#i was like AM I FUCK SNAPPING THIS KEY. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING. so i had to just leave it and at the time
hella1975 · 2 months
so there's a reason my new job got back to me so quickly about my application and that's bc it's an absolute fucking shambles like actually perfect timing for me to decide to rewatch the bear bc i have never more felt like ive been thrown into a broke on-its-knees establishment trying to crawl its way up the ladder where i am somehow a godsend to them. my old job was crazy and shambolic in the sense that the industry is just Like That but this one?????? insanity. every 5 mins i am questioning what im doing with my life. ive already had a walk-in fridge moment
#so i explained before that there's 3 venues and on my very first shift they had me doing the restaurant venue for 2 hours#which was FINE like i was a bit cautious bc my manager is VERY stressed all the time and the place generally feels like it's falling apart#not the building itself just. the way it's run like it's just got new owners and the previous manager apparently#EMPTIED THE TILLS AND TRASHED THE PLACE like cost them THOUSANDS of pounds and on top of that#there was beef with the head chef and the new owners that meant he left and took the ENTIRE BACK OF HOUSE WITH HIM#THERE ARE NO KITCHEN STAFF ATM. I HAVE TO LIE AND TELL CUSTOMERS WE DONT HAVE FOOD ATM BC OF 'REFURBISHMENT'#WHEN IN ACTUALITY THE /RESTAURANT/ DOESNT HAVE CHEFS. DO YOU KNOW HOW CRAZY THAT IS#and then the front of house staff are very lacking aside maybe 2 people we're ALL NEW and all of them EXCEPT ME#LIKE LITERALLY JUST ME IM THE ONLY EXCEPTION. ALL OF THEM ARE UNTRAINED#so when i applied with bar training coffee training and very solid waitressing skills they genuinely treated me like a saviour#like i am FENDING off shifts tbh im in a v good position bc they need me too much to get shitty w me if i refuse hours but i can literally#have as many as i want bc they will just give me them. like they're obsessed w me im rota'd for over 60 hours this week#but anyway that very first shift after 2 hours in the restaurant i then walked to the mini golf venue on the OTHER SIDE OF TOWN#and my manager stayed for 30 MINUTES. IF THAT. and showed me around the place + how to close THEN LEFT ME THERE#FIRST DAY HE GAVE ME THE KEYS AND LEFT ME TO RUN AN ENTIRE VENUE. IT'S NOT SMALL EITHER IT'S A WHOLE BAR#AND I HAD TO CLOSE ON MY OWN TOO and ironically the shift itself went rlly well like it was so chill#it was kinda boring but honestly i kinda rated it it's v easy money and the close went perfectly nothing cropped up that i was unsure about#and then. AND THEN. i havent even ranted to my mutuals about this yet bc i was acc so horrified by it but i locked the front doors#and went to lock the gate AND THE KEY GOT STUCK IN THE LOCK. WOULD NOT COME OUT. HELLA VS KEYS ROUND 3927593#my mum even showed up and tried to help me wrestle this thing out i called my manager and he literally told me to just snap it#bc he'd rather a snapped key that NO ONE could get out than just leave it there overnight but bc of my recent house key moment#i was like AM I FUCK SNAPPING THIS KEY. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING. so i had to just leave it and at the time#i was realllyyyyyyyyyy beating myself up but my manager is actually rlly nice he's just stretched v thin#and ive also had time to be like uhh actually they shouldnt have left a random 21 y/o girl alone with the keys on her first day#omg i havent even talked about what happened on saturday. ACTUAL SHAMBLES#LIKE THIS /\/\ ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO EVERYTHING! IM RUNNING OUT OF TAG ROOM! IM GONNA REBLOG THIS TONIGHT W MORE PROBABLY!#BC GUESS WHO IS WORKING A CLOSE LATER AT THE NIGHTCLUB THEN OPENING THE RESTAURANT AT 8AM. GUESS#hella slaves to capitalism
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soldiersslut · 1 month
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
Warnings: Language, canon-violence, and Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy
Word Count: 2,977
Author's Note: Thank you so much again for all the love and support! I am so sorry I was gone for days, but a lot of family events came up and so I needed to step away. I will apologize for this chapter being short but I really wanted to finish season three and here we are! I do hope the chapter does not feel rushed, but I promise it will get better and better <3
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You were unable to sleep after what occurred last night. No matter how many times you tossed and turned, and tried to switch pillows it was not enough to stop thinking what happened. When the sun began to rise you got up, showered, and waited for everyone else to be ready. The four of you will be heading to New York to find Black Noir and put an end to Homelander.
Butcher and Hughie were ready to go, eventually, Soldier Boy was ready. When you crossed paths the both of you just stared at one another. The both of you barely exchanged words. It was no surprising that Soldier Boy wanted to keep last night to himself. He has always been about being man enough to bottle up his feelings and concerns. You did not let last night bother you anymore.
It was going to be a long drive, and had expected it to be uneventful. The car ride was dreadful as you were stuck next to Soldier Boy again. Though nothing was exchanged between you both. If anything, he was giving you the cold shoulder.
You tried not to let it bother you, but it did. You were just good at hiding it.
At some point they needed to make a stop for gas and a restroom break. Soldier Boy was more asleep than awake and it did not worry neither one of you if someone attempted to break in the car and steal it.
You used the restroom and handed the over-sized keychain with the restroom key to Hughie.
“Oi, I need to talk to you ‘bout something,” Butcher called out to you.
“Everything alright?” you asked, concerned.
“We need to leave Hughie here.”
Just when you were about to snap he explained his reasoning. Butcher has the right intention, but he is doing it all wrong.
“Why don’t you just tell Hughie? Be honest with him.”
Butcher scoffed at your suggestion, “you and I both know that won’t stop Hughie. This is the only way.”
Reluctantly, you agreed.
“I need you to head out to the car and wait there,” Butcher ordered. You sighed and nodded. It sucked that Hughie was going to be left behind like this, but it will be the only way to protect him. You did as told and waited in the car. Instead of sitting in the back you sat on the front, passenger side. Soldier Boy was asleep, but awaken at the sound of the door closing. He sat up and looked around.
He noticed you were the only one there.
“The hell is the Brit and ball guzzler?” he asked. Now he wanted to talk to you.
“They should be out soon. No point in me waiting in there. I am not their babysitter,” you answered. That made Soldier Boy chuckle. He was still sleepy, but wanted to take the opportunity since the both of you are alone.
“I expect you to keep everything that happened last night to yourself. Can’t have you telling everyone that I acted like a pussy around you.”
You had already put last night to the back of your mind and here he goes bringing it forward.
“Why? Afraid to let everyone know that Soldier Boy had a heart?” you mocked. He clenched his fists together.
“I am not asking you. I am telling you, if you let one thing slip out of those damn lips I am breaking your fucking neck.”
That very much sounded like a threat, and it made you angry that he would go to such measures. Especially over something you already knew it shouldn’t be shared with anyone.
“Fucking peachy,” you spoke sarcastically, “if that’s the only reason why you woke up then don’t bother saying anything else.”
Soldier Boy said nothing. All he did was stare at you while you avoided looking at him. You wanted to avoid his gaze thus you were staring out the window. Seeing he was not going to get an answer from you anymore Soldier Boy went back to sleep.
Butcher came out without Hughie and you knew the deed was done. “Did he ever wake up?” he asked. You knew he was talking about Soldier Boy. You shook your head. Butcher started up the car and drove off. The entire ride was quiet until reaching the Flatiron building. It was night time and they needed to discuss a plan in how to enter Vought tower.
You were looking over the map with Butcher when your phone suddenly rang. The caller ID said Annie. It was wise not to answer with Butcher and Soldier Boy around, so you rejected the call.
You were trying to ignore the call but Annie was not backing down.
“You need to get that, love?” asked Butcher. You wanted to tell Butcher that it was Annie, but with the way Annie has been urgently calling you had to answer.
“I will be back,” you assured.
Soldier Boy watched you go, and he had the gut feeling that he needed to follow you. Though Butcher did not allow it and got to talking.
“What is it, Annie?” you asked, finally getting to the streets of New York.
Annie began to go on a rant about what Hughie told him, and what happened to Mindstorm.
“Homelander is his son,” you told Annie.
Annie stayed quiet on the phone, and from your guess you were on speaker.
“What the fuck do you mean?!” MM snapped. You explained what happened and how Soldier Boy learned the truth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! This changes everything. Where the hell are you?”
You had not recognized the voice immediately, but then it hit you that it was Queen Maeve.
“We are back at the Flatiron building. You need to come over right now, we are getting ready to leave.”
With that you hung up and began to make your way back to the office. Before you could barge in you listened to Butcher and Soldier Boy’s conversation. Hearing Soldier Boy describe his relationship with his father really explained a lot, and it makes sense why he is the way he is.
Once again you began to feel something for him you were unable to describe before, but now you know the right word.
“I’m gonna get some air.”
That was your cue to make your presence known. You walked through the door and bumped into Soldier Boy. Both of you said nothing to each other. He stepped around you and left.
“He okay?” you asked.
Butcher nodded, “we need to go over the plan.”
And that’s exactly what you did. You discussed all entryways, possible traps, escape plans, casualties, and etc.
As time passed you found yourself constantly looking at your phone. They should be here any minute.
“What’s wrong with ya?” asked Butcher, and on cue there was a knock on the door. You knew it had to be the rest of the team.
Queen Maeve made her first appearance, and the rest followed. MM held a gun to Butcher’s chin.
More arguments occurred and it got so bad to the point Maeve threw the Novichok gas out the window. Everyone chose their sides, and when a fight was about to break down Soldier Boy appeared.
“In the safe,” ordered Butcher. You stayed in place, but soon realized something was wrong when Soldier Boy stood in front of you.
“Go,” he ordered. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“What? I am supposed to be helping you both with this plan.”
“Not this one. The safest place for you to be at is in there. I need you in there.” The way he stared down at you. The eyes do not lie and there was a hint of desperation.
Maybe in another circumstances you would have melted, but this game of hot and cold with him was beginning to get exhausted. The rest of the team caught on and only exchanged looks. Hughie had yet to explain the history behind Soldier Boy and Mimicry.
This was the last place and moment to argue, so you nodded your head and followed behind everyone. The lights went out per Butcher’s idea so Annie can avoid powering up. MM called out to you.
“You want to explain that shit out there?” he demanded to know. You blinked a couple of times and wondered where MM’s mind was going. Wherever it was at, he was getting pissed by the second.
“Explain what?” you asked.
“We never realized that Soldier Boy had a soft spot for you, madame. To request for you to stay here somewhere safe. Not just anyone, let alone him, asks that,” Frenchie answered.
It was a good thing it was dark in there. You could feel your face beginning to heat up.
“There was nothing, all that happened between us is arguments and wanting to bite each other’s heads off” you tried defending yourself.
“This is not the time right now,” Annie said. She was pushing against the heavy door, but it was impossible without her power.
Though the solution was on your hand. The flashlight!
You handed Annie the flashlight and with that it was enough to open the door. They settled on a plan. You were going to help Frenchie and Kimiko in the lab.
All of you were on the move and once entering Vought tower you went your separate ways. Kimiko was able to get you guys inside. Frenchie began to remake the gas. You gathered all the materials he needed and did as he asked you.
Guards entered the lab, but Kimiko took care of them. No matter how many times you have seen Kimiko fight it always amazes you to see just how fast she moves, and the way she does not think twice about getting blood on her.
Seeing more guards show up you decided in helping Kimiko. “Don’t worry about me, madame. I got it,” assured Frenchie.
You pulled out your gun and aimed, shooting from a distance. You took some down while others were injured enough to give Kimiko the upper hand. One slipped passed you and a bullet hit Frenchie. Everything went by so fast now you were barely starting to catch your breath when the fight ended.
Frenchie told Kimiko to go deliver the gas, but she did not want to leave Frenchie behind.
“Go, I got him,” you assured her. She smiled at you and ran off. You looked around the lab for alcohol, gauze, and something to pressurize the wound. After cleaning up Frenchie you helped him up.
“Frenchie, don’t you think it would be a good idea to take some of these files with us?” you asked. “These can help take down Vought if we need to do so.”
Frenchie agreed and let you look around. You were useless against the fight with Homelander, and with Frenchie’s injury it was best to get out of the tower. Rumbles from above can be heard and it was only a matter of time the building might possibly collapse.
You looked through files and sorted out what was good and not. Until you came across a red file. Something about it got your curiosity. Maybe it was the color of the file that made it stand out.
“Project Reawaken,” you said to yourself.
You began to skim through the lines.
Mention of time of death, location of death, cause of death. Everything about what happened to the subject is here in detail.
Subject suffered gunshot wounds and lost loads amount of blood in Russia back in the 1980s.
It was shocking to read what they did with the subject after. The subject’s body was retrieved by Vought and was experimented on using Soldier Boy’s blood.
The subject survived and has been in observation since.
The subject remained in one of Vought’s laboratories outside of the State.
“What’s that in your hands, madame?” Frenchie asked. You shared the file with Frenchie and read out loud certain parts. When you flipped to the next page you let out a gasp and dropped the file.
Frenchie had managed to get a glimpse and his eyes went wide.
“What is this merde?” he asked. He picked up the file from the ground and stared at the picture that changed everything now.
“Mimicry, who is Mimicry?” Frenchie asked. There was no way for you to answer his question. The name Mimicry was unknown to you, and yet, you are in the picture. You are the subject, or it’s someone that looks identical to you.
That could not be you. It’s impossible. You were born late 1980s and this is a grown woman from the 1980s. There was more pictures of the subject, and as much as you would like to read the file more you felt dizzy. Frenchie read for you and the more he talked about it his voice grew distance. At the end of the file there was a USB.
He realized what was happening to you and tried to grab your attention. He called out to you and began to shake you.
“Madame, right now is not the time. We need to go now,” he said. The structure of the building was beginning to fall apart. You were supposed to be helping Frenchie, not the other way around. When the rumble got worse you snapped out of it.
You helped Frenchie who was limping the entire way out.
“We need to go back to the Flatiron. It is too dangerous out here!” you yelled. The rumbling got worse and at any second this building was going to fall apart or break itself from the inside out. You helped Frenchie get a good distance away. The building was in full view, and you caught sight of someone falling off the tower.
The glow was too familiar and you knew exactly who it was. You gasped when he exploded and all the windows of the building broke.
You and Frenchie exchanged a worried look, but your eyes shifted to something else. Frenchie noticed there was confusion and sadness. Before he could ask you what was going through your mind you ran the opposite direction, and headed back towards the tower.
“I’m sorry,” you said. Frenchie’s foot was not letting him go after you. He called out your name but nothing was going to make you turn back. You had to find him. You needed to see him. He held all the answers and this entire time he never thought to tell you.
You were tired, you’re nerves were everywhere and the more you ran you felt like your body was tearing you apart little by little. Based on where he fell you headed in the general direction. There was no time to waste, you could not take a breath either. It wouldn’t just be you looking for him. If the plan was successful Soldier Boy should be asleep right now and at any moment the CIA was going to retrieve him. You cannot let that happened. You needed the answers.
You needed him.
“You have to be here somewhere,” you said out loud. You took a turn in an alleyway and walked down. With your phone’s flashlights you looked around and there he was. He was in deep sleep.
Everything was moving so quick for you again that every rational thought went out the window for you. You cannot even describe how you were able to drag Soldier Boy to the nearest car (that did not belong to you). You broke into the car, jump start it, and managed to get him inside the car.
Without a second thought you drove away from the tower. You were gonna go as far as you could. On cue, multiple black SUVs pulled around the corner to block off the perimeter where you retrieved Soldier Boy. Some relief washed over you, but now you began to panic.
You have Soldier Boy. That was not the deal. The deal was put Soldier Boy to sleep and hand him over to the CIA.
Some time must have passed and your phone began to ring. You realized it was Butcher. They must know by now what happened. It was only a matter of time before you had to answer Butcher, so better now than ever.
You answered the phone and before you can say anything Butcher began to rip you a new one.
“What the bloody hell did you do. Where is Soldier Boy?!” he yelled.
“Soldier Boy is with me. He has all the answers I need. Butcher, please” you begged, but there was no reasoning enough for him,
“Do you understand what you just did?! Soldier Boy is to remain asleep now for God knows how long and you screwed up the plan! We couldn’t kill Homelander and now you are telling me you have gone rogue with him?! Where are you going?! We are coming to get you.”
“Did you know?” you asked with hesitation. You were scared to know if your friends knew the truth.
Frenchie had told Butcher what happened and what they saw.
Butcher did not answer and that was enough for you. You cleared your throat to hold back on the knots that was forming.
“It would be best if you forget about me bringing back Soldier Boy to you. I have questions, and he has answers. Until I get them you can forget about finding us.”
With that you hung up. You removed the chip from the back of the phone and threw everything out the window.
Soldier Boy still remained asleep, and you have yet to think how he will react when he wakes up.
Whatever happens though you will be getting the answers you are seeking.
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Next Chapter: Chapter Six
Author's Note: And boom! That is it for season three! I am so happy we are closing this part and will be going on with my take of season four and so on. I thought it was best to leave it with this small cliffhanger as I get back to my normal schedule, and write longer chapters. Thank you so much again for all the love this story is receiving <3
Tagged List: @seven709 | @sadpods | @mayafatimakhan | @justiceforquentin | @ultracarpediemfan | @bitchykittenconnoisseur | @spacecowgirl126 | @ultraviolencexs | @deans-spinster-witch | @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx | @manicjk | @demodemo909 | @robertthehoover | @riah1606 | @onlyangel-444 | @cunningboyouare | @posiemax | @anna6307 | @jarofer | @sukunassfinger | @faephoria | @cassieriddle713 | @superherosdystopiafreak | @pixviee
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
hihi! congrats on such a cool milestone 💗 i am so excited to see what you’re going achieve in the future!
i would love to read this prompt with neighbor joel x reader, pre outbreak or post outbreak, that’s your choice :)
“Person A keeps ending up in Person B’s bed. It’s just a matter of time until “drunken mistake” is no longer a believable excuse.”
p.s. i ADORE seams it’s soooo good and i can’t wait to read more of it !! 💕 tysm
Hi lovely! Thank you so much for your sweet message and this prompt! So I don't know why, but the moment I read the prompt, I just knew I had to make this a college AU. This reads very differently from Seams, which I hope is something you'll enjoy!
Joel Miller x college neighbour AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 1285 words (sorry) | warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, jealousy, possessiveness, one bed
The first time it happens, it is a drunken mistake.
All these dorm rooms look the same, especially at four in the morning after clearing out all the tequila at the college bar.
It does smell nicer, cleaner. And the bed is on the other side of the room. But Joel can't really tell left from right nor up from down, so he just drops face first onto the duvet - so soft - and falls fast asleep.
You, on the other hand, are absolutely mystified by the appearance of a man in your bed after your toilet run in the early hours.
You recognise him. He lives a few doors down, and you've seen him around in the college football team jersey, almost always with a cheerleader hanging off his arm.
You may or may not have seen him in the corridor with just a towel around his waist, hair slicked back, on his way back from the communal showers.
You may or may not have stared at those ridiculously broad shoulders from behind your books as you went down the other side of the hallway.
Unsure of what to do - you have an early class in a few hours - you reach out and poke him firmly on the arm. You keep poking, not entirely convinced by what you're trying to achieve, until a hand appears, thick fingers closing around your wrist, and pulls.
He rolls you under him with a smooth turn of his hips. You barely have the presence of mind to let out a timid squeak when stern brown eyes bore into yours in the darkness.
'What are you doin'?' he demands, his voice so gravelly that you almost feel the lumps and bumps on the back of your neck.
