#i wasn’t around much yesterday but i did a little scroll before bed and saw some of your messages and the one in my inbox
heymacy · 2 years
hey, macy.
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that's all.
hey, nosho.
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that’s all.
4 notes · View notes
punkette1026 · 8 months
I Run to You
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After a fight with Pedro, you two go your separate ways for the holidays. However after receiving a phone call that Pedro got hurt, you rush to him in the hopes that you can salvage your relationship and nurse him back to health.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Reader (use of Y/N)
Rating: T
Word Count: 9155
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Author's Notes: Thank you all for your support. This one was a little scary to write because I have never written a Pedro non character fic. Please be kind and let me know what you think!
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****italics means flashbacks
This was not how you expected your Christmas Eve to go. You were supposed to be in the kitchen helping your mother bake her famous Christmas cookies. Instead, here you were on a plane rushing to see your boyfriend of three years, Pedro. You felt a surge of guilt in your chest as you realized that you should have never agreed to spend the holidays apart after having one of the biggest fights in your life.
You had spent the last few days at your parents’ house moping around debating whether or not to call him and apologize first. Then you got a call from Pedro’s sister Lux, letting you know that they had to take him to the hospital. When you heard those words, it felt like your whole world stopped. The fight that you had with him no longer mattered. All of that went out the window and you knew that you had to get to him as soon as you could. However, getting a flight out to Chile on a holiday weekend was going to be nearly impossible. Thankfully, after numerous calls and by a Christmas miracle, your dad got you on the first flight out to Santiago.
As you sat there looking out the plane window, you couldn’t help but think back to the fight that you and Pedro had. Now it seemed so senseless, but back then, it became intense quickly. Sure, you had small fights before, but nothing like this. You both said some things that you regret and neither one had yet to apologize or even check in on each other.
You remembered that it all started over a picture you saw on X. You had already gotten cozy under the covers while Pedro got ready for bed in the bathroom. After scrolling through tik Tok for a while, you switched over to X and that’s when you saw it. It was a picture of your boyfriend walking out of a restaurant. The caption read, “New Couple Alert! Pedro Pascal and former costar seen getting cozy at prominent LA restaurant Friday night. The pair was spotted having drinks and left in smiles as Pedro walked the actress to her car. Could this be the start of a new power couple?”
Normally these types of rumors didn’t bother you. You could care less, because you had seen for fair share of them, and you knew that every single one of them was a stretch. You also knew that was something that you were going to have to get used to if you were going to date a celebrity. However, to you, Pedro wasn’t a celebrity. He never acted like it and was very down to earth. If fact, that was what drew you to him when you first met.
You remembered like it was yesterday when he stepped out of his house and saw you outside of your own home struggling to change the tire on your car. For whatever reason, you just couldn’t seem to get the last nut off of the rim.
To be honest, Pedro had noticed you way before that, but he had been chickening out. He first took notice of you when you moved into the neighborhood over a week ago. He was hesitant even then to come over and introduce himself. He was instantly taken back by your beauty as soon as he laid eyes on you for the first time. You looked absolutely stunning in that black polka dot dress. Your smooth legs glistened in the hot summer sun. Much to his luck, it looked like you were moving into the single story alone. He did spot two other people helping you, but it looked like they were your parents. Little did he know, but that was the first time that you saw him too.
After that the only interaction that you two had was a quick wave here and there when one of you left. Neither one of you had mustered up the courage to go over and introduce yourselves to each other. Pedro almost chickened out that day as well, but after giving himself a pep talk, he decided that it was finally time to go over and say hi.
Quickly doing his best to look presentable and that meant in his favorite Lakers shirt and a pair of gray shorts, Pedro casually walked out of his house like he was going to go check his mail. Then when he was hidden by a couple of cars, he crossed the street and began walking up your side of the street making a B line straight to you. You didn’t even see him come up from behind.
“Hi there neighbor!” he called out to you. “I was just walking by and noticed you struggling there. Do you need any help?”
“Oh my, you scared me,” you chuckled. “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind. I have been struggling to get this damn nut off. I think it’s stuck, or I did something wrong.”
“I’m sure it’s fine. You just need a little more muscle. May I?” he asked holding out his hand.
You nodded appreciating the help and handed him the tire iron, “Of course, knock yourself out.”
Like nothing, as soon as Pedro tried to turn the tire iron, the nut came loose with ease. “See there, easy as pie!” He smiled up at you with his dimple on full display.
You almost melted right there and then. It took all that you had to not lose your shit. “Hey that’s not fair. I’ve be trying to get that off for the past fifteen minutes!”
“What can I say, you just needed little more muscle,” he teased again before helping you swap out the flat tire for the spare. “There you go, all done.”
“Thank you so much! You are such a life saver. I was so sure that I was going to have to call a tow company. I’m Y/N by the way,” you introduced yourself.
He hesitated for a second with shaking your hand. He didn’t want to get you dirty, but when he saw your hands were equally covered in grime, he graciously shook it, “Hello Y/N, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Pedro, I live across the street.”
You let out a cute giggle that melted his heart, “Yes, I know exactly who you are Mr. Pascal. I... may have seen a movie or two of yours. Also Mrs. Walker next door seems to be very smitten for you too. She came over with some cookies and told me all about the famous movie star that lives in the neighborhood.” Mrs. Walker was their 85-year-old widow that took care of the neighborhood.
Pedro’s face grew red with embarrassment, “umm...yeah, she may or may not have a crush on me. Listen umm...Y/N, I was going to grab a coffee or something. You-you wouldn’t want to join me, would you? I-I mean if you are not busy or anything. If you are then no big deal maybe next time. I can-I can just go by myself.”
You thought the way he nervously rambled on was adorable. You had never met a celebrity before, and he was completely different from what you thought it would be like. From your very brief experience with him, Pedro was just a normal guy, older, but normal guy. You weren’t going to lie to yourself when you thought that he was pretty attractive too. That dimpled smile of his, the soft brown curls, and those broad shoulders of his, ugh all of him got your blood going. Not to mention that he towered over you. That was one of your turn ons. You could almost imagine yourself wrapped in his embrace.
“Um...yeah, I think I can do that. I was going to go get groceries, but I think that can wait till tomorrow. Besides, it’s not every day that Oberyn Martel asks you to get a cup of coffee. Did you know that Mrs. Walker has a few photos of you up on her wall in that ugly mustard robe?”
“Okay first off, that robe is freaking amazing, super comfortable. Next, I did not need to know that. Do you know how awkward it’s going to be now when she brings me over one of her famous apple pies? I’m not going to be able to look at her in the eyes now,” he groaned causing you to giggle again. “Well, I’m that you find that funny Y/N. You know if I was a smart guy, I would revoke my coffee offer to you.”
“Awe did the little celebrity get all embarrassed,” you said like you were talking to a baby. “Well, I’m sorry Pedro, I apologize. If I buy you a cup of coffee, will that make you feel better.”
Pedro playfully pouted his lips with a frown, “It might, but I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t buy you the first cup. So about I buy us coffee time, then next time, you can buy that round.”
Your heart about nearly skipped a beat at the thought of possibly getting to hang out with him at a later point in time. You felt like a giddy schoolgirl who’s crush finally gave you the time of day. But at the same time, you knew that you had to play it cool, “Next time huh? Who said anything about a next time Mr. Pascal.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know you are right and stop calling me Mr. Pascal. That’s my father,” he pouted again. “But umm…Y/N, do you think I can come in for a second and wash my hands. It beats having to go all the way home.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his dramatics. “Oh yes because it’s such a long walk. Well follow me then Mr. Pascal” you winked at him before leading him up the driveway. “And I do apologize for all the boxes everywhere. Nursing school has been taking up the majority of my time and it’s been a little hard finding the energy to unpack.”
You didn’t realize it, but as he followed you, Pedro couldn’t help but stare at your ass. He didn’t mean to stare like a dirty old man, but he couldn’t help it. It would end up being one of his favorite things about you.
As you both made your way inside your house, you weren’t lying. Boxes littered the kitchen and living room. Thankfully Pedro didn’t seem to mind though as he made his way through the maze behind you. Taking turns at the sink, both of you scrubbed the grime off of your hands the best that you could.
However just as Pedro went to dry his hands, his large frame accidentally knocked over an open box that was full of VHS and DVDs. “Shit, I’m so sorry,” he apologized as he quickly bent down and started to pick them up.
“It’s okay Pedro no worries. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I’m surprised that I haven’t done that myself already,” you really hoped that he didn’t feel bad. It was just an accident.
“You umm...you sure do have a lot of movies. You a bit of a movie buff?” He was amazed at the vast selection that you had. A lot of them were some of his favorites and some that he hadn’t seen in a while. Then a certain VHS tape caught his eye, “No way, you have this on VHS still? You don’t look old enough to know what a VHS is.”
“Ha ha very funny Pedro. I may be 24, but I sure do know what a VHS tape is. That’s all my grandmother watched when I was little. Gosh, I didn’t think that I still had that one. I used to watch that at least twice a week in high school. See I umm... I was bullied a lot in school and my parents were too busy at the time dealing with their own shit. After school in order to just get away from everything, I would put this movie on or any movie really and get lost for hours,” you couldn’t help but get teary eyed at the thought of how lonely those times were. Then you suddenly got embarrassed already crying in front of him, “I’m sorry Pedro, I didn’t mean to unload on you like that.”
“Hey it’s okay really, I don’t mind. I want to know more about you,” he then sympathetically reached out and took your hand into his. “Movies also hold a special place in my heart. Seeing the different actors portray different characters, emotions, and storylines, all that appealed to me and is part of what made me want to become an actor.” He then got an idea and really hoped that she didn’t mind if they switched things up, “So umm...Y/N, would you be opposed if we instead of going to get coffee, we put this baby on, if you have a VCR that is, and I can help you unpack. Seems like you could use the help more.”
“You know what that sounds like a wonderful idea. I still have my grandmother’s VCR and it’s still like brand new. And if you don’t mind, what if I order some pizza for some energy? I have a six pack of beer in the fridge as well if you drink. Otherwise, I have some water and juice.”
“Beer is perfectly fine by me Y/N and as for the pizza, since I’m the one who offered coffee and came up with the new plan, please let me buy it. It’s the least I can do. Think of it as a welcome to the neighborhood pizza.”
You nodded your head as you were too embarrassed to speak. You had never met someone so generous as Pedro. You could see the both of you becoming really good friends. It was like you instantly connected and were already comfortable with each other. “Alright fine, but remember Pedro, I get the next time. Now come on, everything is already set up in the living room.”
Once the movie was playing and the pizza was ordered. Both you and Pedro got to work unpacking the living room. You had made a lot of progress getting through a couple of boxes while making small talk. However as soon as the pizza came and you sat on the couch to eat, that’s where the packing stopped. Between the movie and swapping stories with Pedro, all of it consumed all your attention.
Before you knew it, it was well past midnight. After helping you clean up and taking some boxes out to the dumpster for you, Pedro bid you a good night. However, before he left, he promised to come over and help you finish the rest, so he gave you his number and told you to text him when it was convenient for you. Much to his surprise, you texted him the next day asking him if he wanted to come over for some breakfast. Before you even had time to crack an egg, he was at your doorstep with two cups of coffee in his hand.
From that point on, you and Pedro had become inseparable. You spent every moment that you could together. Whether it be at your house or his, you two became super close. Both of you knew you had feelings for each other but neither one of you was brave enough to admit it out loud. Then after a month apart since Pedro had to go out of town for work, he showed up at your door with a bouquet of flowers. There on your door step, he admitted his true feelings for you. How he felt so strongly for you and missed you every day that he was gone. That he couldn’t go another day without you being his. Before he could even finish expressing himself to you, you jumped into his arms and placed a deep kiss to his lips. You had never loved someone as much as you loved Pedro. It felt like you met your soulmate, and you weren’t going to let him go.
The last three years had gone by in a blink of an eye for you as it did move faster than any other relationship that you had been in, especially in the early stages. By the time your one month anniversary came, you two were already sleeping together and saying I love you to each other. Heck by the time your six month anniversary came, you were practically living with him. From the outside, your friends and family thought you two were crazy for how fast you were moving, but you two didn’t care. You were so in love that it just felt right to you.
That got you thinking though, maybe that’s why this fight had turned out to be so bad. In the entire time of your relationship, you hardly argued. If you did, then within a few minutes after it ended, you both would come running back to each other apologizing profusely. You couldn’t stand being mad at each other, so now what’s changed?  Were you getting fed up with each other? At one point you thought that you had the entire world, but now, you felt so unsure. It felt like everything was now up in the air. You hoped that this surprise trip to your injured boyfriend would be enough to salvage your relationship.
As the plane landed and the passengers began to deplane, you grabbed the only bag that you brought with you and followed the hoard of people. You then as quickly as you could headed straight for the exit where your ride was waiting for you. Thankfully it didn’t take long to find her. It was Pedro’s sister Lux, the one that called you about his accident.
“Y/N over here!” she called out to you. As soon as you got close enough to her, she ran straight into your arms, “Oh Y/N, it’s so good to see you! I’ve missed you! Thank you for coming so quickly. My brother is going to be so happy to see you. He had been a grump since he got here.”
“I really hope so Lux and it’s so good to see you too. How is he?”
“He’s hurting but thankfully it’s just his shoulder and nothing too serious. They released him from the hospital a few hours ago. He is at my father’s house sleeping,” she updated you as you walked to her car.
“So, what exactly happened? All you said was that he fell.”
Lux just shook her head in disbelief, “I still can’t believe it myself. We were talking in the kitchen and then the next thing we knew, we heard a big boom and Pedro was at the bottom of the stairs. He couldn’t tell us what happened, and he couldn’t move his arm.”
“And the doctor’s what did they say?” You really hoped that his injury wasn’t going to be too bad.
Being a nurse, you had seen your fair share of shoulder injuries and had seen the range that they could vary. What you were really concerned with those was Pedro’s mental health. You knew that he would be beating himself up as this injury may affect his professional work. He had a busy schedule in the upcoming year with award shows and production on varies projects starting. You were so happy to see him finally get the recognition that he deserved. You just wished that you could be there to celebrate with him.
“Well, they think he may need to have surgery,” she sighed. “He may want a second opinion though. He damn near almost choked the doctor when he heard them say that. I know seeing you is really going to brighten his day. I was really shocked when he showed up alone. I thought you were going to split the holidays again.”
For the first two years of your relationship, you and Pedro compromised and decided to spend Christmas with one family and then New Years, with the other. This year, it was Pedro’s family to host Christmas. “Umm...yeah well, I don’t know if Pedro told you or not, but we decided that it would be best if we took some time apart away from each other. We umm...we had a pretty bad fight.”
You trusted Lux in telling her what was going on. Over the years, you two had gotten super closer to each other. You had been an only child, so she was closest thing to a sister that you had. In fact, you had grown close to all his family.
“I didn’t know you two had a fight. All he said was that this year, something came up and you weren’t able to come this year. That’s so strange though. You two never fight. In fact, I have never seen either of you even raise your voice at each other. What was the fight about?”
Tears began to fill your eyes as you recalled that night....
Pedro finally finished up in the bathroom and came to join you in bed. However, as he got under the covers and tried to pull you over to him, he was surprised to have you pull away from him. “Hey what was that for? What’s going on mi vida.”
You said nothing. You just rolled over to your side facing away with tears starting to fill your eyes. “Mi vida, Y/N, what’s going on? You know that you can tell me anything.”
“You...you lied to me,” you said quietly that he could barely hear you.
“I... I’m sorry what?”
“I said that you lied to me Pedro!” you shouted and got out of bed. “You...are a liar Pedro Pascal and that is something that I thought I would never say.”
Pedro’s eyes grew wide. He had never seen an outburst like this from you before, “Whoa, what the actual fuck Y/N. What the hell are you talking about?”
He got out of bed and tried to get to you, but you didn’t let him “No, you just stay back,” you yelled. “I know about Friday night Pedro. Were you stupid enough to think that I wouldn’t find out? The paparazzi follow you everywhere for crying out loud. I saw the pictures of you!”
Pedro just huffed and shook his head, “Really Y/N, this is what it’s about. So, what, I went out Friday to have some drinks with old friends. What’s the big deal?”
“What’s the big deal? The deal is Pedro Pascal, that you lied to me about it! When I was leaving for work, you told me that you had no plans that night. Now I find that you did go out and that you were hugging up on some chick!”
“You...you’ve got to be kidding me,” he groaned. “Please don’t tell me what I think you are inferring. Please tell me you don’t think that I’m cheating on you.”
“Well, what the hell am I supposed to think Pedro? Did you plan this? Did you plan on hiding this from me?” tears stung your eyes as you threw the phone at him.
Pedro managed to dodge the phone as it hit the wall behind him, “Jesus Y/N what the hell! I didn’t lie to you okay. I had every intension of staying home, but then one of my old costars called saying that they were having a get together. I figured that since you were working yet again, I would go. I also am not cheating on you. I fucking love you okay. Yes, I know there were rumors about me and her back in the day, but nothing ever happened. We were surrounded by our friends the entire time. We were never alone together!”
“Oh, so now this is my fault, because I had to work. Well, I’m sorry that the hospital is short staffed Pedro. Besides, weren’t you the one encouraging me to work overtime?”
“Yes, and that was when I was working!” Pedro shouted at you. “I told you that you should work some more when I am not home, so you wouldn’t have to think about us being apart like you usually do. I don’t get why after I have been gone for months filming, you all of a sudden want to work more hours now. I’ve hardly seen you in the past two weeks.”
You couldn’t believe how selfish Pedro was acting right now. “Are you serious Pedro? So, you mean to tell me that when you leave to go work in another country, I have no choice but to be here all alone in this big empty house, but when you come home, I am not allowed to work. I have to be here with you, so you don’t feel the same way that I do when you leave. So, you do not get bored. I know things were easier when I was in nursing school because I was able to be home and work on homework and stuff, but now that I’m that working, I can’t just drop it all as soon as you walk in the door. I work in an environment where people’s lives are at stake.”
“I know that Y/N and I’m not asking you to give it all up. I know how hard you work and how much you love your job. All I’m asking is just to have some uninterrupted time with you. No work, no commitment, nothing. Next year is going to be super busy and I want us to spend as much time as we can with each other,” he sighed.
“And if I do manage to stop working overtime Pedro, what are we going to do then? Stay home?” you asked. “Stay cramped up in this house, door dashing date meals. Ever since this whole “Internet Daddy” thing started, we don’t even go out anymore. You don’t let us go out together anymore.”
That was true. In the beginning of your relationship, you were able to sneak in dinner dates, coffee trips, and the occasional vacation without being noticed by the public. But now that Pedro’s popularity blew up, cameras constantly caught his every move. It was a miracle with social media being what it was, that no one had a clue that he was dating. He made sure that you always took the proper precautions if you needed to go out.
 “Yes, you are right, and I still stand by that decision Y/N. There is no way in hell am I putting you in the public eye. No, I will not do that to you. They will tear you apart. I have a lot on my plate already and I do not need to be constantly worrying about you. No, things are much simpler and safer if people don’t know about you,” he tried to convince you.
“But at what cost Pedro? You can’t keep us locked up in this house forever. It’s not healthy. Someone at some point is going to find out and then what? We deny that we know each other? Deny that we love each other? No, I refuse to do that. There are tons of actresses and actors that keep their wives and families out of the public eye yet can maintain a normal life. They aren’t afraid to go out and get seen. Why can’t we be like them? If you are worried that I can’t handle it, then I swear to you that I can. I can handle it Pedro,” you pleaded your case. You didn’t understand where this sudden fear of his was coming from. It wasn’t like him at all.
“Oh, like you handled seeing that picture?” he snapped back. “You really handle that like a champ.
You growled at the nerve of him trying to turn this around on you, “No, no Pedro, you do not get to do that. You do not get to use that on me. I don’t care that you went out. You can do as you please. What I am mad about is that I had to find out on the internet what my boyfriend has been up to. I would have never know that you went out if the pictures didn’t get released Pedro. I’m hurt that you didn’t even bring it up the next morning. I even asked how your night went and you said that it was fine. You always, even on set, tell me when you are going out. So why not this time? Was it because she was there? You two looked pretty cozy as you walked out of the restaurant with your arm around her waist!” you gave him a look that could kill.
“It was nothing Y/N! And I did not go there because she was going to be there. The reason why didn’t tell you was because I didn’t think that it was a big deal. I got the text at the last minute. I stayed for maybe an hour, two hours tops and that’s it. I came right back home and spent the rest of the night upstairs reading scripts and emails. The only reason why I walked her out and to her car, was because she was telling us about a stalker that she had. I just wanted to make sure that she got to her car safely. You know that I would have done that with anyone,” he just couldn’t understand how you couldn’t see that. Nothing else happened after that and it would never. Pedro loved you with all his heart and would never disrespect you or your relationship like that.
“The...the stalker thing, are...are you afraid that might happen to us? With me?” you asked shuddering at the thought of some stranger being completely obsessed with you.
Pedro’s face fell as the same thought came into his mind, “Yes in a way. People are crazy Y/N. you can never know what can happen. I’d rather keep you here safe, away from all of the craziness. Now can we please just forget about all this and go to bed. I don’t like fighting with you Y/N.” he tried to take a step closer to you and for a second, you let him.
However as soon as he got close enough to try to reach out for your hand and pulled you to him, you placed your hand on his chest to prevent you from being pulled closer, “I...I... I’m sorry Pedro, but I can’t. I just...I can’t get over how you are acting like this isn’t a big deal. I feel betrayed right now Pedro. I...I don’t think I can sweep this under the rug like that. I’m sorry.” You then walked over to the bed and grabbed your pillow and the quilt that was at the foot of the bed.
“Where...where do you think you are going?”
“I’m going to go sleep in the spare room Pedro. I...I just need time to think and calm down,” the pain and hurt that you were feeling was clear all over your face. You felt completely drained.
