#i wish there was a faster way for me to translate
I have the last of the official X Mickey translations queued up throughout the month, and I'm working on getting the rest of the main issues translated!
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plutolovesyou · 9 months
read part two here! series masterlist here!
currently thinking about how modern!ellie would be such a like “hallway crush” type…OKAY WAIT i have an idea, picture this: it's the first day of classes, and you're on your way to your university's astrophysics lecture hall and see her, walking briskly to her destination, with big black headphones (listening to divorced dad rock, of course) seemingly in her own world, not even aware of how cool she is in the moment. she passes you, walking only a little faster than you are, but it gives you time to check her out a bit. she's wearing some dark wash jeans and a flannel with a chunky jacket over top, her beat up bag slung over one shoulder(because shes just too kewl for skewl), and her signature worn black converse. as you follow her into the hall, (not being creepy, you're just on the same path. oh, seems like you're classmates too…oop!), she enters first, then holds the door for you as you file in behind her, looking back, meeting your eyes, and giving you a small nod as a greeting. (one of those that guys do, like when they tilt their chin up for a split-second as a bro greeting, UGH THE ENGLISH EXPLANATIONS ARE ESCAPING ME i do not know the ways of the men but yall have seen that nod thing they do, right?) that would happen in a fraction of a moment and you'd go to smile back at this beautiful stranger, but by the time you collect yourself she's already looking forward again. oh and then the two of you would part ways and sit on opposite sides of the room, however she'd still be on your mind…and whenever you cast glances her way, she'd seem interested in what the professor is talking about, but you'd then realize you're staring and bring your eyes back to your own laptop....
☆: hi, i have SO many ideas for drabbles and stuff but they rarely translate onto paper how I imagine them to go, but I'm sure that comes with time and practice, but for now take this silly idea I jotted down as it crossed my mind...I need her so bad, wish she was real 😔 (half hoping a situation like this happens to me LMAO...but crushes are too much stress....) BUTTTTT this drabble thingy got them creative juices flowing, and now im highly tempted to make a series or more parts to hallway crush ellie ...I say that every time but this idea's bouncing around in my skull and won't leave so who knows...
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flowershines · 10 months
Unbearable Feelings
School Rival Virgin. Jungwon x F. Reader
Summary: Two academic rivals have to share a tent and an enclosed area from the class due to not enough space. (Huddle for warmth)
Warnings: Smut, mentions of baby trapping, rivals, virgin Jungwon, switch Jungwon, car break down, mutual masterbation
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Song to represent Unbearable Feelings:
Hallways filled with people as they moved from one class to the other, glancing around the hallway as music ran through your ears trying to keep your mind occupied by reviewing the vocab you had to study for your next class. Mumbling as you tried to remember the phrases, looking up to try and think of the words that were somewhere in your mind, letting out a frustrated sigh as you just could not remember. Taking out the paper from behind your phone as you swiftly look at the phrase and repeating the french translation in your head, glancing at the wall closest to you still repeating the word and its definition in your mind. Moving onto the next line you said the phrase in your head then referring to see your paper if you had gotten it right, you did.
Feeling a pair of eyes look at you, your gaze was met with the one guy you despised, don't get me wrong he was okay and everything but you both had always wanted to be the top of your class. Debate after debate you would win then him then tie then repeating that order, you never understood why he always argued back all he talked about was getting into his dream job but getting into that business doesn’t depend on a stupid debate that you had won so why was he taking it so serious.
Quickly breaking eye contact then softly returning your gaze to him a figure appeared in front of you, turning your head to the wall and letting out a huff of air, a headphone was pulled from in your ear into the boy's hand. “Go away, Jungwon.” He placed his hand on his chest and opened his mouth as a way to act, referring to how ‘offended’ he was. Rolling your eyes he said, “I’m actually great company Y/n, see now you would notice if you really cared.” “Wow that's crazy cause honestly I don't care about you enough to want to know.” Opening your eyes wide and leaving your mouth open ajar to show your sarcasm. “Ouch, what’cha studying?” He asked, ripping the paper from your grasp, looking at the paper, “You don’t know these, I already know them all.” “Yeah okay.” a sarcastic laugh fell from your lips. “Say the English, I'll translate for you since you're having a hard time.” scoffing at his confidence you replied saying “Send a text message.”
Turning to him waiting for his reply “Envoyer un texto, évidemment stupido.” ( _, obviously stupid.) “Ha Ha very funny, how do you say I am a very ignorant man?” turning to him waiting for an actual answer from your sarcasm, “Je me tiens à côté d'une petite fille ignorante.” (I'm standing next to an ignorant little girl.) “Va te faire foutre.” (Fuck you) walking faster to try to get away from him he speeded up his pace as well, “Wait where are you off so fast?” “My class, just leave me alone, I don't know why you love to bug me.” “Was it something I said?” “Isn’t it always?” You told him walking faster as he stopped walking and just stood, finally arriving at your class you put your phone in your bag and continued to study your vocab till your mind was occupied on the paper your french teacher put over your paper lifting your head you saw her giving one to every classmate, including Jungwon.
Looking back at the paper you read from top to bottom, ‘French Trip, all students who wish to partake in this trip must give a $10 fund and sign the paper below. The trip starts 1.12.23 till 3.12.23 when finished hand in back to the teacher when done.’ Maybe this will give you some time to yourself which is much needed, spending time at your apartment with your roommate isn't always your favorite thing to do, she would always bring people over when you studied but it just made you want to work harder so that way when people see the new person you would become and how successful you were would be the best part.
But of course Jungwon just loved to ruin these things for you, he always had since you both started the same school. His priorities were your priorities, not to mention the business he wanted to go to was not even the best job out there, being as smart as he is you thought he would want to get into a better job but it was a business that almost everyone gets into. I mean if it's his dream who were you to stop him you just thought it was odd. Class was like any other class with Jungwon starting by the teacher teaching the lesson following by you asking a question on the assignment as Jungwon tells it to you and proceeds to make a blunt remark following his explanation back to you telling him off, starting an argument with him till the teacher tells you both to stop and get your work done.
But today was different. You didn’t ask any questions and just stayed to yourself the whole class, making no remarks, nothing, you barely even spoke to your classmates. You could feel Jungwons gaze seeping in through your soul, refusing to look up at him. You just continued with your work till the teacher assigned the homework and made a joke saying how quiet the class was that day, making the class look at you and Jungwon even then you didn't say anything. She passed out the homework then dismissed the class, standing up putting your bag on your chair. You took out your folder and placed the homework in there then proceeded to put it in your bag looking up from your bag you were met face to face with the one person who made you want to stay quiet that day.
“What do you want?” You asked while zipping up your backpack then putting it on, “You were quiet.” “Yeah so?” “Nothing I liked it, you should do it more often.” Lips touching each other making a straight line across your face then nodding. “Noted, you done?” “Yup.” Rolling your eyes and shaking your head he walked right by your side till you were by the doors to leave the school, “Where are you going we still have English?” “I know, I'm not going.” Opening the doors, he asked “Why?” “I wanna go home, I'm tired.” not waiting for his response you left the building getting your car keys out from your back, you knew it wasn't the best thing to skip out on English but it was the last class and you had nothing major going on that day.
The whole rest of the day you spent in your room studying and trying to make up the english work that you missed, she had emailed you the work as you told her you weren't feeling well and had to go home. The next day walking into the building was the same thing as yesterday going to the same classes, French class was the same as well you turned in the slip as the trip would be later today. Whole class she told the people who were going on the trip to stay in the class and the rest who weren't going to the library and study for any other class, almost the whole class left except for 6 other students not including you. Of course your favorite person in the whole world had to go on the trip as well, but you just figured you wouldn’t talk to him and actually enjoy yourself without him.
You noticed how for the past classes you had with him, he hasn’t made any comments, no rude remarks, barely tried to talk to you, no arguing, nothing. A part of you felt at peace with yourself being able to do all of your work and had extra time to study for upcoming topics, today was the day you had the trip. Being so excited to be by yourself with your classmates that you never really minded except Jungwon, you minded if he was going. Heading home from school you start to pack your bag with your pj’s, toothbrush, toothpaste, blanket, outfits, the book you had been reading in your free time, along with other unimportant things as well. The french teacher emailed the individuals to meet back at the school around 4:30pm being 4:05 you changed into more comfortable clothes then headed to the school, arriving there a couple minutes early you see almost all of the students that were attending including the teacher.
She had told everybody the address of where the place was, telling everyone their partner who they would be driving with as they would take one person from the pair's car. As the teacher called out the pairs the only person who you hoped not to get you had gotten as a partner, he looked at you as you looked at him pulling your eyes away from his stare you refused to look back at him not wanting to look at him as you will for a couple of hours already, great.
“We are taking my car.” You told him as he came closer to you after the teacher had finished talking, not giving him any time to respond back you started to head to your car surprisingly he followed in your footsteps back into your car. Unlocking you placed your bag in the back seat waiting for him to catch up and held out your hand to tell him to give you his bag, he reached his hand up to yours and placed the bag handles in your hand.
“So this is what it feels like to have you as a personal slave.” “Yeah, don’t get used to it.” You gave him a sarcastic smile and shut the car door behind you walking over to the driver's side of the car. Starting the car you see Jungwon in your peripheral vision putting on his seat belt and acting all sporadically holding the seatbelt with a tight grip. “The fuck are you doing?” “You got a helmet?” “Why would I have a helmet?” He shrugged “For your passengers.” “The seatbelt should be enough.” “I don’t think so Y/nie, your driving isn't the best I see you swerve all the time.” “Bull shit, I’m a good driver you on the other hand that's a different story.” He giggled at your remark, you softly smiled as you found his smile heartwarming but thought to yourself why were you smiling at him, HIM.
Immediately putting a straight face on not wanting him to see you smiling at his smile, putting the car into reverse then starting to drive Jungwon was being as annoying as he can distracting you so much from driving, “Omg Jungwon shut the fuck up.” He slowly turned his head raising one eyebrow making a disgusted face, “So mean” He signed sarcastically looking down pretending to be upset at your remark. After glancing at him you returned your gaze to the road, hearing a loud noise coming from the back of your car, “Did you just get rear ended?” “No, it sounded loud but we didn't get rear ended.” Blinking his eyes in confusion, “You sure?” you hummed at him to let him know that we were okay. “Then why are we slowing down?” “Jungwon shut up, I don’t know.” “It’s your car you should know.”
Rolling your eyes you pulled over on the side of the road, you put the car in park not wanting it to move as you went to check out what happened. Unlocking your seatbelt and stepping out of the car swearing to yourself as your tire was flat against the pavement on the side of the road, “I heard you, is everything okay.” he asked from the passengers in the car, “Flat tire.” stepping out of the car he appeared in front of you on the opposite side of the car as he slowly walked over to you to see the condition you guys were in. “You got a spare on you.” “No.” “Hasn’t your boyfriend or anyone ever told you it would be a SMART idea too.” “Well I don't have a boyfriend so nobody ever warned me about this stuff.” “So what would you think if this ever happened?” Looking directly at him shrugging your shoulders you, “Just call someone or hope for the best i guess.” He huffed and rolled his eyes pulling out his phone from his pocket, he ran his fingers through his hair frustrated as he couldn't get a signal, the only lighting found from the woods was the light of his phone that was resting in his palms.
“Are you getting a signal?” Taking out your phone as well and going to make a call nothing was going through saying the connection failed even trying the emergency call, it would only let you call the police. It wasn’t that big of a deal to call the police so you decided not to. “No, what are we supposed to do?” Looking up at him with doe eyes, holding your arms as a gust of wind ran through your hair along with the t-shirt you were wearing. “Maybe we should just stay here till someone comes or till we get a connection.” Walking back to the car you sighed before getting in as tears brickled at your eyelashes threatening to fall, Jungwon noticed before he was able to get in he shut the door of the passengers side making a tear fall down your cheek from being scared and embarrassed. All of the sudden the door on your side was opening to reveal him standing at your door.
He grabbed your wrists and took them so you weren't sitting but standing outside the car door, he pulled your wrists around his waist letting go then placing his hand around your neck. “It’s not your fault, these things just happen, it's nothing to get upset over.” He told you to pull away, looking down at you, wiping away your tears, hugging you tighter. “We can still have a good time if that will make you feel better, I brought a tent with us.” You looked up at him then hugged him tighter, he giggled. “Is that a yes?” You nodded against his chest, pulling away you cried even more noticing how you had gotten mascara smudged all over his shirt. “I'm sorry.” You told him sniffling as your hands went to your face to hide yourself in the state you were in, “Don’t worry about it, I bright extra shirts.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side of the car where all of your things had been in, taking out the duffel bag that had the tent in it and placing it in your arms. He grabbed a shirt from his bag and followed you into the forest not that far away from your car and not too deep into the forest as you had never seen the area before not wanting to walk into random animals territory.
Unzipping the duffel bag you went to turn around to ask him for help but you were faced with a shirtless Jungwon standing in front of you, not saying a word you quickly turned your head around, face starting to heat up you tried to pull your mind away form the image you just saw but you couldn't he just looked so gorgeous like that in front of you. He walked over to you with a smirk on his face as he was biting the inside of his lip, “Can’t look at me now, Y/n?” not saying anything you continued to act like you were busy reading the instructions he pulled them out of your hands, still not looking at him you looked into the woods. “Look, it's so pretty.” You were referring to the moon shining down on the trees making the river that ran through the trees sparkle, “So pretty.” walking to stand in front of you making perfect eye contact with his cock.
“OKAY.” You said shooting up from your spot, “Let's make this.” He smiled and took the lead looking at the instructions and starting to build the tent. Not long after the tent was all built you got off from your knees as you were pushing the tent pegs into the ground to make sure that the tent would stay in place. Unzipping the tent and crawling in you went in and sat down in the corner as you watched him get in the tent as well, “I’ll go get the blankets, you want anything from the car?” “Just my bag please.” “Such a polite girl.” He said, exiting the tent grabbing the things, hearing him walk back he came back and threw your bag at you, “You know what time it is?” “Like almost 10 I think” He pulled out his phone to check the time, “10:34” yawning, you covered your mouth and turned the other way not wanting him to notice how tired you were, “You tired?” He asked while setting up both of your beds.
“Nope.” “You're such a liar.” Shaking his head while giggling at your comment, “Just go to bed.” “But you're still up.” “Yeah I stay up late, go to bed if you're tired I'll still be here when you wake up.” Smiling softly at his comment as you noticed how he has never acted this soft around you before, he moved aside letting you be able to crawl to your spot, “I still have to get into my pj’s though.” “Nobody is stopping you.” “Turn around.” “Y/n I won't look, I swear I'm still making my bed.” “Swear.” “Pinky swear.” Taking off your sweatshirt and shirts from your bag you started to stake off your shirt as you made direct eye contact with the man in front of you, he immediately turned back around. Continuing you took off your shirt and put your sweatshirt on standing up after you're done and pulling down your pants grabbing your shorts that barely covered your ass and putting them on. “Okay, all done.” He turned around to look at you, he just stared at your thighs in awe his cheeks blushed not being able to look away it looked like he was in some sort of trance. He slowly looked away in embarrassment knowing that you saw him staring at you that way, he crawled into his bed as you got into yours as well he went on his phone and turned around so that way he wasn't facing you. Shutting your eyes and drifting off into your dreams you were awakened by shivering throughout your whole body, no light was being portrayed in the tent.
“Won?” He hummed back, “Are you cold?” “No, are you?” you hummed he sighed, “Come over here.” Unzipping your sleeping bag you crawled over to him and he had it held open as his back was now against the tent, so now he can see you. “Is there going to be enough space?” You asked him, “I don’t know, just get in here.” He shook the sleeping referring to how you should get in, crawling in next to him getting as far away as possible but still being able to zip it up again. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer and zipped up the sleeping bag, “So far away, you scared of me or something.” He asked sarcastically whispering in your ear, a shiver trailed down your spine from being this close to him and feeling his breath on your neck along with on your ears as well. “No?” He hummed, “You should be good now, go back to sleep.” following his suggestion you closed your eyes once again, fading away into dreamland, waking up you noticed you heard some noises coming from Jungwon behind you. Turning towards the side you noticed him still sleeping, rolling back to the side you were just on and closing your eyes thinking that you were probably just imagining the sound, but the noises got louder as you felt something rubbing up against you upper thigh. NO FUCKING WAY, IS HE… NOO.
Shuffling was heard behind you as a hand trailed down to your waist turning around you were facing him eye to his closed eyes that were closed tightly shut, his face alone made you think of him in certain ways. His eyebrows were knitted together, his eyes tightly shut, the veins on his neck were popped out, nose scrunching up and his bottom lip was placed in between his teeth. You felt something tap on you then go back, was that his dick? Heavy breathing was heard from him as his you would hear his breathing stop then go again the go but shake as he let out the air. Soft moans were pulled from his mouth, you just watched as he fell apart right in front of you his hands around your waist tightened as he pulled you closer thrusting his cock up against you rubbing against your pussy. A moan loud enough for you to hear fell from his lips from the friction, staring at him butterflies filled your stomach as his thrusts became more intense as his breathing became less clear and all over the place.
His eyes fluttered, not wanting him to catch you staring you immediately shut your eyes pretending to be asleep. He moaned the loudest as his hip shuttered against you, he had woken up just after he came which was starting to seep through his pants and onto your bare thighs. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He whisper shouted not knowing what to do, he pulled the waistband away from his putting his hand down his pants. “I came?! Oh shit, she asleep?” He sighed in relief seeing you ‘sleeping’ beside him, he let go of his pants and slowly unzipped the sleeping bag and exiting it. He cursed to himself as he went to crawl over you his leg ran up against your thigh realizing that there was a wet spot on his leg, lifting up the sleeping bag he noticed his cum dripping down your thigh trailing down to your ass.
