#i'd never kick a blorbo!
Nepeta: :33< Mew KICK blorbo? You kick blorbo like the plinko? Oh! Oh! 33by d33by for glup shitto! 33by d33by for glup shitto for one thousand years!
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.1
Summary: The Hanahaki disease, when flowers start to grow in the lungs of people experiencing unrequited or one-sided love. You never thought Xavier would be the reason you'd start to cough petals.
Warnings: angst, mention of blood
A/N: okay this is the first time ever writing on the show Wednesday and on Xavier so this is definitely not proof-read but I'm weak for the sad artistic blorbo blblbl
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Through blurry eyes you could barely recognize where you were. Sure, the stone arches looked vaguely familiar and maybe the floor you were laying on was too. But right now, everything felt so far away, not the rough surface of the stone floor under your palms, the smell of burning fire in through your nostrils nor the panicked screams seemed able to reach you. The only thing you could feel was the plaguing weight inside of your chest, crushing your lungs under its unforgiving pressure. 
You coughed, mouth filled with blood and stained petals. At every cough it felt like your throat and chest were lit on fire and tears escaped the corner of your eyes. This pain should be familiar by now, it has grown stronger for weeks. Still, it hurt like a bitch and now the pain had numbed everything else. 
In the distance, green lightning and clashes of steel were the last of your worries. Even if you tried, you couldn’t care less about all of this because your whole body just hurt so much. Someone shouted, closer this time. God, when would this excruciating feeling of your heart and lungs being squeezed to death ever stop? Something dropped beside you. Or was it someone? You tried to say something, at least to say you were still alive. Nothing but gurgled sounds came out of you; words were stuck with the blood and flowers that had been growing inside of your chest and crawling out of your throat for the past weeks. 
Someone ripped your jacket open and pressed something on your plexus. Once, twice, a third time and on, repeatedly. Trying to force some of those flowers out to get you some air. They called you. Another hand cradled your cheek and a face came into your blurred vision. Even on the verge of death you could recognize those hazel hair and brown eyes anywhere. The pathetic attempt at calling out Xavier’s name only came out as a weak wheeze, as more blood dripped from your mouth. 
As the crushing feeling in your chest grew even heavier, at a point where your own body couldn’t take it anymore, you felt yourself slip away. When your vision went black, you wondered how things could have turned differently.
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It happened for the first time during fencing class. 
All the students had stopped their practice to stare at the intense sparring between Bianca and the new student cladded in black. Mask tucked under your arm, you didn’t miss a second of their pride-filled match. 
“Never thought I'd see Bianca having her ass kicked in fencing” you whispered. 
Next to you, Xavier let out a chuckle. 
“You did beat her several times last year if I reckon” 
That made you snort, “Yeah, like I said, I never saw someone do it, I was too busy actually succeeding at it.”
To be honest, it was a tight match between you and Bianca on who was the best in the fencing team. But you had backed down when she and Xavier had started dating ; you didn’t want his new girlfriend to hate your guts more than she already could. Being Xavier’s childhood friend had made things awkward in the beginning of their relationship. You couldn’t say she was really fond of you now, but at least you were civil to each other. 
Bianca’s opponent executed a pirouette to dodge the siren’s attack and you let out a low whistle. 
“Woah, guess Wednesday does know her shit,” you said in admiration. 
Xavier’s head snapped to you, eyes wide. “You know her?”
“New roommate apparently,” you casually answered. At his lack of response you glanced at him, only to catch him mesmerized by the fencing match. Or rather, by your new gothic roomie. That made you frown slightly. Not even when he was with Bianca did you ever see Xavier with such a look of adoration. “Why?”  
He didn’t answer immediately, too focused on the match. Like he hadn’t heard you. You nudged his arm slightly, making him realize that you had asked him something. 
“I think I know her from before,” he muttered. 
He had answered you. But he had not granted you a single glance. You had known him for so very long, you shouldn’t have been bothered by that. After all, he was free to do whatever he wanted. But his strange fascination for this new student felt strange to you for some reason. Something in your chest didn’t feel right, like a starting cough. Feeling your throat starting to tingle, you sneezed once, twice, covering your nose for decency. Something soft landed on your hand as you sneezed but before you had time to see what it was a collective gasp made your head snap up. Wednesday kneeled on the floor, a clean cut painting her pale cheek in red. That made you gasp, too. She just lost. 
Before Bianca could loathe anymore, the brunette gathered herself and hurriedly left the room, stiff as ever. You stepped aside like the other students to let her through. She was probably going to the infirmary to get her cheek checked. 
“Well, that was weird,” you said with a dry chuckle. Then you turned toward your friend, “Are you down for another match, Xav?” 
He didn’t answer you again. His eyes were still glued to where Wednesday had disappeared a few moments ago. It wasn’t intentional probably, but the negligence of your childhood friend made your chest ache. 
“Xavier?” you called him.
“I- uh sorry Y/N, I gotta go”, he mumbled pensively before excusing himself out of the room. 
Dumbfounded by his sudden departure, you looked at Ajax. 
“What’s gotten him?” you asked him. 
The gorgon only shrugged, “Dunno. It’s not the first time he had acted strange, eh?”
You nodded, he had made a point. You had known Xavier for a long time and knew him pretty well, but this time you couldn’t understand his behavior. 
“Wanna do another match?” 
“Thanks Ajax,” you said with a small smile, “but I think I’m gonna hit the sho-”
A fit of cough interrupted you, your chest burning with an itching sensation. It felt like something was stuck in your throat, and the coughs intensified until it disappeared only a few moments later. When the itching stopped, you looked at the gorgon apologetically. 
“I think this is the sign for me to call it a day,” you joked. “Too bad, you could have actually beat me in this state.”
He snorted and nudged you playfully to the exit of the room, telling you he would have totally beat you anyway. As soon as you came out of the room, you opened your clenched hand. At the sight of five white flower petals, you frowned. 
“What the fuck,” you muttered to yourself. 
Your day had just become a lot weirder than you thought. 
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Fortunately, by the time you had stepped out of the shower the sneezes and other weird petals-coughing had stopped. So you had brushed away the thought, thinking it might be related to your late gardening the previous night. You had spent half of the night tending to your collection of plants and had almost fallen asleep on the workbench. 
Returning to your room, you were met by the sight of your roommates, Enid and Wednesday in what appeared to be a glaring contest in the middle of the room. 
“Already at each other’s throats?” you asked, making Enid humph and plopping on her bed with a pout. 
The brunette eyed you meticulously, like she was analyzing every detail about you. 
“It’s nice to meet you officially Wednesday,” you said with a small nod of your head. For what you had heard from Enid, she wasn’t the type to enjoy any unnecessary physical contact. 
“You must be Y/N” she observed sharply, “Principal Weems had mentioned that I was to be plagued with two roommates.”
You nodded, not taking the icy comment personally. “I am. Though I’m very mindful of everyone’s personal space considering that I also cherish mine.”
“Perfect” said Wednesday sharply. “I also understood you were quite a fitting fencing partner.”
“You did?” you asked with an arched eyebrow. 
“Xavier mentioned it,” she said.
“You talked with Xavier?” you asked with a surprised frown.
The way her eyes narrowed at every one of your reactions wasn’t missed. 
“He talked at the infirmary. Just helped me to get out of a murder attempt.”
“A what now?” you asked with a dry chuckle. 
“A WHAT??” Enid screamed.
Wednesday rolled her eyes at your blond roommate’s reaction. With a flick of your wrist and a simple mumbled incantation, the torrent of question the werewolf had started to ramble turned into silence. Enid gave you an outraged face at your actions, throwing silent threats at you before returning to her bed and pout. The ever so slight twitch of Wednesday’s eyebrow showed that you might actually have impressed her. 
“Witch” you said simply, pointing at yourself. “Silencing spells comes out handy here.”
“Quite impressive,” said Wednesday in her usual flat tone. “Thorpe had failed to mention your actual useful assets.”
