#i will like the most unhinged and terrible villain out there
zorosnavigator · 9 months
People really going mad that some folks like Snow. but my brother in christ, I love Tom Riddle. The manipulative snake ass murderer from HP who will become the ugly snake ass face murderer Voldemort. Dark Vader, the literal genocidal mass murderer of not just the men, but the women and the children too. So at this point i do not care. I cant sink lower than that. (I can ).
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tavyliasin · 9 months
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours
Good timezone, darlings~ Are you ready to get all up in your feelings? No? Me neither, loves, but here we are regardless so the words are going to flow as they usually do... This is focused on Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3 and his fandom, but the latter section can easily apply to any villain fandom.
Self-Analysis of Devil-Fuckery, Or Why Do I Adore Raphael When He Is Very Obviously Evil: A Short Essay by TavyliaSin (Who Still Cannot Name Anything With Less Than A Full Paragraph) ((NSFW)) (((Game Spoilers)))
The following may discuss heavier topics, but without specifics, so whilst it should be safe for most to read without triggering any difficult memories please be aware of Raphael's entire vibes, the content and context of his story, and I'd also like to mention that this isn't a "woe be us for we are terrible people" piece, it's actually more about:
"There is an inherent kindness and warmth to much of the Raphael fandom, and I think there could be some common threads behind that, pulling us all in closer in a comforting blanket that we wrap around each other to keep out the cold of the world."
So, what in the nine hells am I on about? Well. Raphael-fandom is a wild and wonderful place to be. The rest is in sections, so feel free to skip through to what you feel is relevant to your interests. I am so prone to waffle I should open a restaurant~
Who Are Fans Of Raphael? What Do They Want?
We are feral, unhinged, all sheets to the wind "I want that devil man, carnally, and there is no force in all the planes that could stop me". There's the vanilla to the extreme and every level in between, tops, bottoms, versatiles, Doms, subs, and switches - there are a whole lot of people who would love to get their hands on either (or both) of Raphael's forms, for a simple smooch or something far more spicy~ [edited in] To add on to this, not all of us even desire him in a sexual way, for many it is romantic, soft, or even just the rather pleasant thought of spending an evening with drinks by the hellfire because he would be fascinating company. Aces, Aros, and AroAces may all find themselves well within the devilish corners of fandom too~ which is a whole other essay~ [end edit] So, I see you. I'm one of you. Extremely loud and utterly hingeless in my fan appreciation for Raphael. He's one of my favourites to write about, I seek art of him, and the same goes for his mirrored other half, Haarlep, who I arguably love more despite there being far less content of them in the game.
And the Fandom? The Vibe?
From my experience in the Raphael Fandom areas, we have a very deep and abiding understanding of consent, respect, and treating each other with an absolute and uncompromising kindness. We've had talks about keeping each other safe in fandom, exchanged details of people we have encountered who need to be avoided, even shared details between moderators of different fandom servers to pre-ban people proven to be creeps and/or art thieves. We've also discussed consent, including the issues with it in the game, and how areas of the story can only really be considered dubious at best and could easily be triggering for people. And these discussions have been open, honest, fair, and with the acknowledgement that most of us love these scenes anyway. So there's a sense of care that runs through everything, behind the horny-posting and fan content, behind the endless thirsting after our favourite fictional characters. We have a depth of kindness that warms my sinners soul every time I see it.
What Does This Have To Do With Self-Reflection, Raphael, or Villainy In General?
Well let's look at Raphael. He's a villain, obviously. He's manipulative, devious, and inherently evil by his very nature. He keeps Hope chained in his basement, constantly subjected to endless torture. There's also mention of how Gortash was sold into his service at a young age, clearly not an enjoyable experience given the other details and how things turn out (particularly as Raphael would need Gortash's own plans to fail entirely in order for him to succeed in his own and get that crown). And as fans, we accept that. We don't sit making excuses, or trying to say "well actually Gortash is a little shit and Hope probably deserve it", and we don't shy away from or conveniently ignore those darker sides of him with malicious intent to enable more evil to flourish. What I noticed, when I allowed the thoughts to continue, is that there is a theme here.
If Evil Can Be Loved Then So Can I
That's the core. Of course, darlings, I am not claiming to be a heinous monster. I certainly do not have a laundry list of crimes that would make the devil himself say "Uh, that's a bit much." But I sure as fuck treat myself like I do sometimes. You see, I think a lot of us have that tendency, to judge ourselves far more harshly than anyone else. Our patience, understanding, and forgiveness for others runs deeper than the Mariana Trench, but when it comes to our own flaws? One minor mistake and we think ourselves to be the worst beings ever to disgrace the earth. Thus, the villainy we see reflects how we are treating ourselves. So by loving and accepting all of those things that should be terrible, hated, we are actually learning that no matter how poorly we think of ourselves that we can be worthy of that same love and acceptance. We are extending the affection we are unable to show ourselves to someone we see the worst parts of ourselves amplified within. And that's why villains attract the people with the most kindness. The most forgiveness. Because it takes someone with a truly huge amount of empathy to find love for the embodiment of evil.
Or, IDK, maybe villains are just hot and we're too far down to care.
But wait, before you go!
All of this is about FICTION. We should never be accepting of the kinds of evil we see in the game irl. We do not owe anyone kindness if they do not show it to us.
What is hot in fiction is not always OK IRL.
Look after yourselves out there, remember that consent is key in all things, and please do try to learn to love yourselves, darlings, you are worthy of it and you should judge yourself by the same standard you judge others. If you are in doubt, if you are worried, if you feel afraid - reach out, talk to someone. There are many who will listen.
Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. You deserve that much.
Oh, and all Raphael fans who understand kindness are welcome around me, any hour of the day, I adore our little fandom circles and would gladly collect all of us together. I'm following a lot of you as soon as I find you, like hunting shiny pokemon~
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See you in Avernus, my darling Little Mice, may we all find joy in the Cambion's Embrace~
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A slightly unhinged ramble-rant on Chairman Rose and how people are missing the entire point of SWSH.
Like, I keep seeing it pop up--like a fucking rank smell you only detect if you’re in a certain place when the wind is blowing in the certain direction--but man does it not bewilder me. Like, these guys who post tags like ‘Chairman Rose is a bad guy but is not a BAD guy’ or ‘I kind of agreed with Chairman Rose’ are just. Are you high?? Did you entirely miss the point of his character?? Did you completely miss the main plot of SWSH?
I’m going to be talking about some heavy shit (including non-sexual child grooming and non-sexual child predation), so I’m gonna put the rest under a read more, let me just say that the theme of SWSH is the relationship between adults and children on their Pokemon journeys, the responsibilities adults have towards children, and what happens when that relationship is abused.
First off, before I get some know-it-all coming at me about how there’s no evidence that Rose is a child predator or a groomer, let me just say there is. Is he a Chris Hansen ‘take a seat for me’ groomer?? No, he’s not, because child grooming is not purely a sexual thing.
Per a very informative article:
“Grooming can be sexual, romantic, financial or for criminal or terrorism purposes, and can target both children and adults. The common aspect is that a perpetrator manipulates a victim by building trust and rapport. The key to grooming is a power dynamic within the relationship: age, gender, physical strength, economic status or another factor.”
Now, with that out of the way, I’m not going to go into shit that’s super obvious to anyone with eyes, but Rose is a serial child groomer. Like, his most obvious victim is Leon, and it’s really wild that people can’t see it?? Like, Leon obviously comes from a fucked-up home situation with a mother who’s absent and neglectful at best (and the people who don’t seem to realize this REALLY confuse me). Like, he has canonically raised his little brother in a house with three adults that could have done the job for him, and the anime literally stated that he was so busy raising Hop and taking care of household chores that he could barely interact with other kids. He was endorsed by Chairman Rose at an age that is implied to be at least two years younger than the average Gym Challenger, and--per the sub of the PokeAni--Rose literally raised him from the moment he became Champion.
(Where was Leon and Hop’s mother during this, you ask? Obviously being terrible at home, since despite Leon being run ragged for all of his life and rarely being home, he still somehow raised his little brother. Let that sink in.)
So Leon has spent his entire life being moulded into Rose’s delusion of the Hero of Galar for the sole purpose of sacrificing himself to defeat Eternatus to stave off an energy crisis that will happen in a millennium and probably would be averted with solar power. THE SUB IN THE POKEANI LITEARLLY HAS ROSE TELLING LEON THAT HE HAS GROOMED HIM FOR THE EXACT PURPOSE OF TAMING ETERNATUS. I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP. I WILL PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS IF ASKED.
Does he know Leon may likely fucking die in the attempt? He sure does, because he’s already started to work on grooming Leon’s replacements! In the game, Bede is a trainer who came from a neglectful home situation who was noticed by the Chairman and given his endorsement for the Gym Challenge wait hold on that sounds really familiar.
Really, REALLY familiar.
Rose’s ploy with taking away Bede’s gym challenger endorsement after Bede literally did what he asked him to was a clear manipulation tactic, and if it hadn’t been for Opal intervening (and she ABSOLUTELY has Rose’s number and you can’t convince me otherwise), the tactic likely would have worked, because Bede would have done anything to get his endorsement back.
(Also Oleana is absolutely the fall girl set up to look like an obstructive villain while Rose can maintain his veneer of innocence. That’s a topic for another day tho.)
AND THEN. in the anime, he flat out tries to do this with Ash. AND IN THE GAME, HE TRIES TO DO THIS WITH THE MC, LIKE BEDE IS HIS PLAN B AND THE PC IS HIS PLAN C. However, the only child Rose has regular chances to interact with who DOES NOT get the manipulation treatment is Hop. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Chairman always tries to pull shit with you when Hop isn’t around, and the two times he DOES interact with Hop are at the very end of the game where Leon’s been forced into trying to stop the apocalypse and after the Opening Ceremony.
What’s different about the Opening Ceremony, though? LEON IS STANDING RIGHT OVER ROSE’S SHOULDER SMILING STEPFORDLY. Which brings me to my next point: why Rose pulls his end game bullshit.
Leon is now in his early 20s, so he has obviously started to ask for his own agency and say no to things. He has also obviously realized that he does NOT want Rose around his brother, which is why he is fucking looming over Rose’s shoulder when he meets Hop and why Rose almost seems to deliberately avoid Hop for the rest of the game. Rose knows that if he so much as messes with Hop, Leon is going to absolutely turn on him, and he’s already become obstinate enough to be a problem. Rose is losing control of Leon, which is why he’s grooming his potential replacements.
It’s also why Rose LITERALLY HOLDS LEON HOSTAGE IN A TOWER. Like, I am amazed that people haven’t seemed to realize that Hop and the MC were ABSOLUTELY rescuing Leon from a hostage situation. Leon had been on top of the tower with Rose for HOURS at that point, and given Oleana’s personal fucking army and how much Leon clearly did not want to be up there, it’s obvious that there wasn’t a way he could easily extricate himself from the situation. What you do hear from his meeting with Rose sounds a lot like a guy trying to say no while also trying to de-escalate a volatile situation: almost like a victim to their abuser oh wait.
(Oleana also says that the reason she wants to defeat you and Hop is to break Leon’s spirit so he won’t have the strength to say no to the Chairman anymore. Like, that’s literally in game. It’s dialogue.)
So yeah. You’re rescuing a prince from a tower who’s being held hostage by an evil king trying to use the prince’s special power for nefarious purposes. This game is full of fairy tale metaphors. Like, a ton.
When you and Hop show up, you basically force Rose to let Leon go so as to not look like a complete fucking monster or cause a scandal, and Leon basically very politely tells Rose to ‘fuck off’ when he leaves.
