#i was like AWWW when i was sketching it
dragscore · 2 years
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late vday gift for my bae husby baby bean mo <3
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
When They Accidentally Bring Up an Insecurity| Jisung
You had always admired Han's loving spirit and his ability to find inspiration in the smallest things. He brought light into your life in ways you never thought possible. And he helped you see the world in a way most didn't. You loved that you had that in common with Han- an appreciation for things that breathed life into your creative works.
You had never been very good at drawing. Or writing. Or anything having to do with the fine arts. Rather your creativity came more in a problem solving way. But in order to connect with Jisung, you decided to take up sketching to connect with Han a little more, because you loved him.
But that just created a deep-rooted insecurity about your creative abilities. Surrounded by so many talented people - as you were around the kids -you often felt your own contributions paled in comparison, and it was a fear you kept to yourself.
One evening, Han was over at your place, working on some new lyrics while you attempted to write poetry. He was sprawled on the couch, notebook in hand, humming a melody under his breath. You sat at your desk, scribbling down words and then erasing them feeling increasingly frustrated with your lack of progress.
You had long given up drawing, and you thought it might be easier to write a poem, since it was words that described your feelings. You could easily write a poem about something you knew well right? It couldn't be that hard.
You scratched your head as you tried to think of rhymes.
"How's it going over there?" Han asked, glancing up from his notebook.
"Not great," you mumbled, trying to keep the disappointment out of your voice.
Han chuckled, not noticing your tone. "I figured."
His casual comment felt like a sting, a reminder of your perceived inadequacies. You forced a smile and nodded, but inside, you felt your confidence crumbling.
He got up and walked over to you, picking up your paper in his hands. He chuckled. "Poetry now huh?"
You felt your cheeks burn and tried to take it from him. "No-"
"No jagiya I want to read it." He said holding it above your head and reading it. "You make me laugh when I am sad, Your jokes are the best I've ever had. When you smile, my heart feels light, You make everything so bright." Han giggled again. "It's like one of those poems we had to write in elementary school."
That made your cheeks burn even more. "Jisung give it back-"
"Your hugs are warm, your eyes so kind, With you, I leave my worries behind. You're my sunshine, my best friend, With you, I hope the good times never end." He gives you a cute pouty face in a teasing manner. "Awww Y/N... it's such a cute little poem. It's like a little nursery rhyme."
"Jisung stop!" You called out again, feeling your eyes burn as you put your fists to your eyes, the embarrassment you had taking over.
"I know my poem's not that great, But loving you is my favorite fate. Thank you Jisung..." His smile fell and he swallowed. "Thank you...Jisung for...for being you. My love for you is always true." He looked up and seemed to realize what he was teasing you about and his lip trembled. "Y/N-"
"I want to be alone." You mumbled through your tears. Jisung wanted to reach out, but he knew he had hurt your feelings, but knowing you he also knew you needed space.
The next few days were a blur of self-doubt and creative blocks. You avoided drawing and writing, and found excuses to stay busy with other tasks. Han noticed your change in behavior and even if you guys had talked a couple hours after the incident, he still didn't think his apology was enough.
One afternoon, while you were both working on a puzzle together, Han brought up the subject again. "Hey, you know I'm really really sorry right?"
You nodded. "I know. I'm not mad anymore, Jisung."
Han frowned. "But you haven't been writing at all. Or drawing...I feel like it's my fault. No...I know it's my fault. I'm sorry I made fun of your poem- I loved it. I really did. It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever written me..."
You felt a pang in your chest, wishing you could believe him. "Thanks, but sometimes it feels like I'm just not good enough."
Han looked taken aback. "What do you mean? You're incredibly talented."
You sighed, finally letting out a bit of your frustration. "It's just… I see how talented everyone else is, including you, and I can't help but feel like my work doesn't measure up."
Han's expression softened, and he reached out to squeeze your hand. "You're amazing in your own right, and comparing yourself to others isn't fair to you. I wouldn't ever want you to compare yourself to me. That's like comparing a doctor to an actor. Both are genius in their own right, but do you expect an actor to be able to perform surgery like a doctor? Or the doctor to recite the entire second act of Hamlet? You have your talents that I could never even begin to measure up to, Y/N. Its the same with everyone who walks this planet..."
His words were kind, but they didn't fully reach the core of your insecurity. You forced a smile and nodded, hoping the conversation would end there.
A week later, Han invited himself over to your house, hoping to put an end to both of your guy's misery. You hated feeling like you had to walk on eggshells around him, and he hated thinking he was making you uncomfortable.
You guys ate dinner and started watching a drama. After the fourth episode Han pressed the pause button.
"Baby...can I show you something?"
You nodded, slightly confused as to why Jisung would pause your binge.
He grabbed his laptop from his bag and came back towards you, placing his headphones on your head.
He unlocked his laptop, clicked a few buttons and a soft melody filled your ears. Your eyes widened.
"Did you guys wrtie a new song?" You asked excitedly, but Jisung shushed you gently and motioned for you to listen.
You closed your eyes and let yourself go, embracing the music fully.
You felt your heart almost stop when you heard the words of your poem masterfully intricated into the song.
"Why did you show me that?" you asked, your voice trembling. You didn't dare open your eyes, or you were sure the tears you had would fall.
Han sounded puzzled. "Because it's great and I wanted to share it."
"But it's not great," you snapped, tears falling from your eyes as you opened them. "People will know you just used those words. You're so much more well versed and-"
Han stopped in his tracks, realization dawning on him. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just wanted to show them how talented you are.” You shook your head.
"Ouch, Y/N..." Jisung chuckled, his voice breaking a little. You looked at Han, whose chubby cheeks were encompassed by his pout. His boba eyes sad.
"No- No baby I meant... I feel like my words are stupid. Not your voice. Your song was absolutely beautiful... I just feel like I made you waste such a good backtrack."
You wiped away a tear, feeling exposed and vulnerable. "It's not your fault. It's just… I can't help but feel like I'll never be as good as everyone else. And I feel like you did that to make me feel better..."
Han pulled you into a tight hug, his voice gentle and soothing. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You're incredibly talented and creative, and your art is a reflection of who you are. It's unique and beautiful, just like you."
You clung to him, the sincerity in his words slowly breaking through your walls. "I just want to feel like I'm enough," you whispered.
Han held you at arm's length, looking into your eyes. "You are more than enough. Your worth isn't defined by how perfect your art or writing is or how you compare to others. It's about the passion and love you put into what you do."
His words resonated with you, and you felt a sense of comfort and reassurance. Han's unwavering support and belief in you made a difference, and you realized that your insecurities didn't define you.
"And I didn't make that song to make you feel better...I made it so you could see just how much inspiration I find from you. Y/N I love you more than anything. So, I was over the moon when I wrote this. And even more elated when I got to use the words the love of my life wrote. That's only the demo..." He grins sheepishly. "I was thinking...it would sound cool if you could leave that poem as a voicemail. I could make it the outro of the song..."
You looked at him with wide eyes. "You mean it?"
"Of course I mean it baby. I mean... I know Stay speculates I'm in a relationship...it's been a year now so I feel like this would be a fun way of confirming that. And I want the world to hear the beautiful voice of my baby." He coos, squishing your cheeks.
You giggle and nod, as Han peppers kisses all over your face.
One evening, as you both sat on the couch, Han handed you a sketchbook he had bought for you. "I got this for you. I want you to fill it with whatever makes you happy. No pressure, just pure creativity. It doesn't even have to be art. Maybe you could write me more poems..."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Thank you, Ji. For everything."
Han wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. "I'm always here for you. And for inspiration. Because you're my inspiration." He says nuzzling his nose against yours.
You leaned into him, feeling a sense of peace and contentment.
His inspiration. You thought.
What an amazing thing to be...
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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blueclownsworld · 7 months
~Drawing your boyfriend Gojo Satoru~
"Stay still", you instructed as you continued sketching Gojo, your boyfriend, on the paper.
You had gotten the idea to draw him when you two were watching tv and you noticed how handsome he looked fresh from shower, wet white hair framing his face.
You decided you just had to draw him, especially since lately you had been practicing your skills on drawing hair. And who would be a better reference than your always so good looking boyfriend?
Literally anyone else than him, you soon figured. Gojo was too restless, constantly changing his position and talking right the moment you tried to sketch his lips.
"Boooring", he whined with pout, as dramatic as always. "Can't you just draw faster or something?"
"I am trying", you sighed and tried to speed up the process, knowing that too much rushing would affect the end result. "Just stay completely still for two minutes. 2 minutes, okay?"
"Fine.." he nodded and then stayed still like you asked to.
You quickly finished the sketch and then spoke "You're free to move now, I can draw the rest even if you're moving — unless you're jumping on the walls or something.."
A mischievous smirk spread on Gojo's face after your words, seems like he took them as a challenge. "And what if I do just that?"
"So you don't want extra kisses?" you asked innocently, knowing that your kisses were his weakness.
Gojo's eyes widened and he quickly answered to you "Ofcourse I do! What kind of question is that??"
"Then don't go running around and jumping on the walls until I finish this, hm?" you raised your eyebrows at him, noticing the defeat on his face.
"Unfair", he complained before listening to you and staying relatively still until you finished the drawing.
"Aaand all done", you announced and he immediately jumped from his seat, eager to see the result.
"Awww, I didn't know I look that handsome", he chuckled, clearly pleased by your art as he stared at it for a good while before asking "Do I get my kisses now?"
"You do, you do", you smiled and pulled him closer to you before starting to leave kisses all over his face, eventually getting to his lips.
And as your lips met with Gojo's, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You buried your hands in his hair, caressing his scalp and pulling him even closer to you as the kiss continued. You two got lost in the kiss for a good while before needing to pull away to catch your breaths.
"You should draw me more often", Gojo whispered, his breath mixing with yours as he remained close to your face.
"Maybe I will", you smiled before leaning in for another kiss.
author's note: i have actually lately been practising the way i draw hair, i need him as my reference :(
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ask-sister-solaris · 5 months
Could I get a scenario for egon spengler x reader: where the reader is a sketch artist (like an artist that works for the police and does sketches) but in this case it's for the ghostbusters, where they sketch the ghosts based off a witnesses description and document them in a ghost journal of their cases. After one of their cases, Egon wanted to make a note in the ghost journal but ends up finding a different notebook that are not ghost sketches, but sketches of the ghostbusters and most of the sketches are of him. Reader walks in to see Egon found their personal sketch book and freaks out and becomes a stuttering mess. They end up confessing to each other and please make it extra fluffy. Maybe throw in a kiss or two lol. Sorry if this is long, but I had some inspo and your work has been lovely 😊
Awww of course I can do this!
“Your arts amazing..”
