#i wish it wasnt like this
I think one of the hardest things about having a qpr is what you tell people about it. I recently became official queer platonic partners with someone and we've agreed we will tell our close friends, and if strangers ask us if we're dating we'll just say yes because it's easier and I don't want to come out as aromantic to people I don't know well.
The really complicated thing is what we'll tell our families. My partner has their own situation so I'll just talk about mine. Right now my family knows we are best friends and a couple of them know that we were friends with benefits. I have three options. The first is the truth: I don't want to come out to my family as aro, I'm not ready yet. My sister has said before that she both doesn't believe that aromanticism is a thing and she doesn't think platonic partnerships work out long term, so it would be very difficult and I don't think I or our relationship will be accepted and understood.
The second is lying and saying that we are dating and in a romantic relationship. This would make both of us uncomfortable, and it would mean I would be completely lying about my identity and feelings. My sister has been questioning me a lot about my feelings towards my partner and insisting that we really feel romantically for each other, so if I lied and told her we were dating she'd be very smug and I would hate it. Just the thought of it is awful.
The third option is lying again and just continuing to say we are best friends with benefits. This feels wrong because I feel like it's downplaying how important my partner is to me and the kind of relationship we have. People are already suspicious, so I don't think that explanation would hold up for long and it's already hard to explain without outing myself. We are planning that my family will meet my partner in the summer, and we do behave like a couple so we would definitely be questioned if I go with this option.
I really don't know what to do, and when you consider my extended family it becomes even more complicated. Sometimes I remember those posts that made fun of qprs and said that "it's just best friends haha cringey ace aro people" and it makes me so mad. It's more than that, and I feel that this struggle proves that. It's giving me a lot of anxiety, if anyone has advice I would really really appreciate it.
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
I wish people could just see me as masculine.
Like, I have a style. It's pretty masculine for me. But other people see it as fem. Before, I tried to be pretty, like princesses and cottagorecore but I didn't like it. I like masc stuff. But my masc stuff.
My name. For me is nice as hell. Is fucking pretty and it could be fem or masc or anything. But people see it as fem.
I don't have dysphoria at all. But my boobs make hard to look like A Boy(tm), and I wouldn't mind cutting them off.
So, yea, I'm afab pre-everything so is kinda hard to look masculine (more than just a Tomboy girl). And I wish I didn't have to try.
I wish I didn't have to truly confuse someone to have them asking my gender.
But I still do want a binder.
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sweatytreey · 1 year
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tonaegiri · 3 months
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this guy
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thereadersideofvee · 1 year
I graduated today (the results came out.) My grades are excellent. The best. Still doesn't feel like an achievement even though I have cried my way through this degree. No excitement. No celebration. Nothing. Isn't it supposed to be a very big deal? Four years of hardwork (forced) and misery and powering-throughs. Come to think of it, I haven't really celebrated any win (big or small) in a very long time. Nothing feels like a 'win' anymore. Everything feels like the ' bare minimum ' that I have to do. I wish someone was happy for me. I wish someone would congratulate me. I wish someone would make a big deal out of my wins. Hype me up. And be proud of me. I want a very different 'graduation day.' But all I have is a blog where I can wish for it.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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You made a little mess there bud
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curemi · 1 year
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Some Mew Ichigo poses 🍓
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neymiiie · 5 months
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I love the class 2-F trio (someone has probably done this before)
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transthatfag · 5 months
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kinda vampy
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cubbihue · 8 days
Does Timmy have any regrets about becoming a fairy? Does he ever wish he never done it? Or at least wait until he was older?
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The closest Timmy's ever gotten to wishing he had never done it was when his wings were growing out. He immediately felt guilt when he remembered about Peri. Timmy doesn't believe in having regrets. The only way through is forward, and the only way out is up!
If presented with a redo, Timmy would do it all over in a heartbeat.
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skunkes · 3 months
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roppiepop · 1 month
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Dicktim Week 2024
Day 1 : Undercover as a Couple 🌸 Omegaverse 🌸Hades and Persephone AU
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"Ethereal" or "genya short circuiting when he sees a certain checkered boy" for day 4
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deanthots · 4 months
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He was at his wedding??????
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bamsara · 2 years
being an adult means we can buy or make as much self-indulgent shit (as we can afford) and unironically have trinkets of our fave things cause our teen years was bullied for liking things and hiding/denying we were ever neurodivergent to the point of suicide. sucks for anyone that thinks its weird cringe but I'm going to try and allow myself to love myself in little ways now
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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hehe, what happens to him after Eggman dies???
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