#i will certanly keep it going lol
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unik0rnu · 5 years ago
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Page 2 - Initiation - Pre-war memories of Lucy Feit
The month passed since Lucy worked along with Harrison on nasty or weird cases that logic explanation was barely to be found there but gladly Harrison was already an expert on that and Lucy was open minded for even the craziest possibilities. At first he would wish to muzzle her snarky and uncareful mouth when asking questions around the crime scenes but eventually she got some of his words seriously and tuned down her attitude. He couldn’t blame her, being young and with less care than ever before, laying low enough just to keep her head on the neck.
Harrison became eventually like a mentor to her, a bit rough in his approach but it kept her impulsive nature at check. She had trust in his experience and she felt that behind his tough and roughed skin lies a softer man who just got highly disappointed at some chapter in his life and threw it all away just to do things his own dirty way.
- Sir, i finished the report. I came up with something since...idea of a robot looking exactly like our suspect feels a bit...off. She snapped a paper from a machine and handed it to Harrison.
Her desk was placed behind the wall sharing the room in his office and he even gave her the same comfortable leather chair as he had instead of these hard wooden ones since she got hooked up on a job. It was kind of big for her size but oh boy she could almost fall asleep in it when working late.
-Good job Feit. Good to see u are not a total failure afterall. He looked over the paper and added it to the rest of the records in a file. As she walked away back to her desk he took a few seconds of thought.
-Feit, come back for a second. I might have a special job for you from the Boss this time but only if you are one hundred procent sure u can pull this off. He pulled a photo and a crumbled note out of his jacket pocket.
- Really? My first real task from... down there? She was surprised that they would give her a try already but also a bit nervous.
- Consider that your trust ticket that you will be the right person for the real job. She reached slowly towards the photo but Harrison pulled it back.
- But that is serious Feit, no mistakes, no japing around, u do what you are told to do or you and me gonna have a problem. She nodded and stood placing the hands behind her back.
-Alright...this man is gonna be tonight as Sapphire night club, they already figured out his routine, where hes going, when. He somehow got his hands on a holotape with a list of some of our boys down there, today and he intends to use this. He handed her a photo of a middle aged man with a balding head, slightly more chubby. Nightmare of every secretary if that is their boss.
- I..know him. He was working few rooms away from me. Always bothering women around ugh, i never liked him. She folded a photo and slipped it in the pocket in her pants.
- That is why you gonna go tonight to that club, present yourself to a barman as a new worker and get that holotape from him, i don’t care how, just do it without him noticing. Also if u pull this off Sapphire is going to be your second base where u gonna join a girl named...Rosey on collecting data and other things we might need there. Barman, one of bodyguards and her are our people from the Boss so don’t talk to anyone else. He opened a bottle of whiskey and poured himself half a glass.
- Sapphire...isn’t that actually a strip club? You want me to be a stripper now?! She looked at him lowering a corner of her lips and squinting an eye.
- Cool down Feit, not a stripper. Rosey is already a one whore too many there. You gonna be her assistant...u know powdering her ass for a show and making sure the girls have all they need while charming the clients around and steal their shit for us, be it items or words. He took a sip talking about it as calmly as about a weather.
- I would also get used to heels and booze at your place if u gonna stick around there and i think amout of money u might get there will compensate for...struggle. He saw her smiling softy back when he mentioned a payment. She never had a chance to experience a luxury like that in her life that. Leaving her careless parents to a one room shitty apartment and climbing the ladder to a slightly more decent life. And she didn’t last long at the court neither so the smell of money was the one her nose was lurking for.
-Stop dreaming and move Feit! I want to see you with that holotape before the morning. He shooed her with a hand and came back to his files.
Gladly Ian was also taking a night shift so she didn’t have to come up with any excuse this time. Sapphire was a big night club placed a out of sight not very far away from the center. It had a wide parking area with tables outside and amount of neons that would give a dead one epilepsy. It was also very expensive one so only high or shady figures were coming there for a nice piece of ass and drink. And the club also respected privacy of their clients so no families even knew their husbands and wifes would lurk in such a place. Secrecy, luxury, beautiful women and money. Lucy saw one of bodyguards recognizing her and pointing with his head towards the back entrance. She took a right through narrow alley next to the building and entered the door that had a “Staff” sign written on it keeping her head low and face hidden beneath the hair.
She entered and to her surprise there was already a red haired tanned woman waiting for her, sitting on a bunch of beer boxes with a cigarette.
- They warned me you tend to be late so i lighted one. I’m Rosey. Want a smoke before the job? She pulled pack of out of her shiny bra.
