#i was at a stag do all day yesterday and was meant to have today to myself to write
rockitmans · 8 months
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I was tagged by @forabeatofadrum, thank you thank you 💖
So I've been working on my Valentine's Day challenge but as evidenced by the fact I have posted nothing, I have barely had a moment to work on it and February is already passing me by 😱. I may give up posting it for this specific challenge but will continue working on it regardless because the thoughts are all there.
So the story is straight (ha!) Blaine runs into his ex and in a foolish effort to be "winning" the break up, claims to be dating Kurt.
Here's a little taster from the first chapter:
Blaine can feel the exact moment his soul leaves his body. He would have been quite happy never setting eyes on his ex again, but especially not under these specific circumstances. Not when his hair is a mess and there's a child's blood on his sweater.
"Blaine?" Holly says again. Like it's somehow possible Blaine hasn't seen her. Like he can't feel his heart trying to throw itself out of his chest at her mere presence. It's much the same as when they were dating, except this is not the positive kind of heart leaping. This is the prelude to a panic attack. He takes a shaky breath.
"Is that Holly?" Kurt asks, eyes narrowing. Blaine had forgotten he was there for a second and is suddenly infinitely grateful that he doesn't have to go this alone. Except now he has another problem. Because Kurt looks about ready to maul a defenceless woman in broad daylight. All on Blaine's behalf. This day is so cursed.
Tagging: @cryscendo @fallevs @justgleekout @blurglesmurfklaine
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holly-louisexox · 2 years
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 7
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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Not my GIF
"Right guys, we bought coffees. Delia needs you to do soundcheck in half an hour so please don't hang around with lunch." Shevy explains as she and Delia walk in holding cup holders of coffees for themselves and the guys.
Today was not going ahead of schedule to say the least. CC accidentally overslept and slept in his make up, to which Shevy was not too happy about, claiming it could clog his pores and make his skin uneven and difficult to work with, and because of this the everyone was a little late getting to the venue. Once at the venue Lonny complained that he was hungry and the guys decided they needed lunch before they could do soundcheck, CC then continued to complain he was tired after being woken up by Jinxx and Jake who decided it was a good idea to scream at him until he got out of bed. As much as this annoyed Shevy and Delia, they decided to go along with it and get them food and coffee so they would stop complaining and allow the two girls to do their jobs.
"Who requested the oat milk?" Delia asks looking at the one coffee she had containing the dairy alternative.
"That's mine." Andy speaks through a mouthful of food whilst extending his hand out to grab the coffee. "Thanks Delia."
"Lonny, here's yours." Delia then passes out the rest of the coffees she had, Shevy also handing a couple out then keeping the two meant for herself and Delia.
"Cheers." Lonny smiles thankfully before noticing the small dahlia on Delia jacket. "Cute flower, when did you get that?"
"Thanks, um, I got it yesterday." Delia explains awkwardly not sure if she should tell everyone about what went down with Andy.
"I got it for her." Andy admits before taking a sip of his drink. "I thought the gift giving was a nice idea so wanted to return the favour."
"What, really?" Jinxx asks in shock whilst looking between Delia and Andy.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's just a badge, it's not even a big deal." Andy shrugs before continuing to drink it's coffee.
"If you insist." Jinxx smirks at Jake; the two of them were definitely either plotting something or sharing some sort of thought before them; either way, Delia did not wish to know what they were thinking as she had a strong feeling that it was about her and Andy.
"I feel like we should all do something after tomorrow night's show, it is roady Friday after all." Jake suggests.
"Jake, tomorrow is Tuesday." Delia replies confused.
"Honey, it's just a saying for the night before an off day. you'll get use to the terminology." Shevy laughs lightly patting her friend on the shoulder.
"Well I'm going to have to cut out of that idea. I have a friend in Houston that I plan on meeting up with." Andy explains.
"Right, a friend." CC smirks. "Another tinder hook up you mean?"
"Fuck off Ceese. No I mean an actual person that I know." Andy defends himself, his happier tone of voice slowly fading into that of his typical moodiness.
"It's 100% a hook up." Jinxx laughs which results in he and CC high fiving each other- boy will be boys.
"You two are dicks." Andy groans throwing his now empty coffee cup in their direction.
"And you're getting your dick wet!" CC bursts out laughing as soon as those words leave Jinxx's mouth.
"Dude! You shot and you scored!" Jake chimes in whilst fist bumping Jinxx.
"Nah mate, Andy is the one here who's scoring." CC continues to laugh; the guy looked as if he was about to start crying from all the laughter or wet himself or both.
"I'm not going to lie to you, moments like this make me question joining the band." Lonny admits placing his head in his hands whilst trying to hide his obvious want to laugh along with the other guys.
"Right, I'm done, I don't want to be hearing this. I'm going to start setting up, 10 minutes and I need you guys on stage." Delia shake her head before standing up to leave.
"Yeah, you know what, I'm going to join you, this is all too much for me." Shevy also stands up ready to leave the room and the disgusting topic behind.
"Oh, of course you two fuck off now whilst I'm getting bullied by this lot." Andy groans rolling his eyes. "Can you at least take these dickheads with you?"
"You're big enough to look after yourself Andy." Delia smirks slightly whilst her back was turned to the singer; if everyone else to going to annoy him why not join in if you can't beat them.
"I hate all of you!" Andy continue to moans as the girls walk out the room.
"I really don't understand how you can work with all these controls. There's too many." Shevy laughs watching Delia as she levels out sound controls and turns on the microphones and amps set up on stage.
"I could say the exact same thing to you Shevy. I don't understand why you need so many make up brushes and products. I'm fine with just a foundation, blush and a bit of eyeliner and mascara." Delia laughs back.
"Touché." Shevy continues to laugh before going to a more serious tone. "Honey, are you okay after what happened just now?"
"Yeah of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Delia asks confused.
"I just know that as soon as someone starts to comment that someone has the hots for me, I overthink it and start crushing on that individual." Shevy starts looking at her new found friend in a worried manner. "I just wanted to make sure that conversation about Andy planning on sleeping with some girl didn't get to you."
"Shevy I appreciate you looking out for me." Delia smiles. "But trust me, I will never have a crush on Andy and his mood swings. The guy isn't even my type."
"Well the guys are on now so I best be going to set up make up ready for when they've finished with you." Shevy smiles in return. "Just be careful."
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alinastracker · 3 years
for the prompt thing: 62 or 69 <3
you got it bb <3
prompt: I wanted to tell you that I liked you before prom but chickened out and now we’re about to graduate college and I can’t hold it in any longer
i can’t fight this feeling any longer (and yet i’m still afraid to let it flow)
"Mal, I love you."
Alina frowns, shakes her head, and tries again.
"Mal, you've been my best friend for so long, and I love our friendship, but you see, I'm also head over heels in love with you."
She blows out a frustrated breath, her newly chopped bangs briefly floating off of her forehead. Telling her best friend of nearly six years she’s in love with him should not be the number one thing on her mind right now. It’s graduation day, for Saints sake. A day she hadn’t been sure she would ever see. But all she can think about is Mal.
She had met him on one of the worst days of her life. Alina had been transferred to a new foster home in the middle of her junior year of high school. There were few things worse in adolescent life than moving to a new school in the middle of the year — especially in high school, in a small town where everyone seemed to know each other. 
Alina had walked the halls that day clutching onto the straps of her backpack, late to nearly every class because her sense of direction was shit, and had even gone as far as to eat lunch in the bathroom like a stereotypical teen movie, the thought of walking into the cafeteria with all those eyes on her nearly ruining her appetite entirely. She had been stared at enough as it was. 
Her last class of the day was art, and she was praying for it to be the reprieve she so desperately needed. If only she could fucking find it. The warning bell rang, heightening her already raised anxiety. Alina took a corner too fast and slammed right into a wall. No, not a wall — a boy. 
“I’m so sorry!” she blurted, scrambling to her knees to help pick up the papers she made him drop. 
“All good,” the boy reassured her.
Once the two of them had the papers off the floor, Alina looked up and nearly dropped them again. She was looking into the warm brown eyes of possibly the hottest guy she had ever laid eyes on. He had a strong, defined jaw, grown out hair that wasn’t too shaggy, but still long enough to run her fingers through. And Saints, his lips. She was already imagining what those lips would feel like, subconsciously licking her own. 
One side of the boy’s mouth quirked up, just a hint of a smirk, like he was used to having this effect on people. Shit, had he noticed her staring? Say something, Alina. 
“Um, sorry,” she managed finally, handing him the pile of collected papers. 
He chuckled. “You said that already.”
She tried a laugh of her own, but it came out all wrong, choppy and nervous. “Right.” 
The boy stood to his full height, and for fucks sake, he had to be tall, too? She rose from her knees and he still towered over her. It was extremely attractive. 
“So you’re the new girl,” he said, not a question but a statement. “I’ve heard murmurings about you today.”
“Nothing bad. It’s just a small town. When someone new shows up, people notice.” He smiled, stuck out his hand. It took everything in her not to think about how long his fingers were. “I’m Mal.”
She took his hand, her own so tiny in comparison. “Alina.”
“Nice to meet you, Alina. Where are you headed?”
“220B? History of Traditional Art.”
Mal nodded. “Well, I can’t say that’s a room I’m super familiar with. I’m a shit artist. These hands are much better for other activities.” Her eyes must have widened, revealing just how filthy her mind was, because he quickly added, “Sports! I meant sports!”
A look passed between them, and then they were both laughing. It felt so good to laugh after the day she’d had. 
“Anyway,” Mal continued, “I can help you find your way. I might not visit the art hall often, but I know my way around.”
Alina shot him another pointed look, and Mal groaned. “My way around the school! Saints, I’m really shooting myself in the foot as far as first impressions go, aren’t I?”
She grinned, but only said, “You’ll be late for class.” The final bell was going to ring any second. 
Mal waved her off. “That’s all right. What poor representation of Stag Spirit would I be if I let the new girl walk around like a lost puppy? And besides,” he shot her a grin to match her own, “we can’t have you running around, terrorizing other kids and their poor papers now, can we?”
Alina let out something between a scoff and a laugh. “I said I was sorry!”
He turned, walking backwards toward the stairs. “Did you? Must have missed it.”
She shot daggers in his direction, but she smiled the whole way to the art room. The next day, she dared to actually step into the cafeteria for lunch. People were still staring, but after yesterday, she expected it. Part of her was hoping she would find Mal in the crowded space, but she doubted it would matter even if she did. After some social media stalking last night, Alina had discovered what she should have known from the start — Mal was popular. He would already have a flock around him, friends he had known since childhood, who were just like him — attractive, athletic, alien to a kid like Alina who preferred quiet cafes and sketchpads to football fields and pompoms. He had been nice to her yesterday, sure, but that didn’t mean—
Her head popped up, scanning the sea of tables until she saw him, standing and waving her over. Sure enough, Mal was at a table filled with pretty, sociable looking people. But there was a space open next to him, and she realized with a little jump of her heart that he had saved that space for her. 
It was the start of the fastest and fiercest friendship she would ever have. Mal was popular and sporty, yes, but he was also kind, funny, smart — and most surprising, had grown up in the foster care system, too. Alina made friends with his friends, a few of her own from her art class, but none of them matched what she grew with Mal. Suddenly she was a football field kind of girl, dressing from head to toe in school colors for each match, cheering for her best friend so loud she gave the cheer squad a run for their money. Over the next year and half, they were entirely attached at the hip. 
And while it had truly started as a friendship, by the time senior prom came around, Alina had to face the fact: she was head over heels for the boy. Hell, she had noticed how attractive he was from that first fateful meeting. Mix that with how genuinely good she knew he was — how caring, how attentive, how it felt to have his head rest on her shoulder as he fell asleep during a movie; who could blame her for falling for him? 
“You have to tell him!” her friend from art class, Yelena, had insisted. 
“I know, I know.” She sighed. “I’ll do it at prom.”
They were going as a group — her, Mal, Mikhael, Dubrov, Yelena, and a few others from their meshed circle of friends, brought together by the two of them. But Mal had still matched his tie to her dress, a stunning royal blue. Mal had still bought her a corsage — a delicate thing of mostly blue irises, her favorite flower. He was not her date, yet in every way except in name, it felt like he was, and Alina basked in the feeling. 
But as song after song played, Alina found herself backing out each time she tried to approach him. Yelena was shooting pointed looks at her all night, murmuring as she passed her, “You’re running out of time.”
Then a punky pop song came on, one of her and Mal’s favorites. She called him over. “Dance with me!” she exclaimed, and laughed as he all but pulled her onto the dance floor. Neither of them were good dancers, but they were enthusiastic, at least with each other. As the song neared its end, Alina sucked in a breath.
“Mal, I have to tell you something.”
He raised a brow, waiting for her to speak. The song ended, and their principal took to the stage. “All right folks, it’s time to announce your prom king and queen!”
Everyone was cheering and turning to the stage, but Mal was still looking at her, still waiting for her answer.
Alina opened her mouth, closed it, then finally said, “Thank you for the corsage. I really love it.”
Mal gave her a quizzical look, lips tugging down — and was that disappointment in his eyes? Before she could fully read him, his face smoothed, his usual charmed smile returning. “Of course, Lina.” 
“And your prom king is,” the principal was saying, “Malyen Oretsev!”
The crowd roared. Mal’s smile turned sheepish, and he took to the stage to accept his crown. Ruby was named prom queen, to no one’s surprise. Alina watched them dance together in the middle of the room to a romantic song that would now forever be ruined for her. A little later that night, Mal came up to her, said, “You can get a ride home with Yelena, right?” He motioned behind him, flushing a little even as he grinned, to where Ruby was waiting. “I’m gonna head out.”
Alina swallowed the stupid lump in her throat and nodded. Mal pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and then he was gone. She would spend the night at Yelena’s, crying on her shoulder that she had missed her chance — if she’d ever had one to begin with. Because of course Mal would choose Ruby. Beautiful, blond Ruby, much more his equal than Alina could ever be. 
Graduation came, and it was happy. But in all of the pictures and celebrations was Ruby — no longer just captain of the cheer squad Ruby, but Mal’s girlfriend Ruby. She watched them partake in a summer romance that she was guiltily happy to see fizzle out once college came and split them apart. Luckily, her and Mal were off to Os Alta University together, home of the Firebirds. They forged a new friend group there: the twins, Tolya and Tamar, Nadia, David, Genya, Zoya, Nikolai. Mal didn’t really date freshman year, sticking to little flings that Alina told herself didn’t matter. In sophomore year, the tension between him and Zoya finally snapped, and the two of them had a brief . . . something together. 
Of course, Alina had her own dabbles in romance — Alexei being the sweetest, Aleksander nearly making her swear off men all together. Her next two flings were with women, both because she had finally fully accepted her bisexuality and because she truly had lost trust in the male species. She even made out with Nikolai a couple times, but they had both just been using each other. They’d spent one night in a club so obnoxiously all over one another that Zoya had stormed out. Her thing with Mal had been off and on at that point, and the next morning, she texted him that they were off for good. 
Two weeks later, Nikolai and Zoya were dating. Mal was single. 
And still, she hadn’t made a move. 
Alina stares in the mirror now, watching the tassel on her graduation cap sway back and forth. In an hour, she’ll be moving it from the right to the left and leave Os Alta University in the rear window. It hadn’t been easy getting here — nothing is easy for a foster care kid, especially one who wants to be an artist. But she’s done it. She’s graduating with top honors. Saints, she even has a job lined up. Everything she worried about growing up — making a future for herself, being swallowed by the system, figuring out who she is without the guidance of her birth parents — she has faced all of it head on. At every step, she’s run after what she’s wanted and grabbed it by the hands until it was hers.
Everything except Mal. 
And try as she might, she can’t imagine a future without him in it.
He’s not seeing anyone — for now. Last night he texted her, laughing about how Ruby of all people had hit him up. She’s going to be in the city this weekend, apparently, and asked if he wanted to get a drink. It felt like prom all over again.
“Alina, come on!” Genya calls. “We’re going to be late!”
“Coming!” she calls back.
Alina follows Genya and Zoya down to the car, sits numbly in the backseat as they drive to the giant building holding their graduation ceremony. 
“Look alive, Starkov,” Zoya says as they get out of the car, linking their arms. “Today is for happy things. New beginnings.”
Genya takes her other arm. “No pouting about boys unless you’re going to do something about it.”
She smiles, and for a little while, it’s not forced. There’s a rush of excitement as they walk inside and find their seats. Genya isn’t too far off from her, but Zoya’s a few rows ahead. In the rows between them, still too far to talk to but not too far to make out the back of his head, is Mal. He’s talking to the guy next to him, even though she’s pretty sure he doesn’t know him. But that’s Mal, blooming wherever he’s planted.
Alina knows she shouldn’t, but the ceremony hasn’t started yet, so she stands and calls out, “Mal!” 
Somehow, he hears her over all the ruckus around them. The smile he gives her has her heart beating double time. “I’ll find you after!” he shouts back, though of course, she already knew that. Mal always finds her.
As the ceremony starts and a handful of different people come up to make speeches, she finds herself slipping into her thoughts from earlier. In her head, she sees Mal and Ruby, meeting for that drink. They pick up right where they left off. Ruby moves to the city, moves in with Mal. Alina’s there through all of it, supporting Mal like she always has, always will. On the sidelines she stays, watching him as he gets married and has ridiculously beautiful babies. None of it is real, not yet, but the thought is so painful she has tears in her eyes. 
Well, at least she can blame the tears on emotional graduation bullshit as she watches her friends walk the stage, cheering for each of them even though they’re not supposed to. Tamar and Tolya, the latter looking pretty emotional himself. David, who walks quickly even though he’s probably the most awarded student of the whole graduating class. Nikolai, who dramatically presses a kiss to the hand of the Os Alta University President after she hands him his diploma. Zoya, who walks the stage as if she owns it. 
Then Mal’s name is called, and she cheers so loud she’s pretty sure he hears it, if the grin on his face is any indication. Genya crosses, graceful as always. When her own name is called, she’s not expecting much. She has no family here save from the one she forged for herself. But as she walks, she can hear a very distinct cheer from a very distinct voice, and butterflies swarm drunkenly in her stomach. 
In the minutes that pass between her walking the stage and the last name being called — poor Nadia —Alina knows what she’s going to do. No backing out this time.
“Congratulations, Class of 2021!”
Everyone cheers, and graduation caps go flying through the air. Alina tosses hers with everyone else, and then she takes off, pushing through her classmates as they jump and shout, running until she finds the right row, forces herself through the bodies in her way, until she’s in front of him. Until she’s found Mal. 
“Alina,” he says in surprise. “What are you—”
“Don’t get a drink with Ruby.”
Mal frowns. “What?”
“I said don’t get a drink with Ruby!” she says, louder this time.
“I heard you. I’m just confused.” He shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair. “Why shouldn’t I have a drink with Ruby, and why did you run to tell me this right now?”
Because I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you. 
Because I wanted to tell you at prom, but I chickened out. 
Because I’ve watched you kiss other girls for almost six years now, and I can’t stand to just watch any longer.
Alina doesn’t say any of that. Instead, she presses onto her tip toes, takes his face between her hands, and kisses him. 
Mal stiffens, but doesn’t give her time to worry before he relaxes again, pulling her body against his, lifting her so she doesn’t have to stretch so far anymore. All around them are the happy cheers of a group of people at the end of one road stepping onto another. Families in the stands hoot and holler for their children, wipe tears and think, they made it. 
But for Alina, it’s like being in a room where nothing exists except her and Mal, her best friend, her constant, the most important person in her life. She’s kissing him, she’s finally kissing him, and he’s kissing her back as if he’s been waiting for six years to do this, too. Like maybe he’s wanted her all along.
“Alina,” he breathes when their lips part, their foreheads pressed together instead. “Thank the bloody Saints.”
She giggles, actually fucking giggles, like a lovestruck school girl. “I’ve wanted this since prom. Before, even.”
Mal smiles, shakes his head the tiniest bit. “Me too.”
They laugh, so close that they’re breathing each other in. Two idiots, that’s what they are. But there’s no room to groan about what could’ve been sooner, no room to drown in regrets. They are young, and there is only room for joy in knowing they have the rest of their lives to make up for lost time. Starting now. Their lips meet again. Mal is steady and warm against her. He feels like home. It’s everything she’s ever imagined. It’s better. 
Alina can see her future so clearly now, because she knows no matter what comes next, she’ll have Mal beside her to navigate through it.
He is all she’s ever wanted — her forever person, who won’t leave when she’s being unreasonable, who’s love is not conditional. He is all she’ll ever need.  
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lailyn · 4 years
Stephen stepped out of the portal, expecting to be assaulted by a flurry of arms anytime now, but they never came. He looked around. The living room was empty.
Their house was never silent. Between Tony's music and the noises of his trade, the clangs and bangs were a normal part of Stephen's life now, one he took comfort in every day. 
And more recently, ever since a bundle of heavenly mischief by the name of Loki joined in the cacophony, it made rolling out of bed in the morning that bit harder, and coming home every evening easier.
He had been blessed, not once, but twice in the search for true love.
Stephen walked down the stairs toward the basement and true enough, he found one of them hunched over a table, hard at work. 
He watched Tony for a while before patting the Cloak of Levitation a few times; he could almost sense its disappointment as the sentient relic flew to give them a moment to themselves.
"How was work today, hun?"
Engrossed in his latest project, Stephen could barely hear Tony's mumbling through his welding helmet. Which was a shame because Stephen could have used a welcome home kiss or two, on the account of his very -
"Shitty day," he sighed. "It's that time of the year again. Wannabe witches and wizards dabbling in things they can't understand. I have to sweep in and clean up all the mess."
"You do it very dramatically though."
Stephen could just see the outline of Tony's suggestive grin through the visor. "The sweeping in."
Stephen only snorted. "You're one to talk. You spent hours talking over the latest colour scheme for Mark XXVII in bed with Loki yesterday when you two were supposed to be sleeping. Green and red? You'll look like a flying Christmas Tree."
"Hey, that was private pillow talk!" Tony protested with an embarrassed chuckle. "It's all about aesthetics, darling. That's why I insist I walk in the middle when we're on the streets."
Tony had a habit of not looking where he was going most of the time, so it was only natural Loki and Stephen be his eyes on the road. Stephen had never really wondered about it, and Loki never really minded getting hit by a car or two in Tony's stead, but now that Tony had brought it up...
"Yeah, what's the deal with that?"
"Ever watched Mean Girls?" At the blank look on Stephen's face, Tony tried again. "Charmed? The one from the 90s, not the reboot?"
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and I know everything."
"Pretty things always walk in threes, Stephen. And the prettiest one always walks in the middle." 
With a smirk, Tony slid his visor down; he turned the music up and purposely turned his back in the hope that Stephen would miscontrue it as a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. 
"Where's Loki?"
"He's around somewhere," Tony mumbled. "Go look for him, would you? He's going to think we don't care."
Stephen only chuckled and gave Tony one last peck on the top of his head. "Come find us when you're done."
"Will do."
Tony waited until Stephen's form disappeared up the stairs before picking up his soldering iron once more.   
In truth, Tony simply did not want Stephen to see what he was working on.
He may be a little late to the bandwagon but wearing one's lover's colours? Into battle? Tony was sold. Besides, he was only taking a page out of Renly Baratheon's book. 
(Who, according to Loki, had taken to wearing the stag of Baratheon in the fight against his brother Stannis, but in the colours of House Tyrell, obviously an homage to his lover Ser Loras.)
In Lokispeak, that meant Tony'd better be wearing Loki's colours the next time they went into battle together. And Tony Stark was not going to be outshined by a fictional character.
Mark XXVII was going to have the most gorgeous chest plate in metallic navy blue. 
(Because hello, two lovers! Beat that, Renly!)
It matched Stephen's Sorcerer Supreme costume perfectly, and Tony could not wait for the next villain to show up so he could show it off. 
The energy signature powering up the wards around the house was strong, indicating that Loki had not left the house, but for some reason, Stephen could not find him anywhere.
He searched high and low, up and down all three storeys of the mansion, but there was neither hide nor tail of his mercurial lover. 
When the search had gone on long enough that pangs of worry were beginning to collect in the pit of his stomach, Stephen knew he had no choice but to resort to magic. 
He began to panic when reading a strand of Loki's hair (he always kept a few on him for moments like this) brought him right where he started, in the middle of an empty living room that felt bigger than ever now that he was utterly alone. 
Okay. Loki was officially missing. 
He was about to raise all hell when he remembered that there was another locating spell he had not tried.
It worked!
Stephen followed the mage light as it led him somewhere into the bowel of the house. He grew more and more curious as the mage light took him down a long hallway, the end of which only had a utility room where they would do the occasional laundry.
Then he saw it, the outline of a sleek Bombay cat inside the washing machine. 
"Oh, Loki…"
It seemed to be sleeping, comfortably ensconced on a small mountain of towels. 
Stephen opened the front load washer and carefully extracted it from its fluffy throne. 
The cat blinked blearily, its eyes a familiar, brilliant green. It meowed in hissy annoyance but settled almost immediately when Stephen held it to his chest. 
"What's the matter? This isn't the place to sleep," he admonished gently, scratching the cat's chin. "It's very dangerous, you know. One of us could have turned it on by mistake."
The cat pawed its way up Stephen's chest until they were eye to eye.
The hovering mage light illuminated the intelligence behind the cat's eyes, as did the Inuit kiss Loki gave Stephen's nose. 
Stephen chanted a word to close the loop on the spell, and the mage light turned into a wisp of golden smoke that disappeared into the bell dangling from Loki's neck.
Stephen fussed with the slightly askew collar to fix it when the pads of his fingers brushed against something; he turned the fine leather outward, revealing the silken lining inside. 
If found, please return to S&S, it read in gold stencil letters. 
He chuckled, remembering the first time Loki shifted and the argument that had ensured between him and their worrywart of a boyfriend.
