#i would tear that guy apart like a badger
fungi-maestro · 2 years
I still can't fathom how Vic has had three love interests for over 50 years he has existed. He's so weird he should not be fucking.
LMAO? You're right, honestly. He is so weird. I think he's full of red flags, personally, and yet somehow people keep falling for his strange demeanor and weird behavior...... Maybe there's hope for us all.
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curiousquirks · 2 years
okay so, here's my request 😼 sorry this is too long 😭😭
this imagine has been spinning around my mind for a while now and... imagine prohero!reader x best jeanist as a married couple. prohero!reader is known as charismatic, brave, bold and confident (a similar personality to mirko's!) who's not shy to express their emotions, specially to their husband; they take place as the number 4 hero and their relationship with the number 3 hero is quite popular among people and more known as power couple (since when they fight together, they're just amazing). but what would happen if they have an argument about something not too serious and take some time apart to clear their minds? the media goes crazy and starts a hero drama, endless gossiping about them, entire internet blogs making theories and, specially, reporters surrounding jeanist and prohero!reader looking for answers about what could've possibly happened to make the so powerful couple separate momentarily (failing miserably because none of them would talk about their personal lives). tsunagu starts feeling annoyed by all the drama over a little argument but reader remains chill about it, they aren't really mad, so the story ends when tsunagu is being surrounded one day by reporters asking the same things as the last week and prohero!reader appears on scene with a rose in hand, apologizing and ready to patch up the past argument with their spouse in front of the camera! they make up and reader gives hakamada a kiss over his hero costume and leaves for patrol, stating out loud they love him humongously beyond the argument (leaving tsunagu heart-warmed).
this would be a oneshot with an humoristic/romantic-fluffy touch if possible (feel free to give reader a quirk of your choice if you want). SORRY IF IT'S A LOT, feel free to ignore♡
Red Threads of Fate
Word Count: 2,023
A/N: I appreciate all of the details, they honestly help me so much so don’t worry about it! I hope you like it! This also took longer than I thought but I made it a longer fic to hopefully make up for it aha <3 Still not that used to writing Best Jeanist so I hope I did him justice. Enjoy <3
Your head whipped around towards your TV when you heard your Hero name.  Your local news anchor was currently moving onto a “special segment” they called Troubles in Paradise. You paused your actions as you moved closer to hear him better.
“And no new development on either half of the dynamic power couple, it seems they need time to work on their differences. We here at the station don’t fear for their relationship, knowing nothing could tear them apart.” 
“Thank you.” You replied to the man, as though he could hear you. “I know you guys wouldn’t care as much as the other stations do.” You know Tsunagu was no doubt growing irritated with the public’s meddling in your relationship, making up their own narrative to your private but childish argument.
“That doesn’t stop other sources from trying to figure out just what made two of our top Heroes to part even temporarily. Some have stated that Best Jeanist seems to be getting restless without his spouse by his side. Are the troubles in paradise going to affect his performance as a Pro Hero? Here's hoping they kiss and make up soon.”
You picked up the remote and clicked the TV off, giving a soft laugh to yourself. The public and media was always eager to pick apart every detail of Pro Heroes, their relationships were no exception. It didn’t bother you at all, you’ve grown used to the constant badgering and pestering. Sometimes, it was even amusing to you. Tsunagu, on the other hand, finds it tiring when they come to the wrong conclusion. Image is everything after all, and when the public doesn’t have the full story they’ll go out of their way to fill in the gaps themselves. 
You were currently staying in your own agency building, agreeing with Tsunagu on it being best to give each other space. You’ve made jokes to a reporter that had cornered you that being around each other too often would lead to more petty arguments, especially because you enjoyed messing with him far too much. Tsunagu however, after hearing your little comment, didn’t appreciate how lightly you were taking this whole thing. He had known, without even having to look at any article or forums, that you weren’t helping any false narratives people kept trying to spin. You telling him to lighten up and relax didn’t help your little lover’s quarrel either. 
It had been a few days now, time flying by because the antics of various villains in both of your areas proved a large distraction. You plopped yourself down onto the nearest chair, beginning to mindlessly scroll on your phone. Sure enough, your timelines were filled with you and your husband, usually with the tagline: “If they break up I give up on love!!” You clicked your tongue, heaviness sinking in your heart. You really missed Tsunagu. You threw your head back, letting out a long exhausted sigh. This was going to need to be fixed soon and you didn’t really care how at this point. It was both of your prides at this point, the argument wasn’t even worth this much drama. 
You looked back at your phone, swiping until you could scroll through your own collection of photos you’ve taken with Tsunagu. You scrolled for a few minutes but you had to put your phone down, throwing your arm over your face. You stayed like that until you grew tired enough to move to somewhere more comfortable. You paused, deciding whether or not to toss your phone onto the table but waging a war with yourself. You quickly swiped up on your text messages before you quickly typed a message to Tsunagu, but had decided not to send it, leaving it up on your phone before you had gone to sleep for the night. 
I miss you and your stupid blue jeans <3
Being rudely awoken because of an emergency alarm asking for your assistance was something you still hadn’t gotten used to. You sprung into action, quickly putting on your hero costume as you as you contacted your sidekicks to assist you. Your efficiency was impeccable and one of the many reasons you were so praised, quickly arriving at the scene to assist civilians and take down any Villain in sight. 
You handled aiding the civilians you spotted immediately with ease, their concerns and uneasiness falling off of them at just the sight of you. You had helped move any rubble and debris that was in the way, scooping up the random strangers and taking them somewhere safer. You’ve been keeping an eye out for the Villain but you can’t seem to find any sign of them. You assessed the damage on the victims you had near you before you signaled over two of your sidekicks who finished aiding some other civilians themselves.
“Help aid their injuries, this one has a broken leg and that one needs stitches.” You commanded them as they both immediately got to work. You checked around again before calling back down to your sidekicks. “Have either of you seen the Villain anywhere? I haven’t seen any signs.”
You watched as both of them looked at each other, seeming to debate whether or not to tell you something. You narrowed your eyes, but before you could open your mouth you heard cheering coming from the far side of the battle field that was obstructed from your vision.
“Is another Hero already here?”
“Uh…well uhm Best Jeanist also arrived on the scene and he was taking care of the Villain while you had aided these civilians.” One of your sidekicks explained, not looking you in the eyes as they tried to focus on helping the person in front of them. 
“Jeanist is here?” You asked, looking back towards the area where you heard the cheering. “What’s he doing in this area?”
“We’ll handle everything from here if you want to go and uhm…greet the crowd…” The other sidekick started saying before letting the sentence fall off before trying to quickly add on: “I’m sure they’ll appreciate being able to thank you as well.”
“He shows up in my area and takes care of the Villain, taking the credit from the public…” You ranted in hushed whispers, crossing your arms, scoffing at the audacity. “Is he trying to get a bunch of good publicity to get the media off his back about our fight?”
A quiet ow had you spinning around as the second sidekick was holding their arm after getting hit by the other. You sighed, rolling your eyes, as you composed yourself. You were being unreasonable and didn’t intend to let your frustrations be front stage for the civilians behind you, so you quickly flashed a grin at them. 
“My sidekicks will take good care of you until rescue teams arrive. I'm going to go assist Best Jeanist with taking in the Villain responsible for this.” You reassured the civilians, flashing a thumbs up at them before rushing off towards the crowd. Maybe fate was on your side for this encounter.
You rushed over, spotting a flower cart out of the corner of your eye. You made a small detour before getting over the collapsed rubble with ease. Sure enough, Best Jeanist had the large Villain thoroughly secured with extensive lengths of threads. He was currently talking with various civilians and an onslaught of people with cameras as he waited for transport. You casually made your way over, the second your presence was seen the crowd screaming your Hero name. Tsunagu eyes glancing towards you, his obscured face completely unreadable, something you were cursing. Surely he wasn’t still upset.
“Good thing you were in the area, Best Jeanist.” You called out cheerfully, any bitterness you’ve held onto from before was gone. “Had no idea you would be over here.”
The quick and harsh whispers from the crowd didn’t go unnoticed from either you or Tsunagu. You could see him close his eyes briefly, probably cursing your insistence on not taking your public image as seriously as he did. The reporters seemed to be at odds with themselves, struggling to decide if they wanted to turn the cameras towards you or keep them on Best Jeanist, eager to learn more about this apparent ongoing argument. All of the reporters kept talking over each other trying to get a statement from you. 
“Are you two still at odds?”
“You didn’t know he was going to be in the area? Were you planning on coming to apologize to your spouse, Best Jeanist?”
“Can you tell us what started this feud between you two?”
“Is there not enough in common for you two to keep things together?”
“Did one of you cheat on the other?”
The last question that you heard gave you a pause, immediately causing you to look at Tsunagu. Your voice was loud and commanding as you shouted for silence, forcing the talking to come to a sudden halt. You took a deep breath, Tsunagu’s eyes snapping to you, eyes slightly wide in seeming shock. 
“Guys, guys, guys. That’s enough okay.” You said, trying to ease the crowd growing antsy. “I admit this little disagreement between us has gone on for too long, isn’t that right babe?” You lifted up your arm bumping your elbow into his side as a not so subtle signal.
“I’m afraid we’ve been quite busy and weren’t able to set up any official explanations for our strange behavior. Which we both apologize for, of course.” Tsunagu had explained with that elegant grace as he always did. “Much like frayed denim needs delicate hands and care to prevent the threads from coming apart, our disagreement needed time apart for us to not handle it incorrectly.”
“Actually Tsunagu…” You had turned towards him, pulling out a rose you had snatched off a flower cart you had passed coming over here. “I should’ve just apologized, instead of dragging it on. I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to admit to being wrong.” 
You saw Tsunagu pause for only a moment before his eyes softened, his hand reaching out to grab the rose from you. He delicately twisted the stem in his fingers as he clasped his hand in yours. “I was at fault too, my love. Stubbornness is not one of my best traits, I admit.” He said, smiling underneath his denim collar.
You grinned at him, stretching up to place a kiss against his covered mouth. “We have those red threads of fate wrapped around our fingers.” You explained, moving your fingers to hook your pinky around his. “We may disagree at times, sometimes for something stupid, but nothing is going to tear that thread apart.”
Tsunagu marks this as another moment where he swears that he falls even more in love with you everyday. The aw’s and cooing from the crowd was drowned out as he focused solely on you. He marked every single detail of your beautiful face into his memory, cursing his pride for how long it had been since he had last seen it. Despite his irritation at some of your antics, he wouldn’t trade you for anything and couldn’t have asked for a better partner. 
You heard your sidekicks calling out for you, your head looking back towards them. You let go of Tsunagu’s hand as you waved at the crowd next to you. “Sadly, duty calls!” You called out, making your way towards your sidekicks. “I love you, Tsunagu!”
You moved over the rubble with that same grace you did the first time. He heard your voice calling over the debris still: “I love you a lot! Like a whole bunch! Annoyingly, one might say!” 
Tsunagu looked down at the rose, his eyes falling to his pinky, his mind imaging that little red thread. His eyes could see it leading right over that debris you just jumped over, smiling to himself before he turned his attention back to the crowd he still needed to address again. 
That little red thread of fate that wouldn’t tear no matter what pulled you two apart. He couldn’t be luckier.
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allieebobo · 5 months
Would any of the CTOS characters go and see Challengers?
Take my answer with a pinch of salt because I have not yet seen the movie, but:
Emerson would be clamoring to go watch it as a team (they're the one usually most plugged in about New Movies. "It has TENNIS! It has ROMANCE!!" they would shout, flapping their arms about. "What more could one ask for?"
Sam loves movies and loves tennis media, so they'd be the first one (well, alongside Emerson) to hear about the movie and attempt to persuade everyone they know to go watch it. They'd probably even suggest watching it with MC 'simultaneously', in separate cinemas, texting reactions throughout..
Deepal, shrugging, would follow that up with, "I miss the froyo place by the cinema. I'm in" — though I think they'd generally be down to watch Challengers, it has plenty of drama, humor, and there's a love triangle. "Too bad there are no dance numbers," would be their only criticism — they'd grown up on a steady diet of Bollywood movies, after all.
Tobin would most likely want to watch the movie as a team activity — and have dinner after; they'd offer to drive, and if anyone were still on the fence, that would probably tip the scales even further in favor of going to watch the challengers.
Max would be down, immediately. Blake would be in it for Zendaya, probably — they're not exactly Gen-Z, but they are about as obsessed with Zendaya as the average Gen-Z person (honestly I feel like this is a fair statement but is a terrible generalization I plucked out of my ass).
Lee, depending on whether or not the movie is actually good, would throw their support behind Emerson, or scoff quietly and proceed to dissect the movie and tear it apart (if bad). Generally I think they usually go for more indie movies + movies with more POC/queer rep though.
Akimi would probably not be super into the movie since they usually like wacky absurdist / thriller / horror movies, but would eventually agree, "so long as you guys promise to choose a horror movie for the next team movie sesh."
Jacks would not be that interested, but eventually be dragged along / swept up by Emerson's enthusiasm (they've never been very good at saying no to Emerson).
Rayyan would also be pretty 'meh' about it. "I'd rather play tennis than watch tennis, and if I wanted to watch tennis, I'd rather watch actual tennis," they'd grumble. Eventually though, they'd give in (probably), because they're not as immune to Tobin/Deepal/ the rest of the team's badgering as they try to appear. Depending on the movie, they might even end up enjoying it.
The movie would not be on G's radar at all, but if someone suggested watching it with them, they'd probably not disagree — they enjoy watching all sorts of things, and with MC being a tennis player, they'd probably be interested in learning more about tennis. D would be curious as well, and probably rally the rest of the hall to watch it together. Addie would probably think it's a waste of time (oof, harsh) but might come if they have a close relationship with MC.
Coach Sy would probably not watch it. She has a soft spot for nature documentaries and mysteries, and Challengers doesn't quite cut it. Coach Jones would probably watch it — he's very into sports movies.
Think that covers everyone?
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justiisms · 1 year
*kaito is extra excited for today, the boy looking as pleased as can be as he leads his dad and his uncle to the kitchen!*
"Aunt Phan and I worked long and hard on what to get you, and we decided it would be best to combine it all into one, big gift! It took all day, but I think we did an amazing job!!" *and if phan is also in the room, she'll be standing right beside a loafing duchess who's all puffed up, helping to block the view of the absurdly wide cake that's taken over most of the counter! the determined kitty will then give a long mrrrow once she sees kaito, wiggling a little before she leaps into his arms and starts trying to climb towards phanty!!*
"Whoa!! Haha, looks like auntie and I aren't the only ones eager to celebrate today~!! Lookit, lookit!!" *kaito then walks over and tilts his head towards the blue badger and gudetama combo cake, a cake topper for each of the figures placed at one end while the rest of the rectangular cake is in a checkerboard pattern, each 'side' having its own flavor!*
"We thought it would be best to have one big cake instead of two smaller cakes not only because it would look nicer, but because you two are inseparable! You two mean the world to each other and what better way of showing that then having both of your little mascots teaming up to wish you both a happy birthday~!!"
As Bobby and Phanty follow Kaito to the kitchen, their smiles widen in excitement as they hear him explain! "Oho~? My, how exciting! I just know we'll love what you guys made for us!"
"Yes.. we know it's gonna be great!" Nods Phanty in agreement! Phan will indeed be waiting in the room by Duchy, perking up when they all arrive as she waves!!
"Hi hi~! Nice to see you birthday kings, we've excitedly been waiting for you two! Oh-!!" Seeing Duchy hop onto Kaito and then trying to reach Phanty, she giggles~ "Hehe, that's right! Duchy is just as excited!! We're so excited to finally surprise you wiiiith.. This!!! Happy Birthday, Bobby and Phantyyy~!!"
The two had greeted her back, and Phanty happily goes to grab Duchy, snickering as he begins nuzzling her while Bobby leans in to pet her. Then, they'll turn their attention towards the cake, both eyes going wide at the sheer size of it!! "!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!*
As they step closer and walk around the table to get a full view of the cake, they gasp in sheer awe.... "My goodness...! Look at this wonderful cake, Phanty!! Ahaha, the mix of Gudetama and Blue Badger, I love it!! The design is so adorable and the colors mix so well!! You two did an amazing job!!"
"Yeah!! They combined both our favorite mascots for one big cake! Heh heh, and the checkerboard pattern looks so awesome...and the different sides having their own flavor is so neat, too! Yeah, I'm loving this cake, too!! We can tell you guys worked mega hard on it.. I wanna just bite a biiig chunk out right now, heheh!!"
And as they hear Kaito talk, their expressions grow warm ...and the moment they're fully done examining the cake, both the boys will grab Phan and Kaito, and pull them both into one big group hug!! Duchy included, of course~! "Ohh Kaito, my boy.... Phan...and Duchy, too!! Hehe... Thank you guys.... so much...Phanty and I love the cake, so much. This was an absolutely wonderful surprise you guys made for us. And you're right, son... Phanty and I, will never be apart. Yes he's a chaotic lil brat, hehehe, but I wouldn't want anyone else in the world for a twin brother. He'll always mean the would to me; So our mascots celebrating together to wish us a happy birthday, is perfect!! Thank you, thank you!! I love you guys!!"
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"Heeey!" He snickers at that 'chaotic lil brat' part, but otherwise completely agrees with everything he said, giving them all a tight squeeze as he adds: "But yeah, that's right. You worded it perfectly, Kaito....I feel the same way. Nothing in this world could tear us apart, so this cake really was an awesome concept to convey that. And now, we'll be able to enjoy it together with you guys! Bro and I will also, always be with you guys, too....this big family of ours, we're all inseparable!! Right, Phan?! I love you all so bleghing much, too, heheh! Thanks so much!"
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"Yes, that's right, that's right~! You two will always have each other and always be by each other's side! Like we all will with you both!! And as a family, overall! We love you both so much, too!! Hehe and just like Kaito said, this is why it was a must, that we create a cake where Blue Badger and Gudetama wish you both a happy birthday, together!! Ahh we so good you'll enjoy the cake!! We made sure it'll taste as justastic and eghtastic as it looks, hahaha~! Kaito and I had so much fun making this for you two!!"
