#i will def try to come up with some cute silly headcanons for them my brain was just blanking hard this past week
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nowordsformylove · 1 year ago
Do you have any jonesmith headcanons (or just lil thoughts)?
I accidentally ended up doing a Mike character analysis instead of cute headcanons oops
My general headcanon is Mike gay Davy bi (I’m not strict about these types of headcanons tho). I think Mike realized he was gay before even moving to L.A. and joining the Monkees, and maybe that’s partly why he wanted to get out of his small hick town. I think growing up in a small conservative hick town would have a major effect on his acceptance of his sexuality. Plus the time period and being raised religious he would have insane guilt and self disgust and shove all of it into a tiny box and lock it away in the back of his brain. Once he moved to L.A. he would get way better about it, especially during the era of hippies bc even tho it’s still not legal people are way more chill and open about it and seeing that would allow him to reflect on it and accept it, BUT I think he would still have a lot of personal internalized homophobia to work through. I actually think he’d probably still be dealing with it even after he and Davy get together, but I don’t have any actual deep thoughts on the topic (bc I tend to only think about them in a fluffy/happy way,,, BUT if you happen to have thoughts on this I would love to hear them).
Davy hmm, I’ve read fics where he knew he was into guys when he lived in England and it’s just never come up bc getting with girls is easier, but I kinda like the idea of him not knowing until he falls for Mike. Actually I was just thinking earlier about him having a starry eyes + butterflies moment upon meeting Mike and not realizing he has feelings for him bc he’s never had feelings for a guy before so he just assumes it’s admiration bc Mike is so cool and mature and handsome and wonderful.
When they first get together Davy wants so badly to impress/woo Mike, which is silly bc they’ve been living together for years so Mike has seen him at his best and worst moments (grumpy, pissed off, upset, sick, he’s seen it all) and is still in love with him. Mike sees this happening and just goes along with it bc Davy is so cute trying to be all charming and gentlemanly, and while it doesn’t make him swoon in the same way it does all the girls Davy used to date it does give Mike a bubbly I’m in love with a huge dork feeling.
I know I’ve said that Mike def uses cute nicknames for Davy but I actually think verbal intimacy could be difficult for him, at least in terms of actually saying the words I love you (maybe he uses cute nicknames bc its an easier way to express his feelings than saying i love you 🤔)  I think this is an interesting dynamic for them since Davy’s thing is “hi my name is Davy Jones and I love you”. Davy might try to hold off saying it in fear that it will frighten Mike away or he could also drop it pretty early but not expect Mike to say it back right away. I kinda wrote that dynamic into my last fic (the trans mike fic) with Davy saying “I love you, I love you” to Mike and Mike responding not verbally but by pulling him into a passionate kiss that Davy understood was a mirroring of his feelings.
Mike would also have some insecurities, self-worth, and jealousy problems. I think even though Davy is obviously happy and loves him a lot Mike would get really in his head and be like Davy’s going to find someone better, he misses being with girls, stuff like that. And it might manifest as jealousy because he doesn’t want to lose Davy but thinks that it’s very possible it could happen. I can definitely see Mike lashing out/starting a fight over this in a moment of fear and self-loathing, and Davy would hate being told how he feels (he knows he’s happy with Mike and wants to be with him forever and hates being accused of feeling otherwise) but as long as they’re able to talk it out in the end everything would be fine. And besides they have a great support system in Micky and Peter so if they need to talk to them about problems or get advice I think they would be really helpful. (Though, again, Mike seems like the type to bottle up his problems so Micky would probably have to chip away at him, without trying to seem nosy, to get Mike to talk about what’s wrong).
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pixie-felix · 10 days ago
Last message for the night I promise. I'm so sorry for blowing up your inbox ;-; If this is bad I sincerely apologize. More better thoughts will come in the future
Dom!Innie: He may be the maknae and he def has a noona kink, but he likes taking care of you (as seen in previous conversations. It's giving service/soft dom. Turning off both your phones because you don't need that right now? Treating you to extra orgasms because you had a hard day/week?) He loves making you smile whether that means gifting you that dress you had your eye on or getting the dorm to himself for an at-home date. He does love having things to himself and that includes you most of the time. You're his sweet loving noona so it's unlikely you'll have to endure punishments. He's not one for edging, but thrives off your pleasure so he'd more likely be into overstimming you (he's confident you can give him one more). It fills him with pride that he can make you cum that many times, that he knows just what makes your legs shake, that you let him mark you up to his heart's content. He takes aftercare notes from you and you're the main person he enjoys skinship from so on long nights be ready for cuddles, kisses, and falling asleep with one arm around your waist locking you in place as the other traces your back.
First of all, spam me. Spam me all day, every day, as much as you want. Every time I see your emoji in my inbox I do a little happy dance (very cool, I know) and find a quiet corner to huddle over my phone like some kind of smut goblin.
Secondly. You have never had a bad idea in your life. Stop such nonsense thinking. Or, just put your insecurities in my ask box so I can BEAT THEM OUT OF YOU WITH LOVE AND ENTHUSIASM BECAUSE YOU'RE BRAIN IS GREAT AND EVERYONE WHO IS COOL AGREES.
That was a little intense, I apologise. Threats of violence are my love language 🫶
Okay, so I've had this Innie headcanon in my brain for a while, waiting for the right moment to crawl out through my keyboard and into the wilds of Tumblr.
So, it seems in these scenarios we're making, we're basically poly with all of skz, right? The ballbusting one is my favourite so far. That is taking me places.
You remember how Innie (fuck it, I might start calling him Ayen too, that's such a pretty spelling, and it's accurate, I'm going off topic, shit) is your kiss and don't tell boy?
Well, there's one accidental exception to that rule.
Much like how Felix and Innie discovered about ballbusting because hyung line were discussing it?
Well, drunk!hyung line were discussing the inaccuracies of porn, and Innie isn't really listening because he's beating Lixxie at uno. So when a currently unidentified hyung starts bemoaning squirting as something that never happens in real life, I.N doesn't think twice before going "What are you talking about? Noona does that every time."
Chaos ensues. All the hyungs are pestering, nay, hounding Innie for the deets. Trying to figure out exactly. What. It. Is. that Innie does that causes the mythical squirting happen.
Felix is having a minor uno based breakdown, but tomorrow when he remembers the kerfuffle he might be brave and ask Innie about it. After all, they shared their first ballbusting together. That forms a bond, right?
Of course, Innie tells them nothing. And makes a point of never being around drunk!hyung line when they're discussing anything sexual henceforth.
Chan/Changbin/Hyunjin (+Han) are going to be going mad trying to figure it out. Hyunjin is definitely going to start "accidentally" walking in on you and the maknae a lot. Heck, maybe Chan will too. Suddenly, they're all doing your laundry for you, buying you silly little gifts, any little excuse to come into your room urgently.
Han: LOOK NOONA I BOUGHT YOU A CACTUS THEY'RE SO CUTE DON'T YOU LOVE HIM!? 🥰🥰🥰 (I feel like I read this in a fic or an smau, I'll see if I can find it to link up but yes hello if this is your fic/smau I've taken the idea from pls let me know so I can credit u 🫶)
Chan: Hey love, I tumble dried your pajamas. They're still warm so if you put them on now, you can be all cozy 🥰 Oh, hi Jeongin. Fancy seeing you here. Well, now that noona is getting undressed, who's up for a quick three way?
Changbin: I made you a protein shake now please may I bench press you 💪🙏🥰
Lino "doesn't care". But he does start paying more attention to how you and Innie interact on a daily basis. For completely unrelated reasons of course.
Seungmin actually doesn't care. Because Seungmin is full of his own secrets... 👀 And because he's careful to never be around drunk!hyung line when they're horny. (I feel like there is a backstory as to why he avoids his drunk horny hyungs, but I currently have nothing for that.)
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midnight--sadness · 30 days ago
I JUST READ ALL OF YOUR FOUND FAMILY AU HC AND I LOVE IT and I want to add more stuff about uncle junho
Sometimes when inho and gihun are on a date or having a "just the two of them" moments they would ask junho to babysit, even though some of them is already grown up(bc trust me the minute they're out of inhun sight it's a mess). And the kids were like "oh come on we dont need some to babysit us" and gihun was like "nope not again the last time we left you guys alone, you almost burn the house down". But really we all know that junho is absolutely trying his best to be everyone's favorite uncle and mostly just ended up letting them do whatever they want, even letting the younger ones to eat candy or ice cream after dinner
Idk why but I feel like the older kids would try to help junho find a partner, probably even setting him up on several blind date and made him a dating app acc. They even tried to match him with the salesman(inho's personal assistant,not sure what inho's job in this au but i think it would be nice) which went better than his any other dates they set him up with so after that everytime they see them talking or sitting next to each other they would ship them for fun and junho actually went on a second date but they don't need to know that and probably some time after they finally starts dating and when junho tells them they were ecstatic bc their "incredible" plan as they called it was working(junho x salesman shipper here🙋)
Bc his plan of being everyones favorite uncle "failed", he tried even harder to become the twins favorite when they're born and it's seems to be working and some time when they're older and can talk, they gave him a nickname which is "uncle ju-jun" and he was so happy that he felt like he just won a world championship
Sometimes when the older kids are going out to have a drink(when they're legal ofc) and accidentally gets too drunk, they would call him to pick them up and told him to swear on not telling their parents(inhun were out on vacation or something)
His first reaction when he was told that inhun are having another child was "AGAIN?!?" Bc he knows that means he have more presents to bought on Christmas, in which the next Christmas after the announcement he gave inhun a pack of condoms as their gift and made the kids burst out laughing including gihun meanwhile inho is giving him a death stare(junho's face: 😌😁)
Let me know what you think!!
(I purposely not making this anonymous bc you're cool and i hope we could be friends if you want!!)
i really love the found family au too, it's so cute but there is a possiblity for angst (my beloved 🫶)
you guys have such good headcanons!!! i'm jealous i can't come up with stuff like this 😩
the salesman being inho's personal assistant is so funny jienoaujnjrif i can imagine him using his position to just barge into the house and sit down for breakfast with the rest of the family; inho doesn't know why he isn't scared of getting fired but that man doesn't even blink when inho threatens him with unemployment, especially after he flirts with gihun or starts dating junho
in this particular au, i had initially put inho down as a senior detective because i wanted to include silly shenanigans with junho at work. and maybe they have money because his old uncle (oh ilnam) on his mother's side left inho an absurd ammount of money (4.56 billion wons to be exact 😉).
maybe if inho is like the chief or whatever he can have the salesman as his personal assistant still! that way both of our ideas work 💖
oh, the kids would def try to play matchmaker with junho! they have a list of potential future uncles/aunts ranked by how likely they are to survive the hwang inho shovel talk/interrogation.
junho pretends to be upset that his brother is still breeding his wife but he loves his nieces and nephews and when the twins are born he fights with the kids to be able to hold them more.
uncle junjun is so cute 😭💖
the kids call junho when they're too drunk to get home but also to bust them out of the jail because he's a detective and of course he has connections. except one time, when he left them in there overnight so they could learn their lessons (maybe thanos, since he has a period where he acts out).
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otobabe · 2 years ago
Omg girlie (gender neutral) I was not expecting you to include Kondou!!! If you have others you’re thinking ab def tell us!
ugh kondou is just so good!!!! and that's not just my daddy issues talking!!!
More praise thoughts/headcanons~
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(from) Harada: He's infatuated with his partners, that much is certain. Especially in the beginning of a relationship (or fwb situation) he's full of compliments that make you feel like you're in the center of a nsfw fairytale, examples like "oh my god you're adorable" and "you really know how to get me going". Later on, if you express interest in exploring~ and more praise, he'd get really into praises that emphasize size differences or age differences. "I love to see your little hole taking my big cock so well", "My older man/woman/partner is so good at teaching me new things", "What a cute little princess/prince/majesty you are, riding daddy's big dick so well " (yes i am assigning sano both milf fucker and daddy kink, this is my barbie dream house)
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(to) Souji: in the right moments you'll send shivers down Souji's spine with a "Souji-kun~ you look so cute like this~", praises with a teasing edge, almost on the brink of sounding degrading, can get him blushing and embarrassed from how hard he gets hearing it come from your mouth. He likes to banter and has more attitude and walls up than most can bear, just make sure if your praising him it's playful and not too serious or accidentally hurtful ;)
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from) Amagiri the type to kiss you mid-moan then send you reeling with his low voice telling you "Quiet now, I want to hear how wet you are for me/I want to hear you take in my thrusts". Erotic, deep, sensual, that's the game Amagiri plays, but it comes out naturally. Nothing he says will sound like he read it from some '50 ways to get in their pants' how-to book. He's kinky, but classy, urging you on both with his words and his fingers, and it's a pleasant surprise when you catch him teasing you with a hint of a smile like, "don't give in now, I'm just getting started".
