#i'd like to run my fingers through his curls
sincericida · 2 days
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attending the fans in New York City, coming to participate in "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert". (more pics)
Notice the horse in his jacket 🤭
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mustainegf · 2 days
Hi! So I was having thoughts and was thinking about Older James with a younger girlfriend. So pretty much, it’s that time of the month for her and she wasn’t used to her boyfriends caring much or taking care of her so she never really mentioned it to James and kept quite about it. James always knew about it and was sweet with her but never pushed to much with it when he saw that she seemed to handle it ok for herself until one month it’s a lot worse than normal and no matter how hard she tries to hide it and just starts taking care of her completely no matter how much she argued it. Running her a bath, rubbing her tummy, holding her, just fluff in general.
Having feels right now and need some fluff with older James🥹
I love this sweet old man so much
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The first time it clicked that James knew about my cycle, it was a second where you catch someone out of the corner of your eye and they're just looking at you with that half grin, like they're in on some big secret. I'd been digging through my purse, trying to find a tampon discreetly while we were out at dinner. James didn't say anything, just continued talking to me about the tour they'd just finished up with in that aged, endearing voice.
I remembered how my breath glued to my throat the instant his hand slid across the table to cover mine. "Baby, it's okay," he'd smiled, almost too casually. I'd blinked at him, my hand stuck mid search. He gave my fingers a gentle squeeze while his thumb brushed against the back of my hand with a nod.
I nodded back, mostly because I didn't know what else to do. My exes never discussed this stuff. They didn't even notice, or if they did, they pretended they didn't. I was used to dealing with this stuff on my own. I'd learned to be discreet about it, to cope with the cramps, mood swings all without making a fuss.
James was different, though.
He never pushed it, never made a big deal out of it, but somehow, he was always there. A heating pad would appear in bed, or he'd send me a text asking if I needed anything from the store, throwing in a stupid little winking emoji that always made me giggle at how much of a sweet old man he was. And it worked for us. I mean, I didn't want him to see me as weak or needy.
My period hit like a punch, a blow that felt unrecoverable. From the instant I woke up, I knew it was going to be a bad day. These cramps were sharper, aching, tugging and eating at my lower back. My head was pounding, and even the thought of food made my stomach churn.
I decided to try and soldier through it like I always did, not wanting to burden James with my misery, but every movement seemed to make it worse. By mid morning, maybe 10AM, I was curled up on the couch, clutching a pillow to my abdomen wondering if maybe the devil would let me sell my soul to get rid of these horrid periods.
I didn't even hear James come in. One minute, I was alone in the living room, the next his shadow draped over me. I opened my eyes enough to see him there, his aged face was sunken with worry for me, his white eyebrows quirked in curiosity.
"You look sick, baby," he cooed softly, kneeling beside the couch. His hand came up to brush the hair out of my face and then warmly kiss my forehead.
"I'm fine," I lied, my voice the weakest it's ever sounded. "Just tired."
"Yeah? And how long have you been lying here?"
I shrugged, not exactly wanting to answer. "Awhile.. It's just…you know, that time."
His face switched from worry to empathy, and he nodded like he understood, which of course he did. I should have known better than to think I could hide this from him of all people. But instead of leaving it at that like he usually did, he pressed his lips together in that way that meant he was deep in thought, "Why don't you let me take care of you today, sweet thing?"
I wanted to debate him, to tell him I didn't need taking care of, to tell him I could handle it myself. But before the words could leave my lips, he was already easing the pillow out of my grasp and sliding his hands under me, and lifting me up into his arms. He didn't even sigh at the weight, it was that simple for him to just lift me.
"James—" I began, but he just shook his head.
"Shh... I got cha," he whispered, tucking me against his chest. James took me down the hall, my face cuddling into the tattoos on his flexing arms. I was too tired, too sore, to fight him on it. and deep down, I wanted this.
As we entered the bathroom, I could already hear him running the bath, steam rising from the tub and beckoning me in. He set me down on the edge of the tub and his hands stuck on my shoulders for a second whilst he crouched down in front of me. "Just relax, okay sweetheart? Let me take care of my girl."
Protests died on my lips as I looked into his soft blue eyes. There wasn't a shred of pity there, no frustration. Only love.
So I nodded, biting my lip to keep from tearing up. It wasn't that I was sad, not really. It was just… overwhelming in the best way, to have someone care this much. In a way nobody else had before.
James helped me undress, his touch so gentle. I felt incredibly embarrassed to take off my underwear and pad, but James was completely unfazed. I think he could see my discomfort as i stepped out of the undergarment, doing my best to keep my les clamped together. "it's okay, I'll deal with it. Don't be embarrassed." he whispered with a kiss to my forehead.
When I was finally in the tub, the hot water sucked out some of my uncomfort. James sat down on the floor beside the tub, one hand whisking lazily through the water. He would gently pull his hand from the water, thick fingertips dripping with warm water, before the back of his fingers found my shoulders, which weren't fully submerged. He trailed warm water over my skin, forcing a sigh from my lips
"Feel better?" he whispered.
I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning back against the cool porcelain. "Yeah... Thank you, Jamie..."
With James, it was different. Maybe because he was older, but he understood how to take care of me better than any man ever had.
After a short while, he stood up and reached onto the rack for a towel, and then slung it over his arm like some kind of butler, which brought me a small smile. "C'mon, let's get you dried off, love."
I let him help me out of the tub, my body heavier than it should have been. He wrapped the towel around me, carefully drying me, even between my legs, telling me not to think about the towel, ad that he'd wash it.
I looked to the counter and saw that he'd gotten my favorite pajama pants, and a shirt of his for me to wear, as well as a fresh pair of underwear with a new pad. Holy shit, he was a sweetheart. Any woman would swoon for this.
James carefully helped me into the clothes and brushed my wet hair before gently leading me to bed. Silently, James pulled back the covers on the bed and nudged me onto the mattress. He tucked the blankets around me and then climbed in alongside me, reeling me close to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat thump beneath my cheek.
I had no idea how much I'd really needed him until now.
"Why are you so good to me?" I mumbled into his chest, taking in a deep breath of his sweet and masculine smell.
He chuckled quietly, caressing his fingers on my cheek. "Because I love you, sweet thing."
I smiled, his words wrapping around my weak body like a super soft warm blanket. "I love you too."
He kissed the top of my head. "Get some rest, beautiful. I'm right here."
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melpomenes-garden · 2 days
Kinktober Day 3 ~ Jason Mask
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Toji Fushiguro x Reader • Smutty/🔞 MDNI • WC: 556 • gonna pretend I'm not late to the party 🦇 🎃
CW: Chasing, Heavy Petting, Toji being an ass 😂
“You sure about this, sugar?” You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's raised brow.
“Come on, Toji, it'll be fun.” You huffed. Toji simply folded his arms and raised a brow, unimpressed with your argument.
“I didn't say it wouldn't be fun.” He looks at you pointedly. “You gonna bail me out if some rando calls the cops?”
“That's ridiculous, why would somebody-” Toji raises the mask, cutting you off with a skeptical look.
“I'm gonna be chasing you around the woods, in this.” He says dryly, gesturing again to the mask.
“You weren't complaining when I suggested it.” You grumbled, kicking at a pebble. Toji’s lips twitched at the corner, eyes flashing wickedly.
“I'm not complaining about the idea of hunting my sexy girlfriend through the woods,” His voice rumbles low as he draws you to him with a hand on your hip. Reluctantly, you leaned into his warmth, hands splaying against his chest. A low rumble of approval sounds deep in his throat as his thumb digs into your jeans.
“I just don't feel like spending the night in jail cause some nosey idiot decides to do his civic duty.” The words fall from his lips as a growl as he dips his head to nip at your ear.
“I'd- um, bail you out.” Your mind goes foggy as he grinds gently into you, letting you feel just how much the idea appeals to him.
“Yeah? Would you sugar?” He murmurs huskily, sucking a dark mark into the side of your neck. “That's very…generous of you.” He groans, grinding more roughly against you, hissing at the feel of your softness against his arousal.
“Toji-” You murmur, fingers twisting the material of his shirt as your head dips to the side. Toji's lips curl up cockily into the curve of your neck.
“Such a good girl.” His lips traveling down your neck coax more needy sounds from your throat. Licking a hot path back up your neck, he chuckles and nips at your jaw. “Want me to hunt you down, huh?”
“Ngh..Uh-huh.” You bite your lip to stifle a moan as his hips rock insistently into yours.
“Want me to hunt you down..and wreck that sweet little clit?” He smirks at the shudder that rolls over your body. Palming at your breasts, he nuzzles his nose into your hair. “That's nasty, baby girl.” He tweeks at your nipple, twisting it softly, delighting in the little chirping sound he draws from you.
“Oh, Toji…” You slur, forehead hitting his chest. Toji presses his lips to your hair, letting the moment linger before stepping back and releasing you to stand on wobbly legs. He doesn't bother to hide his shit eating grin at your disorientation as he turns you in the direction of the trees and slaps your ass.
“Better start running, sugar.” Your brows furrow and you look back at him, still lost in a fuzzy haze of lust. “Unless you don't wanna cum for a few days…I'd start running.” You shiver at his cool tone, noting the way his expression has shuttered. Sparing him a lingering glance, you turn and dart towards the trees.
Toji groans to himself at your wobbly start. Strapping the mask over his face, he palms himself slowly as you disappear into the trees.
"I'm gonna wreck that pussy."
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darkleysgarden · 22 hours
Kissing Your Bruises
Ship: Greenflower
Characters: Lloyd Garmadon. Brad Tudabone. (References to Kai and other characters)
Type: Angst. Hurt/comfort
Warnings: aftermath of torture, discussions of violence, implied PTSD, mentions of panic attacks.
Word count: 1,570
Summary: Every Mission Lloyd comes back from leaves him more shaken than the last. Brad hates to see him so upset.
"You're such an idiot you know that."
The words were harsh on the outside, but the tone in Brad's voice conveyed only love and concern.
Lloyd returned from a month long mission extremely shaken up. He kept mumbling about how 'they' were going to kill him. The mission was over, Lloyd was safe. And yet Lloyd was almost reliving every moment.
Brad knew limited details. What he did know was that Lloyd attempted to sacrifice himself and ended up being tortured by a group of villains who wanted information out of him. Lloyd refused to comply, so they decided to kill him instead. The ninja intervened just in time and saved him. Lloyd had apparently asked to be with Brad. And now he was here, sitting on the small couch in Brad's apartment.
Kai had dropped him off, asking Brad take good care of Lloyd while he was like this, and giving him explanations on what occurred. Kai seemed hesitant to leave, but eventually stepped away.
Lloyd hadn't spoken a word at that point. It wasn't until Brad guided him to sit that he started speaking. He mumbled so many words. Brad couldn't tell if he was trying to talk to him or himself.
His eyes were wide and unfocused, face turned down towards his lap. He looked like he'd been sobbing. Bruises, cuts, scrapes, every type of wound covered Lloyd.
He was still in his gi. But it was torn in many places and stained with dirt and blood. His hair was disheveled and a tad greasy.
Brad had said that sentence more to himself than to Lloyd. He didn't know if Lloyd was even capable of listening.
He grabbed a spare change of clothes and a cup of green tea for Lloyd who was now curled up on his side.
Lloyd glanced up at him, eyes still unfocused.
"Would you like me to patch your wounds and help you change? You can shower in the morning when you're feeling a bit better."
The ninja slowly nodded and sat up.
Brad pulled supplies from the small side table next to his couch. He sadly had to keep prepared dating someone like Lloyd.
Lloyd slowly removed his shirt and Brad observed the damage. It seemed like the deepest wounds were stitched and bandaged already, likely by the other ninja. Although when like this, Lloyd didn't tend to let the ninja treat what wasn't killing him. Brad took care of the rest. In worst cases, Lloyd took care of himself.
As gently as possible, Brad treated Lloyd's wounds. He used a warm damp towel to wipe off remaining dirt. And he got Lloyd into a fresh pair of pajamas.
He sat by Lloyd's side without a word. Lloyd made no move to speak either.
The silence wasn't awkward. It was never awkward between them.
Brad hadn't made a move to touch Lloyd. He had been through a lot and Brad worried he would trigger him into a panic attack or scare him.
He didn't need to move first as Lloyd laid his head on Brad's lap and wrapped his arms around his waist.
The ninja was shaking he noticed. It made him frown more than he already was.
"I'm going to touch your head, okay?"
Lloyd hummed.
Brad began to run his fingers through Lloyd's soft hair. It was dirtied from the fighting he had been through. Maybe he would wash his hair for him in the morning.
"Would you like to talk about it, hun?"
Lloyd opened his close eyes, his smile fading.
Lloyd spoke for the first time since he arrived that night. "I was so terrified I'd never see you or my family again. That I would let you guys down. If the mission failed I'd be dead and leave Ninjago without their sworn protector.
"You would never let me down, Lloyd. Obviously I don't want you dead, but you would die a hero. You have this whole legacy. You're doing something brave fighting for this island. Something few others have the courage to do. Sure I do my part, but I could never get out there and take action like you ninja do. You guys do something special. You put your lives on the line every single day. I know some people feel let down when you guys 'fail'. But I never will. Because I know how much you risk and give up for us."
"But what if...what if it's not enough?"
"You give far more than any person should ever have to," Brad said, holding in his anger. He wasn't mad at Lloyd. He never could be. He's mad that Lloyd has grown to see himself as this machine programed for war with no off switch. "Sometimes I wish I could shield you away from anything. Even if it took fighting in your place."
"Please never do that." Lloyd's words were rushed and panicked. "I don't want you to fight, I don't want you to get hurt. You have this chance to live your life with some semblance of normalcy. I can't ask you to give that up."
Brad sighed. "Then why can't you understand, Lloyd. Why don't you get why I am so upset you were turned into a child fucking soldier. "
"Destiny wanted me to fight, so I'll fight."
Brad knew there was nothing he could say to convince Lloyd otherwise. There was nothing he could say to prove to Lloyd he shouldn't have had to fight so young.
Even as Lloyd sat in front of him, battered and bruised, he still believed everything was as it should be. And Brad hated that more than anything.
He sighed and continued to run his fingers through Lloyd's hair.
Loving Lloyd so much only made him hate everything else. It wasn't fair for Lloyd to live a life like this.
"I love you, darling," Lloyd whispered.
"I love you too, my dear."
Brad leans down to kiss Lloyd. The position was awkward, but he made it work.
"Please don't scare me like that again, Lloyd."
"If only it were that easy."
Brad thought for a moment. "I think you deserve a break. Could I get you to agree to a week?"
"You're pushing it. Lucky I'm tired enough to agree."
"Ninjago won't fall apart in a week, hun. Plus there's always the other ninja and Samurai X."
"They're tired too."
Brad chuckled softly. "They can rest and you can't?"
"Would you be surprised if I said yes?"
"Unfortunately not."
Lloyd laughed weakly. "I'm so tired."
"Let's move to the bed and go to sleep. It's late and you've been through a lot."
"Nah. I'm comfortable here. Plus, I don't know if I can sleep."
He frowned. "Nightmares?"
"Everytime I close my eyes I'm back there in that cold room surrounded by people who want to see my demise more than anything."
"You can talk about it if you'd like. With more detail, I mean. You don't have to worry about me seeing you as weak. You're strong for surviving."
"Sometimes I think you can read minds," Lloyd laughed.
"Only yours," Brad said. "Here's the trick. Twenty years of knowing you."
"That makes me feel so old."
"You're a lot younger than you think."
"Easy to forget."
It was silent for a moment before Lloyd spoke.
"I don't know how I always get kidnapped. You'd think I would be great with knots by now." He tried to lighten the mood. The topic was too heavy.
Lloyd let out a shaky breath. "They were trying to torture me into revealing our plans. And they wanted to know the ninjas locations. Eventually they realized that I wouldn't budge and decided instead to lure the ninja to them. And they decided that they wanted to kill me so when the ninja showed up they realized they were too late. They'd find me dead and end up killed themselves."
Brad stayed silent as he listened. Lloyd didn't want words, he wanted to be heard.
"They chose to let me bleed out slowly. Didn't cut anything important. But cut enough that I'd be a goner if the ninja weren't there in time. Luckily they underestimated how sneaky ninja are. They made it in plenty of time. Choosing to let me die slowly backfired. I was easily saved."
"You were still badly damaged."
"Could be a lot worse."
He was right, it could be and has been. That doesn't mean it wasn't bad. That doesn't mean it's okay for Lloyd to suffer.
"Are they in Kryptarium? Darkleys did teach me the art of revenge. I'll find them."
Lloyd laughed. "That information is classified I'm afraid."
No longer attempting to lighten the mood, he got serious for a moment. "Just know that I can't stop you from going out and getting hurt. But I will always be here for you in the aftermath. I'm always here for you, my love."
"I love you so so much," Lloyd said breathlessly. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Nothing. You didn't need to do anything. You did save the entire world countless times, I guess."
Lloyd laughed. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"Don't start that. You know I love you more."
"Hmmmm, I think you're wrong about that."
"Okay, woah, full naming is crazy."
"Bradley Tudabone, I love you more."
"If that's what you want to believe, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon."
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s0dium · 6 months
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A/n: This is honestly the BEST fic I've ever written! I took a lot from prompts I found on this site and the smut scene is inspired from a book called "The Kiss Quotient." (It was just so damn good). This fanfic is also inspired by my original fanfic, "Douchebag" Tengen x Reader. ALSO, I AM WORKING ON YUTA FICS, SO DON'T WORRY! Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: Gojo Satrou was a man of many things. It would be hard to find anyone in the jujutsu world who hadn’t heard of his name before, whether that be through his many wins in battle or his reputation as an A-class player. Some describe him as eccentric, and others (mostly girls) describe him as irresistible. You? Well, you on the other hand would describe him as nothing else than an utter, complete,  douchebag. Warnings: Enemies to lovers,  teasing, fingering, intense kissing for a sec, squirting, use of pet names, belly bulge, cervix fucking, breeding kink, virgin!reader, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, choking ~
You scoffed, watching through the classroom window as a clearly frustrated old man stormed out of the building, no doubt a higher up. No doubt the work of Gojo Satoru. "God I hate him." You hissed, turning to face a dozing-off Shoko and your other friend Haibara. The classroom you sat in was almost empty, bathed in the soft light of midday filtering through large windows. Sparse shadows stretch across the well-worn wooden floor. Rows of desks, mostly unoccupied, face a dusty chalkboard at the front. "Who Satoru?" Shoko yawned, leaning into the palm of her hand to face you. Haibara lets out a loud chuckle. "Why? Because he's an ass to higher-ups?" He nods to the window and you click your tongue against the rough of your mouth. "No, it's because he is an ass in general. His whole 'holier than thou' attitude, and don't get me started on the way he treats girls." You practically shiver as you remember the time you saw some poor girl from Kyoto Jujutsu High profess her love to the white hair man, only to run away sobbing. "I swear to god it's like he expects us to kiss the floor that he walks on, he's.... infuriating" "Who's infuriating?" Oh god, you knew that stupidly deep voice anywhere. You whipped around to find yourself face to face with the very tall white-haired man you were talking about; a shit-eating grin spread across his infuriatingly handsome face.
“You couldn't be talking about me, could you?” Satoru's voice dripped faux shock and you rolled your eyes.