Egon Spengler x reader
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You sighed as you closed your personal sketch book. You were in need for some decent coffee and you knew who to bribe. You went to the garage where Ray was and poked his shoulder “wanna get coffee? I need the caffeine” Ray chuckled and put his hands on his hips “let me get cleaned up and we will take the Ecto 1”
You nodded and got into the Ecto 1 smiling “hey girl. You’re just going to a coffee shop today nothing exciting” you patted the seat and yawned, meanwhile Egon was looking for some photo evidence of the recent ghost they’d captured. When he opened the sketchbook it wasn’t Ghosts but him and his fellow ghostbusters..strange…as he flipped through more most of them were just of him.
He lost track of time looking at all your sketches so much so you and Ray had gotten back from the coffee shop and you were outside the lab. You froze as you saw him looking into your personal sketch book cheeks ablaze with heat “e…Egon uh…mn”
He looked up and kept his calm composure. He was flattered that you’d drawn him so many times “your arts amazing” your heart began beating faster and because of the coffee “oh uh…thank..thank you?” He put the book down and went over to you kissing your forehead “and I saw the confession I love you to” you whined and hid your face in his chest as it rumbled with laughter.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
teamwork (makes the dream work...?) pt. 4
wc: 1k+
A/N: um hii sorry for updating a lil late 😅 but I got really into writing this esp at the end. We're almost done! As always feel free to comment your thoughts and reactions, or send them to my inbox! Thanks for reading :)
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Song: It's Only a Paper Moon - Ella Fitzgerald (totally optional to listen while you read, if you like that sort of thing)
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The small plastic bag carrying your lunch swung from your wrist as you pushed the door to the counselor’s office open.
"Thanks again for helping me organize around here," said the woman standing beside you.
"No problem, Ms. Keene!"
By the time you stepped inside, Miles was already sitting at the round table in the middle of the room.
The boy spoke first as soon as your eyes met.
"Hey," he greeted you flatly. His stare wasn't too far off from the look of curiosity you get from a stray cat that isn't certain whether you're trying to give it food or not; neither malicious nor particularly excited.
You tilted your head in surprise.
"Hey, you in trouble or something?"
Miles shook his head.
"Ms. Keene lets me have lunch in here."
"You two know each other?" The tall, dark-skinned woman asked. Though she had asked you both, she beamed at Miles as she spoke. He glanced back and forth between you and the woman.
She clasped her manicured hands together. 
"I'm glad you're starting to make friends again. That's progress. Enjoy your lunch," Ms. Keene said as she spun on her heel to leave, her short bob cut bouncing along with her.
"And put on those glasses!"
Miles rolled his eyes as the door shut with a click.
"Everybody's on your case about these glasses, dude. Just put 'em on," you said as you sat down next to him.
"Don't need 'em."
"Okay," you pointed to the analog clock hanging directly across from him, "tell me what time it is without using your phone."
He scoffed.
"Easy, it's…"
The boy stood, and squinted so hard that his nose scrunched. He heard you laughing through your nose behind him after a minute and soon dropped back down to his seat, hands raised in resignation.
"Alright, you got me. But who's looking at the damn clock all day?"
"Sitting in the back of the classroom with no glasses on is nuts, Miles. What's so bad about them?”
Miles pouted in indignation, "They make me look like Steve Urkel.”
“They can’t be that bad,” you said, grabbing the case from next to him and prying it open. “Lemme see.”
“Just this once!”
The boy sighed, then took the glasses from you with a wary expression. He looked at them like they were a moldy piece of bread before finally putting them on.
Neon green color aside, the glasses were truly not that bad. The thick lenses framed his face and made him look younger. The boy blinked, awaiting your verdict.
“Awww, you look like a little nerd!”
“Don't start with that,” Miles shook his head, a grin spreading across his face in spite of himself. He swiped them off of his face and took the case from you.
“It’s not a bad thing,” you said over a bite of your sandwich, “you look cute in them.”
He froze, a hand instinctively flying up to scratch the nape of his neck before turning his gaze in the other direction. You could still see the impression of his dimples peeking out from the side.
“Don’t get a big head over it, now,” you elbowed him gently. He quickly changed the subject.
“I’m finna tell Ms. Keene that you’re distracting me.”
Miles was now hunched over his notebook again. He had his homework sheet covering one page, but you could tell he was sketching. When you tried to look over his shoulder, he frantically shut it closed.
“Can you not be nosy for five minutes?”
“My fault, bro, damn.”
Miles continued to draw quietly for almost the entirety of calculus, never once allowing you to peek at it. He didn’t pause until you lightly tapped his arm.
The boy flinched at the sudden contact, but you had his attention.
“I’m stuck on this problem you wrote, just this one. Help me out?”
He tapped his pen lightly on the desk in consideration. Finally, he shrugged, closing the notebook and sliding it to the side.
You placed the worksheet between you and Miles, where your desks met.
“It’s this one. I’m not getting the solution you got,” you explained, placing a finger on the offending equation. 
Miles peered closely at it. His braids nearly brushed the desk as his head moved.
“You gettin’ it wrong because you forgot to distribute here,” he pointed. “Everything has to distribute.”
You nodded as the gears in your head got to turning again. “Thanks.”
“Ma!” Miles whined as he took his plate of yellow rice and peas from the table.
“I’m just saying! La chica es muy linda, sigues mirándola. Don’t do anything crazy up there, understand?”
You were far from fluent, but the first bit of the brown woman’s sentence made a shy smile grace your features.
“This looks so good, thanks Mrs. Morales.” you said as you grabbed your own plate, carefully carrying it with both hands. 
“No problem, baby,” the woman replied, gently smacking the back of her son’s head before sending you both upstairs. “Same time as usual.”
“Your mom’s nice,” you remarked once you entered Miles’ room.
“You just sayin’ that ‘cuz she gassed your head up,” Miles laughed.
“Whatever. I’m ‘bout to fuck this plate up!”
“Not on my bed, I hope.”
The boy gave you a warning glance.
“Relax, you see me sitting?” 
You blew on a spoonful of rice before trying it, and the flavor nearly made your eyes pop out of your skull.
“Your momma went crazy in that kitchen.”
“M-hm,” was all Miles could reply as he shoveled the rice into his mouth, already halfway through the plate.
Soon both of your plates had been scraped clean, and you started working after taking the dirty dishes downstairs to wash. All three calculus problems had been completed, but a small squabble broke out over the appearance of the slideshow that Miles had put together.
“It looks so boring,” you complained. “At least make the background a different color–”
“Uh-unh, you gon’ make it hard as fuck to read. I say we keep it simple,” the boy swatted your hand away from the keyboard.
“Make the title dark magenta, and you got a deal.”
He sighed, “Fine. It’s legible, I guess.”
It was still only 7:30 by the time the project was finished, and you didn’t feel like leaving behind the warmth of Miles’ home just yet.
“Can you play some music?” 
Miles spun around in his swivel chair.
“What kind?”
“I dunno, whatever you listen to,” you tilted your head at him quizzically. “What do you listen to?”
“Um,” He reached into a drawer and pulled out a small Bluetooth speaker, setting it on his desk. “Just…whatever I feel like. Lots of stuff.”
He carefully laid down on his bed next to you, making sure to maintain at least a few inches of distance.
Old jazz music began to float through the air.
“You like Ella?”
“Yeah,” he said at a near-whisper. “...I do now. Forgot what this song was called.”
“‘It’s Only A Paper Moon,’” you answered. “From ‘The War Years’. Beautiful record.”
Miles snuck a glance at the side of your face while you stared up at the ceiling. He liked the dreamy, far-off way you’d said the title.
“You sound old as fuck right now,” he commented. “Record…”
This made you burst into laughter, and Miles decided that he didn’t mind that sound, either.
“My momma always calls ‘em ‘records’, so I picked up the habit.”
“I like how you talk.”
You finally turned your head and met the boy’s eyes. The small grin playing on his face wasn’t a teasing one.
“‘How I talk?’”
“When you’re not grilling me with questions like a cop? Yeah, it’s nice.”
Not sure what to do with this new information, you turn your gaze back up to the ceiling.
“You’re a strange one, Miles,” was all you could say.
There was a brief pause before you asked,“What did you mean by ‘now’?”
Miles raised an eyebrow. “What’d I say about complete sentences?”
“Sorry,” you rolled your eyes. “You said you liked this song now, you didn’t like it before?”
He was silent for a good, long, ten seconds before answering.
“I used to not be super into jazz. Dad used to play that shit on the radio, driving me to school. I hated having to hear it the entire ride,” he laughed. “I know he’s somewhere making fun of my ass now.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, wondering if you should offer comforting words, or your condolences. Knowing Miles – at least a little – you decided against it.
“I used to listen to Ella songs when the house got too loud, or while I was eating lunch.”
“They let you listen to music down there?”
“Nah, I was eating upstairs with the English teacher after she saw me sitting by myself.”
“You still sit by yourself?”
Shaking your head, you answered, “I usually sit with Tianna, she’s usually my calc partner. This week’s kind of an exception.”
“So if it wasn’t for her, I woulda finished this shit three days ago,” he joked.
You placed your hand over your heart and gasped dramatically. “You mean you don’t enjoy being graced by my presence?”
“Hm,” Miles conceded, “I enjoy it a little.”
“Is this your way of saying we besties now?”
“Whoah, never mind. You killed the moment.”
“That was a moment?”
“Nope, forget everything I just said.”
Fun trivia since we're almost at the end: what book do you think Miles and the MC are reading in English class? There's no prize for answering but i'll be really excited about it. Thanks again for reading!
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Host With the Most (Vil Schoenheit x Yuu)
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notes: they/them used for Yuu, in this house we love Vil Schoenheit and his pursuit of aesthetic beauty, Vil is very touchy with Yuu because he likes them, Yuu is a wee bit oblivious. Also happy New Year! Ha this took me too long to write. If you wish to see more of me, consider looking at my masterlist.
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"As the default 'owner' of the Mansion it makes the most sense for Yuu to help me." Vil's voice has that firm air of finality to it that thunders through the air with the same force as Leona's roar or Malleus's storms. Speaking of Leona, he seems to be frightfully amused by this cute little attempt at imitation, and you have absolutely no desire to see them cat fight.
"Just what help do you need exactly? I'm not really the best choice for an understudy." You try your best to keep any trace of tiredness out of your voice, but you really should know better than to lie to Vil by now. He ignores his argument and cups your face in his hands to get a better look at your skin, pursing his lips ever so slightly to try and avoid a full frown.
"You really need to have more faith in yourself." The scolding is serious but the genuine affection in his gaze as you involuntarily chase his touch as he takes back his hands is real. "And to get more sleep. With enough practice you could be more than worthy, but lucky for us both that's not what I had in mind."
"Awww beta fish already claimed little shrimpy? Laaame." Floyd blows a raspberry and you stick out your tongue when Vil looks away.
"No chasing shromps for you." That cheers him up. You think.
"Stay!" Crewel seems to have regained a bit of his fire. "Ramshackle is Yuu's home, so having them work alongside Schoenheit will allow them to keep an eye on all you puppies and make sure you aren't destroying their living space."
