#i was like 'oh should i even bother taking this' and 'im gonna say its not as bad because im probably overreacting'
jakesangel · 3 months
unrequited love w jake - 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 event request
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preview : he is always putting you first, why can't he be his girlfriend. allas, you're only his childhood best friend
word count + genre : angst ( i tried to ) . 3.1k ( word vomit so it's not proofread
warning : dorm roommate, childhood best friends, confession, rejection, happy ending, reader gets in her head easily but never cries, jake is a sweetheart
having jake as a bestfriend is the best thing possible in the world. the sweet australian boy who always help you for your physic exams or who's being his dog layla when you're on your period. but it's also the worst thing because of random girls asking you for his number or being hugged by him because you're his cute little sister. it's even worse because no boys are hitting on you, being too scared of to hit on the leader soccer team's favorite girl. so you're jsut left to watch your love story inexist, daydreams of kissing jake the only thing you can do.
baby y/nie ? are you listening to me ? he said with a pout when he realized you werent listening to his usual lego rants while doing lego. sorry jaeyunie, i just keep thinking about our last exam, but i'm here now, you say as you try to convince him tho the pet name made you sadder than what your thoughts did. y/n ? youre okay ? his worry overtaking his body, dropping the lego piece comming closer to you, you know im here for you hm ? his round eyes searching yours. yes, i promise yunie ! im sorry for worrying you, please tell me about that star wars lego set ? to pretedn to the fullest youre acrually okay, you finish your sentence with your hand on his cheek, smiling softly at him but it wssbt needed as hearinf the wors star wards and lego set together pearked his imaginary puppy ears. he goes back on the set, talking about how excited he is for the pieces to arrive tomorrow, indirectly asking you to do them with him tomorrow . i'm studying tomorrow yunie, i’m not done yet with the last chapter, you reply with some sadness filling your voice, not believing of what you gonna say next, but you could do it with emma ? he gives you a confused expression that can only warms your heart, emma ? why would i do lego with her ? its our thing baby y/nie, he answers nonchalently, as he places the last piece on his now finishes thor hammer. finally ! its looks so good isnt it ! he shows you the piece finally done, come on we need to put it up, it's the best one we've ever done ! he excitedly said, jumping on his feet to go to his bedroom. you followed smiling to his puppiness but also from his unasked reasurance. wouldn't it be better in the living room ? i want to see it too, you say w round eyes too, genuinely wanting to see you guys work everyday. which he is more than happy to comply, his love for your happiness alwaya taking over when it fomes to you. omg yes ! always having good ideas, y/nie !, kissing your cheek as he goes to tje round tbale in the center of the kivinf room.
it comes to a shock, coming back from classes to see the said emma on the sofa, checking the lego pieces done just a day before. oh hi y/n, i didn't hear you coming, she said staying on the sofa, just turning around, not even greeting you properly. she has that arrogant smile of hers, paired w her high knee boots and mini skirt. you smile back, going straight to your room, studies waiting or you, you know i should thank you for talking about me to jake but it would be hypeocite of me to do so. we all really really hate you, so please, once jake is mine, stop bothering me hm ? she warned me before turning around to reapply your lipgloss. you can't even defend yourself as jake comes back from his room, smiling at you. baby y/nie ? how was your day ? he asked as he comes for a hug. just classes, you know how it is. you ? you hug him tighter to piss emma even more. as much as he will never date you, he is still your jake and everyone knows it, that she likes it or not. dont wait for me tonight, im having dinner with emma. but i made you your usually study snack and ive made a study plan waiting for you on ur desk. please use it well hm ? he softly says, detaching from you, see you later baby y/nie, domt stuyd too late! he says, coming closer to her, not even looking at her but taking the girls hands, making her proudly smile at you, winning the mental battle you both had. he doesnt even see it as he waits for you to bid him goodbye, which you gladly do, not forgetting to add the baby innfromt of his name, makimg him giggle and getting a frown from her. finally gone, you enter your bedroom, plopping on your bed, softly sighing, taking in everything that had happened. why would she hate me ? ive never ever talked to her, but when she asked me his phone number. and who is we ? are the girls threatened by you ? do they think i have a chance with jake ? or even the boys ? that would explain why none of thek ask me out ? but what about him ? is emma even his type ? she is pretty and seems smart but she is also so arrogant and entitle ? cant he see it ? or is it actually what he likes ?
trying to study is useless, your thoughts belonging to jake, you can only take a shower and pray for the best tomorrow. but even as you shampoo your hair, you can't help but think about emma's reaction. was she really scared of you or is it just her usual self ? so you've been standing there, the water hitting your scalp, for 30 minutes, trying to figure out what you should do. if she was really scared of you that means you can actually have a future with jake as your boyfriend. all the baby y/nie or little gesture will come out as romantic and not as his little sister anymore. as you realized you have a chance, you finish your day in peace, eating the snack jake made you, his infamous ramen, heating it up before going the watch a movie on the sofa. it's only mid movie in, you hear the keys in the door, announcing jake's arrival. i'm in living room ! you whisper yell, letting him know of your presence. y/nie ? why are you still awake at this time bby, he say wrapping his arms around your neck, are you done studying, he finally whisper in your ear, making you all fuzzy. not really, but i saw your study plan, i'll read it before sleeping. join me ? the movie is almost done. you offer, your head titling so you can look at him, i also want to cuddle with you and you can tell me about your date ? you ask cutely, knowing jake wouldn't never say no to cuddles with you. anything you want bby, he says with a kiss before detaching himself from your back. he would smile as he lay on your belly, indirectly asking you to play with his hair, which isn't even needed to be asked. he rubs his face on you, almost cat like, and hums finally getting comfortable. did you have a bad day yunie ? you seemed okay earlier. you softly ask, still brushing hair hair. yeah, it's just emma. she isn't how i thought she was and she talked bad about you so im just disappointed. i could never date someone who doesn't like you bye y/nie, you mean to much for me he says, his head finally lift up, looking right at you. besides she is too much of a diva, i prefer someone like you. someone who wouldnt judge me for playing legos or playing with my hair without needing to be asked to, he smiles at you. i'm really lucky to know you y/nie, he finishes, his head finally going back on the rubbing, acting as if those words were normal to be told, but you know jake is someone really vocal, specially to you, but you can't help but hear something else. like he wants you. and more than just friends. me too yunie, im really really happy to have you by my side. besides who wouldn't want to play with your soft hair, i love them so much. you say making the both of you giggle. and it's like that, the day ends, jake laying on you and you playing with his hair, comfort filling the living room.
omg jake wake up ! we're gonna be late for the exam ! is how up you started your day. but you're now, here, almost tearing where you were soothing jake yesterday who is now the one comforting you, which is something you hate the most. i'm okay jake, we don't have to talk about it, let's just order pizza please. jake knows you aren't the type to talk about your feelings, specially when you feel like crying but for some reason today he can't stop pressuring you, come on y/nie baby, we can talk about it. im sure u didn't do that bad, you'll do better next time, he tried to reassure you, his hand coming to your hair, stroking it. jake, you said, going back, leaving a inch between the two of you, i do not want to talk about it. are you gonna order them or should i do it, you reply almost too coldly. y/n please, i know you, you don't have to keep it in. i'm sorry you feel disappoint- if you know me you'd know i don't want to talk about it nor do i enjoy being in this position right now, jake, you cut him off leaving the living room to go in your bed room, leaving a sad puppy by himself. you feel awful for snapping at him, but you couldn't help it as your nerves are already hanging w a thin thread because of that exam. and having jake all over you, interrogate you with question over your feelings is too much.
you didn't realized you zoned out, right here, sitting up on the edge of your bed, until you hear jake's knock on your door, y/n ? can you open the door please ? you hear a scared jake on the other side of the door, yeah come in, making him enter your bedroom. he never looked this sad, your best friend never wanted to make you sad or be the cause of your distress. ive ordered the pizzas do you want some ? he softly ask, slowly coming towards you, scared to do the wrong thing. it's in the kitchen if you do want it. he is finally in front of you, kneeling up to see your face. i'm sorry if i pressured you, y/nie, i know you don't like being vulnerable. i don't know why i pressured you. he softly tells, his finger lifting your chin to look at him. my apologize baby. he finishes with his eyes asking for forgiveness. i'm so sorry too, i shouldn't have lashed out on you, you say as you throw your arms around you. you're always so so nice to me, i shouldn't have snapped at you. i'm sorry jake, you really dont deserve it, as your arms thigthens around his neck. hearing you, only made his heart sadden, he picks you up by your thighs, to make you more comfy in the bed w a come on baby,let's get you comfy. you can only giggle to that making his heart and mind happy again. once settled, your head on his chest, his on your pillow, a comfortable silence falls upon the both of you. his arms encircling you and his thumbs softly stroking your skin, his soft scent filling up your nose, made you feel such at peace. cuddling with jake is always so calming and comforting and it's somehow making you fearless to tell him your true feelings. jaeyunie ? you say looking up to him, asking for his attention. hm ? he just replies , already looking at you. always looking at you. i feel really good with you. i love being in your arms or playing with your hair. you're confident jake likes you back, he wouldn't be here if he didn't right ? me too y/nie baby, me too, he softly chuckled, happy that you arent mad at him anymore. no jake i mean it, i love it all. youre so nice, and smart and i just can't help but want to be more than your best friend. you expected to see a jake smiling at you, but you're faced with a jake with a confused furrowed brows. what ? as he detach himself from you, to actually look at you, looking for any joke in your face. i hate it when you go on dates with others girl or when you call me baby because im a year younger than you, i want to be the one holding your arm on friday nights or being called baby because you like me as your gf, you explain yourself, the end of the your phrase said in a whisper. and the once comfortable silence became anxious to you, jake processing your tirade. do you not feel the same way ? you asked scared of his verdict, but that only made him leave the room, shock overtaking him.
since then jake been avoiding you. the once nights fulled of braiding jake's hair and legos are now replaced with the living room empty, the light always turned off. jake spent his time either at practice or in his room, even avoided you in the kitchen, going in when you leave or leaving you when you go in. you on the other hand, is busying yourself with studies trying to do your best for the next final but it's mostly to stay in denial of your current situation. you've lost your best friend, and every time you come out of your room, the thor hammer keeps reminding you of it. he even stopped offering his help for any studies, or prepared you any study snacks. he stopped looking at you or mentioning you. the girls also stopped coming to you for his number, sensing the shift of your dynamic with him, but going straight to him. it even more painful now to see so many dolled up girls all over him, all of them knowing you aren't in the picture anymore. so here you are, spending a friday night by yourself after the long week full of studying n repressing your feelings. you know jake isn't going to be here tonight, surely in one of many dates he has, so you snuggle yourself on the couch along with snack you bought yourself earlier. but it came to a surprise, to see jake arriving at 7pm. he stops when he sees the tv light on, not knowing if he should greet you or not. he simply stay frozen, the both of you staring at each other, but like a week ago, he leaves you alone, going into his bedroom. and you thought all of this didnt affected you that much, but as you have nothing to focus on anymore, you can only cry, right there, in front of the movie you picked earlier, for the first time in a long time.
the tears keep failling down as the movie goes by, the tv light the only thing linking your mind and reality together, you can't even hear how loud you are. your sobs doesn't go unnoticed by jake, coming out of his room. you don't even hear his first y/n ? your back the only thing he can see. he never saw you nor hear you crying, and the scene in front of you is way too funny to make you cry. so he calls again, louder, with no answers but the slightest from the movie. he tries one last time, with a hand touching your shoulder, making you leave that weird trance you were in. jake ? you say as you wipe your tears. wha- what do you want ? you ask, failing to pretend that you are okay. he doesn't reply right away, coming to sit next to you. he opens his arm, a sign of an invitation not sure if you're okay with it or not, but still wanting to offer. you on the other hand were craving his touch, so you juts crawl on his lap, hand clenching on his hoodie, tears automatically coming back.
he lets you cry for a while, still trying to soothe you with hair strocks and shhh, even rocking you side to side but as he seems your tears don't fade away, his hands leaves your hair to hold gently the both side of your face, y/nie look at me please, he whisper. but as you can't even dare to look at him, a mix of shame and sadness filling your body, he'd just start kissing your tears. come on y/nie,as he keeps on pecking your face, i want to tell you something but i need you to look at me first, the long time per names finally coming back. you slowly turn your eyes to his, only to see adoration on his, speaking silently to you. i am so sorry of how i reacted this entire week. i was so shock when you told me you liked me, i genuinely saw you like my little sister, my long time bestfriend i've always had. i couldn't possibly imagine myself dating you. but i should have told you that instead of being a dumb ass. and then i felt so so ashame, i couldn't even face you in the kitchen. how i could i make the most important person in my life,so sad and, he stops, a hand coming to his hair, trying to find his words, i just couldn't bear it anymore. that time away from you made me realize that i in fact like you too y/nie. i cant live without you baby. who will i do my legos with ? or go home to, to have my hair played with ? or eat my not so good ramen whne i make them, he says between chuckles, making you laugh too. what i wanna say is that, i dont want any of those activites to be done with anyone else. i just want you y/n.
