#i’m grateful that at least my work bestie is still there
yellowsubiesdance · 1 year
the only thing i’m grateful about with this job is the people i’ve gotten to meet through it. almost everyone who’s come through has been a really good person to work with, and we vibe pretty well. it was the perfect way to make friends and build a support system, and i’ll always be grateful to this store for giving me that.
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
AHHHH!! all your rindou drabbles for kinktober are amazinggg , but that hanma shuji was the best one so far 😩!! can i request a #8,#17, and #37 with my man shuji 🙏🙏!
A/N: I'm posting this from the spirit realm please do not perceive me and the monster of a 4k fic I made for him I didn't mean to ;A; I like him a normal amount I promise. Anyways here's the fic I hope you like mwuahh. I also did the alternate universe of Hanma I'm sure that's not what you were exactly expecting but I wanted to keep it out of the realm of gangs just this once! I still tried to keep him a little mean hehe
Virginity/Orgasm denial/overstimulation x Hanma Shuji
You met Hanma when you went to the same school years ago, and being the shit head that he was, always picked on you for fun. It was never malicious the way it was when he was actively picking fights with other boys in gangs, but it was so fucking annoying you couldn’t help but cry with how frustrated you felt. He’d poke fun at you more, looming over you with how tall he was and just tease you until you stormed off. You remember that well, and definitely not fondly. Eventually you saw him less and less at school, and then he stopped coming altogether. The wave of relief that you felt when you were able to just go about your days in peace and quiet was immeasurable. Over time, and over the years, you thought of him less and less and forget him all the same, graduating high school, going to college, finding a job--Hanma was no longer a presence in your life.
Not until adulthood.
You were on your way home, feet dragging with how exhausted you had been feeling at the end of the week--work was hell, but you were grateful for the next two days off. You just needed to make it home in one piece. Of course that was asking for too much, because when you turned the corner your phone went flying out of your hand when you crashed into a brick of a body in front of you with a gasp. “Oh, shit” You hissed, scrambling to grab your phone with a flurry of apologies spewing out of your mouth. The body didn’t seem to acknowledge you, or so you thought, until you heard your name come out of a foreign mouth in a whisper. You paused, actually terrified now to look at who you bumped into, but looked up anyways--to someone you couldn’t recognize. 
“Shit, it is you.” He breathed out with a laugh, smile appearing on his face. You frowned, brows burrowing up in confusion. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” You tried not to be defensive, you really did, but life had turned sour on you at a young age and you didn’t trust any men these days anyways. So you crossed your arms and stood your ground, looking like you were ready to fight at any given moment. The man couldn’t help but cackle, it was like life had slapped him in the face--you weren’t the shy skittish little girl he remembered anymore. You had grown up, fended for yourself, obviously not afraid to get into arguments with men you supposedly didn’t know. He feigned hurt after his laugh, pressing a hand to his chest and jutted his lips in a pout. “Come on, you really don’t remember me? You threw your backpack on me real hard in middle school you know. I think I still have a scar from your book.” Ready to turn away with a middle finger you barely acknowledged what he said, “No I don’t remember....you...” He could practically see the gears in your head turning. “Oh...oh my god--Hanma?” He flashed you a dazzling smile, “In the flesh.”
“Oh fuck off.” You tried storming away, there was no way you had just ran into your middle school bully and he thinks he can just smile at you like you had been besties. You weren’t going to even think about it for the rest of the night, you just needed to get home. Hell maybe he changed, but you weren’t gonna sit there and find out. Not willingly at least, because it turns out he wasn’t ready to end the conversation. “Woah, hey! Come on let’s just talk real quick doll face--” “Excuse me?” The shrill in your voice blatantly told him you were not having it. “Sorry. I’m sorry. Can we talk?” You stopped to look at him--really look at him and holy shit did he grow up. His hair was long to his shoulders, blonde money pieces nicely framing his face--one that was no longer grinning like a snarky piece of shit that you remembered, but soft--eyes almost pleading with you to just give him a chance for the night. And fucking tall--standing taller than six foot you craned your head to look up. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before answering. “Come on, there’s a bar along the way.”
“You’re....so different.” you commented.
He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You learned he left the gang life behind years ago, and that he was a freelance photographer. You also learned that he made lots of friends from his old gang life that actually stuck, and that one of them recently got married. He told you about his travels, about the time he was in juvie (more than once), about what he did after he left school.
And he told you about how he never quite stopped thinking about you. 
That made you pause your commentary at each remark, unable to take a breath in after the admission. Then you scowled. “You were an asshole Hanma. You know that? You were so fucking mean to me. And you’re saying you thought about me all these years? Ha, thought about what, how funny it was to torment me?” You let your anger flow freely with the help of the beer that was now warmed on the table top. He let you vent, getting out all your frustrations that you were never able to when you were a kid--to scared to know what he would do in retaliation. You thought this was better than therapy (and cheaper too.) When you finished your monologue of how much of a dick he was, you threw back the rest of the beer (gross) and looked at the sticky table. He made no moves to get up, which you were surprised over, instead you peeked up at him through your lashes and saw a man that looked as if he’d been slapped across the face. “I’m...wow. Yeah. I was the worst, wasn’t I?” A humorless laugh left his lips. “I didn’t...and listen, this isn’t an excuse, really it’s not, but I didn’t know how to act. You were the cutest girl in school and I just...I was a prick. Life was shitty growing up, and everyone always said ‘if you like a girl pick on her’. I guess it was too much, huh..” Another laugh. “I’m sorry, I really am. I thought I’d never see you again and now you’re here and I don’t--fuck, I’m sorry pretty girl.” Hanma hung his head in shame, playing with the emptied beer bottle in front of him riddled with anxiety. 
There was too much to unpack in one night. You couldn’t believe half of the things he had even said to you tonight. So you decided to sit with it for a while. You excused yourself quietly, after (attempting and failing) to pay for your drink. “I...I have to go, Hanma.” He sighed, understanding enough anyways--it was a long shot for you to ever forgive  him. But then your phone appeared in his line of sight, opened up to a new contact page with his name already up. His eyes shot up at you, hopeful, and took your phone without a pause to write in his number, he might have also changed his name just a bit, adding a heart at the end of ‘Hanma’ , so dry. You rolled your eyes at that, mumbling ‘don’t push your luck’, but kept it anyways. 
For the next few weeks (months?) Hanma had integrated himself heavily into your life. You texted him every day, called just as much, and even met up with him for food or drinks a handful of times as your schedules permit. It was odd, having this bond form with someone you used to despise. But it’s not healthy to hold onto grudges like that. Especially from such a young age, and you knew he was really sorry, especially since he admitted to you night one that he had a crazy crush on you. So you let it go over time, and started seeing Hanma shine with his annoying personality again. And once he came out of his shell, really, he acted almost the same. Snarky, making faces, overly cocky like he couldn’t be beat. But he was softer now, and you found it endearing, especially when he’d come to your rescue. You’d be waiting for him to show up at your usual bar spot and be cornered by a man who was too drunk to look at you properly but was still in your face. “Come on, pretty. What’s your name huh?” You scoffed, leaning away from him as you grabbed your drink and covered the top. “Fuck off, dude. Not here for you.” You’d hear the drunkard grumble something about you being a bitch and before you were able to turn to look at him again and tell him off, you saw a tattooed hand grip his shoulder. “What was that?” Hanma leaned down to get in his face, toothpick in between his teeth as he waited. 
“Fucking--nothing, dude, get off me.” Before you knew it the drunk was knocked on his ass on the floor and Hanma was shrugging it off, telling the bartender “He’s too drunk to be here, can we get him out?” with a shrug and a smirk when he was dragged off by security (as if Hanma wasn’t the one to shove him). You breathed out a giggle and smiled, thanking him for the save--and silently calming yourself down. He looked...good, turning back into his intimidating self when it wasn’t directed towards you. You wouldn’t mind seeing him like this more often, especially to your defense. You shake off the feeling and continue on with your conversation as you always do, though you’re distracted with the way he pushes his hand back, and how his veins in his hands look, and how--
“Hey, you good?” 
You blink, startled and looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Unfortunately for you, Hanma has been getting too comfortable around you now. “What, see something you like?” He cooed, dipping his head lower to meet your eyes, voice now to a whisper. You fidget away, drink long forgotten as you try to remember how to breathe again, furrowing your brows. "I don't think I want to be here anymore." It was his turn to frown. "Hey no I'm sorry, I was joking—" "I'm hungry. Do you...wanna just grab takeout and go to my place?" Silently he nodded, dumbfounded that you had invited him over. It felt like an unspoken rule–he wouldn't ask if he could go over, knowing the answer would be 'no.' You weren't ready for him to invade your space like that. But after all this time, after close to six months of non stop talking and relearning each other it felt like the most natural thing in the world for you to ask. Even if you were a little nervous about it. And so you (he) paid your tab and left.
The two of you sat comfortably on the floor of your living room, eating from shared plates and having mindless movies on in the background as conversation continued. "Thanks for letting me over, doll–not gonna lie I was getting tired of always going out to a bar." He teased, laughing when he felt you shove him a little with your shoulder. "Be grateful, Hanma." You rebutted with a smile. 
"Come on, we’ve been talking for months now. You can’t just call me Shuji? Not just once?” 
You placed your chopsticks down, that fuzzy feeling coming back into your stomach the same as when you stared at him earlier. Could you call him Shuji? Did you think you were close enough to do that? He was so different than the Hanma you knew all those years ago, but somehow the same–still poking fun but now it felt good, the teasing and the taunting was reciprocated–maybe even building up to something else, that you had refused to unlock. “Come on pretty girl,” the name made your head spin and your face get hot, and him leaning in closer to you didn’t help. Hanma brushed your cheek, thumbing at your skin when he cupped your face, “just once. Just call me Shuji, please.” Your breathing hitched, eyes dropping down to look at his lips, and when you looked back up at him you noticed he’d done the same thing. “...You’re being so stupid, Shuji.” Your voice was barely heard above the sound of the TV. He chuckled, lips brushing against yours, “yeah well, you know what they say–love makes you stupid.” You closed the gap that barely existed to begin with, hands latching on to the front of his shirt as Hanma invaded your senses. 
The kiss was dizzying, overwhelming, too much– everything and everywhere all at once. But you couldn’t find it in you to care, not when Hanma had been such a constant in your life recently, not when he admitted to loving you. You could practically feel the cockiness come flooding back, Hanma smiling into the kiss and nipping at your lower lip, easily slipping his tongue in after you granted him access. He’d taken over quickly, hand on your cheek pressing the back of your head deeper into him and the other trailing around your waist to pull you close. He had you straddling him, and you still were trying to keep up with the kiss. “Sh-Shuji, wait, h-hold on.” You broke free enough to speak if only for a moment, but he continued with the kisses down your jaw, and neck, and nipping at the juncture of your shoulder. “What’s wrong, pretty girl?” Fuck, his voice dipped low–the gravely sound was shooting straight down to between your legs. It was hard to breathe, he wasn’t letting up enough for you to tell him, but you needed to, you needed to–
“I’m a virgin.”
Hanma immediately stopped his ministrations, the sound of the TV turning more into white noise than whatever was going on. When he didn’t speak, you felt the need to explain. “I just, I don’t know–don’t fucking laugh, I don’t know what’s going on in your head.” You huffed, embarrassed. “I just...was never interested in hookups. And everyone fucking sucked, so I never...”You trailed off, looking away when Hanma tried to meet your eyes. He cupped your face so sweetly, small smile on his lips as he did so. “Look at me, baby.” His fucking petnames were going to kill you. But you listened anyways. “We can stop, or we can just make out–doesn’t matter to me as long as I have my hands on you.” He snickered and you wanted to smack him. You thought about it too, but you don’t think you’d find anyone better than Hanma.
You loved him, too.
“I don’t want to stop, Shuji.”
He didn’t need anything else after that.
“Aah, fuck, Shuji y-you’re being mean again.” You whimpered, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Hanma had your legs open around his waist, working his fingers deep into your virgin hole. It’s already been twenty minutes of him slowly working you open, curling two of his fingers in your cunt and pushing up against that squishy part of your walls that had you climbing up to your orgasm–only for it to never come. Hanma kept fucking stopping. He’d feel how your walls started to clench and twitch around his long fingers, and the absolute bastard would only snicker and pull them out, slapping them lightly against your clit. “Aw, sorry baby–Just can’t get enough of how you look.” He teased, devil horns practically growing on his skull. This was the Hanma you remembered from middle school, and it seems his sadistic torture moved from taunting you at school to taunting you in your own bed. But you don’t think you cared too much, not now. Not when you saw the love in his eyes. Slowly, Hanma pushed in a third finger, a hand coming down to push you into the mattress and keeping you still. “Gotta prep you, doll–don’t want it to hurt, right?” And you don’t think it would, you had toys, it wasn’t unknown territory, but you kept your mouth shut anyways when he looked at you like that, eyes devouring you. His pace quickened, pumping his thick fingers in and out, in and out, until he saw your nose scrunch up and your mouth open–whining and crying out as you climbed closer and closer and closer to your impending orgasm. You could feel it, and you spread your legs just a bit more to give him more space, eyes rolling to the back of your head–
And then he pulled out.
“Shuji!” You were so frustrated, tears flowing freely now with how angry you were feeling. You were ready to start telling him off, until he grabbed your jaw and loomed over you with such authority it made your skin crawl. “If you don’t stop me now, baby doll, I’ll never be able to keep my hands off you again.” His aggressive tendencies never really went away it seemed, even after leaving the gang life behind you had such a grip on him it made him crazy. “Tell me no, and we’ll stop.” He waited a beat, squeezing a bit more at your jaw expectantly. You simply stared at him, stars in your eyes as you looked up at the man. 
“Keep going.” 
Throwing caution to the wind, Hanma kept the hand tightly on your jaw as his messy fingers slipped back into your weeping cunt, finger fucking into you harder and faster than before, all three curling up back into that gummy part and not letting up this time. Your mouth hung open with the pressure he kept on you, moans flowing freely out–you babbled, repeating his name until it all just jumbled together in messy cries. You tried to keep your eyes open but the pressure building up so fast was dizzying. Your eyes rolled back, bordering screaming as he fucked into you. He said nothing, just kept staring at your face of pleasure as you finally descended into your orgasm, crashing over you in waves and not stopping. Your juicy pussy was splashing him, fingers slipping over to rub over your clit just as quickly. Your orgasm hit you like a fucking train, lower body spasming as he kept you at that high. “Too much, too much Shu–too much!” your legs were aching to close, and he let up just enough to let you get away, smacking your pussy twice before. 
Hanma leaned down kissing your throat after letting go of your jaw, whispering against you “First it was not enough, now it’s too much.” He taunted, nipping at your skin before kissing up to your lips again. Even when he was being mean again, he pet your head and wiped away your tears. “You sure you wanna keep goin’ pretty?” You hiccupped, taking the time he’s graciously given you to take a breather, and nodded. He smiled like the devil himself and planted a harsh smooch right on your lips before moving back, lining his cock against your wet folds. “Y’ready, baby doll?” Another nod. He pushed in.
“Ah fuck, Shuji–s’big.” you gasped, arching your back in the pleasure and slight pain you felt. You couldn’t stop yourself–he was big, though you knew you were feeding his ego when you heard a laugh tumble from his lips–deep in his chest. “You’re okay, baby–gonna stretch you out nice on my dick.” He started moving slow, and you swore you could feel each vein as his cock stretched your walls around him. His movement was deliberate, passionate, like he was making sure your pussy would be molded to only take his cock for the rest of your life. Though even if he told you so, you’d openly admit you’d never be able to be with another man after him. As he felt you loosen enough to move freely, he fucked into you faster, leaning over onto his forearms–dropping his forehead to yours, hair forming a curtain around the two of you. “You waited for me, baby? Waited so I could take your virginity, right?” He spoke nonsense and you both knew it. But fuck, he felt so good inside of you, you couldn’t help but let him hear exactly what he wanted. “Waited for you, Shuji–wanted to give it to you.” You were able to barely get your words out before he groaned above you, humping you like a dog in heat. “Fuck, baby doll–pussy’s so fucking tight.” His jaw tightened as he got the words out, angling himself to feel you cum around him again. “Wanna feel you cum, baby, come on, give it to me.” his hips slammed against yours, wicked pace stealing your breath. Silent screams escaped you, gasping and crying when you came around him again, and he relished in the feeling of your abused cunt clenching and twitching around him. “There we go” He breathed out a laugh, kissing your tears as they fell. 