“Well you know what they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear.” You spat.
“That must be why you love using that pretty mouth of yours to talk about me so much.” Satoru lowered himself to close the provoking height difference between the two of you until your noses were inches away from touching. “Cause ya love having me around  doncha.”
In that moment you have to conjure up every ounce of self-restraint to not spit in his face there and then, and luckily your friends catch the drift. "Hey Satoru! What are you doing here?" Perked up Haibara who reached out his hand to dap Gojo up. "Well, Suguru and I are heading for a night out today, small club, and I thought, out of the kindness of my heart," You scoff and Gojo merely grins and continues, "I'd invite you all. Drink on me of course." As Satrou's invitation lingered in the air, you noticed Shoko's ears perk up. Her curiosity was piqued, a subtle lift of her eyebrows betraying her interest. You bit your tongue, the taste of reluctance sharp against your teeth. The idea of going anywhere with Satrou was far from appealing, but knowing your friends might join made it harder to outright refuse.
You crossed your arms defensively, leaning back slightly as you fixed Satrou with a skeptical look. "And why would you want me there?"
Satrou's lips curled into a half-smirk, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint."You're annoying, I'll give you that," He took a casual step closer, and leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, "but I never said you weren't fun."
His words, intended to irk you, did their job well. You glared at him sharply, the frustration evident in your furrowed brows and the hard set of your jaw.
Satrou chuckled.
“Great, I’ll take that as a yes then, I'll text you guys the details.” He turns around to walk out of the classroom. “See you guys there!”
There was a silence as you all watched Satrou walk away before Haibara turns to look at you. “So are you going to go y/n? Come on it will be so much fun!”
“Yeah no way in hell.”
~ You were a liar. You were a liar because here you were, leaning over the counter of a bar in a club that was far from "small." The nightclub was a pulsing, chaotic hive of activity. Neon lights flashed in syncopation with the deafening throb of electronic dance music that shook the very air. The club was jam-packed with bodies moving rhythmically, the heat from the mass of humanity palpable as the scent of sweat and sweet perfumes mingled. The bar surface was sticky under your arms, and the occasional spill from a too-hastily poured drink added to the chaos of sounds and smells around you. You lazily stirred the thin red straw into your drink, trying to politely ignore the creep who wouldn't stop talking to you.
Somehow, in the maze of gyrating bodies and blinding strobe lights, you had lost both Shoko and Haibara, leaving you stranded at the mercy of this clueless conversationalist. Despite the roar of bass and the chatter of dozens of conversations, his words seemed to bore into your ears, relentless and unyielding. He leaned in closer than necessary, trying to make himself heard over the club's cacophony, not realizing or perhaps not caring, that you were more interested in plotting an escape than in anything he had to say. "And might I say you look gorgeous tonight." It took everything you had not to scoff at this creep's words, but before you should shut the man down, you felt an arm wrap around you. "Everything alright love?" Oh god. You knew that voice anywhere. As you turned, you were met by Satrou's piercing blue eyes, their color vivid even behind stylish rectangular sunglasses. The multicolor flashing lights overhead caught in the threads of Satrou’s light blue button-up, making it shimmer subtly, and the fabric clung just right to his broad shoulders and tapered waist, hinting at the well-defined physique beneath. You hated the fact that your brain immediately noted how damn good he looked. His arm was wrapped around your waist drawing you close and you had to bite your tongue from frowning at the pet name he had given you As he leaned in, his voice was low, a soft murmur over the noise of the club, "This guy bothering you baby?" His tone was teasing, and you could detect the challenge in it, as if daring you to admit that his closeness and pet names affected you just as much as he knew it did. "Of course I'm fine baby!" You smile brightly and for a second you think Satrou looked a bit taken aback. If playing along got you out of this situation so be it. "This guy, I'm sorry, what's your name?" You glance back at the creep who had turned bright red. "I'm sorry, excuse me." You watched as the man disappeared into the throng of the bustling crowd, your attention fixed until he was well out of sight. Only then did you turn back to Satrou, the false warmth on your face instantly transforming into a cold, hard glare.
"Thanks for that, but you can get your hand off me now," you said, your voice icy as you tried to wriggle out of his hold. Despite your efforts, Satrou’s grip on your waist remained firm, unyielding.
"And why should I? I think we made a fantastic couple," Satrou cooed, a teasing lilt in his voice. His eyes sparkled with amusement, clearly enjoying the moment far more than you.
You rolled your eyes, exasperation seeping through. "You really think I would fall for something like that?"
"Why? Did you?" he probed further, his smile widening, eyes searching yours for any sign of genuine affect. Anger started to boil up inside you as your attempts to escape his grasp remained futile.
"I don't think you understand the dynamic here very well, Satoru," you began, your voice low and deliberate, each word punctuated for emphasis. You stepped closer, invading his space as much as he had invaded yours, your eyes never leaving his. "Let me make this crystal clear, I'm not someone you can just fucking conquer, and I'm certainly not one of those girls who's gonna kiss the ground you walk on with your whole 'I'm the strongest' act," you seethed.
Your face was mere inches from his now, your breath mingling, the tension palpable. "Because I know what you really are, Satrou," you hissed, the anger in your voice barely contained. "You're a fucking douche bag." "Oh? Is that so."
Satrou's expression shifted subtly, the amusement fading into something more measured, more cautious. He studied you for a moment and you took the chance to wiggle out of his grasp and make your way through the crowd on the dance floor toward the door. The beat of the music pounds in your ears and throughout your body making your synapses jump like beans in a tin can. You can barely see the floor, only flashes of bodies you frantically tried to push past. Before you can make it to the back door, a hand grips your wrist tightly enough to halt your forward rush. Above the din of the pulsating music and amidst the strobe-lit shadows of dancing figures, Satoru's face comes into view. You feel your breath catch in your throat. God his is beautiful. Strobe lights catch and accent every one of his sharp features alighting them in a multicolor color hue. He pulls your wrist to him so you're close, too close. You can smell the old spice shampoo from his hair mixed in with some sort of sweet cologne. It's a smell that makes you want to bury your nose into him over and over again. "Jesus fucking Christ y/n" he breathed his eyes searching yours. "How long are we going to keep this thing of ours going?" You furrowed your eyebrows. “Our thing? What thing?”
“The thing where we act like we hate each other but actually want to fuck the brains out of each other.” Your eyes widen and you feel your face grow deathly hot. You try to step back, get some space, some room to breathe, but the hand on your wrist keeps you from doing so
“I-fuck you” the words come out of your mouth more soft and meager than you intended to, and you find yourself locked into his blue gaze.
“Believe me, I've thought about it.” His voice is low, and his face isn't painted with a shit-eating grin like it so usually is, he's serious and his eyes are soft. Fuck it. You can no longer hear the lyrics to whatever song was playing, only a soft dull hum of the beat in your ears. Immediately your lips are on his. The kiss is frantic, hot, messy. The club's pulse thrummed through you like a second heartbeat, the noise and chaos all but forgotten in the singular focus of his presence. You could feel one of his large hands on the small of your back, drawing you in until there was no space left between the both of you. Your mouths clashed against each other as if you were both seeking something vital, something long-denied. Satoru's lips were insistent against yours, moving with a fervor that matched the pounding bass surrounding you. You whined as his tongue slipped into your mouth, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the firm press of his chest against yours. The scent of his cologne mixed with the smoky air around us, intoxicating and heady.
Your mouths separated with a soft pop, and Satoru is grinning while you're left dazed, breath heavy and chests rising and falling after it. "How bout you say we get out of here Princess."Gojo's voice was a low murmur, his breath warm against your ear as you broke from the intense kiss.
Before you could even respond, a dizzying rush enveloped you. The loud club vanished in an instant, replaced by the quiet, dimly lit ambiance of his bedroom. You were suddenly on his bed, the soft duvet beneath you a stark contrast to the hard dance floor we'd just left. Right, he can teleport. You forgot about that. Wait was he... where are you going to... Before you can get a word in, he’s once again engulfing your lips with his and pulling you into a feverish kiss in which the two of you can’t seem to get enough of each other. The moment one pulls away to breathe, the other is immediately searching for their lips again; intertwining tongues and teeth clashing together recklessly.
Your hot, everything is hot, your body is burning up by the second and there’s a sickly sweet feeling in your stomach that keeps on expanding as time passes. You whine into his mouth when you feel a hand slip under your skirt and lightly trace the outline of your slit with his index finger. You're painfully wet; your arousal has made a large spot on your underwear translucent. “Just touch me,’ you whined, arching impatiently against his hand. He couldn’t make either of you wait any longer. Slowly, he brought his middle finger down and slid it gently over her folds. You threw your head back. "Ahhhh, more please." He did it again, this time his fingertip slipping between and gathering your wetness. He parted you with two fingers. You let out a gasp when he hit your clit and started to rub it in small circles. You tried to say something, anything to explain how hot you were feeling right now, but your words were lost against his soft lips. The taste of him, the smell of him, the feel of him so close against you, skin to skin. Time and space had no meaning anymore. There was only you and Satrou.
“You feeling good baby? Satrou speaks slowly, breath on your neck and voice in your ear making you shiver. You bite your lip and nod like any words that came from you would ruin it. You almost wince when you feel two fingers slip into your tight hole. "Jesus, fuck. You gotta relax princesses." He chuckled, knowing far to well that the tightness was going to feel delicious around him. Two fingers worked into you, and your eyes rolled back into your head. He began a steady rhythm as his tongue nipped and sucked the tender skin of your neck. You couldn’t prevent her hips from rising to meet his thrusts. Oh God, you were riding his hand. That had to be bad. You told herself to stop. You couldn’t. Somehow, you found your hands tangled in his short white hair. Your body was coiled tighter, grasping at his fingers, so wet now you could hear the slippery sounds every time he drove back into you. "Hnghhh.... so good." You squeezed your eyes type, becoming focused on the tightening feeling of your core and the blossoming warm pleasure. Your legs started to tremble under the unbearable pleasure and your back arched against the bed as if your body was trying to escape the euphoric feeling that coursed through your skin. "That’s it, fuck, beautiful girl... such a natural submissive...." You want to tell him he's wrong, all this pleasure wasn't because of his egotistic ass, but it'd be a lie. And as if on command, all feelings come to a heightened crescendo; explosions of euphoria clouding your brain causing your toes to curl from pleasure and your body to shake like a leaf.
It takes a couple seconds after you calmed down to realize you squirted all over Satoru's hand and all blood rushes to your face turning you a bright red.
“Oh my god in so sorry I didn’t-”
Your voice dies out as you watch Satrou pull off his shirt, revealing his extremely built body and toned muscles, to wipe the liquid off his hand. You don’t even notice that he had pulled out his dick until you feel something pressing against your entrance, making you look down and your eyes widen as you do so. Your stomach inwardly twisted,  filled with the sickly excitement and your breathing started to quicken. "Shhhhh baby," Satoru cups your cheek and kisses your forehead. It was a sweet gesture despite everything happening right now, a gesture that made your heart swell and your mind yearn for Satoru. The stretch of his dick spreading your walls is insane. No amount of preparation could've prepared you for the length of Satoru's dick. You feel it heavy inside you and Satrou pushes into you until he can't push anymore, until his hips are flush against you and the tip of his length is smushed against your cervix. The pleasure of that alone felt numb, unbearable, you needed friction, you needed him to move. You practically faint when he first thrusts into you in earnest. It's euphoric; the curvature of his dick digging itself against your g-spot, scraping against your vaginal walls every time he backed his hips up. His cock pulsed inside of your silky walls, stretching you to the fullest capacity as he bottomed out again and again. "Oh fuck." Satrou groaned. He was no longer grinning, Satoru's playful resolves vanished and his smile quickly dropped. He knew you'd feel good, but he didn't expect how good you'd feel. The feeling of his hand he had fucked himself to the thought of you for so many nights was nothing compared to the real thing. It was too much, the feeling of your wet soft walls gripping him so tightly. How was he able to live without your pussy in the first place? The pleasure built rapidly, too potent, too insistent. He kneeled over you, a groan escaping his lips—a raw, primal sound that vibrated through the charged air between you. Satorus thrust your quick and hard, a clear display of strength and endurance he had gained from years of jujutsu training. "Been thinking about this, so long, bet you have to have ya~"
As Satrou's long, deliberate fingers encircle your neck, a thrilling chill races down your spine. He applies pressure gently at first, then with a firmer, insistent grip that gradually restricts your airflow, sending a wave of exhilaration through your senses. The world around you narrows, focusing intently on the point where his skin contacts yours, heightening every other sensation that courses through you. His other hand slips under your bra bra to grab and massage your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipples.
"Satoru..! Ahhhh..! I..I, fuckkkkk can't handle this.." You had no strength to answer him, only offering wanton moans in retort as he continued to wreck your body with his completely brutal thrusts. The pain of him hitting the tip of your cervix nearly every time mixed with his hand squeezing your throat it was just all too much.
Satoru. Satoru. Satoru
"Slow down.. please im gonna ahhhh~" Drool slipped passed your lips and you writhed and squirmed at the feeling of hot euphoria passed over your body in flesh arrow. "Gonna cum? Fuck baby, let's... let's come together m'kay?" Satrou almost stuttered. His body had kicked into autopilot, and a deep primal need for you settled in as he thrust in and out, creating a methodical rhythm that echoed in your ears. Your ankles lock around his lower back and you cry out when the head of his cock kisses your womb, your legs shaking as you feel yourself start to be thrown into an intense orgasm. You want to say something about the weird feeling in your stomach, how your skin is buzzing but it's all too much, and before you know it your tumbling toward the edge. It feels like your whole body was shot with electricity and color dances in your eyes as you float in ecstasy.
"Sh-Shit, shit, fuuuuck~" He chuckles into your ear, choking over his words as his hips sputter inside of you, hot cum fills you as much as you can hold inside of your stuffed cunny. Satoru doesn't pull out as you both come down from your high, instead watching you intently as you ride through the aftershocks of your orgasm. "Wanna do this again?" He chuckles.
"Fuck, yes, please."
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
morning after one night stand with 141?
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Anon! You have me kicking my feet and giggling over here!! I am cackling so hard omg. I've been waiting for a prompt like this, and I know it has been sitting in my inbox for a while. (Really there are a ton sitting in my inbox and I will get to them all I promise). But after feeling like garbage and having some health issues, this prompt just came to me naturally and I didn't need to force anything. I thought it would be best to tackle this first on my dive back into fulfilling these requests after the 1k follower event.
I went spicy with this one. I won't lie. Because, let's be real, a morning after with any of these four will only end up with you still in that bed. I know I'd fold instantly. No question about it.
Content & Warnings: swearing, unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), creampie, feelings, oral sex (male & female receiving), sex w/ and w/o condoms, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, aftercare
Word Count: 3.6k
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
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John Price
The ceiling fan above you spins slowly. It’s not nearly enough air. Your skin is sticky with sweat, and you’ve hardly slept at all.
The sheets you’re tangled in are thin, but what can you expect from a cheap hotel?
All of this was last second. A moment of tipsy-laced passion. Now you’re reaping the consequences. And the air is too damp, too hot, too—
You glance to your right, at the man softly snoring beside you. All the memories from last night appear before your eyes, replaying like a grainy recording. Images of all the positions this man put you in, and how fucking good his dick felt inside you.
Even now, you still feel the slight sting in your scalp from when he tangled his fingers in your hair while you took him into your mouth.
You need to leave. You need to leave with a thread of your dignity in tact before he wakes up. Before John wakes. You know the name well enough. He had you screaming it nearly all night. Insisted on it, and you happily obliged.
Shifting slightly, you shimmy to the very edge of the bed, trying your hardest to sit up without making too much noise or rocking the bed.  Swinging your legs around, you push up, coming to an upright position, feet planting firmly on the floor. Between your legs is a mess. You don’t have to see it to know.
Most of the night, John used condoms. But when the two of you finally curled up together, John had slid his hand between your thighs and parted you just enough to push right on in. You didn’t protest. You had sighed heavily, and then groaned when he rocked his hips, moving inside you.
In the moment you didn’t care. Not one bit. In a way, you still don’t, but what the fuck were you thinking?
You breathe in deep through your nostrils and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Lingering won’t help. You need to collect your clothes from the floor and leave.
As you open your eyes, and blink, you’re faced with your reflection. The full-length mirror against the wall shows the carnage from the night, but it’s not your appearance that has you pausing.
It’s John.
He’s awake.
And he’s staring right at you.
“You leaving me already?” His voice is husky. Sleep-tinged. The sound of it goes straight to your pussy.
“No,” you reply automatically.
He yawns, muscled chest flexing. “You’re lying, love.”
Your limbs do not cooperate. Move. That’s what you need, but your body isn’t listening. It’s melting instead, wanting to draw back into his arms.
“Am I?”
He nods, and rubs his large hand across his chest. The dark hairs there are tempting. You remember running your hands over those pectorals, and how your fingers dug in as you used him to rock back against his cock.
John pushes up and reaches over, that hand pressing against your back lightly, rubbing soft circles.
“Come here,” he says softly, and yet it isn’t soft at all.
It’s not pleading. It’s not exactly a command. John isn’t demanding anything and yet you are unable to form any will of your own. It’s like John has just taken a shot of whiskey.
Finally, your limbs move, but it is not away from him. Your feet find the bed again, and John is grabbing onto your thighs and waist, drawing you back. The whimper you release when both of his hands grasp the backs of your thighs as he pulls you into his lap is obscene. It’s silly. Downright ridiculous.
But it’s cut off. Cinched.
John’s mouth is on yours and then you’re kissing him. It is open-mouthed. A bit messy. But fuck is it good. His hands slide up your thighs, over the curve of your ass, and meander their way over your back. One arm wraps around your waist while the other comes up to your throat.
He won’t let you leave. He won’t allow you to slip away. John’s hand seems so large against your throat, and yet you don’t care. It’s possessive the way he claims your mouth. When you begin to wiggle, John growls, and you’re flipped onto your back.
John doesn’t cease kissing you, and his hands are everywhere. Your legs effortlessly part from him, and you feel his hard cock pressing against your thigh.
What’s one more? Couldn’t hurt.
You shift your hips, and it’s like John already knows. Drawing your legs up and into a more bent position, there is little effort in the way he buries himself to the hilt. You almost choke on your next breath but that is all you have.
There is nothing lazy or soft about this. John’s hips snap forward and back, skin smacking against skin. He presses his face against the side of your head, lips brushing along the lien of your jaw as he continues to relentlessly fuck you into the bed. Your hands claw at his back, fingers digging for a semblance of steadiness.
“Can’t leave yet,” he huffs against your throat.
Your face shifts toward him and John takes this opportunity to find your lips again, and this kiss is so much different. It is passionate, and speaks to something more desperate than a mere need.
This is only supposed to be a night. A fun, drunken fuck you can latch onto your belt.
But no. That’s not what this is.
Not really.
John "Soap" MacTavish
The air conditioning kicks in, and that is what wakes you. A cool burst of air travels over your skin, making you shiver, pulling you from sleep.
You groan, snuggling against the warmth you’re curled against. It’s a comforting warmth. A bit soft with some hardness too. Not completely comfortable but better than the blast of cold air.
When you sink further against this warmth, it shifts beneath you. Dazedly, you blink, pulling back slightly from this nice heat you don’t wish to leave. Your cheek grazes against something scratchy and then you’re frowning down at chiseled pectorals.
