#i woke up to 40+ notes lol
pinejay · 2 years
nothing makes me feel more like absolute shit than waking up from 10+ hrs of extremely deep sleep vivid immersive dream and realizing i was just dreaming abt going back to rhythmic gymnastics training again. fuck my entire life. and ass
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fairykingjing · 2 months
Zoro x Reader-- Nap Time part 2
Hiii. I felt like my first work needed a part 2, so here you go. I didn't expect over 40 notes already! Clearly, I'm easily excitable lol. Thanks for reading.
Summary: a part 2 from the last one.
WC: 847
Warnings: fluff, kissing/making out described, female reader
You woke up from your nap feeling surprisingly refreshed. As you came to your senses, you realized you were still laying on Zoro, and he still had an arm wrapped around you. You peered up at him, expecting him to be asleep, but he was awake, carefully watching you. “Hi,” you whispered. You suddenly felt self-conscious in this position, and you had no idea how long he had been watching you, so you moved to sit up.
“Good to see you’re finally awake,” he murmured. He unwrapped his arm from you and allowed you to sit up properly and stretch out. “So, you wanna tell me what you meant earlier? About wanting to be with me?”
Zoro wasn’t one to talk much, and he certainly didn’t open up easily. But he also didn’t beat around the bush about things, even with friends. You knew there was no point in trying to deflect or change the subject. Still, you felt your cheeks flush with nervousness as you tried to come up with the right words to tell him.
“I, uh… really like you, Zoro. And um, I didn’t really know how to tell you so I wasn’t going to, but um, I didn’t want you to think what Sanji said was true or anything...” you rambled, looking down. You pulled at the hem of your shirt and ran it through your fingers nervously.
Zoro sat motionless for a while, clearly thinking and processing what you said. You wished you were anywhere but here, waiting for any sort of response. “Do you mean it?” he finally asked.
“Do I…? Yes, of course I mean it!” you replied. “But I understand if you don’t feel the same way.” You felt tears pricking the corners of your eyes as you waited for a rejection. There was no way the famed pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro would ever like you, or anyone for that matter, as more than a friend. You quickly wiped your face of any tears. The last thing you wanted was for Zoro to think you were weak.
Zoro pulled your hand away and cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him. “Why are you crying?” he questioned. “Is it because you don’t think I feel the same way about you?”
You could only nod in response as you felt the tears begin to fall. Zoro let out a sigh as he pulled you into him and hugged his arms around you, rubbing circles on your back.
“You women and your stupid emotions. Of course I like you,” he said. “Why else would I let you fall asleep on me?”
You couldn’t believe what he said. “Do you actually—” you started to question him, but he cut you off. He pulled you into him and pressed a kiss to your lips. It felt as though time itself stood still and the rest of the Sunny and all its crew disappeared into nothingness as you sat there taking it all in. He pulled away slowly and you both stared at each other in amazement.
“I know I’m not good with words, but will that convince you?” he asked. You answered by pulling him back in for another kiss. His tongue ran along your bottom lip, asking for entry. You happily granted him access as he pulled you closer against him. You lost track of how much time was passing by it could have been seconds or it could have been hours, it was all the same to you. The only thing to pull the two of you out of your trance was a whistle from Franky, who was walking up to where the two of you sat.
“Took you two long enough! Finally!” Franky cheered.
“What do you mean, finally?” Zoro asked.
“Everybody on the ship has been taking bets on how long the two of you would take to get together! Well, everyone but Sanji,” Franky answered.
“You’re kidding, right?” You asked. Franky just laughed in response and walked back to where some of the others were and proceeded to tell them. More cheers and laughter followed.
“Guess the cats outta the bag now…” you whispered to Zoro. He put an arm around you affectionately and placed a soft kiss on your head.
“Yeah, I guess so. At least we don’t have to be the ones to tell them,” he laughed.
You heard a loud commotion, and someone crying out in protest. Sanji. “Moss head I’ll kill you!” he shouted. Zoro looked over at you and you both couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Well, I guess we should go join everyone now,” you mused. Zoro agreed and as the two of you started walking over to the rest of the crew, you put your hand in his. He gave your hand a light squeeze, and you excitedly joined the rest of your friends. It might have taken a while, but you were excited to see where this new relationship with the green-haired swordsman would go. And to think all it took was a little nap.
Thank you for reading I hope you liked it.
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headphonesbones · 6 months
Shattered dream sans x a reader who works for nightmare- [idk if this is what you mean by like you know writing reqs-]
Cas and Null decided to write this together! Hope you enjoy <3
Alright, this is probably gonna get real complicated REAL FAST
Man is crazy (obvi)
But he’s thankfully (or maybe not thankfully) crazy for you
Uhhh… good luck with that…
So man, this can go a few ways… None of which are probably good lol
Let’s say you’re close to Nightmare before stuff hits the fan. Well, as close as you can get to him…
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but we love him (kinda)
Nightmare, if he actually gives a damn about you, probably would be… let’s just say “reluctant” to have you around his newly corrupted brother.
He trusted him even less now tbh
I mean, at least he’s not suspiciously nice anymore??? /j
So, man’s crazy x2 so both of them are kinda trying to manipulate you in order to “see their side”
Basically, they’re fighting over you. One as a romantic interest and the other as platonic… probably.
But basically, neither are exactly “right”
You were doing a pretty good job at trying to stay away from Shattered!Dream until, one day, he managed to corner you when you were really sleepy
“Oh, poor thing. Aren’t you tired of mercilessly working for that…. Imbecile brother of mine? Come here, rest your head.” Shattered cooed at you from the other end of the room, watching you stumble your way into your house after a particularly rough mission. How did he even get in here? You were too tired to care. You shuffled over to him and slumped down at his feet, resting your head in his lap. He places his hand on your head, tenderly stroking your hair and murmuring sweet nothings. 
So naturally, you were like “whaT THE FU-”
Nah, you totally didn’t suspect anything. I mean, how different could Shattered!Dream be from his old self? (very different, as you’d come to find out)
You hadn’t slept in literal days, you’d just come back from one of Nightmare’s missions, things got messy in that mission, “your husband is dead, we found him with no head” type shenanigans. 