Hanma only let up enough to get his hands on the backs of your thighs and push them up to your chest. He was fully over you now, continuing to pound into your swollen pussy. “Shujiii” You whined, nails clawing at his wrists but unable to move him. At this angle he kept hitting all the right spots and you needed him to slow down. Yet the only word that would spill from your mouth was his name, like a silent prayer or mantra. Your third orgasm of the night came quickly, messier than the first two–your juices splashing on his thighs as he kept fucking into you. Folding in half you had no power to stop him, only able to take the pleasure that was bordering on painful with how quickly he was making you cum with no breaks. “Come on, pretty girl, come on.” Hanma was far gone, pupils blown out with lust–mumbling to himself more than to you, bed creaking underneath you with his strength. 
He maneuvered your thighs to be pressed against your chest with one arm, his now free hand finding your swollen clit and pinching– your screams and moans filling the room as your fourth orgasm felt like a house of bricks being dropped on you. You covered him in your juices, his cock now covered in a frothy white layer that webbed and stuck to the both of you. Even as he let go of your clit, Hanma was still chasing that high–so close to getting off. He wrapped his free hand around your jaw, covering your throat and shoving his thumb into your mouth. “Look at me baby.” He ground out, just to see your fucked out face eyes all teary and glassy. Your mouth was upturned in a slight smile, completely cockdrunk. It was enough to push him over the edge and still deep inside you, shooting his thick load in your abused hole. 
Silence filled the air, and slowly Hanma let go of your face and your legs, pulling out and hissing when he felt his cum dribble out with him. “Fuck..don’t think I’ll ever stop dreaming about that.” He laughed, and laughed harder when your weak hand slapped his shoulder. He dropped his weight next to you, collecting you in his arms with a kiss to your temple. “How you feelin’ baby doll?” He whispered, and you hummed, snuggling deeper into him. “Good. Sore. Always so mean to me.” You teased, feeling yourself off into sleep. He smiled at your temple and let you drift into slumber, at least for now–he’d have to clean you up. 
Until then, he reached over to your phone and finally changed his name in your phone, keeping the heart but replacing his surname with ‘Shuji’.
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bedsyandco · 22 days
⭑     …     ❝ 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐎 ❞ ; mat barzal
𝓹airing , leclerc!sister x mat barzal
in which the paddock’s favourite sister arrives at the Monaco GP with a new guest
꒰ 𝓷ote , this is very self indulgent and I hope you like it as much as I do . . . ꒱
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f1wags: our favourite girl has returned to the paddock; and this time it’s with a guest! Y/N leclerc shows up to the monaco track with who I presume to be her bf, and sits down for lunch with her brothers. the first time we’ve seen the entire leclerc family together in a while since Y/N has been in New York for work.
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user15: family reunion🥺
user19: my royal family of Monaco fr
user77: I’m so happy to see them all together again. I just know Charles missed her so much🥲
user66: I read an article that said Y/N came straight from the airport so this is the first interaction they’ve had in months!
f1wags: he hugged her for a good ten minutes before he let anyone else get a chance
user51: um- are we gonna skip over the bf part??
user16: how do we know it’s her bf tho…
f1wags: they were very affectionate since the moment they got out of the together. the car that arrived from the airport, so assume he’s american and flew with her. they also kissed and it looked like he was meeting her family (charles, arthur, lozenzo, pascal) I mean we won’t know 100% until she confirms it but it sure looks like they’re together. . .
user77: nooo… my wife is taken 😔
user11: I really wanna know who her bf is tho cause I’m sorry but he’s fineeeee
user62: I expected nothing less from a leclerc sibling. they always bag the prettiest people
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liked by charlesleclerc, ynleclerc, matbarzal and others.
lando.jpg: boat day with the bestie(s?) 🛥️
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user23: DID HE JUST—
user65: HE DID😭😭
user21: did lando just hard launch Y/N’s relationship?
user57: yep. tagged the guy and everything💀
user66: he’s such a little menace
user22: I’m not complaining I’ve been trying to figure out who it is for days🙏 thank you lando
ynleclerc: oh lando🫤
landonorris: don’t “oh lando” me, you didn’t say it was a secret????
ynleclerc: what do you think the words NOT PUBLIC means??
landonorris: the lad had his hands ALL over you in the paddock, it was gonna be public news by the end of the weekend… at least this way it came from a reliable source🤷‍♂️
user62: don’t let the fact that Y/N is dating some hot hockey player from New York distract you from the fact that the besties are reunited!!! I’ve been missing this duo so much
user90: and they’re causing chaos as usual🥲
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liked by charlesleclerc, matbarzal, and others.
ynleclerc: since we were little, I’ve always been your biggest supporter and that will never change charlie. watching you achieve a dream you’ve worked your whole life to achieve is something so magical and all I could ever wish for you as a sibling. congratulations C! I love you endlessly❤️💌
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user13: “watching you achieve a dream you’ve worked your whole life to achieve is something so magical and all I could ever wish for you as a sibling” UM— EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO SOB😭😭
charlesleclerc: I couldn’t possibly do any of this without your love and support. my lucky charm, always. je t'aime❤️❤️❤️
ynleclerc: ❤️
user76: he finally did it😭🙏
user66: these are so beautiful… did you take them?? @.ynleclerc
ynleclerc: I did! I’ve never been so grateful that I carry my camera with me EVERYWHERE. I feel so honoured that I got to capture this entire weekend. I’ll cherish it forever😚
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liked by charlesleclerc, jackhughes, and others.
matbarzal: starting the off-season right ❤️
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noahdobson: just casually posts a picture with charles leclerc and lando norris 🧍‍♂️
matbarzal: I’ll still remember you when I’m famous😘
user72: what. the. fuck.
user77: all of us rn cause this is the wildest crossover I could ever imagine between F1 and hockey😭
user11: they’re both so hot it’s kind of unfair
ynleclerc: ❤️
matbarzal: je t'aime❤️
user55: I wonder if she made fun of Mat’s awful canadian french 😭😭
mattymarts: you expect us to believe you did laundry? I don’t think you even know how
charlesleclerc: I won. guess you’re gonna have to come to every race now 🤷‍♂️
matbarzal: should’ve never told you about superstitions 😔you don’t need them, that win was all you bro😉
charlesleclerc: miss you guys already. gonna have to come to a hockey game next season
matbarzal: you should! we’d be honoured to have you
user77: did someone say bromance??
user19: someone check on beau
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liked by charlesleclerc, matbarzal, and others.
ynleclerc: monaco❤️
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matbarzal: red is definitely your colour baby❤️🥵
scuderiaferrari: we agree😌🏎️
charlesleclerc: thanks for coming sis❤️
arthurleclerc: miss you already🥺❤️
sydneymartin: so iconic😍
ynleclerc: says the ms. iconic herself 🥰
user21: UM— Mat looks so good OMFG
user72: she definitely dressed him
user62: YN please keep the Mat content coming🙏
user14: if I was YN leclerc all my life problems would be solved
ynleclerc: If I had your lashes all my problems would be solved. you’re stunning 😚
user16: you know those couples that just make sense? they’re definitely one of those
user88: can’t wait to see her at games and stuff
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Re: To the anon asking about Rory.
They’ve been close friends for AGES. He’s not going anywhere sadly.
I don’t really like his vibe
Hey, I’m the one who asked about Rory—thanks for replying. I know they’ve been besties forever, but what I meant was if Rory was a huge part of L’s life before HBS. I don’t remember seeing him much when L and J were together, except in a couple of stories and the singing vids. Also, are Tom and Charmaine married? I like them for some reason; they don’t give me the ick like Rory and his gang do.
Continuation of my earlier ask:
My BFF and I talked to two of our male friends, and they patiently listened. We just finished filling them in on the drama from yesterday and today. We’ve been chatting since 5 am lol. Here’s what they had to say:
Luke and Nic are in love: There’s a lot of eye-fucking to prove it. The tension suggests they haven’t acted on it, which is expected. The guys think Nic wouldn’t be okay with that, and Luke seems decent enough not to have crossed that line. However, they do believe they might have hooked up before Luke had his HBS. They could be reevaluating their relationship, using intimacy tools to see if it’s genuine affection or just heightened emotions and sexual tension from filming their season.
Luke’s friend group seems toxic: By friend group, they mean just Rory. The others seem fine. L dating a young girl soon after Rory did confirms Rory as the alpha of the group, and L as gullible since none of his other friends are doing the same. Maybe J dating someone young also influenced L dating A. It could be an ego thing, a guy thing, or both. L will probably cringe at this situation looking back. They said this whole relationship has nothing to do with Nic. This is Luke’s problem—a midlife crisis, even—and he needs to figure it out, which won’t happen as long as he’s with Rory and his gang.
A is super insecure: It doesn’t make sense because she’s the one who bagged the hot Netflix lead and goes on vacations with him. But her social media behavior reeks of insecurity and constantly seeking validation. This confirms that L isn’t invested in the relationship, which confirms to us he’s VERY much into Nic. So, think about this whenever A’s trolling upsets you. 😉
Nicola doesn’t care: The guys think L and N might have discussed their feelings, but Nic sees that L has issues to deal with—mainly himself. She’s hustling and thriving, not caring about his current relationship. Posting their pictures shows her character and work ethic. This only benefits her, and Luke should learn from it. They think L should make a final thank you post, even if people find it disingenuous. It’s better than nothing.
A needs to chill with the Hailey Bieber cosplay: The white outfit was an exact recreation of Hailey’s, and it’s weird. She keeps track of her comment section and allows comparisons to Hailey, which is embarrassing to say the least. The guys think A will stick around as long as she can. L seems to struggle with breakups, and now that A’s integrated into his friend group, it’ll take a lot of time to end things. She might be playing into his guilt, which is why he’s still liking her posts. She's young but smart enough to understand that. They think the only way out is for L to keep busy with work, but he doesn’t seem to have any now. Expect things to get worse before they get better. If he works, he can slowly distance himself from the relationship, and it will inevitably end. Either that or he’ll meet Nic, talk, realize they still have feelings, and that will give him the courage to end it with A. Even then, he has to make it up to Nic for all the shit he’s pulled.
Nic and Newts dating: Once they start dating, we won’t get a hard launch or pap pics. They might return to their old social media banter and comment and like each other’s posts.
So yeah, I’m really grateful to have my brother and these friends who indulge and listen to me. I think it’s safe to say they’re roped into the ship as well lol. Love to see what you guys think. Omg, also, I watched a TikTok of Luke singing as a teen, and the guy in the back looks like Rory. If it is, HE’S the one who glowed up, not L lol.
It is Rory in the background looking jealous AF
Thank you for sharing anon, love seeing the different perspectives
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whateverisbeautiful · 18 days
Spicy question for you after seeing the one about Lori 👀: What if Andrea had lived? Do you think TPTB would have went forward with Richonne? One the one hand, Rick and Andrea hadn’t developed a relationship as of her death and we know Gimple had (subconscious?) plans for Richonne. On the other hand, those plans could have been because he knew Andrea wasn’t long for that world and a lot of development can happen in 2.5 seasons (assuming the timeline remained the same). And if I’m being honest, the absolute UPROAR that would have occurred if Richonne happened while Andrea was still alive would have been something! Rick and Michonne definitely had more chemistry from jump but I don’t think they would have had the guts to make that big of a change but *Kanye West voice* “I guess we’ll never know.”
Ooh thanks for asking. I love 'I guess we'll never know' cuz it's very true. 😌 Any alternative scenario that some out there might've wanted will always have to just be hypothetical because Richonne and their epic love story is forever the reality of this TV franchise.
And the way I see it - even if Andrea, Lori, Jessie, or any of these ladies had lived, Richonne is still inevitable. But I definitely had to write out more of my thoughts on your questions below. ⬇️😊
First; I just have to say thank goodness things played out the way they did, because if the show tried to put TV Rick and Andrea together it would have been giving dry. 🏜 That scene in season one, when Andrea asks Rick about if she can take the necklace for her sister, seems to be one of the rare times the show even really attempted to hint at a potential romance between them. And I'm glad they scrapped it quickly. Lincoln and Holden played off each other best when Rick and Andrea were more genuinely at odds imo.
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You're right about how the Richonne uproar would have been even more out of hand with Andrea still alive. 😟 Even if people thought TV Rick and Andrea had no romantic chemistry or disliked TV Andrea, there'd still be people irate that they didn't put them together anyway just to be comic-accurate (or really just to ensure Rick ends up with a blonde woman of his race no matter what.)
If Andrea had lived and still had her history of being with Shane and The Governor, I personally don't think TPTB would put Rick and Andrea together, even if they didn't put Rick and Michonne together. Or at least I hope they wouldn't, because it would just be way too messy to feel rewarding if Rick and Andrea got together after all that. Like they'd really be pairing Rick with yet another woman who preferred Shane. 😕 Rick deserved more than that.
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And he got so much more too. 😌🙌🏽
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I could see there being a bit more fear from TPTB to pair Rick and Michonne together with Andrea still alive tho, simply because of the response from certain parts of the fandom. But I still stand by my Richonne is inevitable belief. So even if Andrea was alive, I'm choosing to think they still make Rick and Michonne a couple. Even before it was officially in the works, Richonne is what the story so clearly and organically wanted.
Plus, Andy & Danai's chemistry as Rick and Michonne is too undeniable to overlook, so it almost would be more trouble to pretend like those two characters aren't soulmates than it would be to put Rick and Michonne together romantically like they're meant to. These looks and more are just not the type of things that happen between two people who strictly stay besties forever. 👌🏽
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Overall, I'm just very grateful that Richonne was in every way destined to be a reality. 🙏🏽
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sykokilljoyy · 2 years
hey bestie do u wanna write abt dealing w one of harry’s stroppy moods after he’s had to film a gta vid 🥹 i feel like he would be so burnt out and just need some cuddles n stuff <3
stroppy - wroetoshaw imagine
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request: hey bestie do u wanna write abt dealing w one of harry’s stroppy moods after he’s had to film a gta vid 🥹 i feel like he would be so burnt out and just need some cuddles n stuff <3 words: 780 warnings: none! a/n: i literally love this man so much, this is short but very fluffy so <3 enjoy (p.s. currently working through requests and they'll be out this week at some point <3 ty for being patient!!
TLDR: harry is bad at gta and just wants a hug.
It was one of those nights. The kind of night where you were cuddled up in bed, the warmth of the comforter hugging your body as you clung onto any grasp of sleep that swum around your mind. Unfortunately, even the volume of the TV feet from your bed couldn’t drown out the exhausted yelling of your boyfriend from the next room. Although muffled, you could still make out the outrageous comments he made to his friends.
It was around 1am when he got a text from his friends asking him to play GTA for a video that had to be up that afternoon. He sighed, groaning into your neck as he peeled himself from the comfortable position you both had on his bed, sulking off to his desk. As much as he loved his friends, he hated GTA videos.
“Boys, I literally can’t,” Harry groaned loudly, the sound of his controller slamming into his desk making you smile, “JJ keeps just ramming into me, I might actually kill him.”
Chuckling to yourself, you pushed the covers off your body, wincing slightly at the cold air that hit you immediately, heading towards the door that connected to his office. Making sure you weren’t immediately in view of his camera, you quietly shut the door behind you and took a seat next to his desk.
Jumping slightly when he saw you, you could see his demeanour soften and he gave you a grateful smile.
“Okay, I can do one more map before I actually kill myself,” He spoke into his mic, the laughter of his friends bouncing back, though muffled through his headphones.
Getting comfortable, you sat cuddled up on the chair next to him, hand on his thigh to keep him comforted. It was a position you usually took when he was getting annoyed at games, and he was always thankful. Your touch itself was enough to keep his head from spinning.
Another 15 minutes passed of the same thing, Harry almost breaking his monitor and you squeezing him to ground him slightly, and finally the game was over. Uttering a quick outro, saying goodbye to his friends, he threw his headphones onto his desk and held his head in his hands.
“Are you okay, Harry?” You spoke softly, putting your phone away and leaning over to put your arms around his shoulders, his body softening at your touch.
“My head hurts so much,” He managed to crack out, his voice hoarse and exhausted from yelling for almost 2 hours.
“Come to bed,” You replied, nudging his shoulders and heading towards his bedroom, him reluctantly following in tail.
“I love them so much, but I fucking hate that game,” Harry moaned as he fell into bed, rubbing his hands through his hair as you handed him a glass of water.
