#i wish i had the time to draw i have many silly ideas
a-drama-addict · 4 months
12, 28, 35, & 80 for the tav asks? :]
heyy thanks for the ask!! :] SIGRID TIME [ask game]
12. How does your Tav feel about Us? Did they free them, maim them or leave them behind?
Sigrid freed Us, mostly because she was in a daze and like… well, the brain sounded polite. When she encounters Us again in the Mindlfayer colony she’s like “THEY TRAPPED MY CHILD” and immediately takes them with her again <3
28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina?
When first meeting she was apprehensive, because like why is this random old lady in the grove so interested in her condition? Pretty much a “Thanks but no thanks for the concern” for her.
And then when she sees the shit go down between Ethel and Mayrina’s brothers she’s just kinda like “okay i’ll kill these guys i guess” <- which is basically only done because she’s like “Well Ethel’s a weird old lady but probably not a hag” and then almost immediately realises she’s wrong
Gaslights Mayrina into thinking Ethel killed her brothers, because well SHE’S not taking responsibility for that. In the end she does help Mayrina revive Connor and lets her go ham because Sig quite frankly didn’t care enough to keep him or kill him
35. Do they deliver Nere's head to the Myconids and save the slaves?
Sigrid definitely delivers his head, because OH she doesn’t like him. The second she enters the Grymforge and like sees the amount of Gnomes enslaved she’s like “Yeah okay cutting off his head sounds fair.” Also the Myconids and Barcus are her besties, OF COURSE she kills Nere
80. Does your Tav free the slaves from Steel Watch Foundry? Do they side with the Gondians or with Wulbren?
She frees the slaves, definitely. She can empathise with the Gondians a lot really, and at that point in the story she was definitely more concerned of the fact that she’d be killing so many people if she were to just. Go ham and destroy the foundry without second thought.
Sig also sides with Gondians at the end, Wulbren and her aren’t on good terms like. Ever. “Fuck Wulbren Bongle all my friends hate Wulbren Bongle” yknow
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xxplastic-cubexx · 24 days
Chat have we discussed drunk chess with cherik cause i just think. That would be the darnedest silliest thing they could do
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello Neil,i know you have 120k asks, so you will never see this, but genuinely, how do i start writing? I know it probably sounds silly to you, but I am 15 and already feel behind. I want to be a writer, I have loved reading ever since I read Coraline at 9 and have always wanted to do something creative with my life and to be an author just feels so fitting for me,I just don't know how to do it I guess. I keep trying but it always turns out bad,I don't even know where to beigin and how to pace the story or do anything really.I write short fanfics sometimes and when i go back to read them they are just objectively bad. I know what I do and dont like in stories,I just can't seem to accomplish what I want when I try to write it. And I do have so many ideas, but it never goes anywhere, and I can't put the words on the page. I know improving takes time but I just wish I had some guidance on how to improve(English is my third language so I probably made mistakes, I apologize )
You sound a lot l would have done at the age of 15, had I been articulate enough to say anything like that. At the age of 15 all I knew was that I really wanted to be a writer and that I wanted to write and draw comics one day. I had some ideas that would turn out to be good ideas 15 years later or 25 years later but at that time they were just ideas and I didn't know how to make them into stories.
The most important thing you can do is to keep writing. The second most important thing you can do is to live and learn and experience the world and accumulate a store of things that you have to say and things that you need to write about.
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mactavishsgfandwife · 7 months
Simon Riley x Curly Haired Reader
universally applicable to any curly girly (who wears her hair natural) 😋 pure fluff beautiful beautiful image from @ave661
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When you and Simon first started going out, he only ever saw you with straight hair - you were worried about spending the night with him in case he would see your natural hair after a shower, and find it ‘ugly’. It was silly, but it felt like your curls didn’t look like other curls, they were just… a mess. The first time Si saw your natural hair, he was immediately all over you, even though he’d only come round to pick up his phone. He got so distracted by you that he completely ‘forgot’ about the phone, and just had to visit you again the next day to get it.
Simon Riley who loves to sit and watch you doing your hair. If you two have to stay at a hotel for a special event, and he’s ready way before you (his military efficiency), he is very happy to sit on the bed and watch as you try to fix that one curl that won’t curl like the rest of your head. He has NO idea what you’re doing, like, completely clueless, but you look pretty doing it.
Simon Riley who genuinely thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. You’re hot with curly hair, with straight hair, you’d be hot with no hair - he really doesn’t care, he just loves you. That said, he does secretly have a soft spot for your curly hair. Something about the volume and the aura it gives you is so perfect. That’s his girl.
Simon Riley who lets you buy hair products with his money. He doesn’t care, he likes to spoil you, and he doesn’t understand what’s wrong with his 3-in-1 shampoo but he’s happy to indulge his pretty girl if it makes her happy.
Simon Riley who is GREAT at messing up your hair. It feels so nice and he always has to touch it, playing with a strand when you’re sitting on the sofa together or full on gripping it while you’re making out. He’s finally learnt that he can’t just rake his hands through it (once they actually got stuck) but that doesn’t stop him from constantly tucking your hair behind your ear or patting it when he has an arm around you .
Simon Riley who, failing that, loves to smell your hair. You tell him it’s weird but your products just smell so good!!! And they smell like you!! If you’re in the kitchen, he’ll hug you from behind, and (not so) secretly smell your hair as he mumbles something to you about something totally random or about how much he loves you. One or the other.
Simon Riley who hopes that your kids have curly hair just like their mummy. The idea of his girl carrying around a toddler with identical curly hair, in little pigtails or tiny braids, melts his heart. He’s a tough guy almost all of the time, he’d probably intimidate any other guy on the street by his size and general rough attitude but if you gave him a baby girl that looked just like you, he would be totally devoted. He’d even let her try to put pink hair clips in his short hair, or draw on his tattooed arms. The idea of watching you do your baby’s hair for them melts his heart.
Simon Riley with whom you once tried to do that cute couple thing where you draw each other, and though you did your best to make a realistic drawing of him, he drew you as a stick figure with loopy squiggles for hair and little hearts around you. He was really proud of it, too. Says he hopes your kids don’t inherit his artistic talent.
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i don’t know how many cod girlies have curly hair but i do!!! i wish i had a man to buy me nice products tbh
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tragedybunny · 1 year
Fun Astarion idea:
Tav finds a wish spell (does the Deck of Many Things behind Astarion's back and gets insanely lucky), and offers to use it to cure his Vampirism.
He would probably be annoyed at them for risking that, at least.
This one ended up short and sweet anon, but I didn't want to belabor it because I think it would be gilding the lily.
As requested, Tav draws from the Deck Many Things, Astarion is less than thrilled.
Gambles and Wishes - F!Reader x Astarion
“Astarion,” you pound on the door to your home’s library until you thought it would break. 
“I’m still not talking to you,” he shouts back, not even getting close to the door. 