He swore he could cum again just from seeing that sight, “Oh Fuck, what do i do? Fuck i’m still hard to.” He looked down noticing the tent in his pants, picking up his phone he checked the time it was almost 2 he was exhausted and just wanted to be in his bed which would allow him to jerk off to the dream he was having about you. He wanted to jerk off so bad seeing his cum on you along with remembering his dream he had of you made him moan to himself he quickly placed his hands i’ve this mouth scared that you would hear him, digging through his bag to find something to wipe off his cum with. He found the t-shirt that had your mascara on it and decided he would use that, he slowly lifted up the sleeping bag and saw how the his cum was now on your ass cheek. He softly ran the t-shirt down your leg then around to your ass he but his lip trying to not make any noises as he ran the shirt along your ass, he went towards his bag and pulled his pants down below his thighs and trying to get his cum that was on his pants on the t-shirt.
You stirred to his side he stopped his motions and placed the t-shirt over his dick thinking that you were awake but was relieved to know that you were still ‘asleep’ you opened one eye as he turned away staring at how he struggled to grab his cock from it twitching, grabbing the base he moaned slightly pulling the shirt he was wearing in between his teeth to silence his moans. Grabbing the tip of his cock he ran the shirt along his slit wiping off all the pre cum that was leaking from his tip, getting the sudden urge of confidence you decided to say something. “Won?” You couldn’t look at his eyes but staring directly down at his boner that was twitching from lack of touch and due to the cold air, his head shot up from looking at his cock in disappointment to looking at you as you looked at his dick.
Seeing you stare at him filled with lust in your eyes made him twitch as he quickly pulled the shirt over his dick making you look at him directly in the eyes, “It’s not- I swear- Y/n-” “Relax Wonnie, I was already awake.” you said sitting up, he tilted his head to the side “Huh?!” “You were moaning rather loudly and when I tried to fall asleep you came on me.” “OH. My. God Y/n i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to i just hand a wet dream about you and couldn’t help myself when you were that close to me, i’m so sorry if anything happened that you were uncomfortable with. I can go sleep in the car-” “Won relax it’s okay.”
His breathing became rapid you started to go near him to calm him down but as you did his cock twitched each step closer you took, “Wha- What are you doing?” I was just going to cuddle with you so maybe we can fall sleep again, “I don’t think that’s a good idea Y/n.” “Why?” He looked at his cock then slowly brought his gaze up to you, “I couldn’t control myself the first time so i definitely can’t the second now that you have seen me like this.” “I can help.” You say energetic, “WHAT?!?” “I’m being serious you said you had a wet dream about me, i can make it come true.” “No Y/n I can’t make you do this.” “But i want to.” he chewed the side of his cheek. “Y/n if you just saying that please just tell me-” You pulled him in by his shirt over to you kissing him on the lips leading you both to a messy make out as you travel down to his collarbone, moving onto his lap straddle him as his cock twitched against your stomach bringing your hand down to his dick and starting to jerk him off. He places his hands on your ass as his head tilts back and moaning from your touch, his eyes were filled with need wanting more, wanting your pussy.
Wanting to shove you down onto the sleeping bag make you beg for his cock then shoving his dick in you then fucking you senseless, but making out with him more he leaned forward slowly as he softly placed you down onto the sleeping bag that you and him had just been in. Fiddling with the bottom of his shirt you tug on it lightly as he sits up and grabs your wrists and slowly trailing them up you knew that he wanted you to take it off, soon after taking off his shirt he grabbed your waistband of your short shorts and tugged them down to your ankles as he then took them off for you.
He was mesmerized staring at you in adoration loving every movement you were doing, he stared at your panties which had a tiny pink bow right in the middle his fingers ran through the loops of the bow as you took your sweatshirt off. “So pretty.” He said playing with the bow and waistband placing his hand inside your panties rubbing your clit as you ran your fingers long his slit, he grabbed his dick and ran it along the outline of your pussy. You both moaned from the sudden stimulation from him dry humping your pussy slowly, you moved your panties to the side taking his dick in your hands and running it along your bare pussy. “Please need to be in you, i’ll be good i swear.” “You have a condom?” he shook his head but rubbed his cock along your pussy lips, “Just the tip then, no more then that.” Instantly spitting on his tip for lube as he started slowly pushing in the head of his cock moaning loud enough you thought the birds in the trees could hear, you placed you hand over his mouth to shush him.
He slowly started to move in and out of your pussy one hand grabbing onto your tit for more support while his other hand was jerking off the base of his cock, “Y/n need more, need to feel more of you please.” “Fine but I do the moving so lay down.” he quickly obeys your order and lays down on the sleeping bag. Cock straight up in the air waiting for you twitching due to the anticipation getting up you crawled over to him and got on top of him straddling his lap your pussy just inches away from his dick, grabbing his base he moaned from your hand on him while you aligned him up to your entrance. You kissed him just hovering above him, he wrapped his arms around you bear hugging you as he pushed his cock up into you bottoming you out making you moan from the sudden feeling of him filling you up. Whines fell from his mouth talking about how good you feel, how so hard he is for you, can stay in you forever, never wants to leave this position and how he wants to feel you cum around his cock. “Please Y/n need to feel you cum around me, it’s all i’ve ever wanted, need you so bad it hurts please can i move?” Nodding your head he thrusts into you two times slow and taking his time but on his third thrust he pushed so hard up into you while his hips kept fucking up into you fast, during one of his rapid movements his cock fell out of you leaving a whine from his lips.
“Your so perfect, I’ve always wanted to bend you over those desks and fuck the attitude out of you.” He huffed and kissed your ear keeping his heavy breathing right by your ears, he moaned in your ear shocking you but it was because of how you were clenching on him cause of his moaning louder and squeeze you harder his cock started twitching in you, you started to rub your clit as you would clench on him more. He loved the sensation of your pussy squeezing around him, you stared to sit up he let go of you and placed his hands in your waist you brought your fingers up to his nipples as he stopped his movements to roll his head back as his body rolled back to his dick making his movements continue even header this time. “Y/nn- I gott- I gotta cum-” “Then cum.” “Where do you want it?” You started to think about his question thinking about where it would be the easiest place to clean the mess up after. “Y/n I n-need an answer- now!”
His hands went below you to be ready to pull out and cum where you tell him to, “Just cum in me.” “I’m not playing Y/n tell me now.” “In me.” you slammed down on his hips, “I’m not gonna c-cum until you tell me somewhere else, please Y-Y/n need to so bad. If you w-want it in you can w-we please-e talk about this first.” getting off of him you brought your head down around his dick as he took both sides of your head and thrusted up into your mouth not caring how you gagged below him. After he finished cumming you looked up at him as his cum was dripping down your chin, picking it up with your finger and putting it back in your mouth then swallowing all of it. “Thank you so much, I mean it Y/n.” “You weren’t that bad.” he looked down disappointed, “Hey i’m just kidding I loved it you did so good.” you tackled him with a hug laying on him. “I was a virgin by the way.” he said looking down at you, putting your hands on top of one another placing your elbows on either side of his body you responded saying, “I know, usually if a guy isn’t really a virgin they just cum in her no questions asked and it was your wet dream whining that gave it away for me, but it was so cute.” you smiled big from ear to ear. “Did i do good?” “You did great, we should do it again some time!”
He pulled his arms around you turning to his still holding onto you as you cuddled into his chest right before falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. “Goodnight Y/n.” He kissed your forehead before falling asleep holding you.
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 6 months
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Just gonna leave this here🥵❤️‍🔥
Pairing: Bucky x F!reader
Warnings: MDNI (SMUT 18+), oral, masturbation, fingering, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), a little bit of fluff at the end, I think that’s it but lmk if I missed something
Length: 1.1k
Summary: Bucky comes home from a mission wanting to make you feel good.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, I hope that I do it justice! This is also a good time to say that my requests are open! I don’t just write smut, you can request something fluffy! 
MDNI! 18+ ONLY! I cannot control what you consume so you have been warned!
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
You miss your boyfriend more than anything else in the world. You know how demanding his job is and how much it means to him, but this time you are feeling selfish. You want to come home to Bucky watching baseball on the TV, or fixing something in your apartment, or Bucky playing with a pet you adopted together. You want normalcy. You want Bucky.
You tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear as you look down at the bowl of ice cream in your lap. It’s almost completely melted but you didn’t care. You put the bowl on the coffee table and stare at your phone. You left it on the table so you would stop checking it but it was no use. You picked it up and opened it, hoping to see some type of message from him.
No new messages
You rub your face with your hands. It’s only a matter of time before he comes home. It’s only been 2 weeks. You think to yourself.
Deciding that it’s time to call it a night, you get up from the couch and pick up the apartment. You want to make sure that the apartment doesn’t look like a mess if Bucky comes home when you’re asleep or when you’re away. The last thing you do is turn off the TV that is playing some shitty reality show you put on as background noise.
You take one last look around the apartment when you hear a key go into the lock. Your heart starts to beat faster, nervous that it’s Bucky finally coming home or god forbid some maniac trying to rob you. The door slowly opens and you see him.
His normally cropped hair is a bit longer, curling at the nape of his neck and around his ears. His normally clean-shaven face has grown out to a stubble. Most importantly, he still looked like Bucky.
Bucky drops his duffle bag on the floor and smiles when he sees you. You run to him and jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. Bucky stumbles back a bit but gains his composure quickly. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the side of your head as you breathe in his scent.
“Hey, Doll,” Bucky says as he closes the door behind him, making sure that the locks are in place.
“You’re never allowed to leave again!” You say as you lean back.
You wrap your arms behind his neck and pull your foreheads together. Bucky stares deep into your eyes and can see how lonely you’ve been the past 2 weeks.
“I’m sorry baby doll, I wish I didn’t have to leave so often,” Bucky says.
“It’s ok, Bucky.” You say and close your eyes.
Having him home makes you feel safer. It makes you feel like everything is the way it’s supposed to be. You lean in and kiss him.
“Please, Bucky.” You whisper against his lips.
Bucky understands what you mean and guides you to the couch. He gently places you down, pushing you back to get between your legs. Bucky leaves a small kiss on your lips before going down your neck. He helps you pull your shirt off, revealing your bare breasts.
“You’re so perfect doll,” Bucky whispers against your neck.
You pull him back up to your face so you can kiss his lips again. Bucky slips his tongue into your mouth and you let out a small moan. You tug at his shirt and he understands what you’re asking him. He pulls his shirt off in one fluid motion before kissing down your torso.
“Bucky, I need you.” You whimper out.
“Patience, doll. You already have all of me.”
Bucky gets to the waistband of your shorts and pulls them down, throwing them behind you. You lay beneath him in only your underwear. Bucky kisses your stomach and looks up at you as he brings his hands to your underwear. He slowly pulls them down, kissing down your leg as they slip off of you.
“Bucky…” You moan, lifting your hips so that he can go to the one place you want him to.
“You have to use your words Doll,” Bucky looks up at you as he kisses up your leg.
“I need you…” You moan out. “I need your mouth on me…”
Bucky happily obliges. He licks your slick folds, humming at the taste. Bucky sucks on your clit, making you moan out in pleasure. Bucky may be over 100 years old, but this man knows how to fuck his girl right.
Bucky pushes a finger into you and you grab his hair. You both moan at the new sensations. You continue to pull as Bucky thrusts his finger into you, adding one when you start to buck your hips.
“That’s it baby doll, ride my fingers.”
“Bucky, I’m about to come!” You moan out loudly, not caring if your neighbors hear.
Bucky continues to fuck you with his fingers, kissing and biting the inside of your thighs. With two more thrusts, he has you coming all over his fingers. Bucky brings his fingers to his face before licking them, humming at the taste.
“You taste so good doll, you’re even better than dessert.” Bucky compliments you before pulling you onto his lap.
You feel his thick cock through his jeans and moan at the feeling. You start to move your hips, wanting to ease your throbbing core.
“You’re going to ride me doll,” Bucky instructs you as he pulls his jeans and boxers down enough for his cock to come out.
You nod your head as he helps you guide his cock into you. As you sink down you both moan. You place your forehead on his, both of you closing your eyes.
“Baby doll, I need you to move.” Bucky grits out.
You nod your head and start to move on top of him. You start off slow, not wanting the moment to end. Soon enough you’re moving fast with Bucky thrusting up into you.
“Bucky, I’m going to come again!” You moan out.
“I’m almost there Doll,” Bucky thrusts his hips harder.
You both move faster, trying to find your orgasms at the same time. With a few more thrusts, you both find your release.
“That’s it Doll, milk my cock.” You moan at Bucky’s words.
You both sit for a minute to catch your breaths. Bucky rubs your arms while you play with his hair.
“You need a haircut,” You mumble out.
Bucky chuckles and kisses you. “You don’t my hair?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it, I just like your short hair better. And while you’re at it, maybe trim the beard.” Bucky laughs at your comment.
“I’m glad that I’m home,” Bucky says before giving you one more kiss.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Matilda being so in love with Logan when she’s really young that Lando has to be stern with him and everyone laughing cause he is never usually serious
"Daddy! Since you and Logan are not driving, can we go see him, please?", Matilda wondered. She heard this morning that Williams were also having their reserve driver doing the Free Practice session, and since she knew her daddy wasn't driving either, it would be the perfect time considering she knew better than to wander around the paddock on her own.
"Am I really giving in to our daughter's driver crush because I can't say no to her? Yes, that's right", Lando whispered in your ear before picking her up, "yes, princess, let's go!", he smiled, kissing her cheek and leaving you with Fraser and a sleeping Charlotte.
Walking into the Williams garage with his little girl, Logan spotted the little Nottis straight away, "hey, Tilly! How are you? It's been a while since I've seen you", the american driver smiled.
"I'm good, and you, Logan? I made a drawing for you", she fished it out of the front pocket of her dungarees, unfolding it to reveal a drawing of a blue car and who Logan assumed was himself.
"Thanks, Tilly! I'm going to find somewhere safe to keep this!", he smiled, letting her explain all the details she had drawn.
"I'll go look for a folder or something to keep it safe", one of the Williams staff said, "I'll go with you!", Matilda said, "I'll be right back, Logan!", she noted as she left Lando and Logan.
"You can't ever break her heart, you hear me?", Lando stated much to the amusement of everyone around him who heard the serious tone, "which at this age translates in not waving at her and crashing your car or not getting a good position - she understands enough of how the grid works enough to get sad whenever you don't get a good position, so that's a no".
Logan felt somewhat intimidated from his tone alone, "you do realize some of those things are a bit outside of my control, right? I can't make the car a rocketship if it wasn't built that way", he reasoned.
Lando knew what it was to have a car you wished would be faster, "don't break her heart, understood?".
"Yes, sir", Logan said before Matilda pulled on his hand once she got back, "Lucy got a folder so you can save the drawing, yay!", she cheered.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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a-lexia11 · 17 days
Closer to you
Ona Batlle x reader
Word count:3,7k
Summary: You and your childhood friend Ona had always been in love with each other, but the distance from playing for different clubs kept you apart. Now that you're both at Barcelona, can you finally be together?
Based on this request.
Note: Similar to my other Spanish footballer fics, the dialogue here is in Spanish (with translations) because I really enjoyed writing in Spanish!
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When you first met Ona, you were both just kids joining a local youth football team in Spain.
The day was bright and sunny, with a gentle breeze carrying the fresh scent of cut grass and the palpable buzz of anticipation.
As newcomers to the team, you both felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Ona’s boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm made her stand out immediately.
Her ability to turn even the toughest drills into something fun, with her laughter and encouragement, made the hard work feel effortless.
From the beginning, you were captivated by her passion and skill. Her determination to excel mirrored your own, but what you didn’t fully realize until later was how deeply you were drawn to her.
There was something about her that went beyond friendship, though you tried to ignore these feelings at first.
“¡Vamos, Y/N! ¡Muéstrales lo que puedes hacer!” Ona shouted, her voice brimming with excitement as you both raced across the field. (Come on, Y/N! Show them what you’ve got!)
Her enthusiasm was so compelling that you felt it propelling you forward, making every stride lighter and every sprint faster.
“¡Estoy en ello, Ona! ¡No me dejes atrás!” you called back with a grin, the wind whipping against your face. The rush of adrenaline made every effort worthwhile. (I’m on it, Ona! Don’t leave me behind!)
You realized that Ona’s encouragement gave you a sense of invincibility, and it was during these moments of shared excitement that you started to recognize your feelings for her.
The way her presence could turn a grueling practice into something enjoyable made you realize how much you wanted to be close to her, not just as a friend, but in a way that went beyond.
As you both progressed through the youth ranks, your friendship grew deeper. The shared experiences on the pitch and countless hours of training together strengthened your bond.
You celebrated each other's victories and supported each other through defeats, your connection deepening with every season that passed.
Although you played for different clubs in Spain—yours frequently changing as you sought various opportunities—your friendship remained a constant.
Ona’s transfer to Manchester United was a major milestone for her, and while it created even more physical distance, you made every effort to stay in touch.
Late-night calls and messages became a routine, filled with encouragement and updates on each other's games.
But as time went on, it became harder for you to hide your feelings.
You missed Ona more than you cared to admit, and every conversation with her left you longing for more.
The separation was tough, especially when the excitement of her new chapter in Manchester contrasted with your own experiences back in Spain.
Despite the miles between you, the bond you shared never wavered, but the distance made it clear that your feelings for her were growing stronger.
You often found yourself daydreaming about what it would be like if she were closer, if you could finally act on the feelings you’d been harboring for so long.