You don't exactly have a short fuse. Quite the opposite, in fact. But the accusation in his tone has you snapping back, 'What am I doing? What are you doing?'
Your outburst seems to catch his attention, and he watches you closely as he replies, 'Tryin' to catch a wink.'
Reaching over to the nightstand, you flick on the little bedside lamp. You arch an eyebrow as he glances around as realisation dawns on him. 'Does this look like your room?'
'Oops,' he deadpans, but he doesn't move off of you. Instead, his eyes drop lower, pausing over your oversized college tshirt, and lower still, where your sleep shorts have ridden high up your bare thighs -
His eyes snap up to yours when you clear your throat, and he stiffens above you, Adam's apple bobbing with a swallow. 'Sorry, darlin'.'
Then he's gone.
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The second time it happens, it's another drunken mistake.
He knocks this time, loud enough to wake you, and you trip over your feet to get the door.
'What now?' you gripe sleepily when his face appears, eyes glassy and reeking of cheap beer.
'Lost my keys,' he explains, words slightly slurred, leaning heavily on the doorframe.
'Can I sleep in your room tonight?'
You stare at him, dumfounded. 'Don't you have friends?'
'They're all the way across campus. It's freezin' outside.'
With a sigh, you move to the side and he squeezes in past you. Too tired to care, you burrow head first into the covers, shuffling so that you're right up against the wall to make room behind you on the single bed.
But he doesn't climb in.
'What are you doing?' you grumble, not bothering to turn around to see for yourself.
'Uh, I'm sleepin' on the floor.'
You roll your eyes and pat the mattress. 'Just get in. I don't want you freezing to death on my rug.'
So he does, and when you wake up the next morning, his arms are tight around you, legs tangled in yours.
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The third time it happens, you're both drunk for a change.
His team won the college derby, and there's a huge celebration at the local club with the bill being footed by the sponsors. Even with the promise of a free night out, your friends still have to physically drag your ass to the party.
You spot him easily from across the dance floor, in the same jersey he wears often. He's surrounded by hoards of girls, all keen to nab the bragging rights of being the one to fuck the team hero tonight.
Something twists in your stomach, which you quiet with a tequila shot.
And another.
And another.
You end up on the dance floor, and you never dance. You're just drunk enough to feel good about yourself even in a room full of jocks and sorority sisters, and when one of the quarterbacks on the team twirls you into a dance, you laugh and let him.
One minute, he's spinning you around, and the next - you're pulled nose first into a much broader chest that smells faintly familiar.
It's slightly jarring seeing him out of the context of your bed. Does he always look this grumpy?
'Congrats on winning the game,' you shout over the music, attempting to make conversation.
He doesn't budge, standing like a stone wall in the middle of the dance floor under the strobe lights. Too drunk to catch the nuance in his glare, you shrug and turn on your heel, intending to find that quarterback that you lost mid-spin -
Only to be hauled back to Joel's side by one big hand.
'What are you doing?' you demand with a frown. 'I'm trying to find the guy I was dancing with.'
'You're not dancin' with him.'
You blink. 'Why not?'
'He's a fuckin' asshole.'
'So what?'
He narrows his eyes at you. 'What do you mean so what?'
You roll your eyes. 'Why do I care if he's an asshole? I'm looking for a dance, maybe a fuck, it's not like I'm marrying him.'
His nostrils flare, and you see his fists clenching at his sides. 'You're not fuckin' him.'
You scoff. 'Watch me, Miller.'
Spotting the blond on the edge of the dance floor, you march right up to him, grab him by the collar and kiss him square on the lips.
Pulling back, you turn to give Joel a smug look, only to find that he's no longer where he was. Miffed, you scan the crowds, and it doesn't take you long to find him.
It's one thing to see the cheerleaders flirting and hanging off his every word when you pass each other in the hallways. It's another thing entirely to see him make out with one, not five paces away.
Blindly, you stumble out of the club, not bothering to get your coat even though it's bitterly cold outside. Your heels clatter loudly on the concrete, you probably shouldn't be walking alone back to the dorms, but you need to get out of there.
You hear him call your name, but you keep walking, eyes trained stubbornly in front of you.
He catches up easily, and with a growl, he wheels you around with one palm on your elbow. You fight him, pounding on his chest with tightly clenched fists, and he lets you, wrapping you in his jacket while you do, until you tire yourself out.
When all the jealousy bleeds out of you, you sag in his arms, and he has to hold you up by the waist. His breath brushes your temple. 'Wanna go home?'
He's warm, solid, when he slips into your bed behind you, one knee nudging between your thighs, fingers tangling in yours when he slings one arm over your waist.
You might both be drunk - but this is not a mistake.
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maybank-archives · 11 months
jealous - jj maybank
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warning: +18. NSFW CONTENT. MINORS DNI. public sex. fingering. vaginal sex. unprotected sex. language. dirty talking.
word count: 1.4k
author’s notes: that's a wrap, speaking of it, use protection kids :)
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Sure, this doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all, hooking up with your friend, what could possibly go wrong?
I sat there watching the third touron flirt with him as he poured their drinks. Sure, we are not a couple or anything, but we have been mackin' each other for a while now and who knew that I would suck in this whole no-strings-attached thing? All I know is I was dumb enough to go along with it. This is classic JJ.
I was able to ignore him for most of the night, until now. I saw him getting closer in my periphery but my proud self pretended to be busy talking to Sarah or even looking at the people.
“Can I offer you, ladies, fun?” JJ says handing Sarah a drink and holding out his hand. He waited for my response as Sarah grabbed hers.
“No, thank you,” I tell him without moving an inch.
“C’mon Y/N, I'm already here, just take it.” He insisted
“I’m good Maybank, I need to take care of something actually, I’ll be right back Sarah.” 
Lies, I just didn’t want to stay around him, I don’t even know why I’m this annoyed. For my luck there were a bunch of girls gathered at the bathroom door, Fuck that, I needed another way out. I walked out of the bar on the beach and made my way to the street.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up.” I hear JJ’s voice behind me. 
“Go away JJ” I shout.
“Woah, what are you doing?”. He asks, grabbing my hand.
“I'm going home. Why do you care?.” I said reaching for my keys in the back pocket of my jeans skirt.
“Your home is not this way, what’s wrong?.” he insisted. 
I didn’t answer. JJ snatches the keys out of my hand which made me sigh loud annoyed
“Can I have my keys back please?” 
“Not until you start talking,” he said, pulling me into the back of the bar. “What the hell happened for you to start acting like a brat?”
“I don't know, why don't you ask your new friends?.” I replied with a dry tone. “I didn't know they were your type by the way,” I added, reaching for my keys but JJ was faster and held them high.
His blue eyes narrow with a hint of intrigue on them. A smirk showed up in the corners of his mouth as he realized. “And I had no idea you were the jealous type.” He teases, making you scoff.
“I just don't like being another one in your books, but it's ok, we can end this and you're free to have all the fun in the world.” My cheeks heat up.
“I'm not mackin’ anybody but you Y/N.”
“That’s not what it looks like.” I accuse.
“I’m sorry, did I miss something?.” He said
Damn him, how does he do this? 
I want to kill myself. There’s no way I’ll say a word when he couldn’t be less bothered.
“Fine.” I swallow. “Can I go now?” I try to grab my keys but he keeps them out of my reach again.
“Nope, you’re still pissed,” he says flatly.
“I’m not.”
“Ha.Bullshit.What the fuck happened?” he snaps
“I’m not blind JJ, If you want to go, just go okay? I don't know what I'm still doing here.” I snap back “I’m… I’m done with this.” The words burst out before I could stop them. “Whatever this is. It's done okay?”
JJ’s eyebrows are furrowed. His expression is a mix of confusion and shock. “Why?”
“Because I said so.”
“No way,” he says again. “You can’t just call it off without giving me a good reason.”
“I don't like to see how you look to other girls.”
That sounds insane if I say it out loud. Who the fuck am I?
“Are you telling me you’re not into me anymore? Is that the deal?”
“No. But—”
“There are no ‘buts’, baby doll. It’s a simple yes or no answer,” he whispered, leaning in. My breath hitched. Fuck. His gaze held mine, leaving me unsure if it was anger or just desire.
“I-I don’t have a reason,” I confess trying to escape
“How about I help you clear your mind and decide? How does that sound?” He said putting my keys into his pocket.
Before I can realize it, I’m against the wall and his mouth is inches away from mine. Luckily, I guess, we’re almost hidden between a dumpster and a bunch of cardboard boxes. JJ’s scent made my brain foggier as he pressed his body onto mine.
“Why didn’t you tell me you needed my attention baby?.”
I clench my jaw.
“So you’re still into me?” He places his thighs between both of mine, grinding me against his erection.
I’m trying so hard to focus that it’s impossible for me to reply.
“Something tells me you still do.” His lips brush over my ear, making my nipples sensitive against the lace of my bra. 
I’m frozen in place, it’s ridiculous how wet I’m. Now I remembered why I was so attracted to JJ in the first place.
His blue eyes are deep and penetrating, locked onto mine. I watch him smirk and push the hem of my skirt up, cupping my core. I arched my back under his touch.
JJ doesn’t seem to care that we’re in public, he dips his finger under the crotch of my panties rubbing the wetness. “Yup, seems bout right.” He murmurs as his lips kiss my neck. He pushes one finger inside and my muscles tightenin around it. 
His lips found their way to mine. He’s hesitant for a second watching me lean closer.
“I knew you wouldn’t resist.” He mocks crashing our lips eagerly.
Oh God. This feels sinful. All I can concentrate on is the unbearable pleasure centered between my legs. JJ keeps fingering me as he devours my lips. He bites the bottom of my lip as he breaks the kiss.
“You’re so needy. It’s super hot.” 
“J...People can see us, please.” I whine
“Let’s give them a show then,” JJ adds another finger, curling them inside me, my vision gets dark as hits a spot deep down. I moan embarrassingly loud. I Rock against his hand, no longer protesting.
My vision comes back, focusing when JJ takes his fingers out of me. He unzips his shorts watching me. I should definitely protest to that, someone really might see us. But the only response I could give, was a nod with my head.
JJ flashed me a mischievous smile before sping me around in the wall.
His breath fans over my neck as he lifts my skirt more. I can tell how long I’ll last. JJ has the ability of knowing how my body works. That’s why I collapsed under his touch in seconds. The thrill of everything about this moment also wasn’t a big help. 
JJ gives a deep thrust as his hand is wrapped under my throat. I grip my hands onto JJ’s waist as he increases the pace. 
“I’m not gonna last long princess.” He murmurs as his hands are now on my waist lifting my ass. “You better cum faster.” I spread my legs wider as he says.
Crazy to think that a few minutes ago I was so against the idea of being fucked in public.
JJ flips me over again, this time facing me, he grabs one of my legs to his hips, I wrap around him deepening the contact, JJ gives me a wet kiss on my chest and a big suck on the skin of my neck. The orgasm races through me and leaves me breathless. I feel my legs shake. I held onto JJ’s shoulders as I whined. JJ gives a barely audible groan and buries his head between my neck and shoulder as he pumps into me.
He wasn’t kidding. He comes so fast that is hard to decide whether I should be impressed or tease him about it. He pushed his shaft into me one last time as his hand clamped my tight and hip.
Both of us breathless, we hear voices around us, I push JJ away and shove my dress down. JJ peeks and sees some figures pass us by a few steps away without realizing our presence.
JJ tucks his still-hard cock into his shorts looking to the sides.
“For a person that was talking about giving a show, you look very concerned,” I teased fixing my clothes.
“And for a person who was wet just from talking to me, you still act very bitchy. Didn’t I fucked you right?”
✧˚ . taglist ˚✧ (join here): @loverofmarsss,
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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thissortofsorcery · 2 years
Billy doesn’t want to get up.
The early morning sunlight is shining on him from the open window, sunbeams still watered down at seven am; a warm, gentle caress on his scarred back before the sun turns to scorching like it always does in California.
Steve’s already up and about. He has an early shift on Tuesdays.
Billy has his eyes closed, but he can hear Steve moving around the room, though he’s trying to be quiet. Billy hears the scratch of denim on his thighs, the spritzes of hairspray, him tripping on the sneakers he left by the closet like he does every damn time he stays over, then the jingle of keys.
He likes to hear Steve in his room, like he belongs there. Likes it when he spends the night. It's been happening more and more since Steve moved to California, six months ago.
The bed dips beside Billy.
“You gonna sleep all day?” Steve asks, running a large hand up Billy’s back, making him want to stretch.
“Thinking ‘bout it,” Billy mumbles without opening his eyes.
Steve hums and leans his weight against Billy, kissing a path up his shoulder, laughs against his skin. It tickles.
“If you get bored, I get off at four today, if you want to meet up.”
Truth be told, Steve’s so warm, and he smells good, and the way he’s all over Billy is like they’re cuddling again, so Billy’s almost asleep.
Steve laughs again, “Okay, go back to sleep. I’ll call you later,” Billy feels the bed shift, hears his keys again. Steve kisses his hair, “I’m heading out. Love you.”
In the morning silence, he hears Steve’s footsteps walking away. The front door opens and closes.
Billy’s eyes snap open. He’s wide awake, now.
Was he dreaming, or did Steve say he loved him?
Billy flops over on his back. The ceiling has no answers for him.
Did Steve mean it? Or did he say it like he's used to saying it to other people, like Robin or his parents? Bye, love you. Good night, love you. Did he even notice he said it? Why else would he say that when Billy was practically asleep? Who the fuck does that?
Billy kicks off the sheets tangled in his legs while grumbling under his breath, manages to yank on a pair of shorts, and barely remembers to grab his keys on the way out. His sneakers are hastily shoved on as he's stomping down the stairs of the building.
When he slams out into the street, he looks around for the burgundy of Steve's car, squinting and shading his eyes with one hand. It doesn't take him long to find it. Steve hasn't gone far yet.
Billy sets off at a run, feeling the sun on his shoulders, on his chest, as he weaves between cars to try to get to Steve. He has to reach him. He needs to know.
The street isn't full, the cars are moving fast. Billy has to run faster.
"Steve!" Billy calls, hoping the idiot has his window open. "Steve!"
There's a corner coming up. The turn signal on the Beamer is blinking. Billy has to reach him. He's almost there. Almost.
"Steve!" Billy slams both hands on the passenger window, and the car brakes suddenly, accompanied by a loud yell coming from inside the car. Cars start honking behind them, and Billy flips them off. Then he slaps his hands on the window again, "C'mon Steve, lemme in."
Steve leans over the passenger side to make a face at Billy. He mouths something that looks like "Billy, what the fuck?", and Billy just keeps knocking, shouting,
"Let me in, come on!"
The door finally opens, and Billy catches the phrase "- hell is going on?" as he shoves inside. "You scared the crap out of me, Billy!"
"Fuckin' finally!"
"-what the fuck is happening right now, why don't you have a shirt on?"
"Did you mean it?" Billy says, and Steve stops talking. He only blinks at Billy, mouth parted.
"Did you mean it?" Billy asks again, searching Steve's face for any hint of an answer.
But Steve just blinks again, "Did I mean what?"
"You didn't mean it," Billy sags against the seat, voice flat. Fuck. He wants to hit something. Wants to hit himself. "You didn't even know you said it."
"Didn't know I said what?" Steve's voice rises with his confusion.
"That you love me!" Billy shouts, right in Steve's face, like an accusation. Then his voice goes small, "Right before you left."
Steve's eyes go wide, almost scared, and his mouth opens and closes like he wants to say something, but he doesn't say anything. He doesn't say anything.
"It's fine," Billy says roughly, swallowing past a knot in his throat. He didn't know until now how much he wanted to hear that again. How much he wanted to hear it from Steve.
He reaches for the door handle, blinking fast, eyelashes already fucking clumping together like a fucking-
"Wait! Wait, wait, no, no, no- please. Billy," Steve says, starts with almost a shout and ends with a whisper, saying his name like a caress, soft like the hand that's taking Billy's and lacing their fingers together. "Hang on, just- I have to park the car, okay? Just let me park the car. Don't go."
All around them, cars are honking, a few people are yelling. They're still stopped in the middle of the street.
Billy nods, lets go of the door. Steve doesn't let go of his hand.
A couple of minutes later, they're parked a few yards down the street. The street traffic is back to normal, like nothing happened. Steve's thumb is stroking his hand.
"Billy, I-"
"'s alright," Billy shrugs. He doesn't turn to look at Steve. "You don't have to-"
"I did mean it," Steve says, leaning towards him. His face is doing that puppy-eyed thing where he looks kinda desperate, and it makes Billy's insides twist. "And I'm sorry I said it like that and left, okay? I'm so sorry. But it's true," He cups Billy's face, and touches his thumb to the corner of Billy's eye. It comes away damp. "I love you, Billy. I- You're the best part of my life."
For the hundred times Billy imagined hearing that, for the thousand times he held back from saying he loved Steve- He can’t say anything now. There’s a whirlpool in his chest, pulling in his lungs and his ribs and his throat, making it impossible for him to catch his breath, and it’s going to take him down if he doesn’t commit the sound to memory, if he doesn’t memorize every syllable.
His hand shoots out, wraps a fist around the shoulder of Steve’s shirt.
“Tell me again,” Billy rasps out. He doesn’t recognize his own voice.
Steve’s mouth widens in a small smile, and it grows bigger, bigger as his face comes closer, and Billy can’t look away. Wouldn’t want to.
Steve kisses him, "I love you."
And kisses him, "I love you."
And kisses him, "I love you."
Until Billy's own mouth is tingling and bruised and slick, and the hand that was fisting Steve’s shirt is tight in a handful of hair instead, until Billy’s body is burning in all the spots that Steve is touching him, panting harshly, heartbeat wild.
They pull back only to rest their foreheads together, noses touching, breathing the same air. Steve’s hand is still cradling his face, thumb stroking his cheekbone and sending a shiver down his neck.
“Billy," Steve murmurs, and brushes their lips together. "You okay?"
Billy just nods, not understanding the question. His breath is shaky and he's clinging to Steve like a vice, but he's good. He's happy.
Steve's thumb, still stroking his cheek, glides on wet skin, wipes tears away. He didn't realize he was crying.
Steve kisses his cheek so softly, plush lips brushing the splatter of his freckles all the up his cheekbone to the corner of his eye, then to his temple, until Billy's face is buried in Steve's neck, held tightly to him in a hug that could swallow Billy whole. It's kinda dumb to think he wanted to hear the words when everything Steve does feels like this, like he's pouring his whole heart into it.
"I love you too, you know," Billy mumbles, and feels Steve grin against his neck, feels the kiss he presses into his skin and the shiver it sends down his spine. "Really fucking do."
Billy wants to stay here, feeling Steve breathe with him, even if his hip is twisted uncomfortably. He's so happy it's enough to make him forget they're mashed together in the front seats of the Beamer after Billy chased Steve down half naked. But it can't last forever.
"You gotta go to work," Billy says, and tries to pull away.
"I'll call in," Steve says, and squeezes Billy tighter. "I'm so, so sick, can't you tell? Need to stay in bed all day," and he rocks them from side to side.
Billy laughs in his ear, "Oh yeah? Anyone else with you in that bed?"
"Well, it's your bed, so..." Steve says, and Billy can't stand that goofy fucking grin of his, so he catches it with his mouth, bites at it until Steve's moaning.
In a minute, they're gonna pull back and figure they'd much rather continue this in Billy's apartment. In a minute, Steve's gonna turn the car on to go back to Billy's building and have such a hard time parking that they'll figure they should've just walked back. In a minute, their day is going to go on, and on, and stretch into countless other days spent together, either in front seats or backseats of cars, or outside of cars altogether.
