#kiribaku x roomie
serxinns · 7 months
Tipsy Trampoline!
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Drunk kiribaku x roomie/aka reader
(I know I promise to do other fics but I really wanted to do this)
This was inspired by this fic, yuzuya ofc and Mina's Birthday party these were one of my all-time favorites on Tumblr and youtube back then and I still loved it!
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It was Denki's 18th birthday and he decided to rent out the trampoline park for everyone to come and invited all class 1a and class 1b (and Shinsou)
You were getting ready to go wearing your rainbow kidcore clothes (can be a dress or pants whatever!) when you got a notification from one of your friends katsuki to pick you up
💣RagingChihuahua💥: you ready dumbass me and Shitty hair are about to pull up
Roomie✌️: Yep got my gift and everything!
💣RagingChihuahua💥: alright I see you don't im pulling up right now
You saw a car pulling up to your driveway through the window, so you grabbed your gifts and dashed outside, and went inside the car, seeing Kirishima in the backseat as well "Hey roomie how's it been!" Kiri said with a wide smile you smiled back giving him a fist bump and a hug "Amazing excited to finally have a break from schoolwork and hanging around with my buds!" Kiri blushed a bit while smiling "And chihuahua! I haven't seen you in a while how's it been those test aren't stressing you out aren't they?" katsuki grumbled at the stupid nickname you gave him "I told you to not call me that and of course not im punching those test straight in the fucking teeth!"
You giggled at his reaction and Katsuki blushed a bit and cleared his throat "Anyways are you ready did you get everything?" you nodded holding the gift in hand "Alright now the only reason im taking the two of you is because you're the most tolerable so you better not fucking act up in my car or you'll get thrown out in the damn street!!" you and kiri giggled at his emptyish threat "Dont worry man we won't do anything promise! You can trust us" Katsuki glared at the two of you while you and kiri looked "Innocently" at him with the invisible hovering angle wings and halo Katsuki grumbled something and started to engine and off to go to denkis party
Time skip of roomie and kiri making corny ass jokes while bakugo shouting at the both of you to shut the fuck up
The 3 of y'all made it after a 20 excruciating drive (for Bakugo) to the neon trampoline park where Denki, Mina, and Shinsou were waiting at the front the 3 of you got out to meet up with the trio "Hey man! Happy birthday!" kiri said to Denki while giving him a high five and a hug "Thanks! And those gifts look amazing! You can put the gifts at the table right there And can wait at the lobby for everyone else to come! And bakugo?! your giving ME a gift?! How thoughtful~" Denki said with a teasing smile "SHUT UP! I'm only giving you a gift cause it's your birthday that's it" katsuki yelled and rolled his eyes the 5 of you snickered at katsukis outburst which didn't make Katsuki any better so he stomped inside the building while you followed right behind him giving Denki another happy birthday
The 3 of you waited in the lobby with other of your classmates friends talking about how amazing this party gonna be a few minutes later when everyone was here Iida announced the rules of the party no arguing no playfighting blah blah but most importantly no drinking irresponsibly everyone agreed with the rules and off to play y'all went
The 1st thing you did was play dodgeball and it was WAR when it started on your team was you, kiri, Kendo Monoma, Komori, and more while on the other team were Bakugo, teru, Ochako, Jirou, You Shoji, and WWDB (World war dodgeball) began, Soft Foam balls were flying everywhere bakugo, jirou monoma and kendo was sniping everyone on each other while the rest of you were dodging for your LIVES you were using every one of your team members as a human shield to dodge bakugos hits and to survive until it was one on one everyone started cheering for you gulped while bakugo had an evil grin on his face
Bakugo was Throwing balls so hard every time they hit the wall making a loud bang you were screaming playfully and dodging them while Bakugo taunted you about losing already "GIVE UP ROOMIE YOUR CORNERED" you panted tried to dodge the balls but was determined you were gonna win it for the team "NEVER! GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT" Bakugo grinned at your words and grabbed a blue foam ball and threw you you dived into the trampoline behind you but your leg got hit with the ball just when bakugo was about to shout for victory the ball bounced hard and hit bakugo in the face
You won
Your team cheered while Bakugo's team died laughing at what they just saw not caring they lost Bakugo yelled out profanities and slowly turned his head to you, you gulped grinning sheepishly and waved, that was the final straw for bakugo, "YOUR DUMBASSES IS GONNA PAY FOR THAT" he ran towards you and kiri while the two of you screamed and dashed off running across the obstacles but this Blonde was hot on your trail so Kiri took your hand and dashed to the ball pit and dived right in there bakugo jumped in along with thev3 of you laughed until y'all realized the position your in
Kiri was on top of Bakugo while you were on top of Kiri the 3 of you blushed "I didn't know the 3 lovebirds were hanging out in the ball pit~" Shinso said grabbing his phone out and taking the picture of the 3 of you, Bakugo screamed at him to delete them while all of you deeply blushing quickly getting off of each other and looking away in embarrassment, "I'm gonna get a drink so I can forget this ever happens" Kiri said still blushing while helping bakugo up "Yea im getting thirsty anyway roomie you coming?" "I'll catch up with the 2 of you in a min im gonna play some arcade games!" "they're so Cute..." Kiri thought staring at the both of you but was quickly snapped out of it when Katsuki dragged him
*timeskip of you battling Momo, tsuyu and mina to see who gets more tickets*
Meanwhile at the bar sat A tipsy Denki, sero and hakagure messing with Bakugo and Kiri "Cmon blasty I know you want to~" "FUCK OFF DUNCE FACE I AINT DOING THE DRINKING COMPETITION" "Aw cmon what are you scared?!" Sero said making chicken noises Katsuki was getting tired of him so he snatched the drink off his hand and grabbed Kiri by the shirt collar "Fine but shitty hair is gonna join me as well to prove your stupid shitty drinking game" "U-Uh..Yea Sure! I'll join right by you bakugo" the 2 men grabbed the beer cans readying themselves hakagure counted them down "3...2...1 DRINK" and the 2 teams drank away grabbing beer cans after beer cans
Time skip cause idk im lazy lol
"I told you I got the most tickets! Kero* "Yeah yea I would've won if it weren't for that Stupid fishing game I would've gotten 10 more tickets to beat you" You tease punching her arm softly while she laughed "Aw Stop it you two we all did great plus you should've seen ochako with those basketball skills they're amazing!" Ochako blushed a bit at Momo's statement "It wasn't that good guys I missed a few shots!" Whined ochako "A few?! Out of the 100 hoops you dunked?! You're a natural you gotta teach me" the 4 of you went to the main lobby and sat on the sofa to chat more you grabbed a soda and sat down relaxing
You were bored so you went to look for your boys you pushed through the crowd of drunk toddlers to locate your two friends you were about to give up until you felt hands grabbing you from behind and pushing you closely to their chest you looked up to see it was kiri drunkenly smiling at you while wobbling a bit trying to steady himself "Roooomieeeee" he said while giggling like a child "how's it going having fu-*Hic* at the party!" you giggled trying not to laugh out loud at his face
"Yep seems like you were too where's bakugo I thought he was with you" Kiri stopped for a moment to think looking like a loading screen that was until a door was slammed open at the entrance
Oh shit it was aizawa
"Now which one of you fucking brats put a drawing of a dick on my car" Everyone including you froze Aizawa's red glowing eyes were glaring at everyone this happened for about a min until Denki slammed down a bottle screaming "SCATTER" Everyone ran in different directions you were grabbing on eljirou looking for an exit and fast until an arm grabbed you and the two of you were dragged quickly out the emergency exit it was katsuki