So Rose--this narcissistic, megalomaniacal child groomer, who’s basically been shut down by the lynch pin of his plan--does the absolute most rational thing and RELEASES THE APOCALYPSE DEMON OUT OF SPITE. He literally says on a screen in front of Galar that oh no, his releasing Eternatus and causing the Second Darkest Day is actually all LEON’S fault for being so unreasonable and unrealistic. It’s manipulation. It’s emotional abuse. It’s Rose punishing his victim for saying no. It’s Rose throwing a tantrum because Leon told him to wait another week before doing something about something that would happen in a millennium.
Bede made a fool of Rose doing exactly what Rose and Oleana wanted him to do, so he punished him. Leon said no, so he punished him, and punished all of Galar while he was at it. He’s not doing shit for the good of Galar. He’s doing it for himself.
See, the game’s story exists to debate the relationship between adults and children in the Pokemon world. For generation after generation of games, children as young as ten have gone out in the big wide world with nothing but their starter and a Pokedex, and the adults they have met have never had any poor intentions towards them specifically. Yes, there’s all the evil teams and blah blah blah, but they weren’t targeting you, the child MC. You were just caught up in their messes. SWSH is the first game to show that no, there are adults who will try to take advantage of you because you are a child, and there are good adults who will try to protect you.
Opal protects Bede. Leon protects you and Hop. Leon has obviously gotten old enough to realize that what Rose did to him was wrong, and he tries so fucking hard through the whole game to protect you and his little brother from his boss’s machinations and all the bad shit happening in the world. I know people bitch about being ‘railroaded’ and not allowed to participate in the ‘plot’ until the end, but that’s the point. The good adults are trying to protect the children from the bad adults trying to harm them, and the children intervene only when the adults die trying to save them. Children should be allowed to adventures and have fun, but they should also be protected and shielded from shit that can harm them and shit they’re not old enough to understand, and this game--for better or for worse--is trying to strike that balance.
One last, very important thing. Leon’s life had been micromanaged and controlled from the moment he became Champion by Chairman Rose. He had to become all things to Galar--its fucking policeman, it’s regional hero, it’s unbeatable symbol of perfection, it’s hero, and--almost--its messiah--and when the MC becomes a Champion? He doesn’t hesitate to become Chairman, and he tells you--the new Champion--that your job is to explore and have fun. He doesn’t ask you to do sponsorship deals. He lets you do matches and tournaments at your own leisure. He calls you politely to ask if you want to do the Galarian Star Tournament. He doesn’t even know your PHONE NUMBER and I think about that a lot.
The game is about the responsibilities adults have towards children. It’s about how you don’t have to be the main character to be the hero. It’s about how you can’t and shouldn’t do everything alone. It’s about how child predation and abuse don’t have to be obvious or ‘traditional’ to be real and a threat. Finally, as Leon demonstrates so poignantly, it’s about breaking the cycle of abuse.
And THAT’S why SWSH is one of the best stories--if not THE best--that the Pokegames have ever told, regardless of its faults and the National Dex and a berry tree looking a little weird.
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the-copycat-hero · 6 days
Villain Monoma: thoughts?
what do you think he'd be like? how do you think he became a villain? or just generally, any thoughts on Villain Monoma? 👁️
initial thoughts: YOOOOOOOO
longer thoughts: tbh as it stands in canon i could never see Monoma becoming a villain because of just how determined he has been to stand out as a hero - and also because he is a Kind Boy who i can't imagine would ever be willing to harm innocent people. that said, there are a few AUs where i could see him fighting for the other side, and i think that the general concept is SICK AS HELL.
(going to put the rest of this under a read more because as i am typing this i can already tell that this is gonna be a long one)
Option #1 - Classic Case of Kidnapping: an AU where All-for-One isn't a massive dumbass and realizes that acquiring a kid who can literally copy quirks like a smaller, less lethal version of himself would be a Very Good Idea. he yoinks small child Monoma soon after his quirk manifests and raises him like he did Tomura. not really my favorite AU though, since Monoma would likely be a very different person were he raised to hate hero society from the start.
Option #2 - Siblings (Doomed by the Narrative): Monoma and Toga are related, and he defects to the villain's side because he cares about her and is stupidly loyal to those that he cares about. the problem is that he also cares about his friends at UA, so he generally has a terrible time of it all. (this is basically the plot of Blood the Color of Pomegranates).
Option #3 (my favorite) - the League of Villains Adopts Another Child: kind of like option #1, except someone else from the league (maybe Compress?) takes Monoma in after some traumatic event in his life and treats him better than his biological family ever did. i may actually make a separate post about this AU (or at least a similar one) because the idea haunts and vexes me.
it really depends on the circumstances that lead to him becoming a villain, but in any AU i'd write, i think he'd behave a lot like he does in canon. just like... 20% more unhinged.
very loud and dramatic at his baseline, but occasionally drops a line that is so serious and borderline heartbreaking that it gives pause to whomever he is fighting. ("Surely, you've felt that way before... how the hopes and dreams of childhood now grow heavy as burdens. It's as if we are cursed." WHAT KIND OF HIGH SCHOOLER SAYS SHIT LIKE THIS? WHO HURT YOU???)
loves monologuing, but is incredibly smart about it; he never gives away any information that could help the heroes, but he does occasionally drop misleading clues / red herrings that they inevitably waste their time pursuing.
fantastic strategist. sometimes, he'll copy a hero's quirk just so that he can study it and figure out its weaknesses.
still provokes his opponent during fights, but he gets even more personal with it somehow. he reads the heroes to filth, and unlike in canon, he genuinely means every word that he says.
i like the idea that Monoma can use a diluted form of someone else's quirk as long as he has access to their hair, so as a villain, i could see him cutting a chunk of hair off of anyone that he's downed.
incredibly OP and lowkey terrifying because he has access to the most busted quirks ever. imagine how nightmarish it would be to have two Shigarakis on your ass. TWO ALL-FOR-ONES. (Monoma steals quirks and then they disappear with his copy of AFO.) the heroes are so cooked it is not even funny.
would not endorse targeting young kids, even as a villain. if there is a little kid in the vicinity of a fight he's involved in, he WILL relocate. (it's easy with Kurogiri's quirk at his disposal).
wanted to be a hero at some point, and sometimes wishes that things could be different. but once he's found his place in the league, he'd be far too attached to ever consider abandoning them.
stopping here but i will be plotting
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mixelation · 2 months
fmk: tobito, itachi, sasori
for the sleepover ask meme
so, i think marrying sasori means you get turned into a puppet, unless you also get a 200k+ word slowburn for him to change his mind slightly. i do not have the ego to think i would get this. i think i've picked him for the fuck option before because i think you could survive it, and also what the fuck would THAT be like? but he's really a "least bad of several terrible options" pick. i think he would be mean about it and make unhinged comments about his partner's appearance. so, kill sasori.
i think any sort of prolonged relationship with itchi will make him act unhinged and deeply controlling about his partner. itachi is unlikely to harm you in short term interaction and will likely even be polite, but in a long-term relationship he might grow to like you so much he just ruins your entire life for your own good. so marrying itachi is out, but fucking him seems safe. would be it good? doubtful. but it would be better than fucking sasori or tobito
i think fucking tobi would be the most ANNOYING experience of all time. you take off your shirt and he goes "wooo~ooow" and claps his hands like a sea lion. stfu, tobi
so somehow we are left with marrying tobito. he MIGHT ruin your life a la itachi, but i feel like it's less of an inevitability, because he might just forget about you for a few months while he goes off to harass a teenager. you will have to listen to a few wild villain speeches, but at least tobito knows how to have fun.
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where-the-water-flows · 3 months
character asks—hit me up with your hottest jiao liqiao takes
JIAO LIQIAO my best beloved nightmare failgirlboss. she cannot malewife for very long but by god can she manipulate and murder.
favorite thing about them honestly I love that she has a goal and she fucking goes for it, zero hesitation. is it a good, reasonable goal? well no. she would have been better finding someone to fixate on who was not somewhere on the utterly asexual to entirely homosexual spectrum, but y'know, can't win them all. A+ dedication, F- execution.
least favorite thing about them the laugh the laugh I know it is like, the most standard trope signifier thing but the high pitched ahHAHEHEHA laugh is always so jarring in a 'pulls me right out of the narrative' kind of way, I know it is petty but also oh my god please. please you sound like a second rate cartoon villain. please. On a more character less shallow note, bestie babygirl please stop playing with your food. it literally never works out for you, for the love of god. please learn your lesson after the eighth time it bites you in the ass. (also like on the one hand, I would love for her to not have a plot centered around how she is deeply unhinged for/about a man. but on the otherhand, like, idk, I think she's fun. terrible awful etc, but also, she's putting the fun in extremely dysfunctional <3)
favorite line look I love so much every unhinged word out of her mouth, especially the argument she has with snow master when he's like 'girl that man is gay/ace the magic incense amnesia did not make him suddenly not gay/ace he is Manipulating You' and she is like 'lalalala not listening he loves me also we both know that man can't/won't lie to save his life, also also if he is lying I'll mutilate him and keep him like a purse pet <3 but he's not lying. because he loves me.' I recognise that is not a line but like. you know what I mean.
brOTP uhhh I don't really know that she... has... bros. like I guess granny blood (rip), who is basically always full 'yes girl get your man he will def love you this time' in the manner of someone who knows that her friend is lusting after a guy who is 1)not ever going to be interested even if he wasn't 2)very gay/ace and is 3)probably mid at best in bed no matter how much her friend is like SEX GOD. like the most 'yeah girl go get your man!!!! (why that man though have you considered any other man literally there are so many other men) oh no, def the red lipstick, he'll love you in that (but why him for the love of god just buy a vibrator)' that said, I do think the wildly divergent au where li xiangyi ends up 1)aware of nanyin bloodline like. Early On 2) jinyuan alliance aligned, he and his cousin jiao liqiao would be a hilarious pair of nightmares. absolutely ends in disaster for everyone, including them and definitely including di feisheng, I have an entire stupid au vaguely plotted out about this, it is purely nonsense. compels me though.
OTP no<3 that said, like, obviously I do not want the boys to be mmmmm torture mutilated noncon wifed as the otp of my heart, but also, I think jiao liqiao deserves a harem of moderately to severely brainwashed/mutilated/etc malewives! as a treat! god forbid women do anything. I contain multitudes, the dirty joke here is left as an exercise for the reader.
nOTP shan gudao. I just. I think it would be a mess, and not even a fun one. like as an actual relationship I mean, not proxy fighting spy vs spy manipulation But With Sex kinda bullshit, that's fine and fun, but they are not romantically compatible except as a triad where the third part of it is the idea of the man they are individually personally psycho/sexually obsessed with. which I guess makes it like. a weird poly U, with two theoretical ends. weird poly u with them mostly egging each other on in their dysfunction, 100% fine, any sort of Actual Healthy Relationship, no. also, therapy. I think therapy would only make her worse, but on the off chance it did not, I don't want that for her. she's a nightmare! again, god forbid a woman do anything.
random headcanon she was literally never expected to take the throne, nor expected to be the primary way that her particular fork of the nanyin royal line passed down. which means she likely has at least one sister and probably a brother. I don't know if this is backed up or contradicted by canon, but also, she was raised knowing she was nanyin royalty (??) but also was allowed to just fuck off into the jianghu at age [mlc timeline is nonsensical]. like if that is your single heir of the bloodline you have been carefully keeping alive and aware of how they were The True Imperial Family, you are not letting said heir go out and get their ass killed playing with swords. therefore. youngest child jiao liqiao. no further questions, you know in your heart I'm right. less world logistics based, I think she absolutely can't fucking cook, but, crucially, feels that she is fucking aces at it. does she cook? irrelevant, also no obviously not, she is a lady of rank, we have servants for that. but, crucially, she feels in her heart that she is a great cook. not that she cares about it. but again, she is great at it. this is never challenged because 1)di feisheng, the one person I can see her lowering herself to actually cook for, does not pay attention to the taste of food unless he has amnesia, and thus he's certainly not going to be like 'you suck at cooking, ew'. 2) if you are not di feisheng are you going to challenge fucking saintess on her bad cooking? no! she will stab you in the eyeball with a chopstick.
unpopular opinion honestly I don't know that I have that many unpopular opinions on her. other than that she's fun. a nightmare and like, deeply uncomfortable as a character with how incredibly rapey she is, obviously. but fun! she is a problematic queen. terrible woman who really sort of stands out as one of the few of the main cast who uh...doesn't really seem to have any reason behind the terribad decisions she makes other than there is something Wrong With Her, but again, god forbid, etc.
song i associate with them Girlfriend, by Avril Lavigne; the early 2000s angry brat pop is just. so on brand. see also, so much for my happy ending. (also, this has given me the image of idea of early 2000s scene kids jinyuan alliance, which is the funniest fucking thing in the world to me. I don't know what sigu sect would be, but it's just so fucking funny.)
favorite picture of them quick and nasty screencap bc this response has already taken me two days, but like. the whole turn on li lianhua when he's in chains and she's like 'oh you're dangerous to talk to', I just. I feel so abnormal about it. she is so hot and scary.
