'll try to post more of him soon but I've somehow stuck myself into writing like 4 different AUs at the same time so it's gonna be slow 👁👁💦
Also bonus doodle from today:
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jakeperalta · 1 month
my mum is getting married next weekend and when they asked me last year if I'd bake the wedding cake I foolishly said yes and now I have to make 120+ individual brownies with my one little oven and minimal equipment and nowhere to store them
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tastyflowers · 2 months
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right binocular lens views
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perkeleen-lavellan · 1 year
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Vivienne: If it was a date why did both of you bring your weapon and armor? Sacha: Foreplay reasons. Vivienne: I don't know why I expected anything else.
this Inquisitor uses he/him pronouns!
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south-sea · 1 year
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Three weeks, four days, and six hours
a mission shadow takes on is only supposed to last for two weeks. it goes horribly wrong and leads to a lot of new/reopened injuries. he spends four days in a haze recovering, and then finally returns home to find a worried housemate waiting.
could not figure out the style i wanted for this even after spending so much time on the lines, so it really stopped being fun. figured something was better than nothing so i cut my losses and wrapped it up however i could manage
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
Hi! I just need to ask after seeing your recent Bad Kids Class Swap piece - do you have an online store/do you think you might ever consider printing the piece as a poster? I’m in love with it and I know I’d absolutely buy it right away XD
huh you know what let's get a poll goin! lemme know if folks want to like buy prints from this blog and such. there are literally Two (2) pieces eligible for prints here anyway lol
more information: I'll probs use inprnt if I put up a storefront and I'll only put up standalone illustrations for prints. fully leaving the future open for this one I'm truly not pressed either way abt this
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what-aboutno · 8 months
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Been sketching designs for my wriochiluc fic
Bonus little Diluc
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heymacy · 8 months
okay fINE i'll just say it!! i miss fandom!!
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isekyaaa · 8 months
Genshin Impact gets a lot of hate in regards to rewards, qol, and things of the sort and that is warranted. But like... in comparison to HSR, it can hold its own. In HSR, there's an endpoint where you run out of things to do. It's a game that is incredibly easy. You can automate nearly everything. The events are so tedious and time consuming because it's necessary to keep people playing the game and having things to do. There is more effort put into things like the trailers, rewards, etc, but that's all they have really.
Genshin does have its weaknesses and whatnot, but it's a game you have to actively play, not have on in the background. Simply exploring gives you with loads to do. Farming takes time and attention. World Quests can take hours and have interesting stories. Each new map update brings new mechanics and puzzles to solve. There's so much lore jampacked into the game. Etc etc etc. Yes, Genshin doesn't get as many good things as HSR, but I can't say that not as much time and effort is being put into it.
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totalspiffage · 1 year
Gonna have so much gender euphoria from 'cosplaying exclusively older dudes' I'm embracing it.
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blackwaxidol · 17 days
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Concepts for Ru'thûn and La'zaar's wings, both viewed from the inside.
Ru'thûn's wings are only chiropteran as far as appearances go. She folds them at her back in the same way a moth does, rather than wrapping them around her body like Oryx did.
Atrophied flight muscles make La'zaar's wings too fragile to support his armoured weight, so he'll not use them for anything more than helping him leap towards or away from a threat.
#OC: Ru'thûn#OC: La'zaar#blackwax art#For some reason Hive wings are mostly detailed on the inside... which is why La'zaar's wings are so fancy.#I'm not sure about the design on the larger wings but I only worked on them very briefly since it is so late for me.#A fun fact... that album cover* with the face used to scare the fuck out of me when I was a child.#We had it in our house and I'd always try avoiding it whenever I had to look through discs for something.#*(It was ''Worlds Collide'' but I chose this version of it—''I'm Not Jesus''—since it fit the red colours I was working with better.)#I'll probably redesign the wings a little better when it is not 3:30am. They feel crowded.#Also trying to flip the canvas upside down lags my program so I couldn't do detail even if I wanted to currently.#I think having something that scared me as a child be etched into La'zaar's wings suits him very well though...#I'll also go back and give Ru'thûn some more detail... I spent less time on her colours because I already knew what I wanted.#Addendum... the dead moth on La'zaar's page is a ''Black Witch Moth''.#I liked their wing shape. I'm not a fan of how Savathûn's wings look so I wanted something sharper.#These are only really WIPs on a surface level.. feel free to share if you'd like.#Addendum II: I think what I want to fix about La'zaar's wings is making the designs more subtle or blended in.#Which can be done after I have slept on it surely.#Not on his wings... I'd catch some kind of terrible lung disease from the shed scales...#I imagine his wings are just as powdery as moth wings.
