#i will literally listen to my roommates footsteps and bedroom doors and shit just to make sure
caffeinatedopossum · 9 months
Uh oh back to my roommates telling me concernedly "hey I haven't seen you in a while"
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noisyquokka · 9 months
Lights Out
PAIRING - Changmin x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - Changmin finds out you're a bit of a scaredy-cat and starts pranking you. Little does he know, you have a few of your own tricks up your sleeve.
WARNINGS - Humor, Roommate!Changmin, some cursing, mentions of rodents (although they're fake), this is literally just two roommates testing each other, very sibling coded
A/N - Short n' sweet... also a little silly 🤠 just a funny lil thought I had!
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"Fucking hell- Changmin!!"
Footsteps can be heard from down the hall, each one taken with purpose as Changmin counted down to the very last second that his bedroom door would swing open. The hinges protest to your intrusion like they always do, your shadow shifting away from the doorframe. He side-eyes you from his spot on his bed, quick reflexes catching the giant rat that he'd planted in your bedroom hours ago.
"Woah, that's one big rodent!" He feigns horror, patting the rubber rodent's stomach dramatically. Changmin should be a little worried by the daggers you're shooting at him, but he can't be bothered. Even when you grab for a pillow from his bed.
"Quit hiding shit in my room!!" Each word is followed by one hefty wallop. He leans away, bringing a hand up to shield the brunt of them. Still, he continues to tease.
"You found this in your room?!" He asks, wide-eyes flitting between you and the rat. "I told you to clean, didn't I? Rats love junk food!"
"I'm gonna kill you, Ji Changmin." You mutter, and for a moment, Changmin feels a chill run up his spine. You had muttered those words a little too calmly. But he rolls his eyes and waves you off, focusing back on the video game he was playing prior to you barging in.
"At least go and clean your room first. I have a game to beat."
He runs a hand through his tousled hair, grabs the controller and unpauses the game. You groan, throwing the pillow at his head and rushing out of the room. 
For the past months, you've had to deal with this. You'd been evicted from your apartment due to noise complaints from older neighbors and there were no other affordable apartments nearby. Anxiety had reared it's ugly head at the idea that you may be stuck couch surfing for a while, or worse. So when your best friend, Chanhee, had mentioned Changmin's extra bedroom, you thought you'd heard angels singing. After all, you'd met Changmin a few times and the two of you got on pretty well.
What you hadn't known about was his little obsession for horror. All it took was one conversation about how much you disliked scary movies and you knew you screwed up. It was a week after you moved in that Changmin planted the first prank; a whole grudge girl in the shower. You hadn't noticed it until you peeled the shower curtain back, greeted by a mop of black hair and pale white complexion. To say you had been surprised would be the understatement of the century. You had yelped so loudly, that your neighbors checked in to make sure everything was alright. Answering the door with a towel on was embarrassing enough without giving them the reason for your shrieks. To top it all off, he wasn't even home when it all went down. That didn't stop you from chewing him out over text.
And so, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, each prank getting less and less tame. And you slowly grew restless over the whole fiasco. Sure, it was funny at first. Now it was getting old.
You flopped down on your bed, face down into the pillow. Disgruntled and exhausted. In reality, Changmin was a great roommate. He was never late on rent, cleaned up after himself, cooked on the nights you didn't eat out, and never complained about the friends you had over. He was also a pretty good listener when you needed a shoulder to lean on. The only complaint you were allowed at this point was the constant attempts to scare you. And with Halloween around the corner, you were sure he was concocting something crazier. Most of his pranks had been much too tame when it came to a horror fan. You weren't sure if that was just Changmin being nice enough to keep them that way, or if he was building up for something. Either way, you weren't gonna sit idly by and allow him another chance to scare you.
You roll onto your back, eyes closed as you take a deep breath.
"You want war, Ji Changmin?"
Your gaze settles on the ceiling above, daggers in the drywall.
"I'll give you war."
The apartment door shuts with a thud as Changmin slips his shoes off at the door. The bags hang off his arms in a swath, socked feet thumping against the hall floor as he makes his way into the kitchen. The TV in the living room hums the score of a familiar movie, and Changmin turns his head to see you curled up on the sofa. His eyes flit to the TV screen.
"How many times can one person rewatch Piranha in a year?"
"You're cute. I could watch this once a day for the rest of the year, better watch yourself." You quip, glancing over the back of the sofa with a teasing glint in your eye.
The man scoffs, but a quirk of a smirk finds his lips as he sets the bags on the counter.
"Or you could help with putting all this away while I start on dinner..." He says. You roll your eyes but you get up anyway, pausing the movie. "I thought you didn't like horror."
"I don't." You reply, glancing at him with an arched brow. Brown eyes watch as you round the sofa, deft fingers reaching for one of the shopping bags sitting on the counter. 
"You're aware that's a horror movie, right?" He asks, his lips tilting in a sly grin as he begins pulling the ingredients for tonight's dinner from a bag. 
"But it's pretty stupid more than scary." 
"Ah yes, the idea of piranhas eating me alive isn't terrifying at all!" He rolled his eyes, turning to the cutting board on the opposite counter. You mirror his reaction with a muttered, "shut it" that has both of you biting back smiles. The unpacking begins.
You're fairly quick, thanks to Changmin's bagging abilities. Everything is always organized by where they go in the kitchen; pantry items, refrigerated items, frozen items... it makes your job easier. By the time you're finished, the apartment is beginning to smell like a home-cooked meal. The aroma of savory spices fill your nostrils. Your stomach groans, and you glance over to the cutting board where Changmin is busy slicing up vegetables.
"Everything's packed away." You tell him, grabbing a drink from the fridge.
"Thanks. Dinner should be ready in a few."
He's so focused on slicing the carrots he'd bought, but he doesn't miss your presence to his left. Swift fingers that snag a freshly-sliced carrot to the side of the cutting board. He looks over, his eyes flitting to your shoulders as you slink back toward the living room sofa. Back to your pretty stupid horror movie.
It isn't longer than thirty minutes that Changmin's sitting down beside you with two rice bowls in his hands. He slides the bowls onto the table, settling into the cushions with a heavy sigh. You thank him and dig in, watching as the credits roll on the current episode. He takes a bite, brown eyes shifting to you.
"Think we could watch a horror movie or something?"
"Respectfully, Changmin, you watch horror movies all year long." You mumble, swallowing the food in your mouth. "Plus, this is a horror movie. You said so, yourself."
"Respectfully, you've watched this movie like forty times since you moved in two months ago."
You stare him down for a long moment, eyes narrowed.
"Touché..." You huff, reaching for the remote. "Which movie?"
"Train to Busan?"
"Hey, it's a good movie!" He argues, gaze set firmly on the television screen as you search through the streaming services collection for said title.
"Yeah, I know." You say, a smirk pulling your lips. You bring another fork full of rice and veggies to your mouth, waiting for the titles to load when Changmin goes to sit up.
"I need a bathroom break, hang on."
"Mm, can you grab my phone in my room?" You ask. "It's on the charger by my nightstand."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll grab your blanket to shield your eyes, too." He mutters the last part, but it's loud enough to hear.
"Oh, har har!" You scoff, earning yourself a crooked grin from over his shoulder as he disappears down the hall.
His feet pad down the hall, fingers slipping over the bedroom door that you had left ajar. Brown eyes lock on the cellular device sitting on the surface of the side table, full battery icon on the screen. Changmin pulls the charger from the device and turns back toward the door, stopping short. Brown eyes blink.
In the darkness of the adjacent bathroom, a humanoid shadow stands in the mirror. The bathroom light clicks on, illuminating the space in a warm glow. But the shadow is gone. Changmin's brow furrows, tilting his head as he slowly approaches the door. Slender fingers reach around the doorframe for the bathroom light switch, and the flip of the switch perks his ears, shrouding the bathroom in darkness once more. The shadow reappears, flinching in the glaze of the mirror and Changmin jumps in the slightest. He flips the light on again.
"What the hell-"
The light above the mirror flickers until it blows, and the shadow in the mirror reappears, cocking its head like a dog. Just as Changmin is about to call for you, the figure is jumping toward him.
You hear the thundering footsteps down the hallway, but you can't help yourself. The poker face isn't salvageable. When Changmin rounds the corner, he's panting and ready to tell you to call the cops. That there's an intruder in the apartment. But here you sit on the sofa, doubled over with tears in your eyes and a stomach ache brewing. It's then and there that Ji Changmin pieces everything together.
"You fucking suck, you know that." He tosses your phone at you and you scramble for it before it hits your stomach.
"What's wrong, Changmin?" You ask, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I thought you could handle the horrors and spooks."
"How'd you even do that?"
"Oh, just a little projection device above the door frame." You smirk, clearly proud of yourself. Changmin just stares, mouth open as he goes through the five stages of grief.
"I thought you were scared of shit like that?"
You shrug.
"Guess it changes you when you spend the last two months getting pranked by your roommate..."
It's safe to say you were victorious, as the pranks stopped altogether after that evening.
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SPOOKTOBER MASTERLIST || Requests are open!!
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
midnight wishes | knj [M]
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Granny Park's Gossip:
That boy. Never met anyone as prone to disaster as he is while being so damned smart, except maybe that roommate of his. The two of them could probably cure cancer if they wanted to, but you leave them alone for more than a few seconds and you’re liable to come back to disaster. Jiminie did say they’ve been acting a little different, though, maybe they finally wised up and made things official instead of just humping like bunnies around that apartment of theirs. Oh, am I not supposed to say that?
pairing } namjoon x reader 
word count } 10.3k { also on ao3
genre } Fluff, Smut, the smallest possible dash of angst; FWB au, Roommates au, coworkers au, slight idiots to lovers but like. lowkey. 
warnings } smut, the most smut, all the smut. Namjoon In Glasses bc that deserves its own tag. there’s multiple smutty parts, several less explicit and then one very very super explicit so for those: oral female, oral male, fingering, deepthroating, protected sex, unprotected sex, mention of semi-public sex, mentions of a sir kink, some very accidental cum eating that is hilarious and disgusting all at once. Namjoon and Slick are both complete and utter idiots, like it’s genuinely a miracle that they’ve lived this long, especially when paired together. 
{ The Snowball Effect Collab Masterlist } 
a/n } hello it is i with yet another fic. it’s done. i. have a lot of emotions bUT that’s neither here nor there. This is part of The Snowball Effect collab, and while it can be read as a standalone, all the fics end in the same spot and there are so many crossovers that it legitimately hurts to think about for too long, so for the best and funniest and fluffiest experience, we recommend that you read all of them in order!! Special shoutout to ashley, kristi, and ryn (@taehyungforreal, @stutterfly, and @fortunexkookie​, respectively) for letting me part of this wonderful adventure. i’m more honored than i could ever say with words, and i’m grateful every day that i got the chance to work with all of you on this absolutely phenomenal collab. for those of you who are just now seeing this, i implore you to read the others, as they are literal light years better than this, and i could not possibly live up to the absolute beauty of the other authors in this collab, but i still hope you enjoy my shiny garbage child aka this fic.
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The first time you ever saw Kim Namjoon was on your very first day at the lab where you both work. You won't ever forget it, not because he's the walking embodiment of beauty nor because he's the most intelligent person you've ever met besides yourself. No, that day stays firmly implanted in your memory because that was the day the two of you nearly got fired for setting the building on fire.
In a genetics lab. 
You don't even work with chemicals. Maybe if you did, they would have been more understanding, but you don't and instead, everyone was completely flabbergasted that the two of you very nearly destroyed the building because you tried to reheat your leftover Chinese food - and really, how perfect is it that he also prefers the place across town instead of on the corner, and that he eats all the vegetables you pick out of your rice while you eat the eggrolls he isn't a fan of - in the microwave at the same time. Sure, your IQ is close to 300 when combined, but also, how are you supposed to remember that the bottom part of the takeout is made of foil? You were trying to single out a gene sequence that might help cancer research. Microwaves were not important. 
Until it exploded a little and set the fire suppression systems off in all the labs and affected several billion dollars worth of research. 
Honestly, the two of you are lucky you still have your jobs.
Less lucky that the insurance company wouldn't pay for the entire cost so both you and Namjoon had to take pretty severe pay cuts to help cover the costs.
Even less lucky that it means you could no longer afford your apartment by yourself and subsequently had to try to find a roommate in less than a week, which the internet is not helpful for, it doesn't matter what your coworkers say.
Which really just highlights that it's your own fault that you're in this situation in the first place, you think as you slam back another shot. It's been months, and yes, you found a roommate, and yes , things between the two of you are working better than you could have imagined, but god , at what cost?
You catch a glimpse of dimples heading your way and down the rest of the Kamikaze that you've been nursing all night. You might regret that later, the alcohol might make you do something you'd never do otherwise, but you can always pretend you don't remember. Besides, it's so much harder to handle Namjoon while you're completely sober; you never quite know what to say or what to do.
He doesn't bother to sit in the empty stool beside you, just slides into the space between you and it and lets one arm rest casually on the back of your barstool as he leans in to be heard over the live band that's playing. You don't look at him, you don't trust yourself to look at him, not with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons undone. You know he looks deliciously rumpled. You're entirely too familiar with the sight.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks. You shrug even as you start pulling your coat on, doing your best to ignore the way the heat of his breath brushed over your neck in the way that always gets you hot and bothered. "We don't have to if you don't want to," He says quickly, but you wave him off.
"No, it's fine, I promise. I'm not enjoying the band as much as I thought I would anyway."
When the ride you summoned stops at your apartment building, Namjoon pays and follows you up. The alcohol has started seeping into your bloodstream, and for a moment you regret that last drink. You're not drunk, not really, but you're on the farther side of tipsy and thoughts are swirling in your head that you wish would go somewhere else. Plus you're really fucking hungry now, and also kinda tired, and you're really glad tomorrow's Saturday so you can sleep in.
"What's got you in your head?" Namjoon asks as you fumble to unlock the door. You just shrug noncommittally, unwilling to tell him about it. He doesn't pry either, just sets to work pulling leftover tacos out of the fridge and sticking them in the microwave, remembering at the last second to take the plastic off the top so your food doesn't get coated in melted saran wrap. The two of you eat in relative silence before you manage to make yourself go into your room and strip out of your work clothes and then slide under the covers.
You don't listen as he goes into the room across the hall, you don't listen as the shower starts up, you don't listen at the off-key singing that he does. You don't. You can't let yourself, because then your drunk ass won't be able to keep your mouth shut the next time you see him - as you're both eating breakfast tomorrow, probably - and you'll say some super embarrassing shit like "hey I know it's partially my fault you couldn't afford your rent and you know I'm really grateful that you moved in with me, but you're also like hot as the surface of the sun and your dimples are really cute too, please fuck me stupid, I'm literally begging you."
Because that's the issue with living and working with Namjoon. There is no escape. Before you could come home and masturbate in peace while thinking about how his chest looks so utterly perfect in those button-ups, and how the muscles in his forearm flex when he's got his sleeves rolled up, and how his jaw does that muscle clench thing whenever he's focused on something.
But no. Now he lives with you , and not only are you both on the same schedules and therefore he’s never not home when you are, therefore depriving you of your precious Alone Time, but! You get a front-row view to how he looks in the mornings, with his hair all messy, and how he always forgets that the flavor packet goes in the ramen after you cook it, and how he bundles up every time he goes on walks with Moni, and-
The door to the bathroom creaks open and you force your eyes not to close. You inspect the stuccoed ceiling the entire time it takes his footsteps to make it into his room because otherwise, you're just going to remember that first week after he moved in, when he would have to go to his room with just a towel around his waist because his clothes were in boxes and he hadn't unpacked and he'd forgotten to take anything in the bathroom with him.
The memory of his absolutely fucking ridiculous pectorals dripping with water and his god damn superb biceps flexed and delicious-looking, none of it hidden under the slightly-too-big shirts he wears to work...it haunts you. To this day.
The sound of his door closing echoes through the hall and into your room. It’s through an incredibly impressive force of will that you don’t imagine what he’s doing right now, just across the hall. You resolutely do not imagine him sliding that towel from around his waist and revealing the gorgeous glistening golden thighs that strain against his work khakis so wonderfully. Nor do you think of the way he twists his neck to pop it while he does his after-shower stretches - because that’s a normal thing that normal people totally do - and you absolutely are not thinking of the way the scent of sandalwood and steam trails after him when he’s freshly showered and you are definitively not thinking about-
A loud, high-pitched moan followed by the slapping of skin on skin echoes through the apartment, jolting you upright and out of your thoughts as you stare in shock at the back of your bedroom door. 
Something thuds against the carpeted floor of Namjoon’s room and the sound abruptly cuts off. The silence that follows is deafening, and your ears ring with it. 
Surely….surely he wasn’t….
A thought, unbidden and cursed, flits through your mind before you can stop it. You can’t even blame the residual alcohol in your body for the way you stand and open your bedroom door, or how you slip your super soft silk robe over your shoulders and tie it loosely around your waist, nor for the way you take the two steps to stand in front of Namjoon’s, but you absolutely blame your quickly-returning sobriety for the way you hesitate in front of it. 
He’s going to say no, anyway, so what’s the harm? Things are awkward for a day or two and then we move on, right?
You knock before you can talk yourself out of it. It takes a few minutes, but Namjoon does eventually open the door. His chest is still bare but he’s got on the soft-looking plaid pajama pants that you adore, albeit they are on backwards , and his face is flushed with color. 
You're 98% sure that it's because he just had his hand around his cock. You're significantly less sure if you hate or love the fact that you know that. 
“Hey,” You say awkwardly. 
“Hey,” He responds, just as awkward. 
You both stand there for a second while you work up the courage to ask what’s been going around and around in your mind. 
“I just heard that thud and got worried,” is what eventually makes it out. Namjoon’s face flushes further, and his nose scrunches in the cutest way. “Just...wanted to make sure you weren’t, y’know. Dead. Haha.”
He smiles at your laugh, even though it’s dead and humorless, and warmth blooms in your chest. 
“I’m alright. Sorry for any, uh…” He squints, clearly searching for the word he wants to use that won’t immediately give him away - like the entire apartment building hadn’t heard that noise. “Disturbances.”
“Oh, no, you’re fine!” You tell him, rubbing the back of your neck. “I was just. Uh. Y’know how bonobos will often have recreational sex with non-monogamous partners just because they’re bored or as a way to work out the tension between members of the unit-groups and they enjoy said recreational sex, even though there’s no real emotional attachment to the other parties involved?”
Namjoon stares at you for a long, silent moment. 
“Yeah, I know about bonobos,” He eventually says. “I didn’t know that about bonobos, but I guess that’s the fun fact quota for the day.”
Your face heats and you’ve never quite wished the ground would swallow you up until this very moment. 
“Oh,” You say, dumbly. “Well. That’s a thing. That bonobos do.”
“I got that,” Namjoon says. He bites down on his lower lip in what’s probably an innocuous way to not smile at how ridiculous you’re being, but when paired with the golden expanse of chest, it’s utterly obscene. 
“Would you like to have recreational sex with me?” 
“ What? ”
“No strings attached, no feelings, nothing but some nice fun recreational intercourse between two consenting adults of sound mind. Would you be interested?”
“I...why are you asking me? ” He asks incredulously, and you resist the urge to kiss the surprise off his face. How is it surprising at all when he walks around looking like that ?
“Because in the time we’ve known each other as coworkers, roommates, and friends, I think we could be very sexually compatible and even if we aren’t, I’m confident enough in our friendship to believe we could still be friends afterward.” You tell him firmly. “Besides, you’re literally the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, why wouldn’t I want to have sex with you?”
“You’re...serious about this? You’re not playing some kind of joke on me?” 
“Why would I play a joke on you, Namjoon? I haven’t been able to get off for literal weeks - ever since you moved in, actually - and I’m at a bit of a breaking point.”
“And you’re not drunk?”
“Completely sober,” You assure him. He curses under his breath and runs a hand over his jaw, not making eye contact as he considers. It’s the same thoughtful expression that he gets when he’s trying to figure out some complex equation at work. With how long it’s been since you last came, however, it’s only making you wetter. 
"Fuck it," He mutters, seconds before his hands cup your jaw to pull you into a kiss. 
