#i’m allowed to complain
lyriumsings · 1 month
its companion WEEK. theres more to come than just the cards. we dont even know if this is all for today. chill bro
bro literally it’s my blog i’ll post what i want block me or go away lol im allowed to be disappointed sometimes by a game ive waited over a decade for
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theministersdoom · 1 year
Very much not a fan of when ppl tag a non dbd focused post about a slasher as dbd. These characters existed long before the damn game, I am damn sick of that fucking game
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sosuigeneris · 11 days
why is being feminine seen as catering to patriarchy?
I enjoy putting on my make up, heels, I like looking good, I enjoy traditionally “feminine activities” like baking and cooking, I love a good gossip session with my girls, I’m empathetic and warm when I want to be, I can be very nurturing if I choose to be, I want kids someday and I want to be married. I can do all these things and still work my ass off in my business, close massive deals, be invited to speak for interviews, and conferences, be perceived as a leader without emulating alpha male behaviour.
By saying that doing feminine things caters to the male gaze and patriarchy, you’re putting women down. You’re inherently stating that being masculine is “correct” and “cool” and enjoying being feminine is “weak” and “vulnerable.”
oooooh buT YoUre doInG aLL tHiS fOr a MaN-
and even if I did, sometimes, do those things because I like a boy - what’s the issue?? If I’m invited on a date and I like him, and I want to look great, what’s the ISSUE? If he’s going to show up dressed well and groomed to look good for me, why won’t I? And if you’re going to choose to go out with a man who is an absolute dusty rat that doesn’t care about his appearance and hygiene, sorry but that’s on YOU. The first date might be a human error of judgement which happens, but going on a second date with said rat is unforgivable.
“meN aRe NeVeR subJecTed to tHesE stAndarDs”
by YOU. I sure hold men by the same standards that I hold myself. My standards are high. Just the way I hold myself to a certain standard, I hold men to the same. I’m not going to muck around with a guy who clearly does not meet my expectations. I’ve told off men for bad breath, bad manners, I ensure that my brothers and my closest guy friends are always looking good when needed, and I tell them when they do and don’t. I surround myself with good male friends I know I’d be ecstatic to marry my sister off to. Don’t pretend like your shitty low standards and mine are the same.
I don’t believe in blame game and low standards and it shows.
You guys really need to understand that it is alright to be multifaceted. Just because I enjoy baking doesn’t mean that I don’t like adventure sports, just because I enjoy doing my self care and meditation doesn’t mean I don’t understand politics and history and “Big Boy Subjects.” I may not enjoy F1 and sports but there are girls out there who do, and they also enjoy wearing dresses.
stop the unnecessary labelling and categorisation of people.
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un-pearable · 2 years
as true as the jokes about “everyone wants to rewrite ninjago” are i feel like smthn people forget when complaining about the inconsistencies of the show is that…. it wasn’t planned? it’s not like most other animated shows lately - it didn’t start with a deeply fleshed out world or a meticulously designed pitch bible with grandiose plans for a long-term story or character arcs. the ninja don’t originally get their powers from heredity because they weren’t hereditary powers yet. the magic system doesn’t make sense bc they literally just made it up as they went! they go back and forth on stuff like whether non-elementals can learn spinjitzu bc it’s a collaborative piece of media made by people with vastly different levels of control over the story, the animation, the sets, etc. that varied over the course of the series. it’s totally understandable and exciting to see so many people reworking the early stuff with the lore and logic later seasons introduced but i personally feel that… if you’re doing that. you need to understand why the show is like that instead of writing it off as being bad and shitty. it was working with what it had. it’s only what it is now because of that awkward troubleshooting phase, not in spite of it
#ninjago#text✨#you’re 100% allowed to criticize the show but i keep seeing people complain about the inconsistencies about like. their parents giving them#their powers especially. like yeah cool that wasn’t a thing yet? they have different origins than the non-core elementals#because in the real world that idea hadn’t even crossed their minds yet! the original story was a more traditional fantasy narrative of#normal people rising to the occasion and *gaining* powers through their own feats. the fact that they changed it later doesn’t mean#it was necessarily bad to begin with or that it’s something that should be mocked#idk just. there’s a lot of hostility in some circles about this stuff and it makes me kinda sad. enjoy the complexity of production and how#series adapt over time. it’s part of why the show is so interesting to me#that essay i wrote had a whole bit juxtaposing the attitudes about technology in rebooted and prime empire and how they reflect greater#cultural trends between 2013 and 2021. it’s SUPER interesting and yet a lot of people only talk about it to make fun of how ‘bad’ it was :(#this isnt to say i don’t enjoy some of the retcons. the changes to their meetings with wu in s8 are genuinely really interesting! i love the#changes to cole’s backstory. i think his mom makes him in the early seasons even better! i’m just saying.. be respectful? nobody *tries* to#make a bad show. ages and ages of time and dedication were put into what ends up on your screens. it’s all human love and creation.#as goofy as it is#okay sry got all anthropology there but hm. been thinking about this for a while. apologies for being the local annoying early seasons fan
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squeezetheduck · 6 months
Here’s the thing with people shipping Alastor, I could not care less about who people ship Alastor with or whether they ship him at all, what I do care about though is people making him allo.