"What does S&S stand for?"
"Why, Stark and Strange, of course."
"Why can't it be Strange and Stark?"
"Don't you know your alphabets, Doctor? A comes before R."
"Loki thinks it stands for Stephen and Stark," Stephen said triumphantly.
Tony wished he could look into Lokitty's eyes but he had to fasten the collar and check the fit before he could get it engraved, diamond-encrusted, and of course, magically and electronically tagged. "No, he doesn't. And why do you get to be Stephen, and I'm Stark?"
"It was your idea. I'm perfectly happy with S&T." 
Stephen had never been a cat lover, but for Loki he could make an exception. Loki made such a fine, handsome feline. 
"Alphabetically and perfectly happy. Yes, yes, I am." 
"What's all this?" A pair of arms snaked around Stephen's neck from behind. "A party in the laundry room and I wasn't invited?"
Tony then noticed the bundle of fur in Stephen's lap. "Is Loki alright?"
"Yeah. He's just bored."
"And hungry." Loki rematerialised, and now instead of a furball, he was a tangle of arms and legs that quickly held Stephen down in place, but Tony felt equally grounded, such was the intensity of his glare. "You promised we would go fonduing."
Stephen burst out laughing. "Loki, I don't think that word means what you think it means."
"What are you talking about? Of course it does!" Tony leaned forward over Stephen's shoulder to give Loki an apologetic kiss on the lips. "Cheese or chocolate?"
Loki's eyes lit up like gems. "Oh goodness, is it my turn to choose?"
"Of course it is, Princess."
Loki nuzzled his forehead against the underside of Stephen's jaw like he had spent too long in cat form and forgotten to hard-reset to factory settings. "Hmm. I feel very spoiled now. I can't decide."
Like Tony, Stephen too was getting better at deciphering Lokispeak. "We'll do both. Cheese for dinner, chocolate for dessert."
Tony raised an eyebrow. "That's very decadent of you, Doctor. I'm impressed."
"Wouldn't hurt to indulge once in a while."
Stephen stared at Loki's lips and imagined them dripping with cheese, and surely chocolate, later. "It's a convivial affair, fonduing."
"It warms my cockles when you talk dirty," Tony sighed happily.
"Cockles?" Loki's face fell. 
"Just a saying, darling." Tony held out a hand for Loki to take, and hoisted him out of Stephen's lap and off the floor. 
He addressed his next question to his partner who was taking his time picking cat fur off his clothes one by one, no doubt to store away for safekeeping. Every bit of Loki was magic after all.
"Shall we? I forgot to feed the cat today," he said sheepishly.
"That's why it's 'Stephen and Tony', Stark," the Sorcerer Supreme said proudly, and wasted no time demonstrating why. His portal opened up onto a nondescript sidewalk, and across the street was one of Greenwich Village's well-kept secrets, a hidden treasure trove of restaurants and cafes. 
"There!" Tony pointed at a sign that said 'The Melting Pot' in big, flashing letters. 
"Watch out for traffic, Tony," came Stephen's customary warning, but Tony was way ahead of him.
With one hand, Tony grabbed Stephen's hand, "Mine." Then he grabbed Loki's with the other. "Mine."
"All mine," Tony said possessively and pulled them both in.
Together as one, they crossed the street, with the prettiest (arguably) one in the middle, as always.
"Wanna get matching tattooes later?"
"Tony!" "Stark!"
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theroomofreq · 4 years
Personality Before Punctuality: Chapter 2
James Potter plays in a band but spends his mornings in the bakery chatting up Lily Evans. Lily spends her week days selling pastries, but on weekends she goes to see James play guitar. 
The second part to my meet cute muggle au! 
Read on AO3
Lily flung open the door to The Hallows, her bag knocked on the door frame as her quick pace carried her into the bakery. 9:07, Okay not terribly late, she could work with that. Her morning walk had little to no distractions and after yesterday she figured she had better be more timely than usual. Lily blew her bangs out of her face as she looked up to find one of the primary bakers, Simon, engaged with a customer.
Yikes, Simon hated customers. Lily increased her pace as she made her way around the counter, her bag dropping un-ceremonially to the floor. She chanced an apologetic look at Simon before turning to the customer in front of her.
“Evans, have you tried this treacle tart?!”
James Potter had a mouthful of tart and a goofy grin that came with his question. 
Lily’s eyes roamed down his figure wondering how she had missed him. The first detail to notice was his hat, Potter had a large black bucket hat that fit snuggly on his head, the strap and buckle pulled tightly across his sharp jaw line. Apparently black was his theme today, as his long-sleeved shirt and trousers match his hat color.
 “Of course, Potter” Lily couldn’t hold back her grin as he shoveled another bite into his mouth “This week is especially good because Simon here made it. He always makes the best pastry crust” Lily placed a hand on Simon’s shoulder and hoped her honest compliment would get her out of being late this morning.
“Flattery will not excuse the tardiness Lily, but it doesn’t stop you from being my favorite” Simon gave her a small smile, which Lily counted as a win. “Wonderful to meet you James” 
“Likewise” Potter replied as Simon walked back into the kitchen. 
 Potter leaned up against the display case crossing his arms as he smirked down toward Lily. “I’m glad I caught you again.”
“At the bakery where I work? Yes, you’re very lucky to find me here.” She couldn’t hold back the sarcasm that dripped out of her mouth.
The way James rolled his eyes had an affectionate feel, “Oh come on, you know what I mean Evans. I didn’t know your schedule at all, this was really all I had.”
“So, what was your plan?” Lily said, her eyebrows quirked up, “Show up here every morning until I finally came in to work?”
James seemed to startle as he stood up from his relaxed position, his eyes went downcast as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well yeah, actually that was the idea…” His eyes turned up at Lily with a bashful look.
The way his eyes locked on her resulted in Lily biting down on her lip as her cheeks flushed. Before she could reply the door chimed as another customer walked into the shop. James began to back away from the register and Lily, as his eyes wandered around the bakery.
“The table to your left has the best chairs” Lily mentioned, hoping that her invitation to stay would come across.
Potter’s eyes lit up as he made his way to where Lily suggested, walking backward toward the table with a lazy gate that had Lily captivated the whole time. Perhaps it was the way he rubbed his hands together or how held her gaze the entire time, regardless Lily loved what an all-black look did for James Potter.  
Regrettably, Lily tore her eyes away from him and back to the latest customer to enter The Hallows.
As a Wednesday morning, the bakery wasn’t terribly busy, but there was a steady stream of people who came in to buy pastries. She knew most everyone that came in, as she had a good grasp on who the regulars were and what they would buy. Often, she found herself sending glances toward James, who sat alone at his table writing away in a notebook he had pulled from his back pocket. 
She was grateful he had chosen to sit with his back to the front door, he was less likely to be noticed this way, especially because his stag tattoo was facing the wall not the open shop. Well that, and the obvious fact that she had a brilliant view of him as he focused on his writing, rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, or even shot glances at Lily.
There was something about James Potter that made her believe that he did everything at 100%. Maybe it was the way his eyes lit up as he scrawled across the page, never stopping for a moment as rotated his book to add notes or circle a word. It could’ve been the way that she caught him looking at her, his deep eyes latching on to her movements as she did her job. Whenever she caught him staring (which was very often) he didn’t ever look away, his smile just got brighter as he winked or waved in her direction. It might’ve even been the way he kept coming up and buying more sweets.
Yes, it was definitely the sweets. He seemed hell bent on trying every item available at the bakery. The fifth time he sauntered up to the register Lily rolled her eyes, “You’re going to make yourself sick Potter”
“Probably, but I just can’t help myself around sweet things.” James said as he quite obviously looked Lily up and down with a smirk. “Meaning…”
“Potter. I know” Lily interrupted. “I know what you mean. You’ve been gawking at me for hours; you are anything but subtle.”
“You’re one to talk red” James said, propping his elbow up on the counter, “I’ve caught you sending eyes my way many a time as well.” He rested his chin on his hand while winking at Lily. 
“Right. I’m fit, you’re fit. Good to know we are on the same page here. Now get back to your table, my break is in an hour.”
“Anything for you love.”
“Do you work at all the rest of the week?” James asked her between bites of bread.
“Tomorrow evening and Sunday” Lily told him.
She ripped off another chunk of bread from the loaf they were sharing. Lily decided to spend her break sitting with James as he reviewed his favorite sweets and asked her about her schedule. 
“Brill, I uh, wanted to ask if you would come to my show on Friday night” The smile he tacked on at the end was hopeful.
“I didn’t know you had a show this week? I haven’t heard anything about it- where are you playing?”
“Oh well, yes, it is a bit of a secret. Sirius’ idea really” He gestured with his hands in an attempt to explain. “Our lead singer, my best mate he’s got a real flair for the dramatic that one. He convinced us to play at one of the places that first gave us a shot. Something about taking care of the little guys and standing up to the man. We are all pretty passionate about it now”
“Yeah, alright I’d love to.”
“Yeah, okay great actually, that’s excellent!” James gave her a megawatt grin. He looked down toward his notebook again and began rapidly flipping through the pages. Finally, he stopped on a page and ripped it out before passing it across the table towards Lily.
The note seemed distinctly James and Lily wasn’t really sure what that meant, she didn’t really even know this man all that well, but the page felt like James Potter. In the middle of the page was a hand drawn logo of a bar, The Hogs Head, with a large arrow that pointed to the time he would be playing. The time was circled multiple times with a small note that said, “Be punctual Evans”.
Across the top of the page was her name, written in a cursive script that was far prettier than she had ever penned her own name in. Lily’s eyes lingered a long time around her name and the drawing right beside it. James had drawn a small portrait of Lily laughing, her nose was scrunched close to her eyes which seemed brighter than usual. It was incredible what he had drawn of her with a simple black marker, the lines on her face and her freckles were expertly drawn, Lily’s breath caught as she looked up at James. He was staring intensely at her through his dark eye lashes, slowly his lips pulled to the side in a very signature smirk that Lily simply couldn’t handle looking at for too long. 
Lily shook her head trying to throw out that smirk, she knew she was in deep trouble when she had to pinch her leg before responding to James, “I didn’t know you were such an artist.”
“Nah, ‘m not. The gorgeous things in life end up drawing themselves” Potter spent a long time searching her flushed face before continuing, “I actually have to run to sound checks now, but trust me, I can’t wait to see you Friday.”
He reached across the table and gave her hand a tight squeeze before standing and walking out the door. Lily watched him go wondering how the way he had touched her so briefly had turned her legs to jelly. 
“Damn Lils, that Potter bloke won’t even know what a guitar is much less be able to play one once he sees you.”
Lily flashed a smile into the mirror towards her best friend, “You don’t think it’s too much do you?” 
“Absolutely not, we didn’t spend 2 hours trying on outfits for you to start second guessing how hot you are” Marlene let out a low whistle to prove her point.
Lily swatted at her flatmate, it did not take her that long to get ready- but even if it did, it was worth it. She’d decided to wear favorite black crop top which rested just above the smallest sliver of skin before her skirt pulled tightly across her figure hitting just about mid-thigh. Her favorite sheer tights matched her black Doc Martens perfectly and to top it all off she’d left her hair loose, Lily guessed Marlene was right, she was pretty damn hot.
Lily looked in the mirror one last time, she was ready to blow James Potter away.
Marlene pushed open the doors to the small venue, the outside made it look small, but it was actually pretty large on the inside. The lights were dimmed, and the crowds filled the room with a low roar, the place had an air of grunge to it. Lily glanced down at her watch, she and Marlene had showed up at the exact time Potter had written down for her, but there was no one on the small make-shift stage.
“Looks like that Potter bloke has you pegged already,” Marlene laughed as she pointed to a sign to the left of the stage.
“The Marauders” the messy scrawl on the sign read, ���Tonight at 8”
It was 7:30. Potter must’ve given her an earlier time to make sure she wouldn’t be late. Lily rolled her eyes at her best friend, if James really knew her, he would know she wouldn’t dare to be late to see him. 
When The Marauders walked on stage Lily’s eyes locked on James, she felt a twinge of annoyance as he sauntered out waving at the crowd. It wasn’t entirely fair for someone to be that good looking, his white long sleeve contrasted perfectly with his black bottoms and shoes. As he stepped up to his mic he pushed up the sleeve on his right arm before resting it across the strings of his guitar.
 Honestly, she couldn’t bring herself to look at the rest of the band, the guitarist was just too mesmerizing. Was she obsessed with him? Probably. Was her heart rate going through the roof for reasons other than seeing a really good band? Definitely. Was she going to spend the rest of her night shamelessly staring at James Potter? Absolutely.
 As Lily came to terms with how quickly this man had taken over her thoughts the past few days, James turned around to walk to the back of the stage. The sandy-haired drummer was talking animatedly with the shaggy haired singer, for some reason Lily couldn’t quite remember their names. Potter threw his arm over the singer taking a moment to nod at the flustered drummer before pulling away a now red-faced front man. Potter gave his friend a final shove toward the forward microphone and the set list began.
There’s something about seeing a band play live that is exciting, the energy from the crowd is thrilling, the band going all out while playing, and the way your emotions come in waves. But, seeing a band that you love? Exhilarating. The long lead up before the song begins, singing along to your favorite song, the vibe of hearing a chorus live for the first time, all of it is magic. 
Lily was convinced that none of these feelings held a candle to seeing James Potter play. His entire body thrummed with the music, it wasn’t just his foot keeping pace, but his whole body moving as he played. The guitarist was emotionally involved in every note he played, the way his eyes followed his fingers, and how he strummed the chords perfectly in time. The smirk on his face was absolutely startling when he came in with a powerful riff or ran through a difficult set of chords. Lily decided that watching James perform was enthralling. 
As The Marauders lead singer said their goodbyes Lily finally remembered his name, Sirius Black, it wasn’t that hard to remember now that she wasn’t distracted by Potter’s arse. The moment Sirius waved goodnight, Potter placed his guitar on his stand and jumped off the front of the stage. 
Lily watched him weave through the crowd as he was stopped by many individuals for a photo or signature. Her attention was pulled from Potter as Marlene placed a hand on her arm.  
“Lils, are you okay if I head out now?” Marlene asked the question timidly, “I promised Dorcas I would stop by after the show.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t know you were seeing her again?” Lily was surprised her friend had kept the news from her, she was usually so open about her latest relationships
“It’s new and I don’t know,” Marlene shrugged, “I didn’t want to jinx it or anything.” 
Lily shook her head at her outgoing friend now turned shy at the thought of Dorcas. “Get going then, I’m sure she is waiting for you.” 
“Thanks Lils,” Marlene said as she pulled the redhead in for a hug, “Maybe we will both get a bit lucky tonight.” 
Ahh, there was her friend. Marlene practically ran out the front doors toward her new girlfriend. Lily turned her eyes back to the crowd searching for Potter, before she could locate him someone stepped right in front of her path blocking her view. 
“You’ve created a lot of grief for me Evans.” Sirius Black stood cooly in front of Lily, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked evenly at her. 
“And what would that be Black?” Lily crossed her arms challenging whatever Black was about to go on about. 
“You’ve driven this fool out of his mind the last few days” Black jerked his thumb over his shoulder toward Potter who walked up next to him. “All I’ve heard the last bit is all about Lily Evans, how witty and gorgeous you are. It is enough to turn me completely mental.” Sirius had a smirk on his face, but Potter looked warily at his friend. 
“I’d be happy to foot the bill for any harm my wit and or beauty has caused you.” 
Potter’s jaw dropped at Lily's quip while Sirius threw his arm around his mate and cackled. “I can see why you’ve been tracing her name every night” Sirius said as he used his other hand to pat James’ chest, “See you at home mate.” 
Sirius untangled himself from a now flustered James and turned to Lily, “Evans, it’s been more of a pleasure than you realize.” With a final wink sent to Lily, Sirius walked off into the crowd. 
“Tracing my name?” Lily posed the question while looking toward his left arm, the sleeve still flush with his wrist, whereas the other sleeve was racked up to his elbow. 
“Well, err,” the flush across his face deepened as James pushed up the sleeve to reveal the arm that Lily had signed a number of days ago. The writing was dark and thick, as if she had written it moments ago. 
“I just really liked the mark you left on me, and I didn’t want to lose it. So I, err, I’ve been tracing it over every night, so it stays with me.” He looked up at her with hopeful eyes. 
“Who knew you were such a softie Potter?” 
“Only around you Evans.” He took a step forward and grabbed her hand, “Thank you for coming, did you have a good time?”
“It was incredible! You were incredible!” Lily felt her face light up as she talked about the concert, “That last song was unreal, I loved where you came in at the end!” 
“Thanks, I wrote the song but it was Remus who came up with that section, he’s the musical genius of the four of us.” 
Potter began leading her towards the exit as he continued on about the song. He held tight to her hand as he walked her out the front doors, his other hand gesturing wildly as he explained the underlying tones of Pete’s keyboard and how it meshed with his chords. 
He stopped just outside of the bar before standing directly in front of her, his smile was reaching across his entire face as he took her in. “Evans you look stunning tonight.” His eyes roamed down her legs before returning to her freckled face. 
“Almost as good as my Hallows apron right?” Lily’s voice came out a bit breathier than usual. 
“Just about” 
James reached out toward her, allowing the crimson locks to run through his fingers as he looked intently at her. Lily struggled to swallow as his eyes ran across her face, his hand tucked her hair behind her shoulder before running down her arm. Shivers ran after his hand until he secured it against her own, pulling her a step closer to his body. 
“Listen, Evans, The boys and I always used to go back to the flat and just hang around after we played here. In the spirit of nostalgia we’re going to be doing it again, and I was hoping you’d come along tonight?” The hopeful smirk was back on his face as he looked down at her. 
“Lead the way Potter.” 
Lily let a smile break across her face as James mirrored her emotion, with a tug on her hand he pulled her alongside him into the night.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 21 May 1835
7 25/..
11 1/2
No kiss she left me and I incurred a cross. A- up before 7 - long in dressing - E- surprised and kept me by asking me if I would keep her till Matthew could get a farm - they intend to be married - begged me to read a letter he had had on the subject from his father dated the 15th instant - said I hope they had well considered what they were about - thought E- not very fit for a farm but they must judge for themselves she did not know what to do when I gave her warning - had no intention of Matthew [Marring?] then - I said I had determined not to keep till I could not give her a character that would get her another place - but said Matthew had better speak to me - I was in treaty with a lady’s maid but not certain whether I should take her or not - if not, I would consider about what E- said (wishing me to keep her till
 Matthew could get the farm which seems from the letter to belong to his father and be let to a tenant (Taylor) - told A- what had passed - it struck me it was odd that the letter should be dated the 15th - the business only occurred on the 14th and the warning was not given till 8 pm or later - how could the father know and give his leisurely written answer about it the very next day - no post mark on the letter - E- said one of the coach men had brought it - I suspect some trick - fine morning F54° at 9 am -  breakfast at 9 - out at 9 ½ - the masons not come -set Robert Schofield and his man at the dry bridge drain - Mr Bradley came before 10 -gave his orders and went away saying he would come tomorrow - came in about 10 ¾ to Mr Parker - he came to tell A- the person at Hebden Bridge we thought of for a Sunday school mistress is engaged - and wanted the trust deed of Mrs. Ferguson’s money to send an abstract of it to the widower Graham who married 1 of the Miss Bollard’s lately deceased - gave Mr P- the deed desiring to have it back as soon as done with it - he seemed to think A- and I would do well to call upon Miss Wadsworth about A-‘s getting a right of road to her quarry at Hipperholme lane ends, and about a school mistress etc - Miss W- aetatis 77 infirm in body sound in mind, and a gentlewoman of the old school - Mr P- went away at 1 25 - from then to 12 ¾ siding drawers and looking for button moulds etc - wrote the last 9 lines till near 1 - then with A- out with her before 2 - George led the pony while A- and I walked to Mytholm where she mounted and went to Cliff Hill - I a little while in Mytholm garden - John not returned - there all today gardening - from Mytholm to the end of Wellroyde holme where John Mann and one man were stopping the Spiggs water began yesterday to open down to the drain - some time in passing at the Stag’s head talking to Jonathan Mallinson - he believes I have a right to the upper brea water - said my uncle Joseph would never and did never allow anything to be paid - the payment or 2 that were made above 22 years ago were made without my uncle’s knowledge - sometime talking to John Mann - 2 round wall vent-holes down to the drain 10 or 12 ft deep - going to raise the water 5ft. i.e. up to the top of the rag, and bottom of the walling - JM- now thinks this will not prevent our bottoming Walker pit - he would give no opinion what I ought to ask for the Spiggs Loose - Holt gets the blame - I said he did not deserve it - walked along the brook - saw the Guage put down in part on Tuesday - not near sufficient to take the water - returned along the fields - Holt came for some oak to sheet Walker pit - a bad place in the scale - Charles Howarth went to Greenwoods’ to get the wood to be read for John to fetch tomorrow - Holt will come again on Saturday and say what height I can raise the Spiggs water without incommoding Walker pit - then stood by Robert Schofield and his man at the dry bridge quadrant drain - made them take up all the rag botoms laid down - making the drain too narrow - will have it 20in. wide and 2ft high - A- came back soon after 5 and I came in at 6 - spoke to Matthew - he confirmed what Eugenie said this morning that they meant to be married as soon as he could get his father’s farm 24 acres - I asked if he and E- were parted 2 years whether he thought they would both continue in the same mind as the present - yes! he dared say - I said did he think he would - yes! if nothing happened - meaning if E- was steady as I brought him to acknowledge - I said I hoped they had both well considered what they were about - E- not very fit for pigtubs and cattle - Matthew would like to leave his place and let E- stay - I said Matthew’s going or staying would make no difference with me about E- but now I knew that their intentions were to be married, I would consider what could be done - I would tell Miss Marian - I cannot help thinking there is much humbug in the business and that neither M. or E. is very serious in wishing to be married - told A- what had passed - dinner at 6 40 - coffee - some time with my father A- and I as usual - then sat talking to A- skimmed over a little of tonight’s paper and wrote the last 27 lines till 9 ¾ -  sent my note tonight to ‘Mr Duncan Tailor’ written this morning containing a list of the clothes ordered - nothing to be fixed about footman’s greatcoat till all the other clothes should be received - sent all the buttons I had - answer ‘enough for this time’- A- had double letter tonight from Miss Rawson Huddersfield - with my aunt from 9 50 to 10 10 - very fine day - F57° now at 10 10 pm
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7deadlycinderellas · 4 years
The Ghost of the Red Keep, ch8
A03 link
It’s six years before the war ends and Arya sees any of her family again.
Winter’s in it’s fullest glory by the time it ends. The inn is off the beaten path, and in winter, few travelers come to stay. The ice makes the roads treacherous and the soft snow drifts blanket the open land and lessens the ability of even a single traveler to approach quietly.
From the relative safety of the inn, Arya pieces together the truth. Of Littlefinger’s having managed to convince multiple people in the Red Keep to trust him. She turns it over and over in her head, trying to figure out how he managed it. After Jon Arryn- something must have let it slip that he had found several of Robert’s bastards, and he hatched his scheme to use them to bait Cersei and eventually play her and Robert against each other.
They learn from the scarce travelers before winter sets in that Robb has gone to war over Ned’s execution. It makes Arya proud, though she is terrified for her brothers. They learn that the Tully’s of Riverrun have come to his side, which makes her feel safe, but the Riverlands are pressed right up against the Westerlands and the Lannisters remain loyal to their king. Lannister soldiers have already begun making incursions, and any journey away from the inn carries the fear of their banners
Though Arya has a hard time being truly frightened when she knows Nymeria is keeping so close. As winter creeps in, she begins to have to hurt further and further away to find game big enough to sustain her.
Within the inn though, life goes on.
There’s a dozen or so orphans sheltering under the same roof as the Heddle sisters, ranging from still awkwardly toddling to nearly grown. They have an unusual array of skills.
They have among them, three very simple bows. None of them have much skill shooting them.
Arya plucks the bowstring with a finger. She thinks back hard to those nights stolen in the Godswood with Bran. The bow had seemed so much less attractive than the sword.
“I can teach any of them who want,” she tells Jeyne in the last year of autumn.
And that’s how Arya ended up in the little patch of land beside the garden, surrounded by a gaggle of children. Jeyne and Willow are off to the side, digging up the last of the season’s potatoes and turnips to freeze in the cellar, as they watch.
The oldest two, Teo and Thea, the children of a deceased hunter and trapper, pick it up with ease. The others are a mixed bag.
When Madge, a girl of eleven, lets her arrow slip for the fourth time in a row, Arya sees the tears prick at her eyes and silently pulls her aside.
“Deep breath. Remember you can’t get worse than yesterday.”
Madge follows her lead, and this time the arrow flies free, though it does not hit.
Once the children all tire, and Arya is pleased with their progress, Jeyne stands and calls them in for supper.
“Have you seen Gendry?” Arya asks Willow while she gathers the dug up veggies to store in the root cellar.
Willow raises an eyebrow.
“Hardly ever see him at all except with you. Probably out in the forge like always.”
The inn had a small forge that once housed a blacksmith, who Jeyne told them had gotten married and left for better pastures at the end of summer. Gendry had thrown himself into getting it back into shape, and as the cold crept in, spent nearly all his days clearing it out and getting things working again. Arya feels like he might even sleep out here if she let him.
Today, he’s got the forge lit and is pounding something on the anvil. Arya stands back at the door, and just watches him work for a bit, the muscles in his arms playing under his skin, and the look of deep concentration on his face.
Doing this lets her pretend this is all normal. That she’s just a wife come to fetch her blacksmith husband for supper.
Then he notices her, and his face falters slightly, and the fantasy breaks.
“Suppertime,” she tells him, moving to sit on the bench where he’s working. He ducks his head, and makes a noncommital noise.
She looks him up and down while he towels himself off and pulls his shirt back on.
“I’m taking Teo and Thea on a hunt tomorrow,” she says, carefully, “Would you like to come?”
