#i'll be adding a verse for them i just don't know how to name it yet
(Little mid-timeskip scene with Perona, Zoro, and Mihawk:)
The castle was beautiful, but empty. And quiet. So, so quiet, aaaaalllllllllll the time. Perona had never been able to stand the quiet.
To fill the space, she sang. She wasn't the best at it, but it was better than talking to herself all the time, she thought. Plus, it was comforting, in a way.
Mihawk was typically apathetic about her singing. But Zoro, being the good and proper pirate that he was, often added his voice to hers.
This particular evening, as she set about preparing dinner, she found herself reminded of an old familiar children’s song, one that she remembered her mother singing to her while at work in her own kitchen.
“There was a boy called Johnny King, who used to ride his bike-”
“Up and down this simple country lane,” Zoro joined in, from where he was casually leaning back in his chair at the table.
Perona smiled. “Now he’s gone to sea, to sail under the black flag of death, and- ack!”
She dove for the stove as her pot threatened to boil over. As she did so, Zoro completed the verse-
“And all the people know he won’t come home again.”
“What?” Perona turned back around, having got the situation at the stove back under control, and frowned. “That’s not how it goes.”
“Uh, yeah it is. Didn’t you know?”
“No, no, it’s ‘the people far and wide all know his name’.”
“...Huh? No it isn’t!”
“Yes it is!”
“I’ve heard both,” Mihawk put in before the argument could develop any further. “Zoro’s is the East Blue version, Perona’s is the version here in the Grand Line.”
“Oh. Ohhh, well, I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? Maybe he was a real guy, and he went from the East Blue to the Line.”
“Maybe so,” Zoro nodded. “That would also explain the difference in the two lines themselves. If he died at sea, he never actually would come home again, would he?”
“But then, the other version isn’t necessarily wrong. I mean, we do all still know his name, don’t we?”
“I guess we do.”
“So he must have had at least some success as a pirate. That’s…I don’t know, it’s kind of fascinating.”
"If you say so," Mihawk shrugged.
“That guy Noland ended up being a real guy," Zoro said thoughtfully, "from that North Blue children's book."
"You mean Liar Noland?"
"Yeah, but it turned out that he wasn't lying."
"What," Perona frowned as she began ladling steaming pasta onto plates for each of them, "are you saying you found the lost city, then?"
"Yeah. It was on a sky island."
"...That's a story I haven't heard."
"I'll tell you sometime, then," Zoro said around a huge yawn.
"As long as it's not at the dinner table, please," Mihawk sniffed.
"Hey, Hawkeyes, how come there's no songs or books about you out there?"
"I don't know, but I am thankful that there aren't."
"I bet we could make our own! Mihawk, Mihawk, with blade of steel and, uh, eyes of gold..."
"Lord of the sea and Kuraigana cold," Zoro added with a snort.
"Yes, that's genius! We've got to write this down!"
"On second thought, I believe I will just take my meal in my room."
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gwynniethenymph · 4 months
Do you think so? Part 1.
Pairing: Azriel x Gwyneth Berdara.
Word count: 1212 words.
Notes: Sooo... here is jealous Azriel and a one shot that accidentally became a two chapter story! I'm very nervous about posting this since it's the first story I write in years, but I'm also very excited. Constructive criticism is very welcomed! Don't know if I should post this in ao3, but I'll think about it. Also, Azriel is very, very bad at feelings in this first part.
"Is it normal for the sun to be so... bright?” Cassian complained for the fifth time in an hour. Azriel only stared at him. His shadows writhed in agitation too, but there was little he could do.
The Summer Court offered oceans of the purest water and clear, hot days. Oddly enough, the Shadowsinger sometimes appreciated this kind of weather, though Illyrian leathers were unbearable in the heat. He missed his leathers.
Despite the initially pleasant atmosphere, the air around them crackled with raw power and fear. War was imminent, and so was betrayal, hence the week-long Courts Meeting. The Spymaster just couldn’t understand why war meetings were disguised as luxurious balls and quick alliances as amicable friendships.
“Courtier's shit,” Rhys had answered with a scoff. They needed to keep the common people calm while orchestrating swift relocations to the south, far from the borders between Spring and the Human Lands. The urgency of such activities was probably the only reason Tarquin tolerated Cassian's presence.
Azriel had plenty of work to do as well, trying to keep his High Lord informed of every glance and conversation. He sighed. It would be easier if that devilish, mischievous little nymph wasn’t so damn... distracting. And offensively good at her job.
With the growing popularity of the Valkyries Division and her remarkable contribution against the Illyrian Revolution, Gwyn had become a respected and well-known name across Prythian. According to Amren, she was also quick-witted, well-versed in history and politics, and "strikingly beautiful". Before understanding her line of thought, Azriel had agreed and added how good of a spy the priestess was.
As a result, Gwyn had been assigned to secure Tarquin's alliance and friendship. Considering how closely they danced at the moment, Azriel thought he might have to remind her of the "friendship" part. Or perhaps punch Tarquin and get himself banned from Summer.
It would be worth it, though.
The dark-skinned High Lord held the Valkyrie against his chest, one hand around her slim waist as they spun. The silk of Gwyn's gown resembled a cobalt ocean, the halter neckline exposing the toned muscles of her freckled arms. If she were closer, he would see her huge, mesmerizing eyes lined with gold and her pink, plump lips. She looked like a siren from the tales Azriel’s mother used to tell him—a beauty like no other, ready to enchant unsuspecting sailors and drag them to the depths of the sea.
Tarquin looked quite happy in his "sailor" position. Azriel would be happy too. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, couldn't ignore the pang in his chest. Gwyn had become too important to him in the last few years, their time together reserved not only for training and sparring, but for the deepest conversations he’d ever had, for silly jokes and friendly flirting.
Well, he had believed the flirting was not that friendly anymore, but as Nesta and Emerie giggled and whispered about the dancing couple, the Shadowsinger concluded he must have been wrong. As that terrible, awful dance ended and Gwyn separated from the High Lord with a courtesy, Azriel found himself relaxing, his shoulders dropping for a mere moment before he realized how many heads turned towards her.
“Twenty and seven, Singer.”
“Twenty and seven males turned their heads to look at Our Light, Singer. Would you be interested in knowing the number of females too?”
Azriel sighed. “No, thank you.”
“Twenty and three females turned their heads to look at Our Light, Singer.”
“Okay, no more counting.”
“This equals fifty heads turned. Dismissing, of course, the heads that didn’t need to be turned because they were already looking in Our Light’s direction, Singer. This includes your head, Singer.”
Azriel gritted his teeth. “Please go check on the Vanserras.”
“Of course, Singer.”
As his shadows went silent and the Spymaster sighed, Gwyn reached the group with a smile. The golden sunlight streaming through the tall, arched windows hit her eyes, making them seem like a gateway to the shallow seas of Adriata. Emerie and Nesta grabbed each of her arms and proceeded to gossip and giggle:
"Who could imagine Tarquin uses dancing as a form of foreplay?" Lady death grinned, mischievously.
Even the tips of Gwyn's ears went red, her eyes going wide "It- it was not! We just danced. Like... friends. Very good friends."
Emerie snickered wildly "I am your friend for longer and never received this type of treatment. You are hurting my feelings."
"Oh, shush. I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, but I know, Gwynnie. He looked at you the same way I do when you look too pretty."
Gwyn's mouth went slightly agape. "Wouldn't that make the look even more... friendly?"
Cassian, who had been observing the conversation, pointedly looked at his mate and nodded. "Wouldn't it, Nesta?"
Caught in the act, Nesta cleared her throat before uttering a simple, "No". Gwyn considered her friend for a moment before shaking her head.
Azriel expected her to say the relationship with Tarquin - and, well, Nesta - was nothing but friendly. That their were all going insane and seeing things that weren't there. He expected her to shrug it off. Instead, Gwyn's eyes glinted with interest.
"I'm not going to dive into your last comment, but... You think so? That he looks at me... like that?"
The two Valkyries looked at Gwyn like she had just convinced Helion to give them a pegasus. Azriel's shadows were whispering about murder and something else the Spymaster couldn't quite catch given the zooming in his ears. His fists and jaw were clenched so tightly he feared it may break. She... she truly liked Tarquin?
As if it was possible, Gwyn went even more red. "Perhaps, but-"
Azriel couldn't help himself from murmuring "That's not what you should be worried about."
Gwyn's eyes found his "Oh. I- Sorry?"
He shouldn't be saying this. It was only meant to hurt her like he was hurting. But, again, he simply couldn't help himself. "I said you shouldn't be worried about silly romantic... whatever. You have a job to do, and seducing Tarquin is not a part of it."
Their small group went deadly silent, Nesta shooting death glares at him. "I... I was not trying to... seduce him. I'm doing my job perfectly well."
Between the hurt he saw in her eyes before, there was anger emerging. One he matched quite well. "Well, then keep your- your heart and feelings out of it. And your body at least a few inches separated from his."
This time, her mouth was fully agape. Gwyn stuttered from a moment, trying to find an answer, when Tarquin suddenly surged behind her.
"Gwyn? Is this a good moment? There's something I want to show you."
