#i’m normal about my tav i swear
thinking about my tav wanting so badly to carry around the owlbear and hug them all the time but not being strong enough to lift him, so halsin comes over and lifts them both in a hug
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Hi!!! Would it be okay if I requested a worried head cannon for Astarion(Or Wyll or Halsin, I’m fine with any of them) where they lost track of Tav while on a scouting/stealth mission or on the battlefield? Thank you!
A/N: I went with losing track of their Tav on a stealth mission because that seemed the most anxiety-inducing… lol. Poor boys. Sorry, it’s not my best, I was rushing :( 
✧ Losing Track of Their Tav on A Stealth Mission ✧
The most likely to panic, even though he swears he’d be the last to do so. 
He’s running all the worst-case scenarios through his head: you’ve been killed, you’ve been captured, you’re being enslaved just like he is…
Immediately jumps to the worry that Cazador or someone working for him has realized the two of you are together and plans to get to him through you.
He considers getting one of his companion’s attention but ultimately decides to continue sneaking in alone. He’s pretty good at sneaking, and the others could screw it up. He can’t leave your fate in the hands of someone klutzy like Gale accidentally casting fireball and alerting everyone to their presence. 
If he wasn’t intent on killing anyone in his way, he is now. They mean nothing to him. You mean everything to him. Do the math. You > Them. 
Definitely ends up compromising the mission, by either getting seen and alerting everyone or by causing enough chaos and death that people begin to notice. But none of that matters anymore to Astarion, whose only goal is finding you. Of course, if anyone else was to make that mistake, he’d chew them out for it. But he can’t see how hypocritical he’s being: all he can think about is your safety. 
When he finds you, he masks his fear with anger. He calls you an idiot, a fool- every name in the book. He doesn’t intend to hurt your feelings, he just doesn’t like how his affection for you puts him in a vulnerable place. He was terrified of losing you. The fear of that greatly outweighs the fear of the tadpole. 
He’ll get you away from there, away from everyone else. He can’t trust the strangers of Baldur’s Gate, and he doesn’t want his companions to see him this emotional. 
After the two of you are back to safety, and after he finishes berating you, he yanks you into a tight hug, refusing to let go. 
You tell him you’re sorry, and that it’s over now and you inform him it’s okay to let it out. Be prepared for the shoulder of your top to become soaked in tears. He’ll cry into you, telling you in between sobs how you were the first person in forever to see him as an equal. He needs you. You are the only one who sees him. He can’t lose you. 
After he’s calmed down, he’ll try to lighten the mood with a joke. Something about also being afraid to lose his very own privately stocked food source. Of course, you see right through the facade. You let him feed after that comment anyway, softly petting his hair as he does so. 
And even though normally while feeding, he’d be comforting you, telling you it’s alright, that it’s almost over- you end up comforting him, shushing him, and telling him the two of you will be okay- you’re not going anywhere. 
Probably the most level-headed in his reaction, even if his thoughts are racing like mad. As the Blade of Frontiers, he’s learned how to think strategically in most situations. Of course, that’s easier said than done when someone you know and love is personally on the line. 
He’s figuring out all the possibilities, working out how likely each one is, in order to figure out which avenues to first explore. 
He continues on his own before remembering he’s not acting solo anymore. He’ll round back to where the others are stationed, and give them the news. He tells them the mission’s priorities have changed, and the goal for now is to find you. 
He doesn’t plan on completely abandoning the original job of course. He intends to get right back to business. He can keep both ideas in his head
Tries his best not to blow the original mission while looking for you. Of course, when push comes to shove, he’s going to choose you. The mission can be tried again at a later time: he can’t lose you. He’s lost too much in this life to accept having to part with another. 
If he has no leads and it's been a while, and he’s growing increasingly nervous, he might consider calling Mizora and asking for her help, even though he knows it’s going to cost him more years of servitude. Having to work for a devil is much more bearable when there’s someone you love. He’d make a thousand deals if it meant you’d stay safe. 
Once he finds you, he’ll quickly ask if you’re alright, before ushering everyone out. He wants nothing more than to speak to you freely, but he knows right then isn't the time to do it. 
After you are safely far enough away, either back at camp, or somewhere secluded, he’ll firmly but kindly demand to know what the hell you were thinking, sneaking off like that?! He wants you to know he was worried, dammit! He loves you! Can’t you see how much losing you would hurt him? 
He’ll take you into his arms and place a soft kiss on your forehead. You are so precious to him. Please, please, he asks, be more careful. 
He vows to be at your side for any future stealth missions. He loves how brave you are, and how much you want to protect him. Just let him protect you in return. 
Halsin probably reacts the least because he has the most faith that you’ll be okay. He sees you as his savior- a savior of his people, of the grove, of the tieflings- you are the most incredible person to him. 
That being said, he’s not going to simply do nothing if he thinks you’ve run into trouble. You mean so much to him, of course he’s going to change courses and instead go search for you! 
He’s also going to rope the others into helping him. I mean, he’s not forcing them or anything, but he does regroup and tell the others of his concerns. He’s very calm and level-headed, but also quite determined, so the others have few qualms about switching gears and following him. 
He’s also the most adept at staying hidden while looking for you, being able to wild shape into an inconspicuous animal like a cat or a rat or a bird. He uses his druid abilities to his advantage, steering clear of confrontation as he makes a beeline to where your scent takes him. 
Once he finds you, if you yourself haven't been discovered and taken, he’ll stay in animal form, and carefully guide you to a reliable exit. However, if you’ve already been caught, be prepared for things to get hairy. (Get it? Hairy?) 
He will not hesitate to shift into a big-ass bear and rip people’s throats out as he carries you on his back to safety. Even though this makes him a much more large and obvious target, he’ll do it, if it means keeping you protected. Any hits or damage he can take, he can heal from, all the less pain you have to endure. 
He absolutely brings you somewhere outside of the city. He feels safest in nature, and in order to calm down, he needs free-flowing nature, which is hard to come by in Baldur’s Gate.
He’s going to squish you- even if you’re bigger than him. He’ll lay you down gently, before resting on top of you, keeping balanced so that you don’t have to support all of his weight. He needs to be close to you, preferably with skin-to-skin contact. He needs your warmth, your smell, the softness of your skin… It centers him and brings him back down to earth. 
He’ll voice his worries while simultaneously complimenting your skill. He doesn't want you to feel incapable, but he must let you know how he felt in that moment when he feared you were hurt or worse. 
You are his light, you brought him out of the shadows. And he can’t bear to lose you. Please, don’t fade away. Don’t leave him in darkness once more. 
Please Like & Reblog!!!
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Hellooooo i have a request for Astarion that like
I’m dying to see:
Gn! Druid Tav that had small petty fight with Astarion, Astarion being his stubborn self didn’t apologize ~properly~ or acknowledge he was wrong, tries to pretend the fight didnt happen and chat with Tav, Tav shapeshifts into a cat to avoid talking to him and fights sass with sass and Astarion melts at Tav being adorable😭?
I finished writing this and then was like,, I forgot it's not normal for partners to like scold each other by pinching them and stuff?? My ex used to do shit like that so I just forgot that wasn't normal. So I'm just going to clarify that in this story it's not malicious or anything like that. If it makes you uncomfortable tho I am 100% willing to rewrite it so that's not there at all
Warnings: swearing, scratching
Word Count: 759
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Astarion sits beside you as though it’s just any other day. He’s got that damn suave smirk on his face - you can just feel it radiating off of him without even needing to see. You try not to visibly bristle and turn your head further away from him. It was best to just wait it out and maybe he’d finally suck up his damn pride long enough to apologize. Maybe.
“So, darling,” he makes sure to really emphasize the word, drawing it out sweetly, “in the interest of keeping myself in peak fighting form, I’m inclined to ask if you would be ever so kind as to let me dine with - or rather - on you tonight.”
You huff a dry laugh. Sharp, short, but lacking genuine amusement. You don’t say anything. Instead, you focus on patching up one of your shirts.
He leans close to you, hovering just over your shoulder. His chest just barely grazes your arm and his breath ghosts across your ear and neck. Was this bastard really trying to seduce you? At a time like this? “Please, dear heart? I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
You glance over your shoulder, to make sure he can see the dead-pan look on your face. “No.” You pull the thread taught. Admittedly, you tug a little more than necessary, bunching up the fabric. Astarion definitely notices. He always does.
“Don’t tell me you’re still upset about earlier?” he chides.
You turn to face your back fully to him, forcing him to move back. You smooth out the bunches of fabric and roughly, messily, continue the next few stitches. He sighs dramatically.
“Come on, love, that was hours ago! All I said was your stitches aren’t even!”
You scoffed and angrily wrinkled your shirt in your lap as you whirled around to face him. “You said my stitches weren’t even and that they were ugly! I have been fixing my clothes my whole life - this is the most efficient stitch to ensure it doesn’t unravel!”
“That doesn’t mean you have to leave a mile between stitches!”
Fuck this. If he doesn’t want to apologize, the least you can do is give him a taste of his own catty fighting style.
One moment, you’re a perfectly humanoid being. The next, you’ve shrunken to less than a foot off the ground. Your back arches, your tail fluffs and sticks straight up, and you bare pointed canines at him as a scratchy hissing comes from your throat. Astarion can hardly feel threatened by a feline.
“Now you’re just being childish,” he scoffs. You jump forward to dig your claws into his leg. “Ow! Hey, that’s not fair!”
He grabs you by your middle and lifts you up. Your claws are removed from his skin, but they continue to pull on his pants.
“You’re going to rip my pants!”
You squirm from his hold, releasing his pants in the process, and land back on the ground. You sit next to your abandoned, half-fixed shirt, back turned to the vampire once more. Your tail flicks side to side in irritation.
Astarion rubs his leg and checks that there’s no lasting damage. There isn’t, of course. Even your claws were mere pinpricks compared to what damage you could do with them, and you’d never willingly destroy his belongings, no matter how pissed at him you were. And even though you are pissed at him, he still can’t help but admire you.
You’re upset, but you’re not physically assaulting him until he apologizes. You pinch him, give him a little scratch - sure. But that pain fades, at most leaving a small mark that fades in a day. You’re so utterly, bafflingly kind to him. Even when he’s being a dick.
He reaches out and scratches just behind your ear. Your ear twitches, but otherwise you show no reaction to his touch. He sighs. “I’m sorry for insulting your handiwork, my dear. You know your work better than anyone, and I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Your tail continues flicking back and forth a moment longer. But then you relent. You turn around and press your cheek into his hand, which he gladly glides along your soft fur. He’d asked once what it felt like to be pet like this. You’d said it was like a massage; like someone was scratching an itch you just couldn’t reach.
You step into his lap and plop right down, rubbing yourself into his abdomen with loud purrs. He chuckles. “Oh you sweet thing,” he coos. “What have I done to deserve you?”
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mist1e · 10 days
Much like with my Ascended Astarion playlist, I created a playlist for Haarlep only this time I used Google Sheets table and a ranking system to help myself. It, too, tells a story and all the s̲o̲n̲g̲s̲ i̲n̲ i̲t̲ a̲r̲e̲ i̲n̲ c̲h̲r̲o̲n̲o̲l̲o̲g̲i̲c̲a̲l̲ o̲r̲d̲e̲r̲
This story is about Haarlep meeting Tav and how this very ordinary acquaintance turned into something utterly unexpected.
Link to playlist on YouTube at the end of the post.
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And now that all the normal people are just listening to the playlist, the nerds can click ‘keep reading’ to dive into the detailed breakdown of the story...
The playlist consists of 5 parts, and for each part I wrote a small drabble to share the vibe with you.
«Shhh… Hush, sweetheart, no need to make such a fuss. I haven’t even sunk my teeth into you yet. But do not fret, I’m not some rabid beast. I won’t lunge at you or tear you apart. I’m just a simple incubus, albeit an outstanding one.
What are incubi? I’m glad you asked.
We are the wielders of the enchanted word. Lords of the human soul. Masters of the all-consuming lust.
We breathe in air and breathe out passion. Love flows through our veins, voluptuousness drips from our fingertips, and our gaze ignites desire.
Your most daring dreams are our law. The innuendo swirling on the tip of your tongue is our feast. Guessing your desires before you even know them is like a drug to us.
Oh, you want to know more? Come closer, sweetheart. I never promised not to bite, but trust me, you are going to love it.»
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1. Don’t Stop Me Now
Literally can imagine him waking up to this song.
Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars On a collision course I am a satellite, I'm out of control I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, explode I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah 200 degrees that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
2. Aimed to Kill
You've been checkin' under your bed to see if I'm there When you look back up I'm under you pullin' your hair Getting lost inside my world, you don't know where I've been Oh no, oh no, I feel it comin' And I tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine But they're sharper than a knife, I aimed to kill And I tried to fix a heart with these lips that left some scars "I swear I won't do no harm," shh, I aimed to kill
3. Who Made You a Monster?
You've got a twisted way Of making it all seem fine Tricking the world to trust you But everything that you say Is some kind of sordid lie Who taught you how to lie so well? Who made you a monster? Who made you a monster?
4. The Devil is a Gentleman
He don't always come at midnight Burnin' red and talking sin But he knows how to play it just right If you gonna let him in Sleek along and brings you roses He's always got the words to say Just enough so you don't notice That you ain't nothing but his prey
5. Pass The Knife
Thought you had control, I'll strip you till you're bones Scraping your knees till you beg for more Cover you in scars, just to leave a mark Get you addicted, then tear you apart Pass me the knife and I'll eat you alive Take my time, I'll do it how you like it Pass me the knife and I'll eat you alive Love skin deep, you're only here to make me high
6. Terrible Things
All of the things that I've done Terrible things you would never believe Things that I've done, oh, how you'll run If you knew a single word of all of the things that I've done
7. Liquid Smooth
I see this one as a tenderness and longing for a connection, that is hidden deep inside.
I'm beautiful, I know 'cause it's the season But what am I to do with all this beauty? Biology, I am an organism, I'm chemical That's all, that is all I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too And feel my skin is plump and full of life, I'm in my prime I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too I'm at my highest peak, I'm ripe about to fall, capture me
8. Pure Imagination
The fantasy that he creates for the people whom he gets involved with.
Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you'll see Into your imagination We'll begin with a spin Traveling in the world of my creation What we'll see will defy explanation
9. Mr. Sandman
He falls asleep, thinking to himself if there is a way to feel this longing that has been building inside him for quite some time during these lonely evenings in House of Hope, when all he did was waiting, wondering if Raphael would come to him or no. Next thing you know, Tav enters the boudoir...
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make her the cutest that I've ever seen Give her two lips like roses and clover And tell her that her lonely nights are over Sandman, I'm so alone Don't have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
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Haarlep leaned on the railing of the balcony and gazed thoughtfully into the distance. The grey ash-covered mountains drowned in a reddish haze. The ground beneath them was laced with a web of rifts, their bottomless depths blazing with lava flares. Dirty, colourless clouds drifted In the sky above the crooked-toothed mountain peaks. Avernus in all its ugliness.
His forked tongue lashed out of his mouth and wetted his parched lips. He drew in the air, heavy with dust that settled thickly in his lungs, and spat irritably over the balustrade.
He couldn’t resist tasting her, he just couldn’t. Damned girl.
Haarlep was used to being starved in the House of Hope. The howls of the damned souls and the flesh of devils were not sustaining in the slightest, and over the years, he just had to learn to control his hunger. There was certainly nothing good about it. Haarlep was weaker than he could be, it was harder for him to conjure magic, and sometimes in the mornings his veins painfully twisted into poisonous threads. It was the ache he could only relieve with exhausting, concentration-demanding meditation.
Haarlep's mind slipped into the vivid memories of yesterday.
Yesterday, he dreamed of his past life again… Feasts, masquerades, balls in the mortal world, where he could drink from four or five mortals in a course of a single evening, or even sneak around and drain a soul out of some petty wretch. And that last orgy at the Duke’s mansion? Haarlep closed his eyes and his nose tickled with the scent of the freshest rainbow caviar, which swam in the belly of a fish in the waters of Calimport the day before. His ears rang with the laughter of the young noblewomen, who used to lose their composure after the third glass of sparkling wine, pretending not to notice the lewd glances of the men smoking cigars in the half-dark corners of the room. And Haarlep… He was sitting in the centre of the hall on a golden throne — the Lord of that den of debauchery! — whilst the mortals were crawling on their knees, their faces drooping with lust, their hands reaching out to him as if he were their god… The memories ran through his body in a searing wave, and Haarlep involuntarily craned his neck, arching his back. Things had been different in his past life. The one he had before he fell to his knees in the presence of Mephistopheles.
Yesterday, when he opened his eyes and saw her in the Boudoir, Haarlep thought he was still dreaming. How could he have restrained himself? And was there any point in restraint?
Oh, how delicious she was… Her life essence flowed through his veins, blossoming with a long-forgotten arousal in his chest. Perhaps his starvation was to blame, but she tasted divine. Nothing like any other mortal he had had before. Purposeful, ambitious, a little naive, she opened herself to him like a soft book with a flowery spine and golden embossing, allowing him to drink in her deepest desires, fears, and dreams. And he did drink… At the moment of her climax, in the deep caverns of her soul, he tasted submission, desire to please, an urge to earn praise. Ah, if only he had a little more time! He would have guided her and under his tender yet insistent touch she would have unfurled like a beautiful flower in an overgrown garden. He would have nudged her to fall headfirst into the abyss of her darkest desires.
But he didn’t have enough time. It was all over in a flash. For some puzzling reason, she didn’t grab the Hammer and just slipped away unnoticed.