"You have no need to worry yourself over such a thing Professor." Rook cheerfully says.
"Yeah! We're good house guests." Laughs Ortho.
"... Schoenheit perhaps you would like to take Yuu to look over costumes and explain your plans while I have some words with my third and fourteenth reasons?" Vil does not need Crewel to tell him twice.
"We aren't planning on using any rooms you or Grim do regularly, though Rook and Floyd did have ideas for the attic." Vil immediately starts talking shop as soon as you leave the classroom. "Guests are going to walk though the house on a marked tour, and I'll be playing host for part of the show."
"A ghost host?" You expect to be reprimanded but Vil winks.
"In my first script the host had an assistant, but Ortho suggested he be placed in charge of screen mapping and projection so we didn't need to make as many adjustments to your dorm." Vil sounds just as proud of Ortho as Idia would be if he was telling the story. It fills your heart with warmth. "Thanks to that suggestion I get to have you stick with me for the rest of the week." And just like that the warmth floods up to your ears, damn that professional training for letting Vil say... things. Yes just things, you are reading into friendly banter too much. The way your breath hitches at the gentle ghost of his touch across your back as he guides you through the door he opens is natural, you just aren't used to Vil's touchiness yet.
"Have you already thought out the costumes?" You remove yourself from his side and try to place some distance between yourself and your feelings by looking over the fist set of clothes Crewel has laid out in this empty classroom, completely missing the brief flicker of disappointment Vil refuses to contain.
"I provided Professor Crewel some concept sketches and my script, but we still have some sizing adjustments to make..." Vil's voice trails off and you turn back in concern. Yet he does not seem distracted at all when you do, he simply proceeds with his thoughts evenly. "I hope you don't mind, but the costume I have in mind for you is raven themed, so you might end up looking a bit like our dear Headmage."
"Oh please no." You groan and Vil laughs.
"Just the bit." He moves to your side, directing your attention towards an admittedly sleek tunic like outfit with a hood and feathers embroidered down the cape. "Go ahead and try it on, I'll wait out here to look it over." As you turn to do just that you find his face close to yours, the typical intensity of his stares and danger of this specific smile suggesting something other than his usual ire. "And make sure to tell me if it's comfortable," he gently tips your chin up to look at him with a slender finger, it's as if he means to kiss you with how he tilts his head "you will be standing next to me for the whole night, I can't have my partner falling down from something as simple as fatigue."
Oh there is no need to worry over that when he is more than able to be the death of you on his own.
The better part of your next three weeks is spent practicing the haunt and slowly loosing your sanity. You don't actually have any lines, or much of anything to do other than follow Vil around really, but that meant you had to spend more time around him. More time around those casual touches and compliments that have invaded your friendship since your trip to the underworld, battering your imagination in directions you had long since tried to convince yourself was forbidden. Vil is beautiful, and his confidence of it strangely not off putting to your foolish heart. But Vil had been clear, he was affectionate to all of his friends in private and no amount of skirting the boundary-
though it was all him, if you could only realize how he is trying so desperately to initiate that he is starting to come unglued
-would make your desire for his love anything less than a pipe dream. A dream made substantially worse by how you did know just enough about what one of his kisses would feel like to fantasize about tasting him on your lips. Not that you could see them from your position at the back of the test group, clammy hands fidgeting with the prop lantern you carry, but his slicked back hair and strategically rumpled suit are so ingrained in your dreams at this point you're sure you know what he looks like.
As if you are the only one tortured by fantasies, as if he did not design that cape specifically to see you in it. As if-
"Horntoads and lizards, fiddle and strum. Please answer the role by beating a drum!" Cater's head begins to "levitate" up off the table as he chants in a show of theatrics that's still impressive even if this is the 999th time you've seen it; Ortho's projection mapping coupled with Cater's willingness to improvise had blended into a really unique act. Something a Scarabia freshmen seems to really agree with you because he immediately starts screaming and flailing around in a way that has you deeply concerned for your poor dorm's safety. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, trying to examine the idiot's body language to determine if he was a threat or not. A decision that's made for you as soon as he goes for his magic pen and you note, perhaps too late, that maybe you should make your guests surrender them before going through the haunt.
"Excuse me." You make sure your cowl is lowered as you gently try to tug his hand away from his pocket and are rewarded with an easily dodged slap. "Well now you're just embarrassing both of us."
"Just what do you think it is you are doing foolish mortal." You swear you saw Vil walk forward, but your brain refuses to register his movements as soon as he opens his voice. "It seems you would prefer to take my way out after all." It's silly, being impressed with a professional actor staying in character, but then it must be equally silly to go a bit jelly legged at seeing Vil drawn up to his full height and radiating confidence. The student whimpers and you again reach for his hand, acting the good spirit gently tugging him away from the grip of the damned souls of the mansion.
"C'mon now, no need to be shy." The student lets you lead him away mutely, clearly disappointed in himself.
"And I will see you all a little later." Vil bows, disappearing from the group as they flow into the dancers and he immediately drops his practiced face and begins making his way to his next scene. He has faith in you, so he is not surprised to see you waiting, cowl once again up and swinging your lantern to amuse yourself in a manner that would be cute if he wasn't so worried. "Yuu," Vil does not love how forceful his tone is for the way it makes you jump but the emotions running about in his chest keep him from softening it "are you alright?"
"Just peachy." You try a chipper tone but choke as Vil once again reaches to touch you. He cups your face in his hands like it is precious, examines it careful and runs his perfect fingers along your arms to examine your hands in what feels dangerously close to an excuse to hold them. "Dumbass," he purses his lips "sorry, po-ta-to thought Cater had actually lost his head because of Riddle or something. I made sure to hand him over to Crewel and suggested we take the guest's magic pens to make sure if they do freak out no spells get fired off."
"In hindsight that seems like a rather obvious precaution." Vil exhales, letting out the disappointment and intakes a prideful, teasing look to his eyes as he continues to focus on you. You swallow thickly, how many times has he said what he's about to in these past few weeks? "You're doing an excellent job, I knew I picked the right person to partner with." You look down at your hands, Vil still hasn't let them go. It hurts somewhat, more than nearly being slapped.
"You don't have to say things like that just to make me feel better." You cough and Vil frowns.
"I don't give compliments for the sake of ego you know." He lets go of one of your hand to run his thumb over your quivering lip, staring deeply at the tears you had not noticed until he moves to dry them as if he can erase them from time with sheer will alone. "When I say something to you about how grateful I am to have met you, that I admire you, when I say I find things about you to be beautiful and that I want you to stand beside me, I mean every word."
"If you say things like that I'm going to start thinking you mean something different when you call me your partner." You try to joke and for some reason this is what makes him falter.
"... wasn't that obvious?" Vil, beautiful Vil, has a genuinely surprised look on his face. As if he was not the one who had said he was affectionate to his friends specifically... as if he had expected you to notice how much longer he spent kissing you than Rook or Epel and divine his romantic intent from the way his hand sought yours alone. Perhaps he had thought you had more courage than you did, or perhaps, you think to yourself with some relief, there are some things Vil just doesn't quite know how to say because he is so used to having to prove himself worthy of saying them in the first place.
"Are you sure you want this?" You ask because you feel like you have to, but what you are really trying to ask is if you are allowed to want this, to want him.
"Dangerously so." He rests his forehead against yours, a contented sigh worming its way past his lips at the lack of ambiguity in the way your fingers finally thread through his. "I only have so much time left to keep you to myself you know? When the school year ends I'll have to make excuses to more than just a handful of classmates for why I deserve to be alone with you, without sparking any comments." You had considered that of course, let it fuel your doubts and even still now it flickers slightly in your mind.
"I don't want to take the coward's way out." You say and Vil's eyes betray momentary shock. "I don't want to keep ignoring my feelings."
"Then we are in agreement, my dearest partner." Vil draws you impossibly close and presses one kiss to your forehead to his joy and your rancor before he dips you to give the kiss you really want. "I don't think I could ignore you if I tried."
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Welcome, foolish mortals, to this haunted taglist: @nothingfuninthislife
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(And could I possibly hug him?)
Awww thank you very much!💖 I'm happy that you love my Twilight, I consider him one of the heroes who brings positivity to the group, and I love the idea of him singing when he's relaxed, I'm sure he would bring joy to others too!
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To tell you the truth I wasn't sure about publishing the animation, I feel really bad at that, but it made me smile and I hoped it would make you all smile too, I'm happy to know that it was appreciated!
I made this little sketch for you! I hope you like it!
Thanks for your ask! 💖
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Headcanons about how would Alucard, Issac, Hector, Dracula, and Trevor react if they accidentally saw their shy crush drawing them please?
Awww!! 🥹💕
Alucard and Trevor
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It’s intimately sweet how you captured their likeness. All blemishes, scars, eyes, teeth and hands are drawn with an intimacy that feels so unfamiliar with them both.
Now it becomes a friendly competition between both men on who looks better, mostly Trevor constantly hovering over your shoulder all day.
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Part of his new outlook on life is appreciation for all the arts and beauty that has been crafted. And your skills do not go unnoticed by him either when you sketch him and the rest of the demons. “Surely there were those from before, my beloved, but you have proven to be sublime and more if I must say.”
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Sketches were practical for work as a Forgemaster, nothing more for Hector. So for you to draw him, a faint voice of ‘you think I’m pretty?’ still leaves him doubtful of how he truly looks. Preening over your shoulder, he’s transfixed by a stray hand and smudged lead that makes him look beautiful in your eyes.
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He never cared how he seemed or what he “looked” like, but your drawing ma have him rethink that. He’s never scowling, only soft glances and a light-hearted expression. The day he sneaks into your things to see such art, you find he has that same expression again. “Seems that my work is fairly accurate.”
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base0h · 1 year
can I have a shy yet a very good drawer GN!Reader who still hasn’t confessed their feelings X Law, Sanji, and Zoro?
Much platonic love And a happi day/night to you! ✨😀
a/n - awww this is so cute anon 💜💜 much love to you as well :)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, none
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- Zoro is on the shyer side as well, so you both can enjoy some pretty comfortable silences (he’s sleeping)
- he won’t ever admit it.. but he really likes it when you just sit by him while he trains just to keep him some company
- he wouldn’t enjoy anyone else but you, you’re like a little anchor for him to remind him that someone’s always there for him
- you’re an artist, he knows that VERY well. He’s peeked at a couple of your sketches of chopper and Robin, let’s just say he’s very impatiently waiting for his
- pls you ended up sketching Sanji first and he saw that and almost crumpled it up
- didn’t want to ruin or waste your beautiful talent tho
- one day, when he was training, you saw him lifting his weights per usual, swinging his katana, as well as squat jumping and all that
- he looked- unusually perfect today (not that he didn’t before) but- his expression, as well as his figure was almost picturesque
- you started sketching almost immediately, not even knowing your hand could move that fast. You were scribbling so intensely that the lead broke several times, much to your disdain
- “Y/n can you hand me the towel.”
- ….