When you signed with Arsenal, it was a dream come true. The dynamic football scene in London and the thrill of playing for such a prestigious club were exhilarating.
Yet, amid the success, the joy of your achievements was tinged with a profound sense of longing for Ona.
Her absence was deeply felt, and every goal scored and every match won was a bittersweet reminder of the friend you wished could have shared those moments with you.
Her move to Barcelona brought a whirlwind of emotions. You were excited for Ona, recognizing how significant this move was for her career and personal growth. However, the reality of the distance between you felt almost unbearable.
The thought of her being so far away, combined with the growing intensity of your feelings, made every international break both a relief and a torment.
Seeing Ona during these brief periods only made you realize how much you missed her and how strong your feelings had become.
The physical distance was difficult, and it only served to highlight how much you wanted to be more than just friends with her.
The separation cast a long shadow over your shared victories, making it harder to reconcile your emotions and the reality of your lives.
Finally, the opportunity to join FC Barcelona presented itself, and it felt as if fate had conspired to bring you back to Spain and place you on the same team as Ona.
Your first day at Barcelona was a whirlwind of new faces and impressive facilities. The excitement of seeing Ona again was mixed with a flutter of nerves.
The familiarity of her presence was a comforting anchor amidst the newness of the environment, but the unspoken feelings you held for her were intense and all-consuming.
As you walked into the bustling locker room, you caught sight of Ona. Her eyes sparkled with recognition, and her face broke into a wide, genuine smile. She hurried over, her excitement palpable.
“¡Y/N, qué alegría verte aquí!” Ona exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. (Y/N, it’s such a joy to see you here!)
She wrapped you in a warm, tight hug, her embrace a blend of familiarity and comfort. The quick kiss on your cheek was both a greeting and a gesture of affection.
“También me alegra verte, Ona. No puedo creer que finalmente estemos jugando en el mismo equipo” you responded, your voice carrying a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. (It’s great to see you too, Ona. I can’t believe we’re finally playing for the same team)
You smiled broadly, trying to mask the flutter of emotions you felt at being so close to her again.
Ona’s face lit up with a bright smile, and she leaned in slightly, her curiosity and affection evident in her gaze.
“Sí, es como un sueño. Pero cuéntame, ¿cómo has estado?” she asked, her voice softening with genuine interest. (Yes, it feels like a dream. But tell me, how have you been?)
“He estado bien, solo adaptándome al nuevo entorno. Es genial estar de vuelta en España” you admitted, your heart swelling with warmth at her concern and the familiarity of the conversation.(I’ve been good, just adjusting to the new environment. It’s great to be back in Spain)
The conversation continued as you both caught up on each other’s lives. The banter and shared memories flowed effortlessly, but beneath the surface, the depth of your feelings for Ona was undeniable.
Every laugh, every touch, and every glance seemed to carry a weight of unspoken emotions, making the reunion both thrilling and deeply emotional.
The day went on with a mix of training sessions and introductions to new teammates, but the moments spent with Ona remained the highlight.
Her presence was a constant reminder of the past, and every interaction was colored by the intensity of your feelings for her, which you were trying to navigate in this new chapter of your lives.
As the days turned into weeks, the dynamics between you and Ona became more intricate. The initial excitement of being teammates was overshadowed by the growing intensity of your feelings for her.
You both spent time together off the field, catching up and talking about old times, but there was an undercurrent of tension that neither of you could ignore.
One evening, you found yourselves at a cozy café in Barcelona, a favorite spot you both used to visit. The ambiance was warm, with soft lighting and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. As you sipped your drinks, Ona’s gaze grew distant, lost in thought.
“Recuerdo aquellos partidos en los que jugábamos juntas en la selección juvenil,” Ona said, her voice filled with nostalgia. “Era un tiempo tan diferente. Todo parecía más simple entonces.” (I remember those matches we used to play together in the youth national team. It was such a different time. Everything seemed simpler back then.)
You nodded, your mind drifting back to those carefree days. “Sí, esos días eran tan simples. La presión era menor, y todo se trataba solo de disfrutar el juego,” you replied, a hint of wistfulness in your tone. “Me alegra que estemos aquí ahora. Aunque, la verdad, es un poco extraño volver a estar juntas en el campo después de todo este tiempo.” (Yes, those days were so simple. The pressure was lower, and it was all about enjoying the game. I’m glad we’re here now. Although, honestly, it’s a bit strange to be back together on the field after all this time.)
Ona looked at you, a faint smile playing on her lips. “Sí, lo es. Pero también es increíble. Ver cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí, cada una con sus propios caminos y ahora, de nuevo juntas.” (Yes, it is. But it’s also amazing. Seeing how we’ve both come so far, each on our own paths and now, back together.)
There was a brief pause as you both considered how much had changed since your youth days. The silence between you was comfortable yet charged, as if both of you were grappling with unspoken feelings.
Your growing friendship with Patri soon began to stir up emotions in Ona.
As you and Patri bonded over shared interests and spent more time together, the change in Ona’s behavior became increasingly noticeable.
One afternoon, while you were at the training ground, Ona approached you with a strained smile.
“¿Cómo va la amistad con Patri?” Ona asked abruptly, her eyes narrowing slightly. (How’s your friendship with Patri going?)
You looked up from your post-training stretches, sensing the edge in her voice. “Patri and I are just friends. We’ve been spending a lot of time together because we share similar interests,” you replied, trying to keep your tone casual. (Patri and I are just friends. We’ve been hanging out a lot because we have similar interests.)
Ona’s smile tightened, and she nodded, though her expression remained guarded. “Sí, claro. Me alegra que te lleves bien con ella,” she said, forcing a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. (Yes, of course. I’m glad you get along with her.)
Despite Ona’s attempt to sound supportive, her attitude toward Patri became increasingly frosty. During training sessions, the tension was palpable.
Ona would barely acknowledge Patri, offering only brief, clipped responses. For example, when Patri asked her about a drill, Ona’s response was a curt, “Solo sigue las instrucciones.”(Just follow the instructions)
One afternoon, as you and Patri chatted by the sideline, Ona approached with visible irritation.
Grabbing your hand, she pulled you away from Patri, and you glanced back at Patri with an apologetic smile. “¿De verdad tienes que pasar tanto tiempo con Patri?” Ona asked sharply, her voice tinged with frustration. (Do you really need to spend so much time with Patri?)
You looked up, surprised by the hostility in her tone. “Solo estamos poniéndonos al día y hablando de fútbol.” you replied, trying to remain calm. (We’re just catching up and talking about football)
Ona's expression remained guarded. “Bueno, me parece que están pasando demasiado tiempo juntos,” she said coldly, avoiding eye contact and walking away (Well, it seems like you’re spending too much time together.)
The coldness didn’t stop with just Patri. Ona began to distance herself from you as well.
During team meetings, she would sit as far away as possible, and when you tried to engage her in conversation, she would offer brief, uninterested responses.
One evening, as you tried to chat with her about an upcoming match, Ona’s response was dismissive. “Estoy ocupada” she said curtly, cutting the conversation short and walking away. (I’m busy)
The warmth and camaraderie that once defined your interactions with Ona faded.
Her behavior created an uncomfortable distance, leaving you feeling uncertain about where you stood with her and why the change had come about.
Feeling the weight of sadness and uncertainty, you knew it was time to address the growing distance between you and Ona.
Summoning your courage, you arrived at her apartment and rang the doorbell. When Ona opened it, you stepped inside and immediately said, “We need to talk.” (Necesitamos hablar)
You walked into her living room, and Ona followed you, her face a mix of irritation and confusion. You could sense the tension hanging heavily in the air.
“¿Por qué me has estado evitando y actuando de manera tan distante?” you asked, your voice tinged with frustration. (Why have you been avoiding me and acting so distant?)
“No te estoy evitando“ Ona replied, her gaze fixed on the floor, unable to meet your eyes. (I’m not avoiding you)
“No me mientas. Puedo ver que algo te preocupa. ¿Es por Patri?”you inquired, hoping to hit at the heart of the issue. (Don’t lie to me. I can tell something is bothering you. Is it about Patri?)
Ona took a deep breath, clearly struggling with her emotions. “No es solo por Patri. Es... es complicado. He estado sintiendo cosas que no sé cómo manejar” she confessed, her voice trembling slightly. (It’s not just about Patri. It’s… it’s complicated. I’ve been feeling things that I don’t know how to handle)
“¿Qué tipo de cosas?”you asked, your heart racing as you tried to understand what was going on. (What kinds of things?)
Ona hesitated, biting her lip nervously. You took a step closer, trying to offer her comfort.
“Por favor, solo háblame”you said softly, your tone gentle and encouraging. (Please, just talk to me)
With a heavy sigh, Ona finally opened up. “He estado enamorada de ti durante un tiempo. Me duele verte pasar tanto tiempo con Patri. No quiero perderte” (I’ve been in love with you for a while now. It’s painful for me to see you spending so much time with Patri. I don’t want to lose you.)
The confession left you speechless. After years of confusion and unspoken feelings, Ona’s words were both surprising and relieving.
“Lo siento muc-” Ona began to apologize, but you interrupted her. (I’m so sor-)
“También estoy enamorada de ti”you said, looking directly into her eyes. (I’m in love with you too)
Ona’s expression shifted to one of shock and disbelief. “Que?” (What?)
“He estado enamorada de ti durante años, pero tenía miedo de decírtelo”you explained, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability. (I’ve been in love with you for years, but I was too afraid to tell you)
“También tengo sentimientos por ti, Ona, y no me di cuenta de lo profundos que eran hasta ahora” you added, your emotions pouring out. (I have feelings for you too, Ona, and I didn’t realize how deep they were until now)
Ona’s face lit up with a radiant smile. She reached out and pulled you into a warm embrace.
You buried your face in the crook of her neck, and she tenderly ran her fingers through your hair, providing a comforting presence.
“¿Qué quieres hacer ahora?”you murmured softly against her neck. (What do you want to do now?)
“¿Qué te parece si comenzamos con una cita?” Ona suggested, gently pulling away to look into your eyes. (How about we start with a date?)
You smiled back at her, your heart swelling with happiness. “Me encantaría”you replied, nodding with genuine affection. (I’d love that)
“Por cierto, le debes una disculpa a Patri. Está completamente desconcertada con tus cambios de humor” I said with a grin. Ona laughed and shook her head. (By the way, you owe Patri an apology. She’s totally baffled by your mood swings)
The first date was modest but profoundly meaningful. Ona picked a cozy, intimate restaurant nestled in a quiet corner of Barcelona.
The ambiance was warm, with flickering candlelight casting a gentle glow on the rustic wooden tables.
As you both settled in, the soft strains of Spanish guitar music played in the background, setting a serene mood.
Over a meal of delicious local cuisine, you shared stories and reminisced about old times. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and for the first time in a long while, you felt completely at ease.
“Te he extrañado mucho durante estos años” Ona said, her eyes meeting yours with a mixture of longing and relief. “Verte solo durante los parones internacionales no era suficiente. Siempre sentí que había mucho más que quería compartir contigo” (I've missed you so much over these years, seeing you only during international breaks just wasn’t enough. I always felt like there was so much more I wanted to share with you.)
You reached across the table, gently touching her hand. “Yo también te he extrañado, Ona. Se siente irreal estar finalmente aquí contigo, tener este momento que ambos hemos deseado” (I’ve missed you too, Ona. It feels surreal to finally be here with you, to have this moment we’ve both longed for.)
Ona smiled, a hint of sadness and joy mingling in her expression. “Nunca imaginé que llegaría este día, pero ahora que está aquí, siento que todo está encajando” (I never imagined this day would come, but now that it’s here, it feels like everything is falling into place.)
As the evening progressed, your conversation grew increasingly intimate. You talked about your aspirations, the obstacles you’ve faced, and the simple pleasures that bring joy to your daily lives.
Each topic deepened your connection, and the warmth of your shared laughter made the night feel truly special.
After finishing a delicious meal, you and Ona strolled hand in hand through the enchanting streets of Barcelona.
The city’s illuminated façades and the gentle hum of nightlife created a dreamy atmosphere around you.
The closeness you felt with Ona was palpable; every touch, every glance felt charged with emotion.
The gentle breeze and the soft glow of street lamps seemed to enhance the magic of the moment.
With a playful glint in her eyes, Ona stopped and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you close.
Her breath tickled your ear as she whispered, “Entonces, ¿qué te parece si planeamos una segunda cita?” (So, how about planning a second date?)
You leaned into her embrace, savoring the closeness, and replied with a smile, ““Me encantaría más que nada.” (I’d love that more than anything)
The following dates were rich with moments of deep connection and intimacy. You explored art galleries, enjoyed peaceful strolls through the city, and spent cozy nights watching movies together.
Each experience brought you closer and solidified the bond between you.
One evening, after a particularly wonderful day, you found yourselves at Ona’s apartment for a movie night.
The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with soft lighting casting a gentle glow and a selection of your favorite films ready to play. As you nestled together on the couch, the closeness between you was palpable.
“¿Qué tal si vemos primero esta película? Ona suggested, choosing one of the movie you both cherished from your teenage years. (How about we watch this movie first?)
“Eso suena perfecto. He estado esperando esto toda la semana.” you replied, excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside you. (That sounds perfect. I’ve been looking forward to this all week)
As the night wore on, the space between you grew smaller. Your shoulders brushed, and the warmth of Ona’s body felt comforting.
With each shared laugh and whispered comment, the tension between you intensified. At one point, Ona turned to you, her gaze brimming with emotion.
“Y/N, hay algo que necesito decirte.”Ona began, her voice quivering slightly. (Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you)
“¿Qué es?” you asked, your heart racing in your chest. (What is it?)
“No puedo esperar más. Quiero que seas mi novia. Quiero hacerlo oficial.”Ona confessed, her eyes shining with hope and vulnerability. (I can’t wait any longer. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to make this official)
The air was charged with anticipation. You leaned in, closing the distance between you, and pressed your lips to hers in a tender, lingering kiss.
After all these years, you finally feel the softness of her lips pressing against yours. The kiss starts tenderly, with her lips moving slowly, exploring the sweetness of the moment.
You both lean into it, savoring the closeness and the warmth, feeling a sense of deep connection.
The kiss deepens as you both become more lost in the moment, with a gentle caress that speaks of unspoken words and long-held emotions.
Each touch and lingering moment feels like it’s bridging the gap of time, bringing a profound sense of fulfillment and joy.
“Me encantaría,” you whispered as you pulled back slightly. (I would love that)
“Entonces, ¿somos oficiales ahora?” Ona asked, her smile radiant and filled with joy. (So, are we official now?)
“Sí, lo somos. Estoy realmente feliz.”you replied, overwhelmed with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy, before leaning in to kiss her once more. (Yes, we are. I’m truly happy)
Word of your relationship spread quickly throughout the team. Your teammates were excited and supportive, often poking fun at both of you for not being as discreet as you thought, joking that they'd known about your feelings for each other all along.
The strong camaraderie within the team made it easier to navigate this new chapter in your relationship.
“¡Felicidades, Y/N y Ona!” Claudia cheered, her voice full of enthusiasm. “¡Finalmente han hecho oficial lo que todos veíamos venir!” (Congratulations, Y/N and Ona! You’ve finally made official what we all saw coming!)
“Gracias, Claudia. Es un gran alivio que ya esté todo al descubierto ahora.”you replied, a mix of joy and relief in your voice. (Thanks, Claudia. It’s such a relief to have it out in the open now)
“Sí, todos hemos estado esperando este momento. ¡Ahora tendrán que aguantarnos todos los días!” Ona chimed in with a grin, pulling you into a warm hug. (Yeah, we’ve all been waiting for this moment. Now you’ll have to deal with us every day!)
The journey of exploring your relationship was filled with both challenges and rewards.
The love you shared with Ona was profound, and the support of your teammates made it easier to embrace this new chapter of your lives.
As you continued to build your relationship, the experiences you shared together only deepened your bond.
The moments of intimacy, the shared laughter, and the unwavering support for each other made your love story truly special.
You and Ona embraced the future with open hearts, ready to face whatever challenges and joys came your way.
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vrystalius · 29 days
Hihi! Firstly, I love your writings. For English not being your first language, I would not have guessed. Your English is brilliantly used and translated throughout. Secondly, I did have an ask, but I do want to put it out there that I am only now finishing the Hashira Training Arc. (Also, thank you for the heads up on the Sanemi post about it being after Infinity Castle...I have it marked to read after I get through that Arc :D ). Okay, so actual ask: Ahem, could I possibly ask/somehow con you into doing a short or head cannon with either Sanemi or Kyojuro having an s/o with confidence anxieties; like a family that always told them they would never be good enough kind of thing? If this is a no, no worries. It's kind of darker so I get it but I was just curious. Thank you for your works and your time. I look forward to reading your new things as they come :)
❔Confidence issues
You have don’t have enough confidence to become a swordsman. What does your S/O think?
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Note: Thank you so much for requesting and liking my works! Compliments like these really make my day <3 I hope you don’t mind that I added Yorichii. You didn’t tell me about kind of confidence anxieties you’d like me to write about, so wrote it about becoming a swordsman against your family’s wishes and them disapproving heavily. I hope you enjoy anyway!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Yorichii x gn!reader
(Heavy Spoilers for Yorichii’s backstory in Yorichii’s part)
💚 Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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What? You don’t have the confidence to become a demon slayer? Seriously? You’re one of the most talented slayer- no- person Sanemi ever met! And you dare to doubt your own abilities? C’mon now.
“The fuck are you even talking about? Are you serious right now?”