"Kats?" he stared down at you then at Kiri then continued to drag you into his car "I dive" he slurred struggling to put his keys in the car you grabbed Katsuki and pulled him into the back seat ignoring his angry protests and insults you grabbed his keys and hit the engine and drove out of there
You drove to a star-glazing area to watch the stars for a while looking back seat you saw both Kiri and Katsuki knocked out in the back so you closed the door bringing the keys to yourself, and went to lay on the grass to watch the stars you close your eyes and relaxed not long after you felt 2 bodies laying beside you Katsuki in the middle while Kiri was on his left you were on his right, the 3 we're you were watching stars kiri was drunkenly laughing to himself while Akatsuki stayed focus curious you asked him a question "So Kats what are you gonna do after this" Katsuki stayed silent you assumed he was either ignoring you or passed out so you continued to watch the stars dancing in the Moonlight until an arm wrapped your neck around pulling you closer You blushed "gonna love you two someday...wanna confess" you were flushed at the moment unable to speak words or even comprehend what is going on Kiri was already knocked out but continuesnue
"Don't wanna lose ya so special.." Kiri joined in but in a slurred speech, then katsuki did you never forget it he leaned the both of you closer and kissed Kiri on the cheek 1st then you then he turned his head to you and said "Dont tell him I did that" then passed out peacefully snoring
you were processing what the fuck just happen but looked down to see their peaceful snoring faces you kissed them both on the cheek and whispered "I love you too..." let's say that was the most memorable moment for the 3 of you
Bonus: when your parents got home they saw you Kiri and Bakugo cuddling on your bed and secretly took pictures in the morning
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t43andbooks · 5 days
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Pairing: kiribaku x reader
Wc: 2k
Note: I don’t post on tumblr but I kind wanted to start, so here is like my first fic… I hope it doesn’t give wattpad vibes.
Your eyes slowly fluttered open, it seems you’d be the first one to be awake today; you aren’t surprised though, Katsuki and Eijirou both had a grueling patrol the day before, lasting 12 hours. You decided last night that you would get up early in the morning to make breakfast for the two of them, they had deserved it of course. Rolling over slightly you checked the time, it had read ‘4:54’, maybe spending just a few extra minutes wouldn’t hurt, you’d like to admire the two men cuddled up to you and each other as well.
Katsuki’s nose was almost touching yours, his arms lying on the pillow, keeping his head up, there seemed to be drool running down the corner of his lip, seeping into the pillow. You couldn’t feel any sense of disgust though, you found him cute, you know he’d kill you if he ever heard you say that though. His leg was almost completely over you, subconsciously making sure that you’d stay put, a habit he had ever since high school. Eijirou was behind him, arm curled around yours and Katsuki’s waist, holding you both tightly. Low snores came from him, he always looked so comfortable like this, so at home, emphasized by his red locks, that usually were gelled up into spikes, now ran down his shoulders; he decided a long time ago, maybe in your third year, that he would grow his hair out and you can’t help but think he made a great choice, it framed his face beautifully.
You lifted your hand and brushed back a bit of Katsuki’s hair behind his ear, you knew it wouldn’t stay put because of how short it was but you did it anyways. Your fingers ghosted over his cheeks, not wanting to wake him up because of how light of a sleeper he was, then you landed a light, sweet kiss on his jaw. He moved slightly, still asleep, he hid his face in the crook of your neck, you almost cooed at him aloud before stopping yourself to look at Eijirou. No longer being hidden by Katsuki’s hair, you noticed he had a content look on his face, surely enjoying the warmth the both of you had given him.
This felt like heaven, giving you a deep nostalgic feeling that reminded you of the time you had first cuddled with them so closely.
You had just come out of the showers after a training session in the gym with Bakugo and Kirishima, Bakugo was the last one to go in so you and kirishima decided to wait until he was done. “I’m still going to try to get my skin even harder, like that one time when I was interning with fat gum!” Kirishima said with determination, “it’s not as hard to do anymore, but, making it last longer is another problem…heh!” He chuckled sheepishly.
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem, you’ll get it in no time.” You said reassuringly, even though Kirishima doesn’t make it known there have been a few times where he would let all that self doubt trickle through his tone, so you and Bakugo mutually, without mentioning it aloud, have always made sure to reassure him of his strength.
“Yeah.. you’re right!” He smiled at you, shouting with a newfound motivation. You both were sitting on the bench outside the showers, your arms were touching and even though it was such a small touch you could feel your heart flutter.
You could hear footsteps coming out of the showers, Bakugo stood in the doorway, seemingly examining you two before saying, “C’mon, we can head up to my dorms.” Though it was more of a growl than anything. You both had no problem with it and began walking side by side with Bakugo towards his room.
Bakugo walked in first and kirishima ran in and immediately launched himself onto the bed, “What do you think you’re doing, shitty hair? You’re already messing up my bed and you just got here!” He shouted.
“Your bed is so comfy though!” He whined, “roomie come join me!” His cheek was squished against the pillows as he called for you.
You finally walked in and closed the door behind you, once you had gotten close enough you laid on the bed next to him and looked at the ceiling, Kirishima slowly started attaching himself to you, as his usually touch-starved self always does, and slowly relaxed into the sheets.
Bakugo was sitting on the chair right next to his computer but once he both saw you gathered on the bed he marched over, “move over!” He growled before plopping himself between the two of you, “Didn’t know you were into cuddling, Bakugo.” Kirishima said teasingly before turning and squishing himself as close as he could to Bakugo.
You then turned to join in on the light hearted teasing by pressing yourself against him as well, his face was flushed right now but you could tell he didn’t dislike it, you wanted to cup his face in your hands and litter kisses all over his face; You didn’t know what your relationship with these two were though, but all you knew is that you were inseparable.
Of course you were all for platonic cuddling, you’ve done it all the time, but with them? You couldn’t help but feel like you were just in some kind of special closed space that could only ever be shared between you three.
You don’t think this is just some kind of simple love either, it’s closer than that. Like your very own beings, your very own souls were connected, permanently, intertwined with one another. You wished this would never end.
“You guys mean a lot to me you know.” You muttered just loud enough for them to hear.
“Fuckin’ sap.” Bakugo uttered.
“I care about you two as well.. and I’m sure Bakugo feels the same way even though he won’t say it!” Kirishima said with a wide smile etched onto his face. He was almost glowing, there was light shining in through the curtains, it was almost like he was the sun itself, god, you could drown in those eyes.
Would they judge you for wanting them both? Would they leave you? If keeping your feelings a secret, even if it hurt you, would keep them by your side, you’d make sure you wouldn’t even insinuate them, no matter how much you longed for them.
Kirishima pulled the covers over you three and snuggled into Bakugo, he made sure to toss his arm over him to lay a hand over yours, that was resting on Bakugo’s chest.