This is one of the few cannon ace (possibly aro) characters out there and he can 100% be shipped in verity of ways without ignoring he is ace or aroace.
Make him aroace but still platonicly obsessed with Lucifer or Vox.
Make him sex repulsed or indifferent it doesn’t really matter (I could 100% see him having sex with someone for entertainment purposes just like I can see him being sex repulsed).
Even make him Demi/grey-ace if you must show him reciprocating sexual attraction.
Bonus points if he’s aro and you play around with platonic relationships/QPRs.
I know at the end of the day he is a fictional character and people will do what they want, but please listen to aro/ace fans when we ask you not completely ignore his sexuality when there are so many ways you can still play around with his characterization without disrespecting one of the few cannon ace characters to exist in TV.
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athena-xox · 24 days
Me when I have to stand on business after criticizing Apple and not also arguing with Apple haters when it suits my liking 😔😔
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padfootastic · 1 year
hey hey hey since we’re popping in just for hot takes, here’s another one:
platonic. prongsfoot. isn’t. a. thing.
how many fucking times does this have to be said.
should i start tagging every remus and sirius interaction as platonic wolfstar??? clog up the whole goddamned tag for u????
honestly what is so hard to understand that a ship name denotes…A FUCKING SHIP
and in case it bears repeating: a ship is inherently non-platonic thank u very much. a ‘platonic ship’ is…wait for it…a friendship. there u have it. shocker i know.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
*puts on my Professor glasses* Macky really knows EXACTLY how to talk to Wukong, let's dissect it! M: Looks like things are going smoothly. W: I say, you've been here the whole time, haven't you? M: FFM is your home, but it's also mine. W: Did you find anything? M: Still nothing, however. Now the Jade Emperor is no longer present. The Celestial Realm already gives me an unsettling feeling. M: Wukong...that kid. W: I understand. M: You have to go and talk to him. W: I know! But...he still isn't ready. M: I see. You're the one who isn't ready, yet. How did you even become a teacher! M: He has to be. We all have to be realistic. W: He's just a kid. We can't let him... M: Who says he's just a kid! Why is it him? When you chose him, did you know? W: I didn't know, I really didn't know! I just followed...a feeling. M: Are you not the least bit worried?! This child has all of your special powers, and he always runs into trouble. Have you never questioned this before? Not a single person knows where he came from. Is it not strange?! M: We still have no clue as to whoever let out Azure Lion. All your old foes returned in one swoop. Are you not even a little- W: Then what about you? You also suddenly came back. M: Argh- M: I say, someone must be manipulating us behind our backs. Especially Xiaotian. But they still haven't succeeded. W: Then tell me. What about you? M: Tell me do you want my help or not?! / W: Not long ago you were still against me! / M: I see, you're just a- / W: ...after I assume you'll teach me how to train my own disciples? ~ Xiaotian Interupts ~ M: Look. That kid has made you his idol. You're his one true hero, but you... W: But I what? M: He has to understand, he doesn't need to carry these burdens. You have to do better. You can really tell whose the chatty one in this relationship XD Wukong might be a lil annoyed, but he's tolerant. And Macky is a little playful turd as always. Where Wukong gets gloomy and concerned, Mac swaps between teasing and serious in a blink. Then things get a lot more strained and tense, but unlike their previous fights, it never escalates into violence. Never a growl, never a raised fist. They're right at the edge, and they drop it. I'm very much interested in the psychology of arguments and when it comes to people latching onto (1) thing a person says and relating it slightly off topic to avoid talking about that other thing, like Wukong is doing here. It's so cool seeing how physical they are in trying to visibly control their emotions around each other, and how they keep trying to hold themselves back from tearing in further, always pausing and halting, and switching to another thing. They're TRYING. Ugh. I think Mac was trying to give a comforting smile at the end, but it's kinda warped by the whole ~ everything else. ~ Anyhow, I like how this starts with Wukong establishing, or rather cementing to Macaque that he believes MK is a kid. And while Macaque argues