#i will write more tomorrow (will go to bed now) but i am so glad i was there and i want to go back so much
noa-nightingale · 4 months
Shabbat Shalom
I am happy
12 notes · View notes
allywthsr · 9 months
THE VACATION | (l.norris)
part three to lando on raya
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summary: Part three to Lando Norris on Raya! The vacation, meeting the family, and a big question in the end.
wordcount: 13k (what?)
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut! Luisa being a bad human
notes: last chapter! I‘m so thankful for everybody who read this series, I had so much fun writing it! And thank you for being patient with me, for the delay. Comment your thoughts🫶🏼
part one part two
”So will you come with me and my family on holiday?“
”Yes, I‘ll join you“, shit. Did you really just say that? You still had no idea what you would say to your family and friends. Just disappear and say nothing? Nah, you couldn’t do that.
Lando got excited and stopped walking, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, still keeping a distance between you and him, so he could look you into the eyes.
”Yeah, I think so.“
”You don’t sound too convinced.“
”No, I wanna come with you. I just don’t know what I’ll tell my family, you know?“
”Maybe I can meet them, to show them that I am not a random person.“
”Yeah maybe.“
He kissed your forehead and pulled you towards him into a hug. You placed your head on his chest and inhaled his scent while hugging him back.
”I‘m glad I met you, Y/N. I know we haven’t known each other for long and other people might say we’re stupid but I’m really happy I have you in my life now.“
”Didn’t know you were a sappy drunk.“
”I‘m not, s‘just all true.“
He rubbed his chin over your head and nuzzled closer to you.
”Maybe we should go back to the hotel? I don’t want people to see us so early, they can be pretty mean. And also I want to have a proper cuddle.“
You smiled and looked up, ”yeah, I’m also tired, these days have been tiring.“
”I know that I tire out the girls, tell me more“, Lando proudly smirked and laughed, clearly being sarcastic.
”I mean my work, but whatever floats your boat“, you lovingly slapped his chest and pulled on his hand a little, so you would actually start walking towards your hotel. And he did just that, with entwined hands you made your way back to the hotel. When you arrived, both of you jumped on the bed.
”It was a nice date, was it?“
”Yes Lan, thank you for inviting me, and the date.“
”It’s nothing, I’m just happy I found you.“
”Me too, you have no idea.“
”Should we get ready for bed? I bought plane tickets for London tomorrow afternoon, we still need to get to the airport in time and it’s already 12:28 am.“
”Lando, you don’t have to buy plane tickets for me, I’m perfectly fine buying them on my own. I don’t want you spending so much money on me.“
”Darling, it’s nothing, really. I didn’t want you to fly alone.“
You sighed and nuzzled in his chest where you mumbled a quiet ’thank you‘. You were grateful for him, but also spending so much money on you and you weren’t together or anything, was just crazy to you. But nonetheless, you both got ready for bed, and quickly you fell asleep in his arms.
You woke up, cuddled to Lando, and still a few minutes until your alarm rang. You enjoyed the last few moments in peace before the stressful day began. Lando snored slightly and you looked at him, he looked like an angel on earth, peaceful.
Before you could do anything, the alarm rang and Lando was startled. With a moan he turned around, shutting the alarm off, and turned around again to hug you tight from behind. You put your hand on his and squeezed it, not ready for the day of traveling, even if it was a short flight from Spa to London.
”Good morning.“
”Morning Lan“, you turned around in his embrace, putting one hand on his cheek and caressing it. He leaned forward and pecked your lips. You‘ve always loved slow mornings, but slow mornings with Lando already felt way better than any other morning you ever had in your life. Even if you couldn’t sleep in, Lando had calculated a few cuddle minutes in before you actually had to get up.
You ordered breakfast to your room, got ready and before you knew it you sat on the plane next to Lando. He wore a cap that he pulled in his face, just in case somebody recognized him. Your hands were linked together and when you were flying through the sky the armrests were put down, you needed to be close to him and he wasn’t feeling any different.
The flight was rather short and without any big turbulence, you spend the time chatting and laughing, cuddling and stealing light kisses from the other. You believed he was your soulmate, there’s no other option. You felt comfortable with him, you didn’t feel the need to be someone you weren’t, and all that after knowing him for only three days. Would other people call you a psycho? Maybe. Would you change a thing? No.
He was your person and you were sure.
But before you knew it, you had to separate. He wanted to meet up with his family and friends in the UK and you had to go back to work. You‘ve spent at least five minutes just hugging and exchanging kisses in the airport, you both weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. Eventually, Lando slowly pulled back from the hug and tugged a piece of hair behind your ear.
”Look, we‘ll talk every night over the phone, I‘ll facetime you. We‘ll text all the time and I’m making sure I’ll visit you at least one day. And it’s only five days, we‘ll manage. I can feel that you’re special, I won’t let go of you that easy.“
He left a kiss on your forehead.
”I know, but still. I‘ll miss you. And you need to send me a packing list so I can get the last few things for the trip. I don’t even know what kind of clothing I should bring, I‘ve never been on a yacht.“
He leaned forward and smirked, ”Lots and lots of bikinis, which barely hide anything.“
”You’re a pervert.“
”But you still like me.“
”I do.“
”Let’s go, okay? I‘ll come visit you in two days?“
You nodded your head and gave him one last tight hug before turning around and wheeling with your suitcase to the next taxi. While the driver loaded your stuff in the trunk, you looked at Lando, he still stood in the same spot and waited for you to drive off. He raised his hand and waved, which you returned without a doubt.
After getting in the taxi, you named the driver your address and he sped off.
It’s been two days since you last saw Lando. He had visited you at your apartment and you two cooked dinner together, squeezing in one or two pleasurable cardio workouts in between and after.
If you know what I mean.
Right now you were waiting for Lando to pick you up for the airport. Almost ready you sat on the couch at five am, you couldn’t understand why he chose such an early start. When the doorbell rang, you got up and opened the door, being welcomed by the handsome face that belonged to Lando.
”Hiya handsome.“
”Hey babygirl.“
He greeted you with a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
”Ready to meet my family?“
”Kinda? I‘m nervous as fuck.“
”Don’t worry darling, they‘ll love you.“
”Whatever you say.“
You giggled into his chest and hugged him tight.
”By the way, my mom called yesterday and said that she finds you lovely.“
You hummed and thought of the awkward FaceTime call you shared with your parents. You wanted them to see Lando, obviously not being happy that you’re going on vacation with some random boy, but they couldn’t tell you no. So you arranged a little FaceTime call because seeing them in person wasn’t easy with your parents not living around the corner.
Your mum was smitten with Lando, the second she saw him, your dad knew him from watching F1, but he acted like a dad had to act when the daughter introduced a boy. With that little meet-up, your parents had a better feeling about you going on holiday with Lando, you had to promise to call at least once a day.
”Ready to go?“
”I just want to go pee and then we can go.“
”Alright, love.“
When you turned around, Lando gave you a slap on your right ass cheek, which you commented with a chuckle.
Lando loaded all of your stuff in the trunk of his car and drove to Heathrow, where the plane would take off to the Zadar Airport. Nervous was an understatement. What if his family doesn’t like you? Then you had to spend two whole weeks with them trapped on a yacht. He told you a little about his family, that Flo does showjumping, Cisca goes to Uni and Oliver was a CEO of a company. You were most excited about Mila and little Athena. Mila loved Lando, she was obsessed with him and you couldn’t wait to see Lando in full-on Uncle duty.
When you arrived at the airport, Lando parked the car in one of the car parks and got all the luggage out of the car. He insisted on taking the suitcases and his carry-on, you were barely allowed to carry your own little backpack for the plane. He was a true gentleman. You two arrived at the terminal where the others waited for you. From a distance, you could see the big crowd of family members, not only was the whole Norris family waiting, but also the boyfriends of Cisca and Flo and the two dogs, Uno and Mocha that belonged to Oliver and Savannah. In total you were thirteen people and two dogs, could that fit into a private plane? When it was time to greet everyone, Lando went and gave everyone a loving hug or a cool bro handshake, before introducing you to everyone.
”This is Y/N. The girl I told you, that would be joining us.“
”Hi, I‘m Y/N.“
You awkwardly claimed, but before you could say another word, Cisca, Lando’s mother, went and hugged you.
”Hello darling, I’m Cisca, nice to meet you, I‘ve heard so much about you.“
”Thank you for letting me join you on your family holiday.“
”Of course darling.“
She let you go and next were his siblings, his dad, and Savannah, all of them welcomed you with a warm hug. The boyfriends just gave you an awkward wave, and a’hello‘, which you returned.
”Let’s go, shall we?“, Lando said.
All of you agreed with him and he was already leading the way to the check-in, with your suitcase in his hand.
The check-in went smoothly and before you knew it you were seated in the plane, next to Lando. It would take you to Croatia, where you then would take off with a yacht to swim around the ocean. You‘ve never been in a private plane, so you were amazed by the luxury and soft cushions.
When you looked around the family members, they didn’t seem to be fazed about it, more like it was something normal. That was it, you needed to marry rich, so you could be as relaxed as them while sitting in a private plane.
The flight was calm, you chatted a lot with Cisca, both of them. It was a little confusing that his sister had the same name as his mother, but you found it cute how the mothers' name was kept in the family. Lando did tell you a few days ago, that they call his sister ’Cis‘ instead of her full name, that way it wouldn’t always be confusing.
After you arrived, you were the first to leave the private plane, Lando right behind you. You stepped out in the warm morning sun at 8:30 am, walking down the stairs and waiting for the rest to come down too. Two members of the aircraft crew started to unload the suitcases and whatever was shoved in there. After Mila and Athena were sat in their buggies, you all went into the airport to a spot where a guy was waiting for you.
”Are you Family Norris?“
A few ’yes‘ and hums were heard and the guy ushered you to follow him. He arranged a bus that would take you to the pier of Croatia where the yacht is waiting for you.
At the yacht, you were astonished at how big it was. After all, it had to fit thirteen people and it had five bedrooms. You didn’t want to know how much a week would cost, you bet a fortune. But you knew Lando and his family weren’t poor people and they could still live the life they were living even after a big holiday like this.
They all went over the little bridge that connected the yacht to the land. You followed and you smiled at Lando, when he reached for your hand, helping you walk over the wobbly bridge. He kept his hand in yours while all of you went and explored the yacht, starting with the top floor and slowly working the way down.
”I call dips on the bedroom with the best view!“, was screamed by a very childish Lando after he let go of your hand and sprinted towards all the doors of the lowest deck.
”I hope you know how childish your boyfriend is“, Savannah said after turning to you.
”Oh, uhm, we’re not together.“
Awkward. Very awkward.
”Really? You looked very much in love on the plane.“
She chuckled and you turned red in the face.
”Uhm, thanks, I guess?“, you laughed.
”No really, the way he looked at you and always had to touch you somehow, whether on your back, thigh, or how he stroked your ankles when you draped your legs over his lap. I’ve known Lando for some years now and I’ve never seen him so affectionate.“
You blushed harder than before, you hadn’t noticed all the things she mentioned but now that you thought of it, he really had a hand on you the whole time. And the way he did that in front of his family as well? It was something you weren’t used to.
”Don’t worry, Lando always needs a bit more time than others, but I’m sure you mean a lot to him.“
”He means a lot to me too.“
”I can see that.“
You were glad that Savannah was there, she treated you like you‘ve been with them for years.
”I‘m happy you’re here, Y/N. I think that we will have a lot of fun with you, you fit perfectly in our family.“
”I already feel so comfortable within your family, I can’t wait for the next week.“
She gave you a light squeeze and you followed Lando into a bedroom after he screamed your name.
”Y/N, you see that? It’s beautiful!“
He pointed to the window where you could see the ocean. It was big and under it was a shelf where Lando had put his carry-on.
He came closer to hug you, cheekily pressing a kiss on your neck.
”Lando, someone could come in.“
After all the door was wide open and you could still hear the rest of the family chatting not too far away.
”I don’t care, it’s not like I’m fucking you against the wall. Even though I want to.“
You let out a quiet gasp, how dare he say that when his family was less than five meters away.
”What? It’s true. Do you know how hard it was not to touch you? You look absolutely smashing in your shorts and crop top. And I don’t even wanna think of you in a bikini. I need to do a little wrist workout before I see that, or otherwise, I will run around with a boner the whole day.“
”You’re insatiable.“
He only chuckled and kissed you on your forehead.
”I‘m sorry to disturb your peace but we want to order brunch.“
Lando and you turned around to look at Oliver.
”We’re coming.“
Oliver left the room and you looked at Lando.
”Fuck, I‘m a little hard.“
You bursted out laughing.
”Don’t laugh, what am I gonna do?“
Lando screamed quietly.
Go to the toilet and calm down or do other things to make it go down, I‘ll go to your family and say you needed to go to the toilet.“
”You sure you’re okay with being alone with my family?“
”Yes, I’m sure they won’t bite my head off.“
He laughed and went into the little bathroom that was connected to your bedroom, while you went upstairs to the main deck where his family was waiting.
”Where’s Lando?“, Flo asked.
”Uhm, he needed to go to the toilet, I‘m sure he‘ll be here soon.“
They all nodded and gave you a menu to choose your brunch from.
And not even after five minutes Lando joined you and sat down next to you, putting his hand on your thigh, squeezing it slightly. You looked at him and he just smirked at you, you knew he didn’t just wait in the bathroom.
You gave him your menu, after choosing the dish of your liking. He chose a chicken breast dish, after all, he was still a high-performance athlete and had to be in shape. The chef, who was booked for the day, came and took your order.
Lando’s dad spoke.
”You two have to tell us how you met!“
You looked at Lando with panic in your eyes. What should you say?
”Dad, I told you it wasn’t important.“
”I don’t see the harm.“
”We met over a dating app called Raya in Amsterdam.“
They all just nodded and Oliver looked at Lando with a smirk, he knew why his brother hit you up.
You quickly changed the topic.
”I wanted to say thank you again, for letting me come to your family holiday, it means so much. I don’t know how to repay you.“
”Y/N, stop it. We’re glad that Lando found someone again, we were scared he would end up alone. I‘m sure the next week will be fun.“
You liked Cisca already, she was very much a mother, especially now, when she put her hand on yours and gave it a little squeeze to prove her point.
The next twenty minutes were spent just talking to each other and getting to know them when the Chef and another cook came and brought the food you ordered. You looked at your meal, it looked absolutely delicious, and it tasted good too! Because you hadn’t really eaten anything yet, except a little pretzel that you shared with Lando on the plane, the food was gone before you knew it.
”What’s the plan for the week?“, Cis asked.
”I want to explore the city and maybe chill at a beach too“, Flo replied.
You nodded your head, agreeing with her.
”And I just wanna chill all day long“, Oliver said, looking at his wife, who also nodded.
”I‘d say, let’s just change into something more summer-like and lay down on the sunbeds, maybe we can go for a swim after“, Adam said.
The whole group just hummed and made their way to the bottom floor to the bedrooms.
”I‘m gonna call my parents and tell them that we arrived.“
Lando nodded and opened his suitcase.
”Can I choose your bikini?“
Why shouldn’t he? You packed enough swimwear for the week, he would see all of them anyway.
While ringing your parents, Lando opened your suitcase and rummaged through your clothes, carefully trying to not mess it up too badly. But before he could find the bikinis, he found your undergarments. Like a little kid on Christmas, he picked up every panty and held it up in the air, inspecting them. You sat on the bed, talking to your parents, you tried to suppress your laughs, he looked like as if he saw panties for the first time. He felt the different materials and looked at the different colors. You tried to bring him back to his original task, but he didn’t listen.
”Yes mum, I already ate something. Can I call you later? We want to go swimming. Yes, I will be careful about the sharks, don’t worry. I‘ll only go in if it’s safe and I’ll always have Lando with me.“
While saying his name he perked up and looked at you.
”What? No! Mum, please. Don’t be embarrassing. No! Don’t put dad on the phon-, hey dad, yes I’m fine. Please, dad, you‘ll embarrass me, I know it. Yes, okay.“
Lando looked at you confused when you held your phone towards him.
”My dad wants to speak to you.“
”Hi Mr. Y/L/N. Thank you, I’m good, how are you?“
God, how embarrassing.
”Yes, I‘ll take care of her, trust me. Yes sir, I won’t be sleeping in the same bed as her, we have separate bedrooms in fact.“
What? What is he talking about?
”Thank you, bye.“
When he gave you your phone back, your dad hung up, lovely how he wanted to speak to you.
”What did he say?“
”Relax babe, it’s all good. He just wanted me to protect you.“
”What about the bedrooms?“
”Oh yeah, he told me that I’m not allowed to sleep in the same bed as you.“
”Yeah, thank god he doesn’t know that I‘ve been inside of you multiple times already.“
The typical boy smirk appeared on his face and you threw a pillow in his face.
”Anyway, have you finally picked out my bikini?“
”Love, are you insane? I‘ve been too distracted by your panties. Who knew you had so many sexy dessous.“
You shook your head, put them into a drawer, before anyone could see them, and pulled out your bikinis.
You threw all of them in Lando’s lap and in the meantime, you began to unpack the rest of your stuff.
You heard a few muffles and mumbles from Lando, about ’too much fabric‘ ’wrong color, who buys Ferrari red bikinis‘, and ’that‘ll make me hard in seconds‘. In the end, he chose a papaya-colored bikini, that you bought extra for this trip, you knew he would love it.
You went into the bathroom but kept the door open, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen everything of you already. Quickly you changed into the bikini, while Lando was changing into his swim trunks, and when you put your hair up, Lando came into the bathroom and hugged you from behind, you looked at each other through the mirror.
”You know, I‘m really happy you’re here. I knew my family would love you.“
”I‘m also happy I‘m here. Thank you for taking me with you.“
He only gave you a kiss on your shoulder and squeezed you tight. You heard a knock on the door when you turned around in his embrace and linked your hands behind his neck.
”Guys, we wanna go swimming, you coming?“
”We‘re coming dad.“
With that, you pressed a kiss on his lips and you both went upstairs, to where his family was waiting for you. You could hear his sisters and Savannah giggling when you appeared and your hands were linked together, at this point, it became a natural thing. Whenever you could, you would hold hands and be close to each other. You all went to the lowest platform and jumped into the ocean, at least some of you. Savannah stayed back to watch the kids and dogs, not wanting them to be on their own. You asked if you should keep her company, so she wouldn’t be alone, but she told you she wants to read a book anyway.
Lando and his siblings + their boyfriends all went into the water without a doubt. You could see they all have been on something like this before, not caring about the water and just jumping right in. You on the other hand went in more slowly, just as Lando’s parents did.
”Lando, can you hold me, if I drown?“
”Sure babe.“
You looked at him. What did he just say? In front of his family. He really didn’t care. And you liked it. You loved how carefree he could be and just blurt out pet names without being ashamed in front of his family. What a walking green flag.
You went in the water and Lando immediately came to you, offering you somewhere to hold onto. With a smile, you latched onto his side and enjoyed the coldish water against your hot skin. Since the water was rather clear, you could see your surroundings and what was swimming in the water with you. You didn’t need to encounter a shark up close. When you got used to the water, you let go of Lando, who made sure you were comfortable about a hundred times. Adam and Cisca went for a swim around the boat and the rest of the group was still chilling where you jumped in. Quickly little games started, who can hold their breath the longest under the water, who can swim the fastest, who can do the coolest trick and the list goes on and on. After a while you all were exhausted and hopped onto the yacht again, sitting down on the lounge while waiting for the sun and the warm breeze to dry you off. Together you went upstairs to get a drink and to get out of the sun, Adam and Cisca were waiting for you with cocktails.
A cocktail before 1:00 pm? That’s what you call vacation.
You took your favorite drink and sat down next to Lando, who placed his hand on your thigh, stroking the warm skin slowly.
”Lando, Y/N! I want to take a picture of you, smile please.“
Lando’s mum being the mum she is, taking pictures of their kids.
You leaned into Lando and placed your hand onto his‘, smiling brightly as Cisca took a picture of you two.
”Adorable you two!“
”Can you send me the pic mum? I‘ll send it to Y/N.“
”Sure, but you can add her to the vacation group chat, that way we all have her number, if that’s okay for you, love.“
You nodded and smiled.
Lando grabbed his phone from the table and you could see him add you to the chat, seconds later the photo got sent into it.
Both of you went back to the lounge, where you wanted to tan a little, first you both laid there, enjoying the silence, but soon you started talking about random things. You liked how you could talk to Lando about normal stuff, which cheese is better or what milk you needed to try, it made things feel very normal.
You spend several hours talking and getting to know the family and Lando, after all, it has only been a week and a half since you met. But before you knew it, it was time for dinner. The chef handed out a menu card again and you began to read through the dishes.
”Do you know what you are choosing, love?“, Lando whispered.
You shook your head. You were a picky eater, being scared to come across as rude, you didn’t want to mix up the dishes and change the sides but none of the listet items were your favorites.
”I‘m picky with food, I have no idea if I even like any of this.“
Lando stared at you. Shit, did you do something wrong? You knew that this was a no-go, being picky over this clearly expensive menu that everybody seemed to like. This was going to be the moment they all hated you.
”You’re literally perfect.“
You could barely hear him say it, it was almost as if he said it to himself. You turned your head to Lando and looked at him.
”I‘m going to marry you, I found my picky eater.“
Now you didn’t understand a thing.
”I‘m a picky eater too! I hate all of these. I‘m going to order some chips and chicken. My parents requested it specifically for me, but you can have it too. I always feel like a little kid, but now I have you, and I’ll never feel that way again.“
You felt relieved, he didn’t hate you, nor did you have to pack your things and go. He was just like you, he was truly your soulmate.
”I would like some chicken and chips.“
His eyes started to sparkle and he pressed a quick kiss on your lips. You immediately blushed, affection wasn’t something you thought he would do in front of his family, but he truly didn’t care.
Dinner was delicious and nobody questioned you, but now it was late and time for bed. All of you were exhausted, after all, you had to get up early and you‘ve been on your feet all day. So after saying goodnight to everyone, Lando and you went into your bedroom and changed into your sleepwear. Laying down on the bed was the best feeling you felt that day. Lando cuddled close to you, kissed your nose, and then kissed you on your mouth.
”Goodnight love.“
”Night Lan.“
Before you could do anything else, both of you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up because Lando tickled you on your sides.
”No Lando! Stop it, I‘m going to kick you if you don’t stop.“
You tried to get out in between giggles and screams. But he didn’t listen, instead, he tickled you harder and pinned you on the mattress. Out of reflex, you started kicking around with your feet and after a few seconds, Lando fell to the side with a groan, holding his private area. Oops. It wasn’t that you wanted to hurt him, but at least he stopped tickling you now. You sat up and looked at him.
”Babe, oh my god, I‘m so sorry!“
”I don’t think that I can have kids anymore.“
He was whispering as if he was on his deathbed.
”Don’t be a drama queen. Do I need to kiss it better?“
His eyes lit up, ”Yes please.“
You shook your head while giggling and bent down, to press a kiss on his boxer-covered dick.
”I don’t think it worked, you need to do it without the clothing.“
”In your dreams Norris. I‘m not giving you a blowjob if your family is next door.“
”C’mon Y/N, don’t be a party pooper.“
”Lando, No.“
”Y/N, yes!“
”Lando, I‘m no-“
He leaned over you and kissed you passionately. Tongues were fighting, salvia was exchanged and filthy sounds were created. God this guy could make you wet in seconds. Speaking of wet, his hand made its way into your panty. He gently wiped his index finger through your folds, while you whimpered at the sensation. His kisses went to your neck and you moaned quietly.
”Fuck baby, you’re so wet. Is that all for me?“
You‘ve never nodded your head as fast as at this question. Lando sucked a little on your neck, trying not to create a purple mark. With slow movements, he pushed his index and middle finger into your sweet cunt.
”Lando I‘-“
”No baby, let me make you feel good.“
”Not with your fami-“
He shushed you and kissed you again. Swiping his tongue over your lower lip to ask for entrance. With a little fight, he won the battle and you thought about giving in. How could you not, with his fingers buried deep inside of you, pleasuring you with easy moves. His thumb moved over your clit and your body jolted upwards into his chest. You moaned quietly and bit your lip. How long could you keep quiet when he was making you feel so good? He flickered your clit continuously until he noticed how your walls contracted around his fingers, which were still pumping in and out, and your breathing got heavier.
”Are you close babygirl?“
You could only nod and before you could say anything else, you put your hand over your mouth to try and suppress your moans as Lando made you finish. When you came back down, a smiling Lando looked into your eyes and pressed a kiss on your forehead. He took out his fingers of your pussy and looked at the glistening juices before licking them off. Fuck, he was attractive.
”Good morning by the way.“
He snuggled closer to you and laid his head on your chest. You could feel his hard-on on your legs, what now? He didn’t make any signs that he wanted you to do anything, but you also couldn’t leave him like this.
”Lando, let me help you.“
”It’s okay baby.“
You nudged him until he gave in, rolling on his back and you could already see the bulge that stood in his boxers.
”I see someone is excited.“
”How could I not?“
You chuckled and sat directly on his crotch with your heat.
”You’re killing me, babe.“
You leaned down and kissed him, circling your hips to create friction for him. With one last kiss on his nose, you sat up and went with your hand in his boxers, cupping his erection. He let out a surprised moan and you started moving your hand up and down, after spitting on them, to moisturize them. After a few pumps, you let your thumb brush over his head and he almost lost it. He was a mess underneath you, moving, moaning, and whispering your name.
”Cum for me, pretty boy.“
With a moan, that you tried to quieten with your hand, he came all over your other hand and in his boxers.
”Fuck baby, you have magic hands.“
That made you laugh while you got up and pulled out a handkerchief from your purse and cleaned your hand.
”You should change into some new boxers if you ask me.“
You said after laying down again.
”I will.“
He sat up and stretched his arms above his head. Quickly he slipped into a fresh boxershort and went into the bathroom to get a wet piece of toilet paper. He pulled your panty to the side and gently wiped your juices off, that were smeared around your pussy. The cold material felt arousing on your hot vagina and you couldn’t believe this made you excited again.
He jumped into the bed and laid his head on your chest again. Shortly after you heard a small knock on your door and Lando got up and unlocked the door. He must‘ve locked it when you went to bed yesterday, you were glad he did. Otherwise, someone could’ve caught you earlier.
Lando opened the door and there stood little Mila with a stuffie in one hand and a pacifier in the other.
”What are you doing here Sunshine?“
Lando went into full uncle mode and it was the sweetest thing ever. The day before he already was the best uncle, swimming with Mila in his arms through the water and cuddling with her on the sun lounge.