But for now, they're a tangle of limbs on the front seat of a BMW, freshly traded "I love you"s, lost in the feeling of each other because there can't be anything more important than this. Just Billy and Steve.
every time anti bullshit shows up on my dash, I write Steve loving on Billy | III
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ellesthots · 2 months
Fateful Beginnings
XX. “close call”
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parts: previous / next
plot: your friend is set on knowing what you can’t divulge. Bruce is left conflicted about his next course of action; the next day at work, your boss tries to force your journalistic hand.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
cw: 18+, anxiety, arguing, alcohol, creepy men
words: 4.7k
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"I'm coming to get you." Mar set down the phone and sounded like she was grabbing things to come there.
You panicked, wondering how you could tell her you were with Bruce right now without potentially giving his identity away to someone near the car. And what if she still comes and sees I'm actually with Batman?
"Mar." She wasn't answering. "Mar!" She still wasn't saying anything, and this time you heard a door. "I'm hooking up with someone and they're sleeping."
"Don't believe you." You heard the click of keys in a lock, and panicked further. She wouldn't be one of those Batman trackers, right? She wouldn't know you were near the Bat signal right now, right? You took a deep breath. "Just, stop! Stop!"
"Why? This is so fucking suspicious, what if you get fucking murdered?" She sounded genuinely afraid, and you heard a car door open. She already got a taxi? "Please, I know you care about me,"
"Fifth and Stark, please. Thanks." That was… extremely accurate to where you were sitting right now. Fuck!
"I know you care but please, I want my life to be my life. I don't want to be monitored, I am 100% fine." What would Bruce do if he found out I let his secret slip?
"Then you'll be fine when I get there. It's the middle of a fucking alley, Y/N,"
Even if you left the car and ran off into the night, she would get dropped off and see a car that was so obscenely expensive it had to belong to Bruce Wayne, and she would know. At this point your panic was eroding away into irritation, because she was starting to act like a helicopter parent. You put the phone on mute and frantically searched the empty car for some keys. Maybe I could just drive somewhere else while location is off. Where the fuck does he keep keys?? Does this car even have keys? Is it one of those card things?
"Y/N??" Mar had reacted even to your line going silent. Between the fear of giving away Bruce as Batman, your annoyance at being monitored so closely, and the residual fearful anger from the anonymous donor reveal, you snapped at her. "I want to live my own life without being suffocated!" Your words hung in the air a moment, then you felt sick. I shouldn't have said that. Fuck.
"Hello??" OH THANK GOD. You'd forgotten to unmute. You took a few regulating breaths, then unmuted. You saw her location as five minutes away. "How about I meet you..." On the map she was two minutes away from a queer bar downtown you and her had frequented in undergrad. It would probably be a ten minute walk from here. "At Mora's, in ten minutes."
"Do you know how much could happen in ten minutes?"
"I'll keep you on the phone." You looked around to make sure you hadn't accidentally lost anything, and she sighed. "I don't understand what's going on. But. Fine. Oh, and if you're not here in ten minutes I am calling the police, 'kay?"
"Sounds good." You muted yourself for a second just so she wouldn't hear you popping the door open. If you had to answer about sitting in a car it might move the conversation towards more sleuthing. A quick pop of the lever made the door swing open wide, and you were able to slam it shut and unmute before Mar had even realized you were silent. A few steps in the dusty alley made you turn around, wondering how the hell you might let Bruce know where you'd went. Did you even need to let him know? You feared he might stalk the city for you if he didn't. You noticed steam had accumulated on the windows from you being inside, just enough for you to maybe write out where you were going, or at least that you were safe. Pointer finger to wildly expensive glass, you wrote a quick note and evaporated into the depth of the dark night.
Bruce's inside wrist buzzed. UNL was in small blue text, signaling an unlock in the car. Gordon had just pushed up his glasses to look at the hilt, but pulled back to take a breath being so close to the stench, which was rapidly filling the room. Bruce grit his teeth and stared longingly at the knife handle before tearing away and walking across the room. "I'll be back." The detectives paid him no mind as he strode strongly past, breaking into a run down the hall to the staircase. Why did it unlock? Right when Gordon was about to look at the owls, too... He resigned to be back as swiftly as possible, flexing his fists on the way down until he burst through the door, sprinting toward the alleyway.
At first he didn't know if you were still there or not. The car was completely black, unable to even be seen until he was about ten feet away. The tinting on the windows was more severe than he'd thought, but it was highly effective. Even peering into the window with cupped hands proved futile. After opening the driver's side door and lowering the partition, he felt stuck. Where the hell were you?
This was the worst part of Gotham—an uphill walk so steep that regular patrons of the various businesses in the area made sure to rent apartments at the top of the hill; if you moved into one of the businesses at the bottom of it, you were financially doomed. This was why, though you could see Mora's sign glowing ahead, it would be another seven or eight minutes until you were able to heave yourself through the doors.
Bruce was at a standstill as he stood at the alley in front of his abandoned car. He sleuthed for evidence of a fight or unusually quick getaway—the dust pattern outside both back doors was consistent with a normal walking pace for one individual, and he was left puzzled. Had you gotten bored? Tried to prank him? He couldn't track you; after the argument about how invasive his previous searching efforts were, it would be treasonous to do so again. Though he couldn't see the building from here, he looked in its direction with utmost longing. The first owl in months had shown up, now readily accessible and able to be viewed by a trusted source. Maybe he could feel less crazy, or maybe he would feel absolutely insane if Gordon said he saw nothing there. Bruce tolerated fear well, but this was a slippery one, one that involved more than circumstances and threatened his psyche. As he changed back into his previous suit, he told himself he was leaving to find a citizen in danger, not being willfully ignorant of his own mental decline. He swung around to open the driver door when he caught a patterned glint off the back window. A dust devil danced in the background as a gentle accompaniment to the barely legible prose. Had 2 leave, am safe. He tossed his blazer atop his car and rested his hands over his head. He paced through the dust cloud that then dissipated around his ankles. Sloppy. I'm being sloppy. He couldn't change back into the suit, could he? Working protocol was to never change out of the suit in the same public location, but was this public enough to qualify? Could he go back in to follow up with Gordon? Would he drive around all night trying to see if you were honest, and not in danger? Would that be too intrusive? Probably. In a city this big, and this dark, that required facial recognition technology he promised he wouldn't use on you. Christ.
"Y/N." Mar usually greeted you excitedly, but now she stood with her arms crossed around a neon green blazer. Quite honestly it was the last thing your eyes needed to see after bland, gray concrete. She tapped her foot and glared at you, then gestured toward your phone. "Why were you being so fuckin' secretive?"
You had only barely begun to catch your breath, and followed her gesture with one towards the bar. "I need some water, Mar, that was fucking steep," She groaned but followed you in. The bouncer stared at your ID a little too long, which was usual—there weren't many IDs from other parts of the country here. Gotham was the city that people left, never a destination.
The bar was pretty busy, about the usual suspects for a Thursday night. Gotham's strong population decline apparently had not hit the partiers, because Friday through Sunday every bar and club was packed like sardines. Mora's was better on Thursdays, when it was still lively but not crawling with women and their straight boyfriends; whenever you or Mar walked past them they'd ask to watch you kiss. Thursdays were mellower, with synth pop or indie music floating from the speakers instead of EDM. On the first Thursday of every month there was a themed event, and you couldn't remember the last time you'd been here for one of them. Your favorite drink here was "The Sinnamon", a tongue-in-cheek drink consisting of cinnamon Fireball whisky, pulverized blackberries, and ginger ale. Mar liked "Hot Shot", a shot of tequila mixed with jalapeño brine. You thought hers was disgusting, and she thought yours was basic; whenever a game of truth or dare started, at some point both of you would dare the other to switch drinks.
"Wanna get our usual?" You tried to be chipper and distract from how you'd been in the back of Bruce/Batman's car, wanting so badly to avoid a conversation about him altogether and to forget that the richest, most powerful man in the city might have just bribed you into silence. You wondered when Bruce would be done, and if he would freak seeing you weren't there. Would he stalk you? Go back to his supercomputer to track the city cameras? Were you being a paranoid freak and he was simply a burgeoning philanthropist in unfortunately suspicious circumstances?
"Y/N." Mar was being short with you, and you started feeling tense. What was the line between care and surveillance? When did vigilance become paranoia? You cast your eyes to the floor and told her to find a seat while you ordered drinks. She stared at you without saying a word or making a sound, her eyes shooting daggers. You felt like a little kid. Thankfully a bartender had been walking to the back to get some supplies and happened past you. "Have you two been helped yet?"
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Five minutes later you two sat in the upper lounge area on pink vinyl benches. Your thighs were sweaty from the walk and immediately stuck to the seat, painting swathes of red on the back of your legs where it peeled. Starting to remember why I stopped coming. The green walls were familiar, the same octagonal mirror loud against its backdrop. It felt oddly eerie.
Mar refused to touch her drink until the both of you talked, her stubborn nature both frustrating and soothing you. After taking a few gulps (honestly, half the drink or more) you set yours down as well, shaking your shoulders to rid tension. "Look,"
"You're keeping something from me." Mar was decidedly blunt, and it immediately made you feel caged. You shook your head at her gently, trying to avoid giving away specific information. What if she keeps up with Batman tracking and sees he was at that location, near me?
"I promise, it's nothing you need to know."
She shook her head back, refusing to entertain not being informed. "You were in an alley, you turned your location off, what the fuck? And you wouldn't speak loud to me?" Her voice was starting to raise, only slightly, but enough for you to worry about others hearing.
Your instinct was to soothe and reassure, hoping it would put out the fire brewing in her eyes. "I know it seems weird, but I'm fine. I was fine. I am fine." You topped it off with a grin and she rolled her eyes. She saw right through you, knew there were words unsaid, but couldn't quite make them out.
"I don't like you lying to me."
This struck a chord, but you knew you couldn't show it or she'd fight harder. "I'm not lying, I just don't need to tell you this."
"Like fuck you don't!"
Oh, we're being demanding now? "We barely talked before I moved back here. The whole last year of school you've just been partying, I didn't know you really gave a shit about me."
"Y/N. You're my closest friend here." Her tone was flatter, and her hands were now sitting together in her lap. Your brow furrowed. "I knew I was your friend, but,"
"Close friends don't hide things from each other."
Anxiety bubbled in your chest. This felt... manipulative? "I promise this was nothing dangerous, or sketchy, I just, want some things to be mine." Her glare hardened, so you continued speaking. "So you're not close with the people you see every day?"
She rolled her eyes again. You were starting to get a bit pissed off—that, or the alcohol was starting to hit and fuck with your emotions. "I can't talk to them, you know that."
"I don't know that. Because I wouldn't be spending most of my time with people I couldn't talk to."
"Girl... you really don't get the city." Another eye roll. Smoke was starting to come out of your ears.
"I don't. At all. It's fucking weird." You picked up your drink and had another sip, the cinnamon warming your tongue and edging off the sting of this conversation's undertone. Rumination percolated in the back of your mind about how you wished you'd never came back.
She held out her hand and counted to two, exploding her hands at the end of her sentence for added effect. "You have your going out crew, then you have your separate friends to talk to. People with substance."
The disdain was now apparent on your face, the alcohol relaxing your inhibition. "I hate it when you say stuff like that. Acting like you're better than them."
Mar laughed and sat back on the seat. "That's 'cus I am."
"These people are your friends, dude. They tag you in every photo, you go out for brunch, bars, didn't you even go to one of their weddings a few months ago?" Her smugness was infuriating.
"I don't need a lecture."
You paused. The conversation was devolving into something reminiscent of the one you'd had back home, right before the big blow-up, sans lies about your sex life. Am I the common denominator? "It just... it makes me think you talk about me like that." You clammed up, sifting through more thoughts of Is it me? and but she IS acting like a helicopter parent, not really respecting my boundaries...
"I'd never talk about you like that,"
"Why do you hang around people you don't like?" It puzzled you. It sucked being alone, but at least then you didn't have to be fake. It exhausted you picturing her smiling and laughing with people only to disrespect them in their absence. How much could you trust that she wasn't already doing that?
"The city caters to a certain type of person, okay? They'd say the same about me." At this point Mar picked up her shot and downed it. Loneliness had painted a fluffy pink cloud around your friendship with her, distracting from the reality of why you both had mostly fizzled out over the past year.
She'd always had flighty tendencies, running from one group to the next, and never quite shit talked anyone to you; she instead made small comments like that one, subtly positioning herself as better or more important than the people she spent all her time with. While the two of you had disagreements, it was more circumstantial that the both of you had fallen out of everyday contact; she had been a sociology major with you the first year, but after a particularly exciting political science course she'd moved more towards public speaking and general policy courses—she was into leading people and you were into knowing them. This was out of character however—Mar was all over the place, sure, but she was never so immovably standoffish.
"So what were you doing?"
She wasn't letting up. To cave or not cave... What would be gained if you stayed silent? What would be gained if you said you'd been with Bruce? If you were being honest with your feelings, you wanted her to know so you had someone else to bounce your fears off of, akin to a reality check. However, adding another person to the mix would only further complicate things—it was best not to act in haste. After a second of deliberation that she appeared peeved over, you decided to restate your inability to share, asserting the boundary before you became deliriously inebriated. If I truly wanted to share, I’d share it, not feel peer-pressured into it. "It didn't concern you, and I don't appreciate being forced to tell you. Everything's fine." What if I'd been buying her a gift? What if I'd gone into the alley to cry away my troubles?
"It makes me really suspicious, Y/N." She slammed the glass down on the small gold table and threw her head in her hands, like you'd just told her to go fuck herself.
"Not telling you doesn't mean I did something bad." She still sat facing the floor, exasperated. You sighed. "I know you want me to be safe, I appreciate that." You touched her back, and realized she was shaking. When she uncovered her eyes you saw her mascara was smudged, and her cheeks were wet.
"I feel fucking guilty about fucking inviting you to the fucking club." She hiccuped after trying to speak through stifled sobs. "You didn't respond after and it fucked me up, Y/N, I thought you fucking died and it was my fucking fault." She threw her hands over her face again and curled inward toward her stomach.
"Hey, hey," You pulled her into a hug and pressed your cheek to her shoulder. Her body wracked with sobs muffled by her shirt, and you only made out bits of what she said through it, one of them being a strained, pitchy "I'm sorry" followed by a volcano of tears. You very nearly cried with her, white-knuckling away the hot tears prickling your eyelashes.
"Here, I'll get napkins." You jogged to the bar and grabbed a heap, a heap she went through almost instantaneously. "I know I'm fucking weird right now, god." Her sniff was thick and hard. "You don't have to tell me."
Five minutes passed of more casual conversations. The alcohol had hit both of you at this point, leaving you both tipsy but not drunk. Bruce floated out of your mind. Mar, who could handle her alcohol about a thousand times better than you could, ended up going to the bar and ordering another round for you both. You sat alone on the sticky seat letting your eyes roam and people-watch. There was a woman sitting diagonally from you across the room surrounded by a gaggle of women, all admiring her (likely) new ring; you caught some of its sparkle, which rendered you a bit sad. They belong. I don't.
She came with the drinks faster than the first time, and downed the second shot before your glass had even reached your lips. "Ah. I need to piss and fix my mascara. Can you watch the drinks?" You nodded, and off she went. That was another good thing about this bar: the bathrooms weren't backed into a weird corner down a long hallway, they were able to be seen from across the room if someone tried to follow anyone. You watched her and the door like a hawk, clutching your drink in your cold fingers as you sipped at it absentmindedly.
Over the next hour you both sat in the haze of alcohol's glow, talking at length about any major events that had happened since the list time you'd been here (Mar had hooked up with ten different people, one of which, she reported, was the love of her life that she planned to ask to officially be her girlfriend on Halloween night; you briefly mentioned your mother's cancer, but kept the conversation in the land of hopes and dreams as for her prognosis) and by that time the bar was making you both quite dizzy. Mar had already ordered an Uber while the both of you giggled over random posts on Scypher, and before you had fully registered you'd even left the bar you were opening your apartment with Mar at your side. Exhausted, you popped an ibuprofen (Mar had taught you this—taking an ibuprofen with a couple large glasses of water took the bite out of hangovers) and nearly drowned yourself in hydration before taking a quick pee and jumping into bed. This place, though your eyes were admittedly hazy, still didn't quite feel real. The last thought before you both crashed was an eerie feeling you might never feel at home anywhere again.
BRRT. BRRT. BRRT. The alarm you'd set for yourself on Monday saved you from missing call time at Dr. Vry's office—9:45am. She'd told you to come with a 'spiked' hot chocolate every morning from the cafe a block from campus. Cafes don't put liquor in their coffee, right? Is it even legal to sell alcohol this early? But when you'd said goodbye to Mar and found yourself in line at 9:30, you realized it was nothing more than a hot chocolate with four shots of espresso. No wonder she's so talkative.
While you waited in line, now with the soothing wash of alcohol out of your system, your mind wandered round and round about the implications of Bruce having paid your parents debt, and the circumstances surrounding his payment. You knew a secret that would destroy him, and possibly land him in jail for the rest of his life—you distinctly remembered being in the police car realizing the cops hated Batman. He was a barely contained vigilante, only not caught because he left as quickly as he arrived; you figured his life would effectively end if you were to let anything slip. You vowed to do more research when you got home on if Batman had ever killed anyone, even by accident, or if there were any clues pointing toward suspicious 'disappearances' that could be in any capacity traced back to the bat. When the barista handed you the coffee, the heat in your hand brought you out of your head and back to the day's responsibilities.
"Ah hello hello!" Dr. Vry smiled at the coffee before she addressed you. Once you handed off the drink you smoothed down your trousers, to which she gave you a concerned once-over before tsk-ing. "Let's get you set up."
You were placed down the hall and to the left, in the room right next to the elevator; it was a small space that looked like it used to be a computer room. Frayed electrical wires jutted out from the stark white walls, and the thunking of the elevator was intermittent but so loud it never failed to scare you. The top of the singular student desk in the middle of the otherwise barren wasteland had a sticky film on it, like someone had spilled a caramel latte over it and left it for the summer just to fuck with the campus custodians. When you got out your computer and stared at the empty page, you worried about having enough to say; all that had happened was an introduction of the various people at the table, an overview of the candidates for mayoral election, and a few other small announcements you felt not entirely relevant to the city. Who cares if Little Me, Big Dreams was temporarily adding a dance class for toddlers that was already full, with no waitlist?
Three hours later you escaped the lull of your computer screen when Dr. Vry motioned for you to come to her office. She cleared her throat and had a smile so wide it felt like a dentist commercial. "Please, sit." You sat in the rickety chair that strained against your thighs for air, your eyes noticing the cobwebs in each corner of the ceiling. "What happened at the City Hall meeting last night?"
"Oh uh," You were a bit taken aback, but quickly summarized the draft you'd written. "Well, there are a few mayoral candidates that will be coming to the meetings, which I want to get an interview for each, and there was a lot of introducing everyone so, it honestly took up a bulk of the time, and then just some miscellaneous information from businesses across the city." Her smile had faded considerably. "I had a question about the latter too, would you like if I listed them in a bullet format, or—"
Disdain flooded her tone. "Did Bruce Wayne not make an appearance?" She sat back in her chair and stared at you with unblinking pale blue eyes.
The mention of his name was like a hot branding iron down your throat. "He did, but he really just introduced himself and listened to everyone else for—"
"You managed to get into a room with Mr. Wayne, the sole survivor of a family so illustrious, so prestigious, and did not so much as speak a word to him?"
