#i want teru to play with my hair
serxinns · 6 months
Tipsy Trampoline!
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Drunk kiribaku x roomie/aka reader
(I know I promise to do other fics but I really wanted to do this)
This was inspired by this fic, yuzuya ofc and Mina's Birthday party these were one of my all-time favorites on Tumblr and youtube back then and I still loved it!
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It was Denki's 18th birthday and he decided to rent out the trampoline park for everyone to come and invited all class 1a and class 1b (and Shinsou)
You were getting ready to go wearing your rainbow kidcore clothes (can be a dress or pants whatever!) when you got a notification from one of your friends katsuki to pick you up
💣RagingChihuahua💥: you ready dumbass me and Shitty hair are about to pull up
Roomie✌️: Yep got my gift and everything!
💣RagingChihuahua💥: alright I see you don't im pulling up right now
You saw a car pulling up to your driveway through the window, so you grabbed your gifts and dashed outside, and went inside the car, seeing Kirishima in the backseat as well "Hey roomie how's it been!" Kiri said with a wide smile you smiled back giving him a fist bump and a hug "Amazing excited to finally have a break from schoolwork and hanging around with my buds!" Kiri blushed a bit while smiling "And chihuahua! I haven't seen you in a while how's it been those test aren't stressing you out aren't they?" katsuki grumbled at the stupid nickname you gave him "I told you to not call me that and of course not im punching those test straight in the fucking teeth!"
You giggled at his reaction and Katsuki blushed a bit and cleared his throat "Anyways are you ready did you get everything?" you nodded holding the gift in hand "Alright now the only reason im taking the two of you is because you're the most tolerable so you better not fucking act up in my car or you'll get thrown out in the damn street!!" you and kiri giggled at his emptyish threat "Dont worry man we won't do anything promise! You can trust us" Katsuki glared at the two of you while you and kiri looked "Innocently" at him with the invisible hovering angle wings and halo Katsuki grumbled something and started to engine and off to go to denkis party
Time skip of roomie and kiri making corny ass jokes while bakugo shouting at the both of you to shut the fuck up
The 3 of y'all made it after a 20 excruciating drive (for Bakugo) to the neon trampoline park where Denki, Mina, and Shinsou were waiting at the front the 3 of you got out to meet up with the trio "Hey man! Happy birthday!" kiri said to Denki while giving him a high five and a hug "Thanks! And those gifts look amazing! You can put the gifts at the table right there And can wait at the lobby for everyone else to come! And bakugo?! your giving ME a gift?! How thoughtful~" Denki said with a teasing smile "SHUT UP! I'm only giving you a gift cause it's your birthday that's it" katsuki yelled and rolled his eyes the 5 of you snickered at katsukis outburst which didn't make Katsuki any better so he stomped inside the building while you followed right behind him giving Denki another happy birthday
The 3 of you waited in the lobby with other of your classmates friends talking about how amazing this party gonna be a few minutes later when everyone was here Iida announced the rules of the party no arguing no playfighting blah blah but most importantly no drinking irresponsibly everyone agreed with the rules and off to play y'all went
The 1st thing you did was play dodgeball and it was WAR when it started on your team was you, kiri, Kendo Monoma, Komori, and more while on the other team were Bakugo, teru, Ochako, Jirou, You Shoji, and WWDB (World war dodgeball) began, Soft Foam balls were flying everywhere bakugo, jirou monoma and kendo was sniping everyone on each other while the rest of you were dodging for your LIVES you were using every one of your team members as a human shield to dodge bakugos hits and to survive until it was one on one everyone started cheering for you gulped while bakugo had an evil grin on his face
Bakugo was Throwing balls so hard every time they hit the wall making a loud bang you were screaming playfully and dodging them while Bakugo taunted you about losing already "GIVE UP ROOMIE YOUR CORNERED" you panted tried to dodge the balls but was determined you were gonna win it for the team "NEVER! GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT" Bakugo grinned at your words and grabbed a blue foam ball and threw you you dived into the trampoline behind you but your leg got hit with the ball just when bakugo was about to shout for victory the ball bounced hard and hit bakugo in the face
You won
Your team cheered while Bakugo's team died laughing at what they just saw not caring they lost Bakugo yelled out profanities and slowly turned his head to you, you gulped grinning sheepishly and waved, that was the final straw for bakugo, "YOUR DUMBASSES IS GONNA PAY FOR THAT" he ran towards you and kiri while the two of you screamed and dashed off running across the obstacles but this Blonde was hot on your trail so Kiri took your hand and dashed to the ball pit and dived right in there bakugo jumped in along with thev3 of you laughed until y'all realized the position your in
Kiri was on top of Bakugo while you were on top of Kiri the 3 of you blushed "I didn't know the 3 lovebirds were hanging out in the ball pit~" Shinso said grabbing his phone out and taking the picture of the 3 of you, Bakugo screamed at him to delete them while all of you deeply blushing quickly getting off of each other and looking away in embarrassment, "I'm gonna get a drink so I can forget this ever happens" Kiri said still blushing while helping bakugo up "Yea im getting thirsty anyway roomie you coming?" "I'll catch up with the 2 of you in a min im gonna play some arcade games!" "they're so Cute..." Kiri thought staring at the both of you but was quickly snapped out of it when Katsuki dragged him
*timeskip of you battling Momo, tsuyu and mina to see who gets more tickets*
Meanwhile at the bar sat A tipsy Denki, sero and hakagure messing with Bakugo and Kiri "Cmon blasty I know you want to~" "FUCK OFF DUNCE FACE I AINT DOING THE DRINKING COMPETITION" "Aw cmon what are you scared?!" Sero said making chicken noises Katsuki was getting tired of him so he snatched the drink off his hand and grabbed Kiri by the shirt collar "Fine but shitty hair is gonna join me as well to prove your stupid shitty drinking game" "U-Uh..Yea Sure! I'll join right by you bakugo" the 2 men grabbed the beer cans readying themselves hakagure counted them down "3...2...1 DRINK" and the 2 teams drank away grabbing beer cans after beer cans
Time skip cause idk im lazy lol
"I told you I got the most tickets! Kero* "Yeah yea I would've won if it weren't for that Stupid fishing game I would've gotten 10 more tickets to beat you" You tease punching her arm softly while she laughed "Aw Stop it you two we all did great plus you should've seen ochako with those basketball skills they're amazing!" Ochako blushed a bit at Momo's statement "It wasn't that good guys I missed a few shots!" Whined ochako "A few?! Out of the 100 hoops you dunked?! You're a natural you gotta teach me" the 4 of you went to the main lobby and sat on the sofa to chat more you grabbed a soda and sat down relaxing
You were bored so you went to look for your boys you pushed through the crowd of drunk toddlers to locate your two friends you were about to give up until you felt hands grabbing you from behind and pushing you closely to their chest you looked up to see it was kiri drunkenly smiling at you while wobbling a bit trying to steady himself "Roooomieeeee" he said while giggling like a child "how's it going having fu-*Hic* at the party!" you giggled trying not to laugh out loud at his face
"Yep seems like you were too where's bakugo I thought he was with you" Kiri stopped for a moment to think looking like a loading screen that was until a door was slammed open at the entrance
Oh shit it was aizawa
"Now which one of you fucking brats put a drawing of a dick on my car" Everyone including you froze Aizawa's red glowing eyes were glaring at everyone this happened for about a min until Denki slammed down a bottle screaming "SCATTER" Everyone ran in different directions you were grabbing on eljirou looking for an exit and fast until an arm grabbed you and the two of you were dragged quickly out the emergency exit it was katsuki
"Kats?" he stared down at you then at Kiri then continued to drag you into his car "I dive" he slurred struggling to put his keys in the car you grabbed Katsuki and pulled him into the back seat ignoring his angry protests and insults you grabbed his keys and hit the engine and drove out of there
You drove to a star-glazing area to watch the stars for a while looking back seat you saw both Kiri and Katsuki knocked out in the back so you closed the door bringing the keys to yourself, and went to lay on the grass to watch the stars you close your eyes and relaxed not long after you felt 2 bodies laying beside you Katsuki in the middle while Kiri was on his left you were on his right, the 3 we're you were watching stars kiri was drunkenly laughing to himself while Akatsuki stayed focus curious you asked him a question "So Kats what are you gonna do after this" Katsuki stayed silent you assumed he was either ignoring you or passed out so you continued to watch the stars dancing in the Moonlight until an arm wrapped your neck around pulling you closer You blushed "gonna love you two someday...wanna confess" you were flushed at the moment unable to speak words or even comprehend what is going on Kiri was already knocked out but continuesnue
"Don't wanna lose ya so special.." Kiri joined in but in a slurred speech, then katsuki did you never forget it he leaned the both of you closer and kissed Kiri on the cheek 1st then you then he turned his head to you and said "Dont tell him I did that" then passed out peacefully snoring
you were processing what the fuck just happen but looked down to see their peaceful snoring faces you kissed them both on the cheek and whispered "I love you too..." let's say that was the most memorable moment for the 3 of you
Bonus: when your parents got home they saw you Kiri and Bakugo cuddling on your bed and secretly took pictures in the morning
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
" 𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤 " 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧 𝐔-𝟐𝟎
| This is based off the Blue Lock arc. You are the U-20's Manager. | This will not include Sae or Ryusei (Sorry!!) |
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Stepping into this field of work you never would have guessed how draining but equally exciting it was. At first becoming to Japan's U-20 Manager alongside that old geezer you tried your best to stay out of their way. With your looks it wasn't exactly easy. They let their gazes linger a few times, You even shook hands with a few, Like Teppei, Oliver, Teru, And Miroku. You tried your best to stay out of their way and just help the men with whatever they needed.
Of course they said a few words in the locker room. How you were cute, quiet, not polite enough to speak properly or introduce yourself Like you ever could. After winning a match you made sure they ate well until something touched your wrist, It was a hand that grabbed it. It was Oliver "You should eat with us, I'm sure you worked hard." He said with a smile. You scanned their faces, They were all awaiting eagerly for a reply. You agreed just wanting to keep them up in their spirits and not spoil their victories.
It was quiet. Dead quiet. The silence was killing you, You looked around, Most eyes were looking away from you Purposely . But Itsuki seemed to just stare at you from across the table. His big and wide eyes staring at you, You smiled a gentle smile in his direction and he smiled back slightly. Breaking the silence you asked him.. "So, Why do you like to play soccer?" He looked at you for a moment and replied. " 'Dunno, Just felt like it.." His tone was sad he wasn't looking at you either. His face hot and a shade of pink. Well that wasn't much to go on. You finished your food quickly and walked off waving to them.
