#but then i realized that they sorta would feel like being in a butterfly net so i had to alter the idea somewhat
cubbihue · 7 days
Does Timmy have any regrets about becoming a fairy? Does he ever wish he never done it? Or at least wait until he was older?
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The closest Timmy's ever gotten to wishing he had never done it was when his wings were growing out. He immediately felt guilt when he remembered about Peri. Timmy doesn't believe in having regrets. The only way through is forward, and the only way out is up!
If presented with a redo, Timmy would do it all over in a heartbeat.
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sevensity · 7 years
RFA + V + Saeran reacting to an MC who just got stung by a wasp or bee? I recently got stung by a wasp and now my hand is all swollen ^^;;
Oh no! I consider myself lucky because I have yet to bee stung (hahahahah get it) and I hope I never will that shit looks painful T.T Did you clean the wound properly? Apparently honey really helps to soothe stings, but don’t use it if you’re allergic! I hope you get better soon ~
Happened to my bro when he was like 8, we were in my Gradmother’s garden and wanted to catch butterflies, so my bro saw a bumblebee and he was like “it’s fuzzy, colorful, and flies…therefore it’s a butterfly” bless his soul
Summer had arrived, and with it came a clear, breezy day, that weather where the sun warms you up but the wind cools you down at just the right moment
It was a perfect time to go butterfly catching
So collected your net, sunscreen, food, and one (1) Yoosung before precipitating yourself towards a nearby park
Tbh he didn’t really want to participate because he’s scared of hurting the butterflies oh my god hold me back this boy is so precious
But he was fine cheering you on from the sidelines, after all your happiness is his happiness
It wasn’t long before you spotted a Monarch butterfly perched atop a nearby flower bush, and in one fell swoop, you catch it in your net
Yoosung is like woah that’s my girl look at her what a pro
But you hadn’t thought that there might be other small critters lying among the flowers
So as you reached over to close the net, you felt a sharp pain in the meaty part of your palm
Yoosung appeared right beside you before you could even start to cry, pulling an emergency med kid out of his backpack as he took your hand in his and begins to treat your wound
“It’s okay, don’t cry,” he said, kissing your brow.  Although Yoosung was a bit nervous since the love of his life was in pain, his words were so soft and soothing that as they washed over you, the pain gradually faded and you were left with nothing but the warmth of his hand over yours
For the next few days, Yoosung constantly checked up on you, and told you to limit the use of your hand
He applied ointment to prevent any swelling and discomfort, and basically just took such good care of you the wound vanished in a few days
You lowkey wanted to become an animal just so that you could visit Doctor Yoosung and have him treat you
It was quite simple really, you were crouched in front of a flower bed, smelling their sweet fragrance, while Zen sat beside you, thinking about how much you looked like a flower fairy
But then a bee sorta plopped onto your thigh, and in your surprise, you tried to brush it off, but the bee ended up stinging you before it fell onto the ground
Your yelp of pain brought Zen back from his reverie, and he cradled you against his chest, asking you why you were suddenly crying
Babe I think something stung me and it really hurts
He went from 1 to 100 real quick, his eyes blazing in fury as he tried to find The Villainous One Who Injured My Princess™
He’s all like @ bee: (ง'̀-‘́)ง come at me u ‘lil bitch
Zen the bee is already quite dead
He whisked you away towards the nearest first aid station, and held onto you the entire time you were getting the sting cleaned up and covered
Insisted that he carry you home, because he seemed to be under the impression that if you walked, your leg might fall off
Once you got home, he placed you on the couch and ordered you to stay put for the rest of the day
But he knelt before you and…
Being the romantic bastard (I use this word in a nice way here don’t hate me) he is, Zen lifted your leg up to his lips and kissed the bandage
“From now on, I will not lose to anything.  No human, nor bug, nor any other formidable foe will ever hurt you again, be they large or small.”
