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reader insert fics and headcanons! •  please check my pinned post for FAQ's/Rules before requesting! • currently writing/accepting requests for: pretty much anything star wars but especially the bad batch, the clone wars, boba fett and the mandalorian! • REQUESTS: open • 18+
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for your BobaXtransmasc reader head cannons ❤️❤️❤️❤️
aaaa you're welcome!! <3 i'm so glad you liked them, i just feel like there's not enough boba content with a transmasc reader 👉👈
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
headcanons for boba with a trans masc s/o!!
a/n: nobody requested this, I just really wanted to write something very self-indulgent 👉👈
warnings: masculine language used to describe reader, mentions of gender dysphoria, boba and reader are in an established relationship, implied age gap with dom!Boba and sub!Reader, implied n/s/f/w but nothing xplicit
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He WILL correct other people if they get your pronouns wrong (if you’ve previously discussed that you’re comfortable with him doing so, of course).
And if someone purposely misgenders you even after being corrected??? Oh boy. Let’s just say Boba will give them a very stern warning.
“Very stern warning” meaning throwing them up against the nearest wall and growling that if they ever so much as LOOK at you again then his face will be the last one they’ll ever see.
If you’re particularly struggling with gender dysphoria, Boba will do absolutely everything in his power to try and help you.
Suddenly feeling uncomfortable in all your clothes??? Boba will happily buy you an entirely new wardrobe if it means you’ll feel happier and more like yourself.
Has an array of gender-affirming, masculine nicknames that he loves to use on you. It usually makes you blush so hard your cheeks burn which really brings out his dominant side.
“How’s my little prince doing today, hm?” // “You’re looking particularly handsome today, ad’ika.” // “Attaboy...”
That last one is usually growled into your neck when the two of you are alone...
He’s just generally an incredibly supportive and understanding partner.
If there’s anything he’s unsure about - say he wants to check if you’d be comfortable with him using a particular nickname, for example - he will just straight up ask you. Your comfort and happiness is his #1 priority and he wants to make sure he’s always accommodating your needs and preferences.
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
please consider: boba having a nonbinary /transmasc partner and using the nickname "little prince"
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
working overtime
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summary: after a long day of hard work in the palace hangar, boba is there to take care of you. 
pairings: boba fett x gn!reader
warnings: boba and reader are in an established relationship, implied age gap (through gratuitous use of “little one” heh)
word count: 1.1K
a/n: FIRST BOBA FIC *pops confetti*. anyway i love this man and i would like him to Hold Me
Keep reading
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
working overtime
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summary: after a long day of hard work in the palace hangar, boba is there to take care of you. 
pairings: boba fett x gn!reader
warnings: boba and reader are in an established relationship, implied age gap (through gratuitous use of “little one” heh)
word count: 1.1K
a/n: FIRST BOBA FIC *pops confetti*. anyway i love this man and i would like him to Hold Me
You knew he wouldn't be happy about it if he found out. It was silly really, there had been no need for you to work yourself so hard. The only job Boba had actually requested of you while he was gone was to give Slave-1 some much needed maintenance - it wasn't a big task, seeing as he kept his beloved ship in very good shape anyway - and you'd had it done not two hours after he left. If you were being honest with yourself, you'd just wanted to impress him - to be able to list off everything you'd accomplished while he'd been away. But now, as you leaned against the wall of the elevator which was taking you to the top level of the palace, your aching limbs were telling you it had been a terrible idea. Oh well, you thought. Lesson learned. Boba will be none the wiser-
- - - -
You were exhausted. Like, really exhausted. As you heaved your trusty box of tools back onto their shelf in one of the hangar’s supply rooms, you let out a sigh of relief. You had officially finished every outstanding job on your mental to-do list - and it had been quite the list. The hangar was now pretty spotless thanks to your tidying efforts, if you did say so yourself, with Slave-1 sitting proudly in the centre. Boba was out on some business with Fennec – he wasn't expected back until the evening so you figured you'd have time to go shower and pretend like you hadn't completely overworked yourself.
"I'd been about to come looking for you, little one."
You froze in the doorway to Boba's room, finding him stood beside his bed stripping off his armour. He had just finished removing his left gauntlet and dropped it on the bed alongside his right gauntlet and chest piece. He stopped and turned to you, those honey eyes of his locking with your own.
"B-Boba! You're...home early." You said quickly.
He raised an eyebrow. "No, in fact I'm late."
Your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't have worked for that long...could you? Oh dear. Those sharp eyes of his didn’t miss a thing, and he quickly noticed the smudge of grease on your cheek, the scuff marks at your elbows and knees, and how you were covered in a light helping of dust.
"Have you been overworking yourself again?"
"N-No! Of course not-" you began, but Boba had already walked across to stand in front of you, and his overpowering presence alone made you trail off.
"Little one..." he rumbled, in a warning-like tone. You knew you'd never get anything past him.
You sighed and hung your head in shame. "Yes. I-I'm sorry, Boba, I didn't really mean to. I swear! Well...I-I kept working until I had everything done but I meant to finish before you got back, I didn't realise how late it was, I-"
Boba lifted a hand to stop you and immediately you stopped talking.
"Cyar'ika," he said, using a finger under your chin to tilt your head up. "I'm not angry with you."
You frowned. "You're not?"
He chuckled, and the sound made your heart skip a beat. "No. Concerned, perhaps, but not angry. I just don't want you pushing yourself too hard."
You nodded, dropping your gaze down once more. "I'm sorry, I just…”
You felt your cheeks warm with embarrassment at admitting this to him, and didn't see the way he tilted his head at you curiously. "I-I guess I just...wanted to impress you."
Boba brought both hands to your cheeks, and you looked up at him once more. "You do not need to impress me, ad'ika. You do that already, every day."
"I...I do?" You asked incredulously. Boba chuckled, running his thumbs over your cheekbones.
"Yes, you do." He smiled down at you, those warm eyes of his brimming with love.
"Now," He rubbed his thumb over a particularly prominent smudge of dirt on your cheek. "Let's get you cleaned up."
As much as you just wanted to fall into bed and sleep for the next few days, you felt fairly icky and wanted to wash away the evidence of your hard work. Boba seemed to sense your exhaustion, or perhaps it was just clear on your face, because he accompanied you to the 'fresher to give you a helping hand. You didn't have the energy to tell him he didn't need to but you knew he wouldn't have listened to you anyway.
