#i’m just imagining hunter and wrecker telling crosshair what happened
gravehags · 4 months
me: i feel pretty content with the ending of the bad batch
my brain: cid never got her comeuppance for betraying them
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lifblogs · 3 months
Blind Side
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Week 4
Alt prompt: “You really think you’re going without me? Not going to happen.”
Rating: General Audiences (I hope)
Word Count: 989
Summary: Wrecker is on his first mission since one of his own bombs went off near his head. Crosshair is insistent he doesn’t go alone.
“You really think you’re going without me? Not going to happen.”
Wrecker looked up, relieved that Crosshair hadn’t approached from his blind side. The left side of his face was still a mess of bandages, swelling, and bruising. Beneath those bandages lay his new eye, but it was still too close to that particular surgery for the bandages to come off.
Strictly speaking he wasn’t supposed to have been cleared for active duty just yet, but Clone Force 99 had been called in for an assassination job.
Wrecker had just been checking his gear, getting ready to leave for his part. For now it was just him and Crosshair in the Marauder. The others were outside, checking their weapons, going over maps and plans. Hunter had worked with Wrecker separately with his own map, his patience never once wearing thin despite Wrecker’s troubles.
“‘Course I’m going on my own,” he said. “Last I checked you don’t know much about explosives.”
Crosshair chewed on his toothpick. “Hmm.”
Truthfully, Wrecker was anxious. Sure the job was easy. Go in at night, and place explosives. There was nothing to it!
But his head and face ached, his injuries itching under the bandages. And the bomb—
Wrecker squeezed his eyes shut, a flash of light and searing, ruining pain taking over. That had been happening a lot lately—the flashbacks.
There was something else wrong with him too, with his head. He could almost understand, recognized that his thinking was different from what it had been, observed as the others tip-toed around him.
Sometimes he expected to look down and see a child’s body. The incongruence was jarring.
Yet he could still do his job. On his own.
“It’s just a simple mission,” he told Crosshair before frowning, counting his supplies under his breath.
Wrecker lost count and had to start again.
Why couldn’t his head work?
He knew why—having a bomb detonate near your face did a lot of damage—but he should be better than this, shouldn’t he? Wasn’t he before? Half-remembered moments seemed to tell him so.
Crosshair drew closer.
“Do you want me to count them?” he offered.
“No, no. I’ve got it.”
Crosshair gripped his rifle a bit tighter.
“What’s with you anyway?” Wrecker asked.
Crosshair sighed. “I just… don’t want to see you get hurt again,” he admitted.
Wrecker looked at him closely, noticing his rigid stance and the way his fingers were fidgeting, tapping his rifle.
Crosshair had been the one to call in help for Wrecker during that last mission. He’d had to be told this, seeing as his injuries had knocked him out almost immediately. For a moment he was in Crosshair’s place: up high, far away, seeing the bomb go off but unable to give him immediate aid himself.
He imagined that would be pretty scary.
“I can do things on my own. I’m not… I’m not a child.”
And yet he felt like one. Not because of the way he was being treated, but because of something different in his head. He’d wake up expecting to be in cadet clothes, expecting to have to get ready for training.
Wrecker didn’t have the words to quite explain it all. Maybe he had possessed them once, but they often got jumbled, confused, and forgotten.
“I know you’re not.”
“Then leave me be,” he growled, heat flushing his face, burning through his wounds.
That was another new thing—the hot irritability, the impatience.
Crosshair shrugged, and went around Wrecker to leave, disappearing through his blind side.
Wrecker turned, holding out a hand, hoping he was still there. He was.
Crosshair paused.
“You can be my lookout,” Wrecker told him.
“Good. I’ll inform Hunter.”
After he left, Wrecker went back to painstakingly counting his supplies.
By the time he was finished, and looking over the holomap again, Crosshair was back on board.
“You ready?”
Wrecker’s fingers clenched around the strap of his bag, fear stealing his control. His legs felt too light, suddenly, yet he somehow remained standing.
His wounds itched and ached.
Roaring filled his ears, light filled his vision.
Wrecker tried to control his shaking.
He tried to speak, but found his voice was stuck inside him, his throat constricting.
Crosshair didn’t push him, but Wrecker could feel him eyeing his shaking form, taking everything in.
Wrecker cleared his throat, and put the map away. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
He just had to face his fear and everything would be fine. He couldn’t very well call himself a demolitions expert if he never touched a bomb again.
Wrecker shouldered his bag, tensing as it swung against him, injured brain using up most of his faculties to imagine each and every single bomb in his arsenal, imagining them detonating.
But then he looked at Crosshair. Crosshair had his back.
Wrecker left the Marauder, stepping out into a cold world and crisp air, the sun setting in a blaze of red. Tan rock and gravel ground beneath his boots.
He waved bye to the others, telling himself he’d see them again, and then he started his climb down to the stone city. Crosshair would take up a position on the northern watchtower, but for now, he was by Wrecker’s side. His silence didn’t bother him. His presence was enough to say that he loved him.
For some reason in Wrecker’s emotionally confused brain, that was enough to have tears trail down his right cheek; the tears from his left eye were surely soaked up by the bandages. That wasn’t good.
Wrecker sniffled, and wiped at his face. Crosshair thankfully pretended to ignore him. Oh, his brother. Where would he be without him?
And Wrecker was very much alive.
I can do this. I know I can. Crosshair won’t let anything happen to me.
Still, Wrecker flinched as his supplies smacked against him as he started to climb down. Still, he climbed down anyway.
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snotbuggle · 5 months
Hoe. Lee. Fuck.
That was a lot- good god where do I start? (Major spoilers for pretty much everything vvv)
I was super concerned about Wrecker since he was struggling so much… BUT CROSSHAIR?!?! CX-2 WAS SO SALTY (which I kinda find a little funny) HE FUCKING CHOPPED OFF CROSSHAIR’S HAND?! ALSO CROSS SAYING CLONE FORCE 99 DIED WITH TECH AND HE DESERVES TO GO IN ALONE?????? AND ECHO MY MAN YOU HAVE TO STOP WORRYING ME- I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE LIKE FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES. He literally got stabbed in the back and he kept walking around and ripped it out like it wasn’t shit. Also him and Wrecker teamwork? Not something we got to see a lot. The first poor prison clone who got shot broke my heart ohh my goodness. CX-2 I’m content with being a random guy. Kinda funny how he died not being able to touch the ground with his tippy toes though. ALSO RAMPART’S DEATH LMAOOOO- And Hemlock’s? Beautiful. They did not stop shooting until his ass was gone. I am sad about Scorch though… BUT NO TIME FOR THAT WHEN WE GET A CROSSHAIR HUG AND THEN A GROUP HUG WITH HUNTER AND OMEGA AND CROSSHAIR AND THEN OMEGA RESTING HER HEAD ON HUNTER’S ARM. ALSO OMEGA AND ECHO 😭
“Omega let the Zillo beast out!”
“How do you know????”
“That’s what I would do!” *is so so proud*
I can’t tell you how much I love his reflection onto her. This is the SECOND TIME the boys were like “Echo or Omega.” “Probably Omega.” If some crazy shit happens it’s one of them. Omega’s the primary suspect, but Echo’s a close secondary.
THE CLONES HAVING MEALS FROM THE VENDOR?! Oh my lord they were so adorable I love them. Let these men EAT.
Older Hunter… he’s exactly how we imagined. The hair, the beard, the grey streaks—I swear all of the fanart of how people envisioned him is either a pixel copy or real darn close.
And older Omega? I’m kinda disappointed she became a rebellion pilot. I always imagined her fighting the evils outside of the Empire. Like Tech. Either way though, she has her treasures + a metal puppy. She’s probably got Hera out there somewhere too.
Man… my heart was racing through almost all the episode. But now we have some more ends so… Rex spin off series with Echo…??? (Just don’t kill my man)
Anyways this show will always be something so special to me. It’s sad to see it come to a close, but I’m satisfied with it for the most part. We got our happy ending ish. Force be with you.
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 thoughts (scattered) and initial reactions (rambling)
Nothing is even proof read and my brain is faster than my fingers so
Also I have very long nails and often click the wrong button
Spoilers below the cut
(Update I rewatched and had more thoughts)
God I was so stressed now I need to rewatch because I know how it goes and I don’t need to be anxious
Batcher kicking crosshair’s seat lmaoooo
Needing to change outfits “isn’t this better?🥰” “No” 😂😂 we officially have ray of sunshine and grumpy black cloud dynamic (my favorite)
Also only being able to see his eyes 🔥🔥🔥 (even if it looks like he’s wearing a toilet seat- seriously what is that thing)
I love that omega’s pony tail has a little bump at the back, thinking about when I was little and trying to put my hair up by myself god it was such a lumpy and bumpy mess. I doubt anyone would have shown her how on tantiss only telling her she needs to keep her hair out of her face. She’s just a little girl who had to take care of herself all those months. Like the kaminoans were bald, the other clones were men. Where would she have even learned how to do a pony? Emrie? (Hunter? 🤭)
“I can take half of them out before they know what’s happening” “how about we try not killing everyone in sight? 🥰🤗” “booooooooo”
I just know Cross is secretly proud of his gambling sister kicking ass and hustling money
The captain gave me such gross vibes I just know he smells bad
Crosshair clicking his tongue at batcher idk it did something to me it was so cute
And then her licking him later like sorry crossy you’re a dog dad now
Speaking of dads: “I’ve never seen you or your dad before” *nick miller screams.* CROSSDAD! CROSSDAD!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I know Dee is the voice of Batcher- do you think he made all the animals sounds? Is he just in a sound booth making animal noises
Ugh sobbing at the reunion 😭😭😭 literally water works
Noooo what is this face off at the end everyone put your eyebrows back up in a relaxed position and unclench those jaws and fists
Does Omega’s glove have a bottle opener on it?
I can’t wait for the reaction to the new puppy 😄
Also guys, omega kept saying we need to contact Hunter and Wrecker (sad she doesn’t say echo :/) so I think Crosshair knows about Tech. Either she told him while she visited him or perhaps Hemlock told him as another form of torture, that his brother fell trying to rescue him (maybe that’s why he look soooo terrible in the hallway on ep 1) I’m sure omega confirmed it also
Also I was expecting the clone cadets to pop out, I know they said they were taking them to pabu but still
Imagine omega does meet them and gets a lil crush on one omg Hunter would lose it lmaoooo
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zealfruity · 1 year
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 1/2 Master Post (Canon-compliant and Standard Fix-It AU version) Ft. Jedi Disaster Trio
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Occasional spoilers following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. NO CLONESHIPPING OR JEDI TRIO SHIPPING HERE!
Kix: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
*Dogma is casually searching around the room*
Jesse: Hey Dogma, what're you looking for?
Dogma: My will to live.
*Tup walks into the room*
Dogma: Oh, there it is.
Hardcase: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead!
S7 501st Trooper: Didn't you die?!
S7 Echo: That was weeks ago, dude. Things change.
Dogma: Have I ever told you that you cook well?
Hardcase: Awww, no, you haven't!
Dogma: So why do you keep cooking?
Crosshair, pointing to the wall: What color is this?
Hunter: Gray.
Tech: Grey.
Crosshair, turning to Wrecker: Now tell them what color you think it is.
Wrecker: Dark white.
Tup: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Rex: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Rex: *upends the bottle*
Hardcase: I was put on this earth to do one thing.
Hardcase: Luckily I forgot what it was so I can do whatever I want.
Rex: Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don't answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.
Blackout: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
Hunter: You’re jealous.
Crosshair: Jealous?
Hunter: That’s why you were being so negative about this.
Crosshair: That’s absurd. I’m always negative.
Waxer: Just took a personality test and got an A+.
Tup: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Fives: What baby?
Tup, crying a bit: Me.
*Disneyland, in the teacups*
Kix, Jesse, and Rex: *spinning a little and talking*
Fives and Hardcase: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Kix: Isn’t this a bit dangerous?
Fives: Kix, please. We’ve been in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
Kix: ...
Fives: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
Kix: ...
Fives: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
*Comments under an image of a lightsaber cutting bread*
Jesse: Imagine stabbing someone with this.
Kix: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Fives: if you want information it is
Hardcase: why would you stab a person when you can have TOAST?
Rex: Hardcase is late again.
Fives: How did this happen? I called them at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11.
Kix: I printed up a fake schedule for them saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.
Jesse: I set their clock to say PM when it’s really AM.
Rex: Oh boy. We may have overdone it.
*Hardcase bursts through the door*
Hardcase: WHAT TIME IS IT?
Kix: Where is everyone?
Hardcase: Tup had a nervous collapse, Jesse is looking after him, Rex is trying to kill Fives, so I’m in charge.
Kix: Oh my god!
Hardcase: I know, right?
Hardcase: I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.
Dogma: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
Kix: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions.
Echo: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions.
Jesse: Who's fucking caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist?
Fives: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions.
Hardcase: Don’t be sad!
Tup: Why not?
Hardcase: I don’t have a good answer.
Dogma: You have friends and I envy that.
Tup: You're welcome to share my friends.