(… the frick did I just say???? ADHD brain is wack as frick, don’t do vegetables, kids)
Your brain was confused and static-y (is that a neurodivergent thing???) and you were just done by that point
You were kinda not too trusting of him, buuuuut… his lap was comfortable, what else can I say, Your Honor?
(I was just in a silly goofy kinda mood, so I fell asleep on my mortal enemy’s lap)
His voice was relaxing, his lap cozy, the mood just right, and you were exhausted beyond belief
So what did you do?
You fell asleep
I have no idea if any of this is coherent
When you woke up (like 16 hours later, thanks to exhaustion) you found that you were in your bed.
You, not knowing wtf just happened, are confused, of course.
Was that all a Dream? Well, Dream was involved but NO, IT WAS NOT A DREAM
You have gay panic for a bit until you see the note on your bedside table
He called you mi cielito in the letter.
Mi cielito?? Depending on if you know Spanish, you may be a little confused. Means “my little sky”... what can I say, he’s a sucker for Moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, etc. motifs
Alright, so…
Thankfully, unlike Nightmare, he’s probably not gonna leave dead birds outside of your doorstep
You know, for someone that doesn’t really like cats (we all know what I’m talking about), Nightmare sure does act like one… Neko! Nightmare coming up? (I know the word “neko” just dealt +40 psychic damage to one of you out there)
Alright, I didn’t really answer your request but I am PLANNING on making this a smol series. So like… a few parts? I just really want to get this out! :]
Cas was sorta working off of first caffeine in week, combined with not sleeping in over 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed! Please, feel free to send as many requests as you want!
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handwrittenhello · 2 years
There's a weird pattern with vriska votes surging whenever she's behind. I know there's really nothing you can do about people abusing the system this way, however they're doing it, but I would like it noted that we see it.
i definitely noticed this yesterday. which is why the tags on her poll today are fucked up, actually: i had the post ready for izzy's clear win made before i went to bed, but by the time i woke up vriska had gained thousands more notes somehow. the same thing happened today where zuko was clearly winning, and yet now it's 60/40 for her.
i'm not making accusations or anything lol but i do know for a fact that the tumblrwoman poll was rigged by cheaters who sent bots to spam vote. please, nobody cheat on these polls, it takes away the fun for everyone else. this is supposed to be a silly lighthearted honest competition! your meow meow is still valid even if they don't win.
but maybe vriska voters just gather at night, idk!
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loumand (Spoilers)
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I actually don't have much to say about Armand--I'm waiting to see what he has to say for himself in the finale.
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Exactly, Mr. Professional--let Louis talk this out on his own. We'll skulldrag Mr. I Could Not Prevent It soon enough.
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"Yeah all right I sold him out"--YEAH YOU DID ARMAND, no sass or backtalk, just STFU. You had your chance to speak up IN PARIS, Mr. I Made My Choice!
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PLEASE 🙄😒 How? With Sam's dinky little scythe? You can set them all on fire with a THOUGHT, stfu with that 🥺 face.
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PLEASE 🙄😒 It was the terms of their agreement--IN CAHOOTS.
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PLEASE 🙄😒 It was the LEAST he could do. The key word is to save YOU. Not Claudia. This was PREMEDITATED.
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What I'm actually REALLY bummed about is that AMC seems to have kept Armand "held captive" by Sam the whole time, so he wouldn't've had the opportunity to go FRANKENSTEIN on Claudia (I assume they just swapped that for the Rat Box scene). Unless that happened after they beat Louis unconscious. 👀
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Madz being dragged into this to implicate Louis, cuz Armand killed Santiago's Maker for doing the exact same thing with him! 👀💀
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GO AWF, king! May your reign be short and sterile! 🤴🏼😜
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SOOOO hypocritical that the coven is LITERALLY breaking Law 5 by doing this entire Trial, but wtvr; politics is just parlor tricks.
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The way Ben delivered those lines; the crazed look in his eyes--this was the REAL bee in Santiago's bonnet & stick in his craw. Eff Claudia; Santiago DGAF about her in the scheme of things. But that persona non grata, who "wasn't even all that attractive," had rejected & offended & humiliated him, and this green-eyed monster wanted Louis DEAD.
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"It took all my strength," PLEASE 🙄😒
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Armand wanted Claudia dead so dang bad, lol.
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TWICE OMG, PLEASE! 🙄😒 Louis just staring him down. YOU BUY THAT, LOUIS!? 👀 HAYUL naw, which is why Armand's been in this Grovel Era for 77 years! 😅
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NICE save, Santiago!
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Here we effing go; eternity in a box.... ⚰️💀
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Rolin, whose idea was it to fill it with rocks; that is SAVAGE!
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Thank god Lou didn't have to see his baby burn to ash--"and his face turned to soup." He fought, he really tried, but it wasn't enough; he was POWERLESS to protect any of them. U_U But you KNOW Lou had to FEEL what was happening when Madz died, cuz she's his blood/fledgling. So the pain's still there, even w/out seeing Claudia.
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THAT'S what karma effing means, y'all! THAT'S what it means to DESERVE pain. Lest had to sit there and watch HIS DAUGHTER burn, "cuz sooner or later, they end up dead." AR said Claudia (read: Michelle) was DOOMED by the narrative, and DIDN'T deserve what happened to her. But Lestat ADMITTED that he deserved everything that happened to him! Les had to PAY the consequence!
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CONSEQUENCES, Armand! You don't get to sell out Louis at the price of Claudia, then brag about how "I never harmed you," and whine about how you "atoned" for Paris but can never make up for it.
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EFF your apologies--his daughter's DEAD, ffs.
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Whew, I'm actually tearing up, this ep's HEAVY; I'm moved, fasho!
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 Les crossed the ocean cuz Santiago told him what was going down, so OF COURSE Lestat was gonna go to Paris; regardless! (AMC removed the need for Swamp King to crawl begging for Armand's healing blood.)