It's awkward at first, the two of you trying to find a rhythm that you both enjoy while still being able to breathe. His lips are slightly chapped and you both stumble as he starts walking backwards towards the bed, but it's so wonderful. His hand against your jaw is warm and comforting, even as his other hand is slipping teasingly under your robe and his teeth suckle a mark into your collarbone. 
Movement on the bed catches your attention and you flush when you realize it's Moni, Namjoon's very sweet dog that came with him when he moved in. 
"Uh, Namjoon?" You breathe. It's hard to focus on anything that isn't the way he's teasing at the band of your panties, but the way Moni is staring at you is captivating. "Dog."
Namjoon freezes, hands disappearing from your skin, and he either doesn't hear or doesn't acknowledge your needy whine at the loss of contact. 
"What, what's wrong? Is that your safeword? What did I do?"
"No, Joon," You can barely hear yourself think over the stream of apologies pouring from his lips, and it isn't until you grip his shoulders and forcibly turn him to look at his dog that he shuts up. 
" Oh ," He whispers. "The dog." He clicks his tongue a couple of times and Moni hops down from the bed, though not without giving Namjoon the saddest eyes possible. Moni disappears down the hallway, probably to go lay on the couch, and Namjoon shuts the door behind him. "Sorry," he says bashfully. 
"Don't be sorry," You respond with a smile. " Do , however, fuck me until I can't move." 
A growl vibrates in his chest, surprising you, and you're bouncing atop his mattress before you can think. 
He doesn't say anything else, too focused on the way your folds feel against his tongue as he slides your robe up your thighs. Words are hardly possible for you when he makes you come the first time. Even less so when he turns you onto your hands and knees, presses your face into the mattress, and proceeds to pound into you so hard that the nightstand shakes. Still, your knees are made weak by something else entirely.
It's the tender awareness in his touch; he's firm and unyielding but so, so cautious, consistently testing your reactions before he continues. The way his voice - deepened and husky with desire - sounds in your ear when he asks if what he's doing is okay, if you like it, if you want to keep going. It's how he teases you gently about how wet you are - "God damn, is this all for me? You're so fucking wet, so slick and ready for me, sweetheart," -  the way he's so absolutely tuned in to your own needs and desires, the way he coaxes orgasm after orgasm out of you like it's second nature, his own high an afterthought when you've clenched too tight around him. 
It's the way he brings you water and some fruit afterward and gently cleans you up while you eat before sliding your robe carefully over the blossoming purple marks he sucked into your shoulders. It's the way he didn't close his bedroom door until yours clicked behind you. 
"This was the best idea I've ever had," you sigh happily to yourself as you drift off to sleep. 
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“So you’ve got a sir kink?” Namjoon asks several days later, face pressed into a microscope more expensive than your entire apartment building. He doesn’t look at you, even as you tear your eyes away from the computer screen in front of you to glance at him curiously. 
“I do,” You tell him. He shifts in his chair and you bite back a grin. “Is that a problem? We don’t have to use it.”
“No, it’s fine,” He says quickly. “Just thought it was interesting. I didn’t expect that from you.”
“Namjoon, we’ve only known each other for a couple of months, and in that time, we’ve hardly had a conversation about what kinks we enjoy and what we don’t. How would you expect anything?”
“Just...didn’t expect it, that’s all.” He’s quiet for a minute and a sliver of guilt lodges in your throat. You’re right, the two of you haven’t known each other for very long, especially not in a sexual manner, but you could’ve maybe phrased it better. 
“I’m sorry-”
“We should-”
Both of you stop midsentence, turning away from your work to laugh with each other. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Namjoon says with a dimpled smile. “I know what you meant, and you’re right. We don’t know what the other enjoys, so we shouldn’t go into this with any expectations.”
“Maybe we should, though,” You say, marking a sequence that catches your eye so you’ll remember to come back and fully examine it later. “I mean, we can’t exactly fulfill our sexual needs without knowing what said needs are. For instance, how often do you orgasm every week?”
Something tumbles on Namjoon’s desk, and when you look over he’s got the microscope cradled carefully in his hands a few feet above the floor. 
“Uh...maybe twice,” He eventually says.
“Hm. Duly noted.” You turn back to the monitor in front of you, marking another sequence for inspection. 
“Well...how often do you orgasm each week?” He asks. His voice is hesitant, like he isn’t sure if he’s allowed to ask.
“Depends,” You tell him. “When I’m close to my period or ovulating, it’s usually once a day, if not twice, because my sex drive is higher, but otherwise it’s usually every other day or so.”
“But don’t worry, I’m more than willing to take care of myself on the nights where you need a break. I don’t expect you to keep up with my sex drive.”
“I mean...I could .”
You turn away from the monitor to look at him, quirking a brow. He quirks his own in return and you can’t help the way your eyes travel down his form. He’s wearing contacts instead of his glasses - always does during the workweek, since it’s easier to use a microscope that way - but the light purple shirt sets off the platinum blonde of his hair and his thighs strain against the material of his khakis. It all adds up to make him look absolutely delectable, especially since you know full well what’s hiding underneath those pants. 
“I could,” He repeats. “If you want me to.”
Your eyes meet his and you have no doubt he’s been eyeing you the same way you’ve been eyeing him. 
“I think it might be time for our lunch break, Mr. Kim,” You tell him, eyes darting to the clock on your desk. “I was thinking of going out to get something, would you like to join me?”
Namjoon is already standing and grabbing his jacket, and you would laugh at how eager he is if you weren’t the same way. You can already feel heat beginning to pool between your legs and the two of you rush out of the office in such a hurry that you hardly notice when you run straight into the mail cart. 
“Nice going, Slick!” Kihyun yells after you, and you wish you were ashamed of the way that your knees tremble at the reminder of how it felt to have Namjoon call you that while buried inside of your warmth. 
“They have no idea,” Namjoon mutters, fingers twisting with yours so he can pull you down a hallway and towards an unused office. “If they only knew just how slick you really are.”
You shiver and slam the door closed as Namjoon sinks to his knees. 
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The amount of times the two of you fuck at work is utterly ridiculous after that. You have an actual conversation with him about kinks and hard limits and soft limits and all that fun grown-up stuff that’s necessary of an adult relationship, of course, and that only adds to the fire between the two of you. 
He’s more than willing to let you call him Sir while you’re on your hands and knees in front of him, and you’re absolutely willing to ride him into oblivion in those moments when he doesn’t want to be in charge or when he’s had a hard day at work and just wants to relax. Those are your favorite times, actually; when he just sits on the couch and drives himself up into you while you’re fucking yourself back down onto him, eyes clenched shut as his hands glide up your spine and knead your ass. 
The slow, lazy way his hips meet yours is absolutely addictive, you can’t even lie, but you can’t deny that it’s the moment after you’ve both cum that are the real danger. When you’re both panting and spent, laying against the soft sheets on his bed or the cool leather of your couch, and his arm drapes around your torso for those few moments it takes him to regain his breath. 
It’s dangerous, so dangerous, because you’ve already agreed not to have feelings involved in this. You’re friends with benefits, nothing more and nothing less, and you cannot let yourself forget that. Not in the mornings when you wander out in his shirt to find that he’s made breakfast - ordered it, actually, but it’s the thought that counts - or when you walk into work together and he doesn’t hesitate to open the doors for you without even breaking stride, as if it’s second nature to do so. As if he’s used to it. 
It’s when the two of you are at the mall together that reality hits you in the face. 
You’re both on the hunt for different things; he’s got a birthday present he still has to buy and wants to pick up some new treats and sweaters for Moni, while you’re on the hunt for a new toaster to rival that of your old one - which you destroyed on accident by using a metal fork to dig a piece of bread out of. While it was plugged in. And hot. 
Your hands still sting a little, but the ER nurse was adamant that you would be alright. So long as you didn’t try to electrocute yourself again.
“Wait, so you’re not going to be here for New Year’s Eve?” You clarify, popping a piece of chocolate into your mouth. 
“No, I’m heading up to Taehyung’s cabin with the rest of the guys. It’s an annual thing, I don’t even remember how it got started,” Namjoon tells you as he peers into the window of some box store that you already know isn’t going to have anything Taehyung will like. 
“Hm, I guess it’s good I work then, so I can walk Moni.” 
Namjoon shoots you an odd look. “You don’t work, and Jackson’s watching Moni.”
“Uh...I’m pretty sure I work on New Year’s Eve, Namjoon. I would’ve made plans otherwise.”
“Slick, I’m exactly one hundred percent sure the office is closed for New Year’s because it is every year.” He sneaks a piece of chocolate and wrinkles his nose when he realizes it’s mint chocolate. 
“No, because my schedule says-” You start, pulling your phone out to open said schedule so you can show him just how wrong he is. “That I work the next morning. That’s why I didn’t make plans.”
Namjoon just smiles and taps at the screen. “That’s December, Slick. You’re looking at December first.”
You pull the phone back and stare at it, horror washing over you when you see that he’s right. 
You’re going to be spending New Year’s alone, for the first time in years, and loneliness fills you at that thought. Your parents are an entire plane ride away, on vacation for their retirement in some tropical paradise that you can’t remember the name of; your old friends are in an entirely different city, likely already with plans of their own, and you don’t know nearly enough people at work or outside of it to have any idea what people are doing. 
“Oh man,” Namjoon breathes, clearly oblivious to the sudden onset of loneliness that’s hit you. “I knew it was going to be hilarious, but I had no idea it was going to be this good .”
You look up to find him focused on his phone, camera pointing at something you can’t quite make out through the small screen. You follow the view, a reluctant smile breaking out when you spot Hope on the Street dancing along to some holiday song while dressed as an elf. 
“Isn’t that the news anchor that got in trouble for doing anal?” You ask. Namjoon cackles - there’s no other word for it, it’s a cackle - and nods. 
“Yeah, Hoseok’s been forced into doing this as a publicity stunt. We’ve all been looking forward to seeing him do it, too, but god , I had no idea it would be this funny to see. Hobi as a Christmas elf, can you imagine?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s a close friend of mine,” Namjoon says, eyes never straying from the video as he plays it back. “He’s gonna be at the cabin too, with his girlfriend Cat. There’s like seven of us who all grew up in the same little neighborhood, and we all kept pretty close as we got older. It’s like a little mini-family.”
“Oh,” You say softly. Namjoon tucks his phone back into his pocket and looks around, lighting up as he spots something else. “I didn’t know you knew Hope on the Street.”
“Yeah, he’s a dork,” Namjoon says as he pulls you towards some children’s store. “Come on, I think Yoongi’s working and I like to watch his little dance when he makes the hearts.”
You barely pay attention as Namjoon hurries into the toy store. You don’t join him inside, too busy lost in your own thoughts. 
You should’ve realized, you scold yourself. You should’ve known better. You got comfortable, you got complacent and happy, too enamored with the way Namjoon feels inside of you and the warmth of his hand in yours to realize that you’re still on the outside. 
He and his friends are all going up to some cabin, with their girlfriends apparently, to hang out and have fun together for New Year’s. He didn’t invite you. You’ve lost yourself in the fantasy and complacency of how warm he feels, how it feels like coming home whenever you see him, even when you knew better. 
You knew better than to get attached. You told yourself, every step of the way, not to get attached, don’t develop feelings, it’s just sex, and yet…
And yet your heart is breaking in your chest that he didn’t invite you along, that he didn’t even think to do so. It’s not even fair to him, it’s not his fault that you got too caught up in the domesticity and familiarity of him to remember that this isn’t serious. Why would he invite you? You’re his roommate, a coworker, the girl he fucks every so often. You aren’t his girlfriend, you aren’t anyone important to his friends. 
You’re just the roommate. 
“Hey, look at this bear I made, it’s got a little microscope and everything! It’s perfect for-”
“Sorry,” You interrupt, ignoring the way Namjoon’s smile dims ever so slightly. “I just realized that I’ve got to finish up some analyses before the office closes for the holiday, I’ve gotta go do that. But it’s cute, Moni’ll love it.”
“Okay.” Namjoon’s voice is hushed, and his brows are drawn together. He can obviously tell something’s off, but if you’re lucky, maybe he won’t be able to pinpoint exactly what. “I’ll see you at home then.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you back at the apartment,” You say quickly, not even looking at him as you hurry off the other way. 
You just need space, you tell yourself. You just need some distance so you can get your emotions under control. You can’t be around him when all you want to do is kiss him senseless and tell him how much you want to wake up in his bed forever, how you never want to miss another walk with Moni. He can’t know. 
He won’t know.
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"I fucked up."
"You're going to have to be more specific," Jimin’s voice says from the other end of the phone. 
Namjoon groans, resisting the urge to slam his head back against the cabinets. He's standing in the kitchen now, staring longingly at the fridge and whatever food it may contain, because you’re out grocery shopping now, and he would love for you to come back to a hot meal, but there’s a reason you’re grocery shopping this late at night.
"You remember how in college everyone teased me because I'm terrible at one-night stands and I bet Hobi a week's groceries that I totally could?"
"Yes," Jimin says slowly. Something clinks on the other end of the line, and Namjoon wonders what Jimin’s having for dinner. His stomach rumbles in response and he heaves himself across the kitchen to dig through the fridge while Jimin continues. "I also remember how you spent weeks pining over said one-night stand while Hoseok filled the cupboards with every single thing he thought he could get away with buying. Why are you bringing that up now?"
Namjoom stays quiet but hums in victory as he unearths a pizza that isn’t too terribly old. “How long can pizza live in the fridge before it would kill me if I ate it?”
“If you have to ask that question, it’s been too long,” Jimin tells him. Namjoon debates, eyeing the pizza before deciding it looks fine and turning the oven on before sliding the pizza in. “Now, why are you bringing up one night stands and then pizza?”
"You remember how that new girl started at work a few months ago and we ate lunch together and then nearly got fired?"
"Yes, I distinctly remember writing you notes on takeout containers for weeks reminding you not to put foil in the microwave. What does-" Jimin stops, and Namjoon gets the distinct impression that if they were having this conversation in person, he’d be getting the Look. "Joon, tell me you didn't."
"I didn't have a one night stand with her," Namjoon assures him. 
"Good," Jimin says, heaving a sigh of relief. "God only knows what would happen with a one night stand with your roommate-"
"We're friends with benefits." 
Jimin chokes on whatever he’s eating and Namjoon winces sympathetically. 
"It's not that bad," The elder says before Jimin can scold him. "We're very sexually compatible. And she's amazing, Jimin, you don't even know-"
"Joon, isn't this the same girl you spent an entire four hours talking about the day she started working with you?"
"Yeah, so?"
The blonde gives a heavy sigh. Namjoon knows the younger well enough to know he’s shaking his head right now. 
"Please be careful, Namjoon," Jimin eventually says. 
"Oh, don't worry, we've both been tested, and we use condoms every time, there's nothing to worry about."
"That's not the kind of careful I mean," Jimin sighs. He's quiet for a minute as he eats and Namjoon waits for his pizza to be heated enough to eat. "Why do you say you fucked up if you’ve been careful?”
“I…” He hesitates. “I don’t know. I think she’s upset with me. We were at the mall the other day and it was fine, we were laughing at how Hobi looks dressed as an elf-”
“God that video was hilarious -”
“Right?!” They both laugh a little, fondly remembering the sight, before Namjoon sobers. “And then she just...changed. She got all quiet and skittish and ran off before I could give her the bear I made. She didn’t even look at it.”
“And it just happened out of nowhere? What were you talking about?”
“How she’s off work for New Year’s and I’m heading up to the cabin so she doesn’t have to watch Moni or anything, and then I saw Yoongi doing that dance at the store so I wanted to go watch him, and-” He stops, eyes focused on the air in front of him. 
“Joon? You good?”
“Hypothetically speaking,” He begins, a realization hitting him all at once, “What would happen if I put a pizza in the oven to reheat without taking it out of the box?”
“Oh my fucking god, Namjoon, get it out!”
There’s a flurry of smoke while Namjoon does just that and rushes to open the window so he can let some of the smoke out before you get back home. Jimin’s still berating him - albeit fondly - when he picks the phone back up. 
“It’s fine,” Namjoon says quickly, “It’s cool, nothing’s actually on fire anymore. And the pizza’s warm!”
“Oh my god, how have you survived this long.” Namjoon smiles at Jimin’s words; he gets a lot of shit for being wildly unobservant, but he knows that the others love him dearly. Why else would they still talk to him? Really, after the incident with the tub at Jungkook’s apartment, it’s truly a miracle he still has friends, and love is the only explanation. 
“But seriously, I don’t know what I did with Slick. Do you think I was too...obvious?”
“Namjoon,” Jimin says seriously. “If this girl is anything like you, and based on that time she tried to screenshot a crack in phone screen I’m inclined to believe she is, then I think the issue is that you aren’t being obvious enough . You said she got all weird after you mentioned the cabin, right?”
“Yeah. I thought she’d be happy that she wouldn’t be stuck with Moni, but-”
“Did you consider that since she thought she was working, she doesn’t have any other plans and is now stuck in the apartment by herself since she just moved here recently?”
“Oh.” Guilt surges through him as the door opens and your voice echoes that you picked up some takeout while you were gone. “I gotta go.”
“Ah-ah,” Jimin says quickly. “My payment?”
“Yes, Jimin, I love you dearly, you are the light of my life, I would never have survived this long were it not for your sage wisdom, I owe you my firstborn.”
“Much better! Some of the others could learn from you.” Jimin’s laugh continues long after he’s hung up, Namjoon is sure of it. 
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You aren’t sure why the apartment smells like smoke when you get back, but you decide not to question it and just be grateful you had the foresight to pick up some takeout on your way back from the store. 
 When you get into the kitchen, Namjoon is there, with a smoking pizza box on the stove beside him. He’s not in his work clothes; instead, he looks comfortable and cozy in some sweats and a faded tee with his glasses halfway down his nose. Your heart lurches painfully in your chest at the sight and you force yourself to remember that he isn’t yours . 
“Hey! Did you hear me? I got takeout, since I figured neither of us wanted to cook. And I’m glad I did, what’s with the smoke?” A thought strikes you as you set the bags on the table. “Oh no, did you try to use the toaster? I told you not to, it got weird after that night with the fork, we need to replace it.”
“Do you wanna go to the cabin?” 
You freeze, halfway to the fridge to put away the ice cream that he likes. “What?” You ask. 
“The cabin. Do you want to go with me for New Year’s Eve, with everyone?” Namjoon takes the ice cream and finishes your journey for you, sticking it in the freezer without a second thought. “If you don’t want to take advantage of a quiet apartment, that is. You’re welcome to join, and I figured that was obvious, but then I realized that it may not be, so I wanted to offer.”
“With you and all of your friends? I don’t really... know any of them.” 
“That’s fine, they’re not that bad. They’re all pretty friendly, once you get to know them at least.” Namjoon says as he takes some vegetables out of your hands to put them in the fridge as well. “And I have no doubt that the others are going to bring some of their friends. Yoongi’s girlfriend will be there, she seems sweet. And Cat and Star are always nice, you’d love them.” 
You hesitate, though you aren’t sure why. This is what you wanted, so why doesn’t it make you happy?
“Besides, they’ll all be happy to have another friend around to bother. Jin loves to feed people.” Namjoon flashes his dimples at you and your heart does something complex that you can’t explain. There’s the rush of excitement and the skipped beat that always comes with his dimples, but it twists and clenches as well. Because of course, he’s just taking you as a friend. 
You’re friends. And that’s fine. If you repeat yourself enough times then you’ll believe it. You have to. 
“Yeah, sure!” You say with a grin. “I’d like that. They always sound so fun, it’ll be nice to meet them for real.”
Namjoon beams and helps you put the rest of the groceries away before you both settle in to eat. It’s not anything fancy, simple and quick and just enough to get the two of you through the night so that you didn’t have to cook. You chat about work as you do, a few sequences that might prove promising if you can work them the right way. 
It’s afterward, as you’re both curled up on opposite sides of the couch while some nature documentary plays in the background, that you notice it. 
He’s been fidgety all night, even before you left to get the food, and you didn’t think anything of it before. But now he’s even worse, hands rubbing along his thighs nervously while he shoots you look after look, which you have no doubt he thinks you don’t notice. 
“What is up with you?” You ask him eventually, ignoring the way some bug is eating another bug’s head onscreen. 