But there were moments like these that gave you hope, maybe you could be together! Maybe they did like you back! Maybe they could also feel this sort of longing for you that you had felt for them! You couldn’t confess though. Romance was never your thing and never had been, so you were pretty blunt about it, but ever since these feelings sparked you could barely let out a squeak before flushing a deep red and your tongue tangled.
You leaned your cheek against Bakugo’s shoulder before shutting your eyes, you could feel Kirishima squeezing your hand once before you fell asleep.
You could only hope this goes right!
You had gotten out of bed, almost waking Katsuki up before you put those hero skills to use and completely snuck out of bed. You made your way downstairs, the one that all three of you had chipped in with your own money to get, a fresh start for the three of you and your relationship, you had decided in your early twenties.
You had found your way into the kitchen with the dim light of the slowly rising sun peeking through the curtains.
Grabbing a few pans, bowls, and ingredients you set off to make French toast as fast as you could before they woke up, even if they had a tiring mission the day before it would never stop them from getting up early.
The distinct smell of it has definitely already wafted through the entire house, you knew they would wake up soon, you read the clock that hung on the wall, ‘5:34’ it said. What better way to wake them up but with kisses?
You quietly made your way upstairs to the two men in bed, Katsuki was halfway up, just slightly groggy, you know he would’ve checked downstairs earlier to look for you if he could but the sleeping man latched onto him definitely wouldn’t have.
He didn’t notice you though so you slowly walk up to him and plant a kiss on his forehead after brushing his hair back. “Good morning sleeping beauty..” you whispered, “Mm.. g’morning” he grumbled in a rough tone before looking at you, he noticed you were staring, raising his eyebrow he tried to question you, “wh-“ until you started kissing him. Over his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, and then a slow and sweet one on his pretty lips; you made sure not to leave a single spot unkissed.
He growled but returned your kiss, he was so much softer in the mornings you couldn’t even find yourself caring about morning breath.
“You wanna wake up Eiji with me, baby?” You asked in a low voice. He agreed, he looked almost mesmerized by you but still moved to turn over towards the man who has now completely thrown the covers off of himself and laid his limbs every which way. He laid a hand on his chest, “Get up red.” He said while subtly fixing his bed head. You moved all the way around the bed to reach Eijirou’s side, and ran your fingers through his locks.
Through both of your tries you had finally gotten him to open one eye, “you gotta open the other one too babe.” You chuckled, he giggled slightly before opening the other. “Ah, there you are.” You kissed him lightly on his lips, caressing his cheek while you did so, and him happily returning the favor before turning his head to the man behind him to kiss him as well.
They looked at each other and you with admiration.
“I’m going to fix a plate for you two alright? Just wait here, no need to get up.” You purred.
You made your way downstairs and quickly stacked three pieces for Katsuki and five for Eijirou, with a side of bacon on two separate plates, you grabbed the syrup from the pantry and carried the two plates with you and the syrup upstairs.
Eijirou was now lying on Katsuki’s chest and perked up when seeing you peek through the doorway. “Thank you baby!” He shouted before kissing you countless times all over your face once you got close enough and grabbing the plate you handed to him with the syrup.
Katsuki had waited until Eijirou was focused on food until taking his, “Did you make yourself one?” He questioned, he always was the type to worry over the both of you. “Yeah I already ate, don’t worry about me.” He hummed, content with your answer.
The two had finished their meals and you took their dishes downstairs into the sink to wash later. Making your way back upstairs they had convinced you to stay in bed again, just a little longer, though it was mostly Eijirou who did the convincing.
“Just a little longer…” He chirped, he tugged you closer towards him so now you were sandwiched between him and Katsuki. You weren’t uncomfortable though, no, you were happy. You were glad that Eijirou had confessed to you both. You’re glad Katsuki brought up the idea of buying a house to live in together. You were glad you had met them. You laid on your back while they curled around you.
You’re so glad it turned out this way, so glad.
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dead-boys-club · 2 months
† : pending. ⁰⁷³⁰²⁴
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requests are still open. i clearly don't have enough hawks in my requests.
❥ my hero academia.
wolverine based gf x hawks, aizawa
hawks navigating life pre and post afo
'you're pretty' - various
type - various
bracelet trend w/ bkdk!poly, kiribaku!poly, minchako!poly
worthy - various
roomies with himiko and toya, college au
hawks w a mirrored s/o
hawks with hero s/o that's being targeted by the hpsc
hawks and his florist crush
hawks and his morally grey villain s/o
childhood friends with tomura
❥ demon slayer.
confessing to sanemi
❥ haikyuu.
dating bokuto
❥ genshin impact.
surprises for lyney
lyney comforting overworked s/o
hurt/comfort sick reader w/ lyney
long distance with HoH head lyney
romantic things w/ traveling s/o - lyney
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l-artz · 2 years
Sunset Wedding
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(READ WHOLE DESCRIPTION) This is my entry for @yuzuyaofficial and his fiance Seikos KirishimaxBakugouxListener series' . CONTEXT: Yuzuya is an AnimeASMR Series creator, well known for his KiriBaku x listener content(& before you ask, the characters are OLDER/PROHEROS in the videos/series'). And there's a plot of the kiribaku series where they're getting married to a poly relationship with the listener(aka "roomie"). NO, the gender isn't female, his request for art for the finale specifically states it can be ANY gender as well as what they look like because it's the ARTISTS DEPICTION at the end of the day. -I chose to do the typical Y/N brown hair, and female-presenting because, in my opinion, while it also looks like my bnhaoc Itsuko, it's more well-known in my eyes when it comes to the Y/N fem-presenting look. - - - -Do not hate me, I love EVERY relationship of ANY color and ANY gender, this was just in my own eyes/comfort zone and I hope you understand and respect that❤️
EDIT(1/22/23)- The finale was AMAZING and i hope theres seperate videos of the journey for them! THANKS YUZUYA! Sadly my piece was not in it, BUT THATS FINE! *ALSO* heres my speedpaint to this pic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dur5gLQb4pk
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
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meetcute with the prince of the flame kingdom 🔥🔥
bonus bard kaminari off to get kirishima a date
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ravishingrogers · 2 years
I made this playlist a while ago for an OC throuple but I twisted it a bit to be a more KiriBakuRoomie playlist from the Yuzuya series so here y’all go 😌
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
dick destroyer december | i. midoriya
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♡ pairing: izuku midoriya x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 6.2K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: college!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: with no nut november over,  finals complete and christmas right around the corner, your number one boy returns to you with only one thing on his mind.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, pwp ( characters aged up to twenties ), drinking, mentions of alcohol, mentions of poly!kiribaku, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it y’all ) wall sex, fingering ( female recieving ), light!pet play, spitting, cum play, mentions of sex toys, exhibitionism, oral sex ( male + female recieving ),  light!praise, heavy!breeding kink.
♡ author’s note(s):  merry christmas everyone! i hope despite the circumstances that you’re all able to enjoy the holidays and are staying safe, if you’re not celebrating i wish you a wonderful day as well!! anyways here’s a little festive fic to satisfy you guys and tysm for 2K+ followers <33 find the corresponding kiribaku fic here!