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Santiago and the coven woke Lestat up by climbing the Eiffel Tower and radio-signalling him to come to them--that lines up with the newspaper clippings Loumand mentioned in Ep6 about "strange crimes" being committed.
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STFU ARMAND, we don't need YOU mansplaining Lestat's toxic AF behavior, Master Manipulator! LOUIS can be wrong about his husband he lived with for dang near 40 years ("this is Lestat; what he does over and over"), but YOU can't talk about the dude you only knew for a few months max! Sit QUIETLY and drink your blood soup!
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Yeah Armand, you BETTER duck TF out the way! 😤 Lou was aiming right at your dome--eff you, AND all the luxurious golden-spooned Jimmy Choo wearing stolen Rembrandts you've filled this sterile penthouse cage with!
"THIS IS HARD"--bruh, I bet Jacob said that from the soul; I have no idea how any of these actors do this, incredible! AMC I hate y'all so bad for not giving these artists as much shine & accolades as possible; they're being robbed. U_U
(Quick Insider preview for the finale--Ep8 SPOILERS)
Santiago asking "Did Armand tell you what we did with her ashes?" omfg imma be sick.
Armand telling Louis "I lied to you;" chile, we been knew.
Fire Gift Louis de Pyromaniac du Lac telling Lestat chained up under the Threatre "I'VE COME TO KILL YOU;" get in line, my guy! 😡🔥
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nardonotes · 12 days
16 sep '24
IM SO TIRED!!!!! MY BODY HURTS!!!!!!!! I WANT TO SLEEP BUT I ALSO HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO DO!!!!!!!!!! (ᴗ_ ᴗ。) but today my alarm woke me up at 7am but i stayed in bed till 7:40... i slept well too and had a crazy dream but i forgot what happened,,, i just rmbr it being crazy (good-ish?) to the point where i wanted to go back to sleep to finish it but ended up just forcing myself out of bed,, fufufuff~ and THEN i went to class :< which is actually a :> cause it was fun! i did some black and white designs for design class and the two hours passed by so fast,, after that i had a 3 hrs break and just walked home, rest for a bit, then went out to town to send my cv to this photo printing shop (fujifilm) for my work experience. they said they dont usually take work experience (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) but it's ok cause i have two other places i can apply for work experience (it's mandatory in my course) i been going to fujifilm for years now, literally since it opened too, they know my name and email off by heart cause i always get my film develop there so i really hope they let me in!!!! it's only till christmas sniff.... BUT ANYWAYS, after i gave them that- i went to buy a sketchbook cause my lecturer said it would be a good idea just to have one where i can draw whatever and i bought one (1) pencil LOL.
then had a 2 hours class right after, but it was chill. nothing too serious and just worked on updating my cv and cover letter :3 after class, I WENT HOME AND ATE :D i dont usually like chicken but THIS CHICKEN WAS REALLY FUCKING GOOD MAN,,, i had it with rice and it was so filling. and while i was washing my dishes, my sisters arrived home and AFTER THEY ate,, we went to the park with my sisters friend and her baby. he's so big now sniff,, i rmbr when he was literally a few months old and tiny af. now he looks about 3 years old but hes only 1 years old. they're leaving to live in amsterdam in a month or two and it's so sad cause i only just got closer to her. it's ok tho cause amsterdam is close enough, and her parents still live here so she'll be in and out i think :)) we got gelato before going home and i got kinder bueno flavoured (THE LAST SCOOP TOO) it was so good. i dont usually eat ice cream out of the blue like that, i usually get a drink instead but since it was just a scoop i had some.
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
what a long ass day fr,, i know im going to sleep good tonight too. i bought Notes of a Crocodile, The Analects of Confucius, and The Temple of the Golden Pavilion on my kobo (ereader). I do plan to buy the physical copies of all three, but not right now and it was just cheaper to buy it on the ereader.. I've read a few chapters of the temple of the golden pavilion before but never continued but my bestiana spoiled the ending and now i want to finish it bc the ending was a good ahh ending (imo). i can't wait to read before i sleep tonight,, reading so fun huhuhhu..... (⸝⸝⸝╸▵╺⸝⸝⸝)
these days, i've been really into my lil tech stuff again and i really want to homebrew a ps vita. i homebrewed my old nintendo 3ds but sold it for a [REDACTED] reason lol. i think a ps vita is cooler anyways. i also been really into micro journalling and coding. btw i cant code but i do like listening to ppl talk about coding and what they've coded. i wish i was smart enough to do allat.. i think i could if i really put my heart to it but right now i'm really liking my course. ill probably talk about it some more in the future but for now, i have written a fucking book and nobody reading allat!!! so im going to do my little me time before bed time and then go to sleep ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
goodnight to me, and my precious bed, and my precious favourite girl in the world and and and- [GUNSHOTS]
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n3hmof1sh · 3 months
I have an idea…. But last time I did smth like this ppl got mad at me :’3 so I’m asking first this time
Would it be ok if I spam reblogged & commented on that one post you made that I tagged as “posts that have 10k to me” to get it more notes, js for sillies
I think there’s a way you can turn off notifications on a specific post? So your notifs dont get destroyed lol
Nah I love notifs, like- yesterday morning (I think) I woke up to 40 notifs on my main blog and I loved that <33
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Go crazy Kii, I believe in you!! >:D
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safyresky · 1 year
Sorry for the late hour but here are some questions! For the ask thing!
