#i would like a pic of them together for research purposes
spamgyu · 8 months
guys not to be annoying but zayn was at the kenzo show.... and u know who is an ambassador for kenzo...................
.......am i ...about to have a wild crossover this year...
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wombywoo · 11 months
Ok! I've finally decided to put together a (somewhat) comprehensive tutorial on my latest art~
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Please enjoy this little step-by-step 💁‍♀️
First things first--references!
Now I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but I always find that this is a crucial starting point in any art piece I intend on making. Especially if you're a detail freak like me and want to make it as realistic as possible 🙃
As such, your web browser should look like this at any given point:
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Since this is a historical piece, it means hours upon hours of meaningless research just to see what color the socks are, but...again. that isn't, strictly, necessary 😅
Once I've compiled all my lovely ref pics, I usually dump them into a big-ass collage ⬇️
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(I will end up not using half of these, alas :'D)
Another reference search for background material, and getting to showcase our models of choice for this occasion~
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When picking a reference for an actor or model, the main thing I keep in mind (besides prettiness 🤭) is lighting and orientation. Because I already kinda know what pose I'm gonna go with for this piece, I can look for specific angles that might fit the criteria. I should mention that I am a reference hound, and my current COD actor ref folder looks like this:
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Also keep in mind, if you're using a ref that you need to flip, make sure you adjust accordingly. This especially applies to clothing, as certain things like pants zippers and belt buckles can be quite specific ☝️
Now that we've spent countless hours googling, it's time to start with a rough sketch:
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It doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just a basic guideline of where you want the figures to be.
The next step is to define it more, and I know this looks like that 'how to draw an owl' meme, but I promise--getting from the loose sketch above to below is not that difficult.
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Things to keep in mind are--don't go too in-depth with the details, because things are still subject to change at this point. In terms of making a suitable anatomically-correct sketch, I would suggest lots of studying. This doesn't even have to be things like figure drawing, I genuinely look at people around me for inspiration all the time. Familiarize yourself with the human form, and things like weight, proportions, posing will seem a little more feasible.
It's also important at this stage to consider your composition. Remember to flip the canvas frequently to make sure you're not leaning to one side too often. I'm sure something can be said for the spiral fibonacci stuff, which I don't really try to do on purpose, but I think keeping things like symmetry and balance in mind is a good start ✌️
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Next step is just blocking in the figures. Standard. No fuss 👍
Now onto the background!
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It's frankly hilarious how many people thought I was *hand-drawing* these maps and stuff 😂😂 I cannot even begin to comprehend how insanely difficult that would be. So yeah, we're just taking the lazy copy and paste way out 🤙
I almost always prepare my backgrounds first, and this is mostly to get a general color scheme off the bat. For collage work, it's really just a matter of trial and error, sticking this here, slapping this there, etc. I like to futz around with different overlay options until I've found a nice arrangement. Advice for this is just--go nuts 🤷‍♀️
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Next, I add a few color adjustments. I tend to make at least 2 colors pop in an art piece, and low and behold, they usually tend to be red and blue ❤️💙There's something about warm/cool vibes, idk man..
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Now we move on to coloring the figures. This is just a basic block and fill, not really defining any of the details yet.
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Next, we add some cursory values. Sloppy airbrush works fine, it'll look better soon I promise 🙏
And now--rendering!
I know a lot of beginner artists are intimidated by rendering, and I can totally understand why. It's just one of those things you have to commit to 💪
I've decided to show a brief process of rendering our dear Johnny's face here:
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Starting off, I usually rely on the trusty airbrush just to get some color values going. Note--I've kept my sketch layer on top, but feel free to turn it on and off as you work, so as to not be too bound to the sketch. For now, it's just a guideline.
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This next stage may look like a huge jump, but it's really just adding more to the foundation. I try to think of it like putting on make-up in a way~ Adding contours, accentuating highlights. This is also where I start adding in more saturation, especially around areas such as ears, nose and lips. Still a bit fuzzy at this point, but that's why we keep adding to it 💪
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A boy has appeared! See--now I've removed most of the line layer, and it holds up on its own. I'll admit that in order to achieve this realistic style, you'll need lots and lots of practice and skill, which shouldn't be discouraging! Just motivate yourself with the prospect of getting to look at pretty men for countless hours 🙆‍♀️
I'll probably do a more in-depth explanation about rendering at some point, but let's keep this rolling~
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Moving forward is just a process of adding to the figures bit by bit. I do lean towards filling in each section from top to bottom, but you can feel free to pop around to certain parts that appeal to you more. I almost always do the faces first though, because if they end up sucking, I feel less guilty about scrapping it 😂 But no--I think he's pretty enough to proceed 😚
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They're coming together now 🙆‍♀️ Another helpful tip--make sure you reuse color. By that, I mean--try to incorporate various colors throughout your piece, using the eyedropper tool to keep a consistent palette. I try to put in bits of red and blue where I can
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Here they are fully rendered! Notice I've made a few subtle changes from the sketch, like adjusting the belt buckles because I made a mistake 😬 Hence why you shouldn't put too much stock in your initial sketch~
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The next step is more of a stylistic choice, but I usually go over everything with an outline, typically in a bright color like green. Occasionally, I can just use my initial line layer, but for this, I've made a brand new, cleaner line 👍
And the final step is adjusting the color and adding some text:
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Tada!! It's done!
All in all, this took me the better part of a week, but I have a lot of free time, so yeah ✌️
I hope you appreciated that little walkthrough~ I know people have been asking me how I do my art, but the truth is--I usually have no clue how to explain myself 😅 So have this half-assed tutorial~
As a bonus, here is a cute (cursed) image of Johnny without his mustache:
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A baby, a literal infant child !!! who put this wee bairn on the front lines ??! 😭
Anyway! peace out ✌️
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Taehun with s/o who is smart, introverted (kind of) like his personality as well except for being a bastard. S/o who is like on more matured side. She was like a 'manager' or 'mom' of their group (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Thanks for the ask! I havent written anything for Taehoon in a hot second but anon why was this so hard to write 😭 is my brain fried? Am I just dumb? SURPRISE it's both.
And that guy's hair is out of control in this pic.
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Unnie/Noona
3 lil scenarios with the Yoo Hobin Company
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You don't keep track of where Taehoon goes.
Not that you really care, but your boyfriend is pretty predictable anyway. He's either with you, practicing at the studio, playing at the arcade, or hanging at the Yoo Hobin Company house.
If he's at the latter without you, your absence will be duly noted by your phone pinging incessantly:
Rumi: Unnie, we miss you <3
Gaeul: Please come over!
Mangi: It'll be nice to see you :)
Snapper: AND ME
Snapper: pls hurry
You think the record is 297 messages and 40 missed calls from the collective. You were napping, you didn't avoid them on purpose!
But regardless of what you might have had planned, you have a soft heart for the kids. If they come calling, you would try to see them.
"Stalking me again?" Taehoon gives a teasing quip whenever you make your appearance.
The words have no bite, he loves having you around.
You're only part of the company by association, but it's sweet that you got invited along to their next holiday.
Only a shame that no one had the foresight to put any sort of itinerary together or even research the area beforehand.
Trying to help them out, you message the group chat with some suggestions of cafes and sights. In exchange, you hoped for some alone time with Taehoon.
You both enjoy lunch before meandering through a park together.
...Until you turn around and find five pairs of curious eyes belonging to the rest of the company staring back.
"Why are you here, piss off." Taehoon starts to launch a kick at Hobin but you manage to hold him back in time.
"Erm, can we help you?"
"Noona!" Hobin gives you what he must have thought were cute puppy eyes. (You're not a violent person, but you agree with Taehoon that he does have a punchable face.) "We don't know what to do next!"
Rumi chips in, "Can we please hang with you and Taehoon?"
So much for spending some time with your boyfriend.
Tonight, you could practically feel the Yoo Hobin Company physically unclench as you enter the room.
It might be due to the fact you're the only one that could rein Taehoon in when he's on a rampage.
Mangi had texted you as a matter of urgency.
"Who the fuck drank my beer?"
Ah, there it is. You take in the group, all looking tense as Taehoon looms over them.
Typical of your boyfriend to blow this out of proportion. But honestly? Why would anyone purposely try to set this bomb off.
Shit. You notice Snapper a little red faced and swaying. He actually drank it?! You better step in.
"What?" he doesn't take his eye off them.
"Why don't we just go and get some more?"
"You know I hate people touching my things,"
"I know but I'm sure Hobin wouldn't mind putting some on company expense,"
"And there's probably some petty cash for the arcade."
That piques his interest. Taehoon stops scowling and turns to you, "Yeah?"
"Yep," you smile and take his hand, "Snapper, why don't you go have a look for some cash?"
Not needing to be told twice, Snapper takes this as his cue to make a swift exit.
"I'll help!" Gaeul pipes up, and scuppers off to join him.
Taehoon softens up at the thought of free beer and spending the night at the arcade with you.
Crisis averted.
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stupendousfoxthing · 17 days
“Also the link to the sighting receipts I included in the original post includes a bit about Jungkook putting the bucket hat on Tae's head, since anon finds Tae having the bucket hat in his hand/pocket a sticking point. I don't think anon read a whole lot of what was posted before they wrote their reply.”
I find it funny how everyone starts using 100% of their brains when it comes to debunking other ship moments or trying to prove that taekook were at a place together but use 0% of their brains when something works in their favor. I’m used to getting all this shit because this is exactly what happened with atomix when I tried telling people that taekook weren’t there alone because I did my research and knew they weren’t but I got insulted and called an insecure joker because of it but in the end I was proven right. I didn’t think you of all people would behave like this because you know what it feels like to be blocked by other taekookers for debunking some moments but I guess when push comes to shove we can all get like this when we really want something to be true.
I did read all the receipts you posted but the thing is the receipts made no sense to me and I was honestly a little surprised at how quickly everyone believed the things this person was saying and no one cared to look at the physics of it. I get that what this person said was something tkkrs love to hear but still it made no sense to me and it was clear to me that she was lying and wasn’t even a credible source from the beginning and this is why.