Pedro was right behind you hot on your heels as you made your way to the guest room, “So this is how we are going to start off the holidays Y/N. Everything up in the air now because of one picture that made you feel insecure....” As soon as that word left his lips, both of his hands flew to his mouth shutting himself up. He knew that he messed up. “Y/N, Y/N, mi vida, I’m sorry I didn’t mean...”
You didn’t care if you hit him with it, but you slammed the door right in his face. You couldn’t believe that he said that. You always thought of yourself as a strong woman, but for the first time, you felt so small, so little. Were you really being insecure? Were you really blowing this whole thing out of proportion, because of your sudden lack of self-esteem? You didn’t know, but you didn’t like what you feeling deep down inside you.
You both went to bed feeling angry and disappointed with how things played out. You both tossed and turned, plagued with nightmares and replaying the fight in your head. The next morning, you stayed locked away in the guest room. You were too scared and still annoyed with Pedro to face him. You only came out when you heard him leave. That gave you enough time to freshen up for the day, find your now cracked phone, and get something to eat. When you heard him come home, you rushed back to the guest bedroom and locked the door. You could hear him sigh on the other end of the door but couldn’t find it in your heart to open it.
“I stayed locked up in there for the rest of the day. When I finally did come out, we could hardly look at each other. I don’t know if it was anger, guilt or what, but we completely avoided each other. The next time we did speak, I told him a was going to my parents for Christmas and New Years and he said that was probably a good idea. We didn’t even see each other off the airport, we just left,” You sighed. “I... I don’t think we are going to make it Lux. Maybe we did rush into things like everyone said in the beginning. Maybe the honeymoon stage has finally come to an end, and we are as compatible as we thought.”
“No, no, do not say that Y/N. You two are meant for each other. I can see it in your eyes. Having one big fight doesn’t mean that it’s the end for you. Sometimes fights happen that you can’t avoid. Both of you had very valid points. Pedro should have been honest with you. I know for a fact that my big brother would never, ever, cheat on you. I just think he honestly didn’t see it as a big deal. I do agree that he should have mentioned something just in case you came home before he did or just to check in with you in case something happened, and you knew where he was. With that being said, he is an idiot for calling you insecure. I have half my mind to break his other shoulder. You are not insecure Y/N. You are entitled to your feelings, and he shouldn’t have invalidated them. You just have to look at things from his perspective. After the loss of well...you know, he has closed himself off in a way from every really truly loving someone. That was, until he met you Y/N. The past three years I have seen my brother grow so much. He truly, madly, deeply, loves you. I think part of him feels like if the stress of you two going public is too much for you, he may lose you in more ways than one. I don’t think he would survive that if that were to happen. I believe that you two can work this out Y/N. You just need to be completely honest with each other. We love you Y/N and we would really hate it if you and Pedro broke up. You just need to take things slow. I believe both of you will really grow from this.”
Thankfully at that point, you had pulled up to the Pascal family home. So as soon as the car was parked, you quickly undid your seatbelt and threw yourself into Lux’s arms, “Thank you Lux, for everything. I owe you more than you know. Your words mean so much. I promise you I will do my absolute best to work out things with Pedro. So much of what you said makes total sense. We both let things get out of control. We should have really listened to each other and saw where each other was coming from. I think we both invalidated each other. I hate to say it, but maybe him getting hurt is what may help us put everything into perspective and work things out.”
“See now that’s the spirit. You just gotta go into this positively and have an open mind. Now come on, let’s go see that boyfriend of yours,” Lux smiled brightly.
Walking into the Pascal Family home, it was still warm and welcoming like you remember. When Pedro first brought you there, you could remember how nervous and scared you felt, but as soon as his family welcomed you with open arms, you felt like you had been part of the family for years.
Following Lux to the kitchen, you smelled wonderful cooking on the stove. That’s when you saw Pedro’s father Jose come around the corner, “Oh Y/N, you made it! So glad that you could make it. I wish it wasn’t under these circumstances, but I’m glad you are here.”
“Yes, I came quickly as soon as I could Mr. Pascal. There is no other place that I’d rather be. I am so thankful that Lux called me,” you said giving the older man a big hug.
“Well, I’m sure that son of mine will be very happy to see you. Lord knows that he could use the company. And please for the thousandth time, call me Jose,” he chuckled.
“You got it Jose. So how is he holding up?”
Jose frowned as he thought back at what happened, “He is okay for now. Poor guy gave us all a scare. I feel so horrible. He is upstairs sleeping now. Why don’t you go to him? It’s the first door on the right.”
Nerves suddenly overtook you as you nodded and headed towards the stares. You couldn’t help but have visions of Pedro lying at the bottom of them. Guilt then consumed you as you knew that you should have been here. Like he said, it was so dumb to pick a fight right before the holidays. You should have just calmly asked about the picture and the other stuff, well the other stuff should have waited.
Quietly opening the door, your heart broke as you saw the love of your life sound asleep. His poor arm being held closely to him by a sling. Walking over to the bed, you gently pulled the covers back, took off your shoes, and got in next to him. You carefully tucked yourself into the side of his good arm. His breathing was slow, and you could hear his heart beat under your ear as you rested your head on his chest.
Pedro must have sensed the pressure on his chest, because you felt him take a deep breath and let out a groan. Lifting your head, you saw those big brown eyes staring down at you. “Y/N...is...is that you?” he said hoarsely.
“Yes baby, it’s me,” you smiled and cupped his bearded cheek. “Lux called me and said that you took a spill. I took the first flight that I could get out here. You had me so worried.”
“I told no one to call you. I knew flights were going to be hard to come by. I wanted to call you myself when I was feeling better,” he pouted.
That damn pouty look of his was so adorable. You couldn’t help but lean up and place a small kiss on his lips. “Don’t be mad baby. I’m happy that someone called. Now you have your own personal nurse to help get you back to help.”
His pout turned in to a big smile as he got an idea, “Oh yeah huh? Do you think Santa will bring a naughty nurses outfit?”
“If you play your cards right mister, I think I can make something happen,” you then captured his bottom lip between your teeth and gave it a little nibble.
When you pulled back, Pedro ran his hand through your hair and sighed, “I...I... I’m sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry for everything. I apologize for not telling you about going out and I am so fucking sorry for calling you insecure. That was my anger talking, not the real me.” When you went to open your mouth, he gently placed a finger to your lips, “Please mi vida, just let me finish. I need to get all of this off my chest. I never meant for you to find out about the get together from the internet. I had every intention of telling you, but I forgot. Between packing, the holidays, and everything that I have to do next month, it really did slip my mind. I know I should have for peace of mind, should have sent a text letting you know what’s going on. I know that if I saw you in that position, I would have lost my shit too. I swear to Y/N nothing else happened that night. Me and her didn’t even speak that much. She was completely on the opposite of the table. I only really talked to her when she told us about the stalker and as soon as I walked her to the car, I came straight home. I love you with all my heart Y/N. I would never cheat on you. I would never jeopardize our future like that. And you are not insecure. That was an asshole thing to say, and I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. You are the strongest woman that I know. You are the backbone of our relationship and the reason I keep going every day.”
“I love you too Pedro and thank you for apologizing. I need to apologize to you too,” you smiled through tear-soaked lashes. “And I’m sorry for not seeing your side or reason. I was filled with so much anger and feeling betrayed that I just had tunnel vision. My mind was only seeing things one way. I just that all I could see was how happy you too looked together and a big part of me wishes that it was me with you. I couldn’t help but feel like you are ashamed of being seen with me.  I wished so badly that I was the one that you were parading around happily and the one that was making you smile that way. I know you are trying to protect me, Pedro. And I know that you have this fear of something really bad happening to me. As much as I still think we can and will be okay if we do make our relationship public, we can handle it. We would have each other to lean on. However, if you want to keep things quiet and keep things the way that they are, I am willing to do that. I know how important my safety and well-being are to you Pedro. Hell, we have been doing a pretty good job staying quiet the last three years, so why change it.”
Pedro reached out with his good arm and wiped the tears from your puffy face, “As much as I appreciate you doing that for me, mi vida, I had a lot of time to think things over and I realized that you are completely right. I have been being selfish and unfair to you. I have been putting my job and fears ahead of you and that’s not right. You have never asked me for a thing and the first time that you asked me to do something for you, I completely shut you down. It’s not that I’m ashamed to be seen with you Y/N. Like I said, it’s all been my fears controlling my every move with you, especially now. It was my fears that kept me from almost introducing myself to you and now that I have you, it’s my fears that are making me extremely overprotective of you. I’m just really scared that my fans or the media will come after you before they even have a chance to know you. I don’t want to see you get hurt. You do not deserve that. I just can’t shake this feeling that all the stress and negativity will become too much for you and something will happen. I can’t let that happen Y/N and I refuse to let that happen. I would never forgive myself for that. I can’t lose you Y/N.”
Now it was your turn to be the strong one and comfort him. You held his hand tightly, while running your other through his soft curls, “Pedro Pascal, love of my life, my future baby daddy, thank you for being honest with me. That’s all I wanted. You don’t know how much I appreciate that. You don’t know how thankful that I am that I found someone like you. You are the greatest lover, friend, and protector that I have ever had. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel safe where it’s in your arms or by the sound of your voice when you are away. That’s why I am not afraid to be seen in public with you. I know that no matter what may happen, good or bad, you will be right there with me to help guide me. I honestly think that it won’t be that bad. Sure, it may be chaotic in the beginning but at the same time, it may not. Your fans love you Pedro and while they might be a little sad that you are seeing someone, I’m sure that they will be happy for you. Apart of me just keeps thinking of what happens if we do slip up and get seen together. Don’t you think that it would be best if we get ahead of this ourselves versus having someone else do it and spread lies. Do this on our own terms?”
“But…but…would you really be okay with this though Y/N? I really need you to think. You would be giving up your privacy. These days people are going to find everything about you that they can on the internet. Are you ready to see every move we make, documented by social media? I need to know that you aren’t going to run or shut down at the first sign of trouble. I need to know that how you reacted to the picture won’t happen again.” If you both agreed to this, he knew that this was going to be the ultimate test to your relationship.
“Pedro, I promise you on everything that I am not going to run. I have thought this through, and this is what I want. I really don’t care what people say. All that matters to me is your opinion and your opinion only Pedro. I will be the only one who knows the real you and you are the only one who will know the real me. I really want to take this next step with you Pedro. I want to be that proud girlfriend and hopefully wife who gets to brag about how amazingly talented their partner is. I want to be the first hug and kiss when you win an award. I want to show everyone how I’m the lucky one to have you in my life. If you still aren’t sure about this Pedro, then like I said, I’m happy to keep things the way that they are. But what do you say baby, will you take this leap of faith with me?”
Fighting back his own tears, Pedro nodded his head. Still to this day, even three years         later you still found a way to floor him, and he knew that you would continue to. You were so fucking incredible, and he got to call you his. He was still in disbelief that you gave him a shot. The thing that he loved about you and should have trusted in the beginning was how even after a fight, you found a way to be levelheaded and work things out. He never felt lost when you were with him. And even though you called to him to help guide you through the crazy waters that is the celebrity life, it was you that helped guide him though every life.
Every day you brought out the best in him. You gave him the inspiration to be the best man that he could be. Everything that he did, he did for you. He did everything that he could to make you proud. He tried to be that someone that you could proudly show off as the love of your life. He couldn’t believe that he had the potential to be your husband and father of your kids. Two things he didn’t think were ever going to be possible till he met you. You were everything that he could ever want, and you were everything that he could ever need. You were the one that he would take this leap with.
“I Pedro Pascal, would love nothing more than Y/N. You are right, no matter what happens, we will be in this together. You are remarkable Y/N and I think it’s time the world gets to know the woman that has captured by heart. Just at any point, please if things get too much, you need to tell me Y/N. All you have to do is say the word and I will do my best to shut it down. Can you promise me that Y/N? I’ll promise to be more open and understanding with you, if you promise to be open with me. This is the only way that it will work.”
“Yes Pedro, I promise you. We will get through this baby. I know we can,” you then carefully wrapped your arm around his good side and buried yourself into that strong neck of his. “I love you, Pedro Pascal. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Y/N, mi vida, with all my heart. And I make another promise to you here, right now. I will marry you Y/N and we will have as many kids as you want. Just say the word and I will get down on my knees. You deserve the world Y/N and I want to give it to you,” he muttered into your hair before placing a kiss on your head.
You pulled back slightly enough to rest your head on his, “I do have the world, Pedro. I have everything that I want and need right here.” You then leaned forward and pressed your lips against his.
Both of you moaned as soon as your lips met. These past few days that you were apart were brutal. Going days without speaking, cuddling, or kissing, was something that you never wanted to experience again. It wasn’t like when he was on set, and you couldn’t see him. No, this was way worse and both of you hated it.
Pedro couldn’t help but bring his hand up and run it down your side till he reached your backside. Giving it a rough squeeze, causing you to moan into his opened mouth, he pulled you close and deepened the kiss. But as he slipped his tongue in, he moved just enough to send a shot of pain running through his body, causing him to cry out in pain.
“Shit baby, are you okay?” you gasped and pulled away quickly.
He groaned, gritting his teeth and hunching over. “Just…just give me a minute.”
Never leaving his side, you sat there next to him making sure that you rubbed his back and peppered kisses on his good shoulder until the pain started to subside. “Just breathe baby, just breathe it out. I’m here, I’m here,” you whispered to him, running your hand through his sweaty hair.
“Th…thank you mi vida. Forgot that I can’t really move like it want to,” he sighed. “The umm…the doctors said that I fractured my shoulder. I may need to have surgery. I am such an idiot.”
“Hey, look at me,” you said sternly and lifted his chin to look at you. “You are not an idiot. Accidents happen Pedro. Do you remember what happened?”
“I…I just fell. I must have tripped and lost my footing. Next thing I know I’m at the bottom of the stair and everyone is running to me. My dad and sister took me straight to the ER. I can’t believe that I scared the shit out of everyone.” He could still see the petrified look on everyone’s faces, including his nephews.
You shook your head disappointedly, but you had warned him countless times to slow down when it came to stairs especially at your own house. “Jesus Pedro, you are so lucky that you didn’t break your neck. Have you called your doctor back home? Lux said something about a second opinion.”
“No, I haven’t called anyone yet. I just want to sleep and do all of that tomorrow,” he sighed leaning back into his propped-up pillows.
Your heart broke at seeing how much pain he was in. For being such a big man, at that moment, he looked so small. If you had the ability to take his pain away, you would. Instead, you were going to help him anyway that you could and nurse him back to health. “You sleep then baby. I’ll go downstairs and start getting everything sorted out. Do you need me to get you anything?”
Pedro nodded and looked up at you with his big brown puppy dog eyes, “Stay with me, mi vida. I know that plane ride wasn’t the most comfortable thing. You look exhausted. Take a nap with me?”
“Of course, baby, you don’t even have to ask twice. Let me just get out of these jeans first,” you told him as you stood up to strip them off and your sweater.
“That’s so not fair, mi vida. You just can’t get naked in front of me like that while I’m laid up here,” he pouted.
Rolling your eyes as you got back into bed, you couldn’t help but softly slap his chest, “I’m not naked and if even if I were and you weren’t hurt, we wouldn’t be doing anything in your father’s house naughty boy. No sex for a while I’m afraid. Last thing we need is for you to get more hurt because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”
“That’s a chance I am willing to take mi vida,” he laughed and wrapped his arm around you as you cuddled into him. “I love you Y/N and thank you for coming to take care of your old man.”
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“No need to thank me baby. There is no other place that I would rather be. Let’s just promise not to fight anymore, okay. And absolutely no more falling downstairs.”
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brattyfork · 9 months
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summary: chris has an idea for new years.
warnings: daddy!chris lol, orgasm denial, spanking (kinda), nothing super crazy but pretty long
“ready baby?” chris walked into our room to me sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone.
“sure, did you pick a movie?” i started to get up.
“nah, we should pick one together” he started walking down the stairs, me trailing behind him.
my eyes widened when i saw the coffee table littered with my favorite snacks. my favorite blanket was neatly folded in the spot we usually sit.
“chris you didn’t have to do all this”
“i know, but you deserve it. plus you gotta get your energy up for tonight” he winked at me, making me shake my head.
chris had come up with this crazy idea yesterday. we were gonna fuck, but i wasn’t allowed to cum until midnight. for some reason, i agreed. i thought it’d be fun, i always loved trying new things in bed and chris seemed really excited about it so i said yes.
i rolled my eyes at him before he grabbed my hand and led me to the couch.
“what’d you wanna watch?” i asked him.
“no clue, just flick through em and we’ll pick something” i started looking through the movie section of netflix until something caught my eye. chris noticed my pause.
“you wanna watch it?”
“are you good with that?”
“of course princess” i hit the play button and curled up next to him. he laid the blanket over us and grabbed some snacks off the table in front of us.
the movie was only an hour and a half long, chris was surprisingly well behaved. i think he was actually interested in the movie. he just ate his snacks with his arm around me,
rubbing my shoulder every now and then.
the movie ended and chris leaned over me, grabbing the remote from my side and switching the tv to youtube. i was slightly confused until he typed “new years countdown” and picked the most low key looking one. it was pretty much just a timer.
i turned to look at him and he grabbed me, pulling me so i was straddling him. i let out a shaky breath.
“we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to” he said gently, holding my face in his hands.
“no no i want to i’m just a little nervous”
“don’t be baby, it’s only me. just relax” he pulled me in to a sweet kiss, going slow as to not rush me. i got tired of it quickly, picking up the pace, the kiss now passionate and deep. chris smirked into the kiss, moving his hands down to the small of my back and wrapping his arms around me. i could feel him under me, his bulge getting harder and harder. i loved the effect i had on him, there was a reason it was me who wasn’t allowed to cum and not him.
chris moved his hands down to my ass, grabbing it making me gasp. he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. i fought him for a second but gave up soon after, there was no point, he always won. our tongues danced in my mouth as the kiss grew needier, sloppier.
i could feel my arousal pooling in between my legs and i needed some relief. i grinded against him, letting out tiny noises as i stabilized myself with his shoulders. he must’ve not expected it though because he let out a loud groan which made me smile. his hands traveled up me to my hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling me away from the kiss.
“gonna be good for me tonight? do everything daddy says?” i nodded at him best i could with his grip on my hair. he didn’t like that though.
“i asked you a question” he smacked my ass making me yelp and fall into him as much as i could with his fist in my hair.
“yes daddy, promise i’ll be good” he brought his hand out of my hair to my cheek.
“my sweet girl” he rubbed my face before pulling me into another kiss. this one was rougher, meaner as he helped me grind on him, his hand on my ass pushing and pulling me.
“what’d you wanna do first baby?” he kept his grip on my face firm. i thought for a moment, maybe i was procrastinating but kissing him was so good i didn’t wanna give it up just yet.
“can we just keep kissing?” i looked away from him briefly, slightly embarrassed by my request.
“of course my love, you still wanna sit on daddy’s lap?”
“want you on top of me” i looked up at him.
chris smirked before standing up, lifting me with him and placing me gently on the couch under him. he situated himself on top of me, making sure he wasn’t crushing me before interlacing our fingers with one of his hands and leaning down to kiss me. chris kept grinding on me, his weight helping put more pressure on my clit. i whined into the kiss as he moved faster, god this was gonna be harder than i thought. chris started kissing down my jaw to my neck, pushing my head to the side for better access. this gave me a chance to peak at the clock.
forty minutes
fuck, i didn’t know if i could last that long. chris pulled away from my neck, helping me sit up a bit so he could pull off my shirt before laying me back down. he moved down me, placing a few more kisses on my neck before moving to my collarbones, then my chest before he finally came to my boobs. i could feel his breath over my nipples, causing them to harden. chris kissed along the tops of my breasts, purposely missing the center for awhile. finally, he placed his mouth around one of my nipples, making me whine louder than i had that night. he used his other hand to pinch and pull on my other one while he grazed the nipple in his mouth with his teeth. i arched my back slightly, pushing my chest into him. it felt incredible but i couldn’t get off from this, it really only got me worked up, i could never cum from this alone. and chris was fully aware of that.
i got sick of his teasing once he had moved to the other side, switching his mouth and hand around. i grabbed his face and pulled him off me, his mouth and my chest creating a popping noise when they disconnected. i pulled him into me, kissing him but it was just a distraction. i slowly moved my hand in between us, determined to catch him off guard. i lightly palmed over him before coming back up harder. he groaned into the kiss, pushing his face into mine before he pulled back, giving me the opportunity to speak.
“wanna feel you daddy” i continued to palm him through his pants and boxers. he groaned.
“yeah, you want daddy’s cock in your mouth princess?” he ground into me, putting more pressure on him and myself with my hand. i gasped.
“please” he got off me, leaning back so he was laying down. i situated my self in between his legs, propping my self up on my elbows to pull down his sweats and boxers. his cock flung out, hitting me in the face slightly and making him hiss.
i kitten licked his tip, running my tongue in his silt, collecting the precum that resided there. i looked up at him, catching his gaze and god did he look incredible. he was propped up on his elbows, pupils blown out with his lips swollen and parted, never taking his eyes off me.
i licked up his cock, starting at the base and slowly gliding to the tip, all while never breaking his gaze. once i got to the tip, i put my lips over my teeth and took him into my mouth making him gasp. he threw his head back as i took as much of him into my mouth as i could, arching his back from the pleasure. his hands flung to my hair, trying not to grab too hard while pushing my head down slightly.
“holy fuck baby, s-so good” i hummed at his praise, his grip on my hair tightening from the vibration.
i came back up, taking most of him into my mouth and jerking what i couldn’t fit. i hollowed my cheeks, creating a tighter seal around him.
“fuck i’m gonna cum baby ohmygod” i feel him twitching in my mouth and i let out another moan, feeling his hot load in my mouth a few seconds later.
chris pants, catching his breath while i lick up whatever i couldn’t swallow.
“goddamnit angel you’re incredible” i smile to myself as he sits up and pulls me on top of him.