Dogma: *looks at Hardcase and Fives*
Dogma: I don't want those.
Fives, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, Captain.
Rex, not looking up from his caf: Good morning, problem child.
(Post war, Jesse’s a farmer on a farm)
Jesse: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Tup: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Kix: I think that’s the point.
Jesse: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.
Vaughn: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Jesse: *crouches down*
Appo: *kneels down*
Sgt. Fox: *sits on the floor*
Vaughn: I hate all of you.
Cody: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
Wolffe: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Fives: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Hunter: Omega-
Hunter: It- it was just an ant-
Echo: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
CF99: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Rex: Oh no.
CF99: More like "oh yes!"
Rex: Hardcase! Have you no dignity?
Hardcase: Of course not! How long have we known eachother?
Fives: *running towards Dogma with open arms*
Dogma: *moves out of the way*
Fives: Hey, why'd you move?!
Dogma: I thought you were going to attack me.
Fives: I was going to hug you!
Dogma: Why would you hug me?
Fives: Guess what number I’m thinking of.
Jesse: 420?
Fives: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Hardcase: 69.
Fives: Yeah it was 69.
Hunter: How petty can you get?
Echo: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Tup: Fives, sir, I am questioning your sanity...
Dogma: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Thorn: Your future self is talking shit about you right now.
Fox: Jokes on him. I'll ruin his fucking life.
Fox: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Kix: Hi, I'm Hardcase’s emergency contact.
Counter Guy: You're here to pick him up?
Kix: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
Cody, confused and exasperated: Waxer, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?
Waxer: Politely.
Hardcase: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Kix, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
Echo: You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Omega: But don't you hate yourself?
Echo: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Hardcase: Hey droids! The boys are here!
Fives: “That’s a guy I wanna share a cold one with." Is what Bigfoot would say. About me.
Echo, about the Force: I'm bad at feeling. I wanna be swept up in this. I really wanna believe in something outside the norm of, you know, physics.
Rex: I've lived my life by one adage, and that's don't fuck with Sith!
Jesse, talking abour an insectoid creature from a holofilm: I’m just saying that if I were a bug I’d boink him.
Tup: If I were a bug I’d do a little bug dance.
Fives: My shoulders hurt from being so charismatic.
Jesse on Naboo leave: Why is the toilet paper scented here. It’s like rubbing my ass with some fckn lilies.
Hardcase: Would you notice if someone’s ears were a different color than their face?
Kix: You are literally the dumbest bitch I have ever met I love you so much.
Hound: Guys I did it again i took one of Grizzer’s pills
Fang: how the fuck
Wolffe: I don't trust pears they're sensual for no reason and then taste stupid.
Hound: I suddenly got really sad at the thought of eating my dog.
Boost: The leader never stops leading in true alpha fashion.
Sinker: please never say that again or I’ll call mutiny.
Jesse: Not to be political but idk what the fuck oatmeal is either man
Hardcase: *wears girl ring on one hand and boy ring on other hand* im so gendr
Bly: I am like one inconvenience away from deleting all my emotions and replacing them with disco.
Fox: Don’t date me unless you have a sexual preference for walls.
Echo: Me trying to fit my scomplink in the scomp-port of a computer is the equivalent of a man trying to finger a woman’s clitoris.
Tup: My head hurts. I think I'm dying.
Jesse: I have a cheesing appointment with your mom in half an hour.
Cody, threateningly: Your mouth is a fancy ballroom and I am a bitter man about to spike the party punch.
Echo: Here are two pictures. one of them is your room, and the other is the garbage dump.
Wrecker: *points at a picture* That one is the dump.
Echo: It smells like henway in here.
Echo: Tech.
Echo, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here?
Tech: *sigh*
Tech: What's a henway?
Hunter: We are not mad. We are just disappointed.
Echo: No, we are mad.
Hunter: Yes. We are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide.
Echo: No, we’re not!
Hunter: I am not a mind reader, Echo!
Omega: I did it! I memorized everything in the book! I'm gonna ace this test!
Hunter: Ok, Omega, I'll give you one more question before you go. What ended in 1918?
Omega: 1917.
Hunter: ...You're ready.
Obi-Wan @ Anakin: Why do you always have to insult the ghost of the place we're at?
Anakin: What’s up with Obi-wan? He’s been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Ahsoka: He’s just a little overwhelmed.
Anakin: Why?
Ahsoka: Commander Cody smiled at him.
Anakin: Is this a good idea?
Anakin: Probably not.
Anakin: Do I care?
Anakin: No.
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heyclickadee · 2 years
I actually really like this moment for Omega.
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Because let’s put aside the fact that Crosshair has his own whole thing going on here for just a moment. Yes, he’s angry and hurting and lashing out and wants this kid to just leave him alone so he can get back to sulking and having suspicious headaches (tm), and if you’re only viewing this from a Crosshair-sympathetic, “what about the chip?” standpoint, Omega shooting back like this can seem kind of cold, uncharacteristically obtuse, or even like the writers are using Omega to tell us that Crosshair’s just a bad person end of story. But I never really took that this way.
Look at this from Omega’s perspective. She’s thought of the guys in the batch as her brothers for most of her life, and she may have heard stories about them time and again, but she never really met them until that day in the hallway in Aftermath. I have to imagine that she sort of built up her expectations for what they’d be like and what actually getting to meet them would be like in her head. And, for the most part, meeting them goes really well. Okay, yeah, Hunter does try to brush her aside at first, but he kind of makes it clear that it’s only because he doesn’t want her in any danger or getting into trouble. Once they get past that, though, Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Wrecker take to having a new baby sister like a duck takes to water. She’s one of them, and they make sure she knows that.
Aaaaaand then there’s Crosshair. He’s snide. He’s mean. He makes it clear in that scene in the brig (before she sits down to tell him that what he’s going to do isn’t his fault) that he’s not that happy about her being there. And then later on in that same episode, he tries to kill them. He shoots Wrecker. But hey! She knows order 66 has just happened, she’s assuming his chip has just activated, and that he’s not normally like this.
And then every time she sees him after that, he’s shooting at her and the rest of her brothers, or telling his men to aim for her specifically, or giving the orders to fry them all alive in an engine, or shooting at them again. He takes Hunter prisoner. He does his absolute best to make it sound like the chip never mattered in the first place. That he had it removed before order 66 even happened, because he’s vague enough about the timing that it’s plausible from the character’s perspectives. That he chose to leave the team for the empire, that he decided to try to kill them multiple times, that he willingly gave the order to burn them all alive inside that engine.
And then! Despite all of that, Omega is nothing but kind. She gives Crosshair, someone who from her perspective has willingly tried to kill her more than once, every benefit of the doubt. When Tipoca City drowns, she saves his life, and doesn’t get angry when he doesn’t thank her. He’s meaner than ever and Omega’s still able to see through it enough to understand that he’s extremely not okay. So when he goes over to be alone after arguing with Hunter about the empire, she goes over to try to talk to him. She even shared some really personal information with him:
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She’s trying so hard to build up some camaraderie and make Crosshair feel like he’s not alone, or like he doesn’t have to be. And, again, from Omega’s perspective, this is a guy who’s tried to kill her and the rest of her brothers more than once, who never once thanked her for saving his life, who’s done nothing but snipe at everyone the whole time, and who’s not been shy about insinuating that he doesn’t really want Omega around. Omega would be well within her rights to just leave Crosshair to stew, but she doesn’t. She’s still being kind and still trying to get through to him. Crosshair’s response? To throw her kindness right back in her face. To cut right across a tender spot in her heart and say that she doesn’t belong with them, and that she never will.
To be completely clear, this isn’t an anti Crosshair post or anything like that. I love Crosshair, I’m looking forward to his inevitable redemption/recovery arc, and I’d also make the argument that pretty much everything Crosshair says to and about his siblings in “Kamino Lost” is projection and that he’s really saying it about himself, BUT. Still. Back to Omega’s point of view; what Crosshair says in response to her opening up about why she wanted to find them is a cruel thing to say. So. Good for her for immediately shutting it down and letting him know that she’s not just going to put up with him being an ass. Good for her for coming to realize that sometimes the people you love and the you want to look up to can let you down. Good on her for getting that he’s not who she expected him to be, that she doesn’t have to make excuses for him, and that she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way, whether he has an excuse or not. And maybe her response isn’t the best thing to say and maybe it is Omega losing her temper a bit, but good! Good on the writers for letting a little girl character lose her temper a bit. Let her be angry.
But anyway, that’s sort of how I always took that moment where Omega tells Crosshair that she was wrong for thinking it was the chip the whole time; that she’s hit the limit and she’s not going to put up with it anymore, that she’s sort of taking him at his word about the chip, and that she’s probably talking less about him sticking with the empire and more about him acting like a complete asshole, and I like that.
(And another thing I like? Crosshair seems to get the message. I might be remembering wrong, but he doesn’t actually get on her case about anything after this.)
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dangraccoon · 1 year
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 10: Wrong
Original Character x The Bad Batch
Summary: Jaine finds unexpected new relationships blossoming with a few members of the Bad Batch.
Warnings: discussion of trust issues, idiots starting to fall in love, depictions of small amounts of anxiety
Author’s Note: omg I can’t believe y’all are still reading this, 10 episodes in! Thank you all so much for your continued support! I love y’all so much 🥹💛 anyway here we are again with The Boys™! Yeah anyone remember how I said this might turn into a poly!batch fic? Yeah so that’s like for sure happening now. What can I say, I do what the muse tells me to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There will be absolutely NO clonecest. Gross. anywho, enjoy!
Mando’a key:
Cyar’ika = Sweetheart
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“‘Qoljak’?” Crosshair asked. “That’s where you’re from?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if even Tech didn’t know it existed. It was gone before you guys were even made,” Jaine shrugged sadly.
“How did you escape?”
“It’s fuzzy, it was so many years ago and I think my brain’s blocked a lot out.”
Crosshair sat in silence, taking it all in and watching as Jaine chucked a small rock into the pond. As far as he could tell, she didn’t trust anyone with this- her non-answer to his last question being evidence enough. Would it violate that surprising trust to tell his brothers? Would she hate him if he did? Did they even really need to know?
“Are you…going to tell the others?” he asked slowly, trying to gauge her reaction.
“I don’t know, I’m still pissed at them,” she huffed. “Maybe I’ll tell everyone except for Tech.”
Despite the bitterness of her expression, Crosshair laughed. “That’ll piss him off so bad.”
Jaine, having never really seen this side of Crosshair, grinned just a little even though she was still upset. “Gods, can you even imagine Wrecker trying to keep a secret?”
“He’s terrible at it,” Crosshair agreed.
The pair fell back into silence, less awkwardly now. Jaine threw a few more rocks at the pond, watching the ripples coming from each collision.
“Do you think I should tell them?” she asked quietly.
Crosshair seemed to consider this for a moment, pausing to throw his own rock, sinking it into the direct middle of the pond. “Eh, fuck ‘em. You tell them if you want to.”
Jaine’s shoulders released a tension she didn’t know they’d been holding. She swore she could feel the mood shift, but she must be tired. Still, slowly laid her head against his pauldron, eyes fluttering closed. “Thanks, Cross,” she whispered.
Internally, Crosshair was in full panic mode. She was laying on his shoulder. She trusts him with one of her secrets and to rest against him. He swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Could she hear it? Get your shit together, he scolded himself. What’s wrong with you?
Crosshair didn’t move, listening intently to her breathing becoming steadier and steadier until he was certain she’d fallen asleep.
The sun was going down. It was soon going to be dark and the air would chill. They should head back to the Marauder.
“Jaine?” he whispered, tapping her leg lightly. She made no response, physical nor verbal, so he shifted ever so slightly where he sat. Still nothing.
“C’mon, cyar’ika, we need to get back,” he mumbled. When she still didn’t respond, he heaved a sigh, slipping one arm around her back and one behind her knees, moving to stand up.
He carried her through the forest she’s torn through before, careful not to jostle her too much or make too much noise.
Hunter heard Crosshair coming, nervousness still not at ease, he nearly sprinted to the door of the ship, scanning the tree line for his brother.
It was so quiet, even to Hunter, that he almost missed it, but as Crosshair’s form broke from the trees, he gave a small shushing sound. Hunter’s pulse started to race as he saw his brother carrying Jaine’s limp form in his arms.
He raced to his brother’s side, where he was simply shushed again. Crosshair seemed to be in no hurry as he brought Jaine aboard, carrying her into the tiny medbay where her small cot had been set up in the corner. He placed her gently into the bedding, pulling the blanket over her, before turning back to see the rest of the batch waiting for him at the door.
“What happened?” Hunter asked, calmly, taking a seat at the small table in the galley.
“Nothing,” Crosshair shrugged.
“Did Jaine tell you her planet of origin?” Tech piped up.
Crosshair didn’t respond, opting to instead place a toothpick between his jaws.
“Crosshair?” Tech prompted.
“Why do you care so much?”
Tech flustered a little. “If she has been withholding vital information about her identity, she could be hiding much more.”
“How many times has she saved your ass in the field?” Crosshair retorted, pointing his toothpick for emphasis.