You felt dead on your feet as Boba helped you undress, wincing a little at your sore muscles as he gently tugged your shirt off. He immediately pressed a kiss to your now bare shoulder, mumbling an apology into your skin. He switched the shower on for you and you stepped inside, sighing as the hot water ran over your skin. Admittedly, you hadn't been expecting it when Boba stepped up behind you, having stripped off his own clothes. You let him wash you, rubbing soap into your skin and running a soft cloth over your back. Any other day this might have turned into a more…heated situation, but instead you just felt an overwhelming sense of affection as he took care of you. If Boba was at all aroused by what was happening, he didn't show it. By the time he was finished, you were leaning back into him with your eyes closed and his arm was wound around your waist, holding you upright.
"Don't fall asleep on me just yet, little one." he said gently, and you mumbled an affirmation of his request as he guided you out of the shower. You leaned into his warm, bare chest as he dried you off with a soft towel and mumbled a barely audible thank you as he led you back out to the bedroom.
“Regrettably this next part will be easier with your participation.” He said, and you reluctantly peeled yourself from his embrace to see him holding out your sleepwear in one hand. You smiled and took them, being rewarded with a kiss to the top of your head. The pyjamas were warm and soft - a welcome feeling against your abused skin after such a long, hard day.
Relief washed over you as you were finally, finally crawling into bed, a long sigh escaping you as your head sank into the pillows. Exhausted as you were, you were almost asleep already when Boba was slipping under the sheets behind you not 30 seconds later. A strong arm wound around your waist, pulling you back against him, and he leaned over to press a soft kiss your temple.
“Sleep, little one.”
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rebeldaydreams · 3 years ago
Hi! May I please request headcanons for Han Solo x fem!Reader in an established relationship traveling through the stars?
aahhh yes you can!!!! han my beloved 🤲
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There is only one thing Han loves more than the Falcon, and that’s you. So travelling the stars on his ship with his favourite girl? He’s living the dream.
Life with him is unpredictable and dangerous, what with all the smuggling, but he’s just happy he found someone who was able to keep up with him and Chewie. You love it.
He pretends not to be, but he’s a big sappy romantic on the inside. He often goes out of his way to buy you nice gifts from the local markets whenever you stop to refuel and repair the Falcon.
You keep telling him he doesn’t have to and that he should save his credits, but he just kisses you which is an (annoyingly) effective way to stop you talking.
“Just a small token of my affection, sweetheart.”
Speaking of affection – Han is never afraid to show his love for you physically.
He likes to pull you into his lap whenever you’re in the cockpit with him, kissing your forehead, cheeks and finally your lips all while mumbling soft declarations of his love.
That’s not to say you don’t have your fair share of bumps in your relationship, of course.
On more than one occasion, Han has gotten irritated and worked up while doing repairs on the Falcon (a regular occurrence) and snapped at you. After which you end up locking yourself in your shared quarters while he storms off to the cockpit for an hour or so.
Eventually, after a push from Chewie, Han finds himself gently knocking on the door to your quarters.
“Hey, uh, I’m…” he runs a hand through his hair, his voice heavy with guilt. “I’m real sorry for snapping at you, doll. I…I didn’t mean to.”
You want to stay mad at him but he sounded so damn guilty. So you sigh and open the door, finding him stood in the corridor looking all sheepish – like a little kid who’s been told off by his parents.
Apologies start spilling from his lips clumsily, until you silence him by stepping forward and taking his face in your hands.
“Would you shut up? I forgive you, you big idiot.”
He stands there stunned for a moment. “You’re…not mad?”
“I was. But then you were stood out here looking like a lost Tooka and I found it difficult to stay mad at you.”
He smiles that stupid cute smile of his, and you lean up to give him a quick kiss.
“Now shall we go finish fixing this hunk of junk before we get pulled out of hyperspace again?”
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Some very self indulgent headcanons about telling Tech that you prefer they/them pronouns!!
a/n: written with the intention of reader being nonbinary/trans but I don’t use any actual labels, established relationship between you and Tech
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You decide to tell him one day when the two of you are finally alone on the ship, when the others have gone on a supply run.
You shuffle quietly into the cockpit where he’s sat in the pilot’s chair working on something, and nervously clear your throat.
He swivels round in the chair to face you, giving you a smile. “Yes, cyar’ika?”
“I um, I just wanted to, to you a-about something.” You mumble. You’re really not sure why you’re so nervous about telling him, it’s not like you’re worried he’s going to reject you. You’ve just been keeping it to yourself for so long that the thought of saying it out loud to someone you love very dearly is...a lot.
Tech frowns upon noticing your unusually nervous demeanour and immediately sets his holopad down on the console.
“Are you all right, darling?” He stands up and closes the small distance between you until he’s stood just in front of you.
You nod, taking a deep breath. “Y-Yes, I just...there’s something I want to tell you, and I’ve wanted to tell you for a while I just...well to be honest I’m not sure why it’s taken me this long. It’s silly, really.”
“You know you can tell me anything.” He said, gently taking your hands in his. The action was so sweet that you felt tears welling in your eyes just because of how much you love the man.
Tech is just watching you intently through the tinted lenses of his goggles, waiting patiently to hear what you want to say. Here goes nothing, you thought.
“I, um, well...I’d prefer if, from now on, you could use they/them pronouns for me?” You say, your heart pounding in your chest at finally telling him.
After a moment, you cautioned a glance upwards to find him smiling. He squeezed your hands, which he was still holding in his own. “That was all you wanted to tell me? You had me worried."
“S-So you’re um…okay with it?”
“Of course I'm okay with it, darling. To be quite honest with you I suspected as much.”
So he knew all this time? Well, of course he did. Tech was nothing if not observant.
Tech brought a hand up to your cheek, brushing a gloved thumb across your skin. “I just want you to be happy, I’ll always love and support you no matter what. You know that, don’t you?”
The relief of getting it off your chest combined with how tremendously sweet he was being was what finally broke you, and the tears that had been brimming in your eyes spilled down your cheeks.
“Oh, cyar’ika, come here.” It wasn’t really a request, as he was already gently pulling you against his chest.
“Th-Thank y-you, for being so understanding, T-Tech.” you sniffled into his chestplate. He shushes you and kisses the top of your head.
“That’s what I’m here for.”
He pulls away once you’ve stopped sniffling so much, and takes your face in his hands. You smile up at him as he wipes away your remaining tears with his thumbs.
“I know it can’t have been easy to tell me, but I’m glad you did. And I’m so proud of you.”
