#i was gonna ask my aunt for help but she just had to pay for a whole funeral so idk if she can now.
be-good-to-bugs · 5 months
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Can We Get One
The youngest Leclerc loves baby Leo. So why the fuck won't her boyfriends let her get a puppy?
Norstappen x leclerc!reader
Okay I found out one of 'my' dogs died while writing this
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"Hi Baby Leo," she gushed as she scooped her little puppy into her arms. He was like a little shark with the way he went to bite at her sleeve.
But she didn't much mind, gushing over the dog that she had dubbed her nephew (well, if Arthur and Lorenzo weren't going to make her an aunt, Leo it would have to be).
"I'm gonna kidnap you," she said in that baby voice as she stroked under his chin. "Gonna steal you away from your daddy so you can come live with me and Lando and Max."
She was in her own little world as she played with Leo, her brother, her boyfriends, lost to her. Max tried to call her name, but she waved him off to press kisses to Leo's head.
Lando and Max couldn't deny how goddamn cute she looked, holding Leo close to her chest. She scooted around on her ass to face them. "Boys, I'm in love," she said and pouted at them as Leo went to bite her chin.
"Baby," Lando began as he joined her on the floor. "We're not getting a dog."
She turned her attention away from Lando and looked towards her brother. "Charlie, do you need a baby sitter?" She asked as she placed Leo in her lap. He happily sat there and chewed on her skirt.
"No way," Charles said. "You're not babysitting my dog."
A huff left her lips and she muttered something to Leo, something like 'you'd never be this mean to me, would you angel?' "If I move in with you, cook, clean, pay rent, can I get a puppy?" She asked as she looked at him.
Max couldn't stop the laugh that left his lips. "Um, excuse me," he called and tapped her on the shoulder. She ignored him. "Angel, just because we're not letting you get a puppy..."
"That's not it, Maxie," she muttered and scratched at Leo's belly. "Leo just wants me close, that's all."
The Leclercs had always had dogs growing up. It was one of the reasons Charles had gotten Leo. So, seeing his sister so in love with his little puppy, he knew he had to do something.
Charles picked Leo up and pulled his sister up from the floor. She put Leo in his harness, attached his lead and put him on the floor. "Why don't you take him for a walk?" He said and pointed her towards the door.
But she didn't leave. "Cha," she whispered, looking back at her boyfriend. "What're you doing?"
He whispered something in her ear, something that Max and Lando couldn't hear. Something along the lines of 'I'm gonna try and convince these guys to get you a dog'.
She couldn't help but smile as she walked out, Leo at her heels.
Charles began talking to Max and Lando. But what he was suggesting was unrealistic. How could they have a dog when they already have cats? It wouldn't have been fair to Jimmy and Sassy.
But Charles wouldn't drop it, wouldn't drop how happy she looked when she was with Leo. Wouldn't drop how happy she would be if they got her a puppy.
By the time she came back with Leo, they still weren't convinced. But Max couldn't get it out of his head. They were his cats at the end of the day.
It didn't take long for him to work out that he'd do anything to make her happy, including get a puppy.
Charles took her away for a week. He was in on it, happy to help however he could.
And, while they were away, Max and Lando brought home Baguette. The name was Lando's idea, a 'French Poodle for a French girl'. Which pissed her off because she was not in fact French.
It was Max's job to introduce Baguette to the cats. It wasn't smooth sailing, but the boys knew it wasn't going to be. And, by the time Charles brought her home, Baguette and the cats were coming fast friends.
The memory of the first time she met Baguette would always be ingrained into Max and Lando's memory.
She threw her arms around Lando's neck the moment she walked into the apartment, unaware. But then she heard the barking.
"Is Leo here?" She asked, clearly confused as she looked around for the puppy.
But Max didn't emerge with a puppy. Well, not that puppy anyway. The French Poodle puppy was a stranger to her. "We got you something," Lando said as he watched her expression.
"No." It was almost a whisper as Max approached, Baguette in his arms.
"Baguette, say hello to your mommy," Max said as he passed her the dog.
Her mouth fell open as she took Baguette from Max. "This... this is a joke, right?" She couldn't stop herself from asking as Max wrapped his arm around Lando's waist. "You guys got me a dog?"
"We sure did, baby," Lando said as he stepped out from Max's embraced. He stroked Baguettes head, touched his soft, curly ears. "Baby, meet Baguette."
(Baguette below)
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vettelsvee · 27 days
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f1 masterlist | ask me anything or let's talk! driver x oc version available on wattpad on august 30th
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george russell x female lawyer!reader | based on 2022 season
for more information to the reader: ❥ reader in this series is sisters in law with seb (as her sister is married to him) ❥ it contains fake dating, enemies to lovers and grumpy (her) x sunshine (him) trope. ❥ some parts might include sensitive content. pay attention to trigger warnings at the beginning of each part. ❥ english is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes that you can read here!
started: AUGUST 25TH 2024 currently status: on going | last updated: august 25th masterlist under the cut !
taglist: [feel free to tell me so i can tag you and you don't miss anything!]
a/n: as i told you a few days ago the doctor recommended me absolute rest for my ankle injury and i promised: new series coming! you guys are gonna love this (i hope so at least!).
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To everyone's eyes, Y/N Y/L/N's life seemed perfect. To her, however, it was quite the opposite.
Although her relationship with her family had not been the best since some of her canon events, including her father's death and her older sister's quite messy and controversial public life, things took a turn for the worse when she met Daniel during her university years. What began as just stopping by her aunt and uncle's house to spend the night gradually turned into sporadic visits, eventually ending up with her immediately moving in with her boyfriend after finishing university. This led to a growing distance between her, her sisters, and her aunt and uncle. Despite pleas and attempts to keep the family together from them, their communication was limited to occasional birthday greetings, important holiday calls and, years later, the surprising announcement of a wedding that caught both the Müller-Y/L/N and the Vettel households off guard.
After spending a year and a half planning what she believed would be the best day of her life with the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with, Y/N realizes she's not ready at all to say "I do," leading her to run away from her own wedding and leaving all the guests in shock.
Desperate, confused, and unsure whether she had made the right decision or what to do with her life from that moment on, the middle Y/L/N sister was determined to leave everything behind to regain what she had lost with the help of her family and, particularly, a British man with whom she must fake a relationship after drunkenly telling her ex-fiancé that he wasn't the only one who found someone better.
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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part 1: after planning her wedding for more time that she'd like, y/n realizes talking to her older sister, diana, that she's not reading to get married (coming soon!)
part 2: after running away from her own wedding, y/n doesn't know what to do until, once again, her big sister gives her some help, this time offering her to go with her and seb to every single race on formula 1 2022 season (coming soon!)
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AITA for telling my mom I don't want my older brother moving back in?
People involved: Me (F25), my mom (F55), my older half brother ("Joe", M39), Joe's wife ("Nina", F28)
This situation is way too long and messy to give a full account of, so I'm gonna give the super condensed version. My mom has a lot of health problems and medical debt, and I live with her to help her. We both work 2 jobs to make ends meet and the house is falling apart in some places, but we're barely getting by.
Joe has been living with our grandmother for the last few years, but she's selling her house and moving into an assisted living facility. Joe has known about this for 2 months, and called my mom in tears 2 days before they close on the house asking her for help. Him and Nina have nowhere to put their dog (a rottweiler). Him and Nina have nowhere to put their boat (that they never use and I have no idea why he still has). Him and Nina have nowhere to stay (he had 2 months to find somewhere???)
One of my hard rules when I moved in with my mom is that Joe and Nina not be allowed back in the house for many, many reasons. To name just a few:
Nina is the reason Joe lost his 4 children 6 years ago, and the reason he hasn't done anything to get them back. She failed a drug test while she was pregnant with another man's baby (yes, she cheated on Joe). The baby was taken away as soon as it was born, and she was court ordered to not be around Joe's children until she passed a hair follicle test. Joe brought her around his children. Their bio mom found out and took him to court. Joe lost them. Now he can't even begin the process of getting them back until he and Nina can pass a drug test. Our family has offered to pay for said drug tests, but Nina refuses. She says she doesn't do drugs anymore and could pass it, but she just doesn't want to deal with the kids. Joe is apparently fine with this.
Joe and Nina both have stolen from nearly everyone in our family. They were regularly stealing from my grandmother while they lived with her, all of our aunts and uncles and most of our cousins have cut contact with them because they steal from them at holidays and birthdays.
Nina is lazy as fuck and can't do anything for herself. She lays in bed all day while Joe works 2, sometimes 3 jobs to support their drug habit. She won't cook. She won't clean. If she wants something she SCREAMS for Joe to get it for her.
And probably most importantly: Joe and Nina have stayed here dozens of times before, and it has never ended well. They always say they're only gonna be here a week or 2, but it always turns into months. They always trash the house. They always steal from me and my mom. They always drink and do drugs in our house. Several times I've gotten into physical altercations with Nina when I find her snooping through my room. The last time they were here we found out Joe was prostituting Nina for drugs from our house. We found this out because the cops came looking for them, and told us our house was "a known drug house". When they left, they told the family they left because I was a drug addict who was stealing from THEM.
Now I'll admit: all of this happened years ago, pre 2020. Joe SAYS he and Nina are clean, but I've heard that before. Joe SAYS they just need a month or 2 to find a place to stay, but I've heard that before. Joe SAYS he and Nina are sorry for how they treated us in the past, but I've heard that before.
My mom is a bleeding heart softie and is ready to let Joe come back with open arms, but I put my foot down and told her if he moves in I move out, and she KNOWS he won't help like I do. She tearfully told my brother he can't stay here, and has since been moping about how he's still her son, how she can't believe I'd put her in this position, how no one will give Joe a chance to prove he's changed, etc etc. But I just feel like I HAVE given Joe dozens of chances, and it's not my fault he kept throwing them back in my face. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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Pairing: Eric (AQPDO) x Mary (OFC)
Summary: Eric met Mary on the ferry that was taking them away from New York. What would the future holds when you are living the end of the world?
Warnings: Any mistakes are my own. Language.
A/N: Words in italics is a dream.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Remember reblogs do more than likes. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1941
Eric opened his eyes when the metal walls of the boat cracked. He looked around and remembered where he was, he took a deep breath and let his head fall against the wall. His sight was stuck at a point on the opposite wall, not really paying attention to his surroundings.
“What are you looking at?” A man who was sitting in the direction he was staring at spoke to him, “HEY!” Eric blinked and now really looked at the man, “What are you looking at?!”
“I…” Eric said a bit confused at the man’s tone.
The man stood and walked towards him, grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the wall. Eric let go of Frodo and the cat ran away. “Stop Fucking staring at me!”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t…”
“Do you have a problem?” Eric could smell a hint of alcohol in his breath.
“No, please. I don’t want any trouble. I wasn’t staring, I promise.”
“You listen to me, you fucking…”
“Leave him alone!” The man who helped him get on the boat spoke, “Let him go. I won’t ask you twice.”
“Oh really? And what are you going to do about it?”
“Just leave him alone, he wasn’t doing anything. He is in shock, just like most of the people in this fucking ferry. So let him go.”
The man let go of Eric, who tripped and fall in his place, the man walked pass the black man.
“And cut it with the drinking.” He said to the man as he passed by him. “Are you ok?” Eric nodded tearfully. “Here.” He gave Eric his hand and helped him stand, “I’m Henri.”
“I’m Eric.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Come with me.”
They walked another level up and headed to a group of people surrounding boxes.
“This is my wife, Zena.” The woman smiled to Eric, “He hasn’t eaten.”
Zena nodded and open one of the boxes. When she turned she handed Eric a plastic bag with piece of bread, an apple and a bottle of water.
“Thank you, ma’am.” He rapidly opened the bag and bit the bread.
“Easy there. You’re gonna chock on yourself.” Henri saw Eric drank from his water, “You’re not from around.”
“No, sir. I’m from England.”
“Well, you are certainly far from home.”
“RUN!” The voice of her mother was filled with fear and just as she stood in the middle of the living room, her mom disappeared in the middle of a cloud of dust making Mary fell in her place.
The screams of hundreds of people on the street filled her ears, the sound of car alarms going off, sirens of ambulances and police cars, everything was loud. 
“Aunt Mary!” The voice of her niece caught her attention.
“NO!” her sister screamed and just as her mother, her sister and niece were dragged out of the hole that was now on the side of the building.
Mary watched in shock and covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming. She moved as fast as she could to get to her room and hid in her closet. She tried to calm her breaths, her family was gone and she had no idea what was going on.
Once the noise died down, she left her hiding spot, walked carefully to the living room and scream.
“Mary, wake up!” Lucy shook her, “Wake up!”
Mary opened her eyes and took a breath that made her lungs hurt.
“Easy, you’re ok. It was a nightmare.” Mary’s breaths were short and panicked. “Look at me, you are safe.” Tears were streaming down of Mary’s eyes.
“I…” She kept breathing, “They’re gone.”
“I know, darling.”
“I was about to be with them.” She cried and Lucy hold her.
“Shhhh.” She swayed her side to side. Lucy’s hand rubbed her back and soon after Mary began to breathe normal and Lucy helped her lay down.
Mary look at the ceiling. “What time is it?” she said above a whisper.
“Eight o’clock. You’d slept for 3 hours.”
Mary tried to sit down and hissed when she felt the sting in her right thigh. Lucy helped sit with her back against the wall of the boat. Mary lifted the blanket and saw the bandage.
“Where’re my pants?”
“We had to cut them.” Lucy lifted the material that was bunched next to them. “I’ll find something for you to wear I promise.”
“How bad is it?”
“It was just a bit deep but long. You’re lucky it didn’t cut in a major vein.”
“But the kid is alive.” She smiled tiredly looking at the black kid sitting among others survivor kids on the opposite side. “I should be dead.”
“Yeah, but you’re not. I was not going to leave you there. Your mom…”
“My mom is gone. All my family is gone and so it’s yours.”
“Your mom was my best friend and you are like a daughter to me, I was not going to leave you to die.”
Mary’s eyes soften and watered. “I’m so scared.”
“I know. I am too.”
Mary sniffed and clean her tears with the back of her hand.
“It’s getting cold.” Lucy said, “I’ll help you put your sweatshirt on.” She took the item and easily put it on Mary.
“Where do you plan to get me some pants?”
“I don’t know, I’ll figure something out. What kind of lady would I be if I let you walk around in your underwear?” She laughed a bit. “Besides you have a hole in your panties.”
