#i was looking at the place i want to buy sasuke's from and the sasuke one looks pretty good except
megkuna · 3 months
trying 2 find yuta's sword for my cosplay and why are so many of these blades not curved .... upsetting!
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dira333 · 1 year
Married life
Sasuke x reader, just a little bit of fluff
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Contrary to popular belief, being married to an Uchiha isn’t like the dreams of little school girls. 
He doesn’t bring home flowers every day or serenade you under the stars. He doesn’t buy you fancy jewelry or take you out to dinner every week. 
The reality was a lot less impressive.
Most of the Uchiha estate had been destroyed in Pain’s attack and restoring what was left gobbled up your savings faster than Naruto could scarf down a bowl of Ramen.
It had taken Sasuke a whole year to prove himself worthy of taking on something above a D-Rank Mission, his earnings barely paying the bread you put on the table.
And it took a toll on him, you could tell, that his contributions were so small. 
He had never been a romantic and living as a nomad for so long had stolen what had been left of his inclinations. Why should he buy you flowers if they would only wilt on the table? Why buy jewelry you would not be able to wear during work?
Luckily for the two of you, you’d never been one to compare.
“Thank you.” You tell him when he opens the door for you, leaning in to kiss him. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Sasuke smiles softly. He doesn’t remind you that you’ve only been gone for the day, he likes your little routine.
“I found something today.” He tells you as you unload the groceries you’ve got on the way. Without asking he picks up the fruit and places them in the bowl on the table where they are always in sight, a nice little remember to eat a bit more healthy.
“Yeah. You’ll like it. How was your mission?”
“Boring, but I guess that’s fine once in a while. I’m free tomorrow, do you want to sleep in?”
He throws you a smile from where he’s putting the meat in the fridge. 
“Always. Ready for your present?”
“Always.” You copy him and let him take you by the hand, guide you through the house onto the unfinished patio.
“Wait here. I’ll be back in a second.”
Despite his efforts, you hear the soft mewling before he even opens the door.
You turn with a smile to him awkwardly holding a calico kitten, the cat desperately trying to escape.
“I found her in the bushes.” He explains as he drops the kitten into your waiting hands. “Knew you would love it.”
“She’s so cute. Have you given her a name yet?”
“I’m not good with names.” He laughs softly when the kitten starts gnawing on your thumb, his own hand softly caressing the kitten’s tiny head. “You name her.”
“How about Yuki?”
“Like Snow?”
“No, like Happiness.”
“I like that.” He gifts you a smile that’s carefree and open and so rare on his face. It makes him look just as young as he still is, as innocent as he once was. 
“Thank you.” You lean up to kiss him. “You’re the best.”
It’s not the first pet Sasuke has brought home. 
Around and beneath your house live a lizard, a turtle, and a finch, all animals he’s found and brought home to nurse back to health. Maybe the cat will stay in the house, maybe it won't, but every time he brings home another stray and claims that it’s a present for you, it reminds you how much love he’s still left to give.
Being married to Sasuke is not a glamorous feat nor the carefree life some might have thought at age 12.
It’s a calm and gentle adventure, but an adventure nonetheless.
And one of these days you’ll ask him to add another soul to the potpourri of your life when the patio is finished and the kitten has learned that the bedroom is off-limits.
Or maybe, like those things often go, it will happen when it happens.
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evereinefaust · 8 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Being Naruto's mother is never easy, especially when MC is a single parent raising a troublemaking child. But she loved her son, nonetheless. And on this special day, he wanted her to feel loved as well.
Word Count: 601
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You were currently making dinner for your son, Naruto. He's been in many fights nowadays, and he always gets beaten up. You don't know why he acts like that, but there must be a reason behind that. Though he is troublesome, your son is kind and cheerful. Whenever you're upset, he will be by your side to cheer you up.
Today, you are excited to cook the curry for your child. After some time cleaning the apartment, you and Naruto are residing in and buying the needed ingredients for the curry, you are now here, busy in the kitchen. You also ran into problems regarding Naruto while you were in the village. The Hokage summoned you, and then there is some advice coming from other moms.
"No matter what they say, Naruto will still be the same. No one can change him" You sighed and then smiled to yourself. You plan to talk to your son tonight, about his behavior at the academy and to other people. "Mom! I'm back!" Naruto's loud voice echoed inside the apartment.
Finally, the curry is done. "Ah! Naruto dear, welcome back!" You greeted him back while turning the stove off. "Man, I'm starving. That Sasuke is being a jerk today, I'm gonna beat him tomorrow" You heard your son mumbled in the living room, you couldn't help but smile.
"Here! Dinner for today!" You placed the pot down on the table. "Wow! This looks delicious! You're the best mom!" Naruto beamed at you with his eyes full of excitement. "Thanks" You smiled. "Now, let's eat!" You told him then grabbed a spoon.
"Itadakimasu!" Both of you said in unison. Naruto ate his meal with happiness, savoring each flavor of the vegetables. You can't help but smile while watching him eat. "Naruto..." You called him."Yes?" He stopped eating for a while and then looked at you in confusion.
"It's been a while now, and I wanted to talk to you properly and seriously" You took a deep breath. "It's about your attitude towards others. I wonder where you got that, it's just that you always got beaten whenever you come home" You told him, concern in your tone.
He looked down then looked back at you. "They always say that you are a monster because you had the nine-tails in you, and whenever I hear that, I try to defend you from their insults. For me, you're the best mom ever!" Naruto explained, and then he beamed at you during his last sentence. You feel happy because your son is as concerned about you as you are.
"Oh, Naruto! You don't have to do that" You went to him and then hugged him, tears filling your eyes. "But I have to! They are insulting my mom, after all," He protested. "It's okay, son. If you say that I'm the best, then I'll ignore their insults" You pulled away from him then flashed a heartwarming smile.
"Yes!" He nodded. "Oh, I forgot! This is for you, mom!" He perked up and then got something from his back. "What is that?" You asked him. "A gift!" He responded with a bright smile on his face. You accepted his gift and then unwrapped the wrapper. 
"Oh my gosh, Naruto! Thank you!" You placed a hand on your mouth as you tried not to cry. Naruto bought you a silver necklace with a heart locket. "Happy Mother's day!" He said as you hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Naruto!" You cried on his back. "No problem!" He grinned.
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peppapig9009 · 3 months
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Boruto timeskip x Reader
A/N - Read this information because it’s going to be confusing if you skip through it and go straight to the story please!
8k words!!
Okay so this story obviously takes place in Boruto. Not only that but also in time skip. This story is based off from the manga, so if you haven’t read the manga I suggest do it now before going into the story. This is also my first story!! I hope you like it!! Also don’t forget my requests are always open. Okay i’ll be leaving you now to read, enjoy! :)
.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫ ・.・
Life had been difficult for Boruto ever since his life got ‘switched’ with kawaki. He couldn’t go to stores anywhere to buy things for himself because people obviously recognized him as the enemy. He had to stay on the low for a few years and you were by his side no matter what, like gum on a sidewalk. Although you practically lived with Boruto and Sasuke, you were still in touch with your Aunt and cousins. They think it’s wrong for you to be with ‘traitors’ because of what Boruto had done to the leaf Village but they told you they would support you no matter what since they had no full authority to make your decisions. You made sure to write letters to them once in a while in order to not make them worry about your safety, even when they know you’re strong enough to defend yourself.
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It hit that time of the day where you, Boruto, and Sasuke had to go find shelter to get plenty of rest for the following day. We eventually found a small cave since we were in the woods already. As soon as we entered, we started to unpack our things to set up for the night. You set your backpack on the floor and took out only your sleeping bag, and flashlight (it was going to get pitch black in an hour or so). There weren’t any towns nearby to purchase food, we had no other choice but to go wilderness style. You and Boruto had already finished unpacking so you guys decided to go hunting to not sleep with an empty stomach.
“Bye Sasuke, we are going to find some food to eat. If you have time, please prepare the fire for us to cook whatever we catch. We won’t take long.” You told him.
“Yeah that’s fine, stay safe out there and remember to hide your chakra incase anybody senses it.” He replied.
Boruto brought his Kunais and you brought your bow and arrows including a leather pouch incase you catch anything small like berries or nuts. we knew there was a body of water nearby so we decided we would eat fish for dinner.
“First one to reach the water first isn’t a loser!!!” Boruto said as he started to run.
“WAIT! You didn’t say when to start, you idiot!” You yelled running towards him. Once you caught up to him you tried to trip him, unfortunately he jumped to dodge your attack and elbowed your head. You fell on yours knees and eventually ate shit because you couldn’t balance. You didn’t give up just yet so you stood up. You paused. You couldn’t see him.
“No way he’s there already.” At that exact moment you lost all hope, accepting the fact that you were a loser for life. You walked your way there not interested in the stupid race Boruto created. Wait. Something’s wrong. It’s awfully quiet.
“Boruto?” No response.
You started to get annoyed because you knew this was another one of his tricks.
“Okay I don’t want to play this game anymore. Im a loser and you’re not. You win. Come out now, I’m getting scared.” You weren’t scared of anyone possibly hurting you, you were scared of the fact that you were alone in the woods without Boruto’s company.
You heard noises up above in the trees. You looked up only to see Boruto falling on you with a fat smirk on his face. He laid all his weight on you making it hard to breathe “ahhh I can’t breathe fatty, you’re so heavy!!!”
He was laughing uncontrollably still on you. “You give up? Thats not the y/n I know. Why didn’t you just go straight to the lake? You could have won, you dummy, or were you scared? Little scaredy cat” He said laughing in my ear.
“I mean, since we still aren’t there yet we can still race, you know?” He added.
He got off of you and both stood up. “fine but this time count AND no pushing or shoving, got it?” You told him angrily, dusting the dirt off of your clothes.
“Got it.” He replied still having that annoying smirk on his face.
We both ran at the direction of the water without stopping. If anyone could catch how our faces looked, they would describe it as ‘no thoughts behind those eyes, they look like mosquitos racing towards bright lights.’
You got there as fast as you could, not caring if Boruto won or if he was still behind. You couldn’t see anything either way because of all the smoke you had created. You were panting so hard you had to sit down and take a water break. You looked to your right only to see Boruto doing the same thing.
“YOU WERE RIGHT HERE ALL ALONG?!” He screamed, shocked to see me sitting down drinking water. That to him meant that you were there for a bit.
“No way. You were here all along too?” You replied with a faint laugh. “I guess we both won” you said with a smile. He smiled back admiring your face.
You opened your eyes only to see him staring at you. You felt kind of uncomfortable because you don’t like it when people stare at you. So you decided to break the tension by saying, “c’mon we need to catch some fish, we can’t keep Sasuke waiting.”
“Oh, you’re right let’s go.” He started to walk on the water, going more towards the center. “Wait, but how are we going to catch them?” Boruto said.
“Give me one of your kunai, i’ll make a spear. You want one too?” You said.
“Yes please, for now I’m going to try to wiggle my fingers to trick them into thinking it’s a worm” he said confidently.
“Get off of the water, you’re going to scare them away.” You said forgetting how stupid he can get sometimes. You were done making the spears and tossed one to him. “We need to catch at least five. And hurry up because the sun is about to set and we won’t be able to see them”
As always, we were being competitive trying to see who gets the three catches first. “Caught the last one!” He screamed so loudly. “Just in time, I couldn’t see anything in the water anymore.” You told him.
“Yeah same here. I consider this fish the lucky catch.” He laughed. We gathered all our things and headed back to the cave. The way back was originally 10 minutes since we ran almost the entire time. You were both drained from all the running, pushing, shoving and catching so at this point you didn’t care if sasuke had to wait a couple more minutes.
“It’s so dark already, I’m getting scared Boruto.” you said clearly afraid of the dark worried about not being able to see when you’d run into a huge spiderweb with an angry spider on it. “Don’t be such a baby y/n, you have me to protect you!” he said still not convincing you. You didn’t trust him because if he also ran into a web he would be screaming in high notes, even higher than yours.
“Hold my hand.” He said
“Huh? What for?” You replied confused
“So we don’t lose each other.” He said clearly lying. You could barely see his face but you could tell he was also just as scared as you were. “You’re scared aren’t you boruto?” You said smirking. “What?! No way y/n. If anything, you’re the only scardey cat here.” He said with a visible shakey voice. “Wait! I have a flashlight in my backpack can you grab it for me y/n? Just make sure not to drop anything.” You let go of his hand to open the backpack and reach for the flashlight.
“You came in handy bringing your bag Boruto.” You cried happy tears. You closed his backpack and turned on the flash. “Hold it with your left hand.” You didn’t question him and did as he said. He grabbed your right arm and sled down slowly to intertwine his fingers with yours. There was no reason to hold hands anymore since we could already see what was in front of us. No one was speaking, which made it more awkward. On top of that, the woods were silent.
He squeezed your hand to feel closer to you, you did the same to feel even more closer to him. Once in a while he would rub his thumb on the back of your hand. It stayed that way until we saw the fire. I let go of Boruto’s hand so that Sasuke wouldn’t see that we were holding hands.
“Took you idiots long enough.” Sasuke said
“It was only an hour Sasuke. Catching fish isn’t easy when you don’t have a rod” you replied.
“Yeah, besides we were doing everything in fast motion.” Boruto added to the conversation.
“It’s fine, take the fish out so we can cook it quickly to turn off the fire, we wouldn’t want anyone to see the light from afar.”
Boruto nodded and gave Sasuke the bag that carried 5 fish. Sasuke then pierced the fishes with sticks and handed one to Boruto and you. “Here, make sure not to burn it.”
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After we were done eating sasuke turned the fire off and headed inside the cave. “Goodnight, i’ll be going to sleep now. Remember to not let your guard down, don’t sleep off too late, i’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah, goodnight Sasuke. We’ll see you in the morning” you told him as you set a blanket on the floor just outside of the cave to star gaze. It was always the first thing you did once it got dark outside. I get so hypnotized looking at the stars sparkling.
“Scoot.” You looked up only to see Boruto with two pillows and a blanket.
“What are the pillows for? Im not going to sleep out here.” You said laughing.
“It’s for your head, It looks painful. I can go put it back if you don’t want it.” He replied.
“No it’s fine give it. Thank you”
“Yep” he said as he was getting comfortable next to you, putting the blanket over both of us.
You loved how he is just as hypnotized as you are.
“there goes a shooting star!!!” We both shouted quietly trying not to be loud.
“You can have it Boruto” you said laughing still not looking away from the sky.
“Thank you y/n.” He said as he turned to look at you. “Yeah, no problem.”
“No. I mean it, thank you y/n for being there for me”
“It wasn’t just me, you had others on your side you know? The only reason Sasuke is here is because Sadara sent him. She unlocked her mangekyo Sharigan because she was so afraid of losing you. You were a kill on sight target, I was there and saw everything and I don’t blame her for being so scared.”