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And with that, they all start laughing happily as the hug only tightens! The brothers couldn't be happier with their cake, already being one of their most favorite, ever!! Without a doubt, they know they will enjoy it, all the more because Phan and Kaito worked so hard on it!!!
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
Can you do a Tim Drake x Reader where the reader is an anti-hero in Gotham and she has a thing with Red Robin and he starts to get busy and kinda wants her to become a hero so they can be partners but the reader sees him as controlling and can you use 2 + 23 from the angst prompts and 17 from the fluff prompts?
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Type: One-Shot
Pairing: Fem! and Anti-Hero! Reader x Tim Drake/Red Robin
Prompts: ✢2: “Did I ever really matter to you? Or was it all just a game?” ✢23: “Heroes die young anyways, might as well live as a villain.” ☙17: “Leaving was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” “And why is that?” “Because I’m in love with you.”
Content: Cursing, angst but also fluff and worries
Word Count: 1,087
(P.S. The fluff prompt just made me want to give it a happy ending, plus I'm in a really fluff writing mood.)
You hadn't known how painful love could be until you fell for the wrong guy. He was funny, sweet, a complete dork and brilliant. But he was also a vigilante and and controlling.
While it's true you'd been basically with Red Robin for almost a year, it was also true that for some reason he'd been badgering you about switching sides. Going from a criminal into a hero. A vigilante just like him. So, then you'd have to follow his orders. You'd have to be under his watch and control.
It made your mind buzz and scream, thinking about all the reasons why and all the reasons you weren't going to be a hero. Conversations with him and the words you so badly wanted to say but never did.
"Heroes die young anyways, might as well live as a villain."
The words fit so perfectly your opinion. You had heard all about the heroes who had died and sometimes when he went off on missions your heart would go still and throat dry. You would worry about him constantly, worry whether or not he was alive or dead and if he was in danger or safe.
It was tiring. Constantly being worried and knowing you'd either be stuck with the worry or join him. Join his side and turn your back on everything you've ever known.
So, when he got busy, you got lost. At least for a while, that was until you heard he was back in town and looking for you. And though it hurt, though it hurt viciously you avoided him best you could.
However, he was Red Robin and an amazing detective, it didn't take long for him to find you.
"Y/N, stop."
You froze, locking your jaw and shaking your head. He had found you... and-and part of you wondered who had told him. You'd left no trace and hid in a place he wouldn't expect. Used cash and a fake name.
Something people in Gotham do often. So how- even though he was an amazing detective, how did he find you?
You turned seeing him standing in the doorway dressed in costume panting. He looked relief and hurt and every part of you wanted to lean into him, let him talk to you and talk you out of hiding once again. But-but you knew better.
"What? Come to order me around again?"
Red Robin shook his head and you laughed, bitterly; you didn't want to even give him a chance to 'make things right'.
You laughed, feeling something building up in your throat and a stinging starting in your eyes. Letting out a breath you swallowed tears, fighting off the words and shouts you wanted to say but after a year, after so much heart break you couldn't do it.
"Did I ever really matter to you? Or was it all just a game?"
Red Robin flinched and you shook your head, feeling the hot tears spill down your face. Your throat burned and everything began to blur. You couldn't do this anymore. You couldn't take the worry or the pain. Not anymore.
"I-i I can't do this anymore!"
Sniffing you shook your head and wiped at your eyes. Everything was falling apart despite the fact that you so badly want to be with him and so badly wanted him to be safe.
"I'm tired of worrying, I'm tired of having to watch my every move so I don't upset you! I don't want to be controlled! I don't want to have be stuck with the idea of you- and you being dead! Just leave, go away!"
"I'm not going away," He began taking a step closer to you, " I-I'm worried as well and and, I wasn't trying to control you. At least I didn't mean to come across this way. I just thought you'd be safer and-and I want you to be safe. But if you don't want to, if you don't want to, I won't make you."
You narrowed your eyes; your breath hiccupping and you shook your head. You'd been lied to too many times by others and it was clear he was-he was like them. Right?
"I don't believe you, so just go. Leave."
There was silence and you let out a breath shaking your head tears hot on your face.
"Like you did?"
Red Robin-no Tim's voice was cracking, and you heard the pain. Ir was almost as if you felt it yourself. You whorled around to meet his eyes, his actual eyes not ones hidden behind a mask.
“Leaving was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” You snapped hiccupping even more, "you will never understand how difficult it was for me. To hide and leave every time I heard you were back in town. It nearly killed me."
The words raced from your lips making a weight in your chest increase.
“And why is that?” He asked stepping forwards
Throwing your hands out you shouted, "Because I’m in love with you."
Tim blinked and swallowed. His face flushing red and you panted turning away from him. How could you just say that? How could you tell him when you were trying so hard to push him away?
A hand was on your shoulder, and you were spun around coming face to face with him. Face red and mouth twitching Tim looked you in the eyes, clearly reluctantly.
"You-you love me?"
You looked away from him and nodded slowly. Even though you've spent a year of pain and worry you couldn't help but love him. You couldn't help but want to keep him close and keep him alive.
"And-and what do you think I feel about you?"
You blinked, looking towards him. Clearly, he-he... you hadn't thought of it. Did he feel the same or or was it more complicated? Did he just want to control you? If so, why didn't he leave people watching over you when he left? Why didn't he push his ideals more?
"I," You began, "I don't know."
"I feel the same way, idiot!"
You sniffed looking up at him and swatted at him chest.
"Rude." You said.
He smiled and leaned forwards, pressing his forehead against yours he sighed.
"Please don't leave again."
You swallowed and looked at his face pressed against yours. He didn't want you to leave and was asking instead of telling. There was no way he-he was controlling right?
"I'll try." You replied wrapping your arms around him, "I'll try."
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @daemonnix96 @zvtanna @masset-fotia @thomasbeloved @thefallingstarlight @krswrites
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA: He doesn't believe your excuse for missing a date. 2
Dabi: You were helping a relative clean out an old storage unit they bought at an auction for their pawn-shop, what everyone failed to noticed was your relatives kid, finding a gun in one of the boxes... Everyone jut assumed it was just a custom-made paintball gun cos of it's neon-blue colors and the orange tip and let it be, until this eardrum shattering *bang!* rang out in the parking lot! 
Your relative dropped whatever they were holding and ran outside to find the kid  still holding the smoking gun in shock and you on the ground holding your left upper thigh as blood leaked through your hands! 
"Oh my God!" they ran to the kid first who dropped the gun and started crying hysterically as their parent demanded to know what happened? They were shaking the kid by the shoulders who was inconsolable, then they went to you asking if you were okay? "No... I'm not okay R/n! I was shot in m'fucking arse!" you snapped as your frazzled relative called an ambulance.
Dabi was pissed because you didn't show up at the movie theater! you badger him for a date and then don't show up? he tried calling it was to voicemail. "Fine you wanna screw me? I'll screw ya right back!" he hissed and pretty much ghosted you for a week, before he ran into the kid who broke down the second Dabi mention you. "Oi..oi, what's with the tears?" he huffed using his jacket sleeve to wipe the kids face. "I shot n/n in the butt! and now your gonna be mad at me!" they sobbed as the cremators brain short-circuited.
"You shot who in what now?" the kid ended up taking him to you as couldn't exactly move around much at the moment, and if you did it was with a cane. "Well-well look who finally showed up..." you huffed in a annoyance as Dabi eyed the crepe bandage going around your waist and down your left thigh. and apologized which surprised you as the faux raven hared man wasn't big on apologies, of course he laughs about it now that you've healed, cos you got shot in the ass! 
Izuku: Your apartment burnt down! The hoarder who lived above you forgot they lit a cigarette and the whole place went up, before caving into your apartment, So yeah, you forgot about you date, mainly because you'd been buzy talking with your insurance company and trying to find affordable accommodations until, you could find another place to live, all you had on you was your wallet, phone and the clothes on your back!
During that time was giving you the silent treatment, you had noticed and very hurt with him giving you the cold shoulder, but you pushed those feelings aside as you were busy with house hunting and looking through a list belongings you had lost in the fire, and going over with your insurance broker on how much it would be replace it.
It wasn't until Jiro stopped by his agency with some spare clothes and groceries for Izuku to give you. "Why would Y/n need clothes and food?" he frowned eyeing the bags as Jiro rolled her eyes. "Her apartment burnt down idiot!" the raven haired woman huffed, and like that all the anger Izuku had towards you was replaced with dread... 
He found out what motel you were staying at and nearly smothered you with how tight he was hugging you as he stammered out apologies after apologies, before taking you back to his place until a new apartment was available.       
Shoto: You kept trying to tell him why you missed the date, but Shoto wasn't having it this guy was more stubborn than an ox! he literally gave you the cold shoulder when ever you tried to talk, it wasn't long before his sister noticed the tension and curiously asked you what had happened you found it best to show her. 
You brought her to your house where she nearly died from cuteness overload! "Babies!!!" she squealed seeing your Samoyed Sidney and a litter of mixed puppies! you explained you didn't know Sidney was pregnant cos she's soo fluffy you only found out on date night when you walked on her giving birth in the laundry room, That's what you've been trying to tell Shoto all week!
She called Shoto up telling him to get his butt over to your house! there's burglar! you gawked at Fuyumi stunned that she just lied to Shoto for your sake! She knows Shoto loves you too much and  wouldn't let a missed date interfere with your safety, Fuyumi knew she was gonna get flak for it later. But her little brother was being a fool!
Not ten minutes after that call Shoto burst into your home freaking out and yelling your name as he cautiously looked around the living room frantically for the intruder, before locking onto you sitting on floor, he didn't even hesitate rushing over and hugging you before pulling away checking for any distress and was bemused when he saw none, and noticed his sister smirking at him and realized he'd been had! and got annoyed and was ready to leave,
when your dog grabbed his hand and tried tugging him towards her playpen. "Sidney wants you to to say hello!" the pepper mint haired man blinked. "Hello to wh..." his voice cut off hearing whimpering and saw little pups rolling around trying to figure out where their mom went, you watched his face light up. "w-when did this happen?" He stammered trying not to loose composure cos 'OMG puppies!'
You explained yourself as Shoto had sat down and started picked up petting one the pups. "I checked around and think the husky next door is the dad, he's the only unneutered male in the neighborhood." You said watching the pups had all clamored on Shoto's lap to leech of the warmth. 
while Sidney was taking a tired mom nap. No surprise Shoto apologized for being a jerk earlier... you forgave him, Needless to say you weren't surprise when one of those pups ended up going home with Shoto when it was time for the puff-balls to find homes, a female and the runt of the litter that he affectionately named Flicka.  
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Jax Teller x Daughter Reader
“You gonna actually behave for your father this week?” You mum asked as you packed your bag.
“Maybe, depends if he pisses me off or not” you shrugged.
The thing was your mum and dad split about 4 years ago, a year after Abel was born. They had you at a young age, at 15 to be precise, you was now 18 and had seen their relationship completely fall apart, you saw how he treated your mum towards the end of the relationship and you hated it, you hated how he made your mum feel, how you saw the whole thing. However you were grateful Abel was still too young to understand what was going on.
“Y/N please, I know you don’t get along with him but he is your dad at the end of the day” mum sighed.
“Not gonna change my opinion on him” you laughed.
Even though your parents weren’t together anymore they never actually filed for a divorce.
“Just try” mum said placing her hand on your shoulder “for Abel at least, it’s hard enough on him as it is”
“And it’s not hard for me mum” you spat “try going through school where everyone is obsessed with the sons, constantly badgering me about them, about dad, asking if the fucking rumours are true”
You knew that your mum wasn’t completely innocent in the whole relationship break down. So you had an attitude with them both.
The drive to Teller-Morrow was silent, neither you or your mum spoke because you were your father’s daughter at the end of day, your mum always said it was like having a female Jax in the house, the way you held yourself, your attitude, your temper. So no words were spoken just for Abel’s sake, he didn’t need to see his sister and mum biting each other’s heads off.
Climbing out of the car, you grabbed your bag from the boot, before wandering off to find your uncles, at least you had a good relationship with them, it was just the relationship with your dad that was rocky.
You didn’t get it, he was such a good father to Abel, but with you it was a different story, one of his biggest regrets was you seeing the breakdown happen, all the arguments that happened when you were younger. Since then you saw the man that you once saw as your hero as the bad guy.
“Hey kiddo” Jax grinned, opening his arms to you.
“Whatever dad” you huffed walking by him, dumping your bag on the picnic bench before placing a cigarette in your mouth.
“She’s in a mood, sorry Jax” you heard mum say, making you roll your eyes. “Give her a couple of days and she should calm down”
“She’s so much like me it’s scary” he sighed as he watched you laugh with Tig and Happy.
“If you’re gonna talk about me can you at least go somewhere where I can’t bloody hear you” you snapped not looking at them.
Jax knew that with both his kids being here with him for the week, he was going to try his hardest to mend the bridges that had once been burnt. He wanted nothing more than getting his little girl back.
“I will speak with her” Jax nodded as he took Abel into his arms, who was grinning at the sight of his daddy.
At least one of his kids didn’t hate him.
However he had a plan, he knew you loved bikes, so he had one sat in the garage waiting to be restored and he was hoping it was something you could do together and then he could teach you to ride. He knew it wouldn’t magically fix the relationship but at least it would give you a memory that wasn’t bad.
Your mum had now left, which meant you were stuck with your dad for the next week, no doubt it would be a week of you looking after Abel, it always was when you were here, the club came before you. It always had and always would.
“Table in 5” Jax shouted as he walked into the club, he didn’t miss the eye roll that came from you, he knew what you thought, you had only been here 10 minutes and he was putting the club before you. But this time would be different.
“Okay so everyone knows my relationship with Y/N is very much on the rocks right now” Jax sighed running his hand over his face. “And I know it’s my fault and I want to fix that, so this week I only want to be involved in club business if the shit has hit the fan. Anything else speak to Chibs, I need to fix things with my little girl before it is too late”
Everyone nodded, they knew how much Jax loved you, you was his first born at the end of the day and it killed him knowing that you hated him.
“Anything we can do to help we are here” Happy nodded.
“Thanks Hap but this is something I need to do on my own, I created this mess so I need to fix it” Jax sighed “If it can be fixed”
It was now Wednesday and Jax still hadn’t made any progress, the bike lay untouched in the garage, and you hadn’t spoken more than a few words a day to him.
“Uncle Hap am I being a bitch?” You sighed looking up at him as you lit a smoke.
“Honestly kiddo, I know where you are coming from but he is the only dad you are gonna get” Happy said placing his hand on yours. “I know the reasons you have for hating Jax but he misses his little girl, I’m not saying forgive him straight away but stop shutting him out”
“I miss my dad” you sighed “but you didn’t hear me say that”
“My lips are sealed” Happy nodded “you know he took a step back from the club this week to spend time with you and Abel”
“I didn’t know” you sighed running your hand over your face.
“I think he wants to restore a bike or something with you” Hap smiled kissing your head “he’s in the garage”
Trudging into the garage with your head hung low, you felt guilty about how you went off at dad this morning.
“I’m sorry” you mumbled, not looking up.
You heard him sigh and his footsteps getting closer to you.
Talk about irony, the radio had started playing bad husband, scoffing as dad placed his hand on your shoulder.
You can be a liar and a good father A good dad, but a bad husband
“Guess the song is 90% right” you sighed “you are a good father to Abel at least”
“Hey look at me kiddo” Dad said lifting your chin. “My biggest regret in life was letting you see all the fights between me and your mum. I know that has done so much damage to our relationship but I never stopped loving your or your mum okay”
You stayed silent, you didn’t know what to say.
Forever be a hero in my eyes, But there’s always another side. To a good father. A great dad, but a bad husband
“Look me and your mum still love each other and we probably always will” he sighed “we just don’t work well together okay but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you”
All I want is for us not to hurt. And it’s been an exhaustive search to find the words
The song was basically saying everything you couldn’t.
But I’m not so sure how to close this. I just don’t know how some people can be so good At one thing and so fucked at a whole ‘nother, shit, it’s no wonder
You both just stood there not saying a word as Jax pulled you into his arms holding you tight.
“I’m not saying we have to go back to being as close as we once were but I want a chance, a chance to mend the bridges I burnt, I want to be in your life and not as someone you hate” Jax whispered.
Nodding your head, you sniffed as a tear fell down your cheek, this was the most you had talked in a year. All you wanted to hear over the past year was that your dad still loved you.
“You don’t have to say anything yet sweetheart” dad whispered kissing your head “now what do you say to helping your old man fix this bike up and then I would like it if you let your old man teach you how to ride”
“I’d like that” you mumbled.
The next few days flew by and your mum had arrived to pick you and Abel up. Pushing yourself off the bench you walked over to her with a slight smile on your face.
“Come on, let’s get you home” mum said.
Glancing over to your dad you smiled softly before turning back to your mum.
“Actually mum, I think I’m gonna stick around here a bit longer” you nodded feeling Jax place his hand on your shoulder squeezing it softly. “I wanna stay with dad, we still have a bike to finish”
Your mum stood staring at you, confusion spread all over her face.
“You want to willingly stay?” She questioned
“Yup” you nodded.
“Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?” She laughed before turning to Jax “you okay with her staying?”
“Course I am” he beamed at the fact you wanted to stay with him longer.
As soon as you said bye to your mum, you headed back into the garage leaving Jax stood there in his own world.
“Come on dad the bike isn’t gonna fix its self” you laughed rolling your sleeves up.
The hours flew by and you was both covered in grease, Chibs walked outside hearing all the laughter coming from the garage, a smile formed on his face as he snapped a photo of the two of you before walking back into the club house.
“Okay a know normally a would bring this ta table but no one is to disturb Jackie Boy, a don’t care wha it is, if it’s club business, Ye arms fallen off or Ye are on fire, ye come ta me” Chibs smiled leaning against the bar. “Tha is until further notice, this is wha they both need”
Everyone nodded in agreement, it was nice to see you and Jax not at each other’s throats and they knew that the fact you wanted to stay here meant you really wanted to rebuild the relationship
Standing back from the bike something clicked.
“Why does this bike look so familiar?” You asked.
“Well princess it was your grandads” Jax grinned draping his arm around your shoulder.