“Nothing,” he says in a rush. “Just...ready for bed.”
“Then go to bed.” You say it like it’s obvious, because it is. If he’s so ready to sleep, then he should go; neither of you has ever expected the other to stay up and watch TV together. You’re individuals.
“Okay,” he says softly, adjusting his glasses as he stands. He gets all the way to his bedroom door before he comes back, hovering awkwardly in the hall entrance for several seconds before he finally sits back down on the couch. Now, however, he’s sitting with his thigh pressed against yours, the heat radiating through the shorts you’re wearing and searing into your skin. 
He’s still fidgety, still uneasy for some reason, and it’s as you turn to ask him what the hell’s going on that he pulls you into a kiss. It’s soft and lingering and it makes your stomach flip in all the ways it isn’t supposed to. 
“If you wanted to have sex, you should have just said so,” You whisper against his lips. You can feel it more than hear it as he starts to say something and then cuts himself off with a sigh. 
“I wanna be inside you,” he says instead. “Please.”
Heat pools between your legs, even at such simple words, and you find yourself nodding. He kisses you again, frantic and much more heated than before, and you can already tell what it’ll be like tonight. 
You’re right, too; it’s quick and dirty. You don’t even make it to the bed, not at first. He cages you against the wall in the hallway and slides a hand between your bodies to start to draw your first orgasm out. It’s the whine from the dog that makes you realize where you are, pulling apart long enough to stare at where Moni sits at the hallway entrance, head cocked to the side and watching you with a confused stare. 
That gets you into the bedroom, the door shut behind you as you fall together onto the bed. The two of you barely get your clothes off before Namjoon’s sliding inside of you and groaning at the feeling. 
“Fuck, Slick, you’re so wet,” he whispers against your skin as he thrusts. You can hardly make words, too focused on the way he fits inside of you and the absolute certainty that you cannot say a single word running through your head. 
Not that you’re in love with the way he holds your hips so gently as he thrusts, not how he whispers praise and adoration against you with every press of his lips to your skin, and certainly not how you want to stay like this forever. That you’re absolutely positive you’ve broken the cardinal rules of being fuckbuddies. 
Don’t get feelings. 
But you were a fool, anyway. Because it’s easy to break rules, especially when you go into it with feelings. 
The first orgasm hits you with a shockwave, and with the way Namjoon hits your g-spot, it’s followed by a second shortly after. Your hands claw into the sheets as he fills the condom, and it only takes a minute for him to clean himself up enough to relax in the bed beside you, but you hardly notice; you’re too busy adjusting to the emptiness that you’re left with now that he isn’t inside you, the yearning that fills you down to your bones with the need to be wrapped up in his arms and cradled to his chest as you both drift to sleep.
You force yourself up before you can get comfortable, fatigue sweeping through your bones. 
“I’m, uh, I’m gonna go shower,” You tell him. It’s a feat to keep your voice neutral, but you think you manage. “And then head to bed, I think. Uh, thanks. For the orgasms.”
The door to the bathroom closes behind you before he can even get a word out, and you force the image of his confused face out of your mind as you turn the water on. It takes every part of you to resist the urge to linger in the hot spray for longer than you need to be there, but you manage. 
By the time you’re slipping into bed, the light in Namjoon’s room is off and you can hear Moni settling into bed beside Namjoon. You can practically see them, curled up together all warm and settled in together. Content. 
You slip between your own sheets and wrap the fluffy blanket around you. Emotions are swirling in your gut and you do your best to ignore them all. You don’t need to focus on the way you want to be there with them, the way you want to curl your body into his with Moni between you, just the way he likes on the couch. 
“This is the worst idea I’ve ever had,” You tell yourself with a sigh as you try to fall asleep in your lonely bed. 
You don’t know that across the hall, Namjoon lays awake with Moni beside him, wondering how he fucked up so badly that you’re not in his arms anymore. He’d have every intention to tell you about his feelings. He wanted to end this friends-with-benefits thing, put it to rest so that he could take you out for real. So you could be together , for real. 
But you’d just bolted the second he was collapsing onto the bed, like you were running from something, and he wasn’t about to keep you here when you don’t want to be here. 
Still, he thinks as Moni burrows under the blankets to get closer to him, he can’t help but wish you were up against him as well, with your breathing steady and quiet as you sleep and he can feel your chest move with it. 
He just really wishes that you wanted that too.
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The drive to the cabin is uneventful. You and Namjoon talk about work most of the way, chatting amicably about a few things that got corrupted in the data that have been frustrating to rebuild and how excited Moni was to see Jackson when he picked the pup up that day. 
You’re only a little nervous when you spot the wooden sign specifying that it belongs to the Kims. You’ve heard a lot of stories about Namjoon’s friends, seen one or two in passing when they come by the apartment to see Namjoon, though you tend to give them space when that happens. 
Still, nothing could ever compare to the welcome that greets you. There’s some kind of karaoke going on, with Taehyung and Star watching from the couch. There are crutches propped up nearby and you wonder what the story is there for the few seconds before your attention is drawn to the kitchen, where who you assume is Seokjin is scolding someone for shoving entirely too many cookies into their mouth. You catch sight of someone - blonde, giggling, followed by a sweet-looking girl - run out of the kitchen with his cheeks puffed out and crumbs on his lips, and you shoot Namjoon a look. 
“Jimin,” He explains with a grin. “C’mon, let’s go claim the den before someone else can get to it.”
That night is hectic, to say the least. Namjoon was right when he said his friends are welcoming, though; everyone is friendly and talkative - except for Pumpkin, Seokjin’s best friend who genuinely looks like she’s about to murder someone for the few moments that you see her during dinner but Namjoon assures you “That’s just her face, I promise.” Even when the boys get to reminiscing about the days they spent in that cul-de-sac, they include everyone else in their stories. 
Especially fun is when they all come up with theories about why Cat and Hobi are late, and while from what you’ve heard so far tonight, you agree with the proposal that they’re probably fucking, you still feel a sliver of worry for them. 
It’s the mention of sex that gets your stomach churning, though. Because Namjoon shoots you a knowing look, the same one he gets when you wear those ultra-short shorts around the house that he adores, and you already know what he wants. You can’t even say you don’t want it, too, because you don’t think you could ever turn down the opportunity to have him like that. It’s just so bittersweet when it ends-
“I’m going to start on dessert,” Seokjin states as he gathers plates. Yoongi and Peaches are gone in record time, and Taehyung and Star follow not long after, though it takes considerably longer with the way Taehyung helps her. Seokjin calls after them all that he’ll have dessert ready in a little while, and Namjoon shoots you another look when Jimin and Pumpkin don’t move from the table. 
“C’mon,” Namjoon whispers, grabbing your hand and urging you down the hallway. “Get our bags, we’re gonna steal Jin’s room.”
“That doesn’t seem like the best idea,” You whisper in return, though you do in fact grab the bags as he directs. “Isn’t that also Pumpkin’s room? Are we sure she won’t murder us?”
“No, it’ll be fine, Jin would never let her.” The thought isn’t as comforting as Namjoon means it to be, but you manage to get your bags in the room and their bags out without anyone the wiser. 
You realize your mistake too late. This room only has one bed. A singular sleeping area. The den has couches, you would have been fine, but you can’t sleep here. You can’t share the bed with Namjoon; it’s entirely too dangerous. Getting to see him still completely sleep soft, warm against you as the two of you doze in the early morning light? 
There would be no coming back from that. 
The thought leaves nearly as quick as it enters, driven away by the slide of Namjoon’s arms as he wraps them around you. 
"Do you want it, Slick?" His voice is deep and rumbling, almost a purr in your ear, and it makes your knees weak. It's truly ridiculous how easy it is for him to rile you up, but fuck , can you really complain?
Except you can, because it's not what you want. It's not everything you want. You can't ask for more, though, not when he doesn't want to give it.
His hands snake towards the waistband of your pants - fancy grey pinstriped pants that you bought specifically because Namjoon told you that Seokjin has a fancy dress code for New Year's Eve - and your heart jumps up into your throat. You spin in his arms, doing your best to look enthusiastic. 
"I want to blow you," You tell him as you sink to your knees. He leans back against the wall and quirks a brow, but he nods his agreement.
You set to work almost immediately; you're determined to make this the best blowjob of his life. It's the least you can do. You don't tell him that, though; you can't tell him. Not this. Not that you're so deeply entrenched in your feelings for him that you're afraid if you don't get out now you won't be able to. Not that you can't bear to have him touch you because you're afraid of what will come out of your mouth, what you might say or reveal that he doesn't want to know. 
Not when you're going to have to end this, as you decided while laying in bed two nights ago, cold and exhausted and utterly alone. 
You focus again on Namjoon, reminding yourself to pay attention. His dick is big - big enough that your fingers can only barely meet when you wrap them around it, but it means your jaw aches deliciously when you go down on him, and you adore the feeling of it in your throat.
So you swallow him down completely, burying him to the hilt with one swift movement. You've been practicing, and it has clearly paid off if the choked moan that escapes him is any indication. His hands tangle in your hair, not pulling or pushing but instead just sitting there and moving with you as you pull off just to bury him again. 
You look up and are pleased to find that his eyes are screwed shut, jaw clenched tight against the moans building inside of his chest. But that won't do at all. The best blowjob of his life can't possibly be one where he doesn't even look at you.
To rectify the situation, you bring one hand up to tease at his balls, squeezing ever so slightly in the way you know he likes as you swallow around his cock. He does moan then, fingers clenching in your hair as he opens his eyes to look down at you. 
"Fuck, just like that, Slick," He pleads. "Again, please again, it's perfect." You comply, humming an affirmative around his dick that makes him shudder before you swallow around him again. "God, fuck , you're so fucking perfect. Fucking amazing, the best, I can't believe I get to have this-"
Namjoon continues, mumbling in and out of coherency as you bop your head up and down on his cock. He's thick and heavy in your mouth and it feels like heaven on your tongue - it always does - and just when you think you can never get enough-
"Fuck, I love you so much, Slick, you're a god damn angel."
You pull off his dick, staring wide-eyed at him. Namjoon whines and looks down at you, clearly not comprehending what's just come out of his mouth.
"Fuck," He mutters. "Fuck, shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I don't...I'm so sorry I didn't want you to know, especially not like this. Shit. "
"Are you serious?" You ask as you stand back up. Namjoon makes a belated movement to help steady you, blood flowing back into your calves from where you were kneeled down for a while, but he stops himself. He doesn't even look at you, really, instead staring out the window nearby. "Namjoon, seriously. Did you mean that?"
"I mean…" He hesitates, rubbing a hand over his jaw. "Yeah. I did. I do. It's still new so I can't be entirely sure, but I think that's what this is." 
He heaves a sigh and tucks himself back into his slacks before moving to sit on the bed, one hand running through his platinum hair. 
"You weren't supposed to know," He mutters. "I thought I could keep it a secret. I didn't want to make it weird between us since you don't…" 
"Since I don't...feel the same?" You ask as you sit beside him. "You really...care about me like that?"
"Yeah," Namjoon whispers with a grin. It's fond and sweet and everything you've ever wanted and it's so unbearably familiar because it's how he's always looked at you. "Ever since we almost burned the lab down, I think."
"Same," You breathe, and you can't deny the way that you love the light that sparks in his eyes at that. "Ever since you ate the vegetables out of my rice and gave me your eggrolls." 
"Are you-"
"Yeah," You say with a laugh. "I guess we're kind of both at fault for this, then."
"Can I…" Namjoon trails off, searching for the words he wants. His hands move to wrap around yours, lacing your fingers together as he gives you a smitten smile. "We've been fucking for a while. As you know. But would you do me the honor of letting me make love to you?" 
You gulp, an audible and atrocious thing, because his words send a surge of desire straight to your core. He's right, you have been fucking, because that's the only thing the two of you can call it. You don't make eye contact, you don't sleep over, there are rules , but god, the two of you break everything else, so why not this?
"Please," You whisper.  
His lips are on yours in an instant, his hands following quickly after to strip your clothes off. You can't be sure when his clothes join the pile on the floor, just that one moment your fists are clenched in his shirt and the next, you're raking your nails down his bare back as he sucks purple marks into your neck. 
"God, you're beautiful," He mutters. "Fucking divine." 
"Then I match you, don't I?" You whisper. Two of his fingers slide into you, and both of you moan at the feeling. He glides them against your walls, teasing that one spot inside of you that he knows you adore, and you whine a little.
"Patience, my dear," He chuckles. When you whine again he grins, dimples making your stomach flip. "Alright then, Slick. Let me get a condom."
"No," You say quickly. "We've been exclusive, right? No risk or anything like that. I've got the implant. 98% effective. I want…"
"Say it, love," Namjoon breathes, eyes never leaving yours. 
"I want to feel you. Please." He nods at your words and settles between your thighs once more. Your breath hitches in your throat at the thought of what's to come. 
"Tell me if you want to stop," he says as he presses kisses to your neck, up your throat, and across your cheeks. He does it all to distract you as he slides inside, but he doesn't need to. You've been fucking him for months now, you know exactly how big he is, and you're more than ready for it. 
What you aren't ready for is the way his skin feels against your walls, how you can feel every pulse and throb of his cock inside you. It's better than anything you've ever felt, beyond any descriptors you could find, and it only gets better as he slides out and then back in. 
His pace is slow but steady, a rhythmic glide to it that's making you obscenely wet. It's a stark contrast to the gentle way he kisses you, the softness of his lips against yours. The sound of his skin hitting yours fills the room as he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. 
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," You tell him, sliding your hands along every inch of skin you can get. 
Nothing is loud enough to mask the sound of the door opening, however, and when you glance over you can see that Hoseok and Cat have apparently finished whatever the fuck it was they were doing. 
You shy back, doing your best to cover yourself from their eyes, but Namjoon's pace doesn't falter. 
" Taken ," He growls. He doesn't even break eye contact as he does so, and the way his hand tightens on your hip makes you think he isn't just talking about the bedroom. 
Thankfully the couple disappears after that, closing the door behind them as they go, and it flips a switch inside Namjoon somehow. 
His pace speeds up, pistoning in and out of you mercilessly. He starts to angle his hips, searching until you finally cry out with your back arching up off the bed itself. He just smiles and continues to hit that spot, one hand moving to support your back while the other rubs teasing circles into your clit. 
"That's it, love," he purrs. "Wanna watch you come for me like this. Let yourself fall apart on my cock, Slick, I'll be right here. I've got you." 
You really wish you could figure out what exactly it is he does then; some kind of swivel of his hips while his fingers do some complicated twist or something, you have no doubt, but nevertheless, it's got you unraveling underneath him. You clench around him, harder than you ever have, and you can feel the sheets soaking underneath you from the strength of your orgasm. 
It takes barely two more thrusts for Namjoon to come as well, stilling slightly as his cum hits your walls for the first time. It's warm and you can feel it settling inside of you, but you can't say you don't enjoy it. 
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You're both panting, out of breath and exhausted and having worked all the food Seokjin made out of your system. Namjoon disappears for a few seconds before returning with a warm cloth to clean you up; his hands are tender as he does so, and you find yourself falling even deeper. 
After a quick power nap and an even quicker quickie - because Namjoon insisted that it wasn't fair that you got to go down on him but he didn't get to go down on you - the two of you mingle with the others. Hoseok and Cat fit seamlessly into the group, filling a space you hadn't realized was missing during dinner. It's obvious to you, as you lean against the kitchen island and watch them all, just how much this group loves each other. Even the newcomers, like the new girlfriends, are absorbed so perfectly into the existing group that it's as if they never left.
Hell, even Pumpkin is smiling a little, although you can't be sure it's not just because Seokjin looks Like That. 
"Ooh, icing," Namjoon says as he comes to join you in the kitchen. Seokjin barely gets a chance to say anything as Namjoon drags his thumb across the white droplet and sucks it into his mouth. 
The baker looks horrified, and you wish you knew why. Namjoon agrees, based on the look on his face. 
"What?" Namjoon asks. "It was good." Seokjin's face is as pale as it can possibly get when he waves Namjoon away, and you have a sneaking suspicion of just what your boyfriend put in his mouth. 
You don't bother to hide your smile as said boyfriend comes over to you and hands you a glass of champagne.
"What are you so happy about?" He asks teasingly.
"You," You tell him honestly. It's worth it when he ducks his head, shy smile making his dimples stand out even as he tries to hide it. "I adore you."
Namjoon doesn't respond, just kisses you. He breaks away for a few minutes, saying something to someone else, and when the clock strikes midnight, he presses another gentle kiss to your lips.
"What are you wishing for?" He asks. 
"Midnight wishes? Really?" You tease. He cocks a brow and you smile. "I don't need to wish for anything. I got everything I wanted this year." 
"Really? Everything?" 
You nod, straightening his tie ever so slightly. "And what about you? What are you wishing for?"
"Oh, that's easy." He wraps an arm around you and grins. "For you to finally accept the bear I made you that day in the mall."
"Moni loves that thing, I couldn't possibly take it from him."
"But it's got a microscope! And a lab coat!"
Well then," You tell him, dropping your voice so the others won't hear. "I suppose you'll have to make me another." 
He glances over to where Yoongi and Peaches stand and then back to you. 
"Covert mission to also get another for Jisoo?"
"Glad we're on the same page here," You tell him with a smile.
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fantastic-bby · 5 years
Business Is Business - Mafia AU
Chapter 1
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Mafia involvement, murder, suicide, self harm, violence
Chap.2 || Chap.3 || Chap.4 || Chap.5 ||
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Their breaths came out as fogs as they walked through the streets of Seoul. His hands were full of bags as he tried to keep up with his sister, his whines never ceasing to how she was making him carry all the bags. 
“Hyun Jae, why can’t you carry any of the bags?” He whined out. Hyun Jae turned around to him, walking backwards, and lifted the tiniest of the bags that was in her hand as well as her clutch in her other,
“My hands are full, Hongjoong. Sorry.” She snickered at him before turning back around. He let out a groan, the sound of the bags dropping to the floor making her stop her footsteps and turn around to face him. 
“Why did we buy so much shit again? It’s not like we’re going to stay in that apartment often anyway.” He grumbled as he looked at the amount of bags that were sitting on the pavement. 
“Most of it is either food or your stuff.” She shrugged, finally helping him to carry some of the bags, “Four of these bags are from the music store and only one of them is mine.” Hongjoong stretched his back, 
“God, I feel like an old man.” He let out another groan, a small crack coming from his back before peeking into the bags, “The heavier bags are the ones filled with things you bought from Typo and Miniso.” He said to her matter-of-factly. Hyun Jae stuck her tongue out at him, putting down one of the bags and picking up one of the lighter ones, 
“I was about to carry a heavy bag but now you carry all the heavy bags.” She turned on the heel of her boot and started walking. He quickly picked up the bags and jogged to keep up with her. 
“Yah! Kim Hyun Jae!” He called out with a sigh as he chased after her. 
“We’re almost at the train station so you’ll be able to rest.” She said as she pulled one of the bags from his hands, the softer side she had for her brother starting to show as they approached the entrance to the train station. 
They made their way down and into the station, stepping into the train. They were lucky there were two empty seats right as they stepped in and Hongjoong quickly sat down and dumped the bags on the floor with a sigh. Hyun Jae took a seat beside him and watched as he stretched. 
“My entire body is going to ache so bad tomorrow. Why did we go shopping a day before dance practice?” He groaned, finally relaxing in the plastic seat of the train. “I’m just glad we’re going home.” He leaned his head back against the glass as Hyun Jae pulled her phone out of her poofy winter jacket, her eyes widening and her lips parted slightly. 
“Joong,” She held her phone up in front of his face, his eyes widening at the sudden action. His wide eyes squinted as he read the message, 
“No way.” He reached into the pocket of his jacket to pull out of his own phone. He let out a laugh, quickly stifling it when he received strange looks from the other passengers. “I can’t believe he actually got caught.” He lowered his voice and continued to read the news article sent by his members, “I actually thought he would get away with it.” 
“Yeah, you did.” She snorted as she held her hand out in front of him. He rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10 thousand won note, slapping it in her hand. “Min Yu may be smart but he’s not thorough enough at hiding evidence and I had to clean it up for him once.”
“I know, I was hoping I could just win some money.” He sighed, “What did they find?” He asked as he pulled his earphones out of his pocket. 