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yandereocs · 1 year
*Slides in like a greased up otter*
Yan harem with a darling who favors one of them over the others. Like darling ditching (character) to hang with (favorite).
If you want a specific fav character i’m saying karro bc i’m very biased but it can be ambiguous or you can choose ~~
Yandere Harem with a Darling who has a favorite
Chaos. Chaos. Chaos.
You can't ever get a moment's peace in this god forsaken house, mansion, THING. The details don't matter. It's hard to focus when there's SIXTEEN PEOPLE fighting for your attention. All of them insane in their own ways.
Some are more bearable than others. Zack and Obedient are nice enough, not touching you without your consent, although their words are a bit much.
Andras is surprisingly not at all bad, despite being a literal demon. Andrew seems to be the most lucid of the harem, not that it makes him stop.
Forgotten, Husk and Logan are pretty safe. Quiet and keeps their touches to a minimum. But you always feel their eyes on you no matter where you are.
Strawberry Boy and Lucky are difficult. They could be worse, but they are definitely could be nicer. Lucky's harsh words and Strawberry's uncomfortable worshipping of you is a lot to handle. The Twins are in a similar boat, always tugging and biting you but can be sweet enough when the time calls for it.
But then it just gets worse. Royalty and Villain can't get along at all and they're so AGGRESSIVE. Both of them constantly fighting over who gets you for the day, marking your skin with bruises and love bites constantly.
Although the worst was BY FAR Elijah. Everything about him was terrible. His non-existent morals, his manipulation and his horrible touches. You can handle a demon and a literal super villain, but not Elijah.
His sister was just as bad, having learned her ways of love from her brother. So it's like two Elijahs constantly having their hands on you.
Today was no different. Another day with all these unhinged people fighting for you.
Elijah sank his claws into you and was tugging you, with the help of his sister while Zack tried to pull you away from him with a snarl.
"Let go, Elijah!! I don't want my darling near YOU!"
The wolf hybrid rarely got aggressive, but Elijah just irked him beyond belief, for good reason.
"They're OUR darling, dumbass!"
Bonnie snapped back at him, still helping her brother in trying to take you away. You felt like you were being torn apart. You probably would have if Villain's tentacles didn't wrap around you and pulled you away from the three hybrids.
"You three get on my nerves."
The villain growled and began dragging you away while you squirmed in her grasp. It didn't take long for Husk to snatch you up and silently walk away with you in his arms while Villain angrily snapped at him.
It was a lot of this back and forth, one of them taking you before another immediately grabs you. It was exhausting and hearing their bickering was too much.
"I need to go to the restroom!"
You said abruptly, shoving yourself out of the Twins' arms and speedwalking to the nearest restroom and slamming the door before any of them could follow. You could hear them all shuffling and arguing behind the door. You slid down on the wall, letting out a sigh as you finally got a moment of brief peace.
You yelped in surprise when you heard the familiar soft, monotone voice of Karro. You turned your head and saw the blood-drinking monster sitting in the bathtub, looking at you with his half lidded eye.
Karro has always been your favorite. He's pretty relaxed and he hasn't hurt you since you normally don't fight against him.
You whispered back. You glanced at the closed bathroom door, seeing the shadows of your other 'lovers' under the crack of it. You didn't want to go back to them. So you turned your attention back to Karro and crawled across the cold tile floor, sitting in front of the bathtub.
Karro blinked slowly as he watched you approach. Silently, he pressed himself up further in the tub and patted the spot in front of him. He didn't take up much space, so there was plenty of room for you. You obeyed his silent command and crawled into the tub, sitting in front of him. And now you two were in silence as you stared at each other.
"They are quite the rowdy bunch."
Karro suddenly commented, glancing at the door before looking at you again.
"Yeah. I needed a break."
You said softly, shuffling in the tub. It was uncomfortable and cold, but it was better than being out THERE.
"You're always welcome to have a break with me."
Karro tilted his head, his magic scarf reaching over and wrapping around your body, pulling you closer to him. You yelped at the sudden movement. Karro was never this touchy. But you haven't been able to talk to him in a while. Maybe he was jealous. Who am I kidding, of course he is.
Karro didn't offer much body heat. Not that he was even actually touching you. But you were practically pressed up to him and yet there was no warmth coming off him. It made sense. His skin was pale and an off-color and he did wear heavy clothes. Aren't vampires super cold? Not that he is a vampire, but it's close enough.
"Is this fine?"
It's almost scary how well Karro can read your thoughts. He seems to always know what's on your mind. You blinked at the humanoid monster and nodded.
The two of you sat in silence, but it was a comfortable one. It's how most of your time with Karro was spent. That's probably why you like him so much. But of course, the silence had to be disturbed.
"Hey! Are you done in there?!"
Bonnie was never fond of you leaving her sight for too long. After her shout, there was heavy pounding at the door like someone was furiously hitting it with their fists. You looked at the door, startled.
"G-Give me a minute!"
You stammered, looking at Karro again. You would much rather be with him then with the lot of them. You figured he felt the same, considering how his scarf tightened around you. Things settled for a moment before the racket started again.
"It's been a minute!"
One of the Twins jeered before a heavy slam hit the door. Maniac was trying to break into the bathroom.
"I can slip you out."
You shuddered at the sudden feeling of Karro's warm breath on your ear, his voice more hushed than normal. You looked at him, eyes slightly widened before you nodded.
Karro stared at you before turning his attention back to the bathrooms door that was dangerously close to breaking. His scarf tightened around you once again and the air grew cold, his gaze dark.
After a moment, the noise stopped.
"What did you do?"
You whispered, your body shivering from how cold the air was now.
"Not important."
Karro was always vague. He stood up and used his magic scarves to drag you out of the tub, the fabric being surprisingly strong. Once you were back on your feet, he led you out of the bathroom.
The rest of your little 'harem' were still standing around the bathroom, but they didn't seem...present. Their eyes were hazy and their bodies slumped over, most of them gripping their heads and groaning in pain. Karro paid no mind to their obvious suffering and continued walking through the house, expecting you to follow.
Which you did. You were close behind him, shuddering as you walked past the hunched over bodies of everyone else. You started to piece together what Karro did. His magic. His weird...illusion magic. He's never once used it on you, but he's threatened to use it on the others before.
You never thought he would actually do it, though.
Karro continues to lead the way to the attic, his favorite spot in the ridiculously large house. Once you two were safe from everyone else, the air returned to it's normal state, no longer freezing. Karro must have stopped using his magic.
"Does it hurt them?"
You didn't really expect an answer, but you asked anyway as you crawled into the bed that's hidden away in the corner with Karro. The humanoid monster stared at you before making a vague motion to his skull.
"Their head."
It was all he said, and you figured that was the best you were going to get. You simply nodded, not pushing the topic before laying on the bed, letting out a huge sigh of relief. It wouldn't be long till the others recover and look for you, but it was nice to enjoy this moment of peace.
Karro was staring at you with his usual unreadable expression as you laid next to him. He didn't exactly join you, opting to just sit as you laid. But you didn't mind.
"I love you."
The words caught you by surprise and you looked at Karro, your eyes wide and blank as you processed what he said.
He's never said those words before. Although the words are normally so sweet, they sounded awkward coming from Karro's monotone voice.
"You heard me."
He clearly didn't want to repeat himself. He stared at you expectantly. Karro was one of the more lucid ones, fully aware of what he did and how unhealthy it is. But he doesn't exactly care. He's aware it's a bit of a long shot to expect an answer but he stares at you anyway.
"Oh. I, uh. I love you too..?"
It's the first time you've returned the words to one of these maniacs. Sure, the others tell you they love you all the time, but this felt different. It felt a bit...eugh...to return the affections of one of your captors, but Karro was nice to you! Call it Stockholm Syndrome, I suppose.
If Karro was pleased with your answer, he didn't show it. Like always. He stared at you blankly some more before suddenly bonking your forehead with his in a gentle manner. You let out a semi-awkward laugh, not sure how to react to the strange action.
"Haha, what was that..?"
You snickered, looking at Karro with mild confusion.
"I can't kiss you."
Was all he said. It took you a moment to piece together how that was at all relevant before it clicked. He can't kiss you so he bonked your head as a sigh of affection. Like a cat. You let out another soft laugh, less awkward than the first.
"Ah, I see. Well, uh...thank you?"
You laughed again. Karro blinked at you slowly before nodding. His magic scarf wrapped around your body again as you laid on the bed. Even after his confession, he still didn't lay next to you.
But that was fine. You two stayed up in the attic on the little bed in the corner, enjoying the comfortable silence before the usual racket started.
It was nice.
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piratefishmama · 7 months
I wanna hear about your unhinged villain OC's.
i'll go first--
When i was a bit younger, i created a webcomic that played with the idea of fictional worlds being real. I know, we've all done it here and there. I didn't have the arty skills to keep it going very far, but like, it played with the idea of those worlds being just out of reach of our dimension, but with the right push, say, from a pissy god tryina get back at its twin, could tumble through into the real, where the creators lived.
And one of these 'fictional' creations, was a character called Mallory.
Each 'fictional' creation i made for this comic, had their own backstories, including the type of person who originally CREATED their world, like... Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, someone created them, and it couldn't be me lmao so i had to make the people up too!
Mallory's world was made by someone with some serious small minded misogyny issues. I imagined that it'd have been some few hundred copies published horror novel that didn't get much traction.
Her kind were often culled at birth depending on biological sex, and their behaviours were determined by what biological sex they were.
If they were born men? Champions, powerful beings of light, Guardians. They gained their power from the SUN, from all sources of light but the sun gave them the most power, and they were good, pure souls in every way, good without any drive for evil. Probably wouldn't even get a parking ticket, would probably stand in a doorway holding doors open to let people go through first for hours, would put their coat on a wet floor to stop someone from getting their shoes wet.
They're good.
Only sleeping with one of these men could create another of their divided kind. They werent freaks of nature that could pop out at random, they were a separate race of humanoids that could breed with humans.
The women, were either killed at birth for a very valid reason, or snuck out by their human mothers.
Without fail, the second that child got her first period, she would be enveloped by darkness. Without any sign of turning before it, completely unpredictable.
Women were powerful, far more so than the men but their solitary nature and limited numbers guaranteed that eventually they would be overwhelmed. They gained power from the darkness, shadows, their forms constantly shifting like smoke. Rarely would they appear the same way twice.
