#i wish the very best and lots of support for the victims
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i-hope-this-is-a-phase · 1 year ago
Regarding the GeorgeNotFound Situation
This entire conversation should not have happened publicly.
It was clear from Caiti's initial post that there was a breakdown in communication rather than any "assault" or "molestation." In her own testimony, she never described explicitly stating no, nor giving any indication besides "getting up" to stop the attention (which was later disproved).
That does not mean she wasn't uncomfortable. That does not mean she was not hurt by George's actions. It also does not mean George is a molester because of it.
From Caiti and George's statements, it is clear that this took place over a couple of hours (3-4), and besides the texting afterward, there were no further physical interactions between them. To use a single incident to describe George's behavior is a stretch at best and downright misinformation at worst. In the Wilbur situation, the violations of Shelby's boundaries happened over months with repeated attempts to tell him to stop.
In George's situation, it happened over four hours, in which there were no explicit tells to stop.
That said, I do hope George takes this incident and rethinks his behavior with strangers. Even if it should not be described as molesting, it still hurt Caiti, and if I were him, I would make strides to not repeat the mistakes made here.
Moreover, I think that some parties involved should not have been. Some individuals used the volatile situation to spread their own hate toward the Dream Team. They used Caiti's story to push their own agenda, which, in no way, is supporting a victim. Her friends should have helped her find closure by seeking reconciliation from her "abuser;" instead, they made the situation a public massacre where she would most likely be harassed after already feeling vulnerable.
My hope is that, behind the scenes, the two will talk about what happened and try to find peace. George clearly did not know he hurt Caiti, and he apologized for making her feel uncomfortable. That does not make him a villain: it makes him a person who made a mistake.
The moral of this whole fiasco is not to support or not support victims. Support can be weaponized for personal gain, and to support blindly is almost as bad as not supporting at all.
Instead, we need to listen. From the beginning, Caiti's story was a plea for an apology from George, and all she needed was George's apology (which she received). She did not need people calling him an abuser, she did not need her friends to utilize her pain to attack George's friend Dream, and she did not need people to pry into both her and George's life for answers.
All of this could, and should, have happened off-screen where the two parties could reconcile and heal.
To Caiti: I wish this had not happened to you. I am sorry you are in pain, and I am sorry your friends used your pain for their gain. I hope you find peace from George's apology, and if you do not, I hope you find peace in life.
To George: I wish this did not happen in the public light. Your mistake did not need to be publicized and scrutinized and instead should have been between you and Caiti. I hope you will help Caiti find peace, and if she does not want it, I hope you grow as a person and do not make this mistake again.
As of right now, this blog will remain positive about the Dream Team. I probably will not be supporting George enthusiastically right now (since I want to be certain this isn't a repetitive behavior and just one incident). However, I will be happy to talk about any fandom content regarding him and the other members.
It has been a rough few days, and I am grateful for the lovely positivity we created between my anons and followers. I give you all many squishes of happiness. Thank you for being kind.
Now, let us all move on to a better and brighter future in this fandom. We have a lot of content coming up, and I'm very excited. Feel free to send any asks regarding the situation; I would love to read your opinions.
TL;DR This conversation should have happened off-camera. Caiti's story should not have been used for clout, and George should not have been attacked for clout. Both need to heal off-camera, and we should support that.
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piracytheorist · 1 year ago
The Briar Siblings' Lies
It's very interesting that in the family of lies and secrets, the lies of the Briar siblings are included, and I'm pretty sure that will play a role whenever they find out about each other.
I expect Yor to be heartbroken and angry at Loid when she'll find out his lies, but I'd also expect her to be heartbroken and disappointed when she finds out how much Yuri lied to her.
Yor might have kept her own very dangerous secrets, but there are huge differences in their circumstances.
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Yor took up her assassin gig when she was just a teenager, orphaned and with a little brother to take care of. Amidst the cold war brewing, there would be various criminal organizations looking for people to drag in, and a poor, desperate, kind, and almost supernaturally strong teenage girl was the perfect recruit for Garden.
Whether this is Garden's initiative or not, Yor has a strong determination to kill her targets as quickly and as painlessly as possible, along with avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. She has studied human anatomy specifically for this very reason, to be able to kill her victims with mercy. She's realistic about the situations she's in, but if talking things through is even a tiny bit possible, she'll give it a try.
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Though her morals are slightly skewed for the average civilian - it's understandable to kill someone in self defense, but her main targets are situations where she plays judge, jury and executioner - she's still retained a lot of her humanity that allows her to be a kind person and a caring sister, mother and wife.
And then you have Yuri.
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Yuri fell victim to a more sinister kind of indoctrination - extremism and bigotry. Having grown up in poverty caused by the war and the deaths of his parents, and having an overwhelming wish to protect his sister, he was the perfect target for Ostania's nationalistic propaganda.
But the tragic background leading up to this choice and the want to protect his family is where his similarities with Yor's case end.
Yuri wasn't left with no other choices. Yor was already supporting him financially when he started working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that was a job that he could stay at and be independent. He was older than Yor was when she became an assassin. I can assume that some underhanded methods were used to lead him into the duties of the SSS, but even so Yuri had more control of the situation, more choices to choose from, and more information at hand. It's directly opposite to Yor's circumstances.
Yuri tortures people. The SSS specifically want him, despite his young age and lack of experience, exactly because he won't hold anything back, even when it makes him feel conflicted.
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The SSS may be taking advantage of the ease with which he tortures people, but it's still something Yuri willingly participates in - and again, considering the fame of the SSS among civilians, it's almost certain Yuri knew what he was getting into. He's giving up his own humanity, going down a path of "us vs. them" and while Yor plays judge on who gets to live, Yuri plays judge on who gets to be treated like a human being.
While two similarly dangerous and demanding professions, and (at least according to what Franky says) following the same government's orders, it's two highly different cases. I think Yuri will be mostly horrified to learn what Yor went through for his sake, but Yor will be very understandably heartbroken. Yuri could understand that Yor had no other choice, but Yor will know that Yuri had all the best choices right in front of him, and yet he chose this.
And it's why I believe this is the revelation that will hurt Yor more. She could explain Twilight's lies by the fact that they didn't know each other before, she could explain Anya's secrets by her young age and innocence, but there will be very little for Yuri to stand on - and the thing is, Yuri knows that. He knows that what he's chosen to become isn't what Yor raised him to be.
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Currently he may be seeing himself as a martyr for his cause, that he needed to potentially break his sister's heart in order to protect her and "the country she lives in". He'd rather have her feeling heartbroken and betrayed by him than with her life and safety in danger. He'd rather her hate him than get hurt.
How will it hit him when he realizes she's already been doing the same for him, and has already been endangering her life for over a decade for not only his sake, but for the world in general too? When he realizes all the work he's been doing to protect her was in vain because she has been walking into danger herself all along?
It's a really interesting dynamic, because the revelation could either break them or make them. They both have a very heartwarming background together, they both love each other deeply, but it's a trial they'll both have to go through at some point.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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buddiebeginz · 4 months ago
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Reminder that this is how bummys talk about Oliver and worse. Let's not forget some of them also made a 4hr podcast months ago saying awful stuff about him, all because he was posting about hanging out with Ryan and not Lou. They've also been repeatedly calling him biphobic/homophobic because he said Buck should get to explore his sexuality more and have sex.
Some of these people used to be Buddie shippers but the truth is they never really cared about Oliver or Buck. They have the nerve to call us fetishists when a lot of us have been shipping two best friends for years who we just want to see take their relationship to the next level. The main draw for them with b/t is wanting to see two guys they think are hot together because it certainly wasn't about Buck and his happiness. They weren't ever looking at his scenes with Tommy thinking is this really the best relationship for Buck? They've always been more concerned with Tommy and wanting him to be a permanent fixture on the show. Almost immediately after 704 some of them were calling him Buck's endgame. Even though we were shown time and time again how much Tommy was never the right person for Buck.
Now that their ship is over they've inevitably turned on Oliver and are blaming him for it even though at the end of the day the person who made that decision was Tim.
Also and this is something I really really wish bummy stans would get through their heads, actors are allowed to have personal opinions about the media they act in. Oliver has said he's a fan of 911 so I'm sure he watches the show. It's clear from many things he's said that he genuinely cares about Buck every bit as much as we do. So acting like he's not allowed to have preferences for the show and for Buck just makes no sense. He's connected to Buck in a way none of us are so if anyone should get to have thoughts on Buck's story it should be him. He's allowed to like or dislike a ship or a storyline. I know it sucks if an actor that's part of a ship you like doesn't support that ship but it does happen.
Oliver has supported Buddie for years and been very transparent that he wants to see it happen. He was never going to become the captain of the b/t ship. He's never really been super supportive of any of Buck's other ships nor does he have to be. Oliver has always been respectful towards his co-stars and fans and always given respectful answers about Buck's past ships in interviews and that's all he's really required to do.
It's honestly baffling how bummy stans continue to play the victim and continue to try and come up with all these reasons for why they think Oliver is a bad person for not supporting their ship and Lou. The reality is b/t was never meant to last. Oliver knew this and didn't want to lead anyone on. It's also very likely that Lou didn't get along with the cast especially given how they went out of their way to say goodbye to Callum and there was nothing for Lou. Not to mention Oliver very deliberately leaving Lou out of his photography spoke volumes.
I also think Oliver saw at least some of the drama online this year both from b/t stans and from Lou and it made him less likely to engage with that part of fandom. Bummy fans spent a not insignificant amount of time this year saying terrible sometimes racist things about Ryan and Eddie (like telling Ryan he should have finished the job when he talked about his s*icide attempt). Ryan is clearly someone that Oliver cares a lot about so if he saw any of this I'm sure it didn't endear him to those fans. On top of that they continually pushed for a guest character, who was never meant to be anything more than a plot device in Buck's story to be a main character and have his own Begins episode.
I'm just really sad and angry that this is the kind of stuff Oliver is having to deal with. Buck's bisexual journey should be this amazing positive thing and bummy stans have repeatedly tried to warp it to be their way or no way. I just really hope that Oliver knows there are so so many of us who love him and appreciate all the work he's done.
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emmyrosee · 2 years ago
are u down 4 sum lil angst?? well, i'm just curious how would it be being the famous star volleyball player, Sakusa Kiyoomi's TOTGA?
ok so fun emmy history, back when I was a wee child and before the miya twins were even a thing, i wrote a self insert that I’m still weirdly proud of today so congratulations, you scratched that memory HHEISBSOSN-
Hey! Future Emmy here. so... major tw; kiyoomi is very mean, extremely toxic, and i for sure went overboard, but there's a lot of blaming and yelling and just. ugh. this piece hurt my own heart smh.
But listen. You slipped into Sakusa Kiyoomi’s life surprisingly. He wasn’t expecting you or even just to date at all, you were just at the right places in the right times where he finally felt at ease in your presence. You just understood who he was beyond surface level, and he’d never had that in someone before.
You loved him before he was cool, before he was anyone other than a top ace in Japan. You were the first to tell him it was okay to mess up, do something other than eat drink and sleep volleyball, even if he wants it to take up most of his time.
Time, he no longer has, when he gets injured.
It wasn't like it was an inopportune time- though, as a college athlete, there really is no good time to get injured- if anything, it was spontaneous and had he not had dreams of making it big, he'd never think twice of it.
But he gets injured. Junior year of college, just as his name starts to grow in the industry, and he gets injured. Bad ankle, it’s actually a former injury from his childhood that apparently didn’t heal right.