“I guess you’re right.” He said
“I always am, Boruto.” You replied
After that, no one spoke a word. It was silent. A comfort silence though. You were getting too tired to stand up and go to your sleeping bags in the cave with sasuke and you could tell he was too but you were waiting for him to stand up and make the first move. It was so comfortable being by his side. It felt safe and warm. Your eyelids were getting heavy and eventually fell asleep, as so did he.
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You woke up with the sun beaming its hot rays on your face. You tried to stretch but you couldn’t move. Someone was holding you. You turned around forcefully only to see Boruto big spooning you. You were freaking out because you didn’t want Sasuke to see both of you guys like this.
“Stop moving to much. You’re going to wake me up.” Boruto said digging his face deeper into the crook of your neck.
“Yeah? Well you DO need to wake up, it’s late already. We need to get going.” You told him. He was awake but NOT awake because he still didn’t notice the situation. “Boruto… I can’t get up” you said nervously. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the position you guys were in. He flinched and let go super fast “Oh.. sorry y/n, I didn’t mean to invade your space” he said clearly embarrassed for acting like this with a faint blush on his face.
“How come you guys weren’t sleeping in your sleeping bags with me?” Sasuke said.
You also jumped almost forgetting he was with us the entire time. “I was waiting for y/n get up. It was just too comfortable, trust me Sasuke” Boruto said.
“Whattt!! You didn’t need my permission. And I was also waiting for you to say something last night.” You laughed staring at him waiting for a response back but instead Boruto just stared back at you. Sasuke felt uncomfortable with the whole ‘staring eye contest’ situation so he broke the silence, “Pack up your things, we are going to find a town nearby to wash up.”
“Wait! first I need to brush my teeth,” You grab a water bottle, your toothbrush, toothpaste and some napkins from your backpack and went to go hide so they don’t see you brushing your teeth this way. Once you were done, you put everything away back in its place. Finally, took out your hairbrush and quickly fixed up your messy hair.
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“If we do end up finding a town, wouldn’t they recognize me?” Boruto said. “Not really, if we use transformation jutsu to hide our real identities, they wont suspect a thing.” You said excitedly. “She’s right. Let’s get going now,” Sasuke said. “I know just the right place to go to.”
After half an hour or so, we found a place to stay for the day. You and Boruto were fighting to see which room was best the best to choose from. “Move Boruto you’re blocking the doorway!” You yelled. “Yeah, it’s almost as if I’m doing this on purpose! I have to get the best room!” He screamed. “Both of you shut up. There are no rooms, it’s just a two bed hotel room, what more did you expect? If you’re going to shower, I suggest do it now.” Sasuke said breaking the loud fight. “Im going in first.” You said annoyed, walking straight to the bathroom not dropping your stuff down because your soaps and stuff are in your backpack. “First I need to clean these dirty cloths.” You say to yourself stripping down to wash them in the sink. Once you were done, you used a small wind jutsu on your palm to dry the clothes up. You dug in your backpack to take out your soaps for the shower.
“Ahh so fresh and clean. I even had time to do my makeup!” You said looking at yourself in the mirror so happy, until you heard a loud ass knock on the door. “Will you hurry up in there? I need to use the bathroom!!!” Boruto quietly shouted to prevent sasuke from hearing. “Shut up i’m almost done!” You said trying to hold in your laugh because you were lying. “I KNOW YOU’RE LYING IM GOING TO BUST THIS DOOR DOWN!” He did… He pushed you out and kicked your backpack enough for you to grab it. He shut the door super hard. “What’s all that noise? You guys are going to get us kicked out.” Sasuke said clearly irritated now. A few minutes had passed by and Boruto walked out of the bathroom all fresh and clean as well. “You can go in there now sasuke. Also thank you y/n for leaving your soaps in there. I didn’t have any!” Boruto said trying to make you mad for using your things. “You’re welcome. If anything, you really needed them the most.” You said laughing loudly. You can hear Sasuke chuckle as he walked in the bathroom. “Once i’m out of the shower, get ready to leave to go out and train.” He said closing the door behind him. “Train? Aw man I’m going to get all dirty again!” You said whining. “Shut up, besides we get to spend the night here remember? You can take a shower when we get back.” Boruto told you clearly happy we get to sleep on beds after so long. (It had only been 3 days since he slept on a real bed again) “I guess you’re right. Im so hungry, are you hungry too?” You said. “Yeah I am to be honest. Want to go grab something?” He replied
“I thought you’d never ask!” You say putting on your shoes. “Take Sasuke’s wallet with you. Dont forget to transform into the random person you were earlier.” You added.
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“So many options! I cant even choose!!” Boruto said drooling. “We need to hurry up, Sasuke is going to be out soon. oooh, let’s get Hamburgers!” You say. “Good idea y/n.” After buying the hamburgers with Sasuke’s money, we headed back to our hotel room to eat our food in there. “You forgot the key you idiot!” You yelled “i’m the idiot? You didn’t even notice either!” Boruto argued back. We were outside of the room knocking for 5 minutes straight. “What were you doing outside?” Sasuke said opening the door and moving aside so we could enter. As we walked in he saw the food in our hands. “Hamburgers? Really? With what money?”
“She stole your money!!”
“He stole your money!!”
We both said pointing at each other. “I don’t care, did you at least get me one?” Sasuke said. “You bet!” Boruto replied.
“Alright. Let’s eat then.”
“Thank you for the food.” We all said in unison “Mmmmh this is so good!! But it’s not better than lighting burger. Man I miss that place.” Boruto said with his mouth full of food. “Dude, shut up we know it’s good, I can see all the chewed up food in your mouth mixed with saliva” you said crying in disgust. “You shut up and mind your own business!” He argued back with food still in his mouth. You rolled your eyes and continued eating your hamburger. Once we were all finished, you volunteered to clean their mess so they could have time to get their stuff ready for training. “Are you guys ready to leave?” Sasuke told us. “Yes, we are! Right y/n?” Boruto said as he put Sasuke’s headband on his forehead. “Yes, let’s go” you say transforming into the random old woman you turned into a while ago
“Okay, this is far enough” Sasuke said as he waited for Boruto to get his things ready to train. “Hey guys? I’m not really in the mood to train today. I just want to see how strong you’ve gotten Boruto!” You said. “Yeah! That’s fine by me y/n!”
You were truly amazed on how fast Boruto had been progressing, “I think he might be stronger than Sasuke.” You thought to yourself. Sasuke gave Boruto his sword so that he could get better at controlling it. He began to slice wood around him, “you’re so good at this Boruto. I wish I was as strong as you.” You said clearly amazed. “You would be if you trained as hard as me, but I don’t see it! Hahaha.” You didn’t respond back to him, instead, you just admired him from afar. His hair was so long now. Kind of like Sasuke’s, the scar in his face suits him so well, it makes him look so cool… “Good, that’s enough for now, time for a break.” Sasuke said. Boruto agreed and sat next to me. “You want anything to drink?” You told him. “Water. Please and thank you” Boruto replied.
“What do you think? Do I still need more training?”
“Are you kidding? You’re perfect already!” You said laughing.
“Really?” He replied expecting you to praise him more. “Hell yeah. I don’t even think you need to carry a sword with you because you’re the weapon yourself!” You bragged.
“Nah don’t over exaggerate y/n! I’m not that good.” he replied, with a big smile and a faint blush on his face. He turned to look at sasuke, “Sasu- I mean, Master! What did you think about my Uchiha style? Ive fully mastered it right?!” Since when did he start calling him master? You thought as you opened a bag of chips. “I suppose I’ve taught you almost all the moves and methods I know.” Sasuke said. “I was just joking around! I know there’s still a lot you can teach me!” Boruto exclaimed.
“Does it look like I’m joking to you? You’ve got talent and you’re also a quick learner, I have nothing left to teach you. But that doesn’t mean slack off. Keep training, master your mind and moves.” Sasuke added. Boruto didn’t know what to respond to so he just nodded at him quietly, Accepting the fact that he doesn’t need Sasuke’s training anymore. “I guess you’re right, master.”
“Jeez, time really passed by so quick! It’s almost 6 o’clock!” You said yawning clearly tired. “You want to head back?” Sasuke asked you.
“Yes, only If you guys aren’t busy anymore.” You said standing up.
“No worries y/n. Let’s head back if you’re tired. In fact I’m tired myself!” Boruto said.
“Alright then, going back it is.” You said walking towards the direction of hotel. Wrinkling the bag of chips into a ball and putting it in one of your backpack’s pocket.
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“Home sweet home! Am I right?” Boruto shouted. “Very funny Boruto.” You said as you got your pj’s out of your backpack. “Im going to shower, be right back.” You said already on your way to the bathroom. As soon as you got in, you locked the door. “Im going to wash these pajamas to sleep more comfortable. As a matter of fact im washing everything now that I have the time.” You told yourself. Once you were done, you used wind style to dry them clean. “Finally, now I can shower. If only we had washing machines in this hotel, it would be so much easier.” You said as you walked the shower.
You finally finished cleaning everything up. You felt so squeaky clean. You walked out of the bathroom to grab your backpack because you left it on one of the beds. Quickly grabbing it and walking back to the bathroom trying not take any of Boruto and Sasuke’s time. You eventually finished brushing your teeth and hair, then put everything back in your bag to stay organized. As you walked out, Boruto went in the bathroom to shower as well. You didn’t waste any time and started to take apart the organized bed sheets to cover yourself. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep. You were so tired for no reason.
You woke up, but you weren’t fully awake so the most you did was just open your eyes. It was so dark and quiet. What time is it? You turned your full body around because you got tired of staring at the wall only to see Boruto laying next to you. He wasn’t asleep though, just staring at the ceiling. He noticed your movements.
“You want some candy?” He asked.
“What time is it?” You said not answering his question.
“3 am”
“No way, really?!” You said surprised. He unwrapped the piece of candy and handed it to you, not caring if you didn’t want it.
“Eat some with me.”
“Wait, I’m going to grab some water first, I’m thirsty” You said. As you stood up you saw Sasuke sleeping on the other bed. He looked so comfortable. It almost looked adorable. You grabbed the water bottle that was on the table. It looked like somebody had already drank from it. “Is this your bottle?” You asked him.
“Yeah bring it here, I’m thirsty too.”
You walked towards him and handed it to him while you got on the bed to sit. Once he was done drinking water, he passed it to me. “You can finish the rest.” He said wiping his mouth. And you listened.
“Here.” He said putting a candy in my mouth.
“Where did you get them? They’re really good.” You said.
“Sasuke gave them to me when you were sleeping. He told me to share some with you but I ate most of them already.” He chuckled nervously. He seemed off.
“What’s wrong Boruto?”
“Nothing. Why?” He replied
“Are you sure? You can tell me anything.” You said
“It’s just, this gut feeling in my stomach is keeping me up” he mumbled.
“I hate when that happens, especially when you don’t know the reason why you have it.” you replied “Is there anything I could do to make you feel better? Do you want to go outside for a walk with me?” You asked him
“No it’s okay, thank you for the offer though.” he said as he laid down to stare at the ceiling again.“I know what to do. Lay on your stomach and lift up your shirt. Im going to tickle your back.”
“Huh? Whats that?” He asked confused.
“It’s this super relaxing thing where I drag my nails or fingers on your back. I loved it so much when my aunt would do this to me whenever I felt upset.” You told him smiling. He then turned around to lay on his stomach and you lifted up his shirt. You laid on your side next to him to get comfortable and started dragging your fingers around his back.
“You’re right, this does feel nice.” Boruto admitted.
“Like I said, I’m always right.” You replied.
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After you were done doing that ‘tickle’ massage you quietly made sure he was fast asleep, and he was. You were glad because you never liked when he was upset. It just feels so out of place. You would do anything to make sure he’s not feeling down. You got off of the bed quietly to go pee. You reached the bathroom and as soon as you were about to close the door someone stopped it.
“Boruto? What are you doing, I thought you were asleep!” You shouted quietly. “I was. I still don’t feel so good. Can we talk here? I just want to make sure master Sasuke doesn’t hear.”
“Yeah, let me just pee first.”
You opened the door signaling for him to come in after you were done. “Sit down please.” He commanded And you sat on the bathroom floor facing him. “Well, what’s wrong?” You asked him worried.
“It’s Sasuke, I’m worried about him.”
You looked at him confused scanning his face trying to dig for more information. “Why? What’s wrong with Sasuke?” You replied
“Remember earlier when I told you I had this gut feeling? I didn’t want to tell you that it was about him because I was afraid you would look at me like if I was stupid. I can’t hold it in anymore, I have to tell you.”
“Don’t ever think that I would find you stupid I would never. even when you act like such an idiot.” You told him.
He stared at you before starting “I feel like something’s going to happen to him. Im not sure what though. Something bad y/n. And I’m so frustrated because I cant figure it out. It feels like deja vu, like as if i’ve already lived it and my brain isn’t letting me remember, you know?” You wanted to cry because you can feel the heaviness from his chest, you also didn’t know what to respond to him, so instead you brought him in for a hug, rubbing his back. “oh Boruto, everything’s going to be okay. Okay?? Besides Sasuke wouldn’t allow anything bad happen to anyone, including himself. He’s really smart and strong, or have you forgotten huh??” You said trying your best lighten the mood. You broke apart the hug to see if he’s doing okay.
“Boruto?” You said shocked seeing his eyes all watery. “Don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry too.” you said as you rubbed the tears off of his face with your fingers. “Oh, sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said. “Never mind me, at this moment everything is about you.” You said leaning in to kiss his forehead. He looked shocked. “I’m sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?” you told him. “The opposite actually.” There he goes again, staring into your soul. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because you’re beautiful y/n, you’re really cool and also you’ve always been there for me. You never fail to make me feel better, thank you. Till this day I wonder why you didn’t fall for Eida’s omnipotence she casted a while back,” he stopped for a moment to think. “This might ruin our friendship but…” he said leaning closer to you. Everything felt in slow motion. You felt like a mannequin, not knowing what to do. You can feel your heartbeat trying to escape from your throat and your ass.
He grabbed your chin to make you look at him in the eye. They screamed hunger and lust. He reached in and gave you a soft kiss on your mouth. He backed up just a little to breathe because his heart was about to explode, he was so nervous. Him heavy breathing on your face unleashed something in you. You grabbed his hair from the back side of his head and kissed him back softly but a little rough. You kissing him meant to him that you were okay with this. You knew he wanted more so you parted your mouth slightly open allowing him to enter. He grabbed the back of your hair as well tugging on it to get a better grip on you. With the other hand he went under your shirt to feel your smooth silky skin. The kiss went from being soft to rough, now you guys are fully making out. The bathroom was so quiet and the only noises being made were both you and Boruto’s lips smacking. He kept making beautiful clicking noises that would send shivers down your spine. You placed your arms underneath his shirt feeling his muscular physique. He broke the kiss apart and slowly pushed you down on the floor and got on top of you. “You don’t know how long i’ve been wanting this. I craved you y/n. Now I don’t know how i’m going to control myself knowing you taste like this.” He said whispering in your ear.
