#i went off with the houndour line huh
inamindfarfaraway · 3 years
My Pokémon Regional Forms
Fire-type Alolan Cubchoo line. The new herbs and remedies in Alola were able to finally cure Cubchoo of its constant cold. However, its immune system went overboard in its haste to get rid of the ailment ingrained in the species’ DNA and it now suffers from a permanent fever and flaming coughs. Its fur is black where it was white, orange where it was light blue, red where it was darker blue, and its nose and paw pads are pink instead of black. It has gold flame markings on its throat. It is more timid and reclusive in innate temperament than Unovan Cubchoo, mindful of the destruction caused by the fires its coughs start. Alolan Beartic has learned how to turn its coughs into proper fire breath. It is much braver and more adventurous, protecting and looking after its young with great responsibility. Like real life polar bears, it frequently swims and travels islands to find food, but rather than put extra effort into generating cold in the warm waters of Alola to freeze and cross them, its heat can simply boil fish to death around it. Its nose, paw pads, and claws have turned red and the flame markings have spread down its chest. When it becomes angry they ignite into fiery chest hair, as though to compensate for the lack of icicle beard. It’s smaller and lighter than Unovan Beartic.
Fairy/Fire-type Kalosian Litwik line. Over the years, the fact that Litwick’s cute act was a ruse became more widely known. Trainers stopped using it and non-trainers who owned it kicked it out. Lost travellers ignored it and chased it away when it came to them under the pretence of being a friendly guide. Litwick started wearing a cylindrical clay shell around itself to hide in and protect itself. But then something strange happened: it made a conscious effort to get back in the public’s good graces, painting its shell (now permanently stuck to its body with wax) lilac, decorating it with pink hearts, and not draining life energy nearly as much as it used to. It learned how to mimic the Spritzee line’s fragrance generation to gain popularity. By the time people had accepted it and were even using it as a scented candle its flame burned pink too. Kalosian Lampent and Chandelure have shiny rose gold plating. Lampent still hovers near dying people, but to bring them peace with its soothing aura. Giving it a Shiny Stone evolves it into Kalosian Chandelure, and the line are actually wary around Dusk Stones for fear they’ll revert them to Ghost types. Chandelure waves its arms to create beautiful light shows. Being close to the large pink flame blazing from its heart-shaped head calms the mind and cleanses the soul. How? Well, these Pokémon still drains soul energy, they just pick out the negative and unhealthy parts now, and their diet is supplemented by freely given love.
Normal-type Kantonian Absol. The residents of Kanto are mostly unfamiliar with Dark types, so Absol did not receive the usual suspicion and hatred from them. It no longer had any reason to stay isolated in the mountains. Prey was scarce up there anyway. Due to getting more exposure to Absol, people realized how inaccurate the Dark typing was and replaced it with the Normal type. It is very relaxed, sociable and adventurous compared to its counterparts elsewhere, living peaceful lives among humans and still strongly disliking violence. But this bliss comes at the cost of ignorance; it can no longer sense disasters with its truncated horn. It has thinner, sleeker cream fur, chocolate brown skin, green eyes, smaller claws, a floppy tail and no leg spikes.
Dark-type Unovan Skitty line. Some feral Skitty and Delcatty have adapted to the harsh city streets and adapted to the city streets and became mistrustful, fierce, hostile, and violent just to survive. They mostly survive by scavenging on scraps. Unovan Skitty is ginger where it was pink and navy blue where it was yellow. Its ears are constantly pressed against its head, giving it the look of both being aggressive and a street urchin wearing a flat cap. The three protruding hairs on its tail’s tuft are much longer and actually prehensile - it can acquire a meal with one swing of its tail through a pile of food waste. Unovan Delcatty is red where it was purple and still navy where it was yellow. The fur around its neck is angular with flaps pointing upward like a leather jacket collar and the ball-tipped hairs on it stick out to enhance Delcatty’s intimidating appearance. It can hunt for itself now. The tuft ending its tail makes an uneasy noise when shaken and is used to intimidate potential threats. Its ears are noticeably notched with darker insides. Overall, Unovan Skitty and Delcatty are bonier and scruffier.
