#i write this during school hours and when I'm sleep deprived
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firesofdainix · 10 months ago
hurt me and tell me you're mine - WIP!
I've been busy these past few days preparing for many, MANY projects due before finals, so I've only managed to slug off working on a mermay Marth one shot for a few days. Without further ado, here is a preview:
Earth had his hands raised at the sudden onslaught of incoming water, but it did not stop his clothes from getting wet. He groans, rolling his eyes. “I just got this washed, you jerk! I thought mermaids are enchanting femme fatales, but you are just a bitch!”
“I'm just a bitch?” Mars gasps, glaring at him. “Says the guy assuming I'd ever see you as anything else but a murderer! I mean, you really think I'd stoop so low?”
“You're so judgmental,” Earth whines, taking off his jacket (only an insane person would wear warm clothing in a weather as hot as this), wearing a blue shirt underneath. “Mermaids aren't supposed to discriminate between their food, right?”
“You're not food,” Mars manages to spit out, teeth gritted. “Do you want me to eat you or do you wish to continue with your endeavors to kill only those you think deserve it?”
“Huh, didn't know you were so kinky.”
“Drown yourself.”
“Can't believe the mermaid I've been feeding has such an attitude.”
“I genuinely didn't know killers are generally this annoying.”
“You better stop calling me that,” Earth tells him, serious for a moment, his face returning into its usual leisurely smile after a few moments. “I have a name, which I gave you a few days ago.”
“You've never referred to me by name either,” Mars points out, “only calling me a mermaid and how I'm a cannibalistic monster.”
I don't know when I'll post this on Ao3, but I'm hoping tomorrow or this Friday!
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months ago
31 | In the Mind
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: night terrors
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"You got yourself some guard dogs, I see." Julia laughs seeing Ethan and Aiden with Scott, "Guys, give him some space." She looks at them.
"Thank you. Now let's go catch Stiles up on last night." Scott grabs Julia's arm dragging her along with him.
In the Chemistry classroom, Stiles is alarmed to find that the writing on the chalkboard is gone as is the extra key from his ring. He asks Scott that he showed him the key but Scott said he only told him about it.
"But I saw it last night, Scott." Julia tells him to back up Stiles.
Stiles confesses to them that he believes he allowed Barrow into the Chemistry closet and then wrote a message to the killer on the chalkboard. Stiles had even found an old story about Barrow's attack on the school bus. The killer apparently packed nuts, bolts, and screws along with the bomb in a box wrapped as a birthday present.
"What does that sound like to you?" Stiles looks at them.
Scott says he doesn't believe that Stiles is trying to kill people. Then says Stiles looks tired and needs to take a sick day.
"You do look terrible." Julia says as Scott leaves the room, "Want me to drive you home? I can skip since I'm passing all my classes now." She offers.
"Can you drive me to the hospital instead? Maybe if I see my doctor..."
"Yeah, I can do that." She takes the keys out of his hand as he holds them out to her.
Driving to the hospital, Julia kept glancing over at Stiles looking out the window, "I'm sure there's an explanation, Stiles. Like Scott, I don't think you're trying to kill anyone on purpose. And I believe you about everything. That day when we saw the writing on the board... I did kinda think it was your handwriting so I do believe you. Like I said, I'm sure there's an explanation."
Once at the hospital Melissa explains that Dr. Gardner isn't back until next week then tells Stiles he can see one of the hospital's urgent care doctors. Stiles start to panic so Melissa and Julia try to calm him down.
Melissa takes him to an exam room where he explains to her the anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness, sleepwalking, and blackouts. He tells her his Adderall isn't working and he is feeling irritable to the point of homicide with vivid dreams during the day.
"Wait, so the other day, you were just up afterwards during our sleepover?" Julia asks him so he nods his head, "You should have told me how much you've been not sleeping."
Melissa gives Stiles Midazolam - a common drug used to relax patients before surgery which makes him hold Julia's hand since he hates needles. She says he is profoundly sleep deprived. As he is dozing off, he calls Melissa Mom.
"He's lucky he has you by his side." Melissa tells Julia as she takes a seat in the chair so Julia just nods her head as Melissa leaves.
Julia tries to get comfortable while she keeps an eye on Stiles sleeping. Slowly she doses off to sleep as well hoping that Stiles will be okay. She hated seeing him like that. Julia wakes up a few hours later to see it was gonna be dark soon. Since the chair wasn't the comfiest thing in the world, she gets up going to crawl in the hospital bed with Stiles. Even though he was out like a light he had a feeling it was her so he puts an arm around her as she cuddles into him falling back to sleep.
As both were sleeping, Melissa goes to check up on Stiles to see the two of them making her smile, "Now I really see what Noah means." She closes the door.
Julia only wakes up because she feels Stiles gets up, "Are you okay?" She sits up as he gets out of bed.
"I'm fine. I'll be right back." He leaves the room confusing her.
After a few seconds of having an odd feeling she gets out of the bed to go look for him, "Stiles?" She walks the halls, "Stiles, where did you go?" She speed walks around till she runs into Scott.
"Where's Stiles?"
"He left the room and I'm looking for him now." Julia says as they hear a thud then find Stiles alone in the middle of a room.
"Stiles, you okay?" Scott asks him so he turns at to face the two.
"Yeah, fine. What's been going on?" He asks him walking over and Julia just thought something seemed off. As the guys walk out Julia looks around the room, "Julia?" Stiles calls her name, "Come on." He puts his hand out for her.
"Hey, I'm heading out." Lydia pops into Julia's room.
"Isn't it a bit late?"
"Yeah, but I'm heading to school to meet with Aiden. He's going to model for me so I can sketch him." Lydia slightly smiles.
"Oh, well have fun." Julia waves goodbye as she gets up to get a book off her shelf to read since she was bored.
While reading and having music play in the background she starts to hear quiet whispers. Getting up she goes towards her radio turning it up focusing on the voices, "Help me, please." She listens hearing Stiles, "It's so cold."
Quickly Julia grabs her phone calling Stiles and he picks up on the last ring as she gets dressed to go to his house, "Julia, I'm scared. I don't know where I am. I can't see and my eyes are watering. My leg hurts and I can't move. Please, Julia. I believe you can find me." The call cuts out so Julia rushes out of the house talking her mom's car since she still doesn't have a car.
Rushing into Stiles' house with the copy of his key he gave her, she runs up to his room to see his murder broad had more red string that was tied to scissors stabbed into his bed.
"What the hell?" She closes the door going over to it all.
The door opens to reveal Lydia and Aiden, "Did you hear it too?" She asks Julia.
"Yeah, and I called him as well." Julia looks at the board hoping to find something.
This time Scott and Isaac burst into Stiles' bedroom surprised to see the sisters and Aiden, "Did he call y'all too?"
"No, we heard it. Then Julia called him as well." Lydia tells him.
After seeing Stiles murder wall Aiden says that Stiles thinks he is part of an unsolved case. Isaac then thinks it's more direct saying Stiles believes he is an unsolved case.
Scott and Isaac catch the other us up on Stiles' description of his surroundings and his injures. Aiden points out that it is to be the coldest night of the year with temperatures in the 20s and that Stiles' jeep is gone suggesting he was more than just sleepwalking.
Scott says that he promised not to tell Noah about Stiles making the girls say the cops need to help find him as well, "You guys remember they get theses feeling when someone's about to die, right?" Aiden reminds them.
Scott and Isaac go to the station to tell Noah while the other three stay to try to find something to help give them any idea of where Stiles is.
The sisters look at the wall trying to find something while Aiden goes through Stiles stuff on his dresser, "Julia, did you draw this?" Aiden shows her.
"Yeah, he asked for one since I drew a lot." She turns back to the wall.
"He likes you a lot, doesn't he?"
"I don't know honestly. It's confusing right now with things that have happened between us." She moves her hand around towards him to leave her alone.
"They slept together." Lydia sings causing Julia to turn around to face them.
"Let's just tell everyone shall we. I accidentally told Isaac at Danny's party so now we just have Scott, Allison, Derek, Ethan, and Kira to tell left. Oh, and Noah and Melissa." Julia huffs while Lydia gets an update from Scott.
Aiden ends up touching a string making it vibrate and the girls start to hear voices, "What did you just do?" Lydia asks him, "Did you touch one of the stings?"
Lydia does it now and they hear more voices but Aiden couldn't like them, "Something about a house." Lydia looks over the wall, "That one."
"What's Eichen House?" Aiden asks.
"A mental health center." Julia tells him.
As the Lydia and Aiden talk, Julia messes with the string more, "All in his head." A whisper comes through, "There but not there." Another adds.
"Let's go, Julia." Lydia and Aiden rush out while Julia stays in the room thinking it all over.
"There but no there? All in his head?" Julia talks to herself taking a seat on the bed. "Okay, he's cold. He can't see. His eyes are watering. He was sleepwalking..." She thinks it over, "What if he's still sleeping?" A thought comes up in her head so she heads out to the coyote den.
As she gets out of her car, Rafael and Melissa pull up, "Julia?" Melissa walks over to her.
"I had this thought since he was sleep walking and all the stuff he's going through. He said his eyes were watering and that he was cold so." She said as Rafael goes in the den and finds Stiles.
Pulling him out Stiles screams as Melissa holds him trying to calm him down, "Stiles, you're all right! Okay!"
He looks around to see her, Rafael, and Julia helping him, "You're alright, Stiles," Julia grabs his hand, "You're okay now." She says so he leans out of Melissa touch to lean into Julia's chest breathing heavily. She wraps her arms around him holding him closer to him rubbing his back, "I did it like you told me." She whispers rocking them.
"We should get him to the hospital." Rafael tells Melissa and Julia.
"Come on, you two. I'll ride with you two." Melissa tells Julia and they head to the hospital and let Noah and the others know they found Stiles.
At the hospital Stiles sleeps while everyone talks outside the room. Melissa tells the kids they have school less than six hours and to go home. Scott and Lydia walk away but Julia doesn't move, "Julia, go get some sleep." Melissa tells her.
"I'm not going. I'm passing so who cares if I miss school. He believed in me that I would find him and I did. I'm not leaving his side... Noah, you understand." She looks at him with teary eyes.
"Okay, I'll let your mother know you're here for Stiles." He walks off.
Melissa takes a seat next to Julia, "Did you believe Lydia about where Stiles was?"
"Sorta, the voices told me it was all in his head and that he was there but wasn't there. That got me thinking that in his mind he was there but physical he wasn't. So that makes me wonder if Eichen House will play apart in things at some point. I just have this feeling."
"I'm gonna get some another chair to put in his room for you." Melissa gets up walking away so Julia goes into Stiles' room.
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herblackabyss · 1 year ago
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[Title] 7 Dates, 7 Conflicts [Rating & Genre] [M] 18+, strangers to lovers, Collage AU [Pairing] Jeon Jungkook x Reader (Amaya Bradford) [Trigger Warnings] one little cuss word
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[A/N] I'm working on two other fics along with this one, not BTS related sorry besties but I'm super excited about them especially the Mingi one. Rengoku Mingi lives in my soul rent-free 24/7, 365. but anywhoo I hope you all enjoy. I spent tiiimmmmmeeee editing and refining because I wasn't satisfied with the flow but I guess it's okay now... it's actually stressing me lol kmt. Your feedback is always welcomed guys it helps me improve my writing so feel free to critique in a helpful way. Also I named MC because it really helps with my writing but y'all can just replace the name ig <3
[Word Count] 1802
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7:48 AM
If there's one aspect of school that I utterly dread, it's undoubtedly these cursed early mornings. Dragging myself out of bed at the ass crack of dawn feels like a form of punishment, a ritual concocted by the overlords of academia. I can almost picture them huddled together, plotting in the dim glow of a single desk lamp, cackling as they birthed this diabolical plan to subject students to ungodly class hours. It's as if they extracted it straight from the depths of a collective sleep-deprived nightmare. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, luck seemed to take a vacation during this particular semester. My favourite professor of all time, Mr Moody, and his highly sought-after class turned into the academic equivalent of a rare collector's item. The moment that registration portal creaked open, it was as if someone had fired the starting pistol at a track meet—the slots for Mr Moody's class were filled up faster than a Snapchat story on a roller coaster. So here I am now, faced with the one option that clung to the registration page like a stubborn sticker—an 8 am lecture..