You push yourself back into his chest, wrapping your arms around the man. “You’re gonna set me off again, Tech.”
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
old wounds
words: 1250
characters: obi-wan kenobi x gn!padawan!reader 
summary: obi-wan is pulled from his sleep when he senses you, his padawan, in terrible distress and rushes to your quarters in the dead of night to check on you
warnings: nightmares, brief mention of past character death, hurt/comfort, obi-wan is a parental figure, gratuitous use of “little one” as term of endearment
a/n: a quick note about reader’s backstory! just before the clone wars, you lost your former master in an accident. following this, obi-wan took you on as his padawan. i wrote this with the intention of reader being in their early 20s but they could be any age really! 
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Obi-Wan had always been a light sleeper, and was even more so since the war started. He felt as if he was on high alert on all times these days, so it was a small luxury to have a night at a GAR base following a successful mission, away from the heat of battle. His peace was short lived, however, as he was pulled from his sleep by a strong disturbance in the force.
He pushed himself into a sitting position and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on it. He was hit with a wave of incredible distress and fear, and quickly recognised the force signature as yours.
Obi-Wan muttered your name in troubled realisation and leapt out of his bunk, rushing out of his quarters and jogging the short way down the corridor until he reached your room.
The door was locked, of course, and under normal circumstances he would always ask permission to enter, but seeing as he was concerned for your wellbeing he did away with the formalities and used the force to let himself in.
Your distressed aura hit him like a tidal wave as he entered the room, and he was met with the sight of you tossing and turning in your bunk, your hands fisted in the sheets as you whimpered in your sleep. Obi-Wan approached your bunk, sitting on the edge of it and resting a cautious hand on your shoulder. As he made physical contact, terrible images flashed in his mind - ones he assumed were currently plaguing your dreams. He managed to quell them and opened his eyes, gripping your shoulder slightly firmer and shaking you gently.
"Y/n-" he said. "Y/n, wake up-"
You woke with a sharp gasp, eyes flying open and darting around wildly for a moment until they settled on the concerned face of your master hovering over you. On instinct, you'd thrown your hands up as if in self-defence but Obi-Wan's hands had quickly closed around your forearms, easing them down and rubbing tender circles into your wrists with his thumbs to calm you.
"'s all right. It was just a dream, y/n." he said.
You let out a shaky breath as you came back to your senses, and Obi-Wan released his hold on your wrists when you moved into a sitting position.
"I-I'm s-sorry, Master...I, I just..." you couldn't control the shake in your voice nor the trembling of your hands, and you squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to clear your mind.
"Padawan, please look at me." he said quietly, coaxing you to lower your hands from your face. You lifted your head reluctantly, wishing to the high heavens he wasn't seeing you like this. Tears sparkled at the corners of your tired eyes and his heart ached for you.
It was to no avail, though. Images of your nightmare still burned behind your eyelids - vivid recollections of the day you’d lost your former master, just a few years prior. You’d tried so hard to move on, but still the memory lingered, like a wound that refused to heal.
Obi-Wan could feel your pain and distress as if he was experiencing it first-hand. He wasn't used to seeing, or feeling, you like this - the dream must really have rattled you to send you into such a state. You'd hidden your face in your hands to try to stop the wave of tears threatening to spill down your cheeks, but it wasn't working. You felt Obi-Wan reach out to you, gently taking hold of your wrists once more.
"Oh, little one...come here." His caring words and soft gaze were enough to entice another wave of tears from you, and you shuffled forwards into his open arms, gripping onto the back of his tunic as if your life depended on it. One of his hands rested against your lower back while the other found the back of your head, holding you against him as he spoke soft words of reassurance.
"You're ok, you're safe. I've got you, little one."
It occurred to you, as you were quietly crying into his chest, that you'd never had this level of physical affection from him before. You supposed it was because he was usually trying to do as the Jedi code dictates and not allow his feelings to take over. You'd learned, however, that Obi-Wan Kenobi was not as much of a stickler for the rules as you'd first presumed him to be.
You stayed like that in his arms for a minute or two, until your tears had ceased, and your breathing was slightly less erratic. You gently detached yourself from him and wiped your eyes with your sleeves. Obi-Wan kept a hand on one of your shoulders, watching you with a furrowed brow and concerned gaze.
"All right?" He asked, gentle eyes boring into yours.
You nodded. "Y-Yeah, I think so."
As you calmed down, a wave of embarrassment washed over you at having Obi-Wan see you in such a state. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you sheepishly looked down at your crossed legs.
"I'm sorry, Master." you said. Obi-Wan frowned, sensing your shame. He brought a hand up to gently grasp your chin, encouraging you to lift your head so he could look you in the eyes.
"You have nothing to apologise for, y/n. We can't control our dreams, much as we might like to - but it is important that we do not dwell on them for too long." He said. You nodded.
"I-I know." you replied, hating how your voice still trembled slightly. Obi-Wan gently took your face in his hands, and through his touch you could feel his familiar, calming force signature seeping through into your very being.
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." he added quietly, a reassuring smile on his face, and you realised then that he knew exactly what you'd been dreaming about. Of course he did.
"Thank you, Master." you replied, before sheepishly adding; "And I am sorry if I woke you."
He brushed you off. "Don't be silly. I'm a light sleeper."
You smiled at that, and then looked down at your hands which were clasped together in your lap. You wanted to ask him to stay, just for a little bit. As ashamed as you were to admit it, you really didn't want to be left alone to your own thoughts just yet, what with the nightmare so fresh in your mind. Still, you would feel so childish asking such a thing of him.
"Your thoughts are loud, little one."
Your head snapped up and you found him smiling gently down at you. Your cheeks burned and you looked away again, embarrassed. Clearly, you had forgotten to hide your thoughts from him.
"O-Oh, kriff, I...I'm sorry, I didn’t mean-" you began, but he quickly raised a hand to silence you.
"I don't mind staying." he said simply, meeting your gaze when you finally lifted your head to look at him. "If it might help you relax?"
You were fiddling with the bedsheets nervously. "You really don't mind?"
"No, little one, I don't mind."
You shot him a thankful smile, and moved across on the bunk to give him some room to sit beside you more comfortably.
No nightmares plagued your mind when sleep overtook you once more that night. Instead, you dreamed of walking through fields of long grass and flowers on a warm night, watching the stars, with Obi-Wan’s ever-present aura surrounding you like a protective shield.