Tae posted those pics from Busan on his instagram on October 25th 2022 and the day this person said she saw taekook at the beach at 2am was supposedly on the 16th of October 2022 yet they waited till around the 3rd/ 4th of November to post about seeing them only after Tae had already posted photos on his instagram and everyone knew he went to the beach after the concert and tkkrs already had theories about Jk being there with him because of the shadow and footprint. Ofcourse she already knew all these details but this isn’t even why I know she lied and her putting her watermark on someone else’s picture and posting it as her’s isn’t why I doubt her story either.
She said she was at the beach around 2am and saw taekook. Anyone who has been to Haeundae beach knows that there is a good distance from the stairs where she took the video she posted a screenshot of to the point where she claimed taekook were standing and I would have even understood if it was daytime but it was night so it would have been impossible for her to recognise anyone from that distance. She could see the person or people’s silhouettes and shadows but it would have been impossible to see a their faces unless she went really close to them. She said she didn’t know who they were at first but then she went a little closer since she had to walk back to her hotel room and she saw them clearly. She mentioned the staff being there with them drinking right? I can understand taking bodyguards and maybe managers but why would taekook also take a bunch of female staff to their date at 2am? (Pics we saw that staff posted) If they did take staff with them what was the purpose of the staff being there if they let fans get close enough to take pics or videos of them without a flash? The beach was empty as we could see from the screenshot she posted so there is no way she would have gotten close enough to see their faces without the staff intervening and stopping her and if she only kept walking by the pathway (around the stairs) it would have been impossible for her to see their faces clearly to know who they were because it is a good distance from the pathway to the position where her picture showed taekook standing, I have been to that beach more than once, never at night but even in the daytime you can’t make out someone’s face from that distance and even if she has 20/20 vision, she still would have only seen their silhouettes and not their faces clearly. So she lied. I don’t even want to say she was mistaken because she wasn’t, she clearly lied about it and even though she admitted being a taekooker (who didn’t ship them anymore) I don’t even think she did it mainly for the ship. I think she really wanted people to know that she had alot of experiences with or saw many of the members because she posted that “stolen”pic from Jimin’s dad’s cafe and claimed it as her own until she was caught and then she claimed that she saved it from another fan to show her friend how long the line was at magnate but who watermarks a picture that isn’t theirs and posts it if they just wanted to show a friend? She also spoke of an experience with Hobi, and then she came up with the taekook sighting more than a week after Tae already posted pics on his instagram placing him at the beach on that night. She gave so many details that she would have only known from instagram and not from actually seeing them. As I said earlier, she would have had to be really close to them to see what footwear they had on because how else could she in the dark and it’s not even like taekook were standing by the stairs where there was good lighting, they were very close to the water according to the pic we saw, think about about it, if you aren’t really close to people at the beach at night can you see their footwear or even the brand of clothes they are wearing? Forget about the the beach, even walking on the street, if you are on a poorly lit street and you are walking on opposite pathways from another person can (which is closer than she could have been to taekook at the beach) is it possible to see their footwear or brand of clothes? You might see their color of their clothes and their silhouettes but that’s about it. She would have needed to be extremely close to see and make out the brand of pants tae was wearing but guess what, these are details that she could have easily found out from looking at Tae’s pics from instagram where we can clearly see the grey LV sweatpants, see he had on slippers and then there were the theories from taekookers about Jk being there too because of the print of the birkenstock slippers so she would have already known all of these details but couldn’t possibly see all these in person in the dark unless she was really close.
Her video showed what looked like the shadow of just one person and seeing how she never had any issues posting pics and videos of the members before, if she really had a clearer video of taekook as she claimed, she would have posted it especially because many people were calling her a liar. Someone already clearly lied about seeing taekook together near the stadium on the 12th and people so easily believed it and no one cared to use 100% of their brain to make sure it was true and then this person comes out after Tae posted pics of himself on the beach claiming that she saw him there at 2am and giving details of things she saw from his post? Isn’t it also funny how some of the “other receipts” only commented about it (in her replies) after she mentioned seeing them? How come no one said anything about seeing them before Tae uploaded those pics on his instagram? Why did she wait till after Tae uploaded pics to claim that she saw them?
Anyways let me start minding my business. I’ll be back to say I told you so when this is debunked again like atomix after I almost got stoned for saying tk werent there alone.
Yoli? Is that you???? How come no one said anything about seeing them before Tae uploaded those pics on his instagram? Why did she wait till after Tae uploaded pics to claim that she saw them? Have you looked in the mirror lately? You definitely didn't read everything I posted about this if you're still here writing me essays about something I never even gave that much of a fuck about to begin with. You sent me multiple messages about the same thing a month ago! You have dramatically overestimated how much I care about this particular moment. I never gave a fuck about Atomix either. I made a post about that when the drama happened to show the ONE time I tweeted about Atomix, which was to say I don't care about Atomix and it wouldn't make my Taekook top 50 list. I don't even think it would make my list at all. I actually never cared. You're trying to fight me over a nothingburger moment. It's pure speculation, you said it yourself, so I don't know why you're so desperate for people to agree with you and close the conversation. Not me or a single other person in my replies was claiming we are 100% certain of what happened that night. But you are, otherwise you would not be fighting this hard. Like, this is SERIOUS for you, I can see that. Start your own blog if you feel this strongly about it.
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majaloveschris · 2 years
The pics of them at the wedding (early into their relationship)were not for pr purposes and was probably assumed by them they would be private also some of those pics they weren’t even together(gifted premiere, and filming) now the slop premiere pic was also taken indoors not on the red carpet . What I was specifically talking about were the pap walk pics the ones released to the general public they did not look that happy and for most of them he kept a friggin suitcase in between them and walked ahead of her. He never touched her either in pap pics(I don’t think the slop premiere pic was taken by a pap) while they were together, some of the same things being said about him and alba were said about him and Jenny(obviously not the age gap). I’ve said here before I believe they were a real couple but I feel whatever they had fizzled out fast and they were stuck in pr and he didn’t fake it then either. Also to the anon I was responding to you didn’t outright say it but that’s pretty much what was implied, what she did in her past could’ve and should’ve been vetted by his team but it wasn’t or they didn’t care. Just like with Jenny and her tweets all that info was out there for everyone to see and they chose to either not do enough background research or just ignore it because they knew the general public wouldn’t care enough to completely damage his rep.
I understand, but I still think he was at least trying. I get that those pictures weren't for the pr, but for example Chris and Alba clearly knew they were being photographed, and he wasn't even trying. He wasn't smiling or wrapping his arm around her. It wasn't a perfect relationship, and while I don't say it didn't serve PR purposes, it was still more believable than he and Alba. 
And, if I understand correctly, when you say that those photos weren't supposed to be released, doesn't that imply that they were genuine? Or did I misunderstand something here?
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Hello there again! It's me again. I know you're bombarded with asks right now, and I feel sorry for ranting to you. You don't need to reply to me. I would totally understand. Strangers dumping their own emotional baggage to you can be emotionally inordinate. I admire your patience. Please bear with me a little longer. You don't need to read nor respond to this. Please don't ever feel obligated.
I will just share something to you today. I saw Tae's photos from the Celine party and Naomi's birthday. Not one in those photos did we see him smile genuinely. Do you think the issue took a toll on him? I feel like something's really off with all this. We still don't have the answer now, and we may not get the answer in the future. Not to judge him based on the photos shared, but he looked bothered or something. He even looked skinnier to me. I was debating with myself whether it was just due to his hair or make-up, but really, his face looked thinner.
Also, the media is acting kinda sus. Suddenly, they've been writing captions including Jennie. Vogue even mistook Lisa for Jennie. What the hell is going on? Could the PR theories be correct? This feels like a kdrama right now. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds.
I'm so happy to see Tae, though. I just really hope he's doing okay. I want him to go back to Korea now and be with Jungkook and Yeontan. I want him to stay away and take a rest for as long as he needs. This is all a mess and he's about to do his solo work soon. Ugh!
I hope you're doing okay, too. Thank you for being my emotional sounding board. Have a nice day!
Hi anon!
I am indeed being bombarded with asks. Aside from that, my live is being very lively at the moment. Work, kid, weddings, etc... are kicking my ass a bit. Yesterday I started feeling guilty for not being able to answer everyones asks as quickly as i'd like, but after sleeping on it I feel... this is my blog, I can deal with it as suits me best... so any anons still waiting... have a bit of patience with me :).
Tae's pic's did not concern me at all. I feel it's just his serious-model-Tae-face. Those pics were taking for marketing-purposes only, I'm sure Tae enjoyed the event inbetween taking some promotional shots. Park Bogum is with him, that to me is a good thing.
Media are always sus. We've long past the times when journalists actually went out to gather information. In this time of pr-teams and socialmedia, 'journalists' have become textwriters who base their articles on company-issued statements, social-media trends, and a bit of online research. So I always take those things with a grain of salt, and with my knowledge of how media works in mind (I myself work in marketing, and have a background in journalism).
Seeing how things play out in media right now, to me this absolutely falls in the pr-categorie. I would stil have fallen in that categorie if I thought Taennie was real.
There are rumors of Jk leavinf SK soon, either to Europe or US I believe, but it's all stuff I've read somewhere else. So could be that we won't see them together for a while still. They are both working hard though, and have had a lot of time together the last few months. This is their time to work hard.
Enjoy your day!
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cursingtoji · 3 years
𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖜𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊
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FEATURING>> Gojo, Toji, Geto, Nanami & Sukuna.
A/N>> Not to brag but I'm graduated in 13 seasons of ink master so... jk this is for fictional purposes only! DO NOT INK YOUR LOVERS NAME ON YOU THAT'S COMMON SENSE or do it and fuck common sense I guess :)
WARNINGS>> invisible ink is mentioned (a controversial topic among tattoo artists because it might be dangerous so if you're planning to get it do some research about the risks first), implicitly smut!
PART 2 >>Choso, Yuuji, Yuuta, Megumi<< | M.List
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❀ i feel gojo would have various stickers like tattoos instead of big pieces
❀ just random stuff he liked, lots of them are related to you somehow
❀ so one day he just looked at the emptiness of his pelvis and thought it would be the best place to add your name
❀ he opted for a small handwritten font angled down on the left side of his pelvis
❀ he regretted that decision so hard all the time in the tattoo studio
❀ sir are you crying?