“Boruto, we can’t do this here, Sasuke will hear us, or worse, he could walk in because you left the door unlocked you idiot.” You said as you grabbed his chin and pulled him in to give him a messy wet kiss. He whimpered in your mouth because the butterflies in his stomach were fluttering a little too much causing a strong tingle sensation in there. You put your hands underneath his shirt to feel him again. He liked that. So he took off his shirt to make you touch him more. He loves when you touch him, he’s so touch starved. He broke apart the kiss to go down on your neck. It felt so good yet so wrong because of how risky the situation was. You never thought you’d be into risky things like this until now. You can feel him sucking on your neck and your first instinct was to smack his head. He looked up confused. “Don’t suck on my neck you idiotic vampire.” You said worried he might leave a hickey. “As much as I want to keep going at this, we have to go back to sleep.” You said as you sat up while him being trapped with his legs. You grabbed the shirt he tossed on the other side of the bathroom and proceeded to put it on him. “Just one more kiss.” He said with puppy eyes. “Your wish is my command.” You laughed quietly and leaned in closer to his face. He didn’t waste no time. This man was HUNGRY. It was a hard, rough make out session all over again, the sloppy and wet kisses happening again as well with so much tension. He didn’t want to let go. He was going to miss your lips.
But you had to stop this no matter how hard it was, if you didn’t make this decision, something else would of happened. Let’s just say both of your clothes would be completely off. He stood up and pulled his arm out to pick you up. Before opening the door he turned around and quickly pecked your lips several times. He knew this wouldn’t happen again for a while, so he took advantage of this precious moment. He cupped your face then kissed your forehead before opening the door quietly. You both successfully made it back to the beds without waking Sasuke up. Once you were both in the covers you cuddled real close while holding hands. You and him both never wanted this moment to end.
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It was morning all over again. The bed was so comfortable and fresh. You didn’t want to wake up. You stretched your body and it caused you to start glitching. You loved those type of stretches, ESPECIALLY in the mornings. All the memories of last night started to wash over you and you felt embarrassed because that version of you wasn’t like you at all. “Boruto craved me?” You thought to yourself remembering what he was whispering in your ear last night. You stood up only to see both Boruto and Sasuke still knocked out. You looked at the clock on the wall and it read 11:36 am. It was late, but also still early so you decided to lay back down without making noise to prevent them from waking up. They needed rest. You were pretty tired yourself because you fell back asleep in no time.
You woke up feeling like you had been hibernating for a long time, with plenty of rest. You saw Boruto chilling on the bed next to you watching tv while eating chips. He noticed you moving so he knew you were finally awake. As soon as your eyes locked in with his, you once again remembered what had happened last night. He was thinking the same and wanted to talk about it but he couldn’t because Sasuke was right there. And you both knew how much of a big eavesdropper he is. So he decided not to open his mouth and turn his attention back to the tv.
You got off the bed to go take a shower. You grabbed your backpack and quickly walked to the bathroom. Of course Sasuke had to be in there, now you had to wait outside of the bathroom awkwardly. You waited out there about a minute or so. When Sasuke opened the door he gave you a look that said ‘why do you need to use the bathroom as soon as im out’ and ‘don’t go in there’ look. You were confused at first but then you realized he was pooping. “Damn it stinks” you thought to yourself. Whelp there is no other choice, it’s either go back there with Boruto OR shower and get ready for the day.
You walked out of the shower all fresh and clean then proceeded to take out your toothbrush and toothpaste. “Oh man, this is the spot we kissed in. Can I ever escape?” You thought to yourself while you brushed your teeth.
You were finally done with everything including your makeup, you put everything back in its place and closed up your backpack. “Man I carry this thing everywhere.” You said clearly grateful for it. You walked out of the bathroom, set your bag on the bed and sat on the table with Sasuke. “Hey Sasuke, when are we leaving?” You told him. “We have till six to leave.” He replied. “Oh um and when is that?” You leaned back on the chair to read the clock because he was in your way, it read 4:57pm “What the hell? I slept till four?!” You screamed in shock. “I didn’t want to wake you up because I figured you needed rest, besides if you were awake this whole time you’d be bored, there’s nothing to do here. So I preferred for you to sleep instead of having nothing to do.” He replied softly. “I guess you’re right, thank you Sasuke.” You told him.
“So technically we need about an hour to leave” you thought to yourself. You knew once it was time to go we wouldn’t be sleeping in nice hotels like these for a while so you decided to go out for shopping. “Sasuke i’m going to walk around the town. I’ll be back in time okay?” You said standing up to leave. “Yeah sure just be careful. Remember, hide your chakra and make smart decisions. You need any money?” He asked you. “Yes please.” You replied happy. He gave you about 60 bucks. “Really? It didn’t have to be so much!” You said amazed. “Take it, in fact keep it. You need it more than I do. I rarely spend any money on myself, unless it’s for you guys.” He said smiling. You gave him a quick hug. You love it when people do small things that make you happy. You’ll cherish this moment forever. “Aw man I love Sasuke so much.” You thought to yourself wanting to cry happy tears. It was so cute when Sasuke showed affection. “Okay im going to head out now, bye” you said as you transformed into another person.
Boruto couldn’t keep his eyes off of you the whole time, even when you were sleeping. You tried your best to ignore him, but it was so hard because you practically felt his eyeballs on your back. Well good thing you weren’t there anymore, it was so awkward, You didn’t regret or hate what happened last night, it’s just you don’t know what to say to someone after you kissed them in secret. In fact you couldn’t even talk about it, not even for a second because Sasuke will notice strange behaviors like whispering and fast heartbeats. Well anyways, You get to shop at stores you like in silence without a rat in your ear ranting about wanting to leave the store because you’ve been there for way ‘too long’. You entered a pet shop first to go see cute animals. “Oh wow! They even have baby ducks!” You said out loud. “You can hold one if you’d like!” A coworker told you. “Really? That would be nice.” You replied back to her. “Yes, only because you remind me of my grandma. You look just like her! Man I miss her so much” She told you. “You kind soul!” You told her trying to act a little old. She handed you a baby duck. It was so soft and yellow. “You know what, let me buy it!! It’s just so cute.” You told her. “Awesome! They’re 15 dollars each.” You handed her the right amount of money. “Oh! And you’re going to need this.” She gave you a bag full of mealworms. “Here, take it for free, it’s on me! You don’t have to pay anything for the worms.” She said smiling at you. “Thank you so much. You made my day, actually my whole year!” You told her. “I’m glad to hear that. Have a nice day!” She replied.
You didn’t waste any time on going to other shops. This baby duck you had in your hand was enough. “Im going to name you, hmm. Nugget!” You told it. “Wait, I don’t even know your gender. Damn it, I should of asked the coworker earlier.” You said knocking on the door. Boruto opened it for you. “Look! Meet our new friend.” You told him. That was the first thing you said to him since last night. “It’s adorable. Where did you get it?” He told you. “Hmm I don’t know, a food shop. Obviously a pet shop, here carry this.” You said as you gave him the meal worm bag. “Eww, it has to eat worms?” He said. “Sasuke look! A duckling! Wait, I wanted to asked you if you could check if it’s a girl or a boy.” You told him as you handed it over. He flipped it carefully and checked its private spot. “Hm, it appears to be a boy.” He said flipping it back around petting it. “Get your stuff, we have to go now” he told you.
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“Wait out here, I have to return the key.” Sasuke said leaving me and Boruto alone. “What did you name him?” He asked. “Nugget, do you like it?” You replied. “It’s ironically funny.” He said.
“About yesterday, i’m sorry if Imade you feel uncomfortable, I couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry again for not apologizing earlier. Sasuke was there and I didn’t want him to hear me.” He said. “There’s nothing to worry about besides I don’t regret anything at all. I liked it. And I also didn’t say anything for the same reason, Sasuke is such a big eavesdropper.” You told Boruto.
“Sasuke is a big what?” Sasuke said
“Nothing!!” You yelled.
“Nothing!!” Boruto yelled.
“Calm down, it’s not like I’m going to arrest you for talking about me. Let’s go now.” he said.
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“We’ve been walking for hours, can we get a break at least?” Boruto whined. “Shut up, we’re almost there.” Sasuke replied. “Here have a drink of my water” you told Boruto as you gave him a waterfall. “Thank you, I really needed that.” He said wiping his mouth.
“Guys stay alert! Code is here, stay calm and prepare to fight!” Sasuke said. “Stupid bastard! Always ruining the moment! Where are you huh?! You little scaredy cat!” Boruto yelled.
“Im right here you idiot.” Code said above us. “Damn it, we couldn’t see him because of how dark it is out here.” You said. “Relax pretty girl, I’m not here for you. Im here for your little boyfriend, he’s kind of in the menu for today and I need him.” Code said loud enough for everybody to hear. “Yeah? Well you’re going to have to get through me first!” You yelled at him. You created a shadow clone to protect Nugget and also to hold your things. Your shadow clone handed you your bow and arrow. “Thank you, protect nugget and my things, go and hide.” You told your shadow clone. You grabbed an arrow and set it on the bow, you filled it with poisonous chakra that’s able to numb flesh. You pointed it and launched it on code’s shoulder. It was the best you could do since he was super high in mid air.
“You little brat! What did you do to me!” He landed on the floor and started to release a lot of claw grimes. “Damn it! We’re outnumbered!” Boruto said frustrated. Sasuke saw that Code was weakened with the poison you had darted him with and quickly took action. He grabbed his sword and slashed his left eye.
“Uchiha!! You, how dare you take my left eye!!!”
“Boruto! Y/n! What are you doing?! Hurry up and run!!” Sasuke yelled. “How can you say that master?! I won’t abandon you!!” Boruto shouted back at him. “Listen closely, there is absolutely no way we can win against him, so escape for now!! Survive at all cost and become stronger so then, there wont be anyone who’ll be able to stop you!! Watch over Sadara for me, Boruto.” Sasuke said. “DIE!!” Code yelled as he watched all the claw grimes go after Sasuke.
“Master!!” Boruto yelled trying to help Sasuke. “Boruto!! Sasuke is sacrificing himself for us to escape! He told us to live no matter what! We can’t let this go to waste. You think I don’t want to help him? I want to do anything possible to help Sasuke, We’re outnumbered!! We have to listen to what he told us to do! Run!!” You said ignoring all the heavy tears in your face. Your shadow clone ran with you guys because obviously you couldn’t leave Nugget and your stuff behind. Code left as well. He was practically useless, a slashed left eye and a body going numb, you’d run away too if you were him.
You and Boruto ran as far as you could. “We have to go back y/n. Please! I want to make sure he’s okay!” Boruto cried. “I agree Boruto. We have to go back.” You replied. You were shaking so bad, you wanted to throw up from all the shock. You didn’t give a shit if code was still there or not. All you cared about was if Sasuke was okay.
You guys arrived to the spot where it all happened in. You saw claw grimes dead on the floor. “A tree? That wasn’t there.” You said. “Master Sasuke? Are you there?” Boruto asked. “BORUTO!!!” You cried out. Boruto ran towards you confused to why you screamed until he turned around to see the tree. Only to find out, Sasuke was in it. “He’s not dead is he?” You asked. He quickly checked his pulse. “His heart is still beating y/n. Don’t cry, He’s still alive!” Boruto told you.
“Let’s take him out Boruto.” You said bawling with tears. “Wait, not yet. What if he dies if we take him out? We have to find code to undo this crap.” He said turning to you. “Look at me.” He grabbed your face. “It’s all going to be okay. Okay? His pulse still beats at normal speeds. This tells us that he’s still alive.” He said wiping the tears off your face. He stood up and grabbed the sword from Sasuke’s hand. “I’ve got this old man Sas- I mean, Master.”
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Part two???
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writingwhimsey · 1 month
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 57
Chapter 57
Yukimura sighed as he exited the training hall. Lord Kenshin had pulled him in for yet another rigorous round of training. Lord Kenshin had been restless and irritable in the worst ways since Lord Shingen, Sasuke, and Ava had left to the modern day. And it only seemed to get worse the longer they were gone. 
Of course, Lord Kenshin’s foul mood was only getting worse now. Tomorrow evening the Oda would be coming for another banquet and alliance meeting. Of course, they seemed to be growing suspicious and restless at Lord Shingen and Ava’s continued absence. Saki was doing her best to placate them, but he wasn’t sure how much longer they were gonna buy the excuse that they were on an extended honeymoon.
“You look incredibly stressed.”
Yukimura looked up at the sound of Saki’s voice. She was walking in the hall with Yoshimoto and Kanetsugu. The three of them had taken over preparations for the banquet while Yukimura was stuck with Lord Kenshin.
“Lord Kenshin beat you again?” Kanetsugu asked.
“Yes, I barely escaped that round of training with my life!” Yukimura answered. “Of course, I’m also worried that Lord Kenshin won’t be the only one after my head if Ava isn’t back here soon.”
“Yeah, Lord Hideyoshi is getting especially testy and suspicious.” Saki agreed. “And Lord Masamune is pretty much always ready for a fight.”
Yukimura sighed. “And they’re both coming this time right?” 
Saki nodded. “Yeah. But the biggest worry is that Lord Mitsuhide is coming, too.”
“Ugh…the kitsune, seriously?” Yukimura asked. “As if I didn’t have enough problems.”
“I’m just worried because Ieyasu is coming.” Yoshimoto said. While Yoshimoto admired the other man, he knew Ieyasu had every right to hate him.
“Are…are all of them coming or something?” Yukimura asked.
Saki nodded. “I’m afraid so.” Even though she had worked for the Oda for years, she knew they were likely all worried about Lady Ava. And she knew they were all likely coming because they were wanting answers.
“Dammit.” Yukimura muttered. He was happy that Lord Shingen was being saved…or at least he hoped he was. But he was going to crack under all of this stress if he didn’t come back soon.
Just then a messenger was running in from the front of the castle. “Lord Yukimura!”
“What is it?” Yukimura asked, recognizing the messenger as one of the spies Lord Shingen had had stationed at the entrance to town.
“Lord Shingen….Lady Ava…Sasuke…they…they’ve returned!” The messenger answered, breathless. He must have run all the way there. “They…just…entered the…town.”
“You’re sure?” Yukimura asked.
The messenger nodded. “Yes.”
Yukimura and Saki were both taking off running and exited the front of the castle, heading for the gate. The others weren’t too far behind them. All of them were waiting at the gate just in time to see three horses approaching.
“Looks like we have a welcoming party.” Shingen said as the horses came to a stop.
Yukimura looked up at his lord. Shingen was sitting on his horse, Ava riding side-saddle in front of him. Though he had been stressed about everything…above all he had been worried about his lord. He could tell Lord Shingen didn’t look as tired as he had been looking for some time now.
Shingen dismounted and then turned to help Ava get down. “My love.” He said, placing his hands on her hips.
