#i will defend each character with my damn LIFEE
yeehaw-fuckers · 5 months
man… i hate how people hate on vinny everyman cause he was complicit to habit’s various vile deeds through the show and decided to continue the investigation!
IMPORTANT NOTE- words or paragraphs in red are important/key parts and bold or caps is just for emphasis also if my spelling is shit its because im excited lol
btw please don’t take this too seriously, these characters are fictional, and this whole thing is just an analysis on morally grey characters and the hate they get
comments are very appreciated and ill always try to comment back to yall
first of all, are yall forgeting that they (the characters) are literally in a loop where they repeat the same roles over and over again! LIKE THEIR DECISIONS ARE MADE FOR THEM NOT BY THEM so keep that in mind
vinny has been a victim (like every other character) in all iterations/universes, throughout each-one he’s never learned how to defend himself or say no to peer pressure!
habit has made VARIOUS EXAMPLES (via murder and torture) of people who either didn’t listen to him or that he straight up didn’t like!
as the show goes on you see how habit now becomes dependent on vinny and how vinny becomes dependent on habit (cause all of vinny’s friends are dead and slender man is still out there)
it becomes a bully v.s victim situation where the victim has to stay with their bully to be safe, a situation that many people blatantly ignore for the sake of habit’s charisma and character,
he became adaptable to the situation, becoming complicit towards habit’s violent tendencies and even insulting or pushing habit cause he knows that habit cant get rid of him if they want to defeat slenderman!
for my other point, aka continuing the investigation,
DUDE! who tf wouldn’t follow the investigation on slenderman or habit, THEY ARE KILLING PEOPLE AND THE POLICE CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT! and yes I acknowledge that vinny did remove incriminating evidence of himself that would make him look bad, WHICH IS A SHITTY THING TO DO btw
but other characters have also made shit decisions or mistakes in the series, ITS LITERALLY A REALISTIC THING TO DO!!
for example jeff gets stephanie sent to a fucking MENTAL INSTITUTION because he SUSPECTED that she was working with slenderman
(she wasnt, shes a victim of slenderman and also emo as fuck)
do i think it was a good idea to pressure others into the investigation, no! thats a terrible idea and he should have done it by himself or atleast warned gang about his knowledge of information!
do i think it was a good idea to summon habit, HELL NO, but if we are going to be honest habit is apart of this never ending loop too!
BUT in the end hes not necessarily a villain, hes a morally grey person like the rest of characters, except for habit and slenderman they are straight up evil,
it’s realistic storytelling!!! and some people throw it out the window so they can place blame on a character that they dislike cause people cant handle morally grey people without forcing them into a hero or villain arcs!!
-from your fella named, yeehaw-fuckers
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sleepiexx · 29 days
Something He’d Overheard
James Potter x fem!Reader
Note: I’ve been in the marauders fandom for over 7 years now, I think it’s high time I write a fic for it. Part of my efforts to branch out into writing for more fandoms than COD.
Summary: James finds himself head over heels when he sees you defending a first year student.
Warnings: some curse words here and there, bullying mention, overall rlly soft
Word Count: 1151
After countless fictional characters and random strangers on the street with pretty faces catching his burning ire, anyone who knew James Potter knew good and well that he was a lover. He had long believed in love at first sight, merely seeing someone eye-catching often sparked thoughts of budding romance, fantasies of how they would love and what their relationship would look like amongst other things. Soulmates and fate were a big concept to him too, for example his favorite book character, a headstrong witch who was kind and brilliant, well James had a hunch that in another life they were lovers.
He’d fallen in love just about a million times, and yet something about you was different.
You had caught James’ eye one day as he made the trek to the library to collect his good friend Remus for their group’s usual night’s worth of mischief. Your beautiful eyebrows were pinched together in anger, a sneer on your pretty lips, your voice was loud and firm as you scolded one of the usual culprits (a death eater in the making) for bullying a defenseless first year student.
Your hand clutched your wand intently as you damn near hissed the words, “you wanna try picking on someone who can actually fight back?”
They let out a scoff and left the scene, leaving you, the first year, and unbeknownst to you, James.
The switch between standoffishness and caring came like whiplash. Your tensed frame relaxed as you knelt down in front of the first year (those eleven year olds seemed to be growing shorter and shorter every year). Your dominant hand reached out and gently wiped away the younger child’s tears.
“Everything he said is bullshit,” you began, “he’s angry at the world, looking for someplace to fit in, and unfortunately it’s really easy to fall into the wrong crowd. You haven’t, and he’s jealous of that.”
The kid sniffled, pout still indented firmly on their little lips, “who would be jealous of me?”
You shook your head in disbelief, “plenty of people! You have a gift that a large part of the world’s population doesn’t possess, that’s something to be proud of no matter what other witches and wizards try to tell you. Heck, I’m even jealous of you.”
As you spoke a smile crept its way on the first year’s face, “you are?” They asked.
“Yeah, I am!” You nodded, “you’ve got six and a half more years left at Hogwarts to have fun and run about the castle, I only have another year and a half.”
“This place is pretty cool,” they muttered.
Your face lit up and you stood to your feet, offering the small child your hand so you could walk them back to their common room. You’d never seen the awe-stricken onlooker, but the scene was now burned into James’ mind.
It followed him to the library, where he convinced Remus to follow him to their other friends, a long walk that Remus spent listening to James drone on and on about you. It followed him to his dorm that night, and every other night for weeks leaving the marauders to know every single detail about you. And it most especially followed him to each of the classes you had together where James would stare at you and admire your appearance while daydreaming about you.
It was the third time that week that the scene had followed him to the lunch table when Sirius slammed his palms on the table, “I’m putting an end to this nonsense right now. You either talk to her, Prongs, or I will. And trust me, you won’t like how in depth I will go about those daydreams you’ve been having where-“
Sirius couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast James jumped in, “alright, alright! I have potions with her next, I’ll talk to her, I swear.”
The statement leaves the marauders satiated in conversation as they finish up their lunch and head to their classes.
In potions, James nearly decides to abandon ship, facing a new anxiety he’d never experienced before when dealing with a girl. He decides that maybe it would be best to keep to himself, too afraid to stumble on his words and make a fool of himself in front of such a pretty girl. All this is until Professor Slughorn proclaims that today’s assignment requires a partner. If there ever was a time to shoot his shot, it’s now.
He takes deep breaths, adjusting his posture and forcing his every step to radiate confidence before he reaches you, “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to be my partner?”
You smile, “I’d love to! Fair warning, though, I’m not the best at potions.”
James bursts out into a giddy grin, “I’m willing to pick up the slack.”
“Unfortunately, I bet I’ll make you eat your words,” nonetheless you collect the ingredients as James collects the supplies.
When everything is together, James reads off the instructions. You follow them with great care, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your new, devilishly handsome potions partner.
You make to slice open one of the ingredients, as the instructions called for, but your knife slips, sending the damned thing hurdling straight towards your face. You close your eyes, bracing yourself for an impact that never comes, reopening them only to be met with the sight of the back of James’ hand.
“Holy shit,” you curse, “did you just catch that?”
James nods, almost surprised at himself.
You shake your head in disbelief, “if you weren’t such a good chaser, I’d suggest you take up seeking.”
Your statement renews James’ confidence, so you’d noticed him too?
“Can I show you how to cut it?” He asks, a smile on his face.