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elftwink · 1 year
saw a video about 2 player ttrpgs and one of them was like "this one's about a pretend marriage" and i was like oh? and i looked it up on itch (eyes on the prize, fyi) and it's 50% as of right now and i was like OH? and i bought it immediately & ive read most of it and i am a big fan. and i KNOW that i have friends who would have fun playing it (it's a 2 player or 4 player game; the 4 player variant has 2 fake couples) but asking them is going to be so cringe. yeah we're gonna make up people and pretend to be them and then pretend to pretend to get married and the characters when they start their pretending they're gonna be like "oh we don't have any romantic feelings towards each other this is strictly plot" but then (get this) they will start to develop real feelings for each other. and we're gonna act it out together and pretend to be them but don't worry! we have no romantic feelings towards one another. this is strictly plot. when WE (irl) pretend to be in love it's actually platonic, unlike the people who we are pretending to be to each other. so do you have like 2-5 hours you wanna dedicate to that next week
and the worst part is that's 100% what i want. like i have roleplayed romance before with friends it is literally not a big deal because the whole point of roleplay is that the character ISN'T you. but with a fake relationship the crushing weight of dramatic irony hovers behind me
#i do want to play it though it seems fun. i actually think it would be more fun to do the 4 player variant#just bc like. to me fake dating is all about the audience. the way you act alone vs in public#it's about the drama. the show. having other people to bounce of off in rp i think benefits that#eh. im overthinking it i'll get over myself & bring it up. i at least wanna talk about it to people even if we don't intend to play it#i also kinda think you could use the game as more of a writing prompt than a roleplaying game if you wanted?#like. ideally you're still have 2 or 4 people who have a character they mainly control#and you'd like. co-write a story by hashing out responses to each card (which is the main game mechanic) & writing it down#but you would lose some of the imo more like... silly (affectionate) parts of the game?#because some of it is really about the improvisational aspect of both ttrpgs and the fake dating trope#but i still think it would be really fun. and i have done a lot of text-based roleplay before#so i am biased towards it just in general.#i also think you could probs play with 3 players with slight bending of the rules and in and out of game acceptance of polya relationships#esp because the setting is like. vaguely period piece fantasy nobility. you go to fancy parties and shit#i feel like those people had very complicated love lives i think a throuple would be fine#also We Are Playing Pretend#good idea generator#unrelated but did wtf when did they update the post editor the tags are so ugly LOL
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belethlegwen · 2 years
A Tale of Hobbies and Hammocks
Hello Today, I made a hammock. It's been a project of the last couple of days. I bought the materials on Sunday afternoon, and have been pouring over Nate Large's YouTube videos for how to make and rig an American Navy-style Hammock for quite some time. I initially found them through significant research I was doing for The Rescue and The Stranding and I learned a ton from Nate's videos. You may remember some time ago, I got myself a reference-Henry:
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This guy is the full 8 inches Henry claims to be (Henry is only 7.2") but he's handy to have around. Since I got him he's been milling around on my desk for the most part, has come on a few purse adventures and so on, but I kept feeling bad that I didn't have a designated place for him to sleep. Well, a bed wasn't going to cut it. So, I reference again: Mr. Nate Large.
It started simply enough: I bought some fabric samples that resembled canvas enough, bought some D-rings because I figured they'd be easier to work with, needles, fancy thick thread, and came back to get to work. The first thing I did was start on the clews, and that required building a clew jig, as seen in this video. I am not a handiman by nature nor a particularly skilled or crafty creature in general, so I jimmy rigged something with a chunk of furniture board I had lying around from something:
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On the first one the D-ring was too close the comb I was using as pegs, so it's adjusted in the second picture. Honestly I'm pretty proud of this McGuyver-level setup.
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I didn't know how many loops I was going to be able to make for the clew with the measurements I had (again, nothing is completely precise just because I was going by rough estimates, eye-balling, and a general hit of a 10.4% scale of everything) so I kept this one pretty tight, which was difficult BUT it got the job done. Toothpicks for runners and thumbtacks as far as the eye can see.
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The first completed clew, I had somehow missed literally the first loop but being as it was still functional, I kept it. If I had to scrap and start over at this point, I'd put the damn thing down and never pick it up again.
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Second clew I went ahead and spread the loops out (there's 10 instead of 12 by the way, which I forgot to mention above). I hit all the loops this time on the finished product and am very very proud of having done both tiny weaves. Next step was the hammock. I took the white fabric I had, cut it twice as wide as I needed it because I wanted to try and replicate the thickness of the canvas I assumed would be used, and did the only stitch I know (needle go in, needle come out, needle go in again) to close up the open side and turn it inside out. I'm actually pretty proud of this especially because I only stabbed myself once! In the thigh, so it barely even counts.
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I used a little hair flat-iron I never use to iron the fabric between stages. One thing I did NOT do was fold and sew the seams at the end, and that was literally because I realized that the measurements I had been using were for Canon-Henry, not Reference Henry. Canon-Henry is 10.4% scale, Reference-Henry is 11.6%, which is a pretty big difference when you're measuring the lengths of hammocks.
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No I did not do grommets
I've never done grommets in my life and wasn't about to try and learn at nearly a 1/10th scale. I was crazy enough for doing THIS in the first place, I can ignore the need for awling and grommets and whatever else would've needed to happen for COMPLETE ACCURACY. Theater of the mind, friends. Anyway, I used the largest yarn darner that came in the pack I bought to poke 10 holes at equal intervals (1.4cm apart) along the sides, and then used the need to string the loops through the holes, and using a girth-knot on the first loop over my itty bitty rope, I slipped the rope through the rest of the loops until girth-knotting the end, and then: VOILA
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This was the first clew, so you can see in the second picture that one of the loops a little janky, but again: that's aesthetic problems. It's still very functional.
Second verse, same as the first until we get us:
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Our hammock was now ready for testing, but I was too lazy to go get my ring-light stand to take proper pictures with, so the first demos were done with the use of the clew rigging board:
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Henry in the hammock while slack, Henry in the hammock while tight. Snug as a bug in a rug.
Then, obviously, had to find a place to actually hang it. So: Over the storage-cubby in my desk, which I desperately need to clean out.
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So that's the story of how I spent an excessive amount of time learning a very cool, neat set of skills at a very small scale just so I could flex a little.
Thanks for coming along on this journey of learning, and thanks again to Nate Large, whose name he will never know is so god damn on-point right now.
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harlequinalis · 1 year
Devastated that the Eso Necrom update in June is so far away but that doesn't mean I can't start designing my arcanist (how do these house of reveries mask/hoods even work with elf ears? I have no idea 💀)
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
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Summer Blood
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