Sanemi is feeling a mix of utter confusion and anger towards you for being insecure. He’s seriously baffled at where you even got the idea of from. Whatever you did amazed him: your fighting, your clothes (even if you are wearing the uniform, it just fits you much better than anyone else), your breathing style, your hobby, the way you walked or even talked to him, in his eyes you are beautiful and amazing.
He’d confront you about it. Where’d you get this idea even from? But after finding out that your insecurities mainly were because of your family’s nagging and disapproval, Sanemi got furious. You’ll need to either talk him out of beating your relative’s ass or hold him back by tackling him to the ground and THEN talk him out of it.
Now, from this day on, Sanemi will try his best to make you more confident in yourself. In his eyes, you are the most perfect and talented person. Sanemi feels like he should the one who should feel insecure. You’re so patient and understanding with him and you manage to calm him down by just simply touching his arm, it’s almost embarrassing. You are so absolutely gorgeous to him in every way. He feels like he doesn’t deserve you in any way.
Sanemi is not the biggest fan of you wanting to join the Demon Slayer Corps, but he’ll encourage you to keep training and fighting anyway. He’ll make time in his day to train you personally and to spar with you, making sure to point out your improvement.
“Hey, you’re even faster than yesterday! Keep this up and you’ll beat my ass in no time! You’re doing great.”
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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You’re so funny! You? Not confident in your skills or talents? Hahaha!
Wait. You’re not joking?
“But my flame, what made you think that? You’re almost as strong as the other hashira!”
Kyojuro’s first reaction was to laugh at your face. Surely you were joking! Your breathing technique is controlled and powerful and your slashing is accurate and swift. If you’d receive proper hashira training, you’ll be on his level in no time! Demons will sense your presence from a mile away!
But after seeing how your face faded into frown, Kyojuro silenced himself immediately. He apologises loudly and bowed to you. You are so talented and powerful, he seriously thought you were joking! What made you think like this in the first place? Did someone upset you? If so, he’d need a word with them!
After finding out your insecurity stems mainly from your family, he’ll suggest to speak to them. Kyojuro believes he can teach them wrong by pointing every single perfect thing about you. But if he did, he’d be there all day and night.
But if that’s not what you want, he’d totally understand. Kyojuro would then continue point everything perfect and talented about out to you instead! You need to see yourself from his perspective! You are good enough, you are loved and you are talented!
And he did so until you had to physically stop him with either a kiss or shoving food into his mouth.
Kyojuro means well. He wants you to see yourself the way he sees you: his talented, amazing and beautiful partner. From this day on, he’ll make sure to compliment you every day and on whatever you are doing. Even if it’s a little silly.
“Your kisses are especially tender today! Your affections set my heart ablaze, my flame!”
☀️ Yorichii Tsugikuni ☀️
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Yorichii understands where you are coming from. He feels the exact same way, since his father beat it into his skull every day: He’s a failure, shouldn’t have been born and that he should’ve killed him at birth, regardless about how much his mother protested.
He is incredibly self-doubting and insecure himself, wich only increased after loosing Uta so brutally and his brother to Muzan’s luring. He is a person not worth remembering and not worth of being called a demon slayer, perhaps not even worth living. So it surprised him that you expressed similar insecurities.
“My sun, you are a very capable slayer. If not for you, we wouldn’t have beheaded this many demons together, and I surely would’ve struggled on my own.”
Yorichii would talk to you about your insecurities. Why do you feel this way? What made you think this? How can he show that you are wrong?
All of the sudden you tell him that him being such a strong slayer, in addition to your family’s behaviour and words, made you so insecure. Yorichii feels terrible for being partly responsible of making you feel even more insecure.
Yorichii a very quiet man, preferring to listen rather to talk. But for you, he’ll try to speak up more. The way you just swung your sword at the demon, that was excellent sword-handling. Your foot movement you did back there was very impressive, he should learn from you. Your cooking is excellent, this is now his new favourite dish. Your craftsmanship, no matter if you sketch, write or whatever, looks very well made and beautiful.
“You look very beautiful today, my light. Could you show me your stance from yesterday? I’d like to learn from you.”
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed. I would also like to credit my cat as a co-author.
My masterlist for the hashira.
My masterlist for the demons.
Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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Honesty (Daemon Targaryen × Reader)
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Summary: In which Prince Daemon seduces his unwilling Lady Wife.
Warnings: Smut. Dub Con/ Non Con. Oral sex (F receiving), P in V sex. Stark reader. Convenience Marriage. No use of Y/N.
A/N: First time writing for Daemon. Reader is the oldest sister of Cregan Stark and acts as his regent. Might write the full story one day. High valyrian from an online translator, not explaining it because I wanted the reader to not know the meaning.
The shift was white, silky, and oh so tiny. You stared at it with contempt. It had cost you a pretty penny, as had the cosmetics Lady Manderly had so eagerly pushed into your hands. Red tint, she had said, to paint your lips and enhance your natural attributes in other areas. The woman had even had the nerve to point at your breasts!
It was ridiculous, this whole thing. Had you been born a man, there would be no need for this nonsense. Had you not been born a Stark, it would still be happening, but perhaps in not such a brutal way. Or had you not been tempered by the cold, made so brazen to insult and oppose Otto Hightower, perhaps your punishment wouldn’t be marital rape.
Still. It was your duty, and you intended to perform it. It was the only way to keep Cregan, Rickon and Sara safe. And you would do it. Prince Daemon, your lord husband, as he insisted you called him, could surely get the deed done faster with the proper incentives.
You took off your gown, having been previously unlaced by your trusty maid. You put on the dreaded, lacy shift. The latest fashion in Dorne, you had been told. For how expensive it was, it certainly was made of little fabric. You glared at your reflection, watching how the long sleeves had a vertical cut that made them useless. Your skin broke out in goosebumps, as you wished you could add more wood to the fire.
Some rustling could be heard outside your room and you panicked. You were running out of time. The tint! Made of some berries, you hoped didn’t poison you. You quickly rubbed it on your lips and cheeks, trying to seem less like the terrified girl you were and more like an appealing sight. You sat down, primly, on the foot of the bed just in time for Daemon to enter the room.
“Wife.” He rumbled, coming to stand in front of you. Daemon had docked his furs and armor, his sword no longer rested at his side, just as your agreement dictated. He had come to you unarmed and barefooted, yet it didn’t make him cut a less intimidating figure in the least. His purple eyes looked at the tint with curiosity, and plucked it from your hands. “Getting ready for me? I’m touched.”
You glared at him, trying to hide how much nerves pooled in your stomach, how you were cold from fear, skin clammy and pale.
“If I must…” You shifted to your hands and knees, and lifted your shift, exposing your naked folds and arse. It was quite the vulnerable position, and heat started to spread almost immediately to your cheeks and neck. You hated the humiliation it brought you.
Daemon’s breath hitched. Clearly affected by the sight of your prone, soft body, on the bed. “What are you doing, zoklītsos?” His hand went to your exposed folds, finding you as dry as the sands of the dornish deserts. You nearly jolted at the touch, and only his hand on your hips kept you in place. It was not a good omen, you had gathered, from nights spent exploring your body before the cold and worries had turned you into the frigid ice queen the lords in the South accused you of being.
“Go ahead. Do it.” You closed your eyes, keeping them tightly shut, and braced yourself for the pain. Daemon tsked, his warm palm caressing your bottom.
“Hells, you have been deprived.” He pulled your shift down, covering you.
“I do not understand.” You frowned, looking at him over your shoulder, still on your hands and knees. “This is right, I know. I have seen animals do it.” Your tone was of absolute confidence, petulant, even. To you, it was one of the facts of life. The sky was blue, the sun rose in the west, and fucking was done on one’s hands and knees, with the man behind you. It cracked Daemon out. He snorted, hands still busy fixing your shift. It soon turned into a full-blown belly laugh, at your icy glare.
“Poor little wife, your previous lovers have done you wrong.” He palmed at your ass. You hated how the warmth of his palms made you shiver. Good gods, how was he so warm, barefoot as he was and in only a linen shirt? You wanted to kick at him, at the offense of your virtue, perhaps make an icy comment, but you were frozen in shame. “Unless…” Daemon’s hands moved to your stomach, urging you to get up on your knees. He pressed a kiss to your exposed nape when you did, as if rewarding you. Stubbornly, you tried to escape his grip, but he only hugged you tighter. “Oh, what a treat you are… The gift that keeps on giving, zoklītsos.”
“Shut up and get it over with.”
“Don’t be like that, little wife.” He kissed your jaw, tenderly, and when you moved your face away from him, Daemon adapted and started kissing a path down your exposed neck. “You wouldn’t like that, sweet innocent virgin you are. I would tear you apart, and that's no fun.”
“Oh, by the…” You muttered, exasperated. You tried telling yourself that the red of your cheeks was out of rage and not embarrassment. Used as you were at being the smartest one in the room, you deeply disliked how out of your depth you were here. It was not your fault, being uneducated on these matters. Orphaned when you were a lady just flowered, there had been no time for anything else but caring for your siblings. “Why must every woman you meet burn for you?”
“Because I am the blood of the dragon. Heat is in my veins.” He mouthed at your shoulder, this time. His kisses felt like a trail of fire down your body. It was… Waking feelings you didn’t wish to have. Nipples pebbling, hairs standing up, pleasant shivers and all. You breathed in and out, trying to control yourself. Daemon pushed the sleeve of your shift down. “My proper little wife. My ice queen. You will melt, in the end.” He kissed back up and towards your ear, whispering, cruelly. “They all do.”
Your breath hitched. A slip. The first of the night. You could feel Daemon’s smirk against your skin.
“Do you really want to find out how the fire in your veins meets the ice in mine?” You remarked, coldly. It was an attempt at projecting a bravery you did not feel. Bravado. Nothing more. And Daemon could tell.
“Fire can melt ice.” He pressed an open-mouthed kiss on your throat. With the way he held you, curling and uncurling around you, Daemon reminded you more of a snake than a dragon. You felt as if you were in the grip of a boa, constricting around you, robbing you from your air, leaving you breathless. It was wrong, being so excited at being the sole focus of such a predator. But heat was pooling between your legs, you were getting embarrassingly slick.
“Ice can put out a fire.” You warned, one of your hands going to his silver locks and tugging. You got exactly the opposite reaction of what you wanted. Daemon’s eyes closed, expression turning into a delightful mix of pleasure and pain.
“Only a fool would meet your ice head on.” He kissed your sternum. You remained as still as a sculpture. He tugged at the sleeves, until they gave. There went the dornish shift, ruined forever. You felt a distant rage at having wasted so much gold on it for him to rip it apart. Daemon drank the sight of your exposed chest eagerly, seemingly entranced. You tried covering yourself, but he grabbed at your wrists.
“I think not, Lady Wife.” Then, very tenderly, he pressed kisses to the top of your breasts. You whined, low in your throat. It felt good, and he had no right, no right at all, to get your body to betray you like this. “You see… A tiny flame, if constant, can begin…” Daemon kissed lower, encircling your areola, purple eyes gleaming with mischief. “To melt your ice.” And with that, he took your nipple into his mouth, making you let out a little scream. You squirmed, feeling more wetness gather between your thighs. If you wanted to keep your dignity, you had to get away from him. But Daemon’s grip wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard you tried.
“No… I… Husband… Please. Please.” You begged, shame so deep you were nearly in tears. How it was that easy for him to take you apart, you didn’t know. Despite your pleas, his tongue circled your nipple, his lips making nearly a vacuum around it. His hand came up to pinch at your other nipple, warning. “I don’t want this, please. Just… Just…” But whatever you were saying got lost into your moans, until you were unable to know if you were asking him to stop the sweet torture or give you more of it.
When your tears started to fall in earnest, Daemon let go of your breast with a nearly obscene slurp.
“What is it, zoklītsos? You don’t want the attention of your Prince?” You nodded, and he gave you a mocking little coo. It almost made you think he would stop. Almost. If not for his hands, bunching up your shift until you were exposed once again. Under the candlelight, your cunt glistened with how much wetness you had produced. You tried to close your legs, but he kneeled, forcefully keeping them apart with his torso.
“No. I doubt that's the problem.” Daemon rubbed a finger against your entrance, not putting it in, but just pressing. “I think my little ice queen is melting. A big puddle, she is turning into.”
“You think…” You got cut off by a moan. Daemon had found your pearl, and it seemed he knew exactly what to do with it. “Yourself so smart. Smug…” He pushed a finger inside you, making you yelp, and effectively unable to finish your sentence.
“If you still have coherent thoughts…” He pulled away from you, taking his shirt off. Your eyes immediately were pulled, as if by magnet, to his chest. He had a warrior’s body, muscles all functional. Deliciously broad shoulders, toned stomach with the slightest hint of definition, yet still slender in the way most Targaryens were. Closer to gods, indeed. He bent down, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your stomach, making you squirm.
“Lord Husband…” You warned, noticing how his kisses started to approach your privates.
“Lady Wife.” Daemon repeated, with a mocking tone. Then, he curiously pressed a finger against your button. This time, your hips bucked, and you were unable to quiet the moan that slipped from your parted lips. “Such a pretty cunt you have.”
“You don’t have to…”
“Oh, but where is the fun in that, zoklītsos?” He spread you apart, as if opening up the petals of a flower, gentle but so casual. “If I wanted a quick fuck, I would have taken one of your servants, or found myself a whore.” Daemon leaned down and licked a strip over your cunt. In your haste to muffle a scream, you brought one of your hands to your mouth and bit down on your palm until you tasted blood. It was the oddest feeling, a line of scorching hot electricity on your exposed sex. “I intend to enjoy you. As often as I can. That’s why I accepted marrying you.”
“I don’t… I….” You muttered, but you weren’t really opposing him anymore. It was impossible to think about anything apart from what he was doing, of how his heat and wanton ways were starting to warm your blood too. Daemon kept licking at you, making your hips twitch. He was entirely ignoring your pleas, apparently finding great pleasure in the way he took you apart.
You felt like you were burning up, as if something that had been long asleep in you had started to be awakened. Long hidden and forgotten desires that were making themselves known. You found yourself looking down, mesmerized by the sight of the blond shock of hair between your parted thighs and how it bobbed up and down with each eager lick he took. Your hand reached down, tangling in Daemon’s hair, and it was then, you got pulled over the edge.
Daemon would later say it had been the way he had groaned against your pearl, what had made your thighs quiver and tummy tense, an impossible amount of wetness dripping down your thighs. You would say, if asked, it had been the way his purple eyes met yours, mouth still busy at devouring your cunt and face twisted into the most smug and deviant expression you had ever seen. Whatever it was, it pleased him greatly.
“I knew you had it in you. You weren’t cold.” Daemon whispered against your skin, kissing a path towards your mouth. He was unhurried, dedicating lavish kisses to your hipbone, moving to mouth along your belly button, gnawing hungrily at your ribs. Under him, your body went lax and pliant, spent with the first climax you had experienced under his careful touches. “You just needed a dragon to warm you up.” He licked at the sweat collecting in the hollow of your throat, before finally pressing a kiss to your lips.
This time, you answered. You took his lower lip between yours, playfully. You could taste and smell yourself on him, and it was more alluring than what you had ever thought.
“Good.” He said, pulling back. He started to undo his breeches, and you felt panic grip at you some more. This was it. You had to fulfill your end of the deal with him, let him take you. As if he could feel your nerves, Daemon rubbed your thigh, affectionate. “Do not fret, zoklītsos. You will enjoy this, too.”
“It is meant to hurt.” You answered him, pouting. He tapped at your lower lip, gently.
“Put that away, before I have to bite it.” Daemon took out his cock and rubbed it up and down your folds, gathering the wetness. Despite your fears, a wave of desire overtook you. His fingers had felt good, so had his tongue. You wondered if this, too, could be pleasurable. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many bastards being born in Westeros, right? But you were supposed to bleed. Bleeding was not pleasant, ever.
“I…” You grabbed at one of his hands, holding on for dear life. He may not have been your choice of husband, but he had vowed to protect you under his gods, standing in the sand and mixing your blood with him. Daemon took his valyrian vows seriously. You were desperate for any scraps of reassurance he was willing to give, even if in normal circumstances you would have rather died than be helped by him.
“It won’t hurt.” Daemon said, kissing your forehead. You looked up at him, eyes wide in fear. He squeezed your hand and lined himself up. You felt the tip of his cock nudge at your entrance, and wondered what it looked like. It felt blunt, and it was very warm. “I will do it on one thrust, like ripping a bandage off. You probably don’t have your maidenhead, with how fond you are of riding. And if you do, you are more than wet enough.”
“Lady Manderly said it hurt her, the first time.” You pouted again, and this time, he did good on his promise. He leaned down and kissed you, biting at your lower lip playfully.
“She has a fool for a husband.” Daemon muttered, kissing your ear. You shivered, nearly mewling. You weren’t aware of how sensitive you were there. “Trust me on this. I know more about it.”
“Taken many maidenheads?” You remarked, with a hint of a teasing smile on your lips.
“Jealous, ice queen?” Daemon licked a strip down the base of your neck towards your jaw. “You will have to admit you know little of the topic.”
“I would say I know plenty.” You answered, glowering, just as he thrust inside of you, seemingly tired of the conversation. At the sudden feeling of fullness, you yelped. But there was no pain, as he had promised. Only an odd feeling of being stretched and filled to the brim, and a slight discomfort. “Rude.”
Daemon smirked. He stayed still, letting you time to adjust. You took a deep breath, and shifted to rest your weight on your elbows, to take a curious look at where you were joined. To your disappointment, you could only see a cloud of light hair, mixing with yours, hips impossibly close.