The faint scent of her arousal still lingered in the Boudoir, making Haarlep violently run his claws over his neck, crossing the impeccable skin with red brown marks. He had been hungry before, but now he was famished. All night after they’d met, he spent tossing and turning in bed, the silk sheets thrown to the floor, his fingers digging into the pillow.
Haarlep closed his eyes, which were stinging as if they were filled with sand, and rubbed the bridge of his nose nervously.
He must see her again.
He would sneak out of the House of Hope, follow the scent of her thoughts, and catch her again.
Consequences be damned.
10. Me and Mr Wolf
Hey little girl, you look so nice In the pretty red dress with those pretty black eyes Hello Mr. Wolf, oh what a surprise To find you here so deep in the night My dear little girl, what's the rush? How about supper, just the two of us? Oh Mr. Wolf, you want me to stay But I fear we'll regret it one day
11. Out Of Control — Haarlep
I watched her feet move, her hips they sway Does a hair flip then starts to say Oh my god, it's my favorite song I pull her close and she sings along We can't slow down even if we tried If the record keeps spinning so will I She likes disco and tastes like a tear Tells me don't stop dancing and she's pulling me near
12. Kill of the Night— Haarlep
The street's a liar I'm gonna lure you into the dark My cold desire To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh-oh I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh You're my kill of the night
13. Terrible Thing — Tav
Oh for you, you terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Beautiful thing Mm, you beautiful thing A wreck, a wreck you make You leave, you leave me in your wake Oh honey, let me go Aha, aha, don't you let me go
14. Tongues and Teeth — Haarlep
I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all that I can give to you, my dear And when you come in quick to steal a kiss My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear And I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything But if you're fine with that You can be mine like that
15. Horns — Tav
She got blood cold as ice And a heart made of stone But she keeps me alive She's the beast in my bones She gets everything she wants When she gets me alone Like it's nothin' She got two little horns And they get me a little bit
16. if u think i'm pretty
If you think I'm pretty, lay your hands on me Know you can't stop thinkin' 'bout it I know that you're shitty and you're bad for me But I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it Said you needed love, but you're only here for sex, and And I'm dyin' to be next Killed me once before, I just come back more obsessed with you
17. When You Say My Name — Haarlep
And does it scare you That I already know what you're into? You can say lеss, I bet I can guess That you say whatevеr to get me undressed Double dare you, tell me two lies Don't need no truths 'Cause I can see right through you You're no good at pretend I’m using your tricks that you use with your friends I like the way your mouth moves The way you say my name
18. Dirty Thoughts — Tav
I get dirty thoughts about you They get worse when I'm without you Does that mean that I'm going to hell? Or are you thinking them as well? But when you hold me In the fantasy, it's so convincing I shouldn't think the things I'm thinking But now I've gone and let them sink in
19. Eat You — Haarlep
Cause you've been sticky with your tricky words And I would crumble like a humble bird Now you're so tender with an ear I can bend And tell you how I feel I go hungry every night But not this time around I'm gonna eat you, you're my desire I'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire I'm gonna eat you, cook and defeat you I'm gonna breathe you in my lungs and make you mine
20. Sugar Water — Tav
My boy’s got a sharp twist, no, he’s wicked in the heart Feeds me sugar water just to keep me alive Saw him in my dreams again He’s wiping down the fingerprints Press so hard I float up to the sky It’s kind of tripping me up, babе I’ve got it bad for you Laying back sipping sugar water I’m so weak for thе things you do
21. salvation — Haarlep
Sleep with me Worship me Pray like I’m your god Find the light in my voice Treat us like it’s blasphemy Pray we don’t get caught Let me be your only choice I’ll deny you of salvation I’ll be the reason you repent Kiss me like I’m a conviction Beg for divinity in my breath
22. Pretty In The Dark — Haarlep
I want All the power and the pain I’ll love you in the flames Just tell me that you're mine I’ll be your beautiful obsession Center of attention That’s just what I like Run through your veins Got your heart to keep Calling my name Get down on your knees
23. A Dangerous Thing — Tav
Something about you is soft like an angel And something inside you is violence and danger I knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing When you are with me, I feel like I'm living And living besides you can be unforgiving I knew from the very first step, you are a dangerous thing
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“What do you dream of?”
Haarlep lazily opened his eyes at the soft caressing sound of her voice. Just like always after their little romps, he was in a state of blissful indulgence, like a cat who got the cream. Usually, he would wait out the indolent peak of his satiety and then disappear from her sight again, bestowing her with a dazzling smile and a graceful flick of his wrist as a kiss goodbye. But today, for some reason, he felt overwhelmingly lazy and reluctant to leave.
He glanced down at her little head, which rested perfectly in the dent under his collarbone. The look on her face was pensive, and her delicate features were slightly tinged with a subtle sadness of some sort.
“I dream of having a unicorn,” he muttered.
“Really?” she perked up, but her eyes narrowed upon seeing his snickering grin. She grudgingly elbowed Haarlep in the side, eliciting a little chuckle from him. “I’m asking you seriously.”
“Look at me, mouse. Are these eyes capable of telling untruths?” he batted his eyelashes innocently.
She sighed, but smiled with her lips only and didn’t ask further. The predawn silence enveloped them once more, as the morning light was just beginning to bloom in the sky. The first tinkling glints of sunlight seeped through the open windows, and a biting daybreak rolled down their shoulders with chill.
She shivered and snuggled closer to him. She smelled of sex, girlish sweat, floral honey, and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He inhaled her scent deeply, and the corner of his lips tugged up in a slight smile against his will.
Haarlep was brimming with her life essence, and the barely perceptible magical connection still weaved between them, leaving the flavour of her thoughts on his lips. Her mind was emanating feelings and emotions that, to his incubus sense, were as tangible as her warm shoulder under his palm. He felt she wanted him to ask. But he didn’t ask.
No. He had no desire to ask.
“And what do you dream of, little mouse?” The words slipped from his lips involuntarily, clearly having a mind of their own.
“I want to go back to the Feywild someday. To see the place where I grew up again. To see the old oak grove, and the Falls of the Rejected Bride… To see where my parents are buried.”
Haarlep slid the tip of his tongue over his lips, feeling the bitter tang of her sadness in his mouth, and it made him feel unimaginably wistful.
“What a marvellous dream you have, my dear — to visit a graveyard of memories and bodies.” He snorted and let out a cynical hum. “You should dream of visiting the shores of Lake Esmel in Amn. The sun is warm on the skin, the men, and women have a true lust for life, and the wine there is absolutely fabulous…”
“Oh, that’s not what I meant at all,” she muttered quietly.
He sighed.
“I know, little mouse,” Haarlep murmured, pressing his lips to the top of her head, kissing her ashy hair. He closed his eyes and drew in her sadness with his nose. Damn, even her sadness tasted divine.
“Are you going soon?” she asked timidly. Her voice quivered with an unspoken hope.
Haarlep was silent. He took a deep breath again, deliberately intoxicating himself with her very nature.
“I’ll stay a little longer.”
24. FU In My Head — Tav
Take me closer, take my clothes off Oh I fantasize If I'm honest, it's more fun when you can't read my mind Sometimes I fuck you in my head I let you touch me when I'm lonely in my bed I wanna scream, but hold my breath The kinda thing that you would rather leave unsaid I got dirty wishes on my mind But you will never ever know that I I like to fuck you in my head You make me scream when there's nobody Just the thought of your body
25. Devil On My Shoulder — Tav
Every time I think I'm free, you're calling me Your love pulling me right back down Can't believe that I keep coming back But you make me feel so good I swore I'd never dance with you again Keep safe from the devil on my shoulder But you know me so well And you drag me to Hell I can't keep safe from the devil on my Keep safe from the devil on my shoulder
26. Maniac — Tav
You play girls like a man, but your eyes are like a child Your face is cool and calm, but your hair is wrecked and wild You hide behind your metaphors and pray that no one sees The fare behind your poker face: your dark and twisted needs Your fragile heart and your paper skin Such a beautiful boy filled with so much sin Your reflection is your very worst enemy Behind the glass is an angel, but the devil's beneath Let me in, wear me out Let me in, wear me out
27. You — Haarlep
What I would do to get into your head Crawl out my body into yours instead Swim through your veins all day and every fiber Raid your brain and all your desires If you only knew I would do anything For a taste of you I would do anything Just to see inside And no one else will do All that I want is to be you
28. the fruits — Tav
My love, are you the devil? I would worship you instead of him I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I never met someone like you You made me fall from Heaven But I know just what I do But I don't I feel your hands grabbing my throat As you say
29. Rule #34 — Haarlep
I love that you shake When I ravage your skin It's so easy to bite with your hands pinned Shadows dancing on the sheets If you obey I might give you a treat Right now you're mine All mine Give in, you're mine All mine You look so good There on your knees Such a good girl, knows how to please Look at me, look me in the еyes Forget yourself Surrеnder your mind
30. Lovesick in Public — Tav
Last night you really got in my head How’d I get hung up on what you did When all you did was kiss my neck My cheek's red like a cherry Help me cause I am berry Lovesick in public I’m hooked on the way that you taste I know I’m headed for heartbreak
31. Good Looking — Tav
Play casino holes of my eyeballs Roll the dice on my thighs You stopped for breath and I sped up Just to impress you The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all I thought I'd uncovered your secrets but, turns out, there's more You adored me before Oh, my good looking boy
32. You Put a Spell on Me — Haarlep
Before I hunt you down Grab your chin and kiss your lips You bring me back I lay you down and grab your hips And we lose all control And before you know it I put a spell on you Now you're mine I've got a hold on you, at least for the night
33. Keep It Down — Haarlep
You shoot me up through the clouds I’m a hero in your mouth I'm the sickness you found I'm the fever you're about While I throw you around You're gonna scream ... Shhh: girl keep it down The scars you leave on my back A painting of your attack You're biting down on my fist I know you cannot resist
34. Good Looking — Tav
Pressure on my lips I die for just one kiss Wake, I can't resist Could I be dreaming this? How do I fake it with another man? How do I love him on the weekend? How do I listen to another man? How do I get off on the weekend? You're in my heart, in my heart, in my head
35. So Damn Into You — Haarlep
Can I have you forever? Every single night It started with a bang Don’t know how you got me so messed up But baby I won’t ever get enough, oh 'Cause I’m so damn into you I’m so damn into you
36. From Persephone — Tav
No, I wasn't threatened Mother, I was not bound No, I wasn't carried Off on his three headed hound 'Cause I packed my own bag, found my own way Down into the underground See, mama, he may seem gruesome But he's even got a dog And don't you know that death is A very stable job? 'Cause I love my baby, tall, dark Hades Lord of death is down on his knees for me
37. Hearts a Mess — Tav
Pick apart the pieces of your heart And let me peer inside Let me in where only your thoughts have been Let me occupy your mind as you do mine You have lost too much love To fear, doubt and distrust, it's not enough You just threw away the key to your heart Don't get burned 'cause nothing gets through It makes it easier, easier on you That much more difficult for me To make you see
38. Closer — Haarlep
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God You can have my isolation You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith You can have my everything
39. Choke — Tav
You are a shadow Following me where I go I'd be better without you What are you doing to me? I'm suffocating Don't know how to explain it But I feel like I'm fading What are you doing to me? Loosen your grip before I choke Can't catch my breath, I'm gonna choke I wish that you'd just let me go I don't want this, I promise, just leave me alone Loosen your grip beforе I-
40. she calls me daddy — Haarlep
It might be a little superficial She plays with the boys But she comes home to me Little fucked up but I think it's official ’Cause she might be your girl But she's calling me daddy She's mi-i-i-ine She wears a collar with my name Secretive but not ashamed She's mi-i-i-ine But I'd never tie her down They always come around now
41. The Masochism Tango — Tav
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear But much more for the touch of your whips, dear You can raise welts like nobody else As we dance to the Masochism Tango Let our love be a flame, not an ember Say it's me that you want to dismember Blacken my eye, set fire to my tie As we dance to the Masochism Tango
42. Wicked Game
The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you It's strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream of you
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“Say it! I want to hear you say it!” It was not a spoken word, but a rasping growl that erupted from his chest. He loomed over her, with his back rounded, and bristled, like a wild beast over its prey.
His fingers clenched harder on her throat.
She dug her small fingernails into his straining arm. Wet strands of her fringe clung to her forehead, covered in beads of sweat. Her eyebrows were raised piteously, her emerald eyes fixed on his face. She parted her plump cherry lips wide as she gulped in the rhythmic breaths of air.
“I am yours,” she replied hoarsely. “I am yours, Haarlep. Yours… Haarlep! Haarlep. Haarley…”
He growled again and thrust his hips into hers with abandon. She cried out, running her trembling fingers through his wavy black hair, pulling it gently. Her emotions exploded like fireworks in his mind, blurring in coloured circles under his closed eyelids. He pushed his hips against hers like a man possessed, drowning in her sweet surrender. She was under him, and she was everywhere, enveloping him like a raging torrent. Her fragility tingled along his spine, her sincerity squeezed his heart like a vice, her vulnerability stroked him with hundreds of gentle fingers, her trust filled his very being with a velvety warmth.
He couldn’t drink enough of her, couldn’t inhale her with his full lungs. He could barely restrain himself from devouring her whole without a shred left.
As always with her, the pulsing life essence flowed easily, like a chiming stream, she gave it to him willingly. Despite the intoxicating madness threatening to overwhelm him, he tried to take as little as possible so as not to hurt his little mouse in any way.
“You’re driving me mad,” he growled into her ear in a frenzy, his fingers on her neck tightening into a bruising grip.
“I want you to go mad! Lose your mind! Go insane! For me…”
His hips picked up a punishing rhythm
She shrieked and dug her nails into his shoulders, forcing him to arch his back. Clenched like a spring, she stiffened and quivered beneath him, out of breath. Her consciousness blazed like a bonfire on Midsummer Night, spilling her life essence. It crushed him like a storm wave, drowning him in rapture. With the last thrust, Haarlep froze and shuddered, feeling the physical bliss merge with the cascade of her emotions flashing in his mind.
He collapsed on top of her, pressing himself against her hot chest, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. She wrapped her legs around his hips, unwilling to let him go, pulling him greedily against her body. Her hoarse and frequent breathing burned his temple.
“Yours… Yours… And you are mine. My Haarley…” she whispered, choking on euphoria, trembling with delight.
With a growl that shook his chest, he slipped his arms under her back, pulling her close, so tight that it was probably hard for her to breathe.
“What have you done to me, mouse?” he exhaled, his whisper tinted with a hint of desperation and confusion.
“I bewitched you. Enchanted you, spellbound you, charmed you, beguiled you. Now you’re not going anywhere.”
For a few moments, only their laboured breaths echoed in the silence of their secret sanctuary.
"I am not,” he agreed and captured her sweet lips in a tender kiss.
43. I Wanna Be Yours — Haarlep
Let me be your 'leccy meter An' I'll never run out Let me be the portable heater That you'll get cold without I wanna be your setting lotion (Wanna be) Hold your hair in deep devotion (How deep?) At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean I wanna be yours
44. The Cult Of Dionysus
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus Run, run, run away Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world We'll wash those tears away You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always We got no time for pain When it's just you and me in ecstasy
45. Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene — Haarlep
I watch the work of my kin, bold and boyful Toying somewhere between love and abuse Calling to join them the wretched and joyful Shaking the wings of their terrible youths Freshly disowned in some frozen devotion No more alone or myself could I be Lurched like a stray to the arms that were open No shortage of sordid, no protest from me
46. Obsessed With You — Haarlep
Your smile sets my heart aflame Electrocute me with your eyes The very mention of your name My stomach fills with butterflies Your love is better than cocaine I need you more than oxygen I've got it bad again An O-B-S-E-S-S-I-O-N But I want to get next to you Yeah, I love all the things you do I want to get close to you You are my dream come true I want to have sex with you Your sweet caress won't do Cause I'm obsessed with you
47. Misery Meat — Tav
You want a taste of my brain? Okay, it's yours anyway A bite of my eye? Alright I won't put up a fight As you open up my ribs the blood flows out like a river You strip my bones away as you indulge in my liver And the more that I am in pain The more that you'll gain And to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade
48. High Enough — Haarlep
Do you see anyone other than me? Baby, please I'll take a hit of whatever you got, maybe two, maybe three Oh, you're phenomenal, feel like a domino, fall to my knees I am a malady, you are my galaxy, my sweet relief I used to like liquor to get me inspired But you look so beautiful, my new supplier I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking But I found a different buzz
49. Dear Alice (Rainy Days) — Haarlep
I'm losing my faith in you, my long-lost friend, Alice Roses have lost their colors And it's breaking my heart (Ah) You take my breath away And I don't know what to do And I don't know what to do Before you say your last word That makes me want To lay you down I'll kiss, I'll touch, I'll cut you into the pieces And you feel the same And you'll know my crave And you'll see that I'm The only one for you
50. I Am Your Skin — Haarlep
I wanna be your skin I wanna feel everything you feel I will be your covering And I will hide you inside of me With every breath in harmony I wanna be your skin I wanna be your covering
51. Desire — Haarlep
Baby, I wanna touch you I wanna breathe into your will See, I gotta hunt you I gotta bring you to my hell Baby, I wanna fuck you I wanna feel you in my bones Boy, I'm gonna love you I'm gonna tear into your soul
52. Obsessed — Tav
I wanna feel you in my arms Hold you hostage in my heart It’s true 'Cause I'm so obsessed with you Your every word, I pick apart Down to the punctuation marks All you do 'Cause I'm so obsessed with you Oh, with you
53. Spiracle — Haarlep
I want the parts of you You only show to the birds outside your bedroom window I want the teeth that you lost as a child That you hide in a box under your pillow I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favorite addictions And I want your nightmares, the ghost in your doorway Your paralyzed sleeping, your- (Aaaah) I want you butterfly, I want you sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
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“All right. Take it off.”
