#i wanted to make a rodimus design too..
skywarpshydroflask · 5 months
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hey girl
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coefore · 7 months
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I did it! This is an IDW AU born while watching The Green Knight (2021), specifically from one movie shot that I'd like to redraw. I was torn on whether or not to draw them all as robots or humans, so I started making designs for their human counterparts first - mostly because it is more fun to come up with clothes and accessories. I will eventually tackle a robot version. This is a long post, btw!
Indeed, this is a completely separate version from the Lion King AU I had come up with a couple of years ago, I just borrowed the crowns because I really liked those designs lol.
But let's set the stage under the cut. You can listen to the playlist on spotify dedicated to it: I've placed the songs in sequence so that they can create a certain vibe for the scenes I had in mind. You can read the plot part while listening.
Some character traits
This royalty au supposes a parliamentary monarchy (like the UK, Spain or Japan). This work is an in-between of later Roman/early Medieval aesthetics and some Futuristic Stuff. The Autobot brand is the royal family crest, while the Decepticon brand can be used to signal the Protector and their entourage, but only in formal settings outside the nation. Usually, the Protector can show elements of the Decepticon colours (red) in their attires.
Optimus Prime
Optimus is prideful and domineering: he knows he has the power to do real damage to people. After all, he was born into royalty and has known no other life. He has anger outbursts, but that's a side effect of his paranoia. At the start of the story, he is not the prime yet. He's around 23-24, already suffering from a mental affliction much like schizophrenia, but, just as in ye old days, the court and his father (Zeta) are not really concerned about his odd behaviours. "He is just volatile", you know. He is also dramatic, making big scenes when his emotions are too cooped up. Optimus, though, is not intentionally cruel - this isn't a Shattered Glass au where he wants some kind of bloodlust sated. He has a deep inner mind, feeling much more like a philosopher and a writer than a brute. This makes him a little naive, too, having people in court (like Prowl) taking advantage of him - and sometimes even Megatron uses his influence on Optimus to stir him where he wants to. He reads a lot, is curious, and is deeply in love with Megatron - sometimes becoming a little cringy about it. He can be a bit of a goofball, telling jokes and being rather affectionate with his family. Sadly, he's a Pisces.
Megatron is a diligent engineer who just so happens to pick the Prime's son's interest at some point while assisting his father (Terminus, a strict, distant man) in a job at court. Optimus and Megatron are the same age. He is aloof, quiet and a very good listener. That means he often allows people to speak over him or for him - that doesn't mean, however, that he isn't going to correct them or speak his mind. He is just a careful man. Coming from a rather cold family environment, he has a hard time expressing his emotions, both verbally and physically: he kisses and hugs, sure, but that doesn't come naturally to him. After becoming protector, he has a hard time getting used to the court lifestyle since he is quite bothered by the intricacies of royal "rituals", may they be clothing, hairstyles or make-up choices. Or Starscream fussing over him about that all day. He also often stands up against abuse of power, especially from Optimus. They fight quite a lot. He enjoys drawing (buildings, like architecture) and reading novels, but he's not particularly cultured. He is also, sadly, an Aquarius. (And transgender, but this has no political or social bearing in the story besides being Rodimus' biological carrier).
Prowl is about fifteen years older than Optimus, becoming his advisor once Zeta Prime passes in "a tragic accident". He is ambitious, cunning and... Deceptive. His ultimate goal is to push Optimus to insanity, convince the parliament he is unfit to rule and become reagent in his stead. This would allow him to create an oligarchy with other senators. His words always support Optimus' delusions, abusing the Prime's naivety for his scheming. Prowl thinks of Optimus as an idiot lucky enough to be born in a high position in the social pyramid. He has attempted various times to "warn" Megatron, one of the few people who is extremely suspicious of Prowl. And by warn, I mean having him pushed down the stairs, giving him a nice broken leg. He also acts suspiciously around Rodimus.
Zeta Prime
Zeta Prime was a balanced, careful ruler. He held concerns about his son's future, as he thought Optimus wasn't fit for a leading role. He was a stern man and often frustrated by Optimus' antics. However, their relationship was on good terms. He was "found" dead by Prowl during a political meeting abroad, as he was standing in for Alpha Trion (Zeta's advisor), prompting Optimus' coronation. Zeta wasn't sick, but all primes in this AU suffer from haemophilia (a hereditary illness that makes it harder for the body to stop bleeding).
Rodimus was born three years into Optimus' primacy. He was brought up in a restrictive environment, as Megatron grew more suspicious of Prowl, fearing for Rodimus' safety. That translated into Rodimus feeling anxious when Megatron's not around (for too long, at least) and becoming a little jealous of him, even if it's Optimus taking Megatron's attention. Rodimus uses "dad" for Megatron and "Father" for Optimus. He doesn't like Optimus too much, usually bearing his presence and ignoring him whenever he can, but deep down he worries about his father, too. He is a very knowledgeable child with a vast vocabulary, as he enjoys books of every kind and, just like his dad, he is a good listener, learning a lot from the "adult conversations" around him. Rodimus is often seen together with Starscream (his nanny, in a way lol), who he is fond of but has difficulties showing it. He becomes Prime-to-be at the age of 16, like all Primes.
Starscream was the royal alchemist, an inspired researcher and a man of science. He is loyal and has strong opinions on many subjects, especially on morals and ethics. That is also why, during Zeta's late reign, he was demoted to servant with the accusation of insubordination. He is still a high-grade servant, usually dealing with bureaucracy... Until a new Protector shows up, that is. As soon as Megatron becomes a Protector-to-be, he is assigned the role of first maid in assisting him, a task he takes very seriously. Although Megatron's distance and lack of interactions with him drive him quite mad at first, he slowly realises they're quite compatible. Their relationship evolves into confidants and then friends, as Megatron often takes Starscream's side. Also, Starscream has been suspicious of Prowl since day one. He enjoys Rodimus until he starts being a little opinionated pest-- but he's fond of the child, even as he grows older and more anxious. His hobby is sneaking into the court laboratories and fixing whatever annotations made by other alchemists he deems wrong.
Skywarp & Thundercracker
They are part of the Protector's entourage (and Starscream's brothers). Skywarp is a little airheaded, a bit clumsy, and usually focuses on entertainment, mostly writing poems and songs. He is the only one who knows all the intricate inner passages of the court's buildings by heart, meaning he never gets lost. Thundercracker, on the other hand, is a bit more cocky. He is built like a brick, so he helps with manual tasks and is a decent leader, usually picking up the ranks when Starscream is busy. Both of them were not demoted like their brother, they just started working at the court as high-grade servants. They are very loyal to Megatron, although they treat him more like a royal than a friend.
The Plot (generally speaking)
Optimus is interested in this one engineer working at the court he has seen a couple of times in the last few months. He is gorgeous, and it sounds like a fun time to fill in his afternoons, maybe even getting some sex out of it. That's a thing he hasn't lacked in his life, like most royals he was used to having sex workers available at whim. However, Megatron doesn't seem too affected by the Prime-to-be's attention. He is very deadpan and interested in him as a person; he finds Optimus interesting and funny, so, in a matter of weeks, they kind of hit it off, Optimus falling madly in love with this man, spending most of the time daydreaming and absolutely useless at his duties, much to Zeta's dismay.
As this love story progresses over the next couple of years, Prowl's machination starts rolling out: being a young overachiever, he patiently waits for the chance to get rid of Zeta in a way that doesn't point directly to him. After all, Prowl is trusted and seen as loyal and caring for the Primes he serves; he is an incredibly talented actor, having the support of a few Autobot senators, too. On an out-of-country political trip, he lets Zeta bleed to death, coming back home in a hurry to announce the Prime's death and rushing Optimus' coronation. At this point, Optimus is not mentally ready to hold that position; he is quickly pushed to marry Megatron, making him his Protector. In a matter of a year and a half, Optimus' mental state quickly deteriorates, allowing Prowl to take hold of the neo-Prime's decisions.