- No...i should probably focus on a....actually you know what, sure. She pulled a smoke out of a pack and leaned down towards Rosey’s lighter. She had to get used with bad habits aswell if she was about to work in such a place.
- So how much u actually know about me? Lucy asked coughing a bit on a first puff.
- Enough to know that u might be just a girl for a job. Let’s go dress you up first. She stood up and guided Lucy through hallways filled with colorful rooms and lights and a smell of perfume.
- Isn’t it a bit suspicious for me to just come in here like that and work? I mean the manager doesn’t know....
- Look. She interrupted. - There is already so many girls and waitresses that anyone can barely keep up with it. And when u make this much money it tends to cover your sight on a situation. They entered her quarters. It was lighted with red and green gloomy lights, a dressing table filled with all kinds of jewelry and feathery scarfs , decorated with a huge mirror wearing a gold frame  along with a rack stuffed fully with skimpy and sparkly outfits. A room for star...but not star of movie but a strip show.
- That should fit you. And don’t forget the make up and a mask. We have a sort of carnival theme tonight. She handed her black sparkly skirt along with a fitting bra. Our target should be here soon.
- Alright, alright. Lucy took the clothes and hid behind the room screen to undress. - So what...brought u..u know, to this place and this job? She asked while pulling with all her strength the skirt on her tights jumping a bit in a process.
- Three words. Nothing-to-lose. I have no family and no one gives a shit about me anyway so i can do whatever the hell i want...and the money is good. She threw her a pair of heels that hit her in the head behind the screen.
-Ouch..good for you, i guess. At least u don’t have to lie to anyone, almost...
- Look at you, your lucky not to be a stripper or they would eat you alive. She chuckled as Lucy came out prepared, a bit stiff on the heels.
- So what’s the plan? I mean i know we are suppose to work together on this one. She spotted a bottle of booze on the table and shoved a sip down her throat to relax a bit and..to get used with yet one more bad habit as Harrison suggested her.
- Well, u go down and u just present yourself and tell him u have other special girl tonight since Tania got sick. Then i’m gonna take care of him and get that holotape and as we finish i will hand it to you. She explained as they left the room.
- Sounds too easy. Lucy pondered.
- Because it is that easy if u know how to charm...and lie..and steal shit swift enough. U will see soon enough. Rosey pushed her forward as their target entered a club.
Lucy pushed her breasts up and puffed her hair with hands before approaching their target.
- Mr Villin i assume? She approached man smiling with her teeth.
- Finally some service, direct me to Tania as usually honey. It’s already paid. He took a long look at her whole figure before taking the glasses off and hanging them on his pocket. He looked also high from drugs, his face all sweaty and red.
- I’m so sorry sir but Tania called in sick....but we have someone as wild and skilled as her. Please, let me direct you to her room, her name is Rosey. Lucy stroke a hair with a hand and winked at him feeling a deep disgust  inside but job needs to be done.
- Why didn’t they call me before then? Hmpf...ok fine. As they walked towards the guests private rooms he didn’t even try to hide he is staring at her ass swaying to the sides. - Aren’t u availble too honey? That ass of yours would look good on my....
- No sir, i’m making sure our girls are prepared for our every client’s desire. She interrupted before letting him finish his dirty thought and opened a door to a room where Rosey was already prepared for a private show.
- Shame...you would make a lot of money riding a rich man like me. She closed the room behind him and leaned against the wall waiting for the session to end. She could hear him calling her all the ugliest words woman could hear. 
- God..and that pig has a wife and kid. But suddenly a sound of struggle and choking reached her ears. She hesitated before peeking inside to not ruin Rosey plan but eventually looked inside.
- Get off me you fuck! He looked angry and high at the same time pushing her to the floor and choking her.
- I know what you trying to do you fucking whore! Yo..you fucking bitches are all the same. Money and dick ain’t enough for your cunt eh? He was angry and shaky from the high of drugs and booze.
Lucy shut and locked the door behind her. No one could know what's going on and they had no idea how he knew about the set up but something needed to be done and fast as he was out of control. The hatred towards this man finally found a release as she saw Rosey choking and struggling under his big cushy sweaty body. She shattered a bottle and stabbed him in the back repeatedly until he released Rosey and fell on his side. Just Lucy didn’t stop there. She sat on his chest and placed a glass shard in her both hands, shoving it down right in his throat few times. The blood spilled onto her face and chest.
- Fucking hell! Rosey grabbed a towel and covered his mouth along with a neck to not let any sounds leave his mouth while he was bleeding out. Lucy was breathing heavly and fast, frozen, the blood dripping from her hands and face. She killed someone for the first time.  