The night before comes rushing forward. It is a battering ram of information, one that sends your already foggy brain into overload.
“Morning, love.” The husky, Scottish voice grounds you, slamming you back to reality.
You twist slightly and are greeted by soft blue eyes and a lazy smile.
“Johnny,” you murmur.
“Remembered my name,” he laughs. He reaches over to grasp the back of your thigh, drawing it over his waist. That large hand of his squeezes gently and you shiver.
“You remember mine?” you ask, teasing back.
He hums softly, and then draws you in, whispering your name against your lips.
This was a one-time thing. A quick hookup. You met Johnny at a pub. He had zeroed in on you instantly, making his way toward you with eagerness like he knew he wanted you out of everyone there that night.
And you had melted. Complied. Fallen for his Scottish accent that only seemed to thicken the more he drank. He cracked jokes, and gave you all of his attention. It was nice to be wanted for once, and when he discreetly asked you if you wanted to go back to his place, you didn’t hesitate.
But the morning is here. It has come calling. And now you’re left with the consequences.
“I need to go,” you murmur, drawing away from him.
Embarrassment is starting to sink in. You have no idea what you might look like at the moment but it can’t be anything other than a mess. Your makeup is likely smeared, hair tangled like a bird’s nest, and you fucking ache everywhere.
Which is fucking understandable because Johnny has stamina. You’ve never been with a man with such quick recovery time. He’d finish, take a couple minutes, and come right back at it like he wasn’t winded at all. He also put you in all sorts of weird positions.
No wonder you’re sore.
Johnny’s face falls slightly, and his arms tighten, keeping you crushed against him. “Don’t want to stay for a bit? Could grab some breakfast.”
He’s offering it to you casually as if your rejection won’t mean anything, but you see the hesitation in his gaze. Johnny wants you to say “yes” and yet you don’t know why. It could just be a show of kindness. An offering of nourishment after the workout he put you through last night. But perhaps it’s something more?
No. That’s silly. Ridiculous.
The two of you met just last night. If anything, the two of you have only known each other for twelve hours. That’s hardly enough to go on.
But breakfast sounds lovely.
When you don’t answer right away, Johnny adjusts his hold on you. His face draws close, gaze lazily scanning your body. Slowly, he moves in, brushing his lips against your shoulder, and then the curve at your neck.
“Or we could stay here for a bit longer.” He presses a kiss to your throat. “Breakfast after?” Johnny’s hand changes position, slipping up to grasp the curve of your ass. His body twists, and you feel his hard cock against the inside of your thigh.
Your pussy immediately clenches, remembering all the things he did to you. You attempt to push the feeling aside but it only grows, flowing outward, zapping your self-control.
“Johnny,” you whimper as his hand ventures further downward, sliding between your legs.
His fingers part your pussy, and the sound of the mess between your legs reaches your ears. The two of you didn’t use condoms last night, but you’re both clean and you went for it. It seems overly loudly in the room, and Johnny’s breathing quickens slightly as he explores.
“Don’t mind me adding to this?” His lips come down on your neck before his teeth lightly sink in.
Your lips part and you cry out as Johnny slips a finger inside your pussy. He takes his time, slowly moving in and out of your pussy. Lazily, his thumb brushes over your clit. He repeats the gesture, and your hips buck against his hold.
“Staying?” he asks, lips brushing over collarbone to descend downward to your breasts.
His actions aren’t fair. This isn’t how things are supposed to go. He’s supposed to kick you out. To tell you to leave either politely or like an asshole. Instead, Johnny is trying everything to get you to stay. And you can’t say you’re all that mad about it because—fuck, this man knows how to use his fingers.
Johnny runs his tongue over your nipple and you nearly come undone right then. Your hips flex forward, pushing your clit against his palm. He inserts a second finger, and Johnny groans against your breasts as your orgasm builds toward its peak.
“Stay,” he says, and you squeeze around those two digits, gasping for air as your fingers dig into his pectorals.
Johnny withdraws and rolls you onto your back. You spread your legs gladly, your orgasm still buzzing under your skin. He boxes you in, the head of his cock pushing in. All that soreness returns but it is fleeting. Once he’s seated entirely inside you, you hardly care.
“I’ll stay,” you gasp as he rocks his hips.
“For breakfast, too?”
“Whatever you want.”
Simon "Ghost" Riley
When you awaken, it’s a jolt. A sharp shake.
You blink, not recognizing your surroundings for a moment. Hazy memories bubble up to the surface. There was a man with blonde hair and scars. There was whiskey. Lots of it. A bottle shared between you and him.
His hand kept straying to your thigh, squeezing with intention. You leaned in, asked if he was interested in going elsewhere.
This is elsewhere. And it’s not a hotel.
You remember him now. His gruff voice, his large hands on your body, and the way he stripped you down in seconds before his mouth sought supple skin. Your cheeks heat with the memory, and you absently press your palm there, the warmth radiating into your fingers.
Glancing over, you find the bed empty. Reaching out, you test the sheets, finding them cold. Simon has been gone a while, but this is no hotel room. It’s too personal, which means he’s somewhere. This must be his home.
If you’re careful, maybe you can slip out. You sit up, and listen. Quiet. No running water or feet padding softly against the floor. The bathroom door is ajar and the light is off. Simon might be out in the kitchen or living room—or he might be gone.
That’s happened before. You’ve awoken only for the man to be gone, leaving you alone in his home to put yourself together and make an exit at your convenience.
Simon was a good fuck. You can’t complain on that front. He knew exactly how to work your body. He found all your spots—all the things that make you melt—and stuck with it.
Sighing heavily, you crawl out of the comfortable bed. Your limbs scream in protest, soreness making itself known in places you’ve never been sore before. It’s a game finding your discarded clothes on the floor. With only a sliver of sunlight from the window, you’re forced to grab and hold the item up in the air to determine if the clothing item is yours or Simon’s.
“Finally,” you mutter, identifying your shirt. It’s halfway over your head when you hear the front door. “Fuck,” you hiss, only tangling yourself further.
You take a step back only to smack your leg against the bed. It sends you backwards, sprawling onto your back. You manage to sit up and wrestle your shirt on when Simon enters the room.
He stands in the doorway holding a plastic bag, and wearing a black tracksuit. Simon’s hair is a bit of a mess like he quickly ran his fingers through it before leaving.
“Hi,” you say weakly, because you can’t stand awkward silence.
“Leaving?” asks Simon, but he doesn’t sound upset.
You shrug, and swallow down the lump in your throat. “What’s in the bag?” you reply, switching tactics.
Simon is quiet a moment before he reaches in and tosses something to you. You manage to catch it without fumbling it.
Glancing down, you look at the box. At the—oh.
“We ran out last night,” he states simply.
It suddenly grows hot in the room.
“We did,” you agree, clutching the box of condoms like it’s a lifejacket.
He bought more. Which means—
“You’re welcome to leave,” he says, crumbling up the bag and setting it on top of the dresser. Simon reaches into his pocket and deposits his keys along with his phone. Unzipping his jacket, Simon reveals bare chest.
When the jacket is gone, Simon is left in only black joggers. He’s on full display. Broad shoulders, muscled arms and chest, large hands that perfectly wrapped around your throat as he bent you over and fucked you from behind.
“Is that what you want?” you ask, but you already know the answer. If Simon really wanted you gone, he wouldn’t have left to purchase another box of condoms.
“It’s what you want,” he replies. Simon is so calm—so casual. He’s not moving away from the door. He stands there, shirtless, gaze intense.
You sigh loudly and glance down at the box of condoms. “You did go out of your way to buy these.”
By the time you glance up, Simon is right there, grasping your throat, easing your head upwards so that you can look at him. With his other hand, he takes the condoms and tosses them onto the bed.
“You’re staying.” It’s not really a question, more of a confirmation.
You nod once and Simon’s thumb brushes over your bottom lip. That soft touch is enough to part your lips, and Simon makes a noise deep in his throat that sounds like a groan.
“Take me in your mouth,” he rasps. “Like you did last night.”
Your hands find the top of his joggers. Sliding beneath the band, you wiggle them down until the base of his cock appears. You pull a bit more, and then it’s free, already hard with a tiny bead of cum blooming in the slit. Your tongue darts out, swiping it up.
Simon shivers, and his hold on your neck adjusts to grasp the back of your head. He doesn’t haul you against him, or force himself down your throat. He is waiting for you, and that action in and of itself is enough to get you to stay a bit longer.
The head of his cock slides over your tongue and you throat him deep. Simon’s eyelids flutter and his groan is sweet. You bottle it up for later with the intention of recreating that sound—to make him moan like that again.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Sunday mornings are lazy mornings.
Some of the alcohol from last night still lingers in your pores, leaving a tightness behind your eyes and at your temples. But it’s not all that relevant.
Right now, you’re floating. There’s a man between your thighs. Well, his head anyway. And his tongue is doing all sorts of things to you.
Kyle’s tongue lazily flicks back and forth over your clit while he pumps two fingers in and out of your pussy. He is in no rush. No hurry. He’s taking his time, and you’re in blissful motion, hips rocking against his tongue, meeting his fingers with each thrust.
He groans softly against your pussy just before he sucks your clit into his mouth. Your fingers dig into his shoulders, and your back arches off the bed. Kyle’s name is on your lips. A repetition you cannot cease.
Even with your orgasm blossoming, you feel his smile against your skin. Kyle is smug that he’s done this to you.
What a way to start the day.
Kyle’s fingers slip from your body, and then he’s pushing up, reaching for the box of condoms on the bedside table. He snatches one up, tearing it open quickly.
“How do you want me?” you murmur, not trusting your voice. It’s still hoarse from sleep and the smokes you accepted last night.
Kyle rolls on the condom. His skin is glossy with sweat. The two of you have hardly slept. You thought this would be a quick fuck but it’s something else. Kyle takes his time, and that has drawn this one-night stand out into an all-night fucking marathon.
“You’re good as you are, love,” coos Kyle, settling between your legs again. You both groan aloud when he slides home.
It’s the next day. You should be out of this bed. You should be doing your usual walk-of-shame, and yet you’re still in Kyle’s bed, full of his cock, and completely strung out on orgasms.
“Promise I’ll let you rest after this,” he murmurs, testing with a roll of his hips.
You almost laugh. “You said that the last two times,” you moan as he hits somewhere deep.
“Did I?” he asks, absently.
Kyle is sweet, but he knows how to make you yearn. It’s agony. And it’s fucking beautiful. This isn’t how any of this is supposed to go and yet here you are, getting dicked down by a man who is clearly beyond simple hook-ups.
This man is boyfriend material, and even as your mind starts to drift back into a lustful haze, it’s scheming of ways to keep him.
Shifting slightly, Kyle adjusts your legs, setting a pace that makes each stroke divine. Perhaps it’s the fact that you’re exhausted that it feels so goddamn good. And maybe the two of you will actually rest after this.
The birds are chirping, and traffic is already moving. It’s the morning after, and yet the night seems to have been unending.
Kyle leans forward, and then your lips are connecting. Each kiss is deep. Tender. It’s unfair how nice this is. It shouldn’t be like this, and yet it is, and that makes it all the more painful when you do finally leave. This is not your home. It is his.
This is just an agreement made in a smoky pub. Nothing more.
“Kyle,” you moan, drawing his name out as your orgasm crests.
He smiles against your mouth, his pace stuttering out as the rest of him starts to tense.
“Almost there, love. Promise.” That word, promise, is strained. Kyle’s eyelids flutter, and then he too finds his end.
In the muted dark, the two of you exchange breaths. A car honks outside but it’s a muted thing. You’re hardly paying attention.
“Can we rest now?” you ask. It’s almost a laugh, but it’s also cautious. Maybe rest just means rest for him, and you’re about to be kicked to the curb.
“Yeah,” he smiles, rolling onto his back. Kyle reaches down to remove the condom before pushing himself out of bed and into the bathroom. The light flicks on. Water runs. And then Kyle returns with a damp cloth.
“Open those legs for me.”
You do so obediently, and Kyle patiently cleans you up before returning the cloth to the bathroom.
When he returns, the words tumble out of you unexpectantly. “I just need a couple hours and then I’ll go.”
Kyle frowns as he slides back into the bed. “You don’t need to rush out of here.”
You don’t need to rush out of here.
“I don’t want to bother—” Kyle shakes his head and you cease speaking.
“Come here,” he murmurs, offering himself. You slide up next to him, and Kyle wraps his arms around your body, dragging you into his chest.
Your lips begin to form words but Kyle makes a grunt and you promptly close your mouth. Kyle has you locked in his arms, and it’s comfortable. Normal. This is all too personal, and yet Kyle doesn’t seem to mind.
Maybe you could make this into something else.
Maybe this is him offering more.
Whatever it is, the concept fractures, slipping away as the warmth and comfort of him lulls you to sleep.
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sugurizz · 1 year
(Smut/ NSFW +18 - minors DNI !)
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 ── lover boy! Yuuta
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's playing handball with his friends. His soft dark locks and slender body caught your eye; running around shirtless as his tall frame prances around left and right. with his shiny lips curled up in a smile and his bubbly laughs resonating through the breeze.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who gets so shy when he sees that his ball landed next to you; the cute girl he's been eyeing up throughout the whole game. your sparkly asscheeks barely covered in your bikini strings and your breasts flushed against the warm sand really sent his brain spiralling.
He shyly grabs the ball as he approaches you, asks you if you'd care to join in. Then he furiously blushes when you redirect the question at him "Why don't you come chill under my parasol instead?"
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's hoping your parasol is large enough to cover up on both of you. you're straddeling his lap, messing up his hair and telling him that "he's the cutest boy you saw in the whole beach" as you plant kisses everywhere on his cheeks, chest, neck and lips. You giggle at every flustered whine he lets, until he grabs your hand, asking you to follow him...
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's eating your ass in his little cabin, smothering his face in your tender skin and drowning himself in the milky scent of your pussy. his blushy cheeks, cute eyebags and adorable noises make your pussy wetter for him.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who (un)surprisingly under his cute aura and puppy eyes hides the thickest cock that dangles alongside his left thigh..
"Oh, sorry...is it too b-big?" he mumbles when you tug down on his boxers, his veiny length springs free, almost slaps your cheek as it stands proud against his stomach.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's now humping you like a bunny in heat. heavy breathes and frustrated sighs escape his pretty lips. face is still soaked in your sweet juices but he could care less..
"You sure you can take me?...don't wanna see you in pain".
"I'd die for your big cock, handsome angel." you whisper, grabbing his mushroon tip and smearing it across your pussy lips.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's now into demon mode, the sweetness and shyness are long gone with his schlong bullying your pussy senseless. He groans over and over in your ear "you'll be my cute girlfriend...we'll feel good together..every day..."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who watches you with blown dark pupils as you squirt all over his stomach, fevereshly crying out a "Yess daddy.. I'm all yours! Make me yours!.."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's so embarassed to see his thick cum spurt uncontrollably out his tip because of how hard you squirted on him.
"Sorry, I cum a lot...I'll bring a-"
He stares at you as you collect the ropes of seed he freshly spurted on your breasts, slowly lift your fingers then smear them on your tongue as you lock eyes with him.
"Come kiss me, Yuuta..."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's shamelessly snowballing with you, making the loudest sloppiest sounds with his own cum bubbling on both your lips and dribbling down your chins. "One more round, angel boy?" You smirk as he struggles to hide his cute boner again...
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my love if i may request a whiskey with dbf!joel or dbf!bucky with the prompt “i’ve wanted this for so long” and mayhaps if it’s not too much to ask for but some breeding kink👀👉🏻👈🏻
Promises, Promises.
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warnings - smut. cursing.
I figured I'd make this dbf!bucky, because i've done a dbf!joel fic for this celebration already. y'all, I read the words dad's best friend and go fucking feral. this one got away from me.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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You're the last person Bucky expected to be at his front door at 3am.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"Locked myself out of my goddamn house, and my parents are still on vacation. Can I crash here tonight? Please?"
Who is he to turn down an offer that tempting?
"Course. Come on, it's too cold for you to be stood out here."
The two of you sit down on his couch, settling in to watch some TV.
"Bucky Barnes. Are you watching a romcom?"
He blushes, a slight flush creeping up his cheeks.
"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you. They're my guilty pleasure."
"It makes me like you more, if anything," you grin. He can't help but smile back at you, less embarrassed now.
"Look, my love life is fuckin' terrible. I live vicariously through these cheesy films right now."
"You? Terrible love life? Those two phrases don't usually go in the same sentence."
You're teasing him. Seeing if you can get a rise, hit the right button.
"Oh, shut it. Just because you're on a new date every week."
"I'm... what?"
"Your Dad seems to think you're dating a lot."
You quirk a brow at him, amusement curling at the corners of your lips.
"Is that so?"
"I'm only telling you what I've heard, honey."
He crosses his arms across his chest, biceps threatening to break free from the confines of his t shirt.
"He's wrong."
"Is that so?"
You roll your eyes.
"I have a friend, he's a guy. My Dad automatically assumes we're dating because we hang out. But we're not."
"And why not?"
"I don't know, I guess he's just..." you debate your answer, realising it's now or never. "He's not old enough for me. Not mature enough."
Bucky bites his lip, eyes scanning your face.
"He's your age."
"Exactly. Boys my age don't know shit."
He laughs, but it's dark and low, something brewing beneath the surface.
"You always were too smart for your own good, huh?"
Bucky's thigh is pressing into yours, the warmth from his skin seeping through. His rough fingertips glide across your arm, slow and soft. He's testing the waters.
"I shouldn't want this," he murmurs, barely audible. "Neither should you."
"But I do," you whisper. "So fucking bad."
"Me too."
Bucky grabs the back of your neck, smashing his lips to yours. You grip at his hair, his biceps, his shirt - anything you can get a hold of. You feel like you're dreaming, your filthiest thoughts coming into fruition.
He pulls you into his lap so you're straddling his hips, grinding down and panting into his mouth. You're both breathless, but neither of you want to be the first to pull away.
Bucky rips your shirt over your head, instantly attacking your chest with kisses. He's marking you up, claiming you as his. You should be worried about the repercussions, but you're not.
You pull his shirt off and rake your nails down his front, grinning when he shivers. Suddenly, Bucky stands up, setting you on your feet.
You blink at him, processing.
"Strip, baby. I won't tell you again."
You shimmy your pants down your legs, your underwear going too. Your mouth waters as you watch him undress, admiring the angles and smooth ridges of him. A Greek God.
Bucky stalks over to you and hooks a foot behind your ankle, sending you both flying onto the rug on the floor. He cushions your fall, not letting go of you once. Running two fingers through your wet heat, he groans.
"All for me, pretty girl? What did I do to deserve somethin' this sweet, huh?"
"Need you," you whine. "Please, Buck."
"I've wanted this for so long," he murmurs, lining himself up. "Fuck, you're a dream."
You both gasp as he slides home, your back arching and his jaw falling slack. Bucky rests a hand against the base of your throat, the weight grounding you back down to Earth.
"Need you to move," you choke out. "Fuck, I need it, Buck. Please."
"Oh you need it, do you?" he smirks. "My needy girl."
He snaps his hips into yours in long, careful glides, very aware of the effect he has on you. Before long, his restraint snaps, and his thrusts get harder, quicker, more frantic.