“do you know how much i love you?” he pulls my head away from his and i shake my head.
“think i need a reminder” he smiled, pushing me off him, laying me back again as he trailed his hands down my body. he pulled off my tight shorts, revealing my black lacy underwear that he loved so much.
chris took them all the way off, sitting back on his knees. he looked at me like he was starving, it was kind of scary. he began kissing up my legs, starting at my ankles and agonizingly slowly moved to the tops of my thighs just below my panty line. chris moved into the crevice my thighs made squishing together, spreading my legs as he got closer to where i needed him. he kissed over my panties before pulling them down with his teeth, his eyes boring into me.
“holy fuck chris” the sight of him on top of me was insane. i thought i could cum from that alone. i turned my head.
thirty minutes
goddamnit, i audibly whined.
“what’s wrong angel?” chris asked, my panties now discarded with the rest of my clothes.
“i don’t wanna wait, need to feel you”
“aw i know baby, you’re being so good for me though. imagine how good it’ll feel when i’m finally inside you” he said, coming up to my stomach, kissing over my sides “how intense your orgasm will be” and up my chest “it’ll be so good baby i promise”
“mmm fine”
“good girl, now let daddy make you feel good”
chris moved down again, hooking my legs over his shoulders while he started gently licking my clit. my body jolted as he finally gave me relief where i needed it. he licked up my folds, poking his tongue into my entrance lightly while he rubbed my thighs. he started to go harder at my entrance, steadying his tongue while his nose brushed over my clit making me moan. i could feel him smirk up against me as he increased his speed.
“fuck chris holy shit” i try to wiggle out of his grip, squirming underneath him but he doesn’t let up.
“chris please, can’t” i whimpered out, trying to keep my composure. he came back up giving me a moment to breathe.
“so good baby” he stroked the side of my face. “look” he pushed my head to the side, making me look at the tv.
“only twenty more minutes my love” i whimpered.
“come sit on daddy’s lap” i clambered over to him, situating myself on top of him with my back against his chest.
chris began massaging my tits while sucking dark marks into my neck. he moved his hand up to my mouth, sticking out two fingers for me to suck. i licked his fingers while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
“such a good girl angel”
“listen so well”
“my perfect baby”
he pulled his fingers out with a pop, trailing them down to my body and stopping right above my clit. the teasing was starting to get to me, i cried out when he stopped his movements.
“you want daddy to touch you baby?”
“please touch me daddy please i ne-“ he began rubbing my clit in tight circles with his fingers making me gasp.
“god i love the noises you make baby”
i felt something under me, grinding down on it to make sure i knew what it was.
“you feel that angel? feel how hard you made daddy again?” he rutted up into me “daddy’s gonna fuck you so good angel”
i couldn’t handle this, i wanted more, i needed more.
“please! inside…” he moved his wet fingers down to my leaking hole.
“want daddy’s fingers?”
“mhm!” i squealed out.
“you think you can handle that baby? you still got fifteen more minutes”
“yes! yes! can handle it please i need it” he shoved his fingers inside me, causing my hand to fly up and grab his hair.
“fUck” my voice broke making chris chuckle.
“such a good whore for me”
“yes daddy fuck all yours” he fingered me harder, going at a ruthless pace that started to make my legs shake. he pulled out.
“NO, please daddy please”
“i’m sorry baby, but you know you can’t cum yet” a tear fell down my face.
“don’t cry baby, here turn around and face me” i stood up, doing as he said.
chris pulled his shirt over his head and kicked his bottoms off before gesturing for me to take my seat back.
“you want daddy’s cock?” i nodded my head feverishly.
“can’t move though, you still got ten more minutes. well make a deal” he lifted me up, aligning himself with my hole, “you sit on my cock for 4 minutes, no moving, and daddy’ll fuck you after okay?” he let go of my hips, letting me sink down. i sighed, relieved to finally have him inside me. he thrusted up into me, a pornographic moan coming out of my mouth.
“i asked you a question”
“yes daddy, won’t move i promise” i moved my legs so he could be deeper inside me, making us both let out low growls.
“so warm princess, so fucking tight” i could feel him twitch inside me. i dug my face into his neck, placing small kisses on him.
chris dropped his head back, giving me more access. deciding to tease him a bit more, i licked up his neck making him groan and his cock twitch again. i sunk my teeth down into his neck, sucking dark marks into him while he let out deep whines.
“god baby i love you so much” i pulled back from his neck.
“i love you too” and leaned into him for a sweet kiss
“it’s only be 3 minutes but you’ve been so good for me tonight. you want daddy to fuck you?”
“yes yes yes please” he chuckled at my response.
“ride me baby” he placed his hands under my ass, giving me some support as i lifted myself up and sank back down. i pressed our chests together as i bounced up and down, his hands helping me move. everytime i came back down, his tip hit the sweet spot inside of me, it became too much. i started grinding on him, now slightly tired from the nights events.
chris noticed and flipped us over, pounding into me harshly while i squealed.
“god i love the noises you make” i would’ve been embarrassed normally but i couldn’t think about anything other than how far inside me he was.
“so…deep.…” my eyes rolled into the back of my head while chris lightly laughed at me, only egging me on more.
“only four more minutes baby”
i whined, i know he was trying to make me feel better but i could only think about how long four minutes really was.
chris slowed down his thrusts, feeling me clench around him. he pulled all the way out before slamming back into me, making me cry out each and every time. i couldn’t tell you how long that lasted, i was so fucked out that i didn’t know which way was up, nonetheless how much time had passed.
before i knew it, chris started at his normal pace again, still as hard as before. i dug my nails into his back, causing him to groan at the pain.
“fuck CHRIS i can’t hold it” i knew i was close.
“you can baby, i know you can, only one more minute. you can do that for me can’t you?” i whimpered as a tear fell from my eye, quickly being kissed away by chris.
“it’s okay my love, you’re okay. i’ve got you” he touched his forehead to mine, still thrusting harshly into me but slower.
i turned my head to look at the tv again. thirty seconds. i clenched around him.
“don’t fucking do it y/n, be good for me” his switch of tone shocked me but gave me the motivation to hold back.
“not … wanna be good” i mumbled. chris kissed me , quickly shoving his tongue in my mouth to distract me.
“fifteen seconds baby, you ready?” i nodded my head as his pace became ruthless. i screamed, scratching his back before he had to hold my arms down. i heard the tv beep loudly.
“almost there baby”
“you’ve got this”
“my perfect girl”
“holy fuck”
my orgasm washed over me, my legs shaking and my body trembling as i tried to catch my breath. i tightened around chris, watching his eyes roll back as i felt him shoot into me made this all worth it. he stopped himself from collapsing on top of me, instead pulling me so we were both on our sides, foreheads pressed together while we continued to catch our breath.
“you okay baby?” he asked between breaths.
“happy new year!” i flung my hands up, my words coming out more as squeaks than discernable syllables. chris laughed at me, pulling me closer.
“happy new year”
a/n- lmao remember when i was like “i’m gonna take a break. anyway, unsure how i feel abt this but i’ve had the idea for weeks. sorry it’s late but
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izzywantscheesecake · 10 months
sick day-hobie brown
Today was a bad day.
You thought you had gotten rid of your sickness for good yesterday, but that was just the appetizer in the huge buffet of nausea your body was preparing especially for you.
You had begged your parents a second time to let you stay home from school, and they let you, albeit slightly skeptical about how sick you claimed to be. You hoped whatever was in you would disappear by the next day, because they told you after today they wouldn’t let you commit truancy any longer.
Nobody was in the house with you, everyone you lived with had work and their own personal things to deal with, so you had to treat yourself.
You stayed in bed all morning, not getting anything done and occasionally using your energy to get up and use the bathroom or go to the kitchen.
It hadn’t even hit you how much time had passed before it was around 3, the usual time your school ended. You wiped a bead of sweat off your forehead, annoyed about how lazy you’ve been all day even though it really wasn’t your fault.
Succumbing to your low energy, you began to feel your eyelids droop and your body relax. Just before everything went black, a sudden banging at your window caused you to jolt awake.
You shifted up in your bed, thinking the source of the noise might’ve been a squirrel or a pigeon, but a tall silhouette standing by your balcony told you otherwise.
Slowly pulling yourself out of the sheets, you walked towards your window, eyes beginning to sparkle once you recognized what was standing there.
It was your friend, Hobie Brown, from 6th form. He still had his uniform on, indicating he came to your house immediately after school ended, and he was holding about three bags, evenly spread out on each arm.
You unlocked your window, giving him access to your room, and he stepped in, his boots gruffly making contact with your wood tiled floor.
“Hey, Y/N. A little birdie told me you were feeling a bit iffy this week.”
“A bit? I’ve been bedridden all day. I only just got up to let you in,” You replied, swiftly pulling yourself under the warm sheets of your bed again.
Hobie examined you for a few seconds, before letting out a snort.
“Man, you look terrible. But not to fear, Hobie is here. And he’s brought you a whole lot of sacred scroll texts from the lost city of Atlantis.”
Hobie placed the first bag down, and took out a purple folder, which he then handed to you in a mock regal manner.
You opened the folder, and saw exactly what you expected to see in there. Three worksheets of linear algebra, and a packet containing some Shakespeare text with short response questions.
“Wow, thanks. My maths and literature homework.”
“I know, I’m amazing, right? Tell me why when I went to collect your work from maths, the teacher said she didn’t even think I attended school anymore.”
“Well, that lady’s always been quite senile. But then again, you’re constantly skiving so I also can’t blame her for thinking that. What’s in the other bags?”
“Some gifts.”
He opened the second bag, and you were delighted to see a pack of Cadbury chocolate bars, accompanied with a teddy bear and other various confectionaries.
Just as you were about to go all in, he stopped you.
“Wait. Have you eaten any real food all day?”
“No.. I’ve just been laying here.”
“I thought so.”
He opened the third and final bag, which was chicken broth, some spices, and a pack of noodles.
“Why did you..”
“I’m going to make you soup, silly. Consider me your private nurse.”
“You have too much free time. I’ll be fine, just go home.”
“Mmm, no. Any road, direct me to your kitchen. I’ve only ever seen your room.”
“It’s down the hall to the left. But I can show you, just follow m-”
You made a few attempts to stand up, and every time you did, Hobie would just gently shove you back onto the bed.
“Nuh uh. You stay here, let me take care of you.”
Eventually, you realized it was no use trying to fight him and you felt yourself sinking deeper down into the bed as you listened to him cook in the kitchen, humming some tune you’ve never heard of.
After maybe 30 minutes, Hobie re-entered your room with a tray of soup accompanied by tea. Also on the tray was a thermometer you assumed he must’ve stolen from your bathroom.
He gently placed the tray of food down, grabbing the thermometer and setting it closer to your lips.
“Okay, now open your mouth.”
“You’re serious about this nurse thing, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Now say, aaah,” He replied.
You opened your mouth and closed it once the thermometer was in. The both of you waited about a minute, before Hobie pulled it out of your mouth and examined the temperature.
“Holy shit, 38 degrees celsius. You’re burning up, Y/N.”
You shrugged as he put the thermometer down on your bedside table and picked up the tray of food, placing it gently in front of you.
“Start eating this while I get you a warm towel.”
The broth of the soup was better than expected, probably because Hobie also added additional seasoning. The tea was also good, you could taste a hint of honey which was helpful for your sore throat.
Hobie came back with the warm towel and placed it on your forehead to relieve congestion.
For the next hour, the two of you sat together, laughing and joking. Hobie told you about the latest drama at school that you’ve missed, and also talked about things he did over the weekend.
It was a very simple conversation, but you enjoyed it a lot, Hobie really had a way of making uninteresting things interesting.
Suddenly, you heard the sound of a car pulling up to your driveway, and immediately snapped your head up to check the time on the clock.
It read, “16:46.”
“Hobie, you gotta get out of here. My parents didn’t want anyone to show up to the house today.”
He quickly nodded, cleaning up as much as he could before unlocking the window. Before he jumped out, he gave you a glance.
“And don’t forget, that’ll be £150.”
You scoffed jokingly. “I said, get out of here.”
He smirked, before jumping out the window and taking off down the street.
As soon as Hobie was out of the picture, you heard your room door open, and your parents walked in.
They questioned the soup and tea on the counter in the kitchen, and you told them you had started to feel better, and made it for yourself.
Today might’ve actually been a good day.
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imhereformr · 1 year
Waking Up... And the clock reads yesterday for Riven please (:
Guess who's aliiiiiiiiiiive (sort of)
Riven thought sleep would never come, but it did. It was a cruel, fitful sleep that had him tossing and turning all night. After the nightmare day he'd had, restless sleep was the best he could hope for. And really, even restless sleep was better than being awake.  
His alarm went off at 5:30. Riven silenced the phone, dropped it beside his pillow and rolled back over. He could skip his morning workout just this once. His muscles wouldn’t deflate if he missed one day of weights and his legs wouldn’t stop working if he didn’t go for his morning run. What was the point anyways?  
I can’t do this anymore; we’re not working. 
That was what she’d said. Quick and simple, like she was trying to get the words out before they got stuck in her throat. He had nodded, gotten up from the bar and walked away. He didn’t want Musa to see him cry. A year and a half of having his worthless life blessed by her love had come to a crushing halt yesterday, November 12th at 6:37 pm. The walk home had been a numb blur of crossing streets the streets of Gardenia and having people move around him as he rushed home to the safety of his room.  
He had almost fallen back asleep when his alarm blared in his ear. Riven cursed himself for setting a backup alarm for days when he didn’t feel like getting up. He fumbled for the phone and stabbed the silence button, returning the room to its previously dead state.  
Outside of his room he could hear Brandon and Sky joking about something. Brandon’s loud, borderline obnoxious laugh echoed through their far-too-small-for-six-people apartment, grating on Riven’s nerves. He twisted the pillow around until he was almost smothering himself, but their incessant chatter seemed to not care about solid objects because it got no quieter.  
Exasperated and unable to sleep, Riven sat up. Apparently, he would be working out this morning. It was that or lay in bed and ruminate on how he’d fucked up his relationship. He would wait until Brandon and Sky had left, though. By now, Musa had almost certainly told the other girls about the breakup and Stella had inevitably opened her big mouth and told Brandon who had also inevitably opened his somehow bigger mouth and told the other guys. And the last thing he wanted right now was Sky and Brandon’s pity. 
He grabbed his phone, determined to mindlessly scroll through social media to avoid thinking. Though, maybe he would stalk Musa’s page? Or maybe not. That wouldn’t do him any good. But really what more harm could it do? He already felt empty. He couldn’t possibly feel more empty, could he?  
“Hey, Riven, are you coming or not?” Brandon shouted through the door before Riven could even turn on his phone. 
“I’ll, uh, see you guys there” he shouted back, thankful that Brandon didn’t pester him about more than whether he was getting his ass moving. He would break Brandon’s pretty little face if the squire so much as thought to ask how Riven was feeling.  
“K. Cool, see you later.” 
Riven laid back in bed with a sigh and turned on his phone. He nearly dropped it onto his face when he saw the message that had popped up.  
Musa (6:14 am): Hey, are you free tonight? 
He clicked the message instantly then froze when the full chat screen appeared. He didn’t know what to say. Did he just say yes? Did he ask why she wanted to see him? Did she miss him? Did she regret her decision?  
Riven stared at the screen for what felt like hours, reading over her words, trying to decipher the hidden message that wasn’t there, to figure out what was wrong.  
Then it hit him. 
This was the same message she’d sent yesterday morning while he was heading out with Brandon and Sky. And every message that had followed – his confirmation that he was free, her suggesting that they get a drink, his letting her know that he’d be a bit late – was missing. It was like yesterday had never happened.  
He fumbled his way back to his home screen, nearly dropping his phone again in the process. He stared at the picture of him and Musa on their first anniversary – they'd gone to a “romantic” fancy restaurant that Helia had suggested. After they had eaten the, admittedly, delicious food, they stripped into much more casual clothes in the unnervingly fancy bathrooms and gone to a free concert in a park where they’d spent the night making out and barely paying attention to the show. He took the picture near the end of the night – long after the band had finished, and people had left – when they were lying on the grass and joking around, both trying to avoid having to call it a night.  
Back when they were happy... Before he’d gotten scared and started to pull away from her. Before she’d started getting frustrated with him and his unwillingness to open up. Before she’d stopped trying to talk to him.  
Right there, just above Musa’s head, was the second most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. He felt hope bloom in his chest. He could turn this around. He could make her change her mind. He could save them. His phone read November 12th, 6:58 am.  
For safe measure he looked up the date and nearly cried tears of joy when he saw that his phone hadn’t glitched.  
And then he called Musa. She answered on the first ring.  
“Riven? Shouldn’t you be under a few hundred pounds right now?” 
“I didn’t go to the gym. Do you have time before work? We could get breakfast.” 
She didn’t. She had to be at work for 8; she had to open the music store that day. He suggested dinner or a show – he could probably find some concert or comedy show. She countered with drinks. Exactly what she’d suggested yesterday right down to the place and time.  
“Yeah, that sounds good” he replied. He was determined not to let her plans to break up with him get him down. He’d take the day to think about what he wanted to say to her and then hopefully not freak out when he got there and lose the ability to speak like he tended to do when emotions came up. He wasn’t giving up that easily. 
He sucked at his job that day. Not that he was ever great; customer service was not his strength. He was particularly bad that day. So many orders were wrong, a few plates got dropped, some poor man got soup on his leg. It was not a good day to be his customer.  
It was a good day to be Riven though – or as good as it ever really got, anyways. He knew exactly what he wanted to say. And because he didn’t trust himself to get the words out, he also wrote it down.  
He got to the restaurant Musa had suggested at 5:45 – no sticking around work today. He sat at the bar and ordered for both of them: two blackberry beers that sounded exactly like something Musa would like.  
Musa got there at 6. She looked tired and stressed. Had she been like that yesterday? He couldn’t remember. Musa had never had a great sleep schedule – she usually got up around 7 after having been up for hours the night before doing something or other: usually writing, but sometimes it was studying or, for a few weeks after her foray into the Golden Kingdom, crying. Despite her not-so-great sleeping habits, she’d had never looked quite this tired.  
“Listen, we need to talk” she started, taking a large sip of the beer. “That’s good...” she mumbled before taking another large gulp. She was nervous. How had he not seen that? It seemed so obvious now that he knew what was coming.  
“I thought you’d like it...” 
He was stalling. The words he wanted were there, they were in his mind all lined up waiting to go, he just needed to get them out. He had practiced this. He had recited the words he wanted to say all day at work – sometimes accidentally saying something meant for Musa to a client – and the entire walk to the restaurant.  
“So... uh...” Musa fidgeted with her sleeves. Now, while she was trying to get the words out, was his chance to tell her everything. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words he wanted died on his tongue.  
And again. 
And again.  
And why couldn’t he get the stupid fucking words out? He was growing increasingly irritated with himself and it was starting to show, and Musa would think it had to do with him and then she’d definitely leave and WHY COULDN’T HE JUST GET THE WORDS OUT?!!?!??
“Riven” she sighed, “I ca-” 
He pulled the paper – the one that contained every word he wanted to say to her – and held it out. It was a last resort. He wanted to tell her everything; to show her that he could do this whole boyfriend thing properly. A last resort would have to do. Musa startled a bit. Her questioning eyes lifted from the paper in his hands to his, tears pooling in her blue eyes. God, he really was a jerk. How could he not have noticed that she was on the verge of tears yesterday? 
“Please” he whispered.  
Musa took the paper between trembling hands and unfolded it. He watched, unable to breathe or move or think, as she read. Every shuddering breath he took tore him apart and every soft smile stitched him back together. A tear escaped her eyes and slid down her cheek, dropping onto the page.  
He wanted to reach out: to brush the tear away even if it had already escaped her face; to take her hand; to kiss her forehead; to touch her knee; to tell her he loved her. He just couldn’t. Not until he knew she understood that he would go to the end of the universe for her. That he would always come back to her. That he would kill for her. And die for her. And live for her. Riven had spent his entire life insisting that he would never fall in love and never be one of those idiots that was willing to give up everything for a girl. Then Musa looked at him and smiled at him, and all of it – the stories, the love songs – made sense.  
There were still tears in her eyes when she looked up, but it was different. When she’d come in, she looked dejected. Now, she looked at him with a love so fierce it burned him up in the best possible way. It horrified him to realise that she hadn’t looked at him like that in weeks when a year ago that (and utter rage, but he could pretend that one didn’t happen) was the only way she ever looked at him. 
“I’m sorry” he whispered, stretching his arm to offer her his hand. 
Musa smiled at him. She folded the paper and shoved it into her pocket. “I’m keeping this” she told him as she took his hand and pulled it into her lap.  
“Okay” he chuckled, rolling his eyes. The plan had been to burn the paper so no one would ever know he had feelings, but if Musa wanted to keep it, that was okay too. Anything was okay, as long as she was happy.  
“One more try” she nodded. “We give us one more try.” 
“I’ll do better” he assured her.  
Musa pulled her chair closer to him, all the while never letting go of his hand. “Me too.” 
“Muse, you have noth-” 
“Clearly I do” she scoffed. “Riven, I had no idea you... that you felt this way about me. I was so sure you didn’t care, and I’d gotten so in my head and started convincing myself that you were... I don’t know. Whatever” she shook her head. “Flora told me I should talk to you weeks ago. Clearly, she was right...” 
“The bitch” he deadpanned.  
“For real. Like, fuck her” Musa laughed. When her laughter subsided, she took a deep breath. “I’ll talk to you even if...” she trailed off. 
“Talking about it fucking sucks?” 
“You could just write me a song” he suggested.  
“And you can just write me a letter” she countered with another laugh that made his heart flutter. “But we talk. However we need to.” 
And they did talk. All evening. They talked through four pitchers of beer, a split plate of “mixed starter platter”, a lot of tears – some from him, as much as he loathed to admit it – and one very annoyed bartender that hated that they were the last two people in the place. They got everything out into the open and, much to his surprise, he didn’t care that people could hear them.  