“I fail to see how that’s relevant.”
“You’re telling me that she hasn’t proved herself enough to you to earn the benefit of the doubt? Not to any of you?” Crosshair looked around the group. He was growing more and more irritated, but refused to raise his voice, worried he would wake Jaine.
The batch exchanged a few guilty looks with each other.
“What if she’s from a separatist planet?” Wrecker asked, looking like a kicked tooka.
Crosshair’s heart was hammering and he could feel the heat rising up his neck. He knew Hunter could tell, but he didn’t care. Why were they attacking her? Why couldn’t they understand?
“Crosshair,” Hunter started, his brow furrowed in conflict. “If you know something-”
“I know you all are forgetting how many times in only two months she’s saved our asses, I know you’re all paranoid, and I know that I trust her,” Crosshair spat, turning on his heel to walk back to the medbay.
“Cross,” Hunter called after him, receiving only a rude hand sign thrown over his brother’s shoulder.
Jaine felt groggy. A small feeling- an instinct- prickled at the back of her mind. She jolted up in her bed, quickly scanning the dark room.
“Relax,” Crosshair spoke from his chair at the desk.
“Crosshair?” she hummed.
“Who else would it be?” Crosshair snarked and Jaine could practically hear his smirk.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes and turning on the small lamp near her bunk.
“You…asked me to stay,” he frowned, squinting at the sudden change of light. “When I came to check on you?”
Jaine searched her brain. She had run off, Crosshair came and found her and then she- oh, gods.
Jaine felt her face become bright red, cursing herself for turning on the light.
“Tell me more about your home,” Crosshair blurted out, surprising both of them. He coughed a little, looking intently anywhere but her. “If you want, you don’t have to, but I want to know more…about you.”
Jaine watched on as the typically stoic sniper’s face fell red, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Oh, um, what do you want to know?” she inquired. “I was just a kid when it fell.”
“Right, sorry, you don’t have to- I mean, I’ll just-” Crosshair stammered, jumping up from his seat, and making his way out of the room. “Goodnight, Jaine.”
“Goodnight,” Jaine replied after he had left the room.
Tech paced anxiously outside of the medbay. The others had long since gone to bed,and he had tried, but he simply couldn’t sleep.
Crosshair trusted her. Crosshair, his most standoffish brother, the one who was the most skeptical about everything, trusted her.
Unlikely as he might have felt it was, Tech felt he may have misjudged her character. He felt like a fool. Crosshair was right, Jaine had given no reason for his mistrust, even going beyond that he could see now that she obviously cared deeply for all of them. He slowly came to the realization that he felt like a fool because he was a fool.
It was difficult for him to admit that someone else was correct or that he didn’t know something, and to be fair, it wasn’t a problem that occurred often, yet here he was, pacing outside of her door, searching for a way to confess that he had acted out of paranoia and fear and that, while he had given her no reason to, he hoped she could forgive him.
He was deeply lost in thought, so much so that when Jaine’s door slid open, it startled him.
“Tech? What are you doing up at this hour?” she asked sleepily. “Are you okay?”
Against his will, Tech’s eyes raked over her form. Dressed in a short pair of sleep shorts and one of Wrecker’s torn black tops, her hair was mussed just a little, and not pulled up in the small tuft it usually was. She blinked at him, eyebrows drawn in concern, and Tech realized he had been just staring at her for several moments, fascinated with her beauty in the late hours of the night.
“Tech?” she asked again, stepping closer to him. “You don’t look well; why don’t you come in and let me have a look at you?”
Tech blinked at her as though she were speaking a language he didn’t understand, but slowly nodded.
“Here, have a seat,” she said, pulling him by the arm towards the exam table.
He watched as she worked silently in the dim lamp light of the medbay.
She came over with a scanner, quickly reading his vital signs. She hummed a little at the results before returning the scanner to its place in a drawer.
“Pulse is a little high,” she informed him. “Did you get into the caf to stay up working again? When was the last time you got any sleep?”
Tech’s brows pulled together, his brain working frustratingly slow. Caf? No, he hadn’t had any today. Or since the last time she looked him over- when she’d asked him to cut down on his usual 5 cups and get some actual rest.
He shook his head a little, still not finding the ability to speak. He was worried that if he did, everything could come spilling out. The admission that he was wrong was something that made him feel quite vulnerable, and he was worried what else could come out of his mouth without his permission.
She smiled a little at the man before her, trying not to show her confusion over his lack of speech, but went to work, taking down her mortar and pestle as well as several ingredients from the cabinets. She could hear his heel tapping lightly against the floor as his knee bounced behind her.
“This is dried valerian root,” she explained softly. “I’m going to mix it together with passion flower and chamomile leaves to make you some tea to help you sleep.”
He watched her adding ingredients, grinding them together, smelling the mixture to add more as needed. She hummed a similar tune to the one she had when she had calmed Hunter’s migraine. He found this to be somewhat entrancing. The way her voice lilted softly and the way her body moved so comfortably, so fluidly, as she worked in the middle of the night, just to help him. She was doing this in spite of how he had treated her.
Jaine poured the tea mixture into a small electric kettle, filling it with water and turning it on.
“You seem tense,” she breathed, leaning against the counter as she waited for the tea to brew. She watched him carefully as his eyes shot up to her face from the floor.
“Why are you being so kind to me?” he whispered, feeling his cheeks heat ever so slightly.
Her head tilted a little as a small smile played at her lips. “You seemed like you were trying to ask for my help, so I’m providing it.”
He sat there for a long time, taking in the simplicity of her answer as she poured the tea into a mug, stirring in a small amount of honey.
“I think I know what’s going on in that brain of yours,” she said, handing him the mug. “Careful, it’s hot.”
Tech accepted the tea with a nod, blowing softly over the top of it.
“It’s okay,” she began, sitting next to him. “I don't blame you for not trusting me. With the war, it’s hard to trust new people. I get the same way. I only trusted you all so easily because Cody and Rex recommended this squad so highly.”
Tech sipped at the tea, enjoying the sweet woodsy-floral taste as his mind wandered back to the day before they had met Jaine. Cody’s cool demeanor and barely veiled threats about treating her well. He’d done a great job of that.
“And my childhood- well, let’s just say I have some problems when it comes to trusting people I don’t know,” she smiled lightly.
He nodded a little, he could feel the effects of the tea started to calm his ever-fraying nerves and relax his busy mind.
“I’m sorry I got so upset,” she said, the corners of her mouth pulling downward. “I feel so close to all of you that to walk into a conversation that was about myself, it threw me off. Talking with Crosshair helped, but I was mostly just worried that I’d upset you by not answering your questions.”
She looked back up at him, placing a light hand on his knee. “You gave me the opportunity to talk to you and I dismissed it out of hand. That was horrible of me, and I promise that going forward, I’ll make an effort to communicate more effectively with you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
The question broke free from his slowly relaxing mind and flew out of his mouth. Jaine’s eyes were wide as she scanned his face.
“Ap-apologies,” Tech stammered, nearly jumping up from his seat and away from her. “I believe the concoction you’ve given me has lowered my typical level of brain activity, causing me to say something inappropriate.”
“Tech, it’s-”
“Thank you for your assistance with my restlessness. I will take my leave. Good evening, Lieutenant,” Tech spoke rapidly, turning sharply on his heel and making his way from the medbay, cursing himself the whole way to his bunk.
Jaine was left to sit there, staring at the door through which he’d left so abruptly, jaw opening and closing slightly as though she were going to speak, though nothing came.
She drank the remaining tea and fell into a deep slumber.
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knightprincess · 2 years
Always (Crosshair x Jedi Reader) Part 28
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Words: 1.9K 
Warning: Sad (sorry) but does have a certain reunion
"Where's Echo and (Y/N)?" asked Crosshair, looking to his brothers and Omega. The rescue had been surprisingly quick considering Coruscant was the center of the former republic turned empire. The sniper looked between each of them, hope in his golden eyes mixing with uncertain, dread and fear. He didn't want to be judged again, least of all by his brothers. Yet at the same time he couldn't deny the fear tightening around his chest and  stomach, settling its grip on his heart. 
"They caused the distraction with Rex, if all goes to plan we'll rendezvous with them on Ord Mantel" replied Wrecker, all but pulling Crosshair from his feet in a bone crushing hug. Omega was quick to join in, the hug helping to drown out her sadness of (Y/N) and Echo not being apart of the long awaited reunion too. 
"Not to worry. (Y/N) is more than capable of handling whatever the Empire throw at her. Plus with Rampart's recent arrest the odds of the capture is low" casually spoke Tech in an attempt to lighten the dread each of them felt, even if it was more obvious in Hunter and Crosshair. Even now it was clear Hunter regretted the idea of letting (Y/N) and Echo, even more so when it meant the little family would be broken a little longer, and the fear of losing someone he loved grew the longer they were all parted. 
"Why did you come for me now?" asked Crosshair, failing to stop the words slipping passed his lips. He'd always thought (Y/N), his beloved would lead the crusade to retrieve him when the time came. Yet here he stood, surrounded by his brothers and Omega. No Princesses in sight, no Echo either. Instead it had been the three to hurt him the most. The more Crosshair waited for one of them to respond, the more his thoughts of (Y/N) planning for this crossed his mind. He had no doubt she planned for them to reunite eventually. She intended for them to be on the same page again, a force to be reckoned with, as they were during the war. 
"Princess's orders" simply responded Hunter, finding his self unsure. Like Crosshair he'd always imagined (Y/N) to be with them, instead she was working closely with the former Arc Trooper and Captain. "You know better than anyone how stubborn she can be. She was insistent we come and get you and you get this" calmly spoke the Sargent, holding a hologram out to his younger brother. Once again feeling the guilt bubbling up. Just seeing Crosshair didn't do anything to help it. Even more so with how terrible he looked. Hallow cheeks, lines from the constant frowning, eyes dull, he slouched now too. Hunter was willing to bet Crosshair had lost weight as well, although it was difficult to tell with the black armor. "I'm sorry .." 
"Don't" simply responded the enhanced Clone, looking to Hunter, before his eyes flicked to Tech and Wrecker. He'd been so focused on Hunter, he'd failed to realize Omega had moved, coming to stand at his side, her small hand wrapping around his long fingers. She gave the same comforting feeling (Y/N) often did, the peacefulness being a welcome sense. "Save it for when Echo and (Y/N) are back with us" added Crosshair, wanting nothing more than the impending reunion to happen quicker. Hunter soon nodded, recalling the amount of times he wished, he'd spoken those words sooner. How many times he'd wished to have done things differently. So many things could have happened, had they just taken Crosshair with them when they left Kamino, after the reign of fire. 
Crosshair soon walked to the seats near the communication panel, the place he'd once religiously cleaned his rifle after every mission. Even now Crosshair could recall what each of his brothers would have been doing. Hunter would always be sat opposite him, silently thinking about something as he calmed his overwhelmed senses, all while mindlessly spinning his vibroblade between his fingers. Tech would be in the cockpit, ensuring everything ran smoothly, Echo with him towards the end. The two deep in conversation about something. Wrecker would be on the sleeping racks, complaining they were too small for him, while also attempting to stay on them when fighting to get comfortable. 
Back then (Y/N) would have been at the communication panel, cleaning her lightsabers before continuing on with the torture known as reports. She always hated the paper work and the endless council meetings, yet still she got through them. She'd always have the softest of smiles on her lips when looking around to each of them. Almost as if seeing them safe and sound, gave her a sense of peace. 
Crosshair soon began to look around the ship now, as his brothers and Omega made their way to different parts. Wrecker headed for the cockpit, attempting his hand at flying them away from the imperial capitol. Hunter returned to the communication panel, the place (Y/N) would have once wondered off to. Where as Tech took a seat opposite him, concern in his eyes, although he didn't voice anything. Instead he watched as Crosshair looked around their old ship. Omega soon wondered off to her little room in the rear gun hold, settling into position to meditate again. 
"You'll see her again. Mustafar will freeze over before she lets anything happen to any of us" calmly voiced Tech, acting as if he would've before the Empire took control. Before order 66 had ripped their brotherhood apart. Crosshair simply nodded, knowing there was truth in his younger brother's words. "Lets not waste her efforts. She wanted us all here now, together. She wants us to mend what has been broken" spoke Tech, ensuring even Wrecker could hear his words. He was no fool, he knew there was a reason (Y/N) chose to go with Rex and insisted Echo go with them. Just as there was a reason she didn't argue with Omega staying with them. 
Crosshair simply looked to his little brother, curiosity in his eyes. His princess had purposely chosen not to be there. With a sigh the sniper nodded. Of course she would do this, Echo had been the one to constantly fight for them to go back for both himself and (Y/N), where as Omega was the innocent one for now, taking (Y/N)'s place as peacekeeper. A role the younger Jedi in training seemed to be fully aware of. 