There’s articles that spread about Bokuto Koutarou, how he’s climbing the ranks and how Miya Atsumu, the same little rat who bothered him in high school received an offer from god knows what team, and he’s fuming.
That should be him and his setter getting those offers and climbing that ladder, it’s been him and him alone for years, and he knows it's bitter to hate people for their successes, but its not fucking fair, he deserves more than this.
He deserves more than doctors trying to encourage surgery to heal at the sacrifice of volleyball, he deserves more than flowers and cards of best wishes, more than Miya Atsumu texting him to see if he's okay, he deserves more than any being on earth could give him.
And that includes you.
"Baby, did you finally call the surgeon?" You ask, coming in with a water bottle and a cup of his meds.
Apparently, that's more than enough to set him off.
"I don't need surgery."
He hears you sigh, "the doctor says the tear is too big just for physical therapy, you'll need the extra support-"
"In case you forgot, I was fucking there."
His breath becomes hot, and he can't peel his eyes from the commercials playing on the tv. The room suddenly feels suffocating, and of he could will himself to do it, he'd apologize and tell you he loves you, he's just tense and hurt, and he's grateful you're here, and-
"I'm the one who's life is going down the tubes. Fun fact."
The other thoughts in his mind are static. merely an incoherent buzz. You're his victim now, to his ugliest sides that therapy and his family prodded back years ago.
There's no one to prod it back now.
"I... I didn't mean any harm, I promise-"
"You really shouldn't talk to me right now," he snarls, rage bubbling and clawing away at his soul. There's a bubbling of tears that rip at his waterline in a demand to fall, but he's blinded to anything else.
He hates his life. He hates his ankle. He hates his doctors for telling him it may not heal right ever.
He hates you.
"Kiyoomi, please-"
He bears his teeth like a dog in an attack, and you flinch back slightly. "If you hadn't fucking distracted me, this never would've happened." He hears you whine in your throat.
he ignores it.
"I was fine," he barks. "I was happy before you. I was strong, I was powerful, I was a damned force to be reckoned with." He crawls closer to you on the couch, and when you cower to try and get away, he chases your body with his torso.
When you stand up, he does too. His leg lights every single nerve up in a blaze of agony, but he's too gone in his own rage to think about it.
"I... I know you're mad, but please, sit down Kiyoomi-"
You're right.
"Shut the hell up!"
Even on one foot, he towers over you threateningly. You bring your hands up to try and force distance between you both; your touch does ground him slightly, but not enough to stop his scorn.
You sniffle softly, clearly uncomfortable, "you're just mad... and that's okay. Please stop shouting at me, we can make this work, kiyoomi."
Now, his eyes are scalding with furious tears.
"I want this to work, oomi... please, stop shouting-"
“It doesn’t matter if you want it to work,” he snaps. “I’ve got a plan to stick to that’s already been screwed because of us, AND IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT!"
When you sob and crumple to your feet, there’s a small part of kiyoomi that comes to, the words suddenly sour on his tongue. He feels… confused, he doesn’t know where it came from inside of him, but the way your eyes water from his words snaps him back to reality.
“I’m… im ruining your plan?” You choke, and god kiyoomi wants the floor to engulf him whole. Because duh, of course now you’re not he’s just the scum of the earth, you’re all he can think of wanting in this shitty life, but he can’t say that, not when your hands cover your mouth in distress and horror, tears slipping over your fingers. He feels the blood leave his face when you take a step back, followed by another, then one as you turn on your heel to leave.
“No, Kiyoomi,” you snap, and its his turn to feel your rage, your head whipping to look at him in betrayal. “No. I’m officially done waiting for you.”
And despite the fact that he wants to chase you, wants to gather you in his arms and pin you to the wall and demand you listen to him, listen to why his plan has changed and how you’ve completely ruined all of it in the best ways, he can’t. His leg throbs at the mere idea.
He just. Stands there, frozen for god knows how long, staring at the long slammed door, wondering if you’d come back for something you’d forgot in your exit. Something dumb, like a charger or a water bottle, something easily replaceable but you wanted from him just as a last chance makeup.
But you don’t. And once his good leg starts to cramp from standing there, he slowly moves his way to his bedroom.
And he’s fine. Honest!
Sitting by himself in the cold of night gives him more time to think about the future. The one without you, of course. Limping around the dorm on crutches makes his arms ache and knees weak, and the backpack on his shoulders making him fall forwards is plenty to make his elbows strengthen up (they’re withering away) and his breathing circulate (he’s breathing back tears of pain and frustration.)
He can’t… he can’t do this without you.
Call him selfish, but his life was not only easier with you around, it was better, it was fun to love you and have you scream his name from the stands, but now that seat is occupied by someone else when it should be yours and yours alone.
He’s tried to get over it. He’s tried to get everything in line, get you the hell out of his mind but he can’t.
You’re different. He hates you for it. There’s something about you that refused to leave his mind and soul. Every time someone is interested in him, he feels disgusted because every crush is based on appearances now; it never was with you. Every time someone laughs, his first thought is how much he misses yours. When one of those stupid fast food commercials comes on in the late hours of night, he smiles sadly as he remembers the way your eyes would meet his and you’d beg him for some fries at ungodly hours.
He has to move on. It’s been fucking years. Why hasn’t he moved on?
Any sane person by now would have moved on, passed through his heartbreak and try to find another, but he’s so emotionally unavailable at this point. Every thought and every reminder that plagues him continues to hit like a ton of bricks every time.
Maybe it's guilt.
No, its definitely guilt.
He loved you, more than you could imagine, he appreciated you more than he can express, and to show you how much you mean to him, he blamed you for his failures.
No wonder he deserves to be alone.
And just when his exhaustion can't grow, his self destruction and crumbling self worth can't get lower, he gets thrown in another circle of hell that he seems to find himself in; this time, in a coffee shop he frequents. Not too many familiar faces, just a couple blocks from the train, and up until that point, only having known him as an alias.
Until today, when the Gods decide to torture him a bit more.
“Sakusa,” he says, not even thinking as he scrolls on his phone. There’s a high pitched gasp from the girl, and it makes his eye twitch.
“NO WAY!!! Oh my gosh, you’re THE sakusa kiyoomi?! Oh my gosh, wait, hold on- can I get a picture? No, wait, you’re not into those- can I get an autograph? I knew you looked familiar, my sister and I watch you play all the time! I’m such a fan!-“
“Uh… thanks. Can I have my tea-“
The girl doesn’t answer, instead, she calls for her co-worker who barrels out in equal excitement.
On any normal day, kiyoomi would snap. He’d scold and snarl about how rude they were, how he’s still a fucking person who just so happens to be good at volleyball, but he’s like a deer in headlights. He’s too surprised at his own stupidity of not using his usual alias, how damn tired is he?
There’s a weight that feels like a ton of bricks that settles on his chest once he hears the line behind him complaining about how long it’s taking, then people behind the register flashing pictures that have him blinded and asking him questions he doesn’t want to answer, he just wants his tea for God’s sake and-
“HEY!” There’s a snap from someone at a table, and it breaks up the small, impromptu paparazzi at the front. “People are trying to work here, and not get a damn seizure from your damn pictures!” He feels all that anxiety break on his shoulders once they cower away. “And shame on you all!” They continue, the line slowly parting to let them continue shouting. “He may be famous but he’s still a damn person! Make the fucking drink and GO!”
Kiyoomi doesn’t want to look. Even if he’s eternally grateful for them, he knows that scold and he knows that bravery to call out random people for their shiftiness.
Because it’s the same thing you used to do all those years ago.
He winced and pulls the mask higher on his nose to keep himself concealed- as if he’s not a 190.5 cm monster. But you don’t say anything about anything that just happened, you must be deep in your work to not process just exactly who you were defending.
He gets his tea with a quick apology from the baristas, and he heads to the door to leave.
He’s gone. He’s on the bus, headphones in and heading to practice, audiobook putting him in a new world where his only current connection is the hot tea in his hands.
There’s always been a table on the bus, a table he rudely stalks up to, where you’re sitting and typing away furiously at your laptop and massaging one of your temples, too engrossed in your work to notice the outside hitter standing just in front of you.
“Uh…” he chews his lip nervously. You don’t look up.
This is the chance Komori’s been talking about. If he doesn’t take it, he’s going to hate himself forever.
“Thank you for standing up for me back there.”
“You’re welcome.”
He sighs staggered, “can I… uhm… repay the favor?”
To his extreme relief, you offer him a small chuckle, “maybe you can recommend a coffee shop where random cele…” your voice drifts off when you look up at him, jaw frozen open and eyes wide and dancing all over his face. You’re both just staring at each other, breathing ragged and tense, and his brows furrowing to try and hide the guilt and absolute need he has for you to continue the conversation.
You clear your throat, “your uhm… your foot healed uh… well.”
He wants to, but can’t, fight the snort that sneaks past his lips because that’s about the last thing he thought you’d say. But he sees you crack a smile too, and it’s worth it.
“Yeah,” he says after he clears his throat. “Yeah, I’m playing professionally now. Minor aches here and there, but nothing unusual.”
“So you got to stick with your plan,” you hum sadly, and his heart stops. “That’s wonderful, Sakusa. Im glad to hear it-“
“But my plan never felt complete,” he interrupts, and he sees your nostrils flare in annoyance. “I-I-I thought I knew what I wanted, but god, I didn’t. I don’t, I’ve always only wanted you.”
You offer him a shrug, “Kiyoomi, I was an intruder in your life; I can’t blame you for that, I shouldn’t have been there-“
“I wanted you there.”
“Clearly you didn’t,” you snip, and finally, he sighs in defeat. “You made it just fine without me in your plan.”
Fuck it.
If he’s here, he’s gonna lay all his cards, give you every last thought of his and leave you one more time to pick up your shattered pieces.
“I miss you.”
You freeze, but there’s a glazing of your waterline before you slowly, tensely, turn up to look at him.
“Don’t,” you snap. “Don’t do this, Sakusa.”
“I can’t help it,” he says, own voice twinging raw. "I hate it too. I hate that I've had to carry this weight with me for all these years, years I should've been with you, kept you safe and happy, and I couldn't even do that."
"You shattered what we had. Don't ever forget that."
"I never have been able to."
There's another silence surrounding you both, suffocating and hot and thick, and he gets flashbacks of a scenario not too dissimilar, where you're looking up at him with those same, betrayed eyes.
But your gaze doesn't last. It crumbles before you let out the breath you'd been holding, a sign that you're not going to waste your energy on him anymore, "you're too late, Kiyoomi. You don't get to miss me anymore."
When your hands shift to close your laptop, he sees it. The massive, heavy rock on your finger, glimmering under the soft lights of the coffee shop.
Kiyoomi feels sick. He could faint right now if his pride would let him. Instead, he swallows the bile in his throat and grits his teeth, giving you a smile and a casual scratch of the back of his head, "that's... that's awesome! I'm happy for you."
"Don't be," you smile sadly.
You shurg, "you don’t have to be happy for me. I’m happy for me. He's a friend of Bokuto-San's. Set us up not long after we broke up." Then, you sigh shakily, "I'm just here for work, I won't taint your coffee shops for much longer." It was an attempt to break up the heavy silence.
He could puke right now if he didn't feel completely defeated. He could strangle Bokuto in devastation.
In his younger, naïve efforts to drive you away, he drove you straight to someone else's arms.