“I shouldn’t.”
Arya steps closer to him, and lays one hand on his shoulder.
“I know it’s hard. But you’re not going to wake up in that cellar again. Come with us tomorrow, it’s only four people. As long as you eat meals with us in the inn, I won’t bother you about it too much.”
She leans in a little closer, smelling the soot and sweat on his neck. It’s nice, strangely so.
“And if you stay all through supper and clean up, I’ll let you sneak me back out here after.”
A smile quirks on the corner of Gendry’s mouth.
“We have our own rooms, why not just sneak me upstairs?”
Arya chuckles, and presses a kiss to that corner.
“Have some sense of adventure.”
He does stay in through supper, even plays a card game or two. And later, they go out to put out the forge, and spend quite a long time putting their kissing to practice. They walk back to the inn hand in hand, not even to any questions
The hunt the next day goes smoothly. The last of the red and gold leaves are still clinging to the trees, but the wind comes from the north and Arya can tell it won’t last long.
Teo and Thea are both good at the walking-in-silence thing, and have a few improvements on Arya’s simple snares. They plan to leave the close ones up, and check every few days. It takes less effort than having to have a proper hunt.
The sun is high in the sky when Arya sees Teo still, she grasps Gendry’s hand, and they turn their heads as a young buck makes it’s way in to the clearing.
It’s large, it’s antlers fully grown, and it sniffs at the ground like it doesn’t even see them. Arya sees Teo move to pull his bowstring, and she stops him with a hand on the elbow.
“I don’t know how to field dress a deer, and I don’t think even the four of us could carry it back.”
It’s good they’d seen it though. A buck wandering about the wood meant there was plenty of game still.
They net a few fat hares, that they string up and carry back. They’re close to the inn, when Arya’s ears perk up, hearing a howl.
“Wolves howl to call to others,” Arya quietly tells Gendry, “Maybe Nymeria’s found herself a friend.”
Or a mate, she thinks with a pang in her heart. She’s glad they left the buck, she would not want her friend to hunger in the woods.
“What did you think of your first hunt?” she asks Gendry.
He shrugs, “Seemed just like a bunch of walking around to me.”
Arya remembers the journey south from Winterfell, remembers how King Robert nearly doubled their travel time by constantly wanting to stop and hunt. It seems nearly a life time ago.
The hares are an excellent haul though, making a fabulous stew for supper, and the skins will be taken the next time Mya goes into the village to trade.
And the next morning, a disemboweled and mostly eaten buck appears in front of the inn. Maerie, the youngest of the orphans, goes green and starts crying when she sees it, and Arya tries to remove it as quickly as possible. There’s enough bits of meat left for Jeyne to make some sausages at least.  Teo tries to help her Arya it, but they still make a mess of it.
“I’ll still take it with me,” Mya tells them, “Might still fetch a few coins.”
That night, Arya stares out the window of the inn during supper.
“She’s still trying to take care of me,” she comments to Gendry.
“This must seem wonderful to her,” is his response, “This whole big open wood, after being cooped up within the Red Keep.”
She’s not sure he’s still talking about Nymeria.
The chill stays in the air, and eventually, the snow begins to fall. It blankets the ground and piles onto the roof. The younger children hardly have time for mischief making after spending the mornings clearing what needs to be cleared.
Sometimes in the mornings or in the dark nights, Arya will hear Nymeria howling again.
It’s during another hunt, that Arya spots Nymeria across a long meadow, two smaller wolves behind her. Arya stares, and smiles.
At supper that night, Thea demands she tell the story. One by one, all of the orphans, and Willow even, turn to her at the table. Arya’s unused to having even one eye on her. And with a deep breath, she starts.
“My father and my brothers went hunting one day. They found a mother direwolf who had died, in a fight with a stag. Both of the animals had died, but the mother wolf had six pups. My father thought it might be better to put them out of their misery-”
Her heart squeezes at the symbolism of that.
“But my younger brother Bran pleaded with out father, and he relented and let my brother take the pups home. Six of them, one for each of us. Grey Wind, Ghost, Lady, Summer, Shaggydog…”
She waits, and listens, maybe even imagines that she hears another howl.
“...and Nymeria. They’ve been by our sides ever since, though they are now much too large to live inside. I used to let her sleep at the foot of my bed, until she got too big. When we ran, she followed us the whole way. She will not harm anyone who is not a threat to me, and no one will harm me if she is near.”
“The buck-” Madge remembers, “That was her?”
Arya nods,
“I think she was pleased we left her her meal.”
All of orphans’ are now looking out the window in near silence, as though hoping for a glimpse. Gendry remains in his spot, but he’s looking at her with something in his face she can’t place.
Afterwards, In the cold night, Arya walks back with Gendry to put out the forge. He holds her hand tightly the whole way, their boots scraping against the gathering snow.
“I used to wonder,” he nearly whispers, breath going cloudy from the cold, “if the way I felt about you was just because I went so many years barely even seeing other women...but watching you with the orphans, teaching them things, telling them stories...you really are incredible you know that.”
Arya flushes a deep crimson.
“They’re pack,” she suddenly realizes, “Maybe not the same one I used to think of, with Jon and my family and our household..and you. But they’re their own pack, and they’ve let us in.”
They’ve made it back to the forge, and Gendry’s cleaned out the ashes while she tells him this. Once he finishes, he sits at his workbench, fishing around for something wrapped in a flannel.
“I made you this,” he says, offering it to her. Arya unwraps it slowly, revealing a hunting knife.
“It’s not flowers, but-”
Arya swallows, remembering the flowers that wilted in her braid until they flew free in the wind.
“There aren’t many flowers now. And not much need for them in winter.”
She moves beside him on the bench, raised up on her knees, carefully setting the knife down before she wraps her arms around his neck and rests her forehead on his.
“I love it. And I guess I should thank Mya for her advice.”
He laughs bashfully.
“I had to ask someone. I told you before I don’t know anything about girls.”
Arya holds him a little tighter.
“Well it seems you know enough about Arya.”
The snow keeps falling, and a routine establishes.
Everyone wakes to break their fast, usually porridge now that the mills can’t turn anymore and flour jumps in price. Chores are divied up, and argued over. Mya often rides one of the horses into the nearest village for supplies and news. Gendry still spends most of his day in the forge, making small repairs to things around that always seem to need mending, or else shoveling and fetching and climbing and hauling. Sometimes Arya hunts with Teo and Thea, sometimes she checks her traps, sometimes she helps Jeyne and Willow keep up the inn.
She’s never done much in the way of cooking or cleaning, but she’s good at watching, and imitating.
It’s during one of these days, watching Jeyne press out cheese, when Willow asks her,
“How come you haven’t married the blacksmith, since the two of you like making moony eyes at each other so much?”
Arya sputters a bit. They’ve done their best not to share too many details of their background with anyone here, for their own safety as much as their privacy. She’s pretty sure Jeyne and Willow at least recognize her as a highborn, even though she doesn’t often act the role. She smiles roughly before answering.
“I’d like to, never thought I’d say that. Not sure I could convince him to. Still thinks someone will pop out from behind a tree to behead him for so much as holding my hand.”
“You should say something,” Jeyne tells her, with a wry grin, “Man who looks like him wouldn’t be lonely long if he tried, if he wanted to try. Not to mention that a blacksmith in spring could find work wherever he chose. The way he looks at you though, you can’t just find that anywhere.”
It’s practical advice, which is apparently Jeyne’s specialty. Arya doesn’t say anything else while they rub the cheese with ash and stack them to carry to the cellar. Her words are on her mind for several months though.
It’s on Mya’s journeys into the village that they hear any news at all of the war. Most of the news is grim, tales of Lannister raids further north. She brings a story or two of Robb Stark, the young wolf, who some said could turn into a wolf himself. Arya wishes it were true.
Mya spends much of her day in the stables, as Gendry does the forge, though her solitude is more practical. The stables have been empty for so long that they must be constantly kept up. She tries to insulate the best she can, so that the horses (nicknamed Nettle and Briar by her) will be comfortable. Both have grown their winter coats in, and are quite happy to be sure, frolicking outside and being ridden in turn. When the snow doesn’t fall, they still dig through the blanket, seeking grass.
One day, nearly a year or so into winter, Arya sits in the stable on the top rung of the ladder to the hayloft. Gendry sticks his head in.
“Thought you were going to town with Mya today?”
Arya shakes her head, and Gendry climbs the ladder to join her, and she takes his hand. The hayloft is warm enough, dry and sweet smelling.
“Just thinking about...stuff,” she admits. They’re both quiet for quite a long time, Arya holding his hand in her lap. He wraps an arm around her, and she twists so she can crawl into his lap and kiss him. His lips are as warm as his hands.
It’s after several long, blissful, moments, that Arya’s hands wind in the fabric of his tunic, and her eyes meet his. Their hands have explored each other, often and extensively, but they’ve always gone over or under, never taken off.
“I love you,” she murmurs, her hands still holding still.
Gendry is quiet for a time, before responding,
“I love you too, for as long as you’ll have me.”
Arya’s face sprouts a huge grin, and she lifts her hands and pulls the tunic over his head.
“For as long as we have.”
And no one but the horse was there to see their winter-pale bodies, moving against each other in the dark of the hayloft, shivering and grasping, soft moans carried on the wind.
The next morning, Arya privately asks Jeyne if she has the ingredients for moon tea. Jeyne sighs, long and resigned, and makes Arya keep close eye when she pulls out and measures the herbs from her medicine stash.
“Mint, wormwood, tansy, pennyroyal, honey. No more than a few leaves of the tansy or the pennyroyal or you will become quite ill. You don’t actually need the honey, but it tastes vile otherwise. Go with Mya when she goes to the village next week, or I’ll have run out of mint. I suggest restraining yourself until then.”
Arya hadn’t really expected things to change because of it, but somehow they still do. Good changes though. The butterflies that would flutter in her stomach have settled, now they just rise in her chest like the sun when he touches her. Gendry slips so easily into her bed it’s like he was meant to be there.
Arya loves the little life they’ve dug out here. Even through the coughs and fevers, the weeks where they can’t even catch a squirrel and have nothing but broth and thin porridge to eat, through the tantrums and fights the children somehow manage to find even in the coldest days.
But she hates it too.
One night, Gendry rolls to one side and wakes to hear Arya, laying flat on her back, reciting a series of names.
“Whattryou doing?”
Arya squeezes her eyes.
“When I can’t sleep, I recite names. Names of people I don’t want to forget.”
“Where were you at?”
“Jon, Robb, Sansa, Bran, Rickon,” she recites, then leaves her family and moves past, “Mycah, Harwin, Tommen…”
She eventually runs out of names and falls asleep.
It might be easy out here, to forget her life before this, in Winterfell. With a start, Arya realizes she’s past twenty and hasn’t been to Winterfell in nearly half her life.
It wouldn’t be safe to try and go home though. The further into winter, the more stories Mya’s trips bring them. Some say that the Lannisters briefly took Harrenhal, which is far too close for comfort. There are stories of the destruction reaped by the Mountain as he rode the countryside.
The stories are frightening enough, that the handful of times a rider approaches the inn, Arya, Gendry, Mya and the youngest children make themselves scarce, upstairs, in the smallest bedroom with the largest window.
Arya shushes the children during these times.
“You have to be quiet, even your feet could give you away. Imagine you are ghosts, “
Yet in every case, the traveler is simply seeking ale or a meal and leaves after.
It’s nearly her twenty-first year, during a long walk in the snow, when her and Gendry make the discovery. It’s one of those rare winter days, the entire land blanketed in snow, but bright and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. A day you could nearly mistake for summer until the cold nipped at your nose.
It had come after a week’s blizzard had kept everyone inside and driven nearly all of them, even ever good-natured Willow, insane. So when Arya announced she needed to take a walk in the woods, Gendry was quick to join her.
They’re walking through what was once a meadow, when Arya stops short.
“Oh,” Arya exclaims, nearly with tears in her eyes, “I didn’t know they grew this far south. I’ve never heard of a weirwood south of the Neck.”
The tree is small, dwarfed even by the leafless skeletons of the forest around it, but it’s white bark and few red leaves are unmistakable. It has no face, but Arya still falls to her knees to pray.
After a moment, she reaches for Gendry’s hand and pulls him down into the snow beside her.
“I told you,” she starts, “About how we perform weddings in the north?”
His eyes flicker up the trunk and back to hers, wanting, but unwilling to be fooled.
“If you’re certain.”
“I am,” she had once feared that this was all her life was leading up to, but she could never imagined it could look like this.
“We don’t need anyone else?”
Arya shakes her head, letting herself get lost in the blue of his eyes.
“The Gods will see what they need to.”
Gendry nods. She hopes these years have been as good for him as they have for her. He’s got color to his face now, he talks to the children when she is not near. He has lost some of his hunch, and stands tall.
She tells him the words, and he repeats them. There might be some blending of traditions, but she’s always liked the sound of “I am hers and she is mine.” His cloak swamps her, and strictly speaking, she thinks you’re not supposed to giggle while praying.
Gendry reaches forward to lift her with sudden ferocity.
“I’m sorry I have no name to give you,” he says, a breath away from her lips.
She shrugs him off.
“Out here neither of us have names. We live as ghosts.”
They kiss, and Arya smiles and whispers to him about the last part of the marriage tradition. It’s worth risking frostbite for, the two of them pressed together, bare, between both of their cloaks. Afterwards, he scoops her up and carries her until they are out of eyesight of that strange, southern weirwood.
They pass Nymeria from afar near the inn on their way back, with a litter of pups behind her.
Winter continues. Maerie stops knocking into everything when she walks, Pen gains his last few consonants. Teo and Thea are full grown now, and will likely leave the inn come spring to forge their own path.
Mya spends more and more time in the village. Willow suspects she’s found a sweetheart there, though she insists it’s just to make sure she doesn’t overwork Nettle and Briar.
Crocuses come up through the snow. Lya squeals when she sees them, but Arya warns her not to get too excited, for they bloom in winter too.
It’s sometime past Arya’s twenty and second name day, that Lya runs through the front door of the inn, saying riders are approaching.
Arya’s voice catches in her throat, but she has enough presence of mind to grab Gendry and Mya and head upstairs.
She peers through the window. It’s a clear day, another clear day. When the riders approach, Arya is shocked to see that there are three of them.
“They don’t look like soldiers,” Gendry assures her.
Arya squints. Something about them looks familiar.
Eventually, one of the rider’s turns their head, and a bit of hair escapes from under their cloak.
Arya’s breath is stolen away. She jerks violently, and pulls Gendry’s arm.
“That’s my sister,” she says in shock, “That’s Sansa.”
The tiny little glimpse, a bit of bright red hair on the head of a tall, poised, young woman, is all she needs.
Willow has gone out to greet them, and Arya finds she still has more air to be taken away.
One of the figures is Harwin, more lines in his face, more gray in his hair. The other is a mop of red curls Arya can’t quite place until it hits her.
“Rickon,” she breathes. He had been just a little boy the last time she’d seen him, would he even remember her?
She turns to Gendry, and pleads him with her eyes.
“You don’t have to come with me,”
“No,” he replies, nearly harshly. “We agreed before, I go where you go. We’ll find out what’s happened together.”
She nods, and with an unsteady gait, stands, and they both turn to descend the Inn’s stairs and face the future.
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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4/10/20-A red day with red fly agaric mushroom, Lesser Redpoll and Red Deers as well as a Muntjac Deer on a New Forest walk from Blackwater and autumn leaves and House Martins at home this evening 
As the rain stayed falling today compared to yesterday when it stopped as the day went on we did a walk from Blackwater in the New Forest and back taking in woodland and some more open areas. I took the first, sixth and eighth pictures in this photoset on the walk some quite atmospheric which I’ve always found Blackwater and the area around it where we walk good for especially on rainy days with lots of autumn leaf scenes nicely coloured again too. My Mum had been lucky to see some Red Deers here this week. So even if it was wet I wanted to come today to see if I could see them. As we are attempting to go to Bushy Park soon to do our usual visit to there and Richmond Park during the Red Deer rut not doing Richmond this year as it attracts more people just about I feel in current circumstances having to take this into account. We did think of doing it yesterday but thought it may be a bit wet in the end it turned nice here but I don’t know what it did in London. We are aiming now to go next Saturday unless Covid travel or any other restrictions prevent us going to a park on the outskirts of London. We’ll be socially distancing at all times anyway. But in case we didn’t I felt like coming here to try and see the Red Deers and also I have not seen them in the New Forest a strong local area for this iconic species nearly enough over the years so it was a chance to see them here. 
As we walked out in the rain the first bits of the walk were a red walk as I was delighted to come across our first red fly agaric mushroom of the year my favourites and what made me like mushrooms that had not been knocked over as we saw some uprooted ones last Sunday at Fleet Pond. Today we saw one not flat and small and the other big and flat and I loved seeing them and studying their bright colour and markings and taking pictures. Always a big highlight of my autumn seeing these. I took the second picture in this photoset of the small one. 
With not so many birds seen on the walk by this point early on it changed as I was delighted to spot a finch on the path. When looking at it in the binoculars I found it was a Lesser Redpoll and we saw it on the ground for a bit. A very special bird for me to see here. Until February I had only ever seen them at two places most usually Blashford Lakes the nature reserve with a woodland hide and sets of bird feeders on the outskirts of the New Forest until I saw some at Pig Bush in the New Forest for my first of 2020. So that’s twice in a year I have seen them in the open forest it just feels satisfying seeing nice finches out in the wild and not on feeders for a change whilst I love seeing them up close on feeders, a bird I didn’t even see in 2018 so I feel happy to have used the area to catch up with them this year and it was one of my birds of the weekend today as I really enjoyed making out its beautiful markings and lovely red bit on the head for a bit. I took the third picture in this photoset of the Lesser Redpoll. 
As we walked on we stepped away from red when we saw a minute deer on the edge of the undergrowth next to the path. We were thrilled to see it was a beautiful Muntjac Deer. It was a brief look as ever of this shy, cute and fascinating mammal but I loved seeing it. My third ever one after one in 2008 at Rutland Water and there again last August when there for the Bird Fair so my first ever in Hampshire and outside of Rutland Water. Its always a special wildlife moment to see them I was so happy to see it. What made it even more special is that it now means I’ve seen all six deer species found in the wild in Britain this year. This comes after alongside roe, fallow, sika and red this year I saw my first ever Chinese Water Deer at RSPB Titchwell Marsh in Norfolk last month I did remark at seeing all six in my life then but never did I image I would see a Muntjak this year! A great moment. And all of those mammals have helped my mammal year list onto 17 my second highest ever total now after last year’s 18. Two of my year lists along with butterflies will end as my second highest ever this year last year all four of the year lists I keep were my highest ever so with the obvious challenges and not being important in scheme of things this year two personal second places I am pleased with.
We then moved on and did get a view of a female Red Deer in the woods in front of a fence which I took the fourth picture in this photoset of, then a stag with the nice antlers and a female on the path which I took the fifth picture in this photoset of and then we walked around a bit and saw the first female with another the other side of the fence from another angle I took the seventh and ninth pictures in this photoset of. This was an amazing few moments spent with these iconic mammals and one of my favourites. I really did love seeing them and spend some precious moments watching them today. One of the best wildlife moments in the autumn seeing Red Deers during the rut and I loved watching them today. I really was so captivated by them and it made me smile so much to see some majestic Red Deers. A species I adore. 
So this meant if restrictions tighten in the next week and we cannot make it to Bushy Park or beyond in October, just like the Ring-necked Parakeets the other stars of those places which I have seen literally at home the past few weeks, I have had an amazing experience fairly (at a safe distance for them and us) close by. Richmond and Bushy Park in the rut for people like us that do perhaps more general wildlife watching and photography walks going after lots of things and whatever we may find whilst we might go to a place specifically for a species we may not spend all day looking at it or get up early often has over the 10 years now been invaluable for us because you go there and you can so easily see them in the rutting season in a fairly confined area in a city. So that’s a big part of why I love it going there getting so many photo opportunities here with the deers. But I have long known the vast and our beloved and local New Forest alongside the Fallow Deers I fell in love with here have Red Deers, for us it was just finding them which we’ve done better at as the years have gone on. So it felt fantastic getting an experience with Red Deers in the New Forest and really being able to celebrate this species in this strong place for it. Alongside the Muntjac, the redpoll and the fly agarics today I just found myself feeling very proud of and happy at seeing iconic New Forest species and so proud of the amazing area I am so lucky to call my area. 
When home I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of autumn leaves out the front of the house. As we saw something else red, a red card for Manchester United my football team as we sadly lost 6-1 to Tottenham Hotspur, we were thrilled to see some birds flying almost right into the window and back out at the front of the house. We soon realised they were House Martins and we got stunning views of a large group all flying extremely close to the window. Such beautiful and well coloured birds. This was exactly what I had in late May out the back which I loved and today it was brilliant to see them so well again. A nice potential last experience with them before they migrate back to Africa this a regular group I have loved seeing at home and Lakeside this spring and summer and even into autumn now. Bringing to an end another fantastic weekend of wildlife, views and photos I’ve done and seen so much on two relaxing days off again. Thanks for your support this weekend. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary on the Blackwater walk: My first Muntjac Deer of the year, one of my favourite mammals the Red Deer, Grey Squirrel, Lesser Redpoll, Treecreeper, Coal Tit and Carrion Crow.
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Turned by Love
Pairing: young!Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: AU, Stupidity, a hurt ankle, cowardly behaviour and love (?)
Summary: only the one who truly loves and trusts the werewolf, can turn him back, before the night ends – Remus hasn’t found the one yet – or did he?
A/N: So, this was requested by @deaconsposts and basically, there is an English myth about werewolves. If someone who loves and trusts the wolf, says his name, he will turn back.
Yes - this is an AU since it does NOT work like that in Harry Potter, though it is such a lovely idea.
Remus dreaded one thing more than N.E.W.T.s and OWLs. It was the time of the full moon. Since fifth year his friends kept him company, but he had to lie to so many of his friends – he felt horrible for telling them all those white lies. For example, Y/N – a witch from y/h – undoubtedly one of the kindest people he knew, and yet he lied to her every month.
At first their friendship had only started for academical purpose – they studied, they read and after time they did not only meet for this reason alone. Remus had grown fond of the girl. He had to endure endless teasing from James, Sirius and Peter – and the three of them tried to get him to tell her how much he liked her. Maybe in another life, he would, but his furry little problem was the reason why he would never do that. He couldn’t put this weight on her shoulders.
He and his friends were already awaiting – more like dreading – the full moon, which was hidden behind clouds for now. His thoughts went one last time to the kind h/c haired woman he fell for before he felt extreme pain.
Y/N felt bad. It was a full moon night ��� which meant Remus would have to endure a lot of pain tonight. Officially she didn’t know – but the Marauders were absolutely horrible at hiding it. Calling him Moony – when he misses classes every full moon and comes back heavily injured. Being on the edge days before the moon. She knew after the first few months. But it was painfully obvious.
She noticed how he kept to himself, so slowly Y/N tried to get close to him – helping him, after the full moons by taking notes from the classes he missed. At first, she only did it because she felt bad for him, but as it happened, she started to like his own persona – kind, funny and absolutely adorable. And as it happened, she fell for him.
At first the girl only had a crush but after two years there was no denying it – she was absolutely at his mercy – because she loved him so dearly. It was the little things, how his hair never kept its shape, how he was reading the rules to find loopholes, how he was excelling all classes. Just all the little things that made him himself.
So tonight Y/N wanted to help – and not only by taking his notes. She would try and help him. Her h/c was lighted up by the moonlight – as if the moon was taunting her. She was already near the Shrieking Shack – or rather the Whomping Willow - as it was there to protect the entrance – and she could hear his screams of pain.
The e/c girl had started running, feeling horrible for her friend (and love interest) – she would do anything she could.
She saw something that was surprising, the werewolf (who was Remus) played with a shaggy, black dog, a stag and another animal – probably – she couldn’t see – but wherever Remus, James and Sirius were, Peter was not far.
She got closer and closer and with eyes full of wonder she didn’t register as the werewolf took notice of her. Her e/c eyes had gotten wide with horror, once she saw that the werewolf was heading her way. Tears started streaming down her face. Would that be it?
Before the animal could reach her, the stag threw him out of the way, and as if her brain knew what to do – she ran. What a stupid idea!! What was I thinking, the h/c girl thought to herself. Her feet were carrying her – even though deep down she knew that it was a fight she couldn’t win. No matter what she would do, a werewolf was faster than a human.
And while her thoughts were drifting so much, she didn’t notice the uneven floor and fell hard. Her leg hurt horribly, and even more tears were in her eyes. It didn’t take long before the 4 animals caught up. Finally, she was able to see the forth animal – a rat. How very useful, she thought. Though better than being killed or infected.
Even if the dog, the stag and the rat tried, they were to slow. The wolf was above her and finally, she realized something. This wasn’t some monster, it was her Remus. Even if the girl knew it deep down, now she realized it with every fibre of her being. Before I die, I have to tell him!
“Remus… I know you are somewhere in there. I haven’t told you this, because I was scared, but there is no reason to be. I am in love with you. I know that you, Remus Lupin, would never intentionally hurt me, so I forgive you for everything that will happen.” A small smile graced her lips as she closed her eyes ready to take the hit.
Suddenly she could hear the breaking of bones – and she opened her eyes in horror. The werewolf in front of her was transforming back? How could this be? Sirius – aka Padfoot – James – aka Prongs – and Peter – aka Wormtail – transformed back to their human self.
All of them were littered in cuts and scrapes. But they didn’t care, they watched their best friend transform back, their eyes wide in shock. After finally being back to normal, Remus fell unconscious. “Moony!”, James and Sirius caught him before something could happen.
And while the boys were completely concentrated on the task at hand – which was taking care of Remus – Y/N left.
