#i’ve never had an original idea 😔
scarrletmoon · 1 year
okay i have to know if anyone else has written ed wearing a bell bc if it turns out i predicted it over a year in advance, im gonna be sooooo insufferable about it
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I remember you mentioning A court of Thorns and roses in your posts once when talking about malleus character archetype. Have you read acotar series? If so I really want to know what you think about it. Your post is how I found out this series. It's pretty meh 😕 to me but I would really like to read your thoughts on it 😊. Also are non twst related ask allowed? If not I'm truly sorry😥. You can just ignore this ask
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Oh god 😅 That was such a long time ago that I can’t even locate the original post where I made that comment…
To summarize what I said then, I had expressed that the way Malleus is presented to us reminds me of the bad boy supernatural love interests in romantasy novels.I believe the online book community colloquially refers to these characters as “Shadow Daddies” and I find that hilarious. To clarify, I do NOT mean to say that Malleus is Yuu’s “canon” love interest or anything like that. When I say that Malleus is “like” a Shadow Daddy, it’s just in the tropes they share. (For example, being overpowered, brooding, and misunderstood as a “bad guy” when, in actuality, he has a heart of gold and is just lonely.)
… I’ve actually seen multiple posts comparing Malleus and Rhysand, if you can believe that 💀
The rest of my response isn’t really TWST related, so I’ll put it under the cut for ya ^^ I tried to keep my thoughts concise and free of spoilers.
But to your question! Yes, I actually have read the first three books of ACOTAR but not the novella (A Court of Frost and Starlight) or the sequel, A Court of Silver Flames. I got into the series because it was highly recommended within its genre, but I came out of it really disappointed. I continued reading hoping that it would get better, but it really did not.
Maas has this really melodramatic and yet simultaneously juvenile way of writing dialogue that does not mesh well with what I’m looking for in a romantasy read. She’ll have characters give exposition or speeches that go on for like 10 pages straight and also have supposedly wise ancient fae cracking potty jokes like a middle schooler trying to impress their friends. It makes the books a lot longer than they have to be. In actuality, the plot involves a lot of running around and having all the right questions answered by conveniently placed chess pieces. I also did not enjoy the vague world building (like several side characters are never given proper names and instead are always referred to by title) and the near-constant mention of mating bonds. What I did like was how Maas wrote action scenes and descriptions (even if they often veer into purple prose). She also comes up with some unique concepts—but the execution of those concepts isn’t great, so the ideas are left sort of shallow and floating there waiting to be fully realized.
Romantasy and fairy tale retellings are some of my favorite things to read, so I was sad that I didn’t think that highly of this beloved series. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book I’ve been able to seriously get immersed in 😔 ACOTAR’s explosive popularity has led to many other authors trying to replicate Maas’s success, which has flooded the market with horni fae books and even similar titles (“A [noun] of [nouns] and [nouns]”). (And as someone who does NOT find Malleus attractive at all, you can imagine I’m not thrilled.) I have really mixed feelings about that… While of course I don’t mind if people enjoy ACOTAR or ACOTAR-adjacent books, I dislike that it makes up the bulk of what is marketed to me. It makes it a lot harder to find something that’s more suited to my tastes.
If anyone seeing this post is interested in trying out ACOTAR, I caution you that it is a “new adult” book, meaning it is intended for older teens (I would recommend 18+, honestly). There is a lot of violence and… explicit intimate scenes… in the series.
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 months
Gwaine does not seem to like magic much in the later seasons and happily hunts down sorcerers (dragoon, the guy from 5x05, finna) Thoughts on that?
I’ve answered similar questions before! Unfortunately, Tumblr’s search function doesn’t like me, or I’d link to my older analyses 😔
As early as 3x04 (Gwaine’s introductory episode!), Gwaine is implied to have some bias against magic. Not as severe as Arthur’s, but any bias can be dangerous. When Merlin goes to Gaius and Gwaine about the Stulorne blades, this is the reaction he gets:
Gwaine: I've seen those blades in action. They're forged using sorcery.
There’s quite a bit of emphasis on the word “sorcery” here, both in Gwaine’s speech and in the overall use/placement of it. The fact that the blades are forged using sorcery tells our protagonists why they’re capable of deceiving people’s eyes, but it does not in itself imply danger unless you see magic as a danger.
Later, in 3x08, Gwaine remarks on magic with a similar attitude:
Gwaine: Wyverns. Distant cousins of the dragon. They're creatures of magic, so be careful.
Again, Gwaine expresses their capacity for harm by bringing attention to their magical origins. But the worst is in 3x12, when Gwaine does nothing to stop Arthur from holding his sword against the throat of a child simply because he’s a Druid. Rather, Gwaine pulls his sword on the rest of the Druids when they come out to save the boy. It’s Merlin who has to tell Arthur to let him go. So, Gwaine not only sees magic as dangerous, but he believes that magic and innocence (not as in guilt, but as in youth and vulnerability) are mutually exclusive. He dangerously adultifies a kid who’s <10yo.
Thrice, in the introductory era of the character, pretty solidly confirms his perspective. However, Gwaine doesn’t seem to approach magic as an innate evil the way Arthur does. He more or less ignores Grettir, despite his flagrant use of magic to turn Gwaine’s sword into flowers. In season 5, he sees clearly that the Diamair is a creature of magic, but leaves with an understanding that he owes it his life.
Gwaine’s philosophy is openly stated in 3x04: “Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are.” If he’s to be true to this logic, then he has to accept that one’s actions/beliefs determine one’s character, rather than their birth circumstances. He has to apply this to magical people and creatures. And he seems to, in relation to Grettir and the Diamair.
Perhaps not so much to those who he believes “chose” magic, for what he may assume is to the end of greed and power—some of the very traits he hates nobles for. However, there is only one instance to go off of, and it takes place in 5x05, where Gwaine’s like, 2 lines are the one that implies this, and the one telling someone to respect Arthur because he’s a king (even though Gwaine only respects Arthur despite that fact), so I’m inclined to ignore it.
As far as Dragoon goes, Gwaine seems to be under the impression that assassinating Uther would be evil, even though he has no motive for this. Uther had him banished and even threatened to cut his tongue out. I suppose he might just think that killing = evil, but considering how he’s employed to do just that—and it’s what he threatens Dragoon with—it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps because he sees sorcerers as a danger, he doesn’t disapprove of the magic ban, and therefore finds Uther’s death to be unjust?