She turned around to face the High Lord and, before Azriel could growl at him or stop her, one of his shadows - the only one that actually listened to the Shadowsinger sometimes - nervously darted across his face, whispering about something about Beron.
Azriel turned around, scanning the room in search of the Autumn High Lord, only to find him having a mildly heated conversation with Helion. But when he returned to excuse himself from the group, Gwyn and Tarquin were gone.
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 5 months
(Some) Subtle Musical Connections and Callbacks in Epic: The Musical
I wanted to make a little mini-compliation of these little connections or references I noticed because I haven't seen them anywhere else yet!
"The Horse and the Infant" X "Survive" - the melody on Zeus's line, "I don't think you're ready"/Odysseus's response, "I know that I'm ready" is used in his exhortation to his men, "That is who we're fighting!" The parallel continues throughout the verse, culminating on "right here and now," because he is calling on them to face the looming challenge, which is the only way they have a chance to survive, just as Zeus did to him. He's using an almost divine authority
"The Horse and the Infant" X "Monster" - the opening guitar lead is the same, because we are being introduced to Odysseus (first as he originally is, and then as the changed monster-man he chooses to become)
"Full Speed Ahead" X "Puppeteer" - the melody on "Ithaca's waiting! Penelope's waiting," is used as the opening plucked melody in Puppeteer, because Odysseus knows they had been so close to home. His longing has been painfully renewed and he's thinking of home as Eurylochus comes up to him
"Luck Runs Out" - The ensemble gradually joins in with Eurylochus as he convinces them to doubt Odysseus. Initially they only sing on the word "How?" Which acts as a response to Odysseus's two statements, "We've come this far," and "You doubt that I could figure this out?" But as the song goes on, they begin singing along with Eurylochus on, "You rely on wit / And people die on it," showing their gradual realization and agreement with him
"Keep Your Friends Close" - The melody on Penelope's name is distorted from what it usually is, representing that the vision of Penelope is not real. Additionally, the melody on the word "open" in the four repeated "Just keep your eyes open" lines mirrors the danger motif.
"The Underworld" - As explained in a previous post, when Odysseus's drowned men are crying out to him, Athena's piano is in the background, because not only did he lose her mentorship (a "death" in itself, referenced in "Monster"), he lost his men as a direct consequence of losing Athena. He "severed his own head" and theirs along with it, and her piano plays to represent how those losses are intertwined
This is only a few, but I wanted to highlight some things that I hadn't seen mentioned elsewhere (although they may well have been--I might've just missed them! I'm still pretty new to the fandom)! Feel free to reblog if you find more!! I'll keep adding on/do the same as I find them as well. Ahhh, this musical is amazing!!
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re-rating rise of red songs as i listen to them on spotify
see the first rating here
red by red, jack of diamonds, and guards: 7.75/10
i've warmed up to the chanty chorus so that made the rating go up. again, kylie sounds really good. don't know how to feel about the pre-chorus. still don't care for jack of diamonds and the guards' parts (other than the "oh oh oh oh" parts but those go on a little too long imo)
so this is love by cinderella and king charming: 9.75/10
literally almost perfection! paolo and brandy sound SO GOOD. it's so so pretty omg. the pacing again is the downfall, some parts sound slightly too fast but i almost don't care, it's that pretty
love ain't it by red, queen of hearts, chloe, cinderella, and auradon citizens: 6/10
same ranking. mainly the same notes as the first ranking post, i like the beginning and chorus but it's (as a whole song) a little messy. again didn't really care for the citizens and guards singing and wanted a lot less rap. rita sounded great though
what's my name (red version) by uma and red: 7/10
the "stop us" is thankfully fixed as far as i can tell. the new instrumental is taking some getting used to but i like that the song isn't just the 2017 vocals on top of a new instrumental. red's talking parts in her verse are what's throwing me off and what brought down the ranking down a number. i am fine with the rap part though. the "that's my name, that's my name" adlib at the end sounds slightly off to me too
fight of our lives by red and chloe: 7.75/10
it definitely picks up after the first chorus. speaking of the first chorus, there's odd editing on the line "running out of hope" that takes me out of the song. i really like the instrumental though (the wannabe drummer in me is very happy about it). kylie, again, sounds very good but that's a given (i really like her chorus) and like i said in the first ranking, malia and kylie's voices sound very nice together and the layering and harmonies are nice (TO ME)
life is sweeter by rise of red cast: 6.75/10
again the chorus and the villains's (specifically hook, morgie, and uliana) part are the selling point to me. however why is maleficent's part like drowned out?? (actually a couple parts of this song are) ruby's voice sounds very nice on the chorus's melody. still haven't decided if i like that the song is everyone's introduction. the verses don't click with me, save for the first verse. the instrumental shift to the villains' introduction could be better. and the final chorus is very jarring with the villains interjecting, and not in a 'so bad it's good way'
perfect revenge by uliana, hook, morgie, hades, and maleficent: 6/10
i feel like this song is the definition of a grower and an earworm. i'll probably sing it over the next week even though it's my least favorite song. basically it's objectively catchy and i would understand why someone would like it. i personally don't love the melody of the post-chorus and i don't care for hades and maleficent's voices or parts (no offense). i do like dara's ad-libs at the end and the song makes my choreographer brain start ticking so i guess that's an upside.
shuffle of love by bridget: 8.5/10
one point off for the fact that i had to strain my brain and ears to figure out the lyrics of the first line of the chorus (it's "first, one two-step to start", had a feeling disney+ captions were wrong and they were). a half point off for the MORE unnecessary rapping (it wasn't bad just unneeded). other than that i really like this song. i especially like chorus, which i mentioned before, and i was robbed of this being fully in the movie
get your hands dirty by ella and chloe: 8/10
don't know why it went down, just vibes. everything i said is still true. i like the melody and absolutely love the songwriting and the rapping/talk singing is a bit more bearable. and again morgon sounds very nice.
life is sweeter (reprise) by red and queen of hearts: 7/10
pretty reprise, same ranking. nothing much to say that i haven't said already
life is sweeter (remix) by rise of red cast: 5/10
i like the little nuggets of vocals that can be heard but like i said before, not always a fan of remixes. ranking went lower because the scene talked over the remixed instrumental so i couldn't get an opinion on it.
bad reputation by red: 3/10
this is a lot at once and will probably be the only song i don't add to my soundtracks playlists. the instrumental is very loud and very distracting but kylie sounds nice
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lewis-winters · 1 year
my love if you are still taking requests could i pls have some hcs on K Company (Sledge, Snafu, Burgin, Leyden, De L'Eau, Ack Ack and Hillbilly) and how they would survive a slasher movie (particularly Scream franchise if you have seen it?) absolutely no pressure if u dont feel inspired or interested in writing this ! x thank uu
I've only seen the first one, tbh, so I'm not as well versed with the whole franchise, but I've seen my fair share of slasher movies, so I think I'll give this a go! But I'll be operating on the idea that they're in a slasher film together, so unfortunately, not all of them are going to survive. Sorry! It might not be exactly what you asked for!
1) Andrew Haldane and Eddie Jones - Oh no they don't make it. In fact, they're the dead girls who haunt the narrative. Particularly Andy. But Eddie, too, because Andy would not be dead if Eddie had not died first. They were each other's greatest happiness, and inevitable doom. Their romance is the tragedy, and sets the stage for all the shit that's about to go down next.
2) Bill Leyden - practical, smart, pragmatic, you'd think he'd survive, but he's too skeptical, you know? But he's too logical. Almost to a fault. At first, he wields it as his own weapon against the fear, but slowly it morphs from weapon to shield. Then slowly, from shield to outright denial, and as the tension rises and rises, he struggles to keep from breaking until, finally, he crumbles beneath it. Not completely, but just enough to give their killer an in. He's not surviving the night, unfortunately.
3) Jay De L'eau - he is though! Jay's surviving! out of pure dumb luck! He's so quiet, so small and so unassuming, that the killer will forget about him until it is too late. He's the last minute save you wouldn't expect, the car that comes crashing against your slasher, sending him several feet away and far enough to buy everybody else some time, or the shadow that brings something heavy down upon the slasher's head, enough to knock him out and pull everybody else to their feet, crying 'Run!'. He's the guy they find at the end, maybe in the post-credits scene, hiding beneath the rubble or tucked away amongst the shadows, safe and traumatized. But generally untouched.
4) RV Burgin - I don't think he's surviving. He wants to get out, no question. But he's not desperate enough to throw people under the bus, and maybe that was his mistake. He stops running because someone tripped. Turns to look back because someone calls out his name, reaches out to him. Or makes it out, but then realizes his is a hollow victory if he can't manage to take his friends out with him, too. Man, he should've just run, but that's not who Burgie is. He might come back in the sequel though, maybe in a post-credits scene added by the producers after the test screening audiences demand that he be alright bc they love the character too much.