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to) Motoyama: To be friends with Iba and to have taught Iba many many things over their lives, Motoyama has got to have some special characteristics, one of those is that he loves to be praised. Iba might praise his partner often, but as far as his bestie goes it doesn't happen often but is very genuine when it does, and that's something Motoyama craves in romantic experiences too! I know I said this about Nomura as well, but it's true for both of them: Motoyama looooves to be called a "pretty boy", he doesn't have that haircut for nothing. He's also a reader and though he's not normally reading romance, he does love praises with a little more substance to them, "You're intoxicating", "i love how obedient you are", "you look so silly squirming like that, but don't worry, I know you can endure this<3", all examples of words that will keep him straining in his pants 💖
more praise headcanons below the cut!
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from) Ootori: Ahhhh Ootori Keisuke, my sassy "30-something" plot device lol. He's such a tease, you'd be surprised how much filth can come out of his outwardly-polite mouth. This tea drinking, romance novel reading, aristoCAT is all about shmoozy words in bed. Honestly, he's quoting from stuff he's read before and hoping you won't notice. "You look as beautiful as the morning glory's flower, my love~ Your legs are opening up for me quite nicely~", whenever he opens his mouth it makes you question whether or not you should expect better from him, or whether it's exactly the kind of charming corniness you need in your life (it is). He wants to come home to you trying on some new lingerie and praise "what a thoughtful little slut you are<3", he wants to bring you almost to orgasm over and over again and then tease that he "loves how needy you are".
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from) Kimigiku: Ugh the most perfect femdom is here!!! She can give you gentle or kinky, it's all about giving YOU what YOU want. While not exclusively a service top, she does love to give a lot of coaxing like "doing so good, princess/prince/majesty" and "i'll take care of you cutie, i promise, just give me one more, I know you can". Now let's say you've touched her nerves a little this week: stayed out a little late with your coworkers, or gave her attitude a couple times... She's more than willing to tie you up and taunt you, telling you "Oh, I'm sure you can get out of those restraints yourself, right? Such a big strong man/woman/lover that I have". She'll degrade you and make it sound like the most enchanting curse you've ever heard; "I love using you", "No one else could ever match up to you, my biggest whore<3", "You don't need to cum, right? It's enough just to please me, right?"
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from) Yamazaki: Hakuouki's own sweet little romantic nerd + killer spy <3 Idk if anyone else was surprised that he's canonically supposed to be 30 but I was when I first saw it lol! He's experienced: with sneaking around, one night stands, keeping things quiet, but when he finds someone special he turns into a blushing mess. His duality also pertains to praise, he likes hearing it and giving it, and he also likes giving and receiving degradation, just not normally at the same time ;). If you want him to he'll definitely put on his spy persona in bed for you! That said, he loves to assure you "Don't worry, you're safe with me, you can let it all out, you sound so beautiful", and loves to make little promises in bed when you're pleasing him like "That's my baby, I'll reward you so well for this. I love to see you full of me".
to) Yamazaki: Like I said, I think he's a duality-pleasing man. Praise him in bed and he's working double time to please you. Very enthusiastic when hearing what you like, if you tell him "I love it when you give me head", he'll make sure to spend extra time pleasing you down there~
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to) Miki: Beat up his ego a little bit. Unlike Souji, Miki is a brat who can take what he gives. He's down with being called a slut/whore/etc or being referred to as your sex toy. If you top him it's a secret turn on of his to get embarrassed so saying "I know it hurts but you're taking it so well!" is an insta-nut. He's also into hearing you egg him on when he's being a brat and rub it in when he gives in, "You're such a good listener when I give you what you need, huh?" and "Can't you beg sweeter than that? Or is it beneath you even when you're already on your knees for me?"
from) Miki: Aaaaand he gives as good as he gets~ His mouth is filthy, and he's shameless when it comes to fucking you. Brash and abrasive, he'll tell you that "you look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth" with a haughty smirk on his face and he knows his confidence is a turn on in this case. He's not pussyfooting around what he means, with "you can beg better than that, little slut" often proceeding a later groan of "your screams sound so good baby". If you've been flirting or sexting before meeting up, he loves to throw in a "I've been waiting all day to put my cock in you" as soon as he walks through the door.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year ago
Palladium anon here again :3 tho if it's not taken could I be the 🌱 anon?
and yes absolutely horn play is hot, especially when the character is really sensitive with them. Teasing them and/or using them as handle bars when fucking them??? Extremely hot. I've seen some ppl want to like fuck the horn and in theory I understand but most horns are pointy😭 you're gonna scratch up your holes bestie be careful
Also sharing my winx, trix , specialist and some others sexuality headcanons because I have been hyperfixated on this forever and I'm so happy to find other queer ppl to talk to about it!!
Helia and Flora are definitely bi or pan, you can not convince me otherwise. I'd say they're poly curious maybe?? Despite the show having every single couple go through a jealousy arc🙄 I think Flora and Helia would definitely be open to dating someone else if they both liked them
Riven, Bloom and Stella are all bi with a male preference
Layla and Naboo are a bisexual power couple and I will die on this hill
Musa and Timmy are bi with a fem preference.
Brandom is straight, mandatory for every queer friend group is the one cishet guy that's just there.
Sky is questioning, having gay thoughts from living in the dorms with other men and seeing them shirtless
Now I'll probably get hate for it but I think Tecna as an aroace lesbian is neat. Like her and Timmy were cute ig but I like tecna better on her own outside a relationship. Also her struggling with feeling like a human and more robotic fits with the unfortunate stereotype aroace ppl get. Her arc reminds me of what my aroace brother went through
And as I mentioned before, Palladium is definitely a bisexual transmasc! Avalon and Valtor are gay
Icy is a mean lesbian Darcy is bi with male preference. Stormy isn't sure what exactly she is but definitely not straight.
You can def be 🌱 anon sugar!!
And yes I def agree that the most appropriate ways when it comes to hornplay(word?) is to use them as handle bars, fidgeting with them to rile up your partner or even licking and sucking also one thing idk if this is possible but like if they could make the horns vibrate by humming and have the sound travel through their body and up to their horns?🧎🏻‍♂️
I def agree that helia and flora are bi or pan! Especially helia I’m not trying to say that gay ppl have a look bc fuck stereotypes but…look at this man I wouldn’t even be surprised if helia went by he/ they
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Also I can def see riven as bi. One thing I rmr disliking is how toxic his and musas relationships became I’m sorry but it was so silly to me even at that age 💀 like every other episode there was jealousy drama
Also I forgot about Naboo man he was so pretty!!! And I can def see both of them being bi!
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Also yes!! I 100% agre that sky is bi curios big buff dude crushes on another big buff dude
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Also I really like your take on tecna! Tbh I rmr even as. Kid i could understand she did not want to be in a relationship 💀
Avalon and valtor are definitely old gays 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️
Also I like your take on the sisters! I don’t have much else to say bc lord knows they annoyed me in the show 😭
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hanasnx · 2 years ago
Indyyyyyy indyyydarling, indy5000, ok I'm fried rn but but Ok so now that I know you play guitar, imagine how cute and fun it'd be jamming with Hobie!! I used to be really into 90s Britpop, I think it'd be so fun and stupid to annoy the shit out of him by having no clue how to play any pre-existing punk or ska, but knowing how to play all the bullshit that came out in the 90s by heart. Like, can you improv together, sure, but trying to play a cover of any song together would be impossible. And this isn't a hallmark movie, neither one of you are surprising the other by learning how to play each other's favourite song, it's too much fun bickering about music.
Not to say that he's stuck in the past with his music taste, Hobie's definitely into grime, drill, all the underground stuff happening in the UK, modern punk you know??, probably some shitty, unsigned SoundCloud rappers too because of course he is, how much more punk can you get than a 16 year old screaming into a usb mic over an FL studios trap beat? It's a laugh but he loves them unironically. Def some dancehall classics too 'cause I just knowwwwww when Dutty Whine comes on that waistline is movingggggggggg, and if I were tall enough and my ass wasn't knee height, just know I'd throw it back so hard for him 😭🤞 Hobie come catch these backaz NEEOOWWWWW
i got your other msg saying this is donnie so hiii donnie <33 i hope you’re having fun during your seshhh (also indy 500 omfg💀)
i’ll be honest i’m only good at improv when it comes to singing (not just harmonies and stuff but free styling lyrics a little too), i know the chords of the guitar and can play a song and if you gave me enough time i could figure out the chords in a song but i’m the worst at thinking on my feet during guitar improv. however that does not stop me from imagining a universe in which i can do that
trying to play a cover together would definitely result in silly things like
“c’mon this genre don’t need all that fancy schmancy strummin pat’ern. you’re doin too much! it was famous doing it this way”
“well i want to play it this way” shying the neck of your instrument away from his snatchy hands
ofc making fun of him and snickering arrogantly all the while
if it was a hallmark movie, i’d imagine he did something really stupid by learning the bare minimum and that’d be the single plucking tabs of the melody of your fave song. played for you with a roll of his eyes and a little smirk bcos it’s almost too dumb to not be embarrassed about
hobie unironically liking some soundcloud stuff 💀💀
i have a headcanon that hobie is so good at dancing, and he doesn’t even do that much like he’s not overkill about it, he’s just good at it. more than staying in rhythm, and grooving. he just knows how to move his body that’s just so hypnotizing. including those snake hips
imagining dancing with him omfg 🫠 pressed up against him in a bump and grindddddd im in anguishggghh memsmsmdcncm. i have to write a snippet about it bcos i literally think about dancing with hobie at a club all the time
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goldom · 7 months ago
AFoLiS author commentary Part 3-2
Alright, moving on...
After that point is when entries started to really fall into the norm of what I intended the story to be: me writing about whatever events I played that day, as if Stelle were writing about them. So a lot of stuff out of canon chronological order. But let's be honest, canon chronological order is a hot mess anyway.
I'm still proud of "Stellfie." Yes, I do this word-merging all the time irl, often aloud, and near-constantly mentally, which I have learned is associated with Tourette syndrome. After mentioning this to my mom a few years ago, she revealed that I was actually diagnosed with TS as a kid. Welp. And so sometimes I'm just sitting here thinking about Firefly (as you do) and suddenly burst out with "Blupils" (blue pupils) at my spouse, who has no fuckin clue what I'm on about, so then Stelle got to think it too.
Okay, Interlude 3, let's see how badly I wrote the SH... Okay this is actually fine. Yeah they're all making quiet threats, but I think it still comes across as caring. Yes, Firefly is harsh to Kafka in her thoughts, which is not canon, but in my story, we know she watched Kafka erase her girlfriend before her eyes.
On SW's joke about picking Stelle's name, I realized later that I got canon backwards about Stelle's old vs new name. Rewatching the opening cutscene, it's trying to say "her name WAS Stelle, but her new name is the one the player picks." But we're way past that now. In here, Stelle is her new name. Her old name... Well, we've heard it of course. It's ███. :)
" “A Station ornament inscribed with defense? Really?” “I meet a lot of people, okay, maybe someone will need it. "
Look. Look. Genshin has characters with attack that scales on DEF. YOU NEVER KNOW what relics you're gonna need some day! And that's why I'm always hitting the inventory cap...
" “Why would you keep a journal on paper?” Herta sneers, sounding insulted by the idea. " <- Me not noticing that Herta's avatar in SU is literally writing on paper. Oh well.
I try not to use too much cursing of any sort, if only because the game doesn't, so it would be out of character. But once in a while, Stelle just needs to bust out a "fuck off, Herta." Meanwhile, I liked getting to make up at least one silly sci-fi curse, with Herta's "Droidhead's wires."
Here's the most mundane behind the scenes detail. After I changed pens because Herta broke Stelle's, I discovered the color of the new one came out really light in the scans. So after a couple entries I went back to the original, having Stelle note on the side of a page that she replaced it. Well. Actually I accidentally picked a different one without realizing it. If you compare, the pen color isn't quite the same before and after the light-green pen section. Wow. Such lore.
Dumb headcanon: The way Screwllum talks isn't cause he's a robot, it's cause he thinks it's funny to sound robotic to the silly organics.
Okay, we're up to the creation of the seal on the journal. Oh boy that thing gave me so much aggravation. I came up with the trick clue very early, and got really attached to it. I needed the password to be "me" for Firefly. But then, "me" makes no sense for Stelle to say as the answer. Plus, "me" is a terrible password because it would so easily be said accidentally. So I ended up with that whole mess of exposition with Stelle being making up a reasoning for how it works, like "I guess the journal is being pedantic" and ugh yeah I'm still not happy with it. But I couldn't change the wording at that point, because I'd already SHOWN the thing way back in the first entry, and there it was written in the cover of the real journal. I think this probably should have been a "kill your darlings" moment, because the payoff really wasn't worth how awkward it was to justify.