They never really offer an explanation. I think the safest bet is that Gwaine assumes this means that Dragoon would want Arthur—who still holds the ban on magic in place—dead also. “Dragoon” actually plays into this idea.
It would be the same reason for the Finna situation. Arthur has already decided that she’s a threat, and Gwaine is receiving this information through his word alone. Gwaine’s exact quote is: “There’s a dangerous sorcerer at large,” who he wants to protect Merlin from. (It would be a very different story if Gwaine knew that Merlin was her accomplice—or rather, she is Merlin’s accomplice, heehee.)
So, while Gwaine doesn’t “happily” hunt down sorcerers—seriously, more like—he does show a bias against magic, believing it to be dangerous. However, he is also shown to overlook this bias from time to time, and I think it’s safe to say that he would have been able to make a repeat for Merlin if it came to it.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
It wasn’t a satisfying ending. But in no way do I mean that in a bad way. It wasn’t satisfying. What would have been satisfying is if after all that time, Smokescreen finally got to win. Just once.
But we didn’t get that. There was only one ending. That was what we were told at the beginning, and that is how it ended. There was only one choice. The best choice was the only. Choice. I love that. It’s bitter, and frustrating, but with how you wrote it? It’s what needed to happen. It wasn’t the ending we all wanted, it was the ending that needed to happen.
This was gut wrenching. Mind blowing. We got tears making rivers and oceans over here man 😭
This was wonderful, it really was. It was hard. It was difficult, but it ended, and when it did, it was just, meant to be. We were told it was unavoidable, Smokescreen was told it was inevitable, and it was in the end. He wasn’t ever going to get that chance to prove the Matrix and everyone else wrong.
You are just, SO good at doing this. At making something that is real, and important (to me anyway 😔).
I love how Smokescreen bonded with everyone. He knows, everyone. He has made memories with them that are his, and his alone. He can’t share them now. They’re remnants of times that no longer exist. He doesn’t get those bonds back. Not like the ones he had. And that’s hard. It’s hard for him, it’s hard for us, there’s no way for him to get satisfaction for those losses.
You’ve gotta be magic or something. Like, actually.
In my class today, I fr opened my physical, non-Transformers related book, and tried to find where I had left off on ‘Broken Record’, then did a 180 when I very quickly realized this book was not, in fact, your Tumblr page, and I was not, in fact, reading one of your stories 💀
You’ve infected my brain with the robos. Everything is a reference to your stories. (For example, Burgers: That one story if your were the humans purposely eat burgers and meat in the base to make the bots uncomfy cuz it’s funny to see their reactions.)
Anyway, back to the story, Optimus understood Smokescreen’s situation very quickly. And once it was made clear that he understood, it became very clear that these loops were not a new thing. For any of the primes. That makes me wonder how similar it had been for Optimus. Or rather, Orion Pax.
We know that he was once like Jack, from what Ratchet tells us in the show, but I can’t really see someone like Jack turning into someone like Optimus. Not naturally. I had always assumed that Orion became who he is as Optimus just by getting the Matrix, or just by being in the war. But you said “F that” and did something completely new. Orion having to go through those ‘trials’ like how Smokescreen did absolutely adds to the reasoning behind such a, seemingly drastic personality change. It seems drastic to everyone else, but, as you showed us with Smokescreen, it was gradual. It was a very, very gradual change. It was a change that came through many, many long hardships and challenges, and in the end he didn’t even succeed in his original goal. As it probably was for Orion. Smokescreen isn’t the bot he used to be. Not by a long shot. Nebulous Prime did not simply just, come to be. It’s who Smokescreen turned into.
(Makes me wonder if you’d be wanting to do a prequel for ‘Broken Record’ but for Orion 👀)
Anyway, to wrap it up, you’re incredible, your mind is incredible, thanks for being incredible.
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Oh my goodness. I am just, in absolute AWE at this breakdown of the story. You APPRECIATE my writing and you have no idea how happy that makes me. I put so much effort into my work, and it never ceases to make me smile and want to keep on going when I read comments like yours. I am not being paid for this, I am not gaining anything from this in real life, but it is wonderful people such as yourself that keep me going, so thank you :)
Smokescreen's tale in "Broken Record" really is one of tragedy, and I adore how you have laid it out. The vision I had while writing was an inevitable slow march toward the apathy all Primes seem to have. Optimus always knows so much, has skills that one could see him having but still appear slightly out of place in light of his origin. He was the embodiment of skill and wisdom, and yet he was always tired.
I loved the idea of finding a core reason behind that exhaustion aside from war, a purpose behind the seeming aimless behavior Optimus exhibited upon no longer having a foe to fight. His trial, in my mind, was different from Smokscreen's.
I say this because I do indeed intend to write a prequel from Orion's perspective. I want to show how crushing it will be when his passion and drive are tempered through unexplainable loss and the revelation that he CAN'T fix everything. There is no happy story book ending, and Smokescreen now knows this well. Conviction turned to duty, love dulled to loyalty, idealism shifted into numbing apathy.
In light of this, can you see why the other Primes went crazy? Orion was a special case and without Optimus to serve as a foundation, Smokescreen would have joined the mad ranks of his predecessors. It is a sad story where the weak falter and the strong prevail. It was underlying, but it was also a hope of mine that it would be shown that no mech should want the Matrix. To be a leader is a burden, and in the world of "Broken Record", that is more than evident.
Thank you again for your lovely commentary! I look forward to writing more if only so that kind folks such as yourself have more to enjoy.
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r3dcam3llias · 10 days
Hi hi!!
A couple questions about the mod!
(which I want to preface! this is purely curiosity and there’s no pressure of any one way! the mod itself is such a fun and sweet idea and I’m so so excited for any Step 5 Cove content no matter what + what’s already included sounds amazing!! can’t wait to see it!!)
(1.) is the mod going to be a DLC to be sandwiched in the Our Life files itself or its own files/game like the Patreon DLCs(btw your step three proposal reactions being in the game itself is actually so so cool!! I haven’t added it yet(step four confession truther unfortunately😔, so I actually have never fully done a full step three proposal before reloading) but it is👀 tempting) (2.) will multiples be an option in the DLC? I totally understand if not(I can’t imagine trying to make branching routes from singletons to say like? octuplets), however I’ve always been partial to giving Cove and my MC twins so I was curious, again though! either way is no big deal and I’ll be just as excited whether or not it is an option!