- It was not suppose to happen like that, shit shit..we need to do something. Rosey was wiping the blood from the floor aswell. Luckily there was no carpet. Something in Lucy mind shifted and her face turned from shocked to focused as she pulled herself up.
- Did he come with a car? She asked while going through dead man clothes left on a couch looking for a holotape and a keys.
-Yes, its parked right by the back entrance since front was full. Why? She clumped all the bloody towels together and looked at her.
- We..need to take him out, get him into car and drive away somewhere, get rid of the body, clothes, everything. Rosey nodded and peeked outside the room to make sure no one will see them carrying him outside. Luckly their bodyguard was not so far away so she could give the signal to distract the rest for a while.
- Fucking hell, he’s heavy. They struggled a lot but managed to pack him into his car eventually, shoving him into the back seat low enough to hide him out of the view and covering him with his clothes. They packed all the dirty towels into the baggage.
- Can you drive? Lucy asked while handing her a jacket to cover themselves a bit.
- I’m your girl. But you will have to get a license too eventually if this is how you do your bloody job. My god...he starts to stink, lets hurry. Rosey was not happy, she usually never let the plans go in this manner but she was lucky to have a backup that night.
- Thanks for help. He was bloody heavy and aggressive as fuck. Her face softened as they drove his car outside towards the nearest empty cliff.
- Don’t mention it...it was an impulse and since we will work together it would be shame to fuck it up on a first day like that eh? She wiped the blood from her face and sighted.
- You okay? I mean i know you saw blood and shit with Harrison but i don’t think you ever killed anyone before like that? Rosey looked at her with a concern.
- I’m fine...i will be fine. I mean, i know what i agreed to so..i will just swallow it and move on right? As they arrived to a cliff Lucy pulled a small gas canister and started emptying it all over the car sits and dead body.
- That’s my girl. You will be okay. Do you think tho Harrison will be angry? It kind of came out of hand. They let the car drive itself towards the cliff and crash down in a fire as it hit the rocks, burning down everything away.
- Kind of is a small word for what just happened. But how he knew? Lucy asked as they drank the rest of the whiskey that was left in a bottle they took with them.
- I have no idea but i’m glad you were there. Most important is that we have holotape and we cover all tracks from this night. Lets find a pick up and go back.
Sun didn’t raise yet, it was still very early so Lucy kept her word to get the holotape to the office on time. Her face cleaned from all the make up but tired and pale from a whole night of work.
- I got the holotape and...well.. Lucy approached Harrison standing silently in his office with a back towards her.  
- You had one job Feit, get the fucking holotape and leave! He turned around abruptly grabbing her by a neck and pushing to the wall. - What the fuck happened there?!
- He somehow knew! I had no choice sir. She tried to pull his hands off for a bit of air but even with 50 years on his back Harrison was not one to joke with when shit hits the fan.
- Did you get rid of the body? Wiped evidence? He didn’t release her until he got all the answers.
-Yes! The bodyguard covered us and the barman knows so if anyone asks he came and left because Tania wasn’t available. His car is crashed and burned along with him outside of town. She fell on her knees and coughed as Harrison finally let her out of grip.
- At least that, goddamit Feit. Things never go smooth with you around. He sighted in disappointment but after a moment he offered her hand to stand up.
-But you did your job after all. Don’t take that harshly to yourself how i treat you but you two will have to be more careful. She took his hand and stood up.
- Yes sir. We will...
- And congrats kid, don’t let me down. He stuffed money roll into her hand and pat her shoulder. - Just don’t spend it all in one go will you?
She felt like stabbing this man was a final part of initiation but what meaned more to her was Harrison’s good word on a job well done. He was like a father figure to her later on that she never had any in her life, not wanting to let him down and help her evolve in this new world she stepped into.
Ian woke her up with a kiss on a cheek as he arrived to her apartment late in the morning. He noticed a small blood smear under her nose.
- Hey, how was your shift? Are you okay? He looked at her as she woke up a bit concerned about the tiredness on her face. Lucy pulled herself on her elbows towards him and looked him in the eyes.  She grinned and kissed him before pulling him to bed to catch few more hours of sleep.
- I have never been better my dear....