"Gonna fill you up, baby," he's muttering under his breath. "Make you mine. You want that? To have everyone know who you belong to?"
You're nodding rapidly, tears gathering in your eyes, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
"How are we gonna keep this a secret if you're pregnant, huh?"
The thought makes you moan, a breathy, gutteral sound.
"You like that? Want me to make you a mommy? Fuck, I'll give you everything you ask for. I'll buy you a house and knock you up, you'll never want for anything."
His low, honeyed words throw you over the edge, squeezing and clenching around him. Bucky groans, deep and rumbled, the sound vibrating through the both of you. You find your releases together, panting and out of breath.
"House first."
"Huh?" he breathes, raising his head from your chest.
"Buy me a house first. Kids second. Maybe marriage in between."
He laughs, floating and content. You both know he meant what he said, not just a heat of the moment confession.
You stay wrapped up in each other for hours, on the rug in front of the fire.
You'll deal with the repercussions later.
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k9wa · 13 days
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⟁ 7:14 PM ft BOOTHILL.
⠀ — braiding his hair bc my brain is rotting and i miss him.
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⚠︎ fluff, thats really it, mechanic!reader but its not really relevant, suggestive if you squint and cover one eye and hang upside down. gn reader, wc 860.
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boothill's head was lulled back between a pair of soft, comfy thighs, eyes a content and lazy half lidded as he felt some familiar calloused and precise fingers detangling little pieces of his hair. the sun was almost down past the horizon, and the last few warm rays peeking out left the room hued a gentle orange colour, its two inhabitants bathing in it.. 
he felt a slight tug here and there as you worked your magic, taking the knots out of those long white locks with patient fingers.
“you have such pretty hair.”
you mused quietly, combing out another strand with your nails. boothill's lips tugged up lightly in a gentle smirk— a hint of pride washing over him. he was a bigger sucker for praise than he’d ever admit.
“well, it’s gotta look good if it’s gonna match th’rest of me.” he drawled, voice a low rumble filled with a certain ease that rarely surfaced— well, rarely with others, anyway. he received a playful tug of his hair in response.boothill leaned back a bit more, trying to catch a glimpse of your endearing focussed expression.
he was slowly melting against your deft fingertips, silently whirring internals mimicking the quiet purr of a cat as you twirled a piece around your finger. 
“can i braid it?” you asked simply, already sectioning out a few strands at the top. 
“do whatever you want, sugar.” he granted with a little shrug, smirk still playing on his lips. “reckon a braid’ll help keep it from flyin’ into my eyes so much.”
he felt the rhythmic crossing of each strand as you began to braid, every brush of your nails against his scalp sending a pleasant shiver right through his wires.
“y’know,” he opened, voice still that gravely tone you could never get enough of. “ain’t nobody else i’d sit still for like this.” he admitted, brashness taking a backseat to give way to a tenderness reserved for one person only.
“yeah?” you smiled a bit, continuing to braid. “just for me, huh?”
boothill couldn’t help but let out a scruff, throaty chuckle, vibrations running through his chest.“just for you, darlin’.” he echoed.
 “you’ve got a magic touch, i s’ppose,” his eyes shut briefly. “could get used to this.”
the melodic and methodic movements of your fingers were earnestly making him drowsy, a soothing lullaby that laced and weaved around him in the same patterns as his hair. 
“like being pampered?” you teased playfully, earning a chuckle from him.
“you just got a way of makin’ a man feel real special. that’s all.”
your fingers kept slowly crossing and twisting strands.
“you should let me curl it some day,” you suggested, amusing yourself with the thought of him dawning a bunch of puffy ringlets. “you’d look like ‘genti.”
boothill's low laughter echoed quietly in the room, a deep sound that harmonised with your own. 
“now that’d be somethin’ to see,” he admitted with a playful scoff. “ol’ boothill with curls bouncin’ around like some dandy.”
he shook his head as he pictured it, and you had to flick his cheek to remind him to look straight.
“i'd sport some curls if it meant i get to see you smilin’.”
you smiled fondly at that, taking a small hair tie and wrapping it around the tail of his braid.
“you’re sweeter than you let on.” you reached around to fix his bangs a little bit. 
“there.” you tilted his head up a bit to look at him, feigning shock. “well, ain’t you pretty?”
hearing his own southern drawl echoed back to him made the cowboy snort. “ain’t i just the belle of the ball now?”
boothill's hand instinctively reached back to feel your handiwork, prosthetic fingers tracing along the weaves of his hair.
“mighty fine job, sugar plum.” he commended, turning around to face you on his knees, hands sliding up your thighs until they met behind your back in a careful hug around your waist. he looked up at you— really looked at you, that mushy softness in him pushing out through the cracks you always left in his defences. 
“thanks, darlin’.” he said quietly, those red cruciform pupils locked in on your own. “means more’en you might know, you spendin’ your time fussin’ over me like this.”
the cyborg’s head fell comfortably down in your lsp, nuzzling into you.
“i think fussing over you is a full time job,” you teased lightly, a smile evident in your voice. “not that i mind.”
one of your hands traced the mechanical connections of his arm, all the way up until your fingers gave a gentle brush to his cheek.
boothill let out a breathy chuckle, some air fanning across your tummy. his fingers, a soothing and smooth cool metal, traced little shapes along your lower back.
“well, i reckon i oughta start payin’ you overtime for such dedication.” he quipped quietly, demeanour playful yet earnest as always.
“paying me to start might be better.” you gave a playful pinch to his cheek.  
“i got a few ideas for how i can pay ya,” he teased back, giving a little nip to your thigh.
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oh-my-damn · 7 months
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Pairing: Astarion x f!Tav/reader
Summary: You wake up to your lover having a nightmare. You do your best to soothe him afterwards, but Astarion knows the perfect way to distract himself from it, and it includes having your naked body under his – among other things.
Wordcount: 5500
Warnings: Angst (regarding nightmares/Cazador), fluff (including cute nicknames for Astarion 🥹), smut (fingering, piv, unprotected sex, dirtytalk, explicit sexual descriptions, breeding kink, blood/blood drinking).
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You jolt awake at the sudden movement against you, your mind alert and ready to face danger even if you were just hauled out of sleep.
Your wide eyes search the dark room for any threats, rapidly moving over the space until you realize no one is there.
But then there is another movement next to you, this time followed by yelling.
"No.. No! NO! Don't-please!"
You look to your right to find your lover tussled up in the sheets, his eyes firmly closed while he thrashes, his yelling intensifying.
"Please! NO!" Astarion yells again, making your heartbeat spike, your hands quickly finding his bare shoulders to offer him comfort.
He's asleep, clearly embedded in a nightmare that's causing him horrors you could only dare imagine, given his history. You keep your voice low and soothing to your best ability, your hands gentle when you stroke them up and down his arms.
"Stari, baby, wake up. You're safe. Wake up."
He doesn't react, instead tossing his head from side to side as he screams again. Your heart breaks at the terrified look on his sleeping face, your touches turning more determined to try and wake him.
"Astarion, hey. Wake up baby, you're having a nightmare, wake-"
He suddenly jolts awake, his wide, crimson eyes finding you in a panic, his breathing ragged. His cold fingers wrap around your wrist, and it takes a moment before he realizes who is touching him.
"Shh, it's just me, you're okay baby. You were having a nightmare."
His panicked eyes bounce between yours, a beat passing before he breathes in heavily, almost like he was suffocating under the pressure. His fingers stay wrapped around your wrist, but the touch turns more desperate than panicked, like he needs to touch you to ensure you're real.
"Shh," you coo, letting your hand run through his hair to soothe him, "It's okay, you're okay. You were having a bad dream, but you're okay."
He lets out a small sob, and then he suddenly wraps his arms around you. You let out an oopmf when he pulls you down to him, hiding his face in your neck, one of your hands continuing to caress his hair while the other strokes his arm.
You gently shush him, doing your best to help him calm down, and he gradually does, although he elects to stay quiet.
After a while, he calms more, allowing you to gently shift him around. You move to lie down on your back, pulling him with you, his face still buried in your neck while his arms wrap around your waist in an iron-tight grip.
He moves slightly to allow himself to lie on top of you, holding you close, and you wrap your legs around his waist to make the new position more comfortable for both of you. Your fingers gently move down his back, careful as they move over the scarring there, occasionally running up over his shoulders and the back of his neck.
You let him take his time, deeply breathing in your scent as your warmth envelopes him, his cold lips brushing over the skin on your neck occasionally.
You let your fingers travel up into his hair, carefully playing with his curls, and when you feel he's mostly calm you quietly whisper, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. I'd just like to hold you a little longer, please."
His response is immediate, making you nod and wrap yourself tighter around him. He hums at the feeling, nuzzling his face into your neck while your fingers scratch his scalp.
"Okay, my love. Take your time. Do you want me to talk or stay quiet in the meantime?"
"Talk," he murmurs against your skin, "Your voice always helps."
You hum, smiling softly while you continue caressing him as if he was the most precious, delicate thing in the world – which to you, he truly is.
"In that case, do you want to hear about the time Gale almost consumed my favorite pair of boots?"
Astarion pauses, then huffs out against your neck, "That oaf would eat anything even remotely magical."
You chuckle, shaking your head, "That's the thing, they weren't even magical, he just figured they were."
Astarion snorts against your neck, and then he finally leans back to look down at you with an amused smile, "Are you telling me Gale almost consumed a pair of your normal boots for no reason at all?"
You smile up at him, reaching up to cup his cheek in your hand while you nod, "Mhm, and they were an old, dirty pair, too. I almost let him do it but I didn't want to be mean."
"How'd he get them if they weren't magical? Why would you give them to him?"
"He tried to steal them," you muse, and that makes Astarion chuckle, that beautiful smile of his finally returning to his face.
"You should have let him eat them, my love."
You grin up at your lover, and he mirrors it, his crimson eyes taking in the features of your face.
"I knew you'd say that."
He chuckles again, and then he leans down, his soft lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. He pulls back for a moment, but then he leans back down, kissing you more intensely this time. His lips move over yours languidly, like he's relishing in it, his lips careful and sweet against your own.
You let him control the pace, kissing him back with the same fervor, and then your stomach does a flip when he whispers against your lips, "I love you. Thank you for being mine."
You smile into the kiss, your thumb caressing his cheek, "Always."
Astarion hums at your reply, his lips moving over yours with more determination, his tongue swiping at the seam of your lips. You part them for him, granting his tongue access to your own, and he lets out a rumbling groan in response.
Your fingers slide back to curl in his hair, letting the soft locks envelop your digits before you lightly pull on it, earning another groan from him.
When his lips travel down your jaw to your neck, however, you let out a small chuckle, "Star."
He only hums, his lips lightly sucking on your neck while his tongue darts out occasionally to soothe your skin. You can feel a noticeable hardness growing between the two of you, pulling a breathy gasp from your parted lips when his hips grind down into yours.
"Astarion.. Are you trying to distract me so I won't ask about your nightmare?"
Astarion pauses, a moment passes before his lips latch on to your skin again. Then you feel something sharp and pointy pressing against your neck, scraping over it teasingly.
"Mmh, why on earth would you think that?"
"Because I know you," you snort, but it's becoming more and more difficult to remember why you're protesting when he presses himself against you again, his cock rubbing against your covered core. Your legs tighten around his waist in response, eliciting an amused chuckle from him.
"How about I make you a deal," he murmurs, his tongue swiping over your pulsepoint while his hips start to slowly move, rubbing his covered length against you, "You indulge me now, and I'll tell you all of my innermost secrets after. How's that sound?"
He starts grinding more determinedly, his clothed cock rubbing on your core in a way that makes your toes curl. You only manage to breathe out your words, halfway to a moan before you finish speaking, "Deal."
"Good girl," he hums, making your stomach flutter, and when you feel his fangs nip at your skin again you muse, "Are you hungry or horny, hm?"
"How about both?" He replies, his words followed by another groan when you tilt your hips up to rub against him, his breath catching before he whispers against your skin, "Will you let me have a nibble, my treasure? Just a little one, if you'll allow it – you just taste so sweet, you feel so warm and soft.. I can't resist."
You smile at his words, your fingers tugging on his hair again while your head tilts to the side, presenting the curve of your neck to him, "I'm all yours, you know that."
Your words earn you a few gentle kisses, his voice soft when he whispers, "I do. Just like you know that all of me belongs to you."
You gasp when he sinks his teeth into your neck, your skin stinging when it splits from the pressure. Astarion moans, latching on while his hips start moving more eagerly against you, his clothed cock pressing firmly into your core.
You moan in turn, feeling delirious at the combination of him drinking from you while the feel of his cock turns you into a needy mess, your fingers tightening in his hair.
Astarion drinks from you for a few seconds longer before he gently licks over the spot, his bite turning into delicate kisses instead. He licks his lips, kissing his way up your neck to your jaw, and then his lips brush over your ear when he whispers, "Would you like to know what I want, my darling?"
"Yes," you breathe out, a shiver running down your spine from the desire laced in his voice, "Tell me, please."
"Mmh," he hums in approval, one cool hand sliding down your side, his fingers brushing the side of your breast. Then it wanders back up, and you keen when his palm cups your breast through your nightdress, your back arching in response.
"I want to be inside you," he whispers in your ear, his deft fingers finding your hardened nipple through the fabric, "Gods, how I miss being inside you. It's been far too long, don't you think, my sweet?"
You moan out your words, your mind turning hazy, "You.. Oh gods, you were inside me this morning."
"I know," he purrs in your ear, his fingers squeezing the hard peak, "It's been far too long."
He buries his face in your neck as his hands travel down your sides, finding the hem of your nightdress. His slender fingers curl in the fabric before he starts lifting your dress up, sliding it up over your ass and hips. Then he leans back on his haunches, his crimson eyes watching as his hands reveal more of your skin to him, a smug smile painting his lips when he sees the panties covering you. You're wearing a new pair you found at Facemaker's; thin lacy material, more skimpy than your usual findings at the boutique, and you bought them specifically hoping that he would enjoy how they barely cover anything.
"Cute," he muses, fingers inching under the waistband, "All for me?"
You nod, letting out a breathless giggle when his touch tickles your sensitive skin, your eyes meeting his when they lift to watch your face. Then his expression turns more serious, one perfect brow arching.
"You know what I need," he says quietly, his lust-haze temporarily forgotten, "May I make love to you, my darling? I won't do anything further if you don't want to, but please take into account that I am dying to get inside you right now."
For Astarion, the most sacred part of your relationship was the constant reassurance and consent you both cherished from one another. It was the most important element, and something he took extremely seriously. Even after being together for years, he still wanted to hear you say, out loud, that you wanted to be with him before he took it too far.
You nod, smiling softly as your hand travels up his arm reassuringly, "Yes Astarion, I'd like you to make love to me. Please."
His lips lift in a smirk, and then his fingers curl in the waistband of your panties, "As you wish, my love."
His gaze drops to your lace covered core, his deft fingers inching their way underneath, but when his eyes flick back up to look at you, he frowns slightly, as if he is offended at suddenly noticing that your upper half is still covered by the nightdress you went to bed in.
Then he tuts, his fingers changing direction. Instead of moving south, they slide up your stomach, pushing the fabric up as they go.
His touch is cool on your skin, as it always is, raising goosebumps in its wake. You've learned to enjoy and crave the chill that comes with his touch, it feels like being electrified – like you're not truly alive until you feel the coolness of his fingers on you.
Astarion pushes the dress up to your stomach, pausing once he has the fabric bunched up right below your breasts. Then his eyes flick to meet yours momentarily before they move back to watch as he slowly unveils your breasts, a rumbling sound at the back of his throat when they bounce once he pushes the fabric over the plush mounds.
He releases a breath, his face dropping to your stomach before he nuzzles his way upwards, his lips moving over your skin. Then his tongue darts out when he reaches your breasts, licking over one until he finds a hardened nipple. He flicks it teasingly, then wraps his lips around it with purpose, sucking and nippling on the peak with another groan.
You keen, arching your back while your hands fly to his hair, shivering when you feel his cold fingers finding your other nipple to play with it in tandem. You squirm a little on the bed, grinding your hips upwards, your voice breathless, "Oh gods, your tongue is like the sweetest sin."
Astarion chuckles softly against your skin, he loves spending time worshipping your breasts – in fact, he loves worshipping every single inch of you – and you know that too.
He cups the plush mounds in his hands, pushing them together to better smother his face in them, moaning at how warm and firm yet soft they feel against his face.
You help him out by removing your nightdress completely, pulling it over your head to let him have free roam over your body.
His lips and teeth pull on one nipple while his fingers do the same to the other one, his large palms massaging the flesh greedily.
Your hips start squirming more insistently, your fingers back to pull on his hair as you let out a whimper, "Stari, please.."
"Please what, love?" He muses, experimentally biting down a little harder on your nipple before he switches to the other one, his fingers taking over the work on your now spit-covered peak, "Please continue or please more, hm?"
"More," you gasp, lifting your hips needily against him, crying out when he sucks and bites on your other nipple, "More, more, please, more."
Astarion hums, his lips staying firmly latched on your nipple while his hands travel down your waist again, finding the lacy fabric covering you.
His fingers hook in the waistband, and then he starts dragging them down over your hips and ass, groaning in annoyance when he needs to pull away from you to get them fully off. He sits back up, yanking them the rest of the way off you before he finally has you fully naked, his scarlet gaze dragging over your naked form.
"Finally, just as the gods intended for me to have you," he murmurs, his palms wrapping around your inner thighs. He spreads your legs wide, his piercing gaze on your soaked core, "Naked and writhing desperately, so needy to give yourself to me, isn't that right, my treasure?"
His gaze flits up to meet yours, making you nod, "Yes, I need you, please."
He grunts softly at your needy tone, his hands leaving your thighs to pull at his own underwear, now desperate to feel your skin against his without any barrier between you.
He quickly drags them down, his erection springing free and slapping against his stomach when his large cock is revealed to you. It never seizes to amaze you, the sheer size of him, and even after years of being together, you're still not used to how deeply he manages to fill you each and every time. His cock is thick, veins adorning the girth of him while the pink mushroom tip always steals the breath from your lungs.
It surprised you, at first, that his cock still had some coloring to it considering every other part of him is pale because of the vampirism. Astarion explained that it has to do with the very healthy bloodflow steadily streaming through it, and that had made you giggle at the time, because he made a point of telling you that it happened very frequently, especially whenever he is around you, and assured you that you had absolutely nothing to worry about in that department. Showoff.
It wasn't long after that you became obsessed with worshipping his cock, feeling how hard and heavy he would be on your tongue, his taste became an aphrodisiac to you. You've spent many hours tasting him, worshipping every part of him, not just his cock but his sack too, so heavy and somehow warm despite the usual coldness of his body.
Something else that fascinated you was how hard he could manage to get. Depending on what you'd do, it seemed like he would get harder, thicker, especially if he had been drinking from you. He loves drinking from you while being intimate, and you love it too, it feels like connecting on an entirely different level.
You're pulled out of your reverie when his fingers find your core, pressing against your wet folds and dragging down the slit of you. Astarions gaze is lustful when his eyes connect with yours, taking in how your breath hitches when his fingers brush over your sensitive button, and swipes down to experimentally press against your entrance.
He watches, taking in how your jaw goes slack and your back arches when he slowly pushes one thick digit inside you, a groan bubbling up inside him at how wet and warm you feel. And tight, so fucking tight, always squeezing him so snuggly it makes him want to bury himself in you and stay there forever.