I could've literally asked for all the questions to be answered but here's just a few. Please and thank u
54 / 40 (for no reason at all 🤫)/ 39 / 16
I am a cretura of the night, Andie! No worries about the late hour EVER lol ;)
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh I like this one! Let me think! Hmm! You know what's fun? Bullet points! And readmores which I will do. uh. now
Cold front hugs! Specifically the mindscape one in Chapter 6, and the pair of them leaning on one another on the way out of the pond @ the Springs in Chapter 23 of CS! Which yes, isn't a hug, but is a cute Cold Front moment
Winter grabbing Blaise's lapels in Chapter 11 while he has a whole ass crisis >:)
The fucking. (breaks window) Blinter: were those our kids? Jack: SCATTER scene lmaooooooo (from Chapter 22 of CS)
The twins doing one of these (see photo below) on the backyard deck stairs before asking Summer to play fire tag with them
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^like that, but like. on all fours. with Fino squashing Fiera lmao
Honestly there's so many scenes I'd love to get fanart of/draw/EXPERIENCE but those are the ones that pop into the head IMMEDIATELY! And that's just CS, AH!. The family photo from Jacqueline Dies pt2 would ALSO be a lovely fanart to see! I actually did a shit doodle of it last week just for funsies:
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My god it's so LONG. Sorry about that! anyway!
54. What’s your favourite part about the fanfiction writing process? Shoving an OC or two or five into the story and see how it goes >:). that and uploading a draft and reading it through one last time. That's exciting! I love that part! It's time consuming but I LOVE IT. It's like. THE ANTICIPATION
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
I should like. Assign these wips to numbers and start rolling dice about it. Um. OKAY! From smile shot wip "Believing is Seeing"
“Is it Grapes of Wrath?” “Yes! It actually was! Nice guess, Dite.” Dite and Xander lay on his dream cloud, just behind the chimney of Danielle’s house. Jacqueline snoozed still, curled up on Dite’s thigh. The goddess had lain back; her arms were behind her head as she gazed up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by. On the other side of the cloud, Xander lay on his back as well, one leg dangling, the other one bent at the knee as he read a book. “Alright, I got one. Two exes meet up again after a few years; shenanigans ensue, they still both have it bad for each other. Best slow burn I have ever read.” “Persuasion?” “Awh, you got it on the first go!” Xander laughed. “It’s supposed to be a misleading summary, Dite.” “I just really love Persuasion. It’s one of my favourite books! When Wentworth writes that letter? I just. Ugh,” Dite finished with a happy sigh. “It’s good.” There was a grumble between the two Legates; Dite perked up, sitting up gently. “Hi sleepy head,” she said with a grin. Jacqueline sat up, scrunching up her nose. “That was not four hours.” “Almost twelve, actually,” Xander said. “Dream sand may have had a hand in it.” Jacqueline scratched her neck and stretched her shoulders, shaking her freshly thawed hair off her face. “I didn’t melt all over you, did I?” “You did, but I don’t mind! It was just a little damp, no biggie.” “What’s the status?” “Quiet day,” Xander said, flipping his page. “They’ve stayed in for the most part. Left for errands a while ago, not back yet. Danielle’s still feeling hopeful, though.” “And she’s been meaning to text Charlie all day!” Dite said, chipper. “Can we get closer?” Jacqueline asked. “Why’d we move from the window?” “She ran to it right when she woke up and we were almost caught,” Xander said, flipping another page. “You snore.” “The fuck I do.” “You do,” Dite said. “But it’s cute snores! Like um, like every third breath is a snore.” “A honk sho or a mimimi?” “A weird cross between both.” Jacqueline looked thoughtful, then shrugged. “I can vibe with that. Side note, love that we can swear right now. Feels good, feels wholesome,” she said, hopping off of the cloud and onto the roof. “What are you doing?” Xander asked, putting down his book. “Getting closer! This one’s her room?” Xander nodded. “Quiet, though!” “I thought nobody was home?” “Her sister is.” “Alright, I can be quiet,” Jacqueline said, and, with a little hop, disappeared into thin air. “What is she doing?” Xander asked, trying to find her magical aura. Dite peered over the cloud with Xander. She surveyed the roof, then swatted Xander gently. “Right there, look; fast moving trail of frost headed down the drain pipe. She’s being sneaky,” Dite said with a grin. Xander chuckled. “Nice.” In the distance, car doors slammed and chatter met their ears. Danielle and her Mom had gotten back from their errands and were chatting up a storm. “Things are picking up again!” Dite said with an excited squeal. “We’re almost there, Xander!”
The summary of this one: Charlie tells Danielle about what his Dad REALLY does. Trouble in paradise has Dite on ALERT; determined, she hatches a lil plot and drags Jacqueline and Xander along for the ride. It's been fun to write! This trio of Legates is my fave lmao. They get into situations, and it's tripled when Charlie hangs with them!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Honestly? Too many! If I had to count, excluding wips, it'd be uh....eight, I think 🤔🤔🤔
My favourite one right now is Diteline Valentine's Day featuring Diteline kiddos! Dite's working and Jacqueline gets the day off. There is a cuddle puddle after Dite leaves for work. The kids ask Jacquie about what Diteline used to do on VDays before kids. Jacquie tells them all about their romance and such and says that every day is VDay with the four of them for her! They decide they wanna do something nice for their moms despite Jacquie's reassurance. Shenanigans ensue!!! Robyn wears a blanket cloak! Eira/Bianca didn't sleep! Joy has been awake for hours bc Valentine's Day! It's a recipe for disaster!
thanks for sending these in 🥰🥰🥰
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So I woke up today at 6:30 AM with the following goal: Go to university, print out my a lecture reader before 9AM, have it bound at my university store that opens at 9 and then dedicate the rest of my day to going through the whole reader so I can start studying with it and practicing exercises tomorrow.
so first of all, I fucked around a bit, and only actually tried to print my reader at 9:18. But we're still good, right? I purposely went to the campus where the store opens at 9 rather than 10 so I can get shit done faster. Except ERROR 404, when I uploaded the PDF to the printing platform, the printer couldn't "find it." I had had issues like this in December, and I knew that maybe a solution could be to try a different printer in a different building
I make my way to another building. It takes a while to track down the printer but soon I'm set up to print. YAY! except the printer is starting and stopping every 15 seconds and I have to print 242 pages!!!! help!!!! It ends up taking like 40 minutes during which I can't really be productive because I'm cooped up in this tiny printer room
Okay it's like 10:30 by now, but it's finally done printing (or so I think) so I head out to the store where I can get it bound.
So I leave the store again and head out to a different building because I'm thinking, that last one can't be trusted. It's only when I reach this building I realize that building doesn't actually have a printer.
