#i’m just so goddamn MAD
Hate being a fan of The Boys, and everything on tumblr being about Homelander. I want to see The Boys content, but I filter out Homelander and…?????? Nothing?????? What about Hughie? Frenchie? Kimiko? M.M? Butcher gets recognition, yes, because he’s awesome, but if I want Frenchie content on tumblr I need to be starved of it? Can I see The Boys posts that aren’t simping for Homelander or Soldier Boy? I’m sorry I’m an alien if I don’t want to kiss literally Donald Trump but PLEASE GUYS
all the characters are amazing and well thought out and deserve love!!!!
if you see anything about my boys Frenchie or Hughie or you just like them a lot please please please lemme know I need more than a single fic in the middle of Homelander stuff or a single piece of fan art
Homelander and Soldier Boy HATERS unite (I’d like to punch them in the face)
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
Trying to listen to podcast to calm down to sleep -> loud as fuck ad. Trying to check something quick from a youtube tutorial -> first gotta watch 2x 30 second unskippable ads. Trying to go to a website -> 2 popups and an ad video automatically start to play. Trying to listen to the radio while driving -> 7 minutes of uninterrupted ad time. Every single free app with those shitty game ads with the stupid annoying ass king. I’m tired !!! I never wanna buy anything ever again !!!!!!!
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rewatching supernatural i get so intensely angry whenever dean makes a reference to how he’s “supposed” to die, how he’s “meant” to go. especially as the show goes on because in the earlier seasons he talks about going out blaze-of-glory style as if it’s a badge of honour because he actually believes in it. his conditioning and his upbringing shaped his self worth in such a way that the ideal out for him would be on the job—saving people, hunting things. but as the show goes on, every time it comes up there’s an increasing sense of resignation, so especially by the end you know that he doesn’t actually want to go out that way. he wants to make it to the other side, he’s just too afraid to verbalize that because of how easily any hope for escape could be taken away from him, and so what do the writers do? when that hope is more present than ever—he can see the light at the end of the tunnel—they suddenly and brutally take it away from him, his worst fears confirmed in the final moments of his life, dooming him to the narrative he finally accepted he didn’t want to be stuck in. and i know we’ve talked about his ending a lot so i won’t get into it too much, but i just can’t stop thinking about every time he says to sam or cas or another hunter that he’s “supposed” to die a certain way, because what more proof do we need that his story never should have ended like that? fuck’s sake, he deserved better.
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jellybellyblimp · 1 month
The Acolyte finally got cancelled and I hope all you bitches who whined and whined about how it destroyed canon or ruined Anakin all step on thumbtacks and never have a warm shower again in your life
First good live action since Andor and you all just said “Fuck anything new. If it’s not stacked with same half dozen characters I’m going to call it boring. If it executes on any CANONICAL concepts I’m just unfamiliar with I’m going to say it breaks the lore. And if it’s got any female or POC or queer characters I’m going to call it woke pandering.”
I hope your alarms all fail to go off and none of your damn cars start you deeply boring fucking losers.
Can’t have any fun in this fuckin fandom. I’m going back to my high republic books. Kick rocks.
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ween-kitchens · 2 months
you ever see someone complain about something in a game that makes you think they just don’t like the game itself because why are you complaining about that. that's universally loved and your complaint is that it 'could do more'. where is your whimsy
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twistedappletree · 12 days
paid a $130 application fee for the house i wanted to rent just for the owner to turn around and say “ooooops never mind, i don’t want to rent it anymore” then took it off the market. meanwhile, the agent was like “oh well he might put it back on the market in a few weeks” …….and that helps me how??????
i’m so fucking glad you all have time to screw around and play with other peoples lives like we’re your fucking barbies but i don’t have the capacity or the patience for your bullshit. i’m so fucking done with landlords, i swear on my life they’re not human
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elessarwanderer · 1 year
I’d been thinking of starting watching Doctor Who to continue my David Tennant media run after watching Takin’ Over the Asylum (and Good Omens of course) but needed the mental push to start something new.