Ava was smiling at him as she put her hands on his shoulders and allowed him to gently pull her down and into his arms. “Thank you, my love.” She said to Shingen. She then turned to the others. “Did you guys miss us?” She asked, a teasing tone to her voice.
Sasuke was getting down from his horse and going to the third horse, which had an elderly woman on the back none of the others recognized. “Here, let me help you down before Lord Kenshin realizes I’m back.” He said.
“Thanks, Sasuke.” The old woman replied.
Yukimura looked at Shingen. “You…You’re back. Does…does that mean…”
Shingen gave Yukimura a warm smile and placed a comforting hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Yes. I’m cured.”
Yukimura could feel the tears stinging his eyes, but he held them back. “That’s great.” He said. He was then looking at Ava. “Thanks, Ava.”
Ava smiled. “All I did was talk him into going. The doctors are the ones who did the work.” She replied.
“If it hadn’t been you, I don’t think I would have gone, my angel.” Shingen spoke up.
Saki was then pushing Yukimura and even Shingen away. “Alright, all of you out of my way.” She declared as she pulled Ava into a tight hug.
Ava laughed and returned the hug. “I didn’t know you’d miss me this much.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve had no one to share girl talk with.” Saki replied, pulling back slightly. That was when she noticed the gentle swell to Ava’s belly. “It appears we have even more to catch up on than I initially thought.”
Ava giggled. “Yes we do.”
Yukimura looked at the two women. His cheeks were red, as he thought that this girl talk might now include Saki talking about him. But he too noticed Ava’s belly now. “What do you two have to talk about?” He asked. “The food in this future you’re from is so abundant that you gained weight?”
A look of pure anger and offense came to Ava’s face. Saki’s face mirrored it. Yukimura received a flick to the forehead from Shingen. Then Saki was grabbing his ear and twisting it. “You’re such an idiot.”
“I really thought I raised you better than this, Yuki.” Shingen sighed in disappointment.
“Ow!” Yukimura said. “What? We’re all just gonna ignore it?”
“She’s with child, you dummy!” Saki corrected her lover. She then released his ear. “Ugh, I swear you’re lucky you’re cute.”
Yukimura blinked as he rubbed his ear. “Wait…really?”
Shingen nodded. “Yes and she is the cutest.” He said, wrapping his arms around Ava and pulling her closer to pepper her face in kisses.
The angry, offended look Ava had at Yukimura’s comment melted away under Shingen’s affection and gave way to a smile. “Well, as long as you think so.” She said, leaning into him. “Especially since it’s your fault.”
“I’ll happily take the blame.” Shingen replied, giving her one last peck.
“Wonderful news all around.” Yoshimoto declared. “It is good seeing you so well and happy. So full of life, cousin.”
Shingen smiled at his cousin. “It feels wonderful.”
Sasuke was placing a hand on Yukimura’s shoulder. “You’re lucky Lord Shingen is able to reset Ava’s mood so easily.”
“Yeah…but I have a feeling Saki is gonna be pissed at me for a while over that.” He said. “And we’d been doing so well.”
“You’re just really good at the open mouth and insert foot technique.” Sasuke replied, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but who is that?” Kanetsugu asked, calling everyone’s attention to the old woman.
“Oh, that’s right.” Ava spoke. “Guys, this is my grandmother. Oba-san, this is Kanetsugu, Yoshimoto, Yukimura, and my best friend Saki.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you.” Ava’s grandmother said. “Ava has told me so much about all of you. I feel like I know you all already.” She was then walking towards Saki. “She has especially told me much about you, Saki. I want to thank you for being such a good friend to her when she needed one the most.” She was then pulling Saki into a hug.
Saki smiled as she returned the hug. “It is an honor to meet you and it has been an honor to be Lady Ava’s friend.” She replied.
Just then, there was the sound of running steps. “SASUKE!”
“I feared this would happen.” Sasuke said with a resigned sigh. He was quickly drawing his sword and blocking the incoming attack from Kenshin, who seemed to leap out of nowhere.
“You were gone for too long.” Kenshin told him. 
“You know, a simple welcome home would be wonderful.” Sasuke replied.
“I have to test your reflexes and your skills. I need to be sure they didn’t dull while you were in your peaceful future.” Kenshin replied.
“Is…is this normal?” Ava’s grandmother asked.
“For Kenshin, sadly yes.” Shingen answered.
Kenshin’s attention was drawn to Shingen then. He pulled away from his greeting with Sasuke and turned his sword to Shingen. “You are cured now?”
“Yes.” Shingen answered.
“Then draw your blade and fight me. So that I can kill you honorably.” Kenshin replied.
“I didn’t get cured just to come back and let you kill me.” Shingen replied.
“Besides, you’re not going to make me a widow and raise this child by myself.” Ava added.
Kenshin’s heterochromatic eyes turned to Ava next. She was standing beside Shingen…very close actually. And he could see the swell of her belly. He frowned. “If it’s a boy, he had better grow into a strong opponent for me one day. Maybe he won’t bore me as his father does.”
“That’s rude.” Ava’s grandmother said.
“That was Kenshin speak for congratulations.” Ava replied.
Shingen chuckled. “So, you do understand him.”
“Yeah…is it weird that I think I missed all of this craziness?” She asked with a laugh.
“Maybe.” Shingen replied. “But it makes me happy to know you still feel at home here.”
“Just wait until tomorrow.” Saki said. 
“What;s tomorrow?” Ava asked.
“The Oda are coming.” Saki answered. “I believe all of them are. They’ve been kind of antsy these last few months.”
“Yeah, you guys really got back just in time.” Yukimura said, relief in his eyes. “NOt sure how much longer they were gonna buy the honeymoon story.”
“So, who all is coming then?” Ava asked.
“All of them.” Saki answered. “Lord Hideyoshi has been especially anxious.”
“He would be.” Ava replied with a sigh. She was already starting to look tired.
“We can talk more about all of this later.” Shingen said. He then scooped Ava up into his arms. “We’ve been traveling for the last few days. Let’s get inside and get cleaned up and get you rested.”
“I’ll go get a bath prepared.” Saki said. “And fresh clothes laid out. And while you’re getting cleaned up, I’ll get some tea and food prepared for you as well.”
Ava smiled. “Thanks. All of that does sound nice.”
“Yuki, please show Oba-san where she can stay.” Shingen told his vassal.
“Right.” Yukimura agreed.
Everyone began to head inside the castle. Kenshin looked at Sasuke. “You’re coming to the training hall with me.”
Sasuke sighed. “It appears I have no choice in this.” He muttered as he followed Kenshin inside. A bath and food sounded nice…but it wouldn’t really be a welcome home without training from Kenshin. Though…it really did feel like he was home now.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
I saw you reblogged a post requesting asks so here is my contribution. Feel free to ignore, because it is probably a difficult question.
So, the Uchiha burdened Itachi with their problems and used him against the village even though he was just a child. From your posts I see you defend this and there is no much to argue here, it is pretty obvious it is true regardless of the legitimate reasons they had to oppose the village. So, in your opinion, and based on the situation they were in, what would have been your course of action if you were in their place? In Fugaku's place, let's say. What should they have done taking into account that even leaving the village peacefully can be considered treason.
I just don't have the slightless idea and I think maybe you are the right person to come up with a good analysis of this.
Great blog, by the way. Happy to see a space to love both Sasuke and Itachi, it is so rare. Enjoy the day/night, whatever it is at your end.
Yes, it is a difficult question because of the possibilities and AUs it can conjure. I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
The Uchiha clan was doomed from the start. From the time of Madara and Hashirama, I mean. It was always a one-sided game where Uchiha were always seen as an afterthought. As a goodwill gesture, Hashirama tried to offer Madara the Hokage seat and then deserted him. Okay, maybe there was some weight in what Tobirama said.
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Hashirama was the driving force behind the truce and the village. It was his vision that he never gave up on and continued to fight for despite Madara not being in the picture. Uchiha also acknowledged his contribution. They lived in a warring era, so everyone was fed up with this perpetuatal violence and hate, Uchiha included. That makes Tobirama's next words about them bullshit. Unlike both Madara and Tobirama, Hashirama - who had also lost his siblings - tried to look at the bigger picture. The problem was that he chickened out of his promise he made to Madara in the last moment, which is a major breach of trust on both personal and diplomatic fronts. Both Madara and Hashirama were clan leaders and must have had the abilities required to carry on the responsibility of the village. Yes, the village was growing with other clans coming to live in and you needed abled leaders, Hashirama should have thought of it before rather than changing his stance after the proposing Madara the Hokage seat. They were both capable of handling the village, and one would always have the back of the other, because they had seen some of the worst alone, and endured the same things since their childhood.
Then, Hashirama backed out. And Madara attacked the village multiple times, slowly tarnishing the name of the Uchiha clan, who wanted nothing more than to live in peace.
To summarize it, the conflict in which Itachi was brutally used was bigger than him, Fugaku, and the clan itself. It was a deeply rooted prejudice that had taken hold because of the events of the past. It would be impossible to get rid of it and also convince the village that they were oppressed.
If they tried violent methods for it (coup d'état), it would be the end for the clan in more ways than one. It was never, ever the answer to the oppression, especially because lives were not at stake with this.
What else could they have done?
It was like shooting an arrow in the dark with the coup which may or may not have been successful, so why not try something else before taking the destructive path?
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Obito mentions Hiruzen wanted to buy some time, but it wasn't enough. In Itachi's memories we see Hiruzen saying the same. Though from his Midnight novel we know Hiruzen didn't do much to help the cause and was secretly okay with the clan's extinction. It might not have been entirely due to hate or prejudice that Danzo had; instead it was 'I will not have to work on this issue too much, too long if the clan's dead completely since they're not backing out.'
It's a valid argument that since Hiruzen knew about the clan's displeasure with the system, he could have reached out too. It was his duty. However, as the marginalised group the clan could also have reached out, instead of, you know, throwing a 10-year-old child to do the spying for them, collect the information, and then attack the government.
The idea of the coup was shortsighted and upto no good. This is when the Uchiha did have some power in their hands.
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They had their roots set deep into the Anbu as well.
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The Uchiha police force had enough power to arrest anyone except for the Anbu (they could arrest any other Shinobi and civilians).
They had their connections in Anbu. Like I said before, pressurizing Hiruzen into taking an action and letting him know of their plight would have been a better idea than sending a child to spy for them. It was a matter of 'we'll see what happens' anyway. So why not first reach out to seek support and then do something about it if your demands are not met? It would most likely come to that eventually, but making a noise, letting others know, would have been better than sending Itachi into it. There might have been some dissenters who might have supported them, and helped their cause.
In Itachi's novels, which elaborate on the oppression, the clan looking for negotiation is never mentioned either. Historically, too, going against the village had resulted in the complete annihilation of a clan.
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It all boils down to taking one more chance with the negotiation before taking the drastic measures.
One more thing that would make more sense than what they actually did, would have been waiting for the old geezer i.e., Hiruzen to die. If they weren't planning the coup d'état, Konoha would have no reason to kill them. Hiruzen wasn't immortal. He would have died at one point.
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Koharu and Homura recommended Jiraiya instead of Danzo to be the fifth Hokage. In Kakashi's filler arc, Hiruzen kicks him out after the massacre, but manga doesn't provide any such information. When he's introduced he's already the leader of the Root.
There are countless possibilities on the outcome of Konoha Crush with Uchiha being in the picture. But let's say it does happen and Orochimaru causes enough damage and kills Hiruzen, the old man is dead, which gives way to the fifth Hokage. By this time Shisui must be grown up. There's a possibility he might have been Hiruzen's successor. If not him, and Tsunade does show up as Hiruzen's successor, the kind of person we know she is, she would be far more compassionate towards the clan.
Unlike Hiruzen she put Danzo and the other two elders in their place. She took stand for Naruto. She had immense respect for Kakashi as well. I strongly believe she would have been the perfect person to understand and help the clan. I don't view her as a one-dimensional 'loyal to Konoha' woman as her predecessors were, who wanted to protect the landmass rather than lives of the civilians.
Given her character I imagine her to be able to separate the cause of the clan's dissatisfaction towards the village and work on it. She wasn't blind in prejudices like others were.
I also imagine she'd dote on both Itachi and Sasuke. And Itachi might be her successor since in the novel he wanted to be one.
Also, thank you for the kind words. I know it's super rare to find people who love both the brothers. So it's nice to come across people who share my love for them both.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
How would the yanderes, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Temari (from Naruto Shippuden/Naruto), Gaara (from Naruto Shippuden), Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Uzumaki (The 4th Hokage), Ichigo Kurosaki (from Bleach) and Toshiro (the icy shorty from Bleach), Ino Yamanaka (from Naruto Shippuden...), Mikoto Uchiha (included..in the Naruto series)...help their darling escape a loveless marriage to someone she doesn't even love. The yandere is fully aware of the extent of the darlings dislike for the man because the darling told him/her that the man whom the darling is forced to marry once was a little boy and the darling was not more than a little girl back then years ago bullied her because she was hard of hearing and made life hell for her and once ripped out her hearing aid and made her ear bleed. The darling hated that bloody guy and tried telling her parents to not make her marry him but they refused to listen to reason and said that the darling was a liar and he was a good man...(The darling was extremely lifeless and dull eyed telling the yandere that and nothing helped anymore. The darling used to be full of life when the yandere first met her/his darling...Darling didn't care anymore and rather preferred to stay with the yandere than her family who cared more about their reputation than their daughter who is going to be married off to someone she hates.)
I put Minato and Kushina into a poly edition because otherwise there would have been 11 characters which would have been against my rules.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsession, bullying, delusions, overprotective behavior, clinginess, paranoia, stalking, manipulation, threats, blackmail, violence
I don’t want to marry this bully!
Minato Namikaze & Kushina Uzumaki
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⚡️🌶️You’re always welcomed in the house of this couple, both of them yearn for nothing more than share their love and life with you. Minato and Kushina already complete each other so well but you’re the last piece of the puzzle for their lives to truly be perfect. Won’t you let them embrace you, love you and spoil you to their hearts content? Surely Kushina sometimes gets a bit impatient, asks Minato how long the two of them are going to wait but her husband always tells her to just be patient for a bit longer. Soon, soon you’ll be in their arms.
⚡️🌶️But then you turn up in front of their house, a look in your eyes that causes both to instantly usher you inside with a worried look on their faces. They offer you a hot beverage which Kushina ends up forcing you to take before you find yourself on the couch, stuck between those two. Kushina’s arms are already on your biceps as she asks you what happened. Both of them are ready to listen and so you spill everything that happened in your family. You don’t show any signs of emotions but notice how Kushina’s eyes widen in horror and how Minato’s lips tighten and his gaze narrows. When you’re finished with your story, Kushina throws herself at you and engulfs you in a tight hug. She can’t believe that your own family would do something so cruel to you, Minato has troubles helping her distressed and clingy state for the reason that he himself can only try to stay calm right now. Both instantly prepare a room for you to stay in.
