#i was watching this one bollywood movie the other day
character bingo-james potter
i am very well aware that this is not really in the realm of my past posts and a couple of things?
marauders? yep. a somewhat funny story about how i got there involving macarons, minecraft bees, physics, and one tiktok person who does an amazing cosplay of this one character.
what about nagakura? i have been detoxed from his bullshit and would like to keep it that way for some time. have found that my urge to rip my hair off has decreased. not for long though, eheh. started playing hijikata's route during this hiatus thing and got did i want to punch him in the face. need to finish it, hopefully soon.
so without further ado:
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"got done dirty by the creators"- first off, canonically dead. the author did have an opportunity to capitalise on the marauders as her original fanbase got older and write a spinoff based on that. instead we got cursed child. a part of me was interested in jily's tale and how they got together apart from the bare bones in the canon.
"i am constantly going insane rotating them in my brain like a fork in a microwave"- i want to know why he was so popular, apart from plot convenience. he just appeared like someone who was too perfect, and snape's complaits would have appeared to be jealousy. so i would like him to be fleshed out more, and have him appear more human apart from "everyone loves him even after he died" and "he bullied snape". that being said, i do like some of the headcanons that have been presented like him giving golden retriever and a really really sappy romantic (stuff more based in canon, admittedly).
"what's wrong with them (affectionate)"- rose more from fanfic than canon. but i think the author wanted to instill that feeling for her readers.
"what's wrong with them (derogatory)"- must have been pre bad if it took a long time for lily to reciprocate her feelings. plus arrogance is kinda uhhh, not the best? idk, this one was pure vibes
"i like them but i don't really think about them much"- all in all, at the end of the day, i am sorta moving away from marauders and so that intrigue i have for james, which wasn't really present much to begin with, has slowly disappeared. still there! not as much.
this will probably be my one post that symbolises my time of being in the marauders fandom. also, desi james? it's kind of a vibe.
alas, we did not get a bingo this time either. will it ever happen? will i finish that 2500 research proposal by its due date? find out next time!
note, i do not support the author at all. it cannot be denied that she had a huge impact on our childhoods and so we look to her as a role model. but it is a pity that she is using her voice to propagate such hateful things to people who identify as trans as though this world isn't shitty enough.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
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I wanted to add these celebrities in the first part but I thought it would be easier to make a second part
Zendaya admitted that her first date was at a Spider-man movie and she was a big fan of spider-man . Now she is a part of Spider-man movies , she spoke her desires into existence. She also mentioned that she realized If she doesn't like something she can change it and she feels she can do anything. She also admitted that she cried when Hannah Montana came out because she wanted to be like her and Miley was her inspiration . After a month , Zendaya interviewed Miley !! I would recommend you to read this post on reddit since it explained how Zendaya manifested everything in detail - click me !!
Kendall scripted about being a model when she was a teenager. Now she is considered one of the top models.
Shah Rukh Khan said that he would rule over Mumbai one day , now he is the known as the Bollywood's King Khan. He is ruling over Mumbai. He also bought the exact same house he wanted to. His movie "Yess Boss " had a song called " Chand Taare " and he is living that song in real life. The song was about manifesting. Moreover , He also admitted that he felt he was special. Also, his mother told him that he would become a superstar one day .He spoke his desires into existence.
Ice spice manifested a collab with her role model Nicki Minaj . She admitted that she manifested everything and she expected or assumed ,it would happen .
Olivia was nine years old and she told her mom that she was going to be a Olympic gymnast even though she could barely do a cartwheel, her mom thought she was joking but she was super defensive . The next week , she told her mom that she was going to win a Grammy, her mom was very supportive , she thought she was a little dreamer. Olivia spoke her desires into existence and she always believed in her dreams . Dreams do come true !
Michael Jackson wrote a letter to himself when he was a child , he mentioned in the letter how he would be a incredible singer and dancer that would suck the world and he would be magic and a perfectionist. Like other celebrities, he used scripting too ! I would recommend you to watch these videos - click me and click me !!
Vanessa admitted that she manifested everything in her life - her relationship with Cole Tucker, her home and career .
Drake said that things he repetitively think or say about , he is able to manifest them.
BTS said that they wanted to work with Olivia Rodrigo, they sat next to Olivia and Olivia had a cameo in their performance. Remember the iconic moment when Taehyung whispered in her ear ? They said that they wanted to win Daesang and now they have countless daesangs .Alot of times BTS spoke their desires into existence. They are known for having positive and encouraging lyrics in their songs too.
Dove said that she really wanted to play Bubbles in live action Power puff girls . After eight years , she got casted in live action Power puff girls. She also spoke her desires into existence.
Ronaldo said that in his mind , he is always the best and he does not care what other people think or say about him . He also said that we should think that we are the best in our area . Tell yourself that you are the best and you will become the best !!
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 5. 🪽
- Aquarius placements make someone soo smart ass and witty. Especially mercury 🤌🏻
- Gemini and Sagittarius are the type of people who will be killed by curiosity.
- 11th house placements make someone really popular and well known even if they don’t hang out with everyone. Same goes with the 3rd house placements maybe because of your siblings
- Pisces sun with Capricorn Venus is the most random and sad placement in a natal chart.
- Gemini sun with cancer placements are softies and more sensitive than all gemini placements
Men with all gemini in the personal planets is a red flag. Immature and easily influenced
- people with 4th house Venus will want their home to be comfortable and keep memories from their family house. You will see a lot of childhood pics on the walls or maybe a lot of photo albums.
- i love how passive aggressive a cancer can be. Like they are soooo unserious in serious situations. They will piss you off.
- it might be unpopular but the sister sign is a big fat lie. I have seen couples and friends with the sister signs not lasting long. For example every friendship I have a Virgo was good of 1 year and then became toxic.
- Pisces with 8th house placements or Scorpio placements is the person that will have temporary obsessions. Maybe they will find a song and play it for months and then will find a new song and then again. Maybe it would be a crush,maybe a movie character.
- Gemini and Sagittarius placements love cultures and they know a lot of things about them.(My mom is Gemini sun with Sagittarius moon and when I was young she showed me a lot of cultures. One random day she mention how much interesting Bollywood is and bought some dvds and we watched them together. Also had a lot of Arabic cds and we love to listen together and thanks to her my love for cultures became huge)
- i love LEO a lot but having it in your moon is pain in the ass. DRAMA QUEEN but I applause you for being open and expressive with what u feeling. Vulnerable queen💅🏻 but high maintenance moon. Constant admiration and attention.
- Pisces moon/rising people have dead inside eyes as for the other placements I can’t see it. (I’m Pisces sun and Venus and I don’t have this type of eyes)
- air moons scare me. You don’t know how they feel and what they feel. They are just there breathing and existing and inside their head their tiny version maybe burning the whole place💀 (SpongeBob brain scene if u know u know what I’m saying)
- I kinda feel bad for all my Scorpio moon people. Are you okay? ☹️
- Aquarius and Pisces will say things to get a reaction out of everyone. I have seen myself doing that just because I want to annoy them. I don’t believe half of the things I’m saying but I will do it to get a reaction for fun. Also 7th house placements do that.
- earth suns with Sagittarius placements make them super fun and cool. (My bestie is Capricorn with Sagittarius moon and she is so fun and witty)
- have you seen a Pisces sticking into anything? No me neither these bitches changing everything when they getting bored. It’s a mutable thingy ✨
- libra mercury is the devils advocate. ALWAYS
- never date someone who has the same mars sign as ur moon. Unless u want PAIN💅🏻
- always date someone who has the same Venus as ur sun. They will see you as their ideal type vice versa.
- Virgo women love cleaning and organising and Capricorn men love cleaning and organising. Match in heaven? 😏
- just to know the biggest liars are libra and Leo not Gemini.
- Pisces aren’t competitive at all they even let you win. They just don’t care (that’s me unless I’m playing uno) also really unpopular but Aries aren’t that competitive.