So I turn back around and end up in the first building, but a different printer there. I sit down, make a new pdf with just my missing pages. Try to print.
GUESS WHAT??? I'VE RUN OUT OF FREE PHOTOCOPIES! this has basically never happened to me. wtf! where did I go wrong?? ANYWAY I'll suck it up and add money to my account balance so I can make these last copies and finally bind this reader
At this point it's 11:15. I haven't had breakfast so I throw my hands up and get lunch, figuring I'll add money to my balance in the evening and then finally bind it.
In the meantime, I text a groupchat asking if anyone is on this particular campus, because they could use their free photocopies. Everyone is like: no.
Then, after lunch I realize: Oh Shit! The store where you can bind closes at 4PM. I can't wait until 5 to add money to my printing balance!! I don't want to lose an entire day what the fuck
I hang around a fourth printer for a bit, and tell my sob story to two dudes who come to pick up a print job. One of them is like "how did you run out? Did you print that much? Or did you use colour" AND YES I FUCKING USED COLOUR. I FORGOT HOW MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES EVEN THOUGH THE MAJORITY OF THIS READER IS BLACK AND WHITE.
Anyways they feel bad for me but they don't have any balance left either rip
Suddenly, I remember a group of people I know usually study in this one specific building on the other campus, which is a 20 minute bus ride away
I decide FUCK IT and grab the shuttle and track down the nearest acquaintance and beg him to let me print on his account. it's 1PM by this point
The binding store on this campus isn't super close + I get myself a coffee because What The Fuck + I can't be bothered to walk back so I wait for a tram that isn't much quicker than walking so it almost takes me another hour after starting to print my last 40 pages to do the full back and forth + binding
So it's a little after 2 and I am FINALLY sitting down to do what I set out to do. Get through this reader. Highlight stuff. Add post-it tabs.
EXCEPT I'M AN IDIOT AND FORGOT TO PACK A HIGHLIGHTER AND POST-ITS. So I end up paging through it and just taking notes on my iPad for what I want to highlight and tabulate later lol. (Which.... I could have done with just the PDF probably. fml I guess.)
Because, For The First Time In My Life, I have overestimated how much time a task would take. I get through the ENTIRE reader by 7:10PM.
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europa-ganymede · 1 year
Lesson #1 on why you never try to scam me
I was trying to buy Sleep Token tickets. I went back and forth with someone on twitter who literally had a very active profile and seemed legit. They offered me a reasonable price for two tickets and showed me confirmation receipt through email, etc. I was like “Ok this might actually work”. Sent them money. Then they stop responding. Of course, right? I sent through cashapp so I immediately tried to ask for a refund. They declined the request. They kept sending me these messages like “hold on I’m on the road”, etc. They would stop responding for most of the day and then send some weird 1 line message like “i’ll send them now”. They said yesterday they would send the tickets, stopped replying. So I got really annoyed that clearly they weren’t ever going to send them. I requested my money back from them on Cashapp and then also sent through another request when they didn’t respond because I was mad - for the price of the tickets PLUS interest ($40) (lol i put in the note “for my pain and suffering). In the middle of the night they literally paid me the request for the tickets + $40!!!!! I woke up to that and was literally laughing to myself. Then they sent me another request saying I stole their money? Bitch, fuck off. You thought you got away with it and then made a boo-boo. So, I sent the money immediately to my bank and blocked them.
And before anyone says you should have done it through Paypal, I know, but Paypal wasn’t working for me because I don’t have access to an old phone number I have my Paypal through.
So, I got my money back plus $40. Fuck scammers. Learn your lesson.
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justabigassnerd · 10 months
okay I know you don't write for marvel anymore (unless you do, idk), and this isn't an ask, but just imagine the shock Steve and Bucky must've felt when they see a flat screen tv in color for the first time.
Like we get the scene were Steve runs out into New York for the first time since he and Bucky left to fight in ww2 in the 40's and is shocked to discover that its not the 40's anymore and he has, in fact, been out cold since then and its now the late 2000's, early 2010's and things are completely different.
Because, according to my grandfather, tv manufactures didn't start messing with the idea of color tv's until the 50's, and color tv's weren't very common in most homes until the late 60's early 70's because of how much they costed (I found an article that said a color tv set from a company called Westinghouse that started selling color tv's in New York costed $1,295. the article went on to say how in todays money that would've costed somewhere around $10,000).
So just imagine when one of them walks into the avengers tower or somewhere, whether it be after Steve first woke up and had calmed down or after Bucky was saved from HYDRA and is no longer trying to kill people and they see a fucking flat screen tv... just... the pure fucking time shock.. cuz the last time they both had a good look at their surroundings it was in the 40's when tv's were big, heavy boxes that were in black-and-white, but here they are now sitting Infront of a flat screen tv that's in color!! JUST. JUST THE PURE SHOCK OMG. Imagine how old they must've felt!!!!!
OMG ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT COMPUTERS TOO HOLY SHIT!!! Cuz those didn't come out until the 70's!!!
Anyway have a good day/night and sorry for the long rant lol.