“Did it hurt?” Daemon flicked at your pearl, absent-mindedly. He groaned when that made your walls tighten around him.
You glared.
“You silly girl.” He laughed, starting to thrust. The friction felt good immediately, and you moaned, grabbing at his shoulders. “And you thought fucking could only be done on your hands and knees.”
You didn’t answer, choosing instead to cling to him, mouth falling open in moans you were unable to keep quiet anymore.
“Fucking is a pleasure.” Daemon insisted, pinching at one of your nipples, You whined. He could be telling you the secrets of the realm, and you wouldn’t care. “And I will teach you all about it.” He grunted in your ear.
You were too gone to care about his smugness. Your heels dug into his back, pulling him closer and closer. You met him thrust by thrust, scratching at his back until your nails were bloody. Daemon kissed you and tugged at your hair, desperate to claim you. You could hear his silent laughter, feel his mocking smile against your skin. He had finally gotten what he wanted, a reaction out of you. It could not be faked, this pure, raw emotion. Soon, his fingers found their way to your button, making you whine and squirm. It was too much for your poor, abused body. You screamed his name as you reached your second peak of the night.
Daemon thrust several more times, practically vibrating with smugness. He grabbed at your body, fingers digging in the flesh, surely bruising your hips. His mouth was slightly parted, and something stirred in you at seeing him so raw. Daemon had been right, you realized. Many moons before, he had said bodies spoke and were honest in ways their owners were not. And so, you let yours speak, tugging at his hair, sucking bruises in his pale neck. Perhaps there was something there, in the way he held you closer, shuddering and spilling himself with a muffled cry. Something that mere lust couldn't explain.
You both laid there, panting. Daemon looked down at you, and brushed your sweaty hair out of your face.
“I think, Lady Wife, that the coldness of the North might just be bearable.”
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lzaisv · 1 year
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monsieur Neuvillette, your guidance counselor and his way of disciplining you. ♡ AFAB!READER . . !!
Your guidance counselor, Neuvillette, has a weird way of disciplining you.
This is your 3rd time being sent to his office for skipping classes, and you knew damn well you were doing it on purpose just to see him, and to be fucked dumb by him once more.
So, just as you predicted, you're sprawled out on his desk, your pretty face facing him as he thrusted his cock inside your warm pussy. “ah─ i'm convinced you're doing this on purpose.” he scoffs, his hand trailing up to your breasts, cupping them and pinching your nipples, earning a gasp from you. “getting yourself trouble just to be fucked, hm?” he queries, and you gave him an eager nod in return.
“if only you could see how pretty you are right now, darling.” he hums, continuing to pound inside you. His cock was so big, it created a bulge on your tummy, your moans and whines echoed through his office, and you were at risk of being caught, however, Neuvillette didn't shut you up. He loved hearing you moan, he loved hearing you beg for more. It was music to his ears. “monsieur─ mppfh!! 'm gonna─ ah! gonna cum!” you voiced out, wrapping your arms around him.
Your pussy clamped down on his cock, so tight as if it never wanted to let go. Neuvillette softly smiled at your action, as he went faster. You could tell he was close too, his actions were getting sloppier. “please please please inside me! Mngh─ inside..!” you begged, wanting nothing but him to fill your pussy up. “if that's what you wish for, chèrie.” he responded to your pleas, and before you knew it, his hot seed filled your insides.
He came too much inside you, more than the last time you two ever did it. Your back arched, and your head threw back on itself as you cried out, feeling your own orgasm come. You absolutely lost it, and Neuvillette felt your walls tightening up on him, as if it never ever wanted to let go of his cock. But if he could, he would never want to pull out of your cunt.
You gasped for air as he was still inside you, your mind processing what just happened. You sat up as neuvillette let his dick slip out of you, he managed to get a view of his cum overflowing out of your pussy, and gosh, it was a view to die for, at least, that's what Neuvillette thinks. “I suppose I'll be seeing you again tomorrow, yes?”
© lzaisv . do not copy/steal, translate, modify my work.
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notafunkiller · 10 months
treat you better
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Summary: Caught between playing the girlfriend of Bucky's younger brother and the unexpected allure of Bucky's genuine affection, you don't know what to do.
Pairing: (fake) boyfriend's brother!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: age gap (r is 26, Bucky is 38/39), teasing, pet names, language, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 3.7K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: This story will have around 4 parts, so this is just the beginning. And I also want to thank @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967 for their support!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
It’s hard to ignore how loudly he chews or how some water drips down his chin as he drinks between bites. For someone educated well, he has no manners.
“Come on, eat faster. He’s gonna come any second.”
You drop your fork on the plate and give him a look. As if! “I am not gonna do anything like that.”
He is his brother, not the devil. And he actually seemed pretty nice when you met earlier. The fact that William is so scared is funny.
“You don’t ever listen to me.”
“I wonder why.” Your sarcastic answer gets a sigh out of him before he stands up, throwing a napkin on the plate.
“I’ll take a walk.”
“And? Do you want my approval?” You literally couldn’t care less what he does or doesn’t. He’s annoying.
“No, I told you in case he comes down...”
You can’t imagine dealing with this version of him for days, or however long The Devil decides to stay. You snort. “Go ahead, take a walk. Take three walks, I can handle myself.”
He leaves without saying anything else, and you smile, scrolling on your Instagram feed. Fucking finally!
You don’t know how your families considered this a good idea. You are close to hitting him every day, but it seems like things only become worse and worse. You just wish you could just run away and never come back.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
You look up, jumping. It must be ridiculous to be so shocked since he’s the only one who could come here since William left. You let the phone down and wave to the chair in front of you.
“Please, this is your house.”
The Devil gives you a polite smile. Manners... at least one brother has them. “But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You won’t eat me, right?”
He gives you a look you can’t exactly decode, and that bothers you. You are good at reading people usually.
“No, love, I won’t eat you.” He sits down amused, and you stare at his arms as he reaches for the chicken plate without realizing. He’s... big.
“Bon appetit!” You smile.
“I didn’t say I won’t bite, though.”
You freeze, thinking he is flirting with you for a second. But it’s ridiculous, there’s no way. Everyone spoke so highly of him: how he is always serious, how he’d be against this whole arrangement. No way he’d flirt with his little brother’s girlfriend. “Is the chicken not enough for you?”
He laughs softly, and you can’t help but stare at him a little more. He shaved and has a small cut right under his chin. Jesus, he is really hot! The little dimple, the eyes and that nose...
“Do what do you do?”
“As in for work?”
“Yep.” He empathizes the p in a very childlike way, which makes you wonder even more how old he is. You should totally ask William later.
“I work for my parents’ company,” you whisper ashamed. You always hate when you say that out loud, but, somehow, it feels even more embarrassing now. You can feel his eyes on you, but you don’t look at him.
“What do you do there?”
“Basic HR work.”
“Is the payment that low?”
You snort. “What?”
“You sounded, so I assumed...”
“It is a little low, not gonna lie. But I mean, no nepo baby judgement…?” You hesitate because you realize you don’t remember his name. Fuck! You and your bad memory.
“What? Why are you blushing?” He leans in, placing his elbows on the table to get closer to you.
How horrible can this situation get?
“I just... can I ask something?”
“I don’t know, love, can you?”
You roll your eyes. You know what? He deserves it.
“What was your name again?”
He doesn’t seem surprised or bothered by your question.
“Full name? James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. Should I write it down in case you forget?”
He gently takes out a pen out of his front pocket and grabs your hand. You tremble a little as he starts to actually write his name on your wrist. The letters get a little smudged, but they’re still clear.
Holy fuck...
He’s warm, but not too warm, so you wait for him to let you go.
“Do you always carry pens around?”
“Only on special occasions.” He winks and gets back to eating, letting the pen on the table.
“How old are you?” You ask before you can change your mind as you keep staring at your wrist. He looks in his early 30s, and since he’s the oldest one, it would make sense.
“Didn’t Will tell you?”
You blush again. “You can see my memory isn’t the best.”
He sighs, suddenly shy and reserved, and you wonder if this is somehow a weak spot. But how would age be a weak spot for a man like this?
“Old.” He smiles. “Thirty-eight.”
You try not to look affected as your eyes drop instantly on his left hand. No wedding band.
And he notices.
“He didn’t tell you I’m single, either?”
You take a few slices of cucumber and eat them fast. “Why would he?”
“I’m his brother.”
You throat feels dry as you nervously swallow. “And I am his girlfriend...”
Bucky nods and immediately starts eating.
“That’s all?” You ask. “No threat not to hurt your brother? No background questions?”
“How old are you?”
“I would have guessed twenty-five.”
You snort. “Really? I was told I look younger than that.”
Bucky shrugs in response. “I assumed you’ve been working for a while, and my brother likes them his age or older.” He pours himself a glass of water, and you watch him drink without any shame, not even caring if he notices. You’re already flushed, and he’s a good view.
“I guess I fit the standard.”
He bites his lip while placing the glass down and shakes his head. “Nope, actually you don’t, this is why it’s really interesting.” He smiles. “How did you two meet?”
“The office. He came with his... your dad and we met at an event,” you answer instantly. Your parents have already made up the story for you, and you had to practice it a few times to make it sound genuine, which was a real struggle.
“Was it love at first sight?”
You snort. “That doesn’t exist.”
You try to subtly take a deep breath and pray you’ll sound as convincing as you could. “Look, he seemed like a nice guy, good looking and smart. And he asked me out-”
“He asked you out?” His eyes widen in sheer astonishment. “He always waits for girls to ask him out.”
This is when you snap. What is this? An interrogation?
“And? He asked me out. People make exceptions sometimes, Mr...” you pretend you forgot his name again before you look at your wrist. “Bucky.”
“I understand. My bad, didn’t want to make you mad.”
You puff because his tone in everything but apologetic. “I am not mad!”
“No, obviously. Just like you didn’t pretend you don’t remember my name a second ago.”
You bite your cheek annoyed. “Do you not have something more important to do than this?” You gesture between you two.
Not a smart move, but you are exposed anyway.
“But this,” he copies your hands moves. “is fun. And I am just getting to know my little brother’s girl. Since we’ll live together and stuff.”
“You plan on staying?”
Bucky raises his eyebrows. “Of course.” He smiles. “Where is William? I want to know more about how he asked you out.”
You can’t say you’ve been avoiding William, but you’re not necessarily enjoying his company. Since Bucky came, he’s been like a bomb, scared, annoyed, always suggesting you to move in his room because his brother will notice, but you brushed him off constantly.
Unfortunately, you can’t tell him to go away now, too, as he drinks coffee in his gazebo.
“Do you want to go out? For a walk or lunch,” he asks, his voice carrying a hopeful note 
“No, thanks.” You don’t intend to sound rude, but it comes out like this anyway.
His face falls, a subtle disappointment etched across his features, but he tries to hide it by taking a sip of his coffee. Instantly, a pang of guilt hits you.
“Look, I’m sorry, I just... I just don’t feel like going out.” With you.
“Well, you should at least try to make an effort, we should be seen together, you know?” he remarks, his tone slightly reproachful. You nod, realizing he must be also pressured by his family the same way yours pressures you.
“I understand. I assume they put pressure on you.”
He sighs. “Of course they do, but like I think it’s a good idea.”
“What’s a good idea?”
You know it’s Bucky not only by the way William stiffens, but you can also easily recognize his voice, and it’s hard to ignore how attractive you find it.
“To go out more often,” you quickly say, avoiding his eyes. “I told him he should have fun since work has been stressful.”
“What about you?” He casually drops on the chair between you two and takes a bite from his sandwich.
“What about her?” William asks, , his tension evident in his voice.
“Don’t you need some stress relief?”
“I’m alright.” You finally look properly at him as you speak. He’s wearing a white tank top and his disheveled hair adds to the casual allure. He’s so well-proportioned...
“Good.” He smiles and turns to William. “What’s wrong, punk?”
“Just work, you know? Business, you wouldn’t understand.”
You and Bucky snort.
“Sure, buddy, I wouldn’t understand.”
“Are you having siblings time? Should I leave?” you ask, hoping for a positive response.
“Babe, no need.”
You try not to cringe at the way the word babe sounds coming from him and force yourself to give him a polite smile.
“Please, babe, no problem.” You stand up waving, toward Bucky. “Bye.”
Their brotherly time didn’t last long, though. You take a short shower, and as you finish dressing up, you hear a knock on your door.
“You can come in.”
You expect to see William's face when the door cracks, but no, it's not him at all.
You freeze.
Fuck, what will you tell him now?
“Trouble in paradise?”
“What? No. Uhm...” you look around. “What happened?”
“You sleep here, right?”
He leans his back against the wall, and you can't help but notice how good he looks in those shorts. Jesus, it's like you haven't seen a man in your life.
“Interesting.” He laughs.
“What’s so funny?” You cross your arms, annoyed. He thinks he’s superior or what?
“You are telling me you two have been together for less than six months and you sleep here?”
The judgement and amusement in his voice piss you off even more, as if the situation you are in isn’t bad enough.
“Yes, and?”
“And?” Bucky comes suddenly closer to you. “Are you seriously asking that?”
“Yes! I don’t see what’s your fucking problem. How does where we sleep concern you?”
“Can’t a man be curious?” 
Fuck your curiosity!
“What if we didn’t wanna sleep together now and wait... does that make us less of a couple?” You let out your anger by screaming at him. You don’t think you’ve said anything more ridiculous than that because, sure, you respect everyone who wants to wait, but that’s not you. There's no way you'd get engaged or marry a guy without knowing what your sex life would be like. No way!
“I didn’t say that, but I know my brother, and he is not this type of person.”
You let a deep breath, finding it hard to take your eyes off his lips.
“What if I am?”
He doesn't answer you, simply moving his right hand to his back pocket and taking out a small perfume, then handing it to you. "I think this belongs to you."
“Yes, thank you!”
“So you slept in my bed.”
The way he says it makes it sound like you had sex with him or something. But it still leaves you breathless.
You take the perfume from his hand. “Don’t worry, I changed the sheets.”
“See you at dinner, love.” He snorts, turning a little more toward you before opening the door. “You got taste, though. It smells wonderful.”
Maybe it’s the hunger or the lack of sleep. Otherwise, why would this make you angry?
“You look very well.” You roll your eyes as you imitate him before taking a sip of your water. Fuck him for coming here and disturbing you. It was enough you see him every morning and after work.
You hear a knock, then the door opens as soon as you put your bottle down. He didn’t even wait.
“Hi, love. How are you?” A few heads turn toward him and then you, and you groan.
“I’m well, thanks. Why are you here?”
Bucky shakes his head. “This is not a nice welcome.” And then he notices everyone. “Hello.”
You hear a few ‘hi’s, but he only focuses on you.
“Who are you waiting for?” You ask, and your thoughts immediately dart to Dana. He complimented her earlier, after all.
“My dad.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine, keep it a secret. I don’t care.”
“I’m serious.” He snorts. “What has gotten you so worked up? Did you eat your chocolate bar today?”
You puff, trying to keep your annoyance under control. “What’s this question? Are you my mom?”
You can't lie, though. The fact that he noticed your daily chocolate bar ritual makes you happy. Today, however, you didn't have time.
“I can be your dad.”
That makes you gasp.
“Bucky!” you whisper, and he leans in. “We are working here.”
“And go away, you disturb us.”
Bucky rolls his eyes and gets behind your back, dragging your chair away from the desk.
Jessica laughs behind you. “Such an older brother behavior.” she says casually, and you frown. You don’t want people to consider him your older brother. Well, it’s obvious why they do, but it still bothers you.
“I need you to come with me.”
You sigh. “Don’t you see I am busy?”
“Come onnn!”
You tell Jessica you’ll be right back and manage to take your phone with you before Bucky drags you by the arm to the hallway. Dana looks up, surprised, but this time he doesn’t even turn his head toward her, guiding you to his dad’s office. Dana looks up, surprised, but this time he doesn't even turn his head toward her, guiding you to his dad's office.
“You brought me here to be your babysitter? You are 38, not 8. I am sure you can wait patiently for your daddy.”
He closes the door, and you try to control your breathing. Why does he make you blush so much? It’s been one month since you two met, and he still has this power over you.
“You have a big sassy mouth, love, that is for sure.”
You cross your hands. “And?”
“And what?”
“You won’t even deny you brought me here cause you were bored?”
“Nope. Why would I?”
And there he is, getting closer to you little by little. You have to fight the urge to step back.
“Instead you talk about how big my mouth is...” you murmur and he snorts.
“Quite a big mouth for someone with thin lips.”
Well, that is a low blow. You don’t even have thin-thin lips.
“You’re an asshole.” You try to leave quickly, but he stops you instantly, realizing that made you mad.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way at all. You have a spark.”
“I am working. I do actually work, Bucky. It doesn’t matter this is my family’s company.” You try not to yell, but it’s hard. “I get you’re bored, but-”
“I am sorry.”
“For what?” You voice is a whisper, as you’re still trying to calm down. You’re surprised he apologized so fast.
“For being like a douche. It’s the opposite, I wanted your company because you are really nice and smart. I love our conversations. And you having a big mouth means to me you have an opinion and limits.” He takes your hand and squeezes it.
As he speaks, you can't help but feel a mixture of warmth and confusion. His sincerity catches you off guard, and the tension between you begins to shift. Maybe, just maybe, there's more beneath the surface of his teasing and provocation.
You nod. Maybe you overreacted, he never said anything offensive to you. And you appreciate his company in that house.
“It’s okay, I understand. I am surprised you are here, though.”
He doesn’t let go of you hand, so you don’t either.
“He said he has an offer for the office renovation.” He shrugs. “I cannot refuse without talking first. It wouldn’t be fair.”