Optimus' mental illness worsens, which stresses Megatron into stirring his husband away from Prowl. Rodimus is born in that worried, paranoid environment. Although mostly wanted by Optimus as one of his fixations (and also discouraged by Prowl himself), Rodimus brings more stability to the court. Megatron finally takes hold of Optimus' volatile behaviour as Rodimus grows older, making the Prime doubt his advisor's suggestions more than once. Prowl, thus, "warns" Megatron to lay low, having him pushed down the stairs. The goal wasn't to kill Megatron but to show him Prowl could. As Rodimus turns seven, Megatron becomes more anxious and paranoid, rubbing that over to his son. Optimus doesn't allow them to go around the court or outside without being accompanied.
Prowl's hold on Optimus slowly slips away. At the time of Rodimus' coronation as a Prime-to-be, during a medical examination for his haemophilia, the court physician (Ratchet) tells him he needs to be careful, as that illness was Zeta's cause of death. That was a known thing, of course, but it made Optimus think over the mechanics of his father's death in a way only an obsession-driven man can. He confides with Megatron over his suspicion of Prowl killing his father, and finally, they seem to be on the same page on this...
This is somehow the story up to now. I don't know if I'll update it further. I just enjoy the idea of whatever can happen in this setting. I hope you enjoyed reading this wall of text.
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bbgatile · 1 year
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drawing human versions of non-human characters has never been my thing but with tf i find it fun to explore holoforms
some of these headshots are quite old and from different artworks which is why the styles/quality varies but i liked them enough to include them in the collage (i was also too lazy to redraw them)
notes about some of the designs under the cut if ur curious:
-rodimus is explicitly inspired by 80s glam rock. i took quite a bit of inspiration from david bowie, prince, and a little bit of ruby rhod from 5th element.
-im mexican. i wanted starscream to look like an evil stepmother straight out of a telenovela. i think the vibe fits her
-ratchets design keeps eluding me and im still not satisfied with it, but its important to me that he is always a fat hairy bear.
-i didnt like jlaw's art of human roller being generic skinny-buff. i made this one out of spite.
-though its only a headshot for now, arcee's design is also a bit 80s-90s inspired. she has fingerwaves, which i hope comes across in the art
-i ran out of time (patience), but minimus' outfit is supposed to be old west inspired. i'll make a better version of it another time
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
I had a VISION, a EPIPHANY…. Liaison human reader (with any characters, just the Idw continuity though) BUT PLOTWKST: they’re somehow the Allspark!!!!! CUE RHE DRAMA!!!!!!! THERE IS NO PEACE OF MIND, EVER! I WANT PROBLEMS, ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!
This is a funny concept! I took some liberty to create this... Super powerd Buddy if you will. Not too many shenanigans all around, but Buddy is asking the real question here. Now they aren't exactly the Allspark, but that thing certainly made it seem that way!
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy and the Allspark
SFW, platonic, slight angst but things turn up in the end
The Lost Light had recently come across a strange artifact while on their travels. The artifact was brought to the lab for further inspection.
Rodimus accidentally activated it when his chassis came close to it. Preceptor and Brainstorm believed it was because he was a holder of the matrix and that's why it opened to him.
A stray blue light came out of the relic and began bouncing around the room before escaping into the halls of the ship.
It didn't make it too far from the lab.
Because it hit Buddy.
Because apparently exciting things happen when they take a break from their work.
They had been on Drift's shoulder when a blue light filled their vision and then they blacked out.
When Buddy regained consciousness they found themselves in the medbay with a group of worried faces.
Ratchet is the one who breaks the news.
That light they saw had somehow cyberformed half of their body and now had levels of energy that rivaled that of the matrix itself.
There was one thing Buddy needed to know at that moment...
"Do I look cool though?"--Buddy
Drift feels like part of this was his fault.
He feels like he should have blocked it or something. Ratchet has to literally knock some sense into him.
He is just as shock as everyone in the room when Buddy's condition is revealed. Even more worried for them when they let their little comment go.
"Buddy, I don't know how to word it. Maybe worrying about how you look isn't your main priority right now."--Drift
"But do I look cool though?"--Buddy
"Yes you do--"--Drift
"Then that's what matters right now."--Buddy
Drift is concerned over the origins of the relic and the energy source.
He has a theory that the power source chose Buddy to use it's power.
That theory however has earned him more dents in the helm via Ratchet.
Drift helps Buddy keep their new power in check with their regular meditation session.
Rodimus feels like this is his fault.
If he hadn't gone into the room, he wouldn't have activated the relic and then it wouldn't have gotten to Buddy.
That being said, he laughs at Buddy's comment.
"You sure do look cool Buddy!"--Rodimus
Rodimus does take the new conditions seriously though. His friend just had part of their organic body turned into part bot body. He understands that this is a serious situation.
He can get behind Drift theory about Buddy being chosen for this Allspark like power. He has also been the victim of Ratchet's wrenches.
He makes sure to watch over Buddy and tries to help them in whatever way he can.
Feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the crowds?
Rodimus is now driving Buddy away to their room
Buddy getting tired of walking around?
Rodimus has them in his servos walking to the next designation.
He helps Buddy with their new found powers by giving some tips that help him with his flames.
Perceptor is extremely concerned over Buddy's new transformation.
None of this should be possible, in fact they should have been dead from a logical view point.
Not that he's complaining though.
He facepalms at Buddy's comment.
"Buddy, with all due respect, that is not what you should be asking!"--Perceptor
"But do I look cool?"--Buddy
"What-How-you... Nevermind."--Perceptor
He has to stop Brainstorm from wanting to experiment on Buddy immediately.
Don't get him wrong he also wants to study this new found power source but one thing at a time.
Perceptor watches over Buddy from time to time collecting data to study further. He has also joined Ratchet in hitting the others with wrenches as soon as he heard about Drift's theory.
Drift is his friend and all but he has to draw the science line somewhere.
He helps Buddy with their new power source by offering them a place to wind down and sleep.
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arceespinkgun · 6 months
Essay: Galvatron, the Flawed Jewel
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When I watched the 80s Sunbow cartoon, I always found Galvatron to be a rather shallow character. But in the Marvel UK comics, he is one of the most fascinating and compelling of all. I want to explore why that is. However, before I can, I need to briefly clarify who Galvatron was made from and how many versions of him are in this continuity. Time-travel makes this really complicated, but here's my best guess:
The first Galvatron (and Scourge and Cyclonus) went back in time right after he was thrown out of Unicron by Rodimus as he was in the movie. This Galvatron went back in time to escape from and find a way to destroy Unicron, but he, Cyclonus, and Scourge end up being erased from existence in the Time Wars arc after Shockwave kills Cyclonus, accidentally causing the space-time continuum to nearly collapse.
Galvatron II was plucked from an alternate future in which he tried to get Unicron to leave him alone by doing his bidding—killing and conquering. But the Unicron of the main timeline makes Galvatron II do yet more labor for him.
A third Galvatron was shown in the future stories, replacing the one who was erased from existence. This Galvatron temporarily succeeds in forcing the future Autobots off Cybertron, but ends up dead (maybe? He's shown slumped in a pile of corpses so) in a battle against Unicron.
I'm going to assume each Galvatron can be used to inform my interpretation of him in general.
Another detail to mention is that the Galvatron(s) of this continuity were always made from more than Megatron. All of them probably have some degree of Straxus in them as well. Straxus, who I must say sure is obsessed with Megatron's body, both injected his mind into Megatron AND built a second, lookalike Megatron out of some unnamed Decepticon to inject his mind into. In both cases, Megatron's personality seemed to reemerge as the dominant one, but this calls into question what Galvaton inherited from whom.
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Straxus's alt-mode, which seems very similar to Galvatron's
With all of that out of the way, time to delve into the complexities of Galvatron's characterization!
One of the first things that surprised me about Galvatron in this continuity was the way he reacts to characters who are obscure and/or weak.