“JT’s” you said looking up and he nodded. “Wait and you are just letting me have once we have fixed her up?”
“That’s the plan” Jax laughed “he would have wanted you to have it and it’s better than it sitting gathering dust”
You were in awe, you knew how much this bike meant to him. Wrapping your arms around him you gave him a tight hug.  
Neither of you talked about much other than the bike, outside of the garage you were slowly building things back up, you both knew it would take longer than a week but it was a start.
“So your mum says you’ve been getting into trouble at college?” He asked as you were packing the tools up.
“Meh” you shrugged “someone said something, I didn’t like it so I fucking punched them and broke there nose. No biggie”
Jax couldn’t help but smirk, you were exactly like him, in so many ways.
“You can’t say anything dad you taught me talking was boring when you can fight it out” just as you said it an idea popped into your head. Spinning round on the balls of your feet you grinned at your dad.
“No, nope happening” He laughed when he realised what you was thinking “me and you aren’t going at it in the ring” he chuckled.
“Why do you think you will lose old man” you taunted.
“Nope it’s not that” he said looking up “I am not boxing with my daughter”
“You’re just scared because you know I’m gonna beat your ass” you giggled squaring up to him.
He knew you weren’t gonna back down. You was a Teller at the end of the day.
“Fine but if you get hurt you are telling your mum it was your idea” Jax sighed in defeat.
And with that you ran off into the clubhouse to tell everyone.
It was now 7pm and Tig was wrapping your fists.
“You sure about fighting your dad kiddo?” He asked.
“Uncle Tiggy I’m sure” you nodded “we need this, well I need this. If I’m gonna let go of the past I need to do this”
“Okay then” he smiled kissing your fist “beat the shit out of your old man”
You were now standing face to face with your dad in the ring. He knew what was happening, and he wasn’t going to fight back, he had overheard what you said to Tig. So if beating the shit out of him was what you needed to forgive him then that is what he was going to let you do.
Punch after punch, you felt the anger flow through your fists, you were fuelled by every bad memory, everything he did and he just let the punches keep coming.
Your emotions got the better of you as you scream, pounding your fists against his chest as you burst into tears. As soon as this happened Jax wrapped his arms around you, dropping to his knees holding you tight.
“That’s it princess let it all out, all the anger, all the pain” he whispered rubbing your back. “I’m never gonna leave you okay, no matter what happens with me and your mum, you will always have your old man in your corner. My biggest regret is you saw everything happen, I never wanted you to feel like I loved Abel more than you, you are my little girl, my princess and I love you”
Once you had calmed down, you felt a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you no longer felt an immense hatred towards your dad.
It had been a couple of days after the ‘fight’ and you had actually started to open up. The bike was finished and you were just putting the tools away.
“I want to drop out of college” you said “it’s really not for me, I struggle with the exams and coursework”
“You know whatever you decide I will support you” Jax smiled softly at you, hee knew where you was coming from, he was exactly the same when it came to tests and the theory behind things. “If you did drop out what would you do?”
“Actually I wanna be a mechanic” you said looking up. “Maybe I could work here”
“Why don’t you sleep on the idea and if you really want to drop out then we will get it all sorted” he said kissing your head. “Now what do you say we take her for a spin?”
“You think I’m ready for the roads” you laughed.
“You are a natural” he grinned tossing you your helmet “it’s in your blood”
The rest of the day was spent riding round the streets charming, a smile on your face and your relationship with your dad well on the road to being what it once was. Never in a million years you would have thought that restoring JT’s bike would actually restore your relationship as well.
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hey please continue your Zuko fic as soon as possible! I love it so much!
oh I’m so surprised I got this request within hours of posting part 3 👀👀
agsbfjcjs I tease I’m loving this series too
well everyone, here we are again
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |
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“Who’s Mai?”
Zuko’s eyebrows moved a bit in confusion before it registered that you might’ve been asleep, that night, when he told you of his old girlfriend. And even then, he hadn’t mentioned her name. Slowly his hands pulled from where they had kept gentle grip on your biceps.
“I, uh,” he stuttered, “let’s find somewhere to talk.” You let him lead you into a room in the temple up toward the top of the cliff, far away from the rest of the team, and even Haru or the Duke weren’t likely to come up here.
Uneasy, you settled down against the wall, one leg extended in front of you and the other bent, it’s foot flat on the ground. You did your best to feel for Zuko’s heartbeat, like Toph could, to determine sincerity. You couldn’t sense it well enough yet, having barely gotten a grasp on seismic sense in the first place, and let your knee fall to the side.
“So who’s Mai?” You asked again as he sat down against a wall adjacent to yours. Not too close, but not too far away.
“An old girlfriend I had before I was banished. We spent some time together when I returned to the Fire Nation, but... it didn’t feel right. I’m not the same as I was before I was banished.” Any number of snarky replies came into your mind, but you didn’t respond, merely waiting for him to continue.
“Well, Sokka and I, we went to the Boiling Rock, a high profile prison in the Fire Nation. We were trying to pass as guards, but I got found out, and kept as prisoner.” You leaned forward with concern, for a moment forgetting the point of the conversation as you worried for him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, nothing happened,” Zuko said, tossing his head to the side in a bit of guilt. “But the warden... the warden was her uncle, and she came in to see me.” You raised an eyebrow, leaned back to press your spine to the wall, interested in where this would go.
“I had written her a letter, before I left, and it wasn’t a very good one. I hadn’t known what to say. She was pissed, and threw it at me, and scolded me, and...” he shook his head, and looked down at his feet.
“It wasn’t good.” At this point, you began to wonder why he was telling you all of this. As much as you were more likely to air on the side of finding fault in his actions, it seemed to you like nothing had happened. There was nothing for you to be angry about- he hadn’t had some tearful declaration of love or anything, so what was the issue?
“I locked her in my cell to get away so that Sokka and I could escape with Hakoda and Suki. I feel kinda bad about that, but she got out, so whatever.” You tilted your head, not giving him the luxury of avoiding eye contact. You weren’t quite glaring, but you did find yourself trying to intimidate as best you could.
It was a good wall to build around you.
“And I feel so confused,” he said, closing his eyes and clenching his fists, “because I don’t understand. I wasn’t a good boyfriend even when we were ‘together’ earlier in the summer, and I wrote her a bad letter, and I left, and I locked her in a cell, and she still helped me escape. She stood up against Azula to help me escape.” This caught your attention, as you knew the guts it would’ve taken to stand up to the psychopathic princess. It was a sacrifice- it would’ve made her just as much an enemy to the Fire Nation as Zuko.
“I just don’t get it,” he said again, and you looked away from him.
“Ever considered that you’re sometimes a pretty good guy and that people care about you?” You said, without pausing on any particular word because you wanted to get the statement done and over with quickly. With your foot pressed to the floor you could sense through seismics the way his head jerked up to look at you, even if you didn’t look at him.
“You think so?” He asked, and a quick laugh made your chest jump once.
“Sometimes,” you said, turning your gaze back to him. “Was this all you wanted to talk to me about? Figure out why she would do that for you?”
“Well, that, and...” he pushed a few strands of hair from his face in nervousness. “I just wanted to be honest with you. When we met, I- I did nothing but lie, and I don’t want to lie to you ever again. I want you to know everything. Including the awkward moment I had with my ex-girlfriend.” Slowly a plan formed in your mind, and you narrowed your eyes in focus.
“Why does what you do with ex-girlfriends concern me?” You asked, and his eyes met yours, slight confusion in his expression. He swallowed, working out your meaning. This was his opportunity- would he say he cared about you? That he loved you? That he wanted you to not be jealous because his heart now belonged with you?
“You know why,” he said after a moment’s pause, eyes still locked on yours and voice low. A small smirk came to your face.
“I’m afraid I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Y/N,” he said quickly, voice almost firm. He paused to gather his courage and knotted his fingers into the fabric of his pants. “I care about you. And I wanted you to know that you don’t need to worry about Mai.” He paused a moment longer, finally breaking eye contact, which was a great relief to you.
“And even I know you don’t feel the same right now, but I know you did once, and I’m trying to earn that back again.” You swallowed hard, your gaze on the side of his face now that he’d turned it from you. With a split second decision you scooted closer, sitting beside him, and leaning your shoulder against his. You had to make moves like this, and the hug from before he had left, because if you didn’t, you’d never learn to. You were reaching out of your comfort zone, slowly, just like he was.
“I can’t trust you,” you whispered, feeling as though the two of you would break apart and scatter if either spoke too loud. “Not yet.”
“I know,” he said back, the badger frogs filling the silence between the two of you.
“But I’m getting there,” you said, resting your head onto his shoulder. “You’re earning it back, slowly.” He nodded, and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. You let your eyes skip closed, and for a moment felt as though you could fall asleep, leaned against him like this.
This was how you had leaned on him when you were exhausted and on break from the Jasmine Dragons. You’d rest your feet and lean on him, and the two of you would talk until the break was over. It was so familiar, the sound of his breathing, the firmness of his muscle.
“You think you can ever trust me again?” Zuko asked, vulnerability in his voice, “After what I’ve done to you?”
“I think so,” you said, breathing softly. “I did once. And deep down, you’re that same guy. When you were in Ba Sing Se, you were guided by nothing but the kindness you were shown by your uncle. I’m not foolish- I know that Azula manipulated you. I know that, even though you aren’t the pure soul I thought at first, that you’re not the hunter that Katara thinks you are, either.” You changed your neck position, almost nuzzling your face into his shoulder. “Give me time. Show me you can be someone I should trust.” You heard him nod, and your eyes drifted closed.
When on the edge of falling asleep, sounds change. They’re heard, but not processed, merely accepted as background noise in a world fading away. It was like this, halfway between sleep and wake, when nothing was processed nor even remembered, that you heard Zuko promise.
“I promise I’ll become a man you can let yourself love.”
request for a part 5
edit: part 5 has been multiple times requested it’s all good
edit: | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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porcelain-blue · 3 years
Stray Dogs Seem to Follow
What if Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze did not die? What if they, along with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, start their dream sect where no bloodlines matter, only skill and hard work?
The all-star trained-by-an-immortal cast is honestly reason enough for random rogue cultivators to start to flock to them, but the truth is the reputations that draw people are not one of battle prowess, but of human decency, humility, and a penchant for treating people equally between farmers and gentry. 
YilingWei is a small but growing power in the cultivation world, and through Wei Changze has an alliance with the Jiang Clan, and through Cangze Sanren, has an alliance with GusuLan. Many of the other sects dislike this very much, because nobody likes to see the idea that noble blood actually doesn’t really matter be proven so soundly.  Wei Wuxian has an uncanny ability for picking up strays. 
Stray #1: Wei Wuxian is ambling around Yueyang, let loose with uncle Song Lan at a good pace watching him, when he sees a kid get beaten up for asking for a reward of a snack. He darts forward, catching a fist and stepping to the side so the man is twisted under his knee in one smooth motion. Training had been going well, and he thinks mama would be proud.  The man sputters, face red, and makes all sorts of demands, puffing and going on and on about the YueyangChang. 
Wei Wuxian, professional brat and heir to YilingWei, lets the man go with a light shove that sends him kneeling into the dirt, and speaks, heaping on extra insolence just for fun.
“Ah, well. Sorry, gongzi, I’m not from here, so I don’t know who is who around these parts,” he sing-songs, moving to help the very battered kid up from the ground. He looks like he’s about his age. He beams at him, although the kid is looking at him warily. “But my mama tells me you can’t make promises you can’t keep, and a rich gongzi like you surely can buy some candy to pay for your errands, can’t you?” 
“Who the fuck are you, brat? You think you can speak to me like this?” The man seems to be reaching forward, ready to strike, and Wei Wuxian is ready to throw down, but his uncle Song Lan steps smoothly between them, bows with grace to the man and asks softly what the matter is. 
“Has our young master Wei gotten himself into trouble again?” Song Lan asks, all civil and gentlemanly and terrifying. The Distant Snow and Cold Frost is recognisable to most, and Wei Wuxian watches as the man puts two and two together. That said, YilingWei isn’t that prestigious a clan to warrant that much respect, but the man clearly knows he is outclassed. He turns in a bad temper, stomping away.  Song Lan turns to him, raises an eyebrow, and then bends down to speak to the kid who is fidgeting behind Wei Wuxian.  “Haizi, don’t worry, we mean no harm. Will you tell gege your name?” The kid looks at the two of them warily, eyeing their simple clothing, their lack of ornament. “Xue Yang,” he mutters.  “Alright, A-Yang, A-Ying, will you tell gege what happened?” Wei Wuxian sticks his tongue out at his uncle. “That guy was being an ass! Yang-di did something for him for a snack and he got all mad!” He huffs, annoyed. “We should have beat him up.”  Song Lan waits to see if Xue Yang will dispute the story, and when the kid just looks at his feet, angry tears in his eyes, he sighs. Grabs Wei Wuxian by the scruff of his robes and puts a gentle hand on Xue Yang’s head.  “Come on, gege was getting hungry anyways. I was going to get some food. I’m sure A-Ying will want too many snacks, but if there’s two of you, you can share, hm?” He starts walking away.  Wei Wuxian grins. “Uncle is really a pushover, c’mon, I want some tanghulu. Do you have any family? Our sect is great, we don’t care who or where you’re from. You wanna come see?”  Xue Yang blinks at him, lets his wrist get grabbed and towed away, buoyed by the promise of tanghulu and snacks. Maybe this time it won’t end in suffering.  ----------
Stray #2:  It’s the third day of the discussion conference in Lanling, and while Wei Wuxian had been dragged by his parents to attend and bow and get his everything commented, he had finally bargained the day off, cheeks sore from getting pinched by random and well-meaning older aunties. He grabs Xue Yang and uncle Xingchen, badgering them into going to town with him. He wants to try Lanling street food! He’s heard the baozi are really good! It’s about lunchtime when they wander into a food stall that smells amazing, but before they can order there’s a commotion.  “Stay away from us, you son of a whore!” A scuffle, and there, a kid is being pushed down, his baozi thrown onto the floor.  “Yeah, I bet you’re full of disease, just like your mother!” another kid, bigger and meaner, spits on the ground. Gross. The kid on the floor looks incensed at this, eyes flashing, but before he can do anything his hair is being yanked and he’s gasping in pain.  Wei Wuxian has really got to stop meeting peers like this. He slants a look at Xue Yang, who has gone still and tense. Xue Yang hates these kinds of people the most. They step into the stall together, and while he’s tempted to really mess around with these guys, he probably shouldn’t make a fuss during a discussion conference, or mama will make them do drills for hours.  So he nudges Xue Yang forward, and his shidi grips the hand holding the boy’s hair hard enough that the bones creak, until the bully is gasping in pain and wrenching back, letting go of the younger boy. Wei Wuxian helps the kid up, makes sure he’s alright.  “Who the fuck are you guys?” the kids say, and Wei Wuxian notices that they’re in Jin gold. Gross. It occurs to him then that they probably also cannot make a fuss during LanlingJin’s discussion conference, so Wei Wuxian just grins his most diplomatic smile, throws an exaggerated bow and says, “Wei Wuxian, heir to YilingWei, at your service! This is my shidi Xue Chengmei! We compliment LanlingJin for hosting our sect. LanlingJin must be very rich, if minor disciples can afford to waste food like this!” He waves an airy hand at the remains of the boy’s baozi scattered across the floor. One of the Jin boys sneer, “We don’t have to care about commoners and trash like that,” he spits, but is clearly not willing to challenge a sect heir outright. Xue Yang is still pissed, so he puts a hand on the sword at his hip, and narrows his eyes at them.  “YilingWei strongly discourages actions and words like that,” he says. And the threat is very, very much implied.  Eventally, Uncle Xingchen appears, smoothes things over, and sends the Jins on their way. Wei Wuxian turns round to the kid who is looking at them with wide doe eyes, half afraid, half in awe.  “This Meng Yao thanks the two honored cultivators for their assistance,” he murmurs, polite and formal, but the hands folded in front of his bow are trembling.  Wei Wuxian scrunches his nose as Xue Yang ambles off to buy three baozi from the lady at the front of the stall. It’s kind of nice, Wei Wuxian thinks absently, that Xue Yang gets to feed other kids, now. 
“Aw, none of that,” Wei Wuxian says, pulling the kid’s hands apart and lifting him back upright. “We’re all common folk here, aren’t we, Yang-di!”  “Aren’t you the heir of the Wei Sect, gongzi?” Meng Yao asks.  “Well, yeah, but my dad was born a servant. Anyways our sect doesn’t care about that sort of stuff. You want a baozi? I’m sorry yours got thrown.”  Meng Yao accepts a baozi and eats it with more elegance than Wei Wuxian has ever seen. He doesn’t finish, though, even though he’s obviously still hungry.  “Saving it for later?” Xue Yang asks, eyeing him.
Meng Yao shakes his head gently. “My mother, ah. She works at a brothel, as I’m sure you heard earlier. They don’t... they don’t feed her much if she doesn’t work enough.”  They sit there for a moment, three kids digesting the weight of the world. The moment passes, though, and Wei Wuxian darts back to the front of the store to get another baozi, and some other snacks wrapped up in paper to go. He gestures at them to come out, and the trail after him.  “C’mon, I got some extra food for your mom. Can you take us to her?”  Meng Yao blanches for a moment, obviously torn. He nods, after a moment, and they walk a ways to the establishment where Meng Shi works. Meng Yao fidgets for a moment, but gestures them in through a side door. They meet Meng Yao’s mother, who looks a lot like him, She thanks them graciously for the food, and asks them questions about their sword, and the cultivation world in general. They’re not there for long before Wei Wuxian’s yaopei glows softly, and he winces.  At the two pairs of delicately raised eyebrows, he answers, “Mama’s using her tracking talisman.”  Meng Shi laughs, then, a clear, high sound. She slaps a delicate hand on the table in mirth. “Oh, I wish I had one of those for my boy here! Your mother would make a killing if she sold those!”  Before he can reply, he hears a scuffle, a few shouts of “Excuse me, You can’t be here!” before his mother thows the doors open and stomps in, stopping before them to stare her son and disciple down. “Well boys, aren’t you two a little young to be in a place like this?” she says archly.  Meng Shi rises gracefully, bowing low. “Ah, we beg your forgiveness, your boys were helping my son with some trouble, and were kind enough to bring me some food. Please let me repay you for their troubles.”  Meng Yao looks alarmed at that, but he doesn’t say anything. Cangse Sanren looks at the whole scene, narrows her eyes at her son before waving her hands at the other woman. She pushes her son and Xue Yang’s heads down roughly, making them bow.  “No, no, thank you for keeping my boys out of trouble!” she says, and the two women stare at each other for a beat, before they both smile and sit down at the table in unison.  “Psst. Mama, can we bring them back? “ Wei Wuxian asks, tugging on her sleeve. She sighs at him, and then directs her question to Meng Shi. “Well, Meng-guniang. It looks like my boys have made friends with your son here, and to be honest, we’d like some more young disciples. Would you want to come with us?” 