After you had left the room he let out a huge sigh. He was holding his breath the whole time, Some of his teammates snickered others grunted in annoyance. "Lucky itsuki..Why does he get your favor? Maybe I'll have to sit in front of her.." Then, Teru rushed up from his seat leaving his plate as he held a huge grin on his face. he caught up with you and walked next to you. "Not even a goodbye?" He asked playfully. You flashed him a grin and his heart did a flip. "Sorry Kitsuneza-" "Teru!" He interrupted. You looked at him as you turned a corner, "You're sure?" "Of course!" he replied happily. "Sorry for not saying goodbye teru, This is where I'll be tonight, I'll see you tomorrow..Train hard!" You reached out to shake your hand, he took and and threw you into a hug. "Goodnight Coach Y/n!" He walked off happily. You walked into your quarters and began for night.
As teru rounded the corner back to the dinner hall he was met with a few pissed off faces. "Not cool Teru." Hayate said. "What? I was just walking her to room! I'm being friendly to my coach-" Oliver cut him off saying "Teru's right, If we wanna get her attention it's up to the lucky one who get's there first." Everyone shakes their head "Yes" and walks off to their room.
Sendo couldn't help but feel obsessed already, He was listening to you and Teru talking. The way you moved, the way you smiled, every movement..He was enamored. If he wanted a "Glamour idol." Well he's got one in front of him..He just has to beat his team to it..But how?? Gifts? What would you even like? Acts of some kind of service?? But what and how?? Touch..? Nonononono. He's the ace he'll pull it off.
So then it began. From a quiet and quick job from listening to all the members, Reading Buddhist chants with Miroku, listening to teppei talk, and do teru's hair! Oliver tried to impress you with his skills with other women Not many bu you had no interest in that.
One time after a hard match they had won Sendo's hair was messed up and sweaty. You walked up to him and he froze, You moved the messed up strands for him and he froze in his place your hands gliding over his hair to part it the way he always had it. "...Thank you."
"Sure thing! Happy I could help." You turned around to notice all their eyes on you and your touch on him. They looked at you like they were waiting for their turn. Like they had Earned your touch . You sighed, Not wanting to break their spirit. And they did do a good job.. You helped with their sweaty messy hair with some dry shampoo and few combs. With hayate's height he had to sit down while you reached to brush the front of his hair perfectly up. Your chest in his face he was frozen in excitement reading all your moves with his hair.
Thus began the never ending cycle, Learning the teams interests and excitements. Going out places with them, Celebrations, training. You cheering for them..It made them excited and wanting to do their best. You were theirs..All theirs.
| Hope you guys liked! Send me some requests on characters I should do! | Should there be a part 2..Maybe with some spice.? Request it! | Make sure to drink tons of water today! |
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷: Smn requested a pt2 of the U-20 team meeting crossdresser!Yn. So here it is!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hmmm?" Sendou squinted his eyes as he observed the Blue Lock team.... well, the starters more than anybody else. They were all somewhat interesting, but also boring to some regards, yet he couldn't stop looking at them. Or, better yet, a certain person in the team. The (h/c) haired striker of the team certainly stood out, as he looked way more... softer(?) than the rest of his team. Even his movements weren't like those from the other guys.
"Hey, Sendou. Stop staring into space and listen to what Aiku is saying." Hayate said lazily as Teru and Teppei nodded their heads.
"Yeah, we need to win this game."
"Sae is already being annoying with how 'lukewarm' we are." Cho rolled his eyes as Niou sent the older Itoshi and Shidou death glares.
"Sorry... it's just... that Blue Lock striker over there is very odd." Sendou said as he discreetly pointed at (Y/n), who was busy talking with Hiori and Kurona about something.
"Odd? He is just standing." Niou pointed out.
"Also, you being distracted resulted in him scoring the 2nd goal." Itsuki added in.
Sendou blushed in embarrassment and glared at his teammates.
"Shut it! And he is odd. Even the way he is standing is odd. It's as if I am seeing one of those idol girls."
"You have completely lost it." Teppei said calmly.
"Maybe we should limit your TV and internet access." Teru suggested.
"What are you all talking about now?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as he and Miroku approached them.
"Sendou think that (L/n) guy is a girl." Hayate simply stated.
"I never said he was a girl! I just said he reminds me of those idol girls!" The boy flushed a bright red.
"Oookkay..." Oliver said as he looked over at the said player.
"Regardless, let's just play now. Sae is already being an ass to me."
"Deserved." Miroku and Niou added in.
As the 3 bickered, Sendou turned to look at the striker again. Sadly, this time, he wasn't as secretive, and Hiori noticed his staring, drawing (Y/n)'s attention to it. The two made brief eye contact, and Sendou swore he could feel his heart doing a flip or two as he stared into the player's eyes.
'Just what is it about you?'
Sendou thought that his encounter with the striker would end when the match ended, but no! They actually met up again at that karaoke bar, and again, Sendou had this weird feeling about the striker.
'He is just too perfect with girls... as if he knows first hand what they want to hear.' Sendou thought as he watched the boy's interaction with the two older girls. Meanwhile, Hayate, Teru, and Miroku were making fun of a pouting Oliver. Sendou watched as the striker's friends pulled him away from the girls.
"Stop being weird, Sendou." Cho warned the redhead.
"You are staring at the dude like he killed someone." Teppei noted.
"Please, whatever sort of weird feelings you have for him, sort it out. It's getting stressful to watch." Niou added in as Sendou flushed a deep red as he tried to deny that statement. Itsuki snickered a little.
"You do have a weird fixation." Miroku said, walking over to the group.
"Bachira, please don't make a scene!" (Y/n) yelled as he pulled him away from an argument with Oliver.
"He does remind me of a idol tho... I have to give it to Sendou for noticing it first." Hayate added in.
"Please don't tell me you have been staring too." Niou groaned.
"In my defense, he is cute." Sendou grumbled at the statement Hayate made, and got even more agitated as Miroku and Teru agreed.
"So, a bowling match it is!" Oliver exclaimed, getting the attention of the rest of the team.
"What?" Niou wondered.
"We agreed to a bowling match with you guys." (Y/n) spoke up as she tried to get Bachira off of her arm.
"Losers buy the winners food." The (h/c) haired striker finished.
"Well, in our case Reo is buying the food." Chigiri and Isagi snickered.
"Aiyah... I guess. Bachira, can you let go of my arm now?"
"No." The bicolored boy said, which caused Chigiri and Isagi to grab onto Bachira to pull him off of (Y/n).
"There goes my hoodie." She sighed as the U-20 team watched in amusement... well, except for Oliver.
"And you! Blue Lock's number 12!"
"Ha?" The four looked at him in confusion, as the U-20 team sighed in defeat.
"Here we go." Cho and Teru said quietly.
"When the bowling game ends... how about you be a good brother to me and tell me your tricks on how you swooned those two girls soe easily." Oliver grinned, putting a  arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"What?" The girl asked, dumbfounded by the statement.
"Why is he touching (Y/n)?"
"I don't know... doesn't he have a disease or something?"
"His breath probably smells, too." Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira commented among themselves, trying to hold themselves back from ripping Oliver away from their striker.
"Eh... I don't know." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Oliver pulled her out of the room.
"Hey!" The three Blue Lock players protested.
"Hold it right there! Where are you going with (Y/n)?!" Otoya's voice was heard from down the hallway.
"That's not how you hold a bowling ball, Hayate-san." (Y/n) noted as she watched the white-haired boy struggle holding the ball.
"What?" The taller raised an eyebrow.
"You need to grab tightly onto it with all 3 fingers... that's way too loose." (Y/n) showed the shaky hand that was holding the ball. Although she didn't play or like this sport much, she knew some rules.
"You might injure your hand like that." She said simply finished as Hayate observed her hand for a moment and then repeated the same hold.
"Welcome, let's have a fair game then." (Y/n) said as Hayate was about to say something, but the girl got pulled away by Nagi. The U-20 player watched with some new found interest the striker.
'Odd... but Sendou was right... there is something about the number 12 that isn't like the rest...' The white haired boy thought.
"You think that something is weird about him too, don't you?" Sendou suddenly spoke up from behind Hayate, who slowly nodded his head.
"There really is."
"Hey, you two! Focus! I need those tips from (Y/n)." Oliver warned the duo, who looked at him in confusion.
"I made (Y/n) promise to give me tips about girls, if we win." Oliver simply stated.
"You... are getting dating tips from your junior?" Cho asked in disbelief.
"This is gold. I wish I had my camera with me." Miroku chuckled as Niou held in a laughter. Teppei tried to calm everyone down, but he did find this whole ordeal funny.
"Shut it!" Oliver yelled with an embarrassed blush as Teru and Itsuki patted their captain's back, silently laughing as well.
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majeoeje · 10 months
Not a second with you is ever a waste
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Teru Minamoto x reader
I would gladly face any conseqences just to have your lips on mine a little longer
"I would say you're that you’re not much better seeing your eyebags right now"
He pointed, ironically being the one laying in the school's infirmary
"Ugh,look at yours!"
You shoved him your pocket mirror close enough so that he can take a good look at his face, it took him a few seconds to realize what you meant.
Staying up late was akin to the one and only Teru Minamoto, being a trained exorcist and all. But these past few weeks had been swarming him with task of bothersome spirits, you wondered how he hasn't collapsed yet.
Until he did
You saw how he slumped while holding documents for the student council, immedietly helping him, thinking nothing of it. Though, too occupied with your few exchange jokes you didn't notice how unstable the steps that he continued to take before you heard a loud thud alongside with papers and documents scattered to the floor
"You were heavy."
You rolled your eye at him. Teru know you could never be mad at him though in that moment he really can't help but look away, defeated filled with guilt.
"Sorry.. i didn't mean to burden you like that" at first it would sound like an excessive apology for such a simple thing that you were clearly just joking about, but you knew what he meant as he stared intently at your eyebags that mirrors his.
“Don’t mention it.” You said
As you layed your upper body on thighs, avoiding his gaze, perhaps a part of you was embarassed. If it weren’t for his condition right now, he would be elated.
"You've been a great help to me these past months, i shouldn't had dropped my assignment last minute to you like that" he confessed, playing with the strands of your hair.
The anxious Teru, the clingy Teru, the cold Teru, the touchy Teru. You were always surprised with every layer of personality that he shows you, a side that would made you grew jealous if he were to show to anybody else. Yet you can't help to miss every part of him when you are seperated
And to think that you once thought of him as one dimensional.
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, and i'll make sure it won't happen again"
Oh he was really serious now? You couldn't help but smile, a mischevious grin laces your lips. How could you turn down such an offer?