(3)(birth tw?) In the pregnancy route specifically I don’t know how involved the birth is(or where exactly it is in the plot as well; e.g. middle or end) but I was wondering if there would options for different general “types”(if that’s what it’s called?) of births (e.g. vaginal or cesarean) (also if the birth is included and cesarean is an option cove in a PPE gown as an exclusive outfit lol).
Hi! Wow, so many questions, I’m excited!! :D I’m in the middle of working on the script right now, so let’s get into it! 1.) Yes and no! The internal workings of the whole thing are a little complicated, but I’ll try to explain it as best I can. In order to have the mod actually work, it needs to be able to be “called” to play using the original files. Because, in the original game, when you finish a step it either sends you to a DLC (regardless if you have the DLC or not, this code is still in the base game) or ends the game. There’s no parameter to “tell” it to play the modded files. So, to make the mod work, I had to go into the “ending” files of each of these steps and write some code to call my modded sections to play! So that means when someone downloads the mod, whatever ending scripts I had to edit will have to be overwritten. Aside from that, everything else can function completely like the patreon DLCs and should be able to just be tossed directly into the game folder without the hassle of overwriting anything (yay!). 2.) I’m considering it… As of right now, the mod will solely focus on the MC and Cove adopting/having a singlet. However, I may consider adding the possibility of getting fraternal/identitical twins if I decide I think it’ll be something I can handle. It might just end up being something added in a future update once the main mod is finished, so don’t lose hope 👀. 3.) Yes, while I absolutely don’t plan on making it an overly detailed or graphic experience (it’ll be able to be skipped if you wish), there’ll be a dedicated scene for when you and Cove bring your little one into the world :) And, yeah, I plan on allowing the player some choice in the matter, whether c-section or natural, hospital or potentially at home. Also yes! We will be getting to see Cove in different outfits given what route you decide 🫶
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iamthat-iam · 1 year
hey Bry, i hope you’re doing good, i wanted to ask for help because im tired of this, like i dont know who else to ask ( 😔 ) could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong?  (long text ahead)
i’ve been into Non Dualism for a while, not that much tho, i was into the Law of Assumption community and i was having that point of view and the i discovered ND. I felt like i was being blessed because the main idea of Non Dualism is so freeing. I consumed all types of ND contents you can imagine, i was in every corney of the internet looking for info and different perspectives, and i was doing…. meh. I was learning but i had my up and downs but i was slowly “detaching from ego”. Then something happened i had a few problems with a class of mine and i felt like a fell from the progress that i had. I was trying to read more and more content to try to make me understand that “hey its ok”, ofc that never worked because my teacher accused me of plagiarism and the owrse part is that is true but is not bcs of bad reasons i just used AI  and wanted to make my assignments easier and my mental health was awful for me to complete them. Then i found out that my grades were low and i dont know if im going to fail, or repeat my semester, and the worse, i dont want mynparents to find out and pay for those classes. I feel awful because they’re really expensive and i just want to solve this. Believe me, im so tired of reading content and not knowing what to do. I’ve tried every “tecnique” to slowly detach from ego, but i just can’t stop thinking about these problems, they’re haunting me like crazy. I know this is just ego but, ive had so many anxiety attacks because of this like i don’t get it. I'm sorry if im sounding too demanding, im literally asking in the best way possible, what else could i do?
A lot of bloggers say “you don´t need to understand this, is your ego worrying” and others say “slowly question yourself what ego says or sees and go back to your origin” that gets me so confused and i'm exhausted. im so lost and i just want to delete everything and feel better. i know ND, is not about this, it shouldn’t make me feel like this, is just very simple. i just have too many problems like Bry i am really concerned, my mothers finances haven’t been the best and i don’t want her to pay a lor of money. I'm terrified to let go of this desire to change my grade circumstances, because I'm scared that if I do, nothing will change and everything around me will only worsen, and it feels like I've got such little time to change things. I know it might b the best to “let go” and do nothing but like, what if it stays the same. I dont even understand when people say “let it be” or i saw a girl saying “if you have a problem, dont do thing to it. ignore it and it will solve” like how??? i feel defeated and i just want to be free. im so scared to be in this position when the week ends, or by the month ends. im so lost. i feel like i only know this intellectual, but when the day passes and i say to myself “I AM” i just can’t feel it, i feel like a limited body. i give up on trying to achieve something,Ego seems so exhausting and scary and terrifying. i want to leave everything behind and be gentle with myself. what can i do? what should i do?
thank you bry if you read this fully, i really try to follow your blog and i like your kindness towards ppl. i hope u have a nice day
Im doing good ty for asking!
You have to take a leap of faith. I know it's scary to let go of control and trying to change things but if you don't, you will continue to feel like this and the problems will continue to exist. Trying to change a problem is you acknowledging that there's even a problem in the first place. Worrying about these problems are just keeping them there, because you keep acknowledging that they exist.
Your true self doesn't have problems! So when you know yourself as you really are, and are not identified with the person dealing with such and such issues, they have to go away. There's no possibility of things staying the same because everything appears and disappears based on what you are aware of.
Surrender. Just know that everything will work out in the end (because everything is already perfect).
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sparky-x · 6 months
Hey guys. No art today, but I’m here to talk about an idea for a Sonic Reboot that I conceptualized.
It was originally titled Sonic Neoverse. This was made to, well, fix many of the problems plaguing the franchise. I had this 2 years before Sonic Frontiers came out/announced. Most of the events and characters were lifted from the games, and comics, but with a few major adjustments. Keep in mind that this topic will be in two parts. In Part 1 I will be discussing about the characters in the reboot, and then I will talk about the world and setting in Part 2.
Let’s start with the face of the entire franchise, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Sonic’s personality would be a mix between Adventure, Toon, and a bit of modern.He Would have his family back. It is composed of Aleena, Manic, and Sonia from underground. Because he had two separate moms, I did some alterations and made Bernie the hedgehog Aleena’s daughter. 
After his parents disappeared, the Oracle of Delphius sent the triplets to their respective adoptive parents. Sonic’s caretaker would be Longclaw much like in her movie incarnation.