When they finally left, it felt like a weight that he didn’t even realise had existed had been lifted off them; like they were back in that honeymoon phase. Riven walked Musa home and kissed her goodnight when they reached her door. He turned to leave but she pulled him back into her before leading him up to the girls’ second floor apartment.  
They settled into bed. Musa curled herself up into him and Riven buried his face in her hair. He could feel her fingers tracing lazy circles into his back until she fell asleep. And then, he forced himself to stay awake, not wanting to miss a moment with her. When he finally allowed himself to go to bed, sleep came easily.  
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What did you eat for lunch today? My leftover lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop. 
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? By a beach for sure. 
Have you watched any good horror/thriller movies lately? I watched X a few weeks ago and I thought it was good. I want to watch the prequel now, Pearl. 
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I honestly would be too afraid to go alone. I wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable. I’d love to travel abroad if I could take someone with me, though. 
What was the last thing you watched on TV? I have Everybody Loves Raymond on in the background. 
Do you know your blood type? Yes. 
Yesterday, did you get up before 9am? I usually get up at 6 or 7. I sometimes go back to sleep until like 9 or 10, though. Every once in awhile I’ll actually sleep in until then. 
How many times does the number ‘7’ occur in your phone number? It doesn’t. 
What was your favorite board game as a child? Trouble, Sorry, and Chutes and Ladders. 
Are you a coffee drinker? Yeppp. 
When are you going on vacation again? I don’t have any plans as of now. It’ll be awhile before I can go anywhere. 
Who did you last have an alcoholic drink with? A group of friends several years ago. 
What are you going to do after this? I’ll be getting ready for bed. 
Who was the last person you were under the covers with? Just me.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah.
What did you do today? I first got up around 7, but I went back to bed until a little after 10. After I got up, I took a couple of my morning meds and then a little bit later my mom gave me the rest of my meds and one of my shakes via the feeding tube. Then I ate breakfast and had my coffee while catching up on social media and checking TikTok. Then the rest of the day I scrolled through Tumblr, watched TV, had lunch, did some reading, rested, and had dinner.
How is your hair? It’s ugly right now. It’s still short from when I chopped all my hair a couple summers ago and has no style to it. I really want it to grow more and dye it red again. 
Do you like to cuddle? I really haven’t had much cuddling experience to be honest. I probably wouldn’t be able to cuddle long cause I’d get too hot haha. 
Name something great that happened today? I’m trying to get back into my reading groove again and did a decent amount of reading today. Ooh, and my mom bought me more Reese’s lol. 
How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over? A few. 
When was the last time you saw your father? Like twenty minutes ago.
Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? No.
Do you like your life as of now? It needs a lot of work.
Who was the last person you hung out one-on-one with? My mom.
Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant? I’d be really freaked out and confused to say the very least because I don’t know how that would happen being I’m a virgin and I can’t get pregnant.
Last thing you drank? Coffee.
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I tend to make everything complicated. 
Could you go a day without eating? I have sometimes back when I was having eating and appetite issues. There were days I didn’t eat much, which wasn’t good either. It led to a lot of problems and needing a feeding tube, so there’s that. I can’t go a day anymore without eating. 
Ever kissed anyone whose name starts with a M? No.
Where did your last kiss take place? I don’t remember, it was so long ago.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? I met this band called Honor Society several years ago when I saw the Jonas Brothers. I’m pretty sure they’re not together anymore.
Do you use online banking? Do you have an app on your phone? Yes.
How old were you when you started buying your own clothes? I think in middle school I did sometimes. My freshman year is when I started doing more shopping, though. It was cool because my dad worked at the mall and I sometimes went to work with him on the weekends and got to hang out there for hours. It was really cool when we got there before the mall even opened because I was able to go shopping right when stores opened and I’d pretty much have the mall to myself for a bit. 
Who does most of the chores in your house? My mom. 
What is your least favourite household chore? I’m not particularly fond of any chores. 
What was your first job? Did you like it? I’ve never had a job. 
What was the last food you were craving? Did you get some? Wingstop and yes I had it for dinner yesterday and my leftovers for lunch today. 
Has anyone ever seen you naked? Yes. 
How do you get around? Car, bike, public transport? Well, since being home from the hospital I’ve been using a transport service to go places because I’m taken on a gurney. It’ll be that way until near the end of the year. 
How often do you see your parents? Everyday, we live together. 
Do you own your cell phone or is it on a plan? I’m on a family plan. 
Where do you get most of your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic. 
Do you remember how old you were when you first started using computers? When I was in kindergarten we played educational games on them. My family got our first computer when I was 9. 
What is the first video game you remember playing? Super Mario World. 
Have you ever dated a Josh? No.
Does your family do reunion gatherings? We’ve done several, but it’s been several years since our last one. We did that a lot when I was growing up.
What would you order to drink if you were in a bar right now? A soda. 
How old were you when you started to wear a bra, if ever? I was in 7th grade. 
Do you have any long-lost loves? No. When was the last time you had a first kiss? Uh, I had my very first kiss when I was 16.
How many homes have you ever lived in? Two. 
When was the last time you moved? 11 years ago.
Have you ever donated money to charity? Yes.
What’s your favourite type of exercise? None.
How many jobs have you had? Zero.
When was the last time you dined at your favourite restaurant? I don’t have a favorite restaurant. 
What do you keep in your bedside table? Well, I have two. One has 3 drawers and I keep miscellaneous stuff in those and on top is my lotions and body sprays. I also have a TV tray that’s closer to me that I have my drinks and some snacks on. I also have a few scrunchies and a pack of rubber bands on it right now. 
Have you ever given your number to someone? Yeah.
Do you have an ensuite bathroom? No.
What shoes do you wear the most? I actually haven’t worn any shoes in several months since I was in the hospital and then even since I’ve been home. When I go to my doctor appointments I’m taken on a gurney and just wear socks cause who cares. Anyway, before all that I always wore my black Adidas. 
How old were you when you learned how to drive? I haven’t. 
Have you ever been to a baby shower? What was the baby's name? I’ve been to a few. 
What mode of transport did you take to high school? My mom usually took me, but once in awhile my dad or aunt did. 
Name a personality trait of yours that you like. I’m understanding. 
Name something about your physical attraction that you dislike. Ugh, everything. I’m a real mess right now and extra self-conscious. 
What's in your purse right now? I don’t have one currently.
Do you vote in your country's elections? Yes.
What was your first kiss like? It was awkward, but I was just all giddy about having had my first kiss lol. 
Shuffle your music and skip twice. What song is playing? Nah. 
Have you ever been a freelancer? Nope.
What mood were you in when you woke up today? Tired.
What storey is your bedroom on? I live in a one-story house. 
What gifts do you usually receive at Easter? Usually gift cards, something else like a shirt or stuffed animal, and candy.
Do you use a planner to keep track of your life? I use my notes and calendar apps to keep track of some things. 
Who was the last person you sent an email to? I have no idea, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve sent an email. 
Are there any posters in your bedroom? Yes.
What was your favourite fairytale as a kid? Does Alice in Wonderland count?
Is there anything in your freezer that you really need to get rid of? *shrug*
Have you ever played Second Life? No.
What do you like about the town or city you live in? Only that my family is here, otherwise my city is awful. 
What do you dislike about the town or city you live in? It’s not the best or safest place to live. 
Are your parents good cooks? Yes. 
What's the first thing you notice about a person? I honestly don’t really know. 
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? I’ve never been. What is your favourite museum? I don’t have a particular favorite, but I enjoy going to historical museums. Although, I think if I ever went to the Smithsonian it would become my favorite. It sounds so cool.
Do you know anyone who is an actor? No.
Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? I got them taken out when I was a teenager. 
How many weddings have you been to? Three. 
Do you watch Youtube? What channels do you like? Yes, I watch a lot of YouTube.
What's your alcohol of choice? None.
Have you ever used a public pay phone? I have. 
Which one item would you save from your burning house? Gah, that would be so hard to just grab one thing. I’d of course want to grab many things like my phone, laptop, and some other things, but if I could only grab one I’d have to grab my meds. I’m grouping them as one thing cause they’re all together in this little tub thing that I could just quickly grab. There’s also medical supplies I’d really need cause they’re not stuff I can buy at the store. 
Do you have a Twitter account? I do.
What is your hair like right now? Like an ugly mess. 
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over-easy, scrambled, hard boiled, deviled. 
What's the longest you've been without showering? The 3 months I was in the hospital. I only could have bed baths. 
Name one of your guilty pleasure songs. I don’t have one.
Have you ever made an item of clothing? Nope.
What was the most expensive bill you paid within the last month? My credit card bills are kinda high. :/
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australiablog · 2 months
Once again I woke up at 5:30, I’m starting to dislike these early wake up calls especially when I don’t even have anything planned today. I mean it is my own fault for falling asleep pretty early in the evening. I lounged in bed a bit scrolling through social media. Check out is at 10am so I busied myself with repacking my bags. I have an extra bag with me just in case I would buy too much and look and behold, I did. So I packed my sleeping bag, Uggs and pillow in that bag so now my backpack only holds the souvenirs I got. I am wearing my jeans but soon regretted that when I went to find a place for breakfast. There isn’t a cloud in the sky at 21 degrees so it’s definitely too warm to be wearing long jeans. But I know myself and I will get cold on the airplane this afternoon so I’ll just suffer a bit now. I saw a cute breakfast place in my wander yesterday so that’s where I went. I ordered a flat white coffee and bacon pancakes with maple syrup. I sat there reading my book and enjoyed watching people. On my way back to the hotel I stopped to get some new souvenirs since they had been on my mind. With the bus pick up they said it would be around 12 but that they would send a confirmation text so I turned on my Belgian SIM card on and the message was that pick up was 13:25. Which is good and bad, good so I had plenty of time but bad since that meant there wasn’t really much I could do in the meantime. If I had known this I might have done a small tour or something, but it is what it is. Sitting at the beach is not so bad after all. The bus driver was a little bit early so it’s a good thing I am always as well. It was only a half hour to the airport. I am flying with skytrans and they only had two check in desks, no one was there yet but I’ve got 2 hours still and this is a tiny airport so I’m not worried. The Jetstar and Qantas desks are filled to the brim. When I checked in I told the girl I had an extra bag and was absolutely fine with paying extra, I was expecting it to be honest. And then she surprised me by saying that since my bag was so light I could just take it with me on the plane, on top of my backpack. Was definitely not expecting that. Security was super fast as well. A girl could get used to all these fast airport things. The flight is at 4pm and there was still no boarding call by 15:40. By now the very busy airport was practically empty, I soon found out why. There are only like 30 people for this flight and the plane is tiny!! It’s like the size of a private plane, I was doing a selfie video with switching cameras and wanted to take a picture but the guy told me not to. I guess he didn’t see me take the video so I obliged. The plane only had about 15 rows of two seats, an aisle and two seats again. The engine was like something out of an Indiana jones movie, it had loose propellers. I was genuinely gobsmacked by all of this, leaving it to Australia to still have something like this. The flight itself was not that fun, it was really loud and I had pressure in my ears the entire flight. The overhead bins were really small and I couldn’t fit my bags in it, but to my very big surprise, there was plenty of room underneath the seats in front of me. I had row 2, seat D. Like what! During the flight the flight attendant made announcements that I had no way of understanding, I assume it was the seatbelt thing and welcomed us to cairns since I could see his mouth moving but had no idea what he said.
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I don’t think I’ve ever had my checked baggage arriving before I even stepped foot in the terminal, but with so few people I’m not surprised. It was so warm in my jumper but I couldn’t be arsed to take it off. I did sneak a few pictures of the plane since they are all tarmac boarding and deplaning. I had checked beforehand how far the airport was from the hotel and it was only 5 min so I got a taxi, which was 20$. So not that bad. You could book a shuttle evening bus at the reception to go to a market but I was honestly too tired so I just got my suitcase empty for my last stay this trip. I’m going on a rainforest tour tomorrow and it said to bring swimwear, a towel, a change of clothes and a raincoat. All of this didn’t fit in my backpack so I emptied out my big one. I tried to order room service but the line kept running so I went downstairs and ordered a pizza at the bar. Even bad pizza is usually still good so I tend to have that if I’m not sure about anything else. I still had a small bottle of wine from the other day that I’ve been bringing so I had that with the pizza. Was pretty fun having wine and pizza in bed.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
I can be your mirror - Daniel Ricciardo smut!
You feel insecure when you see his ex's instagram and Daniel decides to show you why you don't need to be
Warnings: smut! unprotected sex, low self esteem, etc
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You were just chilling in the hotel bed, scrolling through your phone while Daniel finished taking a shower. It was Thursday night in Hungary, and media day was relatively calm (all eyes were still on Max and Lewis, after the whole Silverstone incident).
Your relationship was still new, you guys had just went public a couple months ago, and you liked that you were still discovering things about each other everyday, like how he prefers his eggs in the morning or that small scar under your chin he just noticed yesterday. Yet, some things weren't as fun to find out, like what his exes looked like.
A few fan accounts had started following you, including some F1 WAGs accounts, and you followed some of them back - you wanted to the updated, after all (or at least that's what you told yourself). The thing is, comparisons were inevitable to you - no matter how much you tried to be reasonable, low self esteem was always an issue to you. When a WAGs account posted about Daniel's ex hanging around in the paddock today and how cute her outfit was, you quickly found yourself clicking on the tag and stalking her ig. Perfect. Fucking perfect. You just have to set your own heartbreak up, don’t you? If at least you could let life do that, but no, you had to go and fall for the guy with the instagram models as his exes. You smiled ironically to yourself.
"Did you see Max shutting down that reporter on the press conference today?" Daniel said walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso and another drying his hair. You quickly locked your phone and looked up, startled like a kid caught with their hands on the cookie jar.
"Hum?" you asked him.
“What were you looking at?” he grinned you, throwing himself on the bed and sitting by your side.
“Nothing” you answered quickly, looking away.
“Don’t be like that. Tell me” he asked again, nudging you with his head.
“It’s nothing Dan, just silly old instagram”
“You wanna know one of the things I love most about you?” He asked before continuing. “You don’t really have filters. And even when you try to hide what you’re thinking, your face and body gives you away” He said. “That’s why you’re so perfect, you’re genuine” he touched your nose with his. “Let’s be honest with each other. Tell me what’s going on in there” Then he tried to lighten the mood saying "Can't be shirtless pictures of me that got you smirking, cause here I am in the flesh for you" you rolled your eyes but smiled at him.
“I’m laughing at myself” You said and he just looked at you, waiting for you to continue. “I’m setting myself up for heartbreak, more and more, and it’s just like me”
“What you’re talking about?”
“Please don’t say it’s stupid” you said before continuing. “You’re like, a rock star… fast cars, VIP, supermodels… these stuff are routine for you, you have the most interesting life. And you could have any girl. And your exes are like movie stars, fucking supermodels, and I'm not sure how much longer till you realize that and just, you know” you said gesturing to yourself and waving your fingers in front of your throat like who says 'abort mission'.
"I should know better, I really should and this might be nothing, but the deeper we get in this, the harder it's to wrap my own head around it and it’s so stupid, but how can anyone compete with that?” You weren’t making any sense, you knew and he was looking at you with his eyebrows raised and lips pressed, like he was holding a smile. “I’m rambling, forget I said anything it's so stupid” You said hiding your face behind your hand.
“I thought you said it wasn’t stupid” He said opening up a smirk and you opened your fingers to look at him. He pulled your hand down. “But you’re right, it is fucking stupid, because there’s no competing with you. I don’t care if I have to repeat that a thousand times for you to believe me, I mean…you had to have a flaw, huh?” You turned your head to the side. “This insecurity of yours, that you’re not good enough, it’s just the most crazy thing ever. Because I feel exactly the same. I’m the one that’s not good enough for you. You’re so smart, and good and you actually do good in the world. I’m just the lucky bastard that got picked to drive in circles around the world”
“You know that’s bullshit” You said.
“I’m serious. This whole stuff, fame, whatever… doesn’t mean anything. It’s just not real. I’m glad I realized that when I did” you were watching him intently. “Racing, challenging myself, working with the team, you... what we have, those are the stuff that are real to me, what really matters".
"Okay" you nodded agreeing.
"If you must to know, the reason why I didn’t work out with anybody else, it’s because we were never more than fuck buddies. Those girls are great fun, but they're more worried about showing than being, you know? And I’m not really interested in talking about them because it doesn’t mean anything, but I’ll tell you anything you ask me” You were dying to ask him more, to know every little details and to learn from their mistakes, but you knew you’d become obsessed with comparing yourself to them and didn’t he just tell you he wasn’t interest in anything about it?
“Sorry” you said quietly.
“What for?”
“Being a nag. Killing the mood” he smiled.
“Don’t-” “you-” “dare-” He kissed your face in between every word. “apologizing-” “for-” “your-” “feelings” he pulled away and looked at you. “Specially not to me. I meant it, let’s be honest, huh?” you nodded smiling back at him. “And if I’m ever a dick, please tell me before screw things up. This is not nothing, okay?”
“And I’m flattered you think I could have any girl” he said grinning. “I mean, I AM pretty hot, but-”
“Shut up. You know I’m right”
“Maybe any girl who cares about that stuff, and my amazing six pack” he says laughing and kissing you.
“And hard butts” you replied laughing and reaching to squeeze his, playfully.
“And hard butts” he agreed, rolling so he was on top of you.
“Those girls are usually the hottest”
“Do you honestly don’t have a mirror at home?” he said pulling away slightly from you. “It’s okay baby” he said in your ear, lifting your shirt over your head, then nibbling at your earlobe, making you moan. “I can be your mirror” he said in a low voice, taking your hands over your head and pinning them with his own.
Then he used his knees to push your legs apart. You were following his face, trying to kiss his mouth but he was holding you down, his lips barely touching your skin now, him hovering over your neck, your collarbone, your exposed breasts. You were squirming now, trying to get some release. He just wouldn’t let you have any yet.
“You have the most amazing skin” he begin saying. “So soft” he looked up to you, you had your eyes closed now. “The most amazing boobs. Fucking perfect tits, so round… and these perking nipples, so hard when you’re turned on” his lips touched your breasts lightly, barely.
“Your hair always smells so good, it’s the perfect frame for your perfect face” He went up again and kissed your lips, biting them lightly and dragging them out. “I love your lips, I love how plumped they are. I’m kind of jealous actually” he chuckled and you opened your eyes rolling them. “And those eyes. Fuck, I know it’s the first thing anyone notices about you, isn’t it? Are you sick of it by now? So big and green. I love seeing them rolling back when you come” he brought one hand down, pulling your pijama pants down and holding both of your hands up with only one of his. “I’m getting there in a minute” he said grabbing your pussy. “I just want to tell you about your ass first” he said sliding his hand through your hips until he reached your ass, grabbing it then releasing to give it a slap. You let out a yelp. “You in the mood for a little rough love?” he slapped you again and you smiled through your moan, this is so hot. And the best part of it was that no one else knew this side of his, just you. It's petty yeah, but you decided to indulge yourself in that thought.
“I love your ass, I swear I was trying to be respectful today, but you were such a tease, on those little shorts, made me hard as soon as you walked in the paddock” he went down to suck your left boob in his mouth and you were so sensitive you couldn’t help but moan, loudly. “Yeah baby, let me hear you. Let everyone hear you” He said releasing your boob and nibbling at it. “I saw how the guys were staring at your ass today. Fuckers, couldn’t help themselves. Let them stare…as long as they know who you belong to” he said leaning down to suck on your other boob. “Tell me who you belong to” his voice was so low.
“Uh…you” You were a moaning mess.
“You, Daniel! I’m yours”
“That’s right”
“Please” you begged.
“What is it? What you what baby?” he whispered against your skin.
“Touch me, please”
“But I am touching you baby” he said and you heard the smirk in his voice. “Oh, I see what you mean… you want me to touch your pussy?”
“Yeah” you nodded. At the same time this was torture, it felt so, so good.
“This fucking perfect cunt of yours” he said sliding two fingers through your lips and opening them to spread you to him, you were soaking wet and pulsating, clenching around nothing. “Fuck, look at this” He said almost to himself, licking his lips. Then he slid his fingers in, curling them up, making a ‘come here’ motion. He dipped his head down, kissing the inside of your leg, then right over your clit, taking it in between his lips and sucking. You moaned loudly. “Oh sorry baby… you wanted it rough, huh?” he sucked your clit harder, then bit on it lightly. You could scream at how much pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck! Oh my god Dan” He started to tease you with another finger meanwhile.
“Think you can take another one?” his words sending vibrations against you and making you forget how to form words. “I know you can, you take me so well. Such a good girl for me” he inserted another finger and started to pump them in and out of you faster. “So fucking tight. Can’t wait to feel you around me. That’s my favorite place you know? Buried deep inside your cunt” that was it, you came, hard. Arching your back and hips, Daniel releasing your hands to push you down and hold you there while you came and he kept sucking and licking and biting your clit. You couldn’t take anymore, you pushed him away, pulling his hair.
“Can’t-” You tried to say. “Dan”
“Yes, you can. Come here” He said pulling away and lifting you, dragging you out of the bed and into the bathroom, the rest of your clothes and his towel getting lost in the way. He pushed you against the sink, pulling your face up, making you look at yourself on the mirror. He was pressing against you from behind, his cock leaking in between your legs. “I want you to see what I see” he said staring at you through the mirror. “Gonna fuck you so good, you don’t ever forget how fucking perfect you are” and with that he slammed inside you. “Fucking-” he had one hand on your hair and the other around you, between your folders, massaging your clit. “Fucking heaven, taking me so good”
“Ah Dan” You screamed. He started to fuck you hard and fast, pushing you against the sink. You lifted your head and looked at the mirror, it was the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen. Daniel was dripping sweat, thrusting with perfect precision. His eyes were locked on yours and you knew he was as close as you. The thought of how deep the connection between you were at that moment made you clench again and he lost it, giving you one final thrust and a guttural groan. You came again, shaking more than ever, the feeling too much this time. “I can’t-” You tried to say again. “Too much-” Squeezing him over and over, so he pulled out, still spilling, making a mess over your legs and on the bathroom floor. He was still holding you though.