”That’s me, sweets.“
He crouched down and opened his arm, which Mila ran into. Same girl. Who wouldn’t?
”You want to stay with me and Y/N?“
Mila nodded and he carried her over to the bed. Thank god she had such a good timing, a few minutes earlier and you two would have had a problem. Lando laid down with her, she crawled in between you two and put her pacifier in her mouth while squeezing her stuffie bunny closer to her. You turned to lay on your side while raising your hand to tickle her belly slightly. Giggles erupted and you were sure they could be heard through the whole yacht.
”Is that funny Mila?“
You let go of her and she touched Lando’s beard that he grew.
”Does that feel weird?“
She babbled something you both didn’t understand, but Lando played along and he babbled back. God was he the cutest with kids. Mila was a clingy girl, you noticed after she threw herself at you and clung to your neck for the next twenty minutes. When Oliver came into your room he took her off you and went upstairs with her, you could finally breathe again. It wasn’t like you were scared of her, but she was still a new baby to you and you were scared to upset her somehow.
”You were great with her, you know.“
”Thank you, Lan.“
You both got dressed and headed upstairs as well, where a big breakfast table waited for you with almost all family members sitting around. Within the next few minutes, Flo, Cis, and their boyfriends arrived and you could start with breakfast. You had a lot to choose from, but you still got your favorite breakfast while having an amazing view over the ocean.
”You know Y/N, you’re great company.“
Savannah suddenly said.
”Oh uhm, thank you! I‘ve been enjoying spending time with you guys as well. It’s so peaceful.“
”No really, you’re just you, and you’re not on your phone the whole time, as other girlfriends of Lando have been.“
”Sav!“, Lando stopped her from talking more about his past relationships.
”Lando, it’s true! Remember Luisa? She was dying to get that perfect insta pic the whole time, it was annoying after just one day.“
She could see you were getting uncomfortable. You didn’t know this Luisa, so you didn’t want to say anything bad about her.
”Oh I’m sorry, it’s probably not the best topic to talk about.“
”No don’t worry, but it’s great to know that you don’t find me annoying.“
”Are you kidding? I don’t think that many people would’ve cuddled with Mila after just getting to know her.“
You blushed and looked at Lando, who stared at you. That made you blush even more.
”Anyway, we need to walk the dogs, is there anything you need from the mainland?“
”Oliver, can Y/N and I walk the dogs? I want to show her the city a little.“
”Sure! As long as you bring some sunscreen, we’ve forgotten to pack some.“
Lando and you nodded and got up to get ready. It was only 11:00 am but it was boiling hot already, you hopped into your comfy summer outfit, and Lando and you made your way to where Oliver was waiting with the dogs who were already on the leash. Lando grabbed Uno’s and you were handed Mochas, the little Cockapoo smiled up at you, and his tail was waggled from one side to the other. Lando and you both walked down the ramp that would take you to the land and the dogs began to sniff everything. Lando waved his fingers with yours and you two enjoyed the little stroll through the city. He‘s been here several times, so he showed you a little around, the town was truly beautiful. He even pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of you and the dogs, to document you struggling while holding two hyperactive dogs on their leashes. In between you hopped in a shop to get the sunscreen Oliver asked for and a few little somethings, just as a little stuffed fox for Mila, as she’s addicted to her stuffies.
You two returned to the yacht after the dogs did their business, still holding hands and as soon as you settled on the lounger, Lando was clinging to you. His head placed on your belly and his arms wrapped around your torso, your hands were combing through his curls and you two were enjoying the peace and the sound of the waves clashing against the boat, as you were sailing through the Adriatic Sea.
All you did that day was swim in the sea, tanning on the boat, play with Mila, and cuddling with Lando. In between you had lunch and dinner, drinks, and conversation with his whole Family.
When it was time for bed, you got ready, doing your skincare in the bathroom while Lando was chilling on the bed, waiting for you. He was talking to Max Fewtrell over the phone, you couldn’t really understand what he was saying but he was laughing a lot. While applying the last cream you were listening in, it wasn’t like you were eavesdropping, he was talking really loudly and it was nearly impossible to not listen to what he was saying.
”I‘m excited Maximilian.“
”No, you know I have her with me here.“
”She matters more to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken her with me on vacation.“
”Can you please stop? I won’t need her here.“
”I don’t even like her anymore.“
”I don’t care that she‘s a friend of your girlfriends mate.“
”Anyway, I’ll see you without anyone tomorrow.“
After listening to that, you came back into the bedroom to see him throwing his phone on the duvet next to him and he was rubbing his face with his hands.
”What was that about Lan?“
”Oh it’s nothing, Max will join us the day after tomorrow.“
”Oh fun! But does he fit on here? We do not have any more bedrooms.“
”My parents are leaving with the kids and the dogs, he can sleep in their bedroom.“
”What? Why are they leaving? I like their company. But you sounded agitated, is really everything alright?“
”They want us to have a little party as well, Dad has stuff to do in England anyway. And we just had a little fight, don’t worry babe. But come here, I wanna cuddle.“
With a smile, you threw yourself next to him and he immediately attached himself to you.
”You’re clingy, but I love it.“
He chuckled and enjoyed the head scratches he got. Quickly after that, you both fell asleep.
The next morning started with an excited Lando, he was up early and shaking you awake. Why would he do that?
”Y/N! Come on, wake up! We‘re going to ride jet skis. The guy who’s going to bring them will arrive in a second.“
He was a little child, you were sure. You didn’t move, so Lando positioned himself on top of you and started to plant kisses on your face, wherever he could reach, he would kiss. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your chin, and ending with a big smooch on your lips.
”Are you awake now? Come on Y/N!“
”Lando, we don’t need to be there when they arrive, I‘m sure someone from your family is waiting.“
”Oliver is waiting with the other boys.“
”See, you can also go if you want, I’ll come soon, but give me a second to wake up.“
”Are you sure?“
”Of course! Go! I‘ll join soon, let me get ready.“
With a little skip in his step, Lando went upstairs and you stretched your arms, slowly waking up fully and getting ready. You met Cisca in the hallway, she was lovely.
”How are you, my dear?“
”I‘m good, Lando is excited for the jetskis, so I got woken up by a bouncing Lando. How did you sleep?“
You two chuckled.
”Sometimes he‘s like that, but I slept good, thank you. I hope to see you around more after the vacation.“
”I‘m sure, but I heard you’re leaving today?“
”Yes, Adam has some things to do in England and we want you kids to have a party vacation as well, we’re taking the small kids and the dogs home with us.“
”I enjoyed staying with you, thank you for welcoming me to your family.“
”Darling, we loved having you, Lando, and you really are soulmates, the way he behaves around you, I’ve never seen him like that. Normally he tries to act all cool and grown up in front of girls, but with you, he was himself, playing with Mila, screaming because Oliver pushed him in the water, he only does it when he feels at home. I‘m really happy he found someone where he can be his true self. And I know that you only know each other for a rather short period of time, but I hope he‘ll keep you around. You’re a good girl.“
With a red head, you hugged Cisca tight, she was truly the perfect mother. Lando told you a lot about his family and always highlighted the relationship he had with his mother.
”Anyway, let’s get going, I want to see their faces when they get on the jetskis.“
Both of you made their way upstairs to see Lando and the others saying their goodbyes to the renting guy, as soon as Lando saw you, his eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand towards you. You took it and the shirtless Lando pulled you in a tight hug, where he placed his head on top of yours, swaying side to side. Your hands slightly scratched his back, which you learned, he loved.
”Are you gonna join me for a ride?“
”Only if you drive safely, you promised my parents to keep me alive.“
”Driving is my job, don’t worry baby.“
”But not on water!“
”Don’t be scared, it’s going to be fun.“
He pressed a kiss on top of your head and you both pulled a lifesaving vest over your swimwear, the rest copying you both. Lando was a bit crazy and rented four jet skis, so everyone could go for a ride at the same time.
Lando sat down on one and held out his hand, for you to take and join him on the jet ski. You placed your bum behind him and crossed your fingers in front of his abs, which you caressed with your thumbs, and pressed your head in his back for support.
”You’re not gonna die Y/N.“
For that comment, you slightly tickled Lando, and he turned the machine on.
”I think so.“
And he sped off with what felt like a hundred miles per hour. The only thing that could be heard was the splashing from the water and your screaming, after a few turns and a heart attack, Lando stopped the vehicle.
”You having fun back there?“
”You wanna ride it?“
”Come on!“
Before you could tell him no one more time, he stood up and you clasped his belly, you were scared he was going to fall in the water.
”Slide forward, and I‘ll hold you, you can’t fall in the water and whenever you panic, I‘m there to control it.“
”You promise?“
”I do.“
You slid forward and waited for Lando to settle behind you after you let go of him. He touched your sides and caressed them, just like you did on his abs, he was a sweetheart.
”This handle is to accelerate, and if you want to brake, you have to release it, or turn to the side. Got it?“
You nodded and slowly pushed the accelerator forward. The jet ski moved and you got the grove after a few minutes. Before you could get comfortable, Cisca was hollering for you to get back to the boat, it was time for brunch. And since you went out for brunch today, to eat nicely before Adam and Cisca left, you went and changed into something other than a bikini.
The town was filled with people and Lando and you kept a safe distance, after a few Instagram stories it was known that Lando Norris was in town and a lot of people were circling the docks to catch a glimpse of him. So you walked next to his sisters to make it seem like you were their friend, not the best solution, but you wanted the situationship to be something that only certain people knew of.
When you found the perfect restaurant, you all ordered your favorite dish and talked while waiting for the waiters to bring it.
Lando sat next to you and under the table he had his hand on your thigh, stroking the delicate skin slightly. You’re not gonna lie, it made you a bit excited, but the fact that you were sitting with his family, cooled you down.
The food came and it was absolutely delicious, all of you regretted not coming earlier to this place, and only discovered it on Lando’s parents' last day. After a sweet stroll through the small streets, it was time to return to the boat, Adam and Cisca had to pack the rest of their belongings and drive to the airport. And that’s what they did, they packed their stuff and said goodbye. You were sad when Adam and Cisca hugged you, you really enjoyed getting to know them.
”Y/N, you have to promise to visit us soon, you’re a lovely girl, if Lando doesn’t keep you, he‘s an idiot.“
”Thank you Cisca, I will.“
With one arm around your waist, Lando and the rest of you waved until the taxi drove off.
”Let’s get to partying!“, an exciting Oliver screamed.
The rest of the day was spent drinking, swimming, and cuddling with Lando. In the evening you went back to the restaurant you found this morning, to eat dinner.
When everyone was in their bedrooms, Lando and you sneaked upstairs to the top deck, where a big lounge area was built. Lando sat down and you straddled his lap, bringing your arms behind his neck, his hands settled on your hips, slowly caressing them.
”I‘m really happy you came with us here, I told you everyone will love you.“
”You did.“
”I think I deserve a kiss for that.“
”For you being right?“
”You think so?“
With a smirk, you slowly bend down, until your lips almost touched.
”I don’t think so.“
And with that you sat back up again, giggling.
”You little menace.“
He started to tickle you and with a loud laugh, you jumped off of his lap and landed next to him. He tried to kiss you after laying himself on top of him, but you could only laugh because he kept tickling you.
”Missy, don’t deny kisses from your.. uhm.. from me!“
You noticed his little slip-up and wondered what he wanted to say, was it boyfriend or something else? You decided not to say anything about it, he was clearly embarrassed, judging by his red cheeks.
”I‘ll kiss you, but only if you stop tickling me.“
And with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips on yours several times, with each kiss it got filthier, the sounds got louder and the atmosphere got sexier. Slowly but surely, Lando pulled on your top, signaling you to remove it.
”Lando, no! Not up here, everyone can hear and see us.“
With a swift move his hand was in your pants, his pointer finger dipped between your pussy lips.
”Are you sure it’s not turning you on? You’re pretty wet darling.“
Dammit. This guy.
”But only if you keep quiet and we hurry.“
”Will do, Boss.“
With a slap to his shoulder, both of you sat up and removed your shirts and pants, only in underwear you sat on the lounger and kissed again, it was filthy, it sounded like you were in some porn.
You pushed Lando down onto the lounger and sat with your heat on his dick, moving slightly to grind on him.
”If you do that, I‘ll cum in my pants.“
”We wouldn’t want that, would we?“
”Missy, behave.“
”I am!“
Before you could say anything else, Lando switched positions, now he was on top of you. And he didn’t hold back, he inserted two fingers in you, pumping them in and out, you arched your back, the sensation felt way too good.
”Are you ready? I‘m way too horny right now.“
”Yes, please Lando.“
”You’re begging now?“
”I can’t deny you like that, huh?“
You only shook your head and looked at him with puppy eyes.
You removed your underwear and he removed his. His dick was big and hard, just how you liked it, you gave it a few pumps before leading it to your entrance. Lando pushed it in you and you tried not to moan too loudly. With some drags of his hips, that met yours, you were almost there, the risk of getting caught made you way more excited than you thought it would, and Lando wasn’t any different, you could feel him twitching inside of you. The pleasure making you feel lightheaded. Every few seconds, Lando pressed little kisses on your lips, trying to be closer to you than he already was.
”Baby, I‘m cumming.“
And with that, Lando shot his white liquid inside of you, which pushed you over the edge as well and both of you were a panting moaning mess. This will probably never get old, the pleasure Lando could provide you with was amazing. You were enjoying the peace while still being entangled within each other.
”Should we get dressed and go into our bedroom?“
”I think so, it’s slowly uncomfortable laying butt naked.“
”But I like your butt“, and he smacked your ass with his hand.
You chuckled and got up, pulling your clothes back on to cover up, with quiet steps, you both went down the staircases leading to the bedrooms. When you laid on the bed, Lando whispered something in your ear, that had you clenching your thighs all over again.
”I haven’t fucked you against the windows yet.“
The next day came quickly. All you wanted was to stay in bed but Lando had other plans, Max was to arrive at 8:30 am so he wanted to get up. You got that, but staying in bed with him sounded better and you didn’t want to sound rude and stay in bed, so you got up with him. You put on a bikini and threw a summer dress over it, so you didn’t walk around in just a bikini all day. Lando didn’t want you to put on make-up, but it was way too warm for it anyway, so you didn’t put any on. You wanted to give your skin a break from the products you tortured it every day in your normal life.
Lando and you waited on the lounger and enjoyed the already warm sun. Both were cuddling the other and sharing light kisses every now and then. You already missed Cisca, Adam, the kids, and the dogs but you were ready for some more party-like vacation, you also couldn’t wait to meet Max. Lando has told you a lot about him when he came to your flat and you two cooked together. After waiting for five minutes, you heard a suitcase roll on the concrete, Lando and you got up to welcome Max when Lando stopped in his walking and froze.
”Lan, what is it?“
He was blocking your view so you couldn’t see what was happening.
”What are you doing here?“
You pushed Lando a little to the side so you could see who he was talking to. Two tall, brown-haired women stood next to Max, who were these women?
”Lando I told you she was visiting us and we couldn’t leave her home.“
”And I told you, that I didn’t want to see her. I told you to come alone.“
”Mate, come on, you can’t say that. We planned that Pietra could come and I’m sorry but Luisa just joined.“
Oh, this was the ex Lando wasn’t comfortable to talk about. You immediately felt self-conscious, she was gorgeous, she had long legs and she was skinny. As if you had taken her out of a magazine and placed her here. You could see that she was eyeing you up and down, clearly annoyed that another woman was standing next to Lando.
”Max, can we talk in private please?“
With that Lando and Max went inside the yacht and you were left alone with the two girls.
”So you’re the new sidekick from Lando?“
”Excuse me?“
”You know, the new fuck-friend.“
”I‘m sorry, who are you again?“
”I‘m Luisa. His ex.“
”I don’t think you have any right to judge him.“
”Darling, you look so young and inexperienced, do you think that is something Lando wants?“
”I have a reasonable age, thank you. And I don’t think it’s any of your business.“
Suddenly you felt very small, you wanted to disappear and go home, she made this place feel like hell.
”You know, when Lando was with me, he always told me how he loved to have someone as skinny and tall as I am, you look like you enjoyed the food a bit too much on here, I know what the Norris’ are like on their holiday, I‘ve been with them twice, they go all out but trust me, a salad next time won’t hurt. And you’re not wearing any makeup? Lando hated it when I didn’t do that.“
The tears were prickling in your eyes.
”Lando hasn’t said anything, and as long as he’s happy, I‘m happy too. I don’t know what you want to achieve here but you don’t need to talk so badly about me.“
”Because he‘s a gentleman and wouldn’t comment on your weight and ugliness.“
”Lu, that’s enough“, the other woman told Luisa.
”P, she should know what he‘s like, no?“
”He‘s wonderful to me.“
”For now, he broke up with me because I was too boring for him, his words.“
You shook your head, not believing her. She was the topic two days ago during dinner, later on in bed, you asked Lando why they broke up, and he told you that she was a bit unfaithful to him and she didn’t want the same things as he did. He wanted to slowly settle down, but she was all over the clubs and flirting with other guys.
He didn’t seem like he was lying to you, but she was.
”Look Luisa, respectfully, I don’t want to continue this conversation.“
You turned around and went into the yacht, while walking down the stairs you heard Lando and Max talking.
”Look, this is gonna complicate things, I like Y/N, and I don’t know why Luisa should be here. She‘ll only do damage.“
”Let’s wait and see how things develop, don’t be a pussy. Let’s have a good time and you won’t notice her.“
”Fine, but one strike and she‘s out.“
You heard that they started walking to the stairs and you panicked, what should you do? If you stay on the stairs and walk to the bedroom as you planned, it‘ll look like you eavesdropped on their conversation, but if you turn around and go back to Luisa and Pietra, it‘ll be even worse. Before you could do anything, you saw Lando and Max appear in front of you.
”Oh hi, I‘m Y/N, you must be Max, I‘ve heard so much about you!“
Great, act like it was planned that you wanted to see them.
”Hey, I‘m Max, nice to meet you.“
You stepped the last steps down the stairs and hugged Max, rubbing his back quickly. When he pulled away you looked at Lando.
”Are you okay? Are the girls nice to you?“
What were you going to do? Act like all was well or tell the truth, in the end, you didn’t want to ruin the day, maybe it was just starting difficulties, so you went with option one.
”Yes, I am, they‘re nice, I.. uhm wanted to go and charge my phone, I need to call my parents anyway.“
”Are you sure? I plucked your phone in last night, it should be fully charged.“
Dammit Lando.
”Well, yeah… I still need to call my parents, so you start without me, the others aren’t awake yet anyway.“
You quickly kissed his cheek, smiled at Max, and went into the bedroom, where you sat down with a sigh, you hoped Lando believed your little story.
How could you survive the rest of the week with this monster upstairs? You didn’t want to hide your affection towards Lando just because she could say something, you didn’t want to stay in the room the whole time just so she couldn’t eye you. Lando did say, after one strike, she was out, but Lando was probably the nicest person you met, would he actually kick her out? The friend of his best friend's girlfriend?
But what if what she said was actually true? Should you maybe skip the chips and eat the salad she told you about, maybe you should work out again, you haven’t done that in the last week. And not wearing any makeup? Lando did tell you to skip it and enjoy the sun on your bare face but what if he just said that, so you would get a better tan? Before you knew it, a tear trickled down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away. You didn’t want her to ruin your vacation, but Lando was with her for a year, her character couldn’t be so ugly if he held it out for so long.
With one last deep breath, you got up and went upstairs to see where the others were, Cis and her boyfriend joined them and you looked for Lando but couldn’t find him, so you sat down next to Cis and greeted her. After a second glance around the group, you saw that Luisa was also missing. Mh, that didn’t seem to be a good thing.
So you turned to Cis and asked: ”Have you seen Lando?“
”Oh, he went to talk with Luisa.“
”Thank you.“
Now what? You obviously wanted to go look for him and see what she was doing, you trusted Lando but you did not trust her, especially after all the things she said to you just thirty minutes ago. You had to go and find them, so you got up and walked to the other side of the boat where you saw them from a distance and stopped walking so they didn’t see you but you could hear them.
She was touching his arm and he was clearly uncomfortable.
”Please, don’t make this trip a living hell.“
”Lando, I know you still like me, otherwise you wouldn’t have texted me last week.“
Last week? That was when you had met and he asked you on this trip, was he saying all these sweet things to you just so he could have some fun with you?
”Luisa, I didn’t mean any of the words I wrote, I was drunk and..“
”Drunk words, sober thoughts Lando. Do I need to remind you what you wrote?“
”Are you sure? Because I still think of you sometimes too.“
Her posture shifted and now she also had her other hand on his chest, getting closer to him.
”You can’t tell Y/N! I truly like her, you‘ll only ruin it, I know.“
”Me telling her? Lando, she‘s not in your league, you‘ll drop her sooner or later.“
”No, I like her the way she is.“
”You’re only fooling yourself.“
Why is he not telling her to stop touching him? What if it was true and he was actually still thinking about her, while he was with you, even if he told you she means nothing to him anymore. The more seconds that passed, the closer she got to his face and before you saw anything that you didn’t want to see, you turned away and ran off. When reaching the others you slowed down, to not seem like you were crazy.
”Did you find Lando, Y/N?“
You only shook your head and smiled at Cis, while sitting down next to her again. You didn’t even want to know what happened back there when you left, did they kiss? You hoped not.
The rest of the group was chatting and laughing, while you were gone, Savannah, Oliver, Flo and her boyfriend joined the rest and you greeted them with a small ’good morning‘, but you weren’t really in the mood to talk. You were slowly doubting this whole thing, what if Luisa was right and Lando only wanted some fun and did not get settled, you didn’t want to get married tomorrow but maybe get in a relationship sometime soon. Was it the right decision to go on a holiday with a stranger and his family?
Every now and then Cis nudged you a little and asked what was wrong but you reassured her that you were tired, she didn’t need to know your doubts.
After a while Lando and Luisa returned, Lando was looking rather pissed and Luisa had a smug smile on her face. You definitely did not want to know what happened, judging from her face she got what she wanted. Lando threw himself on the couch opposite of you, and then patted his legs while looking at you, indicating that he wanted you to come and sit on his lap.
You shook your head and looked at the ocean again, you didn’t want to give Luisa something that she could ruin for you again.
Lando gave you a questioning look and nodded towards his lap again, desperate for you to sit there.
”Y/N, go and sit on Lando’s lap, I can’t stand to see him like that.“
You knew Max meant it as a joke, but it only made you feel smaller, now Luisa was looking at you with disgust and a grin on her face.
”I need to go to the toilet.“
With the lame excuse, you went into the lowest deck and sat on your shared bed, with a sigh you grabbed your phone and started to text your best friend about the doubts you were having, but Lando came into the room before you could finish your text.
”What’s wrong?“
”You can tell that to my sister, but not to me, seriously Y/N, what is your problem? Why are you acting so weird in front of my friends?“
”Oh you mean your ex-girlfriend?“
”I didn’t want her to be here.“
”I know.“
”So what is your problem?“
”I don’t feel comfortable with her around.“
”Me neither, but what am I supposed to do?“
”I don’t know, stay with me? You left me alone with her and Pietra while you talked to Max, you left with HER to talk somewhere where no one would see you, while I was clearly upset sitting here.“
”You said you were fine!“
Lando was getting frustrated.
”When a woman tells you, she is fine, she probably isn’t fine, that’s something you should know with two sisters.“
”Y/N, don’t cause a scene now, you’re being ridiculous.“
”If that is what you think I am, then I think it’s time for me to go home.“
”Because of me not checking on you, when I asked you two times if you were fine?“
”It’s not just that, I can’t live with that monster upstairs, she made me almost cry, Lando.“
”She‘s not that cruel.“
”She is, she told me how I am just a quick fuck for you, how fat and ugly I am, that I needed to start eating salads instead of my normal dinner.“
Lando was stunned, he never expected her to say these things, especially because they weren’t true, he thought you were the prettiest person on the planet.
”Did she kiss you?“
”Did she ki-“
”But she was leaning in towards you, I saw it!“
”When you were missing from the group I looked for you, I found you two very touchy talking on the other side of the boat. She was leaning to kiss you and before I could see something I didn’t wanna see, I ran off.“
”She tried, yeah, but I pushed her off as soon as I felt her lips on mine.“
”So she did kiss you.“
”What’s your point of this? Showing me how bad I am?“
”No! I want you to be honest with me.“
”Why? You are not my girlfriend yet, calm down, it’s not like I made out with her. I told you I pushed her away as soon as I felt it. What is your problem?“
”I don’t have a problem with you, but with her. We’re not together and she is treating me like I’m the reason you guys broke up. I can’t do that.“
”Don’t listen to her then.“
”Sure, if someone tells you how bad you’re at driving and how you‘ll never win, you don’t listen.“
”I listen, that only makes me work harder, and that people like that have no idea.“
”Maybe that’s how you react, but not me Lando, I’m fragile, and I listen to this shit, and it hurts me.“
”But she’s this stupid girl that means nothing to me, she should mean nothing to you. Isn’t it important what we feel? I feel a lot for you, I love how you look, I love who you are, she’s just bullshitting.“
”She did mean a lot to you at some point in your life, she knows you better than me, there’s no denying it. You were together with her for a year, and you knew her before that. We’ve only knowing each other for a week.“
”Maybe, but now she means nothing to me anymore, you mean a lot to me, you, not her. I don’t care how long I’ve known you.“
”But I can’t live with her for the rest of the week, she‘s this.. this mean girl who tries to ruin what we have, and to know she already tried to kiss you, I just can’t do it, Lando.“
”I can’t tell her to leave, Max will be pissed because Pietra will be pissed and I can’t do it.“
”We’re going around in circles.“
”Just get over it, ignore her and that’s it.“
”You… you’re telling me to get over it?“
”Yes! Ignore her and we have a nice week.“
”And what about the text about still thinking of her, you sent last week?“
Lando was clearly stunned as he didn’t reply.
”I heard that, Lando, you didn’t deny it. You sent her a text, telling her how much you missed her while telling me the same shit, while we were already fucking?“
”No, it’s not like that, I uhm…“
”You see? You have nothing to say, just own it, Lando, tell me you texted her.“
”I did, but only because I was super drunk and Max was going on about how we were made for each other, which is bullshit. He talked me into believing she was a better person than she is.“
”You know Lando, maybe this was too fast, maybe we thought we had a connection that actually wasn’t there. We imagined this world where we could be something, but I just think we’re not right for the other. And you being drunk does not excuse you for texting her, own it, if you feel nothing for me, you should’ve told me earlier, you should’ve told me before I went with you and your family on this stupid trip.“
You stood up, now facing Lando and trying to hold back your tears that were threatening to spill. Before you could move away, Lando hugged you tight, squeezing you into him, and even though you tried to wiggle out of his grip, you couldn’t.