♡ masterlist | requests
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ever since you’d started college, your roomate, katsuki had always said that november was his favourite month of the year; it took you a while to figure out why.
having known the blonde since you were a child, you were aware that he despised the cold weather that nipped at his nose and made his quirk slow down. he hated wearing extra sweaters and begrudgingly asking your mother to make him some hot chocolate whenever he came over to play; in fact he hated asking you for it now as adults in your early twenties but as his good college roommate from freshmen year, you made sure he always had a mug waiting. nonetheless,  katsuki’s sudden love for the winter months  and festive weeks following honestly confused you to your wits end— especially with the impending doom of finals sneaking up on you.
however, you quickly found out the reason behind your best friend’s change in attitude towards the month of november, six months into your freshman year relationship with  izuku midoriya.
“no nut november,” katsuki had purred into the neck of his beer bottle, rolling the cool glass against his bottom lip as he laughed at you from across the room. you had recalled the conversation to have occurred exactly half way through october, before the aforementioned month, you and your roommate had decided to host a small gathering with your classmates— purely fulled by thirty boxes of pepperoni pizza and beer, only two of the boxes had been vegetarian for your friends mina ashido and denki kaminari ( he was challenged by mina to go green for an entire month. “that’s why i love this month s’fuckin’ much.” 
bakugou ended his sentence with a swig of his beer, setting the now empty bottle onto the coffee table that had been a house warming gift from his own mom. the sound causes todoroki and sero to jump from their place playing cards against humanity with your girl friend momo on the floor, and kirishima ( bakugou’s crush at the time, who’s drunk and passed out in the blonde’s lap ) to flinch awake. katuski pets his red hair once, making kirishima blink up at him affectionally.
your boyfriend, izuku, fidgets under the intimating stare of your roomie and you can tell he’s fighting the blush that spreads rapidly across his freckled cheeks.  “n-no nut november?” your baby squeaks out, large palm settling on your lower waist as you shuffle to get comfortable in his lap. it’s clear he hasn’t taken part before, so you know exactly what your best friend is doing. trying to tease him in front of all your friends and pull him into something that you’re going to hate. nonetheless, deku downs the rest of his own alcoholic drink as bakugou prepares a response— the rest of your friendship group now pulled into the conversation.
“katsuki bakugou, don’t be mean.” you scold with a bite into your grease laced pizza and offer up the rest to izuku, who politely passes. you pout.
“‘m not, just sayin’— that damn month will be the only time of the year that i don’t get to hear you and the goddamn nerd fuckin’ like rabbits all the time.”
this time, its you who fights an embarrassed look on your face while your green haired lover simply swipes todoroki’s shot from the coffee table and swallows it all at once. the dual haired boy only groans before rising to get another from the kitchen and the rest of your friends hide their giggles in their own drinks, cards and half eaten pizza slices. “you…you can hear us?”  you squeal incredulously, causing your friends to snort out loud again. izuku still says nothing.
“baby, we damn near almost see you whenever we drop by!” kirishima mumbles with sleep curling in his tone, he stretches like a cat on bakugou’s lap and grins at you— sharpened teeth dazzling under the LED lights in your living room. they flicker to a deep green, but you barely notice it.
abandoning your pizza as a whole, you huff and push up the sleeves of izuku’s hoodie that you wear— just about ready to pummel your best friend into the ground for having people over while you…ahem…get some, but shoto returns from the kitchen quicker than you anticipate and cuts right through the chatter with ease, giving you little time to feel flustered by the sudden turn in conversation. “you guys are more sexually active than my parents and they had four kids, messed up with raising us from touya, though,” he says in his iconic monotonous voice, causing you to splutter and katsuki to kick his feet out in victory. “seriously, i doubt midoriya would be able to beat any of us at this no nut  november thing ‘cause of it.”
this time, deku ( as so affectionally nicknamed by your childhood best friend ), pouts, his frustrated voice bleeding into the conversation. “c’mon, don’t you have a little faith in me, shoto?”
“no.” is todoroki’s simple answer. you flinch, did you guys really have sex that often? to the point where no one believed your boyfriend could go a month without getting his dick wet?
“i second that,” kaminari pipes in, picking a mushroom off of his pizza and leaning over to plop it into sero’s mouth.
“third it!” the latter adds.
your roomie takes that and runs with it. “he wouldn’t last a day even if he tried.”
“leave it alone, katsuki.” you find the courage to defend yourself through your flustered state without realising the buzz of beer and vodka shooting through zuku’s veins.
it takes quite a bit to get your boyfriend drunk, he was a big boy after all and played for your college football team but once the drink was through his system he often broke out of his shy demeanour and into one of confidence and challenging your beloved best friend. izuku’s grip on your waist tightens as he leans forward to point accusingly at the blonde before speaking. “wanna fucking bet on it, kacchan?” he says with sparkling emerald eyes and a honeyed voice that makes you twitch in place in his lap. of course you would get horny right in the middle of your two best boys having a drunk argument.
“what’chu say nerd?” bakugou slurs, pushing poor kirishima off of his lap and to the floor in order to stand up and cross the room towards your boyfriend, pointing a finger in his face.
izuku pushes the digit away, smirking up at the blonde drunkenly and everyone’s gaze in the room suddenly falls on them. “i bet that i can last longer in no nut november than you.”
you whimper from your lover’s lap, knowing that as soon as everyone clears out you’re going to pounce on him before this stupid bet takes place. this doesn’t go unnoticed by the girls, momo and mina, who tease you for having such a high libido but you don’t think they’ll understand how much you’re going to suffer without your broccoli haired boyfriend’s dick every other night. 
you love izuku and katsuki, you really do— but its times like this, for the sake of your sex drive and love life, that you really wish they’d got along more. maybe it was their little battle for your affection that caused the rift between the two, after all katsuki had been the only boy in your life up until college and izuku, you were pretty sure was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with…either way, their rivalry was getting in your way and was about to be a major cockblock for the next thirty days. “hold up you guys, don’t i get a say in this?” your voice comes out in a slight whine as you tug on midoriya’s fitted shirt, but he’s too busy having a stare off with your roommate to notice. “what about me and my needs?”
“it’s not about’cha, shitty girl.”
“stay out of this, yn.”
you huff, pushing yourself off of your boyfriend izuku’s lap to stand and smack the pair of losers upside their heads before joining your girls on the floor. mina pulls you into a comforting hug, trying to distract your mind from the fact that it’ll be deku dick-less for a month while momo serves you out a set of cards to join her in a game of cards against humanity with the other boys lounging on the floor— kirihsima is invited into the game too. “sounds like i’ll be getting you a dildo as an early christmas present!” ashido comments, swiping her deck off of your hand me down rug before anyone can see them.
momo grins at you while you take your cards and take another shot from poor, unsuspecting shoto. “better make it extra thick, we know he’s got a nice one on him, yn.”
“fuck you guys.”