Note: I could say that later on Gage reminds her of Harrison a bit in terms of keeping her impulsive nature on a leash. And looking how age difference between Lucy and Gage would be around 8 years or so yeh, he does have experience and better approach to things while Lucy acts on instincts and impulses. (I have no idea how old is Gage but if i would give him in my universe 35 years Lucy would be 27). And in exchange for pistol training Rosey taught her a bit of charming skills and stealing, maybe a few dirty tricks aswell. And hell Rosey could dance indeed that’s why Lucy also likes to swing from time to time when familiar sounds hit her ear. Spending a lot of time in night clubs forced her to get used with smoking, booze and chems but Rosey had to keep an eye on her as she did tend to go over a bit too much at times. So far im happy to write this sort of shit tbh, makes my head a bit lighter from ideas.  
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mary1andonly · 3 years ago
Hi there! I really enjoyed reading your post about justice for Brienne and Jaime. Admittedly I have not watched a single episode of GoT except 8x03 😅 but I had watched a few clips and had been keeping up with their story over the years. I was heartbroken when I learned how the series ended for them. Your comparisons between Brienne and Jaime in the books vs in the show have made me so disappointed in the injustices served to their characters.
Ever since I read your post I have seriously been considering reading the books, though I have to be honest the sole reason is for Jaime and Brienne, despite knowing that they are definitely not the only characters with important storylines.
And so! My questions to you are, are the books enjoyable to read as a whole? Are there other characters/storylines you personally enjoy? I figure that the series involves a lot of politics, war, and dark themes, all of which I don't read about very often. Is there anything I should watch out for, trigger-wise? For example, you talked about Cersei's abuse towards Jaime and when Tyrion r*ped a girl. Additionally, a big reason as to why I never watched the show is because there's a lot of nudity in it, though Brienne and Jaime's bath scene didn't bother me since it wasn't very explicit. Reading about nudity in books is one thing, seeing it on television is another, you know?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! And thank you for all of your incredible insights on Jaime and Brienne!! ❤️
Hi, dear anon!
I wanna start by thanking you for the kind words, I'm so happy that you liked my post.
My honest advice about the books is that you should definitely read them!Just to make you undestand how good they are, I've never been a huge fan of the fantasy genre, but these books have been my exception. They are soooo good, so rich with plots, and the world of Westeros is incredible to experience.
The books do talk about politics, war, and dark themes, but they also explore themes about human nature, about honor, love, growing up. There are certanly dark moments, but also funny ones, hopeful ones, rederming ones, romantic ones. It's a true journey.
There are some triggering things that I should warn you about, I won't lie. I'm not going to spoil you things, so I'm going to keep it very vague. But there is violence...lots of violence, there’s incest, there are rape scenes (as someone who read the books and also watched the show...the show was so much more triggering about the rape scenes, at least for me).
But you need to also keep in mind that the books are HUGE, so you're not going to read ONLY violent things. They're there, sure, but they're in the middle of so many other less triggering things. There are many wholesome scenes (for example the many times Jaime saved Brienne from danger).
Brienne's chapters do have a very romantic tone. She often thinks about Jaime, she often dreams about him, and that is something that warms my dead cold heart everytime I read those chapters, lol. She's smitter, and Jaime is so in denial about his own feelings it's not even funny, lol.
That's another thing....Jaime is hilarious!!! His chapters (next with Tyrion's ones) are the best of the entire series. His sense of humour is on another planet. The fact the he always claims he's gonna do something and then he ends up doing the opposite....he's the best haha.
Oh anon, I agree so much with you on the nudity thing! GOT was always so...tacky about those things. The majority of the times, in the show, it was very gratuitous and...very pervy.
There's sex and nudity in the books...but it's written to serve a purpose.
I'm going to give you some examples.
We see Daenerys (one of my favorite characters) get intimate with Irri, one of her slaves, in the second book. They get along just fine, Dany is a good person, and she's trying to end slavery around some places in a continent called Essos. But GRRM shows us that Dany is still so young (she's a teen) that sometimes she has no self-awareness to realize that she's treating Irri like a piece of property...even tho she's extremely against slavery. But she's learning. She constantly wants to get better.
There's a scene where we see Ned and Cat have sex. They are a couple, they are so much in love, so we read them going at it, because....they are in love and GRRM wants to make us see that, hahah.
And the bath scene between Jaime and Brienne is very symbolic. It’s meant to be a rebirth of some sort, especially for Jaime.And it’s meant to be a parallel to Jaime and Cersei being born together, since this time around Jaime comes to life again, but with Brienne. It’s the start of his new life!
As for the storylines/characters that I enjoyed in the books, apart from Jaime/Brienne, of course, there are many many many many of them.
I love the Starks. I love them all. I love Ned, Cat, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, lil' Rickon, Jon Snow. Especially Sansa and Arya.
Daenerys is another one I enjoy.
Theon and Asha are very interesting characters. Theon's storyline is a rollercoaster of emotions.