Meng Shi looks taken aback. She thinks of Jin Guangshan and his many empty promises. She thinks of her son, and wonders if he will make a good cultivator in Yiling black and white instead of Jin gold. She knows, that of the two sects, only one has been kind to her son so far. But still. “I’m a prostitute. What use could YilingWei have for a woman like me?”  Cangse Sanren looks straight at her. “You can read?”  She nods. It is her one pride. “I can sing, and play erhu. I can sew” The othe woman nods. “You can teach my boys manners, too, it seems. We will take you, if you come with us. You would have to work your debt off, but, we wouldn’t ask you to do it like this. There are other girls, who come from your line of work. They help us with accounts and sewing and whatever else they are deft at.”  Meng Shi looks at her son, notes the way his eyes are wide and guileless. He has yet to learn how to lie and scheme and seduce his way into power. He looks at the two other boys, who look away at the scantily dressed women who walk by and smile at them, who are young and strong and seem to not care about her sons birth.  She stands, and bows deeply. “We humbly request a place in YilingWei.”  Cangse Sanren smiles, and leads the way, three boys trotting along at her heels as she goes off in search of her husband. It’s time to go home. 
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hops-hunny · 4 years
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Pairing: Luna Lovegood x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.2k
Request: N/A
Summary: (Y/n) never really questioned her views on love, that is until Luna came into her life.
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst, make out session, underage drinking.
A/N: This is a fic based off of She by Dodie. I DO NOT condone underage drinking, it just fit with the story. This is a long one but I hope you guys enjoy!
Am I allowed
To look at her like that?
Could it be wrong
When she's just so nice to look at?
For (Y/n)’s entire life, she had thought of herself as a straight woman. She had a few boyfriends on and off again throughout the years. None of them were very long term but she had still enjoyed the time shared with each one. However, she had never thought to look outside of the realm of boys either and she still didn’t know what to describe her current feelings as. She kept telling herself it was just a close bond considering she hadn’t had many close friends over the years. Luna was her first one, the two girls bonding over their unique habits but it quickly grew the more time they’d spend together. The Hufflepuff felt guilty for even viewing her best friend that way. She hated herself for the dreams she had, for the way her heart would race when the blonde would hold her in her arms, stroking her hair softly as they talked. However, as she gazed up at Luna from the tree stump she sat on, watching as the Ravenclaw sat perched on a high up branch, delicately holding out her finger for the butterfly that danced across it, she couldn’t control her thoughts. ‘How could it be wrong when she’s just so damn nice to look at?’
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me, oh
The (h/c) haired girl sighed softly as she smiled at the polaroid in her hands. She could still remember that day very vividly. 
It was a nice day in May and Luna had come to visit for the week-long break after the girls had both begged their parents about it. Her family lived in the countryside, preferring the quiet and peace that the city could never provide. Her father was a farmer who grew fruits and vegetables and Her mother a baker who used her husband’s crops in her bakery treats. His prized peach tree was a big hardy one, the leaves forming a roof of shade that sunlight streamed through. (Y/n) and Luna had been swimming in the lake all morning which left them in a happy high but also absolutely exhausted. 
They both lay close to each other on the pink gingham blanket, clothes slightly dry in some part but still soaked in others. Her mother had brought them out a nice plate of cheese, crackers, and almonds along with a pitcher of freshly made apple juice. They both had since then finished it in a hungry frenzy. They stared at each other silently. Anyone looking at them would think they were using legilimency but in reality, sometimes they didn’t need to use words to communicate. The (e/c) girl found herself admiring her blonde counterpart. She found her to be so beautiful, her white dress clinging to her form, wavy hair half dry, and the new freckles she had accumulated over the course of the time they’d been outside.
“How sweet do you reckon these are? I bet they taste lovely.” Luna said as she sat up, reaching for a low hanging peach. She dusted it off on the blanket before taking a big bite of it, peach juice dripping down her chin. She hummed in content with a soft smile before holding the peach out to her friend. (Y/n) hesitated for a bit before sitting up taking a bite from it as well.
“Wow yeah, that’s amazing! I reckon this will be his best bunch of the year, these are the sweetest they’ve ever been.” She said as she handed her friend back the peach. She didn’t know if it was the way the peach tasted or the beautiful girl she was enjoying them with, but she could safely say peaches were her new favorite fruit. She found herself focusing on Luna’s lips, wondering what they’d taste like, what they’d feel like. ‘She probably tastes so sweet, peach nectar and apple juice. Maybe even a dash of-’
“Are you even listening to me?” Luna said, smiling at her friend. She shook her head slightly before scooting closer to the girl. She looked into her eyes deeply, stroking her cheek. “You know (Y/n/n), you mean everything to me.” she removed her hand, placing it on the other girls as she continued to look at her friend.
“Oh Luna, I feel the same. You mean everything to me and more.” She said, tangling their pinkies together. “In fact, I wanted to tell you...I wanted to tell you that I-”
“Girls! Lunch is ready!”
She glanced at the polaroid once more before sticking it back in its place on the inside of her wardrobe. As she took a step back, looking at all the photos, all the memories that littered the doors, her hands reached up closing them slowly before locking them, she rested her head on the wardrobe, sighing. ‘I’m in deep, aren't I?’
And I'll be okay admiring from afar
'Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
(Y/n) could feel her heart slowly breaking as Luna was describing all the things she loved about Rami Picanto, a gryffindor a year above her. Her anger boiled deep inside her but was deeply masked with a smile and fake interest. She couldn’t stand it, at this moment she wanted more than anything to not be able to hear a thing. Although they were similar, when it came to their feelings, they were lightyears apart. (Y/n) wondered how the one person who held a place in her heart could feel like a distant stranger.
“And he’s got the most beautiful eyes, it reminds me of a jade crystal when they hit the sunlight. He took me for a walk today around the forest. When we were sitting together, we saw the most beautiful birds sweep across the sky. It was quite romantic, you know?” the blonde said, rolling over to face her dearest friend. She noticed a stray tear fall down the girls face. She had never seen her look so empty, so..distant. “(Y/n/n)? Are you alright?” she stroked the girls hair softly, a look of concern on her face.
And she tastes like birthday cake and storytime and fall
But to her, I taste of nothing at all
The girl sat up and without even thinking, she leaned in and kissed Luna. It was everything she had ever imagined. Her lips were soft like pillows. She tasted like the cake the house elves had given them earlier but even more than that, she tasted like happiness. She tasted like when the leaves turned orange in fall, like the sleep you’d get after your parents would read you stories to sleep, like that bittersweet day in May. And it would’ve been perfect, a dream come true even,  if Luna had kissed back. (Y/n) pulled away with wide eyes, quickly standing up. Luna went to say something but she didn’t bother staying to listen, she ran. She didn’t stop running until she had reached her dorm, making sure to lock it. She threw herself onto her bed. She wanted to scream, let out loud sobs but she couldn’t. She didn’t wanna disturb the peace in the room unlike the peace she had destroyed amongst her friendship. She felt her world crumble as she let out silent cries into her pillow, falling asleep on the damp fabric.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a Polaroid picture
The next few months were agonizing for her. (Y/n) had completely cut Luna out of her life, too afraid to face the damage she thought was inflicted. But no matter what she did, Luna’s spirit lingered. It first started with the polaroids in her wardrobe which were quickly torn down and thrown into a box under her bed. When the weather got colder, her scarf had the girl’s scent in it, lemongrass and lavender which was also thrown into the box. Deep down, she knew these were only temporary fixes to the problem. The memories they had together, the special moments they shared could not just be tossed in a box and forgotten about. She’d have to deal with those on her own.
As Yule Ball came, the spirits in the castle were lifted for everyone. The ambiance of the decorations in the corridors, the snow on the ground, it was a beautiful sight to behold. Even (Y/n) had found it in herself to be uplifted by the magic of it all. After a lot of badgering from her roommates, the (h/c) girl had decided to go. The dress her mother had sent her was absolutely beautiful. At first, she was a bit apprehensive of wearing the dress, fearing it would cause a lot of unwanted and unnecessary attention. But once it was on, she knew it’d be worth it. 
Her roommates all looked absolutely breathtaking, each one slowly disappearing as their dates came to collect them, handing them beautiful bouquets of flowers. As (Y/n) didn’t have a date, she didn’t feel in a rush to get ready. She took her time with her hair, putting it in a beautiful but intricate style, her makeup was flawless which wasn’t surprising with the amount of time spent weeks before in the mirror trying to get the perfect winged liner down. The girl had also taken it upon herself to place the flowers in water, knowing that her roommates would probably want to keep them alive a bit longer to be reminded of the beautiful night to come. As (Y/n) was putting on a coat of lipgloss, a knock was at the door.
“I told you lot to go ahead! You don’t have to wait for me, wouldn’t wanna hold you back, I’ll be there soon!” she hadn’t looked up, still looking into the mirror on her vanity as she powder her face. She placed on a beautiful pair of white gold hoops, finally looking at herself in the mirror. Smiling, she stood up before facing the door. Nothing could prepare her for who was standing there. Luna stood there in a beautiful dress, holding a beautiful array of  flowers (Y/n) had never even seen before. 
“I’m sorry I’m late, I was with Neville gathering these for you. He told me you would probably like these ones the most.” She walked towards the (h/c), putting the flowers in an empty vase that sat on her vanity. (Y/n) was quiet, still trying to process this. Why had she shown up? Wasn’t she attending Yule with Rami? “Oh, well, after what happened between us that night, I told Rami I could no longer see him. I didn’t want to lead him on when I knew who my heart belonged to at the end of the day.” 
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to say that outloud. It’s just, I’ve been seeing you guys so close together lately so I had completely given up hope on the possibility as friends let alone lovers.” She finally met the girl in the eyes, finding she had a sympathetic look as she felt quite guilty for her actions. 
“It did look that way, didn’t it? If I’m honest, once you cut me off I had no one to talk to so me and him grew close. But trust me when I say, you were the only thing on my mind. He was the one who advised me to give you some time. He also was giving me dance lessons so I could do this,” she spun the (e/c) eyed girl around before dipping her. She pulled her up, placing a light peck on her lips. “But I think I’ll save my best for the ball.”
And she means everything to me
Yes, she means everything to me
As the two walked arm in arm down the grand staircase, everyone’s eyes turned to look at the pair. A few gasps and whispers could be heard causing the Hufflepuff to get nervous. She gripped onto Luna’s arm tighter as she leaned over to her ear. “They’re all staring at us. Maybe this was a bad idea.” she whispered, voice began to waver.
“Don’t be silly, dove. It’s not bad attention. They’ve simply just haven’t ever seen two people so fabulous before. We look amazing.” she reassured as she descended the last step. She turned waiting for the girl, admiring just how gorgeous she truly was. As she held out her hand for her help, the blonde took it as she bowed, placing a light kiss on it. “A girl as pretty as you deserves to be treated like royalty not only tonight, but every night to come.”
The night was marvelous, much more than the times she had dreamed of it. They were the first ones onto the floor, her leading you through the dance as you were much too nervous to. Luna spun her around and held her close through all the slow songs and they both waved and jumped around wildly to the upbeat ones.A lot of (Y/n)’s housemates and roommates saw them throughout the night, telling them how cute they were together leading (Y/n) to have to explain how they weren't together leading Luna every time in turn to add a “not yet at least!”. She was still trying to wrap her head around it all. If someone were to show her a month ago or hell, even a day ago what was to come she probably would’ve laughed and broken down in her room later that night.
“Where are we going Luna? We shouldn’t be out here, we may get caught.” the Hufflepuff said as her friend- er lover?- dragged her along to the carriages. Luna looked both ways making sure the coast was clear before dragging her friend into it. The girls giggled as they tried shushing each other, failing miserably. Luna couldn’t help but admire how beautiful (Y/n) looked tonight. A few of her hairs stuck to her face from the light sweating they both did on the floor tonight, the moonlight hitting the glitter on her cheekbones from the highlight she had. 
“Ron gave me this and while usually I don’t partake in these kinds of activities, tonight is a special occasion.” Luna pulled up her dress slightly revealing a small pouch. She reached in it pulling out a bottle of fire whiskey and two small shot glasses before pulling her garment back down.  She poured some in each of the glasses before handing her date one as well. 
“A special occasion?” (Y/n) said, a warmth filling her cheeks as she smiled at the girl.
“Well of course it is!” Luna lifted the small glass, clinking it with the other girl’s as she smiled as well. “When I told you that you meant everything to me that time in May, I truly did mean it. Even though I was a tad confused at the time I’m quite sure of my feelings now. To, not new love, but love that has finally grounded. To a love that will last forever.” she tilted her head back, swallowing the burning liquid as her partner did the same. A comfortable silence overcame the carriage as they both sat there, enjoying each other's presence. Nothing needed to be said for them to understand how they both were feeling which is exactly what led to the kiss they shared.
(Y/n) leaned forward, kissing Luna back as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. Luna’s hands wandered all over the girls body before resting them on the small of her back. The blonde’s tongue swiped across the girls lips, the taste of fire whiskey still lingering there. The fight for dominance ended just about as soon as it started as Luna gripped the girls hips, pulling her into her lap. She slid her hands under the girl’s dress, gripping at her ass as she bit her lip as she pulled away. The blue eyed girl began trailing kisses down the girls neck. (Y/n) let out an airy moan as Luna began to nibble and suck on her collarbone, leaving a purple and red marking.
“I think I’m quite satisfied with that, what about you darling?” she said as she pulled back, admiring her work. The girl just nodded in response, a bit buzzed from not only the whiskey but the intimate moment they both had just shared. She yawned slightly, wrapping her arms around her neck as she rested her head on her shoulders. After about 10 minutes of them both being silent, Luna realized that the gorgeous girl had in fact fallen asleep. Luna carefully laid back with the girl in her arms, allowing herself to drift as well. For the first time in a while, they both felt peace. (Y/n) couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so well and Luna couldn’t remember the last time she got to hold her former friend, now lover, in her arms.
As teens began to slip from the ball, getting up to who knows what kind of trouble, Severus Snape was put on carriage watch. He had caught many of his former and current students in rather, compromising positions that he would love to obliviate from his mind. Each house had lost many upon many points from the carriages alone. He came across the last one in the row, opening it up. He prepared to yell like he had the last five times but shortly closed his mouth. He let out a soft smile at the sight in front of him. Two of his students, Luna Lovegood and (Y/n) (L/n) both were asleep and content in each other's arms. He noticed the fairly full bottle of fire whiskey and discarded shot glasses. He looked both ways before shoving them under his robe, wanting to get rid of the incriminating evidence.
“I suggest you gather your lover, Miss Lovegood, and remove yourself from the carriage. I doubt the other professors will be as kind as I was. Run along now and enjoy your night.” He said, knowing the noise from the carriage had disturbed the girl who was pretending to sleep. Luna opened her eyes, giving him a brief nod and smile. The professor bid her farewell with a nod before closing the carriage door. “No, this one appears to be empty, but you are more than welcome to come check if you think I am too old or blind to see.” Luna took that as her que to leave. She carefully picked up her girlfriend, opening the other side of the carriage before sprinting back to the castle. She tried her best not to jostle her. 
Once she reached the Hufflepuff’s dorm, she carefully removed the dress she was wearing along with her own, leaving them in the slips they wore underneath them. She pulled back the sheets, placing (Y/n) delicately under the sheets before climbing in next to her. She smiled as the girl cuddled closer to her in her sleep. She glanced at the flowers on the vanity once more before she drifted off as well, both having pleasant dreams of the night they had together.
She means everything to me
Tagslist: @weIpitsart , @sarcasticallywitty15
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feliciamint · 4 years
To The Moon And Back
This is part 2 of Grey Eyed Boy, since a series would be swag ( words of fae hehe )
tbh I kind of hate this but hopefully u guys don’t x
Disclaimers: Again, like last time, mega angst, kissing 
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Those grey eyes just stared at you, no word was said no movement was made, you just looked. And then you remembered why you were out here, and what brought you out here. The warmth disappeared as you slipped away, trying to run through the small mountains of snow around you, until the warmth returned, more dominating than before. 
Turning quickly, you had another moment to stare into his eyes, the ones you had got lost in so many times. And then he let go. 
‘ You ran. You hate running” He said, almost trying to string a sentence together that could  ward off the cloud of tension that rained on you both.
“What did you expect me to do?” you replied, looking down at the damp heels that were ruining your feet. 
“ It was one dance I swear, she was lonely and I know how it feels and you hadn’t arrived so I did what any kind person would do”
“ I don’t care about the dance Ced, I cared about the way you looked at her, it was the way your eyes looked at me , the way you looked down on me, the way you smiled at me, it was all the same, it was like it was us again but you had just switched me for Cho”
“Look it meant nothing, I promise you I couldn’t feel the love I have for you for anyone else”
You pondered for a moment… 
Were you over-reacting? 
Was your anxiety doing what it’s doing best?
The thought popped into your head, the possibility of being able to put all this behind you.
But then you saw her again… her and her silver dress.
“Hey guys, that dress looks so nice on you!” Cho said, with her brightening aura almost radiating across the courtyard 
“Ced Charlie asked if we wanted to go up to the after party, you're absolutely welcome too hon!”
You looked Ced dead in the eye, as though that thought retreated into the back of your head without a trace…
“ Thanks Cho but I should get to bed, journey really beat my head in!” You said, with a fake smile, as you turned away from Cedric’s pleading eyes and made your way back inside. 