Knuckles may at times not be the guardian of the Master Emerald because……. The Echidnas from Archie would be present in the neoverse; therefore, Knuckles is no longer the last of his kind. Locke, Knuckles’s Father will be the one to look after the Master emerald.
Amy Rose would be drastically different in Neoverse. I turn Amy Rose into a tomboy in this version. I also had her like a female counterpart to Sonic similar to how Batgirl is a female counterpart to Batman. Changing her would mean getting rid of her Piko Piko hammer. I have to come up with many alternative weaponry for this new version of Amy from dual blades to axel’s disc weapons from Kingdom Hearts. The latter that I kind of gone with to coincide with her ‘surname’.
Silver the Hedgehog would be a lot smarter and wiser in Neoverse unlike his original incarnation (‘A well thought out strategy’).
Shadow the Hedgehog would be the same as he was in Sonic Adventure 2 but he’ll later have a personality like Jak from Jak and Daxter.
E-102 Gamma? Well, I’ve had him rebuilt by Rotor and teamed with the Freedom Fighters along with Big the Cat and Amy. It was to match the main cast of Sonic Adventure DX. and since Cream was part of the Freedom Fighters in Archie, Team Rose had been merged with it.
The freedom fighters would return in the neoverse having a massive role during eggman’s invasion of Mobius. Most of the characters like Tangle from IDW, Tekno from Fleetway, and scrapped characters like Tiara Boobowski would be brought back in Neoverse. Talking about an all-star franchise….. that would never be realized as the Sonic Franchise is as good as it is. 😔😔😔😔😔
Every original Sonic media had to have some new things right? Well the secret is that the entire Sonic Neoverse all started with remaking Sonic 06. By that, I mean the one character everyone seemed to dislike, Princess Elise.
What I did with Elise was that she was going to be much more serious and warrior-like than her original self (In a natural way). Unlike her original counterpart, She has a deep hatred for the humans/overlanders especially when Eggman attacked her kingdom. Elise in Neoverse is now a Mobian Sphinx, a mythical lion with wings and can shoot energy blasts. She’s also physically strong given that her lion race were warriors. I will discuss more of Neoverse Elise’s history for part 2.
With the heroes said and done. Time to talk about the villains of the neoverse starting with Dr. Eggman
In Neoverse, Dr. Eggman was formerly a GUN member when he fell into his own Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor. It corrupted his mind making him hostile toward the Mobians, and during the Overlander war, he joined the opposing faction. When the war was over. He overthrew King Acorn and launched the attack on Mobius. At one point he retired from his quest and hid for 2 years. After he decided to get back on his quest again after learning that the creature (Chaos) was a powerful creature.
All of his henchmen from Metal Sonic to Dingo would be in the Neoverse.
Time for some other villains beside Eggman himself.
Starting with Zavok. Instead of being, well, generic, I’ve turned him into a massive manchild who would fly into fits of rage when he doesn’t get his way.
I saw the Zeti or the deadly six as Bowser Koopalings knockoffs, so I did some adjustments to make them standout. The Zeti would be more reptilian with a primitive, cavemen-like personality.
Mephiles and Iblis would return and both would fuse into Solaris like in the original instead Solaris would be along the lines of Darksied from DC.
Ifrit from Sonic Rivals would join a reborn Mephiles’s team. The two along with Iblis would become a more powerful Solaris.
Remember Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric? Remember its antagonist, Lyric the Last Ancient? Well, I’ve made him a member of the order of Ixis, a group led by Ixis Naugus. He specializes in necromancy. When he was accidentally revived by Eggman, he used parts of the doctor’s aiding Egg Pawns to create a temporary body similar to his original counterpart.
Now for everyone’s hated villain, Infinite the Jackal. Rather than a generic shadow wannabe, He would have been a disgruntled scientist from Soleanna. ‘wrongfully’ rejected by Elise (due to his poor research). Infinite would later join Eggman in his effort to overthrow Elise.
Emperor Metallix would return in a saga based on the Metal Virus arc. About that along with the Zombots? Stay tuned for part 2.
Mammoth Mogul would also return along with Ixis Naugus, who would have ties to only Sonic’s missing parents but also the Phantom Ruby from Sonic Mania………..
Some people were unaware that in the Archie reboot era, Dr. Eggman had Egg Bosses, a group of robotic used Mobians who controlled each of Sonic’s world’s regions. These guys would now work for Mammoth Mogul rather than Eggman. Like their original incarnations, they are assigned to the regions of Mobius for global domination. Some members like Nephthys the Vulture and Thunderbolt the Chinchilla would be excluded from the group.
Nephthys would be among the heroes along with being the leader of the Midesta Freedom Fighters (AKA The Desert Raiders From Archie). I based Thunderbolt off of a particular Sonic fan who wants to ‘merge dimensions’…….
Great Battle Kukku/Battle Lord Kukku would be a greedy corporate boss who tried to deforest Coco island so he could build an amusement park. He would do the same to the Babylon Gardens.
Lord Mordred Hood from Archie would become Amy Rose’s worst enemy. Why? We shall find out in part 2.
Now lastly the final two villainous groups. That is The Nocturnus Clan, and the Dark Legion from Archie.
 That one point, because of the similarities these two had, I decided to mix the two together, that means Imperator Ix may be Dimitri’s ancestor. Dimitri himself would be Enerjak like his Archie Counterpart. Kragok would be the legion’s leader and Dr. Finitevus would return as a member of the clan.
Most of the characters I’ve reimagined seemed to be a lot better than we think though the other half remained the same as they were. I have intentionally left out major details of the Neoverse characters like Ixis Naugus. These will all be explained in part two.
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thatpikmin · 2 months
Artfight is over
With Artfight over I’m posting all of the drawings I did for my first year starting with my first drawing
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I decided to start with a silly bunny since
1. I love bunnies
2. I thought it would be nice to start in a familiar place, FNAF
It was a simple start but it was very fun and relaxing!
Second drawing is for @patchworkfox01
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When I discovered that 2 of my friends were on the opposite team, I knew I had to draw them, but I don’t want it to be simple so I added a cute background. They have a very cute oc
Third drawing is for @sages-shack
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I had a toon cat oc (which I didn’t finish their ref in time for Artfight 😔) so I went with the next interest in my live, rubberhose cartoons, and came across this guy!!