“gladly, we’re not taking part of no nut november like those two idiots.” the black haired girl hums, shuffling in her seat to start the next round. you roll your eyes and turn your gaze to watch the green and blonde haired boys you adore so much fight over this trivial guys only event.
their cheeks are flushed from all the beer they’ve drunk and they’re leaning on each other for support, but that doesn’t stop them from going at each other. “you couldn’t beat me, even if you tried, shitty deku.” katsuki mumbles, arm around midoriya’s head— forcing the poor boy into bakugou’s large pecs. “haha...shitku…”
“oh try me, bitch.” your boyfriend counters, voice so husky it sends shivers down your spine, although it contrasts deeply with the sight of his adorable cheeks pressed against katsuki’s tits.
they’re too drunk to brawl it out and quite frankly you’re too tired to bother to stop them, mind only wondering how you plan to survive the next thirty days.
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three years, three novembers and a few weeks into december later; you’re still wondering how the hell you’ve survived.
ever since that night in your freshman year; izuku, bakugou and the other boys have competed vigorously to last throughout the entirety of no nut november; your boyfriend having won the last three years in a row. katsuki hated it, losing to your izuku but he hated the victory sex you gave him even more. 
you’d think he’d be used to it by now, with everyone in their final year of college but bakugou had manage to luck out this year on not hearing you and midoriya go round after round on november thirtieth. finals had hit you guys hard in terms of wrapping up the semester before christmas; they were important to pass too, considering you’d all be graduating within a few months, so you’d barely seen izuku since november ended and december rolled around.
now, being a couple weeks into the festive month and with finals drawing to a close— you had yet to make plans to see your boyfriend. there was little time between the online classes and preparation from the holidays, yet you could feel yourself growing more sexually frustrated by the second. rubbing one out wasn’t doing it for you anymore and listening katsuki’s bragging about his peaceful nights of sleep while you decorated your apartment with mistletoe and tinsel was really starting to tick you off.
the very decoration slips from between your fingers as bakugou walks in, yanking bits of tape from his fingers from where you had him lining the ceiling rails with gold, green and red tinsel. the blonde had only gone and slammed the door to your living room against the wall, grumbling about the stupid mess of clear tape across his clumsy fingers— the action scaring you half to death before you huff, facing him. “what, katsuki? what could you possibly need right now?”
his vermillion gaze picks up from his smoking palms,  a last resort to getting rid of the tape. “came to tell ya that ‘m headin’ out with kirishima— going to pick up our girlfriend from the airport.” a sweet blush lays loosely against your best friend’s cheeks at his admission, not long after you guys’ drunken night in freshman year, bakugou had confessed to your red headed companion; only to find out he had a girlfriend waiting for him in his hometown. 
kirishima wasn’t a cheater, but he also couldn’t help the flutter in his heart around bakugou— so had the two meet straight away and after a lot of tears and large dramatics, the three settled into a cute little relationship. you’d only met the girl once when she visited both boys for spring break— but you’d loved her and knew how much she made your best friend happy.
you smile nonetheless, picking the mistletoe up from the floor. “tell her i said hi, yeah?” you mention to your friend while he shrugs on a jacket and checks himself in the mirror. katsuki was in love, and it was insanely adorable to see. “do i need to set up the guest bedroom for her ’n kiri?”
“nah, shitty red head kicked out kami, he’s staying with sero and mina while my girl’s up.” katsuki shakes his head, letting you fix the collar of his jacket after you bound over to him. “we’ll be back after lunch to pick up some of my stuff though. so don’t do anything fuckin’ stupid and i’ll see you later, yeah?”
you cross a finger over your heart but the mischievous smile on your face gives you away. “no promises katsu, stay safe out there!”
your smile drops however, as soon as your roommate closes the door behind him, knowing him and kirishima, they’ll probably fuck their girl across all the surfaces in eijirou’s free apartment, which only makes your stomach churn with hot jealously and a hint of arousal. 
selfish of you as it were, you wish your boyfriend hadn’t chosen such an intense subject with so many finals and intense studying— but izuku loved engineering almost as much as he loved you, so its not like you would ask him to give up his passion.
besides, you figured he’d look pretty hot in his mechanics classes—sleeves rolled up to his elbows, scared hands on display while sweat drips down his furrowed brow and—
and fuck me, now you were as horny as a mother fucker.
a familiar ache appears between your thighs while you attempt to busy yourself with the rest of the festive decorations; you hang a wreathe at the door both inside and out, tape the remaining tinsel around counters in your kitchen and finally attempt to fix the christmas tree katsuki insisted wasn’t lopsided ( even though it was ). but no matter how hard you worked om christmas-ing the apartment, you couldn’t shake the fantasy of midoriya railing you against his work bench. it wouldn’t go away.
patting your cheeks to calm your hot flush; you decide that you’re done bedazzling and fix some christmas lights above your doorways to go with your LED ones, and get ready to take a cold shower and hoping that the wetness between your legs will go away. you make a  b-line for the bathroom, not bothering to bring a spare change of clothes since katsuki isn’t home. it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before.
you’re half way through your commute, wearing nothing but one of zuku’s old shirts when the front door jingles and busts open from the other side of your home. foot steps pound against your hardwood floor, letting you know someone is approaching.
“fucking hell katsuki, stop slamming the door against the wall before you make another—“ your words die in the back of your throat when your sweet little boyfriend comes into view. albeit a bit dishevelled, deku’s green hair falls prettily over his excited eyes while sweat rolls in tiny droplets from his forehead to his chin and his backpack hanging half off of his shoulder…in all honesty he looks a mess, but a good looking one at that. “zuku? what are you doing here?”
your lover looks bewildered, but a smile that fills you with warmth crosses his face. “i ran across campus to see you; i finished my finals…” he pants, the engineering building is pretty far from here so no wonder he looks the way he does.
despite knowing this, you quirk a brow. “still doesn’t answer my question babe.”
“november is over,” izuku sighs, dropping his backpack and crossing the room towards you in three short strides. When he reaches you, scarred hands curl around your waist while soft lips tickle the shell of your ear with deku’s next words. “it’s christmas…don’t make me wait. i want to fuck you.”
you don’t miss the way bight green eyes darken and drag up your hand naked body, your boyfriend’s shirt ending just above your knees and exposing the meat of your thighs to him. the wetness pools between them, making your skin glisten under familiar flashing LED lights and tinsel. izuku is waiting for a. sign...anything for you to give him consent to take his prize between your legs, electricity crackles in the air and you instinctively reach up to curl your fingers in his curls. “fuck me, izuku.” you say breathlessly, unleashing a month and a half’s worth of hormones out onto each other. “fuck me like you mean it, big boy.”
the teasing lilt to your voice earns you a spank to the ass as deku lifts you up into his arms and over his muscular shoulder. you squeal in delight at the harsh sting, leaning down to pat his ass too. he’s got a particularly nice one and you’re sure it was carved by the fucking gods. 
the green haired boy hauls you over to the kitchen counter, setting you down atop it before his lips find yours in passionate and hurried movements. its been so long since you’ve kissed him, felt his muscles ripple under your touch while your hand roams his chest underneath the varsity jacket he wears.
you push the offending material off while izuku trails a hand between your thighs, chuckling into the kiss at the slick that adds a glimmer to your skin. his pink tongue darts out to lick a stripe across your bottom lip, begging for permission to enter your hot mouth. you grant him access, swirling your own pink muscle around is and suck it down. your breath hitches as thick fingers finally come into contact with the burn of your heat, gently prodding at your puffy, sticky clit. “you’re…doll, you’re so fucking wet already. did you miss me?” your boy moans breathlessly in between your sloppy kisses, pulling away to show you the string of your slick that coats his fingers. you nod in agreement.
izuku taps your lips once and you obediently take the digits into your mouth, humming at your sweetness that invades your tongue, all the while, his other wandering hand shoves two digits into your wet cunt with no warning— making you shiver on the counter while the tinsel you’d taped there scratches at your calves. both sets of fingers thrust into your openings at the same time, giving you a friction you so awfully desire.