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Consequence of Krell - Part 2
Part: 1, 2
Captain Rex x Tactician!Reader (she/her)
Summary: You have joined the 501st and 212th in the campaign of taking Umbara, and now you have to apprehend and arrest the turned Jedi, Krell. But what happens when Krell turns his sights and hurts you?
Warnings: This chapter really gets into heavy injury descriptions, and the treatment of them. Strangulation, choking, vomit, blood, fluid, burns, lightsaber wound, head injury, angst, hurt.
Word count: 1k
The fight in the skies continued to rage on as Rex and the others left the brig, having immobilised and contained Krell. 
A trooper approached. “Captain, we’ve repaired the transmitter." 
Rex exhaustively held a hand out to halt the clone, who was standing to attention. Rex’s entire body felt heavy, and the mere action of lifting an arm was feeling like a chore. "Is there any word on Lieutenant (L/N)?" 
"Yes, sir. Kix has requested your assistance.”
Keep reading
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Consequence of Krell / Part One
Captain Rex x Tactician!Reader
Summary: You have joined the 501st and 212th in the campaign of taking Umbara, and now you have to apprehend and arrest the turned Jedi, Krell. But what happens when Krell turns his sights and hurts you?
Warnings: Descriptions of heavy injury, strangulation, choking, vomit, blood, burns, lightsaber wound, head injury, angst, hurt, death. Not a light one!
Word count: 2k
The hologram dissipated to reveal the imprisoned clones. You watched as Jesse and Fives took the blasters outstretched in Rex’s hands while you stood on the elevator pad with Tup and Kix. The nervous energy was thrumming from each of them. You were of equal mind. Fives, your best friend, glanced over Rex’s shoulder at you. He nodded and attempted a comforting smile. You dipped your head in a sedated reply. Your stomach sat heavy, a weight ready to pull you under. But… no. You couldn’t focus on it. Not now. You had to do right by them. The grief was already at a mounted peak, but there would be time to sit in it with them later.
You didn’t comprehend the sensation of the pad rising until a blaster bumped against your left side. On your right, Rex’s eyes casted sideways to search your glazed ones. Your pupils were involuntarily flicking left to right, searching the empty space between identical heads for a solution. Anything other than this - an alternative to the loss that would continue once you reached the upper level of the command station. Rex grasped your two fingers closest to him and tenderly squeezed. You squeezed back. A silent promise of companionship to one another.
The doors opened, a cruelty from the Force, and clones immediately filed out, surrounding Krell. The objective was to cut off each inconceivable exit, but every man in the room knew it would make no difference should the Besalisk ignite his sabers. Many of them would not leave the tower. And perhaps you would go with them. You took your stance between Rex and Fives, with a desperate plea to the galaxy to allow you to maintain their safety. A hologram by the door pulsated back online, and the noise made you jump, setting the lump in your throat deeper. You aimed your blaster at the fallen Jedi.
Rex straightened. “General Krell, you’re being relieved of duty.”
He turned, slowly, and somehow that was equally as terrifying as staring him directly in those sickly yellow eyes. His two pairs of arms persisted in a fold behind his back, with optimal access to his weapons. The pressure in your head was building. Rex hadn't yet raised his DC-17s. He was the most vulnerable person in the room. You unknowingly squeezed down on your trigger.
"It's treason, then." Those words carried the condemnation of a death sentence. He bared his teeth in such a way that it would have appeared he was smiling.
Finally, Rex pinned his blasters on the target. "Surrender, General."
If the situation owed to it, perhaps you would have laughed. The mere use of a title, still, was abhorrent to you.
"You're committing mutiny, Captain."
Krell initiated a stalk towards Rex, centering himself in the room and widening his stance by the parting of his feet. Please, no.
"Explain your actions."
The clones moved deeper into the room, cutting off the window at which Krell was just policing the Umbaran landscape.
"For ordering your troops against one another."
"My actions?"
"Oh, that." He raised his head, proud, and gestured nonchalantly. "I'm surprised you were able to figure it out… for a clone."
Your clench around the trigger was building.
Out of your left eye, you had identified movement from Fives. You assumed it was a gesture of advancement. But you didn't turn to confirm this. You couldn't move. Your limbs were paralysed.
“Surrender, General. You’re outnumbered.”
You felt the air around you turn stagnant. A rushing noise built in your ears, and then your feet tipped forward, toes dragging along the floor. The gravity shifted underneath you, and you were pulled towards the beast at full speed.
Quicker than it began, you stopped, making contact with one of Krell's fists. Nothing you had endured in this war thus far compared to the instantaneous pressure around your windpipe. Within seconds your eyes felt close to bursting. You couldn't hear the commotion around you, as your blood was pulsing rapidly in your skull.
Krell turned to you, talking steadily along the shell of your ear. "Your feelings for him - all of them - are strong, but they weaken you. They compromise your resolve." He raised you off the ground, your legs squirming as you frantically clawed at his fist.
Safety mechanisms released in every which direction. Rex pinned his pistols, now gripped in a vice, on Krell's skull. "Drop her."
"She intended to shoot me, for you," he squeezed again, sight tunneling on Rex. A noise like a whine escaped your mouth. “Half-breed."
Rex couldn't make the call. Krell's movements were quick and precise. Any one of his blaster bolts timed with a purposeful shove could hit you. His blood was turning acidic.
Your helpless wheeze cut through the rest of Rex's resolve like glass. Your arms had slowed their fight to return the stolen air to your lungs. You were going limp. Your heart was trembling. His hands shook.
"Yes… I sense the fear in you. The anger. The fury. Take your weapon. Strike me down."
"This is the art of war. Executive decisions must be made."
You felt something in your neck crack.
Krell bowed his head. "And you lack the ability to instigate them."
His arms at his back frayed and thrusted forward, sending the men hurtling to the ground. Rex hit the door and his blasters fell with him, skidding out of reach. He leapt with speed to his feet, in time to see the green blade of a saber come down against your back, splitting your armour, through to your jacket and then along your back. If you could breathe, you would have screamed in agony. The image of your eyes wide in torture would haunt his nightmares forever. Krell threw you carelessly across the room, slamming against the wall. Your head suffered the brunt of the contact, and your body collapsed in a heap.
Fives' voice broke into bottomless rage. "I'll kill you!"