I had a particularly horrible evening with my disability thanks to people being Absolute Freaks and Weirdos towards me, which kinda sent me spiraling about living with a very visible disability and man sometimes it really just fucking sucks and I can’t do anything about it. Etc.
So even though David doesn’t come on as the Doctor until season two, i decided to start there since I needed a comfort character, and then I’d go back to season 1 later.
Well halfway into s2ep1 David goes on his spiel about all the people who were born sick and who deserve better than to be used as “flesh” for finding cures for humans. I mean, they eventually get healed, but as someone who has spent their entire life wrapped into the medical model of disability, the poster child for finding a cure for my condition, my fucking god did that scene make me cry.
Because David, the way he is, even as an actor, apparently serendipitously always has the right thing to say.
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kavehater · 6 months
AAAH I have a mutual who’s 18 and he sorta kinda is flirting with this one guy who is a minor as a joke of course ( to which a concerned anon said that it’s weird ) but I can’t help but flashback to er*s
#granted the er*s situation was thoroughly complex and the reason she did those things was her copism with not being able to pull ( LLLLLLL )#and ik that guy doesn’t mean any harm etc etc he’s not messed up like some ppl#BUT I DUNNO STILL#sobbing#they’re pretty sweet so#hes*#OH AND HES IRAQI TOO I LEGIT COULDNT BELIEVE THAT#dora daily#lowkey kinda sorta sad that a whole anon was more concerned than ppl i knew and who knew my age#and freely saw it happen so readily#and everyone else on that blog#genuinely and utterly disappointed#it’s always protect minors until the minors need protecting goddamn#this is especially directed at rhy yeah I’m not censoring that#🤷‍♀️#too busy simping over minor characters who don’t have a time skip in canon and aging them up then complaining about it when ppl call out#the brain deadery of that behaviour#girl pls#you did not care about minors from the beginning literally bye#e[redacted] literally ruined my brain chemistry to say the least I will never go into how what she did absolutely muddled my brain never#told anyone and I don’t think I can ever tell someone ever#not to mention practically hyperventilating being unable to breath literally going into madness and ppl think that I’m overreacting and#telling me to shut up about it and blaming me for the situation as if I wanted any of this#lmaolmaolmao#all that and I was expected to do uni girl byeeee I need a good century to recover at least ☠️#the only thing I DID want is friends but clearly that was a hard ask when ppl can get friends just by existing on this god forsaken app#atp I don’t even know what to say literally just wth#yall say mdni with your dumbass banners and decorate it like something special when yall are the ones to keep from minors you disgusting#wastes of clean oxygen 😭 mdni my foot gross ass adults should’ve never trusted them#the way I’d give them therapy to their complex traumas ☠️ imagine relying on a minor for therapy
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romijuli · 5 months
Hi mild bitching
Like…I get being disappointed that certain content hasn’t been translated, and I’m not gonna say I’ve never been annoyed or complained about it, but like…there’s a difference between expressing that frustration privately amongst a few friends, or even just offhandedly going “man it’s kinda disappointing I’d like to see more tls of xyz”, and posting [lightly paraphrased I think] “is there some unspoken ban on [character] card tls on the wiki” IN EVERY TAG YOU CAN THINK OF FOR THE FANDOM??????????
Like bro. No one’s getting paid for this. The fans who translate stuff for this fandom do it for fun, because they love it and want to share that love with others, and of course they’re going to have characters they specialize in or lean towards because they’re! Fans! They don’t have a responsibility to translate everything; hell, they don’t even have to translate ANYTHING, it’s purely a choice. Respectfully, no one owes you a translation, and while, again, I get the disappointment, it comes across as REALLY entitled.
Not to be like “just learn Japanese lmao” but like, if you’re upset about the lack of tls for a certain character then either pay someone to translate it for you or learn to do it yourself,,,machine tls are more about getting the gist of something but if you have the card or know someone with the card you can use that. Seriously.
(It’s also not even unique to that character!!!! There are PLENTY of cards that don’t have tls on there!!!!!!)