"I understand there was nothing you could have done on Kamino. My inhibitor chip had full control, had you stayed you would have been captured or worse killed" started Crosshair, admitting he had long since accepted why he was left behind back then. There was nothing any of them could have done to change it. Plus he wouldn't have been able to live with himself had they been executed by the empire for treason. "Same with Bracca, there was no way you could have gotten me without getting captured, the imperial forces were too strong, plus Cad Bane. Retrieving Omega was the top priority" he continued, looking to each of them, including Wrecker lent against the door frame leading to the cockpit. "But that doesn't stop the hurt, or betrayal. It doesn't stop the pain or the abandonment. I know there was nothing any of you could have done then, but why did you leave without me after Tipoca City. I would have gone with you, all I wanted, was to hear say you still needed me, you still wanted me" whispered Crosshair, admitting everything, all the pain, the betrayal and even the hope he had. 
"We didn't want to leave you. The first time, we were going to go back and find you once we got our armor, but you got to us before we found you" started Hunter, taking a deep breath before continuing. "When we found out about the inhibitor chips, we came up with so many plans to get you out. Every time we tried you were either surrounded by Imperials or impossible to find. When we tried to find (Y/N), it was like she'd disappeared. We thought you two would have been together. Only Echo realized the Empire would have used her against you" spoke the former Sargent, looking down with guilt painted on his features. He hated what happened, hated how Crosshair was made to suffer and feel. He hated how things had turned out. 
"By the time of Kamino the second time. We thought you already hated us" admitted Wrecker, his voice resembling that of a shout in the quiet ship. Even Omega's soft breathing, as she meditated sounded far louder than it was. "I thought you would hold what happened against us. That you would demean us for failing to find and protect (Y/N). You'd blame us for abandoning her too" voiced the lovable human wrecking ball, his voice serious as his eyes sincere. All that time he truly had believed Crosshair would blame them, he believed Crosshair had looked upon them as his enemies rather than brothers. Only now did he see how truly wrong he'd been to think those things.    
"Echo always said you'd come back. He said (Y/N) would find a way to get all of you back together again" calmly whispered Omega, a soft smile on her lips, as if she could hear Echo's voice speaking those same words. A chuckle escaping him too. Even more so when she imagined he was with Rex and (Y/N) speaking the old line of I told you. Rex likely playfully rolling his eyes and (Y/N) thanking him with a chuckle, just like old times. Hunter, Crosshair, Tech and Wrecker looked to Omega, clearly having heard her words. "He always said (Y/N) and General Skywalker were alike in a lot of ways" added the enhanced clone with confidence. She wanted to know more about General Skywalker, but knew it was impossible for the time being. (Y/N) almost refused to answer questions on the Jedi Knight and had all but lock the files regarding him away, even Tech had trouble decoding the files. 
"Oh no" spoke Hunter, dread and fear flooding his smokey voice, as realization hit him. Quickly he put out the orders. Sending Tech to change the course, going to Dathomir rather than Ord Mantel. Although he didn't state why which only served to cause more panic among the small unit. Crosshair especially, as it suddenly dawned on him what his princess was likely up to and where it could lead. 
"She's not" stuttered Crosshair, knowing one of the things (Y/N) wanted outside of freeing all the clones, and reuniting the little family again. Was to find out what had truly happened to Anakin. She'd stated she could still sense him, she knew he was alive, but something was different. She wanted to know what happened to him, she wanted to finally answer the questions regarding her best friend. One of the few people she truly had left. 
Hunter didn't word his response, simply opting to nod in confirmation. Quickly summarizing Crosshair too had figured out what the former Jedi Knight was up to. And what it could eventually lead to. The former Sargent heard Crosshair whisper something about (Y/N) being stupid for attempting something like this without all of them with her. Yet a soft grin appeared on his lips the moment he heard Crosshair call (Y/N) runi. The single word speaking volumes on how much (Y/N) meant to his sniper brother. Just as indicated how desperate they all were to save her from her own stupidity, and the cost of failing. 
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saturn-sends-hugs · 4 months
For the bad batch ask!!!
17, 24, 34, and/or 48
Feel free to answer only the ones you want to <3<3
oh bestie i am answering ALL OF THEM
17. What are some headcanons you have about Tech?
oooo ok i found a couple in my notes app:
When watching a movie, Tech can get bored pretty quickly and usually ends up finding the space wikipedia page on it and listing off random facts about its production as they watch. Him and Echo often get into debates about how the SFX was done.
Less of a headcanon and more of a “what if”, but if Anakin ever piloted the Marauder, Tech would reluctantly agree that objectively Anakin is a pretty good pilot, but he’d grumble the whole time about him “messing up his systems.”
Tech has tried time and time again to convince Echo to let him weaponize his cybernetics. The strategic benefit of hidden weaponry would give them a backup plan in the event that they were ever without their blasters, and Wrecker of course just wants to see it happen. Echo, however, remains adamant that no, he would prefer not to sleep with a functioning rocket launcher in his scomp arm, thank you very much.
Tech cannot tell directions. He constantly has maps pulled up on his HUD, so he never gets lost, and no one ever questions it. But if he’s ever without his helmet or something? Oh. Oh buddy, he is lost in two seconds. You spin him around once and he has no idea what direction he just came from. Crosshair is more than happy to tease him about it.
Tech cannot dance. While he knows how to dance in that he’s seen tutorials and memorized the motions, he’s just so incredibly stiff that it’s actually abysmal. (It takes Phee a long, long time before she manages to get him to loosen up lol)
aaaaaand that’s probably enough :D
24. Do you have any hot or controversial takes?
oh absolutely and about 70% of them are just my opinions on Hunter.
Fandom thinks he has a ten step skincare routine, tons of hair products, and spends forever getting ready? NOPE. The man uses 5-in-1 shampoo and washes his face with hand soap. He has no clue what the word “exfoliating” means. He dresses like a fisherman grandpa and thinks sunscreen is for fancy people.
Also, the fisherman thing is like my whole concept of Hunter lol. He sends this to Omega no context one day thinking it’s the funniest thing in the world (he is correct)
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not really a hot take, but honestly you already said everything about the whole Fandom Drama™️ stuff so this is what I’ve got lol
34. Which Batcher would you like to kick in the shins?
Crosshair. Obviously. (also Echo for being incapable of self care but i feel like it would be hypocritical to get upset about the ways i’m actively choosing to write him bskhkdndndkd)
48. What’s something you wish you could say/tell to each Batcher?
Tech: don’t hold your datapad so close to your face, you’re gonna get a headache. also where have you been girlie i missed you in the last episodes for some reason, you should really hurry up and get back from the podraces!
Crosshair: go suck an egg. btw have you considered piercings because i gotta say i’m imagining you with a septum and some platform boots and it’s incredible.
Hunter: uh. hi.
Omega: you’re doing amazing sweetie and ur brothers won’t say it but they’re so proud of u mwah
Echo: (regarding slow down) SIT THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW MISTER I SWEAR TO GOD. WTH ARE YOU DOING. WHO IS LETTING YOU CONTINUE TO BE THIS STUPID HOLY SH— (me. it’s me. i’m doing this to myself.) also stop ignoring rex u wet noodle.
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brittababbles · 2 years
Holy shit.
I’m high so bare with me.
Omega is definitely force sensitive.
I have a new theory about order 66
The chip causes permanent disassociation. Assuming the chip works correctly, or is present at all, it forces the clone to suddenly recall what was functionally a repressed memory that the Jedi were traitors. A fact that would be very horrible if you’ve bonded with a Jedi, as we see the clones do throughout The Clone Wars. We see how close Anakin and Ahsoka are with Rex. We see Obi Wan’s fondness for (and arguably romantic feelings toward) Cody. Now imagine you suddenly know beyond the shadow of a doubt that that person is secretly fighting for the enemy you were raised to believe was evil. How angry would you be? Would you be angry enough to kill?
Crosshair’s fires erratically. He experiences a full disassociation that forgets everything that has happened since leaving Kamino as a cadet. That’s why he didn’t immediately kill Caleb Dunne/Kannan Jarrus when he heard the trigger phrase “Activate Order 66”.
He spends chunks of time in his pre-existing personality at the beginning of the series then his chip’s effects are cranked up to 1000 and he has this sense of knowing that the Jedi are traitors well beyond any way he’s ever known anything before. It’s true in his bones, and his brothers know it too, because they’re good soldiers like him. But Crosshair doesn’t exactly have reigns on his temper, and he’s frustrated with Hunter and Tech and Wrecker. Why are they fighting this? It’s so obvious, to Crosshair, that the emperor is right and the Jedi need to be dead. Because thats what he was built to believe. That’s what the chip tells him. That good soldiers follow orders.
The rest of the group don’t have functioning chips.
Whatever modifications were done to Tech, Wrecker, and Hunter in their brains. I’m pretty sure that whatever they did to Crosshair as an embryo was mostly done in his eyes.
Hunter has enhanced senses (though his vision is nothing on Crosshair. I’ll get to that in a minute). Hunter was built from scratch to be able to track, and notice ambush. The field commander. He was built to be in command of the squad. The captain or commander under their Jedi. He’s the Rex to a possible Jedi commander. A good leader, paternal toward his squad. Hunter’s skill set is to serve as the person who has everyone’s back. All the time. He’s supposed to take care of his men. He’s in charge, sort of. This is where a lot of the conflict between Hunter and Crosshair originates. Hunter was born to have their backs. Crosshair, however, wants that person to be him so badly.
Tech has an intensely powerful memory. He seems to interpret this to mean he’s smarter than the others, but nah, he just never forgets anything. Ever. He remembers everything in precise, clear, perfect detail. Always. Perfect for a scout, and a medic, and a pilot. He never forgets how to do anything once he learns it. He’s flexible, mentally and physically. He’s good with his hands and can create a little gadget out of nothing. You need a fixer on a team like this. Tech is your man.
Wrecker is exceptionally strong and durable. He was designed to take fire, to be able to shield his teammates with his body. He was then trained in hand to hand combat and explosives. So making his skin incredibly difficult to pierce would be important. He’d need to be able to take a blast, a blaster bolt, an attacking animal. He’s the muscle. Doesn’t mean he isn’t smart - I do think he has a bit of a traumatic brain injury from an injury sustained doing that job, where he lost an eye. He has the same synthetic eye as Wolffe, similar erratic behaviors as Gregor. Whatever happened to Wrecker was bad. He’s since been patched up. But Wrecker’s easy come easy go personality never wavered. It can’t when your job is to act like a human shield all the time.
Messing with their brains messed with their chips. They didn’t develop fully. Other parts of their brains are massively enhanced - Tech’s memory, Hunter’s senses, Wrecker’s ability to tolerate pain. But those chips are pretty well destroyed from the outset. Still there. Still possibly a threat until they have them removed. But nonfunctional. (Echo’s on the other hand, has been removed completely, purely by chance, while he was in captivity)
And Crosshair? Crosshair is a sniper. What does a sniper need more than anything to be the best marksman ever? Really, just superior eyesight. Crosshair’s eyesight must be insane. He can probably see at 500 feet what the average person sees at 3. He notices movements nobody else would see. He can probably see any wavelength, and in the dark, and possibly be able to see heat. But nobody ever asks him how he literally sees the world, and given him any basis for comparison. Imagine if you were a clone cadet and your three brothers got - what look like - magical superpowers. But your magical power is just the ability to see a little better than they can. Big whoop, eh? No wonder Crosshair has anger issues.
This was the original model of a smooth working squad, that was meant to be handed to a Jedi to command. Shaak Ti designed this squad, probably based on what she felt through the force from the other Jedi. What the other Jedi wanted and appreciated and hoped for in their soldiers. Then she took the most common features and handed the designs over to the kaminoans. She designed a team /for/ her fellow Jedi. Any Jedi. These boys were built to be the perfect, seamless team no matter which Jedi they were paired for.
(It must be awful being Echo, who was not built for this. No matter how much he tries, he’ll never be one of their batch. He was a Domino, and he’ll never know these guys like he knew Fives, or Hevy, or Cutup, or Droidbait. I think Echo recognizes that he’s older than the rest of the team, but sees one of his brothers in each of them. I haven’t quite pinned who corresponds with whom in Echo’s mind yet, but that’s why he’s so protective of his teammates. The OG Bad Batch are /young/, but they’re still clones. Echo is different now too, and he knows that being different doesn’t change who is family is. He’s the older brother, I think, in time, the rest of the batch will come to see Echo as Echo sees Rex. And Rex sees Cody. I hope that will be rewarding for Echo. He deserves some peace.)
But then the plan changed and a new order came in for clones to replace the Jedi. The Kaminoans are businesspeople with no real stake in the war, so they do it. Plus it’s interesting, really. They tried and tried to create a force sensitive child. And finally they did it. They created someone to replace the Jedi. They created Omega.
Omega’s story will be about another force sensitive kid. It’s the plot of The Mandalorian all over again.
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sskim-milkk · 2 years
In honor of sweet bebo omega getting a toy in tbb premiere, here is what imagine going to Space Walmart would be like for this chaotic family because I’m sure as soon as Hunter saw how happy it made his girl he wanted to add to her slowly growing collection.