You let out a moan when a second finger joins the first, the stretch delicious and welcome. He loves how you always spread your thighs a little wider on instinct, it's your body's invitation for him to ravish you however he pleases, and he adores that you succumb to him so easily, giving your entire being to him without restraint.
It's part of the reason he fell in love with you so quickly. After being used to holding back for centuries because he had to give himself to people he didn't truly want, it was fascinating to be with someone who so freely gave themselves to him, and only him. It made him feel things, the way you'd become so compliant and submissive even, how trusting you were from the very first moment he first touched your naked form.
His fingers set a slow pace, dragging out and then in again, while he leans over your body, his free arm caging you in. Your eyes meet his when his face leans over yours, his lips brushing over your own as you both moan in unison at the way your walls squeeze his fingers. He increases the pace, pumping them inside you quicker, his body covering yours while he fucks you with his fingers.
Your hands slide up his chest, curling around his neck, dragging him down to connect your lips in a wanton kiss when you can no longer hold back from feeling him against you.
Astarion moans into the kiss, his fingers moving quicker now, and then he catches you by surprise when he adds another finger, stretching you more to prepare you for him.
You whimper at the stretch at first, but his tongue swipes into your mouth to soothe you, and soon you're both moaning heavily while your tongues dance around each other.
"Need to be inside you," he suddenly whispers, his words tinged with desperation, "I need it. Now."
You barely have time to process his words before his fingers leave you, but it only takes a moment until you feel his cock prod at your entrance, pushing inside you slowly. Your hands grip his shoulders at the intrusion, his thick tip stretching you out, your breaths mixing as he pants into your mouth when he slowly enters you.
"Oh gods," you moan, tilting your hips slightly to grant him better access to slide home, "You're so big, you feel so good.."
"I know, sweet pet, but you can take it," Astarion whispers, leaning down to brush his lips over your ear, "I know you love how well I stretch you out, you're so tight, my love. You're gripping me so perfectly, I wish I could spend the rest of my life buried inside this sweet cunt."
His crude words make you moan, he always becomes more daring once he feels your walls around his cock, it's like a trigger going off in his brain, and you adore it. It turns you on beyond belief.
He pushes further inside, your hole stretching to welcome him, and then he lets out a deep, satisfied growl once he's finally fully sheathed inside you, buried to the hilt.
"There we go," he murmurs, pressing gentle kisses to your neck and up your jaw, "I'm finally where I belong, hm? Can't believe I have to spend all day doing other things when I could be right here."
He punctuates his words by grinding his hips into yours, reaching depths beyond even your wildest imagination. Your hands grip his shoulders harder, another moan ripped from your lips.
"I'm going to take my time, stretching you out," he murmurs, nipping on your earlobe with his teeth, "And then, I'm going to fill you up so deeply, you'll be dripping and soaked when I'm done. Would you like that, my darling? Would you like to be so full of me you can think of nothing but how every single part of you belongs to me?"
You whine in response, his tone taunting yet somehow still adoring, and the contrast makes your head swim. Your walls clamp down on his cock, forcing a deep growl out of him, his scarlet eyes narrowing, watching your face intently. You hold eye contact, your lips parting in a breathy moan when he pulls out ever so slightly only to thrust back inside, still waiting for your reply.
"I asked you a question, sweet pet. I said, would you like that?"
He pulls out and thrusts back inside just as you're about to reply, making you keen and stammer out, "Y-yes, I would-I would like that Astarion, please!"
"There she is," he whispers, pulling his hips back until only the tip is resting inside you before he snaps forward, filling you to the brink. "There's my good girl."
He sets off an intense pace, his strokes deep and hard, but the look on his face is loving. His eyes stay locked on you, watching the way your brows furrow in pleasure, your body flushing warm.
When your fingers pull on his hair he leans his chest to yours and tucks his face in your neck with a moan, his hands sliding down to grip your hips. His fingers dig into the flesh as he lifts your ass off the bed, giving him momentum to rut into you harder and faster.
You wail at the new angle, his thick tip rubbing over that spongey spot inside you, throwing your head back and baring your neck for him as you cry out.
Astarion growls in response, he can tell he found the spot that makes you unravel, his lips brushing over your skin as he husks out, "That's it, sing for me, sweetheart. Your moans are my favorite melody."
Then he sinks his fangs into your neck again, and the pain mixed with the way he's fucking you brings you to the edge and forces you to topple over it eagerly.
Your orgasm rips through you, causing you to tighten around his length while you cry out loudly, your fingers tugging on his hair roughly.
He grunts against your neck, licking over your sore spot, his voice restrained, "Fuck - your pussy is begging to be filled, the way you're milking me right now. Your body is just begging for me, begging to be stuffed, begging for me to fucking breed you."
You gasp, shivering when you hear the feral edge to his voice. The two of you have played this game before, it's one of Astarion's favorites. For some reason the idea of knocking you up makes him incredibly hard, and it does inexplicable things to you as well, even though you both know the odds of it ever happening are basically zero.
You whimper at his words, shuddering under him while you ride out your orgasm, his thrusts turning deeper, rougher, the tone of his voice possessive when he hisses in your ear, "Gods, just the thought of you, round with my baby, the thought of you being mine so thoroughly. I dream of it, you know. Dream of starting a family, watching you carry our child."
You gasp, your back arching while your hands slide down his back to embrace him, his thrusts turning sloppier. You can feel his panting breath against your ear, his voice turning ragged.
"I wish - oh gods, I want that more than anything," he moans, his lips dragging up your neck and over your jaw before they meet your own. You moan, kissing him deeply while he ruts into you, his own release nearing.
His fingers dig into your skin, his hips rolling against yours to reach as deep as possible, and then he presses his forehead to yours while his eyes hold your own captive, "I'm going to come inside you, my love. There's nowhere else for me, is there? I belong here, just like this – we belong like this. Joined together, in every sense of the word, forever. Isn't that right, baby?"
You whine and nod, tears starting to form in your eyes at the pleasure. Astarion chuckles breathlessly, reaching up to cup your cheek but his fingers quickly travel into your hair to tangle in it, "Fuck, oh gods, I'm-I'm close, you feel so good sweetheart, I can't-"
He lets out a deep, rumbling groan when he pushes his hips flush against yours, his warmth flooding your insides. You moan in turn at the feeling, your entire body overstimulated from pleasure.
Astarion doesn't stop, though; he keeps fucking you, slowly, sloppily, breathing out heavily against your lips while he fucks his spend deeper inside you, "Gotta fill you properly, don't I, my sweet? Can't let any of it go to waste, hm?"
You shake your head in response, whimpering softly at the sensitivity when he pumps into you a few more times, his moans deep and breathless.
He slows down, his hips eventually coming to a halt, releasing a deep breath before he tucks his face into your neck. He doesn't pull out, though – he remains buried inside you, another thing you know he thoroughly enjoys. You wrap yourself around him, holding onto him tightly while you both catch your breath and relish in the feel of each other.
Astarion breathes in deeply, inhaling your scent like he so often does, but when he speaks his voice is quiet, more solemn, "It was about you."
Your brows furrow slightly, your hazy mind trying to make sense of his words while he's still filling you. Your fingers dance up his back and into his hair, burying them in his soft curls, "What was about me, my love?"
"The nightmare," he whispers, "It was about you."
That makes you pause. Your frown turns more worried, concern lacing your voice, "What happened?"
"It.." Astarion hesitates, pulling his face out of your neck to look down at you. Then he gently cups your cheek, his thumb stroking your bottom lip, "We were back at the palace, with Cazador. And he.. He took you."
You blink, your eyes searching his scarlet ones, the emotion flooding his face and making your heart ache. You let your fingers move through his hair soothingly, tilting your cheek into his touch.
"What do you mean he took me, Star?"
"For himself. I was.. I was back, being his.. His puppet, his slave. I couldn't resist his hold. And I brought you there, and then he.. He took you, turned you into one of them. It felt like every piece of me was breaking apart, it was so real, so vivid; all I could do was scream and weep as he drained your life and turned you into yet another of his spawn."
You hesitate, unsure what to reply. Astarion has had nightmares before, they usually get worse this time of year – around the anniversary of the day you defeated Cazador. But he rarely wants to talk about them in depth, usually he just needs you close.
Knowing his screaming was because of what was happening to you and not himself breaks your heart even more.
You reach up to cup his face in your hands, letting your thumbs gently stroke his cheeks. His eyes glisten, the sadness you've unforunately seen before covering his features.
You keep your voice a gentle whisper, your eyes not straying from his, "It wasn't real, Stari. I'm right here - we're right here, together. Just as we will be, forever. I'm okay, we're both okay. He can't hurt you anymore."
"I know," Astarion sighs softly, breaking eye contact to study your face, "I know he can't, even with the nightmares, somehow I'm always sure that it's not real. But this time it wasn't me he was hurting, it was you, because he knew.. He knew that would be the greatest way to harm me, the only way to keep me under his command. He knew I would never be able to leave you, or risk him hurting you. He knew you'd become my biggest weakness, and he took advantage of that."
"It wasn't real, baby," you whisper, tilting your head a little until his eyes meet yours again, "I'm so sorry these nightmares still haunt you, but he can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt us."
"Part of it was real, though," he whispers hesitantly, searching your eyes, "The part about me not being able to ever leave. That part is real. If he.. If he was still a threat, if he was still alive, that's exactly what would happen. I could never leave you, I don't know if I could survive knowing he was hurting you. I would want to stay under his control for eternity if it meant I at least would get to be near you, with you."
You tear up, your mind conflicted - this is not atypical for Astarion. That a beautiful confession of love comes as a result of pain, but it's part of why you love him. You know every single declaration from him has been true, because he always makes them when he's at his most vulnerable.
You smile softly, caressing his cheeks, "I would endure any form of torture he could throw at me if it meant I'd get to spend my life with you in it, however that may be."
Astarion cracks a small smile, leaning his forehead on yours, "I never thought I would have this. I never thought I would fall in love, be happy like this. I never thought I would find someone I knew I would sacrifice anything for at a moments notice."
"Me neither," you murmur, letting your hands slide into his hair to the back of his neck, "I would do anything for you, Astarion. There is not a thing in this world I wouldn't do to make you happy."
"I would burn the entire world for you, my love," he whispers, his voice gravelly and serious, "I would walk through the nine hells, I would face any devil or deity to ensure your safety. To ensure you'd stay with me, forever. No one will ever take you from me."
Your smile widens, your cheeks flushing at his serious tone. You lean up to plant a quick kiss on his lips, and then you whisper, "The feelings mutual, you know. You're not going anywhere."
Astarion lets out a surprised chuckle, kissing you gently. When he leans down to tuck his face into your neck again, you let out a content sigh, "Although the nine hells sound like a big adventure, I think I'd rather stay here, wrapped around you for a while longer. Do you think burning the world down can wait?"
Astarion hums teasingly, kissing your neck, "Hmm, fine, you've convinced me. Burning the world can wait. At least for a little while."
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prod-ddeonu · 1 year
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PAIRING: brother's best friend! Heeseung x fem! reader
WC: ~7.3k (whoops my bad)
CW/TW: older brother's best friend, smut (MDNI, 18+) , 1% angst, family problems, fluff, degrading + praise (receiving), oral (both), fingering (receiving), protected (BE SAFE), choking (receiving), spit, hickeys, hee calls reader a slut/whore like twice, public sex/outdoor sex, drinking, assault (if you squint), jealous heeseung, he kind of has a corruption kink and size kink (?), inexperienced reader, lmk if I missed anything!
SUMMARY: Blaring music, colorful lights, free alcohol, horny girls, cool water: pool parties were Lee Heeseung's favorite type of party. When you heard that your older brother, Jake, was throwing one in your back yard for Heeseung's birthday, you took your chance to have Heeseung finally notice you. Luckily for you, Heeseung knew your plan; and two can play that game.
FEATURING: Taehyun of TXT, enha (minus Niki and jungwon)
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Much like every college student, Lee Heeseung loved three things: money, alcohol, and pool parties. You recalled this as Heeseung and your brother walked into the living room shouting about how “awesome” their party will be, raving about your parents finally deciding to go out for the weekend. Heeseung stopped in the doorway upon seeing your figure curled onto the couch, watching Twilight for the thousandth time. 
“Hey, birthday boy,” you teased, your eyes leaving the television in front of you. Jake locked eyes with you before rolling his own.
“No, you can't go,” Jake replied, annoyance coating his tone. “This party is for cool people only," he swiped at a loose strand of his blonde hair as it fell over his face.
You sighed, putting a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Then why are you going?” You joked back. Heeseung laughed lightly at your response.
He walked to where he could see the screen before turning to Jake. “I don't see why she can't come, it'll be here and all the guys will be here to make sure she's safe,” Heeseung reasoned. His arms rested against the top of the couch, leaning forward as he came closer to you.
Your head turned to face your brother’s best friend, eyeing how his newly silver hair complimented his tan skin. He wore a silver chain over his shirt, the metal dangling dangerously close to you.
Jake groaned, rolling his eyes again. “That's the problem, dude! Tons of guys will be drinking and looking at my baby sister like a piece of meat!” He shouted. “It's best if she just goes to her friend's house and stays far away that night.”
Jake angrily tapped his phone, sending a text to his friends.
You scoffed. “‘Baby sister’? Jake, I'm almost twenty years old.”
He ran a hand through his hair, aggravation evident on his face. “Twenty, twelve, same shit. My answer is final, you are not going to our party.”
You shrugged in response. “And if I happen to want to go for a swim in my own pool with Sunoo, then what?”
“I’ll inflate the kiddy pool for you two.”
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You fiddled with the tiny black box in your hands nervously as Sunoo, your best friend, examined its contents. “Y/N, I'm not sure this is a good idea,” he sighed, placing the object back in the box.
Your shoulders fell as you put the box next to you. Sunoo came to sit next to you, running his hand over your back soothingly. “Maybe if you would tell me why this damn thing was ‘so cool’ I'd reconsider my opinion,” the blonde gestured towards you.
You held the silver sun-shaped pendant in your palm. “It's embarrassing,” you mumbled. 
“Then why are you giving it to hot boy Heeseung?”
You slapped your palm on top of Sunoo’s mouth, glancing towards your door in a panic. “Don't say that shit so loud, Sunoo!” He raised his arms in surrender before you spoke again. “I just… It's something between me and him, and I'm sure he'll understand the meaning.”
“Ooh, did you two fuck on the beach or something?” Sunoo bounced up and down, hitting his knees excitedly. “Tell me EVERYTHING!”
You laughed lightly. “No, that's not it,” you traced the outline of the metal Sun. “It’s much more meaningful and realistic than that.”
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When you were sixteen, your family took a trip to the beach. You had just begun to bloom into womanhood, according to your mother. Jake had decided to bring his friend from school, Heeseung. 
Heeseung was possibly the most popular senior at your high school, your brother a close second to him. You had sat at the bottom of the food chain your entire freshman and sophomore year, until you’d come to school after spring break with a completely new look.
It was the last night of your trip, and you'd decided to go out to the shore one more time before going home. You made your way out in your tank top and shorts, the sandals on your feet crunchy with sand.
The sea greeted you with its soft crashes, the salty, sticky breeze hitting you slowly. You closed your eyes and relished in the tranquility.
Quietly, sniffles began to enter your ears. Your head snapped in their direction, seeing your brother's best friend still shirtless and in his swim trunks that he'd worn all day. He sat with his knees curled into his chest, his brown hair blown askew from the wind.
You walked over to him quietly, sitting next to him with your legs out and arms behind you. “Wanna talk about it?” You asked gently, your eyes never leaving the shore. 
He shook his head as it sat against his knees with another sniffle. You brought your hand up to run through his hair, a common gesture you did. Stopping mid-air, you watched as his shoulders shook with the force of his breathing.
Heeseung’s body visibly relaxed at the feeling of your fingers gently carding through his hair. “Whatever it is, it'll be okay. I'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to,” you comforted him in a light voice.
He couldn't get himself to pick his head up, too afraid to have anyone see him so disheveled. “It's- It's-” he stammered, hiccuping between words. 
You shushed him, whispering that it was okay and that he didn't need to force himself. He lifted his head up, watching the way you stared towards the open ocean as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
He admired the way your hair fell over your shoulders, slightly wavy from the salt water. He watched a smile grace your cheeks, freckles and a slight tint from a sunburn being gently illuminated by the moonlight bouncing from the water. 
“It's my family,” he scratched out, his throat burning from his emotions. “They just, God, they're so shit. My parents fight all the fucking time, and then they expect me to clean up their messes when they throw shit and scare my little siblings. I come home half the time to one of my parents drunk as shit, high off their ass, or flipping their shit at one of the kids.”
He glanced at you, as if to ask if he could continue. You nodded slowly, your eyes giving him all of the reassurance he needed. “I don't want to go home,” he mumbled. “This week with your family has been the best week of my life. I'm not scared to walk out of my room or talk to you all, your family is so loving and easy to be with. I'm so thankful your family let me come and treated me like one of their own.”
Heeseung cracked out another choked sob. “I'm so tired of having to work my ass off to pay bills, and fix shit, and take care of my siblings in my parents’ place, and do good in school, and-”
Heeseung felt his body freeze at the feeling of your soft fingers wiping the tears from his cheeks. He leaned into your touch as you continued to hold his face, his eyes closing in comfort. “You don't have to keep this all to yourself, y'know,” you smiled down to him.
He lifted his eyes to yours, making your breath hitch. The delicate moonlight created a shadow over his face that only served to increase his attractiveness, despite his puffy eyes. His round, doe eyes had a white shine from the illuminated night above him, and you couldn't tell if the stars you were seeing lived in the sky or if they simply lived in his eyes.
“Heeseung,” you breathed out. “You'll always be part of our family.”
Heeseung wrapped his arms around your arms, his chin coming to sit on your shoulder. You let your hands hold his back soothingly, your palms running up and down as he breathed. He brought his face back, staring into your own eyes.
His breath reached your lips with each exhale. “Y/N, you're like a ray of sunshine, y'know?” He laughed, a perfect smile over his features.
“You sound cheesy,” you joked. “But if I can be a ray of sunshine for you when you need it, then I'll be your Sun.”
The two of you sat like that, the last words of your conversation hanging in the air. His face was so, so close to your own.
His eyes flicked down to your lips as he slowly leaned in. “Whenever I need it?” He asked, gauging your reaction.
“Anytime,” you breathed out, almost whispering.
His arms unraveled from your body, hands holding your chin and cheek softly. “What if I just want it?”
You closed the distance, pressing your lips against his, hoping to God that he'd reciprocate. His lips moved against your own slowly, never escalating the kiss beyond just that: a kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds, resting his forehead against your own. He laughed lightly, his shoulders bouncing with him. “Thank you, Y/N, for talking to me. I won't forget this.”
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Sunoo sat with his jaw hung open as you finished recalling the story of your conversation with Heeseung. “So you two kissed?!” Sunoo all but yelled.
You jumped up and slammed your door shut, a threatening glare in your eyes. “Shut up!” You whisper-shouted. “The last thing I need is for Heeseung to hear you, or worse, Jake!”
Sunoo swooned in your bed overdramatically. “And you got him a sun pendant to remind him you're his Sunshine, oh my GOSH! So romantic!”