“What?” Mary looked down, her black panties were dusty but not ripped. Lucy fulling laughed this time, “I’m glad you are having fun at my expenses.” She smiled lovingly to Lucy. Mary grabbed her tote bag and took out a bag of cookies. She opened it and offered it to Lucy. “Do you know where we going?”
“Some island, you know those things can’t swim, so.”
“When are we getting there?” she bit her vanilla cookie.
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me much. But I hope when the sun rise we will be somewhere safe.”
They kept eating quietly when a soft meow made them turned her heads around.
“Hey!” Mary said with a full smiled on her face. Lucy’s heart fluttered when she saw Mary smiling. “Who are you?” The cat got near and jumped on her lap. “Oh! Hello!” Mary scratched its ears and the cat purred. “Oh you like that, don’t you?” The cat rubbed its face against her chest, “How you get here?”
“That´s the cat from the last man that got here.”
“There was a man that swam from a pier to the ferry.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No! We don’t know who help him to make noise to distract the creatures so he could get here. He almost got caught, I saw it. He was really lucky.”
“You actually believe everyone in this boat is lucky when most of us have lost our families and friends.” She said as she hug the cat.
“I like to be optimistic. It was not our time to died, not yet at least. We have the chance to start over.”
“And how are we starting over when is the end of the world?
“How is my favorite survivor?” They were interrupted by Henri. He had found them on their way to the ferry and stayed by their side.
“I don’t have pants on.”
“Lucy told me. We are trying to find something for you. I will be forever in your debt for saving Osahar.” He smiled lovingly to Lucy and then to her, “How you feeling?”
“Sore and tired.”
“Frodo!” Mary turned when she heard an unknown manly voice. The man stopped on his tracks when Lucy, Henri and Mary turned to see him. “Sorry.” Mary locked eyes with him. He had the biggest and softest eyes she had ever seen in a man. “That’s my cat.” He said shyly.
“Oh!” Mary said and lifted the cat, “He just got here.” She smiled as Eric got closer and took the cat in his arms. He recognized her as the girl who was sleeping when Lucy was curing his hand.
Lucy and Henri share a knowing look, and then Henri cleared his throat.
“So, Lucy; Zena was telling me if you’d like to help her with some stuff upstairs.”
“Why? Of course! Do you think you can keep an eye on her?” She said looking at Eric.
“Yes, you…Eric, right?”
“Yes.” He thought for a moment, “I can stay while you come back.”
“Perfect.” Lucy stood up, “We’ll come back later.”
Eric stood in silence while Mary stared at him. When he turned he saw her giving him a tight smile.
“Hi.” Mary said.
“Hi!” Eric’s voice shrieked, he cleared his throat, “Hi.”
“I’m Mary.” She extended her hand towards him and waited until he took it. “wanna sit?” She patted the floor next to her.
Eric looked around as if he were waiting for someone to tell him not to sit, but eventually he sat down. Mary reached for her cookies and gave him one.
“So Eric, I’m going to assume you are the last man who got in the ferry.” He nodded, “Lucy told me about you, he said you swam.” Eric nodded again, “You don’t talk much, do you?”
“Sorry, I… my friend helped me get here.”
“And where are they?” Eric remained silent and blink his tears away, “You don’t have to tell me, I understand.”
“Do you?”
“My whole family is dead. I saw when those things took them.”
“So Lucy is not your mom?” His voice was clearer and louder this time.
“No, she was my mom’s best friend. We lived in the same building.” She took a deep breath, “When the noise died down she went there to check if there was any survivors and she found me in the kitchen putting food in my bag.” She lifted her cookie. “I like your accent.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, “I like yours.”
“How about you?” She bit her cookie. “What’s your story?”
“I’m… was a law student.”
“Wow! You must be really smart then. I heard it’s difficult to get in.”
“And expensive.” Eric added, “I was in the subway and some pipes exploded. Next thing I know I was coming out of the water and finding Frodo outside the subway station. He took me to his owner, the woman who distracted the creatures so I could be here.” Just in that moment Frodo jumped from Eric grip to Mary’s lap and purred, “He likes you.” Mary turned to see him and his eyes were shining.
“What part of London are you?”
“Kent. Have you been?”
“No, I was studying to be a nurse. But you know it was in the plans after I finish. Travel the world… Now there is no place in the world where those creature aren’t.”
“Well, let’s hope that wherever we going, it’ll be free of those things.”
Both of them stayed in silence for a moment. It wasn’t awkward, it felt peaceful.
“Eric?” he hummed, “Can I do something?” He nodded.  Mary got closer and he moved backwards a bit. Her hands land on her tie. She gracefully undo his tie and another button of his shirt.
“It was a present from my mom. She gave it to me before I came to the States.”
She smiled, took the tie, folded and put it in her tote back. “It will be safe there.”
By the time Lucy came back she found Mary with her head on Eric’s shoulder, both of them sleeping peacefully.
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crazyk-imagine · 10 months
Take Care of You while you're Sleeping
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Pairing: Michael Schmidt x Childhood friend!reader
Characters: Michael Schmidt, Childhood friend!reader, Abby Schmidt, Janet Schmidt, Steve Raglan (William Afton), Vanessa, Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, Max, Doug the lawyer (not mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, slow burn, classic fnaf movie things, things get interesting, bits of the movie, Afton is a psycho, Mike and reader need to get their shit together, the lawyer isn't mentioned but he's an icon in my eyes, no one wants to deal with the aunt, Max is conflicted, and her death isn't mentioned, mentions of past traumas
Word Count: 8,860
*if you're not a good cook, pretend
This idea would not leave my mind for a long ass time guys.
You wait in the hallway waiting till he finishes talking to his job counselor.
Since you were a kid and it- you've never been good at waiting for too long.
Part of you wants to text him and ask if he's almost done but you can’t do that and ruin his chance to keep Abby.
You bite the skin on the side of your thumb, foot bouncing as the clock ticking a few feet away goes in one ear and out the other. You drop your hand at the slight painful sensation that comes from where you were biting.
You glance down and see the small spot of red, rubbing the area to get rid of it. You close your eyes, bending forward with your head down and your hands on your knees to keep you upright.
The door opens.
Your head snaps over in his direction.
He looks even more worn out than before.
He briefly holds eye contact with you and gestures for the two of you to go.
You stand up before he passes you, you glance over his shoulder and find the counselor, standing there with a cup of coffee.
His stare sends a shiver down your spine.
You lower your head, spin around and follow Michael, who was waiting by the door for you.
You don’t want to upset him by asking but if you don’t, who knows when he'll tell you what happened.
Another red light and you’re still debating on asking.
"Was it helpful?"
"There's nothing out there?"
"No," he sighs. "There was- he had a job, but the hours aren't good. It's a night job."
He sighs, "yeah."
"Maybe I can see if we have an opening?" You offer.
He shakes his head. "No. It's- it's fine. I’ll figure out something."
"I don't want to start this again."
"I just want to help you. I know how much it means for you to have this job."
"I'll figure it out."
You reach over and squeeze his hand, offering a small smile. "I know you’ll figure it out. I just want you to know that you don’t have to do it alone. It's not all on you." You open the car door. "Thanks for the ride again."
He watches as you walk into your work, always making sure you're exactly where you should be.
You walk through the door with dinner. "Hey." You greet Max, giving her a small portion of what Michael owes her.
She shakes her head, denying the money.
"You've been helping him out for so long now, please take it. He doesn't need to keep worrying about this," you whispered to her.
She glances down at the thin wad of cash in your hands; she closes her eyes, thinking about the Schmidt’s aunt and their deal. “Thank you,” Max whispers.
She’s going to pay you back and then some.
“I brought dinner.”
“We were just about to eat,” he tells you, standing in the kitchen.
“Not anything edible,” Abby mutters.
Her brother sighs.
You smile at her while setting the bags on the counter. “Scoot, I got it.”
“I’m gonna have to learn how to cook at some point.”
“Not tonight, I’m excited. Scoot.” You push him out of your way, amusing the young girl at the table.
She continues working on her recent drawing, one with you in it, of course.
“I think I’m going to take it.”
You turn away from the TV to look at him. “Take what?”
"The job."
"The night one? I thought didn't want that one?" He shrugs, glancing at the wall. "It's better than nothing. I'll still be able to fight my aunt with this job."
"I understand why you're doing this but are you sure you can handle it?"
He glances at you with furrowed brows. "What do you mean?"
You tilt your head, staring at him with sad eyes.
"I worry about you enough with your shitty sleep schedule now. This is just going to send me into old age."
"Who says you aren't already?"
You scoff, shoving his shoulder. "Don't be a dick." You cover your mouth, hiding your yawn. "I'm gonna clean the dishes and then crash on your couch."
He pushes himself off the couch, following you. "I can do that. You should start getting ready for bed."
You take the other dishes from him. "Mike, stop. Go to bed. I've got this and you," you boop his nose causing him to scrunch his face in confusion. "Need to go to bed. Start preparing for work. This is the least I can do for the number of times you've let me stay here… and the car rides."
"You know I don't mind doing it."
You sigh, placing your hands on his shoulders. "I know but this is the only way I can show how much I appreciate it." You wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Stop stalling and go to bed."
"Yes, ma'am."
You shake your head. "I'll see you in the morning. Why don't you sleep in, and I'll take Abbs?"
"I don't know."
"We got this. If you're not up. I'm taking her."
He's out cold when you open the door to check on him.
You shake your head, walking down the short hallway. "He's out. Looks like I'll be taking you, sweet pea."
"Are you and my brother dating?"
"Has my answer changed since the last time you asked me?" You ask, setting her plate in front of her.
She shakes her head, "no."
"And what do you think now?"
She groans. "Come on, you two are like perfect for each other. He really likes you; you know."
"I would like to think so, otherwise our friendship is a lie."
"No," she shakes her head. "He really likes you."
"Where'd you hear that?" "
I asked him."
"You did?" You raise a brow.
"No, but I know these things."
"You've never had a boyfriend; how would you know?"
"My friends."
You went to work and came back just in time for the brother and sister duo to walk through the door, keeping you on the phone.
"What happened?"
They both shrug, neither wanting to give you an answer.
"Max isn't answering," he says through the phone.
"Did you try her again?"
"I've been trying all day."
You sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm a little stressed right now."
"Do you want me to watch her?"
"No, it's fine."
"Mike, I can watch her. It's no problem."
“No, no. I- what if you come with us? You can watch her there.”
“Wouldn’t it be smarter if I watched her at your place?”
“I- I don’t want you two to be alone.”
You sigh, “Mike, nothing will happen. You know I’ll do whatever I can for her.”
“I know but maybe it’ll be better if you two get out of the house in- instead of being all cooped up, right?”
You know you’re not going to win with him. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in a few.”
He shakes his head, although you can’t see it. “No, we can come get you. Your house is on the way.”
It is, in fact, not on the way there but he doesn’t want you walking in the cold. “Okay, call me when you’re about to leave.”
“We’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. Bye, Mikey.” You groan as soon as the call ends. “Mikey. Seriously?"
Abby notices her brothers’ flushed cheeks. "Did you finally ask her out?"
He turns to her with furrowed brows. "Wh- what? No. Why would you ask that?"
She shrugs and searches through the drawers, needing something for her drawings.
He walks down the hallway and enters his room, searching for his work clothes.
You walk through the door (even after he told you not to walk to their house) and see the previously jammed drawer fall onto the floor.
You slam the door shut and rush to her. "Oh my god." You grab her by her shoulders, checking her over. "Are you okay?"
She nods before trying to clean up.
You help her until your eyes stop on the yellow paper.
Michael rushes out of his room. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I made a mess," she mumbles. "I'm sorry."
You stare at him with raised brows, waiting for him to explain himself to her (and you).
He's been working too hard to give her up to someone you know doesn't care about her or her well-being.
He tries his best to explain to her that it's not what she thinks.
Abby gets upset and runs to her room.
You clean up the mess and jam the drawer back into its place. "Are you serious, Mike?"
"You've worked so hard to keep her in your life and you have the other, terrible option might I add, within reach for her to find!?"
"It's not like that."
"Then tell me because sometimes I don't know what's going on in your head no matter how hard I try to figure it out." You take a deep breath. "Just- tell me you're not really thinking about this?"
"I- I'm not. It's just- my aunt is really pushing this and-"
"If she's giving you guys problems. Tell me, I might be able to figure out something to help, okay?"
"Okay," he rushes out, sounding annoyed.
"I'm sorry for this, Mike. I am but believe me when I say that this is not the way to do things."
"Did you-"
"I'm gonna go check on her. You need to figure things out." You brush past him, shoulder knocking into his chest.
You softly knock on the door. "Abbs?" You turn the handle and walk in. "Are you okay?"
She sits in her chair unable to color.
"Sweetie, you can tell me." You sit on her bed. "You know, when I was a younger, my parents did the same thing, but they didn't get far."
"They did?"
You nod.
"Something happened when I was a kid and I just," you wipe your hands on your knees. "I don't like to talk about it often. How about we go make cupcakes before we go to work with your brother?"
"We're going with him?" She asks as you open the door.
You nod. "Yeah, he doesn't want you to be here alone and since I'm the only one nice enough to talk to him, he doesn't want us to be alone while he's out."
"That makes sense."
"Does it? I think he just likes to be in control just a little too much."
She giggles and grabs your hand, pulling you down the short hallway.
You narrow your eyes at him as he sits at the table, slumped in the chair.
You know your look made him feel worse, but you don't care, putting that someplace where she could find it so, she can up with the worse scenarios is a horrible thing for a child to go through… other than- Abby calls out for you.
You blink once and hum. "Any requests?"
Neither of the Schmidt siblings answers you as they glance at one another, curious as to what just happened.
Dinner was more silent than normal, but it wasn't completely unbearable.
It was kind of, therapeutic. Then it was time to go.
“Alright, grab your stuff. We won’t be there long and we’ll be back soon.”
A child’s whisper calling out for Abby alerts you, even more so when two children’s voices call out yours.
You’re scared to open your eyes, reminding you of the one time you asked your parents to check your room for monsters when you heard something coming from your closet. You pull the blanket closer, having it act as a barrier.
You take a deep breath and focus on the light coming from Abby’s fort, thinking back to when- she softly shakes your arm, whispering your name. “Yeah, Abbs?”
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
You nod, tossing the blanket off you, holding your hand out for her to take. “Let’s go.”
You walk through the vaguely familiar hallways and stop at the bathroom.
“Do you want me to come in with you?”
She shakes her head, “I’ll be fine.”