"Oh really?" he knows you're messing with him but hey, is it really a bad thing wanting to see you happy even for the sake of his inconvinience
"Yes!" He said eagerly holding your hand
"How about...." you started to think about how could you possibly use this opportunity to the fullest. "You cover me whenever i skip school this whole month? Yeah that sounds good"
The fact that you're asking the student council president for this is crazy really, the horors he would face if people were to find out surely wasn’t something he’s looking forward to
"That's a bit.." he stopped, a facade of his princely attitude seems to glimmer through before he shook his head
He sighed away his discomfort and looked you in the eyes “alright, but just know i’m not joining you anytime soon”
You giggled, an awfully lovely sound that could shift Teru’s moral compass anytime. Sometimes it feels like he’d do anything for the sound of it.
"I was just joking teru" you weren't. " but need i remind you that you did skipped class once you knoww..." you poked his cheek playfully
He was reminded to a fateful day before summer break where he gave into his impulsive thoughts and decided to follow a dumbass to their shenanigans up the rooftop.
"Hey- i thought we agreed to not bring up that ever again" he grab a hold of your wrist pulling you ever so closely, he couldn't contain his reddening cheeks as he smiled remembering that day.
"The school prince skipped school to make out with someone!?? Gahhh! Such scandal!" A scandal it would make indeed if people were to find out his secret heated make out session.
News flash : It was you
"Like you weren’t the one practically BEGGING for me to kiss you” he said, eyeing your lips with a glare that could sent blood rushing to your face anytime of the day
“I don’t recall such blasphemous memories, your majesty" you crossed your hands, failing to look to away to hide the growing smile on your lips
"You wanna kiss me so bad it’s messing with your head"
"Your majesty, your lowly servant greatly thinks it's the other way around"
you grinned seeing how he eyed your lips with no shame whatsoever this time.
"Hmm..." he seems to think for a second "maybe" you felt him inching closer, wasting no time.
All you could feel was a pair of lips on your own, a pair of rough hands cupping your face, messing with your hair. The cheep white sheets of the infirmary ruffled to a mess and the smell of sanitizer became amiss as you kissed him back tasting a faint sweet vanilla on his lips.
"Hm.. you used the lip balm i got for you?? How sweet" you squished his cheeks with your thumb and index finger making him duck his lips slightly, eyeing the glistened on his lips that you failed to notice until it collided to yours.
"Me or the lip balm?"
He chuckled, he smiled. a smile that never fails to make you grow weak in the knees as he stayed there not shying away from your touch
"Good question...maybe i need to check one more time"
Real smooth
You kissed him first this time, your hands dangled from his shoulder, pulling him close. You could feel how his lips curled into a smile when you did so.
During moments like this you wondered how the heartthrob of kamome gakuen that acted so heartlessly(ironically) to you when you first met came to be this way in your arms.
Moments passed as if it were mere when seconds kissing you. He was greedy. Everytime you gasped and breathed for air he wished to kiss you twice as long.
The disappointment in his eyes was evident when you finally pulled away, though he stopped as the thoughts that swirled his head from moments before seem to not linger back
"Is it really alright though...you know...the homework?" he rest his forehead on yours lazily
"Dumbass you did mine that one time too remember? I'm just repaying your kindness" you sighed, you don’t understand how he could become so self conscious in every favor you offered.
"But it's different.." he said, disappointedly
"You know you shouldn't feel this way you know? You mean a lot to me. I hope there comes a day where you can realize that you can fully rely on me without feeling guilty"
The pause that linger in the air seem to grow heavy in each moment, a moment that made you realize how fragile he was.
He doesn't know how to respond to that, at least...not yet
"How about you take me on a date to make it up for me"
Hearing that he perked up, giving a gentle smile, a smile one like when you first met him. It covered a lot of secrets
They say human's greatest fear are of the unknown. This smile represent just that. The swirling feeling of uneasiness knowing he has secrets he need to hide from you. yet it continues to enchant you nonetheless
"I'll pick you up at 6"
"Sounds good to me"
(Idk what has gotten into me but my teru phase is coming back fr. Also just short fluff, everyday scenarios🫡🫡)
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ygodmyy20 · 4 months
Yay it's done!!! This was so fun to do, and really pushed me to work on my lineart in a way I haven't had to before and also grayscale shading. I read this scene and....immediately wanted to draw it. So....I did!!
A sweet little scene from the amazing fic Asagohan no Aru Seibutsu (Still Life with Breakfast) by @russenoire!! Sorry I couldn't get the ceiling-high skewers I tried and it....looked like a wacky haystack. SO you can imagine that there is a HUGE stack of sticks behind the bowls. Also chairs are hard to draw so they are just ~shapes~ haha
Here is the scene (it is helpful to understand the comic). Also just like, go read the whole fic!! It is fantastic!!
‘I mean, what do you do with your ESP these days?’
‘Mmmmm…’ Teruki runs a hand through his hair, scratches the back of his head. ‘I still get asked to do exorcisms sometimes. I don’t love it, but I’m happy to help. Besides that… I don’t have any natural enemies anymore? At least I hope not.’ A wry chuckle. ‘Though some of those techniques I learned as a kid are still fun to play with. Just gotta make sure I don’t set anyone’s car on fire…’
If his inward smile at that is visible on his lips, he’s glad for it. Don’t ever change, Teru. ‘I wanna ask what you’re doing that might involve arson, but… yeah, I probably shouldn’t.’
Teruki leans in across the table anyway, eyes wide and ominous, his mouth pressed into a tight line, and lays a single dark word in his ear. ‘Barbecue.’ Teruki’s face right now. He—he can’t… That’s it; he’s done. A single wheeze breaches his lungs and heaves over them both in spasms of noisy joy, clashing merrily with Teruki’s own hearty squeals just as the server returns with their drinks. Teruki’s so far gone he can’t even speak; he raises a hand mid-howl and nods a thanks somewhere in the man’s general direction.
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Hope you enjoy, russenoire!! I am so lucky to have met you through mp100!! You are amazing, and your writings are phenomenal!
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silverflqmes · 1 year
notes. reposted from wp!
genre. fluff + crack
ft. tooru oikawa, yuji terushima, atsumu + osamu miya, shigeru yahaba, keiji akaashi, shoyo hinata
gender neutral! reader
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➫    𝓞𝗜𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ sleepovers with oikawa are wILD LIKE GIRL GET READY OMG —
⌗ lots of snacks and y'all would bake cookies together after running to like, walmart in pajamas
⌗ cuz you guys have sleepovers so offen you practically have clothes at each other's houses. oikawa has matching alien pajamas for y'all istg — imagine walking into the store at 10pm lookin like a bunch of dorks searchin for cookie mix-
⌗ FACIALS — girl you already know oikawa has all that good shit that just — wOrKs wOnDErs. expensive asf too, but he has money🧍‍♀️
⌗ jamming to boybands; i don't make the rules, he does😻
⌗ sleep? with all the sci-fi movies he wants to watch? honeyyy😪
⌗ cUdDLinG cuz oikawa KNOWS how to hug istg like he's so wARm AND GIRL THOSE ARMS PLEASE-
➫    𝓣𝗘𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗔   𝓨𝗨𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ TIKTOKS — istg yes y'all are makin tiktoks cuz teru do b famous🤾
⌗ pictures too — terushima would prolly also try n vlog your whole sleepover for you guys to watch later and just rEmiNisCe✨ he would totally edit the whole thing too and make it bomb asf
⌗ deadass feel like yuji would bring up the idea of going on omegele to screw w ppl a lil bit —
⌗ the girls would lose their shit and tbh if i saw him, me too😐
⌗ fuck tons of soda n pizza; no sleep🤩
⌗ ngl y'all would definitely pull up on wp or tumblr n make fun of sum nsfw posts
➫    𝓜𝗜𝗬𝗔   𝓣𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗦   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ they're kind of a packaged deal- so you get both unless you wanna sit n watch them argue for 368393 years over you😐
⌗ you make them both sleep on the floor BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA as you should.
⌗ they have loads of gaming consoles so i can see y'all playing a couple rounds of smash maybe or pulling up on the wii to play either just dance, mk or mario party
⌗ each time atsumu loses he throws a fit n starts complaining, asking for rematches every five minutes until samu kicks him🧍‍♀️
⌗ at some point after knocking out, you'll wake up to get a glass of water and that's when you catch those two hugging each other in their sleep 😶 you take pictures for the team-
➫    𝓨𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗕𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ahem, for my underrated crackheaded son- Y'ALL WOULD HAVE THE SOFTEST YET MOST CHAOTIC SLEEPOVER EVER
⌗ too much tea and too little sleep
⌗ because of his horrible strategies when it comes to picking up girls, you end up giving him a few tips, he needs them-
⌗ i feel like earlier in the day, you'd end up going shopping together and take some really pretty pictures later under some flowers
⌗ you guys would totally bake toooo, cream puffs cuz you were teasing him about his hair zhsjskslldl you save some for makki🙈
⌗ deep conversations about future stuff cuz he's worried about the third years leaving and nervous; please hug him-
➫    𝓐𝗞𝗔𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗜   𝓚𝗘𝗜𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ you guys would have such a relaxing sleepover omg
⌗ facials and manicures cuz boy needs to keep his own nails nice n taken care of for those smooth ass sets
⌗ i feel like akaashi would have a pool so bring a bathing suit with you🥰
⌗ i headcanon him being able to play piano tbh, he just seems like that kinda classy guy to me- but ofc really shy and maybe a pinch self conscious abt playing, so he'll reluctantly play something for you but it'll sound sooo good
⌗ deep conversations as well because yk he's mostly close with the third years and well as draining as bokuto can be, he doesn't want him to go, or konoha and the others🙁
⌗ please reassure him hdjsksk he needs it.
⌗ studio ghibli movies🥺 i feel like his favorite would be spirited away cuz the visuals and him empathizing with haku??
➫    𝓗𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗢𝗬𝗢   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ he'd probably come to your house and pick you up at the crack of mf dawn to go to morning practice with him first before going to his house😐
⌗ natsu would be home and she prolly wants sum attention🥺🥺 shoyo would get jealous of her for hogging you at some point xhsjsksls
⌗ he tries to bake with you-
⌗ he would talk your ear off all night about stuff which tbh you wouldn't mind cuz he's so mf cute and it's admirable how passionate he is about what he does and his teammates, opponents too; we stan a sweet lil birb who respects everyone💘
⌗ he lets you sleep on his bed while he takes the floor because he wants you to be comfortable😭 love you sm sho<3
notes. honestly these could either be platonic or romantic now that i think abt it
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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chameshida · 2 years
My fav thing from the fan book so far in no particular order ;
 Dimple can eat and like beer and nut (also comment that that sound like a dad)
 Reigen and Dimple drift compatible(for Mob)
 Dimple like pocessing Tome and Security guard. Want to Pocess Teru one day to “Turn the school idol to least popular guy” in a day (All Dimple section is very good tbh)
Teru want to be a teacher
Teru saw a turtle neck shirt with muscle print on it and want to show it to Mob. Teru want to visit mob’s house
Teru leave house through window sometime
when ask what is his flaw, Teru said he can’t think of it but think having bad fashion sense as a flaw would be cool (either means he’s been intentionally dressing awful or it’s completely ironic that he want it to be his flaw not knowing he already dress poorly)
Shou consider Ritsu his cool friend
Shou has friend from school he could go to arcade with
Ritsu and Shou goes to fishing and gossip about their family
Shou has natural curly hair
Shou like drawing landscape then add a little monster on to it, like little dragon on the flower
Shou’s hamsters name reveal
ONE want Shou to be a protagonist if he ever made a sequel
(Shou section is also very good)
Mob is still working for Reigen, he just took a break to study for exam
Mob does still like the monkey shirt and want to where it again in some occasion (learn nothing from dimple i see)
Reigen’s “I RAISE THAT KID!!!”