And I loooove reading about the Lannisters...they are insane, but very entertaining.
Other characters I love are Gendry (Arya's love interest), Pod, the Tyrells, especially Olenna, Margaery, Garlan and Loras.
And, of course, Jaime and Brienne are simply amazing on every level in the books.
The prequel books that GRRM wrote about Westeros are also worth checking out. Both Fire and Blood, and the Dunk and Egg's book (Dunk being Brienne's ancestor and falling in love with Jaime's great-grandmother, Rohanne).
The new HBO adaptation about "Fire and Blood", House of the Dragon, is actually reeeeeally good. The story is going to be amazing, full of twists and turns (this story is already finished!) and the adaptation has none of GOT's flaws (changes made for no reason, tacky and unnecessary sex scenes and nudity, dumb dialogue that seemed written by a 5 years old), because HOTD has new show writers that are following the book canon very closely...and that are simply better writers than D&D.
So I'll definetly suggets you check that one as well, especially if you fall in love with Westeros.
Thank you so much for the kind words again! ❤️
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satorugojowidow · 3 years ago
You are right about Gojohime ship to be fair, i liked the way you explained how people view love both in real life and in fiction and especially in different cultures and this helped me understand some things better i must say, and it's highly unlikely for any minor character to be put in the story only for them to be a romantic subplot because that immediately translates lazy and bad writing. Let's say about Gojo though, giving him a romantic subplot would be so out of place for him and his whole story that was built in general so i think that things like these would need a better foundation don't you think so? the relationship between gojo and utahime is there more to serve as the showcase to what a lack of disrespect looks like and especially when it was going for a long time, given that utahime dislikes him this long, it's not uncommon for people to dislike each other but still work together and have familiarity, it's just that pushing that "norm" of romantic stereotype into canon is very lame and toxic in my opinion so Gege certanly didn't intend for anything like this when he created these tropes and relationships, given the fact that they have no evidence nor any romantic hints whatsoever like some fans like to headcanon. Saying that the ship has a great possibility to become canon at the end is laughable and only shows the lack of story reading skills and especially character behaviour and the implications of it.
The whole arc of Satoru is in some way a love story with Suguru. Beside what I think of gojohime, giving another romantic subplot to Satoru is just additional drama, won’t do anything for the story. So, I agree with you.
In my opinion, Utahime and Nanami's dynamic with Satoru is just to show how annoying he is, not to imply a romantic interest. I don't have a problem with random pairings like Yuki and Choso, but gojohime is problematic for all those reasons we talked about previously. Of course, people need to keep in mind that some pairings are just random headcanon for the fun and not to try to analyze those characters through those headcanon.
I only see Gege making gojohime canon with a gun in his head lol.
Thinking about this, there is no single scene where Utahime seems interested or thinking about Satoru. Same for him, he just think in Suguru lol
I even went back to Shibuya arc to check and she doesn’t even mention his name, she is just worried for the safety of her students
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hereisisa · 5 years ago
I was thinking about the movie after a few days away ...I’ve replied to an anon about the few details I liked of F2 and I can’t not make the list of what i disliked. Cause no, it’s never enough.
Theme: a movie about mourning and reaction to mourning. A kid’s movie. Crazy. Wrong. Absolutely wrong for 2 characters who already lost so much in their lives and survived mourning before. Not every life experience can be applied to every character. And don’t write from the end to the beginning, that shouldn’t even be said!!!!
Sub-theme: Separation. 100 shades of fucking wrong for 2 characters who’ve been separated all their lives. It wasn’t the right movie for that. Real life experiences of the lives of their privileged daughters, applied to characters that are very different from their young-adults (can’t call them children).
Kristoff: So here’s the question....do we have to consider canon what they say in interviews? Cause Chris said the tests (tests they used as oracles LOL) proved he was jealous of Elsa. Is this canon? Should I consider it true? Cause if he is.....WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT HOW HE FEELS???? Certanly not million of kids around the worlds who watch the movie for the sisters! But the few hetero women who wrote the movie certanly do. I hope they choke on those dicks cause if they had to separate the sisters to make a DICK RELEVANT ISTG you deserve all those LOST AWARDS. And you also deserve that Kristoff is the real failure of the franchising, cause he sells less and less and his screentime is cut everytime. Your favorite sucks, ladies who wrote/produced the movie. Dude get lost in the woods and never come back, nobody cares. Again: I would like to know if we do consider a test result canon or not. Since I don’t see it as jealous of Elsa in the movie. What do you think?