❀ nO i'M nOt jUsT hUrRy uP pLesSe
❀ it turned beautiful anyways, when you saw it you got emotional
❀ "aw you chose the left side becase it's the side of your heart?"
❀ "no, it's because I can masturbate and look at it at the same time <3"
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✧ Toji is filled with tattoos most of them are black and grey realism
✧ by the time megumi was born there was almost no free skin left
✧ he made a comment about wanting to ink megumi's name just to have your opinion on placement
✧ you sarcastically replied that he would have to tattoo it on his forehead because there was no other place left
✧ next day he showed up with your name in a small font above his left eyebrow
✧ you wanted to punch him
✧ but the font was so pretty and delicate
✧ he would still have the rest his face to ink megumi's name in the future
✧ "do you want to see how it looks between your legs?"
✧ bonus
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☆ geto has both his sleeves and chest tattooed multiple styles
☆ he always wanted to ink his fingers too
☆ so why not ink your name on them
☆ if your name is long he would try to shorten it to 4 words to fit the fingers on his right hand
☆ and add "baby" to the ones on his left hand
☆ but there's a catch
☆ he also added "slut" in invisible ink in the same hand as "baby"
☆ he installed UV black lights to your bedroom and he always turn them on when he fingers you with his left hand :)
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♡ being a corporate employee Nanami can't have many visible tattoos
♡ the ones he already have are both half sleeves, full back piece and tights, most of them are american traditional style
♡ his big gesture for you was adding a traditional arrow heart with your name on it at the left side of his chest
♡ but after some time he thought it was not enough
♡ so he showed a pic of you to the tattoo artist and together they came up with a american traditional version of your face
♡ which Nanami tattooed on the right side of his chest
♡ every time he feels stressed he likes to look under his shirt to see your face and calm down a little
♡ he also loves when you touch/kiss them when you're on top of him
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✵ Sukuna also is pretty heavily tattooed but as all buffy guys he haven't tattooed sensitive spots
✵ when he asked you to choose a place you pointed the inside of this left arm
✵ “this way i will always be close to your heart”
✵ he vomited hearing that
✵ but he did it and he did big, using a thick black font
✵ the downside of this placement for him was that he couldn't see when wearing a t-shirt
✵ so the stopped wearing them
✵ the bright side was that you could always see his permanent proof of love when he topped you and placed his hand/elbow by the side of your head
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© please do not modify or repost;
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ikissjude · 3 years
how enhypen would spend your birthday with you
genre fluff. warnings none. word count 887.
— a/n: hello lovelies! i hope you all are well 🥺 i meant to write the earlier and post it last week but i’ve been super busy! i made this since august 19th was my birthday (i turned 18!!) and i had some ideas about what enha would do, and then the next day i had to get moved into my college dorm. but, i’m here now and college has started so posts will be especially slow! anyways, i hope you all enjoy this!
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♡ — lee heeseung
arcade date!
hee loves playing games
and he also loves winning
his whole plan is to win you a stuffed animal
a pro at basketball and shooting games
loves showing off his skills to you
but when it’s time to go against each other?
honey you’re in for a treat 😫
you win and he’s STUNNED
you also beat him at air hockey and he just has no words
in the end you let him beat you at some games so he could actually win you a stuffed animal
♡ — park jongseong
shopping and dinner date!
our boy jongseong is very much all about his s/o
and when it comes to special events, like your bday
he just wants to spoil you no matter what
so that’s what he does! he takes you to a shopping center and he lets you get whatever you may like
takes you to expensive stores and lets you model for him
also might’ve picked out some outfits for you himself
picks out your whole fit for your dinner date afterwards
takes you to a top restaurant with the finest food and wine for dinner ‼️
♡ — sim jaeyun
café date!
yun would spend a long time researching the perfect and prettiest café to take you to
one that has all of your favorite desserts and ones you’ve always wanted to try
picks the most aesthetically pleasing corner in the café for you to take your insta pics
your personal photographer too!! he knows your angles well 😁
he insists on feeding you bites of your dessert </3
just bc he finds it so cute when your cheeks go pink
loves doing the cliches where he’s wiping foam off of your lips
♡ — park sunghoon
ice skating date!
he chose to go to the rink on purpose
now if you know how to ice skate, you’re in the clear!
but if you don’t know how to skate…
you’re holding onto him for dear life
and you know he only did this so you could be close to him 🙄
takes your hands and tries to get you to spin around
but you fall into his arms
when you’re off to the side clinging to the wall he shows off his moves since you love them so much
but he also wants you to skate as much as possible !! even if you fall he’s there 🥺
your whole bday date was just endless hand holding and falling into hoon’s arms
♡ — kim sunoo
art museum date!
his whole plan is to take you and just admire you while you look at the art
he took you to the art museum since you had been planning on seeing an exhibit that just opened
and he loved when your face lit up as he told you that he got tickets for it
hand holding! for almost the entire time
you get to one specific piece that you just absolutely adore
as you were admiring it you can hear sunoo snapping a picture from behind you
immediately makes it his wallpaper!!
and at another piece he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on top of your head
just so you two could look at the piece together
for the rest of the day you two talk about your favorite pieces and your interpretations of them
♡ — yang jungwon
picnic date!
lmao i chose this bc of his en-log
the night before your picnic he’s packing tons of foods
mini sandwiches, strawberries, oranges, lemonade, cookies, etc.
and he has a cute lil picnic basket and blanket at the ready
takes you to han river for your date!
wonie also brought a polaroid camera to take pictures of you
you guys spend your day talking and admiring the view
and maybe also admiring each other :)
after eating you guys are laid out watching the clouds float by
and you fall asleep and jungwon’s just watching you sleep so peacefully like 🥺
♡ — nishimura riki
amusement park date!
riki loves things that are thrilling
and tbh if you were dating him i think you would also enjoy those things too
so what better way to spend your bday than take you to an amusement park!
you guys go with absolutely no plan whatsoever, just vibes
taking turns dragging each other to different rides
you also drag him on the viking three times in a row but he doesn’t mind
just as long as you guys get to go on a roller coaster three more times as well
although he’s not one to match with his s/o, he lets you get matching headbands to wear around the park 🥺
after the day winds down he takes you on a ferris wheel and you guys kiss at the top 🙈
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© ikissjude 2021
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callivich · 3 years
😈🔥Kinktober Gallavich Prompts🔥😈
For October or you know…whenever 😉 Also includes some writing resources! NSFW & 18+ only
Sexy Gallavich Prompts 🔥 - Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 Tropes Prompts: Pornstars 🥵
@gallavichthings - Gallavich Kinktober Prompts 2021 Gallavich Kinktober Prompts 2022 Gallavich Kinktober Bingo Prompts 2023
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Prompts for fics, headcanons/meta, art, or discussion. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point, you don’t have to stick to the exact prompt or wording! Btw, if anything along these lines has been written, please do recommend them to me!
As I was working on this prompt set, I came across some resources that people might find useful (haven’t read everything on these so can’t vouch for them 100%) -> kink wiki (descriptions, inspiration, & writing resources) // words to include in sex scenes // big list of smut writing resources // writing smut resources // Halloween Kinktober Prompts // General Daily Kinktober Prompts // 3 Gallavich kink memes on livejournal (old/defunct) // Active Gallavich smut meme on dreamwidth
AU: Ian & Mickey work in a sex store. There’s a lot of unresolved sexual tension between them. It gets worse when one of them suggests they test out some new sex toys and report back with the results. Either Ian or Mickey suggests maybe they should do it together - just for research purposes. Or one accidentally interrupts the other testing out a sex toy.
Mickey & Ian visit a nude beach & either have lots of fun or one of them gets hit on and the other gets jealous.
There’s a person in the apartment across from Ian and Mickey’s who starts watching them have sex. At first they are pissed off, but turns out….they kind of like being watched.
Sure, they’re married and they’ve got rings to show this. But it doesn’t mean they don’t still enjoy leaving marks on one another.
During a heatwave, the AC breaks in their new apartment. Good thing their fridge has an ice-maker, so they have lots of ice to cool down with and maybe play with too….
Their parole jobs have them on different schedules, they miss each other and they start to send each other dick pics. Soon, it evolves into sexy videos & they find themselves competing for who can send the kinkiest video.
Ian hasn’t forgotten about the “gonna get you pregnant” line that Mickey said during sex. He decides he’s going to say it to Mickey, just to see what reaction he gets.
Unable to decide what to roleplay - they each write down a load of suggestions on pieces of paper to pick out of a hat. Including things like: boss/employee, security guard/thief (Mickey has the Old Army uniform), soldier/general, one night stand/blind date/Grindr hookup, Jedi/stormtrooper, EMT/patient (they have the ambulance!), new cellmates in prison, etc.
AU: Mickey signs up to work at a high end escort agency. Before he starts work, he has to go through a special induction with one of the agency’s best escorts - Ian. The induction includes them trying out different “services” together (positions or acts etc) in order to figure out what Mickey would like to offer to his clients. (Or it could be an interview rather than an induction and Mickey has to impress Ian.)
Ian crosses the border with Mickey - when they get a motel room, Mickey wants to get out of the dress as quickly as possible but Ian convinces him to keep it on just a bit longer.
While waiting for Ian outside their apartment building one evening, Mickey gets mistaken for a prostitute. He’s pissed off but it gives Ian a roleplay idea.
As soon as Ian sees the large, full length mirror at a yard sale, he knows it would be perfect for their new bedroom so that they can watch themselves have fun. Mickey isn’t sure at first but he quickly comes around to the idea.
Mickey has switched from boxers to boxer-briefs & Ian is more obsessed than usual with Mickey’s ass (spanking, body worship, praise…he just cannot get enough).
When Mickey called Ian “sugartits” it was because Ian’s chest was looking so damn good. & he’s going to show Ian exactly how hot it gets him.
AU: Mickey attends a kinky Halloween party at a sex club. Everyone is in costume and he hooks up with a mysterious guy who, afterwards, he can’t stop thinking about. Will they ever see each other again?
It’s on their wedding night - when they are feeling sentimental and complimenting each other - that they both discover they’ve got a praise kink.
They’ve got a brand new bed, new sheets, & a new headboard. Obviously, they need to break it in - that means the gag, the handcuffs, the blindfold, their box of toys. It’s gonna be a long night.