“At least it’s over and done with now, you get to film some football tomorrow with Chris, right? You love those videos!” Climbing into bed beside him, you rubbed his back as he sat up and sipped the drink.
He huffed, knowing you were right but not in the mood to admit it – you understood, you were the same.
“Just want a hug,” He mumbled, and you didn’t even get a say in the matter before his arms were around you, dragging you into the mattress, not that you would’ve protested.
Head on your chest, your hands wrapped in his hair, you could physically feel the stress leaving his body. No words were spoken for a while, Harry just revelling in your warmth as he calmed himself down.
“I’m sorry,” A mutter left his lips.
“What are you sorry for?” You whispered into his hair, placing a kiss there.
“I just get so annoyed, I don’t mean to be all grumpy.”
“You know I love you, no matter how stroppy you get,” You chuckled softly, earning a smile against your chest.
The warmth of the covers pulled around the both of you, and the comfort of your person cling to your body, you felt the arms of sleep pulling you back in. Kissing Harry’s hair gently, you begin to drift off.
“You’re perfect for me, Y/N,” Harry uttered the words like they were made for him to say, his voice slurred as sleep approached him, too.
“I love you.”
No other words were uttered until the next morning, when you woke up with Harry still in your arms, his mouth open slightly against your skin as he breathed his slumber away.
Kissing him gently, smiling when he stirred in his sleep, you fell back happily. The pair of you sleeping knowing you’d never have to be without each other.
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stonerskinny · 4 days
i’m so upset with myself. i don’t know what i weigh because im too scared to check. i don’t believe that i deserve recovery but i am at my fucking limit with this shit i am so tired and i feel so disgusting all the time and i’ve missed more work than i should have from being sick because i’ve actually been so depressed that i can barely get out of bed. i don’t think this shit will be sustainable through the end of the year but i don’t see any other option. all i can think about is quitting my job and spending all of my money on drugs and just getting high for a while and then offing myself. it’s literally almost all i think about. all day long. i dream about it. i am absolutely fixated on the idea that i cannot continue.
let me walk you through my days. i wake up and get upset immediately because i am still alive. then i think about the fact that my birthday is in t-minus 10 fucking days, and i’m still in the mid 250s when i should be hitting 240 by my birthday at LEAST but ive plateaued for the last month. then i decide i do not deserve to eat, and then i get high and say fuck it and order food to b/p. and then i get higher and doom scroll for hours and debate cleaning but find some excuse (today, it’s that i can’t take out the trash rn because it’s pouring rain, which at least is more valid than usual). and then i debate unaliving until i remember that i promised bestie i would not do that while she was in res, so then i cry about the fact that i can’t do it. and then i get high again and b/p again and then facetime my other bestie until we fall asleep. and then i wake up and get upset because im alive and the whole cycle repeats.
my mental health has declined so intensely over the last week and a half or so and i just don’t know what to do about it. therapist is no longer dangling the idea of res over my head because she’s realizing i am noooooot open to it and thus it will not work. which i am grateful for. but also, can i confess something? i am kind of starting to open up to the idea of it. a little bit. a teeny tiny bit. and i don’t think it will work and i don’t think it will be worth my time but i am starting to wonder if that could be wrong, maybe, and that it could actually be different this time because i just don’t want to do this anymore.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Okay sorry I don’t want to burden anyone I know irl so rant below ! Cw for anxiety maybe? Please feel no need to read, everything is fine in my part of the world :)
I’m graduating on Saturday and that’s already more scary than exciting unfortunately, but a couple of days ago I got turned down for the only position I wanted in the city I live in now, so I’ll officially be moving away at the end of the summer. The thing is, I have no idea where !! I’ve always wanted to move out of my home state so it was never the plan to stay here, but there was a weird sense of comfort in the idea that I could potentially just stay where I am right now, continue to hang out with my friends who are doing grad school, kinda sorta pretend to just still be in college for another year or so. Which maybe wasn’t the best idea, but the familiarity was like a security blanket. Now, I cannot stop thinking about how I have no idea what I’m going to do.
I really hoped I’d have a job lined up by now, but as it stands it seems like I’m going to be working 3 jobs until my lease ends in August and after that I have no clue where I’m going. Jobs in my industry are worryingly scant and while I’m trying to make my peace with working in like a coffee shop or a bookstore or something (which I think I would be perfectly content with, at least for a while) the amount of decisions that leaves me with is stressing me out so bad. I have to figure out where I want to live, get a job there, go and find an apartment with some roommates, make all new friends, etc, etc. I’m terrified.
I have literally one friend who isn’t going on to some kind of higher education and she’s already gotten her dream job after applying to two (2) places, and I’m genuinely happy for her but it makes me feel like such a failure that I’ve applied to dozens and not even gotten an interview. I want so badly to just do something I care about but I feel like soon I’m going to have to settle for whatever pays rent. I keep telling myself that that’s fine, because plenty of people live that way and I’m sure that so long as I keep writing and have some good people in my life I’ll be happy, but it’s so so scary to know that in a couple of months I’ll be leaving all my friends and family behind but have no idea where I’ll be going.
I’m really not trying to whine, I know that I’ve been extremely lucky to go to college and enjoy barely paying for anything the last few years (I have a scholarship that pays for most of my rent and my parents help me with grocery money). There are genuinely awful things happening all over the world right now, and I live in a country that affords me a good amount of safety and have parents who I know would step in to help me if I were literally starving. I’m just sort of coming to terms with this being the first time in my life that I’m completely on my own. I’m confident that I can find something to keep myself alive, but I’ve been very lucky to have great friends and a very contented life so far, and I’m both grateful for that and terrified it’s going to end soon.
I can sort of feel myself on the edge of a wee breakdown and that really cannot happen right now because my family and my long-distance bestie get here tomorrow for graduation so I’m going to have to be very smiley and confident for at least the next few days ! And anyone I shared this with would be taking on the burden of feeling some kind of guilt, which of course I don’t want to put on anyone. So yeah. Sorry to do this here, but I really felt like I had to externalize this somehow and you guys are my unfortunate victims!
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landhoehoehoe · 2 years
I hear a symphony - Arthur Leclerc
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first of all: OMG this gif is all I need in life 😫
second: I absolutely hate this one and it's short asf but I figured I needed to force myself to write something to get back in the groove lol
Would recommend listening to I hear a symphony by Cody Fry (only when the song is mentioned!) because this whole drabble is based on the song
Thank you sm for 300 followers even though I didn't post anything new besties, I appreciate it very much 🫶🏻 Warnings: none, fluff fluff fluff
Arthur Leclerc x reader; Slow dancing and cooking together
After stepping out of the shower you finally felt yourself relax. 
You had had a long and stressful day at work: one of those days that just don’t seem to end with meetings that stretch like chewing gum. 
Therefore you were now all the more grateful that you were finally home. 
Downstairs you heard Arthur rambling around in the kitchen, so you quickly put on one of his oversized shirts to go and join him. 
“My love, is everything okay?”, you asked as you entered the kitchen while still drying your hair with a towel. 
Your boyfriend, who’d been cursing at the stove just then, turned around abruptly. 
Arthur was only wearing grey sweatpants and nothing else because he’d spent his day off in bed, watching Netflix. 
He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled nervously, but then you saw his eyes wandering down to where his shirt ended right beneath your ass. 
“I can’t figure this stupid stove out.”, he answered, but his eyes were still focussing on your body. 
You let out a soft laugh. 
“Here. Let me help. What are we cooking anyways?”, you stepped closer, leaving your towel on a nearby chair to inspect the ingredients Arthur had already laid out on the kitchen counter. 
“I wanted to do something fancy but then I saw a TikTok of this girl making these crazy pancakes so now I want pancakes.”, he explained, making you roll your eyes in amusement. 
“Pancakes it is then.”, you were still smiling when you started cracking the eggs into a bowl. 
Arthur’s arms suddenly wrapped around you from behind before he placed a kiss on your temple.
“Missed you today.”, he whispered into your hair, then hugged you tightly before letting go of you again. You couldn’t help but smile when you turned around to him. “Don’t sweet-talk me into making these all by myself, mister. You can start cutting up some fruit.”, playfully you narrowed your eyes at him to seem serious. 
A mischievous smirk crept onto Arthur’s face. 
“Me? Sweet-talking? Never!!”
You pretended to smack him with your whisk, which made him dodge away from you. 
“However, you must know, you do look like a very tasty snack in my shirt, mon amour.”, he responded, causing you to blush almost immediately. 
It only made him smile even wider because he loved that his words still had such an effect on you even though you’ve been dating for well over a year now. 
“Get to work, nobody’s paying you to stand around!”, you really tried to sound serious, but you were way too content to be back home with Arthur that nothing could have tarnished your good mood right now. 
Arthur suddenly stood up straight and saluted you, a dead serious expression on his face. 
“Aye, aye, chef. After I’m done there will be no fruit left unchopped!”
You giggled and continued making the pancakes while Arthur began washing and cutting different fruits for the toppings. 
At least that was until I hear a symphony suddenly started playing over the speaker in the kitchen. 
Instantly you looked up from the pancake batter, only to see Arthur already smiling widely at you with his phone in his hand.
He’d kissed you for the very first time when this song had been playing at Pierre’s wedding last year. 
It had been a magical slow dancing moment that you were sure you’d never ever forget. Everything had just been so perfect. 
Looking at Arthur now, you fell right back into the memory and couldn’t help but smile. 
Arthur was all you ever wanted, all you could ever ask for, all you needed. 
He laid down his phone and reached his hand out to you as the first chords of the song sounded through the room. 
I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
“Milady, would you honor me with this dance?”, he asked in a goofy British accent before dramatically bowing in front of you, making you giggle once more.
“Why of course, Milord. It would be my utmost pleasure.”, you mirrored his accent and curtsied with your imaginary ball gown before you took his hand. 
When he looked back up he had a cheeky smile on his face. 
After giving your ass a quick squeeze, his free hand slipped around your waist while your free hand came up to his shoulder. Slowly, he started guiding you across the kitchen floor, his eyes locked onto yours. 
Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
“You’re so beautiful, mon amour.”, he whispered when he swayed you from side to side. 
It made your heart melt. 
The moment was almost too good to be true: The sun was setting through the kitchen window while you were slow dancing with your lover to the song that first kicked off your relationship. 
“I love you, mon coeur.”, you replied in the same soft tone and watched his eyes light up. 
You were not a native French speaker, so he loved it when you used some of the words he’d taught you. 
He spun you around once and took the opportunity to connect your lips.
It was soft, passionate and full of love. It was the comforting feeling of a warm summer night, the cozy feeling of a rainy afternoon, the exciting feeling of a fresh breath of air after a long day of work. The feeling of coming home.
 You almost forgot you were still dancing until Arthur broke up the kiss again to look at you. 
“I love you, too.”
You are more beautiful by far 
Our flaws are who we really are
You grinned at him like you’d just won the lottery, because truly, it felt like you had. 
You’d found him. Your person. 
Arthur pecked your lips again before both his arms wrapped around you to pull you into a tight embrace. Your arms automatically wandered around his neck while you let your head fall against his chest. 
He pressed a kiss into your hair, then rested his head on top of yours. 
You closed your eyes, focused solely on Arthur’s steady heartbeat and got lost in the beautiful song. The silence around you was far from awkward and more than peaceful as the two of you reminisced in the past, swaying to the melody. 
I used to hear a simple song 
That was until you came along 
You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
HEY BESTIE I LOVE THE PROMPTS 21 86 94 114 128 146!!! ❤️❤️
Thank you for submitting these! I plan to get to the others, too, but to start, here's prompt 21! @1soff also submitted this prompt, with a bit of flavor to it. I hope you both enjoy this non-canon bit with Joel and Doc!
A run outside the QZ leads to a confession.
Based on Prompt 21: "I fucking hate you"
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (Lavender pairing)
Warnings: Canon-typical violence. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 2.4K
“You’d better be almost done,” Joel growled, pacing. 
“Oh, hold your horses,” you rolled your eyes, going to the next row of medication. You felt him glare at you through the grate separating the pharmacy from the rest of the store. “Not like you’ve got something waiting for you in the QZ to get back to…” 
Being outside the QZ with just Joel was strange. You’d been going on more and more runs lately but it was always with Joel and Tess or just Tess. Joel tended to avoid you like the plague. 
Which was fine by you. He so obviously hated you that it was hard to be anywhere near him. The glares, the stiff limbs, the fact that you wanted him anyway. It wasn’t fun. 
Going with Tess meant there was a buffer. You and Tess had developed a kind of rapport - maybe not friends but at least friendly. Enough that Joel was usually there as silent muscle that you could pretend wasn’t there at all - or you could if you weren’t hyperaware of his every move. 
But Tess was sick - the flu that had developed into bronchitis - and you’d all but demanded that she stay home. 
“Why?” She demanded as she went into another coughing fit.
“For starters,” you’d said as you got some anti-inflammatories out of the bag you’d brought to Joel’s apartment to check on her after she’d been down for the count for weeks. “You’re coughing too much. Clicker will hear you from miles out and then you’re fucked. More importantly, if you don’t watch yourself, this could turn into chronic bronchitis. If you never shake it, you won’t be well enough to do any runs ever again. And, just a wild guess here, but that’s not what you’re after.” 
“Not exactly,” she coughed again. 
“Then listen to your doctor,” you said, slinging your bag on your arm. “And delay the run a few weeks instead of getting yourself killed.” 
“Can’t,” she took a shaky breath. “We’re on a deadline and we’re pushing it already… You two will have to go without me.” 
“No,” snapped Joel, his arms crossed, shaking his head. “No way in hell I’m haulin’ her around outside the QZ on my own. She’s a fuckin’ liability…” 
“Joel,” she snapped before coughing again. “This is the deal, she makes it so we don’t die from getting fucked up out there, we take her out when she wants to go. So fucking deal with it.” 
He glared at you.
“Are you planning to go back to that town anytime soon?” You asked. “Or another one where I can raid a pharmacy within the next month?” 
“Probably not,” Tess said, her breath rattling in her lungs. “Jesus, I feel like shit…” 
“Then you’re stuck with me, Miller,” you shrugged. “Sorry to continue to be such a disappointment…” 
He ground his teeth and stalked off to his bedroom. 
“Still such a charmer,” you said sarcastically. Tess laughed and then coughed. “Take it easy, OK? You’ve made it this far, you don’t get to just keel over from bronchitis. You should at least… I don’t know… Go out in a fight with infected or something. While saving a kid. Really amp up the heroism.” 
She smiled. 
“I’ll do my best.” 
It had been you and Joel on your own for four days now as you worked your way down the coastline. It was a gorgeous view, at least, with the sound of seagulls and waves on the rocky shore and the smell of salt making you almost forget you had a gun at your hip and your surly ex-boyfriend at your back. 
“We’ve been here too fuckin’ long already,” he snapped. 
“Is there a reason you’re worried or are you just trying really hard to ruin my day?” You asked, opening a bottle and looking at the pills inside. They looked to be in good shape and high quantity. You stuck it in your pack. 
“There are signs of people all over this fuckin’ town,” he snapped. “There shouldn’t be, from what we knew, there shouldn’t be a goddamn soul around. So I’d like for you to stop fuckin’ around so we can get moving.” 
You checked the last few bottles and went back to the grate over the counter. 
“Alright, Miller,” you said. “Get me out of here and we can head out.” 
Joel pried the metal up and open and you climbed on the counter, sliding below it, before Joel dropped it and it slammed back down. 
“Lucky you could even get back there,” he muttered. “Shouldn’t keep comin’ on runs like this, you’re just slowin’ us down and it ain’t worth it.” 
“Tell that to the patients whose anxiety medications I just snagged for the next few months,” you said, smug. He glowered after you, pushing past you and out onto the street. The ocean was churning, dark clouds swelling overhead, the wind making the strands of hair that had come loose from your French braid swirling around your head. You just hoped you’d make it to a good stopping point before a storm blew in. 
Joel seemed particularly paranoid as you started back toward Boston. You’d picked up whatever he’d had to come out here for - he’d made you stand near the rusting cash registers of the small storefront he’d gone into while he went into the back because “who the fuck knows what’s back there and I don’t want to get my throat ripped out worryin’ about you” - and you’d also managed to grab some things that were more fun, too. Some more books for your classroom, some DVDs to sell on the black market in the QZ, some jewelry that would fetch a decent price from the few FEDRA people who could afford it. 
It had been a successful run so far. Of course Joel wanted to try to cut your portion of it as short as possible. 
