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imagineee-123 · 6 months ago
Ode to Aidoneus (Hades)
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Oh, sweet God of the dead, protect my soul
Your darkness consumes all and keeps us whole
Aidoneus, giver of wealth, the one unseen
Keeper of the departed, our endings foreseen
Rolling waves, leading to your tender embrace
Oh, the fear of your presence is misplaced
A respectable, fatherly being
Your watchful eye and doting, oh-so-freeing
Your eternal black, revered by the moon and stars alike
The realm of Hades’ where there is only night
Lost souls, wallow and pray
You are the light to lead our way
The lingering smoke of a candle wick burnt
You, to which our spirits will return
May their trepidation turn to serenity
As they learn, you are not our enemy
Mortal life is far too brief
Though I know you’ll bring comfort to our grief
Your Kingdom, mysterious and homely
How I know your arms will hold me
Oh, praise be to Hades and His arcane caress
There will be a day I must feel the kiss of death
And in His domain, there will be no rain
For I will know I am loved
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This is an original poem. Please don't repost elsewhere! (At least not without credit or permission.) Thanks to @vibeswithrenai for the Hades themed dividers.
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infernalzeus · 15 days ago
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Valentine’s offering to King Father Hades 🖤💜❤️
Praise be to you, King Hades! Thank you for guiding and guarding me. I love you beyond measure. Having you in my life as my patron has truly made me who I am today, and I am forever grateful for you. Khaîre!
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aidoneusmusic · 16 days ago
maybe i should start posting on here hmmmm
i don’t really like any other social media apps right now, and it’s been almost a decade since i’ve properly used tumblr. so as a small introduction:
hi !!
my name is Judas, but i am probably better known by my pseudonym, Aidoneus, under which i release music : ) i’m a huge Greco-Roman mythology nerd and am mostly recognised for my song, “Persephone in the Garden.”
my pronouns are he/him 🏳️‍⚧️ and i’ve sorta been publicly documenting my transition through releasing music showcasing vocal changes over time!
i’m lookin for mutuals, so whether you care for my music or not, consider stickin around ! <3 i’d love to discover other musicians here as well!
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that-guy-in-the-chiton · 22 days ago
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Olympian Bois.
(From Left to Right: Hades/Aidoneus, Zeus and Poseidon.)
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 months ago
Okay okay catching up on Bleach because I was putting it off...
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So the soul king has an actual name now and it's apparently Adnyeus(?*)[アドナイェウス] which at a glance I thought was some kind of weird mashup of Hebrew Adonai[אֲדֹנָי] and Latin deus as a kind of play on Yhwach's name being based on the tetragrammaton. But actually it's just the name Aidoneus[Ἀϊδωνεύς] which was an old epithet for the Greek Hades, supposedly meaning "The Unseen" which somewhat superficially fits for the Soul King as a king of the dead/underworld.
*(I have no idea where anyone is getting these romanizations I see flying around...)
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It's actually not the first time the name has come up. some eagle eyed fans caught that what appears to be "ADNYEUS" was shown back in episode 6 of TYBW in Ryuuken's notes, above the illustration of the castle Silbern. And then at the end of the previous season the anime added a chant to Yhwach's Auswählen that ran:
Kakageyo Gin no Monshou, Haiiro no Sougen, Hikari ni Uzumoreta, Enkan no Michi, Menou no Gankyu, Ougon no Shita, Zugai no Sakazuki, ADNYEUS no Hitsugi. Kakageru mono wa, Omae no Shinzou: AUSWÄHLEN [掲げよ 銀の紋章 灰色の草原 光に埋もれた円環の途 瑪瑙の眼球 黄金の舌 頭蓋の盃 アドナイェウスの棺 掲げるものは お前の心臓 聖別(アウスヴェーレン)] "Raise up Crest of Silver, Ash-colored(gray) Meadow, Circular Road hidden in (the) Light, Eye(s) of Agate, Tongue of Gold, Grail* of Skull, Coffin of Adnyeus. That which is Raised up is Your Heart: Auswählen."