”No! Lando, let me be sad and angry at you.“
”No, nops, not today. Look at me, baby.“
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, gently, he wiped the tears off your cheeks and kissed your nose softly.
”We will not fight because of her. We will go up there, you‘ll sit on my lap, and we‘ll smile at her. Just smile. Because you’re mine and she’s not anymore and never will be again.“
”I don’t want to see her.“
”I‘m sorry baby, I‘ll talk to Max tonight, I’ll see what I can do, okay?“
You nodded and squeezed him a bit tighter.
”I like you, a lot. Don’t listen to her.“
”I like you a lot too, but you have to promise me, to not text her again.“
”Don’t worry, the next day, after she replied, I deleted her number and the conversation, so I can’t even reach her anymore, not that I want to. She‘ll never be in my head ever again, I have you and Max will see that I don’t need her in my life.“
You shared a kiss and enjoyed each other's company, before heading up again to join the others. Lando sat down, pulled you on his lap, and crossed his arms in front of you. Everyone looked at you and you felt Luisa’s stare, it made you feel small and you snuggled more into Lando, now being with your back against his chest. It was almost like smoke was coming out of Luisa‘s ears, but you didn’t pay any attention to her, only focusing on Lando’s hands and the sweet words of affection he whispered in your ears.
The group was chatting the whole time, Lando and you were in your own little bubble, every now and then people would ask you something, or Lando would throw in certain comments, but the rest of the time, you were trying not to get Luisa’s presence get too close to you. When Oliver declared he needed a Cocktail and would mix some, everyone agreed and ordered their favorite, Luisa was trying hard to get Lando’s attention but he made sure to not give her any. He was chatting with you, with his family, with Max and Pietra but never with Luisa, and she was annoyed. Whenever you would look at her, she was glaring at him, trying to get him to talk to her, but he never did anything. After a few drinks, you were sitting at the bar and chatting with the girls (Pietra and Luisa excluded) and Lando came to you.
”I‘m gonna go and talk to Max and Pietra, I‘ll see what I can do.“
You nodded and kissed him quickly, looking after him as he went and tapped Max on his shoulder.
”You are so sweet together.“
”Oh thank you, Flo.“
”She‘s right, he‘s never been so.. himself. He‘s super clingy, even cuddles with me sometimes when he is home and feels lonely. Two years ago on Christmas, we were watching Home alone and he just came, hugged me, and cuddled close to me, some might say it’s weird that siblings cuddle like that, but he‘s such a clinger.“
”Cis, you know, he‘s been like that with me since the first meeting. I‘ve always wondered why, but now that you’re telling me that he‘s always like that.. makes me feel even more at home with him.“
”When do you think he‘s going to ask you to be his girlfriend?“
You scoffed.
”Don’t scoff! You’re acting like an old couple.“
”I‘m just enjoying it like it is right now, we‘ve only known each other for like two and a half weeks, I don’t wanna rush things.“
”I‘m sure it‘ll be soon.“
Before you could answer, you heard Luisa screaming, due to her being further away, you couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it didn’t sound too happy, and after ten minutes, an angry Luisa was stomping down the ramp towards a taxi. You looked at the girls and they didn’t know what to say either. Lando came to you with a big smile.
”She‘s gone! We‘ve talked to her and she left.“
You jumped off your seat and hugged Lando, being thankful that he actually did it and got her to leave.
”What did you say to her?“
”Just that she was evil and we don’t want to have her here.“
”You’re the best Lando.“
He grinned and gave you a kiss, hugging you tight as his life depended on it.
The rest of the vacation was spent in peace, you were partying, tanning, laughing and most importantly, you and Lando were happy.
Pietra and you actually got along, after Luisa left, she apologized a dozen times and you made up, both of you promised to meet up together when the boys were streaming and had no time for them.
But everything comes to an end, even the good things, so you sat at the airport waiting for your flight back home, Lando was sad that the summer break was over and the vacation too. He loved having you meet his family and getting along so well. When they announced that boarding started and all of you waited in the line, Lando turned to you, to ask a question.
”Do you want to come to a race with me?“
It took you a few tries to finally join Lando for a race, you tried to come to Zandvoort, failed because of your work that you couldn’t skip, the next race was Monza, your friend's birthday was scheduled on Saturday evening and you agreed to come a month before knowing Lando. The whole time you were texting, sexting, and calling, you always wanted to be close but due to his tight schedule and your also consuming work plan, it was nearly impossible to see each other.
So when you could take some time off to come to Singapore, Lando was over the moon. When you told him over FaceTime, he was not able to get rid of his smile, but neither were you. Together you flew to Singapore and if you hadn’t had to shut up during the night, you would’ve talked over the whole time you were in the air.
Friday was fun, seeing what Lando loved doing the most, made your heart full. Fp1 and Fp2 showed some good potential and Lando was able to collect much-needed data.
Saturday was qualifying day and you were nervous, sure it was nerve-wracking to see your favorite driver trying to get a good lap in, but seeing it in real life and knowing the person as well as you do, it’s something else. Lando wasn’t too happy with P4 but he tried to cover it up as best as he could. He wanted to focus on Sunday and do his best.
And his best he did. The P2 made you jump up and down, hugging Adam tightly, who was also there. Together with the team, that you‘ve gotten to know over the weekend, you waited for him in parc fermé behind the barrier. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he hugged you tight, overwhelmed with emotions.
Later when you two were in the hotel, sharing a bed, Lando had an important question.
”Will you be my girlfriend?“
The end
taglist: @itsjustkhaos @formula1mount @flwr-stella @xjval @lunnnix @ohmyvalx @allabouthappiness
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soolh1k · 7 months
Not sure if your requests are open but could you do stray kids forgetting a date they had with (r) ? And maybe the aftermath of it? Thank you smm if you plan on doing this, I just really enjoy the way you right your angst.
- 🦴anon
🕸 umm... life 🕸
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synopsis. when skz forgetting the date they had w you and the aftermath
pairing. bf!skz x reader genre. angst and fluff
a/n. Thank you so much for the request!!! I hope you like it and i am so glad that you like the way I write angst, means a lot to me ♡︎ love you 🦴 anon !! �� english is not my first language so apologies for any misspellings or grammar. let me know if you'd like to be tagged !! YEAH AND SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!! I'LL BE BACK WITH MORE POSTS THESE DAYS LOVE UUU
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✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ BANGCHAN
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Chris was very focused on working on a new track. He wanted it to be perfect, and since he's someone who always finds flaws in things, he couldn't leave his studio until the new melody was flawless. Therefore, he wasn't even paying attention to his phone; he had it on silent just to finish that damn song. He didn't stop until he got frustrated because things weren't going as he wanted. So, he took a break to clear his mind and relax a bit. He picked up his phone and saw a ton of messages from you. It wasn't strange since you used to tell him everything, which he found adorable. However, he was surprised when he saw the messages you had sent him. Had he forgotten your date? No, that couldn't be true. He had it marked on his calendar, and he was genuinely looking forward to that day. He wanted to spend time with you; he missed you so much. He had messed up and needed to fix this urgently. He hadn't done it on purpose; he felt so guilty.
He quickly arrived at the apartment where you lived. He saw the food in the kitchen, and his heart sank. He barely realized how you must have felt sitting there alone in the middle of the night, waiting for him, excited to be only disappointed by him. The worst part was when he heard sobs coming from your room. You were crying because of him, because of his stupidity, and because of being a bad boyfriend.
He hurried to your room, making as little noise as possible. You were already lying in your bed, covered with your blanket up to your head. As soon as you felt your bed sink, something in you hoped it was Chris. When you heard his voice, you felt relieved but angry at the same time. You uncovered yourself and looked at your boyfriend with teary eyes, an action that hurt him even more. He didn't give you time to confront him; he already had you wrapped in his arms. All you could do was cry while holding him tightly.
"You're a fool, Chris," you said between sobs.
"I know, sweetheart, forgive me," he said, stroking your hair while still hugging you.
"I was so focused on my work that I never heard my phone, but I want you to know that my work will never be more important than you. You are my priority, beautiful."
"Do you promise it won't happen again?"
"It will never happen again, darling. Let's rest, okay? Tomorrow we'll have a lovely date. Sleep now, I love you."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ MINHO
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He didn't know how much it hurt. Months without being able to go on a date with him. You didn't ask for much, not even for it to be a date outside the house. Just spending time together was enough for you. You just wanted to be with your boyfriend.
Minho hadn't even realized that you had sent him so many messages. He was trying to add new steps to the new choreography; the comeback was approaching, and he felt desperate to finish everything. He just wanted to rest.
It got really late; he was leaving the company around 1:30 am. When he reached the parking lot, the first thing he did was check his phone for any message from you. To his surprise, he had hundreds of messages from you, and the most concerning part was that the recent ones expressed disappointment towards him. What had he done wrong?
Slowly, he read each one and realized that you had a planned date today. He had completely forgotten, and he felt horrible. It had been months since you could go out or have a nice date. He put his phone aside and headed to his apartment. He needed to fix things with you; he knew you had been looking forward to this day for a long time.
As soon as he arrived at his apartment, he searched for you everywhere but couldn't find you. That made him even more nervous. He felt like he had lost you. However, he heard a sound coming from the bathroom—it was you, coming out after showering. At that moment, he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he had messed things up, but at least you were still there.
You were frozen; you didn't expect Minho to come home so late. You stayed up late because you couldn't sleep due to anger and disappointment. So, you decided to take a shower to release all those consuming emotions. Lost in your thoughts, you felt someone wrapping their arms around you. You wanted Minho to let go, but deep down, you needed a hug. In whispers, you heard explanations from your boyfriend about how the stress of the comeback was consuming him, and he spent a lot of time at the company, even though he wished all that time was invested in you.
"Forgive me, please. I completely forgot that we were supposed to go out today. I'm really sorry that you felt that way, sweetie. It wasn't my intention to hurt you. Tomorrow we can go out; I'll stay home. But please, forgive me." You just nodded and gave him a small kiss.
"I love you, Minho."
"I love you too."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ CHANGBIN
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You were sitting in your chair, waiting for Changbin to show up. You weren't even angry; just sad because you had planned this outing so much. You were worried because he wasn't answering your messages. You knew he had a busy job, spending most of his time in the studio producing with his friends. But you were hoping for the day when you could spend the entire day together, despite both of your stress and worries.
As it got later, you felt more tired. Without hope, you went to your room to change and remove your makeup. Today, you looked and felt beautiful, but it seemed like all that effort had gone to waste. You sat at your vanity, looked at yourself in the mirror, saw how tired you were, and started crying. Your relationship was wearing you down in a way you couldn't describe, but you wanted to stay because he made you happy. Changbin rarely failed in your relationship. Honestly, at the beginning, you expected something worse, but no, Changbin was the perfect boyfriend. The only complicated thing was his work, but you knew it was his dream, so you felt happy for him. You turned back to the mirror, saw tears, didn't even realize you were crying, which made you cry even more. You really missed your boyfriend, but things were getting more complicated. You just kept sitting there, crying in front of the mirror, waiting for your tears to stop.
Moments later, when you were calmer, you heard gentle knocks on your room door, followed by Changbin's voice asking for permission to enter. Something inside you didn't want to see him; you felt and looked horrible.
"Can I come in, princess?"
"Not now, Changbin, I need time," your voice sounded rushed, trying to remove your makeup as best as you could, mascara running like never before.
"Please, princess, I need to talk to you," the man sounded desperate.
"Just give me a few minutes, please." Saying that, you went to your bathroom, washed your face, and once clean, you ran to open the door. Your surprised boyfriend could only put his head on your shoulder; he exuded such a sad vibe.
"Forgive me, please. Time flew by, and I never realized we were going out today. I didn't even hear your messages. I'm really sorry, princess," Changbin was on the verge of tears, genuinely repentant.
"I know, Binnie, it's okay, don't worry," you said while stroking his head.
"It's not okay, princess. You are my everything, and today, I failed you. Forgive me, please. It will never happen again," he said between sobs. You couldn't believe he was crying.
"Love, I know how difficult your job can be. You have to do many things, and it's okay. I understand, and I trust you not to let it happen again. I love you," you said while hugging him tightly.
"I love you too, and sorry again."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ HYUNJIN
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You were angry, not even sad, just angry. You had been wanting to see your boyfriend for a while, and as soon as he told you he had some free time, you planned many things to spend time with him. You even prepared many things for him, cooked various dishes, bought a little gift, and even tried to paint something for him. It turned out beautiful, but your boyfriend never showed up to see your little gifts.
You were on your way home when you felt someone approaching you. It made you nervous because it was already dark, and someone approaching wasn't a good sign. You started walking faster, but you heard the footsteps of the other person accelerating too. You didn't want to start running because if you weren't fast enough, things would end badly. Besides, you were carrying the things you had taken to the place where you were going to meet Hyun. All you were praying for was to reach a street where there were more people to lose that person. However, your wish couldn't be fulfilled, and you felt the person following you grab you by the shoulders. You almost fainted right there, but upon hearing the person's voice, your soul returned to your body.
"Why are you walking so fast, my goodness," said Minho, trying to regulate his breath.
"Oh my god, Minho! I almost had a heart attack. I thought I was about to be kidnapped. I swear I won't survive the night," you said, speaking very fast. Your voice didn't even have an annoyed tone; you could only hear relief.
"I called you several times, but you never paid attention. You were in your own world. What did you want me to do?" he complained.
"Well, your friend, the idiot, stood me up and never replied to my messages," you complained with an annoyed tone.
"I know, that's why I came. Honestly, it wasn't his intention. As soon as he saw the messages, he tried to run out, but the idiot tripped and sprained his ankle," Minho explained.
"Oh my god, but is he okay?" you asked worried.
"Crying but yes, he's okay. If I were you, I'd go to the company to see him because otherwise, it's going to end up being a disaster," a sigh was all that came out of you, nodding your head. You accompanied Minho back to the company.
As soon as Hyunjin saw you, he started crying more, feeling guilty. But all you did was approach him, hug him, and tell him not to worry right now. First, his health was important, and then you could talk.
"Don't worry right now, Hyunnie. First, get better, okay? I love you, everything is fine," you gave him a little kiss on the head.
"Forgive me, I love you. I swear when I recover, I'll take you on a very nice date. I promise."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ JISUNG
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Angry, frustrated, sad, humiliated— you felt like a sea of emotions. You told him how you felt, but you didn't know if it had been the best choice, or the right words, or the right moment. Maybe he was just too busy? But still, it didn't give him the right to stand you up. It wasn't the first time; if the times you went on dates were few, the times he actually made it to the dates were even fewer.
You felt tired, abandoned even. You hardly had the chance to see your boyfriend, and you knew his life was complicated. But there was always the need, the desire to spend time with him, to love him like the first time, to be loved.
Now that you had arrived home, you didn't know what to do. It was like reality had punched you. You realized you had said things that could be misinterpreted. Perhaps the last message would seem like you wanted to break up when that wasn't really the case. The words you said were spoken without much thought; you were just venting, but it wasn't the best. You were shattered. You couldn't even move from the entrance; you were crying oceans, clinging to the door. You didn't want to move; your head hurt, and you couldn't even breathe properly. At this point, you were hyperventilating. Meanwhile, your boyfriend was rushing to your apartment to find you. He didn't want things to end between you two; he loved you and was willing to make a great sacrifice for you.
He arrived in less than 10 minutes, even though your apartment was 15 minutes away. He knocked on the door with desperation, which snapped you out of your trance. However, you couldn't move; everything hurt. As you didn't answer, he became even more worried. He entered the code to the entrance and found you on the floor, in pain, struggling to breathe. He took you in his arms and tried to calm you down. After a long time, you were much calmer, just looking at your boyfriend with teary eyes.
"I don't want to break up with you. I'm sorry, Hannie," you whispered.
"Nor do I want to, my love. Please let me take care of you. I promise that from now on, I'll always be there for you. My work will never come before you. You are my priority. Forgive me, let me fix things. I love you. I'm sorry," he pleaded.
"I forgive you, my love. I love you too. Let's go back to how we were before."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ FELIX
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You were already asleep in the room you shared with Felix. A few hours ago, you were supposed to have your wonderful date. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because your boyfriend was probably busy. Yes, you were angry, but more than that, you were disappointed and sad. You used to be a sensitive person, so these kinds of actions hurt your feelings a lot. Let's say you had to cry yourself dry to fall asleep.
Felix was on his way home, very nervous and disappointed in himself. He had forgotten about the date you were supposed to have, one of the few times you could have time for just the two of you. He suspected that you were either devastated or asleep because you weren't answering his calls or messages. They even said your phone was on silent. When he got home, he looked for you in the kitchen. He saw your dishes neatly washed, while his were still on the table. The table was decorated with flowers and a few candles. You even bought a pink wine for the occasion. He had really messed up this time.
In panic, he went to look for you in the room, praying that you were there. And yes, he saw your small figure hidden under the sheets. That made his heart squeeze tightly. Had he really hurt you? He knew you were a very sensitive person, like a porcelain doll. He had to handle you with care, and that was his favorite part—taking care of you. You were his everything. How had he been failing you so much lately? He wanted to cry right there. He wanted to leave his busy life to give all his attention to you. Slowly, he approached you and sat on the side of your bed where only your hand hung. He took it gently and caressed it. He gave you a small kiss while whispering how sorry he was, how much he felt for hurting you, for failing you. He didn't realize you had woken up, only hearing the sweet and sincere words he was dedicating to you.
You got concerned when you felt your hand wet, a sign that he was already crying. Carefully, you moved and, in a slow motion, sat on the floor with him, face to face. You took his face gently in your hands and gave him many kisses, tickling him, which made him smile.
"It's okay, Felix. I already told you that I understand that your life is difficult."
"But even if it is, that doesn't mean I can fail you. It hurts to admit that I completely forgot that we were supposed to have a date today. I know how hard you try to do things for both of us. Please, forgive me. I want to give my all for this relationship, angel. I want things to be like before when we were both so happy."
"I want that too, Lix. I forgive you, okay? For now, let's have dinner together. I left your plate on the table, but I guess the food is already cold." You got up slowly and then extended your hand towards your boyfriend.
"Thank you, beautiful. I love you more than you can imagine. Things will get better, I promise." He gave you a kiss on the cheek as you both headed to the kitchen.
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ SEUNGMIN
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You were clearly hurt, unsure how to react to what happened. Seungmin had stood you up at a restaurant, and now you had to pay for an inexpensively expensive bottle of champagne and a meal you didn't even bother to eat. Walking back home with your heels in one hand and a broken heart in the other, you didn't want to return to your shared apartment with Seungmin. But your feet and head ached, you were tired, so you stopped at a bus stop to rest for a while. You felt your eyes getting heavy, very sleepy, but you knew it wouldn't be a good idea to fall asleep on the street. It was dangerous, and you didn't want anything bad to happen. So, you called one of your friends to pick you up.
You patiently waited for your friend, and when they arrived, Seungmin called. You didn't really feel like answering, but you did it anyway.
"Where are you?" At that moment, your friend arrived in their car, so you quickly got in because you didn't want to make them wait.
"On my way home, I guess." You weren't sure if you wanted to go home, but it was the most likely option.
"What do you mean 'I guess'? Don't you want to go home?" He asked with a concerned tone.
"It's not that, Seungmin. Just a friend picked me up, and I wanted to spend some time with him. Yes, I'll go home, okay?" A somewhat annoyed tone came from your voice. You didn't want to sound like that, but you were very tired and just wanted to rest. Your friend turned to look at you, worried. You just signaled to them that everything was okay.
"Do you know what time you'll be home?" he asked worriedly.
"To be honest, I don't know. I hope before midnight."
"I'll be waiting for you here. I love you. I'm sorry, beautiful." You noticed a tone of regret in his voice.
"I love you too, Seung." You sighed tiredly one last time and ended the call.
You and your friend spent the time talking on the way to distract you from the bad experience. Despite having brought food, your friend suggested going to a fast-food restaurant and ordering something through the drive-thru, and it sounded like a good idea. So, you both had dinner in the parking lot, continued talking for a while, and decided it was time to go home. Your friend drove you back and waited for you to enter the building where you lived.
The moment you entered your apartment, you felt a heavy, sad vibe—something inexplicable. It felt completely weird because you expected Seungmin to come running to see if you had arrived safely, but none of that happened. So, you decided to go look for him. You found him in your shared bed, curled up, crying like never before, which crushed your heart. Slowly approaching him, once by his side, you started stroking his back, intending to help him calm down. However, that only made him cry more. He felt extremely guilty, but now you also felt guilty. You should have solved things earlier, but you chose to leave, making things worse than they were. You lay down next to him and hugged him, starting to comfort him, which this time worked. After a few minutes, he began to speak.
"Sorry, beautiful. I completely forgot that we were going out today, and by the time I realized, too much time had passed, and I couldn't find any way to fix it. Please forgive me. I promise I'll make it up to you." He apologized, turning around to face you.
"Of course, Minnie. I forgive you. I was just a little upset, but I know how busy your life can be. All I wanted was some time for us because lately, we haven't been able to go out like before," you said, stroking his cheek.
"I know, beautiful. But soon, I'll get some vacation, and if I don't, I'll take a few days off to be with you, my love." He hugged you tightly.
"Thank you, Minnie. I love you more than you can imagine. Forgive me too, and let's keep being happy together, okay?"
"Yes, silly. I love you much more."
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ JEONGIN
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After sending that message, you felt guilty because maybe it wasn't his fault, but it seemed like he wasn't putting in the slightest effort into your relationship. Every time something complicated happened in your relationship, it wasn't him who came to talk to you about it; it was always his coworkers. This bothered you a lot because it seemed like he was too cowardly to tell you things, either by message or face to face.
Right now, you didn't know whether to cry, get angry, or worry. You really didn't know what to do or how to act. What were you supposed to do? Wait and see if the man you love shows up, or if he's just going to back away again. These thoughts only made you more depressed. You even fell asleep while crying, so you didn't know what was happening around you at that moment.
When you woke up, you had missed numerous calls from your boyfriend, his friends, your friends—literally everyone. He had been looking for you for about an hour and a half, something that surprised you because you didn't even feel like you had fallen asleep, so you didn't notice the calls and messages they had sent you. Disoriented, you started reading messages from your friends saying that Innie had been looking for you for a while and seemed sad. When you began reading his messages, you realized you had messed up really badly. You had around 100 messages from Jeongin apologizing, asking you not to leave him, and begging to see you just to apologize properly. If you didn't want to be with him anymore, he said it was okay, but he just wanted to say goodbye properly. However, you didn't want to end it either; you only said it on a stupid impulse. He was and is the love of your life, and you didn't want things or the love between you to end. You quickly called him, praying that he would answer, and not even 3 seconds passed when a desperate Jeongin answered. You were about to speak, but he started apologizing endlessly, just saying words desperately, not even making coherent sense. He just didn't want you to hang up and say you no longer wanted to be with him. His desperation made you feel disoriented and sad, but at the same time, it frustrated you because he wouldn't let you talk. Therefore, you decided to raise your voice a bit to make him stop talking.
"Jeongin! Let me speak first, okay?"
"Yes, sorry."
"I don't want to break up with you. I know I said I couldn't take it anymore, and it's true, but I know being busy is not your fault. I just want you to communicate more with me. I don't want your friends always having to inform me. I want it to be you," you said with some emotion, finally able to express what you felt.
"Yes, love, I promise. From now on, I'll change for the better, but please don't leave me. I love you more than you can imagine. That's why from today, I'll be the person who makes you happy forever," he promised with a lump in his throat.
"If that's the case, come home now, Innie. I miss you. I want to fix things properly. I miss everything about you, please," you begged your boyfriend.
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dirtyvulture · 4 months
Dear Diary
*Set in the Darkest Knight AU*
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 4459
Summary: Natasha embraces her new life as an X-Men.
AN: I'm back with a little one shot. :) Enjoy!
December 6, 2023
Dear Diary,
Is that an appropriate way to start one of these? I’ve never kept a diary or a journal before. But Marie gave me this cute little notebook and said writing stuff down helps clear her mind, so I don’t think there’s any harm in giving it a shot. They would never let us have something like this in the Red Room. Too much evidence lying around for someone to stumble upon. Should I put a lock on this? Y/N wouldn’t snoop around to read this, would she? Well, I guess if she is–leave my diary alone, you big dummy!
The professor said the Red Room soldiers and Widows are coming tomorrow. This is all my fault. I’ve put these good people and innocent children in danger. Earlier, we went to help the kids pack their bags and board the buses. I’m not sure if Y/N has any kids of her own (or ever did at all), but I can tell she really cares about them. Although she was not happy with some of the excessive luggage some of them were bringing. No one would tell me where they’re sending the kids, but I overheard Ororo mention something about a private resort they had to buy out.
I still don’t quite understand why these people are willing to sacrifice so much for me. I’m basically a stranger to them. I have nothing to give them in return if they ask. Maybe they’ll finally throw me out when they realize how worthless I am. That’s what I really deserve. Not these warm clothes, the home-cooked meals, and this roof over my head. And I definitely don’t deserve the kindness and care Y/N has shown me. I really like her, but I’m afraid she’ll leave me when she realizes how boring and inexperienced I am. 
Oh, I think she’s coming out of the shower now. I’ll continue this later.
December 15, 2023
Dear Diary,
It’s weird how life goes back to normal so fast here. The Red Room soldiers and Widows were here not even a week ago, tearing down doors and blasting out windows, and everything is already repaired and the students are back at it like nothing happened.
A lot of them are excited to go back to their homes and families for the holiday. But a lot of them will also be staying at the mansion, because their families won’t accept them or they just don’t have any home to go back to. The professor asked Y/N to help plan some holiday games so the kids staying don’t get too bored or lonely. She’s acting like it’s the dumbest assignment he’s ever given her, but I’ve seen her spending all her free time ordering presents and decorations (with the professor’s credit card, of course), so I know she takes it very seriously and the kids are going to love whatever she comes up with.
I’m really glad I get to spend Christmas here. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been able to celebrate it with people I love. I feel so welcomed here and no one looks at me like I’m any different, when I come from a past where there’s red all over my ledger. Sometimes I’m surprised anyone even lets me be around these kids alone, but some of them have powers that even make Y/N nervous, and I think they know they can trust me.