“See?” You said as you neared the edge of town. “All that worry over nothing…” 
“Don’t fuckin’ jinx it,” he replied, not looking at you. You rolled your eyes just as a man emerged from a house at the edge of town. You steps stuttered to a stop and Joel’s arm swept out and all but threw you behind him before both hands were on his rifle. 
“Hey stranger,” the man ahead of you called, drawing closer. Joel raised the gun. “What’s bringing you through our neck of the woods?” 
“Just passin’ through,” Joel snapped. “Best let us keep passin’.” 
“Afraid I can’t do that,” the man said, a few more men joining him as you peered around Joel’s arm. “You’re in our territory…” 
“Fuck your territory,” Joel snapped. “So fuckin’ worried about it, let us through.” 
“There’s shit there that we’re after,” the man said. 
“So?” Joel snapped. 
“Can’t let you through if you’ve got it,” he shrugged. “So you can give us your packs…” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Or we can take ‘em off your cold, dead bodies,” he continued. “Up to you.” 
“Joel,” you hissed, sticking close behind him. 
“Shut up,” he snapped at you before turning his attention back to the man. “Ain’t happenin’. I don’t have a problem killing every last one of you, so do yourselves a fuckin’ favor and let us pass.” 
The man looked back to his men, saying something. Joel looked back at you. 
“I tell you what to do, you fuckin’ do it,” he said, voice low. “Understand me?” 
“Yeah,” you swallowed, hard. There was a crack of thunder overhead. 
“Good,” he muttered, looking straight ahead again. 
The men started forward, rifles in hand. As they drew closer, two levied them at Joel. He adjusted his grip on his weapon. You took a shaky breath. 
“Gonna need your packs,” the man said, stopping just 20 feet away from you and Joel. 
“Run!” Joel yelled as he started shooting. 
You listened, taking off for the nearest shelter you could see, Joel moving the same direction as he fired. 
“Hide!” He yelled over his shoulder at you as you ducked behind a waist-high wall around a yard. Thunder cracked and rain started to fall as you watched Joel get hit in the shoulder, knocking him back. 
“Joel!” You yelled, instinctively running for him, the sound of gunshots making you flinch. He fired two more shots, dropping the last two men just as you reached him, pulling him to his feet just as the sky opened. 
“The fuck were you thinkin’?” He snapped as he struggled to his feet. “I told you to fuckin’ hide!” 
“Yeah, well,” you snapped back. “Too damn bad.” 
The two of you went into the nearest house. You dropped Joel onto the couch and drew the curtains in case there were any more men out there. It was dumping rain now, the branches of the trees outside whipping in the wind. 
“How fuckin’ stupid are you?” Joel snapped as you helped him take his shirt off to look at his shoulder. You ignored him, going into your bag for your supplies. “Hey! I asked you a goddamn question!” 
“What, you want me to just leave you to die in the street?” You snapped. You sat beside him and gingerly touched around the bullet wound to assess it. He hissed in pain, gritting his teeth. 
“The rules are you listen to me when we’re out here!” He yelled. “I’m not gonna keep haulin’ you around if you’re gonna be that fuckin’ dumb!” 
“If I’m so dumb maybe you don’t want me pulling a bullet out of your shoulder,” you soaked gauze in alcohol and started cleaning the wound. 
“You’re a fuckin’ burden out here,” his eyes were narrowed, hard. “Can’t shoot, can’t listen, you’re useless!” 
You gritted your teeth against the tears that were welling up and threatening to choke you. 
“I’m good at putting you back together when you fuck up!” You snapped as you pressed fresh gauze to the wound and taped it into place. 
“Wouldn’t need you to if you weren’t so fuckin’ stupid!” He yelled. “And I’m tired of always having to take care of you!” 
You sat back from him, not able to stop the tears now. He looked so upset but he was still Joel.  You’d been clinging to him for so long. For so long that it felt like it was your entire life. But it hurt so much now, loving him. Being anywhere near him was painful, so much that it felt like something was taking you apart from the inside out. You knew he didn’t care about you like that anymore but, for some reason, you thought he’d always at least respect you. Think you were worth something. For so long it had seemed like he was the only person who thought you were worth something and, it turned out, you were wrong.
You were so tired of it. You were ready to be done with it, done with all of it. 
“Stay put,” Joel snapped, getting up and grabbing his shirt before he went deeper into the house. 
You ignored him, throwing on your backpack and going out the front door. 
There were no signs of any other men, at least, but it was pouring rain and you were soaked in seconds. The wind whipped around you, strong enough that it made you stumble a bit. You wondered idly if it was a hurricane. That would be appropriate, you thought. With some luck it would take you out to sea and you wouldn’t have to deal with anything else. Wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that Joel hated you so viscerally, wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that you wished you could hate him too, wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that you still loved him so much in spite of it all that you’d let him bleed you dry if he just asked. 
“Hey!” He yelled from behind you. You ignored him and kept walking. “Stop!” 
“Fuck off, Joel!” You yelled back over your shoulder. “Leave me the hell alone!” 
“The hell do you think you’re going?” He snapped, catching up to you and standing in front of you, grabbing you by the shoulders. “I told you to stay put!” 
“And I told you to leave me the hell alone!” You threw his hands off you and ducked around him. 
“Hey!” He yelled again, catching you a lot quicker this time, ripping you around to face him. He was dripping wet, hair soaked. “You tryin’ to get yourself fuckin’ killed?” 
“The fuck does it matter to you for!” You yelled back. “You made it perfectly clear what you think of me…”
“Get back in the fucking house!” 
“NO!” You shoved him back, tears welling up again. “I’m done! I’m done doing this with you, Joel! I love you so goddamn much that I hate it! I hate you! I fucking hate you!”
“Well I don’t hate you!” He yelled back, breathless. You just stared at him. “So just come back…” 
“What do you mean you don’t hate me?” You asked, wiping the rain and tears from your eyes. 
“The hell do you think I mean?” He snapped. 
“I don’t know! You just got done telling me how useless you think I am!” You yelled. It felt good to yell at him, to do SOMETHING besides just love him without being loved in return. “You do nothing but try to shove me away from you, you avoid me as much as you possibly can…” 
“Because I can’t handle fuckin’ losing you!” He yelled back, panting for breath. He closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for a moment, calming himself down. “I can’t… I can’t handle losing you, I can’t… I can’t survive that. I don’t want you out here because I can’t watch you get hurt, can’t watch you die. I… I love you too much, I can’t do it.” 
“You love me?” You asked, voice soft, stepping closer to him. 
“Can’t lose you,” he said, taking your face in his hands. “Please…” 
You leaned into him slowly, gently, and kissed him. His lips were delicate but desperate on yours, all the years of denying each other passing between you in that moment. 
“Please come inside,” he said, barely pulled back from you. “At least until the rain is done. Please, Baby.” 
You nodded. 
“Let’s go inside,” you said. “I think we have a lot to talk about.”
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nifolution · 1 year
Love Me Again
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus-size Reader
Summary: Jake was back, but the Loser’s sixth member is still M.I.A.
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bad attempt at humor, guns, killings, mention of memory loss, post breakup, enemies to lovers
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
You Loved Me Once    Main Masterlist     
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Clay’s unit awaited him in a motel parking lot in Adelaide. He secured their post mission rooms and returned keys in hand. "Okay, I got good news and bad news... We can all look forward to hot showers, clean sheets, and a complimentary breakfast. However, there were only three rooms available, so we will have to share.”
The responding groans of protest were expected. “Would you prefer to sleep on the ground for another night? No? So shut your pieholes.” Clay pocketed one of the keycards and set the remaining on the vehicle in front of him. “Aisha will be sharing with me. One room has a king, the other two double beds. Work it out amongst yourselves.”
Wordlessly, Jensen, Cougar and Pooch launched into a game of rock paper scissors. It had been weeks of travel, tents and living on top of one another. The victor cheered, scooping up the keycard to the private room.
“No! Come on, best two out of three.” When his friend shook his head, Jensen changed tactics, “I’ll give you that bitching crossbow I got last op if you switch with me… my watch… a hundred bucks. I’ll even throw in a foot massager, top of the line.”
“No way man. I need a night to myself. The Pooch has earned this.”
Jensen hung his head, accepting defeat. Bunking with his bestie wasn’t so bad, at least there were separate beds. Sharing one with Cougar wasn’t fun, the man was a cover hog. Jake was still grateful Clay reinstated him eight months ago. His teammates were ambivalent about him at first, but eventually everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything.
The Loser’s current operation led them to South Australia. They’d been hired by a distraught (and wealthy) father as part of a rescue team. He hadn’t seen nor heard from his daughter, Isla, in two years. She had been kidnapped by an illegal arms dealer who forced her into marriage. All prior attempts to get her back had failed. No amount of negotiation, payment, threats or pleading could sway the nefarious man to return her.
A rendezvous with the rest of the group at their makeshift campsite, plus a thirty minute drive east put the Humvees at the perimeter of the target’s estate. “Alright, you all know the drill,” Clay barked into the comms. “We get our asses in there, extricate the woman, send her back to her daddy, and take down anyone that stands in our way.”
Meanwhile their tech genius had already hacked into the system to disable the security and jam communications. Once the cameras powered down, Pooch floored it, ramming through the gate, the other two vehicles followed close behind.
“Eww... This guy’s got raptors picking at a bunch of bones and sinew on his property, always a good sign. You’d think he'd want to be more inconspicuous.”
Pooch’s face scrunched up at the image, “Pretty sure that's just a dead animal.”
Jake shook his head, pursing his lips in mock disapproval. “There's a lot of places to bury a body in a vineyard, all I’m saying. Keep the place tidy.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Aisha deadpanned.
“What do you call that… carrion, right?”
Clay grumbled from the front, “I'm close to calling it Jensen.”
“Yes, sir. I hear ya loud and clear. Shutting up…” he paused for dramatic effect, “now!”
“This whole goddamn thing’s going tits-up!” Clay had thought his team was prepared, ready to engage the moment they entered the property, but the intel their employer provided was crap. The location was more heavily armed than believed. His unit was at a disadvantage despite the extra help. Outmanned and outgunned, a few men were down and one lost within the first ten minutes.
“Well look at the bright side, we're outside enjoying some fresh...” Jensen’s quip went unfinished as he dove for cover. Incoming drones zoomed through the air spraying bullets. They must have been linked to an independent off sight system because the primary and secondary security had been obliterated. 
Jake focused the scope of his rifle, aiming at the nearest flying pest. “Here birdie birdie…” ‘Wait. That - that’s.’ Still in disbelief, he shouted, “Guys! Guys, that's one of Y/N’s drones!”
Pooch was skeptical, “How can you be sure?”
“Cause they’re like my step kids. Franny, Freddy, Felix, Frank and Foxy. It’s been painted, but that's Frank,” he insisted before taking off, sprinting toward the assailing device.
Clay eyes widened at the other man’s actions, “Jensen, you realize it's shooting at us! Stand down!” Seeing his order ignored, he screamed at the rest of his group, “Cover his dumb ass.”
Disregarding his boss, Cougar pulled out his cellphone and spoke in hushed tones to the person on the other end.
Aisha grit her teeth at her teammate while continuing to fire at their opponents. “That idiot lost his mind, now our sniper decides to make a phone call mid battle. Are you ordering a pizza?”
“Don't forget the breadsticks,” Pooch chimed in. Laughing at the increasing absurdity of the situation.
Jake removed his helmet and dropped his weapon. Frantically jumping and waving his arms, repeatedly calling out ‘Angel.’ A drone moved in and shot at his feet, before slightly pulling back, continuing to hover above him.
“Understood. Our apologies. Copy that.” Cougar hung up and waited.
The remaining drones collected above Jensen’s head. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. However the moment he dreaded never came. The devices turned and began taking out the guards with quick precision. When only Clay’s men remained, they flew off. 
Sticking to the plan, the team continued to the manor. Wary of a possible ambush awaiting beyond the front door, in lieu of breaking it down, Clay instructed Jensen and Cougar to go through the nearest second floor windows, clear the immediate area and let them in.
Cougar nodded, but walked right through the unlocked door instead. To everyone’s shock but his, it was clear. Raising his chin toward the staircase, he proceeded up them.
“Okay, so we're just following him then?”
Clay shrugged, “Good enough for me.” He had the Losers head upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to keep watch at the entrance.
Cougar seemingly knew exactly where to go. Navigating the twists and turns of the large house with ease. Any lingering guards they came across were swiftly handled. Within the master bedroom’s closet, hidden behind sliding shelving they found a 16-point locking, bullet resistant, biometric fingerprint panic room door. 
Before Jensen could get his gear out to crack it, Cougar tapped the scanner, confirming it was off. He pulled the heavy door open, immediately shooting the two guards inside as if he was expecting them.
Jensen scratched his head. Not knowing what to make of it. “What is going on?... Are you a T-1000… What's my dog's name?”
Cougar just looked at him and chuckled.
“You laugh, but I'm legitimately concerned.”
Clay took point, announcing his entrance into the room, “Honey, I'm home.”
The occupants sat on a couch, Isla held a crying baby in her arms, wincing from her husband's hand on her thigh, squeezing painfully tight. The baby’s presence gave everyone pause. No one was aware there would be a child involved. There has been one surprise after another today.
“You lost, asshole. Now let them go and come quietly.” Clay slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved toward them, attempting to calmly apprehend the man.
The target pulled out a gun, shoving it into Isla’s side. “Stay where you are.”
“Don't be like that. This doesn't have to get more ugly than it already is.”
Seething, the man turned the gun on Clay, who discharged his sidearm, firing two shots into the arms dealer’s chest before he could blink. The group hurriedly moved Isla and her baby out of the building into one of their vehicles. Assuring the frightened woman that she was safe and going back to her father.  Pooch voiced his concern over their lack of carseat.
“Then drive extra carefully.” Clay smiled at the rescuees, “Let's get you both home.”
Riding in the second Humvee, Jake stared down a silent Cougar. He offered no explanation as to why Y/N's drones were on the property or who he had called, but it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
Hours later, Isla and her daughter were safely on their way home. At Cougar’s request, and after a stop at the motel for much needed showers, the team waited at a bar in the city. Leaving one chair empty, correctly guessing who they should be expecting.
Jake was a bundle of nerves. The hand gripping his empty glass started to cramp as he watched the door. He wondered if they had Boys II Men on the jukebox to help set the mood. ‘Would that be too presumptuous? She probably moved on by now. Has a new special someone in her life. Somebody else loving her, touching her, making her laugh.’ He wouldn’t blame her. His amnesia may have been temporary, but the damage he caused wasn't.
“You stare at that door any harder and it will burst into flames.” Aisha refilled her teammates' glass, encouraging him to relax and breathe.
“She'll be here soon, won't she? She's still coming, right?”
Y/N took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Her former teammates were easy to spot. Cougar gave her his number when she quit, asking her to keep in touch. It took a few months before she found the strength to do so. Even after learning of her exs' recovery, she couldn't bring herself to return yet. She wanted her Jakey back, but was scared of his rejection. Plus she was on assignment, the timing was off. The weight of this reunion wasn’t lost on her. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you losers walk into mine.”
“Well that's unfair, you walked in after us.” Grinning ear to ear, Clay pulled her into a tight hug. “Missed ya, Y/N.”
“I had a few things to handle before getting here. So you beat me, but I've been dying to say it." She squeezed Clay tight before facing the rest. "I missed you all too. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t recognize you guys in all that fancy schmancy gear.”
Jake felt unsteady the moment she walked in, his blood roared in his ears. It was really her, his Angel, more gorgeous than ever. He watched her warm greeting with Clay, swallowing a lump in his throat. She was wearing the jacket he bought her. He hoped that was a good sign.
The group stood to welcome and embrace their former member. Jake waited through the exchange of pleasantries for his turn. Longing to throw his arms around his Angel and hold her close. It had been nearly a year since he’d done so. Ten months, three days and seventeen hours since he kissed her goodbye to go on that ill fated mission.
However, he noticed Y/N’s smile falter when their eyes met. Abandoning his desired hug, he forced a smile, awkwardly waved and sat back down.
“Hey Jake.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of her old love.
As everyone took their seats, Jensen glanced at the entrance then back at his Angel. “So are we um… waiting for anybody else?”
“Like who?”
“No-nobody. Nobody. Just wanted to make sure there was room for everybody. Everybody together again. It’s good to be together.” Jake took a long sip of his beer. His brain screamed with the knowledge that there was no boyfriend in the picture.