- Aquarius love internet friendships because they can have their space and not meet all the time with people.
- Taurus are more obsessive than a Scorpio. (I had a dude who said to me that he was stalking his ex for 3 years straight. It’s the dedication for me💀)
Speaking of these two. THEY ALWAYS BELONG TOGETHER. both insane and obsessed over each other in relationship. Maybe not the best of friends but everything is possible
- I haven’t see Gemini and Pisces be able to concentrate for more than 10 min.
- this is a personal thing to say but as a Pisces I tend to connect people with colours,smells ect. (One of my besties is white and always imagine her as cotton candy.) also I tend to bring in any conversation my closest people. I just love to mention them anywhere I can. If any Pisces reads this please tell I ain’t the one.
- libra sun with Virgo placements is a person with perfectionism and anxiety.
- fixed dominated individuals are like Patrick’s house. Like big rocks 💀
- cardinal dominated individuals need to learn manange their hidden anger issues
- mutable dominated individuals need to learn to end things they started 😒
Thats all 🪽
Okay guys this one was loooong. Sometimes I have a lot of ideas in my head and I get stimulated so thank u for making it till the end. Appreciate it sooo much 🥰 stay healthy and hydrated 💅🏻
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aoioozora · 2 months
Sharing an umbrella with the Ghosts
I shared an umbrella with my boyfriend the other day and I can't help but wonder what the Ghosts would do if you told them you forgot your umbrella and had to share one with them.
Logan Walker:
He owns only one umbrella, and it's a small one, but he shows up anyway
When you get under it, he makes sure to tilt the umbrella more to your side so that your shoulder wouldn't get wet
He eventually gets his shoulder so wet that he goes, "Fuck it we ball," and hands you the umbrella and just begins frolicking in the rain like he's in a Bollywood movie
"Aren't you cold?" "Hell no! I love this!"
Comes back home sneezing and drenched, but not regretting it.
David 'Hesh' Walker:
He takes the only one he has (which is also Logan's) and comes to get you.
When you get under the umbrella, he puts his arm around you and pulls you close to him to keep both of you from getting wet.
"It's so cold, isn't it?" he quips, chuckling. He's definitely not holding you close because he feels cold.
Both of you chat while you walk and it's smooth sailing; both of you are mostly dry when you reach.
He secretly hopes you'll forget your umbrella the next time so he can do this again.
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
He shows up in a CAR.
And he's annoyed that you forgot to take an umbrella with you.
"I told you countless times to take an umbrella when you go out. It's been raining cats and dogs lately!" he scolds you and shakes his head as soon as you sit in the car and strap on the seatbelt.
And when you apologise, he sighs and then proceeds to pat your head and your face to see if you're cold, and when he does, he turns up the car heater and begins driving.
A car is technically an umbrella, right?
Thomas Merrick:
He smartly owns more than one umbrella and brings one along for you to use.
He gives you a very girly looking umbrella, which you are not sure why such a manly man like him owns, but umbrella is umbrella so you use it anyway
Until you find that there's a small hole in the fabric. You inform him of it and he frowns, realising that it could've been gnawed off by pesky bugs after being inside the storeroom for too long. "Need to call pest control," he mutters under his breath.
When you tell him you can manage with the hole since it's just a minor thing, he refuses point blank. "Come here," he gruffly beckons you under his umbrella.
He takes the girly umbrella and holds it for you, not wanting you to carry a burden in addition to your bag.
He lets you hold on to his arm while you walk so you can keep up with him and not stumble (he may or may not have flexed his bicep as you did)
It's a comfortable and quiet walk back.
Keegan Russ:
He also owns only one umbrella, but it's a big one
When you get under the umbrella, he shakes his head and gives you a playful knock on your forehead with his knuckles.
"I'm not doing this again, you hear me?" he chides.
He then shoves his hand in his pocket as both of you walk. When he sees that you're getting a little wet, he holds the umbrella in his other hand and then proceeds to put his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to his side.
"Getting wet even under the umbrella, just what I would expect of you," he complains, but his voice is affectionate. You roll your eyes. "That's not my fault. You're not holding the umbrella properly." It becomes a bicker-banter fest from there.
He'd do this again. A hundred times.
He has more than one umbrella, but deliberately comes with only one.
"I can't believe you forgot your umbrella. Is this a ploy to share one with me?" he asks jokingly. "Yes." you answer. "Oh." He didn't expect that.
Both of you begin walking together, and he appears to be a bit jumpy.
"What's wrong?" you ask. "I kinda want to play in the rain." he replies.
And just like Logan, he hands you the umbrella and goes frolicking while you walk alongside him, watching and smiling.
Your smiles are short-lived when he does the opposite of keeping you dry by kicking water at you from the puddles.
By the time both of you are back home, both of you are far from dry and just cold, wet, and miserable.
"That was fun. We should do it again!" "NO!"
You enjoyed it anyway.
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
He's got a variety of umbrellas, but he brings a big one.
"Let me carry those for you," he says, pointing to your bags. "Oh no, it's alright, you don't have to," you say, but he insists and you give him some of your bags. "Come on, give me all of them," he presses. "Why?" "My mama raised a gentleman and I'm not letting a lady carry heavy bags in my presence." You relent, but question him, "But then how are you gonna hold the umbrella?" "Oh." He then gives you a sheepish grin. "Will you hold it?"
You end up holding the umbrella up for both of you, but you don't mind it at all. He is happily carrying the heavier burdens for you.
The walk back has you secretly admiring his strength.
The sweet little boy comes dressed in a cute yellow raincoat, holding an umbrella in his mouth.
He's a smart dog! He knows his way around and is well-trained enough to be focused on his mission.
When he delivers the umbrella to you, he happily trots by your side while you hold his leash, offering you his scary dog privileges.
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liaazhang · 10 months
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april • she/her • intp • 16 • indian • bi • multifandom mess • bollywood enthusiast •
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
other accounts: goodreads |
i don't do chain asks anymore, so please don't send them <3
currently watching: gossip girl ; how i met your mother
currently reading: song of silver, flame like night ; legendary
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prev urls: isnt-it-delicate15 -> timelessstv -> gxldrushh -> lovestrucklovelorn -> rachellelizabethhdare -> gethimbackpdf -> rosaadiazs -> bedchemmp3 -> liaazhang
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artists I love
taylor swift • olivia rodrigo • sabrina carpenter • conan gray • halsey • gracie abrams • maisie peters • renee rapp • chappell roan and most importantly - random bollywood songs
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pride and prejudice (2005) • mean girls (2004) • the star wars films • legally blonde • little women (2019) • into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse • bollywood films like yeh jawani hain deewani, jab we met, dil dhadakne do, 3 idiots, zindagi na milegi dobara etc etc
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tv shows
friends • brooklyn nine nine • modern family • how i met your mother • the good place • parks and recreation • gilmore girls • loki • ms marvel • wandavision • a series of unfortunate events • never have I ever • julie and the phantoms • 911
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keeper of the lost cities • the pandava quintet • riordanverse • grishaverse • the land of stories • hunger games trilogy • a good girl's guide to murder • the seven husbands of evelyn hugo • the inheritance games • the lunar chronicles • lockwood and co • daisy jones and the six • pride and prejudice • emma • the naturals • five survive • the reappearance of rachel price • the one of us is lying trilogy • powerless • I hope this doesn't find you • and too many more to count <3
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• I may listen to and like taylor swift's music but i most definitely do not support the problematic things she has done, nor do i support her silence about the ongoing Palestinian genocide
• dividers by @cafekitsune !!
• you're welcome to send asks and interact :D DMs are always open as well!!
• feel free to tag me in any post you think id like! (bonus points if its related to cats)
• I tend to swear sometimes
• DNI : basic dni criteria - creeps, racist, homophobes, transphobes, zionists, jkr supporters etc
• I do not like colleen hoover and booktok. at all. and yes I will always complain about her shitty books and other atrocities that booktok (or tiktok in general) has unleashed upon the world
• I make a lot of typos and it's up to you to decipher them <3
• my biggest flex is that my birthday is on world book day <3
• english isn't my first language so please excuse me if I make any grammatical errors!!