“such a good girl, dollface— fuck, i f-forgot how good you looked sucking on my fingers like that.” midoriya whines out and you’re not sure which of your holes he’s referring to, but you couldn’t care less, not when those that stuff your tight pussy are curling against the walls in a way that has you leaking sweet nectar all over your marble surfaces. you gush at his praise however, bucking your hips into his hand while the heel of his palm grinds into your swollen clit— sending shockwaves through your body.
the fingers that plug your mouth are pulled out so the darling sounds of your moans mingle with that of your dripping heat, walls clenching around izuku every once on a while. your lover grinds against the table, watching you with close eyes as your face contorts into expressions that he’s missed so dearly. one thrust into your spongy g-spot makes your body jump and thighs close around your boyfriend’s hand— head falling forward against his shoulder. “mnn, zuzu... haven’t felt this good in s’long, gonna cum, gonna mess up your hand.”
to your dismay, deku pulls from your cunt faster than you would have liked and you whine at the empty feeling in your stretched out hole. your heat makes an awful dripping sound when you’re fully empty, and you grunt knowing that its a mess you’ll have to clean up later. 
however, you’re easily distracted by the lips at your collar bones, painting bruises into your sweat licked skin while slick hands paw at your breasts. “cum on my face first, please?” its cute how desperate izuku is, but you can’t say that you aren’t either— especially when you haven’t fucked in so long.
“yes, god yes…” you accept too quickly while your shirt is pulled off completely; for midoriya’s mouth as moved from pressing hot kisses to your neck onto biting at your breast and rolling the hardened nipple of your other with his free hand. “but, wanna suck you off too ‘zuku…”
your boyfriend doesn’t hesitate with his next movements, kicking off his pants and boxers ( in one go, mind you ) before  picking you up once again and sinking to the floor with you in his arms. he makes quick work of flipping you onto your tummy, pulsing cunny shoved so close into his face that you can feel deku’s nose bump your clit when he breathes and then;  your face rests so easily on the swell of his thigh— right next to his hardened cock that you’ve missed so much.
izuku midoriya is a god and you swear by it.
your friend’s were right, he is packing. he’s thick and girthy, tip angry and red as it leaks heavily with a clear precum that has you drooling. “missed your dick, zu,“ you sigh, mostly to yourself and before you know it, your lips enclose around the head of his cock.
the way you suck on it, as if you’ve been starved of your last meal makes izuku shiver with pleasure and his nails dig into your peachy ass. you roll his balls between your fingers, loving the delicious whimpers you manage to lure from between your boy’s lips and the sound makes your pussy spasm around nothing.
a weighted palm moves to the back of your head in order to push you further down on his cock, deku’s own hips bucking up so you swallow more of him down. the taste of him is dangerously addictive, saltiness dancing across your tongue. “suck my dick sweetheart, yeah? suck on it just like that, good girl.” the hot breath from each of his choked laments brushes against your eager cunt, dampening your skin even more. he dives right in, tongue slithering between your puffy folds while he slurps at you with at  insatiable place. 
izuku craves to make you feel nothing but ecstasy, working his pink muscle hard against your walls that clamp down on his tongue while yours runs laps between the dribbling tip of his iron hot length. inhaling sharply, you force yourself to take more of deku down your throat, listening out for the tears that sting in his emerald eyes wen you swallow around him. You hum with sweet victory when his breathing stutters and hips jump up with excitement.
you’re both close, sensitive from the time you’ve spent away from one another, but neither of you can find it in yourselves to care. the room rises with temperature at every step you take towards orgasm, deku taking your cheeks in large, calloused palms and spreading you apart to spit directly into your hole. you swear on your life you’d never known pleasure until you’d met izuku, as no matter how much time you’d been apart, he still knew all the little tips and tricks to get you going. where to hold you, how to touch you, what to say. he was always so focused on making you feel good.
your head bobs up and down with an inconsistent pace, each time, your tongue mapping out the veins on his girth that you’d come to know so well, hand’s fisting at balls and the rest of his cock that you can’t reach.
“i’m gonna…doll—puppy, i’m gonna cream in that mouth of yours… please,” a strangled cry. “i-is that okay?”
you tap his thigh once, your own little signal to let your boyfriend know it’s okay before continuing your work— letting drool pool in your mouth before spewing it onto his cock. deku pulls his tongue from inside of you, flicking it rapidly at your clit to bring you closer and closer to the edge, not wanting to cum without you. and he doesn’t, the cord that’s built up in your stomach finally snapping.
white flashes behind your eyes as you gush all over izuku’s face, drenching his freckled cheeks and painting his innocence with a layer of your honeyed sin. Your lover follows shortly after, filling your mouth to the brim with a heavy load that tastes of him and only him. a taste that you could fall in love with every single day. “baby,”  you giggle after letting go of his cock with a satisfying ‘pop’, heat spreading beneath your skin as you take note of the slight shine to the green haired student’s face. “think you made me squirt!”
“guess i did! you’re always so cute when you squirt for me, yn,” and like the messy boy he is, midoriya wipes his mouth on the back of his hand ( always a poor eater, couldn’t keep his meal in one peace ) before peeking at you from over your quivering and arched back. izuku smiles proudly at his handy-work of your messy cunt, radiating a billion rays of sunshine and your heart clenches in your chest. you hate how cute he looks when you’re in such a lewd and compromising position, like he hadn’t just fucked you dumb under the mistletoe. “should’ve been on my dick ’n not m-my tongue though...”
“i wouldn’t be opposed to another round, if you aren’t.”
“like hell i could say no to being inside you after a whole month of waiting, doll.”
you roll your eyes, but wiggle your hips back into your boyfriend’s face nonetheless. “then dick me down deku, destroy me.”
with your boyfriend’s help, you manage to crawl off of his lap and wait patiently on your knees as he stands. izuku beams down at you, a hundred and one words of love written in his eyes that glow warmly under christmas lights before he pets your head and reaches for your hands to help you stand on shaky legs.
the first kiss you share after this is gentle and sweet, even while your tangled fingers are set free and deku’s large hands are once again on your waist, rubbing small circles into the skin of your hips as he backs you into the nearest wall. you simper at the taste of yourself on his tongue and allow him to hoist you up by the backs of your thighs— locking your ankles at the centre of his back and just above bis bum— all the while keeping you pressed against the wall.