5) Merriell Shelton - ok if there's a likely candidate for the 'someone from the original group who was the Slasher all along' character, it's Snaf; turns out he was Ghostface this whole time! but that feels like too much of an out and a little unfair, so I'll just say that he'll make it almost all the way to the end, but he's going to slip up. And it's going to be because he's so tired. He's so afraid under all that anger, but he's just so tired, too, and it only takes one little slip. One little swing too late. But make no mistake, he fights back. He will be remembered very fondly because he fights back, and the tragedy of it lies in how close he was to getting out. He was so close. But not close enough.
6) Eugene Sledge - FINAL GIRL FINAL GIRL FINAL GIRL ENERGY ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? OF COURSE HE'S FINAL GIRL he's standing over the bloody corpse of their tormentor and he's the only one in his right mind to shoot it more than once to make sure it's dead. He's the one whose rage far surpasses that of the slasher. He's the who comes out of this ordeal alive and fully changed, covered in blood, blurring the lines between victim and perpetrator, and smoking his pipe at the steps of the house or the entrance of the summer camp; red and blue emergency lights flashing over his face as someone puts a blanket over his shoulders.
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itsumoegao · 29 days
'❓' + Two questions: How did you come up with Black Swan AU? And what are your pet peeves when it comes to rp? (nuravity)
☠ ― Send '❓' + a question to ask the MUN.
[[ A mun after my soul, legit, I love talking about this verse sm ;; THANK YOU !!
I'll answer the pet peeve rq. Unless the other person's muse is a legit mind reader, no, your muse can not read mine's thoughts. It drives me nuts when another mun's muse physically reacts to something my muse thought about. Ex. My muse is thinking about getting a glass of water or something to drink then other mun's muse gets up and pours them a drink.
Ok, it is a nice gesture that your muses did that but no... mine was thinking. I know that probably sounds like something not worth getting annoyed over but it does.
Back to the 1st question !
So short story: I wanted to challenge myself.
Long Story:
Before I made this blog, I was speaking with my wife, @shiningxfates about her Bakugou and she mentioned something along the lines of "I have roleplayed with villain Dekus before." and I remembered thinking "Oh goodness! Villain Deku?? How would that sweet baby bean be a villain??" It just sounded so foreign and jarring to me, this kid with the lifelong dream to be a hero... be written as a villain.
I can't recall when or how this next discussion happened but she said something like "It's popular for Deku to turn into a villain from 1 of 2 ways. From Katsuki's bullying or during Deku's vigilante arc." Note, I have a horrible memory so I can't recall the exact words or even when this was said but that was the jist of it.
And it got me thinking.
If those two were the most common ways, I wanted to make my own villain verse but not with those origins. I added a quirkless factor to make it more challenging. Y'all. That was difficult as hell. I do recall wracking my brain for days, trying to think what would motive Izuku into being a villain outside of the bullying and since he would be quirkless, how would he turn so soon since he received All Might's consideration in episode 2.
One thing stood out to me. Izuku had said in episode 1 "Mom, that's not what I needed you to say." Izuku ... what do you mean by needed ? Why did you need to hear her say 'You can be a hero' ? Which then lead to the fact that All Might first said to him "Some Villains can't be defeated without a quirk." and then the pro heroes berated him for stepping in and trying to save Katsuki.
There was the motivation. Remember the saying "All things come in threes" ? Three times. We hear his dream crushed 3 times. It's ok if Black Swan Origin hasn't been read yet but there is something I want to point out which I don't know if anyone noticed. In the Origin, Izuku asks Why to his mom, All Might and to the Pros.
He never directed this to Katsuki.
Towards the end, Izuku says "Lies. Lies. Lies." To what his mother, All Might and the Pros said to him. To what Katsuki said, he didn't utter "Lies." Izuku doesn't blame him at all for taking this path. His motivation, after hearing he could not be a hero, was to prove them wrong by defeating heroes.
I wracked my brain again because Izuku is very intelligent and I wanted to convey that. I remember Hawks infiltrating LOV as a Spy and I thought "If there is a spy in the Swan's ranks, how can he stay discreet when it comes to discussing which Pro hero he is taking down?" I gave him a gambling habit, to gain money, but it also worked for him to give the heroes code names via suit cards.
And making his public face that of a woman came from the saying "False information is worse than no information." I try to keep him many steps ahead. Hell, all of the heroes who go missing... they're not dead. They're basically used as leverage in case he ever gets captured.
As for the name well, in finances, the term Black Swan means "a rare, unpredictable, and random event that poses significant downside risk"
Black Swan also means "an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect and severe consequences"
Izuku also has a very slender body, like a swan but there's a more obvious reason why he picked it. Esp if you saw the first episode of MHA. Some time after I made my Black Swan verse, I asked my waifu what kind of traits does Quirkless Villain Izuku have and she said "He is usually a hacker." Which I can see but I prefer the one I made, a chess master ! ]]
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chaosmultiverse · 3 months
Mini Update
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Moewdy, I'm making this just in case y'all were worried about me & to give you guys a update on my plans & progress on my blog remake!
So firstly just a life update, still homeless, still working on that, but slowly it feels like we're moving forward, just don't know to what yet. It is also my birthday soon! 27th of this month to be exact, I'll be turning 22 alongside my twin @playedbetter.
Now blog updates
I am still going to remake my blog, I think a fresh start would be good for me, my mental health & my writing ablity, when this happens I'll archive this blog & redirect you guys to my new blog/account which will be Chaosmultiverse at that point, right now it has a random name while I work on it.
With this remake I am resetting the majority of my plots & characters, I really want a fresh start & I want to be able to account for the Community Verse system I am gonna be using to make things simple for me from the get go, this does not apply to server Community Verses (DC GC for example) or my affiliate blogs, which is right now just @playedbetter.
(When it is closer to the remake launch I will make a call for those that either want to maintain plots & ships, or want to figure ones out from the get go)
As for progress here is where I am at in a few different regards.
I have found a way of using photoshop on my phone, so have beening icons, a dash icon, and things for headers and promo pics, I still have a lot to make before I have the amount I want but I have made the templates
(There will be a second stage later down the road when I have reliable access to a pc again where I will be remaking my icon templates & remaking/making new pics for the other things, I just want pics for in the meantime)
I have made some of the important OOC pages like a updated rules page & a about the mun, when it is closer to being relaunched I'll make sure these are still up to date.
I have also made a new muse page & a credits page, both are WIPs right now, the muse page isn't still 100% settled, with some muses added & removed from time to time (plus lack of icons) and the credits page isn't done either as it's actively being updated as I use stuff or get permission to use stuff.
I now mainly need to work on character bios, I have a few done and these can really very in how long they take to make, but I want it to be easy to find info about my muses so I am not skipping this step or doing it post blog opening
Besides from the bios the other big thing is important Headcanons & Info posts & pages, along with templates for the info pages, since I tend to be canon divergent or have world scale hc's it's important to me that I communicate them.
There are also some muses I want to do more research on, specifically some LOL muses and DC muses, in general I'm trying to make sure I have a good understanding of my muses.
I unfortunately don't have any time estimates, life is really unpredictable right now & that impacts how much time I can put into this blog, I will say it is safer to assume it will take longer than shorter, so a few months at least, in the meantime I am semi available on discord for talking, plotting & RP'ing with the understanding it may not fit into my blog.
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kurenaicrush · 4 months
Omega Quintet first impressions and a rant about it's character Takt
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So I just started playing Omega Quintet and I've got about 5 hours into the game. I'm enjoying it so far, so I'd like to give my first impressions. It's a game I've been thinking about getting into for a while and a recent sale finally persuaded me. I was really interested by the premise of it, it sounds very similar to Symphogear, an obscure anime I really like. 
Omega Quintet is a half jrpg, half visual novel game. The world is thrown into chaos by an entity known as Blare (or Beep in the JP ver.) Blare produces monsters called MAD that cause mass destruction. Blare can be destroyed by a special girl known as a Verse Maiden, one who can use the power of song to defeat them. Otoha is a young girl who always dreamed of becoming a Verse Maiden like her idol Momoka. Her dream finally comes true when a certain incident gives her a chance to step up to the plate. 
Other than this I won't go into much detail about the story since I'm not that far in yet, but it's a good premise so far! I'd mostly like to give my thoughts about the gameplay itself and a certain critique I have about the game so far.
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Early thoughts about the gameplay:
The battle system feels very complex and they throw a lot of information at you that you won't digest right away. I don't fully understand how it all works yet, but it's at least fun so far! I'll explain what I do understand for now. The game features the same combo type system that other Compile Heart games like Death End re;Quest and Neptunia have. You can pick multiple skills to chain together in a combo and it feels pretty satisfying. The animations are decent too! The battlefield seems to have different layers/rows to it that make certain attacks effective at a particular range. There are many different weapon and element skills, some having different effects like knockback. 
There's a character named Takt that I'll talk more about later. He's basically like this game’s Jack if you've played Mary Skelter. He supports the Verse Maidens in combat by adding an extra attack in the girl's combo chains and can also block an attack for a party member. He also has other supportive abilities that I don't quite understand yet. 