You stammered. "I thought I was supposed to report on the content of the meeting,"
"Mr. Wayne is the content." She slammed her hands down on the table and stood up. Your chest hurt and you hid a wince. "The journalism department in this establishment is doomed. We must speak to what the people want if we are to rise from the ashes."
"And people want Bruce Wayne." You spoke flatly, your throat cinching. She nodded, heaving a sigh of relief. She blinked up a storm, then placed a hand on your shoulder. "Dearest. We must give the people what they want."
Was this just a column about Bruce? If so, you were quitting right now. "Should I include the other pieces,"
"If there's room." She moved to her filing cabinet to thumb through nondescript folders. "Did you even make contact with Mr. Wayne at last night's meeting?"
"Yeah." Your voice was small, defeat sunk you back into the chair.
"And what was the topic of conversation?"
"He showed me some notes he had. Talked a bit about Bella Reál and the candidates for mayor."
She paused for a few seconds with her fingers hovered above the cabinet drawer. "Hmm."
"I," Dr. Vry was deeply intimidating, but you felt a sore spot in your chest at the thought of abandoning the sprit of journalism in favor of a celebrity blog post. "I don't want to exclusively write about him."
"You'll do as you're instructed."
"No, I won't actually." You pushed your chair back, and she spun to glower at you. "I'm not putting my name on celebrity gossip."
She balked when you said 'my name', which made you want to curl up and cry, but you held your ground.
"Anyone else would die for your position."
"If Bruce Wayne contributes to the meeting, I'll add his contributions, but I'm not going out of my way to make him the focus."
"The audacity is striking!"
"With all due respect, this wasn't what was advertised."
"You're suspended without pay until further notice." She shoved the cabinet shut and wiped her hands of the dust. "The department will hold a meeting about your future at GU."
You bit back a million retorts and equally as many tears as you left her office, grabbed your things, and set off for The Moore.
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daisyvisions · 2 years
i regretg going on your blog to see if you answered my hard thought about sunwoo and I AM YELLING you went to town with it i'm 😩🥴💀 since i'm sleep-deprived, your thoughts on sunwoo + somno? 👀
sunwoo & somno (say that 3 times fast), you have no idea what somno does to me so bare with me on this one 😩
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), somnophilia, everything is consensual
Extra content warning: ⚠️ this fic contains a cnc kink (aka somnphilia ) but please know that consent is key ALWAYS. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
There are only 2 ways that somno with Sunwoo can go: either it's because he misses you OR he's desperate... so let's talk about the desperate version for today, hm?
just a couple of besties having their monthly sleepover: movies, lots of snack, and talking til the sun rises (when I start rapping). But something seems a bit off with Sunwoo and you couldn't figure out what the problem was...
Long story short: he's experiencing a major case of blue balls & had a pretty nasty dream about you (which he didn't expect to happen). And the thought has been running on his mind for WEEKS.
So when he finally saw you, all thoughts came rushing in, feeling a bit of a strain in his crotch. He does his best to hide this from you ofc, it's movie night for fuck sake! Don't make it weird Sunwoo!
You really gotta give this man some credit tho, he's had a boner since he arrived at your place and did what he could to hide it (despite feeling you touch him when you hugged him, your hand touching his when you would pass snacks over his way, etc)
But the one thing Sunwoo dreads for the night is sleeping next to you, because you guys cuddle...
"Sunwoo, why are you so far away?" you whine.
"Oh, it's fine I want some room to rest then we'll cuddle okay? just go to sleep" he kisses your forehead.
You're so tired you don't even bother protesting.
Later that night when Sunwoo does fall asleep also, he shifts around and instinctively cuddles you... which was a mistake because you also shift your body, making your ass move against his crotch and he instantly gets hard AGAIN.
His eyes shoot open, his fear displayed right in front of him. He tries so hard not to groan especially since you keep shifting against him. But what gets him all riled up is when he hears you mention his name while you're asleep, almost sounding like you're moaning tbh
So now he's in a dilemma, to ignore everything or do something about it? You guessed right, he does something about it.
He gently holds your hip, positioning his hard cock between your ass so that he could rut himself against you. He does it very carefully so he doesn't wake you up and cause shit (I mean, he already is but he's way into deep now).
He gets so lost rubbing himself against you he doesn't realize his hand is gripping your core for "stability". But he suddenly snaps out of it because...
"...Sunwoo? What are you doing?"
Shit, you're awake. How will he explain this to you now?
"Uh- Uh, wait I can explai-" he's suddenly cut off when you quickly sit up, turn around and go on top of him. He's so confused what's happening because shouldn't you be mad?
Then you look at him in the eyes and palm his crotch. Sunwoo lets out a shaky moan. The sensation is paused for a bit when he hears you speak,
"You know... if you were horny this whole time, all you had to do was ask."
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Prompt for elucien maybe: Hey pumpkin//don't call me that
Listen, I know that Day Five: Blooming Bud for @elainweekofficial's description was about Elain blooming into happiness, but I think Elain should be allowed to bloom into being dramatic. Let Elain be as dramatic as possible 2K23! Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this silly little drabble, and thanks so much for sending this prompt, lovely Anon :)
Elain still can't believe what she's seeing. She blinks a few times, half expecting the sight before her to change, for it all to be a trick of her mind, a fever dream even. But it doesn't stop what's right in front of her, what's displayed on the screen. It doesn’t change the fact that this is really happening.
It's betrayal that hits her first. Pure and utter betrayal. It sinks like a stone in her gut, slinking through her slimy and cold until her chest tightens. She never imagined that this could happen to her. Never imagined that her boyfriend, her Lucien, would ever do this. Would ever do this to her.
It's sadness next, even if it's only for a flicker, trickling like ice down her spine. But then the anger sets in. It simmers through her veins, alighting every nerve ending, until her grip is tightening to white knuckled. The anger roars like a beast in her mind, between her ribs, absolutely chomping at the bit and waiting to be released.
Waiting for its next victim.
The sound of a key sliding into the lock of the front door is like a dinner bell ringing. The soft snick of the door opening like raising the gates of her cage.
“Hey, pumpkin,” Lucien's voice calls out before he steps into view.
“Don't call me that,” Elain snaps, narrowing her eyes at him and allowing her full ire and annoyance to flood into her expression.
Lucien frowns, his eyebrows pinching. His gaze sweeps over her, accessing for any sort of clue before he cautiously asks, “Elain?”
“I just can't believe that you would do this to me. That you would betray me like this.”
A moment of tense silence passes. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Elain scoffs, crossing her arms across her chest. “Really? You're going to commit to keeping your secrets even after I've found you out.”
“Elain…” Lucien tries again, his voice gentle, placating.
Usually, her name falling from his lips, especially when he says it in that soft way of his, is Elain's favorite sound. Usually, it sends goosebumps skittering up her spine, her heart skipping in her chest. Usually, she wants to hear it all the time, wants to hear it breathed across her skin, pressed against her throat.
But not now.
Now, it sends her anger from simmering to absolutely boiling. It rages through her veins like an inferno, the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
“I thought you loved me.”
Lucien lets out a choked sound at her cool tone. “I do.”
“Then what the fuck is this?” Elain demands, her voice practically shrill, as she gestures at the screen.
Lucien looks even more bewildered at the outburst, but he pulls his wide, russet eyes away from her face, finally looking at where she's pointing. He blinks once. Twice. His gaze dances back to Elain, and she can see the cogs whirring and working in his mind, trying to catch up with what's happening.
“What am I even looking at?” he dares to murmur.
“The last episode we watched together was episode four of this season, Lucien. So why does it say episodes five and six have already been watched?”
“I don't know.”
“I can't believe you snuck and watched without me!”
“I didn't,” Lucien splutters, his own frustration beginning to grow. “Maybe someone hacked our account?”
“Someone hacked our Netflix account and just happened to watch the exact same show we're currently binging?” Elain drawls dryly with a roll of her eyes. “Do you think I'm stupid?”
“Never, my love,” Lucien assures her gently, stepping into her space and bringing his hands up to cradle her jaw, his touch warm and soft. “You're the smartest, most amazing person I know. You know that. And I would never watch without you. It really wasn't me.”
“Promise?” Elain asks dubiously, her lips pouting out.
“I promise,” Lucien repeats back, leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.
Elain lets out a soft sigh, but she melts against him. Her arms come up to wrap around his waist, and she presses up onto her toes to kiss him again, reveling in the way Lucien smiles against her. In the way his fingers slip through the curls of her hair. In the way she can feel his heartbeat matching her own where their chests are pressed together.
Lucien pulls back, but only far enough that he can kiss Elain's forehead, mumbling against her skin, “take-out and episode five?”
“Take-out and episode five,” Elain agrees with a smile, all of her anger finally dissipating in warm contentment.
They spend the rest of the evening curled up together on the sofa, Elain's head resting on Lucien's shoulder, his arm a warm and secure weight around her waist, a blanket draped across both their laps. And it's only when they finally decide to call it a night and head to bed, that Lucien's phone pings with a text message from his eldest brother.
Did you change your Netflix password?
Updated Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog​ @lifeisntafantasy​ @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl​ @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld​ @isterofimias @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust​ @a-trifling-matter​ @blueunoias​ @kookskoocie​ @cassiansbigwingspan​ @unlikelypersonalknight1​ @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard
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redxriiot · 3 years
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Anon​​​​​​​ said : How would you feel to be at a waltz only to end up dancing with the enemy who openly taunts you and your efforts to detain them?          『 Random asks || Accepting 』
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          “Ah–I...I-I mean, I’d...probably feel frustrated? Surprised? How’d they get in here...?” Feel his heart race, because clearly if his enemy is so bold enough to approach him at a setting like this, they MUST have something up their sleeve at that very moment. Something to keep him compliant in keeping up the illusion that everything is okay; something he’s got to find a means to get out of without alerting everyone else, some way to get his enemy alone and deal with them.  Of course the tension’d run high, and he’ll admit that wouldn’t help with his composure in the slightest, but he WAS a hero first and foremost- 
           “I guess...wary’d be the best way to put it...?”
#anon#//Can't exactly get an accurate answer out of him here as is dkgfb#ic#answered#//He's torn bc on one hand; he'd be 'Holy shit; is this happening? I have a nemesis? Who took the time to fuck with me here?? That I might#have to stop and am trapped by social convention and common sense to handle on my own so others don't get hurt around me???'#//He'd be flattered an enemy actually took the time to come to him like that and IMPRESSED they're ballsy enough to try#//On the other hand; HELLO??? HE'S A HERO??? He's thinking just what the hell is UP here; WHY are they here; WHY they sought him out#//Are they alone? Do they have accomplices? Should he keep his eyes on them and them alone or be more wary of their surroundings??#//Of course as much as they have him here; he has them and at least limits THEM. If anything breaks out; he's at least got a shot at nabbing#'em right then and there himself; so the situation's partly contained as far as he's concerned#//Not that he'd immediately set to thinking that in the actual moment#//Bc his brain'd be caught up in how he's living a favorite trope of his that he's actually fantasized about#//Y'know; like a useless clown#//Might snap out of it faster if the enemy says/does something to help with that#//THEN slowly start piecing together the above#//Gotta get his head in the game; he does jsfbrf#//Lmao; low-key; all I could think about what Princess Prom through answering this#//Not the same; but the scenario just made me think that#//God; I wanna rewatch spop
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jungwnies · 2 years
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𖦞 prompt ، gn!reader gets jealous, and insecure about the relationship 𖦞 pairing ، choi line x gn!reader
𖦞 genre ، angst , jealous!reader, feat. inkigayo MC jeongeui & le sserafim 𖦞 warnings ، !cursing, !angst, !crying, !mentions of cheating, !they're all being a little passive aggressive and rude
𖦞 author's note ، thank you guys for 100 followers so soon, I just start writing too... I am so grateful!!! I love you all, 사랑해요! ♡ 𖦞 remember to like, comment, & reblog (the love is always appreciated)
𖦞 first angst that's gonna be on my page i hope you guys enjoy! also there might not be a happy ending to some of them :')
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، ௮ yeonjun
○ yeonjun would be MC-ing at inkigayo introducing hybe's new girl group, le sserafim ○ you were cool with the members, but you did NOT like his mc partner, jeongeui... ○ you turn on the inkigayo channel in the background as you work around the house doing chores, as you normally do with most inkigayo showcases ○ yeonjun's laugh echos out of the tv and you peak out your bedroom into the living room and see yeonjun and jeongeui a little too, friendly ○ you didn't think too much of it, and no one knew of you and his relationship since it was still under the radar ○ you just continued to do your chores and got back onto your comfortable spot on the couch, as per usual ○ you reach for your phone which was besides you and go on twitter ○ your twitter feed was full of random stuff, but yeonjun's name trending caught your attention ○ you click the hashtag and see pictures of him and his MC ○ you scroll through the hashtag, and see a few people shipping them ○ again, no one knew you and yeonjun were together so why do you feel a little annoyed people want to see him with jeongeui ○ exiting twitter you text him asking him when he's gonna be home, you knew he was still on stage so you just waited for the response. ○ not too long later, you receive a text back telling you that he was gonna go out to lunch with the MC's ○ your heart dropped a little, but you couldn't do anything so you simply waited for him to come home
the sound of the lock clicks and your head snaps to the door, "hi baby," yeonjun says to you and sets his keys down on the table besides the door.
you sigh, "how was lunch?"
"it was good." yeonjun walks to the hallway taking off his jacket as he walked, "i'm gonna shower"
you keep your spot on the couch warm and stay there waiting for yeonjun to be done
you hear him walk out, his soft slippers hitting the hardwood, he was drying his hair with a towel, the view easy on the eyes.
"did you know you're trending on twitter?" you show him the hashtag and his face lights up
"i am?" he grabs his phone and goes on his twitter and looks, "aw they're so sweet,"
"jun, they're shipping you with your MC partner, does that not bother you?" you ask him with slight attitude in your voice
"why would it matter, i'm with you babe." yeonjun sits besides you and gives you a kiss
still annoyed you push him off a little, yeonjun realizes you're annoyed and takes a deep breath
"y/n, i have nothing with her, why are you worried?"
"what if she gets influenced by the ship and starts to believe she's in love with you or something..."
"baby, i love you, and that would never happen."
"yeonjun it's not about if you love me or not,"
yeonjun now getting defensive, "don't you trust me?"
"yeonjun i trust you, but i just don't fucking trust her, nothing is gonna stop her from wanting you, whether you have a significant other or not."
you get up from your seat on the couch, "and you're always busy with that stupid inkigayo, it's like you never fucking have time for me anymore"
yeonjun was taken aback, he knew that you were aware he would be busy, with inkigayo, showcases because of their comeback, preparing for their US tour and their concert in Seoul
"y/n, i'm trying my best with you, you know i'm busy." yeonjun stood up raising his voice
"it's not enough yeonjun, i feel like i'm just nothing to you right now"
yeonjun looks you, he didn't look mad, he just looked upset, his face turned into a pout. telling him he wasn't doing enough, and that he wasn't trying hard enough was personal for him.
yeonjun is a people pleaser (and i mean that in the kindest way possible) all he wants to do is make everyone around him happy, especially you.
yeonjun sits back on the couch, "yeon, babe i'm sor-" yeonjun cuts you off before you get to apologize,
"y/n i don't want to talk to you right now."
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، ௮ soobin
○ omg fighting with soobin literally sucks ○ soobin barely argues with you and tries to reason his emotions first because he hates that shit ○ but today, was a different day ○ soobin has always been a jealous person, sometimes more jealous then other but you'd be out with your friends ○ but there were a few guys there, soobin usually doesn't mind this because he knows you're loyal, but he can't help but be a LITTLE worried ○ i mean who wouldn't be worried you're hot asf babe xx <3 ○ anyways, soobin would honestly encourage you to go out with your friends because even though he'd love to keep you home since he's a homebody, he knows you love your friends ○ everything would be fine until he starts getting in his head ○ you would be out a little later than you said, you were posting on your story group pics, and it looked like you were having a lot of fun ○ soobin missed you, but he didn't text you or bug you to come home because he knows you don't really go out anyways so he didn't wanna seem overprotective or too clingy ○ like i said, he gets in his head and starts over thinking, (poor baby :C) ○ soobin would wait for you to get home like a dog waiting for their owner, and he started to over think more when he was scrolling on tiktok ○ his for you page was full of couples and their best friends getting too close, couples breaking up because one is actually involved with their best friend??? ○ soobin would get really worried and sit there overthinking wondering if you're doing something with the boys there ○ soobin wanted to trust you 100% but he couldn't trust the guys around you 100% ○ a little bit later he hears the door click and sees you walking in slightly tipsy worriedly soobin walks over to you and takes off your jacket, "you were out late my love"
"i know, i got carried away."
"are you feeling okay?" soobin asks following you to where you were now headed, the bathroom
"i'm fine, i'm just ready to go to sleep"
"what did you guys do that you had to comeback so late," soobin asks, although it seems like a quite rude question he asked it wholesomely
"we just went out soobin, don't worry"
"baby i'm always worried about you"
"i was just out with friends, they'll take care of me"
soobin walks a little closer to you and you wash your face in the sink, he positions himself behind you and gives you a back hug, "i just want to be the only one to be able to take care of you"
"can you just let me get ready for bed?" you tell him annoyed, pushing him off of you slightly
"you wouldn't be so tired if you just came home earlier" soobin says with an attitude
"babe i barely see my friends, why are you so mad?"
soobin looks at you shocked, "y/n i'm not mad, i'm just annoyed you were out with those boys for so long, what if they wanted to try something with you?"
"and you basically reek of alcohol, they could've seduced you or something" soobin adds annoyed.
you turn your head towards soobin, soap still on your face, "i'm not even drunk, i just had a little to drink."
you continue to wash your face and soobin walks away. a few moments later you find him laying on the couch, "aren't you going to get in bed with me soobin?"
soobin opens his once resting eyes and shakes his head, "i'm fine here."
"why are you acting like this?" you snap at him, soobin angry and now you.
"i was just fucking worried about you, especially around so many guys..." soobin's throat hitches, his voice cracking, soobin's eyes watering.
"stop being so fucking jealous for once bin." you walk away after telling him that, leaving him in the living room.
heading to bed you were restless. you couldn't believe what just happened, soobin only cares and worries, and you told him to stop acting so jealous.
soobin on the other hand, left on the couch now crying wondering that he might be too much to handle, and that he shouldn't have felt the way he did.
you get out of bed just a few minutes later putting away your pride, to see soobin sleeping on the couch, his eyes puffy as he was just crying, and his blanket hanging off his tall and slim body.
you didn't want to wake up the resting boy so you fix his blanket, and plant a kiss on his forehead, "i'm sorry."
beginning to walk away a hand reaches out and pulls you back, "i'm sorry too."
"we can talk about it in the morning, for now i just want you in my arms, love."
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، ௮ beomgyu
○ fighting with gyu is lowkey so petty ○ he gets easily pissed off in arguments and they tend to get heated pretty quick ○ you were pretty close with enhypen however, you and jungwon were especially close ○ jungwon and you were strictly friends, and jungwon obviously respected your relationship with his hyung ○ you were out with jungwon this day since it has been a while you've seen him, beomgyu was busy doing comeback promotions and you were free (and bored) ○ you usually tell beomgyu first but this was a random decision to go out, so you send him a quick text before going out ○ beomgyu gets back to you a little while later, and you don't check your phone ○ you usually respond back quickly, however you were having lots of fun and you decided to not really be on your phone ○ you didn't realize how much time flew by until you walked out of the arcade seeing the night sky ○ you check your phone and see 16 missed calls and 12 unanswered texts
"why that look on your face?" jungwon asks as you stare blankly at your phone.