Ghost/Dark-type Galarian Houndour line. They’ve got grown long, shaggy fur to stay warm in the colder climate. As for their Ghost typing… well, the Galarian countryside is known to contain reservoirs of mystical energy, like that of the Glimwood Tangle which affected Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash. It seems a similar phenomenon has gradually occurred here. In Galar’s competitive ecosystem, the Pokémon came to specialize more and more in scavenging the dead; drawing upon spiritual energy allows them to sense death, and the imminence of it, keenly and so hone in on corpses and the weak and injured quickly, giving them an edge on rival scavengers. Now this connection is so strong they gain a degree of vitality from the departure of a soul itself, when nearby enough to absorb the spiritual discharge. A notable behavioural difference from their counterparts in other regions is that the Galarian forms are solitary, roaming the forests and misty uplands of the region alone rather than hunting in tight-knit packs, and reacting to other individuals of their species with suspicion and hostility. Maybe competition within packs became too much of a hindrance or Ghost types are just disposed to prefer being alone or both. Of course, in a feedback loop the paranormal power and psychological leverage of the Ghost typing makes you less vulnerable on your own. They have glowing blood red eyes, to be more frightening. Their underbellies and paw pads are purple. Their chins and jaws are hairless with a bony shield to prevent clinging mess from digging their faces into carrion. Galarian Houndour has no ridges on its back or skull headgear. The bones on its ankles are replaced by white fetters that look metallic, but are intangible and glow softly in the dark. Any Ghost type will recognize they’re constructs of ghostly energy, collected from being around so much death; a boast and warning of Houndour’s abilities. A much larger version of these rings is around its neck, except the young Pokémon lacks the finesse to keep it together leading to a permanent collar of mist. If you pass through this mist, you will never forget its chill. Galarian Houndoom’s cascading fur has purple streaks and the longest locks fade into wisps and curls of that same haunting mist. Instead of a second set of cuffs, it creates white chains trailing from the hind ones. They don’t slow it down or risk getting caught because they aren’t physical, but the links rattle against each other to make an eerie noise. It has refined its collar into an encircling chain too. It is said that at least one person in earshot of its howl is sure to die soon. Despite their menace and aggressive, sly personalities, these Pokémon have a deep care for and loyalty to those they learn to trust. They’ll protect their friends with their lives. They’re often found in graveyards, dutifully guarding their former owners’ resting places and driving away any Pokémon or unfamiliar human that approaches. (Note: I came up with this line before the similar Greavard line was announced.)
Steel-type Sinnohan Cinccino line. Minccino’s fur couldn’t stay dry or conserve heat well enough in the snowy mountains, and trying to sweep its environment just made its tail wet and cold. It needed to become waterproof, better insulated and a lot tougher. So now it has a bushy wire wool tail and silver steel bristles making up its formerly soft coat. Its eyes are gold. It uses its tail to clean and polish itself to a gleam. Still evolved via a Shiny Stone, Cinccino’s sharper, thinner bristles slant down on its body to resemble a regal cloak or robes and point up on its head to resemble a crown. Its long white strands of fur have been replaced with shiny whitish chains. It will swing them to intimidate, attack and grapple enemies, pulling them close enough to deliver powerful kicks. This and its active lifestyle of climbing, running and digging on the slopes means it is bigger and more muscular than Unovan Cincinno, as opposed to Sinnohan Mincinno, which only looks bigger because of its spines and prefers letting them deter predators and hiding to fighting. Both these variants are more defensive and wary of strangers than their Unovan counterparts. They live in herds to gain strength in numbers and are very protective of each other.