The clones needed no instruction. They opened fire. A second double ended saber entered the battle. What followed was a myriad of needless lives lost. Krell cut down men with no remorse. His sabers spun and pivoted, deflecting blaster fire and creating a shield around him. The plasma shuddered audibly, sound reminiscent of gunship engines, faulting, stuttering and eventually declining in an air battle. He leapt between men, massacring war heroes. Most were fortunate, decapitated or impaled immediately and granted an instantaneous passing. Others were left with pieces missing and didn’t have such a luxury of a fast death. They bled out until painfully slipping away. Orange and blue chipped armour was diced and thrown every which direction, 501st and 212th assuming a role of puppets, and Krell was the master. The Besalisk sliced one clone through the gut, and kicked him at Rex, who jumped aside in a dodge. Krell ceased momentarily, just as the remaining men dragged themselves back on their feet, and his eyes bore into Rex.
He should have run straight to the elevator and pursued the fallen Jedi. But the stability of what would normally be his auto piloted instincts had fragmented. The smell of your burnt skin crippled Rex's mind. You were face down, and the wound across your back was glowing as it continued to melt the area in its circumference. Kix ran over then, seemingly directing his focus to you. Unbeknownst to Rex, the medic had already done a sweep, and concluded that no one else in the room who had been on the end of Krell's sabers had survived. He hadn't registered that Kix was speaking to him. Everything sounded muffled. "I've got her, go!"
“I will not be undermined by creatures bred in some laboratory!” His exit was open. He turned and jumped through the window, glass shattering around him and falling to the ground below. He spun in the air and landed on both feet, the shards from the tower raining around him. Then the clones below began shooting.
"Rex, come on!" bellowed Fives.
"Rex!" followed Jesse, taking a large step forward and tagging him on the arm. Rex finally jolted, and cast his eyes to the elevator. The men stood, waiting expectantly for his lead, all of them far worse for wear. He picked up his fallen weapons, ran in and spun to face the door, casting another pained expression on your failing body as the level ascended out of view and he went below.
He staggered on his feet, bile threatening to spew over his lips. Rex clasped a hand over his helmet, shaking his head violently. Damn it, snap out of it! He just… needs to see your face. He needs to see that you're alive.
The 501st sprinted out of the command tower, Rex in lead. They followed the trail of broken glass, passing by a cluster of Umbaran ships. Just then, Dogma stepped out from behind one of the transports, blaster trained on his brothers. "Hold it right there!"
Rex whipped out his DC-17s. "Lower your weapon, Dogma," he commanded.
He hesitated briefly, shaking his head. "I… I can't do that, sir."
Dogma flicked his aim between them. "You're all traitors!"
Rex's patience was already worn into the ground. "That's an order!"
Rex deposited one of his blasters into its holster, then removed his helmet, an attempt to show some relation and find a common ground. "I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us,"
Tup lifted his blaster to Dogma.
"But we're not droids. We're not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions." He stared intently at Dogma, his brow pinched.
Dogma switched his barrel on Tup. "Dogma, don't do it."
"Damn it, we don't need this right now!" Fives threw his arm down and scowled. "He hurt (Y/N)!"
That broke something behind the tattoo across his eye. "Is… is she alright?"
"We don't know," Jesse said dejectedly, angrily stuffing his blaster into his other hand.
Tup shook his head. “He just… cut her down. A civilian.”
“He’s the traitor, not us! (Y/N)’s not a clone. She wasn’t made to die this way!”
The truth is, you were no longer a civilian. You made the choice to enlist in this war, to try and make the galaxy safer for the future generations. It’s one of the things that drew Rex to you - your selflessness and willingness to join a battlefront, to do the right thing, where others would turn and run the other direction. You were hands on like that, believing in doing it yourself, or not at all. Others would have called you mad.
“That’s enough.” Rex’s words weren’t meant to come out as pained as they did. It was like there was a thick wad of sandpaper in his throat, grinding his voice down to a pained shadow of his usual resonance.
As much as he admired that about you, it was also his downfall, because he knew you wouldn’t walk away. You wouldn’t leave his brothers. You loved them like family. Hell, they were your only family. And they loved you. Perhaps that would mean he would lose you to it all one day. Perhaps he had lost you already.
Rex squeezed his eyes shut and drew his brows tightly together. He sucked in a breath.
Dogma lowered his weapon, and he was tackled by troopers without any protest. He stretched his arms out in front of him and released his blaster. They pinned either arm behind his back and secured his wrists together with binders.
Rex hesitated. "Take him to the brig," he ordered, pulling his helmet back over his head, then pointing to a couple clones.
"You two, get up there and help Kix! The rest of you, don't let General Krell escape!"
"Yes, sir!" They shouted as Rex and the others ran into the treeline.
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Bad Dreams
words: 1400
characters: Tech & Omega
warnings: Some very light angst with a lot of fluff! Bonding over nerdy stuff. Tech trying his best to be a good dad 🥺
summary: After suffering a distressing nightmare, Omega seeks some comfort from the only person left awake aboard the Marauder.
*ad'ika = “little one”
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Tech, as had become routine, was the only person still awake aboard the Havoc Marauder. He was sat in the pilot’s chair tinkering with his helmet’s computer display as the familiar light of hyperspace filled the cockpit. So invested in his task as he was, he didn’t hear the quiet shuffling of small footsteps behind him.
“T-Tech?” Omega’s voice was almost a whisper, but it was enough to snap him out of his reverie.
“Oh, Omega-“ he began, setting down the screwdriver he’d been using and spinning the chair to face her. “Is everything alright- oh.”
He stopped when he saw her – standing in the doorway clutching Lula tightly to her chest with tear-stained cheeks. She sniffled, looking down at the floor. Immediately, Tech felt out of his depth. He wasn’t exactly famous for handling other people’s emotions all that well, and now he was faced with a crying child.
“S-Sorry to bother you, I just...I-I had a nightmare…” she said sheepishly.
At the sound of her frightened voice, all of his unease was replaced with a sudden, rather surprising, instinct to assist her and his gaze softened. Tech placed his helmet down on the co-pilot’s seat and pushed himself to his feet, walking across to where Omega was stood sniffling. He kneeled so he was eye level with her and offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
“Well, that’s perfectly normal. Everyone gets them occasionally.” He said. “Perhaps it might help if you told me what the nightmare was about?”
Omega shuffled her feet and gripped Lula tighter. “It…It was…all of your chips, they…they activated and I…I ended up a-all alone-“
She was getting visibly upset as she recounted the dream, and Tech’s brow furrowed in sympathy. He reached out a hand and rested it on her shoulder, in an attempt to offer some physical comfort.
