#i will always be over porter's bullshit
graevelabyss · 4 months
You know what genuinely kept me up until 1am last night about FH: Junior Year, the Bad Kids could have been facing such worse enemies if Porter actually thought about who would be best in Kipperlily’s place.
My mind goes directly to Ragh or Hargis, both very powerful kids who were in pretty bad situations. Ragh was wrapped up with the Harvest Men and in denial about his sexuality. Wait I forgot, Porter did try and mess with Ragh with his silly "Barbarian healing", would Porter have tried some shit if the Bad Kids hadn't taken Ragh on Summer break with them? I’m thankful every day the Bad Kids took him in. Hargis in turn also could have dodged a bullet by meeting the Bad Kids. Like a shy theatre nerd that struggles socially with his passion, who is a Goliath fighter no less is a recipe for (not necessarily hate-filled) but a rage-filled disaster. That beige aura really did good for him I think.
AND WHAT ABOUT YELL. Danielle would have been in so much trouble if she didn’t find the Maidens. A socially ostracised girl that can’t find a permanent adventuring party because of her beliefs and actions gets tricked into using her druidic powers to spread the rage-star powder all across Elmville. I am shaking Porter’s shoulders violently rn, BRO. A DRUID. YOU SKIPPED ON A DRUID FOR YOUR EVIL PLAN OML.
Zayn also could have been bad news if Porter got his shit together faster for a similar reason. He. Is. A. Necromancer. A necromancer. And probably one of the most vulnerable people from season 1, just one discussion with Daybreak and it’s a sealed deal but noooo. Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want any of the students to be brainwashed or even be in the position to willingly take the rage, but man, Porter is just ridiculous.
Holy shit. And what about Zelda. A character so powerful I think that’s one of the reason Brennan played her in The Seven. Her rage is literally divine, Porter could have done something with that, made his own brand of divine rage and offered it to her and others. She was even taking personal lessons from him because her rage was too destructive for normal class.
When the hell did he come up with this plan.
I mean I know it would have been a while ago because of the whole thing with Kalina but I think my point still stands when I say, Porter, my guy, disrespectfully, you could have done so much better than Kipperlily Copperkettle.
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oukabarsburgblr · 3 months
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"Daisuke...wake up. You promised me you'd accompany me this time."
There were quiet noises of (m/n) whining while shaking a sleeping ravenette, the (h/c) kneeling beside the arranged thick futon in the dim room. "Mmm..." A groan escaped the ravenette's lips who rubbed his sleepy eyes, opening to see a pouting (h/c) over his face, possibly the greatest thing to wake up to in the mornings.
"...where's Haru?" "He's still asleep. I knew that bitch wouldn't wake up." "Sousuke?" "Like a log." A stifled laugh came from Daisuke as he groggily sat up, pinching (m/n)'s cheek. "I'm up, I'm up." He beckoned the (h/c) to stop sulking.
The four friends were on a glamping trip and (m/n) had a tradition to always explore the town nearby on the second day of the trip in the early morning, but almost every night before, they would play games or pull some random bullshit to tire themselves out so (m/n) was left alone most of the time.
Sousuke had been the solo driver of the trip yesterday so there was no point to waking his tired ass up, Haru was ignoring his pleas and Daisuke had promised him that he would wake up that morning to accompany his adventures.
Now here he finds himself, brushing his teeth and washing himself, getting ready to explore the nearby town. It wasn't remote nor rural, in fact the place was quite popular for tourists so he wasn't exactly surprised when he drove with (m/n) to find a huge shopping complex.
Daisuke wanted to laugh when he saw their outfits when (m/n) pulled out his shirt from his bags. They were matching to say the least, Daisuke Yuichi donned in a white polo shirt, beige khakis and a navy cap on top of his rich black hair. (m/n) (l/n) with a beige sweater, brown pants and a printed scarf tied around his head with strands of (h/c) nested snugly and a pair of sunglasses perched on top as well.
It looked like they were on a date. Well, Daisuke already considered that the second Sousuke wasn't waking up as (m/n) pulled him in further into the shopping mall. "Should I try this?" The (h/c) excitedly placed a maroon glasses into the frame of his face, checking himself out in the mirror. The brand of Emporio Armani, Daisuke's second favourite, etched into the side of the temple.
"Looks good on you. Let's take it." Daisuke shrugged, his hands crossed over his beefy chest, smiling at the (h/c) switching out sunglasses where his own was now on top of Daisuke's head. "You say that with every pair I picked." (m/n) rolled his eyes.
"Doesn't help you look good in everything." He called the attendant to pack three pairs of specs, all of them (m/n) had touched when he had walked into the store, mindlessly swiping his card when the (h/c) attempted to pay for himself.
"Thanks, Daisuke. I'll buy us lunch." "You know you won't." He smirked as the (h/c) smacked his back, muttering insults under his breath. (m/n) never paid for anything around the ravenette, Daisuke using his card his dad feeds money into weekly. There was a porter he had hired from the mall's services, quietly following them around carrying (m/n)'s purchases.
He was more than happy to spoil his prince, buying him luxurious gifts for his birthdays or giving into (m/n)'s spending habits, it won't ever leave a dent into his account anyways.
If Daisuke had looked a tad bit older, maybe more like his father, passerbys would've thought it was a sugar daddy-baby situationship, it was in fact just two close friends shopping together, one of which leaning into more than friends.
His large pale hand was on (m/n)'s lower back as they waited in line in a desserts store, the two making small talk with each other with the ever increasing bags on the porter's arms.
"You'd think they'd be up by now?" Daisuke shrugged again, not even thinking of anyone else whenever he's with the (h/c). "Doubt it. They wore themselves out pretty bad yesterday." "Didn't you suggested to do rock climbing when we got here?" (m/n) glared at the ravenette.
"Hey, not my fault Sousuke wanted to go up until the top." Frankly, it was actually Daisuke challenging the redhead to see who could climb the highest since Sousuke was fairly known to be more athletic than him and he had also been the one to drove them to the homestay.
Daisuke still lost, but he was currently alone, eating ice cream with his crush so who won at the end anyways. He bit into the green pistachio soft serve treat, relishing at the taste, although he had eaten better ones before. The ravenette wiped off a smudge of caramel from (m/n)'s lips before licking his own finger mindlessly, not noticing the flustered expression the (h/c) had for a split second.
The adorable headscarf was still around his head, Daisuke always liked how (m/n) was so versatile. "Wanna check out more stuff?" "It's already past noon, Haru's going to get mad at us." "We could stay a bit longer. Swarovski is just at the other end."
(m/n) eventually caved in and exited the retail store with a few boxes of fresh jewellery and a proud look on Daisuke's face who had bought similar pieces to the (h/c)'s. He tipped the porter handsomely before driving them to their homestay, a satisfied smile resting on his lips as he unconsciously placed a hand around (m/n)'s thigh.
The (h/c) was happy he got to spend religiously today, ignoring the hand around his leg as he checked himself out in the dashboard mirror, adjusting his new maroon specs. The grin on his face dropped as soon as he saw a certain redhead frowing, his arms crossed as he stood at the entry of the homestay.
"Think he's mad?" "I don't care either way." (m/n) groaned at Daisuke's response as they parked in the driveway, the ravenette nonchalantly exiting his side and went to retrieve their purchases at the trunk of the car. The (h/c) went up to Sousuke, trying to console him while the latter only glared at the ravenette who was ignoring him.
"You idiots, do you realise how long you've been out for..." Haru had finally joined the premise, pulling at (m/n)'s ear who yelled at him, saying it was his fault for not waking up as the blonde dragged him inside the house, ready to scold how they had abandoned them past lunch.
Sousuke who had always been the one to save (m/n) from Haru's merciless jabs, ignored the pleas and instead stood face to face with a certain ravenette, holding strings of shopping bags with a straight line on his lips.
"You didn't do anything, did you?" The redhead wasn't pissed but his tone indicated that he was. Maybe he was, just a tad bit jealous that Daisuke got to spend time with (m/n) for hours alone together. "Do what? We just went shopping, dumbass."
Daisuke rolled his eyes, kicking off his shoes as he walked past the steaming redhead. "Can't say we're not dating though. Matched a bit too well today." He teased Sousuke one last time before running inside. A pissed ex-delinquent chasing after him to murder the ravenette, not liking the implications he stated.
Afterthoughts :
This is canon to the Sousuke Daisuke universe idc. I mean all drabbles are canon except for the smutty ones. Consider them as fun fillers, a peek inside their intertwined lives. I love Daisuke haha. I think I had been giving Sousuke a lot more love lately.
Have i ever mentioned how much I love Lee Won? Never read the manhwa but he's such an icon haha
See ya!
Taglist :
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25 @miyuuuki @simpsations @sugar-p0p @kiiyoooo @helloanime @garlicforthewin
I keep forgetting abt the taglist😭 forgive me my loves
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nerdygoth77 · 3 months
Some of my favorite Porter Gage lines!
“Keep your irradiated ASS away from me” 
“Piss me off and I’ll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic.” 
“Sure was fun! Huh Boss?” 
“I ain’t got the brains for mazes” 
“How's it go? “This town ain't big enough for you and me?” Awh nevermind :(“ 
“Ain't no way people paid for this shit, I refuse to believe it.” 
“Who the hell's idea of fun was this shit?”
“Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the institute hasn’t tried to replace you with a synth? I mean c’mon! I’m important. I-I’m worth replacing......” 
“Think about it…. If beer is still good after two hundred years.. Is it really something worth drinking?” 
“Personally, wouldn’t ever trust anyone to knock me out with gas or whatever, even if they claimed they were going to help.” 
“Can you imagine… having so much extra shit you’d need someplace to store it all” 
“Not paying ATTENTION-” (I fuck up a lot and trigger traps LOL)
“Not a big fan of being underground, so the sooner we wrap this up the better.” 
“Once upon a time, I suppose folks had nothing better to do than sit around outside”
“Greeaaat, because I ain’t seen enough trees and grass.” 
“Like I hadn’t already seen enough glowing shit to last a lifetime.” 
“Believe it or not, this is more civilized than some places i've lived”
"One of these bugs ever takes me down you tell people I died from trippin’ over my gun, fallin’ off a cliff, anything! It would be less embarrassing.” 
“Places like this….Makes me realize life was mostly shit before the bombs fell” 
“God…. Being in here is soul sucking.” 
“I hope you know where you’re going, I forgot my map.” 
“Least we ain't gotta worry about being hit by a train…..Right?”
“No question that shit was made to last…Maybe the wrong shit but still.”
“Me? I like night time. Something about it just feels right.” 
“You’re a real stunner, ya know that?”
“Are you shittin’ me” 
“Ever seen a dust angel? Bettin’ I could make one.” 
“Shiiiiitt I hate getting weeettt” 
“I’ve got a strong stomach, but ewwugh.” 
“You’re my kind of crazy boss.” 
“Boy do I love watching you work.” 
“Anyone ever tell you….your ass looks great in that vault suit.” 
“Don’t know about you, but I can’t see in the dark.” 
“You’ll always be the overboss of my heart- Hehehehe I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t keep a straight face.”
“Don't mind me, just throwing up a bit in my mouth here.” 
“Damn, I hate insects. Like I needed something else to wipe off my fucking shoes” 
Everything. Just everything he says is wonderful. His voice is so fucking sexy.
"I'm not that big of a dick"
"Bullshit. Without me I'd be scraping your guts off the floor"
"Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out."
"You ready to listen?"
"You're one ruthless son of a bitch aren't ya?"
"Awwwhh C'mon :("
"Just give this a chance, you might even have a little fun."
"Tell yuh whut."
"Everything all peachy with our friendly neighborhood psychopaths?"
"Welcome home, boss."
"I knew you had it in you."
"Next, the fun stuff."
"You look like shit."
He refers to getting high as "Getting blitz." LOL
"Well that oughta make things more interesting"
"hehehe OOPS."
"The fun we can have in this thing!"
"That one have pictures in it?"
"I like a good haul as much as the next guy-"
"You sure you got everything? There's a few more rocks you haven't picked up."
"I never had the hands for that kind of shit. Glad you do."
"You got some nimble fingers there huh?"
"You okay?" (When he shows concern?? UGH)
"Well now, would you look at that."
"Oh for the love of-"
"You gonna build me something nice?"
"Lookin good, Boss."
"oooh, gutsy."
"Pretty tough mutt you got there." (Any dialogue about Dogmeat is great)
"Aww, look at how nice and clean this is, and I here am, dirtying the place up." (one of my favorites)
There's so so many more but I didn't want this to get crazy long
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undeniable | porter gage x female! sole survivor
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a/n: am i finally back on my bullshit, uploading on a random sunday night? this is different from what i usually write, but hey! im definitely writing something. im too tired to revise or edit this bc its 12 AM, so ill look it over in the morning. just thought i'd post something silly.
♡ based off a modern au where gage and the sole survivor are childhood bestfriends in another life.
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For as long as Gage can remember, she’s been a burden. Being nearly five years older than her and her guardian -- or her best friend, as she likes to call him -- he’s always felt inclined to watch over her. He doesn’t know why, he knows he doesn't necessarily need to, but the thought of abandoning her feels wrong. So he tries to find reasons as to why -- was it because they both grew up in terrible conditions together and only had each other? Or was it because he knew the moment he let her dumbass go into the real world alone, she’d somehow get herself killed? 
He shakes his head. Finding a reason was nothing but a waste of time, his mind overworking itself more than it already was. He dumbs it down to simply getting used to the routine of caring for her since they were children. If he fucks up his schedule now, he’d have to go through the trouble of rearranging everything around once again and readjust to his new lifestyle. 
‘Yeah,’ he thinks to himself, unlocking his apartment door, twisting the knob, ‘It’ll be nothing but fucking trouble.’ 
Once he pushes the door open, his boots thumping against the tiled floor of his apartment, he sees her sitting on the couch, distracted by the show playing on the television. His eyes darted over to the coffee table in front of her, papers and open textbooks strewn across the poor thing, obviously untouched and just displayed prettily to mimic the idea that she was being productive. 
With a low grumble, he tosses his bag on the counter nearby and takes off his boots before grabbing the remote lying on the couch. She’s so invested in her little show that she barely even notices him walking in with a scowl and an annoyed sigh. Sole jumps when the television shuts off suddenly, a gasp leaving her lips before turning her head to the side. 
“Hey, I was watching!” she whines, already rising from the couch to pick another fight with him. He doesn’t show any reaction and instead, crosses his arms with an unimpressed expression while he holds the remote hostage. 
She tries her best to grab it from his hand but he rolls his eyes, gently pushing her back down onto the couch. 
“Quit watchin’ and start studyin’. Yer not gonna get shit done like this.” 
She huffs angrily, her eyes narrowing at him, “Gage, a little break wouldn’t hurt every once in a while.” 
“And what have you accomplished since I left for work this afternoon?” 
Sole swallows nervously, her mouth going dry at his questions as she opens and closes it, trying her best to stand her ground. He raises a brow, giving her a chance to respond and redeem herself, but he already knows. She was a fool for thinking she could get away with such a lie, knowing that Gage knew her better than anyone else.
“Thought so,” he stuffed the remote in the back of his pocket, “Now be a good girl and finish yer damn work. I’m not paying yer tuition for you to fuck around.” 
Sole groans but listens obediently, pulling the coffee table closer to her. She grabs her laptop and unlocks it, opening her notes before reaching over to snatch one of her textbooks. 
“I don’t understand why you’re on my ass about my studies so much, Gage,” she complains, highlighting something in her book a bit roughly, “You didn't even finish high school, so why does it even matter?” 
He doesn’t spare her much of an answer, walking over to the kitchen to find something to cook for them, “Exactly my point. You wanna be better than me.”  
“But you make so much money, you’re able to provide for both of us!” she throws her hands in the air, desperately trying to prove a point to her stubborn roommate, who seemed to be firm on his words.
“That’s only because I got connections. Now shut your mouth and study.” 
He doesn’t find much in the fridge nor the cabinets, silently setting a reminder in his mind to do a grocery run first thing tomorrow before work. Eventually, he decides to heat up some leftovers they had for lunch and cut up some fruit for her to snack on while she did her work. It’s shit, he knows, but it’ll do till tomorrow. 
He makes his way back to the living room, plopping on the couch next to her and setting the food on the coffee table, maintaining a good distance between their dinner and her work. The last thing he wanted was to spill anything on her laptop and notes -- it would only give her another reason not to be productive. 
He doesn’t say much, but his eyes flicker over to her for a moment, a small smile on his face at the sight of her seemingly focused on her work now, a sense of satisfaction overcoming him. Gage leans back on the couch, pulling his phone out to distract himself while he kept her company in the living room. He takes a few bites of his portion of the leftovers, glancing at Sole here and there to ensure she was still on track. 
It’s a peaceful few minutes, he can’t recall how long, as they both sit in silence, her music playing softly in the background to fill up the white noise. Suddenly, he hears a sigh, sounding a bit defeated, and his eyes set on her sulking figure. 
“Gage, I know that you want the best for me, but I’m nearly twenty-three and you still treat me like a kid.” he stares at her, not showing any reaction but notices how she refused to make eye contact with him, her eyes glued to the screen of her laptop. 
When she doesn’t get a response, she closes her eyes before turning her body towards him, her expression serious, but he can see right through her. She’s pleading, but not in an annoying bratty way like she usually does, so he decides to listen to her troubles. 
She scoots closer to him and he watches, his phone long forgotten in his hand, “I’m really grateful for you and all that, but you need to trust that I can do well in school and balance my time. You can’t take care of me forever.” 
Instead of getting a response like she’d hope for, she was met with the usual silence he often provided her when she tried to set her boundaries. With an irate expression, she turned back to her laptop, her face flushed in embarrassment, feeling like her words vanished into thin air. 
She should’ve known better than to talk to Gage — he was a man of few words and she didn’t know why she expected him to at least say something to show that he at least cared about her feelings one way or the other.
Before she could continue studying to hide her embarrassment and anger, she hears his voice and freezes. 
“I know.” his voice is gravelly, a bit of exhaustion mixed into it, and her head shoots to him, a bit stunned at his broken silence. Her eyes are wide, body paralyzed at the sudden response. There’s a slight flush on his face but she convinces herself it’s the lighting. 
He knows she’s waiting for more than just that and he sighs, crossing his arms as he makes eye contact with her the best he can without losing his shit, “Just want you to have a good future. Want you to live a better life than what I’m giving you right now before I send you off.” 