“I definitely love one.” Sometime after this moment, Mickey decides to show and tell Ian just how much he loves his cock.
Sometimes all Ian wants to do is watch Mickey with a sex toy and tell him what to do.
Ian & Mickey discuss their favourite fantasies & maybe even indulge in one or two.
Just because they’re married & living together, doesn’t mean they don’t still jerk off sometimes. Ian wants to know what Mickey’s thinking about when he does. Mickey decides to give Ian a show. (Or vice versa).
AU: Somehow, Ian and Mickey switch bodies. The first thing they do? Have sex and explore their new bodies.
It’s Mickey’s turn to pick what they do for date night. Ian expects to be taken to a dive bar but is surprised when Mickey says they’re staying in the apartment. Turns out Mickey has been practicing something - a special lap dance & striptease for Ian.
AU: Ian works at a tattoo shop where he does piercings. One day Mickey comes in, wanting a simple ear piercing. Ian is instantly attracted to him but figures he’ll never see him again. But Mickey comes back, wanting more piercings (maybe nipples?) & there is a lot of sexual tension between them as Ian does the piercings.
There is one thing Mickey likes about the West Side - it’s the sex shop that’s a few doors down from Whole Foods. & if Ian wants to spend money on fancy vegetables, then Mickey is going to spend money on fancy sex toys.
It’s Ian’s birthday & he’s got a simple request - they stay in their apartment over the weekend, Mickey has to be naked at all times, and the only place Mickey can sit is on Ian’s lap.
It’s Mickey’s birthday & his request is also simple - he wants Ian to surprise him with something kinky, something that maybe they haven’t done before or have only done rarely.
They’re each training a new employee for their security business. They’re gonna miss working together, so Ian suggests Mickey wears a plug as a little reminder of him, and makes sure to text him throughout the day asking him how it is.
It’s Halloween, so naturally they are discussing which fictional monster (vampire, werewolf, ghost, etc) would be the best to have sex with. & naturally, they disagree.
Post-wedding, every time one of the Gallagher siblings tell them to shut the fuck up, Mickey just gets louder, much to Ian’s amusement (& horniness).
The amazon package is definitely addressed to Ian Gallagher, but it’s definitely not the nice, new bedsheets they ordered. It’s some lacy lingerie. They should return it….but fuck it, they can’t be bothered. After they reorder the bedsheets they wanted, they wonder what they should do with the lingerie…..
Mickey gets off on choking so much that even Ian just casually touching his neck turns him on. Which would be fine, but they’re at a Gallagher family dinner.
It’s a stupid competition - who can last the longest (edging/endurance/orgasm control or denial). But they are both very competitive and want to win.
Ian decides Mickey needs a sexy punishment for not telling him he was getting out of jail in s10 - Mickey had promised Ian he would let him know so that Ian could pick him up. Mickey may just have been hoping that this would happen. ———
5 times they try a new kink and enjoy it + 1 time they try one that doesn’t do it for them.
5 times they try dirty talk - getting better and better at it each time + 1 time it’s really bad.
5 times Ian is dominant + 1 time Mickey is (or vice versa).
5 times they use handcuffs + 1 time they break a pair.
5 times Mickey is a bossy, power bottom + 1 time Ian is.
5 times they get off on their size difference (could be their heights or other differences in size….).
5 times they explore a different sense - sight, sound, smell, tase, and touch.
5 sex videos they make or 5 kinky pictures they take.
5 nonsexual things/objects that somehow they manage to make sexy/kinky.
5 times they get off on manhandling each other.
5 times they have shower sex + 1 time they have bath sex.
5 times Ian spanks Mickey + 1 time Mickey spanks Ian (or vice versa).
5 times they get messy + 1 time they clean each other up.
5 times they get off on nearly getting caught + 1 time they actually do get caught (and still get off).
5 ways they discover a kink + 1 they don’t have to discover because it’s so obvious.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Looking Respectfully
Asahi, Iwaizumi, Ushijima with a s/o with an appreciation for their arms/back. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Azumane Asahi x Reader
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
For @sweet-sweet-strawberry ,, here you go!!! I will def sit here and looking at their beautiful muscles with you. I think my favorites on each of these sweethearts would be Asahi’s back, Iwaizumi’s arms, and Ushijima’s thighs, respectfully. Anyway,, sorry this took so long I was really busy today!!!
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Azumane Asahi 
I was conducting my research for this…. Asahi speech. I was looking at pics of him and rechecking his sign and now my big brain is connecting the dots,,,, he is a Capricorn.... like his personality totally makes sense now knowing that,,, right? 
Anyway,,,, I am currently looking respectfully at this tall gorgeous hottie!! He 6’0? He passed the I’ll be his housewife check
He is so big like his back and shoulders are so broad like lemme take a little swing daddy,,, sorry
Asahi is so polite and bashful that he would get really blush when he catches you staring at him,,, like running your eyes all over his body
I feel like he would thank you a lot whenever you compliment him, he would say thank you like fifty times…. Why is he so cute?
His self-confidence would go through the roof when he finds out how attracted you are to his arms/back,,, he would try to tease you about it but you could always tease him back really well so his methods doesn’t work like he wants it to
Telling him how much you like his muscles will probably fuel his ego, it would make him feel so good and internally he would get so cocky,,,, he would never let the power go to his head though…. 
It does come in handy, your appreciation for his arms because Asahi has the opportunity to make you so weak
Literally one flex of his biceps or even a glance of his bare back would have you on your knees in front of him, pulling your hair back
Asahi is one of the softest sweetest mf and he definitely knows how to treat you,, he knows what he is doing. Also I want to add that Asahi is the blueprints for what all men should strive to be like, quiet. 
“A-Asahi!” You hiccup, tears pooling in your eyes as you dig your nails into his back. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Asahi stares down at you, his face etched with concern as he looks at your pained expression. “Are you okay?” 
You can’t answer and simply nod your head, hoping he gets the hint. He feels so thick inside of you, you feel so full. 
“Keep going,” You push through grit teeth and Asahi wants to slow his movements, but judging from the way your nails keep piercing his back, he knows he shouldn’t. “it feels so good.”
Asahi blinks as he connects the dots all together in his head, the way you’re mewling and the way you’re holding onto his back so tightly, it should’ve made sense earlier. Asahi spreads your legs further apart, making an obvious point as he thrusts deeper inside of you. He takes advantage of how easy it is to bottom out, letting you grind against him as he stills against that one spot along your walls. 
“Yes,” You lean up to kiss his neck, running your tongue along the front of his throat, nipping at any spot you can reach. “right there.” Asahi moans softly as you suck a deep bruise in the crook of his neck, the vibrations from your muffled moan go straight down to his aching cock. 
He doesn’t want to be gentle anymore.
Suddenly his hips begin to move again, snapping into yours at a pace you can barely keep up with. The motion makes you fall back against the bed, unwrapping your hands from his shoulders to drag down his front instead. You watch with needy eyes as his abs ripple under your touch and you take pride in the light red scratches going down his chest. 
“Babe,” Asahi warns and you pretend not to notice, he lowers onto his forearms and brings his face real close to yours and utters a single warning. “Play nice or you’re really going to get it.”
Iwaizumi Hajime
Now… now my baby boy,,,, ugh my gorgeous Hajime~~ Arms. ARMS.
Iwaizumi Hajime has them biceps, triceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis, bicep brachii, tricep brachii, thank you. Now, I know what you’re thinking ‘bitch everyone has those muscles’ and you would be right but they aren’t Iwaizumi Hajime
You guys know that photo of him with the sash that says ‘champion’ on it? Yeah,,, that’s what I AM thinking about. Please he is so damn fine, my arm wrestling KING. Next
Iwaizumi is such a shy sweet little baby BUT at the same time he is an attention-seeking gemini, therefore…. Very early on I think he would be shy whenever you compliment his looks but then later in the relationship he’d be like ‘oh you like what you see bbyg?’ 
He’d get really red and flustered under your stare like if you are just looking respectfully then he will seriously get soooooooo shy,,, Hanamaki will make fun of him for ages because of it LOL
When he gets more comfortable and confident with you then Iwaizumi would most definitely do things on purpose to rile you up
He’d carry heavy boxes or just stretch in front of you so that his biceps POP and you just have to sit there like…. :) thank you for the view, Hajime
Let’s sidebar for a second and IMAGINE how amazing his hugs would be,,, even though my short kind isn’t the tallest his arms would make you feel so safe and warm
Can I also add that Iwaizumi’s resting bitch face is so hot? Like he looks so unapproachable and like such an ass but he is the sweetest person EVER,,, gawd I love himmmmm m>>>>>>
Damn I really,,, what else do I add… I am just sitting here staring at photos of Iwaizumi and I am genuinely rendered speechless… he is a very handsome person 
Your pitiful whimpers slip out of your mouth one after another. You try to muffle the noises by burying your face into the crook of Iwaizumi’s neck but it doesn’t work, not when he is thrusting into you like this. 
“Relax, babe.” Iwaizumi drags his lips against your ear, his voice lowering uncharacteristically deep and it makes your head spin. His strong arms are wrapped around your waist as he cradles you into his chest as you rest in his lap. Your thighs are starting to grow tired from lifting yourself up and down to meet his thrusts, but the stretch is too delicious to quit. One of Iwaizumi’s hands rubs along your back soothingly, gently caressing your skin. 
“Does that feel good?” He asks and slows down his thrusts, making sure you feel everything. The teasing pace, as much as you’d rather him pound into you, feels so good. Iwaizumi always makes it a point to fuck you slow and sensual, when he isn’t fucking all his frustrations out. 
You love the feeling of him against you like this, holding you so close as if you’ll slip away from him. It nearly drives you crazy, he keeps thrusting into your soaked core and his groans make it harder and harder to focus on anything. 
The noises that Iwaizumi Hajime produces are not to be taken lightly, his grunts and groans are so deep. So full of need that it almost sounds animalistic, yet he also makes breathy little whines. Noises that make you wonder just how he would react if he wasn’t in control. His whimpers are your favorite, the sounds he makes when he gets close, it is almost like he is begging for more. 