“I’m right here baby. Right here” He whispered on you ear from behind. You both were riding out your orgasms, rocking slightly, your body leaned on the sink, pressing your boobs against it, and he leaning over you, breathing hard.
After you both calmed down, you tried to move but his weight was too much. You let out a weak laugh and he moved. “Sorry” he said kissing your back. When you got up, you turned to him and kissed him lightly.
“You are-” You said against his lips “amazing”. And kissed him again, lovinly. “Thank you. You make me feel so good, Daniel. Let me take care of you now”
Daniel's POV
This woman is trying to kill me. “Baby I don’t think I have it in me-” “Not like that” she smiled. “I meant with a bath” she said gesturing to the bathtub.
“Yes, please” I said already opening the tap and letting the water run. She went back to the room and returned with a water bottle, taking a sip before passing it to me. I took it from her hand and almost finished it, before giving it back to her.
“Do they have any bubbles? Bath salts?” she asked.
“Hum…I don’t think so, baby” I answered looking around on the sink.
“That’s fine” she smiled, getting in the tub and motioning for me to sit in between her legs. Her hair was up in a knot, but some of it was clinging to her neck due to the sweat. She was so beautiful, I can’t believe she wants me.
“You don’t want me to stay behind you?” she shook her head smiling and I did as she asked, leaning on her. The tap was still running, filling the tub with hot water, while we two of us just soaked in there, relaxing. “This is nice,” I said while she ran her hands through my hair. When the tub was full enough, she turned off the water and applied some body wash on my skin, running her hand over my back and shoulders, it felt so good, so comfortable, like I didn’t have a worry in the world. Then I washed her legs around me, kissing her feet and calves and making her giggle. She kept massaging my shoulders. We stayed there for good while, half an hour? More or less? There’s nothing else in the world other than this bathroom anyway, so who cares?
“Can we stay here forever?” She asked me after a while, kissing behind my neck. I just hummed in response. “Actually, scratch that. I’m getting hungry. And thirsty”
“The limitations of the human body” I said jokingly but got out of the tub after a few minutes. If m’lady wants to eat, I’m getting her food. I dried myself, wrapping a towel around me and holding hers open for her to step out of the tub.
We went back to the room, she picked her clothes from the floor and put them away in her travel bag back inside the closet. I watched as she got a fresh pair of underwear and a clean bra, while I put on boxers and sweatpants. She wore some leggings that hugged her ass perfectly, what a view. I noticed her going through her bag, probably looking for a shirt but I just wanted her to wear some clothing of mine, so I took the hoodie I was going to wear and passed it to her. She smiled and accepted it, it looked oversized on her and covered her ass, but maybe that’s a good thing, I don’t need anyone thirsting over what’s mine, I don’t care how much of a prick that makes me sound.
"Do you wanna order or go out to eat?" I asked her.
"Let's just go downstairs, to the restaurant?"
"Yeah, that's fine" I say and peck her lips.
I put on a sweatshirt, and hold the door open for her. We walk out and the temperature was a bit colder out here in the hallway (or maybe it was just too hot inside the room), so I just take her hand and intertwine our fingers, passing my arms around her and holding her closer. I just love that I can do that whenever I want.
And I plan on doing that for the rest of my life.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Ready to talk?
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Summary: Loki can’t figure out why you are ignoring him. He finally decides to take matters into his own hands. Word count: 2.545 words Warnings: BDSM, Dom!Loki, restraints, use of safeword, aftercare A/N: This story doens’t really follow the mcu timeline. In this story Loki already has an established relationship with you, a mortal. And his mother and Odin are still alive. Hope you like it!
Loki looked up from his book in your direction. You were sitting on the opposite side of the couch, scrolling on your phone. You were wearing tight leggings, an oversized t-shirt and had let your hair loose. Your typical lounge outfit. He saw you tense up slightly and knew that you felt him looking at you. You didn’t look up from your phone or said anything to him. You hadn’t said anything to him all morning, and he didn’t know why. It was starting to get to him. ‘Is something wrong, dear?’ he asked you. But there was no answer. Loki just sighed and turned his attention back to his book.
He couldn’t get himself to focus, tough. Something was wrong and you were definitely ignoring him. He started to think about things he could have done, or said, that would get you so upset. You knew he hated it when you gave him the silent treatment, he had told you times and times again that if something was wrong, you should tell him. Loki was starting to get frustrated. ‘Just tell me what I did to get you mad this time?’ he asked more harshly than he intended. You still didn’t move or answered him. ‘FINE. Be petty if you want’ he grumbled while storming to the bedroom. He was hoping that if he left you alone for the afternoon you would come find him and finally tell him what’s wrong. Sometimes that would work, but not today.
If you wanted to piss him off, this was the way to do it. Loki heard you had started to cook dinner and it was smelling amazing. He walked to the kitchen and began to set the table, like always since he never learned to cook. You still didn’t acknowledge his present, but surely you couldn’t ignore him when you are sitting across him facing him. When he was done setting the table he sat down in his chair. ‘Smells amazing, darling’ he complimented you. He still didn’t know what was wrong, but he thought some flattery wouldn’t hurt. You turned down the stoves, grabbed your plate and plated your dinner. Then you turned and disappeared to the living room. Loki just rolled his eyes at your childish behaviour. He grabbed his own plate to do the same, determined to get you to talk to him during dinner. When he reached the stove, he saw there was nothing in the pans. You hadn’t made him any dinner. Loki was pissed off before, but now he was furious.
He threw the plate across the kitchen and it shattered against a cabinet. He took a few breaths, trying to get himself to calm down a bit, before confronting you. When he entered the living room he saw that he slightly startled you with his actions. That pleased him, maybe you finally would talk to him. ‘Will you finally tell me what’s wrong?’ he asked you through gritted teeth. You didn’t say anything, you just looked down at your plate and started to play with your food. The anger in Loki started to rise quickly. If you didn’t want to talk, he would make you talk. He grabbed your plate and smashed that one as well, by throwing it to the other side of the room. He saw your eyes widen and back away from him a little bit. He put his hands on your tights to hold you in place and leaned down to meet your eyes. ‘Last chance, tell me what’s wrong or I’ll make you’ he threatened. You didn’t look at him and still didn’t say a word.
Loki grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulder. You shrieked and started to fight him ‘Let me go’ you yelled. He just laughed ‘Oh NOW you talk. A bit too late for that isn’t it?’
‘Loki. LET. ME. GO!’ you screamed at him. Loki didn’t react to your fit, he decided to ignore you. He loved himself some irony. He walked with you screaming and kicking to the bedroom. He threw you down on the bed and was on top of you in a millisecond. You were trying to catch your breath and Loki was delighted to see you panting already. He hadn’t even started. He let you catch your breath while starting to bite your neck and made sure to leave marks behind. When you finally caught your breath, you started to talk ‘Alright.. yesterday I..’ but Loki’s hand on your mouth cut you off. He noticed you flinched from his unexpected movement. He bit down hard in your flesh, almost drawing blood and heard you shriek against his hand. He moved up a bit to meet your eyes. He conjured up a gag and saw your pupils dilated, while you were starting to squirm.
He pulled his hand from you mouth and put the gag on in one smooth motion. He pulled your head up slightly to fasten it around your head. ‘Oh, the irony… I’ve been waiting for you to talk all day and now that you finally are I just want to shut you up’ he laughed to himself. ‘You’ve made me quite mad, and you know what happens when I get mad, do you?’ he said with a dangerous tone in his voice. You were still staring in shock at him and answered him. But it wasn’t understandable through the gag, so you just nodded your head, realizing you had pushed him too far today. He got off you and sat down on the edge of the bed. He grabbed you and draped you around his lap. You stomach were on his thighs, your head and feet were hanging down on either side of him. He slid down your leggings and underwear and started to massage your cheeks. When you let out the slightest moan he brought his hand down hard against your flesh. In an instant it started to burn, and you cried out. When he caressed your cheeks again the sting made you flinch. He didn’t wait long before he spanked you again, this time on the other cheek. You had the same reaction, and he repeated the same action again. He repeated your spanking five times on each cheek. You were sobbing, screaming, and begging against the gag to give you a break by the time he was done.
He pulled you up so you could straddle his lap. Making sure your ass didn’t touch his lap, since he knew it would still hurt too much. He wiped away your tears. ‘Doesn’t feel good to be ignored now, does it?’ he said a bit spiteful to you. You violently shook your head. ‘So, it’s safe to assume you wouldn’t do it again? EVER?’ he said. You nodded. He pulled you of his lap. He took your shirt and bra off you. ‘Good, now sit upright on your knees. Hands behind your back’ he commanded you. You did as you were told. Loki pulled the robe from his nightstand and tied your hands behind your back. ‘You remember the safeword right?’ he whispered in your ear. You nodded, you knew you had to snap your fingers if you really wanted him to stop. He pushed your legs a little further apart and laid down the hitachi wand right underneath your pussy, almost touching it. He sat the wand to the highest setting and left it buzzing beneath you. He got up from the bed and sat down the chair across the room. He grabbed his phone and started to type and scroll. ‘Down’ he said in a stern voice. You wiggled your legs further apart and felt the vibration off the wand right against your clit. A loud moan escaped you. You looked down when you heard Loki tap his chair ‘eyes. on. me.’ he said to you.
After a few minutes you couldn’t stop making noise. You were moaning, whimpering and did your best not to drool around the gag. Loki was still sitting in the chair looking at his phone, no matter how much noise you made he didn’t look up. ‘Up’ he said. You wiggled your legs more together and whined at the loss of vibration against your clit. ‘I just ordered some food. Unfortunately for you, it will arrive an hour from now’ he said. ‘Down’ he said, and you moved to feel the vibration against your clit again. He got up from his chair and put his phone on the bed before you. It showed a timer for 30 minutes, counting down. ‘I want you to go down for one minute and up for two, got it?’ he told you. You whimpered a bit but nodded. ‘Good girl. I’ll go clean up the mess I made’ he said. You were thankful that he was leaving, so you could cheat a little. He was almost at the door when he doubled himself. His double smiled widely at you and returned to the chair. ‘Oh, he stays there to see if you obey’ Loki shouted from the living room. That was the longest half hour from your life. At first it was easy to do, but after ten minutes your need to orgasm was becoming unbearable. One minute and the wand wasn’t nearly enough to give you what you needed. You were almost there, but the two minutes away from the vibration let your orgasm eb away so the next minute was starting all over again. By now you had lost the battle against the gag and were drooling uncontrollably.
When Loki came back he didn’t look at you. He immediately turned his attention to his double who was reading a book. ‘How did she do?’ he asked like you weren’t moaning and panting in the room. ‘She did just as she should’ his double answered. ‘I think she is close to her orgasm. She is really starting to make a mess’ he went on. Loki just smirked at himself. ‘Hmm.. should we let her come?’ he asked his double. ‘I don’t know, she was ignoring you almost the entire day.. maybe you should keep her in this state for the rest of the night?’ he answered. ‘That is true, but she did promise never to do it again’ Loki told himself. Meanwhile you were still moaning and listening with tensity. Wondering if he would really leave you here for the entire night. ‘Maybe you could let her off easy, but if it ever happens again you know what to do’ the double said before disappearing. Loki now turned his attention to you. ‘Down’ he said, and you did. He was watching you this time. From all the moaning he knew you were close, but he needed to push you further. You needed to know that if things got too much, you could still trust him. That whatever you did, he would always be there for you. ‘Don’t come’ he told you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to follow this command. Your eyes widened in shock and suddenly your orgasm shot through you. You muffled moans were loud and you were trying to fight your restraints.
Loki felt a little bad for doing this to you, but he needed to do it. He stalked towards you and saw the worried look in your eyes. You had disobeyed him, but you couldn’t take any more punishment. You ass was still sore from the recent spanking. Loki took the wand away and moved to sit beside you. He caressed your ass and heard you hiss against the gag. He made an over-the-top movement with his arm, indicating that he would spank you hard. Tough, he would never do that to you right now. When he brought his arm down you snapped your fingers. He stopped right before his hand connected to your cheek. He saw you beginning to sob. ‘Sssh.. it’s alright, darling. I’ve got you’ he shushed to you. He untied your hands and the gag and saw that you were trembling. He sat down on the bed and pulled you flush against him. He caressed your hair, whispered to you how good you were and waited till the sobbing and trembling stopped.
He put a finger under your chin and made you look up to him. ‘Go take a shower darling, The food should be here any minute. Are you doing okay?’ he asked you. ‘Yes’ you said with a gravel voice. ‘Sorry’ you added. Loki just pulled you tighter against him. ‘Don’t ever be sorry for that, love. I already told you so many times that no matter what’s wrong, you can always come to me. I will always be there for you’ he told you. ‘I know, it’s hard sometimes’ you answered. The doorbell ring and you got up to take a shower. Loki was setting the table again and started to plate the food. When you got out of the quick shower you saw he had changed the sheets, probably with his magic. On the bed laid your underwear, his sweatpants, one of his shirts and his hoodie. You put the clothes on and entered the kitchen. He had ordered Chinese, which he wasn’t particularly fond of, but he knew it was your favourite.
The two of you sat down and began to eat. Knowing this conversation needed to happen you started by saying ‘Sorry for ignoring you’. Loki took a minute before answering you. ‘I’m sorry too. It’s just, I’ve told you what my upbringing was like. I can’t stand it when you ignore me’ he said quietly back. ‘I know. It’s just I’ve heard your conversation with Thor yesterday. I know that he and you are planning to go back to Asgard for at least a year…’ you finally admitted while tears were streaming down your face. Loki was shocked for a moment before rushing towards you. He sat down on his knees and took your hands in his. ‘I am, but it isn’t..’ he was cut off by you. ‘How can you leave for a year and not be bothered to tell me?’ you asked him. ‘Is that really what you think?’ he asked you a bit hurt that you would actually think he would leave you. ‘Love, you know mortals aren’t allowed. But there are other ways in, and nobody would notice an extra servant’ he smiled at you. ‘What?’ you asked him. ‘That means you’re coming with me’ he told you. 
A feeling of relief washed over you. You were so afraid he would leave you that ignoring and fighting him seemed better than hearing him tell you that. But seeing Loki look at you like that, you knew you should have trusted him and talk to him about it. ‘But why are we even going?’ you asked him. ‘Well, it took some time persuading Thor and my mother. But they finally agreed to help me and hide you from Odin. Because I finally found a way to make you immortal’ he said proudly. You immediately grabbed him and kissed him fiercly. When you had no more air in your lungs you had to let him go. Loki just chuckled at your reaction ‘I told you I would never leave you’ he said.
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plsimsuchasimp · 4 years
gone (cheating ft. kenma)
an anon asked me to write another version of this post, so here it is. i’m sorry about this, it’s definitely not my best work.
request: “Can you do another cheating fic but with kenma since he is my favorite character”
genre: angst
ft: kenma kozume x gn reader, a little bit of kuroo tetsuro
wc: 1.8k
warnings: fainting, angst, implied cheating
Flopping down on your bed, you picked up your phone and shot off a quick text message to your boyfriend, Kenma.
“hey babe, can we call? it’s been a really long week and I haven’t seen you in forever,” you wrote, pressing the send button with only a moment’s hesitation. 
Sighing, you scrolled upwards a bit, reading through the message history. Recently, his texts had been getting shorter and more abrupt, often making excuses when you asked to see him or talk to him.
1 new message. Distracted, you scrolled down to see Kenma’s text. 
“sorry can’t i was just about to sleep”
Frowning, you glanced at the top of the screen. 10:53 pm. He never went to bed this early, let alone slept. Your throat constricted, but you tried to brush it off, the thoughts whispering at the back of your head like malicious pixies, insecurities and harsh words. You stared at the simple string of words, wondering what to say. Are you okay? you’ve seemed off recently. No, you were probably just overthinking it.
“okay, have a good night! ily” Read 10:57 pm. No response.
Putting the phone down, you tried to push it to the back of your thoughts, but it nagged at you. Turning on your PC, you logged onto discord and noticed Kenma’s status. He was playing a multiplayer game, in a VC with one other person. Right-clicking, you ignored the feeling of distrust and clicked on the other player’s profile. 
You knew her- she was a friend of Kenma’s from school. Kenma had promised you they were just friends, that you had nothing to worry about, but the insecurities crept in again as you realized he’d been spending a lot more time with her instead of you. Biting your lip, you looked back at your phone, the accusing text glaring at you. It seemed innocuous, seemed like you were overreacting. Kenma didn’t really get why you were insecure- he always told you he only had eyes for you, but lately, it didn’t really feel like it.
The last time you two had hung out, he’d laughed at something on his phone, then turned away when you asked to see what it was, muttering something vague about a funny tiktok. You didn’t think much of it at the time, but with thoughts crowding your head, you wondered if it really had been just a video. Kozume had always been distant- you understood that when you started dating him, but was it too much to ask for a scrap of his attention? 
You were torn. On one hand, you wanted to trust Kenma, believe that everything he told you was true and he still loved you like he used to. On the other, your gut was telling you there was something off. Praying that he wasn’t hiding anything, you entered a different browser and logged into his Discord account. You’d given each other the passwords to your socials a while ago, your way of showing that you had nothing to hide.
Incorrect login information. The words appeared in red on the screen, the password field outlined in red. You tried again, ensuring that there were no typos, and it still registered as wrong. Your stomach sank, staring at the message on the screen. He changed his password and didn’t tell you. At this point, you knew something was wrong, but you didn’t want to ask him in fear of seeming insecure or clingy, both traits Kenma disliked. Before you could lose yourself further in the swirling tornado of your thoughts, your phone dinged with a new message. It was from Kuroo.
“hey y/n, are you up? we need to talk.”
Brow furrowing, you responded with “yeah, is everything okay?” He read the text, and then the call icon rang at the top of the screen, red and green buttons buzzing gently. You accepted the call, answering with “Hi Kuroo.”
“Hey y/n,” he said, his voice quieter than normal. 
“Are you okay?” He sounded off, sad somehow.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. There’s something I need to tell you, though.” You paused for a second, hoping it wasn’t what you thought it was, before he continued. “Kenma- Kenma cheated on you.”
“W-what?” Time seemed to stop. you couldn’t, didn’t want to believe your ears. Your breath caught in your throat, shock freezing your body in place.
“Shit, y/n, I’m so sorry. I just found out.” Kuroo was still talking, but you weren’t hearing him. It seemed impossible, even though you’d seen it coming. “Y/n? Are you okay?” 
Startled, you choked out, “Yeah, I’m okay, just a little shocked.” a little was an understatement. “H-how did you find out?”
“Well,” he sighed, “I saw him kiss her behind the cafe yesterday. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was still figuring out what to do.” Guilt laced his words, and you got the feeling there was still something he hadn’t said.
“What else?” From his slight intake of breath, you could tell you’d caught him off guard. He was silent for a moment.
“He’s been texting her on Discord for the past month or so. I think you know her, (f/n)?” You felt your heart crash into your stomach, and your worst fears were confirmed. Switching back onto your computer, you saw that Kenma was still playing the game with the girl, and your stomach clenched. 
“Yeah, I know her.” He noticed that your voice was quiet, subdued, and he swallowed.
“Y/n, I’m- I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.” He was silent then, waiting for you to speak.
“No, no, it’s fine,” You said, your voice oddly calm. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Of course. Hey, are you going to be okay?” He asked, unsure what was really happening inside your head.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.” Before he had a chance to say anything else, you hung up, mind spinning.
Oddly enough, you didn’t feel anything. You knew in the back of your head that this was your way of coping, that the hurt and anger and sadness would come later, but for now you didn’t care. Methodically, you went to all of your socials and blocked Kenma, hesitating only slightly to block his number in your phone.
You shut off your computer and turned your phone to silent, sitting in silence on your bed. Slowly, your eyes filled with tears that spilled down your cheeks, expressionless besides the gleaming tear streaks staining your face. Your shoulders shook, and everything seemed to crash down at once. 
Your body couldn’t keep up, the sobs overtaking you until you were lightheaded. The room was spinning and the shining moonlight was glinting through the blinds at odd angles, seeming to distort your vision. You couldn’t breathe, and then everything faded to black.
You woke up a few seconds later with your head on the pillow, dazed and hearing the blood pound through your head. You groaned and lay there for a couple of minutes, letting your breathing slow. 
You got up and brushed your teeth, staring at your puffy eyes in the mirror. It hurt, to know the man you loved didn’t feel the same anymore. What did you do wrong? Were you too clingy, not good enough, not there for him enough? Why would he cheat on you? 
Guilt vibrated around you, and it brought back the memories of every other time. It must have been your fault- it always was. 
Sleep took you uneasily that night, creeping in around your obsessive, painful thoughts and lulling you to distraction.
The next morning at school, you wiped the pain from your face and moved through the day in a haze. You saw Kenma in the hallway, leaning against the lockers on his phone, and avoided eye contact. When you saw her, (f/n), anger and hurt swelled up in your stomach, and you tried to swallow it and avoid lashing out. 
Later, Kenma stared at his phone as an error message popped up when he tried to text you. We’re sorry, the number you’re trying to reach is unavailable. A pit formed in his stomach, and he went to his other socials, reaching the same conclusions in other places. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, amber eyes scanning the hallway. You were already gone, though, and he moved through the swarm of people, eyes focused on the exit. Where would you have gone? 
When he showed up at your house that afternoon, you were surprised. He doesn’t waste time, showing you his phone and bluntly asking “Why did you block me?” Your eyes widened to see him slouching there, clearly uncomfortable with going out of his way to do this. “Are you angry at me?”
“Kozume, I don’t really want to talk to you right now.” His face twisted at your use of his last name.
“Why not?” 