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notes : hai anon, i've never written any fic before, n im not even gonna talk about the angst, i hope it feeds you well tho > < i actually didn't want to write it as i don't write anything fictional but i somehow liked ur request so here it is <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍓୧⋆ ˚。⋆ tag list : @dreamiestay @jakesprincess1
perm tag list : @allurecile @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @erenmyman @driedflowwr @hoonion . @enchive @enhablr
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ashton-sano · 30 days
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Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy
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Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser. 
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
    -Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that
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Meguru Bachira 
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
     --> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee
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Seishiro Nagi 
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is 
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you 
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.." 
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
     ->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place
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Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants 
    -"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?
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Chigiri Hyoma
 The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him 
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around 
    -A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑 
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rotthepoet · 1 month
Lorenzo berkshire arranged marriage 😝
Okay okay so like??? How did we end up in this situation??? Because you knew Lorenzo in school but that man was a BITCHHHHHHH okay? Like he was a DICK and not someone you ever wanted to spend time around. I mean, yeah, he was hot, but that personality was simply distasteful, you arent even sure he knew you existed the 7 years you were in school together
So surprise surprise, when you graduated, (and im gonna be real with you this would only happen if youre a pureblood OR MAYBE HARD MAYBE a half-blood with two very powerful and influential magic parents) dearest mummy and daddy decided;
“Hm! More power and influence?? Good idea!”
And with that, you were arranged to marry into the Berkshire family! How clever! How smart! How lucky for you!
Except, when you’re finally alone with Lorenzo for the first time, he doesnt even bother looking at you as he says “You’re married to me only for show. I will not be your doting husband, but if you want to live a good, long life, you’ll be the perfect wife for me.”
And you’re like. Wtf? Because? This is not how marriage works?
Alas, the ceremony goes on. His lips are addictively soft as you kiss at the alter, and after that? Gone from your line of sight. No where to be found. Actually- you do find him in a study with all his friends, drinking fire whiskey around the fire place. They laugh about the situation, one of them speaking up to say “hey, could be worse. At least she’s hot.”
And you’re like. Wow. Really classy. Very funny. (It hurt your feelings quite a bit)
And trust, you do not see Lorenzo for a very long time. Like. You’re in separate bedrooms, on separate sides of his large estate, with purposely different schedules.
You’ll see him in a corridor occasionally and its like seeing a ghost fr
Regardless, youre expected to attend formal things with him, and you’re expected to stand by his side. And this is really the first time you two get along. Cuz y’see? Lorenzo loves to gossip. A real manwhore for it. So whenever he sees a woman sneaking away from her husband to see another man?? Oh boy he needs to tell someone and you are the physically closest person to him.
And Lorenzo is… aghast really to learn how… witty you are. He was ultimately flabbergasted. He found you… pleasant to talk to.
So he begins joining you at dinner, spouting off drama between his co-workers, updating you on his friends, on himself.
It actually is quite a relaxing way to decompress at the end of the day. And, to add to all of that, you start to see your husband around more often. He actually seeks out your company at the end of a long work day, sitting next to you in the library while you read. Just to be around you.
Then the gifts start.
Showering you in gifts- new clothes, jewelry, flowers, this and that, gives you his card and takes you out for an evening of shopping. Bonus if he gets ro help you choose what dress you like more.
Then he gets touchy, absentmindedly grabbing your hand in a crowd, letting your legs drape across his lap while you sit together, an arm around your shoulders if youre close enough.
He kisses you for the first time on your anniversary, and asks you out on a date. A real date. That should have happened long before the wedding.
And life is good after that <3
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luvrxbunny · 1 year
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Prompt: Praise 
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, praise (kinda like body worship), age-gap, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.8k
A/N: this might suck im so sorry, its super rushed. also I couldn't think of a name (not proofread at all)
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You shake your head as your friends laugh. They always think it’s funny, and although it doesn’t bother you very much, it’s still quite annoying. Your friends seem to think that your relationship with Joel is a fling, some sort of manic, impulsive decision to date someone so much older than you. You’ve explained to them over and over again that what you have with Joel is as real as it gets. You’ve never been more in love with anyone, but they think you’re dickmatized, they’re waiting for you to ‘snap out of it’.
“I told you guys, I love him.” You state before finishing your drink, rolling your eyes at the way they giggle. You check your phone for updates but all you get is Joel’s same ‘15 minutes away.’ text that was there the last time you checked. You pray that every light he comes across is green and the streets are empty, you want to get out of here as soon as possible. 
“I don’t even know if I believe that!” Stacey is drunker than she should be, saying things she shouldn’t be. You’ve grown used to it now, she’s the one who has the most to say about your relationship. “I feel like you treat him like…” She laughs abruptly. “Like he’s your boss or something!” She cackles again at the way your face drops. “And he- he could be, ‘cause he’s so old.” You take a deep breath and look up at her, your face blank as her laughter dies down. 
“Joel is-” Just uttering his name from your lips brings a smile to your face. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He understands me, my needs, and my wants in a way that I don’t even understand. I’ve known him for a year and a half now, I’ve known you much longer, yet he knows more about me than you ever will. He’s my everything and that’s never gonna change. I’m not upset at you, just to clarify.” You say with a soft chuckle. “I think all of this is coming from a place of jealousy if I’m being completely honest. I hope that you find someone who loves you like you’re his entire universe.” You begin to collect your things, deciding you can wait for Joel outside. 
“He makes me feel like an angel, like-” You laugh at their shocked and confused expressions. They have no clue what you’re talking about, it makes you pity them a bit, but it mostly makes you happy, feeling lucky you were able to find it. “Anyway…” You chuckle awkwardly and stand to leave. “That’s how I feel about him. So, if you could like… not, say things insinuating that I don’t love my boyfriend, I would really love that.” You smile and awkwardly bow/curtsey at them, waving and walking away. You’re a bit embarrassed at the silence in the room as you walk away. You turn the corner as quickly as you can and jump at the man standing in the middle of the foyer. 
“Joel!? Oh- You scared the shit outta me!” You place a hand over your heart with a smile, taking deep breaths as you walk toward him. “Did you text? I’m sorry there was an… altercation.” He nods at you slowly and only then do you realize his stare. It’s different from the one you usually get, softer, more watery somehow. “I know.” He pauses to take a deep breath as you reach him. His hand reaches out for yours and you take it with a confused smile as you both start walking to the front door. “I uh- I heard actually.”
Joel feels your hand tense in his for a moment as you let out a nervous giggle. “Oh! That- That’s great.” You chuckle and glance up at him for a moment, mumbling. “That’s so embarrassing.” He laughs gently at that, his hand leaving yours once you guys reach the car. “That’s not true, darlin’.” He says as he climbs into the car. You’re chuckling quietly, still embarrassed as you ride home in near silence, the only noise being the little hum of the radio. 
He doesn’t bring it up until after dinner, you’re both on the couch, in Joel's shirt, watching some movie that recently came out but Joel’s mind is on the rant he heard from you earlier. He had shown up unannounced due to his phone dying mid-way through the drive-over. He heard Stacey mention the way you act toward him, how unaffectionate you were. Joel doesn’t necessarily agree with that but he’s definitely questioned your feelings toward him before, constantly wondering if you actually like him or if you’re just lonely. So of course he wanted to hear your answer, he prepared himself for the worst, held his breath, grit his teeth, and waited for the pain of your answer. His heart stuttered when you paused after “Joel is-” 
He was ready to hear the most heartbreaking words tumble from your mouth next, but then you said he was the best thing to ever happen to you, and his heart stopped. His eyes went wide as you rambled on, saying wonderful thing after wonderful thing. He felt his heart tremble inside his chest, loving the things you were saying, and the way you were defending him against your friends. The fact that you were outwardly announcing the extreme feelings you have for him made so many different emotions swirl through him. He was in a daze until you turned the corner, and he’s fallen into that same one again. 
You can feel Joel staring at you, you can see his head turned your way from the corners of your eye. You’re trying to ignore it, but he clears his throat and you turn toward him. “You okay?” His face is a bit frantic and he’s looking at you in that way again, the one you couldn’t really explain. He’s taking slow breaths and turns to you, letting you know this was going to be a whole conversation. You face him, letting the TV play because you don’t even understand the movie anyway. 
“Why don’t you talk to me that way?” His question baffles you. You glace over at the TV, seeing if he's referring to something that happened in the movie but come up with nothing. You turn back to him slowly, watching his expectant, worried expression, and furrow your brows at him, prompting him to explain himself. “Back at Stacey’s house, you were sayin’ real nice things.” You feel the temperature in the room rise as embarrassment creeps into your bones. 
‘Why don’t you talk to me that way?’
“Do you want me to?” You ask concerned. You would never want to even imagine that Joel isn’t feeling loved enough, that you’re not giving him enough, despite all the things you do for him. You reach out for him, waving your hands toward yourself to motion him closer. His head is hung, staring at the couch’s cushions as he scoots himself to you. “I can start telling you all this stuff. I- Honestly I didn’t think you’d want to hear it.” You giggle nervously and take a sudden interest in the couch's patterns. 
Joel’s shocked to his core at your words but quickly takes your opening. “I’d really like it if you’d tell me... I get worried that maybe you don’t- “ He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with a sigh. “That maybe you don’t like me as much as I-” You cut him off with a hurt, yet firm, “No!”
“Joel you’re so so-” You grunt, unable to explain the way he makes you feel. “You just- You’re everything good, and positive, and amazing in this world.” His entire body relaxes as he lets out a relieved sigh. “You’re perfect. You can’t even argue with me on that. You’re literally my dream guy. You’re kind, even though you’re hot enough that you probably don’t even need to be as nice as you are. You care about me and my feelings even though I’d probably just let you use my body, and throw me away if you really wanted. I-” You pause and take a breath- already worried about how he’ll take some of the things you’ve said. You give him a shy smile, a small laugh slipping out at his dazed look. 
Joel couldn’t breathe as you spoke. His heart was swelling at every word, but there was also a dull hum in his lower stomach that was growing the longer you did. It flares up when you meet his eyes, giving him that pretty smile he loves so much. His head is all jumbled up. He doesn’t know if you’ve asked him something or if he should be responding. All he knows is that he really wants- really needs more. “Can-” He clears his throat, stalling and trying to clear his mind a bit. “Could you tell me more about- about my looks? How-” He feels anxiety flare in his chest as he requests. He’s looking at his hands, examining his knuckles, completely terrified at how you’ll react to the request, scared that you’ll have a look on your face that’ll break his heart. “How do you feel about ‘em?”
Joel has to fight the urge to run his fingers through his hair, run his nails along his beard to comb it and maybe cover the patches. He’s already regretting asking you. He didn’t get enough sleep last night, he probably has bags and he can’t even begin to think about how many gray hairs he has littering his head, and his beard. This shirt is a little too tight too, he can feel his stomach pressing against the fabric.