⚡️🌶️Kushina needs to be around you to calm herself from the shock, is more touchy and possessive than she already is. Minato appears at first more composed but has gotten more protective. He doesn’t want you to be alone without him or his wife around and spends more time around you too. Both are also really sweet and doting as they want to cheer you up. They buy the snacks that you love, take you to places where you three used to go when you were children and do the things they know will make you laugh. And they help you to escape your loveless marriage. Kushina in her sheer rage alone would have already stormed to your bully and your family and would have given them more than an earful of threats and warnings but Minato reminds her that they should solve the problem differently.
⚡️🌶️Kushina urges him to do something and that influences him. Her anger gets added to his own as the Hokage is infuriated with the situation you’re in. He has the influence and power and strives for immediate humiliation of the bully. He exposes the truth and a lot of other secrets, might even add something that isn’t even there to worsen everything. After your family has been made aware of what sort of person he is, he breaks of the arranged marriage. Then he has a personal talk with your family together with Kushina. Kushina shows her anger and pain for you since your own family tried to force you into a marriage. Then there’s Minato who expresses his disappointment in a colder fashion which causes goosebumps to erupt on their skins. Both make it obvious that they would like your family to stay away from you for a while, Minato more subtly than Kushina. Until you’ve decided to forgive them, you’ll stay with them.
Mikoto Uchiha
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🌋Despite her being part of the prestigious Uchiha clan, Mikoto has never halted to befriend her darling. She knows that she’s harder of hearing but has no such things as prejudices. Mikoto wants her darling to he happy and it would be even better when her darling would be happy with her. As nice and sweet as this woman can be, Mikoto is still rather possessive and wants to be loved by you. She has told you multiple times to not be intimidated and come to visit her in the Uchiha compound when you need something. She knows that you’re still a bit frightened so she knows that the situation is more serious when you turn up in front of her house, a empty look in those normally lively eyes.
🌋She instantly gestures you to get in when she sees the look on your face, leads you to the kitchen where she tells you to sit down. For a while you just sit there in silence whilst she prepares some tea for the both of you although she casts concerned glances in your direction multiple times. She hands you a cup of green tea before she sits down next to you and tells you that she’s ready to listen. You expected it to be hard to talk but her honest onyx eyes make the words just flow out of you. You’re in a dire situation, don’t want to marry the same jackass that ripped your hearing aid off. You feel her warm hand squeezing your own tightly as soon as you’re finished, a smile on her face. It contrasts the bubble of rage inside her chest but this is to put you at ease.
🌋This is unbelievable and not something that should happen to you. Mikoto is instantly willing to lend her hand and support you in any way she can. At first she advices you to stay with her since outsiders are rarely seen venturing inside the Uchiha compound. Don’t worry, you’re not a bother by staying with her. She lives alone, she’d be more than happy with the company. Especially if it’s your company. If your family still dares to look for you, she is not afraid to become more scary with a frightening smile and a not sincere look in her eyes. Just because she appears like she’s nice doesn’t mean that she is actually all the time. Mikoto also gets in contact with Fugaku with whom she happens to be befriended.
🌋That friendship comes with it’s convenience since Fugaku just happens to be the head of the police department. He’ll surely be able to help Mikoto a bit. Mikoto opts for the way to really prove that this guy is a terrible person to your parents in hopes of getting them to break this whole marriage off. If they still refuse, she will grab things with a harder grip. She won’t hesitate to bring this case in front of the police or even inform the Hokage. She doesn’t care if she sounds petty, she just cares about you right now. She won’t rest until you jump at her and tell her happily that you won’t have to marry that man anymore. She’s so joyful together with you, wants to celebrate with you. You’re lucky that you never see the icy, sickeningly fake look in her eyes when your bully or your parents approach her.
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🌪️Temari is the type of person who tries to downplay her feelings here and there but it doesn’t take away from the fact that she cares. Most certainly is she a stricter person, slightly controlling over her darling which is a direct result of her own lucidity regarding her obsessive infatuation. She’s not one who would like to lose her cool because of her feelings and burden her siblings so she keeps you close to her side to calm her obsession and her more violent side down. A very busy jonin who works hard for her village and helps her brothers as much as she can. Temari always squeezes some time in for you though.
🌪️She’s a bit surprised when she returns freshly from a mission and finds her darling sitting in front of her door like a stray kitten, face buried in her knees. The woman can almost sense that something is filling you with distress and taps you lightly on your shoulder so that you notice her. One look at your face and she instantly knows that something is very wrong. She lets you inside, keeps her normally straightforward questions to herself. This must be something more personal, she doesn’t want to be too insensitive right now. She’s worried but should give you some time to brace yourself before you tell her. If you do hesitate a bit, Temari grows a bit impatient but that’s only because she’s concerned. Be aware that you have her undivided attention the moment you open up and she listens to everything.
🌪️The woman has a temper as terrible as the storm but she really attempts to hold herself back after you’ve told her the truth. She’s infuriated, her fists are clenched and her teeth are gritting slightly against each other as she takes in deep breaths through her nose as she tries to swallow her anger down for just this moment. After the worst is over, she pinches the bridge of her nose as a troubled sigh escapes her lips. Then she finally glances at you again, tells you in a matter-of-fact voice that you’ll stay in her house for the time being. She prepares the guest room for you and asks you to instantly come to her when your family or your trashy fiancé should try to approach you. Later that night, when you’re asleep and she thinks about everything you told her, her temper finally bursts out a bit as she slams her palms against the desk.
🌪️This woman has influence and quite the social status. She’s a respected jonin and the older sister of the Kazekage so Temari is confident that she can take care of this problem without much help from her siblings. She has your bully definitely confessing all the cruel things he did to you, will guarantee that your family will break off the marriage and and apologize to you. She’ll lecture your bully for his wrongdoing and your family for theirs and she’ll scare the shit out of all of them because she’s infuriated and for that quite intimidating. Obviously she’s especially spiteful against your bully since you shouldn’t marry such a jerk. You should marry her.
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🐼Despite his villainous past and somewhat cold appearance, Gaara is down bad for his darling. He’s infatuated, terribly besotted but still shamefully aware of it. It doesn’t stop the young Kazekage from his feverish longing and if he wouldn’t be so terribly shy, he’d surely be a lot more straightforward and maybe even scary. Instead he’s bashful and can’t stop his pounding heart when you grace him with a smile or gentle touch of yours. He just knows that he’d do anything to keep his darling safe and he wouldn’t even ponder to fall back into some bloody habits of his younger self. He knows he’s busy due to being the Kazekage but has to always have a few hours with you for the sake of his sanity.
🐼It’s late evening where he’s still sitting in his office and is busily going through some documents when a gentle knock is heard and he calls whoever is standing outside to come in. He looks up shortly to see whose coming inside and nearly drops the papers when he sees you. He stands up, asks you a bit flustered what you’re doing here. Don’t misunderstand, he’s happy but- He shuts up when he sees the emptiness in your eyes, fear suddenly twinging his heart. Something is wrong, right? The documents are forgotten as he steps to where you stand, his eyes hurrying with growing unease over you as he asks you what happened. A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you stare into his eyes. And then you talk, fueling the growing paranoia inside Gaara.
🐼He steps back after having listened to your whole story and you can’t decipher if the look on his face is one of anger or one fear. It’s possible that it’s both. When his greenish eyes meet yours though, a paranoid expression flashes his face before he embraces you in a slightly awkward hug. It’s not only to calm you hopefully down. You notice the slight shaking, realize this is for him to regain some semblance again by giving you such a tight hug too. So you return his hug, rub his back comfortingly to stop his distress. Why didn’t you tell him sooner? Gaara insists for you to stay elsewhere. It doesn’t have to be with him, staying with Temari would already be enough but he absolutely refuses to let you go back to where those people could find you.
🐼He informs Temari that she should stay with you, begs you to not leave without her or Kankuro out of fear that you might bump into a bad acquaintance of yours. He swears to you that he’ll help you though and considering his position, this is as easy said as done. He breaks off everything regarding the arranged marriage, gives you your freedom back. He doesn’t care what your family thinks of this, he’s uncharacteristically cold and distant to them as he holds a grudge for their intolerant behavior towards their own daughter. Your bully has it even worse if Gaara should ever come face to face with him. There’s a dangerous glint in his eyes as he stares at him, hopefully he shouldn’t harm your bully physically though. Gaara grows more clingy and paranoid after this, more possessive over you.
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜Naruto is the sort of Yandere that really pushes the lines between a romantic and platonic relationship. He’s so affectionate with his darling that it has happened more than you could count on two fingers that people have mistaken you two for an actual couple. You have to correct them, to Naruto’s huge disappointment, but he is delusional so that gives him some sort of security. You two will be lovers at one point, it’s easy to fool himself that every small gesture of yours is a sign that you secretly love him too. The poor boy would love to spend every second with you but is the new Hokage of the Leaf village and for that has to spend a lot of time working.
🍜He always promises you with a lovesick look in your eyes that he’ll make time for you though. He couldn’t bear distance between the two of you. Despite him being an awful airhead at times, Naruto is pretty empathetic. He prides himself with the fact that he can sense your sadness at time, further proof for his delusions that you two are meant to be. During one of the nights where you two are on what he sees as a date he notices that something is clearly on your mind. It seems to burden you so he asks you worried what has happened since you look so down. You look him into his blue eyes and his heart clenches when he sees the suffering look in your eyes. You look around you before you grab him and drag him somewhere more privately so you can talk to him. You start speaking and at one point Naruto is tearing up.
🍜His heart is crushed by your confession of your terrible private life. He’s devastated by what you had to go through and the first thing he does is smothering you in a big hug and chaste kisses over your face. He doesn’t care that you two don’t have that sort of relationship yet as he is distraught by what you told him. Naruto will help you with all his power though. Not only because you are meant to marry him but also because he’d never let you marry the one who bullies you for your inability to hear as good as a normal person. There’s bitter resentment against your own family too. Naruto never had a family to grow up with but knows that his parents loved him dearly. Then there is your family who only cares about reputation and money. He just can’t understand and that fact makes him more apathetic.
🍜Considering that he is the Hokage, Naruto has so many options. It’s relatively easy for him to stop the marriage between you and your bully and he’ll definitely deliver him a punishment for the acts he committed against you and will also have a discussion with your family. He’s emotional though, unable to calm his feelings. He raises his voice against them as the anger and utter confusion to why they’d force you into a marriage and not even listen to you gets the better of him. If they prove to not care as greatly about you as Naruto thinks they should, he gives them a shocked stare before rage starts bubbling up in his chest. If they don’t care about you, he won’t let them near you for a longer period of time either. You deserve all the love, all his love.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙The relationship between Sasuke and you is not something either one of you saw coming. The man is basically a stray who doesn’t stay anywhere for too long yet your home has tied him temporarily down. Sasuke is fully aware of the extent of his obsession but is far too possessive to feel guilty for too long. He has embraced the full brute of his feelings and plans to take you with him at one point. He’s not the most vocal but expresses his affection through smaller actions. The protective step he instantly takes when he senses that something makes you uncomfortable or the light brush of his hand through your hair, onyx eyes looking at you with a softer glint.
💙Not all is that sweet though, the possessive and intimidating stare he gives anyone who tries to flirt with you is only one example. He could be quite insensitive to your feelings but Sasuke has matured throughout the war. He’s a perceptive observer and notices the change in your overall behavior. You’re more lackluster, the sparkle in your eyes is gone and you’ve grown more reserved and silent. He wants to ask you what’s wrong but doesn’t know how to do so. It isn’t until he overhears one day the fact that you’ll marry that he storms to you with an agitated expression and corners you. His grip on your wrists hurts you as he asks you in a low tone to tell him the truth. He can connect the obvious spots. What happened? You hesitate shortly before you finally open up.
💙His anger flares up as does his Sharingan, you have to physically hold him back as he considers in the heat of his wrath to storm to your bully and get it over with. He stops when he feels your arms wrapping around his torso to stop him from going on a small and murderous rampage and after a while you feel his one arm awkwardly hugging you closer to him too. Sasuke insists that you never leave without him after, promises you that he’ll help you out of this loveless engagement. He could never let anyone else marry you and claim you. You’ve always been his from the moment he gained feelings for you. He doesn’t play any complicated mind games either. The man just goes straight to the intimidation part.
💙He threatens your bully to stay the fuck away from you and he will hurt him more seriously too since that bastard hurt you before. There’s a cold look in his red eyes as he glances down at the guy’s bloody form as the man is begging for mercy. Your parents are slightly better off but Sasuke threatens them too and he means it when he says that he never wants to see them near you again or else he will harm them too. You don’t get much saying as Sasuke decides by himself that you’re never going to meet those people again. He tells you in a softer tone that you shouldn’t stay with such toxic people, that you instead should come with him. He loves you after all, is the one who listened to you and helped you. Be aware that Sasuke wil drag you with him one way or another. He’s triggered by the fact that you were nearly married off.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸Sakura has something in common with Naruto. Both really make it hard for others to distinguish between their platonic and romantic feelings when it comes to their darling. Sakura is pretty much already acting like your affectionate girlfriend. She spends so much time with you, is always there to tend to daily injuries you might suffer and is also involved with your hearing problems specifically because she is a doctor. The pink-haired girl belongs to the delusional category too. Whilst she knows that you two aren’t together yet, she is pretty confident that both of you will wind up being together at one point.
🌸 Since she spends a lot of time with you and is on top of that a medic I imagine that she detects signs of emotional distress and stress, not to mention that she is especially obsessive around her darling. She’s gone quiet and silent which worries Sakura since she knows that her darling is normally more lively. Initially she’s respectful, tells you that you can talk with her but if you keep it to yourself for too long Sakura can turn into a pushover. For your well-being of course. To her relief you decide to open up to her and appear one late evening at her house. She lets you in and starts acting out of habit slightly more like a doctor to her patient. That doesn’t throw you off though as you admit what has burdened you for a longer time now. Sakura attempts to keep a calm expression on her face but when she accidentally breaks the edge of the table because she was clenching her fist too hard, it becomes obvious that she’s not fine.
🌸 She's so sad that your own family wouldn't even believe you and instead just care for their own well-being and reputation since family should stick together. She is arranging for you to stay with her since she knows that you don't want to return to your family and she feels uneasy to let you leave right now too. It isn't the first time you've slept with her, a few days more until there has been a change to your advantage doesn't bother her. Sakura makes quick work too to help you out of this loveless marriage. Whoever is currently Hokage will have a visit from her where she explains your problem and asks for help. She has a good relationship with the Fifth, the Sixth and the Seventh so it's relatively easy work for her.
🌸 Not to mention that she is known and loved by the village. She'll also deal with your family and even if she attempts to stay more rational, she can't help but show her dissapointment in them. They shouldn't just marry off their own child! How could they do something like that? Your bully gets the worst of it though because whilst Sakura still harbors some respect in front of the elder and your family, she knows exactly how much that guy has harrassed you. She has monstrous strength too, will defnitely crush something made out of solid material to bring her point across. If that guy talks back and dares to insult you, he'll end up in the hospital or she'll mix something together and poison him a bit.