I mean as sweet as that sounds, just imagine Zen hovering around you with an aerosol can in his hand whenever you go outside, constantly spraying bug repellent everywhere so it just sorta hangs around you like a cloud
Are you trying to poison me Zen do you really wanna pull some Romeo and Juliet shit Zen are you really that dramatic Zen
At first, the both of you thought that adding tables outside the cafe for customers to use was a good idea
But neither of you thought of the horrible things leftover sweets attracted
One day, while you were clearing up a table littered with half-eaten cake on a side not who dares not finish their cake why would you even consider such a thing???, you picked up a plate an immediately dropped it after feeling something stabbing your finger
The plate shattered against the ground, and you felt your heart beating in your index finger
Jaehee never heard you cuss so loud
She rushed outside to see what all the commotion was about, and saw you clutching your hand, face red and eyes watering
Now Jaehee is smart, with just a single look, she can tell exactly what’s wrong
Baehee ushered you inside, telling you not to worry about the plate, not to worry about your finger, not to worry about anything because she is there and will take care of you
She apologized to the customers, saying that she had something important to take care of, and wouldn’t be available for a few minutes
In a flash, she had everything laid out and ready to use, carefully pulling out the wasp’s stinger, wrapping a hand towel around your finger before giving you ice
You felt bad for disrupting both of your work, but she again told you to stop fretting
She made you stay behind for half an hour, until the ice was almost completely gone, before allowing you to come back again
Though she insisted that you only use one had , and limit yourself to the smaller tasks
When you both went home that day, Jaehee settled you on her couch and declared that she was going to feed you herself
But Jaehee I have two hands you know
She wouldn’t hear any of it though
“Fine, then how about you use your other hand to feed me in turn?”
It turned into a fluff fest and ended with both of you giggling hard, chocolate pudding smeared across both of your faces, cheeks flushed, that day’s incident long forgotten 
Mmh and then Jaehee offered to “clean up” the pudding on your face, and so another sort of fest begun
I’m like 700% sure that he’s already safe-proofed his entire penthouse
There are no bugs, no critters to be seen anywhere, even out in the garden, the only insects you see are the harmless ones
I guess with money, anything really is possible
EXCEPT, bees
Jumin was aware how important bees were for the environments as well as his garden, so he allowed the existence of bees to continue in his otherwise no-bug haven
But this led him to the fake belief that bees were completly harmless creatures
I mean for the most part they are but accidents still occur
And an accident was exactly what happened when you wandered too close to a bee hive
Luckily, you managed to escape with only one sting (actually I heard that even if you aren’t allergic at first, if you’re stung multiple times you can develop an allergy and die???) but it still caused enough pain to make you tear up
Jumin Mental Equation: You+Crying+Swollen Arm= MC has a fatal illness
Rushed you to the hospital despite your complains
Jumin I need tweezers and an ice pack, not an X-Ray and an IV
Did feel a bit embarrassed when the doctor told  him it’s just a bee sting
He had his arm around you the entire day after that, except when you fell asleep in the afternoon
When you woke up, Jumin was nowhere to be seen
The guards said he was in the garden
As you approached that place, you heard his voice talking to someone
You peaked around the corner and
Ju MIN??!
This dude was wearing a beekeeper outfit, in a cutesy kitten pattern to boot
But what shocked you the most was that he was trying to have a discussion with the bee hive
Or maybe, telling the bees off for hurting you was more accurate
Which did nothing but aggravate said bees, who were now swarming around him in a rather angry manner
Jumin you’re an absolute dork but that’s part of the reason why I adore you so much
Really though, unless he’s there with you when it happens, the blind man will not notice your injuries, even if you happened to get your head chopped off
That’s really sad actually
When you were out in the garden tending he flowers and got stung by a wasp, it hurt, but you were adamant about not letting V find out
Imagine how he would feel if you got hurt but he wasn’t there beside you?
So you were biting your lip, fighting back tears as you rushed to treat yourself, when V came in
“Sweetheart? What are you doing?” he asked after hearing you rummaging around in the cabinets for tweezers.
“Ah, um, nothing!”
He reached out for you, and instinctively you did the same
V’s fingers brushed against your swelling forearm, and felt you flinch away
He froze
“”Did you…did you injure yourself?”
“It’s…it’s nothing major, just a wasp sting.”
“Oh my God, MC I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize before, I’m so sorry I didn’t notice your pain.”