For @a-lil-perspective because all of your scenarios and little fics with the batch never fail to put a smile on my face I hope I can at least reciprocate that a lil bit 🥰
First of all, with Echo being The Mom ™️ of the group, he’s immediately grabbing a cart and dumping the ecosystem of items from his bag, car keys and sunglasses onto the tray in front of the cart handle. He’s settling in for a long time here. There also happens to be a Space Starbucks next to the store so you best believe Echo’s going there for coffee to keep him sane during this outing. He’s given each of his brothers a list of things to get and NOTHING MORE. They’re coming for the things on the list and nothing else.
Hunter has Omega on a leash because this kid will wander off a heart attack-causing amount of times in this damn store. He’s working with Echo to try to keep the others on task but he is also eyeing the camping and hardware section of the store even though they don’t need anything from there. Maybe he can make a quick pit-stop in those aisles after he gets Omega a toy. Stealth is key.
Omega hates the kid leash and just wants to ogle at everything in passing. Her only goal today is to walk out with the coolest toy ever to help keep her occupied while they’re in hyperspace. She may even team up with Wrecker to convince Hunter to let them get one big toy because “they’d be sharing.” She looks so adorable looking at everything in awe throughout the store. In the toys, she would probably go for something shiny and pretty like another kaleidoscope, or maybe a Lego set or something else involving building. She might also like a strategy game. So many options!
Wrecker would definitely lose Echo’s list for him within seconds and get side-tracked by all the yummy snacks and the sports section. He definitely tests all the weights in the sports sections and grabs a few too many snacks. He tells himself he’ll share. The snacks may be gone by the time they get back to the Marauder though. He joins Omega and Hunter in the toys and does indeed to try to convince Hunter to let them bring a giant Lego set on board. It doesn’t work, but Wrecker does get a couple of cool action figures.
Tech would predictably be in the electronics section. He would ask a lot of question about a new tablet he’s thinking about purchasing and would probably be flirted with by the cute employee helping him. Once all of his questions are answered he joins Omega in the toy section and tries to convince her to buy a strategy game or even a puzzle (though that’s more for himself).
Crosshair separates from the group immediately and no one sees him again until they go to check out. He would spend an annoying amount of time in the mens clothing section finding a jazzy new outfit before he goes back on the battlefield. Looks good, feels good, he’s ready for anything. He would definitely point finger guns at himself in the mirror. He would ask an employee a ridiculous question like, “is this scarf cashmere?” What can I say, he’s a fancy guy.
…oh, and one more thing. Echo is the one who ends up getting everything they need anyway while the other lallygag. He asks himself why he even tries to maintain some order in this family.
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Whumpril Day 14
Holding Back Tears/”I said I’m fine!”
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Call it Freedom
“It was… nothing,” he insists, because now that they’re here facing him, he can’t even begin to imagine trying to tell them what happened, how badly he failed. He clenches his hands to hide the faint tremor in them, well aware of the visible tension in his shoulders as he crosses back to his bunk and settles on it, staring pointedly at the wall, not them. He can imagine their expressions well enough, and he doesn’t think he can bear to look Crosshair or Tech in the eyes without crying again.
“That… was not nothing,” Echo says finally.
“I had a dream,” he grinds out, because what else can he call it? “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.”
He doesn’t see Crosshair move – he’s not in his peripheral vision – but he hears the movement, and a toothpick hits the side of his head. He jerks, glancing at it, before turning a glare on Crosshair, who just stares back unrepentantly. They grew up together; of course, he doesn’t find Hunter’s current expression any more intimidating than he has the past three thousand times he’s seen it.
“I said I’m fine!”
“Oh, we believe you,” Crosshair answers snidely.
“My scans show that your stress levels are abnormally elevated,” Tech reports, and Hunter flinches at the sound of his voice. “When have we ever followed orders.” There was so much resignation and acceptance and determination in those words. The mere memory feels like a vibroblade even now.
“Must have been quite the dream,” Echo murmurs dryly, frowning.
“Uh yeah,” Wrecker agrees, rubbing his left ear. “It didn’t really seem like you’re fine.”
“… I don’t want to talk about,” he settles on finally. We lost the kid. I lost the kid. Our squad fell apart, and it was my fault.
The others don’t even know who Omega is, and that realization challenges his ability to maintain his composed façade. They don’t remember her. … She doesn’t remember them or any of the things they’ve been through. For some reason, that part hurts even worse, and Hunter ducks his head, focusing on breathing through the sudden rush of emotion.
“I’ll be fine,” he states once he’s certain that his voice will be level – he can feel their eyes on him as they try to figure out what to do. “I just need… some time to sort things out.”
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Ok spoilers for the Bad Batch S2!!
So the new trailer has been out for a few days now and I’m surprised I haven’t seen a lot of talk about Cody. Like, yes, I’ve seen theories related to what will happen to Cody, but I’m specifically talking about Cody’s new armor.
In CW, Cody wore the traditional white and yellow/gold of the 212th. In the trailer, he wears white and gray armor. The only time we’ve seen an armor color change was the 104th (Wolffe and the Wolffepack). Master Plo Koon lost most of his original battalion during the Malevolence arc (in S1). They used to wear a rusty brown accented color but after that arc, they are shown to wear gray (in honor of those that died).
So what does that mean for Cody and his new armor? Is it gray just cuz the GAR is gone/disappearing or did something happen to the rest of the 212th?? They better leave the clone boys alone I swear. Filoni, you wanna mess someone up, use your new storm troopers—but leave the clones alone.
I don’t know anything about Legends/EU but do the clones keep their color after O66? I know the remaining 501st (those that stormed the Temple—not those w/ Ahsoka/Rex), after O66, is referred to as ‘Vader’s Fist’ or something. Do they still wear the blue of the 501st or do they wear gray like Cody in the new trailer?
Anyways, I was just curious about Cody’s armor. I hadn’t seen it mentioned (sorry if I missed something) so I figured I’d bring it up.
As for what’ll happen to Cody, I obviously hope he survives. Just cuz Filoni had plans for a Rex vs Cody thing/thought Cody would die doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll die this season. SW is pretty well-known for having characters disappear into hiding (Yoda, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Cal, Ventress etc). SW also has brought back characters assumed to be dead like Gregor and Echo.
I’ve seen a few popular theories going around:
1: Cody’s gonna hunt down CF99 and Rex is gonna have to protect them by killing Cody.
2: Cody’s gonna hunt down CF99 w/ Crosshair and want to kill them. Crosshair, obviously not wanting his bros to die, will kill Cody himself.
3: Cody’s gonna have his ‘questioning moment’ like Rex did w/ Ahsoka during O66 (him hesitating and telling her to find Fives) and protect CF99 from the Empire/swarms of storm troopers, sacrificing himself.
What I’d like to see happen:
Cody and Crosshair hunt down CF99+Rex. The big group splits into 2–Crosshair+batchers and Rex/Echo/Cody. Crosshair has a convo w/ Hunter, Wrecker and Tech about the Empire while Rex+Echo talk w/ Cody, definitely bringing up Obiwan/Anakin/Ahsoka. Rex gets Cody to doubt himself/his loyalties to the Empire, but worries there’s nowhere to go/run. But it just so happens that Rex knows a certain senator (Bail Organa) that’s been helping remaining Jedi/clones/people still loyal to the Republic. Rex puts Bail in touch w/ Cody. Bail mentions a certain general on Tatooine and Cody starts crying cuz he thought he killed Obi and Rex and Cody HUG (like tight gripping/crying all of it). Cody’s relieved Obi’s still alive, but immediately thinks about Rex and Anakin and asks about General Skywalker and comforts Rex when he tells Cody ‘only Commander Tano survived’ or something (at this point not even Ahsoka knows Vader=Anakin, she doesn’t find out until Rebels).
Anyways, the episode/story would end and Crosshair decides to go off on his own (not w/ the Empire or w/ CF99–think Boba/Ventress in later seasons) and Cody (who gets his chip removed) decides to go w/ Rex to meet up w/ Bail (I imagine they would have talked through a communication device/hologram or something). Bail sets Cody up w/ a small ship that’s nondescript and ready to go to Tatooine. The last shot is of Cody’s ship heading towards a beige/tan planet w/ 2 suns with Cody’s voice saying ‘I’ll find you’ referring to Obi or something.
I also loved the idea that Dex (the diner owner from AotC) knows some of the 212th boys since he’s good friends w/ Obi and Cody walks in one day acting different (still chipped). Dex gets all suspicious and whacks Cody w/ a frying pan (think Rapunzel/Flynn from Tangled) and that messes w/ the chip (cuz Wrecker hit his head and made it worse). Cody gets it taken out and thanks Dex for helping and tells him if he sees any more clones, to ‘help them out’ so any time a clone comes in, Dex just smacks the shit out of them with a frying pan. Obviously this is more comedic/not really serious, but I saw that post going around and loved the idea. I loved that Obiwan had friends outside the Jedi/clones.
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years
the bad batch cuddling hc’s!
because I’m soft for these boys. gender neutral reader!
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He’ll grumble and act uninterested, but really he’s just self-conscious about displaying affection.
If it’s early on in your relationship it will take some convincing to get him to cuddle with you.
Eventually he learns to let his guard down around you, though.
Hunter is actually a surprisingly affectionate person when you’re in private.
Not a big talker, but he shows his love through his actions instead of words. Soft forehead kisses, playing with your hair, kissing your knuckles, etc.
Being a very protective person by nature, he LOVES being the big spoon. 
Very warm and soft and good.
The first time he cuddled with you, it was the best night’s sleep he had ever had in his life.
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Claims he hates all forms of physical contact but listen,, this man is touch starved and secretly loves cuddling.
He would never admit it though. You could ask him and ask him and he’d just grumble, say he’s busy, or not in the mood, etc.
Finally he gives in and lets you cuddle with him one night.
“Fine, if it means you’ll stop asking.”
Takes a while to get comfy, but eventually you settle on him spooning you. It’s about how you imagined it would be – he’s all sharp angles so he’s not exactly the comfiest person to be pressed against.
That said, he’s warm and strong and you like the feeling of his arm draped over your waist…
The next day you wake up to an empty bed, and just go about your day as usual.
Crosshair gives you a mumbled “morning” when he sees you.
You assume he didn’t enjoy the cuddling and don’t expect it to happen again. Oh well, at least you tried.
That night, you’re heading to your bunk but Crosshair stops you and nods to HIS bunk.
“Well, are you coming or not?”
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Echo gets a little self-conscious about his new android body sometimes, so he takes some convincing.
“I’m not sure I’ll be a very good cuddling partner…”
You assure him that him having a metal arm and other implants really does not bother you at all, and tell him he has nothing to worry about.
To make him feel more comfortable, when you’re laying down together you lie on his left side with your head on his chest so he can put his left arm around you.
“This is nice.” “I told you so.”
This man is SO warm. He’s like your own personal heater.
Will kiss the top of your head and tell you quietly tell you how much he loves you when he thinks you’re already asleep.
(You’re not asleep and you hear everything.)
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The KING of cuddling.
In fact, you’re convinced he was built specifically for cuddling.
Big strong scary man who is actually just a giant teddy bear.
B I G  S P O O N.
Sometimes you’ll switch things up and straight up lay on his chest with your head tucked under his chin. This quickly becomes his favourite cuddling position.
Sometimes Wrecker can get a little overwhelmed by everything and struggles to relax, but cuddling with you always helps calm him.
“I dunno what I’d do without you, y/n.”
Sometimes he becomes very aware of his strength and worries he might hurt you by accident but you just lean up, kiss his cheek and reassure him that you trust him with your life.
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Does this man ever actually sleep? Up for debate. Sometimes you do have to physically drag him to bed.
Tech’s not really a cuddly person by nature - that is he wasn’t before he met you.
He’ll often stay up late working, but he’s more than happy to have you lying with your head in his lap while he taps away at his datapad.
Sometimes he’ll read or talk to you about what he’s doing. You’re interested, of course, but you also just like his voice.
The first time you shyly asked if he could read to you, he was surprised, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“You’re…interested in what I’m working on?”
When he gets more comfortable with you, he’ll drop one hand down to gently run his fingers through your hair while he works.
You almost always fall asleep on him, and usually end up waking up an hour or so later when he finally decides to go to sleep himself and is gently pulling you against his chest.
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kaminocasey · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us Part 3C
Summary: What if you didn't have to choose between Hunter and Rex?
Pairing: Rex x Reader x Hunter
WC: 2.6K
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; SMUT, Threesome, p in v, oral (both receiving)
A/N: LAST PART, let's go. Sorry it took me so damn long.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3A Part 3B Part 3C
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Rex, Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker wait around while they wait for Tech to wake up from the inhibitor chip removal. They’d all successfully gotten their inhibitor chips out so Tech was the last one up. Rex and Hunter are topside, getting some much needed air while Echo and Wrecker wait with Tech. They clearly had things to talk about. Things that the other guys didn’t need to hear, necessarily.
“So you two are…” Rex sighs.
Rex didn’t expect you to wait around forever. If Hunter could be there for you, then that’s good. He hated that he caused you any pain in the first place. It’s been the biggest downside to faking his death. The moment that he and Ahsoka were safe, he wanted to run to you, to make sure you were alright. He knew he needed to help as many of his brothers as he could first, though. Not to mention, he didn’t know how to find you, so when you were described by the Martez sisters, he tried to get to Ord Mantell as fast as he could.
