#one piece kaku x you
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they make you cry
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Kaku x F!Reader, Law x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader
summary - sometimes you just can't handle the things they say/do
warnings - angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
taglist - @kabloswrld
a/n - this took forever to write, and I'm sorry! had to fight my writer's block real hard to get this out ☠️ some of them seem rushed and im sorry about that too!
Zoro could be mean, you knew this when you started dating him. He didn't mince his words, nor did he sugarcoat anything. Especially when he was angry, that's when he could be the cruelest. You just never expected to be on the receiving end of that cruelty.
You were just trying to help, honestly. You thought it might be a nice gesture if you wiped his swords clean for him while he napped, and you thought he'd appreciate it. But the moment you dropped them while putting them back and woke him up, it was like something had possessed him.
"What the hell are you doing?" He demanded, sitting up and looking at you, his eyes hard.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to clean them for you," you tried explaining yourself, hoping he wouldn't be too angry. Hoping he would calm down and stop looking at you like that.
"Why would you think that?" He scoffed. "I clean them myself, there's no need for you to do it. There's no need for you touch them at all, actually."
"I'm sorry," you apologised again, shrinking away and feeling hurt by his tone already.
"Just don't do it again," he snapped, "You don't know anything about swords. It wouldn't be such a problem if you were more like me and less like you."
"Less like me?" The tears filled your eyes before you could stop them. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing, just go away and let me nap."
And go away you did. You left his room with your eyes almost overflowing, hand covering your mouth to stifle the sob that was about to come out. You didn't understand what brought that on, why he had been so mean to you.
"(Name), wait-"
You ran off the moment his door opened again, trying to put as much distance between him and yourself as possible. You were hurt, so incredibly hurt, that you barely made it to your room before you broke down in tears, burying your face in your hands. You tried to calm down, you did, but his unprovoked verbal attack struck you right where it hurt the most, your heart. You didn't understand what he meant by "less like you", and you didn't think you wanted to. It was insult enough already.
A knock on your door startled you, and you quickly wiped your face to try and get rid of the tears but your eyes were still red and puffy. Which was immediately noticed by the swordsman when you opened the door, and he frowned.
"Were you crying?"
"What do you want?" You asked him, sniffing. "Did you come to insult me more? Maybe tell me again to stay away from your precious swords? Save it."
"I'm sorry," he interjected, taking you by surprise. He shifted nervously, not really knowing how to apologise but wanting to try because you meant more to him than he could ever say and he hated that he'd hurt you.
"Is that it?" You scoffed, about to close the door.
"No, no wait!" He stopped you, swallowing thickly and looking at the floor. "You know I'm not good with apologies. But I mean it when I say I'm sorry for what I said. You were just trying to do something nice for me and I snapped at you because I was in a mood. The stupid cook annoyed me earlier and I...didn't mean to take it out on you."
You crossed your arms, trying to look mad but you only looked sad and it tugged at Zoro's heartstrings, "Okay."
His expression softened, and when you allowed him he pulled you into his arms and hugged you, trying to show how sorry he was through his actions since he couldn't say it. He rubbed your back soothingly, pressing a gentle and apologetic kiss to the top of your head.
"But if you speak to me like that again, I'm throwing your swords into the ocean."
He chuckled, "Deal."
He spent the next few days making it up to you in various ways, either buying you a special gift from any island you stopped by, or hugging/cuddling you a little longer than usual, or teaching you some moves with his swords to prove he trusted you with them. Eventually, when his overbearing affection started worrying the crew, you had to forgive him.
The crew was celebrating a big win. Stopping by a nearby island, majority of the crewmembers could be found in bars and taverns, drinking their weight in alcohol. You were amongst them, not drinking as much but joining the merriment regardless. You smiled at the antics of your crewmates, who were trying to drunkenly flirt with woman around the room.
Your smile vanished the moment your eyes settled on your boyfriend, who was busy entertaining a crowd of younger women with the tale of your victory.
Now normally that isn't a cause for upset with you, but he tended to get a little overfriendly and even though you've spoken to him about it many, many times, he hasn't made an effort to stop his flirting - even if he didn't see it as flirting, those women certainly did. And that was the problem, he always let them think that and allowed them to get handsy with him.
You rolled your eyes, downing your drink so you could get out of here. When you lowered your pint again, the sight of one of their hands on his arm made you sick. Usually you would get angry and storm over there and break up the party, but today the sight brought tears to your eyes. It hurt you that he always did this, even when you'd asked him not to.
"(Name), where you going?" One of your crewmates asked you when they noticed you getting up. "It's still early!"
You forced a smile, trying to hide your glassy eyes, "I, uh-"
"(Name)!" Ace called you cheerfully, waving you over, "Come here!"
You frowned, then shook your head before turning and leaving the bar, letting the tears fall now that you were out of sight from the rest of the crew. Your vision blurred on the way back to the ship, but you somehow managed to get there without hurting yourself and broke down into quiet sobs as you sat on your bed and buried your face in your hands.
Sometimes it felt like you weren't enough for him, whether it was physically or emotionally. He could make you feel like the worst lover sometimes, like you couldn't give him what he wanted, even if he didn't mean to. You knew he had commitment issues, but you thought your relationship was getting more serious at this point.
"(Name)!" Ace burst into the room, looking worried. "Hey, why did you leave?"
You didn't answer, turning away from him and curling up into a foetal position facing the wall your bed was placed against. You couldn't look at him right now, not when the tears wouldn't stop.
"Baby?" He called again, the bed dipping beside you to indicate that he had sat down. "I know you're not asleep."
He reached out and gently touched your shoulder, urging you to turn around and face him. You sighed and shifted around, looking at him with a tear-stained face. His eyes instantly went wide and he flew into a panic.
"What happened? Did someone do something to you?"
"Ugh, stop it," you groaned, sitting up. "Don't pretend to care about me when you constantly do what I tell you hurts my feelings." Just mentioning it again brought the tears back, and you cursed.
He frowned when you said this, "But I wasn't flirting with them."
You gave him an exasperated look, "Do you ever realise that they consider it flirting? That they try to seduce you with all their little touches and stupid flirty smiles? No, you don't." You hastily wiped your eyes, now getting angry.
"I'm sorry-"
"No, Ace. You do this all the time. And it really, really hurts."
His expression softened, and he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap with ease. No matter how mad you were at him, your body never fought his touch or embrace.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled into your hair. "I didn't realise they were trying to do that. I was so caught up in telling the story, especially the part where you took out all of those pirates, that I didn't see they weren't really interested. I'm sorry I'm so stupid."
The sincerity in his voice eased your mood, and you slowly stopped crying and pulled away to look at him, "Next time just ask me to come sit with you."
"I'll do better than that baby, I'll put you on my lap."
"You know that doesn't end well."
"On the contrary-"
You sighed and shook your head, unable to help the smile that formed on your lips. He really was an idiot, but he was your idiot and even if he did stupid things a lot of the time, you loved him very much.
You and Kaku hardly ever fought, because he was a very patient and very reasonable man. He never gave you any reason to be upset with him, because while he was a ruthless assassin, to you he was an absolute sweetheart. The only problem was that he sometimes left for long missions, and you were left worrying about him at home and not knowing what was going on because he was deep undercover that he couldn't even contact you.
Like now, where he was working undercover as a foreman in Water 7. You had asked him once again if you could come with, seeing as neither of you knew how long he'd be away this time. But he refused, gently reminding you that he didn't want to put you in any danger and that your house - so far off the grid absolutely no one knew about it - was the safest place for you. You had no other option but to agree.
After many, many months spent worrying about him and struggling to sleep not knowing what's going on, your boyfriend stumbled in through the front door one night absolutely destroyed. You'd come down with one of his swords in hand - one that he kept around the house for you - only to stop dead at the sight of Kaku standing there. Actually, standing was generous. He was barely keeping himself off the ground, tall frame hunched over and trembling.
"Oh my god, Kaku!" You dropped the blade and rushed to his side, laying one of his arms around your shoulders so you could at least help him to the couch. "What the hell happened?"
"It's a long story," he groaned, laying his head over the back of the couch and closing his eyes. "Short version - the Straw Hats."
You frowned at his brief response, going to fetch your first aid kit - you'd learned after the first few times he came home that you'd need one - and bringing it back to him.
"I think I deserve an explanation," you pressed, sitting beside him and starting to tend to his more obvious wounds. "You owe me that much."
"I don't want to talk about it," he grumbled. "I'm sorry."
You didn't respond, and he cracked an eye open to see why. When he noticed how your eyes had become glassy and your bottom lip was trembling but you were biting it hard to stop it, his expression softened.
"Oh, honey."
He gently took the first aid from you and set it aside before bringing you into his arms, wrapping them around you securely. He pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head, ignoring the pain as he held you against his chest.
"I'm sorry."
"This is the worst I've ever seen you," you managed to get out, your voice small and hurt. "I had no contact with you for the longest time since you started working for them, and then you come back looking like this..." You couldn't help it, the tears just kept falling no matter how hard you tried to stop them.
He held you tighter, then moved one hand up to wipe your tears away, "But I came back, didn't I? I'm here."
You knew he was trying to reassure you, but it was difficult to be reassured when he constantly did this to you. You looked at him sceptically.
"Why would I ever risk dying?" He questioned softly, cupping your cheek in his large hand. "I have you to come home to, I don't put myself in a situation I don't think I can come out of." He kissed the tip of your nose, to make you smile like it always did. "Besides, did you ever think that maybe I like having you play nurse for me?"
You managed a small smile, warmed by his words, "Oh you do, huh?"
"I guess I can forgive you. On one condition."
"Anything, honey."
"I'm coming with you on your next assignment."
"...I don't have a choice, do I?"
He sighed, but planted a loving kiss on your forehead, "If it will ease your mind, then okay. But you have to let me make sure your cover is safe too."
Law was a very complicated man, with a lot of baggage and trauma he liked to keep away from everyone else. He was reclusive, and he never quite expressed his emotions as healthily as he should. Most days you did your best to understand, to step back and be the more rational one. But sometimes his actions don't make sense, and he ends up hurting you a lot more than he thinks - or notices.
Take the last few days, for example. You two had grown quite close over the course of your relationship and he was now quite comfortable with you and showing you affection - although still privately. But ever since you'd met the Straw Hat crew and he'd been introduced to their smartest member, Robin, he'd been a lot more distant and a lot less affectionate. Like he was beginning to forget you existed.
You started to feel insecure about not being as intelligent as her and not having anything in common with your boyfriend. You'd never liked books, they paled in comparison to the adventures you embarked on on a daily basis. But now it had come back to haunt you, and in the worst way possible.
"Law, do you want to-"
"Not now, (Name)-ya," he didn't even look up from his work. "I'm just finishing some notes on something that Robin asked for."
"Oh, okay. Let me know when you're-"
"I will be heading to their ship shortly, she has a collection of books I would like to study."
"...Right. Okay."