He nods and chokes out a small "alright," before spinning on his heel away from you
He makes move to leave the coffee shop, but before he does, but before he can, he turns back to face you, trying to get one final look at you, soaking in your presence and soul before you vanish from his life forever. He calls your name, and you look at him one more time with that big, beautiful gaze.
"Do you believe in the one that got away?" he asks, and you process his answer before slipping your computer in your bag.
"Yeah. And I believe I'm yours- but you were too worried about losing volleyball. Now, I guess we all got what we wanted."
His veins turn icy as he tries to blink back the hot tears searing his waterline, turning his head to dodge your knowing eyes.
Everyone got what they wanted.
Except for his broken heart, of course.
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putschki1969 · 2 months ago
Hello, I’m really glad to read your article and see that you’re speaking up for Kalafina. It wasn't until they disbanded that I realized I actually prefer Kalafina over YUKI.
I was really sad when YUKI kicked KEIKO out of FJS. If it was due to a scheduling conflict with Kalafina, then I can understand. However, when YUKI unfollowed HIKARU and KEIKO on Twitter, it clearly seemed like a personal decision, and I could feel she was angry.
There’s currently a trend online where YUKI is always seen as being right. No matter what she does, it’s considered correct, and anyone who dares to disagree is attacked by her fans. It's almost as if YUKI is treated like a goddess. Her fans tend to blame everything on SC and Kalafina, as if YUKI is the victim in all of this. I don’t think that’s right. Clearly, it’s the three members of Kalafina who have been the most hurt.
Although I don’t know what exactly happened between them, looking back, when WAKANA stayed with SC, she was criticized by fans for many years. HIKARU followed YUKI out of SC and has been largely neglected all these years. I can’t help but wonder, was WAKANA really in the wrong? Maybe SC wasn’t as bad as fans made it seem. WAKANA seems to have been living well these years.
The revival of Kalafina was not only the wish of the three members but also the wish of the fans. KEIKO and HIKARU have asked YUKI multiple times to bring Kalafina back, but it never happened. It’s been seven years, and they’ve waited long enough. Now, there’s a company that can make this wish come true, which also fulfills the fans’ wish, and everyone should be happy about it. Yet, YUKI is upset. Fans are even blaming SC, which I don’t understand. Does YUKI see them as her instruments, and if they don’t obey, she just discards them?
But they aren’t instruments—they are people, and they have the right to make their own choices. YUKI’s fans seem to think YUKI is all-powerful, and that it wouldn’t matter if she replaced all the vocalists; she would still make a lot of money. But I believe the three of them are irreplaceable, and FJS is no longer the same as it once was.
The worst outcome would be if Kalafina can’t reunite, but no matter what, I hope they live good lives. I will always support them, and I believe they will do just fine, even if they leave YUKI.
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Honestly couldn't have said it better, I 100% agree with everything in your message.
For me, the members of Kalafina have always come first and I've never made a secret out of that. While I do respect Yuki Kajiura for her craft and contributions to the group, I certainly don't see her as some sort of sacred being completely exempt from any form of criticism.
We are seeing a very typical case of celebrity worship here. Someone as talented and accomplished as Yuki Kajiura is naturally idolised by her fans. There's nothing wrong with looking up to a person and admiring them but once you put them on a pedestal and are convinced that they can do no wrong, it becomes an issue. And before anyone is trying to accuse me that I am doing the same with Kalafina, I am actually not. Do I love them? Of course! Do I feel protective of them? Sure! Do I try my best to see the good in everything they do? Yup! But I will never pretend that they have no bad qualities or that they are incapable of making mistakes.
I honestly don't understand how anyone who has been around for all the drama during the past seven years, can still believe that Yuki Kajiura and her team are completely innocent and are not at fault for anything that has happened. People need to become aware that a feud like this doesn't continue for such a long time if only one involved party is petty and difficult. It is so plain to see that Yuki has always been part of the problem and the current situation with Keiko makes it even more obvious. The higher-ups at Space Craft aren't victims here and neither are Yuki or her Mori guy. They can continue their childish fighting until the day they die for all I care but I wish they'd stop using the Kalafina members as cannon fodder to get one over on the other.
Everyone is always so quick to come to Yuki's defense as if she weren't the most powerful person among everyone involved. She doesn't need anyone's help, she's more successful than ever, she gets to do whatever she wants, she is well-respected in the industry and continues to be hired for prolific jobs, as far as she is concerned, her separation from Space Craft was probably the best thing that could have happened to her. At no point was her reputation ever at risk of being tarnished, it was always Space Craft (and the girls) who got the short end of the stick. So why is she still being framed as the victim (by herself and her fanbase)? I don't know.
In my opinion, those who see the Kalafina members as nothing more than replaceable instruments automatically disqualify themselves as Kalafina fans. You can call yourself a Yuki Kajiura fan all you want but don't even pretend to know anything about Kalafina. My only hope is that those people stay far away from my little fandom corner because I will not stand for this sort of attitude.
We don't know if Kalafina will reunite after this, I'd certainly hope so. Right now, I hope they can focus on their solo activities and do something that makes them happy. As long as we support them, things will be fine.
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sanzy4 · 4 months ago
Arcane spoilers ahead-
The way I see hate for Vi and Jinx for being the cause of each others misfortunes is absolutely crazy. They were both victims and products of a corrupt society. One was just raised to be a hero and the other was raised to be a weapon.
I had an argument with someone the other day who said and I quote , “the sole reason powder became jinx was powders fault alone. She was always a psychotic and mentally ill person. She should’ve just listened to her sister and cuz of her every one is dead. Tbh she deserved what she got” . It annoys me first off cuz Powder was never psychotic for wanting to help out. Yes we all hope she could’ve stayed home like her sister said cuz that could’ve prevented a lot but powder never knew the severity of the hexcore just like how Jayce and Viktor didn’t either and she didn’t know what was at play at Silcos little hideout near the bridge. Vi is 15 years old and Powder is 11. Both have been raised in very terrible circumstances that they keep getting exposed to no matter how much Vander tried to prevent it. Their parents were killed by enforcers and they had to witness violence from the very start. It does terrible things to your mental health. Silco ended up using all her trauma as a fuel to make her a weapon for his cause rather than giving her the help she needed. Without any form of therapy or a support system her situation got even more worse. With the “oh Powder should’ve stayed home” argument you can easily also say “oh well vi should’ve listened to Vander instead of turning herself over to the enforcers because that ultimately killed Benzo and left Vander defenseless which is what got him captured in the first place”. But it doesn’t work that way. Vi is a very brave minded individual who doesn’t really like being told what to do. She will do what she believes is right for the right cause even if it means sacrificing herself in the process. Powder has always looked up to her sister. In the process she did a very similar thing fueled by the desire to finally prove to her friends and family that she wasn’t a jinx like many had teased her. That decision of hers ultimately ended up negatively impacting the ppl around her but to say she was psychotic at that point of her life is wild.
It’s the same for the people who say Vi was a terrible sister. I think Vi is an amazing older sister who really did the best she could in the circumstances she was provided. She even spent 7 years in the prison thinking about her sister every day hoping she was ok, doing everything she could she save her. And in the case of the alternative universe, it wasn’t perfect because Vi was dead but it was perfect because hextech was never invented and Silco read that damn letter.
I think a lot of the sisters relationship was based off misunderstanding and their insecurities and mental health overpowering their will to make amends. Not to mention Silco has isolated and manipulated Jinx but saying all she had and ever will have was him. He hid everything he could about Vi and everything else and fed lies about how she was being replaced and what not.
Either way neither sisters are to blame they were just raised in very unfortunate situations I would wish no one would have to experience at such a young age.
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months ago
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My artworks during 2024. - My drawings and my most viewed works over the months of the past 2024
Once again, I wish you all the best in 2025 and a Happy New Year 2025 as well as the upcoming Chinese New Year!
Sorry for my delay in posting this last month, because I had a lot of troubles and commitments and simply didn't have time to post my most viewed works by month. I did post about my drawings I did last year and my description of my experiences over the past year. See this: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/771518951479967745/summary-of-my-art-in-2024-i-wish-everyone-a-happy
Although I already have my retrospective from my post here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/771397567733022720/2024-tumblr-top-10
Without going into too much detail, I'll just say thank you very much for the support you gave me last year because I wouldn't have done this without you. Of course, like every year, this year I will publish my drawings that I did last year and which received the most views with the most likes and reblogs. The only thing that will count is the review of my drawings during January 2025.
January 2024 - Happy New Year! - Celebrating New Years in Brazil or some tropical place with Donald Duck, his family and his friends - The Three Caballeros - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse (my version) - 52 notes (likes, reblogs and comments)
Also Duck Dodgers and Duck Avenger - Green Dodgers and Green Avenger - Ducks crossover - Meme - My version - 43 notes
February 2024 - John D. Rockerduck and Jeeves (Lusky) with Rockerduck’s family plus Donald and Scrooge - Duckverse - Gift for my friends - 39 notes
Also Donald and Daffy Duck with their wives and children in China - Happy New Chinese Year - Year of the Dragon - Crossover Duckverse and Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons - 38 notes
March 2024 - Donald Duck and his family mourn the dead in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and bombing - Donald Duck and his family in Moscow (Russia) and Belgrade (Serbia) - Duck comics - Duckverse - 46 notes
April 2024 - Foghoron Leghorn with Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner - Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat - Looney Tunes - Cartoons - 46 notes
May 2024 - The Three Caballeros Together Again - My Redraw - The Three Caballeros and Saludos Amigos Movies - Duckverse - 45 notes
June 2024 - Birthday party for Donald, Daisy and Della Duck! - Happy Birthday Donald, Daisy and Della Duck - Ducktales 2017 - Duckverse June - Week 1 - My Version - Gift for my friends - 70 notes
July 2024 - Happy 90th Birthday Donald Duck! - Donald Duck and his family and friends - Tribute to Don Rosa (Happy belated birthday to Don Rosa) - The Duck Who Never Was - My redraw - Duck comics - Duckverse - 58 notes
August 2024 - Quack Pack Summer - Huey, Dewey and Louie vacationing with their sisters, cousins, brothers and friends and girlfriends in Hawaii - Quack Pack AU - Summer - Duckverse - Quack Pack - My version - Gift for my friend - 42 notes
September 2024 - I have 6 sides - Cartoon and Comic Edition - Meme - Crossover - Donald Duck and The Three Caballeros, Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Woody Woodpecker, Sponge Bob Squarepants, Tom and Jerry and Garfield - My version - 43 notes
October 2024 - José Carioca (also known as Zé Carioca) celebrates his birthday and the holiday of his country (Brazil) with his family and friends - Ze Carioca Comics - The Three Caballeros Month - Feriado - Día Festivo - Holiday - Família - Familia - Family - Duckverse AU - My version - 27 notes
November 2024 - Quack Pack Kids (Preteens and Teenagers) and Young Adults (Boys and Girls) - My sketches -Game, Well-To-Do-Duck, Wild, Friend(s), Cultured, Emotional, Obscure and Nostalgic Duck (s) and FREE SPACE DUCKS (plus geese, parrots, rooster and pigeon) - Duckvember - Quack Pack AU and Duckverse (Donald Duck and Ze Carioca comics, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Quack Pack) - My style - 35 notes
December 2024 - Quack Pack and Goof Troop (A Goofy Movie) together again - Donald Duck meets Goofy - Max Goof comforts Louie - Max Goof with Huey, Dewey and Louie as teenagers - Duckverse and Goofyverse (Dogverse) - My style - 37 notes
And finally my most viewed drawing is:
Darkwing Duck and Duck Avenger (PKNA) with their families as superheroes in action (redraw) - Darkwing Duck, Duck comics and Quack Pack AU - Duckverse - Happy my birthday! - 78 notes
Of course, anyone who is interested can check out my art blog here and thank you all for this.