Y/N filled them in on her whereabouts since her departure. She’d gotten a job as private security for some rich asshole’s wife. Mostly involved keeping her in and others out. The winery was lovely, but the running of guns and heavier artillery, and the dabbling in human trafficking ruined the ambience. Of course, she knew he was dirty when she accepted the position, so Y/N did all she could to throw wrenches into his operations without being detected. Quietly dispersed his ill gotten gains into several hidden bank accounts, the biggest for Isla. She was helping the wife and baby prepare for a safe and covert escape. Simultaneously gathering evidence against the husband and his associates.
“It was all set to go down in a few days, and you guys just broke in and killed him. All that planning and hard work for nothing.” Y/N shoved Clay’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well it was the quickest way. Can’t argue that.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let months of work go to complete waste. So I allowed you guys to be the heroes while I tied up some loose ends. That’s why I was late. Had to reroute the latest shipments, funnel the rest of the money to charities, victims and of course, a nice sum for myself. Scrubbed the camera footage and removed any evidence of us or Isla being there. Then I alerted the authorities to handle the rest. They’ll find all they need to take down the whole thing.” She took a deep breath, trilling her lips to exhale. “But I’m still mad at you about it.”
Aisha offered compensation, “I don’t think anyone here will object if you want in on the pallet of wine we rescued."
“Bold of you to assume I didn't take my own,” Y/N laughed.
After a few rounds, the Losers felt they were sufficiently caught up on each others lives. Pooch and Cougar announced they were going to play stripes and solids, inviting Aisha and Clay as their opponents. It was obvious that was an excuse to leave the ex-lovers alone.
Jake wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. Putting on his most charming smile, he slid over next to Y/N. “G’day mate, fancy meeting you down unda. Maybe I can show you my down unda lata. I promise I'm koala-fied.” He tittered at his themed pickup line, but she didn't react. He desperately wanted to make her laugh. If she laughed, he knew things would be okay.
Trying to shake off the nervousness, he cleared his throat and continued his attempted seduction. “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?” He couldn’t backpedal fast enough seeing the alarmed look on her face. “Joke, really bad joke. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was… Fuck,” he grimaced.
Y/N remained stiff and unsure. Wanting to give in to his flirting, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. The defeated look on Jake’s face broke her heart, so she attempted to bridge the divide with a safe topic, “How are Stephanie and Hannah?”
“They're good, they're good, um,” he scratched the back of neck, unsure how to proceed. His sister, having seen him at plenty of his worsts, forgave him instantly. His niece took a little bribery, but they were back to their usual shenanigans. “So, uh thanks for clearing the way for us back there, you know, after you shot at me.”
Her mouth dropped open, “Excuse me, I shot near you.”
Cougar gestured with his eyes over to Jensen and Y/N, knowing he was striking out. Pooch got the hint. He called the man over and handed him his room key. Demanding he take it before he changed his mind. Jake practically ran back to the table to ask Y/N to his room to talk in private. He was amazed she agreed.
Aisha’s lips pursed watching the pair leave. “If he doesn't blow this, we'll have to put up with them being nauseatingly cute with each other again.”
“You don't want them to make up?” Clay rested his hands on her waist.
“I do,” she huffed. “Look, I don't know if I believe in that true love, princess bride, bullshit. But they are the closest I've ever seen to it... They belong together.”
The entire car ride to the motel passed in uncomfortable silence. Both anxious and unsure about the outcome of this night. Each stealing glances at the other. Jake noticed how hard her hand clenched around the steering wheel. Y/N caught sight of each time his hand reached for the radio before pulling away without turning it on.
Jake felt butterflies in his stomach as they pulled in the lot. Painful butterflies… Vampire butterflies. He drummed on his legs before hopping out of the vehicle. Y/N was quick to follow. They walked to the room without a word shared. Jake kept looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still with him. He swiped the keycard several times without success. The red light and negative beep mocking him. The twisting in his belly intensified. ‘Yep definitely vampire butterflies.’
Finally, the door flashed green and unlocked. He sauntered in, pretending to be calmer than he really was. Turning on the old Jensen charm, he bowed and waved his hand over the large bed. “Have a seat, m'lady. It’s not exactly the Ritz, but I hope it will be to your liking.”
“It's a nice room. We've stayed in much worse.” She spotted the bobblehead chihuahua on the nightstand, smiling coyly as she sat down. “So this is Pooch’s room?”
“Nah, it's mine. At least now it is.” He plopped down beside Y/N. “Sooo, how’ve ya been?”
“Good, until earlier today when I lost my job and residence cause some assholes charged in guns blazing.” Y/N sighed dramatically, “At least I can take solace in knowing Isla and her daughter are home safe. What about you?”
“I - I’m okay… most days. Um, so what's next for you? Seeing as how your life's been upended by a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.”
Y/N hummed, thinking of a response. “Well, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, plus a bunch of money. So I'll probably make a few brothers and sisters for the F-team. Maybe one with a flamethrower.”
He turned to her with a lopsided grin. “That would be badass, like its maker.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered. He looked at her with such adoration, like she held all life's answers.  That, that was her Jakey.
“Looks like the possibilities are endless now that you're homeless and unemployed.” Jake’s eyes squeezed shut, cringing. Not meaning to sound so callous.
She snorted, “I'm sure I'll be fine. I always land on my feet.”
Jake breathed a sigh of relief that she found humor in the situation. “Definitely, definitely… But if you're interested, I know of a job opening. Fast paced, high stakes, danger… romance,” he whispered the last word, blushing. “It’s with a great bunch called the Losers. I could put in a good word for you. In fact, I'm sure the two of us could strong-arm the boss to agree to any demands we want.”
“I'd have to move back to the states.”
“If you need a place to stay, your key still works… I um, kept the house. After you quit, I kinda skipped town. Woke up in Ohio about a month later. At first I completely panicked cause I didn't know where you were or where I was. Then it hit me that I REALLY didn't know where you were… and it was all my fault,” his voice cracked, on the verge of crying.
Her head lowered, unable to hold back her own tears. ‘If I had only waited longer.’ “You must be so disappointed in me for not sticking it out when you weren't yourself. I tried, I swear I did, but it was too much. I should have been stronger and held on until you were you again. I’m so sorry, Jakey.”
“No, Angel no.” he wiped Y/N’s cheeks with his thumb. “There's nothing to forgive. You didn’t abandon me, I drove you away. I don't blame you at all. Hell, I deserved it. I was a total asshole.” Jake took a deep breath, “I was so angry… I was in pain, confused. I felt trapped with no room to breathe. Was sick of everybody telling me things I was supposed to already know. Telling me over and over to relax and let myself recover when I couldn't calm down to save my life. I kept fighting with my sister, was short with my niece, rude and snapped at everyone… And you got the worst of it… When I saw you, there was something there in the back of my mind, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew your presence made my headache worse. So I aimed my frustration at you and chased you off. I can't say how sorry I am.”
Y/N gently touched Jake’s head, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing small circles with her fingers. The urge to comfort him stronger than any apprehension she felt before.
Jake leaned into her touch, “It's all better now. I'm better… I wish this was a cartoon so you could've wacked me in the head again to reset my brain and stop all the bullshit I put everyone through.”
She pulled her hand away too soon. “I'm glad you're better… You really hurt me, Jake, but you have to know I already forgave you.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You have? That fast? Are you certain, I mean…"
“It took some time. Months to push through that pain, but I'd be the bigger jerk if I didn't take into consideration that it wasn't completely your fault. You literally had a doctor's note to prove it.” Y/N smiled at him, brushing away a few more escaped tears.
“So you don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you, Jakey. Do you hate me?”
“It's going to continue to sting for a while though.”
He nods in understanding. Jake got on his knees before her, taking her hands in his, his face more serious than she's ever seen him. “I need you to believe me when I say I have NEVER thought those horrible things about you. You didn't deserve any of the awful things I said and I swear I didn't mean them. You’re my perfect Angel and I love everything about you. Every curve, every line, each and every inch of beautiful skin because it’s yours. You are the most incredible person I ever met and I can't stand knowing that I made you feel otherwise for even a minute. Please say you believe me.”
“I do.”
Jake leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back.
Y/N returned the brief kiss. This was a good start, but she was exhausted. “It’s been a long day. I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped out. Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we’re good? That everything is back to normal? We can work on us in the morning, and everyday after, but right now I just need you and unconsciousness.”
‘She wants to sleep here, in my bed, with me.’ Jake jumped up, enthusiastically agreeing. His pants down around his ankles in an instant.
Her face became heated at Jake’s sudden nudity. Y/N bit her lips, shyly telling him she was going to change in the bathroom.
Jake realized he was jumping the gun. He pulled up his batman boxers, removed his shoes and remaining clothing. He turned the toy dog around, just in case. “Sorry mini Pooch, no looky loos.”
Y/N walked out in panties and t-shirt, tugging it down in an attempt to hide more of herself as she skittered to the bed and got under the covers. Jake frowned, he needed to mend his Angel's heart, squash the insecurities he created. He scrambled up the bed, took his glasses off and sat them on the nightstand. Hesitating at the edge of the bed.
“You can come closer.”
He didn't need to be told twice, scooting over and joining her under the covers. He sat next to her, tentatively wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Intent on never leaving her side again. “Hey, tomorrow, do you want to check out this awesome mini golf course I found? Just the two of us.” The smile that adorned his face when she agreed fell. His voice lowered to a whisper, “I'm terrified of screwing this up.”
“So am I,” Y/N admitted, lacing her fingers with his.
Jake kissed the top of her head. “I don't think I ever told you.”
“The moment I knew this was it for me… Remember our first comic con together, we had that bet going on over how many people we could get to follow us doing the bunny hop around the convention center. I said five, you bet nine, and we ended up having thirty-five people in line behind us.” He chuckled at the memory. “We had Link, predator, three Spidermans, a wookiee in a bikini and just so many others. I was behind you, my hands on your hips having the time of my life. And there was a moment midjump, midlaugh, when you looked back at me, making sure I was having fun too, and I knew with absolute certainty that I was going to love you for the rest of my life. That you were the one for me and there'd never be anyone else. That hasn't changed.”
Y/N’s eyes watered, an unreadable expression on her face. Somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “I knew then too. Slowly throughout the day, then all at once in one defining moment. You were like a squirrel darting around, but you never lost me. You held my hand the whole time, squeezing it when you felt me get nervous. And when we parted for even a minute, you always found me. But the moment that sealed it was when we stopped for refreshments. I couldn't drink my water properly because of my costume and seeing my struggle, without a word, you slid behind the counter, grabbed a straw and placed it in my drink, holding it to my lips. It was something so small but so considerate. I've never had anyone be so sweet to me. I never had anyone look out for me like you did. I knew you were the one for me.”
Not trusting his voice, Jake kissed the hand he held.
“I love you, Jakey.”
His heart skipped a beat. “I love you, my Angel.” The reunited couple shared another kiss before lying down. Y/N snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Jake wrapped his arms around her. “Would it be wrong if I copped a feel right now?” 
She laughed, “I missed you so much.”
Jake blinked back tears. He thought he'd never hear that sound again. “I missed you more.”
A few peaceful minutes passed, her warm breath ghosting over his chest. He noticed she was trying to stay awake. Each time she began to drift, her eyes popped open to search for him. He rubbed her back to soothe her asleep. “I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, Angel, I promise.” Jake made sure she was sleeping soundly, before he allowed himself to follow her into slumber. 
Heading to his original room to get his belongings, Pooch was halted by a hand on his shoulder. Cougar, refusing to let Jensen and Y/N be disturbed, turned his friend around and led him to their shared room.
Pooch glanced back with a frown, “I'll guess I’ll get it in the morning.”
Cougar nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder. Tomorrow was looking like a very good day. The Loser’s would be a full team once more and his best friend would have the love of his life back. He didn’t save his best man’s speech for nothing.
The End
A/N: Thank you to everyone that has read this version or the original. I appreciate you all. I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: Love Me Forever
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Look, I admire the work Misan has done and how he made his career as a photographer but also…come on. That attention when 💯 percent to his head. Meghan probably had no idea who he was before he became famous taking photography during the George Floyd protests. 
Respectfully, I strongly disagree. Misan’s main talent is in self-promotion, greatly aided by his family’s influence and wealth. He has no higher education; his education ended with attendance at a UK “college” (ie, up to age 18…the equivalent of high school in the US). He suddenly became a “self-taught” photographer at age 40, and a few years later used the George Floyd/BLM protests and his social connections with fellow poc Edward Enninful/British Vogue editor to get the Vogue cover as photographer (2020). Misan has known Marcus A and Edward E for many years (well-documented on various instas), so Meghan very probably has known, or has been aware of, Misan for a while as well. At the very least, Misan was a guest at the Sussex wedding in 2018, so she had an idea who he was by 2018 – 2 years before the George Floyd protests. Misan himself dates their acquaintance to at least c2016: “’Meg reminded me that had I not introduced her to a mutual friend (Misha N?) then she wouldn’t have met Harry. I’m grateful for whatever small part I played,’ Harriman told Vogue in 2022’” (US mag, Mar 14, 2024). (And speaking of rumors to investigate, who exactly did set up Harry and Meghan then...Misan? Marcus? Eug? Misha N? Violet von W? Prince Andrew? Kris Jenner (jk)? WHO?!)
IMO both Meghan and Misan are superficial “fake it ‘til you make it” posers.
Like I’ve said before. I don’t follow anyone in the Sussexes’ world enough to know their work and interviews as intimately as this. What I know about Misan is what I know that’s made its way to the royal reporters and that’s that he didn’t come into anyone’s radar for photography until 2020.
Which kinda goes to your point, which in turn still supports my point: That until 2020, everyone saw Misan more as a society person. Meghan included. (Because if she did see him as photographer, then where’s the exclusive photos from the reception?) And it was a newfound explosion of fame and access in 2020 through a fledgling photography career (and said social connections) that amplified his ego to what we have now because the 2020 work brought him more “global” fame in a way that being besties with Markus and Edward previously had not.
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dancingbpierces · 1 month
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Para → Tea Time With Nana(I know it sucks but.. lol)
Mentioning of Chris Murray, Sam Evans, Arianna, Allison Young (Sam's sister) Flashback with Belle and Lauren. Time Frame → Wednesday night 7:00 PM Location → Brittany's and Chris' house. General Notes →  Brittany have some much needed time with her grandmother and got a job offer of an lifetime!!!
Brittany: was sitting at the kitchen table having tea with her Grandmother who had come to visit her and Ari for a few days. Honestly Brittany was so happy to see her grandmother. It had been almost a year since she saw her. They had made plans to go to Russia to visit. But due to her schedule at work and Ariana doing almost every after school activities it was hard to get out of town. “How is your tea Nana? Is it too hot?” she asked, taking a sip of her tea.
Rose: chuckled softly “It's fine Dear.. don’t worry” she assured her. “Where is my beautiful granddaughter anyways”
Brittany: smiled at the mention of her daughter, sitting her tea cup down. “Oh she is with Sam’s sister. Allison. Every time Allison comes to visit Sam. We can never pry Arianna away from her.” she said with a chuckle. 
Rose: chuckled “I remember when you and Sam were the exact same way. It amazes me how history repeats itself.” she sighed. “It’s okay. I will be here for another day. I will spend time with her then. Even if I have to take Allison with us. I’m gonna spend time with my great granddaughter.” she laughed as she stirred her tea a little. “How is your famous dance studio coming along?! You know I have girl friends that are always telling me when they see you in the newspaper on their tv..?” she asked softly.
Brittany: Nodded her head, “I will let Chris know. So he doesn’t have to worry about picking Ari up from Sam’s place then” she said.  She giggled softly at how excited her grandmother was as she started talking about Brittany’s company and how amazing it is and how she loves bragging over her. “Nana please.. It still needs time to grow more. But It’s getting there…” she chuckled while taking a sip of her tea. 