What do I expect her to say? Fuck, this was a stupid fuckin’ idea. I should’ve at least looked in goddamn mir-
His thoughts are cut off by a squeal and your shaking body. You’re wiggling yourself back and forth on the couch, bouncing in excitement. “Oh my god, Joel, I have so much to say.” He’s astonished at your excitement, at how eager you are to praise him. He can feel the humming in his stomach intensify. “You’re so-” Your voice drops to an adorably shy whisper. “You’re so fucking hot.” He lets out a soft gasp as you straighten your back, place your hands in your lap, and put on a semi-serious face before speaking. 
“So the first thing that’s coming to mind right now is your thighs.” His eyes flicker down, but it doesn’t clarify anything. “How big they are, how thick and meaty- Ugh! I love them so much!” His heart warms and his pulse races at the way you’re smiling, as though telling him these things brings you actual, genuine, joy. “So next I’d like to mention your arms- oh, your arms. They’re so thick, you’re so strong” Your hand comes up slowly to squeeze his bicep, then caress it softly and he can feel himself hardening in his pants. He finally understands the feelings your words cause, he’s grateful, feeling incredibly loved, and insanely turned on. 
“Now I wanna talk about your shoulders! Okay so, what really messes me up like- in general, is how fucking-” You take a shaky breath, that shy smile on your face again as you look at his lap, almost crying at how empty it looks. He notices your hesitance, where your gaze is and he sits back, opening his legs a bit wider and tilting his head toward it. He’s ready to have you on him, for you to know how this is affecting him. His breathing is already speeding up at the thought, watching you climb into his lap. You gasp, eyes wide, a devious smile on your face as you stare at him after feeling the way he's pressing into his jeans for you. “Joel…” Your tone is teasing but playful, bringing a smile to his face as you settle yourself in his lap. 
“You like this? That’s why you want me to talk to you all nice?” His mouth drops open as his hips tilt up, pressing into you as his cock hardens fully. You can feel him filling out his boxers as he nods eagerly at you. You’re grinning as he lowers his hips back down but keeps a small grind for his personal sanity. “Can you keep-”
You’re nodding and continuing before he can finish. “You’re so big, Joel.” The compliment comes out as a whine and you tilt your hips toward him, pressing your chest against his, and your clit into the tip of his dick. He’s groaning your name and bringing his hands to your hips, pushing you into him. “You’re so broad, m-makes me feel so safe.”
He’s kissing your cheek as you speak, grinding up into you, and pressing your hips to him. Your head is getting clouded, consumed with your love for Joel, with the pleasure you’re giving him. “You- Your hair.” His heart stutters slightly, nervous about what you’ll say. “The curls, and it’s so soft and-” Your eyes slip shut as your hips take over, moving on their own as you grip Joel’s hair, pulling him into your chest. “The salt and pepper look is so good, Joel.”
“Fuck me.” His eyes roll back and his hands push your hips up. His hands fumble with his belt as you smother him in your chest, whining about how much you love him. “Love that this turns you on s’much, baby. It’s so fucking cute.” He can hear the smile in your voice and his eyes roll back as he lets out a sweet moan of your name, pressing the heel of his palm into his dick for a moment. 
“Sweetheart, I gotta-” His words are broken by a whine as he finally gets his cock out of his pants, wrapping his warm hand and pumping his cock perfectly. He could cum like this, with you above him, telling him about every feature of his and how it affects you. Your hips are still swiveling in the air as you speak, waiting and looking for something to press against your pussy. It’s the only reason he doesn’t just keep jerking himself to your words. “I gotta fuck you, darlin’. Need you so bad, I want you so much.”
You don’t even look back, you just pull your panties aside, and lower yourself onto him, trusting that he’ll lead himself to the right hole. You’re clinging to his neck as you sink down, moaning his name over and over as he stretches you out. “You’re so tight, baby. Holy shit.” You clench down on him, and pull out of his neck, pressing a sloppy kiss against his mouth. 
He’s thrusting into you slowly, hands gripping your hips to keep your rhythm steady. You’re letting out beautiful moans and little mumbles into his lips, not having the restraint to pull away for even one second. Joel slides his hand from your hip, up your back to hold the back of your neck gently, and pulls you away from him. “What is it, honey?” 
He’s breathless as he fucks into you, his dick pulsing already. He grunts and closes his eyes as you moan incoherent words at him. You’re trying to answer him, your brain has completely turned to mush from the way he’s pounding into you. “-eyes are so p-pretty.” 
Joel’s eyes snap open again. “Your lips are so soft and-” You’re still praising him, still rattling off your list of things that you find arousing about him. He doesn’t understand how you even have this much material, how even though you’re too fucked out to grind yourself on his cock properly, but you can still talk all about how much he turns you on, and how beautiful you think he is. He can feel his balls tightening. 
His hand cups your face, sticking his thumb into your mouth as you whine and hump him harder. He’s trying not to focus too much on how warm, and wet your mouth is and slips his thumb out, ignoring the whimper you give. He relishes in the groan that’s pulled from your chest as he puts pressure on your aching, swollen clit. He’s rubbing circles before you can finish your moan of his name, your eyes roll back, and your body tenses. Joel’s in shock at how quickly he’s got you cumming around him. Your pussy spasms and your hips jerk against him with your mouth open in a silent moan. 
Joel keeps his finger running over your clit as he watches you cum, still thrusting into you, chasing that last push he needs to fall over the edge. You give it to him without him having to ask. “Fuck me so perfect, Joey-” You pitch up into a whine and tangle your hands in his hair roughly. “A g-good boy, such a great guy-” You’re cut off as he bucks into you, his hips lifting off the couch completely, almost throwing you off as he groans and fills you to the brim.
He’s resting his head against your shoulder, his arms wrapped around you and holding your body to his as he throbs inside you, spilling all he has into your pulsing hole. He's huffing out groans in time with the ropes his dick is spurting into you, his entire body shaking as pleasure takes him over. You’re encouraging him the whole time, talking him through his orgasm, helping him tame the fire that’s raging through him.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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bumblebeerror · 3 months
i saw your post about "testosterone" puberty and while i appreciate the sentiment, i think you're wrong. and i say this as someone who is amab and went through an amab puberty.
i didn't sweat that much at all. and even when i did in summer, it was nothing a shower, soap and deodorant couldn't fix. my hair never got greasy, even when i was depressed and went for a week without showering or washing it. in fact, it was the opposite: it was unusually dry. my skin also never got oily and was always dry.
very few of my peers stinked because we practiced proper hygiene. it's your own responsibility as a teenager to clean yourself and practice proper hygiene, no matter how much testosterone you make. it's not a valid excuse to be dirty.
the reason you're sweating so much is probably because you're overdosing on testosterone. most transmascs on t take doses WAY HIGHER that what the average cis boy/man produces. the average cis boy/man has levels of 400-500, meanwhile the average ftm dosage is around 800-1000.
also, the timing of testosterone production is different. cis boys/men produce it daily (every morning), meanwhile you guys get it weekly (whenever you take your shots). so it's more evenly spread out amongst cis boys/men.
if you're bothered by the symptoms you're experiencing, you should talk to your doctor about lowering your dosage.
Oh yay unsolicited health advice
My levels are round 400 as of my last blood test, thanks though.
I’m gonna stop you right there at my injections - testosterone injections are not done into veins. They’re done intramuscularly (into a large muscle) or subcutaneously (into the layer of fat that sits under the skin). This is because injectable testosterone is oil based, because it is meant to absorb slowly through the week, similarly to how it’s produced.
Not to mention, my body also… does make testosterone. Like on its own. Not enough to masculinize me, but testosterone is a hormone that regulates things like ovarian function and bone density in afab folks. All this to say that my body knows what to do with it, and if my levels were too high, my dose would have been lessened when my blood was tested. In fact I seem to struggle to absorb it properly - I originally started on low-dose T and had to increase it because it barely raised my levels at all.
With that out of the way, I’ll address the rest;
That… doesn’t change the fact that while you personally may not have sweat much or had oily skin, a lot of my classmates the first time I had puberty did. And a lot of them were my friends, because I was the only person who didn’t treat them like dirty and gross for struggling to adapt to their bodies changing.
Going through puberty the first time for me meant almost no change in how much I sweat, stank, or how comfortable I was. A week out of the month I had to deal with smelling like blood and dealing with pads and being extremely uncomfortable - im not saying it was a breeze, but what I am saying is I didn’t have to worry about gym class leaving a smiley face in sweat on my shirt, or being unpresentable in general unless I was on my period. And even then - if someone called me on it I could always say I was on my period and people would fuck off about it. Besides that, I’m saying I didn’t have to change my hygiene as a teen whatsoever. No changes. No increase in showers. No extra deodorant.
What I experience now is similar to what I saw my friends experience, and what I saw them catch absolute hell for.
Something that I, as an adult, do have the tools and knowledge to handle. But as a child, I would have struggled immensely.
I said it before and I will say it again. Sweaty, stinky, disheveled teenage boys are learning entirely new routines in order to be presentable. They’re fucking kids, and I personally think if you make fun of kids for not being able to adjust to a change that is so huge, I think that’s pretty shitty tbh.
They deserve a break.
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ouchsharks · 3 months
yap alert about jenny and the first time she smoked with mikey post-squip:
ok so i do think that jenny also smokes, just not as much as mikey. i think being high calms mikey down and shes super chill, laid back, yk , cool, jenny on the other hand ..
being high calms her anxiety but since it calms her down it makes it alot harder for her to ignore certain thoughts that she chooses to push down when shes not high, mainly guilt. its happened before but on numerous occasions she is found dissacociated and upset due to overwhelming guilt, with things like her mother leaving and such.
well post squip, the guilt is EXTREME. and it definitely takes a long while for mikey to be able to convince jenny to smoke again, as jenny is afraid of doing anything that could mess with her mind (she will never ever drink mtn dew again)
but similarly to alcohol being a depressant and shutting the squip off, mikey tells jenny that weed should be okay for her, so, they get together to hangout.
they smoke, get high, mikeys chill, playing video games when all of a sudden jenny just starts sobbing??? breaking down. the guilt of everything that happened with the squip and mikey and brooke and such is killing her so she just starts bawling. mikeys like ??? oh my god are you okay jen whats wrong?? and jenny explains that shes so so sorry and shes so upset and everyone hates her and mikey tries comforting her but fails as shes .. really high, so. mikey says she will call christine and explain, jenny of course, being upset by all of this doesnt want christine to know she smokes weed (another thing she is guilty about) but by time jenny can mutter "no dont tell her im smoking weed 😢😢😭" christine has already picked up the phone and heard this (she doesnt care lmao) shes worried ab her gf and mikey asks if she will come over.
christine comes, jenny sobs some more and says how much she doesnt deserve her and all that blah blah, christine takes it all in and isnt bothered, she just wants jenny to feel better. they eventually lay in mikeys bed and christine cuddles and comforts jenny as she falls asleep (weed makes her sleepy lol) and she manages to get up and leave without waking her, asking mikey to text her when jenny wakes up to make sure shes okay.
sooo. jenny sleeps for nine hours 🤔 and wakes up completely sober, a little confused as to where she is then realizes shes at mikeys, mikey, who stayed awake the entire time, is there to be like oh youre awake! jenny forgets completely that she even smoked, their convo would pretty much go like this:
j: oh gosh how long was i out for?
m: oh yk like nine hours
j: NINE HOURS?? oh my god?
m: hey are you alright?
j: yeah??
m: youre not upset anymore?
j: i was upset?? what do you mean?
m: yea dude i mean i really didnt know what i was gonna do you seemed like youd never STOP crying
j: i was crying? so you put me to bed??
m: i didnt. christine did !
j: chrstine???? but im at your house??
m: i didnt know what to do so i called christine!!!!
j: you did WHAT?! why was i upset why was i crying?? why did christine come here?? why did i sleep for nine hours??????
m: okay okay jen woah youre getting hostile 🤔🤔 listen, we smoked some weed. you! got really weird. i was super high. so i called christine, and you were like "dont tell her im smoking weed" but she was already on the phone and totally heard, so then she came over and you kept crying and were like "waahhh christine i dont deserve you" but she knew you were high and was okay with everything and she just , yk, waited until you fell asleep and then she left! oh i gotta text her by the way, let her know youre awake and alright.
j: well idk if im alright... (embarrassed)
then mikey obnoxiously takes a flash photo of jenny, who is sprawled in mikeys bed, confused and embarrassed as hell
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christine, whos been FIGHTING to stay awake (not a night owl at all) waited the whole time for that text and as soon as she responded she CRASHED, out, sleepytime.
sorey for such the long post i just fucking love jenny and my au so somuch i wanted to share this with tumblr i doubt yall will care but thanks for reading if you made it down here
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
well, i see that your blog is cock friendly, and even tho its a jikook blog, there is something that i think we should adress (i'm not saying that this could be a reason for jk's crush, im not saying it could not), but...