At this point, you sighed, tired of everything. “You cheated on me. That’s why.” Your voice cracks in the last sentence, and the world stops.
His stomach drops as you turn away, the weight of the world on your shoulders. “N-no. Y/n. Please don’t go!” 
Kenma’s not good with words, and you understand that. Sometimes, though, it feels like he’s not trying. As he shook his head frantically, chin-length hair swaying around his beautiful face, you could tell he wanted to say something, but he can’t.
“What is there to say, Kozume?” Your eyes were brimming with tears, your heart squeezing at the sight of him.
“I didn’t- I didn’t mean to.” Even he knows how weak this sounds, how pathetic of him, and when he looks back up at you, his eyes are shiny. “I love you.”
His words ring hollow, and you scoff. “Where was that love when you kissed her behind the cafe? Where was it when you were constantly texting her on discord? Where was it when I needed you and you weren’t there?” You shake your head, heartbreak written all over your features. It’s then that he remembers the declined calls, the unanswered texts, the neglect he subjected you to as he pushed you away.
“I hope you’re happy with her, because we’re done.”
He didn’t even have a good reason this time. All he knew was that he wanted you to stay, but he knew he didn’t deserve a second chance. Against his will, a tear slid down his cheek and dropped to the floor, making him sniffle. 
There was nothing you wanted more than to pull him into your arms, cry into his shoulder, but you couldn’t. It hurt too much. You stepped back and slammed the door on him for the final time.
Leaning your head against the door, all of your emotions spilled out. You were silently crying, the ache in your chest almost too much to bear. You thought you heard your name outside the door, whispered just loud enough for you to hear, but you just sank down to the floor and let the tears fall.
On the other side of the door, Kenma’s phone buzzed. It was a text from her, and the disgust and anger that filled his stomach at the sight was enough for him to know he’d never forgive himself for hurting you like this.
“I love you.”
a/n: srry for the anticlimatic ending i was just feeling super bad and not in the mood to write but i wanted to get this out here, hope you like it.
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Heyheyhey!! Can i request manager birthday and the team forget about it for seijoh, inarizaki, and shiratorizawa bcs tomorrow ma birthday hahah. Thank youuu and i love you
Anon-chan!! This is SUCH an important birthday request and I am beyond honoured to write it for you :D 💖💖💖💖✨
Our birthdays are so close too👉👈 mine's next week. (Exactly ten days apart from yours!!)
Anyways, happy birthday Anon-chan!!I hope you have a beautiful day, filled with lots of happy things, and a wonderful year ahead. you're wonderful, and I hope you always remember that !! 💖💖💖✨ I love you so very much <3
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The teams forgetting their manager's birthday
Characters: Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, and Inarizaki
Warnings: none
Oh btw!! since the type of manager is not specified, I'll go with my default fem manager :D she's cute and sweet (like you, Anon-chan 😺😆💖) and the boys adore her a ton. She's also very capable, smart, and confident, and she loves being physical with the boys, which constantly flusters them!
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The Seijoh boys would be so busy practicing for an upcoming match, they kinda forget everything that's happening around them.
Lots of focus. You smile fondly, because that's what makes them such a good team. Their ability to focus on their goals and eliminate all distractions.
Until one day, Yahaba is just scrolling through his phone's calendar when he sees “Manager Chan's birthday, 19th November.”
And he's just so shocked and guilty. He immediately calls the rest of the team and tells them what he just realized.
The team feels so guilty and disappointed in themselves. They're a day late to wish you, and they desperately want to make it up to you.
You're their precious manager after all, the one who bandages their injuries with a smile and who always gives them the motivation to do better.
How could they possibly forget such a precious human being's birthday?
That same day, they create a group chat excluding you, and begin to plan something special for you.
They break themselves up into teams with specific tasks of getting things ready for an impromptu birthday party for you.
Iwa-chan is in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly, and he makes sure to do it with zeal, hoping to make it the best birthday ever for you, eventhough it's a bit late.
The next day, you walk into the gym, and it's absolutely quiet and dark. The boys aren't there yet, which is pretty odd, considering practice should've started a few minutes ago.
You stand in front of the gym and dial Oikawa's number, because he's always quick to respond to your calls, but the number goes straight to voicemail. You're confused, and a little curious as to where they are.
Suddenly, you feel someone's hands covering your eyes, and Oikawa's voice saying “y/n-chan, don't be scared. We have a surprise for you.”
You laugh, realisation washing over you that the boys probably planned something because they forgot it was your birthday yesterday, and follow Oikawa as he guides you inside.
When he finally uncovers your eyes, you see the boys holding a huge, slightly odd looking cake, lit with candles.
Oikawa hugs you from behind and you pull him closer to you, snuggling in his embrace.
You then blow out your candles and make a silent wish. I wish to always be by their side
Iwa-chan is already hitting Oikawa for hugging you before the rest, so you hug Iwa too, then Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Yahaba, Kunimi, and even Kyotani, albeit him being slightly rigid.
“thanks guys, this is an amazing surprise!” you say softly, as your eyes tear up. It's obvious that they made the cake themselves, and eventhough it wasn't perfect, your boys, made it for you.
Your heart squeezed as you cut slices for everyone, and handed it to them, as they sat on the bleachers to enjoy it.
You sit next to Yahaba and leaned on his shoulder. “Thanks for remembering” you said softly.
He blushed. “how did you know?” you explained that Kunimi told you, and he smiled at you and ruffled your hair.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, Y/n-san. Thanks for being the best manager ever” said Iwaizumi. He seemed to be nonchalant about it, but his eyes and smile betrayed him. He was fond of you, and genuinely glad that you enjoyed the small celebration they had prepared.
You smiled and kissed his cheek as acknowledgement, which caused him to blush and Oikawa to throw a small tantrum.
You laughed as you looked at them bantering with each other, Hanamaki and Matsukawa teasing Kyotani, and Yahaba and Kunimi next to you. You really did love these boys.
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So I'm pretty sure it's exam week, and these boys are just so studious and hardworking, they're totally immersing themselves in their studies and books.
Until it's their calculus exam and Tendou just suddenly remembers “Oh my God, it was Y/N's birthday two days ago!!” as his pencil flies across the room, much to the sensei's disapproval (haha, miracle boy is so cute)
He pulls the other third years aside after the exam, like Ushijima, and Semi, and tells them what he just remembers.
Ushijima is just stoic, but internally he's like "how could I forget? I never forget important dates like these? Is something wrong with me?" And Semi's just so sad he wants to scoop you in his arms right away.
Tendou then proposes the idea of taking you somewhere after school to surprise you, and they agree, and run off to tell the rest of the team.
Goshiki is just close to tears he hates that he forgot his favourite senpai's birthday, especially when you remembered his (and the entire team's) and never failed to make it a special day for them.
So after school ends, you're getting ready to go back home, when Semi just scoops you into his arms and carries you to the rest of the team.
You're not all that shocked, since Semi does this pretty often, and so you let him. “where are we going?” you ask, and he just casually answers “to celebrate the end of exams”
You laugh silently. They're definitely planning more than that, but you decide to humour them, and smile at the team when Semi lets you down gently.
“let's go have udon” says Shirabu with a too-big smile. You and the team walk to an udon shop near the school, and enter quietly.
Goshiki sits next you, and he looks like he wants to say something, but can't, as he bites his lip. Ushijima sits in front of you, and rest of the team take their places and begin ordering.
You notice Tendou talking to the shop owner intently, with Shirabu next to him. Ushijima knows that you might suspect something, so he tries getting your attention by asking you about your exams.
Suddenly, Tendou brings a cake to the table and team begins singing happy birthday for you. You smile happily and wait for them to finish before making a wish and blowing off the candles.
You smile happily at the team and their hearts grow warm, seeing you so happy like that.
“We're sorry for not remembering sooner, y/n-senpai” says Goshiki in a sad voice. Your heart tugs at seeing him so sad, so you ruffle his hair and assure him that exams are tough on everyone, and that it was better to celebrate it after they ended anyways.
You and the team eat the cake after having udon, and talk about the week together. They start reminiscing about memories with you, as they talk about their first impressions, and cute memories with a soft smile on their faces.
Tendou retells the story of how you first came to the team and how much you've grown ever since then.
At some point, Semi sits in your place whilst you've gone to the ladies room, and pulls you to his lap when you come back.
The team laughs when they see you desperately refusing, worried that you'll be too heavy, whilst Semi reassures you that you won't.
Goshiki adoringly smiles at you, and Semi pulls you closer to him. Tendou feeds you small pieces of strawberry left from the cake, as Shirabu records everything, excitedly typing in a caption on his social media.
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just carefully adding in a small reminder in his phone calendar, so he'll never forget your birthday in the future ever again.
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My sweet little fox babies! I think they would be excitedly counting down for your birthday, you're their precious manager-chan after all (and I can't bring myself to say they forgot 😅😭) when Atsumu suddenly sees a friend of yours post a "happy birthday y/n!!" on their Instagram story.
Atsumu immediately jumps on his brother's bed and wakes him up, whilst texting your friend. “Isn't y/n's birthday five days from now?”
Your friend replies. “no haha, it's today!” which cause the twins to desperately call Aran, Suna, Ginjima, and of course, captain Kita!
The boys are hurriedly awoken a few minutes after midnight, and absolutely frazzled! They had all planned something special, but now they would have to change the date, and some things (like the cake and venue) weren't ready so soon.
Osamu groggily got out of bed and began taking out eggs, butter, flour, and other baking ingredients. Eventhough it was extremely late, and he had a tiring day, nothing could compare to his love for you. And so, he started mixing the ingredients at one a.m.
Kita tried to remain calm, but internally freaks out. He and Suna are trying to brainstorm ideas of places they could take you to make your day enjoyable.
Atsumu was busy wrapping the gifts they had all got. He got way too many papercuts and had a bit of trouble, but it was for you, and the thought alone of you smiling was enough to motivate him.
Aran and Ginjima made their own preparations in their own homes for the next day, and Aran even facetimed Osamu to keep him company throughout the baking process.
They were determined to make your birthday a happy one, and genuinely wanted to let you know they loved and cared for you so much.
The next day, six terribly sleep deprived boys arrived at school, with the needed arrangements set. The cake was safely secured with Osamu, and Suna took the bag of gifts from Atsumu.
Kita went to go find you, and he saw you waiting by the entrance of school. “Y/n-san, let's go.” said Kita with a mysterious smile.
You were a bit confused. School was the other way and he was dragging you away from it, but you trusted Kita and followed him.
He led you to the rest of the team, and gently places his hand on your back. “Let's go, y/n-san. We're going to the beach.”
You were super confused. “but school?”. Suna gives you a sleepy smile. “Kita and me have already handled that. We told your teachers you'd be absent today, now c'mon.”
Atsumu gently holds your small hand in his and you guys walks to the subway. As you dig for your subway card in your pocket, the boys get seated. There's one less seat, so Atsumu pulls you to his lap, much to the rest of the team's disapproval.
They're all so jealous, Atsumu laughs silently, and pulls an oblivious you closer. Osamu just rolls his eyes, but internally seethes.
Two stops later, the team motions to exit, and Aran shyly comes closer to you, taking your hand this time. You smile at him and make your way to the small beach you sometimes spend time in, with the rest of the team.
Kita finds an empty picnic table and everyone sits down, placing the items they had brought with them down, and looking at you expectantly.
“Happy Birthday, y/n-chan.” they chorused together. Suna ruffled your hair from the right side of you, and Osamu begins lighting up the candles on your left.
You gratefully thank them for going to the trouble of bringing you here, the fresh beach air and breeze immediately putting you in a cheerier mood.
They then start singing you a happy birthday as you blush silently and blow the candles out, making a wish. I wish to be able to love these boys forever.
You lean over and kiss Osamu's cheek. He blushes red immediately. “Thank you for going to the trouble of baking this, Samu'” if only you knew, he thought silently, as flashbacks of him almost falling asleep in front of the oven came to mind.
Kita cuts the cake and gives you the biggest slice, much to your happiness. The boys all eat their cake and joke around about all the memories they've made with you.
“I can remember when y/n-chan just came. She was so small and sweet, Osamu said she reminded him of a macaroon” said Aran.
Kita fondly smiles as he gives you a pack off green tea from his grandmother.
Ginjima gives you the gifts the entire team had picked and you begin tearing up, much to everyone's dismay. You're just so grateful to have them.
Suddenly Atsumu leans over and swipes frosting from the cake on your face. The mood is once again lifted, as Suna takes a ton of pictures, and contributes to the frosting on your face too.
“hey that's enough now” says Kita. He looks firm, but his eyes betray him. The slight sparkle shows that he thinks it adorably hilarious how the boys are annoying you.
The water seems to be calling you, so you pull Suna to the shore and lean down to the water.
The rest of the day is just filled with the boys and you doing random things by the beach, like eating popsicles, and finding seashells. You're unable to actually get into the water, due to your school uniforms, but seeing an excited you gush over the seashells and smile happily over ice cream is enough for the boys.
At the end of the day, you and the team watch the sunset together, and swear to work extra hard for the upcoming nationals.
As they see you looking up at the sunset adoringly, their hearts squeeze in their chest, so grateful to be a part of your life.
Taglist: @osamusriceballs @k-sakusa-old
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
all the things i believed
pairing: xiao x reader
summary: you've only seen the boy who lives in the apartment one over from yours a few times, but you knew the look of someone who wanted to seem intimidating when you saw one. so, why was his music taste so adorable?
alternatively, xiao thinks that the apartment walls are a lot thicker than they actually are and accidentally exposes the fact that he's not nearly as angsty as he wants everyone to believe.
note: soft xiao makes me way too happy. also, here is xiao's playlist! i recommend listening while you read :) if you guys like it, i'll make playlists for my fics more often!
"I'll miss you!" Your roommate had her arms wound tightly around your torso and it didn't seem like she planned on letting go any time soon. She was also squeezing just a tad too hard and it was starting to hurt.
Gingerly, you patted her on the shoulder, subtly attempting to pry her off of you with your other hand. "I'll miss you too... But remember, it's only two weeks and then you're back!"
That only served to make her pout even more as she finally pulled away "Two weeks is so long though! How am I going to survive without you and your brownies?"
"Hah, so you're really only worried about not having brownies huh?"
"You know that's not what I meant!" she whined, causing you to giggle slightly. Honestly though, there was no way anyone watching could possibly think that she would only be gone for two weeks. Your roommate had decided that she needed three full suitcases and the world's largest carry-on purse for her little trip, and you were honestly a little worried about it.
"Ahem..." Your bonding moment was promptly interrupted by a soft but very present voice directly behind you. Whirling around, you came face to face with a vaguely familiar figure.
It was the golden eyes that caught your attention first. Even in the strange fluorescent light of the hallway, they almost seemed to have a light of their own, a hypnotizing sort of gleam that you couldn't bring yourself to look away from. Of course, the rest of him was no less than stunning either. Dressed head to toe in black with his angular features and lean build, he was striking.
His eyes widened slightly as you turned towards him though they settled fairly quickly back into what you could only assume was his trademark glare.
"Just... trying to get through." His voice was gruff, but much softer than you had anticipated. Perhaps even gentle?
Oh yeah, that was how you knew him! Your schedules must have been somewhat similar since you were sure you passed him at least a few times a week. You had never talked but you were pretty sure you had seen him going into the unit one over from yours quite a few times.
So this was your neighbor huh? He was cute, if a little intimidating.
"Oh sorry!" your roommate chimed in. "We were just leaving, we'll get out of your way!" She began to scoot her bags to the side and you quickly joined in, wheeling one of the suitcases to the side, though you couldn't seem to keep your eyes off of the guy. Every time you looked away, it was as though your gaze was drawn back towards him by some unnatural force.
It helped that he seemed just as awkward with the whole thing as you did, alternating glancing between the you and your roommate, the floor, and his phone. As soon as there was enough space for him to squeeze by, he did, mumbling a quick thanks as he made his way down the hall, unlocking his door and disappearing into his apartment in what felt like a second.
After a moment of silence, your roommate piped up again. "He's cute!"
"He can probably still hear you!" you whacked her across the shoulder, causing her to pout in your direction again, though the teasing look never left her eyes.
"He's kind of your type too isn't he?" she all-but waggled her eyebrows in your direction to which you rolled your eyes.
"Aren't you already late for your flight"
"Oh shit!"
The apartment felt so strange when you were alone. Usually around this time of night, your roommate would have come banging on your door to join her for her late night rom-com marathon or to help her chose an outfit or the party she was going to. Tonight however, everything was quiet.
With a sigh, you slumped over onto your bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone in hopes of finding some sort of entertainment.
That was when you heard it. The soft sound of an instrumental through the wall, slowly building in volume as you assumed whoever lived in that room turned up the volume.
"40 days and 40 nights... I waited for a girl like you to come and save my life..."
Aww cute, love songs! Had you been busy or doing literally anything else, you might have been annoyed, or at least a little worried about exactly how loud they had to be playing their music for you to be able to hear it. As things stood though, it was a welcome distraction.
"You were out of my league, all the things I believed, you were just the right kind yeah you were more than just a dream..."
Oh yeah, you knew this song too! There was a sort of second timbre to the sound and you wondered if the person playing the music was singing along as well.
Wait, who was playing that music. Judging by the sound, it was likely the unit one to your left where their wall joined with yours. The unit one to your left...
Multi-colored hair and golden eyes... The cute guy? Pulling yourself immediately up into a sitting position, you pressed yourself to the wall before immediately realizing how crazy you were acting.
He was just playing music, that wasn't anything weird.
"Romeo take me, somewhere we can be alone..."
Taylor Swift. He was playing Taylor Swift. At that, you started laughing. Wow, appearances really could be deceiving huh? You sighed as you leaned with your back against the wall, letting the vibrations from the music soak into your very being.
You were sure that you'd heard music coming from that unit before but he wasn't usually loud at all. Maybe something was different today? Maybe you'd ask him when you next saw him. And maybe, he'd actually want to talk to you when you did.
Or maybe not.
So for now, you let your head rest against the wall, letting the music and soft singing lull you into relaxation.
That was it, you despised public transportation. All you wanted was to get out of your apartment for one day and take your work to a nearby cafe. So of course, when you ran outside to catch the bus that came once every hour, the bus driver looked you straight in the eye as he closed the door right in front of you and drove off. And then for good measure, it started raining.
You sighed, burying your face in the backpack on your lap. If the bus app was right, which it rarely was, there was another bus you could take arriving in the next few minutes, so maybe this wouldn't be as awful as you thought.
The sound of footsteps entering the little bus stop booth got your mind off of your moping as you raised your head just enough to peer over at who it was that had just joined you.
Oh. Standing there, hood pulled up over his multi-toned hair and seemingly permanent scowl fixed on his lips, was your hot neighbor. Your hot neighbor with very interesting music taste if last night told you anything.
Since nothing could go right for you, the moment that you looked at him, he looked at you, meaning the two of you got to share a few agonizing seconds of awkward eye contact before he pointedly turned away with a soft "tsk". That being said, you were sure that you weren't imagining the slight tinge of shock you had seen in his gaze for a moment.
"You've got good timing, there's one coming in like 5 minutes." You had no idea how you had managed to get the words out without stuttering or blushing the moment he turned back to look at you.
"That's good..." Yup, that was an expected response, and yet, you really just wanted him to keep talking. So this was the end of your story with the gorgeous emo boy next door. Relegated to exchanging conversation about public transportation and nothing more. It was really the wasted potential here that was killing you. So many cute interactions that would just never happen. Ah if only the bus would come so that you wouldn't have to wallow in your despair any longer.
"I... thought you were leaving yesterday?"
Oh? You whirled around way too quickly to face the man, causing his eyes to widen as he shifted away instinctually.
"Oh, I was just helping my roommate move all of her stuff," you managed to get out, summoning what you hoped was a non-nervous smile to your lips.
"Those were all her bags?" he seemed horrified, enough so that you couldn't hold back your laughter.
"I said the same thing! She's kind of insane sometimes but I love her..." Well, it was no or never. "I'm [name] by the way!" You smiled and extended a hand out towards the boy.
He regarded you for a moment with a look you couldn't put into words. After what felt like an eternity however, he gently took your hand in his own, holding it for barely a moment before pulling back again. "Xiao."
Xiao. There was a strange sense of relief that came with this new knowledge. Know that you knew his name, was it couth to ask him what his favorite Taylor Swift song was? Probably not. But there was a chance that you might literally never be able to talk to him again... Meh, it was as you were thinking before right? Now or never.
"Hi Xiao. I liked your playlist last night by the way." The words came out more effortlessly than you had thought they would, carefree and teasing.
You were a little bit surprised though when you glanced back over at Xiao, only to find him eyes blown wide as a deep red spread quickly across his cheeks. "Y-You!"
"Honestly a pretty good curation! If a little unexpected..." You had no idea what it was about this guy but he really brought the snarky, teasing part of you out. Maybe it was the fact that while he usually looked cold and intimidating, blushing, embarrassed Xiao was strangely adorable.
"I thought you left!" Xiao blurted out. "I mean... There were so many bags... And your roommate said that you guys were leaving..."
You stared blankly at him for a moment before immediately dissolving into peals of laughter. Xiao had the gall to pretend to be offended for a moment before he looked away with a soft huff. "What..."
"You know, I kind of thought you were scary at first," you managed between giggles. "I guess not though!"
"Ugh, you're insufferable." Xiao rolled his eyes though you were sure that you saw the slightest hint of a smile as he did. "Why were you listening through the walls anyway?"
"Xiao, it was literally so loud."
"It wasn't that bad!"
"And I think I heard some singing too! Say, you in a band? Do you guys usually just write love songs?"
"I was not singing!"
There was a strange warmth in your chest as the two of you went back and forth. So things could go right for you after all?
Sadly, you and Xiao hadn't been going the same way, so when his bus came - before yours you might add - the two of you had parted ways. The sun had been going down when you made your way back home, satisfied with a productive day, though the memory of your conversation with Xiao was still taking up a lot more headspace than you would have liked.