Ino Yamanaka
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🌻 Ino has so much confidence in the fact that she'll be able to steal her darling's heart which also makes her a rather delusional person. She acts on purpose like your girlfriend because she enjoys being affectionate with you and spending so much time with you. Additionally she loves it when people end up confusing you two for an actual couple because it enhances her belief that you two just look good together. It's also a rather effective way to keep possible love rivals away since the girl gets somewhat easily jealous. Just because Ino acts all sappy and confident doesn't mean that your emotions and behavior just fly over her head.
🌻 It's the opposite since the girl is very focused on her darling and very obsessive. Your personality is what she loves about you the most after all so obviously she realizes it when you start acting strange. Differently from Sakura she's quicker to become a pushover though, maybe because she's a tad bit more controlling. If you don't answer her, she'll most likely chat with the people to gather information. To her luck you trust her enough to give in after her first plead. She drags you somewhere where only the two of you are so that you can feel more comfortable and then she listens whilst holding your hands in hers. By the end of your story her grip on you has tightened and you can feel how she's shaking, gritting her teeth angrily together as anger is heating up her veins.
🌻 How dare they to do this to you? Not only does your family plan to have you marry someone who isn't her but they also have the audacity to marry you off to the guy who made your life a small hell back in your childhood. Don't even get her started on your bully or she'll never calm down. Ino grows more paranoid after she has listened to your story, pleads you to just stay in the compound of her clan and she ends up dragging you forcefully there. She doesn't want you to leave the place without her by your side and will definitely guilt-trip you to guarantee that you do as she says. She's surely more controlling and monitors your life more.
She doesn't see the wrong in it though since she is merely concerned about your happiness and health. Since she is part of the Yamanaka clan she has a good influence but the thing is that Ino holds grudges. She's spiteful against the people who have wronged you and if you consider her kekkai genkai this is especially terrifying since she can control the mind of people. Your bully gets the worst of it and probably no one will realize since she will use her ability so subtly that he doesn't even realize that he's being controlled, she'll shame and humiliate him that by the end no one believes him anymore. She'll expose all of his secrets and makes him to the clown of the town. To your family she acts very cold and indirectly rude too since they nearly sold you out to such a jerk. She'll guarantee that they won't get to see you anytime soon.
Kurosaki Ichigo
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🧡 Ichigo has always been a bit obsessed with his darling but is so awkward around her that he's too embarrassed to approach her at first. He might also be more aware at moments and feels shameful and guilty. With him meeting Rukia and getting thrown into the world of the Shinigami and Hollow though, he has too much other things on his mind than considering his unhealthy crush on you. The boy grows more protective as he instead becomes more aware how much danger really surrounds you and through all of his experience he gains enough courage to walk to you and actually befriend you. Orihime, Rukia and Chad epecially encourage him since they know that Ichigo has feelings for you.
🧡 He's occasionally concerned because he fears he might not be enough for you but always makes sure to do his best to be there for you and make you happy. He's known you long enough to sense the very obvious switch in behavior and since this triggers his protective side he is quickly by your side to ask you if something is wrong. You ask him if you can come to his house later on and he agrees. You two just sit on his bed and then you tell him everything that has been going on in your life. You see his jaw clenching and his whole body tensing up and when you get to the part with what your bully did to you and how your family just doesn't care, he nearly jumps up from his position and paces around in his room as he tries to cool down.
🧡 This is ridiculous! Arranged marriage still exists in this day and age? Why would your parents force one upon you?! His mind is racing and his heart is overflowing with different emotions. He's baffled, angry, sad and heartbroken all togther. At the end he just slumps back on the spot on the bed next to you, his face buried in his hands as he lets out a deep sigh. He sits there for a while with you in silence before he stands up and tells you that he'll prepare the guest room for you since you've made it very obvious that you'd rather stay with him than go back and risk seeing your family again.
🧡 He doesn't fall asleep that night, too burdened with what you've told him. He has to do something to help you! He could ask his friends but when it comes to you Ichigo always feels like he has to be your protector, they're going to find out and assist him at one point anyways. Ichigo used to be a little delinquent in his past so chances are that he returns to that side of his and just intimidates your bully a bit to convince him to stay away from you. If push comes to pull he will even use his position as substitute Shinigami to his advantage since humans can't see him in this form to scare your bully and maybe even your family a bit. Sure, he will feel a bit guilty to use the powers entrusted to him like this but every time he sees your sad face, he can't stop.
Hitsugaya Toshiro
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❄️ Toshiro is initially a bit more distant and cold around his darling which is mainly because he catches on quite early on his growing obsession and is inwardly freaked out about the escalation of love. He can't help but be slightly more rude and cold to you in an attempt to push you away from him. At one point he just sort of accepts it all begrudgingly though because he just realizes that the only one he's pushing towards insanity is himself. He looks out a bit more for you and will make sure to see you at least once everyday if there is nothing really important going on.  He might be the captain of a squad but he makes enough time for you to know that you're someone important to him.
❄️ He actually decides to keep quiet when he senses that something is wrong with you. He has problems himself he often likes to keep to himself and try to solve them himself so he decides to give you a bit time like this too. Instead you pop up one day in the squad where Rangiku leads you to him since you're searching for him. He can guess why you're here and tells Rangiku to leave you two alone. Luckily the woman senses that this is something serious so she leaves quickly. Then Toshiro just waits for you to start talking and you can see how the look on his face progressively gets darker and angrier when you tell him all of your problems. After you're finished, he squeezes his eyes shut and takes a few deep breaths to regain his composure.
❄️ So this is what has been going on? He's glad that you came to him with this. His controlling side gets the better of him as he tells you in an almost ordering tone that he'll arrange you to stay somewhere around him. He senses that you would take everything over going back to your family who is only concerned about a marriage you don't want to be part of. Hitsugaya has a lot of influence and even more connections too since he's th captain of the 10th Division. Aren't you lucky to know someone like him? He kind of puts some of his work back as he deems your problem as the one of more importance and when Rangiku finds out what's going on, she can't help but ask if he's behaving more brooding because he wants to be the one to marry you.
❄️ A single question that earns her one of the scariest glares Toshiro has ever given someone and after that she knows to shut up. He tries to get other captains he's on friendly terms with as little involved as possible though since he believes that he should solve this alone. Additionally he fears that someone would find out his hidden motives too since Rangiku is right. He's also so furious about the whole ordeal because he wants to be your husband. Your bully is definitely going to refuse marriage with you after Hitsugaya paid him a visit and threatened him indirectly and before your family can even blame you, they shut up after they've been visited by him too. He has made it obvious via his visits that you're under his protection and that messing with you will mean messing with him.
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sakuraspages · 4 days
sasusaku snippet #10
[Mermaid!Sakura AU - #5]
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“Bad night?” Naruto asks. They are at the fish market. Naruto works for one of the merchants who owns the largest fishing boat in the port. He knows Sasuke well enough that he knows when he has not slept at all. After all, they have been through war together. “Nightmares again?”
Sasuke shakes his head. He isn’t sure how much he wants to tell Naruto. He is the worst at keeping secrets. “I… met someone on the beach,” he says slowly.
“A girl.”
Naruto’s face lights up. “Oooh… is she hot?”
Hot is not exactly what he’d use to describe her. Mesmerizing. Ethereal. Otherworldly, maybe. “Yeah.”
“Did you get her number?”
Naruto winces. “How are you gonna see her again then?”
“She’s… still at my place. Sleeping.”
Naruto grins and slaps him on the shoulder. “Holy shit man, you’re fast! Well done! What’s her name?”
How did he not even think about asking for her name? She asked for his and he didn’t even ask hers. His brain doesn’t work properly when he’s around her.
Naruto stares at him in astonishment. “Dude... You have a girl in your bed right now for the first time in what, years? And you don’t even know her name? What’s happening to you?” He chuckles.
“She was hurt, she needed a place to rest," Sasuke explains.
Naruto seems disappointed. “Oh… so you didn’t… you know?”
Naruto sighs. “Is she ok at least?”
“I think so. She wants crab. What do you have?”
Sakura. Her name is Sakura. It’s now the only word that exists in his brain.
“What’s the plan now?” he asks as he watches her gobble down the whole tray of seafood that he brought her back from the market. She seems to feel much better after her little nap. It’s surprising how such a delicate creature can eat so savagely.
“The plan?” she asks with her mouth full.
“Do you need me to bring you back to the ocean?”
She shakes her head and puts oyster juice in her hair. “Can’t go back right now. I need to wait for my fin to heal. Plus I want to find out why I’m here.”
“You’re here because you washed up on the beach during the storm. It happens a lot to dolphins and orcas–”
“There has to be another reason," she says as she keeps eating. "I never get lost in the sea. I feel like something happened and made me come here.”
She breaks a crab claw with her bare hands and he makes a mental note that she’s not as fragile as she looks.
“The storm happened,” he says.
She shakes her head again. “Something called me here,” she says confidently.
“Do you need me to phone someone?”
She rolls her eyes. “I feel like I have something to do here before I go back.”
“So… You’re staying here?”
She licks her fingers and wipes her mouth with the T-shirt she’s wearing. “Is that ok?”
She’s looking at him through her pink lashes and he is momentarily distracted by the jade of her eyes. There, sitting on his bed, wearing only his T-shirt, and having just devoured a huge box of takeout, she could ask him to give her everything he owns and he would do it without thinking twice.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s ok. But I have to go to work tomorrow.”
“To get money.”
“Right now, to buy more food.”
She worries. “You’ll leave me alone? I can’t even walk.”
It is a problem. He hesitates. “You can’t walk because your legs don’t work or is it because you don’t know how to walk?”
She sheepishly avoids his gaze and wiggles her toes with a pout.
“You need to learn how to walk,” he says.
“Help me?”
He stands up. She sits on the side of the bed and pushes herself up. She stands for a second and slowly leans to the side. He catches her before she falls and puts her back on her feet. She again stands for a moment before she crashes against his chest. She holds onto him strongly and he feels his cheeks burn at the feeling of her body against his. He holds her hand and her fingers feel smooth like marble in his palm.
“Push on your feet,” he says as she uses his arm as support. She tries to move forward and awkwardly kicks him in the shins. He badly muffles a whine. “Not like this. Push on the floor.”
She takes a single step and falls into his arms again. The scent of her hair is divine. He tries not to think that she’s doing this on purpose.
On her next attempt she manages to take two struggling steps and he moves back to give her space to walk. She trips, instinctively grasps onto his pants to prevent her fall, crushes his private parts as she does, and slumps at his feet. He clenches his teeth very hard to repress a loud complain. He needs a few seconds to recover. Why is her grip so strong?
“Are you ok?” he asks as he picks her up and sits her back on the bed.
She squints at him suspiciously. “Why are you so squishy down there?”
He didn’t sign up for any of this. “I think that's enough learning for today," he says firmly. "You can practice again tomorrow.”
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 4: Face Fucking(Need You Tonight)
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warnings/kinks: jealousy, face fucking, blowjob, rough oral sex, slight degradation, smut. pairings: Sasuke Uchiha x Fem!Reader word count: 0.8k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem
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Sometimes it really pissed him off to see his friends all happy and in love. He didn’t have anyone to come home to. Sasuke wants someone as well, but maybe he’s burned too many bridges to even start anything with the people he actually loves. So he goes to the bar, looking for a casual hookup. That’s when he sees you, and he knows he’s going to get laid tonight.
You’ve always had a crush on Sasuke. You were a year younger than him, and you were often following him around when he was younger. He never realized the admiration you had for him though. He just thought you were like Sakura, Ino and the other girls. Even though you clearly found him so attractive, your heart longed for him as a partner. When he finally returned to Konoha after being away from home for so long, he had tried to start something with Sakura. But she’s been happily married to Lee for a while now. Even Naruto is married to Hinata. But you were waiting patiently, though you knew that maybe your chance would never come.
Sasuke sits next to you, and you smile shyly. It drives him crazy that you still try to play the shy card with him. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” Sasuke asks, and you nod your head.
It doesn’t take much more after this for him to take you both back to your apartment. A few kisses, and some uncharacteristically soft words from Sasuke is all it took to charm you. The walk back to your place is quick, but you’re already so hooked on him. You hang on to his every word as you make your way to your place. Then once you’re there, you invite Sasuke in. You feel a little timid about him seeing some of the messier spots of your apartment,  but he doesn’t care.
Once inside and the door is closed, Sasuke pulls you towards him. He kisses you roughly, making your head spin. You whimper as his tongue shoves into your mouth. It’s when he pushes you up against the wall that makes you so wet. You try to push yourself onto him, but he won’t let you.
“Get on your knees” he commands. You don’t even second guess yourself, you do exactly as he wants of you.
On your knees, you look up at him. You help him unbuckle his belt and you pull his pants and underwear down past his hips. Your cheeks heat up when you see just how big he is. You had heard rumors that the Uchiha were well endowed, but you knew you’d probably never get to check if they were true. Now you were seeing it right in front of you, and you couldn’t deny just how much your mouth seems to be watering.
“Suck on my cock,” Sasuke goads, tugging you by the hair to come a little closer.
“W-wait,” you say and you swallow hard. “Give me a minute.”
He grunts but he allows you to do as you please. You begin by licking the tip, which only makes him even more irritated. Then you slowly begin sinking down on it, your tongue running over the sensitive veins on his shaft. Once you’re as far as you can take him, he lets out a growl.
“I know all about your little crush on me,” Sasuke says and you whine softly. How did he find out about this?
He bucks his hips once, and he checks on how you feel about this. You choke immediately on his girth, but you don’t stop him. It’s almost too much to watch you get used like this, but he knows he can do whatever he wants to you. Once more, he bucks his hips. You brace yourself on his thigh for the first little bit, and you slowly get accustomed to him using your little mouth for his pleasure.
“I bet you’d make a good breeding bitch.” Sasuke praises, and you can’t help but moan around his cock. “Just by the way you suck my cock so good, I can tell you’d be perfect for me.”
He grunts as he begins chasing his high. Your mouth is so wet and warm, and you keep choking on his cock and it makes your throat close around him. It’s becoming a little too much, but he doesn’t stop. Instead, Sasuke pushes a little faster and deeper so that he can feel all of you on his cock.
“Good girl,” he grunts. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
A few more thrusts, and he’s cumming hard. His eyes roll back as he fucks you roughly, and you do all you can to swallow every last drop. He fucks you recklessly, barely caring about your comfort or your feelings. Sasuke will take care of you after he’s done. He begins panting as he comes down from his high, and he finally releases you.
“I knew you’d be perfect for this.”