Namjoon's cock!!!!! I suare, if everything in that body is proporcional, you know, i mean YOU KNOW he is fucking big!
Oh anon I really wish you hadn't gone there.
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Now we must talk about JK and his anti Minimoni agenda. We now need to delve into this and get to the root of the issue. We must!
Jimin's hand on RM's lap.
JK: 👀
Love it. Okay let's take a look at some photos, shall we? Jimin's type.
Oh wait, before we proceed, JK's crush on RM i have never thought of it as an actual true crush. I think its played of as such for laughs. But I think JK just really admired him for his talents and what not and I don't think JK is attracted to RM in the slightest. Not even a little bit. Imo.
Now back to Jimin's type. 😁
Number 1) Wonho
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Number 2) Black interviewer
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Number 3) Usher
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Number 4) JB who is basically JK's doppelganger in some of his photos 😅
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Number 5) Gonna casually drop Tony
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And last but not least Number 6) The main topic:
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Jimin has a type. Okay? He likes them muscles and them thick men and them hot men and them arms and chests...and thighs... anyway, Mimi has a type. And while none of the men above hold a candle to his actual boyfriend, you can see the similarities.
Jungtiddies. Check
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Thighs. Check
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Arms. Check
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The whole damn body. Check
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Where I'm I going with this you ask? In short what I'm trying to say is, RM is Jimin's type. My friends and I disected this the other day and concluded the JK Minimoni thing probably has something to do with the fact that RM is Jimin's type to a T. JK looks at RM and sees himself. And then add the fact that RM is a genius and JK's insecurity goes through the roof!
(And like anon mentioned, JK has that Jungkonda, yes but on this post I also share what RM is working with so.... like I said. JK & RM, same thing basically 😂)
See, yeah, JK comes between Yoonmin and hates that Suga thirsts over his man. But, he is not threatened by short, skinny legged, with an ass almost as big as Jimin's, Min Yoongi. He knows Jimin will never see Suga that way. So he can dislike how Suga behaves with Jimin, but sometimes he even ignores it and doesn't look bothered at all. But when it comes to Minimoni he just has to insert himself. For eg, I saw something today.
Look at Jimin's face after JK adds in his 2 cents because of course he did
Minimoni moment, JK is like "not today Satan" He refuses for the audience to associate Jimin with RM and its the funniest shit. I mention here how JK inserted himself when Minimoni were practising the own it dance. Even though he wasn't really supposed to be there.
Disclaimer: The following opinions are my own, I will give them but please feel free to form your own
So listen. I will be the first person to tell people to stop treating the Tannies like characters in a fanfic. And I have mentioned many times that there has never been any in house dating (sans Jikook) That just wouldn't work and BTS wouldn't be together if that was the case. So please, please try not to read too much into the following tiny analysis. It's just something a friend pointed out to me and I couldn't believe it myself. It's short and quick, easy to miss. But it shows just how deep this thing with JK and Minimoni goes.
Okay so In the Soop season 2 episode 3 around 6 minutes in. (Thanks @serendipitous-sky)
Jin tells JK to go wake up either Jimin or V. Of course JK goes to wake up Jimin. Duh!
Sidebar, this isn't the point of my post, I just feel the need to point out that Jikook look at cameras ALOT. The whole time he climbed the stairs on the way to Jimin's room he was staring at that camera
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If you guys remember correctly, Jimin was kind enough to switch rooms with RM the night before. RM couldn't sleep in the main house due to all the noise. So they swapped. But JK forgot this. So off he goes to what he thinks is still Jimin's room (he cheated/helped Jimin to get this room btw, but that's an analysis for another day) Anyway, back to JK looking for cameras.
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If you're looking to mess around with your boyfriend and not get caught its important to find blind spots. So yes, Jikook are always making sure they know exactly where those cameras are. I'm sure y'all get it. 😏😏
Anyway, off he goes into the room and he's surprised to be greeted by RM's snores.
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He forgot this wasn't Jimin's room anymore. But guys, here's my thing. JK is here, right? He has heard and seen that that is RM asleep in that bed, right? So you'd expect him to leave, right?
Wrong!! JK goes further into the room!
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But why 🤭🤭🤭 that's my question. He had already established that was RM in the bed why did he need to go further into the room? What did he need to see? He literally has no reason to confirm it's RM in that bed when he already knows it is. So my guess is that he wanted to confirm RM was in that bed alone.
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Now hear me out, even if Jimin was in that bed lying down fully clothed just shooting the shit with RM, it would not have gone down very well. At all. Shit, would have hit, the fucking fan!
We definitely wouldn't have go10 a season 2 of ITS or anymore BTS for that matter 🤭🤭 I'm just saying, for the sake of a million things, I'm glad RM was in there by himself.
JK as he's leaving says;
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And off he goes to look for Jimin. We already know what happens after this. Nothing, coz we were robbed.
But anyway, conclusion: RM is the only one who actually threatens JK. And no this doesn't mean he doesn't trust Jimin. He knows Jimin would never but it doesn't stop him from wanting to make sure everyone most especially RM, remembers who Jimin 'belongs' to.
The End. Stan Namjikook for clear skin
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husky-studies · 10 months
Okay so HONESTLY im gonna ramble about this idea i got from reading one of the genshin sagau posts about the creator and their books that are read are popping into tevyat BUT imagine if it were the movies we have watched (inspired from @sagaubeloved sorry for the ping if it bothers you 😭)
LIKE imagine if ur a horror movie fanatic, IMAGINE THE CHARACTER'S REACTION. Idk if u watch horror bcs u like it or u just like a good scare or two but imagine showing them a movie like maybe the nun 2 or fnaf or coraline or ANY HORROR MOVIES. Imagine if the people (scholars, maybe some theatrics enjoyers?) are horrified watching it "THE CREATOR WATCHES THIS?!" "Yeah i do-" They'd either get nightmares or became really paranoid cause horror movie end credits sometimes scares me like 'based on-' no. I think they'd be paranoid because it says based on real life or something. Especially if its coraline, HONESTLY I COULDNT SLEEP MUCH FOR A FEW DAYS BECAUSE OF THE SPIDER MOM OR WHATEVER OTHER MOM THAT IS 😭😭 buttons for eyes (no- not identity v-) or if its something like FNAF then they'd probably be paranoid 💀 (until they know its actually from a game that has like 13 versions with i think 8 being the ACTUAL part of the series and the rest being spin-offs)
Now other than horror movies we have something moreeeee child friendly? Maybe some of y'all still watches trolls (i heard trolls 3 was about to be released), disney maybe, dreamworks am i the only one who suddenly remembers ratatouille talking about this-. The characters would be less horrified with this and go like "oh, this is the type of movie creator likes? Sounds nice" IF YOU'RE LIKE ME AND YOU HAVE THE DISC OF THE MOVIES AND YOU PLAYED THAT ONE MOVIE YOU JUST CANT STOP WATCHING BECAUSE ITS SO DANG GOOD, they'd probably cherish THAT movie more than the others because BRO, THE CREATOR watches that shit 24/7 WHO WOULDNT KEEP THAT MOVIE DISC FOR THE WHOLE TEVYAT TO SEE. AND YK WHATS FUNNY, IF ITS A MOVIE THAT HAS LIKE ANIMALS AS THE MAIN CHARACTERS (Madagascar, Lion King, etc) idt they'd even know what a LION is. I MEAN THE BASIC ANIMALS LIKE DOGS, CATS AND BIRDS ARE THERE (does rishboland tigers count as tigers here-) BUT SOMETHING MORE WILD LIKE LIONS or SPECIFIC BIRD TYPES, MONKEYS????(wolfs should exist i mean, theres wolvendom, snakes also exist cuz if not then wtf is changsheng, deers, dragons???)
Okay maybe some science fiction enjoyers, something futuristic or robotic like Transformers maybe? (Im sorry my brain could only thing of that 💀 like any transformers movie) They'd either be baffled at that or like taking notes, they'd probably compare those futuristic stuff like the robots with RUIN GUARDS or WHATEVER ELSE IS THE BRANCHING OFF OF THOSE THINGS. Maybe Sumeru would get the gist? Tbh sumeru kinda have more gadgets but we dk abt snezhnaya yet (im thinking snezhnaya has some of their own gadgets as well)
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randomwriteronline · 3 months
frustrated abt brain not managing to write onewa getting laid. have at ye some brainstorming on the matter. as a curse
first of all why is Onewa specifically the one getting dicked down? because i say so. i wrote him getting pampered by all his teammates once (to shut him the fuck up) and now i want them to rock his world into next tuesday. something about him compels me. his bastard charms and attitude have bewitched me. so im unleashing the rest of the turaga upon him
second. communication game? pristine. top shelf. impeccable. these six have a whole system of little nudges and hints and stuff for "id like a bit of bangin if you would be keen on indulging me" and theyre never pushing at a refusal. these messages can be relayed anywhere from two weeks to five minutes before anything is in place and if the answers a no then its thumbs up and no problem. the matoran are none the wiser. not even Matoro. my boy can know all the secrets of the toa metru and shit but hes peacefully oblivious to the mindblowing Onewa Boning thats been going on behind the entire islands back for a thousand years. as he should be.
also im a sappy shit so theyre all sweet during intercourse bc it makes me :) and also because i need that stone bastard torn asunder by tenderness
now youd think mr hordika urges Matau would jump to the sex immediately given the chance and youd be dead wrong. bc first and foremost hes a romantic. hes gonna bone him to hell and back but to do that, he has to put in The Effort. must he? not really, but he wants to and it makes him feel happy n proud of himself. so hes nestmaking a new nest every time, and each one is the best nest hes ever nestmade bc hes always improving, and hes composing a lil treespeak song songsinging his lovers praises to hushwhisper in his ear while laying down on top of him, and after the first verse hes mumbling about how the next one should be accompanied by a slowdance if you catch my drift, and Onewa is fucking slurping it all up. he loves this. he can understand maybe a quarter of the whole thing bc the pronunciation is super strict but he can hear the intention and his ego is getting stroked. why thank you yes i AM the best. keep flattering me. oh a slowdance? well dont mind if i do...