You nod, watching his hands intently, confused when he disappears behind you. You quickly piece together what’s happening when he grabs your hands with his own, handing you the knife and positioning you so that you slice through the ingredient like it’s nothing.
“Great job!” James praises, even though it was him that had done all the work.
You still take the compliment, grinning from ear to ear as he tosses the final ingredient into the potion, creating the rich purple color you were striving for, “we make a really good team, Potter.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, “well what do you say we see if we make as good of a couple?” You feel blood rush to your cheeks, James further clarifies “Hogsmeade this weekend? Just you and me?”
And you nod eagerly, “I would love that.”
If Sirius thought James asking you out would be the solution to him raving on and on about you all hours of the day, he was sorely mistaken and he was about to figure that out as soon as James stepped into the common room.
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androdragynous · 4 months
I know i complained about the stardew valley penny and George cutscene at length but the it really is fucking. bizarre the lengths people will go to defend it because "the game lets you pick to side with him" (please do literally any reading about wheelchair use and realize why it's a problem that the game rewards you for moving someone without their consent.) or variants of that sentiment but then it's like. the rest of the cutscene is also So Weird
Like. Penny moves an old man in a wheelchair without asking him. He gets upset, she asks if you saw what happened The game prompts you to select from;
"I was. You did a kind thing there, Penny." (+50 friendship with Penny)
"I was. You should've asked instead of assuming George wanted help." (-50 friendship with Penny)
"I'm just taking a walk, minding my own business." (No effect on friendship.)
And these are the REVISED options. Before 1.4, the second option wasn't"you should have asked", it was "You should've left him alone. Now he's grumpy."
So already it's kind of shit. The person she's upset - who's entire existence in the game is experiencing inaccessibility, let's be real - because he was shoved without permission just for being in a wheelchair doesn't have his friendship level affected at all.
Regardless of which answer you pick, George apologizes (Penny does not apologize in every choice! But the guy she shoved does!) and says she was kind.
Once he's gone, she talks about how hard it must be to be old. It's worth noting, for what it's worth, that George has been using a wheelchair since a mining accident caused his immobility; it's not a result of age, and you learn about this whole he struggles with a bookshelf in his own home, where presumably he has been living with a wheelchair for at least two decades (given how he talks about his grandson), which is a whole different can of worms because why is this never addressed in a fictional community with multiple craftspeople who frequently do projects for each other?
Anyways. So Penny's like, damn, sucks that he's old. And the options the game gives you - all neutral in terms of friendship points - are:
"I'd rather not think about it."
"It's just a different part of life."
"That's why we should respect our elders."
"I'd rather die young..."
Like are you kidding me? You have a cutscene that's about being disabled - it's not about aging, because his disability was not caused by aging, it is explicitly and directly about the fact that he is in a wheelchair. And the game assumes your opinions will be "Not my problem,", "That's an old people thing,", and "I'D RATHER BE DEAD"? And this is something people just... don't remark on? Even in conversations ABOUT this cutscene? Like, George's mentions of being disabled are already Constantly Miserable -able-bodied writer standard quality - but the game is just like. Yeah you can say you'd rather be dead rather than express any positive sentiment about this guy surviving a traumatic mining accident. You can't say it's great that he's able to still be a part of the community in his chair, or renovate his house to make it accessible the way you can build ENTIRE HOMES for other characters. The community center you rebuild in the Good Ending for the community is only accessible by stairs. The path out of his home is dirt. It's the little things, y'know, like... obviously he wasn't thought about as his own character. The game's writing sees him as a source of conflict for others, and down to the very tiles of the terrain, he's irrelevant.
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animentality · 7 months
the helldivers 2 developer team is getting flak from its community because someone in their discord asked if they were going to add trans flag capes to the game, and someone ELSE replied to them and said God I'm tired of seeing trans people everywhere, I wish they would remain hidden and secluded.
And the devs banned the transphobic guy. and now helldivers 2 is getting review bombed by angry gamers who are complaining about how they "play games to escape reality and things like this."
I have two reactions. first off, stop being such a fucking snowflake. the developers can remove anyone they want from the discord. being a bigot counts as a perfectly legit reason to ban someone from a discord.
also the "defending" discourse, aside from being outright transphobic, is "oh a player can't want the game to be serious?"
helldivers is a goofy fucking satire of the infamously campy starship troopers. characters shriek the most out of pocket nonsense ever like "for democracy" and "MY LIFE FOR LIBERTY." it doesn't break immersion to have a fucking colorful cape.
also I'm just laughing because damn, it really is such a mental hardship for cishets, huh, seeing a trans flag in a game?
they gotta really "suffer" all their favorite fictional properties "bringing real life into the game." really "ruins their fun" when you bring in a trans flag, reminding them of a reality where they exist in a world where trans people also exist. and have never done anything to them ever, not even meet them.
what a difficult reality you live in!
also lol, they didn't even say they'd add trans flags. they just banned someone for being transphobic, which they obviously were being.
they should add trans flags now just cuz why the fuck not.
my second reaction is this.
I like it when you suffer. I like watching you writhe and whimper and cry.
I hope trans flags hurt you when you see them, and I hope they ruin all of your favorite things. I hope your existence is miserable and I hope your pain is immeasurable.
nothing you go through seeing a trans flag in a stupid video game will ever equal the kind of things trans people suffer in their daily lives, and for me, if this is what it takes to even slightly even the score, then good.
misery for all of us. let's keep torturing each other.
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tototalks · 3 months
And so here we are, the final ramble! I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who has been on this lil reading voyage with me and put up with my dumb memes lol. You’ve all been awesome! Special thanks go to @evilovesyou for getting me to read! 💙
My final King’s Rising thoughts 👑👑
- Gotta love Damianos, King of Akielos, looking down at a broken cart and being like “I’m too privileged to know how to fix this” while Lazar and Pallas fuck unsubtly in the background.
- LAMEN. CRYING. 😭😭😭 Laurent really chose Damen’s high school bully nickname.
- Charls is an actual MVP. He took one look at Laurent and understood the assignment. He’s a cousin to the King of Vere now. He is actually a part of the royal family. Ring bearer at the wedding. I don’t make the rules. And the absolute best part about it is that he never fuckin finds out 😂
- Laurent is having the absolute time of his life. He’s sat there TRASHING Nikandros and telling all these Akeilon sluts to cover their arms and accidentally reinventing the cloth trade. What a legend 😂
- The night they spend at the inn is so so significant. Laurent realising that he’s allowed to have desires and finally being asked what he wants. But also the undercurrent of being scared and confused by what turns him on because of his history. Damn I love that his traumatic experiences don’t disappear just because he has Damen now.
- I also need a whole book about their trip through Akeilos - Laurent being too pale and northern for the heat is SO real lol
- King Damianos promising to end slavery 🥲
- I need Laurent and Nikandros to become friends who tease each other ruthlessly.
- Okay so the kid is Kastor’s. I have to admit, I really do appreciate Jokaste and her sacrifices to a certain degree - not the whole degree - but a certain degree.
- Laurent giving himself over for Damen’s sake and the child. Holy shit the symbolism. Damen hearing the Regent confirm what he already kind of knew about Laurent and going apeshit, and Laurent realising he’s defending him. 💔
- “Throw up quick, we need to go.” Nikandros, I love you.
- Damen just WALKING IN to surrender. He really said all eyes on me you’re not gonna forget this.