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moodboard by @skeelly <33
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rooksamoris · 5 months
I just read your thoughts about Scarabia and Leona's arc development in game, and I got very interested.
There's very little info on Arabian culture online, at least that I've seen, and also African. A thing that makes me very curious is about their mythologies, folklore, and also music. We know a lot about food, since it's something so universal, but the rest is hard to get info on, unless it gets popularized or romanticized by someone else.
The scarabia arc is one of my favorites for a reason, and that is because I'm very sympathetic with Jamil, and very sad how his and Kalim's story together got so "twisted" so fast (ehe). Honestly there are so many layers to it that it would take many many chapters, and events, to close the situation. But I think it's good they left the future open like that, since it's something that can't be fixed overnight.
And also, *gets down* PLS PLS PLS PLS 🙏 I love the fluffy fics, are you going to also add Bolllywood songs? They are so good seriously it's so dancing and fun! I love Jamil so much and I MELTED with the headcanon short fic where we are taking care of him. I wanna hold his precious handsome face and just kiss it all over! He is so cute I will go FERAL-
hey qamar 💕 this was a pleasure to read! honestly, i feel like both the scarabia and savannaclaw chapters were too short? of course, we were introduced to the themes and then the whole conflict—resolution mountain for stories, however i just feel like they could have done more with the both of them.
also, i think the reason why the southwest-asian and african themes aren’t covered is because the source material is literally disney films 💀 like we get a warning before rewatching aladdin since they just now realized it was kind of racist (still a major part of my childhood though 😭 “a whole new world” in arabic is delicious). based on how yana has written other characters that are meant to be from south asia, there’s a big chance it would have been disappointing anyways.
plus, with scarabia in particular, there’s too many cultures trying to be represented due to how colonizers deemed all of the countries to be the same thing in different fonts 💀 you’d never confuse a nepali with an omani, but winston churchill sure did not care.
the original aladdin movie was meant to take place in baghdad, a city in iraq, but due to political conflicts at the time (george bush a war criminal regardless of saddam hussein’s crimes. the usa literally gave saddam weapons to kill kurds and then turned around and invaded when he wasn’t convenient anymore 💀). baghdad became agrabah—but the culture is still an amalgamation of west asian, south asian, north african, and like eurasian/turkish culture. im sure they’ve got stuff from central asia too 😭
the issue with this is that from ethnic group to ethnic group/country to country, the culture varies a lot. yemenis and palestinians are both arabs, but our cultures are vastly different, with yemenis having more eastern african influences and palestinians having mediterranean influences. i personally headcanon the scarabia duo as arab, but honestly, they could be from anywhere. for all we know, kalim is afghan and jamil is tunisian—it’s all up in the air due to the original source material. but i digress!! i rambled a lot 😭
ON THE BOLLYWOOD NOTE! omg this brought so many good memories back. we used to watch bollywood films with shitty arabic dubs 🥹 i miss those days. i love that idea and ive always wanted to write bollywood inspired fics, like based on the crazy and unrealistic romantic moments in bollywood. it’s just so much fun lmao. honestly, i think that’s a great idea especially when so many bollywood songs just lead the listener through a story anyways. im so glad you enjoy my fics!!! that’s very sweet 💕 have a great day, qamar, and take care of yourself
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sageistri · 1 month
I so agree with this. I only listen to western songs that i hear here n there nd if i like it I'll play it on my Spotify. But till this day i have never played a single song of Billie, Taylor and many more big western artists.
I'm and Indian and there's this big artist from my country and he recently surpassed Taylor in monthly listeners and everytime he's close or surpasses a big western artists they make the same Shitty tweets saying "Taylor and who?" It's lame honestly. Now this artist from my country has this much ML is because he's got tens of songs and he's literally HUGE in youth. It feels like every single song is his or what. now just because he surpassed Taylor doens't mean i expect western stans to know him, but India is populated country and he's got that many fans hence he without even trying can surpass these western artists who use payola. Mind you in india we don't care about sp at all. We have many other music apps. There's nothing like playlisting, streaming this that here. So him getting all of that without even trying is because of his fans. Ppl who has watched Bollywood must have listened to his songs cause he's got lots of songs in movies.
And just like that Jimin has all these streams without the payola because he's got big Fandom. how is that our fault? How is it our fault if Billie with her 100m+ ml can do only that much?? Western stans really hate anyone artist breaking records who's not from their country loosers. Their hate for Asians is something else.
Exactly this. Also as someone who actually does listen to these western artists Billie and Taylor included, my tiktok fyp still doesn't show me that their songs should be as popular as they are. There's a lot of songs I hear regularly on tiktok and they're not even charting on global Spotify and I just assume it's because a song being used for a tiktok video doesn't necessarily mean people are listening and just because a song isn't pushed on everyone's fyp doesn't mean real life people aren't listening to it. And we know there are also a lot of people on twitter who would claim birds of a feather is only doing well because of autoplay.
Water and cupid were much bigger hits offline AND on social media than birds of a feather but they never got beyond 5 million daily streams on Spotify. By their logic those songs should have been pulling 50 million streams daily.
And I hate how billie's stans are acting because I loved her album and birds of a feather was one of my favourite songs, but I love jimin so much that I can't deny that their actions have turned me off this album for now and I think it's going to be that way until they stop talking about him.
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 3 months
Inception 30 day challenge 2024
Day 07: if you had to change a scene from the movie to have a musical number, which scene would it be?
I grew up watching hindi movies so *rubs hands* what if inception was still inception but the arthur and eames scenes are bollywood-ifyed?
1. the meet : as their names are told with such with such wistfulness and yearning, sprinkled with regret and longing, the first song has to be sth which shows their broken love, the happy earlier memories and the sorrowful abrupt ending, (?) where one didn’t stay long enough and the other didn’t wait long enough. Agar Tum Saath Ho : if you are here with me
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my favourite bit : “there are dreams in your eyes they are filled with hatred, there are talks of heart which feel deceptive”
2. the rekindling of and old spark : slowly but surely inching closer. kicking and screaming, pulling and pushing, sure, but both realising how the smiles long forgotten smile start coming to them both easily, remembering how before everything else the comfort they found in each other’s presence creeping in, and wondering whether they could go back to how things were, silently hoping the other would just take that one step towards each other. Mitwa : Companion
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my favourite bit : “what’s unsaid, what’s unheard of, could you please tell me what those stories are”
3. when everything inevitably goes to shit. that car shootout, those warehouse scenes, emotions running high and lies and betrayals keep piling up, threatening to tear them apart, but somehow both of them keeping the other grounded and drawing strength and comfort from each other. old endearments slipping in need of comfort, calm cool exteriors shattering when their lover is in danger. you know. the works. Shiddat : Passion
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my favourite bit : “I’ll make you a habit which I can’t leave behind, I’ll make you the centrepiece of my heart”
4. the sweet sweet reconciliation. the entire conversation with arthur and eames asking each other to be safe and come back to me. both of them slowly blinking their eyes open and realising they made it. the waiting at the airport for the other bag. them holding hands and leaving together. neither of them looking at their own spinning tops and enjoying the togetherness. the happy ending. O Maahi: My beloved
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my favourite bit : wherever you go, I will follow you, cause I can only find refuge in the safety of your arms
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everythingne · 6 months
Out Of The Woods, 6 (ls2)
Logan and Dhanishka finally have the necessary breakthrough, Olivia delivers some bad news that Dhanishka already has a backup plan for. Logan just has a really good time at the end.
warnings/notes: panic attack in the beginning, mentions of alcohol, i don’t really think much else? ok i KNOW viscaal is an actual dude but like. i forgot. so just imagine he has a brother or smthn idk. bit shorter but hey. this is for logan bc fuck williams man
(series masterlist) (ch 7)
I, despite my best efforts, cannot get a solid breath in. Someone's hands are on my face, trying to rouse me from whatever's got my eyes squeezed shut. I gasp again and they're brushing tears off of my cheeks. When I hold my breath, choking on an inhale, the voice is panicked, telling me to breathe. Then blowing a gust of air on my face.