Elsa: she’s whiter than a ghost and keeps getting whiter, which is problematic. From an animation’ pov: when a character is perfect, maybe don’t touch it? You’ll just ruin it. Same with the hairstyle. Canon (Jenn Lee 1 month ago) says she loved to be Queen and was good at it. She already discovered and accepted herself in "Let it Go”. Why the need of a “higher calling”? Cause they liked her in a glacier? Cause they wanted Anna Queen? If they decided she looks good as an astronaut, will she have another calling in Frozen 3? Can we stop it?
Canon says she was happy and accepted in Arendelle. The message of a single/queer coded introvert lady as Queen was AMAZING, why did you have to trash it sending the “weirdo” to live alone isolated in the woods and strip her of her titles to make her play wonder woman alone??? Who cares about superpowers? You stripped her of her humanity too, she’s nothing more than a super hero now, and an hippie. Also she needs to apologize to her sister like now.
Anna: She was the funny princess and the hero without magic. By making her Queen you made her boring. A princess who marries a dude and becomes queen as seen.....so many times before.
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LMAO So much for a movie who wants to “subvert the expectations”. Well break up the hetero couple then. That’s new! But you had Anna looking at a flag once or twice in the movie and she pats a woman on the shoulder while evaquating Arendelle so I guess it’s all right. She’s booooorn to be a leader. LMAO. No really: ROFTL!!!! Where? Tell me where she proved she was a leader before? When she left Hans in charge? When she convinced a total of one person to let her destroy the dam? When she destroyed Arendelle and saved the forest? Mmmmmm.
So really, there’s not ONE decision I like storywise and there’s no amount of retcons that can fix how much you destroyed something that was beautiful and great.
So really...thank you for nothing.
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Yeah and that despite the fact that he was such a brat in CS2, when you just started helping him...
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Better late then never I guess. But I did understand why she never said a word until now somehow...
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^^’ He kinda does. Just add a few fangs and here we go, the Vampire that seduces them all XD Now that would be the “Twillight” - Era for Erebonia, that much is for sure. Everyone would love to be bitten by the Ashen Chevalier *lol* (I still prefer him with his black hair and normal eyes tho ^^’)
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Its just that Alisa is used to getting at least one Canon-Hug ever sinde CS2 and that we didn’t get one in Hajimari is like the biggest Sin ever XD
BTW... Alisa backing away from Rean after he turned around and obviously wanted to hug or kiss her was extremely painful to watch ^^’ I am in for a hard ride I guess...
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That is how they Link-Event looks like before the breakup and after we fixed their little problem. Let me enjoy this as long as I can ^^’
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Finally! Its time to kick Crows ass! Wohoo! I’ve been waiting for this chance for ages.
I have quite a big mouth here. Crow isn’t easy to kick, if you know what I mean...
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Oh you bet I will do exactly that!
So... automatic scene. Quite the Drama do. By beating Ordine, the Curse and the Rivalries made it so that Ordines power would go over to Valimar. With this, the curse doesn’t keep Crow alive anymore. So he was about to vanish and die. Of course we don’t die in this game, especially not, if we are close friends with the main character. So Rean gave Crow the Rean-Speach of his life and Valimare gave Ordin its power back so Crow wouldn’t vanish. Quite emotional I have to admit. Crows “final” - monolog was even better than last time. I didn’t cry, but he made me smile a few times, that Azure-Traitor...
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Don’t we all? XD
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Well I certanly like the sound of that XD I am finally Crow Lord and Master. Now bow to my will Azure-Traitor! You will go hard punishmentr for the freaking rest of the this damn wretched fairytale! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA *lol*
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He says that, but this man is very much alive and kicking in Hajimari. As Reans best friend, greatest rival and brother-figure, this guy is not going anywhere... EVER XD
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I think I hear the fangirls screaming somewhere XD
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Yeah! Now that is an addition to the team I actually wanted.
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If you wish to cease smoking weed I am here to share with you that you do have a tough journey ahead of you. However you're, without doubt, making the right decision. If you are anything like me weed has probably started to dominate your daily life without you actually realising it. In order to produce that journey a little easier please browse the subsequent 5 produce or separate tips.
1) Will have an idea - this really buy cannabis online usa is something that you hear in every day life and it is a vital element of ultimately supporting yourself to cease smoking weed. Any habit or addiction that you've can be extremely hard to avoid and you is likely to be largely struggling against your personal feelings and feelings. If you are completely prepared right from the start you've a greater opportunity to avoid smoking marijuana.