- “Hello?????”
- he ended up walking over there while you were entranced in your drawing, finally finishing a rough sketch of the quite beautiful “model” zoro
- he saw it and had trouble keeping his jaw from dropping
- he walked back in front of you, surprising you when he threw an eraser at your forehead to snap you out of it
- “Look, this pose is better right?”
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- you closed your sketchbook almost immediately.
- oh shit, he saw it
- “make sure my biceps look big please.”
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- Law is a man of very few words, and when he speaks they’re almost always very negative or pessimistic
- but he can never seem to say anything negative about you or else I’d beat his ass
- he knows you’re an artist, and that you mainly just like to draw in your alone time, it’s a nice private activity
- mans a stalker
- will literally find the perfect window to your room just to take a peek at your drawings
- why are they all of Bepo and not him
- stormed off like a little baby 💀
- as you can see, he doesn’t get jealous easily
- he hasn’t confessed to you, but it was extremely obvious to the entire crew…
- you two always had tea together in the morning, sat together in down time, went over plans, and even talked normally together (which he literally never does)
- but- you’re lowkey oblivious asf so you don’t pick up the cues 🥰
- you two were drinking tea together, bright and early as he read the newspaper, and you took out your sketchbook
- the rays of sun coming through the tinted windows of the polar tang lit up his tan, cool toned skin perfectly
- he didn’t have his hat on to cover any of his scraggly features. The bags under his eyes, his intense gray eyes, sharp jawline, goatee, everything about him was accentuated in the light
- you started to draw this very bigass crush of yours in the most detailed way possible
- the silence was almost too peaceful for Law, part of him wanted to initiate a normal conversation, maybe- “how are you today?” But the poor guy was too nervous to talk around you
- he peeked over your shoulder to see you furiously adding details to his drawing
- damn he looked good- did he look like that????
- man thought he was so ugly 💀
- hey maybe let’s give y/n a compliment right? That’s the normal thing to do!
- he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, and couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Why are my eye bags so big.”
- law 💀
- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - law having and existential crisis
- Corazon be disappointed up in heaven 💀
- “because you have ginormous eyebags???”
- …
- watch him wear concealer now 😭😭😭
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a/n - I loved this an ungodly amount lmao
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kayentokk · 1 year
Portraying Bakugo Katsuki
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— Pairing; Katsuki Bakugo x GN! Reader
— Synopsis; People often see Bakugo in a harsh light, and he’s gotten used to it. However, when you portray him in your fluorescent light, he thinks he likes it a bit more. Based on this Drabble I made. —contains; fluff, doting, frustration, soft! Bakugo(?)
—wc; 682
—A/N; just a cute lil thought
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“Ughhh,” that was the 10th time you sighed, in 3 minutes.
You frantically dragged your poor abused eraser across your paper, for the 6th time, and created a hole in your erased pencil stained paper. Angrily, you balled up the paper and threw it in the trash bin by your desk, which was overflown with countless of your other crumbled up drawings.
It was like nothing was working. You had great models right in front of you on your tablet screen, and you just didn’t like what you were producing.
Shutting the computer screen, you dug your head into your arms and closed your eyes. Deciding that he’d had enough of your ‘fits’ Bakugo gruffly asks,
“The hell is wrong now?”
“I just can’t do it,” you reply defeatedly.
He sighs, ”do what?”
“This art class assignment,” you groan, “no matter what I do or who I draw my creative juices just aren’t flowing to me, ya know?”
He just grunts a “mm”
Then it hit you, and you sat up to stare at him. And almost like clockwork, he had sensed what you were thinking and immediately huffed out a,
“Awww cmon’ pleasee?”
“No Y/n.”
“Please? I’ll help you with anything, anytime.”
“You just want me to fail,” you mumble under your breath with a pout.
“Oh for fucks sake,” he says running a hand through his hair, “make it quick.”
He gives in. He always gives in to you. Most times, he wants to punch himself in the face for it, but he just can’t say no.
“Yay! You’re the best Kats!” You quickly perk up.
“Yeah yeah,” he replies.
You got him a stool from your kitchen and placed it next to your spinny desk chair.
“Okay sit and I’ll tell you how to pose.”
He sat with hesitance, as you pulled up a picture on your phone of a model with their arm over their head facing towards the left, the perfect pose.
You showed him with the biggest smile on your face,
“Aww cmon,” you whined.
“Fine, just sit still, straighten your back, and lift your chin.”
He did as you asked, a bit awkwardly at that but he did it. You turned your lamp light on the right side of his face and sat for a moment amazed at what you saw.
His sharp jawline relaxed but still prominent in his features, the vein in his neck bulging a bit at you staring deeply at his features. His beautiful dark crimson eyes aren’t tensed or harsh they’re just perfect, and his skin almost glowing from the radiating fluorescent lamp light.
You quickly began sketching, noticing the small drop of sweat that rolled off of his neck and down to his collarbone, he was nervous. He’d never been sketched before.
“Calm down I’m almost done,” you said trying to ease his nerves.
When you were finished you put your pencil down, looked at the drawing, looked back at him, and smiled. You were content, no more than that, happy? You finally got the drawing you wanted. You captured his full essence on the paper, from the neck up.
You turned the notebook around to show him, well there wasn’t many pages left after an hour of you trying and failing, with the biggest grin on your face.
“Look! It’s good right? You’re such a good model maybe you can do this for me all the time-“
“Y/n,” he promptly cut you off.
“I know I know, thanks for helping me. I’ll go get some water for my hard working model,” you giggled while getting up to walk to your kitchen.
Bakugo found himself staring at the drawing intently, was that really him? The way you captured him on the blank piece of paper made him seem almost, calm?
You came bustling back into the room with two chilled glasses of water.
“Here ya go, and thanks again,” you said handing him the water.
“Mhm,” he grunts.
And deep down inside he thinks maybe he wouldn’t mind you drawing him again…
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@/firefly-graphics for the divider
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
Vampire Quincey has no reflection and when he grows up a little and asks, Jonathan points the similarities he has with Mina.
Awww Anon I love this! Jonathan definitely does that. It also totally gave me the image of Jonathan sketching baby Quincey so that he can see what he looks like
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Ah no worries about not understanding! I would prefer no fanart was drawn of my cookie ocs.. thank you for asking to double check though! :}}
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(Post this ask is referencing)
I explain it all in this post! :00
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I just didn't have the heart to keep Papyrus suffering 😭😭 as much as it really seems like I don't-- I do love Papyrus as a character. And I felt like he really deserved some kind of salvation after everything I put him through.. Also it'll make for some interesting dynamics in the group! Looking at Seam and Jevil.. 👀👀
Oh yeah, and poor Coconut. If I hadn't drawn angst of Octo already she wouldn't have been the subject this time! <XDD And thank you!! :DD I'm glad to hear that she's your favorite!! :}}
And yes! I always saw the other koopa kids- especially Ludwig- to be older than JR. Maybe its the bib-- and who knows! I tend to loop back around to old fandoms from time to time so I can see myself drawing the koopa kids again XDD
As for the Mario Movie,, shockingly enough I still haven't seen it. What can I say? I have some kind of problem upstairs I'm sure of it--
Though its interesting to hear that the movie blue shells are similar to mine! :0 And I'm honored to hear that you like my version more than the movies! :DD 💖💖
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XD Its been a while since I've seen those movies. So I cant really remember much of Jack Sparrow.. but I trust that you are right! XD
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XD If I do that Jangles will probably super bounce her into the sun-
And thank you! And hey, I'm sorry that you're not very confident in your artwork right now.. Just keep in mind, all it took for me was time. Your art will improve with time. Try your best to cut yourself some slack. Understand that you're still learning. We all are! Remember that your art will continue to improve if you just keep drawing!
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I don't play it or know anything about it either <XDD but I'm glad you like them!! :}} ✨💖✨
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(Post in question)
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Its actually the 3rd option. Usually when I'm in some kind of fandom I prefer my own AUs as opposed to others AUs or even canon. :00
That's probably becuase most of my AUs consist of removing things from canon I don't like and adding in random things that I do like-
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@abaroo (Post in question)
I guess I was thinking that Frisk fully trusted Papyrus instantly. And so did not hesitate to give her cape to him 🥺💖
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@skulls-and-cypresses (Post in question)
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Aww! How cute! That might work! :000 Why do I want one now- XDD
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Aw, I'm sorry! <XDD I don't mean to make you sad :(((
AND YOOO!!! Its Friday when I'm answering this but the Wednesday dude is welcome any day of the week! :DD
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Yeah, both canon Jevil and Spamton would be pretty dangerous to have around XDD But out of the two I think original Spamton would be interesting.. 👀
Not really for the personality, because my Spamton's personality is actually a bit similar.. but more for the visual aspect. I headcannon that canon Spamton's body shrunk when he fell into an acid pool. My Spamton fell into an acid pool as well, but it didn't shrink him. It destroyed the structure of his body and elongated him. Making him much taller and extremely deformed..
Imagine the two of them standing side by side. Original Spam would be up to my Spams knee! <XD
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Evil voice: ehhehghehe... noted... hehehghehee
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Me when someone compliments me on the characters design that I was least confident about:
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@nunyabusiness459 (Post in question)
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Whoopsies! <XDD (jk jk light hearted--)
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I wouldn't say near-death.. Spade King didn't want to kill Jevil. So any injuries he inflicted upon him were injuries he could recover from..
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Yeah :( their value to him was that of a grain of sand..
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As for what kind of monsters they'd face,, I'm actually unsure- I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore or characters.. so I'm not sure what kinds of dangers the real cookie run pirates face.. :( But what I DO know is that Blue Beauty is their main form of protection.
She's not exactly threatening to a lot of creatures I'd imagine.. She is just a Mer-whale. No teeth or stingers to make her more intimidating.. But what she is, is huge. And incredibly strong. She's a real power house and uses tools and weapons the crew taught her how to use to defend herself. And I imagine with her thick blubber, it takes a really deep wound to actually hurt her. So she doesn't fear getting a couple scratches here and there.
When it comes to the other cookies, most everyone stands up and fights. Only a select few retreat to the lower decks to protect their goods or hide. Those likely being Ellie, she's too old for this crap- and Coco and Red, though don't be fooled! Coco can fight! She's just retreating with Red in order to protect him. Everyone else though is up there duking it out with who ever dares cross their ship! ⚔⚔
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Ah! Sorry for the late reply, this ask got buried--
I'd like to think Funtime Freddy would have a really hard time deciding on a favorite song. California girls, call me maybe,, wannabe?? But after a loooot of careful thinking, he'd pick all star by smash mouth XD
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Hello hi yes this ask was sent weeks ago but then it got lost and buried but then revived in a way that I cant explain but my intended response was--
Awwww.. imagine her in tears after drawing a picture of a little girl she remembers. She holds the drawing up to the night sky, trembling.