- He stands up for Laurent against all the odds and I cannot even imagine what that felt like for Laurent.
- GUION YOU RAT ASS MOTHERFUCKER (I should have seen this coming.)
- And this is why you NEVER cross a mother about the ones she loves - the Regent is being taken down by every child he abused and that is exactly how I wanted him to fall. So satisfying.
- Paschal’s testimony and it all coming together. I ADORE how no character is forgotten or irrelevant once they die. Nicaise, Aimeric and even Govart were significant to the Regent’s downfall. The perfect evidence for the council to acquit Laurent and charge the Regent.
- I have to mention the 11 year old boy and how Laurent protects him when he sees him worry for the Regent upon his execution. He truly doesn’t understand what’s going on and the manipulation runs deep. Laurent broke that cycle of abuse.
- Kastor vs. Damianos - another fight that was always meant to happen and solidified that Kastor cannot be redeemed, even by Damen’s kindness.
- Laurent being the one to kill Kastor was only fitting. He’s fulfilled himself, Auguste, and Damen, and he used something so himself to do it. His wits. I really love that.
- And finally we have two legitimate kings, friends, and lovers. Ruling over two kingdoms that will probably end up one. An absolute perfect ending. ♥️
What an absolute ride. Shoutout C.S. Pacat for an awesome story ♥️…. I start the side stories Friday 😂 Y’all on tumblr have one more job, and that’s to fill my inbox with AO3 links 😉🥰 I have a character song playlist to curate lol
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ mr. cold feet
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 1.8k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, spoilers for belobog museum event (opportunity makes the thief p4), reader is NOT trailblazer!!!, but they ARE part of the silvermane guards!, reader and sampo are implied to be in a ... complicated relationship, suggestive? making out ig counts as suggestive but obviously still sfw within reason /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ
I am once again here 2 apologize for no majesty update... I just finished the event as soon as I was well enough to get up and I... had to. I love hate love to hate and love sampo (=^-ω-^=) enjoy! also sorry this got more suggestive than I expected it to.... (=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
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"Oh... I mean, oh! Oh, haha! If it isn't my favorite Silvermane Guard in the entire world, my dear Y/N~"
"Cut the chitchat, Sampo." You crossed your arms, unimpressed. "Really? I thought you mentioned a 'new lease on life' after the whole saving Belobog thing. You're still running cons?"
"Come, now, no need for that! I daresay it was fate that brought us—"
Sampo trailed off weakly at the sight of you bringing out a pair of cuffs, sweat visibly dripping down his temple.
"—...together... again..."
He chuckled warily, opting for a wisecrack.
"Well, I'm certainly open to hearing you out on your bedroom preferences—after all, Sampo Koski is nothing if not flexible, if you catch my drift—but don't ya think this is a little sudden, sweetheart? I mean—"
You advanced on him, scowling, and he visibly leapt back, arms up.
"W-Woah, woah, cool the jets! I know you've got your duty to do, all of that, hehe, and believe you me I know how dedicated you are! 'S one of the things I love about you—"
"I'm not being bought this time, Sampo Koski. Arms behind your back."
"Come on, just hear me out! Please, Y/N? For old time's sake?"
"What old times?" However hostile your tone, Sampo noticed the way you slowed just a bit, giving him a chance to speak. Then, in fake-contemplation, you placed a finger thoughtfully to your chin.
"Oh, you mean the time you snuck ten crates of Geomarrow out from under my platoon's noses, and got us all in deep shit with Captain Landau. Or, no. Perhaps you were thinking of the time you forced me to go on a 'date' with you, only to trick me into meeting your cronies at a handoff point for your stolen goods? Oh, or maybe—"
Sampo shrunk in on himself with each story, grin growing more and more sheepish and catlike with every word.
A small correction, he realized: You hadn't slowed to allow him to defend himself, but rather, to rag on every inch of his schemes and stoke what little remained of his guilty conscience.
He only acknowledged that you were finished with your story time when you began tapping your foot, brow raised. Sampo reached for you, taking a seat at the small table to move ever-so-subtly closer to your touch.
"Honey? Darling..." Your lip curled at his puppy-dog eyes, yanking your hand away. Despite the malice he could hide in those emerald irises, he was damn good at making himself appear vulnerable, too.
"Don't call me that! Especially not in public!"
"We're in a hotel room..." he pouted, tapping his fingers together. "Listen. I've got an idea that could be beneficial to us both...? I get away, and you say you lost me, and you get a little something-something? Eh?"
You were about to say no. As you should've, as you usually did, but those eyes...
"Ugh!" you slammed the handcuffs onto the table, causing Sampo to start. Even with all his wiles and exit routes, he couldn't quite escape the mild fear he had of you.
Or maybe what he feared was more so upsetting you than anything else.
"Spill! What lame deal have you cooked up in that dumb, pretty little head of yours?"
"You think I'm pretty?" The blue-haired man batted his eyelashes, but toned down the theatrics only at your frosty glare. "Um, so, hear me out. I made quite the pretty penny off of this deal, and I can offer you a whole third of what I made! In exchange, you... let me go? Scot-free? No strings attached? ...Please?"
You sighed heavily. Why did you even bother sometimes...
"Sampo, I told you, I can't be bought. I don't want stolen money, and besides, I make plenty."
You placed a free hand on your head, sliding your cuffs back into your belt. "And what's the miraculous secondary offer Sampo Koski has concocted today?"
You seemed to open slightly, and that gave the man all the push he needed.
As though flipping a switch, Sampo's contrite expression morphed into a wicked smirk, fingers dancing across the table until they reached your hand. This time, you did not pull away, much to your own chagrin and the conman's delight.
"Well... if there's one thing Sampo Koski is, it's reasonable."
"You just said the one thing you are is flexible."
Sampo chuckled, taking advantage of the absence of venom in your tone as he rose from his seat, allowing his gloved hand to run up your arm. You tilted your head away, refusing to look him in the eye.
"I can be both," You couldn't stand the look on his face. Cocky, like the cat that ate the canary.
"You know," he murmured, voice suddenly low and breathy—and, of course, right beside your ear. "If you wanted a 'lil love from your dear Sampo, all you had to do was say so."
Before you could cut off his husky words with an indignant shout, he was swift in taking your chin in his hand, pushing his lips onto yours with a self-satisfied smirk.
Your legs felt reminiscent of jelly as you clutched onto his arms, but you did not fight off the kiss he deepened with each passing second—though they felt more like hours.
Sampo Koski is flexible, indeed. He can also be reasonable, though you'd argue more against that than for it.
But above all, Sampo Koski is annoyingly, infuriatingly, irritatingly astute. Especially when it comes to you.
Your brow relaxed as you felt his tongue slip against your mouth, your grip on his sleeve loosening as he practically manhandled you. His prying hands were quick to move down your arms, your sides, and you only gained enough clarity in the single moment he brushed your rear to give his wandering hand a smack.
He only rumbled a low chuckle again, sending shivers down your spine as he settled on your hips. Sampo pressed on further, nibbling your lower lip before invading your mouth with his tongue, eager to taste every inch of you.
That was another word for him, you thought. Eager. He could never take two seconds to stop and think about anything, as always, especially not when it came to you.
But while Sampo Koski was quite prone to causing (unpleasant) surprises to those around him, so wily was he that he never quite expected them to happen to him.
As a Silvermane Guard, you were by no means weak, and certainly not weaker than even the shockingly well-built conman.
