#i’m literally about to leave for college where nobody knows me and it’s not like i was out to lot of people here but. idk
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zweiginator · 2 months
I had a thought about professor!patrick
(I’ve never sent in a request before or even an idea so I pray this is articulate)
What if he finds himself attracted to a really dedicated student. She’s put her all into college and has a drive and ambition he hasn’t seen in years. He tries to screw with her by giving her a B but instead of running to him crying like he’d assumed she has a collected conversation with him about how she know he’s just trying to get in her pants and he’s shocked at how easily she called him out on his bullshit. She leaves telling him to grow up and stop trying to go after vulnerable young women or she’ll report him (not knowing that Head of the Department Tashi was one of those women.) he’s undeterred, of course, and just wants her more. But instead she switches to a different class and avoids him everytime she sees him one campus.
This is where I struggle continuing the idea- what if to blow off steam and forget about the whole thing she goes to a college bar. She meets someone a little older but he’s nice and seems like a total munch. So they head back to his house and hook up and oops- it’s literally the new professor she just transferred to so she wouldn’t be in this exact situation. Professor Art Donaldson.
IDK I just feel like this would be such a messy and fun situation but this idea in my head will no go further past Art and I’m curious how you think this could go.
cw: scumbag patrick??? perhaps
the rumors about dr. zweig are like a game of telephone; they're plentiful, but they get skewed along the way. at some point, the gossip muttered into students' ears was a true statement. but then everything got so convoluted and nobody is seriously going to believe that professor patrick zweig is secretly a porn star. i mean, jesus. so it has the same effect as crying wolf. patrick has had scandals. he has had many missteps in his career due to his own inability to control himself and his urges. but all the tall tales about him are so ubiquitous that it belittles the credibility of each and every story.
but it seems like each year, patrick lusts over a student of his. that's the most widely believed rumor. each year, a bright young little thing piques his interest. causes a tent in his pants. and each year, he'll try to find away to lure her in. maybe through requesting a meeting during office hours, maybe by riling her up so much during a class discussion that she inevitably snaps, and he needs to see her directly after class for a chat.
you had never heard first-hand accounts from any of these alleged girls. but by the way dr. zweig's eyes lingers on the cleavage of girls who bend over to pick up a dropped pen, or up their skirts on a particularly windy walk to the political science building--it kind of adds up.
and as the professor's TA returns your graded essay at the beginning of class, a big red B circled at the top, along with a see me after class scrawled beneath--you wonder if you're next.
now, it's not necessarily a bad thing. there was never any talk about a lack of consent. it was truly just an issue of power imbalance. of him sniffing out pretty young girls with daddy or authority issues and reeling them in with his masculinity, his green eyes and strong arms.
after class, you go to his office. and he urges you to sit in the chestnut leather chair across from his own. but you shake your head and pull your essay from your bag.
"a B?" you ask. a simple question; you needn't say more. you have never gotten anything below a perfect score in this class. it didn't make sense.
"it seems that's the grade i've given you." he's curt with you. maybe because he thinks you'll beg for him to be nice to you. you'll beg for him to affirm your intelligence. you'll beg to do anything, anything to get your grade changed.
"i'm just wondering why." you shrug. "and i'm also wondering why i needed to come here to see you."
patrick again is insistent on you sitting down. you finally do.
"because your quality of work has decreased to a B level." a swallow. a straightening of a stack of papers. "is everything alright? are you struggling?"
how fucking dare he.
"no. im fine. in fact, i would say i grasped these topics more than any other section of the course."
patrick takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose. "it's possible you were too cocky about it. that you didn't delve as deeply as you should've and that rendered your understanding of the information as largely inadequate."
"even coming from a perfectionist like me," you start. "a B is not 'largely inadequate'.
"i think for you it is."
you stand up. frankly, he's being disrespectful.
"listen," you adjust your bag on your shoulder. "i know the game you're playing. we've all heard the rumors. i know that i'm an A student and that this--" you wave the paper. "is A-level work."
"i don't follow."
so he's acting stupid.
you lean forward. there he goes again with the wandering eyes.
"i know this is your schtick. to get girls to sit on your lap and beg for better grades or extensions or whatever it is they want from you. and i know it usually is easy for you to get whatever you want. but i'm insulted that you think of your best student as a means to get laid--and i'd tread lightly. i can easily go to the head of the department, or the dean."
patrick furrows his brows. "i have no idea what you're referencing." he clicks his pen. "and you're smart. you know you can't go to them without proof. and from what you're telling me about these 'rumors'"--he uses air quotations. "they are all based in speculation. and they are just that--rumors."
you slam the door.
and you do go to the head of the department. not to report professor zweig, but to request a class change. you tell her that it would work better for your schedule to be in an earlier section.
she emails you back quickly.
I can switch you to a 9:00 AM lecture on Mondays and Wednesdays. We have a new professor of political science starting this coming Monday.
Tashi Duncan-Donaldson, PhD
you smile at the response.
and that night, in an attempt to cool off from the day's abnormal events, as well as the immense stress of midterms--you go out.
you go alone, which is unlike you. you also go to a bar further from campus. you're more interested in keeping yourself company. maybe flirting with no strings attached.
and maybe patrick was wrong to assume you would fuck him--but he wasn't wrong about his belief that you're attracted to older men.
and as you stir your cocktail, a broad-shouldered man with kind eyes and salt and pepper blond hair sits next to you. he smells like peppermint gum and whisky.
"a pretty young girl sitting all by herself? everything okay?"
you roll your eyes playfully.
"real original."
"well--the second part of my question still stands." he tilts his head back to finish his drink. the ice clinks against the glass and you notice he has no wedding band.
"i'm alright. just needed to be alone and decompress."
the man puts his hands up. "hey--I can leave you alone if you want."
you shake your head. "we can be alone together."
"sure we can." his eyes flicker to your lips. you notice how strong his arms look. his posture is perfect. he's soft-spoken but confident. and he's so fucking hot.
"i'm art by the way." he extends his hand and you shake it, but neither of you pull away.
and it's easy to sit in silence. to break it only once every few minutes to say whatever's on your mind. he's a good listener; he tilts his head and nods and makes piercing eye contact--the kind that makes you coy.
you down a few more drinks and so does he. you start to talk more, and you move closer and closer to each other. you're in a booth in the back corner, so nobody can quite see--not that anyone's looking.
so it doesn't faze either of you when you end up on art's lap and he's feeling you up like he's a fucking teenager again. his rough fingers roll your nipples and he's never heard prettier moans. he tells you that against your ear.
you pull him into you. your tongue is more forceful than you thought possible as you push it into his mouth. but his is stronger, and he licks inside you. he's sloppy and drunk and desperate and your hands fumble with his belt.
the bathroom. he gestures to the door and you follow him.
and he doesn't fuck you. not the traditional way, at least. but he pulls your legs over his broad shoulders and he eats your pussy until his hair is ruined by how hard you tug on it. until your lips are bitten and his are soaked in your cum. his fingers are too and he pushes them into his mouth and then into yours.
you yank him forward by his belt. it's his turn. but he shakes his head and points to his watch. it's nearly one, and he has to go. on a thin paper towel, he scribbles his number.
"for next time."
and you think about him a lot that weekend. you don't know the correct etiquette to text or call him, so you don't. not yet. but you program his name into your phone. art. you don't know his last name.
on monday you're still thinking of him as you sit in the front row of your political science class. you want to make a good first impression on your professor. it's 9:02 and you tap your foot against the ground because they're late.
and then the doors swing open and a blur with a briefcase strides over to the grand desk at the front of the room.
"sorry everyone--i'm frazzled. it's my first day as you all know--" he writes his name in messy letters on the chalkboard.
he smiles at the class. it falters when he sees you.
it's bad enough that you hooked up with your professor. it's worse when you read the name on the board.
Dr. Art Donaldson.
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
A+ Student Pt.5
(Fem reader, suggestive, kissing, smut, female!receiving, etc. Not proofread!)
Summary: Y/n is a great student in her college, always getting good grades. Her college professor Matt, thinks she can get even higher ones with some “extra credit.” That is until she meets her new gym teacher..
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“She was talking about professor Sturniolo right?” Lizzy asks me hesitantly, I shrug. “Yeah, I’m not bothered though.” I lie unbelievably. “Pfft,” she laughs slightly, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “You’re not bothered? You’re literally gripping your skirt so tightly.” I look down as the fabric is clenched in my fists. I let go and laugh slightly, “I guess I do care a little bit.” I sigh.
Chris’ POV
I type up on my laptop plans for the next lesson with y/n’s class, gotta make it easier because I don’t want y/n to struggle. “Mr Sturniolo?” I look up, a woman in a fitted suit jacket with a pencil skirt is staring down at me with her arms crossed. “Uh yeah?” I reply in a confused tone. “I’m gonna need you to come with me please.” She states.
“Okay.. where are we going?” I ask slowly. “The Principal’s office, an anonymous note has told us something we need to talk to you about.” She keeps her eyes forward as she walks quickly ahead. Oh fuck.. this isn’t about what happened at break? Nobody else was in there nobody could’ve heard us, or seen us..
“Everything alright Mr Sturniolo?” She doesn’t look back. “Oh, yeah.. call me Chris if you want.” I try to soften the tone in the air. “No.. I keep it professional.” We arrive at the Principals door and she opens it.
“Hello Christopher.” The principal smiles softly before dropping it. “Take a seat.. thank you Andrea.” The lady leaves the room. “Why am I in here?” I ask, trying to play dumb. “Do you value your job Mr Sturniolo?” He leans on the desk and peers at me from above his glasses. “Yeah of course, I love my job.” I smile.
“Do you respect the workplace and its rules and guidelines?” He asks again staring into my eyes. “Yes I do.” I nod, he grabs something from his drawer and places it in front of me. A mirror. “You seem to have a little.. a lot of things on your neck, do you not?” I look in the mirror at my neck, which is plastered in hickies.
My face drops, “Oh uh.. I had my girlfriend over last night I didn’t know-” I start to explain.. lying obviously. “It’s okay Mr Sturniolo, I don’t need personal details but make sure to cover it up, this is a first warning so you aren’t in trouble.” He smiles softly.
I sigh softly, “I’m sorry.” I scratch the back of my head, “it’s alright, us men like our women but sometimes we have to hide it.” He chuckles and I awkwardly chuckle back. I get up to leave and the principal gives me a little wave. I quickly rush back to the gym and throw on my jacket, which almost covers all of the marks.
It’ll have to do.
Y/n’s POV
I pack up my stuff and leave the sociology classroom, “I fell asleep.” Lizzy smiles as we walk to the exit. “Really? I couldn’t tell.” I sarcastically joke, she let out a few snores causing people around her to laugh. “Did I snore loudly?” She asks nervously, “meh, it was like semi loud.” I laugh and she groans in embarrassment.
“Right I gotta go, my mom needs me,” Lizzy rolls her eyes, “my aunt and uncle are visiting.” She sighs. “Does that mean?” I start to say but she finishes my sentence. “My annoying little cousin is here too.”
Lizzys cousin Theo is like 10 years old and the most annoying kid ever, he will tell his parents any gossip Lizzy says while she’s on the phone, he will constantly go through her stuff and he told Liz’s mom about my secret boyfriend 2 years ago and then my dad found out.. wasn’t fun.
I start to walk home as I get a text from Matt. “I have 2 hours where Chris and Nick aren’t here, at 5. Come over.” I smile and reply, “okayy.” I put my phone away and start to walk home faster. I hear footsteps running behind me, Mason. “Hey.” He smiles, breathing heavily. “How far did you run?” I laugh slightly.
“Just from the bench down there to.. here.” His cheeks are slightly flushed. “I thought you were an athlete, how are you out of breath from that?” I scoff. “I am an athlete y/n, I just didn’t stretch.” He rolls his eyes. “Why are you walking with me?” I ask him, raising an eyebrow. “Oh I am meeting my friends this way to walk home.”
“What are you doing in like an hour?” He asks me, breaking the silence. I look up at him with confusion. “Why?” I hesitantly ask. “I dunno if you wanna like get coffee or something.” He shrugs. He’s got nice intentions but no.
“I’m busy sorry.” I sigh, trying to act sympathetic. “Oh.. no worries, it was worth asking.” He smiles. About 10 minutes pass and I’m about to turn down my street, “I thought you were meeting your friends?” I tilt my head, “yeah I am, in the field down there.” He points down the main road and smiles softly. “Oh okay, this is my street so I’ll see ya.” I smile back.