“According to Jongho he left his beanie at the murder site. What a genius.” She rolled her eyes before locking her phone and putting it in her pocket. He plugged one of his earphones into his ears and held up the other. “New song?” She asked when she saw the earphone. She plugged it into her ear, “Tell me again how you’re going to debut as a Kpop idol and have time for the business?” She asked as he scrolled through the audio files on his phone. 
“The other guys can handle on their own if we’re busy. They can always call me if they need me.” He shrugged, pressing play on one of the songs. “We finally finished it. It’s called “Treasure.” The song was amazing, leaving Hyun Jae speechless and in awe as she listened to the song. 
Both of them had a musical passion but Hongjoong was the only one actively pursuing it by becoming a trainee at KQ Entertainment. Hyun Jae on the other hand, was more interested in psychology. She spent her time studying the human mind, emotions and body language. Her ability to read a person by just talking to them for a moment was a key benefit for their ‘side job’.
“This sounds amazing.” She said as she pulled out the earphone, “Is this the song you’re debuting with?” She asked him, her eyes sparkling with admiration for her brother. 
“Treasure and Pirate King are the title tracks for the first EP.” He nodded. He had already played Pirate King for his sister a few days back and told her he was only going to play her the rest of the EP after they officially release it. 
“I can’t wait for the release. I’m so proud of you, Joong.” She smiled at him, “I’m sure if mum and dad were still here they’d be proud too. You know how much they wanted you to become an idol.” She bumped his shoulder with hers.
“Thanks, Jae.” He smiled back, his eyes trailing to the floor of the train, “If they were still here they’d probably laugh at Min Yu too.” He snorted. They shared a look, taking a moment to silently mourn their late parents. 
“If they were still alive they would whip us so bad for the way we handle the business.” Hyun Jae spoke up with a chuckle. 
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Hongjoong laughed. “Dad would be so upset that we don’t spend all of our time at the office.” He looked at Hyun Jae, “Mum would be so pissed that I dragged you into it.” 
“I couldn’t leave you to do this alone. We haven’t been separated since we were born, what makes them think we’d part ways if one of us had to join the mafia.” She laughed, shaking her head slightly. 
“Are we ever going to part ways?” He asked after a moment. The question was sudden and it made his sister look up at him in slight shock. She didn’t know how to answer him. They were bound to part ways and the thought of it saddened both of them as they were hoping it wouldn’t happen too soon. “I meant before one of us ends up getting married. We’re not going to separate before that, right?” He looked up at her, the glint of anxiety in eyes making her understand that he was as scared as she was about losing one another. 
“I won’t leave you, Hongjoong. I promise.” She raised her pinky finger out in front of him and he smiled slightly, raising his own to lock their pinkies together. 
“Twins forever, right?”
“Of course.” She nodded. Once the train reached their stop, Hongjoong was more than ready to just get home and lay down to soothe his already aching body. They were lucky that the stop was literally right outside their apartment building which meant less walking for both of them. They made their way up the building and stepped into the apartment, the sound of bags almost violently rustling as Hongjoong struggled to make his way into the apartment. Hyun Jae was following behind him, locking the door and laughing at his effort.
“It’s not funny! I might fall and die!” He whined out when he heard her laughter. 
“Okay! Okay, sorry!” She laughed as she helped him with the bags. They dumped the bags on the carpeted floor of their living room, Hongjoong letting out a sigh at the relief of letting go of the weight on his arms. 
“Please tell me we don’t have to do another shopping spree too soon.” He groaned out as he massaged his arms. 
“I think we’re pretty set for now. We have all the food we need for what looks like the next month.” Hyun Jae answered as she looked through the bags. She went and started to restock their kitchen, letting her brother use the shower first. She carried her bags into her bedroom, looking through everything she had bought. She pulled out a vintage polaroid camera from one of the bags and placed it on her shelf among other vintage items. 
She took a step back and admired the shelf, her collection was slowly growing as the years were passing and she felt a sense of pride fill her heart. The sound of the bathroom door opening and closing made her grab her robe, heading out of her room only to be faced with Hongjoong in the living room, full moon on display and towel on the floor.
“JOONG!” She screamed as she covered her eyes, “What did I say about being naked?!” She scolded him.
“Sorry!” He quickly picked his towel back up off of the floor, “My towel dropped on the way back to my room!” She only opened her eyes when she heard his bedroom door shut. 
“Next time your towel drops just run into your room!” She yelled out, receiving a muffled ‘sorry’ from his bedroom. Being roommates with her identical twin brother meant she had to set ground rules so that he wouldn’t do dumb things out of his bedroom. 
Hyun Jae was slightly more mature than Hongjoong was when it came to family and whenever they were at home but Hongjoong was, in general, more mature than his sister was; especially when it came to business. Hongjoong was the leader of their mob. After their father had passed away a few years before, their mother had to take charge. But with a scuffle with a rival gang, Hongjoong was forced to take charge along with Hyun Jae. 
The original plan was that he would be a mob boss on his own, but knowing his tendency to trust people more easily that he should, his sister took to his side. She didn’t doubt his ability as a leader for once second but she was worried he would overstep certain details when running the mob. He wasn’t as thorough as she was. She was a perfectionist - not meticulously - and she was way more observant than he was, meaning she would be able to pinpoint a person’s behaviour before he could and was able to judge whether they could trust them or not. 
Their bond was strong. Most of the men that worked under them felt as if them working together was better than if only one of them was on their own. They had that connection only twins would have, being able to understand each other’s feelings and thoughts on a level that seemed as though their minds were one. It was almost telepathic and it seemed to scare new people. No one had been able to get between them. Attempts made by rival mobs to try and turn them on each other failed miserably and soon most mobs and gangs already knew better than to try and make tear them apart. 
Hyun Jae took a quick shower, stepping out of the bathroom in her robe. Hongjoong was stood in the kitchen with his phone pressed to his ear, 
“It’s not that fucking hard!” He yelled into the phone. Hyun Jae stood at the counter, drying her hair with a towel as she listened to the conversation once she realised he was using his work phone. “Do we have to clean his mess every time? Exactly. Tie him up, Hyun Jae and I will be there soon.” He sighed as he ended the call, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. 
“The rookie again?” Hyun Jae asked and Hongjoong nodded. 
“God, he’s actually incompetent.” He angrily put his phone on the counter, standing with his hands on his hips for a moment, “We have to go down there. We gotta get rid of him.” He sighed once again. 
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“You messed up too many times, kid.” Hyun Jae said, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the rookie. His hands were bound behind his back and he was sitting on a chair, fear etched on his face.
“I-I’m sorry. P-Please d-d-don’t k-kill me.” He whimpered out. 
“There’s nothing else we can do. We can’t just let you off the hook that easily. You know too much already.” She looked him dead in the eye, “I already gave you a warning before this mission. It’s not that easy to fuck up that job especially with Yunho’s guidance. All you needed to do was get information and get out. How the fuck did you fuck that up?!” She exploded. He winced at the sudden change in tone of her voice. “Now the government could be on our tail and it’s your fault. Too many fuck ups and too big of one. You’re out.” She moved away from him. 
“Sorry, kid. We just can’t let you run free.” Hongjoong shrugged as he turned to one of his men, “Don’t let his body be found.” He ordered him. 
“No! Wait” The rookie cried out as two men started to pick him up. “Please! I won’t tell anyone!” He continued to cry as they dragged him out of the room. Hyun Jae massaged her temples with her fingers, 
“I told you he would fuck up. He’s a kid.” She groaned, her eyes shut as she heard Hongjoong let out a sigh from beside her, 
“I was hoping we could save him. Who else did he have?” 
“Hyung,” The voice of one of their younger members made them look up. Jongho had peeked his head into the room.
“What is it?” Hongjoong asked. 
“Yunho hyung and Yeosang hyung cleaned up the trail. It should be okay now.” He said, gesturing for them to leave the room and to follow him. The twins followed him out and into the computer room, one of the walls lined with a small row of computer monitors. They were met with the other members of the group Hongjoong was going to debut with; their most trusted members of the mob. 
“Sorry about that, Hongjoong hyung and Hyun Jae noona.” Yunho sat up from one of the desks, his face full of regret. “I shouldn’t have let him do it but I wanted him to learn. Yeosang managed to wipe our digital trail and attach it to another device offshore.” He explained. 
“I don’t blame you. I shouldn’t have let him into this in the first place.” Hongjoong sighed, giving Yunho a light pat on the back. They all nodded, lowering their heads slightly.  All eight of the members had their strengths, making their mob stronger in multiple different methods. 
Right under Hongjoong and Hyun Jae was Seonghwa, the oldest among all of them. He was the most mature out of all of them; slightly more mature as Hongjoong was. He came from a background that wasn’t exactly too wealthy but he was worth more than anyone else in the mob. He was good at theft - more specifically grand theft - and was able to steal loads of money and valuable items without being caught. He didn’t need anyone to clear his footprints, he was able to leave clean and fund the mob without much hassle. 
Yunho was in charge of stealing information physically and often worked with Yeosang. He knew how the inside of the Korean government worked and was able to provide information on how to work around their system. His ability to sneak into buildings had found them the plans for advanced weaponry, the most hunted mobs, and ways to evade the government. His ability had managed to save the mob from being slaughtered after he had found out when and where the government were going to look next. 
Yeosang was their tech guy. Years and years of gaming had led him to building a strategic mind. He knew how to break every firewall and knew how to get into the digital database of any top secret government facility. His digital knowledge combined with Yunho’s ability had allowed them to successfully complete break ins cleanly. His love for drones had also led him to pick up creating and inventing multiple devices that only needed him to work from a computer, making it easier for them to cover up their trail when he needed to complete a job. There were times where he didn’t leave the office, sending in other men with his creations to finish the job successfully. 
San was among the top three in their group. He was the best at bribery and knew every corrupt police officer in South Korea. He had the most connections in and out of Korea. He could get his hands on any information required on any government and his strength in martial arts also made it easier for him to travel around without any extra people to keep him safe. He could blend into groups and disappear from anyone that was targeting him. He and Seonghwa’s families had worked together prior to joining Hongjoong, both of them sharing their abilities to commit multiple crimes together for the benefit of their mobs. 
Mingi was the riskiest out of all of them. He was the most willing to do everything and anything and he was the best at handling weapons. His aim on a gun was the best, his knife skills were peaked and he could learn how to use any weapon within a short span of time. He was their shield, leaving misleading evidence to keep cops off of their trail and was the only one who had ever let off a C4 before. He was also their sniper. His precise aim could take out anyone from miles away and he was usually the first one to let them know whether it was safe to continue or not. 
Wooyoung was their interrogator. He knew his way around torture and kidnap, bringing back useful bodies for information. He was in charge of every interrogation and had been successful for a good majority of his torture. He seemed to have a knack for interrogation, originally wanting to join the police force but had to change his path when he had accidentally stained himself with a criminal record with a petty crime. After he met Hongjoong, his desire for being in the police force quickly changed to him growing on being on the opposite side. 
Their youngest and strongest member was Jongho. His strength could take down guards and officers almost twice his size and he knew Hongjoong and Hyun Jae even before he joined their mob due to their father’s being allies. He was feared by most gangs and even the men that worked under the twins for his strength. He was the only one among them that could fight the longest due to his stamina, typically working alongside San to make the job easier since Jongho wasn’t that good at working alone. He couldn’t disappear as well as the other members and working with San was slowly teaching him how he could blend into the crowd when needed. 
All of them were close. Their relationships with Hongjoong also bloomed a close relationship with Hyun Jae. They were able to separate their lives in the mafia from their personal lives. Business meant business and family meant family but they had created a bond together that was stronger than family. All of them willing to die for each other. Hongjoong knew they could make mistakes but he also knew that they were capable of picking themselves us and taking their own consequences, making him trust them even more. Both him and Hyun Jae knew that without them, the mob would’ve been caught long ago. 
“Hyun Jae noona, has Hongjoong hyung played you Treasure yet?” San asked as they left restaurant that was hiding their office.
“Yeah, it’s really good.” She nodded, “He played it for me just now when we were on the train. It has a great melody, good rhythm and amazing vocals.” She winked at him, a small blush creeping on his cheeks. 
“Whose voice do you think is the best?” Yunho asked, knowing that question would most likely put her on the spot. 
“If I had to choose? Mine.” She joked, earning a whine from him. “I don’t want to make anyone feel shitty, but Jongho’s vocals are always the most impressive.” She commented, sticking her hands in the pocket of her jacket as the temperature seemed to drop a bit more.
“Of course they are,” Hongjoong scoffed, “That’s why he’s our main vocalist.” He turned to Jongho who was smiling proudly, feeling himself fill with warmth at the praise he was getting from his older members. 
“ATEEZ is going to be huge. I can feel it.” Hyun Jae smiled at them, all of them flashing her smiles with their eyes full of excitement. 
“Noona, are you going to follow us on tour?” Wooyoung asked. They were all hoping she could tag along, but with having to take care of the mob, she was too worried to leave Korea with her brother. 
“I don’t think so, Wooyoungie.” She shook her head, Hongjoong quickly turning his head towards her, 
“What? Why?” He asked. He hadn’t officially asked her to follow along but he was hoping she would, not wanting to leave her on her own. 
“I don’t want to leave the mob alone. At least if I stay, I can try and keep things in line until you get back.” She explained. 
“Jae, come on, they can handle themselves. I trust Jung Hee hyung has been here since dad was, so I trust him to take care of everything.” Hongjoong put a hand on her back, “Please, Jae?” He pleaded, a small pout of his lips. 
“Okay, fine.” She nodded, looking at the happy expressions on all of the faces of her friends, “I’ll come along. It’ll be fun, right?”
“Definitely!” San nodded excitedly, “We’re gonna have so much fun. We’ll teach you how to dance!” He skipped. Hyun Jae giggled at how happy he was. 
“Are you guys going home?” Hongjoong asked when they reached the entrance of the train station. 
“Jongho and I have something we need to do.” Seonghwa shook his head, “My brother needs help.” 
“You guys gonna be alright on your own?” Hyun Jae asked. They all nodded, 
“We’ll be fine. It’s not too big of a deal, just need to beat some people up.” He shrugged in response. She nodded at him.
“If anything happens, just give any of us a call, alright?” Hongjoong gave Seonghwa a pat on the back, waving at him and Jongho as they walked the opposite direction. 
“We’re gonna head back first.” Wooyoung spoke after waving at Seonghwa, “We’re super hungry right now.” He gestured to him, San and Yeosang.
“We haven’t had dinner yet so we’re gonna grab something to eat in this area. You wanna join us?” Yeosang asked. 
“It’s fine, I’m super tired.” Hongjoong shook his head, “Jae and I just got back from shopping when Yunho called and my body hurts.” He grimaced as he thought of how much his arms and back were going to feel the next day. 
“Joong’s a baby and he had to carry heavy bags.” Hyun Jae snickered at him, earning a punch to her shoulder. She scowled at Hongjoong. 
“She didn’t help me carry the bags at all.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“You shouldn’t make a girl carry heavy bags, hyung. Even if it’s your sister.” Mingi teased his hyung.
“Whatever, I’m going home.” Hongjoong threw his arms up and grumbled as he walked into the train station, laughter erupting from his friends. Hyun Jae gave all of them a quick wave before chasing after her brother. 
They all shared apartments with each other to ensure the safety of their group. It was too risky to let them live on their own and they all agreed on a roommate system. Jongho and Seonghwa shared an apartment nearby Mingi and Yunho’s. Wooyoung, Yeosang and San shared an apartment that was in the same area as Hyun Jae and Hongjoong which led to them being constant uninvited guests at each other’s places. 
Wooyoung was constantly at the twins’ apartment whenever Yeosang and San were out, emptying their fridge and claiming that he was too lazy to buy his own food even though there was a convenience store right beside his building. Wooyoung’s habit of eating their food was the reason Hongjoong insisted on bringing home so much food when they were shopping. He knew his fellow member would come over constantly and was sure the fridge would clear even before they were to debut in the next month. 
The ride back to the apartment was silent between the two, both of them tired and ready to head to sleep. The moment they stepped into their apartment, Hongjoong made a beeline to his room. Hyun Jae instead made her way to the cabinets and pulled out a whiskey bottle. She pulled a glass out of another cabinet and filled up the glass with alcohol before putting away the bottle.
 She went out to the balcony and made sure to close the door before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. She lifted the cigarette to her lips, taking a puff. The burning in her throat from the smoke as it filled her lungs brought a sense of peace to her mind. The added burning sensation when she drank the liquor warmed her body in the winter temperature. 
The habit of smoking was something inherited from their parents. Hongjoong stayed away from cigarettes, not wanting to stress his throat and lungs too much but Hyun Jae didn’t. She didn’t mean to pick up the habit but curiosity led to her using cigarettes occasionally. It wasn’t an addiction. She told herself that since she could go a few days without smoking before she felt like she needed to. Hongjoong wasn’t exactly bothered by it but the only rule he set down when they got the apartment was that she wasn’t allowed to smoke indoors and was only allowed to smoke on the balcony if she was home. 
She pulled her phone out of her pocket after feeling a buzz, looking at the notification. 
You reach home okay?
It was from Yeosang. 
Yea, I’m on the balcony right now.
That’s good. I’m glad you’re coming on tour. We can spend more time together.
The relationship she had with Yeosang was different and slightly complicated. There was no denying that there was chemistry between the two but for the sake of Yeosang, they had to hide their relationship. If Hongjoong was to find out that he was interested in her, he would beat him up or do worse. He was protective over his sister; especially when it came to the mob. The last member of the mob who took interest in Hyun Jae ended up being hidden in the ocean. The unspoken restrictions from Hongjoong still didn’t stop them from letting a relationship blossom between them. Yeosang would always make sure Hyun Jae would get home safe after the twins would leave the office. 
The sound of the balcony door opening made her turn around to see Hongjoong stepping out onto the balcony. Hyun Jae quickly slipped her phone in her pocket and put out the cigarette on the ashtray that sat on the metal rail. 
“What are you doing out here? I thought you were tired.” She questioned as she watched him lean against the rail. 
“Didn’t feel tired enough.” He shrugged. They looked out at the town, watching as cars and people passing by. 
“Hongjoong,” She spoke up, earning a hum from him. “Should I really go on tour with you guys?” She asked, turning to her brother who was still looking out. “I don’t know how I feel about leaving the mob alone like this.” She said. He pursed his lips before turning to face her,
“I really want you to come along, Hyun Jae.” His eyes were asking her to come. She didn’t want to say no but she was paranoid. “I know you’re worried about the mob but I seriously feel like they can handle things without us. I mean, we’re already bringing along eight of our members. Why not we bring you as well?” Her eyes were unknowingly scanning his body language as he spoke and she knew that he was worried too. But his trust in the men that had worked with their parents for years was strong enough that he could push past his worry. Maybe she could too. “If you don’t come they’re gonna bully me.” He joked. 
“They bully you either way.” She rolled her eyes with a laugh, “Just because I’m one minute older doesn’t mean I have to beat up your bullies for you.” 
“That’s what older sisters are for!” He whined. “You’re supposed to protect me!” He grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her back and forth, “Jae, come with us, pleeeeeaaaase!” He pleaded as he shook her. 
“Okay, okay, okay!” She yelled as she tried to get him to stop. He stopped once she spoke. “I’ll follow you guys, sheesh.” She moved her hair out of her face and watched as he started jumping in excitement. 
“Yay! You’re coming with us!” He looked like a child who had just gotten candy, jumping up and down before running into the apartment. Hyun Jae laughed as she watched. The paranoia in her heart quickly disappeared. The decision to follow them on tour felt like a good idea. It felt right.
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bo0zey · 4 years
Pick your favorite questions from the list.
i will do them all for u 0.o
1. Name cianna [see-ah-nah]
2. Nationality mexican irish german romanian hungarian french
3. Age 20
4. Birthday december 17, 1999
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) sun: sagittarius; ascendant: leo; moon: aries
6. Gender female
7. Sexuality uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i will willingly kiss either gender
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) /tagged/my-face or u could just google pictures of fat rats
9. What do you/did you study? I’m currently a sophomore nursing major!
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I’m currently a microbiology TA and I love it :) My dream job would be something with animals, like a vet tech or veterinarian
11. Your birth order i’m the oldest!
12. How many siblings do you have? 2 younger brothers
13. Do you have good relations with your family? my mom was my best friend, my dad and i get along better now that i’m in college, my brothers and i get along pretty well & we’re staring to get closer now that they’re getting older n growing up n developing their own personalities lol
14. How many friends do you have? errrr idk this is a hard question. i have a lot of acquaintances but i’d say i have maybe like less than 10 real friends??