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violetvelourr · 10 months
I went Kakashi treasure hunting today on my only full day in Bangkok - and it was INSANE! 🥵🤩
It all began with me playing the Ichiban lottery - for those who just like me don’t know, I can’t fully explain it, only that one of the prizes is maskless Kakashi 🙈 but I later found him on sale separately, with no surprise element, so I have him now too 🤭
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So the lottery board looks like this, so every time you buy a ticket you get a certain letter. I got an E and I my prize was a plastic glass with one of 6 designs (also random).
And guess who I got???
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It was a good sign obviously!!
And with this I began my Kakashi treasure hunt.
I knew that Mega Plaza is one of the best places in Bangkok for anime collectibles, and I was not disappointed!
As I made my way from one floor to another, the number of finds seemed to only increase!
It all happened so fast that at some point I was in a state close to panicking and feeling completely overwhelmed! 🙈 sometimes I said: ok so here are 4 items standing together, I’m buying them all! And the seller would look at me funny 😆
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Many of the items I got, as far as I understand, come from those capsule vending machines. They are quite poor in quality but I wanted them all nonetheless 🙈
But surprisingly I also found items that were only just released this month! 🤯
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Of course I didn’t buy absolutely everything that I saw and that I didn’t have, but overall I got almost everything I wanted from what I saw - even had to buy a set of three for the Kakashi Anbu bust 🙈 I’ll try to sell Sasuke and Naruto 🙈
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Only problem now is that today’s purchases are probably 1/3 or my current collection in size, if not more, and I’m out of space in my shrine 🙈🙈🙈 I’ll have to think of something…
I will try to do an unboxing video before I leave Bangkok, if I’m not too busy… also question remains how to take all this stuff back home because 2 statues are quite bulky 🙈 I have decided against the 3rd big statue I was thinking of getting, it’s too ordinary for its size and I soberly decided I don’t want it 🤣
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livinglouderx3 · 11 months
SNStober Day 31 - Halloween
„You know those candies are supposed to be for kids, not for you, right?”, Sasuke muttered from the corner of their sofa, sitting with one leg propped up – watching him.
“Nowaones goana gnock on oar-“
“Naruto.”, Sasuke gave him the look. “For god’s sake please stop talking with your mouth full of candies-“
That made the blonde roll his eyes as he came closer chewing, until he could finally speak properly again. He plopped down onto the couch, right next to Sasuke, leaning over the other boy to grab a blanket – pulling it over their legs to get comfy.  “I said that no one will knock on our door anyway, so why waste all the sweet stuff.”
“Why-“, Sasuke frowned, “did you even buy all that stuff then.”
“Because it was on sale.”, Naruto shrugged, “and it’s tasty.” He still had a box of chocolates in his hand, offering it to Sasuke, “Want some, too?” He winked.
Sasuke wrinkled his nose at him. “I hate sweets. You know that.”
“I know. More for me then.”, Naruto laughed. He moved even closer, pressing himself to Sasuke’s side, leaning his head onto the raven’s shoulder. Sasuke shifted, making space so that Naruto was comfortable. They sat there in silence for a while, the only sound filling the air being Naruto’s chewing, the quiet rumble as he took the next bit of chocolate out of the box. It was already dark outside.
Sasuke eventually moved closer, leaning his head onto Naruto’s, soft strands of blonde hair grazing his cheek.
“Are you sad?”, Sasuke eventually whispered. His words, as quiet as they were, made Naruto stop chewing immediately. He slowly swallowed, slowly opening his mouth to reply – to say something, reply to Sasuke – yet closed it once again before he could do so. Then, after some time, the blonde let out a small broken laugh. It always hurt when he did this.
“Can’t blame them.”, Naruto whispered. “They’re afraid. Fox spirits are known to be demons. A witch’s animal. A curse unleashed upon mankind as they often say.”
“You’re none of that, Naruto.” Under the blanket Sasuke found Naruto’s hand, squeezing it lightly. “You know that, right?”
“I know.”, Naruto put the box away, cuddling closer to Sasuke. “I just hope one day they will see it, too. They don’t need to avoid me.”
“I’m sure they will. I’m sure some of them know, too.”
Naruto smiled. “Who knows.”
About an hour later, 3 small kids knocked on their door. The girl had light brown hair, pulled up in two ponytails, neatly placed under her adorable witch hat. She was holding the small bag, half filled with sweets by now. Beside her there were two brown haired boys, one with glasses – and small fake vampire teeth showing, the other one was dressed in black with a small headband on his forehead – ninja written all over it.  All of them were smiling as they chanted “trick or treat” in unison. They weren’t afraid.
Naruto filled their bag to the brick with everything he had.
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sugutoad · 11 months
Matchup Trade for @karlalove2002
╰┈➤ Thank you for doing Matchups at Sugutoad
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╰┈➤ Kento Nanami ‘The Accumulation Of Those Little Despairs Is What Makes A Person An Adult’
He had thought no one would care if he died, Haibara was dead and his remaining friends were too busy struggling for their life to acknowledge one another. The short woman who had walked alongside Ino caught his attention, he had seen many beautiful women before but you were ethereal.
That optimism, big brown eyes and brown hair… You were too similar to Haibara. He tried to ignore you at first, he didn’t want any painful memories. Not now. Not ever. But when you would wave shyly at him in the halls as he passed you, he couldn’t help but nod. And smile… a small smile would crack at the corner of his lip. He was a bit too tired to notice though, after all love is shit. Just like work and sorcerers.
His MBTI and yours are quite similar. ISTP and ISTJ. The only difference between the two of you are your last letters. But the truth is, differences are good in a relationship. Not everything the two of you have to go hand in hand to the other person’s opinion. And differences can be good, after all it would be boring to have a partner the exact same as you. New sides of both of you can be opened, ones that have never been truly explored. He is a judger and you are a perceiver. How do you change one another? That’s up to you and he will follow your lead, picking the most logical route.
Not much can be said about zodiacs as they do not represent a person’s identity properly but Nanami, being the Cancer he is, was slightly different around you. See the passage I found, I think it describes the two of you:
“Leo and Cancer both have big feelings, which can make for a solid relationship when both parties engage in healthy communication habits. Leo won't be shy in sharing how they feel, and although Cancer may be a bit more guarded at first, their body language will be a dead giveaway. These two fall fast.”
He wants to spend his time with you. He promised himself that after Itadori is sent to safety, away from the glooming eyes of the elders who controlled all their lives like master puppeteers , he would retire. He didn’t enjoy life as a sorcerer, why must he experience the death of others first hand? Perhaps… if the two of you survive the challenges the world throws at you… you can leave everything. Say your goodbyes and move to Malaysia. 
He wants to spoil you so much. The amount of times you had told the blonde man, he refused. You were his girlfriend, you had to be treated the best. Just sitting with you on the couch, the pearl beaded necklace he brought for you glistening in the light. He was so happy. If you buy him even a loaf of bread, he will complain you spoil him too much. And then proceed to buy a ring for you. Who knows, maybe even a wedding ring? Atelat once a week, he takes you out to a fancy restaurant. His lover should dine in the finest of places. And if you wish to eat at home, he will cook for you, occasionally Ino comes to eat with the two of you. Probably some karaoke with you and Ino may be involved. Nanami would rather sit beside Gojo for five minutes before singing in front of other people.
He was never the time of man who could sit through a whole episode of a show. Always looking at his clock, just to be sure how much he was wasting and how he could make up for it. But after learning you liked anime, he sat down on his coach and watched the ones you had always mentioned about. He wanted to talk with you about it, always making theories and ways the storyline could have been better. Saying things like: ‘why is Naruto so obsessed with Sasuke? Can’t he leave him alone’ or ‘I think Annie is the female Titan, how can they not guess that?!”
He has your drawings hanging in his room, it’s so embarrassing to you yet cute. Whenever he is doing his work, he glances to the side to see your art pieces and reminds himself that you also work hard to create those pieces willingly.
He is so patient. When you want to say something, he will sit in front of you and listen to your thoughts. Nanami doesn’t care how long he has to wait, he just wants you to be revealed and not anxiety filled. He often smiles at your jokes, well most of the time. When a dirty joke spills from your sweet lips, a look of disgust appears in his face. He may or may not scold you for being so childish, depends upon his mood that particular day.
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 6 Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Mai: "So, this Kicho who is here now is..."
Sasuke: "I don't know all the details, but I guess he was affected by the distortion of history."
Sasuke: "That means he was originally a different person who never existed."
Mai: "Isn't that impossible?"
(How can one person's existence change like that?)
Sasuke: "I can't say it's impossible. There's always the unexpected."
Sasuke: "Have you noticed anything unusual around you since the wormhole stopped appearing?"
Mai: "Unusual?"
Mai: “Oh, after the attack on Azuchi Castle, the book I brought from the future turned weird.”
Mai: “It was a travel guide, which had some historical info in it, but right now, most of the pages are blank.”
Mai: “It was as if the future had disappeared.”
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Sasuke: “I see. That would explain why I can no longer observe wormholes.”
Sasuke: “Then, to return to our original time, we first have to deal with the distortion.”
Knock, knock.
Mai: "-----!"
Subordinate's voice: "Have you finished carrying the package?"
Sasuke: "Ah, yes. Safely."
Subordinate's voice: "I see. Then I'll walk you to the door."
(Looks like he's on the lookout.)
When I blinked at him, Sasuke immediately understood and replied cheerfully while quickly writing something on a piece of paper he had taken out of his pocket.
Sasuke: "Thank you very much."
Sasuke: "Well then, miss, I'm leaving. I look forward to working with you again."
Mai: "Yes, it's my pleasure."
I accepted the note he laid on the table, and just as I crumpled it up to hide it in my hand, the door opened.
Kicho's subordinate: "This way, please."
Sasuke: "Yes."
I looked over at Sasuke, resisting the urge to wave my hand.
After confirming the two had left, I gently unfolded the crumpled-up paper.
"Anyway, there may be some serious things ahead. I'll come back to you again. Until then, please take care."
(Serious things, huh?)
(I finally have a chance to get in touch with Mitsuhide, thanks to Sasuke, but there are more mysteries to solve.)
That rainy night, I finally felt grounded, and my vague sense of self took shape when Kicho told me I should just live as me no matter what.
(Is there anything in this world that didn't exist originally?)
(If so, when everything goes back to the way it was, will it be as if it never existed again?)
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Kicho: "That's all for today."
Mai: "Okay.”
Kicho: "............"
Mai: "What is it?"
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Kicho: "That's what I want to ask. What happened while I was away?"
Mai: "Eh, is something wrong with me?"
Kicho: "You have dark circles under your eyes. Are you having trouble sleeping?"
(As expected, he's sharp as a tack.)
Mai: "My sewing tools and fabrics arrived the other day, and I got caught up in making clothes."
Mai: "I know staying up late is not good, so I'll be careful."
Kicho: "Yeah, it's not worth it if you hurt yourself. It's best to do it in moderation."
(To be honest, I haven't even come up with a design yet because I don't know what to make.)
(I can't talk to him about it, hence the lie.) 
For the past few days since my encounter with Sasuke, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had heard.
I found myself worrying about his every move more than ever and ended up thinking about a lot of things at night.
(In the first place, if there's a historical distortion involved, he may not even be aware of it, and it's probably none of his business.)
Kicho: "By the way, I have one more thing to tell you."
Kicho: "We're going to have a banquet here at the trading post in two weeks to get acquainted with our business partners."
Kicho: "No, I think it would be better to call it a party."
Mai: "I could kind of imagine it. Can I help with the preparations?"
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Kicho: "Yeah. You're quick to catch on."
He nodded briefly and took a few papers from his desk drawer.
Kicho: "Here is a summary of what I need."
Kicho: "We don't have much time, so we'll have to split up the work with the others."
Mai: "What about the business meetings?"
Kicho: "I'll head to one tomorrow alone."
Mai: "Then, we'll be working separately for a while."
Kicho: "Also, I'm not going to have my men watch you 24/7."
Kicho: "As long as you don't make any suspicious movements, there is no need to be so worried."
Mai: "What?"
Kicho: "You looked bothered just now. I just thought you were worried about the surveillance."
Mai: "No, it's not that一Oh."
I involuntarily turned around to escape his gaze.
(Was I feeling lonely just now?)
(Nah, there's no way. Maybe he's right. Maybe I was just worried about the surveillance.)
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Kicho: "Mai, what's wrong?"
Mai: "N-Nothing!"
Mai: "More importantly, um, I'm gonna get ready for today's work. Excuse me!"
Without making eye contact, I left the room in a hurry.
Mai: "*sigh* That surprised me."
I put my hand on my forehead and took a deep breath.
(Anyway, let's go to work.)
Then, without seeing Kicho much, I began to spend my days running around preparing for the event.
Mai: "Is that the guy?"
Kicho's subordinate: "Probably. It's easy to tell when he's dressed like that."
Mai: "Right. I'll go talk to him then."
(I still get nervous when I'm with other people.)
(Until now, I've mostly been working with Kicho.)
I came to the port today with his men to get the necessary supplies for the party.
Hiding my tense appearance, I hurried over to our business partner, wearing a tall hat.
Mai: "Hello. Um, here, please."
When I handed him the letter that Kicho had written for him, he smiled, nodded, then beckoned me to come over and walk on.
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Mai: "They have some stuff over there. Let's go."
Kicho's subordinate: "Yeah."
(I can't believe he's already made all the arrangements.)
(We worked every day and night, so when did he start preparing all this?)
Thinking of him, I looked at the man walking ahead of me.
(Still, it's fun to see all these fancy-looking clothes.)
(I bet the people attending the party will wear something nice, too.)
(I wonder what Kicho plans to wear.)
Mai: "Right!"
Kicho's subordinate: "Is something wrong?"
Mai: "Yes, I've finally decided on the design."
Kicho's subordinate: "Design?"
Mai: "Um, I mean the style of the kimono."
Mai: "Hey, can I ask you for some help?"
That night.
Kicho: "What's the matter with you guys? Why are you in a hurry?"
Kicho's subordinate 1: "Before you return to your room, can I have a moment of your time?"
Kicho's subordinate 2: "It'll only take a moment, so please remain standing."
Kicho's subordinate 3: "Excuse me!"
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Kicho: "Hey, what are you suddenly wrapping around me?"
Kicho's subordinate 4: "Don't worry about it. We'll remove it as soon as we finish the measurement."
Kicho's subordinate 2: "This one is complete. How are the others?"
Kicho's subordinate 3: "Done."
Kicho's subordinate 1: "This one is also complete."
Kicho's subordinate 4: "Then I'll take them and report back to Lady Mai tomorrow."
Kicho: "Mai?"
Kicho's subordinate 2: "Thank you for your cooperation, Lord Kicho. We apologize for troubling you."
Kicho’s subordinate 2: "Well, please excuse us!"
Kicho: "Hey, you guys...!"
Before Kicho could call out to them, his subordinates quickly left.
Kicho, who remained there alone, looked at the door of Mai's room at the end of the hallway with a look of dismay.