Smirking, Haarlep pulled the silk blindfold off, and smiled at her ruddy face and eyes sparkling with mirth. He raised his gaze and looked ahead.
From the high hill where they sat, they could see Baldur’s Gate harbour buzz lazily beneath them. It was slowly preparing to shake off the last cargoes, sigh with its sleepy waves, and retire to rest for the day. The half sunk into the bay of the Chionthar River, casting a golden shimmering glow over its rippling surface. Haarlep lowered his eyes. Before him, on the blanket spread on the ground, she laid out small plates packed with all sorts of savoury delicacies. One was filled with green grapes and strawberries, the other with neatly arranged cheese and sausages, appetisingly glistening with fat. Nearby stood bowls of buns and sweet rolls of various kinds.
“Somehow this picnic looks suspiciously like a date,” he placed a finger on his chin with feigned thoughtfulness.
She shook her head.
“A date? What a silly thing to say. We’re going to unromantically stuff our faces with this unappetising food, that’s all there is to it,” she tossed a grape into the air. He caught it, and it burst in his mouth, spraying sweet juice on his tongue.
Haarlep sank to the grass and rested his head in her lap. She immediately ran her nimble fingers through his hair, stroking it absent-mindedly, as she was gazing out into the distance, at the orange sun setting in Chionthar.
They were silent. Haarlep had long ago realised that it was nice to be silent with her.
Wide over the water resounded the shouts of the workers, who wrapped up the unloading of the last fishing schooner. A loud crack of a wooden crate breaking reached their ears, accompanied by the selected swearing of the cargo handlers.
“You know, I’ve come to realise one rather curious thing,” Haarlep mused thoughtfully. “I know very little about mortals.”
“How so?” she snapped out of her reverie and, for a moment, stopped flicking through his hair and looked down at him. “You can reach into the most secret nooks and crannies of a person’s mind, find out things about them that even they themselves are unaware of.”
“Yes. Except I was looking for a very different thing.”
She continued to stroke him, running the silky strands of his hair through her fingers, as she studied him with an expectant gaze. Haarlep noticed how sweetly she always nibbled on her lower lip when she was curious, and smiled at his observation.
“I’ve always looked for the weaknesses, to see what buttons I can push to get what I need from a mortal, and I’ve always succeeded. I searched into their past. Their traumas, their fears, their most depraved sexual experiences and lusts. All other sides of humanity were always foreign to me. I considered them useless. But after glimpsing into your head, I changed my mind.”
She raised her arched eyebrows, and Haarlep’s mind responded to her emotion. Her sudden sky-blue surprise flashed before his inner gaze, her wonder glided tenderly over his arms like a soft caress. And amidst it all, there was something else — a subtle, salty undertone, tinged with pure, unadulterated hope.
Lately, she had been emitting life essence a little at a time almost constantly, and Haarlep didn’t even need to do anything to elicit it. He had never encountered something like this before. He had to resist the temptation to indulge his innate greed and delve into her. The trust she exhibited never ceased to amaze him.
“I became curious and looked a little deeper. I’ve seen your strength, tasted your fascination with the world, touched your thoughts about the future. And that’s just a small portion of you. There’s so much more...”
He grinned and shook his head slightly.
“I can’t believe it never occurred to me to do this before.” He fell silent halfway through the sentence, and sank deeper into his thoughts, but after a moment he smiled at her again and added, “I guess I just didn’t care. But with you, little mouse, everything is different. Perhaps you did bewitch me?”
“Of course I did. I have a witch’s eye.”
She leaned closer, rolling her eyes and made a funny face, eliciting a laugh from him. Oh, what a dummy.
Delighted that she had managed to humour him, she straightened up again.
“How does it feel to drink the life essence of a human?”
“Oh, it’s the most marvellous feeling.”
Haarlep sighed, and his gaze drifted towards the sky. The cirrus clouds scattered like weightless pinkish-orange silk threads across the deep blue canvas. Their weightlessness and ephemeral nature made him think they were about to dissolve right before his eyes, but they froze in the sky like translucent butterflies caught on a pin.
“Life essence differs from mortal to mortal,” he continued. “It contains their unique nature. In the moments of supreme physical delight, the mortal becomes vulnerable enough for an incubus to harvest it with ease. It’s like crushing a ripe peach in your hand and catching its sweet juice with your lips. The essence is coloured by human emotions and feelings, and each one we can taste, like a hint of flavour in a wine.”
She hummed thoughtfully and twisted a small strand of his hair around her index finger.
“It does sound marvellous.”
Haarlep shifted his gaze to her.
“Every emotion is not only a taste but also a colour, a smell, and sometimes even a sense of a touch. For instance, when I pin your wrists to the bed above your head, you quiver so sweetly… I feel a prickly shiver run down my spine, and you smell like the first snowdrop on an early Alturiak morning: meltwater, almonds, and a promise of warmth.”
She blushed, and an embarrassed smile flickered across her lips. Haarlep smiled back at her.
“It’s like I feel the world with your skin and through you. Your senses mingle with mine, your consciousness flows into mine, the reality bursts with new colours and expands like a star exploding.” He reached out and cupped her cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. “I love looking at this world with you. I see things I never knew existed before.”
She closed her eyes for a moment, surrendering to his caressing touch.
There it was. Again. He felt it again.
“You know, there’s something quite mysterious about your life essence. No matter how many times I taste it, I can’t figure it out…” he frowned, and his hand fell limply to the grass along his body. “Every feeling and thought you have, they all have the same tinge, the same unknown flavour to me. Something very soft and sweet and enveloping, like… like…”
Haarlep fell silent, trying to find the words to describe this incredible sensation that made him want to squeeze his eyes shut. One that spreads with homely warmth through his body, rolls with tenderness across his tongue, drips from his fingertips akin to molasses.
“Like vanilla cream?” she suggested.
He fired a glare at her.
“Yes! Sounds about right…”
She blushed even more and turned her face to the setting sun again.
Of course, she knew what that vanilla-cream flavour of her feelings was.
And deep down, so did he.
54. Life Worth Living — Tav
Take what you need, darling I'm just here for you Ooh ooh ooh ooh (oh) Give me your love and Physical affection Ooh ooh ooh ooh Give me the worst of you to hold You to take me to the heavens Give me the best of all your grace You make life worth living
55. Love Like You — End Credits — Haarlep
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you
56. Hardest of Hearts — Tav
There is love in your body but you can't hold it in It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth Sticks to your tongue and it shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been
57. I Might As Well Die With You — Haarlep
Oh baby When I see your face Too beautiful for this place Don't let the vice and the bad deals Let it go to waste Over and over and over again Oh baby Spiraling out of control God save me Falling in love at the end of world Just take me now What’s the use? I Might as well die with you
58. Souls on Fire — Tav
Do you feel the burn between our hearts Souls on fire A strange desire Have you given in To this ancient ritual I don’t know how long we’ve been apart But we’re the same old souls playing different parts Same old souls playing different parts Picking up the broken pieces of our hearts
59. She — Haarlep
This is the song that started this playlist and it happened so that it ends it. A huge heartfelt thank you to @mina-astarvara for sharing it with me in the first place.
She may be the face I can’t forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the prize I have to pay She may be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I’m alive The one I’ll care for through the rough And ready years Me, I’ll take her laughter and her tears I’ll make them all my souvenirs Oh, where she goes I’ve got to be The meaning of my life is she
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What if ...
... your Tav was blind. At least, partially. This came from an idea on Twitter some time ago, and it's taken me long enough to polish up because I've fallen heavily into this idea. To the point of having come up with a whole backstory, including assistive magics that help them navigate the world, and ultimately having rolled them up as a character in BG3. I've got notes on how certain other scenes would play out, so there may be more to this in the future. For now, have their take on how to read Astarion's scars. (Dialogue is lifted directly from the game.)
You stood from your seat on the log by the fire, linking your fingers together and stretching your arms out in front of you.  With a roll of your shoulders you peered carefully around.  The night seemed dull, the shadows were blurrier, so you decided to err on the side of caution, and waved your hand in the motion to cast your Weave mapping.  You waited a moment or two for the faint purple matrix to settle over the contours of the campsite, before moving to take your usual evening walk.
As you neared Astarion’s tent, you noticed him fidgeting, and could hear him muttering to himself, something about some letters.  As you got closer, you could make out his arm twisted behind his back.
“What damned language is this?” he muttered, his fingers splayed out over his scars.
You paused, knowing he probably wasn’t expecting an answer, but you gave one anyway.  “I thought you didn’t care what Cazador wrote on your back.”
He flinched, spinning around to face you.  “Ah! There you are.  I admit, I got curious.”  
“Ah.  Well, sorry to bother you.  I’ll leave you alone.” you apologised and turned to go.
“Wait - I’m sorry.  You caught me by surprise, that’s all. I’ve been tracing the scars on my back with my fingers, trying to read them by touch, but I can’t.  They may as well be written in Rashemi.”
He was trying to read by touch?  This gave you an idea.  “Would you mind if I tried something?”
“I - this isn’t your problem, you know.”
“I know.  But, I may be able to help read it, if you turn around”
He slowly turned away from you, displaying his back with the raised scars.  You stepped closer to him, raising your hand to reach for his back, but paused, and nervously pulled your hand back.  It hadn’t escaped your notice that when you’d spent the night with him, he had gently redirected your hands away from his back.  You hadn’t known why at the time, but once you learned about his scars, it became clear.  He’d wanted to avoid you touching them.
“And? What does it say?” he asked impatiently.
“I’m not sure yet.”
“But you can read it?”
“I can.  But …”
“But? But what?” His voice was getting whiny in frustration.
“I need your consent for what I’m about to do.”
“What? Why?” He twisted to look over his shoulder at you, and you could make out a frown creasing his face.
“I’m mostly blind, remember.  I have some sight, a little more than I used to, thanks to the parasite, but I can’t read normal books anymore.  So I learned to read special books with raised letters.  I learned to read by touch.  Which is why I need your consent.  I’d need to touch you.  To touch your scars.”
“You read … by touch …” he whispered, turning away from you again, and you wished you could make out the look on his face.  A heartbeat passed as he considered your offer.  Two.  Three.
“I - I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” You heard him sigh.  “Go ahead.  Please.”
You lifted your hands to his shoulders and cautiously placed your palms against his skin.  He shivered a little, the warmth of your hands in stark contrast to his coolness.  You ran your hands down to the first marks, and then around, using your palms to trace the outline of the design, to learn the placement of the marks.  You felt him tense beneath your touch, fighting with himself not to pull away from you.  You would swear he almost lost that battle as your fingers trailed down a line that led almost to his hips.  As you began to trace the runes with your fingertips, you recognised the language.
“It’s Infernal” you gasped softly, pulling your hands back reflexively, your claws catching on the raised marks, and scratching lightly against his skin.
“Ah! What the hells are you - wait, did you say Infernal?”
“What language were you expecting?”
“I don’t know.  Not that.”
You dropped your hands to your sides, and frowned.  “Well, now you know.  You will probably want to have Karlach read it for you.“
“But you can read it? You can tell me what it says?”
“I can.  But I felt the tension in your back.  I don’t want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are with how I read.” 
His voice was soft when he next spoke.  “It’s … unusual, I’ll admit.  But I trust you.  I want you to read it for me.” He snorted.  “Besides, Karlach would most likely tell me it’s a filthy limerick or some such.”
You smiled, a small huff of laughter escaping you.  “Alright then.  Just … bear with me a moment.”
You carefully traced each rune, your fingertips gliding from one to the next, following the circular patterns.  Your lips moved soundlessly, as your mind translated the shapes into words.  You frowned, running your fingers over it again, to be sure you had it right.  You signed in annoyance.
“Well? Have you puzzled it out?”  he asked softly.  Despite that, you could hear the touch of impatience in his tone.
You sighed. “It’s not a poem, that’s for sure. A pact, maybe?  It talks about ‘the fires below’, there’s mention of some kind of oath, and beyond that, it’s just fragments.  Whatever this is, this is only a part of it.”
You let your hands fall away from his back, and you twined your fingers together as he turned back towards you.
“An infernal pact?” he pondered, his tone thoughtful.  “But not even the whole text?  What was that bastard up to?”
“You really have no idea what this is?”
“None at all … But if this is part of a contract, it must be powerful.  Or valuable.  Or both.  No wonder he wants me back.  What have I run off with …”
“If this is part of a contract, where’s the rest?”
“I wasn’t his only spawn.  And he tortured us all - I imagine each of us are carrying a piece of this infernal contract.  But what could a devil have offered Cazador?  He had wealth, power, control - what more could you want?”
You didn’t miss the way he spat the words out - wealth, power, control.  His desire, his jealousy was clear. 
Astarion shook his head.  “Perplexed.  This was a surprise, and Cazador’s surprises are never good.  Then again, even he couldn’t know I’d be kidnapped.  Whatever he planned, it’s gone wrong.  Which gives us an advantage.”
Us. You winced at his use of the word, certain he didn’t mean to include you in whatever scheme he was planning.  You knew full well that you were no one’s first choice for help.  Not anymore
“We should tell the others, They might be able to help”
“No! No, let’s keep this between ourselves.  At least until we know what it means.”
“Alright.” you agreed.  Keeping his secrets was something you could certainly do.  After all, it felt like you were doing that for almost everyone in camp.  You turned to leave, but paused as he spoke up once more.
“Thank you, by the way.  This is … well, it’s something.”
You turned your head to throw a smile back over your shoulder at him. “Don’t mention it.” 
“Given the subject matter, I probably won’t.”
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vinff7 · 11 months
I have Drugetash AU brain worms, but they won’t fully form enough to make fics so I’m dumping them here.
Idea 1: Durge through Bhalspawn magic or normal sex could have children with Gortash and both were planning to do this. They were not going to get married, Gortash would marry someone else for political empire expansion reasons latter down the line, but Durge and Gortash had both plotted that as part of their take over the world plan they would have children together and those would be their heirs that Gortash would legitimize and just not have children with his actual wife / essentially political puppet.
This idea is courtesy of Dune, I just love the idea of Durge being a consort and Gortash promising to never touch his actual wife and only having kids with Durge.
“I swear to you now that you’ll need no title. That woman over there will be my wife and you but a concubine because this is a political thing. Yet she shall have no more of me then my name. no child of mine, nor touch, nor softness of glance, nor instant of desire.” - quote from Dune that I died thinking of Gortash saying to Durge.
Idea 2: the above is still true but this is a Tav play through so Durge fucking dies. And in this play through Durge and Gortash have known each other for a Loong time, like 10+ years and then Durge dies. Bonus angst points if Durge is pregnant and that is part of why Orin tortures them to death.
Fortunately in idea 2 land it is a Tav/Gortash fix it world so somehow Gortash doesn’t die at the end of the game and Tav has a crush on Gortash, but it’s complicated by the fact that Gortash is still getting over his recently murdered long term lover but has 0 coping skills except insisting that ‘it’s in the past, it doesn’t matter!’ And trying to plow on not even mentioning Durge to Tav if it can be helped.
Triple angst points if it follows many Tav/Gortash things I’ve seen where post Brain the two get married to maintain political stability which brings up angst from the promise Gortash made in Idea 1 about not caring about his marriage partner cuz he would have Durge, but Durge is super dead and Tav is left trying to pick up and puzzle the pieces together.
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kelandrin · 8 months
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I promise I won’t spam you with my ocs lmao, I just had to jump on the chance to bring up Lorcan because he’s one of my faves and I never talk about him anymore so I promise it’ll just be him and Cernnunos (and no pressure to answer either).
❤️ - Anyway this is Lorcan, he’s a fighter and necromancer multiclass. He’s part of an AU for my main durge and he’s the eldest of my 4 bhaalspawn siblings. Can be summed up into tired older brother and tired dad. He got a little power hungry trying to escape Bhaal (he’s my heaviest redemptive durge) and made an attempt at godhood that left him like half dead (or undead) and practically immortal. Now probably a couple thousand years old and just trying to get on with life. He’s been through a lot of trauma but he deals with it in mostly healthy ways and also puts a lot into looking out for and caring for others. A definite shoulder to cry on and always has soothing words for anyone needing comfort. I swear I’m so normal about him and I’m trying very hard to be in this ask and not infodump a paragraph about him but he’s one of my faves lmao
The more you info dump the better lol (resisting the urge to say Atlas I have already said Atlas to half of these I can’t help that Atlas is so good)
I’m going to say I think Kalan would absolutely go for him. I don’t have any screenshots on hand of Kalan so here are some picrew references.
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Kalan is pretty young as far as drow/elves go. His mother is a drow and his father an elf and, like most drow tavs, he has a lot of trauma. His coping mechanism is partaking in reckless behavior. Lorcan would have him like 👀 but the more time he spent around him, the more he would realize he genuinely likes him. Kalan would work his way up to emotional vulnerability and would try his best to bring something to any theoretical relationship as well. He would want Lorcan to be able to rely on him emotionally as well. Kalan can be a bot abrasive at times so he works well with patient (and admittedly older) partners (why he romances Halsin in the end).
Kalan trying to get Lorcan (not actually sure if this is how Lorcan would respond but) to open up vs the other companions in the background ^
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paganwitchisis · 2 months
"His Real Family" Final Chapter
Chapter five: A Happy Ending
Rating: E for Explicit!!