Original Pokémon
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lovepmd · 6 years
an odd place to start for the shapeshifter au but i just
really like this idea ok, so
names and events subject to change for any reason or no reason
Shapeshifter AU: “First Trouble”
It had been a couple days since they set out on their journey towards the town with the guild. Lux wasn’t sure how they would get answers from there, but it was better to try than to sit around doing nothing. The couple dungeons they went through so far weren’t too bad, and Lux was glad they did some practice in the dungeons close to the village. They would’ve done worse in these other dungeons otherwise, still getting a handle on their abilities.
Night had fallen and the group set up camp in a small clearing. Aiden was busy getting a fire going, the spots on his head and back temporarily spouting flames as he lit up the fire pit in the center. Naida was nearby, carefully putting together their beds for the night and patting them down with her flippers.
Lux could only float nearby and watch them work, not knowing what to do. The shifter sighed and lightly tugged at the band tied around their arm, a gift from the siblings’ mothers before they all left. “Something to keep you safe,” they said.
They knew the two siblings were more than happy to join them, but they still couldn’t help but feel guilty. The village was so nice and peaceful, and who knew what dangers lurked out here? Lux remembered before they left about a warning from a traveling pokemon, about a group of thieves that might be in the area. They’ve been safe and careful so far, but did they pass by yet? Were they really going to be safe once they get through the mountain pass the elder mentioned?
Lux flinched, their form changing slightly before turning solid again. The brionne was looking at them, lightly patting the bed underneath her with a flipper. “Come on, you need some sleep! Aiden said he’d take the first watch.”
The shifter glanced over to see the quilava sitting by the fire pit, who looked back at them with a smirk and a nod. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Naida settled down on her bed, curling up into a ball and sighing. Lux shook their head. They knew they shouldn’t worry too much about things, but everything was still so new and jarring, they-
Something fell over Lux’s head and covered their whole body, suddenly jerking them to the ground harshly. They yelped at the impact, immediately struggling against whatever was on them.
They heard the siblings call out to them, and they finally took in what was happening.
A group of pokemon were slowly appearing, surrounding the campsite. Lux looked up to see one of the pokemon above them, an ariados. Web. That’s what Lux was trapped in, the ariados formed a net with their webs and used it to capture them.
“If you kids don’t mind, we’re taking this one with us!”
Lux looked over and saw a flareon step into the campsite, his fur was matted and a large cloth wrapped around his middle. They glanced around to notice some of the other pokemon were fire types as well. They were completely surrounded and outnumbered.
“We’re not going to let you!” Naida yelled, her brother taking a stance next to her but facing the other way to glare at the rest of the group.
The flareon laughed. “And what’re you going to do about it, huh? Just be good children and do as you’re told.”
“Screw you!” Aiden shot back immediately.
The flareon snorted and took another step forward. “You should learn to respect-”
A large, sudden water jet shot out from the bushes nearby, hitting the flareon in his side and sending him flying just past one of the group members. Everyone in the campsite froze up in confusion.
Lux flinched as something large landed over them, large legs towered them on all sides, and another water jet sprung forth, hitting a couple more of the fire pokemon surrounding the area. Naida and Aiden were quick to jump into action; the brionne attacking the other pokemon and the quilava sending a burst of flames straight towards the ariados to send the pokemon running.
The group tried their best to fight back, and Lazarus-the elder!- stepped forth and moved faster than Lux had seen him move before. He headbutted pokemon that tried to attack his companions, and he bit into the leg of a houndour and threw them aside like they weighed nothing. Lux watched with wide eyes at the sight before them. They were told that the elder had his battles back in the day, but never did they think the old kind soft spoken pokemon was this brutal and quick in a fight.
Once their attackers finally all fled, Aiden began to carefully bite and burn parts of the web holding Lux. “Holdth on, i goth thish!” He mumbled out.
“Elder, why- I mean, thank you so much!” Naida bowed towards the araquanid. “That could’ve ended badly, they were so many and they already had Lux and-”
“Yes, child, I saw.” Lazarus interrupted, stepping over to help take off the remaining web off the shifter. 
Lux floated up in the air and shuddered, patting down their body. “Thank you, that...that was surprising.”
