Hi! This is where I'm gonna put all my fanfic works that contains men being gassy and gross- the fandoms I will ONLY write for include Harry Potter, Yuri On Ice, Kuroko No Basuke and Haikyuu. Friendly warning: If you find burping, farting, and pooping gross, then get out of here now... If you have something you want to ask or tell me or a prompt that you want me to write, then feel free to ask me (Although at this time, I’m taking NO requests). Also, I have an AO3 account under the same name in case you want to download/read my stories there!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Comfortable SPECIAL: Extras & Outtakes
* Heads up- I’m gonna go take a break again. I really just came back to finish this story. I’ll try to post little stories here and there (when I remember to) but for now I’m going on another semi-hiatus. I’ll come back when I find new inspiration to write something. Take care everyone and please enjoy! 😚
Hello! So this is a special chapter.
Whenever I write anything, I usually plan out the entire story first- like how long it’ll initially be and what each chapter would basically be about. Obviously, things didn’t quite pan out for this story like I expected (again, I apologize for the unintended hiatus for this story).
Maybe in the distant (like VERY distant) future, I’d go back and write these extra chapters…but I doubt it, honestly. Most likely, when I get back in the mood for writing this kind of thing (which will happen because I can never fully stop writing these kinks) then I would use these ideas for a different story under a different fandom (there’s one couple that I’ve been into lately, but not quite sure if I want to write anything for them just yet).
Thankfully, I think this story ended pretty nicely. But I thought it’d be fun to lay out what the original storyline was going to be- which was that it was supposed to go on for a few more chapters and there’s one chapter that was supposed to be before the pregnancy, but I obviously didn’t finish it.
So here’s the outline of the chapters that just didn’t happen (sorry if my notes are gibberish):
(Original Chapter 16- After the wedding and before the pregnancy): Chapter Title- A Relieving Honeymoon. Spain or Mexico? Tapas. Draco gets a chance to be a potioneer and he and Harry agree for Draco to resign and Harry to take up the head auror position. Pooping off a boat. After wet farting, Draco (or Harry) notices the other has a brown spot and so just wipes it off for them. When they dig in, they notice there some poop still inside so they let the other know, which makes that person push out the poop inside. (May make into a different one shot?)
All chapters below happen after the final chapter here (the story was originally supposed to be 21 chapters long).
Chapter Title: Taking A Load Off. The grandparents watch James for the night, and Harry and Draco have a scat night where Draco worships Harry’s body (*Sex toy scene: sex toys, sex play?) Harry decides to not take up the promotion to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and he resigns from being head auror (doesn’t like the paperwork and misses being partners with Draco.) He ends up devoting his life to his family as a stay at home dad.
Chapter Title: Poop Together, Stay Together. Completely domestic life- buddy dump. Draco opened up his own apothecary and Harry enjoys his family life with his baby, husband, all their friends and family. He also helps train the new auror recruits every now and then. A domestic scene where they’re watching the telly and Draco is just pushing out his gas- like getting into certain positions to get it out and sharts himself while Harry just kisses him and sharts himself as well before they decide to finish in the toilet (buddy dump). Baby’s first birthday. Pansy and Harry breastfeed together- Pansy’s child is about 4 months old) and they talk about children- Harry mentions teeth during breastfeeding.
Original Last chapter. Chapter Title: Surprise #2. Harry’s first guest teaching at Hogwarts. Story starts off in students POV and they all freak out when Harry is the surprise guest for their lesson that day. Draco and Harry are both 30 at this point and Harry surprises Draco that he is pregnant again. Harry has to poop but needs to hold it (desperation theme).
Epilogue. Chapter Title: To Burp, To Fart, And To Poop! Draco and Harry are now professors (42 years old) at Hogwarts and they have fun times in the Room of Requirement. Both will also fart sometimes in class, causing their students to argue and blame one another- not knowing it’s actually their professors. They also indulge in desperation play where they will both hold in their gas and bowels until the end of the day and let loose. Also, they talk about getting more unicorn smoke and other Weasley products- like Weasley’s Whoopie cushion. Scene- Draco tells their kids that they should respect their parents, but when the couple is left by themselves afterwards, Draco farts loudly, making Harry snort.
Outtake oneshot. Draco getting ready for their wedding but had bad diarrhea- his mom helped him by getting the stomach potions that in the wedding chapter, Harry noted were missing.
And finally, their children that they have at the end of this series (ages are at the time of the epilogue):
5 children:
16 y/o James Sirius. A perfect mixture of Harry and Draco. Dark hair and grey eyes. Wears glasses like Harry. Responsible. Gryffindor or Slytherin.
11 y/o twins: Scorpius Remus and Albus Severus (Draco wanted at least one star name). Fraternal twins- they look alike and is a perfect mixture of their parents, but Albus has dark hair with green eyes and Scorpious has blond hair with grey eyes). They both take after the Weasley twins and the mauderers. Gryffindor or Slytherin.
8y/o Lily Narcissa. A female version of Harry. Messy red hair with grey eyes. Fiery like Harry’s mom Lily but demure like Narcissa. Acts like a Hufflepuff.
Newborn: Hyperion Ronald. A mini Draco but with green eyes. No one was more shocked than Ron about the name. Obviously Ron’s favorite nephew. Harry, Hermione and Pansy giggle at the irony that Ron’s namesake looks exactly like Draco. House- unknown.
So there you have it. Like I said, maybe these storylines will be used one day in a different form- so it might still be written one day.
And finally, as an extra little bonus. Here are 3 scenes that I wrote for this story, that I just didn’t manage to complete. Here they are:
Scene#1: Taking A Load Off
Draco yawned as he sleepily stretched out his arm, frowning when he was met with an empty space beside him.
Looking at the clock, it was one in the morning.
Sighing, Draco got up from the bed and slowly headed towards where he knew his husband could be found.
His prediction was correct as he walked into their six-month old child’s room and saw Harry sitting on the rocking chair, dozing off but still holding baby James securely in his arms.
Draco carefully walked up to the two most important people in his world and smiled when he noticed that Harry’s pajama top was unbuttoned, one nipple on display which explained what his husband had just been doing.
Leaning down, gently shook Harry lightly, trying not to jostle the little bundle in his arms in the process.
Harry snorted a bit, waking up when he felt himself being moved.
Looking around, Harry was confused and alarmed at first with his dark surroundings but immediately calmed down when he made out the outline of his husband in front of him, barely making at the blond hair that stood out from the moonlight.
“Draco?” Harry yawned widely.
Draco chuckled quietly as he began to button up Harry’s top for him. “You fell asleep while feeding James again, love. Why don’t we head back to bed, hm?”
Harry gave him a sheepish look as he nodded, looking down and his smile became gentle as he looked at his son who was still adorably slumbering in his arms.
Looking back at his spouse, Harry tightened his hold slightly on their baby. “Draco, can we…” He trailed off but the other knew what he was asking for.
Draco sighed but gave him an indulgent look as he nodded, helping Harry to stand. “Even though James should get used to sleeping in his own crib, I suppose for tonight he can sleep with us.”
Harry smiled widely at he leaned forward to thank the blond with a kiss on the lips before they headed back to their bedroom.
Getting into bed, Harry gently laid their baby down between them, then all three of them snuggled together.
Sighing when he felt a light kiss on his forehead, Harry closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
They were woken a few hours later by disgruntled cries, both parents yawning as their little one cried loudly.
Already accustomed to James’ cries over the past six months, Harry sleepily sat up in bed and went to grab the squalling infant.
James had many types of cries that Harry and Draco could already pick out whether they meant he was hungry, or he needed a nappy change, or that he was very tired and needed a nap.
James also recently developed a new cry that Harry had jokingly nicknamed ‘the Malfoy cry’.
This was where his cries were demanding and almost haughty in tone and wouldn’t stop until either Draco or he (and sometimes Narcissa, Molly and surprisingly George) held him and gave him their sole attention.
But this time, Harry could tell that their baby was hungry (both men were surprised when they learned that babies fed at least 5-6 times per day, sometimes even more).
Unbuttoning his top in a practiced manner, Harry brought James up to his chest and chuckled when the little boy hungrily latched his nipple, his tiny hand reaching up to breast to almost squeeze more milk into his mouth.
The more Harry breastfed, the more he got used to it and actually enjoyed it.
Pretty much all the tops he wore were either buttoned, zippered or easily to pulled down or up for breastfeeding. And whenever he needed to feed James when they were out in public, Harry always had a blanket as a cover up for privacy.
He still found the sensation strange but he loved having this time with James, knowing that only he was able to provide this type of nourishment to his son.
Like always, Draco was watching the two feed with a loving expression on his face.
Seeing his husband feed their child never failed to fascinate him.
The act of breastfeeding itself was something entirely more intimate and special, and seeing his husband providing for their son was something Draco never failed to get tired of watching.
Draco laid on his side, quietly watching Harry feed James before the two men began to talk about their plans for the day.
“So, you’ll be heading to work in about an hour or so, right? I have your robes ready for you in the closet.” Draco informed him, pushing himself up so he rested his head in his hand while his elbow was on the bed.
A strange expression crossed Harry’s face but before Draco could ask about it, Harry smiled again and gave a light laugh. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I asked for a couple of days off. So I’ll be able to spend more time with my two favorite boys. Is that right, James?”
Harry nuzzled into James, making the baby boy laugh in his high-pitch giggle, spilling a bit of milk since he was still drinking.
Draco smiled at them both.
*While Harry feeds James, he tells Draco that he took a few days off work. This makes Draco concerned since Harry just came back to work a month ago and he noticed that Harry wasn’t happy lately but doesn’t talk to Harry about it (later he will) and Harry says that sometimes he misses having it be just the two of them (although he loves James). Draco agrees and offers to have Narcissa watch James so they could have a date- Harry is happy. After the feeding, James farts and poops his diaper, making both parents laugh and draco farts too and then Harry farts too. *Harry’s breast milk always gives Draco diarrhea, so during sex Draco drinks it and has diarrhea during intercourse.
Scene #2: Surprise #2
“Psst! Who do you think it is?”
Leona Livingston barely gave her best friend a glance as she continued to hurry and finish up the Defense assignment that she was supposed to finish up last night.
She knew it had been a bad idea to play games with the rest of her fellow third years last night in the Hufflepuff common room.
None of them went to bed until at least midnight- and on top of that, they got into detention when they were found out of bed past their curfew.
As a Gryffindor herself, she was surprised by exactly how much Hufflepuffs got away with- so much for being the most innocent house.
“Leona! Did you hear what I just said?” Her Slytherin best friend, Maxwell Geraint, hissed at her, elbowing her in the side now to get her attention.
After the Battle of Hogwarts nearly ten years ago, Headmistress McGonagell’s new implementation of interhouse unity came a long way since then.
Leona was grateful since she wouldn’t know what she would have done if she couldn’t hang out with her childhood best friend as she did now if they were separated by all that house rivalry nonsense.
“I heard. Apparently there’s supposed to be some sort of special guest coming to today’s DADA class, right?” Leona said, willing her hand to write faster as she was nearly finished with her essay.
Maxwell sighed dramatically as he leaned against her shoulder, feeling completely carefree since he had finished his assignment two days before. Lucky bastard. “Who could it possibly be? Professor Brindlemore says that the guest is a good friend of Professor Neville and Hagrid…and even the Headmistress!”
“Done!” Leona exclaimed happily as she looked over her finished essay. She was about 99% sure she would get a troll for it, but at least it was finished.
“And Ralphie said that Professor Slughorn had also been looking forward to the guest’s arrival during that last Slug Club meeting of his.” Maxwell continued, not affected as Leona moved around to put away her feather and ink, staying on her shoulder the entire time.
Leona exhaled as she finally gave her best friend her full attention. “Doesn’t it sound like it might be someone who had fought in the war?”
Maxwell finally sat up and looked very excited. “You think so too? Maybe it’s one of the war heroes? But which one?” They both knew how starstruck Maxwell got when famous wizards and witches made rare visits to their classes. She still remembered how her friend nearly fainted when Professor Longbottom first introduced himself to them.
Leona looked thoughtful. “Maybe Theodore Nott again? Or perhaps Luna Lovegood?”
Maxwell shook his head. “I don’t think so- it sounded like someone new was coming. Meeting Mr. Nott was fascinating though- all those brilliant inventions he showed us. And Ms. Lovegood was so pretty but sort of…out there.” He said awkwardly, remembering how that lesson went.
Leona snorted. “She was strange alright- but very kind and I did enjoy her lecture about nargles. Remember Mr. Finnegan’s class?” They both snickered as they recalled the huge explosion that had occurred- but the students loved it since all their classes ended up being cancelled for the next two days due to the damages.
The slytherin boy looked at the back of the classroom, try to see if the guest would be walking in any time soon. “Oh my god, what if it was someone from the golden trio- like Hermione Granger? Or Ron Weasley?” He looked back at Leona, nearly bouncing in his seat from the anticipation.
Leona looked back at him with an amused expression- she frequently wondered how her hyper best friend ended up in a house like Slytherin. “I doubt it. I mean, why would people as famous as them take their time to visit a bunch of children here? If so, then what if Draco Malfoy was the guest?“ The gryffindor gave her best friend a sly grin as she spoke.
As she had expected, Maxwell slammed his palm against their shared table, face pinked. “Don’t even joke about that! Oh Merlin- if Draco Malfoy came in through that door right now, I’d just die!” He dramatically fell back into his seat, making a few of their classmates giggle at his antics.
Leona chuckled as her best friend fanned himself. “Seeing your celebrity crush in real life would be too much for you, huh?”
The slytherin nodded his head fervently. “I wouldn’t be able to handle it!” He nearly squealed at the mere thought.
“Not only did he turn his life around from ex-death eater to the second youngest Potion master ever- plus he was the first one to successfully transform liquid potions into its much easier to consume ‘pill’ form- but he’s also married to one of the most powerful wizards of all time! And Morgana’s tits- he’s just so bloody handsome on top of it all!” Maxwell gushed out exuberantly.
Leona grinned as she leaned her chin on her palm. “Then speaking of most powerful wizards of all time, what if the guest was…shall we say, Harry Potter?” She suggested her friend’s other celebrity crush, but this time the suggestion was completely in joke.
Maxwell calmed down instantly and gave her a serious look. “That’s impossible.” He stated flatly. Leona snorted at the fast denial.
“There’s no chance of that possibly happening. I mean, we can’t even daydream about Harry freaking Potter coming here- that’s how unlikely that would be.” Maxwell shook his head, lamenting at the harsh reality.
Everyone in the Wizarding world knew who Harry Potter was- even muggleborns who haven’t been in the Wizarding world for that long knew who he was within minutes.
Some of them were lucky to catch glimpses of the famous wizard in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade a few times when he visited, but he had always been surrounded by his friends and family who were ferociously protective of him, so none of them could actually approach him.
And not to mention his husband, Draco Malfoy-Potter, had threatened anybody who dared bothered his husband or their son when the trio made cute family outings.
With the Minister of Magic as the blond’s stepfather, outsiders feared for their lives if they ever offended the Malfoy-Potter family.
“I’d believe that Dumbledore himself would resurrect from the dead first before the Savior of the Wizarding World would come and grace his presence to a bunch of third years.” He held his arms out, his eyes wide as he stared at her insistently.
Leona laughed as she nodded. “I completely agree, there’s no way that Harry Potter would bother coming here.” She couldn’t help but feel disappointed though since she also had a teeny crush on the savior herself as well- she was in the same Hogwart’s house as him, after all.
Maxwell gave a long sigh in disappointment. “But I swear by Salazar Slytherin himself, if I could meet THE Harry Potter in real life then I would just-“
“Hey, Nev? Is it this room?”
“Yeah, Harry. Right through here, mate.”
“Great! Wow, it still looks the same after all these years.”
Every single student turned to the back of the classroom and stared wide-eyed as their Herbology professor entered the classroom.
But what really grabbed all their attention was the slightly shorter man that was beside him.
Unruly black hair, as if he had just gotten out of bed, smooth clear skin with a bit of stubble on his chin, a slim but sturdy physique that carried a good amount of muscle on him, which was only enhanced by the dark jeans, plain white v-neck and rugged dark green jacket he wore.
But what stood out about the newcomer was his vivid green almond-shaped eyes shining brightly behind thin silver-wired round glasses, and a gentle, playful smile resting upon his lips as he looked around while following Professor Longbottom to the front of their class.
And of course, the obvious lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead pretty much screamed to them all exactly what the identity of their special guest was.
“Bloody hell.” Maxwell breathed out. Leona could only nod her head along in astonishment.
“Good morning class. Unfortunately, Professor Brindlemore is out sick today, but I’m here to introduce your special guest- who had also graciously accepted to take over Professor Brindlemore’s defense classes for today only: Mr. Harry Malfoy-Potter.” Neville grinned as he watched all the young students staring wide-eyed and some even with their jaws dropped open at the man beside him.
Leona thankfully had her mouth closed but her eyes were large as she stared at the Savior of the Wizarding World. Behind her, she could hear one of her roommates, Fiona Wellers, practically hyperventilating in her seat.
Harry Malfoy-Potter gave them all a wide grin which made most of the girls (and guys) in the class sigh dreamily. “Hello. Like Neville- ah, I mean Professor Longbottom-“ He winked at her herbology professor, causing a group of the slytherin girls to let out a squeal. “-said, my name is Harry Malfoy-Potter. But that’s a bit of a mouthful, so you can all just call me Harry.” He told them gently.
Professor Longbottom gave the class a final warning to behave- as if they could misbehave with the Vanquisher of the Dark Lord in front of them!- before he patted Mr. Harry’s (because there was no way she could call someone as great as him by just his first name!) shoulder and left for his own class.
Mr. Harry leaned casually against the desk behind him, crossing his legs a bit before he spoke again. “So, Headmistress McGonagell has been asking me for a while to make an appearance to her lovely students and share some of my own personal experiences about the war to you all.
“Luckily I got my four-year old to settle down with his daddy at home, giving me the opportunity to sneak out of the house and finally come here today.” He joked, making the class laugh along.
“I’ll only be able to stay for the morning- have some plans later with my husband- so I guess you and the next class will be the only ones having to put up with me today.” He added, looking as if that was a bad thing. Leona faintly heard Maxwell breathed out a “Thank you for blessing us Salazar.” under his breath.
“So like Professor Longbottom mentioned, instead of a short talk like originally planned, I’ll be teaching your whole class today. Our lecture will be by textbook and afterwards, I’ll share with you all my experience of what happened during the war, plus the spells that were used- this is defense against the dark arts class, after all.
“Sorry, but no practical practice today as I’m sure all of you were looking forward to it.” He apologized, looking genuinely sorry. Leona noted that he absently touched the front of his shirt as he spoke before putting his hand back down on the table.
The gryffindor and the rest of her class looked a bit disappointed at that, but they were still syked to have THE Harry Potter’s mere presence alone in their class.
“Before I begin, like I’ve said, I’m not really a professor here so let’s just keep things casual, okay? Of course, everyone should show respect and not speak while another person is talking, but if you have any questions feel free to raise your hand and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my abilities.” He told them, giving them all an encouraging look.
Immediately all hands went up, surprising Mr. Harry before he raised his eyebrow at them. “Oh, and I’m not answering any questions about my personal life, by the way.” He added.
Immediately everyone’s hands went down. Mr. Harry chuckled as he scooted on top the table he had been leaning on so that now he was now sitting fully on top of it. “Alright, everyone take out your textbooks now- we’ll start the lesson with a brief discussion about werewolves.”
Everyone watched in astonishment as Mr. Harry held his hand in front of him and one of the drawers behind him opened before their defense textbook flew out and landed gently into his open palm.
Opening the book, Mr. Harry then waved one hand in the air and suddenly the lights that had been off had turned on.
Content, Mr. Harry briefly skimmed the textbook to where they had let off. When he noticed how quiet it was, he looked up and looked at the gobsmacked expressions in front of him in confusion. “Yes? How come no one is getting their books out?”
Leona slowly raised her hand up and she felt herself internally freak out when Mr. Harry smiled and nodded AT HER. “Um, Mr. Harry…” Mr. Harry shot her an amused look at the name. “…did you just use wandless and wordless magic just now?“
Mr. Harry looked surprised as he looked around the classroom and then starting chuckling. “Oh, it’s something I’ve been doing for a long time that I’m used to it by now but I guess that would be something unusual for you all, huh?”
Mr. Harry brought his free hand up and with a twitch of his fingers, the scattered items on the desk he sat on rearranged themselves in a neat manner. “I can mostly only do simple things like this, though.” He shrugged, as if it wasn’t anything impressive.
But of course, everyone else was amazed and one of the Gryffindor boys commented with a “Wicked!”
“Can you teach us how to cast some wandless or wordless spells?” One of the slytherin girls asked excitedly when Mr. Harry called on her.
Mr. Harry looked hesitant as he listened to the excited chatter and pleading from the students before him. Leona was hoping he’d say yes while she heard Maxwell do a silent mantra to every great wizard he knew to be taught as well.
Finally, Mr. Harry sighed as he gave them all a weary smile. “Well, if we still have time afterwards, then I might be able to teach you all how to cast a wordless ‘Lumos’ perhaps.” He offered, deciding that would be his easiest and safest bet.
He chuckled as the class erupted into cheers. “Alright, alright. Now that that’s settled, please grab your books and turn to page 394.”
Harry smiled as he waved at the last gaggle of students.
As soon as the door closed and with a quick *locking spell* Harry leaned back, resting his hands on the table behind him and opened his legs wide, letting out a booming fart that he had been holding in for the last hour.
Harry sighed loudly as he was finally able to relieve the pressure inside his gut.
*After his classes (stuck with purely textbook with the rest of the classes), Harry goes to the headmistresses office and is surprised to see Draco and James there (James runs up to him excitedly).
Scene #3: A Relieving Honeymoon
“¿Cómo está?” (How are you?)
“Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?” (Fine, thank you. And you?)
“Más o menos.” (So-so.)
Harry shot an indulgent smile towards his newly wedded husband.
He watched the tiny wrinkle that appeared on Draco’s forehead as the other frowned down at the small yellow book in his hands, focused on memorizing the strange Spanish phrases while the newlywed couple waited for their international port key to open up to bring them to their honeymoon destination.
Their new martial status had been official for two days now but Harry still couldn’t believe he was finally married to the love of his life and that he was now legally Harry Malfoy-Potter.
According to their friends and family, after the newly wedded couple left, their wedding reception lasted all the way until the break of dawn the following day.
Spent from the chaos of their entire wedding and all the weeks that led up to it, Harry and Draco spent nearly the entire day after their ceremony and reception in bed, mostly just sleeping it all off.
Hours later, refreshed and much more relaxed than before, the two prepared to leave for their honeymoon (with Draco finishing any last-minute packing while Harry- who was actually the one who planned their whole honeymoon while Draco did their wedding- made some calls to confirm that everything was set and would go smoothly the next day).
Now the day of their honeymoon was here and the newlyweds were stoked for an entire two weeks of being together in a completely foreign country.
“Oh, look Harry- our portkey is ready.” Draco pointed out to the lone sombrero that had suddenly appeared a few feet away.
Harry had been amazed by what the wizard-version of an airport was.
They were basically in an large open field, with other wizards, witches and muggles alike, roaming around as if they were just admiring their landscape.
But unbeknownst to the muggles, the wizardry kind would be keeping an eye out on when their portkey would arrive- which would be normally signaled by the appearance of the item that tied in to the destination they were heading off to.
And with the power of magic, their portkeys could only be noticed and used by those who had it prepared specifically for them. So right now, only Draco and Harry were the only ones aware of the strange hat that was lying there in the middle of nowhere.
“¿Nos vamos?” (Shall we go?) Draco asked Harry, grinning at using one of his Spanish phrases.
Harry chuckled, nodding and replied with, “¡Sí, por favor!” (Yes, please!)
Draco looked surprised as Harry smiled smugly while linking their hands together as they walked towards the hat. “I didn’t expect you to understand what I said- how did you know?”
Harry winked at him. “I also thought it’d be a good idea to learn some of the language, just in case.” Draco beamed at him as Harry kissed his cheek before they made it to the hat.
“Do we have everything?” Draco asked him. Harry nodded as he patted the small pouches they both wore, once again thankful for magic that allowed them to travel lightly with the help of extension charms.
“Alright, now on the count of three we’ll grab the key together. Tres, Dos…Uno!”
They both grabbed the rim of the sombrero and Harry nearly bit his tongue as he felt the unpleasant feel of like a hook somewhere behind his navel pull him forward.
He barely managed to keep himself from screaming as the world whirled around him. He barely registered Draco’s arms pulling him in but he gladly let himself be held.
Draco chuckled as Harry held onto him for dear life, like a koala holding onto a tree. Being used to portkeys all his life, Draco easily secured his lover to him as he leisurely drifted his way onto the wispy white sand below.
Landing with a soft thud, Draco sighed as he rubbed Harry’s back soothingly. “We’re here, love.”
Harry slowly pulled his face away from where it was hidden in Draco’s shoulder and shakily laughed as he carefully peeled himself away from the other.
Draco kept a steady arm around Harry’s waist, waiting for his husband to pull himself together from their travel.
When Harry was certain that his breakfast wouldn’t make a reappearance anytime soon, he sighed before he looked around and let out a loud gasp as he finally took in his surroundings.
They were in one of the most beautiful and cultural honeymoon destinations in the world, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.
Its otherworldly cenotes and vibrant coral reefs were just the beginning of Playa del Carmen’s appeal.
Not just popular for their exceptional beaches, but there were Mayan ruins and underwater caverns nearby.
And for those less-adventurous types, there was also places to just walk down and do some leisurely shopping or they could taste the delicious eats that the city offered.
This place was perfect since it wasn’t too crowded with tourists like Cancun but it wasn’t as laid back as Talum.
There were people roaming around them, but none of them had paid attention to the two men that suddenly appeared out of nowhere- most likely due to the muggle repelling charm that was also part of their international portkey.
They had landed on one of the most beautiful beaches either man had ever seen, with its soft white sands and sparkling sapphire waters before them.
“Oh, wow…” Harry’s jaw dropped as he took in the lovely view of the sunrise before them.
“Mmm…this is perfect.” Draco sighed, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath of the salty ocean smell and light tropical aroma in.
Both men smiled at one another and shared their first- of many- kisses of their honeymoon.
“Hmm…Draco…” Harry moaned as he pulled Draco down more to throughly ravish the other’s lips.
“Harry…” Draco breathed out, nibbling at Harry’s bottom lip for another moment before he pulled away, but leaned their foreheads together as they caught their breaths.
“I love you.” Harry told him, nuzzling their noses together.
“I love you too, baby.” Draco replied back, giving his husband’s forehead a soft peck.
With his arms lightly wounded around Harry, Draco smiled as he gently placed one of Harry’s lose strands of hair behind his ear. “What’s our plan?” He asked, curious since other than being told of their location, Harry was pretty tight-lipped of the rest of his plans for them.
“Well, I thought we’d check into our hotel first before we explore the area together. We’ll only be here for a day though- tomorrow we be headed off to the main place where we’ll be spending our honeymoon at.” Harry told him before blinking as their portkey made a shrilling sound, notifying them that its job was done before vanishing off to wherever it came from.
Draco nodded as he saw the portkey disappear before looking at Harry. “Sounds good. Shall we?”
“Vamos!” Harry winked at Draco as they walked to the hotel that Harry booked for them- the Rosewood Mayakoba.
Thankfully, the hotel staff was friendly (it was nice that this area was pro-lgbt) and spoke English very well, although Draco did enjoy using the few Spanish phrases he knew on them as well.
They were brought up to where they would be spending the night at and Draco was immediately impressed by Harry’s choice.
“Tada! How do you like it?” Harry grinned when the two were alone to settle down.
Harry had went all out and booked the Deluxe Overwater Lagoon Suite.
It was popular with honeymooners and their villa was floated above the emerald lagoon.
It’s had an inviting lounge terrace with a plunge pool, a luxurious bathroom with outdoor garden shower, a walk-in closet, a king bed and spectacular views of the lagoon and mangroves.
Draco nodded as he took a seat on the lounge chair that overlooked the lagoon and pulled Harry on top of him. “Excellent choice, Malfoy-Potter. I’m impressed.” He complimented his significant other.
Harry beamed up at him in pride and they snuggled together, enjoying the quiet breeze around them.
After a while, the two decided to head out once again and changed into more appropriate vacation attire- short sleeved polo shirts with shorts and sandals.
Draco- fashionista that he was- had them both wearing loud but tasteful prints on their tops to match the summer mood.
When they finished dressing and covered their British-sensitive pale skins with copious amounts of sunblock and skin protection charms, they headed out to explore the city.
They started off at the heart of the city, El Zócalo, which was the main square and the prefect place to start their adventure.
The square was animated with dancers and music, buskers and even street stalls where the couple tasted the best street foods that Mexico could offer.
“Mmm…this is delicious.” Harry hummed as he took another bite of his elote, a corn on the cob on a stick that was slathered in creamy mayonnaise, and sprinkled with salty cojita cheese and spicy chili pepper.
After visiting one of the museums and the cathedral, they had taken a quick lunch break and grabbed a few food and drink items before finding a shady spot to stand against while watching a few people dancing in front of them.
Draco chuckled as he held his torta, a mexican sandwich that he had filled with carne asada and refried beans, while watching his husband get some of the mixture onto his cheek. “So messy.” He said playfully but leaned forward and unabashedly licked that bit off the other’s face, making Harry blush and giggle.
Draco quietly watched Harry eat and when Harry noticed the hesitant look on his husband’s face, he titled his own head in question. “Hm?”
Draco paused for a moment before he opened his mouth, but then he stopped, wrinkled his eyebrows before shaking his head. “Never mind, it’s nothing.”
Harry observed the other for a moment, watching Draco take a large bite out of his sandwich. “You sure?”
Harry was pretty observant- especially when it came to Draco- and he had noticed for the past two weeks now Draco would look like he wanted to tell Harry something, but then would stop himself and change the subject.
Harry had a feeling Draco needed to tell him something important, but his instincts told him it wasn’t anything dire. So he would just shrug it off and wait until his husband was ready to say whatever was on his mind.
Draco nodded as he smiled as he fed Harry a piece of meat from his sandwich, making Harry moan him in delight. “Positive.”
They finished their foods before they headed to take a stroll down Quinta Avenida, which was a pedestrian-only walkway that went on for over a mile long.
Hand in hand, they walked down the long street, amazed by all the little shops on their left and right sides.
Harry suggested that although it was early, they should do their souvenir shopping now due to the destination where they would be heading out to and staying for the rest of their honeymoon would more secluded and wouldn’t have any places for them to shop at.
Draco didn’t mind since he loved to shop. They spent an hour or so picking out items to bring back for their family and friends.
For the females, they bought many cloths with Mexican textiles- such as colorful scarfs, beach dresses and blankets that were embellished with colorful handmade embroidery.
And for their mothers in specific, they had gotten Narcissa some lovely taxco silver jewelry, which consisted of a set of earrings, bracelets and a heavy silver necklace that they could imagine Narcissa wearing. For Molly, they got her some Talavera Pottery; they were positive she would be chuffed to receive the large colorful printed pot and would use it immediately.
For the males, although it wasn’t the right season, they bought them Día de Los Muertos figurines due to they knew that the guys would interested in receiving the painted skulls the most. And they also bought a small Lucha libre mask for Teddy, due to the little boy had asked for one when he saw it on one of his cartoons that he was watching.
They ended their shopping with purchasing many foods that wouldn’t expire immediately- like the chocolates and coffee beans.
At one of the stalls, when Draco leaned over to examine some Mexican vanilla carefully, a loud fart tooted out of his bum, making him squeak as he straightened up again, blushing hard as he look around to see if anyone heard him.
Luckily, only Harry heard his involuntarily burst of flatulence, as the rest of the customers were far away from them.
Harry laughed quietly as he discreetly patted the blond’s bottom. “Don’t worry, Dray- you’re safe. I guess those beans from earlier are making their reappearance.” He teased as he had noticed that his husband had been letting out a few silent but deadly farts since they first began walking down the avenue.
Draco may have thought he was being sneaky since no one heard him and around them had been crowded enough that no one could pinpoint where the stench was coming from in the middle of all the other smells surrounding them. But Harry knew his husband’s musty odor and immediately could tell when Draco had let loose.
Draco’s cheeks reddened as he darted his eyes around the area before letting out another honking fart, this time sounding very wet.
“I need to go to the loo.” He whispered to Harry, feeling himself start to turtlehead.
Harry nodded and grabbed his hand before he pulled them to where the shop owner was.
“Disculpe, señora. ¿Tienes un baño?” (Excuse me, ma’am. Do you have a bathroom?) Harry asked the older lady politely.
The lady looked at them and her eyes brightened at the two very handsome men in front of her. She smiled widely as she told them she had a private bathroom down the hall, but such good-looking men such as them were welcomed to use it.
Both men chuckled as they thanked the woman and followed to where she directed them to.
Locking the door behind them, Harry watched as Draco sped towards the toilet, nearly ripping down his shorts and underwear and plopping himself right on the seat.
Draco sighed loudly as a massive fart exploded right out of him, quickly followed by numerous plopping sounds as his poop landed into the toilet.
Harry let out a laugh as he walked to where Draco was and took a seat on the edge of the tub beside him.
“Feeling better?” Harry teasedly asked, rubbing his husband’s back in comfort.
BRRRRAAPPPP! Brrrtttttt….
Draco grimaced as a torrent of soft poo exited him before he relaxed his face when it was over. “Much better. Oh, love- can you cast the spell? It’s starting to get very pungent in here.” He wrinkled his nose as the acrid stench of his bowel release hit his nostrils.
Harry dutifully casted Odoratus Adlevo before Draco finished expelling the rest of his bowels.
“Do you need to go- nghh-praap!…as well, Harry?” Draco asked him while he pushed out another stool.
Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. “Not really, but I think I should pee just in case there’s no other nice ladies later on who’ll let us use their loos due to our handsomeness.” He joked at Draco who just snorted.
Draco opened his thighs and watched as Harry’s prick popped out and aimed a stream right in the space between them.
When Harry zipped himself up again, Draco had also finished and scooted up forward for Harry to wipe him clean. At this point, they had an unsaid agreement that whenever they went in front of each other on the toilet, then the other would automatically help them clean up. They really enjoyed the intimate act of wiping each other up.
After they made sure everything was flushed and clean and with one last air freshening spell casted upon the room, they both made their exit.
They thanked the older lady and even bought a few jars of salsa from her, making her extra happy.
The couple ended up buying a few more souvenirs from other shops before Draco announced they were done.
It was perfect timing due to Harry then brought Draco to somewhere he had planned for them as well on the trip.
Draco was amazed when he found himself at the Chichén Itzá, which was where the most impressive buildings of the Mayan culture were built, including one of the 7 New Wonders of the world, the Pyramid of Kukulcan.
Thanfully, Harry had used apparition to get them there due to the travel to get there from where they had been would have taken them about two and a half hours just one way.
The couple successfully joined into one of the tour groups there and no one questioned their presence as they all followed the tour guide around the Mayan ruins.
Harry was enamored by the ruins and nearly ran up the stairs of the pyramid while Draco giddily took pictures of everything- he even had someone take a nice photo of him and Harry in front of the pyramid that he was definitely going to use for this year’s Christmas card.
When the sun was about to set soon, Draco was a bit disappointed that they couldn’t stay long enough to watch the night show that the pyramid had, but Harry told him that he had reservations made for their dinner that they couldn’t be late for.
Draco was the one to apparate them back this time, and they ended up right by their hotel, hidden behind one of the walls so one wouldn’t notice their sudden appearance.
The newlyweds headed to their villa and got ready for dinner.
They both wore light linen shirts- Harry’s short sleeved with pink and white vertical strips while Draco’s was long but rolled up to his elbows and colored a solid light blue with a printed design peeking out from his collar and shirt ends.
Harry was paired with khaki-colored pants and tan sandals while Draco wore a pair of loose and airy pure white linen slacks and light brown loafers.
After Draco deemed their attire appropriate and to his satisfaction, he and Harry headed out for dinner.
Harry brought Draco to a tapas restaurant called, Disfrutar. It was located right on the beach and had an open and light atmosphere with live music playing. Draco smiled when he spotted a few couples dancing along to the music on the beach.
Their server brought them to a nice, secluded area where they had a great view of the setting sun.
Looking through the menu, Harry apologized when he realized that it was all in Spanish and with no pictures but Draco told him not to worry.
Growing up with a family that made a lot of outings to foreign restaurants, Draco easily called their waiter over and spoke in a practiced manner, “Tiene un menú en inglés?” (Do you have a menu in English?)
Their waiter frowned and looked at him apologetically. “No, no lo hacemos. Lo lamento señor.” (No, we do not. I’m sorry sir.)
Draco waved it off and spoke again, “No, está bien. ¿Qué me recomiendas?” (No, that’s alright. What do you recommend?)
The waiter brightened up and proceeded to let them know of the night’s specials.
Draco secretly took out his wand from his pocket and casted the translation spell, needing it to understand what the waiter was saying.
The translation spell wasn’t perfect- it translated words as if it were using google translate- but Draco understood the gist of it.
What Draco got was the specials were a wide array of Mexican tapas (small dishes of food) and all of them sounded delicious.
He told their waiter they would order the top ten most recommended tapa dishes and declined to any alcohol but added two glasses of their tropical juices and also ordered the dessert special for that night.
Draco preened under the impressed look that Harry gave him as their waiter happily took back their menus and told them that he would bring them their drinks and some complimentary chips and salsa for their table.
When their waiter left, Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco. “That was hot.”
Draco smirked as he took a sip of his ice water. “Thank you.”
“And I thought you speaking French was sexy- which it is. But Merlin, do you know any other Spanish phrases?” Harry wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at his husband.
Draco policed his glass down and leaned over the table, whispering into Harry’s ear. “Quiero hacerte el amor a lo grande.” (I want to make great love to you.)
Harry blushed hard as Draco sat back down, grinning at him slyly. “I don’t know what you just said, but yes.”
Draco was still laughing as their waiter returned with their drinks and chips with salsa. They both calmed down after that and relaxed as they watched the sun set, sipping on their agua frescas.
When their waiter brought their main dishes, the couple were nearly drooling at the delicious plates of food that were served out.
There were all the meats- carne asada, pollo asada and carnitas all prepared differently and paired with various sauces and moles. There were also seafoods such as grilled octopus and ceviches.
They had also been served a few veggie dishes, tamales and had a fresh stack of tortillas served in a woven basket.
Both Draco and Harry dug into their meal, of course feeding one another bites of everything while also feeding themselves.
Draco moaned in delight as he tasted the mole sauces- declaring that the darkest colored one was his favorite. Harry let Draco take claim over that entire dish as he enjoyed the carnitas the most.
“I’m-urrpp…excuse me. I’m debating whether to asked for seconds on this” Draco wondered as he wiped up the last of the mole with his tortilla.
Harry smiled as he opened his mouth when Draco fed him another piece of tamale. “Go for it, love. We’re on our-uuurrrpp…oof! Hm…we’re on our honeymoon so why not indulge?” Draco gave him a kiss, swallowing the belch that was about to come out of Harry’s mouth before he waved down their waiter to order another large serving of the mole.
Their waiter returned every now and then to ask how they were enjoying the food while refilling their drinks. The couple gave great praise to the food, making their waiter happier.
As they dined together, they had only crumbs and leftover smears of the sauces left by the time they were done. Their waiter removed the empty dishes and soon brought out their dessert- the chocolate sphere.
It looked like a chocolate ball inside of a large martini glass, decorated with green leaves and a dark chocolate monkey hanging at the side of the glass.
Draco mainly enjoyed the expression on Harry’s face when their waiter poured warm chocolate sauce over the valrhona chocolate sphere, making the ball open up like a blooming flower and revealing scoops of dulce de leche ice cream, assorted berries, hot caramel syrup and whipped cream.
The dessert was like nirvana on the tongue and both men nearly moaned in climax with how delicious the dessert was. It’s was smooth and decadent and they licked the spoon clean as they both fed each other.
Both men sat sighed as they sat back, their dessert done and swallowing their burps as they waited for their waiter to bring their bill.
“Well done on the choice of restaurant, Harry.” Draco complimented his spouse.
Harry was glowing under the other’s praise since it was usually Draco who chose the places where they would dined. All those hours he spent researching the best place to eat out at definitely paid off.
Seeing Draco bring his fist up to swallow another burp, Harry smirked as he leaned forward and with a quick glance to make sure no eyes were on them, he quickly pulled Draco’s hand away from his mouth and pressed their mouths together.
Immediately he felt a large gust of air enter inside him and he couldn’t help but let a soft moan out as the taste of chocolate and a few savory spices entered his mouth.
He allowed the kiss to last for a few seconds longer and with a quick swipe of his tongue against Draco’s, Harry pulled away and sat back in his chair, grinning widely at the stunned look on Draco’s face.
Draco’s face then reddened as he also took a glance around them before huffing at Harry. “Harry! We’re out in public!” But they could both tell that the blond wasn’t that upset about what had happened.
Harry just whistled lightly as their oblivious waiter returned with their bill.
Leaving a large tip, Draco invited Harry for a dance on the beach, where a good amount of couples were slow dancing to a ballad.
“But we just ate!” Harry exclaimed as Draco pulled him into the sand.
“Exactly. We can burn off the calories.” Draco told him, pulling Harry close to him by his hips.
Harry pouted but wrapped his arms around Draco’s shoulders. “Fine. But don’t blame me if I accidentally step on your feet.” Harry knew that he wasn’t a good dancer and felt uncomfortable having to dancing in front of other people he didn’t know.
Draco gave him a soft look as he touched their foreheads together. “You know I don’t care about that. Don’t worry, love. Just sway side to side and I’ll take the lead.”
Harry sighed but allowed his lips to meet Draco’s for a moment before he nodded. “Okay. I trust you, Dray.”
The couple danced under the night sky, everyone lost in their own partner as the waves of the ocean gently rocked around the white sands.
Harry found himself enjoying dancing with Draco, only having stepped on Draco’s feet just two times.
As they danced together, Draco guided Harry towards the edge of the ‘dance floor’, towards the oceans and a good few feet from the other couples (which wasn’t uncommon since he could see about two other couples who were also a ways apart from everyone).
Harry knew the reason they were pulled away from the others since Draco had begun to let out little toots during their third song.
By the time they were dancing in almost completely away from the restaurant, Draco’s flatulence had gotten worse- his fart sounding much more bubblier and wetter as they came out.