You snatched his wrists from their place atop your hips, pulling back just enough to relish the shock in his eyes as you slammed him against the wall opposite, shoving your lips back onto his before he could make even a sound.
That didn't stifle his noise afterwards, a soft groan humming into your mouth as you kissed him with new fervor.
If he wanted to play dirty, you'd dish it back out twofold.
You shifted his wrists, clasping one hand around his two arms while your other began to roam, dipping beneath his hip windows and sliding along his side. This elicited more small whimpers from the Sampo Koski, his squirming picking up.
Even though he never expected them, you knew how much the man just adored surprises—especially yours.
Your tongue swiped over his lip, and you slowly pulled back, giving him no reprieve as you latched onto his neck. The blue-haired man groaned again, making no moves or effort to fight back against you as he angled his neck to give you better access. You had to fight the urge to release his wrists and slap a hand over his mouth from how loudly he was beginning to whine for you.
"Y/N..." he keened.
Just as you were about to nudge your knee between his thighs and give him a nice, vibrant mark on his pretty pale skin, footsteps echoed loudly in the hall.
"Y/N hasn't been answering their phone. Prepare to search each room. If Mr. Cold Feet got to them—"
You pulled back at once, Sampo being too dazed to even really listen to what the voices just outside were saying. He chased you immediately, face flushed and eyes teary.
"Aw, c'mon, Y/N... Feels good, keep going? Yeah? Please? I like it when you—"
"Sampo, those are the guards!" you hissed under your breath, emphasizing each word carefully, watching the slow snap to reality that dawned on the man's face. He paused inquisitively, as though waiting for you to call your comrades in to arrest him, but you only placed a hand to your forehead.
You had to barely restrain your yell of annoyance as Sampo grinned wildly, planting a big, sloppy kiss on your lips before vanishing out of the hotel window. His whisper-shout was the last thing you heard from him.
"I'll pay ya back big time for this one, honey!"
The remaining seconds you had were spent trying to fix your clothing and rub at your lips, trying to scrub away any hint of puffiness. Before long, Pela entered the room herself, raising a hand for the other guards to stand by.
"Y/N, are you okay?!"
"Fine," you tried to answer as coolly as possible. Luckily, your friend didn't seem to notice, poking about the room.
"And Mr. Cold Feet—"
"Gone before I got here. Left the room a mess, and the window open."
She raised a brow. "You weren't answering my texts."
"Sorry. I got caught up in investigating, trying to find leads... He couldn't have gone far."
"Right... Well, let's get back. We got the film, so... no harm, no foul. We can try again."
"Right. Let's go."
You tried to ignore the subtle stare of one of the guards, trying to let the mortification of your state swallow you whole.
Were you that obvious?
Still, you grumbled about it to yourself all the way back to the museum, trying to rid yourself of the floaty feeling in your chest and your mind.
This was the last time, you swore to yourself. The last time Sampo Koski gets away with his cons! The last time he goads you into an impromptu make-out session!
You knew that was a lie, and so did Sampo, who gleefully watched you from the shadows, a museum volunteer application perched in his hands.
After all, you two would have all the time in the world together if you were coworkers...
...that is, more specifically, after hours at the museum.
He couldn't wait for you to finish what you started.
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pressplay-if · 24 days
ooooh, having both the top 2 popular fandom ships involve the MC is a recipe for drama 👀 not been into a lot of bands, but been in LOT of fandoms 😂 it always creates this weird tension between the stans... awkward for Zima and Stevie who I imagine as very chill w eachother actually 😅
I can see the ship wars now: MCevie and MCima rising in popularity together, and shippers butting heads immediately. MCima's getting accused of romanticing toxicity, and MCevie's getting called boring prudes. Character attacks on the shippers, turning into attacks of the ships, turning into attacks on Stevie/Zima as people. Stans getting even madder at each other trying to defend their favs. Fanfic stereotypes emerging in both ships where Stevie/Zima get villainized in the respective MCima/MCevie fics... Zima reduced to just a player/slut manipulating and abusing the MC, contrasted to an angelic Stevie. Stevie as an annoying, clingy two-faced bitch only pretending to be nice, getting in the way of the OTP (characterization gets even harsher if Zima/MC is an MLM ship 😒). 'Are u an MCevie or an MCima?' being an actual divisive Thing in the fandom. The tiny contingent of Zima/Stevie shippers that pop-up just as counterculture to it all, that come out with surprisingly compelling stuff.
And in the end it was all just a very vocal minority, but Zima and Stevie stans still get a little anxious around each other after all the drama 😭 the vast majority are not rabid, and are in fact crossing their fingers that the other is gonna be chill about their fav 🥲
LOVE the shippers not even considering Angel for MC tho - he's really got perpetual comic relief/'only exists as a character to help the main pair get together' written all over him. Curveball for everybody when my MC ends with him in the end 🤭
Oh damn this ask is everything. Yeah Stevie and Zima are... surprisingly cool with each other, once the entire thing with Zima and MC is resolved. They can even become really good friends.
Ngl I can totally imagine it going the exact way you described. Fandoms can be so downright horrible, especially when they're about real life people. Like, I've mostly only lurked in fandoms in my earlier years, so I saw some... interesting things. And I'm glad I never got into it deep enough to partake in any controversies. And nowadays I kinda enjoy those videos about toxic fandoms and, like, their rise and fall hehe
I have nothing more to add to the analysis you gave. An essay for the ages. Sadly, it reads entirely plausible
And yes since Angel is rather average in his looks and presentation of himself, whenever someone's talking about him, it's actually about his guitar playing lol. Like its "oh monsanto was really laying it down at that live show" not "omg I wonder who he's shacking up with" and then when MC gets with him, all the stans just go "huh"
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aestheticpearl · 2 months
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✩ ‧₊˚ ✩𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
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✧·˚feat: kayson mayer, jonah, xanthus claiborne, andrew marston, issac rhoades, elias, zaros athat'lin, luca pearce, rowan
✧·˚summary: this is basically just my headcanons of what kind of music each character listens to and their favorite albums since saku only really listens to soundtracks and can’t really tell what they would like (that is a joke btw i know you also listen to some kpop)
✧·˚a/n: music is a very important thing to me so i hope i did everyone justice and feel free to add your opinions as well!
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kayson mayer ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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you never walk alone - bts . fine line - harry styles . hard to imagine the neighborhood ever changing - the neighborhood
okay hear me out, i definitely think kayson would be a kpop fan, not like a kpop stan more of a “i enjoy their music” more than anything. i feel like kayson isn’t huge on music but he love the slower stuff when he’s not at practice or trying to get pumped up for volleyball. he seems to have more of a moody taste in music in contrast to his more up beat personality, but i mean we all gotta cry over something.
jonah ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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HIT ME HARD AND SOFT - billie eilish . currents - tame impala . brat - charli xcx
this bitch definitely loves billie eilish. only man i know that definitely cries to ‘what was i made for?’ besides kayson maybe. he fucks heavy with tame impala, but not in the master manipulator why that other man fuck with it. he loves having them on in the background of streams mostly. hyper pop king, loves charli xcx and he is having a brat summer. he is definitely on tiktok so much and is very much influenced by what’s trending on the app.