You nod and watch as she goes in, keeping an eye on her until the door closes.
You turn and nearly jump out of your skin when you see the stage curtain moving.
Your eyes wander around the stage while you silently think a little hail Mary… and for Abby to hurry.
“All done.”
“Great, let’s go back before your brother realizes you’re gone.”
“But there’s someone else here.” She walks towards the stage and you chase after her.
“Abby, you need to stop running-”
Your jaw drops and you can’t speak anymore once you see the glowing red eyes staring back at you.
They walk down and huddle around the two of you.
You wrap your around her, pulling the girl closer to you not knowing how to protect her or get her out of this situation safely.
“I don’t think they want to hurt us.”
“And how would you know that?”
“They’re my friends.” She pushes your arms off her and greets them, they start tickling her, easing a small portion of your fears and concerns.
Then the fox and chick animatronic start tickling you and you two are giggling your heads off.
This was definitely not what he was expecting when he heard you two screaming from the security office.
All he sees are the large animatronics which trigger his fight or flight mode. He raises the chair higher at the sight of Freddy, who glares at him in return.
“Guys, this is my brother Mike.” Abby smiles, introducing everyone to each other. “Mike, these are my friends.”
His eyes wander around the room, checking over everyone to make sure everything is okay before he starts searching for you.
He slowly calms down at the sight of your head when you turn around. All he sees is the big smile on your guys faces and slowly, places the chair back where he found it.
He doesn’t know what else to do and grabs the two of you before anything else can happen.
The little girl breaks free and places a drawing in the bear's hand.
“They like drawings,” she explains to her brother.
“Bye guys. We’ll be back soon.” She waves and the two who seem to have taken a liking to you, wave more excitedly to you.
You wave back before her brother grabs your hand and pulls you two back to the security office to grab all your stuff.
"Abby, get in the car."
She settles into the back but not you, he pulls you back to talk to you.
"What was that?"
After making sure she was all settled in, you turn to him. "What do you mean?"
"You just let her get too close to those- those things. What if she had gotten hurt?"
"Don't do that to me. You're the one that wouldn't let me watch her at home, Mike. You brought us here."
He wants to apologize because he knows he's upset and taking it out on you which isn’t fair.
You get in the car, careful not to slam the door (no matter how hard you want to) because you don’t want to disturb the sleepy girl.
He walks back to the car with his head down, knowing he royally screwed up.
You don't try and talk to him like you normally do and keep your gaze on everything around you.
As soon as the car is put in park, you get out and grab all the bags.
He sighs, watching you basically run into the house and checks on Abby.
You get started on making breakfast because you're hungry and know the other two will be as soon as they smell it.
The moment the last plate touched the table, the Schmidt siblings are out of their rooms and sneaking towards the kitchen.
You gesture for them to sit down so they can get started.
The clinking of your utensils hitting the plates is the only noise echoing throughout the kitchen. Abby finishes and runs back to her room to draw more.
You start cleaning up, leaving the man in silence.
"I'm sorry."
You don't acknowledge his apology and continue cleaning up.
"I know what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have taken it out on you, but you know, she could have gotten hurt."
You glance at him over your shoulder and nod. "I know that, and I wouldn't have let anything happen to her. You know that and that's why I'm hurt."
The chair scooting across the floor alerts you.
His presence calms you even with how angry you are. He leans closer, "I know but I was- I was scared I was going to lose-"
"Abby like you did, Garrett, I know," you whisper, letting the tears trickle down your face.
"It's not just that. I mean, yeah it was mainly that, but I was also scared I was going to lose you too."
You wipe your cheeks.
His hand inches towards you.
You spin around and throw yourself into his arms, he takes a step back before balancing himself. "You're an idiot," you mumble.
The vibrations coming from his chest as he chuckles send a shiver down your spine and you pull yourself away from him.
He stays where he is, barely a foot away from you, studying you. He reaches forward, wiping your cheeks. "Better?"
You roll your eyes and return to the dishes.
He wraps an arm around your waist, leaning against you. "I'm gonna go check on Abby before I go to my room."
You nod.
"Do you need a ride to work?"
"No, it's fine. I don't have another shift for a few days."
"Okay, let me know if you do."
"I will."
He hesitates to leave or hesitates to peck your cheek.
You stand still, not entirely sure what just happened. 'Did he just-' you think to yourself. Now you're starting to question some things but don't dwell on it.
You sit down, relaxing on the couch, waiting for your tiredness to hit.
Your head droops every so often, waking you up each time it happens; eventually you change positions and try to go to sleep.
You open your eyes and find yourself… back there. You look around, searching for someone, anyone to help you.
Children giggling, the video games near you buzzing and beeping; you spin around when a breeze passes you. “Hey.”
The kid in orange stops looking over his shoulder.
Flashes of him and the fox animatronic flash through your mind.
You whine, falling to the ground as you hold your head.
“Are you okay?” A child’s voice manages to come through all the noise.
Your hands slide down your face as you lift your head to search where the voice is coming from. Your eyes widen, you know her. “Who-”
“Why are you sad?”
“I- I don’t know.”
“Did you not have fun?” You blink once, processing her question.
She pouts. “Did you not have fun earlier?”
You push yourself off the ground. “What do you mean? I- I’ve never- I-” She starts walking away.
“I have to go now. The yellow rabbit’s back.”
You follow her, fighting to get through the crowd.
You reach for her, just a few inches shy of grabbing her. You push yourself back, ready to apologize for the person you bumped into.
They turn around, smiling.
“There you are, I thought you were going to the restroom?”
Your jaw drops. “Mom?”
“Come on,” she grabs your wrist. “We’re about to miss them cutting the cake.”
“You and Susie were so excited for Fritz’s party. I’m surprised you forgot about the cake.”
You furrow your brows, unsure of anything that’s happening. “We missed you.”
You wake up, eyes blurred after not being open for a bit. Abby sits in front of the couch, drawing yet again. “Abbs?”
“Was last night real?”
She nods.
“Are you sure?”
Even though she confirmed your thoughts, it still doesn’t feel real.
Her brother wakes up to find the two of you quietly drawing and smiles at the sight, seeing you two together always made his heartbeat faster… or maybe it was you?
He tilts his head, furrowing his brows thinking back to when he quickly pecked your cheek. He hopes neither of you look over, otherwise you’ll see his flushed cheeks and he doesn’t want to have to lie about the real reason.
Maybe that’s why he was terrified for both you and Abby last night.
He wonders how long he’s been feeling this way, was it before Garrett?
Is that why he’d always invite you over and not just because you always found ways to include his brother?
Maybe when he's done with his shift and he’s saved up a little bit more he can take you out on a date, a proper one.
He shakes his head; he's getting too ahead of himself.
Why would you ever want to date him? He's not worthy of dating, you.
"Are going to come with us tonight?"
You slowly turn your head in her direction, "what do you mean?"
"Max still isn't answering so I'm going with Mike. Can you come with us? My friends really like you."
"The- they do?"
She nods, "they say you're nice and remind them of someone they used to know."
"Oh." You sit up straighter, looking over her head to catch her brother's eye.
He tilts his head, not knowing what she told you.
You push yourself off the ground and briskly walk towards him, pulling him closer towards the fridge so, the little girl doesn't see you whisper shout at her brother. "What are you doing?"
He doesn't pull his arm out of your grasp.
Is this what it means to be touch starved?
"What do you mean?"
"You're taking her again? What happened to you being pissed because I let her get too close to them?"
A sad sigh escaped through his nose. "Her friends might know who took Garrett."
You owlishly blink, wondering how your friend can be so caring but such a dumbass. You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Seriously?"
"What? You know I always try to think back to see if I can remember anything but I- it's never enough."
Your head snaps up. "Mike, listen to me, please. Don't get upset when I tell you this."
"You need to stop. Focusing on the past it’s not good for you or," you gesture to the little girl in the living room. "Her, she is your present, okay. She should be your priority because she is still here," your voice cracks. You're doing all you can to hold back your tears. "You need to let him go."
He takes a step back, staring at you with an angered expression.
You know it wasn't your place to tell him this but no one else is. "I'll go after tonight. Let me spend one more night with her and I'll be out of your guy's hair when we get back, okay?"
"Honestly, I don't know if I should after hearing that."
You sigh, "Mike." You don’t want to beg, it'd be pointless but if you can cause a little less heartbreak, maybe it'd be worth it. "I know right now you probably hate me, but you also know that I wouldn't say anything without a reason."
You walk back into the living room when she shows a drawing of you and two other kids. "Abby?" Your voice wavers, "where did you find this?"
"I drew it. Do you not like it?"
You furrow your brows and stare at the page. "You didn’t take this?"
She scoffs, "no."
"I- I'm sorry, Abbs. I believe you-"
She shakes her head and grabs her belongings before stomping to her room.
"What's wrong with the picture?" Michael asks.
You bury your head in your hands. "Nothing."
"Well, clearly, it's not nothing."
You lift your head, using the sleeves of your crewneck to wipe your cheeks. "Do you remember when I wasn't in school for a while?"
His brows knit together as he tries to think back.
"It was a little bit before Garrett was taken," you whisper. "I- um- I think I used to go to Freddy's after school with a couple of our neighbors, but I don't remember anything after that."
“What are you trying to say?”
“Something happened when I was a kid, and I haven’t been able to get over it. That’s why I’m so freaked out. I remember drawing this but anything else after that is lost on me.”
“I didn’t know.”
“I barely remember and now I’m freaking out.”
He sits beside you pulling you in for a hug.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“Don’t- don't apologize about it.” Now he feels horrible.
Abby listened to your conversation from the crack she left open in the door and knows they gotta do something to make you happy.
“Are you sure you want to come with us? I mean, you don’t have to,” he tells you.
You grab your bag and nod, “I got this. It’ll be fine.” You look out the door, seeing the girl in the back of his car. "And, then I'll be out of your hair."
"Don't- don't worry about it. I forgot what you said."
"Let's go. I don't want either of you to be alone."
You exited the bathroom and found Vanessa talking to Michael.
You don't know whether to walk over to them or join Abby.
The choice is made for you when the little girl and the animatronics gesture for you to come over.
You glance over at the two, your chest hurts temporarily as you think there might be something going on between the two but realize that you're not here to watch them moon over each other, you're here for Abby.
You wander closer towards them, hopping on the stage with the gang.
They start singing and you hold your hand out for Abby to take, spinning her around and she gets a brilliant idea.
The fort was finished and you all crawl underneath. "I think it's going to rain soon."
"Looks like we're gonna need a roof. I know where they keep the blankets when we had parties."
Michael pushes himself off the ground, "I'll come with you." He turns around to whisper to Abby, who assures him that she'll get the info he wants.
He perks over at you, wondering if he should really follow her or not. He has to talk to her and knows you'll look after his sister.
You close your eyes to try and get your mind off wondering if he and Vanessa are going to get together. You can hear their voices, but they slowly become quieter and quieter as time goes on.
You wake and find yourself in the ball pit. This is not where you-
"Hello?" You whisper.
It's not the smartest thing to do but you did it anyway.
You crawl out of the pit only to find no one else around.
"Great, they left me and now I'm here alone." You sigh and wander around, hoping to find someone.
Children's laughter passes by you.
You spin around, searching for the kids and find no one. "Just find a way out and you'll be fine."
The tapping on your back alarms you.
You spin around once more to find a child with a hook and red hair. You furrow your brows. "Are you here alone?"
He shakes his head, another child, a blonde little girl comes out of nowhere.
"Are you- are you two-" You cover one eye and make a hook with the other.
They nod.
"Oh, so you're- you're kids."
"We're your friends."
You open your eyes and find Abby staring down at you.
"They're going to perform for us."
"They are?" She nods excitedly and continues to pull you up, off the ground.
Michael and Vanessa returned but neither of you noticed.
She notices the look he has whenever he’s near you or talks to you. “When are you going to tell her?”
He turns back to the blonde. “What are you talking about?”
“You're in love with her.”
He scoffs, shaking his head. “What are you talking about?”
“You're in love and you haven't told her, why?”
He opens his mouth to reply but falls short.
“What are you scared of?”
“I- nothing.”
She turns to check on you two, her teasing expression falls.
You heard her voice and glanced back at the girl, who's close to touching Bonnie's guitar. You were already holding her other hand and reached out to stop her but are too late.
The two of you fall backwards onto the stage, passing out for a few moments.
Abby is the first to wake, asking what happened.
Vanessa holds her, calming her, glaring at the girl's brother.
You slowly open your eyes, and his face is the first one you see. Your brows knit together, trying to figure out what happened.
“Hey, hey,” he calls out to you, holding your head. “Are you okay?”
You groan, closing your eyes trying to not think of the pain. “No.”
He huffs, lowering his head, thankful that you haven't lost your sense of sarcasm. 'Thank god,' he thinks to himself.
He doesn't know what he would have done if anything had happened to you, either of you. He can't lose anyone else in his life.
The three of you leave earlier that night, much like when you all discovered the animatronics secrets.
You sit in the car, staring at the house. “You can’t let her go back there, Mike.”
He looks away from her and checks you out, silently hoping nothing has happened to you physically. “I know. She won’t.”
“Take care of her, okay.” You open the door, and he grabs your arm, keeping you inside the vehicle.
You hesitantly settle back into the seat. “I told you all I wanted was one last night.”
“You’re not leaving. I- we can’t lose you. I don’t know what I’d do if we never saw you again.”
“Even after everything I said?”
He pauses before responding, “I’m not focusing on that.”
“That was the reason you were so upset,” you hissed at him, being wary of your volume with the sleeping girl in the back. “I don’t want to step on any more toes, okay?”
“You’re not… as long as you promise not to leave.”
The corners of your lips twitch. “I won’t but I do have to go home and get ready for work.”
He shakes his head, “you don’t need to. I have some of your things. You can get ready here.”
“I am perfectly capable of being on my own.”
“I know you are but I’m more concerned about you especially with everything that happened.”
“I'm fine but if it means so much to you for me to be here then I'll stay but once I'm done with my shift, I'm going home, okay? I need to grab a few things and maybe do some laundry while I'm at it.” You chuckle, wanting to give him a piece of mind.
He nods, “deal.”
You get out of the car, grabbing everyone's bags so he could put Abby to bed, giving you a sense of deja vu.
Once he's got her tucked into bed, he ventures down the hallway, checking in you… again. “Showers free, if you want it.”
You look up from the dining chair, giving him a tired smile in return. “You sure?”
“Yeah, I just got to make a phone call and then I'll head to my room.”