“That was a big one.” Harry commented as he grinned at the monster fart that bursted out of the other.
Draco gave something like a cross between a laugh and a moan as another blorping fart came out of him. “Ughh…I think it was the..BLLLAARRPP!…the mole…” He explained as he pushed out another fart.
Harry breathed in the musty odor of his husband’s flatulence and smiled. “Should we head back now?“
Draco shook his head, unwrapping one of his arms around Harry’s waist and began rubbing his own stomach. “No. The beach at night is too lovely and with tonight being a full moon, it would be a shame to leave now.”
Harry looked out and saw that the moon was indeed full and as it shined over the dark waters before them, the whole setting was very mysterious and romantic.
“Why don’t we take a walk against the shoreline?” Draco offered instead.
Harry smiled as he nodded happily, as he joined their hands together.
It was like they’d had the whole beach to themselves, no one was around them as they walked along the beach.
Draco was now freely farting as loud as he wanted to now that no one other than Harry was around to hear or smell him and Harry just enjoyed every moment of it, feeling the sand between his toes as he had removed his sandals and now walked barefoot.
Blaarrtt…BRAP! BRAP!…pffffffttt…
Harry chuckled as Draco sighed loudly, feeling relieved to finally let his flatulence go. “I guess we’re making our own music out here.” He teased at Draco’s bum symphony.
Draco nudged him as another blustering fart came out. Draco opened his mouth and a large belch came out.
UUURRRRPPP! He grinned at Harry. “Need to keep you entertained after all.” Harry laughed as he hugged Draco, rubbing circles over the other’s rumbling middle in order to urge out more ‘music’.
As they walked further down the shore, Draco spoke, “Hey, Harry? There was something I wanted to talk to you about actually.”
Harry looked up at Draco and noticed the slightly nervous expression the other wore. “Hm? What is it?” Harry was confused as usually the two could tell each other everything right away.
Draco looked unsure as he debated whether to say whatever was on his mind.
Harry now frowned as he stopped, making Draco looked directly at him. “Hey, remember our vows- ‘in good times and not so good times’- so whatever it is, we can handle it together.” He told Draco tenderly.
Draco let out a breath as he smiled at Harry. It was quiet between the two of them for a while before Draco slowly shook his head. “I’ll talk to you about it next time. Don’t worry- it’s nothing bad, but I don’t think we should talk about it on our first night during our honeymoon. Let’s leave it for another day.”
Harry pursed his lips but eventually agreed. “Alright. It sounds like something important but if you say it’s nothing to worry about, then I trust you. But we will talk about it eventually, right?”
Draco nodded as he pecked Harry lips. “Yes, we will. During our honeymoon I’ll make sure we talk about it but not today.”
Harry was satisfied as he let the topic drop for now and the comfortable atmosphere was back between the two.
Draco’s flatulence continued on until suddenly his tummy let out a very loud gurgle before a very wet and squelching fart exploded out.
Harry knew what that sound meant and his eyes immediately sought out the back of Draco’s pants and was correct.
Draco’s once white loose slacks had a clear dark stain right in the seat of them, which was still clearly visible even even out there during the nighttime.
The brown stain grew so Draco sharted again and two thin streams of poo was seen running down highs back of his thighs.
“Ohhhh…” Draco moaned as he couldn’t help but shit himself some more, more squelching sounds erupting from his arse. He didn’t feel too embarrassed since only Harry was around to witness his accident and it was dark out.
Harry continued to watch as Draco defecated himself, and gave Draco a smile when his husband looked up at him shyly, still in the middle of moving his bowels. “I think neither of us should be surprised by this outcome.” Harry said simply.
Draco sighed as he let out another wet fart. BBLLRRRTT! “But I really did like these slacks.” He looked in disappointed by his ruined bottoms.
Harry cupped Draco’s soiled bottom and felt himself harden by how full it felt. “They were sacrificed for a worthy cause.” He finally let his satisfied smile grow across his face.
Draco farted hard again, grinning when Harry moaned as the vibration landed right on his hand. “You know, I know why you chose for our honeymoon to take place in Mexico of all places.” He pointed out.
Harry looked at him innocently, although it didn’t work since his hand was now deep inside Draco’s pants and briefs, squeezing the other’s mushy waste directly. “Because I know you wanted to take an international trip somewhere which hot beaches and sparkling oceans?” He stated nonchalantly.
Draco smirked as he trumped out a good sized turd, feeling it land right in Harry’s palm. “Yes. But wasn’t it mostly because we both know how gassy Mexican food makes me and how I always end up having accidents whenever we go out for some Taco Tuesdays?” Out of all the cuisines the blond had experienced, Mexican food was the number one cuisine that almost always wrecked havoc within his bowels.
He and Harry knew that Draco literally couldn’t sit down for an entire meal at an Mexican restaurant without Draco farting and/or having an accidental shart.
Harry grinned deviously as he ran a finger up Draco’s crack, making the blond literally shiver and involuntarily push out another fart. “Well, that might have something to do with it.” He finally admitted.
“Harry…” Draco warned him.
“Speaking about Taco Tuesday’s, remember that one and only time when we invited Ron to our house for some homemade Mexican?” Draco blushed hard at the memory.
Draco somehow ended up in an impromptu fart contest against a drunk Ron. It was because Ron was drunk that Draco even allowed himself to take part in the contest at all.
With how gassy Mexican food made him and all those beef and bean burritos he had consumed, Draco had let out the most disgusting and malodorous gas both he and Harry had ever witnessed come out of him.
But what Draco hated the most about that time was when Ron accidentally pressed down on Draco’s stomach and cause him to shart himself.
Not only did Ron laugh himself silly but Draco ended up losing that contest due to messing himself.
Harry barely managed to keep Draco from killing Ron and thankfully Ron was so hungover the next morning that he recalled nothing of what happened previously (this Draco had made sure when he used occulmency to read the redhead’s mind and he had secretly erased that memory altogether).
Draco narrowed his eyes as he grunted, a wave of soften poo covering Harry’s hand. “You don’t expect me to have accidents every day we’re here, do you? I’m alright with it now because it’s nighttime and there’s no one around but you know how susceptible I am to having accidents when I consumed Mexican cuisine- what if it happens when we’re in public!?” He said worriedly.
Harry used his free arm to pull Draco into a hug and gave his waist and his bum another squeeze. “Don’t worry, Dray. I planned something special for this honeymoon. Trust me?”
Draco calmed down as his worries left him when he saw the excited expression on Harry’s face.
Farting again and feeling another log poke out, Draco nodded. “Of course I trust you, baby. Now why don’t you apparate us back to our villa and we continue to have fun there, shall we?”
Harry grinned as he held Draco closer. “Was just about to suggest that myself. Oh, and by the way, for the rest of our honeymoon I’m calling it now that I’m gonna bottom the entire time here. I’m not in the mood to switch- I want you inside me for our entire honeymoon and that’s that.”
Draco laughed as he readily agreed to his husband’s demands. “Me having to be inside your delicious, tight walls exclusively for the next two weeks? Sounds very difficult but I’m sure I can indulge you in this.”
They both laughed as Harry apparated them back to their suite where Draco indulged Harry’s whim throughout the entire night.
The newlyweds ends up sleeping in later than Harry had planned, but he decided that it couldn’t be helped due to how Draco had fully indulged in Harry’s wants the night before.
Harry stretched his arms and legs, feeling that good ache in his bones from a good shag.
He relaxed against the bedsheets and looked to his right, smiling warmly at a still slumbering Draco beside him.
Their bed had been completed covered in both their bodily wastes just a few hours before.
“Oh Dray…” Harry had panted after Draco had filled him up with his warm semen.
“I’m going to slowly come out now.” Draco warned him and only pulled out when Harry nodded.
Feeling the absence inside him, Harry’s eyes widened when his belly gave a sudden pull and he ended up gasping loudly as his bottom gave a push.
Draco had held him while Harry lost control of his bowels and bladder, and they both had tiredly smiled at one another when it was over with Draco also pointing out that he was glad that it wasn’t only him that had gotten affected by the Mexican food.
Draco yawned as he pulled Harry into his arms, slowly waking up as he felt his husband nuzzling into his chest. “G’dmrning…” Draco mumbled, letting out another yawn.
“Morning, sleepy head.” Harry greeted as he laid a kiss right on his Adam’s apple.
“Mmm…what time is it?” Draco asked drowsily, burying himself inside Harry’s wild hair.
Harry wandlessly casted tempus and blinked. “Oh, we’re supposed to check out in about fifteen minutes.”
Draco immediately opened his eyes and looked alarmed at Harry. “Are we going to have enough time to-“
Harry cut him off by kissing him, before leaning back and giving Draco a soothing rub in his arm. “Don’t worry- I kind of predicted we might end up sleeping in a bit in our first night here-“ He giggled when Draco gave him a speeding grin. “-so I actually planned for this just in case. Wait here for a bit while and freshen up while I check us out downstairs and then I’ll show you my surprise.”
They shared one more kiss before Harry gingerly got out of bed, casting a quick cleaning spell over himself, plus Draco, and dressed up in a simple shirt and shorts before heading out of their room.
Draco laid in bed for about a minute or two longer before he too got out of bed and dressed, casting a spell to properly make the bed and checked to see if there was anything that was missed when they had cleaned all traces of their ‘playing’ from the night before.
As Draco eyed the heated plunge pool and felt a bit of disappointment that the couple never had a chance to use it, he turned to the door when it opened and revealed Harry returning back.
“Breakfast to go.” Harry smiled to him cheerfully as he held up the large picnic basket in hand.
“You’ve checked out?” Draco asked as he walked towards his lover, peeking curiously at the basket.
Harry nodded. “Yup. So before we have breakfast we gotta head out first. Come on.”
Draco furrowed his eyes rows when instead of exiting out of the room, Harry began making his way further in, heading towards the back where the lagoon was. “Where are you going, Harry? I thought you said we had to leave?”
His lover shot him a grin as he winked. “We are- follow me, Dray.”
Draco gave Harry an uncertain smile but did as the other told.
When they were on the terrace, Draco’s jaw dropped when he finally noticed that there was a boat dock area- where apparently a boat was waiting for them.
Harry grinned as he grabbed Draco’s hand and brought them to the boat. “Surprised?”
“Very.” Draco have a laugh in disbelief as he allowed himself to be pulled forward. “So I’m assuming that we’ll be going by boat to our final destination for our honeymoon?”
“Correct! The ride will be about forty-five minutes or so, but we can take our time to cruise around leisurely if you’d like. But anyway, I rented this boat out for the entire time we’re here so we’ll have plenty of time.” Harry explained as they got onto the boat.
Harry had rented the newest formula 270 bowrider boat and it was not only roomy for the two of them but it would be fast as well.
Draco held Harry’s hand as he carefully got onto the boat and was pleased to find it very sturdy. “Alright, so how long will it be till our captain arrives to drive this thing?” The boat they were in was roomy enough to fit about 5-6 people inside. Harry placed the basket in the back before Draco raised an eyebrow as he saw Harry then climb to the driver’s seat.
Harry gave Draco a smug look as he took a seat, already starting the engine. “Captain’s already here- don’t worry, I have my boating license.” He reassured his alarmed husband.
Draco blinked as he gave Harry another surprised look. “I never knew you owned a boating license. Since when?”
“While you were preparing for our wedding, I thought it’d be a great idea if we’d take a boat and sailed across the Mexican waters during our honeymoon- and I figured it’d be more fun if it was only the two of us around to enjoy ourselves.” Harry explained, helping Draco onto the boat.
When Draco took the passenger seat right beside Harry, Harry shot him another wink. “Ready to set sail?” When Draco nodded, Harry revved up the engine and they took off.
They both laughed as the boat sped through the waters, both of them enjoying the feel of the morning sun and refreshing winds surrounding them.
Draco laughed loudly as Harry showed a few tricks and jumps with their boat before slowing down to a comfortable pace for them to enjoy the ride.
After a couple of minutes, Harry brought their boat slowly to a standstill before he announced that it was time to have some breakfast.
The couple shifted to the front of the boat where they sat and enjoyed the meal that the hotel had prepared for them.
There were an assortment of sweet breads that Harry told Draco were called, ‘pan dulce’.
There was also a large container holding a dish called, ‘huevos a la Mexicana’, which simply translated to ‘Mexican-style eggs. They were scrambled eggs cooked with onion, tomato, and chile peppers, which created the colors of the Mexican flag. The hotel’s version used serrano chiles which had Draco nearly in tears with how spicy they were.
While they fed each other (with Harry making sure not to have too many chiles on the bites he fed Draco), they had two thermos filled with some delicious Mexican coffee, which they both adored.
When their meal was done, the two relaxed at the front of the boat, where the bow was, on the starboard side.
“This is something you don’t get to see back at home.” Harry sighed he took another sip of his coffee, enjoying the sparkling waters.
“Urrrp!” Was all Draco replied back with as he curled up next to his husband.
*One day in Rosewood Mayakoba (lbgt friendly) in Playa Del Carmen, then the rest of their honeymoon in their own private island (hidden by magic). Next day, Harry sails them (got a boating license while Draco was wedding planning). Boat poop scenario. They head off to their own private island for the rest of their vacation (the couple loves their privacy). Draco tells Harry about the job offer (also wants to create potions in pill form). Final meal: feeding each other dessert of churros with Dulce de leche ice cream, vanilla ice cream, caramel, chocolate and vanilla sauces- messy sex with the sauces.
Well, I just want to say thank all of you for sticking with this story till the very end. I know it was a verrrrryyyyy long wait but I hope it was worth it. I went beyond my comfort zone for this story and in the end, even if it didn’t turn out the way I originally had intended, I’m still satisfied with how this turned out.
I hope you all enjoyed Comfortable and thank you for reading!
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Comfortable FINAL: Pooping For Two
*This is the FINAL chapter of Comfortable! Well, there’s a special chapter after this, but yup, I’m done!
**I LOVE mpreg. I LOVE IT. To be honest, I’m very nervous to post this chapter because in the past, ironically enough, out of all the things I’ve ever written about, the only one I’ve ever been shamed for liking was mpreg. This happened years ago when I first started writing BL and I was pretty traumatized by how cruel people could be when they learned that I really enjoyed the thought of pregnant males. I was really hurt badly and my depression and confidence hit an all-time low during that time 😞
That’s why I’m so against kinkshaming of any kind. Cause I know EXACTLY how much it hurts when others make fun of you and treat you badly for your likes and interests.
But now that I’m older and have more confidence in myself, I went all out on this chapter (though I usually have been giving my all for this entire story). This is my big F-YOU to those people who made me feel like shit during that time. And hands down, this is my FAVORITE chapter of the whole story. Let’s end this story with a BANG! So I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do! 😌
“Well, I think congratulations are at hand you two. You are currently six weeks pregnant, Mr. Malfoy-Potter.” Healer Donovan smiled at the couple in front of her.
Both Harry and Draco’s jaws dropped when they heard the healer’s words.
For the past two weeks, Harry had been suffering a few strange symptoms.
Harry found himself having to vomit nearly every morning, waking his poor husband up as well as the blond held him as he puked his guts up in the toilet.
But another weird thing was that no matter how much he vomited, Harry didn’t lose weight. In fact, he was actually gaining weight.
Harry was confused on why his once fit stomach was getting softer even though he was still as active and ate mostly healthy, but Draco assured him that maybe they were just getting older (they were 26 years old now) and his husband assured him that he found the small pooch on his belly sexy.
The sudden morning illness was short-lived and Harry would then immediately find himself famish and gorged himself during breakfast right after.
And speaking of eating, for some reason he was hit by the most strongest cravings that he found himself needing to have or else he wouldn’t be able to concentrate otherwise.
It was pretty bad when he was hit by a strong craving for an egg and cress sandwich during one of their auror meetings.
Thankfully, no one thought anything amiss when he suddenly ordered them to take a 15-minute water break so he could go to the cafeteria and fetch himself the sandwich.
But the most worrying symptom was the random dizzy spells that hit Harry at any time of day.
In fact, that’s what had led to today’s appointment.
Harry had been in the middle of assigning missions when suddenly he found himself on the floor, blinking awake as he was surrounded by a room of panicking aurors.
Needless to say, he was sent to St Mungo’s right after.
He had been lying in one of the hospital beds in the private ward (one of the perks of being the Savior) when his husband rushed into the room, having been in a hurry as soon as the blond was notified that Harry was sent to the hospital.
After many kisses and reassurances from Harry that he was fine and it was probably just the flu or something, that was when the healer came into the room.
Harry had a number of diagnosis spells casted over him, and even he felt nervous when he saw his healer pause as she reread the results. Harry tightened his grip on Draco’s hand when the healer looked back at them to let them know what was wrong with Harry.
And Merlin, neither man had expected the words that came next.
“I’m pregnant?!” Harry gasped, unable to believe what the woman had said.
Healer Donovan smiled as she nodded, watching the reaction of the couple before her.
“Are you sure?” Draco asked, finally finding his voice again. He held Harry hand closer, looking at his spouse with wide, hopeful eyes.
The healer chuckled she nodded. “Oh, I am most definitely sure that there is a baby inside of Mr. Malfoy-Potter right now.”
“But…I mean, I know pregnancy is capable for some male wizards and I knew that I’m a carrier for male pregnancy when we all took that obligated test during our sixth year in Hogwarts, but don’t males still need to use certain potions to get pregnant?” Harry questioned, still in disbelief.
When Harry and Draco had first started dating, they had a brief discussion about this topic.
They found out that Harry was a carrier but Draco wasn’t, which was fine for the couple.
They discussed safe sex since Harry was the one to usually bottom in their relationship and it ended with Harry taking birth control potions since both men wanted to wait before having children of their own- which they both definitely did want some in the future.
They figured that the birth potions were enough since they didn’t like using condoms (they’ve only had sex with one another and didn’t like feeling any barrier between them) and they would need to use additional potions anyway if they wanted to be pregnant.
Well, apparently condoms were needed after all.
Healer Donovan pursed her lips, shaking her head. “Not necessarily. Potions would definitely help since its a bit more harder for males to get pregnant- they usually need large amounts of magic in order to help conceive the child inside their bodies.
“But if the carrier had a large amount of powerful magic within him-” She gave Harry a pointed look. “-and combined with a very strong magical bond, such as a gold level bond, with his partner-“ She now looked at Draco and Harry together. “-then it’s very possible for them to conceive, despite birth control potions which aren’t 100% effective as you both know and without the additional use of conceiving potions included.”
Harry laid back against the bed, looking down as he cradled his stomach- which he now realized the small pooch that had been forming there wasn’t from him getting fat but from their baby- in his hands. “Bloody hell- I’m pregnant.”
Harry looked up at Draco, his green eyes watering as he felt like crying happy tears at that moment. “Oh Dray, I’m going to have your baby!” He sniffled, already the pregnancy hormones affecting him
Draco’s grey eyes was equally moist as he beamed brightly, leaning down to his forehead. “You’re having our baby, love.” Draco corrected, feeling on top of the world at the moment.
Harry grabbed Draco’s hand so that it could rest on top his stomach too. “Our baby.” Harry said happily.
The married couple smiled wetly at one another as they both laughed and kissed each other in joyous celebration.
Harry chuckled as he rolled his eyes at the group of his fellow aurors before him. “I’m not dying, Reeves. Nor am I quitting, Sullivan.”
After they married, Draco decided to become a potioneer. Even though he enjoyed being an auror- especially since his partner was his husband Harry himself- he couldn’t help but want to follow his childhood dream of owning an apothecary of his own. He now had a popular shop opened in Diagon Alley- right next to Weasley Wheezes.
Harry supported his husband and although he too was a bit sad that they wouldn’t be going on missions together anymore, he liked the idea of the blond being away from danger on a daily basis.
Harry himself took up the position of Head Auror after their previous boss Gawain Robards had retired. Although he did do some field work, it wasn’t as often as before (which Draco was immensely relieved about).
Harry’s new auror partner and second-in-charge, Harold Knight, backed Harry up and shooed the others who were huddled around Harry’s desk. “Don’t be ridiculous, you lot. Now give the man some space!” He barked.
When they all moved back, Harold looked at them sternly while leaning close to Harry to whisper, “But seriously, is everything all right, Harry?” He asked, sending him a worried look.
Harry laughed as he nodded. “Absolutely perfect, Harold.” He reassured his partner.
After Harry and Draco’s appointment, which ended with Healer Donovan recommending Harry to a few male pregnancy specialists to help monitor his birth and prescribing him some pregnancy potions that would help with the dizzy spells and morning sickness (which apparently was due to Harry’s anatomy adjusting itself to fit it’s own womb in order to carry a child inside of him), the couple had a serious talk about what to do now.
They both agreed that Harry would take off on paternity leave from work immediately- being an auror was a dangerous job to begin with, which was no place for a pregnant person, let alone a pregnant Harry Potter.
Draco also said that he mainly worked from home anyway to brew his potions, but he would now work home fulltime, just in case Harry needed him for anything.
The healer had warned them that they needed to be extra careful since male pregnancies were a little more sensitive then the female’s.
Not only did male pregnancies rely heavily based on magic rather than natural biology like female pregnancies did, but pregnancy for males were also slighter shorter- only 31 weeks or nearly 8 months only.
Due to this, Harry’s body would be going through changes much more quickly than if he were female, and this may cause distress to him and the baby if they weren’t careful.
The following day, Harry walked into work with a large smile on his face (he and Draco had shagged like bunnies last night in celebration of the good news).
Everyone had been relieved when they saw their Head Auror walking in looking fine and healthy, but then Harry had announced that he was going on a long leave and the office was in chaos once more.
“Alright, quiet down everyone.” Harry called out, the stern tone in his voice immediately commanded the room into silence.
Nodding, Harry said, “Like I was saying, I’ll be going on leave for at least 8 months- though most likely longer- so I will appoint Auror Knight as Head Auror in my absence.” He announced.
One of the aurors, Kevin Henderson-a trainee that started about 3 months ago but had great potential- raised his hand, as if in class. “Yes, Henderson?” Harry prompted.
“Sir, may we ask why you’ll be out for so long?” Henderson asked politely. Everyone else, including his partner, leaned forward as they were curious as well.
Harry briefly looked around the room, making sure that there were no stray ears to listen in to what he was about to reveal.
Lowering his voice, Harry grinned, “Well first off, what I’m about to say stays in this room- if I hear that any of you leaked something out, I will hex you right before I fire you. Confidentiality, yes?”
Everyone shivered at the dark expression on Harry’s face as he spoke- it reminded them all again that this man was the Vanquisher of the Dark Lord and one of the most powerful wizards of all time.
He smiled when everyone nodded their heads quickly. “Good. Alright, so yesterday when I was sent to St Mungos, Draco and I learned that I was actually pregnant. So I’ll in order to protect me and our baby’s safety and health, I have requested paternity leave and it probably will be a bit longer so I can take care of our little one too.” He explained.
The room was filled with squeals from the girls while the men hooted and congratulated him, some patting him on the back before the girls hit them, warning them to be careful with a pregnant man.
“That’s wonderful, Sir. No wonderful you’ve been glowing this morning.” Natalie Mason gushed as the other girls murmured in agreement, making Harry blush.
“But why go on leave now? I mean, don’t people usually take off during their last month or something?” Another of the trainees, Taylor Walsh, inquired.
“Well, male pregnancies need a bit more supervision due to the nature of the pregnancy and because the span is shorter than a female’s.” Harry explained.
“And well, its not really a good idea if I stayed here working, surrounded by criminals because well…I am Harry Potter. And now I’m a pregnant and vulnerable Harry Potter.” He pointed out wryly. Everyone nodded, completely in understanding.
Harold placed his hand on his shoulder and gave Harry a small squeeze, grinning. “Congrats, Harry. I didn’t know that you and Draco were trying for children.”
Harry chuckled as he said, “Actually, this came as a surprise to us too since we didn’t take any conceiving potions. Apparently our strong bond and my magic was powerful enough to make a baby without any other help.”
Harold laughed as he nodded. “Now that I can believe. Well, although I’m gonna miss going on missions with you, I’ll wait till you come back. Just make sure to take care of yourself and the baby, alright?”
“Oh, he will.” Everyone looked towards the new voice at the doorway and saw Draco smirking at them as he walked into the room, heading towards his pregnant spouse. “I’ll make sure that both him and our child will be taken care of.” He added, leaning down to kiss his husband’s forehead, making the girls in the room squeal and aww.
Harold grinned as he pounded his fist with Draco’s. Both Harry and Draco had always gotten along with the other man, and when Draco resigned from the Aurors, he threatened and made Harold vow that the man would always protect Harry in his stead.
Harold of course vowed with his life (and till this day he will always remember how terrifying Draco had been that day, actually showing off his tattoo on his arm and although it was altered, they both were aware of the dark mark underneath it and how it signified exactly how dangerous Draco could be).
“Is it time?” Harry asked, starting to get up from his seat, letting his husband help.
“I came a bit earlier to help you gather your things. Also, I ran into mother on my way here- she had been on her way to visit the Minister of Magic. I think it would be good to break the news to her before her husband and our step-father accidentally lets it slip.” Draco told him dryly, wrapping his arm around Harry’s middle, lightly placing his hand over Harry’s stomach.
Harry had notified Kingsley of his condition earlier before he came into the office since he needed the Minister of Magic’s consent for his long leave. Kingsley had cheered in congratulations and told him he couldn’t wait to meet his future grandchild.
Everyone congratulated the couple again before they went back to work. Harry and Harold spoke a little longer about the Head Auror position while Draco gathered Harry’s things (mostly any perishables like his snacks) since he wouldn’t be back in his office for a while.
As the couple entered the Ministry of Magic’s office, they were both greeted by Kingsley and Narcissa, who were sitting by each other at the other’s desk, enjoying some tea together.
“Welcome boys! I had a feeling I would be seeing you.” Kingsley gave them a secret wink as Narcissa got up to give them hugs.
“It’s so good to see you both. Draco, you look wonderful! And Harry, you look wonderful too dear but I’ve heard that you went to St Mungo’s yesterday- is everything well?” Narcissa checked Harry’s forehead, looking at him with motherly concern.
Harry smiled warmly at her, once again grateful to have such a loving mother-in-law like Narcissa in his life. “I’m alright, Narcissa. Actually, I’m better than fine cause, well…” Harry trailed off, looking back at Draco who moved forward to take his husband from his mother and back into his arms.
Narcissa frowned as she looked back to see Kingsley smiling excitedly before looking back to see the nervous smiles on her both her son’s faces. “Boys?”
Harry looked at Draco and Draco took it as their cue as he looked back to his mother and said, “Harry and I are expecting! Harry is six weeks pregnant and both him and the baby are doing well.” He happily announced.
Narcissa gasped loudly as she brought both hands to her mouth, her eyes tearing up. “Oh my! A grandchild! How wonderful…Oh, my sons are having a baby!”
Narcissa wept as she brought them both into a wide hug, tearfully letting them know how happy she was for them and how excited she was to finally have her first grandchild.
Draco and Harry hugged her back while Kingsley came up to them and gathered all three into his arms for a group hug.
When they arrived home, Harry dropped onto the couch and sighed.
“Everything alright, love?” Draco asked, taking a seat next to him and shifting around so his husband would be more comfortable when Harry laid his head against his shoulder.
“Everyone’s taking our news so well.” Harry happily sighed again, taking in his husband’s soothing scent.
“We’ll let the Weasley’s know the good news when we visit for dinner tomorrow. We can then floo call the rest of our friends about your pregnancy and then it’ll be a waiting game to see how long it’ll take for the whole Wizarding World to figure it out.” Draco scoffed at the last part.
Harry shrugged. “Or we can have Luna post an article announcing our pregnancy when we’re ready. But I want to enjoy this pregnancy in private first.”
Draco nodded as he leaned down to place a small kiss on top Harry’s hair. “That sounds like an excellent plan, Harry. And of course, you deserve to relax since you’ll be caring for an additional person now.” He reminded the other.
Harry smiled as he cradled his little pooch, smiling wider when Draco’s own hand joined his own, their fingers intertwining.
“Even though we’ve only known about the pregnancy for only a day, I’m already so in love with this little one.” Harry confessed, stoking his little pooch. “I love you so much Draco. Thank you for giving me this beautiful miracle.” His voice cracked a little at the little, but Harry was feeling very emotional about the fact that they were going to have their own little family soon.
Draco gave him a soft loving look as he brushed his lips lightly on his eyes, taking some of the slight tears that were at the ends before replying, “I love you and our baby very much too, Harry. I thank Morgana everyday that I get to live my life together with you, making every single day a miracle of its own.”
Harry sniffled as he brought Draco into a tight hug, vowing to never let this incredible man go and to love Draco from now till forever always.
The weeks passed by and life went by smoothly for the expecting couple.
They informed the rest of their family and friends of their good news and were of course congratulated by everyone- especially Molly who had the exact same reaction of Narcissa and cried tears of joy.
Funnily enough, their friends began a new bet on the gender of the child, but this time they had gotten permission from Harry and Draco first.
The couple ended up letting Luna write up an article announcing the pregnancy after Harry had gotten upset when the Prophet had put up an article with a picture of him and Draco walking as they were on their way to visit George and Ron’s shop. Harry was just barely showing so it looked like he had gained a few extra pounds.
The article had noted that their Hero was letting himself go after being ‘laid off’ due to unknown circumstances from the Aurors.
It took a few hours for Draco to calm his spouse, with constant reassurances that Harry looked perfect and no he was not fat- he was pregnant for Merlin’s sake. And no, it’s not good for your stress levels if you go down to the Prophet to hex them, and yes, we’ll contact Luna to make that article about our announcement.
They’ve gotten even more congratulations once The Quibbler released the article and once again, things died down and life went on swimmingly once more.
As the weeks passed by, Harry pregnancy went by as smoothly as a male pregnancy could.
After taking leave from work, Harry would find himself staying home most of the time- only going out to run errands with Draco or visit their friends and family.
There was days were he would be relaxing on their sofa or their bed while thinking about how much his life had changed.
“Never in my life have I ever just sat down on the sofa and watched some telly for a few hours during the day.” He mused as he lowered the volume on their telly, his feet lifted up on their coffee table.
Ever since he was young, Harry‘s life had always been a whirlwind of activity. As a child he was forced into manual labor by the Dursleys, then in Hogwarts he was too busy trying to keep himself alive from a dark wizard and when he entered the Aurors, that also kept him busy and on alert for whenever they send out a call to report for another mission.
Never in his life did he ever have the chance to just veg out like this and just enjoy the peace and calm.
Draco chuckled as wrapped his arm around Harry and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “You deserve this resting time, love. All you need to take care of now is you and our baby’s health.” He told him, rubbing Harry’s small pooch of a belly gently.
Harry smiled as he nuzzled their noses together before sighing. “It’s gonna be strange doing basically nothing all day.”
“I’ll be right there taking care of you.” Draco reassured him. “And with all the money we have, you can afford to be lazy and just enjoy this relaxation time. I don’t mind having a trophy husband.” He joked, making Harry giggled before they began a light snog right there on the sofa.
Harry finally got rid of the morning sickness once he hit his second trimester and had developed a craving for anything dairy- especially egg and cress sandwiches which Draco would joked that with the amount that Harry consumed, he might find himself giving birth to an egg and cress sandwich instead.
(And as Harry’s pregnancy developed, so did his hormones. Draco learned to watch what he said after he ended up sleeping on the couch that night for the sandwich comment).
But there was one thing that came with Harry’s new pregnant status that neither man had expected.
“Nice one, baby.” Draco paused in going through their bank accounts and smirked at his pregnant husband, who was currently sporting a large pout on his face as a pretty red blush spread on his cheeks.
Whether it was due to the pregnancy or because of his unusual diet of dairy, Harry found himself much more gassier than before.
He had already lost count of the number of times he would rip a large one accidentally.
Thankfully, this would happen mostly in the company of his husband- at least the baby inside him had some sort of decorum when Harry had to go out in public.
Harry huffed as he shifted around on the couch, pausing to drop another butt bomb before he grimaced. “Ughhh…of course your baby would be as gassy as you are.” He muttered under his breath.
Draco heard Harry’s comment and chuckled, putting away his papers before attending to his needy pregnant spouse. “And now the baby is only mine, huh?”
Harry nodded as he let out a relieved sigh as Draco sat beside him and began rubbing his tummy gently. “It’s only your child when they keep me feeling gassy and constipated constantly.” He pointed out gruffly.
Draco frowned as he began rubbing slow circles over Harry’s belly. “Did you take your prescribed potions for the constipation, dear?” He reminded the other worriedly.
Another side effect of Harry’s pregnancy was the fact that it messed with his bowels a lot- one moment the pregnant man would be constipated for a few days and the next he would be found in the loo having explosive diarrhea. Even with the potions that his doctor prescribed to him, his bowels were still acting up.
Draco found himself thankful for those moments that he had quit the aurors and started an apprenticeship as a Potions Master- due to this, his schedule was pretty flexible and he was able to care for his expecting spouse 24/7.
Harry nodded as he leaned into Draco more, urging Draco to press down a little more to hopefully get his bowels moving. “I took it about thirty minutes ago but it’s irritating to feel like I have to take a dump but once I’m on the toilet, nothing actually comes out.”
Harry paused for a moment and suddenly a loud and bubbly fart could be heard going off.
Harry grimaced. “Well, except smelly gas that is.”
Draco gave him a kiss on the cheek to soothe his irate lover. “Do you want to do some yoga? That always seems to help you go.” He suggested.
Harry nodded and let his husband help him onto their floor, conjuring the yoga mat before Draco was helping him into some pregnancy-safe positions, with calm soothing music playing in the background.
Kneeling on both knees on the floor, Harry leaned forward and stretched his arms out, sighing as he farted once more, his nose twitching at the eggy stench it left. “I don’t know how you can stand being around me when I’m gassy like this.” He told his husband.
Draco smiled as he brushed away some of the hair that was getting into his husband’s eyes- he was due for a haircut soon. “You know how much I love your gas, baby.”
“But I always smell like rotten eggs now!” Harry blushed as he complained.
Draco shook his head. “Of course not. Perhaps when you have flatulence, but who doesn’t? You have a hint of an egg scent normally most likely due to your diet, but it’s nothing off-putting at all. Especially to me.” He assured him, rubbing his back gently.
Even though he missed the spicy hint that his lover used to have on him before, Draco wasn’t lying when he said that he enjoyed Harry’s new smell as well. It was more softer, and it only reminded him that his husband was currently carrying their child.
Harry sighed again as he let Draco help him into a sitting position. “Well, if you say so.” He opened his mouth to say more but then a loud grumble came from his tummy, loud enough for both of them to hear.
“Did the yoga work?” Draco asked gently, watching as the other leaned backwards, still kneeling.
Harry patted his stomach for a bit, looking thoughtful. “I think it was only hunger. Can you make us an egg and cress sandwich, love?” He asked, now looking at Draco with pleadingly wide green eyes.
Draco laughed, loving how Harry tended to speak on behalf of himself and their baby nowadays, using the words ‘us’ and ‘we’ a lot.
“Of course, Harry. Draco leaned forward to give his husband a kiss.
But before their lips could meet, Harry pulled away a bit and his face twisted into a grimace.
A very wet and blorping sound was heard, ending with a deafening splat which left neither man wondering what had happened.
“Oh, I think the yoga worked after all.” Harry informed Draco, shifting around to check below him.
As he had expected, there was a nice brown spot blooming in the middle of his pants.
Draco smiled at the blush on Harry’s cheeks and placed a soft kiss right on his lips. “Shall we get you cleaned up first?”
Harry nodded. “And then can we get my sandwich?” He asked shyly.
Draco laughed as he nodded, helping his spouse up to bring him into the loo. “And then you and the baby can get your sandwich.”
That wasn’t the first nor the last time Harry had accidentally sharted himself during his pregnancy.
It was one of the reasons Harry sometimes refused to go out in public during his pregnancy- if only to prevent being seen having an poo accident in his pants.
About two weeks ago, the couple were in Diagon alley, taking a short break from their shopping to visit a baby store.
Although the baby’s gender was still unknown, both men couldn’t help but coo at all the baby stuff and buy a few unisex items for their little one.
As Harry pulled Draco along to the back of the store, gushing about one of the prams he spotted, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and suddenly farted very loudly and very wetly.
Thankfully, none of the other shoppers or employees were near them because a big mound suddenly bulged out the back of Harry’s stretchy khaki shorts.
“Oh no!” Harry gasped, dropping his husband’s hand and grabbing his bum, trying to hide his accident.
Draco quickly casted a spell to vanish his accident and then spent the next ten minutes having to console his distraught husband, hugging him while assuring Harry that no one else had seen.
“Are you sure?” Harry sniffled, looking at the ground to hide his face. He really hated pregnancy hormones- it made him more emotional and weepy than he ever was in his entire life.
“Positive. You know I’ll always take care of you, baby.” Draco crooned, rubbing circles on his back. Draco peeked about Harry’s head and saw fellow pregnant shoppers giving him nods of approval, understanding how hard pregnancy was and gave the couple a wide berth to themselves. Draco was grateful.
He wiped away the rest of Harry’s tears and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Alright now. Everything will be okay now. So why don’t we continue looking through a few more items and try not to trust anymore farts?” He joked lightly at the end.
Harry smiled as he nodded sheepishly, appreciating how his husband was trying to make light of the situation. “Okay.”
Draco held Harry’s face in his hands and gave looked at him sweetly. “You’re beautiful.” He told him, kissing him on the lips softly.
Harry smiled into the kiss and sighed when they pulled away. “Really?” He looked unsure as he asked.
“Of course.” The blond readily nodded.
And he wasn’t lying neither- it seemed that once Harry began showing, the general consensus of the Wizarding World was that pregnancy was a good look on their Savior.
Harry had always been good looking, but due to his unfortunate childhood, he was always on the skinny side- at times unhealthily so.
But now his pregnancy gave him the extra pounds that he needed and many complimented him on how his pregnancy made him ‘glow’- his hair and skin had a healthy sheen to him.
Harry smiled brightly, looking as if he wasn’t just sobbing his heart out a few minutes again. Draco was still getting used to his husband’s mood swings.
“Can we stop at Florean’s for ice cream too?” Harry pleaded, giving the other his wide green eyes that they both knew the blond was weak against.
Draco nodded as he held his arm out, to which Harry happily took. “Of course- but we’re getting frozen yogurt instead.” He raised his eyebrow at Harry as he said this.
Harry smiled widely as he nodded. “Frozen yogurt sounds good.” He agreed with no fuss.
Ever since they found out about the pregnancy, Draco had been very adamant on Harry’s health, especially his diet- wanting to make sure that his spouse and their child were taking in the right nutrients.
Even the egg and cress sandwiches that Harry loved were actually modified to Draco’s approval- using whole wheat or multigrain bread instead of white, substituting greek yogurt for mayonnaise, and adding more cress and herbs than the actual egg mixture itself. Harry was also pretty sure that Draco snuck other veggies into his sandwiches without him knowing.
But growing up the way he did, the good thing about Harry was that he was not a picky eater. As long as his egg and cress sandwiches had egg, cress and was creamy, that’s all he cared about.
But there were times where Harry was allowed a cheat day- usually after Draco gave in to his sad pleading and wide green eyes.
“Urrrrrpppp! Mmm…” Harry hummed happily as he finished up his second taco that Draco had picked up from Taco Bell. Harry had seen a commercial of the fast food place earlier that morning and immediately had a strong craving to eat their tacos for lunch.
The fast food was nothing compared to the authentic Mexican cuisine they had enjoyed during their honeymoon in Mexico, but Taco Bell’s crunchy tacos and nacho bell grande sure hit the spot.
“Satisfied now?” Draco teased, smiling as Harry nodded his head happily as he fed the other another chip.
“Our child feels very happy.” Harry informed him, dipping his chip into the processed nacho cheese and popping it into his mouth.
“I really don’t know how you can enjoy this…frankly rubbish.” Draco confessed, watching his husband finish off the rest of the nachos.
Harry only shrugged as he held his hand up and Draco immediately cleaned off the excess cheese with his mouth.
While Harry was taking a long swig of his coke (diet), he lifted one arsecheek up and immediately a ripe, blustering fart came right out.
After his fart ended, Harry sat back down and lowered his soft drink, opening up his mouth to let out a low and deep belch.
Harry sighed in content and his smiled widely at Draco- who was amused at the display he showed just now.
“Merlin, you’re hot.” Draco shook his head, taking a deep breath in Harry’s stench. “Hm? Ironically enough, I think this Mexican swill made you smell like your old self again.” He pointed out, noting the spicy hints that Harry’s flatulence usually contained before he had gotten pregnant.
Harry grinned as he farted again. “Missed it?”
“I did.” Draco confessed. “But I do adore your current scent now as well.” He quickly added.
Letting out another belch and a wet fart that may have possibly been a shart, Harry finished up the rest of his meal in satisfaction.
Nearly two months left in his pregnancy and Harry was about the size of a house. Draco told him that he was over-exaggerating but Harry shot back that he wasn’t the one suffering from balancing problems and swollen feet.
The pregnant man felt himself getting frustrated over his large condition nowadays. And he had been suffering more stomach and bowel problems as well.
Harry was more gassier than ever- not only with his farting (which to his dislike, ended up more often than not as a shart) but he was now letting out the most vulgar burps and belches than he ever had in his life- and it also happened when he hadn’t even eaten anything yet!
Although he knew his kinky husband was loving his new gassy state, the blond bastard wasn’t the one who had to deal with the embarrassment it left Harry when these problems sometimes happened around others.
The worst incident was during his check up with his paternity healer, Healer Ellis.
When his healer had inserted her finger inside him to check the progress of his new magically-created pregnancy parts, the cold foreign intrusion inside of him caused him to fart.
And of course, it ended up more than a fart and he ended up spraying shit all over her finger, her crisp white coat and the table.
It nearly took half an hour for both Draco and his healer to console the hysterical pregnant man, both assuring him that it was a normal reaction and Healer Ellis even joked saying that if she had a galleon for every accident that occurred during her check ups, she would have been a millionaire.
After all the reassuring kisses Draco gave him and the new stomach potion that the Healer prescribed, Harry eventually calmed down and felt much better- especially when he saw their baby in the ultrasound afterwards.
Both Draco and he were ecstatic when the healer announced that they were having a healthy baby boy (after the last few unsuccessful attempts to see the gender- apparently their baby was shy as it kept covering their private area- today their child finally opened their legs for all to see).