You blinked back tears, knowing he would just get irritated with your emotional display. Turning away from him, you left the room to go get some air and maybe feel sorry for yourself. It did hurt, him immediately dismissing you for another woman, even if it wasn't romantic. He was spending less time with you, and more time with her.
Your face lit up, thinking Law had finally come to his senses. But when you turned around, you saw him making his way to the Thousand Sunny while Bepo was the one who had called out to you. And then you couldn't hold it back anymore; you burst into tears.
You usually didn't cry like this. You were good at keeping your emotions in check. It was a side-effect of being around the stoic captain so much - you'd learned how to control your own emotions. But right now, it was too much to bear and your insecurities and fears came crashing down around you, drowning you in sorrow.
"What's wrong??" Bepo asked worriedly, immediately pulling you into a hug. "Did something happen?"
"No," you hiccupped, "I mean, yes, but it doesn't matter."
Your eyes drifted to the deck of the Sunny, where Law was engaged in what looked like a meaningful conversation with the female devil fruit user. Sighing, you tried your best to wipe your eyes and gently pushed Bepo away.
"I'm okay, I just...I need to be alone."
As you walked off, Bepo followed your gaze and spotted the issue. He frowned, having also noticed that his captain had recently been preferring Robin's company over his own girlfriend.
"Captain!" The bear called, rushing over to Law and Robin.
"Not now, Bepo," Law dismissed him, returning his attention to the raven-haired woman.
"But something is wrong with (Name)!" Bepo protested, whoch was a half-lie, half-truth. There was something wrong, but it wasn't with you. He just knew Law wouldn't follow him back otherwise.
"What?" Law instantly felt worry start to fill him. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, I saw her just now, crying, and then she ran off."
Law frowned. He didn't like it when you cried. Not because it was irritating, but because he always got this weird, ugly feeling when you did. You should never have to cry, you should never have to feel pain. Instantly, he goes back to the Polar Tang but not to look for you. He just simply uses his devil fruit to get you back into his room, and when he does he feels guilty by the sight.
Your eyes are red and puffy and you're sniffing like you're sick, but you're not sick. You're avoiding his gaze and casting your eyes downward to the floor, unable to look at him. And you're hugging yourself.
"(Name)-ya," he calls, hoping to get you to look at him.
"I thought you were with Robin," you tell him quietly, the hurt evident in your small, vulnerable voice.
He frowns, "I was, but-"
"Then we don't need to talk about anything," you cut him off. "I'm fine, go bacl to your conversation." You can't help being a bit snippy, tired of crying and even more so of being sad.
"You have been crying," he argued, "That is my concern."
"Oh really?" You suddenly glared at him. "I didn't think you'd notice. But you didn't, did you? Bepo had to tell you, because you were so engrossed in your new girlfriend!" You scoffed, rubbing your face and getting up. "Leave me alone."
"No," Law blocked your path out of the room. "I want to talk about this. And...I want to apologise for hurting you." He paused awkwardly, never good with apologies. "I didn't mean to spend so much time with her and neglect you, I promise. I just kept losing track of time, and I got a little bit eager that someone else was interested in some of the same things I am."
"Yeah, I know," you mumbled, "I'm sorry I'm not that person. I'm sorry I'm not your ideal girlfriend." The tears started falling again, and the ache returned to Law's chest.
"That's not what I meant," he moved closer, "You are perfect just the way you are. I don't want you to be like me, I don't think I could date someone like me. I often wonder how you do it."
Your eyes widen at the vulnerable revelation, and that leads you to start listening to his sincere words and slowly calm down.
"If I neglect you like that again, please just tell me," he pleaded, taking your hands in his. "Don't suffer in silence, I don't like seeing how it's affected you. And I don't like being the reason you cry. So please, just talk to me when I hurt you. Pull me away from any conversation, throw my books, whatever. Just make sure I listen."
"Okay," you slowly smiled, nodding. "But you can't yell at me if I do."
He sighed, but felt relieved that he was forgiven, "I won't."
"Great. Now you owe me a lot of cuddles and even more kisses," you pout. "And double the amount of hugs."
"Done, done and done," he murmured as he leaned down to kiss you sweetly and gently.
If Luffy hasn't upset you in some way, you'd be suspicious. His carefree nature was bound to anger or frustrate you in some way or the other, and his tendency to overexert himself in fights often ended with you concerned for his health in general. He's never made you cry, because if there's one thing Luffy can do well it's keep his promises.
Until he meets Boa Hancock.
And you get it. She's gorgeous, she's powerful, she's a queen. She's everything a woman should be, and you can't help but feel envious of the attention she gets from men. Luffy doesn't really care for her looks, which is a little comforting, however she found the way to his heart and every time you guys met her on the ocean she had the nerve to throw him a huge feast. And your beloved, naive boyfriend always thought she was just being nice and gorged himself on her food, missing the way she looked at him longingly and not understanding her flirtatious advances.
But you understood them very well.
But as mentioned before, she's a powerful person. Not just because she's a devil fruit user, but also because she's a Warlord. You knew you couldn't piss her off in any way, for the safety of the crew, but she had no such qualms. It seemed she knew that you hated how much she attended to Luffy, she knew how much you hated her advances and how Luffy always ate whatever she offered. And she abused her title, doing it on purpose because she knew there was nothing you could do.
Most of the time it was just frustrating beyond comparison. But slowly it ate away at you, and one particular meeting had you excusing yourself in an attempt to escape what seemed like a suffocating situation.
Boa was once again on your ship - it seemed like she purposely sought it out just to see your boyfriend, and she probably did. Luffy was enjoying yet another one of her feasts, and she was sat right beside him. Touching his arm and saying sweet things to him like he didn't already have a girlfriend. Batting her eyelashes at him and offering him sweet smiles that would knock the socks off any man other than Luffy. Once again, he didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable it made you, and you felt your eyes brim with tears.
Maybe he did notice and just didn't mind. Maybe he did notice and actually enjoyed her attention like everyone else did. Maybe you had him all wrong in this particular situation. He had spent a long time with her on her island, after all.
"Excuse me," you mumble to no one in particular, rising from your seat and swiftly exiting the room. It was like you couldn't breathe, your throat burning as the tears started falling faster and faster, until you could barely see.
You were sure he hasn't even noticed you were gone. He probably hadn't even seen you leave. And that thought had you clinging to your pillow harder as you screamed into it, hot angry tears rolling down your cheeks in unstoppable waves. You were so hurt and upset that you didn't notice your room door swing open and a certain captain barge in.
"(Name)?" Luffy called, sounding confused. "Are you okay?"
You felt your body bounce a little as the overeager captain jumped onto your bed, but in your stubbornness you refused to look at him and turned away instead.
"Go away, Luffy."
Luffy was not used to hearing those words from you. Nor was he used to hearing the sadness in your voice, the way it cracked halfway, and the miserable sniff that came afterwards. He was not used to seeing you like this, so sad.
"What's wrong?" He tugged on your shoulder, trying to get you to turn back around to face him. "Are you sick? Is your stomach sore?"
"No, Luffy!" You sat up and yelled in exasperation. "I'm tired! I'm so, so tired okay!" You rubbed your face and curled up, thighs pressed tightly to your chest. "I'm tired of my boyfriend letting some other woman fawn over him with no boundaries. I'm tired of watching my boyfriend be sweet-talked and flirted with by some other woman. And I can't do anything, because she's a Warlord!"
Luffy's eyes went wide, and then he burst out laughing, "Are you worried about Hammock?" The incorrect name almost had you smiling, but you managed to keep your face stoic. "(Name), I only want you. You know that right?"
"Yes," you sighed, "And I trust you, Luffy. It's just...you never stop her and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not enough. Like she does more for you than I ever could." Your gaze fell. "Sometimes I think you actually like her."
Suddenly his arms were around you and he was squeezing you in the tightest hug he'd ever given.
"I don't like anyone the way I like you, (Name)," he promised. "ANd I never will. You are the only person who makes me feel like this, and you do enough for me already. You cook for me! I bet Hammock doesn't even make the food herself. If it came to choosing you or her, it would always be you."
Your cheeks burned when he said that, and slowly a smile formed on your lips, "That's really sweet, Luffy. Thank you. I needed to hear that."
He nuzzled his face against yours affectionately, "I will remind you as many times as you want!"
Sanji's most annoying habit tended to irritate you majority of the time, and every instance ended with you practically fuming and storming off after telling him off angrily. He would normally appease you with something sweet, or your favourite dish. In some extreme cases, both. But you never stayed mad at him, because he made it impossible for you to do so. You just never expected that one day the hurt would become too much for you to handle, and you'd react with sadness rather than fury.
The crew had been given the day off to explore another island. Everyone had split to do their own things, but the cook insisted on accompanying you because it was one of the rare times he got to spend alone with you for an entire day. So the two of you strolled through the vibrant town, enjoying the atmosphere and each other's presence.
That is, until Sanji forgot about your warning to not flirt with anyone on this island. He deemed it just being a gentleman, but you knew better than that.
When you caught him staring as your words faltered, you expected the usual bout of anger to flare within you. You were ready to tell him off again, a dozen insults coming to mind for that woman, when you felt a sharp pang in your chest instead. Your words caught in your throat, and a sorrow like nothing you'd ever experienced filled you.
Had he been staring the entire time you were talking to him? To make matters worse, he seemed to forget you were speaking and drifted over to the lady to compliment her dress.
You felt humiliated. No one here actually knew you two, but it was embarrassing that you couldn't even keep your lover's attention on you. Your cheeks burned, your throat along with them, and your eyes brimmed with tears. It was made worse when you glanced around at all the other couples, and found them happily clinging to each other and acting like they were the only two people in the world.
"What do you think, ma chérié?" Sanji's voice suddenly filled your ears. "Do you like it?"
You hastily wiped your eyes, trying to look like you did before, "Um, like what? Sorry, I wasn't listening..."
He didn't seem to notice the sadness in your tone or the forlorn expression on your face, he just barrelled on, "This pretty young woman's dress, what do you think of it?"
"A-are you serious?" You choked out, feeling the burning in your throat get worse.
"Yes! Doesn't it look nice?"
You couldn't take it anymore. You were hyperventilating at this point. Scared of being embarrassed further with your impending sobbing, you turned and sprinted as fast as you could away from the scene. He called after you, but you weren't listening.
He arrived at the ship at the same time you did, leaving you confused. You were about to push past him when he grabbed your waist, stopping you.
"Wait, my love, I'm sorry," he apologised, "Don't cry, please."
You smacked his hand away from your face, "No, don't. If you were really sorry, you'd stop flirting with every woman you see like I told you to! But no, you keep doing it." Your eyes watered again. "Do you have any idea what it's like? Seeing your own lover interested in someone else, not even listening to you?"
Sanji was speechless. He had no idea it affectef you this much, but he blamed himself for going on with it even when you told him not to.
"How would you feel if I flirted with every guy I saw?" You demanded.
"Oh no, please don't," he begged, heart sinking at the thought.
"But it's okay for you to do it?" You looked away, and his heart broke.
"I'm sorry," he apologised again, "I am, really. But I wasn't flirting with her, I promise! I was just asking where she got that dress because it looked so nice and I thought it would look good on you..."