You put the box back onto your desk. “Not exactly,” you smiled. “Just… friendly.”
“Oh, shut up! You guys kissed all romantically, have you two been sneaking around?”
“Nothing ever happened after that, actually. We just went back to how it was before, with him being Jake's friend and me not being allowed to interact with Jake’s guy friends.”
Sunoo slammed his hands onto your mattress. “Okay, I see the problem. We have to kill Jake.”
Your eyes widened as Sunoo wordlessly slid his finger across his throat. His eyes were wide with exaggeration.
“Oh my God, Sunoo, no! We're not killing my brother!” You laughed, your large t-shirt falling over your gym shorts. 
Sunoo shrugged. “No fun,” he mumbled. He suddenly snapped his fingers as he got an idea, jumping off your bed and tearing through your closet. 
You ran over to him, catching clothes as he threw them behind himself. “Sunoo, what are you doing?!” You shouted, laughter tearing through your body.
He mumbled, “I know you've gotta be hiding your sexy clothes in here,” as he flipped your entire dresser drawer of swimwear upside down. He smiled devilishly, pulling out a white bikini. He held it over your body, his tongue poking from the side of his mouth as he squinted his eyes.
“Sunoo, what are you planning?”
“We're crashing that party, and you're crashing Heeseung,” he stated. He nodded once as he examined where the suit fell and exclaimed, “SEXALICIOUS!”
You giggled, the two of you falling into fashion show mode, trying on different clothes from your closet.
Heeseung stood outside your door, a blush on his cheeks. As he'd promised, he never forgot that night on the beach. In fact, he thought about it quite often. Hearing you laugh every time he came over, seeing you run around with Sunoo happily, the way you would innocently smile at him as if he wasn't thinking about how beautiful you were that night: it drove him crazy.
As time passed and you grew into the adult you are now, Heeseung began to think about how beautiful you would be in front of him, with his cock down your throat. He wanted to ruin the innocence behind your smile.
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The day had finally come. It was Heeseung’s twenty-first birthday, the day that you and Sunoo had been planning for weeks. Your parents cooked a simple ramen for everyone, the cake being the main course. 
Of course, you'd helped decorate the cake. Your mother was only capable of making a sheet cake, so you helped her ice it with smiley faces everywhere and “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEESEUNG” being drawn in the center. 
Heeseung watched as you placed the candles carefully, wanting all twenty-one to be even. He walked over to you as you placed the finishing candle, noticing you were alone.
Heeseung had been planning for this day. At least, he'd been planning since he overheard your plans. He was going to drive you to your absolute limit, and put your simple plan (which he knew would already be highly effective) to its fullest potential.
He smiled at the cake, glancing at you. “Thank you, Y/N. This looks delicious,” he commented. 
Your eyes shot around the room. “Watch out, Heeseung. Jake might froth at the mouth if he sees any of his friends talking to me tonight.”
“Well,” he swiped his finger into the icing, gathering a dollop of white on it, “we'll just have to be sneaky, then.” 
You turned to him, mouth open and ready to scold him for messing with the cake (and your head). He smirked, dragging his finger along his tongue slowly. You watched as the icing spread over it, his tongue flat against his finger. He quietly groaned at the flavor. “Fuck,” he practically moaned. 
“‘Fuck’?” You breathlessly whispered.
He looked at you, licking the rest off of his lips. “Tastes so good, Y/N,” he murmured with half-lidded eyes.
 Suddenly, his sweet eyes had opened back up as his smile reached his ears again. “Can't wait to eat it!” He cheerily harped before walking out of the room, leaving you in a state of confusion and with a puddle in your skirt.
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“BITCH!” Sunoo shouted upon hearing of your interaction with Heeseung. He laughed loudly, his tropical shirt and black swim trunks complimenting the sunglasses he wore atop his head. “He is so flirting with you!”
You walked out of your closet, doing a dramatic twirl in your bikini. You had a pair of glasses on your head, matching Sunoo’s. He clapped and hooted while you did a few more moves, including the iconic Elle Woods “bend and snap”.
Sunoo scanned your figure, from your curled hair down to your painted toes. “Are you seriously wearing an anklet?” He asked as you stood.
You looked down at it. “Yeah, what's wrong with it? It matched the pendant I'm giving Heeseung, I thought it would be cute.”
“It is,” Sunoo nodded, “if you want to tell him you want it to dangle over his shoulder, that is.”
He looked up at you, expecting you to take it off. 
When you made no move to do so, his eyes widened as he began to shout. “Oh my God! You dirty whore, look at you growing up!”
He stood next to you, eyeing the both of you in your mirror before putting an arm over your shoulder. “We could pass as a cute couple, couldn't we?” He commented.
The two of you faked it for about two more seconds before bursting into laughter, Sunoo holding onto your shoulder to keep from falling.
As you heard the door to your house opening, followed by boisterous laughter and shouting, you knew that the party was starting. You and Sunoo walked down the stairs, your gift to Heeseung in your hands. 
Jake's friend, Sunghoon, whistled lowly as you walked into the room. “Damn, Jake, didn't know you had a girlfriend,” he commented.
Heeseung turned to you quickly, his eyes going wide and his cheeks turning red as he checked you out. If he had been trying to hide it, he did not do a good job of it. He shut his open mouth and blinked quickly before trying to get ahold of himself.
Jake looked at you in shock and disgust. “That's my sister, you douche!” Jake shouted. 
“Is she single?” Sunghoon asked flirtatiously.
Heeseung and Jake both shot a look at the boy. 
“Off limits.”
“Don't even try it.”
The two looked at each other after they spoke simultaneously, both shrugging and looking back at Sunghoon with glares.
You came up between Heeseung and Jake, eyeing Sunghoon up and down. “Actually, I am single,” you smiled. “I'll be at the party all night, if you wanted to hang,” you hoped your attempt at blatantly flirting would get to Heeseung.
From the way his jaw clenched, it did.
Your bubble was burst, however, by Jake’s hand on your wrist. “Oh, no. No, no, no. I told you, you are not invited,” Jake dragged you back to the stairs. “Whether you live here or not, you will stay in your room.”
You opened your mouth to protest, only for Heeseung to come up next to you and pluck the sunglasses off of your head. “Why do you have these anyways? You do realize it’s nighttime, right?” He asked, putting them in his own hair.
You rolled your eyes. “Can I at least give Heeseung his birthday gift?” 
Jake shook his head no as Heeseung nodded at you. He smiled tenderly, his hand settling on your shoulder. “I'll find you after the party's over so you can give it to me, yeah?”
You sighed, pretending to give in. “Alright, that works. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room all night. All alone! The one right by the-”
“Alright, horndog, I'll be sure to relay the message that your brother will beat the shit out of anyone who tries to go, don't worry,” Jake began to push you up the stairs.
As Jake and Heeseung greeted more people, you watched the red solo cups fill outside your window. “Sun,” you called out, “do you think girls are gonna hit on Heeseung?”
“I think girls are going to flash him, too,” Sunoo deadpanned. You frowned at him, your makeup not being able to hide your worry. “Girls are going to throw themselves at a hot guy like him, but that guy out there was one of many who will be begging for your attention tonight.”
He walked over to you, rubbing your arms. “You are hot shit tonight, babe. If you want Heeseung to notice you, you've gotta flaunt it.”
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After the two of you snuck back into the party, it took about five minutes before a guy offered to show you how to use a keg. Once you'd gotten that information, you were unstoppable.
You had about four cups of beer before deciding to take a break, the buzz making you dizzy. You let your feet dangle into the water of the pool, watching the way the water rippled under your feet.
The slight waves in your pool from people swimming reminded you of that night on the beach so many years ago. There was no way Heeseung remembered, you thought. You were probably just a kid to him, or a little sister. 
You looked up and took in the scene of your backyard. You’d seen it from your window many nights, but you’d never been immersed into it. Girls ran around with pool floats in skimpy swimsuits, guys targeted one another with water guns, your pool was decorated with LED lights and stray solo cups, and your brother was easily the life of the party. 
Currently, your dad’s expensive speaker setup for the pool was blaring “Beauty and a Beat” by Justin Beiber. You watched as a beach ball was tossed around the party, beer splashing onto the ground and water dripping down bodies.
You felt a leg brush against your own as someone sat next to you. A shirtless man with big eyes and an impressive physique sat next to you, his hair dripping with water. “You ever been to one of Jake’s parties?” The man asked.
You shook your head, “I’ve only ever heard of them, this is my first party.” The man watched as you took another chug of your drink.
He let his hand touch against the flush on your cheeks, smiling at you. “I can tell, you look bored as fuck. My name’s Taehyun.”
“Hi, Taehyun. I’m Y/N,” you smiled, holding your hand out for him to shake.
He looked at you with a confused smile, shaking your hand slowly. He then intertwined your fingers, his pink hair dripping water into your hand. His muscles flexed as he helped you stand with him, his pretty hand coming to steady you. “Say, do you want something a little better than beer? It tastes like shit, a pretty girl like you needs quality drinks."
You glanced at your cup, eying the amount of beer you had left. You chugged the rest, nodding as you swallowed. “Yeah, what the hell? I'm always up for a challenge.”
He cocked a brow. “Oh? I like that,” he held your hands as he led you to the drink table. 
You handed him your cup as he poured a mixture of clear liquid, lime, and frozen pink lemonade into a cup. “Try this. It's good, and it's not enough to fuck you up off one cup,” he smiled. 
You pushed the drink down your throat, your eyes widening as you swallowed. “Holy shit, Taehyun. This tastes like a fucking slushy.”
“I know, it's awesome,” he praised himself.
As you laughed, you felt a pair of eyes glaring at you. You hoped it wasn't Jake as you sound around.
Heeseung sat behind you, a girl sitting sideways on his lap. You watched as she ran her hand up and down his chisled abs, his hands behind his head. She whispered into his ear, a smirk crossing his lips, but you knew she didn't have his undivided attention at the moment.
His eyes were burning into you, and if looks could kill, the entire neighborhood would have gone up in flames. With a clenched jaw and raised eyebrows, he glared at you as if to say don't even try it. He stared at you so intently that you felt almost ashamed for talking to Taehyun.
You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your trance. “Taehyun, do you want to try a sip?”
He looked you up and down. “I mean, sure,” he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close enough to have you pour the drink into his mouth yourself.
Your lips curved into a smile. “Flirting, huh?” You teased him.
He smiled back. “Is it working?”
You grabbed his chin, forcing his face closer to yours. “Only if you're looking to get laid tonight,” you said, sure that Heeseung was reading your lips.
You glanced at the boy, his jaw clenched again. He returned his focus to the girl on his lap, his hand gripping at her thigh. You watched as she turned to him, a gasp escaping her lips.
Taehyun smirked as he crashed his lips into yours, a much different kiss from the one you shared with Heeseung four years ago. His hand wove its way into your hair, his other hand holding your hip. He pushed your body against his, your back arching into him as you let out a moan.
He took the opportunity to insert his tongue into your mouth, clashing against your own. He sucked your tongue harshly, his lower hand gravitating towards your ass. You brushed your leg against Taehyun’s crotch, a low groan leaving his lips as he pulled away. “Maybe we should take this where we can't be seen by everyone, yeah?”
You nodded, Taehyun already starting to lead you to the side of your house. You watched as the two of you walked into the seclusion of the shadow cast by it, your heart racing.
Maybe, having seen Heeseung with the other girl and believing he doesn't want you the way you want him, you could move on.
Taehyun placed a hand on the wall of your house, your foreheads touching. “God, you're so hot,” he sighed, capturing your lips again. It was one filled with lust, with teeth clashing and lip biting.
You grabbed his hand and lifted it to your chest as he backed away and looked at you. “Are you sure?” He asked. “I don't want it to be the beer talking.”
You nodded, throwing your head back as he kneaded your boob over your swimsuit. He squeezed your mound in time with every jab of his tongue into your mouth, occasionally pinching your nipple through the material. You had all but cum from him just kissing and touching your chest when he was suddenly ripped away from you.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” Taehyun shouted, bracing himself as he hit the ground.
You watched as Heeseung didn't spare the man a glance, his attention entirely on you. His eyes raked over your figure mercilessly, making you feel small in your own yard. 
Taehyun looked between the two of you, confusion and anger evident on his face. “Tae, go back to the party. You don't want her,” Heeseung said in a low voice.
Taehyun scoffed. “And who are you to make decisions for her?” His arms came to cross in front of his chest.
“She's Jake’s little sister,” Heeseung turned his head to face the other. “He'll kill you.”
Taehyun cursed under his breath before running off, hoping your brother hadn't seen your show earlier. Your eyes followed him, wondering if he could’ve given you what you’d been hoping for.
You glared at Heeseung. “What the fuck is your problem, Hee? You can't just tell me what to do!” You pushed him back by his chest, your smaller hands barely moving him.
Heeseung’s eyes locked onto yours, his stare harder than anything you’d seen before. He stared at you like you were wrong for kissing Taehyun, wrong for kissing anyone else. His hair, which he used your sunglasses to push back after jumping into the pool, still dropped some water onto his neck and shoulders. You watched as a droplet fell down his collarbones, trailing down his chest and stomach, collecting in the waistband of his swim trunks.
You wanted to lick every bead of water off of his body.
His tongue peeked out of mouth to wet his lips, his teeth catching the bottom of the two as his eyes fell to where Taehyun had touched. 
His hands balled into fists as he fought his desires. He closed his eyes, groaning in anger. “Go to your room. Jake will never talk to either of us again if we do this.”
He turned to walk away, taking two steps before you spoke up. “Do fucking what, Hee? Instead of me falling for that fucking show you put on earlier with the cake, I decided to go and find someone who was actually into me. Nowhere does that involve you!”
Heeseung turned around. “You think I’m not into you? You don’t think I’ve been fighting myself to not kiss you all this time?” He raised his voice, the tension finally getting to him.
Suddenly, it was too hot outside. In the cool night air, your body temperatures began to rise to unseen numbers.
“I don’t know, Heeseung. You sure didn’t have to do much fighting if you’ve lasted four years.”
He slammed his hand against your head onto the wall, much harder than Taehyun had. Your faces were inches away from one another, you could smell the beer on his breath. “I see your pretty fucking lips in my dreams, Y/N. I’ve had to imagine your pretty little face and how it would look if you were choking on me for ages, and tonight, I have to watch you parade around with your ass out and your tits barely covered? Do you know how badly I wanted to rip these clothes off you when you walked down those stairs?”
You held your breath, his eyes glancing to your lips. “What makes you think I won't just walk away and go find someone else?” You asked. The two of you both knew you were bluffing, an empty threat that only served to make Heeseung angrier.
“If anyone’s fucking you tonight, it’s gonna be me.”
Heeseung looked into your eyes, how they were wide with anticipation for him. He looked down to your lips, admiring how they were already pouty and puffy for him, begging for him to kiss you right. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to your own. 
You threw your arms over his shoulders, his hand holding the back of your head as he pushed your mouths impossibly close. His other hand slid down the curve of your hips, holding onto your leg and pulling it up to wrap around his hips. You moaned as you felt his hard-on press into you, Heeseung taking the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. The two of you fought for dominance over the kiss, Heeseung winning and taking your lip between his teeth. He backed away, loving how you looked under him. “Go inside. I’ll excuse myself from the party and meet you in your room.”
You nodded, walking towards your front door to sneak back in. Heeseung jogged back around the house to find your brother. Jake was laughing with his friends, a girl sat on his leg as he played with her hair. “Yo, Heeseung!” He called out, obviously plastered. 
Heeseung walked to him, yawning. “Dude, I hate to say this, but I’m feeling super tired. Must’ve been all the swimming and all the beer, man.” Jake looked around the party, seeing how everyone else was still partying.
Jake put his cup onto the table behind him. “Do you want me to call off the party? It is your party, after all.”
Heeseung shook his head. “Nah, keep it going. I’m just gonna head inside and go to bed, but don’t stop the party. Keep it going as long as possible, actually.” Jake cocked a brow at him in confusion. “In my honor, y’know,” he added. Jake gave him a thumbs up, standing and shouting something incoherent, to which everyone else cheered.
Heeseung ran inside, practically flying up the stairs and to your room. He swung your door open, slamming it shut and smashing his lips onto your own again. He reached his hand behind your back to push the straps of your swimsuit off your shoulders, halting all movement when you pushed him off of you.
“Is something wrong?” He asked with worry.
You shook your head, grabbing the black box from your desk and handing it to him. “I wanted to give you this first. I think you’ll like it.”
He nodded, opening the box. “Is that for this?” He asked, holding his chain out. You nodded, helping him put the pendant on.
You sighed as you looked at it. “It’s supposed to be because-”
“Because I called you my ray of sunshine, I remember. I go to sleep thinking about that kiss,” he mumbled at the end.
 You pointed to your ankle. “I have the matching anklet. Figured it would look good over your shoulder.”
Heeseung looked up at you, the toothy grin on his lips contrasting the filthy words coming from them. “I know exactly what position I want you in first.”
He kissed you again, unclasping your top and pulling it off of you as he made his way down your jawline and neck. His fingertips fluttered down your arms gently, goosebumps appearing behind them. He bit along the bottom of your neck, leaving small bruises in his wake. You swallowed a moan, earning a harsh bite from him. “Let me hear your pretty voice, babe,” he whispered into your ear.
His hand slid to your boob, experimentally pinching your nipple with his thumb and index finger. You let out a quiet moan, melting into his touch.
He brought his other hand to your waist, his thumb rubbing circles onto the side of your stomach. He kissed his way down your chest, leaving hickeys all the way down to your free boob. You moaned as he licked your other nipple, the cold air hitting his saliva and making it perk. 
You let out a loud moan, hands flying to the top of his head as he sucked harshly and rolled your other nipple between his fingers. He pushed you against your bed, your legs falling over the side as your back lay on the edge. He continued to roll your nipple between his fingers as he kissed down the valley of your tits, down your stomach, and to the hem of your swimsuit bottoms. "Already so wet for me, why didn't you say you needed me, baby?" He smirked against your stomach, his fingers already curling underneath the material.
“You talked so much shit earlier, and now look at you. You can't even tell me how bad you want me to eat your fucking pussy,” he mused. “Tell me, am I the first?”
You felt his hot breath fan over your clothed core, your wetness showing through the white material. “Y- You’re the first,” you breathily said. Heeseung let out a low groan, a dark smile appearing.
He ripped the clothing down your legs, throwing them to the corner of your room. He looked down at your core, your lips glistening with your wetness. “Fuck, I’ve barely even touched you,” he let the sight and smell invade his senses. “So pretty, baby, so pretty for me. Almost like you were made to be my pretty whore.”
Your hole clenched around his words, the praise going straight to your stomach. He put his finger on your clit, rubbing slow circles over it before dragging it down to your hole and back up. He pulled his finger to his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours. Sucking your juices into his mouth, he closed his eyes and moaned. “Taste so good, might have to just eat you out until you’re begging for my cock.”
“Hee, please,” you whined.
“Please what, babe?” He cooed, the tip of his finger pushing into where you needed him most. “You think Taehyun could’ve made you needy like this? Think he could’ve had you whining for him like this?”
“N- No, Hee, only you,” you moaned as he pushed his finger all the way in, curling it to make your back arch.