The thought that he hadn’t talked about your powers wasn’t odd. The both of you had basically grown up together when your aunt had started to drop you frequently at his dad’s house when you were kids. Your aunt was quite popular in the witch community and was good friends with Xavier’s equally famous father. When you ended up in her care after your mom’s passing, you gained a new friend in Xavier. By now he was used to your powers; it felt normal to him. 
“Well if you ever need a fencing partner, you know where to find me” 
She tsked, sharply returning to her chair to sit in front of her typewriter, “Although I’m not sure to step in the fencing room ever again, it is a reassuring thought to have someone able to actually stab efficiently in the same room as I.”
You chuckled at her words, “My pleasure.”
Seeing that she wasn’t listening anymore to dedicate her time to writing, you plopped down on your bed, opening one of your history books to go through the last lesson. Everyone at Nevermore knew you were kind of a hardcore student, often spending free time practicing your abilities or studying. Even if your aunt hadn’t been the most present parent, she had always made sure you had the best tutors to teach you witchcraft. In the early years you had been under her care, you had been quick to understand that excellent grades and results were what made you worthy in her eyes; not that you thought less of her – witches were prideful beings and big on family glory. Now you weren’t trying to get her attention through scholarship anymore, but good habits of studying stayed. 
So it wasn’t unusual for you to get a text from Xavier asking if you could help him with some assignment, like he just did. 
Glancing from your book, you noticed that Wednesday was still on her writing hour, while Enid had left the room. You got up, grabbed your bag to throw a few personal effects and slipped out of your room. Girls and boys weren’t supposed to sneak into each other’s dormitories, but you knew how to go past the surveillance easily. Knocking on Xavier’s door, you waited for someone to answer. When he opened the door, Xavier had his usual lopsided grin. 
“Hi there,” you smiled back, before entering the room, noticing the absence of his roommate, “Rowan’s not here?”
Immediately, Xavier’s eyes became colder and he seemed to tense. 
“Nah. Don’t think he’ll be coming back tonight to be honest.”
You arched an eyebrow, while sitting cross-legged on Xavier’s bed, “Why?”
He licked his lips nervously, like he pondered whether or not he should tell you this. But after all, you were his oldest friend, and he trusted you with his life. 
“He tried to kill Wednesday earlier.”
That made your eyes widen; not really the attempted murder part, more the fact than Rowan did it. 
“Rowan?” you repeated. “As in, Rowan your roommate?”
He frowned, “You don’t seem very surprised that someone tried to kill Wednesday.”
You felt your chest tighten once again at his concerned tone. Like you wanted to start to cough again. 
“She told me,” you explained, “though she doesn’t know who had tried to kill her.”
“Fuck,” he swore, passing a nervous hand through his hair, “I don’t know why he had done this.” 
The way he looked so distressed made bile rise in your throat. You stopped the cough before it ever came out of your mouth. 
“Look, we can’t know until Rowan’s back, okay?” you said calmly, trying to ease the tension, “Wednesday’s okay, I’m even pretty sure she’s honored that someone came this close to kill her on her first week here.”
That elicited a laugh from Xavier, and at this sound you felt lighter. 
“Yeah, that’s probably right,” he chuckled before sitting down on the bed next to you. “I guess we’ll see where all of this goes, uh? Maybe it was all a misunderstanding.”
You hummed in agreement, “Besides, Wednesday knows how to defend herself, and I’m not going to let my roommate alone in the face of danger, no matter how much she pulls the cool detached girl behavior.” 
He smiled at that. Despite the weird character of Wednesday, you didn’t wish her any harm. Should she be in danger, sure you’d help her. 
Grabbing one book from your back, you gently swat it on Xavier’s shoulder. 
“Don’t try to change the subject though mister,” you playfully reminded him, “I do believe you texted me to save your sorry artistic ass once again.” 
He dodged your next attack, laughing as you tried to hit him again with your notebook. 
“Yes ma’am” he smirked, grabbing his own notes. 
The two of you started to work, leaving the subject of your new roommate behind. An hour into this comfortable studying session, where you helped Xavier for a botany assignment and he showed you some of his recent sketches, it felt like it had always been. You were comfortable around each other, everything seemed to come out effortlessly. That’s why you loved to spend time with Xavier so much. 
You stretched your arms above your head, releasing all the tension that had built up due to your slouched position while studying. 
“I’ll never understand how you always ace the arithmetic classes, Xav” you said with an amused smile. 
“That might be my hard work,” he mused with a grin, letting himself fall on his back onto the mattress. 
You snorted and threw a ball of paper on him, “You’re like the laziest student ever, Thorpe.”
He caught it effortlessly, “Must be my natural talent then,” he said before throwing it back at you, hitting you on the head.
“Oh you’re gonna pay for that,” you grinned, jumping on his side. 
He jumped at your sudden move but before he could protest you were already tickling him mercilessly. “Hey! This isn’t fair!” he wheezed in between laughs.  
He tried to counter your attacks, jabbing your sides and the two of you ended up rolling on his bed, giggling like children tickling each other restlessly. At some point Xavier managed to flip you over and you squealed at the sudden turn of events. You started preparing for a witty come back but the words were caught in your throat at the sight of Xavier’s face merely inches from yours. Hovering above you, he got you pinned on his bed; your breaths, ragged and mixing together softly caressing each other’s cheeks. For the briefest moment, it seemed like you saw his eyes for the first time. Brown, warm and bottomless; they looked like home to you. They had golden highlights too, how come you had never noticed? 
While you were gazing at Xavier’s face, you hadn’t noticed him kissing every inch of your face with the very same eyes you were lost in. Before you could stop yourself your gaze flickered to his lips briefly then to his eyes again, only to find his gaze already on yours. 
“Hi,” he whispered. 
“Hey,” you breathed back. 
“Willing to recognize my undeniable charm now?” he asked huskily with his usual grin.
You huffed softly at that, “I thought you talked about natural talent.”
“Well there’s that too, thanks for reminding me Y/N” he casually grinned. His expression then softened, “I’m trying to reach your level, sweetheart.”
Your already short breath got caught in your throat. It wasn’t the first time you heard him using affectionate pet names, but you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks shade in soft pink. This time felt…different. Maybe because you were laying on Xavier’s bed, with half of his body pressed against yours, complimenting you.
Somehow, the weight on your chest felt like it had almost disappeared. 
Your eyes wandered once again on his full pink lips without really realizing it. 
“Xav?” you whispered, not wanting to speak louder, like you were afraid it would ruin the moment. 
Suddenly, you felt shy. You had never felt embarrassed about talking about anything with Xavier. So why did it feel so strange now? Licking your lips nervously you averted your eyes, unsure of what to do.
 “Do you think…do you think about us, sometimes?”
At his lack of response you sighed quietly and kept your gaze down. God you felt embarrassed now. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, “this was a stupid question I shouldn’t have asked that.”
Noticing your discomfort, Xavier brought his hand to your face slowly. 
“Hey,” he said, carefully brushing a strand of hair off your face, “hey it’s okay. No hiding between us, remember?” 
You could only shrug slightly, unsure of what to say. 
To be honest, you weren’t sure why you were asking this now. Of course, you had wondered if you and Xavier would someday be more than friends. It even seems that the thought had never really left, it was simply buried more or less deep in your mind. And somehow, it was resurfacing now. 
“I have thought about it,” he confessed, “a lot, actually.” That made your heart flutter. Until he add, “But this…I can’t–” 
A strong sound of chords, although muffled by the walls, made him stop. Without really realizing it, your head turned toward the window too. It sounded like someone was playing on a balcony? 
This unexpected interruption seemed to break the strange yet intimate charm the two of you were caught in, and Xavier slowly pushed himself away from you, clearing his throat awkwardly. Yours on the other hand, felt tighter than ever. Still you got up from the bed, and just like Xavier, approached the window, curious about this melody resonating throughout Nevermore’s walls. 
“It sounds like a cello,” mumbled Xavier, looking through the window to try to catch a glimpse of the mysterious player. 