“A boy…” Harry breathed out in wonder, squeezing Draco’s hand tightly.
“James Sirius Malfoy-Potter.” Draco sighed, leaning down to press a soft kiss on Harry’s forehead, feeling overwhelmed by how happy he felt at that moment.
Harry smiled back at him as he pulled his spouse into a more deeper kiss, with Healer Ellis wisely leaving the room for them to enjoy their moment.
Last week, the couple had proposed a few names for their baby, both boy and girl, and for the boy, they finally settled on James Sirius.
They each decided they would choose one name each- with Harry choosing the name James, in honor of his father, of course.
Draco surprisingly was the one to choose Sirius, mainly to continue the Black tradition of naming their children after stars, but also in honor of Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black.
“At least now Pansy will stop complaining about what color presents to get Baby James now.” Harry mused, making Draco snort.
And he was correct as about one week later, the baby shower that the Pansy, Hermione and Narcissa had been preparing for Harry for the past few weeks now were now in colors of soft blue and white.
“Oh Harry, you’re glowing more than ever!” Molly gushed as she went to give Harry, who was sitting down at the large rounded table, a rare gentle hug (minding Harry’s protruding belly).
“Thank you, Molly.” Harry greeted back while he gave his mother-in-law a thankful smile when Narcissa began rearranging the pillows behind him to make sure he was comfy.
It was the day of his baby shower and it was decided that only females were to attend the party. So Harry was currently surrounded by about fifteen females who consisted of his family, friends and his fellow eighth year classmates that he hadn’t seen for a while.
Harry’s other male friends begrudgingly accepted being excluded- although Ron threw Harry a ‘men’s only party’ a few days before in retaliation.
Even Draco was not invited to the baby shower- which Harry felt bad about but Pansy and Hermione insisted that Harry should have more time to only himself and the baby. Draco later agreed, although he was still pouting that morning before being shooed off by his best friend.
Nothing against the males, but they couldn’t relate to Harry’s pregnancy or give any advise about childbirth. Harry was immensely grateful to all the women’s input in this regard.
“It’s best to do it the natural way, Harry. Much safer for the baby.” Molly told him as she placed more food onto his plate. She sat on his right side so Harry’s plate was never empty.
“But if you need any of the pain potions, there’s no shame in doing so.” Pavarti Patil added as she took a cupcake from one of the large dessert platters on the table. Her twin sister, Padama nodded beside her.
“That’s right Harry. I shudder to think what I would have done without any potions during Rose’s pregnancy.” Hermione shook her head, recalling the difficult labor she’d gone through for her daughter.
“I am grateful zat Victoire’s birth was over quickly- a little more zan two hours, I believe.” Fleur pointed out.
“So lucky. Maxi made me suffer through twenty bloody hours in labor.” Millicent Bulstrode muttered darkly. Fleur blanched in horror while Hermione nodded in an understanding kinship- she also had been in labor with Rose for nearly a whole day.
“But I’m sure you’ll be fine, Harry. I heard that pregnancy for males is a bit easier because of the amount of magic involved.” Percy’s wife Audrey told him quickly, noticing how pale the pregnant man was getting.
“Oh pish posh! You will be alright Harry. If I can go through seven pregnancies, you will surely get through this one. You are stronger than me my boy- you did vanish You-Know-Who after all.” Molly pointed out, adding another piece of breaded fish onto his plate.
“Yeah, but you killed Bellatrix and went through seven pregnancies.” Harry murmured quietly, only loud enough for Narcissa- who sat on his other side- to hear, making her chuckle in agreement.
“Hearing all your woes about pregnancy and childbirth makes me so glad that I tested negative as a carrier.” Blaise shook his head, slathering his biscuit with some rose jam.
Unexpectedly, Blaise was the only male who was allowed to attend the party.
Before he had fallen in love with Luna, Blaise was something like a casanova or a ladies man in Hogwarts. He just knew his way with the opposite gender and somehow his presence at today’s shower had gotten the approval by all the other women.
He was also there as a substitute for his girlfriend Luna- who unfortunately could not make it due to needing to take care of her father who was suffering from a gruesome rash as a result to an allergic reaction to the stray feathers of a fwooper.
Xenophilius Lovegood would make a full recovery, but Luna decided to stay by his side to make sure he wouldn’t scratch at the pus-filled boils on his body.
Besides Luna, only Ginny was the only invited guest that couldn’t attend today’s party- she was currently in Bulgaria competing for the Quidditch World Cup.
Ginny had been upset, but she promised Harry and Draco that she would return, match or no match, to meet her nephew when he was born.
She also sent them a tiny Quidditch outfit for Baby James, while also telling them that she called dibs on buying baby James’ first broom when he gets old enough.
“Why are you here again?” Pansy narrowed her eyes at her fellow Slytherin.
“Because you wanted all the clothes of my mother and I’s newest fashion collaboration for babies.” Blaise smirked at her back, making Pansy huff and stick her tongue out at him, before smiling down softly at the barely-showing bump on her stomach.
After many years of dating, George finally popped the question to Pansy.
Apparently, George had been wanting to ask Pansy to marry him for so long but had been having a hard time finding her the perfect engagement ring.
He had felt even more pressured when his girlfriend had gushed and sighed with envy when her best friend Draco had gotten married with Harry although they had ‘officially’ gotten together as a couple after Pansy and George did.
When Pansy found out the reason George hadn’t proposed to her yet, she said the most un-Pansylike words that no one had expected- she called him an idiot and told him she didn’t care about the ring and he could just give her a plastic toy ring for all she cares. She only wanted George as her husband.
George quickly proposed to her after that.
The newly engaged couple was ecstatic, but after three weeks of wedding planning they ended up putting a halt to everything once they found out that Pansy was pregnant.
They were very happy and excited and everyone knew that they were engaged so it’s not like it would have been a shotgun wedding.
But the couple decided to hold off on the wedding until their baby was born- so their newest addition could be in it too.
And because Pansy really wanted to wear a sexy wedding gown down the aisle.
Blaise turned to Harry and winked. “And of course, little Malfoy-Potter will have first dibs on all our clothes as well.” Harry grinned as he thanked the Italian.
“How are you and Luna doing, dear?” Molly asked him, adding more spinach and cheese pastries onto Pansy’s plate, who sat on her other side. The Weasley matriarch was so chuffed that there would be two new grandbabies for her to adore.
Blaise sighed as that familiar dreamy look crossed over his face whenever his girlfriend was mentioned. “We’re doing lovely, Mrs. Weasley. I’ve also been trying to propose to Luna for a few weeks now, but to no avail. I’m not quite sure she understands that I’m trying to get her to marry me…” He shrugged helplessly.
Pansy snickered. “She’ll probably end up proposing to you instead.” Blaise gasped in aghast and stuck his tongue out at her in retaliation, making everyone at the party laugh.
Harry was also chuckling as he reached over to grabbed another deviled egg. He loved the tangy creaminess of the filling and already devoured about ten of them so far.
Just as he opened his mouth for a bite, a loud belch accidentally exited his mouth, surprising him enough to drop the egg onto his plate.
“UUUURRRPP! Oh! Excuse me!” Harry blushed, as he covered his mouth. The new potions his healer had prescribed had helped out with his bowel problems greatly, but Harry still had his moments.
Everyone at the table waved it off and Narcissa gave him a warm smile as she rubbed his back in comfort.
“It’s perfectly normal, Harry. There’s no need to be ashamed.” She assured him, speaking quietly between them. Everyone else had moved on the a new topic of conversation, leaving Harry and Narcissa to chat alone.
Harry nodded but was still really embarrassed. His stomach then made a rumbling noise that thankfully only the two of him could hear, but Harry ended up getting even redder as a hissing fart was coming out.
Narcissa chuckled lightly as she discreetly casted a spell over him, making his eyes widen at her as he realized she casted an invisible noise-cancelling and odor-eliminating shield over his lower half.
“It’s the Malfoy-blood, I’m afraid. I remember my own pregnancy with Draco- I would have suffered so much embarrassment myself if I didn’t come prepared with the right spells.” She winked in understanding.
Harry’s jaw dropped. “Really? So all this is normal?” He had actually been very worried and was constantly wondering why he had more gassy and bowels problems than a normal pregnancy would.
Narcissa nodded. “Of course. Malfoy babies tend to cause more stomach issues during pregnancies for some reason. And Draco himself was was such a gassy baby! I can’t tell you how many nappies I and the house elves had to go through each day.” She confided in him.
Harry giggled as Narcissa began to tell him the story of when her mother-in-law had held Draco for the first time, and baby Draco had let out a fart so loud that it scared the old woman so much that his grandmother refused to hold him again for a few months after.
After the party, Harry and Draco- who returned home and greeted Harry with a kiss as if they haven’t seen each other in days other than just a few hours- were getting ready for bed.
Harry was on the toilet, just finishing with his pre-bedtime dump.
A few times during his trimester, Harry found himself waking up in the middle of the night with a huge urge to defecate and sometimes urinate as well. But due to his large size, he found it difficult to push himself off the bed and ended up messing himself right there on their sheets because he was too stubborn to ask his husband for help.
Draco would then wake up and have to console a hormonal, devastated Harry before helping his pregnant husband clean up.
That’s why now Harry made sure to use the loo before he went to bed. This definitely helped prevent anymore accidents to happen.
Harry huffed as he found himself unable to maneuver around his rounded belly to wipe himself properly. After a few more minutes, Harry sighed before he called out to his husband.
“Need help, love?” Draco asked, already used to Harry calling him for help from the toilet.
Harry pouted as he nodded. “I can’t wait until I have my own flat stomach again.”
Draco smiled as he leaned down to place a loving kiss over the top of his belly bump before grabbing the toilet paper to begin wiping. “Well, I for one will miss this.”
“You’re not the one as big as a manor right now.” Harry mumbled as he held onto Draco and leaned forward a bit as Draco wiped his hole.
“You’re beautiful, baby.” Draco assured him. He dug into Harry’s hole a little, causing Harry to fart a little.
“Mmm…this is all your fault, by the way.” Harry told him, pushing another fart out when he felt some air in his belly.
Draco paused a little in his wiping to wait for Harry’s flatulence to pass and see if there was anything more to come out. “I would think it’d be a given by now since I’m your husband.” He said dryly, watching as Harry’s pucker opened wide and trumped out another toot.
Harry harrumphed. “No, not the pregnancy part- which is your fault also. I mean the fact that I’m all gassy and whatnot. Your mother was telling me during the party that you Malfoy’s tend to cause a lot of embarrassing stomach problems during pregnancy!” He accused.
Draco blinked at him, surprised. “Really? Did mother say why that is?”
Harry shook his head. “She doesn’t know. But she did tell me about the time when you were about three and you refused to wear the robes that your father wanted you to wear at some fancy dinner party. Apparently the tantrum you made ended with you pooping your suit on purpose just so you didn’t have to wear it.”
Harry snorted. “Narcissa even said that you had just been potty-trained by that time, but because of that incident, Lucius put you back in nappies for nearly two months as punishment.”
Draco chortled as he went back to wiping Harry up when the other’s flatulence passed. “Sounds like something my younger self would do. Grandmere still never lets me forget the time I accidentally farted on her when she held me for the first time.”
Harry laughed as Draco helped him stand after he was cleaned and let the other help with with his clothes while flushing the toilet. “Your mother told me that story too. Your poor grandmother!”
The couple headed to bed, cuddling into the bedsheets as they both fell to sleep.
Harry yawned as he blinked awake, trying to make sense of the blurriness before him.
During his pregnancy, it wasn’t an unusual occurrence for Harry to find himself waking up in the middle of the night.
Sometimes it was his bladder or his bowels that woke him up. At those times, he would have to drag himself out of bed and relieve himself.
Although there were a few incidents, especially of which have been occurring more often nowadays, where he found himself having a hard time pushing his pregnant body off and he ended up going right there in bed.
He honestly had never been so grateful about his and Draco’s unique fetishes like he was during his pregnancy.
Other times he found himself waking up because of the baby. Baby James was just as stubborn and headstrong as both his fathers- the kid had kicks that rivaled a bludger.
But this time, Harry found himself waking up not because of the baby or because he needed to go.
Harry let out a soft whimper as he awkwardly reached down and was barely able to touch even the tip of his hard on below.
He huffed, frustrated that his massive belly was in the way.
During his pregnancy, it changed Harry and Draco’s sex life quite a lot.
During his first trimester, Harry wanted nothing to do with sex.
He had still been adapting to his new pregnant status and although the potions helped a lot, Harry would glare at Draco whenever he had dizzy spells, morning sickness and so much flatulence and sharts!
When he hit his second trimester, Harry was now used to his growing state and his libido had returned in full throttle.
He had been so randy that there were times where he would just grab his hubby, pull him into the nearest room in their house (or when they were out in public, behind an empty room or hallway or in an empty alleyway or their car or Pansy’s garden full of pansies or Ron’s old bedroom at the Burrow that one, okay four times) and just thrust their crotches together or Harry would even just sink himself right onto Draco’s hardened erection.
Draco was a quite-willing participant in all this and allowed himself to be taken away by his horny pregnant spouse so they could shagged their brains out.
But once Harry hit his third trimester, they had both mellowed out. Harry was still hormonal to a degree and Draco always found Harry attractive- even more so now than ever actually- but both men were more focused on welcoming their new child that they spent more time on baby preparations than having sex.
But that’s not to say they didn’t enjoy a good wank now and again.
And now Harry was definitely wanting something more than just a good wank at this moment.
Turning to his side, Harry was about to wake Draco (usually he felt bad whenever he interrupted the other’s sleep, but tonight it was urgent). But he paused as he was hit with an idea.
Surprisingly, with how much his pregnancy wrecked his bowels, Harry and Draco hadn’t indulged in any of their ‘special playing’ since they first found out about the pregnancy.
Draco had worried that their ‘playing’ wouldn’t be healthy for the baby. He was afraid that Harry’s body would be contaminated by the foul air or wastes involved and refused to indulge in their kinks until the baby was born.
Harry, with pregnancy hormones that were in full throttle and messed with his emotions like a madman, agreed to put off their playing since he’d been getting quite upset due to his uncontrollable flatulence and accidents that he didn’t want to add that to their bouts of lovemaking.
But now Harry wanted it- no needed it.
Hatching a plan, Harry knew that Draco wouldn’t agree to what he was going to do, but Harry was going to do it anyway.
Feeling Draco shift around and mumbling incoherently as he slowly woke up, Harry quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.
“Hmm…” Harry peeked opened an eye and watched the blurry figure of Draco sit up from their bed, absently scratching his back.
He saw his husband pause for a moment and suddenly a bubbly fart sounded out loud.
Draco yawned again and turned back towards Harry, probably checking to make sure that he didn’t accidentally wake up his husband with his loud fart.
Harry kept his eyes closed, breathing normally.
Satisfied, Draco groggily got up from the bed and headed to the loo, not bothering to close the door behind him.
Hearing the sound of urine hitting the toilet, Harry nearly moaned at the stench Draco left behind. He had missed the blond’s musky smell.
Harry went back to his pretending when he heard Draco returning from his pee break.
Feeling the bed dip beside him, Harry tried to upkeep his sleeping posture as he felt a soft kiss being pressed on top his head.
Harry was nearly caught as he could tell Draco was looking at him closely, probably able to tell that Harry may be awake due to his spouse was very attentive to him that way and always knew if something was up with him.
It’s felt like ages went by before Harry felt Draco lay back down, obviously thinking that Harry was asleep after all.
When he could tell that Draco was facing away from him, Harry discreetly held up his wand- which was in his hands underneath their blanket- and wordlessly casted ‘Inflatus Gasium’.
As he closed to eyes to go back to sleep, Draco suddenly felt an odd sensation inside the pit of his belly.
The blond tried to ignore it at first, but the feeling intensified until he grew uncomfortable.
Wondering what was going on, Draco carefully sat up in bed, trying to avoid jostling a sleeping Harry, and reached for his wand to cast lumos.
Draco gasped when he saw that his stomach had bloated up nearly three times its size!
Trying to figure out what had happened, Draco nervously darted his eyes his the sleeping figure beside him, debating whether to wake the other up to notify his spouse of what was happening to him.
But before he could make up his mind, Draco’s eyes widened as he felt a something inside him drop right down to his bottom.
Before he could stop himself, Draco found himself lifting his bottom half off the bed before a loud series of gas trumpeted right out his arse.
“Ughhhh…” Draco moaned as gas in-controllably blasted itself out of him.
Draco crinkled his nose at his noisy flatulence, wondering what he had eaten earlier as a rank stench went up to his nostrils.
As he continued to fart, Draco suddenly remembered that he wasn’t alone and quickly looked to his side, he gasped when he saw very awake wide green eyes staring right back at him.
Harry had barely kept himself from moaning as he watched his husband farting up a storm for the past few minutes. His election was nearly weeping at that point, needing attention as soon as possible.
“Harry- I…” Draco trailed off helplessly, feeling guilty that he woke up his spouse with his flatulence.
But Draco was caught off guard when he felt Harry grab his by the collar and pull him down to their lips together.
They both groaned loudly as they kissed, their tongues intertwining as Harry pulled Draco closer to them.
“Draco…” Harry moaned against the other’s lips, needing more of his husband.
“Harry, slow down…” Draco tried to tell him, but even the blond was barely keeping it together as the air around them heated up due to their combined arousals and his ongoing gas that was still trumpeting out of him.
“I need you.” Harry nearly begged, already trying to remove Draco’s pajama top as he spoke, not separating their lips once. “Please?” At his pregnant husband’s begging, Draco finally gave in to his pleads.
Draco readily ripped off his pajamas, not caring about the buttons that flew off his top, and lifted up the dressing gown the Harry wore (which was the only thing that would fit comfortably over the man large belly).
They both gasped when Harry’s belly met Draco own inflated belly, and they both found themselves rubbing against one another, enjoying the new feeling of their jutted tummies sliding over each other.
“I need you in me Dray.” Harry whispered, enjoying the warm air that was hitting his upper thighs from where Draco farted.
Draco kissed him again before moving away slightly to look at the other. “Are you sure?” He asked, looking at him more closely.
Harry fervently nodded his head and that was all it took as Draco helped Harry to lie on his side, facing away.
Harry shifted around and allowed Draco to help out a few pillows underneath his belly for support and carefully lifted one of his legs up and bent it so Harry’s hole was displayed for his husband to easily access inside.
Harry let out a mewling sound as he felt Draco’s thick member sliding up his crack, over his now spell-lubricated hole in a teasingly manner. “Dray…” he whined, trying to push his bum back impatiently.
“Hold on, baby.” Draco chuckled, making sure to use his fingers to prepare Harry first before he slid himself inside.
Harry moaned happily as he was finally filled with his husband’s cock. He let Draco do most of the work, unable to move too much with his giant belly in front of him.
Draco thrusted in and out of Harry, holding Harry around the waist as he bit down on Harry’s shoulder, causing the other to gasped out loud in approval.
Gas continued to exited out of the blond’s bottom but neither man cared as they rutted together, quickly seeking their release.
When Draco lowered his hand that was cradling Harry’s belly to hold onto Harry’s leaking member, Harry gave off a shout when Draco gave a pull, squeezing him tightly.
“Ha..hahh….hmm…HAAH!” Harry grunted as his eyes rolled back into his head and he ended up reaching his climax, coming hard as he spurted cum all over Draco’s hand.
“Baby…hahh…NGH!” Draco held still and closed his eyes shut as an intense white heat shot through him, causing him to meet his own climax. He spilled his seed into Harry, pumping his cock inside his lovely spouse’s hole.
They both rode the intensity together, Harry turned his head so their lips met into a deep kiss.
When it was over, they both sunk into the sheets, Harry giving out a satisfied sigh as Draco carefully pulled his spent member out of him with a squelching pop.
Harry wanted to see his husband and huffed as he tried to move his body around, Draco helping him until they were now facing each other.
Harry smiled as Draco wrapped his arms around him, lovingly rubbing circles over Harry’s belly. “I wasn’t too rough? I didn’t hurt you or the baby, did I?” Draco asked him worriedly, trying to feel up Harry to confirm everything was alright.
Harry shook his head, giggling when the baby gave Draco’s hand a particularly hard kick, making the blond smile widely. “We’re just fine. You were fantastic, love.” He complimented the other enthusiastically.
Draco sighed in relief as he leaned down and kissed Harry gently, both of them enjoying the taste and warmth between them.
As they cuddled underneath the blankets, the peaceful mood was slightly interrupted by Draco’s bum that was still going off, seemingly intent to continue to release flatulence for a while.
Both of them wrinkled their noses as a particularly wet fart left Draco’s bum, almost dutch-ovening the both of them in a pungent odor or rotten eggs.
“Pardon me! I don’t know why I’m so gassy tonight!” Draco apologized, airing out the blanket behind him, trying to fan out the foul air away.
Draco narrowed his eyes when he caught the guilty look Harry was giving him. “Harry…”
Harry gave his spouse an apologetic look as he finally confessed, “I may have casted an inflation spell on you earlier…”
“Harry!” Draco scolded him.
“I’m sorry, Draco. I just really wanted to have some kinky sex with you and knew that you would have said no if I had asked.” Harry looked at him sadly. “Forgive me?”
Draco sighed as he took his pregnant husband into his arms, Harry eagerly nuzzling into his chest, hugging himself closer. “Of course I do, you prat. But no more casting any spells on me without my permission, alright?” He gave Harry a stern look.
Harry looked down and nodded, hiding his face in Draco’s chest. Draco sighed as he ran his hand over Harry’s back, letting his annoyance go as he let himself enjoy in the feel of his husband and his belly that held their baby between them.
Draco smiled as he could feel the small kicks that the baby gave, feeling a small sense of vindictiveness as Harry grunted, notifying him that the kicks weren’t quite as ‘small’ after all.
“Baby James is awake.” Draco whispered, feeling Harry’s large bump under his hand, smiling when their son kicked right underneath his palm.
“Yeah. At least for now he’s avoiding my bladder.” Harry mumbled, relieved since he was feeling too comfortable to move to go to the loo at that moment.
“Go back to sleep, baby.” Draco told him gently after seeing Harry yawn widely. As another fart burped out of his bum, Draco knew it would be some time before he himself would be able to go to sleep just yet.
Harry yawned again. “Ok…I wish we can meet James soon, Dray.” He muttered, eyes closing as he slowly drifted off.
He felt a kiss on his forehead as he softly heard a quiet “Soon” before Harry finally fell asleep.
The couple soon got their wish about one week later.
They had both been in the living room, resting of the sofa. Draco had taken a break for his apprenticeship and was enjoying a new movie on the telly.
Harry on the other hand was trying his hand at knitting. He wasn’t very good at it, but he was happy to do anything now that he found moving around much a challenge with his mountain of a belly before him.
He finally reached the finish line of his pregnancy and at the last checkup with his healer two days ago, they happily told the expecting parents that the baby would be due any day now.
Harry sighed in relief when she told them that.
Don’t get him wrong, he loved carrying his and Draco’s little bundle of joy inside of him, but after having stomach issues for months, having to be careful whenever he moved due to his sense of balance being affected by his big belly, being hit constantly like a bludger from their baby’s kicks-even at night, and all the hormones galore, Harry was ready for this pregnancy to be over.
Harry hummed happily as Draco rubbed his feet, which Harry had complained about being swollen earlier and eagerly allowed his husband to massage them when he offered.
Draco’s hands on his feet felt like bliss. For a couple of hours now, Harry had been feeling a few small pains in his belly, but they were mostly a bother than actually painful, and they went away soon after.
It was probably those Braxton hicks contractions that their healer had told them about during their last visit.
He managed to knit a lopsided little baby blanket before Harry put down his knitting needles and began to get up.
“Where are you going, love?” Draco asked, about to help Harry up but stopped when Harry shook him off, wanting to get up himself.
Harry had to give a bit of a shimmy and about three attempts before he was finally able to push himself up from the sofa.
Exhaling, Harry rubbed his belly and stretched out a little, giving a small toot from his bum. “I’m getting a bit peckish. I’ll make myself an egg and cress sandwich- want one?” He asked the other.
Draco shook his head. “No thank you, love. Just call out if you need anything.” He told him. Although Draco wanted to follow Harry, he knew that his husband was getting irritated by always being coddled like a delicate egg from everyone around him (which to Draco his condition was delicate, but didn’t dare say it to the hormonal pregnant man).
Draco watched as Harry adorably waddled away, which was the only way his pregnant spouse was able to move around these days.
Draco adored Harry’s waddle but he knew Harry found it embarrassing.
After their last checkup, the couple had stopped by the Burrow for some lunch.
Molly of course doted on Harry the entire time while Arthur gave Draco tips on how to help Harry during childbirth (“And don’t forget to cast this spell on your hands Draco! Trust me, it’s going to break otherwise when Harry’s crushes it during his contractions. My Molly sure did with mine.”)
When Harry had gotten up to head to the loo- he needed to empty his bladder once again- Ron, who was also visiting with Hermione, as well as Bill and Fleur, had laughed and told his best friend that he waddled like a duck.
That was obviously the wrong thing to say and it ended up with Ron being berated by his mother and wife, a distraught Harry being consoled by his husband and an equally sympathetic Fleur, while Arthur, Bill and Ginny (who was the only Weasley child who still lived at the Burrow- but only when she wasn’t away traveling for her Quidditch games) just shook their head at their oblivious family member.
Harry made his way across the room, looking forward to his usual pregnancy craving, but then froze when he felt a bit of trickling in his lower half.
Before he could think about it, suddenly a huge gush a fluid spilled out from between his legs, creating a puddle beneath him.
Draco turned to Harry when he heard his spouse’s gasp, and immediately took note of the large puddle around his spouse’s feet.
Feeling sympathetic, Draco quickly made his way to his husband. “Oh love, that’s alright. Everyone has accidents every now and then.” He consoled his husband, obviously misunderstanding the situation. “Why don’t I help you to the loo and I’ll-“
“My water broke.”
“-vanish this little thing away and… what?” Draco trailed off as Harry’s words finally caught up with him.
Harry looked back at a gobsmacked Draco with a very serious look on his own face. His years as an auror and staying calm through any situation were kicking in, making him focus at the task at hand.
“I think we need to go to St. Mungos. Draco, grab the baby bag while we head to the floo, okay? Draco? DRACO!” Harry called out loudly, snapping his stunned husband into attention.
“Right. Baby bag, right.” Draco shook his head and finally calmed himself down- his years of being an auror also finally kicking in.
Draco reached out to grab Harry’s hand, smiling slightly when he realized how cold and clammy the other’s hand really was. Draco felt better that he wasn’t the only one nervous right now.
“We’re gonna meet Baby James soon, love.” Draco told him gently, giving his hand a squeeze.
Harry let out a shaky breath, and gave Draco a trembling smile in return, his nerves finally showing. “Y-yeah…”
After a quick cleaning spell, they headed to the floo and when they got there, Draco accioed Harry’s baby bag before they headed to St. Mungo’s.
Entering the reception area, Harry ignored the excited stares and whispers he always got when he went out in public and just held onto Draco’s arm while his husband told the witch at the front desk that he was currently in labor.
Not long after, Harry was wheeled to the maternity/paternity ward, with Draco right behind him.
“Welcome, gentlemen. I suppose your baby is finally ready to meet the both of you.” Healer Ellis, their healer who monitored Harry’s entire pregnancy and the one who would deliver their baby, welcomed them into the room.
Harry was then dressed into one of the hospital gowns and helped onto the high bed that was actually pretty soft and comfortable, which made Harry happy enough.
When their healer had spoken to them about the options for childbirth, the married couple agreed to do it with the natural method.
They were told that it would be the safest way for the baby and the process was pretty much the same as a female pregnancy. The only difference was that the baby would be coming out the way it came in- through the anal canal.
Harry balked at that bit, but kept his decision.
“Okay, let me see how far along you are, alright?” Healer Ellis told him gently. Harry nodded and held onto Draco’s arm tightly as he felt that familiar lubricate spell before feeling a few gloved fingers that most certainly was completely different than his lovely husband’s, enter him.
“Hmm..oh, you’re quite along. About 6cm dilated, I would say. How long have you been having contractions?” She asked, removing her hand while disposing the glove.
“About a few hours, I think?” Harry admitted weakly.
“What?!” Draco looked at him while Healer Ellis chuckled. “Harry! Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
Harry shrugged. “They weren’t too bad and I thought it was those Braxton hicks contractions or something.”
Draco shook his head at his spouse. “Ridiculous, you are.” He told him exasperatingly, but leaned down to kiss the other’s forehead lovingly.
“Alright, well, you’re at the stage if you like to have an epidural administered?” She asked Harry.
Harry nodded. He and Draco had discussed this earlier. Draco reminded Harry that he was no longer a martyr and if he wanted to take anything to make the birth less painful, then he should feel free to do so as long as it was safe for the baby.
Harry finally agreed to taking the epidural, especially when he heard of the horror stories Hermione, Millicent and even Narcissa went though during their labors.
After about 30 minutes later, the anesthesiologist left the room and Harry was feeling better now that the epidural was settling in. He could still feel the contractions, but they were bearable now.
Healer Ellis notified the couple that it looked like it’ll be a few more hours wait, but she would check back in about an hour.
She also asked if they wanted to notify anyone that Harry was in labor, and they nodded, knowing that their friends and family would want to know.
When the healer left, Draco sat in a chair by Harry’s bedside, holding Harry’s hand and playing with the other’s fingers as the couple chatted softly to themselves.
There were moments where Harry would pause and squeeze Draco’s hand as a contraction hit. Draco, patient and caring as he was, whispered soothing words into Harry’s ear to help the other through the pain before both of them sighed when it was over.
A young healer wizard later came by and brought Harry some nourishment to keep up the pregnant man’s strength.
Harry was grateful as Draco fed him some light broth and fruit juices. His husband also shared some of his chocolate granola bar that the young healer had offered to Draco as well since the dad should also be taken care of, as well is the ‘mum’.
Taking the last sip of water, Harry sighed as he laid against the tall tower of pillows that supported his back and felt himself relax.
“Oh!” Harry blushed as a fart came out, his bowels feeling more relaxed as his body was.
Draco chuckled as he rubbed circles other Harry’s palm while his free hand rubbed the top of his pregnant belly. “Feeling better, baby?”
Harry smiled as he nodded, letting go of another fart. “Yeah, thank goodness I never ate that egg sandwich earlier.” They both laughed.
Harry had spoken a little too soon since a few minutes later, after releasing a few more airy farts into the room, suddenly a loud and wet-sounding fart echoed out, making them both pause in their conversation.
“Oh no!” Harry cried as he could feel that last fart most certainly ended up as a shart.
“It’s alright, love.” Draco soothed him, kissing his cheek. “It’s perfectly normal. Actually, why don’t I grab a bedpan so you can empty your bowels- best to do it now when we’re still alone.”
Harry felt better and his blush began to recede as he nodded, watching as his husband went out of the room for a moment.
He waited for a few minutes before his spouse came back with the bedpan. Harry could have just gone on the bed, but at least the bedpan would make things much more easier to contain the mess.
Draco made sure to lock the door for privacy before he lifted Harry’s gown and placed the bedpan beneath him. Harry had his knees pulled up so his hole was directly aimed towards the pan.
Immediately, a massive fart ripped out of Harry’s arse, followed by the cracking sound of a good-sized turd that came out.
PRAAAPP! Prrraaaapppp…
Harry grunted as he pushed out another log. Draco’s hand was on his knee as the blond watched two more stools being pushed out before a torrent of soft mush followed out.
Harry pooped until he felt himself finally empty. Sighing, the hiss on urine was heard as he emptied his bladder until he was done.
Draco had some wipes nearby and wiped Harry up gently, making sure to leave no mark or smear on Harry’s behind.
Disposing all the dirty wipes into the bedpan, Draco checked once more that nothing had gotten onto the sheets before he vanished the soiled bedpan entirely.
Casting ‘Olefacio minuere’ to completely negate the eggy stench in the room, Draco added an air freshener charm and breathe in deeply the light aroma of lavender that now surround the room.
Draco unlocked the door and went up to the head of the bed to lay a kiss on Harry’s forehead. Harry smiled as he pulled Draco down for a gentle kiss on his lips.
Suddenly the door opened and they both turned their heads to see Ron walking inside, a wide smile on his face.
Unfortunately, Draco had forgotten to fix Harry’s gown after his bowel movement so now the pregnant man’s ‘downstairs’ was, although clean, now on display for all to see.
They watched as Ron froze after taking two steps inside, his eyes widened hilariously as he stared at the sight that no man should see their best mate in.
The couple was shocked when Ron’s eyes then rolled into the back of his head and the redhead went crashing to the floor.
“Ron?!” They both cried as they look down at their friend passed out on the floor.
They didn’t have time to check on the poor guy due to Hermione had also entered the room just then.
Unlike her other half, Hermione just blinked at what she saw but otherwise looked to be unbothered (she had seen Harry in all sorts of undressed- unintentionally- during their seventh year on the run, so she was immune at this point) and scurried over to Harry’s bed, stepping over Ron as she did so.
“Harry! We rushed as soon as we heard word. Are you doing alright?” She asked him gently, combing a few loose strands of hair away from his forehead.
“Um, I’m fine.” Harry told her weakly, his face still a bright red as Draco rearranged his dressing gown to cover him again.
“Your husband’s out cold, Hermione.” Draco stated plainly, pointing to the still passed out body on the floor.
Hermione glanced at her husband and only rolled her eyes, focusing back on the other two. “Don’t mind him- rather than viewing Harry’s private parts, he most likely passed out due to being reminded of his past trauma when I was the one in labor. As soon as he saw Rose coming out of me, he was out cold like a light.” She shook her head in exasperation.
Hermione turned to Draco and raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re not going to end up fainting too, right?”
Draco smiled wryly, shaking his head. “I’m sure I can handle it.”
Hermione nodded. “Good.”
The door opened again and this time both Molly and Narcissa entered the room.
The mothers didn’t even glance at Ron’s body and just walked around him.
Well, Narcissa walked around him while Molly actually stepped on his hand while going over him.
“Harry! How are you feeling, dear?” Molly cooed over him, trying to fluff up his pillows to make him more comfortable.
“It’s hurts a little, but I can handle it so far.” Harry told you as he smiled when Molly patted his shoulder.
“If there’s anything you need, let us know.” Narcissa comforted him from his other side, holding his hand.
Harry smiled at her too as he squeezed her hand, allowing his mother-in-law to touch his stomach, feeling her grandchild underneath her palm.
The mothers continued to coddle over him while Draco and Hermione talked quietly among themselves. Harry overheard them talking about how far along Harry was and how many hours it would probably be before the baby was ready to come out.
While Harry spoke to his two mothers, he suddenly paused in mid-sentence and groaned as a strong contraction hit him.
Immediately, all focus was on him as Draco hurried over and took his other free hand opposite of Narcissa and everyone spoke to him in soothing tones as he rode out the longest contraction that hit.
“Ughhh…that one really hurt!” Harry panted when it was over. Draco leaned forward to kiss his cheek while Narcissa wiped the sweat that gathered on his forehead.
“It’ll only get worse I’m afraid.” Molly told him gently, patting his knee as Hermione came by to give him some sips of water.
Harry nodded gratefully for the water while he grimaced at Molly’s words. “Bloody fantastic.”
As Harry began to settle down, the door opened again and Healer Ellis walked in, not looking surprised to see all the new people who were in Harry’s room- but she did shoot a questioning look at Ron’s unconscious form that was still on the floor.
“How are you feeling Harry?” The healer asked him as she ended up walked around Ron as well and stood by the foot of the bed.
Harry gave her a weak smile. “As well as a laboring man can be, I reckon.”
Healer Ellis chuckled at that. “I suppose that’s a correct answer. Now, I’m going to need to check you again to see how far along you are now- do you mind if I do so while we have company or shall I…?” She gestured to the other ladies in the room.
Harry blushed but just shrugged, obviously uncomfortable but at the same time not wanting to send them away just yet. “They can stay- but no one else but Draco can look, okay?”
The other ladies agreed while Draco excitedly peeked down at what the Healer was doing, also wanting to know Harry’s progress.
Foreign fingers entered him and as Harry tried to relax his body, suddenly the door opened once more, this time with George walking into the room.
The redhead ended up having a fine view of Harry’s opened gown and saw exactly what Helaer Ellis and Draco were seeing.
But George being George just paused for a few seconds before grinning and winking at his now pink-cheeked practically youngest brother. “Well, I was gonna ask how things were going but it looks to me that everything’s going pretty well, huh?” Harry groaned as he let his head fall back and just decided to mourn his lost dignity at that point.
Molly shooed George and the redhead quickly looked away from Harry and was now raising an eyebrow when he noticed his other brother on the floor. “Oh, Ron’s fainted again?”
Hermione sighed again in exasperation at her husband and nodded. “He hopeless, that one.”
Draco, still bothered that yet another Weasley had a glimpse at his husband’s privates, arched his own eyebrow at the redhead. “‘Again’, you say?”
George shrugged at Draco, grinning. “I was there when Hermione went into labor while visiting our shop. When Ronnikins’ fainted while we were at the hospital, I was the one who was tending to Hermione here until Mum and Hermione’s mum, came and supported her for the rest of the birth.” He explained.
“That was very kind of you- Pansy should be lucky to have you when it’s her time to give birth.” Narcissa told him, making George puff his chest out proudly while thanking her.
Molly sighed as she finally looked at her youngest son, shaking her head. “Just like his father and brother, that one. Percy also couldn’t handle Audrey’s labor with Little Molly. And Arthur was out cold and pretty missed both Bill and Charlie’s births. Barely made it through Percy and the twin’s. And finally got his act together for our youngest two.” Everyone laughed as the Weasley matriarch tutted about her family.
“Very good. You’re progressing nicely- you are at 8cm now.” Healer Ellis told him, removing her hand from Harry, disposing her gloves before writing her notes on his clipboard.
“Alright, I’ll come check on you again in another hour. Do you want everyone to stay or…?” The healer gestured to the pretty crowded room now.
Draco shook his head as he looked apologetically at his family. “I hope not to be rude or offend anyone, but I think it’s best if only Harry and I stay alone now. My husband here needs some peace and quiet right now.”
Harry looked grateful as he loved their family, but the pregnant man was starting to get a bit overwhelmed by all the people around him.
Everyone agreed and assured Harry that they would all be outside in the waiting room if the couple needed anything.
With farewell hugs and best wishes, the group left the room- a still unconscious Ron spelled to float after them.
“How are you doing, love?” Draco asked Harry, sitting beside him again while rubbing soothing circles over Harry’s belly.
“I’m doing okay, Dray. Just more tired now and a little bit more pain.” Harry admitted, yawning afterwards.
Draco smiled as he kissed Harry’s nose before nuzzling him with his own. “Go to sleep, baby. You need to gather as much strength as you can for our little one later.”
Harry sleepily nodded, already dozing off while Draco continued to rubbed his belly gently.
His nap ended up being a short one and after about 30 minutes, Harry was once again awake and panting through another contraction.
Draco stayed by Harry’s side and coached him through the breathing techniques they learned together during one of Harry’s birthing classes.
Harry’s contractions were getting closer and much more intense than before. Harry was now at the point that it wasn’t just a small ache anymore- he was in full blown pain!
Draco helped Harry into different positions on the bed, shifting his body to help alleviate the pressure on his back.
When the Healer visited him again, Harry groaned when she told him he was still at 8cm. Healer Ellis assured him that this was normal and the baby was still in good condition.
Nearly two more hours passed by and Harry was now exhausted as he breathed deeply, releasing against the pillows as another contraction just ended.
Draco was just as tired as he combed back Harry’s sweaty hair, mentally thanking Arthur’s advise about the spell for Draco’s hand- if it weren’t for the spell, The blond’s hands for sure would have been broken with how tightly Harry had been squeezing them for hours.
When one of the younger healers came by to check on Harry’s vitals, Draco took this time to cast a refreshening spell over his husband to help Harry feel more comfortable- which Harry was immensely grateful for.
Healer Ellis soon entered the room once more and this time she happily informed them that Harry was at 9cm dilated. Once Harry reached 10cm, he would be ready to push.
When Healer Ellis left, the younger healer stayed to check that everything was prepared for the birth.
“Ughhh…Dray, it hurts so much…” Harry moaned as another contraction came.
Draco felt helpless, hating to see his loved one in so much pain. For not the first time, he wished it were he that had tested positive to be the carrier, the Harry.
“It’ll be alright, baby. James will be here soon.” Draco assured him, kissing him as gently as he possibly could.
“Maybe Mr. Malfoy-Potter should walk around the room if he’s able? The exercise might do him some good and the upright position will help move things along quicker.” The young healer offered his assistance.
Draco brightened at the advice and looked to Harry for what his spouse wanted.
Harry looked tired but nodded. “Sounds good. But maybe in a few minutes. I feel another contraction coming o-OHH!” He shouted as an intense pain that was slowly becoming familiar to him overtook him once more.
After riding out a few more contractions, the couple were alone in the room once more.
“You’re doing so well, Harry. So well.” Draco crooned to him, making sure Harry knew how amazing and strong he was being right now.
Harry breathed in and out slowly, looking at Draco, pain clear on his face. “I want to walk around now. I’ll do anything at this point to move along this labor more quickly if possible.” He was so ready to be done at this point- how anyone survived this amount of pain was a mystery to him.
Draco carefully helped Harry up to a full upright sitting position, holding onto Harry’s waist when the pregnant male paused before closing his eyes and let out a large, sickly belch.
“Are you feeling sick, love? Need the bedpan?” Draco asked him worriedly, already looking for the bedpan that the younger healer had brought in earlier. Apparently it was normal for pregnant people to feel ill, even vomit, as the labor progressed further and the pain got too much.
Harry stayed still for a moment and then brought his fist up to his mouth before burping very wetly again.
Harry swallowed a few times before finally opening his eyes again and looked at Draco tiredly. “I’m fine now- I think it’s just a bit of heartburn but I don’t think I’ll sick anything up. Help me stand up now, Dray?”
Draco followed Harry’s order and slowly the two stood up, Harry leaning heavily on Draco for support.
The couple began to walk around the room slowly, Harry waddling as he started to feel a little better with moving around.
Draco was strong as he held up Harry whenever his spouse would stop in their walk to let out a loud cry, and Draco would hold Harry firmly as the pregnant man went through another contraction.
After doing a few slow rounds around their room, Draco was about to ask Harry if he wanted to go back to the bed to rest, but before he could open his mouth, Harry let out a loud shout and nearly squatted all the way down.