Somehow the air is what snaps my eyes open.
"Christ, Isa." Logan's saying, holding a phone to his ear as he presses my hair down with one hand, "hey, hey, it's okay..."
"Lo-Logan?" I rasp and he nods, a tiny, worried smile crossing his face as he turns to the phone and speaks in a hushed tone.
"I've got her, thanks Anya. I'll text you when I get her in bed."
When he puts his phone down, he hands me a water bottle but holds the bottom of it as I take small slow sips and try not to burst into tears yet again. He doesn't say anything, not even when I lower my hand from where it's been resting over his thudding heart.
"You called my sister?" I ask and he pauses, before nodding.
"Yeah. I figured Anya would know how to help you out of a panic attack." He says and I nearly choke on my water.
"I had a panic attack?" I ask and he stills, before he is everything around me. His hands are gentle, tucking me against his chest, one hand carding through my hair as the other holds me tight.
“Oh, Isa—“ He murmurs into my hair. I whisper out confusion, I had a panic attack? I never have panic attacks? Is that why I blacked out? When did he get here?
“Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry they’ve turned you into me.” Logan presses his hands to either side of my face, lifting me back so I can look at him. I remember how a week ago I was afraid of loving him, how I was terrified I'd lose him, and yet here he was as stubborn and comforting as always. As he had been in China. As he had been in Miami. As he now was in Imola.
"I can't do this Logan." I hiccup, letting him bring me into his arms once more, kisses trailing my forehead as he keeps me locked in tight, "I can't take another day of this comparing bullshit! They hate me, all of them in Ferrari. I don't even know if I still have Charles, and they keep pushing and pushing and I just wanna be good!"
"You are good. You are so good." He murmurs, "You're doing better than I did my first season. I had panic attacks almost every race, I still have them sometimes."
When I look at him in disbelief he sighs, "the difference between us is that you have Ferrari and I have Williams. Alex and I are actually cared for within Williams. They care about our health, our wellbeing. Ferrari always has and always will put you below Charles because he's the predestined or whatever. It's stupid. It's what drove Carlos out according to Oscar, who heard it from Lando so who knows--but my point still stands."
I sniffle, nodding, wiping at my face and huffing when I realize I had cried. Logan convinces me to swap seats with him, and he drives us back to the hotel. He follows the same procedures as he had with my migraine and we settle in to watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara-- one of my favorite Bollywood movies I'd forced him to watch with me before. Surprisingly, he remembers a lot of it and then embarrassedly admits,
"We watched it on your birthday every year, I kept up the tradition. Even though Dalton thought it was stupid I did that."
I can't help but kiss him then, fully of my own decision and his hands comes to my waist as he pulls me down to slot against him. I throw my right leg over when he bites my lip, groaning in the back of my throat. The Señorita scene is playing from his laptop, Hrithik Roshan is dancing his heart out, Logan's lips are soft against mine.
He pulls back.
"What are we doing?" He whispers, pausing Netflix by closing his laptop and leaving us in the soft ambient glow of Imola from the half curtained windows.
"What do you mean?" I say, because I know theres more weight behind his words. He just laughs when I press a kiss to his forehead, his arm secure around my waist like he never wants to let me go. I don't want him to.
"Do you love me?" Its so vulnerable it makes me stop and he brings his hand to my throat, but just to dance his finger tips along the side of my jaw until he takes my chin in his hand and pull me a bit closer.
"Because I've always loved you in the way soulmates love each other, but I think you love me like I'm just a casual fuck."
"If you always loved me like that why'd you break up with me?" I ask and Logan sighs, letting go of my chin to place his hand on one of my thighs, the right one I had thrown over his torso when the kisses got a bit more than playful.
Logan takes a long moment to answer, like he's picking each word with the upmost care, but he just says, "I was scared."
"Of you. Of racing. Of everything." He sighs and I go to slide off his lap when his fingers dig in, keeping me rooted in my seat. Just like earlier, when he was calming me in the car, just like when he had eased my migraine. He needed me.
I card my hands through his hair, being them to his shoulders and smooth the tenseness I can feel. He closes his eyes, leaning his head back as he just lets everything finally break and he hands my his heart once more.
This time, I cradle it to my chest, trying to heal it while his heart tries to smooth out the sharp edges of mine.
"I had been doing so well. I had everything in my finger tips, just within reach and then... fucking Trident rips it out from underneath my feet. I didn't know what to do, and as far as I was concerned, you were just as guilty as everyone else. I... I needed control."
I had been right when I guessed that?
"And control was breaking up with me because it was a decision you could make without having to consult anyone else?" I say and he nods.
"I regretted it every day after. There were so many times my mom had to stop Dalton from calling you or Anya." A light smile crosses his lips and I giggle, taking the hint of his slight pursed lips to press a gentle kiss to them.
"Anya was so mad at you when we broke up, she told me she was gonna go to BWT and cut your brakes." I murmur against his lips and he starts to laugh, his hands slide up to rest along my ribs as he smiles against my lips and innocent pecks.
"I wouldn't have been mad if she had. I beat myself up over it for weeks." Logan shrugged, "but uhm... I talked with Viscaal last week. He was at the race for some sponsorship thing and he stopped to congratulate me on my placement. I asked him of you were involved and he and I talked about the crash for a long time."
"And he convinced me you weren't."
The conversation hadn't been easy. Viscaal was sort of up in arms about the idea of even discussing it with Logan, but once let in on the PR nightmare the two were going through... he relented. But he wasn't easy on Logan, he hadn't been the whole time they stood in the blistering sun over the track.
"She literally was inconsolable, how do you think she had anything to do with it?" James Viscaal had said to Logan, eyes narrowing underneath his Formula E cap, "You seriously think Dubey had anything to do with it? She'd rather hurt herself than hurt you."
"I just... I can't shake the feeling--"
"Well you better figure out how, Sargeant, or you're gonna lose a perfectly good girl."
Logan sighs as he replays the conversation two or three times, then gnaws the inside of his lip before saying, "Sorry for saying that shit to you, about not trusting you... it was childish."
"I said stupid shit too, I'm sorry." I say and he presses a more firm kiss to my lips.
"Consider that an apology accepted." He says and I smile,
"Guess I'll have to keep apologizing--" I'm cut off when he sits up abruptly, pulling me to his chest just to lay me on my back under him as he cages me beneath him.
My phone vibrates. A few missed calls from Charles. I ignore him in favor of kissing my boyfriend.
I'll tell him I was sleeping.
Monaco is the race for publicity. Everyone knew Monaco, and if they didn't, they just didn't know it was called Monaco. I'm snuck into Williams the day before practice, when it's mostly just vendors setting up and some meetings happening in each paddock. I'm led by Logan to a back office, where I meet with two women, and JAmes Vowles.
Who... is sitting in on the PR meeting for some reason?
The woman who leads Logan's PR is named Astrid Marina, and while I fight to figure out while that name is familiar, Logan idly pokes at my leg. I look over to read what he's showing me and groan internally.
'Ferrari and Williams in talks over suing Sky News reporter Anthony Davis for blackmailing and harassment.'
"Too much is happening this season, I don't even wanna bother." I complain and Logan nods, coaxing me to rest against him as I yawn. It's been a long week of harrowing, exhausting training with Charles. Ferrari gives me no reprieve and as I work to show them I am a capable driver, they still beat me down. Still say Charles is better. It's grown to be annoying for both me and the Monegasque, and something we bond over now in the late hours between a bottle of wine.