Goddamn it.
It's the first day of the new semester, and I can already feel exhaustion seeping into my bones. Despite my reputation as an academic overachiever, I've developed a chronic allergy to early mornings. The mere thought of tearing myself away from the warm embrace of my blankets before 10 am sends an unbearable itch coursing through my body. It feels like I'm wrestling a goddamn grizzly bear every single morning just to make it to class on time.The snooze button has practically become your best friend—Ahem, sorry, not sorry, Chenle. And let's not even talk about the inner battle that rages on when I have to choose between a few extra minutes of precious sleep or a decent breakfast. Navigating through a labyrinth of corridors, I finally arrive at the lecture hall, securing a seat right in the heart of the middle row. I've always held the belief that my choice of seating speaks volumes about my stance on the upcoming semester. For me, it's all about striking that perfect balance. Front rows are out of the question—too much scrutiny from the professor's watchful gaze. But the back rows are equally unacceptable, a potential vortex of distraction among the Neanderthals. So I opt for the middle ground, a conscious decision to engage without being swallowed whole. As I settle in, I lazily rummage through my backpack, unearthing the recommended textbook for class, a fresh notebook, and that pencil pouch I scored from a Sugar Rush Riot concert during summer break. My gaze sweeps across the sea of semi-conscious faces in the room, hoping to catch sight of any familiar ones. And lo and behold, I manage to spot a few friendly faces. There's Ava, my ethics class companion from last year, Gina, my partner-in-crime for surviving Mr. Hanson's painfully dull physics lectures, Issa and Lucas, the dynamic duo who effortlessly infused Parisian flair into my French class last semester, and, unfortunately, the notorious campus Lothario, Jeon Jungkook.
He's got quite the reputation, you know? A real crowd-pleaser, widely sampled, and utterly disrespectful. Around campus, it's like every girl has her very own "Jeon Adventure" to share, each tale brimming with explicit and intricate accounts of how he managed to leave them a quivering, breathless mess. Frankly, it's rather revolting. The way they flaunt every encounter with him like it's some kind of prized badge, casually boasting about every single detail of their time spent together.
A sigh escapes my lips, and I shake my head in mild exasperation. Jungkook might be popular, but I'm not interested in becoming a chapter in his little escapades. I certainly can't afford a distraction of his magnitude and certainly have no intention of sharing a guy with the entire campus.
Lazing there, lost in thought, waiting for class to commence, my eyes are inexplicably drawn to his striking side profile. Absently, I trace the line of his sharp jaw, observing the corners of his eyes crinkling as he engages in animated conversation with his friends. A subtle twitch of his nose, almost like a telltale sign, triggers a charming smile that graces his lips. His head tips back in response to a particularly hilarious joke, and in that instant, his gaze locks onto mine. His lips curl into a languid grin as he watches me. His sudden attentiveness snaps me out of whatever trance I was in, and before I know it, my face scrunches up into a deep scowl. I dramatically roll my eyes before diverting my attention elsewhere, avoiding any further visual contact.
With impeccable timing, Chenle saunters into my peripheral vision, deftly navigating through the rows of my fellow classmates with two steaming cups of coffee and a pair of assorted bagel boxes from Avery's Baegel Shop. Always the savior, isn't he? Seriously, where would I be without him? He's practically rescued me from the brink of starvation more times than I can count. He seamlessly slides into the seat next to me, placing the delectable breakfast on the desk in front of me. The mouthwatering aroma triggers an intense craving, causing my mouth to water involuntarily.
"What's with the expression?" he playfully teases, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips, noticing the way my brows knit together.
"Nothing," I replied with an annoyed huff, a hint of a smile curling up the corners of my mouth as I popped open the lid of the tempting treasure trove before me. My eyes locked onto the ideal choice—a cinnamon and creme bagel, practically begging to be savored.
As I took a bite, the explosion of flavors enveloped my senses, prompting a contented moan to escape my lips. Chenle chuckled at my reaction, well aware of just how much I appreciated his thoughtful gesture. He's always had an uncanny knack for understanding exactly what I need, even without me uttering a single word.
"I knew that one would hit the spot," he remarked, his eyes dancing with amusement.
"You know me too well," I replied, savoring each delectable bite.
"Oh, by the way, guess who's in this class?" I casually tossed out, locking eyes with my friend and flashing a knowing grin. Chenle and Jungkook happened to share the same major, and they'd endured numerous classes together. Most of my insights about the dreadful experience of sharing a lecture with Jungkook had been filtered through Chenle's complaints. Apparently, the guy had a knack for transforming classes into needlessly complex puzzles.
"You've got to be kidding," he scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically, disbelief etched across his features. I subtly nodded in the direction of the back row, where Jungkook was comfortably settled. I took another heavenly bite of the warm bagel, savoring the exquisite blend of cinnamon and brown sugar that danced on my taste buds. "But hey, don't sweat it too much. Rumor has it that Mrs. Steel doesn't take any nonsense in her class. Maybe she'll be the one to rein him in."
Almost as if on cue, Veronica Steel strode into the lecture hall, exuding an aura of self-assuredness, her car keys swinging carelessly from her fingers. Her lack of teaching materials upon entry suggested that she might not have an elaborate agenda for today's session. Fortunately for me, this was my only class on a Monday, leaving the rest of the day blissfully free.
"Good morning, everyone," she began, introducing herself with a confidence that immediately put me at ease. Her subtle Spanish accent added a touch of warmth and familiarity to her words. "I'm your instructor, Mrs. Veronica Steel."
"I won't keep you too long, given that this is our first class. However, I do have some important information to share." Her words lingered in the air, grabbing everyone's attention. "All the assignments for this course will be completed in pairs, and I've already assigned your partners. You should have received an email this morning containing the list of assigned pairs." The room sprang to life as students scrambled to retrieve their devices and check their emails, myself included.
My laptop springs to life, and I eagerly navigate to my inbox, searching for the email from Mrs. Steel. Hoping against hope that I've been paired with Chenle, or at the very least, with Gina or Issa, anyone who won't make my life a living nightmare. My eyes scan the list, darting over each name with bated breath, and then Chenle leans over and lightly taps the "Ctrl+F" keys on my keyboard. I can't help but feel a hint of embarrassment; it's not like I've forgotten such a basic keyboard shortcut.
With deliberate care, my trembling fingers spell out my name. Dread courses through my veins, fearing the prospect of being saddled with a partner who'd expect me to carry the entire load. With each letter that materializes on the screen, the suspense heightens. And there it is, as I complete the last letter, my partnership materializes on the screen: Jungkook Jeon & Amaya Bradford.
The air seems to vanish from the room. This can't be real. Out of all the potential partners, it had to be Jungkook. And to make matters worse, this partnership is locked in for the entire semester. Veronica's voice keeps rolling, outlining the expectations for the upcoming assignments. "Each pair will evaluate their partner for every assignment," her words hang heavily, driving home the gravity of the situation and the potential impact on our grades.
The idea of spending a whole semester partnered with Jungkook feels like a mental minefield. We're polar opposites, like oil and water, each with a distinct approach to academics and life. Finding common ground for effective collaboration seems an insurmountable challenge, one that's thrust upon me, whether I like it or not.
Mrs. Steel's voice rings in my ears, emphasizing that switching partners is off the table, no negotiations allowed. The pit of dread in my stomach deepens. This is unavoidable, a collaboration sentence I'm forced to endure.
Against my will, my gaze drifts towards Jungkook. Fuck I really can't stand this guy—an infuriating, self-assured grin plastered on his face. He's relaxed, clearly the king of his realm, ignoring the brunette whispering away on his right. His eyes, however, are locked on me, as if I'm the only presence in the room that matters.
As Veronica concludes, she leaves us with a parting shot. "Thanks for showing up, and I can't wait to see the amazing work you all produce. Welcome to COMM101." And just like that, she's gone, leaving me to wrestle with the chaos in my mind.
"Fml," I whisper, my forehead making contact with the table's surface with a resounding thud.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 11 months ago
Long ass ramble about special interests and vivziepop drama because the new trailer has me all the way fucked up
Uhh this starts off being like "wow I'm so weird about this cartoon I kind of hate myself for it" and then the story about how I cut myself off from my special interest (said cartoon) and ruined my mental health in the process just to avoid being weird
Never in a million years did I think a cartoon made by a tumblr girlie would have a chokehold on my psyche but here we are and I am somehow more emotionally attached to it than half the other interests in my life
Like. I'm usually super emotionally numb to almost everything but then act unhinged to seem like I'm not and to be funny but THIS FUCKING TRAILER somehow emotionally affected me?????? Is this a fever dream what the fuck
I can even tell if this is a special interest or a hyperfixation anymore but it is legitimately a part of my identity now and I don't know how to feel about that. Especially with how many allegations go around about the show and the creator and the voice actors and all this shit that never has enough evidence or explanation so you can never tell whether it's real or fake and I just fucking???????????
Like. When I first got sent a screenshot of viv allegedly being transandrophobic, I genuinely broke down. I was sobbing and shaking for 2 or 3 hours straight and I struggled to sleep for a week. My mental health was legitimately wrecked because of how strong my attachment to the creator and her work was/is. And that was DURING a period where i was the most miserable and anxious i had ever been! Then, when I told my sister why I was so stressed and showed her the screenshots, she explained to me how easily they could be faked. And it all felt so stupid.
I've had a similar experience with close to every other drama. The person who sent me the poison music video edited it to seem like it was much more explicit than it really was, and I yet again broke down, because I filled in the blanks myself. Whenever I saw people mock the character designs or writing, I internalized it and decided I was a bad person for enjoying or being inspired by it.
I managed to detach myself enough from it to not seem weird, but I just made myself depressed. I couldn't find something I could replace it with, so I was just empty most of the time. I felt like a horrible person every time I thought about it or saw something related to it, and, spoiler alert, depriving yourself of your special interest(s) isn't good. At all. I couldn't sleep, I was only eating at school so people wouldn't think anything was up, i basically relapsed on every issue I've had in the past 4 years.
So uhh idk how to finish this off but don't be like me don't cut yourself off from your special interests to avoid being judged that is fucking dumb. Also most of the vivzie dramas were fucking dumb anyway. I can think of 1 that was confirmed to be actually wrong, and any others showing actually bad shit have yet to be confirmed, so I really don't care.
Make fun of it with me all you want if you're my friend I accidentally made someone feel like shit about that once when I told them. I don't automatically make it into "I'm bad for liking this" anymore I will gladly mock the bean pole boys
What the fukc did I just write I'm off my meds if you can't tell so I kind of can't string together a coherent thought
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m-questionnaire · 2 years ago
NaFM: Ch 9 (10?) and misc. thoughts
I don't count the prologue as the first chapter, so I guess it's chapter 9?
(This is a test post similar to those blogs. Simply curious to how it would work when I type my thoughts. Not bad so far lol)
Honestly, the chapter is going to be super long (40k+ words), and with that in mind, I'm sorta dreading how long the chapter covering the 5th yr will be. I feel sorta bad for the readers (srry, if u do read this lol), but I also don't care much cuz I'm sticking to the format of 1 chapter per school yr.