Trigger Warnings: Pregnancy, violence, murder of NPC, blood drinking, PinV smut, smut, oral, creampie, hand job, and pegging
Pairing: AFAB Female Tav/Astarion
Word Count:5,235
Chapter 4 is here
AO3 link is here
There is pegging in this chapter!! It was unplanned and just happened lol so I added it to the tags/trigger warnings
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“What are you doing?” Karlach asked when she entered Astarion and Tav’s room. It had been three days since Tav fell unconscious and without fail, Astarion would ask Karlach to watch the woman as he went out hunting. Astarion would usually return an hour later, warm from his hunt and would lay with his beloved in bed. Karlach would leave at this point as she didn’t want to disturb the pair, but today, she had caught Astarion doing something different than before. Tav was laying on her stomach, her arms above her head on the pillow as Astarion straddled her backside. He was kneading deeply into her flesh and soothing the muscles of her back. If Karlach didn’t know any better, she would swear that Astarion was giving Tav a massage.
“Her muscles are stiff. I don’t want her waking up in pain.” Karlach smiled at the confirmation on what he was doing “I do this every day, but I’m usually done before you get over here.” Astarion summarized. He flipped Tav back over very gently and tucked her back in when Karlach had another question.
“Is this where all our blankets went to?” Karlach smiled at how wholesome the situation was. Astarion was pampering her even as she slept. Astarion still worried and had anxieties but everyday Halsin would arrive, work his magic and tell him the same thing. They are okay.
“She needs it more than any of you do” Astarion snapped. He didn’t mean to snap, he just was worried about his beloved. How long would she be asleep? “I’m going to be gone a little longer than usual but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“I wasnt complaining about the blankets, Fangs, I think it’s endearing how much you care about her.”
Astarion held back a snarl and instead he leaned forward into the space above Tav’s ear and whispered to her. “Wake up soon, my love. Your family is waiting for you.” Astarion pulled back and kissed her forehead tenderly, still happy to feel her warm skin under his lips and he straightened out. Astarion got his armor on and as it was light armor, it didn’t take him long before he said his goodbyes and walked out the door.
Astarion went to a few stores first, as promised, but couldn’t find what he was looking for. It wasn't until his fifth stop did he find a store that fit what he was looking for. Thankfully they not only had what he was looking for but provided services free of charge. This freed Astarion up to go hunt like he promised and he was lucky enough to find a boar, a large enough animal that he would be warm for some time.
Quickly, Astarion hurried back to their room and he watched as Karlach left them alone so he could strip himself of his bloody clothing. Astarion locked the door and stripped down to nothing, cleaned any remnant of blood and slid in under the covers.
This was always his favorite part of the day since she fell into her long sleep. He loved holding her and feeling her breath in his arms. He loved hearing their heartbeats and it all reassured him that she was with him. That they were both with him. Astarion was starting to drift off into a trance while tangled up in his lover when he thought he heard a moan, but when he tried to listen for it again, nothing had changed. Her heartbeat and breathing were normal.
‘I must be more tired than I thought’ Astarion thought to himself.
About five minutes later, Astarion heard it again, but this time, it was louder, more clearer. Astarion turned his head and watched as Tav’s eyes began to flutter, her heartbeat sped up and her breathing had changed. Astarion propped himself up on the pillow and gently shook Tav.
“Tavaria? Wake up for me, darling.”
Tav slowly began to open her eyes and once they were open and her head turned to focus her eyes on him, Astarion felt his breath catch in his throat.
She was awake at last!
“You’re so warm, Star, aren't you uncomfortable?”
“Never. Never with you. How are you feeling?” Astarion asked but didn’t expect an answer when he pulled her lips to his and she reciprocated the kiss. Astarion wanted to cry in joy because all this time he worried they would never wake, yet look at her now. Tav moaned into the kiss and it was like the most erotic sound he had ever heard. Astarion could help his body’s reaction to her, but he had to temper it down. He knew that he should be fetching the bear as Tav needed to be looked at but when he kept hearing the comforting sounds of his lover and son’s heartbeat, it continued to reassure him that she would be okay.
“Star,” Tav asked against his lips. “Can we get a bath? I feel so sticky. I’m surprised I don’t smell.”
Astarion laughed at this and replied. “I’ve been giving you a bath every day, you know. I figured you’d want that.”
Tav brought her hand up to Astarion’s cheek, her other hand wrapped around his shoulders. “That’s so sweet of you...wait. Every day?” Tav drew a confused face as Astarion filled her in on what had been happening.
“I’d do anything for you.” Astarion leaned into her touch “First we should get you both looked at. You’ve been asleep for three days my love”
Tav sat up abruptly at this “Three days!” Tav brought her hand to her mouth and the other to her stomach. “I can’t believe it has been three days!”
Astarion sat up and rubbed her arm in support. “It has been. Do you think you can eat? You need sustenance. You fell asleep after the interrogation and just been in a suspended state...or so Halsin says.”
“I can maybe eat some soup or broth. I feel a bit weak.“ Tav said and Astarion kissed her once again.
“I’ll be back with Halsin.” Astarion was thankful his body had calmed down before he attempted to get out of bed since he was bare before her once the covers came down. Tav looked at him and licked her lips but said nothing. Astarion noticed regardless and smirked before he donned his trousers and tidied up a moment. He didn’t bother with underwear as Tav wanted a bath later. Astarion threw on a shirt and kissed Tav once more, Astarion couldn’t help the fear he had as if she would disappear if he left. Astarion bolted to the companion room and threw the door open.
“Halsin! She’s awake!” Astarion didn’t wait for a reply before he scuttled back to Tav, releasing a breath he held in since he left once his gaze landed on her. Tav was struggling to get a shirt on when Astarion returned.
Astarion went to her and began helping her button up her shirt before Halsin and the others inevitably arrived. Astarion made sure Tav’s lower half was covered by the thick blankets as she was bare from the waist down. Astarion wouldn’t let anyone else see her if he could help it. It didn’t take long for Halsin to enter the room, closing the door from onlookers behind him.
“No Shadowheart?” Astarion was surprised considering the peanut gallery always followed Tav about like a lost puppy dog.
“Healing needs no audience.” Halsin said with a smile before he rounded the bed to get to Tav’s side of the furniture. Halsin worked his magic, closing his eyes as green light shined from his hands and rested on her stomach and encased her in it’s glowing light. After a minute, Halsin stopped using his magic and continued smiling.
“How do you feel, Tav?” Halsin asked Tav who laid back down in bed. Tav yawned and stretched her arms above her head.
“Tired. Weak. Other than that, I feel fine.”
“That just shows that love is the best medicine.”
“What do you mean?” Astarion asked as he sat on the bed next to his lover. Astarion took her hand into his and waited for Halsin to explain.
“I mean, it is no secret that Astarion has been taking care of you while you’ve been asleep and now you have a clean bill of health. I don’t doubt that some of your conditions were improved because of his actions.”  Halsin said to Tav who was shocked to hear about the man holding her hand. “I heard from Karlach he kept you warm all the time which definitely helped the hypothermia. Karlach even said he was working your muscles so you weren’t stiff when you woke up.”
“He did all that?” Tav timidly asked. She knew he would take care of her but to hear from the others was jarring.
“Are you two done talking about me like I’m not here?” Astarion asked sarcastically. His hand tightened around hers to show there was no bite in his comment. Tav looked at him fondly and smiled.
Halsin took this time to mutter one final thing before Halsin got up and wandered off towards the door.
“The baby and his mother are okay, Astarion. I wouldn’t drink from her just yet, but tomorrow, she should be good to go.” Halsin was beaming as he went through the door. Astarion got up, letting go of his lover’s hand and went to the door, latching and locking it.
“I thought he’d never leave.” Astarion grumbled. Astarion began filling the tub as Tav had asked some time ago and turned around to smile at the sight of her struggling to take her shirt off. Tav was still very weak from the endeavor so Astarion happily made his way back to her, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Want some help, darling?”
“Gladly.” Tav gave a weak smile as Astarion didn’t hide how he looked at Tav. Astarion let his eyes gloss over her body and once he freed her of her shirt, her breasts were the subject of his gaze. Tav had round, perky, and beautiful breasts, but he wouldn’t act in wanton lust. Not yet. First, he wanted to help her get clean and something else planned that made him grin.
“Are you okay, Star?”
“I’m better now that you’re awake. Do you need help getting to the tub?” Astarion stood in front of Tav as Tav was sitting up in bed, completely naked save for the blanket covering her bottom half. Astarion leaned towards her and kissed her briefly, his body begged him to spend more time with the woman he loved but he wouldn’t. He had a plan and was going to stick with it. Even if he wasnt the type of man who makes plans.
“I have been asleep for three days. It may be prudent if I receive some help.” Tav nervously chuckled and held out her hand for Astarion to help her up. Astarion did so and quickly had to hold her waist as Tav lost her balance. Astarion had his hand placed on the small of her back, his other arm wrapped around her shoulders and held her close to him, the blanket falling to the ground and revealing her naked flesh. Astarion was still partly clothed and was happy about that temporarily as the woman he loved was naked and pressed up against him.
“Come on.” Astarion used his vampiric strength and picked her up, his one arm supporting her back and his other arms under her knees. Tav made a gasp of surprise and laughed while she was slowly put inside the tub.
“Aren’t you going to get in?” Tav asked. “I wouldn’t mind having someone to wash my back plus you look sexy in your birthday suit.”
Astarion smirked at her last comment and spoke as he began undoing the ties on his trousers. “How can I say no to you? And for the record, you’re sexy too. In fact…” Astarion dropped his pants to reveal his almost hard cock. “This is your fault, you know.”
Tav licked her lips but Astarion spoke after seeing the obvious lust she harbored for him.
“later, my love. Later. Let’s get a bath, shall we?” Astarion said as Tav pouted and gave a fake frustrated sigh. Astarion could see it was a joke and that she wasn’t really pouting as Tav was struggling to keep the smile from her face. “My little minx.” Astarion affectionately commented when Tav couldn’t hold it in anymore and barked out a laugh. Astarion stepped into the tub and lowered himself into the warm water.
“I’ll hold you to that ‘later’ business. Tav purred and wrapped her arms around his lithe waist, avoiding his hard-on that was slowly falling limp. Astarion was doing what he could to calm himself down even though he knew it was futile.
“I’d have you now if it wasn’t for what I have planned for you.” Astarion almost growled out. “Let’s get you washed so we can progress with tonight’s plans, shall we?” Astarion began lathering up the cloth with soap lavender scented soap and began meticulously bathing Tav’s body. Tav would moan occasionally which did little to quell his want for her but he managed to bath her completely without incident.
“Let me return the favor.” Tav kissed his jaw, his ear and his nose as she dragged the soapy cloth over his hardened body. As she reached lower, Astarion shot his hand out to catch her wrist.
“Let me finish. It isn’t that I don’t want you to, on the contrary, I really do, but I won’t be able to hold myself back anymore if you touch me.” Astarion began to wash himself as Tav spoke.
“Out of curiosity, what are your plans for tonight?”
“Well, I’m sending for food once we’re out of the bath.” Astarion wrung out the cloth and stood up, helping Tav to her feet as well. Astarion would have washed her hair, but he had done that the previous day and didn’t want to dry the scalp out. “You need to eat and get some of your strength back.”
“Then what?”
“Why don’t you wait and see? Be a good girl for me.” Astarion threw a towel that was sitting by the side around his lover and began drying her off. Once she was dry, Astarion quickly dried himself off and helped Tav to the bed. Astarion helped her sit down before he went to the dumbwaiter to order some soup. He waited a moment for it to be brought up and he held it out to Tav who slowly began to eat. Once she finished, Astarion helped her move the bowl to the side, and while doing that, Astarion grabbed something from his pack. Tav watched curiously but Astarion’s sleight of hand was so good, Tav wasn't sure where he hid whatever he retrieved. Considering the man was naked, this was surprising indeed.  
“So I’ve been good, what now?” Tav teased.
“I wanted to talk to you about this Velanna business.”
“I thought you killed her?” Tav asked, confused.
“I did. Just let me finish, my love.” Astarion sat down next to his wife on the bed, sighed, and continued. “As you know, I don’t remember my life before the vampirism. I always wondered what or who I was before Cazador got a hold of me. Did I have parents? A life? Did I know love? When Velanna showed up I was cagey and defensive because I was with you and I refused to leave you….to leave both of you. I am not that great with emotions, as you know, but even with that, I knew one thing. I love you.” Astarion inched closer to Tav and brought his hand up to her cheek, an action that Tav leaned into.
Astarion continued. “I wasn’t sure if I knew love before my death, but I knew that nothing rivaled how I felt about you. I fell in love some time ago but it took me a while to know what it was, and even then, the word love didn’t feel enough to explain what I felt for you...what I feel, for both of you. So when Velanna showed up, it made me angry…very angry, because she claimed something between me and that witch that…” Astarion stood up and knelt down in front of Tav, kissing her knee cap. “Something that should be between us. While you slept, it gave me time to think and I wanted to rectify that situation. Tavaria Stormgleam, will you do me the highest honor of gracing me with your hand in marriage? Will you be Tavaria Ancunin? I love you, and I don’t want anything getting between us again. I want the world to know who holds my heart.” Astarion pulled out a small box just under the bed and opened it.
Tav was stunned.
Inside the box was a silver ring with a red bloodstone overlay. It was beautiful. Tav brought her hand up to her mouth in surprise.
“I wanted the stone to remind you of me, I figured what made more sense than a bloodstone? It can remind you of the red of my eyes.” Astarion chuckled and then waited.
It took a moment for Tav to realize that he was waiting on her. She never gave him an answer! Tav removed the hand from her mouth and exclaimed. “Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes! I love you, Astarion Ancunin!”
Astarion slowly slid the ring out of the case and onto her finger while he spoke.
“It is engraved. It says ‘Ai armiel telere maenen hir’ or ‘You hold my heart forever’ and to a vampire, forever is a long time.”
Tav slid forward and kissed him long and deep while Astarion chuckled into the kiss.
“I love you so much, both of you, darling.” Astarion pulled away and helped Tav back up and onto the bed. Tav couldn’t keep her lips off her betrothed as she kissed his lips, his jaw, his cheek, his nose and forehead. Tav dragged her top teeth against the side of his neck which earned a deep moan from the man.
“You keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold myself back.” Astarion kissed her neck on the other side, wishing he was able to drink from her but he wouldn’t dare endanger his fiance’s health.
“Then don’t. We have something to celebrate, after all.”
Astarion chuckled and gave a rakish grin. “I gave you a promise.”
Tav chuckled, running her hand up Astarion’s arm as he crawled over her. Astarion sat back on his heels as he knelt between her legs.
“You promised I’d scream your name for all of Baldur’s Gate to hear.”
Astarion leaned forward and kissed Tav’s collar bone and replied. “I promised my fiance would scream my name for all of the Sword Coast to hear.” Astarion dipped forward, taking Tav’s left breast into his mouth. His tongue flicked over her nipple and he sucked the teat which earned a moan from Tav. Tav laced her right hand through Astarion’s silky light hair. Her left hand went up and held onto the headboard as she needed something to brace herself. Astarion took his left hand and fondled Tav’s right breast as it fit comfortably in his palm. Astarion could feel himself grow hard as she writhed and whimpered above him.
Astarion pulled back and reversed his actions so Tav’s other breast was now being sucked on while Astarion brought his hand to her left breast. Astarion closed his eyes and focused on her heartbeat, her whimpers and groans, and he focused on the small heartbeat emanating from her lower stomach. The product of their love and his child. Astarion smiled at the thought of his son and his soon to be wife.
He couldn’t wait to call her that.
Astarion was hard, his cock was now kissing his lower belly and throbbing with need. Astarion pulled away from her breasts and traveled south, kissing and nipping the smooth skin until he came to her nether region. Astarion kissed the small patch of coarse hair before making it to her peach. He thought of her cunt as a peach because of how sweet she tasted. She was like a delicacy to him, and although he couldn’t remember the last time he ate normal food, he imagined that if he could eat fruit, she would be just as sweet.
Astarion took one long lick up the folds of her labia, tasting her from cleft to clit. Tav moaned, spread her legs further and bucked her hips. Astarion normally would like something rougher and knew Tav was always up for it but with her health scare and the engagement, Astarion wanted to make love. Astarion opened his eyes and looked at Tav. She had tussled hair, she was flush and her body had a thin sheen of sweat. She looked gorgeous.
This should have been how it was when they conceived their son. This should have been how he treated her that night some time ago. He couldn’t redo the conception but he could show her each and every day how much he loved her.
Astarion dove into her sweet place, sucking and lapping at her clit while he could feel the wetness with his chin increase. Astarion wanted to fill her but he dared not without making sure she was wet enough. Astarion wanted this to be as pleasurable as possible, and so he probed her entrance with two of his fingers to find her slick and dripping for him. Tav cried out in pleasure, yelling out Astarion’s name.
“Astarion, can I speak to you?” Astarion pulled back and wiped his chin. He sucked on the fingers he had deep inside her and moaned.
“Is something wrong darling?”
“I just want to give you pleasure too. You’re always so sweet and making me come more than once, but I want to make you feel good, too. Do you trust me?” Astarion watched as Tav attempted to pull her pack up onto the bed when Astarion helped her. Tav was still too weak to lift it by herself. Tav pulled out a toy that looked fairly familiar.  
“I’ll always trust you, my love. My soon to be wife.”
“Then you know what I want to do to you...for you. Do you…”
“How do you want me?” Astarion kissed his beloved who patted the bed next to her. Astarion laid down, propped up on some pillows and spread his legs.
“Do you want to prepare yourself, or…” Astarion pulled out the lubrication and handed it to Tav.
“I can handle that. You just prepare that behemoth.” Astarion said as he got to work on himself after getting the lubrication back from Tav. Tav began coating the dildo with lube from the shared bottle.
“It isn’t that big. I’ve used it on myself before, you know.”