Once again, happy holidays to everyone and a happy new year 2025!
If you have any impression of what you liked the most and what you didn’t like about these drawings, feel free to say so.
Feel free to like and reblog this! And keep following me! :D
Just don't copy my ideas and my designs of these characters without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you!
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bunybunn · 2 months ago
it's so blatantly obvious how hypocritical dream is being with the situation that's been unfolding the past few days because like??? "i hate when people make false allegations of me without evidence" and then accuses tommy of child labour without evidence? tells sarah simons that he doesn't want her to be attacked but does nothing to stop his fans?? i've noticed you're very articulate and perceptive regarding this so i wanted to ask. HOW and WHY do dream stans keep supporting him like i truly cannot fathom how 😭😭😭😭 best wishes from someone who enjoys your posts a lot
Why and how is pretty easy, they don't want to listen to anything that would mean that they are not in the right by supporting Dream and they also have Dream providing them excuses. Viewers tend to mirror their favourite content creators after all.
Although to be fair it's something you actually see with fans of any person that turned out to be an asshole or just literally a criminal. The idea is to grab whatever excuse they can to justify why they refuse to stop their support. Think about that one Wilbur's fan saying that the biting was consensual therefore it doesn't count. If you know the situation and use your logic you should realize how insane that was to say by that person.
Dream stans are especially fascinating since Dream is feeding in to the idea of parasocial relationship with his fans. He made a phone number his fans could text and Snapchat account that allowed them to communicate with him and feel like they were closer than they were. Then you have they way Dream was responding to both fans and people who criticized him on Twitter. This makes it easy to trust him and be devoted to him.
The second important thing is that Dream makes himself sound logical so if you don't have any other context and he and/or his friend group is all someone is watching it's easy to take his words. Additionally he often makes himself a victim by saying that everyone else are either lying or attacking him. The us vs them mentally can make a perfect excuse to ignore any arguments that don't fit the narrative they know.
Of course not all Dream stans are the same, I feel like with the reputation that his fans have it became welcoming to group of people who don't need convincing, for example during dsmp it was a perfect place for abuse apologist. In case of people like that they simply resonate with his arguments and don't see how he could be wrong.
I believe that it is likely that Dream enjoys having fans like that as it means he don't really have to take responsibility and still be see as the good guy in those people eyes at least.
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coffeetank · 1 year ago
Every time you write a book, you're creating a journey for your reader. Your main characters are the medium through which this journey is carried out. Your readers see the events in the book through your characters' eyes. Thus, it's very important to have characters that feel human, even though they might not be (if you're talking fantasy).
Now, of course, if your writing fantasy and your character is a dragon or some mythical fox, they won't act the way a human would. But that's the best part about making characters, you can give them layers. No matter the circumstance, every character will have a way of responding or reacting to it. That's where your characterisation comes in.
Here are a few things I do to make my characters, well characters:
Your characters, regardless the genre, are the immediate connection to your readers. Fantasy or not, they'll be carrying the story. So they need to have a set of values that they follow. When you're affixing a moral code to your characters, first take an example setting. Suppose, you've created a character named A. Let's say A is a man and a detective by profession. Now let the main event of your story be a case of murder. Obviously, there's going to be an investigation. Let your detective (A) find out that the victim, who is a woman, was a sex worker. After the victim's body comes back from a forensic search, let there be signs of sexual assault. Now conventionally, as a detective, A is supposed to jump into action and go above and beyond to find the culprit and bring justice. But here is where you can add a characteristic that isn't conventional. Even though A is a detective, make him look down on sex workers. That would mean that A believes that the victim probably 'asked' for whatever happened to her. Your character needs to have a moral code so that they can ignite some sort of feelings in your readers. This moral code further also revs the whole process of character development. In a nutshell, a moral code is a set of beliefs that your character has which can either be agreeable, or questionable, or both. We call them the white zone (virtuous/agreeable), the black zone (evil/questionable) and the infamous morally grey zone (both).
This is by far the most interesting advice I have ever received. Opposing qualities are actually simple – it's one quality (that's good) and it's inverse (which is a flaw). What you do here is, you give your characters a good/admirable quality and then you give them flaws based on those specific good traits. Some of these that I have used are:-
helpful :: people-pleaser (you character helps others but at the same time seeks validation from others, thus only helps people who validate them)
confident :: cocky (you're character is confident, but they often come off as cocky in situations requiring humility)
perfectionist :: obsessive (are they a perfectionist or are they just obsessed with having things go their way only?)
supportive :: nosey (sure, they support all their friends, but they also tend to poke their nose into everything which makes them ignore or overlook people's boundaries)
straightforward :: rude (they are straightforward and don't shy away from speaking their mind which is good; however, they end up saying things which could be harsh or hurtful)
reserved :: unfriendly (character can be introverted and reserved too, but sometimes they get away with being outright hostile all in the name of their introvertism)
protective :: possessive/controlling (this is easy to confuse as both parties involve an exceptional amount of care for their loved ones, but ask yourself - are protective and possessive really the same?)
practical :: ignorant (one of my favourites; is your character just level-headed about stuff? or are they just heedless to others' emotions?)
There's so much more you can do with this one! Use as many traits and their inverses as you wish! This tip really helps a lot (speaking with experience)!
Probably the most important part of making a character. Everyone has a backstory. You. Me. Most importantly, your character. Backstories as just significant events that alter the mindset of your character. It can range from something minimal to something grave. It could be a cup of coffee or it could be a traumatic experience. The experience could be personal or they could have been an observer; anything works as long as it affects them and hits their weak spot.
The following questions are important to frame a backstory:
• how does your character think?
• what is their moral code? are they in the black zone, the white zone, or the grey zone?
• what are their emotional fears? how do they deal with them?
• what is their level of emotional maturity? do they have any form of issues (trust, attachment, etc)?
• how was their childhood? how were the parents? how were the sibling, the relatives or family friends?
• was their school/college life good? did they have any life-altering experiences?
• what kind of friend circle do they have?
Answering these questions will help you get to know your character even better. Thus, making it easier for you to create your character for your readers.
Your character has a family, or doesn't. Maybe they're an orphan, or grew up in a foster home. Evaluate what type of effect that may have on your character. Was the foster family abusive thus making your character too shy and timid? Or was life as an orphan so difficult that they learnt to be hyper-independent?
Include their friend circle in this. What type of friends do they have? Are they friends with the good kids? Or the bad kids? Or is it a mixed group? If it's a mixed group, then further focus on how the differences in opinions has an influence on your character. Use your character's emotional surrounding to build their functioning.
If you've come this far, thank you! Do let me know if these tips seem helpful/have helped you!
- Ashlee.
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quantifiableconnections · 11 months ago
I just finished watching Skam (Norway) today and let’s just say I’m not kidding when I say this is one of the BEST shows I’ve ever watched. I did take a lot of time to watch all the seasons (spanning over one year) but I enjoyed each and every moment of it. Well, some a little less than others. Hence, I have some thoughts and please forgive my yapping.
Okay so Season 1. I actually liked it quite a lot. The acting was good, and it gave a nice start to the whole story.
The getting together of the girls was the highlight obviously, but I really liked the portrayal of Eva in this, as a kind of lost teenager who doesn’t have a lot of direction in her life and is mostly dependent on her boyfriend.
I did think the Isak plot line in this was a little badly done, but I guess it was necessary for the big reveal in the end.
I think the fact that Eva was able to resolve things with Ingrid was very unrealistic, considering they had literally been besties and she basically stole her man. But really idk.
Talking about Jonas, he was majorly gaslighting Eva during the season so I think their relationship was a little immature. Classic right person wrong time.
Penetrator Chris is SO HOT. Especially in that mf smoky eye makeup istg. But he’s a giant asshole and we do not support him.
Season 2. Okay. First let’s start with the showstealer. Eskild my man. I don’t think Eskild is appreciated enough in the whole series but I absolutely love him!! He is so mature, and is such a good friend. I love the dynamic between him and Noora and even him and Linn.
Now let’s address the elephant in the room because why not? I did not like Noorhelm all that much. William never had much of a character development and we never get to see him expressing a lot of emotions. I forever stand by the opinion that Noora was too good for him. Many people talk about William’s support of Noora’s decision to not have sex, but really, that’s like settling for the bare minimum that can be expected from a decent person.
I think the dickhead of a brother had more personality than William. So in conclusion, season 2 did not really impress me but I’d watch it again for Eskild.
Eva hooking up with Chris?? The guy she cheated on her ex with? Can’t say I like this.
Season 3 is SO well done. There’s no question about it. I love Isak’s slow acceptance of his sexuality. From being a closeted gay guy who made homophobic comments to fit in, to a happy and out gay guy in a relationship.
Absolutely adore the boys. Jonas, Mahdi, Magnus. I especially loved Magnus and his take on the whole situation.
Eskild coming in and stealing the show yet again?!!
Emma and Sonja are VICTIMS. As much as I love Evak, they fucked their girlfriends over pretty bad and I hate them for it. Also, Emma is soooooooooo pretty.
The story of Even. His whole character portrayal. The picturisation of his mental issues. Chef’s kiss.
Minute by minute??? Are you trying to kill me here??? It is SO wholesome and they both have matured so much, especially Isak, dealing with his sexuality plus his boyfriend’s mental issues so delicately.
Their chemistry. Their chemistry. Their chemistry.
Sonja should NOT have apologised.
Overall, this season is tied with the fourth as my favourite.
Season 4. Sana is my favourite character hands down. She is portrayed so well, we see all her insecurities, beliefs so beautifully.
Yousana is my favourite couple. Evak is a close second.
The understanding between them, the intellectual conversations, the level of maturity. Just wondrous.
I did think the whole situation with the russ bus was overdone. I never really understood why Sana was so involved with it in the first place. This could easily have been summed up in one episode leaving time for more Yousana development.
Yousef is such a green flag omg. He’s literally the cutest out of all skam boys( my opinion). I just wish he had more screen time.
Elias and Sana??? Whatever bits and pieces we got to see of their relationship were GOLD.
I. Love. My. Girls. So. Much. I just wish Sana was shown interacting more with all of them, not just Noora. Also Yousef and Noora working together to thaw Sana??
I canNOT stress this enough. Yousef and Sana are the best couple ( besides Evak obviously). The chemistry, the flirting, everything was done so right that it got me blushing furiously through the screen. And they managed to do all this without showing any kind of physical contact. Just lovely. The way they counter each other’s opinions with such delicacy and respect makes me believe that they are definitely going to last.
The situation with Even and Mikael and all the balloon squad boys should have been given more screen time.
The way Sana’s faith and her relationship with her family were handled are commendable. We see the dilemma, the cogs of her brain working, and how she accepts her fate and doesn’t sway from her beliefs. I strongly believe that her and Yousef will handle their differences maturely and still come out to be a strong couple.
I SWEAR SHE AND I ARE SOULMATES?????? Cutest shit I’ve ever seen.
Sana and Isak’s friendship means so much to me. In Season 3, we see her rising above her opinions and respecting homosexuality. Here we see Isak figuring Sana out and helping her see beyond her strong opinions. And wdym Sana??? You are best buds.
