#i was NOT expecting it to pull on my heartstrings so much!
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fishteeth1 · 4 hours ago
Yes yes YES! Oh, I was hoping I’d get to see him lose his hands! Sapphire’s early design is so cool and SO terrifying in action! I was wondering what was going on with that spike-limb-thing, and now I know! And the fact that the big robot fellow witnessed it is just breaking my heart!
I just love how Julian had no clue Sapphire would be so aware and feel so much anguish, and I love how he’s trying his best not to make that mistake again. I love how he’s trying to communicate with the big fellow. Sure, it could be taken as simple self-preservation (especially with how he’s hiding his hands in that panel), but it really does look like Julian has at least somewhat decent intentions. And the tragedy that the big robot is refusing Julian’s attempts to communicate, in an effort to protect him (and perhaps itself). I wonder if Julian would be touched by this gesture- or HORRIFIED that another one of his creations had the sentience to hurt him if it so chose to all along.
Sorry for the rambling and probably wildly-incorrect character analysis. I could probably gush about these guys for hours! Thank you for answering my question and showing your drawings!!!
I am becoming so obsessed with Julian!!! I don’t know what it is about him. He just has the demeanor of a terrified prey animal all the time and its so endearing!
You don’t have to answer this if it’s too spoiler-y, but I gotta ask: Did Julian build Sapphire and the big robot fellow? If so, which did he build first? It would probably be smart of him to stop after Sapphire took his hands. Though, I find it funny that he might’ve just… NOT learned his lesson and built an even bigger and more dangerous robot protect him lmao
Anyways, love your ocs!!! They’re so neat!
Thank you for asking about poor poor Julian!!! Yea, he is a very smart man who is also doomed to do stupid things thanks to him wanting to just see what he can do.
Sapphire was build first, they were an experimentation of "can you copy a human and put them into a machine". It was a success but also, not. They had planned it that the person kinda wakes up as a blank slate but can act as a human aka no need to code, you can just copy paste human "mechanics" into a bot. Sapphire woke up pissed off and very aware.
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Julian is living his worst life but he also really really wants to build things and needs resources to do so. His boss is also an egomaniac who really wants to take over the government and the world before her brother does, so Julian is stuck.
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His robot friend, full AI, sees his anguish and somehow grows its own personality and life goals. It's not stupid tho, it's keeping it's sentience a secret. For a while, at least. It really wants Julian to be able to relax
Julian's design has changed along the years but his character really hasn't. He's always been a nervous wreck
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demonpiratehuntress · 3 months ago
they make you cry
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Kaku x F!Reader, Law x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader
summary - sometimes you just can't handle the things they say/do
warnings - angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
taglist - @kabloswrld
a/n - this took forever to write, and I'm sorry! had to fight my writer's block real hard to get this out ☠️ some of them seem rushed and im sorry about that too!
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Zoro could be mean, you knew this when you started dating him. He didn't mince his words, nor did he sugarcoat anything. Especially when he was angry, that's when he could be the cruelest. You just never expected to be on the receiving end of that cruelty.
You were just trying to help, honestly. You thought it might be a nice gesture if you wiped his swords clean for him while he napped, and you thought he'd appreciate it. But the moment you dropped them while putting them back and woke him up, it was like something had possessed him.
"What the hell are you doing?" He demanded, sitting up and looking at you, his eyes hard.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to clean them for you," you tried explaining yourself, hoping he wouldn't be too angry. Hoping he would calm down and stop looking at you like that.
"Why would you think that?" He scoffed. "I clean them myself, there's no need for you to do it. There's no need for you touch them at all, actually."
"I'm sorry," you apologised again, shrinking away and feeling hurt by his tone already.
"Just don't do it again," he snapped, "You don't know anything about swords. It wouldn't be such a problem if you were more like me and less like you."
"Less like me?" The tears filled your eyes before you could stop them. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing, just go away and let me nap."
And go away you did. You left his room with your eyes almost overflowing, hand covering your mouth to stifle the sob that was about to come out. You didn't understand what brought that on, why he had been so mean to you.
"(Name), wait-"
You ran off the moment his door opened again, trying to put as much distance between him and yourself as possible. You were hurt, so incredibly hurt, that you barely made it to your room before you broke down in tears, burying your face in your hands. You tried to calm down, you did, but his unprovoked verbal attack struck you right where it hurt the most, your heart. You didn't understand what he meant by "less like you", and you didn't think you wanted to. It was insult enough already.
A knock on your door startled you, and you quickly wiped your face to try and get rid of the tears but your eyes were still red and puffy. Which was immediately noticed by the swordsman when you opened the door, and he frowned.
"Were you crying?"
"What do you want?" You asked him, sniffing. "Did you come to insult me more? Maybe tell me again to stay away from your precious swords? Save it."
"I'm sorry," he interjected, taking you by surprise. He shifted nervously, not really knowing how to apologise but wanting to try because you meant more to him than he could ever say and he hated that he'd hurt you.
"Is that it?" You scoffed, about to close the door.
"No, no wait!" He stopped you, swallowing thickly and looking at the floor. "You know I'm not good with apologies. But I mean it when I say I'm sorry for what I said. You were just trying to do something nice for me and I snapped at you because I was in a mood. The stupid cook annoyed me earlier and I...didn't mean to take it out on you."
You crossed your arms, trying to look mad but you only looked sad and it tugged at Zoro's heartstrings, "Okay."
His expression softened, and when you allowed him he pulled you into his arms and hugged you, trying to show how sorry he was through his actions since he couldn't say it. He rubbed your back soothingly, pressing a gentle and apologetic kiss to the top of your head.
"But if you speak to me like that again, I'm throwing your swords into the ocean."
He chuckled, "Deal."
He spent the next few days making it up to you in various ways, either buying you a special gift from any island you stopped by, or hugging/cuddling you a little longer than usual, or teaching you some moves with his swords to prove he trusted you with them. Eventually, when his overbearing affection started worrying the crew, you had to forgive him.
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The crew was celebrating a big win. Stopping by a nearby island, majority of the crewmembers could be found in bars and taverns, drinking their weight in alcohol. You were amongst them, not drinking as much but joining the merriment regardless. You smiled at the antics of your crewmates, who were trying to drunkenly flirt with woman around the room.
Your smile vanished the moment your eyes settled on your boyfriend, who was busy entertaining a crowd of younger women with the tale of your victory.
Now normally that isn't a cause for upset with you, but he tended to get a little overfriendly and even though you've spoken to him about it many, many times, he hasn't made an effort to stop his flirting - even if he didn't see it as flirting, those women certainly did. And that was the problem, he always let them think that and allowed them to get handsy with him.
You rolled your eyes, downing your drink so you could get out of here. When you lowered your pint again, the sight of one of their hands on his arm made you sick. Usually you would get angry and storm over there and break up the party, but today the sight brought tears to your eyes. It hurt you that he always did this, even when you'd asked him not to.
"(Name), where you going?" One of your crewmates asked you when they noticed you getting up. "It's still early!"
You forced a smile, trying to hide your glassy eyes, "I, uh-"
"(Name)!" Ace called you cheerfully, waving you over, "Come here!"
You frowned, then shook your head before turning and leaving the bar, letting the tears fall now that you were out of sight from the rest of the crew. Your vision blurred on the way back to the ship, but you somehow managed to get there without hurting yourself and broke down into quiet sobs as you sat on your bed and buried your face in your hands.
Sometimes it felt like you weren't enough for him, whether it was physically or emotionally. He could make you feel like the worst lover sometimes, like you couldn't give him what he wanted, even if he didn't mean to. You knew he had commitment issues, but you thought your relationship was getting more serious at this point.
"(Name)!" Ace burst into the room, looking worried. "Hey, why did you leave?"
You didn't answer, turning away from him and curling up into a foetal position facing the wall your bed was placed against. You couldn't look at him right now, not when the tears wouldn't stop.
"Baby?" He called again, the bed dipping beside you to indicate that he had sat down. "I know you're not asleep."
He reached out and gently touched your shoulder, urging you to turn around and face him. You sighed and shifted around, looking at him with a tear-stained face. His eyes instantly went wide and he flew into a panic.
"What happened? Did someone do something to you?"
"Ugh, stop it," you groaned, sitting up. "Don't pretend to care about me when you constantly do what I tell you hurts my feelings." Just mentioning it again brought the tears back, and you cursed.
He frowned when you said this, "But I wasn't flirting with them."
You gave him an exasperated look, "Do you ever realise that they consider it flirting? That they try to seduce you with all their little touches and stupid flirty smiles? No, you don't." You hastily wiped your eyes, now getting angry.
"I'm sorry-"
"No, Ace. You do this all the time. And it really, really hurts."
His expression softened, and he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap with ease. No matter how mad you were at him, your body never fought his touch or embrace.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled into your hair. "I didn't realise they were trying to do that. I was so caught up in telling the story, especially the part where you took out all of those pirates, that I didn't see they weren't really interested. I'm sorry I'm so stupid."
The sincerity in his voice eased your mood, and you slowly stopped crying and pulled away to look at him, "Next time just ask me to come sit with you."
"I'll do better than that baby, I'll put you on my lap."
"You know that doesn't end well."
"On the contrary-"
You sighed and shook your head, unable to help the smile that formed on your lips. He really was an idiot, but he was your idiot and even if he did stupid things a lot of the time, you loved him very much.
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You and Kaku hardly ever fought, because he was a very patient and very reasonable man. He never gave you any reason to be upset with him, because while he was a ruthless assassin, to you he was an absolute sweetheart. The only problem was that he sometimes left for long missions, and you were left worrying about him at home and not knowing what was going on because he was deep undercover that he couldn't even contact you.
Like now, where he was working undercover as a foreman in Water 7. You had asked him once again if you could come with, seeing as neither of you knew how long he'd be away this time. But he refused, gently reminding you that he didn't want to put you in any danger and that your house - so far off the grid absolutely no one knew about it - was the safest place for you. You had no other option but to agree.
After many, many months spent worrying about him and struggling to sleep not knowing what's going on, your boyfriend stumbled in through the front door one night absolutely destroyed. You'd come down with one of his swords in hand - one that he kept around the house for you - only to stop dead at the sight of Kaku standing there. Actually, standing was generous. He was barely keeping himself off the ground, tall frame hunched over and trembling.
"Oh my god, Kaku!" You dropped the blade and rushed to his side, laying one of his arms around your shoulders so you could at least help him to the couch. "What the hell happened?"
"It's a long story," he groaned, laying his head over the back of the couch and closing his eyes. "Short version - the Straw Hats."
You frowned at his brief response, going to fetch your first aid kit - you'd learned after the first few times he came home that you'd need one - and bringing it back to him.
"I think I deserve an explanation," you pressed, sitting beside him and starting to tend to his more obvious wounds. "You owe me that much."
"I don't want to talk about it," he grumbled. "I'm sorry."
You didn't respond, and he cracked an eye open to see why. When he noticed how your eyes had become glassy and your bottom lip was trembling but you were biting it hard to stop it, his expression softened.
"Oh, honey."
He gently took the first aid from you and set it aside before bringing you into his arms, wrapping them around you securely. He pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head, ignoring the pain as he held you against his chest.
"I'm sorry."
"This is the worst I've ever seen you," you managed to get out, your voice small and hurt. "I had no contact with you for the longest time since you started working for them, and then you come back looking like this..." You couldn't help it, the tears just kept falling no matter how hard you tried to stop them.
He held you tighter, then moved one hand up to wipe your tears away, "But I came back, didn't I? I'm here."
You knew he was trying to reassure you, but it was difficult to be reassured when he constantly did this to you. You looked at him sceptically.
"Why would I ever risk dying?" He questioned softly, cupping your cheek in his large hand. "I have you to come home to, I don't put myself in a situation I don't think I can come out of." He kissed the tip of your nose, to make you smile like it always did. "Besides, did you ever think that maybe I like having you play nurse for me?"
You managed a small smile, warmed by his words, "Oh you do, huh?"
"I guess I can forgive you. On one condition."
"Anything, honey."
"I'm coming with you on your next assignment."
"...I don't have a choice, do I?"
He sighed, but planted a loving kiss on your forehead, "If it will ease your mind, then okay. But you have to let me make sure your cover is safe too."
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Law was a very complicated man, with a lot of baggage and trauma he liked to keep away from everyone else. He was reclusive, and he never quite expressed his emotions as healthily as he should. Most days you did your best to understand, to step back and be the more rational one. But sometimes his actions don't make sense, and he ends up hurting you a lot more than he thinks - or notices.
Take the last few days, for example. You two had grown quite close over the course of your relationship and he was now quite comfortable with you and showing you affection - although still privately. But ever since you'd met the Straw Hat crew and he'd been introduced to their smartest member, Robin, he'd been a lot more distant and a lot less affectionate. Like he was beginning to forget you existed.