Still, the moment Firefly figures it out and whispers "me" is so cute.
Alright, one more third to go in this part.
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swanqueensalad · 2 years ago
okay top 3 cute sq headcanons that you have right now and top 3 more angsty sq headcanons you have right now?
thank you for this anon!!! i love doing these <33
emma is actually so dad vibes she falls asleep on the couch every night the minute she, regina and henry start watching netflix. she kicks up such a fuss about what they watch then just straight up passes out. henry always complains and makes fun of her, but regina (though she would never say it) really likes it. it makes her feel very warm and safe and comforted to be snuggled up on emma's chest watching tv, feeling her breath rise and fall, listening to her silly occasional snores. because even asleep, emma never stops holding her. (and then emma wakes up at the end of the episode or the movie and insists she wasn't asleep and saw the whole thing)
every saturday morning, regina mills has a baking session. she is basically a pinterest mom who also is obsessed with organizing and scheduling, and baking is a hobby that benefits everyone, so it becomes part of her routine. emma is gradually learning to help: this means being annoying in the kitchen, eating ingredients, giving regina cuddles and neck kisses when she's trying to do something, and singing along badly to the music on the radio. though regina pretends to be annoyed, she secretly loves it. after henry grew out of helping her, she always baked alone until emma, and rarely got much joy out of it. now it's one of her favourite parts of the week. simple, peaceful, and happy. (and every time she bakes with emma and then they eat some of the freshly cooled goods together, it undoes cora's voice in the back of her head a little bit, every week her questionable relationship with food gets a little bit better)
as much as emma loves storybrooke, she sometimes misses the outside world, and so another tradition that develops is emma taking regina for date days out of town. they'll pick random towns, forests to hike in, and places to visit and take a leisurely drive, stop for food somewhere. for a while emma gets weirdly obsessed with weird thrift/antique stores and finding the dumbest stuff she can (regina and henry, when he hears, both tease her for 'keeping some Mr Gold genes after being the Dark One') and while regina makes fun, she secretly loves leafing through antique books and reading inscriptions left in them. also, whenever they speak to waitresses or shopkeepers on these outings, they have to make up different stories about how they met. every time, emma comes up with a different story and makes it as rambling and silly as possible, and every time regina smiles and shakes her head and sometimes inputs something funny that comes to mind.
i've def spoken about this one before, but regina has nightmares very regularly. multiple times a week, about various things from her past (god knows there's enough nightmare fuel). emma is a light sleeper and lifelong insomniac herself for many reasons, and if she is asleep, she wakes up very quickly when she hears the familiar change in regina's breathing, or feels her lashing out with her hands or feet in her sleep. it aches deep in emma's chest every time, knowing there are things that have happened that will always haunt regina like this, knowing there are some things she can't fight off. and she's still learning what to do with those things, how to help her without a sword and fist, but she wakes her as gently as she can and kisses her forehead, strokes her hair and whispers silly things and dumb jokes to her until they're both okay. regina doesn't like to talk about her nightmares or what they contain, and emma doesn't ask. they just hold each other and learn to feel safe.
idk if this is a controversial one, or if my view of them has just changed a little as i've gotten older, but emma and regina are both people that are still struggling big time with their mental health, processing, healing etc and though they love each other and are definitely on a one way path to peace, there's no way this doesn't cause issues sometimes. when regina and emma fight (beyond the everyday quibbling that undoubtedly means i love you), they fight badly. they both say awful stuff they don't mean or believe. they both spiral. (but afterwards, when they've calmed down and the dust has settled, they always find each other with immense apology and understanding. and the good thing is, because they both struggle, they both understand wholeheartedly what the other one went through, why they said those things, and they know unequivocally that they didn't mean them. their fights are not common, but after them they are always extra caring and tender and honest with each other, just to be sure the other knows how much they are loved.)
this is more sad than actually angsty, but it means a lot to me so. i have forgotten if this is actually canon or not, but regina had a version of daniel's tombstone brought over to storybrooke with the curse and it is still very important to her to visit it regularly, bringing his favourite yellow flowers. emma respects her privacy and that it's a very personal thing, but one day when emma asks where she's going and she says there, regina tells her very gently that she's welcome to come if she'd like. and so emma, after making sure it's not overstepping any boundaries, joins. she is quiet and respectful, holds regina's hand and sits with her there. after a while regina turns to her and tells her how much he would have liked her. how similar they are, in some ways. how totally not in others. before they go, when regina has already left, emma pretends to have forgotten something so she can have a quick moment to touch the stone and tell him a quiet thank you, for loving regina and taking care of her before she could.
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marc-spectorr · 3 years ago
hiya <3
god, you already know exactly what i’m a sucker for. tysm for those jake hcs, so lovely. i’m doing alright today so far, slept in but i may be going to the comic store for some moon knight comics. :]
here are some of my jake hcs. obviously i won’t write a masterpiece like you, these are just bits n pieces of thoughts, but i hope you enjoy them nonetheless:
stupid n silly one, but jake wears a fake mustache!! it’s how he looks in headspace, which if you weren’t aware is a did term referring to the place alters go when they aren’t in front. i’m pretty sure it’s implied the moon knight system’s headspace is the psych ward.
jake tends to show his love in violent ways, because he doesn’t really know much else. this includesss finding out who wronged you when you’re down, beating their ass and coming home n telling you about it like it’s nothing. you’d probably have to explain to him how that’s not a normal things most boyfriends do.
jake is fluent in both spanish and english, but since english is his second language, he still trips up occasionally. he’s self conscious about this, though, and doesn’t usually ask for help with words he’s forgotten, so he just makes up new ones and hopes you get the message. like, if he forgot what a raccoon was called in english, he’d say “dumpster cat” or something along those lines.
jake is steven’s wingman, and constantly has to give him advice because he’s more naturally romantically inclined than steven. steven would probably panic before a date w you, and jake would have to calm him down and ground him in the mirror, plus help him get an outfit together. jake would act annoyed with this, but he thinks it’s sort of cute of steven, and it’s nice to hang out with him.
when you first met jake, he tried to pretend he was steven… and failed horribly. the accent was okay, but you could immediately tell something was off when his voice was at an exaggeratedly high pitch, and when he stubbed his toe he exclaimed “puta madre…!” in a much deeper tone.
he stims by cracking his knuckles. he also has a resting bitch face. this has gotten him in more fights than he’d like to admit.
jake doesn’t really understand metaphors or idioms. like, “the cat’s out of the bag” “spill the beans” “didn’t you get the memo?” it just confuses him, and he always gets mad trying to get out of you what the hell you’re talking about.
that’s about all!! i hope you enjoyed my headcanons too, though they are a bit silly and not exactly hot of jake hehe. they’re mostly me projecting + my own personal experience w my family, who is latino. i love this man sm, he is constantly rotating in my mind.
thanks again for your time, callie. i really hope you have a wonderful day.
- <3
hiyaaa <3 nonnie 💞
omgg these headcanons you’ve made fit jake SO WELL !! they’re perfect and just *chef’s kiss* 😩 i do believe that under that resting bitch face of his, is a sweet and tender side that he only shows to those he really cares about. he’s lowkey a very big softie with a warm loving heart but don’t tell marc and steven that bc they’ll prob tease him for it hehe.
all of your hcs are absolute masterpieces, but my favorites would have to be the second and fourth ones :)) like jake is the protector of the system, so it would make sense that he’s super protective when it comes to you. the man would do just about anything for you, including getting himself into a fist fight to defend your honor shdjkskk.
also jake as a wingman is too adorable!!! he’s def the most romantic out of the three and knows exactly how to woo people. so when steven asks him for advise, jake’s more than happy to help out. he’s gonna suggest restaurants to go to, fun activities that you and steven could do together, and tell him what kind of flowers to get for you. jake would want steven to look his very best and he’s probably rejected three outfits of his before finally settling on the best one (after more than an hour of arguing and meltdowns ofc).
ugh i could go on about each hc bc they’re all so ahmazinggg but this would become a never ending posting 😭 but tysm for sending these in sweetie! im so obsessed with them and hope you’ll share more 🥺👉👈
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muwur · 5 years ago
snapchat headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for using snapchat w ur boi toi ft. the pretty setter squad
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.1k words
a/n: kinda a combo of how they use sc and the kinds of snaps they send you! along w wat u send them, and uh... dating stuf n shenanigans? texting/snapping habits? my fantasies? IDEK ANYMORE EOFHEFJ
this was born from the recesses of my mind , which desired nothing mor than snapchats from suga , us sending cute selfies , others bein dumb n chaotic , no context videos , n him snapping me photos of some mangoes on sale he said he’ll buy for me DXX it’s too late for me now
doing research on hq bois and surfing thru sc features (im just now realizing theres quite a bit?? im hoping i address most of them at some point lolol) instead of real life tings aHHhhhHAHA
requests: open! will be working on a suga one i got, dw, requester!
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✧ sends good morning and good night snaps
✧ so he’s rlly good at keeping streaks, probs has the longest ones (one of them being y’alls streak)
✧ posts tidbits of volleyball practice on his story every once in a while
✧ snaps you pics of his sleeping teammates when they’re coming back to school after a long day of matches , adding a single ‘❤️’ as a caption
✧ he will also create colorful masterpieces on all of them
✧ gives daichi a santa beard, tanaka a squiggly stache (i imagine it to look like spongebob n patrick’s seaweed ones now that were mEN), n kageyama sum angry brows,,, wait he already has them lolol u good der kags
✧ posts a picture of you when you’re hanging out, captioning it: “🥰“
✧ has conversations with you purely via snaps
✧ ranges from casual chats and checking up on u to crackwhoring ( ** indicates the photo, while the “” quotes indicate the caption, all snaps are italicized, otherwise its regular dialogue)
✧ suga: *peace sign* “hey sweetheart, how r u?”
✧ you: *pics of homework* “ahh, drowning in school ;-; i cant wait for this week to be over fghjkl”
✧ suga: *close up with :o on his face* “let’s study together tmrw!”
✧ or
✧ suga: *complete darkness* “its 3 am n i cant sleep”
✧ you: *the top half of your head, laying on a pillow* “ ;( aw babe. do u want me to send something to help u sleep?”
✧ suga: *still in darkness* “y u still up?? go sleep. n 🥺 yes pls”
✧ you: *snaps pics of feet* “that’ll be 50 bucks, pay up” 
✧ suga: *darkness remains* “can we make a trade instead? i promise to make it worth ;)”
✧ ok now u BOTH cant sleep (im sry my crackheading be acting up around 2am eeryday, i stan a mischievous suga--)
✧ video chats (in the darkness lol) instead until you both pass out (im not in luv u r 😭)
✧ super down to take filtered selfies w you
✧ does all the silly ones with you (things like ’angry face’ or the frog one)
✧ but also rlly digs lookin cute with you using some heart crowns, y’all an aesthetic (n crakhead) duo fosho
✧ def subscribes to life hacks and tries them out himself, has a 50% success rate
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✧ doesn’t rlly use snapchat too much
✧ but when he does
✧ will either send you a picture to indicate he’s at volleyball practice (wow wat a sexi lookin gym floor)
✧ or some random picture of whatever he’s doing at the moment (*drinking milk*)
✧ this is mostly in order to save streaks
✧ he’s so bad at streaks
✧ “why does it matter?? what’s the point of sending just black screens or whatever’s in front of you at the moment??”
✧ can’t keep a consistent streak for more than 3 days and also doesn’t care (until hinata challenges him to see who can have the longer one)
✧ when you send him videos of him playing, he really focuses on them to try to improve his technique. asks you to send those vids to him (assuming u saved them, which u did)
✧ but when you look over his shoulder when he’s watching a video and give him some compliment (“i recorded at the perfect moment! that was a really good set, kageyama!”), he gets a bit flustered
✧ gets even more flustered but pretty happy whenever you post videos on your story showing karasuno winning some points with captions like:
✧ “footage of the legendary quick >.>” or “karasuno crows flyin high!” or “these bois make my heart 😭 im so proud”
✧ you WILL catch him off guard in photos, using filters that surrounds his head w/ emojis like 🥺💖🥰💘
✧ you also put these on your story (to his dismay)
✧ ppl comment on these mor than anything else (n for those who dont rlly kno kageyama, theyre kinda surprised to him like this)
✧ hinata snickers “hey kageyama you look pretty good here--”
✧ takes some selfies with you, mostly cuz you want them
✧ saves them after u send them over (n secretly cherishes them)
✧ occasionally watches his subscriptions, they’ll usually involve sports, mostly volleyball (who woulda guessed)
✧ you use his bitmoji to test out random facial expressions you would never see him wear
✧ you: “can you smile and wink like this? act like you’re the obnoxious charming guy in a shojo.”