You nod, rubbing your eyes. “Okay.”
His heart tugs at an unusual feeling, one he never thought he'd get the privilege of having.
He doesn't stop watching until the bathroom door closes and now, he hesitates to make the call.
He doesn't want to prove her right but this just- it can't happen again. And it won't, if his aunt takes care of Abby. He can't imagine the face you're going to give him when you see her.
The water turns on and he waits for a bit until he knows it's safe to make the call.
You exit the bathroom, securing the t-shirt on your head.
“Hey,” his eyes are drawn to your head. “Is that my shirt?”
You shrug, “I don't know, maybe.”
“Okay, anyway. Don't get mad.”
Your head jerks back. “Why would I get mad?”
“I called her.”
“Call who?”
“My aunt.”
You’re face turns sour as soon as your mind processed what he said. “You're getting my foot so far up your ass, you won't know which end was what.”
“Hey, hey,” he grabs your arms. “It's for her safety.”
“That doesn’t make this easier.”
“I know it doesn't but it's the smart choice… right?”
You're at a stalemate, no matter what answer you give him, it's not going to give him the peace of mind he's looking for. “Do you think it was a smart idea?” You finally ask.
“It's better for Abby.”
“And what about you?”
“Abby is more important.”
“You both deserve to be happy.” You check on the clock, “it's almost time for me to go so I'm going to finish getting ready and I'll be out of your hair for the day. I won't be able to babysit her tonight.”
He nods, “I kinda figured which is also why I called our aunt.”
“If you two can talk and figure out a good solution that won't make her feel like she's being taken and sent to your guy's aunt, I'm right behind you.”
He nods, “thank you.”
You walk out of the bathroom searching for Michael before grabbing your bag. “Mike?”
He's not in the kitchen so you move over to the living room and then his room.
You peek in the crack of his door, finding him lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling.
You enter, closing the door behind you, not wanting to wake up Abby. “I'm gonna go now.”
He nods lazily.
“Are you gonna be, okay?”
“Yeah,” his voice comes out deep, you know he's on the verge of passing out.
“Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? I thought you were coming back tonight?”
“My shift ends just as you're halfway to Freddy's. I don't want to come in and scare Abby.”
“Okay, call me when you get there?”
“I'll do you one better.” You sit on the edge of his bed, hand near his. “I'll text you on the phone you like to forget you have.”
“I don't forget I have it.”
“You do.”
“Whatever,” he chuckles. “I'll see you later.”
You exit his room, leaving it open a little (in case Abby needs him he told you once).
You try to ask him if you forgot anything when his warm hand cups your cheek. “Mikey?”
He leans in, your noses are touching. “Tell me if this is a bad idea and I'll back away,” he whispers, staring into your eyes.
“It's not.”
His eyes drift down to yours.
You can't take it anymore and go for it.
His surprised squeak makes you smile. He leans in when you pull away.
“I've really got to go.”
“I know.”
“You need to let me go so I can go to work.”
He opens his eyes and stares at the ground. “Sorry.”
“Don't be. I didn't back away.”
“I- uh-”
“What is it?”
“I like it when you,” he clears his throat. “I like it when you call me Mikey. No one else does.”
The corner of your lips twitch, curving upwards. “Good to know.” You bunch the front of his shirt in your hand and kiss him once more before leaving.
You shake your head, smiling from ear to ear while ignoring the heat from your cheeks.
Work wasn’t anything more than what you expected which was nice, better with what you’d been dealing with the last few days.
You collapse into the chair you have in your living room, trying not to fall asleep only to wind up taking a nap.
The sound of knocking alarms you, you jolt awake trying to make sense of your surroundings.
You open the door, only to find the one person you least expected to find here. "Mr. Raglan?"
He lifts his head and smiles. "Hi, you’re Michael's friend, right?"
You nod, "I am. What's this about?"
"Can I come in?"
Your mind tells you not to let him in, you get an unsettling feeling from him. "Actually, I need to get ready for work so, if you could just-"
His hand clamps around the door as you try to close it on him. "Actually," he slams the door shut behind him. "That's not going to happen. You see, I was trying to be nice and let you come with me but then you started thinking again, just like you did when you were a kid. And now, now I'm going to kill you."
Your eyes widen, heart beating about a hundred miles an hour.
"But not yet, of course because we," he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer before you can run away. "Have a show to put on." His eyes are emotionless the more you look into them. "Nighty night."
You fight to open your eyes; the loud mechanical stomping hurts your ears; you whine covering them.
You're pulled away and fight the hands holding you.
She shushes you, “shut up. Shut up.” Vanessa rips your hands away from your ears, holding your head to make you focus on her. “You need to get Abby and Mike and get them out of here. Do you understand?”
“I can’t- I can’t-” You start hyperventilating.
She shakes your shoulders, trying to get you out of it. “You need to get them out of here.”
You nod. “Where are they?” You sniff, wiping your cheeks.
“Mike went to grab Abby; they should be getting back here now.”
She pulls you up, the two of you stay close to the walls as you search for them.
Abby runs out, you grab her before she could expose herself to the animatronics.
You glance back, looking for the blonde and find no one around. “Where’s your brother?”
“Back there. He fought the cupcake.”
The loud stomping sends a shiver down your spine.
“Abbs, we need to hide.”
You turn your head, looking around. “Ball pit.” You grab her and carry her. “Stay here.”
Her fingernails dig into your hand. “Where are you going?”
“Stay here. I’m- I’m going to be right here. If they catch me, you run.”
She shakes her head, “I can’t.”
“Abby,” you hold her head in your hands. “I need you to be strong for me.”
She stares at you with teary eyes. “Okay.”
“Good girl,” you peck her head and hide.
Foxy's footsteps alarm you.
You frantically search for something to throw that can distract him. You slowly sink down, praying your knees don't crack as you do.
You grab the lonely ball pit ball left on the ground and grip it as tightly as you can before standing up, hoping to be able to throw the ball a few feet away, just enough to get Abby out of here.
You throw the ball, knocking into a few games, setting them off.
The fox wanders in that direction and you grab the girl and start running, pushing her in front of you.
“Ru-” You glance back and find the blonde. “Vanessa.”
“Come on.” Abby legs go of you and run towards her brother.
You stop less than two feet away from him, staring at the yellow rabbit. You whimper, remembering what happened.
“What's the matter? You remember what happened,” he chuckles.
“You- you took them.”
“So, what if I did?”
“You took little kids, and you murdered them and you tried to do the same thing to me!”
Vanessa's body falls to the ground.
“Let's not get upset now.”
He chuckles, “I wouldn't want any of us to do something we'll regret.” He smiles at your humorless expression. “It's funny because I don't regret any of it. I do wish that I finished with you. It would have been the perfect ending, don't you think?”
You duck, rolling onto the floor before he could stab you but then he gets a hold of your ankle and pulls you back, closer towards him.
His emotionless eyes lit up somehow and his grip shifted from your ankle to your neck. He drags you over towards one of the machines, prepared to stab you, making an almost complete set (if only he'd have gotten Michael when he had the chance).
You wiggle in his grasp, trying to kick and shove him off you. “Stop squirming, that's why we've had this prolonged… meeting.”
Abby’s picture replaces the previous one.
His eyes widen, grip loosening giving you an opportunity to escape. “What have you done?”
You watch as the animatronics pull away the dying man before running over towards the two Schmidt siblings, helping the other one carry Vanessa out of the building.
You look around the car for anything to keep on the wound while you apply pressure. “Is there anything,” you ask through the screen.
The two shake their heads, “no.”
You sigh and use all your might to rip the bottom of your shirt. You let out a breath once you get some fabric and quickly start applying pressure, using the fabric as dressing. “What are we going to tell people?”
“Mugging gone wrong.”
“Seriously?” You glance through the screen and catch his gaze in the rearview mirror.
“Who would believe us if we told the truth?”
“Okay, well I’m sorry for asking.”
“Can you guys not fight right now?”
You avoid his gaze. “We’re not fighting, we’re strongly disagreeing with each other.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“We’re here.”
“Okay, I’m going to need help getting her out.”
He nods, you notice the way he inches out of the car and know this is too much for him.
You mouth to Abby to open the door, you pull the unconscious woman out by her feet, before grabbing her arm.
A nurse behind you tells you to move.
You look around and find Abby hugging Mike’s side as they stand a few feet away from the ER entrance. “Okay. Uh,” you point to the siblings. “My fiancé has bad injuries, no stab wounds but he scratched really bad, it’s deep and I’m afraid he might need stitches,” you explain, trying not to break down right then and there.
The nurse nods, “got it. Bring him in and fill out some paperwork and we’ll check on him.”
“Okay.” You watch as they take her away, hoping you guys got her to the hospital in time. “Let’s get you inside,” you tell him.
“I’m fine.”
You raise your brows, blinking at him in disbelief. “We both know you are not, you have sustainable injuries to, who knows what extent, you are going in here and getting checked out even if I have to force you.”
He nods, “maybe getting the dressing changed won’t hurt.”
“That’s what I thought.” You wrap an arm around his waist, in case he doesn’t have enough energy to continue.
Once you get him situated, fill out the paperwork and he’s taken back; you and the little girl are left alone.
You kneel in front of her, “are you okay?”
She nods. “Abbs, I need you to tell me if you have any injuries.”
She shakes her head, trying to stay strong.
You hold your hand out for her to take and switch seats, somewhere more comfortable for the two of you. “Lay down.”
She does as you told her and rests her head on your thigh.
You place your hand on her arm, thumb brushing back and forth in a comforting manner.
“Are you and Mike together yet?”
You chuckle, glancing down at her. “Depends on if your brother will ask me out.”
“If he doesn’t, you should. He takes forever.”
“Well, aren’t you kind.” You sigh, the pain from tonight’s adventure hits you. “Close your eyes and try to sleep when the doctor tells us we can see him, I’ll wake you up.”
“You promise?”
“You’re not getting out of my sight for a while, sweetie.”
She smiles and closes her eyes.
You rest your head on your hand, watching the terrible soap opera playing on the tv in the upper corner of the room.
He walks out, searching for you two and his heart beats faster. He shakes his head seeing that you were ready to shift Abby to check on him. “I’m not staying here.”
You sigh his name.
“I know, I know.”
“Do you want to go now?”
He nods.
“I don’t think we can take the cop car now.”
He chuckles and winces.
You offer a weak smile as an apology. “Sorry?”
“I can carry her.”
“No. I got it. You’re the wounded hero here.”
“What about your aunt?”
“What do you mean?”
“You really think that she let Abby leave on her own? What if- what if she’s…”
He catches on to what you’re implying. “Maybe we should stay at yours.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s closer and I know you have some things for us to use.”
“Okay.” You lift the little girl into your arms. “Let’s go.”
You make it back to your place and Abby rubs her eyes. "Where are we?"
"We're at my place."
"Abby, you should take a shower before going to bed," her brother says.
"She didn’t argue with me."
"She almost lost you." You pat his should and move around your place, cleaning up a little more.
He watches for a second before placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey." He tells you to stop and sit down.
"I- I can't. I need to- I need-"
He gets you to sit down on the couch before you could collapse where you stood. He sits down beside you and holds your hand, which are resting on your knees. "What happened back there?"
"He killed my friends."
"You knew them?"
You nod, wiping your cheeks to get them dry but fail as more tears fall. "After they closed Freddy's, my parent's let me stay with a few other kids after school to do homework or do kid things, you know." "Yeah."
"But then, one day we were all at the park and we were playing hide and seek. I heard something and I knew it wasn't safe, my mind was telling me to get out there and I did but the next day one of the kids we were with was taken instead. They never found him."
"Do you think it was one of them?"
You shrug, "I don't know."
"Did anything else happen?"
You shake your head, letting the tears freely trickle down your face. "Hang on." You reach over to the coffee table and grab the non-labeled book, handing it to him. "My therapist said I should write down anything and I wrote what happened. I didn't want to forget it… not that I could."
He lifts your journal, "you want me to read it?"
You nod.
"Are you sure? I mean, I feel like I'm going to be invading your privacy."
"I," you take a deep breath. "Honestly, I don't know if I should be sharing this with you but if there's anyone that I want to know about what happened, it's you."
"And you're sure you're okay with this?"
"As okay as anyone can be."
He doesn't know how to respond to that.
You tell him to get his sister and clean up for dinner.
The two turn the corner and are amazed.
"It's so much spaghetti," she squeals.
"I figured we could have a happy meal tonight. This morning. What time is it?"
They shrug and sit down, ready to dig in as their stomachs growl.
The corners of your lips twitch.
"Careful now," you grab the girl's hands, pulling them back before she could slide her arm back and have the knife fall in her lap. "How about I get your plate ready?"
"Hurry up."
You laugh and scoff at her behavior. "Watch it, little girl."
She giggles.
Once you're done, she grabs your plates and sets them in the sink before walking away.
"Woah! Woah! Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving you two alone. Kids aren't allowed on dates." She closes the door to your bedroom.
Your jaw drops. "Where did she get that idea?" You ask him.
“I- I don’t know.”
“Is she right though?”
“What do you mean?”
“Is this a date? I mean, are we dating now?”
He's not sure if saying that you guys are is the right idea or not because he doesn't know what you're thinking regarding the subject of dating him.
“If it changes anything, I'd go out with you.”
He perks up, leaning forward. “Even with everything that's happened.”
You wonder if he's referring to the incident at the mall or Freddy's. You nod, nonetheless. “Yeah, you idiot.” You bite the inside of your cheek, unsure of what's going to happen here.
“I don't think that's what girlfriends are supposed to call their boyfriends.”
“Who said you were my boyfriend?”
“I did.”
“It took your sister to help you to find the balls to ask me out, who might I add, said I should ask you out if you didn’t.” You rest your head on your knuckles. “So my question for you is,” the corner of your lips twitch as you fight the urge to smile wide, “when did you ask me to be your girlfriend?”
He stutters, resisting the urge to give you an embarrassing smile because you're right, he never did officially ask. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug and push yourself out of the chair. “I think I might have to think about it.” You’re pulled back, staring into his eyes.
“I think I already know the answer, you just don’t want to admit it.”
You let out a faux sigh, “you got me.”
He’s quiet and the only thing you know is that he’s got a million thoughts running through his head, but you don’t know what. “You know I’m not asking you out just because we almost died and I want something normal for me and Abby, right?”
“I wasn’t.”
His shoulders aren’t as tense, and you can see the stress escape him.
“Now, I am.”
He cups your cheeks, keeping your gaze on him. “I would never do anything unless I wanted to, right? You know that.”