You want to answer him, tease and maybe fish for more, but you hear the voices right outside the office and you let go of his hand immediately. As if it burned you, as if you were doing something forbidden.
William steps inside first, followed by his dad and your dad, surprisingly.
Bucky immediately gives you a look and takes a step back.
“You came!” His father welcomed him before turning to you. “Thanks for bringing him to my office.”
You realize this is your clue to go and you slowly walk to the door, intentionally ignoring your father. What shocks you is William grabbing your hand, the same hand Bucky touched before, and kissing your cheek.You realize this is your cue to go, and you slowly walk to the door, intentionally ignoring your father. What shocks you is William grabbing your hand, the same hand Bucky touched before, and then kissing your cheek.
“Thanks, babe.”
You have to clench both of your fists not to punch him in the face, refusing to answer him. You don’t know what bothers you more: the fact that he touched you so casually and called you babe again or that he did this shit in front of your families, and more important his brother.
You feel Bucky’s eyes all over your back and face and you can’t help but turn to look at him. He’s expressionless.
You shake your head. What did you expect?
You get back to your office a little grumpy and upset. Jessica immediately asks you if you’re okay, and you brush it off. Fuck your family, fuck Bucky, and fuck his brother.
But the meeting is surprisingly short since you have Bucky back at your desk fifteen minutes later.
You just can’t take a break, can you?
“Shouldn’t you have lunch?” He looks around to emphasize his words, and you roll your eyes. You know everyone left but you.
“I have to finish a few tasks. Why?”
“Your boyfriend left the meeting halfway through cause he was hungry.”
You almost gag. You’ve never hated that word more in your life, but you can’t let him know that.
“What do you mean and? Why are you not having lunch with him?”
“Because I have tasks to do!” You snap, irritate, while looking him in the eye. You obviously don’t want to talk about it, but he continues, seemingly unfazed.
“Is he gonna bring you some food?”
“No, we didn’t even talk about it. Can you leave me alone now?”
You are so close to crying for no fucking reason. You can’t let anyone see you like this.
“Prick! He should have waited for you.” He strokes his chin as he speaks, clearly annoyed with his brother. “Want to come with-”
“I’m fine. Had my chocolate bar.” You interrupt him, your voice steady despite the emotional storm within. Finally, he takes the hint.
“Okay, love, I understand. I’ll leave you alone. See you home.” He smiles politely and leaves, giving you the space you need.
Alone in your office, you let out a shaky breath, your hands covering your face as you start sobbing. It’s really touching how understanding Bucky is, even if he’s teasing you. It’s a precious reminder that, amidst the chaos, there's someone who actually cares about your well-being.
You wait for William to return from his lunch break, and as soon as you see him, you drag him to his office quickly
“Easy! It hurts.”
“Good, it’s supposed to hurt!”
“What did I do?” He genuinely asks.
“You fucking touched me. You kissed my cheek. Did I allow you?”
“What?” He raises his eyebrows. He doesn’t remember seeing you so angry before.
“I asked you when I gave you permission to put your hands on me!”
“I’m supposed to be your boy-”
“But you are not my fucking boyfriend! You don’t have the option to touch me unless I let you by telling you that you can. And you don’t even have to display a shitty facade because guess what? He doesn’t care.”
“Look, I didn’t mean to...”
“You didn’t mean to what? Get in my space? Take advantage of the situation?” The bitterness in your tone echoes your frustration. “You’re just a man, that’s what you do.”
“Not all-”
You laugh humorlessly, not even a little surprised. “Not all men, right? Well, I heard that one before. But you are officially in all-men category.”
You leave like a storm, letting the door open, and before you can get back to your desk, Dana calls your name.
“Hi, what happened?” You try to sound calm.
“You got a delivery and a note.” She hands them both to you and you can’t help but ask:
“A note?”
Who writes notes anymore?
You take them from her desk, but you don’t enter your office. You want to read the note first, without Jessica’s eyes on you.
If you don’t eat, I’m gonna punish you... with my presence. So think twice before refusing :)
You almost cry again right there in the middle of the hallway. Fuck him! Just fuck him!
How are you supposed to stop thinking about him when he does this?
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insanescriptist · 4 months
Cremation is just another fun(erl) service
So blaming random 4am thoughts that have been plaguing me all day for this
Jason woke to a bright room, thin sheets and the smell of a hospital embedded in his body.
First as always, assess. Hospital. No affiliation printed on the walls or anywhere. Private room, but small. That door looked like it led to a private bathroom. Generic flower picture, a mounted screen turned off. Really fucking bright sunlight from the windows.
There was no fucking way he was in Gotham then. Everything was too nice. Normal by standards outside of Gotham. There were blinds, not metal shutters. The walls were cleaner than Gotham allowed outside of Downtown and he could see greenery through the window.
Okay. So what had he been doing? Jason remembered and then wished he had his Jerichos to shoot himself with. Mystic Shit™. Okay. Okay. That was not one of his better ideas, but if he's recovering in a hospital, it worked. World saved.
So recovery. How fucked was he?
His skin looked so fucked. Which meant he had been worse. He's had time to recover and lose muscle tone in, going by how twiggy his arms were. His hands looked good. Clearly someone knew he cared about those if they went through the effort of restoring those.
Hmm, that was odd. No matter how much Jason hated the Lazarus Pits and all its by-products, it would have been a faster and more simple way to recover from near-death than the long incarceration in a hospital for a John Doe.
Jason wasn't sure if he'd been abandoned yet again by those who called themselves his family because he could, "take care of himself," or if he had been written off dead. Again.
Hospital beat the coffin by a long shot.
And it was with that cheery thought, a nurse -obvious meta human nurse- came in and burst into excited Japanese, because that was of course, his luck.
It's after the nurse and doctors leave that Jason loses his shit.
It looks like he's sulking in bed, but mentally everything in his head is exploding. Imploding.
Three. Fucking. Years. Coma.
Burn victim so bad they not only expected him to die in the first couple of days, but still expect it because of the infection risk his fucked up skin represents.
Still the conversation with the medical staff -of varying degrees of bizarre- was enlightening.
No, he has no idea who he is. Did he ever get anyone visit? How did he get here?
Of course some amnesia is to be expected. No, some of the nurses visited. No one knows how he got here.
Does he know what his quirk is? Uh?
Trauma blocked amnesia, the doctor mutters.
What's the last date he remembered?
Saturday. Maybe? The last year? No, I'm pretty sure my memory is shit and I'm trying hard not to freak out over not knowing anything. So could I get the year number?
And then there's the fucking year number. Once he got it translated into more normal terms.
Mystic Shit™ said fuck you to the future.
Except Jason knows this is not his future. Again, if it was, this would have been treated as a fucking inconvenience. Effective skin restoration goop -the proper name escaped him- was easily available to those with the right connections. A normal baseline human with 2nd and 3rd degree burns would be fine in less than two weeks with it, with nary a trace to show for it.
Thanks to the three year coma, his muscles were all atrophied as fuck, despite their best attempts at physical therapy. Because of all the burns and later burn scars and infections making it basically impossible to actually do fuck all about maintaining muscle tone until he was basically burnt skin and bones anyway.
He was so fucking weak now. It wouldn't last forever. He'd escape this hospital before he was discharged, before whatever "benefactor" showed up for whatever "purpose," he was suppose to serve now, as they had the medical debt over his head or was threatening his loved ones or whatever. If one didn't show up in the next week, he was losing his genre-savviness, because shitheads always wanted to claim shit, if it looked useful.
And Jason was used to looking useful, until he was no longer useful and they just didn't care. The amnesia made him less shiny, but Jason couldn't pull off the brain dead zombie imitation without actually being a brain dead zombie crawling up out of his grave.
So under the thin hospital sheets, Jason twitched his muscles.
Two weeks of emotional freak outs, watching the news, physical therapy and drugs Jason had had enough.
And he broke out.
Yeah, he regretted it almost immediately. Hard not to in the stupid paper gown, barefoot and bare ass.
Thankfully people were people, even with the plethora of meta humans he had seen, so it actually wasn't hard to find clothes. Someone left a hoodie in their car and Jason broke into said car. Put on the hoodie. Hotwired the car and drove off.
Somehow for being in the fucking future by two centuries and change, cars really hadn't changed. More evidence of Mystic Shit™ slamming him sideways.
He drove to the next town over, picked another direction, drove some more. Parked the car near what looked like a chop shop, negotiated the car for some money. He probably got ripped off, but better than nothing.
He walked to a corner store, bought some flip-flops after bullshitting an excuse that his had broken. First aid stuff. You know, for his feet. Hair dye in three different colors, because Rose Wilson could pick out a bad dye job at a hundred meters and so Jason learned how to dye his own hair properly so as to avoid her mockery, only to get mockery (affectionate) anyway.
It was a mix of instinct and lifelong observation that let him find an empty apartment quickly. He stole some sweatpants and passed out on the bed.
The thing is, Jason doesn't regret his crimes like Bruce thinks he ought to do, with a massive pity party and flaming self-hatred and punching criminals instead of shooting them. He hates the necessity of doing crimes, even if that crime is a net gain to society, but that's why all his serious crimes are premeditated. He's homicidal, not a psychopath.
Not Pit-mad either, no matter what the rest of them might have thought.
Again, he's homicidal, not a psychopath. And when he doesn't have to be some sort of costume soldier to be discarded by family for the disgrace of disfiguring the memory of a dead boy? He's actually chill and boring.
That is to say, he crashed at that apartment for three days, felt progressively more like himself, especially after the dye job -white hair all over, now a solid and boring black- but it still didn't change all the other issues the Mystic Shit™ inflicted on him.
This body isn't actually his. Too young, scars not right where the burns didn't fuck him over. Thankfully his existing coping mechanisms for dysphoria work and it's shoved to the side.
It's also a shit body. Not even a month out of a three year coma with inadequate -by his standards- of medical care. It's weak and building muscle to do everyday civilian shit, is going to take months to do. Pushing as hard as he did during the escape wrecked him the next three days. Jason may not know what's going to happen, but with his luck, it's going to suck and training is preparing to make it suck less. The only certainty he's got is that his skin or lack thereof is going to kill him from infection if he doesn't fix it.
He's got no legal identity here. Which basically puts him back onto familiar ground of legally dead.
Beyond the lack of paperwork, he's got a lack of funds. He also has no easy target to steal funds and equipment from, even just for fun.
For more disadvantages, he's in a different country, with different laws and a whole different culture. He would be climbing on board a fucking plane to Gotham, if it existed in this world, for some familiar ground.
He really is the unluckiest Robin. It also means he is also the most prepared Robin.
The first six months after waking up in this mockery world of heroics were the absolute worst.
He started at one foot in the grave and crawled out of it before the casket could really eat him alive. Jason had experience in casket busting. He didn't wanna repeat it.
He still didn't know who he was -in who was he inhabiting- but it wasn't like Jason had a lot to go on. 'His' quirk was thermo-manipulation, most obviously in the blue fire he could call to his hands but he could do some ice too; it was thanks to Duke's light and shadow manipulation that he had even tried for the duality. He had white hair. Presumably Japanese heritage but quirks had really erased or blurred a lot of racial lines. Also presumed dead and young.
Access to the Quirk Registry took some doing, but again, not everyone followed basic computer security, much less what it took to keep someone bat-trained out of their systems. Again, for nearly two centuries in the future, a lot of the technological development had stagnated. Searching through the Quirk Registry hadn't yielded any result but none of his other methods had struck anything either. And he had looked at the recently dead and/or presumed dead. Sure, he had some leads that looked viable, but he wasn't going to follow those up yet.
He had fixed a few of his most pressing issues the past six months. His ignorance of the local area, the local and national politics and so on. This world supported and had an entire industry catering to making child soldiers and sell their image and reputation to make money and more child soldiers that called themselves Heroes.
His weak ass body no long cried doing daily tasks and only hated him after working out. Yes, Jason was pushing it but he was well aware of how months of preparation could mean shit in the face of seconds.
His infection risk was severely reduced after quick research bender let him make the most generic knock-off brand of the skin restoration goop in a shitty homemade lab. Did it fix his skin being patchwork fucked in places? Some. He wasn't going to get feeling back properly, but at least he looked more normal. Maybe with enough moisturizing he might look a little less Frankenstien's monster.
He also had a cash inflow. It wasn't great, but it supported his apartment. And the second set of papers. And the 2nd apartment.
Which meant in grand old tradition for Jason, time for him to bounce to the next apartment and come up with a new name.
149 notes · View notes
Caught up.
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Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff fem!reader.
A/N: Hey guys, it’s been a while, thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy this new piece and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translations: “Solnyshka.” Sunshine.
“Milaya.” Darling.
“Detka.” Baby.
“Sestra.” Sister.
Word count: 2,452.
You were lounging in your bed texting your girlfriend when a knock on your door stops you from replying.
“Y/N?” Your mother Melina calls out from the other side of the door.
“Come in,” you say, sitting up in bed as you set your phone to the side, your mom walking into your room.
“Solnyshka, I’m going to step out real quick to get some groceries, it’ll take an hour at the most, did you need anything?” Melina asks.
“No, mama, I’m good,” you smile, “did you want some company?” You ask, wishing to every deity that your mother says no, beaming internally when she shakes her head.
“No, it’s fine milaya, you stay here, I’ll see you in a bit,” Melina says as she turns to walk out of your room.
“Okay mama, be safe!” You exclaim as she shuts your door.
Grabbing your phone immediately, you send a text to Wanda.
“How fast can you make it to my house?” You ask, receiving a response mere seconds later.
“I think in about 25 minutes.”
“I’m home alone.” You text back.
“Be there in 15.”
Is the response you get and you beam giddily.
Getting up from your bed, you go to your bathroom to freshen up, pacing around your room once you’re done as you wait for Wanda, checking the time constantly.
It’s about 20 minutes later when you hear a knock on your door that you descend the stairs hurriedly.
Opening the door to reveal a stunning Wanda, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue jeans.
“That was longer than 15 minutes, love,” you say as you pull Wanda into your house by the hand, locking the door behind her.
“I know, I know, it’s just Pietro was being an idiot and not letting me leave, I had to bribe him so he could let me go,” your girlfriend says as you pull her in by the waist.
“What’d he do now?” You ask with a chuckle and Wanda shakes her head.
“I’ll tell you later,” she says, as she wraps her arms around your neck, leaning up slightly to connect her lips with yours in a passionate kiss.
As you stand in the foyer of your house making out, you push Wanda up against the wall and slot your leg between hers, causing a moan to slip past her lips.
“Oh god, detka,” she moans against your ear, rolling her hips slightly to increase the friction as you kiss her neck, “let’s take this up to your room,” she breathes as you nod, pulling away and leading her up the stairs.
When you make it to your room you and Wanda immediately seek each other out, your hands groping at Wanda’s breasts from outside her shirt.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you whisper as you take the fabric into your hands and pull with desperation, the shirt ripping almost instantly.
“Oh come on, was it absolutely necessary to rip my shirt, detka?” Wanda asks in frustration as she stares at the garment in her hands.
“To get you into bed faster? Yes and I’m sorry if you liked that shirt, but it’s done, now come on, get over here,” you groan in exasperation as you sit on your bed.
“Okay, hold your horses, I’m coming,” Wanda sighs, as she walks towards your dresser to set her shirt down.
“Oh baby, you will be,” you smirk and the brunette rolls her eyes albeit with a smile.
As you watch your girlfriend take a little too long for your liking, you stand up from your bed clad in some shorts and a bra and grab her from behind, turning her around to face you to kiss her passionately.
“God, I missed you,” you whisper against her lips.
“Mmm, I missed you too baby,” Wanda mutters against your lips too, as your hands make their way down to unbutton her jeans. Trying to take them off but pulling away in frustration when you notice they’re a bit tighter than you thought.
“Okay, new rule, when you come over, wear some sweats or something that’s easy to take off, alright? These things are so tight it’s impossible to get them past your hips,” you say with a groan as you finally slide them off Wanda, “don’t get me wrong they do wonders for your ass, but right now we’re limited on time, my mom said she was just getting groceries,” you say as Wanda nods.
“Sure, yeah, okay baby, whatever you say,” the brunette says as she quickly attaches her lips to yours. Slowly guiding you towards your bed.
Once near your bed, Wanda pushes you down softly and you both climb in, your girlfriend straddling you as your hands are placed on Wanda’s ass. Things getting heated rather quickly, when suddenly your door bursts open.
“Hey Y/N! We’re back from- holy shit, I- oh my god, I’m so sorry,” a voice says, causing you and Wanda to pull apart immediately, as you grab a blanket to cover your semi-naked girlfriend.
“Yelena!” You exclaim in surprise, watching as your sister turns around and covers her eyes, “oh god,” you groan in embarrassment, “hey Yel, fuck. Could you uh, give us a second? We’ll be right down,” you rush out as your sister nods her head and walks out of your room, door slamming behind her.
“I’m sorry, did I just hear you say Yelena?” Wanda begins, “as in your sister Yelena?” Wanda states rather than questions.
You wince slightly, “yeah, my sister Yelena,” you say cautiously.
“Damn it, Y/N! This was so not how I wanted to meet one of your siblings! I-I can’t show my face here ever again,” Wanda says as she gets off your bed and begins putting her jeans on, “I’m not even walking out the front door, no, nope. Your room isn't too far off the ground, I’ll just jump out the window,” your girlfriend rambles as she opens your window, “Pietro’s an idiot, if he can do it so can I, I’m definitely more coordinated than he is,” she mumbles to herself.