The night was filled with guilt. You just left him there. I mean he did run after you, but not for the right reasons. You laid your head on your tear-stained pillow, just thinking.
Then the memory came back, that polaroid picture of a memory...
You stood up, after wrestling in the leaves with Ced which had turned in to ced almost killing you from tickling you so much. You both gradually caught your breath, and then immediately bursting into laughter all over again. After almost dying from laughing, again, Ced picked up a small stone, and started skimming it across the water. He was good at it no doubt, as the water rippled time and time again. 
You just stared at the sight before you, the god-like boy who stood before you…
With his brown taffy curls, 
And his grey orbs of light that shone towards the Lake
Oh to be the Lake
Then you were
“ Can I teach you? It’s really easy trust me” he said, staring in to your adoring eyes
“ Well you make anything look easy Ced” you said, winking teasingly. 
He passed you a rock to practice on, which resulted in the rock plunging straight though the lake. 
“ Are you sure it’s this easy?” you looked up at him with a confused look on your face
“ You don’t hold it like that dummy, here let me show you” he said, as he walked over to you with another stone in his hand, his next action shocked you more than you expected…
Snaking his arm around your waist and wrist, he pulled you in to his chest as he explained how to do it, but you couldn’t listen, as your mind had gone in to “ Oh My God what tf do I do mode”
“Ok you want to lift your arm like this, no not that high love like this” he explained, and slowly brought your wrist up followed by your arm, and spun it out of your small hand. 
The sound the rock made was so hauntingly beautiful, so sinister, but so calm at the same time. 
Turning to face him, with a gleeful expression plastered on your face, he was merely a centremeter apart from yours. 
You looked into his eyes curiously, before he locked your lips together like it would be the last time he could. Your arms found its way around his neck, and his found your waist as you fell into his arms. 
After a minute of pure bliss, you both pulled apart, breathing heavily from the intensity of your kiss. 
He looked into your eyes, with pure love, and said..
“ Look I love you , I can’t pretend I don't anymore and I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable in any way but I do and..”
He was cut off by your lips on his, which he grinned in to like the badger he is :)
“ I love you too Ced, to the moon and back” you said
“To the moon and back” 
*End of Flashback”
Ced and you had agreed on staying at Hogwarts together, thinking that this time would be filled with presents, laughter, turkey, but most importantly… love. 
He hadn’t left your head all day, as you wandered around the Hogwarts halls aimlessly, trying to find something to take your mind off those taffy curls, that jawline that could melt a poor girls heart…
The pain you felt subsided once you saw the spiral staircase that led up to the astronomy tower. 
There wasn’t anything else to do, so staring at the sky didn’t seem like the most horrible thing to do right now. 
Standing against the chilling banister that overlooked Hogwarts, thoughts flooded your head about everything. Literally everything. 
The emotions you were feeling confused you, they were all so different. 
One moment you wanted to cry, scream at him and release the demons of pain that had been dancing around your mind for hours. 
Then the next, you wanted him to throw you against a wall and kiss you like there was no tomorrow. With his hands around your waist and yours buried in his curls. That’s  what you really wanted… but you knew he wouldn’t be here,  after the way things ended last night. 
“This wasn’t a movie” you thought , but that doesn’t mean you can’t make one :)
As you were lost in thought, soundly footsteps climbed the banister behind you, you turned towards the source of sound, and saw him…
“ Charlie?” you said, puzzled 
“ I thought you went home for Christmas?” 
“ He needs you” Charlie stated, in a strange manner
“ Follow me” he said
CLIFFHANGER sry there will be a pt. 3 soooon !
Taglist: ( If you want to be added or removed just dm me :) )
@faeinorbit @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @daisyyy2516 @inks-and-jinx @anchoeritic @whoreforbucky @freddieweasleyswife @georgeweasleysgirl @tomriddleswifey @sammyyydiggoryyy​ @punkrific​ @annasdani​
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elentiyawhitethorn · 4 years
Sneaking Around | Chapter Three
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The weekend couldn’t pass quickly enough, but finally it was Monday. Aelin was annoyed at herself for feeling this way; she wasn’t some lovesick high schooler. She was a badass, intelligent, collected woman. Yet still, she couldn’t help but feel butterflies when she thought of seeing Rowan again.
That train of thought was absolutely ridiculous for a thousand different reasons. But it seemed Aelin really did have a crush on Rowan, broody as he was. He probably didn’t feel the same. If he wanted anything from her, it was sex. He might not even want that.
Aelin needed to stop thinking about Rowan and focus on getting ready for work. She showered, put on a pantsuit and flats, and made herself a bagel.
By the time Aelin climbed into Ansel's beat-up truck, she had successfully erased all thoughts of Rowan. The friends carpooled to work to save gas on the days Ansel’s hours were similar to hers (as the bar was across the street from the office), and Aelin just knew this ride was going to end up in Ansel meddling again. Ansel was a good friend, and she could keep a secret, but Aelin didn’t want to deal with the teasing, and the looks she’d get anytime Rowan was in the same room as them. Not when she didn’t even know how he felt about her.
“So... have you talked to your secret boyfriend recently?”
“Straight to the point, aren’t you?” Aelin remarked. “I’ll say it again, I do not have a secret boyfriend. I hooked up with somebody, somebody you don’t know, and that’s all.”
Ansel sighed. “Why do you have to be so secretive? Who else am I supposed to harass?”
Aelin chuckled. “Elide seems a bit moony whenever Lorcan walks in the room. Harass her.” Lorcan worked at the local gym. He was another member of their dysfunctional little family.
“You think? Oh, they would be so cute together.”
“Do you know who else would be cute together?” Aelin asked.
“You and Fenrys.”
Ansel blinked. “That’s... would we really?” Aelin grinned. “I mean, not that I’m interested or anything, but he is pretty handsome. And funny. Very funny. Do you think he likes me?”
Aelin burst into laughter. “What happened to suave Ansel, who could pick up any guy who walked in her bar?”
“Oh, shut it. Tell me straight out, do you think he likes me?”
She thought for a minute. “I really don’t know. I guess I’ll just have to ask him.” Ansel seemed like she was about to protest, so Aelin added, “Don’t worry, I’ll be discreet.”
Ansel smiled as they turned into the bar parking lot. “You’re a good friend.”
“I know.” Ansel laughed.
They got out of the truck and parted ways, Aelin crossing the street.
She walked into the office building and was greeted by Elide, who worked as the receptionist. “Hello, Ms. Galathynius. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“I hate it when you call me Ms. Galathynius.”
Elide smiled. “That’s why I do it. How was your weekend?”
“Boring.” Total lie. “Heads up, Ansel’s planning on questioning you about your crush on Lorcan.”
Elide frowned. “I do not have a crush on him. Did you do this?”
Aelin winced. “I had to direct her attention elsewhere. She was badgering me about something.”
Thankfully, Elide didn’t question her about the “something.”
Aelin went to the elevator. Fenrys and Rowan were already inside, and she remembered to be as calm as possible, despite the way her heart fluttered when she saw Rowan.
“Hey, Aelin. How are you?” asked Fenrys when she stepped inside.
She grinned. “Fine. I’m supposed to ask if you have a crush on Ansel.” So much for being discreet. Ansel would get over it.
Fenrys squinted. “Supposed to? Who wants to know?”
“That’s confidential.”
A smile blossomed on his face. “Does Ansel want to know?”
“I repeat, confidential,” replied Aelin. So far she’d ignored Rowan completely.
Fenrys declared, “Well, maybe I’ll have to ask her out, then.” Rowan chuckled. “What? She’s hot. Well, here’s my stop. Try not to kill each other.” Aelin glared at him, well aware her and Rowan’s feud was public knowledge. Little did they know.
Fenrys worked as an assistant on the fourth floor, so now Aelin and Rowan were alone in the elevator.
The doors shut. Rowan asked, “How was your weekend?”
Aelin flashed a smile. “Well, nothing very interesting happened. It was rather uneventful.”
He smiled back. “I can’t say the same. I had a remarkably exhilarating encounter this weekend.”
“Did you now? And what did this encounter entail?” Aelin couldn’t help but ask. Well, it seemed it wasn’t going to be ignored and forgotten. If it wasn’t for the camera, Aelin would have jumped him right there. How did he manage to tear away her self-control every time she saw him?
“Hmm, it involved a lovely woman. Somewhat aggravating, though.”
“I beg to differ! If anyone’s aggravating, it’s you.”
Rowan just gave that smile again and said, “Look at that; it’s my floor. Have a nice day.”
Aelin glared at him. The elevator doors closed, leaving Aelin alone. It certainly didn’t feel like this was going to be a one-time thing. And it seemed she’d grown to like bickering with him. She hadn’t felt like this since high school, when Dorian Havilliard asked her to prom. Aelin was such a gods-damned mess right now.
She spent the next few hours working diligently. It was only at her lunch break that Aelin allowed herself to think of Rowan again, and only because he was in the same room. The whole group had claimed the same lunch break long ago.
They were in the lounge, at their usual seats (Aelin and Rowan as far away from each other as possible). Lysandra, Aedion, and Gavriel were taking with Aelin about going out for drinks this evening.
“We went to the bar on Friday. You lot are alcoholics,” was Gavriel’s input on the matter.
Lysandra frowned. “We are not. We just like alcohol, that’s all.”
Aelin giggled. Aedion sighed. “Maybe he’s right. How did we get such good jobs?” he wondered.
Aelin laughed outright at this. “Who knows? Don’t question it.”
“Being an alcoholic is expensive,” proclaimed Lysandra. “We can take a rain check.”
“Why isn’t alcohol free?” Aelin pondered.
Manon had heard this last remark and said, “Why am I friends with any of you?”
They all cracked up at Manon’s usual bitchiness.
“Because you love us so much,” Aelin crooned.
Manon rolled her eyes.
By the time their short lunch break was over, the whole lot of them had traded dozens of jokes and insults. A usual day.
Soon after, a file showed up on Aelin’s desk that needed to be taken to the tech department. Rowan.
She took the elevator down and walked into Rowan’s office. He was sitting at his desk scanning over a document.
“Today’s report, Whitethorn,” Aelin announced, tossing it on his desk.
Rowan looked up and offered a sly grin. “Since when is delivering files in your job description?”
He’d caught her there. “Since I needed to stretch my legs.”
“Riiight.” Then his smile faded. He suddenly looked very nervous. “Hey, I was wondering if maybe... I mean... never mind. Forget about it.”
She plopped down in the seat across from him. “Oh no, tell me. Don’t be a chicken.” Aelin was very interested in what he had to say. She had never, in all her years knowing him, seen Rowan look so anxious. She felt rather good, as it seemed she had caused it.
He scowled at her, then said, “I had been wondering if you might want to go to dinner with me.”
Aelin’s eyes widened. “Like a date?” She couldn’t imagine anything else it would be, but it didn’t hurt to make sure.
“That was the idea. Look, I know you don’t... just forget I said anything, okay?”
“Ansel works late tomorrow. Pick me up at 7:00, apartment 3B.” And with that, Aelin stood and strode out of the room, leaving a very surprised Rowan in her wake.
By 6:00, Aelin had finished all of her work, and headed over to the bar to wait for Ansel. Elide accompanied her. They sat down with Lorcan, who must have just gotten there.
She hadn’t just been misdirecting when she told Ansel about how Elide was around Lorcan. Moony, yes, but also happier and bolder. And Lorcan seemed... nice. Lorcan was never nice. She was so going to set them up.
Aelin ordered a burger, as did Lorcan. Elide got a salad. “Seriously, El? A salad? At a bar?” was Ansel’s comment when she served them. “I have half a mind to kick you out.”
Aelin and Lorcan laughed, and Elide shot Lorcan an annoyed look. He quickly stopped laughing. Ansel waggled her eyebrows suggestively at Aelin, who cracked up.
“What’s so funny?” Elide demanded.
Aelin put on her most innocent look and said, “Nothing.”
Ten minutes later Aelin said, “Hey, Ansel’s done so we’re going to head out now. You two should stay.”
They both squinted at her. Lorcan gruffly replied, “I’m still eating, so I was going to stay anyways.”
“Me too,” stated Elide.
They gave each other embarrassed glances, then looked away. Ansel grabbed Aelin’s arm and dragged her out towards her truck. “Oh gods, they are so in love! How didn’t I see it sooner? Have you ever seen Lorcan look shy?”
Aelin laughed. “Never. Hey, guess what else I made progress with?”
“Hm?” she asked as they climbed in the truck.
“You may or may not be receiving an invitation for a date sometime soon.” Aelin grinned.
“You don’t mean... Fenrys isn’t actually...”
Aelin grinned. “Eyes on the road. Wouldn’t want to get in a car crash before Fenrys can ask you out.”
Ansel squealed. “I love you, Lin.”
“Everybody does.”
Ansel elbowed her. “Now all we need is to do is set up Lys and Aedion, find Manon a girlfriend, and get you somebody.”
Aelin stayed silent.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” A gasp. “You do have a secret boyfriend!”
“No. I’m just going on a date tomorrow.”
Ansel exclaimed, “Oh, fuck, Aelin. That’s great! Wait, did you plan it tomorrow so I wouldn’t get to see him? Because I know him?”
“I have nothing to say on the matter,” was all Aelin would say.
“That’s not fair. You have to tell me who. At least say if it’s the same guy you hooked up with.”
Aelin sighed. “Just to get you to stop pestering me, yes it is the same guy.”
Ansel, of course, did not stop pestering her. About her date. With Rowan Whitethorn. Aelin was only just processing this. Holy shit.
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aerynwrites · 4 years
A Twist of Fate
Javier Peña x Reader Soulmate AU!
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Author’s Note: Okay y’all, not sure how i feel about this one lol, I’m kinda on the fence about it? But I kinda like it? Idk, you guys let me know what you think! ALSO! I highly recommend listening to - Oh, What a World by Kacey Musgraves in the last half of the fic, bc it was kinda the inspiration behind this idea.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Angst, cursing, blood, minor injury, fluff.
Living in a world where soulmates are determined from the day you turn fifteen sounds like something out of a science fiction book. Yet, here you were, living it every goddamn day. Most people love it, they love the idea that there is someone out there for them. Someone that is meant for them and only them until the day they leave this earth.
Not you.
You woke up on the morning of your fifteenth birthday, a Friday if you remember correctly, and you were beyond excited to see the words appear on your wrist. The words that your soulmate would say to you the moment you met. However, as you bolted upright in bed and pulled your sleeve up your arm, you felt your heart drop when there were no words on your wrist at all. You had run, panic written all over your face, to your mother who just smiled and said that sometimes it takes a few hours to appear. Afterall, hers didn’t show up until the afternoon of her special day. Your excitement came rushing back as you continued to get ready for school, but as the day came to a close…the words were still no where to be found.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, and the nights after when words still failed to appear on your wrist. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and you finally gave up on the idea of ever seeing the fateful words on your wrist. Your friends tried to console you, your parents took you to multiple specialists, but no one could tell you why the words never appeared.
Why you didn’t have a soulmate.
Eventually you grew out of the childish hope of having a soulmate, you could find happiness elsewhere, you were sure. You threw yourself into your schoolwork, excelled in it and eventually, after college, you landed a job in the DEA. You worked there for several years, quickly becoming a senior agent and creating a name for yourself. A name that your superiors caught onto and the reason you were transferred to Colombia to help the other DEA agents take down Escobar.
That’s how you ended up here, sitting across from Steve Murphy while Javier Peña was discussing the reports of the latest take down to the ambassador. Your eyes kept glancing up at the clock, counting down the seconds until you could go home. You returned your eyes back to your paperwork and bounced your leg impatiently before casting another look at the clock a few feet away.
“What has you so worked up?” Steve huffs, taking his eyes from his desk to look at you instead.
You just shrug, not really wanting to talk about it, “Nothing. Just ready to go home is all,” you say lamely, tapping your pen against the desk absentmindedly.
Steve rolls his eyes before a shit eating grin works his way onto his face and he leans back in his chair, “Oh…” he sighs, “I bet I know what it is.”
You sit up straighter and cross your arms, “I highly doubt that Steve,” you retort, trying to get him to back off.
He just chuckles, “Oh yeah I do. I bet you and Michael have some plans, am I right?” he asks smugly.
At the mention of the man’s name, your heart drops into your stomach and a frown tugs at the corner of your lips. He was the last thing you wanted to talk about.
“No Steve, we don’t have plans,” you bite, looking away from him.
At that very moment the one man you really didn’t want to have this conversation with came waltzing back through the door, glancing between you and Steve, “Who doesn’t have plans?” Javier asks, innocently.
You wave your hand in the air, trying to dismiss the conversation, “It’s nothing Javi, Steve is just-“
“just trying to figure out why miss (y/n) over here is so anxious to leave the office,” he says teasingly, “I think it’s because she has plans with Michael – if you catch my meaning,” he says suggestively, elbowing Javier.
You see Javier clench his jaw at Steve’s words, an action that doesn’t surprise you since he never seemed to like the guy you were dating anyways, but you don’t dwell on it too long before you’re leaning across your desk and smacking Steve’s hands with a nearby folder.
“I don’t have any plans with Michael!” you say defiantly, “Now will you just fucking drop. It.” You spit out the words, irritated that your friend won’t just leave you alone.
Steve just laughs, “Oh come on (y/n), I’m just having a little fun! You’ve been together for a while, now right? I’m surprised he hasn’t dropped the question yet. Guy’s crazy about you from what I hear from the other agents,” he says casually.
You feel tears sting the back of your eyes at the mention of something that could never be, and you have to choke out a response, “Yeah, well-“ you cough, trying to hide the tears in your voice, “he dumped me last night. So, I doubt he’ll be asking ‘the question’ anytime soon,” you say bitterly, slumping back into your seat.
Javier and Steve’s eyes go wide at the news and surprisingly Javier was the one to speak up first, “he dumped you? Just like that?” he asks, bewilderment and, if you didn’t know any better, you’d say you heard a slight tinge of hope in his voice.
You don’t look at either of them, afraid that if you do, you’d burst into tears right that moment, “Yeah…” you whisper, “just like that.”
“What in the hell-“ Steve begins, but you shake your head.
“I really don’t want to talk about it guys, can we just drop it? Please?” you beg.