You nod, “I know but… maybe it is too soon.”
“No,” he shakes his head, disagreeing with you.
“I have been in love with you since you kicked the dodgeball in my face during recess. It just- it took me so long to realize because of the guilt I carried for Garrett.”
“That was the second time we met?”
“And the reason we became friends.”
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer to hug him. “Who knew you were so sappy?”
“Hopefully you.”
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself back. “Yeah, yeah. My boyfriend’s an adorable idiot.”
He chuckles, “so I am your boyfriend?”
“Don’t ruin it.” You two crash on the couch while Abby takes over your bed, until she has a nightmare and comes to grab you two which is how you wound up in bed with your boyfriend of two hours and his kid sister.
The next couple of days were hectic, but you guys managed.
“You were right,” he said, closing the door behind him.
“When will you stop doubting me?”
“I never said I doubted you.”
You purse your lips. “I’m pretty sure, you said, “I don’t think she’s going to want spaghetti for the fourth night in a row” and look at where we are, pretty boy.”
“Pretty boy?”
“Yeah,” you lower your voice as if you’re talking to an adorable pet, “cause’ you’re so pretty.”
She looks up from her plate, “can we go visit my friends?”
His head lowers in disbelief before turning towards you, who avoids his gaze while eating a meatball.
You followed your boyfriend into his room, rubbing your eyes more than ready to sleep.
Tonight, it takes you less than twenty minutes to fall asleep, thankfully.
You blink finding yourself back in the arcade section of Freddy’s, following the echo coming from the dark hallway. You swear you hear a voice, quite literally calling out for someone to find it.
You open the door slowly, peeking in to see who it is and freeze.
“You found me.”
A lonely tear trickles down your cheek.
Who said life wasn’t about surprises?
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ʜɪɢʜᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴄʜ. 4
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: In an effort to get the two of you to bond, Tony Stark sends you and the ex-assassin Bucky Barnes on a road trip together. The problem? You hate each other. The situation? Two weeks in a car together. The reward: three days of a resort vacation. And the problem? He's kinda cute.
Warnings (Entire Series): Enemies-to-lovers, cursing, sexual tension, angst, fluff, crying, fighting, violence, chaos, mentions/talk of trauma, discussions of mental health, and potentially more.
Warnings: Enemies-to-lovers, cursing, sexual tension, reader wears lipstick and mascara, heels, and a dress, mentions of death, insecurity on Bucky's part, crying (reader), arguments, blood, dancing, eating and food, reader throws a punch at Bucky, mentions of Bucky not doing so well, mentions of Bucky's trauma in general, and Bucky is probably written wrong. (Trying my best lmao)
A/n: Sorry the updates for this are so inconsistent- I can't commit to an update schedule. My requests are always open for almost every Avenger, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about the series! I'd like to build up my collection of stories before I set up a masterlist. Thank you for reading!
||Part 3|| Part 4 || Part 5
[Series Masterlist]
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You pulled him to the food stand, excitedly looking around the little square. People from well into their nineties to kids who couldn't be older than five were all dressed up. You and Bucky blended in incredibly well.
"What do you think you're gonna get?" You asked Bucky, intending to pay.
"Not sure. Might just get a burger and fries."
"That sounds good. I'm not sure what I want yet. Everything looks amazing."
When the family in front of you got their food and left, you quickly made your decision, and Bucky made his. Just as you were about to put your card into the card swipe machine, Bucky beat you to it. When you opened your mouth to argue, Bucky gave you a sharp glare, silently telling you to shut the fuck up.
“I was going to—“ You begin, but he cuts you off quickly. “I got it.” He paid quickly for the meal, before leading you off to a table. There were a bunch of circle tables set up in a rectangle. In the center, people danced in small circles or in sets of twos.
Setting the plastic baskets on the table, Bucky pulled out a chair for you. “What a gentleman.” You tease, and he just rolls his eyes.
The band played covers of old songs, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Bucky recognizes any of them.
Once the both of you wolfed down the delicious food, you looked around. The band was loud, so you had to talk at a slightly louder volume than normal. There were lots of couples, ranging from elderly couples slowly swaying together, to newlyweds quickly moving and bouncing to the upbeat music. You noticed Stacy, the long-haired brunette who worked at the Brandon Center. She was in her own baby blue 40’s dress, which paired well with her hair and bright green eyes.
She was standing at a table in front of her Aunt Brenda, and Barbara from the hotel. Her grandma and her great aunt live up here, you remember. She’d said so at the store. Barbara and Brenda were also dressed up, smiling and laughing at something Stacy said. Stacy was standing, but Barbara and Brenda were sitting together.
You looked to Bucky who was zoning out. “You alright there?” You asked, and he snapped his gaze up to meet yours.
“Fine.” He assured. "Dance with me."
"What?" You look at him, bewildered.
"Dance with me." He repeats, standing up before pulling you out of your chair by your hands. "Why are you--" He pulls you to the makeshift dance floor, before pulling you close to him.
"Shut up and dance with me."
"Y'know, that's a song." You felt it was important to note this.
"Weird." He states, before he glances past you, his eyes narrowing.
"If looks could kill." You commented, and he focused back on you. "Who're you looking at?"
"The douchebag who's been staring at you for the past eight minutes." When you turned your head to look back, Bucky stepped to the side, forcing you to swing your body to avoid being crashed into.
"You've been watching him?" You thought it was weird that the guy who hated your guts seemingly wanted to keep you safe.
"Shut up." He glared at you, before he continued to sway with you to the rhythm of the song.
"I thought you said you couldn't dance."
"I said that I didn't. Not that I couldn't." He muttered, before spinning you.
You instantly recognized the opening notes of 'It's Been a Long, Long Time', and you look to Bucky, who also seemed to recognize it.
You laugh as the two of you continue to sway to the music together, before the song ends. Bucky keeps his hands on your hips, your hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. You’re not that bad.” You grin goofily. “You’re not so bad either.” Bucky looked at you, a small grin on his face.
“Something like that. You’re a punk.”
“And you’re a dick.” You shot back.
It was impossible to miss how all of the couples close to you glance at Bucky's hand, clearly metal against your red dress.
"They're all staring at me like I'm some kind of monster." He mutters darkly, beginning to pull away. You pull him closer. "Who gives a shit.”
“I do. Tony does. The Avenger’s PR team does.” He retorted.
“Okay, smart ass.” You rolled your eyes, before glancing around. One old guy was staring at Bucky, as were the surrounding groups of people. “We can go, if you want. My feet kinda hurt.” You lied, hoping that if you gave a reason to go, he’d feel better about agreeing. When he gave you a simple nod, you smiled. You lead him to the truck, taking him by the hand. Once you reached it, you stepped down off the curb, opening the passenger door.
“That was..fun. For you, right? Like, you’re doing okay?” You asked after a few minutes. Everybody in the tower knew about Bucky’s nightmares and night terrors. Whether it was from hearing him scream late in the night or in the earliest hours of the morning, or if it was from being the one to wake him up from them a few times. It was just something that nobody talked about. Noticing his expression, you began to worry. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” He grimaced.
“Don’t bullshit me, Barnes.”
“It’s none of your business. Drop it.”
“Is that what you tell Steve?”
Bucky’s eyes leave the road for a moment as he stares at you.
“Watch the road.”
“I am.” He grumbles. “And it’s still none of your business.”
“Buck, he wants to help you.” You try and convince him of this, but he’s barely listening. “Drop it, L/n.” He was holding on to the steering wheel so tight that the knuckles of his right hand were white.
“I’m not gonna ‘drop it’, Barnes! You need help and clearly you’re not getting it!” You shouted, and he responded by slamming on the breaks, letting you slam your hands into the dashboard.
He turned in his seat to look at you. “And how would you know? What, like you’re my goddamn best friend or some shit? You’re fucking not. We aren’t even friends!”
Of course you knew that you weren’t friends. Obviously. But you didn’t need the bitchy Bucky Barnes to remind you. Seething, you decided that you were done with this shit, and you didn’t care what Nat or Tony had to say about it.
“No fucking shit! Thank you so much, Sherlock Holmes! And for once, you’re actually right! I’m not your friend! Thank you for making that clear for me. In fact, I’m so grateful that I’ll give you what you've wanted since the beginning, you bitch!” You unbuckle your seatbelt, before pressing the ‘unlock’ button.
Hopping out of the truck, Bucky began to copy you. “You can’t leave!” He said, and his tone sounded like he was accusing you of something. You responded by sticking both middle fingers up near your chest. “Watch me!” You slammed the door shut, before walking back towards the town. You were too busy arguing with him to notice that he’d been driving the wrong way.
The air was cold away from the warm lighting and moving bodies of the tiny town square. Though you’d been lying before, your feet really did start to hurt now. You weren’t positive if it was because of the uneven road or just having on heels for a while.
You made it maybe fifteen quick steps away before you heard Bucky’s door slam shut. His shoes made noise against the road. Before he could say anything, you whirled around to face him. He stopped, five feet away from you. He opened his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
"Have you ever considered that maybe it's you? Everyone keeps leaving you and you keep acting surprised. It's because you push them away, James! You push them away!" Your voice becomes shrill at the end of your statement. "You push Nat away, you push Sam away, you push Clint away! Wanda, Tony, Pepper, Scott, Peter, Thor, Loki, Rhodey, Yelena, Kate. You shut them all out! You push Steve away! You pushed me away!"
He flinches at the mention of Steve. "You don't understand." Bucky called out, looking up and to the side.
"Then explain it to me then, Bucky. Explain it!" It was more of a begging shout than an angry one. "What, are you worried that he'll leave you or some shit? Cause he's not! I followed him halfway across the world for you!"
"He's the only person who's left! He's all I've got left, the last good thing I have!"
"Probably because you refuse to do anything but glare at everybody else! So you can go ahead and be by yourself! Serves you right!" You spin around, beginning to walk back to town again. You're too angry to check if he's still following you.
You find out once you feel a hand on your shoulder. Filled with rage, you spin around and punch him right in the face. You regret it immediately as you feel the stinging pain in your fist.
He lets out a loud 'fuck!' as he clutches his jaw. His brows furrow and he looks up at you, eyes wide and furious. You know you've fucked up. Quickly kicking off your shoes, you turn and race down the road, knowing that he was right behind you. Shit, shit, shit, you repeated in your head.
When you realized that running in a straight line wasn't the best idea, you veered off to the side, and you paused when you felt your bare feet halfway in dirt, your heels still on the uneven asphalt. However, stopping so suddenly in the dark caused Bucky to crash right into, sending you both tumbling downward. It would've been fine, had there not been a huge hill four feet away from the road.
The two of you fell down the huge hill, holding onto each other for dear life. You cursed Tony for choosing a route that involved tiny towns in the kind-of-almost mountains. When it was over, you both laid there for a moment. Bucky had landed on top of you, and you struggled to breathe. Shoving him off of you, you stared up into the starry sky. Something about it made you want to take back what you'd thought about Tony. At least the sky was pretty.
You got up at the same time he did. The two of you looked at each other, tense. You weren't sure if he was still pissed about the whole punching-him-thing. But God, the fall hurt. Your head hurt. Your back hurt. As did your legs and arms and face and literally almost every part of you.
"Fuck you, Barnes." Was all you said, before you began walking forward. You'd tumbled just far enough that you were basically in the forest, but you could still see the hill you fell from. You were insanely dizzy, but the pain of the bottom of your feet stepping on pine needles, sticks, stones, and other weird forest floor things grounded you. You followed the hill in the direction you assumed the town was in. Bucky did not follow.
You walked for maybe fifteen minutes, only tripping twice. You had a few scratches on your arms that bled a little bit, but the reason your left leg hurt so much was most likely from the huge scratch on the side of it. The actual cut went from just under your knee to the middle of your leg, but the long line of blood that flowed from it made it look like it went down all the way to the bottom of your foot.
When the dizziness and pain was too much, you gave in and sat up against a tree. You felt like Katniss Everdeen from the first The Hunger Games book.
God, today had been shitty. Well, the night had been shitty. You felt horrible, both physically and mentally. You regretted picking the fight with Bucky. You regretted forcing him to go to that stupid fucking dance anyway. You regretted even stopping in this stupid town. Tears welled up in your eyes as you reconsidered every choice you'd ever made. You sat under a tree, sobbing quietly, for what felt like years. Eventually you got tired of it, and you decided to just look up.
The sky was beautiful. It was the kind of dark, starry sky that had splashes of blue in it. It was like someone had water colored it. You knew you weren't going to die. You're an Avenger, goddamn it.
The sound of sticks breaking tore you from your thoughts. You believed it was a wild animal, at first. But even with the darkness, you could tell who it was. Bucky Barnes, the one hundred and six year-old Super Soldier.
"Don't act like you're not happy to see me like this." You called out as he stepped closer.
"Your mascara's smudged. Makes you look like a raccoon." He says quietly.
"Yeah. I know." You probably rubbed at your face more than once.
He was close enough that you could see his face. He looked..remorseful.
"Don't look at me like you're sorry. You're not sorry."
He said nothing, but you could tell he disagrees. He stood beside you, and he was quiet for a moment.
"Your leg is bleeding." He said, pointing it out.
“Oh really? I didn’t notice that half of my goddamn blood is flowing out of my leg, but thank you for letting me know.”
“It’s not half of your blood, L/n.” He rolled his eyes.
“I’m sorry. For punching you.” You say quietly. “I don’t regret what I said, though. It’s true. They all..we all want to help you. But we can’t because—“
“I know.” He cuts you off. “I’m sorry too.”
“Do you have any idea where the truck is?” You ask, and he responds by pointing behind him. Great, you thought. You’d been walking the wrong way the whole time.
“You sure?” He nods in response. “The serum made my eyesight better. I can kind of see in the dark.” He explained. You nodded, sighing. You watched in confusion as he began taking off his jacket.
“I’m sure you’d make a wonderful stripper but I really don’t need you to prove it to me—“
“What? No. This is for your leg.” He begins to wipe up the blood, and you make a hiss-like sound once he applies a little too much pressure to the actual cut.
“Sorry.” He mutters. “It’s only gonna keep bleeding if you walk on it. I’ll carry you.”
“What? Hell no. No. I’ll-“ You’re interrupted by Bucky scooping you up and holding you against his back.
“I am not piggyback riding a Super Soldier. Period.” You protested, but he began walking, leaving you no choice but to hang on. “You’re the worst.” Mumbling that into his shoulder, you trusted that he was leading you in the right direction.