Suddenly, she’s overcome with guilt and she immediately leans over to him, her hands finding his as she cuts him off, “No, that’s not what I meant!”
With another breath, she composes herself before speaking. 
“Gage, you’ve given me everything I’ve wanted and needed, the last thing I’ll ever do is criticize your care for me. I don’t plan on leaving your side, even when I get a better life.” 
His heart twinges and his feelings for her resurface, but he pushes it down. 
She pulls on the sleeves of his hoodie, playing with the fabric with her fingers, “I just want you to trust me more. I know I’ve been slacking a bit, but I’d never fail school, especially when I know you’re working hard to provide for both of us and paying for my tuition. I’d never do that to you.”
“Wouldn’t say I’m working hard,” he downplays it, not wanting her to fret about such a miniscule matter. 
She groans, “You work twelve hour shifts everyday. Sometimes fourteen!”
He shrugs nonchalantly and Sole pouts at his stubbornness, smacking his arm with annoyance. Gage bites back a smirk, amused by her behavior and catches her wrist midair, her eyes rolling. Instead of providing her with a response, he digs in his pocket and hands her the remote to the TV and her eyes light up, a smile forming on her pretty face. His heart aches at the sight. It was such a small action but it was more than enough to validate her feelings. 
“Thank you, you’re the best!” she jumped over, throwing her arms around his neck as she embraced him tightly. 
His face flushed heavily and tried to seem annoyed to cover it up but the stutter in his voice and the tenseness of his shoulders gave it away. Gage pushed her away with his hand as he groaned quietly, “I get it, don’t need to be so damn happy about it.” 
However, she pecked his cheek and he froze instantly, his body paralyzed and his voice raising in embarrassment, “Q-Quit it!”
She giggles and doesn’t take much offense to his words, knowing that he was nothing but a big softie for her. As she released him, she smiled at him happily once more before turning to the TV and putting her show back on. 
Gage rubbed the spot where she kissed, his face a deep red as he tried to regain his composure. Suddenly, he pushes down the real reason of why he refused to leave her side for the millionth time, reminding himself that there were several other possibilities other than that. 
‘What a damn burden,’ he thinks to himself, desperately trying to fight back his feelings for her, his eyes glued to her gleeful form next to him. 
Suddenly, her kiss lingered on his skin a little too long, the feeling of her arms around him marking his skin, and he’s left absolutely horrified, realizing that he could no longer convince himself otherwise. 
Maybe accepting it was better than constantly running and Gage thinks it over for a moment but ultimately shakes his head, wanting to do anything but that. 
‘Just a stupid thought. Some stupid fucking feelings,’ he settles for that answer but knows deep down that he’s already lost the battle, his heart hammering in his chest. 
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j2zara · 2 months
porter w 3 jaceclones in his house, two of which would be happy to fuck him: but i want the REAL jace :(
ah well aint porter wanting the REAL jace really the problem at the heart of everything all the time? As was posited in 7 Jaces thesis?
Anyway there is a part of me that does think the phonesex definitely happened like Porter definitely drunk dialed Jace one night and Jace degraded him until he came but like. Jace in his mind is like "that doesn't count b/c its phonesex". So all this insistence on maintaining his boundaries and actually trying to do the right thing (while also fucking over the jaceclones in the process obviously) is complete bullshit. As far as the timeline goes, in my heart if its Definitely A Thing That Happened it only happened once but through infinite jace theory all things are possible so if we push this then what
Tbh i do think J2 and J3 being The Way They Are is part of why Porter... Like... he calls jace with the intent of maybe jace will come crawling back but the degradation doesn't hurt and is like actually is this maybe what i wanted because like? J2 and j3 will do anything for him. And like, that's what he wants he supposes, what he always wanted with jace but that's not conflict, thats not conquest, where is the fun without a little fight?
I do think it would be funny if J2 and j3 found out about this. Like J2 would maybe be a little upset but also be like oh ok. I mean. Whatever you think is best (while silently thinking about the last time jace and porter were together it was this huge fight, he hasn't been jaceporter pantheon pilled yet and is holding out hope that porter can be his), meanwhile J3 is like. Actually can i get in on that. Im so sad like landlines aren't really a thing anymore bc i just know j3 would LOVE to be listening in on the landline if that were the case. The cogs are definitely turning
That being said I do think my favorite point to slip this into the timeline is right after J2 kissed Porter for the first time (and j2's first handjob yipeeeee). I just think it would be fun.... Because Porter is still thinking about how kissing Bluejay felt the same as kissing Jace but this is also right after his fight with J2 in which j2 is trying to be so so supportive but porter is just frustrated bc J2 won't give him a straight answer on what he actually wants or thinks its always just whatever you want! He misses jace. This isn't jace. This is so much of what jace used to be Before porter. But it felt the same, right?
So he calls Jace and Jace might even be able to kind of guess what is up because he could FEEL it, he could feel porter's anger and frustration that Jace is not the one there with him. and jace is sort of mocking him for it, like are you really fucking the clone? Son of a bitch, you're fucking the clone aren't you? wow you really can't move on can you, how pathetic is that. And after all that i'm it and you know it. And now you can't have me and that makes you sick. (and jace's life right now is miserable and fucked but at least he has that sort of power right? being able to deny porter something that he wants?)
And like. Porter expected or maybe hopes jace would crumble but he KNOWS he's been fucking up this entire time. He knows this is different, jace isn't coming back. So maybe Jace means it when he says well i do miss when you fuck me. I hate you but at least i miss that mught. At least your cock never made me mad. (And he has fucked everything in jace's life, so why would that not be the truth? Maybe he's the instrument here). All this talk about ascension and godhood meanwhile, the only time you liked yourself was when you were pleasing me. Something Something Jace Cool Girl Thesis right? "I'm the cunt you married. The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like"
And porter is thinking maybe that's true. He misses when he was fucking jace and jace would say his name like it was something of reverence. Like it meant anything at all. Maybe that WAS the only time he was ever any good to jace. The only time he ever really felt like he was acting in the service of something holy. Everything else has been ruin and now doesn't even have the cunt he destroyed just so Porter could have him. Maybe he's just a guy with a bick dick havin a mid life crisis. If he tried that with. J2. Would it sound the same coming from Bluejay's mouth? It would have to, right? Maybe he should give it a shot just to see. The fact that he's willing to give it a shot makes him even more disgusting—which is only more fodder for jace's hatred and degradation. Cool Girl Thesis part 2! "You think you'd be happy with some midwestern girl? No way baby. I'm it"
Maybe it shouldn't matter to him, a god can have what he wants right? The entire flock if it suits him. But Porter still wants the cunt he married
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
I do think that between all of the zarajaceporter pairings, Porter and Zara have some of the most intense sex.
The rest is under a read more bc this truly is just smut
Porter has never had a safe word before he never thought he’d need to use one himself and he thinks that if that’s good enough for him that’s good enough for his partners.
To Zara that’s all bullshit (she’s so right) and as long as she and Porter are involved she plans to break him of the habit. She's not a fixer, she doesn't care and shes doing it mainly for her and to some extent Jace's benefit. its been years since shes enacted her safe word, but its always known and in place. She LOVES bloodplay and with that, safety needs to be involved.
When Porter asks for her to drain him until hes near death she explains this to him but he tries to wave it away. He’ll look at her, so fucking desperate and needy and gooooods damnit he really can flash those stupid puppy dog eyes at her and get her on board with anything. He does agree to use a safe word though, so progress.
Porter doesn't like putting a lot of thought into his plans. His full idea was just: Slurp me like a juice box. And that was just kinda it lmao. But when the day actually comes he’s glad that Zara made him prep snacks and drinks to have on standby and had Jace talk him through what it would feel like. Jace and Zara have been there done that, and she was way more comfortable doing it with them bc she actually listens 😌 (she loves her obedient butch to pieces)
Jace is so excited for them to take this step. He knows Zara is careful about feeding for pleasure rather than hunger. They’ve discussed her bloodlust and how she used to have trouble with it and still gets the urge every now and then if she’s not careful. She knows her limits but she’s fucked up severely in the past and suffered the consequences. And as much as she hates to say it, she doesn’t want to accidentally kill one of her partners, she likes Porter. She did from the minute she met him even if the allure faded, now genuine care and affection for him is in its place. She likes Porter. Jace teases her about it all the time and tries to get her to say it to their boyfriend more often. She refuses, but she will drain him.
When she does, she’s perched on top of him staring down at him beneath her. His eyes full of trust and anticipation and when she sinks her fangs into him, the whine he makes encourages her. Porter strokes her hair until his limbs feel detached from his body, he’s in ecstasy, head somewhere floating in the clouds. When Zara releases him, his blood coats her from mouth to chin; dripping down onto her breasts. She looks incredible like this. If he had enough blood in his body he’d be so fucking hard right now. He didn’t take that into account.
Zara pecks his lips, then presses a gentle kiss to the puncture wounds in his neck and casts healing light. Porter can feel the life returning to him. Zara climbs off of him and goes to wipe her mouth and grabs the snacks and things for him so he can build his strength back up. She feels good, like there’s a buzz thrumming through her body. It wasn’t her first time tasting his blood, but never this much of it. She tucks the thought away before she starts to obsess over and takes a seat next to him.
“How are you feeling?”