“Harry!” Draco cried out, holding Harry up to prevent his spouse from falling.
Harry was crying out as he awkwardly squatted down, the intense need to push overwhelming him. “Bloody fuck! Call Healer Ellis! The baby’s coming!” He shouted, crying out again as another contraction came out.
Before Draco could pull his wand out to send a patronus to the healers, Healer Ellis fortunately walked into the room, with two other healers behind her as they could all hear Harry’s screaming from down the hall.
“Help bring him to the bed.” Healer Ellis ordered as one of the younger healers helped Draco bring Harry back to the bed.
When Harry was lying up against the pillows again, Healer Ellis positioned his legs open and kept them wide apart but comfortable as she went to check Harry.
“Good job, Harry. You’ve finally hit 10cm. We can start pushing now, whenever you’re ready.” The healer’s words were like an oasis to Harry at that point. Finally the pain would be over soon.
Going over the breathing techniques that he and Draco learned for this moment, Harry followed along as Draco and Healer Ellis helped him breathe through the next contraction that hit.
“Breathe baby, come on. Follow me.” Draco told him soothingly, breathing out and making sure Harry matched his movements.
Harry wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that, but he was in the middle of panting when he felt an intense burning sensation as his bottom felt like it was stretching itself open.
“Oh Merlin’s balls! I’m going to rip your balls out for putting me in this position, Draco! Holy fuck this HURTS!” Harry bellowed out, the burning sensation getting more intense as he was literally feeling as if he was being ripped apart.
“I’m sorry, love. You’re doing so great. You can do this.” Draco said calmly (although he was really a nervous and anxious wreck on the inside), ignoring Harry’s threats as he knew his spouse was in too much pain to even register what he was saying right now.
“I can see the head! Alright Harry, at the next contraction, I want to push.” Healer Ellis told him.
Harry did just that and Draco took this time to peek at what was happening down there.
There was a split second when Draco felt the world around him tilt for a bit at all the blood, bloodily fluids and the actual top of their baby’s head poking out of Harry’s hole, but he quickly took a hold of himself and shook his head to clear it.
Harry opened his eyes and turned his head when he heard Draco gasped. “What’s wrong? Is the baby alright?”
Draco looked back at Harry, his eyes a bit wet as he held in tears. “Our son has your dark hair, love.”
Harry grinned widely at that before he grimaced and another contraction went through him.
The next couple of minutes was spent with Harry alternating between pushing and resting.
Harry was throughly exhausted at this point but he didn’t give up, hearing Draco’s excited comments about seeing their child helping him find the strength to keep pushing.
When the baby’s forehead could now be seen, Healer Ellis told Harry to give a good push at the next contraction.
“Alright, the next contraction should be soon…now, PUSH!”
Everyone froze as a loud fart echoed into the room.
“Oh, excuse me!” Draco blushed hotly, deeply embarrassed by his accidental gas emission in front of unfamiliar others.
The blond’s body had been unconsciously bearing down himself while he listened to the healer told Harry to push. He was shocked when he actually farted and ashamed to admit that it hadn’t been a dry one.
But thankfully the healers in the room didn’t mind nor notice Draco’s ‘messy’ accident and Healer Ellis only chuckled while assuring Draco that it wouldn’t be the first time an expecting father had did that in her delivery room.
Harry on the other hand, keen on the sound of his husband’s gas, knew that his loud fart was more than just gas.
Draco indiscreetly moved their linked hands and brought them behind him, watching Harry’s eyes widened as he let the other feel the small bulge that dropped into the back of his pants.
Oddly enough, the musty stench of Draco’s smell (which only Harry and Draco could smell due to the other healers were standing farther away) made Harry feel calmer at that moment.
Feeling better, Harry found the strength to push through the next contraction while Draco secretly vanished his mess away.
A few more minutes later, the baby’s head was finally out when Healer Ellis called out for Harry to give more more push. “Give your biggest push at this next one- it should be the last one and you’re baby will finally be here.”
Mustering the last of his strength within him, Harry let out a loud huff as he gave one more gigantic push.
And then, the intense pain that he had been feeling for hours was suddenly gone.
He there was still pain, but it was nothing compared to before. The contrast was almost dizzying as Harry dropped down onto the pillows with a whoosh of his breath.
Draco held his breath as he saw a small body inside Healer Ellis’ arms, quickly being bundled up by a fluffy yellow towel.
And finally Draco could find himself breath again when he heard the sound of his son’s high-pitched cry.
“Very good lungs you got there, little one.” Healer Ellis chuckled as the young healer took the crying infant to measure and admitted then appropriate potions to the child while the Healer focused on the afterbirth.
Harry was in a half-conscious state, barely even registering what was going on around him. But the firm hold of Draco’s hand on his was the only thing keeping him grounded right now.
Feeling a presence beside him, Harry turned his head slowly and saw one of the younger healers smiling down at him.
But the sight of the small bundle in the healer’s arms was what brought Harry back to full consciousness, green eyes staring hungrily at the little yellow bundle.
“Are you ready to meet your son, Mr. Malfoy-Potter?” The healer asked politely.
Harry nodded excitedly as with the help of Draco, pulled down the top part of his hospital gown and held his arms up to receive his baby.
The healer carefully laid the bundle in Harry’s arms, adjusting the blanket to make sure baby and father had skin-to-skin contact for their first bonding.
With his little one inside his arms, Harry finally sighed in contentment as he held his child for the first time.
Sniffling, Harry shakily leaned down to lay a small kiss on his son’s tiny head before looking up and smiling tearfully at his husband.
Draco was also overwhelmed by emotions as he watched his husband and their child together for the first time. He also had tears in his eyes as he smiled back at them, reaching out to run his finger down his son’s chubby cheek, reveling at the softness of it.
“James is finally here.” Draco breathed out, his grey eyes unable to leave the beauty that was nestled inside Harry’s arms.
“He’s beautiful.” Harry said happily as he smiled down at the bundle against his chest, watching their son open and close his mouths few times.
“Oh, I think he’s hungry.” The younger healer noted, smiling at the couple as they were enraptured by their newborn.
Helping Harry sit up, both the young healers directed Harry on how to hold James properly, having Draco clean Harry’s chest (during his pregnancy, Harry’s chest had grew slightly- not as large as a woman’s would, but his chest had swelled a little) before teaching Harry how to gently nuzzle his nipple against their baby’s lips so that their son would take it into his mouth.
It took a few tries but James finally latched his tiny mouth onto Harry’s nipple and Harry cooed as tiny sucking noises could be heard as his son drank.
Harry glanced at his husband and blushed a bit at the intense stare Draco aimed as their son fed. “Does it look weird?” He asked, feeling a bit self-conscious at how he looked at that moment.
“You look stunning, love.” Draco told him truthfully, making Harry relieved. “It’s amazing how your body adapted itself to take care of our child.”
“You should thank both of yourselves since this birth is only possible due to the magic and strong bond you both hold between the two of you.” Healer Ellis told them, still focused on delivering Harry’s placenta while casting spells to dispell Harry’s magically-induced uterus since it was no longer needed anymore.
“It feels a bit strange.” Harry admitted, smiling back down at the baby in his arms. “But nice. I’ll just have to get more used to this.”
After their son was done, Harry gently pulled his nipple out of his James’ mouth and gently shifted him in his arms, gently patting his back like how he had practiced during their parenthood lessons.
After hearing a small burp, Harry laid against the pillows, exhaustion coming back to him as the adrenaline that was running through his veins was finally leaving.
Bringing his baby up to kiss his soft cheek, Harry tiredly turned to Draco as he held James up to him. “Wanna hold him for the first time, daddy?” He offered, smiling crookedly.
Draco gulped as he nervously brought his arms up and with the help of one of the healers, Harry placed the soft bundle into Draco’s arms.
Draco felt his heart melt as he held his son for the first time, feeling himself cry from the overwhelming emotions he was feeling at that moment.
“Oh...he’s perfect.” Draco sighed as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on James’ forehead.
“He looks just like you.” Harry told him, yawning as he watched father-and-son together.
“He takes after the both of us.” Draco corrected.
And their son did.
The first thing that was noticeable was the dark head of hair that they could already tell would be just as unruly as Harry’s was.
But their son had the Malfoy paleness, Draco’s slender nose and his thin eyebrows.
Other than his hair, James had Harry’s pink pouty lips and the almond-shape of his eyes.
Both parents gasped when their child finally opened his eyes and revealed a familiar tone of grey.
“All babies are born with either blue or grey eyes.” Draco pointed out weakly, staring at his son who just yawned back at them before closing his eyes once more.
“Nope- his eyes aren’t going to change. He has your eye color, Dray.” Harry said smugly. The couple had a light bet on who’s eyes their son would take and Harry had won.
“Do you think?” But Draco looked happy as he snuggled his son closer into his arms, hoping to capture another glimpse of his eyes.
“Call it a parent’s intuition.” Harry yawned, blinking tiredly as Draco reached up and removed his glasses from his face before placing it on the table beside him. Harry took this cue to relax back against the pillows and fall asleep.
His nap lasted only a few minutes when a few lesser contractions made him wake up.
Giving a few pushes, Harry delivered the placenta together with his magically-created uterus, which the Healer later casted to another room for the normal observation.
When the afterbirth was done, Healer Ellis was easily able to cast spells to repair any damages from Harry’s delivery while the other healers made sure to sanitize the entire area.
“Well, we’ll leave the new parents with your little one to yourselves and notify your friends and family- do not worry, I’ll tell them that they are not to visit here until you are both ready.” Healer Ellis told them, getting up and stretching from sitting for so long.
“Thank you, Healer Ellis. For taking care of my family and making sure they are both safe and healthy.” Draco thanked her, his voice deep with gratitude.
Healer Ellis smiled at the small family, her eyes crinkling at the edges. “It was my honor to take care of you these past eight months, Draco, Harry. And little James, as well.
“And who knows, maybe I’ll be the Healer who’ll also be in charge of delivering any other further children you both may have.” She winked, making both men blush.
She casted a spell to make sure both father and son were healthy before leaving the room, the other two healers congratulating them as well before they followed right after.
Harry went back to his nap after some gentle urging from Draco.
When he woke up later, Harry felt much more refreshed and realized that he had been changed into a pair of his cozy pajamas.
Peeking underneath, Harry noted that his stomach was still rounded and squishy- frankly it looked like a wrinkly mess- but it had gone down considerably.
Putting down the blanket, Harry turned to his right and smiled at his husband who was sitting beside the bed, cooing at their son.
“Hey, handsome. You’re finally awake.” Draco grinned when he noticed Harry watching them.
Harry grinned back and then his eyes were focused on the bundle in Draco’s arms. Draco chuckled as he brought their son for an eager Harry to hold, helping the other sit up more comfortably on the bed.
“Hello, my little love.” Harry nuzzled James’ forehead before placing a soft kiss there. Looking at Draco and also giving his husband a well-deserved kiss, he asked, “How long did I sleep for?”
“Only about an hour. Which is just as well since I’m sure mother and Molly are about to barge their way into this room soon.” Draco said dryly.
Harry looked surprised. “They haven’t already come in?”
Draco shook his head. “St. Mungo’s rooms has wards and spells casted to make sure that no one would be able to disturb their patients. Only after you had awaken would I go out and invite them all in.”
Harry nodded and he looked down when James began to fuss a little. “Oh, I think James is hungry. Come here, love.”
Harry carefully unbuttoned his top and although this was only his second time, James quickly got the hang of latching his lips onto Harry’s nipple, drinking greedily.
Both parents chuckled as they watched as their son fed, both of them exchanging a loving look between them as the sounds of Little James’ sucking could be heard.
“Such a messy eater.” Draco teased, reaching up with a small cloth to wipe the small line of milk that dropped down the side of his son’s face. “Just like his papa.”
Harry laughed as he gently pulled the baby away from his nipple to carefully switch him
over to his other one. “I’m glad he has a healthy appetite.”
When James was done, he released Harry’s nipple with a ‘pop’ sound. Harry re-buttoned his top and thanked Draco who handed him another cloth to place on his shoulder, in case James sicked up on him.
Shifting James, Harry patted his baby’s back gently, humming under his breath as he waited.
Not too long after, a loud burp could be heard, making both parents grin at each other.
“And he burps just like his daddy.” Harry teased back. Draco only chuckled as he reached up to wipe the bit of milk that did escape James’ mouth before Harry set him back down again.
“I can’t believe we created this little miracle.” Harry whispered, sounding reverently as he stared at their baby with warm eyes.
James’ eyes beautiful grey eyes were closed but he was still the most cutest baby both Harry and Draco ever laid their eyes on.
“Me neither.” Draco agreed, joining his family in the bed when Harry scooted over a little and gestured for Draco to come. “We already love you so much, James Sirius Malfoy-Potter.” He looked at James as he spoke, eyes filled with love.
Harry felt his eyes water again as Draco told their son his full name for the first time.
Leaning against Draco, Harry unsuccessfully blinked away his tears, laughing a little when Draco lovingly wiped away the few traitorous tears from his face before kissing Harry’s temple.
Placing a kiss on a Draco’s shoulder, Harry sighed happily, basking in the warmth of his husband and their new child.
“Welcome to our family, James.”
*Surprise! Seven (If you’re still around, lol) I finally wrote out the very first prompt you ever sent to me- “Harry is horny and needs a trigger. He pretends to be asleep, without Draco noticing he uses a spell on him, making his stomach inflate with gas. Draco gets nervous and tries to stop it but the pressure starts to make him fart.”
I always knew that this would be where I would write it out- and now here it is! Also, Drarry has their baby- we’re all grandparents people! 🤣
This story is technically done, but I have one last special chapter left before I fully close this story out.
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Comfortable 15: A Kiss Blown From Their Arses
*I can’t believe we finally made it to their wedding day! It was like a 2-year engagement but we made it…eventually 😅 I borrowed some of their wedding vows from the internet- but I tweaked it to match Draco and Harry. Hey, if I get married one day I would totally do the same for my own vows, lol 😝 Anyway, I LOVE weddings- so even though this is a kink fic, I made sure to give our boys a proper wedding. Hope you enjoy!
**Next chapter is the final chapter (plus a special chapter after that one) and I’m SUPER excited for it!
“Harry, wake up.” Harry let out a tiny moan as he felt someone pat his bum lightly, trying to get him awake.
“Come now, sleepy head- it’s our wedding day!” Draco whispered excitedly, unbelieving that the day was finally here.
Harry let out a sleepy chuckle as he slowly opened his eyes to see the very wide-awake bright expression on his fiancé’s face. “Good morning, love.” He opened his arms and smiled when Draco dove right into them.
After months of planning and seven years of being together, they were finally going to be husbands.
Harry breathed in Draco’s scent, a mixture of crisp apple, lavender and his favorite musky scent that indicated to Harry that his lover must have let out some gas earlier.
Letting his own body relax, he let his arsehole open and leisurely let a long and bubbly fart loose right there.
Draco chuckled when he watched Harry’s relaxed face smile lazily back at him as he perfumed the air around them in his distinct scent of sandalwood and human excrement.
“Did you just fart, dear?” Draco teased as he patted the back of his fiancé’s bum lovingly. They were both in nothing but their briefs.
Harry opened his eyes and accepted the kiss that Draco gave him. “Mmm…that was just my arse blowing you a kiss good morning, Dray.” He replied back cheekily.
Draco laughed as a glint came to his eye. “Well, it would be rather rude of me not to return your loving greeting then.”
Draco turned around and pushed his back against Harry’s front, smiling when Harry spooned him from behind.
Draco didn’t even need to push much as a good and healthy fart came right out of him, his bum vibrating directly over Harry’s crotch.
Harry took in a deep breath of his musky stench as he felt the warmness spread between them. “How scandalous that you would greet me with such an impolite sound, my dear.
Draco merely sighed as he just answered that with another fart in return.
Feeling something more than just a fart wanting to come out, Draco grinned as he rubbed his bum over Harry’s half-erected member before he gave a short grunt.
His morning dump came out quite easily, a smooth log sliding right out and coiling into his briefs. Draco gave a satisfied hum as he lightly laid his soft loaded bum on Harry’s front.
Harry smirked when he felt Draco pooping, feeling a thrill go through him at the indecent display happening right in front of him.
He rubbed his now hard cock between the other’s cheeks, both of them giving a low groan as the soft mush began to spread out.
Harry chuckled when Draco gave another fart, feeling the air on his member. “Feeling a bit confident this morning, Dray?”
Draco turned his head to give him a wink. “Just thought my arse would like to give you a little early wedding present, is all.”
Harry’s saucy grin dropped and suddenly his look became very soft. “We’re getting married today, Draco.” His voice was full of excitement and disbelief as he spoke this.
Draco turned his whole body around as he returned Harry’s soft look with a gentle kiss of his own. “We’re getting married today and I get to show the whole world that you are officially mine.” He breathed against the other’s lips.
Harry hummed as they shared another kiss. “Always been yours, Draco.” He whispered lovingly.
Draco sighed when he felt Harry rub against him, his own cock getting a little more insistent now. “Love, we won’t have time to indulge in our usual playing today.” Draco said regretfully. Unfortunately their whole day was going to be packed full with their wedding.
“Then just a short morning wank then. Please, Dray?” Harry pleaded, rubbing his very hard penis against his fiancé’s through their knickers, bringing one of Draco’s hand over his bum to squeeze.
Draco gave him a defeated huff, but he smiled as he cupped his lover’s clothed bum and gave a good squeeze, making Harry sigh happily as he let off a nice fart in return. “Alright, but we really have no time for any penetration.” He told him sternly.
Happy readily nodded as Draco placed their bodies together and slipped his free (and lubricated with magic) hand between them to lower their knickers until their weeping cocked popped out and held them both together.
Draco quickly rubbed their members together roughly, making them both groaned loudly as the delicious friction between them felt so amazing.
Harry bucked into Draco, his cock leaking out while his bum was being caressed by Draco’s hand.
It didn’t take long for both of them to come, both of their cocks spurting out semen hard against each other’s fronts.
They both panted as their cocks milked through their climaxes, bodies still rutting against one another.
As Draco’s breathing became normal, he suddenly noticed a soft mound underneath his palm that was still holding Harry’s derrière- it most certainly wasn’t there before.
Draco raised an eyebrow at his fiancé. “Harry? Didn’t I say that we didn’t have any time for play today?” He accused, giving the bulge in his lover’s knickers a good jiggle for emphasis.
Harry have him an innocent smile, still feeling blissed out from their release. “Don’t worry, Draco. This is just my arse giving its own wedding present in return.”
They both giggled as they shared yet another sweet kiss between them before sighing that they really did need to get up and get ready for their big day.
Draco pulled away from the bed and stood up. He pulled his knickers off right there- intentionally giving Harry a good show as he did so- and vanished the soiled briefs.
With his bum covered in a nice smear of brown, Draco turned around and gave Harry a smile, holding his hand out to help his lover out of bed.
Harry grinned as he let himself be pulled up, and lifted his legs to help Draco remove his own knickers before vanishing them.
He couldn’t help but giggle when he noticed that one of his logs had accidentally fell out and was lying right one their bed, in all it’s brown lumpy glory.
Draco joined his laughter when he noticed Harry’s ‘present’ and the bed before pulling his lover in for a light kiss.
Vanishing the little gift on the bed, the lovers made their way to their master bathroom for a good, thorough bath.
“Mate, calm down. You’re acting as if the Third Wizarding War is about to begin.” Ron pointed out from his chair, watching his best friend was pace back and forth in the room.
After their bath (and being scolded by Hermione and Pansy about them being together on their wedding day although they had pointed out that neither of them were a bride) Draco was taken away to the opposite side of their home by Pansy and his mother, while Harry was in the couple’s bedroom with Ron (Hermione had left earlier to check on the flowers being delivered).
As the ceremony slowly approached, Harry could feel himself being filled with a sense of restlessness and nerves that he had never felt this way before.
He never felt this nervous even when he went out to be killed by Voldemort!
Harry bit his lip as he tried to shake the nerves from his hands. “What if something in the ceremony goes wrong?”
“Nothing will happen. Have faith in our women, Harry.” Ron assured him.
It was true- the gods of bad luck themselves would be scared to mess with Hermione, Pansy, Narcissa, Molly, Ginny, Fleur and even Luna- plus every other of the couple’s female friends and fangirls/boys- if they decided to play a trick on Harry and Draco’s big day.
“What if Draco’s not at the altar?” Harry felt himself turning cold at the very thought.
“Then I’ll kick his arse.” Ron answered simply. “Or worst- have Mione and Pans go after him.” He shrugged.
“What if he thinks I’m not good enough to be his husband?” Harry swallowed hard, feeling as if he wanted to cry.
This was when Ron finally got off his chair and came to give Harry a big bear hug. “Then he’s a bloody idiot. But Harry, have faith in your man.” Ron pulled back and gave him a reassuring smile. “We all know that the both of you have been crazy- quite literally I might add- for each other for YEARS.”
Ron grinned. “It’s about bloody time for you both to get married.”
Harry took a deep breath, still feeling nervous but no longer to the point of hysteria. “Right. I can do this.” He said, still a bit shakily.
Ron took a handkerchief from his pocket and used it to wipe off the sweat on Harry’s forehead- when did Harry begin to sweat so much?
Suddenly Harry’s stomach that had been feeling peaky all day from his nerves gave an audible whine and before Harry knew it, a loud honking fart came right out.
Harry flushed red as Ron chuckled, patting his shoulder. “There we go- just let all your nervousness out, mate. Better now than during the actual ceremony.” Ron stopped and then winced as Harry shot him a look of horror.
“Not that it’s gonna happen-“ Ron started to say but then they were interrupted by a knock on the door before it opened to show Charlie standing there.
“Hey, Harry. Wow you’re looking great! Draco is a lucky man.” Charlie complimented and winked at him before turning to his brother with an exasperated face. “Ron, we need some help with your wife- she’s about to get into a fight with a delivery guy because he not only brought in the wrong flowers, but the flowers he brought in are now walking on their stems roaming wild around the dining area.”
Ron closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and nodding. “Give me a sec- keep her from killing the poor bloke like the one she already ripped a new one from that accidentally dropped that tray of cookies.” Charlie nodded as he rushed out of the room.
Ron sighed before he turned back to Harry and took a firm hold on both his shoulders. “Harry. You are one of the best people I’ve ever met- only second to my wife. You are selfless, brave and hell mate, you’re the bloody Savior of the Wizarding World! So buck up and go marry your man! You deserve to have happiness, Harry- even if it is with the ferret!”
Harry choked out a laugh at that, some of his nerves finally fading away at that. “Don’t call him that- you know how much he hates it.”
Ron laughed along with him and winked. “I know- why do you think I still do it? But don’t worry, I know he still calls me weasel sometimes.”
They both laughed together before Ron gave him one more hug before going off to wrangle in his irate wife.
Harry sighed as he continued pacing around the room, feeling his nerves start to build up again as he glanced at the clock to see if it was time yet.
“Ugh, I can’t take this!” Harry groaned as his uncontrollable gassy bowels started to act up once more.
He rushed to the loo and huffed irritably when no poo came out- only loud trumps from his arse spilled forward, echoing loud across the room.
Harry had hoped that maybe if he moved his bowels, then that would remove all the gas within him as well. But it would seem that that wouldn’t be the case.
After letting lose more flatulence, Harry removed himself from the toilet and went to see if he could take some indigestion potions instead- there was no way he could let his noisy bum ruin the most important day of his life.
Searching their cabinets, Harry groaned again when he realized that they ran out of potions, and that there was nothing left for him that he could take that could settle his rowdy bowels.
Harry sighed as another fart let him, trying to figure out a solution for his problem.
He knew his current flatulent problem was due to his nerves- but there was really no way he could fix that.
He was about to marry the love of his life so of course he would be nervous!
He played with the thought of taking some anxiety potions, but thought better against it due to those usually needed a prescription and Harry did not fancy being dangerously drugged out when he took his vows.
So all that was left was he needed something to keep his gas in, at least until the ceremony was over.
If only he could plug up his bum to keep any more vulgar sounds from being let loose…
“That’s it!” Harry exclaimed as he rushed back to the bedroom, his bottom tooting away as he did so.
He kneeled down, shuffling through one of the shelves on the bottom of his dresser, sifting though where he and Draco kept their special ‘toys’ for when they wanted to add a bit of spice to their already kinky sex life.
Digging through the drawer, Harry finally found what he was looking for, bringing it up with a relieved smile, a small blush blooming on his face.
In his hand held a butt plug, about 3-4 inches long, the body of it firm but flexible while made of hypoallergenic silicone, plus with a slender neck and tapered tip that made it easy to insert and remove.
This was one of the first toys that he and Draco had tested when they first experimented with sex toys.
Now, Harry had grew a preference for another of their butt plugs- pink in color, a little over 4 inches, curved so it hit his prostate just right and it vibrated! Harry started to get aroused as he thought about it but shook his head. For now, he didn’t need something for pleasure, but for convenience and comfort.
The small butt plug that he held was the perfect for beginners and Harry knew that it would be perfect now for his current flatulent situation.
Harry knew that this little plug would prevent any embarrassing accidents that might occur during the ceremony and he would still feel comfortable due to the plug’s simple design.
“Colloportus!” Harry casted at the door, making sure it was locked because the last thing he needed on his wedding day is for someone to walk in on him while he inserted the small plug.
Unbuckling his belt, Harry lowered his trousers, pausing as his face heated up again as he remembered that he was also wearing a pair of red thongs (a little present he planned for his soon-to-be husband later tonight), before he pulled those down too until they straddled around his knees.
Glimpsing at the clock, Harry noted that the ceremony was about to start so he had no time to waste.
Silently casting a lubricate spell, he spent a few minutes preparing his anus and dutifully lathering up the plug.
Harry continued to fart along as he prepared himself, but he kept his focus as he needed to make sure that his body was ready to take in the plug- he knew that if for wrong, he would be left in pain and discomfort instead.
When he felt that he was ready, he widened his stance and leaned against the wall for some support as he gently pressed the tip of the plug against his hole.
“Mnnnh!” He let out a soft sound as he gently pushed the plug inside of him.
Harry relaxed his body to make the insertion smoother, imagining that it was Draco’s delicious cock that was entering him instead.
“Hahhh…nngh…mm-ah!” Harry let out a long sigh when the plug was successfully inside him, the toy snug around the end feeling secured enough to not move.
Giving a few experimental pushes, Harry was relieved when his anus was silent as his gas was effectively stopped from coming out.
Harry blushed when he looked down and noticed his own cock standing proud as a result.
Taking a brief peek at the time, he decided to indulge himself with a quick wank- it would do him no good to walk down the aisle with a stiffy after all!
Taking himself in hand, with his soon-to-be husband in mind and his bum plugged up, Harry only needed a few strokes before he finally came.
Harry let out a slow sigh, milking his now softening cock as he came down from his high.
He managed to avoid dirtying his clothing and did a quick ‘scourgify’ to rid of any evidence of his release.
Taking a few minutes to fix his clothes and freshen the air in the room, Harry had just regulated his breathing back to normal before he heard a soft knock at the door.
Harry checked himself in the mirror, satisfied that no one would be able to tell the secret toy he wore underneath with prom and proper attire, before he went to open the door.
When he saw Arthur Weasley smiling at him on the other side, Harry felt his heartbeat quicken once more.
It was time.
“You look great, Harry.” Arthur told him, reaching forward to straighten Harry’s slightly crooked tie as he spoke.
“Thank you.” He said softly, letting Arthur pull his jacket a bit before straightening up and nodding at Harry in approval.
Arthur gave him a soft smile, gently placing his hands on Harry’s shoulders. “Your father, godfather and Remus would be so proud of you right now.”
Harry swallowed, feeling his eyes water a bit. “Really?”
Arthur nodded. “Of course- because I myself am so proud of you right now that I have no doubt that they would be too.
“From the time my kids introduced me to you, me and Molly already adopted you as one of our sons. As part of our family. So I was so honored when you asked me if I could walk you down the aisle.”
The tears finally fell from Harry’s eyes as he grabbed Arthur into a huge hug, feeling the oldest man reciprocate equally as tight, if not tighter.
“There’s no one here better that I could have asked for than you.” Harry sniffed, letting the Weasley patriarch wipe the tears off his face with his handkerchief.
Arthur smiled widely as he wiped a few tears off his own face.
Arthur proceeded to cheer them both up as he shook themselves to loosen up, insisting that no more tears be shed on such a happy occasion.
Just as Harry pulled himself together, Hermione appeared in front of them, looking harried but gorgeous in the sage green bridesmaid dress with intricate gold designs that she wore- the colors a tasteful nod to Harry and Draco’s Hogwart’s houses.
“Oh, honestly you two! You were both supposed to be waiting downstairs by now and- what’s wrong, Harry?” Hermione cut off her rant when she noticed the redness on her best friend’s eyes.
Harry gave her a shake of his head, sending her a reassuring look. “Its nothing, Hermione. Arthur was just helping me with a bit of pre-wedding nerves is all.”
Harry bit his lip for a bit before opening his arms to her. “I know you’ve been a bit nutty due to my wedding but I could really do with a hug from one of my best friends right now.”
And just like that, the wedding planner whirlwind that was Hermione instantly calmed down right that moment as the frantic expression on her face the past few weeks finally softened up as she flew into his arms for a tight embrace. “Oh, Harry. You look so handsome.” She whispered to him, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
“And you look beautiful Hermione.” Harry hugged her back, pulling back a bit to lay a soft kiss on her cheek.
Hermione smiled up at him with a bit of shimmer in her eyes as she rubbed his shoulders in a comforting manner. “Draco won’t know what hit him.”
Straightening up, Hermione quickly casted a spell to rid the redness under Harry’s eyes while Arthur fixed up his suit jacket once more.
“Well, shall we get my best friend married now?” Hermione told him, grinning when Harry nodded his head fervently.
The trio headed downstairs, greeting the rest of the wedding party while Harry laughed as an equally stunning Pansy flew into his arms, whispering about how nervous but excited Draco had been with her and how she couldn’t wait to see him cry with how handsome Harry looked right now.
Harry chuckled when Pansy gave him one more playful but serious meaningful threat to never break her best friend’s heart before giving a peck on his cheek and disappearing to the front where she walked out as Draco’s Best Woman.
Theodore Nott, who was part of Draco’s wedding party, came up to Harry and they both exchanged a friendly hug as well. “Congrats again, Harry. I can’t wait till you see the newly improved fireworks that George, Ron and I have in store for you all.” The magical tech wizard whispered loudly to him.
Hermione, who was his partner for the processional, appeared at that moment as she grabbed him with a stern warning expression on her face. “There better not be any fireworks going off during the ceremony, Theodore. Or else I’ll have all three of your heads hung up on Grimmauld’s walls.”
Theo raised his hands up in the air, looking at her innocently but when they were about to head out, Theo looked back at Harry and shot him a wink, making Harry laugh softly in return.
The final pair in the wedding party greeted Harry as Blaise kissed both his cheeks while Luna flew into his arms with a hug as Harry kissed her forehead.
“Make our Slytherin prince cry, Harry.” Blaise said cheerfully, making Harry laugh once more while he nodded.
Luna patted Harry’s cheeks while smiling in her usual dazed manner at him. “The whole area is filled with so many nargles today. But I supposed due to the occasion, it should be alright for a day.”
“Nothing to worry about then.” Harry smiled at her while Blaise took his girlfriend’s arm as they headed outside for their turn.
Ron met up with him again and they shared one last hug.
No words were said but the look that was exchanged between them spoke it all.
With a nod, Ron headed out as Harry’s Best Man.
“Harry! Look! Look! I got the rings!” Teddy ran up to him cheerfully, showing off his little pillow that carried two titanium rings with a white glowstone band in the middle of each ring.
“Careful there buddy. Wow, don’t you look dashing! And of course our Victoire looks as pretty as a Disney princess!” Harry complimented the two children.
Victorie beamed up at him happily, swirling her dress around as she swung the flower basket in her arms. “Thank you Uncle Harry! Mama even let me wear a princess tiara too!”
Harry chuckled as she excitedly pointed to the golden woven tiara with light green and pink gems on her head. “Wow! But I’m not surprised since every princess needs to have a tiara, do they not?”
Victoire nodded her head. “They do.”
The two children were hurried to the front as it was their turn next.
With that, Harry tried to calm his nerves down again since he knew that it would be his turn next down the aisle.
He grabbed onto Arthur’s arm tightly, letting his father figure rubbed his back in a comforting manner as they waited for the signal.
“Ready?” Arthur whispered to him as they began to walk out.
“Ready.” Harry breathed out and finally stepped out into the open.
He was immediately hit by the scent of floral smells of lilies and narcissus while a light wind breezed by him.
He barely took in the whimsical decorations of the forest because before him was Draco and as soon as their eyes met, everything and everyone else around them melted away.
It was like the turmoil in Harry’s body soon vanished and all the nerves that he had been feeling for the past few hours had now disappeared, filling Harry with a sense of wonder, excitement and deep love for the blond man in front of him.
Harry could barely keep himself from running towards Draco, thankfully Arthur’s hold on his arm kept them as a sedate pace, keeping Harry from embarrassing himself.
He was able to pick out the soothing instrumental music of what Harry recognized to being one of the Weird Sisters’ ballads playing in the background, not dissimilar to the song played during their third year’s Yule ball. But this song was much more sweet in tone.
As Harry finally made his way to Draco, he noticed with delight that his lover was crying- a tear broke free and ran down one of his cheeks although it didn’t deter from the blond’s beauty whatsoever.
Harry reached up to wipe the other’s tears away, smiling brilliantly at him.
The couple wore three-piece ivory suits, although Harry’s was a touch more lighter in color then Draco’s, with gold and silver ties and designs itched on each of their suits.
Draco sniffled a little before leaning down while Harry readily capture his lips in a small kiss.
“Alright, you two. You shouldn’t be kissing before you even say your vows.” Kingsley chuckled lightly, making the couple separate and blush hard while their audience laughed as well.
When the laughter died down, Kingsley motioned everyone to sit before he began. “Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy…”
Harry intertwined his arms with Draco’s as he leaned his head to rest on his lover’s shoulder, barely listening to Kingsley’s speech as all he could focus on was his man standing beside him.
He focused his attention on the feel of Draco’s thumb rubbing circles on the top of his palm in a soothing manner, feeling light presses on his head where Draco dropped a few kisses there.
Harry nuzzled his head in return, placing a small kiss on Draco’s shoulder as they exchanged another loving smile between them before facing forward once more.
Soft crying could be heard from the back- most likely from their mothers and Hagrid (the loud sound of a nose blowing was without a doubt from the half-giant).
“Today you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends." Kingsley told them gently. “Now it’s time to exchange your vows. Draco?” He looked towards the blond first.
Draco nodded before turning and facing Harry, holding their hands tight.
“Harry, you know me better than anyone else in this world…well, you’re perhaps on equal footing as my mother anyway.” There was soft laughter as Narcissa could be seen smiling warmly at both men, wiping a tear away. “And despite knowing my true self, somehow still you managed to love me.
“You are my one true love. I’ve loved you for such a long time. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I am the one who gets to marry you.” Draco gave a chuckle, shaking his head in a sort of disbelief. Harry held back his own tears, giving Draco’s hand a squeeze.
“From now on, I get to laugh with you and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live this life with you.
“I promise to be your lover, companion and friend. Your greatest fan and of course, your number one rival.” Draco winked at Harry, making Harry and everyone else laugh at that.
“This is my sacred vow to you.”
The crying became louder and Harry was certain he could pick out Molly and Pansy’s happy weeping in particular.
Kingsley nodded proudly at Draco before he turned to Harry next. “And now Harry?”
Harry took a deep breath before he looked up at Draco, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. “Draco…” Harry paused as his mind blanked for a bit.
When Draco began to give him a look of concern, Harry shook his head and huffed. “I knew I should have wrote my vows down earlier!”
Laughter came from the audience as Draco expression softened as he rubbed his thumb over Harry’s palm soothingly.
“Don’t worry, mate- got it right here!” Ron pulled out a small paper and handed it to Harry.
Harry looked surprised as he opened the note and saw his entire wedding vow written on it. “How did you know to prepare this?”
Ron grinned as he tilted his head towards his wife. “I didn’t- but ‘Mione suggested to have a copy of your vows, just in case.”
Harry chuckled as he nodded in thanks towards his other best friend. “Of course. Merlin what we’d do without Hermione.” Said girl giggled and gave him a tender smile in return.
Harry faced back to Draco and gave him a sheepish smile. “Got my cheat sheet.” Draco laughed as he gestured for Harry to continue.
Harry took a deep breath before he began reading. “Draco, when we first met…you were a git.” Laughter once again filled the area as Draco snorted. “But I was also a prat, so it’s no wonder we ended up together eventually.” More laughter.
“I promise to forget to do the laundry when it’s my turn. I promise to make our curry just as spicy as what you sometimes complain it to be. And I vow to encourage us to try new and strange things together- all of them Muggle, of course.” Harry grinned as everyone was cracking up at this point- even Draco as he smacked Harry’s arm at his ridiculousness.
Harry laughed himself but soon he calmed down once more as he got serious.
“What I love about you the most is that you although you tease me about it, I know that you never actually saw me as ‘The Chosen One’ or ‘The Boy who lived once or twice’ or “The Savior of the Wizarding World’. All you saw me as was just Harry.
“And I vow to be the best parts of me that fit perfectly with the best parts of you. Although I won’t be perfect, I pledge to be sensitive- as much as my Gryfindorness can be- and respectful of you. I pledge to lend you strength for all of your dreams, whatever they may be as long as I’m right there beside you along the way.” Harry looked at Draco as he spoke this, seeing Draco melting at his words.
Taking one more deep breath, Harry looked directly into Draco’s eyes. “I don’t know about you, but I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks. So I guess it’s a good thing that I think that you’re the right sort, huh?” Harry held their hands up, as if in a handshake, and this moment alone blew Draco away. Harry smiled at the overwhelmingly elated expression Draco gave him.
“I believe in you, Draco. I believe in us. You are my person- my love and my life, today and always.”
After he was done, he could see tears streaming down in Draco’s face, mirroring the ones that were falling down his own cheeks.
More nose blowing from Hagrid could be heard as well, making everyone, including the Harry and Draco laugh as the couple wiped the one another’s tears away.
Kingsley smiled at them both as he continued on. “Now before this whole place begins to flood in happy tears, let’s continue on.
“Today you not only marry the right person, but you also commit to being the right partner, the one with whom the other can stand and face this entire world with head on side-by-side. It's finally time to seal this chapter of your lives with questions that will lead us into the next chapter, your new story together."
Pausing to take a deep breath, Kingsley spoke, “Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Harry Potter as your lawfully wedding husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
“Always. I do.” Draco smiled tearfully, his voice getting a bit choked up but his words rang clear throughout the place for all to hear.
“And do you, Harry Potter, take Draco Malfoy as your lawfully wedding husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
“Always. And even beyond death. I do.” Harry vowed tearfully, smiling brilliantly at Draco before him.
The couple were lost in each other’s eyes as Kingsley proceeded to speak once more.
When it was time to exchange their rings, both men thanked Teddy as the little boy dutifully brought them their bands.
“Draco, place the ring Harry’s finger and repeat after me: Harry, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever." Kingsley instructed him.
Draco’s hands were a bit sweaty and clammy but they held firm as he slid the ring onto Harry’s thick and a bit stubby ring finger. “Harry, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever."
Kingsley nodded and turned to Harry next. “Now it’s your turn Harry. Place the ring Draco’s finger and repeat after me: Draco, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever."
Harry’s hands were without a doubt shaking, making both him and Draco giggle as it took a few tries before Harry finally got the ring on Draco’s lithe finger.
Beaming up at Draco, Harry said, “Draco, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever."
They both grinned while Kingsley held up his wand and aimed it towards their joined hands that wore their rings. “Now repeat after me: Adiuro te sancte anima mea (I sacredly bound my life to you).”
“Adiuro te sancte anima mea.” Draco and Harry both spoke out strongly as one.
Wedding ceremonies in the Wizarding world had a special touch to them compared to the Muggle ceremonies.
Once the vows at rings were exchanged, the couple would declare their promise to those attended to bond themselves, their love and their magic as one.
When the special ritual words were recited, a glow would then encase the couple and based on its color, it will show how strong their wedding bond will be.
There were four colors:
The color Black was very bad- it meant that the couple were wrong for one another and would eventually lead to an unhappy marriage and divorce. Thankfully, this was rare and Harry knew no other couple who received a black wedding bond in the last 100 years (well, any that were publicly known anyway).
Next was White, which was considered the most normal and what most wedded couples received. It was not a bad color at all and meant that the couple were a good match together. As far as Harry knew, the couples who received a white wedding bond were Narcissa and Lucius, Remus and Tonks, and surprisingly his own parents, Lily and James.
The third color was Silver. This was an extra special color, meaning that the bond between the couple was well-matched and very strong; stronger than the normal white bond.
Harry was proud the day he watched Ron and Hermione’s silver wedding bond settle around his crying friends. Others whom he knew to have this special bond were Fleur and Bill, and Narcissa and Kingsley, and from what he had heard, Minerva McGonagell and her long deceased husband.
The final color and the most rarest bond of them all was Gold.
The Gold wedding bond meant that the couple were soulmates, perfectly matched with their souls and magic in tuned with one another and basically it predicted that the couple would be living a very long and happy life together. This was the one bond that all couples inspired and envied to have.
The Gold couples were far and few apart and the only couple Harry knew to have this most precious bond was Molly and Arthur Weasley.
Harry felt a tingle circulate through his veins, deep into his inner core.
At first, since the sensation was familiar to when he needed to go, he panicked in alarm that maybe his bowels were acting up again and that the plug inside of him would end up popping out.
But then a calm sense of warmth seeped through his being and suddenly Harry found himself and Draco incased in a bright gold color, gasps of shock and excitement erupted within their audience.
“Well I’ll be…” Harry heard Arthur breathed out behind him. A peek to his left showed that most of the girls (and even some guys) were crying happily and clapping their hands for them in congratulations. There were about ten new soggy handkerchiefs in Hagrids hands now.
Harry looked up at Draco, noting the tears of joy rolling down the blond’s face.
It was only when Draco reached up to wipe his cheeks that Harry realized he was crying again as well.
“I love you, baby.” Draco told him softly, cradling his face in his hands gently. He was feeling so overwhelmed that he accidentally let out his special nickname for Harry that he squally only used between the two of them.