Kicho: "I didn't expect you to order around my men in just a few days."
Kicho: "What the hell are you up to?"
One week later.
(Yup, it looks pretty good!)
Comparing the design with the finished material, I pulled my sewing kit next to me.
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(All I have to do is sew the rest and make adjustments as I go along.)
(I really appreciated their cooperation.)
His men were willing to help me when I asked them to get his measurements for the clothes.
(They weren't as scary as I thought they would be when I talked to them.)
(Just like Kicho.)
(I haven't seen him for about a week, but I hope he's okay.)
I imagined his face and felt a little sad.
(Anyway, I'll do whatever I can to finish this before the party next week.)
(If I do it on my breaks, I'm sure I can finish it.)
Mai: "Crap, it's this late already!?"
Remembering my promise, I rushed out of the room.
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Mai: "Thank you for your cooperation. I really appreciate it."
Merchant: "No, this is nothing. Merchants help each other from time to time."
(He's so kind.)
Today, I visited a merchant we met along the way to borrow some supplies for the party at a warehouse near the main street.
Merchant: "The tablewares are on that shelf, and the vases and picture scrolls are over there."
Merchant: "Next is一sorry, there are too many things to keep track of."
Merchant: "The items stored in this warehouse are not particularly meant to be used, so please take them as you like."
Mai: "Okay, thank you very much."
Merchant: "By the way, I heard that Lord Kicho is coming today."
Mai: "He's busy right now, so I'm taking his place."
Merchant: "I see. He really trust you."
Mai: "I don't know about that."
(Sometimes it's because they don't trust you that they keep you around.)
(But I don't think I should say that here.)
Mai: "Don't worry. Even if he's not here, I'll do my best. Huh?"
Before I knew it, something cold touched my neck, and as soon as I looked at it, I saw him holding something shiny.
(A knife!?)
Mai: "Why?"
Merchant: "Sorry, but a businessman needs information to make a profit."
Merchant: "See, I told you before. We need to help each other from time to time."
Mai: "I don't have any information. I'm only一"
Merchant: "Shut up!"
Mai: "............"
I could feel the coldness of the knife as he put more force into it.
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(What should I do? Kicho's subordinates aren't here yet.)
The man had a scary glint in his eyes, as if he believed that what he was doing was the right thing, with not the slightest hint of hesitation.
(I don't think I can buy some time.)
(I have to handle this myself!)
I quickly stepped back, put my hand on the shelf, and knocked it down forcefully.
Merchant: "Whoa!"
Mai: "I'm Kicho's secretary, but no matter what I am, I will never do what you say!"
Merchant: "Guh, you cheeky little shit! Hey, you guys, come out here right now!"
(Are there more people outside!?)
(Then I can't escape.)
???: "Yeah, I was going to come out even if you didn't tell me."
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "It looks like you gave my secretary a great deal of hospitality."
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Mai: "Kicho!"
A graceful silhouette holding a pistol emerged against the light shining into the warehouse.
Kicho: "Your buddies outside are in no condition to be of any use anymore."
Kicho: "Get that girl over here now, or I'll shoot you."
Merchant: "Damn it!"
Mai: “Ah!”
He pushed me hard in the back, and before I had time to catch myself, a blinding pain resonated through my entire body as I fell to the ground.
Mai: “Ugh...”
Kicho: “Mai!”
Kicho immediately ran to me while the man rushed to the doorway, smiling wryly at us.
(Don’t tell me he’s...)
Merchant: “Later, losers!”
Mai: “W-Wait!”
I frantically shouted, only to be answered by the sound of a door being closed, followed by the sound of a lock.
(What to do? We’re trapped.)
Mai: “Sorry for causing you trouble.”
Kicho: “............”
Mai: “Kicho?”
I looked up with my hands on the floor and saw him breathing shallow breaths, and his face was so pale.
Mai: “Um, are you okay?”
Kicho: “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Mai: “Yeah, you’re not okay.”
He immediately turned away from me, but I could see a bit of sweat trickling down his forehead.
Mai: "Are you hurt somewhere? Or are you feeling sick from all the work you've been doing the past few days?"
Kicho: "No, none of the above. It's because of this situation."
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Kicho: "I have to get out of here as soon as possible."
Kicho frowned as he fell on one knee, clutching his collar.
(His hands are shaking, and his breathing is becoming more frantic.)
(Is there anything I can do?)
Mai: "You stay put. I'll find a way out."
I got up and walked around the warehouse, relying on the little light I could see.
However, there was no place to go in or out except for the closed door.
I tried opening it, but it was locked from the outside.
(I don't think I can do anything about it from here. At least, if someone passes by一no, what if it's a guard?)
Mai: "Kicho, we need to find a way to get out of here."
Just as I turned around, his shadow slid out of its position.
Kicho: ".............."
Mai: "Kicho!"
I ran to him and supported his body as he fell to the floor.
Just listening to the sound of his weak breathing made me feel suffocated.
(What's wrong with him?)
Kicho: "...ive…"
Mai: "What?"
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Kicho: "I want to live."
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Sasuke x Hinata | Abandon from my WIP Folder
Hinata ran her fingers over the book on the shelf with a numb heart and somehow even numb-er fingers. It was always so cold in here, even when it was hot outside. She picked up a book and sat down in the dust with it. She wondered if it was a gift or if was it bought by the owner. Questions she would never have answered. The house was long since abandoned. No one was sure if anyone owned it, and there were rumors it was haunted, so people kept their distance. That made it the perfect hiding place when she wanted to disappear. Hinata didn’t believe in ghosts. She thought about bringing something for any spirits to let her stay, but she thought at this point, if they were there, they wouldn’t want to be bothered.
Hinata read her book for a while and shivered as the house creaked. It did that all the time. It was an old house, after all. Hinata shivered again, trying to tuck her fingers into themselves to regain some of the feelings, but she knew that she would have to go home soon. It was too cold, and it was getting too late to read by the light coming in the window. She got up and put the book back, brushing her clothes off of the dust. 
She picked up her bag and out fell the small box she had got from the bakery earlier. She almost forgot. Hinata settled back down, opening the box to reveal a slightly tosseled cupcake with a candle sticking up out of it. She took a moment to dig in her bag for the lighter she had to buy just for this occasion. She lit the candle and stared into the flame. Did she make a wish? What would a wish do? Hinata sighed and just blew out the candle. She stared past it to let her eyes adjust back to the dark, only to see a face on the other side just as far as she was from the candle. She screamed, jerking back and hitting her head solidly off the bookshelf. Hinata yelped, and the hand that wasn’t clutching the cupcake to her chest shot to the back of her head. The boy in front of her looked just as freaked out as she did as he had backed his way across the room. “Who are you?” Hinata asked. He looked around and pointed to himself. “You can see me?”
Hinata nodded slowly. “You couldn’t before.” He accused. Hinata shook her head. “What?” He looked around and looked at his hands. “Can you touch me?” He held his hand out at her.
Hinata scrambled up on her feet, grabbing her bag. “No, thank you.” He ignored her, coming closer. She swatted at him with the first thing she could grab. The book smacked him solidly in the face. He scrambled back. “Ow! How did you do that?!” “Stay away from me!” Hinata got up and ran for her exit. Once out, she looked back to make sure she wasn't being followed. She took a breath and slowed down to catch her breath. When she did, she looked toward home only to come face to face with him once again. “How did I get out here?” He asked She screeched and swung her bag. “Ow, stop that!” He yelled back. “Stop following me! I’ll call the police!” Hinata countered.
“You were trespassing, you know.” He earned himself another hit of her bag. “Ow, how are you doing that!”
“Go away!” Hinata barked, running down the road, but once she turned the corner, there he was again. In front of her, she looked behind her. He didn’t pass her. “How did you…?”
“How do you that?” He looked around like he was unsure of his surroundings.
Hinata stared at him. He looked just as confused as she was. “Who are you?”
“Sasuke. Are you dead, too?”
“Dead?” Hinata squeaked.
“I thought you were alive. You can see your breath.” Sasuke pointed at her.
Hinata blinked and huffed out. Yes, she could. It was cold, but… she couldn’t see his.
“Your dead?” Hinata asked.
Sasuke nodded. “I haven’t been able to leave that house in years. Now I … guess I am latched to you.”
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Hinata hides in an abandoned house from her problems, unaware of the ghost there that has been keeping her company until she blows out a candle for her birthday.
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jgjmk4-2 · 2 years
IkeSen: Let’s run a Flower Shop!
Mitsuhide: My, my, buying roses? You must be giving it to someone special... Maybe someone like... Kenshin?
Ranmaru: Mitsuhide, you know those roses haven’t been de-thorned, right?
Mitsuhide: Yes, I know. I drenched them in poison too.
Shingen: My darling, a rose for you to symbolise my passion and love and... I’m off the clock at 8pm if you’re free?
Yukimura: Shingen, STOP. We’re a shop, not a charity. Stop giving away roses for free.
Yukimura [muttering]: It took three hours to remove the thorns for that, you’re gonna have to pay me.
Yoshimoto: Calm down Yukimura, you should be focusing on the beauty of the rose instead of getting mad. Look how pretty they are, especially with the way the light hits them softly like it’s embracing-
Yukimura:  (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻
Mitsunari: Sorry, you want bell flowers? Uh, I think the flowers in that corner over there are the bell flowers.
Masamune [to the customer]: No, those are the roses. Sorry, he’s still unfamiliar with the place.
Masamune: Huh? Oh, no he’s not new, just not very bright-
Hideyoshi: *Glares at Masaume*
Masamune: Ahem- Yeah, he’s new.
Nobunaga: You want to buy a cactus? The most prickly cactus we have is over there.
Customer: That’s a person though?
Nobunaga: No, it’s a prickly cactus.
Ieyasu: I’m a person.
Kennyo: And what may I get you? You want a sunflower because it’s bright and happy?
Kennyo: We have nothing like that here, we only have flowers of despair and doom that bloom from anguish and suffering-
Ranmaru: Master Kennyo, stop, the customers are going to leave if you keep talking like that!
Kennyo: Sorry, sometimes I get lost in my own monologue. The sunflowers are to your right.
Motonari: Ye want flowers, huh?
Motonari: Well the prettiest flower we have here is me, so if ya don’t want it, you better scram right now!!
Ranmaru: Have you noticed that every time you give those two options everyone scrams?
Motonari: You wanna go?! (ง'̀-'́)ง
Sasuke: Alas, being pricked so many times whilst making ground spikes has made me immune to being pricked by rose thorns
Kenshin: Oh yeah? Then, are you immune to this?
*Hurls a cactus at Sasuke*
Sasuke: Unfortunately, no. Please call an ambulance.
Hideyoshi: You’d like a bouquet for your friend in the hospital? Of course I could help you with that. 
Hideyoshi: Here you go, all done! I hope your friend is okay, I’m sure they’ll be happy to receive these flowers ^_^
Kenshin: They’re fine. They got hit by a cactus, I’m sure they will be happy to receive these.
Nobunaga [holding a pot of roses]: Kenshin and Shingen, what are you doing in our shop? Hideyoshi, remove these thorns.
Hideyoshi: You mean the thorns on those roses in the pot you’re holding?
Nobunaga [glaring at Kenshin and Shingen]: No, these thorns standing right in front of me.
[A few weeks later]
Sasuke: Well, I’m glad I’ve finally recovered, I’m excited to get back to work with you guys-
Sasuke: Wow... Did you guys have a fight?
*Broken glass everywhere, flowers dying, Kenshin’s sword out, Yukimura hugging his knees and rocking back and forth in a corner, Shingen barely breathing and Yoshimoto has eye bags*
Yoshimoto: What gave it away?
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hatredcurse · 2 months
Sakura just knew Sasuke was coming home today. She’s gotten pretty good at predicting when he would return from his travels. While he was away, she took extra care in keeping up with his house, so he would come home to everything clean. But today was a special day. It was his birthday. She wanted to surprise him with something nice. Sakura knew Sasuke wasn’t one for flashy things so her idea was simple. This birthday was extra special because it was the first birthday where they are together. They had finally, officially, started dating after skirting around the subject for so long. Sakura couldn’t be happier to finally be his. She expressed it so often with little acts of love and affection but was sure not to go too overboard as to not annoy him. On the kitchen table was a neatly wrapped present, with a hand made and drawn card next to it. The front of it read; “Happy Birthday Sasuke!” with hearts all drawn around it. And on the inside it read; “Welcome home! I’ve missed you! Being with you has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I treasure every moment I spend with you, and you’re always in my thoughts while you’re away. I hope I am in yours. I hope you think of me every time you wear my gift, it took so long to make but it was so worth it for you! <3” Sakura had noticed lately how old Sasuke’s current cloak has gotten. It was faded and torn, so she took it upon herself to make him a new one. She picked out the best material for it. Something that felt nice against the skin but still sturdy to put up with long travels. Dark in color of course. It took weeks to fully sew it together. Looked better than anything money could buy. Sakura wouldn’t settle for anything less for him. It was all nicely folded and wrapped in wrapping paper with little black cats on it. When he finally returns home, the house is filled with the scent of cooking food, along with the sounds of Sakura softly humming a tune as she works. He didn’t come home to an empty house but one full of life. One where someone who loved him was waiting for him. || @hana-akari
To say the return home had been a long and arduous one would have been in understatement. Fatigue wormed itself into Sasuke's bones with inertia being the driving force carrying him home. And he feared any momentous pause would steal his conscious from him like the dead cold of Winter.
Given that, he had also forgotten what day it was. Not that it had ever mattered once Itachi exited those doors and left behind a child barely old enough to cry. Sasuke saw the ambient glow of the kitchen light through the window, only assuming Sakura had wanted her peace away from her in-village townhouse.
" I'm home, " he said, kicking his dust covered shoes off at the doorway, leaving behind this treacherous world for this new one— aromatic with notes of garlic and fresh herbs.
It felt strange to be greeted with a living body. The first few times, the Uchiha had painfully mistaken the Haruno for another woman. A long dead woman. By no other reason than the placement of her frame near the sink with her shoulders slouched at a specific angle. He had gotten better separating the past from the present, being mindful and gratuitous of the world he occupies— not the one that lingers like a disease in his imagination.
He travelled from the entryway towards the kitchen, aiming to place himself near Sakura until he was stopped by the view space of the counter. It's usual vacancy hosting residence to a card and a present. The ritualistic ' how are you? ' slipped his mind as his focus was arrested by these items, hands never quicker to seize them and visually digest the contents inside. At least the card, which decidedly took less time and labor to open, his Sharingan spinning to life reading away and committing Sakura's neat scrawl to memory.
" Oh. That's today. " Explains a lot. His chest heavy with an unsureness on how to behave. This fresh, new experience overlaid the usual dim bleakness of his daily life and all that emotions he gated behind some mental dam was starting to erode under what he could only identify as jubiliation.
Again, he speaks, his voice nearly a whisper," you did this for me? "
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