shitmrsmartossays · 10 years
You're like a giant muscley baby.
Isabel about Jacob
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shitmrsmartossays · 10 years
"I beat him in Crack Addict!"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
[tour guide voice] now if i could direct you to your left. then to your right. bring it back now yall
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
Can’t wait to show off my new FRC shoes that Isabel painted for me J Mr. Wilton wants to know if I click my heels together three times and whisper “there’s nothing like FIRST! There’s nothing like FIRST!” if I end up at Dean’s house in New Hampshire. Ha!!!!
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
Omg dollar king has 589 blue everything! Garland, weird things to carry, and things that look like glitter peacock feathers!"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
I think that ... is EXCEPTIONALLY REASONABLE!!!!
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"I love to gossip!"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"This isn't purple pen. It's just a shade of violet."
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"I did cartwheels in your honor" Ummmmmmm not that anyone wants OR needs to see me do cartwheels!
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"I fall down and break bones. But i secretly dance the cupid shuffle like a pro!"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"You can go to the meeting. No wait you can't. ... Wait yes. NO. Definitely no."
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"When Isabel took the prototype in to school one of the boys told her they look like condoms.... Gives a while new meaning to the 'Safety Award'!!!"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"Oh but at a cathedral. Um, hmmmm, can't go slutty, can't co muslim. What's a nice girl to do???" "Oh right, STILLETTOS!" "Stillettos and a habit, ooooh! And eeek! And hmmmmmmmm comfy and restrictive all at the same time, how enliberating (not a word but it should be)."
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"All I can say is I wanted the ones covered in sharp spikes in case she needed to keep him in line..."
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"I gave that special bag to Dr. Neat. We otherwise could cook it all down like some sort of robotic 'breaking bad.'"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"Um wait... are you equating ****'s family with some sort of Lake Los Angeles drug cookers??"
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shitmrsmartossays · 11 years
"i thinkwe ought to NOT stuff the ballot box in our favor this year tho."
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