✧ will actually attempt, but it looks so bad that you die inside and he never wants to try again cuz of ur laughing outburst (you: “😭😭 bb im sorry i couldnt help it”)
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✧ literally sends you anything and everything
✧ morning bathroom selfie to show off how good his hair came out that day, saying:
✧ “he has risen”
✧ or “i woke up like this”
✧ and my favorite, “you’re lucky you get this content for frEE”
✧ selfies with iwa, who just looks annoyed and exasperated at the camera
✧ sends you pics of his lunch and snacks (“bet u wish u had milk bread too”)
✧ always packs extra milk bread so he could convince you to stay at his practice after school--
✧ will either use the filters that make him kayooottt (cute)
✧ loves the ones named ‘hearts,’ ‘soft,’ ‘peach,’ ‘butterfly cheeks,’ vsco filters LOL, etc
✧ uses ‘big mouth’ when he feelin a bit sASSY; also loves to use this one when he rants, it channels his inner valley girl
✧ sometimes he’ll be snacking or drinking something while he does so (“hey guys today im gonna eat these milk buns from my favorite bakery and this bomb orange juice and complain about this little kid who talked smack to me earlier and almost made me cry--”)
✧ takes cute selfies with you, is an aesthetic selfie king, puts them on his story to show off he’s hangin with you
✧ but on your story you only post the ones he looks bad in LOL
✧ has separate stories for his every need, some r private (and lucky you, ur included in all of them)
✧ titles them ‘mean things iwa said to me today,’ ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ ‘a day in the life of oikawa,’ ‘volleyball 🏐,’ ‘unpopular opinions,’ etc. 
✧ fitting room photoshoots lol
✧ “y/n, what do you think of this??” “and this?” “oOH WHAT ABOUT THIS??”
✧ ends up calling you through video chat so you can live critique his choices
✧ “oikawa, please no, i can’t be seen with you in public if you wear those--”
✧ also changes his bitmoji’s outfits from time to time, hopes you’ll notice, but you don’t LOL (oikawa: ;((((((( )
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✧ uses sc usually just to reply to messages ppl send him
✧ indifferent about streaks, but keeps a few with ppl he’s closer to
✧ mindlessly plays the snapchat games with you, finds some of them kinda cute
✧ you both made his bitmoji for him, dressing his up in the orange cat suit
✧ you also helped make kuroo’s and put his in the black cat suit to match--
✧ snaps you every time he gets a new game, starts playing it, and once he finishes
✧ started to post some gameplays and reviews on his sc story (might as well add them to sc since he was already on other social platforms), and ended up amassing a large following
✧ follows the tech and gaming stories on sc
✧ as well as the ones with cute animals--
✧ open to selfies with you, usually wears a calm expression and holds up a peace sign
✧ even occasionally sticks his tongue out
✧ his story is occasionally heavily bombarded with candids of him w/ pretty sc filters, all taken by you
✧ but of all the filters, you love using the clout glasses on him
✧ especially when he’s just minding his own business
✧ “kenma, in his tru habitat” when hes cocooned in a blanket
✧ “kenma, on his way to steal yo manz” while on his way to the bathroom
✧ “kenma, next iron chef. watch out gordon” as he’s cooking instant ramen
✧ “kenma” n das it
✧ but he thinks it meme-y so he lets you do whatever you want, kinda digs it
✧ you end up dedicating your snap story to memes of kenma and the nekoma volleyball team. ppl are in it for the shits n giggles n hot bois
✧ you later discover someone else did the same thing with their volleyball team filled with hot bois from shiratorizawa, and you befriend tendou and share funni internet tings
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✧ 99% of his photos include either you or bokuto or both
✧ bokuto spams akaashi’s story and contact list with selfies and videos of himself using weird filters, often gets you to join him
✧ has several streaks, but will send something with more substance than a black screen or his bedroom window
✧ will usually involve smthng that just happened to him or smthing he saw, like:
✧ “a kind older lady offered me some apples in return for helping her”
✧ “how do i break the news to bokuto that the yaikniku place he’s been wanting to go to for the past week ,,, is closed today”
✧ o n let’s not leave out:
✧ “is it possible to conjure a ghost using a wooden spatula, ketchup, and a chalk drawn hexagram? bokuto’s been paranoid ever since he tried last night and i dont know what to tell him. seriously, help”
✧ looks through stories occasionally, comments whenever bokuto makes questionable decisions
✧ also comments on whatever you’ve posted. his words range from “you’re cute” to “why,” depending on the content
✧ ppl know when y’all are hanging out cuz he’ll post smthing to indicate he’s with you, usually it’s some candid and you’re not paying attention
✧ appreciation posts for you as well! esp if you got him something, like onigiri or his fav, Nanohana no Karashiae , for lunch! (akaashi: *snaps a pic of his food* “thank you y/n for feeding me”)
✧ prefers video calling over texting/snapping whenever possible tho
✧ occasionally reminisces thru his sc memories
✧ enjoys the flashback feature and will send them to you and bokuto (cuz they’re about y’all anyway lolol)
✧ also has secretly saved a bunch of selfies of himself, consists of him trying out a lot of the filters (he feelin himself)
✧ you, one day, looking thru his phone and discovering them: “akaashi, you’re so pretty wtf”
✧ akaashi: “...”
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✧ sends you selfies of him before practice
✧ during breaks
✧ and after practice, usually makes a comment about how it went for him that day like:
✧  “i hit a decent toss today and futakuchi actually complimented me!”
✧ that, or:
✧ “i got yelled at 17 times today 😢😩”
✧ has quite a few streaks, his longest ones being with you and hinata
✧ def uses filters
✧ tries out every funny one he finds and sends you videos
✧ “look y/n im an aaaaAALlliiEEENnnNNN oo oo hoo hhhooOOh”
✧ “now im a chicky nuggy!!” (chicken nugget)
✧ also enjoys the doodle feature
✧ but he uses the filter with the clout glasses unironically--
✧ usually when smth good happens to him and he feels happy and/or cool about it
✧ “just beat the boss in this game on my 69th try B)”
✧ “kogane, that’s--”
✧ plays sc games with you and thinks bitmojis r cool
✧ kinda sad he cant find a hair option that matches him tho lolol rip
✧ you: “you hair’s just,,, unique,,,”
✧ subscribed to anything sports and fitness, as well as pop culture so he can stay in the loop
✧ also watches everyone else’s stories, pointing out whenever he sees smthing cool and/or interesting
✧ “woahh, karasuno’s at nationals right now! i wish we could’ve won, but next year for sure!!”
✧ you encourage him at all his games, hyping him up irl and online
✧ “koganegawa: best setter 😍!!”
✧ luckily you didnt record the parts he completely messed up LOL
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✧ before going out with you, snaps you a pic of his casual outfit like:
✧ semi: “does this look ok”
✧ you: “babe you look great, tendou was just messing with you”
✧ will make unwanted appearances on tendou’s snap and complains to you about them
✧ “i didnt consent to being part of his meme page” and
✧ “okay, but he didn’t only have to share all the moments i messed up--”
✧ also indifferent about streaks but will do them
✧ sometimes sends snaps/streaks indicating he’s practicing his music
✧ when you see these you usually ask him to send you vids or if you can come over n watch
✧ initially is a bit shy about it but he loves what he does and you and knows you’re genuinely interested and supportive so he agrees
✧ secretly rlly enjoys having you as his personal audience
✧ lowkey into asmr, like the soap cutting shit as well as chewing crunchy things
✧ also watches food porn and clips of mukbangs, then can’t resist going on youtube and watching the whole thing
✧  “y/n, can we try this, it looks so good--”
✧ will also often watch oikawa’s stories, especially his ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ and makes comments about him being an idiot
✧  “this kid he’s talking about is a savage”
✧ but admits they’re quite entertaining
✧ just looks serious in all the selfies you take with him
✧ you: “can you look like you’re enjoying yourself?”
✧ semi: “i look cooler like this tho”
✧ sc memories filled with shenanigans from you and the volleyball team, doodles, and mirror selfies with him experimenting diff looks (you: “tendou, you got him way too concerned about this”)
✧ also enjoys showing off he’s with you, taking a short video of you when you hang out
✧ you: “semi, i look bad right now”
✧ semi: “but you can never look bad”
✧ you: “🥺 bb”
✧ viewers: “aw”
✧ shiratorizawa: “can he be this nice with us LOL”
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✧ his main mode of communication with you is mostly through the regular messaging app, so he doesn’t use sc too much
✧ also doesn’t care for streaks and is bad at keeping them
✧ will answer to you or his senpais rather soon tho
✧ but lets all his other notifications pile up a bit before finally going thru them
✧ goes through the snaps he receives really fast, spending like 2 seconds each to look at them cuz aint nobody got time for dat
✧ doesn’t even rlly open goshiki’s LOL
✧ you have fun using filters on him and taking videos while he’s just doing his own thing peacefully like studying
✧ it takes him a second to notice and when he finally looks up, he just gives you an exasperated look
✧ cue you cracking up with laughter bc the filter finally shows up on his face
✧ his eyes and mouth are now on mike wazowski
✧ that, or his face becomes so disturbingly moRPhed like an alien
✧ caption: “ken-chan, my future medical man 😍”
✧ “y/n, please, this is like the 7th time in the last 20 minutes--”
✧ finally convinced him to take a study break and hang out with you
✧ which usually consists of snacking and light banter while you lay your head on his lap
✧ and scrolling through snapchat stories and showing him what everyone else is up to and cool things you’re subscribed to
✧ “loooook, dr. miami’s doing another butt job! is this the line of work you’re studying so hard for?”
✧ “no, it’s really not”
✧ is actually very soft with you and likes having the photos and vids for memories
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✧ sends you snaps where his brother looks bad, captioning it:
✧ “this is evidence that im the hotter twin”
✧ likewise, osamu sends you snaps where atsumu looks even worse
✧ like, the mans passed out, looking rekt and open mouthed, drool seeping into his pillow
✧ osamu: “u still have time to break up with him”
✧ also lucky for you, atsumu also loves to take unflattering photos of you and send them to you randomly at like 2 am
✧ you: “nani tf when did you even take this??”
✧ usually posts a snap while he’s out somewhere like at a match, the gym, outside on a run, a party, or just hanging out with you or his frens
✧ however, makes sure you look good if you show up on his story cuz he wants to show you off
✧ doesn’t really care for streaks, but has a lott
✧ but also has a tON of unopened snaps
✧ is the type to send just a black screen n call it a day, or maybe spice it up by sending a pic of the sexi gym floor (a comeback) w his shoe in the corner
✧ will, however, consistently respond to you and kinda looks forward to ur snaps (secretly hopes you show ur face)
✧ but when you dont:
*in class*
✧ atsumu: *a smirk on his face* “your content’s kinda dry today” 
✧ you: *your sexi desk* “my nudez ain’t free, i demand compensation”
✧ atsumu: *grasped his chin in thought, but angled the cam up bc he needa hide his phone in class lolol* “what if i... take you out on a romantic excursion”
✧ you: * your face but with ‘sausage’ filter* “🥵🥵🥵🥵 yessir, what u want”
✧ rlly only wants to have pics of your face wat a closeted sOFTIE
✧ likes to have content on his flashbacks
✧ usually has other social media sources to keep up to date with things
✧ actually rlly digs using sc filters, mostly ones that’ll make him look like a queen
✧ captions a selfie of you two like: “me >>>>>>> y/n”
✧ but nearly everyone who comments on it is like: “i think you flipped the sign, bro 🤥”
✧ judges ppl who are into soap cutting asmr (you will never hear the end of it if you also like it)
a/n: sc kinda dying for me, my use went from suga to an atsumu to like nearly nonexistent LOL
also o gawd i already have ideas here n there for a pt 2 so stay tuned fjxnwfesd hope it takes me less long cuz this one took me fkin foreva LOL
idk y i made semi like mukbangs but i feel like he’d be rlly into them--
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cattles-bians · 4 years ago
'our exes are dating' damie AU part 2
post directory
em: jamies like, sitting w her head in her hands wearing big stompy boots and flannel going god dani our exes are dating. we’re Stereotypes (danis like well. i will hold my tongue about the outfit but technically their exes are also dating)
obsetress: "what about my outfit?" "nothing baby, you look very cute”
obsetress: ok but dani and jamie finding out rebecca and vi are dating and jamie's immediately calling owen like "mate."
em: i am so thinking of making the bly manor au version of The Chart from the l word
em: owens like who haven’t u dated at this point n jamies like oi (quietly) u know i get nervous around girls
em: owen we can’t ALL be Married to hannah grose
obsetress: jamie can't stand vi most of the time like you said but she definitely had a drunken one night stand with perdita
obsetress: they were both young and lonely and had something to prove
obsetress: ok but imagine vi and rebecca are having some holiday party at their fancy ass apartment and dani and jamie are showing up and perdita is there and viola's like "dani, you remember my sister. jamie, this is–– jamie? perdi? are you okay?”