They were always more powerful, because the darkness is just the absense of light, even during the day, there are shadows, there is darkness. There is always something stuck in the dark.
Their first kills would always be the mothers that snuck them away, always the mothers who hid them thinking their child would be different. Thinking their child could be saved if they simply raised her differently, gave her a chance.
These creatures have no redeeming qualities, they kill because it's fun, they enjoy it, they have no reason, no motivation, no painful backstory to explain their behaviour, they dont eat their kills, it's not a sustenance thing, they don't even care that their kind are culled at birth, it's irrelevant to them once matured.
They survived, why should they care about the girls who didn't?
She was never supposed to leave her dimension. That pissy god? made a very terrible mistake, and allowed her to slip through into the real, the original world filled with creators.
and they cant get her back home unless she goes willingly, because neither the god, or it's twin, have any power over the dark.
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Anybody been noticing the evolution of Deku's overall aesthetic? Like in terms of heroic aesthetic. Each hero generally has their own aesthetic. All Might had a Superman-esque aesthetic. Not exactly Superman, but the closest thing imaginable. All Might always tried to inspire hope. He always did that on purpose.
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Endeavor later learned how to replicate All Might's hope aesthetic, but his is more centered around "Hope for Victory" in contrast to All Might's "Hope for Peace"
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Notice Endeavor constantly looks like he's chock full of pride? I'd almost give post-"Holy shit I'm a terrible father" Endeavor a Vegeta-esque vibe.
Stars and Stripes is somehow a combination of both
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Horikoshi loves to play with aesthetics. One of my favorites being Shigaraki.
Beginning Shiggy: Obviously looks like a villain, thought he was going to shoot a dog.
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War Shiggy: Elegant. Almost like Nana Shimura. If I never read BNHA, I thought he would've been a hero
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But my point is, Deku's design and aesthetic has been reflective of his arc throughout the series.
Deku Mk I: green, doesn't know what he's doing. Has no realist ideals. Simply an idealist.
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Notice how frail he looks despite the fact we KNOW he's built like a triple decker bus. It's supposed to represent how out of his element he is.
Deku Mk II: More experienced, learning from his mistakes. He's becoming a more traditional member of hero society.
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You can tell by the more thick look of the suit that Deku is beginning to look more competent, but you can tell that he's uncomfortable with this. Ignoring the fact that Deku canonically didn't like the mods to his mom's suit, you can tell he isn't comfortable yet.
Deku Mk III: Finally used to his own self. He has become the pinnacle of traditional hero society
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This is a Deku that visually looks more complete. Deku MK II had too many loose lines. His gloves rising up to his bicep makes him easier to look at. He looks less confusing to look at. This is a Deku that made his first real independent step. He went from punching to kicking. Notice this is the costume Deku uses in his first official villain fight.
Infinite Deku
Right here we get Deku's first legit "All Might" moment. Where visually he looks like a symbol of hope
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I used a still from the anime here because the colors and poses pop more in the anime than in the manga. This is a Deku that if I didn't know who he was I'd assume he's the main character
Deku MK IV: Same general deal as Deku MK III
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The Air Force gloves eventually help him become more of a visual vesself for the OFA users, and that's the most significant visual difference. This is a Deku that looks like a good, fine, member of hero society, but he doesn't look like symbol of peace material. He just looks like a strong background character
Vigilante Deku: Basically a villain. Crap your pants terrifying. Beaten, broken. But, he looks the most like a hero. Granted, in the way Batman looks like a hero. But he looks like his true hero. All he had to do was reject traditional notions of hero society
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notice how Deku is slowly looking more and more unhinged throughout the vigilante arc
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Isolating himself and acting like a "true hero" is driving Deku insane. So while his vigilante era is the most akin to traditional comic book heroes, he can't maintain that.
Final Deku: An amalgamation of Mk IV and Vigilante
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Aesthetically speaking this is Deku one step before he becomes the symbol of peace. Sure, his costume isn't super visually distinct, but, Horikoshi makes up for that with how he's posing and framing Deku. I have a feeling that Deku is going to get one more redesign. But as of right now, this is a Deku that looks closest to a Symbol of Peace. He can still be unhinged like Vigilante, but can look just as heroic as Infinite.
Thanks for listening to my ramble
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Introducing my jaytim fanfiction series Chained!
This is the largest writing project I have ever attempted! Currently (March 29th, 2024) it sits at a length of 153,000 words published and some back of the napkin math puts the final product in the ballpark of War and Peace’s 500,000+ words. halp lmao! This post is designed to serve as an introduction to what the story is about, what my Tim and Jason are gonna be like, and what parts of canon I’m sticking to
"So, what’s the premise ya dorkus malorkus?”
Jason is set in front of a contract that will grant near omnipotence over every facet of reality. The catch is that it requires the person who actually gains the power to be permanently bound into the service of someone else. Afraid of what this could do in the wrong hands, Jason asks Tim to be his new Master.
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(a picture of Jason with the halo and armor the contract grants him that I drew :3 also, have a link to the fics!)
After many hours of intense negotiations (the entire first fic in the series), they produce a subcontract designed to maintain Jason's basic rights as a person while still granting them enough power to overcome whatever whatever caused the contract to be written in the first place. Now all that's left is to destroy the evidence, win the fight, and start remaking the world in their image...
Expect to read about: extensive theological discussions complete with readings of the Bhagavad Gita, shape shifting, hijinks, Harley Quinn being a menace to society really good therapist, redonkulous amounts of time travel and time loops, murders most foul, webs of lies and deceit as Oracle works to uncover their secrets, angst, fluff, hurt, comfort, and I’m gonna stop there before I overpromise myself, turn into a puddle, and never manage to finish the damn thing, lol
The draw of the premise for me is exploring the constant renegotiation of boundaries between Jason and Tim as they navigate a truly terrible idea of a romance. This is slow burn in that it takes them a really long time to get together properly due to the aforementioned terrible idea part, but they know they’re in love very early on.
“Lay out the dynamics there hoss”
I reserve the right to fuss with these, but my intention is:
Jason/Tim = the genius fragile human made of pure spite and determination and their sentient bodyguard/servant monster who they like lowkey have a thing with. Think Integra Hellsing and Alucard.
Barbara Gorden versus Tim Drake = genius versus genius 5D chess headgames war. Think L and Light with Jason as Ryuuk. But like if Light was into Ryuuk.
Tim/Jason versus [MAIN VILLAIN SPOILERS] = warring Gods. The source of a new mythology.
Honestly, just mark down Hellsing Ultimate and Death Note animes as major influences.
“What’s a folk gotta do ta get some headcanons and characterization in this joint?”
For Tim I’m going mainly with him in his Red Robin run where he finds Bruce, blows up the League of assassins and shit like that. I love how absolutely arrogant this man is, and I find the way he struggles with the ethics of the job really neat. This version of Tim seems perfect to act as the commander: always tempted to do more, tempted to go further into the dark with power, but also having a lot of self control and dedication to doing right.
In terms of personal headcannons I am making him trans (cause I can), ADHD/Autistic (because it makes sense), and a dabbler in mild, lowkey amphetamine abuse (The coffee chugger who never sleeps of fanon intrigues me, but also caffeine kinda doesn’t do that, whereas adderall definitely does. He’ll use both stimulants as available and needed. I like a man who knows he badly overworks himself but who can’t realistically say he shouldn’t be overworking himself.)
Jason is a much harder cat to herd because writers have long been playing tug of war with his characterization, dragging him over the line to unhinged villain then back to just another bat over and over. I always like Jason, but I think he’s at his weakest at both extremes of the spectrum. He’s a good villain/antagonist in general, but a phenomenal one when he has real goals and morals. He’s a good anti-hero/tenuous ally in general, but a phenomenal one when he and the family have serious disagreements and Jason is still a killer.
I’m keeping this fic as canon compliant as possible, but there is a bare minimum amount of rearrangement necessary to make Jason consistently morally grey rather than an ethical checkers board that looks grey when you turn it sideways and squint.
Headcanons for Jason include chronic pain (I just think being blown up should screw with a guy’s nerves), trans (cause I can), and having schizophrenia (cause I see some possible canon evidence and he’s had a LOT of ableist stuff thrown his way and I don’t really like ‘well I’m not actually mentally ill’ as a resolution point to that. I am leaving it ambiguous if this has anything to do with the Lazarus Pit, but I intend it to be very unambiguous that it has nothing to do with why he has beef with the rest of the bats. His grievances are not delusions. His moral positions are not delusions. He will hallucinate and I may have him develop delusions, but he’ll also take medication for that and employ coping mechanisms like real life people with schizophrenia do. The mental illnesses are something he deals with, not something that controls him into being evil, no matter their source.)
Oh and it should go without saying that everyone has so much PTSD!
“Cut ta the chase already jabrony, give us da timeline”
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Final Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint, Convergence, and the Rebirth changes happened in this fic's canon. We are dealing with multiple multiverses. If you’re familiar with the concept of ‘Hypertime’ used to facilitate the Elseworlds series and elaborated on during the Dark Knights: Metal stuff, I’m building off of that. If you’re not, don’t worry about it, there will be a far better explanation in the fic as the characters discover this shit for themselves.
This takes place during the "Rebirth" era of DC comics canon in a fanfic universe I made up within that canon multiverse called Earth 69. Earth 69 is my idea of what the pre-flashpoint timeline might have looked like if flashpoint never happened. Essentially I'm taking the post crisis stuff and extending it by acting as though that timeline just kept going, with plot points from New 52 and Rebirth canon welded onto the end of it. Keep in mind though, Earth 69 only coincidentally mirrors pre-flashpoint events; that canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse still exists!
Now lets go through just Earth 69′s timeline, focusing on Tim and Jason
Based on the letter Jason sends to Kid Devil, I put the year of his death as 1985. Ten years have passed since then at the start of this fic, making Tim 23 and Jason 25. The influence of alien tech and supergeniouses accelerated cultural and scientific growth such that while the fic takes place in 1995, every bit of tech and culture from 1980 to 2024 is fair game to show up. I find it fun to play around with laser turret drones and microfiche spy tactics all in the same story, so our heroes listened to My Chemical Romance on their smartphones while watching the fall of the Berlin Wall on live TV.
Batman (1940) issues #419 - #429 aka Jason’s post-crisis Robin years happen almost identically to the comics, except that Jason is a trans man and it was the Penguin that got Willis Todd locked up for life and then killed instead of Two Face. Bruce eventually finds out he’s trans and is supportive if understandably clueless. He raises Jason as his son. It’s important to me that Jason’s beef with Batman not leave either side objectively correct. Their relationship and hurts are a lot more compelling to me if Bruce isn’t transphobic.
A Place of Lonely Dying and the Robin (1993) series happen with very few deviations, with the understanding that I've read less of this than would be ideal and might get some things mixed up as I go along. Those deviations include Tim also being a trans man. Because he was looking into transition care for Jason, Bruce already knows about puberty blockers and HRT and supplies them to him. That becomes a big part of why Tim’s Dad is so freaked out by Tim being Robin. In this timeline, one of the major reasons Tim is so attached to the role of Robin is that it’s the first role in his life where he gets to be himself.
Lost Days happens as it did in comics except for two changes. Firstly when Talia sleeps with him, it's not sex, it's fully clothed cuddling and actual sleeping. I think this compromise preserves the important emotional conflict that I identified in this reading of her motivations, while sidestepping some of the problems the sex caused. The second change is that Jason won't have ended Lost Days by going to talk to Hush...
Because I HATE Thomas Elliot as a character. I hate how he was implemented. I hate that he kept showing up. I hate that they killed off Harold. I hate Hush. So it never happened on Earth 69! Instead I'll be emphasizing Tim and Jason's later fights, which have some similar emotional beats.