omg don't apologise for the rant because I never really gave this much thought when I was in my Marvel era
but you're so right they surely lost their shit seeing a tv in colour like if I were Steve running out into Times Square when he first woke up I'd be requesting to be back in a coma or some shit bc that would be too much for me to handle right off the bat
Bucky would've 100% been so confused and shocked seeing it all too especially after HYDRA and probably not until after Endgame bc there was so much shit going down he probably barely got a chance to process things but I just know Bucky geeked out at least a little because tv's are not only huge and now in colour, but they've got streaming services so you have damn near every movie/tv show at the press of a button (not to mention if Bucky found the movie version of The Hobbit)
oh and computers? basically portable tv's that you can do more stuff on? they'd be so shocked and awed by them. I think computer's would also kinda scare them a little so they stick to pen and paper to take notes
I actually loved giving this some thought this was so fun, if y'all ever wanna just talk to me about anything fandom-y I'm so down fr
much love <3
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swaggy-skeletons · 1 year
I would like to share some of the most bizarre dreams I have had
FIRST DREAM (this one is from last night actually): So I had a bear in like a play pen or something at my house and my one friend was there but the bear started to break out so we ran to their house (which is actually no where near mine but in the dream it was across the street) and then i think my friend went inside but the bear was starting to escape more so i started running and after running for a while i ran into my friend's little sister (different friend, also lives no where within running distance) but then the bear started RUNNING after us and we kept running away and then i ran so hard i started flying and then i flew so hard and away that i woke up (the bear was not flying btw i don't even think it got close to me)
(i would like to add as a side note that whenever i have a dream in which i am running away from something (very frequent in my dreams actually) if i'm running hard enough i usually have the ability to jump very high and sometimes fly so i have multiple dreams where i am flying (but like not fun flying)
ANYWAY SECOND DREAM: So at the start of this dream i robbed a store (wow calm start) and also there was like some little pink girl there idk she doesn't show up anywhere else in the dream so yeah we rob the store and then i run away and like i was jumping on cars and stuff and i ran all the way down the road to what i can only assume is the summer camp i go to and i ran all the way down that path to the campsite my troop always stays in (btw this camp is like 40 minutes away from the store i robbed (the grocery store i go to) and in the complete opposite direction i was running) so i get there and the tf2 mercs we're there???? there was a bunch of trees surrounding us along with a campfire everyone was sitting at (more trees than there actually is at that campsite and probably a fire hazard but whatever) and i remember there was like a shallow bin of credit cards or something that i hid some card in for some reason. so i sit down at the campfire, a little panicky because the cops are probably after me, and i was like talking to the guys and i remember sniper tf2 said something to me that was i think some sort of advice for running from the law i guess. and then some cowboy lookin guys show up on horses and i try to hide and run away because they might be after me and i think they like wanted to join our group idk. i think like spy tf2 came to get me back to the camp cause i ran away or something (by the way when i was running i was also flying sort of low to the ground). the last thing i remember is running from the guys (i don't even think they were chasing me but whatever)
(i also would like to add that many of these dreams take place at this summer camp and usually at this same campsite although the camp and area around the campsite are always altered to some degree [that's actually common in my dreams, familiar places are never quite right whether that be location wise or whatever])
OK THIRD DREAM: So i was with this group of people some kids some adults and we were like villains? i think? we were certainly getting up to mischief. i don't remember a whole lot about this dream but i remember we were in some random house (it was also like a city where i think everything was sort of in the air and everyone flew i think) and i think there was a dance floor and we broke some stuff and then the cops or whatever came after us (i also remember that they were led by this girl with like dark red hair in a ponytail) and i was the last one out and for some reason i tried to like break the glass or something at the door to make them think i was already long gone, which did not work and they caught me leaving and chased after me and after i flew for a bit i woke up (i usually wake up after flying too aggressive and scaring myself awake lol)
FOURTH DREAM: i think this is the last one where i fly. so i was playing this game? i'm not sure if it was game or like i was running from the law? and i remember this one part my friends were there and we had to get away from this house or whatever that had some guy who was supposed to catch us but also he was like a really tired employee guy and he had like a dark brown buzz cut and i think like a walmart type uniform. so anyway we had to dodge this guy who was looking for us and we got outside but he was also coming outside so we hid in a chicken coop (i don't think there were any chickens) but he caught us and i flew away and then i woke up
FIFTH DREAM: (the rest of the dreams are a bit shorter i think) so it was like i was involved in a play for school (and it was set at the middle school so it wasn't a musical or anything i remember being in the front hall by the doors probably because middle school was my first experience doing theater and i remember being in that hall MANY TIMES) so it was like an interactive play? like it has a set up and characters and motives for said characters and things they are supposed to do. like we would go home and have to like solve the mystery that was going on and there was murder involved (not actual murder just plots between the characters for murder) and there was like a villain guy and this teenage boy and also a little girl who lived together and the evil guy was against this girl? i don't know much about their but i think she was my character? so the evil guy tells the teen dude to like find information about the girl (i think she was like 15 and the guy was like about the same age and the little girl who was i think his sister was like maybe 5) and she definitely knew something was up and i think she lived with their aunt because her parents were dead and i think there was like a funeral in the woods and he definitely didn't want to kill her at all and actually really didn't like the evil guy also they lived in this underground place (think team rocket in the journeys series) and the teen dude got in an argument with the evil guy probably about killing the teen girl and he left and took the little sister with him and that's about all i remember (i think i might actually try to write something about this because the story was really cool and like the coolest dream i've ever had lol)
ok these last few dreams are really short lol
SIXTH DREAM: so there was a people-eating shark that could walk on land. my friend from school was there. that's about it
SEVENTH DREAM: (ok this one is really fuzzy and kinda two dreams i think but still not long) so there was like a party concert thing in an ocean or something and there were lots of floating things and there was this like blob dude that was really getting on my nerves cause he kept bugging me i think and he like dropped a giant anvil or something idk. i kinda just yeeted him really far (like team rocket blasting off by it's a little blue blob guy) also spamton was performing also i think the concert had something to do with nickelodeon. however, the real spamton couldn't be there idk why so instead the got some guy to dress up as spamton but it was really bad and everyone booed the person dressing up and he got slimed. also same night different dream but i was in a hotel or something and i had a raspberry soap bar and it had a picture of mettaton ex on it and then i think he was actually there idk it was weird
So yeah basically i have weird dreams! if anyone wants to try to tell me what these dreams mean feel free.