"S-She dreamed of seeing the stars one day.." 💔
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swiftllama · 10 months
Oct/Nov Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
Hey guys! And we’re back for another two months of compliments! So let’s get into it :-
October 2023
Forbes Article
So to start off the month the boys done an interview with Jon Youshaei for Forbes and also an office tour. It would be later in the month we would get the full 2hr interview, but first we got the article that included excerpts from said interview, including these :-
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Anthony being a softie for their friendship as always. Relatable.
This isn’t the first time they’ve mentioned about how the way they work and ‘fit’ together, they’ve never found in anyone else. I covered it in my first Compliments Post, both during Anthony’s interview with Ian and at Vidcon, they’ve each said similar things. And I love how they recognise that, and how truly special their bond is and something that can never be replaced or replicated.
The second quote of Anthony’s - GAWD my heart! I know he didn’t explicitly say it, but that quote basically boils down to ‘we’re two really close friends who love each other.’ 😭❤️
Anthony Reacts To “Where’s Anthony” Jokes
So this video, whilst funny, was pretty sad. I don’t know if it was just me, but I thought Ian seemed particularly quiet during it and like he was just trying to get through the reaction as quick as possible without dwelling on the clips long. I have said before, but I think the reasoning for his quietness may be down to the fact the ‘where’s Anthony?’ jokes held the most emotions for Ian than anyone else. Whilst he did join in on the jokes at times, there was much more behind it than when the others would make the jokes. In the reaction video they do make reference a couple times about how the jokes affected Ian, which I shall go into, some of it ties into being complimentary :-
[watching clip of two boys doing a tiktok trend and make reference to Anthony leaving]
Anthony: “I mean, that was a 10. Those guys- that joke was amazing. And you [Ian] took it like a champ, all things considered.”
Arasha: “Yeah, 10 for you too, Ian.”
I love them acknowledging how the jokes could of affected Ian but he always handled it well, regardless.
[watching clip of Shayne answering that Ian and Anthony are the best ship]
Anthony: “We are a good ship. I’ve read the fanfictions.”
Ian: “Oh yeah, the ship’s great. That ship’s sailing. It’s been sailing for a decade.”
Even they acknowledge it 😏😌
[watching clip of Ian pretending to be himself from the past talking to his future self and asking “how’s Anthony?”]
Anthony: “That one kind of made me a little sad.”
Ian: “Awww. Yeah.”
Anthony: “Yeah, cause I’m like thinking back to you actually in 2008 being all stoked about me being part of it.”
Ian: “About all our adventures and be like, “How’s Anthony?” and it’s like “awww”.”
Anthony: “Yeah, I give that one a 10. That was commitment.”
I’m fine. This is fine. Not crying at all…..
Anthony being sad imagining young Ian so excited about them working together and how it would hurt him knowing what happened between them 🥺😭
I like that Anthony gave him a 10 and acknowledged his commitment to the bit, just wish it didn’t have it be for something so sad 😩
[watching clip of Ian joking that Anthony was coming back and they would be getting rid of everyone at Smosh and Anthony laughs a lot at the clip]
Anthony: “That was good! That was a good one. That definitely caught Courtney and Damien off guard.” [laughs]
Arasha: “I liked it. Just convinced that they don’t have their jobs anymore. That is good.”
Anthony: “That was a good threat. Yeah. Got ‘em.” [highfives for jokingly threatening your employees lol]
[watching clip of Ian in a sketch saying “I should’ve left with Anthony.”]
Anthony: [laughs] “That was good! That’s good. That was a 10.”
Courtney: “That was improv.”
Anthony: “That was improvised?!”
Courtney: “It was.”
Ian: “Oh yeah.”
Anthony: [shocked/surprised face] “Really? Damn, no, that was really good.”
[watching clip of Shayne wearing an emo-style wig in a video and Ian saying “Woah, it’s like he never left.”]
Anthony: [laughing and banging hand on table] “That was just a 10. I like it because you didn’t even say the name. You just said ‘he’.”
Notice the pattern of Anthony giving Ian 10s 😌
[watching clip from Ian’s funeral roast where he tells Courtney after Anthony left she “stepped up and became the new person who shuts down every single idea [he] has”]
Anthony: “Damn, that was good. There was a lot there. I mean, obviously solid 10.”
Arasha: “There was some tension that was let out right then.”
Shayne: “Only excuse we have there is that we were drunk. That was our drunk live.”
Anthony: [to Ian] “Which is kind of funny though because when we’ve talked, you’ve talked about how I amp up your jokes and encourage you.”
Dads are fighting…😳🫢
But aside from the joking bit of tension of that moment I just want to acknowledge what Anthony said, about how he amps up and encourages Ian and that Ian does recognise that.
Got a little Ian compliment towards the end of the video too :-
Ian: [patting Anthony’s shoulder] “Anthony, we’re glad you’re here. And we know where you are.”
Anthony: “Awww… Thank you.
At the end of the video Shayne says how they’ll never make another ‘Where’s Anthony?’ joke again, and jokingly says unless he gets lost at some point. Anthony agrees, and then just to be a menace, jokes about them saying it again if he “leaves again permanently” 😩🤬
Ian: [acting panicked] “I can’t go through this again.”
There was then this little sweet moment of Anthony comforting Ian by rubbing his back 🥹
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(credit to @ianthoni for the gif)
Anthony: “We don’t want to see that sadness under Ian’s eyes again.”
Ian: “No, never.”
Anthony: “Not anymore. We like happy Ian. He’s back.”
Anytime they bring up how happy Ian is now that Anthony’s back it makes me want to cry 🥹
I love you so much Grandpa #2
So Anthony went to Prague to get more tattoos, and what gift did he bring back for Ian? Covid. Anyways, they’d missed the previous members livestream since Anthony was away and so promised an extended one in this tweet :-
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It’s more complimentary-by-extension but the little ‘I love you so much’ I feel could be very accurate to how Anthony’s reaction will have been irl of feeling guilty for giving only Ian covid. Especially given the reactions we have seen on video of them acting sus about it all, or Ian half-jokingly acting annoyed and staring at Anthony when it’s brought up and Anthony acting like he doesn’t know how they got it. A few examples :- (x)(x)(x)
Dixon Cider - Flashback w/ Smosh
In this Flashback they had to take a sip of Dixon Cider everytime they done something sexy in the music video.
Anthony: “Wait. Wait. I know I shouldn’t keep pausing, but what are you doing in the background of this shot?”
Ian: “I’m just vibing, dude. I’m just vibing. You know I should take a drink because I look pretty good there.”
Anthony: “You were sexing it up.”
👀 …okay, Anthony…
[Reacting to the breakdown part of the song]
Ian: “Sexy. I’m going to-” [takes a sip]
Anthony: “You know I’m gonna take a swig for that too.”
[Song lyrics: “I love Dixon Cider and I will ‘til the day that I die.”]
Anthony: “…Let’s do a 10 year check in. Do you still love Dixon Cider to this day? Do you think that you will until the day that you die?”
Ian: [stares at Anthony] “…Yeah.”
Anthony: “I’m gonna take a swig for that. That’s sexy.”
This video just became Anthony calling Ian sexy and I’m not mad about it.
2hr Interview
Finally the interview came 🙌
It covered a lot of the things we already knew. But of course through talking about these things we’re always bound to get compliments and that’s exactly what we got :-
[talking about how many projects they had whilst under Defy and how Anthony puts all his effort and passion into everything, whereas Ian’s focus was more on sketches and the creative side of things]
Ian: “For me, like, there was just certain things that I wasn’t that interested in so I didn’t really pour that much of my time into, but Anthony like doesn’t know how to not put all of his heart into something. So I think that’s what really just spread you thin.”
Anthony: “Yeah. I think it’s a good thing that you kept your energy in one place where it really showed. You having so much of your energy and placing it in the places that were more visible, the YouTube sketches, those videos are some of our most viewed videos on the channel. You know, 30, 40, 50, 60 million views on those videos. While I was putting all of my heart into all these projects that now I’m like ‘Do people even remember that comic book that we made?’ ‘Do people even remember the games that we made?’.”
One thing I really loved about this interview was the back and forth of compliments to one another. Really pointing out how they recognise each other’s strengths in their unique ways. As the quote above stated, Ian recognises how Anthony puts his all into everything and yes maybe it doesn’t always serve himself in the best way, but it shows just how much he cares about every aspect when it comes to Smosh. And that in no way discredits Ian’s care, it actually works so well when paired with Anthony’s dynamic that Ian focuses his efforts more on where he knows his strengths are and that is going to make the most impact. Which again, is one of the many reasons as to why they do mesh so well together.
Speaking of their dynamic, it’s something Anthony later brings up :-
Anthony: “…Something about just our two personalities just click really well and I think every single thing needed to happen exactly the way that it did for it to end up the way that it did, but the friendship specifically it needed to, we needed to completely separate ourselves from each other and almost find each other by what almost feels like by accident.”
Something about that line - “finding each other by accident” makes me all gooey inside 🥹 the fact they had to rediscover each other and have came out the other side with a newfound appreciation and so much love for each other is so heartwarming.
Jon: “I feel like you guys are both Pokémon who evolved.”
[I&A discussing who they would be]
Ian: “I guess I’m Charmander, maybe.”
Anthony: “Yeah? You Charizard now?
Ian: “I feel kind of Charizard now. I need to like work on my upper body strength a little bit more.”
Anthony: “But you do bring the fire.”
This was just a fun little one I felt I had the include! Especially with the reference to ‘fire’, which is something a lot of us have talked about in regards to Anthony calling Ian the sun, and also his incorporation of the word in his tattoos.
Anthony: [talking about how Ian had invited him to collab with Smosh but he never wanted to whilst they were under Defy and that he didn’t want to come back if he would have just been an employee]
Ian: “I mean at that point like I, especially cause I had reached out and been like ‘hey we should collab’, and Anthony was always very polite…”
Anthony: [laughs]
Ian: “…but would decline. So I think at that point I had totally resigned myself to thinking that like, you know Anthony doesn’t have any interest in being in Smosh again.”
Anthony: “Did you ever take any of that personally?
Ian: “Umm…”
Anthony: “I always tried to word it in a way where you knew it wasn’t about you.”
Ian: “Yeah, no, I don’t think I ever took it personally. I think I was always like frustrated…”
Anthony: [laughs]
Ian: “…because I was like, this is, ‘we could get views man!’. It was always like-“
Anthony: “Yeah, I was almost like I don’t want to give Defy views like, it sucks though that you, obviously Smosh, it was like I didn’t mind necessarily giving the views to Smosh, but like to Defy and it’s just like a shitty situation because you were obviously under the umbrella of Defy. But you know through that whole process, Ian and I connected a little bit, but I was really kind of just observing from the outside and it was wild to witness this, I still harboured a lot of resentment towards Smosh because of all the Defy stuff, and part of me was like ‘dang, this brand that Ian and I built is just totally on its own like- not on its own, but like it’s just doing stuff that I have no, I’m not a part of it at all, it’s just like this amorphous thing that’s just like evolving, but I will say from the outside I was, I was really impressed with how Ian helmed that ship and making sure that- I was really appreciative too, that Smosh didn’t just end up going to some company that just picked it apart and sold all of our assets, sold our logo to be used in some you know way, god knows what, and then you know the content just starts showing up in all these different ways and it’s all chopped up and bastardised.”