Originally I was going to add a shadow of my oc, Maxwell, being the one opening the door but I didn’t have the energy, I already struggled enough with the floor perspective and shadow
Next is
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I wanted to draw some humans so I went through dangaronpa ocs and saw this sweetie, originally I wanted to add a more detailed background and more chibi drawings of little Oliver but quickly got bored of drawing them and had no ideas for background, I’m super proud of the moth charm and braid, tho I struggled a lot with the bangs
A double whammy for
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My thirst for cartoon characters was not over, I was originally going make one then the other in different art pieces but I realized that they were made by the same artist so I combined them both to a bigger piece. I wanted to try something new with the tree textures in the background but not sure if they worked, I struggled a lot with perspective for them but I think it looks nice! just don’t look at the bricks too hard
My first ever revenge drawing with @beansmakinbooks also known as @boyswhowawa
And was curious if I could also attack another user, @witchyeevee
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I’ve been yearning to draw some of their pokemon designs from a RP server with foxes so to be attacked and having a change to do a revenge I knew I had to do them. While looking through the description I noticed that if ever drawn to be drawing with Temilly (the pokemon next to jolteon) I had to not do shading due to so many details (it was a matter of time before the month was gonna end)
My last piece being for @kolawy
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I don’t know how many times I drew their characters, so seeing their rivulet being up for attacks I had to strike. This attack was planned since the beginning of the month and never got to it till 2 or 1 week before it ended but it’s always worth it
Artfight is over, with 2 drawings not being completed before the month ended. I hope to finish the ref sheets for the remaining 3 ocs for next year which might be posted here on tumblr once I reach 100 followers
It was very fun drawing others ocs and has been years since I’ve last done this and was wonderful drawing others ocs. I hope to get to do this again next year.
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
I totally agree with you on not liking the current, "you must reblog or don't read it" mentality. While it's great to support fanfic writers if you're comfortable with it, there are a lot of reasons why someone may not feel comfortable reblogging a particular fic (for me personally my social anxiety sometimes gets the best of me and I simply cannot handle the idea of being perceived). I think the problem comes when people don't interact with fics and then start to ask for more content from the author (which I suspect is only a few people but it's enough to give some writers a really bad impression). I used to write for a very small fandom and even I had several experiences of people asking for part 2s or updates when the original fic had very little interaction and I was most definitely not a request blog. I've personally never written fanfiction to get comments but stuff like that made me feel used and I even had one interaction that toed the line of emotional blackmail and put me off writing for that fandom altogether so I can definitely see why some authors end up so jaded that they block anyone who doesn't interact positively (even if it's not something I really agree with). So yeah, I really don't think there's anything wrong with genuine lurkers but I fear sadly they've been given a bad name by the few people who do treat fanfic authors as content machines.
Anyway, I hope I haven't rambled too much and that you're having a good day Merms!
Oh yeah, absolutely!!! Like, true entitlement is such a problem that genuine lurkers are getting murked for; which is unfair because it makes a scapegoat out of them and doesn’t solve the real problem at all. And I say “true entitlement” because there’s a difference between a comment that’s like, “will there be a part 2? 🥺” and “part 2” LOL, which is my personal pet peeve, like—what happened to hi?? hello??? how are you??? 💀 I’m not a chat AI, you don’t get to input demands. 🤖📖🚫
Idk—I try not to be mean about even that, tho, because I suspect a lot of this behaviour is indicative of younger readers, but then it just circles back to the problem of like, how do we correct it on a community-wide scale? Because sure, entitlement like that might be coming from a younger reader, but it might just as easily be coming from an asshole LMAO. The only “quick” solution that I can see for it is directly addressing it when it happens. 🥺 And again I wanna emphasise that there’s a clear difference between a genuine enquiry and a throwaway demand!! Like, personally, I don’t mind people asking when I might update or whatnot, because I don’t hold myself to a schedule and my updates are haphazard. But if you’re a more structured and dependable writer (like andypants, for example!) then maybe it’s a different story idk idk. It’s literally case-by-case—which is how it should be, because we’re all individual people writing different things.
I’m sorry your other fandom experience was kinda soured for you though, Anon. 🥺 I would feel used too! I’ve actually come to really dislike writing generic, non-bigger-fic related drabbles because they’re always the pieces that attract the worst of the entitlement. 💀 I say that like it’s a plague of demands lmfao, it’s not, but it happens often enough that it’s noticeable—and I guess it’s just the nature of them being easily digestible without needing like 100k+ of backstory to get into it, but….. idk idk. It’s startling! 😦 And I think the only action we can take that’s even close to a solution is just gently addressing it whenever it pops up. 😔 Or blocking ig if that’s how u roll, LOL.
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mydollsaregay · 2 months
welp. i finally gave restoring my cécile doll a try. it did not work 😔 her wig is just too thin and damaged. it remained frizzy even after multiple boil washes.
it just ain’t happening 🫠
the worst part is that i can’t even replace her wig, because the only seller who sells wigs even close to her original look has been out of stock for ages (and i honestly don’t really like the replacement wig’s look anyway 😬).
i originally bought this doll with the intention of getting her head replaced by the doll hospital (back in 2023). however, they had already stopped doing head replacements for cécile by the time I tried to get her in, even though she was in the window for retired dolls being supported at the time. 😭
i’m additionally annoyed about all this, as cécile is one of the last historicals that i don’t have as part of my collection (even though i technically own her, i don’t count dolls that i’m still fixing up). the other doll i’m missing is marie-grace, who is also being fixed up - however, she is in great condition, and just needs a few more rounds of acne cream stain removing.
having already invested too much money into this doll (i believe she was around $125, which is way more than i’ve paid for the vast majority of my dolls), i really, really hate the idea of dropping another $250 or whatever just to get this one character. however, i can’t bring myself to buy another tlc cécile after how bad this one turned out, so she’d have to have near-perfect hair for me to feel good about it (which i know that im just never gonna get for a good price, unless im willing to wait like. a decade. and even then its not a guarantee).
anyway. if anyone wants to buy a cécile to use as a base for a custom doll, lmk 😅 she’s actually in really good shape aside from her wig; the only defect i’ve spotted is a white mark on her lip - I haven’t removed it just because i’m scared of messing up her paint lol.