Madame Pomfrey was awaiting them – so were McGonagall and Dumbledore – but they didn’t think they would arrive so early. While the full moon was mockingly shining through the windows – the three adults were staring at the human Remus. “How did this happen? How has he already transformed?” It was an open secret, that the other three Marauders went with Moony – but for obvious reasons, they couldn’t say it.
“We don’t know – we looked out of the Gryffindor Tower and saw someone, so we headed down.”, James lied smoothly.
“There is only ONE way, how he could transform back. There is a myth, that if someone truly trusts and loves the werewolf, he will transform back – if called by his name.”, Dumbledore said – deep in thoughts. “You three – get back to your dorm – you can check upon Remus tomorrow – and because this was an emergency you won’t get detention – but don’t let it happen again.” McGonagall said – her motherly nature to all of the boys obvious.
“Thank you, Professor!”
The h/c haired girl arrived at her dorm – quietly but cursing she searched for something that would soother the pain in her ankle – which was already swollen. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she found something and with a quiet whisper, she said the spell that would help her heal. How should she face James, Sirius, Peter and Remus now? And with that thought, she fell asleep in her bed.
The following morning, the three boys visited Remus, who surprisingly was already awake. “What happened yesterday – I feel way better than usual after a full moon.” The three boys gave each other looks before Sirius grinned. “You have found your one – the little y/h girl. She was there yesterday – I have no idea why – you chased her and when u got to her, she confessed her love and you turned back. Sadly, she left, before we could talk to her.”
“You are telling me, that Y/N is the one, who turned me back? That’s absolutely impossible!” Remus's face was a little red and not only that, but he also was shocked. “Mr Lupin – since you are perfectly fine this night, I will let you go now. I hope your following months will be as comfortable.” Madam Pomfrey said. “And you lot - get out”, she said in the direction of the three boys.
Y/N successfully avoided all of the Marauders. She knew they tried to get to her before breakfast – the solution was to go earlier. Her friend crossed her idea though. She wanted to leave before they would enter, but she didn’t have any luck. Her friend asked her a billion questions about potions – this was the reason why suddenly someone tapped onto her shoulder.
Before her was the sandy-haired boy with the eyes she dreamed about. Suddenly her cheeks felt hot and before she could even process it, her body already knew what to do. A quick “See you”, was shouted to her friend’s direction before she ran off.
Remus just stood there – a little shocked and most definitely confused. Did he do something wrong?
The mission of avoiding the four troublemakers had been successful until now – in Charms, she was a bit late, so she sat far from them – in DADA she arrived early and sat next to her fellow y/h friends. But now would be the end of her luck: potions.
In potions, Y/N was paired with Peter – and Remus with her best friend. The worst of all was the potion they would be talking about today. Amortentia. She already knew what she would smell – books, chocolate and a faint smell of wood.
In other words: Remus Lupin.
Y/N even thought about not going to the class – but her stupid crush wouldn’t be able to stop her from learning new stuff. They all stood around Professor Slughorn – while he talked about the love potion. In the middle stood a vessel full of Amortentia. “Now, who could tell me a little about the potion in front of us? Y/L/N?” “It’s Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world – it smells like the person you love and if you drink it, you will fall in love as well.” Y/N felt her cheeks tingle as Remus threw her a look.
“Very good, indeed – 15 points to y/h. Now, Y/N why don’t you come forward and tell us what you smell?” “Sorry Professor, but I caught a cold, and I kind of lost my sense of smell”, Y/N told him a smooth lie. “Well that’s too bad – what about you Mr. Lupin?” Remus only nodded.
He stood above the cauldron and took a smell of the potion. “It smells like a sweet kind of ginger, books and… and kind of like an early morning.” Y/N felt a shock surge through her. That was her smell, she was sure of it, but it couldn’t be.
The hour went by slowly and as soon as the class was dismissed, Y/N wanted to run for it again, but Remus beat her to it. “Can we please talk?”, he sounded absolutely desperate. The h/c girl wanted to say no, she truly did – but with this look in his green eyes, she couldn’t.
With a slight nod, she gave him her agreement and the two of them headed to an empty corridor.
“Listen, James and Sirius told me, that it was you. I know they lied, you don’t feel anything for me, so don’t feel bad for it – okay?” Y/N felt complete and utter confusion. “Remus, they weren’t lying, I am completely and utterly in love with you. I just thought you didn’t feel anything for me…” Remus wanted to tell her, that she didn’t need to lie, but before he could, he felt her soft lips on his.
“I only love you, Remus.”
Remus felt like he would cry because he was so happy.
“And I love you.”
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charlijah · 6 years
Vows and the Noble Stag
Christmas 1921, Paris, France
Elijah Mikaelson in conversation with a priest
Father O’Brien had finished midnight mass on Christmas Eve a short time ago. As he scanned what was left of the crowd he saw a familiar face. He motioned for the man to come closer.
“It’s been a long time.”
“Yes, I’d agree 300 years is a long time,” Elijah says with a smile. “I’ve only been back in this part of the world less than 2 weeks. I just arrived in Paris yesterday having spent time in Manosque.”
“How is Francois these days?” the priest asks with a smile.
“I would say doing well other than he’s been hexed. He should be fine since we left town but that’s another story altogether.”
“I take it the hex is connected to you?”
“Unfortunately, in a way, yes.”
“The lady sitting in the back, is she with you?”
Elijah smiles as he looks at Charlotte. “Yes, and she is part of the reason I’m here.”
Father O’Brien looks at Elijah both surprised and delighted. “Shall we talk more privately, say in my office?”
“Is this conversation meant to include her or do I need to speak with her first?”
“So she knows who you are I take it?”
“Better than basically anyone else on Earth with one or two exceptions,” Elijah says with a smile. “I’ve come to ask if you would marry us tomorrow, later today actually, Paul?”
The priests smile falters for a moment. He looks at Elijah and sees he is completely serious. “Perhaps you should speak with her so we can talk just the two of us candidly,” he states looking a little nervous.
Elijah nods and walks back to Charlotte. “He would like to speak to me in private. Probably to make sure I know what I’m getting into,” he says with a smile as he kisses Charlotte on the cheek. “Will you be ok out here by yourself?”
“All alone in the wee hours of the morning in Paris on Christmas Day in a beautiful church such as this? Of course I will. There is so much to discover. I mean if it’s ok with the Father if I look around out here?”
“Come and let me introduce you to my friend,” Elijah says as he reaches for her hand. He leads her to the front of the cathedral and smiles as he says, “Father Paul O’Brien, meet Charlotte my finance. Charlotte this is my 500 year old friend and priest, Father Paul O’Brien.”
Charlotte nods to him but takes his hand when he reaches out to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Father.”
“I’m pleased to meet you Charlotte. If you are the reason he seems so happy then it is truly a pleasure.”
“Paul, would you mind if she looks around out here while we talk? She enjoys history, I know it’s ironic, and particularly church history and would like to look a bit.”
Father O’Brien can’t help but smile as Elijah explains that Charlotte enjoys history. “Feel free to look about but please remain in this main hall. I can show you around more later but by yourself you need to remain out here.”
“There’s more than enough to look at and keep me busy for a while out here,” Charlotte breathes as she glances at the paintings and statues all around the room.
With that settled Father O’Brien leads Elijah back to his private study. Once they’re seated he turns to the Original and asks, “I can see she makes you happy Elijah but are you sure about this? I know what a promise means to you my friend. A wedding in the church is a serious matter.”
“I knew you would ask, Father. Yes, I am sure,” Elijah leans forward in his chair and stares at the floor for a moment before looking his friend in the eye. “We’ve been together for 2 years Paul. On the run more or less from Mikael. When I say we’ve been together I mean we’ve barely spent more than a day at a time apart since I pulled her from a burning building in New Orleans a little over 2 years ago. A fire that was started by Mikael I might add as he attempted to kill Nicklaus, Rebekah and I.”
The priest watches Elijah as he speaks and notes the various emotions that cross his friends face. “I get that it has probably been intense but that doesn’t equal an eternal vow.”
“Trust me when I say I have given it much thought. Parden me here Father, but she and I have been through hell and back together. She comes from an abusive and controlling background with the physical and emotional scars to bare witness. However, she has brought peace to my otherwise troubled soul. I had to show her how a lady should be treated as she had only known pain and sorrow.”
Father O’Brien listens and hears Elijah and understanding comes to him. “If I agree to perform the ceremony, it will include the traditional phrasing, ‘to have and to hold, forsaking all others, to honor and cherish for better or worse, in sickness and in health till death do you part.’ Are you positive you are ok with making that vow, that promise to her?”
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keywestlou · 4 years
DAY 1…..Greece the First time
Posted on May 28, 2012 by Key West Lou
I made it! I am in Italy! Screwed up a bit, no, a lot, from jet lag.
I could not write a blog yesterday. My head was all over the place.
So many things to share with you. I am going to run through as many as I recall.
Lets begin at Key West airport. The family saw me off. Robert and Ally excited. Each pulled one of my pieces of luggage. A big deal for them!
I have not flown in a while. The following may be old hat to you who do. To me it was new.
TSA security now permits those over 75 to go through with shoes on. No more shoes off. I am 76. Three different guards attacked me with shoes off! I looked, smiled and said I am over 75. They looked back in disbelief.  The scenario made me feel good. Vanity involved. Meant I do not look my age.
New cell phone a disaster. I still do not have its use down. This one has Bluetooth. Decided to use it in the airport. A mistake. I screwed things up. Every time the phone rang, no one was there. I could not correct it. I needed to put the cell phone on airport mode. Took me 20 minutes.  It is still on airport mode.
Trip from Atlanta to Milan a pain. Nine hours. I did not sleep a wink. It seemed like the whole plane slept but me. I walked the aisles and everyone looked dead as they slept.
Because of blood pressure and heart problems, I have a fluid problem. My ankles swell occasionally. I feared they would be huge by the time I reached Milan. I visited with my heart doctor before the trip. He said wear compression socks and take a water pill as soon as you get on the plane in Atlanta. I did both. Peed a lot. It worked! Swelling very minimal when I got off the plane in Milan.
Arrived in Milan 8 in the morning Milan time. Two in the morning my time. Permit me to interject, I was up 34 straight hours before I went to bed. There was no time to rest once I arrived.
My driver took me to Navarro. I am staying in Navarro a few days till I am over jet lag. It was a 30 mile drive.
The scenery reminded me of two things. First, it was like driving route 5 from Utica to Frankfort in upstate New York. A smattering of houses and barns. Fields otherwise. Second, in many places there was heavy foliage. Like that I saw in Virginia near Mount Vernon.
The fields were rice paddies. As far as the eye could see. Pools of water with what appeared to be blades of grass growing above. I had never seen rice paddies before, except in movies about China. Turns out northern Italy is one of the largest suppliers of rice world wide. The reason is the area sits at the foot of Mount Blanc. Water flows down the mountain. Fills the many streams and rivers. Water abounds below the land surface also. Easily tapable well style.
After miles and miles of rice paddies, there appeared a castle. Sitting on a mountain nearby. The driver told me the man who lives in the castle owns all the rice paddies. Plus a golf course nearby.
We drove over many bridges. All old in appearance. Some stone. Others metal. Napoleon responsible for them all. The people refer to Napoleon as King Napoleon. He conquered northern Italy in the early 1800s. Many French persons came to live here under Napoleonic rule. Their descendants still speak French. France itself is a hop, skip and jump away. Switzerland is nearby and French is common there.
I found it strange that in our 30 mile drive I saw very little traffic. Whether on a major highway complex or on a back road. I was told it cost money to drive. The price of gasoline is $12 a gallon. Additionally most roads have a tolling system which is expensive. When contracts are let to build or repair a road, the contractor gets a long time deal. Beside the construction or repair, the contractor gets to maintain the road for 30 years. It is the law! The contractor charges tolls purportedly to pay the cost of repairs. Actually it is a big money maker. Called positive cash flow. The tolls are very expensive. Some of the persons I discussed this topic with blamed the Mafia. In fact, in the short time I have been here I have discovered Italians blame the Mafia for everything.
We entered Navarro. I was impressed!
There is an extensive downtown area. Most of the buildings were built 1100 to 1300. They still stand. Are referred to as medieval. The roads are narrow. Very narrow. Like downtown Boston. The streets are all closed off, except to pedestrian traffic. No cars.
The buildings are magnificent. Majestic. Most muted pastel colors. Yellow, gray, tan and pink. Some concrete colored. Nothing big. Three to four stories. Ground floor expensive stores. A restaurant with outdoor seating here and there. Apartments on the floors above. The buildings appear to be of poured concrete. No wood. Tile roofs. Where ever stucco or brick is apparent, it is a facade. Merely attached to the wall of the building.
I am staying a few nights in one of the apartments. The buildings are magnificent as well. The staircases! I am staying in an apartment on the second floor. It is actually two stories. Once inside the apartment, there is a staircase to an upper floor. The apartment I am in is at least 4,000 square feet. Many rooms. Many baths.
The ceilings are art. Each is painted with a story. My bedroom is a hunt involving stags and dogs.
The furniture is all antique. It is like walking into a museum.
Every room has one or more outside balconies. Overlooking the street or inner court.
The inner court is a beauty in itself. Entrance is gained through a heavy wood door. The courtyard reminds me of the Roman courtyard to be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibit on the first floor to the left of the staircase as you enter the left hallway. Resident cars are parked in the inner court.
I attended a dinner party last night. Great food!
There was a mixture of people. Navarro is obviously cosmopolitan. People from all countries. I spoke at length with a Muslim woman from Morocco. Actually, Casablanca. 35ish. Lovely. Dressed like every one else.
I said Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman. She did not know what I was talking about.
Her husband is Italian. He converted from Catholic to Muslim to marry her.
They have two grammar school age children. Both attend Catholic school. Neither has been baptized or confirmed. Their parents are leaving it to the children to decide when they are older. The Catholic Church is giving them no issue. The priest and nuns welcome the two into school with open arms. I doubt such would be permitted in the United States.
I was told that Morocco is very modern. None of the women cover their faces or wear long black robes. Mini skirts are very much in style. Although there are wars in the African countries all around Morocco, there is no conflict in Morocco. The people are of a different mind set.
We drank Italian champagne. By the case. Apparently it is the drink of choice here.
Everyone was dressed as if we were at a party in Key West. Casual. Women in jeans. Men in  jeans and khakis. Too cool yet for shorts.
Everyone wanted to talk with me. All were interested in our Presidential election. All like Obama. He is respected for his international endeavors. They knew we had financial problems also, but did not understand them. The euro is on their mind. They agreed however that if Greece goes down, so will the rest of Europe. With the United States being severely impacted.
I am sleeping in a suite complex. All for me. A bedroom, dressing room and bathroom. Bathrooms are big in size. Decorated. Different from ours.
Mine has a bidet. I was pleased. I have one in my Key West home and have become accustomed to its use. I found this one strange. A bidet requires a water spout near center from which the water can shoot up to cleanse the underside. No spout.
I inquired why. Turns out Mussolini was the driving force in bidets. He made sure every Italian home had one. Like a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. At the end of World War II, Mussolini was not too popular. You will recall that he and his mistress were beaten to death and then hung by their heels. The post war government decided to do away with bidets since they were Mussolini inspired. A law was passed outlawing the spout on the theory it was bacteria/microbe infested. My bidet is nothing but another sink. Based on its height, for child use I assume.
I got to bed at 10:30 in the evening Navarro time. I had been up more than 30 hours straight. I fell asleep immediately. Woke at 2. Was awake till 4. Then slept to 8.
Writing this first blog has been an exercise. A frustration.
Electricity is rationed in Italy. The computer I was working on had rationed electricity. Fifteen minutes and it went off. And stayed off for an hour. All to conserve electricity. This blog has been written piece meal over the course of a day.
Enjoy your day! More to come tomorrow!
I hope you enjoy Greece My First Time. The late spring and summer of 2012. I did this blog daily for the 80 some odd days I was away. I never published it in any but blog form at the time. Hope you enjoy.
The  Greece story opens today’s blog. Used it as such to introduce you to the writing. Not sure where it will appear from this point forward. I suspect as the closing topic.
We begin.
Schumer came out a winner. He called McCullough’s bluff. The Democrats will be the majority party for the next 2 years.
I am disappointed Schumer will be in a tough position in attempting to get rid of the filibuster. Two Democrats assured McCullough that they would never even have have an intention of getting rid of the filibuster.
A shame. More could be done if the Democrats were able to go for the nuclear option.
Each of the two Democratic Senators have their own reasons. Some to be respected. Some not.
Joe Manchin is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia. He has been a successful politician his whole life.
West Virginia is a Republican state. It is also a coal mining state. Manchin has always walked a fine line. In fact, he voted with Trump 50.4 percent of the time.
Krysten Sinems is a Democratic Senator from Arizona. Always a deep red state. The Democrats did well in November. Better than normal.
Arizona is definitely leaning Democratic. She should start throwing off her false Republican mantle. A conservative, she voted with Trump 25 percent of the time.
Twenty five percent does not seem like a lot in comparison to Manchin’s voting record. However 25 percent placed her in third place among Democrats supporting Trump policies. Ergo, the 25 percent is significant.
Schumer sounded confident last night that at some point the filibuster would go. I hope so.
A comment in Citizens’ Voice this morning spelling out the state of the COID-19 pandemic in the U.S.: “We were dying from COVID-19 and now we’re dying from state and federal incompetence.”
On this day in 1998, President Clinton lied re his engaging in sexual relations with Monica Lewensky: “I want to say one thing to the American people; I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
When Clinton had to own up to the deed, his excuse somewhat difficult to understand. However showed the genius of the man that worked in many other ways for the betterment of the U.S.
Clinton’s position basically was that he did not have sex with Lewinsky, she had sex with him. It was limited to oral copulation and she did him. He did not do her.
I have wondered about Trump and his sexual life if any while President. The man had a terrific career of philandering. Having a wife never seemed to bother him when it came to cheating.
A  leopard does not change his spots.
Query: How went his 4 years in the White House?
One further observation since I am comparing Clinton and Trump. Clinton was a far superior President than Trump. Without question.
Tuesday again! My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time. I may have less to rant and rave about this week. However, I promise to do my best. You will not be disappointed. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!
    GREECE THE FIRST TIME was originally published on Key West Lou
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from new sturm members, to etta’s past, to the agency’s sympathies
also Fyodor continues to be a dick
[cont from part 84]
-the next day- kyouko: *making breakfast* Rin: =______= *yawn* "Gouda mornin'..." kyouko: mornin' Rin: "How's breakfast goin'?" *looks around* kyouko: just started. Rin: "Hmm..." *opens the fridge, pours orange juice* "Where's everyone?" kyouko: yukio's at the school already. Rin: O________O; *looks at the clock* "AM I LATE?!" kyouko: yeah. Rin: "OH, FUDGE!" *grabs his school jackets, and runs--in pajama bottoms and slippers* kyouko:....*grin* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *pours tea* "Here you are, lovelies~" *he's wearing...glasses* felisia: thank you. (niiiice) -elsewhere- Damon: "...Is he still asleep?" becky: yeah. but the room looks cool. Damon: "Yeah!" *opens the toy chest* becky: wooah. *shiny eyes* Damon: "..." *takes out a doll* "..." *smiles* "Cool!" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? You look exhausted." *sets down a cola and some chips* atsushi: busy running errands the other day. *The restaurant is pretty much empty* Lucy: *sits down* "Secret hush-hush stuff?" atsushi: more or less, i guess. *nom* Lucy: "Ah...Atsushi? You like this?" atsushi: ?? Lucy: "The work you do?" atsushi:...yeah. Lucy: "It's still dangerous...With the news..." atsushi: .....*holds her hand* of course it's scary, but someone has to do it, right? Lucy: "..." *small squeeze, nods* "I still worry. After what I've seen in the Guild, there's a lot out there." atsushi:...yeah... Lucy: "...Be careful. And if you need help...would you ask?" atsushi:...i will. Lucy: *smiles, nods* -elsewhere- shiori: *walking and drinking from her sippy cup* Kid: *following* shiori: *looks up at the cookie jar* Kid: "Oh? See something you like, Shiori?" shiori: that. *points to the jar* can i? Kid: "How about I bring it down for you? Sound good?" shiori: yes peas! Kid: "That's the magic word!" *brings down the cookie jar, sets it on the floor, opens the top* "Take one." shiori: *takes one and eats it* ^u^ Kid: ^^ *takes one as well* "Good, right?" *nom* "Chocolate!" shiori: hehehe! ^u^ Kid: "Maybe we can make some tomorrow--like oatmeal--" shiori: >Xp Kid: ._. "...I mean, it's healthy? What would you want?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How did class go?" sonia: it was nice. im glad Q's here now... Chuuya: "You are?" sonia: *nod* maybe we can help him not be as broken. Chuuya: "...I...suppose we can." ("...Rain...Just listen to her...") sonia:....is the demon broken too? Chuuya: "...I don't know what he is..." sonia:...oh..... Chuuya: "He...may not recover." sonia:.....i cant forgive him for what he did to mama......but at the same time, i pity him...the young boy i mean.... Chuuya: " 'Young boy'?" sonia: i see him in my dreams too sometimes. he always seems so sad, and he's trapped inside the demon... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "You're very kind-hearted." sonia:.....*hug* Chuuya: "I just don't want you to...ignore all of a person...what they are capable of." *as he talks, he sees himself in a mirror* corruption?: *smiles at him* Chuuya: "..." *shudders* sonia:......*pap pap* Chuuya: "I-I'm sorry..." sonia: its ok.... Chuuya: "I-I want to be a good father to you..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Sorry. I don't mean to put that pressure on you." sonia: its alright.... Chuuya: "...Let me...see if someone can talk to...him." sonia:....*nod* -elsewhere- Magaki: *sits on the couch, reading* "..." tsubaki: how was school? Magaki: "...Fine. A lot of reading..." *looks away* -elsewhere- Kuro: "...They make us...do work from home. ...Monsters." mahiru: well get used to it. Kuro: >_< "I don't wanna...Can't I copy yours?" -elsewhere- Joker: *passed out at the bar* scarlet: of course. -_-; Joker: "Fluffernutters..." -elsewhere- Anya: "...'Trust exercises'?" EF: *she nods* you'll fall back and the person behind you will catch you. Anya: "I feel like we did this before--and it didn't turn out well. Why do we need this?" EF: ao and tsugumi said they'd be willing. Anya: "..." *sighs* "Okay...Who's catching me?" ao: *wave* Anya: -____- "...Don't drop me." ao: i wont.. Anya: "..." *turns...closes her eyes* "Say when to fall back..." ao: now. Anya: … *falls back* -nice catch- ao: see? no ulterior motives here. Anya: "..." *nods* "F-Fine...Thanks." tsugumi:...