Astarion moaned as he prepared himself. “That still doesn’t change the size of that thing.”
“Would you like the other…”
“No.” Astarion interrupted immediately. “I want that one.”
Tav smirked knowing Astarion preferred the one in her hand but she felt it would be right to offer him the option either way.
“I’m ready for you.” Astarion exclaimed after a few minutes as he took the clean rag that Tav offered him and he wiped his hands.
Tav wasted no time and moved over her lover, kissing Astarion as he shifted enough to present himself to her. Tav took Astarion’s hardened cock into her one hand and gave it a firm stroke making Astarion throw his head back into a moan. Astarion bucked his hips into her hand as Tav began stroking him more and more. Astarion rolled his hips while he chased the pleasure Tav was giving him. Astarion closed his eyes again like last time while Tav began to slowly enter him with the thick dildo. Astarion moaned and bucked his hips again, pushing the cock deeper inside of him.
“Oh Tav, yes!” Astarion moaned. “Deeper!”
Tav pushed in the device until it reached the hilt, making Astarion moan her name once more and his cock standing harder than ever at attention. Tav leaned forward and took his cock into her hot wet mouth. Astarion curled off the bed a bit, his back arching as he felt Tav thrust into him roughly. He wasn't sure how she knew what he wanted but he wasn't going to complain. He wanted the delicious stretch to hit that fleshy part that made him see stars. He wanted her to go at a punishing pace and maybe it was all the time they spent together or maybe it was the worms in their heads, but Astarion felt her speed up and occasionally strike his erogenous zone. Tav bobbed on his shaft, paying special attention to the head of his cock. She would moan around his length, sending waves of pleasure up his shaft.
“Stop teasing and make me cum! I need to cum!” Astarion begged and whimpered as he bucked his hips. Astarion opened his eyes to see her mouth on his cock and the lust in her eyes. Astarion loved her like no man would ever love a woman. “Please, Tavaria!”
With this, Tav went faster, harder and deeper inside him as she took her other hand and stroked whatever she couldn’t envelope in her mouth. If she sucked and twisted left, her hand would stroke the base of his cock right. Tav lapped up the natural fluid on the tip of his cock and sucked on the head of his mast. Astarion cried out in pleasure louder than he usually would, the coil in his lower stomach was tightening and drawing him closer and closer to his release.
“Tav, I want to fuck you. I want to…”
“You will, Star. Just come! I know you have another one in you.” Tav murmured against the head of his manhood. Tav began sucking and lapping at him once again relentlessly, this and her constant strokes to his erogenous zone soon had him rapture in Tav’s mouth. She greedily drank him down, which wasn't a small feat considering how much spend he released. Astarion felt like his cock would never stop spewing his desire as he throbbed with each contraction of his cock. After Astarion was settled, Tav pulled back but was not surprised to see he was still hard when she pulled her lips away. Tav slowly pulled the fake appendage out of him. Astarion would have normally told her to leave it in and ride him but she was still weak from her long slumber. Astarion took the toy and brought it to the sink, briefly cleaning it before he washed his hands and returned to Tav. Astarion crawled on the bed and situated himself between her legs.
“Your turn.” Astarion huskily whispered before he took her lips into his. Astarion pushed Tav lightly so her upper body would lay down on the bed as Tav was sitting up. Tav bit her lip in anticipation when Astarion lined the blunt head of his cock up with her dripping womanhood.
“You’re going to scream my name for the world to hear. Don’t you dare hide it. I want you to sing for me.” Astarion lustfully said as he probed her once more to ensure she was ready for him. Astarion could hear the squelching noise as he worked her core with his fingers, his cock ready to replace them. Astarion pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. “Delectable.” Astarion then picked up Tav’s legs under the knee and speared his fiance with his engorged appendage. Tav let out a gasp of pleasure at the familiar feeling of his hard cock deliciously stretching her inner walls. Astarion doubled over forward as his sensitive organ slid against her inner tissue. Astarion let out a hiss as he felt the coil in his lower belly begin to build again.
“Gods I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. You’re fucking tight!” Astarion grunted as he started his faster than usual rhythm. Tav’s breasts bounced with each thrust as Astarion pulled most of the way out before he lanced his cock deep inside her.  Tav gave a guttural moan with each motion of his hips. Astarion rolled his hips, his balls tightening with every thrust.
“Oh, no, you don’t, you’re going to sing for me!” Astarion moved her legs to his shoulders, licked his thumb and pressed it down on her clit, circling it in tight little circles. Tav couldn’t help crying out in pleasure as Astarion worked her professionally. Tav bucked her hips in time for each of Astarion’s thrusts.
“Astarion! Yes! Yes, right there!! I love you Astarion! I love you!” Tav took only moments to climax while screaming, her soft inner core throbbed and contracted as she threw her head back and let her eyes roll back.  Astarion slowed himself considerably to prevent himself from spilling but he never stopped. He helped Tav ride out her orgasm with every stroke, Astarion gritting his teeth, trying his best to not spill himself. Tav groaned and whimpered in pleasure as Astarion sped up slowly once again towards their final crest.
Astarion leaned forward and kissed Tav again, his tongue swiping her own as he pounded her special place. Astarion moved the hand not stimulating her fun button to her breast, pinching her nipple gently. Tav moaned again, closing her eyes as she got lost in the sensation of her fiance.
“I love you too. I love you too, my soon-to-be Tavaria Ancunin.” Astarion muttered against her lips. Tav must have been building up soon after her first orgasm because she quickly came again except this time, Astarion toppled down with her. With a cry of his name, Tav clenched around his hard phallus as Astarion slowed his strokes. Astarion leaned forward as his coil snapped and his cock sputtered, coating her inner walls and filling her crevices.
Astarion came with a grunt, finally stopping his thrusts while his spend seeped out the sides of her entrance. His come stuck to Tav’s thighs and began to run down her junction as Astarion pulled his now softening cock free. Tav whined as he slide out, making Astarion smirk .
“Aren’t you sated darling?”  Astarion asked while he began to clean up the mess between her legs with a clean cloth on the side.
“Of course, but I still miss being one with you.”
Astarion laughed. “We should save something for the honeymoon.”
Tav moaned as Astarion finished with clean up and began to start the tub. “Then, we’ll be a real family.”
Astarion paused, turned, and went to Tav, his left hand on the back of her head and the right hand near her waist as she was sitting up. Astarion kissed her deeply before he finally replied.
“Darling, you are my real family.”
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year
BG3 playthrough: still stuck in the Tiefling camp, and an amazing roleplay experience
First some quick notes, but then I want to talk about how this game is really making me get into *actual* roleplaying in a way I’ve never had a game do to me before. (I’m not sure why my phone keeps capitalizing Tiefling and I’m too lazy to correct it)
First of all: I am never going to leave this Tiefling camp, there’s too much to do and too many people to talk to. The Absolute is going to overrun Faerûn and I am going to still be sitting here having gruel with Otka and playing my violin for the kids.
What am I going to do if I run across another area that makes me this emotionally invested?? It is going to take me years to finish this game at this rate!!! (Well, this week I’ve had a bit less time to play though, which has also really slowed the progress down)
Hey a quick note: there was a little glitch for me with the Auntie Ethel conversation. I introduced myself to her as my tav, and got Astarion’s approval when I told her about our tadpoles, because he thinks it’s delightful how demented she seems. Then I talked to her again using a different character, got the same conversation, and got a SECOND Astarion approval. (Didn’t work again with subsequent tries) Someone told me you can do something similar when you pet scratch. Nice little bonus.
Ok anyways the main thing I wanted to talk about was the crazy fact that I am actually roleplaying in this game, getting emotionally involved, and legitimately able to make what feels like natural and realistic decisions based on what my character would actually do, rather than… you know… interacting with the game feeling very much like a player. Oh ok, here’s the conversation, here’s the normal dialogue option, here’s the smart dialogue option if my talk stats are good, and here’s the evil option, which is always bad to choose because it messes up your game. And I know, because I am a player playing a game, I should pick the normal option. This is how games always go.
Me and my friend were talking about our extremely different reactions we had to the Druids in the Emerald grove, and why.
So the Druids have been letting the Tiefling refugees stay there, but the welcome is wearing thin. Supplies are running low and goblins keep trying to attack. Now with the old leader of the Druids missing, the next highest in command wants to finally kick these Tieflings out. The current leader is creepy and militant, but mostly the other Druids range from “following orders” to “ok-ish”.
You have been told Nettie the healer might be able to help remove your tadpoles. She’s being a little evasive at first, but it’s because mindflayer infection is serious business and she wants to protect her people. After she realizes you are not going to be a threat, she confesses that unfortunately she actually doesn’t have a way to heal you. Their absent leader might though. She gives you a vial of poison and says she needs you to swear to take the poison if you start to change into a mindflayer, because if you transform in the middle of this grove you are going to kill everyone. You must swear: if you don’t directly swear it to her, she will become hostile and start a fight.
My friend who is playing is terrified of transforming into a mindflayer, and he likes Nettie, so he took the poison and promised sincerely.
In a normal game this would be the “good” route and the one I would normally take, because I am a computer game player playing a computer game and the goal of the computer game is to make the good numbers go up. Right?
My experience of the grove though has been very different from my friend’s. I am playing as a dark urge seldarine drow who is trying to be a nice guy. The Druids have been rude and racist to my character, which I’m sure he’s used to, but the contrast between that and how the Tieflings are friendly and welcoming to me is very noticeable. I had a conversation with the pickpocket kids about how people say lies and racist stuff about Tieflings too, just like they do with the drow. My character has been spending so much time getting to know the Tieflings in the grove, mediating arguments, playing with all the naughty Tiefling children, doing sleight of hand tricks for them, watching them pet Wyll’s cat familiar. (I need to be really clear, I’m not simply imaging that these activities are happening, this is flavour that is actually programmed into the game, ie the kids do literally follow around my cat and make comments about it)
So I get farther into the grove and find some frantic Tiefling parents being held back by Druid guards. Their daughter has been taken away because she stole something, (which she only stole because she thought it would prevent the Tieflings from getting kicked out of the grove, and anyway, it’s since been returned.) and they won’t let them see her. The Druid guards are, as always, being rude and racist to me, and my tav is getting angry at the way the Druids are treating his new friends.
So he goes to talk to the Druid leader, and is absolutely shocked to find she is threatening a Tiefling child with a venomous snake. Yes the kid stole something but I have to say again: she stole it because they are going to die on the road if they get kicked out, and the damned item was returned anyways. The leader is a real nasty piece of work, and when she saw me she even said that she feels this must be a good omen, having a blessed child of lolth visit their grove!!! First of all, yikes lady, but also: Lolth-sworn drow are different from seldarine, my kind rebels against the more brutal and merciless lolth-sworn, this was NOT a good comment to make to my character. By this point in time, my tav is absolutely fucking done with these fucking Druids. Yes, objectively speaking, most of the Druids are not terrible and I can see their point, but I felt like my tav in this specific situation would be feeling quite angry and hostile at this point.
So then we get to Nettie. The very first words out of her mouth to me are that the last time she saw a drow, it tried to cut open her belly, and did I have any plans of doing the same? She brings us into the back and there is a goddamned dead drow laid out on her table. I guess it attacked them and they’re studying it because it also had a tadpole infection but goddamn.
She is being evasive and asking a ton of questions. She confesses that if she decided she didn’t like us, she was going to poison us with this little thorn branch she was holding. Then she holds out the poison and demands that I swear to take it.
As a player, I know the best option is to swear, just to get her to shut up. It makes the good numbers go up, and that’s what it’s all about, right?
But my tav in that moment - I felt like he would have absolutely lost his goddamned temper. I’m doing a dark urge run and he’s trying his hardest to not hurt people horribly, but this has pushed him over the edge of his patience. The Druids have been shit to him, shit to the people he’s come to like so much, they’re dissecting another goddamned drow over in the corner, and this woman is sticking poison in his face and telling him to swear to her that he’ll kill himself. He told her fine he’ll take it, but she says that’s not enough, you need to SWEAR to me. You know what? No, he’s not! He refused, she started a fight and attacked us first, and I switched to non-lethal damage and I knocked her out.
This wasn’t just me making a fun decision on my own, like, oh: I have decided on my own, because there’s no game dialogue for this, that my stardew valley farmer is lonesome and feels like an outsider which is why she gets along with Elliott. This is like. Actual things happening within the game that are provoking a legitimate emotional response from me, and I am able to respond to it in a realistic way. When Kagha called me a blessed child of lolth, I had dialogue options to be offended by it.
I am, once again, just absolutely blown away. My friend and me were talking about how we’re both playing “good” characters but how our game experiences still have been so different that we had completely different reactions.
I think that’s absolutely amazing. I can’t remember any game I have ever played ever where I was able to actually get into the roleplaying aspect as much as this, and feel like I was making choices totally based on what my character would do, because this situation was utterly unique to the experience of my friend who is playing the exact same game.
I’ve only really scratched the surface of act 1 here. What the heck else is going to happen by the end?
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drhu0806 · 11 months
31 – “It’s not your fault.”
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3 (fanfiction) Characters: Halsin, Tav/custom player character Rating: T Warnings: depictions of death, depictions of grief
Halsin finds her lounging on a fallen log by herself, her feet swinging off the edge as she gently sways back and forth to a silent melody only she can hear, pensively staring at nothing in particular. The crunch of leaves beneath his feet betray his presence, and Kainé glances up, giving him a wave.
“Hi, Halsin. Out for a walk?”
“In a way. I was looking for you in particular, actually.”
“Oh, did you need something?”
“Am I not allowed to simply enjoy your company?” he chuckles. “Though, if you would rather I leave you alone…”
“No, it’s fine.” She pats the space next to her, and he happily takes a seat. For a while, they gladly sit in silence, listening to the peaceful sounds of nature around them. The archdruid would normally love enjoy such a meditative atmosphere, but this time he’s come with a mission.
“What are you going to do now, Kainé?” he asks. “Your grandmother has been avenged. The people out here are safe from the clutches of the Shadow Druids. What will you do next?”
“Well, we still have an elder brain to contend with…”
“You know what I mean.”
She falls silent. It’s so quiet he can almost hear her thinking, contemplating a future she never had the foresight to consider until recently. Kainé, in all honesty, doesn’t know how to answer, so she says the only thing she can.
“I think… I think I’m going to miss my family.”
When Halsin looks at her, he sees the years of responsibility peeled away. Countless days of telling herself that she’ll be fine, of silently bearing a burden she doesn’t think she has the strength to carry, but she does so nonetheless because she has to. He sees the tired, bittersweet melancholy she’s had to put away for so long finally revealed.
“If you don’t mind my asking, what do you miss about them?”
“My mother used to be a songstress. She had the most beautiful voice; she used to sing my sister and me to sleep.”
“Ah, I see where you get it from.”
“Ha! Flatterer. My father… Well, it’s been so long I’m beginning to wonder if I’m forgetting his face. But… I can kind of remember how he always did his best to make me laugh. He used to do this—there was this silly little magic trick he would do, usually pulling out some piece of candy from nowhere or something like that. I don’t know, it’s such a small thing, but I remember it. And I wish… I wish he could have stayed alive longer to see me grow up.
“And Grandma, oh, there are so many things. She was so scary, but in a good way, you know? She made the best noodle soup, and I swear she knew every plant and animal under the sun.” Kainé looks up at the canopy that hangs above, searching for the sunlight that falls between the gaps. Her grandmother said that when she passed, she would become part of the wind, part of the trees, part of the very ground she stepped on. If Kainé listened hard enough, could she hear her voice whispering on the breeze? Could she find her smile among the gnarled bark of the trees? Could she still find traces of all of them, if she just looked hard enough?
“I wish they were still here, Halsin. I really do.”
A slightly heavier wistfulness creeps into her tone as she rises; if she’s aware of it, she’s pretending not to as she stretches out her arms.
“Well, their bones are nothing but dust resting beneath the trees now. No point in dwelling on it more than I need to.”
Halsin rises with her, but instead stands in front of her, making sure they’re face to face. She looks up at him, confused but still smiling. But it doesn’t quite reach her eyes, and he spots it, the tiniest stain against the resigned acceptance: guilt.
It’s a little startling, the way he can see his reflection in her. It’s strange to see it so much clearly when he’s looking at her, and he begins to realize perhaps their similarities extend far beyond a love of the natural world. So he repeats back to her the words she said to him, the ones he so desperately needed to hear.
“This may not be my place to say, so forgive me if I’m a bit out of line, but… Kainé, you are aware that what happened with your mother and your grandmother, it’s not your fault.”
She gives him an odd look. “Huh? Yes, of course I know that.”
“No, truly. You aren’t at fault for either of those incidents.”
She tries to laugh it off again, making a move to walk around him, but Halsin holds fast, blocking her. He carefully takes her shoulders so that they can see each other, so that she can see him.
“Kainé. It’s not your fault. None of it ever was.”
She tries to smile, tries to act confused, but it slips. She almost squirms, uncomfortable with the earnest, serious look Halsin gives her. This time, she sees the reflection.
It comes, softly but surely. Her vision blurs as her eyes grow misty; she tries to blink them away, tries to swallow all of it away, but it’s all in vain. Eventually she just lets them come, covering her mouth as she stares at the ground.
She sees her mother, bloody and broken in her lap, her small hands stained with her blood. She sees her grandmother’s corpse covered in a white sheet, having returned too late to say goodbye.
It’s not your fault.
She leans forward even without Halsin’s input, resting her forehead against him. Without hesitation he wraps his arms around her. She can take all the time she needs.