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catb-fics · 2 months
It’s honestly annoyed me sm that R&L have stopped the second stage but I used to hate that they had 2, it kinda ruined the original vibe but now they’ve done it as catfish headlining to change it so I’m like wtf WHY 🙈😭
I’ve never been to either festival to have an opinion but having multiple stages is a good idea to disperse people so you stand a chance of getting a good spot I guess! I really wish they had two this year so they could have bagged the top spot 😔
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lavellander · 2 months
ok I’m having my oc thoughts now. sorry
since I rewatched all the dai romances while answering that ask on main I fuckin……….think I fucked up with my adaar. which is the danger of creating a character exclusively to romance a certain LI bc when they continue to develop into like more than a cardboard cutout sometimes they grow out of their original LI 😔
I think dareen is actually much more suited for sera in a lot of ways, even in my personal canon where dareen isn’t inquisitor. the person that she grew into is absolutely not Righteous enough to be with cass, she doesn’t believe in the maker, and she doesn’t get why people are into tradition (eg how cass likes to be wooed, not cultural tradition). dareen was never going to be a faithful inq mechanics-wise but she also just. could not care less about andraste
and weirdly! I have a long abandoned oc who was meant for a mega religious templar-recruiting cullenmancing run (bc at the time I’d only ever sided w mages and I hadn’t had the idea for pleione as my faithful andrastian inquisitor yet lol) who would Really fucking work with cass. they even have similar world-shattering crises of faith and disillusionment with the chantry! and the yearning for a divine!cassandra would be so tasty
anyway. I won’t ever play as that one (her name is pallas and she sucks) and it’s hard to squish her into my canon worldstate bc her whole deal very much hinges on her being the inquisitor, just like pleione’s does. so I don’t really know what to do w all this I kind of just needed to talk it out so it would stop taking up space in my brain <3
wait hang on I just dug very deep into my drafts and found these from July 2021 holy shit lmao
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I’ve also decided that she has a sexuality crisis bc of cass and vice versa. she’s very repressed 🫶
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misty-zzz · 1 year
Chapter 3, Broken titan AU
ok so the original version of this chapter wouldnt load and stufff...
kinda glad, bc the og version was kinda bad... 😔
“I’m thinking wublin island, with all the supernatural stuff going on there, possibly they could have an answer.” Tootoo isn’t exactly sure where to go, but this was one of the first things that came to mind. “Wublin island is a little whiles always, should take an hour and an half or so.” Hoola gets back on the skyship, and pulls out a map. Figuring out where on this doughnut like planet this island is. “Alrighty!” She places the map back into its place. “You guys can board the ship now!” She gestures. Tootoo and Fiddlement enter the ship. They venture to the inside of the ship. It had a nice interior. Mostly filled with decor from each seasonal events. From left to right, on the left wall there were hammocks for the crew to sleep in. The center had tables, with a kitchen in the back. And at the right, there’s a wall filled with photos. Some being places the ship has been, and some pictures of monsters. Fiddlement flies up to a hammock. “These aren’t the most comfortable…” they complain. “Hammocks aren’t comfortable most of the time.” Tootoo agrees. Hoola walk down the stairs. “The photo wall is pretty cool, huh?” She walks towards the photos. Tootoo nods, they both head towards the wall aswell. “Here’s an old one,” Hoola pulls off a photo. “The first and only time I’ve been to wublin island!” The photo had 5 distinct monsters. Hoola sticks it back on the wall. They both stare at the image a little longer. “I’ve got to get this ship off the ground!” She heads back up the stairs. “Wait, do you have any papers and pencils anywhere?” Tootoo wanted to know. “I’ll bring some when I come back down!” She continues up. “I want to look at the pictures!” Fiddlement suggests. “There’s plant island! Oh, and Fairie!” The shipped seemed to lift, they were on their way to wublin island. Upon searching through the images some more, they were to able to find one of the whole pomily, with a little Tootoo! She cringed at seeing a younger version of herself, Fiddlement thought it was a cute photo. They turn around to see Hoola walking down. “Got the your stuff!” She places the papers and pens on a nearby table. “I’ll stay down here with you guys for now.” She sits down. The two sit on the bench across them. Tootoo inspects Hoola, realizing she never whore the bandanna and goggles ever before. “Where did you get the bandanna and goggles from?” She asks. “These? I got them during summer song this year! The epic wubbox on air island gave them to me, saying I might need these for my travels!” Hoola answers. “They look good on you!” Tootoo smiles. Tootoo goes ahead and starts drawing. She decides to draw her beloved original character, Delta. The half hoo-man half dragon. Trying out new poses to draw her in. “Delta, huh? What’s her backstory, I don’t know too much about her.” Says Hoola. Tootoo looks at Fiddlement. They know Delta by heart, and were ready to dump this whole backstory to her, even if they didn’t have much. “Well…” they spoke at the same time. “Delta was a dragon, she was well liked with in the community. But due to a curse she was transformed to a half dragon half hoo-man!” Explains Tootoo. “She was kicked out of cities and villages, because she was just so different, and is trying to get revenge!” Continues Fiddlement. “But that’s all I’ve thought of so far, still got a bunch to think about.” Tootoo shrugs. Eventually Hoola went back up, Tootoo continued to draw. Fiddlement and Tootoo kept on think of ideas of how to expand Delta’s storyline. At a point, the two decide to go upstairs. They were out of the polar night of light island, strange for Tootoo and Fiddlement. Hoola was above at the control center, driving the ship. “Hello!” She noticed the two. Tootoo waves. Hoola climbs down to talk with them. “What ya need?” She asks. “I dunno,” Tootoo responds. “Well, we got about 20 minutes left.”
“Alright!” Fiddlement looks off, watching at waves below. Hoola joins them, so does Tootoo. “It’s pretty, huh?” Fiddlement looks at both of them. “Yeah,” responds Hoola. “It’s pretty pretty,” laughs Tootoo. “I wonder what caused this,” wonders Fiddlement. “I hope to find out! Maybe there’s some magic put into this.” Theorizes Tootoo “Besides the mythicals, the pure magicals had some magic. But they’ve been long extinct. So I wonder if the mythicals had something to do with this.” Says Hoola. After talk for awhile, they spot it, “Is that the island?” Fiddlement tilts towards the dark teal island. Hoola takes out the map, “I believe so!” Tootoo was ready, what ever this mystery was, she was ready to solve it!