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He knows all their names!
One big issue with this continuity is the overinflated cast (because the comic was supposed to sell the toys), so there were always tons of characters who almost felt like filler running around. A few characters who are known for their cool designs and toys, but still fill this role, are the Seacons. They're just described as engineers who were brought to Earth to fortify Shockwave's undersea base, not to fight. But when Shockwave sees Galvatron walking around on the ocean floor, he sends them out to fight him against Soundwave's advice, knowing they'll probably die. The Seacons' leader, Snap Trap, even just tells his team, "...do your best!" before the fight, which doesn't inspire confidence lol
But Galvatron is impressed with them, and even leaves them all alive! He says that by embarrassing Shockwave, it will all be in their best interest one day.
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Some way too overexposed filler characters were the Sparklers/Sparkabots. When one of them, Fizzle, almost drowns, Galvatron... saves him for seemingly no reason?
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At the same time, though, I think it's significant that this odd fondness does seem be predicated on these people not actually being able to do much to him or anybody close to his level. For example, several characters I'd classify as being on the level of fodder, Guzzle (another Sparkabot), Getaway, Chainclaw, and Crossblades are initially some of the only surviving Autobots in the future Galvatron II was from, but when they actually manage to defeat Scourge and Cyclonus, Galvatron is so disgusted that he saves Cyclonus's life just to immediately punish him by killing him himself.
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When it comes to the big names, Galvatron seems to feel only contempt. In Galvatron II's future, he strings up Rodimus's corpse and shoots him again and again, symbolically killing him over and over. And in the multi-issue story ...Perchance to Dream in which Galvatron tries to trap various Autobots who are in stasis in visions of moments in which they demonstrated their inner weaknesses/flaws, we get to see Galvatron's own nightmare. While it's meant to be humorous, I think the fact that Galvatron's worst fear is being killed by Rodimus over and over again is important.
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In fact, it's not just the Prime I suspect Galvatron is afraid of. Sure, maybe it was just cruelty or his desire to turn the Decepticons against the Autobots, but in the Time Wars arc, I think he used Scorponok as a shield because he didn't want to face Ultra Magnus in a fair fight, since Magnus had previously defeated Galvatron a couple of times.
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So, Galvatron's afraid of other people who can best him, but what does he desire? Well, the entire series follows his mission to free himself of Unicron. He has major setbacks given multiple versions of himself die, and Galvatron II suffered a rude awakening when he realized his attempt to satisfy Unicron by following his orders was for naught and that that he remained a tool. In fact, I believe that Galvatron's interest in weak, obscure characters stems from how eclipsed he himself feels by Unicron.
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Also, I love how much of Unicron's and Primus's personalities we get to see in these comics. Unicron is so immature which is great, because like, who does he have to impress? XD
Galvatron sometimes says he wants to take over the Decepticons and conquer the world when he's free of Unicron, but I honestly question if that's even true. Galvatron II doesn't spread his "empire" beyond the Americas, something that bothers his troops. They note he's acting like a child, revelling in random acts of destruction to no purpose.
The first Galvatron spent a long stretch of issues (like a hundred or so IIRC) in the present time, wandering around and doing nothing in particular, only lashing out when he's reminded of Rodimus Prime, or attacked by other people, like his former lieutenants Scourge and Cyclonus, or the Wreckers. All of that on top of the fact that he very intentionally didn't start his fight with the Seacons... in fact, after that battle, he embarrasses Shockwave and undermines his command by claiming he'd come in peace. Galvatron also doesn't really take initiative to team up with his old self, Megatron, instead only doing so after Shockwave attempts to get over that humiliation by using Megatron as a weapon against Galvatron. And yes, then he finally starts to take initiative and battle people... but I almost wonder if that was Megatron's drive for conquest propelling the initial conflict, not Galvatron's.
This brings up another really interesting facet of Galvatron's character: his relationship with Megatron. In the story arc that introduced Galvatron, Target: 2006, his initial plan is to get Megatron's help in building a weapon to destroy Unicron. Notably, Galvatron does not tell him they are one and the same, and unsurprisingly, Megatron does not agree to work with him.
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However, some time after incapacitating Megatron, Galvatron does tell the captured Jazz about his entire backstory. Also, the first ever glimpse of Galvatron's unstable state of mind came when Megatron decided to team up with the Autobots to defeat him. He can't seem to handle the cognitive dissonance of this.
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Later, leading up the Time Wars arc, Galvatron does manage to get Megatron's assistance by instead convincing him they're the same. One of the first moments that peaked my interest in Galvatron was during this arc. When he sees the Wrecker, Roadbuster, about to shoot Megatron, and remembers that in his timeline, he suffered that injury as Megatron. And in that moment, Galvatron decides to spare his past self the pain.
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There are so many layers to this. Imagine remembering horrible pain that your past self suffered and then deciding to suffer that as your current self to spare them that agony. It's not a selfish act, because you still have to feel it. It's bizarrely compassionate in a way. (It's also worth noting that as the timeline diverges more and more from his original one, Galvatron becomes more and more unstable, to the point that even Megatron grows tired of his madness and vows to not end up like him. Once again, something about cognitive dissonance is extremely difficult for Galvatron to handle).
Unlike this Galvatron, Galvatron II initially resents Megatron. Galvatron II actually manages to best Unicron by making Emirate Xaaron wake Primus to get the god's help (!) and then inspiring all the Autobots and Decepticons to fight Unicron (!!!) and eventually Unicron is destroyed.
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Galvatron in this continuity is such a badass, I really can't overstate that
But with Unicron gone, Galvatron then sees Megatron as the one thing still holding him back. This is where the header image of this post comes from: Galvatron views Megatron as the flaw to his otherwise-perfect jewel. When Galvatron sneaks aboard the Ark, which Shockwave and Starscream have stolen, and discovers Megatron there, Galvatron blames Megatron for his mental instability. He nearly tries to kill him before he comes to his senses and snaps back to an attitude more like that of the first Galvatron and decides he might need to protect Megatron and team up with him.
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This is the (not Straxus-made clone) version of Megatron and Galvatron II, who hadn't met before this point
However, this isn't to be. The Ark crashes when Ratchet sacrifices himself and only Galvatron is seen leaving it. He kills some humans and then unsteadily walks away from the ship, until he ends up at a settlement.
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He ends up being tracked down by Fortress Maximus, who shoots him in the back, which triggers Galvatron and causes him to go into a rabid frenzy.
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Pictured: Galvatron eating the forbidden noodles
Fortress Maximus beats himself up over causing this for a while until his Headmaster component, Spike Witwicky, tells him to own up to his mistake and fix it.
I want to shift focus for a minute to this final opponent Galvatron ends up facing. Fortress Maximus in this series is an extremely flawed Autobot: so worn-down and eager to stop fighting and have peace that he ended up essentially being a colonialist whose actions and inaction nearly destroy a once-peaceful world. He's a character who is super averse to conflict to the point of being callous at points, and he needed to learn to do his duty and take responsibility for his actions. I mention him because I think Galvatron is a parallel inversion of those character traits: what he actually needs is to just stop fighting, since it's when he isn't that he is actually at his most stable... but that need is getting obscured by his immense power, arrogance, and mental illness.
This conclusion may be reaching, but here is my ultimate take on Galvatron's character here: Galvatron's past self, Megatron, is someone with an indomitable will. No matter how embarrassing the defeat (and he has so many humiliating ones in this continuity, from standing on a cliff that falls out from under him, to freezing up because he was hangry and ate too much raw coal), he keeps going seemingly shamelessly. No matter how many times people like Straxus and Shockwave try to take over his mind, Megatron's personality just keeps reasserting itself in the end. He gets inappropriately intimate with his enemies, and just become more driven and more obsessed if anyone ever manages to get the better of him. He lives to fight, and enjoyed executing people before he ever started the War.