Okay. The last episode. I absolutely loved it. It’s one of the best season finales I’ve ever watched. We go into the lives of all the girls and some of the guys too. I literally teared up at the Eskild and Linn part!!( idk why they still address Chris as penetrator Chris when his face is literally on the screen like people we know it’s not our girl?? Idk I find it extremely funny). I wish they had shown more of Vilde and Chris’ friendship in the past and not just the final episode. The Even part was absolutely incredible. His insecurities, his fears, and we see him pacifying Isak and not the other way around. Yousef texting Sana from Turkey?? And saying he’ll take her there?? My heart melted.
I literally don’t think Noorhelm is going to last long even though they have reconciled. Something just seems off. Joneva is back??? Didn’t really like the buildup but I guess they could be a good couple as they are more mature than the last time.
Okay. So that sums it up more or less. My favourite was season 4, closely followed by season 3. My favourite characters were Sana and Eskild, they were just so amazing. I related to Sana fiercely all through the show.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to give your own opinions please!!!!
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dreamsky-sapphi · 3 months ago
Listen to me yap about this song being Mahiru core (i dont like twt word limit)
I'm not sure what the show it was made for is about but I've been a fan of Kohana Lam for a while now and this song was also composed and written by Scop (notably made Irony, Crier, and recently Suresure for Project Sekai)
I'm not good at analyzing so I might just sounds like I'm making super obvious comments but this means so much to me
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The main thing about Mahiru is her low self esteem, and here I also think about how she never managed to place number one in previous competitions (if I remember correctly)
She knows very well that life is unfair and it's not just her being the victim of it, but she still holds on the hope that she might get what she wants eventually
I initially thought of the word "expectation" here as the weight of wanting to make her family proud and the fact that she is the oldest sister, so the one who needs to be a model for her siblings, and thus putting a lot of pressure on her shoulders. But it can also be the expectancy of her wish becoming true, and I'm thinking about her wanting to perform Starlight with Karen as co-stars. She knows that Karen isn't really motivated (before Hikari arrives) and that Maya and Claudine would get the lead roles again, so she might have tried to shake off that thought, but we've seen in the first episode that she still thinks about it and didn't lose hope
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Mahiru often gets blinded by her insecurity and the fact that she believes she isn't as good as others to the point she straight up thinks she doesn't even deserve to be where she is right now
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But in the end she was always lifted back up by someone who reached out to her and helped her remember the reason why she even stands on that stage, her first reason being her grandma and then later Karen
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I was heavily brainrotting here because they explicitely use terms for acting on the stage. Even if Mahiru's worries are easy to see, she still tries her best to hide it and if she feels like she needs to cry she does it where no one can see
I know I'm pretty literal here but you get it
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Mahiru was already comparing herself to others before, but staying with Karen probably toned it down and distracted her enough to not think too much about it
But once Hikari came and Karen started to change, she was left to overthink on her own again, accepting that she is weak and can only compare herself to her friends
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She wouldn't want her friends to worry about her in any way, but Karen spending more time with Hikari when she was used to being her partner probably left her to feel lonely, and my take would be that it could end up to a point she'd wish someone would see that she isn't feeling well
And no matter how hard she could try to not think about it, she just can't
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This chorus is kind of similar to the first one but I like the last line a lot and this is mostly just how I perceive Mahiru about this
Despite feeling hurt about a certain situation, she might believe that she shouldn't feel sad. She has a loving and supportive family, great friends, attending a good school, and people looked up to her. I think that she could believe it's too selfish of her to feel sad about wanting something (be Karen's co star) when she has a lot, despite her low self esteem
Again, this isn't exactly canon but I think this could fit this way
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This, this is just episode 5 to me
This part of the song is the first where it sounds different, and rushed. A part where Mahiru's feelings reach a peak, and also the moment before slowly accepting things and especially herself
This song is so perfect already with the lines "Afraid of the shining light (Hikari), even the flower (Karen) that bloomed so beautifully"
Hikari came in their lives and Mahiru was absolutely horrified by the possibility of losing Karen, and Hikari was shining starting the moment she arrived. But despite that fear, Karen became more radiant. She wasn't lazy anymore and only started blooming and Mahiru can't deny that she was indeed beautiful
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"The passing days won't stop. Even when I reach out, I can't get there. I can't remember with who I am now"
Mahiru's feelings are a mess and these lyrics display that despair so perfectly. She wished she could go back to when she felt like she had something and she can't stop time from passing by
For "Even when I reach out, I can't get there" I think about both how she can't have Karen for herself anymore, but also her goal to be the one at the center stage, since she never had reached top 1 before. But in her context, being center stage would be the equivalent of being with Karen
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And that despair and dependence on Karen truly made her forget about her own shine
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(unrelated she looks so cute)
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Starting here, Mahiru learned to accept herself as she is
She didn't fully change of course, she can't fully get rid of her inferiority complex and she will still have times she will cry, but she knows this is just how she is and she can't do much but still try her best
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"The light shines on the back of my singing life" I like to think this can either be interpreted as having moved on from her past with Hikari, but also as her knowing she has her own brilliance
"I want to be someone who can extend a hand" Now her goal is to become the sun, pretty much an exact way of showing her new goal
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And finally, the last lines only reinforcing her acceptance and that she works hard to be able to reach her goal and become the one who shines the brightest
She isn't afraid to admit she is weak and it isn't a problem as long as she continues to stay kind which includes having to push your friend several meters off the ground
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I like that "The flower that bloomed so beautifully" comes back, because even if she moved on after episode 5, she's still very much in love with Karen and I really like the detail of thinking about her again
And well, the last three lines only add up to how she continues to work hard, both on her low self esteem and to stand brightly on the stage
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I know I might have said too obvious things bc the song is pretty direct and fits Mahiru so perfectly
I really like that it matches so well with the different steps in Mahiru's life in Seisho, from the moment she managed to get in, the moment Hikari came to Seisho, Revue of Jealousy and finally the movie/post movie
I've known this song for a bit and I already associated it with Mahiru before but thinking about it made me brainrot so bad I just wanted to make a whole post about it
I love Mahiru so much and this meant so much to me (i can't deny that some parts might have been self projection)
Don't have much else to say, I love Mahiru
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racinggirl · 1 year ago
Collision of hearts - 01
Lando Norris x OC (Fayenne Jackson)
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word count: 2k warnings: none notes: I hope you like the first chapter, please let me know what you think about the piece at the end, I'm planning on incorporating that a lot more! Any way of feedback, whether it's positive, negative, in the comments, in my asks, as a reblog in the tags is very very welcome <3 If you want to be added to the taglist, read the bottom of this post 🧡
masterlist (will be up somewhere this week)
next part
🏎️ = Lando
⛸️ = Fay(enne)
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‘’You go first, I don’t want to be the one falling through the ice, that’s cold!’’
I let out a soft chuckle as my friend, Melanie, stood at the edge of the lake, a scarf around her neck, gloves around her fingers as she looked from the ice to me, very quickly. See, I loved to skate, it was something I used to do when I was little, something to escape the world for just a moment. No, I wasn’t a professional skater, I wish I was, though. I started on some home-made skates my father made me for my 6th birthday. I fell, a lot, but that’s part of life. You fall, get up, fall again, and keep trying till you get better and better, and that’s exactly what I did.
I’m 23 now, and my best friend is holding her phone with her right hand, positioning it so she’d capture the perfect content for when I’d fall through the ice.
‘’It’s been freezing for almost a week straight, Mel, the ice is thick enough!’’ A smile appears on my face when I hear the metal of my skates touch the still untouched ice. It was a beautiful sound, soft, but it pierced through my ears like it was the only thing I could hear. A few steps onto the ice, and I slowly turned around, watching how Melanie slowly put away her phone.
‘’Damnit, that would have made some great content to be fair.’’ She looked over at me with a smirk, a playful one, because I knew she didn’t mean that.
Melanie, she has been my best friend ever since kindergarten. We basically grew up together, only under very different circumstances. We finished primary school together, and even secondary school. However, after that, she went into a different direction for her career, one my parents would never allow me to take. She started modelling, and I was lying when I’d say I wasn’t jealous of her. She started of doing a few shoots for some of her boyfriends at the time. I know what you might be thinking, but Mel would never do THOSE kinds of shoots. She wasn’t your everyday influencer Instagram model, not at all, she’s smart, and made sure to have a backup while modelling.
‘’Come on! It’ll be fun, and totally safe.’’ I teased, skating around the lake to make sure every bit of the water at the top was frozen. I felt like a fish in the water, but on the ice, and not a fish, because that would be… You know what I mean. I felt like home on the ice. Like I said before, I’m not a professional skater. I’m actually a lawyer. I ended law school this year, and I couldn’t be happier to have finished it and never look into those books ever again. I’m a terrible lawyer, at least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself.
‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do’
And well, I don’t love it. I hate it, even. I know many people would want to have a law degree, I know many people would want to finally have that paper and help people, help the innocent ones. But that’s the thing, you don’t get to choose who you defend, especially as a beginner. You take every job you can get, and that’s mostly not the one of the victim’s defenders. You’ll have to work with stubborn people, criminals, the so called ‘bad guys’.
‘’Okay, okay, fine, hold my hand.’’ I skate towards my best friend and hold out my hand for her, making sure she would be stable on the ice before we moved on the slippery surface.
‘’You’re doing great, Mel, just remember, lean forward, and focus on where you want to go.’’
Melanie has supported me every step of the way, even when I finished my degree and got a job at the local skate centre instead of being a lawyer, the path my parents set out for me. It was a hard decision, and one that came with consequences, but it was the first time I had actually gone against my parent’s commands. I felt torn, because they were the ones that paid for my university, they were the ones that made all the effort and what did I do? I just chose my own way, my own path, after everything they did for me. I know they want to see me happy, but telling them I wouldn’t be happy pursuing my career as a lawyer was the hardest thing to do, and they didn’t take it well. That’s why I moved out. That’s why I took the job as a skate instructor for the little kids, ages around 7 to 9, at the local skate centre.
‘’I have a better idea, why don’t we grab a hot chocolate and have dinner at my place tonight? I heard there’s this new club opening, and guess who got tickets for the grand opening?’’ She tugged my hands slightly, mostly to keep herself balanced on the ice, but also because of the excitement.
That’s the thing of having a well-known friend, she always knew where to go and where to be, receiving invitations for one of the biggest club openings, and me always being her plus one.
‘’One more round on the ice, and we have a deal.’’
‘’Okay,’’ Melanie groaned, holding my hand tightly. ‘’Fine, but just one!’’
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‘’What’s up chat! I’m back! I know, three times in a row, pretty mint huh?’’ I positioned myself in the chair, the headphones on my head, a snack on the side, next to my bottle of water. I scan through the chat, trying my best to read some of the comments, ignoring most of them.
The season ended, not the best way possible, but it could have been worse. The upgrades we brought the second half of the season made a big improvement to the car, and I’m quite glad about that. We’re going into the direction I wanted, which is up, and times like these are the moments I’m grateful for the patience I’ve had with McLaren.
‘’It’s gonna be a shorter stream though, chat, cuz I have somewhere to be after this.’’ I take a bite from the biscuits I held on the desk, immediately taking a sip of water after it.
‘Do you have a date?’
‘Where are you going after this?’
‘What are you eating?’