Your eyes widened when you heard this, "Wait, what? Is that why you asked if I liked it?"
"Mhm," he smiled, "I wanted to get it for you if you did."
You were the speechless one now. All that time he had been thinking of you, and you'd gone and assumed the worst. Now you felt even more embarrassed, but for a totally different reason.
"Sanji, I-"
"No need to apologise, love," he immediately hugged you when it seemed like it was okay for him to. "I haven't exactly given you reasons to trust me not to flirt. But I promise, I am doing my best to not do it. I don't want to lose you."
He really was too cute to stay mad at, or even to stay sad about, and you ended up smiling and leaning in to kiss him.
"Fine, but do it again and I'm going to leave you for Zoro."
His face paled, "No no, ma chérie, you can't be serious! Love, wait! Are you serious??" And he followed you to your room, begging you to tell him you were lying.
You were well aware that Usopp had had a romantic interest in a girl long before he met you. He would never tell you about her, but Nami and Luffy told you about her and what they knew about her relationship with Usopp. As far as you could tell, they had never done anything more than kiss once.
You felt like you were getting in the way of their relationship, and most days that thought just put you into an emotionless daze. You felt like you couldn't compare, because she seemed to be his first love. And as bad as this sounds, you started to feel like you were a relationship of convenience to him. Someone to keep him company while he longed for another.
"You know that's not true," Nami would reassure you when you confided in her. "He's not like that. He really loves you."
"I can tell he thinks about her sometimes," you argue, "And we don't know whether or not he imagines her in my place when we kiss or do anything remotely romantic. Who's to say he wouldn't go back to her if we somehow made it back to the East Blue?"
Nami couldn't give you the answer to that, and it hurt all the more. You tried not to let it get to you, you really did, but some days were worse than others. Some days you felt inferior, like you were not as pretty as she was, even though you'd never seen her. If he was so crazy about her to still be thinking about her months after he'd met you, he surely still loved her, right?
"Usopp, I have a question," Nami asked the sharpshooter one day.
"Uhhhh, no I did not borrow any money from you..." He replied nervously, eyes darting around the room.
The navigator's eyes narrowed, "We'll get to that later. Anyway, if we went back to the East Blue, what would you do? Would you want to rekindle your relationship with Kaya?"
Usopp's face paled, "What kind of question is that?!"
"Just answer!"
"I...I don't know!" He cried, then attempted to flee only to see you standing in the doorway, your eyes glistening. "(Name)-"
"I get it," you swallowed thickly, "She was your first love. I just wish you'd stop pretending like this relationship means anything to you." You turned and retreated to your room, locking the door and falling down against it, tears flowing freely.
You knew it was unfair. You knew he'd known her his whole life and you just a year. But you kind of hoped that since you'd actually developed what you thought was a meaningful, deep romantic relationship with him, he wouldn't have to think about it. You kind of hoped he would just choose you, simple as that. And you know it was unfair to him, and selfish of you. But you couldn't help it.
"(Name)!" The sharpshooter knocked on your door. "Please let me in!" He sounded panicked, like he did before you all went into a fight.
"Go away, Usopp," you yelled, but the pain in your voice was too clear for him to ignore.
Normally he would give up. He does that very easily. But when it comes to you he doesn't stop, and he never will. He hates leaving you on your own, especially when you're upset and even more so when he's the reason you're upset.
"Please, baby," he pleaded, "Let me explain! I never said I would! Please, just open up. Let's talk about this!"
"You can say what you want through the door," you told him, "Otherwise we don't talk at all." And yes, again this was unfair to him, but again you couldn't help it.
"I know what you must be thinking," he immediately started, "And you're wrong. Yes I used to love Kaya, and yes we almost had a relationship, but that was clearly not meant to be. Because I met you, and I fell in love with you, and I can't imagine loving anyone else now that I know what it feels like to love you." He paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say, and then, "You're the love of my life now, and I know that it will stay that way even if we were to somehow end up back in the East Blue. You are my girlfriend now, and I only ever want or think about you. Please believe me, it'll only ever be you."
Hearing all of this slowly calmed you down, and you didn't even notice when the tears stopped. His sincere, loving words hit you right where you needed them the most, and you stood up to open the door.
"You mean all that?"
"Yes," he looked like he was on the verge of tears himself. "Please don't break up with me."
"Oh, Usopp," you laughed and wiped your eyes, "I could never do that. Especially not after such sweet words. You're stuck with me."
"And hopefully always will be," he added, immediately hugging you and almost crushing your bones. "I'm so sorry (Name), I'm sorry I made you cry!" And then he actually started crying.
#one piece#op#one piece x reader#one piece x you#zoro x reader#zoro x you#roronoa zoro#ace x reader#ace x you#portgas d ace#one piece kaku x reader#one piece kaku x you#law x reader#law x you#trafalgar d water law#luffy x reader#luffy x you#monkey d luffy x you#monkey d luffy#sanji x reader#sanji x you#vinsmoke sanji#usopp x reader#usopp x you#usopp
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Fish fear me women fear me 🎣🐟⛱️
#rob lucci#kaku#stussy one piece#hattori one piece#cp0#lucci x kaku#one piece#kaku one piece#jabra one piece#(trust me he's in the pic you just have to look real close)#also this is what happened after egghead. theyre all happy now. i really want them to be happy
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which of my fav op men i’d give to each zodiac sign 🫀
gymbro!zoro - yall need someone who will baby you & fuck u good!!!
insane!law - u get a man who will cut u up & play with your organs. u love it, i know
kaku! - he’s so unserious but ur so obsessed with it & you like a man with a big nose
boyfriend!sanji - ohhhh my i daydream about him, bby boy will make u all the best comfort meals n be sooo in luv with u
fuckboy!ace - i know this version of him puts you in the ward,,, you’re feral & climbing up the walls for him
big dick!sanji - he’s got all the stamina in the world & a monster cock, what else do you need? stroke game unmatched btw
zombie!luffy - ur dumb enough to fuck a zombie,,,,,,, it’s okay tho u like keeping him in chains (kinky mf)
himbo!zoro - (one of my personal favs) he lives to serve y/n. will do anything & everything for u. his brain only has 3 thoughts. strong. swords. y/n.
emotionally unavailable!zoro - u got the ‘i can fix him’ mentality, srry babe it’s not gonna work out
manipulator!sanji - he’s gonna get in your head & never escape! gives good dick tho (and mouth)
alabasta!ace- do i even need to say anything. mans is serving cunt in alabasta, his best era imo he’s yummy
dilf!rayleigh - he’s sexy & ur sexy so it makes sense, fuck rayleigh is so hot mmmgffhdhdff mfmmmmm mm
#one piece x reader#trafalgar law#roronoa zoro#portgas d ace#monkey d luffy#sanji#kaku one piece#one piece#one piece smut#one piece scenario#trafalgar law smut#trafalgar law x reader#luffy smut#vinsmoke sanji#sanji x reader#zoro roronoa x you#roronoa zoro smut#roronoa zoro x reader#zoro roronoa x reader#sanji smut#portgas ace x y/n#portgas ace x you#portgas ace x reader#ace smut#silvers rayleigh
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Ok I have CP9 brain worms, have some dating head canons for Lucci and Kaku
Includes some NSFW HCs
- He's literally the sweetest boyfriend in public
- His compliments are old fashioned and kind of corny but that just adds to his cuteness
- Constantly uses pet names, probably defaults to "honey" or "sweetheart" the most (or "filly" if you're a girl)
- You've gotta angle your head a LOT for kisses, but it's worth it
- He probably believes in corny shit like love at first sight, he's a government assassin but this man DESPERATELY wants someone to just relax and be himself with
- STAMINA this man has it in SPADES
- He's also a tease, a horrible one, will keep you going for hours if he can
- He's also REALLY good at dirty talk, you would never guess it. He's constantly purring about how good and sweet you are for him.
- I'm... Honestly torn on whether the dick is square or not
- I have no idea how you could get this man's attention but once you have it he has no idea what to do.
- There's two options I see for him: either you're the most kind hearted, generous civilian he's ever met and he NEEDS to keep you safe from criminals
- Or you're an agent/marine and every bit as devoted to the cause of justice as him, and your strength is almost as impressive as his
- Rather, intellectually he knows what to do, he's been hit on before. He's just never reciprocated.
- He doesn't flirt so much as he just kind of... Let's you know in no uncertain terms that he wants you. (Once he gets over the five stages of grief he goes through when he REALIZES he wants you.)
- He's possessive, and if anyone looks at you even remotely flirtatiously he WILL throw them into a wall... At the very least
- He's also protective and if anyone threatens you -or God forbid actually hurts you- they're beyond dead, ESPECIALLY if you're just a civilian
- The pigeon must approve of you
- Oh this guy is a menace in bed
- Loves to edge you until you're begging and crying to finish
- Doesn't talk much, but when he does it's FILTHY
- Mostly just grunts and growls, it might be a leftover habit from not talking for five years
- If he can, he pulls your hair, and A LOT
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{h/c= hurt/comfort, req= request, E= event)
Heart Pirates ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
❀ Trafalgar Law
And There You Are, An Ocean Away (Fluff, 1.2k)
Morning People (Fluff, 0.4k)
I Think I Love You! (Fluff, 2.3k)
Don’t Fall In Love With Me (Yet) (Slow Burn Series)
• Part 1 (1.3k)
• Part 2 (1.5k)
• Part 3 (1.5k)
Young And Dumb. (Fluff, 1.7k)
You’re An Angel When You Sleep (Angst, h/c 1.5k)
Could I Be Loved By You? (Fluff, 0.3k)
You Feel Right; Stay A Sec (Fluff, 1.4k)
Bridgerton-Inspired Series (to be named! Angst, Fluff, h/c)
• The Bane Of My Existence (1.6k)
• The Object Of All My Desires (2.5k)
• Duty At The Expense Of Desire (2.2k)
• The Captain Who Loved Me (1.6k)
❀ Penguin
Everything In Between (Fluff, 1.7k)
Strawhat Pirates¨ ✘◦. *₊۵
❀ Roronoa Zoro
I’m A Ghost Of You, You’re A Ghost Of Me (Fluff, Angst, Series)
• Part 1 (1.6k)
• Part 2 (2.3k)
• Part 3 (1.4k)
• Part 4 (1.3k)
Could I Be Loved By You? (Fluff, 0.2k)
Such A Foolish Reason (Fluff, E, 0.6k)
I Just Wanna Dance With You (Fluff, E, 0.5k)
❀ Vinsmoke Sanji
I Wish You Knew I Was Real (Fluff, 1.7k)
Could I Be Loved By You? (Fluff, 0.2k)
Loving And Letting Go (h/c, req, 1.6k)
May I Have This Dance? (Fluff, E, 0.6k)
Seaside Rendezvous (Fluff, Angst, 0.6k)
❀ Nami
Could I Be Loved By You? Pt. 2 (Fluff, 0.2k)
❀ Monkey D. Luffy
Could I Be Loved By You? Pt. 2 (Fluff, 0.3k)
❀ God Usopp
Could I Be Loved By You? Pt. 2 (Fluff, h/c, 0.4k)
❀ Nico Robin
Pirate Bias (Fluff, E, 0.8k)
Others °. *࿐
❀ Ace
When The Tide Comes Out (Angst, 1.1k)
❀ Sabo
Apricity (Fluff, 0.7k)
❀ Kaku
The Way Things Go (Fluff, Angst, Series)
• Part 1 (1.4k)
• Part 2 (1.5k)
Let Me Prove Myself (Fluff, E, 1k)
#one piece x reader#one piece x you#fanfic#one piece#law x reader#zoro x reader#sanji x reader#x reader#oneshot#fluff#masterlist#kaku x reader#kaku#penguin x reader#op penguin#sabo x reader#luffy x reader#nami x reader#usopp x reader
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honestly i have to know ー if you self ship with one of the marines, who is it and why? who is throwing it back for aokiji? who is out here trying to make homemade lunches for koby? who is trying to go down on tashigi? who is serenading kizaru or akainu?
