#i was gonna just answer in emojis
hey can you hold this for me?
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custom-emojis · 2 months
Drags my corpse in here.
Hi obviously, I’m not dead. Just insanely burnt out. My boyfriends gonna be visiting me and I’m on new meds so I think by the end of the year I’ll be more normal. I plan to just not even attempt emojis until next year. This has just been a hard year for me art wise okay.
Next year I’ll try to actually be filling the queue again, but some things regarding emoji style will change and I can’t promise I’ll ever be able to deliver daily new content again. My OCD likes to pick up on habits like that way too easily and 2023 was really bad for me with the emoji queue in terms of absolutely obsessing over needing one to be posted daily at exactly the same time Or Else to the point I was missing sleep and food to fulfill it etc. I just can’t let that shit happen again and honestly daily content is an insane expectation from one person anyways.
So yeah, just a little update. I’m still active on my server but the tumblr will be just used to promote my other art until next year when I can stand to try emojis again.
Thanks for the understanding and support!
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angelpuns · 1 year
The anon-verse thing is really, really fun, but it is incredibly overwhelming to be the middle man for so many people ;-; I love getting asks and I love the idea that there is anon lore- like that is so fun and silly- but I can't be the middle man anymore because it is incredibly overwhelming. Probably doesn't help that I'm a bit of a people pleaser and the thought of disappointing anyone kills me inside, but I also am working on being better about that :)
So! I won't be answering anymore asks about anon-verse stuff ( specifically questions of joining or talking to other anons or what have you)
I still love getting asks! And ofc I'll still answer other asks, but I'm gonna try and focus more on asks that have to do with aus or things like that :)
Also I'm not mad or anything and it's not anyone's fault, I just very much bit off more than I can chew and WILDLY underestimated my tendency to be a people pleaser :/ - just a note for anyone who might get really upset about this because I know how it be <3
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skinandscales-if · 10 months
I'm a sucker for any kind of shifter-magic in the media. SO If MC is their dragon form for too long, there a possibility of MC getting stuck as a dragon and can't shift back to "normal" form but only temporarily? 📝🧍🎤
(also how would the RO's attempt to help?)
Oooo been a while since we’ve done some lore dives :D let’s get into it
also shifter-magic is so rad I agree friend 🤝
I’ve gone over this to an extent in this older post and the answer is still no, shifters don’t really get ‘stuck’ in either form, but that being said, shifting is an incredibly personal and hard to nail down thing for every individual, and everyone handles it differently. You can decide how exactly you feel your MC aligns with the concept, but inherently, shifting is a very emotional thing. You can embrace it and let it split out of you at any chance, or you can shove it down at every opportunity. This is why some shifters who haven’t practiced otherwise will have small bits of themselves, like claws and fangs, shift on instinct when surprised or frightened.
Gonna go off on a small tangent below the cut, but TLDR: Shifters may have difficulty acclimating back to another form, but no one necessarily gets stuck in a single form, not unless they forgot how to entirely, and even then it’s through instinct.
Despite what MC and larger society thinks, shifting is kind of a silly word for it, because it implies that the person who changes is naturally in one form automatically, when it is a consistent mix of the two. You can’t get stuck in one form as much you couldn’t get stuck in the other. There’s a frame of reference from humans to know how shifters stand out among them with draconic traits, but no full dragons around to compare how shifters deviate in their dragon forms to show human traits.
With this in mind, obviously if you spend too much time in one form or the other, you tend to let a lot of things fall out of practice. Like, for example, a shifter who spends years as a dragon would find it really difficult to walk as a human again because they’re not used to balancing without a tail, and on the other side of that, shifters who have spent years as humans have a really difficult time with spacial awareness in dragon form and often bump into a lot of things due to their increased size.
HOWEVER, I like the scenario :) so here’s how the RO’s would react if MC was stuck in dragon form
Atlas: Freaks out a little and tries to hide MC from others as he tries to figure this out. Breaks down a very specific technique to draw back in on yourself, uses a lot of technical language but it works well once MC can understand it
Puck: Tries to remind MC how to shift and how to control it, offering simple and easy to comprehend advice. Very good at this and surprisingly calming, even if they look uncomfortable the whole while
Skye: A little confused at the idea, but helps nevertheless, offering simple and easy to follow comparisons and ideas. She uses a lot of different techniques, kind of just throwing any and all ideas at the wall, but a few are genuinely helpful
Reese: Doesn’t see the problem and needs a little convincing to help, but eventually offers a few breathing techniques that are meant for anger but work surprisingly well for controlling one’s shifting
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wundrousarts · 1 year
What are some of your fluffiest and angstiest nevermoor headcannons ?
This is the only Nevermoor headcanon that matters.
Jk jk but. Hmm 🤔. I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure if I ever really think about headcanons that often, at least not seriously? I kinda love the canon of Nevermoor so much that it’s hard to depart from it. Also, any headcanons I have tend to be sort of stuff related to character designs, such as this post about why I draw baggy Wunsoc sweaters. The biggest one is probably the glasses one I mentioned in my last post. I think I find it easier when people ask me questions or when I work off of something else than it is to come up with something from scratch.