Reigen getting panic when union and minimum wage is brought up
Tsubomi supremely weird girl energy when answer any question
Ritsu “I talk about the weather with pretty much everyone”
 Mob and Ritsu like to play competitive game but can’t play fighting game togeter becuase Mob keep apologizing to Ritsu whenever he hit him
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musicalmoritz · 27 days
Ok ok so after our recent interaction I gotta ask for the Natsuhiko/Teru essay. I need it in my life.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about Natsuteru. Before I get into this I wanna say that my mutual on TikTok @/teru.kisser has some really good analyses on them. I think they’re also on here as natsuteru.handholding or something but TikTok is where they’re most active. Had to shoutout the CEO of Natsuteru before I opened my mouth abt them
Okay, so why do people ship Natsuteru? It’s a rarepair, so why do people like it so much? First off, let’s look at their similarities
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They’re both popular dream boys at Kamome. Unlike characters like Aoi, they both appreciate and encourage this attention. Teru is often compared to a prince, and Natsuhiko’s hair makes a little crown on the top of his head. They both disguise their core personalities; Natsuhiko by acting harmless and dumb while actually being very threatening; and Teru by acting charming and perfect while actually being far more complex. There are a few more layers to Teru’s facade, yes he does it to hide his ruthless side like Natsuhiko but I think it goes even deeper with him, deep down he’s just a teenager forced into a heavy role. I wouldn’t call his sadistic side an act (just like Natsuhiko’s laidback personality isn’t fully an act, it’s still part of him), but at the end of the day I think he’s most himself when he’s teasing Akane and doting on his siblings. It’s not as clear cut as Aoi and Mitsuba where they have very distinct fake personalities, but Teru and Natsuhiko definitely play up elements of themselves in order to hide the things they don’t want others to see. They do this most notably by stepping into the role of the flirty, reliable upperclassmen
They both hold the ability to destroy supernaturals, and their respective groups rely on them to be the ones to get the job done. Teru is the protector, Natsuhiko is the destroyer. Sakura sends Natsuhiko in when she needs somebody killed, Akane enlists Teru’s help when somebody needs to be saved. They both act very parental/brotherly towards their younger counterparts. Obviously Teru acts like a loving but strict older brother to Kou, and Natsuhiko goes out of his way to make Mitsuba feel welcomed. I would say he also cares about Tsukasa to an extent, though he acts a bit annoyed with him at times. That would be another similarity between Teru and Natsuhiko, they both have issues with one of the Yugi twins
Now, what canon interactions do they have? Very few, but they have met off-screen. I couldn’t find the panels but in one of the earliest chapters, Natsuhiko says something to Sakura expressing concern about what “President Minamoto” would do if he knew about their actions. Then when he meets Kou during the sleepover chapter, he notes that he’s a lot more gullible than “his brother.” Both of these scenarios point towards Teru and Natsuhiko having some sort of relation to each other, though the extent to which it goes remains unknown. I will say that it reminds me of how Teru and Akane’s dynamic was introduced before we saw them interact, Akane seemed irritated with Teru’s existence and acted surprised when he realized how different Kou is compared to him. Little mentions of them knowing each other before AidaIro established a proper dynamic for them. The same could very well happen with Natsuteru, I’m confident we’ll see them interact at some point seeing as they’re both important to the plot
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They also interact in AUs frequently. In the Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency au, upon interviewing Natsuhiko, Teru calls him a freak. This is amusing to me, usually Teru is the one unsettling people. He expresses disdain for others often, but only supernaturals. So him being disturbed by Natsuhiko stands out to me. A common belief/headcanon among Natsuteru shippers is that Natsuhiko is able to pull emotions out of Teru in a way others aren’t. Similar to how Teru is able to put Natsuhiko on edge in a way most people don’t. By the way this is absolutely a “toxic yaoi” ship, we gotta get that out of the way. There are other ways to characterize them ofc since we don’t know much about their dynamic but most Natsuteru shippers agree on them being messy as hell
As for other interactions in AUs, in the Hanako-Kun Of The Opera AU, Natsuhiko mentioned that he talked to Teru off-screen. They were also depicted together in official art for the au (in the background). And in art for the Ghost Hotel AU you can kind of see them looking at each other. So yeah, there’s not a whole lot but the crumbs are most certainly there. The thing with Natsuteru is you just have to take what we’re given and run with it
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Then there’s this scene, which is the most interesting of all. This is the closest we’ve come to an onscreen Natsuteru interaction. This scene is famous among Natsuteru shippers because it gives us more insight into what might happen if these two were to interact. Because in this scene, Natsuhiko outsmarted Teru. This is something we pretty much never see, even when Akane betrayed him he has to catch him off guard. Teru is always depicted as the strongest and most intelligent person in the room, unmovable. And yet, in this scene, Natsuhiko got the upper hand so easily. He knew that Teru wouldn’t be able to turn away his fans, that his protectiveness of humans outweighs his bloodlust for supernaturals. He used Teru’s caring side against him, and succeeded in saving Mitsuba
This is where the toxicity comes in. A lot of Natsuteru fans see Natsuhiko as being the more manipulative one in the relationship, whereas Teru is toxic in more physically aggressive ways (like he is with Akane). Full disclaimer tho, this is usually depicted as them fighting mutually or Natsuhiko encouraging Teru to kick his ass bcuz he’s a simp. I personally like to headcanon that they meet up to fight once a week and Teru wins every time. While most Teru ships center around him being taken care of, Natsuteru provides more conflict for him. Natsuhiko isn’t the type of person he could leave behind his life of exorcism with, and he’s not the type of boyfriend to hold him while he cries. To me this makes the ship stand out among other Teru pairings. I do think they’d genuinely care about each other, they’re just very messed up in their own ways so they hurt each other instead of healing each other
But that’s just the popular depiction, they could absolutely be written differently. Some people like more fluff in their ships and that’s totally valid. I’m focusing on the toxic element here because that’s why most people seem to like Natsuteru. On the flip side tho, a lot of fans like them because they’re silly. In fact this somehow goes hand-in-hand with the toxicity. They’re often made out to fit the “loser and his pretty wife” trope, with Natsuhiko being the loser ofc. Teru is a bit prettier and stronger and cooler than Natsuhiko so they have lots of girlboss x malewife potential (a trope I usually hate but I don’t mind it as much with them). It’s very tropey, Natsuhiko is characterized as the dumbass simp and Teru is the one who pretends to hate him but is secretly down bad. Lots of meme potential
I hope this helped you understand the ship a bit better, I wouldn’t call them one of my absolute favorites but I do love them a lot. I tend to write them as transfem butch lesbian ex-girlfriends because that makes the toxic side a bit more interesting to me lol. I would promote my 25k fic for them called “Racing on the Thunder” on ao3 but that would be obnoxious (leave kudos and comments and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button)
I really enjoy analyzing ships so again, thanks for giving me the chance to yap!!
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valleyfthdolls · 1 month
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Oka redesign is finally done! Info/ideas under the cut
I considered giving her That Visual Kei Haircut, but ultimately liked her hair longer. Her roots are grown out black & the curls are a combo of actual waves/curls and messiness.
Very pale eyes make her look spooky/intense.
Her earrings are omamori charms, her choker has a pentagram, and her necklaces are a magatama bead and a teru teru bozu. All tying to the idea that she's a particularly spiritual person. (I replaced the Ambiguously Satanic Generic Brand Occultism of the canon occult club with religious practices that follow Shinto, Buddhist and Spiritualist beliefs.)
I won't lie, spider webs hurt my hands to draw, so I gave her a more stylized print for her sleeves and tights.
Black arm warmers because I saw those a lot looking for reference images. Instead of just goth, Satoka is meant to be visual kei with gothic and gothic lolita inspirations.
Once again, since students are said to be allowed to customize their uniforms, Satoka has a longer skirt, blue tie, and dark blue uwabaki.
Info page:
Satoka means enlightenment or village (apparently), Miyamoto means one who lives near the shrine. Boom, religious meaning.
As I've said a lot, in my rewrite these high school students are actually teenagers.
Satoka doesn't have a crush on Taro, she's just a friend of his who Ayano perceives as a threat to their relationship.
Friends: The rest of the occult club + Miyuji (them being friends is relevant to my rewrite)
Job: A miko (shrine maiden) in training. This mostly means she sells souvenirs and helps out with important things like cleansing, but also that she helps perform divination and spirit mediumship, which is perfect for her.
Story relevance:
Satoka's mother kept her out of school for 2-3 weeks while the other students settled in to try to prevent Satoka from being bullied during the beginning of the year. As such, she doesn't know her way around the school, and needs someone to help her. This is where Taro comes in: he helps Satoka gather her bearings and adjust to the school, showing her around for her first week. This causes her not to develop feelings for him, but to want to become his friend.
Ayano either perceives her desire to befriend Taro as a repressed crush poking its way through or as a different kind of threat- someone who would take Taro's attention away from Ayano with her need for protection and care.
Satoka being kept alive and in school would have the benefit of resolving Sumire's storyline. As it is, her spirit is infesting the school with a sort of malice that fosters the violence and bullying of the school's environment. If Satoka is kept alive, the occult club would begin trying to appease Sumire's spirit, which gets her to calm down.
Befriending or matchmaking her would both cause her to quickly stop trying to push a friendship with Taro as she's now either made another friend or gotten a partner and thus has the company she wants from Taro.
Rejection would be more about making Satoka lose interest in being Taro's friend, tarnishing her view of him so she leaves him alone.
Satoka is one of the rivals I imagine Ayano stalking and sabotaging outside of school. This could raise an interesting mechanic of navigating Osaka (where my rewrite takes place) and using a train system to stalk Satoka to her job.