I've been fluctuating between working on Not a Future Missus and continuing planning this x-over fic I have posted (also on my AO3) for two diff. fandoms. Gosh, I also have so many other ideas for HP fics, including a Tom Riddle Sr-centric fic (one of those what-ifs in which Sr. raises pre-Voldy Tom) and a Drarry fic with the Veela!Draco trope (or a Veela!Draco fic with Drarry?), both of which I'm likely to type out; there's also a possible "spin-off" w/ NaFM, but employing time travel??? Idek anymore lol! But goodness the HP world has so much potential despite its numerous controversies (which I won't bring up cuz I'm not looking to start a war).
And sadly (maybe not for some ppl), no Dramione plans as of yet. Yes, I ship it as much as Drarry (don't hate on me now, or at least do it without a word cuz I'm a multi-shipper who refuses to fight over ships), though I haven't been reading much Dramione fics nowadays... or Drarry, since I fandom jump quite a bit.
Anyway, maybe I'll get rid of some scenes, or I'll keep it as it is (my fic, my management muhaha), but I maybe possibly probably perhaps should just make Harry and Ella/fem!Draco kiss each other and type the "23 yrs later" epilogue and be done with the fic LMAO! (April 1, 2024 plans???? If it's still incomplete by then???)
What hobbies do I even have at this point, besides reading/writing fanfics? The occasional doodle/drawing, certainly. And maintaining my Duolingo streak????
To whoever reads this honest-to-goodness sorta-long post, srry for the chaotic writing/typing! Just blurting this out before sleepy time LOL! (Sleep deprivation sure is making me taaalk and I'm probably gonna cringe the next time I see this if ever lmaoo)
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Well, if anyone reading this post (and my fic) has proceeded this far, have a preview I may/may not include/edit for the next chapter!
     “What’s the point of this task if we can’t even watch?” Ella grumbled as she glared at the lake. The waters were still as the second task progressed, with only an occasional ripple on the surface. The crowd chattered as they awaited the champions, but Ella was growing impatient.      It had been months since the Yule Ball, and the Scottish Highlands were slowly readying for the coming spring. There was still a noticeable chill in the air, but that didn’t stop the continuation of the Triwizard Tournament. The second task had begun half an hour ago, and to say the least, the surface-dwelling spectators were growing bored.      “If only they used Muggle filming methods,” Tracey said disappointedly from Ella’s right side. “They have these cameras, and you can connect them to these screens that project what’s happening through the lenses. It’s like our moving pictures, but everything happens in real time. I’ve been told about them sometimes.”      “Somebody needs to invent a spell like that if they haven’t already,” Ella said.       Casual conversations continued as time passed. At this point, everyone was preoccupied with each other, with only a few occasional glances towards the water. During the wait, Pansy ended up braiding Ella’s hair, before tying it and switching to Daphne. Why everyone had to get up at nine o’clock in the morning to stand in the cold and watch a lake was Ella’s main concern, but this was one of the more boring days compared to the last few years.
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thiscoolyear · 2 years ago
Hello there! So, the school year hasn't really started but there's only a week left before it starts and I'm getting a little nervous. I thought maybe I could list down some of my worries to remind myself I at least know what the heck I'm nervous about.
Research. Okay, so this year, as far as I'm aware, we have three researches to finish. One Filipino, one quantitative, and (not really sure if this counts as a research project but I'm putting it here because it's a big deal anyway) one related to our job immersion. Not sure if our teachers will actually go through with these, but this is based on what we saw the previous 12th graders do during their last year in senior high school. I'm not really looking forward to doing three whole papers in a single year so this shakes me up quite a bit.
Grades. Ah, of course, grades—the unfortunate basis of most of our worth because of the societal pressure to be the best. I am always worried about my grades, even when I know I did my best. Waiting for my grades just always makes me think that at some point during the semester there must have been a moment where I fucked everything up, even when I can't recall said moment.
Getting burnt-out. As a creative person, this sucks. I hate when I get so stressed about school and so sleep-deprived that I run out of energy to make myself feel better through writing and reading. When I get burnt-out, I can't think of anything. And—surprise, surprise—not being able to think of anything burns me out even more, so it becomes an exhausting cycle of having no motivation to do anything at all.
Not being better than last year. This is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll tell you why anyway: I am a pretty competitive person. Sometimes, if I know I can't beat other people in my class, I try to beat myself. The idea of me not doing as good as I did in the past terrifies me and I end up thinking how much I've deteriorated and failed in reaching even my own standards. Being the "gifted kid" (who never actually believed she was a gifted kid because of all the hours I spent studying), I have had a pretty hard time dealing with pressure. Most of it is from me, too, and we all know how hard it is to convince ourselves that a belief we've had about ourselves is wrong.
Surprisingly, these are all my worries. Last year, I managed to make a friend out of almost all my classmates. I managed to raise my hand in class despite my anxiousness. I managed to speak in front of the class with courage, no matter how much my knees shook. If I hadn't pushed myself to do all of these things, I might be worried about them until today. So, to make up for all the negative energy in this list, I'd like to pat myself on the back for conquering some of my biggest worries of all!
0 notes
awkwardtickleetoo · 3 years ago
Birthday Raspberries: The Origin Story
its dreams birthday, which is awesome, but that also means that my blog birthday is coming up, which is just way cooler, sorry dream (/j)
anyway!! this is the 3rd and unfortunately final installment of the birthday raspberries fic trilogy!! this one is a prequel to the other 2, so in chronological order is goes dream -> george -> sapnap :))
it's always so so so fun writing these fics, they're adorable, the dteam is adorable, birthday tickles are adorable, I love them. they're some of my favorite pics I've posted on here i think
little disclaimer before we start: this is a prequel, but it is still referenced to be dream 23rd birthday. does it make sense? no. but we can live with it
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 3.1k words
There was a certain tradition that Sapnap wanted to bring back. It was something that his family had instilled in him in his very early childhood but stopped as he got older, something that he remembered randomly one day in high school and renewed with his friends through those years, leading up to when they all went to college.
Unfortunately for Sapnap, a majority of his friend group split apart to move away for school or with their families, and most of his other friends were online, so this tradition that solely required being physically with a person was lost to him again.
Fortunately for Sapnap, he now lived in the same house as his best friend, frequently visited his other friends, and another one was coming to live with them soon. This was the perfect time to bring this tradition back again, he decided. Third time's the charm, right?
When Dream found out what the tradition was, he didn't exactly feel the same way.
It was nearing midnight, and the end of Dream's birthday, and Dream's family had already left a few hours ago after they came over for dinner and cake. Sapnap had offered to help make dinner, since Dream's family were bringing the cake, and between himself being helpful and Dream's mom being the cooking master, everything had turned out pretty good, and they had plenty of leftovers to last them the rest of the week.
Dream and Sapnap were laying on the couch in their living room, the newer one they had just bought a month or so before to better fit their living space. Dream sat partially slumped over, his arm draped along the back of the couch as he rested his head on it, legs crossed at the ankles as they laid out in front of him off the chaise of the couch. Sapnap laid perpendicular to him, lounging across the length of the couch with his head on Dream's thigh. They decided to watch a few episodes of an anime they were in the middle of before calling it a night, both of them still buzzing with too much happy energy to go to sleep yet. Finally, about halfway through the last episode of the season, Dream let out a yawn, covering his mouth and scrunching his nose up as he did.
"Tired?" Sapnap asked, tilting his head up at his friend. Dream nodded through the end of his yawn.
"Yeah, finally," Dream chuckled, rubbing his eye with his knuckle and sighing out the breath he'd spoken through. "I'll probably head up after this episode finishes."
"Mm…" Sapnap hummed in acknowledgment, looking back at the TV screen.
About 15 minutes later, the season credits were on screen, and Sapnap reached for the remote to exit out of the show. They spoke for a couple minutes about the ending, speaking in sleep-deprived tones as they giggled quietly. Sapnap spoke up again before they departed.
"Can I tell you a story I remembered earlier before we go to bed really quick?"
"Of course, I'm all ears," Dream replied, pushing his hood that had been covering his head off and running a hand through his hair.
"Okay, so like, I remembered this thing during dinner because it has to do with birthdays but I didn't get a chance to tell you bc it wasn't important," Sapnap looked up at Dream as he spoke, somehow still sounding energetic even with how tired Dream knew they both were. "So, when I was a little kid, like really little, my mom had this… I guess it was kind of a tradition? Where every year, on my birthday, she would come into my room in the morning and bring me breakfast in bed, and she'd, like…" Sapnap cut himself off with a small chuckle, breaking off into his own giggles as his face became a little pink and he looked away from Dream for a second before looking back. Dream had a confused look on his face, tilting his head like a puppy as he waited for Sapnap to keep going. "Okay, don't laugh, but she would, like, wake me up by tickling me and then she'd give me a bunch of raspberries, however many years old I was that day," Sapnap admitted through his giggles, and Dream smiled at his confession, giggling a bit to himself at the idea of a kid-Sapnap getting lost in laughter from a few little raspberries. "And, dude, when I was a kid, I fucking loved that shit, I thought it was the most fun thing in the world and then I'd eat my little bowl of cereal and bacon and toast that she brought me and she'd sit with me and I'd break her off pieces of the toast to eat and I thought I was the best kid in the world, it was fucking awesome."
"That's adorable," Dream responded, and Sapnap continued again.
"So then, when I got older, she kind of stopped, because once you get older and into, like, middle school or past age 10 that stuff tends to stop, which is fine, but I forgot about it for a while until one day in high school it was my friends birthday and I just randomly remembered it, so I was like 'fuck it', y'know? I wanted to bring it back, so when we stayed at his house that night and I made sure I was the first one there so I could tell everyone about it– and I made sure everyone was comfortable, I didn't go overboard or anything, but we were all pretty physically affectionate people so no one really minded that much, and also we all loved embarrassing each other so it just worked."
"And since everyone kinda left for college after junior or senior year I only got to do it a few times, like I did it to that kid on his 17th birthday, another kid on his 18th, and this one girl in our group on her 18th, and it was always so fun and hilarious."
"That does sound pretty funny," Dream agreed, and Sapnap smiled up at him, knowing his plan was coming into action faster than he had imagined.
"It was… but anyway, that was a really long story, but it does have a point, okay?" Dream nodded. "So the point is… I think I wanna bring the tradition back." Sapnap explained almost sheepishly, looking up at Dream for reassurance.
"Sapnap, are you asking me to give you birthday raspberries when it gets to your birthday?" Dream asked with a wide smile, originally wanting to seem smug and embarrass Sapnap, but seeing the smile on his face made his tone come out as genuine and soft as it could be.
"No! Well– well, yes, but, that's not what I meant right now," Sapnap explained further, waiting for the lightbulb to flick on in Dream's mind.
It didn't. Instead, Dream looked at him as if he'd spoken a completely different language.
"I don't… I don't get what you're saying, then," Dream said, toying with the end of his hoodie string as he curled the end around his finger and pulled it to be even with the opposite string.
"Dream. I want you to let me do it to you."
Dream's eyes widened just slightly, glancing at Sapnap and then looking away, switching between the two as he let out a shocked chuckle.
"Oh…" Dream said, unhelpful, as he tried to think of anything to say in response. He fidgeted with his hoodie string again. "Um…"
"C'mon, please?" Sapnap asked, leaning up slightly on one elbow and reaching his free hand up to lace his fingers with Dream's hand. Dream let his hand be held, smiling despite himself. "I'll be nice! And– and if you let me do it now, you can help me do it to everyone else in the future too! Like– George definitely, and Karl and Quackity if we're around them on theirs. Just let me do it, come on, just, come on."
"But you said it's the same number as whatever age you're turning? That's a lot, Sapnap, you haven't had it done to you since you were 10 or some shit, there's a big difference between 10 and 23." Dream explained nervously.
"I know, but you did say earlier that it sounded fun!" Sapnap elaborated as he fully sat up, pointing a finger at Dream accusingly. Suddenly, he got a devious idea, smirking as he continued. "But I can be gentle, I get it, you're fragile."
"I'm not fragile!"
"It's okay, Dream, I understand, you're worried you won't be able to handle it."