Rose: chuckled at the mention of Chris and sighed “Good and then maybe you can talk him into giving me his father’s recipe to that pasta sauce that he made last time we all got together.. I won’t rest until I have it” she said dramatically. If you are wondering if hell has frozen over and Chris and Rose are besties. No they aren’t. But they are at a better place than they were when Chris and Brittany were teenagers. She knew she was wrong the minute Chris slammed the door in her face when she tried to get Brittany’s rights over. And ever since  then she tried to stay in her lane and just support Brittany whenever she needed her. She was grateful that Chris was willing to be so forgiven toward her. So she tried to be more understanding and less judgmental when it came to Brittany’s and Chris relationship. Besides she knew Chris was a good dad. In fact she loved seeing them together. But with that being said she had gotten Brittany an opportunity that she knew Brittany couldn’t turn down. Which was why she was here. She knew that Brittany loved her job. But she could tell that Brittany was in a rut when it came to her career. She needed to get Brittany out of this rut she was in. Sure Brittany had her own dance studio and was working with big artists. But She wasn’t touring around the world like she wanted. Instead  It was her students that were getting to do it. “I know.. But I love rubbing it in how successful you are Darling.. They even try to bribe me into talking to you about letting their granddaughters come to your studio after college” she chuckled with a sigh. As proud as she was of Brittany and everything that she had accomplished. She felt like there was more that she should be doing with her amazing career and from hell to high water she was gonna at least try to make it happen. “Listen honey… I know you love your life and your career.. But.. I think you need to get out of her for a while! Experience life.. Arianna is older now.. And you have so many people that would help out if you would ever decide to leave for a while.” she shrugged with a smile. She already knew by the way Brittany raised her eyebrow that she was gonna argue and she just needed to get this out before she could “before you start acting like your old hard headed nana over here. Hear me out.” she said, grabbing her tea as she got up. She grabbed Brittany’s free hand to help her up, leading her toward the couch. “ Life is so short honey.. And you have to live every day as if it’s your last.” she said as she got up to grab Brittany by the hand leading her to the couch for them to sit. “Which is another reason why I had to come see you.”
Brittany: shook her head as her grandmother started asking her about Chris’ fathers recipe. “I am staying out of that. You know the only one who will get that is Ari Nana.” she giggled at her Nana’s dramatics. She  stared at her grandmother as if she lost her mind as soon as she mentioned something about leaving. “Na-” she tried to say before her grandmother stopped her. How could her grandmother possibly think she could leave her daughter? Besides, where would she even go? If she was gonna travel she was gonna make sure her daughter and Chris could go. She sighed softly as she let her grandmother lead her to the couch with their tea in their hand. They sat their cup down as they sat down. “What did you wanna talk to me about?” she asked.
Rose: she sighed taking a sip of her tea before speaking “Well I know someone who is looking for a dancer to tour around Europe for two months with Beyonce” she shouted clapping her hands together. She could see the excitement in Brittany’s face. Which was something she hasn’t seen in a really long time and she already knew Brittany was gonna turn it down due to Ari and missing her too much. “and before you say no.. Beyonce's agent said it was fine to bring your daughter and they even have teachers traveling with them so Ari wouldn’t miss any school work.”
Brittany: couldn’t believe her ears “Beyonce!” she gasped trying to comprehend that THE Beyonce wanted her to be her MAIN dancer! But as excited she wanted to be about all of this. Brittany already knew she couldn’t do it. She had Arianna and there was no way in hell Chris was gonna be okay with Ari missing School even if she would have her school work with her. “Nana.. this sounds nice.. Bu-” she trailed off “Chris would never be okay with being away from Ari that long. and I couldn't ask that of him" she said softly.
Rose: nodded “yes.. Yes.. I know.. But if that’s the case. I could come and get her and bring her back after a few weeks of being with you.” she suggested.
Brittany: thought about it. But she seriously couldn’t be away from Arianna that long either. “I can’t be away from her that long either.. And I-I would miss Chris too..” she admitted. “And I’m telling you Chris wouldn’t be okay with any of this.. “ she shrugged.
Rose: Sighed in frustration she knew Chris would be the biggest roadblock but she really thinks that Chris would be okay with it. Especially since he knew how much and how hard she had worked to get to this point. Chris was annoying but he loved Brittany and he would do anything for her. “Just talk to Chris Brittany… He loves you! He would LOVE this for you. I know I am hard on him. But I know he would do anything for you. Even going to a 10pm dancing performance after he worked a twelve hour shift..” she said, giving Brittany a stern look. “Give him a chance to think about it. Don’t just turn it down Brittany. You may not get this opportunity again.” she warned her.
Brittany: sat back in frustration not knowing what to do at this point. It was Beyonce of all people and in her mind she would be a dumbass to turn this down. And if she took it this would be a dream come true and prove people wrong when it comes to her not having a career even after becoming a teen mom. As she sat there her thoughts kept flashing toward when she had a big blow out with Belle over the fact that Brittany couldn’t find Belle any work. Not because of Brittany. But because no celebrity wanted to work with her because she was hard to deal with.
-Flash back-
Brittany was standing in the front of the studio as Belle was whining and complaining about how Brittany was sabotaging her and her career. Belle has auditioned for so many things and yet not one client has called her to offer or anything. Brittany being her best friend she expected to have the big perks of working with everyone that Brittany got to work with. Like TLC, Chris Brown, Justin Beiber, JLO, and even Taylor Swift. But yet here she was with nothing, while Brittany got everything. Even Lauren and Wendy were getting big opportunities and at this point she was over it. Belle was trying to be nice and understanding but she was done. So what does Belle do when she doesn’t get her way she hits her friends where it hurts. “Maybe if you get your ass out of Chris’ ass You could do your JOB!  News flash Brittany! Chris and Santana are fucking! Just deal with it.” she chuckled bitterly hearing Lauren telling her to shut the fuck up. “NO! She needs to hear it!” she smirked, “ Just because you have no career doesn’t mean you can just go around sabotaging me!.” she continued hearing Brittany’s phone ringing. Belle rolled her eyes and she seen Arianna’s name pop up on her screen
“Awww I guess it’s Brittany’s snot nose bastard child calling” she said ignoring Lauren telling her once again to shut up. 
Brittany stood there as Belle continue to go on and on about what a failure Brittany was and reminding her over and over again that she went to Juliard the best dance school in the country and yet had nothing to show for it but a few music video appearance, some choreography that she created and a dance studio where she was making everyone else’s dream come true but her own. She tried like hell to keep her head held high and remind herself that Belle was just upset because another artist refused to work with her and Brittany wasn’t gonna go out her way to help her. At least not when Belle was constantly screwing herself over. 
 Brittany was about to speak until Belle called Arianna a snot nosed brat and before she could stop herself. She slapped Belle as hard as she could across the face, leaving a red hand print across her face. She ignored the gasp from the other dancers, walking closer to a shocked Belle. “You can say whatever you want about me and my failed accomplishments. Or the fact that I’m not so happy with how close my friend and my boyfriend are right now!  but don’t you EVER! EVER! Talk shit about my child!” She said with tears running down her face. “You’re right Belle! Is that what you wanna hear? That I’m not out there on every stage performing like I have always wanted because I got knocked up at 16?!  How I literally had to give that dream up because being a mom was the most important thing to me?!” She chuckles bitterly, finally looking around to see her students staring at her. This isn’t how she expects her first day back in the studio to go. Brittany just got done sharing dance stages with the likes of TLC and even Chris Brown. But as soon as she got back to reality she was reminded that she still hasn't finished her dream and might not be able to because she is a mom. She thought her best friends would be happy to see her. Not them talking shit about her and she didn’t expect to be reminded once again that no matter what she does in her career she will never have the chance to fully live out her dreams due to the fact she became a mom so young in life. She could feel more tears running down her face and at this point she wanted to be anywhere but around Belle right now. Ignoring the ice cold glare that she was getting from Belle and the sharp pain running through her hand from slapping her. She turned around to wipe away her tears as Lauren gently patted her back.
Lauren felt so bad for Brittany and had enough of Belle. "That's it Belle! You know what Bitch maybe if you would open up your eyes and realize that people don’t like your dumb ass! Then all would be right with the world! Brittany has worked so hard to get you in dancing gigs. But guess what they don’t want to work with you” she gasped dramatically “Shocker right!” she chuckled hearing the students laugh. She could still see that Brittany was shocked at what she just did and felt so bad for her. “You know what.. Belle.. You’re done! Effective and immediately your contract is expired. And if you have a problem. Have your lawyer call ours. You have 2 minutes to get off our property or we will have you physically removed.” she shrugged. Belle Tried to say something but Laruen stopped her with her hand “GO!” she yelled, as she watched Belle storm out like a three year old.
Laruen turned around to comfort Brittany but before she could Brittany was already backing away from her. “Thanks for taking up for me Lauren.. But I-I can’t be here. I need another day.. I’ll call you” she whispered. She turned to her students and sadly smiled at them. They were all giving her comforting smiles and she appreciated them. But she needed some space for a moment.  “I-I got some calls to make.. there’s no classes today.. I’m sorry” she said before turning on her heel without even giving anyone a chance to stop her.
Brittany was brought back from her thoughts with the sound of her grandmother telling her to make sure she talks to Chris about it before making a big decision.  She knew her grandmother was right. She needed to talk to Chris about all of this before she even thought about calling the number on her card. The good thing is she had 3 months to decide what she was gonna do. So she could actually think about it herself and then talk to Chris.  Besides she wanted to make sure she was here for Alyssa when she had her son.  “I will grandma..” she smiled sweetly.
Rose:  chuckled, taking a sip of her tea. “ Now enough of that… Can we please watch a movie like old times? I miss those days so badly.” she sighed a little and chuckled
Brittany: smiled brightly at the idea and quickly got up “Sure! I’ll even make your favorite Carmel popcorn and maybe order us some pizza...”
Rose: covered her mouth as she left out an excited laugh “Yes! That sounds so lovely.. “ she said, clapping her hands with excitement before gasping as if she forgot something “Oh and Please make sure they add extra pepperoni with jalapenos… and if they do not put hot honey on it. I will sue them” she teased but was dead serious. .
Brittany: giggled “of course! Of course! Can’t forget that.” she smiled brightly. IF she was honest she was so happy that her grandma was here. After everything that had happened with Belle and the whole Santana situation. She really needed this. She quickly made her way back to her grandma, giving her a big hug “I love you Nana.. Thank you for everything.” she sighed as she nuzzled against her grandma’s cheek forgetting all about Belle and whatever other problems she had in that moment.
Rose: was surprised by the hug but embraced it none to less. “Oh my sweet baby” she singed as she wrapped her arms around her granddaughter “I love you so much and I would move heaven and hell for you” she whispered, kissing Brittany on her head. 
Brittany: felt her tears filling up in her eyes as they embraced. “I know we need to order food and turn on the movie. But can we stay like this for a minute?” she asked.
Rose: laughed softly, squeezing her granddaughter a little tighter “We can stay like this as long as you like my dear.” she whispered.. “As long as you like..”
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
*bangs fist on desk*
Just thought I’d give a little shoutout to some of my mooties/some of my fav people ☺️
@meowzfordayz is literally an angel omg when I sent her an emergency request it went way above my expectations. (The OP writing skills? HELLO???) Also she’s so friendly omg like high key- MARRY ME 😩 /p
@xxsabitoxx is fucking hilarious. Her writing makes me giggle and twirl my hair and (sometimes) throw my phone across the room like I’m reading 2018 omega wattpad smut. Also she’s a bad bitch 😤 (love the thigh tat btw) and I would fight anyone on sight for her
@muzanswaifu literally makes me leap to my phone/laptop when I get a notification. Also watching you and May interact is fucking hilarious. AND YOU PROTECTED ME FROM AN ANON THAT WAS HARASSING ME??? Adopt me please
@bunny-n3zuk0 is one of the sweetest people I’ve met. Makes me physically and mentally smile whenever you interact with me. Like- how do I put it- (MARRY ME JULIET YOULL NEVER HAVE TO BE ALONE🎶)
@tomiokas-lunchbox is literally on my top ten kin list. I’m dead serious. (GIYUU STANS WHERR YALL AT??) also like everyone else needs to convert to Sanegiyuuism or else I’ll sacrifice you to my closet that needs cleaning
@renhoeku is…how do I put it? Amazing? Absolutely lovely? A fellow rengoku stan whom I want to marry who I want to be besties with? We can like simp for Rengoku together and like have tea and just read smut abt him like I’m down if you are
@akaza-dono-the-basketball is one of my lovely moots, who I adore interacting with. I mean just scrolling through your page at least once a day makes the sun shine a tad brighter. I literally have no words to explain my appreciation- so- 💖❣️💞💘💝💗❣️🩷
@pammyjammy117 was probably the reason I got the courage to make my own Demon Slayer OC. (ALL HAIL ENŪMA🛐) I love going on their live streams on TikTok, and I am absolutely in love with your OC. (I’m working on the Enūma and Monsterverse Kyo smut I promise 😔)
@thatonegenshinsimp is one of my lovely Genshin moots. ☺️ Got me going feral over Itto I swear to mf Jehovah himself after reading your writing I wish I could go back to like those old Gacha days and like be in one of those “whatever you say comes to life” vids so I could bring my bbg to life (and proceed to turn into the loud house)
@sweet-honey-fruit is one of my favorite writers for Genshin Impact characters! Omg that m’fing poll…I’m still going feral over it oml. 😭 Cant wait to see the finished product!! I’ll try to be like somewhat patient 🤷‍♀️
@moraxsthrone is literally so fucking talented. The way you write Zhongli makes me quiver in my boots (and makes something else quiver) Got me up at 2am in an iPad kid position with my horrid posture just scrolling through your page
@yeahitzally is also a literal angel. WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME 😩. Lemme just- 🌹🌸💐💐🌺🌷🌻🪷🪻 Flowers for you my darling. :) I’m grateful to have you as a lovely moot. ^^ MWAH 😘
@peachdues is so talented that I almost didn’t believe it at first. Like okay Shakespeare you ate that! 💅 No but being fr your writing is so good like I’m jealous at this point. 🥲 (also a fellow Sanemi simp I SEE YOU 😏) Oh and if I’m bothering you too much just tell me 🫠
@knyesplease is one of my many lovely KNY mutuals. (Also shoutout to them go support their works!!) I love love love interacting with them, and I can’t wait to get to know them more! Also, thanks for being willing to help me out on my big KNY project. :)
Please DM me please and very much thank you if you want to be featured in this appreciation post. :) Always willing to add someone I may have missed. (But, keep in mind, if we’ve only interacted a handful of times like maybe once or twice, I might not add you.) Also this post was inspired by Meowz!
That’s all! Charlotte out.
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niffala · 1 year
Love Me Again
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus-size OFC (Maisie)
Summary: Jake’s back, but the Loser’s sixth member is still M.I.A.
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bad attempt at humor, guns, killings, mention of memory loss, post breakup, enemies to lovers
A/N: This is a sequel to You Loved Me Once. Reader insert version found here. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
You Loved Me Once    Main Masterlist     
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Clay’s unit awaited him in a motel parking lot in Adelaide. He secured their post mission rooms and returned keys in hand. "Okay, I got good news and bad news... We can all look forward to hot showers, clean sheets, and a complimentary breakfast. However, there were only three rooms available, so we will have to share.”
The responding groans of protest were expected. “Would you prefer to sleep on the ground for another night? No? So shut your pieholes.” Clay pocketed one of the keycards and set the remaining on the vehicle in front of him. “Aisha will be sharing with me. One room has a king, the other two double beds. Work it out amongst yourselves.”
Wordlessly, Jensen, Cougar and Pooch launched into a game of rock paper scissors. It had been weeks of travel, tents and living on top of one another. The victor cheered, scooping up the keycard to the private room.
“No! Come on, best two out of three.” When his friend shook his head, Jensen changed tactics, “I’ll give you that bitching crossbow I got last op if you switch with me… my watch… a hundred bucks. I’ll even throw in a foot massager, top of the line.”
“No way man. I need a night to myself. The Pooch has earned this.”
Jensen hung his head, accepting defeat. Bunking with his bestie wasn’t so bad, at least there were separate beds. Sharing one with Cougar wasn’t fun, the man was a cover hog. Jake was still grateful Clay reinstated him eight months ago. His teammates were ambivalent about him at first, but eventually everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything.
The Loser’s current operation led them to South Australia. They’d been hired by a distraught (and wealthy) father as part of a rescue team. He hadn’t seen nor heard from his daughter, Isla, in two years. She had been kidnapped by an illegal arms dealer who forced her into marriage. All prior attempts to get her back had failed. No amount of negotiation, payment, threats or pleading could sway the nefarious man to return her.
A rendezvous with the rest of the group at their makeshift campsite, plus a thirty minute drive east put the Humvees at the perimeter of the target’s estate. “Alright, you all know the drill,” Clay barked into the comms. “We get our asses in there, extricate the woman, send her back to her daddy, and take down anyone that stands in our way.”
Meanwhile their tech genius had already hacked into the system to disable the security and jam communications. Once the cameras powered down, Pooch floored it, ramming through the gate, the other two vehicles followed close behind.