Steve shakes his head, apparently not hearing your plea, “That asshole…I swear to god if I see his ass I will-“
“Steve please!” you call, “He had every reason to do it.”
Javier jumps in at this point, “What possible reason could he have for just dumping you out of nowhere?”
You shake you head, eyes glancing up to the clock and realizing it was time to go, you quickly stood from your chair, desperate to avoid telling them the one thing you hated about yourself, “I’ve got to go guys” you whisper, trying to gather your things as they continue to badger you with questions within the small space of your shared office.
“did he cheat on you?” “did he get another job?”
“I just can’t believe-“
Just as you retrieved your gun from your desk drawer you slammed it shut, silencing both men as you blurted out the only thing running through your mind the entire day, “He left me because he found his soulmate! Okay?” you cry, barley holding back the tears threating to spill, “He left me for her, even thought he has no goddamn idea who she is. There! Are you happy now?” You bark out the words before turning on your heel and leaving the office, ignoring the calls of apology from your partners.
When you finally got back to your apartment, you dumped your stuff by the door and went immediately to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of the strongest alcohol you had. Once you poured the dark amber liquid into the glass your eyes fell to the bottle and realized that it was a gift that Michael had given you for your anniversary. As you stared at the bottle, you felt all the emotions and tears you had been holding back all day finally spill over. It felt like your heart was being torn into a million pieces – not really over Michael leaving you – but at the thought that you would probably be truly and utterly alone for the rest of your life.
You hated this. You hated the stupid tattoos on everyone’s wrists. You hated Michael. You hated his soulmate. You hated the world. At the last thought a harsh sob pulled itself from your throat just as you let out an anguished cry and threw the glass in your hand across the room, watching as it hit the opposite wall with a satisfying crash, the untouched liquid spraying across the wall and floor.
In your emotional and irrational state, the small act gave you some sense of control – a sense  of satisfaction. So, without even thinking, you took the bottle in your hand next and threw it against the ground, watching as it hit the ground with a loud shatter before going silent once more. And as quickly as the satisfaction came, it seemed to leave all at once, and your tears returned full force as you leaned against the fridge and slid to the ground. You were so caught up in you thoughts that you didn’t even hear the rapid knocking on your door or the sound of it opening and footsteps rapidly approaching you until a familiar figure hovered in front of you.
“(y/n)? Jesus Christ – “ Javier’s voice spoke as he looked around you, “What the hell happened?” he asked.
You didn’t respond, you just looked blankly at the man in front of you as he grabbed your hands in his gently, moving to help you up, but he paused when his hands met yours, “Shit – you’re bleeding,” he said, tone serious yet concerned.
His words finally got your attention and you looked down to where his hands cradled yours and sure enough, the palms of your hands had a few cuts on them. Most likely from the glass scattered around you.
Javier let out a small sigh as he took in your shattered state, and he felt his heart constrict at the thought of what you must be going through. He turned away from you momentarily to retrieve the first aid kit he knew you kept under the sink. Once he had that, he tucked it under his arm before picking you up bridal style and walking you into your living room, sitting you down on the couch and taking your hands in his own once more. He started to tend to your wounds in silence, meticulously disinfecting them and wrapping a bandage around them. Neither of you said anything for a while, until he finally broke the silence.
“You’ll find them eventually you know,” he said quietly, pushing past the lump in his throat as he did.
You looked at him, a confused look on your face, “What?”
Javier sighed, “Your soulmate – you’ll find them eventually,” even if I don’t want you too.
He had to bite his tongue before the last words slipped out. He had been harboring feelings for you since the moment you walked into the embassy. He had even planned to ask you out to dinner a few weeks after you had arrived, but when you came in gushing about Michael – it crushed any hope he had of being with you. Honestly, as much as he hated to admit it to himself, he felt a little spark of hope shoot through him when you told him you and Michael had broken up. But now, as he looks at the toll it has taken on you, all he felt was guilt. So, when you let out a humorless laugh, it was his turn to be confused.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
You shook your head, another tear slipping down your cheek, and he had to restrain himself from wiping it away as you spoke, “I don’t have a soulmate Javi,” you whimpered.
He felt his eyes widen at your admission, “you what?” he asks incredulously.
This time you hold your arms out to him, palms up to show him your bare wrists. Javier looked at them in a mixture disbelief and utter elation, thumbs rubbing your wrists lightly and you sigh a little at the contact. Deep down, you had always harbored feeling for your partner, it felt like an instant connection the moment you met, but the minute you found out about his habits, you dismissed the feelings, refusing to sign up for the hurt that was sure to come from a relationship with Javier. You realized after a moment in thought that you had never said anything after Javi, his thumbs still rubbing soothingly over your wrists, waiting patiently for you to respond.
You took in a shaky breath, “The words never appeared when I turned fifteen…or the years after,” you said lowly, “We went to so many specialist, talked to different people, scoured the library and newspapers for something – anything that would explain what was happening but-“ your voice cracked, and you shrugged your shoulders, “nothing. We couldn’t even find another case of this happening to someone,” a new wave of tears poured from your eyes as sobs wracked your body, “I’m going to be alone forever Javi-“ you cry, leaning forward as he pulls you into a tight embrace, “and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it,” you finally whisper.
Javi didn’t say anything at first, weighing his words as he held your shaking form in his arms. You both stayed like that until your sobs turned into small hiccups instead, and Javi finally decided to speak up.
“That’s not true,” he said quietly, hands rubbing up and down your back slowly.
You pulled away from him slightly, wiping at your nose as you sniffled, “What?”
Javier turned his gaze to the floor, uneasiness filling his mind as he struggled to utter the words he had been wanting to tell you for years now, “You don’t have to be alone – you’re not alone (y/n).”
You looked at him confused, unsure of what to say, so Javi took this as his cue to continue. He quickly pulled up the sleeve of his jacket and took his watch off, the one you always assumed covered his soulmate tattoo, only to reveal a blank expanse of skin – exactly like yours. You let out a small gasp and your eyes immediately snap to meet his own.
“You don’t – there’s no-“ your mind is running a million miles a minute at the realization that you are, in fact, not alone in the world.
Javier just sends you a small smile, “I never got my words either,” he admits, “So I just gave up all together, used it as an excuse to throw myself into my work and sleep around. But that was only until-“ he stopped in his tracks, weary of if he should continue down this path, and possibly ruin the partnership and friendship you both had.
You looked at the man crouched in front of you expectantly, hoping, praying he would say the words you had been thinking all these years. Even when you were with Michael.
His adam’s apple bobbed as he struggled to swallow and finally spoke, “Until I met you,” he said softly.
As soon as the words left his mouth, you slid from the couch to kneel in front of him and brought your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him into a hesitant but passionate kiss. Javier was uncertain at first, wary that you were just upset – emotional from the breakup. But as soon as your lips met, as cliché as it sounded, it was like sparks flew. A fire ignited within Javier, something he had never felt with anyone he had been with before. And he eagerly retuned the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you up, so you were straddling him. Unfortunately, it felt as soon as you had kissed him you were pulling away, panting slightly and eyes wide as you looked down at him.
“Woah,” you both said in unison.
You let out a huff of laughter and leaned your forehead against Javier’s taking in a deep breath, relishing in the feeling if his arms around you. Your breaths mingled together as you continued to sit together, minds racing, trying to understand what you were feeling. As contradictory as it sounded, the thought that keeps crossing your mind is that you and Javi were meant for each other.
In some weird twist of fate, by neither of you having a soulmate – maybe you were soulmates. You closed your eyes as tears of relief and happiness gathered in your eyes and you finally spoke up, “I never thought that I would-“ your voice catches in your throat and Javi pulls away from you slightly, a hand cupping your cheek gently, thumb brushing away a tray tear.
“I didn’t either,” he admits quietly, a small smile adorning his face, “and then there was you.”
You let out a quiet laugh and kiss him quickly before nuzzling your face into his neck, “and then there was you,” you repeat, a contented sigh escaping your lips as you and Javi stayed in each other’s arms.
Permanent Tags: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​ @stillreadingfantasy​ @jokersdoll​ @simonsbluee​ @justlovetoreadfics​ @discogrrl​ @maryan028​ @hail-doodles​ @hiscyarika​ @theforceofdisney​
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 11:- Beloved Birthdays
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Ethan Ramsey, Mark Raines, Liam Mercado, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Landry Olsen, Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Kyra Santana, Danny Cardinal, Phoebe Reznik
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Warnings:- Alcohol, Swearing
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You wake up around 3:30, not being able to sleep. After tossing and turning in your bed with no avail, you step into your bathroom and decide to start your morning routine. After brushing your teeth and a series of skincare steps, you slip on your robe and head out to your balcony.
Sliding the glass door shut, to make sure no one wakes up, you step outside and lean against the railing. The cool breeze makes you shiver as your med school memories come rushing inside your mind, against your will. You forcefully shut your eyes, trying to make it stop, but it doesn’t...everything comes crashing down. You remember everything...from the moment you met him, to the platonic hang-outs which evolved into romantic dates, the sweet Valentine’s Day activities you would do every year, meeting each other’s families and the day when he said ‘I Love You’ and you said it back….and finally the moment when your heart was ripped apart. You sink to your knees, head between your knees, and let everything out. All the emotions swirling inside of you finally pour out of you as tears, completely soaking the front of the robe. It’s been about 10 minutes when you hear, “Arielle?” Looking up, you see Elijah right outside the threshold. You quickly wipe your tears and quickly stand up.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. An eyelash fell into my eye.”
He looks at you. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.”
You sigh. “It’s a long story.”
“Okay then, short version.”, he says.
“I was in a six-year relationship during med school and it came crashing down a few months before residency. So, he ended up cheating on me...with my best friend.”
He gives you a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry Arielle.” He wheels his chair towards you as you slump back into your plush armchair.
“I’m fine. I’ve dealt with it. It just came back to me, reopened some old wounds.”, you say tears well up once again. He wordlessly envelops you in a hug, letting you sit there for some time. “Thanks, Elijah. You’re an amazing friend.” He’s about to reply when a yawn cuts him off.
“Looks like I’m a little sleepy.”, he smiles sheepishly.
“I completely forgot it’s so early. How did you even hear me?”, you ask.
“I heard sobbing from the side of my bed. It’s right next to your balcony remember?”
“Oh yeah. You should get some sleep.” He slowly wheels away but turns around, “Will you be okay?” You nod. He exits the room as you walk into your bathroom and decide to make yourself a nice hot bubble bath. Turning the hot water tap, you survey your bubble bath mixtures until deciding on a jasmine and coconut scented one. Pouring a generous amount in, you slip off your clothes and sink into the tub and let yourself relax.
After a long soak, you dry yourself off and go to the kitchen to get something to eat.
“Hey.” Startled, you look up to find Landry at the front door.
“You’re up this early?”, you ask.
“Yeah, I always leave this early. Even Dr. Ramsey gets in this early. I mean, he’s the example you want to follow right?”
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean that you have to follow his schedule.”, you reply teasingly.
“So are you coming or not? It definitely will help you in the competition, it gives you time to study your charts.”
“Alright. Just give me a sec.” You head into your room and pull on a pair of scrubs. You quickly pull your hair into a high ponytail and grab your backpack as you head out the door with Landry.
“We’ll take my car.” You slide into Landry’s car and drive to Edenbrook. You both grab your stuff and after dropping off your stuff, you both head out to the near-empty atrium. “Hey, want to see if Dr. Ramsey posted the new rankings earlier?”, he asks.
“That’s today?”, you ask.
“Yeah. You don’t remember?!”, he asks.
“Well, my mind slipped. I’m focused on my patients. Let’s go see.” Both of you walk towards the notice board and Landry slowly reads the list from the top. His face falls as he notices his rank.
“What!? How did I slip to eighth?”
“Well...did you make any mistakes recently?”, you ask.
“Well, I almost misdiagnosed a case the other day.” You look at him ridiculously.
“It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t know that she had changed her daily routine!”, he defends.
“Didn’t you talk to the patient?”, you ask.
“Why should I? We’re supposed to figure out what’s wrong with them, not listen to all their life stories.”, he shrugs.
“Learning about the patients and their stories is the best part! Anyways, it’s part of the job.”, you answer.
He nods. “Ok, I have to go.” He heads towards the nurses’ station. You notice your ranking, right above Landry’s. A small beam of pride washes over you. Taking advantage of the very empty atrium, you decide to visit Naveen when you notice Dr. Emery coming your way. Crap!
“Good morning, Chief Emery.”
“Good morning, Dr. Valentine.”, she nods in response. Quickly, you head back to the nurses’ station and go to pick up your charts when you hear someone call you.
“Valentine.” You turn around and see Zaid.
"Valentine, new admission in room 712. Dr.Ramsey wants you to handle it," Zaid states.
"Dr. Ramsey… asked for me?" You ask shocked.
"By name," Zaid says in a plain voice.
"Really? Why?" By now you can't help your smile.
"Gee, I dunno Valentine. I didn't ask. Maybe I should be more like you and badger my superiors with incessant questions," Zaid returns your smile sarcastically making you drop yours.
"Fineee," you raise your hand in mock surrender. "I'll go and attend the patient."
You make your way to the seventh floor. Entering the room with a smile on your face, you find a man in his late 50's laying on the bed.
"Good morning Mr.Platt. What can I do for you today?" You say nicely with a bright smile on your face.
"You can start by-" before the man can complete his sentence, he burps loudly scaring you with the sudden action. You compose yourself quickly. "turning down the A/C in this godawful hospital! I'm not a polar bear. And then you can send my doctor." He says rudely which annoys you but don't say anything rather play nice. "Enough nurses. Show me some-" he burps again -"respect."
"Mr.Platt I am your doctor-" he interrupts you." Like hell-" he burps loudly again," Like hell you are."
By this time your anger rises at this man's audacity. "Excuse me?" Your voice comes out louder and angrier than you expected.
"You look like a little teenager. You don't even look qualified to wipe my ass. Go and call an actual doctor."
“Oh, that’s it! How dare he question your qualification!” You’re about to rip him off when you remember he’s your patient. Taking a few deep breaths, you grit your teeth and calm yourself.
"I'm highly qualified. Mr.Platt, I assure you that I am older than I look," you decide to play the nice card one last time, "I graduated top of my class from-"
"Anyone can be certified for anything now-" he burps- "thanks to the internet."
“Oh my god!!!”, you think. “ Luckily Edenbrook has an extremely rigorous standard for its staff. I'm one of the best doctors of my year, nationwide. You are in good hands."
"Hrm. We'll see about that," he says, his voice filled with arrogance.
"Now why don't you tell me what brings you here today," you pick up his chart ignoring the wish to tear him apart. "Your chart says you have been experiencing chest pain."
"That's what I have been saying-" he burps again, "My chest hurts."
“When on Earth did he say that? All along he was just trying to question my qualification!”, you inwardly scoff.
"Okay. Anything else out of the ordinary?"
"Tingling in my arms like pins and needles." His expression turns into a horrified one when he says the next lines. "I read online that it means I'm having a heart attack."
"Well, that certainly can be a symptom. Have you been experiencing something else? Any jaw pain or maybe lightheadedness?"
"My damned hair has been falling out. Clumps of it in the pillow every morning when I wake up."
"Interesting," you note the point down "Definitely not a symptom of heart-" but you are again being cut off by him.
"But that's what-" he burps loudly for the hundredth time now, "-the internet said."
"The internet can be misleading, sir. Still, we'll send you down for an E.C.G to rule out the heart attack. But first I'll-"
"What the hell is an A.B.C.? You're making up this garbage as you go. Send me a real doctor now." You pinch the bridge of your nose as you make your way to the ER to get a head start on your shift before lunch.
Ethan’s PoV:-
You’re just finishing up your shift in the ER when a scent of coconut and some kind of flower wafts through the air. Turning around, you find none other than Dr. Valentine. You can tell she’s livid but trying to be calm.
“Dr. Valentine. How is Mr. Platt’s case going?” She weighs her options on what to say.
“He’s…quite difficult. But nothing I can’t handle.” You allow yourself a small smile regarding her response. “Dr. Ramsey, I have a question.” You nod. “Is there perhaps a certain reason you assigned me this case?” You were wondering when she was going to ask.
“There is.”
“Why?”, she asks clearly eager to know.
“Figure it out.”, you say swiftly leaving the ER. You can hear a groan escape her lips as you leave.
Arielle’s PoV:-
“What the hell does he mean, ‘Figure it out’?! Ugh!...”
“Dr. Valentine. There are no patients right now here. You can go.” You turn to see Sarah gesture to the empty beds.
“Well at least people aren’t sick.”, you think as you head back to the nurses’ station.
After rounds, you grab a light salad and a strawberry smoothie and spot some of your friends at a table.”Hey guys! What’s up?”
“What’s up is that’s it’s Jackie’s birthday today, but she thinks nobody knows.”, Elijah says.
“Wait what!? Why didn’t anybody tell me?!”, you ask.
“Well that’s why we’re telling you now!”, a voice says from behind. You turn around to find Bryce flashing you his signature smirk. You roll your eyes.
“So...what are we going to do?!”, you ask.
“How do you guys know?”, you ask.
“I saw a text from one of her friends.”, Sienna says.
“So, I and Bryce came up with this plan….”, Elijah explains the plan (with Bryce chiming in with (‘This was my idea!’) every once in a while as you chow down on lunch.
“Sounds awesome! Everyone on board?!”, Si asks. Everyone nods.
“I can snag us a reservation downtown.”, you offer.
“Those places have to be reserved months in advance!”, Sienna says.
You smirk, “I have friends in high places.”
“Of course you do.”, Bryce says. Just then your pager beeps.
“Time for my ER shift.”, you dispose of your tray and head to the ER after trading your pumps for a pair of sandals.
“Dr. Valentine!” You twirl around and see Danny waving.
“Hey, Danny.”
“Here’s the test results you asked for.”
“Thanks! By the way, we’re planning a surprise birthday party for Jackie today. You should come, Sienna would want you to.”
“...okay. I’ll try. And I won’t say a word to Jackie.”, he responds.
“I’ll send you the address later.” Thanking him, you look through the results for some clue...but find nothing.
You groan as you enter the ER. “Why did Dr. Ramsey even assign me this case?!”