“Bye y/n!” He calls as I walk away. He’s a sweet person but I just can’t find him attractive, hopefully he finds someone else to like. I walk through my front door to see my dad laying on the couch with a Pepsi in his hand watching sports or something. “Hey dad.” I smile, “hey pumpkin, how was your day?”
Pumpkin is the nickname he’s called me for the past 12 years, because when I was 6 around Halloween we went to a pumpkin patch with mom and I was running and fell face first into a pile of pumpkins and it went all over me. I cried but he thought it was funny to call me pumpkin after that. Now I find it a sweet nickname but I hated it when I was a kid.
“It was okay, I’m going out in like an hour.” I tell him, he nods. “No worries, stay safe though.” I walk upstairs to my bedroom and lay on my bed, spreading my limbs out on it. I take a deep breath before going in the shower.
After my shower I dry my hair and get dressed into a basic fit, I want to be comfy bc I know what’s gonna go down. I do some makeup, not too much, and I go downstairs to leave. “Bye dad!” I call as I leave, “see you later y/n!” I hear from the kitchen. I walk to his house, as it’s only 15 minute walk away, although last time I took a cab.
I finally arrive at Matts house and I see the expensive car is gone. I knock the door hoping Chris and Nick are not there. Luckily Matt opens in and smiles when he sees me, “I’m guessing either Nick or Chris drive the Porsche?” I smirk, “yeah Chris spent a stupid amount of money on it, I drive it sometimes too.” He explains as we walk in.
We sit on the couch, “Deja vu.” I laugh softly, “yeah, except this time I won’t freak out.” He chuckles, “prove it.” I taunt him with a smirk, he tilts his head and grins before leaning in and kissing me, this time feels more passionate.
His hand finds place at the back of my head and the other one on my thigh. My hands entangle in his hair as he pushes me back on the couch slightly, deepening the kiss. His tongue explores my mouth and I let out a soft moan as his hand rubs my upper thigh. He breaks the kiss partially to say something.
“Let’s go upstairs, don’t wanna make a mess on my couch.” He breathes out. I nod and go to stand up but he picks me up like a princess and carries me up the stairs, walking into his room which has a comforting vibe to it. Before I can take it all in he throws me down onto the satin sheets.
“Bet Chris didn’t do this did he?” Matt smirks as he slides my shorts off pulling me to the edge of the bed. “No, it was different because he had to stand and hold me the whole ti-” I start speaking but Matts hand covers my mouth. “I don’t need to hear how my brother fucked you okay?” He looks at me before removing my panties quickly.
He kneels at the end of the bed, his hot breath fanning against my inner thigh as he moves my legs onto his shoulders. “Gonna make you feel good, treat you for being such a good girl in class.” He peppers kisses along my thighs closer and closer to my heat as I squirm. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this with him, he’s had a change of heart now that he knows Chris fucked me first. He’s gonna make this a competition between them I know it.
He starts to kitten lick my folds to tease me, I whine pushing towards him for more. He grabs my hip with one hand, pushing it against the bed to stop me moving. Without warning he dips his tongue inside of me before swirling it around my clit. My back arches off the bed as I moan out.
He grabs both my thighs and pulls me closer, his tongue lapping at my heat. “Fuck Matt..” my hands travel down to his hair as I grip it tightly. He continues to swish and swirl his tongue around me, occasionally dipping it into me causing my back to arch and my grip on his hair to tighten.
“Matt.. I can’t.. I’m gonna cum.. please..” I whimper as his pace doesn’t slow. He hums against me, the vibration hitting my clit in the right way which results in me reaching my high and coming undone. He licks up the rest of my arousal before bringing his face up towards me, I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and breathe heavily.
He leans to kiss me, my arousal still on his chin and I turn my head away, “wipe that off ya lips before kissing me.” I chuckle softly, “you don’t wanna taste yourself? Hm?” He continues to try and put his face by mine, teasing and joking around. “Definitely not, it’s gross.” I squirm, “I disagree, I could have my head between your thighs every day.” He smirks, lifting his shirt to wipe the arousal from his mouth.
“Will you kiss me now?” He grabs my cheeks and brings my face to face his. I nod and he pushes his lips to mine his tongue instantly exploring my mouth, I bite his lip softly and he groans. “Fuck I need you.. to feel you.” He whispers lowly. “Please do..” I whine softly, “You’re gonna take it like the good girl you are.. yeah?” He asks, looking me in the eyes with lust.
“Yes.. of course.. definitely.. I will.” I speak rapidly, needing to feel him inside of my walls. He starts to unbuckle his belt, not breaking the eye contact. He begins to pull down his pants but then.. Slam.
Both of us look towards the bedroom door and back at eachother, “that was a car door right?” I whisper and Matt nods, he checks his watch. “It’s 6pm they said they’d be back at 7.. shit.” He re does his pants back up and I sit up, “get your clothes on.” He throws my panties and shorts at me. His entire tone and body language has changed and now it’s more tense.
“Jeez okay..” I put my clothes back on, I feel gross he didn’t clean me up or anything but I can’t go to the bathroom because they’re home. “What do I do?” I whisper, “just shut up a sec okay?” He snaps, “oh.” I sigh and sit back on the bed. “Matt?” I hear Chris call from downstairs, “stay here.” He spoke softly and I nod, “good girl.” He mumbles before leaving the room and closing it behind me.
I grab my phone from his dresser and open it, 4 missed calls from Lizzy? What the fuck? I text Lizzy, “hey everything okay?” She replies almost instantly, “No. But it’s fine now, no thanks to you though.” Fuck. “I’m pretty busy right now Liz I’m sorry.” I would help her right now but I don’t know what’s happening with me and Matt.
She leaves me on opened. Great, I don’t even know what’s happening or what her problem is. Matt comes back in and grabs my arm, quickly leading me downstairs and through the front door, “see you on Monday.” He whispers flicking his hand so I leave shutting the door behind me. So rude, I thought he was actually giving a fuck about me. It’s raining too, I’m gonna get hypothermia.
I turn to walk down the street away from his house and I hear someone call my name, I look up quickly to see.. Chris?? “Y/n? Why are you by my house?” He asks walking closer, my eyes widen in fear. “Uh.. I was.. fuck, I don’t know.” I lie looking down at my feet. “You stalking me?” He chuckles, I laugh lightly and shake my head.
“No, not that.” I sigh, “it’s cold and raining, you wanna come in for a warm drink or something?” He smiles lightly, I can’t go back in there especially if I just got kicked out by Matt. I thought Chris got home with Nick? “I can’t sorry, I’m going home.” I smile softly, “oh okay.” He looks disappointed. “You were in my house weren’t you?” He steps closer so we are inches apart.
“What no! Why would I be-” I go to like but he cuts me off, “you were with Matt. I know because I heard you shuffling around upstairs when he came downstairs to greet us.” He spoke sternly. “If you were inside then how are you out here?” I ask, looking up at him. “I watched you leave from my bedroom window, then I snuck downstairs and got out quickly to see you.” He sighs.
“So you were stalking me?” I chuckle, “you were the one inside of my house,” he laughs softly, “about that, what were you and Matt doing?” He asks me, but I know he knows the answer. I tilt my head at him, “we didn’t fuck.” I cross my arms, “I never said you did.” He smirks, “I’d rather not go into details.” I scoff.
“Mhm, he wouldn’t have been able to fuck you as good as I can.. right?” He leans down slightly and I shrug. “Right?” He asks again more aggressively. I smirk, “sure whatever you want to believe.” I go to turn around to walk away. “Let me drive you home, you’re gonna get wet ma.” The nickname causes me to turn quickly, “I already am.” I smirk, “in what way?” He tilts his head.
“Not the way you’re thinking, that’s inappropriate Mr Sturniolo.” I bite my lip lightly, “I’ll bring my car around, so Matt doesn’t see you.” He nods and rushes around the corner, the tension was so strong but the rain is getting worse I can’t think about anything other than my hands freezing off. The Porsche drives around the corner and pulls up, I open the passenger door and get in.
“Thanks.” I breathe out, he presses the seat heaters on and leans in the seat behind him and pulls out one of his jackets. “Put that on, you should wear it to school on Monday.” He smirks, “it’s a college not a school.” I scoff, “same thing, and I can take the jacket back if you’re gonna be ungrateful.” He looks at me before laughing slightly.
“You know.. I should be mad that you were with my brother but for some reason, I don’t give a shit.” He adds, turning on music, “Maybe it’s because you’ve got a bigger-” I stop myself, “a bigger??” He asks, “Ego.” I huff. “Sure, sure.” He smiles.
He pulls over for a moment “Wait where do you live? I just realised I don’t know where I’m going.” He looks at me, “we don’t need to go to my house right now.” I grin, “what’re you thinking?” He tilts his head, “I think we should go for a drive and chill out.” I smile.
“Does chilling out include you riding me in the backseat or..” he laughs and I do too, “Chris!” I say and pause for a moment. “Maybe.. just keep driving.” I add. He smiles widely and starts to drive again..
A/n: I haven’t written this in a while but omg I’m excited to continue, I’m pretty busy with school atm but I will try to update asap. Also sorry for edging y’all with this.. why am I kinda team Chris tho 😖 and Matt is kinda an asshole sorry not sorry
@blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @mattybslover @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @bueckerslover @fratbrochrisgf @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @certifiednatelover @freshsturns @riasturns @sturniololvrrr @maryx2xx @whicked-hazlatwhore @cammie4298 @sturnsjtop @sturnzblog @chr1sgirl4life @evie-sturns @milasturniolo @jaxyy219 @mattsturniolosbae @h3arts4harry @littlebookworm803 @realqueenofpepsi @elsxz1 @jnkvivi
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lukeywritesstuff · 11 months
Jealous Jack at the umich football game. A bunch of college guys are obsessing over the reader and Jack can’t take it anymore.
Fucking Loser
Jack Hughes x reader
Note: Okay bare with me on this one, I only slightly know football as I’m only starting to get into it, and by starting I mean I absolutely have no idea what’s going on and I just find one player so sexy I want him.
Warnings: jealousy, Weird drunk guys that can’t handle the word ‘no’, sexual assault mention, older man being creepy to a 20 year old, underage drinking, cursing
Jack invited me to go to the Wolverines home opener football game with him and his brothers, what he didn’t tell me was I had to sit with the crowd as they only had 3 field passes.
I came to this hoping I was gonna spend time with my boyfriend before his season started with the devils and he has to travel a ton for away games, but no, here I am in the crowd surrounded by a couple of horny guys who can’t keep their hands off me.
“Can you PLEASE for the love of God stop FUCKING TOUCHING ME!” I yell at the 2 guys either side of me, the stadium wasn’t too loud at that point so a bunch of people heard and it got the attention of Jack and his brothers, Luke and Quinn, making them come to the bleachers where we were.
“What’s going on here, why the fuck are you touching my girl when she’s asked you to fucking stop!” Jack said clearly angry with the two losers.
“We were just trying to get her grumpy ass into the spirit. Maybe you shouldn’t have left her alone here. Then maybe nothing would’ve happened.” One of the guys said.
Jacks face turned red and he was about to yell at him until Luke butted in.
“You have way too much confidence for a guy in his 8th year of college just so you can still be part of a team nobody cares about. You’re not going pro, give up on that. It’s never going to happen. You’re gonna have to leave college and get a normal job one day. Nobody’s gonna remember you, and if they do, don’t make them remember you as the loser who can’t listen to when a girl says no and assaults her. You’re almost 30, fucking act like it. How am I 10 years younger than you yet I even know better than that.”
The weirdo looked absolutely flabbergasted at what Luke said and just huffed off and walked away.
“Remind me to never leave your side, ever. I was so fucking stupid leaving you here with a bunch of FOOTBALL fans. Literally the worst breed of people.“ Jack said and started saying other shit about how stupid he is.
“Okay jack, shut the fuck up. I still love you. I will always love you. Yes I’d rather you have stayed with me, or found a way to get me another field pass. But now it’s in the past, he’s gone. His friends gone. We can either enjoy the rest of the game or we can go back to the house and relax by the lake, maybe even force Quinn to go on a relaxing boat ride to calm down after this.”