15. Your relationship status single :D
16. What do you look for in a SO? funny!!!!!!!!!must be humorous!!!!and sarcastic and a little weird w darker sense of humor so we can laugh n be dumb together!!!!!!! also i would like them to be kind to me and those around them bc mean ppl suck. also they have to like animals. also i would like them to be loyal and trustworthy and 110% in love w me. and for physical stuff idk kinda attractive but NOT CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE like i personally don't really like the typically ‘attractive’ person??? 
17. Do you have a crush? currently in love w the cute chinese boy who lives across from my dorm room even tho i have never even spoken to him n he is totally unaware of my existence!!!!!!!! hahah oops :D
18. When did you have your first kiss? i mean technically 3rd grade i think but that doesn't really count so like maybe 16????
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? i mean in the long term i would definitely like to have a serious relationship but at the moment i’m only into casual stuff bc my heart isn't ready to be broken again sknfkjdbnkjd
20. What are your deal breakers? errrr i’m not sure....cheating is a no no, ppl that are interested in fucking every single person they see is a turn off, DUMB PEOPLE like ppl you can't even have a proper conversation with bc they're so DUMB, and ppl who r mean/judgmental/arrogant
21. How was your day? ok! accidentally slept thru my math class but caught a glimpse of my crush across campus when he was abt to smoke a cig and i got chipotle n i online shopped a ton from shein
22. Favourite food & drink deep dish spinach pizza from giordano’s & orange vitamin water
23. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my left side hugging a body pillow
24. What was your last dream about? ate a braid of hair and inside the braid was bacon
25. Your fears not going to make it thru nursing school, not being financially stable as an adult, not having a family of my own, probably more but those r currently top 3
26. Your dreams i don't have any idk....maybe having like a house of my own and having as many animals as i want?? and i would like a loving partner with a daughter of our own
27. Your goals survive nursing school and lose 40 pounds and don't die before my cat
28. Any pets? i have a dog named cherry Cola, a cat named Leto, and a betta fish named Perc
29. What are your hobbies? writing stories about people in love, listening to music
30. Any cool places in your area? in my college town??? NO it sucks. in my hometown??? Not really it’s a small lil village with only restaurants and parks. but at home i’m near downtown chicago so that’s cool i guess
31. What was your last awkward situation? the first thing that comes to mind is my FIRST and so far ONLY encounter with my crush. we live in the same dorm building and i was wearing my nursing scrubs and had no make up on and about to go upstairs to my dorm, and then i heard footsteps and i was like ‘hahaha what if its my crush’ AND THEN HE FUCKIGJNG appeared from down the hallway to go back to HIS DORM [which is RIGHT ACROSS FROM MINE] and i literally STARED at him, then threw open the door and RAN UP THE STAIRS LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME AND HE WAS LIKE SO CLOSE BEHIND ME I WAS JUST SO NERVOUS MY FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE TOOK OVER AND I FUCKING FLED I LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM I AHTE MYSELF SO MUCH IM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
32. What is your last regret? errrrr idk i regret a lot of dumb things.......
33. Language/s you can speak English n a LITTLE bit of Spanish
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) i’m really into zodiac stuff and i have got to say they are pretty spot on in accuracy idk
35. Have any quirks? ummmm ofc!!i am the quirkiest person i know hajnjfxbkjx like if u asked my roommates/friends they’d probably be better at answering this than me bc i don't see anything abt me as quirky but they always tell me i am quirky and do weird things but idk man I'm just existing 
36. Your pet peeves err idk currently its ppl that constantly brag about dumb shit
37. Ideal vacation somewhere warm with me + the ocean + the loml + unlimited alcohol
38. Any scars? yeah :D both emotional AND physical!!!!
39. What does your last text message say? ‘ok thats a more than fair statement’
40. Last 5 things from your search history how many carbs should i eat, chipotle bowl calories, is the grim reaper the angel of death, ceftriaxone adverse effects, red man syndrome
41. What's your [device] background? lockscreen is a peach-theme background i made and home screen is my weight loss goals
42. What do you daydream about? the characters in my stories.................and being skinny 
43. Describe your dream home pretty brick house??? flowers outside??? 3 floors--main floor, basement and upstairs??? 3 bedrooms n 3 bathrooms maybe??? master bedroom has its own bathroom!!! and open concept main floor. big kitchen and very homey n warm all around. as for like an apartment i want something cozy and aesthetically pleasing and warm 
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion i don't have a religion but if ppl do have a religion then thats not my business
45. Your personality type entj but only bc i got 3% extraverted; i am very closely related to intj tho n i think i fit that one better
46. The most dangerous thing you've done uhhhhhh probably operating a vehicle while high out of my mind. definitely the dumbest thing i ever did 0/10 would recommend anyone ever doing that
47. Are you happy with your current life? its ok but it could probably be better. i want to be done w college and skip to the part where i have a successful career and my own home and i can lay up w the loml every night
48. Some things you've tried in your life alcohol???weed??gummy edibles....
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? sweaters/sweatshirts/leggings
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, maroon, peach, purple, gray, idk
51. How would you describe your style? oh jeez idk i wear whatever i want so like e-girl when i really try and basic white girl when i don't care
52. Are you happy with your current looks? no i hate everything about myself lol
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? more freckles on my face....also be thinner n have longer hair
54. Any tattoos or piercings? my nose and septum are pierced!
55. Do you get complimented often? kinda by my friends but i always yell at them to stop so they don't compliment like as much bc they know i hate it but they still do it sometimes idk
56. Favourite aesthetic? i wanna be an e-girl yo!!!!!!!!! 
57. A popular trend that you dislike nobody has a crush on me and i hate it
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? pied piper by BTS
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. anything by BTS lol i used to like be embarrassed for how much i like k pop but now i don't really care lol #stanBTS2020
60. Favourite genre? rap/r n b/alternative
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? i listen to every genre except country sooooooo yeah i really like billie eilish, BTS, the weeknd, juicewrld, lil nas x, trippie red, post malone,
62. Hated popular songs/artists? i don't rlly like selena gomez or justin bieber or taylor swift
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 only - RY X i.f.l.y. - Bazzi novacane - frank ocean jungle - drake bang! - trippie redd
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? no and no
65. Do you like karaoke? no but i like to sing along to songs when I'm alone
66. Own any albums? haha noooo i got apple music son
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? errr RARELY i used to listen to r n b stations tho
68. Favourite movie/series? idk donnie darko?? i also just finished tharntype n that was really good. also i liked tokyo ghoul. AND GIVEN IS REALLY GOOD
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc i like horror/scary/paranormal/funny movies and i like love stories in books
70. Your fictional crush/es danny phantom, ken kaneki
71. Which fictional character is you? uhhhh idk...
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so frerard, ryden, taekook, mewgulf
73. Favourite greek god? idk they all kinda suck but maybe hades
74. A legend from where you live that you like i don't really know any:(
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? i like to look at art! i think van gogh is cool
76. Can you share your other social media? ig: ciannnna venmo: ciannnna
77. Favourite youtubers? i don't really watch youtubers but maybe shane dawson and emma chamberlain
78. Favourite platform? twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much time
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? i once played GTA5 that was fun!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) idk i don't really read anymore:/ i was into the hunger games and the twilight series when i was young. now i kinda read online manga and i really liked BJ Alex and killing stalking. and like for online books the unholyverse series, a splitting of the mind, the anatomy of a fall
82. Do you play board/card games? no but i like to play checkers and uno and cards against humanity
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? nopee
84. Favourite holiday halloween is cool also christmas is alright bc gifts
85. Are you into dramas? i’ve been getting into thai boys love dramas lol sue me
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? um YES.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? everyone needs to be a little kinder and have a crush on me
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? absolutely not I'm not physically fit and don't have useful skills
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? vampire duh [or maybe ghost]
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? i want to see my mom
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? idk something cool ... i love the name Daisy
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? idk probably kylie jenner
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo idk the alien? 94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true -im very productive with my time management skills -my favorite color is purple -i don't get nervous when I'm alone in public
95. Cold or hot? cold
96. Be a hero or be a villain? anti-hero
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? sing if i’m good at it but if I'm not good then rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?immortal
100. ..... or .....? ......?
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dingdonghun · 5 years
Ghost stories!
So since @killjoy-loveit and @fangirlingandprocrastinating wanted to hear the ghost stories/experiences I have had... I will eggsplain the ones I can remember! I will start with the small quick ones first and go to the most intense one last.
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1.) When my momma and I finally got our own house, which was very difficult since she was a single mother at the time, (owning your own house as a single mother at the time was unheard of), it was haunted when we moved in, but the ghosts didn’t seem to mind us! We would always hear loud cracks and footsteps in the attic at night, see lights that came from nowhere in the hallway, stuff like that, but they never tried to scare us. We kind of just lived in the same space together. When we moved out, our roommate still stayed until he had to get kicked out, and he said once we left, the activity got REALLY loud and bad all of the time. He said he thinks that they didn’t like that we left. I still feel sad about that.
2.) One time I brought home a little colored electric disco ball from an antique store, and brought home a little ghost girl with it. She was kind of a sad energy, honestly. I felt her around often. One time my mom asked me to get something out of my bedroom, in the middle of the day, keep in mind. So I went to my bedroom and the moment I walked through the door, there was a little sigh RIGHT in my left ear. I froze, then turned around and sprinted back to my mom in panic. I felt bad for reacting that way so I went back to my room immediately after and apologized for my reaction, and asked her not to do things like that because I startle easily. She didn’t after that. We couldn’t get her to move on, so I eventually got rid of the disco ball.
3.) We used to live in a house that people said had a “portal” in it. If you know what that is, it’s basically a portal to the “other side”, which means there is A LOT of activity in the house, ghosts constantly coming and going, and not always GOOD ones. The house was so dark, light really didn’t get into it. It was weird. When I was in the bath (I was only like 10) I always felt something watching me from the connecting door to the master bedroom of the guy who owned the house. (He was never there.) One time my mom and I had a huge fight and went to bed angry. I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a HUGE spider web connecting from wall to wall inches in front of my face, with a regular sized spider in the middle. Keep in mind, I have aracnophobia, and at the time, the lights in the room were off, it was PITCH BLACK, but I could see every detail of that web and spider as if the lights were on. I ducked underneath it and ran to my mom crying. She came in and turned on the light and nothing was there. In the same house at a different time, I also saw a daddy long leg spin down from a web directly in front of my face as I was following mom through the garage door. Daddy long legs cannot produce silk or web. So that was literally impossible. And when mom heard me yell and came back, it wasn’t there anymore. That house was a fucking nightmare lmao
4.) This one is the most intense one, as far as I can remember. A client we used to work for had a beach house. She let us stay there during the summer for free and we brought some friends most times. It was a really old beach house, and the children’s room had a bunk bed and cool toys. It also had a ouija board on the wall that nobody wanted to touch. Also when you opened the little toy closet, it felt like something awful was rushing out and straight through you. The very first time we used the beach house, I slept in the top bunk of the kids room. I woke up in the middle of the night frozen in fear, and I had no idea why. I looked out the window and there was a HUGE ball of solid light (no it wasn’t the moon, there was a building next to us blocking off the entire view of the sky) and it just... FELT... listen this part is personal and I don’t want to share it in front of all of my followers so I will keep it to myself, but anyways it felt like it was telling me to get out of the room RIGHT NOW. Like there was an urgency to it. So I literally jumped off the top bunk and hit the floor and ran to my mom.
After that, we went into the room and said we won’t come into that space anymore and to please leave us be. Every time we stayed after that, I slept on the fold out couch in front of the windows facing the sea. I liked it much better. But unfortunately, One time we were there, my mom brought her friend, and her friend brought her whole damn family, so her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend slept in the bunk beds, where we promised not to go. The next morning I was sitting on the couch playing my ps2 while everyone else was eating breakfast, because I am an antisocial little shit, and all of the sudden everyone started yelling and then began to rush out of the house. Mom grabbed me and dragged me out too. Later she told me they were talking about the ghosts in the house. The girl and her boyfriend didn’t believe in ghosts, and the boy was mocking them. Saying “If there is really ghosts in this house why don’t they prove it” and immediately after that, he felt a huge scratch on his back, and they pulled his shirt up and there was a huge red handprint. Since then, my mom didn’t let us go back to the house because she said we “stirred something up and angered them” and she didn’t want to risk going back. A lot of little things happened in that house. Mom said when she woke up to use the restroom some nights, leading up to that incident, she’d hear the sound of a bouncing ball in the hallways, as if a kid was playing in it. She said she knew something was getting stirred up since then, because it was more activity then we were used to. 
The daughter went around the house as we were packing and took pictures of the house, and when she developed them there were orbs huddled together in a lot of the pictures, with one big orb off to the side by itself. My mom said the big one was probably what I saw in the room that night and that it was probably warning me to get out before the others ones hurt me. I was very thankful for that.
Anyways I know a lot of people don’t believe in ghosts and probably think I am crazy, but we can all agree to disagree and have different opinions. I am Ryan and you can be Shane.  
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oh, a bonus story!!
5.) My mom and I had a cat named Princess a long time back. I had her since I was about two years old, and she passed when I was 18. she came everywhere with us (we moved a lot) so she was a huge part of my life. I still have pictures of her hanging up on my whiteboard calander. Anyways, when we go through hard times, my mom and I can feel a tickle on our lower legs like a cat tail brushing against us, for a few days in a row, and we can feel when we are almost asleep at night, something jump up on the bed and lay by our feet. It lasts for a few days and then goes away when I assume she thinks we will be okay without her. I miss her so, so much. I am very thankful for her still being here when we miss her or feel guilty that we couldn’t give her the best life she deserved. One day when I am finally able to get another pet, I hope she helps me find the one that’s meant for me.
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taexual · 6 years
HOLIC - 4 | jb x reader
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Strangers, united by their big dreams, try to learn to live together and lift each other up to reach their goals without losing themselves or their relationship on the way to the top.
pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: strong language
words: 1.9k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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You were beyond outraged that Jaebum was enough of a child about this to actually break your bed just so he’d win the bet. You truly considered breaking his neck in revenge – especially after he dared to ask for your help – but instead of that, you glared at him and walked back to your room, deciding that the best kind of revenge would be to somehow fix the damage he’s done and win the bet despite his attempts to sabotage your hard work.
However, the side board he had broken was hanging off its hinges and it only took you a moment to conclude that you couldn’t actually fix this unless you had proper industrial glue. Upon closer inspection, however, you realized that not even the strongest adhesive would have helped you fix this properly – Jaebum had even managed to break a piece of the wood off, so the sideboard was now about five centimeters shorter than it should have been and, thus, you could no longer attach it to the baseboard.
Gritting your teeth together, you understood that you’d have to pay money to replace it and there was nothing that you wanted more than to rip the broken board off and just hit Jaebum right on the—okay, violence wasn’t the answer. He’d acted like a child but that didn’t mean that you had to act like one, too.
And yet you couldn’t help but be petty as you purposefully turned off all the lights in the apartment – Jaebum kept tripping whenever he walked out to get himself a glass of water – and, after grabbing your laptop, sat down in the kitchen. Every time Jaebum walked past you, you refused to look up at him and, he had to admit, the way your laptop screen illuminated your face really made you look vicious. He almost regretted breaking your bed.
Then, four hours later, he strolled into the kitchen again, yawning and stretching – this time you refused to admire the way his body looked – as he stopped next to the kitchen island, watching you for a moment.
“Guess I won the bet then,” he announced, not mentioning that it literally took him five hours to finish assembling his bed and it was now two in the morning. “Are you going to ignore me? What are you doing?”
“Looking up knives.”
Jaebum opened his mouth to speak but he wasn’t sure if you were serious or just annoyed with him. He admitted that it could’ve also been both.
His hesitation didn’t go unnoticed by you, though.
“You stink,” you spoke again, even though you couldn’t really smell him. You just needed to express your pent-up aggression with words. “Go take a shower.”
Jaebum grinned. “Alright. I’ll go do that. And then I’ll get a fantastic night’s sleep on my brand new bed.”
You told him to fuck off under your breath but the echo of his laughter as he walked towards the bathroom let you know that he still heard you.
Suddenly frustrated again, you leaned back in your chair and glanced into his room through the gap he had left in the door. His bed had indeed been built. He even put the mattress on and had the sheets ready.
An idea hit you then.
Jaebum had literally broken your bed because he was childish like that. You may not have wanted to drop to his level, but sometimes, certain sacrifices had to be made.
Taking your phone and your laptop with you, – just to be sure he wouldn’t break your other valuable stuff while you were doing this, – you sneaked into his room, your bravery fueled by the sound of the shower running in the bathroom; you knew he wasn’t going to catch you. Then, you placed your electronics under the blanket, crawled under it as well, and spread out in the very middle of his bed.
This was your bed now. Jaebum could sleep on the mattress – or on the broken bed frame – in your room. Call it revenge.
Naturally, when Jaebum returned to his room thirty minutes later, he had no idea you were there since you were lying flat against the mattress. He calmly changed into new clothes – all while you stayed with your head under the blanket so you wouldn’t have to watch – and, after tossing the blanket aside, he took a leap back, yelping in shock as his back hit the wall.
“Jesus—fuck! Shit!” swear words spilled from his lips as you continued to lay peacefully in the middle of the bed, trying to act as if you were completely unbothered even though his reaction certainly made you want to giggle. You perservered, though. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
“I’m sleeping,” you shot back in a purposefully quiet tone. “This is my bed.”
“No, it isn’t,” Jaebum replied matter-of-factly. “I built this.”
“Technically, you broke the bed frame that I built,” you responded. “It’s only fair I take this one. You can sleep on the mattress in my room.”
“That’s now how this works!” he insisted, although, a small part in his mind recognized that you were right. He would have done the exact same thing had your roles been switched.
“It is now,” you countered. “I’m sleeping here.”
“No—what the fuck?” he continued to protest even though, at this point, it was clear that you weren’t going to budge. “You can’t just sleep in my room.”
He made this too easy for you as you countered, without missing a beat, “you can’t just break people’s beds.”
“Really?” Jaebum retorted. “This is how we’re going to do this? What are we, twelve?”
“You tell me,” you said, snuggling your face into the pillow to tease him further. “You’re the one who broke—”
“Alright, I got it!” he shouted defeatedly, and you heard footsteps which had to mean that he was walking closer to the door. You were so close to winning. “Just for the record, I’m not giving up. You might sleep here tonight but it’s a one-time thing.”
“I’m staying here until you fix my bed,” you said. “If it takes you one night, then I’ll gladly leave tomorrow.”
Groaning instead of replying, Jaebum slammed the door of his bedroom shut and headed to your room. You could hear the floor tiles creak as he walked around, probably trying to decide what to do with the broken bed frame that occupied half of the room, and the mattress that occupied the other half.
Smiling a little to yourself, you opened your eyes and took in Jaebum’s room, even though you couldn’t see anything due to the darkness. You didn’t really want to see anything specific, you just glanced at the few details that differentiated Jaebum’s room from yours – like the soft light on his wireless router blinking on the floor in the corner of the room – simply to prove to yourself that you had just defeated him in however petty of an argument the two of you had had.
You may have technically lost the bet, but taking over Jaebum’s bed was certainly a winning move.
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You had a free day on Monday because the gallery you worked in wasn’t open today, so, after falling asleep at three last night, you expected to stay in bed until midday at the very least. That was not what happened at all, however, and less than five hours after you had fallen asleep, you were woken up by a jarring noise coming from the kitchen.
At first, you tried to ignore it, flipping to your other side and even covering your head with the blanket, but the sound didn’t seem to stop and the more you anticipated its ending, the louder it seemed to get. It was starting to feel as if someone was drilling a hole inside of your brain.
Groaning, you tossed the blanket off of yourself and got out of the bed, throwing the door of the room open.