“‘M alright. I liked it,” he grins at her and takes her hand, placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “Was it good for you?” She flushes, looking away for a moment to compose herself as she nods. “Yeah, really good,” she breathes, feeling a bit lightheaded from his question. Porter munches on his apple slices for a bit before he breaks the silence. “How’d I taste?”
Zara’s body feels hot, it was such a simple question and it was making her so wet she could barely think straight.
“Good, really- uhm. Robust- but with something else underneath. There is a kick, like caffeine.” She doesn’t even noticed how tightly she’s clenching her thighs together, but Porter does. He hums at her response. She was getting off on this, just talking about the notes of his blood like it’s some aged vintage she and Jace saved for special occasions. “Keep talking,” he grunts, abandoning his snack in favor of placing his massive hand on her thigh.
Zara bites her lip, unclenches her legs and gives him the invitation if he’d like to take it.
“Well. It’s not that different from any other blood- it’s just- Porter-!” She gasps, as his hand slides her panties to the side before he inserts two fingers, stretching her open. He leans over and kisses her jaw, sucking the skin there. Only pausing to rasp, “Keep talking, Love.”
She shivers, rocking her hips and following his lead for once. “Your blood- it fuck.. uh- it was warmer than I’m used to. Delicious like hot chocolate, there’s an aftertaste of heat- mm, yes- Right there! Fuck- like when you eat spicy food, it lingers!” She keens, head falling back as a tight heat settles in her belly. Porter continues to work, thumb ghosting over her clit enough to draw a desperate moan from her.
“Good girl,” he smirks, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I like the insight.” He pulls his fingers from her and she growls.
“Don’t be a prick. Finish,” she eyes him, pouting. The stupid smirk doesn’t leave his face as he licks his fingers clean, not daring to break eye contact with her. “You’re a big girl, you can handle it.” Is all he leaves her with as he gathers his things and leaves her room.
For a moment she wishes she killed him.
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
k-peasants asked: An actual prompt this time! I know you're busy and have plenty of things to write yet, take your time. Soo I was thinking that maybe companions (and Maxson) horribly failing at confessing to Sole. Like for example they could clear out some Raiders, companion is impressed, tries to confess BAM Sole gets fucking decked by random raider they didn't kill. I feel like you could get pretty creative with that one. Like deathclaws, something exploding, just settlers running in, other companions interrupting etc.
Here, here, part uh 4… after the false start of the part 3…
Part 4
Gage / MacCready / Piper
(Part 1 : Danse, Deacon, Nick Valentine)
(Part 2 : Hancock, Preston, Strong)
(Part 3 : X6-88 alone because of a bug)
(Part 5 : Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson)
Gage : This Sole is an Overboss! What a magnificent and fantastic Overboss! Everything Porter had ever wanted to do came true! Nuka-World is now a flourishing domain, having conquered so many colonies that the Commonwealth can be considered under the yoke of the raiders, its inhabitants paying an extraordinary tribute that fills the chests at an incredible rate. His people are blessed and happy, and he owes it all to Sole.
Gage never imagined having such strong and lively feelings for another person as he did for himself, but he fell hard for Sole.
And Sole seems to notice it in a far more personal way than one would anticipate from an Overboss towards a lieutenant.
And when a raider wants something, he takes it.
So, once his feelings for his superior are made clear, Gage doesn't waste time. He plans their entire evening and ensures that Sole has enough drink. When he realizes they are alone in the Fizztop, he grabs his bravery with both hands.
"Hey, Boss!"
Sole looks up from his glass and smiles at Porter.
And this smile almost steals the poor man's courage. He takes the time to set himself on one of the stools in front of the other.
"I… I've been thinking about this thing you told me, about our friendship and all that bullshit."
"Well, what I'm saying is—
"Is that Mason's voice I hear?"
"We always hear Mason's screaming at this hour."
"But these are not screams of pain?"
Gage and Sole leap to the terrace and gaze downward. Preston Garvey, the foolish Minutemen colonel, smiled morbidly at them from the center of the lake, where he had erected a terrible altar.
"I told you you'd pay me, Sole!" the man yells angrily while igniting more fire under Mason.
Sole then realizes that the entire area has been taken over by Minutemen. Damn! He believed he had confined them to their silly castle, but it appears that they have returned in force.
"You know what, Porter?"
"Yes boss?"
"We'll finish this conversation later."
MacCready : Sole pays close attention to MacCready. The mercenary casts an interested gaze their way.
"I have something in my face?"
"Nope. I'm just curious why you didn't leave."
The mercenary with the rat's face smiles with all his rotten teeth.
He replayed the conversation in his thoughts over and again.
Sole carried Mac through the twists and turns of a hidden and forgotten vault, where they fought radscorpions, mirelurks (including a Queen mirelurk), and ghouls, the worst of which who was not feral. They have since established their camp in the main cave, waiting for the sunrise to return to the surface.
To be honest, Mac isn't in any rush to get back up. He never feels better than when he has a good granite sky on his head, but he knows they can't stay confined in the bowels of this hill forever.
The Commonwealth will be expecting them.
And there is a child waiting for him near the Capital Wasteland, assigned to the care of trusted people. Butch and the Tunnel Snakes will offer their life to save his son if necessary, and they will at first not take any unnecessary risks that could imperil him. This is what allows Mac to postpone his triumphal return to Duncan, who is undoubtedly on the mend.
Healing thanks to the help of Sole.
Sole glances at him now, puzzled as to why he is still there.
And the answer, he knows it by heart, having processed it in his thoughts over and over since he found it. Why is he still present? For the one only reason that could exist.
"Listen to me carefully, Sole. What I want to say is delicate, and I don't want to... It's difficult for me to talk to you about this, but I understand you should question my decision."
"A little, yes. If I had the opportunity to be with my son, I would not procrastinate as much."
Mac takes his time swallowing. Yes, it was far more delicate than he had imagined. He didn't count Sole's struggle to find their own kid... and the heartbreaking defeat they experienced along the way.
"Exactly. I don't believe I have the right to forsake you. Not right now. Not after everything you've done for me. No, especially in a situation when you need someone by your side."
"What greatness of soul for a mercenary."
MacCready straightens and swallows sideways.
"How could you!? You know that — argh! — I gave back your caps!"
"And I told you you could keep it."
"Do you really think my motivation is still just money?"
"No." The tone of his friend confuses Mac. He raises his eyebrow, and Sole makes a hand gesture. "So, you tell me, what's so important?"
"Yes. What I was trying to say to you was that-
"Not all ghouls are dead."
"Not all ghouls are dead!"
Sole leaps to his feet before Mac notice the abrupt change in the speech. Then he realizes at the same time that Sole fires his first shot. He retrieves his trustworthy Mighty and begins to shoot himself.
It is a true horde that falls on them, and they are in a big cave on absolutely flat land, the fools, the lethal sea forthcoming on them despite the accuracy of their guns. Three ghouls appear to replace each one that dies.
Sole and Mac, surrounded and besieged, realize their horrible mistake.
Their one and only, but fatal, mistake.
Piper : The reporter speaks to them as they approach a settlement.
"Hello! I have a few questions about the living conditions in the colony; would you be willing to answer them?"
Sole takes a step back. They have to repair a water purifier at Sturges' request, and they don't want to interfere with Piper's work on her new article, "Life in the Commonwealth with the Return of the Minutemen." This is, at the very least, the first draft. Piper wishes to develop a more enticing title and believes she can do so by researching the backdrop of her article.
Sole approved all along.
This is the best plan of action concerning Piper. Approve immediately before she launches into an argument about the advantages and disadvantages of her point of view. Her conversation is already something; if she believes she needs to persuade her interlocutor, it could run all day.
Quite strangely, the purifier's filter has become clogged from the inside. Because the duct is too tiny, Sole is unable to reach it. To see what is causing the blockage, they must disassemble a large piece of the devices. As the day is already well begun, they proceed immediately.
Piper returns after around ten minutes to see how they are.
"Hmf. Everyone declines my interview requests. I expected everyone to be overjoyed to be in the next issue, but they're all too busy."
"Take it back tonight at the bar when they're done with their chores," Sole suggests, gripping his wrench, which refuses to loosen the shaft.
"Wait a minute, that's a fantastic idea. They will definitely be even more ready to comply if my incredibly popular acquaintance additionally offers a few caps to pay for the round."
Sole chuckles, despite the fact that they are losing patience after the obstinate piece.
"You know I'd do anything for you, sweetheart."
"What a charmer," says the reporter, blushing.
But Sole's motivation is more selfish than making Piper blush. Every time they told her something in this taste, she reddened, stammered, and eventually shut up. They must concentrate if they don't want to twist the rotor situate under the duct or damage the nets, which would necessitate some redoing, and all of the required gear is in Sanctuary. During this break, they renew their focus to their given task.
Piper, on the other hand, is in a completely different mindset. She coughs briefly to regain their interest. They grunt to indicate that they are paying attention and modify their position to change the pressure point.
"You know, Sole, I've been wanting to talk to you about something a little tricky for a while."
"Not really your way of going in circles," Sole grumbles, thrusting their tool.
"No, I confess, but it's something that, let's say, is difficult to discuss."
"I didn't think there was anything too tough for you to discuss," they groan before throwing all of their weight on the tool to give it one last push.
"It's actually a very personal matter. So, if it's not too problematic..."
"But keep going!" Sole attempts to remain calm as they begin to feel the piece shift.