Jsck just nodded and grabbed my hand before we left with Quinn. (Luke stayed back because he was hanging out with his ex-teammates after the game)
We went out on the boat Jack and I had some coolers that he bought on our way home (even though I’m not legal for another month) and we spent the rest of the day relaxing until Luke and a hoard of college boys took over the backyard and started a fire.
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bluesidez · 5 months
AcademicRival!Miguel x AcademicRival!reader
where they will do quite literally ANYTHING (legally) POSSIBLE to one up each other.
whether their petty rivalry began in high school or first year of uni/college, IDC- but they absolutely despise each other.
and!!! at some point down the track, they forgot why they were beefing in the first place, only for it to start stemming from a place of 'jealousy' (yk how sometimes jealousy is actually feelings of romantic interest in disguise,, yeah, that) and it gets to the point where they are quite literally making it all their friends' problem bc of it.
like i can imagine reader drinking something that Miguel sees and Miguel going 'i need to have this all the time and sell it out so reader can never have any' and Peter is like '???', or reader finding out Miguel got a certain mark and goes 'nobody speak to me for a month i have to understand everything about quantum physics before that smug asshole opens his mouth' and Jess is like '??? just kiss, fym??'
and then they finally have a moment where they have no choice but to rely on each other- whether Miguel's car breaks down on the side of the road reader happens to drive by and she takes him to his, or if reader desperately needs help in a situation and immediately calls him bc she knows he'll pick up bc she needs scary dog privileges and thats HIM so then they end up having a moment of reflection together with either super fluffy smut or absolute debauchery and fluffy aftercare i totally dont mind either way.
IDK do you know what i mean??? 🫣🫢🤭
anyway LY BLUE-BLUE, thank yew for letting me ramble on 🤍🩵
Are you asking me to write this? 🧐 (I shall add it to the pending ideas list just for you 🐰🩵)
I wrote that as a reply as soon as you sent it, but now I have more ideas that I wanna yap about to go along with this.
SO!! You already have a rivals, enemies to lovers trope going on. What better way to make it even more fun than to add the stoic x chatty dynamic???
Like I’m imagining the reader and Miguel first meeting in middle or high school. He’s a transfer student that’s immediately making the top grades and people are like where tf did he come from?? Reader doesn’t really think anything of it, she just carries on with her school life, chatting away (and getting in on the gossip about Miguel).
It’s not until he ends up in the same class with reader one semester (probably in high school) that reader is finally able to be in close contact with him. He’s so quiet and a little boring, but there’s always random girls coming in and out of the classroom to attempt to chat to him.
They’re always bringing snacks or sweets for him. He always turns them down with a “No thank you. I don’t like chocolate.” type of response. (What he thinks to be polite and cordial)
The guys in the class think he’s a huge jerk. The girls in the class still fond over him. You think he’s an oddball, a weirdo. But you really have no solid information to justify it.
It’s not until one day that the teacher asks this obscure question that he pisses you off. (I havent thought of a weird question yet tho). Everyone else has given crude or stupid answers, riling each other up and joking. You raise your head to give the most out-of-the-box, yet plausible answer that leaves the teacher impressed and the class laughing in shock. Miguel scoffs and debunks it so fast, that you start to feel like one of his rejected groupies. If you thought the laughter for your answer was loud, the laughter for his sounds like the crowd in a football stadium.
You’re embarrassed but you don’t really show it. You just brush it off and joke with everyone else like usual.
Then, one of the class’s first huge tests come. You’re gunning for the number 1 spot although you figure it won’t be too hard with half of the room being class clowns and the other half not giving af. You read over the material once and already have a good grasp on it, so you joke around with everyone else. There’s rap battles and TT routines. You guys even manage to get the teacher in on some of them. From the front of the room, you can see Miguel glancing back at you with such a sour look on his face. Wtf was his deal??
Test day finally comes. You’re the first to turn yours in with a smug smile on your face. You even take a nap until the next bell.
You’re on cloud nine for about a good week. Although, every time you open your mouth in class, Miguel looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Then, the time came for the teacher to hand out the papers. He was pretty theatrical and loved to announce who got the highest score.
You were gearing up for him to say your name. And you don’t know of you’re crazy, but you’re certain your mom didn’t put “Miguel O’Hara” on your school registration form.
You frown as you come back to reality, watching as teacher handed him is paper. From your seat, you can see the bright red 100 in the corner, a smiley face to adorn it.
Then the teacher hands you your paper. A 99.5. Just 0.5 points from a perfect score. And what you got points taken off for is something so ridiculous that you could scream.
You can see him in your peripheral as you chat with the other students about the answers. Just as you discuss your silly mistake you take a small look at him. He has a faint smirk on his face, as if to laugh at your downfall.
From then on, you decide that it’s a war.
[and obviously, the story would travel with them as they grow. Once they’re adults, I can imagine Miguel to still be this same stoic, yet more approachable person who has had a ROSTER of hookups and a reader who’s still so flirty and chatty, yet can’t find a good partner to save their life. The dynamic of him knowing exactly how to make reader feel good verses reader being overwhelmed for once would be sooooo good]
What do you think Lexie-bun?? 🥸
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Future Mx. Iwaizumi
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Hajime Iwaizumi featuring Team Japan x GN! Manager
Warnings: fluff, swearing, Oiks and Sumu in the same hcs
AN: this is an anon request!
Ughhhhhh *punch’s air repeatedly*
It’s fine, I’m fine, this is fine 😐
What do I have to be jealous of?
I mean, sure you’re engaged Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic trainer
And sure you’re the manager for the Team Japan Men’s Volleyball Team
😐🙄 anyways, needless to say I’m extremely jealous of you YN
You’ve been dating Iwa for a while now
Actually even since you both met in College 🥰
You somehow managed to bag one of the hottest men in the entire universe and we won’t question it
Because you 👏🏻 deserve 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
Anyways, you are Iwa we’re always pretty low key about your relationship
I mean, Oikawa knew
Oikawa knows everything 🙄
But otherwise, you were pretty on the dl
It’s not that you didn’t love Haji or want to show him off but seriously nobody likes a bragger
Even thought you’d deserve to brag YN
I mean you bagged HAJIME IWAIZUMI so please brag away 😌
I’d be walking around like “this is my partner Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic Trainer. Isn’t he GORGEOUS!!!”
Fortunately you aren’t me and you are a humble being, who values your privacy with your fiancé
You and Iwa got engaged before you came back to Japan and before you both landed the gigs with Team Japan volleyball
Of course you both knew you were applying for each job and you encouraged each other
They were your dream jobs after all!
Not sure what universe you are living in to dream about managing toddler men Yn but you do you 😅
Anyways, you and Iwa were extremely professional while at practice
Of course, Kuroo and the coaches knew you were engaged
But the team, the team did not
And there were absolutely no problems
😂😂😂 literally couldn’t even type that with a straight face
N E WAYS the guys were literally feral at practice and around you
You and Iwa both agreed that you shouldn’t wear you engagement ROCK at practice
Because like, it can get caught on the net, your finger could get jammed, literally so many problems
You wanted to get a band for practice but you just hadn’t gotten around to it
Not like you aren’t super busy or anything 😐
“YN do you have an extra nail file?”
“YN can you help with blocking practice?”
“YN where’s Bokuto?”
“YN Hinata’s locked in the bathroom again!”
Literally not busy at all 🙄
You literally crashed every single night when you got home and Iwa understood why
While he had a training room to seek refuge in, you had nowhere to run
You literally had a trail of 6ft plus ducklings following you
Every once in and a while you’d manage to escape to visit Iwa
You’d walk through the doors of the training room as Haji would watch
“Hey babe, how’s it going?” He’d ask as you’d put your hand up, collapsing on of the training tables
“Please Haji, just 5 minutes of quiet,” you’d groan out as you tried to recover
5 seconds later
“YN? YN!!! Hey there you are?” Hinata would yell with Kageyama on his heels
Iwa is just rolling his eyes in the corner
You stand up, fixing your hair and staring at the two dummies
“Yes?” You grit out
“Can you measure our jumping height? Kageyama said I’m still not as high as he is!” Hinata says
“You’re still shorter than me you shrimp!” Kageyama growls
“I would but I’d have to bend down,” kageyama smirks 😏
“Alright- Alright!” Iwa says, breaking it up as you sighed
“I’ll be there in 2 minutes guys, please try not to kill each,” you add as they leave
Iwa walks over to you grabs you and gives you a big hug, “love you babe, we will get your favorite tonight for dinner to make up for these idiots.”
Needless to say, Hajime was your savior the whole training season
And when it came to the actual Olympics he was there to support you the entire time
As you prepared for your first game, our favorite Argentinian v.ball player came to visit 🥰
“There’s my precious YN-Chan!” Oikawa gushes as you stare
You 👉🏻😐🙄 hello Toru
Kageyama and Ushijima are fuming in the corner because like why are you talking to HIM 😤
“So when is the big day Yn? Have you and Iwa-Chan decided when you’re going to get hitched?” Toru says
Team Japans heads snap to you 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ excuse me-
“Ha ha good one Oikawa,” Aran says
“Why would you ship YN with Iwa and not me!” Atsumu says offended
“Wait they don’t know?” Oikawa says
“Who doesn’t know what?” Iwa says, standing next to you
“That you and YN are engaged,” Oikawa says as Team Japan just stares at you
“Say sike right now!” Atsumu cries
You and Iwa 👉🏻😐🙄 well it was good while it lasted-
“Shittykawa it’s because they didnt know!” Iwa says
“YN really?!?” Hinata gushes 🥹
Flower MAN material YN write it down ✍️
“Dang! Well I guess congratulations!” Yaku adds
“It’s not a big deal guys, we don’t talk about it much,” you say
“Really Yn? Because I’d totally brag about being engaged to Iwa if I were you!” Hoshiumi laughs
He’s not wrong Yn 😏
“Omg wait Yn can I be a bridesmaids? Or a brides man or a man groom?” Bokuto :D
You 👉🏻😐😳 uhhh
“No Bokuto I’m going to be the best man for YN! Or brides person? Or person of honor?” Hinata questions
You and Iwa 👉🏻🤨 well at least they aren’t nervous anymore
“Now now everyone, I’m going to be the only person standing up for YN and Iwa,” Oikawa 🥰
“Over my dead body!” Atsumu screams
“Shittykawa shut up!” Iwa shouts
You just sigh, absolutely living your life ♥️
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napakmahal · 3 months
Reader making Tadashi listen to the new Charli xcx Brat💚 album 😛🫶 ((if you haven’t listen to it yet YOU SHOULDD
Kidding maybe…
😭 but if you don’t want to write about that then perhaps ice cream comfort moment with Tadashi and getting some fresh air on his moped after a flopped exam ((chem exam for me ngl 💔💔))
Chemistry is in fact NOT for the weak
Nobody likes to feel like they lost, especially after they’ve tried so hard. Tadashi was one of those rare gems that were both straight A students in high school and a (mostly) straight A student in college. With the exception of freshman year when getting a C was a straight victory. Since his development of Baymax, he was enrolled in several health courses full of others who wanted to be doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and phlebotomists. Pharmacology was not for the weak.
He studied so hard he really did. Chemistry was Honey’s thing and she was nice enough to tutor and quiz him for weeks leading up to his three hour exam. But he needed to take the course, not in order to graduate, but he wanted Baymax to be able to give accurate first opinion prescriptions. He was up all night and studied all day. He nearly injected raw liquidized pure caffeine into his veins. So it was devastating when he got back that paper with a fat 64% written in red ink.
When you picked him up he didn’t say anything. Just leaned his body weight onto you in a hug with the most defeated look it broke your heart. Everyone got shitty grades, especially in college. But that didn’t make it hurt any less. He didn’t fail it but that was a comfort to literally nobody.
Because the test was so early he was able to leave campus by eleven. At home all he did was lay on his bed and stare at the giant 64%. He’d flipped through the entire package at all the questions he’d gotten wrong cursing at himself at the ones he should’ve gotten right. He could have sat there for hours cursing at himself and you knew that. Which is why you went left for about half an hour to rush to the store. Two personal sized ice cream tubs and extra chips and small candy. None of it healthy but who gives a shit?
By the time you’d come back he was still in the very same position on his bed. His face was completely blank, his eyes weren’t even moving.
“Hey,” You leaned onto his bed and yanked the packet from his hands and tossed it on top of his dresser.