Nokama on the other hand will pull him over, feel him up very gently until hes melted into a puddle, and then nudge his face into the pillow and dick him down so good he has to fight not to start screaming bc the entire ga-koro population is ASLEEP RN and he doesnt need them to be nosy abt this. she loves how he tries to buy time and fails miserably. shes speedrunning the foreplay for fun. see how fast she can turn him into a flustered mess. her all-time record was three seconds and a half but that was bc shed sent him a letter detailing how she was going to wreck him half a day in advance and when they actually got alone time he was still going insane about it so it doesnt really count even tho she insists it does
now you know hate-sex. ok. imagine that concept but less intense. like annoyance-sex. or mild inconvenience-sex. or "aw fuck, i cant believe youve done this"-sex. or that glare that you get after you say a stupid pun-sex. thats what Nuju and Onewa have. they NEED to do some light arguing before it bc thats half the fun!! usually Onewa bothers Nuju with something small and silly and Nuju then stands up and paces around very slightly angry for a moment or two before smoothly sliding back to him and pinning him somewhere he can bend over on. Onewa fakes the weakest struggle possible and tells him he sucks at a host bc he doesnt even take him somewhere comfortable for this smh, and then as soon as he gets very gently pushed forward he splays himself down all wiggly with excitement. its very cute and also satisfying to see the resident contrarian like that. plus Nuju knows this low quiet coo that makes Onewa shiver really hard bc he likes it a lot and you KNOW hes teasing the hell out of him with it. theyre playing :)
and he also sort of plays with Whenua but in that case its more like they affectionately insult and tease one another the whole time. Whenua will sit him on his lap with some excuse like teaching him how to deal with an earthquake or smth and go at it and then Onewa will say "is that the best youve got?" with a shiteating grin and hell laugh like fuck off you pillow princess i dont see you doing much, and they go back and forth like that until Onewa starts struggling to think straight, at which point Whenua will tease him mercilessly until the other is just straight up incoherent and its time to ease him down a little more gently before his brain explodes. and then once theyre all good n resting he jokes that his stamina sucks and Onewa goes how DARE you and they have sleepy aftercare banter until one of them starts snoring
Vakama is the only one who doesnt tend to dick Onewa down. thats because hes one hell of a cowboy. hell be all unassuming, invite him for tea after meeting with him, chat a while, yknow, typical turaga stuff, and then oh whoops would you look at that its gotten too late you should stay over... and when Onewa smiles and goes "ohhh you sly lil firespitting bastard you done trapped me huh?" Vakama acts all innocent and denies all accusations while also actively seducing him. master of looking like an angel going "i dont know what youre talking about" while very gently laying him down on the bed, climbing over him, and sitting right on his crotch. and Onewa just lets him bc its hot as hell when the firespitters sort of softly in charge like this. plus from his perch atop him Vakama always leans down to give him smooches on the chin while hes riding the absolute shit out of him so hard that Onewa gets genuinely winded and its the best
they sometimes all get together for this kind of thing too. I cannot describe the result bc words missing but yall can imagine it bc ive cursed you to. all you need to know is that Onewa is in the middle of it all and hes getting boned to hell and back very lovingly in a wide array of possible combinations. also his long legs are getting appreciated a lot
Onewa mightve also developed fantasies of engaging in passionate pre-toa trysts with his lads n lass back in metru nui. sneaking around. having semi public sex. he does Not talk about this bc its very confusing even for him and he might Die
and you know what the best part is? Onewa is Convinced that he likes sex for the sex, but hes wrong. he likes it for everything else
dont get me wrong he also likes the sex, its great and fun and he enjoys it, but its like a fun bonus. what he REALLY loves about it is all the work behind and after and around the actual sex part. he loves the planning and the nudges and the little silent communications, and he loves when the other turaga accept or pleasantly surprise him or when theyre the ones to ask first, and he loves the foreplay with all the teasing and bantering and touching and sweet things and getting comfy and the intimacy, and he looooooves being a lil loopy after its all over and getting to enjoy the aftercare and the snuggling and the falling asleep together and the waking up together because he fucking LOVES them and they love HIM and hes a lil starved for affection from back in po metru still
And he doesnt fucking notice bc his body goes "i want people i love to hold me" and his mind interprets it as "we're kinda sad, why dont we have sex? sex always cheers us up" and he goes Youre Right and misses the point
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police izuku au
i dunno how i didnt think of this before bc i actually love reading fics of this au
this is gonna be a bit unorganized because its straight from my notes app but oh well
-izuku being one of the youngest graduates of the police academy/helping out so much at the station that they just go 'fuck it' abd give him a license
-he also does part time detective work because his analysis is unmatched
-he has degrees in psychology, criminology, social work, and he's a licensed EMT + his detective/police shit
-everyone knows him in the station, and so do heroes that frequent there like eraserhead
-hes basically naomasa's son
-he has coffee+smoking addictions but hes stoll the sunshine boy of the police
-though once or twice they've seen him get real mad on the field and the officers that witnessed it are vaguely terrified of him
-but he's still baby
-martial arts !!!! his local dojo is his third home, only behind the station and his shitty but cozy apartment. 
-he's been doing minor detective work since he was fourteen, at fic time he's like 16 and also managed to stop the war by predicting attacks and arresting/saving and rehabilitating the league and shooting afo through the head.
-the hero students know of and have seen him at this point but havent spoken to him
-they just kind of see him popping up everywhere and hanging around crime scenes and periodically annoying tsukauchi and eraser because he's a chaotic neutral gremlin
-he would be chaotic lawful but he's only lawful where the law can see
-He should have never met nedzu.
-he's chaotic neutral because while he is technically a Good Guy, he does chaotic (illegal)shit when he wants where he wants because he wants to and has no survival instincts
-he's lowkey kind of depressed/suicidal
-hes also on anxiety meds which tend to ramp up the sucidal thoughts for some fucking reason
-so thats why he isnt a jittering ball of nerves, stuttering and other cringe shit
-also because he got that shit beat of out him like he's hella traumatized
-also kinda psychotic but its cool
-he laughed in bakugous face once
-legit looked down at him(cuz i made izu tall), smirked, snorted, and burst out laughibg while bakugou was threatening him.
-"id say im sorry but im not, its just hard to take you seriously when i have to crane my neck to look down at you-" then turned around and walked away towards the detective, still giggling
-bakugou was so stunned he didnt go after him.
-he also has his ears pierced, 
-the earing on his left ear is one he had custom made from a piece of his jawbone he had to get removed after he got fucked up on the field one time
-its sick as fuck and he'll tell the story to whoever asks, its not a sensitive thing
-his jaw is a bit crooked too like u can see where the chunk is missing
-not super noticeable but still there
-he's like 6'2, so noticeably much taller than naomasa, but the detective still likes to ruffle his hair, even though he has to reach up now. 
-sometimes he looks at him and sighs, grumbling about how his son is all grown up now
-1A and 1B  are 2A and 2B at fic time, and simce the war never happened (for them), they are significantly less traumatized
-izuku however was at the frontlines when they went in for the final takedown of the league,
-so he's traumatized enough for all of them.
-he's covered in scars from knives, bullets, claws, SH, etc etc
-he's also ripped
-gotta be for the police work
-not like aizawa ripped but if he rolled up the sleeves on a button up and crossed his arms the seams of the shirt would be straining.
-one time he was in one of those tight sleeveless shirts that have bare hips (yk the ones whore) and he got called in so he didnt change and everyone got a good look at all the muscles and scars 
-the UA students were there too because he was called in (optionally) to help with training shit and he just didnt bother to change 
-they were simpin fr
-he's aroace tho <333 (projecting) 
-tsuki tossed him a double thigh holster 4 knives which made his baggy cargo pants a bit less baggy and a bit more *cough* defined (cue more student simping)
-he's completely unaware of the effect hes having on them btw
-and fingerless gloves with padded+built in brass knuckles!!! he already had those on tho
-hes just funky like that
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teyvatrose · 9 days
i was that girl who shifted to jjk and had that dilemma about megumi. i saw ur advice (tysm for taking time to help me btw) and thought abt it and finally swallowed my nerves to shift back.
so i kinda wanna take it slow and start by having more private/quiet time with him (hes usually a bit more expressive that way), then maybe work it up from there idk.
so i was outside his school (oh yea im homeschooled and hes in school school) and was waiting for him to come out. and GIRL. all that courage i worked up GONE the second i saw him SKCNEKCNDKKE so i kinda chickened out on asking if we could go for a walk so instead i asked what his plans were that day. he said he was going to see maki since shes teaching him how to fight with weapons. basically, he’s busy. tbh i felt both bummed out yet relieved at the same time cus i wont have to confront him just yet LOL. but then he asked if i wanted to join. u see, at this time maki was a first year at jujutsu high. ive met maki and i think shes cool but she lowkey kinda scares me as well. so i kinda hesitated to say yes. but anyways i didnt rly give him an answer and we both just walked to jujutsu high tgt. gojo was there when we first arrived. he called me aside so i followed him while megumi left to meet maki. fast forward, i finally got to the field megumi and maki were at and seeing him kinda made me question if i should rly say anything again (ik ik im confusing IM SRY). but yea i walked closer until they noticed me. megumi turned to me (SWEATY AND HOT MY GOOD LORD AHHHH sry) and looked at the bottle i was holding and asked he could have a drink. tbh i was kinda out of it when he took the bottle and drank it WHILE LOOKING AT ME. idk how to explain but basically he was drinking with the bottle tilted rly high as his eyes kinda just stared down at me. in that moment i think i noticed but i still felt too out of it to rly react tbh. so he gave the bottle back and ig he noticed how i was and asked if i was alright and pointed out how off i was acting today. and i did it. i bit the bullet. kind of. i said that i just rly wanted time with him. i just looked away so i didnt rly see his reaction. but he was quiet for a few seconds then was like “oh” then he turned to maki and asked if he could have a break for a bit. maki wasnt too happy (not that she was mad but more like she was saying “u should be practicing but ok”) then she said sure but dont take too long. we didnt go too far, still around the field. it was lowkey kinda awkward and quiet. then he asked me if i was feeling alright and if something was bothering me. no words came out my mouth and i kept avoiding looking at him. i think he noticed cus from my side vision i kinda saw him move his head around to be in front of my vision if that makes sense. i was struggling to say much so instead he kind of just opened his arms for me. i turned to him kinda surprised and his expression was like kinda awkward but also like“come here” (hes not very up front with affection or physical touch usually) then he said how if it was too hard saying it then i didnt have to. and GIRLL SLSKFIEK AHHHHHHH HES NOT MAKING IT ANY EASIER I SWEAR!!!! but anyways i was just so touched. he was so frickin sweet that i just wanted to break down then and there. so despite him being sweaty, i walked into his hug and omg his arms held me so gently SKCNEKFK AHHHKDUDJFKKF. he didnt move the entire time until i finally pulled back. he asked me if i felt better and i just said thank u and how he doesnt know how much he means to me (but i said it more in a way friend-way tone. like u dont even know how much u mean to me in a friendly joking way ig). but then he kinda smiled and was like “maybe u should tell me”. and GAHHH THIS WAS THE PERFECT MKMENT FOR ME TO LITERALLY SAY ANYTHING. literally i was gonna admit how i think i have feelings for him, maki called from afar and the moment just broke 😭😭 i dont blame her. technically its my fault. i shouldve just said something instead of being so indecisive. but like megumi kinda looked back at me kinda like to ask if i was alright if he left. i nodded and he ran back to train. and yk, even though it wasnt exactly what i wanted, i still feel pretty good. baby steps lol
i hope that was understandable. i just woke up so my thoughts r still kinda jumbled and i just wanted to write things down as fast as i could once i came back.
i also wanted to thank u since theres not many ppl i can talk abt my feelings to. in that reality, i pretty much just stay home, study, train, repeat. i dont rly have much friends my age or close enough that i feel comfortable being vulnerable with. in this reality, i cant rly tell my friends cus they dont seem like ppl who would understand shifting. so thank u for listening lol and giving us an anonymous platform to share stuff 🤧🤧
and im like genuinely 100% sure he likes you too
this is actually so similar to what happened with me and diluc and im not kidding
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ishhbowl · 1 year
hey guys what if i made my ocs have fake tumblr accounts how funny would that be. imagine
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👩🏼‍🎤 xxal3xbl00dyang3lxx Follow
guyzzzzzzz my br0th3r just t0ld m3 th4t mcr 1s cr1ng3 SMH!!!!!! 1m g0nna put h41r dy3 1n h1s sh4mp00 now l0lzzzzzzzzzzz X3
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
Why do you type like that. I'm not reading any of that why do you type like that
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👩🏼‍🎤 xxal3xbl00dyang3lxx Follow
h8rs g0nn4 h8 L0L0L0LZ XP
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
Why do I even bother trying to communicate with you online. I'm taking a shower now goodbye
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
what the fuck did you do to my hair
5 notes
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Hey girl are you a bicycle because I wanna ride you. should i send this to a girl i like i don’t even like s*x
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
thats genuinely such a bad pickup line omfg im embarrassed for you…
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
29 notes
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🏍️ jxzzystxrdust Follow
hes sooooo dreamy…… sighs
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🐞 therealtheorivera Follow
Um whos this about haha
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🏍️ jxzzystxrdust Follow
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🐞 therealtheorivera Follow
Oh haha! okay.