xanthus claiborne ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT - taylor swift . firebird suite - igor stravinsky . preacher’s daughter - ethel cain
LISTEN OKAY xanthus is the kind to never admit that he would listen to taylor swift but god damn it he loves her new album and her slower stuff she is his guilty pleasure artist for sure. okay he loves classical music but like classical music don’t really have ‘albums’ per say so i chose his favorite piece. firebird suite is something that he has adored the story that is told through the music, same with ethel cain’s preachers daughter. he loves how the music is telling a story more than anything.
andrew marston ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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something to give each other - troye sivan . being funny in a foreign language - the 1975 . harry styles - harry styles
do you feel the rush andrew? sorry. i think honestly he has always loved troye sivan, might be the repressed gay in him but who knows. a full really fond of being funny in a foreign language, loves how raw the whole album is and enjoys the slower ballads. loves the debut album of harry styles, it’s just so soft and sweet he really likes listening to it.
issac rhoades ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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cry - cigarettes after sex . laurel hell - mitski . did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd - lana del ray
bro is depressed. like i don’t know what you were expecting with him. he knows that most of the songs on the cry album are very sad but some are very sweet and he like the mix of the two. mommy issues up the wazoo so of course he listens to mitski. lana del ray is new and a bit more positive of a listen, it’s almost like someone special came into his life and change the outlook of it a bit.
elias ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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who really cares - tv girl . star boy - the weeknd . positions - ariana grande
something about this tv girl album just screams elias to me and i think he would really enjoy this album the most out of the others. of course he loves the weeknd just look at him, he is a starboy and a party monster on the weekends. this bitch loves ariana grande’s positions album so much he created a stan twitter just to defend it against the haters.
zaros athat'lin ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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the rise and fall of a midwest princess - chappell roan . MEGAN - megan thee stallion . GUTS (spilled) - olivia rodrigo
was it casual when you fought my claim? he loves chappell roan and will definitely tell you he listened to her before she blew up which in his defense he did but he doesn’t need to keep telling people that. loves megan thee stallion her new album is what he listens too before he insults the fuck outta earis. loves the range of emotions he feels when listening to olivia rodrigo, i’m convinced he’s just a teenage girl.
luca pearce ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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songs - adrianne lenker . teenage dream - katy perry . MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA - bts
soft baby child loves soft songs that can put his ass to sleep in less than fifteen minutes. katy perry is his favorite, teenage dream got him through college and continues to make him romanticize the crap out of his relationship, as he should! he loves kpop, i just feel it in my bones that he loves persona and how happy the album is.
rowan ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
favorite albums:
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louder than bombs - the smiths . AM - arctic monkeys . the game - queen
he loves music that you could find in an old vinyl record store and these albums capture his taste perfectly in my opinion. a bit of indie here and alt rock there and you’ve got a rowan playlist that he will put on anytime he drives you anywhere.
this is where i would put my glittery divider but i can’t add anymore photos lmao
.love always <3 pearl
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bibibbon · 2 months
Hi, there are people defending the ending of mha and some good points can be made like Izu never cared for fame...and how Izu working as a teacher is in character, I agree.
I told the op how my gripe is not Izu not having bitches, its how he is not happy, he is not being appreciated.
And like op doesnt have a real answer aside "he is happy, adult life is hard as adults dont have time to see each other all the time" and look, I get it, we are all adult here.
But come on, in a country where we have more heroes than villains...no one had the time to catch up with Izu? They can open agencies but cant ask Izu if he wants to join them ?
Not saying they all should make Izu their god and priority...but no one had time to be there for Izu? REALLLY?
Again, its not about Izu getting no harem or mansions....its him getting no glory after going through all that.
A1 didn´t chip in to buy the damn suit...and even if they did (saw some people saying A1 did help too) why the fuck they kept as a secret?)
Btw, Izumei is the best ship.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
The ending even though I do view it in a negative light has a few good points like you mentioned above. While I do like izuku becoming a teacher I do wish that izuku got a career that involved his analytical abilities. A career where he works with mei and Melissa makes sense and would be interesting to see in my opinion.
I have brought up the point that it's the fact that the manga doesn't show us 1A interacting with eachother outside of heroics or hero costumes which to me can be interpreted that they really aren't close and also further emphasises the point that the 1A found family thing doesn't cannonically exist. In my opinion it's not difficult for Hori to make it so that izuku says yeah they don't meet much anymore but we still see izuku hanging out with some 1A members or we see his phone that has some messages from a 1A GC. This would of helped a lot in my opinion.
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I don't really care about canon ships and Iam glad that none have been confirmed but the fact that the fandom has made it a gag that izuku somehow fumbled and the fact that this gag also sexualises and paints ochako in a bad light is disgusting in my opinion. I hate it.
I would like to correct you that the official manga translation does state that 1A did chip in to help fund the suit while Melissa and mei where the creators of the suit. I suppose they wanted to make it a little suprise thing for izuku but it's a shame and weird that we don't see them reveal it to him?!?!
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I love izumei as much as the next girlie but even if it was canon it would of been done dirty
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silentcryracha · 2 months
❍ ‗ Watching a movie with Han ‗ ❍
Pairing : Han Jisung x f reader
Summary : chapter five of a cute standalone miniseries. It's what it says in the title
Genre/ Warnings : scenario/imagine/headcanon, drabble, fluff, suggestive but no actual smut, everyone yaps and is a nerd, homebody! Jisung is real, some swear words
Word count : 600 words
A/n : none
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
series masterpost
Watching anything, not just a movie, but a tv show, an anime, a short, a music video, literally anything, is an experience.
Each one unique and requiring at least a whole five minutes of commentary.
He's the kind of guy who feels like his life changed completely after viewing a certain product. He will gen into it so much, from the possible lore or original material, the music, the character takes and analysis from twitter users. He's probably one of them
It's so funny actually because you can pretty much guess what mood he's in by the type of thing he recommends watching. A sad movie? He's in his feels and probably lowkey needs a good cry. A fun anime? He wants to have fun and not pay too much attention, probably just relax.
A horror movie? He either wants to try and scare you and then act like the knight in shining armor (he's actually shitting himself too, trust)
"Shit! They just did a jumpscare, I didn't expect one two seconds later!" a couple of popcorns jumping out of the bowl.
"Oh no did that ugly nun scare my princess?" he wraps your shoulders with his arm, voice comically condescending, "Does she want a kiss to make it better?"
"Don't even try it, Sung. I saw you jump too, loser"
A thriller or dramatic movie? Probably feels the need to overthink something other than his life, and most likely have a nice, interesting conversation.
He's also quite strict with seeing new episodes from a series he hasn't seen before. He doesn't like to watch stuff in your presence unless you are also watching them. He much prefers your company anyway, feels also a bit disrespectful and in general he probably wants to focus on the plot.
He's usually pretty silent and concentrated but if it's a rewatch or he's purposefully showing you something he just yaps. So much. He NEEDS you to feel things as he felt them, you know?
"Baby, there! Did you see that shot? It's so fucking genius actually, will be so important for the plot later on"
"Don't spoil!" you exclaim, annoyed.
"Yah, I didn't spoil, I just commented on how good the shot was!" he defended, as you rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Shush."
But it's actually stronger than him, I fear.
"The composer using that bit of music during that scene..I know what they're doing"
"How can you hate someone so much but also enjoy their presence at the same time? Such good acting"
But don't get me wrong! He loves to hear you yap just as much. He's actually so in awe, looking at you with those big round eyes and an amused smile.
"Am I talking too much? Ah, sorry baby" you chuckle embarrassed as you catch yourself basically covering the audio of the movie.