If you want a very silly jokey headcanon, though, that goes completely against canon and yet I always refer back to….. Wunsoc merch store. Headed by none other than the Scholar Mistresses. And then multiple other parts of Wunsoc, also headed by them. Is it part of their job? Budget cuts? Who knows. The point is that it’s fun to imagine. And, crucially, there is a black market run by students as well. Because why not!
Some screenshots below the cut of when I’ve talked about it. I’ve may have mentioned it more and missed the messages, or just imagined doing so. 🤷. But I do think about it often as it’s very fun and silly.
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If anything, I think these screenshots help prove that Nevermoor is genuinely on my mind 24/7, lol
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appropriatelystupid · 2 years
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compacflt · 1 year
okay so obviously the whole point of ESTD is that ice is unhappy because he cannot accept that he loves maverick because he must serve his country and at the end he realizes how stupid that is when maverick dies!! but…do you think that your ice and maverick could have ever been happy had maverick forced ice to talk about it earlier on? do you see any potential for them to live their lives not publicly but also not as a complete secret? a world where slider would have known ice was happy and seen what caused that (his love for maverick)?
maverick, venice Italy, 2002: um i 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 love you actually
ice: 😳🤯😗 ok! I love you too let’s make this work!
ice, 2002: ok i think we should follow caroles orders and pull Bradley’s papers from the academy and also i am leaving you to get my second star because my career still comes first sry
maverick: i know we literally just codified our relationship but uh you suck i am breaking up with you forever fuck you
(relationship ends .)
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volivolition · 5 months
not doing well tonight folks! but yet we persist 💪
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fifteensjukebox · 1 month
truly nothing like the girl i had a crush on in college (and in two separate conversations i suspected it might be mutual) posting from the beaches concert that leandra is an icon and also i found out s few days ago she and her bf just broke up
#what do i DO#in case it's not clear talking about leandra means she is in fact bi this is akin to drunk girl from party posting about chappell#(gayer actually bc everyone's loving chappel now)#the answer is that i like the leandra post and do nothing else and i wait longer than i did w my ex after her breakup#(though i was still waiting she's the one who started things) but regardless. going insane here !!!!!!#shes a tattoo artist now and she did one of mine and i had some completely unfounded hopes for that day until i found out about the bf#but now that it's over...............#vie#fuck it her name is dani her tattoo account is dose.of.dot#wait i actually am coincidentally about to make the slightest move bc my next ig post of my scrapbooking style photo dump catch up includes#the day i got the tattoo and i'll be tagging her#open to ideas to makey caption the slightest bit flirty somehow?? probably wont do it#it was going to be 'november 2022: new tattoo by @dose.of.dot 🖤 and uoft engineering tour with matt (he starts this fall!'#i was deciding between the heart and 🌿 bc the tattoo is literally that but the black heart is kind of her thing#wait. i just went on her ig again and we have the same favourite emoji it seems bc she has her name as Dani✨ and i changed mine bc i was#annoyed that john associated it w me but mine used to be sierra✨#........i think im gonna change it back it's not obvious enough that she'd think it's weird right? it literally used to be that for ages#im doing it#ok i did it and i'll make the post tomorrow and that's all
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twilightarcade · 1 year
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OC-tober day 1 - fave oc
Evie!! The one and only :) absolute freak. I don't quite have an ultimate favorite? But I suppose it would have to be xem at the moment..
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in-omni-scientia · 10 months
hey you might b busy but can you give us the definition and etymology of the word immolation
IN MEMORIAM — Yes. Unfortunately, the dear mender of books is... currently away. A proper answer cannot be accessed currently as a result, though you may certainly receive an approximation of something suitable until further notice. Should that come.
IN MEMORIAM [Heroic: Success] — Immolation is defined as a beautiful thing... so *enticing*. Such entrancing colours, dancing in front of your eyes, warmth enveloping you completely... it's so different to the coldness you're accustomed to. In tone... in temperature... ⠀⠀Etymology? Well, when the word forms in your mouth, it is derived from others who have ignited you, when a flame jumps from one branch to another in a bushfire... ⠀⠀But, darling, you won't survive this. The sensation of smoke filling your lungs may be oh so pleasant now, but you will suffocate. Taking the place of air... burning up your supply of oxygen completely... you've already got burn scars on your hands, so why do you continue to hold them out, begging for more? ⠀⠀Purple fire burns far hotter than what you're used to... and the hottest flame in oxygen known to man burns blue-white. Everything you know will become ash. Everyone, a charred corpse. And you... you will melt completely. ⠀⠀'Immolation' implies complete destruction. There is no in-between. Will you burn out like a dying star? Or will you allow yourself to live in a freezing universe until it implodes? ⠀⠀What will cause you the most damage?