Now this wouldn't be a Compile Heart game without some kind of fan service. I don't quite fully understand this mechanic yet either, but Omega Quintet features an outfit break system. If a party member receives too much damage, their clothes will start to tear off and you'll lose any buffs you had applied to that particular outfit. I know it's really silly, but I honestly love it. I've always personally thought that battle damage in stuff like Dragon Ball Z or Senran Kagura was the coolest most epic thing. It just adds an extra sense of drama and intensity to fights, despite the intent to show off some panties. 
These are the main points I wanted to mention, but there's so much more to the battle system, including Voltage. Like I said, it's very complex. I hope to get a better understanding of it as I progress.
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I'd briefly like to mention the game's art. This Compile Heart game has a different artist that I'm not familiar with, but I really like the style! It's all really cute and pretty and I think it really fits the characters. It's hard to describe, but everything just feels super girly and I love it. The character designs are so good! It's cuteness overload for me! There's also a few visual novel illustrations too!
The rant about this game's negative:
Sadly though there is one negative I have about this game so far that I feel the need to criticize. Do you ever consume a piece of media that has a character so badly written and integrated that it almost ruins the experience of the whole thing for you? Well for me that character is Takt. Takt is this game's male secondary protagonist support character that Compile Heart games commonly have. Takt and Otoha are childhood friends who grew up together. They're the closest thing each other has to family since they both had no parents.
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I have a couple problems with Takt. Firstly is his personality, or lack thereof. Really his only personality trait is being cold and disinterested and he really doesn't contribute anything significant. It feels like he only stays friends with Otoha out of obligation, again always acting cold and disinterested when interacting with her, even being a little mean to her at times. The story wants you to think that deep down he genuinely cares for her, but they haven't shown much to make it convincing. Aside from that, he has his moments where he acts recklessly heroic, but only because the plot needs him to be. I'm curious to see if maybe Takt will have any character development that will make me think better of him, but I have my doubts about that due to my secondary reason for not liking him. We're really off to a rocky start for this one.
My second reason for hating Takt is how the game needlessly pushes him as being a self insert character. A lot of the game's story feels like it is viewed through Takt’s perspective. He also doesn't have a visual novel portrait in cutscenes, I assume because he's supposed to represent you viewing the story. You also control Takt instead of Otoha when exploring the Verse Maiden headquarters before accepting a mission. I just feel like a self insert for this kind of story was really forced and unnecessary. The game would've been so much better without him. Takt has no likable qualities and doesn't contribute much to anything. He just feels shoehorned into the game because the developers wanted the game to be more appealing to the male audience I assume. He literally just has no reason for being present, once again he barely contributes anything to the plot. Even some of the actual characters in game make comments about his useless presence, almost as if the game is self aware. The game's excuse is that Otoha gets nervous without him being there, so he always has to be following her around. This eventually leads to Takt becoming the Verse Maiden’s manager and he supports their team in combat. The worst part about it is how uninspired and indifferent he is about everything. He's not even interested in helping the girls, he's only there to keep Otoha company because he's got nothing else better to do I guess.
Speaking of him helping in combat, I've got another thing to rant about! For the gameplay he just gets a big ass anime sword and powers for literally no reason. I kid you not, the game gives absolutely no explanation as to how he obtained all that. I don't know if it'll get explained later, but so far the game hasn't acknowledged it. His abilities have no story relevance so far. The characters just comment on having an uplifting energy when being supported by him. 
That one fish from SpongeBob: “Oh brother, this guy stinks!” I'm so sorry reader, but the rant doesn't end here I'm afraid. Sadly there’s still more! So I'm not too far in to really see where this goes, but there's also a relationship mechanic. You can increase your affection with certain characters. Not sure what this does yet though. I'm just mad because of course the writers have to make all the girls like him too, because he totally deserves it (sarcasm). 
To top it all off, let's talk about his design. He's even got that cookie cutter boring protagonist anime boy look to him. His design feels very uninspired compared to the rest of the game's characters. Takt just feels like an insult to an otherwise good game, which is why I felt the need to criticize his unnecessary inclusion. The only redeeming quality about him is his role in the gameplay is a neat mechanic, but this easily could've been replaced by a different supporting character instead of forcing a self insert.
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Alright so that's all my thoughts for now. If I continue to put a lot of time into the game I may give an update to how I'm enjoying it. Thanks for reading and I'm sorry this turned into a big rant. I didn't originally plan for that lol, but Takt was just too insufferable for me. But when I criticize something, it's because I like that thing and think it deserves better. Omega Quintet is so cool so far, it really didn't deserve to be held back by this character. Takt’s existence is negatively affecting the experience for me.
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
Hello hello! I would love a matchup!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? - Playing with Bad Luck by Set it Off ... Its a kinda day/ its a kinda week/ Its a kinda year/ When you cut and paste/ When you're on your knees/ When you're out of tears (damn)/ examine every scar. i'm auditing my karma/ something just ain't adding up/ it's close, but no cigar/ i'm dancing in the dark cause/ every light keeps shutting off/ i'm playing with bad luck
What is your Enneagram type? - I'm an 8w7! also an ISFJ personality type
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.- I created a lot of stories and characters as a kid, most of them were knights or huge creatures
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? - I usually have a cup of tea and sit with my dog. On nights where I can't get my brain to shut up I'll play audiobooks/redacted sleep aid lol
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? - Okay but something about the comfort/ reverse comfort audios hit a place in my heart I didn't think was in me. Like, I get why I like the healing audio cause the listener is getting doted on, and that's cute. (No matter how many times I listen to Gavin's comfort audios I will sob every time) But when I listen to a reverse comfort, it makes me love a character even more. Like the fact that they trust their listener (i.e., David breaking down, Gavin giving bits and pieces of his past to freelancer/ breaking down in the inversion, Milo injured, etc), makes my heart swell.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) - Okay, the character is made for the audience to not really like them, but Marcus (Project Meridian) sets a wave of anger in me I could never begin to explain like the manipulation tactics and gaslighting make me want to murder someone, BUT SOMEHOW IM LIKE "Oh I like Vega" which don't get me wrong also hate Vega at times but the way he acts with warden makes me love him
Tell me about that one book/movie/TV show you know all the words to. - does Redacted count "just gotta say ding dong the witch is dead fucking goes off and you better promise to play that at my funeral ALSO unrelated macho man unironically fucking goes off AND YOU KNOW WHAT actually IT IS related because you absolutely need to promise to play that at my funeral too back to back Macho man immediately followed by ding dong the witch is dead what do you say?" .... don't ask BUT IF NOT I also know pirates of the caribbean, the Grinch (live action), Mitchells vs the machines, Monty Python and the holy grail, too name a few
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? - OH MY GOD CAN VINCENT BE MY BESTIE (obvi also love ash and guy but let me explain) Okay vincent is one of those guys who's sarcasm is top notch like homie could roast anyone without a second to waste. Also I feel like I could literally sit in silence with Vincent and it not feel awkward yknow
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) okay, I will ramble about history like there is no tomorrow. for example, did you know that Constantine the Great considered himself such a great Christian that he called himself the "13th Apostle" on his tomb (which very few people have been able to see because you have to be closely enough related to him to enter) he didn't write his name on his coffin instead it says 13th apostle also he put the remains of the other apostles in his tomb because "he deserved it" ......anywayssss
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. - flaming hot Cheetos and a sprite reset my life in a way that makes me want to achieve my dreams
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. - The Balance, its so beautifully made, starting with a close experience to death, to cult antics, to AN UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER. its just made sooooooooooooo well
What’s your guilty pleasure in media, and why? - Okay cringy middle school emo/ animatic music from my past is engrained into my brain
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! - i'm 5'2 and the youngest of a big family. I'm an artist and currently working on an illustration degree. I love love love voice acting. Thats about it! THANKS
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You gave me so much to work with here, and yet it was a challenge. Like, I could have gone in so many directions. I think you could work so well with so many of the boys, but ultimately, it had to be Asher.
Your submission gives me the vibe of someone who’s loyal, unique, and confident, who knows what they’re about and always has something interesting to say even if you’re not particularly extroverted. I like the idea of pairing Asher with you because he would perfectly uplift you, pulling you out of your shell and giving you the stage to shine while also knowing when to take the reins and support you, in your education, social situations, whenever.
Your life would be so genuinely fun together- not just because Asher’s so fun as a dude but because y’all have so much in common. You two would have the same taste in music (that FOB fan boy) and pop culture. You’d be the tea drinker to his Monster Energy vibes, the perfect balance in the house to feed his bubbly nature but also ground him. Also, Asher should totally have a dog he can play with, so it’s even more perfect.
If you don't swim, you'll drown/ But don't move, honey/ You look so perfect standing there/ In my American Apparel underwear/ And I know now, that I'm so down/ Your lipstick stain is a work of arts I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart/ And I know now, that I'm so down
5SOS seems like just the sort of group y’all and Asher would like now, the group that was pop-punk adjacent and has evolved with its audience. This track in particular is a classic, and I can see Asher totally jamming out to this in the car, air-guitaring at red lights, and demanding applause from you when he’s done (which you’d give because he’s just that cute).