He shakes his head with a smile, still with those adoring eyes. Like you could do no wrong, ever.
"No, my baby. You could be literally reading a cooking book, I don't care. You look too pretty."
But when you've both seen the movie/series in question and it's NOT a sad one...it's over. You both know damn well it's just part of the game foreplay at that point.
"Honey, how about we just chill and rewatch this? It was fun last time"
And just like last time, this time was indeed fun, since the movie was left on his own to the end credits as you were blowing each other's backs out.
It's a given at that point, I don't make the rules
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gojoslefttoenail · 4 months
Beach day with JJK characters!
Slight Megumi x reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Hey!" Gojo shouts to his first year students: Megumi, Nobara, Yuji and (Y/N). "What now..." Megumi says while scrolling through his phone, Nobara quickly shouts "AH! GOJO! YOU MADE ME MESS UP MY NAILS! I'LL CURSE YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" She yells out furiously, Yuji sighs "Nobara you're too dramatic-" he quickly gets cut off by the anger teen "Shut it! Unless you want me to rip your hair out." You quickly put a hand on Nobara's shoulder "It's okay Nobara, you'll fix your nails later... Try not to traumatize Yuji like last time..." Gojo laughs "I have a surprise for the best students that I have this year~" "You mean the only students that you have this year..." you added, Megumi having a subtly smile, Nobara and Yuji snickering. Gojo pouts "I'm guessing you don't want to go to the beach with me, Nanamin and the 2nd years." "THE BEACH?!?" You, Yuji and Nobara exclaims in surprise "Careful, Gojo is most likely tricking us to do a mission..." Megumi says as a warning "You doubt me too much, it hurts!" Gojo whines and he adds "We're leaving at 12pm so get ready my favorite students!" Megumi gets up and leaves the room, scrolling through his phone but he is pushed by Nobara and Yuji rushing out of the room, racing to see who could get ready first. Megumi sighs and continues walking with you joining him and talking to him. Gojo smiles as he sees you talking to Megumi "I'm glad Megumi has someone to talk to..." he thinks.
1 Hour Later, all of us are waiting outside of the school's entrance for Gojo "He's late again!" Nobara whines "What did you expect from him..." Megumi responds and sighs. "He's never early nor on time..." You yawn and Yuji groans. Then all of the sudden, Gojo appears behind the waiting teens "Hello my precious students!" He grins, Yuji and Nobara start to whine "Why are you never on time! You're a teacher gosh damn it!" "Come on Gojo, you told us to be here at 12pm it's 12:40pm..." you shake your head in disappointment towards your teacher. "Fine! But at least I'm here! Let's get in the car and go!" Gojo grins, but quickly notices Nobara brought a suitcase "Uh, Nobara what's with the suitcase?" Gojo says curiously " You wouldn't understand, a girl always has to have her essentials!" Nobara replies and enters the car, leaving Gojo to tend to her suitcase while the rest of the 1st years enter the car.
During the 1h and 30 minutes of the car ride, Nobara sat in the front passenger seat while Gojo drove. You, Megumi and Yuji sat in the backseat of the car, you fell asleep, resting your head on Megumi's shoulder, snoring softly while Megumi listened to music and looked out the window. He made sure you weren't uncomfortable while resting so he kept shifting so you wouldn't have neck pain when you woke up, and Gojo may or may not have taken pictures of this cute scene.
Later, you arrived to the beach which everyone was actually surprise because we thought Gojo was lying. Nobara and Yuji started to run towards the shore and splashing water at each other while cursing. "Guys! Your clothes, at least change out of them!" You yell out as an advice while Megumi helped Gojo putting the towels, snacks, drinks etc... out. You sigh as they didn't listen, you removed your hoodie and shorts, revealing (your bathing suit of choice) and you sit down watching the 2 savage teens attacking each other, smiling at the scene.
A while later, Gojo joined Nobara and Yuji by splashing them with water and Megumi sat next to you while you rest your head on his shoulder "I wonder where Nanamin and the 2nd years are..." you say to Megumi and he hums in response. You started to play with his hair until you heard a familiar voice, Maki "Yo!". Nobara ran towards Maki and engulfed her in a hug "Oh Maki! You're the only sane person beside (Y/N) here!" "Hey you're the one who keeps on provoking me!" Yuji says in order to defend himself which led to them bickering while Maki watched. Gojo spotted Nanami in the distance and grabbed a water gun. The next moment, you heard yells from Nanami, you heard Gojo laughing. Panda and Inumaki came and started to build sand castles while Nobara and Maki were making Yuji a mermaid body out of sand and sea shells found on the beach. You went in the water, floating and swimming around as Megumi watched you attentively while eating an ice cream sandwich. Sukuna appeared on Yuji's cheek and mocked Yuji for his mermaid tail which Nobara slapped Sukuna's mouth to shut him up and maki saying "You wouldn't even do better".
A few hours later, we ate and we noticed it was getting late and the other guests of the beach had left, so we all started to clean up and together our things to put them in the car's trunk. We changed back into our clothes and entered the car, Nanami drove the 2nd years back while Gojo drove us back to Jujutsu high school. We sat in the same places as before. But this time Megumi fell asleep, resting his head on your shoulder as you rest yours on top of his, the both of you sleeping peacefully. Yuji and Gojo started to sing their hearts out to "Firework"by Katy Perry playing on the radio, and was soon joined by Nobara after some convincing.
When we arrived back to Jujutsu High, you were still asleep so Megumi, not wanting to wake you up from your peaceful slumber, carried you to your room and tucked you in your bed.
That day, Megumi realized something. Something he never realized before.
He loved you.
A/N: HIIII! Yeah so I pretty much abandoned my other one shot because I didn't like where the fic was going so yeahhhh- sorry 😭
But I hope you enjoyed this cuz this one shot was actually fun to write! Anyways let me know if there's any errors. And thank you for 36 reads! I didn't even think I would get any reads 😭 but still thank you! Until I post again! (Gif from Tenor!)
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thoughts on episode 2 (SPOILERS)
Oh don’t  tell me we get Sylki this episode 
oh god no not Brad 
Mobius you’re such a dummie
Mobius is gay panicking
*sings along to the theme song*
Ohhh b15 you’re lookin fine
There’s a jail in the TVA??? I forgot about that
bring it to my son
Aww he talks to himself that’s cute
So smart
He’s gonna get so fed up with people bringing shit to him when he wrote a whole book about it
Sweet Casey
Married couple Lokius building their IKEA bed
I’m going to fight Brad
Brad is so right about Lokis character but damn Mobius going to defend him is kinda gay
Why do I feel like Brad is talking directly to me when he’s talking to-
The sass on lokis tone I’m going to cry
Mobius reign in your boyfriend
Loki is scaring me actually
That sounded kinda sexual Loki my man
Yeah Mobius who were you
Oh jeez
Mobius is about to flip out
Loki caring for his husband <3
Following each other <3
Awe Loki with his little legs crossed he’s so adorable around Mobius
Yeah you lost it baby
Comfort your husband Loki
Talk about your feelings Mobius
Why would you thank him for kidnapping you Mobius?
Felt that about bad and good lemme tell ya
Would you quit it about Sylvie
Don’t get hurt baby I’ll cry
Uh oh
Is he dead?