It was locked from the inside and you consider an unlocking spell for a moment but stop. The lock was a boundary, and you hated to cross his boundaries, he didn’t get to have any for so long. Instead you opt to groan in frustration. “Please, this isn’t the healthiest way to solve our problems.”
“Neither is lying, but that didn’t stop you,” he shoots back and you cringe because he’s technically right. 
“It wasn’t lying so much as not telling. And see, you’re talking to me so why don’t we stop shouting through the door.” To be honest, it was starting to make you nervous, he’d never been angry at you for this long before. Maybe your good intentions had taken things too far. “Please Love, Starry Sky,” your voice shakes. 
The noise of the lock opening causes your heart to leap, but you're not sure if it’s dread or elation, so you just stand there, arms crossed around yourself until the door opens. Astarion stares at you with watery red eyes, “is that really how you want this relationship to work?”
“No, you’re right, but the possible reward was too great to deny.” Why can’t he understand, you’d do anything for him?
“So was the risk, you pulled a card from the Deck of Many things. You know magic, you know what could’ve happened.” He’s not shouting anymore, it’s so much worse. He’s barely whispering the words, and the tears are finally starting to spill over. “And you didn’t even consult me, we’re supposed to be equals in this.” 
So much for those boundaries you didn’t want to cross, the realization started to eat you up inside. Protecting him wasn’t a good excuse anymore. “I’m so sorry. It’s just that I would risk anything for you and I knew you wouldn’t let me.” 
Even amidst all the pain, the two of you find yourselves holding onto each other. “Sunlight, that’s because you always take risks for me. You need to worry more about yourself sometimes.” He sniffles into your shoulder, and you hope his tears are drying as you stroke his hair. 
“I know, last one I promise. But I got what I wanted, one Wish spell, we can have the life we thought was impossible.” The life you wanted so badly to give him, the life he deserved. 
Stepping back from you, he appraises you seriously. “Are you sure this is what you would use it on? You could have an Empire, become a Goddess. Not that you aren’t already, especially when it comes too- ” he smiles lasciviously. 
“Astarion,” playfully you smack his shoulder, “behave yourself. And yes this is the only thing I could think of using it on. I couldn’t wish for anything more than you.”  
“You’re still a silly girl who’s too nice to me.” New tears appear in his eyes you notice, but for an entirely different reason. “Well then I accept, on one condition of course.”
“And what is that?” 
“You promise you’re stuck with me as long as we both live. I’m not used to being alive of course, I’m going to need someone to keep an eye on me for a long time. And let’s be honest, you’re the most qualified. I don’t think any of our friends would really be able to handle it.” 
He’s rambling but you know it’s because he’s nervous, so you lean over and kiss him softly. “Deal. Now let’s make you an un-undead Love.” 
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bubbleberryuniverse · 2 months
(AKA Petrified!Peri because that name is cool as FUCK.)
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SO. You may be asking, "what happened to him?" And I am here to EXPLAIN! :]
This AU is still a fairly [pun unintended] big WIP, so some details are still all over the place/undecided, and some may change over time; constructive criticism, opinions/thoughts, questions, are all appreciated!
The general idea is, well... divergent from the finale. What if, after the chip is grabbed and Hazel, Wanda, [and maybe Cosmo? I don't recall if he goes with them/ends up somewhere else] go to fix the wand, Peri explodes. And it gets undone when Hazel wishes to fix Fairy World. Buuuttt... not quite!
It wasn't her 1 Millionth Wish that she used up on Fairy World— which is why it Doesn't Quite Fix Him Going Kaboomey. But I imagine that having 1Mil Wishes had a mild influence on What Happened and why exploding DID get fixed... sort of. [I need to brainstorm specifics on this.]
Peri looks GENERALLY normal most of the time, except for, well, *gestures at reference.* Outside of THAT [cracked wand, cracked crown [crack hidden by the glow], slightly off color pallete], there's some other stuff that's just a Hint of Wrong.
Like coughing up confetti and/or rainbows [without any other sign of magical backup [which he can't experience anymore because he did technically already die via backup.]] And sometimes the funny silly wacky expressions that happened during buildup [big ol' eyes/pupils, star shaped pupils, funny faces [like when he was talking to Dev.]
Throwing this in here. Sometimes he just stares like the TBH Creature. It's kinda silly kinda funny. I need to make a Petrified!Peri TBH emote because that fits well.
I was ALSO thinking about the idea that sometimes limbs can detach [the ghost fairy in that one ep is what gave me this thought], mostly for expressive purposes/fun silly purposes. It can be seen in this image here! Still DEBATING on this, though.
Cosmo and Wanda Don't Know He Died [because of not being right there] But something Is Off. Peri probably doesn't at first either until they [themself] put it together through context clues, and then they're like, "ooohh no, mom and dad probably don't know I exploded!" And he gets REALLY nervous about them finding out because that'd be A Lot and he doesn't want to Worry Them [because... he fucking died.]
So. There's a lot of him just trying not to Act Suspicious. Which only makes them both concerned! I have so many silly funny interactions between them that I imagine, actually!
Peri: *Talking. Suddenly... star pupils!*
Wanda: Um. Sweetie?
Peri: Hey do you see that?
Cosmo: Oooh, see what?
Peri: Over there! *Points.*
Cosmo + Wanda: *Looks over.*
Peri: *Disappears.*
WHICH. YEAH. SO. GHOST FORM. They're completely hidden when they're actually a GHOST, and has no wand/wings when they're a ghost, either [they do have wings normally, I just forgot to include them in the reference.] And I imagine whenever they poof into their ghost form that they leave a tiny bit of confetti behind!
He reassigns himself to Dev on his own [who didn't forget after the finale.] And his magic is kind of fucked up. Cause he's DEAD and look at his fucking WAND. So wishes kinda get fucked up when granted a bit sometimes ehehehaha...
I am also dumping my Peri headcanons onto him. They're transmasc nonbinary and use he/they pronouns and they're also aroace! :3
PLEASE. PLEASE send me any asks if you have any questions! You don't have to ask to draw them, either— just tag me in any art if you ever make any, please! :]
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st4vk1nmybra1n · 2 months
I love you, don't act so surprised?!
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cont: Model!Gojo x GN!reader, sweet sweet gojo and his silly thoughts!! Wc: 1.5k.
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Lovestruck. A little stupid, admittedly. Not charming, and surely not as cool. That's how Gojo Satoru would describe himself in the presence of the only person who can tolerate his ideas, sometimes even surpassing his stupidity to give him a reality check and shut him up. Like really quickly. To the point where he feels embarrassed for himself. And he never feels embarrassed about his beautiful brain and its beautiful thoughts. He knows everything about him is beautiful. I mean– he's a model for a reason, you know?
You were sort of an enigma. You weren't his manager, but sometimes he wishes he could just have you be his manager because you were just that good at making him seem like a saint. He faintly thinks it must be because of those really expensive media training classes his dad paid for. The one that he, you, and suguru had taken. Not like he really paid attention then. Oh well! He has a pretty face, why should he hold back his words? Though he'd definitely argue you'd make a better model. You had the media training, the professionalism, the skill, the knowledge (about a lot of things. Some things, more than the other. But you were smart!), and you definitely had the looks! 