"I just wanted to let you know that all this time we've been rummaging together, I know it was not easy, I was not easy, and many don't really like me."
They eventually get their hands into the conduit to find the obstruction.
"But I'm quite pleased with you. More than just content. You never seem to get tired of my little crazy... I must admit... I do feel that—
"A MINE!" yells Sole, vigorously shoving Piper away as the entire purifier erupts out of its cement block, taking Sole's arm and a significant chunk of what should have been connected to Sole's arm with him. 
Piper, out of breath and on her back, worries of the fire and blood that fly in all directions and then fall all around her. She has no idea if she is injured; she is absolutely frightened.
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stripedgrace · 1 month
chapter 6 sneak peek: Fig's plan
so I'm late to update. hoping to post soon, aiming for the end of august but yeah. this will is be late again. a few of the scenes are giving me a really hard time, scenes that need to happen to keep the chapter on track. so woohooo.
anyway, because of the delay, I figured I post a small sneak peek of what is to come, just to give all something to naw at while chipped away at the remaining parts.
Of all the adjectives Fig could use to describe herself, trusting was not one of them.
Oh sure, once someone earned that trust, she’d do just about anything for them. But for most people? Unlike her friends, Fig was always suspicious first and loyal later.
Which made it very frustrating when she had a feeling she couldn't prove.
Sure, sure, Fig could admit that sometimes her aim was faulty. Kathilda and Ragh were proof enough. But most of the time, she was right on the money. Goldenrod, Penelope, and even Porter. Her instincts didn’t lie.
And while most of these strangers were perfectly fine, Fig knew a bad apple when she saw one. And that fucking gnome was nothing but rotten. Scanlan could pretend all he wanted, could convince everyone else otherwise, it didn't matter. Fig knew without a doubt that he’s bitter and cruel. An angry man who would kill Riz the moment he could get away with it. Her friends could think she was crazy, try to tell her “Oh it’s about the gun! They didn’t mean to attack us Fig! Don’t worry about it,” bullshit. Bullshit.
Fig knows better. She sees his intentions as clear as day. But she also knows how clever he is. How convincing he could be. If the only thing she had was her word, he would surely win. He already gained the upper hand, preemptively twisting the narrative to serve as his shield, leaving Fig scrambling to catch up.
The writing was already on the wall, nothing she did could change that. So, the only thing left to do is wait.
Because if they were really as alike as Fig thought they were, it was only a matter of time before Scanlan slipped up. And when he did, she’d be ready.
But for now, there were other matters at hand. Problems bigger than a racist gnome with a silver tongue.
Like how they were universes away from home, unsure of the possibility of ever returning. Like how they vanished in the middle of nowhere, trapped in a collapsing cave system, unable to reach out. Like how right before the circle activated, Fig swore she heard Ayda screaming her name. Ayda who might be trapped down there right now, looking for her, thinking Fig to be dead, becoming more and more stuck as she refuses to leave behind-
Fig digs her nails into her arm. Nope. She isn’t gonna think about that right now. Not when they’re in the midst of hunting basilisks, mentally arguing over strategy. She needed to focus.
Ayda would be fine. She had to be.
Stretching out her arms, Fig fakes a yawn, taking a careful look at adults behind them. As she thought, their expressions hadn’t changed, each intently watching. Vax, his look-alike, and the white man were all muttering quietly to each other, likely making alternate plans. Keyleth walked quietly alongside the Tall-guy and the two gnomes lagged at the very back. Occasionally, a comment would get just loud enough for her to make out.
“-ier not talkin-“
“-dy have a plan?”
“-bad feeling-“
She smirked and looked away. They really didn’t have a clue, did they?
Good. If they wanted to pull this off, they needed every advantage they could get.
Stealing her nerves, Fig flings herself back into the link, catching the tail end of Fabian’s thought.
‘-d then, they’ll charge Adaine’s illusion, and while their distracted, we will jump down, kill them an-.’
‘For last time, I didn’t prepare Major Image today, that’s not gonna work.’
‘And that’s still not gonna solve the problem of having to look at the basilisks.’ Gorgug adds. 
Riz sighs. ‘No matter which way we slice it, I think we're gonna need to look at them. If we want to get this done fast, we need to see where we're hitting.’
‘Yeah but turning into stone will do us no favors.’ Adaine argues.
‘Well Kristen has her staff. That'll do it.’ says Fabian.
Kristen groans. ‘That trick could only work twice, otherwise it's just me actually casting Greater Restoration, and I only have two 5th level slots.’
‘Unless we get help.’ states Gorgug.
Fig could hear Adaine roll her eyes. ‘We're not getting their help,’ she replies, ‘We can't. If we insinuate that we need help, all of this planning would be worthless. They would rub it in our faces and this ploy to show them that we’re capable would fall apart in an instant.’ 
Theres a pause before Riz sums it up best. ‘Okay then. We get four mistakes. Anymore and we're screwed.’
‘If I throw down Faerie Fire, it'll be easier to hit them.’ Fabian comments.
‘And some of my spells don't require direct sight.’ Adaine adds, ‘I could throw a Lightning Bolt and not have to worry about becoming stone.’
‘And you could incorrectly aim and hit one of us.’ retorts Kristen.
‘I mean maybe.’
‘I don't know.’ says Riz, ‘It's a solid start but it's not a guarantee. The best-case scenario would be to look at them and not have to worry about the effect at all.’
‘Could we blind them maybe?’ Gorgug asks. ‘You could do that right?’
‘I could,’ says Kristen, ‘But that's not gonna do much. It's not a problem if they see us, it's if we see them.’
Finally, Fig speaks, an idea growing in her mind, ‘I think Riz is right. If we don't look at them, we won't have to worry about the paralysis. But we're not going for the most optimal strategy right? We're trying to show off.
‘Yes?’ replies Riz.
Adaine lights up, ‘Oh do you have a plan. You sound like you have a plan. Please tell me you have a plan.’
‘Maybe?’ Fig lets her smile show as she pulls a small coin-like item from her bag. Flashing it at her friends, she asks, ‘Who here feels like putting on a performance?’
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sinnaminttoast · 10 months
I’m back on my bullshit to give you my reactions/thoughts on this video.
First of all I want to establish…HOW MUCH I LOVE PORTER SOLAIRE! Literally argue with someone else cause I refuse to change my mind on him 😍 he’s such a sassy man and I just…omg 🤭
If there’s one thing Porter Solaire will do…he will give his one liners
I haven’t gotten this giddy over a character since Gavin’s second love confession video. (Tbh also Hush…BUT I DONT NEED YA’LL JUDGING MY TASTES ON THIS POST! 😭 tbh I should talk about like my top five or seven characters…?)
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I also never thought I’d hear him say “clout” but here we are.
Tbh, I’m not completely surprised Porter killed Alexander. He had the time to do it. Now my question is…He never told Asher that he was the one to push Sweetheart out of the room but maybe it was him? He also just never explained where tf he got that demon blood.
SO WHAT IF VEGA— *gunshots*
But omg…ya’ll this game is a MESS! All of the houses just do not give a fuck…AND ME TOO! FUCK BOTH OF THOSE BITCHES!
I don’t know if William fully thought this through though. Maybe he did but this kinda leaves a bad look on Vincent and Lovely. He already had no experience in hosting the summit. He was told to host the summit and THEN was told he had to deal with Porter. He was stressed OUT
And even at the summit, he gets treated like the naive kid who knows nothing.
I Can see why Vincent is upset. I’ll give him a slight pass since the only murder he’s ever committed was Adam and that was purely because he had broken vampiric laws? Customs? I forget the word. Anyways, he’s always been the type to just want normalcy. As much of it as he can have ever since he lost his humanity.
So to find out that the people you are around have blood on their hands and that there’s been a game going on unbeknownst to you…oof. My man has also been stressed the fuck out the days following up to the summit AND on the day of the summit…can’t say I blame him.
Why would you say that? PEOPLE ARE CRAZY PORTER! 😭
William has quite the way of….doing things? But just because he ate this one little thing DOESNT MEAN I forgot what Dean wright said in the first video of the summit.
I’m not trusting we’re safe from Quinn and his friends UNTIL I HEAR HE’S DEAD!
Porter I’m so sorry sweetie for what you’ve been through 🙁
But not him just leaving and saying “I love my voice and all but I am tired after committing a bit of murder. Good night 🫶☺️”
He was also just getting tired of repeating shit 😭 like he was about to whack Vincent if he had to repeat “Closeknit and House of Bennett work together. Both bad. Me kill Alexander. Society = safe.”
Anyways…that’s all I have I think?? Oh and Lovely! I’m sure they’re pissed off about Vincent being hurt and how he was treated over all. Like…they just had their business all aired out and now their partner is just…hurt.
Is William a bad guy? Nah, I don’t totally disagree with him killing those two fucks. However, I wonder if he thinks this won’t bite him in the ass?
Idk..hopefully this does start leading to Closeknit’s downfall CAUSE I NEED THEM GONE
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softpine · 1 year
hi brandi!! i might be wrong but i have a half memory of you writing up a text post or an ask reply that detailed everything we know about finns case/the timeline leading up to his death so far - would you be able to relink it or pin it somewhere please!! i'm trying to cross reference the dates of the journal entries to prev things finns said etc hehe
ahh i feel like i remember this too, but i can't find it for the life of me!! i'm wondering if maybe i was just talking about the wiki? because i wrote up a giant article for finn's page in the wiki (which is still unfinished i'm sorryyyyy) but i don't know if i ever posted it publicly?
either way, here's a timeline of finn's whole life so i won't spoil anything by telling you what is or isn't important :P
1963 - donald atwood, richard's father, dies. he was an abusive man, particularly to his wife, bessie.
april 19, 1970 - finn is born to richard and lucy atwood.