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 3 years
Sowing the Seeds (of Love), Chapter 2
Aka the Resh/OC Fix-It Fic Nobody Asked for but I'm Inflicting on All of You Anyways as Punishment for Kai's Your Hubris
The King has always been a mysterious figure in the annals of the Sky Kingdom's history, generating both awe and fear within the hearts of the sky spirits. Few can claim to have met them in person; certainly not Tav, a researcher of light creatures for the Vault of Knowledge. But when they discover their research may be used to harm the very creatures they know and love, Tav knows they cannot allow this to happen.
Somehow, they must change the King's mind. If that means throwing butterflies at their royal face, then so be it.
Warnings: Will be added to each chapter when necessary, but there's not gonna be anything graphic in this (do send me an ask if you think there's something I should warn about tho)
Rating: T (just to be on the safe side)
Pairing(s): Resh/OC
Tag(s): Enemies to Lovers, Fake Dating, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
Additional Tag(s): Resh and Alef are twins, Resh and Tav are both nonbinary, Resh uses he/they, Tav uses she/they, Resh is demiromantic and pansexual, Tav is biromantic and demisexual, no beta we die like moths in eden
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3,464
Warning(s): Some swearing
How had this happened again? Tav's mind was still reeling the next day, even as she sat amongst a flock of birds near one of the rookeries of the Bird's Nest. Normally, their chirps would soothe them, even as they reminded them of a different life. Unfortunately, the events of yesterday kept playing through their mind like a broken memory cube.
Now the King's Will—they refused to use his name—was coming to Daylight Prairie, and all Tav's courage had run out. In the time it had taken to travel to Prairie, her false bravado had melted away like snow in the bright sun. Panicked thoughts now ran through their mind, and not even the cheerful chirps of birds, or the soft squeaks of butterflies, or the whimsical whoops of mantas, could help. Most of them were because of the Will, if she was honest with herself.
Their gray gaze had been so cold. So... empty. Like any warmth and life had faded away long ago. Like they could no longer care about anything.
And now they had to convince him to care about light creatures?
It was impossible. There was a better chance of becoming King herself and killing the project that way.
A chirp from the bird perched on their knee caught their attention. She reached up and tugged on one of the flat locks sticking out of her hair, mouth tightening.
Yes, it was impossible. But they had to try.
Kumibir hummed as ey left the solar altar, the morning's prayer putting a spring in eir step. With the Megabird's blessing, the Prairie was sure to flourish with light and life. Now ey just needed to get to work tending to the prairie lilies...
“...from Eden, you say? How fascinating!”
A conversation nearby caught eir attention, and ey slowed.
“Isn't it? From what Omifiti told me, the spirit that arrived went into Elder Ayin's temple right away! I wonder what business they could have.”
A spirit from Eden? Could it be...?
Kumibir smiled to emself, taking hold of eir chin. Then ey turned away from the boat that would take em to the Butterfly Fields, and instead made for the next boat bearing a shipment to the temple for processing. The lilies could wait a little longer. Ey had a spirit to catch.
Feeding time at the Bird's Nest was a sight to behold. As the caretakers spread seed across the grass and stone, flurries of white would descend from the sky to feast. A cacophony of chirps filled the air as the countless birds flocked to their meal. It was a welcome distraction from the thoughts racing through Tav's head.
Unfortunately, it didn't last long.
“Are you Tav, from the Vault?”
They turned to look at the speaker. A messenger fresh off their boat, by the looks of it. She nodded. “That's me. Do you need something?”
“A spirit from Eden is asking after you at the temple. If you would please come with me...”
From Eden?
Tav swallowed the lump in their throat. With the help of the messenger's proffered hand, she got to her feet. Together, they went to the nearby empty boat, and set off for the temple. The ride was quiet. They would have preferred the agony of small talk with a stranger. At least it would have distracted her from the feeling of going to her own execution.
Tav disembarked a short distance from the pond outside the temple, and the messenger got off to load nearby pots. They took a deep breath and moved toward a very tall spirit standing on the bridge arching over the pond. With the warrior's garb and spear slung across their back—two things nearly unheard of in the peaceful realm of Daylight Prairie—it was clear they were the spirit from Eden.
The King's Will had arrived.
As if sensing their eyes upon him, the Will turned. She gaped at them, thankful her mask hid her look of surprise. An elegantly patterned cape draped from beneath the stone pizaine resting on their shoulders. Long, silky hair drifted in the wind from beneath the diamond-shaped crest of his mask. She had to admit, it was all rather striking, except for one thing...
Tav shuddered slightly when they saw the Will's stony gray skin—as chilling as his gaze.
Then they froze as another spirit peeked out from behind him. An impish grin broke out across eir face when ey caught sight of her.
“Oh, and look who it is!”
Kumibir walked up to Tav, wrapping them in a tight hug. She hugged em back, a little numbly, and tried to ignore the piercing look the Will was shooting her. Thankfully, Kumibir soon released them, though ey kept an arm slung about Tav as they walked back to the Will.
“We were just talking about you!”
“Y-You were?” she said, beads of sweat forming on her back.
“You know, when you said you were expecting someone from Eden, I didn't think you meant your partner! You should have told me. I would have gone to stay with one of my own so you two could have some space.” Kumibir grinned and added, in a conspiratorial whisper, “I can see why you like them. So polite! And so tall! They're just your type!”
Tav blinked. Then blinked again. And then a third time for good measure.
“My wha—?”
“You really are so generous, Kumibir,” the Will cut in smoothly, wrapping an arm around Tav's shoulders and pulling them against his side. His other hand curled by the side of their face, gloved fingers brushing against their mask.
With a squeeze of her shoulders, they continued, “We've been wanting to spend more time together, but sadly, Tav's work has kept them so busy I could rarely see their darling face.”
“Oh, I know how that is. Sometimes the others' work keeps them away for almost the entire day,” Kumibir said, nodding solemnly. Then ey glanced at the sky and squeaked in surprise. “Speaking of work, I have some prairie lilies to tend to. Have fun, you two!”
Ey waved and ran off to the boat Tav came in on. Tav themself remained frozen, trying very, very hard to wrap their head around what just happened. It wasn't until the Will was pulling her around the walls of the temple and out of sight of the boat that she regained her senses. They wriggled out of his grasp and folded their arms in front of them.
“What was that?”
The King's Will scoffed. “You tell me, little researcher. You're the one who told that spirit we were partners.”
“I never did that! I just told Kumibir that you were coming so ey wouldn't be surprised. It's not my fault ey jumped to conclusions.” They turned away, eyes squinting in confusion. “Also what did ey mean, my type...?”
“And why would you not tell them my purpose for being here? I doubt one of your position would be very familiar with a soldier.”
Tav glanced back to him balefully, but they could not deny it. Although the midnight blue and electrum threads of the Will's cape would fit right in amongst the Vault's denizens, soldiers were a less likely story. The Golden Land's lack of light creatures near its dunes meant she was even less likely to go near it. The odds of them and the Will chancing to meet were slim enough to be unbelievable.
But they couldn't tell Kumibir the truth. It would break eir heart.
Ey couldn't know about the Dark Matter Bioweapon project.
Taking a deep breath, Tav said, “The people here love light creatures. If they found out you were here because of a plan to turn them into weapons, it would ruin any chance of cooperation to get you to not want to do that. So I told them you were just here to confirm my research. That's all.”
The King's Will studied them, arms crossed in front of him. Then their demeanor changed, and a shiver ran down Tav's spine.
That wasn't good.
“Very well. In the spirit of cooperation, I will not speak of my reason for being here. But” —and he held up one finger— “you have to pretend I am your partner for the duration of my stay.”
“What?!” Tav said, clapping a hand over their mouth at their volume. She scowled and lowered both her hand and her voice to add, “Why?!”
“Despite what you may think, I too would prefer my identity remain a secret. They don't need to know of my connection to the King. As far as these spirits are concerned, I am Resh, a high-ranking member of the Sky Kingdom's army, and nothing more.”
“Why do you care if these spirits know about your connection to the King?”
They turned away. “I have my reasons.”
“And those are...?”
“None of your concern. Now, do we have a deal?”
She stared at them incredulously, then threw her hands in the air and marched off, much to their surprise.
“Where are you going?”
“To the butterfly fields. It's time for your first lesson on light creatures, darling,” Tav replied, jerking their thumb towards a nearby boat.
The boat to the edge of Prairie had arrived before any further stilted conversation could occur, and the two had spent the ride in relative silence. That had been a mercy. Now, however, she wanted to scream in frustration. The butterflies were acting strange and uncooperative today. They were fine with Tav themself; it was the King's Will they had a problem with. They flew away squeaking as soon as he approached. Even those she could coax to her hand fled as soon as she beckoned the Will forward.
So things were going just fine.
In the end, as the sun began to set and the butterflies flew off to the nearby sphere they slept within, they had decided to call it a day.
Of course, that didn't mean their bickering had ended. Even when they passed other spirits, the two kept it quiet, making it seem more like two partners sharing private thoughts than opponents exchanging barbed words.
“For a creature claimed to be 'loving' and 'kind,' these butterflies were rather standoffish today.”
“Maybe they sense you're a terrible person who wants to use them as weapons. They're perceptive like that.”
“And yet they cannot perceive the bitter heart inside you, my dear.”
“They can't perceive what isn't there, darling.”
“Ah, of course. How could I have been so blind? You don't have a heart.”
So caught up in their verbal battle was Tav that they didn't realize they had boarded the same boat as the Will until the two were standing outside the elder's temple.
“Good night, my dear. I look forward to tomorrow's efforts,” the King's Will said, pressing a masked kiss to the back of her hand.
Tav narrowed their eyes, but nodded and managed to hold back a shudder as their hand was released. “Until tomorrow, darling.”
The Will nodded back and entered the temple, leaving them to sigh heavily and wait for another boat.
“So... how did it go?” Ayin asked, a hint of nervousness in their voice.
“Oh, horribly. The butterflies refused to go near me. But that Tav... I must admit, they're a stubborn one. Either they're planning to assassinate me, or they really believe they'll be able to change my mind over this matter. This may be the most entertaining thing I've done in... I can't remember how long. I'll have to thank Alef when I return. After punishing him for enabling this nonsense in the first place, of course,” Resh responded casually, lifting the stone pizaine from their shoulders to lounge more comfortably across the bed provided. For a moment, they thought his skin seemed a little less gray, but it was likely just a trick of the light, nothing more.
“I see.” Ayin turned to leave, but lingered in the doorway long enough to say, “Rest well, Resh. You have a busy day tomorrow.”
Resh grunted in acknowledgment, and the room fell dark.
The smell of fresh bread greeted Tav's nose the next morning, as well as Kumibir singing a cheerful song praising the sun. It was a welcome start to a day that would doubtless be a strain on her patience. They'd try again with the butterflies, and hope that somehow Resh would be... more cooperative.
Perhaps a vain hope, but she'd hold fast to it.
Tav managed to answer Kumibir's excited questions (“Where did the two of you meet?” “They're so tall! Is that why you like them?” “Do they have a sibling?”) with vague replies that technically weren't lies (“Oh, we met because of my work.” “What? Why would that be a factor?” “Oh, they might. We haven't talked about our families yet.”). Eventually, Kumibir left to attend the morning's prayer to the sun, and Tav was free... for now. As they sat there, idly munching on a slice of bread and listening to the soft whoops of mantas in the distance, irritation rose once more. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner they could escape this miniature hell.
With that thought, she stuffed the rest of the slice into her mouth and left, slinging a light staff across her back. At the very least, it might help in coaxing a butterfly within reach of Resh.
Resh waited at the dock for Tav, arms folded before him. Ayin had suggested being a bit more agreeable when they awoke, and despite their better judgment, they had agreed. Unfortunately, it was hard to be agreeable when the person in question was late.
...All right, maybe not late, but later than he liked. Too many locals had gawked at them while they waited, muffling their voices with their hands. Too many had giggled in his direction, and all had avoided eye contact when he turned to glare at the offenders. The same nonsense had happened many years ago, when they had first grown into an adult under the watchful care of the Elders. He could still remember some of those that commented on how handsome they had become.
They were all dead by now.
“Good, you're here.”
Thankfully, a familiar voice drew him from that unfortunate reverie. Tav was now approaching... with some kind of staff across her back for some reason. Resh huffed and placed their hands on their hips.
“You're late.”
She shrugged. “I was eating breakfast. You know, since it's morning? What, too good to eat breakfast like the rest of us? Or are you too used to the fancier fare of Eden?”
Ah, yes, such fancy fare as standing near a blazing fire long enough to push back the ache deep within. Too long, and a different pain began. But they didn't need to know that. They were just some too-bold researcher.
“Something like that,” he said curtly.
They continued to stare at him, eyes narrowed, before shrugging again and gesturing to the boat. “Well, whatever. Come on. The butterflies should be waking up now.”
Just as they had said, the butterflies were starting to pour out of the sphere and head towards their typical spots for the day as the two of them stepped off the boat. It was a beautiful sight, although she doubted Resh appreciated it. Still, it meant they could start for the day.
Like before, the butterflies came willingly to them, as long as they stayed away from the King's Will. At one point, six were perched on her hands, which she then promptly, and smugly, showed them. Their response was to turn away with a grunt. Tav snickered and lifted their hands, releasing the butterflies to return to fluttering about the flowers of the field.
“Here. Let's try this,” they said, drawing the light staff from their back. She held it out, and soon enough, a butterfly perched delicately at the diamond-shaped tip. Then they slowly moved their end towards him, holding it out for Resh to take.
Instead of grabbing it, however, they stared at it. Tav's arm began to ache as the seconds dragged on. When Resh showed no sign of accepting it, they snapped and said, “Would you take the staff already?”
“And just why should I do that? For all I know, you're planning to attack me as soon as I try.”
“It's a light staff. The only thing it can do is bruise that thick skull of yours. Now take it.”
He glared at them, but begrudgingly took hold just below their hand. With her hand on the staff, the butterfly remained even as they grasped it. When they removed their hand, however, and left only his, it squeaked, quivered, and flew off. Tav watched in bewilderment as it returned to its flock.
“...Well, then. I can't say I've seen that happen before.”
“And here I thought you were the expert on light creatures, my dear.”
“And I thought you were someone who could be reasoned with, darling. Looks like we were both wrong, hm?”
She turned away to study the butterflies, wondering just what exactly was driving them away. They were normally such friendly creatures, often taking a break from basking in the sun's rays and pollinating the prairie lilies to loop around nearby spirits. To have them avoid a person like this...
Something must be very, very wrong.
That niggling discomfort over the coldness of Resh's skin and eyes rose up once more, and Tav avoided his gaze as they called for a lunch break.
As she chewed on a piece of crab meat, Tav considered the issue with the butterflies. Like any other light creature, they were drawn to flame and light. It was their bread and butter, so to speak. As spirits had an inner flame granted by Megabird when they were born, a light creature could simply be near them and feed on the warmth given off. It wasn't much compared to the innate light of another creature, but it was enough that spirits were often accepted as members of the flock, so to speak.
Was something wrong with Resh's inner flame?
It would explain the unusual color of their skin, and the butterflies' behavior. Then again, was such a thing even possible?
Their inner researcher burned to figure out more, but Tav beat it back down. There wasn't time to travel to the Vault, let alone search its archives, and Resh was too irritating and evasive to hope for an actual answer. It was bad enough they had to put up with his dour attitude. Trying to pry information from them would be a nightmare.
Tav swallowed and stood up, stretching with a soft groan. The hill they had chosen to take lunch on was near the butterfly sphere, with a small cave underneath that where Resh was currently skulking. And... talking to someone?
Someone actually wanted to talk to them?
They knelt and leaned closer to the edge of the hill, straining their ears to catch a snippet or two of the conversation.
“...so lucky to have a partner like you. With someone like you around, I'm sure they'll have much less trouble getting things off high shelves.”
The spirit chuckled, and Tav had the sudden urge to throw something. Or scream. Either worked.
“I shall, of course, do my best to assist them with any high shelves they may encounter,” Resh replied. She could practically feel the smirk on their face.
The spirit laughed again, and Tav crouched a bit lower as they left the cave, the puff of the two buns atop their head bouncing slightly with each step. More footsteps sounded, and soon Resh was also leaving the cave. Unlike the spirit, however, they stopped and turned to look up at her.
“Do you need help getting down from there? I've heard you have difficulty with heights,” he said, eyes crinkled in amusement.
Tav glared back. She stood up and walked down the side of the hill, then past Resh, making sure to whack their shoulder with the light staff as they went.
“Come on. The butterflies don't have all day.”
Butterflies are curious light creatures. While birds and jellyfish are content to keep to themselves when it comes to spirits, butterflies (and mantas) possess a kind of empathic sensitivity that, more often than not, draws them towards spirits. Whether it was a sad spirit in need of comfort or a spirit blazing bright with joy, they would soon find themselves with a squeaking companion looping about their body before flying off into the distance. The only spirits they tended to avoid were those with a great deal of aggression.
They avoided both Tav and Resh this time.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 notes · View notes
queen-scribbles · 6 years
A Fine Line
For @pillarspromptsweekly 35: Od Nua. Turned into Ederity, and I’m not sorry at all :D
“Y’know, Tavi when you asked if I wanted to come visit you this time, this is not how I figured it would go,” Edér complained teasingly as he ducked under tattered spiderwebs.
“Wasn’t how I was plannin’ for it to go,” Tavi said with a laugh. “But tremors under my main fuckin’ keep can’t exactly be ignored, can they?”
“And us being here is just a happy coincidence?” Charity piped up, switching the torch she carried to her left hand so she could wipe clean a plaque mounted on the wall.
