#idk what else to tag this as but theres so many pokes theres no way im gonna list them all off in the tags
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i havent seen anybody else mention this connection so idk if anyone noticed but i get sad whenever i think about it
FUCK i wrote a whole damn anaylisis but tumblr is super stupid and cant take many tags so heres this
#not a vent this time just analysis #but ive had this in mind for a while and im on so much coffee right now that i wanna ramble
#theres this aspect in their interaction where garth bullies jack over his most sensitive aspect #which is his lack of knowledge and his issues with his age #and like this goes for the whole thing#it was odd to me to see garth being verbally hostile cuz he never was in the original#not even in rando land #and as i see it now he is just using this agaisnt jack to make him feel like he needs his art to feel older #for whatever freaky reasons, ive seen many interpretations of this thing on garth's part #i like the thought that he's a big attention seeker lmao #regardless of intentions this must've had consequences on jack or so i think #so when it comes to jack i think he might be affected not only cuz of the porn #but also must have felt really insulted by this #and like i keep thinking that if jack were to get mad at garth it would be because of this #(and i do actually want to see him get mad at garth ) #cuz i think he wouldnt realize for a while that the porn thing was wrong
#not to mention how the fuck did garth know this would work on jack????? #the MAGS #the convo starts with jack being all sneaky about the magazines #being a kid or teen that DOESNT like to be one and wants to grow up too soon #while also being the only companion that wouldnt poke fun at garth even if just a little LOL #this makes him tragically the perfect target for whatever he was doing #im NOT saying jack asked for it but that it was easy for him to fall for it #and ive been thinking about my friend's theory that garth might've grown up the same way #not exactly by being groomed i mean #theres so many cases of kids and teens that purposefully put themselves in situations that arent for them #which jack was doing as well and what garth did was worsen that #and if this were the case then he would perfectly know that hypersexual teens HAAATE being reminded of their age #i speak from experience (not a good thing) #and honestly i can completely see garth as someone who would say yea i was addicted to porn at the age of 14 and turned out alright (LIES)
#i know i get annoying with this thing #half the fandom found it funny the other half doesnt want to think about it which i understand #but i keep thinking about it cuz i care about both characters and i care about the themes here too
also also leaving this old analysis i did on twitter here too..
it's 5:35 am rn LOL
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Pokemon of the California Chaparral!
I was inspired by a recent field trip i went on and couldn’t stop thinking about it until i made this post. Be warned: some of these aren’t completely scientifically based. As diverse as pokemon are, some of these just straight up dont match with local fauna, but i had an empty niche that was bugging me. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, it’s just for my personal enjoyment. Also im a lazy typer so if you want an explanation on some of these that dont fully explain it, feel free to send me an ask and ill explain my reasoning. Also they arent in any particular order, just the order that i thought of them. ANYWAY!!!!! I put it under the cut cuz it big
Ponyta and Rapidash
Who woulda thought i would have a fire pokemon in the chaparral huh. For those of you that don’t know this extremely specific habitat, the chaparral is characterized by lots of flammable flora that facilitate wildfires. The idea behind this is that herds of ponyta and rapidash were accidentally released when they were brought to the Americas by settlers and, being fire pokemon, gravitated toward the hot chaparral regions. They have a particular taste for manzanita.