i just have to know fr.
tell me your story.
what's your lore?
what pulled you into them?
i'll be seeing y'all on the blue seas as enemies because i fuck with ace and the whitebeard pirates but i just wanna know who my naval opps are
#look she's not writing#selfship community#selfshipping#i personally selfship with ace but i'm curious who is making out with law & order on main??#it ain't me but if you do that's okay#who is being a bootlicker on main fjdnfkjsdfn???#one piece#aokiji#aokiji kuzan#akainu#akainu sakazuki#kizaru#borsalino#koby#tashigi#rob lucci#kaku#kalifa#blueno#helmeppo#monkey d garp#iron fullbody#one piece smoker#captain smoker#one piece hibari#donquixote rosinante#donquixote corazon#one piece kujaku#prince grus#x drake
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Hello! Could I request A, G, K, P, and S for Cp0 Kaku Please?
I admittedly based this more off his CP9 days because I haven't gotten far enough to see him as a CPO agent. I hope that's okay! Also thank you for requesting Kaku, I owe you a kiss on the forehead.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He's very old fashioned, and that comes out strong in his affection for you. He displays all four love languages pretty evenly, but he leans the most into acts of service. He loves to do things for you and make himself feel useful. In the early days, he tries to endear himself to you by doing favors. Things like repairing something that broke in your home or running errands in your place if you're too busy. He also wants to be seen as a provider by you. He wants you to rely on him, and he also simply enjoys giving you gifts; particularly if he made them. I headcanon that he's incredible at woodwork in general, so he could fully furnish your whole home if you don't stop him.
As for physical touch, he's very polite about it at first. In the beginning, he'll hook his arm with yours, rest his hand on the small of your back, and hold hands with you. He might even kiss your hand if he feels like the day with you is going well. As he gets more bold and comfortable, he also enjoys hugging you from behind and kissing your forehead.
His affection starts off mild and polite, but the more the obsession grows, the more intense it gets. Every interaction leaves him wanting more, and he's so desperate to get the next high that he'll make excuses as to why you seem to not want it. You're just shy, or maybe you had a bad experience and don't feel safe with him yet. That's got to be all it is.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not at all. He would be genuinely offended if you so much as insinuated that it was a game. He loves you! How could you possibly think that this is just a game to him? All that he wants is to have a nice life with you by his side. He's 100% genuine in his love and want for you. Escape attempts are usually excused as being something else. Like you just wanting fresh air or needing to get something from the store. If he sees it for what it actually is, he gets really quiet. He feels hurt that his darling would want to run away from him. Is he not good enough? He decides that that must be it, so he doubles down on affection and spending time with you. You just felt neglected, that's all.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
You two were getting mistaken for a married couple since you first started spending time together. He's always calling you dear and regarding you with such soft and genuine affection that everyone assumes you're newly weds or something. This works out great for Kaku because that's pretty much how he feels right off the bat. He doesn't open himself up easily, so if he let you in enough to actually date you, he's already pondering what to get you for your first wedding anniversary. He knows that you two aren't married yet, but he has occasional slip ups where he'll refer to you as his spouse.
Once you're happily married and living together (read: kidnapped), he plays the part of a doting husband. He's kissing you the second he walks through the door even if he has to hold you in place for it. He'll make small talk about your respective days while you two cook dinner together. When that's done, he'll cuddle up to you on the couch while talking about how much he loves and appreciates you. This man wants to play pretend that he has a perfectly normal life, and he'll get you to participate in that delusion one way or another.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Kaku is an extremely patient man in general, and that applies to you. As long as no outside force pushes him to act quickly, he could play the part of a perfectly normal and loving boyfriend for years. You'll never see his true nature coming because what few slip ups he has are either very minor or justifiable.
After the rug has been pulled out from under you, and you start to fight back against him, he's still very patient. He's so delusional and good at justifying your behavior that most of the things you do don't even phase him. Genuinely upsetting him takes a lot and will actually make him withdraw for a bit while he tries to figure out how to fix it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
It's a combination of his childhood and him being dissatisfied with how his life currently is. He feels a constant ache for the family he once had before he was orphaned, and there is nothing that he wants more than to have his own family and finally be able to heal through that.
On top of that, he doesn't like being a Cipher Pol Agent. It's just what he is, and he feels like he's trapped because that isn't exactly a job you can just quit. He craves normalcy and loves the appeal of a mundane life. He sees his darling as an opportunity to finally have that.
#kaku one piece#kaku x reader#one piece#yandere one piece#one piece x reader#one piece x y/n#one piece x you#yandere#yandere alphabet#x reader#reader insert#please everyone send in more letters for kaku
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𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖, 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖
𝕂𝕒𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕔𝕚𝕤!𝕗𝕖𝕞 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
ℝ𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕: 𝟙𝟠+. 𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟�� (𝕗𝕖𝕞. 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘), 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕪-𝕕𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕪 𝕂𝕒𝕜𝕦 🤭💖
𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @wolfegoddess ! 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘯, 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 🥺💖💋 𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴, 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘠𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺!
Being the partner of Kaku meant keeping private was a must.
No one really knew you existed, but you knew it was for your own safety. Being part of CP9 was difficult enough for Kaku, but having a weakness, such as yourself, made the man incredibly anxious.
You sighed through your nose as your Den Den began ringing again, not even an hour after you'd already hung up on your lover. Rolling your eyes slightly, you lifted the receiver and drawled out,
“Yes, my love?”
There was silence on the other end before a soft chuckle rang through, the sound making your heart leap in your chest as you realized it was not Kaku on the other line.
Your jaw dropped in shock and nervousness, a shaky laugh leaving you as you nearly coughed out,
“Ah, Mr. Blueno sir, I am so sorry, I was not expecting your call.”
The Den Den frowned slightly, showing the expression of the man on the other line as he bit out jokingly,
“I couldn't tell.”
There was a more comfortable silence after a moment, your eyes unwavering from the Den Den Mushi as you finally asked,
“Is… is something wrong?”
Blueno cleared his throat gently before replying,
“Kaku asked me to check on you.”
You couldn't stop the slightly annoyed groan that left you, holding your burning face in a weak palm as you barely got out,
“I'm so sorry.”
There was confusion from the man as he asked,
You sighed softly through your nose before you replied,
“You have much more important things to do with your life, I know this for a fact.”
There was silence from Blueno for a moment before he commented lightly,
“You are important to Kaku, which makes you important to all of us. It's no bother.”
You frowned slightly, metaphorically holding your heart in your hands as it raced. It was rare for Blueno to speak to you, let alone to reassure you like this and it made you feel… special.
“... Thank you, sir.”
You could practically hear the amusement in his voice as he commented back,
“You're welcome. I'll call again soon, if he asks. Kaku apologizes for being so busy.”
You shook your head even though he couldn't see it, throwing your Den Den a soft look as you laughed slightly,
“I'm not bothered, truly. I know how important his job is, and I understand how hard it is. I'm not worried in the slightest.”
There was another moment of silence before you continued,
“... He always comes home. No matter what.”
Blueno gave a hum in response, clearly impressed with your answer.
“Enjoy your afternoon, Y/N.”
“You as well, sir. Thank you.”
Sighing to yourself, you hung up the receiver and fed your Den Den a piece of crisp lettuce, his favourite snack. Patting his little eyeballs gently, you then moved away from your comfy chair and decided to pass time with a bath, making your way to the washroom and grabbing a change of clothes on the way.
It wasn't long until you were resting comfortably in the bath, the tub filled to the brim with vanilla scented bubbles. You had your eyes closed, soft music playing from a radio off to the side. After what felt like at least an hour, you sat up and ran a lazy hand through your now soft hair, breathing a gentle sigh as you peeked your eyes open, only to shriek as you suddenly came face to face with someone.
Whipping a hand back, you punched out, quick and hard, just like Kaku taught you and you hit flesh, hearing a crash and a groan as you pulled yourself up from the tub. Breathing heavily, you peeked over the massive amount of bubbles and gasped in shock as you saw none other than Kaku laying on the floor, a dazed expression on his face with a red welt steadily growing on his cheek.
“You… did great, my love,” he croaked out, slowly, groaning to himself as he pulled himself into a cross-legged position. Your mouth dropped open in shock, staring at your lover (who was not due to be home for another few days, mind you) before you nearly leapt from the tub, tears and bubbles stinging your eyes as you crashed into him.
“You're home,” you blubbering out, pressing your naked and soaked body to his as you peppered his face with warm kisses. Strong arms wrapped around you and your favourite sound of chuckling met your ears as calloused fingers ran over your slippery back.
“I sure am, little filly mine.”
Sniffling with a sad frown, you stared up at him with wide eyes, confused though elated he was home so early.
“But… Mr. Blueno called… he said-”
Kaku laughed, his cheeks tinted pink as he stared back with a bright reply of,
“All part of the plan!”
He grinned and pulled you closer, pressing a hot kiss to your forehead before he murmured gently,
“And I think I pulled it off pretty well.”
You laughed in response, curling into him for a moment before pulling back, slightly embarrassed and flustered as you pulled him from the floor.
“I'm so sorry my love-” you started, only to be cut off as Kaku pulled you into a deep kiss, one of his hands cradling the back of your head. He pulled back for only a moment to reply softly,
“Never apologize for being on your toes. You did good, my darling.”
Next thing you knew, you were both back in the tub, your back pressed against his toned chest as he pressed butterfly kisses to the side of your face. You turned your head slightly and pressed a kiss to his nose, pulling a weak chuckle from him as one of his hands wandered lower.
Your head fell back against the front of his shoulder, cradled against the side of his face as his fingers pressed over your warmth.
“I'm going to make it up to you,” he murmured against your hair, his eyes shut as he breathed you in.
“You have nothing to make up for,” you replied just as softly, one of your hands moving to hold his face in your palm. He practically purred into your touch, a low rumble vibrating from his chest against your back.
“I've been away too long,” he continued, almost as if you hadn't even spoken. His fingers pressed into you, and your eyes rolled back, the familiar feeling of him filling you making your stomach filp and your heart stutter.