"beomgyu left me a lot of messages, just give me a sec." you walk over to where there was a little more space
the breeze hits your face as your phone rang waiting for an answer in one hand
the call ends as beomgyu didn't answer his phone, you now worried go back to where jungwon patiently waited, "we should go back, i'm worried."
jungwon nods and you both go back to the dorms
"thanks for hanging out with me today, i'll talk to you later" you give jungwon a quick hug before rushing to the elevator
jungwon waves to you goodbye as the elevator door closes in front of you
you wave back, finally the elevator door shutting and taking you up a few levels.
you walk into gyu's dorm and see the boy resting peacefully on the sofa, his phone faced down on the coffee table silenced.
accidentally slamming the door behind you, beomgyu now startled wakes up
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to-" beomgyu cuts you off
"where the hell have you been?"
you taken aback by the sudden attitude, "i texted you, i said i was going to the arcade with jung-"
"you didn't answer any of my texts or any of my calls?"
"i wasn't on my phone gyu, why are you so pissed?"
"because i was fucking worried, what if you died or something, what if you left me for jungwon, you always seem to be with him whatever chance you get."
"leave you, for jungwon?" you say with a slight chuckle.
"is this funny to you?" beomgyu snaps
"no, i just think it's quite peculiar that you don't trust me?" you walk away beginning to leave the living room
"y/n, why are you walking away?" beomgyu grabs your wrist softly
"i don't want to deal with your insecurities in this relationship right now gyu, i'm sick of you being so clingy whenever i'm out."
beomgyu looks at you in shock, his heart felt as if it shattered into a million pieces, "if you've felt like this for so long then you should've said something earlier."
you stop in your tracks and turn around to see a sobbing beomgyu, "baby, i didn't mean it like that, i'm sorry." you walk over to him and grab his hands
beomgyu stands there, defeated.
"gyu i love you, i'm sorry."
beomgyu pulls his hands away, making his way towards the front door he softly says,
"i love you too."
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© 2022 junthusiast
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Cheating!h blurb where ana asks why they dont have sex or at a party and she’s trying to pull him into a room and y/n watching him try to make excuses and then next time having sex with y/n he says anna keeps trying and she has the pride he doesnt give in... or something exploring that situation
warnings: smut, cheating, angst
“Anna, I just-“ Harry huffs as she tugs him into a spare bedroom of the party after he had put up a valiant fight to keep them in the main area.
Her hands are unbuttoning his already barely buttoned shirt, running down his bare skin, and he is cut off by a sloppy kiss to his mouth.
Fear shoots up through him, it’s not YN, he doesn’t want this with her.
“C’mon, it’s been almost six months and you still haven’t touched me. Just fuck me,” Anna complains, fed up with the lack of or more like nonexsistence of their sex life.
It was near impossible to believe, someone like Harry who oozed sex out of every pore of his body wasn’t sexually active or interested in fucking his girlfriend.
When Anna takes a different approach of going for his belt buckle, mouth trailing against his collarbone, and attempting to get to his groin - which hadn’t hardened in the slightest.
“Enough,” Harry states firmly, grasping her wrists lightly and making her look at him, “I don’t want to have sex right now, okay?”
His girlfriend’s face falters, “You never want to.”
“If you don’t like it break up with me,” He hisses, knowing YN is going to get suspicious the longer they’re in a room together.
Anna, who really did have a kind heart, frowns, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pressure you into anything. I would never force you to.”
Harry just rebuttons his shirt, “S’fine. Let’s just get back to the party and have a good time, yeah?”
She nods as Harry swings his arm around her shoulder, unlocking the door, and pausing when he sees YN a bit of the ways down the corridor - staring at the two leaving the bedroom.
“I’m going to get a drink,” He dismisses bluntly, his focus set on the girl who was visible angry with him in the kitchen.
Before he can get out a word, she steps forward and swipes her thumb against his collarbone.
It comes back with the waxy substance of Anna’s bright mauve lipstick.
“Have fun in there, did you?” YN asks, she tries to keep her tone cool and unbothered by Harry sees right through it to the insecurity.
“You know I didn’t,” He replies between gritted teeth, how could she get jealous when this was all her?
He didn’t want a girlfriend.
Well he did but he only want her and she fucking knew that.
“If you wanted me to believe you, maybe you would have wiped her lipstick marks from your neck and chest,” She chuckles and it makes Harry’s hair on the back of his neck stand up.
It was the distinct chuckle and tone she used when she was upset but wasn’t going to admit it over her dead body.
Before he can call her out, she shoulders past him, disappearing into the dancing crowd of people and out of his side.
“Fuck,” He mutters, running a hand through his hair before trudging off to find Niall and Zayn - to distract himself.
“Stay the night, please?” Anna asks softly when Harry pulls up to her small, quaint little house that fit her perfectly.
“M’sorry. I have a long day tomorrow.”
It was a lie. It was rarer that he told the truth to his girlfriend than fibbing.
“So? Let’s cuddle, do something,” She begs, frustrated with her emotionally and sometimes physically distant boyfriend.
Harry shakes his head, “Maybe next weekend.”
He always said that.
It never happened.
As soon as he drops off Anna, his next stop is a route that is ingrained in his head front and backwards, her apartment.
He has a key, doesn’t bother knocking and just barges into the dimly lit house with her shoes tossed clumsily on the floor - almost trips.
When he finds her, she’s in a towel - freshly showered, and brushing through her hair in her small walk-in closet.
She heard him come in, knew he was storming in here, and still didn’t turn around when he slammed open her bedroom door.
He’s crowding behind her, knocking the brush out of her hand, and pinning her to the wall, “You’re so bloody ridiculous. You jealous little brat.”
YN doesn’t respond, her body still wound tight with tension and a gluttonous feeling of rage for earlier in the night.
“Been fuckin’ you and only you since I was seventeen. Y’know that I didn’t fuck her, didn’t even touch her and you still have the nerve to act like a crybaby,” Harry seethes, his whole chest pressed against her back, no room to escape.
“Her lipstick was all over you,” She argues back weakly when his hands come to the knot in her towel, teasing at unraveling.
“Yeah because she was begging me to fuck her and I said ‘no’ so she tried to get in my pants and I pushed her off.”
“Why?” YN murmurs, quiet in the small space.
“You fuckin’ know why,” Harry growls with his teeth grazing across her bare shoulder blade.
“Say it.”
“I pushed her off ‘cause you’re the only person I’ve fucked since I was seventeen. My cock is yours,” He rasps, untying the knot and letting the towel drop.
He wishes she would just end all this bullshit.
Let him have her fully and completely but she was so fucking afraid of getting hurt when it wouldn’t happen.
“Go on, tell me who owns this cunt,” Harry demands, hand tucking between her thick thighs to cup her puffy mound in his hand.
“H,” She whimpers as his finger lightly slides up the wet groove of her center with a careful drag.
When she doesn’t give him the answer he wants, he gives her clit a hard pinch, “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Yours, fuck - it’s yours,” YN huffs at the slight but welcome pain on her nerves - relaxing when it returns to soft strokes.
“Anna is pretty, y’know? Had her on me, kissing my neck, unbuttoning my shirt and shit,” Harry hums against her ear, two fingers sinking into the tight heat of her body.
He continues, “Didn’t even get hard when that happened. That’s how fucking trained I am for you. What a tight fucking leash you have me on.”
YN turns a bit into putty at his words, insecurity slow flooding out of her body, and feeling more like how she usually does.
“How do y’ever forget? How much I love you?” He asks in true disbelief, it literally oozes through his pores how much he adores his high school sweetheart.
“Don’t-“ She squeaks desperately.
“Why won’t you let me tell you how much I love you, baby?”
His voice like dark, sweet honey that seeps into her every nerve-ending and makes her feel lethargic, in a boneless silky way.
“Stop plea- Just touch me,” YN begs when his fingers crook into against her plushy, tight walls with focused strokes.
“You need to admit it, y’stubborn little thing. I know how in love you are with me,” Harry pushes, needing to hear validation from his favorite person on this earth.
He squats down, spreading her cheeks, and leaning in to lick from the top of clit all the way back to her other entrance.
His large palms keeping her apart, digging into the thick skin until his fingers are white - tongue finding her core and darting in to her most sensitive area.
“H, oh my god,” YN moans, head falling forward against the wall, pushing her hips backward into his mouth.
“Darling, c’mon. Show me how sweet y’can be f’me,” Harry goads encouragingly, it always took a little bit of effort to get her to break.
“I love you….s’much,” She whispers, voice cracking on the last syllable as he rewards her with a suckling kiss to her clit and slips his fingers back in.
“I know y’do, baby. You know I’d never give it to anyone but you,” Harry coos, anything to get her to soften her harsh edges, chip away at her stone wall.
Her hand reaches behind to weave through his hair, her stomach sucking in harshly as she feels her tight band snap as she releases.
“O-oh, you’re mine. Y’mine,” His love chants as she rides out her intense wave of her orgasm as he helps her through it.
“M’yours,” Harry agrees immediately, standing up and a smile breaks on his face when she turns around and wraps him into a hug.
“I love you. I know you didn’t touch her. I just hate it,” YN murmurs softly, undoing his shirt and sliding it off of his shoulders.
His smile fades at her words, “Then make it stop. The minute you tell me you’re ready to make this work, I’ll break up with her.”
“I’m no-not ready,” She stammers, eyes widening like a deer in headlights at his words.
So afraid. So fucking scared.
“Okay, okay,” He soothes when he sees her chest start to rise faster and faster with anxiety.
He doesn’t want to drop it.
He wants to shake her and ask her how the fuck she doesn’t see that they’re already in a relationship and she’s being blinded by irrational fears.
Harry waddles them over to her messy bed, pushing her back and adjusting until she’s in the center - staring at him with doe eyes.
He loves her so much it hurts to look at her for too long.
When he tugs off his jeans, taking his phone out to put on the side table - he sees an unread text from Anna.
I’m sorry about earlier. I really want to make it work with you. You’re a great guy x
Harry should feel bad. Maybe his stomach should have dropped or something at how awful he’s being to that girl.
But when his love is splayed out, pliant and malleable for him, he can’t find an ounce of fucks to give as he tosses it on the bedside table.
He had been in love with this girl since he was sixteen, never fell out of it, he was addicted to her - willing to go through all this bullshit if it meant he had her.
It always felt like the first time, crawling on top of her, and bending down to pull her puffy lips into a strong kiss as he slides in, always a pleasant stretch.
As they move together, in a familiar rhythm, she murmurs against his lips, “One day, I’ll be ready.”
“Please, make it soon, darlin’,” Harry pleas, swallowing harshly before pushing his emotions into hard, deep thrusts.
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Reconnect-Finn Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @peakystitches​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello! May i request an either tommy or finn shelby x reader? (Whicheverr one u think suits best) for this prompt i found: character A and B have been in a longterm relationship and nothing can get in between, until one day something does and they drift away. But then they reconnect emotionally and everything feels like the first time again (first kiss, first meal together etc) 🙏🏼💜 i love ur writing thank u’
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, Polly Gray x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, finance issues, drinking, fluff
"Finn, is that you?" I called out from our bedroom as I heard the front door open. I tensed up when I didn't hear a reply, only to let out a sigh when I heard him giggling.
He was drunk again, it happened almost every week now. Tommy would have given him something important to do for the gang, and whether or not Finn succeeded with that task, he would go out and celebrate with his mates. I would sometimes tag along if I wasn't tired from the week of working, but after seeing our finances, I realised we needed to stop acting like teenagers and start saving wisely.
"Hello my gorgeous girl." he slurred out as he entered the room.
"Hello Finn." I replied as I received a sloppy kiss to my forehead.
He flopped down beside me in bed, taking the book out of my hands and throwing it to the floor. Finn wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into my lap. I took off his hat, stroking back his hair. He was cold from the brisk walk home, causing me to shiver.
“You should have come out tonight." he said.
"I got off work late."
"He kept you again?"
"No, I decided to stay."
"Why? You always say you're tired."
"I'm tired because I'm picking up extra shifts and hours so that we can start saving up for a house."
"I've told you, we don't need to worry about that. Business is good."
"Finn, we're not going to be given the money. We have to earn it."
"Tommy will help us."
"He might help but he won't give us a lot. And even if he did hand us a house, we've got to have enough money for the bills, furniture-"
"It will be fine."
"Finn, we've not even had our wedding yet!"
We had been engaged for half a year. We were wanting to be married sooner, but problems arose with the Peaky Blinders it distracted us both from it, especially since our lives were in danger. I desperately wanted to have enough money for the wedding and house, though it looked like it was going to be one or the other at this point.
"What's wrong with the flat?" Finn now sat up.
"Did you seriously ask me that question? There's only so much I can do to this dump to make it look somewhat liveable. It just doesn't feel like home."
"We'll get the money. Don't worry. Look, look," he took my hands in his,"we will get a house. I promise. And believe me, I want to marry you as soon as I can, there needs to be another ring on that finger. And I need to see my name at the end of yours."
I stupidly believed him. Those adoring eyes I once trusted had lied to me. Finn kept his promise for a week at max, soon breaking it. I didn't mind him going out with friends, we both needed to socialise, I just disagreed with the amount of times he was out and the amount of drinks he was buying each night. He would always offer to get the next round, and although he was a Shelby, the discounts didn't make much difference at the end of the night. I decided I had to go with him to ensure that our money wasn't being poured away, struggling to stay awake for those long nights, and making work even harder every day. It was impossible to keep an eye on him like that.
Usually Finn would tell me if he was going out that night so I wouldn't worry. That stopped too. My mind was never at ease. How did I know he wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere after a job gone wrong? Or what if he was trapped somewhere by a rival gang? I could only rest when he returned, which he always luckily did. I pretended to be asleep, trying to not push him away as he slipped his arms around me, cuddling me for the rest of the night. My patience began to grow thin. I was too scared to speak up about it, worried that we would just end up having an argument. However, I knew we would have to bring it up soon, because our money was only disappearing instead of increasing.
One morning when I was leaving for work, I noticed that the drawer we locked our savings away in was slightly ajar, meaning someone had unlocked it and stupidly left it open. Of course it had to be Finn, no one had broken in during the night. My eyes widened when I saw how much he had taken, enraged that he would think me so foolish. Why would he take the money without asking? What was he using it for?
As I stormed towards the shop, I heard whooping from men in a car further up the street. My face turned into a deep frown when I recognised the car, managing to catch a glimpse of the people in it. They hadn't seen me, and I had to make sure my eyes were deceiving me.
I didn't care about the looks on me as I burst through into the shop, making a beeline for Polly's office. I harshly knocked on the door, entering when she called me.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" she asked, a lit cigarette in hand.
"Where's Finn?"
"Off out with his brothers, why?"
"Where are they going?"
"To the races."
I scoffed, placing a hand on my head in defeat.
"Why? What's wrong with that?"
"He told me he would be in the office all day today."
"So? Things change."
"No, he specifically told me that. I never even asked about it. He made a point meaning he didn't want to risk me waltzing in. That means he's hiding something."
"(Y/N), they're only going to bet on horses today. They're mingling."
"They're betting today?!"
She stood, putting a hand on her hip."What am I missing here?"
"Pol, he's using money that we don't have! I need a car, I need to get to him."
"Look, even if my nephew is being the biggest idiot, it's a bad idea to go there."
Her eyes widened."Don't snap at me young lady."
"I'm sorry, I just, I just know he's going to be stupid with what little money we have at the minute."
Polly was silent for a few seconds, and I didn't know if she was just staring me out, trying to make me leave. Perhaps she didn't think it was anything to worry over. But it was to me. She surprised me when she went into one of her drawers, pulling out a set of keys.
"Come on. I'll get one of the girls to call your work, say you're sick."
I tightly clasped my hands together as Polly drove. I was furious, trying to think of what to say to Finn when I got there. He stole our money. He went behind my back, gambling away the money we worked hard to earn. I had never said it, but Finn had it much easier than I did. For one, he worked with family, and although I liked my job, the boss could sometimes be an arsehole; second, he earned a lot more than me, so he was the bigger breadwinner between us, but I worked longer hours. Yes, he was in a gang meaning he had more days where his life was under threat, but he seemed to be having a jolly good time anyway. Really, it wouldn't have mattered who worked longer or harder, or who earned more, it was still our money to spend on our house.
As soon as Polly parked up, I was straight out of the car. She quickly followed grabbing my arm and warning me to not get lost in the crowds. I couldn't make a scene, especially since there could be potential business partners or enemies about. I refrained from rolling my eyes, knowing she was right but also knowing that I would find it extremely hard to not scream at Finn.
Polly guided me to where the men would be, ignoring the shoving and shouting. I wished for her to walk quicker. We swiftly entered the posher boxes, almost stopped by a doorman until his accomplice shut him up. I even heard him whisper 'That's Polly Gray you idiot.', the one time I was glad we had a reputation. She only paused to scan the room for the boys but I spotted them first. Quickly moving past her, I couldn't stop my fists from clenching, seeing Finn joyfully drinking and laughing with his brothers only added fire to my fury.
"Finn!" I snapped, quickly catching his attention.
"(Y/N)?" he exclaimed, struggling to stand and clattering the plates and glasses on the table."W-what are you doing here?"
"Stopping you from spending our money like a fucking idiot! Where is it?"
"Oh, Finn boy is in the doghouse." John chuckled.
"Shut up!" I fiercely pointed at him.
"Where's what?" Finn brought me back.
"Our money!"
"I told you, you do this outside." Polly warned, shoving Finn in that direction, and I knew I had to follow him.
Luckily, we were left alone. Finn continued on, finding someplace we would be alone. Once we were in the clear, the distant roar of the crowds covering our conversation, I saw him sigh quietly, running a hand down his face when he realised what was coming.
"Where's the money Finn?" I asked, calmer but with a mean tone.
"Let me explain first.”
"Explain how you took our money without asking? How you just waltzed out this morning without consulting me?"
"Tommy said that there was a good chance, a very good chance that this horse would win, and I thought it would help us if we put our money on it. Imagine how much we'll have if it wins!"
"If it wins Finn, if! You're gambling our money, why would you do something like that?"
"Because you went on about not having enough money! And here I am trying to help!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."You really don’t see the problem here."
"No, actually, I don't." he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Finn, you stole money from the drawer! You then go behind my back and bet it away. Have you thought about what we'll do if that horse loses?"
"But it won't, Tommy said."
"And what if Tommy is wrong this time? Also, don't pin this on your brother, I know he hasn't even suggested this idea."
"I'm not-urgh!" Finn groaned."Why don't you trust me?"
"I can't trust a gamble Finn. I don't think you realise how many nights I've spent lying awake, worried that we'll never have enough for our own home, and thinking that you don't even care anymore."
"Of course I care. This is why I've bet the money."
"How is this not getting in your head?"
"(Y/N)," he took my hands in his, but I couldn't even look at him,"in a few minutes we will hear them announce the winner, and we will start jumping for joy when we realise how much money we're going to get back, and we're going to be so much closer to getting our home."
"Finn, I desperately want to believe that. But even if we do win, you're in deep trouble." I took my hands away from him, turning around. I couldn't even look at my own fiance.
On queue, we heard a man come over the intercom, it was muffled to me but I knew Finn was listening intensely. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched for his reaction, turning around fully when I saw his expression. We had lost. We lost all that money.
"How could you be so fucking stupid?!" I screamed at him, throwing slaps onto his chest."Why couldn't you just listen to me? I don't understand why you had to lie to me Finn!"
I broke down crying, shoving him away from me. My sobs were loud but I didn't care. Finn could watch, see how much he upset me. My heart sank at the thought of it all gone, Finn had left scarcely any money in the drawer back at the flat.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Finn pathetically said.