You started to feel insecure about not being as intelligent as her and not having anything in common with your boyfriend. You'd never liked books, they paled in comparison to the adventures you embarked on on a daily basis. But now it had come back to haunt you, and in the worst way possible.
"Law, do you want to-"
"Not now, (Name)-ya," he didn't even look up from his work. "I'm just finishing some notes on something that Robin asked for."
"Oh, okay. Let me know when you're-"
"I will be heading to their ship shortly, she has a collection of books I would like to study."
"...Right. Okay."
You blinked back tears, knowing he would just get irritated with your emotional display. Turning away from him, you left the room to go get some air and maybe feel sorry for yourself. It did hurt, him immediately dismissing you for another woman, even if it wasn't romantic. He was spending less time with you, and more time with her.
Your face lit up, thinking Law had finally come to his senses. But when you turned around, you saw him making his way to the Thousand Sunny while Bepo was the one who had called out to you. And then you couldn't hold it back anymore; you burst into tears.
You usually didn't cry like this. You were good at keeping your emotions in check. It was a side-effect of being around the stoic captain so much - you'd learned how to control your own emotions. But right now, it was too much to bear and your insecurities and fears came crashing down around you, drowning you in sorrow.
"What's wrong??" Bepo asked worriedly, immediately pulling you into a hug. "Did something happen?"
"No," you hiccupped, "I mean, yes, but it doesn't matter."
Your eyes drifted to the deck of the Sunny, where Law was engaged in what looked like a meaningful conversation with the female devil fruit user. Sighing, you tried your best to wipe your eyes and gently pushed Bepo away.
"I'm okay, I just...I need to be alone."
As you walked off, Bepo followed your gaze and spotted the issue. He frowned, having also noticed that his captain had recently been preferring Robin's company over his own girlfriend.
"Captain!" The bear called, rushing over to Law and Robin.
"Not now, Bepo," Law dismissed him, returning his attention to the raven-haired woman.
"But something is wrong with (Name)!" Bepo protested, whoch was a half-lie, half-truth. There was something wrong, but it wasn't with you. He just knew Law wouldn't follow him back otherwise.
"What?" Law instantly felt worry start to fill him. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, I saw her just now, crying, and then she ran off."
Law frowned. He didn't like it when you cried. Not because it was irritating, but because he always got this weird, ugly feeling when you did. You should never have to cry, you should never have to feel pain. Instantly, he goes back to the Polar Tang but not to look for you. He just simply uses his devil fruit to get you back into his room, and when he does he feels guilty by the sight.
Your eyes are red and puffy and you're sniffing like you're sick, but you're not sick. You're avoiding his gaze and casting your eyes downward to the floor, unable to look at him. And you're hugging yourself.
"(Name)-ya," he calls, hoping to get you to look at him.
"I thought you were with Robin," you tell him quietly, the hurt evident in your small, vulnerable voice.
He frowns, "I was, but-"
"Then we don't need to talk about anything," you cut him off. "I'm fine, go bacl to your conversation." You can't help being a bit snippy, tired of crying and even more so of being sad.
"You have been crying," he argued, "That is my concern."
"Oh really?" You suddenly glared at him. "I didn't think you'd notice. But you didn't, did you? Bepo had to tell you, because you were so engrossed in your new girlfriend!" You scoffed, rubbing your face and getting up. "Leave me alone."
"No," Law blocked your path out of the room. "I want to talk about this. And...I want to apologise for hurting you." He paused awkwardly, never good with apologies. "I didn't mean to spend so much time with her and neglect you, I promise. I just kept losing track of time, and I got a little bit eager that someone else was interested in some of the same things I am."
"Yeah, I know," you mumbled, "I'm sorry I'm not that person. I'm sorry I'm not your ideal girlfriend." The tears started falling again, and the ache returned to Law's chest.
"That's not what I meant," he moved closer, "You are perfect just the way you are. I don't want you to be like me, I don't think I could date someone like me. I often wonder how you do it."
Your eyes widen at the vulnerable revelation, and that leads you to start listening to his sincere words and slowly calm down.
"If I neglect you like that again, please just tell me," he pleaded, taking your hands in his. "Don't suffer in silence, I don't like seeing how it's affected you. And I don't like being the reason you cry. So please, just talk to me when I hurt you. Pull me away from any conversation, throw my books, whatever. Just make sure I listen."
"Okay," you slowly smiled, nodding. "But you can't yell at me if I do."
He sighed, but felt relieved that he was forgiven, "I won't."
"Great. Now you owe me a lot of cuddles and even more kisses," you pout. "And double the amount of hugs."
"Done, done and done," he murmured as he leaned down to kiss you sweetly and gently.
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If Luffy hasn't upset you in some way, you'd be suspicious. His carefree nature was bound to anger or frustrate you in some way or the other, and his tendency to overexert himself in fights often ended with you concerned for his health in general. He's never made you cry, because if there's one thing Luffy can do well it's keep his promises.
Until he meets Boa Hancock.
And you get it. She's gorgeous, she's powerful, she's a queen. She's everything a woman should be, and you can't help but feel envious of the attention she gets from men. Luffy doesn't really care for her looks, which is a little comforting, however she found the way to his heart and every time you guys met her on the ocean she had the nerve to throw him a huge feast. And your beloved, naive boyfriend always thought she was just being nice and gorged himself on her food, missing the way she looked at him longingly and not understanding her flirtatious advances.
But you understood them very well.
But as mentioned before, she's a powerful person. Not just because she's a devil fruit user, but also because she's a Warlord. You knew you couldn't piss her off in any way, for the safety of the crew, but she had no such qualms. It seemed she knew that you hated how much she attended to Luffy, she knew how much you hated her advances and how Luffy always ate whatever she offered. And she abused her title, doing it on purpose because she knew there was nothing you could do.
Most of the time it was just frustrating beyond comparison. But slowly it ate away at you, and one particular meeting had you excusing yourself in an attempt to escape what seemed like a suffocating situation.
Boa was once again on your ship - it seemed like she purposely sought it out just to see your boyfriend, and she probably did. Luffy was enjoying yet another one of her feasts, and she was sat right beside him. Touching his arm and saying sweet things to him like he didn't already have a girlfriend. Batting her eyelashes at him and offering him sweet smiles that would knock the socks off any man other than Luffy. Once again, he didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable it made you, and you felt your eyes brim with tears.
Maybe he did notice and just didn't mind. Maybe he did notice and actually enjoyed her attention like everyone else did. Maybe you had him all wrong in this particular situation. He had spent a long time with her on her island, after all.
"Excuse me," you mumble to no one in particular, rising from your seat and swiftly exiting the room. It was like you couldn't breathe, your throat burning as the tears started falling faster and faster, until you could barely see.
You were sure he hasn't even noticed you were gone. He probably hadn't even seen you leave. And that thought had you clinging to your pillow harder as you screamed into it, hot angry tears rolling down your cheeks in unstoppable waves. You were so hurt and upset that you didn't notice your room door swing open and a certain captain barge in.
"(Name)?" Luffy called, sounding confused. "Are you okay?"
You felt your body bounce a little as the overeager captain jumped onto your bed, but in your stubbornness you refused to look at him and turned away instead.
"Go away, Luffy."
Luffy was not used to hearing those words from you. Nor was he used to hearing the sadness in your voice, the way it cracked halfway, and the miserable sniff that came afterwards. He was not used to seeing you like this, so sad.
"What's wrong?" He tugged on your shoulder, trying to get you to turn back around to face him. "Are you sick? Is your stomach sore?"
"No, Luffy!" You sat up and yelled in exasperation. "I'm tired! I'm so, so tired okay!" You rubbed your face and curled up, thighs pressed tightly to your chest. "I'm tired of my boyfriend letting some other woman fawn over him with no boundaries. I'm tired of watching my boyfriend be sweet-talked and flirted with by some other woman. And I can't do anything, because she's a Warlord!"
Luffy's eyes went wide, and then he burst out laughing, "Are you worried about Hammock?" The incorrect name almost had you smiling, but you managed to keep your face stoic. "(Name), I only want you. You know that right?"
"Yes," you sighed, "And I trust you, Luffy. It's just...you never stop her and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not enough. Like she does more for you than I ever could." Your gaze fell. "Sometimes I think you actually like her."
Suddenly his arms were around you and he was squeezing you in the tightest hug he'd ever given.
"I don't like anyone the way I like you, (Name)," he promised. "ANd I never will. You are the only person who makes me feel like this, and you do enough for me already. You cook for me! I bet Hammock doesn't even make the food herself. If it came to choosing you or her, it would always be you."
Your cheeks burned when he said that, and slowly a smile formed on your lips, "That's really sweet, Luffy. Thank you. I needed to hear that."
He nuzzled his face against yours affectionately, "I will remind you as many times as you want!"
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Sanji's most annoying habit tended to irritate you majority of the time, and every instance ended with you practically fuming and storming off after telling him off angrily. He would normally appease you with something sweet, or your favourite dish. In some extreme cases, both. But you never stayed mad at him, because he made it impossible for you to do so. You just never expected that one day the hurt would become too much for you to handle, and you'd react with sadness rather than fury.
The crew had been given the day off to explore another island. Everyone had split to do their own things, but the cook insisted on accompanying you because it was one of the rare times he got to spend alone with you for an entire day. So the two of you strolled through the vibrant town, enjoying the atmosphere and each other's presence.
That is, until Sanji forgot about your warning to not flirt with anyone on this island. He deemed it just being a gentleman, but you knew better than that.
When you caught him staring as your words faltered, you expected the usual bout of anger to flare within you. You were ready to tell him off again, a dozen insults coming to mind for that woman, when you felt a sharp pang in your chest instead. Your words caught in your throat, and a sorrow like nothing you'd ever experienced filled you.
Had he been staring the entire time you were talking to him? To make matters worse, he seemed to forget you were speaking and drifted over to the lady to compliment her dress.
You felt humiliated. No one here actually knew you two, but it was embarrassing that you couldn't even keep your lover's attention on you. Your cheeks burned, your throat along with them, and your eyes brimmed with tears. It was made worse when you glanced around at all the other couples, and found them happily clinging to each other and acting like they were the only two people in the world.
"What do you think, ma chérié?" Sanji's voice suddenly filled your ears. "Do you like it?"
You hastily wiped your eyes, trying to look like you did before, "Um, like what? Sorry, I wasn't listening..."
He didn't seem to notice the sadness in your tone or the forlorn expression on your face, he just barrelled on, "This pretty young woman's dress, what do you think of it?"
"A-are you serious?" You choked out, feeling the burning in your throat get worse.
"Yes! Doesn't it look nice?"
You couldn't take it anymore. You were hyperventilating at this point. Scared of being embarrassed further with your impending sobbing, you turned and sprinted as fast as you could away from the scene. He called after you, but you weren't listening.
He arrived at the ship at the same time you did, leaving you confused. You were about to push past him when he grabbed your waist, stopping you.
"Wait, my love, I'm sorry," he apologised, "Don't cry, please."
You smacked his hand away from your face, "No, don't. If you were really sorry, you'd stop flirting with every woman you see like I told you to! But no, you keep doing it." Your eyes watered again. "Do you have any idea what it's like? Seeing your own lover interested in someone else, not even listening to you?"
Sanji was speechless. He had no idea it affectef you this much, but he blamed himself for going on with it even when you told him not to.
"How would you feel if I flirted with every guy I saw?" You demanded.
"Oh no, please don't," he begged, heart sinking at the thought.
"But it's okay for you to do it?" You looked away, and his heart broke.
"I'm sorry," he apologised again, "I am, really. But I wasn't flirting with her, I promise! I was just asking where she got that dress because it looked so nice and I thought it would look good on you..."
Your eyes widened when you heard this, "Wait, what? Is that why you asked if I liked it?"
"Mhm," he smiled, "I wanted to get it for you if you did."
You were the speechless one now. All that time he had been thinking of you, and you'd gone and assumed the worst. Now you felt even more embarrassed, but for a totally different reason.
"Sanji, I-"
"No need to apologise, love," he immediately hugged you when it seemed like it was okay for him to. "I haven't exactly given you reasons to trust me not to flirt. But I promise, I am doing my best to not do it. I don't want to lose you."
He really was too cute to stay mad at, or even to stay sad about, and you ended up smiling and leaning in to kiss him.
"Fine, but do it again and I'm going to leave you for Zoro."
His face paled, "No no, ma chérie, you can't be serious! Love, wait! Are you serious??" And he followed you to your room, begging you to tell him you were lying.
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You were well aware that Usopp had had a romantic interest in a girl long before he met you. He would never tell you about her, but Nami and Luffy told you about her and what they knew about her relationship with Usopp. As far as you could tell, they had never done anything more than kiss once.
You felt like you were getting in the way of their relationship, and most days that thought just put you into an emotionless daze. You felt like you couldn't compare, because she seemed to be his first love. And as bad as this sounds, you started to feel like you were a relationship of convenience to him. Someone to keep him company while he longed for another.