"How has your season been with Ferrari so far, Dhanishka?" James asks and I give him a cordial answer that has him raising an eyebrow in question as he says, "Logan's told me otherwise."
I whack Logan's arm, making the Floridian laugh as he raises his hands in defense of his actions. Something in James' eyes tells me it’s alright to say, so I do.
"It's been a terrible time if I'm honest," I sigh, "Charles is praised, I'm ignored and blamed for every mistake, they barely talk to me on radios so I kinda have to figure it all out myself, I'm hardly given real strategy and kinda just make it up myself as I go."
"And with all of that you still place in the top ten every race, and have podiumed twice. That's an incredible feat, Miss Dubey, you should be very proud of yourself."
Somehow, James saying that to me makes it all click that, yeah, it was an incredible feat.
"Alright, Jasmine is here so lets get started." Astrid settles in her seat in front of us and Logan and I sit back up from our lazing positions as Jasmine--my PR manager of several years, takes her own seat next to Astrid. James leans back in his seat as well, taking on a more observing role to this. I wonder if its because he's worried about this, or if Olivia and Lando have told him to keep an eye on it. Not that they knew who Logan's manager was, as far as I was aware.
Jasmine shuffles her papers a bit before asking, "How are you both feeling? You're almost tied for points this season."
"Feeling pretty optimistic." Logan smiles softly in greeting to her, "The car has been preforming well and I've been doing better than where I started last year."
"I'd be a lot better is my damn car worked half the time." I mutter in complaint, making Logan laugh softly as he squeezes my knee.
"I'm glad you both are feeling better." Astrid smiles, "but lets not take up too much time here for small talk, you both have busy days tomorrow."
Yay. Qualifying.
"Dhanishka, social media is your forte here. Keep posting, keep promoting the relationship. You've been doing a fine job with that. Public appearances have been fine, though I've noticed a bit of tension? Is there anything we want to confirm or ask about..?"
"How long is this going on for?" Logan asks and I feel a weird pain settle in my chest. Why did he care?
"Uhm... well..." Jasmine hums, "I'd say you guys can decide when to call it off. Astrid wanted to make sure that, unlike with Lando and Olivia previously, you both have complete control of this situation."
"Oh, Dhanishka, work on befriending some of the WAGs. I know you and Olivia are decently close, but befriending the Lily's or even Carmen would be a good look." Astrid says and I nod, opening my phone to follow them on Instagram. I was already close with Lily Zneimer, she just needed to come to a race other than Australia.
"Logan, we need you to start posting Dhanishka as well." Astrid says and Jasmine nods softly, looking like she's a bit uncomfortable by how strict Astrid is being.
"Yeah, got it." Logan nods. Theres a few more formalities, some publicity things they want us to do and a joint 'couples trivia' gave they want us to play with a bunch of the drivers before the next race on the calendar.
We're dismissed with the promise of posting each other more on social media.
"Lets go to dinner tonight." He says, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it. I smile and bump his shoulder with mine.
"Alright." I smile, its easy to be in love with Logan and he threads out fingers together and presses a soft kiss to the back of my hand.
Before I can leave though, James speaks, "Jasmine, Dhanishka, can we speak privately? I have Dhanishka's manager Lucille inside my office already.
And I nod, and follow James into his office after a quick goodbye kiss from Logan with his playful grin to match.
dhanishkadubey made a new post!
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dhanishkadubey: the muse and her artist 💙🩵
tagged: logansargeant
lilymhe: blue suits u sooo much wow
logansargeant: sei incredibilmente bella (i think.)
⤷ charlesleclerc: you think right?? wtf??
logansargeant: you in blue... woof or whatever. xx
anyadubey: blue has ALWAYS been ur color.
user2: dhanishka in blue?? williams dhanishka?? please james vowles.
williamsracing: wow. logan better know how to fight.
⤷ logansargeant: which intern is this i have WORDS.
⤷ williamsracing: LOL CATCH ME FIRST FLORIDA MAN !!!
landonorris: LOGAN TOOK THESE???
⤷ dhanishkadubey: hes an artist ✨
user3: oh to be someones muse...
I'm walking through the apartment building Lando had sent me the address for ages ago. Logan's hand is firmly tucked in mine as he idly talks about the desserts we'd brought for the little dinner we're all having tonight. Olivia had invited over quite a few people, her family (consisting of Oscar and Lily, Ophelia and her wife Rosalind, and Oaklynn), Lando's siblings, (sisters Cisca and Flo, brother Oliver with his wife Savannah and their daughters Mila and Athena), Max, Kelly, and Penelope, Alex and Lily, Charles, and me and Logan. It was some sort of dinner party, and due to Logan's training running a bit long we were late.
Which, wasn't surprising.
Olivia said they'd be out on the balcony, so we let ourselves into the spacious apartment. Logan helping me with my shoes while I joke about balancing the three plates, but Charles cursing in Italian sharply makes us both freeze.
"Relax." Olivia scolds, almost like a mother, "she's gonna be fine, I've been in talks with multiple teams and--"
"They're just dropping her?! For Lewis? She's been beating him every damn race save for Australia!" Charles all but roars and I can hear the balcony door slam. Logan tenses, his jaw setting firmly and he tries to coax me back outside but I'm stubborn, I won't move until I know whats wrong. But I have a gut feeling I already know.
"Charles, calm down," Olivia tries again and then there's an overlap of a few voices I can't fight through.
"It's nothing set in stone! Relax!" Max's voice chimes above everyone else's and the room quiets as a soft sigh escapes Logan's mouth. He draws his arm across my back and hushes me softly, pressing a kiss to my hairline.
"Checo's moving to Formula E. I'm taking his spot next season, or I'll go to RB if they choose to move Daniel instead." Alex says softly, "which means Red Bull is set for next season regardless. Mercedes is taking Carlos to race with George, so they're set as well."
"McLaren's got me and Lando, so they're set. Neither Haas or Aston Martin are gonna change." Oscar sighs, "safe bet that Alpine and Sauber will stay the same too."
Max asks, "Is Logan staying with Williams?"
"Can we stop talking about this, they'll be here soon. Dhanishka doesn't even know yet." Olivia complains, "I don't know why you're all so surprised when Ferrari's been treating her like shit! They could care less if she's dead or alive on that track as long as Charles comes out on top. Plus, the FIA is going to investigate them for malpractice."
"Oh, actually?" Lando hums and I hear Charles confirm, and I bury my head against Logan's chest where I can hear his heart pounding. I'm trying to fight back the sense of dread forming in my gut.
"I know Logan's been trying to get her to talk with James." Alex says softly, "As far as I'm aware, Williams is resigning him with the second seat open."
Logan's grip tightens when he realizes I've figured it out and I push past him to enter the main room of the Piastri-Norris apartment. The warm Monaco air feels unwelcome as it floats in from the open balcony door where I can see the kids are being preoccupied from the inside argument. But inside, all the drivers plus Olivia stare at me like I'm not supposed to be there. And then theres movement and--
"Dhaniska!" Olivia's voice chimes and the Aussie to wrap me up tight in her arms, "Oh, honey."
"They're dropping me?" I hate the way my voice sounds so broken and despite what I want, Olivia nods.
"Last week I got both Daniel's and Alex's data from last season to sift through to help the Red Bull team figure out which driver we want next season." She starts to explain, running her fingers through my hair, "I knew some big changes were happening when we also got files for Lewis and Fernando. But.. Lewis just announced he was racing with Ferrari next season, while Charles was here. No one knew except Lewis and Vasseur. I-I can try and get you with some other teams but--"
"Olivia, I love you truly, but that's not your job." I say softly, squeezing her forearms, "A-and besides, I... I might've made a contingency plan."
The whole room pauses.
"Huh?" Logan says, tightening his grip on my wrist and I laugh. It's so stupid, how he thought his and Alex's little plan to have me replace the latter Thai driver would've gone overlooked by James. Who bit down at the chance to have me.