“That was awesome!” Aiden propped up on his back legs and grinned. “They came out of nowhere, but then you came out of nowhere and-”
Both of the siblings went quiet, and Naida stepped over to line up next to her companions.
“I was worried about you all, this is your first adventure on your own, after all.” Lazarus continued. “Not to mention we had heard about that group before you left, so I was even more worried. I decided to follow you until you got to the Red Mountain Pass. Beyond there, the guild should have reached the area and would be able to help you out in such a bind. And there aren’t as many open areas as this. Our village is small and not too close to other places, so there’s plenty of areas around here where such bad pokemon take to hide. I’m just glad I was here and I was able to help.”
“So are we, elder,” Lux bowed their head a little. “Thank you.”
“You should especially be careful, Lux.” The shifter lifted their head back up. “You’re more unique than you think, I believe. There’s a reason why they tried to steal you away. Take it as a warning for the future; this won’t be the last time this happens.”
Lux floated down a bit lower to the ground and gulped. Being kidnapped for any reason was something they never considered to happen, but it only made sense. They nodded and fidgeted nervously. “I understand,” they mumbled.
“We’ll be more careful too, elder!” Naida piped up.
“Yeah, we’ll protect Lux better next time!” Aiden agreed.
The brionne and the quilava got closer to the shifter, wrapping their front limbs around Lux protectively. Lux couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Thanks guys, I feel safer already.”
Lazarus laughed at the sight. “Good, that’s what I wanted to hear. I will accompany you all to the mountain pass tomorrow, but for tonight, all of you sleep. You will all need your energy for tomorrow and the trek onwards.”
“But-!” The siblings said in unison.
“No. It’s fine, I can keep watch all night on my own, don’t worry.” The elder turned and walked over by the camp fire, carefully lowering himself to the ground.
Aiden and Naida let go of Lux and all three of them went to their beds.The siblings were quick to go to sleep, but the shifter had a lot on their mind. Those thieves saw that they were unique and tried to steal them away. For profit, most likely. Lux had been lucky so far honestly, the village pokemon took them in with no real issues. How would other pokemon react to them? Would they actually get help? Would other pokemon shun them away because of how different Lux was? Would they also try to take them away from the siblings?
The shifter sighed and closed their eyes. They wouldn’t know what could happen and worrying about it wasn’t doing them any good. They could only sleep and hope that things went better from now on.
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beehuts · 7 years
Pokemon of the California Chaparral!
I was inspired by a recent field trip i went on and couldn’t stop thinking about it until i made this post. Be warned: some of these aren’t completely scientifically based. As diverse as pokemon are, some of these just straight up dont match with local fauna, but i had an empty niche that was bugging me. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, it’s just for my personal enjoyment. Also im a lazy typer so if you want an explanation on some of these that dont fully explain it, feel free to send me an ask and ill explain my reasoning. Also they arent in any particular order, just the order that i thought of them. ANYWAY!!!!! I put it under the cut cuz it big
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Ponyta and Rapidash
Who woulda thought i would have a fire pokemon in the chaparral huh. For those of you that don’t know this extremely specific habitat, the chaparral is characterized by lots of flammable flora that facilitate wildfires. The idea behind this is that herds of ponyta and rapidash were accidentally released when they were brought to the Americas by settlers and, being fire pokemon, gravitated toward the hot chaparral regions. They have a particular taste for manzanita.