"You know that's not true," Nami would reassure you when you confided in her. "He's not like that. He really loves you."
"I can tell he thinks about her sometimes," you argue, "And we don't know whether or not he imagines her in my place when we kiss or do anything remotely romantic. Who's to say he wouldn't go back to her if we somehow made it back to the East Blue?"
Nami couldn't give you the answer to that, and it hurt all the more. You tried not to let it get to you, you really did, but some days were worse than others. Some days you felt inferior, like you were not as pretty as she was, even though you'd never seen her. If he was so crazy about her to still be thinking about her months after he'd met you, he surely still loved her, right?
"Usopp, I have a question," Nami asked the sharpshooter one day.
"Uhhhh, no I did not borrow any money from you..." He replied nervously, eyes darting around the room.
The navigator's eyes narrowed, "We'll get to that later. Anyway, if we went back to the East Blue, what would you do? Would you want to rekindle your relationship with Kaya?"
Usopp's face paled, "What kind of question is that?!"
"Just answer!"
"I...I don't know!" He cried, then attempted to flee only to see you standing in the doorway, your eyes glistening. "(Name)-"
"I get it," you swallowed thickly, "She was your first love. I just wish you'd stop pretending like this relationship means anything to you." You turned and retreated to your room, locking the door and falling down against it, tears flowing freely.
You knew it was unfair. You knew he'd known her his whole life and you just a year. But you kind of hoped that since you'd actually developed what you thought was a meaningful, deep romantic relationship with him, he wouldn't have to think about it. You kind of hoped he would just choose you, simple as that. And you know it was unfair to him, and selfish of you. But you couldn't help it.
"(Name)!" The sharpshooter knocked on your door. "Please let me in!" He sounded panicked, like he did before you all went into a fight.
"Go away, Usopp," you yelled, but the pain in your voice was too clear for him to ignore.
Normally he would give up. He does that very easily. But when it comes to you he doesn't stop, and he never will. He hates leaving you on your own, especially when you're upset and even more so when he's the reason you're upset.
"Please, baby," he pleaded, "Let me explain! I never said I would! Please, just open up. Let's talk about this!"
"You can say what you want through the door," you told him, "Otherwise we don't talk at all." And yes, again this was unfair to him, but again you couldn't help it.
"I know what you must be thinking," he immediately started, "And you're wrong. Yes I used to love Kaya, and yes we almost had a relationship, but that was clearly not meant to be. Because I met you, and I fell in love with you, and I can't imagine loving anyone else now that I know what it feels like to love you." He paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say, and then, "You're the love of my life now, and I know that it will stay that way even if we were to somehow end up back in the East Blue. You are my girlfriend now, and I only ever want or think about you. Please believe me, it'll only ever be you."
Hearing all of this slowly calmed you down, and you didn't even notice when the tears stopped. His sincere, loving words hit you right where you needed them the most, and you stood up to open the door.
"You mean all that?"
"Yes," he looked like he was on the verge of tears himself. "Please don't break up with me."
"Oh, Usopp," you laughed and wiped your eyes, "I could never do that. Especially not after such sweet words. You're stuck with me."
"And hopefully always will be," he added, immediately hugging you and almost crushing your bones. "I'm so sorry (Name), I'm sorry I made you cry!" And then he actually started crying.
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fairlyang · 4 months ago
Ready 🕷️
w/c: 712
pairing: husband!miguel o’hara x wife!reader
tags: 18+ smut. halloween special<3 giving out candy, he’s thinkin, breeding kink, pregnancy, unprotected sex (duh), creampies, dirty talk
kinktober masterlist | main masterlist
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being miguel’s wife where you loved decorating for the holidays and being as extra as you could. so for halloween you found those cute inflatables to put in the front yard so the kids would know you’d be giving away candy.
you found such a perfect couples costume he found it hard to say no to because of your excited face.
he heard the doorbell ring and the trick or treaters have started for the night. he went downstairs from getting changed to find you bending down holding the bowl of candy to small kids.
you were complimenting them on their superhero costumes then waved goodbye. you shut the door and turned around to find your husband as handsome as ever.
“a real shame about that wig…” you joked and stepped forward to him, fixing the orange ascot.
“you’re fucking crazy if you thought i was gonna wear a blonde wig…” he scoffs making you chuckle.
“well it seems i’m just more committed to the cause then.” you tease and pull away.
the doorbell rang once again and you quickly went towards the door, opening and gasping at the little princesses in front of you. their little hands reached into the bowl and it warmed your heart.
miguel was watching you closely, eyes softening and a small smile appearing on his lips just imagining you as a mom. you’d be the best, the most nurturing mom ever.
it’d be the cutest thing to have a daughter and for her to look just like you, your mini me.
this conversation has been talked about plenty of times, always going back and forth if you’re really ready.
but watching you be so sweet and affectionate tugged on his heartstrings way more than he expected. it usually did anyway but tonight was just different.
he was ready.
you closed the door and turned to look at him again, this time his facial expression was much different.
he looked at you in your daphne blake costume, looking so gorgeous in that purple dress and matching heels, that not so cheap looking wig and he knew what you’d be doing after all the candy was done.
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it was a brutal two hours later that he was finally able to take you into your bedroom, lift your dress up, rip your pink tights, and ensure you’re coming out of the bedroom pregnant.
he had already came inside you once doggy style on the edge of the bed, then had you ride him which had you tired too quickly so you were just grinding back and forth. you quickly came up with the bright little idea to spell his name with your hips repeatedly and by the third time he realized what you were doing, having no choice but to cum again.
after placing a towel beneath you so the cum can leak out for a few seconds is when he decides to flip you onto your stomach.
so now you were fucked out of your mind, makeup destroyed, wig barely intact as he fucked you prome bone style but making sure his body was barely hovering over yours. you were feeling so sensitive but at the same time didn’t want him pulling out because he was fucking you so good.
he was hitting the right spot with every thrust, going even deeper than before, practically hitting your cervix as you moaned out for him, “fuck baby- p-please-“
he moaned into your ear then kissing the side of your neck as he felt his cock twitching again. if this didn’t make you pregnant, he’d just have to try again tomorrow. the whole day if that’s what it takes.
he was determined and mind set.
“gonna be so pretty when you’re pregnant baby.” he grunted and you clenched against him.
you both moaned, going back and forth with dirty words, “yeah? gonna make sure you fill me up baby?”
“it’s what you deserve, my love.”
“please don’t stop-“
“c’mon, let’s have that family we’ve dreamed of.”
“please give it to me-“
you turned your head to kiss him and with the sloppiest of thrusts and slow kiss, he spilled his last load into you murmuring sweet i love yous as you both came hoping three rounds would be enough
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gotta-winwin · 1 month ago
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⭐ starring: jeonghan
💌 genre/wc: angst, fluff / 1.5k
💬 preview: jeonghan held your heart in the palm of his hands, his fingertips connected to the heartstrings that led to your chest.
tw/cw: fwb!jeonghan x reader, timeskips, abstract sex, messy love, mentions of grief and depression, growing old together
🪽fic rating: 18+
☁️ masterlist & a/n: based on the song black friday by tom odell, i've always loved the idea of finding the right person yet always having to wait for the right time. this is a part of my 500 followers celebration event -- our last instalment before february!
p.s thank you so much to @lovetaroandtaemin and @diamonddaze01 for beta reading ! my lovely wife tara also made the banner <33
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Breathe in. 
It was the middle of the night but you were still awake, hovering by your phone as you waited, humming some nonsensical tune as you eyed your phone. 
Tonight was Black Friday, and Jeonghan might’ve been able to scrape by the afternoon, but you knew he wouldn’t survive the night. Not without you. 
The phone rang. Two sharp notes. Just like you expected it would. 
“Hello?” You raised the phone to your ear, listening carefully to the other end. Harsh pants and deep breaths reached you, as distant music echoed through the phone. 
“Y/N.” Jeonghan’s voice was scratchy and harmed, not at all like his usual angelic tone. “I-” 
“Send me your location.” You knew what he was here for. 
Breathe out. 
Jeonghan encroached on your territory like old companions would, chucking his shoes off in a lonely corner before enveloping you, arms closing around your waist as he buried himself close. And as much as you knew he did not belong to you, you couldn’t help but relax. It was neither your fault or his that the embrace always felt similarly shaped to home. 
“Y/N.” Your name fell from his lips in a breathless whisper. 
The skin around his eyes were colored the shade of red. 
“Hannie.” Pulling him into your living room, you gently pushed him down onto the couch, moving into the kitchen to make him a cup of tea. Green tea. A splash of sugar. No lemon. Just the way he preferred it to be. 
Silence was a precious commodity in your time with Jeonghan, as the two of you fed off each other's silences alone. Jeonghan would feel his mind slow, his tears fade, his lungs unruffle and breathe once again. You would feel waves of heartache and lingering pain. 
Jeonghan was that vice of yours, something unattainable and unjustified. Jeonghan came to you in moments of grief -- and you knew it wasn’t right to take advantage of that vulnerability. 
You told yourself again and again, maybe next time. Maybe next time you’d see each other in a better setting, one where you could approach him and tell him how you felt. 
The time never came. 
And so, you loved Jeonghan from afar, gentle hands tending to invisible wounds as your heart laid out on the table, bruised and fresh for the picking. 
Breathe in. 
Jeonghan worshiped you like he was trying to forget himself. Fervently, desperately, hips thrusting in time with your shared moans, his eyes trained on you like it was only the two of you in the world. Grief would be washed away with mind blowing pleasure and the first spark of love, if only momentarily. 
When all was finished, he’d collapse beside you, sweaty skin pressing against your back as he whispered his quiet thanks, the well meant praises he promised were only for your ears to hear. He’d run his slender fingers through your hair, basking in the light your happiness gave him.
But like many good things, you and Jeonghan were always momentary. 
Breathe out. 
Your breath hits the cold bitter air as you watch his back profile, overnight bag slung over his shoulder as he hailed down a cab. His smile is taunt and weak as he waves, the nostalgia of your face already sinking deep into his bones. 
He’ll miss you. Just never enough to call.
Breathe, again. 
By the time the next Black Friday rolls around, you’ve moved apartments. No longer being in the same city as Jeonghan irks you, the feeling is strange and unsettling. You worry about him more than you’d care to admit. How he’s doing, what life currently looks like for him. Jeonghan lives in your mind far more than someone who’s just a friend should. 
The phone rings. Once. Twice. While you’ve changed everything about your life ten times over since you’ve left highschool, your number is the only thing that stays constant. 
Your finger hovers over the green. You hesitate. You know who’s on the other end of the line. Your sleep paralysis demon. Your ghost. The boy who’s been haunting you all your life. 
“Jeonghan?” You speak into your phone. 
You pick up. You always do. 
“Y/N.” He breathes out. “I’m in your city.” A pause, and you hear the sound of partygoers behind him. “Can I come over?”
The cycle repeats. 
Breathe, for the last time. 
Jeonghan asks to fly you over. There’s a slight shift in the way he frames his words, a bit more bashful than you were used to him being. 
“Can you come over, baby? I’ll fly you to my city.” 
Jeonghan had never once crossed the line of calling you baby. 
But of course you had said yes. You always, fucking, did. 
“Of course.” You had replied, already looking at how many shifts you could cancel for the weekend. “I’d love to come see you.” 
Breathe, bitch. 
“I think I fell in love with you.” He admits, halfway through a bottle of red wine. “A little bit. Somewhere along the way of-” He gestures at the air between the two of you. “-this.” 
“What?” Your heart beats, so loud you swear he could hear it. 
“I’m in love with you.” A cheeky smile graces across his face and his eyes twinkle under the dim kitchen lights of his high rise apartment. The moon is full tonight. 
“You’re-” You choke on your words. “You’re in love with me? Since when?” 
He shrugged. “I don’t know. It just sort of, happened.” 
And although you’ve played out this moment in time a hundred times in your head, what you feel next surprises you. You don’t feel love, no. You feel red, hot, anger. 
“You’re in love with me?” The words come out loud, unrestrained and full of disbelief. “Oh, why? Because it’s now convenient for you?”
Jeonghan stares at you with his mouth parted. 
“I know you were grieving- but I don’t know- it didn’t hit you that maybe it was wrong to keep me on your every beck and call for these past ten years? Showing up whenever you need a woman’s comfort and touch to help you forget?” 
“You didn’t have to pick up.” 
A rippling laugh escapes you, along with a scoff. “I love you, Yoon Jeonghan. Of course I always picked up.” 
“You love me?” Because of course, that was the only thing he heard. 
You blink, taken aback by how soft his voice suddenly is. “I do.” It wasn’t hard to admit it anymore, not when it had been the one thing defining you for so long. 
Worlds collide when your lips touch, his chapped ones clinging onto every inch he could taste. It felt different -- entirely whole and innocent. Like playground lovers learning what intimacy felt like for the first time. 