Also i'm totally gonna try to write something about that one with the murder plots
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glamrockforg · 1 year
The First Day of Senior Year
hi! my name is rei, nice to meet y’all :) i’m a super creative, super cool person who happens to be queer (i go by she/they pronouns) and I wanna share with you my high school senior year experience as a dual enrolment student. Senior year can be crazy and scary sometimes because it’s a glimpse into what the future may look like, but I want to use this blog series to show you that not all of these things have to scare us. Maybe we can try to find the joy in change, and face it head on with our heads held high. As someone who’s struggled with depression for many years now and is on meds for it, I know how terrifying change can be, even if it’s just a change in school or environment, but I want to show you that you can do it. Sure, they’ll be some bumps along the way, but let’s do it together :) So, let’s get into it! my first day…
August 22nd, 2023
Today was kinda crazy, but exciting!! I woke up at 7:30, laid in bed for a while and almost fell back asleep, then I took a shower and got dressed in my dope back to school outfit and rolled out the door. My campus this year is like 40 minutes away, and an hour with all the traffic, so I had to leave early but I got there on time for my first class; Earth Science. I picked it cuz I though it would be easy but I don’t think that’s gonna be the case lol :) that’s okay tho, it’ll just take some studying. we had a little intro, and then got some homework assigned. Nothing major, just some beginning stuff. Then after that, I drove around campus to find my next class: CERAMICS! I was so excited for this classssssss and it seems like it’ll be a really cool experience so i’m stoked for that. I guess I just wish I could have made some friends or something, but we’ll see. that takes time. After my classes were done I headed home, ate some lunch, watched some Stranger Things, and got ready for work. I work at a sub shop, and tonight I was closing. I also happen to work with my ex lol which is hilarious to me so we were scheduled together tonight but it was totally chill and we got out of work on time which was great, and then I spotted a cute guy and left a note with my snap on it on his windshield cuz i’m just so charming and amazing :) so yeah, today was fun. A little hectic, but that’s okay. Tmr I think imma catch up on some online work and then just finish my crochet project maybe? Or maybe i’ll go try to find some friends :,(
This is a cautiously optimistic Rei, signing off.
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snuggly little girl is finally allowed back into the bed after several weeks of being banished due to houseguests :) she is very warm and sleepy and happy about it.
it’s an overcast morning and I woke up feeling bleh but I’m trying to acknowledge the feeling and not get stuck in it. I am working from home today and my tasks are a little ill-defined so I do need to make sure I get up, get dressed, and sit at a desk at some point to ensure I actually focus. here’s what I’d like to do:
7:30-8:30 coffee, lounge, work from bed
8:30 get up and get dressed
8:30-11:30 work session
11:30-12:30 shower/get ready
1-2 ND mtg
2-4 windshield appt—second work session. call Cigna while waiting, finish other work tasks, schedule-send emails to four faculty for next week, make a plan for next week
4-5ish wrap up work if needed
walk the dogs… it’s time to get back into it. I have a hockey podcast to listen to and can start with an easy 40-45 min loop
eat leftovers for dinner & make cold brew to steep overnight
finish ninth house (I’m powering through but letting myself skim the boring parts)
bed by 10 (I’m slowly trying to reset my sleep/wake times to 9:15pm/5:30 or 6am)
okay. I also am open to doing some work over the weekend if 1) it’s fun, and 2) it consoles me (as it often does lol). but here are the things I want to prioritize in today’s work sessions:
review makerspace brainstorming notes and distill conversation into a core list of ideas
organize list by priorities (immediate, academic year, future/aspirational)
figure out some way of annotating priority list. I want to identify the big steps each one would take to research/create/implement, note who on the team we could delegate specific pieces of the work to, and identify the other people or units on campus we’d want to partner with. this will be so fun.
JG asked if I could give an overview of my big priorities for my program next year so he could better understand how this initiative fits into those priorities. I think that’s a great ask and a great opportunity for me to sit down and synthesize what I’ve learned in my first month in the role. one big amorphous thing I’m tasked with is increasing the number of faculty who are incorporating research into their courses, and I was thinking the other day that instead of trying to do this across all majors in a scattershot way, I could use this makerspace access initiative as a focusing lens for that work this year. and then since that project is naturally STEM + business-leaning, maybe I can look for a manageably sized humanities initiative to take on next year too, so there’s a good balance within my portfolio of projects. anyway I think I’m at the point where I have talked to enough people and said yes or tentatively yes to enough things that I am ready to sit down and start drawing up a summer + academic year plan. also I’m not quite there yet but I might almost be ready to start mapping out the calendar so I can do some initial thinking in that direction today if I feel like it. oh and I want to make a note for myself to look for specific areas where I can consult or bring in the person in our office who was handling aspects of my job for a long time before I started… I feel like I can bulldoze a bit when I’m enthusiastic about an idea or project and I don’t want her to feel like I’m undoing all the work she put into building programming etc. so I want to really consciously build in checkpoints where I’m asking for her feedback or drawing on her expertise in a substantive/meaningful way so she doesn’t feel like I swept in and changed everything to fit my own vision.
meet with ND to gather info about student employee development redesign (then spend time updating my earlier notes)
I don’t think I’ll get much deeper into the student worker redesign project today but it might be a thing I block off time for this weekend or next week.
schedule four emails to faculty/staff (should include YP, DH, MK, and maybe BW?)
I think that’s good!! wow and just working on a work plan for today has already put me in a much better & more hopeful mood. time to get started!
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usearki · 2 years
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I posted 36,568 times in 2022
That's 4,545 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (0%)
36,505 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14,827 of my posts in 2022
#ygo - 3,076 posts
#lol - 597 posts
#dracula daily - 549 posts
#taskmaster - 398 posts
#long post - 341 posts
#seto kaiba - 319 posts
#fuck elon musk - 244 posts
#violetshipping - 233 posts
#puppyshipping - 233 posts
#blaze - 209 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've been letting it fill slowly since they raised it and i'm currently hovering around 500 in the queue with the rate set to 40 posts a day
My Top Posts in 2022:
My son sent me this, after he almost had a brain aneurysm seeing it at 5.30am. (He woke me up going WHAT THE FUCK!)
I don’t know why tumblr won’t accept video timestamps, but it’s like the second item in (Which is just as well because this video is over 2 hours long) so...
( @impet0n )
9 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
13 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Yay for being stuck in Carlisle cos the trains are up the creek due to a signal failure. Joy.
14 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My username:
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This is why I’m called Usearki. Just thought I’d make it my sticky post cos it still amuses me years later.