“It was only a dream, Omega. Nothing is going to happen to any of us - you’re safe. We’re all safe.” Tech said. “All right?”
She nodded.
“I-I know it wasn’t real, I just…it was so scary.” Her voice began to waver, and Tech could see fresh tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.
He had been about to offer some more reassurance when Omega pushed herself into his arms, Lula dropping to the floor behind him as her hands locked around his neck. Tech froze up for a moment, his brain racing to process the unfamiliar situation, and after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around Omega’s trembling form in a slightly awkward embrace on his part.
He went to speak, but since he – for once - wasn’t sure what to say, he decided silence might be more beneficial. After a few moments, the awkwardness he’d been feeling melted away and Tech’s shoulders relaxed, his arms tightening around Omega.
“It’s alright.” He said quietly, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if he was doing this right. Judging by Omega’s tightening grip on him, however, he assumed he was.
They stayed like that for a minute or so, with Tech mumbling gentle reassurances as her tears soaked into the neck of his blacks. He’d never seen her this distressed before, and he was surprised at how much it was affecting him to see her in such a state. He didn’t like it.
Once he could feel that her breathing wasn’t quite so erratic, signalling that her crying had ceased, he eased her off him.
“Listen to me, Omega.” He said softly, using a finger under her chin to get her to look at him. “Nothing is going to happen to any of us, or to you. I promise.”
She nodded, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “Y-Yeah…okay.”
“And look,” Tech turned his head slightly and pointed to the scar now adorning his right temple. “See? No more chip. So I’m rather afraid that you’re stuck with us.”
He was happy to see that his attempt at some light-hearted humour had paid off as Omega cracked a smile, a short giggle escaping her.
“That’s fine with me.” she said.
Tech smiled and reached behind him to retrieve the fallen tooka doll. He held it out to Omega and she eagerly took it back from him.
“Thank you, Tech.” she said, lifting her sleeve to her cheek to wipe the last of her tears away.
“Happy to be of assistance, Omega.” He said as he returned to his chair. “We still have quite a few hours left until we reach Ord Mantell, you should try to get some more sleep before we get there.”
“Actually, I um, I was going to ask if maybe…I could sit with you in here? Just for a little while.” she asked, shuffling her feet. Tech looked back at her. It certainly wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that the child was reluctant to go back to bed.
“If that’s okay with you-“ she added quickly, worried that perhaps he didn’t want her there. She would understand if he didn’t, of course – none of them ever really got any alone time, so a few hours of solitude in the cockpit was likely desirable for him.
“How about I teach you about some of the ship’s controls? If you’re up for it.” he asked after a moment, tilting his head at her.
“Really?” Omega’s eyes lit up at the suggestion and Tech nodded, patting his knee.
Omega grinned, carefully placing Lula on the co-pilot’s seat before Tech helped her up onto his lap, spinning the chair back to face the window of the cockpit. He began explaining about all the various controls, buttons, levers, and screens – what they do and when they should be used. Omega knew she’d never be able to retain all this information, it was a little overwhelming after all, but she was so excited to finally be learning about the Marauder that she really didn’t care at all.
In truth, Tech was rather enjoying her company. It was refreshing to have someone eager to listen to him reeling off information for once. Not just listening, either - she was actively showing interest in what he was talking about and asking questions. He was beginning to think that perhaps he’d underestimated her ability, and eagerness, to learn about the ship’s workings.
After a short while, Tech noticed that Omega had stopped acknowledging what he was saying and hadn’t had a question from her in a while. A glance down confirmed his suspicions – she was fast asleep, with her head resting back against his chest-plate. A small smile graced his features at the sight.
“Ok, back to bed.” He said under his breath.
Tech carefully manoeuvred Omega into a position where he was able to scoop her into his arms as he stood, and made his way through the ship, past his sleeping brothers, until he reached Omega’s makeshift room. Thanks to his considerable height, lifting her into her bunk was not a problem, and he was careful not to jostle her too much as he laid her head onto her pillow. As he stepped back, however, he quickly realised he’d forgotten something.
Tech disappeared back to the other end of the ship and returned a moment later with Lula in his hand. He stepped up onto the bottom rung of the ladder that led up to the gunner seat, carefully placing the doll next to Omega who was still sleeping quite soundly, and pulled her blanket up to her shoulders.
Their lives were dangerous, fast paced and often didn’t leave them much time to take a breather. Especially of late, it felt like they’d not stopped at all. There was always another job, another target, another blaster being aimed at their metaphorical head. Even Tech was beginning to feel the effects of their non-stop lifestyle – he was tired. And if he was tired, Maker knew what the others must have felt like. He appreciated moments like these – few and far between as they were – where he felt like he could just stop and breathe. Seeing Omega in such a peaceful state was calming to him, much as that surprised him.
He smiled.
“Goodnight, ad'ika.”
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Hey Darling! I love your writing... are you open to a Rex x female reader fic?
thank you so much!!!
yes I'm very much open to writing for rex!! and cody too. they make me go 😳😳💗💘💓💗💞💕💘💕💓💗😖😖
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
If you’re up to it I’d really like to see how each bad batchers or collectively take care of the reader when he/she/they are really anxious or have a panic attack. Thank you dear!❤️
I love this request so much!! thank you for sending it in ❤️ I kept reader gender neutral! obvious warning for mentions of panic attacks/ptsd.
The Bad Batch + helping you when you're anxious/having a panic attack
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Hunter would be able to sense your increased heart rate and unstable breathing from the other side of the Marauder.
He often gets sensory overload due to his genetic enhancements, so he can empathise with you and understands how bad it can get.
He is by your side in an instant, calming you down and trying to help you regulate your breathing.
“You’re ok, mesh'la. I’m here.”
Gets you anything you need – snacks, blankets, etc. – although usually all you want is for him to stay by your side. He’s always happy to oblige.
Usually in these situations you’ll end up lying on your bunk in his arms.
Hunter’s not a big talker, but if you need to get anything off your chest he’ll listen and offer advice or reassurance if it’s needed.
Otherwise, he’ll just murmur sweet nothings and kiss your forehead to calm you down, until you fall asleep in his warm embrace.
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Crosshair isn't exactly known for dealing well with other people’s feelings, but for you? He tries his best.
He's incredibly attentive, so can always tell when something’s up.
When he finds you alone in a quiet corner of the ship, he drops whatever he’s doing to be at your side.
“y/n? what do you need from me?”
You don’t even say anything – the two of you know each other so well that at this point, words aren’t needed.