It’ll take some more time before I can be fully comfortable here, but it’s really starting to grow on me and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
December 25, 2023
Natasha wakes up alone. She looks around the bedroom, in case you might be on the floor doing push-ups or in the bathroom showering, but the room is completely empty. Her heartbeat picks up as she jumps out of bed, afraid that you’ve left her, when she notices a note on the desk.
Downstairs making breakfast. Come join when you’re up - Y/N
She relaxes immediately, touched how you made sure to let her know in advance where you would be. She quickly washes up and puts on a robe, then hurries downstairs to a chaotic mess of torn gift wrapping, screaming children, and flashing new toys. She steps into the kitchen, where you are wearing a flowered apron and are threatening Marie with a spatula.
“Stop, those aren’t ready–Marie!” You swat at her hands as she swipes for a pancake.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Nat!” Marie says, moving your attention away from her as your girlfriend appears.
“Merry Christmas, Marie.” Natasha gives the girl a hug, not missing the folded pancake in her hand. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” you say next, waiting for her to come over. “I made a special plate for you. It’s over here so the kids don’t get into it.” You point to a foil-covered plate off to the side of the stove. Natasha goes to investigate, peeling back the foil to find the plate fully-loaded with two different types of pancakes, one next to a little container of jam and honey, and the other still steaming and garnished with flecks of green onion. There’s even a bowl of grainy buckwheat porridge. Her heart soars at the sight of her favorite native breakfast. With a delighted squeal, she throws herself into your arms.
“Thankyou thankyou thankyou,” she choruses, squeezing you tightly as you rub her back.
“You’re welcome, darling.” 
At this point, you shoo everyone out of the kitchen to finish the preparations. Natasha joins Marie in the dining hall, helping set up the plates and silverware. She watches with great curiosity as Kitty tries getting Peter to step under the mistletoe she hung above the doorway, and then is distracted when Jean and Scott come down for breakfast.
“Y/N cooks Christmas breakfast for us every year,” Jean explains to Natasha. “The kids always look forward to it.”
“Hey, Y/N!” Scott yells into the kitchen. “Keep the walnuts away from my food, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Natasha hears you dismissively respond.
“Scott’s allergic,” Jean whispers to her. “Now there’s no proof how, but he ended up with a plateful of them last year and I almost had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, it was an eventful Christmas.”
Natasha giggles to herself, already having a feeling she knows exactly how those walnuts got on Scott’s plate.
Everyone finds a seat at the table, the empty one next to Natasha reserved for you. You finally emerge from the kitchen, no longer in the flowered apron but one of your classic checkerboard flannels. You’re carrying an impressive tower of pancakes in one hand and a pan filled half and half with bacon and sausage in the other. The students break out in appreciation and applause as Bobby scoots aside some dishes to make room for the last trays.
“Don’t take more than you can finish,” you remind the kids, going around the table to sit next to Natasha and presenting her with her special plate. “And uh, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all that other stuff.” You raise your apple cider in a toast and everyone follows your lead.
“Thanks for breakfast, Y/N,” Ororo says, clinking her glass to yours. The students erupt with more thanks before they start reaching for the food, passing around the mountainous plate of pancakes, scooping whole fried eggs onto each other’s plates.
“Thanks again, babe,” Natasha says, putting her hand on your thigh as she leans over to kiss you on the cheek.
“You should try it first before thanking me,” you tease, still not used to all the praise. You were just trying to be a good partner, and it was somewhat of a Christmas tradition for you to cook breakfast for all the students who stayed at the mansion over break. You didn’t mind it at all, in fact you really did enjoy spending time in the kitchen and it made you feel good to take care of others.
Natasha leaves her hand on your knee as she eats, and eventually you put your hand on top of hers comfortingly. Neither of you engage much in conversation as you eat and listen, happy with the company. Once all of the food has been finished, Ororo rounds up the students to help clean everything before they can continue opening presents. 
Kitty gets you a Johnny Cash vinyl record. Marie and Bobby got you a variety pack of exotic flavors of jerky, including alligator, ostrich, and buffalo. Storm gives you and Natasha tickets to a weekend getaway at a Canadian resort. Jean and Scott also throw in a joint gift of a new set of winter bedsheets. You are very thankful for the presents and pile them neatly by your feet, when Natasha pulls out a box and puts it on your lap. Inside is a familiar-looking flannel shirt.
“It’s a brand new one,” Natasha says. “To replace all the ones I steal from your closet,” Natasha says.
“Thanks,” you say, putting your arm around her to pull her closer so you can kiss her cheek. “This one is from me.” You hand her a very small box.
Natasha opens it delicately and gasps when she sees what you’ve given her. It’s a wooden ring, carved a little roughly around the edges  with little turquoise-colored gems pressed into the outside.
“Did you make this?” Natasha asks, running her finger over the gems.
“Uh, yeah.” You’re suddenly nervous that she doesn’t like it. Woodworking was not your finest hobby, despite your decades to fine-tune the skill, but you preferred to build vast structures and furniture. Tiny little pieces of jewelry were extremely difficult to handle, but hopefully it was worth the numerous cuts and splinters you gave yourself. 
Natasha slips it on her right ring finger–a perfect fit. Maybe you needed to give yourself more credit for your handiwork.
“It’s beautiful,” she says, holding her hand up to admire the ring. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” 
Natasha snuggles closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder while you sit back and watch everyone else finish opening their gifts.
The rest of the day is busy but productive. Natasha has never felt happier watching the students competitively decorate gingerbread houses, then go outside and play in the snow. You don’t join in anymore, preferring to watch from the side. You’re already wearing the flannel Natasha got for you and Natasha gazes at you adoringly from afar. Despite the differences the two of you had from time to time, she hasn’t loved another person the way she loves you. But sometimes she worries that you don’t feel the same way. 
You still don’t talk very much, hardly opening up about your past the way Natasha has spilled about hers. Although you seem mostly content at the mansion, Natasha can tell you’re still adjusting to being around so many people. The life of solitude in the cabin in the woods had clearly been more your style, and she feels guilty for dragging you away from that. But as much as she would love to spend all day with you cozied up in a cabin you built with your own hands, it wasn’t a realistic option. Not with all the threats and dangers that could come her way.
Which is why it was so important to Natasha that the Red Room be dealt with, as soon as possible.
She didn’t like how dismissive you got every time she brought it up, but she understood why. You had found your domestic bliss and didn’t want to let it go anytime soon. She wasn’t going to blame you. But she wished you would actually listen to her instead of shutting her down all the time. She would figure out how to broach the topic with you eventually, but today was not that day.
After a quiet dinner, which is basically just warmed up leftovers from breakfast, Natasha finds you sitting by yourself on the couch in front of a dying fire. Most of the students had retired to their rooms, exhausted by the day’s festivities. Natasha sits next to you, leaning her shoulder against yours.
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Hi.” You offer her your hand and she clasps onto it, threading her fingers with yours. You smile when you see the wooden ring on her finger. It looks perfect on her. “Did you have fun today?” you ask. 
“It was the best Christmas I ever had,” she replies. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Of course.”
Natasha is tired, but there’s still one more thing she wants to do with you. She rests her hand on your thigh, subtly at first, then she slowly starts to stroke your leg, her fingers barely perceptible through your jeans. You ignore her and her movements become bolder, creeping towards the inside of your thigh now and squeezing it lightly.
“Can I help you with something?” you finally ask. Natasha has always been a little more shy when it comes to asking for intimacy with you. But you were patient with her and never pressured her, and that encouraged her to have the confidence to ask if you were in the mood–even if she didn’t always do it with words. 
“Do you want to go upstairs?” she says, leaning forward until her lips almost touch yours. “I still have one more present to give you.”
“Oh, do you now?” you ask, trying to kiss her but she pulls away.
“You have to come upstairs,” she repeats, offering you her hand as she stands up.
“All right, all right.” Your knees creak as you push off the couch, taking Natasha’s hand and following her upstairs. You can hear her heartbeat pounding with excitement or maybe that’s…yours? You hope everyone else has gone to sleep by now, otherwise they wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon.
Back in the privacy of the bedroom, you let Natasha lead you to the bed and you sit down on the edge with her climbing onto your lap. 
“Is this okay?” she asks, her hands locking around the back of your neck.
“Of course,” you whisper, leaning in until your foreheads touch. Your arms circle her waist to hold her securely in place. Her breath fans over your face and her heartbeat pumps at an almost alarmingly quick rate. 
“I want you,” she says, rocking her hips against your thighs. “I want you to take me.”
“How do you want me?” you ask, before she presses her lips roughly to yours, her fingers digging into your neck. Her arousal spikes and so does yours. You open your mouth when she licks your lips to deepen the kiss. She tastes like vanilla and cookies and you instinctively pull her closer to you, wanting to devour her until the morning.
Natasha grabs the collar of your flannel, pulling apart the top buttons and running her hands down your chest and abs. Your skin burns where she touches you and you nip lightly on her bottom lip when she rests her hands on the buckle of your belt.
“I want to taste you,” you pant, hoping your request doesn’t come across as too greedy. Natasha has to fight down her thrill of excitement at your suggestion, wondering how you knew exactly what she wanted. She doesn’t even take the time to agree with you, instead hurriedly stripping off her clothes to show you how eager she is. You take off the flannel, setting it aside with reverence, then removing your undershirt and jeans. Natasha tackles you back on the bed, your thigh fitting between her legs and you feel the heat from her center rubbing against you.
“You’re so wet for me,” you say, holding her hips again and guiding her up until she’s hovering over your chest. “My good girl.”
“Your good girl,” Natasha reiterates, grabbing onto the headboard for support before she positions herself over your face. The scent of her arousal is almost overwhelming to you, and you waste no time bringing your arms over her thighs to pull her down. Natasha whines when your mouth makes contact with her slick center, your tongue slipping into her and coating with her juices. 
Natasha moans, grinding down so you can enter her deeper. Your arms tighten to prevent her from moving too much; you want to do things at your own pace. Her taste is so intoxicating and addictive, you could lie here forever eating her out. Natasha grips the headboard tighter, struggling to rock against your face for more friction, but you won’t let her. She whines in desperation, the noises music to your ears. Your tongue dips into her again before tracing up to her clit, flicking against it and Natasha grinds down harder on your chin, gasping and moaning. 
“Y/N,” she begs. “Y/N, please.”
You stop, pulling away from her far enough to say, “What do you want, baby?”
“I want you,” she repeats, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
“I know, baby. I got you.” As much as you love teasing her, this is not the time. You knew Natasha could sometimes be insecure about your relationship with her. But you had no regrets in choosing to be with her and loved her so much. You would never miss an opportunity to show her, either.
You loosen your arms around her so she has some freedom to move and Natasha quickly adjusts herself until she’s comfortable. When she settles back down on your face again, you find her clit and wrap your lips around it, rewarded with a long, drawn-out moan. Natasha rolls her hips to help you find a good rhythm. You feel her thighs tremble and more of her slick spills onto your tongue. 
“Oh, god. Oh fuck, Y/N,” she whimpers, the headboard flexing dangerously from how hard she’s holding onto it. 
Your stomach practically burns from how aroused you are with Natasha riding your face, and you’re hoping she’ll help you relieve some of the tension once you make her finish. You’ve held out as long as you could, and you can tell Natasha is ready to fall over the edge. Your tongue rests on her clit again, swiping upwards in a straight line, then dragging down at a diagonal angle, then going back up.
Your tongue moves in an inverted V next, drawing an imaginary bar between them.
You lick down her clit once more, then swipe perpendicular.
Natasha is panting and shaking, completely unaware that you’re trying to spell her name on her with your tongue. One of her hands has left the headboard and is holding tightly onto your hair in an attempt to guide you, but your own plan is already in action.
She doesn’t make it the next A, her back arching and thighs clamping around your head as she finally cums. You don’t let a drop of it go to waste, lapping at her sensitive folds until she’s whimpering and trying to pull your head away. Natasha lifts herself off your face with a contented sigh, turning herself away from the headboard now, but you’re not quite done with her yet.
You pull her back down on your face and she falls forward with her hands on your chest. 
“Did I say you could go anywhere?” you grumble playfully. 
“Y/N,” Natasha giggles. 
“Can I have one more, darling?” you ask, and she responds by sitting back on your face. But now Natasha is the one with other ideas, as she eyes the veins on your flexing abdomen that disappear behind the band of your underwear. You feel her hands run across your stomach and your breath hitches when she tugs down your underwear.
“Nat, what are you–oh, shit.” Now it’s your turn to gasp and moan when Natasha leans over and places her mouth on your dripping center. You completely lose focus of what you were doing, instinctively spreading your legs open further to give her better access. “Fuck baby, oh fuck,” you whine, your head dropping back on the pillow.
“Did I say you could stop?” Natasha teases, turning your own words back against you. It takes a monumental effort, but you calm yourself enough to put your mouth to work again. Natasha almost soaks herself when she realizes how turned on you’ve gotten just from eating her out. Now she has only one mission in mind: make you cum before she does a second time. But you’re refusing to make it easy for her, and Natasha is already dangerously close despite having finished mere minutes ago. She knows she has to hurry, but judging from the tremble in your thighs, you’re closer than you’re letting on.
Natasha’s tongue circles your clit and she can feel you panting against her, your own efforts faltering in their rhythm. She pushes back against your face to remind you of what you promised her. Your fingers dig into the curve of her ass and you feel her breasts rubbing against your abs. Her mouth is so hot and wet and perfect on you, making you lose your breath every time her tongue touches you.
“Fuck, Nat,” you whimper, feeling like you’re losing control of yourself. You’re not even sure if what you’re doing to her anymore is working because all you can think about is the throbbing in your lower stomach that begs to be released. Your back arches off the bed when her tongue lashes at your clit and she struggles and fails to push down on your thighs to keep you grounded. “Nat, I can’t,” you warn, a little embarrassed at how fast you’re ready to release. 
“It’s okay,” you hear Natasha say, “Cum for me, baby.” 
White floods your vision and all the muscles in your body tighten as you spill into her mouth, a moan catching in your throat. Your head spins in a rush of endorphins and you’re practically convulsing underneath Natasha when you finally come down from your high. She purrs in delight at her success, gently squeezing at your thighs. And as much as you want to flip her around and press her head against your chest, you still do owe her.
Natasha’s second orgasm is a little more subdued but just as pleasurable. She bites the inside of your thigh to quiet the noise of her moan and you almost cum again. But once she finds the strength to move, Natasha crawls back up to you, nuzzling the side of your head and kissing you. Normally, you could go several rounds without even stopping for a break, but you’re unusually exhausted today. Maybe it was from waking up at four o’clock to work on breakfast for everyone or making sure that the Christmas activities throughout the day ran smoothly. 
Natasha rests her head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat and you rub her shoulder, tilting your head down to breathe in the faded scent of her shampoo. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” she whispers.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
January 2, 2024
Dear Diary,
Professor Xavier called me personally to his office today. I was really nervous that I was in trouble for something. I’m still not sure how I feel about his mind-reading thing. I try to keep my thoughts in check when he’s around, but I think that makes it seem like I’m hiding something. But other than that, he’s only ever been polite and respectful to me, and I can tell Y/N really looks up to him as a mentor and father figure.
He told me he has a lead on where the Red Room could be and asked if I still want to pursue them. Of course I do, but I know Y/N isn’t happy about it. I thought she would understand more. I know she’s got her own past that she hasn’t told me the entirety of yet (not that she’s required to), but she’s told a few stories so I know her situation is similar enough to mine. I wish she was more supportive instead of trying to talk me out of it, but I know she’s worried too. She doesn’t want me rushing back into danger and I totally get that. But I just…I can’t stay here and be cared for and protected and loved when there are so many of my sisters still being held against their will and forced into doing horrible things.
Luckily, the professor seems more understanding of things. But I don’t want him or anyone else here risking their lives for me. If I have to go alone, I will. I don’t know if I can do it alone, though. I’m sure Y/N will insist on tagging along no matter what. I just hope she doesn’t get too grumpy about the whole thing.
January 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I still haven’t told Y/N what the professor told me 2 days ago (assuming she hasn’t already gone through my diary and read about it here). I tried to mention it after dinner, but I could tell as soon as I let the “R” word slip she was not paying attention to the conversation anymore. I don’t want my frustration to build up, so I’ll probably have to be straightforward about it, which isn’t easy.
I know the professor can hear all of my thoughts, so I wonder if he’s going to get tired of them and just talk to Y/N himself. But probably not. This is my problem to handle. I’ll find the courage somehow to deal with it. 
I just hope it doesn’t cause Y/N to look down on me for this. I’m already nervous that I’m constantly annoying her, and if she gets fed up enough and kicks me out I will literally have nowhere to go and at that point, I’d welcome back the Red Room with open arms. That probably seems a little dramatic, but I really don’t want to risk losing the best person that ever came into my life. I have Y/N to thank for everything I have here, and I think most people in my position would call me crazy for trying to make any changes to my situation. 
But I’m not like most people. And I have to do what I think is right, even if others try to stop me. 
I’ll bring it up to Y/N later again. Maybe if I catch her in a good mood she’ll be more receptive to the idea. Wishing luck to my future self.
AN: Please leave likes, comments, and reblog! Follow for more content. 🥰
Multipart sequel in the works!
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jjunieworld · 4 months
epilogue. notes between the fabrics ⸝ ˚⋆
↳ some of the notes you found amongst the hoodies and sweaters that soobin gave you.
[dated ➛ date at the diner]
to my beautiful beautiful y/n,
i love you more than there are stars in the sky. your smile shines brighter than all of them combined. with you, i’ve never felt more alive. i’m just glad that i get to call you mine.
— binnie, your love
p.s. sorry if this is cheesy… i can't wait to let you know how much you mean to me.
[dated ➛ while baking sweets after your birthday disaster]
to my super sweet y/n,
i fucked up really really bad, and i think i might’ve lost you forever. its been keeping me awake at night, fueling my nightmares. i know you need your space, i know you don’t want to see me, but i cant let us end like this. so fucking stupid… now i’m here in the middle of the night baking so i have something to give you tomorrow. you’ll never know how truly sorry i am. i hope you’ll like the sweets.
— soobin, the fucking dumbass
[dated ➛ after the talk in the cornflower field]
to my beating heart, y/n,
i’ll wait however long it takes, even if it’s forever. and in the meantime, i’ll keep your heart safe. i’ll mend the cracks and i’ll soothe it until it learns to trust me again. until it beats for me again. i’ll wait until the end of the world and then after that if it means i’ll get to be with you. even if you don’t believe me, i genuinely do love you more than anything.
— your hopeful beating heart, binnie
[dated ➛ when you put on his hoodie instead]
to my burning flame, y/n,
you’re my light through the dark, my burning flame, you always will be. even if i come too close to your fire and get burnt, i don’t care. i enjoy the warmth. the thought of you leads me out of the tunnel and into the light that is you. that’s all i need, and my body flushes at the fact that it’s all you need too.
— binnie, the wanderer guided by your light
[dated ➛ the afternoon before your do-over first date]
to my breathtaking girlfriend, y/n,
tomorrow is our do-over first date and i just left your dorm. the date is going to be a success, i can feel it, and i hope you do too. soon, we’ll write over all the bad memories with new and happy ones. i’ll make sure that you’re always happy so that you’ll never think about all the bad things that happened to you because of me ever again. i know you said you forgave me and that it’s okay, but i’m really really sorry. i am. to my beautiful beautiful, super sweet, beating heart, burning flame, and breathtaking girlfriend, i love you more than i can ever express. i’ll see you at 6pm tomorrow.
— binnie, your love, the fucking dumbass, your hopeful beating heart, the wanderer guided by your light, and your head-over-heels boyfriend
you never really told soobin about finding his little notes here and there, and he never mentioned accidentally leaving them places. you assumed that it was a way for him to express his feelings in a different type of way that still felt personal and you didn’t want to take that from him. you also didn’t want the notes to stop either.
admittedly, they always brightened your day significantly whenever you found them. even if they weren’t explicitly about you and soobin, they were always addressed to you. rather it would be about his love for you or a hard day he had, you liked that you got to see a glimpse into his head in a different way. it made you feel even more closer to him.
one day, you had went out and had gotten a little fancy box to keep all the notes you’ve found in. you kept the box hidden safely in one of the storing containers under your bed, and you only brought it out to add more notes when you were alone.
it’s not that you didn’t want your friends to know about the notes, it’s that they didn’t need to know about them. they were personal, and just something between you and soobin.
maybe one day in the future you’ll make a subtle hint to soobin about all the notes he addresses to you, but in the meantime, they’ll be kept safe in your pretty little box under your bed. and each time you find one, you’ll give soobin a kiss of gratitude for him letting you inside his heart—your heart.
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summary: choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. y/n… not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can’t get y/n to date him in a month. unfortunately for y/n, they’re a hopeless romantic.
A/N: this is the official end!! *sobs* *cries* *slides down wall and clutches hand to chest* i hope you all had a fun time reading and i hope i didn’t hurt your heart too much with the angst lmaooo 😭 thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!! feel free to send asks in about this story at any time! just because the smau has come to an end, doesn’t mean the conversation has to!!! ♡
taglist: @jjunberry @gothgyuu @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @carengene @binluvsu @seunnimg @vixensss @kittyhyuka @beomsite @hueningm1ckey @n034sy @littlestxli @starsforbeomgyu @soobiary @bunnisoobin @heiiolifeee @cryingforgyu @dani-is-tired @damn-u-min-yoongi @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @icouldntcareless22 @sleepdeprivedline @jhuuni @thepoopdokyeomtouched @rikizm @curiousgworge @nakaopolo @mwahvvis @cupidsmoons @soobhns @ryunjin0 @punkhazardlaw @phtogravi @choibeomkai @soobiverse @rapmonie2047 @riaawr (if your name is bold it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
— kipo <3
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bonthefuckjourx · 5 months
Lucifer x Sinner!reader (Hazbin Hotel)
   SUMMARY: You wake up in Hell and realize you didn't make the cut into Heaven. You never did anything evil, but never believed in God. You wanted to live life by your own morals. Little did you know a group of hazbins would take you in and show you more kindness than anyone on Earth ever did. Then you met someone you never thought you would, Lucifer, the King of Hell. Then you did something you never thought you would, make a deal with the devil.
Word Count: 3300k+
A/N: I am so excited to give you guys this chapter! I feel like we are actually moving now. I've been wanting to write this non-stop, so hoping another update will be out tomorrow. In the meantime, happy reading!!
CHAPTER THREE: I Did Something Bad
“I can’t believe he just kicked us out like that! I mean who the fuck does he think he is?”
Charlie was pacing back and forth in her office back at the hotel. The meeting went less than ideal as Heaven wasn’t forthcoming on her idea. Not only did they rudely kick us out and fling her papers everywhere, but they also increased the Extermination date. It put you on edge how much the angels enjoyed it. You spent the last extermination boarded up in a crate for the entire day. The screams of sinners and the laughter of the angels haunted you in your sleep.
            “I mean it makes sense that the first man alive was this egotistical asshole. “
You mentioned that quite a few men on Earth were like that as well. Of course, you were brushed off as Charlie wasn’t paying attention to anything but her own mumbling. After a few minutes Vaggie came into the office and you decided Charlie didn’t need you anymore for moral support. You closed the door behind you as you made your way up to your room. It had been a long day and all you wanted was to wrap up in your warm comforter. As you walked into your room you noticed a certain friend, Angel Dust, sitting on your bed waiting for you. His head perked up as you walked towards him.
            “Y/n you are not going to believe this. He sang to me, and of course I was upset, but he sang to me. No one has cared even to ever do that for me. Afterwards he was so understanding, and we took a walk together. I mean it’s like we’re practically dating.”
            Angel Dust wrung his hands has he watched you sit next to him on your bed.
            “Did you guys’ kiss at all?”
            “Well, no, but y/n I was so nervous, and for once this is something I want to work out. I can’t afford to mess it up.” He was nervous as he looked to you for support.
            “That’s a good thing. It means you really care. I’m glad you want to take things slow for once, it’ll be good for the both of you.” Your hand gripped his shoulder as you tried to comfort him.
            “Thanks y/n. I guess I just wanted confirmation that I’m doing the right thing. I really like him.”
            “I know you do. It’ll all work out I promise.” You laid back on your bed, closing your eyes briefly. It wasn’t long before he spoke up.
            “So how was your date with the King of Hell?” You opened your eyes, glaring daggers at him. In turn he was smirking at you expecting a response.
            “It wasn’t a date, and you know it. “
            “Well practically, right? You went over to his house, that’s close enough. Did ya do anything? Tell me how big the King’s cock-“
            “Angel Dust! Nothing even happened! We had some snacks and something to drink and we talked.”
            “You. Talked?” He looked at you as if he didn’t believe you. Perhaps he knew you too well by now. You caved in.
            “Well, we did talk, but he also touched my face again and when he looked into my eyes I just couldn’t look away and then next thing I know he’s leaning me over the couch and he’s kissing me and oh my god he just touched me, Angel. Something like that has never happened to me before. It left so different, so alive. It was like his magic was all around, intoxicating me.” You spoke with your hands as well trying to have him understand just how much everything was. You dropped your hands to your sides as you stared at the ceiling, waiting for a response.
            “That’s amazing y/n, but if you ever tell the story to someone else, I advise you to leave out the part where you mention his rival. I’m pretty sure he would be less than happy to hear God’s name coming off your lips rather than his.” A blush overcame your face as you thought of saying his name repeatedly in desperation. It’s horrible just how much he ended up in your thoughts. It’s even worse most of those thoughts are less than clean.
            “Angel, I don’t even know what to do. It’s like he’s a drug to me. Something about it feels so wrong, but so very right. I mean he’s Charlie’s dad, and Charlie also has a mom. Not to mention Lucifer is how many centuries old? I was only 21 when I died. I feel like we could never actually work out. We have so many differences, but there is the trouble between Heaven and Hell. Not to mention we are trying to rehabilitate into Heaven, right? I don’t know if I even want to at this point.” Tears welled up in your eyes at all the impossibilities.
            “Maybe you should take it slow then, like me and Husk. Just be friends.”
After Angel left you sat in your bed for a long while. Tears came and they went and eventually you even wrote a bit in your journal. Being friends made sense even though every part of you wanted more. It would be best to be friends until this whole thing with Heaven blew over. If you could convince yourself that you were just friends with him, then maybe you could convince Charlie this was a one-time thing. Speaking of which, you needed to stand up and actually go see her. Ten minutes later you found yourself in front of her bedroom door. You knocked waiting for her to open. Almost immediately it opened, making you wonder if the Morningstars had some more magic up their sleeves than you knew about.
            “Y/n. Hey come in.”