Right as you glanced at the source of the noise – both of the blenders you had were whirring loudly on the counter in the kitchen – you also noticed Jaebum’s wide smile.
“Morning!” he called out, his smile widening when he saw your sour features.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you yelled, your voice rough with irritation.
“I’m off for a run. I always run before work on Monday mornings,” he said, stepping around the kitchen island to reveal the athletic attire he was wearing. Actually, it was the same outfit he had slept with since he couldn’t exactly change into anything else, but he was still gloating. “I need a smoothie before I go.”
“Why the two blenders, then?” you asked even though you knew very well why he was using two blenders. This was clearly his payback for you kicking him out of his bed last night.
“I didn’t know which one was mine,” he explained, an expression of exactly zero remorse decorating his face. “We have identical ones, you see, so I just figured I’d turn them both on at the same time and check if I can tell them apart.”
“You fucking asshole.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, still smiling. “Did it wake you up?”
“Fuck you, Jaebum.”
You could hear his laughter as you turned around and you had to talk yourself out of hurling the first thing you saw at him. Powering through it, you walked back to his bedroom, slamming the door shut.
Grumpy and irritated, you sat down on the bed. You listened to him keep the blenders going for another few minutes – no doubt wanting to ensure you didn’t go back to sleep – and then prepared to wait until he got out of the apartment so you could leave the room. However, it was the door of this room that Jaebum opened in a few minutes instead.
“I came for my sneakers,” he explained and then headed for one of the boxes at the far end of the room. You debated throwing the contents of it out of the window when he left. “You can go back to sleep, I won’t disturb you anymore.”
“Fuck off, asshole,” you shot back, swear words becoming your sword and your shield of armor whenever you were angry.
Jaebum didn’t feel offended by your words in the slightest, though. If anything, he found your comments endearing.
“Alright,” he said, sneakers in hand. “I’m going now. I should be back in about forty-five minutes unless it’s impossible to jog here with all the puddles from yesterday’s rain.”
“I hope you fall into the biggest one,” you said, your ill-humored wish amusing him further. “Hopefully you know how to swim.”
“Don’t worry if I don’t. I’ll be sure to give you a call so you can come save me,” he teased, giving you a wink. “A little lifeguard roleplay, hmm?”
His wink had already made you livid but the last comment is what got you to stand up from the bed and glare at him.
“Get out before I start throwing things,” you threatened, meaning every word.
Your whole overreaction entertained him to no end – that, and the fact that there weren’t many heavy things you could have thrown – and he laughed one more time before finally leaving the room.
A few minutes later, you finally heard the apartment door close; Jaebum had left.
He was truly testing your patience today but he had started a war by waking you up this morning and there was no way you were going to go down easy now. Childish or not, this was a game that two could play.
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fairyling · 6 years
code orange // part 1
summary: mike gets admitted to a psych ward. he’s scared of what’s going to happen and what kind of people he’s going to meet, but his mother made him promise to give it a chance because she didn’t know what else to do for him
a/n: so i’ve seen a lot of psych ward aus and tbh they make me mad?? i was in and out of psych wards from the age of twelve to eighteen and i’ve been in several different psych wards. it’s almost never like what people paint them as in the aus that they write so i wanted to try to write one with my own experiences. let me know what you guys think
word count: 2793
“You don’t really need a tour. All of this stuff is labelled and it’s really hard to get lost around here. They typically just have someone give a tour so that you can get to know someone. It’s really overwhelming to just walk into the common area and be attacked by literally everyone. They get really excited when someone new comes in.”
Mike nodded and continued to follow the shorter boy down the hall. The nurses station was the first thing he saw and then the other boy had walked him down the hallway of bedrooms. About halfway down the hallway it split off into an intersection. To the left were a few more bedrooms, the kitchen, and a dining area. Ben had explained that that was where they ate breakfast but they ate lunch and dinner off the unit. To the right was the common area and a hallway that led to a door which was locked, but led into the courtyard. There was a whiteboard on that wall that had a list of names with backwards checkmarks beside the names. “Why are the checks backwards?” he had asked, walking closer to the whiteboard as he studied it.
“Bethany always does the checks backwards when she’s counting how many people are leaving. It’s just a silly thing that makes some of us laugh. Some other patients get pretty annoyed by it, but she continues anyway.” Ben explained with a smile. Ben was almost a head shorter than Mike. He was much rounder, but it was clear to Mike that he was trying to hide that behind a baggy grey sweatshirt and pajama pants with snowflakes decorating them. The hem of one pant leg was rolled up and the other pooled around Ben’s toes.
Nodding with a smile, Mike turned his attention away from the board and back to the boy that was giving him a tour. He opened his mouth to say something because he felt like he should. Nothing came to mind, though, so he simply closed his mouth. Ben offered a warm smile before he pointed down the hallway that stretched on. “There’s some more bedrooms down there. I’m pretty sure that they said you’d be rooming with Richie. He tends to always be talking but we had lights out about an hour ago and he’s on pretty heavy sleep aides. So you probably won’t experience him in all of his glory until the morning.” Ben smiled, walking down the hallway to lead Mike to his room. “I’m in the first room on the left. My roommate is Bill and he’s, uh, something. We both tend to stay up later so rather than letting our roommates complain about us they just put us together. Don’t go up to him tomorrow, though, wait for him to come to you.”
Mike nodded once again and he bit his lip. Ben seemed nice and friendly, Mike hoped that most of the other patients were like that. Something about Ben seemed vaguely familiar as well, but Mike couldn’t quite place where he recognized him from. “Do you know when I’ll get my clothes back so I can change into pajamas? I meant to ask but my mom had a lot of questions for the nurse and before I knew it, I was being introduced to you.” he explained, tugging awkwardly at the edge of his shirt. He was still in a worn pair of blue-jeans and a graphic tee and he really was hoping that he wouldn’t have to sleep in those.
“They usually check stuff overnight for any form of contraband. If you need something before bed, though, you can go down to the nurse’s station and ask for something. They usually give you what you ask for as long as it doesn’t have strings or anything else that’s against the rules.” Ben explained. Mike could see that the other boy was growing tired and he didn’t want to keep him away from his bed any longer.
A calloused hand came to rest on the smaller boy’s shoulder and he smiled warmly. “Thank you for showing me around and being so friendly. I was kinda nervous but you make this a little less scary.” he smiled. Ben didn’t flinch away from the touch and instead he nodded a little. He looked like he was going to say something but a staff member came down the hall and ushered Ben to his room while thanking him for teaching Mike the ropes.
Mike asked the nurse if he could get some sweatpants from his bag and she told him that they’d have to cut out the strings if it had any. It made sense to Mike and he nodded, following the nurse to the nurse’s station. It took a few seconds for his bag to be located and a pair of sweatpants to be found in the clothes that his mother had packed for him. The nurse pulled the string out of the waist of the sweatpants and held them out for Mike. He walked back up the steps that led to the boy’s side of the unit and walked into the room that he was told was his.The room was filled with snores and Mike could see moonlight mixed with streetlights coming in through the window. Mike considered turning on the light but he decided to not disturb the sleeping boy.
Glancing at the figure sleeping in the bed closer to the window, Mike noticed that the boy seemed too big for the twin sized mattress. Curly hair was splayed across the pillow and Mike couldn’t help but laugh when he saw that the boy still had glasses resting on his nose. A white tank top twisted around pale skin and the white blanket that was provided by the hospital was tangled between long legs. Mike ducked into the attached bathroom and flipped on the light. The shower was a simple stall with a shower curtain attached to the ceiling. There was no rod for the curtain and the showerhead looked different than the one at home. The mirror seemed to be attached securely to the wall and Mike wondered if it was real glass when he changed into his sweatpants. Sleep came quicker than Mike thought it would. He thought the new environment would make it difficult but the whole day had been so exhausting that Mike fell asleep within moments of his head hitting the very flat pillow.
“It is seven thirty in the morning. The kitchen opens at seven thirty in the morning. Why is the kitchen still locked, Amanda?” A harsh voice pulled Mike out of his dreams. He looked over to see that the boy beside him was still asleep. The glasses seemed to have fallen onto the floor at some point during the night and with the sunlight creeping in, Mike could see a bruise forming on the boy’s cheek. He wondered how that got there. Stretching his arms over his head, Mike got out of the bed and poked his head out of his room to see a curly haired boy standing where the hallway split into four paths. A young looking woman with blonde hair stood in front of him with a tired look in her eyes and a clipboard in her hand.
“Stanley, I’ll open the kitchen when I finish room checks. We have this argument every morning.”
“We wouldn’t have this argument every morning if you guys knew how to follow a simple routine.” Stanley bit back. Mike studied the other boy for a moment and he found it out how the boy was dressed before most of the other patients were even awake. He was wearing a polo with some khaki pants. Mike noticed a cast on his foot and the other foot had a shoe missing it’s laces. It seemed to be such a strange contrast to how perfect everything else looked. Mike considered going out to talk to the boy but he remembered Ben’s advice about Bill and instead sat on the edge of his bed while he listened to the boy argue with the staff member. “Amanda, if you want to help me you’d follow the schedule.”
“Stanley you know that the whole point of you being here is to help you. I have to help everyone, though, and I’m not helping everyone if I’m ignoring room checks to monitor the kitchen so you can get your breakfast.”
“Why do you all think you have to monitor me in the kitchen? What do you think I’m going to kill myself with a banana?”
“Go to the nurse’s station and see if someone else can open the kitchen for you. I have to finish room checks.”
He could hear Stanley scoff and then he heard retreating footsteps. Mike assumed that Stanley had given in and gone to the nurse’s station. A few moments later there was a knock at his door before a friendly face poked in. “Room checks!” she chirped, smiling when she saw Mike sitting on his bed. “You can go sit in the dining area and wait for breakfast, honey. They take you all to school after breakfast.” Mike nodded and got up from his spot on the bed as the woman stepped into the room. “Richie! Rise and shine!” she said, picking the glasses up from the floor and holding them out to the sleeping boy.
“Amanda, I always tell you, there’s a much better way that you could wake me up.”
“Put your glasses on and go apologize to your roommate for your snoring.”
“I don’t have a roommate.”
“You got one last night.”
“Oh, shit! Well, I hope we can sure breakfast, m’love.”
Mike could hear Amanda laughing and then he felt an arm around his shoulders. He looked up to see the face of his roommate about even with his own. It was hard to tell if Richie was taller than him or if it was just his wild hair. “I’m Mike.” he said with a small smile as he walked in the direction of the dining hall. They didn’t get far before Stanley was walking down the opposite end of the hallway and he could hear him groan.
“Richie! We don’t all want to see your stained tank tops and dirty boxers! Go put some clothes on you walking garbage can.” The nurse seemed to consider intervening, but decided against it. Richie flipped Stanley off before Mike felt the arm leave his shoulders. Richie was mumbling under his breath before he shut the door to the shared room. Mike sat down at the picnic style table in the dining area and rested his elbows on the table.
“I wouldn’t put my elbows on that table if I were you. Richie spilled jelly on that table three days ago and I’m pretty sure it’s become a part of the table now.” Stanley said as he sat across from Mike. He pulled his elbows off the table and inspected the top of it. It was decorated with a variety of stains and there were some things carved into the top of it.
“Did we get another new kid overnight? I swear we’re going to run out of room in this fucking place. Can people stop trying to kill themselves?” a voice came from behind Mike. It was laced in sleep and a bit higher than Mike expected. He turned around to see a boy with messy hair and freckles across his nose. His hair was a chestnut brown and he was in red shorts with a rainbow along the side of it. He also had a sweater that seemed to practically hang off of him and socks pulled up to his mid-calf.
“If they catch you wearing Bill’s clothes again then they’ll kick you out and we’ll have room for another new kid, Eddie.”
“Shut the fuck up. I found this in the lost and found.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Keep talking and I’ll code again and throw off the entire schedule.”
Stanley opened his mouth to say something else but decided against it. Mike simply watched with curiosity as the smaller boy sat beside him. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes while he tucked his legs beneath him and his shoulder bumped against Mike’s. “I’m Eddie. That’s Stanley. He’s training to be a staff member here so he can just be in the psych ward for the rest of his life while the rest of us are trying to get on with our lives.”
“I’ll tell them that I saw you kissing Bill yesterday, Eddie.”
“You’re an asshole.”
The banter had a friendly tone to it, so Mike wasn’t sure if they were being serious or not. Neither boy seemed to offended by what the other was saying and they seemed to have a playful undertone. “I’m Mike.” he said after a few moments, looking between the two boys.
“Well, why are you here, Mike?” Eddie asked, resting his chin in his hands.
“Eddie you can’t just ask people that. That’s insensitive.” Stanley interjected with what sounded like a kick under the table. This only resulted in Eddie laughing since his legs were folded underneath him on the bench.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I--”
“Eds! Do you have any of your own clothes?” Richie’s voice came booming through the small dining area. He sat down beside Stan and Mike didn’t miss the way that Stan scooted away rom Richie a bit. Eddie made a face and tugged the sleeves of his sweater down over his hands. Richie began to tap out a rhythm on the table while he looked at the other’s seated at the table. “Where’s Big Bill and Haystack? Did they stay up all night again?”
“Probably. They’re going to hold us up, again.” Stanley muttered, brushing a loose curl away from his forehead.
“We left without them yesterday. We could probably do that again. It depends who is taking us.” Eddie explained, peering over his shoulder at the locked kitchen. “I’m starving. Did you ask them to open the kitchen, Stan?”
“Of course I asked them to open the kitchen. They told me to wait and that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we were a couple minutes late. I already know it won’t be the end of the world because we’re a couple minutes late every day and somehow we still manage to sort of function.” Stanley explained.
Mike watched as Richie’s lower lip turned up before he pushed himself up from his seat next to Stan. “I’ll fix this.” he insisted with a smirk before his lanky limbs carried him out of the room. Eddie groaned and Stan rolled his eyes. Mike gave the other two a confused look, but he didn’t get a chance to hear an explanation before he heard Richie’s voice.
“We’re starving in there! Do you guys want us all to starve? Someone needs to open the kitchen before Eddie’s mom calls the news team on you guys for withholding food from her Eddie Bear!” Richie yelled.
“I’m going to fucking kill him.” Eddie mumbled, hiding his face in his hands. Ichie’s voice carried on throughout the unit until Mike heard footsteps coming towards them. He turned to see a man with short blond hair and some keys opening the kitchen door. The others got up and lined up outside the kitchen while the staff worker let them go in one at a time to get their breakfasts.
The staff member didn’t talk much and neither did the boys while they ate. Richie warned Mike about the food between mouthfuls of bland cornflakes mixed with honey while Eddie told him that he was disgusting. Stan had moved so he was diagonal from Richie and Eddie was across from him. This left the spot for Mike beside his roommate. He simply listened to Richie’s advice and ate his toast. His attention was brought back to the doorway when a tall, thin boy with auburn hair and dark circles under his eyes appeared. The boy sat beside Eddie and took a piece of toast off of the napkin beside Eddie’s bowl. The boy looked tired and his clothes seemed very worn. His hair almost reached his eyes and his knuckles were scarred. Mike opened his mouth to say something to the new boy, but he decided not to and instead took another bite of his toast.
“Boys! Line up! We’re leaving for school, if you aren’t lined up in the next thirty seconds then we’re leaving without you.”
“Oh, so now they want to follow a schedule.” Stanley mumbled as he took the last bite of his plain cheerios and threw away the bowl.
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peculiarmindset · 7 years
Gonna slightly be borrowing from Gassy OTP, but with a different outcome if that’s alright? Yurio has eaten a whole box of Fibre One throughout the day. When Otabek comes home, Yurio’s stomach is rumbling constantly, face screwed up as he’s subduing the pressure in ass before coming clean reluctantly, as Otabek offers to knead his stomach while farts come out, as he lets out one final massive one before scurrying off to the bathroom in urgency while clutching his backside desperately.
*I remember eating Fibre One bars before and at the time, I had no idea that it was something to help the bowels along- I just ate them like a regular snack, but thank god I never ate more than one (sometimes only half) every once in a while 😆
The Alarm Fart - Starts with a loud unnaturally high note, wavers like a siren, and ends with a quick downward note that stops before you expect it to. It sounds like something is wrong. If it happens to you, you will know right off why it is called the Alarm Fart. You will be alarmed.  
“Fuck….” Yuri cursed, rubbing his growling stomach as he slammed opened the refrigerator.
He had just come home from practice and the teen was absolutely ravenous. He was so starving that he didn’t even have the patience to cook anything- he needed food and he needed it now.
When he raided the kitchen, the only thing there that was edible without needing to be cooked or heated up was a whole box of Fibre One bars. The box looked like nirvana to the blonde as he ripped the box open and devoured the first two bars in less than a minute.
Taking the last three bars left in the box (he mentally noted to buy Otabek more later since these were actually the Kazakh’s), Yuri grabbed a glass of milk and went to the living room to finish his snack.
Yuri was biting into the fourth bar when he read the wrapper, taking note that the bars were actually healthy and of course, full of fiber. But all the teen could care about at the moment was how chocolate and peanut butter could make something healthy taste so unhealthily delicious.
Finishing up the last bar, Yuri gulped down the rest of his milk before washing his cup and throwing away the wrappers.
The blonde went back to the living and spent the rest of the time playing with his game console as he waited for his roommate/boyfriend to come back home.
“Oh crap!” Yuri hissed as his character died yet again. He took a deep breath, taking everything in him not to throw his Nintendo at the wall and breaking it like he had with his past four consoles.
As he repeated the level, he felt his stomach give a loud grumbling sound. The blonde winced, pausing the game to place his hand on his stomach as he could feel his guts twist up uncomfortably.
Thinking whether he should go to the toilet or just ignore it and keep playing his game, the blonde’s choice was made for him when he heard the front door open.
“Yuri? I’m home. And I brought us some dinner at that new Vietnamese place from across the street.” Otabek’s calm voice called out.
Yuri bit his lip to keep from cursing as he could feel his stomach practically bubbling up by the second. What the hell was up with it?
Otabek came into the living room and gave his boyfriend a small smile, but raised his eyebrow as soon as he noticed the other’s tight expression and body posture. “Yuri? Are you alright.” He asked, looking worried.
The blonde nodded his head, trying to not to make his discomfort obvious as he was literally squeezing his butt cheeks together.
Otabek of course didn’t believe his boyfriend’s lie. “Are you sure nothing’s up? Usually you greet me by shouting my name and tackling me at the door.” He grinned.
Yuri blushed but there was a deep frown on his face. “I don’t-”
Just at that moment, his stomach made a loud noise, sounding just as pained as the blonde felt. “Unghh…” Yuri clenched his teeth, giving his boyfriend a haughty look, silently warning the other not to say anything.
But unfortunately for him, the Kazakh skater was immune to Yuri’s threatening looks and gave Yuri a ‘look’ of his own. “Okay, tell me whats going on, Yura.” He demanded.
The blonde teen flinched, knowing his boyfriend only called him by that nickname whenever he was either horny or in trouble.
And he doubted the other wanted sex right now.
Yuri gave a long sigh and finally confessed what he had done, “Fine. I ate your snack bars earlier and I swear I’ll buy you two boxes to replace them tomorrow. But now my stomach’s killing me for some reason.” The blonde told him, clutching his stomach freely now since there was no point in hiding anymore.
Otabek blinked as he suddenly looked thoughtful. “What snack bars are you talking about, exactly?”
Yuri groaned as his stomach gave another cramp as he answered tightly, “Those chocolate and peanut butter ones- you know, the ones you leave in the top cabinet at the kitchen?”
Otabek’s eyes widened as he heard what the other had just said, “Yuri, those bars aren’t just for snacks. They’re rich with fiber to help move your bowels along. I eat one, sometimes two, when I’m constipated.” The Kazakh told him. “How many bars did you eat exactly?”
Yuri grimaced as he weakly said, “The whole box?” He groaned again when his stomach rumbled once more.
Otabek sighed as he walked towards the couch and sat beside the blonde. Opening his arms out, he said, “Okay come here and I’ll rub your stomach- you’re just gonna feel worse if you hold it in like that and if I know a thing or two about Fibre One….the gas isn’t going to go away just like that.” The Kazakh informed him.