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
why is ops url jizzy stardust. also i thought you deactivated
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🏍️ jxzzystxrdust Follow
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🐞 therealtheorivera Follow
So like that guy isnt your boyfriend right
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
Isn’t that Dave Grohl??????????
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👩🏼‍🎤 xxal3xbl00dyang3lxx Follow
4ny0n3 1n th1s thr34d sm0k3 w33d
14 notes
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👽 girl-from-space Follow
when ur leader says u have to invade earth but instead u just possess some random earthling to go to the mall like a boss 🤣🤣🤣 gleep glorp!! ✌️
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
y does this post have so many notes wtf
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
You just don’t get it
36,419 notes
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
my horny ass could NEVER get abducted by aliens
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👑 bubblegumbitchhxox Follow
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👽 girl-from-space Follow
Go On
2,070 notes
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
Not gonna lie the red hair is kind of growing on me. It doesn’t look that bad to be honest
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👩🏼‍🎤 xxal3xbl00dyang3lxx Follow
putt1ng blu3 dy3 1n ur c0nd1t10n3r n3xt L0LZ XD
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
Again I’m not reading that
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🛸 iwannabelieve94 Follow
3 notes
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🏳️‍⚧️ grrsalot Follow
yeah imagine. that would be pretty funny
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Part 4 “Bartender Steve/Steddie AU”
Part 3 HERE
Eddie wakes up and immediately has no clue where he is. He wishes he could use the excuse of his past inter-dimensional trauma for the panic that bubbles up instantly, but unfortunately he’s had morning amnesia since he was a small child. So he stays still, calms his breathing, waits until the vague memory of stumbling up the fire escape with Steve Harrington and crawling in through the window resurfaces to the front of his memory. He flings himself upward and is hit with instant regret as his head pounds and his stomach does a circus worthy flip-flop, causing him to peel himself off the couch and race towards the general direction he remembers Steve telling him the bathroom is in. He heaves bile and a rivers worth of water into the toilet, resting his head on the seat when hes sure its all up. He isnt sure how long he’s sitting there before a hand on his back startles him upwards,
“Hey, Its just me.” Steve says quietly, moving around Eddie so he can simultaneously see the mans face and rub circles along his spine. Eddie sinks back down, melting at the touch,
“G’morning, Stevie…” Eddied mumbles into the hand hes pillowed on, “Sorry for wakin’ you up.”
“You didnt, dont worry about it. Can i get you some water?” Eddie nods his response, eyes half closed, and all but whines when Steve takes his hand away. A few minutes later and steve returns with a glass of ice water and a slice of buttered toast, sitting down across from him,
“You gonna eat this while your face is on my toilet?” He asks raising the hand with the toast to specify. Eddie pushes himself up and off the toilet seat with a groan, instead leaning himself against the cupboard and taking the water first. He takes a big gulp before being handed the toast. 
“So…” Eddie says, nibbling at the crust. His voice is hoarse from vomiting, “We gonna talk about it or…” Steve flushes, even though eddie hasn't even specified what yet,
“Talk about what?” He asks, slightly strained. Eddie smirks, 
“How known womanizer and straightest man I know ends up bartending at a chicago gay club?” Steves face relaxes, the question obviously not what he was thinking it would be,
“Oh. Um…” he struggles with his words,
“Oh?” Eddie echoes, “what did you think i was gonna say?” Steve shakes his head,
“Doesnt matter.” Eddie squints at him as he starts taking bigger bites of the toast,
“You gonna answer my question?” He says through a mouth full of bread. Steve bites at his lip nervously, suddenly finding a loose thread on his pajama pants VERY interesting. He opens his mouth to speak multiple times and closes it deciding against whatever he was gonna say. Eddie feels the mirth drain from his body,
“You know you can talk to me, right? Whatever youre about to say, its not gonna change anything.” Steve takes a deep breath,
“I thought you would have already gotten your answer from your new pal Roger.” He finally looks up at Eddie, worry clouding his eyes,
“A little bit, yeah, but he said you werent gay and i should ask you.” Steves runs his hands through his sleep flattened hair,
“Um, yeah. Not gay. Not really sure where I fit in, just know Im not ‘the straightest man you know’ anymore. Or ever were, I guess.” He says the last part extra quite, then continues,
“I find more and more that I dont care about the sex side of things like i used to. I dont know…” he shrugs, “maybe all the trauma finally caught up with me.” Eddie looks him over curiously. Steve isnt meeting his eye, and hes still picking at that damn string,
“Romantic attraction and sexual attraction aren’t connected. They can vary widely in one person, y’know?” Steve nods,
“I know.” He says, but something still seems to be bothering him, “dont…” he starts, finally meeting eddies eye, “dont tell the party just yet. They know I work at a bar, they just dont know the specifics and im not ready to have this conversation with them.” 
“Were you ready to have this conversation with me?” Eddie asks, suddenly feeling a bit like an ass. Steve hesitates before saying,
“I dont think i would have ever been ready to have this conversation with you.” Its so quite eddie almost doesnt catch it, but he knows it was meant to be heard by the way steves eyes never leave his,
“What's that supposed to mean?” Eddie feels a weight in his chest. Why was he not good enough for steve to come out to?
“Im out to everyone I know here in chicago, but… the only people from hawkins that know are rob and joyce.”
“Mrs. Byers knows!?”
“Yeah, she, uh guessed and came to me about being someone i could talk to. Kinda spilled the beans in a heart to heart.”
“What made her guess?” Steves face flushed again, which he seemed to feel and covered it with both his hands,
“Dont freak out?”
“ course not stevie.” Eddie could see steve shake his head at the nickname. Steve takes a deep breath,
“Man,” he huffed a laugh, “i had the most pathetic thing for you after… yknow, everything. She saw straight through me as soon as she had us all in a room together.” Eddies eyebrows shoot up to his bangs, and he tries to think of the first big get together after the ‘earthquake’. He opens his mouth to respond, hesitating a second too long and steve jumps in instead,
“I mean, dont worry, im not about to hit on you. Not trying to make you uncomfortable. Just,since you asked. are you gay? Sorry, dont answer that. robin always says my radar is shit and i feel like the chicks probably love your look. But I didnt wanna lie to you, cause-”
“Stevie,” eddie puts a hand up to slow down the other mans robin-inspired rant. Steve stops, mouth snapping shut, cheeks pink,
“What do you think i was doing dancing on a man, not with, ON,” eddie emphasised, “in a gay club. In these clothes.” He gesturs down to his attire, and then looks down to realize hes in sweatpants and an old hawkins high shirt,
“Oh thats just cruel…” eddie mutters. Steve laughs, and eddie can just about hear all the tension release in the mans body all at once,
“Sorry, it was the first thing i grabbed and you werent really trying to stay upright for much longer.” Eddie only vaguely remembers trying to shuffle the clothes on. Hes not even sure he was really drunk at that point, mostly just exhausted. He finishes up the last of his toast,
“You think youre gonna keep that down long enough to move this to the living room? Ill stick a pot of coffee on.” Steve points at the door behind eddie, who contemplates the wobbliness of his stomach real quick,
“Yes to coffee, please.” He says, starting to push himself up. A hand shoots out in front of him, an offering of help. He takes it, and when he gets pulled up, he accidentally overcompensates and has to stop himself with his palm against steves chest. Hes mere inches away from steves face, his brown eyes, his lips... Something pools in his stomach, and he hesitates letting go of the man, but he snaps to reality and clears his throat, dropping his hands and muttering a quiet thank you.
In the living room, eddie grabs up his blankets and nests himself into the corner of the couch while steve starts the coffee. Eddie watches steve move around the open space, flitting from the sink to the cupboards and back again,
“Man, im so sorry for waking you.” He says, propping his head on his arm off the back of the couch,
“You didnt i promise, ive been up for a little bit.”
Eddie furrows his brow,
“What time even is it?”
“Almost one.”
“WHAT!?” Eddie launches himself up and steve turns around, a surprised look in his eyes at he outburst,
“What?” Steve echoes, coffee pot full of water in hand. Eddie starts looking around frantically,
“Where are my clothes, steve!”
“Oh, dryer. Closet next to the bathroom.”
Eddie practically sprints down the hallway,
“Shit shit shit…” he mutters to himself as he digs his clothes from the dryer,
“Why are you panicking, ed?” Steve asked, voice a bit muffled from the kitchen,
“Rehearsal started at 12!”
“Oh shit, um well i can drive you, let me just…” steve is now squeezing past eddie, who is mid shirt change, to get to his room and closes the door. Eddie takes this chance to switch his pants quickly. Man, he looks ridiculous wearing his nightclub clothes in broad daylight. Hes sitting on the couch putting on his shoes when steve finally comes out, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and jeans with white sneakers. What eddie gets stuck on is the tortoishell glasses he has on his face. He looks so different from the steve he knew, with his mustache and longer hair now untied,
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.” Steve says, taking eddies staring for anything other than what it was. God, eddie had to get over this man. By all means, this look shouldnt work for anybody, but somehow steve looked so comfortable and human that eddie cant help but smile fondly,
“You look good, stevie.” He echoes their words from last night. Pink tinges steves cheeks and ears, and he turns away quickly and snatches up his keys from the counter,
“Ready to go?” He asks, sort of breathless. Eddies smile widens,
“Onward!” He points ahead of him and marches out the door, hearing steve sigh and say with exasperation, “god i forgot how weird you are.”
“So youre in town for a show? Still with… corroded coffin, right?” Steve asks. Eddie lets out a low whistle, “damn, you were actually listening when i talked back then?” Steve rolls his eyes,
“Of course i listened to you. So yeah? The bands still together?”
“Oh, no.” Eddie chuckles, “we broke up years ago. Gareths still with me, though. We go by serial cultist now.”
“You have got to be shitting me.”
“Nope, not shitting you. The groupies are questionable but most of them are women and were all mega gay so… except gareth, but his wife keeps them at bay.” Eddie hears steve mutter “garrths married, no shit.” Under his breath and his heart feels fond. Eddie fiddles with the hem of his mesh shirt, trying to build up the courage to ask. Ah fuck it, he thinks,
“Do you, uh, wanna come to the show tonight? If not its cool, but i can add you to the list and you know theres no pressu-“
“I would love to.” Steve says smiling. Eddie goes silent, looking at the side of steves head a bit dumbstruck,
“Ok.” Is all eddie can say, and when he realizes thats not a good response, he shakes his head as if shaking away a thought and starts to smile himself,
“Ok, cool. I’ll, uh, have the venue add you to the list.” He turns so he's facing forward again, not sure what to say after that. The rest of the drive flies by and once they’re stopped, Eddie hops out. He rounds the car where steve has rolled down his window and leans in, faces only a couple inches apart,
“You can always change your mind about coming tonight. I know its not really your kind of music. Pinky promise I wont hold it against you.” Eddie puts his hand up right between them, pinky out. Steve looks at it, then back up at Eddie’s face, 
“Get the fuck out of here, Munson. I’ll see you tonight.” He leans away from the window and puts the car into drive but keeps his foot on the brake. Eddie backs up to the sidewalk, a crooked smile showing off his dimple. He gives a sloppy salute,
“Alrighty, cap’n, see ya at dusk.” He turns away and walks to the doors. He's about to go in when Steve shouts, 
“Save me a t-shirt!” And then drives off without a response. Eddie looks behind him at where the car had just been. He can’t wipe the stupid grin off his face no matter how hard he tries, and he knows the guys are never gonna let him live this down.