Now, whether or not Jason held a knife to Tim’s throat is kinda fucking important to how their relationship is interpreted! Most people, understandably, make this a serious event between the two. However, in all the comics I’ve been reading, I have seen zero characters ever acknowledge that Jason was involved. Tim hasn’t thought or said anything about it, even when it really seemed relevant. Jason technically tells Batman he did it in UtRH, but it's never brought up again and at this point it feels almost like Judd Winick tricked DC into publishing a headcanon that applies nowhere else lmao. Therefore I feel fine with just ditching this and putting more emphasis on their later fights which have similar emotional beats.
Under the Red Hood happens, with one modification. He knows about Stephanie's death and treats it with the gravity she deserves. He is targeting Black Mask because of Steph's death, and something very similar to the excellent fanfic 'hangman is coming down from the gallows' by nex_et_nox happens.
Young Justice (1998) happens, except for some of the mythological encounters. They did watch Santa get blown up, but I will be taking liberties with how the Greek Pantheon operates, and holy fucking shit, no they did not meet the goddess Kali like that, what the fuck, did no one even try to do a basic level of cultural sensitivity research?!? Anyways.
Jason does fight Batman, Green Arrow, and Mia as told in Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72. Roy does hear about this, but he hears about it the way that Mia herself tells it when asked about it in the comic, i.e. “He didn’t hurt me. We just talked.” So he's not exactly all that freaked out about it.
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Roy Harper and Jason first meet in Outsiders (2003) #44 - #46 where he helps Roy and Dick exonerate Black Lightning with no ulterior motives, as in the comics.
Teen Titans (2003) #29 (The Titans Tower fight) happens as it did in comics. i.e. It was a fair one on one fight in which both participants understood that the other was not trying to kill them and both combatants walked away with nothing more than superficial injuries. Tim came away from that with a black eye and a grudge; Jason came away from it thinking Tim was pretty alright in his book. The writing on the wall was either Jason’s own blood, or red paint, because there is simply no earthly way that was Tim’s blood.
Teen Titans (2003) in general happens to Tim, though there’s a lot that connects to Countdown to Final Crisis (which can only have happened in the canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse) that may or may not need to be edited and removed.
The combination of events from Countdown to Final Crisis and Teen Titans (2003) #47 also happens, in which Jason attempts to save Duela Dent from murder, fails, connects with Donna at her funeral, and then is interrogated by Tim and Dick who suspect Jason murdered her. Oh and also it's where Tim kicks him in the pants lol. Obviously the reason Duela died and who murdered her has to be different, but all that should be details that don't matter for the fic's purposes.
I've already mentioned that Robin (1993) was being considered canon to Earth 69′s timeline, but make special note here of issue #177, in which Tim sends Jason to jail (his first prison stint, yay :D). One modification here: Jason's plan is to manipulate the established mob families into fighting the cops, leaving the local communities to govern themselves, not to use "kid gangs" to soften up the cops and the mob like happens in the comic. Because like... the on panel plan makes no sense, either logistically or for his character, and idk why but the way the author uses the concept of “kid gangs” leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Nightwing (1996) #118 - #122 aka Brothers in Blood aka the one where Jason becomes a tentacle vore monster happens exactly as depicted in comics. Exactly. As. Depicted. Well okay not exactly, I need him to not have threatened to bomb a building full of innocent people, that is a bridge too far, but everything else stays!
The Red Robin series happens as depicted, except for how Tim got the costume. The Red Robin costume that Tim wears in the pre-flashpoint multiverse was from that multiverse’s Earth 51. On Earth 69 the Red Robin costume was what Bruce made for Jason in anticipation of him wanting to outgrow the Robin mantel one day, like Nightwing did (tho uhhh great job reframing why the Nightwing mantel exists there Bruce lmao). When Dick gave the Robin role to Damian, Tim took the Red Robin outfit for himself from it’s pedestal next to The Memorial Case. There was a considerable amount of spite towards multiple people involved in that decision.
Battle for the Cowl is where it gets trickier. I am going to gut most of the plot of BftC and combine a few plot elements from it with the Batman and Robin (2009) series in order to create a much longer lasting conflict that preserves Jason as an anti-hero and his partnership with Scarlet/Sasha as a competing vigilante force to Dick and Damian.
After Bruce’s “death” Dick super does not ever want to be Batman. No one does really. Jason hears Bruce's post-death message and is understandably fucking devastated. He decides to say fuck that noise, Bruce is gone now, and I'm gonna be Batman since no one else seems willing to do it, and I'm gonna do it my way! Another Batman running around shooting people dead forces Dick’s hand and he takes up the Batman mantel to fight him. Batman and Robin (2009) #3 - #6 happen roughly as depicted, but with Jason still claiming to be Batman, and he doesn’t have red hair. (I’m so sorry white suit + pill helmet costume, but I must leave you behind for the sake of continuity). Jason's stint in Arkham and then Blackgate happens. Batman and Robin (2009) #23 - #25 happen as depicted, minus the part where Jason rigged the entire fucking civilian tram line to explode. After Jason and Scarlet fly off into the sunset together, they come back to Gotham and keep fighting.
Sometime after he's free again he does Roy a favor. I haven't decided what exactly, but it's big. I’ve toyed with the idea that he broke him out of prison because he doesn’t want to see Liam grow up without a dad in a move very similar to the Outsiders thing and roughly analogous to how he meets Roy in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011), but that seems a lil repetitive and why would Roy even be in jail, so idk.
By this point the events of Red Robin are over and Tim has joined Dick and Damian in fighting Jason. Sometime before the climactic battle, Scarlet leaves for [FANFIC SPOILERS] reasons, so it becomes just Jason again. He goes through with something like the plan from Battle for the Cowl, luring Tim to his Batcave and offering him a place as his Robin. As in comics, Tim's answer is to pick up a crowbar and wack Jason across the face with it! Jason wins the fight and stabs Tim in the chest, knowing it's not gonna kill him, but fine with it leaving one hell of a scar! Dick's fight with Jason afterwards, and Jason jumping from the train into the harbor, happens as it did in BftC #3 with the exception of Dick wearing the Batsuit instead of Tim.
Starfire contacts Roy for help with a lengthy, off planet mission - one that absolutely needs a Bat on board. Every single Bat is up to their eyeballs in fires to put out and projects to run... except for Jason. Roy knows a lot of other Heroes with very good reasons to hate him, but in his personal experience, Jason’s always been a reliable if shady and asshole-ish guy working for the greater good. Ya’know. A Bat. It helps that they both think Bruce treats Dick like garbage sometimes and thus are inclined to be sympathetic towards Jason's beef with him. Roy vouches for him and brings him on board. They work well together, they save the days in outer space, and after a particularly dangerous mission they have a "thank fuck we're not dead" threesome together. This replaces the New 52 version of Red Hood and the Outlaws.
During the trip back to Earth, Jason confides in them about his woes and they encourage him to sort his shit out and get his life back together. Jason agrees and after considering it for a while he asks Roy and Starfire to help negotiate a truce between him and the rest of the Bats. They agree and thus begins two years of ceasefire and getting more friendly with the other Bats.
During those two years, the events of Dark Knights: Metal occur. The Source Wall is broken, and all the peoples of all the earths are plunged into a nightmare world. No one really remembers what happened, it’s all very vague and drifty, like remembering a dream, unsurprisingly. People have been referring to this event as The Nightmares.
This two year period also contains my version of Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws. Jason attempts to infiltrate Black Mask’s gang because the real Black Mask should be super dead and super unwilling to work with him. He’s a LOT more competent about it than in comics tho.
The biggest change is what goes down with Cobblepot. Jason’s original intention was to fake the penguin’s death and take all his power and assets from him, as he did in comics. However, he loses Artemis and Bizzaro before he goes through with that plan instead of after. At the last minute he switches the blanks out for lead. The Penguin is super dead.
He fights back when Bruce confronts him, but it's still a brutal fight and ultimately Roy has to separate them. Then Jason follows his father’s trail to the experimentation prison thing like in comics. Roy doesn’t die along the way, we don’t have the scene with Bruce at the diner, but in the end it turns out that his father is actually dead. No one survived that place. He only found boxes of dusty, decaying files, a grave out back, and Dr. Fate. Once he was convinced there was nothing more to find, Dr. Fate took him to John Constantine and The Contract, and that’s just about where our story begins!
Have another link, and I hope some of y’all enjoy what I’ve got so far!
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
You know all these books about enemies to lovers to enemies back to lovers in the end where the main character fell for the "villian" who is actually just missunderstood or the morally grey character? So Griffin and Valtor make me want to write a book where the main character is the morally grey character. And her love interest is actually the villian. They would both kill for eachother and both think they could always count on eachother. He would have his soft moments with her because he does love her but the love he has for her never stops him to be cruel to the world and she knows that. And she thought that the end justifies the means. But it doesn't and she left. And he hates her for that. He would offer her one last chance to come back to him. He was ready to forget what happened if she would finally see what he sees, what he thinks is right. But she doesn't. And every kill he does after that he did sure she knows that it's on her. And she would ask herself how she could ever fell for him while a part of her still loves him as a part of him still loves her. But obviously there woudl be no happy end bc there are roo many books out there where the "villian" becomes good in the end but that will not happen. He will not get a redemption arc.
Bc these vibes I always fot from Valtor and Grififn when I was a kid. Like we had almost none backstory but what we got was enough to want this and even more happen and we never got it! And there are like NO books out there like this and I hate that!
Yeah, redeeming the villain love interest is tired and boring and usually ruins them as a character. Especially when the author tries to justify some of their earlier villainous actions.
"BuT tHaT's ThE oNlY hEaLtHy OpTiOn!" Who cares! I'm not here for healthy relationships, which I do like but the enemies to lovers and/or lovers to enemies tropes are not the place for it. All the writing advice for enemies to lovers is just "don't make them actually hate each other and do truly terrible things to each other because you can't believably make them lovers then". No, you don't GET IT! I WANT the toxicity and the sense of "Oh, yeah, we're both out of our minds here" after everything we did to each other. One of the most appealing parts of enemies to lovers/lovers to enemies to me is love's ability to persist through all the horrible things they do to each other. The key is to just make it mutual, not have one of them (the guy; it's always the guy) be completely fucking unhinged while the other is just forced to take it.
Anyway, I personally champion the version of the story where the villain stays a villain and their love interest joins them even if they aren't necessarily a villain per se but if you want to go the full tragedy route where they're separated on opposite sides because of morals, that's super delicious too! What little we got of their story definitely sounds like that's exactly what's going on with them and we DESERVE more of that! Whether it's with the two of them or with different characters.
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ultraericthered · 3 months
One Villainous Scene: Nowhere For Rabbit To Run
In this episode of Sailor Moon R, all four of the Specter Sisters have spread out over town, and all four of them go after Chibi Usa/Rini when she accidentally alerts them to her presence in a failed attempt to travel back to her original time period. The episode very clearly builds up the idea that there's going to be a major battle, four on four between the Specter Sisters and the Sailor Senshi minus Sailor Moon herself, who has to protect Rini. Watching it for the first time, you're made to anticipate it, making it rewarding when it occurs.
And then you get something you probably weren't anticipating. When it looks like Sailor Moon and Rini are away from the fighting, with Rini safe in Sailor Moon's arms....glowing energy grenades rain down from the sky, and Sailor Moon, preemptively detecting it coming, takes the blow so that Rini doesn't get hurt. The assailant appears on the battlefield, and it's none other than the Specter Sisters' boss, Crimson Rubeus of the Black Moon Clan. The same guy who's been completely stationary and giving the sisters their assignments for the past several episodes makes a surprise in-person appearance to finish this job himself while the sisters are held up by the Sailor Senshi. Briefly explaining who he is, where he's from, and what he's after, Rubeus launches an all-out barrage of energy grenades at Sailor Moon, completely unrelenting and taking sadistic pleasure in seeing her run and struggle in vain to protect the frightened child.