He put his hands over his face and said with a muffled voice, “Give it back.”
You simply said “No.” Taking the cold grocery store bag and resting it directly where his shirt had ridden up to reveal his bare stomach skin.
Tadashi curled up like a rolley polley and hissed. “Ah! What was that?”
“That was the feeling of medicine.” You reached into the bag and pulled out the orange-pink container of white peach sorbet and a metal spoon you’d dug out of his kitchen. Tadashi is lactose intolerant, he tries to refrain from eating dairy plus he genuinely believes that sorbet tastes better than ice cream in general.
You two were sitting on his bed resting against each other's bodies and enjoying your frozen treats while watching say yes to the dress, a classic.
“I’m not so sure this counts as medicine.” He joked and fed you a spoonful of his sorbet.
You asked, “Did this make you feel any better?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Then it’s medicine.”
He let out such a joyful laugh, smiling with his perfectly straight teeth. He placed the container between his thighs and started rubbing his temples. “Oh shit, I just remembered I have to break it to Honey that I didn’t pass. She’s gonna kill me.”
“She’s not Gogo, she won’t kill you.” You scoffed. “Besides, you technically did pass. You knew more than half of the answers! That’s more than most people know!”
Tadashi laughed through his nose and just burrowed his head into your body for comfort. “Unless you have a reason to be so upset about it. What’s your grade in that class?”
He mumbled something.
“What?” You asked him to repeat himself.
Another mumble.
“Baby, I can’t hear you. Say it one more time.”
“A hundred-twenty six percent!”
You sat up off his bed frame and pulled your body away from his, causing his head to go crashing into the wood. “Are you serious?”
“First of all, ow.” He rubbed his head. “Second of all, yes I’m serious.”
“You have a one hundred twenty six percentage in that class, why are you so upset over this test? It’s not going to hurt you that badly.”
Tadashi looked down into his lap and took a big spoonful of his sorbet. Between a full mouth he said, “I don’t know, I just hate failing, so much.”
“But you’re not failing.” Your voice was softer.
He shrugged. “I know I’m not but I just don’t like to feel like I’m failing.”
You held his face in your hands and kissed his forehead so sweetly his heart did a leap. “ I get that, but I just feel like you’re driving yourself crazy over nothing. You’ll do better next time and you’ll learn from your mistakes but there’s no need to lose your mind over this, you know?”
Tadashi nodded with your hands still around his face. “I know, it just kinda feels shitty.”
“I know it does, love. But it’ll be okay, you’re so smart and such a hard worker.” You pressed little pecks all around his face.
His face scrunched under your lips. “Thank you, hunny.”
You two cleaned up and just sat in his bed watching stupid TLC shows when you started slipping into sleep in his arms. His fingers gently brushed against your face and eventually coaxed you to sleep. No matter how numb his arm got Tadashi didn’t dare move so he wouldn’t wake you up. A few minutes later he’d almost fallen asleep right beside you until a small ding came from his bedside table. A text notification on his phone from Honey.
Heyy! How did it go?
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angelsmist · 2 years
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prompt: a leak in your residence hall calls for unexpected pairings…
contains - cursing, shuri x fem!reader,
disclaimers - this is not my idea!! all credits to @vargskelegore for hbcu shuri. it is an amazing idea. however, the storyline is mine. also, i would prefer if only black people read this story, simply because it is a reader insert specifically for us. thank you <3
this will be a continuous story that i use, but with different prompts. but it will follow about the same storyline. feel free to request !
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“Girl, are you fucking serious?”
“Look, my girlfriend offered and I have no reason to decline. I’m sorry.”
You resisted the urge to lunge at your roommate. There was a monoxide leak in your dorm, meaning that you two were kicked out of your housing, amongst many, many others. Both of you agreed that it’d be better to just get a nearby hotel for the time being, but at last minute she switched up and decided to stay with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s roomie.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to find anyone else on such short notice because, who the hell would accept a third person, especially a stranger, into a dorm meant for two?
“So, what am I supposed to do then? Nobody’s gonna wanna room with me, and I don’t have enough money to pay for any hotels nearby right now,” You argued, practically fuming. The agreement was to split the bill, but now that she had backed out, there was no way for you to pay solo.
“I’m sorry, (name). I’ll try and ask people if they have room to squeeze you in, but for now, just worry about finishing the rest of your classes. We’ll talk later.”
You shut your eyes, huffing loudly. “Okay. But I swear, if I can’t find a place to stay tonight-“
“Chill,” Your roommate, Tati cut you off. “We’ll figure out something.”
“We better,” You grumbled, readjusting your laptop and notebook in hand before turning on your heel to get to your next class.
You had history next, a class that you were dreading simply because your professor was an absolute snooze fest. Nothing in that class was enjoyable.
Well, scratch that. There was just one thing to look forward to in that class.
That happened to be because of the girl who sat next to you during that class. It was none other than the princess of Wakanda herself.
Towards the end of freshman year in college, there were rumors that the Princess Shuri would be enrolling there. It was all just talk, though, so you never really trusted it. Plus, out of all places, why would literal royalty waste her time at a college when she could be traveling the world?
You had moved back in a few weeks before the first day and thought your mind was playing tricks on you when you saw her while you were trying to figure out where your dorm was supposed to be.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring until her eyes eventually met yours. She offered a smile, but you stupidly stared back at her dumbfounded, still in shock. That got a laugh out of her as she walked away, leaving you feeling incredibly stupid.
That encounter had lived freely in your mind for a long time. You even told Tati about it, which only made her laugh at you and mock you for actual months about it. She couldn’t blame you, though. The princess was fine as hell.
What you didn’t know was that you’d get a second chance later to make a better impression.
Surprised would be an understatement when you saw Shuri enter your history class. You hoped your mind was playing tricks, but looking around, just about everyone had the same reaction as you.
You looked away from the princess, not wanting a repeat of last time. Everyone else in the class silently hoped that Shuri would make the choice of sitting next to them.
It was when you heard shuffling on the opposite side of you that you realized someone had taken the seat on the very end of the row you were sitting in.
The seat next to you.
And well, the rest was history. Heh, get it?
“You look stressed,” Shuri noted, snapping you out of your thoughts. It was like your brain had been in auto-pilot while you were walking to class.
Shutting your eyes, you grumbled in frustration. “Is it that obvious?”
She hummed in response with a nod, sitting up from her chair to shift closer to you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nah, we can talk about this later. We got a presentation due like next week and we’ve barely started,” You dismissed, pulling up Powerpoint. You two had been paired up for a project.
“Yes, but I know you, and I know we won’t be able to do this assignment properly until you tell someone why you are so tense.”
“Okay, first of all, you don’t gotta call me out like that.” You narrowed your eyes at the princess. “Second of all, you heard about that leak in one of the residence halls?”
Shuri’s nod was your signal to continue. “Yeah, so, I was living there. And my plan was to book a hotel room with my roommate until the college can get us a more permanent place to stay, but she just backed out at last minute because of another offer. A free one. I can’t afford to buy my own room, so as of now, I literally have nowhere to live. Like, most of my stuff is in my locker in the locker room.”
“You should’ve said something sooner,” Shuri chuckled, tapping her pencil against her notebook. “Like texted me, or something. You can room with me for tonight. Or however long you need to.”
There was no way you’d turn down that offer. “Seriously? You’re okay with me crashing for a little?”
“Of course. It gets lonely every once in a while and I have enough space for two. Consider it a thank you for helping me adjust to college in the first few weeks,” Shuri confirmed, a smile playing at her lips.
“You are a lifesaver,” You breathed out, nodding at your friend. “Thank you.”
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Once class ended, you told Shuri you’d meet her in the quad as soon as majorette practice ended. Unfortunately, it was a whole lot longer than you had anticipated. The worst part was, it was an outside practice, so not only did you have to work your ass off, you also had to do with the heat of the sun basically frying you.
Practice could not be over soon enough. By the time it did end, the sun had already began to set and the sky turned a cool blue. You hadn’t had the chance to tell Shuri you’d probably be a little later than you told her because you didn’t have time.
You grabbed your water bottle, wiping sweat off your neck. When you felt a tap on the shoulder, you turned around to see Tati. “Hey, you know Kendall? That junior who bombed her tryout for the team? She has a free spot in her dorm cause the last girl moved out.”
You furrowed your eyebrows suspiciously. “Why’d she move out?”
Tati shrugged in response. “I don’t know, but I could ask her if you want.”
“Nah, I think she has like, a personal vendetta against me. Pretty sure I took her spot this year,” You replied.
“Girl, that wasn’t her spot. She messed up that audition all on her own,” Tati spoke, only half-joking.
You laughed at her harsh, but true words. “It’s all cool, though. I found a temporary roommate, anyways.”
“That’s good! I’m sorry again for bailing on you at last minute.”
“Don’t worry, I get it. We don’t got the money to be booking hotels when there’s a free option. You’re good.” You smiled, closing your water bottle.
You and Tati looked at the other group of majorettes socializing and noticed they had stopped talking to stare at something. Or rather, someone.
“Is that the princess?” You heard one say.
Tati turned to you. “Quick, look away before you end up staring at her like a deer in headlights again.”
You narrowed your eyes at your roommate. “Funny.”
You looked to the entrance of the large stadium that your group was practicing near and you couldn’t say that you weren’t surprised to see Shuri coming through them, looking around your group as if searching for something.
Once her gaze met yours, her eyes lit up as she began to walk towards you. It was like she didn’t even notice the entire team gawking at her.
“Hey, I was getting worried,” Shuri greeted you with a grin. “Are you ready to go?”
You looked at her slightly confused. “Wha…oh! You here for me?”
The princess looked at you as if you were crazy. “Who else would I be here for?”
“Right.” You mentally face-palmed, shutting your eyes for a moment in embarrassment. “I’ll be ready in a second, can you just meet me in the locker room so I can get my stuff out of there?”
Shuri nodded silently before turning away and heading towards the locker rooms just like you had asked.
When you turned to Tati, her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. “You didn’t tell me your new roommate was the princess!”
Tati must’ve said it too loudly, because her word quickly attracted the attention of your teammates, who began to walk towards you.
You knew exactly how this was gonna end. You’d be bombarded with questions you didn’t feel like answering, nor feel comfortable answering. You sent a wave to Tati before jogging towards the doors Shuri had just left through.
“You better tell me everything!” You heard Tati yell before exiting.
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artyandink · 7 months
we could be more | dean winchester | 6
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
‘I’m sorry about Xavier.’ Jo sighed from the other side of the phone. ‘He sounded great.’ 
“He was.” I smiled. “Thanks, Jo.” 
‘It’s ok. It’s horrible for this to happen, especially when you’re only just recovering from Carter.’ 
“People around me are dying, Jo.” I frowned, munching on my chocolate spread sandwich. “What if those two die too?” 
‘Those two are different.’ She vouched. ‘And I mean different. They literally seem… unkillable.’ 
“Nobody’s unkillable.” 
‘They do. Plus, there’s a bonus. Dean’s hot.’ I choked on my sandwich. 
“Sorry, what?” I coughed. “Don’t tell me you have a thing for him.” 
‘A lot of people would.’ 
“Never say that in front of me again.” I sighed. “I hate you.” 
‘Love you too.’ 
I smiled. “Love you, Jo.” I heard cries from upstairs, so I clicked my tongue. “I’ll call you later.” I cut the call, jogging up the stairs and going into Sam’s room, sitting on the bed and gently tried to wake him up, softly shaking him. “Sammy. Sammy, wake up.” He jerked awake, sitting up with sweat shining on his forehead. “Hey, I’m here.” 
“I…” He panted, looking around. 
“Tell me what you saw, Sam.”
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“I don't know, man, why don't we just chill out, think about this.” Dean mused, and Sam shut the radio. 
“What is there to think about?” He shrugged. 
“I just don’t know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea.”
”Dean, it's another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where.” 
“Yeah, man, but-“ 
“Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. My visions always do.” 
“Let’s just go there, shall we?” I cut in, sighing. “I don’t wanna listen to this conversation any longer cause my brain is gonna hurt.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean agreed, all of us sitting in silence.
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 We pulled up at the roadhouse, getting out and walking in, where we bumped into Jo. 
“Just can’t stay away, can you?” Jo flirted to Dean, folding her arms. 
“Yeah, looks like it.” Dean grinned. “How’re you doin’, Jo?” 