You were gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. You had the right features. No matter what anyone else thinks, he's sure he could probably capture your beauty with a camera. He's no photographer or whatever, but even he knows you can look good under any circumstances. Whenever he watches back his interviews and any and every video of him on the internet (which he does because he knows he's hot. That's it.), you always seem to capture his eyes. You're not even the main focus of the videos in most cases. You appear briefly, fixing his hair or telling him to straighten up a bit more. Or maybe the camera pans to you when you're behind the scenes, grinning at the camera as you make a cheeky remark about him. He thinks you look.. a little too good when you're feeling sly..
You have your own job and life going on, but it's so heavily ingrained in his head that his days can't pass without you in them. It's like the day's exhaustion washes away when he shows up at your doorstep after a long day of shooting. Or when you show up in the morning with waffles for breakfast, first thing in the morning when you know he has a big shoot coming up. He just loves you– or well– spending time with you (???), nothing more. Yeah, for sure!
Most people feel nervous in his presence. He knows he exudes an energy of confidence and self assurity. It may sound egotistical but it's simply a truth, a fact everyone knows. He's not surprised when people stammer and stumble over their words when talking to him, or when their eyes wander over him. He knows it's only natural for them. It's something he doesn't pay much mind to, it just makes him feel even more satisfied. Whenever he'll crack a joke, they'll crack a smile, laugh with their cheeks tinted. It almost feels as though he's entertaining them. Don't get him wrong, he loves being ogled at, but he needs entertainment too! Then there's people who look at him in such a way where he can see the gears of creativity churning in their heads. All the ways they could film him, all the angles they could use to photograph him to bring out his best (which is also something that's just him existing), all the ways they could draw him or paint him. He's observant like that, he sees it all.
But for you, Shoko, and Suguru, it's different. His friends don't have that look of wonder or nervousness when they look at him. They're all used to it, he knows. After spending so many years together, it's clear that's the case. Suguru himself was into photography, though not as much to pursue it as more than a hobby. Suguru often did capture photos of satoru. But he didn't care to skirt around the subject when he felt satoru was doing something he hadn't envisioned. He would tell satoru straight up to pose again, and 'leave out the sass this time'. His friends won't hesitate to shut him up if he says something stupid, maybe even whack him against the back of his head. They don't care to sugarcoat their words, or to conceal the fact that they'll laugh in his face if he does something that they think is stupid. And he likes that! It's something he especially likes about you. That when he cracks a joke, you'll double down with something funnier that'll send everyone into another 10 minute laughing fit. He likes it when he asks if you could pass him something, and you answer 'no' with the straightest face ever, as you hand him the mentioned object. He likes when he asks you a dumb question, you answer with something even dumber. Sometimes to add to the joke, sometimes to humble his stupidity.
 Oh, and he loves when he's taking a video and he calls you over, you'll look up at the mention of your name, and instinctively smile as you see his camera. He loves it when you give him and Suguru ideas on their next photoshoot, demonstrating Satoru's potential poses with a dramatic face, sometimes breaking out into a cheeky grin as you tried imitating satoru. He loves when you get sassy and cheeky, he loves it when you know you've caught him slacking, your knowing and sly grin making him feel even more heated than he could imagine. He probably mentioned that earlier, too. He loves way too many things about you. Next thing you know, he probably loves you! But that's not true.. definitely not! 
He's also a liar. He does love you. A lot. A recent revelation. Shamefully, he thinks the way that most people get nervous around him is oddly reminiscent of how he is around you. Except, he's not boring and dull. If anything, he makes the funniest jokes ever! His eager eyes are always finding your frame everytime he cracks a joke, just to see you burst out laughing at him. He's made himself the butt of the joke more times than he can count, just to see you give him a sarcastic and satire response, or even better– when you laugh at him. Maybe it's a twisted feeling, to feel joy from such a thing. But he really could handle doing anything if it meant seeing you smile at him.
"You've been locked up here for an hour. Do you wanna start getting ready for our photoshoot or do you wanna continue to stare at that photo frame of you and your.. family." Suguru's voice interrupts his thoughts, his brow raised at his friend as he looks over at Satoru, who had been staring at a picture of you, him, and your cinnamoroll plushie and his digimon plushie. 
Satoru remembers that day. It was after Suguru had finished taking pictures of him, and you'd been sitting just watching, with his treasured plushie in your hand, while your own cinnamoroll plushie was also seated on your lap. "Let's get a photo of the whole family. Satoru and I, and our two sons!" You chimed in, rushing into the frame as you leaned in against Satoru. You both took a sequence of photos, ranging from bright grins on your faces, to your faces completely serious, like a true family portrait. And then later on his birthday, you gifted him a large frame of the photo (alongside other gifts, of course), which he put up in his bedroom, without even having to put much thought into it. 
"Are you gonna confess? Stop staring at that frame and do something about it." Suguru chided, clicking his tongue. 
"Give me a break! I only just realized like.. 2 weeks ago. I need time to process everything!" He responded to Suguru, tone whiney and dramatic.
"2 weeks too late, maybe. We all noticed like, 2 years ago. You're late to the party. Do something about it before I do something about it." Suguru threatened loosely, placing his hands on his hips.
"Ey! You can't do that! Mine. Mine only." Satoru gasped in offense, brows furrowed as he crossed his arms, lips forming into a pout.
"I meant I'd air out your business, not ask them out, you idiot!" Suguru sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Oh. Oh! That's good for him, Satoru thinks. He plans on telling you, sooner or later. But sometimes, he just likes to stare at you and admire what you have already. But he knows he can't risk it. You're more gorgeous than he is, and that's saying something. He knows there's a chance someone may come in and sweep you off your feet, and he would never allow someone as beautiful as you to end up with someone who isn't him. It's simple logic, really. An ethereal person such as you, only deserves someone who's as breathtaking as you. Not to toot his own horn, but he's pretty sure he's the only one who fits that criteria. It's just meant to be! You and him. He's known it deep down inside all along. He wouldn't have it any other way, of course.
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side note: i just wanna add that i almost LOST the ENTIRE fic and cried for 10 mins before i eventually found out how to restore it! so i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did <3333
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pdflayn · 7 months
oscar piastri x reader
1.1k words
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summary: Oscar makes sure his girlfriend experiences the perfect vacation in his hometown, Australia.
warnings: smut under the cut! fingering in public, idk i think that's all
note: this is only part 1, part 2 will be posted once i find time again. reqs r open btw, enjoy!
It was already one in the afternoon and you were all behind the time planned to leave the house. Recently, Oscar had this brilliant idea to have a day or two at the beach with his whole family as a chance for you to be able to bond with them, something you’ve always wished for the moment Oscar asked you to officially be his girlfriend. 