“I wanted to wait before I could let myself love you.” Jeonghan tells you after, lying in bed as he once again, threads his slender fingers through your hair. “To pull myself into some semblance of a man, a man that deserved to love you. Who could.” 
You stared into his eyes, knowing he wasn’t finished talking. 
“Tell me.” You whispered. “Let me in your head.” 
But the grace period his grief had given him was gone. 
“I love you.” Is all he says, turning over to pull the sheets closer around him. “Remember that.” 
You would look back, and recall how it felt as if he was trying to remember it himself.
Breathe deep. 
It was only decades later did Jeonghan finish his thoughts, the same ones he had begun when the two of you were still bumbling adults, stumbling through life with your hands outstretched. 
“I was jealous.” He voices out one day, a seemingly unimportant wednesday evening. He sits on the rocking chair with his cup of tea, an old woolen blanket tucked over his lap. His reading glasses lie delicately on his nose as he looks at you. 
At first you don’t understand. “What?” Perhaps you hadn’t heard him correctly, your hearing had been worsening with age. 
“Back then,” Jeonghan continues. “When we were still in our twenties. I was jealous of how brightly you shined. You could walk into a room and light it up like a beacon.” He laughed, his body shaking with energy. “You woke me up better than any medicine could. I was this- dark ball of hatred and grief and uncertainty towards the world-”
Jeonghan had changed over the years since then. Marriage, kids, and growing old had changed him. Falling in love with you had changed him entirely. 
“You were my buoy.” He says definitively. “And I’m sorry that it took me nearly ten years to realize that I needed you. Loved you.” 
It felt like another lifetime. 
Reaching over from your own chair, you took his hand in yours -- his fingers no longer perfect but still just as slender. “That was eons ago, my love. And we have spent much more than ten years together.” 
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akutasoda · 7 months ago
some nights you dance with tears in your eyes
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synopsis - they catch you crying after not seeing you all day
includes - albedo, baizhu, alhaitham, kaveh, neuvilette
warnings - gn!reader, angst to confront, breakdowns?, wc - 1.4k
a/n: guys i promise working on requests, this has just been sat in my drafts for way too long-
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albedo ★↷
it wasn't entirely uncommon for him to leave for dragonspine and not return for a while, but he always made sure to let you know. albedo would make sure you saw him the morning he left, and he would make sure to not leave without giving you a hug and a kiss goodbye - he may not understand human emotions but he knew it made you happy.
you had come to accept his absences and understood how much his work meant to him. sometimes you'd even accompany him for a short while up there! but no matter what, you always eagerly anticipated his return after whatever amount of time. however, now more than ever, you wished him home even more.
work had been piling and piling, your luck turned sour and everything seemed to be crashing down on you. returning home to an empty house everyday didn't help either. eventually, it became too much for you.
one night you'd reached your breaking point. you tried to push everything to the back of your mind and convince yourself that tomorrow would be better, but you couldn't. as soon as you reached the privacy of your home, you broke down.
unbeknownst to you, albedo had arrived home earlier. he eagerly awaited seeing you again but assumed that you probably would be asleep by the time he got back, so he let himself in. once inside, there was no way he could've missed the heartbreaking noise of sobs.
naturally, he assumed it was you and his chalk heart shattered. albedo called out for you until he found you and he swore he would have cried himself at the sight of you crying. at first he rushed to bring you into his embrace, but he was hesitant, what if you wanted space?
but by the way you brokenly called his name changed his decision. he brought you into his embrace and held you tight as he let you cry your heart out.
baizhu ★↷
it was no surprise that bubu pharmacy could keep him extremely busy. he tried his hardest to try and keep a healthy balance but sometimes he could really be rushed off his feet. especially if he has an early start, like he did today.
a patient required quite the urgent attention early in the morning and so you didn't wake up alongside him like usual. you were tad bit disappointed that you wouldn't see him for awhile but you understood his circumstances. now you just looked forward to seeing him at the end of the day!
however, now you were just excited for this day to end. there was just so many things that either annoyed you or stressed you out to the point that you finished your day early and headed home. admittedly, you were disappointed to not see baizhu anywhere but you understood that he was busy and hoped he'd finish soon.
by the time that baizhu had finally managed to close the pharmacy for the night, it had gotten rather late. he was exhausted and desperately deprived of your presence, all he wanted to do was see you for the first time since this morning.
what he hadn't expected was to find you crying. immediately he could feel his heartstrings being pulled upon and he called out for you gently, seeing your glossy eyes only made him sadder.
he pulled you into his embrace and held you close. maybe tomorrow he could leave the pharmacy to his assistants while he takes you out for the day.
alhaitham ★↷
his days could vary quite wildy, he could be really busy or not very bust at all. either way he still preferred to keep to himself with a few exclusions - you being one of the main ones. so most days, you'd see him during the day.
however, if you were busy, he'd tend to leave you to it and would often encourage you to focus on your things rather then be distracted by him or anyone else. he'd even go as far as to completely avoid you if you had something really important coming up.
and today was just that. you had an extremely important deadline to hit and so alhaitham decided to give you the space to work properly on it. although, now that seems like the worst thing he could've done.
you're stress was high and everything seemed to be working against you, all you needed was a break but you simply could not find the time to indulge in such. you really hoped that alhaitham would come to distract you but you knew that was a long shot.
eventually, you got home. you were absolutely exhausted emotionally and physically and you needed to find your lover and relax for once. it was rather late at night so you found him propped up in bed reading. you didn't care less however and immediately found your way to collapse onto him.
before he could even question your behavior, he could feel your body practically shake as you finally let out all your emotions. he stayed silent as he placed his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
kaveh ★↷
you both knew very well that kaveh could often overwork himself, especially when he got a pretty good commission. he wouldn't so much as even take a break until it was completed and so sometimes it was difficult to see him during the day.
although he would become extra clingy later at night to make up for the time he could've spent with you - that and he was always reluctant to leave you in the morning if he knew. it was rather sweet, but sometimes he wouldn't be there when you needed him.
so while kaveh was busy fussing over new building plans, you were busy stressing over the amount of things you had to do. you were so close to reaching your breaking point but you'd rather not at the akadeymia and so you tried to hold on until you got home.
admittedly, you were disappointed that kaveh had yet to return home when you fid but you guessed you could just have some time to yourself and relax. although you greatly underestimated just how much the day had taken a toll on you, and before you knew it you were crying.
kaveh was absolutely beat by the time he dragged himself back and he couldn't wait to see you for the first time in ages. however his heart shattered when he saw you crying and he immediately made his way to you.
he took your shaky figure in his arms and held you close. he promised you then that whatever you wanted, he'd do it for you. he just couldn't bear to see you cry anymore.
neuvillette ★↷
the ludex of fontaine was always extremely busy. he tried his hardest to spend his time with you but more often than not, the only time's he could where before and after work. he did feel bad for not spending time with you but he held a lot of responsibility.
you knew better than to disturb him during work, and so you grew accustomed to not seeing him all day. if anything, it only made the time you two had together that much more special! you didn't mind exactly and if he did have the time, he'd let you know.
so when your day was turning horrid, you tried to press on and make it through but it was difficult. you wanted to go find your lover and relax but he was busy. as your day progressed it only became more difficult to continue on without breaking down into little pieces.
as soon as you got home, you tried desperately to calm yourself down and actually take a minute but it was proving inefficient. you knew that neuvilette only had one last trial today, so he should be home soon right?
however, by the time neuvilette actually managed to go home to you, he was greeted by your distraught self. oh how it made his heart ache to see you in such a state. he sat beside you and you immediately clung onto him and so he wrapped his arms arms around you, letting you finally cry.
that night, the rain in fontaine could only be described as torrential. a constant downpour that had citizens begging the hydro dragon to cheer up but how could he? only when he knew you were okay.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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drak3n · 1 year ago
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CONTENT WARNINGS: fwb to lovers trope, fluff, smut, he fucks you in your kitchen, single dad!toji, he’s a little possessive, reader is implied to be a bit younger than him (5+years)
sena’s note: i was going to write mechanic!toji first but changed my mind after seeing too much of that on tumblr. tattoo artist/piercer!choso is up next!
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➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who was going to enjoy a saturday home with his preschooler, having told his employer specifically that he wasn’t going to take any jobs today
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who ended up getting an onslaught of calls by said employer anyway and nearly slammed his fist into his phone screen if it wasn’t for megumi sitting next to him and watching a cartoon on the tv
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who grimly pulled up to your house in his car with megumi sitting in the back, carrying a toolbox in one hand and holding megumi’s hand with the other
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI whose scowl faltered at the sight of you opening the door, looking nervous yet thankful at the same time; who couldn’t deny that your little smile tugged at his heartstrings
“i’m so sorry, sir. i wouldn’t have insisted for your employer to send someone if i had known—”
this was the fifth time in a row you’d apologized to the man while he was busy checking your outlets and wirings. he had immediately noted that the outlets you were using were burning hot, his nose picking up on a faint burning smell you were somehow oblivious of.
megumi was seated on your couch, kicking his chubby legs as he chewed on a chocolate bar you had handed him after his daddy agreed.
“it’s good that you insisted, ma’am. check this out,” his gruff voice cut you off as he beckoned you over with his finger to check behind a loose outlet in your bedroom. you gasped as you bent over, just to see a cable inside the outlet that was severely melted and had darkened in color. “that… i never plugged anything in that lately. how did that happen?”
toji set his toolbox down on the floor next to the outlet, shaking his head at how the outlets were wired in this apartment. whoever was here last, or at all, had done a shitty ass job, that was for sure. “when’s the last time you had an electrician over?”
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who gaped when you told him you never hired an electrician ever since you had moved into this place, which was a little over two years ago
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who felt bad about the state your place was in and how clueless you were, and did something he never thought he’d do — pausing when he spotted your leaking tab in the kitchen, and fixing it as well without expecting anything in exchange, earning himself a million words of gratitude
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who noticed how sweet you were to megumi, offering him snacks and talking to him about school and his friends, and who soon found out that you worked with children
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who left your place the same evening after having denied a hefty tip — something he had never done once in his life — and having gotten invited to come over for dinner next saturday along with his little boy to repay him with a homemade, nice meal =)
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who found himself coming over more often, with or without megumi, and whenever it was the latter, it ended with him being balls-deep inside of you at some point
“t—toji, r—right there! fuck, so good!”
the older, bulky man took it as a sign to dive his hips harder into your tiny body as he bent you over the kitchen counter. he could tell you had never really been satisfied by a man before. it was no wonder; men your age just couldn’t do it the way an experienced and older man like him could.
the harsh fabric of his work pants rubbed against your bare ass with every thrust, and you mewled and squealed as his thick cock hit that one spot inside of you repeatedly.
“mhm? say what, princess?” his veiny, calloused, huge hands were on either side of your head and your hole tightened embarrassingly at that. toji was a sexy man, and he fucking knew it. guys your age could never compare to who was rearranging your guts right now.
“never… never had a dick as—good as yours!” you were sobbing at this point, delirious from the pleasure he was giving you. “n—no one ever fucked me this— shit! ‘m cumming!”
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who explicitly told you he wasn’t the type to commit, that he was the type to hook up and move on; and who was first delighted that you didn’t seem to mind fucking with no strings attached either
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who soon grew displeased when he came over one day to see a shirt that was not his (it was obviously too small for his muscular built) in your room
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who never fucked you any rougher than he did on that day, and who didn’t even look into your face once
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who stopped visiting you in hopes of forgetting you, knowing it was just him thinking with his dick whenever you crossed his mind, who denied having actually grown fond of a woman’s entire being and not just her pussy
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who begrudgingly came to the realization that he couldn’t look at other women the same anymore after he met you; who would always lower his gaze when other female clients who were obviously attracted to him tried to show off their bodies or charm him, which left him cold and unaffected
➩ ELECTRICIAN!TOJI who ditched his useless pride for once and showed up in front of your door one noon to take you out properly, and not spend time in your shitty and malfunctioning apartment
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bumblesimagines · 5 months ago
Meeting Elena Gilbert
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: He/Him/His
CW/TW: Not much tbh, Elena is aged up to 18/19 for plot purposes
Can y'all tell I'm trying to do stuff with shows that have supernatural elements for October 💀 anyways proud member of the Damon Salvatore Hate Club.
What would Stefan do, he wondered, once he returned home and found him sitting in his living room. (Y/N) expected a triage of things: halfhearted threats, sneered insults, an array of reasons as to why his presence in Mystic Falls only meant trouble. Sure, he hadn't been fully innocent back in the day when he lured the brothers into a false sense of security and listened when they quietly spoke of things they'd never dare tell anyone else, but who was he to blame? 
"Stefan?" A gentle voice called out, the sound of the front door creaking as it fully opened followed by cautious footsteps and the mixture of perfume and human scent. Then, more hesitantly, the voice called out once more, "Damon?" 