As Sailor Moon lies on the ground, her back literally against the wall and Rini crying for her to get back up, we get the most striking moment from Rubeus that really peels back his exterior and gives us our first real look at the sort of guy he truly is - with a very genuine, pleased smile on his face, he slowly raises up his hand and readies another blast he intends to launch at Rini point blank. Before, the Specter Sisters weren't afraid to get rough with the little girl and they wanted to abduct her to bring her back alive. By contrast, Rubeus here seems to have absolutely zero problem with the notion of doing terrible physical harm to child in a way that would be deadly for her. This is not merely the first of plenty more in-person appearances from Rubeus to come afterwards, but the first of many displays of Rubeus being more than just another bad guy for the girls to be up against, but a callous, deliberately cruel, abusive monster who'll go to the nastiest of lengths to get what he desires, as he thinks only of himself and how he might attain a more glorious standing within the Black Moon Clan. It's what makes him such a memorable bad guy for a section of the show that's otherwise fairly subpar and downright stupid at points (I'll never forgive what Ikuhara did to Mamoru here, who incidentally shows up to help as Sailor Moon stands back up and then for a moment it even looks like Sailor Moon's about to kill Rubeus prematurely, with him only narrowly managing to escape.)
Last thing worth noting about the clip I chose here: the DiC dub is absolute cringe - Sailor Moon, Rini, and Tuxedo Mask all have awful, terribly unconvincing voices, Rubeus' dialogue repetitiously uses "Negamoon" four times, and corny lines like "You're dusted, buster!", "You just a schoolyard bully?" "Find out, cape boy!", and "This guy could use a little scepter therapy" are completely out of place for this urgent moment in the story. But I went with it rather than the Viz dub not only due to it being my first exposure, but for the one saving grace - Robert Tinkler as Rubeus. Steve Staley's an adequate fit for the part too, but he couldn't measure up to Tinkler, who just WAS the character. The smugness, the petulant fury, the all-encompassing malice just oozing from his voice saved most of his material from the scripts. That delivery of "Ready to go? TIME'S WASTING!" and the completely unhinged chuckling that accompanies it is what your childhood nightmares were made of. He just nailed the assingment.
(Also, while I like "Moon Revenge" in this scene too, I sorta prefer how there's no song in the background until Rubeus has appeared and launches his attack. Makes the scene feel all the more special.)
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dweebsqueeze · 2 years
Human Vibrator (Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader)
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18+ Smut, 4.7k Words Minors DNI
Denki Kaminari x Fem! Reader
Summary: You've reached new levels of stress in UA University's hero course. Everything seems to be going wrong and you're extremely sexually frustrated on top of it all. You plan on emerging out of your rut after defeating Denki Kaminari in training, but he's stronger than you remember. When he enters your dorm room to apologize, the tables turn in your favor. (Both of you are adults)
Warnings: Sub Kaminari x Dom Reader (then the dynamics get fuzzy), Caught masterbating, face sitting, riding, shock play, degradation, choking, spitting kink, overstim
Lately- you felt the most mentally, emotionally, and sexually frustrated you ever have been. With the constant villainous threats looming over UA University, more so the entire country with after All Might’s exposing confession, everyone was on edge. Training has been hell and the pressure has affected your performance. You haven’t won a one-on-one combat practice session in months. You can’t concentrate in class either. Your grades have hit rock bottom because every lecture just sounds like white noise to fuel intrusive thoughts. The exhaustion from each day has been building up, crushing your spirit further and further. You’re angry. You’re usually known for your ambitious, fighting spirit- which has shifted into a detriment rather than a benefit. The rest of class A has caught onto your recent change in mood. Nobody’s been brave enough to approach you about it, the ones who are worried just hope that you’ll find a way to sort your emotions out yourself.
On top of all this, you’ve always had an impressive sex drive. You haven’t had the time to satisfy it amidst your increasing responsibilities. Half of every recent materbastion session didn’t even end in an orgasm. You figured your stress was getting in the way. This frustrated you even more, your vibrator couldn’t possibly replace a cock. You desperately needed sex. Rough, unhinged, feral sex. 
Today was the last straw. The academic day was a blur. You couldn’t focus on any of your subjects, your mind was filled with thoughts of your sexual frustration and anxieties about upcoming combat training. It was going to be one-on-one battle sessions again. Everytime, you started to assume you’d lose which only made your attempts weaker. 
The class drawed lots to decide on fighting pairs. To your surprise, you got paired up with Kaminari. You’ve beaten him before, although it was way before your rough patch when you were at the top of your game. A new fire burned inside you. You were motivated to win, knowing you’d done it before. Your quirk was a tough match against Kaminari’s electricity. You were tired of getting your ass handed to you time and time again these past few months. You were determined- today was the day you were going to force yourself out of this terrible rut. 
You were going to beat Kaminari.
It was your turn to fight, you walked up to the moderately sized arena. Kaminari looked calm and confident- too confident. The two of you faced each other several feet away until you heard the buzzer to begin. You mustered all the strength you could to strike hard and fast. Kaminari dodged the first few blows, it looked like he was holding himself back from using his quirk. This only frustrated you further. You powered up to throw the biggest hit yet, but you took too long- Kaminari got to you first. Apparently, Kaminari had greatly improved his quirk since the last time you fought him. He was able to channel more electricity without putting himself out of commission afterwards. You could feel the sparks fly and course through your body. It was paralyzing, it wasn’t the worst pain you’ve felt before but it was enough to be memorable. Your body shook for a few seconds that felt like hours until you dropped. 
You laid there, numb, for an embarrassing amount of time until Kaminari ran up to you. 
“Hey, y/n- Sorry if I went too rough with my quirk.” He said with a pitiful look on his face. 
As soon as your brain returned to its normal, unelectrified, state- you could feel tears of frustration build up. You weakly lifted yourself up and kept your head down.
“Here let me help you,” Kaminari grabbed your arm gently to help you up.
You smacked his hand away, “Get off me!” You shouted, tears now streaming down your face.
“Woah, y/n. I’m sorry-” Kaminari’s face twisted in concern, but you interrupted before he could continue.
“Just shut up.” You stood up by yourself too quickly. You could feel yourself get lightheaded, apparently you were still experiencing the electricity’s effects. You temporarily lost your footing, but Kaminari grabbed you by the waist before you could fall.
“We really need to get you to Recovery Girl.” Kaminari held onto you, but you couldn't push him away this time. Your vision went blurry and your eyelids begged to be shut. Whatever Kaminari and your classmates said around you became quiet background noise. 
Then, everything went black.
Eventually, you woke up and found yourself in one of Recovery Girl’s beds. You looked around and were met with the very familiar features of her office. You threw your head back on the pillow in defeat.
“I’m glad you're awake, y/n. You were out for a few hours. Your injuries weren't that bad so you should feel as good as new by now.” Recovery Girl said sweetly.
You sat up and she was right. You felt rested, like your body hadn’t been completely zapped hours before. Now, the only thing that fatigued you was the shame of losing yet again. 
“Thanks, am I free to go?” You said with a sigh.
“Not yet-” Recovery Girl reached in her pocket and handed you a few Butterscotch candies. “Do be careful, dear.”
You thanked her again and walked to your dorm with slumped shoulders. Everyone had already finished training and returned home. On your walk back, you kept replaying the fight in your head. Since when did Kaminari get so strong? This was another loss to add to the recent pile. This loss made you even angrier because you believed in your odds of winning. Your fists clenched and so did your jaw, you were going to need to relieve this tension somehow as soon as you got to your room.
When you entered the dorm common room, all conversations came to a staggering halt when you appeared. You could hear some of your classmates say your name, they were probably about to check in on you. You kept your head down and just hastily walked through. You were in no mood to engage anyone. You felt like everyone pitied you. Everything made you pissed off these days, your classmates included. 
After slamming your room’s door, you changed and threw your body on the bed. You had to get rid of these negative feelings. You had so much pent up frustration you had to release it somehow.
You opened the drawer of your nightstand to retrieve the source of happy hormones that could temporarily relieve you of this rut. You had a rabbit-style vibrator, one that had a dildo with an attachment for your clit. You started by letting the tip vibrate over you, hoping you can get yourself turned on as a distraction. 
You rubbed it up and down and increased the speed. You couldn’t help but get flashes of your embarrassment when you closed your eyes and tried to relax. You upped the speed again, trying to focus on anything else. You could tell that this wasn’t going to work. You need more.
Eventually, you were so desperate for release, you turned the vibrator to its highest setting. You plunged it deep inside you with one stroke. It rumbled so hard you could feel your stomach jiggle slightly. It felt better to have your g-spot and clit stimulated, but it still wasn’t enough. 
You shut your eyes to focus, the vibrator was so loud you couldn’t hear what happened outside your door.
Kaminari felt bad about the whole situation. He couldn’t stop thinking about the teary look in your eyes as he figured there was something deeper going on outside the arena. When he saw you speed through the common room, he had to talk to you alone.
Kaminari knocked on the door and spoke softly, “Y/n?”
He waited for you to answer, but you didn’t. So, he knocked again, “Y/n, I’m really sorry about what happened. Can we talk?”
You still didn’t answer, now he was starting to get worried. 
He tried twisting the door handle, but he didn’t expect it to actually open. Apparently, you were so immersed in your own thoughts you didn’t bother to lock the door behind you. Kaminari peaked through the door, “Y/n?”
Out of all the things that he could have seen- he never imagined you to be on your bed, pushing a vibrator in and out of you, writhing and panting heavily. 
Kaminari’s jaw dropped, “Y/n! I’m so sorry!” He said a little too loudly, still in shock, and tried to close the door quickly.
You opened your eyes and realized what he saw. Before he could close the door completely, you stopped him.
He paused, still afraid to look at you. He opened the door slightly, “I’m sorry for coming in- I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He stood, frozen.
You sat up in your bed and stared at him. You pulled the vibrator out and set it aside. All that covered you was an oversized t-shirt you changed into. He changed too, all he was wearing was a tank top and a pair of loose sweatpants. In your aroused and sexually frustrated state, you no longer saw him as a victorious enemy, he looked… kinda good. 
Kaminari’s figure displayed his improvements in combat skill. You never noticed since he mostly looked slim in clothes. He had broad shoulders attached to muscular arms. Through his well-fitting tank top, you could see the outlines of his pecs down to his surprisingly sculpted abs. His sweatpants were not doing a great job of concealing his growing bulge. Your eyes traveled back up to his face, he was completely flushed and still looked down. He looked… pretty. Your brain relinquished decision-making control and your pussy took its place.
“Get in here, lock the door behind you.” You demanded.
Kaminari gulped and slowly obeyed, still afraid to look you in the eyes.
“Good. Now take your clothes off.” You said coldly.
He finally looked up at you, but now your shirt covered your bare sex. “Y/n, what? Are you asking what I think you’re asking?” He said nervously with a tinge of excitement. 
“Kaminari, you’ve tried to ask every single girl out in our class out and now’s the time when you hesitate?” You replied in an annoyed tone.
“No, no- I just. I’m shocked, one minute it seems like you hate me the next you're asking me to take my clothes off. Can you blame me if I seem confused?” His eyebrows connected upwards, his face was full of apprehension. 
You sighed, “You’re right, you pissed me off. You showed up here to see if I was okay. Now you have to take responsibility.” you said darkly.
Your tone only aroused Kaminari more, there was no way he was going to pass up such an unexpected opportunity.