“Nobody has a cello in the school,” you started to think out loud as an image of your new roommate’s belongings flashed into your mind, “except…”
Your eyes flickered immediately to your room’s balcony, on the other side of the quad. Sitting under the night sky and deep in concentration, Wednesday Addams was playing cello like it was the last time she’d ever play. Passionate, dark, precise. An impressive presence that weightened down every other. 
You didn’t know how long you had stayed in front of the window, mesmerized by the intensity of the music recital. When you got out of your reverie, your head snapped in Xavier’s direction. Really, you didn’t really know what to expect, it had been more a reflex than anything else. But finding him hovering over a sheet of paper, erratically sketching like a madman, wasn’t what you expected at all. 
Sensing your burning gaze on his back Xavier lifted his head; at the betrayed look on your face, his eyes turned into pleading ones. 
“I– I’m sorry I just–” 
“No it’s me,” you cut him sharply in a small voice. Crossing the room to gather your belongings you hurriedly threw all of your stuff in your bag. Not daring looking up at Xavier; or else you weren’t sure you would be able to restrain your tears. “I overstepped, I should be going.” 
“Y/N I–” Xavier pleaded. 
“G’night Xavier,” you mumbled, storming out of the room and shutting the door behind you. 
Eyes glued on the floor for the entire walk, you crossed the empty hallways in a hurry. At a turn, the gruesome feeling in your chest returned. Like a hot iron gripping on your lungs, a sharp pain started to overtake you. The harsh, tingling sensation clawed at your throat, acid plaguing your chest and lungs. As the first cough escaped your mouth, you leaned on the wall for support, hand covering your mouth. The horrid sensation of the never ending dry cough, shaking your whole body like a trembling leaf was crippling you. You weren’t even able to take another step, as the sensation of something crawling out of your chest through your throat was intensifying every passing second. 
The coughs hardened, until at last your stomach managed to regurgitate something. Bending over as you felt you were beginning to throw up, your hand came in front of you out of reflex to grab whatever you were spitting. With an awful gurgling sound, you finally spat out something soft, covered with a sticky substance. More smaller bits escaped your mouth for a whole solid minute, your mouth still feeling soggy but the coughs gradually easing down anyway. 
Bringing your trembling hands up, you opened them tentatively to see what had been stuck in your throat for so long. On your palm lay a white flower and scattered petals, covered with saliva and blood. Wiping the wet string dripping from your mouth with quivering fingers, you held them up in the moonlight. They were red and wet, covered in blood too. 
Crumbling against the wall, you let yourself fall on the ground. For long minutes, you stared at the bloody flowers in your hand. Then, you bursted into tears. 
“What the fuck,” you sobbed in disbelief. 
You had no idea of what was going on; but this was far more concerning than you had originally thought. 
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A/N: Next part is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed this fkjsrbkjbfr
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
You should yell about the blorbo. I'd love to hear about some warriors HC's you have.
I also have a HC and I'd love to hear what you think about it.
I've always HC'ed Warriors as having an adoptive son/daughter. And I low-key see him as a princess dad. The man is totally dressing up for his daughter's tea parties in the castle with her best friend the queen.
Please yell about your blorbo, I want to hear about him. :DDDD
First of all: Yes absolutely. I headcanon Wars as on the ace spectrum, I don’t think that man is having biological children. I kinda see him as someone who would decide to NOT have children, because he doesn’t think it’d be fair of him to raise a child because he thinks he’s too mentally messed up for that (despite the fact that Time and Wind both turned out FINE), but one day he just ✨Acquires✨ a child and that’s just the end of it he’s a father now.
The specific headcanon I have for him regarding having kids is after the war, he does his best to help the areas of Hyrule that were just DESTROYED, and so many civilians lost their lives and orphanages were just overflowing, and he does his best to put money into those places to help out and he visits and tells the kids stories and makes sure they’re actually being treated well and helps them get families, and one day he just comes across this little girl who’s not counted for at any of the orphanages and her parents are gone, and he tries to get her set up in one but she’s just too attached to him and he’s got such a soft spot for kids he just adopts her because she was just so miserable there and kept begging the people at the orphanage to make him come back. And that’s his little girl now, she’s his princess he’d fight the entire war again in a heartbeat just for her. He absolutely dresses up for tea parties with her, he lets her do his hair and makeup, he’ll walk down the halls holding her hand while she skips and Zelda has never in her LIFE seen him so genuinely happy. He’s an absolutely WONDERFUL father, despite his own doubts in himself, and that little girl grows up with “Aunt Zel” and “Aunt Impa” teaching her how to kick ASS (plus Aunt Linkle, who’s her actual aunt being Link’s brother and all, and Linkle helps her befriend the cuckoos)
Other Wars headcanons I have!!:
- He has a significant amount of gray hair but you can’t see it because he bleaches and dyes his hair (I HC it’s naturally a very dark brown and also curly, but he straightens it)
- Writes his journals in his first language because it’s not a common one in Castle Town and it makes him feel better to know that if anyone DID get their hands on it, they’d at least be slowed down because they’d have to translate it
- His left hand shakes sometimes because of old injuries and overuse, and it’s not as strong as his right. Sometimes it’s hard for him to use his sword and shield because of it, so he’ll either use his sword with two hands for support or just use his fire rod
- He has quite a few scars on his face but he can either cover them COMPLETELY with makeup or make them look light enough to not be super jarring (depending on how deep the scars are)
- I HC he doesn’t like things up against his neck, so he’ll wear only tunics/shirts that are very low cut in the front and his scarf is pinned so securely in place that it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be strangled with it unless the end was grabbed and THEN wrapped around his neck
- Not the world’s best cook. He can make comfort dishes from home his mom used to make for him, but not a whole lot of other things. He has memorized recipes and hasn’t tried too much with experimenting and making new ones
- High spice tolerance, but mentally he can’t handle it because it makes his tongue buzz and he’ll freak out and panic because he can’t tell if it’s spice or poison
- Autistic with lower support needs. He masks incredibly well but that doesn’t make him any less autistic and that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t struggle
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I think i need to explain why this line makes me go so feral
I think the "fine! I'll kill myself after I kill you" line from nie mingjue in chapter 49 permanently altered my brain chemistry and it has something to do with precisely how i got into the mdzs fandom space in the first place.
I've mentioned it a few times but i started watching the untamed in late 2019 right as it was blowing up everywhere and, likely due to a combination of undiagnosed adhd wrecking my ability to be interested in anything for longer than 4 seconds and me very much not being used to the specific style of acting, especially during fightscenes, i never finished it. The only concrete memory i have of it is seeing wen qing's face and meng ziyi completely short circuiting my little gay brain. I remember more of staring endlessly at pictures of her than I remember of the plot. Press F to pay respects.
Flash forward a few years and a friend recommends me a fic writer for an fma fic (the fic riter in question is metisket) and i like their stlye so much i decide to read other stuf they've written. Here we get to our prime suspect: "the one body problem" a genuinely hilarious fic where jingyi gets posessed by wei wuxian like a year before the plot happens and they become awkward brain buddies. 10/10 i loved it (and still do) even though i remember huasiang showing up in my first reading and I, having fully forgotten his name, had no fucking clue what was going on. (Little did i know...)
Anyway flash forward ANOTHER year and I decide to reread that fic, and then the other untamed fic metisket wrote, a wen qing time travel fix it that's also real fun. And then i'm like. huh. that's fun. wonder if there's anything in their bookmarks.
And then, within 20 days, I had read approximately 350 fics. Many of them 100k+ words. I cannot stress enough how much this CONSUMED my brain's ability to do or think about anything else. I now think back to the early days of getting my adhd diagnosis and insisted that while i had pretty much all other symptoms, I did not get hyperfixations. Lol. Lmao, even.
I am mainly focused on wangxian and the junior quartet becuase they are my baby ducklings and i love them. I do come across some 3zun fics and I think huh... this is interesting. But the 3zun brainrot is LIGHT at this point.
The thing about reading more than 350 fanfics is that at some point you kind of piece the plot of the source material back together backwards. Especially because my favorite genre was time travel fix its, where characters relive the whole plot and like to make allusions to all the ways everything went wrong last time.