The poor boy looked like he was about to cry, and clutched at his fkn gorgeous hair in distress
See this is exactly what I mean the poor man blames himself too much
You assured him that it was all okay, that you knew how to take care of your own wounds, and that if he wanted to make you feel better, he could stay near you
But after that incident, V suddenly decided to get the surgery
“What happens if something like this happens again,” he said, “I want to be able to prevent you from getting hurt again.”
This happened to my friend in the same situation (except it was in a towel fort me and my friends had made),  we all found it so hilarious that even though she was crying from the pain, she still laughed along with us. What a touching story excuse me while I wipe away my tears
You managed to convince him to go to a public pool with you
Now this place had a really big grassy area with lots of shade, so you decide to sit down
But unluckily for you, you only wore your bathing suit and had your towel wrapped around your shoulders
And even more unluckily for you, there was a bumblebee bumbling around in your choice area to sit
Naturally, the little fuzzy fella was squashed to death, but not before his stinger was neatly lodged in your butt cheek
SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING OWWWW!!!!!!
The Defender of Justice Magically Appears!! He just kind of blinked at you while you were feeling up your butt tho
“Do you need some help with that, miss?”
Immediately became concerned when he saw you crying though, and pulled you into a tight embrace
“Honey what’s wrong?”
“S-Seven…I think I sat on a bumblebee.”
You felt him tense up
Then you felt him start to quiver
Bastard you better not be doing what I think you’re doing
Sure enough, Seven was trying to suppress his laughter, but when you pouted at him, he just couldn’t hold it in anymore
“Ahahaha! You sat on a bumblebee! I wonder what the view was like from down there…what did it see in it’s last moments? I bet it was a glorious sight to behold.”
You cheeky bastard pun 117% intended
Rest assured though, he gave you the best first aid care, especially given the location of your wound
After all was said done, Seven sighed wistfully and said, “But in all honesty, letting a bumblebee go somewhere so private…are you sure you weren’t having an affair?” also reference 249% intended
“Good,” he says, leaning closer to your ear. “You better not bee.”
That night y’all watched The Bee Movie and he frequently whispered “That could be us but you playin’.”
What exactly he was insinuating, you did not know.
You went out to his favorite ice cream stall on a sweltering summer day
He went back for seconds while you waited at a nearby bench
Your hair fell over your shoulder as you leaned forward towards your half-eaten cone, so you lifted a hand to brush the locks back and –
You hadn’t noticed, but a sneaky wasp had flown into your hair, and you’d accidentally squished it a bit between your hair and collarbone
Real talk: when you get any sort of injury directly over bone, it fucking hurts
So when Saeran came back to see you crying, he was floored
Did I make her wait too long? Did someone hurt her? Did- wait what the hell is that?
He took one look at the swelling on your collarbone and decided that someone had tried to kill you
Ah Saeran, I’ve met a lot of people before who jump to the most unlikely conclusions possible but you reaaally take the cake
Though your tears weren’t something he wanted to see, so anxiously he patted your head and asked what happened
You explained to him, that you think you were stung by a wasp
Like Zen, Saeran looked around, trying to find someone to fight
Saeran who gives a damn about the wasp this sting hurts like a bitch
Tol bean wasn’t sure what to do though. There wasn’t no one to beat up, he he didn’t know how to take care of a wasp sting, and your crying was just making him want to cry
So Saeran, in a flurry, grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him
“It’s okay,” he said, “I know someone who can help. Just hang in there, okay?”
Saeran pls stop talking like I’m mortally wounded
With that he took off at break-neck speed in the direction of who knows where, pulling you along in his wake but shit this guy can go
Yeah, you still felt the throbbing pain beneath your neck, but Saeran ran so fast your were practically flying through the air behind him
A few minutes later, you found yourself at Yoosung’s doorstep, Saeran spamming the doorbell until a disheveled looking ray of sunshine boy opened the door
Without much grace due to his sheer panic, Saeran shoved you in front of him and yelled, “Please, help me! I don’t know what to do!”
When things calmed down a bit and the circumstances explained, Yoosung showed Saeran how to clean a sting wound, how to properly remove a leftover stinger as well as remedies to soothe the affected area
Yoosung teaching Saeran new thing, and Saeran absorbing it all with shining eyes was a really effective painkiller
Lol it was almost worth getting stung just to witness this moment 
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