“Wanda, hey,” you begin, chuckling as you see your girlfriend mumble to herself, debating if she should go out the window, the sight much more humorous as you realize she’s in just her bra and jeans. “Max!” You exclaim, as you approach the brunette and lift her off the ground, pulling her to the middle of your room, “you’re not going out the window. It’s okay,” you say as your girlfriend puts her face in her hands.
“No, it’s not,” Wanda begins, “what if she tells your parents?” The brunette says, paling slightly.
“Babe,” you begin, pulling at her hands and holding them, “babe, relax. If anything she’ll probably tell Nat just to tease me, but they won’t tell my parents, I promise. Plus, I have dirt on them too, so we can get dirty and make it even or we just drop it,” you say, shrugging as if it’s not a big deal.
“But detka, how am I supposed to meet them after this? I mean you literally ripped my shirt, and your sister, she saw me half naked, it’s so embarrassing!” Wanda exclaims in nervousness.
“I’ll lend you a hoodie and I promise, it won’t be that bad,” you say in an effort to comfort your girlfriend.
“You’re so lucky that I like you Romanoff,” your girlfriend grumbles as you hand her a hoodie.
“I like you too,” you beam, smiling widely, pulling Wanda in by the waist as you see her standing in your sweater. “Also, seeing you in my clothes is so hot and if Yelena hadn’t interrupted we’d totally be finishing what we started,” you say, peppering kisses on Wanda’s jaw and neck.
“Baby, stop,” the brunette begins, groaning softly. “What if Yelena comes back to look for us? Or worse what if it’s your parents,” Wanda questions, placing her hands on your shoulders, but making no real effort to push you off.
“I already told Yelena I’m going down so they won’t come up here, we’re good,” you say as you connect your lips to Wanda’s.
As you’re standing in the middle of your room making out with your girlfriend, your hands begin to wander and as your hands firmly squeeze Wanda’s ass the brunette pulls away abruptly as she remembers what happened mere minutes ago, “okay, we really need to stop,” she says, breathing affectedly, “let’s just get down there and get this over with,” Wanda says nervously.
Smiling slightly at your girlfriend’s nervousness you say, “Max, relax, nothing bad is going to happen. We’ve got this,” and Wanda nods, running a hand through her hair to tame it.
Grabbing the brunette’s hand, you give it a light squeeze before descending the stairs and making it to the living room where your family is at.
“Dad!” You exclaim once you’re in front of your father, letting go of Wanda’s hand as you embrace him, your girlfriend standing awkwardly to the side watching the small family reunion. “Yelena,” you smile, walking towards the blonde and hugging her as well. “Natty,” you smirk, embracing your older sister, the redhead whispering something in your ear that has you pulling back immediately, cheeks bright red. “Really Yel, you couldn’t give me five minutes to explain?” You groan, embarrassed by your sister's antics. “Whatever, anyway, guys, this is Wanda Maximoff, my girlfriend. Max, this is my dad Alexei, and my sisters Natasha and Yelena,” you say introducing Wanda with a cheesy smile, hand outstretched towards the brunette to pull her in.
Once near your family Wanda shyly waves introducing herself, “hi, Mr. Romanoff, I’m Wanda, pleasure to finally meet you,” she says, shaking your father’s hand.
“Oh wonderful,” the tall man booms, hands clapping loudly in front of him, “finally a face to the name, my Melina here has told me a lot about you. About the wonderful girl that has stolen my precious baby girl’s heart,” he says and you groan in embarrassment, blush deepening as Wanda looks at you with a beaming smile. “Pleasure to meet you too and please call me Alexei,” your father smiles, Wanda nodding before she moves on to Natasha.
“Hello Natasha, your sister has told me a lot about you, nice to finally meet you,” Wanda smiles, extending her hand once again to shake your sister’s.
“I can see why, the kid idolizes me, I’m the better Romanoff, of course she’s going to brag on my behalf,” the redhead smirks and you roll your eyes as Wanda laughs.
“Dream on red,” you say and Natasha laughs.
“Anyway, nice to meet you Wanda also you can call me Nat,” your older sister smiles as your girlfriend nods, moving down to greet your other sister, “uh, hi Yelena,” Wanda greets, coughing in embarrassment as she sticks her hand out, eyes glancing around in nervousness.
“Wanda,” Yelena responds with a smirk, shaking your girlfriend’s hand.
“So how long have you girls been together? Tell me everything, how did you two meet, have you said I love you, come on, give me all the details, spill,” your father says as he sits on the couch, elbows on his knees as his chin rests on his palms, the sight quite comical causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Well we met at school, we sat next to each other and things started progressing from there, we’ve been dating for 4 months, just a bit before you guys left for Russia,” you say before you are cut off by Yelena whispering.
“Damn, you guys move fast,” causing you to clamp your hand over her mouth as Natasha laughs.
“Uh, you know what dad, I’ll tell you all the details later, us girls are going to catch up real quick,” you say, giving your father no time to actually answer before you’re pulling your sister away.
As you make it to your backyard you pull your hand off Yelena’s mouth and say, “you guys are little shits you know that right?” Your sisters laughing at your exasperated expression.
“I’m sorry sestra, but it’s just so funny seeing you all flustered,” Yelena laughs, “you’re usually so calm and collected, it’s fun to tease you and finally have something against you,” the blonde smirks.
“What? What do you mean calm and collected, what are you even talking about?” You ask, confusion written all over your features.
“Well you know. Remember how we used to pick up girls, you'd get them every time with your game because you’d be so cool about it,” Yelena shrugs and your eyes go wide as your mouth goes agape as you turn to face your slightly angry girlfriend.
“W-what? What, no, I never picked up any girls, Yelena what the hell. Babe I promise, I didn’t pick up any girls,” you tell Wanda as she tilts her head and raises an eyebrow causing your sister to let out a loud laugh.
“No she didn’t, she really didn’t,” Yelena laughs, doubling over slightly, “but oh my god, this is so great, look at her get all weird.”
“Yeah, this is definitely going to be great,” Natasha finally joins in.
“Hey! Start shit Natty and I’ll get you when you’re with Maria and you won’t even know what hit you!” You warn as Wanda looks at all three of you.
“Hey, leave Maria out of this! It’s not my fault you brought your girlfriend here to do the nasty and got caught half naked, do better next time,” Natasha says and Yelena laughs.
“Oh yeah, keep laughing over there Giggles McGee, but when I embarrass you in front of Kate you won’t be thinking this is so funny,” you say, before a full blown argument ensues between you and your sisters.
Causing Wanda to stare at the three of you in shock.
“Okay, hey. Hey! Baby, that’s enough,” Wanda exclaims, causing you and your sisters to stop fighting immediately, “why don’t we get to know each other a bit more, yeah?” The brunette proposes as she sees you chokehold Yelena, while Natasha is on your back doing the same to you, “let’s get to know each other before you kill one another.”
You nod your head, “yeah, okay, I like the sound of that,” you say, letting go of Yelena as Nat jumps off your back, “let’s take a seat and talk,” you say and the women all nod.
“Yeah, yeah that sounds great,” Wanda nods, grabbing your hand.
As you make it to a small seating area in your backyard Yelena turns to look at Wanda with a smirk and says, “oh Wanda, welcome to the family.”
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Don't Be Late
Pairing: Drug Lord! Yelena x Fem! Reader 
Summary: Yelena distracts you from meeting your father for breakfast.
18+ ONLY! Minors & Men DNI! | Smut | Dom! Yelena | Sub! Reader | Oral (R! Receiving) | Fingering (R! Receiving) | Edging | Daddy Kink | Language Waring | Use of Drugs (Weed) | 0.9K | 
Translations: Detka (baby)
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"Mm, baby, s'tired" you mumbled while your partner sucked a light mark on your neck. Your alarm went off 5 minutes ago, waking the two of you to the annoying tune of your alarms attempts to wake you softly. It was 6:30 in the morning and you had to be back at your apartment before your father, an FBI agent, picked you up for breakfast.
"I know detka" Yelena whispered before attacking your neck with another mark. Your eyes fluttered open and were met with the green eyes of your partner, she smiled softly. "Good morning" she spoke before kissing you gently. You wasted no time snuggling into her as your body slowly began to wake up. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to stay the night at her place considering your apartment was 20-30 minutes away if the traffic was kind but she just got back from a business trip and she wanted to see you.
After a few minutes you felt awake enough and decided to get up only to be stopped by Yelena pulling you back on the bed, hovering above you. Her strong arms either side of your head keeping her from putting her entire weight on you. "Where are you off too?" She smirked.
"Babe, you know I've gotta go" you replied, wishing you could postpone breakfast for another day. Before you could say another word, Yelena's lips were hungrily attacking yours before moving to your neck, "stay" she spoke between kisses as she worked her way down your body, pushing your shirt up above your breasts. The softness of her lips on your skin made you grow needy for her as your mind reminded you of the hold the blonde Russian had over you. Her hands moved to remove your panties but you shook your head at her as she smirked at you.
"You're going to make me late baby!" You spoke but that didn't stop her from running a finger between your lips earning a soft moan from you. "Doesn't seem like you're in any hurry to leave detka, just lay there and let me make you feel good" Yelena replied before kissing your inner thigh as she slowly slides a finger inside you. There was no fight in you to get her to stop her actions, throwing your head back and with a soft moan as she slowly slides a second finger into your throbbing pussy.
"5 m-minutes" you said with another moan when you felt Yelena start to thrust her fingers in and out of you, she chuckled as she looked up at you once more, "We're done when I say we're done" Yelena smirked before diving in for your clit. Gently flicking over it before moving her fingers faster. Your hand landed on the top of her head, pushing her further into you, always amazed at how easily she was able to get you to fall apart for her. Moans filled the room while her tongue worked magic on you, leaving you to forget that you were supposed to be in the shower and getting ready to head home.
Your fists were full of Yelena's hair as you bucked your hips begging for more. "D-don't stop!" you moaned, throwing your head back as Yelena switched between her fingers and using her tongue to fill your needy hole. "You're still so fucking tight" Yelena smirked as she caught a glimpse of your state.
"Why are you talking?!" you replied with a moan, your orgasm approaching. Yelena slowed down her pace before removing her fingers. Her lips worked their way up to your body and kissed your lips letting you taste your arousal on her tongue. You pouted when she pulled away, "Please tell me you're not finished".
Yelena chuckled before sucking her fingers clean, humming at your taste. "You can't be late, detka, remember?" the blonde replied as she reached for her joint, lighting it before inhaling the drug. "Can't have daddy's special princess late for breakfast" she added as she blew the smoke into the air, offering you a puff.
You rolled your eyes, "you're such a tease!"
"and you're a little daddy's girl" she replied, running her tongue over her lips. You huffed before straddling her waist, watching as she took another hit from her joint. "I thought you were my daddy" you bit your lip softly to tease the Russian. She couldn't help but gently pull you down to her lips, kissing you deeply, "Don't be late detka, I've got some things to do today, if you're home when I get home, you can call me daddy as much you want" Yelena took another puff before kindly removing you from her waist.
"Please! you've already got me so….needy" you replied, reaching for her arm as she got out of bed. "Good, that means you'll be even more needy for me when I get home" she turned and looked down at you, "god you're so pretty when you're begging" she added with a smirk before leaning down to kiss you once more, "I'll see you tonight?" she asked.
"As if you could keep me away" you raised a brow at her, "just so we're clear, I hate you right now" you added.
"You're going to be late, remember?" Yelena chuckled just as she walked out of the bedroom, leaving you to roll your eyes and throw yourself back on the bed.
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Taglist: @non-binary-frogking | @wandanatswifeovi | @marvelwomenarehot0 | @daydreamerruby | @marvelobsessionsstuff | @virtualrebelruins | @poison-blackheart | @delilah1990 | @sweetcici123 | @olsenmyolsen | @olsenxxq | @s1ut4nat | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @itsdoni | @ilovewandanat | 
Please let me know if you do not want to be tagged in any smut related fics.
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s1i9d · 1 month
I hope you don't mind, but now that I've finally found someone who's listening to Magnus Protocol but hasn't listened to Magnus Archives I will be studying you like a bug under a magnifying glass. I've been dying to know how the show hits from a non archives perspective. So in that vein, if you don't mind me questioning you, what are your overall thoughts on the show so far? Also what's it like seeing the fandom response from people who have listened to archives? Have you been successful in avoiding spoilers?
Honestly I’ve been loving Protocol.
I’m not 100% sure what to translate since I don’t know what Archives context I’m missing, but I can try to tell you what I really like about Protocol.
I really do love the format of Protocol. It’s mostly an office drama story, which on its own is appealing, but the statements from FR3-D1 put in each episode gives the story this underlying horror aspect to it. So when I listen to an episode, often times if the statement portion feels lacking, the office drama really brings up the episode and the vice versa.
Then things start to get a lot more creepier when the two intersect (The Magnus Institute, Mr. Bonzo, Lady Mowbray, the Drowning Victim, the Archivist, etc.) and by this point in the story, we’re so close to having a full merge.
Since this is my first real dive into horror podcasts, I do want to engage with the fan community, but it’s hard to balance being spoiler-free at the same time. I do know some general spoilers that I haven’t updated in a while, but is mostly still accurate. I don’t know what an Archivist is, but I am aware that AU versions of Archives characters have made their debut here.
I am aware that Protocol is going a lot faster than Archives. From what I understand of Archives, it has a lot more slow build up rather than Protocol which I has a pretty good pace. Might be because Protocol has less than half the episodes as Archives.
It’s really interesting how the fandom keeps losing their minds over stuff that I’m just like “yeah cool let’s see where that goes”. Like E26 where the Archivist was named, I felt like I took on the perspective of Alice/Gwen/Sam where I’m like “okay… and this means what?” while the rest of the fandom is taking the Celia perspective of “OH NO”.
Or even this recent episode where this Minister Trevor Herbert dude was. Like I have no idea what this dude is and why everyone is absolutely screaming, crying, throwing up that he’s here, and that is fascinating.
It’s been pretty interesting when I bring up something that felt weird or off that just went nowhere, and my friends revealing some info. I’m like “WHAT” and they’re just like “oh thats not common knowledge?” And I’m just there like “huh?!?” Which turns out, the Hilltop Centre was actually important.
I mostly wish the fandom would tag archives spoilers with #tma /#the Magnus archives / #tma vague just so that spoilers could be tagged a little bit better, but to be fair I am one of the rare people that doesn’t intersect the Venn diagram between archives and protocol.
But overall, I really am loving Protocol. I don’t know when I’ll listen to Archives (probably after Protocol’s three seasons are over) but I will listen to it eventually. Feel free to send more asks my way.
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lady-pug · 10 days
Written Between the Lines
Chapter V - Two Hearts as Embers
Summary: On the eve of your wedding day you are left feeling agitated, anxious and lonely. But an unexpected late-night visit and some surprising revelations might be just what you need to calm your racing heart.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Word count: 4k
Warnings: canon-typical incest (uncle-niece), ritualistic self-inflicted wounds, ritualistic blood consumption
Notes: Hellooo! It’s me again, and I bring you something I have been dying to write for a while (pretty much since chapter got published). I had lots of fun writing this one and ended up loving how it came out.
Like I’ve mentioned before, I have left the question of the reader’s parentage more ambiguous (she can be biologically Laenor’s daughter, or Harwin Strong’s or some other folk Rhaenyra decided to bed once, it doesn’t matter). I did this in order to not imply a certain appearance for the reader and leave the whole thing up for interpretation.
High Valyrian translations are in the end notes.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope with all my heart you enjoy!
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You had never been more agitated than you were feeling after supper. Not even the bath you requested your maids fix for you had helped to calm your skittish nerves, nor did the calming tea Alicent suggested you drink before bed. Sleep eluded you, so you decided to read something as a distraction but found yourself rereading the same sentence several times, such was your lack of concentration.
Time couldn’t go by any slower in your opinion. It had been almost four whole moons since your betrothal to Aemond, and not a day went by that you didn’t wish the wedding day would arrive faster. No less than three days after your quarrel with Jason Lannister in the courtyard (to which Rhaenyra rolled her eyes at Tyland’s apologies on behalf of his brother, pretending not to notice the proud smile Daemon sent your way once you’d told them what happened) your mother had given birth to a healthy baby girl, to whom she gave the name Visenya. You insisted on helping with the delivery, like you had done before with the birth of Aegon and Viserys, and nothing she said could pry you from her side.
“You shouldn’t see me like this, tis’ not a pleasant sight.” she had said, even though Visenya’s birth was the most uncomplicated one compared to her two older brothers you had witnessed.
“Worry not, mother.” you had soothed her, swallowing down your own fear of the whole situation “I wish to be here for you. And besides, it shall be me in the same place as you are now soon enough. I should see what awaits me.”
Almost as soon as she could stand unassisted again, without much care for her own well-being, she started planning and preparing your wedding feast, much to both Daemon’s and Alicent’s dismay. She started ordering servants around, asking the maesters to send ravens to all great houses, requesting the cooks to buy different exotic meats. You told her all the fuss wasn’t necessary, that just a feast with the whole family would suffice, but she and even Alicent scolded you, saying that the heirs to the throne warrant only the best on their wedding day.
After getting past her initial shock at the way Rhaenyra handled things, Alicent joined in the wedding planning efforts. The whole ordeal brought them closer, and now without the looming figure of Viserys, the very thing that had drifted them apart in the first place, and Otto no longer caring about securing Aegon’s claim, the both of them managed to find their footing again and their friendship started to bloom once more. It was the main reason you tried not chiming in too much on the planning of your own wedding, wanting them to have this moment for themselves knowing how much, at least on your mother’s side, she had missed her best friend.