Kaku's voice held a tone of certainty as he promised,
“... I'm going to make it up to you.”
#mandies mumbles ; fanfics#one piece#kaku#cp9 kaku#op kaku#kaku x reader#cp9 x reader#secret santa#🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖#IVE NEVER WRITTEN KAKU B4 SO PLS BE GENTLE 😭😭😭😭😭😭#ok to rb#i hope you enjoy wolfe !!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖#merry christmas my lovely !!
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Can I request Kaku x fem water 7 civilian reader please?
Flying Man
Kaku x fem!reader
In which you’re a normal civilian that works at a cute cafe who’s totally in love with a marvelous shipwright.
Takes place in Water 7. Fluff, Kaku is wonderful. Added some extras.
“Everyone look outside! Kaku is at it again!” Some random customer yelled inside the cafe you worked at.
Everyone including yourself ran outside to get a good look at the “Flying Man” as everyone called him. All of the people in the cafe and people passing by were in awe at the sight of this marvelous man soaring through the sky as if he had wings. However, the show didn’t last long as he descended from the sky and landed right in front of the little cafe. Kaku stood in front of you giving you and the people around him a cute closed eye smile. You froze slightly as you had only ever seen him from afar. But now he was here in the flesh right in front of you and it was almost too much for your poor heart to bear.
“Hey there everyone! Just came by for some lunch!” He exclaimed still smiling as he begin walking into your cafe. “Oh it appears to be empty.” Kaku joked looking at the menu posted on the wall.
“Sorry sir.” You said quickly making your way behind the cash register.
“Ahh, there we are! Say are you new here?” Kaku asked and you blushed at the acknowledgment.
“Yes, I am just started last week. What can I help you with sir.” You asked him
“Ah well..” he trailed off. “I’ll take the grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a cup of black coffee.” He cheerfully spoke looking in your eyes with a smile. “And what’s your name, pretty lady. ” He added
“Oh, my name is y/n, nice to meet you.”you told him feeling slightly nervous to finally be talking to him. Certainly, that’ll be $5.67.” Would you like it for here or to go Kaku?”You asked adding his name.
“Alrighty, and to go please. I’ve got a lot of ships that need repairs today. ” He said paying for his meal.
“It’ll be out in just a sec, please feel free to wait anywhere in the café.” You told him giving him your sweetest smile.
“Thanks! Also, forgive me if this is too straight forward, but I believe you have the prettiest smile in all of water 7.” Kaku complimented giving you a wide smile. Without hearing your response, he turned around and sat himself at a booth near the register.
“Thanks.” You muttered slightly dumbfounded by his sudden compliment.
After a few moments, his order was ready. You took it upon yourself to bag is You walked out and handed him his order as he took it cheerfully.
“Well thank you!” Kaku spoke taking his order. As you face it to him your fingertips touched his. A warm feeling erupted in your chest as your cheeks felt warm. He looked in your eyes and you weren’t sure what it was, but they made you feel so comfortable.
“You’re welcome sir.-Kaku” You muttered. “Please come back anytime.” You added speaking a bit more clearly.
“I think I will, I’ve been here a few time now, but I think I’ll start coming more often now that they have a cute server working here.” Kaku declared giving you a wink.
“Oh, well…thank you.” You blushed feeling excited at the thought of him coming back to the cafe.
For the next couple of weeks Kaku took it upon himself to come to the cafe every day. And everyday since he’s order the same meal. And give you large tip every time. You’ve gotten so use to seeing him that as soon as the clock turned 12, you took it upon yourself to start making his order personally. So, today when he didn’t show up you were confused. His order was ready in the back that had now gotten cold. The clock kept ticking away and you got on with your day by serving other customers. You felt worried for him, so worried in fact that you messed up an order. Thankfully, the customer was kind and could tell that something was up with you. As the day ticked on and turned into night, you decided that it was best to go home considering it was closing time. You left the cafe after locking up and began walking home. You were distressed by the absence of your crush as weren’t paying attention to where you were really walking. You were staring at you felt letting your body move on autopilot when suddenly, you bumped into a large figure.
“Oh shit.” You whined as you fell to the ground.
“Jeeze are you alright y/n?” A familiar voice called out
“Kaku?” You spoke out excitedly with a large grin on your face.
“Yeah, hey there. Let’s get you up.” Kaku greeted helping you as you tools his hands.
“Thank you.” You said still holding on to him.
“You’re quite welcome.” He winked holding squeezing you hand.
The two of you looked at each others eyes for what felt like an eternity before he coughed letting dropping your hands. You let out a sigh, already missing the warmth that his hands gave you.
“Kaku.” You said as he hummed in response. “I’m sorry if this sounds weird, but where were you today?” You asked sheepishly as you hugged yourself finding it slightly difficult to look him in his beautiful eyes. He chucked at your shyness as he grabbed your hands from your body and held them close to him.
“I’m sorry about that. The docs today were extremely hectic. Trust me all I could think about was you today.” He explained pulling you closer.
“You thought about me?” You asked slightly confused.
“Of course I did!” Kaku said like it was obvious.
“W-why?” You asked still not understanding.
“Oh y/n. I guess I should’ve made my intentions clearer.” Kaku told you rubbing your hands with his thumbs. “I like you precious, I really do.” Kaku affirmed. You were stunned but relieved that he felt the same way.
“I like you too, Kaku.” You whispered taking your hands from his and wrapping yourself in is arms. You could tell he was slightly shocked by your confidence but quickly put his arms around you and held you tightly against him. The two of you remained like this for a while feeling each others warmth and comfort. To you it all felt unreal and truly special. To Kaku this was all he truly felt he needed but knew that if the government found out it could potentially mean hell for him. But he didn’t care these past few weeks seeing you and even before that as he watched you from afar, made him feel more alive than anything else. He needed you and he hoped you’d give him the chance to prove that. Soon enough he felt it was important to finally ask the question he’s been dying to. So, he pulled away slightly to allow himself to look at your face as he held onto your body.
“What is it?” You questioned giving him a small smile.
“How would you like to go on a date with me?” Kaku finally asked
“Absolutely I will!” You exclaimed pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
“Haha, I’m so glad.” Kaku replied feeling excited but also worried for the future ahead with the woman that he adores.
Thank you so much for reading💜 And many thanks to the person who requested this fic!!
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
#Kaku x reader#kaku one piece#Kaku one piece x reader#kaku op#one piece rewatch#water 7#water 7 arc#cp9 kaku#one piece cp9#fem reader#civilian reader#requested fic.#thank you for reading#one piece x reader#one piece x you#one piece
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my request:
Ace, Zoro and Kaku with a partner who is afraid of almost everything (like Usopp), but one day in a battle, the reader puts their fears aside for the first time and fights bravely to protect them.
Hope u have a good day ❤❤
Thank you for requesting,this is short so m sorry ,but I love this 💖💖💖 poured my heart out to cope
Tags: spoilers for Marineford ,saboday, Ennis lobby ,angst (idk why but..they ended up angst), character death,some comfort, GN!reader insert can be read by Anyone<3
Note:sorry for any bad Grammer or..plot wonky , last time I watched Any pre time skip arcs was years ago
Short Scenarios of coward s/o! Protecting Thier man(with Ace ,Zoro Kaku)
(Y/N) trembled with fear, As the battle raged on, Ace's life was in grave danger. The enemy aimed to strike him down at every chance possible ,you couldn't stand by any longer, watching Ace fight alone and everyone fighting to save him,you loved him dearly he was your lover,you couldn't..just not do anything Summoning every ounce of courage, (Y/N) took a deep breath and charged into the fray, wielding your weapon with newfound determination. "I won't let them harm you, Ace!" (Y/N) shouted, surprising even themselves with their boldness , able to grab ace out of slippery situation from few soldiers Ace's eyes widened in amazement as he witnessed (Y/N) facing their fears head-on, standing tall beside him. "You're incredible, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, filled with admiration and love "I own you my life" he mummers to you as you both continue fighting in hope to find ace a way out of this battle without him begin harmed But as the battle intensified, (Y/N) found themselves in a perilous situation. They had drawn the enemy's attention away from Ace, but it came at a great cost ,she saw ace trying to reach for Luffy to protect him Akainu, usually you would have frozen in fear ,but today wasn't the day,it wasn't the day or the time for you to be a coward,you loved him,he saved you by always Begin in your side ,he never once called you a coward,even though you were a bloody coward in every way possible,you didn't think before you ran with all your might, pushing both Luffy and ace out the way,but putting yourself in the way instead to buy them time, even for a little bit "I'll protect you, no matter what," (Y/N) whispered with a smile, gazing at Ace one last time before collapsing to the ground, your life slowly fading away, Akainu standing before your corpse, a harden look of disgust over him Ace's heart broke, witnessing the sacrifice you made to protect him was the Tears streamed down his face as he grab you Luffy drag him and you away from Akainu fast using his devil fruit to drag you both from Infront of Akainu, as chaos continue,ace couldn't think straight,it was a blur as they escaped ,it was a blur as he witnessed how many people sacrificed themselves for him As he stand Infront of your grave next to white beard grave, he stand with a brand fresh letter on his arm ,the first letter of your name, In that moment, Ace vowed to carry (Y/N)'s legacy with him and honor your bravery. Your love would live on in his heart forever, as he continued to sail the seas along the one who survived the battle,never forgetting the one who had taught him the true meaning of courage and selflessness...and who taught him that his life was worth something,that he should fight to protect it to honor everyone who lost Thier lives saving him

In mid of chaos and as the strawhats are trying to fleet the threat of the admiral and the people trying to hunt them down for what happened earlier,Kuma appears, threatening to end the Straw Hat Pirates' journey. Zoro stepped forward to protect the crew as always as he had assigned himself as the crew main line of defensive and to always try to keep them safe from danger,he was in absolute pain , injured and unable to stand but he kept going in hope to keep everyone safe till they can reach back the ship (Y/n) witnessed that and couldn't bear the thought of seeing him more hurt, Determined to keep Zoro safe, (Y/N) mustered the courage they never thought they had and bravely stood in front of Zoro,Zoro looked surprised but determined "What are you doing, (Y/N)? Get back!" he shouted, worried for their safety ,(Y/N) took a deep breath and replied, "I won't let you face this danger alone, Zoro. I may be afraid, but I can't bear to see you hurt, let's face him together,we need to get you to chopper to get help!" With resolve in your heart, (Y/N) faced Kuma alongside Zoro, who fought fiercely but remained mindful of (Y/N)'s safety Kuma, was unshaken but he was for sure bit stressed that the crew is not aware of the danger you are all in now, he decided to do what he should have done the moment everything broke loose,He unleashed his Devil Fruit power, pushing (Y/N) away to a destination of his choosing , somewhere safe and somewhere where you will be able to recover from this battle As (Y/N) disappeared before Zoro's eyes, Zoro believed that Kuma had killed you The pain of losing (Y/N) crushed him, and he vowed to avenge their sacrifice but he was not fast enough to save you or save the others ,Zoro was filled with grief and guilt, blaming himself for not being strong enough to protect (Y/N) and the crew, He was determined to get stronger during the two-year time skip, hoping to never let such a tragedy happen again,During those two years, Zoro trained tirelessly , He honed his skills, pushing himself to the limits and beyond. The memory of (Y/N) and the crew's sacrifice fueled his determination, and he swore to be ready for any challenge that lay ahead After the time skip, the Straw Hat Pirates finally reunited on Sabaody Archipelago. As Zoro stood before their beloved ship,the thousands Sunny, Zoro's heart raced with anticipation and a mix of emotions. He had longed to see (Y/N) again, to know if you had survived and grown stronger like him To his surprise and relief, there stood (Y/N), looking stronger and more confident than ever. You had managed to survive Kuma's attack and found themselves in a land that challenged them to grow, just as Zoro had done ,As their eyes met, both (Y/N) couldn't hold back the tears. You rushed toward Zoro embracing him tightly "it's so good to see you again " Zoro whispered as he pat your back ,(Y/N) smiled through tears, "I promised myself to be stronger, just like you, and find my way back to you,I will never be afraid again for as long I fight for you and the crew" Zoro nodded, knowing that (Y/N) had proven their bravery and determination, The two shared stories of their experiences during the time they were apart, and Zoro admired your newfound strength and resilience and With the crew finally reunited, they set sail once again, ready to take on the challenges of the New World, Zoro and (Y/N) will find themselves facing new challenges though now but at least now ,you can trust yourself to always be able to be brave for the one you love