So this is what it was like to simp for a guy? You weren't sure you liked it.
Setting down the takeout you had picked up on the counter, you crashed onto your living room couch with a low groan. Sleep would be nice right about now, but also, you had to eat and shower and clean...
"I wonder what Xiao's doing?" The thought appeared in your head suddenly and you almost smacked yourself right then and there. Why were you always thinking about him? You'd literally spoken to the guy once, and it wasn't anything special! Just some teasing and his little retorts... And his cute blush... And his little smile... And the way he pretended to be annoyed when he was clearly enjoying it... Wow, this was worse than you thought.
You yelped, jumping up in your seat at the sudden noise, coming once again from the wall separating you and Xiao's units. You paused for a moment but before you could stop yourself, you were back up on your feet, making your way over and banging against the wall.
"You're not fooling anyone Xiao!" you yelled, not sure if he could even hear you. Apparently he could since the music stopped as quickly as it had started. There was a moment of silence as you pressed your ear to the wall, waiting for his next move. What you did not expect was to hear sound in the other direction. A knock on your door.
Confused, you made your way over, unlocking the door and pulling it open to reveal, Xiao? He was still wearing his giant black hoodie, though the glare was missing.
"Did you run out of sugar or something? Or fake angsty songs to play?" you questioned with a grin.
As expected, he let out a soft huff, turning his head away in fake exasperation. "You're a menace."
"So what I'm hearing is that you want me to send in a noise complaint!"
"You idiot... I'm just here to-" For whatever reason, he was blushing again.
"Here to?" you prompted, wondering if you should invite him in or offer him water or something. He was tugging at the collar of his hoodie too...
"J-Just here to say that if you're going to sit there listening through the walls, you might as well just come over..."
Did you hear that right? You stared at him for a moment longer, blinking slowly. This was probably a dream right? You were so tired when you got home that you fell asleep and now you were dreaming.
"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to..." Or maybe not.
"You know, normal people just invite people over without pretending to be edgy right?"
"Shut it, are you coming or not?"
"Yeah yeah I'm coming. Oh yeah, I got takeout, I'll bring it. It's from that new place down the street, Wangshu Inn. Have you ever had Almond Tofu before?"
"... you're unbelievable."
note: i want a hot neighbor like xiao... i did have a hot neighbor who i did hit on, but then i found out that he had a girlfriend so i stopped... but xiao would be better.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Honey, Honey
Summary: it's mother's day & harry wants to do something to celebrate you from him and leo.
Words: 1.4k
Notes: i haven't touched my little lion series in so long, and i saw a sweet card at target yesterday and inspiration struck. & i wanted to post something since it's been a few weeks.
Timeline: mother's day in may, about six months after the engagement to harry. leo is almost two. (for the rest of the little lion series see my masterlist.)
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Harry wasn’t entirely sure how to bring up Mother’s Day with you. Leo was still young, just a little under two years old. And while he was sleeping through the night, and babbling away, he was too young to even comprehend the holiday. Harry knew you weren’t really expecting anything.
But the two of you had been together for over a year now, you lived with them, and even if Leo wasn’t yours biologically, you had made it clear he was your son.
But... Last year, the three of you had skipped over Mother’s Day. Your relationship was still treading through milestones. Meeting families, moving in… So it had been pretty much forgotten about. This year though, Harry wanted to do something for the day, he just wasn’t sure what.
He knew you enjoyed the brunch served at the place downtown, but Leo couldn’t really handle super large crowds and long days yet, both a staple for Mother’s Day brunches.
He had ordered flowers to be delivered, but that didn’t really feel like enough. He could try breakfast in bed, but you were a light sleeper and most likely not be able to sleep through the surprise.
“Gem.” He groans as he flickers through the cards in front of him. “Not only do I have no gift, there are no cards for like, adoptive moms.”
Gemma laughs softly. “H, you know she’ll love it no matter what. I’m sure it’ll mean the world to her that you want to do this.”
Harry shakes his head as he slams another card back into its slot. “I know that. I just want her to know that I appreciate her wanting to be with Leo and I.”
Gemma sighs. “She does, Harry. And she’ll love whatever you choose for her because it’s from the heart.”
Harry picks up another card and sighs. Too many of the cards were dedicated to wives, which you weren’t yet, work was so busy for the both of you planning hadn’t even really come up yet. He assumed a card from Leo would be a little easier, as long as the card didn’t mention genetics, it would work.
But Harry just couldn’t find the perfect one. Gemma sighs again when Harry doesn’t respond. “H, it’s a card. You’re overthinking it because you’re nervous. Just pick one with Leo’s favorite cartoon and she’ll love it. I have to go. I love you, bye.”
Before Harry can respond Gemma ends the call and all that’s on the other end is a dial tone. Harry looks at the cards in front him, exasperated.
“Excuse me?” He spins around and finds a woman who looks to be around your age. She’s looking up at him nervously and fiddling with the car in her hands.
Harry smiles politely. “Yeah?” He asks quietly as he steps out of the way of a teenager shuffling through cards and panicking.
She smiles up at him. “I overheard you talking and…” She glances down at the card in her hands before holding it out to him. “My mom, she isn’t my mom biologically, and cards are tough.”
Harry hesitantly takes the card and looks down at it. It’s a small card, with Winnie the Pooh, Kanga and Roo on the front. Harry’s eyes scan over the words printed on the front. “This is… This is great. Thank you. I-“
The woman smiles and shakes her head. “Mother’s Day was weird when I was young because I knew my mom wasn’t biologically my mom, but she was always there. You know?” Harry nods. “Finding good cards sucked, especially because so many talk about getting their genes or even the favorite kid jokes are awkward.”
Harry drops the card into his basket. “Thank you so much. It’s… We just got engaged and it’s her first official Mother’s Day with us. I want her to know how appreciative I am.”
“She will.” The woman takes a step back. “Anybody who is this worried about a card definitely shows how much they care without it anyways.” She smiles and offers a small wave before turning on her heel and leaving Harry alone in the aisle.
He looks down at the card again and with a newfound confidence in his ability to find something good for you, he ventures further into the store.
Leo’s sitting on Harry’s hip as he messed with the flowers on the dining room table. Your card is propped against the vase while the gift bag Harry had filled was next to it.
“I really hope mama likes this, little lion.” Harry murmurs as he takes a step back, finally happy with how the bouquet looks.
“Mama?” Leo questions as he rests his head against Harry’s shoulder. He lets out a yawn and Harry laughs. He had forced the poor toddler out of bed much earlier than he was used to.
Harry nods gently. “Yeah, mama. We’re gonna celebrate her today.”
“Dada.” Leo murmurs as he points haphazardly to the set up. There’s a knock on the door and Harry rushes to open it.
“Styles?” The man questions tiredly. Harry offers a sympathetic smile as he nods. He was sure this wasn't the man’s first or last breakfast delivery of the day. “Just need you to sign since you paid with a card.”
Harry adjusts Leo on his hip as he messily signs the receipt the man is holding up on the wall for him. The man looks at Harry before sighing. “Have a nice day.”
The bag handle digs into Harry’s fingers as he carries it back to the table while holding onto a sleepy Leo. “Gonna put you in your chair while I set up, then we can wake mama up.”
“Mama?” Leo repeats the word as Harry gently sets him down and straps him in. “Mama. Mama!” He calls louder, out for you.
“No! Stop!” Harry glances down the hallway panicked as he listens for any sign that you’ve woken up. When no movement comes from the hall, Harry lets his shoulders relax and begins to pull plates out of his kitchen.
It doesn’t take long to set up the already cooked food, less than half an hour before he’s picking Leo up again to go wake you up.
His nerves have been high all day, maybe all week. They’d been high since he’d begun planning this whole thing out. But right now was an all time high.
He was proud of what he’d planned, but worried you would be overwhelmed. Did you even want to celebrate? Had he gone overboard?
“Too late.” He mutters as he quietly opens your bedroom door. You’re sitting up and scrolling through your phone.
When you look up, a wide smile stretches across your face at the sight of your boys. “Good morning, loves.” You say quietly. You lock your phone and sit up straighter as Harry sits Leo in your lap.
“Mama.” Leo murmurs. He slaps his hands against your cheeks and squishes. The act makes both of you laugh.
“Hello, little lion.” You say once he’s taken his hands off. “What’s got you and daddy awake?” You look over at Harry with a knowing stare.
“We’ve got a surprise for you.” Harry says quietly. “If you wanna get up.” You nod and stand with Leo clinging to you.
You’re all still in pajamas, and Harry’s sure his hair is sticking in all different directions. The three of you make your way down the hall, Harry leading.
You freeze when you enter the dining room. Your eyes move quickly to take everything in. Harry watches nervously as he tries to gauge your reaction.
“Happy Mother’s Day.” He finally says when you take another step into the room. Leo lets out an excited, “Mama!”
You press a kiss to the baby’s head and finally move fully into the room and towards the table. “Oh, Harry.” You murmur as you look down at the spread.
“Do you… Is this okay?” He asks hesitantly. He realizes he maybe should have just bit the bullet and talked about today with you. This feeling of not knowing was killing him.
You spin around to look at him with teary eyes and a bright smile. “This is… This is more than okay. I can’t believe you did all this for me!”
He lets out a relieved laugh and leans down to press a kiss to your lips. “Anything for the best mom in the world.”
You place Leo into his chair and strap him in as Harry pulls out a chair for you. Once the three of you are settled, Harry hands the card over to you.
“Happy Mother’s Day, love.” He says quietly as you tear into the card’s envelope. “We’re so grateful for you.”
“How do you learn to be a mom?” asked Pooh.
“You just follow your heart,” Answered Kanga.
Notes: hello all. please enjoy this fluff piece for the upcoming american mother's day. hope you're all safe & doing well.
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sneakybananabox · 3 years
Hey ur jealous poppy fic was a banger! Was wondering if you could do another one? Like another formal dance with Bea asking Chloe to be her dance partner and Poppy being angry and jealous as she watches them dance until shes seen enough and leaves Carter(who shes currently still dating) on the dance floor and grabs Bea and kisses her in front of everyone? Idk lol just thought of it and thought it’d be good.
I hope you enjoy anon. I appreciate all requests from you absolute cuties.
I knew you liked me(Jealous Poppy Alt.)
The sun creeped into the room, finally Poppy couldn’t take it anymore. She got up and started picking her clothes up from the floor. She needed to get back to Zeta before the girls woke up. The Alpha-Zeta formal was tonight and she still needed a dress, she knew Chloe and Veronica would want to come with. She looked over at Carter stirring in his sleep, of course none of the sound she was making didn’t wake him, a tornado probably wouldn’t wake him. She made sure she had all her belongings before getting ready to make the trek across campus. Now she wished she had driven to the Alpha’s house so no one would spot her in the same outfit from yesterday, not like anyone would dare say anything to her.
She was halfway through the campus, looking through her phone, her instagram peaked her attention when she saw a follow request, from her archnemesis.Her finger slipped and she accidently accepted. Why does Bea insist on annoying her during the asscrack of the morning? Thankfully no one was even awake to bother her well except for that hayseed. She was scrolling when she crashed into someone. Her phone fell from her hand and landed into the dewy grass.
“Hey, watch it! Do you even have eyes?” Poppy looked up and as if the universe was pranking her she saw Bea Hughes.
“Well considering you bumped into me, shouldn’t I be asking that Pops?” She wished she stayed in bed just a little longer so she could avoid Bea’s smug grin.
“Why are you even awake. Farmsville? I know you are used to milking the cows this early, but there are none around here.” Poppy glared at Bea with all the hate she could muster. It wasn’t as angry as usual. Something about Bea softened her.
“I could be asking the same thing. Unless you are stalking me, Poptart? If you wanna spend time we could always go on a date.” Bea did the signature wiggle of her eyebrows. She hated how it made Poppy feel. She could never fight the blush from her face. It pissed her off.
“As much as I would love to verbally smack your ass down, I have things to do.”
“Aw Pops you could smack my ass anytime. All you have to do is ask nicely.” Poppy blushed even harder.
“Hughes there isn’t enough caffeine in this world that would allow me to deal with how obnoxious you are in the morning.” Poppy didn’t even let her respond and just continued her journey to the Zeta house. She wishes she could redo the morning already and avoid Hughes. There was a little feeling in the back though that enjoyed their encounters.
Poppy showered and got ready for the day. She met Chloe and Veronica for breakfast in the kitchen. They sat at the island talking about the formal tonight.
“I wish someone actually fun asked me to go to the dance tonight.” Chloe whined while enjoying her iced caramel macchiato.
“A lot of the Alphas asked you. What was wrong with them?” Veronica asked in between answering comments of her latest Youtube video.
“They are all just average horny college guys. I want someone to enjoy the night with and who will actually care. You are lucky Poppy. Carter is a gem. I wonder if Hughes has a date.” Poppy looked up from her avocado toast, hardly listening to the conversation.
“Don’t be mistaken Chloe. The lucky one is Carter. He would be nothing without me. Why would you even want to go with that Farmhand?” Poppy was always confident, her father Piers always taught her better.
“Well Her and her sister are absolute goddesses. The whole university is obsessed with them. Not even you can deny that Poppy.” Poppy hated how right Vi was, Bea was absolutely gorgeous. She was tall and had defined muscles, all while being well dressed. If they weren’t enemies she would be her type.
After their breakfast they took Poppy’s car to the boutique. Poppy loved shopping, but another boring Alpha party was not her ideal night. Veronica was live streaming their day out while each one of them tried on dresses. Poppy of course picked a long side-slit open backed dress in her signature color. It showed the perfect amount of leg. Chloe finally chose a kaitoke green strapless dress, while Veronica chose a black off the shoulder maxi dress. They made their way back to the dorm to start the long process of getting ready. Poppy scrolled through her phone while waiting for Chloe and Veronica to finish. She forgot she had accepted Bea’s follow request and saw her pictures. It looks like her, Sab, and Zoey were also getting ready for the formal. The three have practically become honorary Alphas with how often they were at the house parties. She scrolled through and saw the final photo of their finished outfits. Bea had on an all black suit, it showed her features just right. Sabina went with stratos blue while Zoey had on a black dress. She hated to admit how good they looked, especially Bea. She cursed her thoughts for drifting to Bea more frequently. With every encounter she found herself enjoying Bea’s presence more and more.
They took one of her family's limos to the party, thankfully the Alphas didn’t have it at their house. Poppy was so tired of walking into that boring house, even though they had cleaners the boys still had a habit of dirtying their house. They arrived at the rooftop in the flatiron district of Manhattan. It was gorgeous with two full bars and was catered, whoever was their decorator really needed a raise.
She went to find Carter and mingled like a good Zeta queen does. She was dancing with Carter when in her peripheral she noticed the trio from her Instagram earlier walk in. She overheard some of the Zeta swoon for the twins.
“Damn does Bea look good.” Chloe said with her jaw practically on the floor.
“Chloe, come with me I want to get them on the stream. Once they see the twins, my ratings will go wild.” Veronica dragged Chloe over to the trio.
Poppy continued to dance with Carter while stealing glances at her friends speaking to the twins. After getting enough content Veronica left with Sabina to the dance floor. Bea was still talking to Chloe. She must have said something because Chloe was laughing and touching her arm. Please Hughes was probably not even that funny. She couldn’t help, but wonder what the two were talking about. Bea caught Poppy staring and she was quick to turn her look back to Carter. After talking it looked like Bea asked her second in command to dance. While they danced they got closer. Bea had her hands on Chloe’s hips, peering into her eyes while smiling. They looked comfortable with each other. It pissed Poppy off. What finally pushed Poppy over the edge was when they kissed. It looked passionate, but it should have been with her. She took Carter’s hands off of her and stormed over to the two. She pulled Bea from Chloe’s grasp into her embrace.
“Wow Pops what took you so long?” She didn’t even answer Bea before she kissed her. Their lips met and it felt like magic. She poured all her emotions into the kiss and Bea did the same. It felt like everyone didn’t exist, at that moment they were the only two people on earth. She didn’t care about anything else, Carter storming off or Chloe’s upset comments. After their moment and the need for air they broke apart.
“I knew you liked me, Poptart.” Bea smiled brightly.
“Don’t push it Hughes. Now let’s go back to your dorm.”
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.9
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Summary: Walter and Penny can almost welcome their kid, however Penny starts to become very anxious
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Warnings: Just mentions of punching people
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
I’m thirty weeks pregnant and I know that I have around eight to ten weeks to go, however, this pregnancy has been pretty straining on my back, my pelvis and basically my entire body. Moving around is painful and my mom is over at our place a lot of the time to help me out. I’m thanking the heavens that I am not doing cosmetology school now as well, knowing for a fact that I probably couldn’t keep up at all.
If I’m not sitting on the couch reading, I’m crying because I am sitting in the nursery and think about having a little baby and all the bad things that could happen to them.
Walter is drained from a rough day of patrolling and he plops next to me on the couch. Just like any other day, I barely moved, however he still asks me the question.
‘How was your day, princess?’
‘Boring,’ I mumble. ‘How was yours?’
He simply shrugs, probably because something happened and he doesn’t want me to worry. I rest my head against his chest and without thinking it seems, he places his hand on my stomach. ‘Have they been good to you?’ he asks
‘They sure have been,’ I chuckle. ‘Just hate the fact that I’m practically glued to the couch.’
Walter nods, pressing a kiss on top of my head. I know he worries a lot and therefore confides to my mom, asking her what more he can do to help me out. Walter is being the perfect boyfriend, because even my mom said that he is doing literally all he can to help me out. One night I found him scrolling and searching for tricks to ease the pain and discomfort, though he never lets me in on it.
‘If you’re up for it, we could have dinner,’ he says, ‘somewhere other than our living room.’
‘Where do you want to go?’
‘I don’t know what you’re craving. I’m up for anything.’
‘Pizza?’ I ask. ‘I would really love a Hawaiian Pizza.’
Walter frowns for a second—probably remembering how I told him multiple times that I hate pineapple on pizza—but then he nods. ‘Of course, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
We’re sitting at a restaurant across from each other and it’s nice to be out and about again. I mean, I go to town with my parents a lot, I hang out with the ladies from the pregnancy class, but going out with Walter has been a while, especially because he has been working long hours and I’m tired after one trip to anywhere basically.
Walter actually stretched out his leg underneath the table, towards my side, so I can rest my feet on it. Every time I have a crust left, I hand it over to him and with a small smile he accepts them. ‘So,’ I say, ‘I’ve been thinking about a name.’
‘Tell me.’
‘I would say that for a girl we could call her Emma.’
Walter tilts his head. ‘Emma Marshall, sounds cute,’ he says with a smile. ‘You have a name for when it’s a boy?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. I actually think they’re a girl.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Why do you think that, princess?’
‘Just a gut feeling,’ I chuckle. ‘What do you think?’
‘I have no idea,’ he says, holding out his hand for me to take. When I placed mine in his, he adds: ‘I actually have a name for a boy. Wanna hear?’
Oh, that’s a lovely name. I don’t think I even know someone who is named Declan. ‘Declan Marshall. That sounds so cute. I absolutely adore it, Walter.’
Walter smiles and gives me a kiss on my hand. ‘We’ll see how we name them.’
‘Yeah,’ I chuckle. ‘Just around ten weeks or less,’ I say. ‘Kinda nervous.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘It’s giving birth, Walter. That’s scary. All these other ladies are so confident and proud of what their bodies can do and all. I mean, sure, that’s awesome, but it also terrifies me.’
‘Understandable,’ he says. ‘I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.’
‘I know,’ I chuckle. ‘It’s just that… I don’t know. With being pregnant, it’s just all a fantasy. With a newborn, it’s the real deal.’
Walter nods, taking in my worries. ‘Well,’ he says, ‘you and I can manage.’
‘You’re being awfully nonchalant about it.’
‘That’s because I need to stay calm for you. Believe me, princess, I’m freaking out on the inside.’
I frown, because that’s the first time he actually told me those words. Usually he says that he cannot wait for this baby to arrive, though it is a little scary every now and then, but saying he is freaking out?
That’s new.
‘What?’ I ask him. ‘Are you serious?’
He nods. ‘I mean, being a parent is difficult. Growing up I didn’t have the love and support I needed. I basically raised myself and judging from the person I am today, I didn’t really do a good job.’
‘You did an excellent job,’ I retort. I know about his youth and how he had to raise himself, how you can still notice it in his day to day life. ‘Walter, please tell me about your worries. You don’t always need to be the protective big bear who prevents me from any harm. I’m a big girl and I need you to confide with me. Please?’
He sighs as he is looking everywhere but to me. This is hard, I can see it, but from the looks of it, he is gonna agree with me. ‘Okay, I’ll try.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Dinner ended not so great. As we were walking back from the restaurant to our car, two guys thought it was necessary to whistle at me (I didn’t even notice at first, but then Walter’s entire demeanor changed, so that’s how I was informed about the matter).
Let’s just say, it evolved into an argument and then one of the guys thought it was an excellent idea to push Walter. I applaud him for having the guts to push my boyfriend, but it was honestly one of the stupidest things for him to do, because Walter wouldn’t be Walter if he punched the guy and his friend.
Multiple times.
I have been ignoring him for the entire drive and once we’re home, I still don’t know what to say to him.
‘Princess,’ he whispers, carefully trying to approach me as I’m sitting on the edge of the bed in his shirt. ‘Please talk to me.’
I purse my lips together, as tears burn in my eyes.
He sits behind me, placing his hands on my upper arms. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says.
‘Sorry for what?’
‘For scaring you. I was just protecting you, darling.’
‘What’s wrong with just ignoring the matter, Walter?’ I ask him, turning to the side so I can look at him without craning my neck. ‘You scared me back there.’
‘I’m not gonna let some dip shit whistle at you, especially not when I’m next to you,’ he defends himself.
‘You’re an officer,’ I tell him. ‘I don’t think this is proper behavior.’
‘I wasn’t gonna let anything happen to you,’ Walter retorts.