*smile* Meme: "Tsugumi, how about you next?" tsugumi: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and that's pretty much what happened when we were kids." mana: wow... Shotaro: *nods* "...Rough." mana: ..... Emine: "..." *sniff* lin-kimpur: *hug* Emine: "..." *hug* Shotaro: TwT -elsewhere- Konro: *humming as he puts together flowers* kabuki: ^^~ Konro: "There! Good practice for the big day." -elsewhere- Walter: "Yo, G.E.! How you fitting in?" george: alright i guess. still trying to find out what the heck my ability is. also i have this weird tattoo on my stomach? Walter; "Yep! Part of the contract. Goethe didn't mention that, huh?" george: no. no he did not. Walter: "I mean, it'll make swimsuit season a little bad, but you can work it...You see everyone else's abilities?" george: not really. Walter: "Well, I can make an illusion of myself, Etta can control people's movements..." george: i see.... Walter: "The twins show you theirs?" george: no. Walter: "Wilhelm can make animals appear--" george: huh. *two children pop up beside George* george: GWEH! wilhelm: that sure startled him, eh bro? Jakob: "Indeed, bro." Hansel: *griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin* gretel: hehehe~ george:....yeeeah totally not creepy in the slightest... -elsewhere- Rin: *sitting in an empty classroom* *tick tick tick* Rin: "...Son of a gun!" shura: hn? rin? the heck're you doing? Rin: "I thought it was a school day!" >_< shura: well as you can see, it isnt. but on the bright side, no one has to see you in your pjs and slippers. Rin: "..." .\\\\~\\\\. "Ah, nut-butter." -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the window, looks outside* -seems like a nice day out- Justin: "..." *smiles* "Time for a walk." oriko: *nod* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "You know I want you to be safe, yes?" aya: of course i know, dad. Kunikida: "... ... ..." aya:..... *realizing what she just said* t-that was a slip of the tongue, really! Kunikida: "..." *nods* "...Although..." aya: ? Kunikida: "...I may not be your father, but I am concerned for you." aya:...t-thanks. Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* "Let's make sure you stay protected out there." -elsewhere- Patty: *spies over the back of the couch* OwO kirika: .... *staring at homework* uuugh, how am i still in school yet? Patty: "Need help?!" kirika: HIUFIUIHSJBHIFLHJBKBJ Patty: OwO "...So, yes?" kirika:... -elsewhere- Allison: "Hey, welcome back!" erina: hey... Allison: "Settling into work?" erina: i think so. Allison: "Well, you got tonight off, right? Any plans?" erina: not sure... Allison: "I got some leftover pasta..." erina: cool.... Allison: *smiles* "Any interesting things happen?" *places meal in the microwave* erina: usual work stuff. Allison: "...That sounds like an improvement." *small smile* erina:...yeah... Allison: "I'm happy you got away from the prison..." erina:.......*stares at the floor* Allison: "..." *shoulder pat* erina: t-thanks... Allison: *smiles* "Any time, buddy." erina: .........*looks at her phone* *A phone number is on the screen* Allison: "??? Missed call?" erina:......*dials a number* -elsewhere- Jordan: *shifting the joystick on his 3DS* "Just a bit more..." *LOUD RING* Jordan: "!!!" *The Golden Stag is lost* Jordan: Q___Q *looks at the phone* "...!!!" *answers* "H-H-Hello?" erina: hey jordan...is this a bad time to call? Jordan: "Erina! N-Nah, not at all! What up?" erina: did you...want to come over at all? Jordan: OWO "Yeah. Sure. Wh-Where at?" Allison: *shiny eyes* -she tells him where the apartment is- Jordan: "That'll be about 20 minutes. C U then!" erina: see ya....*hangs up* .... Allison: :3 erina:....did i...do the right thing? Allison: "Depends--just looking for some company?" erina:....i guess.... n-not that i dont like you here or anything like that, thats not what im saying- Allison: "But wanting to have something a little more intimate?" erina: *blush* a-alli! Allison: "I meant just one-on-one relationshipping--wherever that goes." ^w^ erina: 7////7;;; Allison: "So, what you going to wear? Casual? Spruced up?" erina:....too tired to change into clothes. Allison: "Well, it's an informal visit--I'm sure your attire suits it." *opens the fridge* "I'll get another plate." -elsewhere- Yumi: *sets Shiori into bed* "All tuckered out?" shiori: *yaaaawn* Yumi: *tucks her in* "We'll see you in the morning, sweetie." -morning- Takehisa: *rotate his shoulder* "Sore..." komori: [lots of training today?] Takehisa: "Yes. Continuing from yesterday. The Commander expects something big will happen..." komori: [i see.] Takehisa: "Sorry to ask, but can you keep an eye for any injuries today?" komori: [that is my job, isnt it?] Takehisa: *nods* "Thank you." -elswhere- sayaka: it's been like, forever since we saw you last, hitomi! hitomi: it sure has, hasnt it? sayaka: so what brings you to the DWMA hitomi: i've heard a lot about your's and madoka's adventures, and i felt...a bit lonely, for lack of a better comparison. madoka: aw, hitomi... sayaka: well we have lots to tell you. and lots of cool people to introduce you to! madoka: that reminds me, how's kyousuke doing? hitomi: oh, that... sayaka: something wrong? hitomi: not to bring the mood down but, kyousuke and i actually broke up. sayaka:.... madoka:.... sayaka + madoka: *feeling awkward* madoka: well, there's a nice cafe not far from school. maybe we can go there? hitomi: ^^; sound nice. -elsewhere- erina: *looking around* *panting and running is heard* erina: ?? Jordan: "I-I'm here! I'm here! I'm--" *trips--and falls on his face* "..." erina: oh, hey jordan. come to visit me at work? Jordan: *lifts up his head--his nose is bleeding* "I wanted to return the container from the leftovers your roommate gave me!" *holds it up* erina: oh, thanks. Jordan: "How's work going?" erina: alright. Jordan: ^w^ "...Well, while I'm here, I'm gonna use my lunch break for a pretzel and an amiibo." erina: well, you do that, ok? Jordan: .w. "...You had lunch?" erina: in a few minutes. Jordan: "Ah..." *scratches his cheek* erina:....sooooo..... Jordan: "...Well, um, I'll...leave you to it!" erina: you too. *small wave* Jordan: ^w^; *wave* -elsewhere- etta: *brushing her hair* {???: "Perfection."} etta: ?! *turns.....nothing*... {etta: *whimper*} {???: "Now, now...You know pretty girls don't cry like that. Look at your eyes..."} {etta: *sniff* my feet hurt, papa...} {Mr. Hoffman: "That is to be expected. After all, you cannot reach beauty without pain."} {etta: .....} -my life, is a cruel one- {etta: *looking out the window*} {*There are children playing in the snow*} {etta:....*goes to get her coat*} {*Mr. Hoffman is sitting at the fireplace, his chair facing it...There's no way he can see behind him where she walks, and there's no way he can see the door leading outside...He is so still he sounds like he's asleep*} {etta:....*slowly creeping, trying to keep silent*} {*Mr. Hoffman reminds silent*} {etta:...*reaches for the doorknob*} {*heat hits her ankle, like a flaming coal*} {etta: AH!} {*There are tiny embers on the floor, having just left a quick touch on her ankle*} {Mr. Hoffman: *stands, turns...he holds a hot poker from the fireplace...* "Can't have that perfect skin blemished..."} {etta: *trembling, trying to reach for the door*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta, really?" *marches forward* "You cannot. Unclean urchins outside. Failure to keep to a schedule. This is not the perfection I imagined for you..." *holds the poker more tightly* "Do you need...to be punished?"} {etta: *trembling, crying*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...No tears. They will ruin those eyes..."} -i was a prisoner of my own home- {etta: can i do to school?} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Why would you need school?"} {etta: maybe i could....make friends?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta...You have friends. What about Mr. and Mrs. Coppelius? Or Mr. Gaiman?"} {etta: but they're grown ups. i want friends my age...} {Mr. Hoffman: "And children are fools. You do better without them."} {etta:....} -im not your doll- {etta: *collapses from exhaustion*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Imperfect. Again."} {etta: *pant* p-please...may i stop now?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Other dancers practice nine hours daily. Again."} -i want to get out- {etta: *heads back into the dressing room and sits down, weeping* i dont want to go home....*looks at a nutcracker doll on the desk....hugs it*} {*it sounds like someone is pacing outside*} {etta:......*shaking*} {???: "...Zzzzz..."} {*is that...snoring?*} {etta: ?? *looks out the door*} {*Down the hall is...a vagrant? Collapsed asleep?*} {etta:....*pokes him with her foot*} {???: *grunts* "Quit it...Let me sleep."} {etta: the hallway isnt a place to sleep, sir.} {???: "..." *opens his eyes* "I'm tired. _Anywhere_ is a place to sleep if you do it right."} {etta: ....} {???: *yawns* "Man...When does that darn play start, anyway?"} {etta: it just finished.} {???: "..." <Dammit.>} {etta: ......} {???: "...Wait...You were in the play?"} {etta:...yes, i was.} {???: "How you think it went?"} {etta:....alright i guess....*rubs her eyes*} {???: "...And it looks like it took a lot out of you."} {etta:....whats it to you?} {???: *shrugs* "Passes the time. My ride isn't here."} {etta: .....right...} {???: "How about you? Someone waiting to pick you up?"} {etta:....just my f-...my father...} {???: "...He didn't attend your performance?"} {etta: i'm rather happy he didnt...not that it would satisfy him...} {???: "...What, you're not good at this?"} {etta: i-its not that im not good, but even if i do 100%, he'd _still_ want me to do better and look pretty doing it. *tears up* im only a human being, im not some doll...} {???: "...That's a lot of pressure to put onto a kid."} {etta: ...it's not fair! i wasnt allowed to have a normal childhood like the other kids. i wasnt allowed to go to school or have a pet, all he wanted was a perfect doll for a daughter. i hate him!} {???: "...I'm sorry."} {etta:....*sniff* s-sorry....i was just....i guess i lost it there, huh? and do someone i dont even know....} {???: "Goethe."} {etta: ??} {Goethe: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe."} {etta: i see. well, i assume you know who i am then, given the posters.} {Goethe: "Etta Hoffman, right? The sugar plum fairy of the stage?"} {etta: yes. that would be correct} {Goethe: "...You have another performance tomorrow or next week?"} {etta:...most likely....} {Goethe: "...Then I'll have to stay awake that time."} {etta:......right...} -I was given that chance- {etta: ......} {*knock knock*} {etta: its open...} {Goethe: *opens the door* "Hey." *he's holding flowers*} {etta: oh... thank you....} {Goethe: "You're welcome. It was deserved--you've gotten better."} {etta: ....} {Goethe: "I mean it. That was a tremendous performance."} {etta: ...... *she seems drained*} {Goethe: "...Need some water?"} {etta:....it's getting worse and worse....am i going to be trapped this way forever?} {Goethe: "Nothing is forever--it has to end, one way or another."} {etta: maybe if i just drank this ink and poisoned myself...} {Goethe: "Stop."} {etta: *looks at him*} {Goethe: *deadly serious* "Don't do that."} {etta: then what should i do then, huh? im tired of being controlled by him!} {Goethe: "...That dancing has made you stronger than you think..."} {etta: what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Stamina. Flexibility. Speed. Strength. You have enough in you to accomplish anything--but your greatest skill is your willpower."} {etta: .....} {Goethe: "And all you need...is the opportunity to take that willpower to the next level...to exert control over _others_ for a change."} {etta: ?? what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Well...I haven't been entirely honest. How do I put it...I have an ability."} {etta: an ability?} {Goethe: *nods* "I have this power to give people powers..."} {etta: ...are you offering me an ability then?} {Goethe: *nods*} {etta:...whats the catch?} {Goethe: "Well, you'd be under my employ..."} {etta: so then i'll have to retire early then, huh?} {Goethe: "I know it's a lot to juggle multiple jobs--but nothing would stop you from performing on stage. I'd make sure of that."} {etta:...and if i do so, i'll be freed from my father?} {Goethe: "Yes."} {etta:...alright, i'll do it.} {Goethe: "Then let's get the contract done." *holds out his hand*} -and I took it without hesitation- {etta: ......} {*a crash is heard downstairs*} {etta: ?? *heads downstairs* ??} {Mr. Hoffman: "That lying tramp!"} {etta: f-father?} {Mr. Hoffman: *turns, holding the card attached to Goethe's flowers* "How dare you!"} {etta: f-father, i can explain-} {*SLAP*} {etta: AH! *stumbles*} {Mr. Hoffman: "No wonder your dancing has been off! You have made yourself impure!"} {etta: b-but i havent-} {Mr. Hoffman: "These silly notions! They infest your head! Just fantasies of men doing...doing..." *shudders* "It's awful! Who would ever put those notions into--" *spots the Nutcracker* "..." *looks at the poker by the fireplace*} {etta: you're wrong! t-they were from a fan! i havent been with anyone!} {Mr. Hoffman: "...I knew it was a mistake to let you have this...Men...They are all that's on your mind." *picks up the poker, raises it over the Nutcracker*} {etta: !!! STOP IT! *holds hand out*} {Mr. Hoffman: *brings the poker down at the Nutcracker--before his hand stops in mid-motion* ??!!} {etta: !!!....(so this is........) *cold glare at her father*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Etta--"} {etta: *moves her hand*} {Mr. Hoffman: *his hand moves on its own* "!!!"} {etta:..... *glances at the fire*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta! For the love of God--"} {etta: shut up. you dont have the right to beg for mercy! after all the misery and pain you put me through, IM SICK! AND TIRED! OF BEING YOUR PUPPET!} {Mr. Hoffman: "I'm begging you! Don't--"} {etta: i will give you one last thing.......an early preview of hell.} {Mr. Hoffman: "No--"} {-she makes him get onto his knees at the fireplace and then....-} {Mr. Hoffman: "No! I--"} {etta: *she ignores him......and makes him stick his head in*} {Mr. Hoffman: *screams, unable to move*} {etta: *just stares*} etta:....(right...im not his to control...) *smiles* (if i am to dance, then i dance for myself.) *Music can be heard...* etta:....*dancing along* Walter: *in the living room, turns it up a bit louder* etta: *smiles* Kafka: "..." *taps his foot* -elsewhere- Damon: "Wow...We can see the whole city!" becky: woah... soul: awesome view, right? Damon: *nods* "It's the biggest city ever!" soul: *smiles* Damon: *points to a ferris wheel* "What's that?" soul: that's a ferris wheel. you can see from really high up. becky: cool. Damon: "It's a ride? Like a park?" soul: sort of. there's lots of parks in the city. Damon: "...Are they scary?" soul: not all of them. Damon: "...Some of this city is." soul: sure, some of the things people say here can be a bit scary, but its normal for the locals. the people who lived their whole lives here are often called 'death children', but dont let that scare you, they're pretty nice most of the time. becky: ... Damon: "Like that 'Kid' guy?" soul: *nods* yep. Damon: "...Why does everyone here talk about 'death'?" soul: well this is 'death city'... Damon: *pouts, crosses his arms* soul: owo;;; becky: *raises a brow at him* Damon: "I don't like hearing about it..." soul:...i know, its scary, but you two are going to be safe....this is a city of second chances... Damon: "??? What do you mean?" soul: in death, there comes new life. becky: like in nature? soul: like that. *nod* Damon: "??? I don't understand..." soul: take flowers for example. they bloom, and then they wilt and leave seeds, which then become new flowers....sometimes its bulbs instead of seeds, but thats beside the point. Damon: "...And then the seeds...?" soul: they become new flowers...new life, and the cycle starts over again. Damon: "..." *reaches for Soul's hand* soul:...*small squeeze of both their hands* Damon: *small smile* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Hold up--you're a nun, too?" tamaki: *step step step* *faceplant* ow...frick. Vulcan: "...You're a _clumsy_ nun?" tamaki: where do i get this thing hemmed? -_-; Relan: "..." *takes out a sewing kit* tamaki: thank you. TTATT -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks up* "Need to run an errand." higuchi: it'll be risky... Akutagawa: "..." *takes his coat, and--* *FWOOP* *The coat is now more of a hoodie, hiding his face...He slumps forward* Akutagawa: "I'll disguise myself well enough..." higuchi:....be careful... Akutagawa: *nods* "Thank you." *steps into the tunnels...* -elsewhere- Spirit: *lying on the couch* "Ug..." sachiko: *puts washcloth on his forehead* Spirit: "Th-Thanks...This migraine..." sachiko: *pats his head* Spirit: "Mmmm..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Anything interesting you saw?" atsushi: well......*remembers the mysterious person on the train*....just the usual stuff... Kunikida: "...Have you been practicing?" atsushi: yes sir. Kunikida: "...Let's see about that--" *opens the desk drawer, reaches for something--* atsushi:....*DODGE* Kunikida: "..." -_-; *he's holding a deck of cards* atsushi:...*takes a seat* .w.;;; Kunikida: *cuts the deck, shuffles* "Keep an eye on the cards...Memorize them..." *spread out five cards* "Let me know when you have them memorized." *The cards even match different members of the Agency...with Dazai as the Joker* atsushi: are these custom? Kunikida: "I assume so. And it answers the odd item on the budget Dazai charged..." atsushi: ah.. Kunikida: "Got them memorized?" atsushi: i think so... Kunikida: "Then keep your eye on the cards..." *with one flip, the cards are face-down, and he slides them along the table, slowly at first--then faster and faster at blinding speed* atsushi: ._.;;; yosano: oh, poker night already? Kunikida: *finishes passing the cards around, looks at Yosano* "No, that'll be tomorrow. Now we're trying to see whether Atsushi can find the Jack." atsushi: ._.;;; hmmmm..........is it.. this one? Kunikida: *flips, revealing the Jack* atsushi: (success!) Kunikida: "And how did you do that?" atsushi:...by the smell? Kunikida: "...Interesting. You trusted your smell more than your sight?" atsushi: in that case, yeah. Kunikida: "...Doctor, could you get a blindfold and the leftover curry?" atsushi: ._.;; -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *scrounging in a dumpster* lucy: *walking back to the agency apartments* Akutagawa: *pulls out a loaf of bread, wrapped, just one day past the "best buy" date--and tosses it behind him into a basket below* lucy:....*sympathetic glance* Akutagawa: *pops up again--turns* "..." lucy:.... !!! Akutagawa: "...Oh. You." lucy: *whispers* what are you doing? Akutagawa: "We're low on supplies. And this food is still good." lucy:....is it...has it really gotten that bad? Akutagawa: *shrugs* "Just a daily routine." lucy:..... Akutagawa: "...If you want what's in this trash receptacle, forget it--I've already claimed it." lucy:....*sigh* i'll see if i can talk to the others to arrange something... Akutagawa: "...You would do so?" lucy: yeah...it's just pitiful looking at you like this. Akutagawa: -____-; "...Thanks." -elsewhere- twain: so who's next on our list of former guild members to search for? Steinbeck: "Irving, in Terrytown." emily: according to rumors, his residence has a lot of traps in it, so be careful... Hemingway: "??? Like 'Home Alone'? Or 'Home Alone 2'?" emily: more or less. Hemingway: "...I hate those movies." *grabs a harpoon* emily: ._.;;; Steinbeck: "Let's save the threats until after we determine how cooperative Mr. Irving will be..." -elsewhere- Poe: *shivers, looking around the room* lenore: *watches from her perch* something bothering you? Poe: "Th-The room feels cold, and just trying to find a book I misplaced..." lenore: i see. Poe: "It was a book on cosmology, for a poem I had wanted to finish..." -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." soul:....*picks him up and carries him to the kid's room* Damon: "Zzz..." *sleep-hug* soul:.... *smiles and tucks him in* Becky: "???" *walks in* soul:...hey kiddo. Becky: "..." *whispers* "He's really tired." soul: yeah...you doing alright? Becky: "...I don't know." soul:...you want something to eat? Becky: "...Okay. What can I have?" soul: lets see, we got ourselvesss....cereal, chips, etc....what do you like? Becky: "..." -___-; "Cereal, then." soul: sounds good. Becky: "...Do you have a girlfriend?" soul:...........*he seems sad* Becky: "...Oh. Sorry." soul: ....guess i'll take it from the top. -he tells her the whole story- Becky: "...So Mr. Spirit's daughter?" soul:...yeah...*wipes his eyes* Becky: "Is-Is that why y-you took us?" soul:...*hug* sort of...but i knew you and your brother needed a home, someone to care for you. so i decided to do it. Becky: "..." *cries, hugs him* soul: i want to be a good dad for you guys... Becky: "..." *shakes her head* soul: ..... Becky: "Can you...just take care of us?" soul: ok. i will. Becky: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "All this?" atsushi: *nod* *hands him two bags of groceries* Akutagawa: "...You didn't have to." atsushi: well, lucy told us about your situation and we felt kind of bad for you. Akutagawa: "I don't need your pity." *small pout* atsushi: ^^; Akutagawa: "...Tell the ill-tempered girl I appreciate it. I'll make sure the Mafia don't break her leg." atsushi: sure thing, akutagawa. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "And thank you...Atsushi." atsushi:...*awkward smile* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. atsushi:....see ya then? Akutagawa: "...Right." -\\\\- *takes the bags, turns, walks* -elsewhere- Jordan: *crying into his glass of Mountain Dew at the bar* louisa: did...something happen? Jordan: *blubbers* "I don't know how to flirt..." louisa: ? Jordan: "She seems so nice--but I can't get with her! Look at me!" louisa: um... *pat pat* m-maybe we could speak with her? Jordan: "L-Like a group activity?" louisa: sure! Jordan: QwQ *whimper whimper* "Thank you!" *snot comes out his nose* louisa: ._.; Jordan: "Wh-What should it be? Smash tournament? Or hit up the manga shop? Or ramen?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." *smiles* lord death: *napping on the couch* Yumi: *keeps his head on her lap, strokes his head* lord death: =w= *purr* Yumi: ^\\\^ ("Kitten...") -elsewhere- Yukio: *packs his books into his satchel, opens the door out of the school* ???: good to see you, mr yukio~ Yukio: "...It's been a long time." *holds his bag close* pazuzu: whatcha got there, cutie~? Yukio: "My readings, of course. What are you doing here?" pazuzu: im here to make an offer of course....we've taken quite an interest in you~ Yukio: "...The Illuminati?" pazuzu: indeed. your flames has mr lulu quite intrigued~ Yukio: "!!! What?" pazuzu: dont you want a family reunion~? Yukio: "...I have enough of that as it is." pazuzu: pweeease~? Yukio: "Why? I have no interest in him, or his organization...And you can tell him..." *his glasses reflect light...or is it a reflection?* pazuzu: tell him what~? Yukio: "...Tell him I don't want anything..." pazuzu: *pout* the offer still stands~ *flies off* Yukio: "..." *takes off his glasses...his hand shakes...he rubs his eyes* shiemi: yuki? i heard a noise...is everything ok? Yukio: "..." *puts on his glasses, smiles* "It was just a squirrel." shiemi:...oh...*worried* Yukio: "...You were here at school as well?" shiemi: *nods* miss seiya asked me and izumo to help out with some things. Yukio: "How did it go?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *in the kitchen, pours himself some milk...and grabs a plate of cookies* =\\\\= wilhelm: *peeeek* OvO Kafka: *turns, walks* wilhelm: *stomach grumble* Kafka: "???" *turns* wilhelm: can i have one? OvO Kafka: "..." *sigh* "Just one." wilhelm: for real? *shiny eyes* Kafka: "I said yes, didn't I?" -_-# wilhelm: yay! can jakob have one too? Kafka: "Yes, yes..." wilhelm: thanks~! *takes the two cookies and walks off* jakob, i got you one too! Jakob: "Yay! What kind?" Kafka: "..." *sighs* hans:...*small smile* Kafka: *walks to his room* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walks inside* higuchi: woah! where did you get all this? Akutagawa: "...I'm not sure you would believe me, but the Agency." higuchi:...ah. Akutagawa: "It took me by surprise as well: that ill-tempered waitress helped." higuchi: *smiles* Akutagawa: "..." *clears his throat* "...I'll go shelve these and get dinner going." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *packing* baum: isnt this exciting, dorothy? dorothy: yaaaaay =A= Steinbeck: "??? You never been to New York?" baum: once i think when i was younger, but dorothy hasnt. Steinbeck: *smiles* "It'll be quite an encounter. May need a guide there..." emily: *nod* Steinbeck: "How about you, Emily?" emily: m-me? Steinbeck: "Ever been to New York?" emily: a few times to visit family. Steinbeck: "Great! Then I hope you can help us." -elsewhere- stocking: TT~TT Kid: *holds the hot pad* stocking: thank you...*whine* Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *rests the pad onto her* "Like this?" stocking: *nod* Kid: *holds it there...lies with her* stocking: *smile* Kid: *strokes her back* -elsewhere- Motojiro: *looking in one room* "..." katya: ? Motojiro: "...Think this would be a good spot for the nursery?" katya:...i guess? Motojiro: "...I'll have to put something together to decontaminate this room before putting the baby here..." katya: i guess.... Motojiro: "..." *starts shaking, over-ventilating* katya: *pulls him down by the shirt and slaps him* GET A DAMN GRIP, MAN! Motojiro: Q____Q "What was that for?!" katya: you need to just breathe and focus right now. i know, im not the kind of person to be going on about being calm when i fly off the handle so easy, but you seem to have a better handle on things, especially given that lev and your kid are counting on you. Motojiro: "..." *nods* *inhales more calmly* leo: motojiro? Motojiro: *smiles at her...his eyes still look a little red* "Yes~?" leo: are you alright? *worried and strokes his cheek* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* "With you, yes." leo:...*smiles* Motojiro: "Katya and I were just looking at rooms for the nursery!" leo: ah. Motojiro: "And we can start prepping it!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Here's dinner, all!" kenji: yay! Kyoka: *sniffs* "Smells good..." Tanizaki: "We got some quiche, some roasted vegetables--" sylvia: ... Tanizaki: "...Sylvia? Anything you wanted?" sylvia: um.... Kyoka: "Ever had quiche?" sylvia: *shakes head* not that i remember Kyoka: "Well, do you like cake?" sylvia: mr ted never let me- Kyoka: "...Well...It's like that. Only with spinach and cheese and maybe meat." Tanizaki: "..." *walks back to the kitchen, checking in the fridge for dessert* sylvia: um... Kyoka: "Well...What did you like to eat?" sylvia: i usually was given egg toast... Kyoka: "Oh. Quiche has egg and bread, so it's like egg toast." sylvia: oh... Kyoka: "Try it. For us?" sylvia: hmm....