I imagine her "canon elimination" being befriending, since I have so many ideas for that and how that would play into characters around her like her clubmembers (especially Kokomi and Suzuko)
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fiendishartist2 · 2 years
would you tell me, if i was worthy?– mp100 ageswap
"So, what do you think?"
Reigen Arataka, 14 year old con-artist and psychic-in-training, stood in front of his boss and mentor, Shigeo 'Mob' Kageyama. He swished back and forth restlessly, randomly throwing out hand gestures and posing to show off his outfit.
Mob blinked at his student. In his haste to leave for their next job, he hadn't noticed the boy come in. Now that he had, he was growing very confused– although, you wouldn't be able to tell by his blank, tired expression.
Reigen was dressed in a typical middle school girl's uniform, down to his shiny black mary-janes and the red bow on his chest. He even managed to pull his dirty blond middle-part into two stubby pigtails. He smoothed out his blue pleated skirt with a proud grin.
"You look… nice?" Mob said tentatively. Honestly, he didn't know what Reigen wanted to hear because he had no idea what was going on in the first place. Obviously, he answered incorrectly because Reigen puffed out his cheeks and scowled at Mob.
"Wh- yeah, I know! But I'm dressed up for a reason, shishou!" Reigen crossed his arms, pacing absentmindedly with loud clicks of his shoes, "This is my disguise for sneaking into the clients' school!"
Sighing, Mob closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We are not sneaking in, Arataka, I thought I told you this already." He held the front door open for his student and locked it behind them. With that, they started for the train station.
"But those girls said the school wouldn't let us on campus!" Reigen huffed. He was scrambling to keep up with Mob's long strides. Mob slowed down.
"And I said I would handle it." He squinted down at his dressed-up apprentice, "The costume is unnecessary… Where did you even get that?"
As Mob paid for the turnstile, he felt a small hand twist into the back of his coat. Linked by Reigen, they passed through the turnstile together without paying for two tickets. He felt a little guilty for how little he cared about Reigen's subtle delinquencies– wasn't he supposed to be a good influence on the boy? But, he really couldn't bring himself to scold Reigen for sneaking onto the train or scamming a few yen out of his classmates once in a while. He shook his head, tuning back into their conversation.
"Did I tell you that my sister's at college again? She left behind a lot of her stuff when she moved out, and she said I could borrow her old school uniform. Too bad she didn't go to the clients' school, but she did have friends there. I tried asking her about the spirit, but she didn't know anything about it…"
He trailed off as Mob poked at one of his dangling earrings. Did he pierce his ears too? They were big and heart shaped, decorated with glittering rainbow rhinestones. Eccentric, but stylish, in Mob's opinion. Definitely belonged to-
"Oh yeah, that stuff is Hanazawa's. I don't approve of his fashion sense, but he has a lot of cute jewellery." Reigen fiddled with the clips littering his blond hair. He lingered on a shimmering butterfly clip by his ear.
Mob hummed, "That was nice of him, to lend you all of that."
Mob's other employee, Teruki Hanazawa, was a newer addition to the Spirits and Such team. He acted as their PR manager– really, that just meant he manned the website (a horrible neon mess of spaghetti-code and 144p gifs) and talked to clients when Mob was busy with exorcisms. Since he joined, Mob's noticed an uptick in returning clients and a significantly more positive atmosphere in the office. Mob was just happy to have someone else talk in his place, as his own demeanour seemed to put people off and Reigen had a bad habit of overcharging clients. Plus, Teru got along great with Reigen. That was enough for Mob to let the ex-criminal esper work at his office.
Reigen grinned and Mob could only imagine the fuss Teru had made about getting to play dress-up with his employee. He probably set up an impromptu fashion show in his apartment the instant Reigen expressed his idea for his 'disguise'. Mob huffed a low laugh at the image of Teru and Reigen exchanging office gossip and painting each others' nails like school girls.
They took their seats on the sparsely populated train. Mob dug through his messenger bag, pulling out the Mobboy Colour he gladly shared with his student. It would be easier to let Reigen carry it around, but he had a knack for randomly losing things. And Mob won't deny, he liked to pop in a puzzle game occasionally when commuting to the office. Reigen took the Mobboy wordlessly, turning it around to check that his copy of PokeMob Ruby was still inside.
"Did I tell you I almost have all of my gym badges?" His student boasted, face shining as he looked up at his mentor. Mob peered out the window, trying to remember truthfully if he did know that. Reigen turned his attention back to his game, waving his hand around dismissively.
"I had to train a new ghost-type team, but I finally beat the psychic gym. It was no big deal though, with my new super strong team."
Mob peeked over his shoulder, "Is that why you have so many revives?" His face conveyed no emotion, but Reigen gasped and stammered at the accusation anyways.
"Th-that's nothing! Just a precaution, y'know, for when I need it, eventually…"
Mob smiled knowingly, leaning back in his seat. He hummed a faint laugh at his student's theatrics. They made idle chatter for the rest of the ride as Reigen showed off all of his rare and shiny PokeMob.
Once they got off of the train, they walked the rest of the way to the highschool. Reigen guided them around the winding residential area with a map on his phone. Mob was a little amazed– he didn't even know his phone had a map.
Reigen paid no mind to the people mulling about the streets, skipping the whole way as he talked his mentor's ear off. He jumped from topic to topic at breakneck speed. As always, Mob tried to keep up with their conversation, but he couldn't help but get distracted. Passing mothers chittered about how cute 'that man and his daughter' were and other teenagers heading to school doled out compliments on Reigen's accessories. It was all very nice in a way that was still new to Mob.
As he was lost in thought, they rounded on their destination. Reigen grabbed onto Mob's sleeve abruptly, dragging his mentor to the front gates of the clients' school before he could protest.
A security guard was stationed at the entrance. He perked up as Reigen and Mob came into view, holding out a hand to stop the pair.
"Good afternoon. How can I help you, miss?" He leaned down slightly, smiling lightly at Reigen. In response, Reigen sent him a smile so innocent it was nearly angelic. He looped his arms around one of Mob's.
"We're gonna need to take a tour of the school, to make sure it's exactly what we want. I'm going into highschool next year." Mob thought about stopping Reigen before he could spin an elaborate lie that would surely get away from both of them, but for now, it seemed to be getting them into the school. And Mob wasn't exactly keen on making a scene by trying to get to the clients another way. So, he sighed and let himself be a pawn in his student's scheme.
Mob cleared his throat, straightening out his already stiff clothing. He tried to remember how his mother held herself– authoritative and serious in a way that lent her an air of untouchability. Judging by how the guard stiffened and peered up at Mob with wide eyes, he overcompensated.
Reigen nudged his arm, giving him a significant look. Mob couldn't read what he was mouthing, but the guard was extending his hand hesitantly.
Mob realised that he was supposed to be giving the man a handshake, like sensible adults normally do. He tried to be firm, but his hands were shaking a little from the pressure.
"Shigeo Kageyama." He greeted, "And this is my…" Mob faultered, unsure what Reigen was planning.
Reigen caught on immediately, "-Daughter!" He cut in smoothly. Mob stumbled over his words for a second– he didn't know that was the angle Reigen wanted to approach this at.
"...Yes, my- uhm, my daughter… A- Ayaka." Reigen's smile strained, growing more plastic the more they fumbled this interaction.
The guard frowned, "I'm sorry, sir, but parents aren't permitted access to campus grounds on such short notice-" Reigen's shiny pink nails dug into Mob's sleeve.
"But-!" He stuttered, eyes frantic with alarm. Mob shut his eyes against the embarrassing scene– it was starting to make his stomach turn watching Reigen grasp for straws. He knew he should step in, but his voice was dead in his throat and all he wanted was to give up on the job and go back to the office.
Then Reigen started to wail.
Mob whipped around to stare wide-eyed at his student. He was crying like a siren, face red and scrunched as tears poured down his cheeks. The ear-ringing sound was punctuated by the occasional hiccup and meek sniffle.
He side-eyed his gawking mentor. When Mob didn't get the message, he stomped on his foot.
"Ah! R-right…" Mob mumbled, tucking Reigen into his side in an awkward hug. Stiffly, he shook his head with a poorly hidden grimace. Mob never claimed to be an actor.
"I'm sorry, Ara- uh!" He swallowed shakily, "Ayaka just gets um, emotional when she's not with me. So…" Mob wracked his brain for anything else to say, but came up empty handed. His face grew hot the longer the silence stretched.
Fortunately, Reigen was a better actor (or liar) than him, "I-if only I didn't have s-s-seperation anxiety!" He punctuated the condition. His fake stutter made Mob surpress a wince– it was a little too put on. Reigen watched slyly as the guard broke out into a sweat.
In response, Reigen squeezed out another round of sobs. Mob was almost impressed that he still had water to shed.
"Oh, why did Mom have to leave us?" Reigen continued dramatically. At least that club he finally joined is teaching him something… Mob thought. Reigen sniffled loudly.
"N-now I can't even be with my d-dad either!" He buried his face in Mob's arm with a final whimpering cry, sealing the deal. Their target was pale and sweaty, with the guilty expression of someone who just made a teenage girl cry.
The guard scrambled to take their names and hand them day passes. He shrunk under Mob's steely gaze, blubbering apologies and platitudes. Unaware of the face he was making, Mob was trying to calm down from the stress of keeping up with Reigen's lie on the spot like that.
As they walked past the entrance and out of earshot of the guard, Reigen pried himself from Mob's side. He wiped his face of crocodile tears, leaving behind a smirk.
"Wow, that guy was easy. All I had to do was fake cry a little and boom!" He brandished the laminated card hanging by his neck on a lanyard, "You're welcome, shishou." Reigen sing-songed smugly. Mob resisted the urge to roll his eyes, choosing instead to pat the top of his student's head.
"Good job." He said, voice flat but sincere. Reigen preened under his praise, swishing his skirt more and more as his walking once again turned to skipping.
"Where are we supposed to meet the clients again?" Reigen popped his head into a random room. Shouting and laughing filtered out of the occupied class and Reigen jumped back, slamming the door in shock. There was already a spitball stuck in his hair.
"The roof. They should be waiting up there for us…" Reigen hummed, joining Mob's side again. He eyed the classrooms suspiciously. Mob flicked away the spitball, floating it into a nearby trashcan.
As they made their way up the stairs, Mob lagged behind his spritely student. Sure, Mob had started working out at that surprisingly welcoming gym down the road from his office, but he had nowhere near the level of energy a fourteen year old possessed. Unsurprisingly, he was out of breath by the time they hit the top of the school.
While Mob caught his breath, Reigen spotted a group of girls sitting in a circle together. They were laughing roughly, in a way that was cool to Reigen and obviously forced to Mob. A bag of chips sat between them and they were passing around a single measly cigarette. It was kind of pathetic, if Mob was being honest.