Ian: “Like we now get to do the chopping up and bastardisation.”
Anthony: “Yeah, that’s our- that’s my god damn right! Um… but you know also I got to see Ian step up as a leader in many ways and decide on the creative direction and at a certain point I feel like you know because Ian you were so like [shrugs] ‘well you know we’re pretty [mumbles]’, like I don’t know, I think that kind of sums up the way that you kind of uh [laughs] thought about the leadership [shrugs and mumbles again giving an impression of Ian’s nonchalantness towards the leadership role], and I think that was one of the things that silently frustrated me that I never openly spoke about. I was like, ‘I wish you had more of an opinion, more of a drive to creatively, you know to see this go in the direction that you see creatively’, so when I saw from the outside Ian taking this lead and having you know opinions that he put his foot down on and leading this entire cast and elevating everyone for their strengths and also showing up himself as a host, and a leader, and a boss… and a daddy.”
Ah shit, here we go again…
The daddy thing aside, what Anthony said about watching Ian step up into that leadership role from the outside is something he’s spoken about many times and will forever be something I love. Just that recognition of the role Ian had to play for Smosh to be exactly where that is now. I love that it’s something he continually brings up and as stated in the quote above, tells Ian how he appreciates the fact he stayed with Smosh and the hard work he put in so that they could once again own what is rightfully theirs.
Anthony: “…I think that was one thing that really made me interested in the prospect of coming back in and joining forces again. I think there was a while, especially because we didn’t communicate, where I felt like if I did come back in like ‘it would all be up to me again’ and I would have to figure everything out and you know Ian wouldn’t necessarily have the input because he’s so grateful for just being there in the first place that he wouldn’t necessarily want to put his foot down but I saw that would be something that you would take, you know help me take the lead on and it’s been really cool coming back together and feeling like we are two entities who are completely on the same page with everything but also we can separate from each other every once and a while and take our own lead in doing things working towards the same goal, but I didn’t feel like it was all on my shoulders anymore, Ian had, you were forced into that position, and you were forced to learn very quickly, but you did, and now we’re able to run this thing as a duo who also have independent ideas and you know creatively are able to put our foot down where it needs to.”
Jon: [asks why Anthony decided to come back despite having his own success independently]
Anthony: [talks about seeing old clips of their sketches online and how he had resigned himself to thinking their old content was only good because of the nostalgia making him imagine it fondly] “…but watching the clips I was like ‘wait, our writing…’ , there was obviously a lot of shitty stuff, but our writing at times was really, really solid and our, the chemistry we had together off-camera and on-camera was really strong, and we fit together in this way where we kind of balanced each other out and we were able to create stuff that was really, really solid that I hadn’t found in anyone else separately. I’d found also that Ian you told me you also realised the same thing, that the way that we work together is kind of like this magical combination that we haven’t really found anywhere else.”
They make me fucking SOB 😭 I cannot resist when they talk about their connection with one another and the chemistry they have together, and how it’s something they’ve never found in anyone else. It’s so special. THEY WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!
Ian: [talking about how they want to make content they believe in and not just to make money and how their focus now is quality over quantity]
Anthony: [agrees and talks about how their approach is on being excited about the content itself and what viewers would most love to see rather than thinking of only pleasing the inventors like it was in the past with Defy]
Jon: “Yeah, it’s amazing how, I mean feelings matter when it comes to a creative business.”
Anthony: “Yeah, especially when you’re operating from a creative place, you know it’s not, we’re not just in the operations of the business, in fact I think it’s really good that we are, you know our faces are attached to it, our creative endeavours are fully public, our friendship is public. All these things, you know I feel like if all these things weren’t fully visible I could see some world where I’m like well, you know operating from a place of like ‘we’re just investors’, but I’m really glad that we, we’re in the same position now that we were in when we first started, which is us being two really, really close friends who love making each other laugh, love spending time together, love creating stuff together, love capturing the magic that we feel when we’re hanging out together and enjoying our time together and displaying that for other people to enjoy as well.”
Oh look, it’s me crying again 😩
I know I already included this quote earlier in this post, but of course had to touch on it again. It truly was just a roundabout way of Anthony saying ‘we’re two really, really close friends who love each other.’ But also talking about how they feel it’s ‘magic’ when they’re together and how they want to share that with others 🥹😭
Ian: [talks about how great the efficiency of the Smosh office space is]
Anthony: “It’s really cool, we almost have a blank slate to build out this place and make it work perfectly for exactly what we need and when we have multiple other channels; we have Smosh Pit, which is the channel where a group of people, you know we have a cast of really incredible people that helped in many ways keep the Smosh brand alive while I was gone, and you know Ian you helped elevate all of these really talented people and performers.”
A little 2 for 1 compliment from Anthony there, both for the cast and for Ian, of course. Again, something he’s mentioned before and think it’s really great how much he recognises everyone’s efforts in keeping Smosh going as well as Ian’s.
[I&A alking about their writing process]
Anthony: “I’ll be sitting there with the laptop writing out all our ideas. We’ll kind of be, lately because this is this very early stages, we’ll go back through some of our old videos, I’m like ‘here I really like that one element of this old sketch, this kind of idea’ and it’s usually like us going head to head on something, us working together to solve a problem, us going against some kind of like- us joining forces to go against some kind of evil thing, or us like trying to one up each other, and mess with each other, and ruin each other’s day, like we’ll figure out one kind of a through-line for the plot and then we just start throwing out a bunch of ideas. But I’ll start writing it out and then Ian will, he always gets, like actually the thing that always happens is Ian goes [imitates Ian’s laugh] ‘this is a really stupid idea’ and I’m like ‘what is it?’ [fakes typing] and I’m ready to type it out and he tells me the idea and it’s usually really, really funny, and if it’s not then I usually get an idea, I’m like ‘okay, I see where you’re going with that but I don’t think that works because of this, I think that we could go somewhere down here’ and I think that the interesting part of that process is it doesn’t ever seem like any of us is just like ‘no, that’s stupid’ or anything like that…”
Again, another thing Anthony continually brings up is the “stupid” (according to Ian) ideas that Ian throws out. Which are something he’s mentioned being his favourite, and how those are the ones he’s always most excited/intrigued for.
Anthony: [continues on about their writing process and how he’s in charge of the formatting and feels he’s good at picking out which ideas work and which don’t]
Ian: “Yeah, and I think some people would get- could get frustrated at something like that but I think Anthony and I have a specific shorthand, and I think we understand each other in a way that we never other found creative partners that quite clicked with us like we do in the time that we were apart. I feel like I didn’t quite, I felt like I was kind of like operating at like 70% and I never, like I still had great people that I was working with and really, really funny people that I was working with, but I never felt like I was contributing at a level that I should’ve been, that I can with Anthony.”
Once more them bringing up this connection with one another that they’ve never found with anyone else. I’ve said it so many times, but it’s so special. And Ian and Anthony realise how special it is.
Jon: [asks if the change in the algorithm is something they think about when writing jokes that could ruin monetisation for them and how they protect themselves against that]
Anthony: “Yeah, every once and a while we run into something where we’re like ‘that’s pushing it a little bit’ and what we do because we have the backup of having memberships, it gives us a little bit of leeway to be like ‘but that’s the funniest joke.’ But I think it’s actually really interesting and one thing that Ian and I do really well, is we work really well with limitations, like the more limited something gets, as long as I have freedom within that limitation, I think that our stuff gets really strong. In the early days we were literally making things out of cardboard, we created you know that Boxman character because we didn’t have any budget all we had was- we were looking around for props in my bedroom and we have this cardboard box there, like we work really well within like confined spaces and every once and a while it’s like ‘oh that joke it’s kind of pushing it in a way that might not really do well, it could get the video just like- not even just demonetised but blacklisted and like then the audience doesn’t even see it’ and we’re like ‘is there a funnier way to do this that still works?’ and 9 times out of 10 we think of a funnier idea that I’m like ‘if I were given these two options I would choose this one anyway’ so it doesn’t feel like a compromise, it feels like a bonus.”
You know I live for the individual compliments they give to one another, but every so often we get these compliments where they compliment themselves as well as the other and I love it because it goes back to their dynamic again and how well they work together to solve issues as a team.
[I&A watch old news clip of them from 2006 when they were creating the first Food Battle]
Anthony: “… but it was so cool, you know that was, that literally showed where the first videos that we ever made happened; It was in my bedroom at my mom’s house, and that is what our life was like, just sitting there on the computer getting excited about ideas and I think Ian was the one that suggested the ‘2006’, you know so I was there implementing these ideas and I would have a great time editing these things and learning how to edit in the process and Ian would, because he wasn’t editing, his brain was free to come up with all these insane ideas and he was like ‘oh do 2006 and have it crash together!’ and then I learned how to make the graphics come on-screen and like all these explosions and sound effects and I think that showed the dynamic between us, of me sitting there implementing these ideas and finding a way to one-up or guide some of the ideas, throw out the stuff that didn’t work super well, telling him like ‘I think we could do better with that one’ and Ian just sitting there and spitballing ideas and it’s just really cool to see that.”
And again, more talk of their dynamic. It’s definitely one of the things they recognise most about their connection with each other, and how it balances them and the way they work out so perfectly.
Jon: “The number 6 seems to be really important in your journey.”
[I&A laugh]
Jon: “I don’t know what is up with that, but 2005 you guys uploaded your first video. 2011, 6 years later, you sold. 6 years after that, 2017, you [Anthony] left. 6 years later, you guys bought it back. And I think it was 6 years and 6 days to the date, when I was looking at it…”
Anthony: “For the announcement? Yeah.”
Jon: “For the announcement.”
Anthony: “None of those things were planned to be 6 years. It just was.”
Ian: “Was it in June too?”
Anthony: “Yup.”
Ian: “Sixth month.”
Yes!! I was so excited when this was brought up! Gonna refer you guys back to this post I made about Angel Numbers. Know it’s not the type of thing everyone believes in, but I don’t think anyone can deny there is a pattern there with them and the number 6. And it’s something they notice themselves too.
Anthony: [talking about comments of people finding that same joyful absurdity in Smosh sketches again that they felt when they were kids] “I think a lot of us got kind of trapped in this cycle of looking at really dark content for a long time, and we started to feel like the world was a dark and scary place and just kind of feel shitty, and creating this stuff and consuming this type of content I hope it can help remind people that there is a little bit of light in the world, and capturing, like having that special dynamic with a friend, or with a group of friends is really special.”
“having that special dynamic with a friend” just wanted to point out that he looked over at Ian when he said this 🥹
And with one last reiteration of their special dynamic, that brought us to the end of the interview.