"That is not what I said!"
"No, it's fine, you're just too ticklish for this, it's okay."
"Maybe when we get George here he'll say yes and then it'll prove he's stronger than you."
"Fine!" Dream finally caved, pulling his hand away from Sapnap in favor of pulling his sleeves over his hands and curling in on himself. He sat cross-legged now, his hands folded in his lap and elbows brought in close to his body. "Fine, I'll– I'll let you do it, if you shut up about me being too 'ticklish' and 'fragile' to handle it, I could literally beat you up."
Sapnap smiled proudly, holding out his hand for a handshake.
"Deal," he said, waiting for Dream to grab his hand.
"Dea–" Dream tried to respond, but was cut off by a loud yell as Sapnap held his hand tight and yanked him forward. He was too caught off guard to catch himself, so he landed on his side, his shoulder colliding with the soft couch cushions and his knee colliding with Sapnap's arm. Before he could even process what happened, Sapnap was sitting on top of him, straddling his hips and reaching behind him to press his knees so they were flat as well. Dream tried to protest when he felt his hoodie being pushed up just slightly, the sliver of skin by his hip above the waistband of his sweatpants showing now. "NO! No, no, Sapn–AP!" Dream yelped, gasping and slamming his hands over his mouth when there was a sudden, unbearable vibrating sensation on his hip that felt like it was coming from inside his skin.
Sapnap had blown the first raspberry. And if that was just the first, Dream had no fucking clue how he was going to be able to handle the remaining 22.
He caught his breath quickly, body tense and stiff as Sapnap sat up and laughed at him.
"Shut the hell up," Dream said when he heard him laughing.
"I didn't even say anything!" Dream huffed out a breath and rolled his eyes, maneuvering his body so he was more comfortable. Sapnap let him move around, and he ended up laying fully back with his knees bent and his legs propped up against the back of the couch, his ankles against the arm. Sapnap moved over as well, sitting on the corner bumper of the couch where Dream was before in order to have full access to Dream's body.
"That wasn't nice," Dream muttered, crossing his arms in front of his chest in an attempt to seem intimidating, but his wide smile and the fact that he was still holding onto the ends of his sleeves gave him away.
"Which part, the throwing you around like a ragdoll or the part where I completely wrecked your shit?"
"Mhm, still think you could beat me up?"
"Yes! I definitely could!" Sapnap jumped at the opportunity, pushing Dream's hoodie up again and blowing another raspberry in the same place as before. "NO!" Dream yelled, catching him in the act this time and moving to push at his head. He still tried to hold in his laughter, biting his lip this time, until Sapnap blew a third raspberry, and then his attempts were lost. "Sapnahahahap!" Dream giggled out, grabbing at Sapnap's shoulder and shaking his head. Another raspberry was blown on his side, followed by a fifth against the bottom of his ribs. Dream took in a sharp breath as his laughter began anew, fingers gripping the fabric of Sapnap's hoodie as he pulled him away slightly. "GOHOHOD jeheheheez let– lehehet me breheathe!"
Sapnap giggled slightly as he pulled away, rubbing his palm soothingly over Dream's bunched up hoodie.
"Sorry. Guess I'm a little eager," Sapnap apologized bashfully. "You're just so cute, I can't help it."
"Shut up," Dream groaned, smiling wide at Sapnap's genuine words. "You're annoying."
"Yeah," Sapnap agreed, tone sweet, before he suddenly leaned forward and blew a raspberry right on Dream's tummy. Dream let out a strained, wheezy laugh, caught off guard once again by the sudden feeling, curling up slightly and instinctively cradling the back of Sapnap's head in his hands. Three more were blown in quick succession in a line just underneath his belly button, and he flopped back onto the couch just to arch his back away from the feeling.
"OHOH GOHOHOD, Sapnahahahap!" Sapnap pulled back to laugh along with Dream again, adjusting the way he was sitting to be a little closer to him. He pushed Dream's hoodie a bit further up, then proceeded to blow four raspberries in a diamond shape– one at his sternum, one at the front of his left side's ribs, one in the center of his tummy, and one on the right, before finishing that section with one right in the middle of the diamond. "Sahahap, plehehehease!"
"Fine! Fine, you're such a baby, you literally have, like, only 9 left," Sapnap teased, letting Dream catch his breath again. Dream's giggles kept up as he took a few deep breaths, reaching up to cover his face with his hands, before reaching further back to pull his hood up and over his head, pulling it as far as it would go to help him hide his bright red face.
"9 ihis still a lot, Sapnahap!" Dream mumbled.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I can help, let's make it 8 instead," Sapnap continued his teasing, smiling as he dropped his head down to meet Dream's torso again, lips landing to the left of his belly button and making him arch his back. As he squirmed, turning as far onto his side as he could and leaving his back exposed, Sapnap decided to seize the opportunity and blow a raspberry on the back of his ribs.
The sensation hit Dream like a freight train.
"FUCK!" Dream yelled, covering his mouth with his hand and using his other arm to brace himself against the couch. His fist collided with the cushion twice before he simply resorted to gripping the fabric tightly between his fingers. His reaction was enough to make Sapnap stop on his tracks, grinning like a little kid on Christmas.
"Okay. I don't know what I just did, but I know for a fact that the rest of these raspberries need to do the exact same thing," Sapnap said, in slight disbelief at how much of a reaction that spot got out of Dream.
"NO, you don't!" Dream shook his head, moving to lay down on his back again, but Sapnap's hand pushing against his side stopped him. "No, stop! Stop, don't, just get it over with normally!"
"Absolutely not, I'm gonna do it my way," Sapnap explained as he pushed Dream harder, kneeling up on his knees before straddling the back of Dream's thighs when he pushed him fully over.
"Sapnap, noho, no, that's not fahair–" Dream tried to push himself back, but with the way his torso was twisted and the way Sapnap was sitting on his legs, it was almost impossible to do anything but kick his legs against the arm of the couch and turn fully onto his stomach.
"Alright enough stalling," Sapnap commented before pushing Dream's hoodie up his back, blowing another raspberry on the back of Dream's ribs. Dream arched his back again, not getting very far this time with the way his front was pressed into the couch below him.
"Nahahaha, ohohoh my gohohod, that's so bahahahad," Dream complained, squealing and covering his mouth in embarrassment when Sapnap placed three raspberries in a line up his spine, the first one right between the dips of the dimples in his lower back and the final one netween his shoulder blades. "Sahahapnahap, plehehehease,"
"It's alright, there's just three left, you're so close. You honestly lasted way longer than I expected."
"Whahahat– ahaha– whahat is that supposed to mehean?" Dream asked, turning his head around to look at Sapnap behind him.
"Nothing! I just expected you to tap out, y'know?"
"I dihidn't– AH!" Sapnap cut him off by leaning forward and blowing a raspberry against the side of his neck.
"Sorry, what was that?"
"Yohohou suhuck…" Dream mumbled, burying his face in his arm as he waited for the final two raspberries to hit him. "I wahas– I was gonna sahay Ihihi don't need toho tap out."
"Oh. Well, that's good, because I'm gonna make these last two unbearable now," Sapnap teased again, earning a loud, muffled groan from Dream. Sapnap took a deep breath, taking in as much air as he possibly could, smiling as he used all of his breath to blow one long, continued raspberry on Dream's side.
"NAHAhaha–!" Dream laughed freely, strength leaving his body as Sapnap repeated the action, blowing his longest raspberry yet as his big finale. He giggled against Dream's skin as he pulled away, tugging Dream's hoodie down and flopping down to lay flat on top of his limp form.
"Allllll done, birthday boy!" Sapnap said, still giggling along with Dream as he came down from his ticklish high.
"That was horrible. My spine is tingling," Dream explained once his laughter calmed down. "I'm exhausted."
"You're welcome," Sapnap said with a giggle, making Dream smile and shake his head against his arm.
Sapnap pushed himself up, standing and reaching a hand out to help Dream stand as well. It took him a moment to adjust himself, twisting his hoodie's sleeves and torso from where they were slightly turned from his squirming, and standing up straight to stretch.
"And," Sapnap began. "Just think. Now you can help me do this to other people too. Especially George."
Dream couldn't help but smile, the idea of George falling victim to the same treatment he was just subjected to sitting at the forefront of his mind.
"I would be honored."
And with that, the two parted to their individual bedrooms, and Dream went to sleep that night thinking about what it might be like if he was one to get Sapnap back on his upcoming birthday…
It may have been the best night of sleep he'd ever had.
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writing-in-the-impala · 2 years ago
You Only Hurt The Ones You Love (Part 12)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
AU: Professor!Bucky Barnes/ Teacher!Bucky Barnes
Series Summary: You fall for your smoking hot literature professor Bucky Barnes (quite literally) what follows you never predicted would happen.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill) and mentions of PTSD because it’s Bucky, SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: 2793
A/N:  Please leave me love and reblog this so i get inspired to write more, okay thanks 
MASTERLIST | SERIES MASTERLIST | Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
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The day of your trip with the family... and now Bucky was slowly approaching. Your dinners with Steve and Peggy became more frequent and the semester was nearly over meaning the holidays were fast approaching. It all felt so exciting, and good, a bit too good.
All you could think and even talk about with Bucky was going away, you thought about him at the beach, how he'll look with a tan, sea salt wet hair, what it will be like being together at the poolside in a hotel... sharing a hotel room, warm evenings. A nice change to the October air of New York, and a nice change to having to hide your relationship there you knew you'd be able to be free.
But before all that could begin you still had one week left. You woke up like most days recently beside Bucky in his bed. Getting ready side by side to go to the same destination except you had to leave separately not even being able to risk getting a coffee together just in case someone from the university saw you two together. You could tell it was affecting Bucky a little more each day, the secrecy, at the start it was fun even a bit sexy to sneak around but the longer you were together the more you wanted to do the things Peggy and Steve got to do, like getting coffee in the morning, holding hands while you walk down the street or even just stealing one of his jumpers to wear that day.
You were sitting in Bucky's lecture, choosing to sit closer to the back where you could zone out a bit more as you were tired from your movie marathon the night before that lasted a bit too long for a school night. Bucky was very obviously also tired today as even though he was drinking his coffee he was not as active or hyper when delivering his lecture, to a point where a student even asked him if he was okay and he simply replied with. "Yes thank you, I'd like to apologise I'm just very sleep deprived today."
"Barnes had a late one last night, who's the lucky gal huh teach?" One of the more annoying students in the class asked receiving some ooo's from the other classmates.
Bucky wasn't feeling too professional today when he entertained the boy by not ignoring the comment  "I'll have you know I was busy working marking work, but I seem you wouldn't know as you don't remember to hand in your work on time."
That also got a reaction from the crowd, and one of his more flirty students put her hand up to ask a question "Profesor Barnes, speaking of late nights are you coming to the annual campus Halloween party?"
"I believe faculty staff is forced to go against our will at least for an hour."
"Will you bringing a date?" She chirped making Bucky laugh before making direct eye contact with you for a sit second however it felt like he kept your gaze for minutes as he looked you dead in the eyes before ignoring the question.
"Right, let's get back to work you don't pay tuition to ask me personal question, please save them for... well, never. I'm your teacher not your friend, we're here to learn about academic subject and my attendance of Halloween parties is not that." Bucky continued with his mostly boring lecture with little to no interruptions from then on.
After the lecture you left, throwing a slight glance back and Bucky as he looked at you longingly as you left his classroom. You went on with your day and decided to go get a coffee during your lunch break to make it through the day, while ordering you saw a almost too familiar face waiting for his order, Bucky.
"Two coffees in one day Professor Barnes, are you trying to get a heart attack?"
"Well someone kept me up all night Miss L/N." Bucky shot back immediately with a small smile forming on the edge of his lips. "How's your lectures so far? Have you managed to finish that essay?" He changed the subject.
"It's nearly done, although I do admit I'm excited to have a week off all this school life soon." You added while you both started walking back to campus with your coffees chatting.