Harry leaned into the other’s touch and pressed a soft kiss onto Draco’s palm. “I love you too, Dray.” He smiled tearfully at him.
It took a few minutes before Kingsley managed to calm everyone down, before he continued on to the end the ceremony.
“Wow, well that was a very nice surprise!” Kingsley exclaimed, laughter coming from the others at the understatement.
“Now, Harry and Draco, before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings and in the most rarest bond of your love, souls and magic imaginable.
“By the authority vested in me by the International Confederation of Wizards and the British Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you lawfully wedded husbands. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss." And with a swish of his wand, Kingsley sealed the bond between the two and the golden bond disappeared.
The entire forest bursted into loud applause as Harry grabbed Draco down to capture their lips together.
The kiss between them was filled with all the love they could pour into it, but still decent enough in front of their friends and family (especially the little ones).
When they both pulled back, they jumped with Draco holding onto Harry before he fell as small golden fireworks exploded around them.
Everyone laughed as they could hear Hermione and Molly scolding a chortling George, while by his side a smirking Pansy gave a wink to the newly wedded couple.
The first ones to make their way to Draco and Harry was of course, Narcissa and Molly.
Narcissa held Draco into a tight embrace, whispering words of motherly love and congratulations in his ear while Molly boisterously gave Harry a ginormous bear hug that nearly suffocated him.
The mothers switched as Molly nearly lifted up a startled Draco into her arms (she was quite strong for a short lady) and while Arthur went to save Draco from his wife and congratulate the blond also, Narcissa brought Harry’s into her arms, her embrace equally as fierce as the one she gave her son.
“Saving you in the Forbidden Forest was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. From the moment you came into Draco’s life for the better, I’ve always considered you part of my family, as if you were my own son.”
She pulled back and smiled down at Harry, making him swallow with the amount of motherly love that she directed towards him. “And now you are. Welcome to the family, Harry.”
Harry teared up again and kissed Narcissa’s cheek, letting his new mother-in-law pull him in for another hug. “Thank you, Narcissa.” He told her, words filled with deep gratitude.
Harry let out a yelp as Kingsley grabbed him with one arm in a tight embrace. On his other arm held Draco, who was saved from Molly’s shower of kisses and bear hugs.
“I never thought I’d ever have children- so I was so happy when I married Cissa and adopted Draco as my own. And now I have a second son too!” Kingsley cheered, making both men in his arms laugh while Narcissa smiled at the trio with a warm gaze.
“Oh Harry!” As soon as he was let down, Harry found himself in another tight embrace with both his best friends.
“Blimey, Harry. A gold bond, eh?” Ron shook his head, smiling proudly as he tightened his arms around his best friend and his wife. “It’s not really surprising since it’s you after all.”
“We’re so happy for you! You deserve to be happy Harry.” Hermione cried, kissing Harry’s cheeks and ignoring her husband light chiding that she was putting lipstick all over the poor bloke.
“Thank you guys.” Harry told them while looking for his husband who was being equally suffocated by a weeping Pansy while he heard a grinning Blaise say that he expected nothing less from their ‘golden’ couple.
When all the congratulations were exchanged and tons of photos were taken, everyone headed towards the area where the wedding reception was taking place- which was located on the opposite side of where the ceremony was held.
Everyone dined and danced under the large open tent, similar to the one at Bill and Fleur’s wedding.
Mini snitches flew around, making the children giggle as they chased after them.
Draco lead Harry into their first dance, a sweet instrumental ballad playing that made all of the women swoon as they watched the couple lovingly moved across the dance floor.
Laughter erupted as the speeches were held- Harry and Draco’s faces were bright red as Ron brought up the time he first found out they were dating when he walked in on them snogging in front of the floo.
Draco nearly died when Blaise made his speech and revealed how a young Draco actually kept a secret collection of ‘Harry Potter’ news articles underneath his bed.
“Do you still have those?” Harry whispered to his groom. Based on the blush on Draco cheeks, Harry filed in his mind to search for them later.
Everyone gushed about the delicious food that was catered by Molly, with the help from the Malfoy’s house elves, and their wedding cake was absolutely adored by all- especially the Draco and Harry cake topper that magically danced and greeted those who came by to admire the cake.
And of course, fireworks continuously went off multiple times throughout the night- all changed last minute in colors of gold as an ode to the newly wedding couple.
As the night wore on, Harry sent Draco a secret look while the other was chatting with some of their guests and tilted his head towards their house.
Draco grinned, catching his husband’s hidden meaning and quickly excused himself to join the other.
“Shall we call it a night?” Harry whispered to him, leaning against the blond as an arm wrapped itself around his waist.
Draco raised an eyebrow at the other. “Do you really plan to sleep?” He knew his husband too well.
And he was right when Harry gave him a smirk and indiscreetly shifted his body so Draco’s hand would briefly brush against his bottom. “Well, we can if you’d like. But I have a little present for you that I was hoping you’d like to enjoy for our first wedding night?”
Draco’s grey eyes turned to molten heat at that and he instantly grabbed Harry into a quick but rough kiss- much to the delight of their nearby drunken guests- before the blond went to let Pansy and Hermione know that he and Harry were going to leave for the night.
“Have fun with your private celebration, you randy buggers!” Seamus called out to them loudly, causing more hooting and whistles from the rest of their guests.
The couple didn’t even blush and Harry even winked when Draco grabbed his arm and pulled them towards their home.
“Oh, wait!” Draco skidded to a stop, causing Harry to nearly bump into them just as they stood at the entrance to their home.
“Draco!” Harry squealed as Draco lifted him up into his arms, making him wrap his arms around the blond for fear of being dropped.
“It’s tradition, after all.” Draco winked at him and with that, he carried his newly wedded husband over the threshold.
“I’m not a bride!” Harry argued, but began laughing as Draco spun them around before rushing up their stairs.
“You’re my bride. And you’re bottoming tonight so there.” Draco told him smugly, ignoring the smack that Harry gave to his shoulder at the comment.
Once they made it to their bedroom, Harry wandlessly casted a locking and silencing spell on their door while Draco carefully placed him on top their mattress before he began to undress them both.
“Oh, Harry…” Draco swallowed when he undid Harry’s dress pants and revealed the sexy red thong that Harry wore. The red thong did nothing to hide the leaking and throbbing erection that was nearly begging for Draco’s attention.
Harry grinned as he brought both of Draco’s hands behind him and lead him to the extra special ‘surprise’ that Harry unintentionally had for him.
He heard the gasp that Draco let out when the other’s hands made contact with the end of the anal plug that Harry wore.
“You had this inside of you during the entire ceremony?” Draco questioned in wonder, lowering Harry’s thong around his husband’s muscular thighs before circling a finger around the plug.
Harry nodded. “I didn’t plan to. I was actually feeling very nervous before the wedding that it caused me to have some gas issues. We ran out of stomach potions so I ended up plugging myself to avoid farting during the ceremony and embarrassing myself.” He confessed. Draco sudden gave him an apologetic look.
“Actually, I should also confess that my stomach had also gotten quite upset before the ceremony as well. Not sure if it was from something I had eaten earlier, it actually caused me to suffer a bit of diarrhea. So mother helped me take the last of the stomach potions we had left in the house.” He admitted.
Harry groaned. “So it was you that took them all. Well, I guess it’s for the better then- having a diarrhea attack is way worse than farting after all.”
Draco looked relieved before he turned his attention back on Harry’s additional bum item. “Although I must say, you made a brilliant decision by using this.” He grinned again as he finished removing both their clothing altogether.
Harry hummed happily as Draco began to slide their erections together, both of them covered in their pre cum as their lube.
“Be prepared when you take the plug out though- there’ll be a lot of gas coming out and most likely something more as well.” Harry lightly warned him, thrusting his hips up and down to gain more friction against Draco’s cock.
“Mmm…sounds good.” Draco gave him a look full of hungry anticipation.
Harry pouted when Draco paused in their frotting but gasped and then let out a low moan when Draco began to slowly twist the plug inside of him, pulling it out.
Harry’s belly was a bit bloated, understandably due to all the pent up gas that was trapped inside of him.
He could feel Draco’s intense eyes on him as he began to wither on the bed as the blond continued to play with the plug, achingly taking his time to remove the plug from Harry’s arse.
Draco brought their lips together in a kiss, and Harry nearly bit Draco’s lip off when he felt the plug being pushed more inside of him, feeling the twisting motion that his husband made with toy, before being pulled out once more.
Draco wrapped a hand around Harry’s hardened member while his other hand continued to pull and twirl the butt plug around Harry’s anus.
He chuckled against Harry’s lips when the other locked his legs around Draco’s back, trapping Draco against him.
It took a few more teasing twists before the butt plug was nearly out.
With one hard squeeze of Harry’s cock, a loud *POP* could be heard when the butt plug was finally released from Harry’s hole.
“Ughhaaahhhh!” Harry let out a low growl as a massive and bassy fart erupted right out of him while he also came as well- spraying semen a lot over their front bodies and Draco’s hand.
Harry panted as he came down from his high, watching as Draco brought the hand covered in Harry’s cum up to their faces.
Even though he had just came, he instantly felt himself hardening as Draco locked their eyes together while the blond brought the semen-covered hand up to give it a good lick.
Smirking, Draco offered the hand up to Harry and not one to back down from a challenge, Harry also lapped some of his own cum up as well.
Draco dropped his hand down and leaned forward to capture Harry’s lips between his own, running his tongue around the inside of his mouth, the taste of Harry between them.
Harry grunted as he could feel his anus contracted, a solid log sliding out as he bore down.
With their lips still attached, tongues intertwined, Draco reached down and broke off Harry’s stool- before shoving his very hard cock inside Harry’s rim.
“HAAH!” Harry cried out, feeling Draco push inside of him, almost feeling as though his husband was forcing all his poo back inside of him.
Draco let out a low groan before he pulled away a bit to look at Harry. “Is this alright?” He asked, needing to make the other was comfortable.
Harry’s answer was him tightening his legs around Draco, locking his ankles. “Feels so good. Don’t you fucking move away.” He threatened/begged.
Draco chuckled as he followed Harry’s command and began to thrust inside of him, inciting more moans and pants from the other as he expertly hit Harry’s prostate over and over.
Harry’s tightened his hole around Draco, making Draco also shout in ecstasy from the feeling.
It took only a few more thrusts before Draco came first, spurting his essence right inside of Harry’s body.
Feeling the warmth of his husband spreading inside of him, Harry was able to climax himself, coming for the second time that night.
As Draco’s thrusts slowed down, he sucked a good-sized hickey over Harry’s shoulder before licking it in satisfaction at his mark on his husband.
He carefully pulled out of Harry and to his delight, he received a private show as Harry laid there on the bed, body exhausted with his legs spread open as Harry began to push out the rest of his bowel movement onto their bedsheets.
Draco leaned on his side, propped up on his elbow, as he enjoyed watching Harry pooped himself on their bed, barely needing to exert much pressure as it looked like the rich brown logs just slithered out of his lover.
Prrtt! Brrrrttt….prap!
A bit of flatulence would come out every now and then, but mainly Harry’s bowel
movement came out in a smooth manner.
Draco casted a much needed ‘Odoratus Adlevo’ spell before he began to play with one of Harry’s turds, gleefully marking both of their lower halves lightly in Harry’s excrement.
Harry let him, knowing that his husband had a strange sense of possessiveness and enjoyed marking their bodies with their bodily fluids/solids.
When Harry’s bowels were finally empty, the two snuggled together on their bed, feeling completely sated and satisfied at that moment.
“Hmm…Draco?” Harry called out, cuddling closer to the other’s chest, placing a small nip on the nipple in front of him.
“That’s tickles. Yes?” Draco laughed lightly, bringing Harry’s face up to muzzle their noses together.
Harry kissed the tip of Draco’s nose before giving him an almost tearful grin. “We’re finally married.”
Draco let out a laugh, finally feeling their martial status finally sink through their consummated forms. “Yes we are. I’m finally Draco Malfoy-Potter now.”
“And I’m finally Harry Malfoy-Potter now.” Harry said just as happily, both of them drowning in delirious laughter as a result to everything that happened that day.
“Well, shall we enjoy the beginning of our new lives together, Mr. Harry Malfoy-Potter?” Draco asked him, feeling a sense of rightness if he spoke of Harry’s new name for the first time.
Harry had a wide grin as he also enjoyed listening to his new name on top his husband’s new lips. “Yes we shall. Can I have a kiss to start it all off, Mr. Draco Malfoy-Potter?” And the same thrill ran through the both of them as Draco’s new name came out from Harry’s mouth at that moment.
Not needing words to reply, Draco connected their lips and bodies as one, the golden start of their brand new beginning radiating brightly between them.
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hi I just wanted to say I’m so obsessed with your Comfortable fic so much! Ive basically been around ever since u started posting it. I love drarry too and the way u write them is so good!
Wow! Thank you so much! I’m sorry for such the long wait but I’m glad you still enjoy my writings! ����
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Comfortable 14: Fully Loaded
***Hi! There’s nothing that I really wanted to say for this chapter. So I’ll just thank all my readers who have stuck with me and enjoyed this story while waiting all these years- were at the final stretch now!
“Okay, so where’s the shop located at?” Harry asked, grabbing the soft, khaki jacket that Draco had gifted him a few years back to slip on.
It was a few weeks before the wedding and the engaged couple was about to go out for their wedding cake tasting.
This was one of the only things that Harry was actively involved in with their wedding planning. He pretty much left all the preparations to Draco and the ladies.
All Harry did so far was give his opinion whenever they asked him whether he liked something or not (he learned to just say yes or no to their questions, after that one incident when he had naively questioned what difference did the color of their napkins make- he still shuddered at the tongue-lashing he had gotten in response).
Other than that, the rest of Harry’s responsibility was to help choose their cake flavors and to make sure he showed up at the altar.
This arrangement was perfectly fine with Harry.
Draco took another look at the letter that his mother had sent him, along with a map attached. “It’s supposed to be located in North West England. A small muggle shop, and they were the ones that did Mother and Kingsley’s wedding cake before.” He told the other, putting the papers away in his bag.
Harry nodded as he helped his lover put on his black, long coat. “Oh, I remember their wedding cake- that lemon cake with the curd and strawberries were delicious!”
Draco nodded as he leaned forward to place a soft kiss on the other’s cheek. “Thank you, love. And yes, mother highly recommended their cakes so I knew they could be trusted with our own wedding cake.” He explained.
They exited their house and instead of apparating, Harry and Draco decided to have a nice drive to the shop instead, giving them an opportunity to enjoy the scenery of the countryside while they drove.
With Harry in the driver seat, Draco gave out the instructions on how to get there while looking over the rest of the wedding plans.
About an hour later, as Harry switched to another lane, Draco spoke up, giving more information on the shop that they were heading to.
“You can book a free tasting session and try up to 5 different flavors. They even offer tea and coffee as an accompaniment. But since Mother had gotten along quite well with the shop owner, we get to have the option to try all their flavors in order for us to make the best decision.” Draco said, looking excited.
Harry grinned as he could literally hear their stomachs growling. Knowing that they would be having a cake tasting that day (more like feasting on various cakes), they had a light breakfast in anticipation.
Harry nodded as he sped up the car a bit. “Sounds amazing, love. I can’t wait!” He reached one hand over to give Draco’s arm a squeeze, sharing a smile with his fiancé.
They chatted more about the wedding, with Harry letting Draco gush about the flowers arrangements that he and Pansy had finally decided on as they drove closer to their destination.
Finally Harry pulled up in front of a quaint, little shop that looked more like a grandmother’s house rather than a shop for a world-renowned patisserie.
Located a little off the main highway, the shop was surrounded by greenery and a pretty garden (filled with flowers and produce) could be seen on the side.
The couple got out of the car and walked down the stone walkway towards what looked like a granny pod- a sky blue cottage with a brown-colored roof. It even had flowers lying on the windowsill!
But they were both surprised when they entered the shop. Although the outside came off as homey and cozy, the interior of the store looked very professional- properly air conditioned with dummy cakes placed around the store, a wide array of intricate pastries displayed right in the front for customers to easily see.
“Harry, baby you’re drooling.” Draco chuckled making Harry blush, discreetly wiping his mouth as he stared wide-eyed at a treacle tart that was in the display.
“Welcome!” They were greeted by an elderly women, obviously the owner as she wore a chef’s jacket and smiled at them warmly as she walked around the display to shake their hands. “You must be Draco and Harry. My name is Aralina Walker but please call me Ara and I’m glad you trusted our shop for your wedding.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ara.” Harry greeted back, shaking her hand before letting Draco do the same.
“Draco. And of course- you did such a perfect job with Mother’s wedding that we couldn’t pass up the chance for you to do our cake as well.” Draco told her after letting her hand go.
Ara brightened as she clapped her hands. “Oh, Narcissa was so lovely- make sure to give her my regards dear.”
“Of course.” Draco nodded.
“Well, why don’t we just go right in and start, shall we? Right this way, boys.” The couple followed Ara to the back of the shop where they were seated in a cozy room that matched the outside of the cottage.
They sat side by side on the white cloth table and Harry chuckled as he saw Draco admire the flower arrangement on the table (he had a feeling the blond might be updating their own wedding flower arrangement once again).
Sitting across them, Ara smiled as she gestured towards a blank white canvas in her hands. “Alright, shall we sketch out the design first before we get to the tasting? What do you both have in mind for your cake?”
Harry shrugged and looked expectantly at Draco- he honestly wasn’t good with stuff like this.
Draco’s eyes gleamed as he and Ara consulted one another about the cake’s details.
Harry merely nodded along as Draco told her that they wanted an eight-tier cake (connected to their eighth year in Hogwarts).
Surprisingly, Draco wanted the tiers to be simple- all colored in white, possibly ivory, with no piped designs, pearls or airbrushing.
Instead, he requested the cake to be more on the rustic side- crawling with woodland vines and blossoms. The crowns of wildflowers winding around each layer looking as if they were plucked right off a forest fairy's hair, with tiny berries and pine ones nestled within the vines. And the whole cake would be sitting on a tree stump stand.
It did rather match their wedding theme- which Harry recalled to be like an “Enchanted Woodland”.
Due to the couple’s love of nature (well, more like their camping trips that they ended up going quite a few times after that first memorable trip) they decided to have an outdoor wedding right in their backyard.
They agreed that it would be the perfect setting due to their backyard was quite lovely with its own greenery that made a breathtaking view. That and since it was within their own wards, they knew that no reporters or paparazzi would be able to crash or sneak into their wedding.
Draco told Ara that he had a special cake topper for their cake so she agreed to keep that part empty.
Harry smiled as he remembered being shown their cake topper- it was an exact mini replica of the two of them, both in their wedding attire and it was magicked for the figures to move around, smiling and waving as it greeted their guests.
Harry’s smile turned into a wide grin when Draco added the finishing touch as he requested a golden snitch to be displayed on the top tier, on the side resting on the vines for all to see.
“This is such a cute toy. I’m assuming this has some significance between the both of you?” Ara, who was a Muggle, commented when she drew out the snitch that Draco described.
Both men exchanged a secret smile as Harry answered. “A bit of significance, yes.”
There was a part during the planning process when Ara suggested a certain cake design.
“The rustic wedding cake movement is rather broad- from fully covered with a rustic or textured finish to totally exposed cake with icing contained only within the layers.” Ana explained, showing them one of the pictures of past cakes she done from a catalogue she brought up.
“The in-between semi-naked has been the most popular. It’s a very thin layer of icing exposing only some of the cake layers peeking through.” She pointed out at one of the cakes.
Harry titled his head as he looked at what looked like a wedding cake that ran out of frosting halfway during the icing process. Draco just looked unimpressed.
“What about the naked wedding cake?” Ara suggested, showing them another cake with even less frosting than the first.
“Draco?” Harry asked as he watched his fiancé frowning at the cake.
Draco shook his head. “I already had to convince you to wear a decent suit and tie for our wedding. Why would I allow our cake to be naked?”
Harry snorted. “It’s only in name Draco.”
Draco huffed. “I don’t like it- it looks like the bakers just want to skimp on the frosting.”
“Which we know you’re not.” Harry quickly added, not wanting to insult their wedding cake baker.
“With the money we are spending, I demand an overly abundance of frosting on our cake.” Draco continued, moving forward to look at more pictures in front.
Harry rolled his eyes, though he had a fond smile resting on his lips as he watched the blond flipping through other pages in the catalogue. “You’re such a git. But I agree with my fiancé, I love frosting so the more the merrier.”
Ara chuckled as she waved off Draco’s earlier comment. The woman was clearly used to dealing with Bridezillas (and Groomzillas) in her line of work. “I take no offense. I can happily make sure that your cake has a good dollop of our lovely frosting, do not worry.” He reassured them.
Draco looked satisfied with this as Ara finished sketching out the final touches of their cake and then asked, “Now would you like fondant or a buttercream finish for your cake?”
Draco looked thoughtful before he replied. “Hm, I think fondant would look nicer. What do you think, Harry?” He turned to his lover, wanting the other’s final say since it was his cake too.
Harry pursed his lips as he looked at the final sketch of their cake. “I think…fondant would be great. It would prevent any of the children- or our guy friends- from trying to sneak a taste of the frosting otherwise.” Draco snorted while Ara laughed gently at that.
“Alright, now that the design is settled, shall we start with the most enjoyable part of this consultation- the tasting!” She smiled as both both nodded their heads eagerly in response.
Two of the employees came out with a large platter filled with mini cakes, fillings and frostings, while a third employee brought in a tea-set.
When everything was placed on the table, Ara gestured to the treats. “As part of our special tasting, we brought out all of our flavors for both of you to sample. As you can see, below each one has the name of the cakes, it’s filling and the frostings. Feel free to mix and match and have fun with our choices.
“There is also some tea for you two to enjoy on the side as well.” The employee who brought out the tea-set poured Draco and Harry a cup of tea before returning to the kitchens.
Ara smiled as she got up, about to leave herself. “I’ll leave now and give you two some time to make your decisions. I find that people are more comfortable when there’s no one around to hover over them.”
She chuckled as she gestured towards a small bell that had been sitting on the table when they first arrived. “But if you have any questions, feel free to ring this and either myself or one of the other employees will come out and help. And please take your time- you booked your appointment for 2 hours so you have plenty of time to taste and enjoy our creations.”
Draco nodded as he glanced to see Harry nearly drooling at the delicious spread before them. “Thank you so much, Ara. Before you leave, would you mind telling us what are your most popular flavors?”
Ara brightened as she pointed at a trio of cakes to their right. “These three are our best sellers- the first two are traditional: the classic Vanilla sponge with vanilla buttercream frosting. The second is the White almond cake with raspberry filling and a swiss meringue buttercream frosting. And one of our recent top sellers is more on the trendy side for young people like yourselves- our Nutella chocolate cake: a rich chocolate cake stuffed with Nutella and decorated with Nutella cream cheese frosting, dark chocolate ganache, and chocolate hazelnut truffles.” She said proudly.
The boys nodded as Ara waved and left them to their tastings.
“Well, shall we dig in?” Harry said excitedly, grabbing his fork as he eyed the Nutella cake. Draco chuckled as he grabbed his own fork and dug into the classic vanilla first.
For the next few minutes, the room was filled with moans of delight as the engaged couple tried everything before them, mix and matching the cakes with the various frostings.
“Mmm…” Harry moaned as he took a bite of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
“I know.” Draco smiled as his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head at a heavenly bite of lemon cake filled with lemon curd and fresh strawberries.
Harry shook his head, looking mournfully at the platter before them. “Choosing one flavor will be nearly impossible. I love them all.”
Draco laughed lightly as he reached over to wipe a bit of frosting off his lover’s cheek. “So messy, baby.” He sighed, his words with a loving tone.
Harry grinned as he watched Draco lick off his finger with the frosting. “But you love me all the same right?”
Draco chortled as Harry batted his eyelashes prettily at him. “Prat.” But he leaned in to kiss his adorable fiancé.
“Git.” Harry shot back, accepting the kiss before moving onto the next cake.
After a few more bites, Draco sat back in his chair, taking a short rest as he sipped his cup of tea. “Why don’t we choose the cakes that we are certain won’t be chosen and narrow it down from there?” He suggested.
Harry nodded before he made a face as he took a bite of coconut cake with lime filling. “Ugh, then let’s begin with this one- I’m not much of a coconut fan.”
Draco nodded as he moved his fork and set that cake off to the side, along with the bit of coconut frosting. “Alright, so no coconut. And I supposed German chocolate cake can be checked off as well.” He gestured to the cake with a coconut filling inside of it.
Harry nodded as he brought that cake off to the side as well. “I don’t really like the fruit cake neither.”
Draco nodded, moving that to the side as well. “I agree- it comes off as something for the holidays rather than a wedding as well. I would also like to cross off the pumpkin spice cake for that reason as well.”
Harry nodded as he moved that cake to the side. He paused and moved the brown sprinkled frosting along with it. “Also no to the cinnamon frosting too- there’s a weird taste to it.”
Draco took a bite of the earl grey olive oil cake with figs and sighed. “This olive oil cake is so good- I can see why Mother chose it for her own wedding with Kingsley. But I want our own wedding to have something different that we can call our own.”
Harry nodded as he watched Draco finish off the rest of the cake, while he took a bit of the red velvet. “That’s alright with me. Might as well cross off this one too since Ron and Hermione had it for their own wedding.”
They crossed off a few more cakes, each of them finding something wrong with the cake or the frosting or even it’s filling before deciding it wasn’t for them.
There were times that one of them liked the cake the other wasn’t fond of, but they easily conceded since they both wanted to find a cake that they both liked.
One of those flavors was the chocolate mint cake.
“But it’s refreshing.” Draco argued as Harry moved the green cake to the side.
Harry shook his head. “Tastes too much like toothpaste. I don’t like the coffee cake with mocha frosting neither.”
Draco frowned as the coffee cake which he had enjoyed was put to the side as well. “You have tastebuds like a child, Harry.” He commented.
Harry playfully shoved as him, sticking his tongue out. “Whatever, Draco.”
Draco laughed but said, “But alright- no mint or coffee flavors. But in exchange, I’m refusing serving this cookie dough cake and this ‘funfetti’ cake is a definite NO.”
Harry looked aghast. “But I liked the funfetti cake!” He protested.
Draco merely raised an eyebrow as he swiped the cake on his fork and fed it to his pouting lover. “Anything that’s called ‘funfetti’ is not going anywhere near our wedding.”
Harry huffed but let it go as Draco fed him the rest of the colorful sprinkle cake. He had to admit that having anything rainbow would be too much for the occasion.
As they vetoed out a few more of the samples, they were soon left with about ten flavors left.
But that time, each man ate the equivalent of a regular- sized cake themselves (each sample was on the large side, almost the size of a regular slice) and they were both feeling the weight of all the food they had consumed, along with the tea that halfway during the tasting, one of the employees had come out and refilled their teapot.
Sitting back in his chair, Draco muffled a few burps that wanted to come out (they were still in a public establishment after all) and jumped when he heard a loud belch right beside him.
He saw Harry blushed, watching as the other covered his mouth. “Excuse me.” He said sheepishly, also not wanting to be rude in someone else’s store.
Draco chuckled as he patted his fiancé’s full stomach- pretty much as bloated as his own was. “That’s alright love, I’m barely holding them in myself.” He confessed.
Harry smiled as he let out a few more quiet burps, before bringing his hand down when he felt no more coming out.
Draco soon felt a large bubble rise up his own throat and started to panic before he thought of something.
“Hm?” Harry turned when he felt Draco grab him by his collar and pull him into a kiss.
Harry was surprised for a split second but before he could do anything, he suddenly heard a loud belch before a vibration was felt between their lips.
Interestingly, the taste of sweets from their tasting burst into his mouth, the sugary air not off putting whatsoever.
Harry blinked when the lips against his own disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, and then he was staring at the red face of his fiancé.
“Well, that didn’t work.” Draco said sheepishly, his eyes darting around to double check that no one but them was around or had peeked inside the room.
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, looking at him confused. “What was that about- not that I’m complaining.” He quickly added, always up to a gassy makeout with his beloved.
“I needed to burp and hoped that your lips would plug up the sound.” Draco admitted before bringing his hand up as he burped again, this time managing to stifle the sound so only a soft rumble could be heard.
Harry snickered as he leaned forward to peck at his lover’s nose. “It was a nice attempt though.” He pointed out, winking.
They both laughed as they exchanged more soft kisses before getting back to the tasting.
“Okay, so we have six flavors left. I think we should cross out this strawberry and cream cake since it’s just a tad bit too sweet for me.” Draco gestured towards the light vanilla cake is accented with fresh sliced strawberries.
Harry nodded as Draco moved it off to the side. “I agree. I also think that the pistachio cake with honey buttercream and caramelized pistachios should be left off- it’s delicious but the green color is a gross-looking, no offense. As well as this dark chocolate matcha cake with berries- the mossy green color just doesn’t look good.”
Draco sighed as he actually liked the matcha cake. Instead of putting it off to the side, he actually ate the rest of that cake, enjoying the slight bitter, earthy taste of matcha together with the chocolate and berries.
“I know love, the cake is delicious but we are just not having a green cake for our wedding.” Draco frowned. He then smiled when Harry fed him the rest of that cake, eventually nodding in agreement with the decision.
Now that the tasty cake was gone, Harry looked at what was left. “The top three, huh?”
Draco nodded while he pointed to one of the pieces. “Although, I think we should say no to the salted caramel cake here. It’s delicious…but not as good as the other two.”
Harry looked at the almond cake that was brushed with Amaretto and filled with caramel-infused buttercream and a thin layer of salted caramel. He took a piece and ate it, chewing it slowly. “I…think I agree with you. It’s really tasty- all these cakes are if I’m being honest- but yeah. I think we should bring it down to these two.”
They put the caramel cake aside and finally they were down to their final two picks.
Both men sighed as they contemplated both flavors together.
One choice was called the Tuxedo Torte- which was a rich chocolate cake filled with vanilla mousse filling in equal layers between the cake and covered in a simple vanilla frosting.
And the second choice was called the original Apple Cake- an apple and walnut cake covered in a treacle icing, drizzled with extra black treacle on top.
Anyone who knew the couple well- specifically Harry’s love of treacle tarts and Draco’s adoration for anything apple- would assume exactly which cake the couple would pick. But…
“Not everyone would like this cake.” Draco sighed, looking sadly at the apple cake.
He then turned to the tuxedo torte. “This dark chocolate cake is divine though. The mousse is thick that with one slice, it’ll satisfy anyone’s craving.” Draco commented, dissecting the cake being mentioned.
Harry gently grabbed Draco’s hand and urged the fork to his mouth, taking a bite of the cake. “Hmm…chocolate and vanilla is a classic flavor that everyone loves. And I know it would be a hit with our guests- especially the children. ” He pointed out.
Draco opened his mouth when Harry fed him some cake as well. “Popular with children? The fact that our cake may come off as childish sounds like a minus point in my opinion.” He snickered when Harry playfully jabbed him in the side.
“Git. But no- this cake is plenty elegant. It’s like a tuxedo for God’s sake!” Harry pointed out, taking another bite of the dark cake. “Although the downside is that it feels kind of heavy in the stomach. It’s like I can literally feel it dropping straight to my bowels.” He then felt a rumble in his stomach at the very mention.
Draco grinned as he reached over to feel the small vibration in his lover’s stomach. “Now that sounds like a plus point to me.” Harry blushed as he swatted Draco’s hand away.
“Later. Not here, you perverted wanker.” Harry scolded but couldn’t help but smile when Draco only laughed in return.
“Alright. But in all seriously, the tuxedo torte would be a great choice for the wedding.” Draco became serious once more. “But I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t feel a bit regretful about not choosing the apple cake- since it’s a mixture of both our favorites.” He admitted, feeding Harry a large bite of the beloved cake.
Harry swallowed the large piece and as he opened his mouth to say something, he paused and an audibly loud gurgle could be heard from his stomach.
Widening his eyes, Harry quickly shut his mouth. “Oh no…” Vaguely hearing Draco ask what was wrong, Harry scooted his bum to the side of his chair, lifting one cheek up.
Holding his breath, Harry carefully relaxed his anus and thankfully no sound came out as he could feel warm air being released, slowly coming out as he loosened the hold on his hole.
Draco was confused until the familiar look of relief and bliss on Harry’s face made him realized exactly what was going on.
Sniggering, Draco watched his lover silently break wind while they made sure that no one would be walking in on them during Harry’s flatulent moment.
When he felt his fart finally end, Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he placed his bottom back on his seat, chuckling along with his still snickering lover. “Merlin, I forgot how gassy treacle syrup makes me. But ugh- I don’t think we should choose this cake if it’s gonna cause me to let out silent but deadly’s during the wedding.”
Draco grinned as Harry sniffed the air, his nose wrinkling at the stench he had let out. Draco himself didn’t mind the smell- he always loved that ripe smell that always accompanied Harry’s gas. “If that were to happen, I doubt all of it would be silent.” He retorted, dodging another jab that Harry sent his way.
“Hmph.” Harry stick his tongue out before taking out his wand secretly from his pocket and casting Olefacio minuere quietly.
Draco mourned the lost of his lover’s stench that instantly disappeared completely with the spell, but knew that they were still out in public. “Alright. Your flatulence wouldn’t be appropriate during the wedding or reception, but I’m sure you’d be open for our wedding night, hm?”
Harry barely kept himself from smiling as Draco leered at him. “Only if it’s both of us and not only me. I want to have fun too.”
Draco nodded eagerly. “Of course. You’re not the only one whose stomach gets affected by all this. I’m just better at holding it all in- years of my Pureblood upbringing and all that.”
“Oh, right. I supposed that you had it hard all those years- especially since you are the more grosser out of the both of us.” Harry accepted, barely dodging the hit Draco aimed his way.
“Now you’re the one taking the piss, you prat.” Draco and Harry were laughing together before the door slowly opened before Ara peeked her head out.
“How are you boys doing? Would you like more tea?” She asked, smiling brightly at the two of them.
Draco shook his head, still grinning from their earlier laughter. “Actually, I think we’ve come to a decision about our cake.”
Ara brightened as she came into the room, clapping her hands excitedly. “Oh, how wonderful! So what did you both decide on?”
Waiting for the elderly woman to sit down, Draco said, “First do all, all these cakes were just absolutely wonderful, Ara. You truly outdone yourself.”
Harry nodded in agreement. “Draco’s right. They all tasted so good it was nearly impossible to choose only one.”
Ara looked quite chuffed at their compliments, clearly flattered. “Oh, you boys are such gentlemen. I’m so glad our store’s flavors didn’t disappoint.”
Draco shook his head. “Oh, nothing of the sort. Like Harry said, it was nearly impossible and we’ve had a tizzy of a time choosing between these two flavors in particular.” He gestured to the two cakes that were in front of them. “The apple cake has flavors that we both loved, but the chocolate cake would be more popular for our family and friends.
“So we finally decided to go with the Tuxedo Torte- it would be the best one for our wedding.” Draco told her.
Both men knew that even though their wedding was their big day, they wanted to make sure all their family and friends knew how much the couple loved and appreciated them. They all deserved to enjoy the happy day along with them.
Ara looked pleased as she nodded her head, taking a note in her book about their cake flavor. “That’s a wonderful choice. And by the way, if you both still want the other apple cake, we can do it for the very top tier.”
“Really?” Harry brightened as Draco looked interested as well.
Ara nodded. “It’s a sort of tradition- the top tier would be solely for the wedded couple. It would be preserved and usually eaten one year later for their wedding anniversary…or honeymoon, if that’s more to you’re liking?” She quickly changed as she saw the look of disgust on Draco’s face.
Harry snickered, knowing that his fiancé would be horrified by eating a cake that was a year old- even if they did preserve it by magic.
“Saving it for our honeymoon sounds perfect. I’m glad that we’ll at least be able to enjoy together.” Harry and Draco exchanged one of their secret ‘looks’, knowing exactly how much they were going to enjoy their cake.
Ara smiled as she made to get up. “Well, now that the flavors and design has been decided, would you gentlemen like to enjoy any more cakes, or would you like to try some of our pastries this time? There’s still some time left till the next appointment, so don’t feel as if you need to leave right away.”
Draco smiled as he shook his head, he and Harry getting up as well. “Oh no, we couldn’t possibly take too much more of your time. But I think we will take up your offer to bring some sweets home?” He turned and saw Harry looking hopeful at that as well.
Ara giggled as she nodded. “Of course. Here, let’s go to the front and you both may make your choices.”
They both boys stopped by the restroom first- their bladders were filled to the brim with all the tea they consumed- before they went back to the front of the shop and picked out a few goodies for their way home.
“Thank you so much again, Ara. We’ll call later to arrange the delivery.” Draco told her, knowing that they would need to have one of their friends pick up the cake since Ara wouldn’t be able to get past their wards to deliver it herself.
Ara nodded as she walked them out the door, waving goodbye to them. “Take care you two! And once again, congratulations on your upcoming marriage!” She called out to them. They both grinned as they waved back to her before making their way back to their car.
Opening the back door, Harry placed the large box of baked goods and confectioneries in the backseat. “That went better than I expected.”
Draco chuckled as he stood next to Harry, crossing his arms across his chest. “And what pray tell did you expect?” He questioned, playfully raising an eyebrow at the other.
Harry shrugged sheepishly. “I dunno. But anything involving wedding planning is pretty intimidating so I didn’t know what to expect today.” He confessed.
Draco dropped his arms and wound them around Harry’s waist instead, pulling the other closer for a short kiss. “Not afraid of facing your literal death but instead the mention of wedding planning intimidates you, huh?” He teased.
Harry huffed but accepted another kiss that Draco gave him. “Hey! I was there firsthand during the wedding planning for Hermione and Ron’s wedding- I did NOT want to be subjected to that horror again.” He whined.
Draco laughed as he nodded, giving Harry another kiss, on the nose this time. “It’s alright, love. I also remember how much a Bridezilla Hermione had ended up. Your fear is warranted.”
Harry sighed as they share me one more kiss before he moved out of Draco’s warm embrace. “Shall we head home now?” Draco nodded as he turned around.
Unable to see the sneaky grin on the blond’s face, Harry watched as Draco opened the car door and bent over to go inside.
But inside of going inside the car, Draco stayed bent over and then moved his arse so it was touching Harry’s front (specifically his crotch area) before blowing out a massive fart right then and there.
Draco looked back and gave a saucy wink as Harry let out a moan in response, knowing that Harry could feel the vibration from Draco’s blast of gas.
“Make sure you hurry home- I ate ALOT today and there’s much more where that came from.” Draco teased, laughing when Harry slapped him in the bum in retort.
They both got into the car and finally drove away, heading back to their home.
The couple let out a few more farts on the way, both of them teasing the other about what fun they’ll have when they get home.
About halfway back, Harry slowed the car as he noticed that there seemed to be a long lineup of car up ahead.
“What’s going on?” He wondered, looking at Draco who looked just as confused as he did with the unexpected traffic.
Usually, the road they were on was empty since Harry usually used the back roads to get home- avoiding any of the usual London traffic.
But now, Harry could see that there were at least twenty or so cars in front of them, although there was probably more since Harry couldn’t see pass the turn up ahead, making it impossible to tell how many more were likely there.
They eventually got their answer as a Muggle police officer appeared from the corner and with a megaphone in hand, announced that there was an accident up ahead so the road would be shut down for at least an hour or two, possibly longer.
“Oh, bloody fantastic.” Draco sighed as Harry cut the engine in their car- might as well not waste anymore fuel.
“I can’t turn the car around neither.” The road they were on was only one way, the sides only tall trees of the forest, and Harry could already see a line of cars building up behind them.
Draco also noticed that they were trapped and sighed even louder. “So we’re stuck here until they clear up the accident.”
“Why don’t you apparate back first, Draco? I’ll be fine here with the car and at least one of us doesn’t need to be stuck here.” Harry offered.
Draco gave Harry a fond look as he leaned forward to peck his caring fiancé’s lips. “Thank you, Harry but I absolutely will not leave you here alone. I’m fine waiting as long as we’re together.” Harry responded to that with a dopey smile on his face.
For the next twenty minutes, the couple sat in their car, just filling up the time with conversation about their last auror mission. They decided to take a break from any talks about their wedding for now.
Draco had transported the box of pastries back to their house, so they wouldn’t get ruined by staying in the back of the car for too long. And they both took off their seatbelts, making themselves more comfortable as they waited out the traffic.
While they stayed stranded, everything they consumed at the cake tasting started to show its effects on the two.
“That sounded like a wet one.” Harry commented, after Draco let out a particularly ripe fart.
Draco nodded as opened his thighs a bit wider and sighed as he let go of another blustering fart.
Draco sighed loudly again as his fart spluttered off. “Oh, that one feels good. Sorry but I can’t hold it in anymore.”
Harry grinned as he waved it off. “As if you need to apologize for a good time.” They laughed as Draco farted again.
Harry could feel something bubbling in his own stomach and without any hesitation, just let it go.
Draco smiled wide as he watched the relief bloom on his fiancé’s face. “Joining the fun, baby?”
Harry grunted as he pushed out another fart, this one sounding likes crackles as it exited his bum. “Oh yeah, this does feel amazing.”
They each blew more arse as time passed by, both of them taking turns as if they wanted to appreciate the other’s fart first before they took their turn.
The windows were halfway down, but it did nothing to the stench that reeked in the car. It was a windless day so the smell of sulfur that filled the air pretty much stayed- though neither boy minded at all.
With the more pass that was passed, Harry noticed that Draco’s flatulence started to sound more raunchier and came out in shorter intervals than before. Harry wouldn’t even be done with his own fart and he would hear Draco already start farting.
“You go, Dray.” Harry chuckled as he watched Draco leaned back in his chair, lifting his bum over the seat as he proceeded to fart up a storm.
Draco winked at him as he aimed a particularly trumpet-like fart his way. “Ahhh… I think I need to stop soon or else more than gas is gonna come out soon.”
Draco planted his bum back on his seat, although Harry could still hear small farts being muffled as Draco’s pressed his noisy arse firmly on the seat.
Harry let go of another airy fart, sighing as he rubbed his stomach. “You would think that after all the sugar we ate, our gas would take on a similar smell.” Harry’s nose wrinkled as the airy fart he let go smelled anything but ‘sweet’.
Draco snorted as he pressed down further into his seat, hoping that it would help him hold in everything that he could feel in his bowels. “I’m sure that’s not how it works, Harry.”
“If Indian food can make us smell like curry, why not cake?” Harry pointed out, remembering the times when their farts would literally smell of the spices that they ate during their takeout nights.