            “Sorry for not coming to you after we came back. I was emotionally tapped out.” You walked inside as she ushered you over to a sitting area she had. A small couch was on one side as a cushioned hair was on the other.
            “It’s okay I understand. However, you might want to explain what exactly is happening between you and my father.” She sat down on the chair leaving the small couch to you. As you set down you rubbed your sweaty hands on your thighs. Charlie looked at you expectantly.
            “Well as you know I really can’t go outside. It’s one of my fears after my death and I just go into panic mode. A couple of weeks ago when he visited the hotel, he found me near a balcony. I admitted to my fear, and he offered to help me overcome it. He brought me to his study. It has these huge windows that look over the city and in a way it helped. I asked him if he would help me with going outside in the future and he said he would. That’s how we ended up traveling together to the embassy today.”
            “That much I gathered but thank you for confiding in me. I understand it takes courage to bring up fears. You still didn’t explain to me, how do I put it, how my father became disheveled.” You looked away from her, baring an awkward smile, hugging your sides. She waited when you were ready.
            “Yes that… He teleported me to his mansion first. There was time so we talked, and one thing led to another. I don’t plan to continue these actions. I do want to become friends with him, but right now it’s too messy. Not to mention he’s your father and had a wife at some point I gather?...” You looked at her with a grimace hoping to not bring up hard feelings. Charlie didn’t seem to mind.
            “Oh that? They haven’t been together for most of my life. I do think it is a great idea you visit these feelings later. I’m all for following your heart, but for one we’re talking about rehabilitant you to Heaven! Not to mention he is my father and if anything does happen in the future, please encourage him to leave me out of it.”
You both ended up laughing together, satisfied with your talk. Your conversation turned to other things and before you knew it you two were chatting about anything and everything. Just like it used to be. There was a reason she chooses you to help her around the hotel. You shared very similar aspirations as her. The only difference was you were not hell born, although sometimes you wished you were. Sinners could not leave the ring of pride, not to mention hell born often thought less of sinners. They could be powerful yes, but sinners could only reproduce if they had a hell born. Many of them didn’t want to touch sinners. It was an afterlife, but it was apparently meant to be a punishment. Many things in the city weren’t there to make sinner’s lives easier.
Eventually you left to retire to your room as you both were becoming tired. You changed into your pajamas and plaited your hair for bed. Your cell phone rang then and as you glanced at it on your vanity you realized it was from Luci. You nearly fell out of your chair. The rings continued as you thought of what to say. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and answered the call.
“Hi Luci.”
“Hey y/n. I know it’s late, but I just wanted to hear your voice. I’m sure you know; the nights are the longest.” He sounded tired and sadness tinged his words. You picked up your phone and ventured over to your bed. Laying down you set your phone on your chest as you stared at the ceiling listening to his voice.
“Yea I know about that all too well.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, Luci.”
“Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you make everything worse?”
“Do I really make everything worse?”
“You helped make me feel better. Didn’t you?”
“I suppose.”
“Then no, you don’t make everything worse.” He let out a small sigh. There was silence for a long time. The only thing you could hear was his breathing trying to keep it together.
“It just feels like it. For centuries I’ve been stuck down here because I tried to give humanity free will. I tried to give them this gift to create and invent and live their lives in amazing, beautiful ways. But it backfired. They snatched what I gave them and threw it down the gutter.” He was speaking behind broken words at this point. The emotion in his voice threatening to break it.
“Luci that’s not your fault. You were doing something good. It’s not your fault the others didn’t agree.”
“Then there’s also Lilith. I thought we had something good. We had Charlie, a real family y/n, and then she left.” His voice wavered with every word. It was heartbreaking.
“I’m sorry she left, but you have Charlie and look at all the good she is doing. You made her for the better. “
“Yea I guess my daughter is pretty amazing.”
“I don’t know much about you and Lilith splitting, but anyone would be wrong to leave you. You deserve happiness even at your worst.”
“Thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
You both sat there listening to each other’s breaths. Waiting for the other to break the silence once again. He spoke up first.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Can I give you a nickname? Like you gave me mine, Luci.” Your heart pounded in your chest. Friends can give each other nicknames, right?
“Seems only fair,” you spoke softly with a smile on your face.
“Duckling. Just like my best creation.”
“I love it.” Your heart was full, but ached at what you knew you needed to explain.
“Luci, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, my Duckling.” He sounded suave, confidence now in his voice.
“I need us to be just friends.” He sucked in a breath holding it across the line. There was silence for quite a while.
“I understand.” His voice was low now and cut off. The emotion gone. Had he become accustomed to shutting people out?
“Luci it’s not like that. I like you and I loved the time we spent together it’s just too fast. We barely know each other and there is turmoil between Hell and Heaven. I know it must be more than the extermination and I’m worried it’s going to be worse before it is better. Plus, the whole thing with Charlie, it’s a mess. But you’re my mess, together we’re this horrible pile of sin and lost hope. Just wait for me Luci, that’s all I ask of you.”
“Then I’ll be here waiting. Friends can still use nicknames, right?”
“And talk over the phone late at night?”
“Then tell me, what was Earth like?”
With that you and Luci talked for hours about anything and everything. From your music preferences to politics to even how high school was for you. He loved learning anything about humans. Thanks to him you all now could choose and oh how many choices did you have. You’re pretty sure any hobby you could think of you tried at least once. You told him about the instruments you played and art pieces you made. People you dated and people you hated. History was always so very interesting to you, and you relayed it to him in detail. Eventually it landed on the topic of religion and how Christianity seems more like a cult now then anything. He told you it had always been that way.
As the hours of the night ticked on, it became a good amount past midnight. You both were tired, but reeling on the energy you both gave each other. It was so nice to have someone to talk to again and bullshit with. He made you laugh, and he listened so very well. You would also ask him questions and you loved listening to his voice. This late at night it was a bit hoarse and husky as he spoke in a lower tone. He was tired that much was evident in his voice, but he also gave off other emotions. Those of adoration and love and home. Eventually his questions made an interesting turn towards your creative writing.
“So let me get this straight. People would write stories about fictional characters and then people like you would write completely different stories based on those characters?”
“Pretty much.”
“What did you write about?”
“Well of course it was mainly romance. I was such a sucker for fantasy romance. I wish I could get my hands on some here in Hell.”
“Romance. Interesting maybe I could give you some pointers here and there for another story. Totally platonic though.” You laughed out loud at the mischievous devil.
“That’s just like no homo.” You couldn’t stop laughing it was that bad.
“Just like what now.”
“I’ll tell you the story another time.”
“Alright Duckling. Let’s hear more about these stories. Come on I’m so interested!”
“Quite honestly these stories would be romance, and a good romance story needs to feel real. A.K.A most of them had sex. There’s something so carnal and intimate to it.”
“You know one of these days you’ll have to write me a story for me to read. I really want to see the genius at work.”
“Well, what do you want the story to be about?”
“I could just show you.”
“Now, now Luci. We’re friends, remember? You could just tell me.” He chuckled across the line and a blush crossed your face at your boldness. You are just friends! Friends can talk about these things, right? If you stay away from being physical with him it all should work out. You hoped.
“My story would start with a certain fallen angel and a beautiful sinner from his land.”
“That’s a good start. What else?”
“Well, he’d take her out to dinner, buy them an expensive bottle of wine to share, and chat about their daily happenings. As dinner would continue, he would stare into her beautiful eyes as he would knead her thigh under the table. She’d laugh and play it off with a blush crossing her face. At one point he would bring her hand up to his lips, kiss it, and tell her to slip off her panties. Hesitantly she would take them off, handing it to him under the table where he would hide them in his pocket.” His voice was laced with lust and made you tremble deep inside. Your deepest fantasies were coming to life with the sound of his words.
“And maybe on the way home this fallen angel would spread his wings and fly her across the city. She would hold onto him and whisper sweet nothings into his ears. When he would land, she would run her hands along his wings, daring him to keep them open.”
You could hear him struggling to keep it together on the other line. A small whimper left his mouth, and you wondered what he was doing. Wondered if you should do the same.
“He’d bring her inside, throwing her on his bed, taking in her beautiful form. His fingers would snap, burning off her clothing in angelic light. He’d use his tongue and lick over her neck and her breasts. Paying close attention to her nipples rolling them in his mouth. He’d kiss her deeply, running his tongue against her lips and nipping at her. His hands would run along her thighs, leaving little marks as his claws dug at her skin. She would be marked as his.”
Your breaths were matching his as you moved your own fingers to his imaginations. Soft moans rolled from both of your lips as you continued the story.
“She would wrap her arms around his neck, biting at the soft flesh there. She’d let him do whatever he wanted to her, and she left her legs open for his taking. She’d whimper and moan as he moved down towards her warmth gasping as he delved in. His tongue would roll between her folds, flicking up and down. Two of his fingers would explore and find the perfect spot and she would melt underneath his touch.”
“He’d take control then lifting her up from the bed. They’d find the nearest wall, pushing her up against it. He’d kiss her deeply as he lined up his shaft to her entrance. They would find a rhythm as she would wrap her legs around him. He would become undone. He would slow down and ease up, then increase speed and deepen the intimacy. At the end he would kiss her, mumbling intoxicating words as he wrapped his arms around her. She would hold onto him as if he was the air she needed to breathe. They would come together then, breathes slowing down as they listened to each other’s heart beating.”
In the end there was very little for you two to say. You were just friends but committed a dangerous sin. Neither of you cared but didn’t dare admit to it.
“Are we finished?” The man on the phone asked not wanting to face their consequences.
“I am, Luci.” You could swear you heard him let out a sigh of relief.
“Then that’s all that matters.” You rolled your eyes. This man never thought about himself.
“Are you as well?”
“When it comes to you, I don’t think I could ever have a different answer.”
Shortly after you two said your goodbyes, finally sated. An unspoken truth held in the air; you both knew nothing would ever be the same. You were spiraling down a fate you were afraid to face. You made a deal with the devil how could you think you would ever make it out alive.
For he was your Savior.
And you had a lot to repent.
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moonpascal · 1 month
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Not Again
summary: spiderman ends up on your fire escape…again
warnings: mentions of blood, 18+ reader and peter parker, language, possibly ooc, lots of dialogue, idk what else
any peter parker x f!reader l wc: 780 (thought it was longer)
a/n: rewrote this at least 20 times and this version i’m at least ok with more than the others. considering it’s been in my drafts forever. still new at writing and suck ass at being descriptive as i want to be. hopefully it’s enjoyable, if so leave a like, comment or reblog <3
“I really am sorry for showing up two nights in a row” Spiderman sighed.  
“Ya sure I bet you are, especially after I told you I don’t have a first aid kit or know jack shit about what I'm doing,” you grumbled. It was too late or too early—who the hell knows. All you knew was that you had work in the morning, and poorly assessing the Spiderman was not on your to-do list. 
Lightly dabbing the washcloth against the exposed areas of the suit, careful not to apply too much pressure, but no matter how delicate you were it didn't take the pain away. 
How he managed to land on your fire escape yesterday and to purposely come again tonight was beyond you. Why couldn’t he land somewhere who was a nurse or owned a damn first aid kit! Even though tonight’s assets are not as roughed up as yesterdays. From what you could see, it seems like he healed a bit.
“Just a tip, but you should learn to dodge when someone is coming at you,” you smirked trying to lighten the mood. Being up this early made you delirious when it’s this late at night; anything and everything is funny when it’s two in the morning. He must think you’re pretty funny when he huffs and his shoulders shake a bit before groaning at the movement.
“I got a tip for you and it’s pink.” Heat instantly rushes to your face, the shock evident when you pause. You quirk an eyebrow at him, “That mask confidence really gettin to you, or did you get hit in the head too many times today?”
“Bit of both, I watched this streamer guy and he said it. I’ve been itching to say it.” If he had the mask off you might think he’s smirking at you. But all you get to see is the white lens’s from the suit adjusting looking at you. 
“I’m not surprised, you seem like someone who watches streamers.” He scoffs as you start wringing out the last of the blood from what was a white cloth. There's no point in keeping it now. Sliding out of the dining chair, grabbing the bowl and littered trash accumulated around you guys.
“I do appreciate your help and that I landed on your fire escape.” 
“My sleep says otherwise. How did you end up on mine of all places in the first place?” It’s been running marathons in your head since yesterday's incident. The apartment balcony looked like everyone else’s -plain- and in between levels, not even the top floor. 
“Web snapped, ran out of web fluid last minute,” he shrugged, as if that’s the most normal thing in the world. Web fluid? Like it comes out of him- eww gross—not even gonna think about it. 
Glancing at the stove, the green glow of the clock saying it was indeed time to go back to bed. Having to be up in a few hours for a stupid meeting, that you didn’t have to be there for only to be the office bitch- which isn’t even your job- but it paid wellish. At least enough to afford this place.  
“I’m glad I could be of assistance spidey, you're welcome to my couch, but I’m going to head to bed. I have a long day tomorrow.”
He shifts in the chair before slowly standing up gripping his side. He starts limping towards the window, and groans as he opens the stubborn thing. “See you tomorrow night, my guardian angel.”
“No sir, I won’t be here tomorrow night,”you laughed. Turning all the lights off till you got close to him. You could feel his shock just staring at you even if the mask hid his expression. It’s almost too easy to read him like this. 
“And why not?” He questioned with a hint of too much sass. Popping his hip out and placing his hand there. 
“I’m started to suspect you’re getting hurt on purpose to see me,” you copy his pose with just enough dramatics. “Anyways I have a date,” you shrugged. First one in a while at that and a girl has needs that’ll hopefully be fulfilled, but it’s best not to get your hopes up too high. 
“A date? At 2 in the morning?” 
“Yeah if it ends well,” you smirk. He drops his pose before not so gracefully trying to get out the window. 
“Oh yeah makes sense, right well enjoy your date,” he stutters before slamming the window shut, enough to shake the pictures you have hanging on the wall. 
You sigh, latching the lock and trudging back to the comfort of your bed. 
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luvsfootball · 8 months
injury - aurelien tchouameni.
requested by - anon.
request - hey its me the anon that asked for the aurel fic... so basically hes injured and out for two months (😭😭) can you do him and reader using that time to catch up and do couple stuff coz back then he's too busy to do allat. just giving out ideas if you dont want to write it its fine. thank you for writing for aurel tho love you sm (😭🤍🤍🤍)
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“ow, ow, ow,” aurelien winced, climbing out of bed to try and make it to the kitchen. his groans of pain made you stir in bed and when you sat up, you could see the frustration in his eyes.
“baby, the doctor said you have to rest. where are you going?”
he turned at the sound of your voice and sighed as he felt completely defeated. lying back, he rested his head against the pillow as he muttered, “i wanted to make you breakfast.”
you laughed at his words and sat up, grabbing your nightgown from the bedside table. “aurelien, you’re hurt. if anything, i should be making you breakfast.”
aurelien grabbed his matching nightgown, something that he was adamant you both brought a couple months ago.
“what are you doing?”
“i want to come with you,” he replied, but you could tell just by looking at him that he was in pain. you sighed, pushing hin lightly back down onto the bed and pecking his lips. “relax, anjo.”
he rolled his eyes in a joking manner, leaving you to go and make breakfast for the two of you.
you knew aurelien was slowly losing his mind being in the house 24/7, so you had decided to book a trip away to france, where you both grew up.
“have you got the passports?”
“for the last time, everything’s sorted.”
aurelien picked at his fingernails as you both sat on the chairs, waiting for your flight to begin boarding. you grabbed his hand to stop him from doing the habit he had picked up ever since his injury.
“what’s wrong, anjo?”
he sighed as he looked into your eyes. “i’m just happy we’re getting to spend more time together.”
the smile on your face was wide as you rubbed circles on his skin, “i’m glad too, aurelien.”
it said your flight was boarding so you both walked up to the walkway, hand in hand as you got ready to board to france.
“he’s okay, i think he’s just going a bit crazy. football has been part of life forever, and well now he has to wait.”
your sister gave a sympathetic smile to you whilst aurelien kicked a ball outside with your niece. she loved aurelien and when she found out about his injury, she was bummed as well.
the pair of them always played football whilst he was back in france, so now he couldn’t keep up, she was sad.
“how’s your leg?”
“sore. that’s why i’m using this one.”
aurelien kicked the ball back to her with his okay leg, and she caught it in her hands. “do you love aunty y/n?”
he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “of course i do, mon petit champion.” she smiled at the nickname before resting on the grass with aurelien.
“are you going to marry her?”
he was taken aback. of course he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but aurelien had never really gave much thought to how you’d spend your future together.
looking at you through the glass screen, aurelien knew then and there he was going to marry you. he just wasn’t sure when.
“of course i am.”
the muffins were in the oven and now you were both home, things had gone fast. aurelien had been back to training but he was taking it slow.
he seemed to have cheered up a lot so you were making his favourite muffins to take with him to work tomorrow.
“they smell amazing, anjo.”
his arms wrapped around your waist from behind as he kissed your head, taking a lick of the spoon that you had used to stir the mix.
aurelien loved you like this.
all messy and worn out from doing baking.
“i was talking to cassie the other week.” at the mention of your niece you turned around, wondering now what they spoke about. “and?”
“she asked when we were going to get married.”
at the mention of marriage, you laughed a little. of course you wanted to get married and the fact your niece told him made you chuckle.
but his face fell at your laughs. “what, you don’t want to get married?”
“no, of course i do. i just can’t believe a nine year old was talking about marriage with you.”
“well that’s good, because…”
aurelien trailed off, hand feeling around his pocket to find the ring he had brought the other day. he dropped to one knee in front of you, grabbing your hand.
“aurelien, what are you doing?”
“these past couple of weeks, you’ve shown me that i want to spend the rest of my life with you. you’ve taken care of me whilst i’ve been hurt and you paid for a trip to france so i could see my family. you’re my world. my moon and stars.”
tears formed in your eyes as you looked down at him. “my knee’s kinda hurting,” he chuckled and you laughed too, pulling him up. “of course i’ll marry you. i love you too, baby.”
“let’s call cassie and tell her the good news.”
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softspiderling · 2 years
five kisses | j.h.s.
requested by @novagreen04: hi! thank you for answering last time :D got a request that might be more specific this time. if you haven't written this for our man hangman yet, i'd appreciate if you'd write headcanons abt what's it like kissing him (on diffrent occasions, like when he comes home from deployment kisses, goodnight/ goodmorning kisses, etc) thank youuuuu💓💓💓💓💓
summary: five kisses with Jake
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
warnings: none
word count: 2,3k
author's note: the fact that this started as a mini-fic, too... enjoy!
first kiss
“I really had fun today,” you told Jake as you stood in front of your door. Even though he had dropped you off right in front of your building, Jake had insisted on walking you to your door, to make sure you got home safe. 
“Me too,” Jake drawled, leaning against the wall with his shoulder. “I am glad we finally got around to go out.”
“That’s on you. You’re always gone for work, and I know it’s different times now, but I prefer to have my first date in real life instead of virtually,” you pointed out and Jake gasped in mock, touching his chest.
“I clearly remember asking you out multiple times after you moved in and every time you turned me down.”
“Well, I didn’t think you were serious.”
Jake smiled at you, his eyes gleaming. “I could tell. But I am glad you gave me a chance.”
“Me too.”
“Good night,” Jake said softly, leaning in, pressing a soft kiss on your… Cheek?
Stunned, you stuttered out a good night, before unlocking your door, letting it fall shut behind you. You generally didn’t kiss on the first date, but this date with Jake went exceptionally well. It’d be stupid to say that you were disappointed that he hadn’t kissed you, but you were. Sighing, you kicked your shoes off and hung your purse on the coat rack, when someone knocked on your front door incessantly. 
You opened the door warily, your eyes widening in surprise.
“Jake? Did you forget something?”
“Yes, I forgot to do this.”
Jake grabbed you by the neck gently, pulling you in for a kiss and even though you initially squawked in surprise, you soon melted into his arms, kissing him back.
2. good night kiss
The shower was running when you got to Jake’s, hanging his spare key in its place before moving to the living room. You were extremely cranky, your day was long and you didn’t even had time to go home to grab a change of clothes before heading to Jake. You’d have to wake up earlier tomorrow to go home to change.
Dragging yourself to the living room, you pulled out the stack of papers from your bag, putting them on the coffee table. The water in the bathroom was turned off, and you heard the door opening.
“Babe, is that you?”
“No, I am a robber who used your spare key and now makes themselves feel at home while you’re showering.
Jake raised an eyebrow at you when he walked in the living, a towel slung around his waist. Immediately, you regretted your words.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. Today was a crap day and I didn’t even have enough time to grab a change of clothes,” you sighed, rubbing your forehead and Jake stepped closer, pressing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Come on, let’s go to bed hm?”
“I can’t, I still have a bunch of papers to grade.”
Jake took your hand and you half-heartedly tried to stay put, not really wanting to grade them. 
“Come on, your kids will understand. You barely look awake enough to get through one paper, let alone a stack of ‘em.”
You followed Jake to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed while he dried himself off, before handing you an old t-shirt of his to sleep in. While he got changed, you didn’t even have the energy to watch, you were that tired. Instead, you slipped into his shirt, folded your clothes neatly and put them on the dresser, crawling into the bed. Jake immediately followed suit, wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“What if we found a place a little bit closer to school, hm? You wouldn’t have to go home before work every morning and it’d just take a bit of stress off of your shoulders,” he suggested quietly. 
Raising a brow, you turned around in his arms, looking at him. “We? As in, you want us to find a place together?”
“That’s the plan, yeah.”
“I didn’t realize we’re at that stage already.”
Jake chuckled, brushing the stray hair out of your face. “I’ve pretty much been at this stage ever since I met you. I’m in this for the long run, sweets. Aren’t you?”
Smiling, you tucked your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Okay,” you mumbled into his skin and Jake’s body rumbled as he laughed. 
“Get your face out of there, I didn’t understand a word. 
Pulling back, you looked up at him, somewhat shyly. “I said okay. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah,” you said, leaning in to kiss him softly. Humming into the kiss, Jake tangled his hand into your hair, before breaking the kiss. 
“Sleep tight, sweets.”
3. reunion kiss
Nervously, you played with your necklace, constantly checking the time. Jake had texted you that he was on his way from the airport. You would’ve picked him up, but the airport was 3 hours away, and that was just one way, so Jake assured you he’d grab a cab instead of making you drive all the way out there. 
It was a little after six and Jake left the airport around three, so he must be home any second. This was Jake’s first time coming home from deployment since you moved in together and it was important to you that the apartment was clean, cozy and that dinner was in the oven. When you heard the keys jangle at the front door, you jumped up, opening the door. 
Jake raised his eyebrows, before his face melted into a relief smile. 
“Hi sweets.”
“Jake,” you breathed out, throwing your arms around his neck. He stumbled a bit, but he dropped his duffel bag to the floor to embrace you, sighing softly. Even though he had assured you that this detachment wasn’t anything dangerous, you had been worried sick and counted down the days until he had returned home. 
“I missed you,” he said quietly into your hair and you bit back a sob, which immediately alarmed him. “Hey, hey, don’t cry.”
Holding you at an arm's length, he gently wiped the tears off your cheek with his thumb and you only laughed wetly. “Sorry, I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
Jake only smiled fondly at you, before leaning down to give a soft kiss. It wasn’t one of your best kisses, that was fair, given the tears and all. But that was okay, all that mattered was that Jake was finally back in your arms.
“Welcome home.”
4. good morning kiss
On the morning of your birthday, you stirred awake earlier than usual. Blindly, you reached for Jake, only to find a cold, empty bed. That was weird. As you sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. It wasn’t even eight yet. 
Maybe he was out for a run. 
Padding to the kitchen barefooted, you grabbed yourself a glass of water, glancing out of the window. It was a nice day out and even though the sun hasn’t risen quite yet, the sky was clear. When you saw Jake’s car pull in the parking lot, you furrowed your brows in confusion. Well, clearly he wasn’t out on a run. You watched him for a second, your eyes nearly bugging out of your head when he grabbed a huge bouquet of flowers from the back seat.
Obviously, you were in the middle of ruining his surprise, so you put your glass into the dishwasher and booked it back to the bedroom, crawling under the covers. A few minutes later, you could hear the front door open and shut. Then, tinkering in the kitchen. Soon, a smell of bacon and pancakes filled the apartment and you pressed your lips together gleefully, your entire chest warming. 
You weren’t sure how long you were waiting until footsteps came towards the bedroom, the door creaking open. Your eyes were shut, waiting for something, anything, and then:
“How long have you been awake?”
Peeking an eye open, you saw Jake standing in the doorway, the flower bouquet in a vase on a tray of breakfast food. Your cheeks flushed.
“How’d you know I was awake?”
Jake gave you a look and carefully set down the tray on the bed next to you. Cupping your cheek, he smiled fondly at you. 
“It’s cuz you always snore a little when you’re asleep. Happy birthday, baby.”
Leaning in, he kissed you softly and you melted against him, kissing him back. He had a hint o f coffee on his lips and he tasted like home.
5. make up kiss
Scrubbing at the table furiously, you glared at it like it had personally offended you. You didn’t even stop until the surface basically reflected your face back at you, it was that clean. Heading back to the kitchen, you tossed the rag in the sink before getting started with putting the dry dishes away. When you heard keys turn in the door, you tensed, however choosing not to greet Jake, keeping your attention on the dishes.
“Hi baby, what’re doing up so late?” Jake asked, toeing his shoes off before joining you in the kitchen. It was obvious that he had completely forgotten about it, which made it even worse. You had sat across from your friends like an idiot for half an hour, texting and calling him countless times. And here he was, acting like nothing had happened, obviously just coming from the bar. 
“Cleaning,” you replied curtly. Jake raised an eyebrow, eyeing you carefully, leaning against the counter.
“I can see that… Do you want to do anything for dinner or have already eaten?” he then wanted to know, leaning over to kiss you, but you turned your head so his lips met your cheek instead.
“... Are you mad at me?”
“No, why would I be mad at you? It’s not like you forgot something.”
Jake glanced between you and the cupboard, in which you placed the coffee mugs just a tad too aggressively, before his eyes fell to the calendar. 
dinner with ash + rob!
“Oh fuck, that was today?”
You ignored him, and Jake groaned, running his hands through his hair. He started explaining himself, how work was insane and how all the squadron wanted to do was to get a drink after work and how he hadn’t planned on staying for long.
"You could have just called me."
At that, you whirled around angrily, fumes basically coming out of your ears. 