against that, he did also say before that Wukong should talk to him. And they have their squabble, with Mac pushing Wukong's buttons to get him to say something, BUT the fact this gets resolved with he needs to understand he doesn't need to carry these burdens. YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. Like of all things Mac could have chosen. He's playing right into what Wukong himself believes, that will overwrite the "MK isn't ready" thing. Because let's face it. Mac is right when he says Wukong also isn't ready for that talk yet. He's so down throughout all this, Wukong probably feels himself that he needs to be better. AND by appealing to the fact MK is a kid, without explicitly stating that, just a statement that cannot be denied, BUT is a subject that undoubtedly, even Wukong cannot avoid. Because he wants better for MK. For him to not walk down the same path as him. Macaque has basically nudged Wukong into having that talk he wanted with MK by reframing it differently from what Wukong wasn't ready for. Thoughts? Critique?
*squishes you* anon…anon, you’re telling me..that this was the actual dialogue between SWK and Macky in 5x01. that what i just read is the translated version of the Mandarin dub. correct?
ok ok cool. i’m cool. gucci. feeling fantastic lemme just
ok so i ranted in the tags but realized i forgot to say more things (also i was worried i’d exceed the tag limit bc that is a real thing what do you know!)
so, anon, you said Macky knows how to talk to Wukong and yeah agreed but for me it’s for of the sense of “Macky knows how to get his words under Wukong’s skin”
he knows how to let his words sink in and fester in Wukong’s mind, making him reconsider things or another to help speed up certain decisions or choices Wukong is hesitating on. and ain’t it fascinating how despite how long it’s been since either character have talked or interacted with each other, they still know the ins and outs of their behavior and thoughts.
Macky knows Wukong needs to talk to MK but is holding back. Macky after one answer from Wukong realizes that it’s Wukong who isn’t ready for that conversation and switches tactics to try and breach that mental block
Wukong, in a need to avoid the conversation, brings up the questions surrounding Macky’s reason for even being alive again because that is information neither have talked about and oh hey! Macky is avoiding that conversation too! and it’s an important one to have so he pushes for it, but Macky knows it’s being pushed to avoid their original discussion and is annoyed bc “classic Wukong, never wanting to delve too deep into topics where he’ll need to be vulnerable for” (especially when said vulnerability is with his newly re-allied ex friend Macaroni himself)
god i love them
#to lmk: SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHAKING YOU AND SHA-#my thoughts are under the cut <- this is a lie. all my thoughts are in the tags#i wrote this on the assumption i would give myself a break to breathe. i gave myself 5 seconds#asks#lmk#lmk s5#lmk season 5#lmk spoilers#lmk s5 spoilers#lmk season 5 spoilers#shadowpeach#lmk sun wukong#lmk six eared macaque#lmk mk#sunburst duo#anon i had to read this. sit in shock. then reread it. then scream. then allow myself to pick apart this dialogue bc wtf#tbh i love that SWK truly does see MK as a kid and it makes sense#SWK is /old/ old#and while MK is an adult he’s still a fairly young adult in his early twenties (maybe pushing to mid-20s by s5 WAIT THAT IS SO COMING OF AG#OF THEM LMK QHEN I GEG YOU)#and personally only Pigsy and swk are allowed to call MK kid#and isn’t it so interesting that there was a focus on both characters in ep1#these are MK’s two adult figures he looks up to the most. one is his dad (now officially adopted i think) & one is his mentor/hero#i LOVE that Macky told swk point blank that MK /does/ idolize swk. bc while it’s very obvious#i’m pretty sure SWK’s been ignoring the hero worship on purpose (it also doesn’t help with his need to talk to MK bc what if#this talk breaks MK’s image of him and MK gets upset and tries to leave him and—) but Macky’s like ‘nuh uh dumbass!#i am not standing by and watching you dwindle your thumbs with information MK needs to know’ (this was something i wanted#Macky to call swk out on tho i imagined it happening midway in s5 but hey not complaining. bc Macky is the one who knows#Swk the best out of the cast besides MK. but MK is still blinded by his hero worship and also doesn’t want to face his demons rn like swk)#GAH!!! it’s so juicy how this works :D and then they get jury summoned and suddenly swk has the circlet back on and MK’s seconds from