Nonetheless, Reigen sauntered up to the girls. He stopped just in front of them, a hand on his hip and the other by his chin. Their conversation fizzled out and each girl wore a varying expression of annoyance. Mob frowned.
"Hey, what's up?" Reigen said with a lazy wave. He wedged himself between two of the girls, sitting down and crossing his legs. He perched his chin on his palm, elbow resting on his knee. A confident smirk pulled at his lips.
The girls leaned away from him. One of them rolled her eyes.
"Nothing, just waiting for you to leave." The girl in the middle snarked. Her friends snickered, sharing sharp grins. Reigen laughed along half-heartedly. He leaned back on his hands, desperately trying for the same cool nonchalance the group of girls exuded.
"Right, right." He nodded, "But uh-" again, he smirked, pointing towards their little pile of snacks in between them, "I mean, what are you guys up to? Skipping class? Maybe… hiding from something?" With a raised eyebrow, he shot them a meaningful look. While Mob wasn't the best at social cues, even he could tell what Reigen was asking– were they the clients who had hired them to exorcise the school?
Apparently not, as they quickly became enraged.
The student on his left leaned into Reigen's space, poking him square in the chest. Her pink striped hair extension was coming loose.
"What are you, some kinda snitch?!" She snarled, "Back off, kid!"
Reigen reared back, hands windmilling as he scrambled to explain himself. As a hand landed on his shoulder, Reigen stilled.
Mob squatted behind Reigen, leaning over his shoulder to level the girls with an unimpressed stare. His mouth was pulled into a hard line, his eyes shadowed by his dark fringe. The girls paled. One of them quickly snuffed out their single cigarette behind her back.
"Do you mind if I ask why you girls are out of class?" He asked, monotone voice icy and harsh. They shared a nervous look.
"W-well-!" The girl who had been yelling at Reigen started, fiddling with her single, tame nose piercing.
"And picking on a middle schooler? Is bullying my daughter fun for you?" Mob cut them off darkly. He channelled the glare he had accidentally sent to the front gates' guard. The girl on Reigen's right squeaked– her eyes widened under many layers of black eyeliner.
"Ah! Sir, w-we're so sorry! We had no idea-" the girl with the hair extension nodded along to her friend, "A-and we were just heading back to class anyways! Please don't rat us out!" With that, she grabbed the other two girls by their sleeves and ran to the stairwell. They didn't even take the half-eaten bag of chips.
Reigen stood quickly, brushing his sweaty hands on his skirt.
"I'm guessing those weren't the clients?" Reigen shot Mob an angry pout.
"Shishou, I can't tell if you're trying to make fun of me or not…" He huffed.
"N-no! Of course not-!" Mob's embarrassed scramble to reassure his student was cut off by a pair of snickers.
Two highschool girls hopped off of a set of vents and walked towards them.
"You're the guys from 'Spirits and Such', right?" The taller girl asked as her friend continued to giggle at their expense. Reigen stepped in front of his mentor with a perfect customer-service grin.
"Reigen Arataka, future greatest psychic of the 21st century!" He introduced himself grandly. While he was posing smugly, the clients were red-faced, trying to hold in their laughter. Reigen jabbed a thumb over his shoulder.
"And this is my boss, Mob! We're here to solve your supernatural problems, 99% satisfaction guaranteed!" Mob just hummed in agreement, fighting the urge to stare at his shoes.
The clients shared a sceptical look, but explained their dilemma anyway.
The spirit was easily taken care of by a disgruntled Mob and overzealous Reigen, spurred on by the cheering basketball players.
Mob wiped his clammy hands on his coat, expression twisting into one of uncharacteristic disgust. Eventually, he managed to tear Reigen away from girls pinching his cheeks and complimenting his outfit. All Mob wanted to do was crash on his couch and fall asleep to a shitty action movie, at this point.
The clients thanked them at the gates, drawing out small novelty wallets shaped like cartoon characters. Reigen was practically vibrating with excitement.
"No need to get those out. I'm not accepting payment." Mob addressed the girls. Reigen bristled at his side.
"What!? But we exorcised that evil guy!" He exclaimed. Mob shook his head, completely ignoring Reigen.
"If anything else shows up, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will take care of it."
The girls thanked him profusely. They put away their wallets with silent sighs of relief– blowing all of their birthday money on an exorcist isn't something either wanted to explain to their parents.
As they walked back to the train station, Reigen could barely hide his annoyance. He crossed his arms, refusing to face his mentor.
"I hope you understand why I did that, Arataka." Reigen rolled his eyes, but let him continue, "Those girls…" Mob's gaze shifted to the sky, tracing the pathways of birds that flew overhead. His eyes shone in the orange afternoon light, distaste glittering in his red irises.
"They needed our help, more than they wanted us to know. Spirits usually scare people who can't fight them, but…" Reigen kicked a pebble and it skittered across the cracked sidewalk, "That spirit was especially upsetting to them. The things it said were very… creepy." Mob's face twisted into a faint sneer.
"It's not right to take advantage of something like that." He placed a tentative hand on Reigen's shoulder. Reigen huffed, leaning into his mentor– he never understood why Mob was so skittish when it came to casual physical contact like that, so he tried to reinforce it every time. Reigen wasn't much of a hugger, but when your only source of genuine care lied in an emotionally stunted power keg, you learned to take whatever you could get.
"Sometimes… we need to help others without asking for anything in return." They boarded the train and took their seats. Reigen turned to look out the window. He sighed.
"Yeah, I get it, shishou." He conceded, "If I'm being honest, that guy did skeeve me out a bit." His earrings clinked together as he fiddled with them.
Reigen wanted to feel sorry for asking for payment, but he really couldn't. The generous cut he earned from each job helped him out more than Mob would ever know. Sure, his parents assured him that rent and groceries and utilities and all other manner of things a middle schooler shouldn't have to worry about weren't his problems, but Reigen wasn't stupid. He could see the instant relief in his mother's eyes when he brought home his paycheck. Sure, it wasn't those girls' faults he was dirt poor, but he couldn't help the feeling of resentment coating the back of his throat. He would just have to suck it up and hope Mob would treat them to dinner for the next week.
Reigen yawned, loud and obnoxious. That was a problem for future Reigen– present Reigen was too exhausted to dwell on anything depressing. Man, fake crying really takes it out of a guy, huh? he thought as he drifted to sleep, head lolling back and mouth wide open as he snored. Drool rolled down the side of his cheek and Mob grimaced at it the whole ride back.
That night, Mob bid his student goodnight outside his small apartment. As he made his way to his own shitty flat, Mob wondered if he did the right thing.
He wasn't stupid– he saw the way Reigen's eyes lit up everytime Mob paid him after a job. Not with greed, but a relief that made Mob's stomach twist. Like a massive weight was lifted off of his shoulders with each bill.
As much as Mob wanted to, he was incapable of prying into his student's home life. Every conversation Mob tried to start by subtly hinting at something being not quite right at home, Reigen would talk circles around him until he dropped it to avoid arguing with the boy. But from what he'd observed, it didn't look great. Mob just hoped he was doing enough by treating his student to dinner whenever he got the chance.
Mob shuffled into his home. He shucked off his loafers, slipping into a pair of bunny slippers (Reigen got them as a gag-gift– Mob genuinely likes them) and hanging up his dark coat.
Without changing out of his work clothes, Mob laid down on his couch. He queued up a movie– one of Reigen's B-movies he must have left in the DVD player the last time he came over.
Mob pulled an old, ratty blanket over himself, curling into its fraying fibres. Sleep pulled at his eyelids, the soft hum of his TV luring him to sleep.
Suddenly, Mob's phone chimed.
He knew before flipping it open who it would be; Reigen had added himself to Mob's contacts the second his mentor gifted him his first phone, setting a very distinct ringtone for himself. Whenever Reigen texted, Mob's phone would scream out the theme song to Reigen's favourite anime: Sailor Moon. The opening lyrics had been burned into Mob's memory at that point.
Reigen had texted him a few pictures he took in the gym– right in the middle of the exorcism, it seemed. Mob was across the room, turned away from the camera as bright lights circled himself and the spirit; meanwhile, Reigen was posing in the foreground with the basketball players whose game they had interrupted. He sent three different pictures– although it seemed the only differences were the faces Reigen and the girls were making. Accompanying the photos was a string of texts: 'can we get one printed for the office?' and then, 'i was thinking of starting a bulletin board' and, 'yknow for like showing future clients how many jobs we've done?'. Mob sent back a single thumbs up.
Reigen continued to send Mob pictures he had taken at each of their past jobs, trying to convince his mentor to print them all. He wasn't dissuaded by Mob's clipped responses– a simple 'Okay.' from Mob was the equivalent of an enthusiastic yes from anyone else. Reigen was well adjusted to Mob's 'old woman typing' as he liked to call it.
At Mob's light scolding for being up too late on a school night, Reigen reluctantly ended their conversation. He parted with a final photo from the night– Reigen and Mob, mid-conversation and completely unaware of the camera. Mob had a faint smile on his face. The picture was a little blurry, like Reigen had taken it accidentally while talking animatedly with his hands.
As Mob stared at their happy faces, he felt his heart warm. Just a few years ago, he was isolated from the world; never letting himself hope to have any meaningful connections with another person. But here he was– regularly hunting for the paranormal with Tome, finding a new employee and friend in Teru, building a new relationship to his health with the help of his friends at the gym. And continuing to look after Reigen, finally starting to feel like maybe he wasn't doomed to hurt the people in his care. Like he was finally worthy of being someone to care about in turn.
Mob set the picture as his phone background.
He fell asleep on the couch once again, drifting off to the quiet ambience of his apartment.
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2n2n · 7 months
What do you think about terukane?
Nothing as a romantic or sexual relationship ... it's funny neither Aoi nor Akane like him. He is so swag to everyone but them, the people he is most attached to or interested in, and that is incredibly funny to write in for your central hot stuff generic blond-haired-blue-eyed-tall bishie. Like, he's a total flop, actually. Dripping with rizz to the student populace. And for what? This is possibly the single funniest thing about Teru and elevates him as a character to me. If you give him what he wants he becomes simple, what, a straightforward blond-blue-eyed hot bishie with a hot gf and hot bf? That's incredibly boring!!! Teru should stay bottom rung.