1973 - due to financial struggles, finn lives with his grandma bessie for a year. she would've been happy to take care of him longer, but richard finds a better job at the factory and takes him back.
1974 - the atwoods start renting the house we've seen finn grew up in. it was split into four units. the atwood family were on the bottom left floor, the porter family (chris, his wife, and their son steven) were living in the bottom right half. the two units above them were frequently cycling through tenants.
1975 - with richard and chris being neighbors and working together at the factory, they become close friends. they were both heavy drinkers before they met, but it escalates into addiction. this is also when the abuse begins. it starts as neglect rather than purposeful violence (such as finn being locked out of the house during a blizzard).
1978 - grandma bessie dies. she left finn an expensive cross necklace which he wears hidden under his shirt so it won't be stolen. due to a combination of richard's grief over losing his mother + no longer having her around to keep him in check and watch out for finn, he loses his temper more often and this is when the physical abuse begins.
1980 - finn starts formulating a plan to run away. he wants to live with his aunt & cousin (on lucy's side) in new york, and he thinks if he can just get away, his parents won't care enough to take him back. he finds a boy scout's uniform and starts going door to door selling chocolate, running errands, doing odd jobs, and stealing money when he can get away with it.
july 9, 1981 - chris hits steven for the first time. no one knows it at the time, but this is a turning point not just for steven, but also for finn. this is around the time when they make promises to each other that they're never going to drink, never going to have kids, and as soon as they leave home, they're never coming back.
october 31, 1981 - finn describes this halloween as "the last good day".
early november, 1981 - chris porter gets a better job and moves his family to the suburbs, where steven starts making friends with the other kids. he's cruel to finn at school because he wants to distance himself from the reputation they shared.
december 23, 1981 - officer tim andrews arrests richard for a few small charges like public intoxication. he's very familiar with the atwood family and has been looking for any opportunity to arrest him for a while now. finn thinks he's creepy and hates how andrews is always getting involved in his business and trying to act friendly with him. finn bails his dad out of jail with his secret money (but what he doesn't say in his journal is that he stole that money from his upstairs neighbors while they were moving out).
january 6, 1982 - finn gets into a physical altercation with steven and another classmate. in reality, the two boys jumped him while he wasn't paying attention, and he calls it "fucking bullshit" that he got suspended for fighting back. even the teacher who broke up the fight wonders if this was a "coordinated effort" between the boys, but finn still gets punished.
this is around the time when paint it black takes place.
january 29, 1982 - after a month of listening to officer andrews offer to help him, finn decides to accept and ask him for a ride to his aunts house. notably, he calls him "tim" in his journal entries, which could be to disguise his identity or because he's gotten more comfortable with him. he writes that he'll do whatever it takes, "even if tim wants money or something else" (finn genuinely thought he was a predator, in case you didn't pick up on that), but we know the only thing tim asked for in return was for finn to never tell anyone that he was the one who drove him away. he agrees. (we also know that in an alternate universe, officer tim andrews did drive finn to new york, which is how NYC griffin survived.)
february 3, 1982 - finn writes in his journal: "I'm sorry Dad, I'm sorry to God for what I did" next to a blood stain. this is the date asa was looking for, so clearly something traumatic happened here which we'll see soon. it's also the last time finn writes in his journal.
march 8 through 11, 1982 - a red or black truck is seen circling the area of l'eau state park. this is only reported much later, so eyewitness accounts are conflicting. the truck may have been painted black after the crime.
march 12, 1982 - richard and finn had planned to go on an overnight hunting trip l'eau state park, but lucy had the day off work, so she decided to come with them. she started inviting their friends and it suddenly became "the worst kind of party". if things had gone according to plan, finn would have waited until his dad was asleep, then taken his bag (with all his saved money inside) and ran to meet officer tim andrews, where he waited in his (red? black? neither? truck). but everyone was still awake and partying at this point. the last thing finn remembers is leaving his bag & money behind, and making a run for the woods.
late at night on march 12, 1982 - chris porter, who attended the party at the camp site, arrives home drunk, soaking wet, and covered in mud. he gets agitated with steven, who later says that his dad was never the same after this night.
noon on march 13, 1982 - lucy atwood wakes up to find that finn is missing. she finds his bag still in the tent, so she assumes he's gone wandering. hours later, when he still hasn't come back, she and richard find the nearest payphone. first, richard calls chris porter, hoping finn had gone to see steven, but no one answers the phone. lucy calls her sister, etta, because she knows if finn ran away, that's the first place he'd go. etta doesn't know anything about finn's escape plan and urges lucy to report him as missing immediately. however, lucy and richard decide to search for finn themselves for many hours first. they're afraid they'll lose custody of finn if anyone knew their child ran away while they were drinking and doing drugs. they hide any indication of the party. in the evening, when they haven't found any sign of finn, they finally call the police.
march 14 - 18, 1982 - search teams are sent looking for finn. he never shows up at his aunt's house. officer andrews, of course, does not tell anyone about his and finn's plans – we have no idea what he does or doesn't know about that night. he could've driven away after finn was a no-show, he could've been the one who killed him, he could've seen someone else killing him, etc. no one knows. after only a few days, searches are called off due to weather (a mix of rain and snow). richard and lucy continue to do public appeals for their son, though they're quickly becoming the most hated people in the state.
march 27, 1982 - finn's body is found by a fisherman at l'eau state park. finn's parents are informed of this while live on tv. due to the cold weather, finn's body is not badly decomposed, but he was beaten so extensively that he was unrecognizable. this was not an accident. his body almost appeared to be posed, with his legs straight but his arms spread open like a cross. this is why he was given the nickname "angel of the bay" while they awaited confirmation of his identity. additionally, the cross necklace he wore was upside down on his chest. this, in the climate of satanic panic, lead many to believe he was the victim of a satanic cult killing. a lot of evidence was either never collected or was poorly preserved or outright lost/destroyed, especially once the case started to go cold.
(we know that 90s griffin survived the attack because he jumped off a cliff and played dead – this is the advice that time-traveling asa gave him, and it worked. he was unable to move, so he remained there for days before being rescued. he doesn't know / doesn't want to remember who attacked him.)
april 1982 - the police finally start conducting interviews with anyone finn knew. the problem is, it's been weeks since finn was killed and everyone's memory has gotten fuzzy. for instance, they want to find out if any of finn's classmates were absent from school and/or visibly injured the day after his death, but no one can remember. investigators have no idea about the party, and none of richard or lucy's friends are saying anything at all. steven lies and says his dad was home all night. basically no one is telling the truth, and even if they think they are, there's a huge chance they're misremembering things. the case goes cold. lucy and richard move away.
around this time, finn "wakes up" as a ghost. it's too painful for him to stay around his parents, so instead, he follows his cousin liz around in new york. it frustrates him that he can't talk to her, so he starts acting out, throwing things, etc. liz begins hearing his voice, then seeing glimpses of him, then seeing full blown apparitions. but it wasn't just finn; she started seeing other ghosts too. it scared her so badly that she told her mom about it, who encouraged her to seek help. finn felt bad and decided to leave her alone at this point. he got lost in "the nowhere" and took a nap for like... 30 years.
2006 - tim andrews is now the sheriff. he announces that finn's case will be reopened with the hopes of using new technology to find the perpetrator. it seems promising at first, as finn's name is all over the news, but it doesn't take long for the case to stall again. so much evidence is unusable by this point.
2020 - chris porter is brought in for questioning once more. he says nothing new, but it clearly shakes him. he reaches out to his son, steven, one last time, to apologize for everything he put him through. then he drives to the nearest railroad tracks, sets his truck on fire on the road, then lays down in front of an oncoming train.
2021 - steven dies of liver failure due to alcoholism. finn was able to be there for his last moments. steven tells him he named his son (who passed away years ago) after him.
2023 - asa and elaine speak to the atwoods about finn's case.
and that's all for now! i say as if this wasn't an ENTIRE podcast script fjskdjs if you read this far, here's a cookie 🍪
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hauntedwizardmoment · 1 month
Let’s hope that in Jace + the jacesverse the threesomes aren’t nearly as emotionally draining at the normal ones j2 is suggested to. Even if this isn’t the secret good version of the torment nexus maybe it can be a secret slightly better version of the torment nexus. Also obsessed w the image of Porter hand feeding j2 breakfast in bed. Even if he has to be around the toxicity he deserves to get a little spoiled
oh yeah i think the threesomes in bandverse are much less emotionally draining and more just straight-up emotional. j2's so enmeshed with jace and porter and theyre so gentle with him, treating him so sweetly and talking about how theyre going to take care of him forever, he won't ever have to worry about anything ever again. bluejay's gonna cry multiple times out of joy. his brain is still cooked and he's absolutely getting isolated from everyone but it's slightly better bc at least he's not trapped in the basement.
and YEAH both porter and jace are spoiling him. porter's very "knight in shining armor"-coded in this one he's always doing some romance novel love interest bullshit with j2. breakfast in bed. a dozen red roses. kissing in the rain. meanwhile jace is essentially doing 24/7 BDSM with j2 by obsessing over his appearance a la brutally honest friend who means well and telling him to do things just to see if he'll obey. he'll make j2 go through an elaborate skincare routine and put a facemask on him and tell him "hold still for five minutes. don't move." and sets a timer for that long and watches j2 go perfectly still. and then calls him a good boy afterwards. it's JUST on the verge of plausible deniability if j4 ever asks about it being a weird sex thing (she does not, she wants to get bluejay out of there but not enough to interact with jace and porter more than she has to)
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blissfulxsins · 1 year
CONTROL-Wally Clark
"it hurts when I remember and I never want to feel that again.."