When you silently reach out to him, he knows what you want and sits beside you, gently pulling you against him with an arm around your shoulders.
Cross is a man of actions over words, so catch him doing things like running his fingers through your hair or holding one of your hands and rubbing gentle circles into your skin with his thumb.
“I’ve got you, Ad’ika [little one].”
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You usually go find him when you can feel yourself slipping. It’s not that he wouldn’t care otherwise, he just tends to bury himself in his work and you might not see him for hours, otherwise.
“Yes? Are you-“
The moment Tech looks up from his work and sees you stood there looking like you’re about to break down, his whole demeanour changes and he immediately drops what he’s doing.
“Oh, mesh'la, what’s wrong?”
He guides you to the nearest seat and kneels in front of you, taking your face in his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Breathe with me, y/n. In…out…that’s it. That’s good.” He’ll hold your hand and rub gentle patterns into your skin in time with your breathing to help regulate it.
Tech hates seeing you like this, it breaks his heart, so he’ll do whatever it takes to help you feel better.
“Sorry I interrupted your work-“ Tech gently shushes you before you can finish the sentence and kisses your forehead.
“You’re more important than anything else, y/n.”
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Out of all the members of Clone Force 99, Echo is probably the most experienced with this kind of thing, as quite a few of the clones he regularly worked with suffered from panic attacks and PTSD.
As such, he is very empathetic and knowledgeable on what to do to help.
He’ll take you somewhere quiet and secluded and sit with you.
If you need to talk, he’ll listen, but if all you want is his company then he’s more than happy to stay with you as long as you need.
He’s very good with helping you through breathing exercises, and this was how he usually helped his brothers when they’d suffer from panic attacks in the barracks.
The thing that works the most efficiently for you, though, is when Echo takes one of your hands and presses it against his chest.
“Hey, focus on me, cyar'ika. Breathe.”
Encourages you to close your eyes and just focus on the feeling of his heart beating beneath your fingertips. It always helps to ground you.
Expect lots of soft kisses and quiet declarations of how much he loves you.
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Wrecker doesn’t like it when you’re distressed, and he can’t fix the problem by punching something. It makes him feel powerless.
Thankfully, he learned some very helpful tips from Echo to utilise - like the breathing exercises.
He likes to recline on his bunk with you sitting between his legs – your back to his chest. Feeling him breathing with you is always a big help when it comes to calming you down.
“I’ll keep you safe, little one.”
Lots of soft kisses!
Lula has also become a big comfort object for you, so whenever you’re having a panic attack the first thing Wrecker does is run off to find the doll.
If you don’t fancy talking, Wrecker will sit and tell you stories of his many daring feats out in the field to help take your mind off things. The usually ridiculous stories always make you smile.
You’ve heard most of them before, but you don’t mind.
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Comforting Rex - headcanons!
Warnings: None! Just fluffy stuff! 
A/N: Now that I am a so-deemed “Rexpert” by @rebeldaydreams, I thought I’d supply some Rex headcanons! These started as hug hcs but now they’re more “what would comfort and calm Rex between missions?” 
I knew I needed to get my first writing on this account out the way otherwise I’d keep being scared to post and never would have 😂 A huge thank you to @rebeldaydreams for encouraging me to start this blog up and for bouncing ideas off my rambles!
Reader is a tactician for the 501st who was sent at the behest of the Jedi council. They wanted to round out Anakin’s battle plans to be more consistent and less of the “I’m gonna make some sarky comments and cut some droids down” attitude. Rex and reader go on nearly every campaign together aside from when reader is on leave (not being Kaminoan property means she is legally required to take more time off field). The two develop a relationship during the clone wars, but they try to keep it on the downlow.
Rex is naturally a physically affectionate person, which shocked you at first. Maybe he’s touch starved? He doesn’t really get much physical comfort while on duty (which probably attributes for his stoic role Captaining the 501st) aside from the occasional pat on the back from Fives or high five from Ahsoka, so at ease in your quarters he can just revel in it. And actually, it’s through this ease with you that he starts to naturally extend a bit more affection to his brothers, while still keeping it professional, of course.
Keep reading
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
Bad batch requests are open you say? Could you do a hunter prompt where the reader has a bandana on for whatever reason and he thinks they look so cute and his brothers tease him? (Only if you want to of course!)
I LOVED this idea, I had to write it!
words: 800
pairing: Hunter x GN! Reader
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You hiked the bag of supplies up onto your shoulders and bid a thank you to the merchant who had just sold you some rations in the town’s marketplace. It was hot on whatever planet you were currently on – Tech had said the name of it aloud when the Marauder had been coming into land but you’d missed it. Not that it really mattered, you thought. You’d only stopped to grab supplies and do some routine checks on the ship.
As you wandered the market’s stalls trying to remember everything you needed, the heat started to get to you and your hair stuck to your forehead from the sweat. It was beginning to irritate you when you spotted a stall selling varying fabrics. You headed over to it and purchased a square of the cheapest material there, which happened to be some basic cotton that was a warm yellow in colour. You thanked the merchant and went on your way, folding the material so it could be used as a bandana.
“Taking a page out of Hunter’s book.” You thought with a smile as you tied it around your forehead, successfully keeping your hair out of your eyes.
Omega was sitting on a box of tools outside the ship, watching as Tech and Wrecker did some maintenance on the Marauder. At the sound of approaching footsteps, she turned and broke into a smile as she saw you approaching.
“Y/N’s back!” she said, jumping down from the crate and skipping across to meet you.
“Hey Omega. Everything good?” you asked with a smile, ruffling the little clone’s hair.
“Yup!” she said. “Hey I like the new look.”
She pointed to the bandana tied around your head and you smiled, huffing out a laugh. “Oh, thanks. I'm glad you think so.”
“You and Hunter match now.” She said with a grin. If your cheeks weren’t already red from the heat, you’re sure you would have been blushing at the comment.
As if on cue, Hunter descended the ship’s ramp.
“Done with those repairs yet, Tech?” he asked, coming to a stop at the bottom and standing with his hands on his hips.
Tech’s head appeared from behind the crate of tools, and he lifted one hand to straighten his goggles. “Almost. Just a few more things to check.”
“Ok, good. Wanna get us off this rock-“ Hunter stopped mid-sentence as he noticed you approaching with Omega at your side. He’d immediately clocked the bandana tied around your forehead and he suddenly found himself stuck for words.
“Hey Hunter.” You greeted him with a smile.