“Hajime,” You need to hear him, you grind down against him, successfully ripping a hiss from his teeth.
“What, baby?” He asks, his strong hands grip your backside to control the movement of your bodies. Iwaizumi always makes it so obvious who is in control. From his angle, he can see everything, the way his hard cock disappears into your warm entrance, the way your face tenses up whenever it feels too good. When he gets no response, he has to ask again. “What is it?” 
“I need to hear you.”
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
MOTHERFCKING USHIJIMA WAKATOSHIIIII...iiiiiiii...iiii.....i. his stupid beautiful gorgeous stoic face and his thick muscular back that would tense under your touch or his abdomen that would flex every time he breathes or his biceps that would strain every time he moves it,,,, yeah I know how muscles work I took anatomy 
Let’s start off with saying that Ushijima would not notice your staring, I think it would take him a while to figure out how much you appreciate his back and arms
He’d just be like ‘why do you keep staring at me?’ And be really confused
Even if you told him that you love the way his muscles flex whenever he simply moves, Ushijima would still be like ‘. . . and?’
He probably wouldn’t get the reasoning and wouldn’t think him moving is anything special... it is special Wakatoshi, you are special,
I don’t think he would purposely do stuff to turn you on,,,, he hasn’t unleashed that power yet even if he KNOWS he has it 
However that doesn’t mean he won’t hold back,, he is still going to play volleyball like he always has and exercise like Ushijima always does without a care in his mind
Let’s simply take a moment to think about how gorgeous he looks in that stupid ass shiratorizawa uniform, ugh with his large ass biceps that are literally bigger than my big ass head or how tight the uniform looks on his BACK,,, something about me thirsting over him like this doesn’t feel right. I apologize Ushijima, I am looking respectfully
Probably after the first two times you jump his bones solely because of his gorgeous arms then Ushijima will finally get it,,, the light bulb would click in his head
I think Ushijima would be a really cute tease like the way he would taunt you would be so adorable,,,, he’d subtly move his arms in front of you so you can stare happily and let your mouth water in peace and act like he doesn’t know what he is doing when he damn well knows
“(Y/N), are you even listening?” Ushijima slightly tilts his head, his olive eyes are hard as he stares at you. You don’t meet his eyes, you simply nod while continuing to stare at his forearms. They are crossed over his chest and you can’t help but follow the veins that wrap around his arms. “What did I say?” Ushijima waits silently for your answer, noticing how you barely even blink and instead run your eyes all over his body and up to his strong shoulders.
“Mmm, something about volleyball?” You hum and Ushijima continues to stare at you. He heaves a sigh and stands up from his seat, placing his palms flat on the table in front of you. You can’t help the appreciate smile that comes onto your face at the sight of his arms flexing so close to you, the stupid love-sick expression on your face doesn’t go away even as you slowly bring your eyes up to his. “Is that not what you said?"
You sound so innocent that it makes Ushijima bite back a groan, instead he wraps one of his hands around your wrist and drags you toward his bedroom. As soon as you close his door behind you, you turn back around to catch the large shirt that was once on his body now on the floor. With an excited squeal you instantly place your palms on his back, running your hands all around to feel the hardness beneath his warm skin. 
“Am I getting a special treat~” You ask suggestively, knowing damn well Ushijima can never say no. He doesn’t give you an answer and instead turns around to face you. One of his hands grabs your chin while the other cups the back of your neck so he can instantly press his lips to yours.
His lips mold and fit with your own, eagerly prying them apart so he can swipe his tongue against your own. It’s always a ploy to get your tongue into his own mouth, from there Ushijima can gently suck on the muscle and hear that sweet whine escape from your lips. 
When he finally pulls away, only letting a few centimeters of space rest between your lips, does he answer your question. 
“Yes. Only for my good girl.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee
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skekheck · 4 years
Theory: UrVa’s Arrows Were Originally Meant To Incapacitate, Not Kill, skekMal
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Maybe this is common consensus, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. On the surface, it seemed like urVa had wanted to put an end to skekMal at the Circle of the Suns and the Hunter escaped before he could finish the job. But then there was this line in episode 10 that always felt odd to me:
urVa: I had a dream that I was one that became two that became one again. I looked through my dark half’s eyes and knew Aughra was right. [...] ...The Hunt must end. 
It’s just “but urVa, weren’t you doing just that a day or so prior?”. But then after rewatching their standoff again it hit me: maybe urVa’s intentions were not to kill skekMal but to incapacitate him.
Let’s look at the scene again
SkekMal was shot a total of three times: the first one through his upper arm, the second around the bottom right of his torso, and the last through his upper leg (possibly thigh?). 
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(Sorry couldn’t find a better pic of his leg shot)
Weird places to aim for if urVa had wanted to kill him, right? Wouldn’t he have gone for targets that would more likely result in death, like the throat or through the eye sockets? It’s not like he would miss: urVa’s a master marksman. Instead, all three shots prevented (or at least was an attempt to stop) skekMal without taking his life.
The first shot prevented skekMal from harming Rian. The second was retaliation for ignoring the Archer’s warning. UrVa flat out told him to not approach the Gelfling but you see the Hunter take a step forward anyway, prompting him to release the second arrow. The final one was an attempt to stop skekMal from escaping with Brea. Seeing as how urVa immediately collapsed after firing that arrow, it would have worked. However, he underestimated how committed skekMal was to the Hunt, considering he pushed through the pain to get what he needed done.
Those arm and leg wounds aren’t inherently life-threatening. The arrow in his torso, though, is more concerning. It’s possible it could have had or at least be at risk of damaging his organs. Now, the Skeksis have weird-as-fuck anatomy (that goes without saying) so we have no real way of knowing if it was endangering him or not. But considering the nature of his other two wounds, I don’t think it was a kill shot. A more serious wound, but not deadly if tended to. And that’s probably what urVa intended: he aimed for that spot in the hopes skekMal would stop to take care of his wounds. 
But Weren’t Both skekMal and urVa In Critical Condition?
Oh yeah, they still were and skekMal’s partially to blame for it. It’s not a great idea to move around too much with arrows lodged in you. The arrow heads and shaft could move around and cause more internal damage. SkekMal moving made what would have been minor to moderate wounds way more serious. Not to mention, he never stopped to pull them out and heal himself: he kept those things in. 
And let’s not forget how far of a distance between the Circle of the Suns and the Castle is. There are multiple versions of maps of Thra that have some siginifcant differences, but the main point is those two locations are pretty far from each other. Even if he used Bennu to fly all the way over to the Castle, skekMal would still have to deal with Brea thrashing around on his back. And it looks like he took a detour to grab a cage for her, which he then dragged through the Castle’s corridors. Baiting Rian and his friends just so he can fulfill his Hunt was apparently more important to him than his well-being (which is ironic if you believe skekMal’s philosophy surrounding the Hunt is his own way of self-preservation).
EDIT: Wanted to add that skekMal was in a difficult position in terms of what he wanted. He would know that if he’d pull those arrows out he would have to treat them right away otherwise he’d bleed to death. At the same time, he would also had to keep Brea from escaping. I think he weighed his options and found that he’d had more success just pushing through it and keeping them in then treat them later. SkekMal might had also thought the other Skeksis would be able to treat him if it was serious enough? 
And SkekTek Made It Worse
SkekTek is no doctor. He can cut up and research on animals all he wants, but that doesn’t count as medical knowledge. It’s painfully obvious he has no idea what he’s doing: his diagnosis and treatment of skekMal’s condition is enough proof of that. And speaking of which, skekTek’s diagnosis is full of nonsense:
Skektek: Subject suffers severe exsanguination. Extreme distress to the humus. [...] Imbalance of intrinsic fluids. Manifold ruptures in corporeal morphology. [Checks for a heart beat] Ah. Ah... . Expiration... is... [dramatic pause] inevitable.
Literally he’s saying skekMal has multiple holes in his body and he’s bleeding out. You know, pointing out the obvious. Also, I tried finding out if “humus” related to anything biologically, but all I could find was it’s a term for... soil made of organic matter. I’m not sure what he was trying to refer to, I think he was just misusing it to make himself sound smart.
EDIT: I have been told by a few people that skekTek might be referring the humerus, which is a bone found in the upperarm that’s forms joints at the elbow and shoulder. This would make more sense and would mean skekTek made a proper diagnosis. However, at least to me, it still sounds like he’s saying humus. Another skeksis repeats him and they also say humus, not humerus. Turning on the captions also has it as humus. This could either be a typo or skekTek did mean humerus, but said humus instead. 
And how he actually treats skekMal is atrocious. 
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He pulls the arrows out without making any attempts to stop the bleeding, clean the wounds, or apply stitches. He’s letting him bleed out and he should at least know they need blood to live. Do you know what happens when someone loses too much blood? Among other side effects, organ failure and falling into a coma. SkekTek did eventually made an effort to heal skekMal by giving him essence, but it was too little too late. SkekMal’s condition was so far gone at that point he really needed Aughra’s essence to survive.
UrVa’s Intentions
And now we’re going right back to urVa. While thinking over on urVa’s actions, I started wondering if he anticipated skekMal wouldn’t stay put and that the Hunter would do his own self in by moving around with the arrows lodged in him. I mean, urVa is a mystic, an indirect kill would make sense. But giving it more thought, I don’t think that’s the case. A lot of his actions during the series suggests otherwise. 
UrVa was very contemplative, even saddened, about having to end the Hunt for skekMal. He is not like his other half: he respected and appreciated all life on Thra. He also sees the cycle of life as well as the wilderness as something untamable. This is implied while he was talking with Aughra in episode 4:
urVa: We do not get to decide when our part in the song is finished.
While urVa is one of the more proactive Mystics, he still is... a Mystic. He doesn’t believe he should manipulate or control what goes on around him and let things be. The Bestiary book points to the fact that while urVa did keep tabs on skekMal, he never interfered with his hunts. So it was a big deal when Aughra quested him with the task of stopping skekMal. 