“Where’s Ash?” Sam asked hurriedly. 
“In his back room.” Jo pointed, and he jogged off. “And I’m alright.” 
“He’s just a bit jittery.” I smirked. “We’re on a bit of a timetable.” 
“I’m gonna go with Sam.” Dean informed, leaving. 
“You can’t tell me he’s not hot.” Jo giggled. 
“No.” I shook my head, sitting down. “Dean’s a friend. He’s protecting me.” 
“From what?” She shrugged. “Nothing devil-like’s come after you yet.” 
“But something will.” I sighed. “I haven’t told them the full truth about what happened to Carter. They think that I got my powers to save a college roommate.” 
“What did you tell them?” 
“That Carter died because he stabbed himself. You know how he actually kicked the bucket.” 
“Tell them, then.” 
“They’ll flip out. I’m a multi-murderer.” 
“It’s not your fault. What happened will never be your fault.” Dean came back, so I winked to Jo and disappeared into the shadows, letting her do her thing. 
“And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight.” Dean sang, You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter night, and I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might-“ 
“You’re kidding?” Sam scoffed.
”I heard it somewhere, now I can’t get it out of my head, man.” Dean coughed. I snickered; Jo played this song in the roadhouse. “Ok, so, what now?” I asked as we drove in the Impala, smirking. 
“Andrew Gallagher. Born in eighty three, like me. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like me.” Sam explained. 
“You think the demon killed his mom?” Dean raised an eyebrow. 
“Sure looks like it.” 
“How do we even look for this guy?” I exhaled, shuffling through papers. “No address, photo in the system, place of work, the only thing there is all of his debt marks.” 
“Debt collection flags?” Dean asked. 
“Zilch.” I clicked my tongue. “That’s a problem. He’s got a work address, though. We just need to find out what he looks like.” 
“Got anything in the witch arsenal?” 
“Maybe an identification spell.” I rummaged through my satchel. “Or an ability to draw the face of the other person.” I picked out a pen, which flew on its own. “Oh, hey, Carl! Long time no see.” 
“The pen’s name is Carl?” Dean blinked. 
“Yeah. He knows almost everything ever done, and I thought I lost him.” 
“Ask Carl about Andy then.” Sam urged, turning around. 
“Ok. Carl, draw me a picture of Andrew Gallagher, born in ‘83.” I drew up a blank page of paper, and Carl started flying across the paper, ink left behind. He was drawing a face, and when he finished, he signed ‘Andrew Gallagher’ underneath it. 
“We’re lookin’ for a hobo, boys.” I clicked my tongue. “Aka a man who hasn’t known a woman’s touch in many moons.” 
“No.” Dean refused. “You’re not flirting with him.” 
“Yeah, I am. You go to his old workplace, I’ll deal with Andy himself.”
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“I’m dressing like I was when I was 19.” I sighed, walking into a diner. I had a blonde wig on, and yes, I briefly dyed my hair blonde. Andy was there, and as soon as he saw me, he sat up. I winked, sitting down next to him. “So, handsome, I’m new in town. Mind showing me what to get?” Why was I using a Boston accent?
“Sure, sweetheart.” He smirked, pointing out what to get on the menu. “What’s your name?” 
“Lily Xavier.” I smiled, looking him up and down. It seemed to go down well. He called a waitress, and spoke to her smoothly. 
“Can we get options 13 and 14 with a discount?” 
“Sure, sir.” The waitress nodded, walking off. I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna go to the restroom.” I excused, walking out the door and reaching the car, getting in beside Dean. “This is our guy. He did something to the waitress.” 
“Sam and I saw other things too.” I saw Andy approaching in the wing mirror, so out of panic, I put my hair in a ponytail, put on a band t-shirt, pulled my  leather jacket on and threaded the ponytail through a baseball cap. 
“Princeton?” Dean whispered, seeing the letters on the cap.
“Yeah.” I thought quickly, then I got it. “Kiss me.” I whispered, pulling Dean forward by his collar. Our noses bumped together gently, his green eyes flickering down to my lips and then up to my own grey eyes. 
“I like frisky women, but this is a little forward-“ 
“Andy’s coming, just kiss me.”
”But why?”
”PDA. Makes people turn their backs.” Dean obliged, our lips meeting with, ahem, a lot more passion than I was expecting. He had a woody cologne on, while I tasted this morning’s coffee on him, along with a… breath mint. I slipped my hand into his jacket, pulling out his gun as his free hand slipped around my waist, pulling me as close as he could. I handed him the gun, pulling away when I heard Andy clear his throat. 
“Hey.” Andy peered in the window, and Dean made  a quick recovery.
“Hey hey.” Dean smirked. 
“This is a cheery ride.”
”Hey, thanks.” 
“Man, the ‘67? Impala’s best year, if you ask me. This is a serious classic.” 
“Yeah. Just rebuilt her too.”
”Yeah, can’t let a ride this one go.” 
“Damn straight. Can I have it?” 
“Sure, man.”
”What?!” I whipped my head round, taking a hold of Dean’s arm. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Giving the car to him.” Dean replies with a grin, getting out. Stupidly, I got out after him, following after him. 
“Sweet.” Andy grinned, getting in the driver’s seat. 
“Just hop in there. There ya go.” 
“Dean, he’s taking your car.” I hissed. “You’d kill either Sam and I if we asked you about this.” 
“Eh, it’s ok.” Dean tossed Andy the keys, and he drove off. He seemed to snap out of it, turning to me. “Did he just take my car?” 
“Yeah.” I nodded. We got a call, and we picked it up. 
‘Dean! Andy’s got the Impala!’ Sam exclaimed. 
“Yeah, he asked me for it and I sorta, just, gave him it.” Dean gulped. 
‘You WHAT?!’ 
“Exactly. Dean literally got Obi-Wanned. We’re dealing with mind control, Sam.” 
‘Were you affected?’ 
“No, strangely. I think it might be my witch background. Vestiges of powers still remain even after you’re restricted.” 
‘Seems like it.’ Sam yelled out, then he poke frantically through the phone. ‘Dr Jennings just got hit by a bus.’ 
“We’re getting there.” 
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We found the Impala, running over to it. 
“Thank god! Oh. I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again.” Dean cooed, breathing a sigh of relief. “Well, at least he left the keys in it.” 
“Yeah, real Samaritan, this guy.” Sam grimaced. 
“Well, we know now that Andy uses verbal cues to get people to do his bidding.” I wrote it down in my flip notebook. 
“Dr Jennings got a call moments before he died. Maybe Andy called him.” 
“Yeah, I dunno, he just doesn’t seem like our guy.” I drew air in through my teeth. 
“Beg your pardon?” 
“You heard me.” I replied. “Andy doesn’t seem like a killer.” 
“You had O.J convicted before he even got out of his white Bronco and you’re having second thoughts about this hobo?” Dean scoffed.
”Pretty much. And O.J was found guilty.” I gave them a look. “Just trust my sixth sense on this, ok?” 
“Either way, how do we track this guy down?” Sam asked. 
“Not a problem.” Dean smirked.
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We opened a van, which had the worst setup I’d ever seen. 
“I’m starting to like this guy.” Dean smirked. 
“Yeah, well, stew in it.” I grimaced. “This is a pigsty. Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no... clown paintings on the walls, or scissors stuck in victims' photos. Not that typical of a serial killer. Can’t forget the knives.”
”Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein?” Sam read aloud, looking at some books, “That's some pretty heavy reading.” 
“And…” Dean held up Moby Dick’s bong, making us roll our eyes. 
“Can we focus?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Dean went and got something from a minimart, while Sam and I sat in the front seat of the Impala. 
“Ugh. I’d like to see a day where I don’t have you eat something that you microwave at a minimart.” He groaned. 
“What I don't get is the motive. I mean, the Doctor was squeaky clean, why would Andy waste him?” Sam pondered. 
“If Andy wasted him.” I cut in. 
“This again?” 
“Hey, we’re not always black and white where these things are concerned.” I retorted. “Andy could have these powers, but there’s a possibility that he’s not another copy of the Max kid you told me about.” 
“The Doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math.” 
“20 says you’re wrong.” 
“Hey!” Andy appeared at the window, slamming his hands down. “You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?” Dean looked stunned, but Sam and I kept our composure. 
“We’re lawyers.” Sam smiled. “A relative of yours has passed away-“ 
“Tell the truth!”
“That’s what I’m-“ 
“We hunt demons.” Dean blurted, making us stare at him. 
“What?” Andy gasped. 
“Dean!” Sam hissed. 
“Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother. This is Ivy, she’s a really, really gorgeous close friend.” 
“Dean, shut up!” 
“I’m trying- he's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself and Ivy’s a witch who had her powers taken away by the devil-“ 
God help me. 
I turned Dean to face me, kissing him hard. His words turned into incoherent mumbles, while Sam both smirked and looked away at the same time. I let him go, catching my breath. 
“The hell was that for?” 
“To shut you up. You were gonna spill the Winchester family history.” 
“Just leave me alone, alright?” Andy ordered. 
“Ok.” Dean winced, scrunching up his face.
“The hell we are.” I scoffed, getting out of the car with Sam and following Andy. 
“What are you doing?” Andy stammered. “Look, I-I said leave me alone. All right? Get out of here, just start driving and never stop.” 
“Doesn’t seem like it’s working, Wanda Maximoff.” We rounded on him. 
“You can make people do things, can't you?” Sam asked. “You can tell them what to think.” 
“That-that’s crazy.” 
“It all started about a year ago, didn’t it?” He continued. “When you were twenty two. Small things at first, but then you learnt how to control it.”
”How… how do you know all this?“
”Because the same thing happened to me, Andy. My mom died in a fire, too. I have abilities too. You see, we're connected, you and me.” 
“You know what? J-just get out of here, alright?!”
”Why did you kill that doctor?” 
“Sam.” I warned, then stepped forward. “We’re not gonna hurt you, ok?” 
“How are you so sure?” Andy retorted. 
I switched to my Boston accent from earlier. “Trust me, honey, if we wanted to hurt you, we would’ve by now.” 
“You’re the blonde chick?” 
“Precisely.” Sam cried out from behind me, holding his head. I turned around, taking a hold of him. “Sam? Sammy, what is it?” He started to fall, but Dean and I caught him and laid him down on the pavement. 
“Look, I didn’t do anything to him.” 
“A woman.” Sam gasped, eyes opening. “A woman burning alive.” 
“What else did you get?” Dean asked. 
“A woman is about to burn herself at a gas station.” 
“What d-do you m-mean, going to?” Andy stammered. “What is, what is he-“
”Shut it!” Dean snapped. 
“She gets triggered by a call on her cell.” Sam panted.
”I don’t know.” He nodded to Andy, “But if we keep an eye on this guy, he can’t hurt her.”
”I haven’t hurt anyone.” Andy retorted. 
“Not yet.” A fire engine roared past, all of us looking in shock. 
“Dean, go after the engine.” I ordered, then turned to Sam and Andy. “You two, with me.” 
“How are you not affected?” Andy asked me. 
“Your brain will probably fall out if I tell you.” I picked up a call from Dean. “Hello?” 
‘Hey, it’s me. She’s dead. Burned up, just like Sam said.’
”So Andy couldn’t have done it.” I sighed. “Sam owes me 20 bucks. But it has to be someone else, then.” 
‘Sam’s visions are getting out of control. This was barely a head start. Anyhow, I’ll dig around and see what I can find.’ 
“I’ll handle everything over here.” I cut the call, turning to Sam. “You owe me a 20, Sammy. Andy didn’t do it.” I held out my hand, and 20 bucks were placed there. “But we need to talk. All three of us.” 
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“So you get these premonitions of people about to die?” Andy asked Sam. We were all sitting on an abandoned truck in a mostly empty lot. Sam nodded. “Dude, that’s impossible.” 
“Andy, meet impossible.” I gestured to Sam, who laughed. 
“Some could say the same thing about what you do.” Sam smiled. 
“But… death visions.” Andy whispered. 
“Man, that sucks. I mean, like, when I got my mind thing? It was like a gift, you know, it was, it was like I won the lotto.“
”But, I… I don’t get it.” I frowned. “You still live in a van. I mean, you could- you could have anything you ever wanted.”
”But I’ve got everything I need, y’know?” 
“You’re really not a killer, are you?” Sam smirked, both of us sharing a look. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Andy laughed. 