I like what Akane is to Teru, in a non-shipping sense I find their dynamic endearing-- which is that Akane is... GENUINELY so pure of heart, patient, and kind, that EVEN THOUGH Teru is such a abysmal and socially messed up person (due to his upbringing, out of his control!), he extends a lot of grace towards him and can't actually meaningfully shut him out or leave him hanging (eeeven though Teru attacks him, terrorizes him, pushes his buttons!!! BY ALL MEANS DESERVES TO BE CUT OUT--!). Akane, OF ALL PEOPLE, probably knows Teru the best, and gets to see the most sides of him, including the worst... which is, why and how he knows Teru is Not A Good Person, But Also, Pitiable And Unfortunate, and kind of doing his 'best' with how broken he is. Teru's a loser-- really! He has no friends!! He does everything for his family, and he's constantly lying to them (because they might not 'like' the 'real Teru'). He's a brocon whos brother isn't even that attached to him, who is outgrowing him!! It's sad LOL. Akane as a friend and comrade is like his consolation prize....
But I do think the Point of them is that both of them actually have different 'loyalties' you could say-- Akane would Throw Teru Down A Pit for Aoi, and, Teru would Throw Akane Down a Pit for his family--! They both KNOW they aren't each other's main priority! They're just 'assets'. HOWEVER, doing so would hurt Teru incredibly badly, which makes it interesting. I'd like to see Teru's attachment to Akane challenged, I'd like to see him have to make a decision which is bad for Akane but good for someone Teru loves... I would like to see his raw allegiances tested. I don't think Teru really consciously 'thinks' about how precious Akane is to him, or how that is his most intimate social bond? I think Teru would be a mess without Akane, I think he would feel the space he left behind forever, if Teru let something happen to him. I'm not sure when another person will ever know Teru's many sides so well. Teru could probably just, suck it up and accept he's not the kind of person who has things like that, and it was a fluke incidence of having it anyway...
My only 'real' Teru ship is Teru x Tiara HAHAHA, he certainly SIMPs for her desperately, and she's a very capable, brash girl... while Kou is useless, Tiara is not, I think she could totally wrestle all of the truths out of Teru one day, and could actually see his pathetic sides. She's stubborn and confident enough to slap him around too, he needs that HAHAHA. She feels kind of perfectly designed for him...
In a way ig Terukane feels like your typical "contentious yaoi with undercurrent of appreciation, we compete for the same girl, imagine if we could both fuck her, and maybe we have some weird tension lol" situation. I do think AidaIro enjoy it for what it is at many angles, and they like to play with it by making Akane Teru's servant and stuff in AU...I categorize it as " fujo bait" (for me that isn't derogatory). I genuinely think its only purpose is a kind of cheeky gag porno at best fkgl;jgklfgkhfk; I cannot take it seriously. I feel the worst for Aoi in the situation though, I really don't think she's attracted to Teru at ALL, but Teru is coercion aligned so... maybe sensei thinks about things I don't want to, lol.
Oh I guess as always I disapprove of when girls in dynamics are disregarded or written out in ships due to inconvenience, so any Terukane dynamic that just pretends Aoi isn't there or that Akane doesn't love her sucks ass. Akane and Aoi mean a lot to sensei, clearly-- !! They LOVE them, they pre-date the rest of the manga's debut!!! Aoi expresses some very poignant things in her story that feel very personal. The least anyone can do is involve her in the threesome--! she is essential!
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lewisdeklein · 1 year
So I’ve (in my mind) made a swap au. Basically Ritsu swaps with Shou and Mob swaps with Teru. I made two design sheets for Ritsu and Shou.
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For Shous design I wanted to keep the spiky aspect of his hair while also making it more down turned. Instead of him being in student council he would hangout with the delinquents like Tenga and his friends so I gave him their color palette and undid the top button of his uniform. He also gets his hoodie color palette from his varsity jacket.
In this au he and Teru are adopted brothers. Shou ran away from his father before he ever awakened his powers and ended up running into Teru who was under the guardianship of Reigen. Shou goes to Salt middle and finds it easier to slack off than focus on school. At some point Tenga and them get beat up by Mob, the Black Vingear Shadow Leader.
This is the start of the Teruki Hanazawa arc (Shiego Kageyama arc in this au) Shou tells Teru about this and then Teru confronts Mob. Teru wins, but not with power. He wins by convincing Mob to use his powers for good and by telling him that he’s just normal like everyone else. After that Shou is confronted by Kamuro. He offers to turn a blind eye to any trouble Shou causes around school if he helps take down the school thugs.
This starts the Big clean up arc. Shou agrees but feels increasingly guilty since the delinquents are his friends. He joins the awakening lab kids in attempt to awaken his own power. After enough build up of guilt he awakens his power. Unlike Ritsu he can control his powers much better in this au, defeating the need for dimple in this arc. He helps beat up the thugs that come to his school in search of Yellow-T poison (Teru lol). Mob finds out and warns him to stop. Shou doesn’t listen and Mob tells Teru. Teru confronts Shou in an ally. Koyama shows up and kidnaps Shou.
7th division arc starts. Since Teru isn’t strong enough the fight is short and Shou is taken. In their cell, Shou and the awakening lab kids, plan to escape. Before the one scar with the massive chin (I don’t know his name) comes around Shou melts through the cell bars and takes out the cell guards. They wander the facility and take out a group of claw soldiers. Ritsu appears and recognizes Shou as the bosses son. They fight but Shou loses since his powers are so new to him. Teru finds Shou and freaks out. Ritsu quickly knocks him out and they are taken to the room where they can’t use their powers. Shou and Teru make up and Reigen gets them out of the room. The division leaders attempt to stop them. Mob isn’t confident in his fighting skills so transfers his powers to Teru so he can fight claw. Reigen tells him to run and the power transferred to Reigen after he hits 100. With the combination of Teru and Mobs powers Reigen easily defeats the claw leaders. Ishiguro try’s to attack after Reigen runs dry of power. Ritsu stops him. Ritsu reunites with Mob but has to leave, Not before he tells Shou that he has potential. I’m only doing season one because all 3 would be too much to type.
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Now for Ritsu. I kept the right heavy aspect of hair while also making more upturned. His pants are the same color as the ones he wears in the world domination arc. I changed the varsity jacket to suit him better and changed the bolt to a spoon because I thought it was funny.
Since Claw’s bosses son ran away they have been on the hunt to look for him. While looking for him they find mob who is very strong. They try to kidnap him but end up getting the wrong brother. When they figure this out they put Ritsu through the awakening experiments to see if he has powers like his brother. The experiments succeed but they are brutal. Since Ritsu is the most successful experiment Toichiro takes him under his wing kind of like replacing his son. Ritsu plays the role of the obedient son but plans to take down claw and get back to his family. He is sent on mission to find good recruits for HQ, he plans to recruit others to help oppose claw instead. After recruiting Fukuda and the other he ends up at division 7. One day a group of kids tries to escape and he stops them. He recognizes the leader of the kids as the bosses real son. Ritsu believes he would be a valuable asset for taking down claw. Shou tells him that their are espers stronger than him that he knows. Ritsu immediately thinks of his brother. They end up fighting so that Ritsu can get a gage of Shou’s powers and to lure out his brother possibly. He ends up realizing that Shou could be much stronger than him if he trained his powers. Ritsu waits for Mob to find Shou. He’s disappointed to see Teru show up instead. He knocks him out and drags them to a room where their powers won’t work. His brother is in there to after being defeated but In the moment he can’t recognize him since he has that stupid wig on. He leaves to find out what the division leaders are doing. The division leaders and the intruder end up fighting. Ritsu watches and intervenes when Ishiguro tries to get the final blow in. Ritsu easily defeats him and looks back to tell Teru that he was disappointed in him for being a coward but decides against him when he sees his brother, who no longer has such a stupidly large wig on. They reunite and Ritsu promises he’ll be back but not before acknowledging that Shou has serious potential. After everyone leaves Ritsu gets a call from Toichiro. He informs him that the 7th division was defeated and suggests that maybe claw isn’t as strong as he thinks. Toichiro reminds him that he’s talking to the boss and that he should watch what he says. The call ends and he walk off to get back home to plan claw’s take down now that he knows that there are more strong espers that could help.
Well that was fun. I’m going to start working in Teru and Mob designs too. Hopefully I finish them this week
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hey there love <3!
Great to know your exams are over :D... mine just began and I want to cry 😔... so before I'm too busy I wanted to request something ^^
So uhm chapter 96 right...? We all can see the communication problems between the minamoto Brothers...
SO What about Teru with an Exorcist s/o who's also been like a prodigy in Exorcism since young and like they're kinda childhood friends. But they however do better with handling their feelings and are more open minded , they get why Kou did what he did ( both of the brothers were wrong in their own ways) and so they help the brothers communicate better? Maybe they're with Teru when he's sulking, trying to comfort/ cheer him (up) and subtly explain that its kinda both parties fault and just overall help the two communicate better?
Kinda long but thats the request part...
NOW, I just want to say I love , love , love your writing (ik I've said it before , but its so good -)! I hardly know you but you seem like such an amazing person. Please eat, sleep , drink water and stay healthy. I hope you get alooooot of followers and you ace your exams <333
Hehe I know its random but I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are !
Please do feel free to ignore my request ! I will not mind at all.. take care!!! (Tried to be colorful heh :>)
Loosen Up a Bit
genre : Fluff
Character : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AWWWW IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY DOOKIE WRITING AWHSHHWHAH PLEASE DO DRINK, EAT, AND SLEEP ALOT ASWELL AND TY!!! This was a very colorful request and I like it Hehe, Sibling fight what I like to see HWHAHAHA
Also I'm sorry it took so long to do your requests, Projects and requirements keep pilling in 😞
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I should apologize..
You and Teru have been childhood friends ever since kindergarten
both of you got along VERY WELL as you were also an exorcist
He found out about it when he saw you exorcist a supernatural pretending to be an old lady causing harm around the playground
After he witnessed that he would bug you to come and exorcist
which you gave in obviously
Months turned into years
and you two were in 1st year of high school when you guys fell inlove and became a couple
You absolutely adored his younger siblings and would absolutely break when you see them fight
which they wouldn't do so often
but this time, Teru and Kou had a massive fight leading to them giving each other silent treatments
so you marched up to his room in hopes you can persuade Teru and Kou to talk
Teru sulked as he wrapped his blanket over his head watching everyone play with fireworks just outside his window
"Hmp.. What is this? They are all having fun without me.." Teru watched as Yashiro lit another one making Tiara shout in joy watching the sparks come out
As he continued to watch, he heard a soft knock on the door "Teru? Come outside, don't coop yourself in your room too much.." He perked up to hear your soft voice, He got up and opened his door and pulled you in hugging you "W-woah hey bud calm down" You softly raked his blonde hair
After you guys went to the near shore to bring back Aoi and Hanako, He and Kou had a massive fight which turned into them slightly giving each other silent treatments. But you know Kou wasn't like that, He even tried to give him snacks and candy but he didn't know how to approach and start a conversation with his older brother. And here we are, a sad lonely Teru watching everyone have fun without him
You sighed "Teru.. You need to go down there and talk with Kou.. Giving each other silent treatment is not the way to go" Convincing him was never easy, he is very stubborn. He dragged you down with him down his bed as he cuddled up to you hiding his face on your neck, making you turn to all kinds of shades of red
You tried to calm yourself down
You were met with silence as you sighed. "I mean, it's both your faults anyway.. You two need to communicate and clear the air, okay?" He wasn't budging "Teru.. Sulking like this won't make Kou come up here and instantly talk with you" He finally looked up, he looked tired. "I understand what I did was.. Selfish and very wrong of me.. But I did it because I wanted to keep him safe"
"Safe by hurting and lying to him?"