Aww man he’s alive
Round two of what babe
Big machine
He’ll torture you babe
Remembering things for their husband this is cute
Uh oh Loki what are you doing
stop asking about Sylvie for the love of god
Mobius you’re so sweet
Kill him hon maybe we won’t have to deal with his dumb ass
Terrible awful things 
He’s lost his shit I love it 
Loki please this is going too far
Okay nice we made Brad suffer and Loki is being everything Mobius could want in a boyfriend
Mobius was in on it?!
oh no world is dead
*sings McDonald’s jingle*
Where’s my wife
Awww she’s so proactive I love her so much
One Unhappy meal please
Talk less Loki 
Can Sylvie drive
Leave her alone Loki please
“It’s cinema thank you very much”
call your boyfriend Casey
Don’t hold hands
uh oh
Bye bye Sylvie :)
Oh she’s back
What are we looking at
Oh no…
Those are people!
Uh oh Sylvie’s angry
I might as well just make a harem of marvel women I want to wife me up 
Don’t pull that Sylki bullshit on me
Mobius is sad Loki go comfort him
At least Sylvie had her life
Does she have a friend?
What’s going on between those two?!
I’m so confused
Post credits???
Why not?
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inthemaelstrom · 18 days
So we're about six weeks out from another "most important election of my lifetime" and it's predictably making me literally sick to my stomach. When Trumpacabra got elected in 2016, I threw myself into politics in a way I never had in my lifetime and it almost wrecked me. I was one of those people who never voted for religious reasons (long, separate story) and I felt I had to make up for lost time. By the time 2020 rolled around, I was an unhealthy mess. I had stopped reading. Everything. When I wasn't watching MSNBC and political commentators obsessively, I started consuming absolute junk TV: home improvement shows, crack paranormal ghost hunter crap, etc. Things with no plot, no emotional investment, no danger. No fear.
Right before the 2020 election, old fanfic friends from my days in the Master and Apprentice Star Wars listserv found me and saved me.
They dragged me back into fandom, introduced me to Discord, and got me writing again. I updated a story I hadn't touched in 5 years. I made new friends online and in RL. I got some great fiction and fic recs from those friends and discovered a subgenre called Hopepunk—low stakes fiction with very little if any violence and fear and with happy endings. (Becky Chambers writes a lot of what I read, and Amy Crook has also become a favorite.)
One morning, I had one of those really vivid, realistic, linear plot dreams that literally dragged me out of bed to the keyboard. It was a meet-cute modern au of The Phantom Menace's characters, set in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I cranked out about 2000 words the first day. Then another 2000. Then another 2000. Then another 2000. And so on every damn day for the next four years until I had four novels, about 668k words, several timestamps written by three other collaborators who've come on board, some beautiful art I've been allowed to use, and now a fifth book in the works.
This is the Yooperverse.
It's not just The Fic That Saved Me, it's the place where I'm writing a vision of what the world could be like into being. A place where people with fucking obscene amounts of money don't spend it on themselves, or hoard it, or exploit other people to get more, but use it to help other people. It's a place where people who are bigoted dicks either get their comeuppance and crawl back under their rocks, or learn better and do better. It's a place where abused kids get rescued, everybody gets therapy and healthcare and is paid a living wage, people learn to value themselves and each other, and protect each other and defend each other. It's kinky and queer (although I'm neither) and above all, if not entirely safe to be both, I'm trying to write both things as just being another setting on the dryer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's not a utopia, by any means, because there are still assholes and the government is still ... the government, and capitalism is still a thing. There's some danger, especially in the first book, and there are accidents and illnesses and the vagaries of life. In the middle of the series, I had spinal surgery and was out of commission for a few months and that made me start thinking more about my main character dealing with aging and the limitations thereof. There's a LOT of mental health issues and the working through thereof, and a lot of ongoing process. Nobody's perfect. The world outside is still pretty much what it is. But in the little corners where my characters dwell, life is pretty dang good, sometimes great.
It's a vision of a life we all deserve. It's the thing I loved about Star Trek's universe, where people's basic needs are cared for and the obstacles to them developing their best selves removed. It's what I've loved about science fiction in general, especially Ursula LeGuin's: that opportunity to explore possibilities that are better than the present. It's modeled on the MacArthur Genius grants, but you don't have to prove your worthiness first. My main character invests in people's potential, young or old, with scholarships and grants and a steadying hand. His partner builds low or no-cost housing for people in need. There's an informal network of queer and straight kid rescuing going on under the noses of unfriendly governments and failed social service safety nets. The main characters build refuges, literal and emotional. They love each other fiercely and respectfully.
Right now, we're living in a country that is almost the antithesis of these ideas, for far too many of us. People are being manipulated by their fears, which are stoked by unscrupulous, lying shitbag politicians whose all too real evil would never make it past the pitch if you were going to try to sell it as a TV show or movie. They're consciously turning us on each other with lies about our common humanity, about the state of our country, about who and what's responsible for many of its faults, sewing suspicion and hate. And though the Yooperverse started as my personal comfort fic, I'm trying in my very small way to counteract what's happening in the world right now.
I've always believed in the power of story to change people's minds and lives, and I've experienced it myself. When I talk about story, I don't just mean fiction, though. I mean the narratives we tell ourselves and others about our own lives as a whole and day by day or moment by moment. I mean the stories we tell about each other when we're together, at the bar, at wakes, at a party. I mean the stories we invest in as fans in whatever kind of media we consume. I mean the stories we spin for ourselves and others to explain what the everloving fuck is wrong with the world.
Stories aren't separate from the world, they are the world. They tell it into being. They give it shape and purpose and meaning and a sense of possibility. Whatever stories we tell ourselves or each other about how things should be or how we should act as human beings (also called our "beliefs" or "morals" or "ethics"), they shape us, and we shape society. We are society, both together and as individuals. One person with a big voice and a story can tip a mass of people into either violence or solidarity.
I have no illusions that the Yooperverse will ever have that kind of power. It has a tiny audience on AO3 and Discord and it's mostly written for me to explore the things I feel deeply about, and wish I could do, and to teach myself to be a better person and live up to my own ideals. It's a world I'd like to manifest, to call into being, even in a small way. Even if it's just a story.
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.3
Oof! Got him!
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“She loves you and he loves him and they love each other”. You know when you've got something to say but you don't want it to look like you really wanted to say it specifically so you throw it in between two other things? No? Just me and John?
I'm obsessed with John just heaping praise on Paul in this interview. Every song the interviewer brings up it's “best” “my favorite” “all Paul” “good piece of work” “somewhere I have the tape of him doing it” “damn good” “one of his masterpieces” See also: Paul’s a good lyricist, he just doesn't try because he's insecure. And: one of the most innovative bass players of all time.
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John mixing up In My Life and If I Fell “although I don't know why I'm confusing them, they're nothing alike but they have the same–” The same what? Same target? Same muse? Hmm? “It's really about–it's not about Cyn.” He's barely hanging on to not saying it here, like, by a gossamer thread. 
John confessing that the consistent character flaw of Paul's which hurt him ((hurt. Not annoyed. Not angered. Hurt.)) was insensitivity. Not bossiness or lameness or sneakiness. Insensitivity. What John couldn't handle in the end about Paul was that he wasn't aware enough of John's tender feelings. 
He's also so cruel in this interview. And what you've got to pay attention to is the theme connecting the songs he's cruel about: Let It Be (let John go) and The Long and Winding Road (the long and pointless fight). 