*nom*.. Kyoka: "...How is it?" sylvia:..it's alright. i-i didnt die at least... Kyoka: "...Yay." naomi: ^^ -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Think it was the right thing to do?" atsushi: i think so. Lucy: "...He just looked so...pathetic. Like feeding a stray." atsushi:...like a stray dog, i guess... Lucy: *nods* "Scrawny..." *looks at Atsushi's arm...and pokes* atsushi:... .-.; Lucy: "Have you been keeping to a diet to stay toned and fit?" atsushi: yes ma'am. *pulls up his shirt slightly to examine himself* .... Lucy: "..." .\\\\\\\\\. atsushi:.... .////. Lucy: >\\\\\< "Put it down--we're trying to have a meal!" atsushi: right! ^-^;;;; Lucy: -\\\\\- *picks up her water--and drinks* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "??? What's all this?" mary: jordan needed help asking a mall cop on a date. Fitzgerald: "I see...Well, fashion choices will be one improvement needed..." louisa: his hair could use some work too... ^-^; Jordan: Q____Q "I'm right here." Daisy: "We know." bram: ... -elsewhere- elizaveta: *humming* Gogol: <How's it going?> elizaveta: <ok. kinda bored though.> =3= Gogol: <Yeah, without Child 1 and Child 2.> elizaveta:.... <got anything cool in your cape?> Gogol: "..." *shiny eyes* <What did you have in mind?> lydia: <most likely anything a young child would have interest in.> elizaveta: =3= <he knooows thaaat.> Gogol: *nods* <I'm no fool.> *takes out a bottle marked with a skull on it* elizaveta: ...? lydia: ............. Gogol: "...Oh! Sorry. The poison was for someone else..." *puts it back, and takes out a pair of Nerf guns* elizaveta: YAY! ^o^ Gogol: "Search and destroy!" elizaveta: who's the target, sir? Gogol: "Hmm...Ivan?" elizaveta: yessir! Ivan: *walking down the hall with a cup of tea* -pew- Ivan: *suction cup dart at his forehead* O_o elizaveta: hehehe *runs* Ivan: "..." =_= "What even is--" -pew pew pew- Ivan: *darts on his head, chest, and butt* "..." elizaveta *giggle* Ivan: "CEASE THIS ABSURDITY--" Gogol: *leaps, slow motion, twin guns--and fires* Ivan: Q_____Q zoey:...*giggle* Gogol: ^_^ Ivan: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" *rips the darts off* lydia: now now, let him be. Gogol: -3- "Fine..." lydia: <you alright, vanya?> Ivan: <I have sore spots on my head, chest, and bottom...> lydia: <want me to patch you up?> Ivan: *nod nod* lydia: <ok> Gogol: "No one lets us have any fun..." yana: you will soon. Gogol: *shiny eyes* "Like a mission?" yana: *nod nod* time for number 3. Gogol: "..." *wide smile* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, Akaderu has dishwashing tonight--" akaderu: *groooooan* Kepuri: ^^; "I'll help with that." *pat pat* akaderu: thanks babe... Yohei: "And that leaves Emine to take out the trash." Emine: "..." *looks at Mono* mono: boi you better not. Emine: "I said noth--" ((Mana, help her.)) mana: *gives emine the 'im watching you look'* Emine: "...Fine." *picks up the trash can* "I'm putting half of this into the recyclable can as my bad deed." Tool: "THE HELL YOU ARE!" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *arms crossed* Gin: *shakes her head* higuchi: what did mori do this time? Chuuya: "???" Gin: "Just...noises." Tachihara: -_______- higuchi: ....*listens*........eugh... WHY did i do that?! Gin: "We warned you." higuchi: TT___TT; Gin: *pat pat* Chuuya: "...In any case, don't let the noise distract you from the task." higuchi: right. Tachihara: "What, should we have someone sitting in there now?" Chuuya: "..." *looks at Higuchi* -elsewhere- minoura: alright, im only going to ask you this again, dostoevsky. *shows him a photo of zoey when she was still a nurse* do you know of her location? Fyodor: "Yes." minoura: where is she? Fyodor: "She is where Rats go." minoura: is that some kind of damn riddle or not? with you, we cant be certain... Fyodor: "Think about it. Rats scurry for whatever dark location they can find with sustenance and away from predators, yes?" minoura: ..... Fyodor: "...What, do I need to draw maps for you now?" -some noise is in the hallway- minoura: ??? officer: mr lewis, please calm down, this area is for authorized perso- Mr. Lewis: "Let me go! Let me go!" Fyodor: "???" officer: sir, please- *The door is kicked open, as Mr. Lewis tries to get inside the room* Mr. Lewis: "You bastard!" Fyodor: "..." officer: *holding him back* sir, please! calm down! Mr. Lewis: "Give her back! Give me back my daughter!" Fyodor: "Oh. I should have recognized you." *smiles* minoura: we're trying to find her now, we're _trying_ to get a location from him... Mr. Lewis: "He knows! Make him talk, damn it!" officer: sir, you arent allowed to be in here! Mr. Lewis: "Why?! You bastards can't even get a word out of him! Let me at him--I'LL KILL HIM!" Fyodor: *smiles* "Best be careful, sir. It would be horrible for you to not live long enough to meet your grandchild." officer: !!! minoura:....son of a- *A chair is tossed* officer: !!! *The chair slams into Fyodor's head* Mr. Lewis: *panting* "You son of a bitch!" *leaps* officer: *trying to hold mr lewis back* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing* "How dare you! How fucking dare you!" Officer #2: "Shit! He's bleeding!" minoura: i knew you were a sick fuck, but to r-...do _that_ to- Fyodor: *smiles, despite bleeding* "And she was quite good at it." Mr. Lewis: *not even struggling to move...just sobbing* minoura: that's going on the list of charges... Fyodor: "??? What? She seemed enthusiastic about it." officer: *trying to move mr lewis out of the room* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing, as he's practically carried away, his body limp* Fyodor: *smiles* "So long, 'Dad.'" minoura: i have half the mind to have you thrown in the chair right now... Fyodor: "Yet that would defy the very laws you hold yourself to. And the idea of such hypocrisy...Well, it makes my skin crawl." minoura: ......*hard glare* Fyodor: "But at least you provided something I've lacked for some time." *smiles* "Entertainment." minoura: ........... -elsewhere- Poe: "Lana? Are you okay?" lana: y-yeah. just old memories...*wipes her eyes* Poe: "..." *offers his handkerchief* lana: thanks edgar... Poe: *nods* "You're welcome..." *offers his hand* lana: *hug* Poe: "!!! ..." *pats, strokes her back* lana: ...... Poe: *hums lightly* -elsewhere- Rin: "Jeez...He's still locked up in there." momo sakura: is he sick? D8> Rin: "Nah, I don't think so--just really grouchy." momo sakura: ..... Rin: "...Want to help me make something to help him feel better?" momo sakura: ok! Rin: ^^ "I think this calls for cupcakes." momo sakura: yay! Rin: *walks with her to the kitchen* "And we can make some frosting..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling* "..." -silence- Magaki: "..." *gets out of bed, walks downstairs* -...naho's door is open- Magaki: "???" *looks inside* -naho is asleep in her bed, with sakuya asleep next to her- Magaki: "..." *looks away* -one book is on the table- Magaki: "..." ("I am out of reading...Maybe Naho wouldn't mind...") *tip-toes inside* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "Zzz..." Magaki: *looks at the cover* -it seems to be two guys- Magaki: "???" *flips it open* -too lewd to show- Magaki: "... ... ..." *closes the book carefully...sets it back exactly where they saw it* "......" *turns, carefully steps towards the exit...* naho: TuT *smug grin* Magaki: *gets outside into the hallway...* @_@ -morning- Kid: *making waffles* "..." stocking: *yaaaawn* Kid: *sets out a plate* "And I'll get the fruit..." -elsewhere- Panda: *poke poke* "Wakey-wakey..." inka: *snooooore* Panda: "..." *presses cold bag of frozen strawberries to her face* sasori: *asleep on the windowsill* inka: *SCREEEEEE* *PAWNCH* Panda: *K.O.* *collapses* XwX inka: =_= ...... ?? oh, she's asleep? Sancho: *runs into the room* "What happened?!" inka: cold strawberries. Sancho: "...He didn't put them on your feet this time, did he?" inka: -__- Sancho: " 'Cause I'm not having foot-tasting cereal again." *opens the fridge* *looks at Sasori* "...She's out like a light..." inka: yeah... Sancho: "...Huh. Well, I'll get the rest of breakfast going--then we can plan the day." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *rings a tiny set of bells* "Time for class~!" sonia: come on Q. Q: "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep next to his bowl of cereal* "Zzz..." soul:...hey kiddo, sleep enough? Damon: "Hmph..." *looks up* "..." *shakes his head* "Bad dreams..." soul: *pats his back* Damon: "..." *hug* soul: *hug* -elsewhere- kirika: *nommin on pancakes* lord death: *hair ruffle* mornin, sport! kirika: *grunt of response* Yumi: "Shiori, sit still--" *splat* -_-; shiori: uups. lord death: *hands her a paper towel* Yumi: *wipes her face* "Thank you..." *sigh* "She'll need some more solids to try." shiori: sowy mama... Yumi: "..." *smiles* "It's okay, sweetie. Just watch where the food goes..." shiori: okaaay Yumi: *wipes Shiori's face* "Kirika, what's on your agenda today?" kirika: *shrug* is it the weekend yet? Yumi: "Yes, it is. Are you going out?" kirika: yep. Yumi: "With your boyfriend?" kirika: *noms on pancakes* Yumi: "..." *smiles* "And you will see your sister?" kirika:...yeah. Yumi: *nods* "Let us know if you need anything." kirika: kay... Yumi: "And make sure your phone is charged." kirika: yes mom. lord death: make sure it's on. kirika: i hear ya. -elsewhere- Tool: "And let's get your sweater on, kiddo." io: okay! ^o^ Tool: *slips it over Io's head and arms* "There you go...Ready to head to the park?" io: ya! saki: ^^ Tool: *opens the door for Io and Saki* "Then we're off!" io: ^o^ -elsewhere- Rin: *looking in a shop window* *shiny eyes* "LOOK AT THEM ALL!" kyouko: woooah. madoka: ^^; sayaka: neatooooo.... hitomi: oh wow. Rin: "That shirt with those jeans, then that badass necklace--I'd look choice!" madoka: ^///^ kyouko: lets remember why were here, ok? Rin: "..." *nods* "I mean, maybe he needs a new book..." -elsewhere- baum: so john, what was it like at home for you? Steinbeck: "Quite crowded, really." baum: *listening* oh? Steinbeck: "My younger brother and I had a room." baum: ah, i see. emily: was it nice? Steinbeck: "...You never felt alone." emily:..*smile* Steinbeck: "It's been a bit since I've heard from them...I did mail a bit of money after the treasure hunt." emily: that's nice. Steinbeck: "...How 'bout you, Em? How were things growing up?" emily: it was rather quiet. Steinbeck: "Peaceful kind of quiet?" emily: i suppose...a bit lonely though. Steinbeck: "...How about parents?" emily: it was decent enough, even if they did forget i existed sometimes. they're busy a lot. Steinbeck: "...You talk with them?" emily: sometimes. baum: what about you, ernest? Hemingway: "...Not much." dorothy:.... Steinbeck: "..." ^^; "At least Baum and Dorothy are here..." -elsewhere- goethe: ....... Kafka: "...Yes? What?" goethe: contact the agency, they live here, dont they? Kafka: "Yes, they do..." *sigh* *pulls up their number* "Am I supposed to speak with them?" goethe: tell them to bring their leader and the blonde guy with them. also tell that dazai guy to fuck off. Kafka: "..." *dials* *waiting for someone to pick up* naomi: armed detective agency. may i help you? Kafka: "Hello. I am calling to set up a meeting with your supervisor and the one named Kunikida." naomi: ah, yes. *writing this down* and may i ask who is calling? Kafka: "Kafka, with Sturm und drang." naomi: O_O y-you're calling all the way from germany?! Kafka: "No. And even if I was, we could afford it." naomi: wait, where are you calling from then?! Kafka: "Death City." naomi: ._____. kunikida? phone for you. Kunikida: "???" *takes it* "Who is it?" naomi: sturm. Kunikida: "..." ._. *answers* "Hello?" Kafka: "We need to talk." Kunikida: "..." Kafka: "Also, my boss wants the one named Dazai to be aware he should pleasure himself in an unfavorable manner." goethe: no, i didnt say it like that. i want him to simply 'fuck off', off he will fuck. atsushi:...? Kunikida: "...Understood. Who should be present?" Kafka: "You and your supervisor. Meet us at--One moment." *hand over the receiver* "First, I am not saying that. Second, where should they meet us?" goethe: kafka, you go pick them up and bring them here. Kafka: "Very well." *back on the phone* "I'll pick you up in-- ... ..." *turns, glares at Goethe* "NOT WALTER'S VAN--" atsushi: ?? -elsewhere- etta: *looking at a map* Leroux: "Which way?" etta: should be... ah! there it is! -the manhasset building is just ahead- Jordan: *seated on a bench outside* "And she's so pretty..." Assi: *nod nod* "I know, fam..." -the doors open- bram: hm? Daisy: *looks up* "...Are those...theater nerds?" etta: hello, we have an appointment with mr fitzgerald? ^^ Leroux: ^w^ Daisy: "...Name?" etta: hoffman and leroux. Daisy: "Hmm...I see...You're a bit early. Fitz's office is on the top floor." *gets up, takes out key card* "I'll let you in..." etta: ^u^ mary: who do you think they are? bram: not sure... Leroux: "???" *sees the children* "..." *actor persona* "Oh, joy! For we may meet with the glorious majesty of the occupant of this find edifice!" bram:....um....a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. mary:.....huh? Leroux: *sparkling eyes* "Lead us, young maiden!" Daisy: -____-# "Okay. Shut him up, or I'm tossing him out the 42nd story window." etta: ^^; bram: oh this should be just a thrill... *sigh* mary: yay! new friends! *drags bram along* Leroux: *follows Daisy* "What is the gentleman like~?" Daisy: "He spends his days counting money and clipping coupons. We all love him." -_- bram: have you heard the term 'upper class twit'? Leroux: "Ah...I know the role well!" Daisy: -_______- "He's still talking..." bram: thats mr fitzgerald in a nutshe-*COUGHING UP BLOOD* grk-... etta: O-O;;;;;; Leroux: D: Daisy: *sighs* *offers a tissue* bram:...im fine, just a side effect of my ability. *COUGH* dont mind me.... Leroux: "..." *looks at Etta* *practically squeeing* "Another ability user!" etta: that's why we're here. but lets save that for the meeting, ok? Leroux: ^w^ bram: ?? (ability users, huh? just what are they here for?) Daisy: *presses the top button, slides the key-card* -and so- Fitzgerald: *clipping coupons, humming* -knock- Fitzgerald: "??? Someone answer that..." *returns to clipping* louisa: yes? etta: hello~ Leroux: ^w^ Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Louisa* "You hired circus performers?" etta: >3< Leroux: Q_Q "...We are the-at-er..." etta: easy roro. easy. we're here from sturm und drang to discuss business with you. you are ability users here. right? Fitzgerald: "...Among the remnants of former Guild associates, yes..." etta: in that case, we would like to make an offer. are you familiar with the rats in the house of the dead? Fitzgerald: "...They forced my giant whale ship to crash." etta: well as it would seem, the rats are an enemy of sturm, amongst other organizations. which brings us to why we are here. we would like to form an alliance. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...What does your organization have in terms of exterminating those Rats?" etta: while we have resources, we're small in numbers. our leader, goethe, wishes to bring together the ability user groups of this city as a task force to deal with the rats, as well as anyone who would be considered a threat to ability users as a whole. Fitzgerald: "I see what is it in for us ability users...but I also am a businessman. I need to know I am not footing the bill on my own." etta: as we said, we do have resources. Fitzgerald: "For example?" etta: we may be small in numbers, but we have ways of recruiting easily. Fitzgerald: "...Hm...Who's your recruiter? You?" etta: *looks at leroux* Leroux: ^^; "Our benefactor, actually. He's quite persuasive. And benevolent." Fitzgerald: "..." etta: soooo....please? OuO Fitzgerald: "I will have a contract for your supervisor's review--after I can meet with him." etta: of course. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in a baby bjorn* =\\\\= mahiru: *shopping* ???: "Oh, so cute!" mahiru: ?? Meme: "What a cute kitty!" >w< mahiru: thanks. ^^ Meme: *pet pet stroke* "Hee hee..." Kuro: =\\\\\= *purr* tsugumi: hehe. ^^ mahiru: you're sure popular, huh kuro? Kuro: -\\\\-; Anya: "You're the new student, aren't you? Mahiru?" mahiru: yeah. Meme: "How are you and your friend fitting in?" mahiru: pretty good. ^^; Anya: "Where is your friend? You seemed joined at the hip in classes." mahiru: oh, he's closer than you think. ^^;;;;; Anya: "...Oh, shopping elsewhere." mahiru: yeeeeah.... ^^;;;;;;;;; ao: say anya, i think your friend hyde works here~ mahiru: oh? *INTERNAL SCREAMING* Anya: "!!!" .\\\. "Oh...I wonder whether Licht is around, too..." Hyde: "MA-HI-RU! Yo! Over here!" *waves* mahiru: o_O;;;;;;;;;; licht: keep it down, shit rat. -_-; oh. hello princess. Hyde: ^^ "Hey, buddy! I see you enough at school, now you're here too--" *spots Licht and Anya* "..." Anya: "!!!!" .\\\\\. "It-It's Anast--Anya. Um...Hello." ao: 7u7 mahiru: um..hey hyde, licht. good to see you. ^^;;; (is something going on here?) Kuro: -_- *yawn* ("Too loud...") Hyde: *staring at Anya* "Yeah, hey, buddy. Cute bjorn." licht: .....? Hyde: "...New hair, Anya?" Anya: *voice cracks* "...Same hair..." mio: he means the ponytail. Anya: >\\\< "I know what he meant..." mahiru:....*looks at licht* am i missing something here? Licht: "I have no idea. That's because, when standing before my majesty, everyone gets nervous--" *dramatic pose* "--because I am an angel." Anya: "..." .\\\\\\. *steam comes off her head, as she falls back* tsugumi: *sweatdrop* *Anya lands in Tsugumi's arms* Hyde: -\\\\\-;;; ochako: *casually putting products on the shelves, blissfully unaware of what's going on* Meme: ^^; "So, Licht, what brings you here?" licht: due to a long boring story, im stuck with him. Meme: "Like a partner?" licht: to an extent. Meme: "Neat!" Death the Kid: Hyde: >\\\\> Anya: @\\\\@ mahiru: yeeeeah... ^^;;;;; Kuro: *yawns--and slight paw at Mahiru* ("Get a move on...") Hyde: "Oh, you brought Kuro out!" Kuro: O____O mahiru: yep. i sure did. licht: we meet again, mr kitty. *shiny eyes and paw hold* Kuro: >_> Meme: "...Isn't your classmate named 'Kuro'?" mahiru: what a coincidence. ^^;;;; Kuro: "..." *his paw grips him--with claws* mahiru: Qw<;;; Anya: *snaps back to attention* "Maybe declaw him?" Kuro: -_-# -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You actually paid to have the van imported--" Kafka: "I SAID NOT TO BRING IT UP." >_<# goethe: *laying on the couch* greetings. masuji: hello ^u^ Fukuzawa: "Ah, Ibuse--this is a surprise." *looks at Goethe* "And you are our host?" goethe: that would be correct. thank you for your time gentlemen. masuji: of course. hoho! Kunikida: "This is surprising to see you now in this city. May I ask what prompted this move?" goethe: consider it instinct that the rats are planning something big. so we've decided to form an alliance with the ability user organizations in this city as a contingency plan. Fukuzawa: "...Which ones?" goethe: anyone who is an enemy of that prick dostoevsky, pretty much. masuji: that's be just about everybody, lad. Fukuzawa: "I had heard from my subordinates your offer to assist us, your promise to help. However, how do you imagine this alliance?" hans: *glances at kafka* goethe: we all share a common enemy, do we not? Kafka: *arms crossed* Fukuzawa: "We do..." goethe: then is that not reason enough? Fukuzawa: "Depends on methods...and additional goals you have in mind. Is that all you want, to stop Dostoyevsky?" goethe: well, do you know what he wants? Fukuzawa: "...It's rather oblique, a madness to destroy ability users." goethe: my goal over all is to make the world a better place for ability users, and to share those abilities with those who are less fortunate. all of the members of sturm had rather difficult situations that they were in, many on the verge of despair, i simply granted them their abilities and saved them from their suffering. im not trying some cliche 'take over the world' scheme, im just trying to be a good Samaritan. Fukuzawa: "And where did Ted Hughes fit into that?" goethe:..... 7_7 im only human, i can make mistakes sometimes. Fukuzawa: "...It takes an adult to admit to that. And our Agency hardly has perfect people in it." *looks to Masuji* "What do you think?" masuji: it's normal to make mistakes. it's a part of life, lad. such things do happen. goethe:...i appreciate that, i think. Fukuzawa: "Yet these can't be the only ability organizations you have contacted." hans: we're making contact with Manhasset, the guild remnants and the port mafia. as well as the special abilities department. masuji: hmm, all the major players, eh? Fukuzawa: "...Thorough." Kafka: ^^ *beaming with arrogance* hans: the mafia is a bit hard to track, however... Fukuzawa: "...We can present this proposal to them." -elsewhere- Poe: "Oh, you're having a meeting?" ranpo: yeah. fukuzawa is meeting with those guys the others met in europe. Poe: "Interesting...Even the roach man?" ranpo: yep. Poe: "Should be exciting--getting to see new abilities..." ranpo: yeah... sylvia: .~.;;; Poe: "Miss Sylvia, you were part of the group, yes?" sylvia: s-sort of...i just worked for m-mr ted, though.... Poe: "How was that?" sylvia:....*she looks down and begins to tear up, shaking* Poe: "!!! I-I'm sorry..." ranpo:...*pap pap* Poe: Q_Q -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the door* kirika: yo. oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Hello! Please, come in." kirika:...*takes a seat* oriko: shall i prepare some tea? Justin: "I would like some." *smiles* oriko: *smiles and goes to do so* kirika:...she's a lot more talkative now... Justin: *nods* "We've been talking about many topics during walks...and it seems a few memories are returning..." kirika:...*smiles* Justin: "I think you can ask her a few more questions...so she starts associating you less as just someone she knew...and as her sister." kirika:...right....*pulls something out of her bag, a rabbit doll* hey oriko? you remember this, right? oriko:...how cute. ^^ kirika: you gave this to me when i was taken in. oriko: i did?.... kirika: *nod* oriko: ......it feels....familiar.... Justin: "..." *nods* oriko:....ah..*she has tears falling down her cheeks* Justin: "!!!" kirika: y-you remember a little girl, right? {???: here, this is for you k#r##a.} oriko:....f-faintly... kirika: *HUG* a-at least that's something, right? Justin: "..." *goes to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Mr. Lewis: "..." *staring at the floor* mrs lewis: .....*hug*.... Mr. Lewis: "..." *shivering* mrs lewis: ...... *she doesnt know what to say* Mr. Lewis: "..." *voice cracking* "Z-Zoey...What did we do..." mrs lewis: ..... Mr. Lewis: "Where did we go wrong..." -elsewhere- stocking: *smile* Kid: *holds her hand* "Weather is warming up a bit." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Care to take a vacation trip soon?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: "Great...Maybe somewhere scenic?" stocking: *nod* Kid: "Were you thinking the woods, or maybe the beach when it warms up more?" stocking: how about camping? Kid: *nods* "That would be good." -elsewhere- Tool: *pushing Io on the swing* io: *laugh* saki: *smiles* ^^ Tool: "Careful how high you go..." *smaller push* -elsewhere- Leroux: ^w^ hans: so how did it go? etta: i think it was more or less successful! Leroux: "They were enthralled by our performance." hans: i see. Leroux: "How did things go here?" hans: it went fairly well, i think. Kafka: "I thought they asked too many questions..." etta: ^^; hans: well, no one said it'd be easy.... the agency's leader said he would consider it, but he didnt seem to trust goethe... Leroux: "Maybe we can convince him?" hans: that man, kunikida said he and the other agency members would discuss it. Leroux: "Even that bandaged man?" hans: -_-; yes, even him. -elsewhere- Dazai: *walking past shops* *hums* atsushi:...hey, dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" atsushi: are you sure you're alright? Dazai: "As good as I can be..." *false smile* atsushi:...things havent been going well for you recently, have they? Dazai: "...I suppose there have been setbacks..." atsushi:....is it still the incident with the rats that's bothering you? Dazai: "...Ever play Risk?" atsushi: *shakes head* Dazai: "Well, it's like chess or checkers, only you're trying to take over entire countries." atsushi: .....oh... Dazai: "And it requires a lot of careful attention to how you want to win. Which nations do you take over? Which alliances do you form? But if you want a strategy to bring the game to the end, there is one thing you can do..." atsushi: what's that? Dazai: "Blow it all up." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "There's an idea that, if you can't win, make sure no one else does. It's suicidal..." atsushi:....what does this have to do with the rats? Dazai: "Because when I think about what Dostoyevsky is capable of, if he is really losing, he wouldn't be locked up in a jail cell: he would be destroying everything right now." atsushi:....... Dazai: "And that's why I'm bothered." atsushi: ....*phone buzzes* ??....oh, we're being called back for a meeting. Dazai: "...Right." *looks around* "Walk it or cab it?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott." louisa: yes sir? Fitzgerald: "Have Eckleburg examine the security footage of those two guests through the facial recognition software." louisa: yes sir. Fitzgerald: *smiles* -elsewhere- Fukuzawa: "..." *walks forward* -inside- naoya:...we got someone coming... Chuuya: "...Well, would you look at that...Who wants to greet them?" hirotsu: i'll speak with them. higuchi: same. Chuuya: "And we'll monitor from here...And I want someone around the corner, in case we need protection." higuchi: *nod* Fukuzawa: "..." hirotsu: fukuzawa, what brings you here? Fukuzawa: "We wanted to check on you..." hirotsu: well we're doing alright, as you can see. higuchi: and we did appreciate the donation.. Fukuzawa: *nods* "Thank Miss Montgomery as well...We also had an offer from a third party to your benefit." higuchi: ?? hirotsu: oh? Kunikida: "Your colleagues remember their trip to Germany, and any encounters with a group called Sturm und drang?" higuchi: i.....think i've heard the name in passing? it's been a long time… Kunikida: "While we were in Germany, we had encountered a few of them: the dancer who can control people's movements, the swordsman, a giant cockroach-man--" hirotsu: hmm... Kunikida: "--and they are all ability users. And they want our assistance against a common threat." hirotsu: the rats? Kunikida: *nods* hirotsu: hmmm... higuchi: katya would be more than willing if it means going up against dostoevsky. Fukuzawa: "I can not ascertain the trustworthiness of their organization, yet having additional resources against the Rats cannot be a bad thing." hirotsu: that is a good point... Fukuzawa: "What should I say is your response?" hirotsu: we'd have to speak with them in person. Fukuzawa: "We will go about setting up a time and place." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." *smiles* -silence- Fyodor: "Guard?" guard: ..... Fyodor: "Have I any new visitors?" guard:.....*not answering* Fyodor: "No? What a shame. It gets so lonely here." guard: .... Fyodor: "...How is the nursing home treating your mother, Brian?" brian: *biting his lip* Fyodor: "Alzheimer's is awful. And her lungs...I hope she can get some good deep breaths." brian: shut up... Fyodor: "??? I'm just saying that to see your parent so elderly is a terrible situation for a young person--" brian: just stop, ok?! Fyodor: "Oh, I can stop at any time, Brian. But I like conversing...and you are not as good a conversationalist as the earlier guard, Erina." brian: .... Fyodor: "You know what I want to know." brian: *shakes his head* Fyodor: "Tell me where she is." brian: like you can do anything from inside your cell! Fyodor: *smiles* "Sure." brian: ..... Fyodor: *hums a song* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *looking through an old hard drive* nea: looking through some old stuff? Kepuri: *nods* "Wanted to see if there were any contacts I missed..." nea: oh? Kepuri: "You never know who is tracking and harassing old friends, and I haven't heard from some in a while." nea: ah, gotcha... Kepuri: "Ever see this one?" *pulls up a photo* nea: nah... Kepuri: "Damn it...More of us keep disappearing." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Oh! That looks really good!" kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: "Want one?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: *holds up two fingers* "Two cupcakes, please!" -elsewhere- Walter: ^^; "Kiddos...Um...Maybe you need to calm down a bit?" wilhelm: IM GONNA DIIIIIE!! DX> *he pinched his finger* george: ._.; Jakob: "GET ALL THE ICE!" *pushes George to the kitchen* george: -_-; Jakob: "Get a cold cloth! It's at the sink! Wet it!" *dragging a chair to the fridge* george: ok! ok! *turns on the sink and sticks a hand in....it vanishes into the water* ._. um... Jakob: *shoves frozen meat aside, then ice cream--* "...HOLD UP!" *takes the ice cream out* "For later~!" *goes back to pulling out ice cube trays* "Got the cloth, George?" george: *pulls out hand* um. yeah! Jakob: *grabs the ice cubes and ice cream carton* "Then let's go!" *heads back to Wilhelm* george:... (just now...what was....) -elsewhere- Yumi: "Any new black blood locations?" nygus: thankfully not. Yumi: "What about the earlier site?" nygus: it seems to have lessened... Yumi: "What caused it in the first place? Any potential kishins discovered?" nygus: it's still under investigation. Yumi: "I'll review the files, see if I can spot something..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "--so I want books. Other books." tsubaki: ok. what kind? Magaki: "Hmm...History?" tsubaki: ok. ^^ -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Feel better?" sylvia: *sniff* y-yeah.. Kyoka: *pats her back* "Did you...want to see any of them?" sylvia: i-i guess so...n-none of them were p-particularly cruel to me.... Kyoka: "..." ("But why would they let her be hurt so long...") "Even those kids?" sylvia: i-im s-s-sure they...meant no real harm... Kyoka: "Did you get to play with them?" sylvia: s-s-sometimes... Kyoka: "...That's good. It's important to get to play with people around your age...And Walter seemed nice." sylvia: y-yeah... Kyoka: "But that Kafka man seemed irritable. And Naomi was grossed out from the encounter." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "...Can this man, Goethe, be trusted?" sylvia: i-i think so... Kyoka: "...Then that's good enough for now." *smiles* sylvia:...*faint smile* r-right... Kyoka: "Want to play?" sylvia: w-what did you h-have in mind? Kyoka: "Whatever you want. We could play basketball." sylvia: i-i dont know how to play... Kyoka: "I can show you. You just have to toss a ball into the air to get it into a hole high up above." sylvia: o-ok.... Kyoka: "I'll get the ball from the closet--" *opens it...and it's a mess* "..." sylvia: ._. -elsewhere- sonia: *drawing* Q: *glances at her drawing* "Got any red crayon?" *drawing as well* sonia: *hands him one* here. -she's drawing several people in the mafia, including herself, Q, chuuya, gin, higuchi, motojiro, leo, and rain- Q: "Thanks." *he's drawing Zoey and Aya* "..." sonia:....she was the nurse, back underground, right? Q: *nods* "My new mommy." sonia: ....when i came out of the tube, she told me she was my mother....but i knew she was lying....*points to rain in the picture* this is my mommy. i see her in my dreams sometimes... Q: "The lady secretary?" sonia: *she nods* she died...the demon hurt her a lot. Q: "..." *nods* "I saw the damage..." sonia: ..... Q: "...Does Chuuya miss her?" sonia: *she nods* sometimes i can hear him crying at night because he misses her so much. Q: "...That's really sad." sonia:...*nod* Q: "Do you think he'll stay alone?" sonia:.... Q: "Like, date anyone else?" sonia:...i dont think so... Q: "..." *sad sigh* sonia:..... Q: "Love sucks." sonia:...*pap pap* Q: T~T "I haven't seen Aya, and I've been here for a whole, like, four days..." sonia:....do you like this person? Q: "With all my heart!" sonia: why do you like her? Q: =\\\w\\\= "She's pretty and feisty..." sonia: ....she kind of looks like grandma's photos of papa...he had the same kinda hair... Q: "...Huh...Really?" sonia: i can ask grandma to show us. Q: "Okay!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *wearing a party hat, seated in front of a tray of cupcakes and a wrapped gift* "..." Rin: *shiny eyes* kyouko: ta-dah! shiemi: ^^ Yukio: "...What's the occasion? It's not our birthday." kyouko: you've been working really hard, and we wanted to show our appreciation. Yukio: "..." *nods* "That is very kind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hey, kids!" becky: hey uncle star. Black Star: "..." *looks at Soul, whispers* " 'Uncle'!" soul: *small smile* Damon: "..." Black Star: "What you two up to today?" becky: homework mostly. Black Star: "Oh, you started class?" Damon: "..." *looks down* becky: yeah. Black Star: "How's the teacher?" becky: she's nice. Damon: "..." soul:.... *pap pap* Damon: *shudders* "I-I don't know..." becky: *pap pap* Damon: "It-It's fine...I don't know..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking up the street, holing a stack of papers* ango: *also walking* Kafka: "...Hello." ango: *nod* Kafka: "You are Ango Sakaguchi, correct?" ango: who's asking? Kafka: "An ability user." ango: .... -elsewhere- Katai: *outside the door to the Agency* Q____Q naomi: oh, katai. come on in. Katai: "Is-Is it alright? We don't mean to impose..." *he's holding his futon* naomi: its fine. ^^ Katai: *enters* "Where is everyone?" naomi: doing work and stuff. -elsewhere- Rin: *pats his belly* "So good." =w= Yukio: *dabs his mouth with a napkin* "...Thank you." shiemi: ^^ kyouko: oh, and happy birthday, shiemi. Yukio: "..." ._. Rin: "..." .__. shiemi: thanks, kyouko. ^^; Yukio: "... ..." ("...Keep calm...You can still get a gift...") Rin: (*loud internal panic noises*) -elsewhere- Ivan: *whistling* lydia: <who has lunch duty?> Gogol: <What shall I prepare? Caviar? Pizza bagels? Flan?> lydia: <whatever we have on hand> Gogol: *opens the cupboard* "...Sardines and peanut butter." lydia: ..... *sigh* elizaveta: *raises hand* Gogol: ^w^ "Yes, Elizaveta?" elizaveta: can i go get some? Gogol: "Okay, but bring a weapon." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding ice to a basketball-shaped bruise* sylvia: Q____Q Kyoka: "It's okay. Games sometimes have injuries..." sylvia: i-im sorryyyy... Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "Apology accepted." sylvia: *sniff* Kyoka: "..." *hands her a tissue* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- elizaveta: *returning with groceries and crashes out on the floor asleep* Gogol: "???" *looks at Lydia, quietly* <Put the groceries away...> *picks up Elizaveta carefully* elizaveta: zzzzz lydia: *nods* Gogol: *carries her to her bed* elizaveta: =w= Gogol: *tucks her in* elizaveta: ..... Gogol: *looks at the nightstand--and spots a doll* "..." *picks it up, tucks it with Elizaveta* elizaveta: *hugging leila* =w= Gogol: *smooths her hair away from her forehead* elizaveta: zzzz Gogol: *forehead kiss* <Good night...> -elsewhere- Kepuri: *staring at her screen* "..." {Kepuri: "What's on the agenda?"} {akaderu: *shrug* i dunno...} {Kepuri: *groans* "So boring...Hardly the best use of a genius mind like mine..."} {akaderu: *grunt of reply*} {Kepuri: "..." -3- "Anything going on with you?"} {akaderu: other than a general lack of motivation, not much} {Kepuri: "..." *pat pat* "Hang in there. It has to get better..."} {akaderu:....*tiny blush*} {Kepuri: "..." *looks away* "If you need motivation, I got a task for you." *shoves a file to him* "It-It's another Dokeshi Hunt thug to monitor..."} {akaderu: .....} Kepuri: *staring at the file...It's Yohei's* chie: whats up? Kepuri: "Not much." *switches windows, smiles at Chie* "Just looking through old stuff." chie: ah. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *pulls over* "..." emily: zzzz twain: zzzzz -baum siblings are asleep as well- Steinbeck: *parks* "..." Heminigway: *sipping coffee* *whispers* "We staying here?" Steinbeck: *nods* Hemingway: *nudges Baum* baum: nghugh? Hemingway: "We're here. Help me get the others inside." -elsewhere- Jakob: "IS MY BROTHER GOING TO LIVE?!" Walter: ^^; "Of course." wilhelm: all better now. ^^ Jakob: *sad ugly tears as he hugs Wilhelm* T~T george: ^^;..... ....... Walter: "How you holding up, G?" george: f-fine...*looks at their hand* Walter: "...Oh! You stare at your hand, too?" george: i-im fine. just thinking.. ^^; Walter: "...About why we have ten fingers instead of 12?" george: um... Jakob: " 'Cause your hands would look bigger!" *playfully pats a hand on Wilhelm's cheek* wilhelm: =n=; bro please. george: ^^; -elsewhere- Kafka: "And that's what we can provide, for now." ango: hmm.. what do you think, mr taneda? Taneda: "..." *slides a paper to Ango* "Fukuzawa already had a similar discussion." ango: hmm... Taneda: "From all feedback, this sounds like an alliance worth considering. I will issue a recommendation above me." Kafka: *nods* ango: ? Taneda: "Ango, please see Mr. Kafka out." *holds out his hand to Kafka* "We'll speak soon." Kafka: *shakes his hand* Taneda: *turns, leaves* Kafka: "..." *whips out antibacterial wipes, wipes thoroughly* >_< ango: -_.-; Kafka: *finishes...sighs* "Aaah..." *looks at Ango* "...What? I like to be neat and tidy." ango: i get you there. *adjusts glasses* Kafka: "... ... ...Tell me. Did you encounter someone named Dazai?" ango: *tenses* yes. he's-....an old friend. why do you ask? Kafka: "Hmm. He does not seemed well liked. Even among his allies." ango: .... Kafka: "Why do people work with him?" ango: despite his many shortcomings, he has proven himself a skilled tactician. Kafka: "Ah. So, crafty." ango: precisely. Kafka: "Still, his behavior is erratic. He even approached one of our members for a suicide pact." ango: that sound like classic him. Kafka: "As for the other Agency members...they seem reliable. They are tending to one of our former members." ango: is that right? Kafka: "Yes...You have an ability?" ango: yes. Kafka: "Then you can imagine what it feels like to be under threat for who we are." ango:.... Kafka: "...There are those who would hurt us, even those who are ability users." ango: so i've heard... Kafka: "And what do you plan to do about it?" ango:....still figuring that out... -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home!" lord death: welcome back. ^^ kirika: yo. Kid: "How was your visit?" kirika:..it went well. *wipes eyes* Kid: "..." *pat pat* kirika: =//,//= Yumi: "..." *group hug* lord death: ^////^ Kid: ^\\\^; shiori: bubu! ^o^ Yumi: *picks up Shiori* "Hug your sister?" kirika *tiny awkward hug* shiori: yay! Yumi: ^w^ -morning- Sakuya: *yawns* *stretches* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "..." *brushes a hand over her forehead* naho: =w= Sakuya: *forehead smooch* -at school- Kuro: *flipping mindlessly through the book* "..." mahiru: *taking notes* Stein: "As your guest lecturer, I'm here to introduce you to the challenges that await you at this academy." hitomi: *listening* Stein: "We begin with a serious one..." *takes out a cage, which has an aye-aye bat inside* Aye-Aye: OwO;;;; Stein: *sneers* "With vivisection..." Kuro: "!!!" mahiru: im sorry what? hitomi: O-O;;; -chop- nygus: no. Stein: >_< "Hmph. Fine, we'll save that for an extracurricular..." *puts the Aye-Aye away* Aye-Aye: =w=;;;;; mahiru: ._.; Kuro: "So annoying...What are we learning anyway?" Stein: "We can move onto a demonstration of battle..." hitomi: ... Stein: "Come in." *The door is kicked open* madoka: ^-^; Kuro: "??? A sailor scout?" hitomi *waves to madoka, smiling* madoka: *smiles back* Arthur: *holding his hilt* "Is this where warriors demonstrate their mettle in combat?" nygus: yes, this is battle demonstration, yes Arthur: *charges up Excalibur* "Then I will hold nothing back, mage [Madoka]." madoka: *nods and takes her bow out* -she also put a barrier up to keep the students from being harmed- Arthur: *swings his blade along the floor towards Madoka* madoka: *jumps up and fires 3 shots* Arthur: *dodges* "Impressive..." *runs past them, leaps up--and swings* madoka: *dodges to the left* Arthur: *swings his leg under her* madoka: *jump and kick to the face* Arthur: "UMPH!" *falls back, swinging his sword--slicing into the floor* hitomi: *watching, nervous* Arthur: "KNIGHTLY LIGHTNING STRIKE!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Mono, you busy?" mono: *doing homework* Yohei: "??? Okay...Guess you're busy..." mono:..whats up? Yohei: "I wanted to check how things were going." mono:...alright i guess. Yohei: *nods* "Keeping up on homework even while working at the cafe?" mono: yeah. Yohei: "...Need any help with the homework?" mono: just this one. *points to a problem* Yohei: *reads it* "Oh. It's cosine's? I can help with that..." mono: *nod* Yohei: "So it's a right triangle...and the smaller angle is 60 degrees. That means you write the equation 'adjacent side divided by hypothenuse'..." mono: right... Yohei: "We know the adjacent side is 'x,' and the hypotenuse is 20, so we are solving for x...You got your scientific calculator?" mono: hold on... -elsewhere- Rin: ^^; "All forgiven?" shiemi: i wasnt exactly mad at you guys. but i do appreciate it. ^^ izumo: 7-7 Rin: "And you get to go with Stocking, Seiya, Shura--" *spots Izumo* "Polka Brows--" izumo: =_=# shiemi: and what are you guys gonna do? Rin: "Camping! Male bonding! Reaffirm the chains of friendship!" konekomaru: ^^; Bon: =^= "Who said I was going?" konekomaru: ? Bon: "Some of us have studying to do--" konekomaru: im sure it wouldnt hurt. izumo: yeah, letting loose wouldnt kill you, you know. Bon: -___- "You too, Kamiki? Don't you have work to catch up on?" izumo: i already did it. Bon: "D-Don't try to show me up!" >_< izumo: *smirk* Bon: "..." >\\\\> "I'm not getting roped up into any dumb during this camping--" Rin: "Super!" *arm around his shoulder* "We're doing so much stupid stuff!" Bon: -_____-# -elsewhere- Leroux: *hanging up paper lanterns* hans: *dusting shelves* Kafka: *re-enters--carrying a plastic shopping bag* "I have returned." hans: welcome back. Kafka: "Hello. I met with the governmental agency." hans: and how did it go? Kafka: "They seemed amenable. I expect we will receive confirmation within days." hans: ah... Kafka: *takes out a jar of jelly beans* *nods* *opens it* "..." *starts munching* *nom nom nom--* etta: hi guys~ Leroux: "Hello~!" Kafka: O\\\\O "GRK--" *swallows hard* hans: *gives him the Heimlich* Kafka: *coughs up a mess of jelly beans* "Th-Thanks..." etta: you ok, franzy? Kafka: "I AM NORMAL!" O\\\\O etta: ovo~? Leroux: ^w^; "Franz brought us candy!" Kafka: "?!!!" wilhelm: OuO Jakob: "Really?!" Kafka: *growling low at Leroux* "Who told you this was okay...?" Leroux: *smirks* "You'll thank me~" etta: aww, how sweet. ^u^ Kafka: "..." .\\\\\. "I was nothing..._IT_ was nothing..." >\\\< etta: *giggle* Leroux: ^w^ Jakob: *munching on a chocolate bar* "George, grab them!" Kafka: "..." *offers Etta chocolate* etta: *nom* george: um....thanks? Kafka: "..." *nods* "Of course..." goethe: ....at least share some with me. -elsewhere- Toby: *pawing at papers about Etta and Leroux* eckleburg: *picks him up and puts him in his little bed* *pet pet* Toby: -_-; *soft fox purr, before shifting under blanket* -elsewhere- tatsuya: *writing things down* Damon: "..." teacher:....mr evans? Damon: "...Wh-What?" teacher: is everything alright? Damon: "..." *nods* "I'm sorry." teacher: well, try to pay attention, alright? Damon: "..." *stares at a blank sheet of paper--moves his hand to grab his pencil--and accidentally knocks it to the floor* "..." boy: shhh. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sits up in bed...* twain: *halfway off his bed asleep* Steinbeck: "..." *sighs* *gets out, goes to Twain, tries to nudge him back into his bed* twain: *snore* thank you mr davis, you saved my life. again. Zzzzz Steinbeck: "??? ..." *tucks him in* dorothy: morning... Steinbeck: "???" *turns* "Hey..." dorothy: couldnt sleep. Steinbeck: "Sorry...Want to get some water?" dorothy:...*nods* Steinbeck: *opens the cooler they brought with them, takes out two bottles of water* "Cheers." dorothy: *siiiip* thanks mr steinbeck. Steinbeck: *smiles* "You're welcome. Were you hungry at all?" dorothy: i'll eat later. Steinbeck: "...Anything on your mind?" dorothy: *shrug* big bro's probably gonna want pancakes. Steinbeck: "Do you like pancakes?" dorothy: i guess. Steinbeck: "...What kind of foods do you like?" dorothy: ..... Steinbeck: "..." *sips water* "...I like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” dorothy:.....sure. Steinbeck: *smiles* "I'm going to make one. I think we still have some bread left over..." dorothy: ok. Steinbeck: *gets to work* "..." ("Wonder why she's this quiet...") "Wish the rest of us could sleep as soundly as that guy..." *thumbs at Twain* twain: *leg twitch and dopey grin* dorothy: .... Steinbeck: *finishes, cuts it in half, holds up a half to her* dorothy:... *nom* Steinbeck: ^^ "I remember we used to make jelly...And preserves." dorothy: was it nice? Steinbeck: *nods* "Until one of the kids flung a spoonful of grape jelly at my face..." ^^; dorothy: yikes. Steinbeck: "It's all in fun--you know how kids are." dorothy: yeah, seeing as i still am one, sorta... Steinbeck: "...And a kid deserves to have fun, with whatever time they have." dorothy:....are they nice? Steinbeck: "Most part, yeah!" *takes out his wallet, holds up a photo* dorothy: *examines the photos* ... *The photographs show Steinbeck tending to the kids since babies...They look happy* dorothy:...you seem to be a good brother. Steinbeck: "...Thanks. That means a lot..." *studies her face* -she seems to be thinking about something- Steinbeck: "Still thinking?" dorothy: yeah... Steinbeck: "What about?" dorothy: my brother. our family. Steinbeck: "...How is he doing?" dorothy: right now he's still asleep. -elsewhere- Kid: *walking through the DWMA halls* kirika: *sneaking up* Kid: *comes to a stop* kirika: *ducks behind locker* Kid: *looks left to right...then keeps walking* kirika: *runs up and blows an airhorn at his ear* Kid: O_________O *leaps up--and doesn't descend* kirika: 8\ *looks up* *There is a Kid-shaped hole in the ceiling...and the floor above...and the floor above...all the way to the roof* kirika:.... *snaps a pic* Kid: *in the sky, clinging to Beelzebub like a cat to a ceiling fan* Q~Q -elsewhere- Justin: "I have to run an errand...Did you want to stay?" oriko: *nod* Justin: "Okay. Don't let anyone you don't know in..." oriko: ok. Justin: "And I can bring back something from the grocery if you want. Any requests?" oriko: im alright. Justin: *nods, grabs his tote bag and keys, opens the door* oriko: be safe. Justin: *smiles, nods* "Thank you." *closes and locks the door* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." emily: *driving* Hemingway: "He seems really worn out." twain: he was up pretty early. Hemingway: "??? Must've been a good reason, I hope." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Remember this?" akaderu: ?? Kepuri: One of the files we had while investigating..." *it's Yohei* akaderu: oh yeah... Kepuri: "...A lot has changed." akaderu: yeah...*hug* Kepuri: "!!! ..." *hug* =\\\\= akaderu: love you, babe. Kepuri: "Love you, too..." *squeeze* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tapping the walls* naoya: ?? Chuuya: "...Which other surveillance devices did the Agency keep here?" naoya: hmm, my ability doesnt work on any cameras, just living beings. Chuuya: "After the last infiltration, I want to go through the building more carefully...May need some tech help." naoya: no dice with keek. she's pretty much cut ties with the mafia after...y'know. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Kajii and his assistant?" naoya: *shrug* bleeeegh it sucks we cant go out hiring people right now. Chuuya: "Yeah... ..." *kicks the wall* naoya: 0-0 Chuuya: "This is awful...Just..." naoya:....*pap pap* Chuuya: "..." *sniff* naoya:.... Chuuya: "This shouldn't be like this..." naoya: yeah...damn those rats... Chuuya: "...When we find Fyodor...We're stopping this." naoya:...well we know he's in prison, but are we really about to break _in_ to prison? Chuuya: "If you think he's staying in there...No. He won't. So we need to find him as soon as he makes his escape." naoya:...right. -elsewhere- soul: have fun today? Becky: "It was alright. Kind of dull." Damon: "..." soul: i see....so, i made a call to the therapist today. Damon: "?!" Becky: "...Why?" soul: ...to help you feel better. *smile* Becky: *small frown* Damon: "...How? What would they want?" soul: they'd talk to you about how you're feeling, and maybe find a way to make you feel better. Damon: "Really?" Becky: "...That's all?" soul: yep. that's all. dont worry, i'll go with you. Damon: "...Okay." Becky: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Walter: *reading emails* "Mom's doing well!" hans: glad to know. *smiles* Walter: ^w^ Kafka: *putting files away* "..." hans: ...so how about you, leroux? any news from your sister? Leroux: *sighs* "Little good, I'm afraid." etta: oh no! D:> Leroux: "..." *nods* "He keeps himself locked away..." etta: ... Leroux: "...He's incredibly morose." hans: i could imagine... Leroux: "...I don't know what help is available." hans: he is in psychiatric, isnt he? Leroux: *nods* "But is that enough?" hans: .... etta: *hug* TT^TT Leroux: *hug* T~T Kafka: "..." >_> *awkward pat on Leroux's shoulder* -elsewhere- Lily: "How are things?" mahiru: they've been well. Kuro: *nom nom nom* Lily: "Excellent! We'll have to celebrate your admittance before your have midterms~" mahiru: aww, thanks. misono: it's the least we can do. -elsewhere- Rin: "All packed!" kyouko: you guys be safe, you hear? Yukio: "...Right." Rin: "Not a problem! Even got bug repellent!" kyouko: *nod* Yukio: "What about the tent?" Rin: "...I'll be right back." *goes back to his room* kyouko: ...^^; Yukio: "You'll hold down the fort while we're out?" kyouko: you bet. Yukio: "And keep up with homework." kyouko: i know. Yukio: "And keep an eye on Father. And bring in the trash, water the plants, patrol the perimet--" kyouko: got it all in here. *points to her head* i've been doing this for years now. Yukio: "...Right. Sorry." Rin: "I got it!" *holds up his 3DS* Yukio: "...Rin. Tent." Rin: "...Oh!" *runs back* kyouko: *sweatdrop* Yukio: "Maybe I should put Post It Notes on him..." kyouko: *chuckles* -elsewhere- yana: *doing some browsing* Ivan: "???" yana: <just looking up some stuff.> Ivan: <Anything interesting?> yana: <i did find this one website. death city rumor file> Ivan: <Any juicy material?> yana: <well, i found a bit of info regarding that shibusawa person.> Ivan: <Best keep it away from Gogol, then...> ^^; yana: <well it wouldnt be much, because this only gives me like, three facts about them. number 1, do you recall the 'dragon's head rush' incident?> Ivan: *nods* yana: <apparently this shibusawa person was the mastermind behind that, at least according to this.> *shrugs* <number 2, they're called 'the collector'. not sure why that is. and number 3, and this is speculation mind you, they are theorized to have connection to the rumor of the white eyed princess of the mysterious tower.> Ivan: <That old tale?> yana: *nods* <wasnt that one of the rumors pushkin's sister and uncle were investigating? then again, they research a lot of urban legends and stuff like that, so...> Ivan: <...It was probably just a tall tale.> yana: <maybe> .... *updating the file* <but i at least have all the profiles up to date.> Ivan: <Master will be so pleased~> yana: *nod* ...... Ivan: <Any additional information?> yana: <at the moment, nothing...> *sigh* <actually, i did find something. info on one of the boss's subgroups, 'the angels of decay'. we know the boss and kolya are part of it, but the info on the other 3 members is password protected.> Ivan: <...Try 'Ivan'?> yana: <tried that, didnt work. i've asked the boss, and he told me to figure it out myself.> *grooooan* <dont get me wrong, i do respect him as our leader, but does he have to be so damn cryptic all the damn time?> Ivan: <Adds to the mystique~> yana: ... Gogol: <What you talkin' about?> yana: 0-0 *clicks out of the angels of decay file....which returns to the rumor file page on shibusawa* (SHIT) Gogol: O\\\\\\\O "..." *faints* yana:.... -_-; <unprofessional.> -elsewhere-
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theherondaels · 8 years
The Most Puntastic Best Man Speech Ever
It's finally here! Words cannot describe how proud I am of this. Have fun reading!
Nervousness washed over Matteo when Gastón asked for everyone's attention. He felt apprehensive and queasy at the thought of what was about to happen.
Matteo eyed the vodka shot glasses warily. Not only was there a bet making the rounds for how many puns - space related or not - Gastón had put into this speech, there was also a drinking game going on in which all participants had to take a shot every time his best friend would make pun.