I quickly scan through the reactions, not really answering any of them. I loved to stream. I wasn’t able to do it a lot because of the busy season we had. Because of the busy schedule I had, but right now it was a little more toned down, meaning I had found a few free hours I could sit and talk to the camera on Twitch.
‘’Thanks for all the gifted subs, everyone! Holy shit, I can’t even keep up with them.’’ I laughed, trying my best to thank every single person that popped up on my screen. I never could get used to the amount of support I was getting from the fans. People chanting my name, the thousands of bracelets people would make for me, taking the time and effort to create something for me, it was surreal.
As the chat buzzed with questions and comments, I couldn’t help but smile at the energy radiating through the screen. The support from my fans was overwhelming in the best possible way. I glanced at the clock, realising time was ticking away faster than I anticipated.
‘’Alright, let’s jump into a quick Q&A, chat!’’ I announced, grabbing a handful of questions popping up in the chat. ‘’First up, where am I headed after this? Well, I’ve got a charity event lined up. Gotta give back when I can, right?’’
The chat exploded with emojis and words of encouragement. I chuckled at the flood of enthusiasm, feeling grateful for the platform that allowed me to connect with such an incredible community.
‘’Next question,’’ I continued, scrolling through the comments. ‘’What am I eating? Just some biscuits, nothing fancy.’’ I reach for the packaging of the biscuits, showing them to the camera. ‘’Not sponsored!’’ I joked afterwards.
Time flew by faster than expected, and as the charity event drew nearer, I reluctantly announced the stream’s conclusion. The chat flooded with messages expressing gratitude and excitement for the next stream.
‘’Thanks everyone, it’s been fun! You’re the best, love ya. I’ll catch you in the next one.’’ I said, creating a heart with my hands before I ended the stream.
I quickly gathered my things, leaving the streaming setup behind as I rushed to the charity event.
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It’s been a while since I went out to a club, especially one where a basic pair of jeans and a nice top weren’t ‘good enough’. The club we were headed to wasn’t your ordinary ‘I’m bored with my friends so let’s go out’ kind of club, not even close. It was a higher-end, new, influencer filled kind of club, one where normal people like me wouldn’t usually get access to. At least, if you didn’t have a model as a friend.
Melanie had been modeling ever since we finished secondary school, she got scouted by many modeling agencies across Europe, but she always chose the one near London, near me. She was like an older sister to me and when times were rough, she’d be there and vice versa.  
‘’You know? I’m quite jealous of you, actually.’’ Melanie got me confused by that comment, she, jealous of me, what for?
‘’Oh?’’ I furrowed my eyebrows slightly but remained focused on applying my mascara.
‘’Your natural beauty, your eyebrows, your lashes, and oh my god your lips.’’ She said, sipping her wine as she applied some nude lip-gloss on her plump lips. I knew where she was going with it all. I never had surgery, not once in my life. I never wanted to, because maybe I was a little proud of my so called ‘natural beauty’. I barely wore make up, and whenever I did, it was a simple clear brow gel and a lip balm. My lashes were dark, black, long and they had volume without me having to do anything about it aside from curling them. My eyebrows weren’t black, but a nice dark colour of brown that matched my hair. My lips, never done anything about them, no fillers, nothing. I’m not saying anything is wrong with having fillers, I think it’s beautiful on Melanie, really natural as well, it just wasn’t something I’d see myself doing.
‘’Your lips are so.. urgh, plump, I wish I had that.’’ She says as she finished her make up and moved on to pick out an outfit from her never-ending closet. ‘’What do you think, this Versace dress? Oh, or this Elisa one?’’ She says, holding out two black sparkly dresses.
‘’Left,’’ I start the beginning of my next sentence. ‘’You have gorgeous lips.’’ I say, full honesty. ‘’Yeah, but they’re fake.’’ Melanie says and simply grabs the Elisa dress and starts putting it on, making sure every one of her curves and pros of her body were nicely hugged with the expensive fabric.
‘’Mel…’’ I sighed, closing the tube of mascara, and placing it back in her vanity as I almost always used her make up. ‘’I know, I’m just kidding, I’m just saying, maybe you should start to model too, it’s gonna give me competition, but if it’s you, I can handle it.’’ She teases with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.
‘’Come on, Fay, let’s go.’’
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@smoooothoperator @itsjustkhaos @tpwk-cherie @skynel09 @peqch-pie @aphroditeisamilf
a/n: if you want to be added to the taglist, comment ❤️ down below
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ruegoreos · 19 days ago
hey you silly silly stalkers ⭐⭐
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dont feel the need to read all this only few will :)
this is just a small account mostly posting Oscar Isaac related content because uhm Oscar Isaac, he should be reason enough
before stalking my account, MINORS DNI THIS IS A 18+ ACCOUNT. i am not responsible for what you look at on the internet, it was your choice to come here.
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i post a lot of memes, pictures, and fanfics of Oscar Isaac and the characters he's played. There are a few personal vents/apologies on here, so if you see those just ignore them, they are irrelevant as of now ❤❤
im still relatively new to posting my fanfictions on here, so i don't have a "masterlist" yet, but the ones i've unleashed upon my unsuspecting victims are
KEY: (❤=fluff) (🌶=smut) (⭐=comfort)
Stay With Me - Marc Spector x F!Reader❤ https://www.tumblr.com/ruegoreos/772281034104537088/your-wish-is-my-command-thanks-for-the-repost?source=share
Mess - Marc Spector x M!Reader🌶https://www.tumblr.com/ruegoreos/777096354067546112/heres-some-marc-smut-i-got-horny-writing-this?source=share
Pretty Pink Lace - Bud Cooper x F!reader🌶https://www.tumblr.com/ruegoreos/772665532882239489/some-bud-cooper-smut-cuz-i-love-this-goofy-lil-guy?source=share
"Is there an end to punishment?" - William Tell x M!reader❤⭐ https://www.tumblr.com/ruegoreos/776919599619899392/the-journal-william-can-confidently-say-its-been?source=share
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my asks are OPEN for fanfic requests or my little "Rate the Oscar Look" game i have going on, or if you just wanna chat! my private dms are also open if anyone wants to talk or vent <3
heres also a link to my pinterest account, where i have boards of different OI characters. shoot me a message if you would like to join one of the boards, I'd be more than happy to add you https://pin.it/2Zp8IXgx0
special thanks to @ingoldthewizard , my most favorite person on tumblr. adiann, thank you for being there for me during my ups and downs, i know it sounds cliche, but thank you. you are always so so encouraging to my work and your support greatly appreciated. everyone that is fortunate enough to know you online and in real life are very lucky people. i wish you nothing but the best, sending hugs and love!!
and of course, my pookie, @mochimoqa . words cannot begin to explain how much i love and adore you alma, you've had my back since day 1. i view you as a friend, as someone who has my back, and someone who i can trust <3 thank you for all your wonderful words and support you've given me, it means more than words can ever say❤❤
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taglist for my fics:
@ingoldthewizard , @mochimoqa , @virtie333 , @wilder-fangirl , @devilsrebirth
Let me know if you want to be taken off, and dm me if you would like to be added!
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 8 months ago
Just started Medjed arc of P5R; here are my current thoughts on the characters I know so far:
Joker: Look, I know people say he's a "self-insert" but I really, really see a few very distinct personality traits in him. He's lost in thought a lot. He zones out. He's really goal-driven. He's clever. He's a risk-taker. He's wary of consequences. He takes a little while to trust people, especially adults. He's suspicious and easily annoyed. He's on your side. He wants to help. He's a snarky little shit. His compassion is as much his defiance as his bitter disdain. He's hesitant. He's confident. He's bluffing. His respect is earned. His assistance isn't. He's free. He's chained. He's larger than life. He's a dumbass dork of a teenager. Incredibly fun character to play as, 10/10. I love that you can actually see him becoming more confident as time goes on. His dialogue options also become sillier/snarkier/more teasing as he becomes closer with people. It's just fun. I have a lot more thoughts on him but I'm going to stop here. I'd love to do a bit of an analysis on him once I finish the game - I'd like to go back through his main story dialogue options and his idle and specific scene animations. Plus, they seriously popped off with his character design. There's so much I could say about that alone.
Ryuji: Ryuji, my beloved. I wish you were less horny in uncomfortable ways in some scenes - I think, as well as Atlus not knowing what teenage girls are like, they also have not... spoken to people raised by single mothers, or mothers who got out of an abusive relationship... but anyways, asides from that, I love Ryuji. I think his desire for popularity makes a lot of sense - he's only ever stood out in a bad way. He just wants to be liked, you know? And he doesn't think he's enough the way he is. He's trying his best. I need him to shut up so bad but also I hope he never shuts up, you know. He's genuinely so funny, and he's the most ride or die of anyone. Ryuji gets angry on everyone's behalf when they can't muster up their own anger yet. Everyone say thank you, Ryuji.
Morgana: I do not get the hate for this not-cat; he's so funny to me. He's becoming a little more aligned to the thieves' morality, which is probably for the best since at the beginning he was definitely down with accidental murder and totally open about his pragmatism. He actually encourages this in Joker. It's just funny. I love my emotional support not-cat bestie who sits in my desk at school then tells me to go strike shady deals with random people in back alleys. You can definitely see a change in Morgana though; he's becoming more excited about helping people for the sake of it (like Joker, he too has gained purpose), but he's also becoming more insecure.
Ann: She remains my favourite of the Thieves. If Ryuji is the original drive and Morgana the original method, then she is the original conviction. The strength to stand with victims. The desire to force those who hurt others to understand the feelings of said victims. She has the rawest fucking lines at the end of the Kamoshida arc. She loves Shiho so much, and I really feel like her and Joker are on the same page when it comes to things deeper than their surface level interests. Get you a friend like Ann fr. It's a shame that later scenes have her mostly just getting mad at the guys when they uhhh... act like horny guys towards her. Feels bad man, especially because I love the aspect of her character that wants to be more comfortable with her sexuality and have that be on her terms. <- That's really cool, actually! Why couldn't we do more with that...? As a note though, I seriously love her admiration towards female cartoon villains and that one mean girl model. I think that's so funny and also such a mood. I do not believe for one second that Ann is straight. I hope she becomes the sexy and confidant morally-ambiguous thief of her dreams, and also that she gets a girlfriend. It's what she deserves.
Yusuke: He's so dramatic. Do you expect me not to love him? I really loved his conflict during Madarame's arc - those revelations were absolutely brutal, and Yusuke really handled things well, all things considered. Again, like Ann, there were some raw lines in there. But then, of course, the slump on the other end, when the adrenaline wears off. That Yusuke's painting only showed the dark side of desire tells me that he is still grappling with the effects of all these reveals. He has a lot to process.
Makoto: I just think she's so cute. Her design is adorable. She's such a sweetheart. On the flip side though, while I don't find her as intimidating as the game seems to, I definitely would not want her mad at me. While, as I mentioned before, I found the lead up to her joining the thieves to be a little janky, the actual moment was great. I love that she has a support system now. She really needed that. I hope there are more scenes with her in group settings tbh. While I'm enjoying her one-on-one dynamics with Ryuji and Ann, I do feel like she doesn't really... gel with the group as well as, say, Yusuke did. I think they need to drag her out to more activities lol.
Sojiro: I still don't know yet? He seems like the tough love sort. I do enjoy getting to learn random coffee trivia from him, and it seems like he cares in a kind of gruff way. He also gets a lot of suspicious people coming by. Guess I'll find out more later.