“Are you kidding me, Jake?” you snapped and Jake took a few steps back, his eyes wide. “I texted you 50 times, I called you over and over again and you didn’t pick up! You knew how important this dinner was to me, and you couldn’t even think to check the calendar in the morning before work, OR check your phone when you decided to stay out drinking after work?”
Storming into the bedroom, you opened up the closet, with Jake hot on your heels.
“I know. Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, and what good is that to me now, Jake?” You asked, before dumping a blanket in his arms, that you’d just pulled out of the closet. 
“Good night.”
You shut the door in his face, before letting out a long sigh, leaning against it. Hearing Jake exhaling deeply from the other side, his steps then retreated into the living room. God, you were so mad at him. 
A few hours later, it was nearing three am and you still couldn’t fall asleep. You knew it was partly because Jake was spending the night on the couch and partly because you hated going to bed angry. But there was no way in hell that you’d call him to bed. You startled when there was a gentle knock on the door. 
“Are you still up?” 
Jake’s voice sounded muffled through the door and you contemplated acting asleep. 
“Can I come in?”
“... Yes.”
The door creaked open slowly and Jake stepped in, looking… Kind of miserable. His hair was ruffled, the blanket was draped over his shoulder, as he closed the door behind him. Jake got on the bed slowly, as if not to startle you, taking your hands in his when you sat up. 
“I’m really sorry for forgetting dinner with your friends. I should’ve remembered, and I definitely should have at least looked at my phone.”
Blinking at him, you glowered a bit, before lying back down, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. Jake didn’t move for a second, before he snuck under the blanket, curling around you. He leaned his forehead against yours and gently kissed you on the lips, before pressing another kiss on your hand. 
+ 1 bonus “last” kiss
Peeking around the corner, you made sure no one lingered in the hallway before you booked it to the backyard, as silently as you could. Your dress was swirling against the carpeted floor and with a push of the door, you were standing in the courtyard, where Jake was waiting for you. He looked so handsome. 
“Hi!” you whispered and he wrapped his arms around you, twirling you around for a bit. His cheeks were red and the smile on his face was so bright, it competed with the sun in the sky. 
“You look absolutely breathtaking, baby,” he whispered and you straightened the buttons of his gray suit jacket. 
“You look very handsome, too babe. But I still think you should’ve worn your dress-whites.”
He gave you a look, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I told you, I wanted to marry you as Jake Seresin, not as Lieutenant Jake “Hangman” Seresin. This is me, baby.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you leaned up to kiss him, your hands around his neck. Jake kissed you back, stealing all the air from your lungs, before he pulled away, beaming at you. 
“I can’t believe that the next time we kiss, we’ll be husband and wife.”
“Well, you better believe it.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you guys!” 
Javy was standing in the door, glaring at the soon-to-be married couple, looking absolutely furious. 
“Everyone is looking for you! I can’t believe you’re late to your own wedding!”
With a laugh, you and Jake ran back inside, with Javy ushering you to go faster, to finally start the ceremony that would officially make you Mr. and Mrs. Seresin.
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2 // @idiomaticpunk // @littlebadariell
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Ghost of You | J. Miller (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary / Grief is a strange thing. In the beginning it had been all-consuming. There wasn’t a moment of the day where you didn’t cry, didn’t ask yourself why it couldn’t have been you instead. And no-one ever explains the guilt you feel when it isn’t anymore. When it’s just a dull ache and you can finally breathe again, when you can start letting people get close to you again. People like Joel Miller. 
Pairing / Joel Miller x Widow F!Reader
Word Count / 3K
Warnings / Descriptions of grief and depression, soft!Joel (He needs his own warning I swear), slow burn but nothing else
Authors Note / I AM SO OVERWHELMED FOR THE LOVE FOR CHAPTER ONE. I'm so glad you guys have enjoyed it so far. This fic is incredibly personal to me. I've not lost a husband or a boyfriend (apart from a typical breakup) but over the recent years I've lost several family members so grief is close to me. I hope you enjoy chapter two - if you like it then comments, reblogs and asks are always helpful - thanks as always for your support of my writing.
Main Masterlist / Series Masterlist
The sun is only starting to colour the sky when you wake that morning. It’s already warm in your bedroom, sheets pushed to one side and that’s when you realise why you’ve woken. Leg draped over the mound of sheets, hand resting on the empty side of the bed, head rested on the pillow that isn’t yours. Because it feels like him. You roll over onto your back and drape your arm over your eyes, letting the pressure bring you back to the real world. 
Once you were sure your breathing was somewhere close to normal, you push yourself off the bed and pad down the hallway to the bathroom. You turn on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up before you step under the spray. There’s something about this routine that helps ground you too. Counting the steps in your mind, ticking them off the to-do list. Shampoo hair. Done. Condition ends. Done. Scrub skin. Done. Brush teeth. Done.
By the time you’re setting the coffee to filter, you’ve already made it to sunrise, and you haven’t cried. It’s not healthy, and you know it, but this little competition with yourself helps, seeing how far you can make it through the day without thoughts so deep you have to pack yourself back to bed to try again tomorrow. 
Sitting on the bench on the front porch, it’s still quiet. The only people milling about the street were the people heading out on patrol, swapping with those who were coming back. No-one paid you much mind, sitting by yourself, mug cradled in your hands, which was the way you preferred it. You sat there, watching the sky changing colour as the sun rose in earnest, until you could see Maria in the distance, walking towards you. You gave her a small wave, taking your mug inside before grabbing what you needed. Ration cards. Yes. Keys. Yes. Shopping bag. Yes. 
“Good morning, honey.” She greets, kiss pressed to your cheek and arms pulling you into a hug. 
You wish her a good morning whilst you wrap your arms around her. She’d been your strength this past year. Never pushing you more than she thought you could take, always there when you needed her shoulder to cry on. She’d fed you for the first few months when you couldn’t bear to cook yourself. She truly was the best friend you’d ever had. 
You fell into a comfortable silence as you made your way to the market hall. At one point, you wouldn’t have let go of Maria’s arm, but now, you were happy to walk alongside her, hands shoved into the pockets of your jeans. They were small steps, but steps in the right direction none-the-less. 
Halfway to the market hall, you could see Joel walking towards you from the other direction. Gun slung over his shoulder, he looks as though he’s just coming back from patrol. 
“Good mornin’, ladies,” He greets, “Going anywhere nice?” 
“Just to the market,” Maria replies, “Good patrol?” 
“Uneventful, so I guess you could say so,” He turns to you now, “I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to come by and sort that table out for you, I’m off tomorrow, how about I swing by then?” 
You smile and nod, “Of course, whenever is good for you.” 
He bids you both goodbye, he’d been up all night patrolling the walls and was ready to collapse, and when you began walking again, you could feel Maria’s eyes on you and the slight smirk on her mouth. It wasn’t until you were picking up a bowl of tomatoes that she decided to press the subject. 
“Joel making himself at home then?” 
“He just fixed one of my steps is all,” You replied, refusing to meet her eyes, “And then I asked him to build the table and chairs I wanted, and he agreed.” 
She pursed her lips and nodded, but the smirk was still across her lips, “I know what you’re thinking!” You exclaim, moving to walk down the aisle from her, she jogs to catch up, “It’s nothing Maria, and it’s shameful of you to suggest otherwise, it’s barely been a year.” 
“I’m sorry,” She speaks softly, taking hold of your arm, “That was wrong of me, what I really meant was that it’s nice that you’re getting back out there, making friends, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.” 
“No, I’m sorry for snapping,” You sigh, raking a hand through your hair. 
Maria presses a hand to your shoulder in comfort, “Let’s finish up here and get you home.” 
You nod and spend the rest of your time in the market in silence. You pick up more fresh strawberries, along with the rest of your essentials. Maria helps you drop everything in your kitchen when you return and gives you another strong hug, “I’m sorry honey, about earlier, I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was assuming anything.” 
“It’s honestly fine Maria,” You reassured, putting the flour and honey you’d bought in one of your cupboards, “I’m trying,” You sighed, “Just trying to get back to living, and he was nice to me, I’m not interested in anything else but it sure would be nice to have another friend.” 
She nods in understanding, “You know, for the longest time I hated him,” She speaks quietly, “When I met Tommy, the stories he told me, the things they’d both done to get to where they were, I thought he was a terrible person, but the more time I’ve spent with him, I know deep down he has a good heart, I think he might be good for you,” She says, “As a friend, of course.” She adds finally. 
She leaves you then and suddenly it feels empty in your home. It always does. There is no sound of warm laughter, no sound of another pair of boots on the wooden floor. It’s the quiet that really tightens your chest these days. You look to the stairs; it would be so easy to climb them and collapse into bed right now. Ignore your feelings for a while. Maybe fall into a dreamless sleep and just try again tomorrow. Your feet are almost carrying you before you stop yourself. Not today, you think. It’s not going to get the better of you today. Your eyes fall to the fresh box of strawberries on your counter and you’re moving before you realise what you’re doing. 
An hour later, there’s a fresh strawberry pie cooling on the side. It was a frivolous use of your flour and butter ration, but the smell of the pastry reminds you of your mother. She always had some kind of fresh pie cooling on the side when you came home from school. Always served it with ice cream after dinner. Mark was always pragmatic with rations; he would have never let you use your feeble allowance on such a thing. You’d always used the flour for bread, butter was saved for making sandwiches, or spreading on the last slices on the weekend when you toasted it as a treat. 
Looking at the pie, you know you should feel silly, but you don’t. You feel proud of yourself. You can almost hear Mark’s voice in your head, he’d call you a silly girl, but he wouldn’t mean it. He’d chastise you for wasting your resources, but with a smile on his face. And then he would gladly take the slice you offered him. He’d kiss you with sugary lips and wipe the flour from your cheeks. Doing something he wouldn’t approve of was good, surely? Moving on, in a tiny step, to making your own life. 
There’s a feeling of guilt beneath you though, looking at the pie. You can’t bring yourself to cut a slice. Can’t bring yourself to feel the joy of the fruit in your mouth. How silly to think that one simple thing could fix you. You shake your head and leave it cooling on the side, curling into the couch, reading the same page of the same book you’ve had on the coffee table for months. 
Joel knocks on your door at 11am the next morning. He’s alone again, toolbox in hand, letting you know that he’s given Ellie to Maria and Tommy for the day, something about teaching her to ride horses. You lead him through the house and out back, leaving him to set himself up for the day. 
You make two cups of coffee, remembering he likes his black. You add a splash of milk to yours. The milk is so fresh from the cows on the farm that you must scoop a layer of cream off the top. You would normally scoop it off and eat it straight from the spoon, but there’s too much today, so you scoop it into a small glass, taking the mugs to the back porch where Joel is measuring up the wood. You set his mug down on the porch railing, taking your own in your hands as you sit down on the floor, back against the wall just to the left of the back door. 
The sun is shining again, warming your arms. You lean your head back and close your eyes, taking in slow, deep breaths. 
“You’re not gonna fall asleep on me, are you?” 
You open your eyes and look at him without moving your head, “Depends how exciting your conversation is going to be today.” You tease. 
He smiles and turns his attention back to sawing a piece of wood to size, “What did you do before all this?” 
You scoff a little, “I was about to start my second year at college, seems like a huge waste of fucking time now, the inheritance money wasted on half a degree.” 
“Well, that money would still be pretty useless now anyway,” He shrugs, “What did you study?” 
You have to hand it to him, he’s not wrong, “Drama,” You laugh, “Thought I was going to be a big star, already had that Oscars acceptance speech written up here.” You tap one of your temples. 
“Who were you going to thank?” 
“My parents mainly, although they were already both gone by the time I’d started studying, all the usuals, my agent, the academy, everyone who ever told me I couldn’t do it.” 
He chuckles, “You definitely had it all figured out.” 
A comfortable silence falls between you as you finish up your coffee. The wood of the decking is hard on your back and you shift uncomfortably, moaning a little in pain when you sit further to one side than the other, your lower back aching slightly, “You know you don’t have to sit out here with me if it’s uncomfortable right?” 
“I know,” You respond simply, “It’s just nice to have company.” 
“You don’t have other friends here?” He asks, hammering some nails into a piece of wood. 
You shake your head, “I guess I did when we first came here, but Mark was always the more likeable of us, people gravitated towards him and I guess when you spend a year wallowing in your own self-pity, people get pretty tired of telling you the same things over and over again in the hopes you’ll snap out of it.” 
He nods, “When I lost Sarah, I remember the overwhelming feeling of pointlessness,” He’s not looking at you as he’s speaking, focusing his attention on what you think is becoming a chair, “She’d been my whole life for so long that I just didn’t know what the point was without here, especially in this new world,” You hum in agreement, “And the fact that the healing is never linear, you know?” You hum again, “It’s been twenty years and I still have days where it’s overwhelming, but they become few and far between – I’ll never forget her, but remembering her gets easier, and I bet it will for you as well.” 
You lean your head back against the siding of your house, “You sound just like my therapist,” You point out, “She keeps telling me that I need to find something new to keep living for, but how do I do that was he was the only family I ever really had?” 
Joel stops for a moment, picking up his mug of coffee to drain it, “Family is a strange old thing,” He finally speaks, “Sure, Tommy is my brother, but Maria? Ellie? I found them; you’ve just got to find your new family.” 
“You’re a very wise man, Joel Miller.” 
“I think I’ve just lived a longer life, sweet pea.” 
The rest of the day continues in much the same way. Snippets of conversation, moments of silence, at one point you get up to water the plants as the midday sun makes way for the dip in temperature for the early afternoon. Joel is a fast but competent worker and as the sun is beginning to set, you have four new chairs dotted around the decking. 
“You wanna test them out?” He asked, dropping the last of his tools into the box. 
You nod, walking the one that’s closest to you, before gingerly setting yourself down on it as if it might collapse under you, “Come on, I’m a professional, have some faith in me.” Joel murmurs as he watches you slowly lower yourself onto it. 
He’s right, it doesn’t collapse. The way he’s built them mean there’s a slight slant to the backrest, meaning you can lean your head back and fully relax when you sit. You can’t deny that he’s done a fantastic job. 
“These are great Joel, thank you,” You say, standing back up, “Sit down, I’ve got something to say thank you.” 
You disappear into the kitchen as Joel lowers himself onto one of the chairs. He can’t deny he’s done a good job either, maybe he’ll have to make something similar for him and Ellie. He’s already trying to figure out where he might find the wood for his own project when you’re back on the decking with two plates in your hand. 
“Is that pie?” He asks as you hand him a plate. 
“It is indeed,” You confirm, sitting in the chair next to him with your own plate, “I made it yesterday in an attempt to avoid going to bed at 12pm, you’re lucky that there was cream on the milk too.” You smile, pointing a finger to the sliver of cream you’d divided onto each slice. 
“I can’t remember the last time I had anything like this,” He muses, sliding his fork through the end of his slice before eating it, “Jesus Christ, that’s good.” 
You chuckle, doing the same to your slice. You had to admit it was pretty good for a rudimentary baking job, the fruit was sweet and you’d managed to make the pastry pretty well too, “I actually can’t remember the last time I had anything like this either,” You take another bite, “I was thinking yesterday as I was making it that Mark would have been cross that I’d used our butter and flour ration to make pastry.” 
“I bet once he tried it though he would have forgiven you,” Joel replies, “No-one can be mad for long when it tastes this good.” 
You smile to yourself and spend the rest of the time it takes to eat in silence. You sit for a while before Joel’s hand comes into view, he gently takes the plate from your hand and stands, “I better go and get Ellie, she’s probably driving Tommy and Maria up the wall with questions,” He chuckles, “Let me wash these first though.” 
You follow him through to the kitchen and cut another slice of pie whilst he rinses the dishes, “Take this for Ellie,” You implore as he’s stood in your kitchen with his toolbox about to leave, “I bet she’s never had something like this.” 
He takes the plate gratefully in his other hand, “Listen, I don’t want to step over a line, but I was wonderin’ if you maybe wanted to join me for a drink sometime?”
Almost immediately there’s a sense of panic rising in your throat as you imagine what he’s asking for in your mind. If he’s asking you to The Tipsy Bison, you can already feel the eyes boring into you and the whispers from everyone else. If he’s asking you to go to his place for a drink does that mean he’s asking you on a date? You wring your hands together in front of you and you can tell he can sense your internal battle. 
“Just as a friend,” He reassures, “I hope you don’t mind but Tommy told me you don’t really like goin’ anywhere anymore, and well, I just don’t think it’s right, for you to feel like you have to stay here all the time, I promise I won’t let anythin’ bad happen to you, sweet pea.” 
You think back to the conversation with your therapist from last week. She’d ask you what you’d done to challenge yourself recently and you had nothing to offer her. She’s suggested that you really did need to try to start ‘reintegrating’ yourself back into the community, or there would come a time where you simply couldn’t. She’d challenged you to try going to the market on your own one day without Maria, or to go for a walk through the town on your own, just one thing before you met her next that would push you out of your comfort zone and make you realise that you could do it. 
“Okay,” You agree, “But if something bad does happen, you’re taking the blame, alright?” 
“If I had a free hand, I would cross my heart,” He smiles, “How about tomorrow night?” 
Tomorrow night. Not quite enough time to convince yourself it was a bad idea and hide yourself away. The sooner you went, the sooner it would be over, so you nod in agreement. Joel arranges to drop by at six and pick you up and then he was gone, and your house yet again felt as empty as always. It was getting dark outside, an acceptable time to call it a night and crawl into bed.  
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kasagia · 5 months
I just read 'the grudge' and OH MY GOD! I am impressed really. You did such a great job writing it. And the end? It was perfect.
I have a request with a similar dynamic like they were lovers and he cheated and she knows about it (i live for the angst really) then she confronts him and breaks up with him. He isn't very happy about it and wants her back he tries everything but she still refuses to give in to him. So he goes all dark! Coriolanus on her and threatens her with something (her family maybe) and she gives in to him (smutty scene maybe👀). I feel like i talked too much and i am sorry for that. I just want her to be with him against her will ( in public they are the perfect couple and when no one is looking she is miserable and gives him the cold shoulder)
Don't feel obligated to write it if you don't want to. And thank you for feeding us such a great Coriolanus content❤️
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you liked it! 😊🩵🖤🖤🩵 So, tomorrow I'm publishing an oneshot inspired by this request...
And this will be my first time ever writing a true, full-fledged smut scene. 🙈🙈🙈
You will either love it or hate it. 🫣😅 But since tomorrow marks a year since I started writing on Tumblr, I thought why not? There has to be a first time for everything.
BUT... I have an orienting question...
Thank you! 🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵
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A fragment from "A powerful man" - which is comming tomorrow..
"If you want her to truly obey you, she must come to you herself. Like a pet. Like a snake. If she sees that your relationship will bring her further benefits, she will come back to you. She's not stupid enough to waste such an opportunity. At least I hope so. You should focus on your campaign."
"I'd like that too. But currently… something else is on my mind." He says, walking over to the tinted window that overlooks the lab. He puts his hands in his pockets and watches you carefully as you work.
"You're wasting your potential. Maybe your children will be wise enough to follow in my footsteps more. One is running for president, and the other is a military chemist. Such a waste."
"Don't worry. One of our children will definitely continue your legacy, you have my word." He assures her, while observing you.
You lean over the table, strands of your hair falling into your eyes behind your safety glasses, as you test another biological weapon on rats. You look hot in that scientist outfit. He grunts, feeling his pants getting a little too tight. He regrets that he never took the opportunity to visit you here...
"It better be that way. And for God's sake, don't stare at her like a love-struck puppy like you did with your tribute from 12. Patience. Or you will have to train her to make her obedient."
"You know I like a challenge, Dr. Gaul." He replies with a sly, cocky smirk and turns his head towards Doctor Gaul once he has calmed down a bit and composed himself.
"Go away now. Your last Hunger Games must be amazing and unforgettable, or I'll tell her what you have planned for her." He laughs at this, shaking his head.
"I appreciate your attempts to intimidate me, but you know I'll be happy with any outcome. Whether it's keeping her on a leash or reshaping her to meet my needs as my future First Lady."
"But we both know which one you would prefer more." They share a sinister smirk. Coriolanus owed her a lot. He's learned many things under her tutelage... things that he uses to make sure you know that your place is always with him.
"As I said, I love a challenge. I will be expecting you as an honoured guest at this year's Hunger Games and my wedding. Of course, right next to my fiancée."
"Don't scare her away, Mr. Snow." She reminds him when he receives a package from her with the latest biological weapon. He will test it at this year's tributes. He smiles, thinking that it must have come from your talented fingers.
"Snow lands on top, Dr. Gaul." He assures her and says goodbye, leaving through a secret passage.
He still had a lot of things to do.
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whumpshaped · 9 months
For Beck, what was it like for him when he first started noticing that he was... enjoying the entire vampire bite thing? When did Helle first enthrall him, since he didn't on purpose the first time?
:) thank u anon ur first question hit a point i was eager to write abt. the second is very exciting too, but it came juuuust a bit later at a different time... i will write it though !
tw vampire whumper, possessive whumper, gaslighting, mind control, basically noncon drugging, manhandling, noncon biting, and EXTREMELY suggestive stuff, i would go as far as to say it's noncon vampire kinky stuff
"No, wait, wait!" Beck hit the soft bed with a yelp, and he immediately tried to get up to scurry away. Helle was on him in an instant, straddling his waist and pinning his wrists above his head.
"Oh, I waited once. I am not in the mood today." They didn't sound angry, not yet anyway. They just sounded... less playful, which began to become the new angry in Beck's mind. He knew there would be hell to pay if he actually made them angry, but their fleeting moods of practicality were scary enough for now.
"No, Helle, please, not today, please not today! Any day but today, please!"
That seemed to pique their interest. He was still weakly trying to get out from under them, tears stinging his eyes and quickly trickling down the sides of his face as he moved around. "Why?" was all they asked, and Beck slowly stopped struggling.
Why, of course they wanted to know why, and now he had to explain or get bitten.
"I– can I explain tomorrow?" he sniffled, not even trying to sound as pathetic as he ended up being. "Please, just, just give me 24 hours, I will be ready by the door and you can tear my neck open and whatever else you want! Not today, please–"
"No, I need an explanation today," they cut in. Beck swallowed when they leaned down, gently dragging their fingers along his throat. "If I am to miss out on such fine blood for a whole night, I absolutely must know why. Only a fool would give it up without good reason."
"It's o-only a good reason to– to me... b-but it's so important to me, I– please, I will tell you everything later, tomorrow! Anything!"
"You are not on top of your bargaining game today, human, and I am losing interest very quickly."
Beck knew they were being genuine, he could see it in their eyes. So he bit the bullet and just said it, a blush creeping onto his face and probably making him all the more enticing as he did so. "I have a date."
Helle's hand stilled on his neck. The entire vampire stilled, in that unnatural way only someone undead could, and for a moment Beck thought they were about to laugh. He might've preferred it to the cold 'oh' he eventually received in response.
"I just– I don't want to be dizzy and bleeding, and, and I don't want her to think I'm– I'm..."
"What? A thrall? A bloodbag? The unluckiest man alive for having wandered into that alley? Do you actually think I care for your little mortal love affairs?"
Oh, they were angry now, and Beck backtracked as fast as he could, openly crying now. God, he was so terrified of them. "No, n-no, I'm sorry, it was stupid– please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time..." He could just cancel. He could cancel and reschedule.
To when, if they're feeding every single night? an insistent voice whispered, and he brushed it off as quickly as it came.
"Please don't be angry," he whimpered, tilting his head to expose a row of healed and half-healed bite marks. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me."
"The living are so tiresome," they sighed, grabbing him by the jaw and forcing his head further to the left to the point it hurt. He didn't complain. "But, lucky you, I am forgiving."
It did not feel like that as they bit down, and he whined again, glad to have the sound muffled by his blanket. Maybe it was never going to get less terrifying to be fed on in his own home. To see his own bed, feel it under his back, and have the vampire on top of him. These were two things that never should've collided.
But here he was, trying to tune it out as Helle clearly made it hurt more than necessary. He knew enough by now that he could tell when they did that, and today was definitely–
"A-ah," he gasped, the half-whimper half-moan escaping him involuntarily.
They weren't jealous, they told themself as they accidentally pushed some venom into their human's neck. It wasn't enough to be noticeable, but it was enough to have an effect; Beck would simply have to discern whether his body betrayed him on his own or with a bit of help.
They pulled away, pretending to be annoyed. "Oh, in the dating mindset already?" they hissed, way more vicious than they intended. "You will end up making me feel bad after all, for stealing such precious sounds from your girlfriend."
"I– I don't– she's not– I don't know what–"
"Keep quiet. I will have my meal in peace." They bit down again, purposely sucking a prominent hickey onto his neck. None of his cute little shirts were going to cover this one, they made sure of that.
They weren't jealous. They were... territorial, as all vampires. They told themself that over and over as they slowly released more and more venom and heard the human moan again before choking out a helpless little sob, clearly very afraid of the consequences.
"You– you're using–" they moved their hand to cover his mouth, deciding to finish feeding first and lie later.
It had to be. It had to be the venom. He couldn't feel it being injected into his neck, but he felt good, and it had to be the venom, because he never felt good when being bitten, it hurt, and he didn't like pain, he didn't. And Helle was especially rough tonight– so why else would his mind be so hazy? Why else would it be so hard to stifle moans even under the threat of more pain?
He was just caught off guard by venom, that was it. Helle had never used it before. Why now? They weren't jealous, were they? No, he trashed that thought before it could take root in his mind, focusing instead on keeping his composure.
He was burning up by the time the vampire finished, and he couldn't bear to meet their eyes even after they pulled back and let go of his jaw. "I'm sorry," he said immediately, voice thick with something he didn't want to think about. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have had to cover my mouth, I was just– I didn't expect it, I'm sorry–"
"You know I am not using any venom this time around," they said simply, and Beck's heart sank. No, that couldn't be right. "But I will be mindful of just how painful I make it on your next date night, now that I know it makes you act out."
"N-no, that's not– I don't like the bites, I'm not into–"
"Sorting that out isn't any of my concern, you can do that alone in your free time. Or with her. But I have a particular distaste for people throwing around accusations like that, so do not try to tell me what I did or didn't do again." They waited a moment, and Beck tried to process everything he'd just heard. It wasn't venom. What was it, then? Was it really just... him? Helle grabbed his face again and forced him to look up at them, all but growling, "Do you understand me, human?"
"Yes! Y-yes, I'm sorry, it won't happen again," he said hastily, more than relieved when Helle let go of him and got off the bed.
"Good," they said lightly before they turned to leave the bedroom and hopefully his apartment. "My warmest regards to the missus."
Beck stayed lying on the bed as the footsteps slowly got quieter, going towards the front door. Then there was a click, a creak, and a soft thud as he was left alone.