Ramiro and his cousin Vinny had more or less robbed the open bar as everyone that had agreed to be part of the drinking game had ten small glasses placed before them. Matteo couldn't help but think about the bill. They would be indebted forever!
Still, he doubted that this was the exact amount of puns. That would be wishful thinking.
Luna noticed his uneasiness and sent him a reassuring smile. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress and Matteo would lie if he said that he hadn't wiped a few tears away when he had seen her walking down the aisle.
"Good evening ladies and gentleman, boys and girls," Gastón began, "It's been such an exciting day that I'm absolutely speechless... Which is probably very good news for most of you, am I right, Matteo?"
Gastón wasn't even five sentences in and Matteo already regretted making him his best man. Nonetheless, he drank his first - and surely not last! - shot.
"I hope everyone is enjoying this very special day so far. It's been emotional. I mean, even the cake is in tiers!"
The crowd's reaction was a mixture of laughter and groaning. Matteo had been definitely doing the latter. After having another shot, he glanced at his wife - how fantastic was it that he could finally call her that? - who really seemed to enjoy herself. At least she was having fun. If Luna was happy Matteo could endure this for a few more minutes.
"For those of you that do not know me already, my name is Gastón and I am Matteo's best friend. I'm also the best man for today. Though I would have been fine with lord of the rings too."
Had he really just made a Lord of the Rings reference?
Wait, did that count as a pun? Should he drink? Matteo looked around and saw that he wasn't the only one with this problem. Deciding that he was still far too sober for this whole thing, Matteo took the shot and the others promptly followed suit.
"Now one of my main duties as best man was to organise the stag night. Another one of my duties is to not mention the stag night – as the saying goes, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'."
Just when Matteo had thought that Gastón was done with this delicate topic, he started to talk again, "Luckily, we went to Amsterdam. For those of you that don't know, Amsterdam is full of historical buildings, museums, canals and culture. I think that I will have to go back though as I don't recall seeing any of that."
Matteo sighed out of relief. That hadn't be too bad. And Gastón had somehow managed to let the stag night sound way more interesting than it had actually been.
"Before I start the long-awaited character assassination of the groom, I'd like to thank all of you for being here today, especially those of you who knew that I'd be saying a few words - it's very touching that you still decided to come. It's also truly amazing how far some people will travel for a free meal." After the laughter had died down, Gastón added sincerely, "In all seriousness, I know this day means so much to everyone involved, and I know Matteo and Luna are delighted that you are all here to share their special day."
Matteo was about to take yet another shot when Luna gestured for a waiter and asked him to put the remaining shots away. The waiter did as he was told and Matteo was too perplexed to say anything. He stared after the shots longingly. "I can't believe you did that," Matteo muttered. He turned his head to her again, "Why did you do that?"
"That would have been your fourth shot. I still want to enjoy my wedding night," Luna explained. Normally, Matteo would have retorted with something cocky but he was still struggling with the fact that his coping method had been taken away from him.
Gastón thanked both of their parents and congratulated Matteo and his father-in-law on their successful speeches. The groomsmen were thanked too. Meanwhile, the groom tried to come up with another distraction. He now studied the faces of people who wouldn't or couldn't drink.
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved, right?
Matteo couldn't quite decipher Nina's expression, it was like a mix of disbelief and utter adoration. Ámbar just looked 100% done and he was sure that if it hadn't been for adorable 3-month-old Alicia she would have joined the drinking game too. Matteo truly admired them in that moment. How were they still alive after listening to everything Gastón had said up until this point? While being completely sober?
"Now I wouldn't be able to get away without thanking the flower girl, Ofelia. You did great, darling!" Gastón praised his daughter, giving her a thumbs up, "I'd also like to thank the matron of honor and bridesmaids for helping the bride get ready earlier and for making the unthinkable possible: Luna was at the church on time."
This earned him a few cheers. Matteo leaned closer to Luna, "I have to thank you again for being on time and sparing me a heart attack." She shrugged, "What can I say? I didn't want to get hit with cake." Matteo smiled at her, remembering their conversation from yesterday. "It would have been such a shame," he agreed. Luna was smiling and in that gorgeous wedding dress of hers no picture would ever do her justice! It really was hard for him to focus on the speech again.
"And may I add how wonderful they all look," Gastón said, a grin forming on his lips, "They are only eclipsed by Luna herself. The bride truly both outshines the sun and the moon with her dress!"
On the one hand, Matteo felt so sorry for those who still had their shots. He really hoped that none of them would die from alcohol poisoning. However, on the other hand, he was really envious of them. Even after two glasses of prosecco and three shots of vodka Matteo still had the mighty need to either shoot himself or Gastón. He put his head into his hands. "Make him stop," Matteo mumbled, "Or let me have another shot. I don't care." After saying these words, he  wondered if the waiter would still serve him an alcoholic beverage. The mention of his name interrupted his thought.
"Matteo doesn't look bad either which shouldn't be a surprise as he is always dressed accurately. Except for that leo print shirt disaster... Matteo, I still have nightmares!"
So Gastón was at the embarrass the groom part now? Great. He scanned the table, desperate for anything with alcohol in it. Sadly, there were only two glasses water on the table. Matteo sighed. Just pretend it's vodka, he tried to motivate himself. Before Matteo got the chance to take a sip, Gastón's voice echoed through the room again.
"Every once in a while, two people meet and you just know it's meant to be," Gastón told them, voice serious, "You know instantly that the stars have aligned and that their paths would bring them together, regardless of what the universe might throw their way. That they would know and understand each other for the rest of their life – For Matteo this occurred in September of 2014... When he met me."
The crowd went wild after this and it took a few minutes until everyone had calmed down, allowing Gastón to speak again, "I'm convinced that in another lifetime Matteo and I have been friends since diapers. In this one our first encounter happened in school. It had been the first day of eight grade and Matteo had just moved from god-knows-where. We were seating partners in maths but it wasn't until the second week where we actually started talking to each other - out of class, of course - as Mr Zima liked to have absolute silence in his class. We've been best friends ever since."
Matteo smiled fondly at the memory. "But enough of Matteo and me. So where do I start with our lovely bridal couple? What took them so long? This wedding was like their first kiss - long overdue!" Gastón joked.
"Their first meeting had been far more interesting," he started again, "I wasn't actually there when it happened but I'm sure it was as bride and groom still argue to this day who actually skated into who," Gastón paused for a moment, letting the words sink in. Suddenly, Gastón turned towards him. Oh dear God, he was going to die! "Now Matteo, as a married man myself, I'd like to give you some advice: Just admit you're wrong."
Hah. Never!
That Matteo hadn't answer him didn't disturb Gastón even the slightest, he looked like he was having the time of his life, "After their collision Matteo had been so dazzled by Luna that he followed her around like a satellite. No, seriously if they were ever to discover that the moon has it's own moon they should name it Matteo." Someone please save him, Matteo thought. With vodka.
"I know a lot of people here are probably wondering just what does Luna see in Matteo? Well, for starters, he's handsome, witty, intelligent, char... Charm... Sorry! Matteo? I'm really having trouble reading your handwriting here, you can tell me the rest later!"
Matteo had actually laughed at that. Gastón loved to make fun of his cursive handwriting.
"I'm trying to think of something by myself now," Gastón said and pretended to ponder, "So to get back to the question, just what does Luna see in Matteo... It could be his work ethic. He always finishes what he starts. When he has set his mind to something, he will achieve it. No matter what. Really, Matteo might just be the personification of 'Veni, vidi, vici' which I think is funny since our groom here despises Avicii. You certainly won't hear him on the dancefloor later tonight."
Someone please kill him. At this point Matteo didn't even know if he had meant himself or Gastón with that. Or Avicii.
"Maybe it's his romantic nature?" Gastón tried again, "I mean, you all heard his speech earlier. Oh boy, and I thought I was sappy." Matteo felt his cheeks redden and why did God hate him so much?
"Music has always been one of Matteo's passions and..... Wait for it... He has certainly hit the right note with Luna!" Gastón said excitedly, a proud smile gracing his features. Matteo was honestly at loss for words.
Gastón looked at the bride. "Luna, I particularly liked you from the start because you always laughed at my puns, while Matteo would just shake his head and call me an idiot... She's sweet, kind, determined and unafraid. I never see Matteo as happy and content as when he is with her. So you could say that she lights up his world like nobody else," he grinned.
"I would like to finish off with a quote which I'm sure Matteo's not so secret romantic side will appreciate, "'Marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, it's about finding the person you can't live without'. They definitely have found that person in each other. Just look at their phone bills."
Okay, yeah, he approved of that. The waiters were handing out prosecco filled glasses again. It took all of Matteo's willpower to not empty his glass immediately.  
"So then ladies and gentlemen, it gives me immense pleasure  to invite you all to stand one up more time and raise your glasses, in a toast to Matteo and Luna."
When everyone had raised their glasses, Gastón raised his too, "I wish them both the best of luck and a life together filled with health, happiness and joy. To my best friend and his beautiful wife. To the new Mr & Mrs Balsano. Cheers!"
After the toast Gastón thanked everyone for listening and made his way to his seat, the tension in Matteo's shoulders finally disappearing for good. "I still live!" he exclaimed, being so relieved that the speech was finally over.
Matteo let his eyes wander around, seeing that almost all of their close friends looked more than a little tipsy. And that was putting it nicely.
By the looks of it they would wake up with a killer headache tomorrow.
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veryfineday · 4 years
Thursday 17 January 1833
8 20/..
11 35/..
N  Vc  U  U  LL  L  N  Vc
sent off my note written last night but dated today to messers ParKer and adam solicitors Halifax 
fine soft morning – Fahrenheit 50º (no fire) at 9 a.m. – Richard Ingham’s son came before I was up to see if I would take 40/.shillings a year for the pew – no! had said 50/.[shillings] and they must pay that or give it up – did not see him – sent Cordingley to settle it – they will Keep the pew – Breakfast at 9 20/.. with marian – some time with Charles H- [Howarth] doing my closet – just saw my aunt –
out at 10 1/2 – down my walK (some time talKing to John) to Lidgate at 11 1/2 – mr. Sunderland there – saw him alone – thinKs miss w-’s [Walker’s] bodily health better but there is some little excitement of mind – she had a wretched night last night and looKed miserably – said she talKed of going to YorK – lone tête à tête with her in her room – despairing as usual and I tried to cheer her as well as I could talked of going to York next week  even on Monday – walKed an hour with the misses WalKer and Rawson along the Crownest approach road to the Huddersfield gate and bacK – 10 minutes with miss w- Walker in her room and then at 2 tooK my leave as they went in to dinner –
returned by the godley road – saw PicKels – | he had set out the Bairstow road – went with him to view it again – to lay down strong rag wheel-stones on each side would cost 8/.[shillings] a rood – bouldering between the wheelstone 2/6 a rood and forming the road 9 feet wide 2/6 a rood = 13/.[shillings] a rood, but then it would not want repairing for 6 or 8 years whatever stone carts went along it – Womersley had seen PicKles and said he could willingly pay 3d.[pence] a time for his cart to go along the road – the road would be much used – said I only hesitated whether to make it 5 yards wide at once (wide enough for 2 carts to pass) – 5 yards wide forming and bouldering 6 inch thicK would cost 24/.[shillings] a rood – a causeway (stones 3d.[pence] a yard) would be laid down and drained underneath at 2/6 a rood, and the low side of the road might be walled taKing the wall just below at 5/.[shillings] a rood = 31/6 a rood – |
saw Dodgson at the top of the hill – he wants the mistal altering and the house painting and maKing comfortable – down the Southowram bacK to mr. ParKers – gone to ashgrove – saw mr. Adam who did just as well as mr. P- [Parker] explained about coal lease – to have a clause to empower me to go into the upper bed worKs – mentioned Keighley’s window overlooKing my Northgate ground – to have an agreement drawn up and he to pay some small annual acKnowledgement for the window allowing my right to blocK the light when I close – thought I had better asK mrs. Ferguson to name a new trustee as I wished to give up the trust – if we joined in applying to Chancery there would be no difficulty in appointing a new trustee – Desired matthew Booth’s deeds to be examined to see if he could make good title to the cottage – the title deeds to me would cost £7 or £8 –
returned by the old bank home and then along my walK to Calf croft pit hill where John Booth and John PicKles had been (in the afternoon) planting large hazel and 2 thorns – and one thorn in the now Clump near the middle gate into my walK – home at 5 1/4 – with my aunt 1/4 hour – then with James H- [Howarth] at my closet – dinner at 6 1/2 – marian with me some time – my father cannot pay me till midsummer the £150 for my share of the Hampstead property –
then not choosing to tie myself down by the mention of any particular plan  wrote another letter to Lady S [Stuart] my letter written last night to Lady S- [Stuart] would not do on account of the plan mentioned of leaving here the end of next month or beginning of march and going for a fortnight or 3 weeKs to the Lodge – so wrote a full 1/2 sheet and 1 page and ends of 1/2 sheet envelop and enclosed and sent off the whole at 9 1/4 to the ‘Honourable Lady Stuart Whitehall’ under cover to ‘messers Hammersleys and co. BanKers Pall mall London’ to whom I wrote on the 1//2 sheet covering Lady S-’s [Stuart’s] letter begging them to pay Boyd and son of 78 WelbecK street Cavendish square £2.2. on demand (for the coffee pot) and to put my enclosed letter into the 2 penny post –
thanKed Lady S- [Stuart] for her 2 last letters – had not had resolution to write before since the election  never ‘so astonished and disappointed in my life; I have not yet got over it, cannot thinK of it with common patience’ ...... they say, that in the event of a vacancy, mr. James Wortley will come in – hope it but dare not depend much now – ‘It is quite clear that if we could not bring in mr. James w- [Wortley] whom everybody professes to liKe, we should have no chance at all with anybody else’ –  a comfort to see her letter franKed by captain Stuart – congratulate both her and himself on his election – sending to Hammersleys so will desire them to put my letter into the 2 penny post – may I some times direct to Lady S- [Stuart] under cover to captain S- [Stuart]  have really forgotten how to direct to Lord Goderich – Hammersleys will pay Boyd on demand – the coffee pot arrived on the last day of last year and answers beautifully –
had delayed writing to tell my plans – when I wrote to V- [Vere] 3 weeKs ago, counted upon being in London before end of this month and spending Easter at Rome – ‘but my aunt has been unwell again these last few days, and is so desirous for me not to go so far just now, that I have promised her to give up the thought for the present, and to stay here a little longer – In fact, so long as her health is as it is, I feel quite unable to fix on anything – Surely I shall get off by and by, and shall see you, at any rate, at the Lodge – I only fear your account of your yourself is not near so good as I wished – you Know how anxious and interested I always feel about you, and how it will delight me to hear you are stronger and better –’ V- [Vere] does not write to me 1/2 so often as she promised – we must make every excuse we can - ..... ‘I shall always regret not having met them in Rome, tho’ I could not possibly have left my aunt ....... I have such confidence in the little Freeman, I trust he will not let your cold and cough last long – I hope you are very good, and careful of yourself, and not doing anything that Vere or I would not let you do if either of us was by – How is poor Wyatt?  I hope you would receive yesterday a leash of blocK game that I sent you on Tuesday morning, immediately after your arrival from Scotland – Adieu, dearest Lady Stuart, and believe me always affectionately and very truly yours A Lister – I meant to have written to Lady Stuart de Rothesay some time since, but the election put me too much out of sorts’ –
from 9 1/4 to 9 3/4 writing journal – then in went into the little room – read the courier – Letter from Eugénie (10 YorK Place, Brighton) very civilly wondering she had not heard from me, and asKing my intention – on coming home had found civil note from mr. ParKer asKing me to call before 2 – but as I had not got it in time, of course, it was useless –
In going to Lidgate, saw John Pearson at my quarry – asKed him about the 34 Loads of stone he had had for the Cowgate road – said I gave him the stone but never meant to pay for the getting – Oh! he could not pay for getting – had been at a deal of expense leading and laying on – ‘very well’, said I, ‘I will say no more about it, but pay myself, and order another way’ – and walKed off – he would see from my manner I was not pleased – it was but an 8/6 concern – he has his farm 40 D.W.[Day’s Work] at £48 a year of which his sister mrs. Dewhirst pays him £20 for the house room and sKim pits her son has!  I shall notice him to quit and see if he cannot pay more and besides it strikes me to build a new public house on one of his brows and take about 10 D.W.[Day’s Work] to put to the new Stag’s head –
miss Waterhouse junior of Wellhead called this morning and was sorry I was out – fine day – Fahrenheit 47º at 10 35/.. p.m.  came to my room at 10 1/2 –
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faustviginere · 5 years
The Faun and The Lyre By Yours Truly (written yesterday afternoon while drinking tea and listening to Led Zeppelin)
Once upon a time in a forest long forgotten, in  a place no one recalls there lived a faun, his eyes blind to the rest of the world beyond his home with it's wars and kings he sat alone and content strumming his lyre and making the rocks stones and flowers dance along with him. and when it rained, which it often did. or when humans tread upon his home which they too often did he hid in his cave with curiosity in his eyes peering out from the darkness and into the light. one day, without warning a young woman happened by, eyes like two jewels and hair like fire. he had seen her before, many times at a distance, gazing upon her with wonder. and a feeling he couldn't quite put a name to, but every time it came to him his heart became like a drum the faun was so overcome with that new emotion, something like joy, but more, and the more he felt it the more it scared him, so, the deeper in his cave he hid. Sometimes, Faun's often used their magic to seem scary to outsiders.  So that's what he did. playing a trick on her he made his shadow pour from the cave and claw at her.   he meant no harm of course.  but fear as it often does to all of us, got the better of him. and like the best of us. regret, sank in long after she was gone. it had only been mere moments after that the faun's song left him. his lyre silent. the flowers and animals no longer swaying and stepping in time. grey clouds instead of sunshine. and the sound of a howling wind in place of the birds that once sang. head down ears down neck and horns sunken low and ache in his chest that was not there before now began to make itself known. And the sparrow came to him "what's wrong my friend?" and the faun sighed "i've done something i didn't mean to," "did you apologize?" the sparrow asked "i don't think i'll get the chance" he wiped a tear away from his tired eye "i'm sure in time you will" sparrow sat on his shoulder and began to sing But faun felt nothing. no comfort or joy nor inspiration "i do not deserve such kindness" said the faun setting his lyre upon the earth to be covered up by rain and mud. as he trudged back into his cave The next day was bright, the sun poured through the tree's like gold. and all the animals gathered 'round to hear the faun's song, but. he was not there. "faun?" the stag called "Faun Where are you?" There was no reply. "i don't think he's coming" the rabbit said, brushing her ear with her paw. "we should just begin without him then" the badger said folding his arms,  his tone stubborn. And so the animals began to sing on their own. the song rolled through the hills and the trees like a gentle wind. it's melody carried through the air by the leaves. it woke the flowers and stirred the bees to buzzing and their busywork.  the birds flittered their notes alongside the stamping of hooves and feet in time with one and other and it was beautiful as most nature can be. but something was of course missing. when the song was done. a few creatures looked toward the faun's cave. then to one and other. then they cast their eyes downward solemnly "one of you should speak to him" badger said. "he's no good to anyone hiding. he doesn't even have a reason TO hide" they turned up their snout defiantly. then they one by one looked expectantly at their small companion to which he gasped "m-me?!" "god's no. why must I-" he heaved an annoyed sigh and scurried into the cave. "faun. you must stop this moping business,  I-" Badger was met with the sound of weeping. he looked around his friend's home. the only light was the fireplace in the corner. there was a small wooden table, two chairs, a tea kettle and a stew pot. some parchment that had long since gone unused and a pen whose inkwell had long since dried up. "why," faun murmured from his pillow black hair cascading across it's surface a single brown eye meeting  the woodland creature's gaze. "because- uhm" Badger thought for a moment "because the forest isn't the same without you" "no need to lie badger, i heard everyone's song today" Faun said, his voice muffled "ah yes, but did you notice how hollow it was without you involved? " "no" "well it was, so come on out and let's try again" "no" Badger huffed and stomped his feet "fine, if you wish to wallow then wallow, i will be no part of this." "Do as you wish" The faun sighed. his gaze toward the ceiling
And so it was like this for several weeks, they would gather together and sing, and then go about their lives, while the faun remained hidden away,  though day by day he pulled himself from his misery and regret and found the sorrow in him, though strong was less so. at first he would only emerge to hunt and forage. , but as time went on his place among the choir called to him. so in secret. under the light of the moon he dug up his lyre from the earth and took it with him to his home. he played songs of both joy and sorrow, of loss and longing and hopes and dreams, chords that danced with one and other and chords so dissonant one would argue that they were not chords at all.  but together, they made a music that was new to the faun. he smiled a bittersweet smile as the pain he felt wove it's way into the sound and left his heart. if only for a moment. as time went on, this feeling  this mournful creativity was at the very least something to give the faun his purpose back. Then one bright day the faun stepped from the shadows and into the clearing where none were around and he began to play. not only did he play but he sang. his voice shook and his body trembled but the song was no longer stuck in his chest, no longer did it burden him.
"O wanderer i've watched you now for several moons come and gone Your skin as pale as freshest snow and smile bright as dawn. - And I in my fear and fever in madness drove you from me. Eyes like jewels and hair like fire no more again will I see, But O my Love a gift you gave born from sorrow upon me. A song a story i shall tell and sing to all who hear me, For as sure as the stars above i'm certain that you're happy and sure as a fire burns i hope that hope's within thee And i am sorry for my deeds that drove you so far from me Eyes like jewels and hair like fire, i still pray blindly to see"
no one but the trees heard his song, and as the animals welcomed him back into the fold he played on. deft hands and heavy heart the stag stomped and brayed in time, the birds sang the badger too smiled at his friends re emergence he was not the same as before.  nor would he ever be. much like all who have suffered. but like many of us. he grew. he experience a hardship and he learned from it. for even during a storm. and even when pieces are missing. the music of the forest continued on but it was much sweeter, and much more full with the strumming of the faun.
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 10 June 1836
6 ½
12 10
- No kiss but A- better A- up sometime before me dull but fair till rain (smallish but wetting) at 7 F54° at 7 25 rain kept me in the house (at accounts) till breakfast at 9 - A- did a little French vocabulary and reading - out at 10, A- and I at Mytholm and about till came in at 12 40 - at accounts till 2 25 then with A- giving her a glass of wine and a biscuit - she would not take luncheon - she had nothing for luncheon yesterday - Mr. Jubb came at 2 ½ and took a glass of wine and sat talking with A- and me till just 3 - mentioned the Radical meeting to petition the house of commons in favour of the Irish corporation bill - talked of the Exchange - Mr. J- had not heard that it could not be had without the proprietors of the new assembly room and they wanted another new assembly room etc tacked to the Exchange so the thing impossible for the present - Mr. J- agreed with me about the folly of this - A- off to Cliff Hill (on her pony) at 3 - I out - with Booth + 4 who began laying the foundation stones (4ft. square 6 or 8 in. thick rag) springers of the south additional to the cascade bridge archway - gave orders how I meant the wall to be continued (same height and limed and faced with parpoints) in front of the house down to the Scotch firs - it would take he said, 11 roods parpoints - outsides - would now be 14/. a rood at the delf - Saw Illingworth at the Listerwick wheel-race - he wanted A- they had told him she was gone to Cliff Hill but would be back at 5 - and he meant to wait till then - he wanted to know if (finding from me that he might pull the charnock coal at his own pit) A- would take £10 per acre for the privilege of pulling it up at her pits - no! I was sure she would keep to her word and not take less than £20 - she thought he ought not to complain - supposing the whole quantity of Charnock coal 6 acres and that 3 were got, these 3 being charged nothing the other 3 at her price would leave at £10 per acre –
then (said he) you say she will take £60 for what is to get - no! I answered - that was not what I said - I said Miss Walker would have £20 per acre - to be measured off as got - if more got more paid for, and if the less, less paid for - (the fact is, there are more than 3 acres to get - and he said he had not got quite 3 acres) he then proposed paying the £250 now due by instalments - would A- let him pay £200 a year till the £250 should be paid off - his rent being £100 a year, his proposal = 2 ½ years to pay off the debt - no! said I, I do not think Miss Walker will agree to this - she wishes you to pay the £250 without further loss of time she wants all the money she has - or will do very shortly I obscurely hinting at her purchase of Sir JR-‘s estate - Illingworth said he would have a written agreement this time and began insinuating that when he thought he had ladies and gentlemen to deal with etc I turned pretty quickly round upon him, and reminded him that this sort of insinuation would certainly not be listened to by A- and would do him no good - he began to see this, and to back out of the scrape as well as he could - we had by this time walked from the wheel-race to opposite the Stag’s head and had stood some minutes - I was glad to leave him not liking my gentleman much - thought it would not do for him to pounce upon poor A- set off (after telling Charles Howarth, who had been waiting, how I would have the palisades set up at Mytholm) set off to meet her - met her just on this side the turnpike - told her if she met J- to stick to the £20 per acre - and that she would have the £250 without further loss of time - returned by Lower brea, and the walk, and cascade bridge - had Mr. Husband ordered window to come from Northgate tomorrow for the new Laundry (late phaeton house) and came in at 6 40 - dinner at 6 ¾ - coffee -A - did her French - sat talking - a few drops of rain between 4 and 5 - regular rain came on about 7 for the rest of the evening so could not go out - with my aunt from 9 ¼ to 9 ¾ - Robert Mann + 4 - he and 3 pulled down palisades and wall in front of the back part of the house and he himself went with the cart and took the gates and palisades to Mytholm in the afternoon - they were levelling the court too a little in the morning - his man Jack Green helping Frank to rake up rubble spared from the wall building in front of the house which rubble F- carted to the new road near the farmyard gates - John Booth all day weeding strawberries in Mytholm garden - from 9 ¾ to 11 wrote note to Mr. Mackean to go in the morning, and wrote all but the first 2 ½ lines of today - F57 ½° now at 11 pm.
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