But I think Galvatron is not only a transformed Megatron (+ whoever else was sharing Megatron's head at the time), but a transformed Megatron whose will was shattered by Unicron. That deep down, Galvatron doesn't particularly want to keep fighting and conquering—that he's not at his happiest when he's fighting and killing some powerful opponent the way Megatron is. Instead, fights with people who could threaten him scare him. He doesn't even really care that much about conquering the world... the passion that Megatron had for being a dictatorial strongman is all but gone. Galvatron seemed most satisfied when he was just hanging around on Earth, doing nothing in particular, maybe in a body of water or something, alone, with nobody around to trigger memories of Rodimus Prime or Unicron or anyone else powerful enough to hurt him. Hot take, but I feel like with Galvatron, there could be a chance that he could be open to living peacefully if he were left alone, which is something I didn't feel was possible with Megatron.
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...Also, this color scheme for Galvatron is the best ever. Just saying!
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cozzzynook · 2 months
for a laugh, rodimus gets some custom-made lingerie to wear while he's carrying. drift and ratchet are surprised by how much it turns them on.
Rodimus thinks buying lingerie while he’s carrying would be a funny thing because he doesn’t feel very attractive anymore but he’s not really down in the dumps about it. He decides to make a laugh about it because he expected this to happen since carrying for him would be gaining lots of frame weight since he carries in the tanks and gaining weight has mostly come easy to him so he figured it’d happen.
so when it happens he’s not really too upset outwardly. He either ignores it or makes a joke of it.
so ordering lingerie would definitely be a good joke that makes him feel better since it would be something Drift could find funny because he added crystals to the outfit and Ratchet would get a slight kick from it too since he could do a funny dance that would make the older mech roll his optics.
So when he gets it made, this whole thing came about because Cyclonus ordered his own outfit while carrying Whirl and Tailgates sparklings sitting next to Roddy who was rubbing both their tanks with a heated palm to calm their nausea. When he saw the purchase and Cyclonus noticed he completed his own and gave Rodimus the datapad to do his own.
It took some well known looks from Cyclonus for Rodimus to sigh and agree. He tried making a hasty retreat right after but Cyclonus laid his heavy thigh on Rodimus’s own and kept him trapped until Rodimus gave in and they formed a sparked pile. Sure it was just the two of them since they were the only tank carriers on board but it was nice.
He’d fallen asleep with Cyclonus and woke in his hab confused about how he got there until he felt Drift and Ratchet curled up on both sides of him.
He remembers apologizing for them carrying him when he’s so heavy and thanking them only to get an optic roll from Ratchet and teasing from Drift that they were far heavier. Its not like it wasn’t true, they definitely outclassed him in weight, especially Ratchet who was all solid metal and mesh. But he still felt guilty and tried to make it up to them.
Of course they wouldn’t let him and so he decided the outfit that came a few weeks later would be their gift of carrying his heavy aft to berth. A nice laugh that would hopefully make their spirits lift more than usual before doing something together like going to the movie room or having a funny story at Swerves who included a new carrier drink at the bar just for himself and Cyclonus who were in love with the odd mixture.
Speaking of Swerve’s he rubbed his heavy, still growing tank that rumbled lightly at the thought of the delicious drink and he shifted from looking in the mirror, soft crystals bouncing on his thigh plating and modesty panel. A light tickle of the crystals touching just below his chassis that he rubbed a dull from as he began to try taking the intricate lingerie off when he heard the hab door opening and two sets of pedes entering with his designation echoed in greeting.
He let his em field greet them back and rubbed the sides of his tanks when he felt a slight cramp at standing too long.
He sighed, trying not to waddle as he walked towards the berth only to stop at hearing two intakes of air.
Turning he looked at Drift and Ratchet stand in the doorway frozen at the sight of him.
Their optics didn’t blink or move from his frame as he stood with a servo on his tank and the other in front of him so he could lower himself to the berth.
“Hey,” he laughed a little, “ya like the surprise? Figured it be funny and a nice little haha gift. Consider it my thanks for carrying me back to berth and always being so sweet.”
He smiled a little as he turned towards them, “I would do the funny dance I planned but..well..yeah thats not happenin,” he laughed to himself. Servo still on his tank as he used the other to try unclasping the lower lingerie since he knew it’d be harder once he sat down. He didn’t really want to ask them since they might be tired from their shifts but he was also not gonna make it standing for more than two kliks. So he might as well suck it up and ask.
He was coming to terms with his poor choice in complicated clothing when he noticed neither had said a word.
He looked up not sure what to expect.
The two sporting heavy blushes on their face plates and the obvious strain on their modesty panels was not at all what he thought he’d see.
“Umm..are you guys okay?”
Genuinely he was confused and wisely kept his em field from brushing against theirs as he soothed the internal ache in his chassis and tanks.
“Ratch? Drift?”
He did get a little worried at their long silence and he chanced a few steps towards them with a waddle he couldn’t fight at the moment that seemed to snap them from their trance as they came full force at him.
He yelped with a slight jump that did wonders on wrecking his knee struts and back pain as the two surrounded him wrapping their arms around him and touching wherever their digits could reach as kisses littered his neck cables and frame denting soft bites were growled with an engine rev along his shoulder plating.
“What the..”
He couldn’t get more than that out as the two carefully shuffled him to the berth where they helped lower him and seemed to revel in the relieved sigh he vented at being off his pedes and in their nest.
Ratchet cupped his heavy tanks along side Drift, feeling the wide expanse of metal that housed their growing sparkling as their other servos thumbed at the cloth and crystals wrapped along his frame.
The soft clinging of the jewels made Drifts frame buzz and vibrate with each and every rattle against Rodimus’s warm body and the feeling of his engine purring made something stir to life in Rodimus’s leaking valve.
His modesty panels popped open against his will and for the very first time since his tanks began to grow his valve was fluttering and glowing in patterns that just begged for the two sires of his bitty to come inside him.
He’s feeling them pop his too tight chassis off along with their own modesty plating clicking open just as he opens his optics he didn’t even realize were closed.
Seeing the world tilt as he’s laid on a tiny mountain of pillows feeling digits and two glossas lick along the jewels and mouth at his valve as his tanks sre massaged and soft nips litter his inner thigh plating that turn to dent marks that make his pedes bend and his thighs shift further apart to better feel Drifts glossa slip the crystal inside him as Drift tongues around the jewel and Ratchet sucks his anterior node leaves him a wet, dripping, mess that turns to a full frame shiver when his hips roll at the sudden intrusion he didn’t realize was coming.
He’d been so lost to the pleasure he didn’t realize Drift and Ratchet had him on his side until he was panting and being carefully turned over so they both could slip inside him together with the crystal going further inside until it grazed the soft lining of his swollen node that almost made him overload.
His audial receptors weren’t functioning properly and a quick reset from Ratchet allowed him to hear the sweet moans and words Drift and Ratchet were offering him.
“So worried,” Drift moaned into Ratchets intake as the two kissed and shook feeling their spikes rub together inside Rodimus who was overcome with pleasure he couldn’t do more than inhale and hold onto both mechs.
“Thought something was wrong with ya, but you were just planning to surprise us with yer frame all rounded out and full,” Ratchet groaned with that deep tone as he rutted inside and pushed the tip of his spike against Drifts and Rodimus could feel them both leaking inside making the deep pressure build.
“You look so beautiful Roddy, covered in one of my favorite crystals and you remembered. Choosing crystals of fertility, you really were listening,” and even on the verge of overload Rodimus couldn’t help sending a feeling of caring and cherish to Drift who more than deserved it and so much more.
“Had us worried but ya just wanted to buy time till you were really showin. Undeniable proof of us inside you,” Ratchet growled with his engine, speeding up using a rough pace that Drift matched in his own way as his optics hazed with adoration, lust, boundless emotions Rodimus’s overcharged and insecure processor could not keep up with that Ratchets pounding em field could.
“I’m not lettin either of you leave this berth until we’ve overloaded inside you so much you get sparked all over again.”