He stared at the ceiling and tried to will it to stop spinning. He wasn't entirely sure it was the blood loss that made it so finicky — it was likely just the emotions. Maybe this was some sort of trauma response. Maybe– maybe this was common among vampire victims. He would have to look that up later.
He didn't know how much time had passed until he finally calmed down enough to get up and grab his phone, and he realised with a wince that it was ten minutes past the agreed upon time. He had two messages from her, one being a simple 'excited to meet up tonight :)' and the second a more careful 'does tonight still stand?'
He called her, ready to talk about a strange vampire in an alley, to say he was attacked and he just wanted to be at home. It would've been halfway to the truth, really.
"Beck? Is everything okay?"
"Y-yeah... yeah, I'm so sorry, I'm running late. I'll be right there, my phone was just– it's an old one, a bit glitchy, I couldn't call in advance–"
But he needed to get out and socialise. He needed to feel what it was actually like to be naturally pulled to someone, a human, instead of a rigid fucking corpse.
"Oh, don't worry about it! God, I was thinking up the worst scenarios in my head," she said with a nervous chuckle. "I'll be waiting, then!"
So he got ready. He cleaned his neck and put on a turtleneck that would be way too warm for an inside date, got in his car despite feeling lightheaded, and drove right to the selected restaurant. He walked in and tried to act like he always did, complimented her dress like he had any capacity to care for it, and sat across from her for three hours, chatting away like the two of them always had at work.
And he didn't think about how the two felt nothing-alike. He didn't concern himself with the memories that took all his focus, didn't stress over wanting Helle to sit across from him instead, and definitely ignored the growing pit in his stomach as he thought over and over again about their threat, reminding himself that it wasn't a promise.
'I will be mindful of just how painful I make it on your next date night.'
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps
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theitgirlnetwork · 8 months
Chapter 6: Exclusive...Friends
Note: Hello! Once again thanks for all of the amazing support and love! Writing this story is so fun because of you all! I love seeing everyone interact with it and leave me replies and messages. I am also so glad that you guys like Charlotte! I plan to have the next chapter out tomorrow. Hope you enjoy! <3 WARNING: A little explicit? Kinda. Not really. MDNI
The woman squints her eyes in confusion, looking between Lip and the phone. “I…what?” 
Lip scrubs a hand down his face, trying to calm the insecure thoughts already swirling around in his head. “Boyfriend at home?” His nerves only get worse when she doesn’t immediately respond, instead placing her phone down on his dresser tilting her head at him, offering him an innocent look. Face down. Karen used to do that shit. “Well?”
“Phillip, if I had a boyfriend I would tell you. I would’ve told you.” Charlotte says, hugging herself. Her rose petal lips pulled down into a frown, “Are you seriously mad that I answered my phone? You’re the one who told me to answer.”
“Yeah, I fuckin’ know I did-”
“Stop cursing at me.”
“I’m not cursing at you-”
“Okay, so what are you cursing at? Why are you acting like this, weren’t we having a good time?” Charlotte nods her head toward the door, gesturing for Lip to pull it shut. The blond curses one more time before tugging the door closed and moving to sit on his bed, breathing a little bit better when she sits next to him. “I don’t get what I did wrong.”
The guilt washes over Lip like a wave. He’s pissed at himself for not just listening to Ian and staying downstairs while she made her call. It’s none of his damn business who she’s on the phone with. Even if he feels like it is, it’s not Charlotte’s fault he has fucking issues. “Nothing, You didn't do anything, baby, my bad. Fuck, I need a smoke.” He climbs over the bed, pushing the window open and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to the girl absently, feeling her watching his every move carefully. “Want one?”
Charlotte’s frown goes even deeper. She shrugs spitefully, flipping her hair over shoulder. “Okay. Fine. Gimme one.” 
Lip looks over to her in shock, snapping out of his jealous, guilt filled haze and realizing she’d just accepted a cigarette from him. She’s staring back at him with a challenge on her face, white cigarette between her pink lips. He raises one eyebrow at her, accepting her challenge, pulling his lighter from his pocket.
The pair stare at each other for a moment, stuck in a limbo, each refusing to break. Silence is filling the room, the only sound is muffled music filtering in from downstairs and cars going by outside. Lip breaks the stalemate, unable to hold back his snicker at the fact that Charlotte is holding the wrong way. Her eyes drop to his hand, seeing how he’s holding his and she flips it, mumbling a ‘shut up’ placing it back in between her lips. 
His laughter stops immediately when she snatches the lighter from him, her manicured nails struggling to try to force the stick to light. “Fuck, Charlotte-” Lip’s snatches the cigarette from her lips, snapping it in half between his fingers and tossing it outside before shoving the pack into his drawer, never grabbing one for himself. Grabbing her chin with his thumb and pointer finger, he pulls her face closer, “You don’t use those, understand me?” 
“You don’t get mad at me out of nowhere, for no reason.” she pouts. “Understand me?” 
“Good.” She chirps, moving away from the window and laying down on her back in his bed, brightness quickly returning to her brown eyes. “Me too. Heard.”
Lip laughs again, even more of the tension that had filled his body in the last few minutes dissipates as he slips down onto the bed too, laying next to her and staring up at the ceiling. “You wanna sound like me or somethin’ now?”
“What? Why would I wanna do that? You’re full of yourself, Phillip Gallagher.” she hums.
“Yeah?” he asks, as he turns lightly to send his fingers into her sides, tickling her briefly before tugging her on top of him to straddle his hips, his hands resting on hers. He feels the room fill with the sound of her laughter, forcing his own smile to form. As their chuckles settle and Charlotte stays on top of him, resting her weight Lip thinks about how good this moment is. Her hands falling softly into his curls, fingers running through his curls, she’s looking down at him with an expression he doesn’t think he’s ever seen before. He wants more of it. He loves it.
It’s not even sexual, this moment, him rubbing his thumbs along her hips where her shirt had ridden up and her pants low…okay maybe it’s a little sexual. He’s still a man and this hot girl was sitting her ass on his dick, he’s not a saint. But it wasn’t about how badly he wants to fuck her. Even though he really…really does.
Lip is more focused on how she wasn’t punishing him. He’d been an ass, no matter how fast he snapped out of it. And she didn’t storm out. She didn’t start ignoring him. She was still here. They hadn’t even talked about it, but she wasn’t withholding affection, or trying to distract him with sex. She was giving him soft touches. Charlotte is soft. It makes Lip want to be. Caresses over his jaw, and hair, a patient look, waiting for him to explain what was bothering him. It felt safe to. 
“I uh…” he tries, bringing his own hand up to lightly push his knuckle into her dimple, letting out a breath when she leans into his touch. “I uh, don’t want you fuckin’ with anyone else, alright? I know we’re not really together or anything, and we’re doing your whole ‘friends’ thing but-”
“Okay.” Charlotte says softly. “I won’t. You won’t either, right?” 
Blue eyes stare up into brown and a beat passes. “I won’t.”
“Yay.” she hums quietly, a gentle smile is all he gets to see before she leans down on him completely, burrowing her face into his neck, her hair tickling his skin. 
Lip chuckles, turning his head and kissing her behind her ear and then again on the cheek before flipping them over so he’s on top of her, nudging her hands off of her face. “Yeah? You shy now?”
“Stop it.”
“C’mon, bunny, look at me.” he teases, leaning his forehead against hers. “‘M’sorry, I still gotta ask.”
Charlotte looks up at him, biting her bottom lip. “That was my best friend from home on the phone.”
“Yeah? She okay?”
She sweeps her thumb over his cheek. “Yeah,” she looks away. “He is.”
“Fuckin’ knew it.”
“And while I’m being honest, we used to date.” she blurts, squeezing her eyes shut.”
“Charlotte.” he all but growls, guiding her face to look back at his. “He know about me?”
“Of course, he does!”
“Yeah?” Lip asks. When the girl nods he takes another breath before nodding, wetting his lips. “Okay.”
“Glad that’s settled.” she smiles, pulling the blond down again so their lips can meet. A sweet exchange of kisses turns into a heated makeout as Lip feels along her body, fully settling down on top of her. He slowly drags her shirt up her sides as he starts kissing along her neck, the sound of her sighing in his ear.
Lip pushes their lips back together, groaning when she pushes her hips against his grabbing her thigh with the hand that isn’t gripping the fabric of her shirt, exposing her pink bra. The two of them continue to rock against each other as he goes back to her neck, sucking on the skin and dragging it between his teeth. 
The music from downstairs fully stops and suddenly the only noises in the room are the old bed creaking lightly under their movements, their heavy breathes, and Charlotte’s intermittent whimpers.
“Lottie!” V’s voice calls from downstairs. “Come on, we’re leaving!”
Charlotte drags Lip back to her lips, kissing him deeply one more time, giggling when he mumbles against her mouth, ‘no no no, stay.’
“My daughter’s got 15 seconds to be down here before I come up there and kick your ass Gallagher!” Kev slurs, his voice booming through the house.
“If he wakes Liam up I’ll fuckin’ kill him.” Lip jokes, climbing off of Charlotte and adjusting himself before helping her off the bed.
She pats his cheek and then holds out her hand, letting him intertwine their fingers. “He means well. Am I,” she smiles sheepishly, “gonna see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, ‘course you are.” He grins. 
“Twelve! Thirteen!”
“I’m coming!” she yells, smiling at Lip one last time before leaving the room. 
Lip closes the door again, wincing when he goes to sit, looking down at his pants. “Fuck.” he grunts, grabbing his stuff to shower, pausing at the door when he hear’s Kev yell, ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS ON YOUR FUCKING NECK?!’ and deciding to just deal with his situation behind the safe, locked door of his room.
Charlotte yawns as she struggles to force herself awake, scrunching her nose up as she feels something heavy and warm on her face. “Ugh, off, have to pee.” she whines, shoving Lip’s muscled arm off of her face. The man just grumbles behind her, kicking her in her butt as she stands, chuckling lowly as she squeaks before rolling over to face the other way. “Dick.”
She rifles through his drawer before finding a pair of pajama pants she’s comfortable with stealing, pulling them on and drawing the strings tight to her waist, his shirt already drooping off of her shoulder. The girl stumbles out of the room groggily, mumbling and whining to herself about being tired, going to the bathroom and then deciding to go downstairs and help get Fiona started.
This is how she spends most of her days off recently. Either waking up in the Gallagher house or waking up with a Gallagher in her bed. It has been about 3 weeks since she and Lip had decided to be exclusive…friends. They’ve been taking things both crazily fast, and horribly slow. They talk on and off all day, spending most mornings together, and almost every night. They visit each other at work, Lip stopping by the sport’s bar whenever he can, Charlotte going to either the construction site, or the Alibi with Lip. He absolutely refuses to take her back to the college campus with him, unless college campus with him because all the guys looking at her pissed him off and frankly he was terrified of an old professor coming over and telling him what a shithead he was before he got kicked out. 
But they were going slow. Maybe too slow for Charlotte, definitely too slow for Lip. Making out became more frequent for them. Her on his lap in Kev’s car, him on top of her in his bed, rolling their hips together on the couch. But Charlotte had drawn a line in the sand. Breaking away from his embrace and panting against his lips, “I only have sex when I’m in a relationship. M’sorry.”
Lip would argue that they are in one, but when he looks down into those earnest brown eyes, he can’t help but try to please her. Kissing her temple and telling her, ‘nothing to be sorry about’ as he tries to shift into a position where his dick isn’t pushing at her. 
Charlotte hops down the stairs with light footsteps, starting the coffee before bending over and pulling out a pan to start making french toast, eggs and bacon.
“Well, good morning.” a voice slurs behind her. 
Charlotte all but leaps out of her skin, screaming and whipping around, pushing herself against the counter. “Oh shit” she gasps, “Frank! When did you get back?”
“Stop yelling, and pour me some coffee, will you?” The man grumbles. “Who do you belong to again?”
“God.” she breathes, grabbing a mug. Quick footsteps come down the stairs, Mickey turning the corner and finding Charlotte in the kitchen with a dirty, disheveled Frank.
He scowls, deeply, standing between the two, “He fuckin’ with you, princess?” 
“No.” Charlotte sighs, passing Mickey and Frank both mugs. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Did I wake Ian too?”
“Now,” Frank begins, “I thought you belonged to the red one.”
The two continue to ignore the older man, Mickey slipping into a seat and Charlotte starting to fry the bacon. “Nah, Gallaghers can sleep through anything. Dead to the world ‘til they're ready to get up. Besides, I wore his ass out.”
“Ugh, Mickey!”
“What? Thought we were bondin’ or some shit. Lip’s sleepin’ pretty soundly up there.”
Charlotte giggles to herself, placing a finished piece of bacon on the plate, huffing when Frank snatches it before stumbling into the living room. 
Before long Fiona comes tiredly, staggering in. Pointing at Frank laid out on the floor irritably and choosing to ignore him, stepping over his body and going into the kitchen. “Mornin’, Mr.  and Mrs. Gallagher, your husbands still asleep?”
Mickey simply raises his middle finger to the girl, as Charlotte passes her the first plate. “You’re just grumpy because you’re tired. Eat. Sleep. I’ll help out until you get up.”
Fiona offers her a sleepy smile, taking a bite of french toast. “You’re my favorite. Tell V I was very mean to you and tried to stop you from shacking up with my brother every other night, will you.”
“I’ll even fake cry.”
“Too much, she’ll kick my ass.”
A couple more minutes and the rest of the Gallagher children begin to filter down at the smell of food, Liam on Debbie’s hip, Ian sleepily dropping into the seat next to Mickey, the latter not even flinching as his boyfriend’s head falls onto his shoulder roughly. 
Lip goes straight toward the kitchen, wrapping his arm around Charlotte’s waist and rubbing his face against her jaw before pulling her close, “Kiss me.” he rasps, his voice still filled with sleep. 
Charlotte ignores the smug smile on his face as she pushes up on her toes, pushing their lips together and obscuring them from his family’s view with her hand, slapping Lip’s chest with the other when he squeezes her ass. 
The younger Gallagher’s (and Fiona) boo at the sound of lips smacking and Charlotte quickly goes back to cooking as Lip flips them off, grabbing the coffee she’d made him. 
Everyone starts making their plates, shuffling in and out, crowding the kitchen. The space is small and the pan was already getting really hot, so it’s no wonder bacon grease pops. Lip’s eyes shoot open at the feminine yelp, Charlotte’s whimper as she clutches her hand causes him to rush back over, grabbing her wrist to inspect her hand. “Damn it, can you guys give her some damn space? Shit.”
“Phillip-” she whines, her bottom lip wobbling, “It hurts.” 
The blond man sighs, pulling her over to the sink, “I know, I know, stop whining, bunny.” He turns on the cold water and watches her hand closely, instructing Carl to get ointment from upstairs and Debbie to tell V and Kev breakfast was ready. “Gotta be more careful.” he winces as if it’s his own hand that had been burned.
“Is it gonna leave a mark?” she asks, eyeing the small burn. 
“Nah, it’ll be okay, see?” he murmurs, pressing a kiss next to the injury. 
Charlotte’s frown stays in place but she nods as Lip pushes his thumb into her cheek. She grumbles about helping Liam get changed and Fiona get to bed before taking two of his siblings upstairs. Lip watches her go up before taking a bite out of the bacon on his plate, going to cover hers so her food would stay hot when he feels an unwanted hand land on his shoulder.
“You’re spoiling her son.”
Knocking Frank’s hand off, Lip grabs his own plate and Charlotte’s moving to the table. “Shut the hell up, Frank.”
“You keep acting like that and she’ll think this thing is permanent. You don’t want that. Girls like that have expectations, son.”
“God, stop talking, Frank.” Ian groans, pushing away from the table, putting his and Mickey’s plates in the sink and gesturing for his boyfriend to follow him upstairs. “First shower.”
Frank’s gray brows furrow. “He used to be so sweet before he started up with that thug. Believe me son, girls like that require too much maintenance. Cut your losses.”
“Maybe I know how to treat my woman, Frank.” Lip replies smugly, finishing off his coffee. “And how to get her to stick around too.” 
Frank recoils at the implication. “My Monica is way more complex than your, Lottie-”
“Thank God.”
“And-! I know women like her, they wrestle you down into the prison that is monogamy, drain your money and demand all your time in exchange for some two and a half spoiled kids, mediocre meals, and a pretty face to look at during missionary sex-”
Lip is shooting out of his seat and punching Frank in the face before his father can see him coming. He watches in disgust as Frank slumps to the floor, shaking his hand out. He turns around to see V and Kev standing in the doorway, both of them shrugging and stepping over the elderly man.
“Debbie said breakfast is ready?”
“Are you done?” 
Lip looks down to the half-smoked cigarette in his hand and sighs, flicking it to the ground and stepping on it. “Yeah, baby.”
“Kay!” she chirps, turning the corner again and smiling up at Lip expectantly. 
Lip smirks down at her, seeing her breath in the cold air as she speaks and tugging her close, grabbing the ends of her open jacket and zipping it to her neck. “Tryin’ to fuckin’ kill yourself to look cute or somethin’”
“Alan wants us to leave our jackets open when we’re out front so customers can still see our uniforms.” 
Lip clenches his jaw as he reminds himself he promised not to do anything to jeopardize her job again, even though he thinks he should take a bat to Alan’s car windows. “Yeah fuck that, he’s not gonna be the reason you get sick.” Satisfied that he’s properly bundled her up he grabs her hand and starts walking, she only gets so long for her break. “So uh…what’s this Christmas surprise you were so excited to give me?”
Charlotte grins in excitement, clutching her purse tighter with her free hand and shaking her head, dark ponytail bouncing from side to side. “You have to wait until we get to the park, I wanna fully see your reaction.”
“The park, huh? So it’s not you naked with only a bow? Because I told you not to get me anything other than that.”
She rolls her eyes, nudging his shoulder. “You got me something. And won’t let me have it until Christmas day…”
“Yeah, well I’m supposed to.” He says, “Would you still want me if I didn’t get you a Christmas present?” he jokes.
Charlotte tucks her head down a little as they cross into the park. “Yes.” she says quietly.
Lip pauses, pulling her to a stop and looking at her. I know, he thinks, leaning in and biting her cheek lightly, rolling his eyes at her dramatic ‘ow’. “Stop being so fuckin’ cute then.” 
As they sit on the bench, Charlotte’s energy shifts, she faces him, looking nervous. “Okay, so there’s a good gift, and then news you might not love.” 
“Okay.” He says, sitting and waiting patiently.
Charlotte produces two white envelopes from her purse, one with a red bow on the top and the other plain, holding them both in front of Lip. “Present” she says, waving the one with the bow, “Neutral news.” she waves the other. “Pick which one you want first.”
“Are you red pill blue pilling my ass?” he chuckles.
“What? What the hell is that?”
“Nothing baby, lemme get the bad news first. Might as well get it over with-” He pauses when she snatches the plain envelope away.
“Sorry, I got nervous. Open the good one.” she hands him the envelope with the bow, her smile returning as she watches him rip it open and two slips of paper fall out. “Tada!”
Lip turns one of the pieces of paper over, reading it closely, his eyebrows shooting up. Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. His mouth opens and closes as he tries to find the words to express how he feels, failing miserably. 
The Chicago Museum of Science. 12 years ago, a teacher had summoned Monica and Frank to the school, begging them to stimulate his brain more. They’d told them that he was incredibly bright. Genius level under the right development. That maybe he’d be less destructed if he was challenged more intellectually. That the process starts in the home. His parent’s egos had been stroked and so they were pretty fuckin’ excited to announce in the bar they had him and Fiona sleeping in that night that their son was a, in Frank’s words, ‘goddamned genius who can think circles around you drunk peons and would use his big ass brain to think them out of the hood’. They saw an ad about the museum in a newspaper outside and declared they were going to take him. Lip had been excited to say the least. They got him up, got him ready and took him to the bus stop. Where they got high, got into a fight, walked off and forgot Lip for hours. He waited and waited and waited. Fiona eventually came and got him. She rubbed his head that night, telling him it was okay to cry, Daddy wasn’t home yet to see him. Except Lip didn’t feel like crying. He was angry, at fucking Frank. At Monica. At his fucking self for thinking he was going to that stupid fucking awesome museum. It’s not like they hadn’t spent the ticket money that teacher gave them because they’d believed in him so goddamned much on drugs anyway.
Now, 12 years later, Charlotte was rewriting memories for him without even knowing. 
“I know you’re probably way more advanced in all that science-y stuff than the exhibits here, but some of it looks interesting. And before you say anything it didn’t cost a lot and I already got Kev to agree to let us use his car but you have to drive because for some reason he doesn’t trust me to and I have to work a couple shifts at The Alibi for free but that’s okay-”
I love you.
Lip’s eyes widen in panic as that thought goes through his mind. He can’t…that’s not…he can’t think that. Not yet.
He immediately tries to distract himself, pulling Charlotte into a deep kiss that only makes the thought swirl in his mind on repeat. When he finally lets her catch her breath, he cups her cheeks again, looking at her intensely. “Thank you, bunny. I love…I love it.”
She smiles widely at him, her cheeks still mushed in his hands, “We’re going at the end of the week. It’s gonna be so fun, Phillip.”
“Yeah it fuckin’ is, shit, I gotta get another brochure so we can see the cool shit.”
“Aw, you’re such a planner.” she teases, squeaking when he pulls her legs over his lap and tugs her closer. 
“Okay, now gimme the other one.” he says, a small smile still on his face.
Charlotte bites her lip, clutching the other envelope. “It’s gonna kill the mood.”
“I thought you said it’s neutral news.”
“It’s good but bad, but not that bad. Hey-” Charlotte tries to snatch the envelope back as Lip snatches it, turning away and blocking her hands as she tries to grab it back. “Phillip-”
“Might as well get it over with.” he says, tearing at the paper, pulling out another folded piece of paper. “You better not have gotten me anything else.” Lip laughs, unfolding the paper and beginning to read. Charlotte shifts uncomfortably under the silence.
“Phillip?” she tries, leaning forward trying to catch his eyes, but they’re glued to the paper. “Phillip.”
“It’s uh,” he clears his throat, reading the paper again as if it was the most complex reading he’s ever done. “A plane ticket to Virginia.”
“Yeah, but see, it’s set after when we’ll go to the museum.”
“Yeah almost right fuckin’ after.” hurt fills his blue eyes as he shakes his head in disbelief.  Charlotte’s stomach clenches at the look on his face. 
“Kev and V helped me pay for the rest of it. I’m gonna get to see my parents.” she says in a small voice.
“Okay,” he says incredulously. “But why is it a fucking one-way?”
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keeponquinning · 1 year
Yes, Professor — Part One of Three.
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Joseph Quinn x Erotica Novelist Fem!Reader. 18+
Word Count — 4.6k
Summary — slightly based on this, but mainly. You're Joseph's secret writer girlfriend who you met amidst the start of his convention tours, things are hot and heavy between you two, though strained for the inconvenience of not living in the same city and not being official. You're forced to spend a week apart but plan to meet up with him back in London on the last day of his Con appearance, and after teasing him for his Professor type choice of outfits, well, you just couldn't resist showing up dressed as your professor's favorite student, now could you? We thought not.
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Part One — He's in London, you? Are not. In a party for you best friend's boyfriend, you manage to get him in a call, hearing his voice, laughing, conversations wishing to see his face, but you can take what you can get.
Preview —
Warnings — Not too many, nothing really smutty happens this part, maybe some dirty talk. Established relationship, it is a big ol' RPF and my first attempt. If not your thing, that's valid AF, just don't be mean / a dick about it. I am but a drop in this massive ocean called Tumblr, just swim on past and enjoy the waves without me if it bothers, I beg. There's also cursing. 18+ so minors, PLEASE, DNI!
Notes — Oh, this came out sooner than my last one, huh?? Mainly because I decided to split this into three parts instead of one big ol' one shot. I def learned my lesson lmao I had a lot of fun writing this, dialogue and banter are my fave things and there was a lot of that in this. Kinda fell in love with these two and planning on doing an actual multi-chaptered fic with them, how they met, all that jazz, let me know if it's something you'd want. Or not, if I get just one person like "yes, please" I'll do it bc people pleasing tendencies fuel me. I've left Reader pretty vague and ambiguous but we do have her mentioning Joseph's British-ness and obviously not living in the same continent because transatlantic romance is so rom com it hurts, but, feel free to ignore that and implant your own background on her, kinda the point, right?? Alright, hope you like this! Like, Reblog and Comment, they fuel me and make my heart go pitter patter!
Taglist — @lunaapis , @munsons-mayhem28 , @inourtownofhawkins , @hopperscock ( i fucking love this url you have no idea )
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"What are you wearing?"
You hear an amused chuckle on the other end of the call, along with a distinct clicking of tongue. "...don't I get a hello first or are you missing me that much?"
A snort comes out your way, totally undignified, but he'd never call you out on it. "I mean, I am, but... Shut up." He's cackling now, that laugh that makes you smile stupidly and you're glad you're on an audio call rather than face time — though you wouldn't mind seeing his stupidly pretty face. "I'm serious, what are you wearing?"
"Why are you asking?" his voice strained, amused, but strained. He must be smiling, his laughter barely dying down.
Taking a deep breath, you explain, "Because I haven't seen you in a week and from the photos I've been seeing of you all day today... I need to prepare myself for when I see you tomorrow."
"I need you to repeat that, not the nonsense about my clothes but the...seeing me tomorrow bit."
Your eyes closed, lips stretching in a smile that, in the crowded room you were in the middle of, you tried to suppress. Teeth biting your lip, eyes cautiously looking around the party you were attending but your mind being on a man across the pond as it were, you let out a soft scoff. "....I need to prepare myself for when I see you tomorrow."
"Damn fucking right you will," his voice low, almost a growl that was...unfortunate, considering your surroundings. But more important, his tone was wistful. You heard the sound of gentle squeak, taking to mean that he sat on his bed, one that you missed very much at the moment. "I can't wait for that, and you will be needing to prepare yourself once we're alone... I fucking miss you."
"Mmm, your voice notes kinda gave that impression, yeah," you chuckled, hearing his as well. "Though I enjoyed hearing them when I wake up. It's lame, but, I do miss hearing your voice first thing in the morning." You hear him take a deep breath, exhaling with a soft hum. "Among other things. Hotel beds are just a bit too cold without you."
"Mhm, feeling the same way with my own bed, darling. Have to remind myself it's just been a week, but, feels a bit longer. Can't wait to have you back, though I know, temporarily."