Everyone, excluding your boyfriend, were pretty calm about the situation. Oscar has been walking back and forth in the living room while holding his checklist. You couldn’t help but to chuckle at the sight of him. Little moments like this made you adore him even more. He really wants your stay in his hometown to be perfect. What he doesn’t know is it already is. What you meant by bonding with him and his family only meant to spend time with them even in the comfort of their own home and eat dinner at the table.
“Love, sit down for a bit. You’ve already triple-checked that list of yours.” You whisper to him as you run your hands on his shoulder, trying to ease him. It worked eventually and he flashed a smile to you. “I’m sorry, I just want this vacation of yours to be perfect. Especially since it's your first time here in Australia. Wouldn’t want you to hate the place and not think about going back here now, do I?”
You giggled at his silly remark and placed a peck on his lips. “Silly baby, of course I’d want to go back here. Even if you show me the dirtiest and ugliest part of Australia, I'd still want to go back. It’s your hometown, it’s basically you in many ways so why would I hate it?” 
“Even the spiders?’
“No, Piastri. Not the spiders.” you say as you glared at him and he just laughed as he ruffled your hair. You didn’t mind really, but if it were other people you would already burst in flames. 
After a few more minutes, everyone has already finished packing and finally placed their bags in the trunk of the van. Oscar and his mom were even fighting at first because Osar wanted to drive but his mom won’t let him. Eventually he gave in knowing how much of a mama’s boy he is. The both of you sat at the back of the van, it was your favorite spot in every van because you felt more comfortable since you feel no eyes watching behind you. Aside from Oscar’s of course. 
“Will you ever stop staring at me?” you joked as you turned off your phone. you heard Oscar release a small chuckle and felt him scoot closer to you. you didn't mind at all, physical touch was your love language and he knew that too well. you took it as an opportunity to rest on his chest and close your eyes but Oscar had different intentions. 
As you relaxed on his chest, you felt his cold hands linger on your clothed body. tracing your curves and drawing circles on your back, slowly making its way on your thighs which he had easy access to, all thanks to you deciding to wear your favorite skirt. “Oscar, not here.” you mumbled as you enjoyed his touch but the thought of being caught by his family members is such an embarrassment. 
“Hey, can you get the blanket in ma’s bag? It's cold back here.” Oscar said as he took out his cousin's earphones in front of us. Oscar smiled as he reached for the blanket and gently covered you up as he placed a kiss on the side of your head. “no one will see now, you just need to be quiet if you want me to continue.” 
“Do you want me to continue?” you nodded as a response. “I need words, baby.” 
“Continue please, love.” 
Oscar guided your head to rest on his shoulder as he rested his arm on your waist and his free hand slid under the blanket. you can feel his hands wander around your body, starting from your knees, to your thighs, to your hips, up to your waist, cupping your clothed tits. your breathing hitch as you struggle to be quiet. “Look at you, struggling so hard to keep it down already and I barely touched you yet.” Oscar whispers to your ear, adding fuel to your fire. 
“Osc- fuck!” you yelped as he suddenly pinched your nipple. He responded quickly, covering your mouth with his free hand and chuckled in your ear. “Be quiet, love. you wouldn't want them to know how desperate we are, don't you?” 
You bit your lip, hoping it would help you stop the lewd noises that might come out of your mouth as Oscar slipped his hand inside your panties. His fingers playing with your clit and teasing your hole. “Do you feel how wet you are, love? I can easily put my finger inside you.” he said as he slid two fingers inside you without warning, making you grip tightly on his arm as you battle with yourself to prevent yourself from releasing a moan or a whimper or a whine, you weren't sure anymore what sound would come out of your mouth. But you know it would be trouble if people in front of you heard it. 
“Osc, please.” you whimpered as you felt yourself trembling and clenching around his fingers. “are you near, love?” you nodded quickly, almost sobbing from the feeling. “Of course you are. Look at you, such a needy baby enjoying my fingers. Imagine if it's me inside you and not just my fingers. the sounds you'd make will be heavenly.” 
“Fuck- oscar, i'm almost-” you struggle to complete your words as he adds another finger inside of you, fastening his pace even more. He curled his fingers inside of you, reaching your spot which made you scream. Thankfully, he was fast enough to cover your mouth as he continued to fuck you with his fingers as you reached your high. 
You were left breathless as he removed his hand inside you and licked his fingers clean. 
He took his bag and grabbed a roll of tissue and wiped off a few of the residue left on his finger. He took another sheet of tissue and wiped the tears from your eyes, you didn't even feel it. “I think I stressed you out too much. we both know how much of a screamer you are." Oscar jokes, you slapped his arm with no energy at all. He took some wet wipes from his bag as well and slid his hand back on your underwear and wiped you clean. 
“You can still get some sleep, I'll just carry you to our room when we arrive.” Oscar said as he moved towards the other end of the seat so you could use his lap as a pillow which you were more than happy to do.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 9 months
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(It has been one year since I joined the pokeask community with my silly absol. One whole year. How did I get here? Like, damn. It’s just been such a lovely community and I’ve met some truly wonderful people.
I’m sorry I couldn’t get more of you on here. I wish I had the time to draw each and every one of you. This is why I needed the head shot so thank you to everyone who sent it over. Thank you to everyone in this community for being my inspirations, my joy and my friends. I cannot thank you enough. If I could make you all something more to say thank you, I would. (Also forgive me if the image quality is garbage. Tumblr does that sometimes. If you click on it, it'll be clearer.)
I suppose I’ll just go on and say I’ve always admired the community from afar. So many stories I was following. So many inspirational people. The events. The characters. They are all so wonderful. And I followed these blogs for years.
Getting hooked into everything about the ask blog community. At first, I was going to making an ask blog about a royal Goodra/Vespiquen fusion who goes to other places to make political connections for their hive. I drew up a couple of concepts but I didn’t go ahead with it.
I kept following the community, constantly being inspired and amazed by everyone inside of it. I’d wanted to join a community for a while. At first, I joined the Pokémon fusion community. It was fun. I met some great people. But, after a few years, it didn’t fill me with joy. I did fusions on multiple platforms, even making some fusions for the infinite fusions game (they’re still in there). I had a go with commissions. It just became a bit of a chore.
I tried making my own region. It only lasted a month. It left a gap which I didn’t know how to fill. I also did dnd with friends which mostly satisfied this but we didn’t do it consistently enough. I definitely miss doing it. I probably did fusions for 6 years. The blogs are still up. There was nothing I wanted to draw consistently.
Near the end of last year, I had a really tough time. My mental health took a really big dip and I was struggling. It was an incredibly dark time. I didn’t have much going on. Maybe we were doing dnd. I don’t remember though. I started drawing Pokémon because I wasn’t in the mood to draw dnd art.
I don’t know why but I started to draw an absol. I think it may have been inspired by my current dnd character. As I was drawing this absol, ideas started to form in my mind about who this absol was and the world they were from. Ideas kept flowing and flowing.