You made it to the truck, and Bucky sat you in the passenger seat. You drove in silence all the way back to the hotel. You finally got a look at yourself in the mirror, and you nearly laughed. You looked crazy.
When you finally got to the hotel, Bucky began to help you to the elevator.
You walked past Barbara, and she stopped you. “Are you alright there, sweetheart?”
“Oh, yes.” You lied. “I ended up getting a bit of dirt in my eyes.”
“Alright. You two make a beautiful couple.” She smiled.
“Oh, no—we’re not—uhm. No.” You rushed out.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Have a good night.” She said, beginning to look back at her desk. “You too.” You said quietly, looking down at your feet.
Getting up to the right floor, Bucky helped you into your room, and you grabbed the first-aid kit. You mentally thanked Kate and Steve, who insisted you bring it. It didn’t take much to clean up all the little scratches on your arms and legs, and even the larger scratch didn’t take much effort. You showered and changed as Bucky did the same in his room. You kept the doors between your rooms open, just in case either of you needed anything.
Finally comfortable in your pajamas, you sighed as you sat at the foot of your bed. You considered watching the TV that faced your bed, but your exhaustion won against it.
“You alright?” Bucky said from the doorframe, snapping you from your thoughts.
“Fine.” You mumbled. “Tired.”
He nodded. “Me too. I’m gonna..head to bed. Good night.” He turned, beginning to walk back into his room.
“Stay? With..me?” You hated how small you sounded. You felt like one of those girls from romance novels. Or from internet stories about celebrities and whatnot. You’d said it quietly, after he’d walked back into his own room. He hadn’t even heard you. Maybe it was for the best.
You didn’t really mind it once you crawled under the covers, flipping the light switch on the lamp next to your bed. Today hadn’t even felt real. And it was only the second day of the trip. Damn.
(My apologies if your blog couldn't be tagged- I have no idea why it won't work.)
Taglist: @afraidofshrimp @laughterafter @cjand10 @kandis-mom @emmsybucky @mrsnotfeelingsogood @matchat3a
142 notes · View notes
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Did you want my notes on Strike Force Five episode one? No? TOO BAD! YOU'RE GETTING THEM!
(Heavy spoilers for episode 1 if you plan on listening soon!)
- I love the show's overall vibe and the "roles" that all of the guys play. It's definitely a free-wheeling, off the rails kind of show, where everyone is rambling over each other; the personalities involved can make or break this kind of podcast, and everyone thankfully is playing to their strengths.
Kimmel serves as the overall show runner and is seemingly the only one endeavoring to keep anything on track, which is a slightly thankless job with this group, but he's got a soundboard and all his radio experience guiding him. Colbert also leans into being the other "elder statesman", as it were, but is much easier to derail (and provides his own episode eclipsing derail I'll talk about later). Fallon is surprisingly reserved and a bit awkward - I'm not the hugest fan of Fallon, but in this podcast, that energy serves him pretty well. Kimmel introduces Seth as "the cute one" and he seems the most neutral so far, just there to ask questions and crack jokes. And John is their super sarcastic "evil teammate" who occasionally interjects to just destroy everyone. Perfect dynamics, 10/10, no notes.
- Seth qualifies his eyes as ocean blue. John says they're Gatorade blue. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a description of someone's eyes.
- There's a point where I assume there must have been a really blunt edit, because Fallon changes the topic abruptly to having a doctorate. Otherwise, I love the image of Fallon just sitting on that revelation and WAITING, BURSTING to talk about how he has a doctorate, while everyone else talks about Kimmel getting paid summers off.
- Everyone mention multiple times that they have sponsors and are doing this show to help pay their staff during the strikes, which is lovely. This does not mean they aren't taking the piss out of their sponsors. I never thought I'd hear worse ad copy reading than I do on The Jeff Gerstmann Show (I love Jeff, don't get me wrong, but his ad copy screaming is hilariously bad), but the Casamigos ad in this is something else. John spends most of his reading time shitting on a bleeped-out competitor that he calls "not fit for human consumption", Stephen says "you're gonna wanna wipe your ass with it" and likens it to the smoothness of sheets you make love on, there's a disembodied "woo" at some point, Seth stumbles all over a few Spanish words, and Fallon delivers his lines in his awful fake French Timothee Chalamet puppet voice. It's pure chaos and I love it so much.
- Kimmel referring to "the despicable Matt Damon" made me so happy.
- John has never done a deposition. Kimmel saying "I'm surprised you're not in prison" gets lost which is sad, that's a fucking hilarious joke.
- Fallon tells an amazing story about his mom being a nun for a week. She left after being reprimanded for taking Lifesavers into the nunnery and then left. My late aunt and best friend, who was also a nun, probably would have loved Jimmy's mom, as she was always going on wine tastings and picked the order she joined entirely based on who would let her continue to drink after taking her vows. Jimmy also has a picture of his mom dressed as a nun holding a doll dressed as a nun, which is absurd and adorable.
- This leads to everyone but Seth confessing that they'd all thought about becoming priests at some point. That doesn't shock me about Stephen at all, tbf, knowing how religious he is.
- I have to shamefully admit that when John mentioned that he told his father he wanted to be a vicar, my brain went to an extremely Fleabag place and I had to rewind the podcast once I snapped out of it and realized I'd missed like 3 minutes of jokes (including a fantastic one from Seth about John having a doll of himself as a child, like Fallon's mom's nun doll).
- "Don't you want a whole new crop of relatives to visit and entertain?" "Do you wanna get cancelled?! :D" The two Jimmys everyone.
- Stephen reveals who he has everyone saved as in his phone, to prevent people from figuring out who his contacts are if his phone gets stolen. John's is Joliver, which 1) was his name as written on TDS scripts to differentiate him from Jon Stewart, and 2) as everyone points out, is a VERY easy code to crack. Don't really need Sherlock for that one.
- ONE OF US ALERT: Stephen collects weird late night shit, like a hat from The Chevy Chase Show (John literally goes "WOW") and a silk jacket from The Pat Sajak Show. I am very jealous of this collection.
- Next episode everyone will talk about first episodes. I cannot wait to hear John talk about how all over the place his first episode is.
- The big story, running joke, and completely wild admission from this episode - Stephen Colbert has a pair of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza's pants. Fallon asks how no one outbid him, and it turns out his MOTHER had them BECAUSE SHE DATED HIM. His uncle went to LaSalle Military Academy with Somoza, and Somoza stayed with them during holiday breaks. Everyone else in the room picks up on the idea that Stephen's mom probably slept with a dictator (or as Kimmel says, "made love to a murderer"), Seth claims his mom drinks coffee out of Ferdinand Marcos' skull, and every other male figure Stephen brings up for the rest of the episode is assumed to be someone his mom slept with.
If you asked me before listening to this podcast if I thought there were going to be a pile of elevated "your mom" jokes holding it together, I would have pretty strongly said "no". Surprises at every turn in this pod.
The beginning of this story also captures John SO STRONGLY, and he wants to hear everything about it. Definite Bugle vibes there, this man will never not want to hear about weird dictator facts. He also manages to completely kill Seth by saying "Anastasio Somoza's pants, brought to you by Casamigos".
- Finally, I have already sent an email to the show asking about Planet of the Bass, to make up for my complete failure to ask at the Q&A. I got y'all, we'll get this answer some day.
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minkshame · 5 months
First 648 words of my next story.
“So, don’t tell Matt.” Tom concludes and folds his arms. Edd and Tord look at him with quirked brows.
“Wait, wait. I don’t get it.” Edd shakes his head in disbelief. “You’re cursed?”
“Yes. I think I’ve mentioned this before…”
“You’re sure??”
“I mean, pretty sure.”
He had just finished a long winded explanation of his family history. Tom’s not surprised they have questions. The two of them are sat on his sofa, while Tom stands in front of them, like he’s giving a presentation.
Edd slouches forward, elbows propped on his knees. He’s paying good attention, concern evident in his frown. Tord has a fist pressed to his lips, looking deep in thought. His other arm is slung over the back of the sofa.
He’d gathered the pair at an opportune time: Matt is taking one of his extended vampiric naps. The sun is out and blazing hot. Tom would love to join him after they’re done here. Their bed is cosy and warm, inviting. Helps him forget.
“Does this relate to your monster form?” Tord asks matter-of-factly. It maybe wasn’t supposed to sound condescending, but Tord always comes across incorrectly in tone. Always. It’s just something about him that will forever annoy the shit out of Tom. He still cannot stand the way Tord talks. Even after years of his permanent return, plus his rise to power. They’re tentative friends, he’s trusted him with some more personal information about himself as time has gone on… but… he doesn’t like the norsk. He isn’t sure if he ever will.
Tom kinda had to tell him about this too. Edd would just pass it on otherwise.
“Y…yea? Kind of. That’s a side effect. I think.” He’s pretty sure he’s the only one who’s ever had something like that. Maybe his Mum did too, and never spoke about it.
“But … a curse? How do you know it’s not just a coincidence?” Edd asks, puzzledly. Tom’s shocked he doesn’t believe him.
“Because it’s happened to everyone. Mum said she’d go when she was thirty six. And she did. So did her Mum. And my aunt. They all kicked it.” He counts the deaths on his fingers. Tom doesn’t like to say it so crudely, but it helps lessen the blow for himself, and his audience. “I’m on the chopping block.” He exhales deeply.
“It’s a women-only problem.” Tord states. He folds his hands in his lap. Tom’s eye twitches. Still irritating as ever.
“As… far as I know.” He’s pretty sure.
“Then…” Edd squints. “What’s the worry?”
Tom crosses his arms. He gives them both a glare that could melt steel. The couple before him exchange glances.
“Oh.” Edd hangs his head a little sheepishly and rubs a hand across his emerging stubble. “Sorry. I forgot.” Tom doesn’t blame him for not remembering. It’s not important to their everyday lives.
“You’ve known this for a long time, then.” Tord continues.
“Yeah. It’s always been something I knew was gonna happen.”
“That’s not fair.” Edd’s mouth pinches into a deep frown. “Some lady hundreds of years ago started whinging and threw a fit and cursed you all forever?”
“Guess so.”
“Why aren’t we telling Matt?” Tord leans back in his seat.
“We’re not?” Edd darts his eyes around, looking bewildered. “I missed that part.”
“He said it at the very end, Edward.”
“He did?”
“Yes. You’re so distractible.” Tord pats Edd’s knee with a smile. Edd rolls his eyes.
“Answer my question.” The brunet narrows his gaze on Tom. “It’s not a funny secret to keep from him.”
Edd still loves tormenting Matt to this day. Tom sighs.
“I’ll… let him know eventually. It’s just simpler to not have him worried about me.” Hurting Matt brings Tom a deep form of sadness. Matt is upbeat, positive, unweathered by the world. Tom can’t tarnish him with his problems. It’s not kind.
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deanoheartspie · 1 year
Sunshine 3
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Pairing: Cowboy Sheriff Dean x City Gal Reader
Summary: After your family cut you off, your great-aunt Laura invited you over to her ranch you often visited when you were just a child... You drive through the beautiful town until you accidentally graze a horse that just so happens to be the sheriffs...
Warnings: None
A/N: Let me know what you think and what your theories are!
Who is this Lisa and who the heck are Ben and Aurora? It wasn't my business so I slowly backed up leaving the green eyed-man with the darker hair woman. After a few minutes she saw them bicker, well it was more of the woman than Dean he kinda just stood there and took it. As if he was used to it.
And let me tell you... He didn't look to happy when he came back over.
“Dean, what happened?” you ask as he drags you off to the diner, the moment we stepped in fresh common rolls filled your nose and you nearly died and went to heaven.
The man ignored your question while he sat on the other side of the booth, waiting for me to decide on what to get.
“Good morning Sheriff, same as usual?” The chirpy young woman asks with a smirk, He nods and as the woman is about to walk away he clears his throat. “You didn't ask her what she wanted.”
The woman looked me up and down as she rolled her eyes, “What do you want?” she asked not caring for an answer. I guess no Southern hospitality.
Did you say or do something wrong?
You had always hated attitude when it was directed at you, it made you feel small and weak. At this point, you knew how to put on your best face.
weakly smiled trying to make your smile reach your eyes, maybe the girl was just having a bad day? You never know. “I'll get eggs and bacon please” keeping your voice steady and quiet, The waitress simply walks off and into the back of the diner.
First Dean with the grumpy look on his face after seeing the 'Lisa' woman and now the waitress who seemed to already hate her. Maybe marriage would've been the best choice... What if your mom and dad were right? You couldn't live on my own.
“Sorry Darlin' I don't know what crawled up her ass today.” Dean apologizes while flipping through the newspaper. A fresh pot of hot coffee was set on the end of the table, so you poured us both a cup and took a nice sip.
Soon enough, the hot food was placed on the table and Dean had quite a lot of food. Three burritos and an extra side of potatoes.
“How the hell are you able to eat all of that?” you asked shocked as he stuffed his mouth with the food, eating like he hadn't eaten for days.
His bright green eyes, flick over to you as he innocently shrugs before grinning, “Well when you work two jobs you're dammed to burn off calories”
The rest of breakfast was quiet, you take out my wallet paying which you learned very quickly that Dean didn't like that not one bit.
“My momma is gonna whoop my ass, if she finds out I let a girl pay on the first date.”
You raise a brow leaning your chin in the palm of your hand, “First date huh” you teased with a shit-eating grin.
“Y'know what I mean” he rolled his eyes a soft smile on his face but he was quick to hide it by picking up the newspaper to hide his face.
Around 1:25 we arrived back at the ranch, Dean helped me carry my shopping bags upstairs, in all honesty, you expected some complaints but nope he was quiet as a mouse before disappearing off.
You organized all my new clothes into the drawers, putting all your old clothing into bags to donate. You didn't know how long you planning on staying here for, maybe until you got back on your feet and saved up enough money to leave. After all, you weren't made to take care of a ranch.
A few hours later, the sun had started to go down and You hadn't seen anyone since you got home. You walked downstairs seeing the little kitchen light on, your aunt Laura sitting there with a tea and book in hand. “Your here? I thought you'd be at the bar like everyone else?”
The bar?
You shake your head taking next to her, she offers you a book and you nod. We both quietly read for a few, until she decides to call it a night leaving you alone in the kitchen.
Heavy feet walk across the floor as a laugh escapes the Green-eyed man's mouth. He's drunk when he makes his way towards you. “Yo- you look good in the boots” Dean muttered with a grin, wrapping his arms around you tight.