the outline of izuku’s length presses hotly against your weeping slit, his lips still slotted against yours in a slow liplock while his tip smears the remains of his seed across your clit and between your folds. you feel your boyfriend’s arms quiver around you as he slowly begins to sheath himself within your spamming pussy— jolting away from his lips, your mouth falls open in a weak moan and the green eyed boy quickly follows you, copying the movement of your lips as his sweaty forehead meets your own and your gazes align sweetly. “doll…” he mumbles brokenly, letting you adjust to the push of his cock against your walls. “been so long since i felt you like this…”
your fingertips reach out and graze his shoulders, hot breath fanning out between your bodies as izuku’s cock reaches the hilt inside of you. he stills. “move baby, can’t wait anymore— “
izuku midoriya doesn’t need to be told twice when it comes to fucking you; finally making the move to bottom out inside of your pussy. heat blossoms in your heart and your glistening mound as your lover gently rolls his hips against yours and the way he feels reminds you that your mind, body and soul belong to him and him only.
although you are finally together, moving as one against the wall in your shitty college apartment, you crave for izuku to fill you to the brim and reach up to tug at mossy locks in order to bring him impossibly closer.
you don’t dare close your eyes as deku sets the pace, not even as your gaze on him flutters, you want the image of his blushed and blissed out face imprinted to into the back of your mind forever, you want the sounds of struggled whimpers and skin slapping against skin to become the tune of your memories. you want your senses to be filled with him always and forever as make love against tinselled ceiling rails and mistletoe above your heads. all you can think is more, more, more. more of him, more of izuku.
“focus on me, puppy,” izuku reminds you, grinding his pelvis against you every time his hips canter into you. his cock grazes the entrance of your womb, leaking into you like a cocktail of your arousals. but the neediness behind his words makes you blink away the glassiness in your eyes, locking your arms and legs around him tighter and grinding your hips down to meet the drive of his cock into your spongy g-spot. “your cute lil hole’s still so tight, nice ’n moulded into the shape of my cock— made to take me, right?” your boy babbles, tripping over his sentences through the saliva on his tongue.
the feeling has you stirring against your boyfriend’s length, his now rapid pace sending your teary eyes rolling and you mewling. “made for you ’n only you ‘zu, please don’ stop…” is all you can say, mind breaking as midoriya’s hands drop between your joined bodies to draw lazy shapes into your puffy nub, the movements silky due to the mild mix of juices coating your sexes.
each thrust from your lover sends you a little bit up the wall, head of his cock catching tastefully along the ridges of your velvety walls— the way your pussy feels inside drives izuku to the brink of insanity, you’ve always been able to take him so well and he missed the way your cute face curled into expressions of desire all for him. you’re so pretty, so intoxicating and he’s so happy to have you back in his arms.
“s-such a good girl for me, yn…fucking hell puppy,” izuku punctuates each of his toe curling thrusts with stuttered cries of your name, angling his hips upwards to hit your g-spot over and over. everything feels so sloppy, tainted with signs of your love but as the knot in your stomach begins to unravel, you couldn’t care less. “gonna make you mine, gonna fill you up and make you my fucking puppy.”
“’m already yours, always will be zuku,” you manage to speak, clenching down on him and letting out an almost pornographic moan as deku drills into you with the last of his strength.
he nods against your foreheads that remain pressed together, staring at you with adoration written across his seafood eyes. “love you, doll…love you s’much, you did so well baby…cum for me now…” izuku mumbles out, hissing slightly as your grip on his hair tightens to yank him down for one final searing kiss.
tears of heavenly pleasure roll down your cheeks as he swallows your final moan, his words pushing you right over the edge and into an earth shattering orgasm. “c-cumming!” you squeal so loud that you’re sure the neighbours can hear, while you lose control and pulse around midoriya’s scalding cock. the world of colour flashes behind your eyes— release splattering out against your boyfriend’s pelvis and the floor. “mnnn, izuku! i love you, please…”
you’re begging now, your sloppy pussy coaxing him along to his own release while deku relentlessly fucks into you. his chest rumbles with every one of his whimpers and groans, cock pushing you into overstimulation while he snaps his hips into you.
“ohh i love you…gonna cum, gonna cum— fuck, puppy—!” he sobs pathetically, dropping his head to your neck as his teeth clamp down on your bare skin to silence himsel. your tired body is forced up the wall while izuku tumbles into his own orgasm, sweltering seed splashing up inside your abused cunt. he slows to a grind, creaming inside you and painting your insides white as snow— panting with you until your breathing calms down.
the pair of you sink to the floor again, still in one another’s embrace as exhaustion sweeps over your limbs. before you know it, izuku is giggling sweetly against your lips, pressing grateful kisses along your neck and jaw while you fiddle with his baby hairs on the nape of his neck— still trying to catch your breath.
“t-that,” he sighs, nothing but love and adoration cushioning his gaze on you as you settle in his lap. you squirm at feeling so full, his cum dripping out of your fluttering hole but find yourself getting comfortable soon after. “that was so good, i missed you, yn, really.”
you cup the boy’s freckled cheeks and hum, heart swelling at his slight confession. “i missed you more zuku, all of you, not just your dick.” you clarify your words, making light of the mess you’ve made.
izuku rolls his eyes but leans into your gentle touch nonetheless, faking a pout in order to get a kiss on the lips. “glad to know that my girlfriend still loves me, even when she’s been deprived of my godly cock for a month and a half.”
“i’ll always love you.” you say, leaning in to give him a slight peck on the lips.
“as will i.”
you both tilt your heads to complete the vow with a simple kiss when a cough cuts through the love filled atmosphere, making you and izuku jump right out of your skin. Immediately, your gaze scopes out the room, only to land on your child hood best friend— accompanied by both his girlfriend and boyfriend. fuck, you completely forgot about that.
“are you two done now?” katsuki drawls, still tucked into his winter jacket, while krishima covers his girlfriend’s eyes with a free hand, the other occupied by her luggage from her flight. she still offers you an awkward smile and a wave.
“k-kacchan! haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” deku squeaks, wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his chest and at least protect some of your decency. it’s nothing bakugou nor kirishima haven’t sen before ( it’s not the first time you’ve been caught like this ) but you allow yourself to fall into izuku’s protective embrace anyways— heated embarrassment prickling underneath your skin.
your blonde roommate, however, is livid— staring you down with bloody eyes that speak tales of murder. “knock? knock? i fucking live here, you shitty nerd!” bakugou scolds, making you flinch and offer him a weak smile. eijirou by now has the decency to escort his girlfriend into his other partner’s room to gather some of his belongings, effectively leaving you and your boyfriend to face the wrath of your favourite angry pomeranian. the blonde turns to you. “and i thought i told you not to do anythin’ fuckin’ stupid while i was gone?”
“don’t yell at me! i didn’t know izuku was coming… literally and figuratively!” both boys groan at this, making you scowl. what? it was a good joke! “besides, i was just congratulating my boyfriend for winning no nut november, again. you should be used to it by now, suki.”
katuski looks between you both, annoyance sweeping his face before he pinches the bridge of his nose and huffs. “couldn’t you congratulate him somewhere else? somewhere, where i didn’t have to be blinded and traumatised for the rest of my shitty life.”
this time, it’s your boyfriend who speaks up, standing with you in his arms. deku smirks evilly, pointing to the little green plant above your heads. “no can do kacchan, it’s dick destroyer december and there was no better way to start it, than under the mistletoe.”
izuku turns swiftly on his heel and makes a dash towards your bedroom before your best friend can threaten to blow you up, presumably to fuck you in your bed for this next round.