Draco looked thoughtful, pausing as a loud fart escaped from his bum when he was distracted. “Hmm…you actually have a point there.”
Nearly an hour since they’ve been stuck in traffic, Draco finally hit his limit.
Even pressing his bum against his seat as a stopper wasn’t helping anymore. Harry worriedly asked Draco a few times if he was okay, noticing him how sweaty the other gotten as more farts started to escape.
“You sure you don’t want to apparate back?” Harry suggested once more as Draco farted once more.
“Ugh, no. I don’t even think I could do it without splinching myself at this point.” Draco admitted, holding his breath as another pop of gas came out.
“I can bring bring you back as a tag along if you’d like?” Harry suggested, watching as Draco was about to take up his offer.
After a while, Draco shook his head. “No, I don’t want you to go to through all that trouble. It’s my fault for holding it for too long so I should just deal with the consequences.” He mentally cursed himself for being too stubborn and thinking he could hold it till they got home.
Harry shook his head, giving his lover a fond smile. “So stubborn. If I didn’t know better, I could swear you have some Gryffindor in you.” He teased.
Draco started to grin back but then stopped. Harry was alarmed when his lover looked about to vomit, but when Draco opened his mouth, a deep and brassy belch was what came out instead.
“Oof! Urrp…I have no idea where that came from.” Draco twitched before he lifted his bum up to let out a particularly hot fart right then. “Bloody hell that was left my arsehole smarting!”
Harry tutted as he reached over to lay a comforting hand over Draco’s rock-hard bloated belly. “You’ve been holding it for too long that it’s starting to come out from both ends.” He told the other.
Draco knew Harry was right as he felt the wide log in his anus peek out for a bit before coming back in. “I know. I feel like I’ve been turtleheading for ages now. My bowels is about to-urrrpp blow.” Draco breathed out, burping again as he did.
Harry leaned forward and couldn’t help but kiss Draco right then and there. “I gotta say, the words coming out of your mouth is making me so horny right now.” He whispered against the others lips.
Draco, who was in the middle of farting, looked down and saw the bulge that was popping out between his lover’s legs. He looked back up and gave his lover a sultry smile. “If you’re getting turned on by my words, then just wait for what’s about to come out of my arse, baby.”
Harry watched eagerly as Draco leaned back in his chair and opened his thighs widely.
Harry turned on the car again in order to raise up the windows, just in case someone walked by and saw or smelled what was about to happen. He also turned on the AC to circulate the air and made sure to cast a spell so those who were able to glimpse past the dark windows of their car, would only see the couple taking a nap.
Draco on the other hand casted Odoratus Adlevo. He knew he was about to plant a nuclear bomb and even though he knew Harry liked his smell, he didn’t want to gas out neither of them by the intensity of his bowel movement.
He knew that what he was about to let out would be too intense for either of them to handle.
The stream of gas that had been coming out paused for a moment as Draco prepared himself to blow.
“I do want to apologize beforehand for messing your car, love.” Draco said quickly before he started.
Harry shook his head and smiled. “Don’t worry about that, Draco. We can always use magic afterwards.” Leaning forward so he had a good view of the ‘show’ he added, “And besides, I would be lying if I said I didn’t fantasize you taking a dump right here a few times before.” He confessed, blushing a bit at the admission.
Draco beamed as he awarded Harry with a short kiss before he went back to his laid back position.
And then it began.
“Ohhhhhh…” Draco let out a loud moan as his arse exploded all at once.
The huge turd that had been teasing Draco for so long finally shot right out, making its home right in the seat of Draco’s pants.
Harry watched unblinking as the bulge grew larger as each bubble of gas burped out of his lover’s bum.
“Oh!” The fart that came out just then was so intense that it caused Draco to nearly lift off his seat as more poop rushed out of him.
After a few minutes, the farting slowed down. It didn’t stop- small poots were still going off- but it looked like Draco was catching his breath for a moment.
“Wow.” Harry breathed out, also trying to calm down. He himself was so rock hard from the slow of flatulence and pure unadulterated shit that he could almost cum from that alone.
Draco panted but looked at his lover and couldn’t help but grin when he noticed his own lover’s bulge (although this wasn’t from a bowel movement like his own).
Suddenly, an idea came to his mind, making Draco grin even wider.
“Draco?” Harry called out, a bit confused when he saw Draco begin to got off his seat and shift around.
“Give me a moment.” Draco paused to send a wink at Harry before he continued with his idea.
Draco kicked his shoes off and then carefully brought his legs and feet up so he now kneeled on the car seat.
He quickly grabbed his wand that was left on the dashboard and recasted Odoratus Adlevo.
He also reinforced the illusion spell on the car (he needed to make absolute sure that no one was about to see what was about to happen next).
Putting his wand back down, Draco faced his side of the window, with one hand on the headrest and the other gripping onto the car handle above.
Taking a deep breath, Draco bent down and he could see the smirk appear on his face when he heard his fiancé gasped loudly.
Harry nearly lost all sense of his mind when he saw Draco bend down, pretty much displaying his bum right in front for Harry to see in all his brown glory.
The seat of his lover’s pants looked tightly packed, the entire bottom of his pants discolored with a lovely brown stain.
Harry couldn’t keep himself from reaching up and palming the other’s arse entirely in his hand.
“Oooohhh…” Draco hummed as he felt Harry pressing against his bum, spreading his mess all around his bottom.
“It’s so much.” Harry was awed as he felt the heavy weight of poo in his hand.
“I ate too much after all.” Draco replied lightly, letting out a mewling sound as he felt Harry’s hand smooshed his mess down.
“Oh, Draco- can I see?” Harry nearly begged, teasing the waistband around Draco’s pants.
Draco grinned as he turned around and grinned eagerly. “Go ahead, Harry. It’s all for you, love.” Draco moved his derrière down so Harry would have a good view and wiggled his bum gently, enticing Harry to move.
Harry excitedly took the other’s waistband and slowly pulled both his pants and knickers out and peeked right inside.
Harry was immediately hit by the intense stench of Draco’s pure musty smell. Due to the earlier spell, it was not off putting for Harry at all and was just the right level of funk that Harry was addicted with.
When he finally got a good glimpse inside, Harry was amazed by the massive size of his fiancé’s bowel movement.
Draco’s delectable pale globes were all covered in brown fecal matter, his entire arsecrack completely caked with poo.
Just as Harry moved his face closer to get a closer view, suddenly he was assaulted face first with warm, musty air.
Harry gasped but quickly closed his mouth- not wanting any of the tainted air to go in- and stared down as he could literally see Draco’s anus open up and watched as not only air but another log started to come back.
Draco was smiling to himself as he grunted loudly and pushed even more gas and poo out of him. He hoped Harry was enjoying his shitshow- especially when his lover had a front row view (more like face first view) of every single bubble of gas and crackle of poop coming out of Draco’s bowels.
Harry watched on, barely blinking so as to not mess a single second of Draco’s massive bowel movement, making sure to take in all the sights, sounds and smells as he ingrained it to his memory.
“Nnghhh…” Draco pushed a bit harder, shifting his bum slightly to the right in order to nudge a stubborn piece of poop out.
Draco heaved out a loud breath when he finally got the nugget out, farting one more time before finally finishing up.
Giving a few more experimental pushes, when not even gas was coming out anymore, Draco was finally felt completely empty.
Feeling suddenly exhausted, Draco gently squirmed out of Harry’s light grasp on his hips and went down from kneeling, sitting gingerly back on his seat.
Draco sighed loudly when a disgusting-sounding splat could be heard when his soiled derrière made contact with the car seat beneath.
Draco panted heavily, looking to the side to look at his lover.
Despite this not being the first time having a bowel movement in front in the other, the intensely intimate act never failed to make Draco’s cheeks pinken a bit, a small feeling of bashfulness filling him for the vulgar act they had just indulged in.
Draco watched the dazed look on his fiancé’s face and before he could ask how the other was feeling, Draco yelped as he found himself pulled in by his collar before a warm set of lips crashed into him.
The second-long pause quickly disappeared as Draco melted into his lover, accepting the fierce snog that he found himself in.
Their loud panting filled the air as they bit, sucked and licked at each other’s mouths, their lips sliding against one another in a tandem motion.
After a long minute that felt let an eternity, they both pulled away, the need of oxygen to great to ignore even further.
They both breathed heavily as they stared at each other, grey eyes meeting green, as they exchanged a heated look that was just as burning as their snogging had been.
Harry pulled Draco in again as rubbed his lips against the other’s, still breathing hard as he whispered against Draco’s bruised lips. “I want you so bad right now. Make love to me, Dray?”
Draco nearly came right then and there when Harty took his hand and brought it right on his crotch. It felt oddly damp but the hard tent in the front of his pants was obvious.
“Are you sure baby? All my waste is going to get everywhere.” Draco warned, although he already knew that he was going to give in as he wanted to take Harry right then and there.
Harry nodded as he pressed Draco’s palm further onto his erection. “Oh, yes. I want all of this-“ He reached over with his free hand and Palmer over the massive mound on Draco’s arse, “-in me, on me, and all around. The car will be fine- we’re wizards after all. So please, Draco? Come inside me?”
Draco smiled as he leaned forward and press his lips to the other’s in an almost gentle and soft kiss before pulling back and nodding. “I loved to Harry. Now, move back a little and make some room, love.”
Harry and Draco carefully maneuvered around until they finally found themselves in a comfortable position.
Harry had moved his chair back and shifted the seat so it leaned back until he sat in a comfortable fowler’s position, while Draco had plenty of room to go right on top of him.
Draco leaned down to his lips before he started on removing Harry’s pants and underwear.
Harry blushed when Draco paused in removing his clothes, looking back up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“And what do I find here, hm?” Draco teased, fingering Harry’s wet member. By the smell and how soaked Harry’s pants were, Draco realized that his fiancé hadn’t cummed like he originally thought- Harry had in fact pissed his pants!
When he lifted up the hard appendage, there was a small mountain of poo that was hidden right underneath, nestled right up against Harry’s bum.
“…you’re not the only one that had to go. Do you know how impossible it would be for me to hold my own poo inside while I watched you go right in front of me?” Harry complained, trying to brush away the small sense of embarrassment from his accident.
Harry hadn’t realized just how badly he himself had to go, and as he watched his fiancé defecate himself, Harry was unconsciously pushing down on his own bowels and only realized what he was doing once he felt the solid mass inside his underwear.
Caught off guard, this triggered Harry’s equally full bladder and immediately his pants were filled with warm piss as he relieved himself.
Draco chuckled quietly, as he gave Harry’s cock a gentle squeeze before letting it go, making the mound of poop hidden once more. “I never even noticed you had gone. How you’re able to go so quietly is beyond me.”
Harry shrugged as he reached up and began to unbutton the other’s pants. “At least you’ll have fun finding my little ‘presents’. And besides, not everyone is as loud as you Dray.” Harry playfully taunted.
Offended, Draco began to open his mouth, but stopped and clamp it shut again.
Instead, he moved his hand between them and gave Harry’s erected cock a hard squeeze, making Harry let out a strangled scream before Draco then ran his hand down, making sure his fingernails lightly skim over the pinken flesh, making Harry’s scream transform to an aching wheeze.
Draco smirked as he could feel the penis in his hand swell up, hardening even further. “Oh, I think you’re much more loud than I am, baby.”
Harry couldn’t even retort since the motions of Draco’s hand on his prick made it hard for him to concentrate.
When their teasing moment ended, they soon began to get back to their main business.
Harry and Draco soon found themselves completely nude, both eyeing one another with heated gazes as they admired the other in all their naked and dirtied glory.
Draco’s feces ended up all over Harry’s legs, the brown poop smearing over his thighs when Draco rubbed his messy bum on top of him.
They pulled each other back into a snog as Harry pulled Draco closer to him while Draco casted a lubrication spell on his own hardened member in preparation.
Things came to a halt when Draco brought his hand down and attempted to finger Harry’s arse, intended to stretch his fiancé out before entering inside.
But Draco soon found his finger meeting resistance, making him reluctantly pull away from their snog- quietly apologizing to the other when Harry whined at the lost of his lips.
Draco looked down and nudged the other’s thighs apart. He quickly realized what was thwarted his earlier actions.
“Harry, I can’t get inside you if you’re still pooping, baby.” Draco told him gently, observing as about an inch of a large stool was poking out of his lover’s anus, big enough that his lover’s walls was right around it, making no room to put his own member inside of Harry.
Harry flushed as he looked down and saw that his was indeed crapping himself. With how aroused he was, he barely realized that he still had more inside to his bowels to evacuate.
Harry grunted as he tried to push out his poo, wanting to make room for his lover to come inside. Unfortunately, this stool was on the hard side and only moved out an inch more before stopping.
Harry sighed, unable to push anymore out. “Um, I think I’m a bit constipated actually. Sorry, Draco.” He apologized, feeling upset by the predicament.
Draco placed his hand on Harry’s cheek and made the other look up at him.
When Harry’s disappointed eyes met his, Draco leaned in to kiss him on the nose and then lips before pulling back with a fond look. “There’s nothing to apologize for, love. Here, I have an idea.”
Harry started to look less down as Draco moved so that it was he who was laying on the car seat, with Harry on top of him.
Draco opened his legs wide and stuck his member right underneath Harry’s bum, urging Harry’s legs closed so his member was now tightly encased by his lover’s fit bronze thighs.
“Oh…” Harry sighed lightly, fully comprehending what Draco had in mind and what a great idea the blond had.
Draco nuzzled against the back of Harry’s neck, lightly thrusting into the tightness, feeling the piece of stool that was still sticking out of Harry’s arse smearing itself right on his stomach.
“Better?” Draco asked, feeling Harry’s hands holding onto his legs, his nails digging in almost painfully as Draco gave a particularly slow stroke over Harry’s prick.
“So much better…” Harry let out a delicious moan when Draco moved one hand to fondle his arsecheeks, playing with the piece of poo that was still stuck inside of him.
The air filled with their harsh breathing and panting as Draco’s thrusting became more rough, speeding up as they both was already near to their limits after all their previous ‘foreplay’.
And it didn’t take too long, because with one final hard thrust, they both came at the same time.
White cum splattered over their bodies and all over the carseat and dashboard. Draco steadily pumped between Harry’s legs as they both rode out their climaxes together.
As their adrenalines died down, Draco savored the moment, enjoying the feel of Harry’s entire body weight lying on top of his own, the other clearly just as exhausted as he laid bonelessly who trying to catch his breath.
After a few more moments, Draco felt something off and languidly reached down between them and pulled out something solid.
Bringing it up, Draco snorted when he realized what it was.
“What?” Harry asked tiredly, energy still spent from earlier.
Draco brought his hand up for his lover to see. “Good news, baby. I don’t think you’re constipated any longer.”
Harry looked and felt his face heat up as he recognized what Draco was holding up.
In Draco’s hand was a long and very thick log of dark brown poo- it was at least 8 inches long but more than an inch wide in diameter.
Draco observed at the firm, almost rock like feces in his hand, and had to dodge Harry attempts to swat it away.
“Stop looking at it Draco!” Harry groused when he noticed his lover looking fascinated at the huge turd he let out.
“Alright, love. But wow- I can’t believe this was all inside of you.” Draco gestured to his hand before letting the stool drop beside them on the seat.
Draco hugged his pouting lover, cheering Harry up as they both cuddled together.
Draco sighed as Harry nuzzled against his neck, looking up as he checked their surroundings. It looked like the traffic was still at a standstill and it didn’t look like they would be moving anytime soon.
Which was fine with Draco as he wanted nothing better to do than to snuggle up with his lover, after enjoying an exciting bout of lovemaking and scat play.
As Draco lightly smeared some poo (whether it was his or Harry’s was unknown at this point) over Harry’s hip, he paused when he felt a small rumble vibrate from his fiancé’s belly.
Harry, who had been dozing off, opened his eyes wide when he felt the rumble and blushed as he saw Draco raising an eyebrow at him.
“Um…it’s not what you think. After everything that we did, I think I worked up an appetite again.” Harry admitted sheepishly.
Draco let out a laugh, his face full of disbelief. “You’re not serious, are you?”
After consuming and defecating nearly an entire amount of what could have been a full wedding cake themselves, his lover was still hungry?
With his stomach making another gurgling noise, Harry took Draco’s hand and laid it on his noisy stomach, giving his fiancé a bashful smile.
“Shall we enjoy some of those pastries now?”
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Comfortable 13: All-You-Can-Eat
*Hi! I’m a bit tired (it’s early morning here) so I’ll keep it simple- here is the next chapter!
Harry smiled as he looked down at his and Draco’s joined hands, the emerald and ruby gems from their engagement rings glittering brilliantly as it hit the sun at just the right angle.
Harry had never been much of a jewelry-type of bloke, but he’d be lying if he said he had never considered spelling their rings so it could never be taken off.
He felt a pang of sadness that eventually he’d have to remove his lovely engagement ring, but he felt better knowing that it would only be replaced by their wedding rings soon enough.
“What has you looking so happy right now, love?” Draco asked curiously, giving him a smile of his own.
Harry beamed as he began swinging their hands, loving the way it made his lover laugh. “Just thinking about how I get to marry the most amazing man in the world.”
“Oh? So you’ll be marrying yourself then?” Draco teased. They both laughed as they leaned forward for a sweet kiss before making their way to their destination.
“So where are you surprising me for lunch today?” Harry hummed as Draco pulled him gently to make a turn at the corner.
“I heard about this place from Neville- apparently it’s owned by a couple where the husband is a muggle while the wife is a witch. They opened a restaurant that’s located right on the line between magic and non-magic and somehow the restaurant caters to both muggle and wizard patrons at the same time.” Draco explained.
Harry eyebrows lifted, impressed. “Wow. How were they able to manage that?”
“Apparently they made it seem like a show- all the muggles think that the floating dishes, moving utensils and whatever else magic they see is all part of an illusion and think it’s just fake magic- like a muggle magician would use. They also received permission from the Ministry of Magic to do all these things, although I’m assuming this was to promote the relationship between muggles and wizards, living side-by-side together.” The blond shrugged.
Harry grinned. “Wicked.” He really liked the idea that promoting unity wasn’t just at Hogwarts, but slowly spreading to the entire Wizarding World. It was good to know that all his sacrifices in the war had led up to these long-awaited changes.
The couple finally stopped in front of a tall restaurant, with its walls practically made of all glass.
Entering the place, they were greeted warmly by the hostess, the ambience lively with happy chatter from its patrons as live music played inside the large area.
The decor was mostly glass, brass and chemically blackened steel that gave a sleek look to the swanky place.
But it did not come off as pretentious- it came off as clean and welcoming, with muggles and wizards, both with their families and children interacting with one another in perfect harmony.
At the back was a wide garden area filled with greenery and Harry could see the children playing out there while their parents watched them fondly as they finished enjoying their meals.
On the right side was a wide marble bar, but their hostess brought them to the restaurant side of the place, in a more private area near the back corner.
“Oh! It’s a buffet!” Harry noted with excitement as he saw the different stations of food where people could go up and grab whatever they wanted.
Draco winked as he grinned widely. “I thought it would be nice to reward ourselves after all the wedding preparations we’ve gone through these past few weeks. And we never really gone to a buffet together before.”
“This is a great idea love- well, I guess we’ll see exactly how much each of us can pack in, hm?” He gave his own saucy wink as he patted the other’s stomach playfully.
Draco chuckled as he nodded. “That’s right. Oh, and I put a slight glamour over us so people won’t recognize us- I wanted us to be able to relax with our meal without having to worry about it showing up on tomorrow’s newspaper.”
Harry gave Draco a loving look, finally understanding why they were able to pass by other wizards without being stopped to talk with or thanked like usual.
They were brought to their table- a booth in the corner of the restaurant that was big enough to seat four but they had it all to themselves. It overlooked a nice portion of the garden as well, specifically the pond area.
“Here we are gentleman. When you’re ready, feel free to go up and enjoy all the dishes we have to offer. We have 12 stations that serve all different kinds of foods so I hope you find something to your liking.” Their hostess told them warmly.
She gestured to the middle of their table, that had a large black, almost steel-made flat plate on it. “And this is a special feature of our restaurant. When you bring your plates full of food on it, it will ‘magically’ recognize it. So when you want extra helpings of a type of food but don’t quite want to get up, place your hand over this and say the name of the food- it will then appear on a plate for you to enjoy!” The waitress winked as she explained.
Harry looked impressed. “Wow! That’s amazing!”
Draco also nodded. “Very impressive- and efficient as well.”
Their hostess beamed at their compliments. “Thank you- all of our customers enjoy this little feature of our restaurant. But if you choose not to use this, then please feel free to go up to our stations to take your fill.
“Oh! And please do not take more than what you can finish- you will be charged extra for any wasted food. And please do not try to take any home- all food must be eaten here or you may make a plate to take home, but that will also be an additional fee.” She warned them, smiling when both men nodded. It wasn’t spoken, but there was a charm casted that prevented any food to be ‘magically’ transported away anyway.
After they paid for their meal (so the couple could just leave once they were done) they thanked their waitress once more before the couple were left to themselves.
“Okay, shall we begin?” Harry announced excitedly. Draco chuckled at his fiancé’s enthusiasm as he got up to join his lover.
There were indeed 12 different stations to choose from. For starters, there was the Soup of the day, which was a creamy lobster bisque today. And the Salad Station which served a variety of seasonal salads like casear, garden, potato, tomato and mozzarella, with spreads like hummus and baba ghanoush. There was even a Charcuteries and Cheeses Station with delicious accompaniments of figs, walnuts, crackers, chutneys and truffle honey with various deli meats and cheeses.
The Carving Station and Robata Grill Station had chefs standing behind them to cut or serve them the main meats like prime rib, lamb leg, rotisserie chicken, beef wellington, steaks, sea bass, salmon, and included the sides of roasted garlic potatoes, honey-roasted carrots, chili garlic broccoli and accompanied with all the condiments.
Then there were stations for sea lovers- the Seafood Station had king crab, mussels, smoked oysters, langoustines, clams, shrimp cocktail, smoked salmon, and the Sushi Station had various sushi displayed such as maki, California roll, nigiri and tempura.
Near the other end of the restaurant had the more international section with a large Stone Oven Station that served fresh from the oven pizzas such as Margherita, pepperoni, tallegio and prosciutto.
And right next to it was conveniently the Live Pasta Station that was more make-it-your own style- with all the freshly made pastas such as spaghetti, penne, tagliatelle, gnocchi, cheese ravioli to one side, and the other side was the sauces (olive oil, bolognese, pomodoro, carbonara, butter and sage) and it’s toppings (peppers, onions, prawns, smoked chicken, mushrooms, basil, pancetta, olives, cherry tomatoes, spinach, parmesan, chorizo, chilli, garlic, rocket, lemon).
The Asian Station had various dim sum that were in bamboo steamers or the ones fried such as egg rolls were plated up. And of course, there were various Indian foods for one’s choosing- tandoori chicken, salmon and monkfish, naan bread, kachumber, raita, mint chutney, mango pickle, popadums.
The restaurant was even mindful for those who weren’t carnivores or had certain allergies- all stations had allergy warnings on their dishes and The Vegan Station especially served friendly options of vegetable skewers, grilled tofu, vegan pizza, stuffed peppers and plant based gnocchi.
And of course, to end the whole meal (if one still had room) was the Dessert station, which served decadent desserts and sweets such as toffee and buttermilk panna cotta, mousse of lemongrass and passion fruit with passion fruit meringue, hazelnut whip with chocolate cremeaux and toasted hazelnuts. And the one that was popular with all ages was the Sundae bar where you could build your own sundaes.
“Stop drooling, love and come on.” Draco laughed as he pulled his fiancé towards the nearest station to them (all the roasted meats) to grab themselves a plate.
They filled their plates with a tiny bit of everything, wanting to make sure that they could taste everything that the buffet could offer.
“Of course you’d get the salad, love.” Harry rolled his eyes good-naturedly as he watched his lover pile some greens onto his plate.
“We’re no longer the teenagers we used to be, Harry- our bodies cannot handle just meat and carbs anymore. Now get over here so I can put some on your plate.” Draco ordered, holding up some spinach towards him.
Harry obediently held up his plate. “Yes, dear. But you’re right- we need some sort of palate cleanser in order to handle all these rich foods.”
Draco gave him a smug look as he poured some bisque into a small bowl for them to share. “Exactly. Now let’s head for the seafoods, shall we?”
When their plates started to get full, one of the servers provided them with some assistance.
“These plates will be waiting at your table, so feel free to grab another one to use.” The server offered them kindly as their plates were suddenly found floating towards their table.
“I love magic.” Harry sighed quietly, making his fiancé who could hear him grin.
By the time they got back to their table, they sat side by side, ending up with four full plates to share between them.
“Well, cheers love?” Harry held up a forkful of prime rib towards his lover.
Draco nodded as he clanged his own fork which held a pierced prawn on it. “Cheers, love.” Then they both moaned at the first taste of their delicious meal.
With the little helpings of everything they taken, they were easily able to finish off everything on their plates, feeding each other more than themselves as they urged the other to try everything.
“Oh, Draco. You have to try this- it practically melts in your mouth!” Harry told Draco, bringing up a baked scallop towards the blond’s mouth.
“Mmm! That is divine. Here- try some of this, Harry.” Draco handfed a piece of sushi to Harry.
Harry tooked the offered sushi, licking Draco’s finger and smiled when his action made his fiancé chuckle. “Oh! That wasabi sure packs a punch. But I really like it- the creamy avocado in this also matches it perfectly.”
Draco beamed as he took a piece of nigiri and popped it into his own mouth. “We rarely get the chance to eat sushi- we should serve some at our wedding.”
Harry gave him a fond smile as he watched Draco quickly devour two more pieces of sushi right after. “I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure we have time to find someone to cater it.” Draco brightened as Harry readily agreed with the idea.
As an unspoken thanks, Draco kissed Harry before feeding his beloved some of the tagliatelle that looked very good covered in wine sauce.
As they finished off their plates, they both took a short break from eating, patting at their slowly filling stomachs.
“Thank Merlin I wore my stretchy knickers today.” Harry commented as he pulled at his waistband, sighing when the elastic was no longer pressing against his stomach.
“Hmm…URRRRPP! Oh!” Draco blushed as he covered his mouth when a particularly loud belch came through his lips. “Excuse me.” He apologized sheepishly.
Harry grinned as he shrugged. “That’s alright, Dray. Better out than in. And besides, there’s no one around us, so free feel to just let it go.” He winked. He was right though since thankfully they were seated in a private corner of the restaurant, facing the garden so the fresh air was constantly blowing around them.
Draco felt better after hearing that and let out another burp, this time grinning in contentment afterwards. “Urrrrrrrppppp…mmm…shall we began round two?”
Harry grinned as he opened his mouth and a quick burp quickly came out. “Urrrp! Oh, that one snuck right out. But yes- and shall we test this thing out?” He gestured toward the center plate on their table.
Like their hostess had told them earlier, each of them held hand over their plates and said what they wanted.
For Harry, a large serving of prime rib, sea bass and king crab filled his plate, with sides of the roasted carrots, harissa cabbage, garden salad (Draco had been right- Harry loved having something fresh to eat with his meal) and of course some naan bread with chutney and raita.
For Draco, he had the Beef Wellington, pork chops and more of the lobster bisque. As well as some of the butter and sage ravioli, stuffed peppers, and some of the harissa cabbage as well.
They both grinned knowingly as they both noticed they both got the cabbage. One bite of that dish could immediately be felt in one’s bowels- the couple knew they would be in for a fun night later.
On their second round, they both were fixed on their own plates this time, enjoying their chosen foods.
“It’s-urrpp! a good idea that they have this.” Harry said, putting his hand up to ask for more gravy for his food, smiling when just the right amount covered his plate.
Draco nodded as he neatly placed down the clean bone of his pork down on his plate. “It’s truly very convenient indeed.” He agreed, letting a low burp go after he finished the rest of his soup.
When their second helpings were done, they both laid back against their seats again, this time letting their burps fly out of their mouths.
“Uuuurrrrrppppp! Oof! Mmm…” Draco breathed out as tried to shift his own dress slacks a bit, glad that he didn’t wear his belt knowing that it would only press against his middle.
“URRRPPP! Merlin the food here is so good!” Harry moaned as he began to get his third serving.
Draco chuckled as he patted his lover’s slightly rounded stomach from their meal so far, watching as the other’s plate filled with some fried chicken, vegetable skewers, a slice of arugula and prosciutto pizza and three kinds of steamed dumplings. “Still have room in there, baby?”
Harry winked as he reach over to give the other’s equally bloated stomach a caress. “It would be a crime if one didn’t at least eat more than their fill at a buffet. And let’s not forget about dessert.” He pointed out.
Draco grinned as he leaned forward to capture Harry’s lips with a quick kiss. As he pulled away, Draco felt a familiar sensation going up his chest.
Grinning, Draco moved forward once again and this time, when he kissed Harry, Draco opened his mouth and let out a large belch right inside.
Harry moaned as the warm air rushed into his mouth, the taste of butter and sage from the ravioli Draco had last eaten filled his senses.
Draco also moaned as he deepened their kiss for a moment before pulling away once again, remembering that though they had privacy, they were still in a family-friendly public place at the moment.
“Well, you’re absolutely right, of course.” Draco had a smug look on his face as watched the dazed, dopey smile that his lover was currently sporting.
Harry eventually gained back enough of his sense to eat again while Draco enjoyed two slices of truffle pizza, smoked salmon with herbed cream cheese and crackers, and almost a dozen of the egg rolls (the sweet and sour sauce that came with them was to die for).
After their plates were finished and more burps were released, they decided they had just enough room left to have one more plate before they ended with dessert.
Harry had a final serving of the prime rib (which was his favorite of the whole meal) with some more of the garden salad and garlic broccoli on the side. And he also had some of the plant-based gnocchi (which were made with cauliflower) that even he was surprised on how much he liked it.
For Draco, his plate was filled entirely with every type of sushi that the restaurant offered, especially the blond’s favorite rainbow roll sushi.
Halfway through their plates, Harry noticed Draco had suddenly stopped eating. “Are you okay, love?”
Draco paused; a certain expression crossed his face and before Harry knew it, Draco lifted his bum to the side and with a grunt, a loud bubbly fart came right out.
“Ahhhh…that feels better.” Draco sighed heavily as he sat back down when he finished farting.
Draco waved the air around his bum, sniffing as thankfully the outdoor air blew away most of his musty smell. He gave a cheeky smile as Harry snorted and they both went back to eating once more.
As they finished their plates, both Harry and Draco ended up letting out some more gas (from both ends) a few more times while they ate.
With two empty plates before them, they both belched loudly, giggling as they continued to make sure that no one else hear their vulgar noises.
“So…dessert?” Harry offered after they took another short break.
Draco groaned but he nodded, knowing that no matter how full he felt, his body always made room for dessert.
“Wait a minute.” Draco told Harry, and he lifted him rear end again and shifted it to the side.
After a few seconds, a loud, spluttering fart sounded out, becoming louder when Draco pushed his bum out more to shove more air out.
“Mmm..URRRPP! Hmm…alright, I’ve needed to make some room for dessert after all.” He pointed out, making Harry burst out in laughter at his comment.
The couple got up from their seats and made their way to the only station they had yet to visit.
They had wanted to leave the dessert bar for last, wanting to taste the desserts while they were still fresh and nicely chilled.
Draco filled a plate with every since piece of dessert that was available while Harry forgone the tiny bowls and instead used one of the soup bowls to build a massive banana split.
They brought their desserts back to their table and this time, began to feed each other once again.
They both enjoyed the immense sugariness that entered their bodies, their tastebuds enjoying the switch from savory to sweet foods.
“Thank you for putting extra hot fudge on this ice cream, Harry.” Draco could nearly climax right then and there as Harry spooned the warm and thick sauce into his mouth.
Harry smiled as he leaned forward and licked a spot of sauce that was left at the edge of Draco’s lips. “Mmm…I know how much you love your chocolate after all.”
“If I’m not careful, I could truly devour three whole bowls of hot fudge alone.” Draco sighed dreamily at the thought, opening his mouth as Harry fed him some of the ice cream this time.
“Now that would be a sight to see.” Harry pointed out, laughing when Draco slapped his thigh lightly before he fed Harry a small macaron from their shared plate.
“Don’t tempt me.” Draco warned, giving a playful pout as Harry smiled at him cheekily.
“I live to tempt you, Dray. I’m your fiancé, soon-to-be husband. It’s practically my job.” Harry told him, then nearly choked as Draco shoved a whole cream puff into his mouth for his comment.
“And it’s my job to make sure my lovely soon-to-be husband is put in his place as well I suppose.” Draco replied back sweetly. He merely smiled innocently and popped a piece of the dark mousse cupcake into his own mouth as Harry frowned at back him.
As they exchange their usual banter between them, they finished their desserts and only had a small pool of melted ocean left in their sundae bowl.
“Uuuuuuurrrrpppppp…oh, I’m stuffed.” Harry burped, practically falling back in his seat, unable to move anymore.
“URRRRPPP! Ohhhhhh…” Was all that Draco could get out, leaning against his lover as he let out a silent release of air from his bottom.
“I really can’t eat anymore. Probably not even for the rest of the week I’m sure.” Harry moaned, pulling at his shirt of his full stomach pressed against the now right material.
Draco was silent for a while, trying to manage his own stuffed state, and when Harry felt Draco move away from his side he looked and noticed the tight look the other’s face.
Before Harry could ask what was wrong, there was a strange popping sound that could be heard, followed by a something being hit-like a bullet, making Harry jump in surprise.
Draco pushed his front out and Harry quickly realized that the popping sound was from Draco’s pants finally giving out as the top button of his pants popped right out. The blond’s pants were now wide open, the zipper pulled down showing off the dress shirt that Draco had tucked in now straining tightly over his distended middle.
Draco opened his mouth wide and the loudest belch so far exploded right out, followed by an explosive fart right after.
“Haaahhhh…bloody hell…” Draco groaned as he rubbed his belly, not even caring how he looked at that moment or the ginormous gas bombs he had just released from both ends, as he felt nothing but complete satisfaction at that moment.
Harry smiled as he watched his lover look so content, enjoying once again how comfortable they both had gotten with each other after all these years.
“That was so sexy, you know.” Harry minutes into the other’s ear, smiling when Draco moved his face to pull him into another kiss.
As they kissed, Harry reached forward to rub at Draco’s stomach. No matter how much either man ate, with the balance of healthy meals and excessive ones, they both stayed at a healthy physique.
But now Harry couldn’t help but admire the rounded belly that his lover now sported. It was perfectly round and hard- completely bloated with all the food they had just devoured.
“Even though this is only temporary until you relieve yourself later, but I love when your tummy gets like this. All round and full. Urrppp…This is probably the closest I’ll ever see you looking close to pregnant.” Harry admitted, rubbing soft circles on the other’s middle as he spoke.
One of the surprising things that Harry had found out about the Wizarding world was that male pregnancy was an actual thing.
Although not all, but about 30% of the male wizardry population- with the help of potions and very strong magic- were able to conceive and give birth to their offspring.
During their sixth year at Hogwarts, all males usually took a test in order to see if they were capable of giving birth.
And when they had first gotten together, they learned that although Draco wasn’t capable of giving birth, Harry on the other hand was.
Harry had then admitted that when he first found out that he was a carrier, his younger self felt nothing but embarrassed for being more of a freak than he already was (he grew up with a muggle mindset- which worsened further under the Dursley’s).
But now that he was with Draco, and saw how happy the blond had been that Harry was a carrier, Harry now felt relieved and actually proud that he would be able to have Draco’s children one day.
Draco gave him a soft look as he reached up and rubbed at Harry’s own rounded belly. “Although I understand your thinking, I for one am glad that I’ll be able to see you-uuurp! round with our children one day, and not me. Trust me- I wouldn’t make a good-uurrp! pregnant person. I’d probably curse at everyone and vomit for the entire pregnancy.” Draco shuddered.
Harry chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss his horrified lover. “I don’t think you would be too bad.” He denied halfheartedly, pressing his lips against the other’s. Draco only hummed in response, opening his mouth to take Harry’s tongue against his own.
As he snogged, Harry felt something tug at his own stomach.
Knowing he had to fart, Harry grunted into Draco’s mouth as he bore down.
Unfortunately, a little more than just gas came out with his fart.
“Oh!” Harry broke their kiss when he felt something wet between his arsecheeks.
“Everything alright?” Draco asked, looking at him with concern.
Harry looked down, shifting his bottom around before he looked up to give Draco a bashful look. “I think I sharted myself.”
“Really?” Draco perked up at that.
Harry nodded shyly as he turned and pointed his bum in the other’s direction. “Wanna check for yourself?” He offered, looking around to make sure that no one else was watching them or hearing any of their conversation.
Draco nodded as he pulled back Harry’s pants and sure enough, there was a brown spot blooming right in the middle of the other’s underwear. But fortunately (or unfortunately) there was no other ‘present’ inside.
“Hmm…other than a bit of a stain on your briefs, I’d say your relatively clean, love.” Draco commented as he closed his fiancé’s knickers once more.
Harry sighed in relief as he leaned against Draco. “Urrrppppp! Excuse me. Haahh…should we head back and take all of this to enjoy back at home?” Harry suggested, gesturing towards their bloated states.
Draco and Harry exchanged knowing heated looks as they began to gather themselves, fixing their clothes to look more presentable to the public.
Harry watched as Draco pulled out his tucked in shirt and laid it over his buttonless slacks. With his long coat done up, Harry could only just barely see a bit of a bump from Draco’s full belly. Other than that, Draco look just as posh as normal.
“So that’s why you like to wear long coats when we go out to eat.” Harry muttered under his breath as Draco, who heard him, sent him a wink.
Harry just zipped up his own jacket, grateful that he also chose a more loose fit that hid his own bloated state at the moment.
Holding hands, the couple waved goodbye to the restaurant staff, with their hostess wishing them a lovely afternoon.
The couple was directed to the restaurant’s loo, but there was a certain room right next to the loo where a fireplace was located, giving wizards a place to floo home.
Within seconds, the couple found themselves back at their home sweet home.
After shutting down their floo (like they always did when they knew they were about to indulge in some of their play) they immediately headed towards the living room.
Removing his shoes, coat and pants, Draco planted himself right on the couch, in nothing more than his briefs and dress shirt that he unbuttoned entirely so he sat legs wide open and with his distended middle finally out in the open, with nothing holding it back as it laid popped open for Harry’s hungry eyes.
Harry himself sat right next to his fiancé, also having removed his clothes so that he wore nothing but his own briefs with an obvious brown stain in the back of them, as he cuddled against his lover.
“Uuuurrrpppp! Hahhh, we can finally be comfortable now.” Draco sighed as he wrapped his arm around Harry, pulling the other closer.
Harry smiled as both their stuffed tummies touched and rubbed one another. “Mmm…Draco…” He lifted his face to the other, and immediately Draco took his lips into a kissed.
Harry opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, and his lips curled up when Draco took the opening to send a burp right into his mouth. In reply, Harry also pushed a healthy belch right back into Draco’s own mouth.
Like little moans and burps were exchanged between the two as they snogged, Harry finding himself pulled into Draco’s lap as his lover cupped his bum lovingly as they languidly humped their bellies and crotches towards each other.
They were both feeling full to the point that their bodies were still recuperating from their large meal, so they didn’t move in a hurried frenzy like they usually would in their current bloated states. Instead, they move in a slow and gentle manner, making every touch feel even more sensual than usual.
Harry sighed as he pulled away to get some air, nuzzling their noses together playfully. “I love you Harry.” He smiled as he heard Draco’s words.
“I love you too, Draco soon-to-be Malfoy-Potter.” They both smiled deeply at one another as they hugged warmly.
As he enjoyed being in the warm embrace inside his fiancé’s arms, Harry suddenly had a fun idea as it popped into his head. “Hey, Dray?”
“Hm?” Draco hummed, his hands inside Harry’s briefs, squeezing Harry’s arse as he played with the fleshy mounds in his hands.
“Why don’t we make things more interesting today?” Harry sat back a little to see the other’s face more clearly.
Draco raised an eyebrow, looking at him inquisitively. “What do you have in mind?”
Harry grinned as he held his hand at their full stomachs. “You know how we usually have burping contests every now and then?”
Draco’s lips began to lift as he nodded. “Of course. If I recall, our last contest ended in a tie, right?”
The couple’s last contest was when they were at work. While looking through some files for a case, they had gotten into an impromptu burping contest when Harry had let out a loud belch after drinking some Muggle soft drinks that one of their coworkers had brought in the office.
Draco ended up burping up a storm as well, and they had both turned their gassy states into a competition.
The sounds they released from their mouths that day were like nothing they’ve ever heard before. Harry’s burps sounded like that of a grizzly bear while he teased Draco about being part Gryffindor since the blond’s low belches were as loud as a lion.
That contest ended as a tie though when both men became so turned on but the other’s gassiness that they ended up having a quick shag right there on the table in the basement that held of the auror records.
Draco smirked as he remembered how they barely finished climaxing before they had to scramble when someone had knocked the door, also wanting to grab a few case files inside the room. He still thinks that new recruitment had an idea about what they had been up to, if the bright red blush on the poor boy’s face was any indication.
“You want to have another burping contest?” Draco guessed.
Harry shook his head. “Not a burping one. I think with the amount of food we ate, if we force our burps out like we usually do for our contests, something more than just food will end up coming out instead.” He said wryly.
They both shuddered at that thought. “But I was thinking we could do a farting contest- so if anything more comes out, then at least it would be coming out of here instead.” Harry explained, patting Draco’s bum gently.
Draco also looked equally excited as Harry did while he listened to his lover’s idea. “Sounds good to me- all of this needs to be released somehow.” He grabbed his protruding belly and jiggled it a little, making Harry giggle.
“Right? And after our contest, we can go to our bed and continue the rest of the night up there.” Harry gave him a sultry look, smiling wider when Draco’s grey eyes darken in arousal.
They both stripped off until they stood in the middle of the room bare as the day they were born.
“Should I cast Odoratus Adlevo?” Harry held up his wand in question.
“It would defeat the purpose of our contest, wouldn’t it?” Draco pointed out, making Harry nod as he placed his wand next to Draco’s on the coffee table.
“Alright, so what are the rules?” Draco asked, standing up straight as he could feel his bowels already bubble in preparation for what was about to come.
Harry pursed his lips. “Let’s do this comfortably and keep things simple. We keep farting and the winner is however can let out the most impressive fart?”