Vulpix and Ninetales
I bet ur starting to see a pattern here. These would be the equivalent to the gray fox, just… fire type. Hey, I never said all of these entries would be exciting
Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion
Before anyone gets on me, i know they are supposed to be badgers. If you didnt know, the california state flag has a grizzly bear on it. The california grizzly. Who wouldve guessed? Anyway, i needed two things in this ecosystem : a small mammal and a friggen bear. This gives me the best of both worlds let me live also i may have wanted an excuse to include one of my favorite starters
Fletchling, Fletchinder, and Talonflame
Im only on my fourth entry this is going to take forever. I think these ones are pretty self explanatory
Houndour and Houndoom
Now i understand these are a bit of a stretch. My idea is that theyre the equivalent to coyotes. Sue me
Spearow and Fearow
Did you know theres a shit ton of birds that call this place their home? Well I do and what better birds to represent this rough back country than these mean ass birds right here
Doduo and Dodrio
These are your roadrunners. Maybe more of a southern thing than a foothills thing, but it didnt feel right not to include them
Vullaby and Mandibuzz
In heat this bad, you can expect a lot of dead things. Bon appetit
Rufflet and Braviary
Little known fact: in Wallace, CA along hwy 12, theres an eagle nest right on top of a power pole. Its neat. If you ever find yourself in buttfuck nowhere, CA make sure you keep an eye out
Noibat and Noivern
I already know this is the one of the ones im gonna get shit for and i was so so close to not including them. There are pretty extensive cave systems in the sierra foothills though so i feel like im justified
Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat
You can never have too many bats
Tauros and Miltank
At least in the sierra foothills, you see a lot of cows. Its good ranching country and i cant say those gold miners didnt utilize it after the spanish had the valley mowed down of its natural grasses
Bunnelsby and Diggersby
Jack rabbits are very common in this area and of all the rabbit pokemon, these seemed the most hardly and likely to live in satans playground
Deerling and Sawsbuck
These pokemon would only appear in the chaparral during the spring and autumn. In Spring, they would pass through on their way to the sierras in order to avoid the hot summers of the valley and in fall they would head back down to avoid the cold mountain winters. This was a common practice of the native tribes in the area, who based their behavior off of the migrating sawsbuck
Bonsly and Sudowoodo
Idk to me they are reminiscent of certain shrubs that can be found here and thats their whole shtick is to mimic trees
Grubbin, Charjabug, and Vikavolt
Now i know i know these are stag beetles and i know they dont belong in california. i just wanted some shit cool beetle and this is like the quintessential shit cool beetle
Scattterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon (continental)
Butterflies are a pretty big thing in california. I just dont see the wurmple line being here (no silkworms) , but you could probably put the caterpie line and weedle line too. Maybe even venonat and venomoth. Use your imagination, i just didnt feel like putting a million different bugs in here that are basically the same
Joltik and Galvantula
There are ticks and tarantualas here. nuf said. and there ARE pokes for joltik to feed on they just arent mammals idk throw an electric mammal in there if it really bugs you (pun unintended) that much
Hoppip, Skiploom, and Jumpluff
When i thought of these, I really had the cottonwoods of the riparian and mixed conifer habitats in mind. They have wind dispersed seeds so i can just imagine these guys just floating on through not staying too long. It just felt lonely with no grass pokemon.
Helioptile and Heliolisk
Yes i see these more as desert pokemon, but chaparral is just a step above the desert. Game freak really needs to diversify their lizard selection but tbh i didnt look too terribly hard after i picked out these dudes it was getting late and i was getting tired
This is another one i almost didnt include. I wanted something to represent the rattlesnake, but the only snake with a rattle was ekans and thats clearly a constrictor. Anyway, finally a place seviper can be free from harassment by zangoose
And to conclude our list is everybodys favorite burrowing bee snake thing!
If you actually read through all of this, thanks so much! I dont expect this to get much attention, but it was fun to make so thats what matters ^-^ and like i said before, if you think i missed anything or want a deeper explanation into one of my picks, just let me know!
#pokemon#pokemon headcanons#pokemon biology#idk what else to tag this as but theres so many pokes theres no way im gonna list them all off in the tags#i just want interested people to actually see it ya know?#my posts#long post
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Dilucxreader and kaeyaxreader hc’s
with that out of the way, let’s get into some hc i have about everyones favorite siblings!
some of these may be a little NSFW, but for the most part they should be SFW.
Diluc is gentle with it where as Kaeya can go rough or be gentle.
Diluc is a dom, and a very good one at that.