Also I’d like to point out urVa and Aughra’s final conversation because it’s also important for this discussion:
urVa; And where does my path lead? Aughra: Into the sands to face the Hunter. urVa: [sighing and looks away from Aughra for a moment] I cannot defeat my dark half. Aughra: You will find a way. But not without sacrifice.  urVa: And if I fail? Aughra: The heroes of Thra will be lost. urVa: Mm... [pauses and takes a deep breath] I will end the hunt. Aughra: Good. Get a move on. You Mystics are not known for your swift speed. We have much to do. [...] urVa: [pauses and looks at Aughra] Will we meet again, Aughra? Aughra: [stops walking, saddened] Hm... [faces him] Some things... even Aughra cannot see, old friend.  [urVa pauses and then groans, walks away from Aughra as they both parted ways for the final time]
He shows a lot of hesitance in completing this task. I’m sure he knew what Aughra was implying: that he may have to take skekMal’s life away but he still went and asked if they would meet each other again anyway. I think he was hoping for a positive answer, that it wouldn’t have to come to that, and seemed disheartened by her answer. But he still tried. He tried to stop skekMal in a way that, while not exactly peaceful, was not meant to be life-threatening. UrVa even pleads for him to stop... twice! The first time as skekMal was making his get-away and the second time while urVa helplessly watched him go after Rian again through the Hunter’s eyes. 
These two only had one scene together so we don’t really know the extent of their relationship. But if there’s one thing that’s clear was the conflict between them. I mean, during their whole duel, the characters were purposely placed on opposite sides of the room while making sure to show that skekGra and urGoh, a pair who were able to find harmony, were always side by side. It’s also in the way they address each other: while urVa does refer to him as his dark half, he also called him by his name. SkekMal, meanwhile, only ever referred to urVa as his title and nothing more. 
But I don’t think urVa had any ill-will towards his Skeksis. He seemed understanding of him and valued his life as much as he valued all living beings on Thra. I think if they both didn’t end up in a near-death situation, he’d try incapacitating skekMal again. However he understood and accepted his situation towards the end: with skekMal on an essence high, incapacitation method was no longer possible. If he allowed it to go on, all of Thra would be at risk. It was a desperate situation, but he knew Aughra was right. She gave up her life for the preservation of the world and urVa knew he had to do the same: for her and for Thra. The Hunt had to end and in order to protect the world he cherished he had to make the ultimate sacrifice. 
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Lookism and their silly lil hobbies
My headcannons of their less obvious interests!
Daniel: now he's in the fashion department and earning some money, he guesses he should take more of an interest in current trends. He's still wearing Jay's castoffs and he's happy with them but he takes a huge interest in women's fashion for his momma. She's worked hard and she deserves nice things and Daniel wants to spoil her 🥰
Jay: his hobby? Daniel. His thoughts? Daniel. His dreams? Daniel. But guns and motorbike? This boy has a thing for Hollywood action films and he has pretty good taste too. Classics-ish such as Matrix, Terminator, John Wick
Zoe: she loves watching animal rehab videos on social media, and even the videos of newtubers helping out homeless or down on their luck people. Most of it may be scripted but the act of kindness (even for selfish purposes) makes her melt
Vasco: you think this man doesn't have a Pinterest account? He doesn't spend his spare time putting boards together? His boards aren't public? He's not ashamed. He's got at least 1 for parties, 1 for golden retrievers and 1 for Hero Man pics
Jace: kdramas, the more romantic with as many tropes the better. He likes a good story filled with miscommunication, lots of crying, scenes in the rain and open eyed kisses 😳
Zack: sneaky little hobby of reading up on supernatural shit. After running into the ghost of J High, he's been absorbed with ghosts and demons - in particular how to avoid getting cursed...
Mira: meditation. Putting up with Zack all the time and the violent boys, she needs her moment of peace before she gets overwhelmed. She's also had some pretty traumatic experiences, so this helps her to centre and recollect her thoughts
Johan: unironically a sneakerhead. Started off researching expensive shoes so he can recognise them but now he's fully into the hobby. Way too tight to buy any for himself when he could be saving for his momma's operation but it's nice to window shop 🥺
Vin Jin: we all know he would be twerking to Dukes music. But apart from obviously his music (cos music is his life yknow), he would be leaving hate messages and death threats on Dukes social media and fanpages. He hate watches Dukes live streams but cant stop the twerk creeping up on him
Mary Kim: she's in the Vocal and Dance department but this girl can shred like no tomorrow. She has a band she's the lead vocalist and guitarist of that she keeps off Vins radar so he can keep the shitty rap to himself
Crystal: hiking and the outdoors. It's a way to keep her second body fit and get away from her desk and all the business bullshit. During the days that Gun acts as her bodyguard, she tells him to stay at least 50ft away so he doesn't ruin the mood
Jake: memelord. Cos at least humour is free. He collects pics and memes, and has so many shitty dad jokes up his sleeve to send to the Big Deal members and groupchats that he often gets kicked out or blocked. Hearing their exasperation at another one of his messages always brightens up his day
Samuel: lol drinking as a hobby. this man should be spending all his spare time in therapy but can't win them all 🤷‍♀️ Doesn't do much on his own time that doesn't advance his goals but enjoys sipping on some smooth expensive shit. Not the best for his health, but he needs something to block out the demons
Lua: not the queen of info for nothing. Spends a lot of her time on social media, forums and the dark web reading up on info (and gossip). Shes also kicked up a gear with her Muay Thai training so the assholes in Big Deal would stop underestimating her
Sinu: all that time being locked up with that little bit of chalk? You know what he did? HE'S A FIC WRITER. Headcannons of Big Deal, Sinu X Yeonhui. What the guys would be doing now, what sort of girlfriend Yeonhui would be (I wrote this as a joke but it's pretty depressing)
Gun: you thought that was a casual notepad and pen he had on hand for brekdaks autograph? No bitch its his actual autograph book. He lives and breathes fighting and fangirls a little internally meeting his fighting idols
Goo: anime and boardgames. Yes yes he's a nerd ok. He watched 1 too many anime shows and in his head he's the protagonist fighting his way to the top, with his sidekick Gun. But who do you think left all the boardgames in that shitty house? Gun is boring and Goo needs entertaining. It's one way to let them get competitive without beating the shit out of each other... Usually
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airport anon - I don't think I explained myself well. Like today for instance, Louis is in the general area of the Mexico City airport. Pics taken. No flights to London. It seems like those public appearances are specifically for everyone to know he's not going to see Harry's show. Or another for instance would be when Louis was touring and then pics of Harry came out placing him on a different continent all the time. It's like the pictures are taken to show we are not in the same place, we are not in a relationship. It's just I think there is effort put into showing they are not near each other on purpose.
And I guess it also makes me sad because it seems they miss events in each other's lives and that is sad. Like the Doncaster show. Like Coachella. Like Wembley. The closet is sad. Not really a questions just a statement. Doesn't seem sustainable but if they are still together after all these years, I guess they figured it out and I should stop my hand wringing.
So I think there are two points here that need to be explored seperately.
I think the idea that the pics of Louis in the airport is an effort to show that Harry and Louis aren't together is committing a common fallacy that we see a lot in fandom. Basically it's an assumption that because your perspective is the centre of your experience it's important to other people.
I don't think that Louis would make his choices on how to navigate an airport, based the reaction on fans who see fan pics and also then research the timetable at the airport to learn what flights will be going. Particularly not so that they would guess something that has already been suggested (he has an interview booked in LA - and while it's possible he's already travelled to LA to do it, or it's being done remotely - him travelling to LA is the most likely plan) and that will be clear in a few days anyway. If Louis is going to LA, these photos are a result of that reality, not intended to communicate something to you.
I'm not sure what examples you're thinking of Harry while Louis was touring. There has been plenty of opportunities where Harry could visit Louis on tour over the last few months, but obviously he's had a lot of work to do himself. When he's been photographed, I think it's best to understand it as a result of him living his life, rather than assuming that he was living his life in order to be photographed so you can see it.
When they are deliberately photographed which does happen - the intended audience is usually a lot wider than 'very online fans who don't believe the stories they're telling anyway'.
Celebrity is a strange thing - and of course celebrities do perform their lives for us at times. But I think it's a terrible way of understanding the world to assume that everything we see is the result of people performing their lives and we're the intended audience. I think a stronger understanding comes by thinking about their lives and what it would look like if this is them living their lives first, and only then turning to the stories they might be telling.
But yes, closeting and homophobia are very sad and take away people's ability to share experiences together. I'm not sure that high profile work appearances are where I'd guess the strain is. People I know who go to high profile work appearances for their partners often find them quite stressful, and I be surprised if that was the biggest point of strain in a relationship
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crystalkleure · 3 years
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Haha hey remember that post I made awhile back, speculating on what a bad idea it might be to fuse dead things in the godless Frankenstein fossil machine
Meet White. He is a reanimated corpse. Two of them, actually. Or more like 1.5. [And I whipped up this half-assed partial reference sheet in one night instead of sleeping, so don’t look too hard at the chickenscratch lineart and visible guidelines, and kindly ignore the total lack of shading as well as any other messy jankiness.]
White is a product of me wondering not only about what happens if you NecroFuse a human with a Pokemon, but also what happens if you make it even worse and specifically fuse that human with a Pokemon capable of mega evolution. Because canon seems to imply that mega evolving is at best deeply uncomfortable -- and at worst outright agonizing -- for whatever creature is going through it.
Character Lore under the cut. Lots of text:
White is one of actually multiple undead guys who got mashed together with bits of dead Pokemon. They’re science experiments, so they've got the dex numbers of the Pokemon they're spliced with tattooed on the backs of their necks, and those numbers were treated as their names In The Evil Science Lab.
In his Original Life, White [and some of his buddies] got gored to death by some escaped Horrible Fucking Monsters that were accidentally [...and then not-so-accidentally] created via Two Pokemon At Once In A Fossil Resurrection Machine, because hey, it is SUPER easy to think you got Just One Thing's Bones from an excavation dig but then later you realize that Some Of Those Bones were from something TOTALLY different that just died in the same place. It happens. So, some Fossil Scientist People accidentally resurrected an Abomination, realized they fucked up pretty fast...and then started wondering if they REALLY fucked up or if this is Cool, Actually. And then the team of Science People split into two Morality Factions, with one half being like “This is unethical as shit, we need to make sure this doesn't happen again because it's not natural so who knows how this poor fucked up creature is suffering” and the other, cooler half being like “WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE SCIENCE. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES HOLY SHIT.”