Once the absol was finished, I drew another character, and another and another. And I just kept drawing. Soon, I started drawing maps and a prophecy for this absol and their world. The name Destino came from the word Destiny. It brought me so much joy. I worked on it for a few days and put it to the side.
Then came around the 27th December 2022. I looked back on my planning for this world and thought perhaps I could turn it into an ask blog. At first, I was so nervous. I didn’t want to go through with it. My partner convinced me to make the blog. That’s when I began to draw the first post. And on December 29th 2022, I created the blog and made a reference post for Destino.
Soon, the first post was posted and I got asks. Exciting stuff! And it was so much fun deciding how Destino would respond. More asks kept coming and I eventually started sending asks to others. The most exciting part would have to be seeing people follow me who I was a huge fan of. Gonna be honest, I’m still so incredibly excited when talking to these people and when they like my stuff.
My love for this blog grew and I’ve spent a lot of my time working on it. I have loved each and every moment of it. It was fun having this smug, egotistical absol interacting with many characters who I am a huge fan of and entertaining to see their reactions. Destino was becoming a bit of a thing. Memes were made of Destino. Destino was insulting every legendary they could come across. For me, it was hilarious. And it seemed others were enjoying their antics too.
I am incredibly thankful each day with every interaction, every like, every follow, every reblog, etc. I’ve had. I’m grateful for this entire community. Every one of you has been so friendly and I love talking to you. This community has filled a void which I wasn’t sure would be filled. And I hope I can continue loving being in this community for a while. Destino is going to stick around for a while. I’ve got big plans for them and I hope to enjoy this journey with you all.
Thank you everyone. I hope I can continue to work with you all and have fun! Let’s get ready for another year of Destino.)
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vvanillavveins · 3 months
On the WTNV finale:
Look, i like Brinknor. They helped me fall back in love with Night Vale when i was feeling particularly uninspired. It's hard to put it into words; i have adhd & i struggle to remember big intricate plots unless something reoccurring has really grabbed hold of my attention, and before Brinknor, i was struggling to sink my teeth into anything attention-holding, so to speak. I guess i was becoming less enthusiastic in Night Vale's storyline as time went on, even though i couldn't really work out why. I just couldn't stop tuning out. But, with Brinknor, there came a bunch of shiny new plotpoints- at a faster pace. The show could actually hold my focus properly, and my wtnv fixation was suddenly up & running again.
All this is to say that i know it's just my impatience talking when i say that i wish that the loose ends of those new, interesting plotpoints had been tied up a little more by episode 250. I adore the way they write about Cecil's childhood and his family, and i want Kevin & The Boy's arc to be given the same amount of love, and attention, and time that the Palmer siblings' arc got. The same goes for Tamika. And Carlos. And Lauren, actually. Yes, i know she was a central figure in the last 2 episodes, and i loved that because she's one of my favourite characters. I fucking adore eldritch Mother Lauren. But still, it was all too vague to really learn anything new about her or the desert otherworld. And, above all else, i can't help but think of how wonderful it would've been if Charles and Donovan were included in the finale- especially Donovan.
When Kevin first came back in 2023, one of my silly little hcs as to why he was apparently in the Smiling God's bad books (and why he didn't mention Charles or Donovan) was that because Charles & Donovan aren't from Desert Bluffs they haven't devoted themselves to the Smiling God like the rest of the townsfolk. They wouldn't "smile" properly. One of my darker ideas at the time was the possibility of Kevin having to choose between making them part of his faith, i.e., making them "smile" like the rest of Desert Bluffs (which i doubt he'd go through with after his mudstone abyss arc), or having Charles & Donovan leave town (which i doubt they'd go through with), or, doing neither & keeping quiet about his life with them to avoid drawing attention. If he chose the latter and then got found out, it would make sense that he'd stop being the Smiling God's favourite. Obviously, i never thought any of that was correct- i was just having fun- and i was excited to find out the real story further down the line.
But that didn't happen, and we still don't really have many answers. Everything to do with Kevin, and Lauren, and The Boy got wrapped up in about 10 minutes flat. We've already had an emotional Fatherhood themed episode with Cecil & Abby; we didn't need another one just for the sake of it.
With the context of what we already know about Kevin's father, the ending of episode 250 was just uncomfortable. Sure, Kevin's talked about his father positively before, but that's always been in contrast with the actual content of his memories. It's always been made clear that the script/the writers disagree with Kevin's sunny outlook, and therefore the listeners should too. Those moments are there to demonstrate just how fucked up Kevin really is, and that his positivity is just a coping mechanism. But this time Cecil spoke for him, so we didn't get Kevin's usual sing-song rambling. It was calm, and collected, and matter-of-factly. And this time there were no sugar-coated descriptions of abuse, only genuine praise. We were actually supposed to agree with him this time, and it made the whole speech (and ending) sound hollow and forced.
I really didn't like this episode. It felt rushed. It tried to cover far too much far too quickly, and it failed. But, despite all that, i am hoping that future episodes will bring some sort of clarity about what happened. And hopefully some closure about Kevin and his family, too. I want loose ends to get tied up properly and i believe that maybe, with time, the important ones will be. Slow burning subplots are kinda quintessential to Night Vale's writing at this point anyway. Brinknor definitely missed the mark with this one, but they're still incredibly talented writers and i'm not ready to give up on them like some of the other fans on here.
Besides, i think that some of Night Vale's worst episodes are still incredible pieces of writing in their own right. The bad episodes are only bad in comparison to the dozens upon dozens of absolutely phenomenal episodes that make up the rest of a show that is, for the most part, a joy to listen to. So, here's to some hopefully better episodes in the future, i guess.
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alva-gunderson · 1 month
Hi! Long time follower and I love your art, is thrilling to see someone who draws too well Groening’s art style, even if i absolutely adore your Disenchantment art! I got curious for your Zapp/Leela drawing (and in general how you draw Zapp), is such a rare ship that needs to be explored, so I’m very curious about your Futurama AU or headcanons, it doesn’t have to be drawings at all just I’m willing to know how are these dynamics. I hope you’re doing well! Please be safe! :D
Hello! Aww thank you very much^^
Yes, I really like Zapp x Leela, but not like an actual couple or anything very serious. I really wish they had a bit more interactions in the show too xD
That's how they are in my silly version:
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Pretty much in my AU, Leela and Fry never started dating, and Leela has something like friends (frenemies) with benefits with Zapp. I don't have that many ideas yet, as it's just for fun^^ But also, since I'm not a big fan of the modern Futurama, my au takes places around the end of the original seasons:) I'll post more ideas/skethes when I come up with them! C:
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herozdiary · 9 months
Black cat + ginger cat
Simon x Reader
This diary entry contains…Written as HC’s | reader is the ginger cat and Simon is a black cat | fluff and angst | Mentions of depression | Baking | reader really like plushie collecting | mentions of the accident | short because I ran out of ideas fast😣
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I feel like Simon is super good at catching on or reading a person! He can tell when your upset at him or someone and will give you your space until your ready to talk to him
Simon isn’t a very talkative person to anyone but people’s he close with.He tells you about his day for hours as you take in every word his says.