Draco grinned. “I like that. To just have fart around and have fun with you sounds perfect to me.” Harry smiled as they both shared a short kiss.
“Would you like to go first?” Draco offered, lifting his hand for Harry to go.
Harry smiled as he held his stomach, feeling it growling underneath his palm. “If you don’t mind?”
Draco winked. “Go for it, love.”
“Such a gentleman.” Harry teased as he bent over and let himself loose.
A decent size fart came right out, bubbly and loud as Harry sighed loudly, feeling a sense of relief run through his stomach.
Draco smiled as the smell of Harry’s ripe fart filled the air. “Nice one, Harry.”
“And that’s only the beginning.” Harry said proudly. “Right then, your turn Dray.”
Draco widened his stance and bore down, letting out a low grunt that didn’t match his posh appearance.
A low-pitch fart came out, bassy and but equally as loud as Harry’s was.
“I take back my comment about you being a gentleman from before.” Harry giggled, listening as the blond’s fart slowly died off.
Draco only grinned smugly as he straightened up again, waving his hand behind his bum, spreading his musty stink more around them.
When he was done laughing, Harry winked at Draco and turned around. He grinned when he heard Draco’s intake of breath when he bent over again, giving his fiancé a good view of his pucker.
Bearing down, Harry pushed out.
Slightly shorter than the first, but this fart was much louder.
Draco watched hungrily as the arsehole that he had come to love so much opened wide as air pushed out of it, the hole twitching a little before closing up again when the fart ended.
“Mmm…that was good, baby.” Draco crooned, unable to help himself as he cupped the beautiful mounds of arse in front of him.
“Draco…later…” Harry hummed although he was shaking his bum, rubbing it more against Draco’s touch.
Draco kissed Harry again before moving his hand away and started his turn.
He went in the same position as Harry did- bent over so Harry could see his own hole open as he farted- and moaned as he was able to push a satisfying fart right out.
This one hissed as it came out, but it was long and Draco could literally feel his bloated belly deflate a good amount of his fart came out in an unhurried and relaxed matter.
Harry also enjoyed the fart since he could watch his fiancé’s hole stay open for quite a while, watching as Draco’s involuntarily shook his bottom a bit as he released his gas.
“Oh, that felt good.” Draco straightened up to face Harry, rubbing his stomach as he felt much better.
Harry agreed. “It’s looked like it did.”
For his turn, Harry just stood there and farted- sighing loudly as his gas just came out with little to no pushing at all.
“Hmm, that sounded like a good one too.” Draco told him.
“And smells absolutely dreadful.” Harry responded happily, patting his stomach as he spoke.
Draco pushed his arse out, giving Harry a good view of his buttocks, as his fart also came out with complete ease.
“Oh!” Draco jumped as his fart ended on a loud, shrill note. Both men giggled at the funny sound Draco’s arse had given off.
For the next few rounds, the couple began doing silly poses, getting more into the contest as they were just two men having fun farting together.
“Nnghh! How about this one?” Harry was lying in his back, his knees up to his chest as he forced that last fart out of him.
Draco was standing up, arms crossed as he smirked down at his lover. “That was alright, but I can do better- watch!”
Draco cocked his hip to the side, reaching one hand down as he held his other hand up to the sky.
Draco grinned as Harry sniffed at him. “It was similar to mine actually. But wait, I got another one.” With his knees still to his chest, he pulled his legs up and opened his legs wider.
“Hm, that was impressive. And I must give you extra points for that pose.” Draco’s eyes were heated as he stared down at his lover who had his derrière open invitingly.
Harry winked as he made his pucker open and close teasingly, laughing as he swatted his fiancé’s hand away when Draco reached down to touch him down there. “Nope! We’re still competing- and it’s your turn.”
Draco huffed, disappointed, but went into his next pose as he widened his stand and squatted.
Ignoring the slight burn in his legs from the position, Draco held his hands together as if he was praying and farted loudly.
Harry burst out laughing at the massive fart and the ridiculous pose his lover was in. “Now you’re asking for help from above to help you win the contest, Dray?”
Draco laughed along with him as he straightened up. “Anything that’ll help me win.” He winked.
Harry grinned. “Such a slytherin.”
Draco blew him a kiss. “Always.”
A few more rounds later, Draco had to interrupt their contest for a moment.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m about to urinate myself.” Draco confessed as he crossed his legs. For the last two rounds, he had been trying to hold it in, but he knew that his next fart would come with a shower.
Harry sighed from his position on his knees, bent all the way down till his forehead touched the floor as he had just finished farting.
He sat up and nodded. “Thank Merlin you brought it up- I was just about to say that my bladder is bursting.”
They both headed to the loo for a quick piss break, not wanting to created large puddles that would spread all over their floor.
The couple giggled like little boys as their shared the toilet, touching their members playfully as they both peed together.
“Argh! You’re piss got on me!” Draco groused when he felt a sprinkle of piss hit his cock.
Harry sniggered, making his stream stutter a little. “As if you’re not already used to having my bodily fluids on you.”
Draco snorted as he nudged Harry slightly, not wanting either of them to miss their aim at the bowl. “You wanker, you’re glad I love you.”
Harry looked smug at that. “I know.”
They both shook themselves when they were done and after flushing, they both went back to their contest, feeling much better with their bladders both relieved.
“Ahhhh! Now I fart easily without worrying about my bladder.” Harry sighed as he pushed out the first fart.
Draco nodded as he bore down and farted loudly. PpprrrrrRRRTTT! “Mmm…much better.” He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of his gas leaving him.
The couple went back to their silly poses, both of them continuing to fart up a storm as neither of their gases seemed like they were going to end anytime soon.
“Ugh, the smell is really starting to get downright putrid in here.” Draco commented, wrinkling his nose a bit at the sharp stink his fart left in the air.
Harry nodded as he headed towards the windows. “It reeks alright. Let open the windows and air it out a bit.”
Sighing as fresh air came into the room, Draco smiled. “Much better.”
As their contest continued, both their farts started to get louder and much wetter sounding than before. There were times when they both had close calls that something more than gas had come out.
Putting a hand on his stomach, Harry paused as he felt harsh vibrations under his palm, his stomach making a loud growling sound.
“Oh?” Draco raised an eyebrow as he also heard the loud sound from his lover’s stomach.
Harry grinned at him as he began to lower himself. “This is gonna be a big one, Dray. I can feel it.” He said excitedly. He had a feeling that this next one might finally win it all for him.
Draco also looked interested as he watched Harry lay on his side.
Placing his hands on behind his head as if he were relaxing, Harry brought his legs up as he sent Draco a wink. “Get ready to lose, Draco.”
Draco snorted as he gave Harry a smirk. “Give it your best shot, baby.”
Harry took up and challenge and bending on knee slightly as he pushed his bum as just the right angle, he gave a loud grunt and pushed hard.
A high-pitch fart had burst out, the sound almost deafening until suddenly a torrent of shit sprayed forth from Harry’s arsehole, covering the floor in little specks and nuggets of feces and wet brown slime.
Harry and Draco both had expressions of surprised as they looked at the mess Harry’s fart had left.
Sitting up, Harry looked at the dirtiness before him, his poo getting all over his rear end, legs and floor.
“Oops. I guess that one was a shart.” Harry noted, looking up at Draco with a sheepish smile on his face.
Draco stared at his lover with an indescribable expression on his face.
Just as Harry was about to ask his lover what was the matter, he suddenly yelped when Draco dropped right on top of him, making Harry fall onto his back and pulled him into a deep kiss.
They snogged intensely for almost a minute before Draco pulled away, his hands holding himself up on either side of Harry as he looked at him the other with dark grey eyes. “You win.”
Harry’s own bright green eyes widened as he let out a breathless laugh, which was quickly swallowed up by Draco’s lips which were on his own once more.
Harry hummed happily went he felt something soft being placed underneath his back, making him feel much more comfortable in their new position and feeling grateful for his considerate fiancé’s caring actions.
Their frenzied snogging slowed down to a more relaxed paced, both of their lips lifting into a smile as they slid their bodies against one another, Harry’s excrement making it easier for them move against each other.
Harry playfully bit at Draco’s lips, making the other laugh as he swatted Harry’s dirty bum in retaliation, making Harry laugh as well.
“Mmm…thank you for the pillow, love.” Harry smiled up at his lover.
Draco leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. “Of course. Shall we get up now?” He began to stand, offering his hand.
Harry nodded as he let himself be pulled up, both of them observing the mess that both their lower halves were in.
Suddenly, a loud fart came out of nowhere.
“Oh!” Draco jumped up, startled at the rush of gas that just came out of his bum. He began looking excited for a moment before it dimmed when he saw Harry shake his head.
“Nope, too late. I already won, Draco. You said so yourself.” Harry said smugly, laughing when Draco huffed and smacked his bum playfully.
“Hmph. Only because you sharted.” Draco grumbled, although he wasn’t really upset as he admired the view of his boyfriend’s messy arse.
“Yes I did.” Harry easily agreed, sitting right down on their sofa, wiping some of his mess over their sofa cushion.
Honestly, their furniture have been through so much over the years of their lovemaking and ‘playing’ that the couple knew exactly which stains would be easy to clean off by magic or the muggle way, and which ones would be a lost cause and that they were better off just being replaced in the end.
Harry smiled. Fortunately, their sofa were one of those furnitures that have lasted throughout all these years with the couple.
Draco leaned forward as he also wanted to play with the other’s fecal mess before he suddenly sat straight up with an alarmed look on his face.
A monstrous belch ripped out of Draco’s throat, making him groan afterwards. Before Harry could comment, a ripple went through the blonde stomach, making him push out an equally monstrous fart as well.
“Oh Merlin, I feel like an ogre right now.” Draco gasped, his voice filled with disgust and relief as his gas came out. His stomach was churning, alerting both of them that Draco’s short break from their earlier contest was going to start back up again.
Harry sniffed the air, humming as the air intensified with his lover’s usual musky stench. “You look and smell completely sexy to me, Dray.” He assured his fiancé.
Draco sent a grin his way as he relaxed against his end of the sofa and pushed out yet another massive break of wind right in his direction.
Harry snickered as he watched his lover’s arsehole literally open and shake at the other’s fart. “Letting all your inner boggarts out, huh love?”
Draco paused in rubbing his bloated belly to send a smirk Harry’s way. “Oh, I’m about to let out more than just boggarts, baby.” He widened his legs more and to Harry’s delight, he could see the tip of a turtlehead peeking out suggestively from Draco’s pucker.
Reaching out, Harry used his index finger to touch the tip of the turd, feeling the solid form of it as Draco let out a puff of gas as well. “Mmm…with all the food you ate, I bet there’ll be a lot that wants to come out.”
Draco winked. “You have no idea.” He grunted a bit to push his turd slightly against Harry’s finger, making his lover giggle, before sucking it back in. “And I know that your bowels is still just as full as mine.”
Harry nodded as he wiggled his bottom suggestively, the brown smear of poo from his earlier shart caked over his own hole. “Without a doubt, there’s even more inside me, actually.” Harry confessed, rubbing his bloated tummy (which had gone down since their contest and his earlier accident) to show just how full he still was.
Draco suddenly gave him a sly look. “Well, why don’t we see then?”
Harry perked up with interest. “A pooping contest?” He suggested, quickly getting the blond’s drift.
Draco winked. “Shall we have a round two, my dear?”
Harry only lifted his bum up and noisily let out a fart right then and there as his reply.
They grinned at one another as their second battle began to commence.
Like their gas contest, they set down the simple rules which for this time was even easier- the one to release the largest load wins.
After they readily casted Odoratus Adlevo (which they both agreed was going to be much required this time), they moved to the middle of the room for more space for their activities.
Both men squatted down and as they began discussed whether they should take turns or do it at the same time, Harry suddenly paused and without any warning, round two began.
“Ooh…” Harry sighed as pieces of feces spluttered out with his fart.
“I guess that means you’re going first, Harry?” Draco pointed out the nuggets that was already laying beneath the other.
Harry blushed when he farted again, spraying out more nuggets onto the floor. “If you don’t mind?”
Draco shook his head as he sat on the floor instead, leaning forward to give the other a kiss while giving the other’s growling stomach a gentle pat. “You go right ahead, love. But here, move a bit so I can get a good view as you go.” He said cheekily, making Harry chuckle as he nodded.
Harry listened as Draco instructed him to go onto his hands and knees, doggy style (thankfully they were on their rug- which like their sofa, lasted through all the literal shit they’ve put it through).
Draco was on the side of Harry from behind, far enough that Harry had room to move his bowels but close enough to see his lover’s voluminous tush and everything coming out of it clearly.
“Oh…” Harry bore down, feeling his hold begin to open.
“Ohhh…” Draco breathed, unblinking as he watched his lover’s pucker open wide and the tip of a brown turd appeared.
It paused for a moment when Harry took a breath, and then it slowly started to move out.
It was a bit dark in color, and very chunky looking as it took its times coming down.
When Harry farted, the feces that was hanging out had broken off. On the floor laid the thick piece, about three inches in length.
“Mmm…” Harry grunted as the inch of poop that was left hanging outside of him began to come out again.
Harry brought his bum downwards, pushing down harder as he pooped out more of the thick turd.
Pieces of the chunky poo fell off and landed right next to the rest of the mess below him.
“Nnghhh…” Harry grunted out some more and then finally, he breathed out slowly as the rest of his poo fell out of him, plopping right next to the first piece.
Harry peeked behind him, noting the first piece and the longer piece (maybe five to six inches in length).
Feeling his bowels grumble, Harry hurriedly leaned forward and pushed again.
Another torrent of crap sprayed out, flying pieces of poo everywhere.
Draco snickered as he watched the little nuggets burst out of his lover’s arse, a little bit of feces coming out with every fart Harry let out. “Merlin’s beard, you’re so messy.”
“Well, nnghh…sorry that I can’t poop..mmn… in a more classy way that’s more up to your standards, you posh git.” Harry grumble, straining as he pushed out another excrement-filled fart.
Draco grinned as he watched Harry lower his bum to the ground again and a small but thick stool was pushed out. “Oh, don’t get me wrong- I love your messy arse, baby. I think it’s just funny how you move your bowels in a way that completely suits who you are.”
Harry chuckled as he turned to smile at his fiancé. “Are you saying that I match a certain way of pooping?”
Draco grinned back. “Oh, most definitely.”
“And what way do you think you match you when poo?” Harry teasingly asked.
“My arse expels rainbows and farts out glitter of course.” Draco smirked as Harry laughed out loud, both of them remembering their fateful first Valentine’s together.
Soon after, with a few last bit of pure flatulence left, Harry was done.
Sighing in relief, Harry turned around and carefully sat down, gingerly placing his tender bum on a clean patch of their floor. Harry then took his first real look at what he had produced.
He had used quite a large amount of space on the ground. There were about three very thick and chunky turds that he had let out, and the rest were nuggets and pieces that had scattered as he admittedly did messily fart out everywhere.
“Hmm…it may be a be hard to gauge all of this.” Harry said, looking at the brown mess his bum had left out.
“Oh, here let me…” Draco reached out and carefully gathered all the pieces into one pile, with Harry helping him when he realized what the blond was doing.
Thankfully, Harry had a mainly dry bowel movement, only a few were very soft and mushed a bit when touched and they left the brown liquid spurts as they were.
They both looked at the mound they had gathered up and now was able to tell that Harry had released quite a decent pile of poop.
“Wow, all of that was inside of you, huh?” Draco commented, staring at the impressive mountain on the ground.
Harry nodded as he happily patted his stomach, which was no longer bloated and back to its regular git self again. “It feels so good to get it all out. You should do the same too, Dray.” Harry moved to pat his lover’s tummy as he said this.
Draco sighed as he looked down at his own distended belly, still bloated and very full. His stomach had been churning while Harry had gone, but now he could feel himself about to burst soon.
“This is going to feel so good.” Draco groaned as he began to move into position.
He decided to go for a squatting position for his turn, using their small coffee table to hold onto for balance and to distribute most of his weight onto it so he could move his bowels comfortably.
Draco turned around to send Harry a saucy wink, making Harry giggle as he watched with excitement as the other began.
A low-pitched fart was slowly released as Draco’s arsehole opened wide.
The tip of a log poked its head out, more slimmer and lighter in color than Harry’s had been.
The stool slowly crawled out of its hole, stopping about two inches when Draco’s hole closed around it when his first fart had ended.
Draco’s poo must was been pretty solid due to it didn’t break off like Harry’s had. In fact, his stool looked very smooth as it hung down the blond’s bum like a tail.
Urrrp! Prrrrrrrrrrttttttt…
Draco let out a small burp and then his rear end pushed out again as his log started moving out, the sound of crackling as it moved filling the air.
Harry watched with held breath as Draco’s log slowly moved out of him.
If Harry’s dump was an explosion of feces, Draco’s was more of a show of how one should move their bowels properly.
Oddly enough, the way Draco pooped suited his character- very smooth, taking its sweet time as it came out in an almost elegant manner.
Harry snorted.
Of course, the posh git.
Draco looked back at him, looking at him with a questioning look when he heard the other snort. Harry only shook his head, waving it off as nothing.
Draco faced forward once more and continued what he was doing, bearing down as he pushed out the rest of his log.
Finally, the last bit was pushed out, Draco bending his bottom down as his stool broke out with a popping ‘pllrt!’
Harry was impressed at the product his lover had let out. Although it was thinner than his own thick turds, Draco’s log was a good seven, maybe eight inches long.
But what amazed Harry the most was that Draco’s poop was coiled around in a neat swirl- almost looking like one of those poop emoji’s that Muggles would use on their phones.
“Hmm…well, this is good for a start.” Draco commented when he looked down to see what he had produced.
“It looks pretty perfect, actually. I feel like it’d be the picture that one would find if one looked up what poop is supposed to look like.” Harry pointed out, unable to look away from it.
Draco snorted at that. “I’ll add that to my list of talents then- ‘able to defecate in a proper manner.” He joked.
“It looks like those soft serve cones- the ones made of chocolate ice cream.” Harry point out to him.
Draco raised an eyebrow and smirked. “So you’re saying it looks appetizing then?” He teased, using his bum to lightly touch the very tip of his poo.
Harry made a face, looking almost green at the thought of ‘poop’ and ‘appetizing’ together. “Good Godric, you’re really gross sometimes.”
Draco merely blew a kiss at him. “And you’re the one whose agreed to marry me- now who’s the one that’s barmy in the head?”
“You.” Harry shot back immediately, making Draco guffaw loudly.
They exchanged a few more banter in regards to who was the more insane- they both just chalked it up to the both of them being completely out of their minds together- and then afterwards, Draco went back to business.
“Urrnnghhh…” He grunted loudly as a stream of farts boomed out of his rump.
A lot of bassy, trumpet-like farts came out of Draco’s perky buttocks, his hole opening wide for every fart that came out.
Other than a small pebble of poo that would pop out between farts and a little gush of liquid shit that was released with one of his more wetter farts, no other stools or turds was coming out of Draco’s bowels.
“You do know that our fart contest is over right?” Harry teased as he watched Draco’s hole open again to let out another truly gruesome splutter of gas.
Draco, too focused on relieving himself, lovingly sent his beloved fiancé the finger.
The flatulence that the blond was releasing had to be one of the most sickening, nausea-inducing, downright disgusting, overwhelmingly vulgar sounds and smells that Harry had witnessed the other let out ever.
And that was saying something because Harry knows exactly what Draco’s derrière was capable of.
It was a fortunate thing for Harry that he loved Draco’s bum in all its entirety (plus, they always had magic to lessen the intensity when it became too much).
“UNGH!” Draco gasped out, letting loose another massive fart. His hole had opened wide, but what resulted in that beast of released air was a small pebble that sort of fell out from his hole at the end.
Draco panted, trying to gather himself from his last fart. “What’s so funny?” He looked behind him to peek at his lover, who was currently in a small laughing fit.
Harry snorted as his snickers became a little louder. “After what seemed like a hurricane coming out of your arse, all that popped out was that.” He pointed at the small nuggets of poo that laid innocently at the bottom of his lover.
Draco looked down and also frowned at why little he produced. Other than that first log, nothing else of much substance had come out.
“Hmmm…well maybe- nngh!” Draco paused for a moment as his pucker opened up to let out a loose stream of brown sludge onto the floor. It closed back up again, leaving the small but very pungent streak behind.
“Ew.” Draco commented, wrinkling his nose at the smell and when he saw noticed a pieces of leftover corn in the sludge.
Harry also looked a bit squeamish at the small splat. “It may be a bit difficult to compare our loads if yours come out too liquidy, Dray.”
Draco pursed his lips as he tried to gauge his own bowels. “I don’t think I have diarrhea though. Possibly all the food I’ve eaten is taking just a bit more time to digest is all.” He said, looking thoughtful.
“Food normally takes 24 to 72 hours to digest though. Unless you’re sick.” Harry pointed out, looking a bit worried now.
But Draco just shrugged, knowing that he wasn’t sick and his body was just fine. He knew the feeling of diarrhea and knew that this wasn’t it. “Oh, really? Hm…Well, we did have that small party for one of the new recruits the day before and I seem to recall that we both ate quite a bit of…ah…” he trailed off as he felt his stomach give a very loud gurgle.
This was it.
Draco clamped his mouth shut as a look of strong concentration immediately spread across his face.
Harry also was silent as he could feel the air around him shift, knowing that something big was about to happen.
Draco’s fingers clenched tightly on the table in front of him, pushing his bum out further as he gave a low grunt.
A low fart seeped out before being cut off all of a sudden.
Draco’s bumhole then opened wide and what looked like a monster of a log rushed right out, fast and sleek like a python attacking.
“Ohhhh yes…” Draco groaned, while at the same time Harry exclaimed with a loud, “Bloody hell!”
Harry was shocked as a wide, thick and very long stool immediately came right out of his fiancé in one swoosh, looking as it dropped down in one smooth move, with no hesitation or barely any need for the blond to exert any effort at all.
It was like Draco’s hole just opened wide and the monster fell right out, landing on the ground with a low thud.
Draco sighed as he gave a short fart, followed by a bit of urine that he ended up peeing out onto the floor, forming a small puddle in front of him.
The uncomfortableness in his belly was now gone as he suddenly was hit with the sense of relief and emptiness as his middle was suddenly back to normal- no longer bloated but nice and flat like before.
With a hand to his tender stomach, Draco looked behind him and noted the astounded expression on Harry’s face.
Taking a peek below him, Draco couldn’t help but gape at what he had just released.
Right below Draco’s bum was a long and thick basilisk of poo- a whopping 12 inches long, about a milliliter or two thicker than anything Harry managed to produce and the beast laid there in all its smooth glory.
It was nothing but extraordinary, really.
With a crooked grin on his face, Draco moved to face Harry once more, gingerly placing his worn bum on the floor with his ‘creation’ right next to him.
“What do you have to say now, love?” Draco lightly asked, smirking as his lover only looked at his monster of a stool with a look that resembled a dying fish.
Draco sat there, crossed legged and relaxed as ever, enjoying the expression on his speechless fiancé’s face.
“Oof!” Draco grunted as he suddenly found himself with his arms filled of his lover. He found himself silent as intense green eyes met his own.
Leaning forward so their faces were mere inches from one another, Harry whispered two soft words before he devoured Draco’s lips in his own. “You win.”
Draco didn’t even have time to smile as he moaned loudly when Harry shoved his tongue into his mouth, tangling together in a tango of sorts.
Harry laid all his body weight on Draco, loving how his fiancé uncrossed his legs and easily took him. Despite what people may think of the willowy blond, years of being an auror made Draco’s strength just as strong as Harry’s.
Both men gasped and panted, moans escaping as they snogged relentlessly, rutting against one another in an almost frenzy as they needed to feel the other’s body almost as much as they needed to breath.
Draco’s breathing hitched when he felt Harry’s wet bottom cover the tip of his erected cock. “Lubrication spell?” Was the only thing Draco could manage to choke out.
“Don’t need it. I’m already wet for you.” Harry panted, his word inciting another excited growl from Draco’s lips.
Using the cum and shit that has seeped inside of him while he was aroused while watching Draco earlier, Harry sat himself right down on Draco, both of them giving a loud gasp as his walls covered Draco fully inside of him.
“Dray…” Harry mewled as he rubbed his front against Draco.
“Yes? Is there something you wanted?” Draco teased him, letting out a groan himself when Harry suddenly tightened around him.
“You know what I want, you arse.” Harry grunted as he loosened his hole, sighing happily when Draco took his weeping penis into his own hands.
“So demanding.” Draco pressed his thumb down Harry‘s length while giving one hard thrust upwards, wrapping his free arm around the other when Harry almost fell off him at the combined pleasure from the gesture.
“As if you’re one to talk.” Harry shot back, pressing himself down and rubbing his bum all over Draco.
Draco grinned when he saw Harry’s messy bum spread brown smears over Draco’s crotch, covering him in his filth. “I love it when you do that.”
“What, this?” Harry rubbed himself down further. “You like having my crap all over you?”
“Mm…more like I like being covered in everything that’s you.” Draco corrected him, holding the other’s hips as he leaned against the table behind him to get more comfortable.
“Enough talking, more moving.” Harry reached up to smear some of his excrement onto Draco’s chest. He was delighted when the pale white skin of his lover was now completely dirtied by him.
Draco chuckled as he allowed his lover to paint on him. “Absolutely demanding.”
Harry let his hands fall, admiring his ‘art work’. Leaning forward, Harry smiled slyly as he touched Draco’s lips lightly as he whispered, “Fuck me Draco.”
Harry let out a loud shout as Draco thrusted right up, slamming right into his ‘sweet spot’, sending literal stars from the intense pleasure.
“Feel good?” Draco grinned, thrusting in and out of Harry, enticing moans and gasps out of his lover with every hit at the very spot he knew brought out the most pleasure from his lover.
“Dray…haahh…Dray!” Harry panted, unable to speak anything more as he could feel himself tighten up, about to hit his climax soon.
Draco tightened his grip on the other’s hips and brought him even closer, if possible. “Don’t hold back, baby. Just come.” He urged Harry before smashing their lips together in an almost bruising kiss.
Harry moaned loudly as his body came immediately, spilling semen all over their bodies as he climaxed.
Draco massaged Harry’s sides as he felt the other stiffen, feeling the wet stickiness between them as his fiancé came.
He held Harry, letting the other catch his breath while he himself waited patiently for his turn.
Recovering quickly, Harry could feel how hard Draco still was inside of him.
Smiling as he kissed the other, grateful that Draco put his own needs aside so Harry could have his pleasure first, Harry was now focused on making sure Draco was taken care of this time.
Holding onto Draco’s shoulders, Harry mustered up all the strength he had and began to bounce on top of Draco, in rhythmic motions as he tightened his hole over Draco’s erection every time he pulled up, forcing a loud gasp from Draco every time from his movement.
The rooms was filled with nothing but their loud noises, the squelching sounds as Harry’s bum slapped over Draco’s crotch as he continued to bring his lover over the edge.
“Harry, Harry…Harry…!” Draco panted his name over and over, making Harry harder again as he heard his lover call him over and over.
“Dray…Draco!” Harry cried out, feeling himself about to come for a second time.
“I love…you.” Draco breathed heavily, feeling himself tighten as he was about to come.
“Love…too…” Harry just barely managed to choke out before he finally felt a flood of warm wetness fill himself inside as Draco finally climaxed.
“Har-aahhhh!” Draco yelled out loudly as he came, gripping Harry tightly, spurting his seed inside Harry’s body. It took another second to realize that Harry himself came again, feeling Harry’s walls around him right as more white cum covered them both.
Their frantic motions slowed and they came down from both their climaxes.
Harry flopped over Draco, his entire body feeling completely boneless but deliciously sated. Draco himself hugged Harry to him, his own body completely exhausted as he leaned their entire weights back against the table.
They both tiredly looked at one another with warm smiles, having just enough strength to exchange little kisses everywhere that they could reach- their cheeks, foreheads, chins, shoulders, lips of course.
Harry giggled as Draco leaned in to kiss where his Adam’s apple was. He nuzzled their noses together, feeling very comfortable and satisfied at that moment, never wanting it to end.
After a while, Draco let out a deep sigh as he looked down at Harry, smiling as Harry was now sleepily resting against his chest, the Savior of the Wizarding World now yawning cutely after a bout of lovemaking.
“Harry, we should sleep in our beds.” Draco told him gently, rubbing circles on the other’s back.
“Nooo…I’m too tired to get up.” Harry complained, putting even more of his weight on Draco in retaliation of getting up.
The blond only chuckled at his fiancé’s silliness and held his lover tighter as he began to make his way up to stand. “Come on- you know that both our bodies will thank us later for sleeping on our soft, clean bed rather than this hard and dirty floor.” He shifted his arms under Harry’s bum, making sure to have a firm hold on the other.
Harry made a noise as he shook his head. “I’m too tired to move…” he grumbled.
“I’ll carry you.” Draco assured him, holding the other up as he went to grab their wands that was on the table.
“I’m too heavy.” Harry argued but even as he spoke, he tightened his hold on Draco, not wanting to be let down at all.
Draco chuckled as he casted the most gentlest scourgify spell over their soiled bodies, knowing that neither man had enough in them to take a proper shower at the moment.
“No you’re not. Besides, most of your weight was left down there.” He pointed to their piles on the floor.
Harry’s pile of chunky turds and nuggets of poo was clearly overtaken by the beast of a stool that Draco had laid out a few feet away. It was without a doubt who was the winner of their second round.
Harry smiled as he looked down at what they produced. “Don’t vanish it yet, Draco. Let’s just leave it till morning.”
Draco snorted but allowed Harry to have his way as he carried the other upstairs to their bedroom.
With the bedsheets over them, they both cuddled onto the bed, both feeling sleepy from their day.
“We should really visit buffets more often.” Harry sighed after he and Draco finished another of their light snogs.
“Mhm…I don’t think so. We’ll end up as big as mammoths.” Draco mumbled as he nosed Harry’s neck, taking in the other’s freshly clean scent.
“Not if we have another ‘contest’ right after.” Harry grinned as Draco laughed.
“I supposed we have something to look forward to in the future then.” Draco conceded as they both smiled at one another.
Harry sighed again. “But I guess it’s a tie since we both won one round each.” He pouted a bit at that- they were both the competitive type and although they both loved each other, they still liked to win over the other.
Draco looked thoughtful for a moment, scrunching his eyebrows as if in discomfort.
Harry was then alarmed when Draco suddenly gave him a sly look.
Before Harry could ask what the other was up to, a small fart could be heard from somewhere underneath their blankets.
Harry raised an eyebrow at the large grin on Draco’s face. “Did you just-?” But he stopped as he knew what the answer was, the stench of his lover’s musty smell, too sharp for it just to be gas, wafted around them.
Draco looked smug as he said, “I didn’t technically finish. I still have a few ‘brownies to bake.’ In fact…” Harry scoffed at the phrase but was gasped when Draco lifted his leg over Harry’s hip and thighs and gave a loud grunt.
A very wet and watery fart erupted out and suddenly Harry felt a rush of something liquid spread over him.
Draco, though his face was red with most likely the effort of expelling rather than embarrassment, gave a devilish smile as he watched Harry lift their blankets and both was greeted with the sight of their lower halves covered in a brown sea of liquid shit.
“You git.” Harry couldn’t help but choke out in laughter as he dropped the blankets down, the stench of diarrhea a bit too much for him to handle.
Draco giggled as he let loose another small wave, sighing happily as Harry began to rub his stomach soothingly to ease any cramps he was feeling. “It’s a tiebreaker. So unless you have anything to counter with then…” He let his words trail off.
Another wet fart trumped out his bottom, exploded more diarrhea onto them, but neither man looked too concern about it.
Harry rolled his eyes but grinned back at the blond. “I’m pretty empty now, you competitive swot.”
Draco looked triumphant and with one last toot, his bum was quiet once more, with his bowels now fully settled.
Sighing with relief, he cuddled towards Harry, both of them embracing one another as their legs were slippery with Draco waste as they intertwined their bodies together.
“Does this mean that I win overall?” Draco pointed out, rubbing his dirtied thigh over Harry’s hips.
Harry chuckled as he nodded, leaning in to give the other a soft kiss. “Yup. Congrats, Dray.” He gave the other another kiss right after.
Draco hummed as he gave Harry’s lips a languid lick. “So, we never really discussed on what the winner would get?” He reminded the other.
Harry grinned wildly and in the next second, Draco gasped when Harry was suddenly right on top of him, arms on both of his sides with his entire weight placed on top of him.
“Well, I can think of a few prizes to give you, champ.” Harry said in a very suggestive tone, sliding both their slowly erecting members together as he spoke.
Feeling a build of anticipation bubble in his stomach (and this time he knew it was only anticipation in there and nothing else) Draco smirked back. “Well, I’m waiting Potter.”
Harry leaned down until both their faces were only an inch apart. “That’s soon-to-be Malfoy-Potter to you.”
Draco gave a happy guttural growl as he felt their lips touched. “Silly me, you’re absolutely right. You are definitely mine, soon-to-be Harry Malfoy-Potter.” He told the other possessively.
Both their lips tilted up as they smiled.
“And you’re mine too, soon-to-be Draco Malfoy-Potter.”
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Comfortable 12: A Whisper In Their Knickers
*👀 I’m back? Well, kinda. First off, doing SO much better now. I was looking back at this site and was shocked at exactly how long it was since I last posted any stories. Then I looked at my stock of writings and was like, I think I can finish Comfortable? So yeah, I think everyone deserves a proper ending to that story and I want to finish it (even if it’s not quite what I had originally planned). So yup, I’m back to at least finish my first scat story. There are about 4 more chapters that are written out already but need editing and an extra chapter afterwards, then it’ll be fine!
**Thank you for having patience with me. Thank you for those who checked up on my wellbeing over these years. I made various posts before this one that answers or acknowledge people’s asks that they’ve sent me (if you don’t see yours-if you even remembering sending it, then I probably thought that there’s hope for me to write it out one day).
***I am not taking ANY prompts/requests at this time. But I’m back cause I want to finish Comfortable. Now onto the long-awaited Chapter 12!
Harry moved his head from side to side, trying to work out the cricks in his neck that he had gotten from his short nap, as he walked towards the smell of spices wafting from the kitchen.
Spotting the camera that was sitting on the dining table, Harry picked it up before making his way towards the delicious smell.
Entering the room, he smiled when he saw his lover hovering over the stove, stirring a pot of what definitely smelled like a stew of some sort.
He quietly made his way towards the blond, trying not make any sound as to alert the other of his presence.
Bringing up the camera that he held in his hands, Harry waited until he got the perfect angle (Draco smiling as he brought the spoon up for a taste) and then pressed the button to capture the shot.
Draco jumped a little at the sudden shuttering noise that was accompanied by a quick flash.
Looking to his side, he calmed down when he saw that it was only Harry, who was grinning triumphantly as he lowered the camera.
“Oh, you’re up love. How was your nap?” Draco asked, smiling when Harry moved towards him for a short kiss in greeting.
“Mm…I feel refreshed. It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to just sleep in the middle of the day.” Harry yawned, placing the camera down while leaning against the counter, watching Draco add a sprinkle of chopped parsley into the pot.
Draco nodded, lowering down the heat a little to let the stew simmer for a bit. “I know what you mean. I myself dozed off for a while before your loud snoring woke me up again.” He teased lightly.
Harry blushed. “I’m sorry.”
Draco shook his head as he opened an arm towards his lover, smiling when Harry readily went into his embrace. “It’s alright. It was a good thing since it was near lunchtime already.”
Harry hummed as he took a closer look inside the pot. “What are you making, Draco?”
“It’s a kidney bean and prune stew. I saw the recipe online and decided to try it. I know you’ve been constipated for a while now Harry, so I was hoping this would help.” Draco explained.
Harry looked grateful as he leaned in to kiss Draco’s cheek. “That’s sweet of you, Dray. My stomach has been feeling off ever since the last Weasley’s Weekly Dinner.” He admitted.
Even though he should have known better, Harry had eaten a good portion of the banana bread that Pansy had baked.
Everyone knew that Pansy was equally as bad at baking as Hermione was at cooking.
The slytherin girl could cook basic meals (with the teachings from Molly whom she seeked guidance from), but for some reason, she just couldn’t get the science of baking down.
Pansy had looked sad when only George was brave enough to eat her baking attempt (not even Ron could get himself to take a bite of the disfigured, nearly-blackened, loaf).
Even her best friend Draco didn’t try her bread- but the blond had an understandable excuse since at that time he had been recovering from an upset stomach from a new Chinese place that he and Harry had tried the other night. So all Draco could stomach was the hot porridge that Molly had made for him, with some plain toast on the side.
So Harry- the softhearted person that he was- had taken his Gryffindor courage and braved through the baked good (though there was nothing ‘good’ about it).
He wasn’t sure how it was possible, but Harry found that the banana bread somehow tasted worse than how it looked it.
It was strangely bland- the taste of banana or even sugar for that matter was barely detectable in the small piece he had. And the bread was so dense that it felt like heavy bricks dropping into his stomach as he swallowed.
But Harry trudged on and miraculously managed to finished his entire slice.
His stomach felt uneasy after that but the happy expression on Pansy’s face and the grateful looks that Draco and George shot him were worth it.
And it was definitely worth it when Draco had rewarded his efforts later that night with a mind-blowing blowjob.
Unfortunately, there were consequences of that bread and Harry hadn’t been able to move his bowels since the dinner.
He was barely able to fart, and when he did, his anus would only open to let out a soft airy burst, barely giving any relief to his slowly growing belly that was quite bloated presently.
Draco gently massaged Harry’s stomach, frowning at how hard and full it was. “Hopefully this stew will help you go. It’s been strange not hearing your farts at night.” He playfully teased.
Harry nudged him back, sticking his tongue out. “Well it’s a shame that it’s been only you who has been stinking up our bedroom then.” He shot back.
They both laughed as Draco finished the stew and Harry went to set up the table.
Harry was barely able to finish his bowl of stew, only doing so when Draco encouraged him to eat more.
The stew was delicious- the spicy tomato sauce strangely complimented the meat, beans and prunes inside- but with how bloated he was feeling, Harry could barely eat much of anything these days.
After lunch, they headed back to the living room to relax and enjoy some telly.
The stew seemed to be working for only Draco though as the blond gave off a few noxious farts as they snuggled on the couch to watch a show that they both enjoyed.
Harry giggled as he heard every bubbly fart that rose from the other’s bum, Draco sending him a grin as his gas warmed the seat of the couch they sat on.
Harry then remembered their camera which he brought back from where he left it and their attention switched to finally organizing their pictures and videos that they had accumulated during their time together.
They both sat on the floor, telly still on, while they had numerous photos and some video disks spread out on the coffee table in front of them.
“Awww…I remember this one! This was during our last camping trip!” Harry picked up a photo and gave Draco an impish grin.
In fact, the photos and video disks that they were sorting through were actually very private and completely restricted to just the two of them- it was considered more secret than the restricted section at the Hogwart’s Library!
All stored in a magical compartment in an old boring-looking box that they kept in the hidden depths of their bedroom, sealed with old complicated magic that was only accessible to just the two of them, were photos and disks capturing their ‘sexual endeavors’.
When they first started dating, the two somehow had the idea of taking sexy shots or recording themselves while in the midst of sex.
And of course, a good amount of content showed the times when they indulged in their special ‘playing’.
All the evidence had magically gotten transported from their spelled camera straight to the box, with neither man seeing exactly what they had taken until now.
Draco blushed when Harry held up a picture of him squatting near the river, peeing into the water while also letting out a very long log of poop that was hanging from his bum.
“You wanker- when did you take this?” He snatched the photo to look at it closely.
Harry grinned as he shrugged. “I took a lot of candid shots during our camping trips.” After that first successful camping trip, the couple had gone on many more afterwards.
Draco placed the photo down and brought up another one. “Two can play at that game. I bet you’ve never seen this one yet.” He smugly held up.
Harry gawked at he saw a picture of himself trying to cover his bum that showed when he accidentally pooped his pants during that time they decided to do a Mexican dinner night.
He had been getting up from the couch as he wanted to get another helping of nachos from the kitchen.
Being gassy all night, Harry and Draco had been letting their farts fly left and right.
But unfortunately the wrong fart came out and somehow Draco managed to capture the moment Harry had sharted himself.
The magical picture which could move showed him trying to cover his bum as he turned from the kitchen to the loo instead, a large brown stain obvious on the seat of his pants.
“You git! This was so embarrassing!” Harry complained as he remembered the messy cleanup he had to do. The only good thing was that Draco had helped him too.
Draco grinned as he took the picture to admire it. “It was hot. I can still see the light spot on the couch from that incident that even now, still couldn’t quite be removed.” He laughed as he dodged the pillow that was aimed at him.
Looking through some of the videos this time, they both laughed at one that brought back fond memories.
It was about two years ago and they’ve been having a burping contest.
With a large bottle of coke and orange soda in their hands, the camera was placed on their dresser, filming themselves so they could see who could let out the best burps.
Harry had just finished letting out a quite impressive burp and was seen grinning at Draco for his turn.
Draco could be seen giving a few swallows, giving a saucy wink at Harry and the camera before he opened his mouth to let out what he thought would be the most mightiest belch yet.
Draco was shown letting out a slow belch that started off soft but quickly grew louder in volume as it built up in momentum before suddenly it paused.
With his mouth still open, the growing belch was suddenly cut off. Draco’s eyes widened.
The blond- who was sitting down on their bed with Harry- was suddenly seen shifting his bottom up to the side so his arse faced away from Harry and then another loud noise could be heard on camera.
A massive fart trumpeted out of Draco’s arse, sounding bubbly and very wet as it blasted out.
His bum was in perfect view of the camera and a small bulge could be seen popping out from Draco’s boxers that he only had on at the time. In the camera, Harry could be seen giggling.
When the fart ended, Draco’s face- that after the initial shock turned into a very relaxed expression as he let himself fart- changed as his eyebrows furrowed, feeling that something was wrong.
The blond reached down to feel his bum, his face turning to shock as he looked down and palmed the soft rounded mound sticking out of the seat of his pants.
Draco looked back up at Harry, his cheeks a very dark red. “I think I just messed myself.” Draco confessed straight out.
Harry’s jaw dropped as he quickly made Draco turn and looked at the poopy bulge himself.
Immediately, Harry bursted out in laughter, making Draco blush further and punch his shoulder.
“Shut up, Harry.” Draco muttered but he had a smile playing on his own lips as he watched the other laugh himself to a fit.