Kaku, a skilled member of the CP9, found himself deeply enamored by a fellow agent named (Y/N),(Y/N) was charming, kind-hearted, and possessed an exceptional talent for gathering intel. However,you had a crippling fear of nearly everything that perhaps made you a more gathering Intel kind of Agent,one day, you had to be sent to a mission that had a risk of a fight,you were anxious but Kaku assured you you will do just fine,beside he will be there to have your back in case something happened As you made your way way through the base alongside kaku, your fears began to intensify. Guards patrolled the corridors, and the tension in the air was palpable. Kaku's heart ached seeing (Y/N) struggling,but he vowed to keep you safe anyway,In a critical moment, a guard spotted them and raised the alarm. Panic surged through (Y/N), but instead of cowering, you stood your ground. "Kaku, I'll handle this! You get to the data room! You are faster than me!" You tell him as you stand your ground ,Kaku hesitated for a moment, torn between leaving (Y/N) and completing the mission. But he trusted (Y/N) and rushed forward, leaving them to confront the guards. (Y/N) mustered courage, trying to quell your fears as you rush forward to stop the guards and buying kaku more time Meanwhile Kaku reached the data room and extracted the information you born needed to gather, But in his heart was with (Y/N), worried and yet proud of your courage and doing his gathering quickly to go join you before you get overwhelmed, not realizing you were holding your own against the guards,With each strike, your confidence grew, and you realized you were capable of much more than you had believed ,Just when it seemed they might be overwhelmed, Kaku arrived, finishing off the last guard. He looked at (Y/N) with admiration, "You were amazing, (Y/N)! Your bravery saved us ,you were so cool my dear,you kicked ass!" (Y/N) blushed, still trembling but with a newfound sense of accomplishment, "I-I couldn't have done it without you too! Thank you for trusting me!" From that day forward, (Y/N) started to embrace Thier fears, acknowledging that it was okay to be afraid sometimes and With Kaku's unwavering support, they continued to grow stronger and braver with each mission you took, (Y/N) learned that courage isn't about being fearless but about facing those fears head-on to protect the ones they loved. And in Kaku, they found a love that empowered and inspired them to be the best versions of themselves – fearless in their love and in the face of adversity
#one piece#one piece headcanons#one piece x reader#roanoa zoro#roronoa zoro#zoro x reader#one piece zoro#ace x you#portgas d ace x reader#ace x reader#ace x y/n#kaku x reader#kaku one piece#one piece kaku#one piece kaku x reader#one piece cp9#owl talk#i tried my best ngl
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Hi There!! Can I request Whumptober No.11 for Yandere Kaku? -Bubble Anon
Of course! Kaku is one of my favourites to write for, I do hope you enjoy the story ^-^
Whumptober Day 11
Yandere Kaku x Reader
"No, you disappeared years ago." You could hardly believe the reality before you as your hand pointed at the man who stole your heart and vanished without any trace. "What are you doing here?"
"That's a silly question, [Y/n]," Kaku chuckled as he casually approached you, wearing the charming smile that made you fall for him. "I came to see you, [Y/n]."
"I moved on," you said, taking a step back. "I'm seeing someone else."
"Is that so?" His smile remained plastered to his face but ceased moving closer to you. "And you started seeing him because I disappeared? Is that it?"
"I guess he'll have to start seeing someone else then," Kaku stated like it was the simplest conclusion in the world.
"What- no- I'm-" You were stumbling over your words when Kaku lowered his face to meet yours.
"Because I'm going to be taking you to live with me." His smile grew to the corner of his eyes, and while you used to always gaze lovingly into his eyes, this is the first time you noticed how dark they truly are. No shine, no light, only a soulless void staring back at you. "Isn't that wonderful, [Y/n]? You'll be able to see me every day again! Aren't you happy, [Y/n]?"
"No..." You shook your head, fear and horror slithering up your skin. "You- you can't do that."
"Oh but I can," Kaku laughed, picking you up and swinging you in the air just like he did whenever you visited him on his lunch breaks at Galley-La, even mirroring the same joyful smile he wore. "I got permission from the Celestial Dragons that you could be housed with me in our new residence."
"Did...did you say... did you say the Celestial Dragons..." Your shock made the news difficult to process, you didn't even realize Kaku set you on the ground.
"Yes, my bosses approved of you living with me in the holy land while I work for them, they even said we could be married the moment we arrive," Kaku told you, petting your hair and hugging your body to his. "We can't disappoint the Celestials, now can we?"
You were frozen in his grasp, a bunny being caressed by a fox. Once the Celestials approve of something, not doing it is disrespectful and could even be seen as an act of treason, but would they really be so generous to Kaku? They usually don't care what the common folk do, they only think of themselves, but Kaku is working for them... and if they really did give permission...
You were no different than an animal trapped at the mercy of her hunter.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
#whumptober2023#no. 11#“All the lights going dark and my hope's destroyed.”#animal trap#one piece#whump fanfiction#whump fic#whump writing#one piece x reader#one piece scenario#one piece x you#one piece cp0#one piece x y/n#kaku#kaku x reader#one piece kaku#kaku one piece#water 7#x reader#no 11#anon request#requested#guys this broke my heart to write
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third time's a charm
Kaku x F!Reader
summary - he finds out you're Lucci's sister and is absolutely terrified of asking you out
warnings - none
a/n: more Kaku content because the Kaku fangirls are STARVED (i know, i am one)
Secrets were common among the World Government's top agents. They practically lived on secrets, as their very existence was supposed to be hidden from the entire world. But amongst each other, they thought, there shouldn't have been any.
The only reason suspicion grew that there was a secret amongst them was when you spent an unusual amount of time with Lucci, something none of them had ever seen before.
And a certain square-nosed member was starting to get jealous.
Now, Kaku was by no means a jealous man. He was confident in himself, his skill, and his abilities. He had never had a reason to be jealous of anyone else. That is, until he started developing a bit of a crush on you - one that was now complete infatuation. He was usually wary of other men talking to you, but Lucci was an entirely different story.
He had been the most sought-after foreman in Water 7 after all. Almost every single woman in that town had thrown themselves at Lucci's feet, so Kaku was well aware of how attractive he was to women.
And so, naturally, his first conclusion was that you liked Lucci.
Which set him back quite a bit, if not completely.
You first noticed his change in behaviour when he couldn't look you in the eyes anymore, or when his eager and excited greetings became more of a necessary, formal "hello" and nothing else. It confused you, because he was normally so sweet and happy around you, and seeing him like this was strange. You wondered if you had done anything wrong to deserve these new, distant interactions.
That didn't seem right.
Tired of Kaku's inability to focus when you and Lucci were together in the same room as them, standing close or sitting next to one another, Khalifa decided to just rip the band-aid off and ask for the stupidly shy swordsman.
"(Name), you've been practically hanging off Lucci's arm these days. Is there something you're not telling us?"
Her question caught you off-guard, and you frowned for a moment, thinking that there actually was something you were supposed to tell them. Everyone looked at you curiously, interest piqued.
"You didn't tell them?" Lucci turned to you, raising an eyebrow.
"I...may have forgot," you laughed nervously, before turning to the rest of the group. "Lucci is my older brother."
Out of all the things Kaku expected you to say, that had been nothing close to what he thought he would hear. His eyes widened, both relief and dread filling him in that moment. He was relieved that there was no romantic connection between you two, but also...absolutely terrified about what this new detail meant for him. If he'd been nervous about confessing before, he was absolutely terrified of doing it now.
"You..." Jabra gestured towards you, then Lucci, "and you...are siblings?" He let out an obnoxious laugh. "Yeah, right. You're completely different."
Lucci rolled his eyes, exasperated, "Yes, can we move-"
"She's so much better-looking than you are!"
The room went dead silent. Kaku would have slapped Jabra himself for that inappropriate comment, knowing full well what he'd meant - and it was far from innocent. But, as Lucci's gaze travelled to Jabra's laughing form, he realised that Lucci also realised Jabra's explicit intent. And the look that he gave Jabra was a look you all knew too well.
"Dismissed," Lucci finally spoke, his eyes pinned on Jabra. "Except you, Jabra."
A million thoughts ran through Kaku's head. Was he to suffer the same fate if he just complimented you or called you pretty? And what on earth would happen to him if he decided to brave this and ask you out? Would he even live long enough to find out?
Your soft voice brought him out of his panicked mind, and he turned to see you standing there with the gentlest of smiles on your face. However, it didn't quite reach your eyes and it looked almost forced, turning Kaku's panic into concern.
"Yeah?" He breathed out, unsure if he could manage anything else.
"Can we..." You sighed. "Can we talk? I think we need to."
This made him nervous, but he nodded and followed you to somewhere quieter, anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. What were you going to say? What was this about?
"Did I do something wrong?" You finally asked, looking up at him.
Kaku blinked. Wrong? No. You hadn't done anything wrong, so why were you-
"You're not the same," you cut his racing mind off. "You don't act like you used to around me." Your face seemed to fall. "I just wanted to know if I've upset you or anything, because if I have, I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong, (Name)," he replied carefully, thinking of how to approach this situation.
"Then why are you different?" You asked.
"(Name)!" Lucci called from outside.
You sighed, looking down for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking right past Kaku. He had a half mind to just grab your wrist, stop you and show you exactly how he felt, but he let you go. He was afraid.
Not of you anymore, but of Lucci.
The first time Kaku finally worked up the nerve to ask you out, he was trying to mix it with an apology for his recent behaviour. He'd noticed you had also started being distant with him, and he didn't like it. So one day, he found himself standing in front of your room door, nervously clutching flowers and your favourite chocolate to his chest.