And it was a possibility.
Rodimus’s tanks actually could do that since he was just that fertile and held a second forge tank that just wasn’t as strong as the one currently in use. It was still very possible though and he’s realizing maybe Ratchet isn’t just using berth room talk with how Drift lifts his leg to put him in a better breeding position.
His whines aren’t out of rejection to the idea, his tears aren’t just from being wanted and still seen as attractive. His overload at feeling the two delve deeper doesn’t stop until they’ve coated his insides a glowing sticky mess and they’re both resting their forehelms together and venting to regulate frame temperature.
His overload is overwhelming and even after it stops his tears do not and he can try passing his constant sobs that keep going moments after the two have regained themselves and can better think and move while he cannot. He can try covering his face plate with his servos to hide himself and stifle his sobs. Try to get the words, “hormones,” that refuse him to their audials as they look concerned for him after sharing a look and processing his earlier words of this being a joke gift instead of an actual gift.
He can try lifting himself as he sobs so he can cry alone where no one will see his pitiful state and unflattering moment thats existed from the moment he could no longer see his pedes or wake without being exhausted and heavy.
Rodimus can try but it does him no good as he can’t lift himself without their help and they go against his wish to hide and flee. They go against his lies of it being hormones and shatter his hopes of keeping insecurities secret.
They finally see through the walls he built with camouflage and hold him in their arms as he sobs trying to put the broken pieces together that just won’t fit anymore. Drift and Ratchet won’t let it as soft words are given and delicate touches become necessity.
“Please don’t hide from us,” he’s held in comforting arms that don’t stray from the parts he knows unflattering.
Soft hummed words and caresses take him apart and Rodimus is still sobbing but his cries are known. His pain is worked and smoothed in two servos that can’t ever live in a time where he’s not happy alongside them and it takes time.
But eventually his tears become sobs and those sobs turn to whines that become soft kisses to eventual spark merging.
I’m sorry. I know this is a happy post but my brain went this way. Hope you and everyone else enjoys
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theangrycomet-art · 1 month
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Inferno's Rookies: QuickStrike and Tagger
There so cute, it's a good thing they have an older, somewhat-responsible bot making sure they stay out of any REAL danger. >:)
the two recruits I mentioned in Inferno's post
Random Tidbits:
Jumpy & hyperaware of his surroundings
slightly paranoid, my
tendency to think outloud has led to a bad a muttering habit
was assigned to Inferno because he has experience with working with nervous bots
itchy trigger finger
earned his designation/name after unintentionally starting a brawl when one of his barrack buddies bumped into him
went to the same boot camp as Moonracer, but the two have lost touch over the years
signed up for search and rescue under Rodimus' recommendation, as he would be able to think of any potential spot any bot might have ended up waiting for help (trying to turn his weakness into a strength)
greatly admires Inferno and enjoys his job but wishes Tagger would quick messing with him
weapons: bolo cannon, spear & net
grumpy workaholic
didn't want to work in search and rescue and is still bitter about her reassignment
she'd wanted to be an elite guard but was expelled from the Academy, for her temper (more specifically, she assaulted a professor when a debate got too heated)
she had been training under Novastar before she took her new position on Elita's squadron
she was transferred to Inferno, seeing as he was friends with NS and had only one recruit in training at the time
overcharged spark
symptoms: processor migraines, overreactive EMF field, t-cog jamming, yellowed optics
like most with O!Sparks, her body wasn't able to build a proper outlet for the excess energy before fully developing
takes specially filtered energon to minimize her symptoms
from ports in her palms she's able to place trackers on any metallic surface
the target can be tracked anywhere so long as they are on the same planet from the gps on her wrists
likes to mess with Quickstrike's head
weapons: laser knuckleduster, retractable blades in her heel and toe
she loves getting into brawls more than her mentor does, not that her line of work allows much for that
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Thinking about my one SG au where:
Ultra Magnus is/was in charge
Optimus is/was aiming to dethrone Ultra Magnus
Megatron is an exminer (but no gladiator era) who gained a following through his writings and his eventual connections through other notable decepticons
Optimus does eventually overthrow Ultra Magnus after obtaining the Matrix
Sentinel Magnus was the Magnus before Ultra Magnus, he's in a situation like bayverse Sentinel (should I Shatter him too or make him worse? I'm tempted to make him worse) and I feel like he'll be found in stasis somewhere in a trashed ship. I feel like it won't go well, I want to make him v similar to bayverse Sentinel tbh and have him betray both the autobots and decepticons
Cybertron gets pretty trashed, but it'll be rebuilt eventually— bit by hit
Cybertron sucked ass before the war, as you might've guessed
I feel like the decepticon base on earth in this au is either under the ocean like in g1 (iicr?) or in the middle of the fucking desert somewhere.
Groundbridges are a thing, as are spacebridges but those are generally massive and in space
Outliers aren't a thing. No Skywarp teleporting, no Sunstorm radiation, no immortal spark Starscream, no telepath Soundwave, nothing.
The decepticons existed for a short while before the war
Just about everyone has their canon colors / a mix of their canon colors
Starscream was ex-military before getting into the decepticons and being thrown into the war
Shockwave was a minor and obscure scientist before the war, gradually gaining skill and rank throughout it
I'm torn on Soundwave because on one hand I liked showhost!Soundwave in SG IDW, but I liked how Megatron just kinda found him in IDW, buuut I also really like the idea of going with a TFP influence in his backstory and making him a former gladiator.
At some point or another Bumblebee has an arc of his own, not sure how but I just think there should be
I think I mentioned it before but the constructicons are medics
VERY torn on whether Megatron should have a fusion cannon or no.
Energon is blue here
I'm torn on how to introduce the human buddies into this and how they'd act but I definitely want Mikaela and Sam in on this (I'd love to see how they're characterized in a more series like setting rather than a movie one)
Elita is a major general and I vaguely feel like she deserves her person chair like she gets in IDW.
Actually Rodimus gets his Lost Light colors because I say so. He's either one of the wreckers or Optimus's eventual successor (or both?) (I'm not sure where to place Rodimus during the war, but I like his SG personality)
Torn on Deadlock never defecting or him becoming an autobot wrecker somehow. Because on one hand, angst. On the other hand, I like his Deadlock design and the idea of him staying moderately loyal to a SG Megatron makes sense in SG. Hgghhh but SG driftrod. I don't know, I like both options.
Ratchet is still terrifying like he is in SG IDW
Most of the designs are like if you drew the IDW designs in the TFA style, in my mind
Mnemosurgery is a thing because it's so horrifying I love it I hate it I love it
Galvatron =/= Megatron and he's such an example of "but what if [character] was good but also still himself". He's still got Cyclonus and Scourge at his side.
The sg dinobots are terrifying
Shockwave makes the Predacons (Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, possibly a few more?) and they're almost a reflection to the dinobots. Because Predaking v Grimlock would be so fucking cool.
Wheeljack is terrifying this time
Jazz and Prowl are evil husbands
There's not as many characters on earth as in g1, but there's certainly more than in say tfp or tfa (... How many mecha are on earth in g1 again?)
There are characters who are on other planets fighting the war
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dangus-doo · 1 year
I draw a pen doodle every day until I forget
Day 365: Rodimus Prime (& Winston) (Mtmte)
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Today marks a year. 3 hundred and sixty-five days of me drawing little pen scribbles in my sketchbook. I had no idea that I had the ability to focus on anything for that long.
Doing these has been so much fun! It was so nice to be able to draw a whole bunch of my favorite characters and get them out in the world for people to see! But at the same time, I don’t really know how much my art has branched out since I started last year.
A lot of the time, these dailies would be the only drawings I would make during the day. It was good consistency, but I don’t think I will grow much as an artist if I keep just doing these every day. I want to do art professionally someday, so I need to grow my art and storytelling significantly. So I think this is going to be the last one of these specific challenge drawings I do.
This doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop posting on Tumblr! I’ve grown to like this place too much. It just might be less often, and hopefully more fully formed artwork. (And it might not be a ballpoint or felt pen.)
For my final drawing of this challenge then, I thought it would be nice to mirror the first drawing I did of this challenge (Hot Rod) with his more mature? Wiser? Older form, Rodimus Prime (and his IDW design is my favorite to draw.)
I also drew my Dog Winston. Because he’s cute. And he’s got a little bow tie!
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Thank you all for checking out my art! Whether you saw all 365, or you found one or two. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!
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blueikeproductions · 2 months
So I’m now aware of EarthSpark rumors of a major character dying in the final episodes, and for whatever reason TFW2005 insists in their speculation it’s gonna be Optimus so Twitch gets the Matrix.
-rubs temples in confusion and annoyance-
Ok so a few things.
How the slag does that make any sense? Optimus is barely a character in EarthSpark, the show treats Megatron more as the hero. The way the show treats Optimus so poorly, I think if they could get away with it, Dot would be partying like Squidward at the mere idea of Optimus dying.
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My point being they offer no emotional reason or investment for this Optimus dying. TFA gave a more emotional punch for its Optimus dying and he only stayed dead for a few seconds.
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Two, and this is a more silly one, but how would the Matrix even fit inside Twitch’s chest? I’m pretty sure Twitch is about the same size AS the Matrix itself, unless the MacGuffin can size change? I don’t remember if that’s ever been a thing actually. For that matter does it even make sense for Twitch to get the Matrix? Having the Matrix typically means you’re the leader of ALL Transformers (but specifically Autobots in war time). I don’t think Twitch wants that or ever had a desire for that. Nor does it really make sense to give her the Matrix simply to make her leader of the Terrans, when she and Robbie seem to take turns. … Admittedly Robbie is more the leader than she is during S2, so shouldn’t Robbie get the Matrix by that logic?
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Basically this but with Robbie instead of Hawk.
It would arguably make more sense if the Terrans were to have their own Matrix, they would’ve gotten a Terran Matrix of Bonds or some such. Presumably created from the Emberstone itself similar to the TFA Allspark getting a G1 Matrix container.
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There’s also the Mini-Con Matrix from Dreamwave Armada.
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Although that wasn’t a symbol of leadership but a MacGuffin designed to kill Unicron by the dead Mini-Cons of another universe. Plus the more I think of it, the Cyber Sleeves are a sort of Matrix in their own right, so I guess Robbie did get the Matrix after all….!
On a related note, they tried a similar idea in Cyberverse, with Robo-Robotnik and normal Megatron both being able to use the Autobot Matrix.
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Admittedly they shouldn’t be able to because even Autobot Megatron couldn’t use the Matrix without Rodimus Prime helping him in IDW. And the last time otherwise in G1 saw Galvatron being unable to use it in his cannon, and Scourge became this.
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So this leads into who is more thematically appropriate: Megatron.
He is basically all but the Autobot leader in the eyes of the writers, and the best character ever in that same regard. There’s far more emotional attachment by comparison to Optimus too; Megatron’s role, similar to his IDW self, is about redemption, second chances, trying to keep the next generation from making his same mistakes, & if necessary dying for his found family. That would be a more thematic end for Megatron, dying for his sins, but fully redeemed in protecting the Terrans and Maltos against… I would assume the Quintessons.
Plus, let’s be honest, if someone were to get the Matrix after Optimus, it’d more than likely be Megatron due to the staff’s bias towards him and their clear distain of Optimus. Wouldn’t that be something, Megatron basically “wins” by being good and inheriting the Matrix to lead Cybertron with the Terrans as his cheer leaders and angels to keep him on the straight and narrow.
Still regarding the Matrix, Hasbro continues to be weird about someone becoming Prime after Optimus, and a new Megatronus Prime, Twitchimus Prime or Maltous Prime probably wouldn’t fly with Hasbro if we still can’t get a proper Rodimus Prime in cartoons that isn’t a butt monkey. -side eyes Prime Wars in particular-
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
Eternal soul
It's difficult to describe how you feel at the moment, you want to record it but it's prohibited, such a transgression to the ritual, torn between keeping it to yourself for as long as you can in data to watch later (maybe forever, in times of happiness or sadness) or in your own memories when big yellow digits move across your skin with extreme care, it's obvious how difficult it is for him to keep on the tiny brush just right, color every centimeter with a chosen design as traditions insist to be, his concentration can't be compromised, you try to be as still as you can, pretty hard with the way his optics squint to be careful with the details and his glossa is poking out of his intake in deep concentration.
You want to kiss him.
Traditions could be forgotten, you told him so when the idea popped out one day, he smiled, he told you that just like you wanted to marry him in the ways of humanity, he wanted to complete the conjunx ritual with you.
And you didn't regret when you said yes.
"These are beautiful"
"I know" he tries to sound smooth, obligating his vox to stay on tune with his desire to show off his (supposed) confidence while he drags along the brush on your skin, the paint will fade off eventually, but he wants it to look good on you for the next years to come before your cells degrade again and give path to new ones.
Rodimus is way more distressed when the next step, one included given your organic nature, is the one to take.
He leaves behind the paint and brush to look at the little machine between his digits, he can't mass displace now, your hard work painting his armor and derma could get ruined since the everlasting paint is still wet, does the idea of feeling your hands brush along the paint all over his body in full concentration on him again like he is the center of your world sound tempting? Of course it does, in many levels, but he couldn't stand it if you get sad over your lost work, so now it's his turn, taking the tattoo machine on his digits and putting it near both of your hands.
He laughs, falsely and nervously so, looking to any other place, but everything is full of this, of what he is doing, of what you're letting him do to you and, somehow, this is way more intimate than he first believed at first.
The candles are still burning, texts of fortune carved at the sides, colors that you both choose for your marriage, spectralism colors that give a message of an eternal promise, love, a new start.
These candles are near to burn out soon, having taking too long, and the similarity with you almost makes him put the machine away, tell you to wash the paint before it takes on your skin, get out you of the Lost Light and back to earth, live your life and live it fully, no regrets, no unfinished desires, have a family, be happy for the years to come and-
"Listen" he takes on your surroundings, erase the main of his worries from his processor, he looks at the ceremonial candles, the gift on his side (a golden bracelet with a piece of amber with a drop of your blood inside, dried flowers from earth and a human music device) and the ones on yours (a bottle full on his innermost energon, a handmade mix tape of the 80's), "if you've anything to say-"
"I say yes" you've an idea of what is going on with him, you have to call out his designation when little tears pool on his optics, "wait, I mean, yes to this, no to whatever you are thinking" you can't even touch him without smudging the paint away and Rodimus has to make such a fast movement to prevent the tears from falling off and leave a disaster on his faceplate in their trail.
"Like, yeah, but, are you sure sure? totally? one hundred percent?" The needle is also tearing ink that falls to the floor, the vibrating sound almost an echo in the room, you smile and he feels pressure where his spark is with every hard pulse of it and how easier it feels when you take one of his digits on your hand to lead it to the other, open and waiting.
"I'm sure sure, totally, one hundred and ten percent"
Ah, what did he do so well to deserve this?
You tremble a little when the needle makes the first contact with your skin, the ink is top grade but he still cares and worries when blood pool with movement of the needle and drop out of your body, you are okay, assuring him, making little talk to prevent his mind from wandering off again, Rodimus keeps his focus on making every line as good as he can, perfection isn't possible, he learned that long ago the hard way, but he wishes so badly for this to be an exception, maybe it is, he finished his work faster than anticipated and you clean delicately your hands and fingers from the excess, his body is rigid, you inspect his work and when you smile again he can hardly stop himself from getting to your level and kiss you.
"Guess we are married-", words stop, mouth closed, he can't wait anymore when he scoops you from the floor to kiss you, he makes a whimper that sounds like a moan against your mouth, you cup his faceplate on your now tattooed hands, ink replacing in both hands the ring of promise, something you can never take off without living a scar, just like the paint on his body.