“Hey, I was only half serious when I suggested you comin’ with him would solidify the courtship cover story,” Tavi countered. She surveyed the rest of the crypt chamber they stood in with a careful eye. Two levels down and while they’d found plenty evidence of disturbance--fresh fallen debris, and the like--they hadn’t yet found a likely cause. “I’m honestly kinda surprised you both went for it.” She paused to shove aside a rock that was blocking the doorway they needed. “Happy as I am to see you.”
Charity chuckled. “Nice save.” She held the torch higher as she and Edér followed Tavi down the stairs. “What is this place, anyway?”
“I dunno,” Tavi admitted, tapping her fingers against the hilt of one sabre as they descended the staircase. “Some king thousands of years ago hollowed it all out. I don’t even know how deep it goes; I’ve only been down here once. Helpin’ Kana look for some fuckin’ important book.”
“Oh, yeah, the one the skeleton wizard had,” Edér chimed in. “I felt real bad for him after that.”
“Me, too. Right now I’m hopin’ that whatever’s behind the tremors and shit isn’t any deeper than that so we don’t have to clear out any more levels.”
“So if you’ve cleared everything out,” Charity began, “we’re armed as what, a precaution?”
“Pretty much,” Tavi swatted away cobwebs. “There was everything from xaurips and wurms to adra beetles and ogres in here before. They got in somehow, and if more followed them I wanna be prepared.” 
“Smart,” Charity agreed.
“What I lack in book smarts I make up in common sense,” Tavi joked.
Behind her, Edér coughed. “No comment.”
“Hey!” She wheeled to shoot him a dirty look, which he met with a grin as she almost missed a step. “I will fuckin’ leave you down here, Teylecg.”
He laughed. “But you won’t, ‘cause then you’d hafta explain to Dyrford what you did with their mayor. Winfrith ain’t gonna deputy forever, he was clear on that.”
“Dammit.” He had her there. “Fine. You’re safe.”
“Such a relief,” Edér deadpanned. “I was really worried.”
Tavi rolled her eyes but let him have the last word. She could hear Charity trying (and failing) to muffle how much she was laughing at them, and the occasional chuckle from Edér at how amused Charity was, as they made their way deeper into the Paths. So far, so good.
As she’d hoped, they didn’t encounter much of anything the first few levels they passed through, just spiders. Normal sized ones. Focused as she was on leading the way, Tavi still noticed how quiet her companions were being, and sent up a hasty prayer if wasn’t because something was wrong.
By the fifth level down, the amount of rubble they had to skirt or climb over increased dramatically. They’d only just started down the main hallway when one of the tremors shook the walls around them. The door slammed down prematurely, grazing the back of Edér’s shoulder.
He brushed off Tavi’s concern with a smile. “I’ll be fine, Tav. You know I’m tougher’n that, I hope.”
“I do.” She ran one hand through her hair and winked at him. “Just want t’ be sure you’re at your best ‘case we have to fight anything. Maybe let Charity look at it?”
The two of them shared a look. “I don’t think that’s necessary-” Edér started, in tandem with Charity’s “If he says he’s alright-”
Tavi raised an eyebrow. Something happened there, she mused, taking in the uneasy set of Edér’s posture and the faint blush coloring Charity’s face. Another tremor, stronger this time, reminded her where her priorities needed to be, and she reluctantly shelved her curiosity. “If you say so. Hopefully we’re gettin’ close, with how strong the tremors are.”
“Seems likely,” Edér nodded, seeming relieved at the change of subject.
There was a small cascade of dust from the ceiling that set all of them coughing. Tavi huffed dust out of her bangs and smiled to herself when Charity reached over to ruffle some free of Edér’s hair as well. So whatever had them blushing and awkward wasn’t bad, just, well, awkward. That was actually promising.
Six levels down they did have to fight some adra beetles that had crept back in, but they were small and underdeveloped and not much trouble. The biggest challenge was keeping them away from Charity; the beetles weren’t kith who might fall for insulting taunts, they just wanted rid of these intruding pests. Tavi and Edér both wound up physically placing themselves between one of the beetles and their priest. (If Edér did it more than she did, well, Tavi was just going to file that away with no comment.)
“I can take care of myself, y’know,” Charity commented, smashing the last beetle’s head with her mace. “Militia, remember?”
“Sorry,” Tavi laughed. “I know. My previous experience with priests usually involved them stayin’ out of the fray and offerin’ support.”
Charity slid a look at Edér. “And what’s your excuse?” she asked playfully.
Edér shrugged and tweaked the end of her ponytail. “Not used to fightin’  ‘longside a priest, am used to protectin’ people, wanted t’ keep you safe, take your pick.”
Charity grinned. “Wanted to keep me safe, huh?”
He grinned right back. “I make a lousy mayor if I can’t protect my people.”
“You two remember I’m in on the whole fake courtship thing, right?” Tavi piped up with a smirk as she wiped ichor off her armor. “You don’t hafta pretend you’re a couple around me, I know the truth.”
Both of them started, coughed sheepishly, and quickly turned their attention anywhere but each other. Edér was actually blushing, which only made Tavi smirk more as she kicked aside a beetle corpse and started walking toward the next staircase down.
There was no conversation as they made their way down the stairs. Due to both the perpetual cloud of dust in the air, and Edér and Charity’s not wanting to give her the wrong idea, Tavi was pretty sure. She wasn’t, however, sure it was the wrong idea. She bit her lip to hold bck a smile. Gods, all she’d had to do was suggest the fake courtship and give them the tiniest fucking nudge towards each other. They were doing all the work. The next tremor rumbled in the ground beneath her feet, deep as a war drum, and Tavi would have sworn she could feel it in her chest.
They’d barely reached the bottom of the stairs when they were set upon by a pair of rain blights. Big ones.
I’ve always hated fighting these things, Tavi grumbled to herself, swearing up a blue streak as the three of them teamed up on first one blight, then the other.  “Guess we shoulda turned off the forges, huh?”
“Toldja,” Edér chuckled, raking wet hair out of his eyes. “Too bad Kana ain’t here, he owes me a couple fennings.”
“We get this sorted out with minimal damage or injury, I”ll pay for him,” Tavi snarked.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he said, turning and raising his shield as a wind blight appeared around the corner. Tavi wheeled so she could stand next to him, and could hear Charity quietly murmuring a prayer off to her right. This blight was smaller than the last two, but something about it felt off to her. A few seconds later, when it reached them, she got her reason why.
Rather than lash out with one of the attacks typical of its kind, the wind blight shot out a jet of flame that splashed off Edér’s shield.
“What the fuck,” Tavi muttered fervently as she dodged forward and around to flank it. A soft but steady glow of conviction settled in her gut, and she flashed Charity a brief, grateful smile as she swung her sabres at the blight’s central mass.
It dissipated with a high-pitched screech that she might have imagined. “Alright, how many fuckin’ souls are trapped down here for the forges to still be going?” she demanded, sheathing her sabres.
“Maybe it’s not how many, but how trapped they are,” Charity said. “If they can’t get away from this floor and it was designed to make blights, maybe the same souls are getting used over and over again.”
“What, the pull of the forge is stronger than the pull of the Wheel?” Tavi winced as she considered it. “Scary thought. So we should shut off all the forges before we kill the blights?”
“Can’t hurt to do it that way,” Charity shrugged. “Worst case it’ll mean there’s no more of that kind coming. Do you know how to turn them off?”
Tavi and Edér both shook their heads. “Why do you think I left ‘em runnin’ last time?” Tavi said sheepishly.
“Well, I’m sure between the three of us we can figure it out.” Charity nodded toward the nearest doorway, a faint green light spilling into the hallway from within.
“Hopefully,” Tavi said with a grunt, and led the way into the room. She was still pretty well baffled by how the fucking thing worked, but it wasn’t like she’d examined them all that closely last time she was down here. Just stuck her head in, didn’t see a clear on/off lever, and decided not to bother. Now she sort of wished she had. This was going to be a pain in the ass.
With a crackling rumble, another tremble shook the ground, definitely sounding and feeling like it originated on this level. Tavi filed that observation away for later, as the trio of huge earth blights waiting in the forge room were a more immediate concern. It was lucky they had Charity with them; while blades didn’t do much against the earth blights, her mace had much better luck. It took some time, but they did clear the room.
“Alright, let’s see what we’re workin’ with here,” Charity murmured, stepping close enough to examine the forge design. In place of the lever Tavi had (sort of) checked for last time, there was a carven pedestal with a pyramid-shaped indentation in the top. “Looks like you have to put some sort of talisman or prism in there to get it to work,” she mused.
“Oh!” Tavi looked at the indentation, shared a glance with Edér, and then bolted down the hallway heading for Gabrannos’ study. “I know where that is!”
“And you left it there?” Charity said incredulously as she and Edér hurried to keep up.
“It didn’t look useful or valuable, an’ we were already carryin’ too much- Shit!”
Hovering in the hall between her and her goal waited an enormous wind blight. Like the smaller earlier that had attacked Edér, small bursts of flame shot out randomly from its depths.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Tavi growled, barely waiting  for the other two to catch up before flinging herself at the blight.
This fight went badly. Whether due to its size or something else, the blight was even tougher than most, and with its extra abilities, that added up to doing a lot more damage before they took it down. In the end, Edér retrieved the prism Tavi had been after while Charity did what she could for the minor burns Tavi sustained thanks to being just a hair too slow. It had dredged up some none-too-pleasant memories in the process, and Tavi spent the time fighting the beginnings of a flashback. Said memories were far enough in the past (and she had enough practice) that she did manage, but it still had rattled her.
They returned to the earth blight forge without incident, and Tavi stuck the prism in the pedestal. After one final flare of light, the forge went dark. The blight that had been forming dissipated when only half done.
“Now we just gotta find the rest of those prism,” Tavi said, flexing her fingers.
“Like this one?” Edér asked as he stood from examining a small chest against the wall. In his hand rested a very similar prism, just deep grey instead of rich gren.
“Exactly like that.” Tavi took it from him, careful of her injuries. “Let’s see, there’s earth, wind, flame, and rain blights. This one’s probably-”
“Wind,” Edér interrupted, gesturing at the prism. “It’s got the symbol etched on the bottom.”
“I was fucking getting there,” Tavi grumbled.
“Now you don’t have to,” he said as he stood.
She rolled her eyes and led the way out of the forge room. “Now we just need to find that forge...”
No sooner had the words left her mouth than there was a flash of dull light from ahead and to the right.
“We could start there,” Charity said, voice rife with amusement.
‘There’ proved to be a hole in the wall to the eind blight forge room on the side facing the flame blight forge doorway. Edér hung back at the mouth of the hall to stand guard as Tavi and Charity approached the gap. The air smelled like lightning, the tang of it getting stronger  as they moved closer.
“Wonder what did this,” Charity mused, eyeing the folk-sized hole.
Tavi was about to answer when she felt a low hum in her back teeth. A quick glance confirmed that both the flame and wind blight forges were ramping up, the facing apertures crackling with energy. She didn’t need her gut to tell her this wasn’t going to end well.
“Move!” she hollered instead, all but tackling Charity out of the way as the energy from the two rooms arced to join in a painfully bright beam. It was a close enough call Tavi felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle. The two of them hit the ground and tumbled through a sagging stone doorway, just before it collapsed from the ferocity of the tremor that followed.
Tavi sat up, coughing and waving away dust. “You alright, Charity?”
“Yeah,” Charity groaned. She sat up as well, feeling a small cut on her forehead with careful fingers. “Thanks to you. Good instincts.”
Tavi nodded, just as muffled pounding against the fallen rocks reached them.
“Tavi? Charity?” Edér’s voice was similarly muffled. “If you ain’t dead give me a holler.” Both of them hollered accordingly. “Well, that’s good,” he said, relief clear. “If you ain’t hurt bad we can probably have ya outta there pretty quick.”
Tavi had her doubts--the collapsed wall looked to have settled pretty soundly--but kept it to herself until proven correct. “You’re prob’ly gonna need a prybar.” 
“Where’m I gonna find one of them?”
“Back up in the the armory, ‘less you happened to bring one with you,” Tavi replied, glancing at Charity, who shook her head. She couldn’t blame Edér for sounding irritated; she wasn’t happy with this turn of events either. 
There was a moment’s silence, then, “...Fine. Be back quick as I can.”
“I feel like we should at least see if we can find a way out while we’re waitin’ for him,” Charity commented after a few seconds. “He’ll get us out if he has to tear the wall apart with his bare hands to do it. But if we can keep it from going that far...”
“Sure, sure, good point,” Tavi agreed. “I mean, if one spot on the wall was weak enough to break, why not more?”
“Exactly.” Charity kicked a pebble, watched it ricochet off one of the support pillars.
“Least now we know where those fuckin’ combination blights came from,” Tavi said. She wasn’t keen on the idea of letting silence fall.
“And the tremors,” Charity pointed out as she tested one of the walls. “They came from the sheer force of two forges working together to make a blight.” 
“But it didn’t make a blight.” The fact dawned on Tavi in the same moment she said it. “Does it not always make blights? If it had this time we would heard Edér fightin’ it ‘fore he checked on us.” She hesitated briefly before deciding the segue was as good as any. “How’s it goin’ for you two, anyway? Y’know, with the fake courtship.”
Charity fumbled the small chest she’d picked up, almost dropping the blue glass prism from inside it. “Fine. We’re... fine. Look what I found.” She held up the prism.
Tavi nodded, then raised an eyebrow. “And you don’t expect me to pry after that?  I won’t breathe a word to anyone. Including Edér.”
“It’s... getting complicated,” Charity admitted. Her fingers played with her necklace and her eyes roamed the wall rather than meet Tavi’s. “With us being friends... there’s a real fine line between pretend courting and real couritng an’ I think maybe we’re... losin’ sight of it.”
“How come?” Hylea save her, Tavi tried to hide her eagerness as she asked. Wasn’t sure she did a good job.
“Just... little things,” Charity hedged, sliding down the wall to a seated position and playing with the blue glass prism. “We spend a lot of time together; more than we strictly need to. I picked up knitting as a hobby this winter, so I wouldn’t go stir crazy, and everything I’ve made so far wound up bein’ for him. Scarf, hat, hand warmers... And he wore them, Tavi. In public. I’m still a novice, so they weren’t exactly pretty and he wore them.” She paused, cleared her throat (somehow missed the grin Tavi was fighting). “Remember how you told me when his birthday is? I, um... my neighbors’ dog had puppies and I gave Edér one.”
Tavi stopped fighting the grin. “Sounds like a good present for him.”
“He...” Charity hesitated, face flaming to match her hair. “He kissed me.”
Tavi nearly swallowed her tongue. Fuck. Yes.
“And not one of those forehead or cheek kisses we’d been doin’ to help with the courtship facade, an actual honest to Eothas kiss. O-Only for a second, and he apologized for doing it, but the thing is...” She bit her lip. “He didn’t need to. Apologize, I mean. I-I didn’t mind it.”
“What do you think that means?” Tavi asked, trying desperately to keep her voice neutral.
“I don’t know,” Charity admitted after a hefty pause. “We’ve been... a little bit off since, which I”m sure you noticed. We need to talk about it, but I have no fucking clue what I would say.”
“Well,” Tavi began, only to be cut off by the scrape of metal against rock from the cave in.
“Found one!” Edér’s voice filtered through the stone. “Next floor up, in one of the crates we didn’t clean out first time through.”
“Great,” Tavi called back, even if her internal monologue was more Dammit than gratitude.
With the help of the prybar, Edér had made a big enough hole for them to crawl through in just a few minutes. He helped Charity and Tavi through, winced a little and rolled his shoulder, but brushed off Tavi’s renewed concern. “It’ll be fine.”
It was. And the rest of the forges were shut down without incident or shenanigans beyond the few extra minutes it took to find the flame prism-key. Sure there were still blights to fight, but the rain ones were far fewer in number than the others. Probably due to that forge being set away from the others and thus catching fewer souls.
Much to Tavi’s relief, after they shut down the wind blight forge, thus ending its ability to team up with the flame blight one, there were no more tremors. They wouldn’t have to go deeper. With her and Edér both hurt--if only a little--and all three of them exhausted, that was a very good thing.
After confirming all the forges were shut down and blights destroyed, the souls  trapped in them hopefully returned to the Wheel, they made their way back to the surface. It took awhile; even directly and at full energy the stairs took over an hour to climb. Tired as they were, they stopped to rest several times, pushing their travel closer to two and a half.
“Charity, if I could steal you for a minute to take care of my arm proper?” Tavi hinted as they stumbled their way into Brighthollow. “Just real quick b’fore we all collapse from fuckin’ exhaustion?”
Charity nodded, taking the hint--”Sure”--and the two of them retreated to Tavi’s room as Edér headed for his former quarters, mumbling something about sleeping til his feet weren’t sore any more.
“Getting back to our topic from earlier,” Tavi began, sitting down and extending her singed arm for Charity to properly patch up. “I do think you should talk to him. Even if you aren’t completely sure of everything you want to say. If you know the basics, that’s enough for a start.”
“And if I’m not sure of even the basics?” Charity asked wryly, unwinding the old bandages.
“Figure those out first,” Tavi conceded. “I don’t want either of you gettin’ hurt.”
“That might be inevitable,” Charity muttered as she reached for soothing salve and new bandages, so quietly Tavi decided not to pursue it, before adding, “I do appreciate how much you care, and the advice you’re willing to offer, but I just don’t know-”
“Charity, lemme give you some advice,” Tavi cut her off, having an idea where she was going. “Speakin’ from experience here, there’s another fine line you need to worry about, aside form the one between real and pretend courtship. That’s the one between reasonable caution and cowardice. Shit, it took months and several times almost fuckin’ dying for me to tell Aloth how I felt about him. If you think you’re really fallin’ for Edér, fuckin’ tell him. If you aren’t and the courtship thing is getting awkward for you, tell him that, too. All the time I’ve known him, I think the only thing he appreciates more than honesty is animals.” She flinched slightly as Charity tied off the new bandages. “Just my two pands.”