"You know how you always go on about your family never trusting you enough for the big jobs? That you never get to go out with them and help? This is why. Because you do things like this, you fuck everything up Finn. Fuck!" I wiped away my tears, even though more spilled out."You know I've always stuck beside you, but this is the last straw Finn. I can't be with someone who doesn't want to put effort into their future."
"What are you saying? (Y/N), I can fix this. I promise I'll get the money back, I'll-"
"How? That took us so long to build that up. And you were spending our money almost every night on useless drinking. I can't Finn, I can't live like that anymore."
He ducked his head, and I almost wanted him to say something. When he didn't, I knew what I had to do.
I took a deep breath before speaking."I'm going home. I suggest you stay at Polly's tonight."
"Let me take you home-"
"What's going on?" Tommy suddenly appeared, he, his brothers and Polly approaching.
"Your nephew, your brother, just gave away almost all of our money betting on a horse. Not only that, but he took the money without telling me. That was money for a house." I angrily explained.
"Is that true Finn?"
Finn shamefully nodded.
"We can get you your money back (Y/N)."
"It's not about that Tom. He's lied to me. He promised me he wouldn't spend our money every week, yet he did. And then he takes our money without asking me about it first."
"I'll fix it (Y/N), I promise I will." Finn was begging at this point.
"Another promise that you're bound to break. I've had enough today."
"Let's get you home love." Polly said, putting a stop to this argument as she stepped forward, taking me under her arm.
Finn didn't come home that night. I didn't sleep. I was sat at the tiny dining table, staring at the ring on my finger, wondering what to do. It broke my heart to think about leaving him, but it also broke my heart thinking about how reckless he had been. Did I really want to be marrying someone who acted like this? Would he mature? My heart wanted to believe he would, but my mind kept telling me that today confirmed he wouldn't. That was one of the worst nights of my life.
I couldn't stand this job any longer. But it was the only thing keeping me alive. It was crappy work, the pay was just above minimum, enough for me to buy food, pay my rent and have the tiniest amount left over. Saving up money was hard when it was just you. Even after two years, I didn't have enough to consider looking at places of my own, or with less roommates. It was exhausting keeping up with these girls I lived with, there were 6 of us altogether. It was a big change when I moved away from Small Heath.
"You ready (Y/N)?" one of my roommates called out to me as I finished applying my lipstick.
"Just a second!" I replied, checking myself in the mirror.
It was the rare occasion that I was going out with them, the one time we could all go out together at all. I was looking forward to a few drinks, and although that sounded hypocritical, I realised that I had to have a night or two in at least a month to relieve myself of the stress I put upon myself.
We arrived at the small club we always went to, it had the cheapest drinks this side of town. We all shivered in the cold weather, walking as fast as we could to make it to the club. The warmth was very welcome, as well as the loud music that drew us further in. It was the usual routine, a few of us grab a table, the others get the drinks in, then we would all make our way to the dance floor. Hours passed, and I had to get away from the heat coming from the dancing, stepping back towards our table to get a drink. I saw my roommate stumbling in the direction of the bar, rolling my eyes as I went to help her, perhaps getting a drink whilst I was there. However, once I got closer, I stared at the man she was starting to flirt with.
"Isaiah?" I said as I got closer.
"(Y/N)!" he smiled, bringing me in for a hug.
"You two know each other?" my roommate asked, looking disappointed.
"He's an old friend. Just that, nothing else."
Isaiah let me go."How long has it been? Two years?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, two years. What are you doing here?"
"Business. Nothing dangerous though, you girls are still in for a good night. Especially you if you're good." he winked to my roommate.
"Is he...is he here?" my voice suddenly went shaky, and I felt almost completely sober.
Isaiah's playful nature dropped."Uh, he is. He's really misses you (Y/N). Hasn't even looked at another girl since you left. He's just not been the same." I wasn't sure how to reply.
"I can't not tell him I saw you. Imagine if he found out, he would be so upset with me."
"I know. I wouldn't want to hurt your friendship."
"Maybe you should see him. It might do you both some good."
"Or the opposite."
"He still loves you. Even if you don't feel the same, it could bring closure. But I know you (Y/N), I can tell what you're thinking."
"You were always annoying like that."
"He's out front, in the corridor. That's all I'm going to say."
I looked at him for a few seconds, trying to make my mind up."Well, this one is a handful, just so you know."
"I think I can handle her." Isaiah smirked.
"I was warning her about you."
I giggled at his reaction, walking away and leaving him in his natural habitat of flirting. But as soon as I turned around, my stomach dropped, nerves filling up my entire body. He was here. I hadn't seen him for two years, though I thought about him everyday. Would he look different? Did I look different? What was he going to say? What was I going to say? My brain didn't want to think of any words, maybe I was about to babble absolute nonsense to him.
Upon seeing him, my throat tightened, the cool air slapping me in the face; oh, now I was sober. He hadn't noticed yet, leaning up against a wall, hands in his pockets. Wow, he had changed. His boyish charm was still there, yet he had matured into a handsome young man. It was like I was seeing him for the first time all over again. I was just happy that he would be seeing me in my finer clothes rather than catching me after work.
Urging my feet to move, I almost sighed at how small my steps were. I really was scared. Isaiah had said reassuring things, yet I couldn't even walk up to him. It was too late to back out now, especially when he finally looked up at me. I froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Finn seemed the same way.
"(Y/N)." he said, I only just heard it.
Hello? Really, that's all I could come up with?
He pushed himself off the wall, coming to stand in front of me, though not too close."I...I can't believe you're here."
"I could say the same about you."
"This is where you've been living then."
I nodded."It's not too bad. I mean, I'm on a night out."
"Who are you with?"
I knew he was wondering if I was with a man."My roommates, I live with five other girls."
"Oh, that's a lot."
"Yeah, it's the only place I could afford."
"I hope it's nice."
"I shouldn't complain. A lot better than other places."
We both knew we were making an awful attempt at small talk. I was sure he had so much to say like I did, we just didn't want to dump it on each other in case the other ran away. It was like we were teenagers again, awkwardly trying to think of something to fill the dreaded silence.
"I really want to talk about us (Y/N)." Finn said.
"You do?"
"I...I just have so much to say to you. I can't do it now, but what about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow, um, yes, yes tomorrow works for me. It's the weekend, so I'm not working."
He smiled slightly."OK, good. I'll come get you. Um, I need your address."
"Oh, here." I dug around in my purse, thankful there was a folded up tissue and a pen, it was good to be prepared. I wrote down my address, handing it to him.
"I'll pick you up at one. I would want it to be earlier, you just never know what time you'll be back with this sort of thing."
"I understand Finn, I did live this with you once."
I barely slept, even when we stumbled in at three in the morning. Luckily I hadn't seen Finn, Isaiah or any other Peaky Blinder that evening, no doubt settling business behind the scenes. Despite the lack of sleep, I was wide awake the next morning, up before everyone else who were nursing their hangovers, trying on multiple outfits in a desperate attempt to look nice, but not as if I put too much effort in. The clock was rolling onto one o'clock, and my heart was beating much faster than usual. I was about to make my way downstairs when something glistened on my small vanity. Should I take it? Yes, I would.
Finn knocked on the door, and I waited a few seconds before opening it. We smiled as we greeted each other, not going in for a hug or kiss on the cheek, something I was worried about. That was the first hurdle jumped over.
"How was your evening?" Finn struck up a conversation as we walked further into town.
"Much better than yours I presume?" I smirked. He chuckled."Yeah, didn't exactly get to enjoy the music. Small fight, nothing we couldn't handle."
It was strange hearing about Blinder business again."Well I'm glad you're all safe."
"I thought we could go out for lunch, saw a nice place round here."
"Oh, that would be lovely."
"We don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable."
"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just a lovely thing for you to do."
We both bashfully smiled, luckily the restaurant was just around the corner. I had expected nothing less when we walked into the fancy place, not because I thought I deserved it, but because Finn wouldn't be seen anywhere else. His clothes were even more tailored now than they had been the last I saw him, indicating that the gang had been doing well, more money was coming in. We both immediately picked up our menus as we sat, hoping someone would speak first. Our eyes glanced over the top of them, it was as if we were on our first date again, only this time in a better establishment.
"You look beautiful." he said, still hiding part of his face.
"Thank you." I blushed.
"I'll never forget what you wore when I picked you up for our first date. That blue dress you just bought, with a matching purse, and those heels that you hadn't practiced walking in. Well, you used that as an excuse to latch into my arm all night."
I smiled, placing down my menu."It was a good plan, wasn't it? And I did struggle in those heels, I just didn't want to embarrass myself."
He copied me."I liked holding your hand all night."
"What a sweet sentiment."
"I mean it. And I mean this date. That didn't sound right, but...what I'm trying to say is that I want to make it all up to you."
"You do?"
"Yes! I really didn't expect you to leave. I mean I did, but I didn't want to believe that. I didn't want to believe that I had been so selfish that I couldn't even see how much I had hurt you." 
“That was the hardest decision I ever made. Most days I battle with myself whether I made the right choice. All night I kept making deals with myself. If you came back, I would hear you out, and if it was good enough for me I would stay. But then you didn’t, so I said to myself ‘Give him another hour.’. An hour went by, and I said the same thing to myself. That went on for the whole evening until I found myself angrily packing my things. Even then, I sat by door on top of my suitcase for another hour or so.”
“I thought you just got up and left. I didn’t realise how long you waited for me.” he sighed into his hands.“I’m such a fucking idiot.”
I could tell he was full of regret. Although it sounded sadistic, I was glad that he was upset when reflecting on our past relationship, it meant he realised his mistake. On the other hand, I hated seeing him sad. I took his hands away from his face, hesitantly reaching into my handbag to pull out the engagement ring I kept.
His eyes widened.“You still have that? I looked everywhere for it when you left, guessed you took it to sell.”
“I won’t lie, that was my intention at first. But it meant too much to me. It was like selling a piece of my soul. I kept it hidden, I didn’t want to risk any of the girls seeing it, they would just ask too many questions.”
I kept my eye on the beautiful ring as I spoke, slowly twirling it around to catch it twinkling in the light.
"I had such a hard time picking that out. I knew what you wanted, but I had to get it right for you. I'm so glad you kept it."
"I did try to sell it. I was stood outside of a shop for ten minutes debating with myself. It would have helped a lot for the deposit on the room, but I couldn't do it."
We were silent, both staring at the ring. We used to do that a lot actually. Finn would take my hand and hold it up as we laid in bed together, both giggling as we watched it glisten like it was in present times, before squealing at the thought of us being married to each other. I constantly fiddled with it when he was off on business, a habit which never wore off, even now; whenever I was nervous or worried, I would automatically do the same action, just without the ring.
A waiter awkwardly interrupted us, and I hurriedly put the ring back in my bag, sharing an embarrassed smile with Finn as we ordered. Once he was gone, I quietly sighed, looking out of the window. We were in such a nice part of town, so many ladies in beautiful dresses and men in smart suits strolling around.
"Are you...are you OK for money?" Finn boldly asked.
I was a little shocked by that.
"I don't mean anything by it. I just want to make sure you're OK, I would hate for you to be struggling, if you were."
"Uh, no, no I'm fine actually. It's not as generous as my old wage but it keeps me alive, I can live with the bare necessities."
I could see him itching to say something else, to keep the conversation going. I wasn't sure if we could go back to the serious topic we had before. However, I also wanted to bring it back up, it felt like we needed to talk about us.
"How's the family?" That's all I could come up with.
"They're fine. Everyone is the same. Well, they're not, they're a bit more serious nowadays."
"They weren't in the first place?"
He smiled."I suppose they were. Tension is the right word, tensions have been rising. Tommy's taking on a lot more, Polly knows all these secrets that no one else does, Ada is rebelling against anything Tommy says, Linda is still annoying, Esme and John have been popping kids out left, right and centre. Arthur is still crazy."
"Sounds like business as usual to me."
"They miss you too."
"Do they?"
"Yeah. Almost as much as me."
I cast my eyes down as butterflies rose in my stomach.
"I heard nothing else for the next few weeks after you left. They all told me what an idiot I was, that I was an extremely reckless, stupid and immature boy, and that I had let the best thing in my life get away from me. And they were right. I knew all of that already."
"I...I don't really know what to say right now."
"You don't have to say anything, let's just enjoy this meal, no more of that talk."
The nerves making my stomach flip built at that. What if we had nothing else to talk about? What if it was too weird to dive into our separate lives? I didn't want to sit across my ex-fiance, painfully and politely smiling through forced conversation.
The spark was still there.
When the waiter had returned with our drinks, we were already deep in talk about what had been happening in our personal everyday life. We were non stop, even as we ate through dinner. The waiters had trouble catching our attention each time they checked on us. I was deep in those eyes again, the ones I always dreamed of seeing. We were laughing hysterically, not at all acting how we should have in that establishment (there were a few eye rolls from other patrons). As if time had gone by in a second, the bill was slipped towards Finn, though I still reached into my purse.
"Are you mad? No, put your money away, I'm not taking it." Finn stated as he carelessly threw down some notes, surprisingly taking my hand in his and guiding me out of the restaurant.
I was tense as we walked, and I saw a flash of realisation in Finn's eyes as we made it outside. Both looking down at our interlocked fingers, Finn broke away, clearing his throat.
"Sorry, force of habit."
Hesitating, I smiled up at him, lacing our hands together again."These are new heels I'm breaking in. Need help walking in them."
He chuckled, pulling me closer as we walked down the street. We were silent, feeling like kids in love again. I couldn't deny that my feelings were still strong for Finn, I missed him dearly. At first, part of me had been wary of all this, wondering if he really had good intentions, or just thought he could get a quick shag in from an ex before he left; but the effort he went through, the things we spoke about, trying to heal old wounds, Finn had matured and he was wanting to fix this. I wanted to fix this, my heart was aching for my old life with him. 
“We’re not done yet, are we?” I timidly asked.
“Not unless you want it to be.”
I instantly shook my head.“No, I’d like to stay out for longer.”
“Even though you’re struggling in your heels?”
I smirked.“I know a nice place we can sit down.”
I took him to the local park, it had a huge lake with benches dotted around, luckily it wasn’t busy, there was somehow a hint of privacy here. We sat down close to each other, hands still entwined. 
“You still hungry?” I asked.
I dug into my purse, producing a bag of sweets I had bought the previous day. I laughed as his eyes lit up, taking one without even asking. I took one too, reminiscing on how we used to do the same thing as kids. It seemed he was thinking about it too.
“Just like the old days.” Finn said.
“We spent way too much money on sweets back then. It’s a wonder we still have our teeth.”
 “Wish I got out of that spending habit. We could be married and in our new house by now.”
“So you never wanted to move on? You didn’t give in to those girls wanting to be with a Peaky Blinder?”
“Never. I couldn’t. I couldn’t even fathom being with anyone else, it was always you (Y/N). Did you date?”
“No, I felt exactly the same. Which is why I was angry at myself for a long time. I was supposed to be upset with you, not still in love.”
His head whipped round to face me.“You still love me?”
My mouth was still open, unsure how to answer. It seemed I didn’t have to as Finn leaned in, placing on hand on my cheek as we kissed. Instinctively I kissed back, placing my hands on him where I could, hearing the bag of sweets fall to the ground and spill its contents. This kiss was needy, the type of kiss you gave your partner when you had missed them, when they had been away for a long time; and although we had our hands on each other, our touch was still gentle.
“Get the ring.” Finn breathed out, our lips still almost touching.
I carelessly got it for him, heart beating extremely fast. He took it from me, pecking me on the lips one last time before standing up. He straightened out his suit, took a deep breath and got down on one knee. I was just as emotional the first time he did it.
“(Y/N), I know I messed up everything in the past, I was careless when I should have been supportive and helped to build our future. I learnt from those mistakes, and I really, really want to go back to how we were. I need you (Y/N), I love you so much. There aren’t enough words to express how much love I have for you. Will you marry me?”
I didn’t need to think about my answer. I blurted out a yes, waiting for him to slide the ring back on my finger before throwing myself onto him. We stumbled back onto the ground, our arms around each other as we laughed and cried. I believed him this time, I truly believed him. He put in the effort to show me his changes, he wanted to fix everything. I wanted things back to the way they were with my man, and we were back to building our future and living the rest of our lives together.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jolly Rancher - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! Do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is Sarah’s twin and all the pogues are at a party or on the boat and her blood sugar drops really low (she has type one diabetes) and her pump keeps beeping. She is mid passing out, not feeling good and rafe has her Insulin so little bit of big brother rafe worried about his little sister and JJ and her not being together yet but he was super worried about her (like all of the pogues tbh). Thanks xxxx I really love your writing 🥺 every time you post something it makes my day
A/N: I did moderate research for this because the only person I actually know with diabetes is a cousin I don’t speak to. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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In hindsight, taking the Druthers out in the bay for a party after sunset wasn’t exactly the best idea you and Sarah had ever come up with. And yeah, technically, taking the boat out would have been totally fine and acceptable but none of you had considered bringing anything but alcohol with you. Six pogues (two honorary) on a yacht in the middle of the bay with just alcohol and weed. It was a bad combination in any version of the world but especially in this one, where you’d been pregaming white claw because you were finally, finally, gonna tell JJ how you felt about him.
The crush had been a saga ongoing since you had first discovered JJ Maybank, which coincided with discovering that boys, while terrible, were incredibly attractive. And sometimes...not too terrible. John B had started working for your family the summer before highschool and at the same time JJ started to pop up. Around the Druthers when John B was cleaning the boat, in a neighbor’s yard mowing the grass or cleaning the pool. And then at the Island Club. By then you’d started hanging out with Kiara and her friends and JJ wasn’t just some cute guy who was friends with John B.  
“Honey,” Kiara laughed, reaching for the can of Naturdays in your hand, “I think you need to slow down.”  
“I’m fine.” You promised, knee jerking rapidly as you gulped the rest of the drink down before Kiara could take it from you.  
You weren’t a heavy drinker. The last time you’d gotten drunk was in ninth grade, at a house party on the cut with Kiara. You’d guzzled down one too many Pabst trying to act cool in front of JJ and had ended up in the hospital in diabetic shock. Once everyone was sure you weren’t going to die, your father had laid into you about how irresponsible you were and how you had acted like a child. It was embarrassing, mostly because you were still saddled to a hospital bed and your friends were standing in the hallway, well within ear shot of Ward.  
After that, you stayed away from anything more than two drinks at a party and you always kept your insulin with you. Except, apparently, for tonight. You’d gotten yourself worked up over confessing your feelings to JJ and the possibility of rejection that you were well on the way to drunk. And your insulin was in your backpack, in Rafe’s truck.  
“You’re not fine.” Kiara laughed, “you’re like, buzzing.”
“Buzzing,” you offered her a dopey smile as you leaned forward, whirling your pointer finger around as you made buzzing noises and tried to poke her.  
“What the hell?” She swatted your hand away, “are you sure you’re okay?”
The commotion was enough to get Sarah’s attention and she turned away from John B to look over at the two of you. “You’re like vibrating babe,” Sarah said, “you’re really jittery.”
“Fine, I’m fine...I’m all good.” You promised, bracing your hand on Sarah’s shoulder as you went to stand up. You missed your footing, tripping over the air and hitting the deck before either Kiara or Sarah could catch you.  
“Oh my god!” Kiara got down on her knees next to you and helped you sit up, leaning partially against her. She pushed your shirt up so that she could check your pump and noticed realized it had been going off. “Hey, do you have like...something to boost her blood sugar? I think it’s dropping really low, I can’t really read this?”