Neither of them are straight, Diluc gives me closeted Bi vibes, Kaeya is definitely Pan & Proud(TM) (Kaeya’s reasoning is “if you catch my eye, you catch my eye”)
Diluc also gives me confused about his gender vibes, so I’m thinking that once when he was little he tried on a dress and loved it so much he wore it for like three days straight, his father was a little concerned but figured it wouldn’t hurt to let the boy have his freedom while he could. Kaeya got in on it and the maids ended up requesting tailored dresses for them.
Kaeya often wears dresses, he loves them.
This is also one of the reason they keep their hair long, that and for their s/o’s to braid n such.
speaking of braids, Diluc is a MASTER braider, but kaeya can’t so much as do a fishtail, my guy couldn’t sit still long enough for that.
Diluc’s idea of a date is taking a stroll (or carriage ride) through the hills and cliffs of mondstadt at night.
Kaeya’s is kinda similar but he’ll take you via horse back, but he has a specific destination in mind. (probably dawn winery to steal wine from diluc)
Diluc may hate the wine industry but my man learned all the secrets to the trade and make a KILLER cocktail (idk anything ab alcohol pls)
Kaeya loves giving his s/o and friends piggyback rides, idk but I feel like that’s his form of PDA lol
Diluc HATEEESSSS PDA, at most he’ll hold your hand but anything else is a no go
diluc adopts diona. no i do not take criticism, he saw how Draff treats her and stole his child right out from under his nose. with the promise to Diona that he’d cut off her father from a supply of wine the best he could. He also beats the absolute FUCK out of those creeps at the Cat’s Tail that hit on her.
same with Barbara, -you know what, fuck it, diluc adopts all the teens/kids of mondstadt- they all eat well, sleep comfortably, and are well dressed bc of Diluc. (razor doesn’t know he’s been adopted tho, diluc sorta let’s him roam. he has youngest sibling privileges)
klee doesn’t rly spend much time w him but that’s okay bc diluc knows she has Albedo and diluc, for the most part, trust albedo not to fuck up a perfectly good kid.
kaeya has to beat up that mf that stalks barbara daily, he takes great joy in it.
no matter who kaeya is dating, he is always also dating Albedo, those two come as a pair (sorta- more like kaeya drags albedo into things with the promise of knowledge and experiments)
bennett has no shame in calling diluc dad and as many times as diluc has told him “i am not your dad” bennett never stops, and diluc never goes further then simply reminding him that he is not his dad.
diluc listens to all of fischl’s stories without the need for Oz’s translations, fischl loves him and stops by Angels Share every time she comes back from her home world with more stories.
diona and klee have a table at Angel’s Share that is reserved for them at all times, especially during school so they can do schoolwork where Diluc can keep an eye on them.
Kaeya taught bennett how to wield a sword. end of discussion, he did i was there i saw it.
diluc has taken to teaching razor how to use a claymore since Varka (is that his name?) is ��away’ (probably dead lol)
kaeya leaves little trinkets in the woods near wolvendom for razor, razor doesn’t actually know who kaeya is but he thinks he’s neat nonetheless.
diluc and jean dated during their time as cadets, then realized they were better off as friends. then jean came out as lesbian and started dating Lisa. Kaeya will not let him live it down.
jean obviously had the most potential of the three of them, she was a quick learner and set herself to impossible standards. there were some younger (mostly male) knights who HATED that she was the Gold Star cadet, and often times tried to make fun of her. cue buff late teen Ragnvindr siblings who aren’t afraid to get mean.
once diluc gets his claymore it’s all over for the people of mondstadt. my guy comes back JACKED and HOT and Donna is the only one brave enough to call it like it is. (fuck donna tho shes SO annoying lmaooo #donnakinnie)
kaeya’s favorite pass time is poking fun at diluc.
diluc still knows how to wield a sword, mainly bc kaeya forces him to spar with him once in awhile, it’s mainly for kaeya’s benefit but at least diluc stays sharp with two weapons.