“Have we got that sorted, then?” I grinned. 
“I still can’t get over how you were a blonde with a Boston accent.” 
“I used to be blonde, so I just bought a wig cause I knew it looked good on me. As for the Boston accent?” I exhaled with a nervous chuckle. “It just slipped out.”
Dean pulled up, getting out of the car while we got off the van. “Victim's name was Holly Becket, forty one, single.” He explained. 
“Who is she?” I asked Andy.
“I don’t know.” He replied, shrugging. 
“Called Ash on the way over here, he came up with a little something.” Dean looked at Andy. “Apparently Holly Becket gave birth when she was eighteen years old, back in 1983. Same day you were born, Andy.” 
“Andy, were you adopted?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah.” Andy nodded. 
Dean scoffed. “And you neglected to mention that?” 
“I don’t think he’s gonna mention it if we don’t bring it up.” I contradicted. 
Andy shrugged. “I mean, I, I never knew my birth parents, and, and like you said my adopted mom died when I was a baby - do you, do you think this Holly woman could actually be my m-“ 
“I don't know.” Dean grimaced. “I tried to get a copy of the birth records, but they're hard copy only, sealed in the county office.” 
“Well, screw that.” Andy grinned, then turned to me. “Do you think you can become Miss Boston again?” 
I groaned. “Sure.” I took my t-shirt off, revealing a crop top. I looked in the Impala, taking off my Princeton baseball cap and struggling for a second, emerging with a blonde wig and blue contacts. I also took out a bottle, spraying it on my face. I went back to them, feeling weird. “How do I look?” 
“Like a blonde babe.” Dean smirked. “Did you spray freckles on your face? And put blue contacts?” 
“Yeah.” I nodded. “I have faint freckles, so technically I sprayed on more.” I turned to Andy. “What am I supposed to do with this?” 
“Charm the guy long enough so I can get close and do the mind mojo.” Andy grinned. 
“Right.” I started using the Boston accent. “I’ll charm him, honey.” 
“That’s scary.” Dean chuckled nervously. 
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I approached the front desk of the records office, leaning over the front desk. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” The man asked. 
“I’m so sorry, I just got lost on my way to ‘Chusetts, so I’m hangin’ here for a few weeks. D’you mind showing me the ropes around ‘ere?” I twirled a bit of hair around my finger, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Sure, lovely. I could give you a lot more than that, too.” He winked. 
“Such as?” 
“Well, first-“ I was about to slap him, then Andy came up behind him and stopped me.
“Let us in. Don’t question why.” He commanded, and the man let us in. 
“Creeps nowadays. Even though I was meant to be flirting with him.” I spat, and Sam put his arm protectively around me. I started wiping off the makeup with a makeup remover pad, and he chuckled. 
“Now I see the freckles.” He grinned. “Can’t believe I didn’t before.” 
“Probably shouldn't have let you kids in here.” The guard gulped while Andy led him to the door. 
“No, it'll all be fine. All right? Just go get a cup of coffee.” Andy consoled while I sat down at the computer, typing quickly. “These aren’t the ‘droids you’re looking for.” 
“Awesome.” Dean grinned. While typing with one hand, I took my wig off, releasing my normal hair and taking my contacts out. A couple more buttons and… gotcha.
“I got it.” I called. Everyone crowded around me. 
“You did?” Andy gasped. 
“It’s true, Andy.” I nodded. “Holly Beckett was your birth mother.” 
“Huh. Does anyone have a Vicodin?” 
“Dr. Jennings was her doctor, too, I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t kill him.” 
“We believe you.” Dean assured. 
“Yeah.” Sam nodded. 
“Then who did?” 
“I have a vague idea.” I took out a needle and some herbs. “May I?” 
“Yeah.” Andy nodded. I pricked his finger, dropping it on the herbs. They became red dust, rising up and forming two boys. 
“I knew it. Holly Beckett gave birth to twins.” 
Andy was in shock, while I located the brother. 
“I have an evil twin.” Andy gasped. 
“Holly put you and your brother up for adoption.” I explained. “And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from upstate.” 
“Andy, how you doing?” Dean grimaced. “Still with us?” 
“Um, what’s the name of my brother?” Andy asked. 
“Ansem Weems. He’s got a local address.” I pulled out Steve. “Draw him, please, Carl.” 
“He lives here?” 
“Yeah. Carl’s drawing him right now.” 
“I’m not even surprised anymore.” He sighed upon seeing Carl drawing on a piece of paper. 
“I’ve got a match.” I showed the paper to the other three. “Recognise this guy?” 
“That’s… That’s Weber. He works where I work.” Andy gasped. “Oh my god. Tracy.” 
“Go. Get to the car!”
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”Alright, Andy, work with me. What do you know about Weber?” I asked, in shotgun while I loaded my gun. 
“Well, I mean, not much. I... Weber shows up one day, eight months ago?” Andy stammered. “Acting like he's my best friend in the world. Kinda weird, like, trying too hard, you know?” 
“Must have known you guys were twins.” Dean grimaced. “But why change his name? Why not tell you the truth?” 
“No idea.” I turned around, spotting Sam, who looked like he was in pain. 
“Dean, pull over!” I ordered, and he agreed, getting out of the driver’s seat and rushing over to Sam. I did the same, kneeling down in front of him. “Sam!” 
“Sammy!” Dean took Sam’s shoulders, trying to make heads or tails of what was happening. 
“Tracy.” Sam gulped, regaining consciousness. “Tracy’s gonna die.” 
“Tracy!” Andy gasped. 
“Beanie, you drive.” Dean got a sniper out of the trunk. “I’m gonna set up a sniper shot. Get Sammy and Andy there, then book it.” 
“Yes, sir.” I nodded, getting in the driver’s seat while Dean took mine. I handed Andy my gun. “Take care of it, yeah?” I then floored it, gritting my teeth. 
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I set up a sniper, aiming it at the lot, waiting for when Weber would come into a space where I’d get a clean shot. 
“Do you think this’ll work?” Dean asked. 
“Truth be told, I have no idea.” I breathed. “But I trust Sam.”
I watched as Sam busted the window to the car which Weber was sitting in open, holding a gun to him. “Get out of the car! Now!” Sam ordered.
“You really don’t want to do this.” Weber smirked, but then Sam punched him, giving Andy enough time to drag Tracy out of the car. Sam pulled Weber out, shoving him against the pavement and holding a gun to his head. 
“Don't move. Don't move!” He yelled. Andy ran over, duct taping Weber’s mouth and kicking him twice, but then Sam shoved him off. “No, I’ll handle him.” 
“I'm gonna kill you!” Andy shouted. 
“No, Andy, let me handle this!”
”I will kill you!”
”Listen to me! Listen to me!” Weber stared at Tracy, and she picked up a stick and hit Sam across the head with it, rendering him unconscious. 
“Tracy, stop!” Andy begged. “I said STOP IT!” Tracy put the stick down as Weber stood up, peeling the duct tape off his mouth. “How did you do that?” 
“Practice, bro.” Weber smirked. “If you'd just practice, you would know. Sometimes you don't need to use your words. If you have to, all you need is this. Sometimes the headache's worth it.” 
Andy grabbed Weber roughly. “You’re a twisted son of a-“
”Back off, Andy. Or Tracy's gonna do a little flying.” I saw Tracy standing at the edge of the bridge, crying. “Aren’t you, Trace? I’m stronger than you. I can do it.”
“Ok, ok. Alright, just please, don’t hurt her.” 
“Don't be mad at me, okay? I know, it's, it's all wrong. I didn't mean for this to happen, it's just... Tracy? She's trying to come between us.” 
“You’re insane.” Andy spat. 
“She’s garbage!” Weber scoffed. “Man, they all are! We can, we can push them, we can make them do whatever we want!” 
“Are you… are you really that stupid?” 
“You’ve learnt that you’ve got a twin, you call him up, go for a drink- you don’t start killing people!”
”I've wanted to tell you for so long, bro. But he didn't let me. He said I had to wait until the time was...” 
“Who‘s he?”
”The yellow eyed man.” I shared a look with Dean. This was the guy they’d told me about. 
“He came to me. In my dream. He said I was special. He told me he's got big plans for me. Wait 'till you see what's in store, Andy, for both of us! See, he's the one who told me I had a brother. A twin.” I lined up my shot, aiming for Weber’s temple. 
“Why did you kill our mother?” Andy cried. “And why-why Doctor Jennings?” 
“Because they split us up!” Weber practically screamed. “They ruined our lives, Andy! We could have been together this whole time. Instead of alone. I couldn't, I couldn't let them do that, I couldn't let them get away with that. No.” 
Dean lined up his shot, but he cracked a twig. Weber saw him, and smirked. I heard the command resonate, it was that powerful. 
“I see you. Bye bye.” 
“Dean!” I yelled as Dean aimed the gun at his chin. “DEAN!” I took a hold of it, aiming it towards my chest. 
“Fine. Kill her, then.” 
“Fight it, Dean.” I begged. He seemed to regain some consciousness of what he was doing, because he looked at the gun and back to me. 
“Beanie, help me.” He whispered, his finger tightening on the trigger. 
“Come on, Winchester.” I smiled. “You can do it-“ I heard a shot and a sharp pain, but when I looked down at my chest, I saw nothing. Instead, Weber fell to the floor, Andy standing behind him, holding my gun. 
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I ducked down, covering my head and screaming at the sound of a gunshot. Dad covered my mouth, hurriedly silencing me. 
“Hey, hey, jellybean!” He bent down in front of me. “What’s wrong?” 
“I almost got shot!” I yelled. 
“Highlighting the ‘shot’!” 
“Alright, I’m gonna teach you a valuable lesson, jellybean.” He shot into the distance, making me flinch. “Don’t be scared if you hear a gunshot.” 
“Why?” I asked, folding my arms. 
“Because if you hear it,” Dad grinned, “it wasn’t meant for you. Now, c’mon, jellybean. We’ve got a spirit to scramble.”
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”Good work, kid.” I muttered, grinning. Turns out Dean had managed to regain his senses and move the gun away from my chest right as he pulled the trigger. But the bullet nicked my ear.
”Beanie, sweet Jesus!” Dean cursed, chucking the gun aside and turning my face. “We need to get you to the ambulance.”
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“Your ear will be fine, ma’am.” A nurse assured, taping the last of the graze. “You’re lucky your boyfriend saved you.”
”Extremely lucky.” I whispered. But when I looked at Dean, he avoided my eyes while Sam and Andy walked over. 
“My gun, please.” I held out my hand, and I got my gun back. “You did good, Andy.” I shook his hand, standing up. “I’ll give you my cell too. Neither of you have to be alone when this big plan is set in motion.” I then gave Andy my number, grinning.
“Thanks, Miss Boston.” Andy joked.
”Call me Ivonne Rainer.” I smirked. Andy went over to brainwash more police while I took a walk with Sam.
“I saw you when you got shot.” Sam looked at me, calculating. “You didn’t even flinch.” 
“Partially the adrenaline from saving your brother, but also because I’ve been taught that if you hear the bullet, it wasn’t meant for you.” I replied casually. 
“Solid advice. From your dad, right?” 
“Yep.” I clicked my tongue. “Y’know, I’ve been thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“What if my abilities weren’t meant for me? What if Carter was supposed to have ‘em?” 
“How so?” 
“Born in ‘83. Family dies, but not in a house fire. Abilities mysteriously start. I mean, you don’t find a witch suddenly in a line of pure human. And these psychic powers of yours, they made you immune to Andy. I shouldn’t be, but I am. It makes me think that this is all connected somehow.” 
“We could try and find out.” Sam suggested. “But one thing’s for sure.” 
“What’s for sure?” 
“That if Carter was alive, today,” He smiled, “he’d think the world of you. I do, at least. And it’s obvious that you treat me the same way that you’d treat Carter if he was still here.” 
“Is it that obvious?” I joked. “You’re just like he was, Sammy. And I’d give the world to that kid. If he was… well… alive.” 
Sam nudged me. “I think he knows.” 
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“Jo?” Ellen asked. We were now at the roadhouse, since Ellen had called us there. 
“Hmm?” Jo looked up. 
“Go pull up another case of beer.” 
“Now. Please.” Jo went to get more beer, so Ellen leaned forward. “So. You uh, you want to tell me about this last hunt of yours?” 