"I know," this time it was you that sounded wistful. You knew you shouldn't, it was a good reason you'd be away from him. The latest in your book series was out there, digitally and in a week, in physical form. The gap between that and the previous book a bit too wide for your liking, or that of your publisher and readers. It was good that you finally finished it, but in that, included a tour of the book, which meant away from him, your sort of boyfriend. "At least you'll have me for a week, well, between your filming, anyway. Enough time for your friends to get sick of me and then wish I went away to have you to themselves again and for my friends to miss the me that isn't attached to your hip."
"Hah," he scoffed, a sound of a stretch that you could only assume was him laying down on his bed. "My friends are sick of me now, keep complaining about how I miss you. Even have Wes saying if I'm this needy without you, can't imagine how you handle me by your side, so, you've somehow got their sympathy and on your side, I'm the problem now, apparently." You couldn't hold in the laugh that barked its way out of you, and you could hear the offense even from the other line. "Oi. Don't laugh, you knew I was needy from the get go, I made no attempt to hide that."
Recovering from the laugh, you have a nod, though you knew he couldn't see, "Yeah, you are a bit of a clinger." Your smile still lingering, eyes soft, "But... It's...kinda one of your more endearing qualities, so... I'll take it."
"Oh, how gracious of you, accepting that I fucking adore you to the point of being miserable enough without you and getting on my friends fucking nerves"
He always made you laugh, you didn't even know if he intended to, but you could hear him laughing alongside you, so he must have, right? "God, hearing you curse is the best, y'know? You seem like a nice, proper boy, but then you curse and it..." You shake your head, "Makes me miss you more."
You heard him scoff, a wet sound, and you could almost see him licking his lips with a smile. "I know, dead sexy and all that... Hard to resist."
A shrug of your shoulders, more to yourself, of course, "...it kinda is. Makes me wanna do things to you to make you curse more..."
He groaned, which was also a lovely noise on its own. "Don't say things like that when you're not in grabbing distance, it's not fair."
You smiled, almost wickedly, eyes catching sight of your best friend, the only reason you were away from him at the moment. "Yeah, well, at least you're alone on your bed, I'm surrounded by people in my pretty dress, not getting grabbed and kissed by you and..." you trailed off as said best friend stopped in front of you, a pointed brow arched. You cleared your throat, smile still in place, "Which is totally fine, because I'm here to support my best friend and her crazy talented boyfriend on his birthday and album release and I'm totally fine with it."
"Mhm," she let out with a nod, "What I thought. Hi, Joe, can you two say goodbye because said boyfriend is gonna start up in a few minutes and I will not have you two have phone sex while he's performing, thank you."
"Excuse me!"
"You're not excused! You're so not excused — you're not allowed."
"That's just—" you were about to say rude when you very clearly hear the cackling on the other end of your call. "Stop laughing! You're not allowed to laugh right now, that's not fair."
"I'm sorry!" he let out, his voice thin, high, and you could hear an attempt to calm the laughter — but an attempt he did not win as more laughter came rolling out, making your lips twist and wanting to laugh despite yourself. Why did his laugh have to be so infectious sometimes? "I'll stop, I swear..." he continued, making you roll your eyes, looking at the smirking face of your best friend. "....oh, god... Tell Jen I said hello."
You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, looking over at her, "The painfully British one says hello, because manners maketh the man I'm sure."
Jen cackled as well, shaking her head, "I'll give you two like, ten minutes, tops. You're introducing them, remember?"
"Of course. Ten minutes." A mock salute given, you watch as she turned toward the stage of the intimate venue, just a smaller group of closest friends. Taking a deep breath, directing your attention to your phone, "J o e."
"Oh, no, not Joe. I'm always in trouble when I get Joe instead of your usual Joseph."
"Damn right, that was not cool, I know we're not official, but, you have to have my back. It's the most chivalrous thing to do."
He snickered, "I'm... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But, well," you heard him release a soft laugh, then heard, "...not to point fingers but you did start the conversation asking me what I was wearing... So was that...not where this was heading...?"
You clicked your tongue off the roof of your mouth very disappointingly, kind of. "No, you perv, I just wanted to know if my sort of boyfriend is going to continue dressing up as a slutty professor so I can figure out how to handle seeing that in person."
"I—" he started, but words cut off with a snicker, and then a proper laugh. "You—Okay. Several things. Don't fucking call me your sort of boyfriend. I am your boyfriend, just.... Well. Secret boyfriend. At least for now—"
"—until your publicist deems me worthy of being known to be dating you."
"No, just... Until we're more established, is all. And I am looking forward to that, taking you to events and such. I'd love to go to the book tour with you, show off how fucking proud I am of you and this book. But... I also don't want to overshadow your accomplishment, the way it's so mad right now. But I am your boyfriend, I know you say it in a joking manner with Jen and our friends, I get it, but... And it's fine to joke about it. Really. But I need you to know it's real for me and I hope it is for you, too. It... It is, isn't it?"
You smiled softly, his words warming your heart more than they should, once again blown away by his sense of sincerity. You never really dated anyone like that before and sometimes, it honestly takes you by surprise. "... Yeah, I know. And I don't mind it, honestly. I'd end things if I did... You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend and...if my joking around hurt you in any way, then I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it. Not with something like this. You...mean a lot to me in a very short amount of time and...it's kind of overwhelming sometimes."
There was a soft sigh, a pleased one, from the other end of the call. "I know. I feel the same. Was never expecting you, or anyone, not like this. And no, you didn't hurt me, not one bit. There's no worry of that. I just needed you to know, I'm in this with you."
Though you certainly didn't need to hear it, there's a lightness from within your chest at his words, a light ease in your breathing and your soft smile grew wide. You didn't need him to confirm what you already knew, but, it was lovely to hear. "Me too. I'm in this, too. Especially if you're going to be sweet like that," you end with a light chuckle, joined by his own. "Not fair on your part. But, I'll let it pass."
"My girlfriend is very gracious like that, I'm so lucky to have her."
"Don't you forget it. Okay. I'm assuming you had more to say?"
"Yes, thank you for that. Was quickly getting side tracked... I just wanted it to be known that I am severely disappointed that phone sex is off the table, that broke my heart since we've been in an almost constant state of phone tag, its ridiculous," you giggled at that, actually giggled which was rare. And he knew it, you could hear his chuckle, and though you couldn't see him, you knew he was pleased with that smug little smirk on his lips. "But, I'll survive that. Also. Slutty professor? I've no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh, come on. You dress like a romantic, slutty professor to these things and you know it."
"I think someone's too far into their own erotica stories and confusing some things, I... Dress as a professional. I have to. My stylist deems it so and I just...do as I'm told."
"...Joseph. What were you wearing today, and don't lie, I've seen the pictures. I just wanna hear you say it."
"You're being absolutely ridiculous, I... My loafers, my favorite ones, trousers, erm... Blue button shirt and... Well, a cardigan..." There was a pause, and you knew he was rethinking it all. "...beige cardigan and.....my dark grey...coat—okay. Maybe... Maybe it was a bit professor-ish. You...might be on to something there..."
"Uh-huh. Dressed like a professor who cares and has long office hours for any of his students to come by to unwind..."
"Stop that," he let out with a laugh. "That should be your next book."
"Oh, who says it won't be? I'll dedicate it to you, for inspiration. I'm assuming you'd be open for me to come to you for...brainstorming? Test out scenes, just, y'know, for the sake of art and authenticity?"
"Morning, noon and night, yes, I'm all yours and your....creativity." He chuckled, softly, there was a lingering silence between the two of you, and then a groan from his end. "Just out of curiosity... Would... I dunno, say...a sweater vest, erm... Like....Oof, a grey one with a dark jacket, that um... Is that slutty professor chic, you think?"
"I fucking knew it."
"Hold on! It was... It was a thought... Are you into the slutty professor look, though?"
"Why do you think I called you in the first place? Yes, of course I'm into it. Do you know what it's like, seeing your pics all over my social media, people sending me pics of you with that cardigan and long coat and just... Do you?"
You could almost hear his smug smile as he let out an even soft chuckle. "I do, actually... You're wearing that burgundy dress aren't you?" Your brows rose, though you didn't say anything, not yet. A soft little hum buzzing into your ear through your phone. "I've been stalking your instagram the past week, so I saw the picture you posted today. It's that burgundy dress I like. The one with the bow at the hip and the... The matching choker with the jewelry that you think is almost tacky but... I like it. Gave me something to look at the other time you wore it, remember that? Was it New Years? Took you to an empty room right before countdown, lifted your skirt and—"
"S t o p, we're not doing that, not now," though you smiled, remembering the moment quite clearly, feeling your skin flush especially as he laughed then. He had such a nice, deep, warm laugh sometimes. "...okay, so, yes, I'm wearing that dress... It's not the same, though, like, aside from that choker you love so much, it's pretty tame in comparison..."
"Mm, not for me. I love that color on you. I love anything on you if it means I can take it off of you. And—a cardigan's tame. A long coat is tame."
"The hell a long coat is tame, that's... Anyway, you wear the slutty professor really well and it's not fair. Especially if you're going to to do tomorrow. After being away from you a week... That's cruel, baby. I won't even be able to touch you until the con's over." You heard him hum, probably thinking the very same. A thought comes, making you chuckle suddenly, "I should retaliate."
"...oh god," he let out, clearly recognizing when a wicked thought comes to mind. "Pray tell, how?"
"Why... Professor..."
"....Oh, fuck."
"Yup. By dressing up as one of your favorite students, of course."
"....jesus fucking christ." You heard a small groan, "God, you would, wouldn't you? I don't know if I could take that. It's been a week, body going in withdrawal without you and the sight of you with knee high socks..."
"Hmm. Telling that the knee high is the first thing you go to. Noted."
He chuckled, "Yes, well... The thought of you in knee highs is rather... I wouldn't take them off. Not the entire time."
Your smile widened, biting your bottom lip. "Yeah? Mmm. Well, good, because I'd definitely wear your favorite colors, just for you, Professor."
"Fuck off," he said softly, though, and when you laughed, you heard him let out a breath. "Shit. I can't shake the image, now. My favorite student, dressed so pretty for me. Looking nice and soft...with uh..." He exhaled, "Burgundy knee highs, snug and soft..."
You kept a careful eye around you, trying so hard to suppress your smile. But the sound of his voice was so...alluring, finding yourself squeezing your thighs a little bit. "Keeping up with the color theme, I see..."
"It is my favorite color at the moment, especially on you."
You hummed, "Okay. Question, knee highs or thigh highs?"
"No," his voice instant, "Gotta be the knee highs. I'd want... I'd want your thighs absolutely bare. For my fingers to run and roam over the skin... And...then, y'know... I wouldn't be able to resist to kiss you there as well. Gentle ones of course, but, being away from you this time...wouldn't be long until I start biting..."
A breathless laugh escapes you, now not even caring if anyone looked or listened in on you. It had been a while since you talked to him in real time, without having to push play, it was too good to cut away from. "For someone that says they can't write for the life of them, you're not doing too bad, Professor. You might give a run for my money if you ever decide to go into the erotica business."
"Mmm, tempting, but no. I'll leave that to you. It'd just be a novel of me fucking you and I'd rather have the real thing. But... Was I good enough to get you wet for me, darling?"
It shouldn't make you blush, you built your whole career in literary dirty talk and seducing your readers with your words... But when Joseph did it, his words and voice always struck you deep. Much deeper than any other partner had, which was slightly scary and mainly thrilling. You felt the heat creeping up your neck, a soft giggle being awarded to him. "....you know you are." You heard a pleased sigh from him, taking in a deep breath as you try to calm yourself. That no, sneaking off wasn't an option, that the growing ache between your legs would have to wait, even if you wouldn't have him talk you through it, guide you toward climax in the only way he could. But. "You got me wet and feeling it now every time I walk around in my pretty burgundy dress in a room filled with people."
"Well... I'm alone in my lonely room with a very bothersome hard on and... Probably feel lonelier still when we say our goodbyes and I'll only have my hand and thoughts of you in your pretty burgundy dress, wet, wishing I can feel just how wet you are."
You let out a breath, closing your eyes a moment. "...and I'd wish it was my hand, my mouth, on that...bothersome hard cock," you heard him groan, making your heart flutter, as well as your cunt. "Like I've been fantasizing this past week."
He took a deep breath, you could hear the exhale produce static on your end, a soft hum. "Same here, love. Suppose we'll be doing the same thing tonight..."
With a dejected sigh, you have an affirming hum, "Our ten minutes are about done. Otherwise I'd sneak to a room somewhere and..." You chuckled, "Tell you in excruciating detail the things I'd do to you to make you curse." His laugh comes out at that, making your smile spread further on your face. "But. I am due on stage to introduce my best friend's boyfriend and his band, so... She'd kill me if I missed that, and then would go and kill you, and no one wants that."
"No, no, we do not. That's fine. More to release when I see you tomorrow. Probably keep you to myself for the rest of the week, fair warning, darling."
"Yes, Professor. I'm very okay with that."
The way he groaned at that made your heart flutter again, as well between your legs. You did miss him, terribly, your fingers and toys did little to satisfy you, not without his warmth, his kiss, the moans you'd swallow and hunger for more. "...keep that up and I won't want you to call me anything else."
"Is it bad I kinda like it? P r o f e s s o r?"
He gave a helpless laugh, "Shit, it is. It's very bad of you. Naughty, even. Wicked. My poor coc—"
"Tomorrow, only until tomorrow. And then I'll make it up to you, in any way you want me to. I'll call you professor if you want me to."
"I knew there was a reason you're my favorite student..." You smiled and you could feel he was smiling too. "Okay. I'm going to give you back to your best friend, again. Thank her for me, for letting me have you to myself for this long."
"I will, she'll expecting nothing less. Think of me?"
He chuckled, and you could picture him shaking his head. "When am I not? Especially right now, left to my own devices... Until I have you to myself again." You heard him take a sharp intake of breath, "Have fun, yeah? I love you."
You felt like a teenager again, at the sound of those three words, said recently, right before you left. A slip of the tongue, but meant with sincerity from you both. "I love you, too. I'll see you... Bye."
"Bye, darling. I can't wait."
There was a heaviness that weighed on you as you ended the call, knowing it had to be you, otherwise you wouldn't end it at all. The warmth of his voice lingered, the image of his face imprinted on your brain, curling your fingers around your phone. A thought hitting you like lightning, going to messages and tapping quickly.
Send me a voice note. I wanna hear you.
He liked it.
Your smile widening as you turned around, dumping your phone into your purse and with your heels, made it toward the small stage where the band were setting up. Hands went to Jen's shoulders, hugging her from behind. "I'm all yours, now. He said thank you for letting him have me for the call."
She scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Gross, you guys are gross."
"Shut up, we're cute." Jen seeming unconvinced. "Whatever, I'm happy."
Your best friend gave a shrug, "Then that's okay." You pulled away and stood beside her, and she took a breath. "He does seem to make you happy and... I don't hate that. Just the whole...secret relationship thing gives me pause." Crossing her arms, she looked to you, raising her brow. "Be honest.... You really okay with it? Because if you are, I'll back off and be one hundred percent for you guys. Because he is nice and seems crazy about you and I haven't seen you this happy in a while... I just don't want you hurt, y'know? I'm not being a bitch—"
"You're never a bitch—" you interjected, pausing as you two looked at each other, and you smirked. "Okay, well, yeah, you are, but for good reasons. A boss bitch, through and through." You paused a bit, giving a shrug of your shoulders. "I dunno. We talked about it... I kinda get it, he kinda blew up overnight and doing...so many things and I... I can't even imagine. I got booktok and like... Well, this book tour, but, obviously nothing on his level. He seems more concerned about if it came out, he'd overshadow my book and the press for it." Which you did appreciate, you worked hard, but part of the reason you got the book done as fast as you did was his encouragement. Being the first to read your pages, his excitement over the story you crafted holding a huge part. "It would have been nice to dedicate the book to him, but, since we aren't....out, didn't really feel right."
"But. I don't know, at first it was kind of fun, sneaking around, dodging photographers, you know. Secret affair type of thing except not being horrible with spouses to cheat on, that kind of thing? And we were casual at first, seeing other people, until... We weren't and...not casual anymore. I mean, it's kind of still fun but also...not."
Taking a deep breath, she sighed. "And how long until it's not kind of fun for you?"
Looking over at her, you frowned, hating that she had a point. "I don't know. I'm not there yet... And I'm hoping it doesn't come to that because... I'm really fucking happy with him." Raising your brow, you give her a reassuring smile. "I'll be careful. And if I'm not, you can kick my ass about it."
"Deal," she agreed to, seeming a little lighter about the situation. "So, is he still going to dress all Mr. Darcy as a Professor when you see him?"
"I swear, he's a walking Jane Austen leading man, like it's just straight up Professor without him even trying." She laughed, you joining in. "It's gotta be a British thing, it has to." Laughing a bit harder, "I teased him with an idea, though, dressing up like a student."
"Oh? Oh, that'd be perfect. Are you meeting him after that con or...?"
A sly smile comes across your face, then, looking at her with a slight chuckle. "Mmm... Don't laugh, but... I actually planned on surprising him at the con?" Your smile widened as she gasped, looking at you agape. "I bought a photo and autograph with him. I knew there'd be no chance on the day of and I thought it'd be cute, you know? He doesn't know."
"Oh, God, I hate to say it, but that's fucking adorable! And kinda genius." Her eyes widened, "You know, though... I mean... The set up's too perfect, you have to dress all slutty student."
"Hey, slutty is for Halloween, I'd be dressed as his favorite student, with knee highs, he seemed very into that."
If her eyes could widen even further, Jen's would, letting out a bark of a laugh. "Oh my god, knee—no, no," shaking her head. "You are doing this. You are gonna do this. Listen...we're gonna make this happen."
"We don't have time, I'm getting the red eye, remember? And by the time this is over—"
But she was determined, shaking her head, "Nope, look. You're gonna introduce the band, because you are my amazing writer friend and words are your thing. We'll stay for a few songs, and then I'm going to take you shopping, okay? I'm making this happen, I'm gonna make this happen for you."
"I thought he gave you pause and you're gonna work this hard to make a fantasy come true for him?"
She wagged her finger from side to side, "Oh, no, no. Not for him, for you. Look, he seems great and he probably is, and maybe there will be a time where he's like a brother to me, but right now? I believe you when you say he makes you happy and that you're happy with him, I see it, so, I'm doing this for you. Because you are my best friend and that's love, bitch."
"I love you. Like... You'll always be my first love, in a totally platonic kind of way. Only because of the fact that you're annoyingly straight."
Jen sighed, "I know, it's a pain, but, we'll always have each other's backs and our hearts, before anyone else." Her gaze going toward the stage, her musician boyfriend giving her a nod, releasing a soft smile. "We didn't do so bad, though. You're up. Make me proud of my boyfriend, okay?"
"Oh, yeah, how do you want me to go about it? Soft and emotional, very serious or...roast him but from the heart?" You both looked at each other for a moment, the answer quite clear.
"Roast him."
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for your consideration....
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catwrites9 · 1 year
Can you make an Ellie x reader where they just makeout but nothing more
HBO!Ellie Williams x reader(Blurb?)
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W/n I got two ideas from this one request so I finished this one and I’m writing the other as I write a chapter for a story but also Free requests please Free request please it takes me so long to think of things so if you have a idea to share please send it my way.
Warnings established relationship, kissing, idk
Lately Ellie’s hardly been home and when she does get home it’s late at night when you're asleep. Tonight was like most nights where you just decided to watch a movie or two on the couch before bed. That was until you heard the door open. You checked the time seeing it’s normally when Ellie is still working, you poked your head to the left to see Ellie taking off her boots.
“Hey” you said startling her.
“Hi, what are you doing? It's late” she said while walking towards you.
“Just watching a movie but now you're the only thing I was to watch,….. that was bad wasn’t it” You said while grabbing the bridge of your nose.
“Yeah, but I’m glad I’m finally able to see my girlfriend” She said and right afterwards she kissed you.
The kiss keeps going as you both realize how tough starved you were as you grab the back of her neck with one hand as the other is on her waist. She tries deepening the kiss by pulling your face in with both her hands on your neck. The kiss starts quickening as your tongues fight for dominance. You both pull back needing air.
“We should both probably get to bed” Ellie says as she caresses your face.
“But I have my girlfriend in front of me, why would I go to bed? “ You say as you kiss her neck.
She giggles as she pushes you back”Come one I don’t have watch tomorrow so we can have a whole day to ourselves.
“Fine only if we get to cuddle” You say as you turn the movie off.
“Of Course we would, what am I a mad man?” She said while looking at you as you both walked to the bedroom.
Then the both of you went to bed in the warmth of eachothers arms as all the worries about infected faded away and all you could think about was Ellie.
105 notes · View notes
electricserenade · 3 months
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COWBOY CARTER — Beyoncé | Unreal Unearth: Unheard — Hozier | Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party | SOS — SZA
If you gain inspiration from this station and its prompts, be sure to tag me in the work or like/reblog — thank you listeners
"You're my love"
"I just hope you love yourself like that"
"I really hope the best for you"
"Born to be a protector" / "I will be your protector"
"I feel proud of who I am, because you need me"
"Inhalin' whiskey when you kiss my neck"
"They couldn't have me and they never will"
"Sometimes I hold you closer just to know you're real"
"Sometimes I take a day off just to turn you on"
"I don't like the way she's lookin' at you"
"You say change religions, now I spend sundays with you"
"Something 'bout those tears of yours"
"How does it feel to be adored?"
"Sunrise in the morning, you're all I need"
"Didn't know what I wanted 'til I saw your face"
"Don't know what you're doin' tonight"
"Been a while since I haven't tried to pull away"
"I'd go wherever you take me"
"Love you down to the bone"
"I hope you know that once I loved you"
"I just pray that we don't crash"
"When i'm long gone, you'll call my name"
"I stayed away from you too long"
"And I come home tomorrow"
"It's yours, baby, you can crash here, come here"
"Put on a show make it nasty"
"Baby, let me sink into your arms"
"Drink me 'til its done"
"I plan to steal your heart again"
"Ain't that the scary thing"
"Slip into my dreams every night"
"Who am I to judge, my baby?"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you"
"This is the real you, huh"
"This is the real me, huh"
"And when I get up to walk, I wanna feel weak"
"I ain't goin' far"
"I'm gonna give you the best years of your life"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you and I"
"Have mercy on me"
"I need to make you proud"
UNHEARD — Hozier
"How do you sleep so well?"
"You're too sweet for me"
"But you worry some, I know"
"Put my body to work"
"I wanna lose me"
"I wanna fade away with you"
"I wanna kill the lights"
"I don't need to know where we begin and end"
"I only need the working of my hands"
"Some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby"
"C'mere to me, when was the last time?"
"How could you think, darlin', I'd scare so easily?"
"There's not one thing that I would change"
"If I could hold you for a minute"
"Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I"
"I feel lighter than I have in so much time"
"If you need to, darling, lean your weight to me"
"Don't fall away from me"
"Let me put my lips to somethin'"
"Come and get some"
"Let me see the heat get to you"
"Wake up feeling like a millionare"
"I haven't felt it since then"
"We knew what our love was worth"
"We didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
"I know we want this to go easy"
"When people say that something is forever either way it ends"
"As natural as another leg around you in the bed frame"
"Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I'm talking seismic"
"I'm still glad I met you"
"I'd no choice but to love you"
"I thought you were like an angel to me"
"It ain't hate being alone" / "It ain't the empty home, baby" / "You know I'm good on my own"
"You know, it's more the being unknown"
"One bright morning changes all things"
"Your eyes open, at first a thousand miles away but turning, shoot a silver bullet point-blank range"
"Could this be how every day begins?"
"Like I lived my whole life before the first light"
"But after this I'm never gonna be the same and I am never going back again"
Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party
"Bite marks on my neck I could never say no"
"You don't wanna hurt me but I want you to"
"My darling, believe me, I was born to be with you"
"Ain't it fun to hold the world in your hands?"
"Do you want me or do you want control?"
"I can't win them all"
"Do you want me to care when you just disappear?"
"I wish I didn't want you"
"I will hold your hands to stop them from shaking"
"If it takes all night, I will be on your side"
"When you're lyin' here, I believe you love me"
"And what I'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy"
"I wish I knew you back when we were both small"
"Pray for me on your knees"
"Stay through the night I'd spend the mornings by your side"
"Cleanse my soul, make me whole"
"Dance in the morning glow"
"Hold me, we can't go back"
"Foolish thinking I could have you"
"Picture me in bed under your crucifix"
"I'd die for you, no questions asked"
"If anyone could kill me, it would probably be you"
"I wish that I had the guts the dignity to put up a fight"
"Oh anyone could kill me, and I'd never ever let it be you"
"'Cause we're a lot alike"
"I will fuck you like nothing matters"
"I'm putting all my bets on you"
"This is the only thing I know how to do"
"Damn right I'm the one"
"I can't let you finish"
"He's so needy"
"I just want what's mine"
"If I can't have you no one should"
"How'd I get here?"
"I get the sense that it's a lost cause"
"I did it all for love"
"I get the sense that you might really love her"
"I had to do it to you"
"The art of war, goddamnit, I'm drained"
"With a rush that feels like, we committin' a crime"
"You know where you belong"
"Wherever you are, whatever you need, don't call me"
"I lay awake if you're not around me"
"Help me understand how you speak your love language"
"You don't wanna be without me"
"I don't want to be alone"
"My, my, how the times change"
"Moments stolen taste better"
Oh, I need you, but it takes time"
"Loved me better when you tried less"
"I can't lose when I'm with you"
"I still wonder if you notice me"
"Don't care, just lay here beside me"
"I need your touch, not your scrutiny"
"You better learn how to face it"
"I make no exceptions"
"You can trust in me"
"Can you make me happy? Can you keep me happy?"
"I been thinkin' 'bout you, haven't got much sleep"
"Can you still come and get me?"
"I fuck him 'cause I really miss you"
"It's too late, I don't wanna lose what's left of you"
"I don't wanna see you with anyone but me"
"How am I supposed to let you go?"
"Only like myself when I'm with you"
"I got everything that I need, and I want more"
"Hate how you look at her 'cause you never saw me"
"I wish I was special"
"Is it bad that I want more?"
"Figure out how I should be loved"
"Is it too late for us?"
"Everything reminds me of us"
"Lead me, don't look back, it's all about you"
"It's what you say and how you do me"
"Who needs self-esteem anyway?"
"For you, I try"
"I can't shake this habit"
"I've been up, baby"
"Shitty of you to make me feel like this"
"You've been making me feel like I'm always in my mind"
"I don't mind who's watching"
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