Because I'm still squarely in my wangxian + juniors (plus a heavy dosis of yunmeng sibling reconciliation) corner here... the feelings on jin guangyao in my fandom corner are. different from where I'd end up soon after. He is my special little guy though, so I do kind of immediatley develop a fondness for him, and I approach my 3zun and early nieyao thoughts specifcially from the assumption that the widespread opinion is that nie mingjue is a fine good guy and jgy is the evil one (I have not seen the bad nmj takes yet. well... I am seeing DIFFERENT bad nmj takes but they're nice to him. In, like, the wrong way. With no solid undertanding of the inherent tragedy at the heart of him that makes him so blorbo to me. But still.) major reactions to the stairs scene as I see them on twitter are "girlboss! He should've kicked him harder 💅"
And the baby jgy apologist in me goes :/ me no likey. And at this point I am also actively seeking out metas and analysis posts so i'm seeing some better opinions than that and getting a halfway solid graps on the themes. wwx and jgy being foils becomes very obvious to me very quickly. So, with my curent understanding of the plot, I go... you know all you people who are like "god i wish nmj would have killed jgy sooner" it uhh... kinda sounds like he'd have died if he did that. If he'd killed him before meng yao had gone off to spy there is a very big chance they'd have lost the sunshot campaign and most of the main cast would be dead. If he'd killed him at the stairs that's... well that's killing your sworn brother, which by the canon's own admission is a universally reviled crime, and jin guangshan could easily take advantage of this by demanding nmj's head in retribution, since he already wanted to get rid of him anyway. He doesn't give a fuck about a-yao of course but he could pretend well enough that he does. And what leg would nmj have to stand on? The jin clan is canonically both willing and able to slaughter entire clans for the murder or attempted murder of the leader or his family, and nie mingjue is the kinda guy who'd immediately offer himself up if it meant the rest of his clan would be spared.
This combined with jin guangyao specifcally dying for his murder of nie mingjue, with huaisang basically not caring much about everything else he does and wanting to get revenge only for his brother, it gives nieyao a sort of mutual doomed soulmates feel. For either of them, killing the other would spell death for themselves. They either both die or they both live, one cannot live on without the order. That's crunchy. I like it.
The fire palace though? well, on meng yao's part there is a real argument that if he'd let nmj get killed immediatly instead of dragging it out he wouldn't have been able to get wrh alone and distracted enough to assasinate him, so that's one half of the mutual doom coin, and if nmj had killed him during their fight there he's also done for. But after? Right before Xichen intervenes? I had no answer for that yet.
(You know what's coming. I did not)
It is at this point that i realize that if this is gonna keep being A Thing then i need to read the source material before I catch fatal fanon poisoning. Yes, I can piece together the plot and themes from seeing what stays consistent across fics and what are the author's own opinons. But I know just as well that sometimes fanon just agrees on shit that didn't happen and treats it like canon, and I have no way of knowing which is which. So I start reading the novel.
And of course, eventually I get to the empathy sequence. And remember, my "nieyao both live or both die" theory is heavy on my mind at this point, and the only stickler is that nmj could sort of have killed meng yao after the confrontation with wrh, still believing meng yao was actually working for him, and not a spy, and get off... not scott-free, Xichen won't be happy, but it's not gonna cost him his life.
And then I read THIS.
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Please Imagine dropping a whole block of pure elemental sodium into water. Except the sodium is this quote and the water is my poor little delicate brain. Not only is my theory right, it is ten times more unhinged than i thought it was.
And considering that Nie Mingjue does not seem like the kind of guy who'd consider something like a life debt to have an expiration date, and because after this he will link himself legally and socially to jin guangyao as family and declare that one among their brotherhood turning against the others is to be met with a painful death, I can no longer read the scene at the stairscase in jinlintai without the impression that he is still planning to die afterwards. Which, if you wanted to make that scene even more painful, this is a very efficient way of losing all your remaining hinges.
I think I'd have gone crazy about this line no matter what context I heard it in, but this one specifically? where I'm already obsessed with idea of nieyao's deaths being connected by the narrative and missing just this one piece and having it confirmed? out loud? from one of the characters himself? It's like giving cocaine to a baby.
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nights-at-crystarium · 3 months
(If you recognize me despite anon no you don't I'm too shy to face the consequences of my actions <3)
Your work helped to pull me out of a rut that made me fear I'd not create again. I felt like I couldn't create for the sake of it, like there was no space for me in my own life--suffocating on being so used to creating for others that after some friends cut me off, I shut down altogether and didn't create barely anything for almost a year.
And then I, by some cosmic chance, a fluke I can't even recall, found an episode of Fragments. Not even in ShB yet, freshly in possession of the full game, already adoring Raha, I naturally poked my nose into it. Devoured it, honestly. It was inspiring in a way I can't rightly put into words, to see someone creating for themselves. Even down to art style, there was something that struck a chord with me, and made me think that maybe--I oughtta try again. I sat down. I drew.
It was reading your comic and studying aspects of your art that I particularly loved that dragged me, kicking and screaming, back to drawing, as infrequently as I still do it. It was seeing you being you and creating for yourself that made me take a step towards doing that for myself.
And even if you read this and think "well that's a touch much, I'm just me" or something to that effect; even a candle can be a lighthouse when you feel too small to stand. So thank you, for just doing what you do, because your little light in the darkness helped me to have just a bit of whatever it was I needed to do what I do.
(Why hello there, beautiful stranger, this must be the first time we ever spoke <w<)
It'd be hypocritical of me to say that I've always been able to draw with such ease and never had an artblock, or always loved what came out. Years and years ago, I also relied on being inspired by others, roleplayed with someone in another fandom, and it turned me into the happiest art machine. Drawing for others was pretty much the only way I drew.
Getting abandoned by that rp buddy, well, it broke me forever. Then followed a few years of drawing the bare minimum to earn for my living, although I wasn't sure that living was something I felt up to anymore. Whatever few things I drew for myself back then, I still keep them, but they're hard to look at because they literally crawl apart, the proportions and all, giving away the poor mental state I was in.
Then, we enter the known chunk of recent history where I learn of a catboy, hyperfixate a little, no, really a little, I didn't have plans to become what I am in xiv now, and the overwhelming response to it made me feel alive for the first time in many years. Frankly and cynically, I just got lucky that my blorbo happened to be popular, but the fact stands true: I found my reason to have fun drawing and living again.
Over the past few years I only got more confident in my decision to cater only to my tastes from here on. I'm incredibly lucky that others find it enjoyable too, and that we seem to agree that self-indulgence is THE way to exist in a fandom.
Here's some dark me-lore in exchange for your sincere message, a vulnerability for vulnerability.
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tideswept · 9 months
Making Of Monday (TMA/SW + Obikin)
A look into the writing process - “how it’s made” for fics (for more on what it means see this post here)
So this first MOM is an interesting one! It's for and inspired by @sweet-cynic during our meandering conversations about horror and eldritch things and TMA and Obikin and of course they all fused and it's like, yeah, we're doing this baby!
Granted, that's not normally how the process goes for me. I'm usually a solitary kind of writer. But it's good to talk with people! Throw silly ideas at each other. Sometimes one of them sticks. Like a magnetized bowling ball.
In this case the catnip quotent is high. I don't want to divulge too much ahead of time (even though I've gushed to way too many people about it already lol) but there's a fascinating element of inherent otherness to Anakin that I love to see explored, and this is a good fic to play around with that.
And Obi-Wan, good god, Obi-Wan, canon-wise and in this fic--he's handed this walking nuclear bomb and he still only sees Anakin (always only eyes for Anakin) to the point that he doesn't see other things as clearly. Things that alarm others.