James pulled me and Jasmine into his office, my manager Lucie already inside. When I give a confused look, both women are motioning for me to sit in the middle of three chairs. Lucie on my left, Jasmine on my right. When I do, James takes a seat at his desk and hands me a file in the beautiful William's blue. The logo stamped on front, with words written under that make my heart pause.
"Dhanishka." Lucie starts, placing a reassuring hand on my knee as she sets down an identical folder, "Ferrari isn't going to renew your contract next year. I've known since Miami. Lewis is coming to race for them instead, which I thought I'd be more surprised about, but it is close to his retirement I suppose."
"He did always say he'd retire in a Ferrari." James nods, and the conversation continues, still led by Lucie.
"So, I've been in talks with almost every team--thanks to Olivia, who has an almost... deus ex machina power within F1. She got me write up contracts from Mercedes, Alpine, RB, and Stake... but they've all backed out."
James, taking this as his cue, sits forward, "Williams is going to need a driver next year. Alex is moving to one of the Red Bull teams. We'll be resigning Logan."
"Me?" I ask, "you seriously want me? The girl who almost destroyed one of your drivers PR?"
"PR is repairable," James waves a hand, "Your skill on the track is something I can relate to a young Alonso or even someone like Senna or Vettel. It's talent like yours, Charles' and Max's we wont get again soon. To podium on your first race, to stay consistently in the top ten with no support? That's unheard of."
"Williams is offering a three year contract." Lucie says and I finally thumb open the folder and stare down at it. The weight of it all becomes real when I see it all printed out.
James stands to leave as he says, "I'll leave you to speak in private."
So I can’t hide my smile as I announce, "You are looking at the second seat for Williams in 2025!"
I don’t think in my time of knowing Logan had he ever hugged me as tight as this. I can’t help but laugh as his chest presses to my back, his lips finding my cheek and undoubtedly smudging my makeup. I can’t find it in me to care.
Alex decides to make a show of giving me his seat (which includes him physically handing me a chair) and when I turn to hug Olivia and Lando in celebration, Olivia whispers to me, “I knew you guys would figure it out.”
Charles just about squeezes the life out of me with his hug, thanking me for driving with him, and I thank him for teaching me. I know later on we’ll have a more in depth conversation but for now he allows me to celebrate with Logan’s arm tucked firmly around my waist.
Kelly ends up pouring us all shots to celebrate, and when I smidge my lipstick drinking various glasses of champagne and other drinks, Logan fishes my compact and my lipstick out of my purse.
It feels full circle to have him hold the mirror while I fix myself up.
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liked by dhaniskadubey, oscarpiastri, alexalbon, and 345k others...
logansargeant: heres to second chances 💙
dhanishkadubey: AAAA MERI JAANNN <333
- logansargeant: MERI JAAN????
sebvettel: looking good rookies 👍🏻
user1: dhanishka in blue pls be a sign. pls.
dhanishkadubey: i am going to kiss u on the mouth
user2: the girlfriend effect on logans insta shut upp
oscarpiastri: loganishka since day 1
f1 made a new post!
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liked by anyadubey, charlesleclerc, danielricciardo, and 783k others…
f1: Admist the starting investigation into malpractice within Ferrari's team following @ dhanishkadubey ‘s treatment over the past few months, Dubey released a statement about leaving the team.
“Ferrari was a dream, but the reality of Ferrari is that we are not compatible. I will continue to give my best performance for the team, wish them the best of luck next season, and send my love to the tifosi. Thank you for welcoming me.” - Dubey via Twitter this morning.
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@chasing-liberosis @justsomejess @struggling-with-delia @daemyratwst
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eisukevint · 7 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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Anonymous asked: Of all the many languages you speak which is your weakest one? Do you use those languages?
It’s privilege to learn any language that isn’t your mother tongue. As Ludwig Wittgenstein correctly observed, “The limits of my language means the limits of my world”. If English is our native tongue we put ourselves at a disadvantage because we expect every other nationality to take the trouble to speak it. There seems no incentive to learn a foreign language. We become lazy not just in language but also in other ways including our cultural enrichment, our imagination, and a misplaced sense of our self-importance in the world.
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Of the European languages I know, I probably think German would be my weakest. When I was in school in Switzerland you’re brought up in three languages: French, Italian, and German (even if the Swiss speak Swiss German). When I say weakest I mean I can converse fluently, but I don’t have time to read German literature in the same immersive way I would say with French literature or take any special interest in German affairs.
I would say I’m fairly fluent in French now but still prone to silly mistakes. I’ve been told that I can speak without an accent and that is heart warming to know, because that was always the goal once I moved here to France. I don’t really use French in my work as it’s a multi-national entity and so English is the default language of corporate world, but I’m speaking French pretty much the rest of the time outside of work.
I was extremely fortunate to be born into a multi-lingual family where Norwegian and English were spoken from birth. All my siblings were being versed in Latin (not Greek which came years later after doing Classics at university) by the time I was 8 or 9 years old because my father was a classicist and he felt Latin was the building blocks to mastering other languages.
All this occurring whilst we moved lived and moved around a lot in the world such as China, Japan, India, and the Middle East. When I was initially sent to one of the first of my English girls boarding schools I was horrified that most of the girls only spoke English. I thought I was the stupid one for only knowing 6. Boarding school, if nothing else, gave me a great privilege to hone in on the languages I did know and start to learn others.
My parents didn’t take the easy way out and put us children in international schools like all the other expat children. That would have been too easy given how tight knit the British expatriate community was out there. Instead we were left to sink or swim in local schools in places like Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan or Shanghai in China or in Delhi, India. It was a struggle but you soon find your feet and you stumble towards some basic level of fluency.
I’m fortunate that before Covid my corporate work took me often to the Far East and it was a great opportunity to hone what I already knew. The result is I can converse and take business meetings in Chinese and Japanese (though English gets thrown into the mix too).
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I would say Chinese is more of a struggle for me these days because I’ve not been back since before the Covid lockdown in 2020. Chinese is one of those languages that can easily melt away if you don’t get the chance to converse in it on a regular basis. Japanese less so, probably because the culture had more profound impact on me than Chinese culture.
Hindi is less of an issue because I have close Indian friends and also I watch Bollywood movies as well as converse with Indian immigrants here in Paris who have local stores. Urdu I learned through the backdoor because Urdu has a spoken affinity with Hindi (if you know Hindi then you know spoken Urdu, more or less, especially in Northern India and cities like Delhi where Urdu was born in the burnt ashes of Mughal India). Reading is another matter because they each use different scripts - Sanskrit for Hindi and Arabic and Persian script for Urdu.
Strangely enough when I was doing my tour in Afghanistan years ago with the British army, I would speak Urdu with local Afghans who served as official translators or were selling goods on the base. These Afghans knew Urdu because an entire generation of Afghan boys and girls grew up in refugee camps on the Pakistani border during the different phases of the Afghan war. I have very fond memories of their friendship and hospitality, but less so of the war itself. 
With Arabic, it had lapsed woefully until I did a posting in Dubai in the past year (as catalogued in my blog) and I found myself suddenly remembering a lot and asking Arab friends. Soon I was able to hold my own amongst my colleagues and corporate clients. In these cultures it’s really hard to stay focused because so many of them speak very good English. So it’s hard to get them to stick with their own language because you want to learn from them - but they want to show off their English proficiency - and so you have to be polite but persistent to stick with Arabic.  
If you’re learning a new language then I hope you stick with it. There’s almost nothing more rewarding in your life than the disocovery a rich culture through language. The key is to find a way to make it fun rather than a trip to the dentist chair for a root canal operation.