“fuck you guys!” he curses you out, watching you go.
“we’re already on it, have a great christmas, katsuki!” you sing back, just a deku slams your door shut and drops you onto your bed—  already crawling on top of you.
you’d have to thank katsuki someday for challenging izuku back in freshman year, because without his newfound love for november— you wouldn’t have discovered your guilty pleasure for dick destroyer december.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Star’s Master Fic Page!
Updated: 11/19/2020
This is where you can find all of my fics!!!
Current Fic Count: 200
Original Content Count: 6
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Miraculous LadyBug, The PowerPuff Girls, The Promised Neverland, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, Original Works
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Commissions are open!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
114. Only A Fairy tale- Gruvia
115. Learn to Love Again- Gruvia
116. Toxic in Trade: Chap 1 Chap 2- Gruvia
117: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 1
118: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 2
119: Within The Darkness- Gruvia
120: By Your Side- Nalu
121: A Touch of a Hand- Gruvia
122: Scars- Gratsu
123: Promise Me- Gruvia 
124: Ice Ice Baby?- Gruvia 
125: The Melody of Loving You- Gruvia 
126: Holding You Close- Lucy x Juvia 
127: Gruvia Day 2020
128: Beautiful Revelations- Gruvia 
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
22. What It Could Be- Kiribaku
23. Sleepover Secrets- Jiroumomo
Powerpuff Girls
1. Own Escape- Blossick
2. Up In The Clouds- Blossick
3. Pretty Sparks- Butchercup
4. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Chap 1 -Blossutch
5. Green Light District- Butchercup
6. Enchanted For a Moment- Chap 1, Chap 2 -Blossick (orphaned)
7. Valuable Possessions- Butchercup
8. Bite my Tongue- Blossutch
9. Tease-Blossick
10. Cute- Butchercup
11. Come Get Me: Butchercup
12. Hair Twirling- Blossutch
13. I’m a Mess- Butchercup
14. Stay- Blossick
15. Fireworks- Butchercup
16. Shields and Sparks- Butchercup
17. The Talk- Butchercup
18. Spa Night- Butch and Bubbles
19. Roomies- Butchercup
20. Desperate Hugs- Butchercup
21. Incinerate- Blossutch
22. Bounce House Blues- Brickercup
23. Bruises- Butchercup 
24. Tender Kisses- Butchercup
25. Like Ashes We Burn- Blossick
26. Little Red Bow- Blossutch
27. More than you Think- Butchercup
28. When The Night is Still Young- Prinbrute
29. Like the Weight of the World- Blossick 
30. Enchanted For A Moment (Revamped) Color Code- Chap 1
31. Falling Back to You- Blossick 
32. The Freedom of Being Yours- Blossick 
33. Until My Heart Stops Racing-Mike x Mitch 
34. Blue With Envy- Boomubbles
35. Drawn That Way- Blossucth 
36. Don’t Panic, I Got You- Boomer and Blossom 
37. In The Depths Of The Deep Sea- Blossutch 
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
6. Like A Rainbow
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
Gravity Falls 
1. Mystery Mom- Wendy’s mom commission 
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
I'm stuck with this acc now, so ~ what are your favorites fictional couples? canon or not
oh boy, that is a loaded question xD (okay but quick sidenote: how tf r things always going out of hand when it comes to shipping? u getting mad cause I think 2 drawings would be cute together? embarrassing)
anyways, I´ll put this under a cut since it´s gonna be a long list (multishipper struggles✌)
also while you´re here: make sure you drink enough and eat something <33
I´ll start with Black Clover:
I don´t actively ship anything there but Vanessa and Finral would be cute together imo because I really love their bond (that fight scene they had together in the beginning just had me go: just kiss babes)
thennn MHA:
I´m a basic bitch, so my first ship was Kiribaku
Then I also ship Dabi and Hawks
But also Dabi and Overhaul (I have a fic for that on ao3 but haven´t gotten around to finishing it yet)
then I also ship Shota and Hizashi because again: I´m basiccc
also the next ships are all in context of my planned happy au story (everyone is a pro hero or working smth else such as police or smth like that, their story lines r very different from canon)
Kiri x Tamaki
Shiggy x Shinsou (2 gamer boys what can I say xD, also in this AU Shiggy doesn´t have his quirk since he got it operated by Kai, so did Shinsou, they both met in the hospital)
also Hawks x Katsuki, just roomies and they´re both always running into each other at work. they´re always on patrol together 
okay next up is Hunter x Hunter!!
my most recent obsession skskskkssk
um yeah I think I only like actively ship Phinks x Feitan there
I like to read Hisoka x Illu fanfics tho
One Piece:
Zoro x Law is my otp. Just. yes
I also like Robin x Law and Yamato x Kiku
also Kiku x Zoro
again, just tell me 2 ppl and I´ll be like: oh yeah I can see that!
Nanatsu no taizai:
pls. Banlaine. Need I say more? I think that´s the first anime ship I shipped xD also still one of the few canon couples I actually ship ahahah
but also Meliodas x Ban cause u rlly get me w that bromance shit
I ship all the basic ships from Sk8
Enji x Ash from Banana Fish because I´m not blind and yes I´m still sad abt the anime as we all are
Haru x Legoshi from Beastars (I haven´t read the manga yet tho)
from Fruits Basket I ship Haru x Rin (like pls they make me believe in love again, I am always the most emotional abt their lil arc, I haven´t started season 3 yet though)
I also ship Honda x Kyo, Shigure x Ayame, Hatori x Mayu, Arisa x Kyo
from Gangsta I only have one main ship: Nic x Alex
Haikyuu time~ okay listen I ship a lot here (yes the same rule applies: tell me 2 ppl and I´ll be like: aw hell yeah)
Bokuto x Kuroo is my otp
Akaashi x Kenma
Tendou x Bokuto
Atsumu x Hinata
Hinata x Oikawa
Iwaizumi x Bokuto
Sasha x Connie, Sasha x Nicolo, my otp is Erwin x Levi, I also like Erwin x Hange x Levi, Armin x Annie
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serxinns · 7 months
Yuzuya KRBK x roomie X Infection Au
Tumblr media
So in this AU there's gonna be a zombie apocoyle where Kirishima is the protagonist Bakugo died due to getting infection which mess kiri up badly like this dude eyes are dull have no emotion and is basically always moody and sassy there's gonna be background characters like tamaki, shoto, denki, Neijire, jirou, ochako, sero and prob some more even as infected so here are some headcanons and fun facts
•Roomie aka us will be a cameo in the series or will be references
•ghost Bakugo will be Kiris Hallucination and Kiri is aware of this but just pretend just to at least be sane
•Ghost bakugo would taut and tease him even if Kiri is not in a good mood
•Denki would he basically everyone's therapist
•Neijire character in this au would make you wanna slap her a bit
•Tamaki would try to be Kiris New right hand man and try to help him as well since he's a good friend
•their mission is to travel to the place roomie was last spotted and find them
•There will be one sided ships like Tododeku tamamiri
Jiroumomo and more!
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