“Yeah, we kind of just happened a couple weeks ago.” Hunter tells him, honestly.
“Well, I hope you make her happy.” Rex tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“She still loves you, Rex.” Hunter tells him. “She doesn’t know she does it, but she mumbles your name in her sleep most nights.”
“Oh.” Rex tries to hide the fact that his heart soars.
It’s quiet for a moment.
“Do you love her?” Rex asks him.
“More than anything. She’s been a real light in these dark times.” Hunter answers, looking out at the sea of old rusty ships. “To the whole team. Not just me. She and Omega have this amazing bond. She and Echo talk about their days with the 501st and it really brings a smile to Echo’s face. Tech just started teaching her how to fly. And Wrecker just taught her how to defuse a bomb.”
Talking about you makes him really miss you. He can’t imagine how Rex feels right now, being away from you for so long. He knows if he had to be away from you as long as Rex has been away from you, he’d be miserable. 
“Look, Rex. I really like you. That’s why I’m going to tell you if you want me to back off, I will… but I think she should decide.” Hunter tells him. 
“As long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters to me.” Rex smiles, sadly at the thought of you rejecting him, but happy that you found a family within the Batch.
It was a possibility that you no longer wanted the life you once imagined together. He still wants to marry you, to have a family with you, and to give you the life you deserve. Sure, it’d be a little trickier now with the empire in almost every crevice of the galaxy, but he knows some places the Empire has no idea about and never will. 
You and Omega are playing Dejarik while you wait for the guys to arrive. They’re supposed to be back today. It’s been almost four days since they’d gone to get their inhibitor chips out with Rex on Bracca. 
Omega’s head suddenly perks up and she spins away from the table to look toward the stairs. 
“What is it?” You ask her, following the gaze.
“They’re back.” She tells you, still watching.
You didn’t even hear anything.
“How do-” You start to ask but you’re cut off by Wrecker barging down the stairs, swooping Omega up in his arms in a greeting. 
It’s almost scary how little Omega is wrong. You greet all of them, not seeing Rex and Hunter until they walk down the steps next, talking and smiling. Odd, but alright, you think to yourself. 
“Mesh’la.” Hunter pulls you into his arms, kissing you on the head.
“Hey. I’m so glad you guys are all okay.” You tell them, pulling up Hunter’s bandana, inspecting his patch covering the incision. 
“No problems at all.” Hunter smiles.
“I wouldn’t say that.” Tech holds his finger up, matter-of-factly.
“Crosshair showed up.” Echo explains.
You look at Hunter, wide-eyed. 
“Along with a bounty hunter looking for the kid.” Wrecker chimes in.
“A bounty hunter?” Omega asks, confused. 
“Don’t worry about it. We took care of it all.” Hunter holds your face gently. 
You look over at Rex for confirmation, which he knows, because of course he does, and he nods at you that everything is alright. Hunter notices and lets go of your face. 
“Hunter-” You start but he gives you a reassuring smile that he’s not upset. 
You let out a sigh of relief. You’re not sure how to navigate these feelings about the love of your life and your current partner who you’ve really come to care for and can’t imagine being without. Is that love? Can you love two people? Is that possible? You’ve had four days to argue with yourself. You should know right now. But the real answer is that you want both. Is that selfish? Probably.
Later that night, you’re in your room above Cid’s when there’s a knock on the door. You get up off your bed to go answer it, expecting Hunter to come tell you goodnight, or Rex coming to talk to you.
You answer the door and are met with both Hunter and Rex. You should have been expecting it, honestly.
“Hunter. Rex.” You smile softly, gesturing for them to come in. You let the door slide shut behind them. 
They stand in the middle of the room and you look at them, nerves starting to make themselves known.
“It’s alright, mesh’la.” Hunter senses your nervousness immediately and acts like he wants to reach out but thinks twice, maybe out of respect for Rex.
“It is?” You ask.
“Of course.” Rex smiles, softly.
You missed that smile more than anything in the galaxy. 
“We want you to know that whoever you pick, we won’t be upset. If that’s what you’re worried about.” Hunter smiles, sympathetically.
“That’s the thing.” You shake your head as you cross your arms while a lump starts forming in your throat. “I can’t pick…” 
“You don’t have to.” Rex speaks up.
Hunter looks at him, curiously.
“Do you… want both of us?” Rex asks you.
You nod. “I know it’s selfish, though.”
“It’s not.” Hunter looks at you, coming to take your hand. “We both love you, we just want you to be happy, cyare.”
He kisses your hand and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you’d been holding in.
“You love me?” You ask him. 
He’d never said it before. 
He smiles. “I do.”
You smile softly, looking up at him, cupping his face with your hand that he’s not holding. He kisses your forehead and you look over at Rex.
“Go on.” Hunter murmurs. 
You kiss him on the cheek and walk to Rex. Rex pulls you into his arms, crushing his lips to yours. He kisses you like it’s been killing him to not be able to do this sooner. Every memory you have with this man starts coming back and you’re instantly overwhelmed with love for this man. You don’t even realize you have tears slipping until he’s swiping them away with his thumbs and you’re looking up at him, blurry-eyed.
“Sorry.” You chuckle, awkwardly, trying to dry your eyes.
“Don’t be.” He murmurs, kissing you on the head as you look over at Hunter.
“I can have both of you?” You ask them, softly. “You’re sure?” 
“As long as you’re happy, we’re happy.” Rex answers.
You smile up at him and then hold your hand out for Hunter. He crosses the few steps between you and kisses you again. You start to realize how obvious it is that this man is in love with you. From the way that he kisses you, to the way he just looks at you and touches you. He’s looked at you like that since the day that he’s met you and your heart speeds up at the thought. “I know, mesh’la. Me too.” Hunter murmurs against your lips, understanding you like always. 
That’s one of the things you love about him. He reads you and he just understands.
As you turn to Rex to kiss him again, you feel Hunter’s lips on your shoulder and his hands on your waist.
You sigh against Rex’s lips and he starts to smile into the kiss. Trailing your hand down his chest to his length which is already starting to struggle against his pants, you start to get even more worked up. He moves your hands away for a moment, breaking the kiss.
“You’re sure?” He checks.
You smile at him and then Hunter. “I’m sure. It’s been way too long.”
Hunter and Rex glance at each other and nod. Rex returns his lips to yours as Hunter starts to take your shirt off and drop it. Rex unbuttons your pants and you let them fall to the floor, kicking them off. Both men’s hands and lips are all over you immediately. Hunter unsnaps your bra off and Rex pulls away to look at you. 
“I’ve missed you so much.” Rex whispers. 
“I’ve missed you- ah.” You’re cut off as he takes your nipple in his mouth, between his teeth. 
Hunter slips his hand down your panties, cupping your warmth, sliding his hand back and forth, teasing you as he sucks a mark into your shoulder, making you whimper. 
Rex groans at the sound you make and squeezes your other breast. You tilt your head back against Hunter’s chest and his other hand squeezes your breast just under where Rex’s mouth is sucking. 
“Should we move her to the bed, Captain?” Hunter smirks.
“I think we should, Sergeant.” Rex smirks back. 
Both of the men quickly undress before going any further. You can’t help but look at them with intense desire you’ve never experienced. 
Hunter pulls you to the bed, starting to kneel down in front of you, and Rex lays next to you, kissing you again. You get lost in the way that their lips start to explore you in different ways. Rex’s lips are so sure against yours, so confident. Hunter’s lips are sensual and sweet. You’ve made the right call by choosing both of them. 
“I really missed you.” You whisper against Rex’s lips. 
“I really missed you too, cyare. Don’t worry. We’ve got you.” He assures you. 
Hunter’s mouth is on your pussy before you can say anything else and you can’t help but gasp against Rex’s lips. Hunter’s always so giving in the way that he eats you out. It’s addicting how good his tongue feels in you.
“Does that feel good?” Rex hums.
You nod and look down at Hunter, running your fingers through his longer hair. It’s different from Rex’s buzzed blond hair. In a good way, of course. 
Hunter’s tongue flicks over your clit so perfectly, you let out a moan and Rex catches it with his lips again, smirking. You know right then that you’re in for a long night and you can’t wait.
“Hey Cap, feel how soaked she is.” Hunter smirks up at you.
Rex runs his hand down your body until he reaches your dripping cunt, and you both groan when he gently pushes his fingers into you to feel how soaked you are for them. 
“Maker, I’ve missed this pussy.” He rests his forehead against yours. 
“I’ve missed your fingers.” You chuckle, breathlessly.
“Why don’t you take over, Rex.” Hunter offers. 
“Is that alright with you?” Rex asks you.
“Please.” You smile.
Hunter and Rex switch places quickly, Rex pulling you to the edge of the bed a little more so he can settle between your legs, running his hands up and down your thighs. Hunter kisses you softly. You smile at him when he pulls away, letting him know you’re beyond happy right now. 
“I want to devour this pussy later but right now, I just need to be inside you. Is that okay?” Rex asks you.
You spread your legs wider for him as an answer.
“That’s my girl.” He praises you as he starts to slip his length inside of you. 
You let out a whimper as he starts to fill you perfectly. It’s been way too long. You wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer so that he falls into you. You both laugh softly. You take Hunter’s hand and snake it down to your clit and then take his length with your hand. He lets out a soft sigh at the feel of your hand around him as he starts to rub your clit with his finger, gently. Rex starts to thrust perfectly into you and you start to feel your orgasm approaching way too quickly. 
“So fucking pretty.” Hunter kisses you. 
“The prettiest.” Rex agrees.
As they start to praise you more, your orgasm hits you like a train and you cum for both of them, moaning both of their names. 
“Good girl.” Hunter whispers. 
“Turn over, cyare. Hunter, go sit against the wall.” Rex commands them. 
You do as you’re told as Rex pulls out of you so you can turn over on your front and settle in between Hunter’s legs, his cock standing straight at attention. 
“Do you want it?” Hunter asks you, watching you practically drool over him.
You nod, desperately. “Yes, sarg.” 
Hunter looks up at Rex, perhaps for permission and when he gets it, he guides your head over his length so you can start to take him in your mouth. You’ll never get over how good Hunter tastes. How he fills your mouth and throat perfectly.
Rex pushes into you with a little more force just as you get to the base of Hunter’s cock. You moan loudly around him, instantly sending vibrations throughout his body. Knowing he feels it much more deeply than others do, you look up at him and his eyes are screwed shut and his fists are clenched at his sides. You tap his leg to make sure he’s okay. He nods as he opens his eyes, breathing deeply.
“That feels… too good.” He chuckles. “Keep going. Make her do it again, Rex.” 
You start to bob your head up and down on his cock and Rex pushes into you again, roughly and you moan around Hunter again. Hunter’s hand finds your hair and starts to bob you up and down quicker, making you gag and choke on him. Hunter lets out deep moans that you’ve never heard before. This was new to both of you. 
As Rex picks up his pace, slamming into your dripping pussy, you’re met with another orgasm, unable to hold it back. Moan so perfectly around Hunter’s cock, he starts to cum down your throat without warning. Normally, he’d apologize but he’s so lost in his pleasure that you can’t help but swallow every last drop he gives you. 
He looks godlike above you with a sharp grip in your hair. You know you definitely want to do this again. Thinking about it makes you clench tightly around Rex.
“Oh fu-” Rex starts to let out a string of curses as he starts to fill your pussy up with his cum, gripping your ass so tightly you know you’re bound to be bruised shortly. You can feel both of your messes dripping down your thighs and onto the bed. 
“We are definitely not done with you.” Rex warns you, kissing your back before you sit up to rest in Hunter’s arms. 
“That better be a promise.” You smirk as Rex leans in to kiss you, long and hard. 
As you reach up to kiss Hunter’s jaw, he meets you with his lips instead. You can’t help but smile as you think about the future that you get with the batch and Rex. How could life be this good? There must be a catch, right? Whatever it is, you know it’s worth it.
TAGS: @grievouus @twistedstitcher27 @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @rexxdjarin
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agirlinsomefandoms · 3 years
Stop Moving
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35125840
Warnings: smut, penis in vagina sex, female reader, oral sex
Description: Hunter and the reader go as dates for a mission and reader plays the role a bit too well
“I hate this game!” Wrecker whined as you flashed a smirk and took his credits. You showed them excitedly to Crosshair, who chuckled. “We’re eating good tonight thanks to Wrecker!” You said and the giant clone whined in defeat.
“I’m goin’ to get ready! Kriff this.” Wrecker huffed before disappearing. Crosshair and you high fived as Hunter and Tech walked in.
“So, what’s the run down?”
“Well, it seems our target is apart of a very wealthy crime ring organization.” Tech said as he showed his data pad to his brother and you. There was a picture of a twisted looking alien that you couldn’t remember the species of off the top of your head, but you knew the face would be unforgettable.
His name was Jardek, and Commander Cody had contacted you guys and asked to steal a set of access codes from him that would help located dozens of more crime rings, wether related to slavery or drug smuggling, and put an end to them.