He laughed cruelly at how sensitive you were, fanning his breath over your heat. He wanted to watch the way you squirmed over a singular finger, wanted to see the way you saw stars from him doing so little to you. He wanted to stay strong, palming himself over his shorts to the sound of you.
You moaned loudly, your legs twitching. Heeseung growled, his resolve shattering into pieces as he dragged the tip of his tongue up from your hole to your clit slowly, eyes rolling back in his head at the taste.
"Fuck, Y/N, you taste so amazing. Could eat you all day."
He latched his lips onto your folds, licking and sucking your slick until his nose and chin were shiny with it. He pumped his finger fast, a relentless pace building up. You felt a knot in your stomach building, his lips coming to latch around your clit and suck. “‘m close,” you mumbled, your head thrown back. 
He sloppily licked over your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the euphoria he’d been building you up to. He added a second finger, stretching you out and pushing you over the edge. You saw white and your ears rang as he swallowed as much of your juices as he could, the rest coating his chin and nose still. Once he was sure you’d come down from your high, he brought his lips to your own and kissed you, forcing you to taste yourself. It wasn’t as sweet as he made it out to be, but if he enjoyed it, you guess. 
“So good for me, you’re so, so good for me baby. My pretty baby, already all fucked out for me,” he commented, holding your jerking hips down. “Get on your knees.”
You obeyed, sliding to the floor on your weak legs, your eyes staring into his. He pulled his shorts off of his body, his hard dick slapping his stomach, leaving a string of precum attaching his tip to his lower abdomen. He looked at you expectantly. “Can’t expect me to teach you everything, not when you were gonna give another guy the same like I haven’t been waiting.”
You wrapped your hand around his member, the tip continuing to leak into your hand. Heeseung wasn’t monstrously thick, but he was long. His girth was what you’d consider average, if not a little above, but his length was longer than you’d imagined he could be. You used your thumb to spread his precum down the underside of his cock, bringing your head to lick up the trail you created from base to tip. He threw his head back, a pretty moan slipping past his lips as you put your lips around the tip and sucked. 
The tension in his shoulders released, his jaw going slack as you tried to fit him inside your mouth. He found it so cute how you tried your best, but so sexy that your proportions were so much smaller, that he had to fit himself in you.
You used your hands to stroke where you couldn’t reach, your head not going very far beyond his head. He moaned loudly as you used your tongue against his slit, his hand collecting your hair into a ponytail.  He thrusted into your mouth, his dick going down your throat and making you gag. “Shit, baby, are you okay?” He asked quickly.
You nodded, pulling yourself off of him. “I’ve never done this before, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he stroked the side of your face. “That makes this more fun. I can help, if you want.”
His cock twitched in your hands as he looked down at you, your eyes teary and your chin dripping with slobber. You were fully naked on the floor in front of him, your hair messy and your chest marked. And you looked so beautiful for him.
He moaned at the begging tone of your voice, the hand in your hair holding your head in place as he thrusted forward. He was holding back from going fast, you could tell. You gripped his thighs, your nails digging into them as you moaned around his dick. He sucked in a breath, pulling out of your mouth. “Shit,” he hissed, “I almost came doing that.”
He pulled you up by your hair, the pain making you drip down the inside of your thighs. You moaned loudly as he jerked your head around, littering your chest with more hickeys. “Trying so hard to be gentle with you, I promise. You’re just so perfect, want everyone to know you’re mine.”
“Hee, be rough. Wanna feel you,” you moaned into his kiss. 
His eyes squeezed shut, a low groan emerging from the back of his throat. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” He threw you onto your bed, climbing on between your legs and pinning your hands above your head with one hand. He kissed you roughly, his teeth grazing whatever skin they could.
His finger tapped the side of your lips. “Open,” he commanded. You opened your mouth, watching the glob of saliva fall from his lips. “Swallow.” You let the warm liquid travel down your throat as he said it. “Good girl,” he cooed in your ear sweetly, his stomach filling with warmth as he watched you. “Want everyone out there to hear how good you are for me. So bratty and talkative outside, and now you want my cock so bad you’ll do anything, isn’t that right?”
You nodded. “Want you s’ bad, Hee,” you whined as he rubbed his thumb against your clit. “Wanna feel you in me.”
You reached under your pillow, pulling a condom out and handing it to him. He ripped the package open with his teeth, sliding the rubber on easily. “Had it ready for me, you knew I’d be in you tonight, didn’t you? My pretty little slut,” he teased as he pressed the tip of his dick against your hole. 
He grabbed your legs, bringing them over his shoulders. True to your word, your anklet dangled next to his face as his matching necklace hung over your face. He pushed your legs closer to you, pressing you in on yourself as he slowly started to push in. “Stop teasing,” you stammered. “P- Push it in all the way.”
He threw his head forward, watching his cock disappear into you and bulge in your stomach. “S’ tight, s’ happy I got to fuck this pretty pussy. Can’t believe you almost let someone else see this when you know it’s all mine,” he spoke filthily over you.
He slowly began to thrust in and out, building up to a fast pace that had your bed creaking. His jaw hung open, shameless moans spilling from his mouth. His breath would catch in his throat, short gasps telling you he found this as pleasurable as you did. His hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing until you felt lightheaded. He brought you up by your neck to kiss you.
This kiss was much softer and slower than the others. He took his time savoring your lips and their pillowy feel, he committed the feeling of your tongue wrapping around his to memory. He let your head fall back down as he brought his head into your neck. You felt the familiar tightening in your stomach that you had before, his dick filling you up entirely. He moaned into your ear, words of praise falling from his delicate lips with each thrust. “‘S good, ‘s perfect, all mine,” he said. "Ngh, fuck, feels 's tight around me."
Your nails scratched down his back as he ruthlessly pounded into you, a loud moan escaping him as he felt the pain. You moaned his name louder the harder he pounded into you, only fueling his drive. He picked his head up, his eyes bearing into your own. “Tell me whose cock is making you feel this good, hm? Who’s making this tight little pussy cum so hard, hm? Is it anyone out there, or is it me?”
“You, ‘s all you, Heeseung. Don’t want anyone but you, Hee,” you moaned. You felt your orgasm coming quick the more he teased you. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Heeseung sucked hard against your neck. “Fuckin’ love when you call me that,” he groaned in your ear. “You’re my baby, all mine, I’m all yours,” he cooed. “Only this pretty pussy makes me feel this good, nobody else.”
You pulled Heeseung back down to you, “Shut up and kiss me, ‘m so close.”
“Fuck, me too,” he said, molding his lips to your own. His mouth caught your whines and moans as you came undone onto him, your cum coating his abdomen and thighs. Your hole spasmed around his cock as he fucked you through your orgasm, making him release into the condom.
He panted into your ear, his forehead against your own. The two of you sat in that position for a few minutes, catching your breaths and kissing one another. 
He slowly pulled out of you, tying the condom and tossing it into the trash can. He came back to lay on top of you, holding your waist as he did so. He pulled your blanket over you both, bringing you up to your pillows. “Jake’s gonna wonder where you are, Hee,” you ran your fingers through his hair.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he laughed, his hand intertwining with your free one. “Just had sex with the girl I’ve been in love with for four years, he can suck it up.”
You looked down at him. “You’re in love with me?”
He looked back up at you and nodded. “You couldn’t tell?”
“Heeseung, I was going to give up on you after tonight if nothing happened.”
“I was supposed to move on from you too, but I realized I didn’t give a fuck about Jake’s overprotectiveness.”
You laughed. “I don’t think he’ll be too mad. He does trust you with his life, after all,” you smiled while rubbing your thumb over his hand. He brought his head to lay on the pillow next to you, bringing your body closer to his. “So, what does this mean for us?”
Heeseung ran his hand down your side soothingly. “Well, Sunshine, even though I did it insanely out of order,” he laughed, “I’d like to take you out on actual dates and get your parents’ approval and all. Y’know, court you and shit. Treat you like someone I want to spend my life with.”
You smiled. “I’d like that, Hee.”
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The two of you fell asleep like that. Needless to say, Jake was not pleased when he went to look for Heeseung in the morning. Your parents immediately gave him the seal of approval to date you, but Jake took much longer to come around. It wasn’t until Heeseung told him he wouldn’t ask you to be his girlfriend until he got Jake’s approval that Jake realized how stupid his friend was.
“You mean to tell me, you’ve been in love with my little sister since that vacation, but you’re waiting on something as stupid as my approval to ask her out?” Jake had asked one morning while the three of you ate breakfast together.
Heeseung nodded, pouring another bowl of cereal for himself. “Yep, pretty much,” he smiled.
“Dude, it’s been, like, a fucking month!” Jake exclaimed. “Why would you do that?”
“He wanted to wait for his best friend to be happy for him and the little sister,” you grumbled, morning crankiness being your worst enemy. Jake looked between the both of you, his eyes wide.
Heeseung’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes like it usually did, his spoon aimlessly stirring his meal. “I want my best friend to not hate me for life if I date his little sister,” Heeseung corrected you.
Jake slammed his fist onto the counter, making you both jump. “Dude, I might beat your ass. Really,” he glared at Heeseung. “I can get over you two dating, but I won’t be able to get over you hurting her.”
“I would never-”
“That includes being an idiot and making her wait,” Jake interrupted Heeseung. “Ask the girl out-”
“Hello, ‘girl’ is right here,” you waved.
Jake held a hand in front of your face. “Ask the girl out, and make her happy.”
Heeseung pushed Jake’s hand out of your face, leaning over the counter. “Hey, girl,” he smiled. Jake rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, leaving his cereal on the counter. Heeseung grabbed your hand with his. “How happy would it make you if I took you out tonight?”
“Well, in my mind we’ve been dating for four years, so I’d be pretty happy,” you smiled as you put a spoonful of cereal in your mouth. 
“Well, girl, I’m excited to celebrate our imaginary four year anniversary when you become my girlfriend tonight."
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NOTES: ohhh my gosshhhh this took so long to write 😭 never really written this much before, I'm scared it's repetitive or boring. I just listened to Beauty and a Beat and my mind was like "omg heeseung at a pool party yass"
Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated, and my asks/requests are always open!
6K notes · View notes
sincericida · 3 days
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in interview for Esquire | 2024.
30 notes · View notes
eddiesghxst · 1 year
no thoughts just loser!eddie losing his shit when he sees you over at his house for the first time, rifling through his things like any normal friend does.. but you stumble upon a box.under his bed. it’s like slow motion when he walks into his room and sees you open the lid and he nearly drops a glass of water, literally biting his fist in pain, trying to stop you but then you’d only get more curious of what he was hiding.
you. he has polaroids of you except they’re the dirty cum covered kinds. he has your underwear with his stains in it. he has your perfume bottles, your rings (he would totally get hard seeing how tiny they are compared to his, and imagining the dainty stones on the rings on your ring finger like an engagement stone)
it’s like a fucking shrine for you and he thinks he’s gonna pass out as your eyes widen.
but you only turn to him and smile, and his knees weaken. literally almost fainting when you kiss him because you have definitely slept with his sweatshirts, came to the idea of eddie, etc. he’s just such a fucking loser but that night he makes you cum so much you see stars and he’ll have a scrapbooks worth of polaroids (just from that night alone lol)
anyways do you think you could write a lil something based loosely off that? 🫶
also this ended up longer than I'd intended but who cares its pervy!loser!eddie
word count: 1k
Eddie’s not sure if he believes this is real. There’s no way this is real, right? There’s no way he has his best friend naked on his bed, covered in sweat and cum— his cum, at that.
He almost thinks it’s all another one of his sick, perverted dreams, but then he’s reminded that none of those dreams have felt this real. None of his dreams have felt this vivid to where he can actually feel the tremble in your hands as you wrap a fist around his wet cock, the shift of the bed as you clumsily scramble to your knees, the lewd and unmistakable shlick sound of your hand fisting his spent cock. It’s never been this vivid— that’s how he knows this isn’t a dream.
You’re blissed out and cock-drunk as you shuffle to lean on all fours, lowering your mouth to suckle on Eddie’s leaking tip. Your toes curl at the sound of Eddie groaning above you, a hand resting on the back of your head to shove himself further down your throat. “Take it all the way in, that’s it— fuck,” Your center throbs at his words, a wet gagging noise emitting from the back of your throat when Eddie’s tip meets the tight space. He curses with a groan, head dropping back for a moment before he looks back down at you with a lazy smirk.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you gag on my dick, sweetheart.”
You whine, your hips grinding back against nothing, the cool breeze of his room sending shivers up your spine when it graces the wet heat of your cunt. Around you, scattered on the bed, are the many polaroids you had just discovered earlier. Snapped photos of you in bed, in the shower, getting dressed in your room; all images that would’ve sent anyone else running for the hills. Eddie was so sure you would never speak to him again when you found that box full of all things you, but to his surprise (and sinful delight), you were just as fucked up as Eddie, if not more.
Eddie’s eyes dart all over the bed; polaroids, lace panties and matching bras, dainty jewelry, lipsticks, and perfume bottles. Eddie Munson was a perverted thief, and it somehow landed him balls deep down your throat. 
He reaches down and picks up a particular Polaroid, one of his favorites; a picture of you laid on your stomach in your bed, one leg hiked up to form a comfortable sleeping position. You’d forgone your sleeping shorts this night, and Eddie took it upon himself to jack off and cover your ass in sticky ropes of his cum, snapping a photo as the white substance dripped down between the folds of your ass to stain your pretty panties (Eddie stole those panties that same night).
He takes the picture and holds it up between two fingers. “So many nights of wasted cum… you’ve got a lot to make up for, sweet girl.” His voice is low and teasing, and you whine against him, nuzzling his cock further down your throat until your nose brushes against the curly hairs surrounding his base.
Eddie’s knuckles are tight against your scalp when he pulls you off his cock, shivering at the wet gasp you take, bleary eyes blinking up at him as your spit drips onto his thighs. “Think you’ve been good enough for it?” He wraps a hand around himself and rubs his throbbing tip against your lips, humming in approval when you open your mouth to offer your tongue. He slaps himself against your tongue a few times, chuckling when you whine and squeeze your thighs together. You can feel the sticky feeling of his cum and your arousal sliding against the insides of your hot thighs, and your eyes roll at the sensation. You lean forward and nuzzle against his cock, “Please, Eds— want it so bad. I’ve been so good, I have.” Your words are nearly slurred; the only thing on your mind is the overwhelming urge you have to feel Eddie’s cum in the back of your throat.
You don’t see Eddie reaching for his camera, too focused on licking your way down to his balls. “Fuck— look at me, sweetheart, give me those pretty eyes.”
You slowly blink up at Eddie, wet lashes fluttering and pouty lips grazing his cock as you gaze at the camera. A flash and a snapping sound echo through the room before a white card come out the bottom, a curse falling from Eddie’s lips as he shakes the paper and tosses it to the side for later. He nods down towards you, “Love on it, baby; show me how much you love my cock.” You don’t wait for another second, licking a thick stripe up his cock, rounding your lips around his tip to suck eagerly. Eddie takes another picture, and you whine.
“Shit, I’m gonna come— keep sucking baby, keep taking me in.”
You shuffle forward, nose brushing against his pelvis once again, and Eddie takes it as permission to secure a hand atop your head and begin fucking himself into the back of your throat. Both of your hands are fisted into the sheets below you, watery eyes gazing up at the blissed-out Eddie above you. His hips falter during the last few thrusts; he doesn’t last much longer. 
“I’m gonna come… don’t swallow, okay?” You nod as best as you can, and without further directions, Eddie’s cum floods your mouth until you nearly choke on it. 
He pulls out of your mouth with a moan, instructing you to open your mouth and show him your tongue, which you immediately obey. He reaches for the camera once more, snapping one picture with you on all fours, gazing up at the camera with your tongue out, white sticky cum coating the inside of your mouth. He takes a second picture, this time with his hand cradling your jaw. The third and last picture he takes is with his hand still cradling your jaw, but his thumb is now pressed against your tongue, smearing his sticky mess across your tastebuds.
And when he tosses the newly printed photos into the pile of new Polaroids, he catches a glimpse of one clear picture of your pussy freshly fucked and covered in his cum. Eddie can’t help it when his cock twitches against his thigh once again.
It’s safe to say that Eddie had to get a new box the next day <3
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moonstruckme · 9 months
hi lovely!! if you're comfortable writing something like this, could I maybe request poly!marauders where reader who is normally very independent but gets submissive at times, but not in a sexual way? like she just gets overwhelmed and wants the boys to be in charge for a while, but maybe the relationship is still new and she feels too needy and can't bring herself to tell them and eventually they realize?
again, no worries if you're not comfortable writing this, just thought I'd ask <3
Thank you for requesting gorgeous !
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“This is deeply, atrociously unjust,” Sirius says as James sits down in front of you, him on the floor and you on the couch. He’s wet and fresh-smelling from the shower. “You never let me do your hair.” 
“Because you always act like you’re trying to tear it out as some sort of twisted revenge plot,” says James, passing you a brush and the curl cream you and Sirius had found for him. Normally, you adore this routine, the chance to run your fingers through James’ hair and the way his eyes close blissfully while you do it. You love to pamper him. But tonight you’re not really in the mood. You do it because he expects you to, coating his curls in product with your usual tenderness but wishing you were on the receiving end of it instead. “She’s got the touch of an angel.” 
Sirius crosses his arms. He’s leaned against the side of the couch, leering over you like a vulture. Remus is reading in the armchair, and though he’s pretending to ignore all of you, the corner of his mouth tilts up. 
“Beauty is pain,” Sirius grouses.
“We should start a hair train,” James decides. “She’ll do mine, you can do hers, Remus will do yours, and I’ll do his.” 
Sirius seems to be considering this. You lean down towards James’ ear. “You’re throwing me to the wolves,” you stage-whisper. 
“It’s you or me, sweetheart.” 
Actually, the idea of Sirius playing with your hair—even at the risk of losing a good amount of it—doesn’t sound so awful. 
“I can get in the shower right now,” you offer, only half joking. 
Sirius lets a grin slip loose, sitting next to you to plant a smacker on your cheek. “Thank you, darling, but that’s alright. You shouldn’t have to atone for his mistakes.” 
You return his smile, doing your best to bury your disappointment.
“I didn’t consent to the hair train either,” Remus says without looking up from his book. “There’s a reason James doesn’t do his own hair.” 
“Oi,” James objects. “I’ve got admirers fighting over the opportunity to do my hair, why would I do it myself?” 
Remus marks his page, flipping the book closed. “What are we having for dinner?” he asks. 
“I don’t know, but I’m famished.” James doesn’t miss a beat, latching onto the new topic eagerly. “We could order takeaway?” 
“Or just cut out the middleman and go out,” Sirius says. “Unless someone feels like cooking? Which I don’t.” 
“We know,” Remus teases. “I don’t either, not tonight.” 
“I could if I needed to,” James says, “but I’m alright with whatever gets food in me the fastest.” 
They all look to you. “I don’t much feel like cooking,” you add your piece. Your voice comes out quieter than you’d intended.
“Alright,” Remus says. “Then let’s not cook tonight. What do you want to do, love? Go out or stay in?” 
You comb the brush slowly through James’ hair, twisting to define his curls. “I don’t know,” you say. 
Sirius turns to you, frowning. “Come on, baby.” He bumps your shoulder lightly with his. “What do you feel like having?” 
“I don’t know.” You try not to sigh. “Um, can you pick?”