Did I mention we're flirting with horror? We're flirting with horror. ;)
Horror is... hm. Honestly? I never thought I'd vibe so hard with writing horror. But there's something fascinating about it that I find exposes characters in ways that are fascinating. So I like to, if it's feasible, Put the Blorbos in Situations and then sit back and watch what happens. But it has to be the right idea. I do think Star Wars has some intrinsic elements that make it horror-friendly, but it's certainly not usually the focus and therefore, I like to tread carefully, wait until the perfect reason comes along, rather than manufacturing one. (Good on writers who can do this! alas, I am weak.)
So. Idea. Where does it go from there? It goes to "I don't know what I'm doing but the vibe is right, LET'S GO" and I zoom over to Google Drive. (I know, I know, there are better programs out there, but I'm just... so used to it.) I try to keep the main page of Drive neat, with only the things I'm actively working on being listed. Which, yeah, sometimes can mean up to 5 WIPs, but once I hit that number of active WIPs I put the pause on everything until something clears out, like a queue. Otherwise it really starts to feel... oppressive.
And writing can be difficult for a lot of reasons, but it should never feel oppressive. It should bring joy even when you're clenching your teeth and muttering darkly about characters being assholes and not doing what you want, or having to rewrite entire scenes because they don't work anymore.
Actually, I have a confession; I used to never edit. Like. Ever. It bored me. My brain would say, scene done, moving on, there's no looking back. And honestly that was fine for how I felt at the time. But I'm glad I've learned to edit, to line edit, to accept with begrudging grace that oftentimes I do have to kill my darlings.
It's for the better. Even though I was kicking and screaming about it like a baby for the longest time.
(Maturity? Don't know her.)
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rysko · 6 months
stalked ur profile and noticed the fandom fave ask games, Peaky Edition?
This is going to be difficult. Am i allowed more than one character per category??? (also tytyty for the ask muah muah)
(tagging @red-riding-wood because i know you love these)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Listen, if you've been on this blog for more than five seconds, this will be no surprise. It's Luca, that goddamn fruit bastard<3
The moment he lifted that hat and spoke in his tony-soprano-meets-the-godfather-esque voice I knew I'm going to be obsessed but HOLY SHIT. The brainrot, it's on another level.
And Arthur, oh Arthur...
Most tragic character in the whole show, so full of love, hate, anger, EVERYTHING. He's as entertaining as he is tear-worthy, and theres no scene with him i dislike. Baby...baby boy...
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Again, everything i said above. I want to make him soup and hug him, then maybe hiss at Tommy (selfcare)
He makes me kick my feet, and his scenes with May make me wish he had more screen time. I need him to give me a tour of Small Heath. I'd die a happy man.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
His death made me actually cry (i still don't see it as canon shhh), he was my favourite since he appeared in season 1 and has been my obscure love ever since (still want to write something for him, but i have so much stuff i need to write first)
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Johnny Dogs!!! My dude! My man! My silly little horny guy!
I want a compilation of him. I want to drink some booze with him and for him to tell me shitty life advice that I would NEVER actually implement.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Y'all cannot handle nuanced/flawed female characters and it shows. Linda has my heart. I love hypocritical Catholics, we are not the same.
Live, laugh, love Linda <3
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
This man. He deserves nothing more. I love him, but i also want to see him suffer. That's Tommy Shelby, i want him covered in his own blood, in a mental breakdown, screaming, crying, throwing up.
Im mentally sane btw.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
We don't like nazis in this house, not only am i sending him to superhell, I'm shooting him first and throwing salt over where the body was. I LOVE his actor to death, but my 1. History obsessed 2. Polish ass has always had a personal vendetta against pre-war western fashos
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purgetrooperfox · 8 months
I don't understand ;~; who are your new monster blorbos? morgott? margit?
oh lord. well, elden ring, so buckle up. putting most of it behind a readmore yw
margit is a projection of morgott! this is morgott
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he is
the son of a god + the first ever ✨️elden lord✨️
but he was born with a """curse""", hence the horns and tail and generally not human physique (he's an omen. not metaphorically, that what his kind are called) so mom and dad shackled him and his twin brother in the sewers so their existence wouldn't besmirch the royal line. they got out Eventually
this is his brother (mohg). he pledged himself to a god besides his mom and embraced his curse so he's hiding in the underworld until the golden order falls
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anyway the golden order is the era that began with their momgod's reign. before that was the crucible era, which fun fact sounds much less hateful toward omens. didn't throw them in sewers and/or mutilate them etc
anyway anyway there's an Event where the elden ring (powerful) shatters and a bunch of demigods each get a fragment of it and there's a war and in the end of all that, morgott becomes the "veiled monarch"
he has to be veiled (by magic that makes him look human, presumably) or just never show his face. probably the latter afaik. so he kind of seems to be trapped in another prison but at least now it's a castle not the sewers
btw morgott is like. fanatical about the golden order, carrying out what he assumes marika's (momgod) wishes to be after her death* even though the tenets of the golden order say he's an abomination and a disgrace and subhuman and the worst and kick his ass every day. because he was born with the omen curse. he has stockholm syndrome of the most heartbreaking variety. like he hates himself so very much but he doesn't think anyone else will do the job that needs to be done
mohg said fuck that noise and tbh I do not blame him
anyway anyway anyway morgott's job (self-imposed) is to guard this big gold magic tree (erd tree). he gets zero benefits or recognition for doing this. part of this job is killing a bunch of tarnished (player character) who want to usurp him and potentially hurt the tree. to do this he projects himself across the country as margit the fell omen, since he can't expose his identity
this is the erd tree
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margit is like. idk if I'd say an alter ego. he's a physical projection, looks exactly like morgott, has some of his combat ability, he's the version you fight early on in the game
later when he's at full strength he has many more moves. very scary. he also has a big sword imbued with his cursed blood that looks like this
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uhhhhhh his other full sibling is godwyn (who got halfway assassinated and is now physically trapped on the mortal plane without a soul. rip. this was otchestrsted by their half sister. double rip). this is godwyn's back
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that pic isn't necessary but I enjoy it
I probably forgot some important stuff and included some irrelevant stuff :) I hope you enjoyed
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flimsy-roost · 1 year
I'd like to talk about the latest Pokemon Center plush line!
I tend to avoid official nintendo merch, because I give that company enough of my money already. But White was the first Pokemon game I ever played (after saving my allowance for months for it and a used DS lite), so I have a very special place in my heart for gen5/Unova pokemon. When I heard they were releasing a line of Unova "Sitting Cutie" plushes, I wanted to at least check it out.
And I did! And I mildly disappointed my wallet! There are some bangers in here! But there are a lot of... decidedly un-bangers. Tippy-tappers at best. So I wanted to take the time to walk you through some of the ways this line fell short of its central claims: namely, Sits and Cuteness.
I'd first like to address the distinguishing claim of the line; that each of these plush can sit up unsupported (or, more generously, could be propped up stably).
It would be easy to only give examples of pokemon that shouldn't have been considered for this line at all, of which there are many:
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fig. 1) in what universe, praytell
But there were many more that were so, so close to plausibility in the face of physics, that really only needed a modified design direction.
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Let's compare Eelektrik (left) to Serperior (right). Eelektrik is extremely top-heavy and prone to tipping, problems which could perhaps have been mitigated by a coiled design (like Serperior), or even as a flat. It could be argued that the current form stays true to the original art, which should always take precedent. I see you, and I hear you, and I disagree
A skosh below the "no way in hell" category of sittability, lay a group of lesser design sins broadly defined as "questionable in the face of a stiff breeze." For many plush in this category, the product designers could learn a thing or two from Toxel:
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fig. 2) a well-balanced bean
Put another way, the popular rule-of-thumb "four on the floor," most commonly begged for in the context of starter evolution lines, may be applied to great effect:
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Top-heavy Golurk? Four on the floor!
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Tall, spindly, misguidedly "source-accurate" Genesect? Four on the floor!
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Think of his poor Tepiggy spine! FOUR ON THE FREAKING FLOOR
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Purrloin, look! Your big sibling has it down! Get at that generational knowledge, girl!
I'm not aware of a single official merch line in existence that lacks at least one cursed artifact. Plush are particularly susceptible, and this line is no different.