Drunk Dean is apparently very touchy but not in an inappropriate way.
“Thank you?” you laugh as you walk over to the counters, he was dragging himself every time you moved. Filling the glass with water you hand it to the drunken man. “Drink.” He whines burying his head into your shoulder.
“Fine” He pouts as he downs the water before stuffing his face with some oreos. “Carry me?” you snort and start to laugh. “I can't carry you Deano”
It was different from seeing the usual gruff man be all sweet and clingy. In all honesty it was kinda cute.
The man gasps and places a hand on his chest, staring at you like you had said the most offensive thing ever. “Are you... Are you calling me fat!” he squints his eyes at you slapping his hand away after you attempt to help him up. “Get those filthy hands away” he stands up putting his hand on the wall helping him balance, groaning as he trips over the loud creaky stairs.
“Let me help.” you sigh and help him up as he smiles, finally guiding him into his room. Helping him take off his boots tossing them to the siand de, getting him tucked in. “Goodnight Dean”
“Goodnight sunshine”
Chapter 4
----Tag list----
@deans-spinster-witch @leigh70 @mrsjenniferwinchester @ladysparkles78 @hobby27 @khaleesihavilliard @foxyjwls007 @lucidlivi @jc-winchester @globetrotter28 @beskarfilms @the141bandicoot @alysinwonderland-at-tea @randomgurl2326 @ambergoddess444 @westernwinchesters @lemmons1998 @julie040904 @nic-kolas @raisinggray @alternativeprincess
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alyswritings · 2 years
jj x daughter reader where she has period cramps and she’s crying, has been in a bad mood all day and snaps at the Pogues as she just wants peace and quiet. Then she slams the door going into the room she stays in and jj follows her after going to complain about why she’s being rude then sees her crying. She tells him and he comforts her, turning off the light and cuddling his daughter. (age 13-14)
I have bad period cramps rn and No one can cuddle me!!!
i wish i had somebody to cuddle with on my periods
- - -
Y/N sits curled up on the couch, rubbing her temples while her dad, aunts, and uncles get too rowdy while playing a game. They also have basketball on the TV, the three guys cheering whenever their team scores or complaining when the other team scores.
She had denied their offer to play games with them, and given she told them no a little too harshly, they didn't try to persuade her.
Y/N grimaces as John B and Kie protest something about the game.
"Oh, my God, can you guys just stop?!" Y/N shouts, getting the five adults to go quiet. "God, you are all so fucking loud. It's not that hard to be quiet. It'd actually be really fucking nice if you weren't so freaking loud all the time and knew what quiet was. Just chill out. Neither basketball nor a stupid board game are that serious!"
They watch the thirteen year old storm off and they hear the bedroom door slam shut.
"What the fuck was that?" Kie questions.
"I don't know. She's definitely JJ's daughter, though." Sarah comments, the four laughing.
"Ha, ha, ha." JJ rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna go find out what that all was." He says, getting up, and walking away.
He goes down the hall and knocks on the door before opening it.
"Hey, sweetie, look, I know emotions are important to express and all, but you don't need to snap at--" JJ stops when he spots the tears streaming down Y/N's face as she tries to wipe them away.
"Whoa, whoa, hey. Baby, what's wrong?" JJ frowns, walking over to her.
"I'm sorry." Y/N hiccups. "I just-- I'm on my period and my cramps are bad and-- and I've been out of it all day. I just want it to be quiet. I'm tired." Y/N sobs.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, baby girl. It's okay, you're all right." JJ soothes, pulling her into a hug, letting her cry into his shoulder. "It's all right. I got you." He continues to hug her for a few moments until her cries turn into sniffles.
"Okay. Here, you get comfy in bed and I will be right back, okay?" JJ tells her.
"Okay." She sniffles. JJ kisses her on the head before leaving the room.
"What's up with baby Maybank?" John B asks.
"She's on her period." JJ informs. "Look, um, you guys can still play games and watch basketball, but just try to keep it down, okay? She isn't feeling well and all the noise is bugging her." He tells them while he grabs a water bottle, some chocolate, and a bottle of pills.
"Yeah. Yeah, of course, man." Pope says.
"Anything." Sarah nods. "Let us know if she needs anything."
"Yeah, cool, thanks." JJ says, going back to the bedroom. "Okay." He gently shuts the door after he walks in.
"Here. Take those -- only one or two. Down it with the water. Here's some chocolate shall you choose." JJ puts the chocolate on the nightstand and Y/N takes two of the pills, washing them down with the water.
"All right." JJ turns the light off. He uses the light from the hallway that shines under the door to help him to the bed. "Just you and me in here, in our own little world. Pay no mind to any noises."
JJ climbs in the bed, getting under the covers.
"Those meds should kick in in a bit. Hopefully that'll help your cramps." JJ says.
"Thank you." Y/N mumbles.
"Anything for you, sweet girl." JJ says as Y/N cuddles into his chest. JJ holds her tightly, kissing her on the head. He rubs her back and plays with her hair while she snuggles as close to her dad as she can.
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princessconsuela120 · 1 month
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Chapter Four: Fall in Love with You —❃
series masterlist
Chapter warnings: cursing, passing out, mentions of pregnancy
Authors note: OOP! Me and my friend thought long and hard on where this story should go, and I've been super lost in writers block but I'm back!! Enjoy you guys, more coming soon!!!
Being back home was everything Alyssa could have asked for and more. She saw her friends, she saw her boy, she’d even seen a few of her old teachers at the store. All the things she missed were now right in her backyard. That is until an eviction notice was slipped under her aunt's door.
“Um, Aunt Kate?” Alyssa called, making her aunt call back from the other room.
“Yeah hun?” She asked, Alyssa raising her eyebrows as she read the letter that had been slipped under her door.
“What’s this?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. Get those all the time.” Kate said, brushing off the issue as she continued working on her laundry. Alyssa tilted her head, waving the note around in front of her aunt urgently.
“Kate, this is an eviction notice. You’re getting kicked out! We’re getting kicked out!” Alyssa said, her voice progressively getting louder as she got madder.
“It’s nothing sweetheart don’t worry.”
“You haven’t paid your rent?” Alyssa asked, making her aunt sigh.
“Who pays that?” She said, shaking her head, making Alyssa’s eyes widen.
“Aunt Kate!?” She yelled, feeling her stomach start to get upset at the thought of being kicked out. Which was strange, because she usually didn’t get an upset stomach.
“What?!” He aunt asked, making Alyssa sigh, shaking her head.
“I can’t, shit!”
She ran to the bathroom as fast as she could, throwing up in the toilet and emptying her stomach. 
“Fuck.” She cursed, staring down at the throw up she just emptied into the toilet. Weird…
“So she left me. And that was the end of me and Jules.” I explained, Alyssa and I were walking around the mall together. I had been explaining to her when Jules left me, and I could tell it brought back some memories for her.
“Damn. You replaced me with the new girl?” She teased, making me scoff.
“Oh please, you know I'd date you if you just asked.” I said, nudging her as she laughed.
“Wouldn’t that break bro code?”
Honestly my favorite part of my relationship with alyssa was that she was my first girl crush. I mean how could you not, she was a badass.
“What bro code?” I joked, pretending to forget the whole fezco being my family bullshit.
“You crack me up rue.” Alyssa grabbed her forehead, falling to her knees in a groan. “Oh, shit.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked, grabbing onto Alyssa’s shoulder as she slowly sank to the ground.
“Just a, just a headache.” She mumbled, tripping over her words before she fell over, passing out.
“Shit, Alyssa! Alyssa!” I yelled, desperately trying tio wake the gril up.
“I’m just gonna, gonna close my eyes.”
“No, Alyssa no. Shit. Fuck.” I began waving her hands around in panic. “Help! Someone!”
And then she blacked out, and the rest was history.
“Everything’s all good, your vitals are fine, the baby’s alright.” The doctor said softly, smiling kindly at Alyssa who breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank god.” She mumbled, not noticing the way I looked at the dr after hearing his words.
“I’m sorry, the baby?” I asked, a low tone in my voice as shock filled my expression.
“What?” Alyssa asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at me. I pointed to the doctor, shifting my weight as I looked at her.
“He said the baby, you said the baby is alright.”
“Yes, the baby is healthy.” The doctor said again, not keying into the shock of the situation.
“What baby? My baby?!” Alyssa yelled, panic in her eyes as she now sat fully up in her hospital bed.
“Yes, your baby is healthy.” The doctor replied, earning a gulp from Alyssa in response.
“This is madness. I mean, I’m not pregnant!”
The doctor just smiled in response, ignoring the terrified look Alyssa had on her face.
“We ran a few tests, congratulations miss miller.” 
Alyssa and i shared a look as the doctor walked out, one that meant alyssa was totally fucked.
“Holy fuck…”
“Fuck rue, a baby! Fuck, a baby!” Alyssa panicked, making me sigh, shaking my head as I rubbed my forehead nervously.
“How did this happen? I mean you two haven't had sex right?...right??” I gave her a look when she didn't answer, narrowing my eyes at her as she sighed.
“We did, a few days after I came back.” She ran her hands down her face. “Fuck, i mean we used protection!” She yelled, making me snort.
“Obviously it didn't work!” I yelled in response, laughing at my response as Alyssa rolled her eyes.
“Thank you Rue, I got that on my own!” She Yelled back, making us both sigh as silence filt the room.
“What am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell fez?”
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queeniecook · 1 month
January 21
Rashidah has a day to herself for the first time in weeks. Her brother and sister are in school. Her Mom is in Sulani and the farm chores are done. She decides to go for a drive and ends up at a spot she used to hang out in high school - the mini mall in Newcrest. She sees Rahul the moment she walks in. She honestly isn't surprised to see him there, it is his favorite pizza place after all.
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"Hey." He says quietly, making eye contact for a brief moment before looking off to the side. It's weird seeing her. They used to see each other almost everyday and then his Aunt had an affair with her Dad and it just went downhill after that.
Before Rashidah can even reply, Andrew is speaking "Dude, you gonna share that or just hold it forever?" He asks, referring to the twinkie his friend holds in his hand. They had ordered a pizza fifteen minutes ago but the lady who was supposed to be cooking it had sat down beside them and decided to talk to another customer. Good thing they hadn't paid yet. 
Rahul snaps out of his emotions and makes eye contact with Andrew before shoving the entire twinkie in his mouth.
"Jerk." Andrew comments before looking at Rashidah. "Please ignore this ape's manners. Hi, I'm Andrew Ambrose."
Rashidah offers the man a brief smile. Ambrose, she wonders if he's related to Jillian Ambrose. "Hello. I'm Rashidah Watson." She greets him before looking back at her ex-boyfriend who is trying to chew the twinkie in his mouth without making a giant mess. "I need to talk to you actually...you know, when you're done with your quest to conquer twinkies." 
Two minutes later...
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"What's up?" Rahul asks, he decides to actually maintain eye contact this time. It would be rude to look at her stocking hat or the snow outside while he's talking to her. It's hard though, he used to love her face now it brings an ache to his heart.
"One of our chicken coops at the farm needs some repair and...well my Mom is out of town and I'm not handy at all..." She pauses, releasing a breath. Her Dad used to do all these things. Her Dad. The man who had an affair with Rahul's Aunt. That situation led to young couple breaking up. Once the news came out of the affair, all the couple did was fight. "Would you be able to look at it? We'd pay you." 
"I'll do it but you don't have to pay me." Rahul tells her. Truth be told, he has regret when it comes to how things ended with the girl in front of him. He shouldn't have supported his Aunt but he felt he had to, since she took over raising him after his Mom passed away. If he can help her and her family out someway, he's happy to do it. 
"Rahul..." Rashidah starts, shaking her head. 
"It's cool, I'm happy to help. Really." He tells her with a small smile. To his relief, Rashiah finally relents and nods her head in acceptance. 
"Wanna join us, Rashidah?" a voice calls out to them both. The duo had forgotten Andrew was even there. 
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The cook had finally went back to make their pizza. Normally Rashidah would just leave but she has to admit, it's kind of nice to be around people her own age again. Andrew is happy she's joined them as well, he thinks she's pretty and funny. It's been a rough few days. He hates that he was out of town when his sister gave birth to his nephew and that they almost lost them both from what his Dad said. He's tried to make up for his absence by going to see Jillian and Slade in the hospital everyday.
"Anchovies on pizza are nasty." Rashidah comments after Andrew asks her what topping she thinks should not go on pizza. He nods his head in agreement, while Rahul pulls up a chair to their table. 
"Pineapple too." Rahul says, hiding a smirk. 
"You leave my pineapple alone!" Rashidah says, fake glaring at him. 
Most people would piece it together that maybe there was more to Rahul and Rashidah then friendship but Andrew doesn't see the signs.
"I like pineapple." Andrew says, granted he prefers it in a fruit bowl but he leaves it at that. Instead he clears his throat softly and takes his shot. "I know we just met but...Rashidah, would you like to do go out sometime?"
The silence descended until the cook slammed the oven door shut in the back of the kitchen.
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"That's really sweet of you, Andrew." Rashidah starts. She feels bad she's about to turn him down. He seems like a cool guy. "I don't date. I have a lot going on with my family's farm and...I just don't have the time."
Both she and Andrew miss Rahul's shoulders sagging in relief beside them.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Was feeling down so I talked to one of my uncle's from my mom's side and he and his wife, my fav aunt, were telling me to catch the next flight as soon as my exams end and it then reminded me how much of a spoiled princess I am when I am with them.
Like even when I was a child, I used to visit them a lot and they're both like rich rich, very much self made (like my uncle's a lawyer with his own firm, kind of like Harvey Specter but more smart and without any arrogance and ego issues, and my aunts works in advertising for this really luxurious chocolate company).
Anyways, I was saying that I am super spoiled by them because like mu uncle would send me an airplane ticket whenever I was missing them, and they'd buy me loads of gifts and I loves staying at their "not really a mansion" but still very big house, that had more servants and guards and house help than I could ever count for, and they ALL LOVED ME TOO OMG. Like fr, even one of their oldest drivers and house guards are so protective of me to this day, that they'd still interrogate whenever someone would come by their house (usually my cousin's from dad's side of the family so I didn't really mind😭) and would still rather drive me around the city all day and night than let me get an uber.
And like my uncle and aunty, even though they have a kid now (who I love to death and regularly remind that even though she might be the apply of their eyes, I am still their princess. Yes, I am 11 years older than her. No, I still don't let her win in games. Yes, she has the same sense of humor as me and is also into anime. And yes, we practically do look like twins.) They still very much spoil me rotten. From taking to super exclusive restaurants where even A list celebrities struggle to get in, to literally taking me on those shopping sprees and you see in those chick flicks.