Now, on the eve of the day you were to be wed, you were disproportionately anxious and you couldn’t even understand why. You knew Aemond wanted to marry you as much as you wanted to marry him, you knew this union would avoid a bloody and gruesome war between your kin, you knew it would make both of you, and in turn both your mothers, happy. Then why did you suddenly feel so apprehensive? It couldn’t possibly be due to cold feet, you could think of nothing else but how much you wanted this day to come. So why?
You wanted to see Aemond. His presence brought you comfort and you always felt safe when you were with him, ever since you were merely more than a babe, and even more so now that you had gotten to know each other once more. But Alicent, fervorously adept in the Faith of the Seven, had prohibited you from seeing one another after dusk had fallen, claiming that the groom seeing the bride before the wedding brought misfortune to their union. So you resigned yourself to simmering alone in your thoughts until the wedding, or until you have gone mad.
Deep down you knew you could talk to your mother. She would most likely understand, even relate to what you were feeling. However, you felt like she already had too much on her plate with the last minute preparations, same thing with Alicent (and to be honest you still weren’t all that close to your soon to be good mother, maybe someday). Daemon had been away from court for almost a week now, no word to where he was going, just a promise that he would most definitely be back for the wedding. You could talk to Helaena, but you didn’t wish to bother her with such trivial matters, as she had her hands full with her two children (three if you included her husband in the bill). Jace and Luke? Absolutely not. Maybe Baela could talk some sense into you if she was still awake at this hour.
There was one other person who used to bring you a similar sense of security as Aemond did, someone you used to go to when you felt frightened as a child and who calmed you down in a way your mother never managed to match. But he was no longer here, and the almost debilitating ache his absence evoked in your chest brought tears to your eyes. You shook your head, desperate to get rid of this feeling and focus on something else
Then something caught your attention. A muffled, dry thud echoed around your chambers, so low you almost didn’t hear it. It sounded out again, louder this time, and you guessed it was coming from the wall. Or rather behind the wall. Walking over to where the sound was coming from, you placed your head on the cold stone, the side of your face flat against the surface as you tried to listen better. You beamed brightly once you heard the sound again, this time right under your ear: someone was knocking on the wall from the other side.
Eagerly, you opened the door, expecting it to be your soon to be husband, but the face that greeted you on the other side was not who you were hoping for.
“Daemon?” you questioned, feeling more confused than ever. He didn’t answer and only stared at you until you stepped aside to let him into the room “When did you get back?”
Once again your question went unanswered as he sauntered into the chambers, and only now did you realize he was holding a beat up parcel in his hand, its contents unknown to you.
“What are you doing here?”
He placed the parcel on your bed and turned around to face you.
“Put these on and meet me outside when you are ready.” he walked back the way he came, halting only when you grabbed his hand.
“Daemon, what is going on?”
“Just do as you are told.” his face softened upon noticing the apprehension on your face, a reflection of your earlier fidgety state “Trust me on this, alright?”
After a beat you nodded, moving back towards the parcel. Looking over your shoulder you noticed Daemon had walked out the hidden door once more, leaving it ajar just a crack. As you opened the bag you were left puzzled as you pulled robes that were almost the same beige, grayish color of the parcel. As you unfolded it, however, you noticed the red details on the fabric, lining the bottom of the skirts, cuffs and shoulders. You changed out of your nightgown and pulled the robes over your head, tying it around your waist. 
Staring at your reflection on the mirror, something about the clothes, all the intricate details on the midsection and the patterns embroidered in colors, all of it seemed almost too familiar to you. You couldn’t quite put your finger on where you remembered it from, though, no matter how long you stared at yourself in it. Deciding not to dwell too much on it, you followed Daemon out the secret door.
A thousand questions raced through your mind as you followed him through the secret tunnels of Maegor’s Holdfast. When had he gotten back? Where had he been? Where were you going? None of the scenarios you created in your head made any sense so you kept your head down and followed after your step-father. You eventually left the passages, coming out on the side of Aegon’s High Hill that faced the sea. Daemon started walking towards Shadowblack Lane, intending to climb all the way down to the beach. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, careful to watch your footing on the steep track.
“You will see.” he gave no more away, elusive as ever.
“You know, kepa, had I not known you for so long now I would think you are trying to abduct me before my wedding day.”
“You know I have never been the biggest fan of the one-eyed cunt, tala.” he chuckled at the scathing glare you sent his way “But you seem fond of him, so I rest my case.”
You walked the rest of the way in silence before you stood a short distance from the beach. There, as you walked ahead of Daemon, you spotted three lone figures, standing next to decorations in shades of red and yellow and illuminated by lit pyres. Upon closer inspection you realized one of them was your mother, holding something you couldn’t quite make out in her arms, and another was a priest or cleric of some kind. The third person, on the other hand, you couldn’t even see for their face was obscured by the hood of their cloak.
As she noticed you approaching, Rhaenyra nudged the hooded figure who turned around to face you as well, and when you could finally see under the cloak you felt like your heart had ceased beating and all air left your lungs in a single, shaky exhale.
No, you thought, it can’t be. He was dead, had been dead for years. He couldn’t possibly be here, your tired mind had to be playing tricks on you.
But when he pulled the cloak down, revealing all of himself to you, it was clear it wasn’t an image conjured by your mind to toy with you. He was really here.
Your voice was so soft, so scared that if you spoke too loudly you’d break whatever spell you were under, wake up in your bed and find out you had been dreaming all along. Tears brimmed in your eyes, something heavy and tight burning on your throat, as you felt a hand gently rubbing between your shoulder blades. You hadn’t even noticed when Daemon had caught up to you, now trying to bring you comfort in your most vulnerable moment. One look at your mother smiling kindly at you, a mist in her own eyes as she gave you a single nod, had you taking off running into the arms of Laenor Velaryon.
You buried your face in his chest, your arms circling his waist as his own wrapped around your shoulders, one hand gently cradling the back of your head and holding you tightly against him. Years upon years of pent up grief, of deep seated longing and anger and resentment and pain and desperation poured out of you, a weight being lifted off your shoulder as they shook from the force of your sobs. You felt him tightening his arms even further around you, swaying you from side to side as he used to do when you were younger and in need of comfort, and the realization that he was here, that he was truly alive, made you shed even more tears and cry even harder.
Eventually your sobs subsided to sniffles and you pulled back, staring up at him. He used the bottom of his cloak to dry the lone tears that still rolled down your cheeks, the coarse material helping ground you enough to properly take in the sight of him. He looked expectedly older than you remembered, more worn down, but at the same time the lines of worry on his face seemed less deep than before, like he was happier, more free somehow. His silver hair was a lot shorter, having foregone the dreads and letting his natural curls take over. 
“H-how… how are you-?!” you hiccuped, still not fully understanding the situation.
“Tis’ a long story, mayhaps better suited for another time.” he spoke delicately “Your mother can explain it to you in the future.”
“But what are you doing here?” 
The grin that spread across his face was as bright as you remembered, so mirthful and full of life. 
“You did not think I was going to miss my little girl’s wedding, now, did you?” he poked your ribs, another nod to simpler times.
For a moment you panicked, holding tightly onto his forearms as if he would disappear if you let him go.
“No, you can’t!” you stammered, fearful “If someone sees you at the sept-”
“No one will see me,” he shook his head, running a hand over your hair in hopes of soothing you “for I am not going to the sept.”
“Then how…?”
Your mother finally stepped forward. 
“Tis’ why we are here tonight.” she spoke for the first time since you arrived at the beach and it was then that you figured out what she was holding. 
A traditional headpiece.  
And everything started making sense. You might not have remembered the clothes but you could never forget the headpiece worn by your mother during hers and Daemon’s own wedding. You had been too out of it to truly pay attention to what was happening, for the death of your father and the whole ordeal with Aemond on Driftmark were still fresh and weighing heavily on your mind, but you remember looking at her and thinking how well the piece suited her, making her look like the most beautiful woman in the realm in your eyes.
It made sense, the robes, the cleric, the decorations.
It was a valyrian wedding ceremony.
“Getting Caraxes to accept him as a passenger was quite the task.” Daemon jested. So that’s where he had been the previous days, he had gone to fetch your father.
Rhaenyra and Daemon had organized the whole thing in order for you not only to have a wedding in the traditions of your roots, something they knew both you and Aemond cherished deeply and bonded over, but also to give the opportunity for your father to witness it.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Laenor continued, cupping your cheeks “You are my first born and my only daughter, no matter what anyone says.”
The smile that took over your features threatened to split your face in half from how large it was, a new wave of tears pooling in your eyes as you hid in his arms once more. It didn’t matter if you were his by blood or not, he was your father. He was the one who had cared for you, who soothed you when you were sorrowful, who held you when you were frightened. He was the one who had started teaching you how to fight, how to defend yourself against a world that would certainly try to bring you down. He was your father and you loved him as such.
A set of footsteps approaching had you pulling back from him, turning to face whoever had intruded in your moment, only to come face to face with Aemond. He was wearing similar robes to your own, the clothing complementing his figure and making him appear even more handsome to you. 
He stared at you in bewilderment, his eye moving rapidly between your father next to you and your mother who now stood next to Daemon. She placed the headpiece in her husband’s hands as she walked towards Aemond, and as she approached him, Laenor gently grasped your shoulders and turned you away from them, starting to style your hair.
You tried not to eavesdrop, you really did, but Rhaenyra wasn’t being very subtle either way.
“This is me trusting you.” she spoke with conviction, not wavering in front of a man seemingly feared by the whole court “If this got out, it could be my ruin. I am trusting you to keep this secret, valonqar, as I am trusting you with her.” there was a pause in her speech before she continued “Should you break my trust, for any reason whatsoever, either by betraying me or her, I will take her away from you. You will never see her again.”
It was silent for a moment, her words striking fear even in your own heart, before you heard Aemond’s quiet answer, his voice almost a whisper.
“Kostā pāsagon nyke, mandia. Nyke kivio.”
A warmth spread through your chest as you took in his words. Laenor seemed to notice your giddiness for he chuckled at your antics.
“Does he make you happy?” he spoke after a moment, his tone more serious than before.
“He does.” you answered without hesitation.
His hands settled on your shoulders, his voice lowering so only you could hear.
“And do you love him?”
Turning around you noticed the pleading look in his eyes, hidden behind the wall of sterness, and you noticed how much your joy mattered to him, even after all these years.
“I do.”
His worry melted away as he smiled brightly again.
“Tis’ all I could ask for.” he pulled a few strands of your hair, giving it its finishing touch “There, now you are the prettiest princess in the realm.” he spoke softly, reciting the words he would always say when helping you style your hair as a child. 
With a kiss to the top of your head, your father turned you back around towards your husband to be, who stood next to Rhaenyra, and something made you stop dead in your tracks. 
He was no longer wearing his eyepatch.
Sometime between the moment he arrived and now, while you had your back turned to him, he had bared his face for all to see. The force of the realization of what he did, of what this meant to him almost brought you to your knees. This was him, trusting in your mother, like she trusted him before. By trusting her enough to show her the most vulnerable side of him, one he had admitted once to having never shown anyone other than yourself and the occasional maester before, not even his own mother, he was proving to her that the faith she had placed in him wasn’t unwarranted.   
In this very moment you knew you never wanted to spend another day apart from him ever again.
Rhaenyra stepped forward then, the headpiece back on her hands and, as you walked closer to the two of them, she placed it on your head, straightening your clothes. She didn’t have to speak, for her smile revealed everything she was thinking.
I am so proud of you.
“I know, mother.” you whispered and you could swear she blinked a few times too fast, trying to keep her own tears from falling. She took a step back, going to stand between Laenor and Daemon behind you as you finally turned to face Aemond fully.
He looked beautiful, perhaps more than you’d ever seen before. The light cast from the pyres shining on the sapphire, glimmering like the night sky, made him look almost celestial, the red of the robes contrasting against his pale skin and under the white strands of his hair. As you stood before each other, so close you could feel the heat emanating from him, all your thoughts were silenced, none of them mattering now that you were about to be united in fire and blood.
“Shall we begin then?” your mother gestured for the man, who you now realized was a dragon priest, to step forward and stand besides the two of you, handing Aemond a small blade made of dragonglass.
“Hen lantoti ānogar, va sȳdronti vāedroma.” the man spoke in a measured cadence, almost as if he was reciting a love poem or singing a ballad.
Blood of two, joined as one
Aemond raised the blade to your lips, cutting a small line across the middle of your bottom lip.
“Mēro perzot gīhoti, elēdroma iārza sīr.”
Ghostly flame, and song of shadows 
He brought a finger to your lips and tenderly, almost reverently, dabbed his finger in the speck of blood that had formed on your skin. He traced a line in the middle of your forehead, right between your eyes, branding you with a mark, his mark. 
“Izulī ampā perzī, prūmī lanti sēteski.”
Two hearts as embers, forged in fourteen fires
You, in turn, did the same to him, reveling in the softness of his lips as you slashed his skin. Like he had done, you gathered the crimson liquid and marked him as inherently yours.
“Hen jenȳ māzīlarion, qēlossa ozūndesi.”
A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness
The dragon priest then handed you a larger dragonglass blade which you used to slash a line across your palm, handing it to Aemond so he could do the same, none of you minding the sharp sting. Then the both of you took each other’s hand, perfectly aligning the fresh cuts as your fingers intertwined almost on instinct.
“Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo, rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi.”
The vow spoken through time, of darkness and light
With a goblet placed under your joined hands, collecting the dripping crimson of your mixed blood, the priest wrapped an embroidered ribbon around your hands, uniting you for eternity.
Once he was done reciting the vows, the man then handed you the chalice and Aemond’s eye followed your every move as you brought it to your lips. The coppery taste didn’t bother you,  warmth filling in your chest at the comfort the thought of consuming the merge of both your essences elicited in you.
Aemond did the same, taking a generous gulp from the goblet, and you couldn’t help the flush that took over your cheeks as you watched the way his throat moved as he swallowed or how his tongue peeked out of his mouth as he licked his lips, not letting one drop go to waste.
Only after the dragon priest had taken the chalice from his hands did Aemond step even closer to you, toes almost touching. He placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head to look at him, thumb delicately tracing the line he had cut on your mouth. Then slowly, gently, he pulled your face towards his and placed a soft albeit passionate kiss on your awaiting lips. He kissed you with devotion, with a sureness of a man who knew exactly where he wanted, no, needed to be. He poured all of his feelings into that one kiss, sealing your fates forever now, tying it to one another.
He reluctantly pulled back, although he did relent to one final tender peck as your lips chased after his own, resting his chin on your shoulder as he embraced you.
“I have longed for this day for as long as I can remember.” he whispered, like he was bestowing upon you his most well kept secret “And now you are mine.” 
“I am yours.” you cupped his cheek as you pulled back, running a thumb over his scar like you had come to learn soothed him “As you are mine.” 
“I am.” he nodded as he nudged his nose against your cheek, causing your head to turn to the side, facing your family “I have always been.” 
As you stared at your family, Rhaenyra no longer trying to hold back her tears as both Laenor and Daemon tried comforting her, you felt loved and adored and safe and content in the arms of your husband. In this very moment, you couldn’t help but thank whatever gods were listening for giving you this, everything you could have ever dreamed of. You’d cherish it greatly from this day, until the end of your days.
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High Valyrian translations: - ‘kepa’ and ‘tala’ - father and daughter (meant here affectionately, not by blood, as there are no terms for step-relative in High Valyrian) - valonqar - younger brother - kostā pāsagon nyke, mandia. nyke kivio - you can trust me, (older) sister. i promise
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jjmaybankswifeyx · 7 months
always loved you
jj maybank x yn
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warnings: smut, dry humping, choking, 18+ !!
*do not translate or copy my work!!*
summary: jj and yn hate eachother but when her and the pogues get stuck on the island you and jj were forced to sleep next to eachother, but the pent up sexual tension finally breaks.
These past few weeks have been hard to say the least i have been so horny but i get no privacy here honestly i’ve always got jj around me teasing me constantly and always being a dick, i met jj 7 years ago and for some reason he’s always had an issue with me so i just reciprocated it but i don’t hate jj if anything i’d love to jump his bones but he clearly doesn’t feel that way about me so i push my feelings down.
but today has been really hard it’s been really hot, hotter than usual and i just want some release and your snapping at everyone. JJ comes over to you and starts saying how i need to make a fire i just snapped “fucking do it yourself” and you walked away into your little tent/hut you made you had been in there for hours and you were finally about to drift off until jj came in and layed next to you, for some reason he thought you were asleep and he gets closer and wraps his arm around you “i wish you see me how i see you cupcake” you start smiling at his comment and you shove your ass back towards him feeling his rock hard cock on your lower back he groans but you start to move your hips against his slowly, now he knows your awake and he grabs your throat not hard but hard enough to let out an involuntary moan you turn over and sit on his lap moving, grinding and shoving your hips down just for some friction “ah is this why you’ve been a little brat all day huh princess, just wanted to be whored out ?” he says with a grin still not letting go of your throat “hm jay please” you moan “what do you want baby” you stop grinding on him and slowly move your hands down the his cargo shorts and undo the buttons “hm okay baby” he says pushing his hips up, holding your hair back he’s pushing your head down slightly all you can hear is his moans and your choking soon as you fed him twitching you pull away “what the fuck” he says as you just hum pulling your shorts down and hovering over him he grabs your hips and slams you down on to him “mhh jay please faster” he flips you over and starts going at a inhuman pace my legs shaking, nobody has ever made me feel like before i feel drunk i can’t speak i’m just a moaning mess “gunna cu-m” you moan so loud sure the others can hear you guys “me too baby come with me” hm okay you moan as you come together.
you wake up the next morning with a smile on your face to turn to him and he’s gone ?
part 2 ?
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