Tonight. He’d see steve again tonight.
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loopscereal · 8 months
i need to know what happened between golden and freddy.... i also need to know more about golden in general. anything. i love them
heheheh hi chocooo im so glad youre curious :3 this is very fun. uh. first i must say: golden didnt do jack 👹 freddys just an insufferable bastard 👹👹👹 also you're. making it hard not to impulsively start the AU blog... god /light hearted, positive, half-joking
sorry for not answering asap i wanted to answe it a billion different ways but here u go ig lol
“loops i swear to god if this is an animal thing again”
its an animal thing yall. Im kidding. Its only partly an animal thing. the folloring screenshots are form my Friends With You and Zombie boards!
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In these screenshots above we see Golden introducing themselves, and Freddy's reaction. Their name means Gold in english, AU on the periodic table, their favorite number is seven, and that's fine. Then their other speech bubbles start turning red. They say they like to sing, that they're nonbinary, and that they're an Andean/spectacled bear. Then we see Freddy's face. Something is bothering him, and its those things Golden said about themself.
1. The singing.
Some background. Golden didn't join the animatronics off the bat, they weren't in the group until ALMOST a week after Freddy was integrated.
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He already had background on guitar, but he was going to be the voice, was looking forward to being in that role. He didn't present himself as really desiring the role, and was genuinely internally conflicted about it. He doesn't want to stand out, he cant let himself stand out, he's already failing so hard by being in a band, and yet. He does want to take this, he does want to be in this role, but he keeps making up excuses as to why he shouldn't, why he can't be the singer. Freddy sings, privately, and he downplayed his debilitated passively to the animatronics. Both singing and guitar. Saying that they could surely find a better singer in no time, and that he could very much settle as second guitar, and in fact should be, he can't complete with Bonnie, its not even a question. ^^ He's fine being outshines, he thinks should be. He's most comfortable in the shadows.
The animatronics respond with. "Okay, we won't force you to be the singer, we will try seeing if anyone else is interested, but you're the only one of us with some basics in it, and this whole band is for fun, and we don't care if you kinda suck. We kinda suck, were all learning together, being dedicated is all that matters you don't have to be amazing out the gate." (they don't say exactly that, but that's what they're tying to say lol.) Anyways They make a deal that if the week passes and they haven't found a singer that Freddy should be their voice by virtue of having some background in it. Freddy agrees to this, and quietly hopes the week passes with 'no luck' in finding a singer. He wont say what he wants, and just hopes the path of least resistant allows him it have this, even if hes conflicted about it.
Then Golden appears before the week ends. Saying they can sing, and the animatronics are all like. Oh wow this is perfect lmao in the nick of time haha.
I give all that context because i wanna make it so clear that Golden didn't take this from Freddy. Golden came in with Fox, without any intent of joining the band at all! They just introduced themself with their usual intro (they've got a script) which happens to include the fact that they like to sing.
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Golden learns that Freddy has some background, that Freddy was gonna be the voice if they didn't find anyone before the end of the week. They say that they don't want to take this from Freddy if he wants the role as singer, since Freddy was here first. Freddy assured that Golden's a better fit with more experience. Golden offers that they both be the singers. Freddy declines and says he can stick with 2nd guitar. He's better at guitar than singing anyway.
Freddy chose to let this go.
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Regardless of what Freddy said, Golden catches Freddy quietly singing along to their songs on more than one occasion, and just acting odd around them. After Freddy makes eye-contact with golden in the scene above, we see that he messed up his playing, apologizes to the animatronics, ad excuses himself. Of course Golden is going to notice that and make a mental note of it. They don't want to assume anything, they don't want to make up what-ifs, they don't want Freddy to be uncomfortable in the band, so what do they do?
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They reach out like a normal person.
They did try to brush this off as some fluke they were seeing, but consistent instances convinced them something up, and they were just. confused? Slight agitated by not knowing what the hell is going on between them, what they did to upset Freddy, since the others mannerisms seem to clearly show a response to Golden in particular. How Fox acts when Golden has tries to approach Freddy about it, as if he fucking knows smth that they don't. They don't like being out of the info loop. They don't like being in messed they didn't know they were in! They'd like to resolve this.
Freddy ghosts them for as long as he can. But eventually comes a day where the animatronics all agree to hang out outside of school someday, and Freddy who had previously agreed to it is baking the hell out without telling anyone because he doesn't want to be confronted by Golden.
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But golden shows up outside Freddy n Fred's. "I'm picking you up." Silly. Anyways Freddy cant get out of this now! Snap under the slighted bit of pressure you fool. Freddy says to give him a minute as he gets ready, then gets in the car.
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Golden asks if the discomfort they're detecting From Freddy stems from them 'taking' the role of the bands singer. Freddy says it isn't.
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Golden then follows up, slightly more annoyed? i don't really know what this sentiment is called. They're a bit tired. They ask if Freddy is bothered by Golden's nonbinary identity, since it's something people often find issue with. If the singing isn't a problem, then they naturally ask if the issue is the one thing people always question and complain about. Freddy interrupts them, in this. Not saying no, but responding with another question.
"Why do you pretend you don't know, who's to blame." Then motions to himself. He's asking why Golden is think they did anything at all. Saying they didn't do anything, that its a 'him issue'. He's to blame, the cause of his own problem, and Golden hasn't done anything to upset him. Golden's confused by this. Despite trying not to make things up, despite trying not to assume whats wrong, between the times the noticed something was upsetting Freddy, that he was uncomfortable, they had caught all these moments and attached them to themself. Lightly assuming they were the cause. So its surprising and confusing to hear "You didn't do anything, I did this to myself. You're fine, you're perfect, it's me and my head. Its not you at all"
They arrive outside Golden's house entrance (the gate) now, getting off the car then talking more now that they're out and on foot.
Freddy doesn't address how the singing does bother him, nor Golden's nonbinary identity.
2. Golden being Nonbinary
Why the hell would Golden being Nb bother Freddy? How the hell does that affect you dude? Whats wrong with you? Golden is out, Golden knows their identity, they're relatively androgynous as well, their family knows, the school lets them bring a unique uniform to school because of their family, they wear a nonbinary pin all the time. They know they're nonbinary, and tell people as such.
Freddy is. SO damn envious. Envious that they're androgynous, envious that the school allows them to present how they want, that they've told their family, that their family is seemingly clearly supportive of their identity. Envious that they dress in the way that makes them happy, that they're openly nonbinary its one of the first things they'll tell you about themselves.
Freddy's so envious and bothered that Golden seems so fucking sure. So sure of themselves and of their identity. They know they're nonbinary, they know their identity.
Freddy fucking doesn't. He's transmasc, and the only reason the animatronics know Freddy as male is because he misspoke. It was an accident he was too nervous to 'correct' himself on in the moment and refused to correct because 'it would be weird now'. Doesn't accept that he likes how hes refereed to with the band, makes excuses as to why he can't 'correct' them, god knows he wont tell his mom, especially when he isn't even sure. Hes going through hoops. Gender questioning crisis and also in denial and just generally fighting himself about it, and is PISSED some other person dares be chill about themself and confident in their identity. Envious of their certainty, pissed that they know.
lmao. get over it i hate him.
ANYWAY. The final thing.
3. Golden being an Andeadn bear.
jesus christ be normal you freak ass bear
Golden is an inland Andean bear. Freddy is a coastal Grizzly bear.
Now what the hell does that mean? It should be nothing! IT should be nothing because your animal isn't all thaaaat important to most people. Freddy is not most people. He's a fucking Grizzly bear. That feels pretty fuckin important. Why is that important? Why cant you be normal you fuck freak?
Uh. growing up, Freddy has had it drilled into his head that he as a bear is an inherit danger to others, to watch himself for the sake of others, that he can hurt people if he isn’t careful. People were always weary of him, even as a child.
He’s a grizzly bear, even a cub can be lethal, some might argue they're more dangerous due to unrefined motor-control.
This upset him greatly, he couldn’t just have fun as a child without getting told to be careful for the sake of the people he wanted to play with. He was already pretty reserved, awkward, and distant in a personality sense, and that gave him enough trouble connecting to people.
being a bear is important, being a bear matters, being a patter shapes how he presents himself and how he acts with people and how he had to do double to look half as safe to be around.
Golden is an andean bear.
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The total average spectacled bear is about 5.3 ft/161cm. It's mostly an herbivore, it's average diet is 5-7% meat, they aren't territorial. How do they react with humans or other bears? Docile, cautious, but docile unless their babies are near. They're called "spectacled bear" or "oso de anteojos" because aw their fur pattern makes them look like they're wearing glasses! They don't hibernate since the Andes mountains are near the equator and don't experience those seasonal changes. Their weight and length/height varies between sexes, over all length is 120-200cm, "Males can weigh from 100 to 200 kg (220 to 440 lb), and females can weigh from 35 to 82 kg (77 to 181 lb)" (Wikipedia. i trust it too much for my own good. I'm writing this as 2am lol) and guess who's on hormone blockers baybeeeee. Sorry Golden is so small compared tot he other bears.
Anyway, do you know how many Andean bear attacks their are every year? Fucking NONE. at least none i can find. Wikipedia says there one reported death, but when i try searching it firefox talking about spectacled bears escaping their enclosure, or BEING killed, cause they're ENDANGERED, due to poaching! They aren't perceived as threats, people see them in the streets (irl) and toss em fruit. they are found sleeping in trees in public, they aren't perceives as a threat. They're glorified dogs.
Then there's Grizzlies.
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Do I need to explain this? Do i need to explain how polar fucking opposite an andean bear is from a grizzly? Well im GONNA.
The average Grizzly bear is about 6.5 ft/198cm. They're omnivores, they're known to take down big animals like moose, gown ones!! Thought ofc they're more likely to take the babies/younger version of larger animals cause its just. easier. They eat fish, they scavenge remains, they eat birds and their eggs, even dangerous birds like eagles. their total average length/height is 198 -240 cm. (6.4-7.8ft) Their diet is 10-20% meat, they ARE territorial, very territorial. Relation with humans and other bears? Are you kidding? Their name means grizzled, fearsome, gruesome, "horrible bear" for a reason. They have range across all of north america, and i previously mentioned Golden being inland and Freddy being coastal. Inland bears tend to be smaller by a good amount compared to coastal bears, just across all of them, since coast means a lot of food. THey hubernate, they ARE perceived as dangerous, they have an entire weapon created tot ake them down (bear trap) and what it does is imobilize and incapacitate them, not kill the, A bear trap has the same force a bears jaw typically has. Fitting huh? Why wouldnt you use a gun? Brown and black (not to mention polar, biggest of them all) bears can tank bulletes! their skin is thick, their body is sturdy! Its common to hear people say "if youre faced with a grizzly, and you have a gun, you are best off aiming at yourself" THATS. HELLO? JEsus christ lol.
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Freddy confesses how much he compared the two of them, he and Golden, their bears, he doesn't go deeply into it because he's aware how weird it sounds to be so focused on their animal. But he talks about it, how he feels like this big, terrible thing in comparison, struggles he has as a bear, seeing golden have basically none of those issues kinda ! sucks! He wishes he could be a teddy bear, he wishes he could be more like Golden. Less of an inherit threat.
"And i can tell you really love me"
Golden can tell Freddy's being really honest wit this, that he really means it, that he's really opening up, that the two of them are genuinely getting somewhere, genuinely at the start of a resolution. They can tell Freddy cares, in some way, because 'this whole time it want the discomfort i thought it was, he clearly has been trying to put his way of thinking away, his way of letting animal dictate his life is overwhelming and its weird but admirable that he's kept it away.