*notably in one of Uryuu's German chants, the Japanese word for a [杯]:"sake cup" was paired with the German word Gral:"Grail", and [盃] and [杯] are alternate kanji for the same word. At the most literal the chant in Japanese just uses the word for "sake cup" like the one he uses for the schrift eucharist, but I feel like the more implicitly western imagery evoked by "skull Grail" or maybe "...chalice" is more in line with the ongoing aesthetic of Quincy spells
I'm not actually in a position to go doing a real deep dive on this but it does seem like at a glance there are associations with that alternate title with a specific incongruous variation of the god of the underworld--that is to say: characterizations of him under this epithets are not consistent with other more common interpretstions-- where he's actually got a lot of strong sun iconography. This of course maps almost perfectly with a bunch of stuff I've ranted on about a few different times in my Bleach ramblings.
Incidentally it is also the scientific namesake of the Papilio aidoneus... a black butterfly... In the first place Bleach's hell-butterflies were already a play on the real world association of butterflies and death, often either as psychopomps or themselves the souls of the dead. That they tie back in to the Soul King himself isn't too big a stretch.
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As for this "triplet world" thing... We were already told that Hueco Mundo isn't actually it's own formal realm, it's the interstitial realm that just naturally exists in the space between one world and the next. So it kinda annoys me that this feels like it's really only being acknowledged because after the fact it's just where a big chunk of Bleach's plot happened, rather than actually being cosmologically on par with the other two.
Anyway the translations going around I notice are a little sloppy, mostly in that a few are clearly just machine translated and so ignored the use of Bleach specific terminology, like "reishi" and "kishi" so here's my quick breakdown of it (thank god it's short...)
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原初の海から分かたれた尸魂界,現世, 虚圏の三つの世界。 The Three Worlds of Soul Society, This (the mortal) World, Hueco Mundo divided* from the Sea of Origin. 遍く魂魄の流れを司る礎であり, かつ世界の楔たる存在によって, The universal flow of spirits is the foundation to control, as well as the lynchpin of the world which is due to existence, 霊子の世界,器子の世界,砂の楽土の三世界が分離され, the Three Worlds of The World of Reishi, The World of Kishi, The Paradise of Sand are detached*, 『生』と『死』が隔てられた。 "Life" and "Death" were isolated*.
*so interestingly all three of these different words could be translated into english as "separated" but seem to be fairly distinct contextual differences: the first means like cutting one big thing up into smaller things the "A came from B" dynamic being the focus, the second means to be separated out almost like being categorized, and the third is to be isolated or alienated.
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So first it's saying the three worlds came from one sea of origin, and that the flow of spirits between those three worlds is the key to existence being what it is, which is to say three distinct realms where death and life are these things that can never coexist. All of which is stuff we really already knew.
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Also we're supposed to have just completely forgotten about Hell since it's not the current plot line, I guess? If anything the Three Worlds should be Soul Society, the Material World, and Hell, with Hueco Mundo as the interstitial void/aether, like it was originally defined as. That would at least map more sensibly onto the buddhist 3 realms of
Form(Humans & animals: those bound by their physicality)
Formless(Deva & Asura: those who exist in a hightened mental/spiritual state)
Desire(Preta & those in Hell: those defined by their strong need for what they lack)
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Maybe that only real point of interest is the reference to Hueco Mundo as suna no rakudo[砂の楽土], a "paradise of sand." In this voice I think the idea is that if life and death being separate realms is a bad thing that Yhwach seeks to rectify, then by being an inbetween realm, Hueco Mundo is a paradise, because it's a place of neither life nor death? But if it is a place of rest and comfort then I wonder if that doesn't validate my thoughts on the Vastolorde being the natural path of development for a soul in reincarnation afterall?
That aside, this mostly just lines up with existing Buddhist/Hindu parallels that were always pretty obviously implied but not so directly touched on. Once again things I've babbled about in some form or another already... I'm not about to go digging them all up right now.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year ago
Death comes in many forms.
It can come in the literal form - the ending of a life.
It can come in the form of loss with the finality of any relationship.
It can come in the form of transformation, shedding your old skin to replace it with something new.
It can come in the form of learning, replacing old knowledge that's no longer useful or accurate.
It can come in the form of music after the end of your favorite song.