You’re a super talkative,Sweet person who knows how to talk to a lot of people.Simon doesn’t really talk to people unless he feels like he needs to and when he does he’s not bad at it he’s just very quiet.
One time you saw a cool cupcake recipe on TV and just had to try it out with Simon.You never knew how much of a good baker Simon was but surprisingly they came out just right and looked even better then they did on tv thanks to your amazing decorating skills.
Some nights Simon will just cry into your shirt as a way to help let out any pent up feelings from that day.You knew how stressed he felt with all the tests and work he had to do.you did most of his work for him while taking down notes and explaining how to do it on a piece of paper when he took a small nap.
Simon is really good at cuddling mostly because of how warm he is.He’s like your personal heater for the winter!cold and your heater is busted?just call over Simon and now you have a human heater!
He tends to just stare at you and not say anything before looking somewhere else.He mostly does this because he’s either admiring you or he’s just really lost in thought
Collects cute little plushies for you and loves to see your reaction when every time he comes over he has a new one for you!you started a plushie collection and ended up having to put a little shelf to put most of them on and the rest on your bed
After the accident,Simon felt really upset at the loss of his ability to walk and just stayed with him every step of the way.He would vent to you about how he wish it wasn’t him and how he wished he could still walk.
You baked him a cake and it came out surprisingly good.You wrote in big letters that you loved him and he enjoyed it,Tearing up slightly.
You helped him with his depression by doing things to help take his mind off of things like drawing,baking,watching TV and explaining the plot to him every 5 seconds.
You always have to help him shave his beard when it gets to out of hand for his liking.You like to poke fun at him by calling him stupid silly names and making beard puns.Your always gentle with it also!you know how he likes it as you watched him do it so many times.
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skelebab · 4 months
Been thinking about this idea I had and finally finished drawing what I meant
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The sillies ever <333
I wish I had more skin colours but I did my best with what I have rn :b
There are a few details I wanna talk about so imma put them here :)
- The newest Robin wears green, this is why in the bonus doodles at the end I made Dick's second suit blue instead of teal and gave Jason red shorts instead of green (though I do think imma go with black instead). Cass's domino will switch to black after Damian joins and Damian's suit changes after Duke joins (I'll have to design that later)
- Steph gives Cass her old mask when Cass becomes Robin (they're silly to me)
- Barbra is the only one who isn't Robin, she stays Batgirl then Oracle (she tries to convince the girls to take up the BG mantal at least once a week)
- Every Robin has red on their suit besides Dick when Jason was Robin. He was def bullied into adding it into his next suit and chose the placement for optimal wisecracking (probably the only way he was able to let go of the discorob suit)
I spent a long time designing some of the suits and have so many thoughts about this au :') feel free to send an ask if you have any questions or requests about them 😊
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sillygoofyqueer · 25 days
More Heavenly Crowyuan thoughts for both you and @someonewhoreadswaaytoomuchfanfic.
As I was thinking up Heavenly Crow Demon ideas, it occurred to me that regeneration and fire are both things associated with Greek phoenixes. Considering PIDW's insane length, surely at least some of the adventures must have monsters cribbed from other mythologies, right?
With this is mind, there is a good chance Shen Yuan looks at his abilities and thinks something like, "Oh, I must have a grandparent who is a many-lived-regenerating-firebird. There sure were a lot of them in that volcanic demon realm mountain range where Binghe met wife 67." and just never question things further. Since Airplane opted not to include heavenly demon crows in his story, Shen Yuan has no idea they're even a possibility!
As sillygoofyqueer noted before, only heavenly demons naturally have Zuiyin marks, but it's really popular for artists to draw such markings on other sorts of demons too. Because of this, I'm fond of the headcanon that all sorts of demons mark their own foreheads either to denote their status or just for the sake of fashion.
I'm sure crow demons, with their love of shiny things, are happy to paint glittery markings on their foreheads, so they might not find Shen Yuan's natural mark all that odd (beyond perhaps the fact he never changes it). For Shen Yuan himself, since he transmigrated in with clothes and stuff, he probably figures the demon he transmigrated into painted it there before Shen Yuan replaced him.
Supposing the other crows do realize Shen Yuan's heritage, one of my many inspirations for crowyuan are the crows in Tamora Pierce's trickster series. Let me tell you, those crows were not impressed by either royalty or gods. If you want their help with something, you need to bribe them with something shiny!
As such, when they look at heavenly demon crows they probably just think things like, "Man, I wish my feathers came with natural gold tips!" and "That guy sure is helpful when driving off invaders!" but otherwise do not care in the slightest... Unless the heavenly demon crow in question uses their abilities to bully and steal from other crows of course. Then they might agree to offer tribute and some token amount of reverence, but they'll mostly just think that crow is an asshole.
I think this is such a silly funny idea as well, and I love the thought of, instead of worshipping the ground that heavenly demons walk on like most other demons, the extent of crow demons' appreciation ends at "...I want those shiny feathers :(" (imagine a whiney sibling's voice as you read that) and other than that, they really do not care about anything like that.
Also, on the topic of Shen Yuan just brushing off everything weird that hints towards his heritage, I can't stop thinking about the idea of him trying to get used to his own body and figure out what perks it has. Every time he comes across something that isn't mentioned in PIDW, he brushes it off with an "it must have been a fluke" or "well, never doing THAT ever again". For instance, when his arm sets alight and it's healed from a fall or something, he kind of pauses before deciding "well, now I'm hallucinating from the hitting my head" and just goes about his day as if nothing happened. One time he accidentally sets something on fire when he's healing (still believing that he is just regularly hallucinating now) and he stares at the ashes of whatever he burned before just gaslighting himself into believing he had a source of fire that caused the flames rather than him doing it.
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icekingofhope · 1 month
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(Enjoy this meme here-)
so the Sonic 3 trailer is out and I decided to go on and make a silly post and a small announcement
I have decided after much debate I will start officially making sonic art NOW KNOW I am new at drawing the sonic artstyle so the characters may look like something out of the shining or something cause I’m getting used to drawing them I done the same with the lmk style until I perfected it
Anyways I decided to ramble my thoughts on the trailer and why I love Sonic
now I am a sonic veteran I have drawn sonic before but when I was way younger but Sonic has stuck by me I remember back in the 2000s I used to watch sonic underground a lot on Netflix that’s how long ago it was I always loved sonic I loved the video games even own some sonic games myself!