2) Take up a newspaper - when you have in the offing out precisely what you want to do to avoid smoking marijuana, it is essential to generate and hold a regular journal. This will allow you to locate a lot about yourself and the reasons that you smoking weed. In your newspaper you can begin to publish down how you're feeling on a regular basis and produce a note of the particular times where it is tougher than others. Is there any particular things that appear to trigger your desires? Have you recognized that your health is start to enhance or would you continually feel sick? Essentially during your journey to quit smoking weed have a notice of anything that you're feeling is important.
3) Keep yourself occupied - one of many main reasons I applied to smoking weed was boredom. Certainly after a long time that developed into a habit and ultimately an addiction. However there were many times through the day when I'd smoking a shared, and I must say i had number reason to. It absolutely was purely because I'd nothing otherwise to do. When I ultimately did cease smoking weed I ensured I was always active and kept myself completely occupied. This included going to the fitness center, cleaning your house, heading out for a walk and basically anything that will stop me smoking marijuana.
4) Examine your friends - although weed smokers can often be loners, I'd risk a guess that you do have buddies who also smoke. I am aware a lot better than anybody that it's extremely hard to drop a small grouping of buddies from the blue but you need to be aware that regardless of how much they support you, your friends may continue to smoke. When you have to hang out together why don't you decide to try conference up in public places places where you know that they can perhaps not smoking marijuana. It may also be time to discover a new band of buddies to hang out with.
Today if you have caused it to be that far then it is more than likely that you're in exactly the same situation these days to the one I was previously in. To begin with let me inform you that you're not by yourself and your objectives of preventing smoking weed are in reach. The biggest stage is beginning to consider help. Do not misunderstand me there are lots of different large measures along the way but that one is the absolute most important.
OK today if you're considering well... do I must say i are having issues its just a bit of weed right. STOP right there! You do have a problem. Weed is a medicine that is addictive and can screw up your mind.
Allow me to inform you a bit about my previous before I actually dreamt of wondering anybody how to quit smoking weed.
I was huge weed smoker. I was always the huge guy like search at me search at how much I can smoke. I was the guy expressing why is weed illegal, alcohol is a lot more harmful than weed and that is legal. Weed is completely secure Lord caused it to be right... (lol it must certanly be secure then if Lord created it...).
I began when I was around 15 and smoked it until I was 25, therefore 10 years of punishment and by enough time I completed I was a mess. Sure chaos and all from that good medicine that your buddies inform you is safe.
When I began it was the most common thing several joints with buddies but then it progressed until I was smoking a whiff or even more a week. My expereince of living functioned around possibly smoking weed or getting some more weed. By the conclusion of my smoking as you are able to probably imagine the getting it element of it was not really an issue since it is easily available pretty much everywhere you go.
In my college decades I was a reasonably comfortable kid. Today looking straight back it certainly didn't take really miss that to disappear. I'd a select band of buddies who caught together and during the time we where cool. Looking straight back at things we where anything but cool.
My life had converted into a unhappy little life yet my brain was telling me it was other folks who had the situation and how culture and anyone with anything related to it was against me.
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hereisisa · 5 years ago
So I just read a statement from a fan claiming the ending is made for children and that the ending is joyful? Huh wtf did I miss something. I call bs
Ok I’ve answered to a similar ask in a short way but I keep getting similar messages so I guess I’ll sit down and write more on the subject.
Let’s say there are 3 ways to see this movie:
- occasional viewers’ way. They take their children to the movies once, they like it or not, they all think there are too many songs, and forget about it right after.
- the stans’ way. The ones who excuse whatever smart or stupid decision the writers and disney wanted, and everything is perfect, everything makes sense, everythins is right for the characters just like they wrote it (and if it’s not they’ll force themselves to accept it, one way or another).
- the critics’ way. Find your inner critic, and run with it.
Guess where am I?
And mind you, I’m not considerind my opinion of the same value as a movies’ critic, cause I’m not an expert, but as a fan I certanly know the characters and that’s why I think my opinion is valid too.
That said....
I’m not gonna waste time on the “occasional viewers”, even if THEY are the majority and their opinions on the movie are frequently surprising and interesting...simply because they’re not here, on tumblr, to discuss the movie.
The Stans. I do not want to offend them, this has to be clear, but the blind acceptance of whatever Jenn+Chris wrote doesn’t sit well with me.
I’ve never shipped canon, I don’t care about what the majority think, I do not feel the need to belong to a big group of people who share the same mindset.Once I’ve found those 2-3 people I agree with, my social media life is complete.
What I do not like about stans is the “If you don’t like it then you didn’t understand the movie or you don’t understand the characters” point of view.
Like acceptance of canon put them on a pedestal of omniscience in everything Frozen-related.