Harry was holding his stomach, laughing too much as he fell back on the bed.
Draco scooted off the bed, gingerly keeping his soiled bum from making contact on the mattress, and stood up. He could be seen crossing his arms across his chest, rolling his eyes at his laughing boyfriend.
And then Harry’s laughter was suddenly interrupted by an abrupt burp-
-which was quickly followed by a loud fart that just exploded out from nowhere.
Both men paused for a moment, staring at one another in shock, before their expressions melted as they both began laughing together.
As they sorted through the rest of their nsfw captures, they paused at two certain videos that had them both red as pepper imps.
One video was when Harry filmed the aftermath of when Draco first tried Harry’s sticky toffee pudding.
The blond had obviously overindulged on his beloved’s homemade dessert and Harry had captured the moment when they laid in bed, nude, while he rubbed Draco’s aching belly.
“Ohhh-uuurpppp! Hmm…ohhh…” Draco moaned in pain, his distended stomach sticking out towards Harry for his boyfriend to help rub it for him.
Harry chuckled as he continued to rub soothing circles. “I told you that we could have saved the rest for later.”
Draco groaned again before he let out a large belch. ��UURRRRRPPPP! Well, it’s your-uurrp fault for making something so sinfully delicious!”
Harry grinned as he watched his lover glare at him. “I think you’re the one who’s being sinful right now, Dray.” Draco shot Harry a look before a sly glint came to his eyes.
Reaching up to hold the hand rubbing his stomach, Draco opened his legs wide to his lover (and towards the camera) and said, “I’ll show you who’s being sinful.” He then pressed Harry’s hand down in his stomach and immediately a large belch came out.
Right after his belch, his pucker could be seen opening wide as a massive fart came out soon after.
On video, you could literally see the blond’s arsehole quivering with the force of his fart, the little blond hairs around the area also moving along as air rushed out.
Draco grinned as Harry’s own moan could be heard in response.
The rest of the video showed Draco belching and farting towards Harry (and the camera), while Draco sent sultry looks as he pushed out all his gas.
Towards the end, there was a part where the couple snogged on the bed relentlessly, and while the blond belched inside Harry’s mouth, Draco could be seen guiding Harry’s finger inside his moistened hole, having the other’s finger sucked in, practically being devoured as Draco continued to fart right on him.
The other video was during one of their previous Valentine’s Day.
Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the camera up and by the look of his bare legs and cock peeking into the bottom
of the frame, the blond was obviously naked.
In front of him was Harry, shyly looking at Draco (but avoiding looking directly at the camera) while he stood awkwardly in the getup that Draco had gotten him.
“You look gorgeous love.” Draco complimented him, making Harry’s cheeks pinken further.
Since their first Valentine’s Day together, the couple made it a tradition to try out a different kink every year.
This time, Draco had the idea that he wanted to see Harry crossdress at least once (he promised the other that it would be his turn to crossdress for Harry the next year).
Harry was wearing their old Hogwarts uniform, but the female version. Draco had asked Pansy if he could borrow hers (and of course the girl was thrilled and demanded all the juicy details about it later).
The uniform was transfigured a bit so it could fit Harry’s bigger and male frame, while the skirt was also shorten a few inches higher to show off his lover’s thick thighs that Draco loved so much.
Wearing black high heels to finish off the look, Draco almost came right then and there when he saw the entire look for the first time.
“Are you sure I don’t just look ridiculous?” Harry asked, embarrassed as he picked at the hem of the skirt.
The camera shook a bit as Draco shook his head. “Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous, baby. Now come here.” Draco crooned, beckoning his lover closer.
Harry smiled, feeling better after hearing the pure honesty in the other’s words, and walked carefully (he wasn’t used to wearing 4 inch heels) towards his lover.
Draco grabbed Harry’s tie and gently pulled the other down, grinning at his lover. “I always knew you looked better in green, my love.” He said, fingering the Slytherin tie between his fingers.
Harry smiled back as he rolled his eyes a little. “As you always say.” He was pulled into a slow but deep kiss, before they pulled away again.
“I actually have something that I also prepared for you.” Harry told him as he straightened up and grabbed Draco’s hand.
A inquisitive sound could be heard from Draco as he let the other pull him to the other side of the bed, letting the blond sit on the edge while Harry was about 1-2 feet away, back facing him as he held onto the dresser in front of him.
Harry turned his head around and for the first time grinned directly at the camera before shifting his eyes to his boyfriend. “Ready?”
Draco nodded as he watched Harry turn back around and bend over with his bum sticking right out.
Draco’s breath hitched when Harry reached one hand over and pulled up the skirt, showing him wearing a tight, emerald green string bikini underneath.
The fabric was tight across his bum, showing off his ample globes that made Draco want to sink his cock right between his lover’s cheeks.
Looking over his shoulder to shoot Draco a cheeky wink, Harry looked back ahead and clutched the top of the dresser before giving a loud grunt.
Draco was felt like he was being blown away by the enormous fart shot directly at him.
The fabric from the seat of the other’s underwear literally quivered from the sheer force of gas and Draco’s loud gasp could be heard when a crackling noise sounded as the back of Harry’s underwear began to tent, showing something beginning to poke out.
The video captured a good view of Harry brazenly taking a huge dump in his underwear, his arse exploding with gas as more poop pushed out, turning the once green knickers into a deep brown.
The room filled with the ripe stench of Harry’s bowel movement, but the acrid smell that hit Draco’s nostrils didn’t even faze the blond as his eyes stayed glued to the scene before him.
Harry loudly grunted and moaned as he pushed everything he had out of him, shaking his bum a few times to help move his poop out easier.
And Draco watched the whole spectacle, the camera filming his own low moans and pants as he watched his lover splendidly shit himself right in front of him.
After a few minutes, things started to tamper down, and Harry could be heard making a straining sound.
Harry pushed his arse out further and Draco literally choke out loud when a deafening fart blasted right out- the sheer strength and volume of it silencing everything around them.
Just as one would think nothing more could fit inside Harry’s underwear, the bikini pushed out further as even more poo filled the inside as Harry went more.
“Uhhhhh…ha, ha, hmmm….” Harry panted, letting out a long sigh as he emptied the rest of his bowels.
Straining one last time as he squeaked out a final fart, he was finally done.
Harry’s legs were bowed apart to accommodate the full bowel movement inside his underwear (which the tiny bikini miraculously managed to hold his enormous dump inside with just smears of brown staining his skin around the edges). He waddled a little as he turned around to face Draco.
Feeling a little embarrassed that the camera was still filming him, he focused only to his boyfriend and smiled widely. “Did you enjoy the show?” He playfully asked.
Draco was only able to make a small noise as he nodded fervently. It wasn’t everyday that his lover would boldly crap himself like that as he just had.
Draco was most definitely going to store this memory in a pensive vial for himself to enjoy over and over again! But first…
Harry yelped as Draco grabbed the side of his hips and pulled him hard towards him, making Harry hold onto the blond’s shoulders for balance.
“I need to see the inside. NOW.” Harry grinned as the tone in Draco’s demanding voice sent a delicious shiver down his spine.
Harry opened his legs wider as he beckoned his crotch to his lover. “Then why don’t you pull them down and see for yourself then.” Harry practically taunted him.
Draco’s growl could then be loudly heard as the blond grabbed onto the string of Harry’s bikini from the sides and proceeded to do just that.
Unfortunately, Draco lost hold of the camera and it had then fallen underneath the bed. So the rest of the video was only darkness, while the sounds of the bed creaking and moans from both men could be heard in the background.
Thankfully, they later kept a pensive vial of that fateful Valentine’s to always keep that pleasurable memory.
Draco and Harry exchanged grins as they filed that video away to enjoy again later.
“Maybe we should reenact that scene once more, don’t you think?” Draco wiggled his eyebrows at the other but frowned when Harry shook his head.
“I don’t think my body is in the mood right now. It’s hard to think of sex when I feel so uncomfortable.” Harry explained, his hand going to his bloated stomach.
Draco looked at him worriedly before something on the telly caught his eye. “Ah. That’s it! Harry look there.”
Harry looked at the screen that Draco pointed at and saw that it was playing a show of a women doing some stretches. “Yoga?” Harry asked unsurely.
Draco nodded. “I’ve read somewhere that yoga can help relieve constipation. The stretches will massage your digestive system, increase blood circulation and tone your digestive organs, increase metabolism and lessen stress of not being able to go, and help the toxins in your body to be eliminated. Do you want to try? I’ll do it together with you, of course.” Draco offered, rubbing his lover’s stomach soothingly.
Harry nodded in agreement. “That’s sound good to me. How do we start?”
They both moved their coffee table to the side as they laid on the floor in front of the telly.
Draco transfigured a few of their towels into yoga mats while Harry searched for yoga poses to relieve constipation on his computer.
They both removed their knickers so they were left in their shirts and briefs, making it easier for them to move around.
As the video played, the boy followed the women on screen as they started off with breathing exercises first.
Harry looked to Draco who blushed as a fart came out. “Excuse me. I guess it’s working already.” They both laughed as they continued with the video.
The first pose they did had them lying on their back, arms holding their knees up to their chest.
After a few minutes, they straightened one leg to lay flat onto he ground while they kept the other knee pulled towards their chest for the next pose.
“Oh, that feels good.” Draco sighed as another fart easily came out of him.
Harry tried to also give a push, but only sighed as his own rear end stay quiet.
For the next one, they sat upright and lay flat the other leg that they were holding, while hugging their other bended knee with their elbow and twisting their body gently, facing one another.
“Just breathe deeply, Harry.” Draco told him gently, feeling bad when he farted again but his lover was not able to relieve his own gas.
Harry nodded and gave a small smile when Draco reached over to give him a small kiss.
They laid back down, taking one of their knees to lie across their belly. Taking their hand to push the knee down, they looked the other way and took more deep breaths along with the lady from the video.
Draco could hear Harry strain behind him, but stayed quiet as he unfortunately didn’t hear any fart from the other.
Still lying down, they brought both legs druggy up above their head, both of them grinning as they realized how flexible the other was- that would be something to remember in the bedroom for later.
They soon stood up again and this time Draco went and helped Harry get into the pose.
Putting on feet in front of the other, Draco helped Harry bend down, twisting his body to one side while hand hand was touching the ground and the other faced up.
Standing behind his lover, Draco held one hip while he wrapped his other arm around Harry’s waist, hand flat in his stomach. “Alright, on the count of three, I wanted you to give a good push while I press down, okay?” He instructed.
Harry nodded and on three, he gave a good grunt, feeling his hole open as Draco pushed his belly firmly.
Harry sighed loudly as he finally felt a soft and airy fart come out, but both boys were still relieved that at least some gas was now coming out.
“Oh, it smells so bad. I’m sorry, Draco.” Harry wrinkled his nose at the downright putrid stink that hit the room. It was definitely the result of a couple a days of food festering inside of him.
Draco waved off his apology, giving him a fond look. “It doesn’t bother me, Harry. I’m just glad we finally got you to fart. Let’s try the next one.”
They continued with the exercises, which caused both men to relieve their gas with each new pose they did.
Harry was only able to let out a few more short farts, until eventually nothing more would come out.
Draco on the other hand, had farts coming out left and right, sounding wetter and wetter the more poses they did.
When they both got into a squatting position, suddenly a short and loud fart was heard followed by a gasp that made Harry turn to seeing Draco’s hand reaching in between him to hold his bum, his grey eyes wide.
“Oh no, I felt something almost come out just now. Ugh, sorry love but I need to go right now.” Draco apologized, again feeling bad that it was him that ended up being able to relieve themselves.
Harry shook his head as he started to get up. “It’s okay, Dray. But can I come with you- maybe watching you go will help me go too?”
Draco nodded and grabbed each other’s hand, Draco’s free hand still holding his bum, as they carefully made their way to the loo.
As soon as they made it to the toilet, Draco released Harry’s hand, quickly pulled his briefs down and planted his bottom right on the seat, sighing as a loud fart was heard echoing inside the toilet before the sounds of plopping was made right after.
Harry looked enviously as he watched his boyfriend poop with ease.
Hearing the other’s flatulence, Harry tried giving a few pushes himself but nothing came out as usual.
Draco sighed again as he released another log into the toilet before he looked down and grimaced at the brown skidmark in his briefs.
Removing his underwear, he thanked Harry who offered to put it in the sink where Harry soaked it in some soapy water to clean later.
As Draco finished and stuck his penis into the toilet to pee, Harry felt a tinge in his own bladder. “Is there room for me to pee too?” He asked, thankfully his bladder was at least still working.
“Of course! Hold on…” Draco quickly finished his own pee and then opened his thighs wide- nothing caring that the turds and stools of his poop that was floating around was displayed clearly for the other to see- and urged Harry to go in between his legs.
Harry lowered briefs and let out a strong stream, sighing as he got some relief, although he wished it was from the other end.
When he was done, he was about to pull on his underwear again before he paused and got a good look of Draco’s poop and the blond’s slightly erected prick before he got an idea.
Removing his entire briefs, Harry moved closer to Draco. “I want to make love with you.”
Draco raised an eyebrow as he looked up at Harry. “Now? Are you sure?” He looked worriedly as he knew how lover was still constipated and he didn’t want to make things worse.
Harry nodded as he began to straddle the other in the toilet. “Only a quick one though. I’m starting to feel horny and I suddenly thought that maybe you could fuck the crap out of me?” Harry suggested.
Draco gave a low growl at the other’s dirty words but agreed to his lover’s whims.
Making sure to cast a lubrication spell, Harry carefully reached down to hold Draco’s now fully erected member to his hole and guided it as Harry sat right down on it.
It took a bit longer than normal since Harry had to pause a few times as his face tightened, Draco rubbing his lower back as he could feel something definitely stuck up inside Harry’s bum.
Eventually, Draco was able to successfully get inside fully and after getting used to their connection, they began to move.
Harry was almost bouncing on top of Draco’s lap as Draco thrusted up, making sure to hit Harry’s sweet spot with every thrust.
It’s been a while since they’ve been intimate (since Harry hadn’t been in the mood due to his constipation) so it only took them a short time before they both came together.
Catching their breaths, they both breathed heavily as Harry flopped over Draco, the blond making sure to hold Harry up.
When Draco slipped out of Harry, Harry groaned loudly, but this sound was one of pain.
“Baby, are you okay?” Draco asked worriedly as he watched Harry holding his stomach.
“My belly is cramping all of a sudden.” Harry grimaced as he felt his hole open and close but nothing coming out except Draco’s release.
Draco tried to help soothe the other’s pain but it only helped alleviate the pain a little.
“Let me see something first.” Draco shifted Harry so the other sat on his lap, legs over the side. With one arm holding the other around his stomach, Draco urged Harry to bend over and when he did, Draco reached down to slip two lubricated fingers inside the his bum.
Draco made comforting sounds as Harry whimpered, the blond feeling around until his hit the hard stool that was tightly impacted inside.
Feeling the turd a bit, Draco removed his hand and made Harry face him. “You have something hard stuck inside of you and I don’t think it’s going to come out with you only pushing. I have idea though, if you’re willing?”
Harry nodded, swallowing as he felt his belly cramp up again. “Yeah. I trust you, Draco.”
Draco smiled, kissing Harry’s forehead. “Take off the rest of your clothes and wait for me in our bed. I want you to lie face up on the bed, alright?” Harry nodded and after exchanging one more kiss, left to do as Draco ordered.
Draco wiped himself up and gave the toilet a couple of flushes in order to get his entire load down.
Quickly cleaning his soiled briefs and hanging it to dry, Draco quickly checked their cabinet and cursed that they ran out of potions (he belatedly remembered that they both used up the last vials a few weeks ago when they had gotten sick).
Mentally reminding himself to brew more larger amount of potions later, Draco instead took some massaging oil and something else from the cabinet for something they could use if his current plan failed.
Walking inside the bedroom, Draco saw that Harry was lying on the bed, legs wide open, nude like he was told.
Putting aside the other item in his hand for later, Draco moved to the bed and laid a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek.
“How are you feeling?” Draco asked. He could see Harry’s anus opening and closing a few times before stopping.
“Uncomfortable.” Harry mumbled, feeling miserable that he was still unable to go.
Draco patted his back a few times before taking the jar he brought in. “I’m going to give you a massage and hopefully this will ease your bowels, okay?” He instructed, going to their dresser and pulling something from the lower drawer.
Harry nodded as lifted his bottom half up so Draco could insert a pad that was from Hermione; leftover from the time they had both gotten sick some time ago.
After making sure their bed would be protected from any mess, Draco opened the jar and used just the right amount of the oil that was lightly scented with ginger to loosen up Harry’s anus.
After he did that, he took more oil and began massage Harry’s stomach, pressing his palm with a gentle pressure and rubbing circles starting on the right side of Harry’s lower abdomen.
He continued administering the massage to all parts of Harry’s middle, and after a few minutes, he managed to ease a loud fart out of the other.
“Oh!” Harry exclaimed, feeling the burst of air loudly leave him.
Draco smiled as he continued to move his hands to the other side. “That’s a good sign. Just keep letting it all out, love.”
The massage was slowly working as Harry was began to let out more toots as time passed.
Draco had to pause me few times when Harry’s face twisted in pain, and only continued when Harry managed to let out another hard fart, easing the pain once more.
Draco reached one hand down and fingered inside of Harry again, noting that the stool that was stuck inside of Harry moved out a little.
“Harry, I want you to relax for now- I’m going to keep massaging you but at the same time, I’ll try to dig out some of the pieces that is stuck inside of you, alright?” Draco called out, wanting to lover to stop straining since it looked like it was aggravating his slightly swollen hole.
Harry nodded, feeling tired. “Nnhh…okay.” He breathed in and out and relaxed his body as he let his boyfriend finger him.
Draco managed to dig a few small hard pieces, leaving them on the pad as he tried to see if Harry could push out the rest.
“Nnghhhhh!” Harry would have almost knocked himself off the bed if Draco hadn’t been holding onto him. Draco held on tighter as he focused onto his lover’s bottom, another cramp tearing through the other.
When the cramp was over, Harry panted as Draco wiped some of the sweat off his face, combing his dark hair back with his clean but still oil covered hand.
Seeing how tired and in pain Harry was, Draco had no choice but to go for their final option. “Harry? Baby, open your eyes and listen to me.”
Harry breathed in and out before he slowly looked at Draco. “Since we ran out of potions and I’m afraid that you’re too impacted inside that casting an Excrementum Eructo is only going to cause more damage, our only other option is this.”
Harry twisted his head to look at what Draco was holding up. He furrowed eyebrows, giving Draco a questioning look.
“This is an enema kit. Remember Ms. Lucy? The nice older lady who owns that Muggle bakery we like to visit sometimes? I ran into her while I was picking up a few groceries and I noticed this thing in the health section of the store. I asked what it was and Ms. Lucy gladly explained it to me.”
Draco blushed as he recalled how that went. “The conversation was a bit embarrassing but I’m glad I ended up buying it then.” He didnt add that he had originally purchased it to have fun with Harry later on though.
Harry looked at the weird bag with tubes and other things inside. “What does it do?”
Draco began setting it up as he explained. “It’s supposed to be very effective in relieving your constipation. First, we fill this bag here with a water solution and clamp it down here to make sure to rid of any air inside- the air can cause you to cramp.
“Then I’ll insert this end of the tube inside of you and the solution will enter inside. When that’s done, you’ll lie here for about five minutes, although it can take up to an hour for the effects to kick in and then you’ll be able to go.”
Harry bit his lip as he looked to the bag, but he nodded his head, willing to do anything to relieve the pain and the bloated feeling he’s been suffering with for days.
When Draco finished preparing the bag and made sure no air was inside the bag or tube, he instructed Harry to lie on his left side and to pull his knees up.
“Alright, I’m going to insert this inside so I want you to bore down as if you’re going- if it starts to feel uncomfortable, let me know so we can take a break and try again, okay?” Draco told him, lubricating the tip of the tube.
“Okay.” Harry replied, bearing down as he felt Draco begin to insert the tube.
Thankfully, Harry’s body was used to larger objects than the tube (Draco’s dick) entering his bum, so he had no problem when it slipped right inside.
Harry made out a noise when he was suddenly filled with liquid all of a sudden, shaking his head when Draco asked if something was wrong.
When it was over, Harry stayed on his side, his arms around his middle as he felt all the liquid sloshing inside of him.
If he wasn’t feeling bloated before, he definitely felt completely full now!
“It feels weird.” Harry mumbled, staring out how big his belly looked- it looked like he swallowed a balloon.
Draco admired how Harry looked, secretly thinking that Harry would look good one day if he was able to be with child (their child) one day. “After every ten minutes, you can roll to the other side so that area can get the solution as well.”
When Harry agreed, Draco continued. “Okay, just hold it in for a few minutes- don’t let anything out so the solution can work it’s magic.” Draco warned him. Satisfied when Harry nodded, Draco left the room for a while to dispose of the equipment.
Harry stayed in that position for a while, feeling his stomach bubble as he and Draco talked about how he was feeling and hoping that this would work.
After about 30 minutes and rolling over two sides, Harry suddenly felt that urgent need to GO. “I think it’s working!”
Draco looked excited as he looked down to see Harry’s pucker quivering, some liquid already oozing out. “Shall we bring you to the loo then?”
Harry nodded as he got up, but the motion caused a harsh cramp to hit him, making him fall to the bed again. “Ughh…I can’t get up.”
Seeing his lover give him a panicked look as a bit of liquid shot out of his tightened hole, Draco immediately accioed a bedpan to
him (also something they’ve kept since the last time they were sick).
“Here. You can go in this and if anything spills over, we can clean it later. The bed is covered so there’s nothing to worry about.” Draco told him, placing the bedpan underneath Harry’s bum.
Harry breathed heavily as he tried to hold in everything that was desperately wanting to come out.
When the bedpan was secured, Draco nodded. “Alright, Harry. You can go n-“
Before Draco could even finish talking, Harry immediately pushed and everything finally erupted.
“Ahhhhhhh…” Harry let out a high noise, feeling the last few days of food and gas that had been trapped inside of his body shoot right out of him.
Draco rubbed Harry’s belly as he watched the other relive himself, seeing how the bedpan to fill up with a mixture of feces and solution.
“Nnghhh…Draco.” Harry cried out, feeling as if Excrementum Eructo, but twice as powerful- was casted on him.
“Shhh…it’s alright. I’m here.” Draco reassured him, making sure to let Harry know that he was right beside him.
Blorp! Blorp! Blllrrtttttttt….BRAPPPP! Prrrtt…
Continuous gas rolled out as Draco held Harry up as the other continued to move his bowels.
Eventually the torrent of poo and diarrhea died down, leaving only gas and a few nuggets in its wake.
Harry relaxed on the bed, signaling that he was done. He barely had enough strength to lift his bottom so Draco could place down the very full bedpan on the floor to be handled with later.
With windy farts still coming out, some a bit wet and a few stray pieces of excrement came out when Draco wiped him up.
Harry laid on the bed, completely buggered out and filled with blissful relief for the first time in a long time. “Hmmm…Dray?” He called out sleepily.
“Hm?” Draco looked at Harry, holding the other’s hand in his. He placed his other hand on the other’s stomach- which was finally back to its normal flatness.
Harry smiled sleepily, intertwining their fingers together. “I finally pooped.”
Draco chuckled as he nodded, taking a peek at the disaster bedpan at the foot of their bed. Oh well, thank Merlin for magic- he doubt their toilet would be able to handle all of that. “I know, Harry. Now go rest now because I know how tired and stressed out this whole ordeal was for you.”
Harry nodded, already closing his eyes to go to sleep. “Stay?” He yawned.
Draco kissed his forehead before nodding. “Let me just clean this place up first and then I’ll join you for a nap.”
The last thing Harry remembered was the feeling of something wet wiping his bottom before he slowly succumbed to sleep.
Harry woke up a few hours later, feeling more refreshed and well-rested than he had in days.
He pouted a bit when he realized that his bed was missing a certain blond man, but quickly realized when it looked like it was evening and his lover must have been preparing their dinner.
When he got up from the bed, Harry felt something weird underneath the shorts he wore and was surprised when he checked to see that he was wearing a nappy (they’ve also kept the strangely large number of nappies that Hermione has also given them the last time).
Waddling a bit- apparently he embarrassedly had used the nappy during his nap causing it to puff up a bit- Harry quickly went to the loo and cleaned up. He hesitatingly wore another clean nappy, knowing that his lover had put one on him in the first place for a reason.
Making his way downstairs, he was correct when he walked into the kitchen and saw Draco putting together their meal.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Draco looked behind him when he heard footsteps and smiled when Harry hugged him from the side. “How do you feel, love?”
“Much better. Thank you for helping me, Draco.” Harry told him, kissing the other sweetly.
“Always, Harry.” Draco kissed Harry back. “Anyway, I’m making something light for dinner- your body is still healing from its previous ordeal so we don’t want to overdue it. How does chicken and rice sound?”
Harry nodded. “Sounds good.”
Draco covered the pan as he placed it in the oven to bake. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m sure you noticed the nappy- I put it on to avoid any messes. You might experience a few ‘wet farts’ or ‘sharts’ for a few hours, but you should be fine tomorrow.” He assured.
Harry blushed as he nodded again. “No, it’s okay. I actually had to change into another one since I ended up going in the one you put on.” He confessed. Draco kissed him again, making sure the other knew that there was nothing to be ashamed of, before preparing the salad.
Harry watched for a few moments as Draco cut up a cucumber for the salad. Now that his mind and body was cleared, Harry suddenly remembered what he had wanted to do today.
They both paused as they were alerted of something touching their wards from outside.
“Oh, Draco. I’m sorry but can you check on that? I don’t really feel comfortable going out in this condition.” Harry sheepishly gestured to his shorts, specifically the nappy underneath.
Draco nodded and gave him one more kiss before putting down the cucumber and went to check.
Outside of the house, Draco checked the whole perimeter of their place to see what had alerted their wards.
Even after he casted various spells, nothing showed or indicated what could have possibly set their wards off.
Frowning to himself, Draco made sure to cast a few more spells himself- making sure to strengthen their already strong shields- before he was satisfied enough to go back inside.
When he went to open the door, Draco was surprised to find it locked. He knew he didn’t lock the door before he went out, but he chalked it up that it might have locked by accident.
Shrugging, he knocked on the door, absently thinking that they should really get a doorbell.
When the door opened, Draco walked in, eyes down at the knob to see if it had locked by itself, and closed the door behind him. “Hey Harry, I think we should buy a doorbell since knocking is…a bit…huh?”
Draco trailed off as he looked up and noticed Harry standing in front of him.
But what caught him off guard was the fact that his boyfriend was wearing a crisp white shirt with black slacks.
Harry even wore the dark green tie that was Draco’s favorite on him!
Harry smiled although Draco could tell that there was a nervous air surrounding his boyfriend.
“Hi.” Harry, looking sheepish as he said that.
Draco laughed, looking at his boyfriend’s outfit incredulously. “Hi. Um, what’s going on, love?” His mind quickly went through any possible occasions for that day. “It’s not our anniversary is it?” He asked, his smile dropping at the thought. “But wait our seventh anniversary isn’t for a few months…?”
Harry chuckled as he shook his head. “You’re right, and don’t worry- you didn’t forget anything. Today isn’t really special for anything- well, yet anyway. I’m hoping this date will be special for us in the future.”
Draco stopped thinking of their past milestones and dates and focused back on the nervous man in front of him. “Harry?” He asked, still wondering what was going on.
Harry took a deep breath before looking at Draco, the expression on his face- which was eerily similar to when he confronted that Dragon during their 4th year- making Draco suddenly nervous as well.
“Draco. I’m not good at words. I can’t really express my feelings well neither, so I’m just gonna start off with this. I love you.” Harry started.
Draco smiled, still on high alert wondering about what the bloody hell was going on. “I love you too, Harry.” He said slowly.
Harry beamed, making Draco calm down a bit at the positive reaction. “Great! I mean, I know we love each other, but it never hurts to hear it often.”
Taking another deep breath, Harry continued. “When I first opened the door here and saw you standing on my doorstep, I consider that our true first meeting. I’ve known since the day I invited- well, kind of forced- you to live here, I knew that I always want you by my side. Whether it be friends or lovers- but I’m glad we’re lovers. Sex- well, I consider it making love when I’m with you- but sex with you is really, really…good.” He finished lamely.
Draco couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I find it really good as well.” He teased, making Harry groan.
“No, I mean yes! Sex is brilliant but I…oh Merlin, I rehearsed this in my head so many times and why did I even bring up sex? You’re so much more to me than life itself, not just for sex.” Harry mourned, mentally kicking himself for his word vomit.
Draco smiled widely as he listened to Harry’s words. He walked towards his awkward lover and held the other’s hand in his own. “Harry, it’s only me. Draco. Your Draco, remember? Anything you have to tell me, feel free to just say it.” He told the other, no longer feeling as if Harry had bad news like breaking up or something.
Harry nodded his head and he brought Draco’s hand up to place a soft kiss on top before smiling as he let it go. “Right. You’re mine like I am yours. Plain and simple like that.”
Harry straightened up, looking with his lover with clear determined eyes, making Draco also straighten up as he waited for what Harry wanted to finally say.
And then Draco felt his heart stop when Harry got down on one knee.
Harry smiled as he looked up at Draco, seeing the blond staring down at him shell-shocked with his lovely grey eyes. “Like I said, I’m not good with flowery words like you, so I’m just gonna let my actions do the talking for me.”
He pulled out the small black box from his pocket and opened it up, smiling when he heard Draco gasp as he knew the other recognized the Malfoy family ring with a large emerald inside (thank you, Narcissa).
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, I love you. Will you marry me?” Harry finally proposed.
Draco was quiet for a moment, trying hard to keep back his tears, although his eyes watered just a bit.
Clearing his voice, Draco spoke. “I’ll say yes, but only on one condition.”
Harry was a little surprised since he had been confident that he would get an absolute yes from his boyfriend, but he quickly agreed. “Of course! Anything. What is it?”
Draco pulled out his wand and accioed a similarly small box that flew into his hand.
Getting down on one knee in front of a shocked Harry, Draco smiled as he opened the box, revealing a lovely ruby ring inside (thank you, Molly).
“If I say yes, then you better say yes as well. Harry, will you marry me?” Draco grinned as Harry burst out in tears, happy tears as he was grinning.
“You git! You give me an answer first since I asked first!” Harry laughed, shoving Draco in the shoulder.
They both laughed together as they took in the surreal moment.
When they calmed down, Draco held Harry’s hand as he finally answered. “Yes. I would love to marry you, Harry.”
Harry pulled him into a huge hug, not even minding that his stomach began to act up at the movement, making him mess himself a little. He was just too happy that his boyfriend said yes to his marriage proposal.
“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you too!” Harry shouted, also giving his answer to Draco. Draco laughed, standing up as he held Harry in his arms.
They snogged as they celebrated their Newley engaged status, holding one another as they beamed brightly in happiness.
“How long have you had that?” Draco asked, admiring the ring that Harry had placed on his finger.
“For about a year now- after she gave me her blessing, Narcissa gave me this ring to proposed to you.” Harry told him happily.
Draco smiled as he kissed him again. “I’ve had your ring for a little over a year- Molly helped me choose it out when I asked for her blessing since I know you’re basically a son to her. I was trying to find the right timing to propose to you, but it was never the right time.” He confessed.
Harry nodded. “I was so nervous that I couldn’t find the right timing. But then when Ron and Hermione got married, I knew I wanted to marry you soon and just randomly picked today as the day I would finally propose.”
Suddenly, another muffling sound could be heard from inside his pants, and Harry face reddened as there was most a distinct smell wafting through the air now. “I honestly didn’t plan for today to end up as it had, but I promised myself that I would propose to you today, no matter what.”
Draco grinned as Harry huffed, feeling himself involuntarily messed himself again. “And I definitely didn’t plan to wear a nappy while proposing to you. Nor did I plan on messing that nappy after you’ve said yes.” He grumbled, a pout on his face.
Draco chuckled as he brought Harry into his arms, enjoying the feel (and the very ripe smell) of his lover as he patted his blushing lover’s clothed bum where he could feel the puffed up nappy underneath. “That’s alright love. I think the way things turned out was perfect for us. And besides…”
Draco shifted his bum to the side and let an equally loud fart right out.
Draco sniffed, his musty stench mixing with Harry’s ripe one. “What we have is true love because you know what they say- Love is not having to hold your farts in anymore.”
Harry giggled as he also pushed another fart out loud, making them both share their laughter together.
“Then if the amount of our love is measured in gas, then…” Harry farted again, and this time is it obvious that more than gas had come out with that one. “I definitely love you alot- and then some!”
Draco only leaned down to kiss Harry right on the lips, making sure to intertwine their tongues as he deepened their snogging, once again thanking whatever gods out there for his second chance in life and love, with his new fiancé.
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Ginger Tea
*Someone wrote me a fic! Like I said in my previous post, I haven’t been looking at my asks box so I apologize if you wrote this long ago. 😣 And I know this couple isn’t your thing, but I REALLY loved your writing and appreciate this a lot.
Ginger Tea
(This takes place Post-War -- includes themes of depression)
It had started with a simple offer; a place to stay. Draco didn't have many options after the trial, and when he'd asked Harry bloody Potter for help, he'd meant to be snide, sarcastic. It wasn't his fault he'd been drunk on firewhisky and it came out as a pleading sob, "You're the Boy Who Lived, you're always helping someone or another in need, right? You saved the world... you can spare some time to save meagain, can't you?"
He never expected to wake up hungover in an unfamiliar bed, in an even less familiar room, in a hauntingly empty house.
He found Harry in the kitchen, hunched over a bowl of porridge. His eyes were far away, lined with dark shadows. "Welcome to Grimmauld Place, Malfoy. Feel free to stay as long as you please."
Draco didn't plan to stay longer than a minute, maybe an hour or day, at most. But it wasn't as though he had anywhere else to go.
Nevertheless, the longer he waited, the more uncomfortable he felt. He didn't feel at ease in the old Black house; Harry barely acknowledged his presence, simply wandering the halls like a ghost whenever he was home.
At times, Draco felt not unlike a mouse, trying his best not be underfoot and waiting painfully for the other shoe to drop. And after five days, Draco was starting to realize his nerves were causing another problem.
As he got out of bed that morning, he winced, a painful pressure in his lower gut. Rubbing his stomach in an attempt to sooth it, Draco could feel his belly straining against his taunt skin in a slight bloat.
His stomach gave an unhappy growl, and he let out a small puff of a fart.
"Can't you just go when I want you to?" Draco muttered to himself, standing up and trying to stretch.
Only for the movement to cause a shooting pain to race up his abdomen, and he stopped straight away.
He shuffled down to the kitchen in a bit of a foul mood. When he came in, he found Harry standing in front of the toaster in a daze. His toast had come up, but he was just standing there, staring at it. Not wanting to interrupt, Draco took a seat at the table, intending to read the Daily Prophet or something while Harry was brooding.
Draco felt his face go pink as his insides decided that moment to groan like a whale. Harry gave a start, turning around to look at him. He blinked.
"Sorry." Draco mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Harry turned back to his toast, finally pulling it out. He came over to the table, extending a piece towards Draco.
"No thanks, think I'll just have some tea. Heated any water yet?"
"No," Harry said, taking a bite of toast.
"Right, then, I'll put the kettle on." Draco leaned against the stove as he waited for the water to boil.
Keeping an eye on Harry, he searched though the tea reserves, which were pretty meager, for something that might settle his aching gut. Something with ginger would be best.
Except, most of what Harry had was plain, old black tea. Draco tried not to sigh. He was already feeling too self conscious to search the fridge for any ginger roots, especially if it turned out Harry didn't have any.
A returning pressure made him clench his buttocks. He waiting until the kettle was whistling loud enough to let out the hissing fart he was holding back.
Settling for just the hot water, Draco returned to the table, where Harry was reading the Prophet, having already finished eating.
Draco lightly drummed his fingers uncomfortably, searching for something to do while his water cooled. He kept shifting in his seat, his stomach making soft growls and rumbles of displeasure.
"You all right?" Harry said suddenly, glancing up at him from over the paper.
"Fine," Draco snapped.
"Alright, alright, just asking is all."
"Sorry," Draco apologized instinctively, feeling guilty for getting snippy with the man who was letting him stay in his home for free. Harry hummed, looking back at the paper.
Draco took a tentative sip of water, but flinched back when he found it still too hot.
All of a sudden, a rolling pain raced down his stomach, causing Draco to gasp, curling in on himself. Another cramp hit him and he squeezed his eyes shut.
"It's just us, Malfoy. You can let it out if it hurts."
Draco shot him a glare, eyes starting to prick from the hurt and shame.
"You know, if I had a Knut, for all the worst places this sort of thing had happened to me while we were on the run-"
"Let me guess, you'd be at least a Galeon richer than you already are? Well, bully for you Potter. I'm an Malfoy and we don't just... we don't... not in public."
"What public? I just said it's only the two of us."
"Well, we don't do it around company either!"
"Merlin's saggy tits, just-"
Harry didn't have to tell him what to do much longer, because Draco's body suddenly found a mind of its own.
PRTTTffffffff gruprrrrrrrg braaap brrrpoooooot~
Draco's face turned a brilliant shade of scarlet.
"Told you," said Harry.
Draco could practically hear the eye roll in his voice. But at the moment, he had bigger concerns.
What started out as a loud, dry fart had ended quite wetly, and with a little more than he'd bargained for.
The seat of his underwear were moist from the gas, however, a bit of something else was sticking to his bum. And he had an inkling as to what it was, because more was begging to come out and join it.
A second, wet, spluttering fart made his new predicament more certain.
"D'you know where-"
"I know where the loo is, thank you," Draco snarled through gritted teeth, resting his forehead on the table.
Harry peered at him over his paper again.
"You need help getting there or-?"
"No!" Draco said, only for his belly to disagree with that statement.
Grrrwwwwwrrrgh, his stomach rumbled. Draco clenched harder.
"C'mon then, up you go."
Harry helped him to his feet and supported him up the stairs and down the hall, with Draco needing to stop every couple steps just to reassure himself he was in control.
Finally, they reached the bathroom. Draco would've breathed a sigh of relief if he wasn't so sure it would make him let loose right there.
No longer caring that Harry was seeing him at his worst, Draco stumbled over to the toilet bowl, pulling up his robes and dropping his soiled underwear. The second his buttocks touched the white porcelain, a dry brrrrt escaped him.
Then, for a moment, nothing happened. It was like all that buildup was for naught. His insides bubbled and grumbled fretfully.
A cramp the. pierced his belly button. Draco gasped.
A stream of diarrhea gushed out of him, splattering into the bowl.
Harry winced sympathetically as Draco whimpered. His arms and legs felt weak and shaky, and all he could do was sit there as his tummy worked itself out.
"Nghhhhh..." he moaned.
Bursts of diarrhea kept shooting out of him, interrupted by the occasional squeaky or greasy fart.
"Er, think I've got some ginger in my potions supplies," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm going to make some more tea and toast. You can come back down when you're done." Draco grunted in acknowledgement.
Face red and shiny with sweat, Draco groaned and panted as his gut struggled through this agonizing trial. It was minutes before his liquid poo became semi-solid.
Another whale call erupted from him, making his whole stomach quake, and Draco knew he was as done as he could be, for now. He wiped his sore bumhole, one more little brrpoot escaping him, and went to wash his hands.
After stopping by his room for a change of underwear, Draco made his way back downstairs; the complete shame of what he'd done in front of Harry outweighing the still present tenderness of his tummy.
When he reached the kitchen, he found Harry reinvested in the Daily Prophet. A plate of toast and a new cup of tea was waiting for him at the table.
"Thanks," he mumbled. "You didn't have to."
"No," Harry said, without looking up. "But I'm the Boy Who Lived, aren't I? Suppose this is the least I could do."
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Crap, only saw this now. Sorry- I’ve been avoiding looking at my asks box because it gave me anxiety at all the requests people send me.
Didn’t put your name here but left the link to your story so others can read it too!
I’ll read this story later and comment on your AO3. But I’m sure it ended up great!
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I had an idea for a prompt:
Draco loves to fart. He farts while playing quidditch, while doing homework sitting at his desk, while cuddling, while in class in a sneakily way, accidentally, ect. And this has Harry enamored. Draco's farts are the kind that sound cute – they usually come out in long, soft rumbles or consecutively, one after the other, barely making a sound. And also, he finds the smell absolutely endearing. They don't stink horribly but they do have a strange smell that drives Harry absolutely crazy. One day, Harry is lying with his face resting on Draco's butt while Draco is reading face down on his bed. Then, without warning, Draco lets out a small fart right in Harry's face. Then Harry, not knowing how to react and blushing violently, hides his face in one of Draco's buttocks. Draco meanwhile, totally unaware of how Harry is feeling, mocks him for not moving away. But when he didn't receive any response from him, he decides to turn around and raise his face to Harry, thus discovering his flushed face and therefore his fetish. Amused by the situation and wanting to tease him a little more, Draco lets out a series of farts, which sound just as cute as the last one and smell in that distinctive way that Harry loves. Touched by the situation, he asks him if he would like him to sit on his face, to which Harry, at first hesitant, accepts. He makes him lie on his back, and Draco immediately positions himself on top of him in the 69 position, with his butt on his face and his hole brushing and wiggling on his nose playfully. Without leaving aside the reading, he proceeds to fart more while Harry smells his farts or even allows them inside his oral cavity, causing his boyfriend to laugh at his boldness.
Sorry if there's any grammar mistake. English is not my first language.
I’ve made a couple posts before that face-farting isn’t really my thing, but this prompt is cute. I don’t think I’ll ever write this specific prompt, but I wanted to acknowledge that I did like this, anon. ☺️
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I SWEAR I’ve written stories with these topics already. I’m not gonna search my hundreds of stories to pinpoint them so please search this site yourself. And I don’t want to write something twice.
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This is the second half of prompts I’ll probably never write out. Sorry again anons.
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Hello, these are prompts sent to me over the years (ugh, YEARS) that I probably won’t ever write out. But I wanted to acknowledge them, so here they are. I’m really sorry anons.
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Can you make more fart stories about Draco and Harry
You’ll see.
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I hope you’re doing better mentally, mate. Just found your site but I just wanted to say this.
I love how caring my readers are- thank you!
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Hi are you still active here? I've read your Haikyuu works and would love to see more!
Sorry, I don’t write anymore Haikyuu fics at this time.
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