obsetress: perdita pulling vi aside later and hissing "that's her! that... jamie, that's her" "who?" "that... that girl i told you about, vi, the one who––" "the one who insisted on buying you breakfast but then never called you back?" “yes"
em: jamie......
obsetress: she wants to be so nice and so soft but then…
obsetress: also they stayed over at perdi's and she was sober enough the next morning to realize what a trust fund baby flat looks like
em: jamie viola acquaintances to enemies to. nope still enemies
jamie: dunno what the fuss was about. not like i stole anything
dani: sorry what
dani: why would you even think... did you?
jamie: what? don’t be ridiculous.
jamie: i cut that shit out years ago
obsetress: in vi and rebecca's lavishly furnished guest bedroom later that night…
dani, whispering: we could, you know
jamie, half asleep next to her: wot
dani: steal something. they wouldn't miss it
jamie: dani, we can't just––
dani: that print over there is nice though, isn't it?
dani: would look nicer at ours
em: the most illegal thing dani has done is smoke a joint so she’s READY
obsetress: she is ITCHING obsetress: anyway they absolutely take it and the next time vi and rebecca come to theirs for "a quaint, country weekend" viola doesn't even notice, but rebecca squints at it for a minute
em: sjhfjsh,afasf
obsetress: be gay, do crime -dani clayton, probably
obsetress: new crack headcanon: dani always trying to rope jamie into doing benign little gay crimes with her
obsetress: smoking a joint, stealing vi and rebecca's print, stealing owen's veggies
em: jamies like babe u know i’ve. been to prison right. i don’t really want to- and danis like no i only mean SMALL crimes
em: Funny Crimes
em: jamies like oh well actually i love fucking with viola i’m in
obsetress: the only thing that could convince jamie
obsetress: jamie's like "what if we replace viola's green tea with that silly detox green tea" and dani is just like
obsetress: "i see you trying and i love you so much for that"
em: i am wheezing at ‘what if we gave viola laxatives’
dani: she has a delicate constitution she’d know Immediately
jamie: (eating some suspiciously old leftovers) rich people are fucked
em: jamie: i’m gonna rearrange her books
obsetress: dani visibly cringes
obsetress: ”don't tell me that's gonna bother you too" "i–– nO"
em: full on greenhouse scene pphht. no?!
obsetress: flashback to: dani and viola rearranging her library for fun on a rainy day
em: jamie: i’m gonna buy cleanskin wine and put expensive labels on it
dani: now THATS funny
obsetress: full on jamie taylor bootlegging operation
[later edit: cleanskin wine is an Australian/New Zealand term for cheap unlabelled wine.]
obsetress: jamie: look, dani, you went from bootlicker to bootlegger
dani: hey!
em: relabelling garbage wine for fun and profit
em: viola does that wine sniffing thing and she’s like mm. do i detect some notes of willow. a lovely cultivar and damie are trying. so hard not to lose it
obsetress: rebecca side eying the two of them
obsetress: what is friendship if not just exes fucking with each other
em: so true bestie
obsetress: omg final thought before i ptfo on the book rearranging
obsetress: when they were together dani def suggested to vi that she organize her shelves by color and viola just stared at her in horror
obsetress: ”i know americans are illiterate dani, but really?" "and i know the british are notorious snobs, but seriously?"
obsetress: (it is not as toxic as it sounds. they're mostly just snarking at each other and end up kissing against a bookcase like half a minute later)
obsetress: and just. imagine how happy viola is when rebecca moves in with her massive collection of russian poetry volumes and automatically just starts slotting them in in alphabetical order by author's last name
obsetress: vs. at dani and jamie's where jamie just leaves books where she leaves them and lets dani take care of the rest
em: at mike don’t worry we will meaningfully flesh out ur side characters
audacity: anyway I'm slipping away from work for 1 minute to say leftist jamie and liberal vi still lives in my head rent fucking free thanks to y'all because it's literally—
audacity: i am kindly asking it to stay In My Head
em: ‘liberal vs leftist ding ding ding round one fight’ has been RUNNING around my head
em: viola saying landlords provide a valuable service wrt housing and resources and dani has to HOLD jamie back
audacity: vi: capitalism is an important aspect of our society since it provides much-needed inspiration for the working class—
obsetress: five times jamie and viola got into a fight at their standing damvibecca biweekly dinner and one time they didn’t
em: i wanna believe jamie and viola realise they both have an incredibly niche interest in common, and jamie HATES this (violas like oh ho ho i have charmed this jamie taylor, she absolutely has not) but i can’t figure out what the fuck the interest would be
em: maybe maybe some intersection of storytelling and folklore and ghost stories but i cannot figure it out
obsetress: jamie hates it but suddenly she’s been talking to viola about rural hauntings in northern england and viola’s been talking to her about rural hauntings in southern england and two hours have gone by
em: dani: it’s nice to see you guys get along :)
jamie: ……… >:/
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wowtobio · 5 years ago
Hi! Can I request headcanons where Atsunu and Oikawa are in love with the same girl and compete for her love? I
New Neighbor? Where Atsumu and Oikawa try to win your love
thanks for the request :) i hope u enjoy! 
warnings: slight angst and implied sexual content
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*pretend hinata is you hehe ;) 
“(y/n)-chan!! I can’t believe you’re leaving me!!” Oikawa complains as you pack the last few things in your overflowing suitcase.
It was a hot, sunny Saturday afternoon in your home in Miyagi and you found yourself in your room with Oikawa casually laying on your bed. 
“Tooru, I’m sorry you know this was not my choice.” You spoke softly, Oikawa sat up and continued his whining 
“But still! We’ve been together since we were kids and you’re just gonna abandon me?? After everything we’ve been through!!?” You threw a pillow at the loud mouthed setter.
It was true, when you moved to Miyagi when you were 6 years old, you two hit it off and are still as close as ever today. Your parents had demanding jobs that required them to travel all over Japan leaving you home alone. Your parents were close with Oikawa’s so they trusted to look after you. You were practically raised by them but over time you learned to fend for yourself with a little help from him and his family. 
“Quit your screaming! And don’t make it out like we’re dating hmph. You still have Iwa-kun to cling onto. You’ll be alright.” You stood up and clasped his hands with yours. A fire sparked into your eyes as you looked at him. 
“Besides, you have to promise me that you’ll go and win nationals. Win the dream with your team!” Oikawa glances at your hands before letting them go and hooking his pinky with your small, dainty ones. 
“Mm, you can count on me (y/n)-chan” 
You smile brightly and without warning wrap your arms around the brunette’s neck. He pauses before allowing his hands to gather at the small of your back and hugging your waist. As a goodbye, you squeeze him closer and bury your face in the crook of his neck and he digs his face into your shoulder. Your breath hitched in your throat as you swear you felt him press a kiss on your neck, but you didn’t mention it. You two just savored the moment and each others warmth as it was probably going to be the last time you two would be in each others presence for awhile. Probably.
It has been two months since your family made the move to Hyogo, your parents as expected were not home as usual and at first it was hard for you to adapt without the presence of your parents and your childhood best friend who you texted every single day.
“heyo tooru!” 
“(y/n)-chan! i miss you ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ do you miss mee~?” 
“yah wish idiot, i’m just checkin up on yah”
“YABBEI!! ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭ you already have the kansai accent noo!!” 
“shut up! i adapt! and fyi i do not talk like this irl”
“okok whateverrr, how’s inarizaki?” 
With your high grades and excelling in academics you were able to transfer into Inarizaki high with no problem. You did not have any friends though, you did not really fit in or belong to certain cliques at the school.
“it’s been alright, kinda prestigious though and ppl have egos but nothing i can’t handle. def better than dealing with you hehe~” 
“im hurt (y/n)-chan! but that’s good, watch out for their volleyball team they’re pretty strong (ง’-‘︠)ง“
You raised an eyebrow as you realized that your new school did indeed have a volleyball team. You’ve heard about them quite a lot as they are supposedly really good, placing at nationals consecutively. You made a mental note to yourself to look further into it whenever you cared too and you bid Oikawa a quick goodbye text. You remembered an important package was waiting outside so you slipped on some shoes and ran out to get it. 
Upon approaching your mailbox, you notice two guys walking towards your direction and you glance up at them. One blonde-haired guy rambling to an uninterested sliver-haired who was practically an exact replica to him. Twins? You thought to yourself as you took a double-take.
Despite their similarities in looks, your attention gravitated towards the blond twin. Just the way his soft looking locks parted to the right over his hooded, dark eyes you could lost in. His overall energy was one that interested you. He felt your lingering gaze on him and made eye contact with you and smirked. 
You blushed lightly and hurriedly grabbed your package. You rushed since you were just wearing short shorts and a crop top. Avoiding any interactions with the pair, you walk away and miss the eyes of the blonde twin looking up and down at your body. 
Slamming your door shut, back against it you let out a sigh of relief and peek out the window to see the twins walk into the house right next door to you. The blush on your face still burned slightly, your curiosity heightens 
��New neighbors? How interesting”
School has ended, yet you found yourself aimlessly walking the now empty halls of Inarizaki. You wanted to avoid going home, as you did not want to be spending anymore time in an empty household and without your best friend you missed dearly. 
Your aimless wandering has led you to the volleyball gym, curiosity killed the cat and you found yourself entering the gym and stepping up at the balcony to watch practice from afar. Your eyes immediately went to the golden yellow haired guy who was apparently also your neighbor.
He sets to his teammate effortlessly and you couldn’t help but watch with amazement of his moves and how he brought out the best in the spiker. His technique was similar to Tooru’s, just a bit different. It was like his own twist. You always watched Tooru play with awe, however this guy’s setting just hit differently within you. 
You stared for a bit too long, as said setter looks up the balcony to see your form. The fangirls nearby you screech for his attention, only for him to send you a smirk and you blush profusely and immediately break the eye contact once again. 
Eventually, you found yourself coming back to the same gym at the same time everyday for the week. You went because of how much the players practiced and played flawlessly, but secretly because you wanted to watch the blonde setter in action of course. And since you were not enrolled in any clubs you killed time after school on that very balcony. 
Blonde twin has noticed you at every practice, every now and then he would nod towards you and/or throw a lopsided smile to you that made your heart jump lightly. 
It was the end of practice and you were about to walk out of the empty gym until you felt a hand grab your wrist, pulling you back. 
You gasp slightly upon seeing the blonde setter. A little too close for comfort. A tint of pink dusted your cheeks as you gulped and stared into his eyes.
“Miya Atsumu, who are you?”
“TOOOORUUU YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED” You jumped into bed and called your childhood best friend with no warning.
“E-eh?? (y/n)-chan are you okay?? Are you finally coming back to mee????” 
“NO SILLY! okay hear me out for a moment” 
You rambled on and on about your interaction with the setter, a hint of excitement in your tone that goes unnoticed by Oikawa.
“(y/n)-chan, you do know that Miya Atsumu is one of the best setters in Japan right?” 
You immediately shut up, mouth open slightly and you noticed Oikawa’s sudden drop in mood.
“A-ah, I did not know that, sorry..” You rubbed your arm out of nervousness as the line went silent for an uncomfortable amount of time.
“You.. you still support me though right (y/n)-chan?” 
“Of course Tooru!”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, of course. I believe in you”
Over the next few weeks, you and Atsumu have been interacting a lot more than others would’ve expected. You two slowly got closer to each other, exchanged numbers, walking in the halls together, eating lunch together, even during passing time he would come visit you in your class. Rumors erupted here and there but you would ignore them, all you cared about was the fact that you were getting close to the handsome setter and you couldn’t help but feel a weird sensation in your chest whenever you were around him. 
Being neighbors, you two sometimes catch each other walking by the window and laugh at how both of you were caught off guard. He would even text you about it.
“you looked pretty cute there (n/n)-chan~”
Your heart flutters and you giggle replying back. Then you two would text the whole night away.
One night, you were on the phone with Oikawa as usual updating each other about your lives. 
“And then! You won’t believe it (y/n)-chan, Iwa-chan then threw the volleyball! At the back of my head!! How embarrassing uwaaah” 
You giggled cutely, “But I do believe it!” Oikawa just grumbles on the other side of the line and you continue to laugh. A text message then pops up from Atsumu, wishing you a goodnight. You subconsciously smile and were reminded that you should probably tell your best friend of the recent closeness. 
“Ne Tooru, I have somethings to update you about Atsumu.” It was absolutely silence on the other side, you worried slightly but took it as a sign to continue.