"I'm afraid they're not here." (Y/N) spoke, hearing the sharp, startled inhale from the girl. He closed the book in hand and set it down on the table where he'd found it, adjusting his jacket before he stood up to face the human who seemed to have fallen right into the claws of the Salvatore brothers. He expected some silly girl, one beautiful enough to begin another fight between them who'd only end up getting hurt in the end. 
Instead when he looked at her, it was his turn to sharply inhale, all his breath escaping his lungs in a single swoop. The girl stared at him curiously, the ends of her brows furrowing slightly yet the corners of her lips pulled into a friendly smile.
It wasn't the warmth or curiosity oozing out of her that tugged his heartstrings violently, but the mere fact she resembled his forgotten lover so starkly. From her dark brown eyes to the hair that cascaded down her back to her long legs and posture as she stood beneath the archway watching him. She lacked the confidence Katherine carried in her shoulders and the grin that always toyed on her lips but..
"Are you yet another brother Stefan forgot to mention?" She questioned with a light laugh, her head tilting to the side and making her long strands trickle over her shoulder. 
"No, God," His nose crinkled, and despite her perplexion, her shoulders shook with a chuckle. She had to be another doppelganger; there was no way his Katherine had the ability to be so.. full of light and sweetness. She had her gentle moments, as she always did with him, but he preferred her at her cruelest. "Where are my manners? I'm (Y/N) Mikaelson. It's a pleasure to meet you..."
"Elena," She chirped, extending her arm out to shake his hand only to blink when he brushed his lips over her knuckles. Elena smiled bashfully. "Gilbert. Elena Gilbert. I'm a friend of Stefan's."
"But not of Damon's?" He grinned when she grimaced. "Smart girl. It's best to stay away from that one and his... questionable qualities." 
Elena laughed again, vibrant and sweet. How he missed listening to Katherine's laughter, even when it was mocking. "You must be close with them, then?" 
"You could say that. The Salvatore's and I.. well, we share a lengthy history. But, I'd love to learn more about you, Miss Gilbert."
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earthtooz · 2 years ago
sfw/suggestive, tooth-rotting fluff, gn!reader x lovesick!jing yuan, dialogue heavy, two idiots in love.
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jing yuan is in the gardens again.
as magnificent the sight of your beloved basking in the luofu sun is, you can’t help the tinge of jealousy that tugs at your heartstrings, for he is spending too much time with the birds again.
of course, it feels redundant to be jealous over birds, but, your lover is a busy man and you sometimes wonder if the birds adore him more.
the fight for his time and attention feels like a losing battle.
as if sensing your stare and presence, the white-haired general turns around so that his back is no longer towards you. on his hand, shoulders, and head are several perched birds who have sensed him, and like magnets, flocked to his company. 
“beloved,” he greets with a beautiful smile, setting the bird on his hand on his shoulder before he stalks gracefully towards you. before you can say anything, jing yuan cups your face in his hands and raises it, causing you to look straight into his inquisitive golden eyes. “you’re pouting. what’s the matter?”
you feel your heart expand at the concern of your fiancé, but you brush him off gently and jing yuan tilts his head to the side in confusion. “nothing’s the matter,” you say.
“dear, is everything okay?” he asks once more.
you cross your arms, partly as a response to his question and majorly because you need to stand your ground against him. but how on xianzhou are you supposed to stand your ground when the man in front of you is the arbiter-general, jing yuan?
he is also so beautiful, you might cry. 
as your partner looks at you with his golden gaze of concern and attentiveness, your facade melts away, leaving behind someone so helplessly in love.
“you are spending far too much time with the birds again,” you mutter through a sigh, unable to stop embarrassment from creeping into your head from the admission.
jing yuan laughs. the sound is hearty and like velvet to your ears.
you wonder when your heart will stop skipping a beat around him. after all this time together, he still makes you feel young.
“i can not believe you are laughing!” you huff, the growing smile on your face betraying you. 
“i apologise. i just- i thought you were upset over a serious matter.”
you feign a gasp, hand flying to your chest. “how utterly dismissive of you, general. i shall be on my way now then seeing-”
he pulls you into him in one, swift movement, the birds previously perched on him flocking to the trees as a result of the sudden force.
“i beg of you, please do not go,” the general asks smoothly and lowly, “i missed you.”
“you saw me at dawn and kept me until after the starting hour of my schedule.”
“that was far too long ago, and you did not accompany me for a game of starchess and tea at noon. what was the matter?” 
you freely wrap your arms around his neck, fulfilling his waiting need for your grounding embrace that squeezes motivation and life back into him. “a few meetings ran over time with the officials. i apologise, i received all of your impatient messages only afterwards.”
he frowns. “i cannot fault you then. duty waits for no one.”
“correct, and especially not you, general,” you scold and jing yuan merely looks at you with innocently curious eyes, a smirk beginning to dance along his lips. “i drop by your work quarters expecting to see you busy and yet, i find you busy frolicking with the birds, have you no agency?”
your words, although harsh, do not match the airiness and teasing of your tone. jing yuan always finds himself enthralled at the banter you sustain with him, unable to resist joining the dance every time.
“why? would you prefer me to ‘frolick’ with you?” he asks, completely demure as he drawls out the words in his trademark lazy tone. 
you push him away, retreating as if he was a lick of fire that had burned you. he chases after you regardless, laughing loudly as you walk away and back inside his office. 
“please save any inappropriate discussions when we are off work, general,” you lecture playfully, jing yuan’s footsteps heavy behind you.
“i apologise for my remark, please, my love, do not leave,” he requests, mirth laced in his voice.
his hand catches your wrist and you turn around to face him, only for the two of you to end up in a fit of laughter, and it feels too right- too easy that he is the man you are in love with. when the two of you have calmed, the white-haired raises your hand to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on the back whilst maintaining eye contact and this feels suspiciously like forever.
“i missed you,” he says.
“so you have told me,” you say.
“i ask you work in my office for the rest of the day.”
“you will not allow me to get any work done.”
he intertwines your hand with his, “i will behave. i promise.”
“alarming that you need to promise me that.”
“my word means a lot. i am merely adding emphasis, darling.”
“i refuse. i shall see you at dusk.”
“but that is too long away.”
“you have lived for centuries. what is two hours?” you ask. 
“torture when it is without you, my love.”
your heart beats wildly. “you will survive,” you mutter, feigning indifference to your lover’s dramatics. 
“yes, but, you will lose me to the birds again.”
“am i that replaceable?” you question. as if on queue, a feathered creature emerges from jing yuan’s hair, chirping happily at the mention of its name. you sigh, not having it in you to be upset when the sparrow jumps to your shoulder instead.
jing yuan waves his hand in front of the bird gently, commanding for it to leave, and it does, flying out of the open windows and into the garden of his quarters. 
“i confess to my mistake,” mutters the cloud knight who traces a thumb along your jaw affectionately, “nothing in the universe could compare to you.”
you smile, leaning in to his touch. “i’m glad.”
with that, you seal your lips against his in a fleeting kiss, one that steals his breath and fills him with endless bouts of love and adoration. jing yuan doesn’t have enough time to respond before you’re pulling away, taking a piece of his heart with you. 
“that was not fair,” he murmurs, leaning in for a longer taste of heaven; something you don’t grant him, stepping aside to avoid his touch. 
“later. when you have completed your duties.”
the furrow of his nose tells you that he’s discontent with your demand. "if you are going to hinder me from seeing you for the next few hours, then can i not have a kiss in compensation?"
"no. all compensation will be given after hours."
"all compensation? after hours?" the white-haired parrots.
you turn on your heel to leave. he chases after you.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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yunniestars · 6 months ago
"maybe this time, love won't end."
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. . . ACT I. "Logged Out" ʚɞ pairing: kinich x gn!reader
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oh archons, the nerves have never been wrecking so much before.
he was in front of your residence, and the place feels all too familiar. it was definitely a different location, but the taste in decoration screamed you. ah, this felt so surreal, he thought.
taking in deep breaths, he knocked on the wooden door. the doorknob starts to unlock, opening the door and...
"hello, how can i help you?"
oh. that sweet, velvety voice. the one he missed so much.
he couldn't believe his eyes, it really was you. the same person who changed the trajectory of his life and gave it meaning. his star, moon, sun, and everything. the one who made him feel like a lovesick fool, but he'll never regret being one. the jewel that no mora he earns will ever buy. his-
"um, if you're just going to gape at me, then i'm shutting the door." you say with an annoyed look on your face.
"i'm sorry?" he blurts out. okay, that was a mistake, but he's genuinely confused -- were you joking at him?
"uh, excuse me? do you expect me to just let you in? i'm not expecting visitors at the moment, so go leave or else i call someone-"
"ah wait! i'm..." he tries finding a good excuse to stay. suddenly, he remembers the other reason why he's here. "i'm the one for your commission. yeah."
your face then lights up, demeanor going from irritated to overjoyed. "oh then why didn't you say so! gosh, and here i was thinking on methods to get rid of you as soon as possible!"
he then gets hugged by you, the same warmth he used to bask himself in, but right now, it felt... strange. the warmth wasn't the same as before.
you then let go of him, with a cheery grin. "i'm y/n l/n. your name?"
"...kinich. 'malipo' kinich." he responds, a wave of disappointment washing him over.
"great! so, the last time i saw my yumkasaur..." your voice suddenly starts to slowly disperse, words breaking down into inaudible mumbles as if he shut down every sound around him.
you didn't remember him.
"my baby!"
you run up to your yumkasaur who ziplines to you, happy to see you after such a long time. kinich watches the scene unfold at him, unsure on how to feel.
the entire time, you were behaved like the same person he loved so much before. the same old yapper who pulled his heartstrings like their life was on the line. except... you acted as if you didn't know him.
"how have you been?" kinich breaks the ice as you two head over the place you say your yumkasaur was last seen.
"that's quite the question for someone you just met... but i guess i've been pretty lonely? after all, pipo has been away from me for so long."
and since then, you continued talking about pipo and the conversation longed on as if you were just getting to know each other.
perhaps for you it was like that, even if he couldn't believe it, but to him, he knew every single thing about you.
however, for some reason, it feels as if his knowledge of you was just useless now.
"thank you for finding pipo for me, i don't know what i would've done," you cry while hugging kinich, who didn't know if he wanted to hug back or just distance himself. "um, as for the compensation..."
"nevermind that," he cuts you off.
your eyes widen in shock. "what? no! i need to pay you. i'll feel guilty my entire life if i just take this for free -- take it!" you hand him a bag of mora, but he shakes his head.
"just... compensate me by being with me. i'll never ask for anything more again," he says in a low whisper, but loud enough for you to hear.
you tilt your head, but nod. "okay then, let's be friends!"
oh, that took a deep cut. you've really forgotten about him.
he took a deep sigh, and nodded back. "friends, then."
well, it's better than being nothing with you.
୨୧ prologue | act ii ୨୧ masterlist
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♡ tags: @lvvcian @sunsethw4
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a/n: thank you for reading the first chapter! i'm sorry it's really short haha, but i hope it was enjoyable nevertheless. idk when i can update again, but i have a lot of ideas in my mind right now, so probably 2-3 days from now. also, thank u to the nice comments that were left at my work! it's been motivating me to continue so it means a lot haha. love u all
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celli-ohs · 5 months ago
11:40 PM | sim jaeyun x reader, fluff, crack, sfw, 800 wc
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This is so stupid. You think as you crawl around the yard, searching the grass. You were doing all of this because your stupid boyfriend got himself grounded.
Jake Sim was 22 and grounded. But you love him, so much so that you’re willing to get on your knees and hunt down a single pebble in his backyard.
It takes you a bit longer than expected (how the hell does his lawn not have a single rock??) but you eventually find a couple, small as coins. You run around the back, praying you don’t get caught by his parents. His mother (god bless her heart) had already warned you to not contact Jake until Wednesday.
But when you're young and in love, you do crazy things, like throwing rocks at your boyfriend’s childhood bedroom window. After your fourth rock, the window cracks open and Jake peeks his head out.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t realized he’d finally noticed you (it’s dark out okay? You could barely see.) and you throw a rock smack dab into his face.
“Ow! What the fuck- Stop!” He whines, rubbing his forehead.
“Oh! Sorry, sorry! Are you okay baby?” You slap a hand over your mouth, feeling guilty. Jake rubs his forehead, sending you the most adorable pout. “Yeah,” He nods. 
“What’re you doing here? I’m grounded, you know.” He tells you, making you scoff. “I know, I just really missed you.”
Hearing how much you missed him has Jake grinning from ear to ear, said ears turning pink. “Oh yeah?” He asks shyly. You roll your eyes at him.
“Yeah Rapunzel, now let down your hair and let me in!” You joke. “I can’t, my mom will hear the door!” Jake complains. “But you can climb that tree.” He points to the old oak tree planted a few feet away. Its long sturdy branches extend right past his bedroom window.