Golden assures Freddy that he's more than just his animal, sure if affects aspects of their lived, that Freddy doesn't come off half as threatening as he thinks he does. That they see him as a person and not just a bear.
This rings hollow to Freddy.
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But he says hes really, very, sorry, for making things weird and uncomfortable. They he's trying to get rid of that way o thinking, it was drilled into him, and he's trying ti shake it off. "can you tell I'm really sorry?" Can you tell I'm very sorry
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"Can you tell I'm really sorry?" Can you tell I'm actually sorry? Can you tell I meant it at all?
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He switched with Fred, so they can pretend like that conversation resolved anything on Freddys end.
Long story short Golden didn't do shit other than exist, Freddy's an envious bastard. if you made it all this way here's some Golden fun facts i didn't finish but tried to make for this post. Also so sorry if this ended up sounding so Freddy cnetric, Golden genuinly didnt have that much of a fucking problem with Freddy.
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i didn't finish theeeese. if you cant read my writing FAIR. iiiiii just ask and ill transcribe what they say. heart emoji.
i probably missed something,,, if i missed smth and remeber ill add it in the comments.
anyways thank you times a billion for the ask choco!! i love this interactive stuff i love talking to you guys i love this little community of our :D you all are always welcome to send me asks and message me whatever whenever! 💞💞💞 ive never had so much fun in the internet, adore you all fnafhsblr :3 my beloved neighbors
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gh-0st-y · 2 years
ace trappola my beloved <333 special fic for my pookies @trappolaces and @pastelmages !!! <33
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— Silent Love
summary : you and ace are working on some homework, but you never took into consideration the last few sleepless nights of yours and ace is the victim of your shut down.
cw : none!! all fluff <3 gn!reader , ace x reader, maybe ooc ace?? implied deuce likes reader
authors note : im a whore for lovesick!character x slightly oblivious!reader brO 😭😭
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working with ace was never boring. trying to study yet hes constantly pulling jokes and faces, sticking his tongue out with weird noises, or stretching his eyes and mouth back - it never failed to have you pleading for him to stop through fits of laughter.
it almost made you forget about your past few sleepless nights..almost. but the droop of your eyes and your shoulders slumping continuously reminded you of your sleep deprived state.
ace poked your shoulder, "heyy prefect, whats this question?" he asked, his lips in a small pout as he tapped his pen against his lips, pointing to the question on his page.
"oh, i.." you stared at his paper, rapidly blinking to keep yourself awake, "uhm..i havent done it yet," you replied, focusing back onto your work. ace tutted, saying how 'you should catch up' but your tired brain didnt process it. what you would do for a moment of sleep...
huh? ace stopped focusing on his work, a weight upon his shoulder. looking to his left, your face – closed eyes, relaxed jaw, soft breathing – resting on his shoulder. his face began to heat up, and his eyes begin to widen, a quiet gasp escaping his lips before he tightened them into a line as to not make a sound. what could you be doing that made you fall asleep on him? riddles amount of work?
though the moment was cute, a lovesick fool with his crush resting on his shoulder, he began to panic over exactly that - you are his crush, he was smitten for you, and youre just resting on his shoulder!
slowly yet carefully, ace dropped his pen, right hand reaching for his phone as he opened it up, albeit hard using one hand, and immediately went to texting the rest of his dorm, screaming about his predicament. as expected, none of them were helpful, cater saying something about 'young love' and deuce complaining how he got there first - riddle didnt even bother reading the messages. trey was the only one to offer advice, saying how ace should gently wake you up - but whyd he do that? you just looked so..peaceful...and beautiful..
eyes shooting open, you sat up, "oh, ace, i– did i fall asleep? im sorry, weve got to focus or we wont get this done," you rubbed your eyes.
ace rushed to turn his phone off, putting it off to the side, "oh, psh, its fine, all good, prefect!" he chuckled, hoping that the blush on his face had died down.
"im gonna take a quick bathroom break - try and catch up to me on the questions," he laughed, rushing off.
"yeah yeah, okay. dont take too long, ill finish by the time youre back," you said, chuckling.
but ace didnt actually go for a bathroom break. he needed to calm down from what just happened - you, the ramshackle prefect, who he began pining for 3 months after your initial meeting, fell asleep on his shoulder. his face was so warm - actually, scratch that, his whole body felt warm - and his hands shook with nervousness. running a hand through his hair, he let out a shaky breath, mumbling quietly, "cmon, ace..! youre fine, this is fine, i-its fine.! youve got this, yeah, youre great." he reassured himself, adjusting his uniform before walking back to you.
"aha, see prefect? done in a flash! you better have- huh." he looked at you, head resting in your arms that were crossed on top of the table. he blinked. did you really fall asleep again.? in the short time he was gone as well. wow, you must be so tired.
walking over to you, he took off his jacket quietly, laying it over your shoulders as he sat in the same position as you, staring at your sleeping face. he smiled softly, closing his eyes. the work can wait.
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authors note : im so proud of this!!! hope you all liked it <33
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HI ANON HI HI HI HI HI i am so excited about this ask w/rio is my FAVOURITE RIGHT NOW AKSJAJDJS
i will be so biased towards this post honestly.. the way i literally have an extremely long post in my notes app of snzcanons for this loser. i feel like its gonna put my other hc posts to shame… oh well ! w/rio and n/euvi for you lovely anon
also should preface by saying i love these two as a pairing so there might be some shippy stuff or whatever, also i have some Thoughts about potential kink!n/euvillette but theyll be right at the bottom if that isnt anyones cup of tea so you can skip :)
has 100% been said before but him having spent so much time in the fortress of m/eropide away from the entire outside world he has definitely got some awful hayfever
↳ i see him as the ceo of allergy denial too. he has no problem admitting when he’s sick but as soon as it comes to allergies its like talking to a brick wall “are you sure youre okay” “*very very obviously not okay* yep”
↳ will be denying until every subsequent snz has his head spinning
unless its someone(s) he’s properly comfortable with, he will be stifling in front of people
↳ …even though stifling is kind of a Task. i imagine it starts to hurt after a few
normally he will snz in doubles exclusively unless he does stifle then that will take it up to maybe four at once, nothing too excessive
↳ not hugely loud? but definitely not quiet. theyre pretty heavy too with a decent amount of force behind them, as such: “hhuh’dDJSHhh! …’djiISHHh’uh!”
↳ stifles into a fist, regular snz into his elbow and he grips the elbow w his other hand
↳ i also have this really specific thought that after he stifles a couple of times, the next snz gears up immediately after and he has this gasping, stuttery buildup before the last snz that will be very much harsher and ultimately unstifleable: and i spelled it out too! “hh’nNGt! ‘GKKts! -ahH! h-hhaaHh’GKSHHh’uh!”
(these headcanons are literally getting princess treatment im so sorry to all the other characters. my bias is showing)
aside from above though, (and allergic snzs) his buildups are next to nonexistent. he has a few tells, if you look closely you’ll see his brows draw together, nostrils flare and maybe a fluttery blink before a single hitching breath and then he’s off
colds 💭💭💭 when he’s sick i feel like he gets tired a lot, but he kinda ignores it and wont sleep any more than he usually does (which probably isnt a lot)
↳ although if someone were to insist that he take a break, he would 100% be passed straight out the second he was horizontal
↳ think he has such a gorgeous sick voice… LMFAO - its just slightly deeper and with the tiniest gravelly quality + those kind of rounded out consonants… yeah
definitely isnt particularly kind on his nose, especially when it comes to allergies.. he knuckles at it with way too much force
↳ i think partly because being just itchy would bother him to no end, doesnt let him concentrate on anything
i have a whole thing in my head about him fighting in p/ankration or whatever and getting a bloody nose, whether it be when he’s sick or allergies are just particularly bad but hes just sneezy about it … yeah
↳ broken/injured nose = no touching, so he can’t stifle for a while. because of this he ends up hovering a hand awkwardly in front of his face like a shield (blood everywhere, most likely.) also he cant rub it in this state, so his nose will most certainly be scrunched up (which hurts just as much, but he finds being itchy is more annoying than being in pain)
↳ some other thoughts idk. he’s trying to clean up a wound on his face but the alcohol reaaallly gets to him; eyes are streaming and hes sniffling so bad and he has a three second window to get it done before he’s sneezing lmfao
something to do with the dog/wolf motifs of his character, he definitely scrunches up his nose when its irritated
↳ maybe an involuntary little head shake/twitch after a particularly harsh snz
has a habit of turning fully away to snz, obviously to be polite to anyone whos there but he also does it when hes alone. just turns around lmao
i see him as slightly photic, again just because he spends so much time in the dingy ass fortress so there’s probably a bit of light sensitivity there
↳ however i feel like its never enough to actually make him sneeze, it just tingles a bit and is generally annoying… but it DOES prove useful for coaxing out a stuck snz
probably anti-holdbacks until he has a raging headcold with an awful throat so even breathing hurts, so he’ll try his best to stave sneezes off
stifles all. the. time. i know this
↳ they’re basically silent, pinched between two fingers, but occasionally the tail end will slip out so there’ll be a bit of a “kssh!” to be heard
↳ singles usually with the occasional double that honestly catches him off guard, he never expects more than one
↳ probably takes a lot of convincing to get him to Not stifle. unstifled snz i think isnt super vocal in sound, and is decently forceful and kinda wet: “ehH’tchSHHhh!” something like that
i think dust and particularly potent fragrances make him sneeze - he isnt allergic per se, just sensitive
↳ for this reason he likes to keep his space very clean and tidy and without perfume or whatever. an outsider’s perspective might see it as plain but he does it for his own benefit
↳ probably had to tell w/riothesley to stop wearing cologne when he visits
doesnt get sick very often, he probably has a good immune system and this paired with being nonhuman probably means hes not susceptible to colds
↳ HOWEVER. on the off chance he does come down with something, you absolutely know about it. it’s very clear in his face - eyes and nose both rimmed red, and he just looks pretty tired in general.
↳ colds for him are probably very sneezy too,, poor guy lmfao
↳ also, with the thing where it rains when he’s sad… being the hydro dragon and all the weather probably turns pretty foul until he’s feeling better (puts a whole new meaning on the phrase “under the weather” hahaha)
↳ obviously continues to work through it who do you think he is! even if he has a court case, he’ll stay through the whole thing even if his head is pounding and he’s stifled enough to burst a blood vessel
↳ in court if anyone notices the obvious congestion in his voice nobody dares make a comment lmfao - this makes him think he’s got away with it even though its blatant he’s unwell
↳ the people close to him finding out he’s sick for the first time definitely involves a lot of “wow, i didn’t know you could even get sick”
handkerchief user ….. he really just seems like the type
dutifully blesses other people but gets lowkey flustered if anyone else says bless you to him
alright. here’s my kink!n/euvillette thoughts with w/riothesley so skip this part if that isn’t your thing :)
- is definitely one to comment on w/riothesley’s snz, and kind of challenge him when he denies being allergic to things… such as “that was five back to back, are you quite sure it’s nothing?”/“that sounded like it hurt”/“i’ve never seen you sneeze that many times in a row”
- would have a vase of rainbow roses or something on his desk completely nonchalantly when “professionally” meeting with w/riothesley. neither of them comment on it whilst n/euvillette watches w/riothesley try his damnedest to keep composure knowing full well he’ll never admit the flowers are bothering him
- n/euvillette definitely becomes a totally different person when its anything to do w the kink,, like he’s the last person you’d expect for it but he will literally be making an absolute wreck of w/riothesley
- something about dragons and “needs” or whatever….. i have no knowledge about monsterfucking or dragons or anything but there’s probably something there right??? someone who knows more might inform me do dragons have heat
thats all i have !!! ahhhhhhh anon ur awesome thank you for requesting my favs 😭❤️ i loved making this post im so so fixated on these two so i hope you liked these hcs :) sorry the post is kinda really long uh. blame the autism for that one
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