“It’s definitely low.” You replied, hands shaking as you checked your pump, “yeah...too much...too much alcohol.”
“Where’s your insulin?” Sarah asked, crouching down so she could try to meet your eyes, “hey, look at me, where’s your insulin?”  
You hummed, a little too long before finally looking at Sarah, “uh, Rafe’s...shit, Rafe’s truck.”
“Are you kidding me? Fuck!” Sarah cursed, getting up to grab her phone so she could call him, “John B, can you take us back?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded, heading for the ladder.  
“Here!” JJ pushed through Pope and Kiara, spilling the contents of his backpack onto the deck beside you. Amongst a change of clothes, some pilfered pens, his wallet, house keys, weed, a stick of deodorant, and a travel toothbrush, was a bag of jolly ranchers. He grabbed a green one out and unwrapped it, holding it out to you, “here, it’ll make you feel better.”
“You have a bag of jolly ranchers in your backpack?” Kiara asked incredulously.
“Of course,” JJ replied, “if her sugar drops she said one jolly rancher usually does the trick.”  
It was a stupid thing to smile about, especially since you were currently using Kiara to hold yourself up and sucking on green apple jolly rancher, but you couldn’t help it. You had mentioned that ages ago, the first time you went out with the pogues after your drunken night turned ER visit, as you sat on the dock next to JJ. You had doubted he’d even cared and been embarrassed afterward for just rambling on about yourself but he remembered.
“You remembered,” you said as JJ sat beside you, letting you lean on his shoulder as the yacht headed back to the dock.  
Sarah had gotten a hold of Rafe quicker than she expected. He was already talking when he answered the phone, telling her that he was on the way back from Topper’s. According to Rafe he turned his truck immediately, that was what he told you later, when you were feeling more like yourself again. That he’d realized your backpack was still sitting on the passenger seat and he did a u-turn right there in the middle of the street. You weren’t sure that was totally true, your older brother’s pension for dramatics and your family’s obsession with treating you like a baby.  
Usually, it felt stifling but right now you were feeling pretty shitty about yourself. The jolly rancher did exactly what it was supposed to, boosting your blood sugar enough that you were beginning to feel better.  
“What were thinking?” Rafe called the minute he boarded the Druthers, “you know alcohol makes your blood sugar drop!”
“I know, I know!” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. You’d moved from the floor to the couch, JJ leaving your side the minute your brother ran up the jetty. “I’m not a kid Rafe,” you muttered, grabbing your backpack from him.
“Really? Cause you left your bag in my truck and you’re out here drinking your ass off.” He snapped.  
“She’s okay,” Sarah urged.
“What if she wasn’t?”
“I am! And I’m right here!” You huffed, “Rafe, thank you and I know you were worried but I’m okay.”  
Rafe sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I’m not trying to be dad here...but you can’t take risks like that, you know better.”  
“I’m fine!” You slung your backpack over your shoulder and pushed passed Rafe, climbing down the ladder to the jetty. You’d apologize later, for now you were irritable and embarrassed and you just wanted to be back in your room, locked in where no one could see you and remind you how horrible this entire night was. The only decent thing that had happened was JJ but the more you let yourself psychoanalyze everything that happened the more you were positive that the pogues just saw you as a kid too. Like you couldn’t take care of yourself. Like you hadn’t been for the last ten years, since you were diagnosed.  
The Druthers said docked but you couldn’t tell from your bedroom window if everyone had gone home or if they were still hanging out and partying. You thought about texting Sarah but she would just tell you to come back down to the dock and stop pouting in your bedroom. You did your usual checks, to make sure your blood sugar had gone back up, and changed into comfier clothes. Even scrubbing off your makeup...you’d let this shitty feeling die before you saw anyone again.  
Or at least, that was the plan. As you were sitting in bed though, a knock at your window startled you. Not just a tap but a full-on knock. You climbed out of bed and went to the window, laughing when you saw JJ standing on the small balcony off your room.  
“What are you doing here?” You mouthed, reaching for the lock so you could open the window.
He pointed to his ear and then shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t hear you.”
You rolled your eyes as you pushed the window open and sat on the sill, “What are you doing here JJ?” You were trying your best to calm your racing heart, the last thing you needed was to go into cardiac arrest in front of him too.
“You left the party.”
“Not exactly in a partying mood...I was being stupid tonight.”
He sat down on the windowsill beside you, facing out toward the backyard but turning to look at you, “hey, I’m stupid every night.”
“You know what I mean,” you laughed, “I’m so careful...I haven’t had a night that bad in a long time.”
“Why weren’t you? Careful, tonight, I mean.” He asked.  
“It’s stupid.” You put your hands on your knees and looked away from him. You’d hyped yourself up to crashing lows and now he wanted you to tell him why? “You should go back to the party.”
“Not really in the mood...can you believe it?” He laughed like it was nothing but you could hear the heaviness in his voice.
“It’s not your fault...I just meant. If you’re up here, I don’t really feel like hanging out down there.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and looked over at him, feeling just the slightest catch in your throat. For a second you thought this night was going to get even worse and you’d throw up...but instead you just started talking, words falling out with no control, “I pregamed with Sarah before we even got on the Druthers cause I told her I was gonna tell you tonight that I liked you but I was so nervous that you would tell me you didn’t wanna date me so I just kept drinking...” you said. You realized a moment later what the implication was, “not that its on you that my sugars dropped...or like, not that you have to say you like me just cause I almost passed out.”
“What if I do like you though?”  
“You do?” You asked, shifting more toward him, “seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously...why do you think I came all the way up here? Or carry around jolly ranchers? I like you...I’d do anything for you.” He replied.  
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face as you leaned closer to him, “oh well, now it’s definitely your fault.”  
He laughed, “let me make it up to you.”  
You nodded, standing up and climbing back through the window before holding your hand out for him. JJ was quick to his feet, taking your hand and pushing the window closed as he followed you further into your room.  
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Just Us
Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Henry is sick and tired of you bringing dates back to your shared apartment, and he has no problem letting you know. So basically, mega jealous Henry, which I am a pathetic sucker for.
Warnings: mentions of sex, lots of cursing. I think that’s it.
Notes: this is kind of similar to another fic I did, and I try not to do that, but I just really felt the need to write this, so I did.
Words: 2732
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Henry’s mood turned sour the second you walked through the door with your date in tow. You came in with a bright smile on your face that he returned with a scowl, but you did your best to brush it off. Your roommate acting like an overgrown child every time you brought home a guest was nothing new; you certainly weren’t surprised, and you had no intention of stooping to his level.
“Don’t mind us,” You called to Henry from over your shoulder as you shed your coat and draped it on the hook. “This is James.”
Henry only grunted in response, not looking up from fixing his dinner; peanut butter about to be spread messily on a slice of wheat bread. You rolled your eyes, took James’s coat and led him over to the couch where he smiled sweetly when you invited him to sit and offered him a drink.
Entering the kitchen, you opened the fridge door and pulled out two beers. “So?” You asked, your eyebrow raised as you searched for the bottle opener in the junk drawer. Henry dropped the knife with a clang on the countertop, then turned to you and crossed his arms.
“So, you just thought this was fine,” He asked, his voice dripping with aggravated sarcasm as he shrugged his broad shoulders and frowned. “Just whatever, no big deal?”
You chuckled at the weak argument you’d had at least three times before. You wouldn’t have given him the chance to say anything about your date at all if you knew he wasn’t going to hang on to it the entire night just to explode in the morning for bringing a stranger into his home. Your home too, you would often have to remind him. So, it was your mission to let him get the anger out early in the night. You’d be less likely to have to worry about it later and could focus your attention on the man sitting in your living room rather than Henry’s imminent frustration.
“Henry,” You sighed and took a sip of your beer. “As of right now, it’s just the continuation of an innocent date. We’re going to watch a movie.”
“As of right now?” Henry huffed deeply. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means that if it gets a little heated, I promise not to make out with him in front of you, but at this current time, you have little to worry about.”
He sucked in a long breath through his nostrils. “Ok, that’s—”
“And we won’t fuck on our couch. I’ll take him to my room so you don’t have to see anything scarring,” You teased with a wink.
“Ok, enough.”
“And we won’t be loud, I swear.”
“Enough!” He snapped. You quickly whipped your head around the corner to see if James heard, but he was still sitting there, playing with his fingernails as he patiently waited for you like the gentleman he was. When you looked back at Henry, he was practically quaking with anger. “Get that asshole out of my apartment.”
“Um, our apartment. And no thank you.” You smiled and cocked your head to the side as innocently as you could. “I’d like to be having sex tonight.”
“With him?” Henry pointed a long finger in your date’s general direction. The fury in his eyes could’ve stabbed James through the back of his head if the wall weren’t in the way.
You rolled your eyes. “Obviously.”
“For fucks sake, Y/N. Have some self-respect.”
Your playful smile instantly dropped, and if you weren’t leaning against the wall, you would’ve stumbled. Henry had said a lot of things before; Hurtful things, things that made you want to slap him, but something about this felt worse. Assuming you were devaluing yourself by wanting to have sex with a man who was sweet, and kind and generous, and million other lovely things men, other than Henry, have never been to you, was like a stab to the gut. Henry was your best friend; you were his. You supported his choices and dreams, and it seemed Henry did the same for you unless it came to this very particular subject. He hated every man you brought around, but bringing them around or getting involved with them did not make you a stupid girl who cannot take care of herself.
“Jesus Henry, stay in your lane, would you?” You said, shaking your head and rubbing at your temple with your free fingers. “I don’t need my best friend giving me shit. Why can’t I bring a guy here without you acting like a complete dick to him and me?”
He stepped closer until you had to look up to meet his glare. “You’re a very smart girl, Y/N. Figure it out,” he growled, then moved around you, but you grabbed his arm before he could escape yet again. Every time, he tried to escape. Every time, he stomped away from you like a grump as if you had some reason to be sorry or ashamed, and you weren’t having it any longer.
“We aren’t children, Henry. I’m not playing this game. If you’ve got a problem with me, say it to my fucking face.”
He stared at you for a long beat, but then shook your hand off him and made his way down the hall, slamming the door to his room once he was inside.
James was better than most at kissing you, and you’d kissed your fair share. He knew what you wanted--how you liked things--without you needing to ask, and it was like its own little miracle. There was no fumbling around. His lips were firm and his arms around you were strong. He was confident in his touch on your skin as you straddled his lap, and all of it combined had you a moaning, whimpering mess.
“I wasn’t sure we would actually get to do this,” He said between kisses as you both tried to catch your breath.
“Why?” You lightly chuckled, your fingers skimming down to the little buttons holding his shirt together and easing one open. “I’m certainly having a good time.”
“Believe me sweetheart, I am too, but Superman there looked like he wanted to kick my ass.”
Fucking Superman. That asshole had come out of his room at random, inconvenient times as you and James lightly pawed at one another throughout the movie, and you both could feel Henry’s eyes on you. After the look he gave you the first time he came into the living room, you stopped turning your heads his way when his heavy footsteps thudded against the hardwood.
You made a low humming sound that had James’s cock twitching in his pants, and you moved your head down to peck your lips against his. “Don’t bother with him,” You whispered.
He leaned into the light scratching your nails were giving the side of his scalp, and with a groan, said, “If you say so, babydoll, I won’t give it a second thought.”
“Good.” You smiled, satisfied, then kissed him again but he pulled back barely a minute later.
“It’s just…the way he looks at you.”
“He’s a protective friend.” You snickered and ground your hips down on his a little harder to get him back on track.
He groaned as his fingers dug into your waist, but it didn’t distract him. “No, it’s not only that. It’s like…” His lips pursed trying to find the words. “He looks at you in a way that friends normally do not look at one another.”
“He’s got some weird attitude tonight, ok? It’s nothing.” Grabbing his cheeks, you forced him to look directly at you when you said, “Now keep kissing me before I get too impatient.”
At two in the morning, you figured you were safe. You figured there would be a direct and easy path to the front door of your apartment as you let James out with a smile and a goodbye kiss and promises to text one another the next day, though you weren’t sure how much either of you really meant it. And you were right, there was an uninterrupted tiptoeing to the door. It was when you turned back for your bedroom that you realized the path had a roadblock.
Henry stood in front of you, the fumes nearly visibly wafting off him, with the harshest look he had ever directed at you taking over his entire face. It was a disservice to his handsome features and made your stomach twist uneasily.
“Is this for fucking real right now?” He growled so intensely it vibrated in your ears. “Did I just see what I think I saw?”
“Jesus, Henry, you scared me.”
“You actually slept with that guy?”
“Un-fucking-believable.” Laughing half-heartedly, he ran one of his hands down his face, but that was all it took for the shock to wear off and for your annoyance to set in.
“Ok, I’m done with this. What is your goddamn problem?”
The two of you didn’t fight this way. Not for long anyway, and even so, this time was significantly worse than any other. Outbursts happened for the both of you, snapping, and words you wish you could take back, but Henry was still looking at you the way he had earlier in the night; like you were a reckless child he was losing respect for by the minute, and it broke your heart.
He stared at you as if expecting you to have an answer to your own question, but when you didn’t continue, he shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck, and said, “I’m going to a hotel. I can’t be here right now.”
“What? Henry, why?”
His keys were in hand, his phone and wallet tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants, when it finally registered to you that he wasn’t kidding. He was leaving so fast he didn’t care to take anything other than the necessities with him. That’s how much he wanted to get away from you, and you hated it. You never wanted to get away from him.
Light from the hall streamed through the doorway as you finally began to follow after him. You grabbed at his t-shirt when he wouldn’t respond to your repeating calling of his name, and he whipped around fast with a frown down at you. Your mouth kept opening and closing, unsure of what to say.
He sniffed once, thinned his lips, and removed your hand from his body, then as calmly as he had spoken all night, said, “I’m in fucking love with you.”
Then door was slammed behind him, jarring you and leaving you to soak the night in.
When he said those words to you, the six words that he would never be able to take back, the ones that irrevocably changed your friendship in the blink of an eye, everything inside of you began to tremble and vibrate and beat with such intensity you could almost feel the functions of your body. Your blood was pumping a hell of a lot faster and you heart was ready to burst.
Your brain, your skin, the nerves and veins under that skin; every bit of you was working overtime to help process what happened and keep you alert as you did so, and maybe it was all a little overkill, but he had said the one thing you never thought you’d hear.
I’m in fucking love with you.
It would repeat over and over in your head, bouncing around the walls of your skull as it tried to find a way to escape, but there was no use. You could never forget his confession, or the way he said it. There was something desperate about it, weak. There was exhaustion, as if he were tired of holding it back and had given up on even trying.
It was too much. You’d never dismiss it, and God, when he got his ass back home you wouldn’t let him brush it aside, but for now, it was too much.
You wanted sleep after sitting completely still for two hours, staring into space. So you carried your body to the closest room, his room, crawled into his bed, and tangled yourself within the sheets until you wouldn’t be able to unwrap yourself without effort you did not possess at such an ungodly hour. You were stuck, trapped, engulfed by him, just like you wanted to be. Then you took his king-sized pillow, massive like his body, and hugged it to your chest, tucking your face in it. It smelled like him, all musky and piney and perfect in a way that always made you dizzy when he would sit a little too close and drape a long arm around your shoulders as you watched tv or read a book.
And you cried yourself to sleep, wishing he was beside you.
Henry came back in the morning, though he wasn’t sure how he gathered the courage. Maybe it was the fact that it was you. Just you, his best friend, his roommate. He loved you in more ways than one, and perhaps it was that knowledge that made him a little stronger.
He’d face you, and he’d do it with the intention of making everything clear. He was in love with you and it wasn’t going to change. He loved you as his friend; that wasn’t going to change either, and no way in hell was he going to lose you twice over.
Taking a few deep breaths, Henry unlocked the front door and eased his way inside. You weren’t around the sunlit soaked first floor of the apartment, and when he traipsed upstairs and nudged your door open, you weren’t there either. He wanted you tucked in your bed, not gone and probably terrified at the thought of seeing him, so running to James’s or Jake’s or Jason’s apartment to avoid him. That would be the perfect painful exclamation point on the disaster of his poor decision making.
Then he found you. Not missing, but snug in his bed, warming the mattress with your body as it dipped the slightest under your weight. Everything about the sight killed him and melted his heart simultaneously. There you were, laying peacefully angelic, right where he had wanted you for months. And it looked so beautifully natural.
Not even stopping to think, Henry inched his way to the other side of his bed, lifted the duvet and slid beneath it. He reached an arm around your waist and pulled you close to kiss your forehead, then tucked his face into the crook of your neck. When you stirred, he leaned back to take in your face as your eyebrows scrunched and your lips parted in a yawn.
You didn’t open your eyes but rose a hand, placed it on his cheek, and ran a thumb along the corner of his mouth. As the goosebumps spawned all over his body, he wasn’t even sure you were fully awake, but then you whispered, “It was always you, Henry. Always.”
Henry swallowed hard as your sleepy voice continued.
“I figured you weren’t an option, and I was doing my best working around that.”
After running a hand over your hair and tucking some behind your ear, Henry pressed a kiss to your lips. A short, soft one to see how you’d react. Then you opened your eyes slowly and met your Y/E/C with his blue.
“Do it again,” You said, and so he connected your lips a little firmer, tightening his hold on you, and rolling on his back until your body splayed over his.
You moaned when he caressed his tongue against yours after opening your mouth an inch. Your heart fluttered in your chest the stupid way dramatic, moony-eyed women often described it in novels. You thought it was a myth, the idea that anyone could make you feel so loved just from a kiss, and you’d lost hope for that kind of thing long ago. But Henry ripped your pessimism to shreds in a matter of minutes.
“I want you to be mine,” he mumbled against your lips. “Just mine.”
“Then I’m yours,” You said without hesitation, tilting your head back enough to look in his eyes. You nudged your nose against his. “Just yours.”
Tags: @dugan365 @moonlightimagination @pietrotheavenger @marvel-fanfiction @hawkeyeharrington @dani-si @wintersoldier98 @then-there-was-me-emily @prxttybirdz​ @jazzwoman897​ @meganwinchester1999​ @ufffg​ @debra77​ @rebelliouscat​ @anise-d-castle6​ @projectxhappiness​ @lowkeysebby​ @stringgeek13​ @notmyfault404​ @jjamesbbarness​ @guera31​ @sophiatomlinson23​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @hiddles-rose​ @picapicapicassobaby​ @lokilvrr​ @sunshine-seven @harrysthiccthighss​ @agniavateira​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @tumblnewby @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @amberlokabrenna​
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theunholygrails · 3 years
Foolish Games Part 2
A/N: Introducing new characters and some drama! Percy is still sexy as ever :'(.
Warnings: BJ
I woke up to a door slamming so hard it joined the symphony of my pounding headache. I groaned, hoisting myself over the back of the couch to investigate to intrusion. A brunette head of long sweeping hair rushed through the foyer, barreling towards the kitchen. A familiar mop of black hair hurried after.
Reyna was speaking so fast in Spanish my brain scrambled to keep up. I noted lots of curse words followed by a series of sentences too fast I was surprised she even knew what she was saying. Percy was answering in slow measured words, probably fighting a hangover of equal measure. I ducked behind the back of the couch, reaching for my phone plugged in on the coffee table.
It was noon. 2% battery and a couple messages from friends. Nothing from my ex thank gods. Five from Annabeth being nosey. I opened my uber app, squinting in the sunlight breaking through the cream curtains. I managed to get my driver secured.
A door slammed and I winced, peaking to check that they were in another room. I did not immediately spot my dress in the chaotic. I grimaced remembering the midnight swim. When I sat up I finally noticed the white tshirt I wore and the basketball shorts. And then I went rigid remembering what happened after the swim.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered.