You ranted on about the progression of your friendship with Atsumu, almost in a dreamy tone. You finished and were met with silence which worried you even further.
“We have a match with Karasuno tomorrow.” You were caught off guard with the sudden subject change. 
“E-eh? That’s Kageyama-san’s team right? And you should be sleeping then!” 
“Yeah, that guy drives me mad. But we’ll be fine, we will win” Oikawa says. You admired whenever Oikawa was passionate and serious about his dreams. 
“Of course, I wish you luck! I’ll watch you guys from home.” 
“Thank you~ Sweet (y/n)-chan” You laugh and cringed at him, but his tone went serious unexpectedly once again.
“Ne (y/n)-chan I have a question for you.”
“I’m all ears Tooru.”
“Do you have feelings for Atsumu?” 
Your breath got caught in your throat. Feelings?
“I- uhm. I think it’s too early to have feelings like that, right Tooru?”
On the other side of the line, Oikawa frowns. 
They lost
They lost against Karasuno
You sat on your coach, tears forming as your hands cupped your mouth in shock. 
They can’t go to nationals
You watched painfully as you saw the cameras zoom in on the victors of Karasuno and cuts to Oikawa’s face of disbelief alongside the team members’ similar reaction and a few crying faces. Tears were as of now flowing down your face.
Tooru’s dream
You spent the next few days constantly calling and texting your best friend to check on him and remind him he did his best. He barely replied back, answering with blunt and passive answers that worried you to the core. Oh what would you give to take a train to Miyagi and comfort him. 
You heard a knock at your door, ears perked up and you walk over to answer. 
“A-atsumu??” You were shocked at the sudden appearance of him at your front door. 
“What’re you doing here??” He leans against the doorway, hands in his pockets. His casual attire being fitted black joggers, a green hoodie and a nice jacket over. You couldn’t help but stare. 
“Am I not allowed to visit yah (n/n)-chan. And it is rude to stare yanno. Not even allowing a guest in?” He smirks as you fumble with your words and let him in your home. 
“I was just making lunch, w-would you like to join me?” He smiles attractively as he takes off his coat and hangs it up. 
“Don’t mind if I do.” 
The afternoon was spent with you cooking lunch for the two of you, jokes cracked up and you both laughed and bonded. 
“What do yah mean? You never saw the movie??” You giggled.
“Hah, you expect me to be going out all the time? I’m the loner here.” 
“Nope nope, not with me around. I am taking you out to see this movie right now.” He grabs your wrist and drags you towards your room. Your heart did a thing.
“Go get ready.” You blushed red questioned frantically what was happening.
“W-what? What do you mean? Where are we going? WHat??” Atsumu waves his hands.
“Don’tcha worry about it doll. I’ll pay for your ticket, and it’ll only be the movies. Yah parents aren’t even home and I’ll bring yah back home in one piece.” 
With further convincing you sigh and agreed to his offer. As you slipped on a casual, fitting dress along with a bit of touching up of your hair and makeup your mind wanders to Oikawa. You still worried about him.
“I hope he’s doing okay..” You mumble to no one in particular. 
“Hope whose doin okay?” You jump at Atsumu’s sudden intrusion in your bedroom. 
“N-nothing! Well I’m ready now so let’s go.” Before heading out, Atsumu blocks your path and checked you out real quick. 
“Wow~ You look gorgeous (n/n)-chan” You blushed heavily and ushered him out of your room and the house. 
You two arrive at the train station, making light conversation where Atsumu would drop compliments every now and then that would make you redder than a tomato.
Casually strolling side by side, your shoulders bumping into each other. You stop in your tracks as Atsumu does the same, your eyes widening at the sight of Oikawa.
Atsumu raises an eyebrow. 
“W-what are you doing here Tooru? Are you okay??”
“I simply just needed to see you… I missed you but I see that I am interrupting something?”
Your eyes widened, you wanted to run into Tooru’s arms but Atsumu was right beside you..
“Well well well, if it ain’t pretty setter Oikawa. How did that game the other day go?” Atsumu says in a taunting manner, you backhanded Atsumu’s chest lightly scolding him. However, Astumu continues 
“I think you should let her go lover boy, she’s mine.” Atsumu wraps and arm around your shoulder. You gasped as Oikawa ticks at that.
“You barely know her, don’t even think about touching her!” Oikawa growls out.
“G-guys please stop!” You felt so conflicted with your feelings. You did recently felt interested in Atsumu. On the other hand, you constantly missed and cared for Tooru. 
“She obviously likes me over you boy, I dunno your problem but I will be taking my lady out if yah don’t mind.” 
“To hell! (y/n)-chan’s been mine.” Oikawa grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him. 
“(y/n), what are you doing out with him? Is this a date? Do you actually like him more than me?” 
You flustered up at Oikawa’s words.
“No! W-well it may seem like a date, but we’re just out watching movies together alone! W-wait that sounds like a date oh my goodness. I don’t even know anymore ugh-” 
You felt so overwhelmed to the point you could not help but break your grasp from Oikawa and run from the two. 
You kept running, ignoring their calls.
What were you going to do? 
Who were you going to choose?
You did not know anymore
a/n: heyhey sorry if that turned out bad ;; i am conflicted on how to end this short headcanon so I was thinking of writing something with both endings where you either choose Oikawa or Atsumu. Only if you guys want so please let me know! And also at that last interaction I made Oikawa seem more serious since I imagine he would still be affected by losing ofc poor boi. Sorry if that seemed too ooc for Oikawa. N e ways, thank you guys sm for the support and reading my writing. PLs let me know if you would like that part two! ily :)
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karasuno-writings · 5 years ago
Can you do FLUFF headcanon for big boobed s/o (like an e cup) with tsukishima , kuroo and yamaguchi with a slight mention of her being selfconsious about it like once in a blue moon because people sometimes stare but other than that how the boyswoukd react and the boys thoughts about their s/o having big boobs this is a weird request but your writing is so comprehensive and good I want to see what you write khvkh alsoo I'm glad you are back😔💜
Sure thing!!! Thank you so much for the request!!! So ofc I’ll do it it is not weaird do not worry!! And thanks I’m glad to be back too!! Ahhh thanks for complimenting my writing I really appreciate it :3 
Prompt: Fluff bigged boobed s/o headcanons 
Tsukishima Kei 
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He didn’t even think anything of it at first, he just didn’t like care? He didn’t even give it a second thought, I mean he loved you and that was what mattered.
But as time went by and he was more affectionate as he opened up he just...huh
Soft, he just couldn’t help but think how soft they were 
Blushed when he was hugging you and just felt your boobs pressed against him, that is probably why the hug was a few seconds too long but he’d rather die than have you notice 
When it is just the tow of you alone he likes to take his glasses off and rest his head a bit and if you have been dating for a while then he is 100% comfortable with you so he will just use them as pillows?? Like he sure does hope he is nor hurting you but he just likes leaning on them and listening to your heartbeat
When you are at that point in the relationship where the two of you sleep together, one night he was wrapping his arm around you and he just ended up holding you by accident, but he got used to it so if you don’t point anything out he will keep on grabbing to you.
Contrary to popular belief this boy will go help you get some cute bras if you ask him to, won’t be opinionated at all but will def buy the one you loved. Very patient and will carry your bags.
“Don’t be silly, you look just fine” Is his first answer 
“Y/N, you really are beautiful” If he sees you still feel self conscious, he will notice and immediately makes you look at him, holding your hands “Don’t let those idiots make you feel bad about yourself, those idiots don’t know what they are saying”
Blushes as he is walking away “Plus I think they look good on you”
The second he sees a guy staring at you he just gets all irritated, and sure as hell he will get scary 
“Lost something?” “Some people are just distasteful, don’t you think Y/N?” Wraps an arm around you, almost like shielding you. 
Whenever you stare at yourself in the mirror wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses you, taking your thoughts to how much he loves you. 
Kuroo Tetsuro 
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Boy is such a gentleman not once did a thought about your boobs cross his mind before the two started going out TBH 
Well maybe that one time the two of you went on a date and the dress you were wearing made you look absolutely stunning, he almost choked, save him
Really does like how they look on you tho, blushes every time
One day he just hugged you from behind and his arms wrapped just bellow them, he just felt how much they weighted and he just ??? and before letting go he just cupped them, just holding them you know? 
“Um...Tetsuro?” As soon as you say his name he jumps backwards and blushes like crazy, feels a little bad “Sorry kitten!” “No no...I don’t mind at all” 
He loves just sitting on the floor while watching movies and having you sit in front of him between his legs, his arms are usually pressed against the floor or loosely around you, but one day you grab his hands and lead them to cup your boobs and he just “. . .”  and smiles before leaning against your back and placing his head on your shoulder, his hands where you left them 
It is kind of a habit now, he does it absentmindedly when the two of you watch movies
When you are wearing low necked shirts he liked giving you soft kisses, he starts on you forehead, then your cheeks all the way to where your skin stops showing. 
When you mention your insecurities he just goes all soft, like he just hugs you close and sways you 
“Kitten I love you, but you should love yourself too...You are absolutely stunning” 
Will compliment you A LOT, sometimes he just glides his hands down your figure while telling you sweet nothings about you 
The moment he sees a guy staring at you the nice guy is gone, he puffs out his chest “What are you looking at?” he says it so crudely, while pulling you towards him by your waist it is so intimidating (Boy is dying inside but he’d be damned if he doesn’t do anything about it) 
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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Oh Boi, one look at you and he is a mess, his cheeks are red, he is dumbfounded 
He really really loves your figure and he finds you rather attractive but you were wearing a V neck one day and the boy was all anxious like he didn’t want to be disrespectful, what if you thought he was staring? 
One day, you were already dating, but one day the poor boy tripped and got his face full of boobs and he just blushed madly and apologised so much, you found it endearing really, but right there he noticed how much he actually liked your boobs tbh 
At first he is a little awkward but once the two of you open up he is more confident, specially since he know you so well and you know him now too. 
Once you are dating he stares at you but not in like a dirty way at all, and not directly to your boobs, just at you, and he looks so lovestruck. When you look at him the boy keeps staring at you but now he is smiling knowingly “Yeah princess?”. Might even send you a little kiss before laughing adorably. 
He hears you complain about how you never find cute bras because of your size, so once he knows what size you wear he buys you every cute bra he comes across, he is always red in the face when doing so because the ladies at the store are just trying to help him, he gets so embarrassed. 
Have you seen how this baby sleeps? Betcha he will hug you like that, he loves spooning you and he likes tucking his hands right under your boobs.
Likes laying between you legs and resting his head on your chest, it is soft and perfect for a little chat.
When you tell him about your insecurity he just looks at you with so much love on his eyes “But you are so perfect love...you know? You really are so gorgeous, I can’t believe I was so lucky as to have you.”
Will tell you you look great when you are rocking any outfit, he is just so proud so he will just have this smile “Looking pretty great!” 
If someone dares look at you he will just hold your hand tight and pull you close, if it was only someone passing by he will just look at them annoyed not wanting to call any more attention towards you, but if it is someone you are holding a conversation with he will interfere and just pull you away “Don’t be such a creep” 
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jelly-space · 5 years ago
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Here are some of my headcanons for Oliver because I adore him so much. I love how differently he is interpreted and drawn by the fandom, these are just how I tend to imagine him. Forgive the bad writing, I've only written academic essays and like one fanfic one shot when I was 12 so it may come off as awkward to read.
♡ Super self conscious about his looks. Doesnt understand how to take compliments but wont stop someone if they decide to lay on the love. Do it enough and he'll be smitten in no time.
♡ Will go to many lengths to get someone he's fallen for to do the same to him. The harder he falls the more he forgets that people typically dont like being stalked and def arent into murderers.
♡Will get upset if object of affection starts to avoid him. If they keep steering clear of him it wont end well. Will start with denial on his part and end with a mess for his "sweetheart"
♡ Vicious cycle of baking to destress and feel less lonely, not having anyone to give his treats to and then getting stressed about eating too many sweets. Will leave suspicious looking bags of goodies on random countrys doorsteps to avoid it as much as possible. America and Canada have become masters are sneakily discarding said treats when he gives it to them in person.
♡Amazing baker but not such a good cook. His food is edible, and he has a few dishes he excels at but he tends to make everything too sweet or bland. Part of that may have to do with the fact that he can not stand most spices(he's in the cilantro tastes like soap party) and because he will regularly put sugar in his recipes thinking its salt and will not taste to check.
♡ Personal space? What's that? He may be bashful to strangers but the second he gets closer to someone, personal boundries go out the window. He's touched starved so anyone that talks to him more than once should expect a lot of too close for comfort moments.
♡ Tries to be a good listener but gets distracted so easily. On the other hand he can talk for hours.
♡ Doesnt label himself as anything because he's not very up to date on almost anything nowadays, but would be considered pansexual.