"Bucky we can't be doing this." You stopped dead in your tracks half way back to the campus.
"What do you mean doll?" He said, lowering his voice and almost whispering the word doll.
"This? Us, grabbing coffee, laughing walking back to class. What if people see us."
"F/N, it's completely normal for students to run into their professors on their way back from the closest coffee shop to campus."
"And laugh and talk like we do?"
"We haven't said anything wrong." His face almost dropped.
"That doesn't matter what if people start talking."
"Because a teacher and student who know each other have a conversation on their way back to campus? God forbid" Bucky retaliate with a more annoyed tone.
"You know that's not what I mean."
"Do I Y/N? Or are you blowing things out of proportion. We're not at a romantic dinner, we don't even go on walks together just in case someone sees, I can't take you to a bar or dancing. We hide away in dark cinemas two seats apart but no what if someone sees us walking back to campus from the closest coffee shop." He was whispering but it almost sounded like he was shouting.
"Bucky." Your voice broke saying his name.
"No. Because if I can't come back with you from a coffee shop we bumped into each other at then what can I do? Hide away in hospitals when you're hurt? Live in your fucking shadow hoping one day I could get a fucking morning coffee with you?" He looked defeated and you had no words. "I'll see you tomorrow in class Miss L/N, I wish you a very pleasant day." He said walking away in a opposite direction to the campus.
Tags (send me an ask or message and I’ll add you): @iconictaurus@whosmarisaaarw@grayxswan@sideeffectsofyou @alt-er-love-er-alt
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br-kker · 3 years ago
I've been waiting a long ass time to write Shinsou's birthday headcannons, and here we are! It's time to see how you'd meet and date everyone's favorite sleep-deprived child!
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Pairing: Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader (gender neutral).
Media: My Hero Academia.
Content and/or Warnings: Language, mentions of sex (all characters are aged up to legal age), sleep-depravity, cats.
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The Meetup
You and Hitoshi met in class.
Let's pretend for a moment that he is in Class 1-A, for convenience sake.
There's 22 people, and 11 pairs are formed randomly thanks to Aizawa. He put people together based on who really need to work together (cough Bakugo and Deku) or people who could bounce off each other well.
Falling into the latter of the two, that's how you and Hitoshi ended up paired together.
You've seen him around school and know of his reputation: "Evil."
Sure, he looks a little intimidating, but you never thought he was bad because he has a "villainous" Quirk.
After some time of working in silence, you decided to compliment him. "Good job for getting into the Hero Course. You were very misplaced."
He looked up and gave you a little smile. "Thanks." but then quickly dove back into his work.
"No, I'm serious. Mr. Aizawa is right: The entrance exams aren't effective." You stated, which led to a conversation with Hitoshi about Quirks, UA, and eventually anything but the task at hand.
After the exchanging of numbers, you both left school with the gladness of making a new friend.
Late Night Adventures
We all know Hitoshi gets .2 hours of sleep, so depending on your sleep schedule you either stay up at night talking to him or get a text message when you wake up.
When you do pull all-nighters (of course assuming every night isn't already an all-nighter), you spend it walking around town or in a coffee shop that is still open.
If there's nothing open, then it's late night chats in the dorm rooms.
Both of you spar and train together at least once a week.
I can see the both of y'all passing notes to each other in class and generally bullshitting around.
Ok, but I can see Hitoshi being a book guy, so sometimes you two get together and read
This man is a park kind of guy, so frequent walks in the park.
I dunno why, but I can see you guys passing answers to each other during a test.
Like, your bag is open and you can see the answers that you wrote down and he has a water bottle on the floor with the answers on it.
Anyway, late night study sessions.
You two are the kind of friends where one of y'all will start to do something stupid and the other is like "Don't do that!" while recording.
Sleepy Kisses
Damn, the title of this part sounds good for a story title.
So, it's another late night get together with Hitoshi and it started off as normal.
Somewhere down the road, you laid your head on his shoulder (something you both had been doing for some time) while zoning in and out of consciousness.
Hitoshi, who has been crushing on you for a bit, decides to boldly kiss your head. He completely believe you were asleep.
However, his thoughts were shattered when he heard a sleepy "Feels good..." from you.
So, he then kissed your forehead, causing you to giggle a bit. He then kissed your nose, and lifted your chin up to meet your lips.
The feeling of sleepy kisses felt better than crack cocaine, you thought as you run your fingers through his indigo hair.
You two could've remained like that forever, but thankfully you guys have plenty of time for sleepy kisses.
Speaking of...
The Sleep-Deprived Couple
Sleepy kisses!!
There's this adorable oneshot I found that involves Hitoshi and Reader kissing sleepily, and it's adorable. I'll link it right here.
Give it some love, please.
But yeah, you two constantly share sleepy kisses.
Hitoshi is a peck kind of guy, I believe, so I feel he'll just randomly peck you on the lips or cheek.
Oh yeah, PDA is maybe a 3?
You guys hold hands in public, and we discussed the aforementioned pecks, but that's about it.
Late night drives and stargazing. That's it.
I made headcannons of Hitoshi dating an insomniac reader, so if you want to read them it's right here, but I'll give a shortened version of it.
If you two are up by 10 pm, expect a trip to the local 7/11, various activities, and cuddling.
This boy is a cuddlebug; he is on you like white on rice in bed.
Speaking of, Hitoshi adores sleepy sex.
Before you go crazy, I'm not talking about somnophilia. I'm talking about the both of you being tired and both of you deciding to do the do.
This dude is very handsy. Like, his hands are all over your body.
I can't remember who said it, but someone on this site said that he is the god at giving oral and I can't get it out of my mind.
Staying up until 3 am watching movies or binge-watching a show.
Wearing his hoodies/sweaters CONSTANTLY!!!
I feel like he's a blueberry kind of dude, so you give him blueberry related stuff.
He likes to give you various small gifts. It ranges from your favorite candy to a shirt.
Overall, dating Hitoshi is a very chill time.
Birthday Special!
Hitoshi tends to keep his birthday lowkey. He doesn't want anything expect an acknowledgement that it is his birthday.
Alright, you respect his wishes. So, you wake up, give him a good morning kiss, tell him happy birthday, and that's that.
You got a little trick up your sleeve, however. You're gonna give him something for his birthday.
You go out, get the stuff, and come home to a confused Hitoshi.
"(N/N), what's all this?" He asks. You ignore him and pull out a blueberry cake that says 'Happy birthday 'Toshi' and sing the happy birthday song to him.
(If you've seen "The Way of the Househusband, that segment is similar to Tatsu celebrating Miku's birthday.)
"Why did you-" He was cut off by a 'Mrreow.'
"No..." You nodded, and he ran to the pet carrier that had a cat in it.
That might have been one of the only times you seen him cry.
Now for your birthday. Hitoshi doesn't want to have a big party. He wants to keep your birthday lowkey like his.
For your birthday, you tend to invite a few friends over and you all chill together, so he's cool with that.
He wants to get you something nice, though. Remember how I said he likes giving you small gifts? It might come into play here.
All your friends left to give you and Hitoshi one-on-one time. Now's the chance for him to give you the gift.
What was the gift? A bracelet (of course, up to your interpretation) that you had been eyeing for some time.
You smiled a big smile and hugged him tightly. "I love you, 'Toshi!"
(A/N: Man, these were kinda hard to write! I hope I did fairly good on these, and I really want blueberry cake. Speaking of...)
Hitoshi, the Night Owl
You don't mind Hitoshi staying up and all that, but you do get a bit concerned when he always stays up until 4 am, and sometimes not even getting any sleep.
He shrugs it off and tells you that he's fine, but you insist that he get at least one good night sleep.
He agrees, and everything is normal. Or so you think.
At about one in the morning, you have to go use the bathroom. You walk out the bathroom and stop in your tracks.
There's Hitoshi, sitting on a chair with the cat on his shoulder. An uneaten slice of blueberry cake is next to him while he's scrolling aimlessly on his phone.
You clear your throat and he turns to look at you. "Oh, hey." He gives you a lopsided grin.
"C'mon, get your ass in bed."
He looks back at his phone and says, "You can't remove the night ow- hey!"
You cut him off by grabbing his hand and dragging him onto the bed, the cat nestling in between you.
"Sometimes, I don't like you."
"I love you too."
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(A/N: Boom, that's my influx of headcannons done until at least a month! We're already in July?! That's bonkers, man. Well, thanks for reading my three sets of headcannons in the span of five days! I don't care how many updoots they get, I'm just glad that at people take the time to read my work. Not to get sappy or anything, but I noticed how many updoots I got on a single oneshot and was like "Woah!"! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my writing for this sleepy child, and tune in for Jiro's birthday headcannons (and coincidentally my birthday) on August 1st!
Signing off for now,
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binniesthighs · 4 years ago
i loveeee your first write abt Jisung omgggg he is like one of my BIGGEST bias wrecker of all time so i was like WOAH THERE,,,, and i was so hooked on your writings i wanna see more 👀 if you have free time can i please ask for a Jeonghan smut where he is your rival in everything let's say at school and u didn't actually like him at first but he kinda flirts and idk I'm just so into Jeonghan's cocky behavior these daysss he's making me feel thiiiiiiingsssss 😩❤️
ahh thank you anon you are so so sweet! ♡ I’m so happy that you liked my Jisung stuff! I love writing for that boy hehe and thank you so much for requesting love!! this is my first seventeen ask I’m so so excited to write more of them in the future! my brain really took this one and rannnn with it, it ended up a bit harder than I intended, I hope that’s okay and I hope that you enjoy it!
what i want most |reader x jeonghan |
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x yoon jeonghan
Genre: lil bit of smut, lil bit of angst
Tags: harddom!jeonghan, bratty!reader, enemies (competitors) to lovers, college au, jeonghan being our fave cocky boy, bestfriend!seungcheol, mentions of school work, slow-ish burn, masturbation (reader), use of degrading names, dumification, hook-up, choking, marking, spanking, facefucking, gagging, use of safe symbols, nipple play, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie, slight exhibitionism, semi-public sex, sex in a study room
Word count: 4k
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Someone told you once long ago that hate is a strong word. Apparently, they had never experienced loathing before. To you, hate always seemed to be something playful, something a little teasing. When your best friends would mock you for the most insignificant things, you would say “cut that shit out. You know that I hate you right?”
Loathing is much more fun. Loathing holds more of an edge. Loathing keeps you up at night, and lingers in your mind. Loathing digs into your skin like a papercut, coming back to sting later when you stretch your skin. Loathing made you feel all twisted up inside. This one super-massive emotion is one that clings to you and makes you jealous and irritable, and the best of all, competitive.
You don’t know what you would be without loathing...if not for him.
But as much as you loathed him, he was the perfect elixir of sugar-coated poison.  
He kept you up at night. He lingered in your mind.
Everything about you, he had to do too. You didn’t know at this point if it was some kind of joke, or that the two of you had miraculously been crafted to be just that similar.
Since the day that you had met him three years ago in undergrad, there wasn’t one class that the two of you didn’t share. Every single job that you applied to, he would apply to as well. Each professor that you would introduce yourself to, the next day he would be cozied up next to them talking about some kind of bullshit and pretended to care about their personal lives. He even chose the exact same grad program as you.
When the two of you graduated, it was him who sucked in his lip, never breaking with your eyes when he received higher honors than you. He probably loathed you too.
That would keep you up at night too.
There were other things about him as well that would creep into the corners of your sleep deprived brain. You would stare into the darkness of your room, eyes glued to the ceiling with your mind exploring shameless answers.
During these dark nights, your hand would absentmindedly cascade down your body, snaking your fingers down the soft of your skin. Behind your eyes, it was him sending shivers down your body. It was his lithe fingers, not yours, that would reach down to your aching sex to pleasure you into all the fantasies that only remained within the confines of your own mind. Before you would climax, it was his name that you whispered out into the air, not even knowing that you did.