Thinking about all the process was stressful as any other wedding, but given how different you both were every detail had to be improved to some point, the painting in your body would fade off with the years, Rodimus promised to paint all again, you promised to cherish his gifts, keep his secrets and all the touches you shared, he promised to keep all your secrets, all your touches forever engraved on his memory data and, in case your memory started to fade away with the ages, he promises to be the one to make you remember.
In that very moment, it was only the two of you, basking in the moment, already knowing friends were outside, waiting for the good news, but you were inside longer than necessary, till the paint finally dried and the candles finally extinguished their fire, when you could let go of one another you see the new marks above his chest armor, the ones you painted, you move your fingers along them, every curve and line, he calls out to you, smiling, before kissing you again.
He couldn't wait to see your reaction when you noticed the glyphs he tattooed on your skin and the meaning behind it.
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earthstellar · 1 year
Heatwave on the Lost Light: Summer Themed Shenanigans
listen, maybe the lost light passes by a planetary body that emits a ton of heat that their shielding can’t fully filter out so there’s a “heatwave” on the ship or something 
and, hear me out, it’s fucking 31C in England right now and I’m sitting here misting my tits with a spray bottle full of ice water every five minutes because I’m too pale for sunlight to be happening, turn the fucking sun off, I’m so white and old, don’t do this to me
so I imagine Ratchet and Megatron and Cyclonus and all the larger/older bots (esp. those with thicker armour or those who never downgraded from war frames) are just fucking STRUGGLING with the heat while they have to pass by this solar entity of a planet 
but the lighter frame types/minimally armoured bots, like the racers and mini bots, are more or less having an okay time. like yeah they’re feeling the heat but their vents aren’t overheating because they’re either small enough to dispel heat easier or they’re racer frames and designed to vent off excess heat a lot more efficiently than other frame types 
Swerve is like hell yeah, we’re doing a summer beach party themed movie night at the bar, the turnout is great because he figured out a way to make a slushie form of frozen energon (which he serves in metal ICEE cones because he saw it in a human movie a while back, lmao) 
so Drift is just there with a spray bottle, every now and then misting Ratchet when he turns around to go deal with someone who’s fallen ill with some Cybertronian form of heat stroke 
and the spray bottle liquid makes a slight sizzling noise as it evaporates on contact with Ratchet’s armour  
Ratchet keeps trying to shoo Drift away but First Aid is like “keep doing it, his temperature readout is still above normal functioning parameters” 
Rodimus is having a great time, but Minimus is completely unable to even look at the Magnus armour without his vents flaring at the thought of how fucking impossibly hot it would be to put it on at the moment 
at one point Cyclonus lays down on the floor in his hab suite so Tailgate can run a little hand-held fan up and down his frame because Cyclonus is too proud to admit that it’s way too hot for him and he doesn’t want to have to go to the med bay because he’s aware of how busy it is at the moment 
IDK it’s so fucking hot in here holy shit where did my tit misting device go 
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therodpod · 1 year
it is time for my ranking of Optimus Prime’s parenting skills… which are only semi-serious (at best) and mostly consists of inside jokes. Enjoy.
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1. Starting off strong, G1!Optimus: 7.9/10.
Okay listen, technically speaking he was everyone’s dad BUT he looked like he was about to strangle anyone that wasn’t Bumblebee on more than one occasion, and plus he died :/ which totally wasn’t cool, bc it made my bbg hate himself♥️. and there’s also just like. his treatment of the Dinobots… so. Yikes, king. Points were doxxed xoxo.
2. My personal favorite—Cyberverse!Optimus: 8/10.
I’d give him ten out of ten for being an absolute MILF but he also let’s all three sons be absolute demons and never seems to know where they are, AND gives the impression that he’s locking himself in the pantry and eating a snack just to escape them for a few minutes (https://youtu.be/CHWMIAaUj1M), so sorry babe. being a divorced single mother is never easy, but you look fantastic doing it ((btw he’s PTA parents with Grimlock, but unlike him, he never knows what’s going on)).
3. Honorable mention bc I technically haven’t finished it. Armada!Optimus: 7.9/1
He gives me army dad awkwardly trying to raise a military brat and that’s why it’s so low, bc while he isn’t a terrible parent TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, he’s still in the army and is raising his son in it. like maybe the kid wanted to make art, man. SMH.
4. IDW!Optimus, my beloathed♥️. 5/10.
Bumblebee is the golden child who has never done anything wrong in his entire life in Optimus’ optics, while Rodimus is the estranged son who he only sees on the holidays MAYBE and whom he hates. In fact, I’m doubtful he even likes seeing him that much.
5. #Boymom Prime!Optimus: 9/10
another one who gets points redacted bc did you see him with Smokescreen? that man is a boymom. He believes boys will be boys and posts on cyberbook “I didn’t know love until I looked into my sons’ eyes; ‘til are one; my little rascals are starting cube-ball soon and it’s so tiring driving them everywhere but I wouldn’t have it any other way!! #BoyMom.”
6. Netflix!Optimus: 0/10.
not a parent, boo.
7. Twenty-Three-Old-College-Dropout Animated!Optimus. 2/10.
I give him two points bc he’s more like their older brother, but he also hasn’t straight up killed them so that gives him /some/ bonuses. Bee’s like fourteen, and Bulkhead’s like fifteen, and he’s barely twenty-three living with Prowl who is a HIGH-SCHOOL dropout at twenty-five and is a hippie who smokes a blunt in their garage—and Ratchet is in his mid-seventies and never leaves his room, so you can see why he deserves the two points for not snapping.
8. Earthspark Optimus, ‘the cool dad’: 8.9/10.
He’s delightful and awkward and tries his best, but he’s also obviously overworked and doesn’t always have time to be there emotionally for Bumblebee; he also hates his son’s ex and I’m sure threw a party when him and Breakdown broke up, despite being divorced himself (Elita-1) and having an /interesting/ past himself (Megatron). hope that helps. Still better than IDW.
9. Half-joking, Japanese!Optimus. 10/10.
Idk what’s going on there, but he looks delightful.
10. Optimus Micheal Prime, Bayverse: 1/10.
just the worst parenting my man, somehow even worse than IDW!OP bc atleast he /liked/ Bumblebee. he started really good during the first movie, and then it must q u ick ly derailed. somebody send CPS on his ass.
11. Beeverse!Optimus: 10/10.
watching him go John Wick on the decepticons so Bee could escape? delightful. the fact that he sent him on the “‘safest’” planet in the galaxy? hilarious. the ‘very well’? my favorite op line in all the continuities. also one of his best designs ONG.
12. The man, the myth, the legend - Optimus Primal. 7.9/10.
mostly going off that one gag where they were too scared to tell him they did something wrong, I have built my personal headcanon. I feel like Primal has made Cheetor cry when he helped him with his math homework, and will even beat Rattrap’s grown ass if you catch him in the wrong mood. (he’s literally just this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKX4t93/) ((and it’s definitely cheetor and rattrap)).
13. Finally, the end––RID2002 Optimus Prime: 6/10.
he never knew what was going on, SMHHHH. Wedge fraternizing with Sky-Byte? who knows! he certainly doesn’t. Side-Burn potentially becoming his future-in-law and Just Being Like ThatTM in general? well he never talks to Ultra Magnus anyway, and boys will be boys, amiright? but don’t be fooled, though, I love Car Robots and I would die for all of them. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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grimxark · 11 months
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Info on design under cut!
tried designing a bishoujo Drift a while ago alongside my Rodimus, but I couldnt find any inspiration for outfits that could still show her prosthetics in their glory. I also frankly couldn't quite get the prosthetics to look how I wanted them to: I wanted them to resemble Drift's legs, but still practical and not too heavy looking. I didn't like it very much, specially as making the colors work without making white/red too repetitive proved to be a challenge i gave up on. As for why the prosthetics, I frankly cannot see a human drift without them! His legs are a pretty defining part of his silhouette in my opinion, and he does lose his legs quite often (i mean, i suppose 2 times can be counted as often.) so I think it is fitting. Also, he can run faster. Speeed.