You don’t look up from the top of James’ head, but you can feel them exchanging looks. They’ve all been a little extra gentle with you lately. They know you’re dealing with a lot. Anytime you try to tally it all up and make sense of it in your head, you start feeling like you could cry. Your exhaustion has sunk so deeply within you that it’s seeped into your bloodstream. You think by now there’s got to be traces of it in the marrow of your bones. 
“Hey,” Sirius says softly. “Look at me.” 
You do, pausing with the brush held aloft over James’ head. He’s got his eyebrows drawn together like he’s trying to figure you out. “I’m sorry,” you say. It’s not your boyfriends’ faults that you’re feeling overwhelmed; you don’t mean to drag them down with you. 
“What for, sweetness?” He sets a hand on your thigh, rings biting into your skin as he gives the flesh a loving squeeze. “Just tell us what you need.” 
You try to give him a smile. You really do love him. “I want…I don’t know, I guess I’m just tired. I want to not think for a little while.” 
Sirius’ eyebrows come up a bit in the middle, and James turns around from below you. 
“Aw, sweetheart.” His tone is as gooey and sweet as raw honey. “Do you just want us to take care of you, angel?” He sets his hands on your knees, pushing himself up to kiss your chin. “You should’ve said something.” 
“We can stay in,” Remus suggests whilst James worms his way underneath you, getting you in his lap. “Order takeaway from that Thai place you like.” 
“That sounds nice,” you say meekly, face growing warm. James presses rapid-fire kisses to your cheek. One-two-three. 
“You wanna have a shower, baby?” Sirius asks you. He looks heart-wrenchingly concerned. It’s not like you to want to give away control like this. “I could do your hair when you get out.” 
“Don’t do it,” James cautions you. “He steals our hair to make tiny dolls of us, I’m sure of it.” 
Sirius sends him a withering look. “I’ll be gentle.” 
“I’d like that,” you tell Sirius, and he softens. 
“Yeah?” He brushes a piece of hair away from your face and presses his hand to your cheek. Squishy fond. “Okay, baby, we’ll pamper you to hell and back.” 
“I’m going to find the menu for takeaway,” Remus says, prying himself up from his chair. 
“James,” Sirius says, not particularly kindly, “you will have to let her go for her to shower.” 
“Never. Not on my life. Not at gunpoint.” You shrink as James makes his face at home in the juncture of your neck and shoulder, nose nudging at a ticklish spot. “She’s my darling sweetheart angel.” 
“She’s our darling sweetheart angel,” Remus corrects him from the kitchen. You think your face could melt titanium. 
“James, please,” you complain. “I’m never telling you all anything again.”
“Careful.” Sirius raises an eyebrow at you, mock stern. “That sounded dangerously close to a thought, and those won’t be allowed until at least tomorrow morning.”
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annwrites · 21 days
a call to arms. part seven.
— pairing: jacaerys velaryon x dragonseed!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you take jace's virginity.
— word count: 3,031
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You and Jace had shared nervous smiles over dinner, consistently blushing each time you met the other's eyes over a dessert of plum cakes and pudding.
He'd made a comment that you had tasted far more sweeter and delectable upon his tongue.
You had replied by silently sliding your spoon along your own, watching as he adjusted himself over his trousers, which consequently caused a warmth to bloom between your own legs at the sight.
Now that dinner is finished, however, you assume the fun of today is at an end and you are to return to your chambers, until Jace holds true to his stated wants from that afternoon.
"I'd like for you to join me," he says, glancing to the steaming tub the servants had filled just as the two of you were finishing your meal, then back to you.
You take a small step closer. "If someone...entered while we—"
He comes toward you, caressing your cheek for a brief moment with a soft smile before going to the door and flipping the lock.
He returns to you, taking your hand in his. "None shall disturb us."
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Jace watches silently as you undress yourself—your gown, chosen by him, pooling at your feet.
Next, you remove your smallclothes, baring yourself to him wholly.
Shyly, you position your clasped hands before your sex—watching him as he glances to you from under dark lashes, drinking in your every comely inch.
You pad to him—closing the small distance between the two of you—and cup his cheek.
"Are you alright?" You ask quietly.
He nods, gently resting a hand against your naked hip. "I did not think it possibly for me to desire you anymore than I already do. For me to think you more beautiful."
His eyes meet yours.
"I was mistaken."
You slide your hands to his chest. “Would you like for me to—”
He nods.
You unclasp the front of his shirt, slide your hands beneath the soft material, and push it from his shoulders.
Your fingers lightly trail along his smooth, bare chest—down to his abdomen—and he clenches his jaw at the feel.
Next, you unbutton his trousers, then tug them down his thighs.
He toes off his shoes, then steps out of them, along with his pants.
You cup the shaft of his erection over his smallclothes, and he moans quietly. You push them down, and that familiar long, pink cock springs free.
You grip it once more, and he wraps his hand around your own, shaking his head.
“Just the bath. For now.”
You smile, returning your hands to cupping his cheeks, nodding.
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You and Jace both ease yourselves into the lavender-scented hot water, and he leans back, resting against the tub, while you settle yourself atop his thigh, and kiss his cheek.
“Would you like for me to wash you?” You ask, retrieving a bar of soap and a cloth from a small table attached to the side of the tub.
He swallows nervously, nodding.
You lather the cloth, wiping it along his shoulders and chest, tenderly kissing his lips.
You quickly take note of his unease and meet his eyes once more.
“If you wish for me to leave—” You say softly, before he interrupts you.
He shakes his head again, taking your waist in each of his hands. “I want you here. I want…you—this. I just…”
He pauses, then threads his fingers in your hair. “I’d like for you to take the lead tonight.”
You nod, moving the warm cloth along his arms.
He continues. “All I do each day is think. To the point where I make my head pound. I speak with my mother’s advisors. We plan, we strategize, we send out missives, we try to recruit allies. All while she…”
He shakes his head, his grip upon you tightening in irritation.
You think you understand then.
You run your fingers through his dark curls. “You merely want a night where you need not think.”
He nods, sighing in relief that you understand.
Jace leans his head back and closes his eyes.
You kiss his temple, continuing on, washing him clean, along with yourself.
“What was he like?” You ask quietly.
His eyes slowly open. “Whom?”
He leans forward just a bit, running a damp hand up your back. “He loved his family. Fiercely.”
He swallows. “He was the one who took Aemond’s eye, in fact. I don’t know that was ever his intention, but…”
You tuck a curl behind his ear. “Why?”
“He claimed Vhagar the night of Aunt Laena’s funeral. Rhaena had hoped to instead. She and Baela woke us. We…went after Aemond for it—feeling like Rhaena was the one person entitled to the dragon, given it had been her late mother’s. He called us bastards, so we attacked him. And then Luke took his eye with a blade.”
He shakes his head. “So Aemond got his vengeance. He lost an eye, and my little brother lost his life. And then little Jaehaerys lost his. On and on this war goes. Children the casualty.”
You think of your sister at his words.
You eagerly await correspondence from she and your mother.
You don’t want to consider it, but you know you already have: returning to King’s Landing, smuggling them out, and flying them away.
Far, far away.
Jace slides his hand a little lower, rubbing circles with his thumb. “He never wished to be heir to Driftmark. He hated being on the sea. But loved the skies. And he liked horses—his favorite toy, in fact, was a small horse. Took it with him everywhere when he was little. He was always worried about not being good enough. In comparison to our mother. At times to me. He never…”
He trails off, his chin wobbling.
Your brows knit together, so you dig your fingers into his curls, cupping his cheek comfortingly.
“He never got a chance to prove himself wrong. Rather, to find out he was to begin with. That he was good enough, that is. He was good. He…”
Jace begins to cry, so you lean forward and hold him in your arms, allowing him a moment to drown in his grief while he wraps his own around you, wishing for a little brother that will never return.
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Jace slides one of his robes onto your shoulders, already clad in one himself.
“Should I return to my room?” You ask, unsure of yourself.
He takes your hand in his and leads you over to his bed in answer.
Once the two of you are standing to the side of it, he slides his hands beneath your open robe, swallowing thickly.
“I want you…to be the first.”
His eyes flit to yours.
You still, staring up at him.
And then you take one of his hands between both of your own. “Are you sure?”
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon—grandson to the late king—wishes for you to take his virginity.
You’d come here simply for some coin. And now you’ve a dragon, and a prince wrapped around your finger. All without so much as even trying.
You think perhaps you are having a very strange dream and are likely to wake at any moment.
You pray if you do, you’ll be safe and warm in your bed, with your little girl pressed against your side as she sleeps peacefully, dreaming of fairytales.
He nods slowly, sliding his hands higher, brushing the pads of his thumbs along the soft skin beneath each of your breasts. “I am.”
You reach up, cupping his cheek. “Jacaerys—”
He presses a firm kiss to your forehead. “It is what I want.”
He searches your eyes then. “If you do not—”
You stand on tiptoes, brushing a kiss over his lips to quiet his doubts.
“I do,” you whisper.
He gently pushes your robe from your shoulders, and it falls to the floor, baring you to him once more.
And then he crushes his lips to your own.
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Jacaerys is lied back comfortably on the mattress while you straddle his waist, kissing him, sliding your hands along his chest, down his abdomen, caressing his face, tucking curls behind his ears.
You plant playful kisses along his forehead and nose and cheeks and chin, and he grins contentedly in response.
You reach a hand between your legs, rubbing yourself with your slender fingers—not that you require the aid. You are already more than ready for your prince.
You straighten and he reaches up, cupping your breasts.
“Do…do you still want me on top?” You ask, wanting to ensure this is perfect. For his sake above all else.
He slides his hands lower, gripping your hips, his erection practically throbbing to be buried as deeply inside of you as possible.
He nods. “I want…”
He trails off, slightly embarrassed.
He’d pleasured himself just the other day to the fantasy of taking control of you in this way. But he realizes now that he’s… He’s, admittedly, nervous in voicing how his wants have now changed.
“I want the same as I did in the tub: for you to continue taking the lead this night. I want for you to… Tell me what to do. Use me for your pleasure. Please.”
You shift in unsurety.
“I want not to think. Just to feel. To feel you.”
You smile softly.
Jace reaches down, taking himself in-hand, and you center yourself, easing onto his length.
He throws his head back, moaning in pleasure while he fills you up.
You stretch around him, accommodating his length, shuddering in satisfaction when he reaches deep inside of you.
He’d been given the privilege of having a taste of you just that afternoon. But this is something else entirely. Something…extraordinary that he lacks descriptive words for. Mayhaps it goes beyond the bounds of speech.
“Tell me what to do,” he whispers breathily.
You begin to slowly rock your hips against his…not entirely sure what to tell him.
“Enjoy yourself, Jace,” you reply with a sweet smile.
He slides his hands up your naked thighs, admiring the sight before him: the two of you joined as one. A part of him inside of a part of you.
Gods, just the thought alone brings him nearer to releasing his seed.
But he wants this to last. Needs for it to.
“I want you to tell me…”
He pauses.
“Command me,” he states, his cock twitching between your wet walls.
You slow, then stop entirely, staring down at him with furrowed brows. “Are…are you certain that—”
He smiles warmly. “It’s what I desire.”
He tugs your hips forward, encouraging you to continue.
And so you do.
You rock your hips steadily, growing gradually in fervor.
Jace’s hands trace your curves, run along your soft skin, taking stock of every inch of you.
He reaches once more for your breasts, so you take his hands in your own, twining your fingers together, and you lean over him, pressing the backs of them to the pillows his head rests upon. Your breasts—the very things he’d wanted for—now directly in his face as you gaze down at him, clenching tightly around him.
“Not until I give you permission may you touch me, my sweet prince. Do you understand?”
Jacaerys whimpers quietly, softly nodding his head.
His eyes roll back before he shuts them, relieved you are giving him that which he most wants without further instruction needed.
You lean back once again, and his hands remain where you’ve placed them as you continue to rock your hips against his.
It is so strange to have a prince—the prince—who had only, just a few days ago, loathed you, asking you, a commoner, to command him in bed of all places.
A sennight ago you would’ve laughed at such a prospect.
But it warms you to know that he trusts you in such a way, and so quickly, at that. He sees you worthy of having such confidences bestowed upon you.
You rest your hands upon his chest, grinding down against him, and he turns his hands, gripping the pillows beneath them, clenching his teeth, groaning deeply in pleasure.
You click your tongue softly, cupping his cheek.
“Oh, my sweet prince,” you coo, brushing your thumb along his lips. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
He nods, his eyes fluttering open—brown irises blooming with wanton lust.
Your lip twitches. “Good.”
You rise until only his tip remains inside of you, then ease back down and he lets out a low curse.
He slides his fingers into his curls, fisting them in frustration.
“Gods, I want to touch you,” he states through clenched teeth.
You look between your legs to where he has disappear entirely, and you shrug slightly. “If we are to be technical, my sweet boy, you already are.”
You gaze at him from under your lashes and his cock twitches from deep inside your soaking heat.
His brow twitches.
“Please,” he begs.
You want to give him what he wants without a second thought, but what if what he wants is for you to make him work for it? Mayhaps you should’ve talked more about things before just…getting into bed.
You lean down and brush a kiss over his lips, curls falling over your shoulders that frame your face, and his that lies beneath you.
“You will obey,” you whisper. “You may put your hands upon my body when I permit you to, and not a moment before.”
He grins slightly, and you know then that you are giving him exactly what he wants. It makes you happy that he is, too.
“Yes, mistress,” he replies.
You fight against your brows raising in surprise at that.
You don’t want him to feel embarrassed or ashamed in trying…this. Don’t want him to feel a single negative feeling during his first time.
You wish for it to be everything he wants it to.
You continue to rock your hips against his, quietly squelching and he sighs at the sound. It pleases him greatly to know he is pleasing you. It is all he wants: to bring you to finish while you are connected in this way.
You reach between your legs and begin to slowly circle your clit and Jace practically whines at the sight.
“Let me instead. Please, I beg of you. Let me tend to your needs.”
Your hand stills, and then you remove it entirely.
You then let it hover between the two of you, palm face-up. “Give me your hand, my love.”
Jace smiles, doing as you bid him, and you slide it down your stomach, until his fingers graze again the soft white hairs between your legs, and you twine your fingers between his, circling that hot, sensitive bundle, guiding him in silent instruction.
He arches his hips and you moan his name, releasing his hand while he continues to circle that part of you which most needs his attention.
In return, you gently push dark curls from his brow, trailing your fingertips along his cheeks and firm jawline.
“Are you…you do like—”
Jace reaches up with his free hand, cupping your cheek. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You rest your palm over the back of his hand and turn your head to kiss it. You then slide it lower, to your breast, and he squeezes it gently, rolling your nipple between his fingertips.
Your hips jerk slightly as he continues to gently circle your clit.
You then lean forward and slide a hand beneath his neck and he sits up, wrapping his arm around your waist, crushing his lips to yours.
You press your forehead to his, drawing in ragged breaths, growing closer to that peak you desperately wish to find again at his hand.
Jace’s hand slides down to your bottom, guiding you along his length.
“I’m close,” he whispers.
You nod, sliding your arms around his neck, kissing his forehead lovingly, stroking his curls.
“Shh, that’s it, my sweet prince,” you say, gently encouraging him to finish along with you.
“Do I—” He swallows thickly. “Do I have your permission?”
You pull back slightly, looking into his eyes from beneath hooded lids.
You smile warmly. “Of course you do, my sweet boy. I want you to.”
“Thank you,” he replies in a mere whisper, pulling your lips back to his own.
You continue to pleasure yourself against his length, and his breaths begin to come in pants.
“That’s it,” you say, nodding. “That’s it, my sweet, sweet boy.”
He rests his head against your breasts, listening to your heart pound, and he closes his eyes.
You rock your hips faster and faster, his cock straining inside of you, desperate for release, his testicles tightening while your hot, wet walls coax him toward that which he most needs while he holds you tightly in his firm embrace.
He takes one of your nipples within his warm mouth, suckling at your breast, then licking a hot trail to your other, rolling your opposite nipple between his teeth.
“Oh, my sweet boy,” you quietly cry. “That’s it, Jace. Good boy, that’s my—”
He throws his head back then, coaxed by your words—by the names you call him—and his seed spurts inside of you, while he moans loudly, groaning your name.
You reach between your legs, quickly circling your swollen clit, whispering his name repeatedly, squeezing around him, and you press your lips to his shoulder when that wonderful feeling of release washes over you.
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Jacaerys can’t stop smiling.
Neither can you.
The two of you lay on your sides, with one of his arms draped over your hip.
He’d washed the both of you clean after, and then assured you in the morn that he would have a servant procure you moontea.
You cup his cheek and press yourself against the front of him, feeling utterly warm and safe and happy.
Tears sting his eyes as he pulls you into his chest, cupping the back of your head.
“Thank you, Y/N. For making my first…” He trails off for a moment. “For being my first, and for making it perfect.”
You rest your palms against his chest, closing your eyes. “Thank you for letting me.”
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tagging list:
@emilynissangtr @tvangelism @daisyhxsh @burningwitchobject @zizouu23
@baybaybear1 @sugyomama @dracaryxzs @hayloftxxo @gentlejoy
@darlingcharling-blog @s0urw00lf @usaguisenpaisblog @kqlopsia @marvel-at-stucky
@rafslytherin @kysoshir0 @johnshelbywife
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 months
Omg dad Remus with that one trend from tt where the mom ask the dad to babysit their kid 😭 he would be so confused and a little bit amused.
"Can you babysit the kids while I run to the store?" Remus stops dead in his tracks, Charlotte grumbling unhappily in his arms as he turns to you with a frown.
"Daddy the digestive." she whines, Remus kisses her forehead and sets her down. He rifles through the cupboard, getting her two from the sleeve.
"Share with Bekha, and no sticky hands on the sofa." She skips off, yelling for Rebekha.
"Daddy said no sticky fingers on the sofa but we can sneak, Bekha." You chuckle and so does Remus, already resigning himself to the fact that he's going to need the spot remover tonight.
Remus turns to you, closing the distance between you both with his hands on your hips. "One more time, dove?" His voice is full of amusement, eyes bright with something that you can't place.
You flush a little under his gaze, you know this is Remus' best, 'say that again' face, but you've been immune to it since forever. Well mostly forever.
"I have to go to the store, to get a couple bits for dinner," Remus nods. "Can you babysit the kids while I go or do you need me to take them."
"No I can't babysit them," he says the word like it's acrid and sour in his mouth. "I will stay with them, keep them entertained."
You nod, ready to kiss him and be off. Remus doesn't let you get away that easily. "Why would you ask if I'd babysit them? They're my kids too." Remus isn't upset, he just doesn't understand. He never minds one on one time with the girls, he doesn't think he'll ever mind it.
You bite your lip, wondering how long you can drag this out. In the end, you decide to rid Remus of his confusion. "It's a thing online, where you ask dads if they'll babysit their kids to see their response."
He shakes his head, fully amused now. His lips curl into a little smile, "And do they agree or do they say what I said?"
You rub your hands over his shoulders and down his back. "You're one of a kind, Lupin. Most of them just agree." you shrug like it's no big deal, but Remus finds it a very big deal.
"Well, you'll never have to worry about me wanting to look after the girls alone. Now go before they figure out you're leaving." he gives you a kiss and a pat to your bum before you walk out the door, planning to tidy up a bit while the girls are occupied with the tv.
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