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Vulpix and Ninetales
I bet ur starting to see a pattern here. These would be the equivalent to the gray fox, just… fire type. Hey, I never said all of these entries would be exciting
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Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion
Before anyone gets on me, i know they are supposed to be badgers. If you didnt know, the california state flag has a grizzly bear on it. The california grizzly. Who wouldve guessed? Anyway, i needed two things in this ecosystem : a small mammal and a friggen bear. This gives me the best of both worlds let me live also i may have wanted an excuse to include one of my favorite starters
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Fletchling, Fletchinder, and Talonflame
Im only on my fourth entry this is going to take forever. I think these ones are pretty self explanatory
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Houndour and Houndoom
Now i understand these are a bit of a stretch. My idea is that theyre the equivalent to coyotes. Sue me
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Spearow and Fearow
Did you know theres a shit ton of birds that call this place their home? Well I do and what better birds to represent this rough back country than these mean ass birds right here
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Doduo and Dodrio
These are your roadrunners. Maybe more of a southern thing than a foothills thing, but it didnt feel right not to include them
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Vullaby and Mandibuzz
In heat this bad, you can expect a lot of dead things. Bon appetit
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Rufflet and Braviary
Little known fact: in Wallace, CA along hwy 12, theres an eagle nest right on top of a power pole. Its neat. If you ever find yourself in buttfuck nowhere, CA make sure you keep an eye out
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Noibat and Noivern
I already know this is the one of the ones im gonna get shit for and i was so so close to not including them. There are pretty extensive cave systems in the sierra foothills though so i feel like im justified 
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Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat
You can never have too many bats
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Tauros and Miltank
At least in the sierra foothills, you see a lot of cows. Its good ranching country and i cant say those gold miners didnt utilize it after the spanish had the valley mowed down of its natural grasses
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Bunnelsby and Diggersby
Jack rabbits are very common in this area and of all the rabbit pokemon, these seemed the most hardly and likely to live in satans playground
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Deerling and Sawsbuck
These pokemon would only appear in the chaparral during the spring and autumn. In Spring, they would pass through on their way to the sierras in order to avoid the hot summers of the valley and in fall they would head back down to avoid the cold mountain winters. This was a common practice of the native tribes in the area, who based their behavior off of the migrating sawsbuck
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Bonsly and Sudowoodo
Idk to me they are reminiscent of certain shrubs that can be found here and thats their whole shtick is to mimic trees 
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Grubbin, Charjabug, and Vikavolt
Now i know i know these are stag beetles and i know they dont belong in california. i just wanted some shit cool beetle and this is like the quintessential shit cool beetle
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Scattterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon (continental)
Butterflies are a pretty big thing in california. I just dont see the wurmple line being here (no silkworms) , but you could probably put the caterpie line and weedle line too. Maybe even venonat and venomoth. Use your imagination, i just didnt feel like putting a million different bugs in here that are basically the same
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Joltik and Galvantula
There are ticks and tarantualas here. nuf said. and there ARE pokes for joltik to feed on they just arent mammals idk throw an electric mammal in there if it really bugs you (pun unintended) that much
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Hoppip, Skiploom, and Jumpluff
When i thought of these, I really had the cottonwoods of the riparian and mixed conifer habitats in mind. They have wind dispersed seeds so i can just imagine these guys just floating on through not staying too long. It just felt lonely with no grass pokemon.
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Helioptile and Heliolisk
Yes i see these more as desert pokemon, but chaparral is just a step above the desert. Game freak really needs to diversify their lizard selection but tbh i didnt look too terribly hard after i picked out these dudes it was getting late and i was getting tired
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This is another one i almost didnt include. I wanted something to represent the rattlesnake, but the only snake with a rattle was ekans and thats clearly a constrictor. Anyway, finally a place seviper can be free from harassment by zangoose
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And to conclude our list is everybodys favorite burrowing bee snake thing!
If you actually read through all of this, thanks so much! I dont expect this to get much attention, but it was fun to make so thats what matters ^-^ and like i said before, if you think i missed anything or want a deeper explanation into one of my picks, just let me know!
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survivekohsai · 7 years
QuilLynn’s Responses
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Jury Answers:
My favourite moment in the game was when I got the opportunity to mutiny. I was in a bad spot on my tribe with the majority of people on it wanting to target me and because of my losing streak I was in a really bad place. - I had to go to every pre-merge tribal other than the one I was exiled for and then the round after I mutinied (not to mention one of the tribals I didn’t go to wasn’t a tribal at all due to kelsey striking out) which proved to me I made the right decision. It also reconnected me with my closest allies, Jackson, Akito and Trixie. Up until the mutiny I was feeling really defeated and getting the opportunity to do that breathed new life into me in this game.