Yuri huffed but he was feeling so bloated and in pain that he obediently scooted next to his boyfriend and rested against the couch, taking his own hands off his stomach so it could be replace with his boyfriend’s.
Otabek lifted up the blonde’s shirt and couldn’t help but give the other’s bloated belly an amused look. Shaking his head, he rubbed his hands to warm them up first before putting them directly on the teen’s stomach.
Yuri gave an obscene moan as he felt his boyfriend push down on his swollen belly, making kneading motions with his hands.
“GOD!” Yuri gasped loudly when a loud fart came out of him. But right after, two more equally loud, blustering farts came out, sounding like gun shots.
“Don’t worry, Fibre One usually makes…loud noises. It’s normal.” Otabek assured him.
“There’s nothing normal about this!” Yuri groaned, unable to stop himself from letting more thundering farts fly out.
Sure, the blonde teen can fart as loud with the best of them, but never had he farted so much in so little time and all at such a loud volume.
“Holy mother of- when will this fucking end?!” Yuri bit his lip as a sharp fart practically forced its way out of him, making his butthole burn from its release. It had already been about half an hour and the blonde’s farts were still going strong.
Otabek gave the right side of his boyfriend’s stomach a hard push, forcing another  burst of gas out, before replying, “Since you ate the whole box, it could be a while.” He looked apologetic as he said this.
Yuri’s groan couldn’t even be heard anymore as a nearly ear-shattering fart exited him right at that moment.
Yuri didn’t even know what he was feeling at that moment- whether it be humiliated, embarrassed, pained or relieved. All the teen wanted was for this whole thing to be over.
Otabek continued to knead the other’s belly and at one point, he used his thumbs and pressed down firmly at a certain area nearly the blonde’s belly button.
The fart that was forced out started off loud, almost screeching, like the previous ones but quickly made a downwards spiral until it suddenly stopped.
Otabek looked up, feeling alarmed by the abrupt end of that last ominous fart, and saw the ghostly pale look on his boyfriend face.
It was like time had stopped just then. But it lasted for only a second because suddenly Otabek found himself watching as Yuri was suddenly up and now running out of the room, both of his hands holding his backside.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” The Kazakh skater could hear his boyfriend curse up a storm as loud footsteps desperately ran towards the restroom.
Otabek stayed on the couch and listened as a door was slammed accompanied by another loud curse they echoed throughout the entire house.
Shaking his head, Otabek finally got up from the couch and stretched out his own stiff body for a few seconds before making his way to their shared bedroom to grab Yuri an extra pair of underwear and some shorts- because he had a strong feeling the blonde was gonna need it.
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phancystuff · 7 years
Trying to Remember How it Feels (To Have a Heartbeat) 1/7
Pairing: Dan/ Phil (Phan) Summary: Dan moves into a new apartment in London and, though it’s a step up from his old apartment, his landlord gives him strange warnings while he’s touring the place-- something about the last renters leaving because of ghost sightings. But, Dan doesn’t believe in the supernatural. He quickly changes his tune when he meets Phil Lester, the ghost haunting his apartment. Well, if haunting means quickly becoming the best friend he’s ever had. (Title from Harry Styles’ song Two Ghosts) Notes: This is the first part of my Spooky Week Special! This fic is almost 100% already written and I plan on updating it every day until Halloween. Please note that, although this fic has the warning of major character death, it is not in any way graphic. Tags/ Warnings: ghost au, Halloween, major character death (obv. it’s a ghost au lol), depictions of panic attacks, angst, fluff, HAPPY ENDING, mentions of suicide (it happens in a movie they watch)
Read it on A03 Completed fic masterlist here
Dan woke up that morning in a mood, which is never a good thing when you’re supposed to do something particularly adult-y. Something like tour a new apartment because the one you’re currently living in is literally falling apart at the seams and your neighbors drill ridiculous DIY projects at all hours of the day. Dan’s YouTube channel had been doing pretty well lately, too, and he could finally afford a better apartment. He had made it hard on himself in the beginning by refusing to get a roommate, but he liked his space. It didn’t matter, anyway, it was finally time for him to move up in the world and trade his current hamster cage for a slightly bigger one. And yet, there Dan was, the morning of an apartment tour, on his third coffee, and still feeling like someone had hit him over the head and shoulders while he was sleeping. Sickly sweet Starbucks lattes weren’t even touching his exhaustion; it was that serious. So maybe that’s why, later when Dan was touring this potential apartment, he couldn’t be bothered with the stupid things that were coming out of the landlord’s mouth.
The white, middle aged man, who had introduced himself as Paul, had just closed the door to the master bedroom and was leading Dan to the kitchen when he glanced back at Dan. “Yeah, I just want to give you full, fair warning. The last renters left because they kept seeing a ghost.”
“You don’t say?” Dan hid his eye roll, answering uninterestedly. He didn’t know what the landlord was playing at, but ghosts didn’t exist and this was a nice apartment. He couldn’t be scared away from it. It was an old building, but it had recently been renovated and featured new, shiny appliances. The space wasn’t huge, but it would work perfectly for a 26 year old, single YouTuber. It had a great view of the city and an elevator to aid in the moving process.
“Yeah, ghosts! I mean, I never saw any ghosts, but I do get a weird feeling when I walk around here.” Paul rambled on and Dan leaned against the kitchen counter, staring at him. “From what I hear, the last landlord that owned this property didn’t carefully inspect the place and it ended in some poor bloke dying. Not really sure how; it was back in 2010. But, obviously, everything’s ship shape now.” The man trailed off, gazing around at nothing in particular.
“Uh huh,” Dan answered politely, but distractedly, crouching down to look at the controls on the impressive-looking stove. He wasn’t really listening.
“Oh, yeah! The stove is new and state-of-the-art--” as the landlord barreled into more information about the admittedly nice stove, Dan totally forgot about the weirdo’s ghost comments.
A week later, Dan was moving into his new apartment. He had spent a few days weighing his options, but had ultimately decided to apply for the flat that Paul had showed him. The application had been accepted quickly and now Dan was staring at his new home with a large, heavy cardboard box in his arms. Thankfully, his parents and younger brother were kind enough to give up their Saturday to help Dan out. They were hoping to get it all done in a day. Dan glanced back toward the street and felt overwhelmed by all of the boxes, furniture, and stuff in the moving van. As he made trip after trip from moving van to apartment, he felt increasingly thankful for the elevator in the building.
Dan, his parents, and younger brother were in and out of the apartment all morning with boxes and furniture. “Fuck, Dan, when did you get so much shit?” Alex collapsed on the sofa that the four of them had finally fit it into the far corner of the lounge. He glared at Dan, who just rolled his eyes at his moody teenaged brother. Dan couldn’t really say much; he was moody too when he was sixteen. Dan was just glad that he didn’t start his YouTube channel until later in his life. Less cringe-worthy stuff on the internet, that way.
“Sorry Lexy,” Dan put emphasis on his little brother’s childhood nickname, “How about you let me know what I don’t need and I’ll bin it. Would that make you happy?”
Alex puffed out a breath, “Yeah, start with the shoes. You have enough to make the average girl jealous.”
Dan crossed his arms, “sexist little punk.”
“Self-absorbed twat.”
“Boys! Enough.” Their mum suddenly appeared at the opening to the lounge, looking at her offspring disappointedly. “Daniel, you’re 26, you should know better.” Dan looked down at his toes, feeling more remorseful that he was 26 and was still being disciplined by his mum. Alex just looked smug, until their mum turned to him and crossed her arms. “Alex, Daniel is your older brother and he needed our help today. So don’t complain. We’re family, we help each other. That’s what family does.” Alex rolled his eyes in response.
Dan collapsed next to Alex, letting a sigh escape his lips. “Thanks for helping me, you guys. Even though some of us are annoying little pillocks who should be locked in a room until their bodies are no longer being ravaged by hormones--” he looked pointedly at Alex-- “I really appreciate the help.”
“Well, of course you need help, it’s not like you can afford movers on a YouTuber’s salary.” Alex snipped, shoving his shoulder against Dan.
Their mum looked between them with exasperation, throwing her hands up. “I give up! Brothers! So nasty to each other!” She turned around, exiting the flat to get more boxes. Alex giggled.
Dan looked at him unbelievingly. “Did you really just giggle?”
Alex met his stare with furrowed brows, “No, I didn’t fucking giggle. Why would I giggle? The only funny thing here is your career path.” Alex shoved himself off the couch, “come on, you lazy fuck. You aren’t gonna pass all the work off on us.”
“Will you stop being such a prick?” Dan also pushed himself off the couch, already forgetting about the giggle that he had very clearly heard. Instead, he was thinking about offering to order pizza for everyone so they could have a much-deserved lunch break.
Later that night, Dan worked in his new bedroom, making his bed and unloading the boxes that had been haphazardly stacked about. The whole process of bringing in his stuff had taken the better part of the day and then his family stuck around to help Dan start to unpack. They didn’t really get far with it, before Dan was insisting that he could handle the unpacking part and that his family had done enough for him. Of course, Alex had made a relieved sassy comment that Dan had ignored and Dan’s mum checked and double-checked that Dan was ok to do it alone. Dan’s dad suggested going out to dinner and everyone had been more than happy to comply.
His family left long ago and Dan was alone in the apartment. It seemed so big and empty. Every footstep seemed to echo. Dan hated new places. It would get better when his stuff was unpacked and arranged. Until then, Dan just blasted some Vampire Weekend and rifled around in the boxes marked ‘bedroom.’ Whenever Dan moved somewhere new, he set his bedroom up first. The bed was the most important thing, especially since it was pushing 10:00 PM and Dan had gotten up disgustingly early that morning. After the bed was made, Dan went through the process of setting up his computer. Connecting to the internet was blessedly easy, but that was because the internet provider had already been in a couple days ago to install the router and ethernet jacks. Dan had stressed to them how important it was to get everything sorted and they had complied.
Fixing up his bedroom also included building his video background, which was always one of his favorite spaces to decorate. Of course, the iconic butt chair was there. He hung fairy lights around his bed frame and delicately put various knick knacks on display on his bedside table. Posters were hung, clothes were folded and stuffed into his chest of drawers, books were fitted into his new bookshelf, bedsheets were smoothed down, and slowly the boxes disappeared. Dan broke them down and slid them in the hallway, promising himself to take care of the pile rather than trip on it for the next two weeks. Before Dan knew it, it was 1:30 AM and he was crashing, quickly.
Dan silenced Ezra Koenig and tore off his clothes, changing into soft pajama bottoms. He lay down on his bed, groaning at the feeling of his aching body sinking into a blessedly comfy memory foam mattress. Dan had paid a small fortune for the bed, but it had been so worth it. He slept like a baby in it. Dan got out his phone, checking his social media accounts for any important updates. He reblogged some fanart on tumblr, watched some of his friends new YouTube videos, and liked some tweets. Dan himself tweeted, ‘of course the first thing i set up in the new flat is my bed. it’s where all the magic happens and by magic i mean sleep.’ Dan spent a few minutes replying with sassy comments to fans, before feeling his eyelids start to drift closed.
“Ugh, the lights. Gotta get the lights.” Dan murmured to himself, forcing his eyes open. He rolled to the left, aiming to get out of the bed, when the lights were suddenly off. Dan perked his head up, looking around in the room that had just been plunged in darkness. He couldn’t see a thing. He groaned, thinking about how he would already have to contact the landlord about electricity problems. “Stupid faulty electricity,” Dan pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. “Whatever, it can wait until morning.” Dan pushed the bedcovers down, wiggling under them. They were barely over his body when sleep overtook him.  
Dan slept late and when his eyes finally cracked open, the sun was obnoxiously brightening the room. Dan put ‘dark curtains’ on his mental shopping list and pushed the covers off his body. He lay there for a second, observing the ceiling (and praising the lack of cracks in it).
Moments later, his feet touched the floor and he remembered the electricity the previous night. Curious, Dan pushed himself out of bed and padded over to the light switch on the wall. He flicked it experimentally and watched the overhead lights come on and off, on and off. They were working perfectly. There must have been a brief, scarily coincidental, power outage the previous night.
Dan went into the kitchen and made a coffee and popped some toast into the toaster, thanking both his past self for packing some food to sustain him as he moved in, and his mother for unpacking the food immediately. Dan got out his phone as he waited for his breakfast and sent a quick text to his mum. ‘Bless you for unpacking my food.’ She sent him a heart emoji without hesitation and asked him about his first night. He made light conversation about unpacking and sleeping, but quickly said goodbye to her in favor of breakfast.
Dan opened up the notes app in his iPhone, looking at the list of video ideas he had going. Although he had tons of unpacking to do, he was due for a new video soon. He didn’t want to spend a lot of time with a script or with editing, so he figured it was time for another video in his “Quick and Dirty with Dan” series. For these videos, he would essentially set up a camera and rant/ philosophize about a subject for five minutes. He only edited out the “um’s.” They were fun. People cared about his opinions on things, surprisingly. Dan composed a quick tweet: ‘any requests for a quick n dirty?’ and he watched the responses flood in. Of course, plenty of his fans suggested lewd things, inspired by the name of the series. Several tweets said ‘Donald Trump’ and there was no way that Dan was going to fall down that hole. Dan scrolled through his replies, munching on a bite of buttered toast. One tweet jumped out at him and he thumbed the text, liking it. ‘Talk about your experience with/ opinion about the supernatural! Like ghosts, not the show lolol.’ Immediately, Dan recalled the weird conversation he had with Paul the landlord about the ghost that apparently haunted this apartment. It would be a perfect story to include in his video.
When his toast was eaten and cup of coffee was drained, Dan tottered back to his bedroom, maneuvering around boxes. Dan made his bed and changed into his signature black outfit. He set up his camera and lighting equipment and sat down in his chair, checking the viewfinder to make sure that his video background looked agreeable. Dan pressed record, speaking his regular greeting of “Hello internet!” and barreling into the topic of the supernatural.
Three or four hours later, the video was being uploaded onto YouTube. Dan’s more scripted videos took much longer to create, which was why he really liked this series. Dan left the video to do its thing and went to unpack the kitchen, blasting Britney Spears and singing along badly. “Toxic” came on and Dan picked up a wooden spoon, holding it to his mouth and purring out the first words of the song, “baby, can’t you see?” He danced around the kitchen. About halfway through the song, Dan noticed that he was hearing double. There was another voice under Britney’s that wasn’t his own. It wasn’t a particularly good voice, either. It missed some of the notes entirely. Dan furrowed his brow and picked up his phone, checking that Spotify hadn’t accidentally given him a weird, cover version of the song. It hadn’t. Dan paused it and silence enveloped the kitchen. He pressed play again and the song was back to normal, Britney back to her sensual self. Dan felt a little unnerved, thinking about the electricity and the weird mystery voice. He considered exploring the apartment a little, checking closets and corners for possible squatters. In the end, he didn’t do anything of the sort, laughing at himself instead. He needed to get the place set up, then maybe Dan wouldn’t feel so jumpy.
Dan paused Britney and checked the status of his video. He was surprised to find that it had already uploaded successfully. He was impressed with the internet speed. He scrolled through YouTube comments, liking a few clever ones. He rarely replied to YouTube comments, unless one was especially funny. He didn’t find any funny ones, but did notice quite a few that looked exactly identical.
‘Umm wtf ghost at 1:33??????’
‘1:33 Ghost. Ghost. Ghost.’
‘Seriously, what the fuck is that at 1:33??’
Dan rolled his eyes at the comments. These weren’t new on the world of YouTube. People loved creepy things and once one person commented a timestamp and a ghost sighting, it was like a disease. Dan clicked the timestamp on one of the comments, fully expecting a shadow or stuffed animal falling over.
Instead, Dan felt like his heart stopped.
He paused the video. He suddenly felt hot, heat prickling across every inch of his skin. In the video, in the dark doorway of his bedroom, there was an unmistakable figure. A man. He was barely a glimmer, but, boy, was he there.
Dan stared at the screen, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. There was literally no fucking reasonable explanation for what he was seeing. Dan tried to rationalize it, but was coming up with nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Instead, he was thinking about the landlord’s comments, the mysterious giggle that he thought was Alex, the electricity problem, the strange voice he heard while singing “Toxic.” Dan started shaking. He was afraid to play the video and watch what the figure would do. But he had to. Curiosity ate at him. Slowly, shakily, Dan pressed play and watched the entryway. The man looked up at Dan in the video. Dan blanched at the man’s pale skin, dark hair, and piercing eyes. He didn’t look unfriendly, watching Dan with curiosity. In the video, Dan was saying something about “the idea of ghosts scaring the diddly heck out of him,” and Dan saw the ghost’s mouth quirk up in a smile, before he was simply phasing out of frame.
Dan paused the video and released a breath that he had been holding.
“Sorry for intruding on your video.” Dan screamed, actually screamed, jerking violently in his chair. It pitched back and he crashed to the floor. The room echoed with the sound of the loud crash and Dan felt momentarily dazed. He stared up at the ceiling, wondering if someone had slipped him hallucinogenic drugs without him knowing. Alex would probably get a kick out of doing something like that. Suddenly, a figure came into Dan’s view, looking at Dan upside down. It was the figure from the video. The ghost? The hallucination? Dan’s eyes widened at the man. He looked… concerned. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Are you all right?” Dan noticed the voice had a Northern tinge, and now was really not the time to notice such a fucking stupid detail.
“Me? I-I-- well, I-I. Are y-you? Ghost? Who, who, who are you?” Dan stuttered pathetically, trembling all over. He felt cold and hot at the same time. He wondered briefly if he had a fever. Maybe he hadn’t woken up yet and this was a dream.
The figure covered his translucent face in equally translucent hands. “Oh god, I’ve really muffed this up. Of course you would be frightened.” He removed his hands from his face and stared down at Dan. “Won’t you get up? We could go to the lounge? I’ll introduce myself properly!”
Dan just lay there, trembling. He blinked his eyes over and over, willing the ghost to disappear. He wasn’t awake. He was asleep. This was a dream. He pinched himself. It didn’t work. He slapped himself in the face. Nothing happened.
“Hey! Don’t hit yourself!” Dan jumped again. He stared into a pair of ghosts eyes a moment longer and decided that he should at least pick himself off the floor. He did so, probing the back of his head and wincing at the tender spot that was definitely bruised. Methodically, he picked the chair up off the ground and tucked it under the desk, trying to breathe evenly. It was a losing battle. Finally, Dan snapped, and the floodgates opened. He began breathing harder, the unmistakable feeling of panic sweeping over his body. He felt lightheaded and numb. Dan sat down on the floor, hard, breath coming faster and faster. He pushed himself against the wall of his bedroom, trying to get as far away from the ghost as possible. His breath wheezed out of him, specks of spit flying out of his mouth. Dan pressed his head in between his knees as he lost feeling in his fingers. He didn’t feel real. He was terrified. What was happening to him?  “Hey, hey, now. It’s ok. God, I’m so sorry, Dan. It’s ok. Breathe. Slowly, slowly now.” Dan knew that the voice was coming from the object of his fears, but it was good advice. He tried his best to take it, trying to control his lungs. He used every trick he had learned throughout his life of living with anxiety. He imagined that his lungs had legs and were running away and he imagined himself running after them, catching them in his hands. He listened to the soothing repetition of “it’s ok, shh, slowly now” coming from the mouth of the fucking ghost across from him. Dan picked up his heavy hands and brought them up to his own neck, dragging his fingers along the sensitive skin there. Anything to ground him. Anything to make him feel real again. Minutes later, Dan’s breathing began to slow. He focused hard on forcing it to stay slow. “There ya go, good. I’m not a bad guy. I couldn’t hurt a fly, I promise.”
Dan looked up at the ghost who had crouched down in front of Dan’s crumpled form. He would have looked like a completely normal guy, if not for the see-through skin and the slightly hovering body. This was the first time Dan was getting a good look at him and he was surprised, to say the least. The man in front of him was more like a boy. He had long, black hair that was cut into a style resembling cool 2007 emo myspace kids. Interestingly enough, he was sporting a worn, blue shirt and grey sweatpants. He had piercing blue eyes.  “You’re a ghost.” Dan’s voice was shaky and monotone. He felt exhausted. Dan realized that his face was wet with tears. When he had a panic attack, he often couldn’t tell the difference between hyperventilating and sobbing. It all blended into one disastrous experience.  