Submissive and Breedable
Yes. It is time to talk about ‘that’ moment. And don’t tell me there wasn’t something complimentary in it! That’s why I’m including it. Anyways, yes, Anthony called Ian “submissive and breedable” 🫠
You’ve all probably seen the clip by now but just to provide the context anyways. In the BTS they’re sitting on the couch together and Ian jokes about not being able to get up :-
Ian: “I’m almost 40, I can barely get up. Help… help… help…”
Anthony: “You’re on your own.” [laughs] “Why do you look so submissive and breedable right now?”
I hate him, I really do (affectionate) 🤦‍♀️
So yeah, that was a thing that happened… 👀
Stuck In A Toilet - Flashback w/ Smosh
After a week of Twitter shenanigans (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x) (x) and a roundabout way of promoting Food Battle, we got another eps of Flashback. This is when they were beginning to get sick but I don’t think realised they had covid yet. Anthony wasn’t too bad but Ian was sneezing and yawning throughout it. The one little complimentary moment I wanted to include was from one of those moments where Ian yawned and Anthony reached over to rub his shoulder which was very sweet ☺️ I actually posted the clip here for anyone interested.
Another small little moment that I took as complimentary happened towards the end of the video was them discussing their old hairstyles and Ian was asked whether he’d ever bring the bowl back and he said that he doesn’t think his hair has the same thickness so he doesn’t think he’d be able to achieve it. He then tries to style his hair back into a bowl :-
Anthony: “Oh shit, he’s doing it! He’s doing it!”
Ian: “My hair’s pretty long right now.”
Anthony: “Yeah, you can do it. I really think you’d be able to rock it just the same.”
Just love how Anthony’s always bigging him up to make him feel more confident LIKE YES! YOU TELL HIM ANTHONY!
Extended Livestream
So this livestream was to make up for the few that they’d missed. They had a lot to cover, including the “submissive and breedable” moment :-
[chat comment: ‘Is Ian looking submissive and breedable right now?’]
Anthony: [looks Ian up and down] “Yes.”
Ian: “You think so? Aw, shoot.”
Anthony: “Yes, he really do be looking submissive and breedable right now.”
Anthony needs to relax, I swear 😩 (we love it tho)
[reacting to Ian pulling out a hammer in the Cursed Magic 8 Ball sketch]
Anthony: “This was such a random moment. This was definitely an Ian joke, I love it though.”
He truly loves that boy’s humour so much, it’s one of his most favourite things about him ☺️
[talking about Anthony’s hideout in the sketch]
Anthony: “The secret hideout looked cozy as fuck.”
Ian: “Yeah, dude. It was hot as hell in there too, right?”
Anthony: “It was hot though, yeah, cause there were lights obviously. So these Christmas lights were not LED so they were producing a lot of heat and uh, my body, quite warm…”
Ian: “Cause you’re, submissive and breedable…”
Anthony: “Yes. Yes, Ian.”
THEYRE SO ANNOYING 😩 just had to include this moment since the shoe was on the other foot and it was Ian’s turn to call Anthony the now infamous quote.
[chat comment: Ian’s gone from looking like a depressed middle-aged dad to super happy and sparkling]
Anthony: “Awww, you’re sparkling.”
That’s right Anthony! And it’s all because of you 🥹 he lets him Bejeweled ✨
[signing out the livestream and Ian says he still has covid brain because he can’t get his word out]
Anthony: [talking about seeing everyone in the next livestream] “And until then, I will nurse Ian back to health.”
Ian: “Please. I am submissive and healable.”
Very cute how Anthony said he’d nurse him back to health though.
And on that note, that brought us to the end of October…
November 2023
Food Battle Trailer Watch Party + Tier List
So November rolled around and it was time for Food Battle promo. In this livestream they watched the 2023 trailer, plus ranked all the previous Food Battle’s. And in it we got this moment :-
[reacting to this still]
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Ian: “Yo, that butt though.”
Anthony: “Yeah, that donk goes hard.”
Okay Anthony… 👀😏
Food Battle 2006 VS 2016 (Flashback w/ Smosh)
So this Flashback they had Courtney and Chanse on for, in which we got this moment :-
[watching Food Battle 2016]
Ian: “This hair though. Not a vibe.”
Chase: “The hair’s not a vibe.”
Courtney: “You figured it out.”
Ian: “That’s Ghostmates. That’s Ghostmates hair.”
Chanse: “You figured it out now.”
Anthony: “Oh, you figured it out, daddy.”
He does this to torture me I tell you.
Also I’m all for Courtney’s suggestion at the end of the video for them to stare into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes whilst calling each other ‘daddy’. Just tell us how many views to make it happen boys!
We Roast Anthony With Memes (Who Meme’d It)
I have been dying to talk about this! Because it was a crossover of all my favourite people Ian and Anthony + Taylor 🙌 I actually made a video out of these moments here. So they had Anthony on ‘Who Meme’d It’ with Courtney and Angela, along with a lot of the cast and crew watching from the sidelines.
One of the memes was this one comparing Ian and Anthony to Taylor and Travis, and Angela explains the meaning behind it to Anthony about the whole ‘Taylor put Travis on the map’ meme and how people only started caring about him when he started dating Taylor, and in this meme they were comparing Ian to Travis and Anthony to Taylor 😭
But Anthony was not having that!
Anthony: “That’s not fair to Ian. That’s messed up. Ian carried this company for 6 years!”
You tell ‘em Anthony! 😤
But yes I was living for the crossover plus Anthony defending Ian on top of that! It was like that moment was specifically curated for me 😌
Another moment of Anthony defending Ian in the video was when the meme about Ian’s very limited clothing options popped up 🤭
Again, Anthony was not having it :-
Anthony: [laughing] “That is fucked!”
Ian: [comes out to compare the current shirt he’s wearing to the one’s in the picture]
Anthony: “He has a fourth [shirt].”
Ian: “No, that’s a different shirt [on the board].”
Anthony: “Yeah, there’s no pocket on that one.”
Ian: “Yeah, see the no pocket?” Different shirt. Different shirt.”
Anthony: “Wow, Ian has five shirts.”
Love Anthony sticking up for him here! Just like shouting over everyone else to be in his corner, it’s very sweet ☺️
Food Battle 2023 Watch Party
Food Battle 2023 finally arrived and of course we got a livestream with the boys which included some complimentary moments :-
Ian was unhappy with how his hair looked in the scenes where they were on the roof in Food Battle because the wind was blowing it. He mentioned this in the stream and Anthony kept trying to reassure him that it was fine and saying his own hair was messed up 🥺
Ian: “I just hate how the direction of this wind was blowing was not ideal, I did not take that into consideration when we set up this shot.”
Anthony: “Yeah, Ian was not happy that his hair was all fucked up.”
Ian: “My hair is massively fucked for this entire [scene].”
Anthony: “But I was like it works for the final scene.”
Ian: “Yeah, it like makes me look insane, that’s fine.”
Anthony: “Well me too, when I stand up. I’ll show you in a bit. I’ll point it out.”
[watching the bit in question]
Anthony: “I look insane with my hair there.”
Ian: “Yeah, but, you think your hair looks insane. Look at this, look at this bullshit. What is that?”
Anthony: “It just looks like the wind’s blowing on you. Or it looks like you’re like an infant in a cartoon and that’s how they draw your hair.”
Ian: “What even is that? What would you even call this?”
Anthony: “The floof. The wispy floof.”
Just love Anthony trying to make him feel better 🥹
[cuts to the end screen and the close up shot of Ian and Anthony’s asses in the BTS]
Anthony: “Oh. Oh man. No, it’s so good.”
Anthony’s got a thing for Ian’s assets 😏
And in saying that it leads me on to the last compliment from this stream :-
We finally got Anthony’s thoughts of Ian in the maid outfit :-
Anthony: “Okay, alright, thoughts on the maid outfit.”
Ian: “What do you mean thoughts on the maid outfit?”
Anthony: “I thought it was a pretty good outfit.”
Ian: “Yeah, it’s hot. I think we both agree on that.”
Anthony: “It accentuates all the right places.”
Told you he loves Ian’s assets 🤭
Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Ian’s Birthday
So Anthony along with the cast, crew and some special guests done a TNTL for Ian’s birthday, it included multiple moments of them cheering, clapping and celebrating him but a lot of their bits were roasts to him, but of course his bestie came through as always :-
[Anthony comes out for his bit and starts playing music from the keyboard]
Anthony: “Hey, so you know when you found out that we were going to be buying Smosh back and you decided to get hot.”
Posted a clip of this moment here.
Have nothing more to add, what Anthony said speaks for itself.
Zach Sang Show Interview
So the boys went on the Zach Sang show and covered a lot of different topics and talked about their YouTube journey, and of course their reuniting was brought up :-
Dan: “How did you guys reconnect? Like who reached out to who? Or did you guys sit down one day together?”
Ian: “A friend of mine, I was talking to her about Anthony and she was like ‘you should reach out to him, like what are you doing’.”
Anthony: “What were you saying to her about me? Like ‘oh this old friend of mine’.”
Ian: “Well cause I was like telling her about, I was telling her about Smosh and you know talking about you and yeah I think she could kind of like saw, you know there’s still like, I still, you know I spoke fondly of you and everything, so she was like ‘you should get back together with him’.”
I know we already knew this story, but now with the inclusion of the fact that Ian was speaking fondly about Anthony is so sweet to hear 🥹
Zach: “What have you learned about each other from this second Smosh chapter? Or whatever you would describe it, this… rekindling? Or resurrection?”
Anthony: “One thing that stands out to me is how much Ian was forced to step up into the leader position, cause you know for so many years as we were working together, you know Ian was really like ‘go with the flow’, and that’s where we actually excelled was that dynamic between us, was I would take a little bit more of the leadership role, little bit more like rigid, like ‘get this thing done. figure out this thing. I have this to-do list and these goals’ and I was like kinda doing that kind of thing, all the programming and stuff. While Ian was a lot more focused on just being creative and shooting out ideas, and that’s where I think the dynamic between us really flourished, but now, you know I’ve kinda been, because I’ve been off on my own I’ve been forced to kind of hone in on that creative, go with the flow side, while Ian’s been forced to hone in on that leadership mentality, and I think it’s really cool to see that side of both of us flourish.”
Know we’ve also heard this multiple times before, but I just love when Anthony admires how much Ian stepped up into that leadership role after he left, even though it wasn’t what Ian necessarily wanted. But that recognition now from Anthony is such growth, and I love how it’s something he continually points out and praises him for.