“Okay, okay. Hold on.” He said as he took off his shirt and tossed it to the ground. His sweatpants followed soon after. Then, he just stood there silently, unsure of what to do next. He was slightly afraid of you at this moment. He didn’t want to be assertive in any way in case it would upset you to the point of turning back. Stripped of everything except his boxer briefs, you could easily detect his raging hard-on. 
“Did all those volts fry your brain? Get over here.” He quickly followed your command and ignored the insult. He stood next to your bed, looking down with wide eyes, awaiting his next instruction. You moved over to the opposite side of the bed and continued, “Lay down.”
He kept eye contact with you as he approached the bed. Now, he wasn’t flashing you the determined, confident glance from before your fight. He was anxious and unsure of what to do without your directions. He kept your gaze like he was watching something dangerous, making sure you didn’t strike if he let his guard down. You could tell he was already wrapped around your finger and you haven’t even done anything yet. 
When his head finally laid on your pillow, you leaned over him. “Here’s what’s gonna happen Kaminari, I tell you what to do and you’re gonna obey like a good boy.”
His cock twitched at the use of “good boy.” He was so surprised by everything happening all he could do was hum in approval and nod his head. 
You put a hand to the side of his face softly. This was to disarm him from what you were going to propose next.
“I’m gonna sit on your face and you're gonna make me feel good, okay?” You ask with a pout, as if he was a delicate little thing you were about to destroy.
Kaminari’s eyes widened further as you both maintained eye contact, he was practically drooling already. “O-Okay.” 
You turned around and planted one of your legs on the other side of Kaminari. This exposed your naked cunt above him, so his hands instinctively rose to grab each ass cheek. You thought about slapping his hands away for not asking permission first, but you were so touch starved you let it slide. His hands moved to roam the entirety of your ass down to your thighs. You lowered your sex closer to his face until he took the initiative and finally gave you the sensations you’ve been craving for months.
His chin lifted and his mouth opened to pleasure you. His tongue trailed the front to the back of your swollen clit. He started to make little, soft circles along it as you let out breathy moans. He was a lot better at this than you thought. After a few rounds across your clit, you knew you wouldn’t have to guide him at all. He started slow, but now he dug his fingers into your thighs to bring you closer. He wanted to taste you even deeper. 
Your body relaxed as you laid on top of his torso. You ran your hands along his chiseled body. He let out small whimpers and hums as he savored you. You loved how he rubbed your ass and thighs as much as he loved your hands all over his body. You let your head rest beside his cock, it was twitching with need. Out of curiosity, you hooked a thumb under the side of his boxers and pulled them down to expose him. His cock was just as red as his face was earlier, you studied all the veins pumping his arousal. You naturally let your index finger gently touch the very tip. It immediately spilled precum, he must be pent up himself. Turns out he could hide it much better.
His hands dug into your ass tighter and he let out a slightly louder moan than the rest. You wanted to hear more, so you let your finger circle the head to tease him. 
He groaned and mumbled in between running his tongue over your sex, “Touch me more, please.”
You smacked the side of his hip, “Less talking, more licking.”
“Mm, yes ma’am.” Your cunt throbbed at the title. This was not your first time having sex, but that was your first time a man called you something authoritative. You liked it way too much. You figured he must have a thing for getting dominated, so you tested it out. 
“Mhm, you’re such a good boy- Following my orders, eating me out so well.” You said in between moans, egging him on. His cock leaked out even more.
You didn’t want to give him too much praise, so you demanded, “Start sucking it.” He immediately switched from circling to sucking, you were so close to finishing.
“Cum in my mouth… please, please.” He sounded so desperate under you. This only added to your fast approaching orgasm. 
“You’re gonna swallow all of it, you're gonna-” You can’t even focus on dirty talk, you cut yourself off with your most gutteral moan yet. You have to admit, Kaminari was talented at giving you intense full-body sensations. Earlier it was pain, now it’s overwhelming pleasure.
You kept cursing under your breath as he attacked your most sensitive spot. Finally, it was all too much. Your climax snapped as you rode his face. You couldn’t hold in your lewd moans. Your cunt fluttered and throbbed as you held onto his sides to try and stabilize your shaking body. Thankfully, Kaminari held your hips in place with his shockingly strong hands. You realized you had never squirted before, Kaminari made you squirt. 
What the fuck?
He frantically sucked and tried to collect as much of it as he could pooling at your entrance. You started easing out of the mind-blowing sensations as the gravity of this situation hit you. Kaminari was way too good at that. He can’t just embarrass you in front of everyone in a fight and make you completely come undone within the same day. This man had too much power over you today, you had to retaliate somehow.
You rose off him, turned around, and switched legs to straddle him. He was still out of breath since you kept him suffocated under your cunt. He was smiling with slick all over his mouth. He took his thumb and slid it across his bottom lip, only to seductively suck off what he collected. He looked at you in the eyes and groaned in satisfaction as he tasted you again. 
Fuck, that was hot.
You couldn’t let him see how much that affected you. Your hand slowly trailed up his abs, chest, then around his neck. You leaned to hover him and squeezed the sides of his neck. “You want me to fuck you, right?” You whispered over him. 
Kaminari quickly nodded and kept your gaze, anxious for what’s to come. 
“Where’s your manners? Say please.” You pouted like you pitied him and squeezed harder on his neck.
Kaminari whimpered, “Please… please fuck me.” 
You felt satisfied with how much power you had right now. But, you were still greedy for more.
Your hand left his neck to fully remove his boxers. Now, Kaminari laid entirely nude under you. You were still covered in your baggy shirt. He grabbed the bottom of it and tried to pull it off you until you slapped his hands away. He gasped at the sudden movement.
“You didn’t ask for permission first,” You said while shaking your head. “I don’t think you’re gonna get to see me naked.”
Kaminari sighed in frustration. His hands slipped under your shirt and felt up your ass even more. You decided he had enough of that earlier, so you grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head. You gathered both of them in one hand, although it barely fit around. Your other hand found his cock and lined it up under your entrance. You thought about teasing him even more, maybe only grinding on him to make him submit with more degrading words. You were just as impatient as him, so you slid down his shaft in one push.
He was definitely bigger than your five inch vibrator, you were amazed by how full you felt. You didn’t move for a few moments, you wanted to get used to his size first. You just stared into his eyes, still holding him down. You could feel his cock excitedly twitch inside you. With Kaminari’s strength, he could easily break out of your one-handed hold on his wrists, but you could tell he enjoyed being “overpowered” as much as you enjoyed the power. 
When you were ready, you slowly moved your hips up. Kaminari rolled his head back on the pillow and let out a small moan. After all this time, he was finally getting much needed stimulation. You didn’t even need any lube, Kaminari did an impressive job eating you out and he was leaking all over his length. 
You quickly found a pleasing rhythm and grinded your clit over his stomach. Kaminari kept moaning and panting softly. He was sweaty from the heat of your body and the moment. He looked like he was glistening, his face and chest shined. He was more attractive than ever before. You mostly saw him as an annoying, borderline perv, but he was actually sexy. 
Was he always this hot?
These thoughts made you ride him a little faster. You could feel your pussy throb and clench around him. You kept pushing him down into the deepest part of you. The constant rubbing of your clit was driving you crazy.
Apparently, you moved in a specific way to cause Kaminari to involuntarily spark. It was a tiny shock that felt more like a vibration. The surprise made you pause.
“I’m sorry, sometimes when I-” Kaminari breathed heavily in between talking. He hadn’t even finished yet, but he sounded fucked out already. “I can’t control it.”
“No, I like it. Do it again.” You returned to your hurried pace. Kaminari closed his eyes, you could tell he wasn’t forcing anything. He just relaxed his body and succumbed to the sensations.
Soon, his body let out an almost constant stream of light electricity. It gently rumbled through his cock inside you, but you could feel it everywhere. Particularly on your grinding clit and your nipples from leaning on him. You giggled from how unreal this felt.
“Fuck, I’m gonna have to use you as my human vibrator from now on.” Kaminari’s red face turned darker at that statement. You would’ve assumed he was embarrassed if his cock didn’t throb harshly from it. He remained speechless, other than moans and whimpers as you bounced on his cock. 
The sadistic side of you had to degrade him further. “You’re a literal fuck toy. That’s all you're good for. Say it. Say ‘I’m a little fuck toy.’”
Kaminari’s eyes widened and quickly complied, “I’m a fuck toy.”
You wanted him to become a pleading mess below you, he didn’t say it with enough passion for your liking. You stopped moving. Kaminari let out a whine, “Ngh, why’d you stop?”
“That wasn’t convincing. Why should I fuck such a weak, useless toy? I want you to say it like you mean it- Then I’ll consider letting you cum.” You demanded.
Kaminari was finally getting desperate, “Okay, you’re right. I’m a little fuck toy. Please use me, please fuck me, please- I’ll do anything. Just keep moving, just-” He was panting heavily, his mind was completely consumed by lust. 
“That’s better, now open your mouth. I have a gift for you.” Kaminari innocently looked up at you and opened his mouth. “Stick your tongue out.” He followed the order.
You admired him like this, obedient and willing to take anything you’ll give him. You smiled at him and slowly dripped saliva out of your mouth and it landed on his tongue. Then you spit the rest of it out.
Kaminari closed his mouth and moved it around in his mouth. He was savoring the taste. “Now swallow.” You said softly.
You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he gulped. You let your free hand pat the side of his head, “Good boy.”
You moved your hips even faster than last time, you didn’t ease him into the rhythm. He let out the loudest moan yet at the sudden stimulation. His body kept shooting gentle shocks, you could feel your next orgasm approaching fast. You moaned along with him as you impaled yourself on his cock. The room was filled with your voices and lewd sounds from your bodies.
“Y/n, I’m close- Do I need to pull out?” Kaminari questioned, with a tinge of concern on his face.
You shook your head and grinned deviously. Kaminari sighed in relief and smiled too, knowingly that he didn’t have to hold back. The electricity from his body was growing stronger the closer he was to cumming. This only built up your own orgasm, you could tell the two of you were going to finish together.
You didn’t care how loud you were, you just let all your senses and instincts take over as you relentlessly rode Kaminari. Finally, you could feel waves of pleasure spread throughout your body, causing you to shake and cum all over his cock. Your walls squeezed around him and that was too much for him. You could feel warm wetness fill you as his cum shot out, still vibrating. Now, both of your hands pinned his arms down and kept riding him like it was last time you’d ever fuck anyone again.
“Y/n, we came- what are you doing?” Kaminari asked. You just ignored him, you wanted one last orgasm. 
“Fuck, y/n!” Tears started to fall across the side of his face. “S-too much, it’s- AH!” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as you overstimulated him. His body was shocking you even harder, but it felt too good to stop.
“You said you wanted me to use you. If your cock can’t take it, then I'll just sit on your face again and make you clean up your mess.” All Kaminari could do was just let out screams and moans as you tortured him with excess pleasure. 
You knew you broke Kaminari when he fell silent, his tears were steadily streaming down, his hips kept buckling into you, and his legs were shaking. Despite his earlier protest, his open mouth turned up into a dumb smile. He looked good like this, just empty-headed and happy.
You were overstimulating yourself, too. His body was continuously shocking you, making you feel new forms of ecstasy. It didn’t take very long for you to reach your third orgasm. This one was the most intense since you were already so sensitive. Your grip on his wrists weakened, then you fell on top of him. You buried your head in the crook of his neck as you let yourself seize on his cock. You could feel his cum drip out of you, painting his balls. The two of you laid there limp, enjoying the tail end of a mind-breaking fuck. You both just sighed in relief. You breathed in his natural scent, it was calming.
When the two of you returned to Earth, Kaminari’s hands slid up your shirt to caress your back. You almost purred at how relaxing it felt. He turned his head to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. You were the one to dominate and degrade him yet it felt like he’s the one giving you aftercare. You figured Kaminari had a sweet side you’ve never noticed before.