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The Japanese Monk comparison doesn't quite land for me because it implies that John purposely broke up the Beatles because he knew they were at a peak and he wanted them to stay gold. And I think that's what John would like the story to be. It makes him feel better inside. It makes him look incredibly wise and courageous. But it's clear – John even stated it himself more than once on record – that the breakup was not purposeful or calculated. It was a terrible accident that nobody wanted, least of all John. 
More quotes to live by when examining John's post breakup “ow!”
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I find it fascinating that John thought of Paul's and Dylan's lyrics as very similar and says so twice in this documentary. But nobody else ever draws that comparison. In mainstream thought, Bob Dylan is one of the greatest lyricists of all time if not the greatest (it's me. I'm mainstream. Subterranean Homesick Blues my absolute beloved.) and Paul is the worst lyricist to ever get successful. And you know what? I think Paul gets punished for being physically pretty and financially savvy, and I think in the exact same way his music gets punished for being melodically pretty and commercially successful. 
John about Paul's inscrutable messages in his songs: if one knows the person, one knows what's coming down. John in I Know (I Know): and I know. What's coming down. 
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I will always love how he says in the same breath . . . “I've compared it to a marriage a million times" and "Paul and I were together.” 
You really do gotta be like “Johns say the darndest things sometimes.” I mean that's what Paul did, right? Because genuinely most of the time he's a fucking sweetheart. After he's sat there defending Paul's insane mourning bus movie, the interviewer asks him to compare himself and Paul. And after saying there's never been a question about commerciality, he says this. 
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Nobody think about Paul writing “One of These Days” just before John's death then “This One” a decade later. Don't do it. I do recommend. 
Free as a Bird is such a beautiful song. It's a gorgeous melody, and it's got such complex emotions. He's still mourning something that was lost, but he's hopeful. He's on his way home. 
You all know that long distance interview Paul did right before John died where they bring up some of the awful things John said recently about him (ignoring the millions of loving and admiring things). When Paul's voice cracks and he looks up at the ceiling and struggles for a minute and the lights go out, I have a theory that it's one of their kids being protective. She was messing with the lights before to be silly and then when the bad question comes she turns them off again as a sort of protective sabotage. 
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What If though? What If that's true? 
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Quote of all time!!! “The person I actually picked as my partner, who I recognized has talent and who I could get on with, was Paul.” He doesn't say ‘as my sidekick’ or ‘running mate’ or ‘captain’s mate’ or ‘second string’ or any of those things that traditional Beatles fans tend to push on them. Partner. 
Serious question, because I swing all over the place as to what I think actually happened between John and Paul physically and emotionally. If we agree that Real Love is about Paul (a baby and another on the way lalalalalala farm . . . Just call him on the phone) Then what about this lyric? “Was I just dreaming (a word of theirs and something they thought they shared) or was it only Yesterday (Paul's biggest song) I used to hold you in my arms? Is that to be taken literally? John used to hold Paul in his arms? i.e. frequent hugging and cuddling?
The heart monitor cuts so harshly into John singing “Grow Old With Me.” As we see beautiful images of John and all the people he's leaving behind. I'm dry heaving. This documentary is so much more painful this time around than the first. 
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Anyway I'm glad we got coverage of all the “for Paul” songs. Which. Btw fuck you Sean and Peter. You proved absolutely nothing.
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ifwebefriends · 11 months
I just got through the part in Night in the Woods where Mae gets into an argument with Bea and then her mom and like…damn, that hurt my feelings
Like all the characters in this game are so relatable and understandable but in such different ways that make them clash with each other.
Mae is a mentally ill naive opinionated honest idealist who is reasonably upset that the world around her is worse than what she thinks it should be and that spurs her argument with Bea. Mae loves the people around her and wants the best for them but she can struggle with expressing that due to her occasional emotional immaturity. Bea is more of a jaded realist who is far too familiar with how the deeply flawed world works and is dissatisfied with her life but has also accepted that. Mae wants Bea to do what she thinks is right but Bea doesn’t want to risk messing stuff up or making things harder for herself and her family’s business.
Mae’s mother wants the best for her child and put a lot of time and money into Mae’s future and is reasonably upset when Mae leaves it all behind and won’t tell her why. Mae is struggling mentally but doesn’t know how to express that yet or she’s too scared to. Mae is reveling in the comforting familiarity of her childhood home because she doesn’t know how to cope after her breakdown. She jumps to defend herself and ends up saying hurtful things that she doesn’t mean and it upsets people and AAAAAAH
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igotlovestruck · 2 years
ILLICIT AFFAIRS | gr63, mm19
an ig au preview of the fic i’m currently writing >.<
PAIRING: george russell x fem!wolff!reader ; mason mount x fem!wolff!reader
DETAILS & WARNINGS: angst, accusations of cheating (i’ll add more once i release the main fic!)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this will be my very first fic (but i’m still working on it, i made this post as a little preview hehe) and i hope once i finish it you guys will like it >.< i can’t say when it’ll be posted cuz i’m only halfway through the story! anyway... here ya go!
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
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liked by masonmount, cmpulisic, kaihavertz29 and others
ynwolff life lately with masey ♡
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masonmount MY hottie ;)
ynwolff no U are MY hottie 😘
declanrice you two disgust me
masonmount stfu
user1 damn toto raised a baddie 🥵
user2 she’s sooo damn pretty 🥹 i miss her in the paddock tho!
user3 she used to visit the paddock? 🥲 i’m waaay too late to know that i like her sm :(
user2 yes! she’s pretty close with lewis cuz she was often with toto during race weekends before she went to uni in ‘19!
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liked by ynwolff, f1, redbullracing, declanrice and others
masonmount got to see some fast cars this race weekend 🏁🏎️
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ynwolff dads gonna be disappointed masey 🫤👎🏻
masonmount he wont, he loves me too much
ynwolff im calling dad to ask him that
user1 mason mount, dating y/n wolff (mercedes’ princess), joined redbull for the weekend 😭😭😭
ynwolff ikr 🙄 i’m questioning my love for him
masonmount NOOOOO
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liked by fan1, fan2, fan3 and others
dramaformula [SUBMITTED ANONYMOUSLY] toto wolff’s daughter, y/n wolff spotted today with george russell! anon said that the two are close and a little touchy with each other 🤨 what’s happening between these two? are george and carmen still together? mason’s been real quiet on his socials, did he and y/n break up? 👀🍵
user1 maybe they’re just hanging out 😭 ffs can’t a guy and girl hang out with each other as friends without y’all making any baseless rumours about them?
user2 they can hangout ofc but with the presence of their s/o’s in the place they’re hanging out...
user3 are you suggesting that they’re cheating on their partners? 😟 user2
user2 uh,, yeah?
user4 oh god grow up !! we don’t know these people, they’re adults, they know what they’re doing let them live their lives 🙄
user2 EXACTLY. we don’t know these people yet y’all keep on defending them
user5 NOOO not y/n 😓
user6 GET BEHIND ME BABY ynwolff
user7 jesus , people rly can’t respect one’s privacy these days... all this for clout...?
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liked by ynwolff, susie_wolff, cmpulisic, declanrice and others
masonmount i love you so much pretty girl
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ynwolff i love you baby 💗
susie_wolff stay in love, you two!! 🤍
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liked by f1, mercedesamgf1, carmenmmundt, alex_albon and others
georgerussell63 i couldn’t ask for more
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carmenmmundt ❤️
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