Jardek just happened to be in every business imaginable because of his greed for money, and once the republic caught wind that he constantly met with a bunch of crime rings and was a trusted one amongst them, Cody contacted the Bad Batch, and you of course.
You had been apart of the Bad Batch for nearly two years now. You joined as a medic, since the republic realized if they couldn’t keep the Bad Batch in one safe place, they should just send them with somebody to keep them safe.
You felt very out of place when you first joined, considering you had enlisted rather than be forced to fight like the clones were bred to. And especially being paired with a group that had an impressive history of not only winning battles but sustaining some major injuries while at it, it didn’t help your nerves.
But after a bit, you soon came to realize they weren’t all that the regular clones, or ‘regs’ as the Batch refers to them as, sought them out to be.
Wrecker was the one you were first intimidated by with height and beefy-ness alone, but you soon realized he was the walking definition of gentle giant. Wrecker was always cheery and giddy, and if you were having a bad day he never failed to put a smile on your face.
Plus he was a great hugger.
Tech was never intimidating in a visual way, but more mental. You had been scared that he would think you were dumb or just flat out annoying, but after taking a bit to open up, you realized he was shy. He explained in sorrow that he didn’t mean to ignore you, but he just wasn’t used to change.
Tech soon showed great interest in your medical experience, since he had some himself, but wanted to expand it so you didn’t have to stress over all of them at once if the situation called for it.
Now, Crosshair. Oh boy. You thought he was going to snuff you in your sleep for the first few weeks. He didn’t seem to outright hate you, but he still wasn’t the most welcoming.
And one day, he just started talking to you as you cleaned your gun. It took you by surprise, but you just acted like nothing was the matter while on the inside you were confused as could be. And since then, he was your bestie. You two would always gossip with each other and you could always trust him to have your back.
Echo joined just recently, about a month before your mission now, and good lord you thought he was going to pass out every minute of the day.
You helped him adjust slowly to not only his new environment but also his body. You made sure nothing was aching or swelling, since you knew the kaminoans halfassed their jobs when they wanted to.
Echo was grateful that you made him feel like he wasn’t intruding after he confessed he still felt out of place.
And that’s when you had to have a stern talking with your boys that night to tell them they needed to be open to their brother. They claimed they didn’t realize what they were doing and they were ‘just acting like they do everyday’.
And then there was Hunter.
You think Hunter didn’t like you for a bit just like Crosshair, but he didn’t show it as much as his brother. He would talk to you and brief you on missions, but other than that he wasn’t much of a conversationalist.
You asked Tech about it after a bit, to which he responded with that Hunter also had to have time to adjust to change because of his senses. You understood and decided to best let Hunter open up when he needed to rather than try to get him to.
After a month of being with them, Hunter pulled a Crosshair and finally started talking to you after a mission and you were patching him up once again.
You were wrapping his forearm. “You should be more careful.” You always told him, your eyes flickering to his face that was slightly turned away. “You boys are gonna take the entire galaxies supplies of bandages.”
Usually Hunter didn’t respond, but this time to your surprise he had turned to look at you and shrugged. “I didn’t see the slip of metal.” He said simply and you shook your head with a smile.
“Better than a droid slicing you open, I suppose.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised with what we’re seen mesh’la.”
You never knew what it meant, but Hunter called you it a lot. You had never bothered to ask, but it made you melt when he said it to you. Hell, it made you melt whenever he said anything in mando’a, wether it be to you or his brothers. The language just sounded sexy coming out of his mouth.
You had mentioned it to Crosshair one day while changing in the bunk room and he laughed loudly. You frowned. “What’s so funny?” You mumbled. “You got a crush on Hunter!” He said as he popped a toothpick in his mouth. You blushed as you slipped on your pants.
“No! I do not!”
“Thinking it’s sexy when he speaks our native tongue? That sounds like a crush to me.” Crosshair said with a smirk and you shook your head, standing your ground.
“Oh yea? Do you have the same reaction when I do it? Pehea about ibic?” Crosshair teased and absolutely lost it when you had no same reaction to him speaking it. You clenched your fist before throwing your shirt at him. He giggled as he watched you storm out in a sports bra.
“Alright, so what’s the plan?” You asked as Hunter stood next to you. “Well, we haven’t quite—“
“Actually, I believe I have a way to retrieve the access codes quietly to not raise suspicion.” Tech interrupted and Hunter motioned for him to continue as Wrecker and Echo walked in, Crosshair moving to the other side of you as Tech began explaining.
“The access codes will most like be held on some type of drive, which i’m sure is very well guarded or hard to access without the proper security codes. Tonight, Jardek is having a party. A big one to be precise that he holds monthly.”
“What’s the party exactly for?” Hunter questioned and Tech shrugged. “I would assume to just show off his money. Crime lords do that in order to hold a high title.”
“Alright, so what exactly does that have to do with our objective?” Hunter asked and Tech put his holopad down. “Well, considering most of the security will be attending the party, that leaves his office or wherever those codes might be more open and allowing us to sneak past better. But, we can’t be sure of when and where Jardek will be at all times, so we need eyes on the floor.”
“Alright, so Wrecker and Cross will go to the party while us three sneak in and (Y/N) waits on the ship.” Hunter said and Tech shook his head. “Wrecker stand out too much and Crosshair will be more useful watching our back. We need to blend in, not craw any attention. Any one of us being there alone will draw attention.”
“Okay, so what do you suggest?” Hunter asked and Tech’s eyes flickered between you and Hunter for a moment.
“You and (Y/N) go with each other. Clean and dressed up.”
Oh, Wrecker and Crosshair knew exactly what Tech was doing. The shit eating grin that appeared on their faces that you and Hunter couldn’t see made Tech almost break into a smile himself but he kept his composure.
“Us two?” Hunter asked in surprise as you suddenly grew nervous. “Unless you want to act gay with either one of us, this is your only option.” Tech said and Crosshair let out a snort.
“Okay, I mean. If that’s what we need to do, I don’t mind.” You said, eyes flashing up at Hunter with a look that made him almost lose his mind. Hunter nodded quickly to cover for his brief silence.
“No, that’s fine by me.”
“Good. Now go find some outfits.” Tech said, shooing them out the door as he handed you and Hunter credits to buy something.
As you and the sergeant walked off and the marauder door shut, Crosshair shook Tech as he laughed. “You—are a kriffing genius!” He said as Wrecker laughed loudly while the engineer grinned and adjusted his glasses.
“I know. But that does mean we’ll probably have to stay out of the marauder for the night.”
“And it’ll be kriffing worth it.”
“I dunno. I think grey isn’t my color.”
Hunter turned and at the sight alone, he nearly went feral. You had on a grey dress that hugged your curves and stopped mid thigh with a slight cut so more of your upper thigh was exposed. It had thin spaghetti straps that showed off your shoulders and it just went so good with your skin tone.
The sight made the sergeant was to push you back into that dressing room himself.
He quickly flashed his eyes at your face as you frowned. “Huh?” He asked dumbly and you giggled, hand covering your mouth. “I asked what you thought of it.” You said, looking back to the mirror and turned your body in different ways.
Hunter looked at the mirror and could see you turning to expose more parts the dress complimented you at and he almost passed out when he realized how good your ass look in it.
“I—you look lovely mesh’la.” He said as he stood up and stood next to you in the mirror. He had already chosen some nice black pants and matching dress shoes with a grey button up so you thought you’d match him with the grey.
“Are you sure? The grey’s just making me…” You said slowly and Hunter nearly wanted to punch a wall when he kept staring at you turning your body to look at it.
“Trust me, mesh’la. You look amazing. Besides, it’s only for one night, so we can burn this dress once we’re done.” Hunter said and you laughed before sighing.
“Alright, I suppose.”
Crosshair wolf whistled as you came out while Wrecker literally barked at you as you tried to put on your earrings in peace. “Stop it you two!” You said as you smacked them both.
“We men are but simply creatues—“
“We see hotness—“
“We like!” Crosshair finished and you rolled your eyes as you wiped off your dress. “Do I look alright? I wasn’t really sure about the dress.” You told them.
“Honey, you think we’d lie to you?” Crosshair have you a look while he crossed his legs. You cracked a smile. Sometimes you wondered if this man was actually straight.
Tech and Echo walked in and looked up from his holopad. “You look lovely, (Y/N).” Tech said politely as Echo nodded in agreement and you motioned to the two. “See? A normal response.” She said to Wrecker and Crosshair who shrugged as Hunter walked in.
“Thank god you washed that greasy ass hair.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Hunter snapped back at his bother as he rolled up his sleeves. Crosshair snickered as you hit him on the arm and told him to be nice.
“Ready, mesh’la?” Hunter asked with a smile on his face after you could see him looking you up a down. You smiled as he held his arm in a loop for you to take a hold of. “Ready when you are, sarge.” You said as you took his arm.
“Remember, tell us when Jardek makes an appearance and we will make our move.” Tech said and you two nodded.
As you walked off, Crosshair yelled something in mando’a and Hunter turned deep red and shot him a look.
“What’d he say?” You asked and Hunter shook his head. “Just Cross being…Cross, y’know?” He mumbled and you gave a smile. “Cmon darling, loosen up. We’re the ones who get to dance and eat on a mission! Cross should be jealous.”
Hunter smiled at your enthusiasm as you headed into the town to catch a taxi. “I suppose you’re right.” You grinned. “of course I am.” You said in your best Tech voice and Hunter snorted.
“That was good.”
“Thanks. I’ve been practicing.”
The party was crowded, which made you lean a bit closer to Hunter so you could weave in and out of the people, arm still in his. Hunter didn’t seem to mind, but you also couldn’t hear the voice in his head screaming as your cheek pressed against his shoulder.
“You wanna get a drink? I think it’ll help loosen our nerves.” You said and Hunter nodded as he carefully guided you two toward the bar. You let go of him and ordered a drink for yourself before Hunter did.
“Hopefully this won’t take too long. I’m still kinda sore. These heels aren’t helping.” You said while you stared around at the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Hunter was doing the exact opposite.
Hunter was contemplating his entire existence on this night, all because Tech insisted they go as a date looking couple to this big party.
He didn’t want this night to end, merely because you looked so damn hot he thought he was going to lose his mind.
The makeup you had put on, since you rarely had the chance, made his mind swirl as he looked at such a perfect face with or without it.
Your nice, dolled up hair made his fingers twitched as he resisted the urge to brush some of it out of your face.
Those heels you complained about, he wished he could walk you back to the marauder and he would happily carry them, hell, carry you if you so nicely asked.
And that damn dress. Oh, his nostrils flared as he thought about it ending up on the floor of the bunk room, just you two, heels of your feet digging into his back, hair ruined from his fingers running through your hair and pulling, make up ruined from hard kisses and maybe even sweat and tears as you—
The sergeant nearly jumped at the sound of his name and watched as you smiled. You caught him in his act, but you decided to stay quiet. You handed him his drink and could see a faint blush on his cheeks and tried to cover it when he took a sip of his drink.
“Let’s go find a seat.” You said and he nodded, following you like a lost puppy. “Cmon sarge. You gotta play the part.” You said teasingly, turning your head to look at him as you decided to toy with him after catching him staring.
“What do you mean?”
You rolled your eyes. “We’re on a date. So act like it. Or eventually somebody else here will if you don’t protect what’s yours.”
Hunter’s mind swirled. His senses were in full alert just because of how you were messing with him. But there was no way you were trying to…no, i’m that’s impossible…unless?
Hunter hadn’t even noticed the looks men gave you as you both had walked by, and he could see it now as you tried to find a seat. A slow smirked creeped up on his face as you turned back around to navigate the crowd.
You felt a gentle hand on the small of your back, his pinky dangerously close to uncharted territory as the sergeant appeared to you and leaned down.
“Lead the way, mesh’la.”
A blush now appeared on your face as the grip on your back tightened. Hunter was unsure if he pushed his limits, or misread the situation, until a small hand reached back and grabbed the top of his, intertwining their fingers.
Hunter smiled like a love struck teen, as did you but both of you couldn’t see the other doing it.
Eventually you found a seat at a curved booth, sitting down as a waiter passed by and gave a plate full of snacks.
You munched on them, slightly missing the feel of Hunter’s hand on your back. His arm was wrapped around the back of the booth behind, the sergeant face glancing around as he tried to keep to the mission objective.
His eyes suddenly lit up and he sneakily raised his comm. “Jardek’s out. You’re in the clear from our angle.”
Tech didn’t respond but you knew he wouldn’t. Now, all you had to do was keep an eye on Jardek and make sure he didn’t go anywhere.
Easy enough.
The man seemed to be having a grand time talking to what you assumed were friends of his/other crime lords. You didn’t want to sit in silence all night, so as you lazily stirred your drink you hesitantly put your arms around the back side of the booth behind Hunter, draping yours over his which caught him by surprise.
“So—“ You said, sipping your drink. He raised an eyebrow at you. “—tell me about your cadet days.” You said and Hunter cracked a gentle smile.