It can come in the form of relief when a moment of strong tension is finally released.
It can come in the form of breath - an exhale leaving your body.
Death comes in many forms.
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applebrooklyn · 1 year ago
You assumed that I could make you feel it was worth it
But all I ever did was drag you down
And bring you in and out through hell again
My goddess of light, and spring and all things good
—"Persephone in the Garden", Aidoneus
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tatelangdon29 · 10 months ago
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Started reading Lore Olympus again yesterday, not my comfort read but okay can we please talk about this line?? this beautifully crafted line!!
Aidoneus (Hades) is literally one of the most respectful guys.
Also loads of appreciation for Rachel Smythe!!
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lillysilvermoon · 2 years ago
My favorite epithets of King Hades
Agesilaus (Ἀγησίλαος) - The Leader Aidoneus - (Ἀїδωνεύς) - The Unseen Necro Soter (νεκρός σωτήρ) - Savior of The Dead Eukles - The One With Good Reputation Isodetes (δέω) - The Imparcial Judge
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fright-designs · 9 months ago
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until we are nothing but stardust - Lore Olympus (buy it here)
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dionysianfreak · 2 years ago
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On the Homeric Hymns to Demeter (i) // Introduction, Charles Boer's translations of the Homeric Hymns, 1987
Everyone is hurting now that Demeter is mad, and that seems to be Her purpose — there is no food to be had from Her earth. A deal is made and She gets Her way, She gets Her daughter back, but not before Persephone is given a pomegranate seed to eat by Her new husband, requiring Her to return to Hades for one winter season each year, when Demeter will again withhold Her crops. Some might say Hades is too generous; most husbands would not go so far to comfort the pathology of their mothers-in-law. But it is Demeter's point of view that we must take through this Hymn, Her feelings, Her attitudes, Her sufferings that we share.
To the extent that we share them, we are Her followers. She gives our suffering meaning. She shows us the way
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imagineee-123 · 7 months ago
Cleaning up and painting these candle holders I thrifted for Hades' altar
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Attempting to soften sticker residue on bottom with white vinegar atm
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flum3n · 1 year ago
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the grief/rage of artemis
Orion Dead - H.D. / Love's Shadow - Anthony Frederick Sandys / Devourer - Aidoneus / Orion Dead / Fallen Angel - Alexander Cabanel / Hippolytos - Euripides, trans. Anne Carson / Diana of Versailles / I'm Your Man - Mitski / Artemis - 5th c. Athenian Red-Figure Bell-crater (Boston Museum of Fine Arts) / Devourer / Artemis and Orion - Anon., Budapest Museum of Fine Arts / Notes on Thought and Vision - H.D. / Orion Dead / Weary Moon - Robert Edward Hughes
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aidoneusmusic · 9 days ago
i have all the instrumentals done for my album, STYKS !it’s just about finding some time to record vocals :’’’) and then i’ll probably send it off to an audio engineer because WOWW i need help mixing lmao
but in the meantime, here’s the tracklist (working titles) in order, including the three that are already released ♡
1. Arche (the only one without lyrics)
2. Kronos / Rhea
3. Olympian Green (gonna remaster this one too)
4. Pluto Ascending
5. Run Away
6. Kore
7. Jeremiad of Demeter
8. Theoxenia
9. Rebirth
10. Call of the River Ciane
11. Ksenerosa
12. Changes
(+ a secret Bonus Track!!)
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infernalzeus · 5 months ago
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E-Offering for King Hades 💜🖤💙💛
Ave Hades! You, oh hidden and holy one, who guards the dead in your dreaded kingdom. You who is a shepherd to undead sheep, I praise your name! Blessed is the coin, the scythe, and the horn. Blessed are the rivers, the stones, the jewels and gems. Blessed is the dark night, the flicker of candle light, the whispers of ghosts. Blessed is peace, blessed is rest. Blessed is He, dressed in silk and gold crests. Khaîre, oh great one, who has watched me since my youth! Khaîre, oh Hades- may I always honor you!
All images found on Pinterest
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revon-aurora-borealis · 9 months ago
so turns out swallowtail's scientific names are named after greek gods or famous greek people! this one's named after Hades!
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