“Having a bad day?” You turn around to find Rafael standing at the door of the E.R.
He gives you a sympathetic smile, "You sound like you could use someone to vent to. And not to toot my own horn," he smiles," but I have been told that I am a great listener."
"I don't doubt it," you smile back.
He pauses for a moment then adds, " Want to grab dinner after work today."
"I would have loved to, but I have got plans with some other interns tonight," you reply feeling guilty for denying such a sweet offer. However, you smile brightly as an idea strikes your mind, "Rafael, why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" You ask excitedly.
"Me and a bunch of hotshot doctors? I'm not sure that's my scene," he nods his head still smiling.
"C'mon! It's Jackie's birthday, so we are throwing her a surprise party. It would be fun," you say hoping he'd agree, " Also you could meet my friends. They are awesome."
He laughs at your excitement, "I am sure I have met them a couple of times. I bring a lot of emergency patients."
"Meeting them in the emergency ward don't count, Raf." You playfully roll your eyes. "They are a great group of people, they'll love you. And so will you..." Making a puppy face you request him in the cutest way possible," Please!"
Rafael bites his lips thinking and then shakes his head smiling.
"You can be very persuasive, you know?"
You grin at the comment. "So does that mean that you'll join us?"
He nods before laughing at your childish excitement. Your pager beeps.
“Incoming patient.” The pager should be known as the universal interrupter for doctors! I swear it just loves to interrupt people!”, you exclaim as you wave back to him.
“Well, It also does make sure that none of your patients are dead.”, he calls out. You laugh as you head to the emergency bay.
After your shift in the ER, you quickly update Dr. Tanaka on the scheduled surgeries and head to the 5th floor to find Ines.
“Ines! I need a favor.”
“Of course! What can I do for my favorite intern?”
“You probably shouldn’t say that out loud,...but I don’t mind.”, you reply with a cheeky smile. “I need you to keep Jackie busy with patients until I text you a heart.” She gives you a look. “Today’s her birthday and we want to surprise her.”, you explain.
Her face brightens, “Of course! I’ll make sure she doesn’t suspect anything.”
“Thank you!” You throw your arms around her for a quick minute and head off to the parking lot after grabbing your stuff. After a quick drive, you enter your apartment to see everyone except Jackie getting dressed.
Bryce notices you and walks towards you. “So, have you made the reservation yet?”
“Just about to call.” You head inside your room and scroll through your contact list until you find Mark, hitting dial. He picks up almost immediately.
“If it isn’t my favorite doctor cousin.”
“I’m your only cousin who’s a doctor.”, you laugh.
“So, how’s residency going? The last time we talked, you told me you were in a competition.”
“It’s...a learning experience. How’s Blair?”
“She’s amazing. She’s at the firm right now with Adrian.”
“Awesome. So, I need a favor from my favorite chef.”, you say.
“Ask away.”
“So, it’s a friend’s birthday and a need to make a reservation somewhere downtown. I would have made one before but I only got to know today. Do you know any restaurants in Boston that can squeeze a group of around...uh…10 people? Please?!”
“I’ll need more than that. Tell me what kind of place.”
“Hmm...let’s see. She would appreciate some a bit fancy but something where everyone can still be themselves and enjoy the night. The place would be nice if it was private, secluded. Definitely with like an open bar or something like that.”
He doesn’t respond. “Mark? Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Sorry if it’s too much to ask. I’ll find something.”
“Woah, wait a sec Cherry! I was just thinking.”, he responds.
“Yeah, I know. It’s a lot to ask.”
”Luckily, I know just the place.”
“Thank you, Mark. So much.”
His voice softens, “Who else would I do this for? I’ll text you the address and any other details you need to know.”
“Ok bye!”
“Love you too Cherry!” He sarcastically says after he ends the call. You come out of your room to find everyone dressed and ready.
“Ahh! You guys all look amazing!”, you exclaim.
“And so will you, once you get ready.”, Sienna exclaims as she pushes you back into your room. “Okay, let’s see what you have.” She rifles through the evening wear section of your closet and pulls out a black lace dress. “This is perfect! Now get dressed while I pick out some accessories to match.”, she says as she goes through your jewelry drawer. You step into your closet and pulling on the dress, you pair it with a pair of gold stilettos.
“Are you done yet?!”
“Geez Sienna! Just a minute.” You walk out of your closet to find Sienna holding a pair of gold hoops and a gold wristwatch. Taking the earrings and clasping them on, you slide onto the stool and touch up your morning makeup. Sienna pulls out a baby pink liquid lipstick and applies a coat to your lips.
“All done!”
“Thanks for your help!”, you reply as you pull a matching gold crossbody purse and fill it with all your things. “Hey, I meant to ask. Is Wayne coming?”
Her face falls, “No, he said he’s busy.” You look at her, knowing she’s hiding something. “...I told him that I need a break.”
“Oh Sienna, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know...he’s changed Ari. It’s like he doesn’t even care about me or what I do. You saw how he acted at the housewarming party.”
“I think you should talk to him. And if things don’t work out…”, you give her a pointed look. “Look Sienna, I get it. But you deserve better.” She nods as she takes your phone from you. “What are you doing?”
“You’re an influencer! And you need to post about how amazing you look right now! Now, pose like this…right by your armchair.” She snaps a pic and posts it on Insta for you.
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“I think we look amazing, don’t you?”, you ask as you turn to her.
“Nope…I know we look amazing!” You both giggle.
After one final look in the mirror, you and Sienna head outside and join your friends. “Okay, I’ve told Ines to keep Jackie busy so…she’s probably at the hospital. I’ll tell Ines to let her go so she’ll have just enough time to get ready as I text her.” Everyone nods in agreement as you pull out your phone and text Ines.
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“Okay, Jackie’s on her way home. Now I’ll text her.”
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You show everyone the series of texts. “Mission Birthday Surprise is a go!”
“Awesome! This is going to be amazing! Arielle, where’s the reservation?”, Sienna asks. You’re about to reply when Mark calls.
“Just on time.”You slip on a Bluetooth and answer.
“Hey, Mark. We’re all in the living room right now. Did you get a reservation?”, you ask.
“Let‘s just say I pulled a few strings. I’ll send you the address. We’ve already been here before but at a different part of the restaurant. I booked you guys a rooftop, so you guys should have privacy and instructed a few other things. The head chef will greet you there, and he’ll explain everything.”
“That’s amazing! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you.”, you laugh.
“Okay, talk to you later.”
“Have a nice time. Love you.”
“Love you too.” You cut the call and turn to everyone to break the good news when everyone stares at you. “What?!”, you ask.
“You never told us you had a boyfriend!”, Elijah says. You stare at them in confusion until it hits you. You burst out in laughter as everyone stares at you.
“Oh my god guys, he’s my cousin! I’m currently single as a pringle. Now, seeing that you guys heard everything Mark said, let’s go!”
Everyone cheers as they all pile up in your car.
“I call shotgun!”, Bryce yells as he slides in the front seat. “Kyra, Phoebe, Danny, and Raf said that they’ll meet us there.”
“Awesome! I’ll send them the address.” After a quick text to all four, you start to drive.
Blasting and singing to music all the way, you reach the place in 20 minutes.
“You have reached your destination.” Everyone cheers.
“Come on! All of you out!” All of you grab your things and walk up to the swanky restaurant. You enter the restaurant and walk up to the person.
“Ah! You must be the group Chef Raines has personally reserved. Please, follow me.” He leads you up an elevator to reveal a beautifully decorated rooftop with tables set up and an open bar.
“Damn! This is nice! Way to go, Arielle!”, Elijah says. You turn around as you hear someone call your name.
“Well if it isn’t the one and only Arielle Valentine! Or should I say, Dr. Valentine?”
“Liam! What are you doing here?”, you shout as you hug him.
“I’m now head chef of this restaurant.”
“That’s amazing!” You turn to everyone. “Guys, meet Liam Mercado, an amazing chef, and my childhood bestie.” As you introduce everyone to each other, you notice Phoebe, Raf, Kyra, and Danny coming out from the elevator. “Elijah, Sienna! Look who’s here!” The four of them start talking as they constantly blush, leaving you to giggle.
“Arielle!” You walk towards Liam. “So I’ve done a birthday cake and everything and food prep will be done in about an hour. So, it’ll be perfect for you to surprise your friend and play some games right before dinner. Just tell me once you guys are ready for dinner and we’ll bring everything out.”
“Thank you, we have to catch up sometime. The last time I saw you, I was still in med school.”
He nods, “And the last time I saw you, I wasn’t engaged either.”
“What!? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Because in a few weeks, I was going to invite you to Lara’s baby shower.”
“Oh my god! Congratulations! If you keep dropping bombs on me like this, you’re going to give me a heart attack.”, you shriek.
“Trust me, I wasn’t planning to tell you like this either. But I’m really excited.”, he says with a fond smile.
“You’re going to be an amazing dad.” He smiles as his phone rings.
“Excuse me, but I have to take this. It’s Mark. Probably to see if I’ve met the expectations of his favorite sister.”, he sarcastically replies. Laughing, you walk back towards the group when you hear Sienna shout. “Oh my god! We forgot about presents!” Shit! You completely forgot about presents. Quickly calling everyone over, all of you decide that you and Kyra will go and get the presents with the money everyone pitches in. “Let’s go!”, you quickly drive to the nearest mall with Kyra.
“Do you have any idea about what we should get? We don’t have much time either!”
“I know Kyra. I think we’ll buy multiple small items and make them into like a huge gift basket.”
“Awesome idea! That should work.” You both quickly rush to the mall’s directory and skim the list of stores. “Hey Ari, there’s a Sephora on the ground floor. We should start there.” You nod and head to Sephora.
“Okay, we’ll split up and just pick out a few of our favorite products. Then we’ll meet up and decide what to keep.” You quickly scan all the aisles, picking out products as you go. Knowing that every female doctor’s biggest struggle is dark circles, you pick out a tube of concealer, primer, and light-weight foundation from your favorite brand as you try to match her skin tone. Then you pick out a few different types of eyeliner and mascara, knowing that pretty much no one can spot Jackie without her signature cat-eye.
“Ari!” You spot Kyra holding a bag of her own. You go over and put all your products together. She’s picked out a perfectly sized eyeshadow palette and a few different liquid lipstick and glosses.”This is perfect! We’ll go buy a basket and some ribbons later on.” After finishing the purchase at Sephora in a record time of 12 minutes, you rush out of the store.
“Ooh! What about some products from Lush?! She loved the spa day!”, you say.
“Great idea!” After browsing around Lush, you both come up with the idea to make the color of the products themed. Kyra picks out a few soaps and bath bombs as you decide to go to Bath & Body Works. Ending up with a bottle of hairspray, perfume, and a few candles, you meet Kyra back at the second-floor lounge.
“You’re back! I found this amazing scarlet pink basket that matched our theme! Then I bought some tissue paper and ribbons and a bunch of extra stuff!”
“Amazing! I also stopped by the card shop and found this savage birthday card. We’ll get everyone to sign it. Let’s get to work!” After a tedious discussion of placement, you and Kyra manage to arrange everything in the basket neatly. She wraps the basket in a clear wrapper and ties it up with a matching ribbon and bow.
“I think we make a great team.”, you say.
“We do, don’t we!” Both of you quickly drive back to the restaurant and rush up to the rooftop. You step out of the elevator to find the place fully decorated by your friends.
“They’re back!”, Bryce shouts. “And come bearing a huge gift basket!” You and Kyra explain to everyone about the gift, then pass the card around for everyone to sign. After you sign, Si helps you tie the card with the gift basket.
“I think we’re all set.”, Landry says.
“Yeah, this was some great work! I can’t believe you guys came up with this today!”, says Phoebe.
“That’s cause it was a team effort.”, Elijah says.
“And one which will be wasted if the birthday queen isn’t here. Where is she?”, Bryce asks.
“She’ll be here in 20, Bryce. Meanwhile, we need to set up the gifts and set up the tables.
You help your friends set up the tables and gifts that you bought, with the restaurant’s staff’s help. After a while, your phone rings. You shout, “Guys, be quiet! It’s Jackie!”
You answer the call. “Hey, Jackie! Are you here yet?”
“Yeah, I just parked. What do I do now?”, she asks.
“Tell the receptionist that you’re here for the dinner that the Raines’ reserved. We’re up on the rooftop. Bye!” You shove your phone in your purse and shout, “Okay guys! The moment we’ve been all waiting for! Places everyone! I’ll switch off the lights. Once I switch on the lights, everyone yells! Understood?! Everyone nods as they take their places. You kill the lights, and a few minutes later Jackie enters from the elevator. “Arielle? Sienna? Elijah? Guys, I swear if this is some kind of prank-“ You stifle your laughter as you switch on the lights.
“Surprise!!!!” Everyone runs up and hugs her as she stands there like a deer in headlights. Bryce takes a picture of her wide-eyed face.
“Happy birthday Jackie!” You exclaim as you trap her in a hug. “You look amazing!”
“Let me guess, this was all you?”, she responds with a knowing smirk.
“Noooooo!... It was all Bryce!”, you sarcastically say.
“Hey! Offense taken!”, Bryce shouts as both of you laugh.
“You guys did all this for me?”
“I don’t know, do you know anyone else named Jackie?”, Kyra teases. All of you laugh.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?! Let’s get this party started!”, you yell.
Authors’ Note:- Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and make sure to comment/reblog below! Also, make sure to turn on your notifications for the next chapter, where the gang gets involved in....let’s just say a quite adventurous dare. Let us know if you want to be added to the taglist!
And a special thank you to @nikki-2406, this a-ma-zing human being saved my ass from editing pics! Love you girl!🥰
Part 1 of taglist:- @kaavyaethanramsey @rookie-ramsey @ohramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @hopelessromantics4life @realmrsramsey @binny1985 @maurine07 @alina-yol-ramsey @helloitsthiv @tsrookie @arcticlumineer @mary-c92 @sad-satan-herself @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @archxxronrookie @ethansrookie02 @semanticsandsea-lemons @mrandmrsramsey @starrystarrytrouble @deepikakkannan @siaramsey @katkart122 @openheartthot @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @luvevelynclaire @literaryexpress @miss-smrxtiee @nadeen-ahmed11 @mrsalanrickman394 @drstellavalentine @ethandaddyramseyx @annekebbphotography @custaroonie @ladyrileybrooks @robbies-sutcliffe @cralinedp @bladesofopenheart @ezekielbhandarivalleros @daddyethanramsey @aquirkychica @romewritingshop @lilyvalentine @xpandabeardontcarex @in-love-with-a-trans-girl @coastalengineer @starrystarrytrouble @clowneryme @natureblooms24
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Breakdown': New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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"I don't want to be alone!"
Chapter Summary: Precautions have to be made from Yirina, Park & Zasha after the assassination attempt on Portnova at the University of London and by trying to find more about something, a little thing caused great troubles for Yirina...
Link of the Picrew used !
To read it on AO3, click here!
Words : +3300
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
It was a surprise...yeah, we could say that, but no one was expecting this to happen and obviously, no one was even thinking of it at each second when we stepped out of the apartment to pay a visit to Portnova & attend one of her maths lecture. Who was going to pretend that there was a Perseus agent in the university who would hurt Portnova? No one and by luck, I was the one to find out about it, having left the class for some air but quickly returned inside just after that guy nudged me without apologizing.
Thankfully, we avoided the assassination attempt that 'Bellamy' was going to do on Portnova despite not been able to catch him to know more. With that, we got no choices but to leave the university along with Portnova who had to cancel her class, get myself & Portnova heal at the university nursery as the guy made my nose bleed and once it was done, we took the bus to get to the only place we needed to go right now and even if we weren't going to work today, things changed...our destination was Century House itself.
We arrived at the place 20 minutes after we failed to catch this Bellamy Petrov in the restrooms, going directly right into mine & Park's office with Zasha & Portnova to discuss the events and what we could do.
"Fuck, we got lucky that we decided to see Yiri today," Zasha was the first to talk once we were all four in the office. "No one couldn't know but...shit, you're okay?" They asked, looking at Portnova who was directly going to sit one of the chairs in front of Park's desk.
"Yeah, it's just that headbutt that guy did to me, it still hurt," Portnova replied, her left hand holding her head on the side as Zasha was putting their hands on her shoulder.
"I still feel it too, he wasn't joking at all," I stated, closing the door behind me as I was the last one to enter the office. "But now, that's meaning a lot of things: Perseus agents are here and they know that you're alive," I added, moving to lean against my desk.
"Do you think that Lukas Ritter and that I.B arrived in town?" Park questioned, looking at me as she was behind her desk, ready to sit on her chair.
"I don't know but if Perseus agents are in London, that can prove that they either already here or they will be coming soon," I responded to her, giving my theories about the situation to her. "Right now, we have to think about what we could do," I continued, crossing my arms and looking down at the ground.
"Now that Perseus knows well of my status, I think that things are going to change, I presume?" She presumed and I, Park & Zasha nodded to her in a few seconds after looking at each other.
"At first, I don't think that you will be able to return making your classes, it's too dangerous," Zasha spoke up, sounding to protect Portnova at all costs.
"Yes, it's too risky to let you doing this while Perseus is still around," Park followed Zasha's idea as I was thinking the same about it, it was too dangerous for her. "You'll have to either stay hidden or having to join us temporarily in the MI6 until the situation is safer for you," She proposed to Portnova.
"Uhm...not sure that staying hidden is a good idea," I heard Portnova muffling in a low voice as her right hand was in front of her lips.
"Wait, you want to work with us for the moment but..."
"Zed, we both know the risk about it," Portnova gently cut Zasha in their words, looking at them with a little grin. "And besides, I know how to defend myself, I was KGB, remember?" She continued, seeing resistance on her face as if she wanted to make a little laugh but the situation wasn't funny in fact.
"Zasha, she's right, she has to work with us, she will be safer here," I joined Portnova on it, knowing that she was safe around these walls, "And she could join your cryptographer team for the time being," I told them, making a small smile on my face to them.
"Fuck, yeah, you're all right," Zasha muttered to us, putting their arms on the chair armrests, sounding almost in defeat to acknowledge the truth to let Portnova work in the MI6. "But it's only temporary, I don't want her to get hurt," They insisted on that part.
