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Ban // your scottish gay aunt // on AO3 @BasicBathsheba // author of WEAK HEART and THERE IS A LIGHT
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Today all I want to do is listen to 80s music and interact with people who love me and I feel like I belong in one of your fics or something.
Yes you do chase that vibeeee
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
are you really gonna pretend to be julien’s girlfriend????
I dont think anyone but you took that joke literally
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
And we are back!
Hi! Is the weak heart website down? I was going to recommend it for english class but the website gives an error
Hi—yes! I’ve had several emails about this and I’m working on it! It’s just been slow going :)
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
For context, the site expired when I closed my US bank account and I’m an idiot who didn’t reroute it. 😬
Hi! Is the weak heart website down? I was going to recommend it for english class but the website gives an error
Hi—yes! I’ve had several emails about this and I’m working on it! It’s just been slow going :)
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Hi! Is the weak heart website down? I was going to recommend it for english class but the website gives an error
Hi—yes! I’ve had several emails about this and I’m working on it! It’s just been slow going :)
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
I’ve seen this a lot, but I don’t really understand it, do you know why lesbian write mlm more than wlw
Because more people read mlm than wlw, there are more mlm ships, and very very few wlw fandoms that let you get the same level of interaction and feedback on your fic—and of those fandoms, most are older properties
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Hey friend! Sending good vibes for 2021. May you write what makes you happy. :) may you make some good monies. And if you want spend time friends and loved ones. Take care friend :)
Thanks friend! In 2020 I stopped using my phone almost completely and I’m taking this energy into 2021
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
just popped in to thank you for putting "zorbing" by stornoway on the frog and toad are fine playlist because it ended up being my #1 this year according to spotify wrapped
Thrilled and chuffed
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Hi Ban,I got a copy of TIAL for Hannukah and I’m having a lot of feelings. When I first read it online this summer, I found myself screenshotting passages that felt like they’d been plucked from my own soul. Jude in particular rlly resonated with me, & his story helped me realize I struggled with depression too. As I reread it, I highlighted those same passages and had the bittersweet realization that I don't feel that way as much anymore. Definitely a cozy holiday classic, tysm for writing it!!
This really thrills me. Thank you so much for reading!
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
one time u posted a photo of julien baker and u were like my wife or something like that and i was like "omg girlfriend reveal" and it just occurred to me that julien baker most likely is not ur girlfriend and that she is in fact your metaphorical wife or maybe u never posted it at all and i am imagining it either way i hope u and julien (and ur actual gf?) are well and uh i am sorry for being stupid
Julien Baker is my girlfriend, actually. we just try to keep it DL bc she has so many fans. It’s why you never see me on her social media or talked about in interviews, but I know the truth
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Just Watching, Not Looking (COC Day 6: WLW)
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 698
Tags: Fem!Simon, Fem!Baz, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, POV Baz, Rugby, Pining, One-Sided Attraction
Summary: Fellas, is it gay to watch your roommate slog through a rugby match in the rain when you know she can’t see you?
Special thanks to @krisrix, whose drawings of fem!Simon give me life and was the inspiration for this ficlet, and to @basic-banshee who gave it a quick pass and the thumbs-up. You’re both wonderful.
You can keep reading below, or you can read over on AO3 here.
Snow is an absolute terror on the pitch.
It’s insulting that they’re still allowed to call this a pitch while the ruggers are tearing it up. Say what you want about football, but at least there is more grass than mud left behind after we’re done with a game. Today, I’ll be surprised if a single blade is left quivering in the breeze.
Why they insist on slogging through with a match in the rain is beyond me. A fine mist would be tolerable. Enjoyable, even, at this time of the year. Right now, it’s on the verge of a downpour. The scrum is a mass of muddled green and purple stripes, great wafts of steam rising from their heads as they pant together. Snow, of course, is the steamiest of them all.
Keep reading
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
You wrote your own books!?! That’s awesome congrats 🥳 would you be comfortable telling us what books? (When their published unless you already have published works) I would love to read anything you wrote. Rebel Rebel remains one of my all time favorite fics period like any fandom. A book where you made the characters plot tho got me so curious. Hope you have a lovely day. 🥰
Thanks! Good news—I’ve written two that are already published!
- Weak Heart by Ban Gilmartin
- There Is A Light by Ban Gilmartin
I have three more books in various stages of the publishing process so fingers crossed things go well and there’s more ban books to share in the future!
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
I’m glad you’re enjoying writing difference things! You shouldn’t have to apologise for that. :( 🥺
I just hate disappointing you lot! You’re all the absolute best and have been such a balm to me for so long ❤️❤️❤️
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Ban did WS put you off of writing snowbaz? Bc for me it certainly did 😔✌🏽
yeah it definitely was part of it. I stopped writing fic for six? maybe more? months after I read it and I never got fully back to my stride. Not bashing on wayward son but, as I’ve said before, I didn’t like it and it fucked my depression badly and I’ve never gotten the spark for the characters back to how it was before, I think! Also, you know, inspiration ebbs and flows!
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
I’m ngl seeing you say you’ve lost interest in writing Simon and Baz makes me so sad I almost feel like I’m going to cry
Ah I’m sorry don’t be sad! I just feel I’ve done what I can with them for now! I’ve spent most of this last year writing my own books and as a result I’m just not really inspired to return to fic right now! I’ve also really been in the “lesbian romance” track and it makes it extremely hard to go back to writing men haaha
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
Please update the ice skating fic please please I check it every day for updates please it was the only thing getting me through iso and now I just reread local hero and rebel OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN I’m a mess
Ah friend I’m sorry but that fic is on a wee pause. I’ve lost my interest in writing Simon & Baz, so maybe once the next book comes out and I get back into the vibe of it I’ll update!
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basic-banshee · 4 years ago
I feel like you should know that reading rebel rebel was honestly the happiest I'd been in months, so thank you for that
Ah thank you :)
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