Synopsis: in which wally and reader bond over their controlling parents
Part one! Not much wally in this first chapter but I hope you see the potential
Y/,n was born into a prestigious family. She was in all the gifted courses at school and to put it simply failure was never an option. Being in almost every possible extra curricular came with a ton of stress.
She remembered the first time she'd received an A- on an exam, she remembered the anger and disappointed looks upon her parents faces. How they demanded you ask the teacher for extra credit even though there was still a few months left in the school year and there were still plenty of defining assignments.
She came from a family with 5 siblings, each more exceptional and brilliant than the last, until y/n. Her father always pushed his children to be the best, and he was successful, 3 doctors and a lawyer came from the y/l/n household and you were his latest ment-ee.
There wasn't a ton of time left over for normal teenage things, like parties of football games for example. But being the captain of the soccer team it was expected to let loose every once in awhile before a big game. And you were careful, or so you'd thought until Wilson Porter QB, trashed your party with a massive keg and the rest of the football team. The party was shut down within the hour and your father was forced to collect you from the police station.
"what has gotten into you?" Your father scolded as you climbed into the car.
"dad it was just a party! I wasn't even drinking I,-" you stuttered.
,"you'd risk your entire future on a silly party" her father laughed bitterly
"I'm 17 dad. Any other kid-"
"You are not any other kid y/n! You are a y/l/n
"And I thought you had the capability of being exceptional! So imagine my disappointment when you turned out to be nothing more than ordinary!" Her father had spat as your face dropped and a tear escaped your eyes.
You snapped out of the memory as you reingaged with the group before you, Mr martins words doing little to comfort you as you thought most of the things he said we're complete bullshit.
"for someone who's Job is to get people out of here, the room is still looking pretty full." The new girl Maddie snapped causing you to chuckle quietly before leaving after her.
You found yourself in your favorite place on campus,the art room as you shut yourself away as you usually did and worked intently on the painting you'd been working on for the past few weeks
"it's really coming together." A masculine voice called, wally shutting the door quietly behind him as he joined her on the bench.
"it's far from finished." You hummed as your eyes remained on the canvas before you.
"so uh, homecoming is next week." He said casually
"my twenty-fifth if Im correct." She said as she dipped her brush into the blue and swirled it around
"we're going together right,? I mean we have been but-"
"of course wally." You smiled softly before settling into a comfortable silence as the Clark boy watched your masterpiece grow.
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remidyal · 1 year
Poison/Bane/Malignancy Snippets - Bad Kids PoVs
These are snippet outtakes from the series I love the most that my readers don't seem to, Poison from the PoV of the bad kids. These are following the good ending for Malignancy, and also take @20dimensionsoftangerine 's story of Blight into account.
First, a snippet from about two weeks after Bane, when Adaine is declared dead by her parents and Fallinel:
There was silence at the Bad Kids' usual lunch table, the five of them all staring down at the story Riz had pulled up on his crystal after he had received a news alert.
Fallinel Ambassador's Daughter Declared Dead
There was a picture at the top, a group shot of the Abernant family, Angwyn and Arianwen Abernant in the the background, Aelwyn Abernant right between them. Adaine was on the left side. She was halfway cropped out of the image, but was scowling down at the ground from what they could see.
None of them spoke for the moments necessary to read the very brief obituary, nor for some time after, the pall that had already been over them growing thicker in the air. It was Kristen that finally broke the silence.
"I mean, this is bullshit, right?" She asked, but her voice was trembling. "I know her family are wizards, but I think she was the only diviner?"
"Of course it's bullshit!" Fig said. "Adaine always says her family sucks, this is just more proof of it. They're happy to get rid of her, just look at them! But I'm telling you - we need to look more closely into Porter."
Their investigation into Adaine's disappearance had been stonewalled at every turn over the last two weeks. She had definitely been in her Enchantment class that Monday, and she'd never turned up at the Arcana Knowledge class that had been ten minutes later - they had plenty of evidence on both sides of that. The in between was the problem; they'd interrogated dozens of students who might have been in the halls between classes, and gotten nothing out of it.
The camera footage that was supposed to be recorded of the halls was all missing a full hour at that time, too; Biz Glitterdew had looked embarrassed about it, but claimed it must have been taken by staff. Given that Daybreak was dead, that was more than a little worrying if another person was involved; Fig was insitent that it was their Barbarian instructor.
Gorgug shook his head. "Porter was in class with us on time on the other side of campus. I don't think he could have had time to do anything to Adaine, Fig." They had had this discussion more than once, too.
Fabian, at last, stood up and spoke loudly, other students looking at them in annoyance. "I don't think we're going to get anything else by just looking for Adaine, anymore. I think we need to… Well, I hate to say it, but I think we need to look into the Ball's case of missing girls. If we find them, I think we will find Adaine among them." He waved a hand at the crystal, and added. "We have to believe that. That has to be a lie."
This next one is right after they're arrested following a very similar arcade fight:
Fig collapsed to sitting on the floor of the jail cell they'd been placed in, screaming at the void or maybe just the federal agents who were lurking right out of sight. "You've got the wrong fuckin' people! Go arrest Penelope Everpetal and do something actually useful!"
The feds remained steadfastly uninterested in the information that they had gotten from Biz Glitterdew, before Riz had covered a wall of the arcade with his brain. At least he wouldn't get away with his crimes unpunished.
It was Kristen again who said what they were all afraid of. "…All of the girls except Adaine were there, though. Even if we lost them, at least we know Biz thinks they're back in their real bodies somewhere. Do you think he was right about…?"
Biz had claimed, at gunpoint, that Penelope was supposed to get Adaine into a palimpsest, but that something had gone wrong and the 'data' as he had called it had been lost. Permanently. Adaine's soul, scattered to the ether or some shit just because of a mistake in a spell. Or maybe just trapped in the air in a supply closet at Aguefort.
That had been not long before Riz had pulled the trigger on his head instead of just the fingers; they didn't really have a reason to doubt Biz's story.
"It simply must not be so." Fabian said, shaking his head again. "Here's what we're going to do: We're going to get my father to get us out of this gods damned prison, we're going to throttle some answers out of Penelope Everpetal, and if her answers are the same as what Biz told us, we'll all take turns shooting off some of HER fingers before we kill her."
And finally, one from Adaine's PoV of the Prom and its immediate aftermath:
The sounds of battle raged around Adaine, trapped still in crystal, unable to tell if her friends were winning or not but so so worried and so so glad that they had made it out of prison. She was barely attached to herself within the prison, at this point; this body wasn't real, this place wasn't real, only the glimpses she could get of the events outside mattered.
Lightning. Aelwyn, a soft look on her face Adaine had never seen directed at her before, the first person who wasn't Penelope to hold the crystal since Adaine had been trapped there. She'd heard her sister more than once, but not seen her. Penelope had always kept her carefully out of sight.
The moment didn't last. Goldenhoard - now a giant red dragon - descended up Aelwyn, who turned to face him and sent Adaine flying through the air, a terrifying experience. She didn't know what would happen to her if she were to shatter, but it would be nothing good she was certain.
Riz snatched her from the air, and stared into the crystal, even his face giant relative to the palimpsest Adaine was trapped in, but the shock was clear, and even more so in his voice, almost sounding as though he could not believe it. "Adaine..?" He asked, and a tear escaped from his eye, rolling down his cheek.
She had no way to reply, of course, not verbally. She tried to wave, though she wasn't completely certain how visible she was from the outside, and… Riz tilted the crystal slightly, and Adaine got another view of her sister putting up a fight against the dragon, who had abandoned any efforts against other attackers to focus on her. Aelwyn was shockingly good in a fight for someone who had spent her life disdaining practical forms of casting, at least in front of their parents.
She was not good enough to face a dragon who was personally enraged at her. The last thing Adaine saw that she could remember was her sister staring sightlessly up, blood pooling around her, claw and bite marks all over her. Panic settled in, and she felt herself detaching from this excuse for a body, and did not struggle not to, her eyes going blank.
She didn't really remember anything else until the AV room.
And then there was something she hadn't truly felt in months - physical pain, as she landed onto a floor. A breeze of actual air against her skin. A group of people crowded around her, some larger than others but far too many after months of the purest isolation imaginable.
Oh. They were mostly all saying her name. And crying. Her friends, alive and well through the fight. Fabian and Gorgug each grabbed a hand, pulling her to her feet, and Arthur Aguefort was standing nearby even though he was months dead, and she couldn't be certain if this was really happening or if the crystal had malfunctioned in some way that corrupted her mind.
Check, by asking about the last thing she remembered. She thought hard for a moment, trying to communicate that way, before embarrassedly remembering that unlike Penelope noone here would be running a Detect Thoughts on her.