“Eww... This guy’s got raptors picking at a bunch of bones and sinew on his property, always a good sign. You’d think he'd want to be more inconspicuous.”
Pooch’s face scrunched up at the image, “Pretty sure that's just a dead animal.”
Jake shook his head, pursing his lips in mock disapproval. “There's a lot of places to bury a body in a vineyard, all I’m saying. Keep the place tidy.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Aisha deadpanned.
“What do you call that… carrion, right?”
Clay grumbled from the front, “I'm close to calling it Jensen.”
“Yes, sir. I hear ya loud and clear. Shutting up…” he paused for dramatic effect, “now!”
“This whole goddamn thing’s going tits-up!” Clay had thought his team was prepared, ready to engage the moment they entered the property, but the intel their employer provided was crap. The location was more heavily armed than believed. His unit was at a disadvantage despite the extra help. Outmanned and outgunned, a few men were down and one lost within the first ten minutes.
“Well look at the bright side, we're outside enjoying some fresh...” Jensen’s quip went unfinished as he dove for cover. Incoming drones zoomed through the air spraying bullets. They must have been linked to an independent off sight system because the primary and secondary security had been obliterated. 
Jake focused the scope of his rifle, aiming at the nearest flying pest. “Here birdie birdie…” ‘Wait. That - that’s.’ Still in disbelief, he shouted, “Guys! Guys, that's one of Maisie’s drones!”
Pooch was skeptical, “How can you be sure?”
“Cause they’re like my step kids. Franny, Freddy, Felix, Frank and Foxy. It’s been painted, but that's Frank,” he insisted before taking off, sprinting toward the assailing device.
Clay eyes widened at the other man’s actions, “Jensen, you realize it's shooting at us! Stand down!” Seeing his order ignored, he screamed at the rest of his group, “Cover his dumb ass.”
Disregarding his boss, Cougar pulled out his cellphone and spoke in hushed tones to the person on the other end.
Aisha grit her teeth at her teammate while continuing to fire at their opponents. “That idiot lost his mind, now our sniper decides to make a phone call mid battle. Are you ordering a pizza?”
“Don't forget the breadsticks,” Pooch chimed in. Laughing at the increasing absurdity of the situation.
Jake removed his helmet and dropped his weapon. Frantically jumping and waving his arms, repeatedly calling out ‘Angel.’ A drone moved in and shot at his feet, before slightly pulling back, continuing to hover above him.
“Understood. Our apologies. Copy that.” Cougar hung up and waited.
The remaining drones collected above Jensen’s head. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. However the moment he dreaded never came. The devices turned and began taking out the guards with quick precision. When only Clay’s men remained, they flew off. 
Sticking to the plan, the team continued to the manor. Wary of a possible ambush awaiting beyond the front door, in lieu of breaking it down, Clay instructed Jensen and Cougar to go through the nearest second floor windows, clear the immediate area and let them in.
Cougar nodded, but walked right through the unlocked door instead. To everyone’s shock but his, it was clear. Raising his chin toward the staircase, he proceeded up them.
“Okay, so we're just following him then?”
Clay shrugged, “Good enough for me.” He had the Losers head upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to keep watch at the entrance.
Cougar seemingly knew exactly where to go. Navigating the twists and turns of the large house with ease. Any lingering guards they came across were swiftly handled. Within the master bedroom’s closet, hidden behind sliding shelving they found a 16-point locking, bullet resistant, biometric fingerprint panic room door. 
Before Jensen could get his gear out to crack it, Cougar tapped the scanner, confirming it was off. He pulled the heavy door open, immediately shooting the two guards inside as if he was expecting them.
Jensen scratched his head. Not knowing what to make of it. “What is going on?... Are you a T-1000… What's my dog's name?”
Cougar just looked at him and chuckled.
“You laugh, but I'm legitimately concerned.”
Clay took point, announcing his entrance into the room, “Honey, I'm home.”
The occupants sat on a couch, Isla held a crying baby in her arms, wincing from her husband's hand on her thigh, squeezing painfully tight. The baby’s presence gave everyone pause. No one was aware there would be a child involved. There has been one surprise after another today.
“You lost, asshole. Now let them go and come quietly.” Clay slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved toward them, attempting to calmly apprehend the man.
The target pulled out a gun, shoving it into Isla’s side. “Stay where you are.”
“Don't be like that. This doesn't have to get more ugly than it already is.”
Seething, the man turned the gun on Clay, who discharged his sidearm, firing two shots into the arms dealer’s chest before he could blink. The group hurriedly moved Isla and her baby out of the building into one of their vehicles. Assuring the frightened woman that she was safe and going back to her father.  Pooch voiced his concern over their lack of carseat.
“Then drive extra carefully.” Clay smiled at the rescuees, “Let's get you both home.”
Riding in the second Humvee, Jake stared down a silent Cougar. He offered no explanation as to why Maisie's drones were on the property or who he had called, but it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
Hours later, Isla and her daughter were safely on their way home. At Cougar’s request, and after a stop at the motel for much needed showers, the team waited at a bar in the city. Leaving one chair empty, correctly guessing who they should be expecting.
Jake was a bundle of nerves. The hand gripping his empty glass started to cramp as he watched the door. He wondered if they had Boys II Men on the jukebox to help set the mood. ‘Would that be too presumptuous? She probably moved on by now. Has a new special someone in her life. Somebody else loving her, touching her, making her laugh.’ He wouldn’t blame her. His amnesia may have been temporary, but the damage he caused wasn't.
“You stare at that door any harder and it will burst into flames.” Aisha refilled her teammates' glass, encouraging him to relax and breathe.
“She'll be here soon, won't she? She's still coming, right?”
Maisie took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Her former teammates were easy to spot. Cougar gave her his number when she quit, asking her to keep in touch. It took a few months before she found the strength to do so. Even after learning of her exs' recovery, she couldn't bring herself to return yet. She wanted her Jakey back, but was scared of his rejection. Plus she was on assignment, the timing was off. The weight of this reunion wasn’t lost on her. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you losers walk into mine.”
“Well that's unfair, you walked in after us.” Grinning ear to ear, Clay pulled her into a tight hug. “Missed ya, Maise.”
“I had a few things to handle before getting here. So you beat me, but I've been dying to say it." She squeezed Clay tight before facing the rest. "I missed you all too. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t recognize you guys in all that fancy schmancy gear.”
Jake felt unsteady the moment she walked in, his blood roared in his ears. It was really her, his Angel, more gorgeous than ever. He watched her warm greeting with Clay, swallowing a lump in his throat. She was wearing the jacket he bought her. He hoped that was a good sign.
The group stood to welcome and embrace their former member. Jake waited through the exchange of pleasantries for his turn. Longing to throw his arms around his Angel and hold her close. It had been nearly a year since he’d done so. Ten months, three days and seventeen hours since he kissed her goodbye to go on that ill fated mission.
However, he noticed Maisie’s smile falter when their eyes met. Abandoning his desired hug, he forced a smile, awkwardly waved and sat back down.
“Hey Jake.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of her old love.
As everyone took their seats, Jensen glanced at the entrance then back at his Angel. “So are we um… waiting for anybody else?”
“Like who?”
“No-nobody. Nobody. Just wanted to make sure there was room for everybody. Everybody together again. It’s good to be together.” Jake took a long sip of his beer. His brain screamed with the knowledge that there was no boyfriend in the picture.
Maisie filled them in on her whereabouts since her departure. She’d gotten a job as private security for some rich asshole’s wife. Mostly involved keeping her in and others out. The winery was lovely, but the running of guns and heavier artillery, and the dabbling in human trafficking ruined the ambience. Of course, she knew he was dirty when she accepted the position, so Maisie did all she could to throw wrenches into his operations without being detected. Quietly dispersed his ill gotten gains into several hidden bank accounts, the biggest for Isla. She was helping the wife and baby prepare for a safe and covert escape. Simultaneously gathering evidence against the husband and his associates.
“It was all set to go down in a few days, and you guys just broke in and killed him. All that planning and hard work for nothing.” Maisie shoved Clay’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well it was the quickest way. Can’t argue that.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let months of work go to complete waste. So I allowed you guys to be the heroes while I tied up some loose ends. That’s why I was late. Had to reroute the latest shipments, funnel the rest of the money to charities, victims and of course, a nice sum for myself. Scrubbed the camera footage and removed any evidence of us or Isla being there. Then I alerted the authorities to handle the rest. They’ll find all they need to take down the whole thing.” She took a deep breath, trilling her lips to exhale. “But I’m still mad at you about it.”
Aisha offered compensation, “I don’t think anyone here will object if you want in on the pallet of wine we rescued."
“Bold of you to assume I didn't take my own,” Maisie laughed.
After a few rounds, the Losers felt they were sufficiently caught up on each others lives. Pooch and Cougar announced they were going to play stripes and solids, inviting Aisha and Clay as their opponents. It was obvious that was an excuse to leave the ex-lovers alone.
Jake wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. Putting on his most charming smile, he slid over next to Maisie. “G’day mate, fancy meeting you down unda. Maybe I can show you my down unda lata. I promise I'm koala-fied.” He tittered at his themed pickup line, but she didn't react. He desperately wanted to make her laugh. If she laughed, he knew things would be okay.
Trying to shake off the nervousness, he cleared his throat and continued his attempted seduction. “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?” He couldn’t backpedal fast enough seeing the alarmed look on her face. “Joke, really bad joke. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was… Fuck,” he grimaced.
Maisie remained stiff and unsure. Wanting to give in to his flirting, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. The defeated look on Jake’s face broke her heart, so she attempted to bridge the divide with a safe topic, “How are Stephanie and Hannah?”
“They're good, they're good, um,” he scratched the back of neck, unsure how to proceed. His sister, having seen him at plenty of his worsts, forgave him instantly. His niece took a little bribery, but they were back to their usual shenanigans. “So, uh thanks for clearing the way for us back there, you know, after you shot at me.”
Her mouth dropped open, “Excuse me, I shot near you.”
Cougar gestured with his eyes over to Jensen and Maisie, knowing he was striking out. Pooch got the hint. He called the man over and handed him his room key. Demanding he take it before he changed his mind. Jake practically ran back to the table to ask Maisie to his room to talk in private. He was amazed she agreed.
Aisha’s lips pursed watching the pair leave. “If he doesn't blow this, we'll have to put up with them being nauseatingly cute with each other again.”
“You don't want them to make up?” Clay rested his hands on her waist.
“I do,” she huffed. “Look, I don't know if I believe in that true love, princess bride, bullshit. But they are the closest I've ever seen to it... They belong together.”
The entire car ride to the motel passed in uncomfortable silence. Both anxious and unsure about the outcome of this night. Each stealing glances at the other. Jake noticed how hard her hand clenched around the steering wheel. Maisie caught sight of each time his hand reached for the radio before pulling away without turning it on.
Jake felt butterflies in his stomach as they pulled in the lot. Painful butterflies… Vampire butterflies. He drummed on his legs before hopping out of the vehicle. Maisie was quick to follow. They walked to the room without a word shared. Jake kept looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still with him. He swiped the keycard several times without success. The red light and negative beep mocking him. The twisting in his belly intensified. ‘Yep definitely vampire butterflies.’
Finally, the door flashed green and unlocked. He sauntered in, pretending to be calmer than he really was. Turning on the old Jensen charm, he bowed and waved his hand over the large bed. “Have a seat, m'lady. It’s not exactly the Ritz, but I hope it will be to your liking.”
“It's a nice room. We've stayed in much worse.” She spotted the bobblehead chihuahua on the nightstand, smiling coyly as she sat down. “So this is Pooch’s room?”
“Nah, it's mine. At least now it is.” He plopped down beside Maisie. “Sooo, how’ve ya been?”
“Good, until earlier today when I lost my job and residence cause some assholes charged in guns blazing.” Maisie sighed dramatically, “At least I can take solace in knowing Isla and her daughter are home safe. What about you?”
“I - I’m okay… most days. Um, so what's next for you? Seeing as how your life's been upended by a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.”
Maisie hummed, thinking of a response. “Well, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, plus a bunch of money. So I'll probably make a few brothers and sisters for the F-team. Maybe one with a flamethrower.”
He turned to her with a lopsided grin. “That would be badass, like its maker.”
Maisie’s heart fluttered. He looked at her with such adoration, like she held all life's answers.  That, that was her Jakey.
“Looks like the possibilities are endless now that you're homeless and unemployed.” Jake’s eyes squeezed shut, cringing. Not meaning to sound so callous.
She snorted, “I'm sure I'll be fine. I always land on my feet.”
Jake breathed a sigh of relief that she found humor in the situation. “Definitely, definitely… But if you're interested, I know of a job opening. Fast paced, high stakes, danger… romance,” he whispered the last word, blushing. “It’s with a great bunch called the Losers. I could put in a good word for you. In fact, I'm sure the two of us could strong-arm the boss to agree to any demands we want.”
“I'd have to move back to the states.”
“If you need a place to stay, your key still works… I um, kept the house. After you quit, I kinda skipped town. Woke up in Ohio about a month later. At first I completely panicked cause I didn't know where you were or where I was. Then it hit me that I REALLY didn't know where you were… and it was all my fault,” his voice cracked, on the verge of crying.
Her head lowered, unable to hold back her own tears. ‘If I had only waited longer.’ “You must be so disappointed in me for not sticking it out when you weren't yourself. I tried, I swear I did, but it was too much. I should have been stronger and held on until you were you again. I’m so sorry, Jakey.”
“No, Angel no.” he wiped Maisie’s cheeks with his thumb. “There's nothing to forgive. You didn’t abandon me, I drove you away. I don't blame you at all. Hell, I deserved it. I was a total asshole.” Jake took a deep breath, “I was so angry… I was in pain, confused. I felt trapped with no room to breathe. Was sick of everybody telling me things I was supposed to already know. Telling me over and over to relax and let myself recover when I couldn't calm down to save my life. I kept fighting with my sister, was short with my niece, rude and snapped at everyone… And you got the worst of it… When I saw you, there was something there in the back of my mind, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew your presence made my headache worse. So I aimed my frustration at you and chased you off. I can't say how sorry I am.”
Maisie gently touched Jake’s head, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing small circles with her fingers. The urge to comfort him stronger than any apprehension she felt before.
Jake leaned into her touch, “It's all better now. I'm better… I wish this was a cartoon so you could've wacked me in the head again to reset my brain and stop all the bullshit I put everyone through.”
She pulled her hand away too soon. “I'm glad you're better… You really hurt me, Jake, but you have to know I already forgave you.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You have? That fast? Are you certain, I mean…"
“It took some time. Months to push through that pain, but I'd be the bigger jerk if I didn't take into consideration that it wasn't completely your fault. You literally had a doctor's note to prove it.” Maisie smiled at him, brushing away a few more escaped tears.
“So you don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you, Jakey. Do you hate me?”
“It's going to continue to sting for a while though.”
He nods in understanding. Jake got on his knees before her, taking her hands in his, his face more serious than she's ever seen him. “I need you to believe me when I say I have NEVER thought those horrible things about you. You didn't deserve any of the awful things I said and I swear I didn't mean them. You’re my perfect Angel and I love everything about you. Every curve, every line, each and every inch of beautiful skin because it’s yours. You are the most incredible person I ever met and I can't stand knowing that I made you feel otherwise for even a minute. Please say you believe me.”
“I do.”
Jake leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back.
Maisie returned the brief kiss. This was a good start, but she was exhausted. “It’s been a long day. I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped out. Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we’re good? That everything is back to normal? We can work on us in the morning, and everyday after, but right now I just need you and unconsciousness.”
‘She wants to sleep here, in my bed, with me.’ Jake jumped up, enthusiastically agreeing. His pants down around his ankles in an instant.
Her face became heated at Jake’s sudden nudity. Maisie bit her lips, shyly telling him she was going to change in the bathroom.
Jake realized he was jumping the gun. He pulled up his batman boxers, removed his shoes and remaining clothing. He turned the toy dog around, just in case. “Sorry mini Pooch, no looky loos.”
Maisie walked out in panties and t-shirt, tugging it down in an attempt to hide more of herself as she skittered to the bed and got under the covers. Jake frowned, he needed to mend his Angel's heart, squash the insecurities he created. He scrambled up the bed, took his glasses off and sat them on the nightstand. Hesitating at the edge of the bed.
“You can come closer.”