“I- uh…” he blinked at you, his brain having temporarily gone into shutdown. “Uh, did…did you manage to get everything we needed?”
You had to hold back a smile at his unfamiliar awkwardness and lifted a hand to adjust the bandana on your head as he spoke.
“Oh, yeah! Got it all. So once the repairs are finished, we’re good to go.” you said.
“Great.” He said.
Tech and Wrecker’s attention was no longer on the ship, and they’d both turned their heads to look over at the pair of you. Omega was also watching the both of you, perplexed at the interaction. Hunter wasn’t usually one to stumble over his words.
“Well uh…” you cleared your throat, playing with the straps of your pack. “I should go get this stuff unloaded.”
Hunter nodded and stepped aside to let you onto the ship. “Oh, yeah. ’Course.”
As you and Omega passed him, he put a gentle hand on your shoulder to get your attention, and you turned to face him.
“Everything ok?” you asked, tilting your head up at him.
Kriff, they’re so cute. He thought, feeling a little hot under the collar.
“Y-Yes, I just, uh, I just wanted to say that it looks good on you. The bandana, I mean. It looks good. I mean it suits you.” he said, and behind him Tech and Wrecker exchanged amused looks at the tracker’s flustered words.
“Oh, thanks. Just to uh…keep my hair back, that’s all.” You replied, unable to hold back a smile. “Figured I’d follow in your footsteps.”
He smiled at that, and lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. “Thanks. Looks better on you than me.”
“Oh, I dunno about that.” You winked at him before following Omega up the ramp into the ship.
Hunter watched you disappear inside the Marauder, a smile on his lips.
“Awwwww, cute!” Wrecker’s voice broke him out of the trance, and he turned to find the two of them smirking in his direction.
“Look, he’s all flustered.” Tech said. “How endearing.”
“I’m not flustered.” Hunter said quickly, folding his arms over his chest. “It’s…just the heat.”
Tech and Wrecker shared a sceptical glance.
“Sure thing, Hunter.” Wrecker said with a grin, and Hunter rolled his eyes as he turned to go back inside.
“Just finish those repairs, would you?”
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
tech be my boyfriend challenge
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rebeldaydreams · 4 years ago
May I request a Crosshair x fem reader please? I can't decide between protective/jealous Crosshair protecting the reader and being possessively cuddly, or Crosshair with a reader who has migraines and him being protective. If it's alright, I leave the decision to you! Thank you!
I went with protective/jealous Crosshair I hope that's ok!!
words: 800 pairing: Crosshair x Fem! Reader (she/her pronouns used) summary: Crosshair steps in when a Reg gets a little too flirty with you. Contains minor violence (fist fight) and descriptions of minor injury.
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“Hey, looking good today, sweetheart!” One of the regs in the hallway called out to you as you passed by. You rolled your eyes and tried your best to ignore him.
“Maybe you didn’t hear me-“ he said, jogging up alongside you. “I said you look good today.”
“I heard you.” You said uncaringly and went to move away from him, but he grabbed your forearm and pulled you back. You tried to shake him off, but his grip was too tight and he just pulled you closer.
“Let go of me.” You said through gritted teeth. The trooper just chuckled and leaned down until his lips were almost brushing your ear, which sent an uncomfortable shiver through you.
“Playin’ hard to get huh? You just don’t know what you’re missing, sweetheart-”
You felt his hand sliding down your back but before you had chance to turn and knee him in the groin, another pair of hands grabbed him from behind and roughly yanked him away from you.
“She asked you to back off.” Crosshair growled, the toothpick between his teeth dangerously close to the other trooper’s face. Crosshair unceremoniously shoved him away, so hard that he stumbled backwards and almost fell. At this point, a small crowd of other troopers had gathered around to watch the dispute.
“Stay the hell away from her.” Crosshair stood in front of you in a protective manner, acting as a physical shield. The reg straightened up and took a step toward him.
“Or what, defect?” he spat.
Crosshair barely hesitated before launching himself at the trooper, landing a hard punch square in his jaw. Try as you did to break up the brawl, your pleading fell on deaf ears and you groaned.
“Kriffing clones...” you thought.
Admittedly, you were enjoying watching Crosshair give that impudent Reg what was coming to him, but at the same time he was enduring his fair share of hits. Eventually the other trooper got knocked backwards by one of Crosshair’s harder swings, and you took the opportunity to drag the marksman away.
“Hey! Enough!” you said, and though Crosshair’s hands were still balled into fists, he looked down at you and silently complied with your request. He didn’t even glance back at the other trooper, who you could hear throwing irritated curses as you walked away.
- - - - - -
“I won that fight.” Crosshair grumbled as you guided him to the bunk in your room. He sat and lifted a hand to feel his jaw where a bruise was beginning to flower, wincing at the tenderness.
“Well, he was the one on the floor so I’m inclined to agree with you.” You said with a small smile as you retrieved the med kit from the refresher. You pulled up a stool beside the bunk and sat down, taking out a clean cloth and a small tube of bacta spray.
“I’m fine, you don’t have to-“ he began, but you cut him off.
“Look, seeing as you just beat a guy up for me, will you at least let me patch you up?” you asked. He looked up, his gaze softening as he locked eyes with you. He didn’t say anything, just leaned forwards a little – a silent cue that he was giving you permission to continue.
You sprayed the bacta onto the cloth and lifted it to his eyebrow, where a particularly hard punch from the reg had broken the skin there. You dabbed gently at the wound, and Crosshair gritted his teeth at the sting but didn’t flinch away, indicating just how used he was to having wounds treated.
“I appreciate it by the way…” you said, gently wiping the last of the blood from around his eye. “But you didn’t have to do that.”
“I’m not going to sit idly by while some filthy reg puts his hands on you.” Crosshair said quietly, his hands clasped together in his lap.
“I know.” You said as you retrieved a small adhesive bandage from the med kit and carefully stuck it across the small cut on his brow. “I just don’t like seeing you get hurt.”
You closed the medkit and stood, briefly disappearing back into the refresher to put it away. You tossed the bloodied cloth into the sink on your way out and made your way back across to the bunk.
Crosshair didn’t look up as you sat down beside him, and you reached across to place your hand over his to get his attention. He looked down and you smiled at him, playfully nudging your head into his shoulder.
“Thank you.” You said, and a small smile encompassed Crosshair’s features as he looked down at your hand resting atop his. He took your hand in one of his and lifted it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“Anything for you, cyar'ika.”
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