You look at the tree, then at Jake, then at the tree, and then back at Jake. “You’re joking, right? I just came here to tell you goodnight and that I love you.” You clarify. Jake’s pout deepens.
“But I miss you so much. I can’t stand being apart from you, I’m already having withdrawals!” Half of his body is practically sticking out of his window now. “Jake I’m not gonna climb a tree to get to you, what if I fall?” You argue.
“I’ll catch you!” He sounds so sure. “You’re grounded!” You remind him. “I’ll still catch you, now come on, I really want to kiss you.” He’s got this cheesy grin on his face that pulls at your heartstrings.
In all honesty, you missed him a lot too. You probably wouldn’t be standing outside in nothing but your pajamas lamenting to your lover unless you were having withdrawals too.
So that’s how you found yourself 15 feet in the air, balancing on a single branch to just get close to your boyfriend. “If I fall and die, you are so not invited to my funeral.” You hiss as you drag yourself, moving painfully slow, inch by inch.
“Well that’s because I’ll be buried right beside you, if you’re going, so am I.” He jokes, which doesn’t help because if he makes you laugh too hard you fear you might slip.
“Shut up! I’m concentrating,” You huff, and hold your breath as you finally reach his window sill. As you mentally congratulate yourself for achieving a physical challenge you never thought you’d accomplish after the age of 12, Jake stares at you with hearts in his eyes. 
“Are you going to keep staring or let me in?” You finally ask, and Jake comes back to reality, chuckling as he helps carry you inside. You both clumsily land on the carpet, making a thud on the ground. “Do you think-” “Don’t worry, my dad’s a snorer.” He assures you, helping you up.
Once on your own two feet again, you’re suddenly tackled into Jake’s bed, the owner snuggling his head into your chest. “God I missed you so much.” He hums, a boyish grin plastering his face.
You can’t help but squeeze him tight and press a kiss to his hair. “I missed you too.” You sigh. “But I definitely think I deserve some kind of reward for risking my life to get here?” You joke, clearing your throat. Jake looks up at you, excited.
“Who would I be to refuse?” He’s already up, leaning towards you. “I felt like Flynn Rider climbing up the tower.” You giggle as Jake begins to pepper your face with kisses.
“Shouldn’t it be the other way around? I’m Flynn,” He questions, looking at you confused as you only laugh.
“Whatever you say princess,” You sigh, cupping his face and finally getting a taste of his lips.
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author's note: someone tell jake i'm deeply in love with him omfg 😭 I saw that one tiktok and immediately just had to start writing he's such a beautiful man and so princess coded.
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aestheticpearl · 14 days ago
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synopsis. leigh isn’t jealous. he doesn’t get jealous.
featuring. leigh (sakuverse)
a/n. if you’re reading this in the future and it’s inaccurate to his character, keep that to yourself i’m going off of a single episode and a prayer here
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leigh has honestly confused himself at this point in this stunt of a relationship he has with you. it’s just a normal company picnic with your software company. they wanted their employees to be able to get some fresh air on the job or something like that. regardless, leigh watched for under a shaded tree as you grab some snacks for the both of you from the table they’ve set up on the field.
he’s watching your body language more than anything as you speak to one of the guys in the sales department who clearly doesn’t know how to take a hint. he keeps moving forward as you step back at each advancement, even glancing over to leigh himself to communicate ‘are you seeing this?’ with your eyes. he is unfortunately.
he remains planted under the tree, knowing full well you can very much handle yourself and if you needed help you would ask, but after a certain point it’s not just about how he’s getting impatient with the guy blabbing his whole life story to you, it’s about how he’s trying to make moves on his fake partner. that’s when he knows he has to intervene for appearance sake. at least that’s what he’s telling himself. he ignores the feelings that it stirs out in the pit of his stomach as he stands up and starts walking over to you.
you feel leigh before you see him as he wraps his arm around your waist, a wave of comfort washes over you at the feeling; finally someone that can get you out of this uncomfortable situation without being rude—
“quit hitting on them. they’re my partner.”
you watch the poor guy sputter out a few apologies before stumbling away from the two of you.
“that wasn’t very nice.” you mumble as you place a few veggies on your plate.
“i wasn’t trying to be, mate clearly couldn’t take a hint.” leigh responds, picking a carrot off your plate and munching on it. “you should tell HR about that.”
“what? that my fake boyfriend scared off an employee for trying to shoot his shot?”
“hey what are fake boyfriends for?”
something pulls at both of your heartstrings when you say the word fake, but you both similarly opt to brush it off.
you both walk back to the shaded tree area that leigh has practically claimed for his own and sit down with the snacks in hand.
“so have any bets?”
“sorry?” you look at leigh puzzled.
“any bets on who’s gonna win capture the flag?”
“oh.” you follow his eyes to the scene that unfolds on the field. your coworkers in some kind of team building exercise that they are definitely too old for.
“i’m honestly not too sure.” you enjoy your snacks as you watch the game, absentmindedly offering leigh the same snacks by holding the plate in front of him. he is also is locked on to what you are watching unaware of how couple like you both look right now.
“do you think this is going to effect the weekend project?” you ask, looking back at him.
“yes, but i don’t know if it’ll be in a good way or a bad way. depends on how this ends.” he smiles back at you.
you laugh and lean on him, not evening thinking.
you only realize the mistake when you feeling leigh tense under you and you quickly pull away.
“you don’t have you act like i am hot lava.” you chuckles a bit at you reaction.
“i didn’t want to overstep—”
“i didn’t think you were overstepping.” his eyes flicker over you facial features to try and read your emotions a bit better. you’re panicked and… flustered?
“relax okay? i just wasn’t expecting it, i don’t mind though, it is pretty chilly today.” he opens his arm for you to move into, which you do eventually with some hesitation.
he’s warm and somehow comforting. you remind yourself that this isn’t something that’s real, it’s just an act that you both have to keep up with and he seems to be better at remembering that appearances need to be maintained. you secretly pray that he doesn’t notice the flustered state he as been putting you in by doing this.
“you’re warm.”
he chuckles.
“thank you.”
“i d-didn’t mean to say that.”
“but you did.” he smiles. “which means you meant it~”
you roll your eyes at him and genuinely reconsider your feels for a spilt second in that moment.
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new character rahhhhhh. i’m just hoping to get pulled out of this writing slump cause i’m lowkey starting to lose interest in this. the hyperfixation isn’t fixating. happy valentine’s day btw 🤍
.love always<3 pearl
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pickingupmymercedes · 8 months ago
She's here and he won't let her give up- Lewis Hamilton
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Series: She's here and she's ours / She's here and she's not only ours / She's here and she's just like you / She's not here, but she'll be / She's here and she won't be the only one / She's here and he won't let her give up / She's here and so is he / She's here and so are we - (they can all be read as one-shots)
request : "God, you're bleeding, how did you do that" + "you're the strongest person i know.". For lewis and his kid when they're learning a new skill in a sport and it doesn't go well so they're frustrated. Fluff, please. Thank you - anon
pairing: dad!Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
wordcount: +1K
a/n: It was too cute to stay as a blurb, so it's part of one of my favorites series now ❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The chlorine of the wave pool filled the air, punctuated by Y/d/n's excited squeals.
Her tiny figure, clad in a bright purple wetsuit, bobbed on the churning water, anticipation etched all over her face.
Lewis, heart swelling with pride, watched from the sidelines. It had been months since Y/d/n had first begged him to take her surfing, a request fueled by memories of her father and his friends on their surfing days. Today, that dream was finally coming true.
The instructor, one of Lewis’s first ever surfing friend back in the day, began his pre-lesson talk. Y/d/n, perched on her board, listened diligently, her eyes wide with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As the lesson unfolded, Lewis couldn't help but grin. Watching Y/d/n paddle like her life depended on it, trying to catch her first wave, was like watching a miniature of himself – full of determination.
But the initial enthusiasm soon gave way to frustration. The waves, though manufactured, proved surprisingly unforgiving.
Each attempt resulted in a tumble, Y/d/n disappearing momentarily under the water before resurfacing with a sputter. The falls frequent, but the smiles were unwavering. At least, until the very last try.
A particularly bad wipeout, where the board smacked into her chin, sent tears welling up in her eyes as she clumsily crawled back out.
Lewis waded into the water, concern etching lines on his forehead. "Hey there" he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "What happened?"
Y/d/n sniffled, wiping a stray tear, and pointed at her chin, a small patch of red blossoming through the water beads. "I think I'm hurt, Dad," she mumbled, her voice thick with hurt.
Lewis's initial amusement turned to alarm. "God, you're bleeding, how did you do that?" He examined her chin gently, his usual stoicism replaced with a tenderness reserved only for his kids.
"The board hit me," Y/d/n said tearfully. All the frustration of the failed attempts came flooding back, and she buried her face in her father's chest.
Lewis held her close, the cool water lapping at their waists. He could feel the tremor in her small body, it sting him just as much as it did to her. In that moment, Y/d/n wasn't the one showered with media attention and expectations. She was just a girl, hurt and discouraged.
A wave of guilt washed over him. Had he been too ambitious? Should he have started her somewhere calmer?
Lewis scooped Y/d/n up, helping her out of the water. As they made their way to a nearby bench, the familiar scent of saltwater mingled with the aroma of sunscreen, created a nostalgic cocktail that tugged at Lewis's heartstrings.
He set her down carefully, her tiny body still trembling slightly from the ordeal.
Y/d/n, biting back fresh tears, reached up gingerly and touched her mouth. "My tooth!" she wailed, a new wave of panic flooding her eyes. "It's loose!"
Lewis examined her mouth, spotting a slightly loose tooth. Relief washed over him, as he identified the loose tooth.
"Hey, hey," he soothed, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay. It’s just a baby tooth, that's all. Happens to all big kids."
With practiced ease, Lewis dug through his bag, producing a first aid kit and a bottle of water. He wet a cloth and dabbed at Y/d/n's chin, murmuring soothing words as he cleaned the small wound. Her eyes, still brimming with tears, watching him intently.
As he tended to her, his mind drifted back to a time when he had been in a similar situation, filled with with fear and uncertainty.
It was a late spring weekend, and Y/n had meetings out of town she needed to attend in person. It was also the first time Lewis would be alone with Y/d/n for an entire weekend.
He had been by himself with his daughter plenty of times, but not for that long, and he couldn't deny there was a safety net when Y/n was around – a reassurance that if anything went wrong, they had each other to try and fix it.
That morning, after waving goodbye to Y/n at the airport, Lewis felt the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. Y/d/n, just turned two years old, looked up at him with his wide, trusting eyes. He plastered on a confident smile, hiding the apprehension gnawing at his insides.
The first day went relatively smoothly. They spent the morning at the beach, Y/d/n toddling around by the sand, just like they'd always do. In the afternoon, they built a fort out of pillows and blankets, Y/d/n's giggles filling their Monaco apartment before she crashed on her afternoon nap.
But by bedtime, the cracks in her routine began to show. As Lewis attempted to wrangle Y/d/n into her pajamas, she squirmed and fussed, a tiny rebel in the making. The bathwater, once warm and inviting, had turned cold during the struggle. Frustration bubbling up inside him, taking a deep breath as he reminded himself to stay calm.
Lewis settled her into bed, reading her favorite story in a soft, soothing voice. Her eyelids drooped, and soon, she was fast asleep. He watched her for a moment, his heart swelling with a mix of love and relief as he thought things were starting to take a turn for better.
But the peace was short-lived. In the middle of the night, Y/d/n woke up crying. Her wails pierced the silence. He rushed to her side, scooping her up and rocking her gently.
She clung to him, her tiny fists gripping his shirt as he saw all the signs she had an ear infection, a recurring issue with the toddler that was growing up swimming by the Mediterranean ocean she was a native to.
Panic rose. What if he couldn't comfort her like Y/n used to? What if he somehow screwed up her medicine? What if he didn't know how to settle her? He felt helpless, the weight of his earlier fears crashing down on him.
But as he held her close, Y/n on the phone with them, their toddler’s cries gradually subsided, replaced by soft hiccups. She nuzzled into his chest, her breathing evening out as she fell asleep on his arms.
In that moment, as he sat in the dim light of her room, laid amidst her stuffed animals and princess comforter, he finally understood he didn't have to be perfect. He just had to be there, to love her and protect her the best he could.
Lewis finished cleaning Y/d/n's chin and gave her a reassuring smile. "All done," he said softly, his voice filled with the same tenderness he had used during those long-ago nights.
Y/d/n looked up at him, her tears replaced with a disappointed glint in her eye. "Thanks, Dad," she said, her voice small.
Lewis ruffled her hair, his heart swelling with pride. "You're a tough cookie, you know that?"
He saw the same flicker of self-doubt in Y/d/n's eyes that he'd felt himself years ago.
"Hey," Lewis said, his voice gentle but firm. "Look at me."
Y/d/n met his gaze, her lower lip trembling slightly. "It hurts, doesn't it?" he asked, wiping a stray tear with his thumb.