As for which tribal I felt I had the most control of, this is difficult, because Mo’s and Akito’s blindsides were the only tribals I went to where I felt I didn’t have control. A lot of tribals were orchastrated by me and Jackson so I don’t know if there was a time where we were on the same tribe and one of us would have had more control than the other on a vote. I do think however that Jackson is only here right now because of me and how loyal I ended up playing with him. There were multiple opportunities where I could have flipped on him or made moves against him. I could have forced rocks the night Richie left which, no matter what, would have left us with a very different final 3. RYAN M:
I don’t really understand what your question is, but let me explain myself to you in this game. I was actually excited at first that maybe this time we would have a chance to work together, but for some reason there was just an underlining distrust between us. Still recovering from your idols in crayola I felt that the smartest thing was to not be completely honest with you incase you did have something you could pull out your ass like tyler did in the Mo blindside. You then decided you wanted to block everybody on our tribe, so I literally couldn’t pm you anyway and to be honest I don’t know if you ever unblocked me? I also know that you wrote my name down at tribals, so there was no point in trying to reconcile with you even if I could at that point. If you want to base your vote on relationships from ebola or who we voted at the end then thats on you, you’re a juror I’m not going to sit here and tell you what basis to make your decision on and as pathetic as I personally think that would be it is entirely up to you. RYAN P:
Akito- Skitty, because skitty is one of the cutest pokemon and one of my favourites, "it is very popular due to its adorable looks and behavior."   Ryan M- Seviper, because there is just something about this pokemon that reminds me of you, can’t quite put my finger on it though, "It has been bitter enemies with Zangoose for many generations.” - i must be a zangoose huh.
Ryan P- Unown, because we like barely ever talked or got to know each other so I know virtually nothing about you other than what others have told me, "Unown is an extremely rare Pokémon that lives in its own dimension and rarely ventures outside."
Linus- Magikarp, it’s just the fucking memeiest pokemon there is. <3 “It is usually overlooked by Trainers because of its perceived weakness: even in the heat of battle it will do nothing but flop around."
Richie- Charizard, because you’re strong and loyal and I’m sure would be a fan favourite, "This Pokémon flies in search of powerful opponents to battle, and its fire will burn hotter as it gains experience."
Bryce- Pikachu, because you’re widely loved and a great companion, “Pikachu is arguably the most recognizable and adored Pokemon by fans of the series"
Eric- Houndor, because he’s small and cute but still has a lot of bite, "Houndour is an intelligent Pokémon that forms packs to hunt for prey, and shows unparalleled teamwork” RICHIE:
Yes my opening statement sucked, I was blackout drunk at a halloween party and had to find time to write it lol. The reason I let Jackson be the one that everyone saw being in charge was because I wanted to play this game completely different than I’ve played before. I usually play openly making big moves and letting my self be a target, that strategy in the past has only gotten me to the end one time where I lost 7-2 because that was the way I played the game opposed to who I was sitting next to at the time who played a more seemingly under the radar game. With that loss fresh on my mind I knew that in the end phase of this game I wanted to appear like I wasn’t making waves and to let someone be more vocal than me, the best thing I could do was to appear as a goat and let Jackson believe that he’d have an easy time beating me in the end, because I wouldn't hold my ground and express that I actually played a good game. I feel like he bought that and I think I was able to convince everyone that I was just playing for second when thats not the case at all. In the Rocks situation I did contemplate flipping and risking getting rocked out to change the game, but what really was the deciding factor for me wasn’t actually the risk of me going home, it was the fact that I knew 100% Trixie and Jackson were going to take me to the end of this game, although I was still confident in the bonds I had made with you and Bryce these were two people I knew I could trust and potentially beat at the end. If I did take you out in that vote I was taking out arguably the biggest threat in the game, because I knew you had a great shot at winning, I knew that if I was on jury I’d vote you to win so everything lined up and made sense to take you out. This game I focused a lot of gameplay around the social aspect of the game, I met a lot of great people and made great friendships, there was only one real pre-merge tribal council that I didn’t have to go to and I was able to get out of that one because I used the twist of being able to mutiny to my advantage. I survived more tribal councils than the people I’m up against tonight, I feel like I fought the hardest to be here out of us three, of course not competition wise, because I knew I was terrible at comps so I had to make up for that in another way and I do think that I was able to play a killer social game that got me to the end without ever needing to rely on an individual immunity. AKITO:
Out of the 3 of us sitting here I don’t think it would be fair for any of us to take full credit for a move that went down during a tribal council, because that’s just not how they worked this season. Due to the amount of idols in question and strategizing that had to go into these votes they all had to be a group effort. Any one of us could sit here and spout off about how, for example, the Rafael blindside was our move, but it would be BS. Each tribal we all held the same level of control of what was going to happen and we discussed and talked thru each move before it was made. There were only two tribals where I was genuinely shocked at the outcomes and those were Mo’s blindside and your blindside, in a strategical sense the 3 of us played nearly identical games, but as I said before I believe my social game is what made me stand out from the competition.