"Of course, it's just for the moment, the MI6 will find a way to make the situation get better for us," Park affirmed to them, sitting on the chair, going comfy inside of it as if her day exhausting, "As for now, Portnova will be working with us, that's the best thing we can do," She confirmed, followed by nodding from me, Zasha & Portnova.
"And what now?" Zasha demanded, looking at me & Park
"We're not supposed to be here but I think that we will try to get ourselves to work for the few hours in front of us before going back to the apartment," I responded to them, moving away from my desk, taking the occasion to put back a file that I mistakenly fall when I sit on the desk. "To see if we don't have any major news from the others," I clarified.
"Good," Park breathed, passing her hands through her black hair before taking another deep breath, "Portnova, Zasha, you should go see your team for the few hours we got, we'll try to see you from time to time," She suggested to them, causing the two to go up from their seats.
"Fine," Zasha said in a low voice, gesturing at us before they start to walk away with Portnova out of the office, me opening the door for the two and once they were out, I closed the door,
"As I said, we got to get to work even if we're not supposed to work today," I mumbled about it, keeping my hands on the door handle of the office. "And...well, where to start?" I asked Park who only raised her shoulder to me.
"Honestly, I don't know a goddamn clue, Yirina," She replied to me, adding to her raising shoulders and looking at the paperwork on her desk. "We've been looking through everything and there's nothing new except what happened today,"
"We can try to look up about this Bellamy, maybe finding something on him in the files," I proposed, my eyes on her desk before looking at mine, seeing the paperwork on it. "It's sure that this guy is maybe mentioned on them,"
"That's something that could help us, good thinking, Yiri," Park complimented, taking in her hands, a pile of files about Perseus and putting it right in front of her, "We should get started on this now," She said and I nodded, moving to sit at my desk to do the same thing as her.
And it was my day all over again...looking through every one of the files that were on my desk wasn't going to be an easy task but if we could find anything about this Bellamy, it could help us by a lot to learn about him even if it's something small, it's still something to know. As Park's files on her desk were mostly about Perseus's recent operations across the globe from 1970 to now, including the things that we took down in the early months, I had the eldest ones with me.
The first operations of the Perseus Collective did in their existence going from 1944...to 1970. The attempt to steal the American nuclear secrets in Los Alamos, some little operations during the '50s before the big attempt in 1968 to steal an American nuclear bomb in the Vietnam War...during 'Fracture Jaw'. Seeing that name on a file, looking up at the reports written by the CIA, recognizing Adler's handwriting on it...it was like seeing myself back into that helicopter, Badger 9-1 with Adler & Sims, M16 in hands.
"You & Sims are making a pretty good team,"
"The bodies I'm looking at aren't seeming Vietnamese to me,"
"Shit, we're going down!"
"At least, the nuke didn't blow off!"
Sentences in my head, hearing those through flashbacks in my brain more I was looking at this file in front of me and it was giving a damn headache as if a fight was going on inside of me and in an instant, I literally threw the file away from my desk in anger, impossible for me to look at it one more second because it was fake but feeling so real that it was making me angry to tell myself that...Vietnam wasn't really for me, I never did it...but Adler forced me to think in that way...
"You're okay?" Park asked me, worried in her voice as I put my head inside the palm of my hands.
"No, why should I be okay?" I asked her back in a low voice, slowly turning my head towards her, seeing her getting up from her seat to grab the file on the ground. "No, don't put it back, keep it," I ordered, shaking my head to her.
"Why..." She started before she looked at the file closely, discovering what the file was about, "Fuck, I didn't know that,"
"Don't think that it was a good idea to give me back the old files," I exclaimed, putting my hands back on the desk, palm against it. "Even if I managed to get over it, there's still something to make me do a step back," I stated, looking at Park whose eyes were still on the file. "It will be continuing until I'm done to fight against Perseus and try to forget Adler off my life,"
"I know but I'm here for always," Park reassured me, putting the file on her desk before looking back at me.
"Yes, I know...I know that you're always here for me and the same for me," I whispered, knowing well of our love and our promises...promises that are very important to me. "What a life..." I spoke to myself, my eyes drifting on my desk at the other files that I didn't check, having found nothing about this Bellamy.
"I'm sorry, Yiri, I'm sorry," Park apologized in a low & sad voice, already feeling that she was talking about what she did.
"No, please, don't talk about it, it's breaking me to think about it," I advised her, looking away from her, not in shame but to hide the upcoming tears off my face in case. "Even if you did it because it was the only way or because you were forced, I don't care, I still love you...I love you," I affirmed to her, telling her the truth about it as I never told it to her directly. "I just don't care because I love you, that's it," I added, starting to feel a tear on my left eye.
"I...I...I'm sorry," She insisted despite the loss of words in her, causing me to close my eyes, the tears falling them, making me want to leave the office to be alone.
"I need to wash my face, I need to be alone," I told her in a clear & sad voice, getting up from my chair in an instant to leave the office.
I didn't look behind me to make sure that she wasn't going to follow me behind as I was leaving the office to get to the bathroom, not even looking up to see the others in the eyes as if I was afraid of everyone around me, as if I was again a whole stranger in London. I walked, heads down to reach the bathroom which was, hopefully, empty of anyone inside, no one inside the toilets or near the sinks.
The first thing to do...was to pass some water on my face, that was looking all-white through the mirror, surely because of what this file about Fracture Jaw makes me think about again and thinking that water could help me destress a bit but each time I was checking myself, my face was still looking the same, prompting me to put more water on my face, keeping the sink on, passing my hands through the water coming down, cooling my hands and passing them through my face.
It wasn't helping me at all: I was still feeling dizzy & weak right now in this restroom, my head hurting me as if someone was playing loud music in my ears, like torture to me and causing me to put my hands above them to cut it out but it was useless, the 'music' was inside of my head... music that was torturing me before it stopped like that, with nothing else...until I heard him...the man that did all of this...
"Bell, we have a job to do."
"No...no...no." I covered up my ears again, my ears starting to ring as if there were bells inside my ears and my voice wasn't angry at all, I was like pleading with him to stop but I was still hearing him again, saying that phrase. "Stop...please, stop!" I ordered, looking down at my feet as my tears were going to drop for good from my eyes and I was only seeing myself as weak...more broken than before...
"Bell, we have a job to do."
"Stop, stop." I started to cry in the bathroom, impossible for me to control the tears coming out and everything else, there was nothing to stop me now, my only thing to do was to enter one of the toilets, lock down the door and then, sit down on the ground, releasing every fiber of tears out of my body, lamenting myself for what I am...and what I've been through...I can't control things myself now...just crying...alone...
I closed my eyes, suddenly finding myself...back on that cliffside but everything was looking so different from the last times I was here in my head: it was just me...wearing the uniform I was wearing that day in Solovetsky and...Adler in front of me, looking away on the horizon, realizing that I was 'Bell' and no longer a simple spectator of the scene...I was reliving that scene again as one of its actors...
"Heroes has to make sacrifices and I'm asking you for one more," Adler started, throwing his cigarette in the sea before making a step in front of him. "I hope you understand..." He stopped himself to half-turn to me, seeing his right hand surely grabbing his gun and I was going to do the same...before discovering that...I didn't have any gun with me at all, not even a pistol or a knife.
"No..." I whispered, checking myself before Adler turned his head around me.
"It was never personal!" He exclaimed as he started to draw his gun at me, but I wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do, causing me to try to grab his gun off his hand, starting a close fight with him. "You're trying but you can't resist, Bell!" He bragged himself, a smile on his face as he was slowly getting the advantage on me, his gun, aiming slowly towards my face.
"I'm not a loose end," I affirmed to him, managing to knee kick him right in the guts with my right knee, making him step behind, almost close to falling down the cliff but he somehow succeeded to hold off as I was going back to charge at him.
"That's what you're thinking, not me," He said to me before doing an uppercut right below my chin with his left fist, sending me to fly on my back behind me.
"I'm not an asset, I'm..." I wanted to clarify myself with him while getting up but then, I heard & saw 3 gunshots, the time stopping before I looked down at my chest...3 bullet holes...at the same place that Arash Kadivar shot me. "No..." I whispered again before falling on my knees, my body wanting to give, seeing Adler staying up & looking at me with disapproval.
"Bell...always obstinate to think about yourself...what a shame..." He told me, shaking his head and biting his lips before he looks at his pistol in his hands. "When I tell you to make a sacrifice, you comply, end of the story," He added before he pushed me with his hands on my back, impossible to move anymore, only seeing the blue skies.
"You...you could have...give me...a chance..." I tried to speak up but that pain in my chest, the wounds...it was giving me too much strength to speak and trying to hold on. "I gave you...all I had..." I confessed in a low voice but his face was staying as before...untouched by my words
"You do...and now, you're useless, like a loose end," He admitted, sitting down near me before he put his hands inside one of my pockets, knowing what he wanted to take...
"No..please..." I pleaded with him, trying to move my hands but he put his right hand above mine, his other hand in my pocket.
"Ssshh, let me talk," He ordered in a clear voice, getting out of my pocket, Park's picture...the one she gave me. "Very stupid, she thought she could save you but I couldn't let it happen," He revealed as I was hopeless, not able to move to avoid him getting away like that, "I could have made one stone, two birds but I'm not a fan of happy endings," He continued, taking the picture towards the blood that was getting out of my chest.
"Park..." I whispered, seeing him passing the picture on my blood, soaking the picture.
"Loyal to the Crown...and Bell, pathetic from her," He sniffed about, having in his hands the bloodied picture of Park before he throws it away in the sea. "You need to die alone, everyone will forget you, everyone, you were just a pawn, a loose end," He claimed before he got up from his spot back on his feet. "You don't even deserve a goodbye from me," He added before he starts to walk away from me.
"Adler...come back..." I ordered him but my voice was so low that he couldn't hear me, seeing him disappearing in the path to get here, leaving me all alone in that cliffside, the only thing I was seeing was the blue sky and its cloud, hearing the birds around and crying to be alone...wounded...dying...alone...
"I don't want to be alone."
"I don't want to be alone," I repeated to myself as I opened back my eyes, finding myself still crying in the toilet on the ground, hands around my head, crying alone, still releasing my tears out of my body until I heard loud knocks at the door of the toilet.
"Yirina, open up, it's me!" It was Park's muffled voice behind the door as she was still knocking on it.
"Park...Park!" I moved quickly to unlock the door for her before I opened it and I saw her, standing up in front of me but her presence couldn't help me to calm down, still crying. "Park!" I cried, looking at her with the saddest look I could do.
"I'm here, I'm here," She kneeled at me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and putting my head against her chest, her voice sounding sad...bad...mostly sad to see me like that. "Yiri, I'm here for you, I'm sorry," She said, trying to reassure me but it was useless, my tears still falling out of my eyes.
"I don't want to be alone, please," I pleaded with her, my voice filled with sadness, my hands going around her to hug her, wanting to keep her with me. "Park, don't let me down...don't let me...down..." I told her, breaking down for good.
"I'm here, I will never let you down, never!" She affirmed in a clear voice, feeling one of her hands passing through my hair on the top of it. "I'm so sorry, Yiri," She apologized, feeling her voice breaking down before I could feel a tear, on the top of my head, she was crying too now...
"Yiri, I swore it, I will never leave you alone...never alone,"
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intoanothermind · 4 years
Beauty Queen - Chapter 7
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B E A U T Y   Q U E E N
Synopsis: You are the Ice Princess of Narnia during the Long Winter. Your sister Jadis, the White Witch, hates that you’re always helping Narnians escape prision. She decides to hunt you down and you have to run away from the palace. What happens when you find the four humans lost in Narnia?
- Edmund Pevensie x reader
<Chapter 6 | Chapter 8>
C H A P T E R   S E V E N
“Run, Mother!” cried Mr. Beaver, rushing in the dike house, along with others.
“Oh, okay!” she exclaimed, going towards the cabinets.
“What is she doing?” asked Peter.
“You will thank me later.” she said, while getting some groceries. “It is a long journey and the Beaver is in a bad mood when he is hungry.”
“I already am!” He exclaimed.
“Are we going to need jam?” Susan asked, as she and Y/N helped Mrs. Beaver and straighten things out.
“Only if the Witch serves toast.” scoffed Peter.
They heard howls and barks surrounding the house and the wolves started to destroy the house.
“Quick, this way!” said Mr. Beaver, pulling Y/N to a side door.
He opened the door and threw a rope over there in the darkness. Peter arrived with torches and they could see a hole there. When they heard the closest howls, they jumped in there, with the help of the rope that the beaver threw there.
“The badger and I dug it.” said Mr. Beaver, while they ran through the tunnel to save their lives. “Come out near his lair.”
“You said it went out to your mom's house.” said Mrs. Beaver.
Lucia tripped over a protruding root and fell, but soon Susan helped. They heard a distant howl. It seemed to be an echo.
“They're in the tunnel.” he whispered to Lucy.
“Quick, this way!” cried the beaver.
“Quick!” echoed Mrs. Beaver.
“Run!” shouted Peter, as everyone ran panting.
They stopped at a place with no exit.
“I should have brought a map!” squeaked Mrs. Beaver.
“It was the map or the jam!” cried Mr. Beaver, turning to the wall and there climbing through a hole at the top, followed by Ms. Castor.
“Come on, come on, Susan!” cried Y/N, helping to pass through the hole and then going right after.
“Come on, Lucy!” Susan said, helping her out so Peter and the beavers could put a large and heavy barrel to cover the hole.
They turned and saw several small animals turned into stone. Mr. Castor approached one in particular, who had his front legs raised to protect himself. Mrs. Beaver went to help him.
The petrified animal was the badger, a friend of the beaver.
“I'm sorry, honey.” said Mrs. Beaver..
“My best friend...”
Everyone was watching the stone-shaped massacre. They didn't like the scene very much and Y/N felt her heart tighten even more when she imagined that this could be Edmund's destiny. She hadn't known him for a long time, but she knew he had become special to her.
“That's what happens to those who play with the Witch.” said a fox, who appeared at the top of one of the dens.
Peter quickly pulled Lucia behind him and the others took up defensive positions. Except Y/N. She knew the fox, the petrification spell had been undone by her - the one who was the final straw for Jadis to pursue.
“Take another step, traitor, and I will tear you apart!” said the beaver, threatening, but Mrs. Beaver quickly stopped him.
“Relax!” laughed the fox, descending from the top of the hole and approaching with graceful and predatory steps, proper to his species. “I'm one of the good guys.”
“Are you?!” asked ironically the beaver. “Because it looks more like one of the villains.”
“An unfortunate family resemblance.” he said the fox, disdainful. “We’ll talk about races later. Now we have to go.”
“We won’t trust you, fox!” said the beaver.
“We will and we must.” said Y/N, so authoritatively and with leadership, that the three humans no longer doubted that she was the Princess of Narnia. “I helped him out of Jadis’ spell, he’s trustworthy. What do you suggest, fox?”
“Your Highness.” The fox made a brief bow to her. “Go up that tree. This can help to mask your smell.”
Y/N nodded, thanking him, and ran with the others to a large tree. They heard the barking of wolves coming from inside the tunnel. They hurried up, and when they were up there, Y/N stared at the snow a few feet below her. She whispered a few words in an unknown language, and the snow stirred minimally there and below. Minimally, but visible to others.
“What was that?” asked Lucy.
“I turned the snow to take our trail farther.” I replied Y/N, the moment the wolves broke into the tunnels.
The wolves surrounded the fox.
“Greetings, cousins.” said the formally, but lowering the tail. “Did you lost anything?”
“Don't try to fool me!” scolded the wolf seemed to be the boss. “I know whose ally you are. We look for humans.”
“Humans?” the fox joked. “Here in Narnia? That’s a valuable information, don’t you think?”
A wolf advances on top of the fox, sticking its fangs into its neck. Lucy gasped, ready to go down and help her, but Y/N took her and covered her mouth, whispering.
“It wouldn't be good if they found us.”
When Lucy nodded, agreeing, Y/N uncovered her mouth, but she was still holding her firmly around her waist, afraid that the younger one would slip. She looked to the side and saw that the beaver was doing the same thing to his wife.
“Your reward is to live.” said the wolf commander, approaching the fox. “It’s not much...” laughed. “Still... Where are the fugitives?”
The fox sighed and Peter was afraid he would report them.
“North.” the fox sighed at last. “They fled to the North.” and lowered his head.
“Look for their scent.” Said the commander while the other wolf released the fox and everyone ran North. Y/N smiled when she realized that the spell had worked.
When they seemed far enough away that they wouldn't be seen from above, Y/N descended with Lucy, who quickly ran to the fox and helped her stand.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yes, thank you.” he replied, a little breathless.
Soon the others went down.
“And what now?” Susan asked.
“We need to get some rest.” said Peter.
“We need to warm up, but how?” Susan asked, rubbing her arm them to ward off the cold.
Minutes later, Peter had already started a fire for them to warm up and they were all around her, eating some things brought by Mrs. Beaver.
“They were helping Tumnus.” said the fox, trying to make a dressing on his paw. “The Witch got here before me.”
The fox grunted when Mrs. Beaver touched a bruised neck.
“Are you okay?” asked Lucy.
“Dogs bark but they don’t bite.”
“Stop moving!” said Mrs. Beaver. “It's worse than Beaver on a bath’s day.”
“The worst day of the year.” joked Mr. Beaver.
“Thank you for your kindness,” said the fox, standing up. “It's a pity, but I don't have more time.”
“Will you depart?” Lucy and Y/N asked at the same time.
“It was a great pleasure, my queen and princess” said, bowing to the two “but time is short and Aslan himself sent me to gather some troops.”
“Did you see Aslan?” asked Mr. Beaver.
“How is he?” asked Mrs. Beaver.
“Well, as we always hear.” said the fox. “It will be a pleasure to have you in the battle against the Witch.”
“But we do not intend to fight the Witch.” Susan said.
“But surely King Peter...” said the fox, turning to look at the sad expression on the blonde's face. “The prophecy!”
“We won’t go to war without you.” said the beaver.
“But they do!” Y/N insisted. “The prophecy cannot be undone.”
“We just want our brother back.” Peter said sadly.
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