♡ Give this man an inch and he'll make a mile. Tell him more than two compliments and hes already planning the first date. Many unsuspecting humans end up being a target for his infatuation, none of them have ended all that well though.
♡ Has had and still has a crush on many different countries, but considering they're a bit more volatile/uninterested, he's a lot less certain and outgoing in his affection. When hes frustrated over not being able to be with someone he'll purposefully go out looking for humans to be with.
♡Is good at hiding his emotions when he wants. Is a master at smiling away his problems, at least until he gets home. Then he will either A: start panicking to himself B: try to distract himself with a hobby C: Call up Allen, Matt or Francois to vent D: go out to "vent" his frustrations on some random human or E: Drink, and let's hope it never gets to that
♡His body is as soft as can be. Oliver is, as he would say, pretty chubby. He has a slightly protruding stomach(not a hard fat stomach but a soft fat type if that makes sense), thick thighs and fat built up in his upper arms. He also has a double chin and chubby cheeks.
♡His hands, on the other hand, are surprisingly thin and nimble. If you were to ask him what part of him is the prettiest he'd likely say either his eyes or his hands.
♡Is very high maintenance with his nails and hands in general. Lots of sweet smelling lotions, nail filling and nail polish is used to keep them looking nice even with all the work they go through with his baking. Usually will go with clear but hes got an arsenal of pastel polishes he'll use when he's feeling cute.
♡Calling him fat is the easiest way to get on his hit list. He'll except being called chubby by those closer to him but it's best not to mention it at all unless you're gonna give him nothing but complements for an hour straight.
♡Freckles, freckles everywhere. This man is covered in them and he's endlessly self conscious about them. He's grown accustom to the ones on his face since they've become quite popular in recent years and hes been getting complements on them from humans he passes by while out. But gets rather shy about the rest of his body and will usually only show his arms because he really is covered in them head to toe. He'll even avoid rolling up his sleeves while baking so he doesnt have people seeing them.
♡Speaking of freckles, there's another reason he tends to leave them alone now. Centuries ago he had used makeup to cover his face, but the ingredients used...weren't so kind to his skin. Luckly his face healed over time but now he gets flashbacks whenever he sees foundation.
♡Is a master manipulator. He may not be good at catching small details because of him getting easily distracted, but he is good at reading people in general. Enjoys messing with people's emotions and steering then into whichever way he wants. It helps that he acts and looks kind and attentive, people think he has good intentions when hes really just twisting how they feel and act to benefit himself.
♡Oliver can be very delusional in many different ways. He wasn't always like this but since he had to deal with a lot of terrible stuff growing up as a country, it's how he copes and rationalizes his life. The delusions can rang from mild to severe. Someone looks at him for a second too long? They must think he looks silly in his outfit. Person runs away when they find out he's stalking them? They're just playing coy. Allen wants to seperate from him and become independent? Francois and Matt, and who knows who else, have brainwashed Allen into hating him will have to fight to bring him back to normal.
♡Like his 1p counter part, Oliver does dabble in magic but to a lesser extent. He focuses more on potions and spells that he can use against others or to spy, but as magic can be unpredictable and unreliable at times(at least for him) it's usually a last ditch effort.
♡Can see magical creatures and has a few that he is close to. He feels a connection with the fae; he thinks they have a lot in common. But he tries to keep them out of his home for that very reason. He was afraid of them stealing away Allen and Matt when he left them home for too long. Now they both have fears of fairy's because of all the scary stories they've heard over the lifetime.
♡Gets pretty stressed when things are too loud and hectic, would probably need to excuse himself at least once during a 1p world meeting if he ever went to one.
♡When it comes to technology he is absolutely clueless and refuses to learn it. The newest stuff in his house is his new oven that took him a solid year to fully understand and small stuff that Allen has bought like his new tv. Allen is usually the first person that Oliver goes to for advice on technology since Matt is not much better than himself.
♡On that note he is a sucker for older technology, his favorite thing besides his kitchen is his gramophone that he'll use to play the massive collection of records he owns. He'll listen to music from any place he can get his hands on but he had a particular love for French music.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years ago
Twi YouTube AU?? 👀
dlgjk ok i dont have a coherent au idea i just like the idea of like. 
alec being this confident youtuber man who does all sorts of shit, like funny vlogs and maybe some sketches with his siblings or some lets plays or something, idk, he’s just a popular youtuber like, idk, fuckin markiplier or something, you know, kinda does a lot of stuff. maybe some fashion/interior design shit? idk? but like. he’s pretty popular and if there’s any list on tumblr that’s like “some queer creators you should try watching” he’s always up there because he’s pretty open about being gay. maybe at first he wasn’t in the earlier youtube days but he had a pretty emotional coming out video and everyone was like “holy shit” 
meanwhile magnus is like, a quietly popular youtuber, you know? kind of a niche audience, but with decent numbers. he does a lot of things, like vlogs about being trans. like, oh my god. magnus documenting his transition? would that even be a thing? wait oh my god is this mundane au, or is this canon? because twi magnus who’s actually a warlock with a youtube channel would be hilarious but maybe not a good idea. you know what? how about a mix. he’s mortal and was born in modern times and all, he’s like the same age as alec–idk why but i’m thinking he’s like a few weeks older or a month or two older than alec and alec jokingly teases him about being old–but he like…. still has magic, because why the fuck not. actually, you know what? fuck it? it’s an au where magic is just openly a thing. not even necessarily canonverse magic, just. some people have magic. magnus does little tutorials and shit, he has a real talent for it and he’s actually really powerful but he hides that. (possible plotline: some paparazzi discover he’s like, a level ten mage, and it’s a scale from 1-10 and 8 is the most powerful u get most of the time, there’s been a few really famous 9s and there’s been one 10 ever and that was fucking merlin. you feel. because why not. idek fuck.) anyway he has little diy make your own magical charms and weaving enchantment and safe summoning circles and tips for writing magical contracts and shit like that. he’s this cute little nerd but he’s like incredibly knowledgeable and he knows how to teach it in a way that’s understandable and accessible? and he answers questions in really clear ways, and he does amazing demonstrations that look so cool people accuse him of editing but he’s just That Good. and he’s like, actually a really well-published wizard/magic scientist, he invented the fucking portal, but probably under a pseudonym because he doesn’t really want the attention. (his last name is fell in honor of his mentor. yes. although if he does multiple ones he may or may not also use loss, santiago, rollins, etc.) anyway he’s just so fucking good, he has all these videos explaining magical theory in pretty easy to understand ways (maybe going from really simple to like “i understand the basics here and am ready for the technical terms but need an overview” videos you know. 
also he doesn’t just do magic videos, because i said so. also maybe some blogs, and like. because i want to. some fashion/makeup tips. and it’s weirdly endearing because it’s not something you’d expect since he doesn’t wear makeup that often–although a) there are def gifsets of his full makeup looks on tumblr, and b) when he does occasionally decide to wear lipstick or eyeshadow or whatever, most of his fans are like omg yes!! u look cute! also headcanon: twi magnus wears less makeup in general but he still indulges in nail polish. mostly dark/muted colors on his fingers, but bright silly colors on his toes. NAYWAYWYA
also magnus bane is his chosen name because he wanted something cool and wizardy sounding and undeniably masculine. 
also he’s so fucking sweet like look his videos are pretty popular because they’re just handy but he’s not exactly like, a super popular celebrity or anything, you know? but when he does meet fans he’s so incredibly sweet and he does selfies and he’s very appreciative of his followers? he’s so genuine? 
and alec is way more popular–not that he’s not kind and appreciative of his followers. it’s just the thing is, magnus and alec are totally opposite sides of youtube. alec is friendly charismatic completely non-magical youtuber, he plays video games with his sister and like, does vlogs and reaction videos and shit you know. magnus is out here with educational tutorials and excited rambles about magical theory. (i feel like sometimes he accidentally starts doing groundbreaking research for a video and forgets to like, publish it first, and people are like wait what the fuck holy shit) 
but then they fucking meet. 
and a) they’re Instantly smitten. b) this will eventually result in the weirdest collab ever. 
like NO ONE would expect magnus bane, tarot reader and tutorial on magic diy and shit, occasionally does makeup videos and little vlogs and talks about Issues sometimes, to collab with typical hot vlogger gamer man alec lightwood. but it happens, and somehow it’s the best fucking thing ever.
i’m not sure how their channels collide. maybe alec plays a game involving magic and magnus talks about all the ways it’s right/wrong but it ends up just being bantering and giggling and magnus may or may not end up leaning into him on the couch their sitting on and giggling as he makes a stupid joke with the character in the game and immediately everyone’s like…… we ship it
not that i support irl shipping but u know how it goes, everyones like “damn they’re cute” and they’re both openly queer so there’s that. i mean, still not cool, but you know
but really tho they keep doing collabs after that and become actual friends and both start kind of….. doing things for each other’s channel? magnus does a thing like “interview with someone who knows nothing about magic” and we just see a total mundane take on magic and honestly it’s really interesting for both of them, we have more “magnus, who’s an Old Soul and despite having a youtube channel is actually not that great with technology, raphael does all the editing, tries to play video games and kinda fails at it but he gets the hang of some of them”?? he likes puzzle games and mariokart, he does NOT like super smash bros because “THE CHARACTER NEVER DOES WHAT I WANT IT TO ALEXANDER” “you’re just jealous bc i beat ur ass” “you wanna play mariokart again, lightwood?!” 
magnus does a tarot reading for alec, alec does a vlog with him just like “day in the life of alec lol :P” and there’s moments where he just comes up behind magnus like “hey what’s up” and magnus, who’s in rumpled home clothing, sees the camera and chuckles and kinda half heartedly waves it away, and the audience loses their mind at how cute he looks lkdhjgfh
they just become actual good friends, you know? it’s weird bc you wouldn’t think it would work but it really, really does
also on of alec’s fans at some point tries to make a transphobic crack at magnus during a livestream and alec goes OFF on his ass and it’s trending for the next week, the clip goes viral, it’s like “HIMBO GOES OFF ON HATERS FOR BEING TRANSPHOBIC TO HIS FRIEND/POSSIBLE LOVER?” and alec apologizes to magnus for all the attention it brought them but magnus is like “it’s okay, we can use this” and they end up using the hype to do one of those charity livestreams youtubers do and all the proceeds go to something like mermaids or the trevor project, you feel? they’re like “suck it transphobes look at all this money you got trans ppl” khjfgh
ok but eventually they do get together, not on camera, and while it’s slow at first and kind of secret (from the internet, not from friends and family) they’re also not super subtle. they know they’re not, but they’re just sort of like “it’s no one’s business, we’ll announce it when we’re ready”
and honestly tho they love each other so much
also i’ve just decided it’s not uncommon for strong magic-users, even like, level 4 or 5 and up, to have marks, so while his cat eyes are usually glamoured maybe he showed them after a q&a or in a vlog or something? and there are like. lots of gifsets of this, okay, and like, lots of thirst comments. which are like, this weird mix of slightly uncomfortable, really flattering/validating, and embarrassing (in a good and bad way). anyway, magnus has cat eyes in this au, because i fucking said so.