Like I said, there were so many boys that could have been matched with you, so there were also too many options for runner-ups! I settled on Anton because he’d be so cute with a tea-drinking dog lover. He deserves a puppy and a partner who makes them a pot to share. I also like you with Guy because an artist and writer couple is just too cute to pass up.
note: thank you for waiting 🖤
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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lokisivy · 2 years
HATING LOVE - Klaus Mikaelson part 5
part 5
DISCLAIMER This isn't lined up with the tvd verse plot just read it as a story
Your pov
It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Klaus.
I decided not to let him confuse me. I'm going to start uni in spring. I don't need him to distract me. What happened at the gym cost me my life, and being close to someone like that isn't going to be good.
I found an apartment near campus it was nice it had a nice view of the city, I didn't find a place to turn in, so I guess I'll have to drive to mystic falls for Turing.
I have this feeling that someone is watching me, I don't know if I'm being paranoid or if someone is actually watching me.
i heard rumours of vampires and witches living here. I could smell the vampire odour from a guy named marcel. I met him at a bar and he bought me a drink.
now as charming and lovable as he is I'm not going to fall for vampires.
He invited me to a masquerade Gala where we dressed up into stuff?
I dont think i will go, but maybe it would be an opportunity to make friends.
A part of me wants to be a part of the supernatural because it defines me. Putting it away in a little box under the bed won't bring me any closure.
Here I am saying I won't go but standing in front of the mirror, adding the last touches to my makeup.
I put away my mascara and run my hands to smooth my silk dress
It is a medium-length black with a slit on the side. It's not too tight.
I started heading to the location on the invitation it was close to my apartment so I didn't need a cab.
I Entered this beautiful compound it was decorated in blue, and confetti was falling. Dancers swinging.
Damn, that's too formal I should've dressed up more. I went in deeper into the compound trying to find Marcel he was standing with a Vampire when he caught me in sight he started walking toward me with a grin on his face.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you could make it!" He approached me and gave me a small hug.
"What do we have here." A deep accent said behind Marcel.
you know when people say their heart drops when something scary happens. well, that's one of them.
was he following me?
why did he come here?
is he after me?
"This is my friend Klaus." he introduced me to the man that I already know.
"I know.."
I'm sure I look like a ghost took my soul.
"Yeah, mutal friends she is friends with Rebekah."
I just stood there too stunned to speak.
"Y/N are you okay?" Marcel asked
"Yeah, I'm gonna go say hi to Rebekah."
i walk blinded by my thoughts i honestly don't know where I'm walking too.
how does he know I'm here?
why is he here?
is he gonna torment me like he did with Kathrine?
the air stuck in my throat I couldn't breathe properly my head is foggy I can't see anything I try to find the bathroom but I can't the panic keeps rising I tried to get air in my lungs but I can't it is like I'm slowly suffocating to death.
I find a small dark corner in the compound trying to calm myself down.
Inhale 1 2 3 exhale 3 2 1. i repeat those to prevent any panic attacks from rising.
I go back to the party trying to enjoy myself ignoring Klaus's existence, drinking and getting wasted. definitely not the place for it but I need this.
Rebekah Met me at the bar while I was getting my 10th drink
"You know you can't get drunk on champagne. Especially with your immune system."
"Well, your brother is coming to hunt me forever, so I might as well make the most of it."
She looks at me not saying a single word
"Oh my god, he is coming here to kill me."
"I tried to stop him but he seems to not understand the difference between love and hate."
"Come on Rebekah he isn't capable of love he is a monster." chugging on the rest of the drink.
"Okay go easy on the drinks." she takes the cup from me
she takes me far away from the party into a dark hallway. Isn't this where witches stay
"He can't hear us now," she said
"I have a plan I just need you to trust me please," she said pleading
"How can I trust you Rebekah you stood there next to him while he killed my friend and he almost did that to me too."
"I know but trust me, and Elijah has a plan."
"Oh god, another Original in the mix and you think that would make me trust you more." I scoff
"I know it's hard for you to trust anyone now but when I give my word to you that I mean you no harm." another voice chimes in, Elijah.
this was all weird I had this feeling this wasn't about me there was something they were not telling me.
"Why do you guys care about my well-being I'm just a normal mortal who you snack on on Sundays."
they both stayed silent making me more irritated.
"We think you are carrying Klaus's child," she said in utter seriousness
"Vampires can't procreate what are you on?" I laughed at her
"I heard 2 heartbeats while I was with Klaus that night at the school gym."
"You must have heard it wrong I can't be pregnant it is impossible."
"We can hear it right now," Elijah said.
"But there is no way-"
"We are here so these witches can help you find out."
As much as I was not believing any of this, the witches confirmed it was Klaus's by drawing blood from me and Elijah. It means that they are helping me just for this miracle, baby. I'm carrying
"It must've been the wolf DNA in both of them that made this happen."
"I drank a lot. Doesn't this kill babies?"
"Well, it's okay to consume some early in the first trimester." the witch says
I get up fast to home I really wanna get out of here as fast as I can
"Y/N where are you going?" Rebekah chased me
"Home Rebekah this is bullshit that isn't gonna stop him from killing me ill go pack a bag and run away I can't do this I just started my life I'm not one thousand years old like you guys!" tears started to form in my eyes
"I can't do this I cant-"
"You are not alone we are here for you we won't let anyone harm you, darling," Elijah says
"Just breath don't panic."
"Klaus is on his way we can all discuss this without killing."
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writingmochi · 6 months
an honest review of minisode 3: tomorrow purely from musical observation (not proofread)
opening remarks: i'm one day late and that is definitely still valid. given that there is currently a boycott for big 4 from april 1st to may 1st, i've downloaded the album off of spotify so thank you to the developer who created the software.
is there a reason why both the chaos and name chapters only have two releases on their belt whilst the dream chapters have 3? in a way, i think this is telling of how fast the trend is changing here in kpop and pop culture music in general. i could say that kpop groups are literally cloud chasing the newest tiktok trending music given that le sserafim's newest release is full of familiar sounds rather than establishing their sound. i sure hope this album has a clear way to tell what it wants to tell because i have a pretty big expectation when it comes to txt, especially since i came here blind and deaf cause i don't know anything about this comeback apart from the concept and promotional photos.
speaking of that, concept-wise it seems interesting. i'm currently in a more neutral side because i just realized just how biased i can become even if it doesn't meet my expectations. i like how they basically embrace their fantasy-esque story retelling on things happening to individuals in real life. based on the txt.ibighit, the concept of this release is about past promises, salvation, and hope for tomorrow, which i've felt in a few of the concept photos. i, once again, feel disappointed to know the creative difference in between the concept photos and the music video. it kinda feels like false advertising as i realize the dichotomy of it. as i enter into the sonic world of this album with restrain and neutrality, i hope that the songs can help to invest me with them too.
let's start!
1.i'll see you there tomorrow: what in the illit is this? it sounds rhythmically and melodically complex at the start, which i like. but it became this light hyperpop-esque edm sound. i think this will be a challenging first song to here, especially with kpop fans who are not familiar with "strange beats". the bridge part kind of reminds me of daft punk in a way with beomgyu's voice on the vocoder filter. soobin's timbre is the highlight of this song for me because it has been a long time since i hear low-voice soobin, so i'm glad to hear it here. i like how complex the percussion of the song is, especially in combination with the bass playing.
2.- --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- ("tomorrow" in morse code): i know it's literally only morse code and it's definitely lore-based, but why do they bring back the morse code now when the last time we hear it is in crown/dream chapter star? hmmm
3.deja vu: i've heard from people that this title track doesn't have a bridge. that is definitely a minus for me. but let me here it first before continuing to write this.
at first listen, this reminds me of a japanese release of a kpop group. i was reminded of stray kids's slump, maybe because it's the synth that they're using. i like the little sprinkle of a floaty synth behind it as it seems like there is ghost (positively?) haunting the song, that's why it sounded a bit mystical and isekai-ish. i like that little interlude as it enters verse 2. okay, i now understand why there are people who complained about the lack of a bridge cause this song has the potential to be a more tear-jerker than it is now if there is a bridge.
i will compare this song with bts' spring day (which for me gives off similar vibes, especially with their current situation mirroring bts during their time releasing ynwa). i'm always near in tears whenever i hear spring day ever since it was released and i believe it is because of taehyung's bridge and how the song pays off what it is building throughout the listening experience, especially in the music video version with the added band interlude. deja vu has the potential to be txt's take on spring day (some may say it already is), but, for me, the lack of bridge = lack of payoff = lack of grit to the song. that second interlude with the guitar and added like another set of lyrics can definitely alleviate and add that grit i'm searching for. i also think that maybe strings can also be added to aid the tear-jerking sense of the song. but it is synthy so idk how it will be connected (maybe this is an encouragement to use acoustic/natural sound more than midi). i also think the short pre-verse also contributes to the lack of grit this song potentially has because it hasn't fully develop the transition between the verse and the chorus.
other than that, this is the first hybe song where the vocal processing doesn't sink the vocals into the instrumental (until the deja vu part in the chorus). yeonjun's voice has this yearning in it that is definitely to match the vibe of the song. he is definitely the highlight for me. i'm also not surprised at the lack of beomgyu here because this song is high even for me and especially for the boys. beomgyu's songs are the brooding, darker one but this one is more melancholic to hopeful so it is expected to not hear much of him.
a missed potential to add a freaking heartbreaking bridge and a much more grand departure. if they maybe get more inspirations from aespa's welcome to my world then i can hear the track in its fullest potential.