Y/d/n sniffled and nodded.
"You know," Lewis said, his voice resolute. "It's not just about catching the wave. It's about getting back up, no matter how many times you fall. That’s part of life. What really matters is whether you let it keep you down or you learn from it and try again."
He paused, letting his words sink in. "You fell a million times today, but you never stopped trying. And that's the mark of a true champion, Y/d/n. You're brave, you're persistent, and you never give up. You’re the strongest person I know."
Y/d/n blinked, the tears receding slowly. A small smile played on her lips, though her lower lip still trembled a bit. "Can we try again tomorrow?"
Lewis couldn't help but laugh, the fear of earlier replaced by a surge of joy. This little girl, with her scraped chin and missing tooth, was a mini him in the making. And he wouldn't trade this moment, fear and all, for anything in the world.
"Of course, we can," he said, ruffling her hair. "But first," he added with a wink, "let's get you some ice cream and celebrate one less tooth."
Y/d/n grinned, wiping a smudge of tear and seawater from her cheek. "Deal," she said, fist bumping her dad's hand.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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kabukiaku · 8 months ago
What do you think of the Ghovie? :D
holy HELL man. to give my spoiler free thoughts: it was loads of fun. the concert footage was absolutely gorgeous. the sound quality was insane, I sang along through all the songs. ending left me shook and have more questions than answers.
for my thoughts that do involve spoilers:
my only real criticism but I guess it's just a personal preference: this was me merely having my specific expectations, but I was hoping to see Copia talk to his brothers in ghost form.
I did NOT expect Sister to kick the bucket.
Damn I'm not even a huge Copia enjoyer and yet I wanted to hug this man. He fr looked so stressed and conflicted.
FRATER IMPERATOR??!?! fuck man. I'm gonna draw that outfit.
the animated segment of Mary On a Cross was so so cool. i guess they finally gave in to the scooby-doo chase music allegations xD
NEW GUY? who are you. who aaaare you? I vote for resurrected terzo. hah. yeah right.
the implications of copia having a twin!!?!?
I saw terzo ONCE and I pointed at the screen. my boy....
copia getting a lil jumpscare when he inverts his cross necklace. haha.
how will this new era play out? will it be an homage to the first era?
nihil you were a delight. silly old man.
cant get the new song out of my head. good music. good message.
copia's speeches throughout the concert, ahhh really pulls at your heartstrings.
copia on the hot air balloon, fr thought something bad was gonna happen, but good chances are he was lost in his mind, and fuckin fainted. oof.
RAIN SPOKE. him saying 'so no encore?' had the same cadence as the vine 'so no head?'
ghouls were lovely. not as feral as usual? poor swiss. he didn't get much good footage.
phantom's wacky head tilts. he's so crazy. /pos
when nihil asked him to do the 'grucification' pose during SH my ass really thought they were gonna kill him on the spot or something.
OVERALL: a damn good concert movie. so thrilling. so much fun. I am happy that I got to experience this. despite the absence of our previous papas, we cling onto so dearly, I know the spotlight isn't shining on them anymore. it makes me sad, as I would've love to see Terzo in some narrative type media. Now, I await for what this new Era will bring.
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tired-truffle · 2 months ago
Before We Lost It All
A Viktorxfem!reader fic
Chapter Word Count: 2.5k
Tag list: @im-just-a-simp-le-whore @potatointhedirt @dedicated2viktor
"We make each other alive. Does it matter if it hurts?" - Ingmar Bergman
A/N: This takes place in chapter 9 of Muj Milacek during the scene where you convince Viktor to take a break from working and get some much-needed rest - in your bed, of course.
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He’d let you sucker him into resting with those big, pleading eyes that plucked at his heartstrings. He was worrying you, he knew this, but he’d never been very good at accepting help. With his declining health and your visions of his death hanging over his head, he’d been growing increasingly desperate. And desperate times called for desperate measures - like sleeping in the same bed as the girl he’d been in love with for seven whole years.
If only you���d stop laughing at him.
"Is there something you find humorous about my attire, Milá?" He fixed you with what he hoped was a lovingly exasperated glare. At that point, he was too exhausted to tell.
"I'm sorry." You continued to giggle, undercutting your apology, though he found the sound pleasing enough to forgive you. "I'm overtired and I really wasn't expecting them to be that ill-fitting."
Viktor huffed at you, rolling his eyes with a small smile. He was well aware he looked ridiculous, the oversized shirt drowned his thin torso in fabric, but the pants barely reached past his knees. They had to be children’s pants, why you had them was beyond his understanding. To make matters worse, you were standing there in nothing but a large shirt that reached your upper thighs, your legs illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, and he assumed underwear beneath. You were gorgeous, and he was…feeling rather silly. Though he found it difficult to care all that much when you smiled so sweetly at him, the corners of your eyes crinkled with mirth.
"You can have the bed,” you offered when you’d managed to stop giggling. “I'll take the couch."
"I'm not stealing your bed, Miláček, it is plenty big enough for the both of us." Viktor pulled back the covers, slipping in. "And I will not subject you to that couch for any longer than necessary. I swear they made it with knives instead of springs."
He had insisted this both out of genuine concern for your back after sleeping on such an object, and out of his selfish want to sleep beside you. Could a dying man not be granted this one wish?
You hesitated, and for a moment he worried he’d overstepped your boundaries. But he wasn’t left waiting for long. You made your way to the bedside, shy but not necessarily timid.
"If you insist," you said, turning off the bedside lamp. "But you better not warm up your frigid toes on me."
"No promises."
The mattress dipped as you climbed into bed beside him, laying down with your hands curled tight against your chest. You were facing him, your chin tilted to meet his gaze.
This felt dangerously intimate. He was in bed with the woman he secretly loved - well, secret to you, Viktor was pretty sure everyone else knew. If he asked you to come closer, would you understand then? If he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head, his hands cradling your back, would he need to say it? But he couldn’t voice his request, couldn’t find the words to ask for that which he longed for most.
He’d been a fool to think he could sleep with you so close yet not within his grasp. To lay beside you like his skin didn’t prickle with the need to be pressed completely against you was its own kind of torture.
"Does it hurt?" You broke the silence, your head turning to face him in the dark.
He was too tired to try to deny it, and you’d see through his lie anyway. "Yes," he answered plainly.
"Can I try something?" you asked, your tone even.
Curious and unable to deny such a simple request, he nodded. You reached forward, placing your hand against his chest and sending a bolt of excitement running through him. Your palm was soft and warm through his shirt, your heart beating quickly in your veins and tapping lightly against him. He lay still, his gaze fixed on you, giving you space to make the next move.
You closed your eyes, forcing your breathing to even out, your nose crinkling adorably in the low moonlight as you concentrated.
Nothing happened.
"Can I get closer?" you asked, and he appreciated your asking for permission - always polite and giving him the agency to choose. 
He opened his arms, motioning for you to snuggle in. Slowly, you scooted closer until the top of your head was just below his chin, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your chest against his as you breathed. Your ear rested against his chest, one hand pressed against his chest while you placed the other on his back, over the back brace he’d been too tired to take off. He’d regret that tomorrow when his skin itched and his spine ached, but now he could focus on little else except the feeling of you curled up in his arms. Slipping an arm under your neck, he rested the other over your waist, drawing lazy circles on the small of your back. Viktor didn’t want to think about anything that didn’t involve you, nor how difficult it was going to be to pull himself away when the time came.
This wasn’t the first time you’d insisted he take a much-needed break from his work. Years ago you'd dragged him to a street fair in Piltover when he’d become so worn down by reports that he didn’t know where he ended and the equations began. He'd grumbled at first, but your infectious enthusiasm had won him over. You'd shared sticky cotton candy, the sweetness on your lips making him ache to taste them. When fireworks exploded overhead, he'd been captivated not by the display, but by the light reflected in your eyes.
Viktor's heart swelled with a bittersweet ache. He loved you - wholly, desperately, irrevocably. You were the sun to his withering form, the spark that kept his passion for progress alive even as his body failed him. He longed to confess, to pour out seven years of pent-up devotion. But fear held him back - fear of rejection, of complicating your friendship, of leaving you heartbroken when his time inevitably ran out.
So instead, he held you close in the darkness, committing every detail to memory. The soft whisper of your breath against his neck. The delicate curve of your spine beneath his fingertips. The subtle scent of your shampoo, floral and comforting. He etched it all into his mind, a perfect moment to carry with him always, no matter what the future held.
Viktor felt a sudden warmth emanate from your palm, spreading through his chest like rays of sunlight. A faint blue glow pulsed beneath your skin, illuminating the creases of your hand.
As your magic seeped into him, Viktor was struck by an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. The sensation was wistfully familiar, like a half-remembered dream or a long-lost memory struggling to surface. It felt like coming home after years away, like slipping into a warm bath after trudging through a blizzard. He couldn't place why it felt so natural, so right, but he found himself sinking into the comfort of it nonetheless.
The magic flowed through him, a soothing current that sought out every ache and pain. It pooled in his joints, easing the constant throbbing in his hip and knee. It traced along his spine, melting away the tension that had become a constant companion. Even the persistent headache that had taken up residence behind his eyes began to recede.
As the pain ebbed away, replaced by a numbing coolness, Viktor felt his body truly relax for the first time in years. His muscles unknotted, his breathing deepened, and the ever-present furrow between his brows smoothed out. He let out a long, shuddering sigh, filled with relief and contentment.
"Miláček," he whispered hoarsely, his voice heavy with sleep, "you truly are a wonder."
You didn't respond, your eyes still closed in concentration, but he felt your magic pulse in response to his voice. The blue glow intensified, casting soft shadows across your features. Viktor found himself enthralled at the sight, overcome by your beauty, wishing he could run his fingers down your jaw before capturing your lips in a kiss.
As the pain receded further, Viktor found his mind clearing. Ideas and solutions that had been just out of reach now crystallized with startling clarity. It was as if your magic had not only soothed his body, but sharpened his intellect as well. He wanted to leap out of bed and rush to his workbench, to capture these fleeting inspirations before they could slip away.
But the warmth of your body against his and the blissful absence of pain kept him rooted in place. For once, Viktor allowed himself to simply exist in the moment, free from the constant drive to work, to improve, to race against his own mortality. He tightened his arms around you, pulling you closer as you nestled in, pressing your face against his neck.
Viktor fought against the encroaching darkness, desperate to savour every second of this closeness, but exhaustion tugged insistently at the edges of his consciousness.
Within minutes, he was sound asleep.
Viktor drifted slowly into consciousness, his mind still blissfully foggy with sleep. Without thinking, he tightened his arms around the warm body pressed against him, pulling you closer. He nuzzled into your hair, breathing in your familiar scent. For a moment, everything was perfect.
Then awareness hit him like a bucket of ice water.
His eyes flew open as he realized where his hands were. One had slipped beneath your shirt during the night, splayed across the bare skin between your shoulder blades. If he moved it even slightly higher, he'd expose…Viktor's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't bring himself to complete that thought.
"Yeah, I noticed that too," you said, alerting him that you were awake.
He became acutely aware of every point of contact between your bodies. Your leg was slotted between his, your thigh pressed dangerously close to his groin. Your breath tickled his collarbone, your lips mere centimetres from his skin.
Viktor squeezed his eyes shut, willing away the temptation. You trusted him, had opened your home and your bed to him without hesitation. He refused to betray that trust, no matter how much his body screamed for more contact.
But oh, how he ached to explore further. To trace the curve of your spine, to map every inch of your skin with reverent touches. To wake you with gentle kisses and whispered confessions of love.
But that wasn’t for him.
"My apologies, Milá, that was not my intention," he said apologetically, reluctantly pulling his arm away and tugging your shirt down for you. It was the least he could do.
Returning his arm to your now clothed waist, his finger traced smooth patterns along your back. He swallowed his gasp of surprise when you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"It's okay,” your words vibrated against his shoulder, “I don't mind."
He hummed a soft acknowledgement and was pleased when you made no move to disentangle yourself. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a golden glow on the peaceful bubble. Nature's symphony of birdsong and distant traffic provided a gentle soundtrack as he let himself slowly wake up. As the fog of sleep lifted, Viktor became acutely aware of the pain creeping back into his body, the ache in his joints and the tightness of his back. Still, his head felt clearer than it had in months, the persistent headache reduced to a dull throb rather than the usual stabbing agony. He felt…rested. Truly rested, in a way he hadn't experienced in years.
Much too soon, your alarm clock shattered the serene atmosphere and worsened his headache.
You groaned as you slowly peeled yourself off of him and Viktor resisted the urge to grab your hips and pull you back into his arms. With a sigh, you slapped the top of the alarm clock aimlessly, finally hitting the off button and ending its incessant beeping.
Flopping onto your back, you turned to look at him, a soft, warm smile spreading across your face. The morning light caught in your tousled hair, creating a halo effect that made you look almost ethereal. Your eyes, still heavy-lidded with sleep, held a tenderness that made his heart stutter in his chest.