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[🛰️ anon] Maybe you should find shelter it's dark as shit out, at least wherever the fuck I am 💀
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> Oh fuck. Well that sucks ass I guess you're alive right now, it's always sunny when I'm stuck here.
> Weird considering I can only show up when it's night.
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lavenoon · 2 years
So, I was wondering! In canon we know the reason Robin and Dusk started to bond was because he bantered back with them and kept up with their rhythm, creating a fun rivalry that eventually turned out into a closer relationship, with them worrying about the other a lot. In AU AU AU, what is exactly that makes Dawn reconsider his first impression of them? Was it like seeing them in action, or maybe they pushed themselves to their best performance after declaring him their rival? Or did he not even notice until one day he realized he was looking forward to seeing them and then had an Oh moment where he was like huh. Well time to turn up the charm! (and then internally cry because it doesn't work for the longest time XD). Totally not asking to have a better feel for Sun's characterization or any other writing reasons, nope! (I realize I adore reverse Sun a lot kjhkjh)
A multitude of things, in a way!
While the ankle-grabbing certainly set the tone (for Robin), there were many little moments that made Dawn just stop for a moment and reconsider them.
From "Why is this human so determined to make this job as difficult as possible" to "Wait huh they're actually not half bad" to "They take me seriously even as other agents invalidate my work. That's why they act like this."
Because other agents trying to explain away Dawn's (and Dusk's) quick rise of rank isn't just a thing of canon! Robin would be much more direct, though only when they assume Dawn isn't listening/ watching (he is, whoops, didn't wait long enough), and they go off. They're proud, and it is a little self serving, but they confirm that the rank is earned - "Why do you think we get paired up that much? If you could motivate me to improve by getting even remotely good enough, maybe I wouldn't have worked solo for so long."
Sun is used to people underestimating him, with his permanent grin and sunny demeanor - he half encourages it, even, or maybe better leans into it, to fly under the radar or surprise targets. It still chafes, but of course he wouldn't admit that. It's a mental adjustment to realize that this one agent who seems to have had it out for him since day 1 only did so because they assumed he's a threat to their position - a few things click into place for him then, and he sits up and takes notice.
Oh. Interesting.
It's not quite a crush (yet), but it's interest, and he's paying a lot of attention now!
Before that, he respected Robin as fellow skilled agent, though the jabs were rather harsh then, still. After this? He starts leaning more towards flirts and flustering, enjoying those reactions much more than the cutting remarks Robin opted for before :3c
(You and me both at Reverse Sun/ honestly Rival Sun in general because canon Sun got the same spunk if a different dynamic, I am constantly looking at myself with the "non judgemental, but very aware gaze" any time I write about him FGHDJSK)
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apencilandpen · 1 year
Hi friend! ⭐️,🎨, and 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 for the ask game 💚
Hello friend!!!!!
Thanks for the questions! Okay, so I like to talk, so I'm gonna put it under the read more 😄
⭐️ - favorite comeback of the summer
Surprising absolutely no one, it's The World Ep. 2: Outlaw from ATEEZ. I'm a huge fan of concept albums, and they really pulled out all the stops for this one. I want to sit down and talk with them, their creative director, and the production team so badly.
Runner up albums would be SHINee's Hard and THE BOYZ's Phantasy Pt. 1: Christmas in August.
I really liked Shalala, Love Me A Little, and Cream Soda too, but didn't listen to the rest of the albums too much.
🎨 - favorite creation I made over the summer
I have a few!
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I'm super proud of this guy! Hes got flair, hes got style, he looks like a slightly unhinged low level gotham villain! He came out basically exactly how I see him in my head, and it really pushes me to finish the rest of my Outlaw characters.
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I tried a bunch of new things in this piece and it was super fun to experiment with. It also ended my Hongjoong art drought, so I'm very thankful 😌
I've got more, but I think 2 is enough for now 😄
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 (I could not find the original emoji to save my life) - if I got into any new groups over the summer
Okay, so the only real new group I've gotten into is the Japanese rock band One OK Rock, specifically their album Luxury Disease. I love their songs Save Yourself, Prove, and Broken Heart of Gold. Can't recommend enough!
But like in the kpop sphere, I fell headfirst into WOODZ's discography a few weeks ago and have yet to come up for air. I don't know why it took me so long to get into his music bc I am obsessed. I love Drowning, Trigger, and Chaser. I'm still the world's most casual NCT listener, but I have a newfound appreciation for Taeyong bc Shalala was infectious and I think he's insane (positive).
I kind of feel like I'm stepping back from getting Fully into new groups. Idk if I have the energy to commit to that right now 😄
Oh, also, Super Junior. My sister and I have been watching a lot of Korean variety shows on Netflix, and Heecheul is Everywhere. So, now I've listened to a bunch of Super Junior songs and they're so silly and so fun 😄
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silverysnake · 8 months
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skrs-cats · 11 months
thinking about the kin of your kin blog
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