4.miracle: different types of me hearing the world miracle: (1) life could get better~ (suju's miracle) n (2) i believe in miracle (wayv's miracle).
the start of this song reminds me of bts' love myself before changing to enhypen's tfw. okay, it sounds more like those feel-good pop rock songs kinda like enhypen's orange flower or something that i called "road trip songs". it definitely embraces more of rock txt as it delves into something i usually listen at the start of my alt/indie music listening arc. idk why but hearing the synth synchopation at the verse reminds me of the game i'm currently playing, hyper light drifter (which is one of the sound i associated with my fic, subterranean homesick alien). i like the instrumental break at the part where i can say is the bridge, but maybe like a musical breakdown/slowdown where the song slows as it starts with acapella/minimal instrument before rising to the last chorus (that's a beomgyu part and he will definitely shine in that) and i like the cymbals bash at the end as the song closes out.
5.the killa (i belong to you): okay, guitar ooh the latin sound (which i expected seeing the title). it definitely is riding high (maybe dry) of tinnitus with their latin influence. a more lo-fi reggaeton, unlike tinnitus. tbh idk what to say because this is so similar to tinnitus but a bit mellower with the sensuality. i can feel the sensuality with the harmony. with how similar this song is with tinnitus, it also shares its weakness for it to be too droning especially because of the more lo-fi approach. i also don't know what to say on making this song better because i think it is meant to be a song that drones, like those 70's 12" disco songs that can be played for 10 minutes. maybe, if they consider it, making this song more bossa nova it can give off a more unique feeling. surely a bit more sensual but it sounds more like they are serenading you or something. i can also guess from the fact that this is a yeonbin song that it might even have innuendos in the lyrics. another safe entry for me.
6.quarter life: with the title of quarter life and the fact that this a unit song, i thought that THIS song is the yeonbin song because they are in/approaching their quarter life. so i didn't expect the killa to be their songs while beomtyunkai get this song.
i can definitely hear the same influence of this with miracle. the same inspiration maybe because of its rock vibes. it's like the quintessential coming-of-age song you hear in those american coming-of-age movies (say edge of seventeen, perks of being a wallflower type of movies). i can hear the mid 2010s influence of those feel-good songs but i hate how the song abruptly stops anhajkfhaj pls beomgyu sounds so good at the ending but they just decide to finish it. this song deserves a freaking bridge and too hear tyun belt his voice at the last chorus. ughh why are you making a song that can be 3 minutes long so short? me is mad.
7.deja vu (anemoia remix): even i am intrigued with why they decided to put a remix in the main release instead of a one-off single. but after listening to the song, i definitely understand why.
this version of the song is the one that i'm willing to pay to watch live (but i can't tho cause i'm boycotting hybe) because for me, this song doesn't deserve to have a choreo and i rather watch them sing their hearts out. in a way, this version of the song is the happier ending compared to the original's more melancholic. hearing the main synth being put here in it's original form makes it weird, like, you couldn't adjust the synth with the band background? idk, like make it sound more like an organ instead of an 80's synth.
even though in the context of which one i want to watch live, it's this remix. the original deserves to be the title track because i can't imagine this version of the song having to use the choreo. in kpop sense, using this version as the title track will actually erase the other pivotal part of kpop: the performance aspect. yet, i could definitely see this song being performed in the festival circuit (hopefully they do that)
closing remarks: concept-wise and now sound-wise, the concept photos captures perfectly of what the album sounds like (but i just dislike how the music video is different than the concept photos). other than that, especially coming from freefall, this album is definitely underwhelming for me. did it meet my expectations? it exceeds it actually but i just have the feeling that it isn't optimal enough.
to have txt embracing their pop rock side with soft rock now (especially with balletcore, fantasy, n rocker fallen angels as part of the concept) definitely defines them as the rock representative that i have assigned them too (along with woodz for the more grittier alt sounds and dreamcatcher with the heavy metal rock songs) and it shows in how i think their creative director knows that txt = rock, which validates my txt as a rock band au so much but i digress. this side of rock that they're showing is definitely the rock that can be found on tiktok--those songs you hear in those feel good tiktok which is imo a very beginner-friendly side of rock because of its pop n rnb influence. i also like that they're experimenting with i'll see you tomorrow, especially in the verses but the chorus sounds too generic.
i actually really describing this release their spring incarnate song. it's just a shame that they didn't do more with it. and also 17 min ep for 7 songs? i'm actually mad cause that is a freaking scam and the fact that none, NONE, of the song has sung bridges is just *sighs*
final ranking:
7. - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- (it's literally morse code)
6.the killa (i belong to you) (too droning)
5.quarter life (that abrupt ending makes this drop against miracle even though instrumentally i like this one better)
4.miracle (it feels too safe for me)
3.i'll see you tomorrow (will like it better if they embrace the weirdness instead of making it into the pop mold)
2.deja vu (anemoia remix) (pls don't force the choreo to this one)
1.deja vu
small conclusion: how could it have been if deja vu had the spring day x welcome to my world treatment... just add the life-changing bridge, a chorus of string insturments, and voila: best txt title track. lovesong is still my fav title track but ughh what a missed opportunity. f u hybe and bighit for not taking risks
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Echoes and Experiments - Prologue
Mieko sat alone in her workshop, scribbling down plans for things and trying to organize her financial books. She had been a bit short on money for materials recently, which meant going outside of the city to gather on her own and leave the shop empty for longer. She sighed, shaking her head. “The longer I stay out, the worse my customer counts are… This is bad… I need to break this cycle.” She told herself. She heard the door open, looking up to see Lisa walking in with someone alongside her. A seemingly young man with ashy-blonde hair and turquoise eyes. But something about him told Mieko he wasn't nearly so young. “Welcome to Echoes.” She stood up to greet them. “Please, have a seat.” She motioned to the chairs around the client area near the window. “I'll fetch some tea so we may discuss your request.”
“Hehe, Mie, you're so good at that~ It's so well practiced~” Lisa cooed at her, taking a seat. “How do you know I'm not here just to see you, dearest Mie?”
“You always make me come to you.” She replied simply. “And you brought a guest.” She added. “So it must be something, no?”
“What insight~” Lisa giggled. “See, Albedo? I told you, Mie is very insightful~” she added, waiting for Mieko to bring the tea and snacks. “Ooh, what's this? Did you bake something today?” Lisa asked, eyeing the plate of sweet things.
“Yes, I was practicing for Jean's birthday.” She stated. “Even though I know Pizza is her favorite, I wanted to try making something small, just to give her a boost.” She smiled. “I hope you don't mind sweet things.” She said as she turned to Albedo.
“No, I don't mind them at all.” He replied. “Thank you for offering.” he offered his hand. “Allow me to introduce myself, Miss Mieko. My name is Albedo.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Mister Albedo. I am the owner of this shop.” She stated, taking his hand and smiling at him. Lisa eyed their interaction, smiling to herself.
“You can just call me Albedo.” he shook her hand.
“Then I will have to ask you to call me Mie or Mieko. Miss is too formal for me.”
“Very well.”
“You two get along so swimmingly~” Lisa chuckled, taking some sweets and a cup of tea. “Why don't you discuss your request with her Albedo? Mie, dear, I'm going to look at your sketchbook~”
“Again, Lisa?” She sighed. “Very well.” She said, letting Lisa get up and go to her workroom behind the screen door. “May I ask what you have come to have me fix for you, Albedo?” She smiled. “You're certainly not the type to need assistance on a regular basis. As Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious, I'm sure you could make many things that would well outclass my meager skills.”
“Thank you for the compliment, Mieko. However this is something I do not wish to ruin with my lack of skills in this department.” he smiled at her. He brought out a small paper-wrapped package, placing it down in front of her. “Lisa brought me here because she said you were well versed in repairs of clothing. This was something I received from my teacher. However I had to stop using it, as it is quite far gone.” he stated. “I was hoping that you could save it.”
“Ah, I see. A memento to be cherished.” she nodded. She opened the package carefully, her eyes narrowing and a pout coming to her face. “Look at this, it's a mess. How did you let it get this bad?” she asked. Albedo was a bit surprised by her reaction, but he smiled. “I'll have to back it before I repair it and then seal the edges and back it again, are you sure I can't just make you a new one?”
“I would prefer to keep the original, if at all possible.” Albedo said simply, not flinching at the first question or her scolding tone. Lisa was impressed, not expecting Mieko to ever snap at a client like that. But Albedo seemed quite amused. Lisa chuckled and came out of the other room.
“Mie, dear, I remembered that I had something to do~ I'll take my leave. Thank you for the tea and sweets.”
“Very well. Go and do your work for once, Lisa.” She replied, heading straight past the woman to her thread rack to search for an appropriate color to match the project. Lisa chuckled and pat Albedo's shoulder on her way out.
“Have fun you two~” She called before closing the door. Albedo wondered what that was for, dusting his shoulder off before watching Mieko mumbling to herself.