‘That’s not the point. The point is you put yourself in danger.’
I glare at him. ‘I don’t like this,’ I say. ‘Have you any idea how stressful it was for me? You know what, never mind. I’m going to sleep.’
He scoots back and I wrap my arms around the pregnancy pillow, with my back towards him. I love Walter, I really do, but this… I saw it all unfolding in front of my eyes.
It would start with an argument, some light pushing, until the other guys would pull out a knife, stab Walter, which would result in a trip to the hospital. Possibility of death. Me having to bury the father of my child.
I push my face in the soft fabric of the pillow, as hot tears slide over my cheeks. Walter sighs deeply next to me and starts to toss and turn next to me. His leg bumps into mine and it causes him to hold his breath. ‘Sorry, Penny,’ he says.
I dry my cheeks on the pillow. ‘Walter,’ I whisper, ‘you know I worry when you go to work.’
‘I know,’ he says, ‘but you don’t need to.’
‘You’re gonna be the father of our kid,’ I continue, ‘and I’d like to raise them with you, not in memory of you.’
‘Princess,’ he whispers, ‘we’re gonna raise this kid and eventual others together. You know, before I met you, I was an adrenaline junkie, detective or not. I got into a lot of shit, hence the reason I was suspended and started teaching. You, my love, made me realize that chasing danger like I used to, is not gonna get me further in life. Now I have you, I have the love of my life here with me and I’m never ever gonna do anything that’ll put me or you or our child in danger.’
‘Then why did you punch him?’
‘Because he started it,’ Walter says, only for him to realize how toddler like that sounds. ‘I just want to protect you against anyone,’ he says in a softer tone. ‘Because I love you, Penelope Townsend. You are my everything.’ He wraps his arm around my upper body, pressing a kiss against my temple. ‘I’m sorry I scared you, Penny. I never meant to do such thing.’
‘I know,’ I whisper. ‘Sorry for overreacting.’
‘No, no, no, you’re not overreacting. Maybe I was.’ He pulls me closer to his own body and places his hand on my stomach. ‘Just know that I will forever protect you and the baby.’
I chuckle. ‘I know that. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid anymore, not when I’m around at least.’
He smiles. ‘I’ll tone it down a notch, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
‘Is that that colosseum thing you were talking about?’ Walter gestures towards my chest and I look down, spotting two tiny wet patches near my chest area, before bursting into laughter.
‘Colostrum, Walter, not colosseum.’ Oh dear, he is totally blushing, because of his mistake. ‘Can you grab me another shirt?’
I barely asked the question, when he jumps up and rushes upstairs. I rub my stomach a little bit, slightly scared at how much it expanded. I’m close to the end of my pregnancy, having reached thirty nine weeks yesterday. I wonder how it’ll ever go back to normal.
Walter comes down again and without me asking he changes my shirt. ‘Have I told you I loved you today?’
‘A few times.’ I give him a kiss and whisper: ‘I’m proud of you.’
He frowns. ‘Why are you proud of me? You’re the one growing an entire baby here.’ He carefully places his hands on the side of my stomach. ‘The least I can do is to make things as comfortable for you as possible.’
‘But you always do it without complaining,’ I say. ‘I heard that Stacey’s husband is such a pain in the ass. Always complaining, groaning about how much he has to do nowadays.’
Walter scoffs. ‘Well, pregnant or not, I’d like to worship you, make your life as easy as I possibly can.’ He gives me a kiss. ‘What can I do for you, darling?’
‘Sex,’ I say, before I curl my lips in. Oh gosh, never have I been so straight forward. My cheeks heat up. ‘No, please, forget what I said.’
‘Is my girl asking me for sex?’ Walter starts to laugh. ‘The day Penny Townsend asked me for sex has finally arrived.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I laugh nervously. ‘It’s just been awhile.’ Awhile equals three months. I hate how he sometimes initiates, but I simply shake my head. It’s a combination of a very low sex drive, not feeling pretty and being in pain nearly twenty four seven.
He leans forward and kisses me. ‘Want to go to the bedroom, princess or is the couch acceptable as well?’
‘We can stay here,’ I whisper.
‘Then let me close the curtains and lock the door, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I mumble.
When he comes back, he takes off his shirt, so I can admire his beautiful strong body. There is something so special about Walter. He looks strong enough to left a car up with one arm, but he is a mushy man the second the front door closes and we’re together. He kneels in front of me, pressing open mouth kisses on my lips. ‘Shit, I love you,’ he says against my mouth. He disregards my shirt and admires me.
‘Stop,’ I say, rolling my eyes.
‘No, no, no, I could never stop admiring you.’ He places his hands on my expanded stomach and says: ‘You’re so beautiful.’
He gives me a long kiss and then I whimper. Not out of pleasure, but out of shock.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asks me.
‘I think my water broke.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Twelve hours later, I am looking at Walter, who holds the little baby in his strong arms. He sits next to me on the bed and wraps one arm around my shoulders. ‘Penny, princess,’ he says, ‘I don’t think words can describe how proud I am of you and how much I love you.’
I nuzzle my face in his chest. ‘I love you too. Thank you for not freaking out.’
‘Externally freaking out you mean, because on the inside I was fainting,’ he chuckles. He gives me a kiss on my temple. ‘I’m a dad.’
I actually see some tears in his eyes and I cannot stop my own either. ‘I know.’ I place my hand on the little bundle and whisper: ‘We’re officially parents. It’s so surreal.’ I let out a deep and content sigh.
The little baby opens their eyes and I cannot stop my smile.
‘Hi, little one,’ Walter says. ‘Oh no, Penny, we’ve created an exact copy of yours.’
I chuckle. ‘Good luck saying no to him,’ I say. ‘We love you so much, Declan Marshall. So so much.’
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
onlyfans #1 [ransom drysdale]
A/n: I’ve had this idea for a LONG time, and yesterday it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so I’m trying again today! This is part of a future pseudo-series, because I adore this concept. Also, prepare for cameos!!
Summary: So Ransom lost his inheritance. I hope the title doesn’t spoil his plan to make a living (SMUT) 3.4k
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink, size kink, dirty talk, domestic submission, name calling, degradation, dub con (just in case), slight spit play, breath play, taking/selling nudes (lowkey non con here lol) Ransom is a bit of an ass. 
absolutely DO NOT READ if any of the warnings mentioned above make you uncomfortable, or if you are under 18!! That being said, enjoy!!!
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"Ransom!" you yelled, rummaging through the shopping bag he just left on the counter in the kitchen. "We can't afford-" you scoffed, turning a bottle of wine over in your hands. Feeling yourself fume with anger that was threatening to burst out of you at any time, you placed it back on the counter, and started looking for him around the house, "Ransom, where the fuck are you?"
"Will you stop yelling!?" you heard him groan through the wall.
Rolling your eyes and with genuine rage surging through you, you slammed the door open, so hard it hit the wall behind it. "The fuck is wrong with you? You know we're already fucking tight with money, yet you had to go and buy a $200 bottle of wine!?"
Only after the words left your mouth, did you realize what he was doing. When your eyes landed on his computer screen and you saw him playing Spider Solitaire, you felt like you were actually going to fucking hit him.
"It was the cheapest I could find" he joked, without even bothering to turn around and face you.
"I'm serious right now" you sighed, walking over and snatching his hand from the mouse, "Look at me"
And he did. He turned to look at you, with a roll of his eyes and a displeased grin on his lips, "We're doing fine, you have a good job, what the fuck do you want from me?"
"Only the president could fucking keep up with you, Ransom, I can't afford that kind of crap. If you keep that shit up, we'll both end up on the streets!"
"Don't be so dramatic, doll" he chuckled, rubbing his hand up and down your outer thigh. Grabbing a handful of your ass, he pulled you closer, "Stop worrying, we'll figure something out"
"We'd better. Because soon-"
"We will" he stopped you, grabbing even harder. His fingers sunk into your flesh, and your whole attitude changed in an instant, as you went mellow under his touch.
"Ok, then" you sighed, determined to find another way to go about this.
"Kiss me" Ransom smiled, and you obliged in an instant. He went in open mouthed, his tongue finding yours in an instant. You gave in completely, submitting to him like you always do. The way he bit into your lower lip, a tad harder than you would have considered pleasurable, made you moan softly against his lips.
"You adore me, I know" he smiled, pulling away from you. Ransom nodded towards the door, "Now go make us something to eat" he said, and then turned back to his computer, "I was busy with something"
"Busy" you mocked him, walking out of the room.
The next few hours of the day went by as usual. Ransom was hard around the edges, a difficult man to please - and god knows you had to constantly please him in order for him to accept you. But you got the hang of it, it became your routine, and you didn't mind it one bit. After having lunch, he went out to meet with a friend, while you stayed inside, making yourself busy.
When you two started getting more comfortable with one another, every now and then Ransom would insist on choosing what you wore while you were home alone with him. You loved this kink of his - he was doing it to himself, having you dress up all hot and skimpy only to have his dick get hard about 20 minutes later - it was a win-win situation. So now, still in one of the outfits he had chosen for you, and with your makeup perfectly done, you sat on the living room couch, finishing up your nails. A show about some mysterious crime that took place over 20 years ago was playing in the background, when Ransom entered the room.
"How's my favorite girl doing?" he beamed, walking over to you, blocking your view of the TV.
"She's fine" you smiled, actually surprised with how cheery he was being.
"You love me, right?"
"Of course, baby" you giggled, "So much"
"Good" Ransom said, his smile fading. "Put this on-" he added, throwing a small red paper bag into your lap, "And then come into the bedroom"
"Are you only ever nice to me when you want something?" you sighed, watching him as he walked out of the room.
"Don't be ridiculous" he laughed, "If I had to be nice every time I wanted something from you, I'd combust"
For a second, you remained dumbfounded. 'He's an asshole, but he's your asshole and you love him' you told yourself, before gathering the courage to open the bag and peak inside. Black lace. Your mouth fell open as you pulled the lingerie out - there was so little material you barely even realized how it was supposed to go. And those little patches of material? Almost completely transparent. You felt a little bit of anxiety curse though your body, but put on in nonetheless. Feeling entirely naked, you put the robe back on over the lingerie, and headed to the bedroom.
In an instant, you spotted Ransom sitting at his desk, scrolling through his phone. Once he noticed you, he pointed to the bed.
"Take that off and lay down"
Halfheartedly, you listened to him, and then padded over to the bed, wondering what you did wrong. You sat down and leaned back, watching him march up to you.
"Not like this" he said, effortlessly spinning you around to lay on your stomach. "Ass up"
Swallowing thickly, you arched your back and perched your ass up. "What's going on?" you questioned, already getting wet under his hungry stare.
"Shut up, baby" he whispered, groping your thighs and hips. "Stay like this, ok?"
You weren't going to object, but when you felt him distance himself from the bed and walk across the room, your curiosity got the best of you, "Why?"
"Told you something, pet" he threatened, "Keep that sweet little mouth of yours shut. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yeah, ok" you whined.
The anticipation was killing you. The tension between your legs was getting more and more difficult to ignore, and rubbing your thighs together proved futile. A powerful wave of eagerness washed over you when you heard Ransom walk over. You didn't even get to wonder what he was doing, before he slapped your ass hard. You gasped in surprise, but you didn't get a chance to react before he went again. Slap after slap, each growing in intensity against your sensitive skin.
The only thing that interrupted your whines were a few soft moans, as you kicked your legs and squirmed under him, "Fuck-"
"Does it hurt?" Ransom asked, spanking your ass one more time.
"Yes" you cried.
"Good, baby" he hummed, rubbing your inflamed skin. He wasn't as gentle as you wished, his touch burning all the way down to your bones. 
You tried to wiggle away, but he was quick to stop you, "Daddy's not finished with you yet. It has to hurt, ok? You need to be Daddy's good little slut and take it"
"I am" you nodded.
"What are you?" he asked, his smile audible in his tone.
"Daddy's good little slut" you repeated, your own words making the pain between your legs skyrocket.
"That's right, pet. That's why you're gonna take all that Daddy has to give you, even if it hurts, yeah? Daddy always knows better than you" Ransom said. 
You nodded again, bracing yourself for the impact. But it didn't come. Instead you felt him play with your ass, working strong, marron bruises into your skin. As you started to relax and get used to the feeling, he grabbed your underwear and pulled it down your thighs, leaving you completely exposed to him. "You love this, don't you, doll?"
"I do" you squealed, fisting the cotton bed sheets into your palms.
"Such a wet cunt for me" he said, tracing your opening with his pointer finger, "Practically begging for my cock, always fucking ready to be ruined"
You whined, the pressure he was applying only managing to drive you even crazier. "Please-"
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me"
"No, baby" Ransom chuckled, rubbing his hand over the curve of your ass, "Not tonight"
"But Daddy-" you began to protest, but your words were cut short by another spank, this one hitting differently.
With your skin already on fire, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to tears with every slap delivered. Unconsciously, you started to pull away from him, but that didn't stop him in any way. Ransom kept going until he felt you'd had enough, only then stopping. "Good girl" he spoke, leaning down to kiss the skin he had just abused, "You take it so well, baby. You're a gem"
"Thank you, daddy" you moaned, shuffling around the bed. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, but he stopped you again.
"On your knees, baby, c'mon" he commanded, pointing to the fluffy red carpet next to the bed. "Daddy deserves to have his cock sucked, doll, so get to it"
Without even thinking twice, you jumped off the bed and sunk to your knees, hands on his thighs as you looked up at him.
"Always so hungry for my cock" he shook his head, lacing his fingers through your hair, "I'm gonna record you, angel, but don't freak out. Just suck my dick like you do everyday, yeah?"
"And take that bra off, I wanna see your tits"
You obliged in an instant, heart beating out of your chest. When he pulled out his phone and pointed the camera down at your face, you gulped, but then nodded eagerly, big doe eyes trained up at him. Ransom didn't wait any longer before he shuffled out of his jeans, his massive, already hard cock springing out.
Although slightly anxious about having a phone pointed at you, you fought to not let it bother you. Rubbing your hands up and down his length a few times, you looked up at him, licking your lips.
"Open that whore mouth for me, yeah?" Ransom commanded.
As soon as you followed his order, he bent down, spitting on your tongue. With your eyes locked onto the camera, you swallowed and then opened your mouth again.
"Want more, huh?" he laughed, playing with your hair.
"Yes, please!"
"How about you throat my cock first, and then we'll see if you deserve it?"
Without even giving him any kind of approval, you went in, bringing the tip of his cock into your mouth. You sucked wholeheartedly, hollowing your cheeks around his massive member. Bopping your head up and down, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feel of his tip against your tongue. When you felt yourself prepared enough, you pushed yourself further along his cock, allowing it to brush past the back of your throat. Your gag reflex instantly kicked in, but you fought it, remaining in place. 
"That's right, angel-" Ransom grunted, gripping the roots at the top of your head into his hand.
Feeling your oxygen supply run low, you wanted to pull away, but he wasn't having it. He easily controlled your movements, pushing his cock even further down your throat.
"Angel-" he panted, as you struggled against his hold, "You were made to be face fucked"
You had your arms wrapped around his strong thighs, your manicured nails sinking into his skin, hoping you'd get his attention. It didn't work.
By the time he let you go, you had tears running down your cheeks, your mascara almost reaching your chin. You fell backwards, desperate for a breath of air.
"You look better with your makeup like this, love" Ransome laughed, wiping your tears with the back of his fingers, "Suits you"
After regaining your composure, you pushed yourself back up, getting ready to resume your work. However, Ransom had other ideas as he grabbed his member, slowly pumping it in his own hand.
"Tongue out, slut" he said.
You listened to him, and felt a rush of ecstasy course through you when he slapped his cock against your tongue and then your cheeks. His tip was already leaking precum, and you swallowed obediently every drop that landed inside your mouth.
"You want it back?" he asked, grinning.
"Balls first, baby"
Bracing yourself against his thighs, you leaned forward, connecting your lips to the soft skin of his balls. You sucked deeply, applying the kind of pressure you knew would drive him crazy. "Fuck, fuck, yes, come on-" he grunted, bucking his hips into you.
You were nowhere near done when he grabbed your hair again and manhandled you to take his cock down your throat. Your frame fell limply under his hold, as you forced yourself to relax and obey him for as long as you could.
"That’s right-" he moaned, "don't fight it. You know that's my favorite thing about you? The way you worship my dick, you fucking slut"
As he spoke, he forced you deeper down his cock. No matter how hard you tried to resist, you couldn't help but start to squirm around, trying to push him away.
"Don't be a fucking bitch, Y/n" Ransom huffed, keeping you in place, as your throat muscles constricted around his tip, "Just fucking take it"
With a fresh wave of tears streaming down your face, you slapped his thighs frantically, until he finally allowed you to breathe again.
"I'm so fucking close, baby" he grinned, as you panted your lungs away. "Look up at me, I wanna see those that dumb look in your eyes whenever you take my cock"
Mouth agape as you still worked on regulating your breathing, you looked up, right into the camera. "That's it! Yeah, that's my slut, I can see it in your eyes, baby"
If it were up to you, you would have waited more. But Ransom was having none of that. Instead, he grabbed your hair again, this time controlling your movements completely. He forced your mouth along his cock, bopping your head up and down until his hips started shaking and he couldn't take it anymore. Proud with yourself for getting through this without panicking, you leaned back and opened your mouth.
Ransom's grunts and pleasure filled moans filled the room, as his cum started shooting out of his cock. Little droplets ended up inside your mouth and on your lips, and maybe intentionally or by mistake, he shot a few pumps on your cheeks and in your hair. But you remained there, motionless, waiting for his next move.
With the phone still pointed at you, Random used his thumb to gather all the cum you had missed, before shoving his finger into your mouth.
"Always eager to suck on something, aren't you?"
You proudly nodded.
After that he threw his phone on the bed, and helped you up. He instantly went in for a kiss, his arms wrapping around your body to play with your ass while his tongue dominated yours. He owned you completely.
"Go run a bath, baby" Ransom said, slapping your ass, "I'll be right there"
"But.." you hesitated, "What about me?"
"What about you?" he asked, cluelessly.
"I didn't finish…"
"It's early, love" he smiled, kissing your forehead, "Let's take a bath now, and then daddy will take really good care of you, yeah?"
And he did. He kept his word. You jumped in the bathtub about 5 minutes later, settling between his legs. He held you in his arms, kissing all along the curve of your neck, playing with your breasts as he kept telling you about his plan to take over his grandfather's company.
Eventually, with you being your needy self, he had you straddle his hips, as he sunk his cock into your pussy. You went limp against his chest, your pussy every now and then clenching around him as he tickled your sides and played with your ass. When the water started to get cold, all it took for you to finish were a few simple rolls of your hips, Ransom following closely behind, much to your surprise. 
That night, he didn't ask you to cook anything for him, instead just ordering and sharing a pizza. As you waited for it to be delivered, Ransom ate your pussy into oblivion on the kitchen table, joking about how your cunt was the most delicious thing to ever touch that surface.
The following days went by similarly. He was always down to get dirty, but the one thing that was different now was his constant need to film you. With time you got perfectly comfortable with it, putting on a show for him with every chance you got. It was just a matter of time until you barely even noticed it.
One day, as you ran your usual errands, when you stopped by the bank, something caught your eye. You instantly requested the balance, and you almost dropped the piece of paper when you read the numbers. You paid the cashier a polite goodbye, and stormed out of the bank, your phone glued to your ear.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up!!" 
But he didn't.
You rushed home, palms sweaty against the steering wheel. God, you hoped it wasn't what it seemed. What troubled you the most, was that you weren’t even 100% mad. There was some other kind of emotion there, but you pushed it aside. As soon as you reached your house, you stormed inside, bursting into Ransom's office without bothering to knock first. 
And this time, you caught it. For a split second, you managed to see the video open on his computer, before he switched the tab back to Spider Solitaire. 
"You fucking asshole!" you yelled, slamming the piece of paper against his chest, "You sick fuck! You thought I wouldn't notice?"
"Come on, baby" Ransom chuckled, way too relaxed for how enraged you were. He spun his chair around to face you, extending his hand to grab yours, "Relax, I only-"
"You only what?" you interrupted him, "Sold my nudes? Are you insane?"
"Don't talk to me like that-" he threatened, leaning his head to the side, "You know I don't appreciate it"
"And I don't apreciate you posting my sex tapes on the Internet!"
He grinned, "That’s not the same thing"
"Yeah!" you scoffed, throwing your arms into the air, "What you did is so much worse!"
"Careful there, baby" he shook his head.
You wanted to protest again, but he stood up. Ransom took a menacing step towards you, towering over your small frame, the fire in your attitude instantly dying down.
"You don't get to talk to me like that-" he whispered, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip, "But I'll let it slide this time, doll, because that's exactly why I didn't tell you earlier. Wanted to see you panick a bit"
"Ransom…" you whined, "You should've asked"
He shook his head no, "You know I never ask, I just take. You should've considered this when you decided to be mine"
"I would have been into it, but I still wished you had told me" you said softly, too shy now to even look into his eyes.
"We talked about this, you're mine, I make the calls, not you"
"I know, Ransom, but-" you whined, but he grabbed your cheeks between his hands and stopped you.
"But what?"
You blinked a few times, "But nothing, I'm sorry I yelled, you're right"
"Of course I am" he chuckled, kissing your forehead, "See what happens when you worry, baby? Just be a good little girl and do what you're told without whining and bitching around, and everyone will be happy. We don't have to fight if you listen to me"
"I love you" you pouted, pressing yourself against his chest.
"Love you too, pet" he responded, slapping your ass a few times. 
As things finally calmed down, you decided to go change and then return to Ransom's office so he could show you how the page was doing. Just when you were about to walk out the door, he called after you. "Oh, and Y/n?"
"Love, some of the ideas I've gotten over the past few days where actually requests from our subscribers. Today will be fine, nothing new, but tomorrow we have a threesome. Some dude, Lee Bodecker, handsome guy, make yourself pretty, you'll love him!"
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