While I have to give the designers props for a perfectly lovely Mienshao, they canonized my bestie as having a cringe childhood:
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All this Mienfoo wants are uppies. How's she gonna kick ass when her feet go straight into her torso? Her glowup will never come if she can't even land a pound.
Entire evolution lines fell prey to design decisions here. Please compare gen5 Elgyem and Beheeyem to their inbred and deformed purebred domesticates:
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fig. 3) has IV breeding gone too far?
Let us also more closely examine the full Sandile evolution line compared to wild type examples, as I consider these among the least forgivable offences:
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Why is the plush Sandile so sad? Perhaps he knows what is to come.
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Where sass? Why snoot so droop????
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figs. 4-6) look how they slaughtered my boy
Finally, I would like to highlight a subset of the line that has Witnessed The Horrors. These are more subjective in their cuteness. You know the saying; one man's uncanny gremlin is another man's terrified blorbo.
Meet Drilbur, who has recently Seen Some Shit!
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fig. 7) the boy who inspired this post, with WT reference
The bug-eyed-ness is what tips this into horror movie prop for me personally. I should not be able to see both his eyes from a diagonal. I could understand how some people could find him endearingly goofy, but my litmus tends to be: would I be amused to open my eyes to see him in the dark at 3am, or would I shit my pants? Drilbur here leans towards the latter.
Here is an example of a shell-shocked friend I find cute:
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Crustle, normally hiding safely under their rocky shell, is leaned back to fulfill the barely-followed criteria of "sits," and so turns their eyes to god to ask why he has forsaken them. I love it.
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
tell us more about cordelia! something you love, something you wish we knew more about, something you relate to, something you've discerned that we might not have seen yet, why she doesn't seem to know any neurotypicals yet might be neurotypical herself, etc. just cordelia. i think we should talk about her more
Cordelia, Cordelia, Cordelia!
She is my daughter. She delights me. She confounds me.
Despite being one of my favourite characters in TSC, I find everything she does baffling. Every time she is faced with a choice, any choice at all, she does the exact opposite thing than I would have done. For her, she makes the right choices. If I made her choices, though, I'd rip my own hair out. We are SUCH different people.
I actually really like this. A lot of my favourite characters are important to me because of the ways that I find myself mirrored in them. Matthew, Alastair, and Thomas are all great examples. Cordelia serves a different function to me as a window character. Watching her is like a huge character study in someone Very Unlike Me who's extremely complex, likeable, and ultimately lovely.
Matthew and Cordelia
The sole exception to this "Cordelia-and-I-make-different-choices" rule is when she runs off to Paris with Matthew, which I would have done. It would have been a good decision for me but was actually an awful one for her.
I'm going to be a little rambley here, but I want to talk a little bit about her relationship with my Best Blorbo Matthew. I think that she fundamentally misunderstands him, which is interesting for me to watch as someone who's so similar to Matthew. I might dissect the whole scene one day when I have time, but there's this bit where she's rejecting him where he's going on and on about all the places they can travel to. She says, "we can't always be running away." This was so interesting to me!!! Because it was so obvious to me that Matthew wasn't running away. He's planning his dream future full of unknown adventures, and he's trying to fit her in. She's too settled, she wants to be settled, and that's okay! They're just not compatible. But she so greatly misunderstands what he's trying to do, and I kind of turn my head to that scene to go "huh. That's why I don't understand her."
Daisy, My Daughter
There are so many things I love about Cordelia. I absolutely adore her bravery and her compassion, and I think she feels a lot. I think she's strong and independent.
I think that she's capable of being crafty and sneaky when she wants to be (see: the wording of the oath she has Lilith repeat to her in ChoT.) She's my daughter, my ridiculously frustrating daughter, who I know has a brain somewhere in there that she never uses.
I also will say that I really like the drive that she has to be a hero. It's refreshing to see a girl character who actively attempts to realize a goal like that rather than someone who's thrust into a world Chosen-One-Style. Both Clary and Tessa were "Chosen One" type characters, which served their genre well for the time. Cordelia, like Emma, was just an ambitious Shadowhunter, and I find her story very interesting as a result. And I like how Cordelia is in part driven by a desire for merciful, compassionate heroism (unlike Emma, who was driven by a desire for revenge). It sets her apart from all the other Emma-type Badass Warrior Girls who want to go out and kick as much ass as possible.
She's such a delightful person and one I would be proud to call a friend IRL. And she's a great character in a lot of ways, though I think there are some narrative issues holding her back.
Cordelia and Cassandra Clare's Narrative
I feel like Cordelia is the one character that I wish I could steal from Cassie and repurpose. I generally really like what Cassie does with most of her characters, and I like a lot of the things she did with Cordelia. If I didn't, I wouldn't love her so much. But I think that with some VERY MINOR tweaking, Cordelia could have been even better.
The issue with Cordelia is that the author gives her very little agency. The narrative serves to protect her and James as the Herongraystairs kids, and I get that, but it feels like Cordelia is often just dragged along for the ride. Like, she is the main character! Why is she given almost no agency or real choices? Why is she just swept along with the narrative as a pawn in this large chess game that is TLH? I was talking with a close mutual @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer a while back who said it would have been great if Cordelia became Lilith's paladin willingly to try to take power from all the awful men who abuse it. I would have loved this! If Cordelia had been allowed to get just a little bit messy, bend the rules of morality, and make some mistakes, she would have been even more incredible than she is.
The Impact of Lacking Agency
This narrative issue manifests as my least favorite Cordelia character trait: her hyper-naivete. She is so naïve in a way that is almost unbelievable to me as a reader. Like, her response to "dad's an alcoholic who's been abusing me since I was 10" is "huh!!!! That's why I found gin bottles everywhere and he was super clunky and they stopped serving wine! Who'd have guessed?" And, she literally swore fealty to this dude who said he was Wayland the Smith because... he said so? Like ??? Girl!!! Other people, especially your brother, have paid a great price for that naïveté. That bothers me.
The thing that's annoying about this is that I've come to the conclusion that Cassie didn't intend for Cordelia to be so naïve. It was a side effect of giving her no agency. If someone is an adult, that means they necessarily have agency; if someone has agency, they lose moral purity. Ergo, Cordelia was necessarily naïve.
Alastair and Cordelia
I also feel like re: the writing, I find Alastair and Cordelia's dynamic to be simultaneously excellent and irritating. Because he sacrificed his whole life for her! It should not have taken her several months and a murder accusation to marginally stand up for him! I'm sorry!
But I also really love their relationship, especially in ChoT. It makes me so happy to see them joking around together like normal siblings, and I feel like Alastair by Beloved Blorbo gets to kind of... be a normal guy with his little sister, if only a little bit. He doesn't need to act in loco parentis anymore, and they're immediately messing around. I love it.
Again, I wish the relationship were written in a more cohesive way. Maybe it's because I don't have a sibling. But it feels like Cordelia DOES acknowledge that Alastair is the constant lifelong protector that she wants to call out to when she's scared. But she also simultaneously says that he's like quicksand unprompted and tells Matthew that he must think she's terrible to love him.
Cassie, why!?
