j2zara · 5 minutes
I am so close to finishing Almost so like. I do have the deflated like I need to Sit. And Decompress. Feeling. But also maybe just throwing myself into zarajace where Jace tops (and also Porter is there too I guess) will be a fun distraction and not too heavy like everything with IYWD n Almost. Like. almost was supposed to be fun and I think in some ways it’s not AS bad as IYWD but there’s definitely a heaviness to it for sure. I don’t need this. I need Jace to be inside Zara
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j2zara · 15 hours
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Instagram - Ismael Ferrer
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j2zara · 15 hours
bambi i need u to know that i’m feral for cgu (cinnamon girl universe) jace like i’m gnawing on him. thinking about him desperate for attention and praise from anyone who will give it to him and getting into some sticky situations as a result. sleeping with married men. going out to bars every other night. maybe even accidentally sleeping with another faculty member at aguefort that he hadn’t met yet/before starting. he’s so young and naive and willing. ough.
cinnamon girl universe. the way i just wheezed.
but oh yea definitely. like. i definitely see this jace as so desperate to be loved and he hasn't really. learned to hide that yet.
i was thinking about this as i got my.... brunch. yea. brunch. together rn but i definitely see him as causing some drama in college by trying (succeeding?) to sleep with one of his professors. it was a whole thing. his party was NOT happy.
slept with one of the teachers at mumple. blew up a marriage.
but god. who would he have slept with before even starting. because i can see that so easily.
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j2zara · 16 hours
Something I for some reason have not (yet) covered: Jace using shocking grasp during sex
A well I’ve dipped into twice now for some reason: Jace being so depressed abt being alienated from his own personhood that he needs to have an orgasm or two about it
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j2zara · 17 hours
SPEAKING MY TRUTH in that as much as I think Porter has hangups abt being topped and is probably a little weird abt the fact that Zara just likes to do other things including like BDSM, bondage, kinkplay together, he is at the end of the day ok with that and enjoys it and also Zara the one time she did let Porter top her honestly thought he was just ok
Zara actually being kinda resistant to letting Porter top her and then drooling at the first chance offered when Jace wants to top her is actually something that can be so personal
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j2zara · 18 hours
still thinking about cgu Jace and how. He's in too deep for his own good. Run girl he's using you worse than usual
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j2zara · 18 hours
ugh finally done dealing with bullshit at work & errands today does anyone wanna talk about jace being a flirty drunk
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j2zara · 18 hours
There’s not even like a fun use of spells in this one fjdkdkdkdk
I’m the blacksheep of the Starbreaker pervert family making Jace n Porter (n j2porter while I’m at it) have normie earnest mid honestly kinda depressing sex
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j2zara · 20 hours
It’s… 11k… WHY DID I DO THIS….
I’m the blacksheep of the Starbreaker pervert family making Jace n Porter (n j2porter while I’m at it) have normie earnest mid honestly kinda depressing sex
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j2zara · 21 hours
I’m the blacksheep of the Starbreaker pervert family making Jace n Porter (n j2porter while I’m at it) have normie earnest mid honestly kinda depressing sex
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j2zara · 21 hours
ugh finally done dealing with bullshit at work & errands today does anyone wanna talk about jace being a flirty drunk
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j2zara · 22 hours
Zara actually being kinda resistant to letting Porter top her and then drooling at the first chance offered when Jace wants to top her is actually something that can be so personal
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j2zara · 23 hours
I’m probably saying wayyyyy too much abt the final j2porter scene but it’s SOOOO tashi and Patrick fucking while talking about Art coded and blatantly kinda getting off to that I’m shameless im so sorry
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j2zara · 1 day
Writing sex scenes with a guy named j2 is inherently hilarious but I also refuse to fully commit to Porter’s nickname for him
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j2zara · 1 day
I can’t get the idea out of my head of Zara and Jace having their weekly shit talking sesh while Jace is topping. Just fully in there while Zara rants about something annoying Porter texted to her that day.
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j2zara · 1 day
Sometimes you black out and start writing shameless Starbreaker regency smut
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j2zara · 2 days
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This is zarajace. To me <3
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