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Thanks for your question.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 11 months
1)Jang Wonyoung ( Kpop idol )
Wonyoung is so young , but she is SUCCESSFUL & MATURE for her age . She really lives up to her name " won " & " young " . She is not only gorgeous but also very smart and talented . Although She gets alot of hate but she doesn't let others negativity or haters get to her & its evident that those people are jealous of her. She is ambassador of luxury brands like MIU MIU , skin care brands like Innisfree & all brands chase her like crazy. She is 4TH GEN IT GIRL. She also admitted in one of her interviews that she gives herself love and focus on the things she likes about herself . Her self concept is one of a kind.
" YOU ARE YOU , I AM ME " - Wonyoung
@magic-irl has made affirmations on wonyoung ( click here ) & @vanillablankie also ( click here ) I also made affirmations on Wonyoung - click on this . @heejinisoutofideas made affirmations on her too - click here
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2) Pooja Sharma aka Poo ( kabhie khushi kabhi Gham )
Poo is ICONIC . She knows her worth and never settles for less. She knows how BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING she is and only puts herself on a PEDESTAL . She pampers herself and always compliments herself. It's clear that she loves herself alot . She is like Indian version of Regina George but she wasn't as mean as Regina . I dare you to watch K3G movie and I'm sure you will know why she is a self concept icon.
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3) Jennifer Check ( Jennifer's body)
Jennifer knows that she is that bitch and she acts like it . She is confident, pretty and popular. The song " Maneater " by Nelly Furtado was made for her 🤭💖
@angelicbarbiedoll has made affirmations on Jennifer check . Click here
@fragileheart444 made affirmations on her too ! Click here
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4) Chanel Oberlin ( Scream Queens )
She is confident in herself, she knows that she is pretty , smart and rich. She is also witty and funny. Her self esteem is higher than burj khalifa .
@taurusbae222 has made affirmations on her . Click here .
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5) Maddy Perez ( Euphoria )
Who doesn't know her ? She has the CONFIDENCE one would die to have . She is the bad bitch who has it all , everyone either wants to be with her or BE HER . She literally won the IDAF mindset war .
@awhkacey has made affirmations on Maddy Perez . Click here
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6) Shah Rukh Khan ( Actor )
Shah rukh khan also known as KING KHAN . He is 58 and still ruling bollywood since 3 generations . He is not only the king of BOLLYWOOD but also the king of hearts . He is the fourth richest actor. Few years ago, his films weren't doing so good & everyone said how his " time " was gone coz he was old . Haters would make fun of him since his movies weren't able to cross more than 300 crores. He took a break for 3 - 4 years . Now when he came back , he literally broke records . His movies Pathaan and Jawan , both made 1000 crores. He literally shut the " boycott bollywood " gang and proved his haters wrong . Also , SRK came from a very poor background and he had no connections and directors said that he couldn't become an actor coz his face wasn't "chocolaty " enough but guess what ? He still did . He said that he would rule the city of Mumbai one day and he did !!! Not only he is a versatile actor but he is charming , has a great presence of mind & gives witty replies , is respectful to women & elders and he is very HUMBLE. When asked in an interview if he had any competition, he said that he didn't have any competition & he didn't come to compete but rule . In other interviews he said how he felt that he was SPECIAL & how he was the " LAST OF THE STARS " . Be like him , be confident in yourself & don't let others determine what you are capable of 💓
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7) Geet ( Jab We met )
Geet is HER OWN FAVOURITE . She loves herself and is cheerful & optimistic . She tends to follow her heart .
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8 ) Kokomi Teruhashi ( The disastrous life of saiki k )
Kokomi Teruhashi is aware of the fact that she is the prettiest girl . She is confident in herself , knows that everything will work out for her and because of this assumption everything works out for her . Life is always easy for her. She knows She can get anything She wants .
@magic-irl has made affirmations on kokomi Teruhashi . Click here To know why Kokomi is an ICON , check out this post by @awhkacey and this one by @taeriilight
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9) Tomie
She knows that she is pretty , charming and Intelligent & she uses her beauty and intelligence her advantage. She is confident in herself. She knows that she is hard to forget . She has a mysterious charm .
@magic-irl has made affirmations on her too !! Click here
@thaticonicgirl has also made affirmations on Tomie . Click here
@wishfulfilled has made a beautiful & detailed vaunt on tomie . Click here
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musette22 · 8 days
Hi Minnie! It's been a long time since I've been by to scream in your inbox but I had a moment today so I thought I'd stop by. I hope you're well and so are Lily and Maisie ❤❤
I was watching this Bollywood promo for a movie and the lead actors were asked to further with each other using these really cheesy lines and the couple got together just a little but after that. It got me thinking of how Chris and Seb would have reacted if they were asked to flirt during their CW era. And Seb would just go for it and flirt his ass off with Chris and would leave Chris feeling really flustered. And maybe he keeps thinking of that feeling for a few years until Endgame when the reality of not seeing Seb everyday kicks in and he finally makes a move...
Hi my darling! 💕 I'm doing well thank you, and so are the girls! I hope you are too?
Oohhh that sounds so much like a scenario I'd dream up before I go to sleep, I love it 😍 It's funny, I would automatically think that Chris would be the one flirting up a storm and flustering Sebastian, a bit like in my fic Heat Wave 🤔 But I am very interested in what you're proposing too, we all know Sebastian can be a huge flirt too, and I'd personally love to see Chris all bashful and flustered for once...
And of course Chris would pretend that he wasn't as affected as he was, cause it was just a joke and Sebastian didn't mean it, and besides, he's not even into guys... right? But he can't forget how it felt to be the focus of all of Sebastian's flirty attention, how it felt to have Seb look at him like he wanted to do things to him, to wonder if Seb was actually going to kiss him and why that thought was far more exciting than it should have been...
And then maybe one day, a few years later, he has an eye-opening conversation with his brother, or his mum, or Tara, and he realises that he wants to find out if maybe Sebastian did mean it, at least a little bit, and whether maybe he'd like it if Chris actively flirted back sometime (the answer is yes).
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
...some more desi!jon and martin hcs? for the soul?
Hello!!! Sorry for taking so long to answer, I needed to get into the right headspace lol
You know how it's a desi custom to like feed each other cake on birthdays? You do it with your loved ones especially so I'm imagining it's Jon's birthday and Tim insists on feeding him cake and he begrudgingly agrees then suddenly everyones feeding him cake and laughing and feeding everyone else and Martin really shouldn't feel like it's so intimate (indirect kisses as such) but it's a bonding moment for the whole archives crew
Jon is like insanely good at rangoli patterns, his grandma put him to work every festival season and it kept his hands busy for hours on end, building spiral patterns with vibrant powders. He lost some of it over the years, but in the Scottish Safehouse, he makes smaller patterns across the entrance almost as a sigil against everything they were being hunted by
Martin has a pretty good Bengali accent and is fluent, his mum refused to speak anything other than Bangla so he's kept it up all these years and gotten quite good at it to the point where he's sometimes mistaken for a native speaker
Jon has an atrocious accent and can just about get by in Hindi, he had been sat down by his grandma to try and teach him a couple of times over his childhood but he never could concentrate for long enough, his grandma shouted too much for his liking and he was a gifted kid so if he didn't get it immediately, he wouldn't do it at all
Jon's favourite Bollywood actor is Irrfan Khan cause he thinks he's super impactful and he loved him in Piku (but he grew up watching mostly old black and white Bangla movies directed by satyajit Roy like Pather Panchali)
Martin's favourite has to be SRK cause he's a classic and he grew up watching him and whenever he's sad he watches Kuch Kuch Hota Hai or Chennai Express
They both adore 3 Idiots though, like they were both screwed over by the education system in different ways (Martin struggled with juggling school and caring for his mum so he ended up dropping out, Jon and his burned out gifted kid vibes), they understand the pressure to get a certain level of educated and a certain type of profession (they would've gotten it from judgemental relatives lol like you couldve used your intelligence to become an engineer and instead you work for a falthu place) and they definitely understand the mental health issues and the friendship between the guys reminds them of their own friendships over the years
Also that song "give me some sunshine, give me some rain" like one day Martin's humming it and Jon's like is that???? and then Martin starts singing it and they do a little duet (martin was classically trained in rabindra Sangeet so he has a smooth velvety voice and jons is decent) and then it can become a super angsty call back in MAG 200
That's all I got!! Thanks for the ask!!