“Are you going to finish that, or what?”
Seungcheol rummaged around your bag of chips that were barely touched.
Your highlighter skimmed over your page, you twisted the writing utensils around in your hand to scratch down a note with your pen. Truthfully, you hadn’t heard him.
“...I mean, if you don’t, I will. Can’t let stuff like this go to waste.” He held the bag in his lap, happily crunching away and tapping his foot a little.
“--Can you chew quieter?”
“Yes, you.” You bopped him softly on top of his wavy caramel hair with your marked up article.
Seungcheol cringed and rubbed the top of his head as if you had hit him with something much denser than a stack of paper.
“In my defense, there isn’t really a quiet way to eat chips.” He popped another one in. “Are you gonna be done soon? It’s too...still out here.”
“You’re the one that suggested coming here!”
His puppy-like face turned combative. “I did!...only because I think it’s pretty though.” Your friend shied away, trying to uphold his promise of “chewing quieter,” and subsequently failing.
He wasn’t wrong however, the courtyard in the middle of the library was very pretty, and you had been glad that he had suggested the two of you take lunch there. Inside the square shaped yard, a few trees had been planted with low swaying branches of little oval shaped leaves. There were hedges and a myriad of flowering plants with petals that were pink or yellow or purple. Somehow the little square was untouched by sound, save for a couple songbirds. Had you not a copious amount of work to take care of, you would have admired it all for hours.
“--And to answer your question, no, I will not be done soon. Sorry. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
Seungcheol cooly threw one of his arms over the silver outdoor chair next to him, shaking you off. “I don’t mind. I don’t have anything else that I really wanna be doing right now.”
“--Your thesis maybe?” You crashed your knee into his under the table and threw him a teasing smirk.
“I said, anything that I want to do.”
You nabbed one of your chips back. “Suit yourself then.”
The door to the courtyard clicked, followed by the creak of the old library door. Such a metallic sound stole the tranquility of the whole space.
Jeonghan came floating behind you, dressed in his usual attire: some type of glamorous pairing of dress pants and a button down as well as shoes that looked as if they had just been shined. He wore some kind of cologne that draped after him with a dizzying type of efflorescence. Everything about him was meticulously planned, down to the few purposefully unkempt strands of chocolate brown hair on his forehead.
He craned his neck a little to see your messy scribbles.
“You’re reading Nebasifu?”
Jeonghan leaned over you, tracing a finger over the neon orange highlights you had made. He shocked you with how close he had let himself get to you, practically encapsulating you in his arms. You found yourself staring into his neck, that floral scent forcibly permeating your air.
He hummed as he read over your notes. “Interesting conclusions right? The fact that in governance we create more problems when trying to solves the ones we have already made? It’s all so circular isn’t it?”
Your sweating palm crunched the paper out from under his fingertips.
“--Really interesting. I’d like to finish it...if you please.” While your words were polite, but they still bit.
“I can recommend more similar readings if you’re interested?”
“I’m fine. Thanks for the offer.”
“If it doesn’t make sense, you can always reach out, we can talk it through...I’ve found that discussing--”
“--I said that I’m fine. Nice talking to you Jeonghan.” You cast your eyes down to your paper and attempt to slow your viciously beating chest.
fucking leave. You pleaded, knuckles turning white around your pen.
“Alright then. See you later.” He straightened his glasses upon his nose bridge. “I look forward to hearing what you have to say about the topics later.”
He swept his hand lightly across your back. It was the most fleeting of gestures, but your entire body froze from it.  
Jeonghan situated himself at one of the benches and drew out a book. He sat in the direct beams of the afternoon sun. The brown wisps of hair that hit the light looked nearly golden. You loathed that he was breathtaking without even really trying.
Seungcheol grinded his teeth, muttering out, “Fucking creep. He can’t talk to you like that.” Even quieter, “I’ll take him out for you if you want me to.”
You stifled a laugh. You couldn’t help your eyes which would flutter over to him like it was forbidden.
“No, don’t do that. But thank you ‘Cheol.”
“I’ll do it! I swear...”
Jeonghan had a terrible habit. Not like it was particularly distracting, it was just something that you had taken notice of. From where you would sit nearly across the room from him, he would remove his glasses, then rest one of the temple tips between his lips. Sometimes, the click of his teeth would meet the plastic. It was a simple action, but the way that the little curve would rest on the pink of his lips made your mind wonder...the poison that would leave those same lips couldn’t have been real; not when they looked so sweet.
“--anyone want to share what they got out of the readings and case studies? What can we learn about our interference and the sovereignty of other states?”
You were only partially paying attention when Jeonghan silently rose his hand.
“I think that Y/n had a particularly interesting oponion on this. We were discussing this previously.” He curved his body around to meet your eyes which had already been inspecting him.
With an expectant crossing of his arms, your professor approached your desk. “Y/n?”
Everyone’s eyes were on you, but Jeonghan’s burned with the hottest flame.
You took your shaking hands into your lap, then gave your oponion as eloquently as you could, swallowing down your nerves. As usual, you were perfectly well spoken, as you knew you were. The professor nodded along with each point of your argument.
“--Very well articulated Y/n. And your counterpoints are provoking as well.” He finally turned to pace away. “Would anyone like to expand?”
Your professor’s body mass moved, revealing Jeonghan’s nearly sinful prideful smile. It was like he had given you a test, and you had passed magnificently. With the cock of his head, he mouthed,
“that was lovely.”
“I’d like to expand.” He piped, removing his glasses. Just as he always would, he tapped them between his lips, letting the skin fall a little by them. You had noticed it before, but they were smooth and plump. “I think that Y/n is correct...in many ways, but some points are a bit misguided, I would argue....”
[09:23 pm]
cheol: you coming back anytime soon?  i can’t believe you’re doing this to me on a friday. is it really that serious?
[09:26 pm]
me: need I remind you that you should probably be here with me? thesis papers don’t write themselves.
cheol: and I should remind YOU that we literally just got off break? they aren’t due for months.
i know what you’re trying to prove.
it’s not worth it.
what does that asshole have over you?
“--Shouldn’t you be back at home with that golden retriever of yours?”
Jeonghan’s pen tapped at your table, white sleeves rolled up. The day had taken it’s toll on him. The bags under his eyes proved that even someone as picturesque as him could still be effected by your long days. Nevertheless disheveled, he was just as alluring.
“And shouldn’t you be flirting with one of your students?” You clicked your phone off.
“Cute. Luckily I’m not one of the desperate ones starving for the attention of the little undergrads. That's a different kind of pathetic.”
“Hmmm. I just thought that it was the attention that you were after.” Heat rose to your ears while you breathed your beating heart down.
"Who doesn’t like attention? Especially if it’s from the right people...speaking of undergrads...”
Jeonghan’s slender neck twisted to eye the obnoxious group of students huddled up on a table, giggling and making a mess of their snacks.
“You’re studying out here? I can’t even--”
“--I appreciate the concern, but you’re not helping my focus either.”
“Am I...distracting you?” Jeonghan swept his warm brown hair to the side with the cock of his eyebrow.
You shook out a sigh. “Yes.”
“You don’t have an office?”
“Department didn’t have any more.”
“I’ve got a study room that I host study sessions in. You want to use it?”
“You’re offering to help me?”
“Listen, I know how hard our program can be, and I appreciate how hard you work. You deserve a quiet place to work.”
“Are you complimenting me?”
“Don’t make me change my mind...and what would I do if the competition suddenly dropped out?” He tapped the table with his fingertips. “That wouldn’t be very much fun.”
Jeonghan’s study room was simple, just like all the others in the library. It was stark, white, the tables were a bit banged up and the white board was riddled with little ink remnants. There were glass windows nearly everywhere so you could overlook both the outdoors and the rest of the library on the opposite wall. As the two of you entered, he calmly closed all the blinds.
“No distractions right?” He looked back to you.
“...do you have something that you need to get done too?”
“Not really. I’ve submitted a good chunk of my thesis for review.”
Of course he had.
“I’m just waiting to hear back.”
He crossed the room to sit directly next to you, slinging his legs up on the table and taking out that same book from earlier: it had some pretentious title that you had never heard of before.
“Don’t mind me.” He chided your straying eyes. “I’m only staying to lock the door after you.”
“I-I’m not...” Your eyes feel back to your computer and you typed at your keyboard just to fill the sound of the quiet room.
Sitting this close to you, you could smell that dizzyingly sweet smell of his again.
You loathed him for the way that he could be doing nothing and you could be enthralled in merely that.
Jeonghan’s eyes didn’t leave his page. “The more that you look at me, the less you’re working.”
You hadn’t even noticed.
“I guess I’m more distracting than I thought.”
Furious heat rose from the pit of your stomach to the tips of your ears.
“What the hell do you get off on?” You spat.
He calmly placed his book on the table. “What are you referring to?”
“For the past three years, you haven’t left me alone for a single second, you-you always do everything that I do like you’re on some kind of sick quest to prove that you’re better than me, better than anyone else--”
“--You think that I’m copying you?”
“Wha-what else would you be doing?”
“--Getting an education? God, you think that I’m the attention whore, aren’t you hearing yourself?? You must think that I’m obsessed with you.”
“What is it then? A superiority complex so fucking huge--”
“--You’re asking what it is that I want?”
You nodded back with heaving breaths.
“What I get off on? Well...” Jeonghan chuckled a little and raked his hands through his brown strands. “You don’t deserve to know. But there is one thing that I’ve wanted for a while that I haven’t been able to get my hands on. I suppose that’s what I want most.”
“And that is?”
Tentatively, he rose his hand nearer to you, saying nothing, his aura shifting from cocky to intrigued. At first, his fingers traced over the skin of your hand as if he was drawing little pictures into it. After he brushed his hand up your arm to weave a little strand of your hair around his fingers.
“I said you don’t deserve to know.”
You must have been in a daze; some kind of waking intoxication before your thoughts could catch up with your actions. It was almost as if you weren’t thinking anything at all, but where acting on prime instinct. Your whole body screamed with utter frustration: every word that he spoke to you make you loathe him even more, you wouldn’t ever let him get away with it.
There was something that you too wanted most, no matter how abhorrent it was.
Your thighs squeezed into his sides where you had straddled him in his chair, holding on to him so tightly it hurt your muscles. The haste on your lips on his was messy and hot, a smearing of skin and teeth crashing together with fury, tongues rolling off eachother with an undeniable hunger. His arms didn’t wrap around you but rather clawed in your hair, pulling slightly at the roots while he pulled you in impossibly close. The mixing of your gasping breaths together where whiny and yearning. As he kissed into you, his lips curled into a devilish smile.
In your arousal, you shoved your hips into his lap, grinding down into your excitement and seeking some from him. To your surprise, you could feel his hardening dick which only made you weaker. All the hundreds of little fantasies that you had held so secret started to dance in your mind; your darkest thoughts pleaded for him to destroy you, to ravage you, just as you had imagined.
Jeonghan’s lips tore from your own which he had worked until they were swollen. He mouthed down your jaw to your neck, sucking at the skin with no chance of mercy, he pulled and sucked until you could only pathetically beg for him to slow down for fear of him breaking the skin.
He stopped immediately to pull your shirt over your head and pick up his work there. The wet of his gorgeously plump lips on your skin was as perfect as you had imagined and it sent shivers echoing through all your limbs.
This time you perfectly aware that it was indeed his name that would escaping off your tongue.
“You dumb slut, you thought I didn’t know that you wanted me?”
“You-you want me too?”
Jeonghan worked at the buttons on your pants.
“Wanting implies that I like you. What I want most is to make you my toy. There’s a difference.”
You mumbled out the words knowing exactly how he would take them. “I’m not a fucking toy.”
Jeonghan tsked and unbuttoned his own shirt. “You don’t get to decide that.”