"Your sister was Revivified by young Miss Applebees here, Miss Abernant. The police are holding her in front of the school." Arthur Aguefort, who apparently WAS running a Detect Thoughts on her, said, the mention of Aelwyn who had jumped in pulling Adaine back to her own body, reminding her how to speak.
Which she needed to now, no matter that desperate, agonizing joy that her friends were looking at her with.
"Right, um, I need to talk with her before they take her away, give me five minutes?" She begged her friends, before turning away and walking.
"You've got two!" Fabian yelled behind her, clearly reluctant to even give her that much. She had best make this time count; it might be a long time before her friends let her have any to herself again, after however long.
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YO! What kind of art materials do you use? Whenever I look at your art I’m always amazed at how friggn PRETTY the colors are! It’s just *chefs kiss* (Also your designs are amazing ok BYE)
YO! thanks for the ask, prepare for yappin'!
short answer: i really only use copic markers (i got the big 72 colour box for christmas a few years ago) and my trusty 4H pencil, with a 6B for the outlines!
longer answer: a few years ago i literally only worked in black and white, because i was terrfied at being bad at colouring. as a result, i was consuming a LOT of colour theory content but never really using it, and getting really good at tones and values. greyscale (for my style at least) forces you to block in shadows, so i learned how they work.
when i finally got my 16 year old rat hands on expensive markers, i had some idea of how colour worked, but not really. it took a lot of trial and error just to figure out how to colour a face. if i can be one of those annoying art people who gives advice, it would be practice effectively. it's about quality, not quantity, and i don't mean the quality of your work - don't be afraid to fuck up. changing my mindset from 'this is starting to look awful, time to set fire to my sketchbook' to 'this is starting to look awful, but now i can try and make something else about this good; at the very least i know what not to do' got me a lot further than just churning out art regularly.
one thing that took a while to shake (and im still not entirely over it) is using colours that look Wrong (tm) to gain a desired lighting effect. artists have to train themselves out of Knowing The Colour Of Things (we've all seen those colour theory videos where red is actually grey or some bullshit) and learn to take a step back when applying colour in their work. traditional art comes with the caveat that once colour is down (unless it's in pencil), it's there for good. no multiply layers to be seen.
the trick is to trust the process. the portrait of porter in the club (my profile picture, at time of writing) looked AWFUL with just flat colours and rim lighting. i get vibrant colours by layering them - especially with faces - until i build a 3D shape with the values. highlights are your best friend in the whole world. one shitty paint pen from ebay changed my entire artstyle because i could start creating depth in my colours without worrying about keeping light areas light.
ok thats all i got
thanks for supporting my page! (kisses you gently on the head)
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low-budget-korra · 3 years
Comments on The L Word gen Q s02e06
Here we go again.
.Dani and Micah reconnecting. I like their friendship, which makes me mad that they made him simple don't care about Dani two episodes ago. That's the thing with this show, they have so many ways to do shit. To hit Dani and Sophie relationship and ended that, to hit Angie struggles...but they always choose the most lazy way, and that sometimes, put the characters outta of character. Which is not good
But you know what's good? Micah and Dani being all friends again
.Yes Shane I'm with you in this. No drama tonight
.Is Bete that is really really hot and attractive or is my low-key mommy issues? I think is both. Bette are you in love or are you just being a big ass fan?
.Sophie for this sake of lesbian god, be fucking decisive. If you want be with Finley? Tell her. If you don't, let her go. Yes Finley, it's confusing.
.The thing about Gigi and Bette is just lack of communication and two people that for sure have sex chemistry but lack chemistry at anything else. And that ain't anybody fault. I've saw people blaming on Bette and I'm like'?' Did you guys watch the OG show? The only woman that made Bette Porter truly being sentimental with was Tina.(as far as I remember, I'm still rewatching)
.The OG's karaoke i can't that's amazing.Oh my god Jennifer Beals can sing
.Gigi and Dani, I'm loving this yeah. Are you jealous Bette? Dani and Bette being pals are amazing
.Tess and Shane are amazing too. They have this relationship argues without being in a relationship. Hope they finally confess they are into each other
.Bette and Gigi are nice, i think what makes their interactions so interesting is because they are so different from each other. Bette is more cold and harsh, Gigi is all soft and warm. I don't know but if try they become friends in next episodes or seasons, i will love it
.Alice and this guy i always forget the name. I'm vibing with them. Let's remember that Alice is a canon bissexual character so she is allowed to date guys. I'm saying this because the possibility of her dating him is triggering a few people
.Maribel you ghosted Micah. Is this "not knowing how to communicate about feelings" something in Maribel and Sophie family?
I really hope she doesn't hurt Finley again and that Dani - Finley - Sophie shit is officially over.
.Dani' struggling feels so real. I never being cheated on (i never really date yet) but i think that if one day that happens to me i will feel like Dani, at least a lil bit
Tumblr media
. Dani and Gigi. Dani having a gay panic. Relatable
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dracereads · 2 years
🌎🚲 Mid-year Reflection on my 2022 Reading Journey
🌃 tagged by @thecasualbookreviewer; It might be titled a little differently than what you tagged me in. A freak-out reminds me too much of cram and grind culture. I read for fun and enjoyment, not to tick the little boxes. As cliche as it is, it's all about the journey and not the destination. It's about the acquisition of brain worms of which I have farmed many this year.
📚Amount of books you’ve read so far
Please hold I need to actually go count because I haven't in awhile. I'm back it's 43.
📚Best book you’ve read so far in 2022
This is such a difficult question. There were so many good books that I read this year. I feel like I have favorites in different categories like this is an awards ceremony. fffs. Overall, I'm going to go with Scum Villain because it's been just a general good source of brain worms this year. The bees have ate well over that book. If you want to send me fake categories and ask based on that, always game. 📚Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2022
I mean. I've read concurrent sequels (books published in multiple volumes) but I don't count those. Because they're all one story told in multiple parts. As for Sequel sequels... I know absolutely nothing is going to top Husband Materials. Even though I haven't read it yet. LOL.
📚New release you haven’t read yet, but want to
I'd like to read I kissed Sarah Wheeler by Casey Mcquistion because it's her junior novel. I'd like to see how it differentiates between the two others before. I haven't gotten to the Fae Keeper duology yet and that's on my list really high. As well as like. Heaven Official's Blessing III which I haven't gotten around to because I'm not ready to hurt quite yet this week. 📚Most anticipated release for the second half of the year 2ha on my birthday. Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn. Aiden Thomas (Cemetary boys) has a new duology starting in September. Golden Terrace in November. Husband Materials on Tuesday. uhhh. Mushroom II in late august even though my physical got delayed until September. So I'll have to get an ebook if I want to read it. So MANY. Glitterland's re-release in Jan. kdfdffkf 📚Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
well, this year it has really been Alexis Hall. My goal is to be done with all of his books by the end of 2022 so I can eagerly await the: *goes to his website to count* 6 books he's got scheduled for 2023?? man is prolific and I am jealous.
also I fell in love with S.A. Cosby in the same way as I did David Heska Wanbli Weidan this year. I believe DHWW has more books coming out soonish. Also excited for those. 📚Biggest surprise Little Mushroom still holds the biggest shocker for me this year. Because I AM SALTY ABOUT IT AND I WILL NOT BE SILENCED. 📚Book that made you happy
SVSSS, Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat, One Last Stop, A lady for a Duke, Pansies. These are all frequent brain worm topics on nights where my brain bees won't be quiet and let me sleep.
📚Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character:
aro ace here. I don't really do crushes. I just have a lot of fictional children. Newest fictional child is Luo Binghe and Xie Lian. As well as maybe Violet from Dark Rise. Luo Binghe: The protagonist who deserved none of his bullshit ever despite some of the horrible things he did. Did not deserve the absolute trashing the plot gave him in Volume 3.
Xie Lian: Local Tired Grandpa with a traumatic past just wants to collect his trash in peace, and both divine realms have decided he will not do that. More news at 11. Violet: Local mixed girl gets harassed by the plot. Absolutely doesn't deserve it. You will be hearing from my unethical treatment of fictional characters lawyer. this is a joke I swear to god.
📚Book that made you cry:
Honey Girl got me GOOD during Grace Porter's mental breakdown. Been there grace. Been there so hard girlie.
Most recently I was in HYSTERICS over This Way Out. Full on ugly inconsolable crying for like 10 minutes over. well. His family is conservative and Muslim, they reject his gay marriage. But what's worse is his fiancee's family is very white and doesn't understand the stigma and the culture. and they just. so neatly wrap up Amar's family into a judgemental little package. and he's just like. "nope they may be assholes but they are my family and they deserve respect because despite THEIR actions I still LOVE them because they are worthy of LOVE." and it just made me grapple with a lot of complicated feelings I have revolving around my own queerness and family issues. Just a very strong gut punch of complications.
📚Most beautiful book you’ve bought or received this year so far:
have you seen Heaven Official's Blessing's Cover art?? especially for volume three??? fdskfsdf or like. Pale Moon Reflected in the Water?? sdlkjff
📚Book you need to read by the end of the year: KD Edward's Tarot Sequence Books The rest of the Alexis Hall booksets. These are the only books that I am going to REQUIRE myself to finish. Otherwise I'm getting FUNKY with it. No rules.
tagging: free tag from me here. If you want a specific @ I will certainly edit you in.
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