Albedo got up from where he had begun sketching Mieko, smiling a bit to himself. “Am I amusing?” She asked, glancing up at him from her work, then looking back down at it.
“I won't say I'm not amused by you.” he chuckled. “But. I also don't want to sound rude. After all, you're fixing something precious to me. So I should thank you for that. How much will the repair cost?”
“... I'll let you know when I'm done.” she replied. Albedo nodded, it was a fair response. After all, she was working quite hard on this. It had already been a few hours. Her stomach grumbled a little, but she just kept working. Albedo was intrigued, had she just not noticed? But by the 3rd one, he could tell she was ignoring it. She suddenly put the work down and went to the kitchen to retrieve a cup of juice and a thick slice of bread with cheese on it. She ate it quickly, downed the juice, and washed her hands before returning.
“You don't have to rush.” he told her as she returned.
“I don't, but since you've decided to stay, I want to get it done quickly. It shows how much it means to you.” she replied to him, sitting back down to work again.
“If you'd like, I can bring you back some actual food… I don't think bread and cheese is enough.” he said, leaning his head on his hand, elbow on the arm of her couch.
“None for me, thanks. But you're welcome to get something to eat for yourself.” she replied. “It should take me another hour or two at the most.” she added, hands still working on the repair. Albedo didn't move from his seat, watching her still. The room was cozy, and the soft noises of her handling the material and repairing the piece he'd given her were strangely soothing. Or maybe it was Mieko herself? She didn't say anything much unless prompted, or whispered to herself about the repair. Albedo appreciated the quiet, and he found her muttering and musing quite amusing. He looked up when he heard her scissors on the table, having been a bit lost in thought. Mieko walked over and placed the piece in his hand, Albedo's eyes wide. It was almost as good as new, and had been reinforced so it felt much sturdier now.
“Amazing.” he said softly, inspecting the work while Mieko say down to drink some tea. Albedo inspected the work for a bit longer before falling quiet. When Mieko looked up from her tea, he had fallen asleep. She just smiled, getting up and draping a light blanket over him as he clutched the little writing implement holding pouch in his hand and mumbled to himself in his sleep.
“Goodnight, Albedo.” She said softly before going to make more tea. She didn't feel tired at all. No, she actually felt giddy. She had to stop herself, taking a deep breath. “No, Mie. Don't risk it. Happiness is dangerous.” She whispered to herself. She went about making herself something small to eat before returning to her work table, careful to not wake Albedo. When the Sun came up, she heard him stir and went to get a start on breakfast without a word. When she was done, he was just sitting up. “Good morning.”
“Mieko… Forgive me, I fell asleep.”
“Nothing to forgive.” She smiled as she placed a small tray in front of him. “I hope you like Inazuman food.” she smiled. A little bowl of rice, some fish cooked in an Inazuman Miso sauce, and a a few other small side dishes accompanied the main dish. “I can always make something else if you prefer.” she added.
“Oh. Thank you… I don't mind Inazuman at all.” he looked up at her, noting that she had just a cup of tea and a rice bowl, her fish mixed into the rice. “Oh? Is that how you prefer to eat?”
“Ah, I just do this automatically…” She smiled a bit. “It's a habit from childhood.”
“Oh… I see.” Albedo took some of the fish and mixed it into his rice, Mieko was surprised by the action. He took a bite and smiled. “Mm. That's quite good. And it's more efficient.”
“Yes it is.” Mieko smiled more. “My grandmother used to make onigiri this way, when I was young.”
“Oh, I see. That would be a heartier meal than just the rice alone.” Albedo nodded. They chatted a bit over their food, Albedo helping with the dishes before he headed to the door, Mieko walking with him. “Thank you again for the meal. And for the repair. Are you certain I don't need to pay you?”
“Yes, I'm certain. It's been a while since someone has been so enjoyable to have for company.” She nodded. “I will take your friendship as payment.”
“Very well.” Albedo smiled. Once he'd left the area, though, he chuckled. “She's so interesting… I wonder how I was able to fall asleep with her in the room?”
That afternoon, Mieko got dressed in some slightly nicer clothes than what she usually wore around the workshop, and headed to meet Lisa and Jean for tea. Their conversation was mostly centered around Jean at first, since she was the Acting Grand Master. “You have more responsibility than I do to stay healthy, Jean.” Mieko told her. “If my shop doesn't do well, I have other methods of making ends meet.”
“Speaking of.” Lisa piped in with a smile. “I saw Albedo leaving your place this morning~ So he spent the night with you?” She teased.
“Oh, did Albedo have a project for you, Mie?” Jean asked. Mieko explained, Lisa giggling a bit. “How unusual… It must have been important for him to have stayed over.”
“I think it was something other than the project.” Lisa smiled. “They must have done something, for him to have stayed the night.” Mieko just sipped her tea and looked at her with a side eye.
“Lisa, you're always jumping to conclusions about things like this.” she sighed. “I let him stay the night because I was working on his piece until early this morning.” she stated. “I told him to rest, and he eventually ended up falling asleep while inspecting my work.”
“Oh, is that all??? Goodness, Albedo fell asleep inspecting your work?” Lisa teased. “He must have found it fascinating.” she added, grinning as Mieko shook her head. “Do you like him, Mie, dear?”
“He is a kind soul, and he allowed me to speak casually to him despite his status as Chief Alchemist, Lisa. What is there not to like?”
“Aww, is that all?” Lisa smiled. “Very well.” She said, turning the attention back on Jean, the blonde woman's cheeks reddening. Mieko headed back to her workshop after they were done, sighing.
“Damn it Lisa… Now what will I do?” She asked herself. “He's too perfect for you anyway, Mieko…” She added, unlocking her door and walking inside. As she prepared herself some dinner, she felt the ever present loneliness creeping up on her. Only then did she realize that with Albedo around, it had lessened to such a degree. She let out a sigh, shaking her head. “Don't feel, Mieko. Don't let it happen. He's just a good soul. A kindred spirit. That's all he can ever be, is a friend.” She insisted to herself over and over again. She went about her evening before preparing herself for bed. But again, she didn't feel tired. She simply returned to the workshop downstairs, working on things until her energy began to fade.
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This might be a big task, so just ignore it if it's to mental or time consuming. I love the list of verses it's super nice to have, but I wanted to ask if you or your partner have thought of adding links to the posts within the vers. I don't know how you organis all the prompts that you have answered, so I don't even know if it would be helpful for you.
i am very disorganized. the only reason i'm as organized as i am, as back when we were still long distance, @saeths threw a fit (i say fit but they just got really judgy and their voice went all soft and exasperated and all 'babe you cannot keep writing like this. you can never find anything and then you get sad'. because i had a bad habit of using desktop notes, minimizing them and then never being able to remember which of the hundred+ minimized notes was which.
i'm still missing half of those fics/ideas/metas because that laptop broke before i finished transferring/organizing things years ago
the plan is to move everything over to ao3 when i have the time and energy and saeth is up to helping me. except right now, all my energy is going into writing (its all i want to do lol) and so my poor ao3 is being neglected and i'll have to set aside a day or two of no writing to organize and transfer over.
also some verses have half a dozen links or more and i honestly don't have the time to keep it updated
i'm trying to figure out names for the verses as i write them now, so they're easier to find and tagging them with the name
i hope this explains some stuff and makes sense?
oh right. i forgot to actually explain.
i use scrivener and word doc depending on if i have my laptop or phone. so the fics are scattered between apps and also half of them just have working titles so i have to go through and figure out which one is which.
'magnus does a thing' makes sense to me when i'm writing, but not when i'm looking back going 'magnus does which thing?' also 'alec is smitten' is not as helpful a working title as i thought while writing when he's always smitten.
i open new scrivener projects each wednesday and each project has at least 20+ projects each week. 60+ on a few.