Cliche, maybe, but Kaku was completely new to this. And from what his research had told him, women liked flowers and chocolate.
You opened your door just as he was about to knock, surprise crossing your face, "Kaku?"
He swallowed thickly, about to open his mouth to say something until he heard footsteps approaching and turned, quickly hiding the gifts behind him when he made out Lucci's figure. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he shot you an apologetic look before rushing off, almost tripping in the process.
"What was that?" Lucci asked you when he stopped by you.
You watched Kaku retreat, amusement in your eyes, "I have no idea."
The second time Kaku tried to ask you out, he made sure to find a time when you weren't needed by your brother. He was so sure that this time would work, that this time he would finally tell you, but he was about to find out that it wasn't so easy.
He knocked on your room door again, and you answered with a smile.
"Kaku, come in."
He stepped inside, then saw who was with you and immediately shoved the giftwrapped box of jewellery into his pocket, his eyes going wide as he swallowed thickly.
"Kaku, what a surprise," your brother spoke, looking up. His gaze then shot to the bulge in Kaku's pocket, "Is something the matter?"
"N-no," the poor, panicked man managed to squeak out. His palms were getting sweaty again. "I'll-I'll just go." He was gone before you could protest, and you shot a glare at your smirking brother.
"He's trying to be a gentleman, you know!"
"I know. I just want to see how serious he is about dating you."
"You're horrible," you laughed, shaking your head.
"Maybe, but my sister deserves only the best."
Third time's the charm, right? That's what Kaku tells himself. Nothing can go wrong this time, he's sure. He even watched Lucci leave the building, so he would definitely not be in your room this time.
So Kaku approached your room more confidently this time, and knocked on your door with a sense of relief and satisfaction.
That changed when your bright smile nearly knocked his legs out from under him, and when your voice melted his brain along with every single thought he had.
"Hey, Kaku. Come in."
He did, and was so relieved to find that Lucci really had left. His tension eased, and he slowly sat on your bed after turning to face you. Then he held out the newly-purchased flowers and chocolates, as well as the smaller, giftwrapped box, to you.
"These are for you."
You blushed, taking them and admiring the effort, "Thank you, Kaku. This is so...this is really sweet." You felt butterflies bloom in your stomach.
He smiled, "Only the best for you."
You stilled at his words, eerily similar to Lucci's. But Kaku's were more...romantic. A different kind of feeling settled in, and your butterflies only seemed to grow as you turned to smile at your crush after setting his gifts down.
"That's even sweeter."
He took a deep breath, before standing up again, "(Name), I'm sorry for how I was behaving before...I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought...well before we found out you're related...I thought you liked Lucci." He sighed. "And then after, I thought Lucci would kill me if I tried to make a move."
You giggled at his explanation, moving closer as well, "He was just testing you these last few weeks. Overprotective as he is, he wanted to see how committed you are to me."
Kaku's heart almost stopped, "And is he...did I...?" He wasn't sure how to phrase it.
"Mhm, he's satisfied," you smiled. "That's why he's not here. He figured if you didn't try a third time, you weren't serious. But you did, so he left us alone for a bit." You moved even closer, so close that Kaku's familiar and knee-weakening scent filled your nostrils. Flustering you.
Kaku, in his relief, relaxed and gave you a warm but silly smile, "I was planning to try until he gave me a chance to be with you."
That's it. You needed to kiss this man.
You stepped forward and grabbed him by the zipper of his jacket, pulling him towards you. Forgetting he has a long nose. When it poked you in the eye, you giggled and pulled away.
"Sorry," he said quietly, his cheeks turning the cutest shade of red.
"It's okay," you smiled.
Then tried again. This time you angled your head in a way that would make it easy for you to reach his lips, and you smiled when they finally met yours. The kiss was slow, sweet, and passionate. Kaku pulled you close to him, showing his adoration for you by affectionately moulding his lips against your own. With a gentleness only Kaku owned.
"I like you too, Kaku."
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Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Roronoa Zoro & Kaku Vibe: Writer's Choice (NSFW consensual) AU: Monster AU Prompt: Only One Bed Gift Giver: @zoros-sheath
Summary: You'd wanted two rooms for your trip with your were-beast lovers, instead you didn't even get two beds.
Content Notes: double penetration, knotting, little prep, established relationship, cream pie, gods give credit to this bed where it's due.
This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, we can all fit.” Kaku says as he and Zoro carry the luggage up to the hotel room. “Even with two beds, someone was going to be doubling up.”
“Two rooms, Kaku.” You correct, sighing a little as you reach the last room left at the hotel. There’d been a booking error and your glorious plan to leave Kaku and Zoro snoring in their own room was completely ruined.
Not that you didn’t love and appreciate your monsters dearly, but you’d wanted a little space during this trip. Not much. Just a little.
“Ah, sorry then, filly.” He kisses the top of your head. “We’ll do our best.”
“Humph.” Zoro grunts as you open the door for the two of them.
“Oh no.” You hear Kaku before you get into the room, but you have a feeling you already know the problem.
“Not two beds, huh?” You can’t help the groan.
“Ah… well, we’ll make it work.” He says, setting the suitcase down and stepping back so you can see.
A single. The only bed in the room was a single. Not a double, not a queen, and certainly not a king. At this point you were almost relieved to see it on a frame.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You let out a breath, trying not to lose your temper over something you couldn’t do anything about at this point. “Does the couch have a pullout?”
Zoro lifts the cushions on the small love seat in the room and shakes his head. It was, at least, a place someone could sleep, but at this rate someone was going to be on the floor.
“I suppose we can roshambo for it.” You offer, poking your head into the attached bathroom. Of all the things this room didn’t have, somehow it had a whirlpool tub. “Though at this point, throwing the bedding in the bathtub might actually be enough room for all of us.”
“We can fit.” Zoro asserts and you look at him like he’s grown a second head. Monster that he and Kaku were, that wasn’t one of the things they did as far as you knew.
“Can you turn into a small cat?” You question and Kaku laughs, effectively answering your question.
His brows furrow and you know you’ve irritated him at least a little. “No.” He says curtly.
“Well, then I don’t see-.” You start, but Zoro disrobes and pulls the covers aside. By himself he filled most of the bed. If he slept on his side, Kaku could probably join him, the giraffe being slender and almost lanky by comparison.
Kaku pulls your sun dress off in an easy motion, causing you to yelp a little in surprise. Long fingers move against your body and his fingers are already against your clit before you can even ask him what he’s doing. A sweet moan is the only sound that passes your lips and you hold onto his arm to steady yourself.
Pressing soft kisses in the crook of your neck, he slips your panties down with his free hand, and you can feel two sets of eyes on you, devouring every shiver. Despite the near constant bickering between the two shifters, they worked remarkably well when it came to you.
Cool gel presses into your ass, giving Kaku’s finger access easily. You’ve long since stopped trying to figure out how they managed such tricks. Zoro’s gaze grabs yours and you see his tongue slip across his lips as Kaku works you into a frenzy with his fingers.
“Please,” you gasp, legs trembling. You couldn’t keep your feet much longer and you weren’t even sure what it was they were going to prove by doing this. “I’m gonna - haaa, more, please, I want more.”
“Want?” Zoro prompts, raising a brow.
Your body throbs at the tone of that single word and you press against Kaku’s hand. “Need, need!” You cry, as Kaku pulls his fingers out of you. “I need more, please.”
Zoro motions, and Kaku helps you, lifting you up and straddling you over the feline were-beast’s cock. He was already hard, red at the tip, precum glistening as it twitched, knot already thick and swollen at the base. Zoro helps steady you, holding onto your hands and helping you stay upright as you settled onto his shaft.
The sweet stretch, the dull ache that left you desperate to have his knot buried inside you, was a relief you didn’t know you needed. A striped tail, soft fur tickling against your skin, pushes your bra up, leaving the lace at your collarbone as your breasts were laid bare. The fur against your skin is warm, and a little ticklish.
You settle against the knot and Zoro leans you forward as you feel Kaku get on the bed with the two of you.
“We’re - the bed… the noise.” Your voice is shaking, dripping with need even before the tapered tip of Kaku’s cock pushes against your tight, well lubricated ass.
“No one will hear us, little sheath.” Zoro promises.
Kaku’s hands are on your shoulder, and Zoro helps him angle you until the giraffe is deep in your ass, his own knot pressing against you. They’re already grinning at the shivering twitches ravaging your body. You swear they delight in the anticipation more than the orgasms.
Kaku’s hands slip down your arms, gripping them just above your elbow and holding you off Zoro’s chest at and angle that was good for both of them. Zoro’s hands grip your tits, teasing your nipples between his fingers, hunger scrawled on his face. He twists them a little and when you cry out his tail pushes into your mouth.
It wasn’t the first time he’s gagged you this way, but it was always a surprise. Any concerns you had about the furry tail were pushed out of your mind as Kaku and Zoro begin to move inside you, pistoning in and out in perfect time with one another. Leaving you little room to do anything else but drown in the pleasure.
Zoro’s cock tickled your g-spot as Kaku pulled out, and Kaku hit some sweet spot in your ass as Zoro made room for him. Your moans are well-muffled, body shaking and curling in the grip of the two beasts who had laid claim to you. Ravenous and sweet, and insistent that it was you who had them in the palm of your hand.
As your body warmed and your vision went hazy, Zoro pulled his tail from your mouth, letting the rough, dribbling gasps of pleasure drip from your chin.
“Already too far gone, huh?” He grins and you can’t even argue.
“More,” you huff, body covered in sweat. “Please.”
“As though we would ever deny you, little filly.” Kaku responds, voice heavier than usual. You can feel his tongue against your back, licking against the shimmer of your skin and sending electricity through your muscles.
“Focus,” Zoro warns as they begin to pick up speed. “Breathe.” He commands as they race you to your high.
Tears prick your eyes as you practically pant from the assault. You can’t help squirming in their grasp, but nothing you can do is going to let you get away from the growing pleasure. Nothing you do will allow you to move enough to accidentally hurt yourself either.
It’s not just the impending orgasm, making your heart pound in your chest like the bass at a rave, it’s the knowledge that they’re going to fill you beyond anything anyone else could. Being knotted at the same time was intense, and you’d passed out the first time they did it, but nothing else could compare.
It was addicting. They were addicting. Addicting like air. Like water. Things you couldn’t live without. Core pieces of your very existence and life.
Something almost beyond love.
Their grips shift. Zoro holds your shoulders, and Kaku covers your mouth. The knots push into your body, the overwhelming stretch hurling you over the peak and driving the pleasure of orgasm into your bones. Your breath freezes in your lungs, and your body goes taut as steel. Your eyes roll back and you can feel thick, hot sperm fills your insides as the sensations stutter every response you have.
Soft fur brushes your nipples and you scream into Kaku’s hands, the gentle caress being enough to shatter the freeze in your overloaded body. His hands move enough you can gulp in big gasps of air, sobbing moans falling from your lips with each exhale, and shaky whimpers escorting air back into your lungs.