Now I really had to get out of this house. I checked the arrival time of my driver. Three minutes away. Great. I made my way on shaky knees to the large wooden front door. My keys were still in the collection dish. I grabbed them quietly and turned the door handle a fraction of an inch before another door slammed open and Reyna came barreling back into the foyer, brown eyes landing promptly on my guilty ass. Behind her, Percy pursed his lips into a thin line and raised both of his hands to lay on top of his head. His biceps strained nicely against the thin t shirt.
“The fuck is this?” Reyna whispered.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I babbled.
“It’s just Noa, Rey. Gods,” Percy said.
“I can see that, Percy!” She snapped. I was glad her spear was not strapped across her back this morning. “Why is she sneaking out of my house in your clothes?”
“People were swimming last night. Her clothes got wet.”
“I’m sure the fuck they did.”
“Zeus, Rey! You ended it with me. Why does it even matter?”
“Because I still fucking love you! I’m sorry, okay?” She burst out crying and Percy instantly pulled her against his chest. The memory of being in those arms drove me out the door like a nest of hornets.
“I’m just saying. You have nothing to feel sorry for,” Annabeth paused to sip her iced coffee. “Unless they get back together and then you sleep with him. But as of right now, you’re good. Trust me. Been on the Percy train. We’re still friends. You’ll get over it. Just a harmless rebound for both of you.”
I groaned, laying my chin on the cool metal table parked outside our favorite coffee shop positioned between our New York apartments. Just two Manhattan women enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The air was cooling as fall neared. I pulled my baseball cap closer to the top of my sunglasses.
“Should I call him?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Let him deal with his relationship drama. Reyna is a lot to deal with. Still nothing from fuckface?”
“Nope and that’s fine.”
“Good for you. We will hydrate you, get you a good dinner, hit the gym before work in the morning and then get back on our bad bitch mental track. Agreed?”
“Good Monday, yogis,” I chirped from my desk at the corner of my studio.
The third class was beginning to trickle in and I was settling into my rhythm. Hot yoga was next and hopefully I would sweat out all the negativity I’d allowed lately. I was in the middle of emailing back a potential client when someone rapped at the wood of my desk. I glanced up to a blonde male who waved gently.
“Heya, sansei Noa,” he said.
“That’s karate. Can I help you?”
“Do you do trial classes?”
I hit send on my email and closed my laptop. The guy was built like a poser with the defined muscles and chiseled jaw but his voice was soft and tempered. He was clean shaven and dressed like a basic gym bro.
“Normally you have to schedule them beforehand because of class size,” I gave my standard answer.
“Right, my bad. Sorry. I was just passing by the front and it looked like the kind of place I needed right now. Can I go ahead and pick a date then?”
I was staring too long into his pale blue eyes, honed in on the polite response. A nice change from the daily demanding consumers. “You know what? Ive got space right now if you like? Have you ever done hot yoga?”
A brilliant white smile showcasing sharp canines. “My favorite.”
“Perfect. I just need a name, number and email to get you a file started.”
He leaned large hands on my desk. “It’s Luke Castellan.”
Before he could give the contact information, I cut him off. “Wait. I know you.” His tanned skin paled significantly.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” I blurted out.
His eyes skated around the room and he leaned in closer. “That’s not supposed to be public knowledge. I assume you’re a demigod?”
“Luke, you trained me. We took fucking sculpting together. The Apollo table was right next to the Hermes one for fuck’s sake.”
He winced. I heard a murmuring from the rest of my class I was disturbing with my volume. I collected my shock finally. “Take a seat if you want. We should talk after class. I need to start.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry Noa.”
I waved him off and walked over to my yoga mat. I sat cross legged and drew in an even breath to smooth out my emotions.
It was a slow 30 minute class. Each pose and movement dragged on. Finally, I dismissed the group and nodded Luke outside. He was waiting on the bench outside of the studio I split renting with a few other instructors. I sat next to him, wiping sweat from my face with the towel slung over my pink sports bra.
“Alright, talk,” I said.
“Not much to say. I was given a second chance at my hearing. Here I am. Starting over.” A shrug of well-defined shoulders. The muscles flexed beneath his gleaming sweat. His red tank top stuck to his chest and stomach. “I wish I remembered you, truly. That time is such a blur in my life.”
“It’s ok. You were a lot older than me and to be honest I had a massive crush on you so I probably hid most of the time.”
A surprised smile slipped across his lips. “I’m assuming the betrayal helped you get over that?”
I laughed outloud, slapping his knee. “No shit! So where are you staying these days?”
“Just around the corner actually. Got a job at the local gym.”
“Yeah I bet the fuck you did.” I squeezed his forearm between both of my hands. I wanted to roll my eyes at me falling back into my school girl giddy at him. Betrayal of the gods aside. He was even more gorgeous than ever. The scar down his face gave him a dark sexy vibe. Like a bad boy even though he claimed he was rehabbing himself now.
“So how, did you feel about the class?”
“I mean, I’d like to sign up for it a couple times a week, that’s for sure. And I’d like to take you out to dinner to make up for not remembering a beauty like you.”
I almost bit my cheek biting out the response of “Yes!”
“You’ve got my number,” he said, chuckling quietly. “I’ve got to get to work.” He shouldered his gym bag and excused himself.
The bike back to my apartment was spent reliving my tween fantasies about bad boy Luke. I opened my apartment door and screeched seeing a man sitting at my kitchen counter. Percy turned to face me.
“You know you live in New York? You should really lock that.”
“It was!” I snapped.
A quick grin. “Yeah. But it was easy to break into.”
I dropped my bag onto the floor and brushed past him to get a protein shake from the fridge. “I have to shower and get prepared for my night classes.” I told him.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
I shrugged. “I didn’t either.”
He paused, studying my face in the shitty lighting of the single bulb hanging between us over the counter. “Are we good, Noa?”
“Of course. What’s a little head between friends?”
“Okay…I can’t read you. Can you not play tough just for a minute?”
I chugged the shake and set the bottle down between us. I leaned my arms on the chilled counter, bun knocking against the light. “Honestly, Percy. I’m fine. We are good.”
“Reyna moved back in.”
“You’re engaged again?”
I drank from the empty bottle to give myself something to do. He watched me with those green eyes. He’d known me for far too long. He was nearly impossible to deceive, but I was determined today. The fact that I had dreamt of fucking him two consecutive nights was irrelevant if he was off the table. Even if his lips did look incredibly juicy tonight. Even if they had done near illicit things to me just nights ago.
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to work on things. And it’s her dad’s house, so I can’t ask her to go and I don’t want to go to my mom’s and admit defeat.”
“You know you could stay here, Perc.”
He worked his jaw silently, then rubbed his hands over his face. “Thanks. I do know. Even if we aren’t officially back together, I think we should work on it…” he trailed off.
“And not tell her about you eating me out?” I leaned closer because I was mean to both him and myself. Because I knew this top combined with this angle gave him a simple opportunity. And he took it.
His tongue slid out between his lips as his eyes flicked down, stayed, then dragged deliberately back up. “Probably not,” he agreed.
For a long moment neither of us said anything. He had more to lose now than me. We were no longer on equal playing fields. So, I left the ball in his court. “I’m going to go shower.”
I was done washing in the first ten minutes. The second ten was giving him a little wiggle room to decide. I had my hand on the faucet to cut off the water that was beginning to go cold when I heard the door creak open. I watched through the fogged glass, catching a hold of my breath. I watched as he tugged his shirt off. My stomach flipped over itself when he reached for his jeans. What had I done?
The opening door let in a rush of cool air, perking my skin to attention. My eyes raked unapologetically over his naked, aroused body. His dark hair quickly slicked against his stubble covered jaw. His eyes were no longer the sea green but murky like the deep water of the ocean.
“Hey,” he said quietly, cautiously.
“Hey,” I giggled, reaching out to touch his rough jaw. He winced, catching my hand with his. “We probably shouldn’t kiss again.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Percy. What can I do to you?”
He groaned, turning his mouth into my palm, scraping teeth against the vulnerable skin. “Touch me,” he said.
My free hand instantly planted against his chest, scraping at the muscle. His eyes fluttered closed, head tilting back to expose his throat. I slid my other hand into his thick hair, tugging it tightly between my fingers and pulling to grant myself more access to the strong column of his neck. I bit it first, backing him into the tiled wall when he shuddered. I kissed over the reddening skin and moved my hands to his flat stomach, feeling the shuddered breaths beneath my touch.
“Like this?” I asked.
His reply was unintelligible. I kissed down his chest, moving my hand lower still as I went. When my fingers brushed over the v-line of his hips, I shifted my route away from the center and to his thighs. An annoyed grunt escaped his lips. “Hush,” I scolded, getting my knees under me. The now cold water was hitting the back of my neck and flowing down my body. I placed my hands on the inside of both his thighs, trailing them upwards and upwards until he nearly contorted when I gripped him. He let out a scandalous string of curses that quickly turned to moaning silence when I took him into my mouth.
He unraveled in minutes and I let him cum all over the breasts I had teased him with earlier. I rose in front of him, my own rosy cheeks mirroring his. “Now we’re even.”
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Three is company— a gift for @ambers-glider ‘s fic here! I told y’all I’d get to writing today!!!!
EDIT: Tomo is the friend (Tomo is short for tomodachi which is friend in japanese)
pairing: Kazuha x Gorou x reader
tw: a couple curse words
wc: 2,178
You squatted around the fire with your colleagues, eating your food straight from the can. “[Y/N]!” You hear your squad leader call out from his tent. You turn to look at what he wanted and note him standing with a messenger from the base of operations you just left. He waved what looked like a white flag. It piqued your interest, you had to admit, stretching out your legs with your can in hand.
“Yes, sir!” You salute, slapping your ankles together in form.
Your squad leader extended his hand, exchanging an open letter with you. “A letter. From the resistance,” he says simply. “From the second in command himself.”
It didn’t take the second sentence for you to know who it was. Of course, Kokomi was the leader of your resistance— all of you worked for her. But her second in command was none other than the tricky Gorou, known for his sly and mischievous ploys. “Thank you, sir,” you salute once more before dipping to tear into the letter.
It sucked that none of your mail could go through unopened, but it made sense considering that any one of you could be shogunate spies. It was a small price to pay for your cause, even if the letter was a bit personal.
[Y/N], it read. I hope this letter finds you well. After yours and Kazuha’s leave, I dove into my work to try and distract myself from the aching in my heart. Seeing many of my comrades fall in the recent ambush made me long for you more. I cannot ignore it much longer, so I have written to both you and dearest Kazuha in hopes that we may once again be reunited. We should all be returning to base in two weeks for the monthly review. Please find me there. I look forward to seeing you. Gorou.
“Oh?” A voice came behind you. “Everyone wondered what was going on between you and the shiba boy. I guess this proves true?”
You pulled the letter to your chest, scowling at the man who sat beside you. “Do you need something, sir? Why is my business important to you?”
He smiled, throwing an arm around you. “Damn, I was just curious!” You shook his arm off of you and turned your back to him. “I’m sorry that we have to go through your letters. But I’m sure you understand.”
You frowned as your eyes scanned the letter again. “I do,” you sigh. Bringing the letter to your nose and breathing in the scent. It smelled like otogi wood. It smelled like him. “But it does suck that everyone in command knows about my affairs.”
“What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.”
You peer over your shoulder and glare. “I do mind you asking.” You hissed.
The two weeks went by painfully slow. Your team was sent to do reconnaissance once more after the ambush that Gorou mentioned in his letter. While it wasn’t your team that was tasked with scouting that area prior to his arrival, it was your command team that got in trouble for it. Everyone was expected to do seamless work and the weight was on your team’s shoulders.
You double checked your field of observation; replacing your traps, checking the knots, and notating all of your activities. Signing off and turning in your report, you packed all of your equipment and belongings and darted out of the camp.
It was good to finally be back on base. All you wanted to do was get into your room and hop into the shower. You weren’t about to meet your exes sweaty and covered in dirt. You step inside and stop at the front desk. “Welcome back [Y/N],” the receptionist greets. “What number did you reserve?”
“Twenty three,” you slide over the key, lugging your duffel bag onto the table. You unzip the bag and fish for your personal belongings as the receptionist grabs your locker key. “I’m returning the reconnaissance pack and some gear.”
The receptionist scratches out your name on the clipboard and pulls the bag across the desk. “I heard you’re meeting with Master Gorou and Lord Kazuha.”
You slap your forehead with a groan. “Ugh, does everyone know?”
“Not everyone. I heard from Master Gorou himself. He told me to tell you he’d be in his office.”
“He’s here already?”
“Since seven this morning. He seemed rather eager to meet you.” The receptionist hands you the forms you signed to borrow the equipment. “Sign and date, please.”
You take the pen off the desk and begin to scribble on the document when the door slides open with a ding. “Oh, [Y/N],” a calm and melodious voice says. “What great timing!”
You shudder at the voice, turning slowly to confirm your suspicions. “O-Oh, hi Lord Kazuha…I just got back.”
The samurai walks up and places a hand on the small of your back. “Is Gorou here yet?”
“Yes,” the receptionist answers, taking the clipboard back from you. “He should be waiting in his office.”
“Great,” Kazuha smiles, grabbing your belongings off the desk and ushering you away with him. “Let’s go, shall we?”
You twiddle your fingers nervously as you walk. “I haven’t showered yet, my lord.”
“Oh that’s alright. I haven’t either.”
That wasn’t the point, you thought, reaching the elevator. “Well, I was hoping I could stop at my room and shower.”
Kazuha pushed one of the buttons on the elevator panel. “We’re already here, though.” You scratch your head and frown. “It’s okay,” he continues. “Master Gorou won’t mind.”
“Why do you smell like incontinence?”
You bury your face in your palms as you listen to Gorou and Kazuha speak. “Because I’ve been hiding in the trenches,” Kazuha laughs, opening his arms for a hug.
“You know I have a strong sense of smell,” Gorou whined as he embraced the samurai. “And [Y/N],” you look from between your fingers and notice the warm smile and faint blush on Gorou’s face. “It’s so good to see you too.”
The shiba boy walks up to you and pulls you into a tight embrace, his face nuzzled into your neck. “You’re stinky too.”
“Hey!” You shout, your hands reaching to wrap around him. “Kazuha didn’t want to stop at my room.”
Gorou pulls back and gazes into your eyes, his hand coming to cup your cheek. “That’s okay. I’ve been waiting around anxiously for both of you. Come,” he gestured, extending his arm out. “Please sit with me. I’ve got cookies and tea.”
Kazuha tucked his hands into his sleeves and grinned. He knelt down on the tatami pillow, sitting down on his knees and reaching for a cookie. You followed suit next to him, sitting back on your heels and taking the teacup from Gorou after he poured some tea. It was nice and light until Kazuha took a sip from his cup. “Why did you ask us to come here?” He said with a smile.
You stiffened at the question, your hair standing on end at the suddenly uncomfortable mood. You thought it was obvious why he arranged this meeting, but you guess that Kazuha wanted to hear it from his own mouth.
Gorou rubbed the back of his neck. “I mostly wanted to apologize,” he explained. “Whether or not you accept my apology is not my concern. But I do hope that we can agree to reconcile.”
“It’s very uncomfortable walking around after my superiors have gone through my mail,” Kazuha continued, closing his eyes as he sipped on his tea. “You could’ve at least been a bit more subtle with the delivery.”
“That was part of the problem, though.” The two of you watched and listened closely as Gorou spoke. When the three of you parted ways, it wasn’t on the best of terms. Being in each other’s presence was awkward enough as a result, but hearing him explain his side wasn't something that either you or Kazuha cared to understand. “Keeping both you and [Y/N] a secret was a problem to me. I understood that it would become a hindrance if people knew, but I couldn’t even hold your hand in public.”
Kazuha was silent as he spoke. Gorou and Kazuha had been a thing before you were introduced. But from the beginning you felt that things were tense between them. Being an outsider, the problem was more obvious than it was to them but it was something you felt they needed to work out. That’s why you left.
“And while it was okay for a bit,” Gorou continued, looking away as his words began to choke in his throat. “It was painful to love someone who didn’t even want to be called my ‘boyfriend.’ I don’t think you realize how embarrassing it is to say ‘oh, Kazuha’s my not-boyfriend because he doesn’t want to be tied down by titles.’ I understand that you don’t want a serious relationship but it felt like you didn’t care.”
“I was grieving,” Kazuha kind of snapped, his fingers curled into a fist. “Do you not understand that? My real boyfriend killed himself!”
“Am I not real to you?! Am I just your rebound to fuck and forget?! We are all grieving, Kazuha! We all loved Tomo! What about [Y/N], huh?! Is [Y/N] not real to you either?!”
Kazuha slammed his fist on the table. “Neither of you give a shit! Neither of you care about how I feel!”
Gorou stood on his feet, looking down at the man across from him. “Who was the person that begged you to stay, huh?! Throwing yourself into battle at every chance you got and then turning your back on me!! How dare you say I don’t give a shit!”
The three of you sat in uncomfortable silence after both men refused to say anything else. All you did was sit there and listen, not really feeling as if your opinion mattered. You weren’t in the relationship for very long anyway, why would you have anything to say?
Kazuha looked away from the both of you, while Gorou’s eyes focused on him. You sat with your hands in your lap, waiting for someone to say something. “What do you think, [Y/N]?” Kazuha said finally, not looking at you.
“Me?” You pointed to yourself. “Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters,” Gorou said, sitting back down and reaching for your hands. “You were a part of the relationship too.”
“I’m not sure though…it didn’t feel like I was.” Kazuha looked over his shoulder, his cheeks wet from tears he had been hiding. “I wasn’t even a part of the conversation. You left—” you said, pointing to Kazuha. “—and you ignored me.” Then pointing to Gorou.
You crossed your arms with a huff. “Kazuha didn’t even try to talk it out, and Gorou wasn’t patient enough. Neither of you had any care about how I felt. I don’t even think you guys care now! All you want is for me to agree with you and argue with the other! But you’re both wrong! We all loved Tomo, Kazuha. It’s not fair that you shut all of us out. And it’s also not fair to Kazuha to try and force him to get over it so quickly! Everyone grieves at different paces. Just because you’re more used to your friends dying doesn’t mean he has to!”
They were both silent again as your words soaked in. You were right, of course. Gorou thought about the things he said and how he could’ve done it differently. How he had pushed Kazuha away instead of helping. And Kazuha thought about how selfish he was being. He wasn’t Tomo’s only friend and he wasn’t the only one who cared about him.
Then the silence was broken. “I’m sorry.”
Both of the men turned to look at you with confused expressions. “Why are you sorry?” Kazuha asked, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him. “It’s not your fault.”
Gorou came around and joined in the hug, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Yeah, [Y/N] it’s not your fault. We’re the ones who fucked up.”
“Yeah,” Kazuha pulled back, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “I’m the one who should apologize.”
“No,” Gorou shook his finger. “I said I was going to apologize first.”
“Well too bad!” Kazuha shoved a finger into Gorou’s chest. “I said it first!”
Gorou laughed, pinching Kazuha’s cheek. “No, [Y/N] said it first!”
You pushed them away from you and chuckled. “Now that you’re both feeling better, I was going to say ‘I’m sorry is what you should say to each other.’”
Kazuha tucked your hair behind your ear with a soft expression, before Gorou swooped in and peppered your cheeks with kisses. “Promise you’ll work on it?” You asked.
Gorou and Kazuha looked at each other lovingly, leaning in to kiss for the first time in a long time. “We promise.” They said at the same time.
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