“They were…tough. But we had some pretty good memories.” Hunter told you, seeming to think hard. “Tell me some.” You urged. You had heard some stories from Wrecker and Crosshair, even Echo before the citadel. But Hunter was typically a quiet one about war stories, he preferred the others to tell them.
“We had a lot of training, but we had fun while we could. Cross and Wrecker have had that stupid game going since our first battle simulation when Cross stole a kill from Wrecker.”
“Wow. Didn’t know Wreck could hold a grudge.” You chuckled, hesitantly beginning to twirl some of the sergeant hair in your finger behind his head. He didn’t say anything, so you kept doing it.
“Wrecker may not be book smart, but boy can he remember what he thinks is important. This one time I accidentally left Lula on Kamino after he had asked me to grab her for him and he stills brings it up when we have an argument.” Hunter said and you laughed.
“I know Lula was hurt from that.”
Hunter snorted. “Apparently she was.” He said before sipping his drink as you explored a bit more on his boundaries and begin raking your finger through his hair, shuffling your legs closer to his.
“Has Tech always been this smart? Like was he actually just born with a shit ton of knowledge?” You asked and Hunter smiled after glancing over to still make sure Jardek was where he needed to be.
“Tech would argue and say that he wasn’t, or that he had to build this up and yada yada but as far as I can remember, yes, he always been smart. He’s always been cocky too.” You giggled, shifting even closer.
“I think he deserves to. I know dealing with our dumbasses probably gets in his nerves.” Hunter chuckled with a nod, his fingers suddenly brushing over your shoulder and it made your stomach coil.
Fuck, his lips looked so good as he smiled.
You suddenly remembered something. “Do you recall how Crosshair used to not talk to me then suddenly did one day?” Hunter nodded. “Why was that? Like, why did he just decide to stop being a dick?”
Hunter laughed. “I asked him the same thing, and his answer was ‘she yelled at Wrecker when he wouldn’t stop moving while she was patching him up. Anybody who does that is good in my book.’” You snorted.
“Anybody who yells is good to Crosshair?”
“Specifically at Wrecker.”
You and Hunter both laughed. There was a bit of silence between the two of you as Hunter sipped his drink and glanced around a bit and suddenly caught the wandering eyes of men that were looking at you innocently sip your drink.
If they didn’t have an objective, Hunter would’ve easily told them off. But he couldn’t risk getting thrown out yet. But, he could take your advice from earlier.
You yelled suddenly in surprise when you were gently yet urgently tugged toward Hunter and suddenly your bottom was pressed against his thighs with your arms still around his shoulders.
You breathed out as you turned and came face to face with the sergeant, his breath tingling against your skin.
“What’re you doing?”
“Playing the part.” He said innocently as his thumb and index finger grabbed your chin. A bright red blush appeared on your face as you glanced and could see why he had done it. Not that you were complaining.
“O-oh…sounds good.” You said and could hit yourself for the stupid words that came out of your mouth. Hunter just smiled before letting go of your chin and leaning back again, hands slowly trailing down your body unless his right hand stopped on your outer thigh and the other picked up his drink to sip.
You glanced down to wait him readjust his hand to where it went closer to your inner thigh and suddenly you were cursing at the fact that you wore underwear.
‘Maybe he can just move it to the side.’
You shook those thoughts away as you shift your hips to turn your body and you felt the sergeant tense, seeing he wasn’t expecting it. You innocently sipped your drink as you watched Jardek party loudly with his friends, thankful nothing was ruining this evening so far. Everything seem to plan.
A waiter came around with more drinks and you lifted your hips to reach for one before sitting back down, except putting them farther up on Hunter’s lap.
You felt him shift a bit underneath you but paid no mind. After a moment and a few more shuffles from the both of you, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed ahold of your waist, making your breath hitch as Hunter leaned up and you felt his breath against your ear.
“Stop moving.”
And it was those words that made you catch on to what exactly made Hunter so antsy.
“Or what?” You whispered back, still staring off as if you knew nothing of what was happening.
Hunter’s comm beeped quietly and Tech’s voice came through.
“We have it handled from here. Echo and I are covering on retrieving the disks while Wrecker and Crosshair are going to come watch from above. You and (Y/N) can get out of there. We can handle it from here.”
Normally Hunter would double check before letting his squad take over a task alone. But this man was on another task, and didn’t even comm back before he lifted you up to stand before following suite.
He grabbed your hand and quickly navigated you through the crowd with ease as the coil in your stomach bubbled before you left the party, not even noticing the eyes from above watching you.
“Our plan was a success.” Crosshair said to his direct comm to the others outside of Hunter. “Our? It was my plan!” Tech said and Crosshair ignored him as both him and Wrecker continued to scan the crowd.
“Hmmm. There are some pretty good looking people here.” Crosshair hummed. “Tech already said he wasn’t paying for another hotel room, so you’re on your own if you take somebody home.” Wrecker said and the sniper rolled his eyes.
“Who says I could be fast enough to do it here?”
You panting his name was driving this man absolutely insane as he dove his tongue back into your folds. Your thighs kept clenching and unclenching around him and it was like miracle to be able to be treating you this way.
“kriff, you have no idea how long i’ve dreamt of this, mesh’la.”
You let out a groan as a finger sunk into you. “Me too.” You panted, one hand gripping his hair right while the other fell next to your face as your stretched your body out.
“You taste so fucking good.” He murmured as another finger sunk into you, nearly fainting when you grind your hips up into his face for more friction. His own hips pressed harshly against the mattress of his bunk, trying to give himself something until you were satisfied.
“Maker, you look so pretty like this. Been thinking all about this ever since you got into that kriffing dress. God, I wish I could ripped that off before we went to that stupid party.”
You nearly laughed at the mixture of earth words and clone words that he used, no doubt he picked it up from you. But your laugh was replaced by a moan as he latched onto your clit and sucked hard.
“Fuck, Hunter—“
Your climax washed over in a instant, being to distracted by his charming words to even realize it was coming up fast until it was too late. Hunter lapped you up as your legs shook and his dick twitched at the sight.
“Fucking amazing.” He mumbled, pulling away from your pussy and pulling his fingers out. Your arousal was still there, growing even more as you watched him suck his fingers to get your juices off them, his eyes not once leaving yours.
Your hands dropped to either side of your head as you bite your lip with a smirk, opening your legs welcoming.
“Coming, sarge?”
Holy maker, this man was about to fall of the bunk.
“All night I will be.” He said with a smug smirk, about to crawl on top of you until you stopped him with your foot to his chest. “Ditch the pants first.”
You felt a bit insecure at the fact that he was still half clothed and you were completely bare, but it make you slick to think that he was so eager to go down on you that he waited to undress.
Hunter smirked. “No assistance?” He asked as he took of his belt and threw it aside. You shook your head.
“I was wanting to get a party and show anyway.”
Holy fuck, Hunter’s senses were going wild as every word you said as he quickly shed his pants and trousers, his hardened member springing free.
“Can the show carry on now?” He asked smugly as he began to crawl on top of you. Yours hands raked up his arms, finding their way to his hair where you pulled off his bandana and tossed it to the floor with the rest of your clothes.
“Please.” You whispered huskily as yours fingers ran through his hair, pulling his head down to kiss him hard. The kiss was passionate, yours hands tugging his brown, wavy locks as you both panted. One of his hands reached down to guide his dick to your eager folds, slowly running along them.
“Hunter.” You whined, breaking from your kiss and he smirked down at you. “Use your words, mesh’la.” He chuckled. You gently ran your right hand from his hair to his cheek, thumbing it before pulling his head down to whisper in his ear:
“Shab ni.”
His whole body tensed, his one free hand gripping your waist so hard that your prayed there would be bruises.
His cock entered your folds and you groaned as the feeling of finally being filled up. Hunter growled, slowly thrusting in and out.
“Cuyir ulyc meg gar vercopaanir par.” He said into your ear as he nibbled it. You didn’t know what he said, but just the way he said it made you clench around him. He groaned at the feeling, his hands suddenly bringing your legs around his waist before he quickened his speed.
Skin slapping against skin filled the air as Hunter looked down at you, both your mouths open as your names escaped each other’s lips mixed with moans and grunts. Your hands held onto his forearms, nails digging into them and he honestly hopped to see blood dropped from them.
“Fuck, Hunter.”
Maker, the way you said his name just made him quicken his pace even more, the bunks shaking slightly and maybe even the ship.
Hunter leant down and capture your lips carefully in his, the feeling in his stomach beginning to build up. “Fuck, I’m close.” He whispered as his arms wrapped around your head, burying his face into your neck and your hands went to his back while your mouth pressed against his shoulder.
“Please, please inside me.” You whimpered, feeling yourself get closer to another release. “You sure, mesh’la?” He mumbled, his breath hot on your neck.
How could deny such a polite answer?
His hips stuttered as he moaned against your flesh, white hot string pouring into you as you dug your teeth into his shoulder. The feeling just made his orgasm drag out longer until he felt his dick settle and he brought himself up from your neck, panting heavily.
You looked so pretty to him all sprawled out, sweaty and panting, hair wild and make up smeared from your shenanigans. And you looked even prettier with him still in you, his load leaking out from the side as his dick still had you plugged up.
Hunter slowly pulled out after sitting all the way up, watching as you whimpered a bit at the feeling of emptiness. Hunter watched as his own cum fell out of you, dripping slowly as it mixed with your own juices.
“Fuck.” You breathed out and Hunter let out a breathy laugh as he watched you sit up and close your legs to stop them from shaking so much.
“That’s a way to put that.” He said, trying to catch his breath still. You smiled, brushing hair out of your face.
“We should probably clean up before the boys get back.” You said and Hunter checked the time. “I think we still have plenty of time. Besides, the showers free for awhile…” He said suggestively as his hand began running up your bare legs.
You bit your lip and nodded at his invitation before the two of your scrambled to the bathroom like a couple of teenagers, giggled ensuing behind the closed door as you knew the night wasn’t quite over yet.
You eyes fluttered open as a light hit your eyes. You yawned, pulling your arms up and stretching out. The arms wrapped around you tightened as you felt the body behind you shift.
“Cmon. We should get up.” You said, patting the sergeant arms. There was a grumble behind you, making you smile as you shifted to be able to turn around and look at him.
“(Y/N).” He said in the same mocking tone, eyes still not opening. “Cmon, the boys aren’t back yet. We should go find them.” You said and the sergeants eyes opened. “They probably went home with a bunch of girls.” He mumbled, pulling you closer.
You gave up and just began running your hands through his hair, to which he hummed in approval. “So…what does mesh’la mean?” You asked and red came into Hunter’s cheeks as he opened his eyes.
“Beautiful.” He mumbled and you gaped. “You’ve been calling me beautiful for nearly the entire two years i’ve known you and you never told me?” Hunter shrugged.
“You never asked. Besides, did you know what you said last night?” He asked and you blushed now. “Yes. I looked it up.”
“So you knew that what happened last night would happen?”
“No, i’ve been wanting to learn for awhile. I learnt the curse words first and just some basic stuff so y’know…” You trailed off and he chuckled.
“Well, it sounded sexy come from you.” He purred, running his hand down your arm. You sighed as you both laid there for a bit more before you decided it was actually time to get up.
Hunter whined as you got out of bed and you shook your head with a smile. “Who knew one of the toughest clones in the galaxy required a minimum of 7 hours of cuddling after sex?” You said as you began to change.
Hunter pouted, hugging his pillow with a huff as you flashed him and teasing smile and leant down to him. You gently pecked his lips and he smiled like a love struck teen.
“I’m going to freshen up. Try to get up in a bit.” You said to him as you turned around, yelping when a hand collided to your ass.
“Yes ma’am!”
Hunter chuckled and laid for just a bit longer before getting up to change. He stripped his pants then his shirt before slipping on some other civvie pants they had as the door to the marauder opened.
Hunter turned to see his brothers grinning like idiots. He raised his eyebrows. “What?” He asked.
“How was the party?”
“It was fine.” He said as he turned around. There was muffled laughs, mostly from Wrecker and Crosshair.
“You eat good?”
Hunter spun around and that’s when the two busted out laughing, leaning against the wall for support.
“You knew?” He exclaimed and Echo tried to shoo the two away to leave Hunter alone but it didn’t work.
“It was the plan!” Crosshair said in between tears. “Of course you were behind this.” He grumbled and Wrecker shook his head as he tried to suppress his giggles.
“Not us.” He said before thumbing to Tech, who smirked as Hunter gaped.
“Oh look, the hyperdrive needs maintenance.” And with that, the engineer scurried away.
“Looks like she ate good.” Crosshair said, poking the faint bite mark on Hunter’s shoulder. The sergeant swatted his hand away with a glare as Wrecker and Crosshair went off giggling before the refresher door opened.
You stepped out and shook your head at Hunter’s expression. “You heard all that?” He asked and you nodded as you went to him, bringing your hands up to hold his face. He nuzzled his head into them, sighing.
“We kinda do have to thank them though.” You whispered and the sergeant chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your palm.
There was a kissy noise behind you and you made sure Crosshair shut up for a long while as you turned to him slowly with murder on your mind.
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