ANYWAY back to their relationship, they’re in love
how did they meet? maybe at a con they bumped into each other, or a totally random fan was like “y’all should do a collab” and everyone was like “what”
or maybe a mutual friend and fellow youtuber, meliorn, who is a nonbinary youtuber who fucking has a sword don’t question me, introduces them? 
idk. but when they meet they hit it off instantly and flirt and end up getting coffee and they don’t date for a while (maybe mutual pining/misunderstandings like “oh he doesn’t like me like that, but it’s okay, we can still be friends :)” or something lkfgjhfgh) but eventually they end up getting together
how? no idea. let me think about it.
idk why but im thinking they’re filming at magnus’s apartment and they’re on his couch and just. late night. they’ve finished up filming but they’re still bantering and maybe playing some video game like mariokart or watching a movie together and just. magnus is leaned all the way into alec, just snuggled up and pressed close against him, alec ends up putting an arm around him, and alec cracks a joke or teases him and magnus sits up a bit to like, poke his chest or flick his nose (you know what i mean? like in an otp person a shifts, still kinda sitting in their lap, and is like [playfully hits shoulder or boops nose or something] and now they’re making eye contact and person b ends up pulling them into a soft kiss???) anyway THEY MAKE EYE CONTACT AND ALEC PULLS HIM INTO A SOFT KISS and alec almost pulls away when he realizes what he’s done but magnus makes this soft little happy noise and leans into him, kissing back, and they just end up kissing for a bit and when they break apart alec is just looking up at him with breathless wonder and magnus is looking down at him with that same soft reverence and alec blurts out something like “you’re magical” and magnus just loses it and he’s giggling and leaning against alec’s chest and alec starts laughing too and magnus can feel the vibrations in his chest and it’s just so nice and pleasant and wonderful and they may or may not end up making out 
they have to talk about it in the morning when they end up falling asleep together in magnus’s bed, cuddled close, but they find, to both of their delights, they both want to date and be in a serious relationship and it’s so fucking good ok 
they go to dinner and the transition from friendship to romance is a little awkward but so worth it, especially when they realize HEY IT’S BOTH YOU DONT STOP BEING FRIENDS WHEN YOU DATE. i mean like, they didn’t not know that, but it’s like, idk how to explain you know they’re kinda like “are we doing this right” and then they’re like “fuck doing it right we can keep cuddling on the couch and giggling and bantering over stupid shit and watching dumb movies and kicking each others asses in video games it doesn’t matter we just also kiss and have dinner more often and sleep together and also we may or may not be in love” 
also they’re That Couple. they’re like straight to the honeymoon, they’re domestic from the first week. magnus is casually doing magic around the house (imagine: he just dyes his hair on a whim and grows it out a little bit and alec is like “i love u no matter how u style ur hair and stuff, and like, ur usual look is so fuckin cute and handsome, but also I Love This.”) but like he’s like (casually summons small ball of light to read book at night) (casually makes alec little protective charms–side note alec def makes him some of these too, but he asks magnus’s old mentor, ragnor, and two of his friends that can do magic, catarina and dot, to enchant it, since he can’t himself, and having magic woven by people who care about him will make it stronger. oh mhyhogfd) and just like. magic used to be something he mostly kept to himself (this def has something to do with his parents–his mom, who he thinks killed herself because of his eyes/magic, his birth dad who’s a powerful sorcerer–level 9, actually, and they think magnus is level 8 for a long time–who was an abusive fuckstick) and then he started doing youtube and it was a kinda show, a gift, something to share, but still not really something he just used openly in front of people he cared about (other than his close friends, since most of them do magic too anyway) but with alec it’s so easy to do that casually?? it’s so easy to just feel comfortable and safe????? yes
anyway they do eventually “come out” as boyfriends, maybe something short and sweet like just. a tweet of magnus sleeping curled up on alec’s chest and he’s like “god i love my boyfriend
they were already not subtle but now that they’re not hiding it they’re so fucking blatantly in love tbh. they do one of those boyfriend tag videos and it’s fucking adorable, at high request they do some couples games kind of videos, like the newlywed game and fuck marry kill (mostly on alec’s channel but magnus has a few, too) and it’s just HIGH QUALITY FUCKING CONTENT
also originally i was just thinking something along the lines of “in canon verse, twi alec is instagram famous/famous on social media and he gets cute tarot boyfriend and is like look at my cute boyfriend and then magnus’s small insta account mostly for his business gets a fuck ton of new followers and alec’s gets a considerable amount too” and now i’m imagining everyone from their respective audiences first thirst-following the other, then actually getting invested 
but really tho they’re the internet’s hottest couple for a while it’s great
for some reason i’m picturing them doing a live tour now, with like, accessible tickets and magnus does magic live on stage and idek what else they’d do tbh but it’d be fun as fuck
anyway this au got away from me
me: i dont have any real coherent ideas
also me: [vomits a 2,500+ word ESSAY] 
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drunklander · 7 years ago
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 313
Ermagherd guys, Droughtlander. It’s here. But it’s here with Hamilton stuck in our heads, cheesetastic secksi times and the knowledge that the beginning of next season is probs the most like the oh-so-high-up-on-that-pedestal-S1A than anything else in the series. (In a strange new place! Trying to build a home! Except this time they’re doing it together! With the kiddos! Plus a doggo! *grabby hands*)
I know I’ve been on the *cough* less than positive *cough* side of things a lot this season. And last season, if we’re being honest. And I was going to apologize for that, but honestly, I’m not sorry. That’s just how I fan. I flail about what I love, I rant about what I don’t. I’m *very* aware that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that I’m the sort of fan the cast and crew shit on in interviews and on twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I enjoyed the finale for what it was. I squee’ed! I yelled things at the teevee! I side-eyed like whoa! So basically the same-ish reaction I’ve had to most of the episodes.
(I never bothered doing a full S2 rewatch, but I might do one for S3 just to see if it flows any better when watched all in one go, but I have a feeling it’ll still feel more like individual units than a cohesive whole.)
Anywho, beer-fueled nonsense that offers nothing of substance under the cut.
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Finding more and more that I miss the old-style title cards.
Hard pass on doing this VO twice, tbh. Like we know obvi she’s not going to die. Just have it be where it plays out in the story.
Ok but all I can think about when the carriage stops and the crowd of people walk by is the part in The Mummy when they’re all like zombified and chanting Im-Ho-Tep.
I was just about to snark on Claire apparently having a change of clothes in the damn carriage but alas, we didn’t have to headcanon that she went and changed somewhere. No snarking for me.
Although for fucking serious? She changed back into the same damn outfit?! Ffs. Let the damn woman wear a different dress.
Aw, Fergus lets his wife come with him and doesn’t leave her behind in the woods with Willie. (I heart Marsali.)
“I’ll gut you” is apparently Young Ian’s go-to threat. It’s cute he already has a signature murder-style. Now you just need a rad serial killer name, dude. Take the hiatus to think about it.
This whole thing with Claire and Geillis is like ♬ I know, you know that I’m not telling the truth. ♬
I love that the Army/Navy rivalry spans both time and country.
But for real. Lord John in this scene is my goddamn everything. Sorry, Captain Babyface. I like you, but I need my dude out of those handcuffs and LJG is fucking *bringing it* right now. Can Jamie keep the handcuffs though? They might come in handy once he’s back on the Artemis... ;)
Ok but the final lingering shot of the pining face. Why. It was such a great scene. Lord John helping his buddy. Jamie being like yep, I still get in trouble, thanks for the assist. A nice goodbye. And it could have just ended there and been perfect, but nah, gotta smack everyone over the head with 1000% commitment to my least favorite trope.
Ah a “why are you here” callback to ep. 111.
For real though, Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis has Young Ian. WHY ARE YOU LIKE HAVING CASUAL STORY TIME WITH HER, CLAIRE! DON’T TELL HER THINGS!
Also, we’re just casually talking about time travel in front of Hercules? I mean, I guess since he’s enslaved, no one gives a shit what he hears because it’s not like he can do anything?
“He was one of my favorites.” She’s fucking nuts but I still do love Geillis.
*zones out through discussions about the mechanics of time travel*
I get that this is a parallel to the pilot when Claire’s watching the dancers at Craigh na Dun with Frank from the grass, but part of me is still wicked uncomfortable that they’re again using Black people as basically set dressing. I know it’s in the book, I wasn’t a fan of it there either.
How I think of Margaret during her Visions R Us office hours, basically.
Man, they really committed to this damn rabbit and bird thing. Maybe it’s some folks’ jam, but it never really struck a chord for me and the more they kept bringing it up, the more it makes me roll my eyes. Maybe because birds and rabbits were never a thing with Jamie and Claire? So it just seemed wicked random and kind of forced? Whatevs.
Hated Margaret channeling Bree in the book, hate it here.
This whole thing is so much weirder in the book, but just because they made it less weird for the show doesn’t make it good.
Like if we’re getting an exposition dump from Archibald about the prophecy, we really don’t need the weird Bree thing about someone coming to get her.
Yi Tien Cho channeling Inigo Montoya is kind of my everything. “I’m Yi Tien Cho. You are not worthy of this woman. Prepare to die.”
Petition for Rihanna’s “We Found Love” to be Yi Tien Cho and Margaret’s wedding song.
Omg so much explaining what we’ve already all figured out. We need to headcanon like 75% of Jamie and Claire’s reconciliation, but let’s spell out 2378235 different ways what Geillis’ plan is. (Maybe it wasn’t that many ways. But we’re doing a fuckton of exposition dumping in this episode.)
Ok seriously. The guy with the alligator head drinking chicken blood. Ugh. We got white savior stuff last week, but at least Temeraire had a part in the plot and got some agency at the end? Still problematic, but (maybe?) as minimally problematic as it could be if it was going to be included? This is literally just a backdrop for a conversation with Margaret. Blergh...
And then they have them carry off Archibald Campbell as Yi Tien Cho and Margaret look on in horror and omfg this is not good.
(ETA -- In which Roxane Gay says it better than I could: “It’s all very colonial fever dream, not so vaguely racist, and I honestly forced myself to let it go so I could continue with the episode.”)
“We lost Faith. We will not lose Brianna.” This line sure would have hit home a little harder had we actually seen Jamie give a crap about Bree at any point during the season. In the moment it works, but looking over the whole season *weakly gestures, tired of wishing things had been done differently*.
The goodbye kiss just in case though hits me in the feels. 
Well isn’t Geillis telling Claire “a life for a life” a nice perversion of Claire telling Jamie that he owed her a life in season two.
And then Jamie grabs her hand all gently and I have feelings about the two of them at the stones/pool, guys.
Why does dead!Geillis look super fake? I have questions.
Slash Young Ian is gathering up jewels or something, right? Before he runs out of the cave? He’s like picking shit up off the ground...
Still could have done without the bones in Joe’s office bit, tbh. But whatever.
I know she’s like a bit traumatized, but Claire holding a bloody machete is my aesthetic.
Awwww, lookit that lil family. *heart eyes*
Omg but the stuff on the ship is the eye of the storm. Like the episode is the storm. And the sex is the eye. Because in the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet. For just a moment. GET IT?! GET IT GUYS?! OK FINE I’LL JUST KEEP SINGING HAMILTON OVER HERE BY MYSELF.
I’m way too proud of myself for this tweet though:
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“Surprised I dinna have a full head of white hair, after all I’ve suffered these past few months.” ONE LAST WTF, JAMIE *SIDE-EYE* FOR THE ROAD! (I know Jamie has been through some shit. But literally ever since Claire showed back up, he’s managed to make almost everything about him so even though it’s a little joke, this line is just icing on the omfg, you’re killing me Smalls cake.)
I for real thought this wasn’t going to make it into the show. I didn’t think the quickie in ep. 309 was going to make it either. Glad they both did.
Claire being like yep, I can remedy the I’m still wearing clothes situation, stat, is my everything.
It’s so cheesy, guys. I love cheese.
Jamie’s bangs though, guys. Can we get the man a new wig haircut before next season?
Omg, that ass grab. That ass grab is my everything. Idk why. But omg. RIP me.
They def have made the sex a little less explicit this year. Except for the rape that they decided to shoot like a softcore porn, wtaf. But like, that doesn’t matter? It’s never been about the amount of skin showing? It’s about showing the two characters being wicked into each other, because if they weren’t then going through all the shit they go through wouldn’t be worth it? I’m *rull* glad that the show has finally realized that that’s an important thing to actually have on screen instead of condescendingly telling us that it doesn’t matter or we should headcanon it like they did all last year.
Ok, here for Claire going full mama bear at Young Ian, but girl. How much doctoring do you really thing you’re going to be able to do in this exact moment if you go up on deck.
Slash, what was she waiting for the whole time everyone else, including the two people she was with, was clearing the deck? I know, I need to just go with it, but this is silly.
Ok this is the only time we needed to see this/hear this VO. Beautifully shot. The Faith music is gorgeous, but like I’m not reading anything into it like she’s watching over them or anything. More just like Claire’s in a liminal state between alive and dead like she was when Faith died.
Dude, kiss your wife when you’re both on the surface and it’s been established she’s alive. (I mean, it’s super sweet, but SWIM, JAMMF, SWIM!)
All snark aside, there’s something a little beautiful about Claire spending half the season basically drowning, unable to really save herself and no one else around who cares enough to save her. And now here she is again, literally drowning and unable to save herself, but this time there’s a handy ginger around to lend a hand. Because she’s not alone anymore. And I have feelings. So many feelings. All the feelings. Feelings.
As they’re floating on their scrap of wood, let me take the obligatory detour into the 20 year old grumble that there was definitely enough room on the door for Jack too. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ROSE.
The thought of crawling around in the sand in wet clothes gives me hives.
“I told you I’d never leave you again.” ilu, claire bear.
Ok but they’re both so sad that the ship went down and everyone’s dead and stuff and it’s moving and yay for hugs, but like. You know nothing about where you are? Why jump to the worst case scenario? The beach is literally littered with stuff from the ship? You made it so other people might have too? Also, clearly all of the important people lived because otherwise this whole half of the season was pointless?
That being said, these two are really good at making their faces show feelings.
It’s really not a strange question to ask where you are, Jamie. You were in a shipwreck. GPS isn’t a thing. I’d say it’s a pretty normal question to have, bro.
Literaloling over the rando family just walking away like yeah, uh, you guys do you.
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