my first one was sonic unleashed one of my favorite games I always loved and still love to this day the time where he was a werehog and sometimes I even wish he can go back to werehog sonic and plus it introduced me one of my comfort songs endless possibilities
I got way more into Sonic thanks to the anime Sonic X I didn’t watch the whole series cause it started to get weird but it was how I was introduced to shadow one of my favorite characters
I remember I was so intrigued I tried to find other content and then I found YouTuber named animebromii (who unfortunately is a…well piece of shit to sum it up he was one of those found out to get to close to kids type of YouTubers category but that was found out right after I stopped watching him) I remember his Sonic videos always made me filled with joy and made me love the characters more
although I stop getting into Sonic as fans started to get a little to weird for my taste and such and Sega didn’t know what the fuck they were doing
what rekindle my love for Sonic was well the Sonic movies and as I watch I remembered the joy I had for it and started to slowly get into Sonic again and explore more of it due to being more mature and such I turned out to have well a lot of unpopular opinion that I know will have a mob of angry Sonic fans chasing me with pitchforks
Just Some headcanons and ships I don’t agree on and such even some dislike on how Sega is going about like trying to make sonamy now NOTE I don’t mind sonamy hell as a kid I was one of the people who ship it or more specifically the werehog sonic x Amy (i saw so many AMVs and one of those story shits….you have no idea how much of a huge werehog sonic fan I was) but the reason it makes me uncomfortable cause I found out Sega have gave the group canon ages at one point….
which where Amy is 12 and sonic is 15 NOW I don’t know if this is true I haven’t seen proof and out of all honestly I personally think the ages shouldn’t have been confirmed cause well it feels like to me it fucks up the lore and a lot of ships people love and you could have your own headcanons and such for their ages and to me Sonic doesn’t feel like he is 15 to me like hell when I was younger I thought he was ALEAST 18 or 16
There is only few ships I feel comfortable with that is Elise x sonic and sonia x knuckles
now admittedly yes I maybe not the biggest Sonic fan I haven’t read any of the comics i haven’t played all the games hell sometimes I don’t know half of the characters sometimes but still I love Sonic with all my heart and I hope you guys enjoy this little adventure of mine of Sonic the hedgehog
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☆ Thoughts On Part One ☆
I have many thoughts and feelings and I am definitely not gonna be able to wrangle every last one in here, but I can do my darnedest to hit most of the big ones!
Dropped From The Clouds
The contrast of this first song compared to the start of TGOA makes me a little insane. Both songs are full of questions and uncertainty and take place after the characters have been teleported to another time and place, but When Are We? has the comfort and assurance of being with friends while Dropped From The Clouds has Rose isolated and alone without any familiar faces, and the parallel just reminds me of how much has changed and how quickly things are continuing to change. When are we going to slow down? Not now, it seems.
Dakkar's introduction, oh my god — "I'm nobody." [mildly threatening Radiance noises] "Give me the orrery." — and then he immediately goes into science mode. I need to draw him so bad. Also, side note, I already adore Jesse Bhamrah's voice.
He was/is a Traveler and a Searcher? so it seems the titles aren't mutually exclusive, then. I wonder if his unclear status as a Traveler has anything to do with whatever he's got going on that we heard in Transmission 14.
Fast Friends
CAPTAIN ADDISON ARVAD!!!!!! THE SCREAM I WANTED TO SCRUMPT!!! (also Natalie Masini sounds amazing)
"Lower your weapon, for God's sake." "The gun was your idea." I love them, your honor
So Dakkar and Addison were absolutely taking precautions in case Kal had possessed Rose, right? That's the vibe I get, anyway. Maybe they know he's capable of doing that sort of thing (maybe Sia has seen it happen? or, y'know, ✨️seen✨️ it) and that's why they wanted to check if she knew the GAD's publication date—Kal doesn't seem to automatically gain his host's knowledge, like when he didn't seem to know Morgan had already been sent away, so if he was possessing Rose then he probably wouldn't have known the date.
...Actually wait, you know what? Maybe it was Itzal they were worried about. We don't really know anything about what magic he could have at his disposal—maybe he can also possess people or change his form. and since he's a bigger, badder threat, I think it could make more sense for them to avoid saying his name rather than Kal's. 🤔
ADDISON IS A ROSE FAN???? ROSE IS PRETTY FAMOUS ON THEIR ISLAND??!? THEY HAVE A BRICK FROM TOWNSHIP NUMBER 9??!!?! Rose deserves the hype 100% of course but I have so many questions
okay I didn't expect Rose to meet Addison the very hour she arrived 2 weeks in the past, so I did not consider the fact that she and the crew would be here and they wouldn't have disappeared yet. I am now deeply afraid, because I know something happens to her. I have been so afraid of how the time travel will hurt me irt the twins that I didn't think about how many OTHER ways the time travel could hurt me.....
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AND ROSE CAN'T WARN HER!!! So she just has to keep her mouth shut and let it happen and Addison must know that something happens, she and Dakkar didn't seem surprised that Rose didn't know who she was, but she's gonna go in blind anyway... 😭😭😭 okay wait, what if Addison and Sia's plan was for them to leave the Antikythera drifting for the others to find, but instead of returning to Lincoln Island Addison and her crew disappeared??
Destiny Strange and Sublime
...well now I just feel silly for not even considering that Dakkar would be the Searcher in the shadows 😂
I can't quite tell if the people he mentions he'd been unable to save is like... a personal thing, as in he actively failed to save them because of his own mistakes, or if it's more of a shared grief for the Blazing World and all its inhabitants. the first interpretation is definitely more angsty, lol.
I wish I had more coherent thoughts on this one but at this current time it mostly boils down to ohh pretty music, Dakkar is cool, Jesse Bhamrah is awesome, et cetera.
Arrival, part 1
HELLO PART 1 SONG!!!! I am excited to see how parts 2 and 3 may emotionally devastate me in the coming week!
so many people from the Blazing World! pleasantly surprised my island of refugees theory was correct. then again, I've spouted off enough theories that odds are at least some of them gotta be right, lol
Ahlaam my beloved!!! Virginia's voice is gorgeous, omfg.
The different creatures and plants from all over the world.... have the Searchers been looking for things that remind them of the Blazing World and bringing them back to the island to make it feel more like home? Crafting a facsimile of the Blazing World from pieces of Earth? (aough, and I thought "Ipomoea, just like home!" couldn't hurt any more than it already did...)
the phrasing of "OUR planet's biggest ocean" is interesting to me. Is the Blazing World connected to Earth somehow, thereby making it the same planet in some way, or is it just that this island has been home long enough for Ahlaam to feel attached? Or. Or. If the Blazing World is on the moon, then it would make sense for Ahlaam to refer to the Earth as her planet because the moon revolves around it and it's the moon's planet. (yes, hi, hello, it's a new pulp episode, we are once again in the Overthink Everything And Fire Off A Bazillion Theories era <3 )
They've been waiting for Rose for YEARS? ...would that be since 1835, or 1829? and we know they've been waiting for Margaret because, well, duh, but have they been waiting for Samuel and John, too? or are they all just Rose stans?
the crew of the Antikythera....... 😭😭😭
I love that a good portion of this song is basically just Ahlaam going "check out our sweet digs" lmao
The nights have been dark but this is the spark that will set the whole lighthouse ablaze — YELLING RIGHT NOW, oh my god. lighthouses are guides through darkness and stormy weather and they also cut through fog, I want to bite something (/pos)
this has got to be both very nice and very overwhelming for Rose, lol.