Overall, I would like to pick this up again, when I am more confident I can do the design justice. If anyone would like to pick up where I lacked, though, you can, as long as you credit me somewhat or simply to show me! I'd love to see what other people can do.
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thetravelingegg · 7 months
Imagine a wings of fire mtmte/lost light au.
The ship is an actual wooden ship that sails and stuff.
I think Megatron would be a mudwing. With brownish grey fireproof scales. I think that Terminus would either be his bigwigs or the bigwig that took him in.
Rodimus would be a part firescales. I don’t think having full firescales would be doable with a wooden ship. I’d say he can make his scales fluctuate in temperature and the hottest setting isn’t as hot as Peril is but it can still burn. This would play into Rodimus cockiness since ‘what could hurt him? He burn can everything if he wants to’ until the war happens and he realizes that heat can’t always protect you or the ones you love. Especially when he fights Megatron.
The Magnus armor would be either a wrist cuff or a similar piece of jewelry that is harder for others to break or use against you in battle. It’d be an animus touched item of course that turns you into Ultra Magnus who would be a seawing.
Minimus and dominus Ambus would be leafwings because I don’t want to many dragons the same tribe and also in the books leafwings were kind of portrayed as really mysterious and I think that it would match What Happened To Dominus Ambus and add a bit more flavor to his story. I Can expand on him later.
I dont really know what to do with Rachet. Probably an icewing since it’d match his crankiness and also icewings have there own hierarchy problems somewhat similar to Cybertron. I Can imagine Rachet, who would be a high level in the circle system that icewings have, treating people indiscriminately no matter much the circles say they’re beneath him.
Idk where the red part of his design is gonna go. Maybe he has a long lost ancestor of another or it’s just a random mutation. Maybe it’d even cuase others in his tribe to look down upon him and he knows that without his medical skills dragons would let their distaste show a lot more. That would help add story to his empathy since he know that how others are treated could easily be him and that he’s no better than everyone else.
This would probably make Pharma an icewing too. Perhaps they’ve been childhood friends since they both have unique scales and they could relate to each other. Also that would make they’re bond even closer and add extra tragedy to what Pharma does.
I have more ideas about other characters but I want to make them separate post so I can go into more depth with them. I know these stories don’t really fit with Transformers history but I’m just making this for fun.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
A Soundwave from another dimension is transported to a dimension where the war is over. Soundwave is in a relationship with Hot Rod who's sparked.
Soundwave from Transformers prime seeing Soundwave and Rodimus from mtmte makes prime Soundwave feral.
That cryptic literally takes one look at Rodimus and wants him but mtmte Soundwave is not letting anyone have Rodimus not even himself from another timeline and they are so close to brawling like gladiators it was terrifying even to the cons aboard the ship.
Prime Soundwave only stopped when Rodimus stood between the two and put his back to him looking very scary and adorable as he glared at his soundwave who just knew not to test him while in emotive swing.
Its up to brainstorm and Perceptor to send Prime Soundwave back who with Rodimus permission, gently touches Rodimus’s tanks and has this sad aura about him.
Rodimus asks him to use glyphs to communicate and he learns Soundwave doesn’t have any of his cassettes and only Laserbeak is left. The little cassette flies and lands on Rodimus tanks chirping at him and he smiles rubbing their little wings and helm.
Rodimus adores Laserbeak and he smiles even rubbing the prime Soundwaves face plate and tells him he should give his four optics a break. Prime Soundwave is completely shocked by Rodimus knowing and Rodimus admits to him that his Soundwave has four optics too.
“You’re very similar, still different but pretty similar,” he laughed making his bitty pat his tanks and Prime Soundwaves servo.
For a moment he wishes to break his vow of silence for Rodimus but he does not because Mtmte Soundwave walks in and stands in the door looking angry and pops Prime soundwaves servo off his conjunxs tanks and holds Rodimus close to him.
“Lesser Soundwave: cease and desist. Rodimus: my conjunx. Will only share with sparkling.”
“Sound, its fine. I don’t think he wants me,” Rodimus doesn’t make a move to leave his Soundwaves hold but he does shift to get more comfortable.
Prime Soundwave doesn’t bother with saying Rodimus is wrong since he doesn’t want to deal with his other self but he is happy to be reminded of what he fought for. The right to this. Living. Enjoying his loved ones instead of fighting an endless war that he wishes to be over.
It makes Prime Soundwave think over the war his Megatron keeps going and he thinks over this Megatrons apologies, musings, his guilt and admittance of it not being about rights but power. He decides when home that he won’t be keeping the war going but focusing on rebuilding the decepticons and working towards building their home planet to be better. They have the technology and science to do it and Shockwave wishes for the same. He knows he can do it.
So when the portal is finished and he says goodbye to Rodimus making sure to piss off this version of himself he hugs Rodimus before transforming and leaving.
When he comes out the other side every con is waiting for him and he proceeds to get Megatron in a room alone and shows him the possibilities of the other world. Shows him what happened and shows him the personal tape his other self left for him.
He’s not sure what the other Megatron said to his version but whatever it was it worked.
A peace treaty was not drawn but the cons left planet Earth and returned home.
On the way they passed a floating small pod that was unidentified and within it was a red and yellow and mech who was heavily injured.
By the time they reached Cybertron and began rebuilding their home by cleaning up frames and debris as Shockwave worked on a way to bring life back, the strange bot onlined and Soundwave knew immediately who the mech was by his optics even if he had a different frame than his other self.
“Where am I?”
“Condition: injured. Location: cybertron,” he used glyphs to inform the mech of his situation and he noticed how weary he was at the sight of his decepticon badge but he didn’t make a move to attack or do anything else aside from ask his name.
“Designation: Soundwave.”
That made the mech startle and he rushed up which made Soundwave startle and try to push him down only for the mech to hold his servos and move them back a little and open his subspace.
He carefully cradled the small cassettecon that he long thought he lost.
“Hey, bitty wake up, your cassette carrier, he’s here,” the mech sounded so happy and Soundwave could barely grasp anything aside from having Laserbeak undock and land on the mech to chirp and nuzzle Ratbat awake who cooed before yawning and stretching tiny wings that hadn’t changed since their tragic separation.
The little bat sparkling looked up and cooed at the mech before sniffing and rushing towards Laserbeak and crying.
Soundwave took both cassettes in his arms and held them close.
Behind his mask he cried and outwardly his shoulders shook.
“I’m not a cassette carrier so..I couldn’t help them develop the way you could but I did keep them alive,” the mech stated looking sad.
“Casseette: returned. Soundwave: forever in your debt.”
“Oh! No! Its not trouble really! They’re a sparkling, I couldn’t just let them get hurt or offline.”
The mech smiled at the happy reunion and finally sat back on the med berth where he closed his subspace and rubbed over his spark chamber.
“Oh, sorry about that. I forgot to tell you. My name. It’s Hot rod.”
Soundwave for the first time in a long time, felt something shift and he retracted his lower face shield to reveal scarred dermas and fangs that were permanently revealed from the damage.
“Thank you, Hot rod.”
Soundwave watched as the mech’s spark sped up and his optics flashed.
‘He felt it too,’ Soundwave realizes.
The mechs soul caught in his throat and he couldn’t focus on anything but Soundwave, his voice and half of his face.
He knows the mech is a con but..
“Beautiful,” he struggled out as venting was impossible.
It warmed him in a way he never knew struggling to vent could and he decided then he didn’t want to leave the mech behind.
“You’re beautiful,” he gazed, hypnotized.
“As are you, Hot rod.”
Soundwave pictured Rodimus and his other part Hot rod who looked so similar and yet different and he understood why his other half was so protective.
He plans to do the same.
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