Cooler group splits off from the Horrified Group With Morals, and they promptly use their Science Knowledge to Construct More Machines and Make More Monsters. Doesn't take too long for them to realize, however, that Abomination Pokemon are stupidly hard to control, because not only are they suffering, their masters obviously don't care for their wellbeing, so Revolt Inevitably Occurs and they escape to wreak havoc upon the nearest congregation of townspeople. They promptly maul some people to death at a nearby local rock concert, scientists chase after them to clean up the mess, realize “Oh Shit, Manslaughter Charges Impending”, and then realize...
Science Guy 1: “...Hey, what happens if you put a dead person in the fossil machine?”
Science Guy 2: “Hey, people probably listen better than Pokemon. We can, like, TALK to people.”
Science Guy 3: “Lads, I got a stellar idea just now. And we got plenty of Dead Guys to start with right here! Great way to hide the bodies too, probably.”
This goes approximately as well as you would expect, and precisely as ethically. A smashing success!
However, because they Fucking Died, the reanimated Newly-Monsterized dudes do not remember shit about who they were pre-resurrection. They're not technically even the same people, they’re more like clones. They've been remade. So, all they know now is Science Lab Life, and they have no initial attachment to eachother aside from "that other guy is also a Science Experiment Person just like me, so Same Hat @ Labrat Neighbour ig", in spite of several having been friends or even family prior to death. They also just...don’t know/remember things in general. They are fresh blank slates. And to a morally-bankrupt team of scientists, that’s perfect! They can train these guys to behave however they please!
...However, people might be People Instead Of Animals, meaning they can be Reasoned With And Manipulated And Coerced far better than animals due to their far better communication abilities with the Science People, but...there is Still A Problem in the sense that Holy Shit, A Person Can Only Take So Much. You can only treat someone as "Experiment [number]" for so long, blatantly putting no value on their life outside of The Value Of Scientific Research, in spite of literally basically needing to raise them like a normal child due to the Lack Of Memories issue. Eventually they're not gonna be able to take that anymore and they are gonna Fucking Leave, too. And they’re gonna be much harder to track down than the rampaging Pokemon were. Impossible, actually, once they’ve ripped out their tracking chips.
So then there's just these monster dudes, who don't actually know what they are because they weren't ever told anything more than necessary to get them to cooperate with Tests And Experiments, just Escaped Into Civilization and having NO idea how Anything works. Fun! Especially considering how, at first glance, these just look like Normal Dudes. Their monster bits either aren't apparent or just look like funky body modifications.
They've also got Science Things in them and they Don't Know What The Fuck Those Things Even Are. They've just got these little Devices in/on their chests, and they were never informed of the exact functions of them because there's no reason to explain to the experiment What Is Happening, just that the experiment needs to Hold Still and Cooperate and Now Do This, Now Do This, Now Do That, Good Job That's Enough For Today, etc.
Those devices contain both key stones and mega stones.
If you were a Mad Pokemon Scientist, you would most certainly be interested in the mega evolution phenomenon. What would YOU do if some of your Undead Fusion Experiments happened to be spliced with bits of Pokemon known to be capable of mega evolving? You’d kill two birds with one enigmatic set of stones, that’s what you’d do. Your Frankenstein Experiments can even TALK to you and tell you exactly what they are experiencing when you run tests on them! It’s perfect!
So, if a rock-bearing monster’s heart rate goes too high, part of the little device, which is a barrier between one type of rock and the other, opens up and Exposes One Rock To The Other Rock. Which exposes the monster to the Rock Energy Reaction. The greater the stress, the higher the dose. And I’m sure you can see the snowball effect that’s gonna create, at least the first time or two.
They were INTENDED to eventually be made to Physically Fight With Eachother to gauge the effects of The Rocks™️ when the Guys With The Rocks are under Stress and need to Do Some Self-Defense. The Science Squad was basically trying to suss out the Actual Purpose of mega evolution. Because mega evolution is weird -- it puts ENORMOUS stress on the body of whatever is undergoing it, so the hypothesis was that its true power is probably drawn out best via a perceived life-threatening situation, like it’s a type of hysterical strength, because what else would cause a need for that kind of ability. And aren’t ethics a bit overrated?
So, there’s our premise. White is just wandering around without any particular purpose outside of never ever going back to Science Hell, and he has no clue what the funny little doohickey buried in his chest does until it activates one day and absolutely fucks him up [...as well as everyone around him. Mega Absol radiate an Aura Of Sheer Terror that can literally scare people with weak hearts to death if they’re not careful.]
And now, some Miscellaneous Character Info:
The bit about Lots Of Death happening at a rock concert specifically was important. White was actually the vocalist of the band that was playing. He doesn’t remember that now, but he still loves music and has the same strong vocal cords. And THAT is important because White is partially an Absol now and Absol naturally learns Perish Song. These Fusion Monsters are absolutely capable of using Pokemon moves, though whether they’re aware of this is a different matter entirely. Imagine what happens when they end up tapping into those abilities accidentally.
That band was a relatively-unknown little local band. White was by no means anywhere near famous. Very few people even realized he was gone, and most of the ones who would have noticed also ended up Equally Unalive.
That black stuff between the belts on White’s arms is mesh. Like, stocking mesh. It gets Ripped The Fuck Apart when he goes Mega Mode and his arm fur gets Extra Spiky. Hence one stocking being a bit tattered in that reference pic. He frequently has to replace those things, they are fragile.
“How did White get his name if he doesn’t remember his original name and didn’t have a real name in the lab” I am glad you asked! Post-escape, he eventually encountered a situation where someone asked him what his name was, he bluntly told them “I don’t have one. I am #359.”, they said “Well That Is Not A Name, I need something proper to call you”, and he was just...Super Apathetic. So, the other person picked out the name “White” just based on the fact that White’s hair is white, and he just shrugged and rolled with it.
As you can see in my Incredibly Quick And Rough Sketches, the backs of White’s shirts are open to accommodate that huge amount of fur that bristles out into false wings when he goes Mega Mode. Because his Actual Normal Hair is relatively long and overlaps with that fur, it blends in with his Actual Normal Hair and doesn’t look too odd [when it’s down]. Probably mostly because nobody’s expecting it to be anything OTHER than Perfectly Normal Hair That Just Happens To Be Very Long.
White does not particularly like violence. White does not want to beat you up. He will, though, without a bit of hesitation, if there’s some logical reason he feels like it’s the most practical course of action. Being essentially raised by Cold, Emotionally-Sterile Scientists With No Care For The Wellbeing Other Living Beings uh, tends to affect a guy a little bit. White has a bit of an internal dilemma regarding “It would be efficient for me to just Harm This Other Person to defuse the current situation, because attempting nonviolence will be overall more risky somehow” vs. “Holy shit it feels bad when I hurt people. Why does it feel bad when I hurt people. Is it...SUPPOSED to feel bad when I hurt people?? No one ever felt bad for hurting me.” He Figures Out How Empathy Works Eventually. He is a good guy at heart. He is a Monotone Snarker, but not actually Cold or Malicious at all.
If an Absol can do it, White can probably do it. He has incredibly keen senses and a STRONG ability to Detect Impending Doom. He has exactly the amount of Supernatural Absol Powers you would expect. He is also stupidly physically strong, way more so than he appears to be.
White can’t punch people. Look at the fist he’s making in the pic, he’s doing it wrong. If you punch someone like that, you WILL break your own thumb. That’s not a Revving Up To Sock Someone pose, he’s just tense. He’s using his thumb as a buffer between his long-ass Sharp As Fuck claws and the flesh of his palm. If White tries to punch anybody, or just makes a proper fist at all, he will impale his own hand on his nails. Like, all the way through. He CAN slash straight through things like metal and bone with those claws, though.
White...is unsettling. Completely accidentally, and unknowingly. He just radiates an Aura Of Intimidation [...or Pressure], even when not in Mega Mode, that scales depending on his mood. Just being near him tends to put people and Pokemon on edge. Thus, he’s generally avoided.
The latter point is especially unfortunate, because White’s preferred method of Socializing and Bonding is to just kind of quietly hang out in the same room as whoever he is trying to Socialize and Bond with. He just wants to, like...chill out Near A Buddy and watch a movie and share a bag of chips or something. His social skills are predictably not good.
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clarionglass · 4 years
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so i’ve spent the last month falling headfirst into the magnus archives, and i’ve rapidly been coming to the conclusion that jonathan sims the archivist needs a hug and a rest, because he sure ain’t gonna get that in the series. hence i have applied my crochet “skills” to the creation of a tiny jon who can indeed get hugs when required! i worked on him while listening to tma, so hopefully some of the Jon Spirit (tm) has transferred into him....... i stand him in my room when i’m practising so it does kinda feel like he’s watching me, so maybe it worked? still, no nightmares, so i think tiny jon appreciates the hugs and the lack of apocalypse in his current situation
(yes i am going to make a crochet martin too, this is an absolute necessity. i’m just slightly less confident on his design so i’m being a bit reticent in starting him out....... if anyone has hard-and-fast This Is How Martin Should Look ideas then send em through)
there’s no exact pattern for “jon from tma” that i’ve been able to find, so this jon has been ganked out of some basics by allison hoffman (craftyiscool) on ravelry, and some common themes in fanart. credit where it’s due, i may have done the actual crocheting but boy he wouldn’t be nearly as good without all the work other people have done that i was able to draw on :)
more details on the making, and on each photo in the sequence, under the read more!