The figure looked embarrassed and Dan thought he saw the ghost’s face turn red. “I am a ghost. I’m sorry.” The ghost scratched at the back of his head. “Dan, I feel terribly. I should have realized that you would have reacted like this. I accidentally drove the last renters out and I never even purposefully revealed myself to them. God, I’m just an idiot. I just couldn’t believe that you were a YouTuber and I got so excited to see the camera and--”
“--Ok, ok. It’s, um, ok, I guess.” Dan cut the ghost off. He blew out a shaky breath. “How do you, um, know my name?”
The ghost looked embarrassed again. “Oh, I heard your family call you Dan. That sounds so creepy. Sheesh,” he refused to meet Dan’s eyes. “I wish I could leave you alone forever, but I-- uh-- am kinda tethered to this place. Can’t leave.”
Dan nodded slowly, deciding that, if this was happening and this was reality, he might as well be cordial. “Oh. Well, do you have a name?”
Phil clapped his hand over his face and Dan couldn’t help but jump a little, body still on edge. “I’m really cocking this up. Yes of course I have a name, I’m so rude. Phil Lester, at your service!” Phil stuck his hand out at Dan who just stared at it. Phil slowly retracted it, “sorry, habit.” The ghost coughed, “sorry.”
“Right. Um.” Dan chewed his lip and stared at Phil with wide eyes. What was the proper etiquette when it came to ghosts? He couldn’t offer Phil some tea and cakes, for chrissakes. Dan suddenly remembered something Phil had said only seconds before. “You know YouTube? How?”
Phil smiled a sad smile and crossed his legs. He looked like a monk who had achieved enlightenment with his hovering. “I had a channel back in the day. I had a lot of fun with it.” Phil stared at his legs, picking at the fabric covering his knee.  
“Oh! Wow, you were a YouTuber?” Dan couldn’t hide his disbelief. What were the odds that the ghost tethered to his new apartment had also been a YouTube when he was alive? Dan wasn’t even going to dwell on how weird that sentence was. “What was your username?”
Phil met his eyes and smiled shyly, “oh, um, it was amazingphil.” Dan raised his eyebrows. “I know, I know. I made it in 2006.”
“That’s fair; everyone had quirky usernames back in the day.” Dan remembered his first youtube channel name and was briefly thankful that he never made a single video on it. He couldn’t imagine what kind of professional life he could have with a name like ‘danisnotonfire.’
“Yeah, I guess. But mine was particularly silly, huh?”
“Not as bad as danisnotonfire,” Dan said, laughing a little.
“That’s your channel name?!”
“Oh no, no. But it was the account I made when I was 16. I never used it to make videos, thank god.” Silence followed Dan’s comment and he was struck by the sudden realization that he was having a fucking conversation with a ghost. “Hey-- did you turn off the lights last night?” Dan tilted his head to the side slightly and Phil looked abashed.
“Um, ah, yeah. You had just worked so hard and looked so comfy. I just flicked them off for you, it wasn’t hard.” Phil cleared his throat, “electricity is one those things that I can manipulate.”
Dan hummed to himself. “So you were watching me last night?”
Phil’s eyes widened. “Sorry! Sorry! Bad habit! I don’t see many people. It’s just nice to--” He cut himself off. “I think it’s about time for me to leave you alone. You need some space,” Phil nodded to himself, “I need to get out of your space.”
“Phil! Phil, wait! I still have--” and then the ghost was gone, as quick as he had appeared. “--questions.” Dan finished lamely.
Dan looked around his bedroom, almost surprised to find that it hadn’t changed; only Dan’s perception of it had. Everything was too bright and crystal clear, like he had been swimming underwater with his eyes open until that moment. Dan shakily got up off the floor and made his way to the bed, collapsing on it. He didn’t bother to put on different clothes or get under the covers. So, a ghost was haunting his new apartment. What was he supposed to do about that? Let the landlord know? The landlord already knew; he had bloody warned Dan. Tell his parents? His subscribers? Well, his subscribers had already seen it. Curious, Dan pulled his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through his replies on Twitter. The ghost was literally the only thing that any of them were talking about. Dan checked the views on his video and his mouth dropped open. It was almost to one million views, which was pretty normal for him, but it always took a couple of days for the views to add up to a million. His video was going viral. Dan locked his phone and placed it on the bedside table. What was he supposed to do about this? He began to drift asleep, the exhaustion of his panic attack weighing him down into the mattress. Phil had been a YouTuber when he was alive; maybe Dan would ask him his opinion. Before Dan could consider how odd of a concept it was, he was asleep.
Chapter two
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xxlying-from-y0u · 7 years
Introverts Reveal The Incredible Lengths They’ve Gone To Avoid People
1) My roommates decided to have a random study party, with like 20 people in our apartment that is only 800 sq feet. Because of the unexpected intrusion, I got into the router settings and throttled the internet to dial up era speeds. When my roommates were trying to figure out what was happening, I told them we simply had too many people splitting the bandwidth and in annoyance they all left for the library. Best eight hours of silence ever.
2) If someone is browsing a section of a shelf at a grocery where I need something from, I pretend to look at other stuff until they go away.
I swear though today I think I was waiting for someone to leave the canned soup section while they were waiting for me to leave the salsa section diagonally behind them.
3) I just took a new job where I basically interact with dogs all day instead of people. It is bliss.
4) A few summers ago, we had to replace the air vents in my house so my parents hired a few guys from an air conditioning company. To change all the air vents, the men had to go room to room so naturally, I thought I could avoid them by literally camping out in the closet which had no air vent so why would they even need to check? The closet in question was actually a teeny walk-in closet in my parent's room with a door that opens inward like a bedroom door. So I grabbed my pillow, 3DS, and a snack, and was ready to brave the long day in there.
Unfortunately, I didn’t think far enough about what to do if they did happen to come upon my hiding spot. I think I was in there for about an hour when I suddenly heard footsteps nearby and yep, they were opening the door. I never panicked so hard in my life because how do you even explain this to someone? “Hello, I didn’t want you to know I was here so I decided to make this closet my home."
So what did my panicked dumbass do to make it even more awkward? I started PUSHING back on the door to shut it and I can just imagine what this poor guy must have been thinking. He finally stopped pushing, knocked politely on a freaking closet door, and asked if there were any air vents in there. I could only squeak out a mortified no.
I do have social anxiety which makes me do some pretty stupid things, but I definitely learned my lesson that time to not avoid people. Or better yet, not be an idiot!
5) My grandfather has died like 15 times to get me out of social engagements. What a champ.
6) It's Saturday and my phone is on flight mode to avoid calls and text messages, the curtains are all drawn so it looks like I'm not home, and I'm going to watch movies all day. Sounds like my ideal day, really.
7) I had this office job for about 6 months where I didn't really like anyone I worked with, so every day for lunch I would go out to my car to pretend I was going out to get lunch, and instead drive to a nearby mall parking garage, park, and eat the lunch I'd packed for myself. I could've saved gas and time by just sitting by myself at one of the tables at work. But then someone might've tried to talk to me.
8) I remember one time, we had a door sales man at our front door me and my wife hide underneed the window we laid down on the floor. The man looked inside and saw us hiding there. He slowly walked away....
9) I volunteered for a position in another country where I don't speak the language so I could avoid conversations with my coworkers.
10) I didn't get up to use the restroom on a 12 hour flight because I didn't want to bother the guy next to me. Also didn't refuse the drinks they kept offering in fear of being rude. Some of the worst pain I've experienced..
11) Once I had two meetings scheduled at the same time. I called both, said I had to go to the other, and went to neither.
12) My roommate is very talkative. She'll talk at me for hours on end if I let her. Sometimes when I'm not in the mood for it, I'll hop in the car and drive until she goes to bed.
13) One time someone tried to small talk with me and I literally just said "I dont talk to people" and walked away
14) I was having a "bad day" with being a introvert, so I used one of those Grocery Delivery services, and texted the driver saying wasn't home at the moment and to just leave the stuff on the porch.
When I heard her drive up I literally stood in my hallway where I couldn't be seen from any windows and listened carefully.
I heard her come up to the door, knock, knock again, drop the bags and drive off. She sent a text that she had dropped the stuff off and I should hurry because some of it is perishable.
I opened the door and got my groceries.
That might be one of the lowest moments in my life. I still get pangs of shame whenever I think of it.
15) I call it "anti-stalking"; I'll make a note of a person's routine, times, dates, locations, and use this information to intentionally avoid them, lest I have to have... shudders small talk, or something.
16) call it "anti-stalking"; I'll make a note of a person's routine, times, dates, locations, and use this information to intentionally avoid them, lest I have to have... shudders small talk, or something.
17) I moved to Japan because you don’t have to make small talk with strangers ever.
18) I went down the elevator with a colleague. We use the same subway line to get home, and I knew if we walked down together we'd also have to sit on the train together and make small talk for the next 45 minutes.
So at the building exit I said I had an errand to run, walked the opposite direction, and used a different subway line that added another 20 minutes to my commute. Worth it.
19) Picked up a girl at the bar once... I was 19 (didn't get carded) she was 26. Around 3AM I decided I want her gone. So I go around the house and set all the clocks forward to 630AM. I even went out to my truck and changed that clock. I woke her up and told her I had shit to do, it was morning. She was very confused, prob only slept about 30 mins.
I passed a f*cking bank on the way to her house... Big ass bright clock at 3am.
She was not happy.. never spoke again.
20) Leave the office through the back door to avoid saying bye to people.
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Chapter 14
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the response to the last chapter and the story it self. Each message literally made my day and thank you from the bottom of my heart! It meant so much to me! 
This chapter is a bit on the slower side but makes times jump ahead! So without further wait here it is! Enjoy...
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“ADDY!” Ainsley called her name through the closed door of her bedroom. Placing her straightening iron down on the bathroom counter she quickly ran out of her room in haste wondering why she was yelling.
 “What’s wrong?!” Adalyn rounded the corner into the kitchen with a worried expression. She glanced at her roommate with a confused look who was clearly fine. “You cannot do that to me this early in the morning. You nearly gave me a freight!” Addy scolded her placing her hand over her pounding heart.
Ainsley angled her head up at her roommate, a smirk forming at the edges of her mouth. “Relax Addy. I was simply calling you to come and get your love letter from a certain soldier.” She tossed a letter onto the counter that was addressed to Adalyn in Harry’s handwriting.
 Her heart fluttered as she eagerly grabbed it. Hesitating to open it in front of her roommate she offered Ainsley a quick look before darting off to her room. Ainsley hot on her heels. 
“Hey! No fair Addy! Come on you never let me read them with you!! I know he is writing dirty things to you! I need a glimpse into that prince’s mind!” Ainsley continued her banging on the door as her relentless attempts to convince Addy slowly subsided leaving her alone to read his letter in private.
Sitting on the corner of her bed she ripped the envelope at the seams, gently pulling the letter out. Curling her legs up crossing them she read every word intently…
 I am sorry I have not been able to write to you in so long or call you. I have not had the time to do so. I am alright, still safe and sound and in one piece. Your letters keep me sane in a place like this. If you have time to write it would mean a lot to me. Makes me miss home less when you tell me about your days… makes me feel like I am there with you.
I do have to keep this short, as I have to go out on a patrol. This place hardly what I thought it would be for both good and bad reasons. I feel like I am one of the guys here and not Prince Harry. There is no camera crew following me around and I don’t need to hide who I am. Though they forgot to mention how much god damn sand there is when I signed up to come here. It literally gets everywhere, places you would not expect.
When I get home we are going on a vacation to Alaska or anywhere, some place away from sand!
Thank you for the picture of you and Chance. It is what I wake up to every day.
 ~ Harry
 Smiling bright she folded the paper sticking it back in the envelope. Standing she pulled open a drawer in her dresser and placed his letter on top stack of the others she had cumulated.
Looking up at the dresser she sighed staring at the calendar in front of her. Each day that passed by she had crossed out with a red ‘x’ signifying one day closer to when Harry would come home.
Taking her red pen she crossed off today.
“Only 93 more days to go.” She quietly whispered to herself.
Harry walked into his shared room after a night out on patrol. His heavy eyelids threatened to commit him to a couple hours of well deserved sleep. Hearing footsteps stomp the sand further into the ground his one eye fluttered open to see Kane with a handful of mail.
A loud thump sounded as Kane tossed them on the prince’s chest. He sat up in his bed rubbing his tired eyes. Sifting through the letter from friends and family he searched for Adalyn’s.
Holding her letter in his hand he placed the others on top of his covers. “Remember if it’s a nude pic I get to see it. Standard military bunk mate code.” Kane flashed Harry a wide grin causing an eye roll reaction from Harry. 
Laying his head back down on his pillow he shifted until he found a comfortable position. Sighing a smile formed at Addy’s nickname for him, something she came up with one their first date.
 Hey Pumpkin
I can just imaging hearing you groan at that name. I know you hate it but I love how you react to it. And tell Kane no I am not sending him a nude selfie!
So I have to tell you this. Chance is the new devil dog. I swear if he wasn’t as cute as he was I don’t think he could get away with as much as he does. The other day we were at the off leash dog park. He was running around enticing the older bigger dogs like he normally doe,s but then all of a sudden he saw a bird and started barking at it, which of course started the other dogs too. In a flash he was off heading straight for it… leading the other dogs behind him into a small pond.
All their owners were yelling at them not to go into the water and I just stood there laughing, watching this three-legged pup lead the charge. Their owners were so mad that he had got them all wet but I couldn’t be an ounce angry with him. I swear he was smiling from ear to ear afterwards, soaked in water and paws all dirty. I wish you could have seen that. He is so happy and I can’t thank you enough for coming with me that night and helping him.
Miss you
By the way feel free to send me a naked selfie ;)
 ~ Addy
 I have to admit that I may be cheating on you with the lunch lady here. She adores me and gives me extra buns, but hell did it take a lot of flirting to get her to do that. I used my charm and sexy smile of course to win her over.
She even lets me sneak into the kitchen and gives me little snacks, but I have to play cards with her in return. I think you need to send some more haribo sweets to win me back?
I am kidding of course if you could not pick up on that.
Half way there now.
Be home soon xo 
~ Harry
Groans filled the air at the expense of Adalyn’s father. Carlson believed he was the funniest man in the room, but his puns were less than sub-par. Addy shook her head at him, smiling across the table from her father. His warm bright smile spread widely at the people surrounding his table.
Carlson caught the eyes of his youngest daughter Addy. Sighing he stared back into the eyes that reminded him of his children’s mother, hoping he had done right by them. Adalyn held his gaze, the two sharing a quiet moment together amongst the talking guests.
He had seen a change in her the past few months. The colors in her eyes were more vibrant, less like a ghost; her smile came easier and appeared more often. Something had changed with her, but he could not place what it was. He wondered if she had met someone that brought this change in her.
A ringing phone cut through the laughter, breaking the stare between them. Addy dug her phone out of her jean pocket apologizing profusely for breaking their one rule. No phones during their Monday night family dinners.
Her heart missed a beat as she recognized the number that Harry had used to call her from Afghanistan. Closing her eyes she desperately wanted to take the call and hear his voice. It had been so long, but on the other hand she knew the flood of questions she would surely receive from her family if she did.
The phone continued to ring as she held it in her hand. Feeling all eyes on her she lifted her head. “I’m sorry, but I need to take this.” She stood before anyone could protest her action leaving the table quickly to find a private place to talk.
Addy answered the call in a whisper as she headed to the back entrance.
 “Hey Addy.” His deep voice called out on the other side of the line.
 “Give me a second…” she reached the door, pulling the handle closed behind her. Finding a place on her father’s patio she made herself comfy in a old wooden chair. Taking a quick look behind her through the kitchen window she saw them all resuming their dinner, knowing that it was now safe to talk.
 “Sorry I needed to find a little privacy.” Addy smiled.
 “Did I interrupt something?”
 “No Harry. Not at all... I am umm.” She tried to hide that fact from him, not wanting him to feel guilty for calling.
 “Shit… it’s a Monday isn’t it?” His voice lowered quietly. “You should get back to your family Addy. Sorry the days have been running together for me.”
 “NO!” Addy blurted out excitedly as a hand flew to her mouth covering it. “I mean no…” she trailed off. “It’s been a while and I have missed you!” She twirled her hair absent-mindedly through her fingers at her confession.
 “I miss you too… more than you know.” His voice was tired, like he had lacked essential sleep.
 Addy smiled hearing those come through the phone. Internally she was battling whether or not to tell Harry about Jake’s re-appearance. She did not want to lie to him, but did not want to him to be distracted or worried about her. Biting her lower lip she decided it was best to wait until he can home, hoping that he would understand her choice.
 “You sound tired? Everything alright Harry?” Her calming voice resonated through the phone. It had been too long since he last heard her peaceful voice.
 “It’s been hard.” A quiet confession fell off of his lips. He knew he could talk to Addy about anything, but he did not need to put anything more onto her than she already had.
 Hearing a deep sigh from him gave her the chance to think of her response wanting to make him feel better. “You know that what you are doing there, putting your life on the line, is something that not only me, but the rest of the country is very proud of you for. I cannot imagine what it is like to be there, but try to think of it this way. You fought so hard to go Harry; you never gave up so don’t now. Each day that passes brings you closer and closer to coming home to your family and friends. We all miss you, but understand why you are doing this.”
A small smile turned up the corner of his lips as he listened to her comforting and reassuring words. Some of which he needed to hear. He missed her like crazy. Even though their relationship had became official a mere week before he left for Afghanistan he could not help but feel that their relationship still progressed forward. Harry had to admit that he was a bit skeptical of what his deployment would bring to their relationship, but the way they supported each other proved him wrong.  He so desperately wanted to see her again, hold her in his arms and kiss those sweet soft lips of hers; but for now, he would count down the days until they were reunited.
 “You are amazing you know that? I don’t think I could have done this without you Add.” A small giggle escaped his lips shaking his head lightly.
 “Of course I know that!” She joined in on his laughter. Hearing that he was struggling a little gave her a sense of comfort in her decision about Jake, that now was indeed not the time to tell Harry.
 A few more minutes had passed. Adalyn was in a fit of laughter telling the story of how her and Ainsley decided to paint their flat in a drunken state only to have Chance covered in paint.
Harry roared a laugh, his belly shaking hard picturing the two of them giving Chance a bath while drunk. Laughter and hearing her voice was exactly what he needed. Harry could faintly hear another persons voice come through the phone as his laughter subsided.
 “Adalyn. Are you coming back inside?” A deep male’s voice spoke out, no doubt her father or brother.
 “Uh…” he could hear Adalyn hesitate. “Give me one minute dad.”
 Nodding Carlson smiled cheekily at his daughter knowing that he had interrupted her conversation with a certain someone. Her eyes were sparkling bright, her smile wide and happy unable to hide it from her father. Closing the door he silently congratulated himself for being right. Addy had a new person in her life, but he would give her the time and space to officially tell him.
She waited until the click of the door indicated she was once again in private.
“Sorry Harry… my dad uh-”
 “It’s alright Addy.” Harry interrupted her knowing that he should not keep her much longer from her family night. “I need to get going. Kane wants me to beat his ass at FIFA anyway.” This caused another bark of a laugh from Adalyn.
 “Ok Harry. I am glad that you called. You know you can whenever you want.”
 “I hope your dad won’t give you a hard time about it.”
 “He probably will but that’s alright. Write to me soon…”
 “I will. Bye beautiful.”
 “Bye ginger.”
I finally got around to sending you your favourite haribo sweets. I went to five different stores to find your favourite so I hope they taste really good! 
Mel and Adriana dragged me out to one of Guy’s bars to watch a football game. Everyone was cheering for Manchester, but I knew you were a fan of Arsenal so I cheered for them as hard as you would have and got a lot of flack for it. I had to represent you!
It really made me feel like I was part of your group of friends, but I know it was your doing so thank you for that. Even from so far away you are taking care of me and it is so sweet. I cannot wait until you come home.
I was at the grocery store with Ainsley and while we were unloading our cart at the cashier line I saw some magazine articles. There you were right on the front page. They are starting to wonder where you are Harry… I thought they weren’t supposed to print anything about you?
 Please be careful.
 ~ Addy
  49 more days…
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