Ian: [talks about how he felt he was thrown into the deep end to be a leader when Anthony left, and even though it was hard he’s glad he stuck with Smosh as he still saw the potential it had]
Anthony: “Yeah, and I really respect Ian pulling Smosh through just so many years of all that difficulty, kind of like tredging through this like swamp with this company and turning it, and keeping it alive, keeping it thriving, creating new formats and shows and highlighting the cast and you know growing it into what it became when I decided that you know it was time, we could do this again, and I think in the final years of me being at Smosh I started to resent everything. I started to resent you know the parent company and kind of what they turned Smosh into, and how Ian and I lost our friendship in some ways because of it, but also because of ourselves, and I think because I in part of that I was resenting Ian in part of that, I think I forgot to really respect and honour the work that Ian had put into it, and I think part of me because I felt like so much of it was out of my control and you know I felt like ‘if it was all in my control this would have been fine’ you know what kind of a story that I built in my head, so I think I started to resent Ian and the way that the company had went so it was really cool to be watching from a distance and as I started to reconnect with Ian and everything to kind of start to understand that mindset that he had, why he stuck around, what he has built it into, and you know growing into this leadership position and taking all these roles on that he didn’t want and you know all these positions that I felt like I was thrown into Ian was now being thrown into…”
Again, that recognition for all Ian’s hard work and about how difficult it must’ve been for him to be thrown into that role when he left.
Anthony: [talks about how he feels his upbringing affected him resenting and being frustrated with that leadership role when he was at Smosh because of the responsibilities he had to take on for his family due to his mom’s agoraphobia] “So I felt like I dealt with Smosh like that to a certain degree and I think that part of me was trying to have Ian be like co-running it entirely, like 50/50 and I got in my head like ‘it needs to be 50/50’ because I think that I wanted that kind of in my childhood home, so because Ian was so much more focused on being more creative and in many ways keeping Smosh fun, which I feel is at the heart of Smosh, I think a part of me resented Ian for not taking on that leadership role with me as much, and you know I think one element of us reconnecting is Ian really has taken on that leadership role and I don’t feel it’s on my shoulders anymore to that same degree and Smosh, you know Ian kept Smosh alive and thriving for 6 years while I was gone, I don’t feel now like it’s hanging on by a thread that I’m holding on to, it feels like it can live and thrive on it’s own and Ian’s there to back me up whenever I need it.
I’ll forever love this dynamic between them now, again it’s something we’ve heard from them before, how they share that leadership now. I’m so glad they have that in each other, because as they’ve spoken about, it’s a lonely job being the boss, so having a partner in that, someone who is your equal to share that load with makes all the difference, which is something we’ve seen manifest over and over again, especially in regards to Ian, and it’s something he’s spoken about himself, just how much happier he is that he knows he has Anthony there backing him up. I just think it’s so special that they have that in each other.
Daddy 2.0
So everyone has been simping for Ian in his priest costume for Anthony’s Funeral Roast, and rightfully so :-
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Andrew Scott who?
And of course Mr No.1 Ian simp himself, Mr Anthony Padilla is at the forefront :-
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Numerous other Smosh members commented on the post, but Chanse and Amanda’s were the thirstiest two :-
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And who was out here lurking in Ian’s comments liking each and every one including those^^ two…
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Real subtle as always, Anthony 🤭
Ian’s Birthday
Just wanted to include a little bit about Ian’s birthday since I did for Anthony’s, and similar to his, it was more complimentary-by-extension, but still as utterly cute ☺️
Of course as his No.1 fan this day must be just as equally exciting for Anthony - a full day to celebrate Ian! (Not that he doesn’t do that every day tho)
We got this adorable birthday post from Ian of Anthony giving him his gift :-
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Of course inspired by the recurring joke created by Shayne in this video that Ian is Chumbawamba’s No.1 fan 😄
And Anthony’s comment
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‘Birthday boy’ gets me 🥹
Another sweet little moment from the day was this video that I posted here of the cast and crew bringing Ian a cake and singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, I put this in my tags at the time, but notice how Anthony’s right in there front and centre to celebrate him 😭 It’s also the first birthday Anthony has properly been able to celebrate with him in so long given they had only just re-connected before Ian’s birthday last year so things were still new, so I’m sure this time around it was so special for them to be able to celebrate both their birthdays together for the first time in so many years 🥰
And with that, that brings us to an end on October and November. One more month left of this year and I can’t wait to see what that’ll bring us. I’ll see you guys next time 💖
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bigchumpus · 2 months
your pirate au is everything, I just discovered it and. my heartttt </3 /pos your art style is incredible too, the way you draw hair and your design for Pearl's wings are both just. woah. mind blown. gorgeous.
Just want to point out a few things I love!! :)
The quotes from the sketches page: "how do you reunite with someone you thought was dead" <- MY HEARTTTT "almost died" "wings are clipped"
That one instance [screenshot from this post below] of Grian's eyes being depicted as purple after he joins Scar's crew (and presumably whatever incident left him almost dead/"injured and unconscious"), as opposed to the brown they were as a kid? The strong implication that something (or someone? the watchers perhaps? I'm assuming it's something to do with the old crew that took them in as kids) were responsible for it.
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"...one day things go awry"
And excuse me again for taking a screenshot [from this post], but the one image in which Grian's eyes are obscured by a bandage, complete with a watcher symbol and a glowing purple eye?? And Pearl's eyes being purple too? And they're both dressed in purple robes... just. insane /pos
The watchers are typically depicted as an oppressive force, and yet they both look happy. IDK. Something something juxtaposition, childhood innocence versus the purple symbolising something that's very widely regarded as cruel or even evil.
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All this is to say I really really love it so far!!
and also... absolutely zero pressure at all! but would you perhaps be willing to share some crumbs on the story? :)
SEFJJRHPORDHJ Awww gee! You've made my day! :D Never thought people would really notice the little details
I'm not very good at detailing moth wings which is why I went for more of a starry feel, so I'm glad you like it 😆
And since you've asked so kindly, I could share some ideas rotating in my head,
When you're a kid, I don't think you realize as much the cruelty adults are capable of. Especially when they've been treating you kindly for the most part, and the progression to harsher conditions and punishments is slow. (Pearl would've been the first to notice.)
Grian and Pearl were already stealing to survive, having nothing but each other, so when the given the offer to be spared from their decimated town, and leave as a pirate, they took it. Grian would regret that a lot later :D
I've also been pondering over the idea that no one, including Grian, realized he was an avian, because he wasn't born with wings. So was taken from his nest by hunters who'd thought he'd been stolen (hybrids aren't always treated well, and sometimes hunted down in this au, though by the time they're adults that seems to change a bit), and then taken to an orphanage (which he'd run away from) when they couldn't afford to raise him for very long.
On the other hand, Pearl was born with her traits and would live in hiding with her parents for the first few years of her life, before it'd just be her mother and her, and then just Pearl as hunters had gotten to them.
So when the two met, Grian would often use the fact that they look similar to his advantage, like "Well I'm her brother, do I seem like a hybrid? Then neither is she!"
I think in return for certain protection, Pearl would've taught him some of the basics of the alphabet and reading,
And later when they're recruited to be raised as pirates, maybe Grian would be better at the magic stuff, whereas Pearl would be better at the fighting aspect. Idk I just like the thought that they'd cover each other's bases :D
And during the beginning of the period of time where they're separated, I think there would be mishaps where they expected the other to be there, the way it'd always been.
Something something, survivors guilt and Grian maybe not being as kind and trusting as he used to be, and never making promises. Still loyal although all his presence has ever achieved is death.
Something something, Pearl still clings to the feather he'd once given her, keeps searching because she knows he's alive - he has to be alive, still wonders about if she had just been stronger—
and maybe Pearl sees a bit of her old sun in Gem, and maybe Grian learns to trust in others and himself again with Scar.
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the-golden-comet · 4 months
✨OC Interview Tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @just-emis-blog ! 💖✨
Okay, lovelies: you want to see an ACTUAL cinnamon roll? Someone so sickeningly sweet it’ll rot your whole mouth out? Time to bring out the most wholesome goody goody I know: Tenshi, from Tenshito.
I found my concept sketches of him YEARS ago…oh boy he is DUE for a redesign 😰
@wyked-ao3 , heard you liked angels. You might like him too, @sunglasses-in-the-bentley . This dude is INCREDIBLY Pit-coded ✨
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Okay, enough of that. Now that you’ve seen fluff incarnate, on with the interview~
Were you named after anyone?
Yes~! My name actually translates to “angel.” I have to thank my mom, Amaterasu, for that one!
When was the last time you cried?
I-I stepped on a bug yesterday, and it took thirty minutes for Ita to calm me down.
Do you have any kids?
Mmmmnope. I’m still young for a celestial. In human I’d be…20.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
H-Huh? I don’t think I even know how to….
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
OH! Usually if they make me feel all warm and fuzzy to be around. Ita does that all the time! He’s so warm and nice….oh! And he beat up these two criminals the first night I crashed down in Hokkaido, so I know I’m safe with him 💖
What is your eye color?
A shocking blue!! I was given the gift of lightning like Raiden, but I’m…haha….s-still not quite sure how to use it. It makes Ita very nervous…
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!! Aaaaa, there was one time Ita turned on a scary movie and I couldn’t look up from his chest. I-I felt really embarrassed, but he was so kind about it. He let me snuggle up to him the rest of the night so I wouldn’t get nightmares. Funny, his whole face was so red….like a tomato! Haha….oh, I wonder if he wants me saying this….?
Any special talents?
Oh! I have my scepter! It can shoot a really cool lightning arc. I….may have caused a blackout in parts of Japan because of it….? D-Don’t tell my brothers….Mike will get FURIOUS….! I can also fly when I have my wings unfurled, but…for obvious reasons I can’t do that a lot, haha….~
Where were you born?
That part is still a mystery to me. I’m trying to find my mom for more answers, but it’s kind of hard to get in touch with a sun god…figures, huh?
Do you have any pets?
Umo!!! He’s my pet dove familiar. He’s actually how my brothers were able to send me letters, but he’s a good boy who didn’t tell them my location, nor did he let them put a tracker on him. I have seed for him whenever he visits, and if I can pull it off, we do a flight together 🕊️
What sort of sports do you play?
Uh….I don’t know, actually? Does flying count as a sport?
How tall are you?
164 centimeters~! ✨
What was your favorite subject in school?
Awww, I really didn’t like school, mainly because Mike was my teacher, and he’s STRICT. He made me learn all sorts of boring angel stuff like “don’t go to these dimensions” this or “don’t cross the rainbow bridge” that. However, I REALLY liked my Earth Studies. That’s…kind of the reason why I came here…heh.
What is your dream job?
OH!! Ita got me a part-time job working in a small library in Gaijin, and I LOVE it! It’s really quiet, but we get a little traffic since we’re next to a diner. When I’m not helping customers find books or sweeping the floor, my boss lets me read. There’s SO many cool things about Earth!! Did you know that you have separate cook books for jasmine rice and brown rice recipes? THAT’S AMAZING!!! ✨✨✨
Check your teeth for cavities. Tagging (no pressure): @autism-purgatory , @fortunatetragedy , @thatuselesshuman , @zackprincebooks , @pippinoftheshire , @finickyfelix , @justabigoldnerd , @lychhiker-writes , +open tag for whoever wants to join! ✨
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