He didn't need to be told twice, scooting over and joining her under the covers. He sat next to her, tentatively wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Intent on never leaving her side again. “Hey, tomorrow, do you want to check out this awesome mini golf course I found? Just the two of us.” The smile that adorned his face when she agreed fell. His voice lowered to a whisper, “I'm terrified of screwing this up.”
“So am I,” Maisie admitted, lacing her fingers with his.
Jake kissed the top of her head. “I don't think I ever told you.”
“The moment I knew this was it for me… Remember our first comic con together, we had that bet going on over how many people we could get to follow us doing the bunny hop around the convention center. I said five, you bet nine, and we ended up having thirty-five people in line behind us.” He chuckled at the memory. “We had Link, predator, three Spidermans, a wookiee in a bikini and just so many others. I was behind you, my hands on your hips having the time of my life. And there was a moment midjump, midlaugh, when you looked back at me, making sure I was having fun too, and I knew with absolute certainty that I was going to love you for the rest of my life. That you were the one for me and there'd never be anyone else. That hasn't changed.”
Maisie’s eyes watered, an unreadable expression on her face. Somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “I knew then too. Slowly throughout the day, then all at once in one defining moment. You were like a squirrel darting around, but you never lost me. You held my hand the whole time, squeezing it when you felt me get nervous. And when we parted for even a minute, you always found me. But the moment that sealed it was when we stopped for refreshments. I couldn't drink my water properly because of my costume and seeing my struggle, without a word, you slid behind the counter, grabbed a straw and placed it in my drink, holding it to my lips. It was something so small but so considerate. I've never had anyone be so sweet to me. I never had anyone look out for me like you did. I knew you were the one for me.”
Not trusting his voice, Jake kissed the hand he held.
“I love you, Jakey.”
His heart skipped a beat. “I love you, my Angel.” The reunited couple shared another kiss before lying down. Maisie snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Jake wrapped his arms around her. “Would it be wrong if I copped a feel right now?” 
She laughed, “I missed you so much.”
Jake blinked back tears. He thought he'd never hear that sound again. “I missed you more.”
A few peaceful minutes passed, her warm breath ghosting over his chest. He noticed she was trying to stay awake. Each time she began to drift, her eyes popped open to search for him. He rubbed her back to soothe her asleep. “I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, Angel, I promise.” Jake made sure she was sleeping soundly, before he allowed himself to follow her into slumber. 
Heading to his original room to get his belongings, Pooch was halted by a hand on his shoulder. Cougar, refusing to let Jensen and Maisie be disturbed, turned his friend around and led him to their shared room.
Pooch glanced back with a frown, “I'll guess I’ll get it in the morning.”
Cougar nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder. Tomorrow was looking like a very good day. The Loser’s would be a full team once more and his best friend would have the love of his life back. He didn’t save his best man’s speech for nothing.
The End
A/N: A special thank you to everyone that has read this. I appreciate you all and I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: Love Me Forever
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As always thank you to my wonderful co writer and online bestie @slipperygiraff for this 💜💜
Chapter 1 Chapter 5
Eddie woke up with a start, how long had he been asleep? He really hoped it hadn’t been long at all, he had a baby to look after. The sunlight shining through the small crack in the curtain told him he hadn’t been asleep for a short amount of time. Fuck. He shot up off the sofa and ran over to the pack and play to check on Nova. For the second morning in a row he didn’t find her where he expected too. Shit, this was becoming a thing, and not a good thing.
Then he heard it, a hushed voice followed by a tiny giggle. Walking towards the kitchen he stopped in the doorway and had to pinch himself. He stood and watched Steve in a pair of low slung sweats and a baggy shirt making breakfast with a baby strapped to his chest. Briefly wondering if taking a picture was the wrong side of the weird - creepy scale he instead just looked at the time.
“Erm I’m really sorry to burst this bubble but I need to have the baby back, I’m running super late to get back, change and get her to Aimee's before work.” Eddie said, grateful he’d managed to keep the sadness about stopping this from his voice. “Oh, she’s changed! Thank you so much. I was going to get that sorted before we had to run.”
"If you're running late don't worry about it. I don't have work today and I can watch her for you. Just one less thing you need to do before work." Steve offered, still focusing on breakfast and the baby attached to him.
“Are you sure? I’ve got to head that way for a quick change of clothes" Eddie questioned, he really didn't want to be a bother.
"Yes I'm sure. Just gotta let me borrow her car seat in case we want to go anywhere. You can go raid my room for a change of clothes too if you'd like. One less stop you'd have to make."
“Killing me with kindness here dude, are you sure?”
"I don't mind at all, not about any of it. I know you needed the sleep so I'm glad you got some. Sorry the couch isn't so comfortable though."
“Shut up, seriously, you tucked me in and took care of the little beast both last night and this morning. That couch is still comfier than my bed so, apparently I wouldn't have minded though, I just KO’d.” Eddie laughed.
"It's not a problem. You're just going to make yourself even more late by arguing with me though. It'd be nice to have some company on my day off anyway. So you can either go get yourself something to change into and maybe have some time for breakfast or keep arguing. It's up to you."
“Alright Harrington alright, I’ll go raid your polo collection and see what I can steal for the day then I’ll grab you her seat.” Eddie said, holding his hands up and backing out of the room before sprinting up the stairs two at a time.
30 Minutes later and Eddie was on his way to work, changed, fed and a cup of coffee in hand for the road after leaving Nova’s car seat with Steve.
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“Let’s get you all cleaned up and then we can go out. How does that sound?” Steve asked as he got Nova out of her high chair. He wasn’t quite sure how it was going to work picking up whatever Mrs. Wheeler had found for him while he had Nova but he’d figure it out, worst case scenario he could always make a second trip.
Thankfully Nova hadn’t made a huge mess of herself since Eddie had only packed for a few hours instead overnight and a day. At least he’d packed spare clothes just in case she’d made a mess at dinner. It was still a bit too early to consider going to the Wheelers, he didn’t want to interrupt breakfast. There wasn’t a lot he had left at his house to entertain a baby so staying home wasn't really an option. When he stopped babysitting Holly he’d given everything back that he’d kept there for her, with the exception of the portable high chair and carrier that had gotten lost in a closet for so long that Mrs. Wheeler had told him to just donate them. At least for once his occasional forgetfulness had come in handy.
Once everything was put back in Nova’s bag, except her little stuffed bunny that seemed to be her favourite out of the toys Eddie had brought for her, Steve got them both in the car and headed to a park that was on the way to the Wheelers. Sure Nova was just crawling but there were still a few things she could enjoy at the park and it would be a good way to kill some time. The park had recently been updated, it was about time since Steve was pretty sure it hadn’t changed since he was a kid until now. With there being a separate section for the little kids Steve felt better about bringing her here. He could hold her while she went down the slide without having an impatient older kid standing at the top staring them down. It was early enough that the mom groups hadn’t started showing up yet and it was school day so the park was empty.
Steve took Nova on one of the new connected swings so he could sit across from her while he got a video of her smiling wide and making her little happy noises to send to Eddie. He also helped her down the slide and let her crawl around the little bit of the playset that had bars on both sides. An hour later and people slowly started showing up so Steve took that as his sign that it was time to leave. It was still earlier than he’d like to pick up the stuff so he drove them just down the road to an entrance to some paved trails. He put Nova back in the carrier she had been in at breakfast and walked the trails with her. Pointing out all the birds and squirrels that crossed their paths. At one point he stopped and got a picture of the two of them and sent it off to Eddie. He hoped that sending so many pictures and videos was helping Eddie feel more comfortable with the fact that she was with Steve instead of her usual babysitter and that he didn’t mind watching her at all instead of just being annoying. By the time they’d looped back to Steve’s car it was almost noon and Nova was looking ready for a nap. She’d already eaten the last of the snacks he’d had for her so he decided to make a trip to Melvald’s to pick up enough to last the rest of the day.
When he went to open the door to get Nova out he found her fast asleep in her car seat. Steve’s options were to either let her sleep there or to try and get her back in the carrier where she could maybe continue her nap while he shopped. He started undoing the straps of her carseat, if she stayed asleep while he moved her little arms out of the straps then she’d probably sleep through being put back in the carrier. Nova ended up staying asleep as Steve took his time walking around the store. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at the baby sleeping against him. She might only be Eddie’s half sister but Steve could see so much of Eddie in her little face, which was not making things any easier. It had been easy before now to put a pause on his feelings for Eddie in a way, knowing he had a whole other little human being that he had to worry about, but spending the day with Nova was only making him want to find excuses to be around more. He’d wanted to be more than friends with Eddie for a while but now, well this sweet little girl already had him wrapped around her little finger. Steve couldn’t help it, he loved kids and how was he not supposed to want to give her everything when she had the face of the man he had strong feelings for.
After he was done shopping and Nova was back in her seat, still asleep, he made his way to the Wheelers. This time when he arrived at their destination he found Nova awake.
“Well good morning. Did you have a good nap?” Steve asked as he unbuckled her. The only response he got was a little hair tug and a giggle as he leaned in to pick her up before walking to the front door.
“Steve, I’m glad you’re here. Ted is at work but Mike just got home from school and he can help you with everything.” Mrs.Wheeler greeted before waving him inside and yelling for Mike. “Is this her? Isn’t she just adorable!” she cooed, giving Nova a little wave.
“What?” Mike asked once he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Attitude Michael! Carry the stuff you and your father brought down from the attic last night to Steve’s car for him please.”
“Yeah alright.” Mike huffed as he walked towards the pile of stuff near the door.
“Oh, does your friend need a crib dear? I had them bring it down just in case. It still has the instructions and all the parts.” Mrs. Wheeler asked.
“I’m not sure honestly. I know it wouldn’t fit in my right now anyway. Would it be alright if I picked it up tomorrow or another day? That way I’ll have room and I can find out if he needs it.” Steve replied.
“Of course dear. You just give me a call whenever.”
Steve followed Mike out toward his car to unlock it and open the trunk. It looked like most of the containers and boxes would fit in his car once Mike had filled his trunk and they noticed there were only a couple boxes left.
“Are you going to tell us or are we just supposed to figure it out?” Mike demanded as he shut Steve’s trunk.
“Look kid, it’s not my story to tell so no. I didn’t tell Dustin anything and I won’t be telling you either. When he wants to tell you guys that’s his choice.” These damn kids were just so nosey. Why did they all insist on knowing everything that was going on? Had they not realized yet that they wouldn’t get any information out of him when he didn’t even tell Dustin? His response earned him an eye roll as they walked back towards the house.
“Thank you so much Karen. I’m sure this will all help a lot.” Steve said as he attempted to give her a hug one handed.
"You're very welcome dear. You let me if you want the crib." She hollered while Steve walked back to his car.
Nova was buckled back into her seat and Steve was just about to put his care in gear when his phone went off.
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Steve parked next to Eddie's van just a few minutes later. He noticed Eddie waiting on the porch smoking and waved as he walked around to get Nova out of her seat.
"Hey." Steve greets Eddie, who puts out his cigarette as they walk up.
"Hey you two." Eddie replied, walking over to them both, holding his arms out for Nova who turned her head and hid her face in Steve's neck clinging to his shirt. "Damn it Harrington, are any ladies immune to your charm? Doesn't matter how old they all seem to love you" Eddie laughed.
"Language Eddie! What can I say? We had a good day if the pictures didn't show it enough." Steve said, giving Eddie a stern look for his choice of words.
"They did, they were cute, thank you. I'm glad you've had a good day. Was she good for you?" Eddie asked as he gestured for them to go inside.
"Yeah. She was great. Not a problem at all." Steve replied as he took the hint to head inside.
"You want a drink?" Eddie asked as he walked towards the kitchenet.
"Sure. Just one couldn't hurt before I head back home."
"There you go." Eddie said, handing a glass of coke to Steve "and one for the princess." handing Nova a bottle with some water in.
"Thanks. Oh! So I hope you don't mind but I talked to Mrs. Wheeler yesterday and today picked up some stuff for Nova for you. She's got a crib too if you need one." Steve said. He was hoping he hadn't over stepped.
"Really?! Sh…… that's amazing! Seriously thank you dude. Especially the crib, it'll be handy for when we move out, she's out growing the one we have. Not sure where it could be stored until then though. But seriously, it all helps!" Eddie gushed.
"Eddie, be honest with me here. I'm not going to judge you and I hope you know that. Does she stay in your room with you? What about Wayne? Where does he sleep?" Steve asked.
"Look I'm saving ok, we're out of here in like 3 more months. But currently yeah, she shares with me. Wayne sleeps on a pullout. Like I said I've got a chunk saved up so we'll be moving soon" Eddie replied sheepishly.
"I told you I wasn't judging and I meant it. I know it's hard and you're doing your best. I just… well my parents have given up the house and are sending me the deed with my name on it. They aren't coming back. So it's just me in that house. It's so quiet and empty. There are three other bedrooms not being used right now. If you want you are more than welcome to move in, both you and Nova. There's plenty of space and you could both have your own rooms. I know you've got someone close by helping you with Nova but I don't mind helping you at all if you decide to take my offer." Steve said a bit nervously. He just wanted the best for the two of them and if he could help he would.
"I don't need your charity Harrington ok. We'll be fine." Eddie replied, taken aback by the offer.
"It's not charity Eddie. I can only imagine how stressful it is to be trying to take care of her and trying to save to get your own place. It's not out of pity or charity or whatever you're thinking. You're my friend and I care about you. I'm always going to try to help you if I can. Plus it would honestly be nice for the house to feel less empty. It's been so quiet all of my life, never really felt like a home. It'd be nice for it to be filled with noise more than just when the kids stop by for a while. So yeah, it'd help you but also offering for the selfish reason of having some company."
"As long as it's not charity and you know we'll still be moving as soon as I can afford" Eddie replied, softening to the idea.
"If that's what you want to do, that's fine. You two are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. It really will be nice to have the company while you're there." Steve said, trying not to sound disappointed at the thought of it only being temporary. Maybe he could eventually convince Eddie to stay.
"In that case. Thank you. I'll speak to Wayne when he gets home, which should be any second now and let him know."
At that moment, as if summoned by being mentioned, the front door opened.
"Hey Wayne. Good to see you. How was work?" Steve asked.
"Evening Steve, same old same old." Wayne gruffed out. "Why do I feel like I've walked in on somethin though?" He questioned.
"This one is getting a bit squirmy and probably needs to be changed. I can go change her and grab her something to entertain her if you don't mind Eddie." Steve was thankful to be able to use Nova as an excuse to give Eddie and Wayne some space. She did seem to be getting a little bored sitting in his lap anyways so it wasn't a complete lie.
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"Yeah, yeah, sure. There's stuff in the bedroom for her. Thanks." Eddie responded.
Eddie watched as Steve walked down the short hallway and disappeared into Eddie's room.
"Erm, Wayne, can we talk?" Eddie asked, he didn't think this would be a difficult conversation, just an awkward one.
"What's on your mind boy?" Wayne asked, sitting down and gesturing for Eddie to do the same.
"I'm just going to come out with it, Steve has asked me to move in with him." Eddie blurted out.
"I didn't even realise you two were together, never mind that serious, did I miss something?" Wayne replied, he was sure he hadn't missed anything.
"We're not," Eddie squeaked, before clearing his throat and trying again. "Jesus Wayne, we're not together. He's offered up rooms in his huge mansion for me and Nova. Plus he's going to help look after her. It's not really an offer I can refuse." He ended with a shrug.
"You don't have to, you know, we're making it work." Wayne replied.
"I know I don't have too. Think of it this way, you get the place all to yourself, an actual bedroom. No more sleeping on a shitty old pullout. Nova gets to grow up not being looked down upon and being held back for being from the wrong part of town. You know I love you uncle Wayne, I appreciate everything you've done for me and her but I have the opportunity to give her a better start to life than either of us had. Neither of our parents ever gave us a chance. I want to be better than they were." Eddie explained. He really hoped he hadn't upset Wayne.
"I understand, she'll have a lot more room to play in, she's growing quickly. So when are you leaving me?" Wayne asked.
"About that…..I'm packing everything up now and moving in tonight, you'll have your own bed to sleep in tomorrow morning when you get home
" Eddie said sheepishly before jumping up and heading off towards his room.
Later that evening three tired adults and a sleeping baby stood in the living room of the trailer. It had been non-stop packing or looking after Nova for Eddie, Wayne and Steve for the last 3 hours. Everything was packed up and in either Eddie's van or Steve's car.
"Doors always open for both of you boys, come and go as you please. Don't leave an old man lonely now" Wayne said as he pulled Eddie into a hug.
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