You drew your fingers down his model-like toned chest, marveling in the pink lines. Jeonghan grunted in response, taking you by the underside of your thighs to throw you down on your back against the hard plastic. Once he had the chance, he ridded you of your bottoms, running his hands up your inner legs to send you reeling. For a couple seconds, you could have sworn that he had stopped to admire your body, but he wouldn’t let you tell too easily.
“That door isn’t locked.”
“What? Are you scared that someone could walk in? Scared to for someone to see you all splayed out like this?” He rose to kiss up your stomach and up to your nipples. He flicked them between his fingers. “To have someone see me making a wreck of you?”
With saliva drying on your sensitive buds, they turned hard in seconds when they met the air. Jeonghan wasn’t hesitant to pull at them with his teeth slightly, making you whine for him even more.
“What should I do to you first?”
One of his hands trickled down your body to palm at your quivering sex, slick with your excitement for him and aching for the smallest of touches.
“You want it that bad? Stupid whore.”
Your hand ventured down to tease at his own dick over the fabric of his slacks.
“You want it that bad?”
“Get off.” He growled at you, then took you by the arms to jerk you off of the table and onto your knees at the floor. Under your knees, the burn of the carpet stung. His belt buckle jingled a little as he hooked a finger in to remove it. Afterword, he shook his pants off followed by his briefs, springing loose his twitching member with the tip pink. He combed his fingers through your hair while he tapped his dick against your lips.
“Fucking take it.”
You would have fought him on it, but you succumbed out of your pure curiosity over his girth.
At first, you coaxed him into your mouth, not going in too deep as you were fearful about his length. Regardless, you took him in as best as you could, hollowing out your cheeks and throat, sucking with your lips and grabbing at his legs.
Jeonghan hissed out a sigh, letting himself fall further into the warmth of your mouth. He pushed at your head slightly, bringing you in just deep enough to trigger your gag reflex.
“Mmm there you go.” He cooed.
You kept going as he liked it, gradually working up in pace while it got a bit harder and harder for you to catch your breath.
“That’s as deep as you can go? Can’t even take a dick into your throat?”
His grip on your head tightened.
Jeonghan whispered, “Squeeze my leg if you want me to stop.” before helping your head all the way down, causing you to gag even harder and for tears to well in your eyes. “That’s more like it.”
He continued guiding your head, and slobber started to form around your mouth You felt so weak and pliable around him, he was thankless aside from the tiny moans he would let escape past his lips for you.
Usable as you felt, it was still a deliciously addictive feeling.  
All at once, he tore out of your mouth to bring you back up to your feet. In seconds he had turned you around to bend over the plastic tabletop, elbows digging into the cool surface. By now, you were practically dripping for him with knees and legs weak from kneeling. He kicked your legs open farther, gifting your ass a piercing slap that stung, then another followed after.
“Hungry for my cock, hmm?”
He teased your entrance without warning, sending your body crumbling over the table into a mess of whimpers and curses clenched behind your teeth. His lithe fingers were your fantasy come to life.
“I-I can’t wait any longer...” You urged him on.
Jeonghan pushed your face into the table then slid his fingers above to curl around your neck. He encircled around the skin slowly, then dug in to close your airway. You choked out desperate little sounds, then he entered you carefully, making sure that you felt every part of him.
“Hmm. Pretty...” He allowed you. Even though it was just one word of praise, you reveled in it.
His pale fingers choked you harder for a few more seconds until he properly got his pace inside of you, letting go to hold you by your waist. Once again, he clapped his hand into your skin as he fucked into you. All you could manage to do with your hands was claw helplessly at the smooth tabletop seeking some kind of balance that was nowhere to be found. He grazed the deepest and most sensitive spot within you and you felt yourself nearly reaching your climax.
“I-is that all that you can do?” You turned his confidence back against him, spurring him on just as you had wanted. He snapped his hips even faster, groaning out as he neared his release.
“My pretty little fucktoy. You’re all mine? Got it?”
Jeonghan leaned over your back to pant the words into your ear.
“Fucking say it.”
“I-I’m...” Your focus was scrambled as your orgasm pooled within.
“I’m yours...your...pretty-mm-fucktoy.”
Jeonghan came inside of you with white heat, pulsating forcefully, with you following soon after while he milked himself with your walls. Even as you still came down, he rolled his hips into you over and over until your whole body was shaking helplessly.
“That’s right.” He pulled out, then pulled your legs apart to watch his cum fall out of your hole.
Jeonghan laughed to himself, “Thank you for giving me what I wanted.”
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justadram · 4 years ago
I'm so sorry to bother, but do you have any more parenting advices? And maybe how not to lose yourself into your new role and new life?
No bother! Becoming a mom is huge and I honestly didn’t know what to ask for going in the first time and was really struggling by about 6 months. Like on the couch consumed with intrusive thoughts level struggling. Out of control anxiety and depression. The second time around, I knew what I needed and asked for it loudly.
I think moms lose themselves for a variety of reasons, including lack of sleep, isolation, losing their sense of self from their job, and lives revolving around the kids.
Number one, you need a support system. Have a plan before the baby comes. Be ready to expand that support if need be. Maybe that means daycare, babysitters, a nanny, extended family, a partner. I’m an only child and my parents are elderly and raising a teenager, so I can’t depend on them for childcare or date nights. I had a nanny 15 hours a week, when I was working days, and when that semester ended and I had a toddler and was pregnant, we kept her on. IDGAF if someone wants to judge me. Having her focus on Wesley three days a week for a few hours, while I focused on a newborn and recovered from a c-section, allowed me to sleep and kept me from slipping into that depression and anxiety that plagued me the first time.
Our family situation means my husband is gone from about 5am - 7pm M-F and often for a good portion of the weekend. I’m alone. A LOT. So, my husband and I had a system. He was the one that got up with the baby. Our babies were good sleepers, so that only meant about 6 weeks of middle of the night feedings, but even though I was home and he went to work, I had to be 100% present during the day, emotionally and physically, so he sacrificed the sleep and napped in his car if need be during lunch. Once he got home at night, he was the diaper changer, and on vacations, he totally took over that stuff to give me a break. That’s what worked for us, and honestly big side-eye to uninvolved partners. Now that the boys are a little older, after dinner is over, I go do my thing, while he hangs out with the boys for the hour before bedtime. Maybe I write, maybe I stare at Netflix, maybe I soak in the tub, but I get some alone time.
Isolation is really common, especially with a newborn. I’m an introvert, so mom groups or newborn yoga sounded like a nightmare to me, but that is a great resource for some new moms! Our hospital had tons of groups to join, and as they get older, preschools and elementary schools often have groups that you can get involved in, which are either social or volunteer based. I asked my mom to come walk with me every day for 15 - 30 minutes. I kid you not that we had Wesley out in the snow all bundled up, so as to not miss our walk. Maybe you have a sister or a friend, someone, who you can meet up with pushing the stroller around or to grab a coffee with. Something consistent. An adult to talk to, complain to, laugh with. I talk on the phone a lot to my mom too, now that we’re living that sweet pandemic life.
Meet ups also give you a reason to get dressed, and I’m a big believer in feeling better when you’re put together. Dirty hair don’t care, but I get dressed.
Get out period. Fresh air and sunshine. It doesn’t have to cost money. Stroll around the park with the kiddos. Our zoo is free, and I used to take Charlie every morning to ride the zoo train around and around and around, which he loved and I loved too. Do something that gets you out that you can enjoy at least as much as your kid does.
If your identity is tied up in a hobby or your job, be sure your plan involves still doing that thing. Even if it’s reduced timewise, you shouldn’t have to give everything up. Is your partner giving everything up?? And if you don’t have a hobby, now is a good time to develop one. It sounds trite, but when I was struggling, I couldn’t write, but I could make a wreath or embroider or work on a coloring book, and that really helped my mood. I don’t particularly base my worth on being a professor, BUT I kept teaching, one night class a week, and getting dressed, speaking to adults, doing the thing I know I’m good at, and being alone in the car were all really good for me. Shout out to my fellow stay at home tumblr friend, who used to take every Tuesday night as her Starbucks fanfic writing night. Do what fulfills you.
Finally, find ways to still get out with your partner or friends. Find a good sitter and go out to dinner, a concert, a movie, a game, or whatever. Footloose and fancy free! Or find a restaurant where you feel comfortable bringing the whole family and make it a habit to go. Last year, pre-pandemic, we established a Sunday dinner out tradition with my family, and that was such a good mental reset.
This is all to say that you have to still be a human outside of being a person who keeps babies and little ones alive. The modern world isolates women in a very unnatural way, depriving us of a network of support that historically we always had access to. Build it for yourself and fiercely protect your right as a human to have your own needs met beyond just getting a shower in. It’s hard. My family situation is a challenge made more difficult by the pandemic, but with all things, this too shall pass: both the pandemic and this stage of life. <3 <3 <3
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quercussp · 5 years ago
Hey I'm not the anon from mandy's tumblr but I'm having the same issues with procrastination like the other anon. I actually do really on my midterms and i perform really well in class. But for some reason everything goes wrong when it comes to finals. I literally cannot make myself study at all. So at finals i write answers with what i remember just from class and get a mediocre grade. I know if i could actually apply myself my grades would improve so much. Thx for listening to my rant
Hey anon! Just a disclaimer: everybody’s different and my advice won’t work for everyone, but here’s what I think might help.
Part of why you can’t force yourself to study before finals can very well be that you are just very tired by the end of the semester. And that’s absolutely valid. But one strategy is to try to retain more energy to last you until the finals. School is a marathon, not a sprint, and I feel like it took me some time to learn that. My recommendation would be to:
1) ALWAYS prioritize sleep. I know there’s this whole thing about pulling allnighters and being constantly sleep deprived. Fuck that. Sleep is the most important resource you have, and your brain cannot function well if it doesn’t sleep enough.
2) start preparing for the finals in advance to not feel like you have to crunch everything in your brain at the last moment. There are a couple of very easy things you can do to do that actually.
- keep written notes of all classes. this is actually the most useful tool anyone can have. keep coherent and full notes, even if it’s in the textbook, or the syllabus, even if you get handouts, even if the powerpoints are available afterwards. writing something down makes you remember it much better, and rereading your own notes helps retain much much more information than reading a book or reading someone else’s notes. i attribute 80% of my academic success to good note keeping. in a lot of classes, i actually take the time right after class to rewrite my notes more succinctly and correctly, and go through them to see if i actually got everything, especially if the class is taught in a way that doesn’t allow you to take notes during it.
- if you have a syllabus or a list of topics for the final ahead of time, take the time to go through it and physically write out bullet points for every point. i really can’t stress the writing part enough. it helps so much. here’s how i prepare for an exam or final:
i take the syllabus or list of questions/topics and divide it into three categories: things i can answer off the top of my head, things i have some idea about and things i know practically nothing about. then i make a plan: first work on the ones you know nothing about to get them to the middle category. having a concrete goal helps with the procrastination, because you don’t feel like the task is endless. while you’re writing out the notes for your questions/topics, i also suggest listening to classical music. not only will it make it less boring, but it actually helps your brain make additional connections. then in the next day i tackle the second category of questions. and so on. the key is to break it down into manageable chunks so you don’t spend 12 hours a day studying for one exam. it’s better to have a two hour productive study session than to spend 10 hours but not actually getting any information down. and the last day, or at least evening before the exam - i put away all my books and relax. go to the gym, have dinner with friends (no drinking though) and have a good nights sleep. that helps your brain process and remember information much better.
- if you’re allowed a cheat shit - USE IT! writing out a good cheat sheet is the absolute best way to remember things. actually, if you’re not allowed one, treat the previous part of this as making a cheat sheet (which it is). you’re trying to get each topic into just a couple bullet points, and that process of summarizing information is actually the learning part. so making a cheat sheet will get you to learn much much more than just reading through your notes or a book.
i can’t stress this enough - writing out things makes you remember them so much better, especially if you write them out bullet point or diagram style.
most importantly, at the end of the day remind yourself that grades and exam results are not an expression of what you’re worth as a person. it’s just a number or a letter, that signifies how much out of the asked things you answered. having a good grade doesn’t make you a better person, having a bad grade doesn’t make you bad. treat grades as something there to use as a tool, not the ultimate goal. 