Charity nodded tiredly. “I’ll keep that in mind. Right now, I need sleep before I make any kind of big decision.”
“That’s fair,” Tavi said. “Shit, you don’t hafta do anything til you two are back in Dyrford. Just think about it.” 
“I will,” Charity promised. She stood, collected the used supplies, and left the room.
Tavi barely managed to stay awake long enough to shuck her armor and send up a brief prayer her friends would stop being idiots before flopping in bed and falling asleep.
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
Five More Minutes
@pillarspromptsweekly​ Fill 9: To the Rescue. 
Tavi cursed as snow dropped down the back of her boot for the fifth time in the past hour. “Why is it always the same fuckin’ boot?!” she groused under her breath as her right sock got just a little wetter. Again.
“I told you to lace your boots tighter,” Sagani said from behind her. An amused smile tugged her lips as Tavi’s scowl deepened. “C’mon, Tav, I did warn you.”
“Not helping,” Tavi growled. “I was makin’ sure I didn’t cut off blood flow an’ tryin’ to account for my fuckin’ socks.”
Sagani shrugged as the wind whipped at her hair. “It was your choice, Tav, all I’m sayin’.”
Unable to come up with a better reply, Tavi just rolled her eyes and kept walking. The faster they got down the damn mountain, the faster it wouldn’t be an issue. Stalwart lay hours behind them, and if the weather didn’t get too bad, they could probably make it to the bottom by night.
As if summoned by her wishing for the opposite, the wind picked up again, throwing snow in their faces. One especially strong gust unbalanced her and sent her teetering toward a snowdrift. Oh, shit, seriously-
“Careful!” Aloth’s hand closed around her arm and he pulled her back upright.
“Thanks,” Tavi smiled breathlessly, linking her hand with his once she had her balance back. “I swear the weather has it in for me.”
“And what makes you think that?”
“Aside from tryin’ to knock me into the fuckin’ snow? It waited until I figured out an estimate on travel time to reach the bottom that was dependent on good weather, and then it started doin’ this shit.” She reached over and flicked chunky snowflakes out of his hair. “Guess Ondra’s pissed at me.”
Aloth chuckled. “Well, you did just survive drowning by the skin of your teeth and return the Eyeless to Abydon, thus undoing what was probably centuries worth of effort on her part.”
Tavi snorted. “Still. Tryin’ to knock me in a snowbank? That shit’s fuckin’ petty.”
Aloth opened his mouth to reply, but she shushed him, frowing at the snowy expanse to their right. “Didja hear that?”
“What?” he asked in a whisper, as she was clearly still listening for something.
“Sounded like a kid,” Tavi muttered, tightening her grip on his hand as she leaned toward the elusive sound.
“We’re hours from the nearest civilization,” Aloth frowned, expression deepening when he heard the next soft wail. “It’s probably just wind through the rocks.”
“That would make more sense...”
“You still want to go look, don’t you?” he said knowingly. When she nodded, he squeezed her hand. “I’ll come with you.”
Tavi shook her head. “Those snowdrifts are gonna be waist-high at least on us. No reason for both of us to get soaked, especially on what’s likely a wild goose chase.” She looked back at the rest of the party. “Kana! Come help me with something for a minute!”
“What do you need?” Kana asked cheerfully as he approached. 
“Listen,” Tavi instructed, waiting until she saw recognition dawn in his eyes. “I wanna go see what that is. Just in case it’s something more than wind through rocks. An’ since you’re the biggest, I figure you’ll have the easiest time walkin’ off the beaten path with me.”
“Of course,” Kana nodded gamely. “Let’s be off.”
Tavi grinned at his enthusiasm, giving Aloth a quick kiss on the cheek as she released his hand. “Be right back.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” she heard Aloth mutter as she and Kana headed off in the rough direction of the lingering sound.
They walked for almost half an hour in silence, both trying to pinpoint the cry, before Kana sighed.
“I don’t see anything but rocks and snow, Tavi,” he admitted. “And I find it hard to believe a chld’s lungs could be this strong, especially out in the cold.”
Tavi nodded reluctantly. “You’re right, and it was probably just wind through rocks like Aloth said anyway.” She huffed a breath, watched it cloud the air. “Can we just go five more minutes before we turn back? To be safe?”
“Whatever you want,” Kana said, shooting her a curious look as he picked up her tone. “May I ask why this is so important to you?”
“That’s fair,” Tavi muttered, then sighed again. “When I was, oh....  fifteen, I think, my brother got lost in the woods. He was about six. Took two days for one of the search groups my father organized to find him. They’d... talked about turning back and decided to go five more minutes. We were five minutes from never findin’ him. Five minutes from him likely dyin’ out there. If they hadn’t pushed on, hadn’t gone far enough to hear him singin’ to himself....” She shook her head as she pushed through a deep drift of snow. “So now I’m extra paranoid about checkin’ thoroughly.”
“I can understand that,” Kana nodded. He cocked his head, listening. “Ah! I do believe I’ve found our culprit.” He pointed off to their left, at a tall rock spine pierced with a trio of holes. When the wind blew through, their varying sizes combined to create an all-too-folklike cry. “See, just rocks.”
Tavi’s shoulders sagged slightly in relief, only to re-hunch at a blast of snowy air. “Thank Hylea. Aloth was right. I really didn’t want it to be a lost kid. We woulda had to take ‘em back to Stalwart, an’ that would be a pain.”
Kana chuckled as he turned around. “At least it’s safe to turn back now.”
She laughed. “Y’don’t hafta hint, Kana. We can go.”
The two of them started retracing the path they’d made getting where they were. An occasional gust of wind pushed Tavi sideways, and she’d have to course-correct back to the track behind Kana. Most of the time it was only a step or two’s deviation, but one particularly nasty blast shoved her a good five steps to her right in an attempt to keep her balance.
It didn’t work. Mostly because her last step crunched down on ice over air buried under three feet of snow rather than rock.
“Motherfuc-!” It came out as part yelp, part growl while she was still pitching forward.
“Tavi!” She heard Kana yell her name, the crunch of his boots through the snow, felt his fingers brush hers as she fell, but it was too late.
He head bounced off the side of the crevasse and stars flashed across her vision. She hit both sides several times on her way down, finally landing hard on one shoulder. It gave with a pop that hurt almost enough to make her cry out. She probably would have anyway, if her landing didn’t also conk her head against the ground hard enough to knock her senseless.
She came to in the almost-dark of a fifteen foot deep crevasse, with no idea how long she’d been unconscious. Before she even tried sitting up, Tavi wiggled her toes inside her boots, and then her fingers. They all worked with no hesitation, except for her left hand. She sat up slowly, not putting any weight on that arm.
“Hylea’s fuckin’ tits,” she groaned, sucking in a pained breath between her teeth. Focusing on the narrow strip of light above her made her head pound like an Engwithan war drum. “Kana?!”
There was no answer from above, just her own whimper echoing back to her as her ribs protested the deep breath.
“Gods...” Breathing hard, she shifted position so she could sit leaning against the wall. She gingerly felt at her left shoulder, gritting her teeth against another whimper. “Nnngh...”
That’s fuckin’ dislocated, she confirmed mentally, using her right hand to rest her left arm across her lap. I really hope Kana’s gone because he went to the others for help...
The truth of the matter was, even with the high likelihood she was right, there was no way to know how long Kana had been gone. And no way of marking time other than sitting there and counting the seconds, which was a thoroughly unappealing thought. So Tavi settled in to wait, inventorying her injuries to pass the time and stay awake.
Fortunately, aside from the dislocated shoulder, a couple bruised ribs, and a nice goose egg above her left ear, there didn’t seem to be anything serious. And fifteen feet of rock overhead did offer a good bit of protection from the elements. Even more fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long before she heard someone calling her name, muted and distant thanks to the wind.
“Still here!” she hollered back, loudly as she dared with her ribs aching at deep breaths.
“Tavi?!” That was definitely closer, and definitely not Kana.
“I’m fine, city slicker!” Tavi called up. Relatively speaking... She gritted her teeth as she stood. “Just want fuckin’ out of here!”
There was a note of amused relief in Aloth’s voice as he called back,  “Understandable. We’re working on it.”
“Don’t s’ppose we have any rope left, do we?” she suggested. That would be too easy... 
“Unfortunately, no,” Aloth said regretfully, his silhouette visible as he leaned over the crevasse. “The last one broke after the Battery tower.”
“Don’t you dare be sorry about that, Corfiser!” Tavi hollered, indignant and not caring if it hurt her ribs. “This is fuckin’ leagues better than lettin’ anyone-” you especially, her mind whispered- “plummet to their deaths. I’m fine, I swear.”
“What are you considering fine, Tavi?”
Dammit. He knows me too fuckin’ well. “Oh, y’know... scrapes, bumps, bruises, dislocated shoulder...”
“Tavi!!” He sounded offended on her behalf that she was downplaying her on injuries.
“I’ve had worse and you know it!” she pointed out.
“Don’t remind me!” Aloth called down.
A smaller silhouette appeared next to his and Sagani chipped in, “Y’know, we can just kick him down there if you’d rather have a conversation at a normal volume level, Tav.”
Tavi laughed and then yelped. “Rather you got me up, ‘Gani.”
“We’re working on it,” Sagani promised. “Give us five more minutes.”
“Okay.” Tavi leaned her head back against the rock and muttered to herself,  “Literal minutes, or metaphorical ones?”
Growing up, whenever she or her brothers had asked for five more minutes to play or read whatever, they almost never literally meant five minutes. They were hoping their mother would lose track of time and they would get ten or fifteen.
“Five more minutes,” Khellin begged, eyes on paw prints that spiraled out into the woods.
“Five more minutes,” Casius pleaded, sprawled sideways in a chair with a book propped against his knees.
“Five more minutes,” Malachi said, flopped on his back with the neighbors’ cat curled up on his stomach as he hummed to himself.
“Five more minutes,” Tavi wheedled, perched precariously halfway up a tree.
“Oh, fine,” conceded Mom with a smile, time and time again, invariably giving her children far more than they asked for.
“Tavi? Are you alright?” There was a note of concern in Aloth’s voice and she realized how long she’d been quiet. 
“Still fine, Aloth,” she reassured, the ache in her chest fading with the memories.  “Just thinkin’.”
“You must have hit your head rather hard...” he teased.
Tavi growled even as she grinned. “I’ll hit your head, city slicker.”
“I’ll let you,” he said, low enough she wasn’t sure she was supposed to hear it.
“Aloth, I swear I’m fine!” she promised. “I’m not bleedin’ to death, I don’t have any grievous  injuries, Hylea, the only reason I haven’t fixed my shoulder myself is ‘cause it’s a damn sight easier with help.”
“I’ll still feel better when we get you out of there...”
“I know, city slicker. Me, too. Shit, you think I like it down here? First of all, it’s still cold. Second, it’s hard and un-fuckin’-comfortable, and third, I’m away from you.” And I cannot believe I fuckin’ said that out loud...
“However will you survive?” Aloth deadpanned, most of the nerves gone from his voice.
“We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?” Tavi retorted. “In all seriousness, Aloth, I’m not sleepy or anything, so you don’t hafta keep talkin’ to me.”
“Maybe not for your sake...” he said with a shaky, sheepish laugh. “But perhaps I need the reminder.”
“Well, then in the interest of not distactin’ the planners, let’s just sit here. Whenever you get nervous just call my name and I promise I’ll answer.” Hylea’s tits, she hated being stuck down here. She hated not being able to do anything, she hated that she couldn’t reach Aloth to squeeze his hand or give him a hug. Of course, if you could we wouldn’t be in a situation where he was worryin’ about you, would we?
“That... will have to do,” Aloth conceded reluctantly. And so they did for the remainder of the five minutes.
Finally Sagani popped her head back over the edge, knocking down small clumps of snow as she did, and called, “Okay, I think we worked something out. We tied the rope that broke in the Battery back together with about six different knots-”
“We still have that?!” Tavi asked incredulously as she got to her feet.
“C’mon, Watcher, you know I’m a hoarder.” The teasing note was clear in Hiravias’ voice, even distorted by the wind.
“This is the first time I’ve wanted to kiss you for it, though,” she retorted.
“Pass,” he chuckled. “You can kiss Aloth instead.”
“Deal!” Tavi laughed. “Sorry, ‘Gani. You can finish now.”
“Just that I think the rope should hold your weight long enough to get you out,” Sagani concluded. “This isn’t that deep, an’ it’s a pretty straight shot.”
“Worth a try,” Tavi concurred. “Just tie a loop in the end you lower down. I only have one workin’ arm right now, so I ain’t gonna be able to climb it. You’ll hafta pull me out.”
“Got it. Just a second.” Sagani disappeared from view for a minute, then her head popped back over the edge. “Okay, ready?”
“More than,” Tavi called back. She looked away from the brightly lit crack so her eyes would be adjusted  when the rope reached her level and waited. A few seconds later she heard the quiet but distinctive smack of rope against rock and picked out the pale brown line against the dark grey rock backdrop. As promised, the end was tied in a big enough loop to fit over her head. Tavi settled it around her waist--hopefully low enough it wouldn’t bother her ribs--and gave it a tug with her good hand. “Ready!”
In response, the rope went taut and she started moving upward, using her feet to keep from hitting the walls. When she was within arm’s reach of the edge, Tavi let go of the rope and grapped rock instead. Almost immediately, a large hand closed around her wrist and Kana pulled her the rest of the way out and set her on her feet.
“Tavi!” Aloth winced when she turned to look at him, which she barely caught as her eyes adjusted to the change in light.
“What?” she frowned. He reached over and brushed his fingers just above her eyebrow. They came away sticky with mostly-dry blood. “Pretty sure that’s nothin’ serious,” she said reassuringly, reaching up to push her hair back so he could see. “You know how head wounds are. They bleed like fuckin’ crazy.”
“Clearly,” he said dryly, even as his finger found the small cut along her hairline. “This one’s covered nearly a third of your face.”
“Well, guess we better get me cleaned up,” Tavi said glibly. “So I don’t look like a nightmare.” She reached down and scooped up a handful of snow--almost losing her balance in the process--to rub against the bloody part of her face.
“Here,” Aloth offered. He wiped the mess off her face with his sleeve, despite her protests, and gave her a tentative kiss on the cheek.
“And now I know nothin’ in my face is broken,” she joked. “Can we fix my fuckin’ shoulder?”
“Actually...” Sagani hesitated briefly. “If you think you can stand it just a little longer, Keya’s been settin’ up camp in a cave we found back near the path. If you can wait ‘til we get there, we can take off some layers, which should make things easier. Also, there’s food.”
“Ooh, one of my favorite sentences. I think I can manage.”
In the end she only made it five minutes before all the stubbornness in the world couldn’t keep her going and Kana had to carry her the rest of the way.
Keya had done quite a good job setting up camp for the time she’d had. She arched an eyebrow at seeing Tavi carried in. “What have you done to yourself now, Watcher?”
“First of all, I didn’t do this to myself,” Tavi protested as Kana set her down.  “Second, it’s not as bad as it looks. Just pop my shoulder back in an’ I’ll be fuckin’ fine.”
Keya didn’t look entirely convinced, so Tavi just started trying to undo the fastening on her coat one-handed.
“Let me help,” Aloth offered quietly as the others scattered to tend their own business. His fingers deftly  separated the toggles and loops.
“Thanks,” Tavi whispered, fighting the urge to lean against him in her exhaustion, since it would make his task harder. “And since you’re bein’ nice, I won’t make a crack about finally reachin’ a point in our relationship where you’re undressin’ me.”
He smirked rather than blush, and briefly leaned his forehead against hers.  “You’re better than such low-hanging fruit, anyway.”
Tavi snorted, shrugging out of the coat with her good shoulder as the last fastener parted. “City slicker, I’m all about the fuckin’ low-hangin’ fruit. It’s like you don’t know me at al-”
He kissed her. Tavi felt her own pleased hum answered by his as she reached to cup his jaw with her good hand.
I take it back, something inside her smirked. He knows me really fuckin’ well. Aloth grazed her bad shoulder as he moved to copy her action, and Tavi broke the kiss with a yelp.
“Gods, Tavi, I’m sorry,” he said in consternation.
“S’alright,” she managed, resting her head against his shoulder briefly. “It’s a good reminder I should get that fixed before we make out, anyway.”
“Very true.” Aloth helped her the rst of the way out of her coat, gingerly around the dislocated joint, and then repeated the process with the heavier of the two shirts she wore. He sat next to her and held her hand while Keya popped her shoulder back into joint. Let her squeeze --encouraged it, really-- until Tavi was worried she’d break bone or something.
Once Tavi as all put back together, they sat by the fire, loosely wrapped in a shared blanket, and watched Sagani and Hiravias prepare dinner.
“I’m sorry we didn’t make all the progress you wanted today,” Aloth murmured, thumb rubbing the back of her hand.
“It’s okay,” Tavi replied, giving his hand a much gentler squeeze than she had earlier. “Caves are good for our relationship.”
He laughed quietly, nodding concession of the point. “They have been something of a good luck charm for us, haven’t they?” He turned slightly to kiss her on the temple. “And shouldn’t you be lying down? I seem to recall Keya telling you to rest.”
“This is restful,” Tavi countered, snuggling closer.
“Tavi. You know what she meant.”
“Fine. Five more minutes?” she cajoled, tilting her chin up for a kiss.
Aloth sighed, smiling slightly as he caved to both the spoken request and the unspoken. “Five more minutes.”
Neither of them were terribly surprised when that stretched to twenty. 
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