which means i have a couple hundred prompt fills to sort through whenever i want to find things
(this still drives saeth up the wall but its better than before so they take it)
Tumblr media
From a few weeks ago. My working titles make almost no sense based on each verse but remind me of the prompts lol
So yeah that’s why
<3 lumine
Cold Alec is hoarfrost kiss on lips aflame. I hadn’t named it yet. I think I also called him ‘icy Alec’ at one point too
Also alec always has hoti training it was just very specifically about it based on the prompt lol
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dojae-huh · 9 months
Hii….I am abee….I asked qstions before too…but decided to be known from now on…
https://youtu.be/Pen8IeNnxAE?si=OVh-ob9v4avNkwB2 So todays home not alone episode was filled with membrs praising doyoung which is what I live for….but my ask is abt some dfrnt moment… 1)35:09- 35:14 When membrs started to tell what ad would look good on jae,
dy: styler would look good on him Jae:( pleased) Johnny: STYLERRR??😏 tae: i am excited ( I am expecting the same nd looks at dy) Nd cut… What I want to say is…the way johnny reacted nd tae was expecting the same from his favourite…haha…they were so cute….poor dy he cant even support his bae without being attacked atleast with a smirk… Nd dy is not that innocent just wants to show off jae is his bf nd always support him with high quality things….nd poor tae always gets nothing at all from his fav…. 2) 32:8- 32:19--Another thing I noted was this moment…even though he didnt put JW in childrens line, but he does take care of him, nd worrys abt him…even johnny said it like " u r treating him like baby" ….nd JW is like why u act like that….I think dy is honestly kind ..he may hide nd lie for the sake of his job, but as a normal person he just cant stop be kind to others..nd I got it now why he said he prefer to be hated by someone rather than hating someone….haha…really cool… 3) 4:32 to 5:00 this moment when dy come inside of the house nd saw (hc,he,jh,jn) making coffe nd not helping with chores…ofcrs they lose , but there were lot of things to do , only hc come nd helped saying should I make it hyung,,…still dy nagged a little bit , to hc like it was not time to make coffees…haha…but I stand with him…there wre a lot to do if all members wants to eat..but they didnt even flinch from the seat..including jae who would jump if he hear the breathing sound of dy…so I kinda bit disappointed in that..I mean he said 3 times like nothing is started, ther is lot of things to do…but I think them all just woke up from sleeping ,so just let them pass..most of ppl gets grumpy when wakes up..nd dy is just a warry wart sometimes…but hc acted differently even tho he is the maknae…I wanted to point out that… 4) Here, I knw there would be 2dong content coming but they r hinting about it everywhere..like hc nd dy have the most reaction when eating..nd members approving them… 5) Lastly in the whole content ty called dy's name like 100 times…when u watch u will knw…haha… Ps: Your works r amazing…a truly talented observer…hasoff...nd all the best for the future...
Home not alone ep3
Hm, I found this "Styler" Korean magazine. It's about stylish things, home decor, clothes. It has a little bit of vintage and artsy style? Not luxury brands. Think Poetic beauty rather than Prada.
There is also a cooling (?) humidifying (?) wardrobe by this name 스타일러, but I doubt Do meant this specific product. A big jump from perfume.
Do was right to worry as Jungwoo demonstrated during DJJ he doesn't know his way around even a normal kitchen. Do has a habit of being cautious and fussy.
The winning team was given a task by the producers, Johnny and Jaehyun seemed to get too interested with that (JN is famous for liking coffee, Jae wanted to get the final result). Jungwoo doesn't cook. I was surprised Yuta was so helpful, usually he is the one to slack the most. He was in good spirits, had fun.
I don't think Jaehyun cooks much. He is named the best cook, but I suspect he just knows how to make a few dishes following a recipe.
I'll add what piqued my interest.
18:07 - Despite everyone talking one by one, Do heard Jae's quiet "hyung, it's really tasty" and replied. Later on he followed the convo while grilling, he really is "all ears" constantly, doesn't go inside his head.
22:11 - Doyoung asked Haechan to make him a wrap (meat+kimchi, they didn't have greens), Hyuk said "I can't", but started on it right away. Yuta thought Hyuk really refused and prepared to do it himself. A small thing, but shows Yuta is not too well versed in 2Dongs (because he doesn't live with them to know such minute details).
22:30 - Yuta brought Do meat, but Do said Yuta should just eat calmly, Do will just make Hyuk make him wraps. I don't know if age order plays here any role, probably for Do it's just easier to burden Hyuk as a more close person (and he sat nearby). Kind of like guest/family member at the dinner table distinction? Both of the guys ate, so both should have been equally hungry/non-hungry.
28:23 - Did Jaehyun want to defend Do? As in, he is not the only person who reacts during movies? His words seem to be cut off. He didn't continue his thought about Woo.
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hourcat · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about girldad!charles
like he and pierre would be running late to an event and pierre would be like "ok now I've just got to change my pants, I'll be right back" and he'll come back 10 mins later to find out his babygirl (charles) and his baby girl both snoring slightly with her on his chest with a storybook open because "pierre, i HAVE to read her atleast one story daily, it's important for young children to facilitate their prefr- preden- brain development! it takes a few minutes, we will be fine, I'll do it while you go change"
let's just say her name is julia
charles and julia being as messy as each other despite one of them being a toddler and pierre just fondly rolling his eyes and drizzling charles' pancakes with chocolate syrup enough to give andrea an aneurysm but not before wiping some of it on charles' cheek
charles and baby julia ganging up on him to let them buy a puppy (which pierre doesn't oppose anyways)
pierre is the more "fun" dad so he'll plan them trips to various family establishments for a day out but then 3 hours before they're supposed to leave charles will be like "i know we had plans but.......what if we spend it at home? *puppy dog eyes along with a few suggestive nudges* and then they'll all spend the day building a large pillow castle and a movie night where either of them occasionally tickle baby julia
pierre and charles having the WORST day ever when all of her uncles come to visit them and they'll playfully be blaming/poking fun at each other's siblings "oh please he is totally like you, remember when-""don't even start" because all of them totally spoil julia, even more so than they do themselves which is already a lot
charles does pierre some huge favor (like help him avoid potential embarrassment or something) and is like "oh it's fine, what are husbands for, non?" AND then holding it over pierre's head when time comes for them to take the baby to paddock, which is a cause of great confusion to the other drivers because how is pierre letting baby julia wear head to toe ferrari clothes, not even protesting on behalf of alpine? and pierre just grumbles about it but deep down he's ridiculously pleased, both at baby julia looking so cute and charles' mischievous self winning out because that is so something pierre would have done
charles and baby julia having midnight ice cream sessions, with a promise not to tell pierre because a) this would be terrible for charles' more serious dad reputation b) baby julia just likes the fun of hiding around
charles being like "we should teach her football, we are the new generation we are not going to let her grow on stereotypes that she should like dancing or only dressing up" with a serious but cute frown on his face and pierre nodding while being a little zoned out because now he can't get the thought of ballerina julia out of his mind (then charles actually plays footfall with julia until she fesses up after charles falls for the umpteenth time that no, dad, we don't have to do this I don't like it anyways)
oh my goodness anon this is so so so cute 🥹🥹🥹 adding to my girldads tag as we speak
I LOVE ALL OF THIS (perhaps i will even fold baby julia into my girldads piarles headcanon since we need a lil girl name to go w/her twin brother hervé) truly i have nothing to add for the most part u have so eloquently painted the sweetest verse 🫶
although i have to protest one thing. pierre is absolutely the one who gets the kids into sports. absolutely. charles can't be bothered and pierre is unhinged which means the first child (in my verse, odette, but here i imagine that's julia) just gets the brunt of his unhinged behavior. the first child is the practice kid after all!!!!!! so the next ones get herded away from pierre n their oldest so as not to corrupt them. ("papa is having his special time" - charles, every time a match is on)
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
Whumptober Day Twenty-Seven: "Scars."
The prompt here is more implied than actually stated.
Trigger warnings: pregnancy and adoption (don't know if that's a trigger, but I'll tag it just in case).
Takes place in the FNAF movie universe, but it's vague enough that you can imagine that it takes place in the game universe instead.
Also, no spoilers in this.
I eventually want to make a longer story based on this, or at the very least, a version of this.
William’s son was born on a chilly autumn day in the middle of November. He’s nineteen inches long and six pounds, 4 ounces. Tiny and breakable are the two words he thinks, holding his son for the first time. 
His head is covered in a thin layer of dark fuzz, and his eyes squint open to stare up at William. And he knows it’s foolish, but some part of William hopes his son recognizes him as his father. That some part of this child is connected, however unwillingly, to his flesh and blood. It makes what’s coming next a little more bearable. 
His girlfriend cries silently, waving away the nurses who try to get her to hold their son. He feels like a monster. All this waiting for their son to be born, and they finally settled on adoption. It’s going to be hard, but it’s the right choice. It has to be.
Michael-that’s the name they decided on, and requested the family not change it. Not that they can do anything about it either way-will have a much better life. One that doesn’t involve overworked parents that can’t spare a second of attention. 
Adoption wasn’t their first choice. Or their second, third, fourth, or even tenth. 
It caused a lot of sleepless nights, tossing and turning, weighing out the pros and cons to their decision. But ultimately adoption won out. 
His girlfriend and him just graduated highschool less than a year ago. They have no support-financial or otherwise-from their families. Not to mention how tight money is at the moment with William going to the local community college for business (a small sacrifice to make their lives better was how he phrased it to his girlfriend). And adding a baby on time of all that would break them.
People do it all the time, but neither of them have the strength, the patience, or the willpower. 
But that doesn’t mean that they love their son any less. He’s small and fragile and perfect and theirs. 
The time to hand him over comes too soon. A nurse patiently waits for William to hand him over. She looks almost sad, but maybe that’s his mind playing tricks on him. Empathy and sympathy are not emotions he’s well-versed in. 
He looks down, one last time, at his child. His firstborn. His son. Michael. 
William leans down until his face is near Michael’s. He speaks softly. The words are for his son’s ears only. A secret that will forever be kept between. “I’m sorry, little one.” 
William Afton has never apologized a day in his life and will never apologize again. 
The nurse takes his son into her arms, muttering something about the charge nurse being around shortly. He doesn’t know, the world feels unsteady. 
William collapses in a chair next to his girlfriend’s bed. She’s fully sobbing now, unable to hold it in any longer. 
Have a good life, Michael.
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