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rosydolly · 6 months
i had not seen that hisoka gif before and looking it up i have to say Please... thats literally so genius. And im also guilty of that... so glad rewatching 'licking' ygo videos over and over is not an original experience.
i've found that a good chunk of kinks im not normally into, i'll be into if marik's related in it, if that makes any sense lol. you bringing up hypno things in the tags reminded me of that, 'cause im definitely guilty of being a neutral party on hypno or brainwashing until i considered either mariks being a possible factor. how he treats mai after their duel also applies heavily into that i think!
HES ALSO TOTALLY PEGGABLE 100% LMFAO speaking true facts durring monopoly i respect that
+ mini bonus; the way he spits after getting punched by obelisk agjfjfjrb... such a good detail
YAY I’m so glad someone agreesss. If it weren’t for my wrist pain I’d wanna draw it rn….. I hope the gif wasn’t hard to find tho lol I didn’t think to post it here.. I first got the idea after seeing it a few years ago but I forgot because my yugioh phase winded down a little (luckily that’s not the case rn..)
YEAA I’ve seen other people say they did this too but there’s probably more that just wouldn’t admit to it. It made me a little fixated on eyeball licking when I was younger..
SAME HEREE like that was never a thing I thought about before or after having seen him.. only ever in the context of him doing it. Like just the fact that he could control people and make them do whatever he wanted did something to my kid brain…. DEFINITELY I remember when I first saw their duel.. my stomach was doing flips.. I also like the scene where he kneels down and lifts up her chin. I wish that shot weren’t badly drawn though……:(
Lmfao I got banned from talking for saying that and also calling dartz a dilf 😔 and then I lost.
KAGAMI DIDNT HAVE TO GO THAT HARD ANIMATING THAT BUT IM SO GLAD HE DID. I wish we could have him reanimate every episode I need more awesome shots like that… I noticed in the manga he just bled a little bit I like the drool more. But it would’ve been great too if it was the same but with the same amount of blood as the spit lol
AND THANK YOUUUUU!! Im mostly better I just can’t sleep for some reason so I’ve been tired and out of it all day orz <333
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jellifysh · 1 year
you haven’t written anything in three months do you feel detached from writing ?
I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot, and the sad answer is, yes 😔
when I first started to write, I had started with GBiST and I LOVED GBIST, it was my little passion project and I had it cultivated through daydreams that got me through the pandemic when I was lonely and bored and feeling detached from my friends and stressing w my work. I planned GBIST meticulously and had drafts and parts written in advance and I was so proud of how it came out and how I could bring my dreams to life and share them with you all. I’m so happy I wrote it and loved being able to get experience with writing for others.
BTS did so much for me to get through a really hard part in my life, but with them being on hiatus (even though I know they’re all still around doing their own projects it just doesn’t feel the same) and I’m grieving the way they used to be even though I know I should keep moving forward and look forward to their future.
After I finished GBIST, I tried to throw myself into my other ideas, but I didn’t plan those as well, I didn’t have much of a plan for any of them at all and I only realized how difficult that would make the whole process after I started it.
All of this is basically to say, I think I’m going to slowly step away from thsi chapter of my life as a writer, with everything that I learned. I don’t want to abandon Ride with You because I am so far in, but it’s likely that updaters are going to continue being far and few between until I finish, and it’ll likely be much shorter than I originally planned, but I do love the universes I created with you all. I’m going to leave the blog up because despite not getting to do everything I wanted, I’m still proud of it all and if I ever do get the strength to come back to it and finish everything else one day, I want to be able to do that.
So this isn’t a goodbye, but more of a see you around because I’ll still be here, just a bit more distant than I wished to be. Thank you so so soooo much to everyone who supported me so far, you’re all incredible and I do love all your asks and replies and I will always look back on this as a fond memory. But if I never post anything here again, (which is unlikely) I love you all 🫶🫶🫶
Borahae 🫰💜
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woozapooza · 9 months
Miscellaneous thoughts about Sopranos season 6A
I’m almost done with the whole show, you guys! Crazy! I’m honestly looking forward to it being over so that I can breathe again. This is a selection of the stuff I wrote in my journal this season/half-season (however you want to look at it). This post is RIDICULOUSLY long (about 1700 words) so it’s going under a cut.
Originally I was going to put this point much later in the post but I’ve decided to put it first because it’s the most important: you guys, I adore Jennifer Melfi SO incredibly much and I miss the days where she was actually a main character SO incredibly much. Like don’t get me wrong, the second half of the show has been fantastic so far, but it just cannot compare to the first half for the simple reason that the character who is objectively the best used to be central and now she’s peripheral. Even if her role HAD to decrease a little bit, I wish it hadn’t decreased so much. But I’m grateful for every single second that she’s on my screen. She is literally one of THE characters ever.
The montage at the beginning of 6x01 “Members Only” was SO cool! I love a good montage, and the beginning of a season after a substantial time jump is the perfect place to put one.
In 6x02 “Join the Club,” when AJ made his oath of revenge against Junior, I wrote in my journal, “Bad idea, AJ! That could be the start of a Michael Corleone arc!” Then in 6x08 “Johnny Cakes,” we learn that AJ was consciously emulating Michael! I’m SO proud of myself for picking up on that parallel before the show spelled it out. AJ has internalized the values of the life his parents tried so hard to steer him away from, which isn’t surprising. I mean, it’s really telling that in 6x11 “Cold Stones,” Tony characterizes AJ’s problem not as a lack of responsibility or integrity but as a lack of “balls.” Tony doesn’t want his son to be a criminal like he is, but he’s never managed to dig deeper and challenge the ultra-masculine values that his entire life is founded on. 
Speaking of not thinking deeply about the values one holds, something none of these characters are particularly good at: Paulie’s fury toward Nucci in 6x04 “The Fleshy Part of the Thigh” is just the flip-side of his prior fanatical devotion, which was clearly based less on who she was and more on what she was. It was in large part a formality: not actually reciprocating all she did for him, just blindly following the rules. I say “in large part” because, thank goodness, in 6x09 “The Ride” he finally relents. Heartwarming! Man Sits In Silence On Couch With Elderly Adoptive Mother. (I’m going to go ahead and give Tony some credit for that: I think the lecture he gave Paulie in 6x04 sank in eventually.)