The Making of Tiny Jon
as above, tiny jon was ganked out of a few different amigurumi patterns by allison hoffman, with modifications by me as felt appropriate. the patterns i used are for worsted weight/10ply yarn, which is hard to get here, so the transition to using a few different brands of 8ply required a bit of messing about with. still, i think it was pretty successful! he stands upright without help, which is a first for me when using this kind of pattern. 
i’m honestly not sure where in the tma timeline he comes from. he has the post s1 and s3 scars visible, and in my heart, even though he’s just yarn, he has all of jon’s knowledge up to date, but he;s slightly too put-together looking for current jon. practically, giving him a ponytail wouldn’t have worked with the mass of yarn, and although i would have liked to give him a bit of facial scruff, i can’t crochet or embroider that convincingly. if any experienced crocheters out there have some tips, i’m happy to learn! let’s just call him a s5 mind in an early s3 body and be done with it. it’s my crochet, i can do what i want :)
the saddest day came when it was time to embroider those lil scars on his arms and hand... they kinda show up in some of the photos (see Tiny Jon Selects A Statement), but even if they’re not massively noticeable, i had to include them
there is a small green eye embroidered on the inside of his sweater vest, to sit just over his heart. it’s secret and nobody will ever see it, but it’s there.
pic 1: Tiny Jon
nothing much to say about this one aye. but there he is!
pic 2: Tiny Jon Sits On The Bookshelf
he works in an archive, and we have some fancy leather-bound books. i had to combine the two! plus it’s a nod to that good ol oxford pretension
pic 3: Tiny Jon Harbours Destructive Thoughts Re A Pile Of Potential Leitners
these are all books i own, selected for potential leitner-ness based on either title or content. neverwhere and picnic at hanging rock were selected on content (both the spiral), but you should be able to tell which entity applies to all the others (altho valley of fear is generic). doomsday book, though, despite the title, is not an end leitner, but is in fact a corruption leitner. i read this years ago, and remembered that it’s about a historian from the future (the 2050s, actually) going back in time to research the black death, with predictable tragedy. i forgot, however, that the b plot deals with a new flu-like pandemic in the “current day”...... eerily relevant, and also definitely open to be leitner-ised. tiny jon thinks so too, hence the matches.
pic 4: Tiny Jon Selects A Statement
again, self-explanatory.
pic 5: Tiny Jon Reads A Statement
it took me for-fkn-ever to mock up that tiny statement on magnus institute notepaper. it’s a 4-and-a-half page genuine statement written by yours truly, not just some squiggled-on pages or a shopping list or something, and is a mildly fictionalised version of something that has actually happened to me. if you can somehow strain your eyes and read it (would not recommend, i don’t think it’s actually possible), names and places have most definitely been changed because of my paranoia
i realise there is no tape recorder in shot! for the purposes of “canon” let’s just say that there is one on his desk, just out of shot. in reality, i’ll probably get around to making one out of polymer clay someday, but for the moment i just could not be arsed, and i was too impatient to delay the cute shot :)
pics 6-9: Tiny Jon Makes A Cuppa
in the absence of martin, tiny jon has to make his own tea.
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nethandrake · 4 years
do i wanna know?
stevetony. mcu. rated t. 2.8k words.
for @ishipallthings
also on ao3.
He hears before he sees them, their voices loud enough for Steve’s ears to pick up.
Steve reaches for his hand towel, dabbing the sweat trickling down his head and cheeks. “Uh, JARVIS? Who—”
“Miss Romanov, Mr Storm, and sir.”
Steve couldn’t help but scowl at that. Wonderful. Just what he needs right now.
And to think that he could hole up in here, away from...them.
There are many things a lot of people don't know about Steve, one of them is that he isn’t very fond of the Fantastic Four.
Okay, that might be stretching things. It’s not like he hates them. He actually admires how well they work together, which makes sense considering they’re family, and well enough with the Avengers. It helps that both teams get on well with each other, going so far as to taking vacations and hosting monthly gatherings.
Ben’s a blast to have around during Game Nights (how he wins every single time during poker, Steve will never know) and while Reed might talk circles around Steve’s head (not on purpose, of course), he can’t help but admire his intelligence, only second to Tony. He doesn’t have anything negative to say about Sue and not just because he’s afraid of losing a limb. She’s a total sweetheart and fun to gossip with.
And then, there’s Johnny Storm.
Speaking of Johnny Storm, he swaggers inside the gym like he owns the place, his smug grin ever plastered on. He has an arm around Tony’s shoulder, a detail Steve tries hard to ignore. Thankfully for his sanity, Natasha trails in after them.
“Hey, Cap,” she says as the trio comes to a stop in front of Steve. “Up for a spar?”
“Uh, sure.” Steve’s eyes trail over to the person next to him, almost freezing at the sight of Tony clad in a black tank top. And judging by the light sheen on his tanned skin and the way the cloth clings to his lithe frame, he must’ve been down in the workshop before this.
God, those muscles and that stupid tank top are going to be the death of Steve.
“Hey,” he manages, inwardly cringing at how breathless he sounds.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Natasha rolls her eyes.
Tony flashes a toothy grin that might or might not make Steve feel lighter. “Hey yourself.”
Steve couldn’t help but break into a smile of his own.
“And just what am I?” Johnny demands, placing his hands on his hips. “Chopped liver?”
Just like that, the moment’s ruined. Steve fights off the urge to roll his eyes.
He'll never figure out how the Fantastic Four could stand him.
Tony chuckles, clapping Johnny on the shoulder. “He probably thought he was looking at the mirror.”
Steve feels himself scowl at that.
Right. How could he forget that one little detail? For some reason, people seem to think that Johnny's the spitting image of Steve, from the blond hair to the startling blue eyes to the chiseled jaw.
Steve might've found the comparison amusing, if Johnny isn’t such a hot-headed brash asshole, a self-centered flirt who can’t, for the life of him, take anything seriously. In fact, Steve might've found Johnny tolerable or god forbid—
“Hello? Earth to Spangles?”
Steve blinks, finally noticing the hand Johnny’s been waving in front of him. “Sorry, I was just...just wondering why the both of you are here.”
He instantly regrets the accusatory tone when Tony flinches. If he hadn’t been for his four-year friendship with Tony, Steve's pretty sure he wouldn’t have noticed. Tony's tells are subtle like that.
Johnny waves his hand around in dismissal. “Oh, you know. Thought I’d get Tony to take a break. Figured he needs some fresh air, maybe some eye-candy to ogle.”
Tony snorts, crossing his arms. “Again with that shit. Yeah, yeah. You got me out of the workshop. It isn't something to gloat about.”
“Hey, I have the right to gloat about it. You're as bad as Reed when he gets into the zone.” Johnny smirks. “Even Sue could hardly tear him away from work.”
“I get Tony out of there all the time,” Steve blurts out.
“You mean, you have to haul his ass over your shoulder,” Natasha pipes up.
Steve shifts his glower down at her. She meets him with a cool gaze, her lips curled in a half-smile.
Johnny’s lips shift into his trademark Cheshire grin, waggling his eyebrows. “Now, that’s an image I’d love to see.”
“I think I have a pic or two—”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Alright, alright. Party pooper.” She pokes his shoulder before sauntering away. “C'mon, you big lug.”
Steve trails after her, throwing a backward glance at Tony and Johnny as he goes. They’ve taken residence on a nearby bench, their heads bent together as they murmur to one another. Judging by the blush on Tony’s cheeks and the self-satisfied grin on Johnny’s face, it’s saved to say that they’re flirting.
From the moment they’ve met, Johnny seems to have taken a shine to Tony, following him around like a lost puppy and flirting with him like there’s no tomorrow. It's bizarre. It's not like Tony's friendship with Reed, which is built on science and research. They barely have anything in common, besides their reputations as ‘playboys’.
Is Johnny actually interested in Tony? Why would Johnny even consider dating Tony? For one, Tony’s way too old for him. Johnny’s in his early, mid-twenties? Sure, Steve’s younger than Tony too but he’s closer in age (and no, his true age doesn’t count).
Plus, Steve’s a master tactician. He has superstrength, superhearing, able to heal quickly. What can Johnny do besides bursting into flames? If Tony wants skywriting written in fire, Tony could just build a machine that could—
A nudge to his head snaps Steve out of his thoughts. He whips behind him, meeting Natasha’s knowing smirk.
Which could only mean one thing.
“My eyes are up here, Cap.”
Steve groans. “Nat—”
“I’m just getting your attention,” she replies, the perfect picture of innocence. “Nothing else.”
The sparring session starts out fine. As usual, Natasha proves to be the perfect sparring partner, easily keeping up with Steve’s stamina and is agile enough to meet his jabs with ease.
But then he hears a familiar giggle behind him and then he loses focus.
Steve blinks, meeting Natasha’s cool gaze as the pain in his side ebbs away. She has an eyebrow raised knowingly.
“Wanna take five?”
“I’m fine,” Steve replies gruffly, raising his fists.
“I could get them to leave—”
Natasha’s other eyebrow shoots upwards.
Heat begins creeping up Steve’s neck. “I mean, I—”
“Everything all right there?” Tony calls out from the bench, looking and sounding worried. Next to him, Johnny’s grinning, looking like a cat who just ate a canary.
Steve really, really wants to wipe that smirk off his face.
“I’m good!” he replies. “I mean, we’re good.”
Tony’s frown deepens but thankfully doesn’t seem to pursue the subject.
When Steve and Natasha resume their spar, Steve makes sure to jab harder and dodge faster, to try to win. He knows he’s getting reckless. Sloppy.
But he needs this, needs this distraction. Needs to forget.
And then pain explodes over his face.
Steve doesn’t even register what’s happened until he feels callused but warm hands cupping his face and a voice frantically yelling in his ear.
“—eve! C’mon, buddy. Are you okay? Wh—”
And that’s when he realizes he’s sprawled on the mat, Tony holding his face in his hands.
For a brief moment, he lets himself lean into the touch, bask in Tony’s concern before he meets a pair of azure blue eyes behind Tony.
Immediately, Steve yanks away from Tony’s touch, jumping to his feet.
“I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
“It’s definitely not nothing,” Tony retorts, reaching forward again. “Your face is bruising—”
“It’ll heal.”
“Still. At least let us—”
“I said, I’m fine!”
Tony flinches. Johnny’s eyebrows shoot up. Natasha remains impassive.
An invisible lump forms in Steve’s throat. Oh, he definitely fucked up.
Truly, truly fucked up.
“I—I have to go.”
He’s out of the room before anyone could stop him, making a beeline for the elevators because fuck, he fucked up so bad.
Steve needs to get away. Away from Tony and Natasha and Johnny freaking—
“Shit,” he mutters to himself, jabbing at the elevator buttons, whiling, hoping that it’ll come. It better come because goddamn it—
He doesn’t bother looking over his shoulder, dashing over to the emergency stairs instead.
Thankfully, Tony doesn’t follow.
read the rest on ao3.
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