Maruki: Again, I don't know much still. He's endearing and dorky. That salt bae thing still lives rent-free in my head. I feel his frustration with not being able to help more. I get it man. I will say though, the fact that we get to see scenes with the thieves and Maruki, with no Joker present, is... odd.
Kasumi: I... I don't know how to feel. She's too nice. She's too polite. All of her scenes are so weirdly convenient. I like her just fine, but there's something seriously off. I almost feel like she's an outlier on purpose, like she doesn't blend into the world. Unlike Maruki, who is new to Royal but blends into the story quite nicely, Kasumi really stands out, to the point it kind of feels like that was the intention. She is adorable, though, I won't deny that, and I do want her to succeed and all, I just... hm. I don't know how to feel about her.
Akechi: I could fix him (smack him upside the head). <- okay but seriously, he is so obviously suspicious, he so obviously knows about Joker, he's such a smarmy little shit. I would despise him irl, but he's absolutely the funniest character in the game right now. Everything he says has me either cackling or my jaw dropping at the fucking audacity. He's also really interesting to me. Love a character whose every line means three things rolled into one. He feels dangerous and weirdly endearing at the same time. What the hell is his problem (affectionate + derogatory).
Yoshida: YOSHIDA MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED. I love him so far. He's my favourite confidant right now. He just makes me so happy man I love him so much. Yoshida takes the hard road and he's got the conviction, but you need support from people to really turn your life around. Hey, that's kind of what the game is about, yeah?
Takemi: Oh I love her confidant so far. I don't know that she's one of my favourites, character-wise, but I was especially taken with her dedication to that medicine, and Joker's response to her saying that she doesn't suit everyone coming to her for medical help by countering her with an "it suits you". Very sweet. I'm getting close to finishing her confidant; I just need to level up charm.
Mishima: I'm almost done his confidant too! I actually enjoy Mishima's character. I feel like his downward spiral made a lot of sense, and I like that he's both helpful and made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I especially like that he's pulling himself out of that fame mentality by himself, without his heart being changed. We just gave his shadow something to think on.
Kawakami: Idk how I feel about this, but the perks are good. I'm curious about her though.
Sae: She seems dedicated to her job. Forming a confidant with her during the interrogation was something I did not expect and had me going "ohohoho". But man, some of the stuff she says to Makoto is way out of line... I'm glad she's at least aware as soon as it leaves her mouth, and I cannot imagine the constant stress and scrutiny she's under but... still. Girl. :/
Iwai: I'm going to properly start his confidant soon. He's cool. I feel like he's not nearly as scary as he makes himself out to be.
Ohya: Don't know much about her so far, but she's a disaster, and I will always enjoy a good disaster woman.
Lala: SHE'S PERFECT. I wish there was a mechanic where you could get advice from Lala-chan. She's looking out for everybody. She's good. :)
Chihaya: She told me I'm gonna die... :(
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reunionatdawn · 1 year ago
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 16: Mercedes/Dedue)
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Mercedes: If I were someone else, perhaps a commoner without a Crest or stature, maybe things would be different. It's a bit sad, but…this is the way things have to be. After all, only the goddess can decide our fates.
Each character in the Blue Lions was a victim of Faerghus's patriarchal culture. Mercedes was adopted for the purpose of being married off for her Crest. The Crest of Lamine is associated with the arcana of Judgement. It represents an important decision that needs to be made regarding love and romance. It also symbolizes a solution to a protracted problem, and a feeling of freedom.
Mercedes was separated from her brother at a young age and had to make a new life for herself in the Kingdom. What got her through those hard times was the support of the church. That's why her dream was to work there to help people, just as they did for her. But doing so would be difficult if she married a nobleman.
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Mercedes: Though, just because two people share a promise, that doesn't guarantee they'll be together forever. You've noticed many nobles at the academy, right? They very rarely have the freedom to choose their own partners.
Mercedes had a lot in common with Ingrid. She did not want to give up on her dream to be used as a broodmare for her Crest, like her mother was. However, she felt like she had no choice.
Byleth: You can't just give up on your dreams. Mercedes: That's a very good point! We're only given one life, so we must do all we can to pursue our happiness! OK! I think that may have been just the push I was looking for! I'll tell him the truth. That I've found a life worth pursuing and I must decline the proposal! Maybe I should tell him I've fallen for someone else?
Mercedes had difficulty standing up to her adoptive father. She was willing to lie to him by telling him that she had fallen for someone else. That might explain many of her pairing options.
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Ferdinand: You baffle me. Do you not wish to be free? Mercedes: Of course I do. Let me try that again in a way you might understand. Ahem. A true noble cuts their own path, seizing freedom from the clutches of tyranny!
I suspect that the reason she rejected Ferdinand's help to sever ties with her adoptive father was because she wasn't sure if his gesture was an attempt to woo her. She wasn't sure if she would have the will to decline if he proposed. In their paired ending, she severs ties with her adoptive father and marries him immediately after the war. She lives the traditional life of a noble wife while her husband is recognized for his achievements.
Mercedes: I don't care to flaunt my noble past or my Crest. I have no desire to return to that status. Lorenz: Then, if I may speak hypothetically a moment… Does that mean that if a nobleman were to offer you his hand in marriage, you would decline? Mercedes: Not at all. That's a separate matter entirely. Even if I were to fall in love, regardless of their social status… I'm not looking to marry right now.
Even by the end of their A-Support, she still didn't seem to like Lorenz very much. She was unusually sarcastic with him. And she specifically said she wasn't ready to marry even if she was in love. But it is still possible that she will marry Lorenz immediately after the war. It shows how difficult it was for her to deviate from her path.
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Mercedes: …No, I'm glad. I feel like I saw your true face for the first time. …Hey, Sylvain. Would you be able to save me from the curse of my Crest? Sylvain: I…I'll save you! With my heart and soul! I love you! Great! Let's get married!
Mercedes also had a lot in common with Sylvain, and the two actually became close friends. They are both Gemini, the zodiac sign which is thought to be two-faced because of their natural duality.
Mercedes: Don't be ashamed of crying. I'm here to protect you. Will you protect me in return? Sylvain: I will. I promise. You know, Mercedes, you really are a special lady.
Because Mercedes was able to empathize with his pain, he let the mask slip with her, and she saw his other face. Because of that, she was also the only character to see him cry. She wanted him to save her from her arranged marriage, and she had a genuine desire to save him from that fate, too. So, she is one of the very few women Sylvain is able to marry and have a paired ending with.
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Mercedes: You're much the same, yes? People like us have to try to bloom as best we can. Sylvain: Never really thought of myself as a flower, but I get what you're saying. Flowers are stuck in the same spot for life, whether they like it or not. And if they happen to sprout in a bad area, they're out of luck. But we have legs, not roots. We can go wherever we want.
But Hopes does a good job of showing why that's not the ideal solution to their problems. Even if she did marry him, she would prefer to be doing charity work rather than living the life of a nobleman's wife. Sylvain was fine with that, but Mercedes did not want to stand in the way of him marrying the person he truly loved.
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Sylvain: To be perfectly clear, I'm not making advances on your or anything. But I'm the heir of House Gautier. If I ask you, this other guy will have no choice but to bow out. Though I doubt he'd be happy about it. After that, you can do whatever you want. Go work at a church or ladle out soup or whatever makes you happy. I won't stop you. Mercedes: But that would prevent you from marrying the person you love.
She didn't realize that Sylvain didn't want to get married in the first place. He would be marrying her because she offered him a loophole to his own predicament. With her as his wife, he could fulfill his noble obligation, but still be able to live freely. They cared for each other and shared mutual respect, but neither of them seemed like they would have considered marrying the other without their fathers pushing them into an arranged marriage.
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Mercedes: And before that, when I lived with my mother and my little brother. It also reminds me of the time I spent studying with friends at the school of sorcery in the capital. Things may not have been easy then, but I would give anything to return to those days.
The tagline for the game was, "Sweet memories twisted by time's cruel hand". The best option for Mercedes might seem like recruiting her into Crimson Flower and reuniting her with her brother.
Mercedes & Jeritza Once those who slither in the dark were finally defeated, Mercedes left home and opened a small orphanage in the Faerghus region with her mother. After many years of kind service raising children who had lost their families, she received a letter bearing familiar handwriting. Its author, a prisoner in Enbarr, expressed his sincerest well-wishes to Mercedes and her family. Still more time passed until, one day, the man who wrote the letter paid her a visit. With joyful tears in her eyes, Mercedes smiled, took Emile by the hand, and at last welcomed him home.
And their ending is certainly touching. I was never really a big fan of it, though, because Jeritza's condition is resolved without any explanation. In Mercedes' paralogue, the Death Knight said his soul had long departed. He was not fully in control of himself, which is why he continued to fight on the opposite side from his sister. Before this DLC update, it had been implied that Emile had probably been experimented on like the Remire villagers. He was barely human anymore and it was impossible for him to return to normal.
Mercedes: It's sad, but the truth is that people forget. You may be afraid to forget your past, but you'll never be able to revisit it. Living in the present is the best we can do. We owe it to those who can't come back. Dimitri: If someone had said those words to me five years ago, I would be a different man today.
As sad as it is, Mercedes had a stronger character arc in AM where she had to accept that she's unable to return to the past.
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Annette: You know, I've always loved you more than anything in the world! Mercedes: My, is that…a confession of love? Hehe, I'm so happy~. Annette: Uh, um, I wanted to say I love the sweets you bake more than anything in the world! Mercedes: Oh, is that so... Well, I love you, Annie.
Other than Emile, Annette was the most important person to Mercedes. In their A-Support they both confessed their love for each other. While it did seem like the bisexual Mercedes may have loved her beyond friendship (particularly in the Japanese), Annette seemed insistent on emphasizing her platonic love.
Annette & Mercedes After the war, Annette and Mercedes lived separate lives: the former as a teacher at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad, the latter as a cleric at Garreg Mach. Though they lived apart, they exchanged letters so frequently and shared their lives with one another in such detail that it was as though they were side by side. After many decades, they resigned their respective positions and reunited at Garreg Mach. In their final years, they relocated to a modest house in the Fortress City. It is said that they were happy together to the very end.
They will not be life partners even if you go for their paired ending. While they do keep in touch, they'll live completely separate lives until retirement age. It's a slightly bittersweet ending, showing how, as we get older and pursue different life paths, things don't always stay the same. I don't consider it to be the most satisfying ending for either of them. Still, the fact that Mercedes will move away from her best friend shows how important it was to her to pursue her dream.
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Mercedes: I just don't want to let go of the life that I've made for myself. I know it's not what my heart wants, but I don't have the strength to say no.
After Garreg Mach fell, Mercedes returned home to the Kingdom capital and joined the merchant business. She told Byleth that she didn't want to give up the life she made for herself in Fhirdiad.
Annette: Since our time in the capital, so much has happened. We've had to make new lives for ourselves, and we've seen at least as many hard times as good. If things keep changing like this, I wonder if we'll be able to stay the same people we are now…
And Annette also didn't want things between them to change by starting completely new lives again, which is what happens in their paired ending.
Dimitri: My own dreams… I have never given it any thought. What about you? What do you want, Mercedes? Mercedes: I want to keep sewing and training with you, even after you've become king. I want to be your friend.
Mercedes even wanted to stay friends with Dimitri after the war, which would only be possible if she kept her old life in the capital.