Cordelia and her Neurodivergent BFFs
This is a funny observation you make, that she "doesn't seem to know any neurotypicals yet might be neurotypical herself." And I agree, actually! I don't really have a lot of thoughts on this besides "that's just who she naturally wound up around because of her familial and life circumstances." What do you think of it? I'm curious to know. <3
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Until The Light Goes Out On Me (Electric Centuary)
There's something in me I could never trust/Along this road I settled in the dust/Kick and fight and stir it up again/I could see the path in front of me it never ends/Until the light goes out/Light goes out on me I'm not the man my father thought I'd be/But I can take a punch and never bleed/Take the worst and give back what I can/Run from all the memories
"Fucked up but inspirational. soft but powerful. relatable daddy issues. a reminder of how far you've come"
Copycat (Circus-P)
I'll become what you like/This is what you've wanted, right!?/Sacrifice all I know/I will teach myself to let go/Copy that, copycat
"This one is on so many of my Blorbo playlists. It's the IDENTITY STRUGGLE. So applicable! It's good for characters with controlling families, its good for clones. So many of my blorbos are clones, dude, and I'm not ready to unpack what that says about me. One particular clone blorbo of mine who I think fits the song best was aware he was a clone and fine with it but then his memories got rewritten so he thought he was the original and aughhhh"
Copycat submitted by @aierie--dragonslayer
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Thankyu @doubledyke for tagging me!!! - [Picrew link] -
Hiiii this is me, a decent approximation i'd say, but i did make a couple edits to get it lookin right lol. The picrew didn't have my shorts so I had to draw them on ~w~ (I wear them every day it's important!!!). When I say every day I mean I haven't worn different pants in over a month lol. They're the perfect most comfy shorts I own but they're starting to get holes so I might have to replace them..... orrrrrrrr I CAN START SEWING LITTLE PATCHES OH EM OH SHIT!!!! Also the hair is a lil funky right now I have kindof a mullet growing in, so imagine the image above but just move the back down a couple inches
And the collar is an accessory for special occasions, when it's dogmoding time lol
But yea im just a little guy, my interests include cartoons/anime/animation in general (favs include ed edd n eddy, ojamajo doremi, ichigo mashimaro, any 1920s-50s animation, as well as lots of animation from soviet era Russia! Im not suuuper educated on alot of old animation, but im slowly workin on it with the free time I have lol).
I also like alot of music, I listen to a bunch of genres, I just like anything that sounds good lol. Here's my playlists if you wanna put it on shuffle and see if there's anything you recognize (love or hate): - [bigg playlist] - [songs I basically never skip (WIP)] - [calm/happy playlist for bad mood or migraines] -
This got long QUICK so more interests under the cut ^^
I also like ancient and medieval art, cave paintings are my jam and I love janky medieval paintings, the creatures are so cool and I love all the colors and just the way they choose to represent things! Very cool... been getting into Roman frescos as well, I wanna start painting my room like that but it's my favorite characters and stuff!! I've actually started planning for it already, got all the measurements of my wall, and I've just gotta put it on the computer and start drafting it...
I also like paleoanthropology, evolutionary timelines, anchient animals, etc... I love the weird old fish we come from and the squirrel shaped proto-primates and just seeing the form morph over time to get closer and closer to us, it's really cool!!! I wanna make a cool animation of it one day... it's why I love lungfish so much it's so so so cool
I also like math, but I kinda suck when it comes to the scientific applications lol. Chemistry and Physics tend to kick my ass, and I never was good at circuits in highschool (though now I'm in differential equations and honestly it's not that bad, so who knows). I quite enjoy calculus because for the MOST part everything makes sense and the patterns are consistent and it's not weird and arbitrary and opinion-based like anything language-related tends to be lol (well, language has a LOT of cool patterns but im not gonna nerd out about it right now there's too much to say lol)
I also have hundreds of stuffed animals and I dont plan on getting rid of them unless I move across the country and dont have the money to transport them. I've started learning to sew so i can make clothes and dress them up like characters I like, do repairs, and hopefully one day make actual plushies of my blorbos <3
Tagging sum pals: @plunder413 @avepricots @pravingmantis
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Do you favor any of your OCs over others? Like, do you have a tier list of your OCs? 👀 I'm a lil curious
Ooooo I've never thought about this! At least not intentionally!
There are definitely ones I write more, get more ideas for, or default to. And others who I forget I even have! Oops.
A ranked list might take me some time to ponder but I will say that Arinn and Alex have always had a special place in my heart. They tick so many boxes - both a human whumpee and a nonhuman one, they're good for physical, emotional, and N$FWhump but also fluff and romantic stuff. And something about them comes easily to me, more so than other characters. I have a good clear sense of them in my mind while others are vague.
Right now I'm on such a Matteo and Dante kick it'd be easy to stick them pretty high up too, but they're very new. I have to give that some time and see where they settle in. Setting them aside for now.
So if Arinn and Alex are at the top I'd say the sort of upper-middle would consist of Emmeline, Blue and Shae. Then down a step from them Erystos/Seraphina who I haven't written a ton of but have a whole world of them in my head. Then the next tier would be Myla, Daero, Rhyss. And then finally the ones who only have one or two stories or only exist in my head - Cloe, Helos, that Octomaid whose name I can't remember for the life of me.
What I'm realizing as I write this is that the OCs I'm more attached to are the ones who have more fleshed out characters and stories as well as other characters to interact with. The higher tier ones feel like they have stories already and I'm just uncovering them as I go. They feel natural. While others are much more just outlets for certain prompts or ideas. It also doesn't help that I have limited time/motivation and when I do feel like writing I have to go to whatever I'm being drawn to in that moment, and I just end up drawn to some more than others.
That said, I do love all my blorbos in their own ways. <3
Thank you, that gave me a lot to think about!!
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quinloki · 3 months
And now, the belated Blorbo Rankings One Piece Style Top 20 for June 2024.
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In the rankings defense, I was trying to get more women on here so I switched how I vote but still. I was not expecting this.
Stable rankings: Arlong & Benn Beckman consistently going 1-2 is all we can ever depend upon.
People who fell off the rankings: Rayleigh, Thatch, Penguin, Vergo, Ace, & FUCKING MIHAWK HAS FINALLY LEFT MY RANKINGS!!!!!!
People still missing from the list: Buggy.
People new or returning to the list: Bell-Mere, Nojiko, Dr. Kureha, Laki, Wyper (has returned!), & Koala.
Those who moved UP since May: Zoro moved 11-spots from 19th, Vivi moved 13-spots from 16th & Nico Robin moved 16-spots from dead last. Not many moved up that were already on the list.
Those who dropped DOWN since May: Shanks dropped 2-spots from 3rd, Alvida dropped 2-spots from 4th, Borsi Baby dropped 4-spots from 5th, Marco dropped 4-spots from 6th, Trafalgar dropped 4-spots from 11th, Smoker dropped 4-spots from 14th, Sakazuki dropped 4-spots from 7th, Sir Crocodile dropped 5-spots from 9th, & Kid dropped 7-spots from 10th. Most people on the list who dropped did so by 4 places.
Actual Position Swaps: Vivi took Shanks long standing 3rd-place so Shanks took Borsi Baby's 5th-place. Borsi Baby ended up in Sir Crocodile's spot and he ended up in Smoker's old spot. Nico Robin usurped Alvida's hard earned 4th-place pushing Alvida into Marco's 6th. Marco ended up in Kid's spot and Kid ended up in Vergo's spot kicking him off the list entirely.
Bell-Mere took Sakazuki's 7th spot and he ended up in Trafalgar's old spot, so Traffy ended up in Penguin's spot eliminating his crewmate from the rankings. Zoro took 8th spot from Mihawk his mentor who is finally off my fucking list. Never figured out how he got on there and I hope he doesn't come back, he ain't a blorbo. And I don't like him as a character at all. And while Arlong and Beckman are my top blorbos based solely on attraction, my favorite character is actually Zoro so I'm glad he's moving up the ranks.
Nojiko took 12th spot which was Thatch thereby replacing him altogether and while I'm sad he only showed up for one ranking chart, I am glad to have the lady instead of the dead chef. Likewise, Dr. Kureha took 13th spot from Dark King Rayleigh and since he ain't a blorbo either, I am happy I got the young lady of 100-something as opposed to the old man of 70-something. =P
Laki took Vivi's old spot of 16th because she leapt up the rankings, Smoker dropped down into Ace's old spot of 18th, Wyper has returned (huzzah!) into Zoro's old spot because he moved up, and Koala made the list by taking Robin's old spot of dead last.
I am SO HAPPY to see Wyper back on my list because he has been on every Top 20 except for last month's. That was heartbreaking to witness.
Nico Robin jumped the most spots for someone already on the list (16-spots!) and Bell-Mere ranked the highest out of new/returning players (7th-place). Kid dropped the most spots for folks already here (7-spots) and of the people who fell off entirely, Mihawk fell the furthest as he was originally 8th position.