So this attitude generally pisses me off, but I usually ignore it and move on with my fandom life.
Now, let’s go back to your question: the end is good for children and joyful. Oh boy.
Let’s see it first from the STANS’ pov:
Elsa is free, runs free on a free sea, free of her burdens, making magic, talking to natives, and without a care in the world. She smiles. It means she’s happy and as a viewer I have to be happy too.Anna is a Queen, she’s smiling. It surely mean this is what she always wanted it, and she doesn’t care if her sister doesn’t live with her cause she can always write her a letter, right? Plus, she’s engaged omg omg omg omg!!!!!! Who cares about anything else????
There is an happy music, everybody smiles, let’s be happy!
To me, this is the superficial and dumb way to see it. Eating up whatever disney cooked for us, and saying thanks at the end.
It works for some children, the ones who “ok....the movie was sad, but they smile so...I guess it’s ok?” and the stans. Most kids are even smarter than that.
My way to see it:
Elsa smiles: of course, why on earth would Disney make a movie where the lead character is depressed at the end? lol They want me to believe this is an happy ending, they wouldn’t write her troubled or sad. I hope they’re not saying I should be happy cause Elsa is happy....Google the word “retcon” and see how it applies to this movie.
Elsa is free: she was free already in the first movie, after “let it go”, now she simply knows where her magic comes from. Good thing, but it doesn’t make her “more free”, it gives her more knowledge. And of course let’s ignore how this “freedom” comes at other people’s expenses.
Elsa is happy: why? Because her parents died for her?In the end she’s running free, on the free sea exactly where her parents DIED? AHAHAHAH THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL I’M SO HAPPY!!! Elsa smiles so let’s be happy!!!! Because she doesn’t have responsabilities anymore? YAY! She can wake up and talk to squirrels and go for her run! Wow! Who needs a job? (what a good message for kids!)Because she she is free to not care about anything else but herself and her magic?
This is the good message for children?
“Accept and show yourself” RIGHT.
But also:
“Forget your responsabilities”“If your parents died for you it’s ok because hey you were a gift so who cares if they died cause you couldn’t control your gift!”“Follow a voice for all the movie ignoring your sister and don’t pay any permanent consequence!” What an happy life! “Leave your family behind, they’ll be there to pick up the pieces while you’ll be freeeeee”AHAHAHAHA who cares right? Elsa is smiling and she’ so happy so I’m so happy!
Just because the movie ignores the consequences, I don’t have to ignore them too. I have a mind, and I use it. I’m not a parrot.
And for ONE good message the kids may get, there are way more that are problematic, and are ignored.Again, I’m not dumb I have a critic mind and I can’t ignore them.
Anna is Queen: Not once, not even once in her life she mentioned the fact that she wanted this. She didn’t have a choice, she became Queen cause she was the SPARE, and this is her destiny. Not her choice. Congrats!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!
Anna is alone: she’s not! she’s a boyfriend she can’t even comunicate with!! That’s all she need!! Plus it’s not like she needs a family! She has a dick now! It’s all she wanted! We saw her playing with dolls and all Anna wanted was a marriage! She would have married the first person who asked and she almost did!! And now she will!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!!If this movie made one thing clear to me, is that Anna would litterally marry the first one who ask her cause getting married it’s her dream. Period. I’M SO HAPPY FOR HER THIS IS PERFECT!!!
Anna can see her sister: Suuuuure, when she’s done playing with squirrels or being a pillar of a METHAPHORIC BRIDGE she may travel back to Arendelle once in a while, and then go back to live in the glacier where she almost died happily alone, talking to spirits and snow creatures! What an HAPPY LIFE! Anna wants this. Sure. Because Anna would DIE for Elsa and if this is what makes Elsa happy, then Anna would accept it.
Nothing and no one will ever convince me that this is what Anna would choose,  if ONLY SHE COULD HAVE A CHOICE!
I could go on and on for days, but you get the point, anon??????
If we accept the “happiness” these character show on their faces at the end as a dogma, without questioning WHY they are happy with a critic mind, if we ignore the RETCONS, the plot holes, the negative messages, the cut or changed storylines.....well yes they seem to be happy at the end.
But can you?
I can’t.
Accepting this would mean I’ll have to ignore everything I know and I like about these characters from the first movies and the books, and I love them too much to do that.
There are good things in this movie, like the origins of Elsa’s powers, some Elsa+Anna scenes, but the end is not one of them.
It is joyful, if you ignore dozens of things (I’ve listed ONLY A FEW).
It has ONE good message for kids (if you ignore all the negative ones).
But I’m not a stan, and I will not do it.
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