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herebecritters · 7 months
Y’all have no idea how much I love ancient history, prehistory and natural history like hhhhghhh
You also have no idea how much I loathe ancient alien theories and young earth creationist theories it’s the stupidest ass shit ever
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aegagrusscholarship · 2 years
Tumblr media
whitehank scug hours
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One of the main reasons why I silently freak out so much after talking to people in a group setting is because I listen to them (or at least try to act like I’m listening to them) but the very instant I open my mouth to speak, they start talking to someone else, or someone else talks right fucking over me even though they know I‘m trying to speak. Every. Single. Time.
And it’s not just so-called “neurotypical” people. Oh no. It’s neurodivergent people too. And the neurodivergent people I understand; but they also have to understand that not all of us are fast talkers and some of us need people to be patient or we will never get our information out. My brain-to-mouth processing speeds are extremely extremely slow and I cannot talk quickly to save my life unless I am reciting something I already have memorized. If someone cuts me off in any way before I am finished, my brain gets stuck in a buffering mode for three seconds at the very least, and more if they continue to cut me off when I’m trying to communicate “No that’s not the end of what I’m saying and that’s not what I even meant by that. Stop making hasty generalizations about a point you haven’t even heard through yet.”
But no matter who I am talking to, right before I am able to finish my extremely well-thought-out point that I’ve been formulating in my head for months or years prior in the mirror, I always, without fail get cut off because everyone gets impatient with my long pauses and doesn’t even want to attempt to listen to what I have to say because they think what they’re about to say in reaction is more important. And it’s not like I’m taking over the conversation or talking more than I listen; I’m just taking more time than they are comfortable with to say a typical amount of words.
And then those same people always tell me, in a somewhat patronizing tone, “You’re so quiet! You’re such a good listener!” Yes because that’s what you’ve made me. Why should I talk to you if you won’t fucking listen to me for three seconds. And no, after a certain point I stopped listening to you because why should I listen to you if you don’t ever listen to me?
Everyone’s nice to me and says they want me there at their social functions but they still subtly exclude me. God damn.
I suppose they want to look at me, or perhaps inhale my aroma. Like I’m a house plant.
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twistedappletree · 5 months
lmaoooo i was all excited to have some money left over after bills and time after work to hangout with friends and i woke up this morning with an absCESS IN MY THROAT???????
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psyaurorak · 1 year
LO fandom stop being victim blamey challenge FAILED
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The Good Omens fandom is fascinating because they’re vocally supportive of the lgbtq community, especially trans people, including not misgendering, yet when Crowley and Aziraphale consistently go by “he/him,” they call them nonbinary
In the book, angels have no gender unless they “make an effort.” Is that not an effort to you, or are you just willingly misgendering them while calling anyone who thinks that’s hypocritical a terf lol
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ebongawk · 3 months
#personal#ebongawk personal#rant#literally just need to write this down or I’m gonna explode#but my brother got like actually upset with me earlier tonight over something that happened when I was 19#so 11 years ago#bc he gave me his ‘85 beater of a car#(my name was on the title!)#and a lady hit me and it got totaled out#so I gave him half the money thinking well that’s fair bc it’s my car but he did give it to me#and he’s just been harboring all of this anger about it all these years#because I guess that was in fact *his* car#it’s so fucking stupid#and he kept talking about his *generosity*#I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why that bothered me so much until I was driving home#and I realized that#no matter what I said or how I tried to defend myself#he kept implying that my generosity was less significant than his because it wasn’t monetary#despite the fact that I clean his fucking house#and have put so much goddamn money into making it feel like a home#never mind the state of this place when I moved in before I painted and deep cleaned#oh and don’t even fucking mention the *months* of my time I have spent watching his dog *for free* while he was globetrotting#but no#a car that totaled out 11 years ago because of an accident that *wasn’t my fault* makes him the epitome of generosity#gods I’m so mad#I spent my entire goddamn afternoon cleaning my sister’s disaster of an apartment so she hopefully gets some of her deposit back#and then I get reprimanded for something that happened when I was fucking 19#Jesus I’m so tired#this is all such petty bullshit too like we are over 30#fuck
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