Karma bitch. Wyper has been a staple and he was booted off the list last month by Mihawk in 8th position and now Mihawk has been removed form 8th position by Zoro and Wyper came back in 19th.
Still no Buggy but we do have more women! Last month saw a grand total of THREE women and that was a huge deal because I'd been juggling 1-2 (Alvida & Vivi). Now we have a grand total of: EIGHT WOMEN!!!
Alvida, Vivi, Nico Robin, Nojiko, Laki, Bell-Mere, Dr. Kureha, & Koala.
And while the Fineapple dropped he is still in the top 10 (but somehow fell off the actual top 10). Based off last month's discussion, Zoro had also been a staple and fell off in April but returned in May but now we've lost Ace. Still waiting for the site to add Aramaki so I can have all 3 Admirals I like on the list.
Last time I stated I could live without 11 dudes to get 10 ladies onto the list. Of those 10 ladies I am still missing: Perona & Makino. Of the men I said I could afford to lose without having issues: I got rid of all but two Sakazuki & Smoker. And I even got Wyper back.
I managed to eliminate Vergo, Penguin, Rayleigh, and finally Mihawk. Sabo, Killer, Laboon, & Bepo have remained off the list in favor of the ladies. I'm not real attached to Makino so I'd be fine if I got Aramaki in place of her at some point. Not sure now who'd I'd sacrifice for Perona because in all fairness, I only slightly like her based on fanon. Haven't met her canon yet and that always affects rankings. Same with Koala, I haven't met her outside of folks' fics so I cannot say one way or the other how I feel about her. I love fanon Koala to pieces but the actual character could come and go right now.
All the other ladies I have encountered in the anime and I love them. Alvida is my girl, Vivi is my other girl. Nico Robin is who I relate to the most, Nojiko is awesome because of what she endured and did for her little sister. Laki had to fight her own culture, people, and leader for what she believed to be right and that is wicked hard. Bell-Mere gave her life for her daughters. Dr. Kureha adopted a kid and taught him everything she knew and then she had to let him go live his life and that's hard.
I've got two gals I love, one I relate to, two sisters (Laki was like a sister for that little girl whose name I forget), & 2 awesome moms. I'm content with my ladies. Makino & Perona don't need to make the list right now. Koala can come and go. I'd like Wyper to stay on my list and I'd like Aramaki to join at some point.
I would love for Buggy to show up and I wouldn't mind Ace returning. But we'll see how July goes.
I think when you meet Koala in canon you’ll like her. I her character in canon, personally, heart breaking as it is, it’s good writing imo.
I hope the WCI and Wano characters get added soon so you can get Aramaki on there xD he can take his personality and fly off a cliff for all I care, but I have to give the built in bondage utility of his Devil fruit a few points.
Him and Doffy both.
But yay for all the lovely ladies too \o/ a good and intriguing collection 🥰 I’m glad you seem to have enjoyed the results of your perspective shift.
(I like Perona’s canon personality, but her laugh kills me. I look forward to you getting caught up and meeting everyone \o/ )
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loosesodamarble · 29 days
the fictional men you mentioned are all so handsome can you tell where and what type of media are they from.
Aha... So I kinda forgot that this ask was in my inbox for a few days. But hey! Now I'm getting to it! Sorry to make you wait, Anon!
Hopefully, getting the answers you seek will satisfy you.
(For anyone who doesn't know what Anon is talking about, I made this post a few days back where I shared some of my favorite characters and explained their similarities.)
Now, onto the answers.
First off, are Nacht and Morgen Faust. The people who frequent my blog are most definitely already familiar with these two. They are my ultimate blorbos. Do not separate me from them. Anyways, they're from the manga and anime series Black Clover.
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They're both introduced during the Spade Invasion arc so for any anime only-s out there, they don't get that much presence. In the manga though, oh boy is there stuff happening for those two!
The lovely redhead I shared is Karma, from the dating sim Cinderella Phenomenon (and the fandisc Evermore).
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I had so much fun when I played his route the first time. And OOOOHHHH! His story in the fandisc! And I think it's thanks to Karma that my love for weapon wielding love interests was solidified.
The next (and only other) pair of characters from the same media are Saint Germain and Herlock Sholmés. They come from the dating sim Code Realize series (there's the original game "Guardian of Rebirth" along with two fandiscs, an anime adaptation, and a stage musical).
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Their backstories are so tragic and I want only the best for them. The few moments when they're both on screen make me giddy, no joke. Also, I never thought I'd be into guys who wear top hats but then these two exist!
The next character, Paschalia, is from the dating sim Radiant Tale (which had its fandisc [Radiant Tale Fanfare] released in English just this summer!).
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I binged his route in one night and he's changed my brain chemistry~! I'm honestly putting off replaying his route for the good ending because I want to forget as much as possible and relive his story as fresh as I can.
The next character I shared was Kageyuki Shiraishi, from the dating sim Collar x Malice.
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He's such a funny little guy with his love of cats and inability to understand basic human decency. He's also very sad and his Tragic Love End has art that punched me in the gut, shook me down for cash, and then lovingly kissed me on the head before walking off.
Lucas Proust from Virche Evermore: Error Salvation. (Also, not to brag but I pre-ordered the fandisc Epic Lycoris which I'm very much looking forward to this autumn.)
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He literally gets done so dirty by the writers of the game. I want to fix his situation but I also want to see him continue to suffer because his misery is kinda beautiful.
Blond #3 is the lovely Shion Mayuzumi from Variable Barricade.
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Chronic kept man syndrome. Former model. Gaslighting king (I don't even know how much I'm exaggerating by saying that). Honestly, I want to indulge his laziness. He makes it so tempting...
Bringing in style from the Kyoho era is Kinji from the game Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo.
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It's actually been a while since I've played Winter's Wish and Kinji's route specifically since I'm trying to complete, like, five games at once. But I do remember kicking my feet and giggling at the fluffy romance scenes.
Next there's Orlok from the games Piofiore: Fated Memories and Piofiore: Episodio 1926.
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He's such an adorable assassin! And he kills for the sake of the church he belongs to! Don't worry, he gets better. He's the love interest that gets Fuegoleon-ed in his good ending.
And last but not least is Il Fado de Rie from Cafe Enchanté.
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A literal angel of a man. So beautiful and divine and helpless and clueless. Also, very adorable that he has a love for dating sims while being a dating sim love interest.
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bunny--manders · 1 month
For the blorbo thing, I'd like to hear about Sergey and Rag. :3
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Purple for Sergey, of course, and yellow for Rag!
Comics Sergey is my beautiful perfect son who keeps getting kicked out of daycare for biting the other kids. I'm endlessly fascinated by the fact that he started off as a kind of mean-spirited joke (about student protestors but also, I think, Pavel Durov? I don't know all that much about Russian tech billionaires) and was original styled like a basic Joker ripoff but the fandom said, "Wait, gay murder Joker makes some good points, let him cook" and things just spiralled from there. I love the mashup between his old-world and extremely tacky new money tastes. I love that he's evolved enough as a character that he can have a sit-down with his former arch nemesis and admit he's sorry for all the Horrors. I love that he contains the seed of his own destruction and so much of Plague Doctor is him having to deal with crises he created.
Movie Sergey feels like a completely different character to me. He's simply not getting silly with it! I enjoyed both movies he's in a lot, and he's a fun character in his own way, he's just not the kind of guy I can imagine rolling up to the club in a purple leopard print trenchcoat.
It's hard to judge Rag at all because he hasn't really appeared in any adaptation, he's just kind of a threat hanging over Sergey in the comics, and the details of how he would actually behave are entirely created by the fandom. Which is fun in its own way! I've never seen a media franchise that enthusiastically invites fandom to play in the space quite like Bubble. It's totally possible that when he appears he'll act a lot like the fan headcanons, but it's also possible he'll be totally different, or he'll never appear at all. I'll be happy either way! I like the idea of a character who's haunted in a quite literal way by his own fear and weakness.
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