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sugar-petals · 6 years ago
I really hate to admit this.. but I'm the *SCREECHES* type of writer. During the day I can't think of a main idea, plot, or theme so I end up doing it at 12 am, ending at 6 am (since I have to write three essays.) At that time I suddenly know what to write for my essays. This isn't healthy for me because since I am constantly sleep deprived, my body has became more acquaint to the small amount of sleep I receive.
Unless you are Stephen King with a 2k words routine in a set time frame, few writing habits are ever perfectly ‘healthy’ in the conventional sense. Especially in the definition of our 9-5 world where the impossible-to-defeat educational system challenges you with harsh workloads, forced socialization, inbuilt exam anxiety, one-fits-all drill approaches, rendering a competition out of everything instead of making it enjoyable, killing your curious brain via teaching to learn set/limited/skewed knowledge by heart, and deadlines that mess you up. Mind that perspective here. I think, we write when we write. That’s okay & we have to follow what the body says, resisting & torture with an ordinary schedule only makes it worse. 
The night makes for a good time since you have lowered inhibition, absolute silence, plus your melatonin hormone (which regulates alertness) will only drop much later in the morning when you’re a night owl. That is natural, your body is built for a certain circadian rhythm of your own. It’s hard to fight, it gets back to you. If you feel like writing around 6 for your essays, make notes, other people might not have any ideas at all at any point of the day.
Point is: Once you obey your intuitive rhythm, you will not be sleep deprived. In fact, you will notice how consistent you become. Only make sure your blue light exposure is not too high and you supplement for Vitamin D.
Going beyond that: What really is the case... Your body does not need sleep, it needs rest. Most people think sleep is healthy but stress out on it so much that its purpose — to put you at rest — is not fulfilled. That gives you a vicious cycle instead of a sleep cycle. Lose-lose. Battling against inspiration is of no use in the first place, you have to find your resting frame. It might even by polyphasic where you say have activity for 4 hours, and sleep for 20 minutes, repeat. Da Vinci and Christiano Ronaldo are examples for that, it works for some.
I’m a night owl, 95% unable to write during the day. Believe it or not, I rest from 6 AM to 12 AM, get my sunlight and people stuff later in the day. None (!) of my stories would exist nor would my mind be as precise to even write in a different language if I didn’t find my frame and give up on attempting to wake at 6, plunging myself into the stress hormone roller coaster for the rest of the day. If I do that, I become a monster, and I can’t write one word.
Guess why I never made fics when I was in school, I’m petty about this. The lessons all took place during my natural resting period that feels the most comfortable. The inner artist was as dormant as my sleeping schedule. I really did have to wait it out until uni and there was no other choice except sleeping in the afternoon which my social environment frowned upon, fuck them. This world is very hard to establish your own creative process in, again the one-fits-all is a one-fails-most. You might as well sit down at 12 AM. A lot of famous guys have had routines around that time because they didn’t give a shit. 
Take Franz Kafka, he had my exact writing routine. You write like Balzac did starting around midnight. Writers simply have a different clock in their head.
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archatlas · 7 years ago
Hii, I'm graduating soon from high school and am planning on studying architecture. Is there any words of advice, or perhaps something I should be careful about? Anything really; how was it for you when you started everything? I love your blog btw!
Here are some words of advice for incoming architecture students originally published in ArchDaily that I consider very complete.
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School is what you make of it, so give it your best.
Ask Questions: You will (most likely) never be in this type of learning environment and be surrounded by this many intellectuals again, so make the most of it.
Teach yourself: Even though you’ll be learning from your teachers and fellow students, it’s important to teach yourself the things that aren’t always included in the curriculum. The internet is home to a beautiful, magnificent, constantly-updated treasure trove of tutorials.
Organize & catalog your research: In the digital age, information can be excessive and overwhelming. Taking the time to organize your research not only refines your results, but helps develop your taste and can serve as a tool in the future.
Travel: Nothing can compare to experiencing a city or building in person - and it will look good on your resume.
Read all that you can: Use your school’s library to comb through journals and books. Follow your favorite site’s RSS feeds.
Don’t be afraid to question your teachers: It can be tempting to gain favor with your tutors by doing everything they say, but there are many ways to approach architecture and becoming a clone of someone else isn’t always the best way. You’ll produce more interesting and individual architecture by learning from your teachers, but also questioning them occasionally.
Persevere: Frustration will be part of your everyday life when studying architecture. Each year will test your resolve to continue in the profession, but if you love the work, keep mind of the big picture.
Be Patient: Listening to an arrogant colleague or professor might be hard work, but there is always something to learn – even if it’s just what not to do.
Create freely: Schools are there to open our minds. Don’t let others close it. Often you will not find reasons for some architectural decisions you make. Just believe in your will. You have just five years of total experimental freedom.
Go to class: Though this may seem like a no-brainer, often Architecture students skip lectures to work on studio projects. Not only are you depriving yourself of a break from studio and a well-rounded education, it’s the worst form of disrespect to your professors who have spent time preparing their lectures.
Stay busy: Though downtime is rare, find a measurable and resolvable problem to work at when you have it. Enter competitions or try solving problems in your immediate environment, like making your studio more environmentally friendly.
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Architecture school can be strenuous, but you’ll be far more effective as a fully functioning student than as an overworked zombie.
Don’t be competitive: School is about learning, not about “one-upping” your classmates. The mindset of comparing your work to others in a creative field is not only nonsensical, but dangerous.
Get some sleep: There’s nothing romantic or cool about slaving away all night at a project. With proper time management and hard work, all-nighters can be avoided. Sometimes, you might find that it’s unavoidable, but try not to make a habit of it.
Join a soccer/frisbee/croquet/dance/etc team: Exercise and time away from studio does a body good. Dodgeball, anyone?
Purchase wisely: Some universities will ask you to show up with pencils, pens, set squares, charcoals, watercolors, and hundreds of dollars’ worth of books. Architecture is one of the most expensive degrees as it is - so when you’re starting out, it’s best to wait and see what you’ll actually use.
Enjoy every new project: Every project should be a long moment of joy and fun. Change the mentality of differentiating work and vacations – Architecture must be both the greatest love and challenge in your life.
Stay energized: Eat full meals at proper times whenever possible. When it isn’t, make sure to keep healthy snacks available - a tin of almonds and cashews or a crate of clementines can save your life.
Cook for yourself: Pack lunch and dinner if you can - it doesn’t take much longer to cook a little extra. Around deadlines, preparing in advance can save you money and give you extra time in studio.
Make friends: The importance of a support system, and the simple company of others cannot be understated. Don’t fall into the trap of the lonely genius; you could miss out on lifelong friendships and possibly business partners.
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These are people you’ll be working with for 4-5 years so leave a good impression!
Respect others: Unless you’ve been given explicit permission, don’t touch other people’s models and don’t rifle through the stuff on their desk. It sounds like common sense, but sometimes curiosity can get the best of you.
Respect the space: Keep studio a place for work. Architecture school can be fun, and it’s easy to get side tracked by good friends after many long working hours. However, keep the fun – especially if it’s loud, to other parts of the school where people aren’t trying to do their work. Take calls outside and listen to music on your headphones.
Keep spare clothes/deodorant in your studio locker: There’s no real replacement for a shower, but your colleagues will thank you for your consideration.
A tin of mints goes a long way: They can help with everything from long nights to coffee breath to networking.
Make it clear when you want to work: Nothing says, “do not disturb” like a hoodie and headphones.
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Not only will this help you have an easier time after you graduate, you’ll learn more about the profession and do better in school.
Build your network: Your classmates are your greatest resource for collaboration. What better time to reach out than when the consequences are the least severe they’ll ever be?
Keep your options open: School is an opportunity for trial and error. Architectural education is a multi-faceted one, often touted as the last true Liberal Arts degree. Many graduates go onto multi-disciplinary practices – fashion, graphic design, industrial design and publication are just a few options.
Build: Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or get involved with programs that give you hands on experience. A set of drawings on a piece of paper will never teach you the beauty of a perfectly laid brick wall or the elegance of a wood connection. More and more schools are embracing design/building studios, where you will have the opportunity to learn more about how to actually build. If you have the chance, take one of those studios!
Learn to write: Writing is an invaluable skill in architecture that’s closely rooted to the successful communication of design ideas. Write. Edit. Repeat. Better articulation often results in a clearer design process and you’ll develop a better appreciation for what to say during reviews and crits by practicing in writing.
Stay humble: The greatest trap of architecture school is to believe that you are better than others. Recognize that you will always be a student, constantly learning. You are here to provide a service for others – not greedily guard your ideas and look down your nose at those who don’t understand “good design.”
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dutch-polyglot · 6 years ago
Okay so I love this, because it's so important to remember we're all human and literally no one is perfect. Also ty for tagging me Kin<3! So uhhh, let's start
I've been late for class three weeks straight now
I've gotten several bad grades, not just "bad" but I'm talking threes (out of ten) for multiple subjects
Though I took two years to graduate from my last high school, I didn't know what to do, took a year off to work and ended up back in high school again
I had a mental breakdown at school yesterday because I can't handle the workload but have to do it all to make it into uni next year
Might've skipped an entire book of homework out of the three books we have to work through for our maths final (to put it into perspective, each book is a year's worth of material)
Literally haven't touched my physics book outside of class knowing I am bad at the subject and needing the practice to get even a four (a five is a pass)
Honestly still don't regret it but I went to a concert during exam week and had about 4 hours of sleep before the first geography exam I've ever had
Was late for my second geography exam ever, mainly because I slept 5 hours for three days in a row bc my sleep schedule is terrible and I had to get up at 7 for three days in a row. That third day I had three exams and terribly failed one of them, could've gotten better grades for the others as well had I not been sleep deprived
Still can't write a fuckin essay even though I have to hand one in in 2,5 weeks that's 10 pages long and if I score below a 5 I won't graduate
When I'm at school I always chat with people instead of actually being productive or uhhhh paying attention in class
Anyways that's enough for todayXD I won't tag anyone because this is something you have to want to do, but please don't be shy!
✨ studyblr confessions ✨
Let’s try to break the stigma that surrounds studyblr. Write at least 5 things (the more the merrier) you do that aren’t ‘studyblr’ and tag some friends to reblog and do the same 🥰
(If this has been done before I’m sorry, I was not aware!)
I’ll start:
I don’t own a desk. I bought a beautiful white one because of studyblr but sold it as I prefer to work on my couch as I feel more motivated and less confined
I never go to in person lectures and watch mine all at home to relive some of my anxiety
I’m not apart of any extracurricular clubs or activities on campus and rarely socialise with people on my classes
My hand writing is really messy and I take all my notes on my laptop
I always procrastinate assignments and studying till the week before or even later
I almost failed my first statistics report by a few marks
Even though I’m very ‘organised’ I often can spend more time organising and planning then doing my work
Honestly if a tutorial isn’t compulsory I will most likely skip it
I’ve spent a lot of time on studyblr convincing myself that it’s productive compared to doing my work
Reblog and add your own! 
I tag: everyone! @parleonstudies @warmhealer @emmastudies @regencystudies @raaven-nerd @therobotstudies @youneverstudyalone @ploverstudies @anatomyandcappuccini @studydiaryofamedstudent @studyign @graystudie @crimstudies @bentostudy @crimstudies @annastudying @feistudy @cypherbujo @peppermint-studign @caffeineinfusedstudy @littlewitchacademic @pinetreestudies @tiny-personal-university-thing @peachyboy-studies @stormy-study 
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