"Okay I admit that wasn't right either"
"None of what you did back there was right."
Teru groaned as he hid under the covers, You were about to say something but heard another knock on the door, You got up despite Teru saying and begging for you not to go. You opened the door and came face to face with Kou, Holding a plastic bag with a bunch more food
'Why is the younger brother the one persuading the older brother..'
"Hello Kou, are you here to talk with your brother?" You leaned on the door frame as he nodded slowly, You stepped aside signaling that he can come in, Kou let himself in as he eyed his older brother hiding under the sheets
"Do you two want me to give you so space?"
"No" Both Teru and Kou answered at the same time making both go silent, you sighed heavily as you sat down on Teru's swivel chair "I hope you both know that both of you were in the wrong.." Teru sat down on his bed as Kou looked down
"We know.. And Teru-nee.. I'm sorry"
"No Kou, I should be the one who's sorry.."
Without them noticing, you slipped away from the room and quietly closed the door. This conversation needs to be between them and only them, you can't just sit there and akwardly watch them apologize to each other
What seemed like minutes you left his room, Kou finally got Teru to come out and have fun with everyone else
"Well, done sulking I assume president?" Akane jokingly said but Teru zapped him "Teru"
"Oh dear, I didn't see you there [F/N]" He laughed a little as you sighed
Everyone was having a blast having fun, Heck you guys even had a barbecue that wasn't even planned to bring him down
"[F/N], Can you come with me for a moment?" You were about to bite into one of Kous delicious barbecue but stopped "Sure Teru" You got up and walked up to him, He held ypur hand as he brought to a part of his house where no one can hear or see them
"Woah hey what are we doing here?" Teru hugged you and kissed your cheek "Thank you for cheering me up and helping me talk with Kou again.. After we came back from the near shore it has been akward between us.." You ruffled his hair "Of course love.. I hate to see my two favorite brothers fighting you know" You flicked his forehead making him whimper in pain "Next time, be careful with your words or I'll cut that tongue of yours"
He chuckled "Wooww.. Scary.." He held your face up to him with his hand as he stared at your pretty [E/C] Eyes
As if time had stopped, all the background noise became muffled and the only thing that was moving was the both of you
"I love you.. [F/N]"
"I love you too Teru" You giggled as leaned in to get a taste of your sweet soft lips
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HELLO I'M RLLY RLLY SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO DO YOUR REQUEST, I was unmotivated and not feeling myself for days making it difficult for me to do requests 😭
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care-puppy · 5 months
hii! i saw you said you write agere of tbhk :0 would it be alright to request anything little teru?
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🤍My little warrior 🤍
Regressor!Teru and Caregiver!Reader (reader is gender-neutral)
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"Hello, little boy!" - you smile, looking at Teru sitting on the floor. He looked at you with his angelic blue eyes, very happy to see you.
"Eh-oh!" - he waved at you. He had a long-sleeve, white onesie and a tiny fluffy teddybear. He really looked adorable.
"What do you want to do, my little prince?" - you asked him. Teru thought a bit.
"Can we pway, pwease?" - he said. - "I wunna be a knight!"
You smiled at him. "Of course, dear!"
Then, you took a peek in the toybox. You rummaged throught the box, and finally found what you were looking for - a toy sword. It was made of plastic, had a golden handgrip and white blade. Teru looked at it, and letted out an excited gasp. He reached his hand, wanting to grab the sword. You smiled at him.
"There you go, my little warrior!" - you gave him the sword. He looked very happy. -"Now we will play!"
"Be the Supewnatuwal! Supewnatuwals awe bad!" - he said. You sighed. You believed that not all Supernatuals are evil, but Teru thought just opposite. Even as a little.
You grab a toy that looks like a big bad demon. Teru giggled and started to "attack" it with his sword.
Time passed by and Teru became tired. He yawned and rubbed his eye.
"Aww… Are you sleepy, little boy?" - you asked. He shook his head, but then he yawned again. Yes, it was definetly his naptime.
You prepared his bed. It had now white and yellow pillows, blanket with stars and bunch of stuffies. You wanted to make it as cozy as possible. You carried him to bed, altought he did seem to be iffy about going to sleep. He rubbed his eye again, looking at you. You put him on bed, and gave him his teddy bear. You turn the star-shaped nightlight on, which embraced with calming yellow light.
"Can i ask you summthing?" - Teru asked sleepily.
"Yes dear"?
"Am i a good exowcist?" - asked. You smile. "Yes, my little warrior".
You petted his head, stroked his blonde hair. Teru yawned. You gave him his paci. He looked at you.
"Nigh-night, baba…"
You kiss his forehead.
"Goodnight, Teru."
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Sorry that this is short hehe 😅
I never imagined Teru as a little, but it was fun to use my imagination! Thank you for request, mysterious anon! 😊
I cant wait for more requests from yall!
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jadeacereigen · 1 year
16. 25 for being unique
Thanks for asking!
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
-Abused Reigen (I just don't see that being the case in canon despite his fraught relationship with his family. A manga omake implies that he talks to his mom more after Separation Arc, and in the fanbook Reigen says there's been miscommunication on both sides so he'd like to try and patch things up again. To me, this sort of dynamic is a lot more interesting to explore than just "Reigen's family were abusers he'd be better off without". I wouldn't mind the trope as much if it weren't so, so prevalent in fanfic.)
-That Security Guard From S1 (I swear to god he's only so popular because people wanted to draw Reigen yaoi and Dimple was the only acceptable option but they couldn't ship Reigen with a green blob (cowards) so the "hot" security guard came into play) (seriously this guy is barely in the story and unnecessary in fanart/fanfic 95% of the time)
-Horny Reigen (this one is more of a personal gripe but he is so very sex-repulsed/sex-neutral asexual to me. Him being horny/flirtatious just feels so weirdly wrong.)
-Flanderized Terumob (I'm not the biggest Terumob shipper regardless but I feel like so much content has Teru being the flirtatious gay boy so down bad for Mob while Mob is the shy, naive boy and that's frankly not how either of them are by the end of the story. Confession Arc showed Teru that Mob has his weaknesses and that he shouldn't be put on a pedestal cuz they're the same. Mob is also not naive, he can be socially clueless sometimes but he understands basic stuff...)
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Oof um. Perhaps complaints about how certain characters don't show up a lot towards the end and how their character development is off screen (namely Serizawa and Shou). To me their character arcs were completed satisfactorily, and they didn't need to be given much focus because the story has always been primarily on Mob.
Serizawa's character arc was completed when he joined S&S and started going to night school. We don't need to see him doing that because he's not the narrative focus. Now of course I can understand wishing we got to see more of Serizawa, but I don't feel like it's an actual flaw of the story.
Shou's character arc was completed when his father finally backed down and tried to be better to his family. Getting his father to see sense was always Shou's driving force throughout the story and he finally got that, his arc culminating in Toichiro not sacrificing himself in Confession Arc and Shou shaving his hair in a way that resembles his father, showing they've become close.
One could argue that a character arc can't be completed based on the actions of another character, but I feel like in this case that was kind of the point? Shou felt like he was the only one who could stop his dad, but he couldn't stop him. Not only that, but his dad was never his responsibility especially since he was just 13.
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ygodmyy20 · 8 months
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So I'm still obsessed with spirit designs for mob psycho 100 characters. It has not ended...SO come along with me as I continue on this adventure.
I wrote out my initial thoughts here: https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739079912539996160/this-week-is-hard-mode-emotionally-so-were-gonna?source=share
And you can see the cute chibi versions of Teru and Shigeo here https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739362691235315712/spirit-cuddles?source=share
Below the cut are closeups and more of my descriptions!
The most defined out of all the designs as if you look at my initial post, I take a lot of inspiration from @sodasexual but I diverged a bit in some things I liked more like the design of his tail and feet
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I like the idea that his whole body is just a galaxy of ever changing stars. He and Ritsu have aquatic qualities to them but you can see Ritsu is MUCH more...well, fish like haha Shigeo is this mixture of aquatic and kinda cat-like. I like his hair being like ???% hair. Where it is a little wavy.
He has fins coming off his body that come off at different spots. Still figuring them out. But the direction I want to go in is they are kinda like axolotl fins.
When he gets upset his color changes to a deep purple and blue and when he is happy it is a bright pink. It is similar to how I imagine his aura reacts to his emotions. If he is VERY upset he will be black, with only specks of red, and you barely will be able to see the white of his eyes. Very very similar to ???%
When Shigeo gains more power (similar to Teru) his form grows and changes. I haven’t gotten the details in my head quite yet but more appendages, larger body, more fins, his “hair” grows and changes. As we fondly say he looks a touch more eldritch in nature. His increased power form may look slightly more terrifying but he’s the same old lil guy, just in a massive spirit form.
(Also does Teru love Shigeos spirit form even when it’s eldritch and full of stars and galaxies and black holes? Um yes of course hahah he adores it. Also yes we terumob here not sure if that was….clear hahaha now it is)
Teru is my beautiful feathery seraphim!
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look at his lil face!!
Teru's form can grown into a much more biblical-looking angel if he gains power, but his default is this light and nimble feathered spirit. Lots of his design takes from the elemental look of fire. In future I want lightening to make more of an appearance but I am just sticking with fire for now.
Teru is covered in feathers, and has at least 3 pairs of large ones down his back. He also has two little tufts where his ears would be. His color is also ever changing. He can blend from oranges to yellows to whites and even turquoise and purples. But his base color is oranges and yellows.
(And yes Shigeo also loves Terus spirit form, when he finally saw it for the first time he knew it was perfect!)
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So far Ritsu matches a lot of Shigeo's general look and feel but he is more green in color, like an ocean, and he has a sharpness to him around his form. His tail is dark and sharp, and his entire body when upset will bristle and become sharp like a cactus.
Ritsu is not all sharp though. His hair is wavy kinda like seaweed. Taking his current longer hair in canon and just making it longer and more wavvy.
So yeah. That's where I have gotten to!! Thanks for joining me on this fun journey. I'll keep playing with these spirit designs and evolving them - you haven't seen the last of 'em!
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