Addison & Dakkar and Ahlaam & Dakkar are both very fun dynamics
A Spell Is Just A Rule Made With Magic
THE FOG IS FROM A SPELL!!! ITZAL CAST A SPELL AND CORRUPTED HIS PEOPLE! "It saturates the heart with darkness 'till you forget life before the blight" oh my god, he convinced all of them that the fog is how they always were & were meant to be? No wonder Kal considers Sia and Margaret traitors. So when Kal says "soon the Blazing World will meet its end" he might not be talking about an actual place—in his mind he's probably talking about the traitors' movement & the ridiculous, dangerous ideas they have about replacing Itzal's world with one of light...
"A spell is just a rule made with magic, and any rule can be broken" AOUGH. CHILLS.
ooh they believe Rose is the key? aw man this adds more weight to "I was a hero and the heroes win — don't they?" in Vanishing...
"Capital." oh my god Mr. Dahan you can't do this to me. The similarities between Dakkar and AJ have to be intentional, right?? ...oh god, is Dakkar gonna make a bad deal to save lives? Is he gonna sacrifice himself in some way to save his people?
Two Weeks
I love this montage, it's such a nice way to go through this part. also I just really like how this whole first part is structured, having this entire part dedicated to Rose in this time is a great way to handle the time travel without being confusing by jumping back and forth, AND it gives us time to get to know the new characters a little bit! It's also a bit of a breather after how hectic the end of TGOA was. (I feel like part 2 is going to get super intense super quickly, lol.)
So they start with science and testing her mind, giving Rose access to all their research to see if she figures out anything there. And then they go to the volcano and scan her, starting to test her body for evidence that she might be able to help them in some magical way. (They're probably still going over the research too, ofc. Those were a lot of books, Dakkar.)
Day 9!!! Sia is here!!! I desperately want to know exactly what she and Addison were talking about. I think it might be a plan to abandon the Antikythera for Margaret and the others to find in a few days, but that's mostly speculation.
also Sia seems so much more relaxed and at ease here. maybe it's because she's at home with her people and she can be less secretive than she was on the satellite? (and because she isn't in a literal magic battle, lmao.)
Dakkar mentions phase three and they go to the lake to try doing stuff with illusion magic—do they want to try using magic on Rose to see if they can get her to activate whatever magic she may have? Or maybe how Rose reacts to the illusion magic could reveal something...?
Rose not wanting to go in the water, aoughhh 😭 and Sia helping her when she's scared 😭😭😭
Dakkar's Grotto / Mobilis In Mobili
when I saw this scene during the premiere I said "holy sci fi" and I stand by that. this environment is so cool. I wonder why the rest of the island isn't like this when they're clearly people with a lot of knowledge and technology... it's probably a matter of supplies. They fled to this island from Itzal and his spell, so they wouldn't have had time to pack a lot of stuff. I imagine whatever they did manage to bring and/or build is all dedicated to their efforts to find a cure and protect everyone.
we know they haven't found anything yet because they're still testing Rose's blood. man, that's gotta be stressful for her. (And the Radiance folks, yeah, but c'mon. so much pressure on Rose right now and she's brand new to all this. 🥺)
The Nautilus is here!!! and it's a spaceship!!! AHHHH!!! 🤩
SHIT IS GOING DOWNNNNNNN! Margaret is radiating and I am going to be Thinking about what it means that Sia can sense it—is it a part of her precognitive abilities? is it part of whatever bond they have that allows them to combine their power?
Rose blurting out a warning about the fog and Ahlaam and Sia immediately getting more concerned.... I hope that maybe since she waited until right before Sia left it won't influence anything negatively, if at all—it's only a very small part of the present that will be influenced and it's not like they totally altered their actions across two weeks to accommodate for that information so I'm sure it's fine. hopefully.
Rose is worried about Samuel almost drowning like she did (and is/will be)... she is not going to like hearing about the dangers he's actually facing. well, if anything is gonna wake up potential magic in her, learning that one of the bad guys attacked & has been harassing her baby brother will probably a good contenderrrrroh fuck I had a thought. uh, stay tuned, we'll get there.
oh god the Ellen Austin will be arriving soon and Samuel and Rose will reunite (they BETTER REUNITE ASAP) and Rose is going to be two weeks older and I am going to perish
not the little reprise of The stars appeared... that made me so sad last time.... 😭 I love how this version of it is positive. the parallels,,,,,,
Rose and the Stars
The past stays soaked into our skin 😭
we are lit by suns that shatter through the dark.....
WE TRAVEL WITH THE SPIRITS THAT WE KEEP — ough, makes me think of the ghost of all my yesterdays in Behind Me. also the change from "Don't spend a second looking back" in ep 1 to "only looking back to see how much we've grown" has me feeling things idk how to describe rn, lol
Rose will shine again 🥺😭❤
A Few More Thoughts
Is the day Sia arrives also the day Addison and her crew left the island? we don't hear from her after this, and her disappearance isn't mentioned in the rest of part one but Sia knows that something happened to the crew when she confronts Kal on the Ellen Austin. If they had a plan for the Searcher crew to return to Lincoln Island and leave the ship for the others to find & investigate to kickstart Margaret's memories, but then the crew just didn't show up, I would think it would be mentioned? Unless they didn't want to overwhelm Rose and distract her from her work, or maybe they avoided discussing Addison & the Antikythera with her because of time travel rules...
oh and it is gonna take me a bit to grasp the time travel rules, lol. (sorry Matt, I haven't seen any Back To The Future since I was a kid.) I am going to be pondering the timeline for a while, particularly where Sia is involved. I feel like they probably want to avoid going back into the past as much as possible just based on how they are with Rose and how they put a lot of effort into not altering the present with her information about the future, but I don't think Sia would have gone from 1835 and skipped right ahead 39 years and stayed there? Like she has people to take care of and plans to make, she probably wouldn't just disappear on them for such a long time? maybe the Travelers who are experienced in abiding by Time Travel Rules are able to navigate backwards in time with more freedom because they know what they're doing. idk, like I said it's gonna take me a bit to wrap my head around this. maybe parts 2 & 3 will make it a little clearer.
OKAY, CONTINUING MY SAMUEL THOUGHT FROM EARLIER: Sia and her bunch believe Rose is the key. What if Itzal and Kal think Samuel is the key? What if that is why Kal was interested in Samuel on the Ellen Austin and why he seemed to really delight in antagonizing him? If Kal was hanging around long enough beforehand to see how close Margaret and Samuel are, then that could have convinced him that Samuel is Important™ to the Blazing World and that Margaret knows he is important to them. And maybe both sides are only halfway there, maybe it's both twins, together, who are the key, and that's why they haven't made progress towards the cure with Rose over their 2 weeks.
okay there are probably plenty of things that I'm missing and more that i could come up with and tack on, but I've been working on this post since last night and i want to finish it and get to other things so I am calling it here, lol.
...that is a horribly long sentence but I am not editing it. hope you enjoyed. <3
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