“No. Not really.” Dean quickly refused. “No offence, but this is kind of a family thing.” 
“Not anymore.” Ellen dropped a pile of papers on the desk. “I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burnt down on his six month birthday, just like your house. You think it was the demon both times, don't you? You think it went after Gallagher's family?” 
“We think so.” Sam nodded. 
“Sam…” Dean hissed. 
“Why?” Ellen raised an eyebrow, looking between us. 
“None of your business.” 
“You mind your tongue with me, boy. This isn't just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad's coming and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here.” 
“There are people out there, like Andy Gallagher, like Sam.” I explained. “And um, they all have some kind of ability.” 
“Yeah. Psychic ability.” Sam nodded. “Me, I have, um, I have visions. Premonitions. I don't know, it's different for everybody. The demon said he had plans for people like us.” 
“What kind of plans?” 
“No way to know for sure.” I grimaced. 
“These people out there, these psychics. Are they dangerous?” 
“Not all of them. But some are or can be extremely dangerous.” 
“Ok, how many are we looking at?” Ellen asked. 
“We've been able to track a clear pattern so far.” Dean chimed in. “They've all had house fires on the night of the kid's six month birthday.” 
“Well, that’s not true.” I cut in. 
“Weber and/or Ansem Weems, he had no house fire. Nothing out of the ordinary.” 
“Which breaks pattern.” Ellen sighed. “So if there’s others just like him, there’s no way to track ‘em all down.” 
“Which makes our job harder.” 
“Jo, honey?” 
“Yeah?” Jo popped her head round the door. 
“You better break out the whiskey instead.”
21 notes · View notes
writermai05 · 4 months
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 7: Witness Me, Like Fire
Summary: Zuko and Azula reunite?
Pairing: Zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: A late/early chapter to make up for lack of chapter this week. I’m actually hoping to get another chapter out on Friday so let’s keep these good vibes going LOL.
Word Count: 800
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings !: Mentions of Zuko’s scarring, Azula has a mental breakdown (team get Azula therapy.)
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Zuko was going to burn down the shop if people kept coming in. 
He was so close to being done, and yet his shift at the Jasmine Dragon was never ending. A mere 15 minutes before Friday night closing, a whole group of college students from the university, probably a club Zuko had guessed, and they had about 20 people all together. It had taken Zuko alone nearly 30 minutes to get everybody their drinks and he was absolutely drained. 
As he ducked below the counter to put some pastries in the refrigerator, he heard the door chime once again. Letting out a silent sigh, he called out to the customer, “Sorry! We’re actually closed right now.” The person who walked in gave an eerily familiar chuckle. 
“Even for family Zuzu? How disappointing..” 
A chill shot down his spine. He straightened his spine, standing up from beneath the counter, facing his sister. 
She cut him off before he could even get another word in.
“A Southern Water Tribe girl, about..hm..” She laid her right hand flat in front of her chin, “This tall. Nice, talkative, kind of strange.” 
At the mention of you, Zuko felt lightning shoot through his veins, himself becoming a storm brewing in the middle of the shop. 
“Bingo! Right on the nose. She mentioned that the two of you were classmates, so I figured you and our dear uncle still lived at this little tea shop. It’s…quaint.” She said snidely, literally turning her nose up at the shop that Zuko and Iroh had put years of work into.
“How did you know about the shop?” 
“You think our father doesn’t know where you are? After all these years, you thought you were finally free?” Azula chuckled bitterly. “Ridiculous, really. You should know better than that.”
“What about Mai and Ty Lee? Did you know they were in Ba Sing Se? Have you been keeping tabs on them too?” Zuko knew that it was a deep cut, but at this point he didn’t even care. Azula’s facade cracked at the mention of her two former best friends. 
“They don’t matter. Nobody does.”
“Then why are you here? If you’re so much better than this, then why even come?” Zuko yelled, becoming frustrated. 
This alarmed Iroh, who was blissfully unaware of the situation that was escalating a mere five feet away outside of the kitchen. He came into the front of the cafe where the two siblings were arguing. 
“Azula? It’s been so long...” Iroh kept his eyes trained on the woman, a phantom image of the little girl he once knew, years before. Azula and Zuko’s heads snapped to their uncle.
“Hello Uncle. I can see you're still yourself.” Zuko rolled his eyes at his sister’s reply, letting out a scoff. 
“Knock it off. Why are you here Azula?”  
Azula shrugged, feigning innocence. “No reason. Don’t you think it’s nice to leave the Fire Nation every once in a while?”
Zuko, moved his hands over his face, rubbing frustratedly. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been back to the Fire Nation since, I don’t know, our father burned half of my face! I don’t understand Azula! You leave for, spirits knows what, and you come here, why? Just to antagonize me? What do you want?” He violently ripped his hands away from his face, fire coming from his hands out of a shear vexation. 
“Zuko!” Iroh scolded. 
“I don’t see what you have to complain about. You left! Just like our mother!” Azula began to laugh hysterically, much to the shock of both Zuko and Iroh. 
“You know what? Coming here was a mistake. I should’ve known that he was right.” Her breathing began to pick up, as she continued to laugh, bitterly, and clearly distressed. 
“Azula!” Zuko called out, as she made her way to the exit. 
Then she screamed, a guttural, and painful noise. Her arms stretched in front of her body, unleashing a torrent of flames towards the two. Iroh acted quicker than Zuko, dispelling the flames as they approached them. The older man stood in shock, as Zuko attempted to follow his sister out the door. 
Walking out of the shop into the cool night air, the dark sky clouded everything like a shawl, and with it Azula was nowhere to be seen. 
As he paced back to the shop, he made eye contact with his Uncle, shaking his head. They could not wrap their heads around what had just happened. Iroh put an arm around Zuko’s shoulders, locking the door behind them. He knew that Zuko didn’t mean for this to happen. They would probably talk about it all tomorrow morning. 
But just like that, Azula had disappeared into the night, 
and all Zuko could do was witness it. 
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thereconstructinggirl · 5 months
The Reconstruction After the Deconstruction: The Tower Falls
I remember the day that my faith finally crumbled around me. It was June 19, 2020, and it started like a pretty normal day working at K-Kountry in Branson, Missouri. I remember going about my day in the kitchen, visiting my kids during free time, reminding other campers to keep their face coverings on because COVID-19 was wreaking havoc on society around us, and feeling all of the joy that came with my summers at Kanakuk Kamps.
I remember being pulled aside by the head women’s director and told that my mom had called to let me know my great-grandfather, my last living blood-related great-grandparent, had passed away.
I knew he was old and sick but no. Pop was the strongest man alive he couldn’t die yet. Not while I’m trapped in a place states away from my family and leaving means I can’t come back.
I can’t imagine what I looked like trying to walk calmly to the front office to retrieve my phone and call my dad. I can’t imagine what the poor girl who asked me if I had permission to get my phone as I burst into tears was thinking while I used what little strength I had left to not jump the desk and get it myself. She was just doing her job, and I was simply experiencing grief like I hadn’t known in a long time.
A girl I knew pulled me into a hug and attempted what every evangelical Christian uses to comfort someone who just lost a loved one.
“He’s with our Lord. He’s not suffering anymore.”
And while that would usually bring me a lot of comfort, my Pop was an atheist. According to his beliefs, his existence ended the moment he took his last breath. His body would be lowered into the ground, and that was it. According to my belief, the kindest man I ever knew and who never let the horrors of war he experienced color his view of people who were different than him was in Hell.
Nobody knew what to do after that. Pop was stubborn. We didn’t call him an ironhead for nothing. I knew that there was no way that he would have some eleventh-hour spiritual awakening and suddenly accept Jesus as a savior or belief in God.
They let me take the evening off. I brought my dinner, my Bible, and the tarot deck I had snuck in my backpack down to the dock. Eventually, kids would file into the lower field because of course tonight was a party night. And as a hundred or so 7-11-year-old boys and girls from around the country (but mainly Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee) played a summer camp-friendly spy-themed scavenger hunt, I was asking God why. Why did my incredible great-grandfather who I knew was such a good person deserve to be in Hell forever for simply not believing?
I pulled The Tower.
If you know anything about tarot and about how to read and interpret the cards, you know that it’s one of the most feared cards by novice readers. In simple terms, it symbolizes chaos, sudden change, and destruction.
This card was the final straw in what I felt was my already dissolving faith. I had just figured out I was queer, I was discovering “witchtok” and finding comfort in divination through tarot cards, and there was no more ignoring that the world around me was burning. If there was a God, He was cruel and unforgiving. He let young black men be murdered by the very police officers who had sworn to protect them. He let a deadly virus bring the world to a screeching halt (and my study-abroad ventures be ripped from my hands). He let a man who meant the world to me go to Hell just for being an atheist.
I went from being an active member of the Religious Life Leadership Team at my college to literally never stepping foot into the office again for my last two years of school. A place where I had felt nothing but acceptance despite not being Methodist or being pre-ministry, suddenly brought me anxiety. The Wesley ministry group I was an active member of that welcomed queer people and questioners sent me into fight or flight mode.
Because I had experienced such a sudden change in attitude at the summer camp I had given 13 years of my life to, who’s to say that these people who have barely known me for two years wouldn’t treat me the same?
Not only did I start the grueling and mentally taxing process of deconstruction alone, but I searched for liberation in the ancient traditions of my long-dead ancestors. So I started calling myself pagan. It brought me comfort and confidence, but I was still angry and scared. I began calling myself a practitioner, because "witch" never felt quite right. I reclaimed my personal power that I was often led to believe was sinful.
When I moved across the country from my family and friends after graduating college, I found myself falling out of my practice. I found myself sobbing watching Midnight Mass on Netflix and sitting in the parking lots of a local Episcopal or Unitarian Universalist church near my apartment in Tucson. Never going in, but simply sitting and listening to the ringing bells. I found myself driving up to my favorite lookout on Mt. Lemmon to feel as close as I could to anything divine.
I didn't want to admit that I didn't know who I was or what I believed any more.
Now I sit here, almost done with my first year of graduate school, and a kind of regular at an Episcopal cathedral where I live now. I contemplate confirmation (since I was never confirmed as a child) and even contemplate going to seminary.
I still can't call myself a Christian. That term comes with baggage that I'm not ready to tote around again quite yet, but maybe I will get there again.
I still read tarot and still pray to and work with Brigid, but she's morphing into St. Brigid now.
I find myself praying again and opening up my Bible app to read the verse of the day.
I read my favorite book of the Bible regularly to remind myself that the theology that does not include justice for the disenfranchised is not the theology for me.
My hope is that this blog will document my thoughts as I begin to formally reconstruct the faith that shattered right before my eyes.
~ The Reconstructing Girl
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mightgetsomewhere · 2 months
TW: Rant
bro it’s literally so embarrassing how I’ve been ed’d for almost 2 years now and the majority of the weight that I lost was lost in the 3 month-ish honeymoon phase right at the start. Like I was losing 8-10 pounds a month on high res counting calories in my calculator app because I didn’t have myfitnesspal and literally just guessing half the time.
From August to December 2022 I went from 157 to 130 and I’ve been floating between 135-125 ever since. That was when I was in high school too and had my family breathing down my neck about it. I fucking gained 10 pounds at college where nobody gave a shit if I ate or not and I wasted my own damn money binging. I’ve literally never been underweight and it’s fucking embarrassing. A few years ago, In just 1/4 of the time that I’ve been disordered, my sibling got diagnosed (meaning they had to have been underweight), gave me fucking diagnosed PTSD from watching them spiral, got treatment, recovered, and everybody moved on like nothing fucking happened. (Which, to go on a tangent, is another thing that fucks me up about it. It was all during COVID so literally no one outside of my immediate family knows. And nobody in my immediate family talks about it now, so I got on my delulu girl bs and convinced myself it didn’t happen until I started st4rving lol 🤪)
Nobody cares that I’m not getting any better, because I only got worse in ways that made me gain weight. Nobody cared that I was binging because they knew I wasn’t starving. Nobody cared that I would have panic attacks leaving the dining hall and would have to $h to make them stop, and if I express any dissatisfaction about my body or that I’m uncomfortably full and should have eaten a smaller portion, my fucking sibling tells me that it’s not worth worrying about.