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muckyschmuck · 7 months
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sixofbabycrows · 1 year
the thing is even if the writing of the soc spinoff is supposedly better, it doesn’t really change things for me cause the things they did to the crows’ character arcs in sab s2 are pretty much irreversible. they killed off tante heleen, barely addressed inej’s trauma in general and already put her on a slavers hunting ship, so they basically sniped her entire arc and scenes like climbing up the chimney just wouldn’t have the impact they’re supposed to. jesper’s inner struggle with his grisha powers was solved by one pep talk from the shu saint and suddenly it’s not a problem anymore. yeah wylan still has the whole thing with his father, although the way they used his dyslexia only for wesper conflict was in really poor taste in my opinion. kaz already had his face-off with pekka, which also removes his main motivation for everything he did in the books and they used some of the most pivotal scenes of ck already. they haven’t butchered nina and matthias entirely cause they were pretty much sidelined the entire season so there’s that ig.
the thing i love the most about the books is the character arcs and relationships. yes the ice court heist is cool, but it was never the main thing that made these books so lovable - it was always the characters. so they might still recreate the plot somehow, but the essence that made it so great in the first place will be missing.
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hella1975 · 1 year
11pm in manchester airport plane landed at 10pm after being DELAYED AND ANNOYING AND EVERYTHING WRONG WITH RYANAIR for over an hour. when is my train home from this godforsaken city you ask? 5am. good job im stuck in arrivals where there are no coffee shops or even regular charging ports haha. so glad to be spending the next six hours sat by the squeaky baggage claim machine. thank god my mum was sympathetic about it right haha… right????
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weirdgrlonline · 2 months
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
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Ummm, so yea this is apparently the noir equivalent venom symbiote so
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thunderheadfred · 2 months
Everyone just. Being like. Haha sleep deprivation is part of it. Or. Just nap when you can! Or. Random unsolicited advice about nightlights and coffee and blah blah blah
That’s not. Helpful. Partner can sleep anywhere anytime and has been able to cope. I have not .Delayed sleep phase means I cannot just fall asleep. It takes hours. By the time I fall asleep, it’s time for the next feeding. She keeps cluster feeding at night. I’m at the point now where I just hallucinate between feedings. By morning I’m so weak I can’t hold her properly. I can’t sleep during the day at all.
The stupid milk duct that gave me a cancer scare and has a fucking tracking chip embedded in it just throbs and burns now. Which is a rotten cherry on top
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meowstri · 3 months
being active on twitter, tumblr, tiktok, and instagram is literally a full time job atp. 💔💔💔💔
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
brunch was very good except towards the end we got to talking about elden ring bc my friend is a big fromsoft fan & i said “yeah it’s too bad it’s so hard for me, i should give it another chance but i don’t enjoy games that are that hard” (well-trodden ground, we have had this conversation before) and then she started lecturing me about how it’s not that hard, actually, people just say it’s really hard, and if you play it the right way (inscrutable rules known only to people familiar with the franchise) it’s really much easier, you didn’t try hard enough and should try again, it’s not that big a deal you can’t pause, you just need to find a save spot and here’s where they are (useless information to me), etc. and like the thing is that i was already saying that i should give it another chance. but i was also saying that i recognize that im not the intended audience for those types of games and KNEW that when i purchased it but wanted to give it a try because everyone else looked like they were having a lot of fun. im an EXTREMELY casual gamer. i barely play video games at all, let alone difficult ones. you telling me that im wrong for recognizing that something isn’t for me isn’t gonna make me play your game. i know my own mind. and this conversation actually makes me never want to play a video game ever again!
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