And I'm not even gonna start om their whole ass collection of the coolest cars😭😭😭 I do feel like a celebrity with them black tinted windows and the way the driver would just slowly drive ahead or away whenever he thought some guys next to us were "trouble" or "bad crowd".
And you guys might say? Yeah your family loves you. Big deal. Family is supposed to love family. Yeah, well i got a brother as well and I ain't seen 1 single picture frame of him at their house????? Not to mention the whole ass file of pictures of me in their phones???
In their eyes I can do no wrong, and the only time they'd yelled at me was when I tried to pay for a plate of tacos at a food festival (no cause my heart cracked a bit when my aunt pulled my hand away and literally told me off "Snow, stop making a scene. You are NOT paying." And when i was like 7, i was playing outside my house and then suddenly my uncle picked me up and to the side and yelled at me "CAN YOU NOT HEAR THE CARS HONKING?! YOU ALMOST GOT RUN OVER!!!" and i only burst into tears because why would my fav person in the world yell at me??? In hindsight, that shouldve been a sign for them to have me and my attention span checked out😭😭)
Anyways, now that I think about it, they are kind of like those protective yanderes that I write about. Even the house help and my little cousin's nanny act like that😫
The way these exams have drained me this year, I for real am gonna go there again this summer because I deserve princess treatment only😭
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With my brother's wedding coming up this year, my aunt was asking me about my love life and I told her I didn't have anyone rn, and that I probably will end with marrying whoever my parent's or my Muslim neighbours choose for me (no cause they're like family too and my friend's mom said that she can definitely set me up with someone who is worthy of me🥰🥰 and I though she was kidding but then she showed me like 8 guys and ngl... they were pretty. Like wattpad blue eyes with kohl, and tanned skin pretty) and they both kinda looked concerned at first and I assured them that whoever I would eventually marry would need to get your guys approval first and I'm not kidding when I say that my aunt had a sad smile om her face as she nodded and said of course, while my already stoic looking uncle looked even more upset before leaving to get himself a drink.
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three--rings · 1 year
A portrait of being 40-something queer adults with no kids, cut off from a good part of your family, aka observations from a recent thing in my life.
So Mr. Rings got a new job and it's all good things EXCEPT that it requires six weeks of training in a city almost 100 miles away, and they don't pay for lodging. (Which yeah is very Weird, but basically the location he was hired for is on the very outer edge of a Metro Area and so he was expected to still commute.)
And when it was brought up we thought he would have to travel less far and also he had a place with a friend nearby he could stay.
And then the location ended up being farther away, so nearly a two hour drive from our house, without traffic. And the place he had lined up to stay suddenly wasn't available because they had a family member get injured.
So two days before the training started, we needed a place for him to stay.
We ran through our options and on paper the best options were my aunt and my pseudo-adopted brother. My aunt's house was fairly close to the location, it's a sizeable nice house, they have a spare room. Ideal, right? (My pseudo-brother is just a small apartment, so less ideal.)
But I brought up this idea to my mom and she was like ehhhhh, I don't know. And I'm like why not? She's like well....I just don' t think it'd be good.
So anyway, I did reach out to my aunt and the response I got was...tepid. Like yeah okay he can stay but are you really sure that's what you want and blah blah downsides. Like clearly reluctant.
MEANWHILE and I'm getting to the point here...some friends of ours that moved away from us and we haven't seen in a few years were like hey, we have plenty of room, you're so welcome. And they lived way far away from his training location. Like you're gonna have to pay for toll roads every day and it'll be a solid hour commute.
But he decided to stay with our friends because it would be so much less awkward, less of an imposition. We know their offer of help is genuine, unlike our family. Which is just WEIRD, right?
Why is it so much MORE comfortable to ask friends for help than family?
And spoiler, I took a six week break writing this and it's now the end of his training. And he can only gush about how awesome it was to stay with our friends and how great they were about everything. We bought them a very expensive bottle of liquor as a thank you gift. So yeah, it was very much the right choice.
Over and over in my adult life, my friends have been there for us when family hasn't. And I don't have any big traumatic thing in my family (his is different we are no contact with them). We're just not that close, except for with my mom who is a quarter of the globe away.
So value your friends. Support them when they need it. Keep in touch because you really never know who's gonna come through for you.
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Saul silva/Farah x reader - chaotic love
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Thank you to @casserole-from-dads-asserole for helping me create this unhinged masterpiece!
A/N: italics will be a different language
Part one:
Standing against the wall, you grinned at the officer who rolled his eyes at you and shook his head a little bit.
“Jamie! My favourite nephew!”
You waited for his response and you grinned to yourself.
“I may have been arrested again yes. I need you to bail me.”
“Don’t you have money?”
“I have money you have my bank card remember? I sent you to school with it so you could use it.”
“Oh right yeah. Okay I’ll see if I can come bail you out again.”
“Thank you! I love you!”
You hung up and beamed at the officer.
“One of these days that kid will stop helping you.” He chuckled.
“He loves me to much I have unlimited money.”
The guard rolled his eyes and took you back to your cell where you had to wait for your bail date.
Jamie got up and padded down to his headmasters office and he knocked on the door and waited for the reply before walking in.
“Everything okay?” Saul asked.
“Yes sir, I need to go to the first world if that’s okay?”
Saul frowned and looked up from his laptop.
“What for?”
“My aunt needs me to bring her bank card so I can bail her. Again.”
Jamie nodded and grinned a little.
“Please? I love my aunt she’s basically my mom at this point sir. I really wanna help her out.”
“If this isn’t the first time maybe it’s time she learned her lesson? And why do you have her bank card?”
“She gave it to me so I could spend money on my travel to and from school. Also she’s not a bad person sir she’s actually harmless, just had a thing for trouble. You know I’m gonna go either way right?”
“Let me talk with Farah.”
Jamie nodded and left and both teachers agreed to go with him since they knew he was going to go either way.
The court date came and Jamie, Saul and Farah stood at the front of the court room.
“Hello Jamie.”
“Hi judge Riley!”
The man chuckled, leaning back in his chair a little as he looked at the two teachers.
“No sir, they’re my teachers. They had to bring me.”
Riley nodded his head and the doors opened and you came padding through, placing the cuffs on the table with a happy grin.
“Told ya I could get out Sargent.”
“Okay I admit I didn’t believe it but they’re going back on now.”
The Sargent put the cuffs back on you and you waved at the judge who rolled his eyes at you.
“Right, I’m getting real tired of seeing you in my court room.”
“Ouch, I thought we were friends.”
“You’re a heathen, that’s what you are (Y/N), what did you do now?”
Saul and Farah looked at you, dressed in an orange jumpsuit. You arms were covered in tattoos, from the sleeve of the jumpsuit down to your wrists, one of them continued on to your hand. You had a wolf cut, but they could see piercings along your ears.
You turned to look at them, and they saw a tattoo spreading across your throat and you turned away again.
“I, May, have perhaps stolen a car. Or two.”
“They both belonged to the Sarg here.”
Riley nodded his head.
“And then you did what with them?”
“I did donuts in one till the tires blew and then I dismantled the other one..”
You grinned a little and the man behind you smacked the back of your head and you pouted a little bit as you mumbled out an apology.
“Honestly you would’ve thought a woman in her thirties would learn to behave but apparently not. You’re nephew is here to pay your bail with you’re own money which is fair enough, I’ve also added the damage costs of those two cars.”
“Yeah that’s fair.” You shrugged.
You nephew nodded his head in agreement.
“Right, you attended the same school you’re nephew is at right now correct?”
“Great, you’re going back there with him.”
“Excuse us can’t we have a say?”
Riley turned to the teacher.
“Farah Dowling.”
“Saul Silva.”
“Okay Farah, let’s hear your say.”
“We run a school, not only is this woman older than our students, we wouldn’t know what to do with her, and she poses a risk to my students.”
“She’s harmless she won’t hurt nobody. Trust me, I know. I’m just tired of seeing her in my courtroom, so, she’s going.”
While they argued about your fate, you looked at Jamie and grinned, and he grinned back at you and walked over.
You leant down.
“Wanna see a magic trick?”
“Absolutely.” He whispered back.
Nodding your head, you looked around and put your wrists against your stomach and crouched down.
You built up heat around your wrists and the cuffs loosened and you slipped them off, and you did the same to the ones around your feet.
Then you quietly set them on the floor and stood up, shuffling on your feet as you danced from side to side.
Jamie copied you, a grin on his face as you both danced to yourselves.
“Just dance bud, don’t let anyone bring you down!”
Jamie laughed, and that’s what caught the attention of everyone in the court.
“Hey! Stop dancing! How the hell did you get out the cuffs again!”
The Sargent walked over and you jumped up on the railing, still dancing as the Sargent held up the cuffs and Saul and Farah shared a look.
They now realised how you managed to slip your cuffs as they looked at the little black marks around the inside.
Jamie laughed and jumped up with you, dancing on the table with a wide grin on his face.
“I am begging you, please take her. She’s not a bad person, but if she makes one mistake she’s done for. She’s just a little too care free.” Riley sighed.
“Just dance!” Jamie yelled.
Saul and Farah whispered to one another before they turned around.
“We’ll take her, but we want a list of everything she’s done.”
“Absolutely I’ll have the Sargent bring it around to her place when we’ve gathered everything!”
The judge shouted your name and you stopped dancing.
“Get the hell outta here and go home.”
“Oh hell yeah!”
Jumped down, you grabbed Jamie by the hand and you ran to the front of the building and stopped just outside.
Walking over to a car you looked at the window and raised your elbow.
“Hey! Absolutely not!” Farah yelled.
You froze and looked at her, slowly lowered your elbow.
“We’re getting a lift back to yours.” Saul said.
You grumbled and followed them and the Sargent dropped you back off home.
You let them all inside and the two teachers looked around while Jamie ran off somewhere and you jumped over the couch, standing on it as you grabbed the TV remote.
“Right, you know the drill. Ankle.”
You held your leg out and the Sargent put the monitor on.
“Until you leave.”
You nodded and put on some music.
Saul and Farah didn’t understand a word of it, but you and Jamie apparently did because you were signing along.
“Right, we need to set some ground rules.” Farah said.
You stopped singing and looked at her, sitting on the back of your couch.
“Like what?”
She began to list a lot of things and you tuned her out, and nodded when she asked if you understood.
You had no clue what she said, but you went to start packing some things and soon enough you found yourself in Alfea with your nephew.
You were under strict supervision, being forced to take classes again on the responsibilities of your magic and you stared boredly out of the empty classroom window.
“Pay attention, do you understand what could have happened you using your magic like that?” Farah snapped.
Saul stood next to her, arms crossed over his chest as he scowled at you.
Looking at them, you waved your hand dismissively.
“Don’t you know how to live?” You smirked.
“Living isn’t committing a series of crimes, grand theft auto is the most common one, reckless driving, speeding, DUI, illegal street racing. Those are just a few.” Saul said.
You shrugged a little, standing up as you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your ripped jeans.
“Yeah yeah I got this drill years ago when I was here. They didn’t do very well at teaching me it then, I don’t know why you think you can.”
“Magic is dangerous.” Farah said.
You leant against the table as you let out a fake yawn.
“Magic is dangerous if you make it dangerous darling. I’m just having a little fun.”
You walked over to her desk and looked at the long list of criminal charges you had since you returned to the first world.
“Is that how you really want Jamie being raised?” Saul asked.
“Best life he’s gonna get compared to his deadbeat parents. Trust me. But he ain’t dumb, he’s not gonna follow in my footsteps.”
You turned to look at them and you smirked a little. Placing your hands on the back of your hand you looked between them both.
“Have a little fun.”
They furrowed their brows a little.
“You’re only bound to one life, enjoy it, break some rules.”
“We have no clue what you’re saying.” Farah said.
You smirked a little and walked over, patting your hand against her cheek and you ducked under Saul as he tried to grab your arm and you laughed loudly.
“I know! It’s great!”
You winked at them both as you backed away.
“See you two later.”
With that, you were gone and they both sighed at the same time, looking at one another.
“She doesn’t seem as bad as we thought?” Saul offered.
“I guess not, but it still doesn’t change the fact we need to teach her to respect the use of her magic.” Farah sighed.
Saul nodded his head because he knew she was right.
You jogged down the hallways, waving at a few students as you did.
They had grown used to seeing you around now.
Finding your nephew, you crouched next to him and his friend.
“Hey Sky. You two wanna go for a ride?”
“You don’t own a car.” Sky said.
You held up some car keys with a smirk.
“No, I don’t, but Saul does.”
“Oh yes this is why we love you!” Jamie cheered.
Sky shook his head saying he’d pass, and Jamie immediately agreed so you two jumped in the car and you quickly tore out of the school grounds.
“Yes! This is what this school needs!”
You carried on speeding, pushing the limits of the car.
“Drift it! Drift it!” Jamie chanted.
Jamie started to chant and you looked at the upcoming corner, and you got ready to drift the car.
When you knew you were in the right spot, you turned the wheel and pulled up and hand-break, and car screeched as it drove sideways.
The teenager cheered and you cheered with them.
You carried on drifting around corners, speeding down the roads going around again and again like your own personal race track.
Saul and Farah walked down the hallways and he was stopped by Sky.
“Can I borrow your car?”
“Sure, what for?”
Saul reached into his pockets and he frowned when he couldn’t find your keys.
“I don’t need it, but you probably do it find it.” He said.
Saul thought back to when he last hand them.
Before you ducked under him.
“Oh son of a bitch.” He whispered.
“She’s stolen my car Farah!”
“Oh Jesus.”
Both teachers all but ran to the parking lot, and just as they got there his car was being pulled back into the space it was in and you and Jamie stumbled out feeling dizzy.
You grinned as you slammed the door shut.
Saul stormed over and held out his hand to you and you handed the key back.
“I think it’s outta gas..” you whispered.
You looked at him and fell a few steps to the side and he grabbed your arm to stop you from falling.
“What did you do?” Farah snapped.
“So many circles..” Jamie whispered.
She said, helping him stand still and you both snickered as you looked at one another.
“Right Jamie detention. (Y/N) yours cleaning all this mud of my car.” Saul snapped.
You shrugged a little and removed his hand from your arm as you could drop on the floor and let the world stop spinning.
Looking up at him and Farah, you grinned at them both and they both rolled their eyes at you
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