At last Carmela (with Melfi’s help—btw, it was SO great to see another one-on-one session between them!) has articulated the thing I’ve been thinking since at least the second season: she and Tony can claim all they want that they have their kids’ best interests at heart, but the fact is that Meadow and AJ were put into an impossible bind simply by being born.
It’s so funny how these guys (mobsters/mafiosos/wiseguys/whatever the best term is—I’m just gonna stick with “guys”) will tear into each other one moment, but then defend each other in the presence of outsiders. When Johnny cries at the wedding, Phil says that his “estimation of John Sacrimoni as a man just fucking plummeted,” but a moment later, when a random guest comments on what a sad display it was, Phil goes “he’s an emotional man 😔he loves his daughter 🥹.” Then in 6x10 “Moe ‘n’ Joe,” Tony tells Silvio he hopes Johnny dies in prison and Silvio fantasizes about throwing acid on Johnny, but a moment later when Sal Vitro refers to Johnny as “guilty,” Tony and Silvio are both like HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HIM 😠
This outward-facing ride-or-die stance is precisely the arrangement that Johnny violates in “Moe ‘n’ Joe” by putting family over Family. Putting aside his career and just focusing on the choice in isolation, there is a kind of nobility in his decision to take the plea deal that will let his family keep more of their money, knowing that his former colleagues will see no nobility in it and from that moment on he’ll be dead to them. Just another example of how the world these guys live in actively discourages having a heart. (Side note, Johnny is one of my favorite characters and I don’t even really know why. I get so excited every time he’s on screen. I’m always like YES IT’S THIS GUY! IT’S MY MAN!)
At the wedding, Tony is the only one of the guys to express sympathy for Johnny: just as he was (IIRC—it was a long time ago) the only one who we know for a fact was haunted by Pussy’s death (EDIT: he's not the only one, but my main point stands), just as he was the only one who mourned Tracee as a human being, just as in the next episode he will display a teensy bit of compassion for Vito when most of the guys don’t. If we didn’t get these little glimpses of a heart in Tony, if he was just rotten through-and-through, he wouldn’t be nearly as interesting a protagonist. Instead, he’s only like 99% rotten and that 1% is where the tragedy comes in. I want to say I could fix him, but that would be putting myself above Melfi, and I can’t bring myself to do that. If she can’t do it, no one can—except Tony himself, and he’s not going to. Alas.
Meadow is so frustrating because she is the one Soprano who is actually making the world a better place, but then she goes and confirms the rumor about Vito with no hesitation or qualms. Wtf queen??? Did she not care about the consequences for Vito, or did she just not think about them in the first place? I suspect it’s the latter, given that when Finn points out that Vito will probably face violence now, she doesn’t have a counterargument, but in that case...why didn’t she think about the consequences? I don’t get her. It’s so frustrating because Meadow is right about a lot of things, but like Tony, when she’s challenged to confront her own mistakes and blind spots, she just lashes out. Anyway I’m thinking of being her for Halloween next year.
It’s nice that Angie is friends with the other ladies again, but how did that happen? Even Rosalie is nice to her now, and it was Rosalie who told Adriana last season that Angie’s “not welcome here” anymore.
I’m enjoying the Cleaver stuff so much.
It’s so funny at the beginning of “Johnny Cakes,” when, having learned that it’s not going to be feasible to extort the manager of the new cafe, Patsy laments, “It’s over for the little guy.” Like he’s not WRONG but what a funny reaction to not being able to do the crimes you used to do. I don’t think you’re really the victim here, king.
You can certainly make the case that Melfi should have given up on Tony by now, but I truly find it so endearing how she continues to see potential in him, and how she’s always so proud of him whenever he does anything right. Like in 6x12 “Kaisha” when Tony recounts Christopher’s confession that he’s seeing Julianna, she’s like “omg and you DIDN’T get violent with him? Amazing job!!!” God I adore her so much I can’t even take it. 
Phil keeps claiming that he has a stake in what happens to Vito because Marie Spatafore (hi, sister of the actress who plays my favorite character!!!) is his cousin. That makes it sounds like he cares about her. But he does exactly what she DOESN’T want and murders her husband, because he doesn’t care about her, he cares about his own pride, to which she’s just an accessory. It’s what I was talking about in this post I made about 4x04 “The Weight”: when a woman is wronged, the men close to her take that as a cause for revenge regardless of the woman’s wishes. Except the men I was talking about in that post genuinely love the women they want to avenge; they just express that love in a self-centered and unhelpful way. Phil, in contrast, embodies the most extreme form of that sort of paternalistic vengefulness. He knows Marie doesn’t want Vito dead; he doesn’t care. He knows what he wants to do would actively hurt the woman he claims to be doing it for; he does it anyway. Not very nice, Phil!
After making up his mind that Vito has to die, Tony angrily says, “It’s Vito’s own fault. Why couldn’t he stay where he was?” To which Silvio says, “Don’t beat yourself up about this.” Silvio sees right through Tony’s bluster; he knows it’s a defense mechanism against guilt. That’s another thing Silvio has in common with Melfi, who can also see right through Tony’s posturing. For example, in that same episode, when Tony is complaining about AJ and wishing Carmela hadn’t prevented him from using his father’s harsh parenting techniques, Melfi cuts right through the lies that he tells himself: he claims to believe that his father had the right idea, but she points out that really, he wishes Livia had protected him from Johnny the way Carmela protects AJ. (Side note, I’ve drafted a post about Silvio and Melfi as complementary consiglieri to Tony. Will probably post it at some point.)
I love overarching character parallels AND I also love single-episode character parallels. Parallel between Vito and Tony in “Moe ‘n’ Joe”: both try to adjust to a new status quo (for Vito, a quiet life with a boyfriend and a boring but legitimate job; for Tony, a wife with a career) but both give up, screwing over other people in the process (for Vito, Jim and the guy he killed on the way back to NJ; for Tony, Carmela).
Christopher to Julianna in 6x12 “Kaisha”: “It’s just weird being where [Tony]’s been.” Tony to Valentina in 4x08: “I don't want to be where Ralph Cifaretto has been.” You guys are so cringe.
Even though Carmela can finally work on her spec house again (yay!), I hope she doesn’t forget about Adriana.
I love how Carmine talks. He talks like he’s composing a business email.
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