Mercedes: I'm going to Fhirdiad to meet with my adoptive father, and I'd like you to accompany me. Byleth: What for? Mercedes: I feel the need to set things straight with him in my own way. I've already decided exactly what I'm going to say. I'm choosing to live my life how I want, in pursuit of my own happiness. I need you to accept that. I'm in charge of my own destiny. Not you, not anyone else. Just me. Ah… I've waited so long to say all that.
The best thing for her would be to sever ties with her adoptive father, without the excuse of already having a fiancé. She always left her fate in the hands of the goddess or people above her. But her character arc was about acting of her own free will.
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Dimitri: Do you remember the child who cursed me after my father's funeral? Dedue: Ah, yes. I believe he was the son of a knight who fell in Duscur. Dimitri: He was furious that I would not take revenge on your people, and even more enraged to see you serving as my vassal. He berated me without mercy, demanding I kill you then and there. All I could do was walk away. Everyone desires revenge for that day. Survivors and the dead alike cry out for retribution.
Dimitri was also a victim of Faerghus's violent patriarchal culture. He was expected to carry out vengeance for the Tragedy of Duscur. His violent urges were encouraged and rewarded by the society he grew up in. At times, he was chilled to the bone by the depravity of his own actions, such as suppressing a rebellion.
Dedue: When I stood before those soldiers and their swords that day, I was prepared to die. But then you suddenly appeared, and you shielded me. I knew then that a savior's hand could reach into even the deepest darkness.
Dedue was the biggest victim of Farghus's retaliatory violence. His moniker is "Taciturn Devotee". A devotee is a person who strongly admires a particular person. But it can also mean a strong believer in a particular religion or god. It probably would not be an exaggeration to state that Dedue saw Dimitri as the Fódlan goddess.
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Dedue: And I would cast it aside in an instant if my death were to your benefit. For that reason, I cannot consider myself your friend. There are still many in the Kingdom who despise the people of Duscur. It would be selfish of me to stand by your side as an equal.
Many people interpreted his feelings for Dimitri as having a romantic aspect to them. I certainly wouldn't reject that interpretation. After all, by reaching out his hand, Dimitri served the same role that Byleth did for him.
Dedue: You promised me you would build a Kingdom that is proud to boast of Duscur blood. In this Kingdom, where there is no distinction between the people of Duscur and the people of Fódlan… Will I finally, without reservation, be able to call you my friend? Will I…Dimitri? Dimitri: Dedue… Yes, you will call me your friend, again and again. No matter how many hardships I must endure… Dedue: I will do all I can to bring about that world as well. To be your friend…is what I have always wanted.
During their A-Support, we learned that Dimitri made a promise to Dedue before they attended the Officer's Academy.
Dimitri & Dedue After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and his loyal vassal, Dedue, remained ever at his side. Among Dimitri's achievements was the reconciliation with Duscur: an extraordinary effort that required extensive negotiations to get past a history of betrayal and oppression. It was a trying task, but Dimitri never once considered giving up. While they behaved as lord and vassal in public, it is said that Dimitri and Dedue were more like family in private. When Dimitri finally fell to illness, Dedue tended to his liege's deathbed, and then took up a post at his grave for the rest of his days. When the time came, they were buried beside each other.
Their paired ending emphasizes Dimitri's efforts reconciling with Duscur and how he never gave up. But it does not specify whether the Duscur people were able to proudly live alongside people from Fódlan without distinction. In fact, because Dedue had to behave as a vassal in public, it implies that there was still hostility between Duscur and the Kingdom for the majority of Dimitri's reign. Dedue only gets to stand by Dimitri's side as an equal in death.
Also, there was no mention of Dedue's efforts bringing about the world he wanted to see. It only mentions him serving Dimitri for his entire life as a subordinate, then guarding his grave for the rest of his days. It is not that different from his solo ending, and I don't think it's a particularly satisfying ending for Dedue.
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Dedue: I would regretfully decline. I cannot know happiness without you by my side. I would still seek vengeance. Just… for my own sake, not yours. Dimitri: Interesting. And nothing I say to the contrary will change your mind? Dedue: Your Majesty, can you not live for your own sake? Dimitri: My life is not my own. It belongs to my kingdom, my people, and the dead.
Neither Dimitri or Dedue knew how to live for themselves, and neither could live without the other.
Dedue: I…can still fight, Your Highness. Dimitri: Shut up and retreat. You must live, Dedue.
During his boar phase, Dimitri was willing to mow down any of his old classmates, even if they were not his enemies. And he was willing to send all of his friends and allies to their deaths, too. The single exception was Dedue. He is the only person Dimitri tells to retreat at Gronder Field. And Dedue will live only to seek vengeance.
Dedue: Ngh… I'm not finished yet! Dimitri: Fall back, Dedue! Please! I cannot afford to lose you!
In Scarlet Blaze, Dimitri also begs him to retreat in the Valley of Torment. Dedue would have gladly fought to the death, but Dimitri personally made sure he didn't. It was because he cherished Dedue so much that he wanted him to live for his own happiness.
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Dedue: Someday, I hope to show you a whole landscape of these flowers in full bloom. Byleth: You mean Duscur? Dedue: Yes. Once this conflict is over, and His Highness ascends the throne, I believe it can be done. You must live at least until then. Understood? Byleth: Same to you. Dedue: That's true enough. I had not thought much of my own life, until now. Except that I would gladly cast it aside for His Highness. That is still true, but now I desire to see the end of this war. Until I can show you the fields of Duscur in bloom… I will go on living.
Other than Dimitri, the only other thing that gave Dedue a reason to live was showing Byleth the flowers of Duscur in bloom.
Dedue: When I left the capital, I told His Majesty that I would be leaving his service. Byleth: What?! Dedue: He accepted my decision with a smile.
If you go for Dedue's paired ending with Byleth, you learn that if Dedue were to leave Dimitri's service, he would accept with a smile. And I think Dedue has a better character arc if he is able to grow past his codependence on Dimitri and find his own reason to live.
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Dedue: To Duscur? There is nothing of interest left there. Mercedes: Isn't it where you were born? And isn't it where your wonderful food and stories come from? I think those are reason enough to visit at least once! Dedue: Mercedes… If you will allow it, I would like to accompany you. His Highness would surely grant me leave to go.
When Mercedes asked Dedue what his plans were after the war, he said it was to serve Dimitri for the rest of his days. And in most of his endings, that's exactly what he does, even if he's married. Going with her to Duscur and praying to the gods (and goddesses) of his own culture changed his entire fate. That's probably why his ending with Mercedes is so different compared to all of his others.
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Mercedes: I think a place is only truly destroyed when there's no one left to remember it. You should tell more people about Duscur to keep it alive.
The whole relationship between Mercedes and Dedue revolved around the idea that they could keep their loved ones alive through their memories. He taught her many things about his culture, and she taught him a family recipe that would have otherwise been forgotten.
Dedue: I understand how you feel. I had a younger sister. Sylvain: Had? Oh. Tell me about her. What was she like? Dedue: Hm. She loved flowers, and often made crowns out of them. And once she set her mind to something, nothing in the world could change it.
I really loved their Support in Hopes. It felt exactly like a post-Houses version of their relationship after they had travelled to Duscur and fallen in love. There are rarely any times where Dedue seems happier than when teaching her and the kids to make flower crowns, in memory of his sister. They seem like a married teacher couple, too.
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Dedue & Mercedes Two years after the war, Dedue and his wife, Mercedes, opened a school in the Duscur residential district in Fhirdiad. The school educated Duscur children, who had never been given structured learning before, in reading, writing, arithmetic, and even Duscur history. Many years later, when the Duscur people reclaimed their homeland, the people who attended this school were able to resettle there and revive their old culture. Because of this, Dedue and Mercedes were forever renowned by the Duscur.
This is the only ending where Dimitri's promise to Dedue is actually fulfilled, as it mentions the Duscur people having their own district in Fhirdiad. And it just so happens that this is the only paired ending (besides the one with Byleth) where Dedue isn't described as a vassal. He is still living in the capital, so we can assume that he and Dimitri are close friends. But they live as equals. Dedue has his own life now and his own achievements are renowned.
In Hopes, Mercedes said she wanted to go back to Fhirdiad, but not live with her adoptive father. This is the only ending (other than with Dimitri) where she can live her dream, help those in need, and stay in Fhirdiad with her other friends. With Dedue, they get married two years after the war. So, she clearly didn't marry him just to escape her arranged marriage. Dedue and Mercedes bonded over their sense of loss, but they used that pain to keep Duscur alive, so I think it's the absolute best conclusion to their character arcs.
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stormblessed95 · 7 months ago
Thank you so much for answering me Storm!
When I sent that ask I had just come from twitter where some ARMYs where claiming that dropping Muse and Who to support Yoongi is what Jimin would want, that his album has been out for a month already so it not a big deal to move on.
I saw you reblog that post about Jimin standing with Yoongi, along with not seeing you post much about the hate Jimin has been getting lately, and my frustration towards those that are dropping Jimin to support Yoongi may have been projected on to you.
I don't expect you to be a "content creator", I'm very grateful for the time and energy you give to answer our questions and make thoughtful posts about Jikook and BTS. I have seen you post asks with reporting links before, so I was under the assumption that was something you allowed on your blog (especially for serious issues). If that has changed (which is fine! some people want their blogs/accounts/fandom spaces to be free of reports and anti discussion), I'm sorry for not knowing or not remembering!
It was not at all my intention to victimize Jimin, as I said people have resorted to saying things like "Jimin would want us to do this" and thus using Jimin's loving friendship with Yoongi as a way to justify not supporting Jimin anymore (or as much).
I have noticed that you hadn't posted about Yoongi! I was actually wondering if you were doing alright seeing as he is also your bias. I had even wanted to ask you if you knew some good sources to get information on what was happening, because there was a lot of misinformation and I was genuinely scared for Yoongi.
Seeing as this was a misunderstanding on my part, I don't wish to unfollow you if that's okay? Chapter Two and this recent year has made finding actual ARMYs who support ALL SEVEN members hard. I'm sorry if my ask made you uncomfortable in any way, and again hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy 💜💜
I know we are all under the assumptions at times that our personal moral panic is unique and unprecedented.... But I promise that it's not, and it's important to remember that too 💜
Like everyone else, I'm not really okay with seeing all the hate and slander that's been happening lately. I want to cry if I think about it too long or hard.
To make things a little more clear, if you send me "what are your thoughts on *insert essay length ask or paragraph length ask over hate x member is experiencing*" I probably won't answer it. I'm not sure what it is I'm expected to say in response? Yeah, it fucking sucks. And I can say "report and block silently, do not engage" until I'm blue in the face, but that's not what those asks actually want. They want my rage, for me to be emotional about it. I'm not inclined to perform that for anyone here. I follow my own advice.
Which leads me to, the asks I'll post are from reporting links. If you see hate, and you want to ask me to help spread the word to report and block an account or ask for help in the best way to go about reporting something, please send it in and I will post it and/or give advice over it. And that is what you've seen me post here before. That is how it will stay
As for following me or not, you do you boo. I'm not here for the numbers or the followers. I didn't ask for anyone to be here actually 😅 the fact that the follower count ever made it anywhere over 20 is something I'm baffled at constantly. I've been on Tumblr for years solely as a lurker lmao so I still sometimes don't know how I ended up here... I blame Jikook. 🙃😂
And honestly though. Thank you for coming back and walking your first statement back and apologizing. Almost no one here has ever really done that before, so it's greatly appreciated.
Have a good day 💜
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