“There’s a good girl,” Zoro praises you. “Breathe.”
“How well you always take us,” Kaku adds, hugging your back to his chest as he and Zoro roll their hips and squeeze a few more soft babbling sounds of pleasure from your lips.
Holding onto Kaku’s arms, you regain enough of your senses to form the few important words you realize were missing from the start of the conversation. “Sleep,” you say in a shaky voice. “I meant room enough… to sleep.”
You can feel them both flinch.
#birthday request event#birthday request event 2024#one piece drabble#reader insert#x reader#roronoa zoro#kaku one piece#Oh I had fun with this one XD Thank you mama
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"Also trying to work out how far do I want to lean into the Zoan fruit tendencies."
Full send it. No half way lol.
Okay, we goin' full monsterfucker shifter then.
Watch out Kaku, Lucci, Marco, and Jabra. May your dreams be as sweet as the scent of your pretty mate is 🥹👌
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The Way Things Go
Pairing: Kaku x reader
Content: strawhat reader, kaku calls reader “miss”, mild smut/ implied smut, sexual innuendoes and things, huge spoilers for water 7 and enies lobby!!!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: probably 2-3 more parts after this one… but idk yet… he’s so sleazy actually and i’m OBSESSED. anyway hope you enjoy! oh and if you want to be on the taglist (for this one or any other fics of mine) i have a post about it linked on my pinned!
Part 1
As promised, you meet Kaku in the small harbor where the Straw Hats hid the Going Merry when you all first arrived to Water 7 earlier that day. He’s already there when you arrive, and praises the craftsmanship of the ship from a distance. You answer all his questions about the ship- or as many as you’re able to, at least. Which brings about the question of “Who takes care of the damages?” so you have to explain how you haven’t really been able to get any repairs as long as you’ve all had her.
The two of you board the Going Merry, only to find Zoro “sleeping.” He cracks an eye open as the two of you walk by and almost says something to Kaku, who’s a stranger to the swordsman, then sees you and simply shrugs before dozing off once more.
Kaku observes certain parts of the ship, like the mast and even the floorboards, eventually having assessed nearly every area of the deck. Then he asks you to show him below deck, which you do, and give him a tour of the various rooms. He mainly just checks out the port windows and things like that, until you’ve gone through every room in the lower levels- well, all except one. When you reach the end of a particular hall and then turn back without letting him in to the room behind you, he points and asks, “And what might that room be?”
“Oh, that’s just my room.”
“Ah… I’d hate to intrude but, I do need to see all of the ship.” He doesn’t. He already knows this vessel is past the point of no return- it’s a miracle it’s even floating on the water right now. However, Kaku doesn’t want to tell you that quite yet. He’d hate to disappoint you and…. ruin his chances. Plus, he’s a little very curious to see what your room is like.
“… Um, just give me a second then, ok?” You excuse yourself into your room, and begin tidying up at a shocking speed. It’s already pretty neat actually, but you still go around the entire room making sure nothing is out of place. Once you’re sure there’s nothing lying about that shouldn’t be, you open the door to find him leaning in the frame. “Sorry about that, you can come in now.”
“No need to apologize, miss y/n. Kaku slips past you into your room- “Gosh, what a treat!” he thinks. Like this little glimpse into your private space is really a view of your mind, too. He makes his way over to the port window in slow strides, taking the opportunity to look at all of your little trinkets and decorations.
“Nice place you’ve got here.”
“Thanks… I don’t usually bring guys straight to my room on a first date.” You mean it as a joke, but he takes it in full stride.
“Oh yeah? I guess I should count myself lucky then.”
“I… mhm.”
Kaku laughs, “So, maybe I’ll get extra lucky later on. “
“Don’t be.” He looks over at you, pausing his inspection of the port window and how stable (?) it is. “Just joshing you, miss, I should be the one apologizing for my… crude joke.”
You shrug and mumble under your breath, “It wasn’t that bad.”
“Oh?” He walks closer, trapping you in the space between your bed and the wall and himself. It’s barely enough room for one person to stand in if they’re perpendicular to your bed, since it’s just a narrow space. (You have a sort of rational fear of waking up to water leaking through the wall and straight onto you and your sheets, so pushing the bed out a bit was a natural solution.) “Not a bad idea, or not a bad joke?”
“Not a bad-“
He cuts you off with his lips on yours, it waiting to hear your reply. Kaku wants you, and he knows he won’t get much time with you between everything that’s about to go down with CP9 (unbeknownst to you.) It’s sudden, and already quite deep right off the bat. His head is tilted more than a person usually would tilt their head upon entering a kiss to compensate for the length of his nose, but he’s anything but embarrassed- so long as it brings him closer to you and faster, it’s worth the strain on his neck. You would giggle if you weren’t so caught off guard by how he seems to overtake all your senses in mere moments. As proof of the shock to your system, the immediate closeness of the kiss leads you to open your lips in a slight gasp. Kaku sighs contentedly before sucking at your bottom lip, and you to hum in surprise. His hands find their place on the small of your back, and the tips of his fingers travel up and down your spine. You accept him, letting him continue sucking and smothering your lips with his while throwing your arms around his neck. It’s all happening very fast- but you like it.
After a few moments he pulls away, breathing heavily with a thin line of saliva still connecting your lips to his. He swipes it away by brushing his thumb over your lips, and wiping it off on the side of his pants (though still holding around your back with one hand.)
“I hope you’ll excuse my-“ he pauses due to his panting, “rushing into things.”
“Y-yeah it’s fine, I was just…” his lips ghost over yours once more, so close you can feel his breath fanning over your skin. “Surprised.”
This time, you’re the one to close the distance and tighten your arms around his shoulders. There’s an underlying sense of need, somewhere deep within you, that hadn’t been there when you’d first walked onto the ship. No, it was his actions and words- the way he looked at you now with such a want in his eyes- that caused this. Of course, you’d already been attracted to him, but you certainly wouldn’t have been the one to make the first move like he had so early on. Yet here you are, making out with a man you just met earlier in the day.
But then you feel his knee slotting itself between your legs, and whine before you come to your senses. You push down his thigh, “We can’t.”
“Mmph- why not?”
“I just met you.”
He chuckles, though it’s more evident in the shake of his shoulders than any audible laughter. “That would be a mighty fine reason.”
“Yeah… I- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, y/n. Is it ok if I just call you that?”
You smile and nod. Two seconds ago his tongue was in your mouth, now he’s asking for permission to drop formalities- funny guy.
“Well, y/n, I don’t know how long you’ll be in town for, nor how busy I’ll be with work. I want to make the most of this time together.”
Kaku had known this was a bad idea from the start, in all honesty. But when Robin begged Spandam for safe passage for her crew-her friends- out of Water 7, and he’d seen your bounty poster along with the others, he was “struck by Cupid’s arrow.” And getting to meet you in person by coincidence was even better. He had fallen hard and fast, and now he wanted to keep things moving that way before you were gone from his life forever.
However, in fear of making you uncomfortable, he pulls away. Kaku makes it all the way to the other side of the room before you do something that surprises even yourself. You grab his wrist and walk backwards to your bed again, this time lowering yourself to sit on the plush comforter.
His hand interlocks with yours as you let yourself fall back completely. “You… are you sure, y/n?”
You nod. “I’m sure.” And, like the comedian you are, ask “Why? Do you not want to anymore?”
Kaku’s eyes roam over your body, all laid out just for him. His fingers trace your side and come to rest on your hip, giving you a gentle squeeze. “N-no, I want to. I want you.”
With the hand he isn’t inadvertently pining to the bed, you draw his face closer to yours so you can kiss him again. He exhales shakily and all but climbs on top of you, slotting his knee between your legs once more.
You pray, for Zoro’s sake above deck, that he isn’t too loud a lover.
Taglist: @imaginarydreams
#fanfic#one piece x reader#one piece x you#one piece#x reader#kaku x reader#op kaku#kaku one piece#kaku#fluff#mild smut
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Hiiii. I head you were doing yandere Kaku. And he is one of my faves!! Could I get E i J R Y for the yandere alphabet? Thank you!!
No, thank you for asking for him~
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It depends on where you're at in the relationship. If he's undercover and you are unaware, he keeps his real thoughts and emotions close to the chest. Same goes for if you're both CP9/0 agents and he's still trying to figure out if he can fully trust you. Once he's come clean and/or learned to trust you, he becomes much more open. He'll confess to how unhappy he is with being nothing more than an assassin doing the government's bidding. He'll talk about how much he longs for a normal life.
Once you're truly together as a couple, he fully bares his soul to you. He'll tell you everything on his mind unless he thinks it may upset or hurt you. After spending almost his entire life having to wear a mask and keep everything to himself, it's exhilarating to have someone he can be vulnerable and honest with.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Ideally, he wants to run away with his darling and begin a new life with them far away from Enies Lobby and CP9/0. He wants to get married and island hop with you until the government gives up the chase. It could take years, but he's willing to deal with the difficulties and inconveniences of it if it means getting to live a (somewhat) normal life with you. He fully believes that if he continues showing you what a good and loving husband he can be for you, that you'll accept him and be happy together.
This man wants to have a family with you so bad. He's daydreaming about your future children as soon as he starts to fall for you. He isn't the least bit subtle about it either. If he sees a baby when you two are out together, he'll give you this sappy look while commenting on how nice it must be to have a child of your own.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes, but only if you're the one showing interest. He won't care at all if someone is hitting on you unless you're uncomfortable. It's when you flirt back that he gets this stab of jealousy in his heart. What do they have that he doesn't? There's no way that they could love you more than he does. They're probably just looking to use you, yet you're interested in them? It's an insult to his love and is one of the few things that you can do to genuinely make him mad.
He'll lock you in a room while he hunts down whoever you were being too friendly with and kills them brutally. It'll be slow and painful, and they won't even be able to be identified later by the time that Kaku is finished with them. He's a trained assassin, so he knows exactly what he needs to do to make this hell for them while leaving no clues behind. By the time he's come back to you, he's gotten most of his anger out and is back to being delusional. You just weren't feeling loved enough by him and acted out to get his attention, that's what he tries to tell himself. It isn't very convincing, especially as he says it through gritted teeth with someone else's blood soaking his clothes.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He does, but he's the king of explaining it away and rationalizing it. Sure, maybe he took you before you were ready to take the next step, but it's for the greater good! You two were meant to be together, so you would have ended up in his arm eventually. It's okay that he rushed it a little. Any guilt that he feels will be chased away when he thinks about how happy he is now, and he convinces himself that you will be, too. These things just take time. He's never letting you go once he has you. His heart can't take going back to how things used to be now that he's gotten a taste of what it's like to have you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Kaku is great at playing the long con. He could pine for years before he makes the move to kidnap and run away with them. It could happen sooner than that, but only under extenuating circumstances that make him feel like he needs to act now to keep you safe. Odds are, you'll never see his yandere side until it's too late.
#kaku one piece#kaku x reader#one piece#yandere one piece#one piece x reader#one piece x you#one piece x y/n#yandere#yandere alphabet#reader insert#x reader
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