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micamicster · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any romcom (movie) recs? I feel like i hypothetically like the genre, but have a lot of trouble finding ones i enjoy. So many romcoms feel so formulaic (in a dead way) and misogynistic and stale to me. I think they’re a lot easier to do well in the context of a series because there’s actually time to build. Recently i thought rye lane and fire island were fun. I like kdramas when i have the time for all the episodes because i appreciate the build. I need chemistry— people who both convincingly like each other and seem like actual human beings. I thought you might have some good ideas! Thanks <3
I hope you weren't waiting on my recs all day haha i have been. hm. hungover af <3 (i'm going to leave kdramas off this list for now but if you would like specific recs for kdrama romcoms send me another ask and i can try to do them justice!)
I think this is a genre with underrated range! So one thing that I find very interesting about the genre of romcoms is that I think there tends to be a split between romcoms whose goal is, like, to be a fun lighthearted movie with a central romance, vs romcoms whose goal is to Say Something About Love in the vehicle of a funny movie. Both of these categories are represented on this list but for giggles i will not be saying which i think are which <3
anyway recs under the cut <3 i will link my tags for these movies if you want to take a look but be warned for spoilers ofc
I think for your purposes my primary rec would be Lovesick (aka Scrotal Recall). It's a (short) tv show so it would likely give you the chance to get to know the characters and see a slower build. In contrast to the frustration you've had with some more "formulaic" romcoms the writing in this show is very deliberately in conversation with romcoms of the past. Also it's just one of my favorite romcoms ever made so I rec it to everyone. The premise is that a young man, Dylan, is diagnosed with chlamydia and instructed to tell his past partners. Being a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless), he decides to try to turn this into an opportunity to revisit relationships that didn't work out, and try to figure out where he's been going wrong. Two simultaneous storylines play out in each episode, the flashbacks to the exes (and breakups) and the present, where Dylan's best friend is getting married.
Older romcoms: When Harry Met Sally (ive heard this is divisive? but idc its SO funny and so well made), Moonstruck (a romantic-comedy in the operatic sense. also cher <3), The Philadelphia Story (katharine hepburn the woman u r. tw for a classic 1940s gag about punching ur wife in the face), Bringing Up Baby (screwball comedy my beloved), Roman Holiday (audrey hepburn is lethally charming in this movie), Dirty Dancing (someday ill write something this good and then You Will Realize), Much Ado About Nothing (i tend to enjoy either the danielle brooks shakespeare in the park version or the classic tennant/tate combo)
Teen romcoms: 10 things I hate about you (young heath ledger and young julia stiles ur welcome), to all the boys i;ve loved before (lana condor is ADORABLE), The Half of It (my other favorite sort-of romcom of the decade)
More recent-ish: Speed (like its keanu and sandra what more do you want), Strictly Ballroom (i used to watch this literally weekly as a child and I WAS RIGHT TO), Miss Congeniality (sandra bullock what u did for us all <3), Fire Island (thank u 4 my LYFE), The sandra bullock/channing tatum movie that came out last year (i forget what its called but he's so funny in it), Mamma Mia AND Mamma Mia Here We Go Again (beautiful greek islands, abba, cher, what more can you ask for?)
Indian/bollywood: Jab We Met (after dramatically quitting his job, Local Man somehow ends up escorting a woman he meets on the train while she attempts to elope with her boyfriend. aka classic screwball comedy heroine and Guy She Dragged Along For The Ride), khabie khushi khabi gham (multiple generations of romance and family drama featuring Kajol, the Most Beautiful Woman In the World), Band Baaja Baaraat (two wedding planners fall in love--great choice if you want to watch idiots ambushed by their feelings)
Other tv recs: Selfie (john cho and karen gillian in a show canceled far too soon)
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OMG so I just got a cute headcannon for @phoenix-manga 's Diamond Crown Academy!! So I think Allison is a big fan of movies and she and Madison would binge watch movies together, which would make their father furious because they weren't practicing being 'ladylike' and it was a way of them rebelling against his values. I think they brought the movie watching to DCA, they would invite the dorm leaders to Futterwacken, even the general chaos of the dorm would not deter them, they would totally introduce the other dorm leaders, especially the girls or princesses who were not quite exposed to 'binge watching' movies, such as Briar or maybe Vidya and Kore ( My DCA dorm leader oc twisted from Megara from Hercules) and they'd fall down a rabbit hole (XDD Alice in wonderland reference💀) I think after they've watched movies at the Futterwacken Lounge Room, eventually they would expand the movie dates to each one of their dorms, (except Coquille, unless there's an accessible way idk), Pommeneige, Glastanzerin, Dragonstone, etc. They would bring popcorn and other snacks that they enjoy or are native to their culture. I'd think that Perrine would bring one of her....interesting food combinations to the movie nights that would gross the other girls out lmao. They would bicker in the beginning about what movies to watch, not calling names, Evonie and Allison LMAO, The others would eventually come up with a solution, each of the girls would get to choose whichever movie they wanted on the movie nights according to dorm order so Evonie, then Ella, Allison, etc. The girls would make up theories and conspire amongst themselves as to how the movie would progress and if there would be a plot twist, although some might get shushed by the others who were trying to listen to the dialouge😝. They have movie nights once a week on any day they're all free. The teachers and even headmistress allows it bc they think that the girls bonding over movies is adorable. Also, Puchi would definately want to join and snuggle under soft blankets while eating popcorn LOL.
Now, when it comes to personal preferences i think each of the girls would like different genres. Firstly Allison would love comedies, prank shows, really anything to do with fun and chaos. Evonie, Vidya, Kore and Jinlong would like movies with a strong female lead, who fights for what she believes is right and is confident in her goals and what she wants, the girls would feel inspired and overall motivated. Maybe Vidya would like whatever the twisted wonderland version of bollywood films are, she might get confused with the drama and the overly dramatic music that comes up during the arguement scenes tho. Ella would like a rom-com, maybe a cheesy love story that makes the others uncomfortable, with a charming prince like male lead and lots of lovey doveyness. Cerule would probably like i envision a kdrama for some reason. Something with a 'follow your heart and dreams' message. For Rozeline, i have many hcs. She'd like mystery and crime solving shows, something with a lot of thinking out of the box. But maybe she would also like horror and gore. Its funny imagining Rozeline watching horror jumpscares calmly while everyone else is shaking in their seats lmaoo. Elu may like a nature documentary or something that pertains to her likes of navigation. Perrine would enjoy cooking shows for new ideas and inspiration to add to her recepies. Lastly, Briar would like something family oriented, like a story where a found family is developed, it would make her both happy and sad because she longs for a loving family (SJFKFKRKEK I LOVE BRIAR SO MUCH THE MUNCHKIN NEEDS A BIG HUG ). I also have hcs of what my DCA OC dorm leaders would like to watch. Firstly Holly, (Twisted from Rapunzel from Tangled) would like a thriller or just something with adventure and exploring with plot twists. I already talked abt Kore so lets move on, Noelle (Twisted from Elsa from Frozen) would like something to hate watch, like a rom-com. She thinks romance is overrated and she watches romcoms for the sole purpose of writing page long reviews on how bad it was💀💀.
Bonus: If Yuu and Sophie joined their movie nights one night and Yuu brought the OG disney princess films from their world, and the girls are watching the movies and are just confused because, why do those princesses/heroines in the films look similar to their dorm founders, and by extent, themselves. And why do the villains remind them of certain wild boys from a prestegious school. Sophie would be a mix of curious, confused and excited while Yuu would just snicker in the background like the smug lil bug they are bc they know whats going on and decided to be a menace. XDDD but thats just my little hc on the girls hehe
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