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tohokuu · 1 year
rant - mentions of death and suicide and blah blah blah
i feel like i only come on here to fucking rant lmfao
but hey ! at least it’s being put down somewhere and not shoved inside so then i can let it all out when things get too much and have a nervous breakdown LNFOAJF
i need therapy
like genuinely i need to get help !!
but help does not exist !
western therapy does not work on eastern minds ! and ykw- it’s fucking true. therapy doesn’t fucking work for some reason. that’s a beef reference
i just finished beef btw. great show. binge watched it and ignored all of my missing work… ahaha…
i miss when i was motivated my first semester of college and used to have the mentality.
“hey, if you get it all done now, you won’t have to feel guilty about procrastinating ! and then you’ll actually enjoy doing other fun things !” fuck.
so i lost 3 of my closest friends, so i’ve got nobody to text ya know ? but like we never really texted like that anyway but these were my go to friends yk ? the ones i always hung out with but they’re no longer here so now i’m lonely asf w nothing to do and i’m like …. heehee
just hanging there looking like a fucking L
like i’m a fucking loser LMFAO
i’m a loser
i bring nothing to the fucking table
i’m failing my classes bc i don’t understand anything anymore
i cant fucking write
idk how to fucking write
i don’t have friends
i’m fucking ugly
i actually serious hate everyone
my reputation is actually a lot worse than i had assumed btw ??? like … apparently there’s rumours abt me saying “she likes to ruin relationships for fun” and how “the things ppl hear abt me are unbelievable”
like is this fucking highschool ??? why are you focused on spreading rumors abt me instead of trying to fucking graduate college you stupid piece of fucking shit ???
and then this dickhead today i was talking to 😀 i tell this mf i need a job and ask if his place is hiring
he says “start an onlyfans” are you kidding. that’s so rude, inappropriate and disrespectful.
he knows i’m somebody that believes in God and i’m religious LMFAO ik i literally write porn on here for leisure but like … cmon 😀 seriously ? and this is a guy i barely know and ykw, everything in me was like “they’re all the same. they’re all the fucking same.”
and rn my sister just knocked on the bathroom door tryna fucking irritate me bc she can’t find my fucking gua sha like bitch you didn’t fucking ask to use it and no i don’t know where the fuck it is god leave me alone please
and then my mom keeps annoying me about coming down and grinding the chicken bc i was supposed to make dumplings today and freeze them but i’m fucking tired and it’s 10 pm and i’m not grinding chicken and then cooking it and making wontons. no. no. no. no.
i just want it to all stop. i just wanna breathe without my mind thinking a million fucking things at once. i feel like i can’t breathe without inhaling problems. i just wanna crawl into a fucking hole and fucking die. i literally want it all to stop. i don’t wanna actually die but i want to be happy please this week was shit. it was shit. i feel like shit. i just want it to stop. please.
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billdecker · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I got tagged by @mashbrainrot (at first I was like who is this?? and then I was like oh it’s you!!!) and I would tag other people but it’s too warm and I don’t know who would want to be tagged so consider yourself tagged
Were you named after anyone? My great-grandma, Sarah-Jane! Although I’m just a Sarah Ann.
When was the last time you cried? Earlier today. A couple of days ago my dad brought around some homegrown potatoes for me so I made an amazing potato salad, bit into it and one of my teeth just crumbled away. I have a big tooth/dental/dentist phobia and they aren’t taking emergencies unless really serious because of the covid backlog, so I’ve got half a jaggy tooth for the next month. So I’ve been pretty much crying every day because my teeth are like a medieval peasant’s anyway because of breakdowns meaning I neglected myself and I just feel very depressed and sad and embarrassed about it all.
Do you have kids? Nope. I have two nieces. Me and D have been together for 22 years and never even discussed it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? It depends on the person I’m with.
What's the first thing you notice about people? I don’t even know how to answer this one because I don’t meet any new people because I don’t leave my flat lol
Scary movies or happy endings? Seeing as I don’t like scary movies then it would have to be happy endings
What is your eye colour? Blue
Any special talents? Absolutely nothing
Where were you born? Stoke-on-Trent
What are your hobbies? Writing. I’ve been doing a lot of reading this year too, more than I usually do. Gardening! That’s my new favourite thing to do. The patch by my flat is probably only 2m by 1m but I’ve done a lot with it and I have loads of planters too. My instagram this year has basically just been photos of flowers
Have any pets? I have a cat named Cecil who we adopted in 2016. He’d been hit with a white van and suffered a smashed jaw and other broken bones. He was so anxious at the adoption charity that he remained up a corner and nobody wanted him. The charity were surprised we actually wanted him. He’s a gorgeous, neurotic little pain in the arse who threw up this morning because he insists on trying to eat his moulted hair. If I wasn’t living in a tiny housing association flat then I’d have a couple more cats.
What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play football but that’s it. I love watching sports but hate playing them. Absolutely loathed P.E and felt like I’d been blessed when my GP stopped me from doing it at school because I had a growth disease in my knees. Until then I’d literally purposely injure myself to get out of it
How tall are you? 5ft 5.5inches.
Favourite subject in school? History and art. I kinda enjoyed English but the books we read were shit (apart from Adrian Mole) and I really resented Ted Hughes’ poetry. Once I left school to finish my GCSEs at college, I loved English.
Dream job? I used to say to have my writing published but I’d find that far too anxiety inducing because of people reviewing it. Maybe a florist??
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Hey so uh… I think I’m going to relapse again… (CW // cutting, suicide)
I haven’t c*t myself in months, but I’m having the strong urge to do so.
I feel worthless and just disgusted in myself. No, no. I didn’t lose no nut november (or not yet at least), but something happened in college that left me traumatised.
So I had to go in by a special ed teacher since I had an assignment due today and I was struggling to get started. When I was finished, I was feeling hungry. Since it was 12pm, I decided to go to the lunch hall and checked if they had my safe foods (them being apple crumble and custard or a chicken burger) and as i was lining up, there was a staff member next to me that was asking for my lanyard. I had left it in my class, but couldn’t have the courage to even speak up, especially that it was someone I didn’t exactly know. Since I had been scolded for not wearing a lanyard, I decided to keep quiet in hopes that she would leave me alone and go about to her normal daily life. But as I was buying my food, I saw her standing right there and feeling uncomfortable in my stomach (like a tight feeling inside), I run off and went all the way from the 3rd floor to the 6th floor to the ALS hub room that I had kept open with a bin box in case something like this was to happen so I could walk in and just block the door as fast as I could.
There were about 3 (maybe up to 5) teachers standing outside trying to ask if they could come in as well as trying to open the door by using their card and pushing me slightly. Since this was a similar traumatising event from what happened to me at home involving the police (btw this is the reason why I’m afraid of police officers but plus the banging and the people who I trusted such as my dad helping them to open the door when I didn’t feel comfortable to), I got a flashback which triggered me so much that I had a literal panic attack that I was hyperventilating, my heart was pounding, my stomach was all over the place, I felt nauseous, it was horrible. And the teachers had the audacity to play it out as “it’s in the past now, let it go.”
Are you guys FUCKING retarded? (Pardon my language) They literally traumatised me to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable going downstairs to my mother’s car without a teacher I knew being present and they’re just playing it out as just a normal event that didn’t affect anyone. Yeah cool everyone is fine, but I’m literally until now trying to process what the fuck just happened and they just wanted me to move on with life.
This is what so many teachers do. They just invalidate that this is a very triggering and traumatising experience that I’m still until now reliving in my head. At this point, I don’t even feel comfortable going back to college on Monday anymore. In fact, I want to leave that place. This piece of shit place is a fucking joke and I don’t want to be in this foolery anymore. They don’t take into consideration that I’m struggling with mental health problems and barely have any emotional support that this was the main reason why I had been missing nearly every single class. It’s like they don’t have any fucking empathy of what I have to go through all the time.
Now I really do need to go back, but I’m too scared to go back inside. I think I need therapy to sort my fucking mind up. College is fucking me up, and they’re not even trying to help. If I get kicked out, I don’t even give a shit anymore. I would rather k*ll myself than to ever go to that college ever again. I’m gonna give them a bad reputation and if that includes embarrassing them in front of the school inspectors, then I’ll do just that.
Sorry about my rant. I just wanted to let it out since I had nobody to talk to properly. My mom would constantly get interrupted and distracted by phone calls and would ignore me until it’s finished.
— 🥋
Congratulations on going months without self harming. I know it's really hard not to relapse, also it sounds like you're self harm might be anxiety driven. So is mine. When you get to that breaking point, this is more of an emergency tactic but try to keep your hands busy rip up paper, or scribble on it till it rips, even picking at your nails or peeling stickers off something anything like that just in that heavy crashing moment til it wanes.
And it absolutely makes no sense that they don't listen to you and try to help make sure that you feel safe and understood. If you continuously have voiced how you're feeling there is no reason for them to replicating the actions that they know have traumatized you. And then to dismiss your feelings and how everything has impacted you. It's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to endure that, you don't deserve that kind of treatment. Since you're saying your parents aren't really all that helpful. I wonder if there a way for you change or switch anything so you can be somewhere that will treat you better.
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transillusionisms · 6 months
Then let’s go ahead and have a conversation, being attracted to a child as an adult is morally wrong, and there are reasons for that, children are not even remotely close to the maturity level or mental capacity that adults are and to be attracted to somebody so young and emotionally different then you- especially when it puts you in a position of power over them- is wrong. It’s exactly why teacher/student relationships are frowned upon, because the teacher has a huge position of power of the student and therefore the relationship can never realistically be consensual or healthy. Being attracted to children is a taboo for a reason, and it’s not just because people want to “put others down” it’s because there are serious moral implications that comes with it. I don’t understand why anybody would want to be in that kind of situation, why anybody would ever want to be in such a position of power that the relationship could never be healthy- could never do anything but leave long lasting trauma.
And quite honestly if you haven’t experienced the kind of trauma that comes with that, the kind of hurt that you receive from somebody who knew better, from somebody who had that position of power over you and then abusing it then I’m not sure why you would want to speak on the issue so in depth. Because the only people who can truly understand that kind of pain are the people who go through it and *maybe* people who have professional training and experience in the mental health field.
Nobody is telling you that you’re wrong for having a “different opinion”, you’re being told you’re wrong because while you’re saying that CSA and rape and assault and abuse is bad you’re still trying to justify morally wrong behavior. That is the issue, you’re using a platform to blast the idea that age doesn’t matter and that it has no actual purpose other then to keep time when that’s wrong. Because it does matter, experience and age matter, even if people don’t want to believe that.
i think you're unnecessarily combining attraction with abuse, here. because every kind of romantic or sexual interaction between an adult and a kid is bad, and we can both agree on that. age very much does matter in relationships, you're right; a 16 and an 18 year old are fine, but a 14 year old and an 18 year old aren't. we agree on all that. other power imbalances are generally bad too; even if you're in college and you and your professor are the same age, that's not the kinda dynamic that'd lead to a healthy relationship.
the only thing i don't agree with that you're saying here is that the attraction itself is morally wrong, too. for one, it's something that people literally cannot help. it's why stuff like homohobes saying "just choose not to be gay" makes no sense at all. (no, i'm not saying you're homophobic, i just mean that you can see the whole "i can't consciously change my attractions" in other places too.)
two, people who are attracted to others can avoid interacting with them. it happens all the time; i see a pretty guy in a coffee shop, i don't interact with him, we never see each other again. stuff like that. this doesn't change if the subject of your attraction is a kid; i would argue that you're morally obligated to not mention that to the kid, but it doesn't make you a bad person for simply being attracted to them.
fantasies are morally neutral. i can fantasize about responding to queerphobia with immediate violence, even though in reality that's not really a productive way of dealing with that; that doesn't make me dangerous to be around or violent irl. sexual fantasies aren't any different. cops are horrible irl, but i'm not gonna call people doing sexual roleplay where one is a cop bootlickers for that.
attraction is morally neutral, too. a straight guy can be into a lesbian, and that doesn't mean he's a bad person for thinking she's hot or being attracted to her; it'd only be bad if he pursued her after knowing she wasn't alright with that. this applies to other things too; if you're attracted to a kid, that's morally neutral. it only becomes bad if you tell the kid about it, or try to pursue them in any way.
if this is something you can't agree on, i'm not sure more conversation will do anything :/
(also, the only reason i'm speaking on this in depth is when other people start that conversation, like the condescending emoji anon and you. i'll respond n stuff, but i'm usually not gonna start talking about it out of the blue)
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