By the Gods, you were beautiful. Not in the polished, artificial way of Piltover's elite, but in a way that was uniquely, breathtakingly you. It was beyond his ability to describe, so he didn’t try.
Viktor's fingers twitched with the desire to trace the curve of your jaw, to tangle in your hair and draw you close. He imagined pressing his forehead against yours, breathing the same air, whispering all the words he'd kept locked away for so long.
But he couldn't. He wouldn't risk ruining this, whatever this was between you. So instead, he returned your smile with a small one of his own, hoping it conveyed even a fraction of the warmth he felt.
“You look like you slept well,” you teased, your smile tilting into a lopsided grin.
"You say that like it’s a good thing but it seems more like an insult to me." He patted at his hair, an attempt to flatten it that was doomed to fail from the beginning.
You giggled, a wonderous sound he would never tire of hearing, and sat up in bed. Before he had time to avert his gave, you’d stretched your arms over your head and you squeezed your eyes shut. Did you realize how your thin shirt plastered itself against your body, giving him a clear view of all your soft curves?
He cleared his throat, finding great interest in staring at the wall across the room, ignoring the blush that tinted his cheeks. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw your blush match his when you realized exactly what had just happened.
"I'm going to get ready," you announced shakily. With a quick swivel, you got out of bed and picked your clothes out of the closet, all while keeping your back to Viktor. Not that he minded, necessarily, but there was something about your reddened cheeks that captivated him entirely. "I'll meet you in the lab with breakfast?"
"Grab me a sweet milk and carrot muffin if they have it?"
“I’ll do my best!”
As you fled to the bathroom, Viktor found his voice once more. "Thank you, Mila." You turned back around to peek at him from around the door, adorable in your embarrassment. "I feel much better, you were right after all."
You smiled softly at him. "You should come back tonight," you said before hastily adding, "but only if you want to, of course."
He wanted nothing more, but did you? He swung his legs over the side of the bed, the sunlight streaming through the window illuminating his soft brown hair. "Are you sure? I don’t wish to impose any more than I already have."
You shook your head. “I don’t like sleeping alone, you’re not the only one who benefits.”
He smiled, bright and unburdened. Why had he doubted you? It seemed silly now when you regarded him with such bashful hope. You cared for him as he cared for you, didn’t you? “Then I suppose we have a deal.”
A/N: Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed the second Viktor's POV <3 Sadly, the arcane hyperfixation has left me, but when it comes back, I'm sure you'll definitely see more of these two! For now, I must let the writing demons out in my Dragon Age fic - time to terrorize another fandom!
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prettyoatmeal · 1 year ago
pls pls pls pls pls
i need more FWB simon 😭😭
We're Just Friends (FWB!Simon x GN!Reader)
A/N: You need it anon, you got it!! I need to write more hurt/comfort because damn I loved writing this. Post anon is referring to.
GENRE: Hurt/Comfort
Synopsis: You and Simon have established a friends-with-benefits relationship. But the boundaries set in place keep getting overstepped. Your brain his confused, Simon's heartstrings are getting pulled back and fourth, and it isn't exactly your fault. Simon's in denial, and that barrier slowly starts to break.
Word Count: 770
Masterlist here!
"You seemed awfully touchy with others tonight."
"I don't like the way they were looking at you."
"Are you jealous?"
He grumbled against your skin, feeling his lips pressing small kisses along the crook of your neck through the fabric of his mask. Pushing you further into the countertop in front of you, his grip on your hips was becoming more possessive by the second.
No matter how many times you would tell him, it seemed like it didn't really matter. You two weren't a couple, you're allowed to do your own thing, even if you weren't really trying to. He had a bit of a habit of becoming too touchy or affectionate to your liking in regards to your arrangement, and now it was especially showing through after a little get-together at his flat.
"Relax, they weren't looking at me in any way. And I'm allowed to explore my options."
"I know.. jus' like you to myself sometimes. That's all."
This was becoming too confusing. For yourself, and for him. You'll push him away, remind him your situation isn't longterm, that you're doing this for him and that if someone comes along then you're allowed to pull out. But you couldn't help but think that maybe there was something more that he wasn't telling you. No matter how many times he'll deny it, it was getting a little obvious.
Too obvious.
The way you unintentionally tugged on his heartstrings over and over again, the effect you had placed on him was getting too much to ignore.
Pulling the infuriating fabric of his mask down and breathing in your scent with a long sigh, it was clear he wasn't going to let you go. Not yet at least. Placing the small porcelain dishes into the sink which you had been holding, you turned the tap on to start cleaning them. May as well make yourself useful if you weren't going to move, the clean smell of his dish washing liquid filling your senses.
But as his face nuzzled further into your soft skin, he couldn't get enough of you, his hands gripping at the flesh of your hips, squeezing your waist and pulling you as flush against him as he could. He didn't like the dish washing liquid drowning you out. He was becoming needy, mumbling a few words which only become muffled against you.
But you already got the feeling you knew what he said.
"Don't-" You warned. But he didn't want to listen, cutting you off.
"Please, lovie," he lifted his face from your neck just enough so you could hear him, "please stay. Just one night, just tonight."
He sounded upset almost, his pleading voice lingering with something more than just neediness.
Normally this would've gone no where, but something was telling you to stay. And you weren't sure if it was yourself, or the forces of nature. You knew that accepting will only play with his heart further. You were cruel for promising him you'll stay. But how could you say no to him sounding so sickeningly desperate.
This was getting unhealthy.
"Fine," you answered him reluctantly, "but just this once."
You were pulled away from the sink, and in a matter of minutes, the make-out session had ensued on his bed. A bed that smelled so comfortingly of him. You expected the usual -sloppy kisses followed by your guts getting rearranged by the behemoth of a man on top of you. But that wasn't his plan.
His lips moved slowly against yours, kissing you in the dimmed lights of his bedroom as if he loved you, and left your heart and head confused.
"Need you," he whispered against your plump lips, "I need you like.. like this." laying next to you, his arms wrapped around you with his head pressing against your chest, "please."
All you did sigh and hold him close. It felt wrong. You hoped this wouldn't also become a habit, burying himself closer to your warmth.
"This wasn't part of our agreement."
Silence. His arms around you tightened.
"You're playing with my head."
Silence again.. but this time it was followed by a muffled grumble into the fabric of the Nirvana shirt he gave you for pyjamas, which was considerably oversized on you. Throughout his protests, you could make out a small whine of 'I'm sorry'.
And with a sigh, you reach over to his bedside table to turn the lamp off, cradling his head closer to you as you placed a small kiss on the top of his head.
"Goodnight, Simon. Sweet dreams."
<33 happy November 21st! <3
*************** DISCLAIMER Under no circumstances do I give permission to copy, repost, or manipulate my work in any way. I am not comfortable with this. If you wish to translate my work, message me privately. My inbox is always open.
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aramynx · 3 months ago
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summary: you've always loved the ocean- it calmed you down when you were stressed. you believed that the waves would one day bring something good to you, but you never imagined that you'd meet one of your heroes.
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Waves lapped softly against the rock you perched upon, turning it from a light grey to almost-black as it began to hydrate with the rising tide. Today... had been long. Work was exhausting, but at least your work week was over now, you just needed time to decompress before heading home, knowing there was nobody waiting for you in your empty apartment; the only thing waiting for you to come home was the overflowing basket of laundry that had built up over the week. You sighed, music drowning out the constant nagging in your head telling you to get a move on so you could get your housework sorted.
On stressful days, this was your go-to spot. An isolated rock, far enough away from the main beach that nobody really came by. At low tide you'd sit at the edge, watching the water swaying from a distance as you swung your feet back and forth. You had been sitting here since low tide, but now the water began to dampen the soles of your shoes. Still, you couldn't quite bring yourself to move further up the rock, merely staring down as the water began to rush up alongside the bottom of the rock. Usually, that was your sign to start heading home.
If your music wasn't playing so loudly, you would have heard the footsteps gradually getting louder and louder before you jumped at sudden unexpected movement beside you. Your head jolted up, only to be met with the sight of Pro-Hero Shoto, who was looking down at you with... concern, maybe? It was hard to tell. One thing you could tell, was that he was even more handsome in real life than he was on the posters you had in your bedroom. Your face quickly shifted to a shade of red you couldn't picture, but it was embarrassingly easy to feel yourself blushing as everything suddenly became too hot.
Swiftly, your hand near enough tore your earphones out of your ears, quickly stuffing them into the pocket of your jacket. You had crushed on Shoto in high school. Hard. He was in the hero course, and you were in general studies, so you never really had a chance to interact, but he was someone the girls always talked about- handsome and strong but he didn't show much emotion. Plus he was kind of rude. It was something that kept many of the girls that practically drooled over him from ever actually asking him out. However, you were intrigued by his stoic nature- it made him alluring and mysterious.
You had interacted once during your second year at UA; embarrassingly enough, it was because you had slipped down a few stairs and he happened to witness it. Like the knight in shining armour he is, he helped you up and also picked up your bag for you, insisting on taking you to the nurse's office when you began blushing profusely to the point where the tips of your ears were bright red. Since graduation, you still found yourself blushing over what you thought was a 'superficial crush' on the Pro-Hero.
"Sorry if I interrupted anything, I just wanted to check, are you okay?"
He spoke with far more tenderness than you had expected, he definitely wasn't as monotone as he used to be in high school, but he was still as stoic as ever. His voice pulled at your heartstrings, causing your words to get stuck in your throat.
"Yes, I'm okay, thanks for checking!" You blurted out nervously, your hands rising to your cheeks to try and gauge just how hot they were.
"Your face is red. Do you have a fever?" Shoto asked, crouching down on the rock beside you and placing a hand on your forehead to investigate.
"No, no, I'm not sick! It's just kind of surreal to be meeting you in person." You said, waving his hand away from your face, "My name's Y/N- you're my favourite hero."
"Oh, is that so?" He said, looking somewhat bewildered, "I believe I remember you from high school. Thank you for your support."
"I'm surprised to see another person out here. Usually nobody except the occasional dog-walker comes this way." You said, leaning back on your hands and scooting a little further away from the edge of the rock to avoid getting your shoes wet.
"This is a dangerous part of the beach. You should be careful, it would be quite easy to sustain an injury if you were to slip on these rocks."
You could almost chuckle at his concerns.
"It's fine. I come here all the time when I'm feeling stressed." You admitted, "It's like a secret hideout."
"What a strange coincidence." He said, sitting down beside you, the metal tubes on his costume clinking around as he made himself comfortable on the rock, "I also come here when I feel stressed."
"Ha. It's probably stranger that we haven't run into each other before then." You said, smiling slightly as you redirected your eyes back over the ocean.
The way he was speaking to you almost made you forget that he was basically a huge celebrity- the No.2 hero in Japan. It was foolish to only realise now that heroes are also people beneath the image they present themselves as.
"What made you come here today?" Shoto asked, also staring out over the ocean.
"Well, I just finished an awful work week, but I don't think I'm ready to go home to the ginormous list of chores that are probably gonna take up both of my days off..."
"Do you live alone, then?"
You nodded.
"You must work hard."
"It's probably nothing compared to what you do." You said with a sigh, "In that respect I shouldn't really be stressed. Things could be so much worse."
"Where do you work?"
With the amount of questions he was asking, it might as well be an interrogation. Still, you were glad to have someone to talk to, but you still hadn't quite processed the fact that it was the man you had fawned over since you first saw him.
"I work at a tech company based in the city centre. It's mainly office work, but there's just so much I have to do..." You trailed off.
For a moment, you and Shoto sat in silence, watching the waves begin to splash over the edge of the rock as the shoreline began to inch closer and closer. The sea breeze swept his hair back in such a way that made him even more handsome, the red side almost glowing in the golden light of the sunset.
"Just because a situation could be harder doesn't mean that it isn't hard. Feeling overworked is a valid feeling. You don't need to push yourself to make everything perfect."
You glanced towards him as he stood up, offering his hand out to pull you up. You placed your hand into his, pulling yourself up to stand on top of the rock as the salty breeze ran through your hair. You wished you had kept contact with his hand for longer, missing the feeling of his cool skin as your hand dropped to your side as you looked out over the ocean once more, but that would be weird, right? Shoto's eyes lingered over you, checking to see if you were still as red as a beet. He did remember you from high school; the one who fell down the stairs, and blushed the sweetest shade of red that he was yet to see anywhere else. You, who had grown into such a strong, independent person since high school. You, whose candied smile still made his heart skip a beat.
"I should head home." You said, turning away from the ocean.
"Me too." Shoto said curtly, "It was good to see you."
As you parted ways, you had the urge to turn around and run towards him, to catch up to him and ask if he wanted to stick around and talk some more. Alas, it was just a feeling. One that you swiftly pushed aside, just as you had many times before. Still, his words lingered in your mind.
"You don't need to push yourself to make everything perfect."
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
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