For your second question, I feel like it could definitely apply to multiple people on the jury for me. Firstly I’d say Ryan M, because in the last game we played together we were always working against each other even though he seemed like somebody that I would have actually been able to click with, unfortunately feelings from our last game carried over and we still never got to connect, especially after the whole blocking incident. RTP is someone that I heard good things about before coming into this game, and I feel like we also never got a chance to connect so he is someone I would have liked to get to know more. I feel like everyone else on jury I had built good relationships with, I would say too though, that if I had Bryce and Richie on the same tribe with me from the jump I feel like I wouldn’t have been as down in the first few rounds of the game as I was and, on a personal-nongame related level, it would have been nice to spend more time with them as well. So overall if I have to just pick one I would say Ryan M, because I really wish we could have squashed any beef we had had prior to this game. LINUS:
1. Social butterfly!! Never met anyone with such a stellar social game, you left me quaking! Competitions? King! You carried our tribes, honestly idk how you got out, it had to have been a rig. Strategy? you were the master of flipping! you full on murdered akito at tribal! Ruthless, cutthroat, iconic, unstoppable, legendary! also.. "Now listen here, thot! Why would I want your smelly vagina when my best bud’s anus (no homo) is right around the corner for fresh tasting and sampling!” that earned you the win day one.
1. Akito - Mari Takahashi, because she was adorable, had good potential and deserved way better than the placement she got. 2. Ryan M - Russell Hantz, because you’re good at finding idols and feel like based on you blocking everyone your social game wasn’t that great. 3. RTP -  Michelle Dougan, because although I didn’t get to develop a close relationship with you, you were always a nice person and I know you like Australian survivor and I loved Michelle and feel like you both were sorta underdogs in a similar way. 4. Linus - Courtney Yates, because she was super funny and I feel that like her you were some well needed comic relief on the season 5. Richie - Nicole Franzel Kelley Wentworth, because she was an absolute queen. I definitely see her as a hero, and think that you would be the number one hero of Koh Sai 6. Bryce - Cirie Fields, because she is just such a great person, and an absolute fan favourite! 7. Eric - Abi Maria Gomes, annoying goat that makes it far, but still very entertaining and memorable.
Because it is almost halloween I wanted to do a horror genre theme with your fictional characters, so I decided to compare you to the cast from one of my favourite shows, Scream Queens!
1. Akito - Grace Gardner: Brave, intelligent, kind. 2. Ryan M- Chanel Oberlin: Stubborn, rude, funny. 3. RTP - Chanel #5: Often forgotten, low-key hilarious, underrated. 4. Linus - Hester Ulrich: Crazy, high-key hilarious, charismatic. 5. Richie - Zayday Williams: Iconic, caring, a great friend. 6. Bryce - Chanel #3: Good sense of humour, fan favourite, a true legend. 7. Eric - Chad Radwell: Energetic, obnoxious, lovable.
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