“We didn’t even kiss.” Kaminari mentioned. He was right, you weren’t in a romantic mood when you started all of this. You were in a feral, must fuck anything in sight mood, so you overlooked that. You lifted yourself to hover above him. 
You placed a peck on his lips. “There,” you said playfully.
One of Kaminari’s hands left your back to grab a handful of your hair. He pulled you into a longer kiss and pushed his tongue in softly. You accepted it and melted into the kiss. You could still taste yourself from when he devoured you. Endorphins coursed through both of your bodies. You could feel all of your previous stress and frustration leave you. This realization made you giggle into his mouth, breaking the kiss. 
Kaminari was also high off you, so he grinned like an idiot- but an adorable one. “There,” he teased you.
You rested your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a few moments. “You can sleep here if you want. But this stays between us, Sparky.” You teased him back.
“Hey!” He whined, but he clearly wasn’t serious. “Okay, deal.” He agreed.
Your hand rubbed the pec you weren’t laying on. Kaminari’s face fell on the top of your head, he breathed you in while he ran his fingers through your hair. Your eyes started to drop, your exhaustion from the whole session weighed on you now. The softness of his skin, hearing his calm heart beating, and his scalp massage was enough to drift you off into a deep slumber. Kaminari followed soon after, the two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night- sound asleep.
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
Hi there!
Wanted to ask you something about the greens in the book, now Blackstans are saying greens were much more awful in the book and grrm hated them and Aegon was actually worse than joffery Aemond worse than Ramsay, and Alicent worse than Cersei. but how much all of this is true? I didn't read the book because when i learned that the book is just a historical textbook i lost my interest
Probably for the best Nonny.
Apparently it's not even gonna be a guide now for the show canon, according to GRRM in a new interview he gave to "Deadline Hollywood" a few days ago. They decided to deviate from Lore and Canon so hard that they basically threw out both "Fire & Blood" and "The World of Ice and Fire" and will forge a completely new path that is uncharted.
I'm not sure what that means for the future, but it seems that canon lore is more or less a very loose guideline now.
As for the book.
I mean, Aegon is actually far less terrible in the source material. He's more of a drunken frat boy that was forced to marry his sister by Viserys cause he was partying too hard and their dad thought marriage would settle him down. Which it did, to an existent. Aegon in "Fire and Blood" hates Helaena but really, really, loves his children a great deal. He's also brave, and actually gets out there and leads from the front in battle. He's a much more serious character in the book.
Aemond is actually nothing like his book counterpart. Aemond in "Fire and Blood" is loud, brash, and boisterous. He's also ruthless and slightly unhinged. He is rather blood thirsty and cruel. But he also is a very popular and effective regent when Aegon is nearly morally wounded in battle. Both Aemond and Criston nearly break the Blacks and win the war but Aemond's recklessness and impatience snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.
Show!Aemond is actually Daeron in Aemond Cosplay. With the exception of the intensity. Daeron is the quiet, brooding, contemplative and honorable badass who is completely devoted to Alicent and is close to Criston. In the book, Aemond doesn't particularly care for his family in any appreciable sense. He somewhat kicks Aegon when he's down when he becomes regent - saying that the Conquerors Crown fits him a lot better than it ever will Aegon. But since Sapochnik had no intention of introducing Daeron into the show, they basically gave Aemond Daeron's personality. Which, ironically, was there to offset Aemond's personality in the book.
Alicent in the book has absolutely no character at all. Everything about her is in subtext. You know that she's jealous of Rhaenyra and Criston - going so far as to accuse Criston of grooming Rhaenyra. But then she shows her hand by suggesting that Criston be removed as Rhaenyra's sworn shield and become Alicent's (Which everyone side-eyes Alicent in council). Alicent is also a lot more assertive and confident, often seen huddled closely with Criston.
The only other attribute that we know about her is that she loves her children and grandchildren. In particular we know that Alicent and her granchildren were very close and that they'd come into Alicent's rooms to kiss her goodnight every night. We also know that Daeron is not only her favorite child but also that they were devoted to one another. Daeron is Alicent's sworn shield for most of the war.
Other than Aemond, most of the Greens are pretty above the board and honorable. Later in the war, Daeron gets pretty dark. But he also has a very good reason for doing what he does in both incidents that Rhaenyra and the Starks instigate and he makes them pay dearly.
So, no, I wouldn't say they're as bad as all that.
Let's put it this way. In the "Game of Thrones" era of the Ice and Fire Universe. The Greens - and Daeron in particular - are remembered as the heroes and good guys of the Dance. Even Rhaenyra and Daemon's descendants consider the Blacks to be the villains.
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13thdoctorposts · 1 year
Do you have a recap of the panel from the earlier day that you posted pics from as well? Or only the last day? (No rush to post it if you do, just want to know whether it’ll be coming).
The Saturday VIP panel was awkwardly run, and not as good as the Monday Panels. I did take some notes after I left just for myself so I would remember what they talked about. They aren’t as comprehensive because I hadn’t yet realised people would be as interested in knowing.
I have had a few people ask about the first panel so I’ll put my notes below for those who are interested. I haven’t edited these so if there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes forgive me. And just to note, a lot of what was said was repeated again in the Monday panels because people asked similar questions.
My favourite Michelle story was her saying when she pinned Peter to the wall and kissed him and she held her other hand back behind her and Jenna just took her hand and held it in her own and she turned to Jenna and said you’re weird.
She auditioned for a different role got it had to turn it down because she was working on something else at the time, wouldn’t say what, but told Moffatt that if anything else came up to give her a call because she really wanted to do Doctor Who. Then she got a call from her agent they asked if she was sitting, so she sat down, and they told her that Moffatt wanted her to play the master and she asked her agent is Moffatt new she was a woman, her agent said yes and the rest is history. Also a number of answer were similar to the main panels because people asked similar questions between the panels.
It was Moffatt’s idea for Mary Poppins to be the most terrible villain in the universe, which she thinks is great. And she gave props to the costume designer for bringing the outfit to life.
In SVU her first scene was with Mariska Hargitay with 4 pages of dialogue and at the end of it she walked off and in character shoulder tapped her, that wasn’t in the script or directing, and she walked around the corner and freaked out because she realised she just shoulder checked her boss, and she heard Mariska go… who is that? And she thought oh no I just got myself fired but Mariska loved it.
She had a crush on Peter back in the day… long before Doctor Who. She remembers him like a Scottish David Bowie when she was up and coming as an actress
Her first job out of school was playing David Bowies girlfriend in a movie.
She talked about if wanting to pursue acting be ready for rejection and understand what parts you’ll be able to play. That she found success later in life because she couldn’t really pull off the girl next door but once she got older and grew into her face and could play villains and witches she was able to get more parts, but that can take time and lots of rejection and you need you push through and not let it get you down.
One of Michelle Favourite episodes is when she turned up to set with her 8 year old son and there were daleks everywhere and she put her son in one and stayed in all day he was so excited (she wasn’t sure the episode name but maybe it’s The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar?)
She didn’t adlib much in doctor who because Moffatt was very good at writing in her voice so when doing the scripts nothing ever felt off.
When asked about where is like in NZ she said she had only gotten in the morning before so she’d have to come back to that but she was planning on doing some sight seeing after the con.
My favourite Sacha story was saying he had to send in an audition tape to Chibs of his interpretation of the Master and Chibs was like, great but could you take it down a notch, because the Master isn’t on drugs. Could you imagine a more unhinged Master? That could have been epic! 5 episodes was not enough of my little SpyMaster.
Sacha said it’s easy to get caught up in acting and getting jobs but make sure you make time for life because all those lives experiences go into your acting and if you’re so caught up in acting and finding work you’ll miss out on that. Michelle agreed.
Sacha talked about how when he was in Sherlock he was doing a fight scene with Ben and it ended in a pool so there kept having to go to a heat unit between takes and strip down out off the wet clothes and while they were in there talking he told Ben he had audition for the marvel show iron fist and Ben made a phone call and told someone there to make sure they took a look at his tape and he got the job. Then at a convention he saw Ben there so went up and said hi, and they had a quick chat and as he left he say I love you, and Ben said it back but he has no idea why he said it. But obviously they love each other.
Name dropped Ray Holman asking if that was who design Michelle’s costume too, but Michelle just looked at him like ‘I don’t know’ so he didn’t say any more. Lol.
Mentioned that lots of people talk about who came first him or Missy, and this was new information to Michelle’s and she was like ‘really’, and he explained because her arc was a redemption arc some people wanted her incarnation to be the last master.
Sachs’s favourite moment is the O revel, when they did it in rehearsal and the cast and crew got to see how he did it there was such a positive reaction he knew it was something special.
When asked about ad libbing he talked a bit about the fact that the shooting schedule being really hectic so there wasn’t a lot of time.
*The impression I got was that he wasn’t able to do much ad libbing because of the hectic schedule there probably wouldn’t have been time for multiple takes.
When asked about favourite place in NZ Sacha mentioned his trip to Hobbiton but that sadly he was returning home on Tuesday so didn’t have much time to explore.
They both said they would be interested in doing a multi master story together.
They only just met yesterday here in New Zealand when they did a radio interview together
Both were honoured to play the role.
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
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@star-arcana​​ Just hopping onto my own post because it’ll be easier to infodump about my favorite terrible man :D
So you’re kinda right, DK64 was K. Rool’s last *major* appearance. I’ve seen a lot of people assume or believe it was his last role as a villain (most people know he was in Super Sluggers as his last appearance until Smash), but this actually isn’t true. He was the antagonist of DK: King of Swing and DK: Jungle Climber, on the GBA and DS respectively. However, most people haven’t played these bizarre little entries in the DK series, whereas DK64 sold like hotcakes, so DK64 was essentially his last appearance where he had any major impact to the public.
That said, K. Rool’s entire story follows a sensible narrative arc, which is one of the things that makes him so interesting as a villain. From being cocky and arrogant and getting humiliated in DKC, to being more brutal and focused directly on cold-blooded revenge in DKC2, in which he caused the Kremlings’ entire native homeland to be destroyed... this was the beginning of the end for his popularity among his own people, as you might imagine. In DKC3, he had to go into hiding in a different Kremling colony, and only amassed followers by controlling a robot to do his dirty work.
So DK64 was like his last ditch effort; by building his people a new mechanical island home, and attempting to blow up DK Isle as an act of revenge, he was able to get back a decent following who were excited by his new plan. Of course, his failure there, and his threatening to endanger his people once more by urging them to fire up the laser before it was ready and thus almost exploding the whole thing, does seem to have turned away almost all of his remaining followers.
Like I mentioned, he did have a few more appearances afterwards. However, both his schemes and his army are laughably small-time compared to before. In King of Swing he literally just steals some medals from a festival, and in Jungle Climber and even Super Sluggers he has like a tiny group of Kritters (the most basic Kremling subspecies) following him around, as if that’s all he has left. And in Barrel Blast he’s got like five weirdos he’s hanging around with, two of whom are just kids lol.
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(This is him in King of Swing LOOK AT HOW NON THREATENING HE IS.....I love him)
One of the reasons I’ve been able to cope with his long absence over the years is because it makes logical sense. He isn’t like Bowser who keeps getting infinite chances. His power as a ruler naturally tapered off due to his many failures and the destruction/danger he brings about to his people, and we literally see it happen chronologically in the games. Eventually he would not be able to mount offensives against the Kongs anymore. And that’s why, if/when he returns in a game, I hope they directly acknowledge his long absence and make him more unhinged than ever before. Idk if you saw that amazing fan animation that came out recently, but it does a great job playing off of this whole idea.
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