32 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
From the BBC:
Boris Johnson will resign as Conservative leader today - he will continue as Prime Minister until the autumn.
A Conservative leadership race will take place this summer and a new Prime Minister will be in place in time for the Tory party conference in October.
Not quick enough - he needs to fuck off now!
33 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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benefits1986 · 17 days
eta luh vista
Flights and fights make the world go round and round and round.
I'm not sure if I did a deep dive about dad's first flight outta MNL, so, let's go! Here's the back story. I got into my first ever car accident which is a total wreck. I went to the office and finished my day the next day around 5:30 AM. Dad asked where the car was. I said it was somewhere in Makati traffic police station. I got towed then slept. When I woke up, dad said that I'm a super bad liar because he knew hours after my wreck. It was probably the first time I saw him really worried. He even took a leave to bring me to the hospital. He joked that I might have injured my head that's why my delulu and baliw-baliw levels are off the roof. The doctor said I was fine, but the prescription was to veer away from driving and get a driver. Me to myself: 'Di kami mayaman, doc. HUY.
I negotiated the insurance and got a settlement that was enough to pay the car, have a downpayment for a new car, plus... funds that allowed us to visit HK. HAHAHAHAHA. Not bad, at all, right? The past days, Dad has been egging me about that shit it turned into shimmer. EMYYYY.
His lines were like: Galing talaga netong anak ko e. Baliw ka lang talaga pero magaling ka. Kayo ng nanay mo. 'Di ko inakala makakalipad ako palabas ng Pinas kasi ayoko sumakay ng eroplano. Expired pa passport ko, pero ginalingan mo. Buhay na buhay ka pa ngayon. Mag-40 ka na, pero wala pa akong apo sa'yo. Nga pala, patulong naman ako mag-apply ng visa na multiple sa Japan. Dapat pinilit mo na ako noong kumuha ka e. Mura lang pala 'yun. Akala ko e mahal. Me was like: TACCA. In all levels. Pilitin kita? Wow. Mukha mo. Tinanong kita nun. Sabi ko sumabay ka na sa akin pero no, no, no. Ayaw mo. LOL. Suki ka naman na sa branch na 'yun saka specialization nila mga tulad mong seniors na walang maggawa at bored sa buhay. Kaya mo na 'yan. Bigyan na lang kitang mga dokumento. Saka, JP talaga? Hahahaha. Lilipad kang mag-isa. Bahala kang maligaw sa airport pa lang.
LULZZZ. It's funny and timely that we had this talk. LUH. Let this be a reminder that baliw levels ko talaga 100000000x. The reason why I did that super basic HK trip with dad is because I wanted him to see there's more to life than the super basics. And again, it's a promise I am trying to keep in line with mom's habilin #2. Still transactional, then. Super transactional to be honest because I friggin' hate HK and I've already been there. Bonus points: Another reason why we had that trip was I had to help my brother with his proposal to his then-fiance, now wife. POTA. Hahahahaha. So, habilin #1 is also there pala. Shemay. It just hit me now na HK is a land of habilin ng nanay kong dragon kahit ayaw ko.
So, what?
Let this be a sticky note about how flights after the long-haul fights and frights are super worthwhile. And that, you can't take the baliw-gala girl outta this bitch. And while I can no longer do a quantum jump with mom in HK Disneyland sa ngalan ng pencil na Mickey Mouse, I'd have to keep going. Though fantasy ko pa rin 'yan with a legit Time-Turner because, why not 'di ba? Pero, knowing mom. JUSQ. Mas gusto pa nung mamatay kesa sumakay ng airplane. Hahaha. Pero syempre, if I have the chance, saksakan ko na lang siya ng Ketamine or something similar tapos isasakay ko siya sa plane paalis at pabalik. Periooodddtzzz. PASAVOUGEEESHHH. HUY. Luh. 'Di ko na naman naisip 'to. As in, now lang while shitting this out. Ang aga-aga.
Another reminder c/o V when he passed that has been resurfacing for the past weeks: A well-lived life is never short-lived. OPAQ. Perhaps, it's time to visit HK, too! Give it another chance to the tune of "What Mom and I Would Do If We're in HK". Now, I get why I fucking hate anything Disney all the more. It's a trigger of that quantum jump that I didn't jump over. EMYYY. HUY. Hahahaha. LUH. Syempre, exempted Lion King, Mulan, saka Pocahontas, please!
Akala mo naman kung anong very grand na realization, ano po? Or baka kasi this incoming trip is another quantum jump in a different city with a twist? Hay, maaaa! I miss you, but I feel you inside out more and more. Kakatakot ka lalo, aba. Kidding aside, true to the one-liner on your tombstone, here I am trying my best to let your love and lessons live, after 12 fucking years, finally.
Back then, sabi ko pa: Love? Lessons? WTF. Wala ako nun both kasi wala, wala, wala. Ang meron lang ako irrevocable loss, grief, bruised ego, and shattered delulu solulu. HUY. Hahaha. Ang lala ko talaga. I didn't want to live because it meant taking away everything that I worked so hard for sa 8-year battle namin ni mom. Period. Ayokong pakawalaan kasi 'yun lang 'yung meron ako. Then, boogsh. Ni-choopi niya na me. She DGAF about me at all, sa paningin ko lang 'yun a. Hahaha. And so, hahaba na naman 'to, kaya tigil ko na muna. Laba muna ng mga basahan ng mga aso, atbp dirty linen. EMYYYY.
This piece of shit is curious. Very curious. Abangan! PS1: V. good step away from being avoidant tayo for this piece, also! Keep up. CHZ. PS2: Kadireee. I'm wearing 'yung Disneyland HK hoodie I got ages ago kasi ganda ng burda and tela rn. Isa 'to sa mga 'di ko talaga naging favorite tapos ilang beses ko na 'tong gustong pamigay, honestly. Plus points ulit kasi I rarely buy "city or country" clothing kasi parang overrated for me, in general. LUHHH. Ma, sorry na. Lagi't lagi na, always pa. Eto na nga. Loko ka talaga, aba.
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