kaeya tried to teach diluc how to be flirty when they were teens but it,,, didn’t work LMAO
kaeya is a fucking MASTER of hide and seek and tag. my guy is so competative for NO REASON. he refuses to lose those two games. once a lot of the people of mondstadt got together to play a game of freeze tag,, it took kaeya a little under 2 hours to tag everyone and win the game.
kaeya tries to teach klee how to stay in jeans good graces so she doesn’t have to be in that mf room all the time. kaeya also breaks her out of that room often and just lets her go ham on some trees outside the city walls.
recently, whenever klee feels the need to blow something up, she asks kaeya to walk with her to a special spot in dragonspine albedo showed her and kaeya acts as a chaperone and mediator for her ‘bomb tests’
wow theres alot more here than i though LOL,,, this is it for now ig
#diluc x reader#diluc#diluc headcanons#diluc ragnvindr#kaeya#kaeya x reader#kaeya headcanons#kaeya alberich#not kaeluc#pls for the love of god#it's midnight#i'll probably make more#this is all for now#dadluc
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2018 retrospective...sorta
so since 2018 is closing i thought i’d do what tumblr was made for and just make a blog post expressing my thoughts of this year n stuff..

(my christmas tree >:D)
this blog was made early this year, around January. It’s only been a year! its crazy, really. the amount of support and attention this blog has garnered in such a short time is astounding and very new to me....honestly thank you!
i have to say, making this blog has been one of my best life choice. really! ive never met so many nice people before, met so many new friends and have my art shared around and have had a place where i feel like i matter. i hope that doesnt come off a narcissistic in any way ^^’‘ but truly, for once i feel like i have some solid purpose...like there are actually people who look forward to my stuff and care! 2017 was a really dark time for me and 2018 was still not an easy year for me. but, improving my habits and having so many positive people around me really kept me up. i know that even in 2019 i will still have moments where depression gets the best of me and i will still struggle with staying alive, but it has gotten considerably better and that does mean a lot to me.
even if it is stressful and scary sometimes, i am so glad that theres so many people in the community. its the closest ive felt to an online community...its like everyone knows each other and i love it.
of course, all of this is because of eddsworld existing at all. its stupid but that cartoon really saved my life. it taught me some really important lessons that i desperately needed to know that honestly made my life so much better. it got me back into animating and helped me meet this community. and of course, i always value edd himself and his other works, even more so than his cartoon. even if i get extremely upset thinking about the fact he may be gone now, i still love & respect him and i dont think thatll change.
ive changed a lot over this year i think, and i hope to be a more positive and open minded person in 2019!
also, a personal thanks to those ive talked to this year...those who contacted me through DMs, or on discord, or even just sent an ask. ive loved talking to each and every person. i love everyones different personalities and have enjoyed every moment of talking with them (and many, many of them make me giggle and smile)
also also personal thanks to those who just exist & create in the community, and those who leave nice tags on my art...i read the tags, trust me! i smile and giggle at the tags i see, some make me think and some give me ideas, some have even given me inside jokes with my friends! (to the person who once said on my old loss.jpg post: “op im coming for your skin.” i did not forget)
also also ALSO a more personal thanks to snowgem, holly, and xdipp.
idk the chance theyll all see this but snowgem has been incredibly kind and fun to talk to, if even just a little bit. we dont talk much but i always love her posts and try to comment as much as i can.
i feel like i dont say it enough but i really do appreciate xdipp for as much as i poke fun at him. i cant really put it into words but hes seriously made me laugh so many times i cant count and hes made me so genuinely happy and im just so lucky to know him.
holly is my best friend and has been for 5 fuckin years. she is literally the only reason im alive bc shes saved me multiple times. idk what id do without her. nobody has made me laugh so much or made me so happy. i literally cry thinking about how much she means to me and i hope she knows she is my best friend and even with her flaws and all the disagreements and stuff in the past i never want anybody else to take her place.
im hoping for 2019 to be a good year for everyone. i want to do everything in my power to be nice and give back to the planet & humans. the world is a wonderful place and amazing people out there, and youre an example of that!!!
happy 2019!
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